The Silhouette - August 11, 2016

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SPORTS MAAR WORLDWIDE After a stellar 2016, the men’s volleyball star heads to Italy. Page 14

ARTS & CULTURE A GUIDE TO HAMILTON This spread shows you all the best downtown spots. Page 12-13

OPINION VP ELECTIONS Should SRA ballots be open or closed? Page 9

The Silhouette Thursday, August 11, 2016

P U S ’ T A H W

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set to is ll a H n o s L.R. Wil a year , r e b m e t p e open in S xpected e l a in ig r o s after it ate. We d n io t le p m co n what o y r o t s e h t have happened.

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The Silhouette

Volume 87, Issue 3






Thursday, August 11, 2016 McMaster University’s Student Newspaper


EDITORIAL BOARD editor-in-chief |

Scott Hastie @Scott1Hastie managing editor |

Rachel Katz production editor | Nick Bommarito online editor | Haley Greene sections

Gali Katznelson news reporter Steven Chen news reporter Sasha Dhesi features reporter Alex Florescu opinions editor Shane Madill sports editor Cullum Brownbridge sports reporter Vacant! arts & culture editor Daniel Arauz arts & culture reporter Michelle Yeung news editor


Madeline Neumann photo reporter Yung Lee video editor Philip Kim social media coordinator Jasmine Ellis photo editor

sales ad manager |

Sandro Giordano

Front page photo courtesy of Fraser Caldwell



MUSC, Room B110 McMaster University 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4S4

The Silhouette welcomes letters to the editor in person at MUSC B110, or by email at Please include name, address and telephone number for verification only. Letters should be 300 words or less. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters and opinion articles. Opinions and editorials expressed in the Silhouette are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editorial board, the publishers, the McMaster Students Union or the University. The Silhouette is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the McMaster Students Union. The Silhouette Board of Publications acts as an intermediary between the editorial board, the McMaster community and the McMaster Students Union. Grievances regarding the Silhouette may be forwarded in writing to: McMaster Students Union, McMaster University Student Centre, Room 201, L8S 4S4, Attn: The Silhouette Board of Publications. The Board will consider all submissions and make recommendations accordingly.

Editor-in-Chief (905) 525-9140, ext 22052 Main Office (905) 525-9140, ext 27117 Advertising (905) 525-9140, ext 27557 3,000 summer circulation published by the


A different time Students were more open in the Feedback section and apparently, really adventurous during Welcome Week. The Naked Hot Tub party raises questions and may also explain why McMaster event waivers specifically ask about hot tubs. And hey Joel: lighten up, bud! | August 11, 2016

The Silhouette

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News Liberal arts building set to open The unveiling has been delayed a year due to construction issues

Wilson Hall brings more lecture space and a professional concert hall to campus SCOTT HASTIE/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Scott Hastie Editor-in-Chief

Better late than never. A year after the originally proposed completion date, the L.R. Wilson Hall building is set to open in Sept. 2016. When the project was announced, McMaster University said the building would open in Sept. 2015. Despite the delay, the building is on budget for $55.5 million. Ground was officially broken for the building on May 31, 2013, but a variety of factors led to a 12-month delay. “[Wilson Hall] is probably one of the most complex and complicated construction projects the university has undertaken because the building itself is comprised of a number of unique pieces within it,” said Gord Arbeau, Director of Com-

munications at McMaster. The list of Wilson Hall features is impressive: it will house lecture theatres, classrooms, interactive teaching spaces, research centres, the McMaster Indigenous Studies program offices, a 350-seat professional concert hall, a black box theatre for a variety of performances, and underground parking. “All of that under one roof is a very complicated and complex project,” Arbeau said of the building that will be shared by the social science and humanities faculties. The main issue happened when the construction crew went below the surface. “The water table was higher than we had thought. The 400seat lecture hall is actually 50 feet below surface at its deepest point so that’s a complicated construction process to build that piece of it. The delay is real-

ly around those issues,” Arbeau said. Weather also played a factor in the delay. The winter of 2014 was so cold on some days Arbeau says that they had to cease operations as some construction actions could not be completed. Come September and the return of students, Wilson Hall will open its doors for classes. It may not be completely ready for much more than teaching and learning, though. “Our goal is to have [the building] fully operational. What might happen over the course of the month of September, we might have some faculty and some administrative staff moving in over the course of that as opposed to being for the first day of classes,” Arbeau said. Arbeau reiterated that teaching and learning space would be operational for stu-

dents and getting those rooms ready was the “priority.” The five-floor building is going to be the headquarters for liberal arts students, housing staff from the humanities and social sciences faculties. Wilson Hall, named after McMaster chancellor Lynton (Red) Wilson and his $10 million donation, is 62,000 square feet in size. There will also be a student lounge for humanities and social science students among other amenities. It is a welcome addition to campus. University enrolment has risen 5.1 per cent from 2010 to 2015 and the squeeze on campus space has become more significant with each passing year. McMaster expects to host a walkthrough opening event for Wilson Hall in September, with dates set to be determined. With Wilson Hall nearing completion, the university looks

ahead to its next major construction project: the Living and Learning Centre. While the LLC is similar in that it is a complex and multi-purpose building, the university said they do not anticipate any delays. There will be “activity” in the construction area over the next few months.

