The Sheaf 10-06-2011 — Volume 103 Issue 9

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volume 103 • issue 9 •

Sheaf the


Sask-raised PM John Diefenbaker’s illegitimate son?

Palestine Why the UN should grant statehood.

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New awareness campaign targets drunk men.

Page 4


Huskies back on track after taking down UBC

Pages 8 & 9


Chekhov’s The Three Sisters opens Greystone season

Page 11

Fall TV

Two new comedies with female leads.

Page 13

The University of Saskatchewan student newspaper since 1912

U of S pushes forward $15 million student centre Decade-long plans for Gordon Oakes-Red Bear centre get green light DARYL HOFMANN Associate News Editor After a lengthy struggle to secure funding which lasted roughly a decade, the University of Saskatchewan officially announced it will be moving forward on the $15 million Gordon Oakes-Red Bear Student Centre. “We expect construction to begin as early as 2012,” said U of S President Peter MacKinnon to a cheering crowd of more than 100 gathered in Upper Place Riel Oct. 4. In an interview with the Sheaf last month, MacKinnon said the success of aboriginal students in postsecondary education and their access to it in Saskatchewan is fundamentally important to the province’s future. “We’re committed to providing support and services to our growing population of aboriginal students at the U of S,” said MacKinnon. “We look forward to creating an even more welcoming environment for our entire student population, as our enrolment continues to grow.” The abstract design of the building was done by Douglas Cardinal, the chief architect behind the Museum of Civilization in Gatineau, Que. and the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C. The planned centre will be between the Murray Library and the Arts building, a spot that has been central to several rallies organized by the Indigenous Student Council in recent years.

The family of the late Gordon Oakes at Place Riel to unveil the design of the new aboriginal students’ centre.

It will not only be a hub for aboriginal students, but also a vibrant inclusive gathering place for all U of S students and faculty to connect, share knowledge and learn from one another, said MacKinnon. “This building is more than just brick and steel. It is a home away from home,” said Ryan Moccasin,

president of the Indigenous Student Council. The centre will be named after the influential Gordon Oakes, who was born in 1932 in Cypress Hills, Sask., on what is now the Nekaneet First Nation, where he was chief. Oakes was a spiritual leader within his community and across the

province during his life. “Oakes died in February 2002 and arrangements to name the centre after Oakes began early in the project’s life,” said a university news release. Members of the Oakes family were on hand for the announcement, and thanked President Mackinnon, the U of S and Saskatchewan advanced

Margie de Jager

education minister Rob Norris for their commitment to quality aboriginal education. Currently, there are approximately 1,900 U of S students who identify themselves as aboriginal, or 9 per cent of the student population — more than any other university in Canada.

Veteran journalist Amira Hass shares truth about Palestinian conditions Israeli journalist condemns Israel’s occupation in speech at U of S TANNARA YELLAND Senior News Editor Just days after Mahmoud Abbas formally launched Palestine’s bid for UN-sanctioned statehood, Saskatoon residents had the opportunity to hear a speaker well-versed in the complexities of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. Amira Hass is a journalist and an Israeli Jew whose mother and father were imprisoned in the BergenBelsen concentration camp during the Holocaust. Hass has lived in Palestine since 1993, first in Gaza and now, since 1997, in the West Bank. For 20 years, Hass has reported on the daily conditions of Palestinians in Israeli newspaper Haaretz.


After thanking the organizations Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East and the Fellowship for Reconciliation and Peace, Hass apologized that she could not return the warm welcome with happier content in her speech.

“In the course of 20 years of reporting about the Israeli occupation,” Hass said, “I have become quite skeptical about the ability of fair reporting... to make a change.” One of Hass’s main goals in her speech, upon which she touched frequently, was to answer the question: “How can you translate occupation to the occupier?” According to Hass, the majority of Israelis see the occupation as something that pays rather than as something they must pay for. This view of the conflict, which stems from the many benefits Israelis receive from the occupation — Hass cited significantly more access to water and land as well as freedom

of movement and full citizenship — blinds many Israelis to the negative aspects of the occupation. Principal among these is its immoral nature, which the Israeli media, Hass says, help to obscure in their coverage. “ ‘Restriction of movement,’ ‘occupation,’ and so on: the meaning of these words is becoming diluted until it is invisible.” Hass also said that when the Israeli military commits violence it is referred to as “activity” or “movement,” while any armed Palestinian is immediately classified a terrorist. Later in the evening, Hass fielded a question about Israeli security, which is often given as one of the major reasons for the occupation.

The audience member mentioned suicide attacks on Israeli buses and militants shooting rockets into Israeli neighbourhoods. Hass’s response was unequivocal and scathing. “Violence is the very essence of occupation,” she said. “In general, the more inequality is in a society, the more violent it is.” Between the early 1970s and ’91, Hass said, the Israeli government allowed Palestinians a relatively large degree of freedom of movement.


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