March 10, 2011 - B

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section b The Sheaf ’s arts and culture section.

graphic by Maia Stark

Cassette tapes: The forgotten medium

Bart Records owner Kevin Stebner sets the record straight on cassette tapes and punk rock Aaron Scholz Arts Writer In an era that celebrates the ease of portable music and threatens to leave all physical mediums behind, a growing protest has risen from the prairies with the existence of Bart Records — a record label exclusively dedicated to the cassette tape medium. With releases from bands all over Canada (including Saskatoon bands Black Magic Pyramid and Auld Beak), Bart Records has breathed new life into cassette culture and encourages the growth of its niche market in the prairie provinces. The owner of Bart Records, Kevin Stebner, talked to the Sheaf about the superior medium. The Sheaf: What is Bart Records? Kevin Stebner: Bart is purely a documentation of what’s going

on musically in western Canada. It sprung up out of necessity, considering that there were no record labels in western Canada that catered to the kind of music I wanted to hear. Sheaf: Bart is a cassette label. Why tape cassettes? Stebner: Tapes are the world’s greatest format. The sound quality and most importantly, the portability of tapes are awesome. Sheaf: Many would disagree. What do you say to people who recall cassettes being the past bane of their audio existence? Stebner: They’re obviously completely ignorant and don’t understand anything. If you really want disposable media, you can have it. If you want MP3s that can be lost on external hard drives, go for it. I want to make something with a beautiful aesthetic and as

old as the format may be, I’m not putting out tapes for modernists. I’m doing it to make something that is real and tangible and lasting. Sheaf: By not appealing to modernists, as you say, you obviously then have to rely on those who grew up listening to cassettes. What do the younger generation of kids say when they see you’re selling tapes at shows? Stebner: Well, in Calgary in particular, there are all these amazing 15 year-old kids who are stoked on it and love the idea that they can make something themselves. Some of the music they write is questionable, but they’re doing it. Having the ability to record and distribute your own music through cassettes is a wonderful thing and I don’t think that concept is dated at all. It is a way to make music accessible. I sell my cassettes for $5 and I’m not

aware of any other media form that you can sell so cheaply to people. Sheaf: Where does the name “Bart Records” come from? Stebner: It’s actually an Adventures in Odyssey reference. For those who don’t know, Adventures in Odyssey was a radio drama produced by Focus on the Family. The moral of the story is learning to carefully discern what you listen to. In the story, there’s a band called Bones of Wrath who write these songs that parents flip out over. They had a song called “Who Needs Parents?” and another song called “Razorblade Rag.” The lead singer of the band, his dad is named Bart Wrathbone and the band releases their debut cassette on the dad’s label called Bart Records. Anyway, I loved the idea of cassette label and music being dangerous. Sheaf: If you know what

Adventures in Odyssey is, you obviously either grew up in a religious household or are a spiritual dude yourself. Do religion and punk rock mix well? Stebner: Yeah, absolutely! I think that religious people, Christians in particular, are marginalized in western society. And for me, those who are interested in punk rock have been a marginalized group as well. Both these views, religion and punk, affect how you see the world and how you examine society and are based on having something to say, regardless of whether its popular or not. Sheaf: Are there any particular upcoming cassette releases you’re doing that are exciting to you? Stebner: Yes! There is a Bart Records compilation coming out on cassette featuring bands who have done releases with me doing

Bart cont. on B3.

Talk Show tensions come to a head


MATTHEW STEFANSON Arts Writer The tension between the two hosts of Louis’ Monday night Talk Show has come to a head. Jason “The Jackhammer” Hattie — long the antagonist in the host/ co-host relationship — will be facing down his long time friend, Paul “Meatgrinder” McMurtry on March 17. Frequent attendees of Talk Show will be familiar with the disrespect that each of these competitors shows to the other, and

the pummelling should prove to be cathartic for the fighters and the audience. The showdown will take place at the end of a special St. Patrick’s Day episode of Talk Show which — according to Hattie will be packed with all of the favourite crowd contests from past shows. In addition to the lightning round and other beer related competitions there will be a meat draw (you win meat) and a 50/50 raffle. McMurtry has long been a punching bag on the show,

absorbing abuse and having his personal affairs exposed to the drunken crowd, and that history of abuse may influence the show. “I think it’s going to be Paul getting back at me for everything we’ve ever done wrong to him, and he deserves to fight back and have his glory, but I’m not gonna give it to him, because that’s more fun,” said Hattie. During our interview, “Meatgrinder” McMurtry sat across from me in one of campus’ dingiest cafeterias. True to his name, he was

rabidly consuming a cheeseburger, steadfastly cramming more and more of the pulverized meat product into his grimly set mouth. “I’ve known him since elementary, and Jason and I have never fought before,” said Paul. “Only on the courts. We’ve had many a battle, one on one, street style.” McMurtry is a wisp of a man coming in, he says, “somewhere around 50 pounds under Jason,” whom he credits as “too out of


Host promises to wail on co-host in upcoming on-stage competition

Talk Show cont. on B2. run Mar 10, 11.indd


Reading & Signing Broken Circle: The Dark Legacy of Indian Residential Schools Tuesday, March 15, 7:30 PM

BRAD WARNER Reading & Signing Sex, Sin, and Zen Thursday, March 17, 7:30 PM

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