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NOVEMBER 28, 2019
The Sheaf Publishing Society
The University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis.
Artists of colour come together at CFCR to find solutions Racialized artists in Saskatoon struggle to maintain their heritage and find a space for their work. NATHALIE BAQUERIZO
Although artists of colour in the city come from different backgrounds, they face the same issues in practicing their craft. On Nov. 24, the segment “Banglar Gaan O Kotha” at the CFCR 90.5FM Community Radio hosted a conversation between artists of colour on the topic of how they have been underrepresented and tokenized in Canada. The focus of the talk show was how to move forward towards a positive solution. Jebunnessa Chapola, host of “Banglar Gaan O Kotha” and a Bangladeshi singer herself, organized the talk to shine a light
Russian dancer Olga Koughia speaks into the microphone during the CFCR “Banglar Gaan O Kotha” broadcast on Nov. 24, 2019. | Victoria Becker/ Photo Editor
on what she considers to be an under-explored issue in Saska toon. “As an insider of the South Asian community, I have observed that these artists are facing tremendous daily challenges to keep continuing their artistic growth here in our loving city, Saskatoon,” Chapola said. “Ethnic artists do not have a positive climate to cultivate more artists in their families and community
for multiple reasons.” Some of these reasons are financial. Chapola shares her concerns that artists of colour get a smaller audience and have to work other jobs in order to support themselves and their families. “In India, classical music and dance or singing takes hours and hours of practice. It’s a very tough form of art and many artists are busy with their survival jobs,”
Chapola said. “Some are doing two or three jobs, so at the end of the day they do not get the motivation or energy to go back to their musical life.” Nayar Javed, a local social justice activist, says that even when they do get opportunities to practice their art, there are still problems to face, including a lack of understanding of other cultures by the general public. “Multiculturalism has opened
Late marks, old news: A world without penalty
How many times have you received a mark-reduction penalty for handing in an assignment late? Sure, we all have our excuses. It goes without saying that most of our time management skills are probably lacklustre at best, and the constant barrage of unexpected complications thrown at us in life can make things extremely unpredictable. Not to mention the burnout you feel in the latter half of the semester. Given all these kinds of circumstances, what if you could not receive a late mark? No matter how late you handed in your assignment in the semester, a
penalty could not be given. Is that not the dream? At the Prairie Spirit School Division, this is very much a reality. As much as this no late-mark policy sounds akin to birds singing on a warm, spring morning, there are still many complications attached to it. First, students — especially those in high school — need discipline. Without the prospect of deducted marks, there is no strong incentive to hand in your work on time. It becomes significantly easier to push things off until the final week of classes. According to the Prairie Spirit School Division Learning Superintendent Dave Carter, the rules surrounding this policy are quite lax.
“In terms of consequences, schools deal with [late assignments] in a variety of ways. If [students] haven’t handed the work in by the deadline, maybe they have to work on it during break times,” Carter said. In theory, this may sound like the perfect solution, but considering that most of the schools operated by the Prairie Spirit School Division are located in small towns, most students would not have anything to do during break times regardless. A harsher punishment than losing a lunch break would have to be put into place. The manner in which students are held accountable in high school needs to translate well into the way they will be in
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At a glance: NEWS
How does having no penalty for late assignments affect high school students? CAMERON HEO
some spaces for us… At the same time those spaces are totally marginalized,” Javed said. “Instead of us passing on some intercultural understanding and enriching Canadian society and Canadian culture, we are usually treated as entertainers, which is a typical view of colonized subjects; to provide entertainment but they do not learn anything from us.”
the future. This policy does not prepare students in the way that it should. To illustrate, deadlines are much more strict and the workload more intense in university. If work is handed in late, instructors will often penalize the student by docking marks or not accepting the assignment at all. Even for people who decided not to pursue post-secondary education, most jobs will still have deadlines in some capacity. If students are not taught the habit of meeting certain target dates at a young age, it is not a skill they will have when they are older. This can seriously hurt them in the long run. Continued on to pg. 12
International students still ineligible for student union executive 2
Shelby Newkirk prepares for 2020 Tokyo 6 Paralympics
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Frozen II reminds viewers that the world is 10 changing
Call for Angel Cradle resonates with community