The Silhouette - March 1

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The Silhouette



Mac Football

Quinlan granted discharge Brian Decker Executive Editor

McMaster quarterback Kyle Quinlan will avoid having a criminal record because of his Sept. 10 incident at TwelvEighty. Quinlan was granted a conditional discharge Wednesday after pleading guilty to causing a disturbance, bringing an end to the legal saga that has hung over the star quarterback, even as his stellar on-field performances brought McMaster its first Vanier Cup in school history. The fourth-year student, who was initially charged with one count of assault and two counts of assaulting a police officer, will serve a oneyear probation, including a ban on alcohol and a ban from TwelvEighty during that period. “We’re very pleased with the decision,” said Dean Paquette, Quinlan’s lawyer. “It’s a positive result from what was a very unfortunate event.” Quinlan became a near household name in November when he led the Marauders to their first ever Vanier Cup. Just weeks earlier, however, that outcome looked highly unlikely when Quinlan was handed a three-game suspension by the Marauders for violating the Student Code of Conduct. Following a 48-21 home loss to the Western Mustangs on Sept. 10, Quinlan got into an altercation with police outside TwelvEighty, apparently after trying to enter the bar without showing an entry wristband. Fortunately for the Marauders, Quinlan was able to return to the lineup on Oct. 6 against the University of Toronto, where he led the team to a 50-14 win. The team never looked back, winning their next six games including the national championship contest in Vancouver. “From what we can tell, he got drunk and made a mistake, as many students do,” said Crown attorney Toni Skarica. “He shouldn’t have to deal with a relatively small mistake for the rest of his life.” Numerous character references were provided to the court, including one from McMaster head coach Stefan Ptaszek describing Quinlan as “one of the finest young men I have had the privilege of working with.” “We all know he’s an outstanding athlete, but he’s also an outstanding character, and the incident was not reflective of that,” said Paquette, who added that he was glad the incident “was put in proper context. Kyle is an exemplary character who did something wrong fueled by alcohol and he recognizes that. “He’s talked about very favourably by everyone, and it’s obvious he cares a lot about his family, his team and the McMaster community.” Skarica said that Quinlan’s sentence wasn’t influenced by his relatively well-known name. “This isn’t any different than the sentence that most students would get. In fact, he’s probably already been punished more than the average student would be because of all the publicity and the suspension from playing football,” said Skarica. Quinlan, who has one year of CIS eligibility remaining, is scheduled to be part of the CFL’s Evaluation Camp this weekend in Toronto.

Est. 1930

Remodelling education and research funding Drummond report caps university growth, potentially at the cost of Tuition Grant

VOLUME 82, NO. 23


The Sil






Don Drummond, chair of the CROPC, proposed recommendations to mitigate deficits. provide a foundation for lifelong the current five per cent ceiling on learning, foster innovation and ef- tuition increases, but contends that ficiently deliver quality education. individual institutions hold the re“We see no reason why Ontario Quality of post-secondary edu- sponsibility of allocating funding to cannot have the best public services cation has seen a decline across the their programs within the ceiling. in the world – with the proviso that Province as a result of well-recog- A mere 1.5 per cent increase in they must come at a cost Ontarians nized factors, including a greater funding for post-secondary educacan afford,” said a report from the number of sessional instructors, tion is not expected to keep pace Commission on the Reform of On- larger class sizes and reduced stu- with the increasing demand for tario’s Public Services, released on dent-professor interaction. higher education or inflation, thus Feb. 15. Additionally, Ontario currently calling on individual institutions to The report out“find efficiencies to lines recommendapreserve, if not entions for the reallohance quality.” We see no reason why Ontario cation of provincial A wide-spread cannot have the best public services funding in numerconcern for postin the world- with the proviso that ous public service secondary students domains – includis the lack of dedicathey must come at a cost ing post-secondary tion to education on Ontarians can afford.” education – in an the part of profeseffort to revitalize sors. Ontario’s economic “I have, with prospects without increasing taxes. supports a system with the lowest some professors, felt like they The plan suggests a system- per-student grant funding in Cana- would much rather be anywhere atic reduction in program spending da, paving the way for increases in else except in front of the classroom while avoiding the privatization of tuition that exceed the inflation rate. talking to us,” said Ankita Dubey, a healthcare and education. The re- A tuition-freeze as a solution fourth-year Psychology student at port clearly indicates the need to in- has not been identified to be in the McMaster. vest in those domains that can bring best interests of students, as it would The report calls for a revision about future gains. likely diminish the university expe- to research funding structures and One such domain is post-sec- rience and the quality of education. more rewards and incentives for efondary education, in which five key The report recommends a fective teaching practices. A shift in objectives were outlined: it must maximum of 1.5 per cent annual favour of research spread across the educate an increasing proportion of increase in post-secondary educa- province between 1997 and 2003, the population, contribute to equali- tion funding. With respect to tu• PLEASE SEE FUNDING, A5 ty in social and economic outcomes, ition increases, the report supports Farzeen Foda

Senior News Editor

Gmail @ Mac

During Reading Week, McMaster undergraduate students had their email accounts integrated into the new Google Email system. Check out what students have to say about the transition. Please see A4.






This is a paid advertisement by the MSU


PRESIDENT’S PAGE Katie Ferguson VP (Administration)

Duncan Thompson VP (Finance)

Matthew Dillon-Leitch President

Alicia Ali VP (Education)

UPCOMING LEADERSHIP SUMMIT FOR WOMEN MSU partnering with University and YWCA to host event geared at discussing the empowerment of women

Alicia Ali VP (Education) ext. 24017

On Tuesday March 6, the McMaster Students Union in association with the Student Success Centre, Office of Student Affairs and the YWCA of Hamilton are partnering for an evening of community-building, collaboration and inspiration. The Leadership Summit for Women is a precursor to International Women’s Day, taking place on March 8. This day has been observed since the early 1900’s and has since grown to become an official holiday in over 30 countries. With more women in the boardroom, greater equality in legislative rights, and an increased critical mass of women’s visibility as impressive role models in every aspect of life, it is easy to believe that women

have gained true equality. While great improvements have been made, there is still much work to be done. Women are still not paid equally to that of their male counterparts, women still are not present in equal numbers within business or politics and globally speaking, women’s education, health and exposure to violence is worse than that of men. The Leadership Summit has been designed with all of these things in mind – aiming to design a dialogue that acknowledges the great advancements, but also recognizes the barriers that women face in their quest to be a corporate CEO or the next Prime Minister. The Summit will take place in Celebration Hall (located in Kenneth Taylor Hall) and will begin with opening remarks from the organizing team, all of whom have a strong connection to aspiring female leaders. The evening will continue with our Introductory Keynote Speakers; Denise Doyle is the CEO of the YWCA Hamilton and Dr. Sheila Deane is a former Assistant professor in the Department of English and

the Department of Women’s Studies and Feminist Research at Western University. They will be discussing the underrepresentation of women in key decision making roles and leadership positions, both in Canada and within the global context, as well as the value of female role models and mentorship. The panel discussion will focus primarily on the barriers women face in achieving leadership positions, with an emphasis on how to overcome those challenges. This event is part of a global web of rich and diverse local activity aimed to connect women from around the world. The Summit will also feature a series of vibrant and contextual conversations for women around handling criticism and avoiding assumptions, non-profit/ social enterprise start-ups, networking, time management and getting elected to student government. We will also be facilitating a discussion on the role that play men amongst their female peers, and the ways we can connect and collaborate moving forward. The evening is designed to welcome female leaders and encourage

women to take on non-traditional leadership positions, particularly around decision-making tables and in politics, with the ultimate aim of empowerment. So often, we see women shying away from leadership positions. To provide some context, this is the first year in the history of the McMaster Students Union that there has been more than one female on the MSU Board of Directors. There are not enough women interested in getting elected or sitting at decisionmaking tables. This Summit is an attempt to identify what challenges women face, and share them in an open and safe space. So, if you are male or female and interested in learning about the challenges women face, and ways those challenges can be overcome, please register for the Summit by going to It would be a pleasure to have you there. Interested in following the events of the evening? Follow our hashtag on Twitter #womensummit2012 or join our event on Facebook: Leadership Summit for Women.


