The Silhouette - August 4

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Est. 1930

Harpercomes to campus

Opponents rally support against downtown campus KACPER NIBURSKI ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR


Groups protest as PM announces scholarships BRIAN DECKER EXECUTIVE EDITOR

Prime Minister Stephen Harper made a visit to McMaster’s campus Wednesday, Aug. 3 to announce the recipients of the 2011 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships. Six McMaster students were named among the 167 recipients. The scholarships, which award graduate students $50,000 a year for up to three years, were created by the federal government in 2009 to attract and retain worldclass doctoral students from across Canada and abroad.

The Prime Minister was joined by, among others, Minister of State (Science and Technology) Gary Goodyear, Senator David Braley and Ancaster-DundasFlamborough-Westdale MP David Sweet. The ceremony was MC’d by McMaster president Patrick Deane. “[Hamilton] is very lucky to have one of the leading research institutions in the country,” commented Harper, who said McMaster was chosen as the site for the announcement because of its leading role among Canada’s world-class science and

technology institutions. “We’re so very proud of our students’ accomplishments,” said Deane. “For McMaster, this collective honour is a powerful recognition of the excellence our graduate programs and the students they attract.” McMaster’s recipients came across a broad range of disciplines. Among the recipients were: • Paul Johnson, working on a doctoral degree in Chemistry • Jonathan Lai, working on a

VOLUME 82, NO. 3

It has been called a “beachhead” by Hamilton officials, an “extraordinary opportunity” by McMaster’s dean of health Sciences John Keaton, and a “magnet for future core development” by distinguished members of Hamilton’s Academy of Medicine. But McMaster’s proposed downtown Hamilton Health Campus is not without contention, and a few major questions remain to be answered as the date to the General Issues Committee looms. Chief among the concerns are architectural adaptive reuse, financing from the City and leasing of the Public Health services. Plans for a Health Campus began in 2007 with a $50-million donation by businessman David Braley, $10-million of which was allocated for a multipurpose medical facility. The project inched one step closer to realization in May of 2008 when school board trustees at the HamiltonWentworth District School Board (HWDSB) unanimously approved the construction of the Family Health and Education Centre on shared portions of their Main and Bay Street location. The project failed to gain momentum, though, due to logistical and financial reasons, as well as what Hamilton Mayor Bob Bratina now calls a “lack of

communication.” Still, McMaster had to deal with the pressure of expanding the training in medical programs such as family medicine. Consequently, the project was built at McMaster’s Innovation Park on Longwood Road. With the HamiltonWentworth District School Board declaring the property on 100 Main Street West surplus in late March, McMaster and other public bodies such as Mohawk College were given the opportunity to bid for the property. Only McMaster showed interest in the project, and beginning in April 2011, it began work on the proposal that was approved on July 4 by the General Issues Committee, a committee comprised of all members of City Council. The agreed upon proposal currently calls for an eight-story, 217,000-square-foot LEED silver certified facility which would house 450 full-time employees, approximately 4,000 university students, 54,000 patient visits a year and 15 doctors-in-training. An 84,400-square-foot section would facilitate much of the city’s public health services such as the Shelter Health Network. In the proposal, a request has been issued to the City of Hamilton to provide a contribution of $20-million towards the $105-million project, as well as • PLEASE SEE ACTIVISTS, 3


The Canadian men’s basketball team is headed for Mac. See pg. 9 for details


The school board is located downtown at Main and Bay.



Activists want to save ‘prettiest’ building

Protests take place outside Harper visit • CONT’D FROM 1 on a doctoral degree in Neuroscience • Frances Lasowski, working on a Master’s of Applied Science in Biomedical Enginering and expected to begin doctoral work after August 2011 • Vinh Nguyen, working on a doctoral degree in English and Cultural Studies • Carolina Alba, working on a doctoral degree in Clinical Epidemiology • Sarah Dickin, working on a doctoral degree in Geography


The Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board stands as one of the few examples of modernist architecture in Hamilton. • CONT’D FROM 1 an additional $35-million – or $1.3 million dollars per year – in a 25-year leasing agreement for the collocation of the Public Health services into the site. Complications have arisen from the funding request. While councillors have approved of the $20-million capital contribution, they remain uneasy about the $35-million lease. Initially agreeing upon the Public Health integration with out much debate on July 4, many City officials are beginning to have doubts about the option - so much so that they have changed the wording in the staff recommendation about the relocation of public health from “will” to “may”. This is in spite of the encouragement from City Manager Chris Murray, as well as President of McMaster Patrick Deane, who called the integrated health campus “crucial.” By Aug. 31, City Council is to reach an agreement in terms of the Public

Health integration. To further the troubles of the proposal, questions have been raised about the City’s ability to fund the project. Whereas many councilors applauded the proposal itself, they were demurred by the potential costs. Initially it was agreed that $10-million from Hamilton’s hydro-legacy fund, the Future Fund, was to be set aside while other payment options would be discussed for the remaining $10-million. Some of the ideas suggested by City finance staff were dipping further into the Future Fund, loaning McMaster the $10-million or a debt finance of the City’s portion of the proposal. Not surprisingly, the council backed away from dipping into Future Fund grant in the following days. With only $20.7-million remaining in the Future Fund, many councillors were concerned about affordability issues. Questions arose about whether or not Hamilton has the wherewithal for such a project. “We are short of money,”

explained Ward 9 Councillor Brad Clark. Despite the lingering questions as to how exactly will the $20-million request be granted, the City has reaffirmed its funding commitment. In addition, a third issue has arisen to complicate the project. A handful of Hamilton activists are opposing McMaster’s plans to demolish the existing Board of Education Building at 100 Main Street West. The building was constructed in 1967 by celebrated architect Jerry Springer and is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful pieces of postmodern architecture in Hamilton, according to proponents of a campaign to keep the University from demolishing it. “It’s the prettiest building Hamilton has,” said businessman Roger Stermann. Matt Jelly, a Hamilton activist, has started a campaign and petition to keep the building, arguing that Hamilton has over 700,000 square feet in vacant lots