“[Wilson Hall] is probably one of the most complex and complicated construction projects the university has undertaken ...” Gord Arbeau Director, Communications McMaster University

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August 11, 2016 |

Mac developing sexual assault policy Bill 132 mandates that all universities and colleges have a policy by January 2017 Sasha Dhesi News Reporter

McMaster is in the process of developing a policy addressing sexual assault, as mandated by the Liberal government. The policy is being spearheaded by various groups on campus like the Human Rights and Equity Services, the President’s Advisory Committee on Building an Inclusive Community, and the MSU’s Women and Gender Equity Network. In March 2015, the Liberal government passed Bill 132, also known as the “It’s Never Okay” policy, which updated the sexual assault and harassment legislation in Ontario. One part of this bill specifically targets sexual assault on university campuses. In the last few years alone,controversies have arisen at many prominent Ontario universities, and these universities found themselves ill-equipped to deal with these situations. The policy is slated to be complete by January 2017, which is the deadline established by the provincial government. Developing the policy has not been without bumps in the road. “It’s a mistake to think this is a simple process. An issue we’ve come by is that if courts and the legislature are having difficulties approaching sexual assault, and have not served survivors, why would we, a university with no additional expertise, be able to do it any better?” said Jane Aronson, a professor in the faculty of social sciences and member of PACBIC. Currently, McMaster does

“It’s Never Okay: An Action Plan to Stop Sexual Violence and Harassment” was introduced by the Wynne government. BILL 132 IMAGE

not have a policy to directly investigate and discipline sexual assault allegations committed on campus. The ways McMaster has dealt with it in the past has been through McMaster’s Discrimination, Harassment & Sexual Harassment: Prevention and Response policy. That document ultimately includes sexual assault and gender-based violence. Additionally, WGEN offers support to sexual assault survivors through peer support and resources. McMaster’s Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, Meaghan Ross, works with the community to ensure survivors are given the necessary resources.

However, McMaster has no official policy to address allegations of sexual assault on campus, whether students or faculty commits them. The new sexual assault policy, according to Bill 132, must accommodate the needs of survivors, as well as include an official reporting system where complaints will be investigated and if needed, disciplined. The policy will also be easily accessible, as mandated by Bill 132, and must include the input of students to ensure it captures the student population’s needs. The process of creating this policy has been fraught with potholes, though. Due to the nature of sexual assault, not to


mention the different ways different groups on campus experience it, PACBIC has had to go through many discussions with a wide variety of individuals to ensure that their new policy addresses the nuances necessary for such a policy to succeed. They have discussed the policy with student groups like WGEN, as well as the Muslim Student Association, Queer Students Community Center, and Indigenous students, as well as others. The diversity of the university institution itself adds another complexity. “There are employee faculty rights … a lot of nitty gritty that we haven’t thought about. What about a faculty member who’s a

prof and a practising physician? Which protocol do they follow, and how does it affect their career? A lot of interests need to be considered,” said Aronson. The new policy is still in the works, and students who wish to have their voices heard may do so by contacting members of PACBIC. This ambitious policy will set the precedent for creating a safer campus outside of the support McMaster already offers survivors. With that said, for those who require aid, WGEN and HRES specialise in addressing and supporting survivors of sexual assault, as well as SACHA in downtown Hamilton.

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HSR cracks down on bus pass fraud Hamilton drivers confiscate passes as part of “education” campaign Scott Hastie Editor-in-Chief

With bus passes set to expire in less than a month, the Hamilton Street Railway is cracking down on 2015-16 student bus passes over fraud concerns. There have been reports about HSR drivers confiscating bus passes that are illegible because they appear fraudulent. Daniel Arauz, a third-year Philosophy and Communications Student, had his card taken away. When attempting to board a bus on the Hamilton Mountain headed downtown, Arauz showed his student card and bus pass. “[The bus driver] took my card and insisted he had the right to confiscate it. I tried to figure out what was happening because I didn’t even know this was a thing they could do, based on the legibility of the number,” said Arauz. On the back of the bus pass, the conditions of use say “the HSR reserves the right to confiscate this pass if it has been willfully altered.” Starting in 2015-16, the HSR stopped issuing stickers and began issuing separate plastic cards with student numbers written in marker as validation. Despite the driver’s offer, Arauz did not want a free ride. He wanted his bus pass back so he could get the last three digits of his student number put back on it.. The driver refused to give the pass back and asked Arauz to get off the bus. Arauz said he takes the bus every day and was not warned about the bus pass being illegible. To get his card back, Arauz was sent to the HSR office. The bus pass was not there. Instead, he had to go to McMaster to get the card, with no particular office to go to. Eventually, he found that the Office of the Registrar had it. The Registrar says multiple students visit each day looking for confiscated bus passes. Full-time undergraduate students paid $138.65 for the 2015-16 bus pass, which ran for 12 months. The McMaster Students Union and the HSR will rene-