Each year the MSU holds an event to honour deserving members of the McMaster community for their outstanding service and dedication to student life. Whether it is through leadership, volunteer service, charitable giving or school spirit, the recipients of these awards represent McMaster’s best and brightest. Some awards, like the Rudy Heinzl Award of Excellence, are decades old and commemorate the amazing dedication and service rendered by some of McMaster’s great names of the past. Others, like the MSU Spirit Award, recognize outstanding achievements by campus groups in promoting McMaster pride and demonstrating dedication and enthusiasm to increasing school spirit. Also available are the MSU Merit Scholarship, awarded for outstanding service to McMaster’s clubs, societies, charities, and campus groups, and the J. Lynn Watson Award, given to the campus group that has made the greatest one-year contribution to charitable giving. Much like the

Rudy Heinzl, these awards recognize students, faculty, staff and campus groups that demonstrate a continued commitment to excellence in leadership, to volunteering and charity, and to improving student life at McMaster. Worthy of special mention is the Honour M Award, the highest honour that the MSU bestows on its members. Presented annually since 1932, the Honour M recognizes student leadership, volunteer service and special achievement in extracurricular activities. Recipients become part of the Honour M society and have their names added to the growing list of laureates posted on the second floor of the Student Centre. All the awards – the Honour M, the Rudy Heinzl Award of Excellence, the MSU Merit Scholarship, the J. Lynn Watson Award and the MSU Spirit Award – are granted after careful consideration by committee and presented at Student Recognition Night, scheduled for March 20th of this year. Nominations are due soon, so check out the awards page on the MSU website or contact the MSU Speaker at speaker@ for more information.


The President’s Page is sponsored by the McMaster Students Union. It is a space used to communicate with the student body about the projects, goals and agenda of the MSU Board of Directors.



Performance Laboratory

L.I.V.E the sound of music and science Katija Bonin The Silhouette

After five years of conceptual design, paired with a successful grant from the Canada Foundation for Innovation and support from McMaster University, the L.I.V.E. Performance Laboratory is under construction. Located in McMaster’s Psychology Building, the facility will include a small concert hall and stage with seats for one hundred. Although seemingly simplistic, it is the incorporated technology that defines this project as a Large Interactive Virtual Environment (L.I.V.E.), which will facilitate research in the areas of music and neuroscience. The walls of the lab will be lined with a dense array of loud-

speakers, which will allow users to mimic virtually any acoustic environment – “from a subway station to Carnegie Hall,” said project director Laurel Trainor. The lab aims to fuel investigation into basic questions pertaining to the significance and universality of music in human society. “Why do people still go to concerts, when they could just listen to music at home?” said Trainor. “How do people coordinate and entertain together when playing music?” The audience seats will be wired to measure physiological responses such as heart rate, breathing rate, skin responses, and muscle tension responses through the fingers. Thirty of the seats will be equipped with EEG sensors, enabling researchers to monitor audience neural activity. Performers will also have an EEG

STUDENT RENTALS West Village Suites

A Green Community for Students

Dundurn Student Residence


system, able to track four musicians at one time. Additionally, there will be a motion capture system, tracking the movement of performers while making music and audience movements in response to music, and the back of the stage will house an array of monitors to measure the effects of visual stimuli. The technology will allow researchers to investigate everything from how a musician’s brain copes when fellow performers make a mistake to an audience member’s physical and psychological responses to different types of music. The concept of such a laboratory originated in McMaster’s Institute for The Music and The Mind, a multi-disciplinary institute incorporating psychology, neuroscience, engineering, music, mathematics, kinesiology and the health sciences. It is an extension of a three-tiered mandate aimed at promoting research in music cognition, music education, and music activities in the community. It is known that music plays a role in altering mood, and music is traditionally used in many social gatherings, from parties to weddings to funerals. Research has found that “people engaging in music making or dance feel a closer social bond.


Construction on the L.I.V.E performance lab is underway. This facility will enable us to test such theories,” said Trainor. The design and technology of the facility, although originally intended to discover how music affects people, will also enable research on a variety of topics. Already, Steven Brown and Matthew Woolhouse, researchers in the field, plan to use the space to test the psychological response to dance, while Sue Becker and Ian Bruce plan to test how well hearing

aids work in realistic auditory environments, and Joe Kim, professor of Psychology at McMaster, plans on using the space to forward his research in pedagogy – the method and practice of effective teaching. Trainor affirmed that this project is “like no other, and its potential is unlimited.” Construction began in early January, and in the current timeframe, will be complete by Spring 2013.

Family Services

Construction nearing completion THE OF OFF CAMPUS HOUSING for Ronald McDonald House 905-528-1717 STARTING AT


ROOMS AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE MOVE-IN Dundurn Property Management 1685 Main Street West Suite 25


w w


The Ronald McDonald House also operates out of the McMaster Children’s Hospital. said Tunney. “Some of this will be new territory for us, but we really view our relationship with Mac To those passing by the Ronald to be symbiotic because we’re all McDonald House, at the corner taking care of the same families. It of Cootes Drive and Main Street is to really make sure that the entire West, the building looks complete. circle of care is looked at.” Though construction is not yet More than doubling in size to finalized, it is drawing closer to its 56,000 square feet, the House primuch-anticipated completion date marily aims to meet family needs. of March 31. Included in the new renovations are When the expansion is finished, a larger kitchen, a quiet café-like the facility will have the capacity to dining area, dedicated breastfeeding house up to 40 out-of-town families rooms with breast pump sterilizers whose children who are patients at and private washrooms in every the McMaster Children’s Hospital. room. In addition, the facility will offer In addition to the necessities, family-centered support programs, the renovated House will have more as it is located just steps away from common rooms, quiet lounges, a the hospital. Games Room pool The Ronald table and gaming McDonald House an underWe really view our consoles, has received $8.6 water-themed playrelationship with million in fedroom and an ineral and provin- Mac to be symbiotic built movie theater, cial infrastructure because we’re all which includes a grants, and has generous donation taking care of the from La-Z-Boy Furrelied on community fundraising for same families. It is to niture for theater an additional $5 really make sure that seating. million to complete There are 13 the entire circle of Ronald McDonald the project. McMaster concare is looked at.” Houses in Canada, tributed by donatand Hamilton’s has ing a charitable been around since portion of $9,500 from 2011 Char- 1933. ity Ball for the initiative. “Our location is one of the big“Our mission is to provide support gest benefits that we have. When and accommodations for families you consider that families are leavwho are out of town, with children ing their children at the hospital to who are very sick being treated at come and sleep here, the closer you the McMaster Children’s Hospital,” can be, the better. said Chantell Tunney, the executive Families love the fact that when director of the Ronald McDonald they’re in one of our upstairs rooms House. that are facing the Cootes side, they The House, which previously can actually see the hospital, and had 15 rooms, is open to families of there is a comfort level knowing inpatients, including those in neo- that the staff is right there.” natal, oncology or pediatric critical McMaster students have also care. They also serve outpatients been a big part of the House’s sucand their families, such as children cess. “Our volunteerism is fanreceiving cancer treatments and tastic,” said Tunney. “We have so those participating in day clinics. many student volunteers, and we “We help families that are stay- are a very youthful House … we are ing at Mac, and McMaster helps lucky to be at the position we are families that are staying with us,” in.” Bushra Habib Silhouette Staff



New E-mail System

Student Concert

What students think about Gmail

Scalping a concern at sold out Weeknd concert

After over a year of contract negotiations between McMaster University and Google, and an overwhelmingly large amount of students voted for Google’s Gmail to replace the constantly-frustrating MUSS system, the new Gmail email system was implmented during Reading Week with a wide variety of opinions on the matter.