that would be more suitable to construction than the existing site. “Embracing our future shouldn’t require destroying our past,” say the posters Jelly has created on his JellyBlog website. The University has countered that the proposed site is necessary to allow the downtown Campus to flourish. “We’ve looked at pretty much every available piece of land, and what would work for this project, and this piece of land will allow the campus to maximize what it is able to do and bring to the city,” said Andrea Farquhar, Director of Public and Government Relations for McMaster. “We are not looking for office space; we are building a Health Campus which is going to provide clinical care and research space.” The University has also hired a heritage consultant to see if the architectural presence of the Board of Education building can be retained. The city is preparing for another General Committee meeting on Aug. 9.

More provincial cash comes to McMaster DINA FANARA


On the heels of last month’s Provincial government investment, the McGuinty government has opened its pockets again, this time announcing finding for science and engineering research. The province recently announced $5.6 million from the Ontario Research Fund will be

headed towards research at Mac. This announcement comes only a few short weeks after the unveiling of plans to build a new liberal arts building at McMaster, towards which the provincial government invested $45.5 million. Three specific fields of study will directly benefit from this most recent sum of money: the development of equipment capable of detecting levels of bacteria at

public beaches, enhancement of the sharing of healthcare data, and assistance in solving challenges of sustainability in manufacturing. Each project is led by a different professor at McMaster: Dr. Herb Schellhorn leads the bacteria detecting program, which was awarded $2.8 million of the $5.6 million allotted by the government to these studies. “Improving our ability

to monitor water resources is a key public health concern that requires effective interaction between governments, universities and industry,” Schellhorn told the McMaster Daily News. “Our project represents an important interaction between these partners that will facilitate the development of new diagnostic tools to help identify and remedy water contamination problems.”

Alba, a trained cardiologist who is also completing a research fellowship a Toronto General Hospital, met with Harper before the ceremony to show the Prime Minister some of her work. “The Vanier Scholarship will allow us to concentrate on our research, present our work at national and international conferences, and help us complete our training as outstanding researchers,” said Alba, a native of Argentina who came to McMaster in 2009. While the award ceremony took place inside University Hall, a smattering of protesters from a variety of backgrounds gathered outside to voice their displeasure with Harper’s policies and government. “Harper is saying he has a majority government, but he only got elected by 40 per cent of the population. 60 per cent who did vote told him ‘no’,” said Riaz Sayani-Mulji, a McMaster student who participated in the protests. Sayani-Mulji said a number of groups, including steel workers, poverty groups, women’s rights activists and anti-war protesters were among the 60-70 people gathered outside to voice their displeasure. “People were upset. It was good to see that such a diverse group was here. It wasn’t just students, it was a combination of people.” The protests became loudest before the ceremony, trailing off as participants and guests moved inside. SayaniMulji said it was hypocritical for the government to be taking credit for a funding announcement when accessibility to postsecondary education is a huge problem in Canada. “Harper’s here to make a funding announcement for education. But education is a problem in this country because of accessibility. Postsecondary education ought to be a right. Right now, most people can’t access education because of how expensive tuition is.”


EDITORIAL The Silhouette

McMaster University’s Student Newspaper

Editorial Board Brian Decker Executive Editor

Sam Colbert Managing Editor Jonathon Fairclough Production Editor Farzeen Foda News Editor Dina Fanara Assistant News Editor Kacper Niburski Assistant News Editor Andrew Terefenko Opinions Editor Fraser Caldwell Sports Editor Brandon Meawasige Senior Sports Editor Natalie Timperio InsideOut Editor Cassanda Jeffery InsideOut Editor Jemma Wolfe Senior andy Editor Josh Parsons andy Music Editor Myles Herod andy Entertain. Editor Tyler Hayward Senior Photo Editor Ricardo Padilla Photo Editor Joy Santiago Multimedia Editor Sonya Khanna Business Editor

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Contact Us McMaster University Student Centre, Room B110 McMaster University 1280 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8S 4S4  Fax: (905) 529–3208 E–Mail: Production Office (905) 525-9140, extension 27117 Advertising (905) 525-9140, extension 27557 6,000 circulation