gotiate the student bus pass agreement this school year. HSR response The Silhouette contacted the HSR to clarify what was happening. “The HSR does have the authority to confiscate passes or tickets that could be fraudulent at any time. We are currently focused on educating all passengers on the importance of boarding the bus with a valid fare,” wrote Nancy Purser, Director, Transit Support Services, in an email on July 26. “As you know, McMaster students must show their student ID and HSR transit pass card together to ride the bus. The HSR transit pass card has a three-digit number on it that must correspond to the student’s ID card. The transit pass card is the property of HSR. HSR fare enforcement officers have been confiscating transit pass cards if the number does not match the student’s ID card, is illegible or wiped off, or is otherwise fraudulent (i.e. photocopied). Students are responsible for ensuring their pass number is legible and matches their student ID card – this will constitute valid fare.” There was a by-law change in April 2016, where HSR drivers could confiscate “altered or unauthorized reproduction of fare media.” The HSR says McMaster students are not being targeted. The organization is looking to educate all bus riders about this issue. The confiscations raise questions about how people are supposed to know about a new policy like this. The HSR is not on social media, though Hamilton city council approved funds to hire a social media director in late May. On July 28, the City of Hamilton issued a press release about the by-law. It is also worth noting that the bus passes that the HSR distributed were flawed. When students went to pick up their pass, the last three digits of their student number were written with marker on the plastic card and put into a plastic sleeve. Over time, marker on plastic can wear off. Purser said that the organization is looking at altering

the text box for next year so the marker will stay on, but more or less, the current system will be used again in 2016-17. Latest issue for HSR with students This is not the first issue students have faced with the HSR in the past year. When the second card policy was instituted, the HSR had a $100 replacement fee. MSU members were not happy with the price, as the

previous replacement fee was much lower. The HSR eventually dropped the fee to $25 for the first bus pass replacement. The HSR is also exploring changes to the King 1A bus line, which runs from Eastgate Square along King until Sterling St. Residents who live along the line say the busses cause noise disturbances and the city is exploring options to reduce noise, including running the bus along Main St. While the King 1A is not at risk of being

eliminated, the changes would inconvenience both Westdale business owners and students. A report on the line is expected in the fall. Full-time undergraduate students pay approximately $138.65 each for their 12-month bus pass. With 22,558 full-time undergraduate students, McMaster provides approximately $3.1 million in revenue to the HSR. @Scott1Hastie

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FREE TICKET OFFER FROM Thanks to RBCŠ McMaster University students can access an exclusive free ticket offer for the McMaster Marauders vs. University of Toronto Varsity Blues game @ 12:00pm. A free concert will follow the game at Tim Hortons Field. Roundtrip transportation from McMaster University will be provided. | August 11, 2016


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Editorial Being better is not an accomplishment Comparing Canada to the United States on social issues is damaging Scott Hastie Editor-in-Chief

It is not a new line of thinking: “We are better than America.” It is the subtext to our conversations about how ridiculous Donald Trump is, the inexplicable levels of police violence and brutality, and the general intolerance towards minorities from our southern neighbours. Canadians understand we live in a better place than America, and a significant portion love to discuss this as a badge of honour. When it comes to social issues, is being better than America really an accomplishment? And how much better are we, really? By comparing ourselves to such a broken country, we excuse the problems we have here. As Akwasi Owusu-Bempah, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Toronto-Mississauga notes in a Globe and Mail piece, “we are not as dissimilar as we want to believe.” Owusu-Bempah writes that Canada and the United States are similar in “over-representation of black and indigenous people in instances of police use of lethal force and incarceration

rates.” These rates control for variables like population size, demographic, and frequency of police use of force incidents. But our issues are not as widely publicized and do not command the same social outcry. When we say, “we are better than America” it minimizes the actual problems our communities face and marginalizes the voices of those who suffer. Globe and Mail columnist Margaret Wente provided the perfect example of this in her July column about the Black Lives Matter protest at Toronto Pride. “But we’re not Ferguson, or anything like it,” wrote Wente in a post shared nearly 60,000 times, according to the Globe and Mail’s social media widgets. In a roundabout way, Wente (and those who shared the article) suggests that because it is not as bad as the epicenter for racial tensions, the police violence is acceptable. Those complaining should be grateful, because look how bad it is over there. Would the people who hold this opinion say this to the family of Abdirahman Abdi, the 37-year-old black man with mental health issues who died after a police altercation in Ottawa in late July?

Would the people who hold this opinion say this to the family of Andrew Loku, the 45-year-old black man who was shot to death by police in early July by Toronto police? How about the indigenous women in Quebec who spoke out against the physical and

sexual violence committed by police officers this past March? What about the other families who lost a loved one due to police violence? I doubt it, because they would see the real pain this causes to people. We need to be critical of

this pervasive thought. When we hear people saying we are better than America, we need to ask them if we are really doing enough. As long as Canadian police continue to brutalize and attack others, the answer to that question should be obvious.