“I think it’s an amazing improvement, basically the best improvement I’ve seen in my four years here. Props to MDL.” - Fashana Dossa


“The actual system is way better but the transition was weird … I had to delete so many emails just to send [an email] to a professor.” - Rayanne Ragoonath

“There was not a lot of space . . . I just forwarded everything to my other Gmail account.” - Igor Knezic

“It’s more convenient … I think a lot of people actually use Gmail which helps with practicality. Overall, I think it’s good.” - James Han

Students lined up on Feb. 28, hours before the tickets were released at 12pm. Brian Decker Executive Editor

A rush on sales broke out at noon on Tuesday, Feb. 28 when tickets to recording artist act The Weeknd became available at Compass. Over 600 students lined up to buy tickets for the March 16 show at TwelvEighty, with many students re-selling tickets at inflated prices shortly after. The show was sold out in the first two hours of sales. The Campus Events and McMaster Class of 2015 Facebook pages both saw posts from numerous students trying to scalp tickets for more than $50 each. The tickets were originally on sale for $25 for students and $30 for guests with a maximum of five tickets available for purchase at one time. “We had staff in place to make sure people weren’t re-entering the line, but there’s only so much you can do to prevent re-sale,” said

Campus Events Director Al Legault. Legault said tickets were sold up to five at a time so students who were in class or unable to make it to Compass could still get into the show, and that the tickets were only $25 because student fees already subsidize Campus Events’ operating costs as an MSU service. “The stakeholders already pay into the service. We try to make sure everyone can get a chance to see our events at a reasonable price,” Legault added. The Weeknd, which is the stage name of Abel Tesfaye, is from Toronto and has developed a loyal fan base. He is scheduled to perform at the popular Coachella Music and Arts Festival later this year. Despite his large following, The Weeknd has only performed six shows to date live, according to Legault. Legault said about 50 students who lined up were unable to get tickets.




Gender Lecture

Feminism’s future


Far from being dead, feminism has observed a cultural evolution. Kacper Niburski

Assistant News Editor

While certain talent-bereft female pop monstrosities may make it seem like feminism is dead, Michele Landsberg, an eminent Canadian journalist and social justice activist, thinks otherwise. On Feb. 24, Landsberg discussed the ongoing and immutable spirit of feminism at McMaster University in a lecture entitled “Feminism Forward,” which was sponsored through a partnership between the Hamilton branch of the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign, McMaster University’s Faculty of Humanities and McMaster’s Gender Studies and Feminist Research department. As an ardent feminist, champion of egalitarianism, chronicler of the feminist movement and an unquestionable inspiration, Landsberg may be one of the few Canadians alive who do not require an introduction. As a columnist at the Toronto Star for 20 odd years, her trademark wit and unbridled passion challenged an era where gender inequality and rigid stereotypes took centerfold. To say that Landsberg spent the better part of her career turning heads is an understatement. After reading aloud a brief segment of one her past articles where she excoriated the 1980s abortion hypocrisies in Canada, she said in a laugh, “The things they let me get away with at the Star. Oh man.” Not one to hold back her opinions, Landsberg was known nationally for her scathing insight into polemic matters. Her talk “Feminism Forward” was no different. Noting the evolution of the feminist movement through her eyes as both a mother and grandmother, Landsberg began her discussion highlighting the importance of fostering a nurturing relationship with one’s child. “The lives of our grandchildren extend into a future from which we will be inevitably absent,” she said. “It focuses our reality

of morality and the joy of here and now.” There, in one’s formative years of infantile curiosity, is where feminism blossoms initially, stressed Landsberg. “We are told there are innate differences, but we learn to be male and female in every cell of our body. According to Landsberg, equality, and the lack thereof, are not inborn. They are defined. And for a better part of humanity’s existence, this definition has been defined as a gender prison. Landsberg noted, however, there is still hope. Despite the sexual objectification that has been commonplace in Western culture, and the fact that people believe feminism has accomplished everything it needs to accomplish, “there is backlash. Feminism is coming back.” In Canada at least, she attributed the resurgence of feminism to an “oppressive government that has cut equality funding initiatives.” Whether or not this is the case, Landsberg stated that this new-age feminism, one that is alive, well, and ever evolving, must be carefully developed. A failure to do so, or even an apathy toward it’s many forms, will result in a pervasive culture of gender backwardness. As it has always been, men will rule and women will be ruled. To do nurture feminism correctly, Landsberg tied the talk back to her the child’s role in future movements. “Swear to yourself you’ll tear your child away from the tyranny of the male gaze. Don’t inoculate her with narcissism. Do not tell a girl she is pretty. Praise her for a skill. Praise her for her talents.” And if that happens, that’s when true feminism may be accomplished. For as far as Landsberg seemed to couch it, feminism is not just a philosophy where men and women are considered equal. It is something more than that. In it’s fullest form, feminism is the optimistic hope for the day when talents and skills, not just aesthetic appeal, become beautiful.

Funding to tighten, shift Services, is currently a Matthews Fellow in Global Public Policy at Queen’s University. when funding for research tripled. This ulti- Previously, he worked for the federal Departmately came at a cost to the quality of edu- ment of Finance and TD Economics, holding cation as educators shifted focus to research increasingly prestigious positions, conductin the hopes of flagging their institution as ing analyses of policies influencing economic “world-class research centres.” performance. With reallocation of resources, opportuni- The comprehensive review came as a neties for students to engage in more self-learn- cessity after the Ontario government’s 2010ing endeavours such as internships, indepen- 11 deficit far exceeded that of any other provdent study, experiential learning and opportu- ince, reaching 23 per cent of provincial GDP. nities to study abroad can be expanded. Subsequent projections concluded that if cur Increasingly, colleges and universities rent economic practices continue, the provare working in collaboration, thus the report ince could see its deficit more than double by recommends that students with a minimum of 2017-18, reaching nearly 51 per cent of the two years of college completed with a mini- province’s GDP. mum academic standing, should be able to The revised plan, called “Our Preferred transfer into the university academic system. Scenario,” estimates a deficit of approximateFurther, no new post-secondary programs ly 37 per cent of provincial GDP in 2017-18. shall be initiated without a compelling justifi- Nevertheless, the report contends that Oncation. tario’s fiscal situation is far from desperate, While the report allots an insufficient in- though early intervention can mitigate the crease in post-secondary funding of 1.5 per possibility of reaching the economic crises cent, it suggests that, if the Province cannot seen in other countries in recent years. stay within this cap on annual growth, the “Decisive, firm and early action is regovernment must consider sacrificing the re- quired to get off this slippery, and ultimately cent Ontario Tuition Grant. destructive slope,” Drummond stated in his Don Drummond, the chair of the Com- opening letter to Premier Dalton McGuinty mission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public and finance minister Dwight Duncan. • CONT’D FROM A1

Newsbites By Dina Fanara, Assistant News Editor

Getting potential students interested in science On March 2, McMaster will be welcoming 170 high school students from various schools in Hamilton to explore the world of science. The program, called, “Let’s Talk Science,” is run by volunteers in the Faculty of Science, and will include talks and workshops. The event will seek to both entertain and inform through these sessions, as attendees will learn about science and its connection with popular media. Science journalist Pippa Wysong will also be present to speak to the students. The goal of this day-long conference is to encourage students who are considering a future in the sciences. New crosswalk signs around campus The most recent safety precaution taken by Security and Parking Services is the addition of yellow signs marking the pedestrian crosswalks at several locations on campus. Areas include the crosswalk in front of the Psychology Building and the Institute of Applied Health Sciences (IAHS), as well as the front of the Student Centre. This is one of several new implementations which have arisen to keep those travelling through campus, both by foot and by vehicle, as safe as possible. Previous initiatives include the guard rails by the parking lots near the Student Centre and the newly restructured raised crosswalks near the University entrance off Main Street.




editor’s extension: 22052 letters:

From the Editor:

Bite the hand that feeds you, Mac

The Silhouette McMaster University’s Student Newspaper

Downtown health ultimatum justified

Editorial Board Brian Decker Executive Editor

It’s easy to call McMaster’s ultimatum to the City of Hamilton over the proposed downtown health centre a case of Mac biting the hand that feeds them. The University recently gave the city until the end of next week to make a decision about its involvement in the project, which would cost over $85 million (most of which would be covered by Mac) and bring jobs, people and their money to downtown Hamilton. The University needs a major investment of $20 million from the city’s taxpayers to get the deal done, along with $19 million from the province, which they’ll get as long as the building is up and running by July 1, 2014. They also need the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board to rent “swing space” in the nearby Robert Thomson building to facilitate the project. It’s a confusing process with complicated stakes and multiple parties that are keenly protecting their interests. So it’s easy to see the university as being too demanding by telling the city to get its act together, especially when it’s the city whose money the project depends on. But can you really blame them? We saw what happened with the Pan Am Games stadium. The various parties involved couldn’t get their ducks in a row, and now Hamilton won’t be hosting any big events for the games. The same thing happened with the proposed Velodrome, which turned from a source of optimism to an image of disappointment. Mac says unless a plan is in place by next week, they’ll move on to a ‘Plan B,’ centred on the use of Innovation Park. The risks of upsetting the city with the ultimatum are high; upsetting the city means upsetting the taxpayers, and where there are upset taxpayers, votes are for the taking from councilors who might not have such a friendly view of the university. And sure, the city council should take a step back and show the university they don’t call all the shots. But they should also take it as a sign that indecision and another bureaucratic disaster aren’t acceptable. There’s no reason everyone involved can’t decide on a plan by Mac’s deadline. It’s all within the original plan, minus the threat to move elsewhere. And quite frankly, with the amount of money involved, everything that needs to be done before the deadline has to happen in a way that will provide a modicum of confidence that this project won’t go the way of the Pan Am stadium and Velodrome.

Sam Colbert Managing Editor Jonathon Fairclough Production Editor Farzeen Foda Senior News Editor Kacper Niburski Assistant News Editor Dina Fanara Assistant News Editor Andrew Terefenko Opinions Editor Fraser Caldwell Sports Editor Brandon Meawasige Assistant Sports Editor Natalie Timperio Senior InsideOut Editor Cassandra Jeffery Assistant InsideOut Editor Sonya Khanna Business Editor Jemma Wolfe Senior andy Editor

• Brian Decker

Myles Herod andy Entertainment Editor Josh Parsons andy Music Editor Tyler Hayward Senior Photo Editor

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Bushra Habib, Christine Pugliese, Julia Redmond, Chanéle Jordan, Amanda Teseo, Katherine George, Aaren Fitzgerald, Ben Orr, Maggie Cogger-Orr, Ryan Mallough, Rob Hardy, Erin Chesney, Paul Fowler, Nolan Matthews, Jason Scherer, Jenna Shamoon, Sandro Giordano, Jeremy Voisin, Leather Shoes

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to sex.

to the leafs.

to the steel city.

to no free skittle.

to sex & the steel city.

to phil’s scrubb.

to being made for lovin’ you.

to bags of dicks.


to being on the loose.

Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.

to leather dog collars.


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to “the release.” to the doritis. to platters of mexican food. to jose canseco’s twitter. to terefenko. always. to wrapping around arms. to mort. what a guy. to ginger ale.


to oh, shoes. to those maraudy marauders. go beat those darn ravens.

to fraserisms. to the krispi kreme kontributor. to ranch dressing on cereal. ew. to robocalls. to spec comics. to kate upton’s intelligence. yikes. to the malice at the palace. to brandon’s accents. to brandon’s slang. to the sports hate. to twitter hate. to toboganning minus a toboggan.




production office extension: 27117

Taking on the orbital onus

Andrew Terefenko Opinions Editor

After some closely scrutinized deliberation, Canada has agreed to continue its support of the International Space Station beyond 2015. This might not sound like groundbreaking news, but then again, there is very little ground to break in the vacuum of near-Earth orbit, so let’s take a minute to reconsider the implications of this development. The ISS has brought us immeasurably closer to understanding the effects of longterm weightlessness in correlation with bone deterioration and muscular atrophy, which is a constant concern when planning the fabled “missions to Mars” which would take upwards of six to seven months to complete one-way. In addition, the station conducts some important research on the effects of cosmic rays, from a location that is not distorted by our precious, malicious atmosphere. The ISS is our stepping stone into competent understanding of interstellar travel, so it is imperative now more than ever that we continue our invaluable support for the project. There was a brief moment of uncertainty, when our nation was asked to continue working with the occupied orbiter, where we were unsure whether to pledge as far forward as 2020, the year that analysts predict will be a final one for the station’s ongoing operation. Luckily, the decision came down, and rightfully so, as Canada has always been (and should continue to be) a major player in the modern space race. This is doubly true in the face of the U.S. enacting severe budget cuts on their space programs, which have decreased in half over the last 17 years in their share of the overall federal budget. So why is this important now? One of our own is heading up to the ISS by the end of this year for a customary six-month term, so should we not ensure that his stay is as comfortable and productive as possible? It would reflect poorly on us as a technologically advanced nation to pull any iota of support from the entity that has so graciously employed our renowned Canadarm for more than its expected decade of usage. Where should we draw the line for support, however, in light of a dire economic


The ISS is an important arm of the Canadian research effort, and renewing our financial support for it is a wise choice. crisis here on the ever-fragile ground? It can be debated and argued, but I must admit that we must focus on our immediate financial concerns where immediacy is concerned. For every dollar we inject into the space program, I would argue a twice-over need for education funding. Each time we send an astronaut into space, that is (at least) one less exceptionally trained person that serves our own national interests.

Advocacy for the devil aside, I am completely supportive of the full and thorough backing of Canadian space expenditures. We often exude a feeling of stability and fiscal conservatism, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that we shouldn’t invest in risky endeavours. Progress is gained through guided faith, and when it comes to space travel, the progress may seem too far away to want to invest in, given that any fruits of labour

would not be seen in our lifetimes. The financing of modern life is a fickle matter, but I am glad that Canada has taken the leap and invested in seeing the ISS through its final years. It will put us in a good position to rear its successor and make sure that Canada is a word that is synonymous with scientific pride, and long-term damage caused by cosmic rays. Not because we want it, because we are worth it.

Serious crisis in Syria unsolved hours now. They’re going to kill us all. If you don’t help us they’ll kill millions and no one will find out about it. Please someone help us.” The government-led crackdown on Syria has been allowed to continue for almost a full year. In that time, some 5,400 Syrians, the majority of them dissidents, have been killed, and the total climbs every day. Doctors and charitable organizations are barred from entering the city Harper’s visit to China was less critical than many desired it to be. bombarded of Homs. In some cases, government Ryan Mallough forces round up the wounded and execute them. Silhouette Staff The international community has yet to meaningfully intervene. The most recent United The building quakes with the explosion of yet Nations attempt was vetoed by Russia, a longanother shell. The hallway of a makeshift hos- term ally to the Syrian regime, and China, who pital is lined with the dead. The dying cry out in has interests in the region and strong reservations agony beside them. over how the Libyan intervention was handled. Amidst their moans, British-Syrian activ- In mid February, Prime Minister Stephen Harper ist Danny Abdul Dayem begs: “We are not ani- traveled to China to discuss the expansion of mals. We are people, and we are asking for your trade relations with Canada. Less than three years help. ... they’re hitting us with rockets for four ago, Harper boasted that he would be disinclined SILHOUETTE FILE PHOTO

to do business with the Chinese until they fixed their human rights record. An economic meltdown and difficulties in expanding trade with the increasingly isolationist United States have forced Harper to seek markets abroad. However, while economic in purpose, this trip was the perfect opportunity for Harper to backup his earlier claim – to call out the Chinese on the international stage and stand by his earlier position on Libya – that Canada will not stand by while tyrants massacre their people for dissenting. That economic growth will not come at the price of freedoms and human life. Yet publicly, our Prime Minister said nothing. He claims to have discussed the issues behind closed doors – something he could have done with much more potency had Canada not suffered an embarrassing defeat to Portugal for a Security Council seat – and left it at that. While the prime minister cuddled with pandas and ate spicy pork, Syrians continued to be slaughtered at the hands of their government. Canada’s silence on Syria is deafening, considering that our government was at the forefront when it came to the international condemnation of Libya, being one of the first countries to impose sanctions, calling for an end to the Ghadafi regime’s rule and supporting and participating in the NATO-led intervention. Yet when Syria openly bombards its citizens for months, we do nothing. While the right to protect should be of no less value, there are important differences to take into consideration between Libya and Syria. The • PLEASE SEE HARPING, A10

INSIDE HEADTOHEAD How will bill C-31 affect the future of immigration in Canada, when refugees are in danger of being turned away?