Nobody does spoiled and whiny quite like Queen’s BRIAN DECKER EXECUTIVE EDITOR

It’s tough to be Queen’s University these days. The prestige that comes with being a student or alumnus of the red, blue and yellow is being threatened by the lesser peers from other downtrodden institutions as Waterloo, McMaster and – gasp – Guelph. That is, according to Queen’s principal Daniel Woolf, the situation that faces the distinguished institution in Kingston. A leaked letter from Woolf to another school official has revealed a state of great concern by the principal for the institution’s financial condition, need for enrolment reform, and, perhaps most notably, the concern at being considered on the same lowly level of academic excellence as some of the finest schools in the country. Woolf is right; Queen’s is in danger of slipping in reputation. But it’s not because of their financial situation or declining academic excellence. It’s because while schools like Waterloo, McMaster and Guelph move into the 21st century, Queen’s keeps trying to posture itself as some sort of old fashioned, Harvard or Yale of the north. “It would have been unthinkable 20 years ago that the quality reputation of undergraduate education at Queen’s would be challenged by Waterloo and McMaster … to say nothing of Guelph – but it is clearly happening,” said Woolf in the letter, likely penning the letter with a feathered pen in his lair with a glass of brandy and a butler at his service. This sounds like a spoiled, overgrown rich kid pouting that his less-fortunate but hardworking childhood friends have caught up to him in adulthood. You aren’t the most prestigious school in the province anymore just because your friends have been transforming themselves into world-class learning institutions? Deal with it. “The distinctive small-town Ivy League experience of a Queen’s education with its excellence in both teaching and research, should be embraced – it is this cachet that attracts students from around the world to Cornell and Dartmouth in the U.S. In Canada Queen’s is arguably the only university with this pedigree,” Woolf said. So let me get this straight: Kingston, a cold, windy town noted for its massive prison and an expansive student ghetto gives students that ‘distinctive small-town Ivy League experience’? Why? Maybe it’s because Queen’s students lead the nation in popped collars and lululemon pants. Nothing says university town like middle-class frat boys and daddy’s girls from suburbia, out on their adventurous own for the first time. Woolf makes it even worse for himself – and Queen’s – in the letter, lamenting the fact that the province now pays just 47 per cent of their operating budget as opposed to 74 per cent 20 years ago, and suggesting that more corporate partnerships (like those at Stanford and MIT) are needed for cash. So let’s get this straight: while more universities have been improving and making way for a better trained workforce, it’s unfair that Queen’s, a mid-sized university, doesn’t get enough taxpayer coin and should look to the private market for more money. Woolf’s letter, much as it wasn’t meant to be released, is a slap to the face of those who have helped places like Mac become world-class institutions. The Academic Ranking of World Universities, also known as the Shanghai Ranking, has listed Mac in the top-100 universities in the world for seven years. Queen’s isn’t on the list. Maybe that’s because the list is based on the quality of research and undergraduate education, not doing bad impressions of Ivy League schools.


Published by the McMaster Students Union

Write Us Opinions: Up to 600 words Letters: 100 to 300 words Submit via email by 5:00 p.m. the Monday before publication.

Legal The Silhouette welcomes letters to the editor in person at MUSC B110, or by email at Please include name, address, and telephone number for verification only. We reserve the right to edit, condense, or reject letters and opinion articles. Opinions expressed in The Silhouette are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editorial board, the publishers, or university officials. The Silhouette is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the McMaster Students Union. The Silhouette board of publications acts as an intermediary between the editorial board, the McMaster community, and the McMaster Students Union. Grievances regarding The Silhouette may be forwarded in writing to: McMaster Students Union, McMaster University Student Centre, Room 201, L8S 4S4, Attn: The Silhouette Board of Publications. The board will consider all submissions and make recommendations accordingly.


editor’s extension: 22052 letters:

Worth repeating: Editor’s note: the following is a response to the article ‘Liberal arts building poses questions’ from the July 7 edition of the Silhouette. While I applaud the plans to build a new Liberal Arts Building and am grateful not only for Lynton Wilson’s generous donation but also for the support of the Ontario Government, the question remains as to how to fund the ongoing operating costs of the additional 1275 students. The Silhouette article rightly mentions the added costs of “parking, cafeterias, residence and library space,” but regrettably omits to point out that either class sizes must increase, or new members of faculty must be engaged. I would add my personal view that the academic programs in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences have been starved of their deserved support in recent decades. My own experience convinces me that the contact that I greatly valued with students that I taught over 37 years is made more difficult with ever larger class sizes. With respect, Cameron Crowe Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering

to strawberries. to road cho-mo.

to the lack of thunderstorms. c’mon man.

to golf. sweet, sweet summer golf.

to feeble attempts at indoor golf.

to union market’s $1 deal on those surprisingly good rice chips.

to not having rice chips when you’re hella hungry.

to FOOTBALL. is under construction. for all your sil-ly needs and to read our paper in glorious pdf format, please visit: it’s great, even if you can’t make it into a pirate hat.

to awesome editors who help with summer issues. to seeing steve harper on campus. cool wednesday. to mac football players on team canada. to the festival of friends.

to the nba lockout. you have got to be kidding me. ugh. to queen’s. just in general. to steve harper. also just in general. to trying to teach yourself photog skillz. to late wednesdays. to no motown.




production office extension: 27117

Norway’s neglectful neighbours ANDREW TEREFENKO

to come, and why Norwegians are the minority in his workplace, overshadowed by the “Swedish menace.” If you are a country with really Catastrophe. The kind of disaster that happens on a large-enough scale to shake a serious problems, and those problems are country at its core, and the kind that struck being left on the to-do list for any reason, you must understand that your problems Norway last month. It wasn’t a fluke, a misfortune or a are going to bleed over the borders. Your cruel twist of fate, but rather the inevitable allies, your enemies and your everythingconclusion to a larger underlying problem. in-betweens are going to feel the full brunt A series of progressively worsening issues of your problem, causing a ceaseless chain of misery, often culminating in disastrous left unresolved for too long. A close friend of mine who lives events. Problems are rarely contained in Oslo, Norway felt the shock from the car bomb that day, but what he told me at their source, and this unremarkable phenomenon is here to stay. afterwards shocked me as well. The issue here is everyone is too “I knew something like this would concerned with internal economic affairs happen some day over here,” he said. He was repulsed by the events, but at the moment to give two shits about not surprised, which made it imperative that their neighbours, which is only going to exacerbate the situation. I investigate further. I can apply this situation in a He went on to say how the majority student scenario as well. of people he knew at work I skip a class because I were uncomfortable with I knew something If wanted to sleep, I don’t have recent immigration policies like this would the notes to lend the friend in the country. Apparently, who missed class because happen some day these were views shared of the flu. It sucks for the by the mastermind of over here. friend, but I have my own the recent crisis, Anders sleeplessness issues to worry Breivik. about, so I can’t be bothered How did the to take the initiative to change my ways for immigration policies become a problem? I, my ailing friend. of course, asked and was given a play-byI think this is simply the fallout play of the events leading up to the negative of globalization. With our world becoming public opinion. Sweden’s remarkably-high starting more closely connected, so too are our flaws salaries attracted many immigrants from and toxic elements. We can applaud and other areas of Europe struggling with their rave because our world is one where we can economies. This caused a large amount travel from Tokyo to Munich in half a day of newly unemployed and irate Swedish or talk to someone there in a slice of that citizens to haul ass to Norway and take time, but we are unaware that our national advantage of their lax immigration policies issues are on that plane with us, waiting to and make a living. This of course sparked a poison our enemies and allies of past and glimmer of dormant rage in the Norwegians future. It’s time the world sees how now usurped by the Swedes willing to work continents have stopped existing, as we are for less, and for one particular Norwegian now living in a digital Pangaea, along with fellow to cease being dormant altogether. the responsibilities that come with such a This is the reason why my friend believes this is not the last of the disaster life. Norway is likely going to take OPINIONS EDITOR


