7 minute read
World in View


Hindsight is Vision! For now, we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12F It includes deliberate attempts to disseminate wrong information to undermine the public health response and advance alternative agendas of groups care for its citizens and the fiasco in how the pandemic, has been handled. Even though President Trump was no saviour, his policy was to rid his government of or individuals. Mis- and disinformation corruption. Is Joe Biden’s government We are not seeing for lack of looking, we can be harmful to people’s physical and an ingathering of the ‘swamp gnats’ entered 2020 and have now come to the mental health; increase stigmatization; that they say Trump tried to drain from end of it having made many declarations threaten precious health gains; and the Capitol Hill swamp? Does Biden’s about 2020 vision etc… but we were not lead to poor observance of public cabinet have deep connections to Wall seeing ahead, we didn’t know of and were health measures, thus reducing their Street and the Fortune 500 corporations not prepared for COVID-19. Not really. effectiveness and endangering countries’ of America? If so it is dubious as to We were going about our business doing ability to stop the pandemic. whether we can expect that working-what seemed right in our own eyes; so we class or middle-class interests will be were caught off guard just like the world. Furthermore, disinformation is catered for at all or at the very least they Reflecting on the pun that is implied in polarizing public debate on topics will be way down on the list of priorities. the title of this feature, I have to humbly related to COVID-19; amplifying hate In short, it seems as if democracy is dead conclude that as the people of God we speech; heightening the risk of conflict, in America. I am hoping the Democrats messed up. The great nations of the violence and human rights violations; aren’t guilty of the mail balloting scandal world are all in flux; we can’t depend on and threatening long-term prospects for as alleged because if it’s proven that them for answers. advancing democracy, human rights and tampering did take place, it’s gonna be The COVID ‘Infodemic’ The World Health Organisation is social cohesion. WHO do we trust? Pun intended! 1 blue versus red in the streets of America. One to pray about... 2 concerned about the management and The PLANdemic You will recall I warned in SHARE dissemination of information about the COVID heightened speculation and Magazine article, The Dragon Awakes, virus. Their website had this advisory: inquiry globally as to who stands to Vol 7 issue 1, Jan 2019 3 that China has The COVID-19 is the first pandemic in history in which technology and social media are being used on a massive benefit from the chaos? It all seems like a diabolic smokescreen and the same short list of allied globalists and billionaires keep coming up from the Wuhan labs steadily organised itself and is rolling out its well-laid plans like ‘Pinky and the Brain’ to take over the world. scale to keep people safe, informed, in China to the Pfizer vaccine factories Trump-led trade wars with China to productive and connected. At the same globally. challenge -Chinese corporate espionage time, the technology we rely on to keep and theft of western intellectual connected and informed is enabling and Meanwhile, we witness the inevitable property and their responsibility for the amplifying an infodemic that continues demise of the American democratic COVID-19 outbreak - during which time to undermine the global response and system. We clearly see what is wrong China’s response to this was to develop jeopardizes measures to control the with America from #BLM to the relationships with Wall Street and leading pandemic. Charlottesville Riots to George Floyd’s American Corporations to help oust An infodemic is an overabundance of information, both online and offline. murder by police, the failure of the federal government to provide proper health Trump in the American 2020 Elections. In return, these American corporations

World In View

have been promised increased access to the Chinese market.
China has fine tuned its use of capitalism against the west by tightening its grasp on American economic trade and capital flow, aided by greedy western capitalists who have handed over the reins to American governance to China. It’s a buyers’ market and China has the cash.
Obama invited China to the free-market table and essentially China has slowly taken over the Chairmanship of the table. They have cheap labour, no unions to contend with, no moral or religious code to answer to, a communist government led by a president for life and a mixed market model that gives them the best of both worlds. They are now extending their influence to the developing world by using Yen Diplomacy to support ‘pro-China’ leaders in power in these African, Caribbean and South American countries that have benefited from their financial aid or infrastructural investment. Meanwhile, they carry on extracting the mineral resources of these ‘pawn nations’ as their Dragon’s share of the deal. 1
The Dragon’s Share China is behaving much like the rampaging Dragon Smaug in JR Tolkien’s The Hobbit. They used Covid 19 lock down to suppress Hong Konger’s antiChina protests and end self-government in Hong Kong 30 years earlier than the 1997 treaty stimulated.
Britain’s only concession to Hong Kong was to grant British citizenship for those who wanted to emigrate to Britain. Basically a plaster to a gaping wound, to avoid war with China.
China’s evasion of any responsibility for the coronavirus begs belief even though all evidence points to them being responsible for starting it. Anyone who has called out China on this, for example, Australia is made subject to a disruption of their trade and diplomatic relationships.
One to watch… https://youtube.com/watch? v=QwbqiMktZfM&feature=share
Meanwhile, the UK is under its second national lock down and is now considering a third with the news of a new strain of the Covid having been discovered there. While confusion reigns over how and when schools, colleges and universities can be fully reopened. All this while London remains under Tier 4 emergency status.
As if all that wasn’t enough the UK and EU have struck a Brexit deal that could have negative implications for daily life and the UK’s future relationship with other countries. The chief concern is, how isolated Britain will become post Brexit?
The BBC have summarised this 1,200 - page document into 6 categories: trade, travel, fishing, justice security and study. Here are the main points in summary:
No extra tariffs or quotas between the UK and the EU from 1 January. Extra border checks and customs declarations, for UK businesses and travellers. Visas required for UK nationals who
stay more than 90 days in the EU in a 180-day period, EU pet passports will no longer be valid. • Emergency healthcare available to
UK travellers in the EU. European
Health Insurance Cards, (EHIC) cards remain valid until expiration and will be replaced by a UK Global
Health Insurance Card. • The UK and the EU will negotiate
“fair and transparent rates for international mobile roaming.” • The UK becomes an independent coastal state and can decide on access to its waters and fishing grounds. The details are being negotiated. • The European Court of Justice has no jurisdiction in the UK. • The UK has lost automatic access to key databases but can request access. • The UK is not a member of
Europol but it will have a presence at its headquarters, similar to the US’ current arrangement • UK students studying in the EU will do so under the new Alan Turing scheme. Students at universities in
Northern Ireland will continue to participate in Erasmus. Read the full article here: https://www.bbc. co.uk/news/explainers-55180293 https://youtube.com/watch?v=DqxitDNbljI &feature=share https://youtube.com/watch?v=QwbqiMktZf M&feature=share p
by Dorian Slack & Angela Slack