Tuesday • January 31, 2012 — D1
The Sentinel at www.cumberlink.com Megan bollinger Copy Editor Phone 240-7111
Kids World
Fax 243-3121 Email mbollinger@cumberlink.com
When kids speak out, The Sentinel listens
Kids Speak Out
Tell Me A Story
I was ice skating on a lake when... I was ice skating on a lake when I saw a big ice block. And then it hit the ice and it cracked and I fell in. I swam up and pulled the ice block up and there was a person in it! I brought the ice block home and put it near the fire and I let it melt. The next day I found the person sleeping on my sofa and then I woke him up and asked him how he got in the lake. He said he was skating and he fell and the ice broke and he did not know how to swim so he turned into ice. The end.
I was ice skating on a lake when I ran into some guy named Fred. He had three nostrils and a live raccoon as his hat. He was from some planet I never heard of. I watched him for awhile. He wasn’t that good at ice skating. At one point he flew over a fence. At another point he got hooked by an ice fisherman. We finally made friends after a few mishaps. Erik Schaeffer, 7 (WINNER) Hillside Elementary Second grade
Olga Rodriquez, 7 (WINNER) Hillside Elementary Second grade
I was ice skating on a lake when the whole lake collapsed and I fell in and got soaked.
I was ice skating on a lake when the ice broke and I fell in. Then a duck saved me. It said, “Quack, quack.” I looked up what it said and I found out it said Hi, my name is Ducky. I want to be your friend. The duck took the spare bedroom in my house and stayed there with me. Chris Mikos, 9 (WINNER) Fishing Creek Elementary Third grade
Jaden Henline, 9 Fishing Creek Elementary Fourth grade
I was ice skating on a lake when the ice broke. It went crack. The cracks were getting bigger and bigger. Then the ice was shaking, suddenly the ice stopped shaking. I stopped skating, too. I was terrified.
I was ice skating on a lake when I fell in the water and it was cold and I saw Luke and R2-D2, Chewbacca and Darth Vader were ice skating with them and saved me and I was back to life.
Mason Palmer Newville Elementary Second grade
Shelby, 8 Bellaire Elementary School Second grade
I was ice skating on a lake when ice ninjas jumped out of the sky! I learned kung fu and knocked them out! Tommy Landis, 7 Bellaire Elementary School Second grade
I was ice skating on a lake when the ice broke and I fell into the water and a whale caught me. Then he took me to a land far away! And then I had some cocoa and I had some food with me like milk chocolate and I made ice cream!
I was ice skating on a lake when I didn’t know what happened. When I woke up I was a flamingo, and the flamingo’s name was Mrs. Reeder. She was our teacher, and we were her class of flamingos.
Adrianna Waring, 8 Bellaire Elementary School Second grade
I was ice skating on a lake when the ice shattered in the middle. Under the ice there was a huge octopus. He squirted ink everywhere. A sunken ship was under the ice. The octopus came into the ship. I guess it was his home. There was ink all over the ship. Then the ice that was still left shattered all over the ship. The octopus was so mad, he threw me out of the water. I hit my head really hard. Then I woke up. I guess it was a dream. My mom called me down for breakfast.
Zaida Witkowski, 7 St. Patrick School Grade 2B
I was skating on a lake when the ice broke! I tired to swim out, but an octopus grabbed me and pulled me down! I kicked it in the face and swam out. I started skating again. Then a shark ate me. I lived in the shark forever.
Gabriel Miller, 8 Fishing Creek Elementary Third grade
I was ice skating on a lake when the ice broke and I scrambled off the lake. I was so sad. This meant that I had to wait a whole year. When I got home I told my mom what happened and she said, “Don’t be sad, you can go to another lake.” So, I went to another lake and that lake never broke. I had a trusted skating lake!
Ryan Craig, 8 St. Patrick School Grade 2A I was ice skating on a lake when I saw some water in the middle of the lake so I skated over to see what was the matter. When I looked closer it was a big goldfish in the water. So, I picked the fish up and took him home. When I got home I put him in with my other fish. Now they love each other. The end. Addison Shover Newville Elementary Second grade
Hayden Corbin, 8 Fishing Creek Elementary Third grade
I was ice skating on a lake when a huge wave came. I went over it like a bird. I landed at my house. I was grounded for 18 months. It was worth it but I got 9,000 cookies. Tomorrow I get 100,000 cookies. It was awesome.
I was ice skating on a lake when a dog jumped on me. I pushed it off me. The dog fell into the water. I pulled him out. The dog was cold. I gave it my scarf and gloves. Then I was cold. The dog curled around me and we lived together forever.
Mehar, 6 Elmwood Elementary First grade
I was ice skating on a lake when my friends fell down a lot. I love ice skating.
Amy Syverson, 7 St. Patrick School 2B I was ice skating on a lake when everybody started to do the disco. I said, “Oh my gosh!” Then I saw a plug. I unplugged it. Then everything went back to normal.
Aubrey, 6 Elmwood Elementary First grade
Abby Spahr, 7 St. Patrick School Grade 2B
How you can get involved with Kids Speak Out Want To See Your Name Here?