The Norwegian volcano Beerenberg stayed dormant throughout the crisis in Norway last month, unlike the explosive eruption by Anders Breivik. notice and start reviewing the laws that inspired such a massacre. I hope that is not what is takes for us to review policies that make the majority unhappy. I would really like to go to sleep knowing my Norwegian friend is not going to be on the wrong side of another car bomb, and I am certain he would too.

When a dormant volcano erupts, we do not blame the lava as a cause. We blame the centuries of tectonic shifts that formed the volcano in the first place. It’s our responsibility as humans in this new era to reduce the tectonic shifting in our political climate, I just hope we realize that before the next eruption.

What you call annoying, I call timely commentary JOY SANTIAGO


I haven’t been to a movie theatre in ages. Well, not ages, more like a year. So when I’m sitting there between a couple of friends accompanied by the sound of my rumbling tummy (since movie popcorn is worth my liver) and the lights dim and the speakers start to pick up, I cannot help but comment on the queue of trailers that make their rounds on screen. Planet of the Apes? More like, Planet of the CrApes! Twilight? I’m sure Robert Pattinson has given up; his sparkle is actually due to the tears of bitter disappointment that swathe his body. Does Kirsten Stewart think that holding her breath throughout the movie will make the nightmare go faster? Now I remember why I always hesitate when friends invite me to watch movies on the big screen: I cannot shut up. Jokes, puns and offensive commentary run up and

down my spine from the underbelly of my amygdalas and make their way into the world--do or die; say or die. It could be the nature of the movie itself: major plot holes and unexplained character motivations could be so undeniably asinine one cannot help but find an outlet. For me, instead of walking out, throwing popcorn or twitching silently in body-shivering secondhand embarrassment, I heap on the silly jokes and commentary. A couple of years ago, I was unfortunate enough to be sucked into watching Black Christmas with some friends. For the lucky ones, Black Christmas was a B-list slasher movie (which oddly enough did not go straight to DVD) that was too disturbing to be taken seriously. Outside the theatre, I remembered asking my friends repeatedly, “Are you serious?!”, “Seriously?”, “Really? We’re watching this...THIS?!”, but when we sat down and the ominous, gory title flashed on screen I already had a sling of quips lined up for the movie’s title.

Needless to say, I was the only one who enjoyed the film... even if my friends labeled me an unfit movie buddy as punishment and have since then only invited me to boring and predictable social get-togethers. The problems I have with theatres is exactly this. I cannot pause and play anytime to sneak in a comment or two without ruining the movie for others. If movie dates were fun we’d be able to talk about it, laugh as long and as loud as we want and crack some jokes as it plays, even if it is serious...even if you are really into it. Personally, the idea of holding off till the end to say your piece is not the same as the heat of the moment. But... to save the working class who actually pay to watch and make sense of a movie and to give my utmost respect to the directors and actors who want an audience that actually pays attention, I’ll be turning down the movie dates, and instead, opt for snuggling it up at home with my DVD player and the best listener in the world: myself.



I am a devout Liberal, and I’m a big fan of Jack Layton. Part of the reason is that my grandparents, long-time residents of the town of Hudson, Quebec knew and liked the Laytons. My grandfather was Jack’s high school English teacher, and while he’ll swear on his deathbed that he had no part in teaching Jack’s speaking through his trademark smile, he often speaks of Jack very fondly. The other part is that Jack Layton is just so damn likeable. It was impossible not to root for him just a little bit during the past campaign, especially on his victorious election night when he walked across the stage, his now iconic cane raised in victory. We know that Jack was diagnosed with, and treated for, prostate cancer in early 2010 and by all accounts had recovered until a new bout of hip pain – the result of a fracture – in March 2011. Now, four months later, Jack has been diagnosed with a second cancer unrelated to his first, which begs the question: What was the level of Jack’s health during the campaign? On day one of the campaign, immediately after the Government fell to a nonconfidence vote, the leaders of the major parties individually met with the press to face the basic questions. After Michael Ignatieff botched the “will you try to form a coalition government?” question, Layton took the podium and was promptly asked if his health would be an issue during the campaign. He looked directly into the camera and said no, even indicating that the cane would only be necessary for another week – solely as a precaution. However, it now seems that the cane was much more than a stage prop, as links between prostate cancer and bone cancer that begins in the hip/pelvis area are reported. Furthermore, considering the enthusiasm with which he ran his campaign, and the state his health must have been in, it’s likely that Jack was taking strong prescription medication to get him through his events. It’s a question that stems from my too many hours watching The West Wing – should politicians disclose their health issues to the public? I believe the short answer is ‘yes’. It’s not that I don’t respect even a politician’s right to privacy, particularly when it concerns deeply personal matters, and in Jack’s defence he did inform the public about his hip surgery and that he was being treated for cancer on each occasion. Unlike some, I don’t need the details of his treatment, types and times – though the cause of his hip fracture may have been warranted. However, during an election campaign, as a member of the voting public, I need to know if there’s going to be an issue with the health of my candidate, especially in the current state of Canadian politics where the party leader is the definition of the party – particularly for the NDP. Simply put, Jack Layton is the NDP. The ‘Orange Wave’ that swept across Quebec, giving the NDP their first ever official opposition status was not a vote in