Page A8

Feedback Campus crawlers chime in on the aspects of political campaigning that grind their gears.

Page A10

This Week in Opinions


Four in three

Tube surfing


Completing a four-year degree in three short years is becoming a trend, where do you stand on it, and is it feasible?

Walking is a thing of the past; make way for the idealized depiction of a tube world, making our everyday commute totally tubular.

Leaders in the modern day are lacking a certain authenticity that makes for truly memorable figures of history.

Pg. A8

Pg. A9

Pg. A11






DEBATE: Is the Balanced Refugee Reform Act going to be


too damaging to future immigration?

Matt: Immigration Minister John Kennedy recently introduced Bill C-31, which will reform Canada’s refugee policy. A refugee is a person living outside their country of origin or habitual residence because they have suffered persecution on account of race, religion or political opinion. According to Kennedy, Canada’s immigration office is flooded with “bogus” refugee claims, where many people who seek refugee status are not in “serious danger.” To solve this problem, Kennedy intends to label certain countries as “safe countries” and thus make it more difficult for individuals from these countries to obtain refugee status.

be distinguished from those with legitimate claims simplifies and underestimates the hearing process. The new bill comes out of a strong understanding of the system. The fact of the matter is that there are people who abuse the system and it is done so in correlation to certain areas, making the new policy’s regulations about safe zones necessary. For instance, claims from Hungary nearly doubled between 2010 and 2011, even though the rate of acceptance is only about two per cent. Consequently, these high rates of rejected claims contribute to the worsening backlog that is slowing the system to a halt.

Kari: The changes incurred by the Balanced Refugee Reform Act are to the benefit of those claimants with founded claims because it ensures them faster and more inclusive support. These reforms are simply that – reforms to a system that remains fundamentally the same, simply working faster and more efficiently. Currently, the number of unfounded claims unnecessarily slows down the system. The matter of people abusing the system at the risk of others in serious need is no small matter. For individuals in need, this is a hindrance to the new life they wish to begin, while for those abusing it, buying time is all they want. The proposed bill has the ability to cut wait times for hearings with the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada from 19 months to 60 days, removing failed claimants within a year as opposed to several. With these changes, the Canadian Government is even now able to increase the annual refugee target resettlement from 2,500 to 14,500.

Matt: The focus on the “bogus refugee claims” is nothing more than a political tactic that Kennedy wants to use to ensure that this bill passes. I do not deny that there are individuals who are abusing the system, but we have seen this tactic used by the Harper government before. Either you are on board to resolve the problem of bogus refugees or you are not. Suddenly, not supporting this bill means not solving the problem. While we should solve the bogus refugee problem, Bill C-31 has serious flaws, such as authorizing to strip refugees of their status and deport them years later if the government figures that the refugee no longer faces a risk of persecution. People who have already been approved

Matt: The Balanced Refugee Reform Act puts too much authority into the hands of the Immigration Office, and specifically into the hands of the Immigration Minister, allowing them to be the judge, jury and executioner of determining who will qualify as a refugee. Rather than allowing the people whose job it is to help refugee claimants decide which countries are safe, politicians become the ones in charge of the decision. This is a serious problem, because determining which country is “safe” becomes a political question. Kari: The system is still the same and will take into account the same humanitarian beliefs, though it uses authority to create structure and protect itself from corruption. Assuming that unfounded claimants cannot


as refugees might be deported even after years of living in Canada. This bill will also give the government the authority to detain any non-citizen as an irregular citizen for up to a year without any judicial review. Kari: The current system negatively affects the claimants themselves, as well as Canadian taxpayers, with failed claims costing $50,000 of social service expenses. The reformed system cuts costs to $29,000, will allows for savings toward other areas. The Canadian government also announced increasing Resettlement Assistance Program funding to $54 million. They aim to promote more successful integration into society for refugees, because contrary to this idea that the government will begin arbitrarily deporting refugees, the humanitarian value of helping these individuals is still inherent to our practices. Matt: I acknowledge that Bill C-31 may not only be faster for our immigration system and cheaper, but we should be careful if we are valuing human lives in terms of dollars and cents. For instance, think about what this bill would mean for European refugees. Any country in Europe would be considered a “safe” nation. Only five per cent of Europeans who apply for refugee status ever attain it, yet it is apparently fair to turn that five per cent away because the majority of Europeans may have made “bogus” claims? My point is, there are still families who legitimately require refugee status, even if their country is labeled as safe, and we would be wise not to overlook them. Yes, our current refugee policy needs reform, but replacing it with a more imperfect, corruptible system, which Bill C-31 supports, is not a better idea.


Darfur refugees, seen here talking to Canadian MPs, are some of many affected by this bill.


Third-degree learning Aaron Grierson The Silhouette

Recently, there was an article in the Hamilton Spectator about studies that had been done on university students who were considering completing a four-year degree in three years. But as one of the studies pointed out, many students end up completing their degree in five. As a university student here at McMaster, I think that, while the idea of only being an undergrad for three years is nice in theory, it’s just not viable. Even as a possibility, it’s rather far fetched, assuming that the maintenance of good health is in the mind of these surveyors. As a fourth-year student I can safely say that a summer break is a necessary thing. I say this for two reasons. One, most of us need to pay our way through school. Sure, OSAP is nice, but we have to pay that off afterwards anyways. Summer is a chance to make money for the coming year in the hopes of at least breaking even. Summer break is also the time when students can do one thing they have avoid doing all year: not thinking. Not thinking is an important part of life, especially for students. I’m by no means encouraging people to be lazy. It’s just that, especially in university,

you have to think and work hard. Most cannot retire because of their own finanstudents get really mentally tired fairly cial situation. It’s about retiring people quickly. At the end of the year, I’m drag- with debt and replacing them with inging the feet of my brain. Reading week debted students. Isn’t that a novel idea? is often either an out-of-country vaca- It’s certainly fiscally conservative. Now tion or lives up to its name. To set up if we can convince Harper to waive any sort of four-year-in-three degree everyone’s debts, that would be great. might have a few takers, but the rest of Even better, have the government reimus need to enjoy our precious time off burse everyone who is paying their own before being plunged into the real world. way, so that we can all be truly, demo Besides, the real cratically, debt-free. world doesn’t exactly This is all nonsense, have promising prosof course, because then pects. The job market Pumping thousands the government is in has been more or less debt, and no one can of students out dead in the last few do anything on yearly into a world really years and hasn’t gotten the federal level as there much better. So pump- where there aren’t is no money. Or we get ing thousands of stu- many jobs beyond a lot of taxes, which, as dents out yearly into a graduated citizens, we’d flipping burgers be paying, as well as our world where there aren’t many jobs beyond flip- doesn’t seem like a parents and neighbours. ping burgers doesn’t And the HST seems to be good idea. seem like a good idea. bad enough as it is, even I somehow doubt enif we’ve already forgotgineering credentials ten about that. would save us all from such a stressful So maybe, if the idea of a four-year and poor-paying job. degree in three spreads into popularity, Of course, if the world wasn’t so we should worry about resisting it, inmoney-centred maybe we would have stead of protesting global issues that we other problems to worry about. only come as close as the end of the sign I’m thinking mainly of why the post to touching. job industry sucks. Namely, there’s the We have to help ourselves before we fact that the older generations do not or can change the world.

