7 minute read
The Two Women of Revelation
The 2 Women of Revelation
TTo begin to understand Revelation you must have some understanding of the symbolic language often used in scriptures. This kind of language dominates Revelations. As we look at the two women of Revelation we must appreciate the fact that it is not speaking of literal women but is using them as metaphors to explain something much broader.
There are actually three women mentioned in Revelation, they are: 1. The woman who had the male child (Revelation 12:1-2). 2. The prostitute/harlot who also rides the beast (Revelation 17) and 3. The bride who will be at the marriage feast of the lamb. In this article we will focus on the later two. We’ll start by looking at their mention in Revelation 19. Verse 2 states (NIV) “He has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her the blood of his servants.” Verse 7-8 “Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.”
The Harlot To understand who she is we must note how she is described above in Revelation 19:2. The NIV describes her as an ‘adulterer’ other translations call her a ‘fornicator’. Both are correct. A fornicator is having an affair outside of marriage an adulterer is having one with someone else while married. In Bible days when a Jewish woman was betrothed to a man their commitment was sealed and they were considered as good as married and simply awaiting the marriage ceremony so the consummation and life together can begin.
The harlot therefore, as one betrothed to Christ, has made a marital commitment to Him but is having an affair with someone else. She is in the company of Jesus during the days but in the bed of the devil at nights. She is defined by her deception, she’s the ‘great harlot’ and represents
those who say they love Christ and perform in public but secretly love the world in their hearts. John in 1 John 2:15 says we cannot love God and the world. Our hearts do not have the capacity to fully love two people. If we love the world we do not love God. James says when God’s people become friends with the world we become the enemies of God (see James 4). The harlot is truly an enemy of God purporting to be His lover. She also hates the true bride and is constantly trying to kill her.
The Bride The bride, the one Christ chose over the harlot, has remained faithful to Him during the betrothed period. She prepares and keeps herself as she waits for the return of her bridegroom. She is keen to see to it that her dress is kept clean and ready without spot or wrinkle etc and that she is pure. Revelation 19:7-8 says she has made herself ready and speaks of her fine linen that is bright and clean. John goes on to explain the symbolism, he says, “...the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.” The bride spoken of here represents those who truly love Christ. This love is made manifest in their living, how they have kept themselves from the corruption that is in the world and their acts of love that flows from a genuine care for others.

Paul, warning the Corinthian church against those false apostles and teachers who will entice them away from the love of the true Christ to another false Jesus and gospel says, “For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:2-3 (NKJV)
“...But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:2-3 (NIV)
Conclusion An important distinction between the harlot and the bride is this… The harlot wants her pleasure now and cannot wait so, though betrothed to Christ, she finds another lover and defiles herself. She is in love with instant gratification not Christ. Paul tells Timothy what people who claim to belong to God will be like in the last days, he says they “...will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money... lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God having a form of godliness but denying its power.” 2 Timothy 3:2-5 (Read all of it)
The bride is in love with Christ so she waits for that great coronation. She will endure the hardships of chastity now as she keeps herself for that moment behind the veil, alone with the one she loves as they consummate the marriage and begin a life together for eternity. It won’t be long now, the groom will soon be on His way so get ready and continue to keep yourself pure. p
By Homer Slack Author, preacher, Bible teacher, IT tutor, programmer & graphic designer

SSo many times, as I have walked with God, He has said those words to me. At first, it seemed like just a casual statement from somewhere in the deep recesses of my own soul. But, as the years went by, and
God started teaching me about
Himself, it changed.
About 28-29 years ago, He spoke something to me that took me into the Song of Solomon. It was an invitation to a deeper place than I had experienced up to that point, in my relationship with Him. What a journey it has been! Is it over or, indeed, has it even come to the fullness of the depth of relationship that is possible? Of course not. But one thing I can absolutely assure you; I will do whatever the Lord requires of me to cooperate with Him and allow Him to draw me to where He wants me to be. So, He has spoken once again and said, “Come away with Me…”
At first I struggled a little with accepting that it really was God, and not just something within myself. And because this is going to be a longer time of being “shut in with Him,” some questions started coming up, and I wrestled with them for a while. Why would the Lord say this to me now…in the midst of a very “active” time in my life?
He has given me some answers. One, when there are too many voices, vying for my attention, there needs to be a sifting or sorting out of those voices. Seeking God and allowing the Holy Spirit to do that for me is the only solution. He said so! Two, when all those voices press in on me, I become “reactive.” That is not God’s plan for my life! The Lord spoke something else to me earlier this week, by way of something that happened here at my home. I was trying to share something I thought was important with my husband. He wouldn’t really turn and take the few moments it would have taken to listen to me. I wanted his attention, for just a minute, and hopefully, a response from him about what I was trying to tell him. He couldn’t, or wouldn’t, pull away from the nonsense he was watching on TV long enough to hear what I was trying to say. I was so frustrated! And, yes, a little hurt that the things I want to share with him have so little value to him.
I went back into my little office and, of course, talked or maybe “complained” to the Lord about the way I was just treated by him. Do you know what He said to me? He said, “I know EXACTLY how you feel! I experience it every day!” I was shocked by the intensity with which He spoke those words! Then my heart was so grieved, as I realized the depth of what He was saying about how hard it was to get His people’s attention. He said a lot more concerning it, but those things will remain with me until He tells me to share them.
He has my attention! I have chosen and will continue to choose to make Him my top priority! So, I will answer His call to “Come away with Me” for however long it will take to accomplish what He desires for it to accomplish. I already know it is going to be for a longer period of time than it has been in my past experiences. I don’t have a problem with that. My heart is excited about it and I am filled with a wonderful sense of expectation for the things that will come out of it. As soon as I said “Yes, Lord” an overwhelming joy flooded my soul! So, I will see you when I “get back.” I am trusting and rejoicing in Him for the invitation, and honouring the privilege He has given me to spend time shut-in with Him! I am truly blessed! p