Jack Layton’s campaign trail health seemed fair, but do we truly know?

support of the party, but in support of the man. One has to wonder, if you knew the man wouldn’t be around (and god willing he’ll make a full recovery and be back soon) would the votes have gone the same way? While not at the forefront of politics in Canada, health-related issues have dogged American politicians. In the U.S. Republican Presidential hopeful Michelle Bachman has recently dodged questions on rumours that she has severe migraines that can prevent her from functioning for days, calling into question her ability to confidently lead the world’s most powerful nation. During the last presidential campaign Senator John McCain’s age became a central issue, magnifying his choice of Vice-President over fears that he’d succumb to old age during the rigors of holding office. John F. Kennedy’s Addison’s Disease required him to be heavily medicated during his Presidency and the story goes that Ronald Reagan’s Alzheimer’s got so bad that he couldn’t remember meetings right after they happened, forcing his wife Nancy to conduct many of the Presidential responsibilities in secret. Knowledge of the health of national leadership – be it head of state, leader of the opposition or candidate, is always in the interest of the voting public. In The West Wing President Bartlett is ultimately censured for not disclosing his illness – an easy sentence when talk of impeachment was being thrown around. While The West Wing is, you know, fictional, and Layton in his capacity as Leader of the Opposition has nowhere near the responsibilities of the President of the United States, politicians owe it – especially during a campaign – to their constituents and the electorate in general to be open and honest about the status of their health so that the voting public can make an informed decision unto whom they will grant their trust for the upcoming session.




production office extension: 27117

Textbook takedown Two Mac students have taken to the web to help their peers fight back against the rising cost of textbooks majority of students. DefineBooks is an easy to use website which allows students to interact with other students from McMaster and the Toronto area. The idea sprouted when Gorjizdeh and Spense, two McMaster undergraduates, enough sleep; became fed up with the tedious and will the madness expensive routine of buying school ever end? We could always textbooks. “We decided to put our skills to pray for Canada’s government to use and create a localized environment for subsidize our education fees, but that could students to buy and sell textbooks in a more be like waiting for a day off during your efficient manner,” states Gorjizdeh. The DefineBook ‘five job’ escapade—useless founders advocate that and ultimately depressing. Textbooks for a students do not need to All hope for financial sovereignty presumably university student can pay hundreds of dollars for textbooks, by using seems to be dashed. M c M a s t e r cost $300 to $700 per this fashionably designed modern website, students Alborz Gorjizdeh semester and nearly and and Andreas Spence, $3,000 in a four-year students can save money and avoid the frivolous however, have created an organization that provides degree. It’s not just task of “buybacks” every September; which as students with cheap absurd; it’s not textbooks and a flicker of financially possible. Gorjizdeh suggests provides “students with a very small hope. fraction of what they spent.” In retaliation Understanding to soaring book costs, Gorjizdeh and Spence have created DefineBooks is simple, if you’re a student DefineBooks, a website dedicated to looking to sell textbooks essentially you liberating students of stressful financial have a four step process to ensure success: burdens. Textbooks for a university student check out the site at, sign up can cost anywhere from $300 and $700 per by entering your name and e-mail address, semester; that’s $600 to $1400 a year and post a description of the books you wish $2400 to $2800 for a four year undergraduate to sell and update your posts frequently. degree. The cost of textbooks is not only • PLEASE SEE WEBSITE, 8 absurd; it’s financially not possible for the



The definition of summer according to your typical college student reads something like this: a partially dedicated performance to various part-time jobs which provide little time for anything slightly spontaneous, fun, or exciting. An over-worked, underpaid college student rarely has time for fun in the

ryan and trevor

sun. Why?

Because you’re typical college student is pre-occupied with the overwhelming fear of being absolutely poor during the school term. Because you’re typical college student is continuously exhausting themselves with five jobs plus babysitting to pay for rent, food, books, and tuition. Yes, it is true, a student’s life is filled with excessive amounts of debt and not


ACCESORIES trevor’s fedora: tennessee, $15 ryan’s glasses: festival of friends vendor, $5

SHOES trevor: winners, $20 ryan: somewhere in italy, $15



Website aims to help curb cost of books

Efficient marketplace needed online • CONT’D FROM 7 If you’re a student looking to buy simply search the textbooks desired, it’s that easy, it’s that effective, and it’s that cheap. Behind the screen, a team of three students, Gorjizdeh, Spense, and Rodrigo Flores, control the web development, database management, and marketing for the site. The eager entrepreneurs are working towards getting more people involved through the initiative of a McMaster DefineBooks club. Furthermore, the students are pushing for an expansion within several other schools in the GTA and have created one of the websites newest implementations—“the ability to integrate your book postings with social media, such as Facebook and Twitter,” says Gorjizdeh. Gorjizdeh also clarifies the difference in convenience between DefineBooks and other most commonly used textbook sources, such as Facebook, Kijiji, Titles, etc, as he states “market-type websites for university students are not well established and there is no easy way to get quick and reliable transactions with your

fellow classmates. Define’s most admired asset will be our user interface which allows students to easily search textbooks based on program, subject, and year of study.” The creators pride themselves on the functionality of their website as Gorjizdeh states, “the way we designed the site, students will be able to post a book, post their contact information, and let the site do its work for them.” Although Gorjizdeh describes DefineBooks has a functional way to buy books cheaply, the question remains whether McMaster students be willing to use a website over the convenience of buying books right from campus. In response, Gorjizdeh reminds students of just how much school textbooks can cost and how significant the savings can be (potentially half the cost) when dealing through student-run DefineBooks. Perhaps buying books through McMaster is more convenient, however a little effort can go a long way in terms of how much money you have piling up in your pocket at the end of the day and it seems obviously clear how much we could all use a little extra dough.