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August 11, 2016 |

The complex world of campus food McMaster chefs won medals at culinary competitions, but students are still not satisfied. We talk to the Director of Hospitality Services, Chris Roberts, to discuss the issues. Rachel Katz Managing Editor

In July, lead chefs with McMaster Hospitality Services medalled at two different university culinary competitions. Over the course of several days, teams battled it out in the kitchen, giving university chefs the opportunity to stretch their cooking muscles. “What people don’t realize is that a lot of our team here, the chef managers here, are very high-end chefs,” explained Chris Roberts, Hospitality Services Director. The dishes served at these competitions would not be served at campus dining halls, but would instead be used for high-end catering functions at the university such as faculty events. While McMaster’s chefs may have earned the gold star with judges, students have raised many concerns about food on campus. A short online request for comment on meal options yielded dozens of complaints on a wide range of topics. Students were especially concerned with the price of healthier options, as well as the lack of multicultural foods and cross-contamination with allergens. Prices Ellen Veinot, a second year Justice, Political Philosophy and Law student was shocked by how expensive produce was on campus. “I think having more fruit and veggie options would be good,” she said. “No wonder people put on so much weight when it’s cheaper to buy an entire plate of mozza sticks than a sliced up orange and some watermelon.” Veinot added, “It’s just not enough food for your buck.” Second year Commerce student Andrew Lee agrees. “Most days I would go for dinner somewhere and think, ‘Okay, I can get a dessert-sized [container] of fruit or I can eat a burger and fries and get a cheapish drink.” Lee entered first year com-

La Piazza has undergone significant changes over recent years, introducing different food options for students. SCOTT HASTIE/ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

mitted to staying healthy and avoiding the Freshman 15, but found that the limited options on campus made that difficult. “And despite having the Wellness Centre advertising that a healthy lifestyle makes for a better experience as a student, the school sure makes it pretty damn hard to even edge the line of healthy eating,” he said. Multicultural options lacking Nutritional value is not the only issue students take with campus food. Maxwell Lightstone, fourth year Mechanical Engineering student and McMaster Hillel executive member discussed the limited kosher options at campus dining halls. Lightstone explained that in his experience, there were so few kosher options on campus that he was forced to look to the surrounding neighbourhood for meals. “It is pretty disruptive to have to go off campus for lunch,” he said. None of these concerns were foreign to Roberts. “We’re not subsidized

by the government or by the university, so we don’t get cheap food. We buy it just like any other restaurant. So fruits and veggies are crazy expensive, as is beef and dairy,” he explained. Roberts added that McMaster has the some of the lowest meal plan prices in the country and that the university’s retail costs are mid-pack compared to other schools in Canada. The university also absorbs the cost of inflation. “We raise our prices once a year, not on everything, and we have a five percent cap set by the university,” he said. Roberts gave the example of dairy and beef, both of which have undergone an 11 percent price increase in the last year. “We don’t tack that onto the food, we don’t adjust our pricing with inflation.” To address cultural food issues, Roberts has met with student groups such as McMaster Hillel to develop action plans to increase options for those students. “They weren’t happy with what we were doing on campus with kosher, which was being done out of Bridges with a rab-

bi. It wasn’t meeting their needs, so we scrapped that and started over,” he said. A selection of kosher snacks and sandwiches can now be found in La Piazza, and Roberts said it will be expanded for the upcoming year. “It’s very expensive to bring it in, we make no profit from it. We sell it for what we bring it in at. It’s more of a service we’re providing, so we’re happy to expand that.” Lightstone was happy to see the change, and looks forward to seeing how the selection will expand in the coming year. Allergy concerns For students with severe allergies however, Hospitality Services could still be doing more. Second year Biology student Sonia Jarvie would like to see a better labeling system implemented to warn students of allergens as well as a reduction in cross-contamination. “There was a certain element of risk when trying new foods and even when having meals I’d had before,” she said. While Roberts admitted

that it is impossible to guarantee a dining area has not come in contact with certain ingredients, he explained that McMaster uses a sophisticated system to meet with students with allergies, and show them the different menus and options on campus. According to Jarvie, however, she was never offered the chance to go through this process. In the two years that Roberts has served as director, he has seen many improvements to Hospitality Services. “We’ve built tremendous relationships with staff, faculty, student groups, cultural groups [and] the MSU. And it’s made Hospitality Services better. I meet with every student and group that contacts me and has questions. I will meet with them personally,” he said. Roberts knows his job is not complete, however. “People ask when we’re going to be done, and it’s like, we’ll never be done. Hospitality is always evolving and every year we have to adjust to meet students’ needs.” @RachAlbertaKatz | August 11, 2016

The Silhouette

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Opinion Make VP elections great again Open VP ballots improves accountability and transparency

SILHOUETTE FILE PHOTO Sasha Dhesi News Reporter

In June, our SRA essentially deferred a vote on their bylaws that keeps the votes for our Board of Directors secret, as it were in past years. The SRA will vote on the issue at a later meeting, and I hope they will vote to make Vice-Presidential elections open ballot. It is fair to say that our process for VP elections is not exactly the most democratic; the dilution of opinion from the general public to the representatives is arguably one of the key issues. Those who are against VP reform regularly argue that we should trust our SRA members to make the right call and we can rest easy knowing that they

will represent the needs of our respective faculties. So why hide the vote? The cornerstone of democracy is not just the process of electing our leaders, it is keeping checks on their power and maintaining a dialogue between the representatives and their caucuses. But the general public cannot do that if we are not aware of how our representatives are voting. The SRA is already difficult to access for the general public: people often can’t show up to late Sunday meetings, the minutes can be difficult to find, and the live stream is notorious for its warbled sound. When it comes to the VP hiring process, the general public is largely locked out until

