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II will never forget my wife telling me about a documentary she watched on tv about doppelgangers. These are strangers who look exactly alike. In this documentary the tv station set out to find the exact match of a small group of people they invited on to their set. My wife explained how an identical look alike was found for a female member of the group. This female member had a young daughter so they decided to do an experiment to see if this little girl could tell the difference between her mother and her mother’s identical match.
While the little girl was at school her mother’s look-alike was done up to look exactly as her mother would. They considered every detail including hair style, clothing, perfume and mannerism etc. After rehearsing how the mother would normally greet her daughter when she arrived home, they positioned the look-alike and waited. When the little girl arrived the look-alike gathered her in her arms, sat her on her knees and asked her about her day just as her mother would. The little girl started to answer but soon (within seconds) stopped, looked up at this woman and surprisingly asked, “Where is my mother?” She knew her mother so well that not even an identical look alike could fool her.
I often asked myself if, like this girl, I would be able to tell a deceiver different from my Lord? Paul says the devil often comes like an angel of light. He does this to fool the unsuspecting that he is the Lord or is sent by the Lord. Jesus said of His sheep,
“They never follow a stranger but will run away from him, because strangers’ voices are unfamiliar to them.” John 10:5 (CJB) Are you so intimate and familiar with your Lord? p
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