Kids World March 26, 2013

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Kids World Copy Editor Sarah Smith •

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Kids Speak Out

Tell Me A Story

When I look in the mirror I... “When I look in the mirror, I am usually practicing baseball. I do my pitching wind up or my batting stance. I do that over half of the time.” Zane Sullivan, 9 (WINNER) Fourth grade Crestview Elementary “When I look in the mirror I see good things. I see a kind and brave person who is a good friend. I see someone who is smart, hardworking, and trustworthy. I see these things because that’s how I want to be. No matter what I see in the mirror I am proud of who I am.” Blain Colestock, 10 (WINNER) Fourth grade Crestview Elementary “When I look in the mirror, I see a crazy guy with bad hair.” Jonah Miller, 10 (WINNER) Fourth grade Fishing Creek Elementary “When I look in the mirror, I see a little girl. She is really pretty and has a little blanket. She looks a lot like me when I was little. Oh wait, it’s me.” Olivia McElhenie, 10 Fourth grade Fishing Creek Elementary “When I look in the mirror, I saw Taylor Swift. She was doing one of my favorite songs. The name is ‘I knew you were trouble when you walked in.’ Then she sang other songs like ‘Mean.’ After she was done, Bruno Mars sang ‘Just the way you are’ and the lazy song.” Summer Lebo, 10 Fourth grade Crestview Elementary “When I look in the m irror, I see myself and say how good I look. One time I said that and someone said ‘You look very beautiful.’ I looked around. No one was there. Suddenly I said ‘Who are you? Where are you?’ The voice spoke back. ‘I’m your mirror. I’m standing right in front of you.’ I looked and jumped. ‘How can you talk?’ ‘This is a fantasy. Anything can happen.’” Hannah Maskulyak, 10 Fourth grade Carroll Elementary “When I look in the mirror, I see the best looking guy in the whole world.” Patrick Gardner, 10 Fourth grade Fishing Creek Elementary

“When I look in the mirror, I see my reflection. Sometimes I pretend it is a twin sister and talk to her. It is fun.” Ava Lay Second grade Newville Elementary “When I look in the mirror, I saw me. But when I turned around, I saw a vampire. I thought I was dreaming.” Kayleigh Beck, 9 Fourth grade Fishing Creek Elementary “When I looked in the mirror, I saw my cat. He was as big as a globe! Then the doorbell rang and my cat opened up the door and the house flooded with cats! My cat was having a party. Then I heard a meow. I woke up and my cat was sitting on my lap!” Catherine Lippert, 8 Second grade Bellaire Elementary “When I look in the mirror, I see myself. But the mirror is a magic mirror so ... when I say magic mirror, come alive, an ugly face appears and says ‘Master, who would you like to see?’ When I say a name, that person appears. ‘Cause sometimes I like to see what people are doing. That way I know whose house to go to to have a sleepover cause I love sleepovers!” Peyton Weekley, 6 First grade Newville Elementary “When I look in the mirror, I see my teeth sparkling very shiny. When I’m done brushing my teeth. it is very fun to do it because I like to brush my teeth.” Madison Heath, 6 First grade Newville Elementary “When I look in the mirror, the mirror is always talking to me. All I have to say is ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall, grant me many wishes as the mall.’ Then you will see a face. The face will ask you how many wishes you want. Then after you tell the mirror how many wishes you want, the face will say, ‘What do you want your first wish to be?’ Then you will tell it what you want your first wish to be. Then your wish will come true. Then your wish comes true, you will get a prize that

comes with your wish.” Holden Davis, 7 First grade Newville Elementary “When I look in the mirror, I’m there. I have my nose, my eyes, my hair, my mouth, and my ears. I use a mirror a lot!” Abby Rosenberry, 7 First grade Newville Elementary “When you look in the mirror, do you see a star? If so, do you want to be famous? Limos and fancy drinks will come your way if you become a mirror model. You will hold exotic fruits and pose in front of a mirror. I know this because I was a mirror model but I got fired because I was allergic to papaya.” Katie Robey, 10 Fourth grade Crestview Elementary “When I look in the mirror, I saw an opening that led me to a magical place and had lots and lots of candy that I could eat. I saw a magical pony that flew me away. After the trip, I went home, I told my family all about it.” Dayoveon Washington, 10 Fourth grade Crestview Elementary “When I look in the mirror, I see a handsome man. That man is me. That’s what I see.” Kellen Waltman, 9 Fourth grade Fishing Creek Elementary “When I look in the mirror, I see a person who just woke up. Who is very tired. Also, my hair looks like a big old knot. My dad normally messes up my hair even more than how ugly it looked!” Chloe Duda, 9 Fourth grade Fishing Creek Elementary “When I look in the mirror, I saw my brother trying to scare me. I turned around and hit him.” Carlos Ramirez, 10 Fourth grade Fishing Creek Elementary “When I look in the mirror, I wish to see a beautiful, smart, blonde, but all I see is a beautiful, smart or not, dirty blond.” Kaelyn Davis, 9 Fourth grade Fishing Creek Elementary

