The Sheaf 09/02/12 - Volume 103 Issue 23

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Sheaf 5

February 9, 2012

volume 103 • issue 23•


The University of Saskatchewan student newspaper since 1912




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Brianna Whitmore/Graphics Editor

Province acts to curb new HIV cases HIV treatment costs the province roughly $40 million per year: health official


espite the fact that new cases of HIV have largely levelled off across Canada, Saskatchewan has a surging infection rate. Over the next few weeks, the Sheaf will examine why this is the case and what can be done about it from the perspective of people dealing with the situation. This week: a look at how the provincial government treats patients and how they plan to curb new infections. TANNARA YELLAND Senior News Editor With the number of new HIV cases in Saskatchewan going up steadily each year since the early 2000s, the provincial government has taken a keen interest in reversing the trends that have made Saskatchewan the site of the newest HIV epidemic in Canada. Saskatchewan Chief Medical Officer Moira McKinnon says HIV prevention and treatment has become a high priority for the Saskatchewan government. The government expects to spend about $12 million on its four-year HIV strategy, which

will significantly reduce what it currently spends on treating HIV-positive patients. A study by the Chief Medical Health Officer of Ontario guesses that HIV costs the Saskatchewan health care system upwards of $40 million per year. This is a “conservative estimate,” though, because many people do not realize they are infected and that they are experiencing HIV/AIDS-related health problems. The province’s strategy has four main areas of focus — community engagement and education, prevention and harm reduction, clinical management and surveillance and research — within which goals have been set. Some of the goals are

to reduce the number of new infections and to increase the number of people who are accurately diagnosed and then remain on treatment. One of the most important goals the strategy sets, McKinnon says, is to reduce the discrimination and social stigma that surround HIV. This will encourage people to come in for testing and treatment more regularly. “Anecdotal reports indicate that many HIV-positive people live in unsupportive environments and therefore choose not to disclose their HIV status due to the discrimination they might otherwise encounter,” the strategy says. Peer groups for various at-risk and infected groups of the population — injection drug users, HIV-positive mothers and HIV-positive teens are the groups mentioned in the strategy document — are expected to provide people with enough support to be open about their condition and to seek treatment.

McKinnon stressed the importance of decreasing discrimination in the medical community as well as in the general community “so that people can access their health system without being discriminated against.” Many patients must go to the same pharmacy for their medication every time, and there are volumes of paperwork that need to be filled out. These patients also have trouble getting in to see addictions and mental health professionals when they need to or are able to, which can set back their treatment in that area. “Often, they’re given an appointment that’s two months away and they can’t wait,” McKinnon said.


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