the very end after the VPs have been elected. Now, there is merit to the occasional secret ballot. The SRA does find itself having to make unpopular decisions that could potentially target students, so it is understandable that some votes be kept secret. Additionally, secret ballots limit the possibility of voter intimidation and coercion. Secret ballots can be empowering in certain circumstances, and can allow for tough but necessary decisions. But a secret ballot for something as major as our VPs is ultimately damaging. It forces the general public to simply accept the vote of the SRA and stops any discussion surrounding the results. While I do trust my rep-

resentatives to vote in correspondence with the needs of my faculty, I would also like to know their justifications for their votes. And it should go without saying that if you do not want to be held accountable for your opinions, you should not hold a public office. The VPs shape the MSU’s policies and while I am sure that our current Board of Directors is more than qualified, I would like to know why they are considered more qualified than the other candidates. And considering the near passing of the VP referendum, it is clear that much of the student body wishes for more accountability from their SRA and a freer dialogue. The students are speaking, and it is time the SRA listened.

The issue VPs are elected by a secret ballot. The SRA could make ballots open by voting with a 2/3 majority to change the bylaw.


In January 2016, there was a referendum to make VP elections “at-large,” meaning students directly vote for the VPs. It failed by 20 votes.

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August 11, 2016 |

Forward thinking Elizabeth Ivanecky Contributor

Online education not only has a future at McMaster; it is a necessary innovation that will enhance the quality and character of education at McMaster. Not only will students benefit from the experience, but there is a unique potential for instructors to revisit their own understandings of education. There has been an expansion of online academic instruction. For example, Queen’s University offers 120 fully online courses during the academic school year. McMaster has its work cut out for it in terms of building upon the good foundation of its Centre for Continuing Education. The latest pathway, My OWN McMaster—a degree option in which students obtain a diploma and Bachelors of Arts degree in History—Mac’s CCE is offering for distance learners this upcoming year serves as a good model of the risk-taking character Mac needs to adopt in order to stay current in this ever updating technological world. A simple scan through the list of programs that students have the option of completing through Mac’s CCE will show that there is little representation of humanities disciplines: In other words, online education at McMaster in the field of the humanities requires serious rethinking. Which is why My OWN Mac will improve the quality of online education offered at McMaster. To increase the representation of humanities fields in online education—arguably one of the most difficult of disciplines to make this shift due to their subjective nature—means that instructors and students alike in the humanities disciplines will re-examine the ways their knowledge can be used through various mediums. Instructors of online courses must reflect on the presentation of the knowledge to their students as the online medium curbs the use of body language to impart knowledge. Dr. Michael Egan, Asso-

Online education is increasing in popularity. McMaster has some online opportunities, but lacks in comparison to other schools. Why should they improve?

ciate Professor of History at McMaster claims that it has been an interesting challenge for him as an instructor to make the transition of his live course History 2EE3 since lacking the communication of body language means being more succinct in delivery to avoid confusion amongst students. Instructors then have the opportunity to perfect their dialogue between them and their students. Students today find themselves in a complex juggling act in which they must balance their commitments to their education amidst their commitments to their families, landowners, and of course attempt to maintain some vestige of a social life (if that’s really possible). It cannot be ignored that the freedom to determine our own scheduling of courses online is appealing to many, and a necessity for those with particular interests in a given topic. More frequent than a traditional course taught in a classroom, online courses attract a plethora of students from a variety of disciplines and bring them together into one common environment according to Dr. Pamela Swett, Professor and Chair of the Department of History. This kind of multi-disciplinary meeting place provides ripe conditions for the spread of interdisciplinary collaboration


which breeds new ideas and ways of relating to one another. And finally, taking an online course can help us students at Mac learn more about ourselves as young adults. When I took my French courses online through Athabasca, the experience taught me the important responsibility of scheduling time for reviewing key grammar points and making my own deadlines to meet in order to complete the course on time before the school year started at McMaster. Taking an online course

can teach us to be more disciplined and efficient in the on-going process of learning, but certainly these character traits will prove useful in our future workplaces. University education has been taught much the same way it has always been taught since the Medieval Ages. As any student at university will know well, the instructor delivers a lecture to his students and the students attempt to scribble every word the instructor says, according to Dr. Joseph Kim, Professor of Psychology,

Neuroscience, and Behaviour at McMaster. Online education disrupts this long-held tradition, but has the potential to do more good than harm to both instructor and student who live in a society in which the once unimaginable iPod shocked the world, but today is referred to as ‘ancient.’ My recommendation? Try an online course because it may just widen your understanding of university education.