How you can get involved with Kids Speak Out Want To See Your Name Here? Hey, kids! How would you like to get your story published in Kids Speak Out? Just write a short story on one of our prompts and send it to The Sentinel. You can also draw a picture to go with your story. Each week, The Sentinel will publish some of the stories we receive in KidsWorld and on www.cumberlink. com. Only the top three essay writers, published on this page, will receive KidsWorld T-shirts. To claim T-shirts, visit The Sentinel during normal business hours. You must be 5 to 13 years old to enter. Stories must be 150 words or less. Be sure to include your full name, age, address, school and grade. Mail your entry to “Kids Speak Out,” The Sentinel, 457 E. North St., Carlisle, PA 17013, drop it off at either Sentinel office or mail it to with the subject “KidsWorld.”

The Sentinel • D1

Upcoming Topics Due March 29 My biggest fear is... Due April 5 I knew it was April Fools when... Due April 12 What if cows made soda instead of milk? Due April 26 My favorite thing about newspapers is...

The Philosospher and the King A tale of ancient Greece BY Amy Friedman Illustrated by Meredith Johnson

Once upon a time there lived a man named Diogenes who was as wise as any man who ever lived. People admired Diogenes for his intelligence, but he was a rebel who lived his whole life in opposition to others. In winter he walked barefoot in the snow. In summer he rolled in hot sand. When people asked him why he did such things, he explained that he was hardening himself against discomfort. One day Diogenes was walking across the agora, the ancient gathering place, heading toward the Acropolis. But he walked backward, and as men ambled past him, they laughed and whispered and wondered why he would do such a thing. Diogenes pretended not to notice the whispers until a large crowd had gathered around him. Then he turned and said, “You laugh at me because I am walking backward? But you lead your entire lives backward and cannot change your ways so easily as I.” With that, he turned on his heels and began to walk in a normal fashion. Another day, Diogenes walked past a stream, where he noticed a young boy scooping out water and drinking from his hands. He stopped to admire the child and sighed to know the child had outdone him in simplicity. He tossed away his cup and he never used it again, for Diogenes believed that no one ought to have more things than he truly needed. He believed no one needed much. In fact, instead of living in a house, Diogenes slept in a tub made from a barrel. He also rolled from place to place in that barrel. His greatest fear was that he would awaken one day to discover he lived in a palace while all those around him lived in barrels. Diogenes spent most days lying in that tub, with his face in the sun, waiting for anyone who wished to stop by and ask him a question. People came from far and wide seeking his wisdom. But one day, after he had been dispensing wisdom for a while, he climbed out of the tub and began to walk through the streets. It was a bright, sunny day, but Diogenes carried a lighted lantern and peered around as if he were searching for something. As people passed, they wondered what he could have lost, but most were wary of asking. At last, a young man who did not know of the great man’s reputation innocently asked, “Sir, why would you carry a lantern in this bright light?” Diogenes looked at the young man and said, “I’m searching.” “Searching for what?” “An honest man,” Diogenes answered. “Alas, I don’t see a single one in sight.” Word of Diogenes’ wisdom spread to the king, Alexander the Great, who had been tutored by Aristotle when he was very young. When Alexander succeeded his father, Philip II of Macedon, to the throne, he was a learned man. By the time he was 30, Alexander had created one of the largest empires in the world, stretching from the Ionian Sea to the Himalayas. He was known throughout the world as one of the great military leaders. But he believed Diogenes might have something to teach him, and so he decided he would travel to Corinth to see the philosopher. Naturally, the important men of Corinth came out to see their king and to offer him praise and gifts and compliments. All the important men came, that is, except Diogenes, who did not bother to leave his tub. Since Diogenes would not travel to see the king, the king decided he must go to see the wise man, and his men told him he would likely find the man in his barrel tub. “He’s a most peculiar man,” they warned him. Alexander did not care. He was looking for wisdom, and he understood that wisdom sometimes comes in strange packages. It happened that day that Diogenes was beside his tub, lying in a pool of sunshine on the grass, enjoying the warmth and light after a long winter. When he heard the sound of the crowds moving toward him and the blare of trumpets announcing the arrival of the king, he looked up. He squinted at the sight of the procession coming toward him. When Alexander spotted the great philosopher, he leaped from his horse and ran forward, so excited was he to hear Diogenes’ words. He quickly reached the man and smiled down and said, “Diogenes, I have heard many stories of your wisdom and I’ve come to ask if there is anything I can do for you. Please, feel free to ask me for anything.” Diogenes looked up, thought for one moment, and said, “Yes, yes there is.” “Anything,” the king answered, pleased to do what he could. “Stand a little to the side, please,” Diogenes requested. “You’re blocking my sun.” When they heard these bold words, Alexander’s guards gasped, but the king was so surprised by the answer that he could only laugh. After that, he admired Diogenes even more. He stepped aside, and Diogenes thanked him, sincerely. “It is a wise man who keeps his word,” Diogenes said, and as Alexander and his men turned to ride home, the king smiled. He turned to his servant and said, “I can tell you this, if I were not Alexander, I would like to be Diogenes.”