Kari: Someone has to make the tough decisions, and there is really no evidence to say that the immigration minister will use political influence to make poor decisions. It is an exaggeration to assume this bill will create some overly formatted system that does not make exceptions or recognize individuals in need on an unconventional basis. Even this proposed small five per cent can and will be heard. If anything, the example of only a small minority of EU applicants qualifying is exactly the problem. There is no reason to promote an old sloppy system that is to no one’s benefit. Instead, we need to continue to be progressive and adapt our system to the changes that affect us.

Heart to start Rob Hardy

Silhouette Staff

There has been much talk again recently about the blood ban, which some see as unfair and discriminatory. However, in the meantime, there are other very important ways one can consider donating to help save a life. I am talking about organ donation. Recently, I got my reminder in the mail that it’s time to renew my driver’s license, and with it came the brochure about registering to be an organ donor. According to the information provided, less than 20 per cent of Ontarians have registered their consent to be an organ and tissue donor. I have already decided to register, so that upon my death, other people waiting for certain organs or tissues can receive them and get on with their lives. When you register, you have the choice of what exactly you are or are not comfortable giving. I previously checked off everything except my eyes, though now I am reconsidering this decision since, to be blunt, they will do me no good once I leave this world. That is also an apt way to view this situation: It is me, my soul, which disconnects from my body, which will cease to be a conduit for interaction with the rest of the physical world. Though everyone views these things slightly differently, if I can make someone’s life easier in this horribly tough world, someone who is still here and struggling, then it seems like a laudable moral choice to do so. Of course, even thinking about such a huge thing as this is a heady process, one that should not be rushed. Ultimately, no one can make this decision for you, and some people are just not comfortable with the prospect. In any case, it also involves a conversation with your loved ones to assure a smooth transition, should you decide to be an organ donor. Fortunately, whatever you decide, you also retain the right to withdraw your consent whenever you choose, if at some point you find yourself regretting having checked yes.




Tubing our way to better travel Vacuum-packed tubes are our ticket to expediting everyday distance Mark Friesen The Silhouette

The average temperature in Hamilton during the months of January and February is five degrees below freezing. The average number of snowy days in each month is ten. After some hefty calculations, one finds that this means that a third of the month is snowy. This makes walking, driving and really any sort of physical motion difficult, apart from falling down and crashing your car of course. Why has nobody thought of a solution for this yet? The answer, of course, is money; everybody wants it before they start thinking. Not me! I have a solution to the problem of transportation in poor weather, and I am willing to give it to all, free of charge. What is this solution? Why, it is a series of tubes. Tube transport is most likely expensive, and you are probably wondering about the implementation of the infrastructure necessary for the tubes, so lets just think about the McMaster campus. Who has not had to walk from one end to the other in a blizzard or rainstorm? My guess is about half of the student population here has had to partake in this walk, maybe even in terrible conditions. A series of tubes would solve this problem. The tubes I am talking about would be pneumatic tubes, as opposed to hydraulic tubes, which would no doubt cause the number of drowning deaths in the area to increase significantly. To simplify things, imagine just two tubes; one starting at the South edge of campus and ending at the North, and one travelling East to West. The tube-traveler would step into the tube that goes to where they want to go, and through the magic of air pressure and a large turbine to move the amounts of air necessary, would be whisked to the other end of the tube where they would get out, dry as a bone, and warm. If you have seen the TV show Futurama, you will understand what I am saying. We will take it one step further, and actually build it in real life. These tubes would travel above ground, above all of the buildings, and would allow for quick, easy travel. After a while, more tubes could be added to go from building to building, or food ser-

vice provider to food service provider. The alds and other fast food locations. We could various degrees, but nothing of this scale student centre could act as the main tube ter- offer scenic boat cruises of the campus after has ever been done. It would make travelling minal, and McMaster would be seen as the it rains. We could pass it off as a research pro- easier, safer and more fun, and would show greatest innovation ever. ject and get money for it that way. Once the the world that McMaster, as well as Canada, Now, back to the infrastructure. As has world sees it is possible, the money will start can be a great innovator. So hurry up and get been mentioned, a large turbine or power pro- flowing in like the water into the basements on it. Before somebody else does it first. My vider would be needed, as massive amounts of some of the buildings on campus after a legs are tired from all of this old-fashioned of air would need to be moved. This would large rainstorm. 20th-century walking. I want my 21st-century no doubt emit some sort of droning noise and Tube transportation has been used to series of tubes. could be housed underground, under the large common area in front of the Burke Science Building where it would bother nobody, or near the music department where it would fit in with the bagpipe players and other annoying instruments. But who would build this? Well, McMaster has a very fine engineering school, and the designing, testing and implementation of this Tube Transport Apparatus could certainly be incorporated into the curriculum in some way. As for money, think of all the money that could be saved by not purchasing salt for the parking lots and roads, and instead collecting salt packets from McDon- Severe exhaustion is just one of the many side-effects of having to utilize our legs for strenuous travel. TYLER HAYWARD / SENIOR PHOTO EDITOR


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Feedback Compiled by Andrew Terefenko and Renée Vieira

What aspect of campaigning annoys you?


Harping on foreign affairs The ills of Syria are left unanswered by Canada and the rest of the world in Syria, preferring a diplomatic resolution that would see their ally remain in power Syrian terrain is more complex, making and thus remain an obstacle. But how is any of that operation logistics more of important compared to stopan issue. ping a mass murder? The resistance is not While the Prime Recently, the “Friends of as well organized, nor as well armed, and does not Minister cuddled Syria,” a group comprised over 60 nations including control as much territory with pandas and of Canada, met to outline an ulas the Libyan movement, which likely means that ate spicy pork, Syr- timatum for the Syrian govintervention on the resist- ians continued to be ernment. Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird noted that ance’s behalf would need to be on a larger scale. It might slaughtered at the Canada would focus on preventing a humanitarian diseven need to be an invahands of their aster, a gesture Syrians from sion (possessing somewhat government.” a year ago would probably of a stigma in those parts), appreciate much more than which is more costly both those in the present day. monetarily and in terms of the human life. Finally, Russia and China, Some action is better than no action, but while thawing on the issue, remain staunch- friends don’t let friends murder their citly opposed to any Libyan-style operation izens. • CONT’D FROM A7

“I think that they have to be careful not to turn it into a popularity contest.” -Justin Rumble

“You are entering my private life with phone calls, there needs to be a certain level of separation.” -Jordan Harrison

“I’m not that into politics because I think that politicians are liars.” -Rochelle Simmons

“The speeches are bulls#!& because politicians don’t deliver on promises.” -Jamie-lee Denton