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The Silhouette | 11 | August 11, 2016

Arts & Culture Beyond a brewery The combination of great beer, amazing art and event space makes Collective Arts a winner Scott Hastie Editor-in-Chief

Until recently, Hamilton’s east waterfront featured steel plants and not a whole much else worth visiting. But nestled in the neighbourhood is one of Hamilton’s must-visit places: Collective Arts brewery. The craft beer company started in 2013 by Matt Johnston and Bob Russell moved their brewery operations to the Hamilton waterfront area and opened it in November 2015. They moved in to the old Lakeport brewery, which was closed and stripped down in 2010 after Labatt bought the company. Collective Arts combines beers and artwork. They take submissions from around the world for designs on their bottles and cans, changing the artwork every few months or so. Consumers can scan the artwork on the bottle using the Blippar app to learn more about the music or artist featured on the product. To visit Collective Arts is to get a first-hand experience of why people are so passionate about the city of Hamilton. The Hammer is marred by a reputation of being a dirty, smelly town that has been reeling since the steel industry left. But Collective Arts is a success story, taking a place that had been discarded by corporate giants and reimagining the space as a

Collective Arts’ bar offers flights of beer where you can sample what they have on tap.

cultural hub. The brewery has been renovated to be more than just a place that makes beers. The entrance is a rustic bar/retail space, where you can sit and enjoy a pint or get a 24 for the weekend. They host all their bottle designs in one room where you can easily spend half an hour just looking at all the art. As part of their renovations, the brewery created an

event venue within the brewery’s walls. The space can host concerts (like the August 12 Hollerado show), weddings, and even yoga events. When I went on a brewery tour, they had created temporary walls with boxes of beer. While it sounds odd, the bright colours of the boxes created an intimate space. This past summer, they opened a beer garden in the back of the brewery. They have nine beers on tap and while I

did not stop for a drink when I was there, I plan on visiting it (especially because the patio is dog-friendly). Collective Arts offers brewery tours on Saturdays from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. These are worth every minute, as the staff is friendly, knowledgeable, and willing to answer all my questions, no matter how ridiculous. Here, they walk you through the brewing and bottling process, as well as explain-


ing the history of the company and the craft brewery industry. What Collective Arts has accomplished in the space is impressive, especially considering that the building sat vacant for a few years. As Hamilton grows as an arts city, the brewery will likely only grow in popularity. Get ahead of the bandwagon and visit Collective Arts as soon as you can. @Scott1Hastie

Our recommendations Ransack the Universe Ransack has hints of tropical fruit with just enough hops. You can hardly tell it is a 6.7% beer!

Stash This ale is 5% but has a light taste. Good beer to drink when hanging out with friends.

Saint of Circumstance This light beer with a citrus taste is the perfect patio beer.



August 11, 2016 |




HAMILTON There's no place like home, so why not get a jump on knowing your new home for the next four years? Let us show you the spots you'll be visiting over and over again.

Daniel Arauz Arts & Culture Editor Alex Florescu Features Reporter

All the welcome week talk about the McMaster/ Westdale bubble is a bit of an admission that as a first and even later year study rat student, you can relatively sustain yourself on the small selection of food drink and entertainment with the confines of the Westdale village. Let’s face it, getting to know your new university hometown is great, but you're going to need a bit more direction then the brief tour you get during welcome week. Here is a quick guide to some of the first neighborhoods

you should be visiting in Hammer. Though far from comprehensive, we hope that this map will allow you to quickly get yourself acquainted with some popular areas, and get you on your way to exploring some of the many food, drink, and entertainment venues that this city has to offer. Chances are James St. is what going downtown will mean for you during your first few months at Mac. Even as a lifelong Hamiltonian this was my first introduction to the cities then budding art, culture and food scene. Beyond the staple Mulberry Cafe [1], The Brain [2] , Jack and Lois [3] and August 8 [4] you're going to need to visit some

of the more recent additions to the neighborhood. For a student budget, you need to look no further than The Burnt Tongue [5] for a seemingly infinite menu of daily soups, posted on their social media twice a day along with the always reliable burger and fries combo. Though soup and a side makes a perfectly filling dinner for most, stopping by earlier than 6 p.m. gives you a perfect excuse to stop by Smalls Coffee [6], which is hands down the best place to get caffeinated in the neighborhood. Just down the street from the City Center on James and York Blvd. is the Hamilton Farmers Market [7] and the popular "real

food court.” The year-old hub of food vendors is home to Eat Industries, Ramen and Taqueria stands and Canada's first dedicated Poké food stand, Pokeh Bar. As the Hawaiian "sushi in a bowl" is quickly gaining traction in other cities, Pokeh has already earned its spot as a one of Hamilton's foodie crown jewels. For dessert, you can hit up the nearby Henry Brown’s [8] ice cream stand for some of the most consistently delicious flavours. There is also a whole market of locally farmed food, Lina’s [9] baked goods and a newly added Cake & Loaf [10] stand. As with many of the places, you will want