Kids World Copy Editor Sarah Smith •

D2 • The Sentinel

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

12-1 (13)

release dates: March 23-29

Mini Spy . . . Š 2013 Universal Uclick from The Mini Page Š 2013 Universal Uclick

If you hear weird stories or see strange things next Monday, be suspicious. It’s April Fools’ Day! Lots of people get into the spirit of fun on April 1. Your family and friends might play silly tricks. Even serious groups such as NASA and the news media play tricks that day. The important thing to remember is that April Fools’ Day tricks should all be friendly. If someone could be embarrassed or hurt, it’s not funny. And it’s not in the spirit of April Fools’ Day. The Mini Page talked with an expert on community rituals, or customs, to find out more about this holiday that’s all about fun. On April Fools’ Day in 1996, Taco Bell put out an ad claiming the company had bought the Liberty Bell. The ad said they planned to rename it the Taco Liberty Bell. Thousands of people believed the joke and called to protest.

photo by Captain Albert E. Theberge, NOAA Corps (ret.)

photo courtesy Kodak

April Fools’ Day! Last year on April Fools’ Day, Kodak employees announced a new product, a printer that could print live kittens. They claimed a large-format printer that could print out live elephants was coming in 2013.

Who thought of this, anyway? April Fish Many cultures have a day for fun and jokes, and often those days come in the early spring. Experts believe April Fools’ Day may have started in France in the 1500s. At that time in France, many people celebrated the new year around April 1, at Easter time. In 1564, the king moved the new year to Jan. 1. A new calendar was developed in 1582. When the calendar changed, people got confused. There were no daily newspapers, Internet or TV back then. It took a while for news to get around. People who hadn’t heard the news showed up on April 1 for New Year’s celebrations. Those in the know called them fools and played tricks on them. For example, tricksters would send them to New Year’s parties that didn’t exist.

The French call April Fools’ Day Le Poisson d’Avril (PWAW-sown dahVRIL), or April Fish. Experts are not sure why fish became part of April Fools’ Day. Some believe it’s because young, inexperienced fish are easily caught. On April 1, French kids stick pictures of fish on people’s backs. This is an antique French postcard for April Fish.

from The Mini Page Š 2013 Universal Uclick


Supersport: Tyson Chandler Birthdate: 10-2-82 Hometown: Hanford, Calif.

Tyson Chandler is the kind of giant you want on your basketball team. Playing against him can be a nightmare — NOT JUST BECAUSE OF HIS SIZE BUT ALSO BECAUSE OF HIS SKILLS 4HE NBA veteran is helping make the New York Knicks click. During one February stretch, Chandler grabbed 20 REBOUNDS IN THREE STRAIGHT GAMES (E WAS AVERAGING POINTS AND boards and made the All-Star game roster. Chandler, a contributor on the 2012 U.S. men’s Olympic gold medal team, won NBA Defensive Player of the Year honors last season and led THE LEAGUE IN FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE Married with three children, Chandler also has found time to help SEVERAL CHARITIES (E CAN BE A GENTLE GIANT ˆ JUST NOT ON THE BASKETBALL court.