Captaining your own leadership many voices. You need to be who you are, not try to emulate somebody else.” According to Michael Hyatt, there are five marks to auDuring the last 50 years, leadership scholars have conducted thentic leadership: insight, initiative, influence, impact and thousands of studies in an attempt to develop a reliable “cook- integrity. Insight is a vision to the future. From a leadership ie-cutter” leadership style. So far, none have been successful. perspective, this entails having the ability to look at complex And this couldn’t be better news. We want members of soci- situations, gain clarity and determine what to do based on ety to lead while being themselves, not while pretending to be what actions lead to particular outcomes. someone they aren’t. By initiative, authentic leaders go first, And that’s where my advocacy for aulead by example and never stop to wait for thentic leadership is situated. Our innate abilunwilling. The leader’s influence can be Authentic leadership the ities to pick up on dishonesty have been called analogous to influenza. Real leaders are conis not a chore, nor tagious. They draw people to their visions and to use way too often. Subconsciously, we pick up on the mismatch between people’s underis it a recipe to be values, move people to act, and create a ripple lying intentions and the external image they effect throughout the population. attempt to create. Indian philosopher Swami followed, or a task Impact is about making a difference. AuVivekananda once said: “We are what our to be completed. It thentic leaders create real, lasting change. thoughts have made us ... words are secondWithout this step, the leaders haven’t led anyis being yourself ary. Thoughts live.” Thoughts themselves are thing anywhere. and standing up enough to allow followers to see through a The fifth and most important mark of aufor what you ruse. It is the congruency between the exterthentic leadership is integrity, which, in esnal and internal that builds the foundation for sence, demands a high moral standard. Adolf believe in.” authenticity. Hitler was, in a sense, a great leader who ex So that brings up the question, what is celled in the areas of insight, initiative, influgenuine leadership? The simple definition, although poten- ence, and impact. But he lacked this most important pillar tially a cliché, is to be yourself. One cannot lead authentic- of leadership, much to his own demise. Integrity ultimately ally while trying to imitate someone else. To really gain the determines the quality of a person’s legacy. trust of our followers, we have to be true to ourselves and to These five pillars of authentic leadership are not simple our purpose. Amgen CEO, Kevin Sharer, worked for years ingredients to a single recipe; they will help us succeed holisas GE CEO Jack Welch’s assistant, and witnessed the con- tically in different levels of leadership practice. flicts stemming from false personalities first hand. He com- Authentic leadership skills are not learned simply by mented: “Everyone wanted to be like Jack. Leadership has reading about them. They must be honed throughout life. Ben Kinsella The Silhouette

Both consciously and subconsciously, one must continuously test themselves through real-world experiences to discover what the true purpose of their leadership is. We don’t have to be born with specific characteristics, nor do we have to wait for the right moment to be a leader; we must just be willing to push our comfort zone and ensure our impact is benevolent. We do not need to be the most personable character in the group; leaders are much different than entertainers. Young and Rubicam chairman, Ann Fudge, once said, “All of us have the spark of leadership in us, whether it is in business, in government or as a nonprofit volunteer. The challenge is to understand ourselves well enough to discover where we can use our leadership gifts to serve others.” So, developing your personal authentic leadership requires a commitment to developing yourself and serving others. If you are an athlete or a musician, then you are familiar with the devotion required to realizing your potential. Kroger CEO David Dillon said, “The advice I give to individuals in our company is not to expect the company to hand you a development plan. You need to take responsibility for developing yourself.” Authentic leadership is not a chore, nor is it a recipe to be followed, or a task to be completed. It is being yourself and standing up for what you believe in. It is thinking what you mean, and meaning what you think. It is considering your impact, and trying to make every outcome as fruitful as the last. You can lack a title, a position of power and every tangible advantage in the world, and still possess the spark of leadership. The world needs more authentic “you.” Keep striving to learn more about yourself, others and your unformulated ability to lead.


Leadership starts with being yourself, and not turning your back to your peers.

With only FOUR issues left of the Silhouette this year, your chances to contribute are slowly fading! If you have any strong opinions of recent events, ongoing world problems or even everyday annoyances, don’t waste another second and pitch your idea TO US. >>>><<<<




SpeculatoR The Hamilton

Thursday, March 1, 2012



Level of sound-proofing in secret basement sex dungeons.


Chance of escape.

Spaying our pets for the fun of it since 1968


Dare to mess with sweater vests Tiberius Slick Speculator

Scandal and intrigue swept Canadians off their feet last night as a slew of Twitter accounts were created for the sole purpose of revealing the skankiest skeletons in major politicians’ closets. The trend was kicked off with the inaugration of the twitter account @PrimeMinisweater, which chronicles the secret cache of sweater vests that the curious Canadian leader Stephen Harper has been keeping secret from the public for the entirety of his two terms. Among the finding were that Harper was found to be in possession of a nine-year vintage cashmere polo shirt that was lined with the failed hopes of Kim Campbell. When approached about the allegations by the press, Harper declined comment citing the “patriotic need to protect my personal possessions from the judgmental eyes of my enemies.” Harper’s public relations officer then shuffled Harper into his limousine with an expression of looming shame. The first to follow the account was @ JustinRudeFlow, an account dedicated to revealing the sheer levels of obnoxiousness and vulgarity contained in Justin Trudeau’s personal correspondences. “You ****sh** a**heads can **** my **** all the way to your mom’s **** and ******-thin ****mongers,” quoted a recent tweet, from an e-mail. What came as the biggest surprise without a doubt were the tweets emerging from @BlobFord, an account that has been revealing shockingly exonerating information about Toronto mayor Rob Ford in relation to his weight. To quote, “Ford was seen eating a lowcalorie meal behind the dumpsters of a Salad Harper, seen here in a scandalous twitpic, is receiving an order of illegal sweaters from his majesty Prince Charles. King. #GlandularProblems.” This comes as a major blow to the persona that Ford was trying Canada’s first Prime Minister, John A. Macto create for the public, in order to achieve a Donald, was in fact a giant anthropomorphized “Santa-like stoutness, which would connect me shrimp bent on destroying the future decimation to the fat vote.” of his people at the hands of Maritime fisherStephen Harpolo @PrimeMinisweater Analysts believe that these tweets will se- men. “His middle name was in fact Arthropoda, Harper seen here wearing a cashmere pullover that verely harm his approval rating, as “that level the phylum associated with shrimp, like arthrohe denied owning in 2004. of incompetence is atrocious to be seen in a se- pods and invertebrates. #BrineMinister.” cretly fit person. We only let it slide because it More scandalous tweets are expected to Stephen Harpolo @PrimeMinisweater was funny to see him fit into a waterslide.” emerge in the next few days, but for the time Stephen claimed to own only 3 varieties of sweat It would be amiss to not mention the fourth being Canadians will have their hands full shirts, picture shows at least 17. and likely most influential of the Twitter leaks, coming to terms with the secret lives of the @PrawnAMacDonald. The account leaked sev- people that were not interesting enough to Stephen Harpolo @PrimeMinisweater eral new facts that hint towards the idea that follow initially. Wife claimed to not know about secret stash of






“Did you hear? The newspapers found a fair way to

thoroughly cover Occupy... ...with poo.”

Disclaimer: Stories printed in The Hamilton Speculator are fact. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is likely intentional and done out of spite. Opinions expressed are those of The Speculator and if you disagree with them you are wrong. And stupid. Possibly ugly as well.

The Silhouette S1

SPORTS SPORTSRaven hunting



The Silhouette



After handing Windsor a 77-67 loss, McMaster faces the vaunted Carleton Ravens in an OUA semifinal. Details on S4-5.



Men’s Volleyball


claims Elliot shines as team falters Bailey two medals Fraser Caldwell Sports Editor

The season hadn’t been completely seamless for the Marauders, but as they entered the OUA Final Four, the Maroon and Grey appeared well equipped to compete with their semifinal opponents from Queen’s. However, over the course of four sets on Feb. 24 in London, McMaster struggled to find form and consistency and paid the ultimate price on the scoreboard. Though they appeared the stronger team for long stretches of the Friday night contest, the Marauders committed far too many errors against a game Gaels squad. First-year middle hitter Alex Elliot – named this season’s OUA Rookie of the Year on Feb. 22 – bemoaned his team’s spate of mistakes against a foe they knew well. “That was really tough,” said Elliot of the Marauders’ inefficiency. “Because for the past couple weeks, those were the things we had been doing best and we had been managing our errors. In practices and in other games those things hadn’t gone wrong. The serving errors have always been there, but not as pronounced as they were during those four sets. “That was the toughest part. The things we usually do best were the things we weren’t doing well.” The nature of the Friday night defeat may sting most for the Marauders, as their opponents hardly blew them off the court with superior play. Rather, the Queen’s side was the steadier one, and allowed the Maroon and Grey to self-destruct from rally to rally. Elliot expressed his frustration with what he views as a missed opportunity on his team’s part. Unsurprised by the approach taken by the Gaels, the Marauders were nonetheless unable to answer the bell when it mattered most. “I felt that they were playing the same way they’ve played all year,” said the rookie middle of the opposition from Queen’s. “They were the exact same team we expected them to be. We just didn’t take advantage of what we should have.” The Maroon and Grey’s failure to capitalize on their semifinal opportunity ends their bid for silverware this season, but it may prove instrumental in the growth of McMaster’s young squad in the long term. For rookies like Elliot, the defeat was a crucial first taste of Final Four volleyball, and the middle believes that he and his teammates will be all

at CIS meet Fraser Caldwell Sports Editor

Rookie of the Year on Feb. 22. the Maroon and Grey were named as conference Second Team All Stars (Jeremy Groenveld, Kevin Stevens and Jori Mantha) while Elliot and fellow McMaster first-year Dan Groenveld were included in the OUA’s AllRookie squad. It was the young middle who made the largest splash however, being singled out as the premier first-year in the province. Elliot expressed his surprise and gratitude when considering a field chalked full of worthy candidates. “I was surprised, because there were a couple of guys who’ve played very well like [Waterloo outside] Erich Woolley and Dan, who has had a great season too,” said the Marauder middle. “Going into the season I didn’t