To Mac

To Harbour






12 11










10 18

To Mountain

A&C | August 11, 2016

"Getting to know your new university hometown is great, but you're going to need a bit more direction than the brief tour you get during Welcome Week." to follow their Instagram pages ahead of time to survey daily offerings, and to generally make your timeline that much more mouth-watering. You are going to need a break from sometimes dreary and anxious atmosphere of libraries, and while Westdale offers some average student coffee shop experiences, just a ten minute bus ride will get you to what may be your next favourite study cove. Ark and Anchor [11] has a beautiful two-floor space, complete with community library and plenty of natural light. The coffee has quickly

become a favourite among community members and the local blogosphere, and it pairs extremely well with a humble menu of snack and lunch sized food options from De La Terre’s [12] baked goods. Like the many cafés in the city, Ark and Anchor is also home to Donut Monster [13] on Thursdays and Saturdays if you are looking to pick up Hamilton’s new signature delicacy even after they have sold out in Union Market. Ark and Anchor is also host to a number of community-oriented events and activities, including the Ship’s Log sci-fi/fantasy book

club, and monthly role-playing gaming sessions. If you are like me and like dessert before dinner, Amo Gelato [14] happens to be first in a line of restaurants and coffee shops on Locke Street. Gelato is also a great option on the way back from dinner at Naroma Pizza Bar [15]. The thin curst, bruschetta style pizza comes with a back to back menu full of options, including dessert Nutella pizza. In true Italian style, head next door to the Brown Dog [16] for coffee and crepes, or if you have recently gone for a hike, deep-fried cheesecake. Across there also lies the neighborhood’s classic coffee shop turned restaurant Democracy [17], where you can write all over the tables and walls

with chalkboard while you get caffeinated, or finish the evening with a respectable selection of wines and beers. Down the street is Earth to Table Bread Bar [18], whose seasonal menus offer quirky items such as watermelon salads and interesting takes on classic burgers. The small space is cozy for you and a few friends, but if you are going to split a pitcher of sangria make sure there are enough of you. For those in a rush or wishing to sit outside, Fries in the Alley [19] takes only cash but provides a unique street vendor experience in the heart of a pretty upscale downtown neighborhood. For those who did not fill their luggage with board games, Gameopolis [20] is the perfect place to go with friends or on


a date that involves something other than just dinner. A five-dollar cover will get you access to an infinite numbers of board, party, and card games. A two-person version of Settlers of Catan exists for those who are one-on-one, or you can test out your bluffing skills with Coup. Gameopolis offers snacks and refreshments perfect for game day, such as root beer floats, hummus and pita, Relay Coffee, and local craft beer. Call ahead early to make a reservation, as tables tend to fill up fast. If traditional tabletop gaming isn’t your thing, Gameopolis is luckily in close proximity to Serve Ping Pong, Magic Mike’s Billiard Hall, The Adventure-Escape Room and 1UP Games' brand new downtown location Arcade Room.













To East Hamilton






UP THE MOUNTAIN While Upper James is not a completely unusual place to find students, often attracted by the popular Spring Sushi and its Spring BBQ sister restaurant. Unlike many café’s in the downtown area, Finch has a ton of open, sunlit space, with plenty of flora and plant life to

complement the open atmosphere. Tables are generally larger in size, making it a great fit for group study sessions. It also helps that it happens to be one of the best café’s in terms of sheer drink quality, be it summer or winter. The bus ride is surprisingly short, and it is

an almost guaranteed get away from student crowds. Plus, your going to want to make it in time for their summer drink menu, affogato, espresso tonic, and nitro-infused cold brew, with the perfect taste notes for summer coffee mixed with the mouthfeel of beer!

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The Silhouette

August 11, 2016 |

Sports Maar moving on to Italy The OUA MVP talks about prepping to play with Pallavolo Padova

Maar will compete in one of the best professional volleyball leagues in the world. C/O RICHARD ZAZULAK

Scott Hastie Editor-in-Chief

It has been quite a year for Steve Maar. Here’s a recap of the men’s volleyball star’s 2016: OUA Most Valuable Player, OUA All-Star, OUA Athlete of the Year, CIS first-team All-Canadian, played for Canadian men’s national volleyball B-team, and he was selected as alternate for the squad representing Canada at the Olympics. Pretty good. Now, Maar is looking ahead. In May, the outside hitter signed a professional contract with Pallavolo Padova, an Italian club competing in one of the best leagues in the world.

Pro volleyball has been Maar’s plan for a while. “I’ve wanted to be a pro since I was 14. I’ve kind of always had that in the back of my mind. For me, it’s the culmination of all of my training. I’ve been thinking about, dreaming about since I was in the sixth grade, it’s pretty special,” said Maar. The competition jump will be significant. During Maar’s four years with McMaster, the team had a 73-5 record in the regular season and won the OUA championship each year. The Italian opponents will be much better and 21-year-old is leaning on the Team Canada veterans for advice about the transition. “It’s funny, they’ve pegged

me as the ‘question master’ actually,” said Maar. “The level of professional volleyball is just a lot higher. It’s a lot more physical. There’s no school, it’s a lot easier to work on your game.” Maar said he is looking forward to the ability to improve as he plays against a higher talent level. The Aurora, Ont. native has had taste of the next level when he competes with Team Canada, but professional volleyball will provide more consistency with the quality of opponents. There will be some challenges too. When asked about his fears or concerns about moving overseas, Maar said that he has tried to block out the negative thoughts.

