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Books D12 — The Sentinel, Carlisle, Pa. Thursday, April 5, 2012
at r e t s a Author comically combats Atheism E Book Review
cancer). She points out that advocating an all-Natural (as in, what happens in Nature) approach — every man for himself and survival of the fittest — leaves Atheists looking heartless and cold. It’s not a surprise that most of the charitable organizations in the world are run by Christians, Eberstadt argues, because their Bible and their religious beliefs tell them to care for the less fortunate. She also argues that if atheists want to make any in-roads, they might want to try for a warmer and fuzzier approach that doesn’t seem to involve selfish greed.
By Lauren McLane Sentinel Reporter
In the vein of C.S. Lewis’ “The Screwtape Letters” and Dante’s “Divine Comedy,” comes the wickedly funny, exceptionally witty satire “The Loser Letters: A Comic Tale of Life, Death and Atheism” by Mary Eberstadt. In 145 blisteringly funny pages, Eberstadt takes aim at some of the biggest problems with atheism’s positions, from abortion to loosening of sexual mores, and oh-so-snarkily points out the flaws in the arguments. Written as a series of letters to some of the leading writers of the New Atheism movement — who they are isn’t exactly clear — Eberstadt offers pithy advice on how to counteract some of the problems with Bertrand Russell, Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins. New Atheism is the name given to the ideas promoted by a collection of 21st-century atheist writers. The term is most frequently associated with individuals such as Dawkins, Hitchens, Daniel Dennett and Sam Harris, who are sometimes called “the Four Horsemen of New Atheism.” In her book, Eberstadt signs the letters A.F. (A Former) Christian, and details her “conversion” from an adolescent teenager to an adult atheist. Starting with the topic most likely to interest people (sex), Eberstadt points out that new atheism’s “risk-and-supposedly-consquence-free sex” hasn’t exactly played out well from a Secular Humanist point of view.
ism are too old to remember college, or maybe this didn’t happen at their colleges, but everyone who came of age after the sexual revolution remembers panicked trips to psychiatrists and clinics, crying fits and suicide threats and tends to think that rules of any kind that dictate how people should treat each other might not be such a bad idea. In her seventh letter, Eberstadt tackles one of the biggest issues in the current New Atheism/Christianity debate: abortion. Pointing out that Atheists tend to follow the logical syllogism, “religious people, and only religious people, are against abortion; religious people are misled and usually stupid; therefore, being against abortion is not something a Bright should be.” (pg. 95) (Eberstadt refers to atheists as “Brights” and Christians as “Dulls” throughout Sex her writing). In her letter about sex, EbEberstadt then points erstadt points out that may- out that some atheists have be the leaders of New Athe- suggested that because Na-
ture aborts embryos in the form of miscarriages, for people to do it, too, is perfectly natural. Taking that one step further, she asks, “[I]f Nature floods half of Indonesia without warning, does that mean it’s okay for people to do it too?” (pg. 97) In what has to be discomfitting to the still-living New Atheists (Russell and Hitchens are now deceased), she points out that there are lots of people who don’t believe in God but do believe in being nice to other people and to the weaker members of a group and who don’t favor killing off the old and weak. Framing the disccusion more starkly than other people have been willing to do previously, Eberstadt points out the logical conclusion of most of the New Atheists’ pro-Darwinism approach: that the weakest members of a group, those no longer able to produce, should be culled (which might have included Mr. Hitchens, who died in January after a prolonged battle with thyroid
Through the letters, more and more pieces of A.F.’s life — the sexual promiscuity, the drug use, the repeated rehab, the overdose — are revealed. The ending of the book will catch some readers off-guard, especially those who haven’t been paying attention to the clues Eberstadt is weaving in the narrative. Other reviewers have criticized the ending Eberstadt creates, calling it contrived and requiring theological and syllogistical leaps of faith and logic to make it make sense. I disagree. Although the ending surprised me the first time (and made me cry), it still made sense. Eberstadt’s book doesn’t answer all the questions, and of course she can cherry-pick the arguments that are easiest to refute. She often, however, tackles harder issues and still comes out on top. Ultimately, the book is a black comedy about theism and atheism, written to help atheists win over converts, that is at the same time a wonderful defense of Christianity.
8 l i r p A , y Sunda Gala Easter Buffet Some of the items on our buffet.....Steamed Shrimp in Cocktail Sauce, Oysters on the Half Shell, Smoked Salmon, Omelets with Cheese & Bacon, Ravioli with Alfredo Sauce & Vegetable Medley, Scallops Marchase with Mussels, Roasted Turkey, Double Smoked Ham, Steamship of Beef, Boneless Leg of Lamb, Brussels Sprouts with Bacon, Sticky Bun Sweet Potatoes in Oval Pan, Mashed Potatoes, Corn Pudding, Caesar Salad, Tri-Colored Salad, Fruit & Cheese Crackers, assorted Desserts and much a Children’s Buffet.
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March 22, 2012 Section D April 5, 2012
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Noon - 6:00pm Adult: $33.95 Child: $16.95
Buffet Dinner & Theatre Package
Some of the items on our buffet.....Steamed Shrimp in Cocktail Sauce, Oysters on the Half Shell, Smoked Salmon, Omelets with Cheese & Bacon, Ravioli with Alfredo Sauce & Vegetable Medley, Scallops Marchase with Mussels, Roasted Turkey, Double Smoked Ham, Steamship of Beef, Boneless Leg of Lamb, Brussels Sprouts with Bacon, Sticky Bun Sweet Potatoes in Oval Pan, Mashed Potatoes, Corn Pudding, Caesar Salad, Tri-Colored Salad, Fruit & Cheese Crackers, assorted Desserts and much a Children’s Buffet. The performance presented by the youth artists of the Allenberry Professional Theatre Conservatory.
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