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Bringing your phone to class - and not to screw around! BRIAN DECKER EXECUTIVE EDITOR McMaster professors and a pair of entrepreneurs from Waterloo are hoping Mac students bring their laptops, cell phones and tablets to class this year. A handful of McMaster professors are planning to introduce Top Hat Monocle, a classroom participation tool that can be used on existing devices such as cell phones, tablets, iPods and laptops, to their lectures this year. The in-class response system, invented by two University of Waterloo students in 2009, is similar to an iClicker and is aimed at improving class participation and attendance for professors by providing polls, demos and games. Students pay $20 per semester to download the system. iClickers go for $41.95 at Titles bookstore and upwards of $30 used online. “It helps you get immediate feedback for whether your students are following or not, and lets you know what material you need to review in more detail,” said Dr. Anne Pearson, a Mac prof who teaches World Religions 1A06. Pearson said there are benefits to having students pay attention in class, and that students who don’t go to lecture or only get notes from Avenue To Learn or other students don’t perform as well.

“Students can be unhappy or unresponsive at lectures if they don’t pay attention, and they bring laptops or their cell phones with them anyway.” Other Mac profs who are using the system include Dr. Yaser Haddara, Dr. Mauren Padden and Dr. Philippa Carter. Top Hat Monocle was created by Waterloo engineering grads Mohsen Shahini and Mike Silagadze, who got the idea from attending too many unengaging lectures as a student. The system is a web-based application that users can download to interact with an in-class administrator through a wi-fi connection or text messaging. “A lot of the time lectures aren’t exactly scintillating. Now, almost every student has [a device that can use Top Hat Monocle] with them when they go to class,” said Silagadze, the company’s CEO. “I always found that classes were a very passive experience. This helps students pay attention and get engaged,” he said. Silagadze says the company’s initial business model proposed free downloads for students, but that in order for enough university clients to catch on, it was necessary to charge a fee to stay in business. In addition to McMaster, clients across Canada and in the United States have started using the system, including Auburn University, Florida State University and University of California Los Angeles.




production office extension: 27117

gains from Red and white at Mac Marauder overseas experience Medeiros lines up next to ex-teammate Glover at Austrian event FRASER CALDWELL SPORTS EDITOR


Canada hopes to have Miami Heat centre Joel Anthony (above) for their Aug. 14 contest. BRIAN DECKER McMaster’s Burridge bring international competition EXECUTIVE EDITOR Gym will host the Canadian Senior to Canadian soil,” said Maurizio Men’s Basketball Team as part Gherardini, Managing Director of Canada’s best basketball players of the fifth annual Jack Donohue Canada’s Senior Men’s National are coming to McMaster in International Classic, a two-game Team. August. exhibition against Belgium on “Both Ryerson and And while such a Saturday, Aug. 14. McMaster University have statement would usually please The teams will also play great facilities for world class McMaster men’s basketball coach the night before in Toronto at competition, and the basketball Amos Connolly, it won’t be to play Ryerson University. • PLEASE SEE HIGH, A10 for or even against the Marauders. “We are thrilled to

It’s not often that Jason Medeiros has the luxury of playing football in front of 20,000 fans, but he managed to do just that earlier this summer. Medeiros, a member of McMaster’s vaunted offensive line who is entering his fourth year in maroon and grey, was a part of the Canadian national squad put together to compete at the IFAF Senior World Championships in Austria over the course of a week in mid-July. The showcase of American football – as the sport is termed in the international arena to differentiate it from soccer – meets every four years and brings together many of the world’s top pigskin players. This year’s event marked the first time that Canada had fielded an entry into the tournament, and indeed assembled a senior national team of any kind. It was as part of this inaugural squad that Jason Medeiros found himself halfway across the globe and inside a well-populated Ernst Happel Stadium. Even now, half a month since the final game of the tournament, Medeiros marvels at the fan turnout the event enjoyed. “I was expecting some big numbers, but the reality was absolutely crazy,” said the lineman. “We had 5,000 people come out for our round robin games and around 20,000 for our final against the US. The fan response just blew my mind.” The experience of playing in Europe was itself a novelty for Medeiros, who speaks glowingly of the Austrian cities that housed the competition. “The experience overseas was phenomenal. We were in these beautiful cities in Austria, moving between Graz, Innsbruck, and Vienna. The added atmosphere of being around some of the top players in the world just made the football that much better.” Playing as part of a hastily drawn up national squad

such as the Canadian one that competed in Austria presented a steep challenge to Medeiros and his teammates, who had to move quickly to gell into a cohesive team. Nonetheless, the Marauder veteran insists that the obstacle was entirely worth overcoming. “The learning curve was unbelievable,” said Medeiros. “A lot of the guys I was with were guys that I had only heard about and who made their names before my time. They’ve all had their shots at the CFL level, and some of them had already played there.” “Learning from guys like that was amazing. All of their experience and knowledge just brought a whole new level to my game.” The theme of experience extends beyond the players on the field however, as the Canadian team boasted a coaching staff picked from the cream of the CIS crop. Headed up by the man with the most coaching wins in Canadian university history, Larry Haylor, the staff included such luminaries as Western’s current bench boss Greg Marshall and St. Mary’s Huskies’ guru Steve Sumarah. For his part, Medeiros indicates that serving under such a distinguished and varied set of coaches was a uniquely beneficial opportunity. “Each one brought something different to the game, and what they bring is unique to their style of play,” said the lineman. “ Learning from all of those different perspectives was really rewarding.” Thrust into such a fertile environment, one would think that Medeiros and his teammates had much to learn. Beyond any technical lesson however, the Marauder believes that the most valuable aspect of his international experience was the cohesive nature of the Canadian camp. “The idea of team unity was huge,” said Medeiros. “Before we started the tournament, we had • PLEASE SEE BURR., A10