Rookie Cookie’s Recipe

Fruit and Nutty Sandwich You’ll need: s 1 4 cup chunky peanut butter s TABLESPOONS APRICOT JAM s SLICES RAISIN BREAD s TO APPLE SLICES What to do: 1. Combine peanut butter and apricot jam until well-mixed. 2. Spread mixture on 4 slices of raisin bread. 3. Place apple slices on top of 2 of the pieces of bread. 4. Top with remaining raisin bread to make 2 sandwiches. You will need an adult’s help with this recipe. from The Mini Page Š 2013 Universal Uclick

Centuries of Tricks Joking around

Playing on the Net

In the 1800s, students in many parts of the United States played April Fools’ jokes on their teachers. Sometimes all the students would run into the woods before school started and stay out until lunchtime. In other places, all the students would rush into the school, locking the teacher out. The media of the times got into the act too. )N A YEAR after Thomas Edison invented the phonograph, a New York newspaper printed an Thomas Edison April Fools’ story about him. They reported that %DISON HAD INVENTED A hFOOD CREATORv that could turn dirt into cereal. Many newspapers reprinted the story, thinking it was true.

April Fools’ Day is a major holiday on the Internet. Google employees especially love that day, playing pranks year after year. On April 1, 2000, they announced a new search engine that could read your mind. They called their breakthrough MentalPlex Technology. Users were told to take off their hats and glasses and then look into the MentalPlex circle, think about what they were looking for, and then think about clicking. There was no need to type anything into a keyboard.

photo courtesy Library of Congress

photo by Bob D’Amico, courtesy Disney Channel

Blake Michael stars as Tyler in the Disney #HANNEL SERIES h$OG 7ITH A "LOG v "LAKE WAS BORN IN !TLANTA (E BEGAN MODELING FOR ads when he was 3 years old and began taking ACTING LESSONS WHEN HE WAS (E GOT ROLES FOR several commercials and worked as a model. When he was 10, he got a job hosting a show, h&RIED $YNAMITE v FOR THE #ARTOON .ETWORK (E held this job for three years. Blake began performing music and was hired as a singer and actor for the Disney Channel MOVIE MUSICAL h,EMONADE -OUTH v (E HAD A LEAD ROLE AS #HARLIE (E WROTE AND DIRECTED A SHORT MOVIE OF HIS OWN THAT APPEARED AT TEEN MOVIE FESTIVALS (E HAS SOME OF HIS ORIGINAL VIDEOS ON 9OU4UBE "LAKE IS HOME SCHOOLED (E ENJOYS PLAYING THE DRUMS PLAYING basketball, skating, fencing, being a DJ, making movies and swimming. (E HAS AN OLDER BROTHER from The Mini Page Š 2013 Universal Uclick


from The Mini Page Š 2013 Universal Uclick

Meet Blake Michael

Height: 7-1 Weight: 240

Mini Spy and her friends are pretending to watch flying saucers from outer space on April Fools’ Day! See if you CAN FIND s EXCLAMATION MARK s MAN IN THE MOON s KEY s TEAPOT s LETTER $ s SOCK s HEART s DOG FACE s NUMBER s %ASTER EGG s DRAGON s KITE s RING s WORD -).) s FISH s UMBRELLA s BOOK s MUG s ELEPHANT s LETTER # s BOOMERANG s SEAL

from The Mini Page Š 2013 Universal Uclick

Rolling on the Floor Laughing


On April Fools’ Day, 2011, Google announced new technology that would allow people to control Gmail by making motions with their bodies. No keyboard was needed. Google claimed it was also coming out with a new Google Docs Motion program, where people could create documents with their bodies. For example, you could create a chart by doing gymnastics. The webcam would see your moves and translate them into diagrams on the computer. Other companies get into the spirit of the day too. In 2009, Expedia, a travel site, offered flights to Mars for only $99. It claimed you could save more than $3 trillion.