Hey, kids! How would you like to get your story published in Kids Speak Out? Just write a short story on one of our prompts and send it to The Sentinel. You can also draw a picture to go with your story. Each week, The Sentinel will publish some of the stories we receive in KidsWorld and on www.cumberlink.com. Only the top three essay writers, published on this page, will receive KidsWorld T-shirts. To claim T-shirts, visit The Sentinel during normal business hours. You must be 5 to 13 years old to enter. Stories must be 150 words or less. Be sure to include your full name, age, address, school and grade. Mail your entry to “Kids Speak Out,” The Sentinel, 457 E. North St., Carlisle, PA 17013, drop it off at either Sentinel office or mail it to frontdoor@cumberlink.com with the subject “KidsWorld.”
Attention Teachers!
Request the new Kids Speak Out writing prompts; email mbollinger@cumberlink.com.
Upcoming Topics Due Feb. 3 I made a gingerbread house and then my dog... Due Feb. 10 I’m going to give my Valentine a... Due Feb. 17 My favorite thing to do on the weekend is... Due Feb. 24 If I had a million dollars I would... Due March 2 When I’m riding the school bus I like to... Due March 9 I was eating lunch with my friends when...
The Bugganes and the waterfall Tale from Isle of Man adapted by Amy Friedman illustrated by Jillian Gilliland
Once upon a time on the Isle of Man, there lived a poor farmer and his wife near a place called Glen Mooar. They lived in a nice little cottage and owned a bit of land on which they grew potatoes and grazed their cow. Everyone knows fairies often play tricks, and on the Isle of Man, when the fairies were offended, sometimes they called upon the Bugganes, terrible ogres who lived in ruins and forests and waterfalls. The Bugganes hated to be disturbed. They could shift their shapes to look like anything and anyone they wished, and so few people had ever seen them. But those who had seen them said they were enormous creatures, with coarse black hair and wrinkled skin, with red mouths and cloven feet and eyes like fire. People often told the story of the Buggane that tore the roof off St. Trinian’s church again and again because the church was built on its mountain. And people said there was a Buggane that lived in the waterfall very near the farmer’s house. The farmer was hard working and kind, but his wife was terribly lazy and liked to lie in bed. Her neighbors were forever whispering about her. “She wears out more blankets than shoes,” her next-door neighbor said. “’Tis sad,” added another, “an excuse is nearer that woman than her apron is.” Every morning the farmer woke at dawn and called out to his wife, “Lose an hour in the morning and you’ll be looking for it all day!” but she only turned over again. “You’ll never plough a field by turning it over in your mind,” he said. But she slumbered on. So he set off to work in that field. Many were the days that he came home for breakfast only to find her still asleep. There was no fire. There was no food. On those days he would build a fire and cook his own gruel. Alas, he would sigh, “A cabin with plenty of food is better than a castle with none.” Often when he came home for his midday meal, his wife was still asleep. At long last, the farmer decided it was time to play a trick on her. So when he awoke, he fetched some straw from the barn. With that straw he blocked up all the windows in that little cottage. Late in the afternoon he came home and found his wife still in bed, waiting for the day to come. “Hurry,” the farmer said, “come see the sun rise in the West!” She quickly climbed out of bed, and the farmer opened the door to show her. The whole sky looked to be on fire, for the sun was actually setting. But the woman was frightened at the sight and asked, “What makes the sun rise in the West?” “Must be the Buggane,” the farmer said. “The hairy one that lives under the waterfall. It’s a bad hen that doesn’t scratch for itself. You best be careful or it might come to punish you for your lazy ways.” “What do you know of the Buggane?” the wife asked. But the farmer only said, “Ask me no questions; I’ll tell you no lies.” Soon after that he went out to go fishing under the bright full moon. As soon as he was gone, the woman realized she was hungry. But there was no bread in the cupboard, and she knew she would have to bake it. She slipped the bolt on the door so the fairies wouldn’t catch her baking after sunset -- the fairies did not like that kind of thing. Then she began to knead the meal. She clapped her cakes as thin as could be and picked up a knife to cut them into circles. When the first one was cut, she brushed the griddle and tossed the cake on the fire. As she picked up her knife and began to cut the second cake, she heard a knock at the door. “Who’s there?” she called, but no one answered. Then she heard another sound, someone knocking harder and way up high on the door. “Who’s there?” she asked again. This time a thick, gravelly voice answered, “Open for me, for I am he.” That made no sense, so she ignored the voice. But the voice cried again, “Open for me for I am he.” Before she could say a word, the door burst open, and there stood the hideous Buggane. Before she could run, that Buggane clutched her by her apron and swung her over its wide shoulder and ran down the hill all the way to the top of Spooyt Vooar, the huge waterfall. The woman was terrified. She could hear those roaring waters, and from above she saw the stream turning to spray as it hit the rocks. She knew she would drown as the Buggane swung her high into the air, preparing to toss her down the falls. Just then she remembered the knife in her hands. Quick as she could, she cut her apron strings and tumbled onto the ground. She rolled away, but the Buggane stumbled and fell forward, right into that waterfall. The Buggane rolled and bounced, head over heels. People from miles away could hear the creature roaring, “Rumble, rumble, rumble, it is I who tumble.” Then they heard a splash. And no one saw that Buggane ever again. People say that farmer’s wife learned her lesson. She gave up her lazy ways and became as good a wife as a farmer could wish for. She always baked bread well before the sunset, so as to not offend the fairy folk!