Burridge plays host to Team Canada Jack Donohue International Classic to see Canada take on Belgium • CONT’D FROM 9 fans in Toronto and Hamilton are excited for the opportunity to see Canada’s team before the FIBA Americas Championship.” It won’t be the first time the senior men’s squad has set foot on the floor at the Burridge, either; Mac played host to the Jack Donohue International Classic in 2009 and 2006, dueling with Lebanon, New Zealand and Brazil. Canada is currently ranked 26th of 75 teams in the FIBA rankings. Belgium is not ranked but includes on its roster New Orleans Hornets centre DJ Mbenga. This year’s team hopes to include multiple current NBA players, including Miami Heat starting centre Joel Anthony as well as guards Andy Rautins and Cory Joseph, both of whom were picks in the past two NBA drafts. Other notable players include former Carleton Ravens starter Aaron Doornekamp and former NCAA stars Levon Kendall and Denham Brown. The team also includes veterans Jermaine Anderson and Carl English, who have multiple years of experience with the team. “Our team is eager to play in front

of passionate Canadian basketball fans once again at home, as we prepare for a busy summer of training for the FIBA Americas,” said Leo Rautins, Head Coach of the Senior Men’s National Team. The team is preparing for the FIBA Americas Championship, which will be held in Argentina from late August into September this year. A top two finish, while difficult against strong teams like Argentina, Dominican Republic and Brazil, would guarantee a spot in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, while a top-five finish would enter them into a subsequent Olympic qualifier. “We have a core group of guys coming back this year looking forward to playing in front of friends and family before heading out to Argentina.” “We are grateful that Team Belgium is willing to participate in the Jack Donohue International Classic as we train and continue to build our program,” said coach Rautins. Tickets for both dates of the JDIC are on sale now. Tickets are $10 and are general admission seating. Groups of 10 or more can purchase tickets for $8 each. For more ticket information, visit

High level play helps Mac in quest for OUA title • CONT’D FROM 9 an exercise that we did where we each had thirty seconds to sign the team flag. It brought home what we were playing for, and what it meant to be representing Canada. It really brought us together that way.” While many of the Canadian players were strangers to the fourth year Marauder, he continually had a friendly face by his side in the form of longtime teammate and fellow offensive lineman Justin Glover. Glover, a two-time All-Canadian as a centre with the Marauders, graduated following this past season and recently attended training camp with the CFL’s Saskatchewan Roughriders before being released. His presence was a perpetual help to the younger Medeiros, for whom Glover had served as a mentor and invaluable friend in the trenches for the past three seasons. “It was great to be reunited with Justin,” remarked Medeiros. “Especially while we were playing in what felt like a whole new world in Austria.” “We’ve had good chemistry together going back to my first year when we played the same position and he taught me more than anyone else outside the coaching staff.” “From that point forward we were playing side by side, and the chemistry just kept improving from there. We just feel so comfortable playing beside one another.” Now, with the international adventure of July behind him, Medeiros

looks to bring his wealth of new experience to bear as a Marauder. The CIS football season is quickly approaching, and McMaster harbours great expectations for a squad that remains largely intact and rich in talent nearly across the board. Medeiros himself shares in the belief that the Marauders have a golden opportunity this year to progress to the furthest stages of the varsity calendar. “Our expectations going into this season are just through the roof,” said the lineman. “We feel as a team that we’re so well rounded as an entire unit and so prepared that, realistically speaking, not making it to the OUA Finals would feel like a failure.” For his part, he believes that his time with Team Canada will make him all the more prepared to face the fierce competition of the OUA. “After being part of an event like this, and playing with such high caliber players, this season is definitely going to feel a little bit easier knowing what I’ve been through,” said Medeiros. Every advantage is a crucial one for the lineman and his teammates, as they set their sights on vying for the Yates Cup this fall. But with Medeiros gaining crucial experience at the international level, and quarterback Kyle Quinlan competing against CFL-calibre athletes at the TigerCats training camp, the Marauders appear to be firmly on the road to contention.


Denham Brown currently enjoys a starting guard position with Team Canada.


Colour, light and optimism Upandcomers hue are a band to keep eyes – and ears – on. With the recent release of their second album, Starting Fires, this Torontobased pop-rock band is slowly making a name for themselves in the GTA and beyond. A quintet of twentysomethings, hue exudes happiness, talent, and a thoroughly Canadian friendly energy. As their name suggests, hue is all about colour and light – a refreshingly optimistic group of people in an increasingly complex world. Frontman and vocalist Danny Paton Jr. elaborates, “it originally [was an acronym for] ‘human use of the earth’; just like what we do with our time on earth. For us, that’s making music.” hue found their roots in the London, Ontario, music scene. They met in high school, and through their common love of Blink 182 and Neil Young, started making music together. Originally in different bands, some of the band members “actually played a battle of the bands against each other once,” Danny laughingly told me. That was five years ago, and now hue is as unified as ever. The original trio of Darcy Finck on guitar, Andy Schmidt on the drums, and Danny Paton Jr on vocals and guitar, has expanded over the past few years. Andrew Jones now slaps the bass and Jessica Paton – Danny Paton Jr’s sister – croons backup vocals and plays keyboard. They’re a combination of musicians that really work, each

andy’s Jemma Wolfe looks at how Toronto-based hue brings a refreshing tint and an optimistic energy to home-grown pop rock

London-bred and Toronto-based hue played the Cashbah in Hamilton on July 28 and will be in Burlington this Friday. lending their own element to the band’s rich sound. On July 28, hue performed at the Casbah in downtown Hamilton. It’s clear that the stage is hue’s happy place. Rumors of the band’s live performance surpassing the energy and quality of their recorded works are absolutely true. hue took the stage in a flurry of excitement and childish enthusiasm. They were just as eager to perform as the crowd was to watch them. Danny smiled through every song; Jessica danced to every beat.