from The Mini Page Š 2013 Universal Uclick

from The Mini Page Š 2013 Universal Uclick

Playing With the News Space scientists have serious fun. On April 1, 2002, NASA announced THAT THE (UBBLE 3PACE 4ELESCOPE HAD discovered that the moon really is made of green cheese. NASA claimed it had found an expiration date for when the cheese MIGHT hGO BAD v 4HE REPORT SAID h4O be cautious, we should completely devour the moon by tomorrow.� /N !PRIL &OOLS $AY IN .!3! announced that Americans had defeated the Russians in the first Serious TV cracking jokes space Quidditch match. It claimed The British Broadcasting Corp., or ASTRONAUT -ICHAEL ,OPEZ !LEGRIA BBC, produces many serious news caught the Golden Snitch. shows, nature shows and dramas. Golden oldies It is also known for its April Fools’ Some jokes. April Fools’ )N THE ""# PLAYED ONE OF jokes come the most famous April Fools’ jokes back year of all time. The BBC news carried a after year. story about the great spaghetti crop Fake news IN 3WITZERLAND THAT YEAR )T SHOWED stories farmers pulling spaghetti noodles about flying saucers, dinosaurs from trees. Reporters said farmers walking the Earth today, and had developed plants that would creatures such as the Loch Ness produce noodles that were all the Monster same length. and dragons are big favorites.

photo courtesy NASA

Way out there


For April Fools’ Day in 2008, NASA reported a “troubling request� by a robot at the International Space Station. NASA claimed the robot was demanding that people call it “Dextre the Magnificent.� NASA said the robot “thanked humans for creating it and promised a glorious future where humans would retain (or keep) an important role in the new robot order.�

Still having fun In 1965, the BBC reported someone had invented Smellovision, or TV sets that filled the house with smells from the shows. In 2008, the BBC claimed it had discovered a colony of flying penguins. Last year on April Fools’ Day, BBC announcers claimed the Earth had exploded. They said the reporter was reporting from the afterlife. They did not explain how everyone on Earth and all the TVs had survived. Add` i]gdj\] ndjg cZlheVeZg [dg hidg^Zh VWdji 6eg^a ;ddahŸ 9Vn! dg [dg hidg^Zh i]Vi b^\]i WZ 6eg^a ;ddahŸ _d`Zh# The Mini Page thanks Dr. Dawn O. Braithwaite, chair, Department of Communication Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, for help with this story.

Next week, The Mini Page is about energy.

The Mini Page Staff Betty Debnam - Founding Editor and Editor at Large Lisa Tarry - Managing Editor Lucy Lien - Associate Editor Wendy Daley - Artist

I]Z B^c^ EV\Zœ

<j^YZ id i]Z 8dchi^iji^dc The popular nine-part series on the Constitution, written in collaboration with the National Archives, is now packaged as a colorful 32-page softcover book. The series covers: s the preamble, the seven articles and 27 amendments s the “big ideas� of the document s the history of its making and the signers

All the following jokes have something in common. #AN YOU GUESS THE COMMON THEME OR CATEGORY Amy: (OW DO LIONS LIKE THEIR MEAT COOKED Amos: Medium roar! Andy: What do you get when you cross the ,ITTLE $IPPER WITH A ZEBRA Amelia: Stars and stripes! Aaron: 7HY ARE GIRAFFES CONSIDERED LOYAL FRIENDS Abner: They always stick their necks out for their friends! from The Mini Page Š 2013 Universal Uclick

Brown Bassetews the nnd’s Hou


April Fools’ Day

try ’n find

Words that remind us of April Fools’ Day are hidden in the block below. Some words are hidden backward or diagonally. See if you can find: APRIL, BELL, CALENDAR, CREATURES, DAY, DINOSAURS, FISH, FOOLS, FRANCE, FRIENDLY, FUN, HOLIDAY, JOKES, LAUGHING, MARS, MEDIA, MOON, NEWS, PLAY, ROBOT, SILLY, STORY, TRICKS, YEAR.

Who Will you try to fool?















from The Mini Page Š 2013 Universal Uclick

ready resources The Mini Page provides ideas for websites, books or other resources that will help you learn more about this week’s topics. On the Web: s YOUTUBE COM WATCH V DF7ZP R92 s YOUTUBE COM WATCH V LZH$SOJOQK s YOUTUBE COM WATCH V YL DTUF&2 W s GOOGLE COM GOOGLE D S PROMOS MOTION HTML s MUSEUMOFHOAXES COM HOAX APRILFOOL At the library: s h*UST *OKING (ILARIOUS *OKES 4RICKY 4ONGUE Twisters, and Ridiculous Riddles� by National Geographic Kids

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