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Behind the Closed Door
TThis is the last in the series on our journey through the Tabernacle. The journey has been about experiencing the intimacy of the love relationship between God and His covenanted people, the Bridegroom and His Bride.
We were created for intimacy with God. We have been given a spirit that can communicate with His Spirit. His love for us is intense, passionate and stronger than death: a love that nothing but Love alone can quench. As a husband does, He has chosen to love and ravish His bride with beauty, glory and splendour. As we understand this imagery our perspective of who God is to us, changes and we understand why He so desires us. We are created for His pleasure.
The Invitation To Intimacy
The Lord invites us to identify with the words of King Solomon “Arise, my love, my fair one and come away” (Song of Songs 2:10), as a Bridegroom would speak to a bride. The time has come for the Bridegroom to take His bride to His Father’s house, to the wedding bed-chamber and the ceremony.
Preparation For intimacy
Preparation is so important. Revelations 19:7 says, “The marriage of the Lamb has come, and his wife has made herself ready.” So how does one prepare for this wonderful invitation from the Bridegroom? For me, I prepare myself in several ways. I like to adorn myself with the jewels of God’s word (Isa 61:10). I like to think of my wedding gown dazzling with the attributes of pure love, obedience, and personal holiness. And, with excited expectation.
Can I say as King David said, “my flesh yearns…thirsts for You” (Psalm 63:1-8). Am I consumed with passion, like David, with a heart full of desire for his Lord? Am I so in love with my Lord, that I experience an aching for more of Him? Do I yearn to walk, and live and breathe His presence all day long?
Getting to know Him—who He is, what He does, how He thinks, and what He desires – becomes the centre of my affection. I have longed realised that knowing Him is much more than knowing about Him.
Intimacy with the Lord comes from knowing Him and His word. Out of that intimacy flows security, dependency, and a willingness to submit to His will,
knowing that He loves me even more than I love myself. The beauty of intimacy with the Lord is in knowing Him and being known by Him.
Inside the wedding chamber
Each person’s experience of intimacy with God will be unique. I will never forget how a visiting speaking said to me: The Lord just told me to give you a kiss you. So, he kissed me on my forehead. That is intimacy from God! And it happened when I saw God as a wooing Bridegroom (Song of Songs 1:2). Many times, the Lord has given me a picture of Him taking my hand and drawn me away to Him and we have walked and strolled through the meadows of His abundant sweet promises. During these times I have received words of love, a knowledge of being loved and valued and a sense of well-being released into my heart. I have had visions and revelations of His glory and power. I have a certainty that I am wanted by a Father in heaven who adores me.
Encouragement, warnings and a deeper understanding of His word happen when He speaks to me in the secret place. He has shown me some secrets that He says I cannot share. When I open up the innermost part of my soul, being willing to be vulnerable and transparent with Him, He can unlock any roots of besetting sins where I have been hurt or damaged, and give me empowering ways of escape. Here in this space, I experience His deep healing and transformation.
Intimacy with God often occurs in places where I must trust Him most.
As I open my heart I hear from God as He births dreams of what is on His heart, visions and plans for my life. He shows me how He is tightening up all the loose bolts in my life, so I can function as a complete vassal for His kingdom.
Often In this time of intimacy – I can receive an impartation of the Holy Spirit through the intentional yielding of my heart, as He fills me mentally and physically with a refreshment that lifts up my soul and spirit and I feel like I am walking on air. He showed me how to dive into the deep waters of His glorious presence, and then how to soar with Him on an eagle to fly above the storms of my life and enjoy the beauty of His creation from the air.
As intimacy deepens, I progress from saying “My Beloved is mine” ie You belong to me first and then I belong to you (Song of Songs 2:16) to “I am my Beloved’s AND His desire is for me.” (Song of Songs 7:10) ie I do not need to claim Him anymore because I know He desires me.
Can we hear His voice calling and inviting us to enter into the bridal chamber? Will our response be: “Come, Lord Jesus. You are our Bridegroom, come and take us to Yourself
as Your beloved bride?” p
By Suyin Sutherland Business owner, a lover of God’s presence, loves to introduce others into God’s secret place.