Their set was a consistently upbeat journey through Starting Fires, only broken up by humble thanks and friendly chatter to the audience. It’s no surprise that hue is so comfortable in front of a crowd – they’ve learned their stage chops from some of the best indie bands around. hue has had the pleasure of supporting such acts as USS, Two Hours Traffic, Said the Whale, Lights, and Mother Mother – a topic they discuss with modesty. “It’s really cool to meet all those bands, since they’re the ones that inspire us,” Darcy said.

“They’re all really friendly, down to earth people,” Jessica added. The release of their first music video for the new single “Bump” has left hue riding a fresh wave of excitement over the band’s bright future. “Bump” is the newest track they’ve written, and also the one they’re most animated about. As Darcy enthused, “We’re psyched on ‘Bump’ right now.” The video depicts a fun-loving house-party scene, and the lyrics are happy and light. hue agrees that the song and video very much embody what the band as a whole is all about.

“We want that [energy] to be what people think of when they think about our band,” Danny explained. The band plans to keep playing shows as often as their can and get their name mainstream. For a band who loves music, each other, and performing as much as they do, this should be no mean feat. As Jessica closed with, “Knowing that I had a show tonight got me through the day. It’s euphoria for me” hue can next be seen at the Red Rooster Café in Burlington on August 5, and at Paddy Flaherty’s in Sarnia on Aug. 19.

cd review:

hot sauce committee part two - beastie boys Hot Sauce Committee Part Two, the Beastie Boys’ eighth studio album, verifies their continuing and strong presence in the punk-rap scene. It’s easy to spot the similar style between the older Beastie Boys music, and the tracks they’re producing today. Since 1979 the Beastie Boys have been a dynamic trio of New York City rappers, who distinctively bounce lyrics around each other and over heavy punk beats. Hot Sauce Committee Part

Two delivers the same lyrical punch. “Make Some Noise” is the most notable track on the album, distinctive for its funky keyboards and a healthy dose of cowbell, making it another Beastie Boys classic. The song “Tadlock’s Glasses” failed to deliver, as the track was weighed down with too many effects. Overall, however, this was a decent album, and will be found enjoyable if you’re looking for an upbeat, crazy listening experience.

overall rating: 3/5 for fans of: Run D.M.C., Cypress Hill review by matthew kerr



Heating up the Hammer Nothing beats Woodstock. No, I’m not talking about the North-Quad residence on McMaster’s campus. I’m referring to the legendary music festival during the summer of 1969 in a farmer’s field in New York state. Woodstock has reached an iconic status, thoroughly ingrained in pop culture. It’s hard to imagine what it must have been like to be there; the noise, the people, living and breathing the “sex, drugs and rock n’ roll” cliché. Our generation has spearheaded a new wave of summer music festivals Lollapalooza, Bonnaroo and Osheaga are among the most notable. And although you

of being at Gage Park, the Festival of Friends will call the Ancaster Fairgrounds home for the first time. Featuring City and Colour, the Arkells, and America over three days of free outdoor music, won’t catch The Who or the entertainment, exotic food this festival is impossible Grateful Dead play like those stalls and craft vendors to turn down. Food and lucky Woodstock attendees will be in Bayfront Park, merchandise vendors will did, local music festivals even following a parade that will also be offering a selection here in Hamilton offer a fun begin at City Hall. For more of the usual fried cuisine and evening out on a hot summer information, visit www. homemade crafts for sale. For night. Some summer festivals more information, visit www. to look forward to, include: When: August 5 – 6 Where: Parade in the When: August 5 – 7 2011 Hamilton Mardi Gras downtown core; Festival at Where: Ancaster What: Celebrating its 10th Bayfront Park, Hamilton Fairgrounds, Ancaster anniversary, this Caribbean Cost: Free Cost: Free Carnival offers a diverse festival of music, dance and Festival of Friends Artsfest Canada international cuisine. Live What: After over 30 years What: This festival is an eclectic explosion of all things artistic. From edgier Jump right in: Winnipeg-bred blues rocker will hop in to Hamilton Place physical art installations and next Thursday, Aug. 11. The crossover country artist has been making waves spoken word performances, across the country and will be joined by Chris Carmichael and Joanna Miller. to classic live renditions of Broadway show tunes and a DJ dance party Saturday night, this festival explores the wide scope of what art is. For more information, visit When: August 5 – 7 Where: Gage Park, Hamilton Cost: Free

With summer winding down, here’s a look at the concert and festival lineup for the rest of summer in the Hamilton area. by jemma wolfe

Cactus Festival What: A Dundas favourite for the past 36 years, the Cactus Festival is a Hamilton summer staple. The quaint main drag in Dundas is transformed into a bustling centre of live music, food vendors, and a diverse selection of international wares for sale. A small midway is also featured. For more information, visit www. When: August 19 - 21 Where: King St W, Dundas Cost: Free Harvest Picnic What: This outdoor concert located in the gorgeous Dundas conservation area offers an impressive lineup for folk-rock music fans: Daniel Lanois, Ray Lamontagne, Emmylou Harris and Gord Downie (of the Tragically Hip) are among the many stars Harvest Picnic will showcase. For more information, visit When: August 27 Where: Christie Lake Conservation Area, Dundas Cost: $66.50 +tax; available on Ticketmaster

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