November 3, 2011
volume 103 • issue 13 •
Sheaf the
The University of Saskatchewan student newspaper since 1912
Brianna Whitmore/Graphics Editor
Smoke clears on marijuana genome Scientists lay groundwork for future cannabis research DARYL HOFMANN Associate News Editor A University of Saskatchewan scientist has helped map the genetic blueprint of marijuana, potentially leading to improved research and expanded use of the Cannabis sativa plant. The project was conducted through a collaboration between plant biochemist Jon Page and his team at the U of S and molecular biologist Tim Hughes and his team at the University of Toronto. They believe their findings, made available to researchers worldwide on Oct. 20, can act as a foundation in developing new strains of medical marijuana, as well as strengthen certain traits in hemp. The investigation used the Cannabis sativa genomes of Purple Kush, a marijuana strain widely used for medicinal purposes, and the Finola variety of hemp, which does not flower and is often used as a source of fibres to make rope and cloth. Hughes first contacted Page in 2009 to gauge his interest in sequencing the genetic code of the plant. “He said if we are interested in [mapping] a genome like cannabis, this is the time,” said Page, who has been studying the chemical properties of cannabis since 2001. “We spent about 18 months on the project, start to finish, and it was possible because
the technology for DNA sequencing has advanced so much in the last two to three years.” So far only about 20 other plant genomes have been sequenced and they have primarily been large food crops, like rice and corn. Page says what intrigued him about the Cannabis genome was the plant’s medicinal uses, explaining that it produces a large diversity of valuable chemical compounds, or cannabinoids. “THC is the [cannabinoid] everyone knows about from the newspaper — or the party on Friday night — but it is only one of about 110 or so of these” cannabinoids, said Page. “So, really the genome has a lot of secrets in the metabolic pathways leading to these compounds. And a lot of them may have useful activity in treating disease and pain relief.” Now that the genetic underpinnings of Cannabis sativa are mapped, Page says pharmaceutical breeders will likely be able to target specific unusual cannabinoids and extract them through new strains in larger amounts. The results could then be tested for medicinal value. He also pointed to the applications the research could bring to the hemp industry. “Hemp breeders will be able to use the information to breed for a number of different traits, be it healthier oils, better quality fibre, cold tolerance, pest resistance, all those kind of things plant breeders are usually
interested in,” Page said. Further, he said the data could be applied to DNA forensics. For instance, if law enforcement discover a harvested field of cannabis, they could then run tests on the stalks of the plants to determine whether the crop is illegal marijuana or legal hemp. One of the key findings, the researcher said, was discovering that hemp and marijuana are significantly different on a molecular level. Page says it completely debunks the myth that many in the general public still believe: that hemp contains traces of THC. Page says cannabis has proven to be a useful, multi-purpose plant that archaeological evidence shows humans have been using for 6,000 years or more. “But it has really been held back in the last century or so because of the laws on marijuana use. However, one thing we want to make clear here is that there are a lot of different uses for cannabis and the genome can be used to help develop those uses further.” The research has already gotten positive feedback from some quarters. Nathan Holowaty, former leader of the now-defunct Saskatchewan Marijuana Party, was encouraged by the report and echoed the sentiment that cannabis is an extremely beneficial and underused plant. “This research will enhance our understanding of cannabis and unlock further medicinal potentials of this wonder-plant which have been suppressed for many years,” Holowaty said.
Doing marijuana research the old-fashioned way.
Opinions split on school logo
in this issue
Fight to change Redmen name yet to flicker LEAH DAVISON The fight over a Saskatoon high school logo is not going away. The controversy erupted last month over the name “Redmen” and the logo — a red-skinned man with braided hair — used to represent Bedford Road Collegiate sports teams. Erica Lee, a third year U of S political studies student and Bedford alum, has undertaken a movement that calls for a change to the school’s name and logo. “The ‘redmen’ name and ‘Indian head’ logo are offensive because they represent a stereotypical caricature of a First Nations person,” said Lee. Lee and four others have created a Facebook page called “It’s time for change.”
photo courtesy of CBC
The group argues that the logo objectifies aboriginal people and promotes negative stereotypes. “The style of the caricature, with a stoic face, braids and feathers in his hair — it’s not reality,” said Lee, adding that the image reinforces savage and warrior-like stereotypes of the “traditional” Indian. This symbol has an “explicit connection to ferocity,” stated Nancy Van Styvendale, a U of S professor specializing in aboriginal justice issues. This
ferocity, she says, is typically associated with animal imagery, as many sports teams display; aboriginal people are therefore being dehumanized by the use of the fallacious symbol. Sheelah McLean, a doctorate student at the U of S and a Saskatoon public school teacher, classifies the issue as a human rights violation. She is a cocreator of the Facebook campaign. “This symbol contributes to the continuation of dehumanization and racism towards aboriginal peoples that already exists in Canada,” said McLean. “These stereotypes have real material consequences; every oppressive policy used against aboriginal people has come from ideologies and beliefs that were created from similar stereotypes.”
McLean does not believe the issue can simply be settled through a student vote. “A school vote simply guarantees the status quo,” she said. “The majority of Canadians lack consciousness regarding the historical inequities aboriginal peoples face.” The public school board remains neutral on the issue, and has let media know that the final decision will be left up to the high school. As an institution, Bedford Road is concerned about the potential backlash from parents and students, which McLean predicts will arise if the logo is changed. Redmen cont. on
Bryn Becker
New website and smartphone app lets you predict the election.
Page 4
Common Sense
Why you should never put two spaces after a period. Page 5
Men’s and women’s volleyball team off to a shaky start.
Page 10
Despite a promising concept, In Time is a snooze. Page 13