“My one concern is the relationships that I have here. I’m not the most outgoing, reach out person. I have to establish a schedule to make sure I’m connected to the people I care about,” said Maar. Playing overseas can be tough. There are language barriers to overcome and a new culture to learn about. Athletes are no longer down the street from some of their best friends. Your support system is usually in a different time zone. As Maar moves on from McMaster, he has to figure all of that out himself. But wherever he goes, he will always have fans cheering for him back in Hamilton. @Scott1Hastie

What a year Maar’s 2016 was one of the best in Marauder history

OUA All-Star OUA MVP OUA Championship CIS All-Canadian CIS Silver Team Canada in Pan-American Cup

SPORTS | August 11, 2016

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From Hamilton to Rio With the 2016 Olympics capturing the world’s attention, we look at some of Mac’s connections representing Canada in Brazil

Women’s Basketball


The Canadian women’s national basketball team is loaded with McMaster connections. Lisa Thomaidis (rights) is the team’s head coach. She suited up for five years with the Marauders women’s basketball team. Anne Marie Thuss, an assistant coach with the McMaster women’s basketball program, is the team manager for the squad. A pair of guards call Hamilton home as well. Kia Nurse, who plays at the University of Conneticut and was the flag bearer for Canada in the 2015 Pan Am Games closing ceremonies, was born and raised in Hamilton. Shona Thorburn is a veteran of the program and hails from Hamilton as well. Both players spent time on campus last year in preparation for the 2015 FIBA Americas tournament. Several other players spent time in Hamilton as part of the National Elite Development Academy program ran by Canada Basketball.

Men’s Volleyball

Modern Pentathlon

TJ Sanders

Donna Vakalis This event is a combination of fencing, 200m freestyle swimming, show jumping, pistol shooting, and a 3200m crosscountry run.


TJ Sanders is a setter with the Canadian men’s national volleyball team. Sanders spent a year at McMaster before moving to Volleyball Canada’s fulltime training centre. This is the Winnipeg native’s first Olympics.


Canoe-Kayak Adam van Koeverden


Van Koeverden is no stranger to the Olympics. The McMaster kinesiology graduate is heading to his fourth Olympics and will look to win his fifth medal. The Oakville, Ont. native has won a gold, two silvers and a bronze.

The McMaster graduate will compete in her second Olympics this summer. Vakalis finished fourth at the 2015 Pan Am Games competition. She is also working on getting her Ph.D in environmental engineering.

Triathlon Andrew Yorke


Yorke has an incredible story, overcoming a staph infection that led to the removal of part of his spine. Doctors said he would be lucky to ever jog again. He will do more than jog when he runs the triathlon in Rio.

RI-WHOA Can you believe that craz y thing that happened at the Olympics? Craz y! Wow! A5



HAMILTON SPECULATOR “ Well, ac tually ”-ing since 1934

August 11, 2016


Hamilton transit moving offices to moral high ground With ridership growth lacking, the group aims to rebrand with new offices in Flamborough SHIT HASTINGS Takes the shoelace express

Actions speak louder than words, and Hamilton Transit is making quite a statement. The transit company will move their offices as they look to rebrand after a lack of ridership growth over recent years. As part of the rebrand strategy, they will move to a moral high ground, probably located somewhere in Flamborough. “It just makes sense. We already operate as Hamilton’s moral compass and we have literally no issues with our service, so I think it makes sense to spend a stupid amount of money to reinforce our brand identity,” said Kyle Tide, a representative from HT. The news comes in the wake of a new by-law that allows bus drivers to confiscate bus passes that they deem to be potentially fraudulent. What a fraudulent card looks like is unclear to people, because the HT did not tell people about the issue through any social media campaigns or mass communication effort, because the HT doesn’t even have social media accounts yet despite it being the year 2016 and many other comparable public transit companies have been on social media for seven god damn years. The decision to move the office to the moral high ground is being met with a lot of criticism. “I’m tired of riding the bus and catching shade from the bus driver. Sorry I’m carrying my groceries onto the bus and they are heavy so I’m a little

It’s easier to look down on their ridership from the Flamborough moral high ground.

clumsy and slow,” said Gregory Harris, a guy who deserves your sympathy because relying on the HT bus system probably has a negative impact on life expectancy. “It happens a lot. I get on the bus and can feel the bus driver’s frustration. If I wanted to be constantly judged and listen to passive-aggressive remarks four times a day, I’d move in with my mother-in-law, not

POLL: what was the song of the summer? One Dance

Careless Whisper

This Is What You Came For

The right answer is Closer by the Chainsmokers but they released it too late.

DISCLAIMER: This is all fake. Seriously, it’s bullshit. Some people actually think it is real, so we print a disclaimer to explain that the Hamilton Speculator is a work of fiction. What a world.

take the fucking bus.” Tide says that while bus drivers have gone too far in the past, there are cases where Hamilton needs its bus drivers to be more than a transit operator. “These kids, they -- I mean. Come on. You’ve seen them, right? Their longboards, their Beats By Dre headphones, their Pokemans Go. It is ridiculous, just ridiculous. They need our

help. They need HT to set them straight because you just know this generation of parents aren’t doing it,” said Tide, not really answering a question but still providing a lot of insight. We would report a timeline for HT’s move to the new office, but what’s the point? Following a schedule isn’t really a thing that HT does well. They’ll get there when they get there.

Tweets to the Editor This Spec feature pales in comparison to the real Spec letters to the editor.

Why haven’t you reviewed the chip truck at the Barton St. Beer Store? Smh

- Scott, Hamilton, 23

- Virginia, Beasley Park, 38


PER ISSUE: Two Jamaican spicy beef patties. They have to be hot, though.

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