For a team that has long struggled to make an impact on the national stage, the Marauders made their presence felt at the CIS national championships at the University of Montreal from Feb. 23-25. The Maroon and Grey’s standout freestyle competitor Cameron Bailey picked up both of the team’s medals at the event, garnering a silver in the 200m freestyle event on the opening day of competition before adding a bronze in the 400m variation a day later. Reflecting on his star swimmer’s successful weekend, Marauder coach Andrew Cole reserved special praise for Bailey’s effort in the 200m race, where he faced off against the top swimmer at the event in the form of UBC’s Tommy Gossland. “I was particularly pleased with Cameron’s effort in the 200m freestyle, because he had to be very mentally tough in that race,” said Cole. “He was in lane two and the guy who won it [Gossland] was in lane three. Gossland went out very hard in the first 100m and Cameron had the entire other side of the pool to race against and couldn’t see any of them. “It takes a very mentally tough athlete to not get distracted at that point and wonder what’s wrong with them. There’s a lot that can go through your mind at that point. He kept his wits about him and realized that he was in the race with everyone else. In the second half of the race Cameron was hunting down Gossland. He had the fastest second 100m of anyone at the championships. “That result ranks him fifth all-time in Ontario and that’s an open time.” For his part, Cole attributes Bailey’s success to his improved training practices that have seen him mold himself into a more dependable swimmer from day-to-day. “He’s learning to train consistently,” said the Marauder coach of his star athlete. “When he first came here, he’d have a good workout and a bad workout. I’m pleased with the results but really ecstatic about the process by which he’s tried to achieve those results. It’s one thing to get to those results but the pro-




Alex Elliot was recognized as the OUA the better for it. “Building up to the event, I wasn’t really sure how I was going to feel,” said Elliot. “People were asking me if I was nervous, and I realized that I wasn’t until they brought it up. Going into the match I was jacked up and ready to go, and I think most of the guys were. “I didn’t really feel nerves, because I knew the opponent and I knew what they were going to do. [The match] will help a lot in the future, because I’ll know what to expect next year and how it’ll feel. It’ll be better because it’ll help the team calm down a little more as we go through a match.” While the present may be bleak, the future appears bright for a Marauder team that received a litany of honours courtesy of the OUA’s year-end awards. Three members of




Women’s Volleyball

Anderson claims OUA gold in 1500m race

Odds stacked against Mac

Fraser Caldwell Sports Editor

Katie Anderson’s meteoric comeback on the track has been nothing short of remarkable this season, and that journey reached a new peak on Feb. 25. Having excelled at the longer distances throughout the season, the Marauder veteran ran a personal best en route to a gold medal in the 1500m event at the OUA Championships. Running the race in 4:26.66, Anderson beat out her nearest competitor by nearly three complete seconds to cap a dominant performance. Speaking in the wake of her gold medal finish, Anderson indicated her surprise at her ability to outpace the remainder of the field. Expecting a tighter pack, the Marauder found herself in only the most elite of company as the race played out. “I didn’t really expect that,” said the fourth-year competitor. “It’s tough, because I thought that I could run 4:30 again, but I also thought that more of the girls who were running could run that. So I was surprised by how spread out the field was and by how comfortable I felt running that time. It was a huge personal best for me, both indoor and outdoor.” Marauder coach Paula Schnurr noted that Anderson approached the OUA event wanting only to run to the best of her ability, unsure of what that would translate to in the standings. But with the provincial gold under her belt, Schnurr expects her star distance runner to take aim at a medal at the national level. “She certainly has had a phenomenal year and it’s true that we’ve always kept in mind that the goal was always the CIS meet and a medal there,” said the coach. “That’s still the goal. Katie went into the OUAs just wanting to run fast and if that meant that she was going to win a medal, then great. “I think she’ll probably take the same approach into the CIS meet but things are • PLEASE SEE DEPTH, B7

Fraser Caldwell Sports Editor

It’s not often that a team loses a quarterfinal and finds themselves in a national championship a few short weeks later, but that’s exactly what the Marauders are looking forward to this coming weekend. Despite being roundly beaten by the Toronto Varsity Blues in an OUA quarterfinal on Feb. 18, the Maroon and Grey will compete in the coming CIS national championship tournament from Mar. 2-4 having secured an automatic entry as this year’s hosts. That reality creates an interesting situation for the Marauders and their coaching staff, who have been tasked with overcoming the deflation of the playoff defeat and preparing for the country’s best. McMaster coach Tim Louks believes that the relatively lengthy preparation period afforded to his team has been a saving grace, allowing them address technical and tactical issues at their own pace. “Process-wise, the biggest thing is that we’ve been afforded some time to deal with our issues,” said the Marauder bench boss. “If we had to turn around and play again the same week, I think my anxiety level would have been at an all-time high. Because we just wouldn’t be allowing ourselves the time to process the information.” The most obvious priority for the Marauders is a vast improvement in their efficiency on court, as they look to rein in the litany of errors that cost them so dearly against the Blues. Louks and his players are well aware that a clean match is a necessity, especially as they face up to a national quarterfinal against the country’s hottest team in the form of the Alberta Pandas. “The information that Alberta is going to throw at us is going to come as fast as we’ve ever seen it,” said the coach. “We have to recover from 32 unforced errors and 16 balls off hands against the Blues. Of Toronto’s 75 points, we handed them 48. We’ve got to be better with regards to block interpretation and block execution.” In winning the Canada West title, the Pandas dealt a rare loss to the four-time defending national champion UBC Thunderbirds. The odds are about as long as they could get for the Marauders, but Louks believes that his squad can make adjustments to at least challenge their upcoming opposition.


Lauren Mastroluisi was recognized as a member of the CIS All-Rookie Team. “Alberta will create far more one-on- ing faster, to lower the number off hands for ones based on their speed of play and ability points. If they’re hitting around our block to defend, and probably their ability to pass then fine, let’s dig.” as well,” said Louks. “But we still have to be better at interpreting the block and be• PLEASE SEE EVENT, S8



Key Player

Men’s Basketball

Marauders roll to final four Brandon Meawasige Assistant Sports Editor

By defeating the Windsor Lancers in Burridge Gymnasium this past weekend, the McMaster Marauders extended their winning streak to nine games, clinching not only a chance to pay in the final four but also a chance to compete for the national championship. That chance, however, requires the upstart Marauders to head down the highway to Waterloo where they will play against the storied and CIS top-ranked Carleton University Ravens who have not lost a game this season. To the Final Four, Mac head coach Amos Connolly brings with him a group of rookies that have impressed this year with their play on the court and development outside of the gym. Guards Adam Presutti and Joe Rocca have received attention for their big play, leading the team in scoring on multiple occasions each. Going generally unnoticed until Saturday was the play of Aaron Redpath, a rookie guard who has made a contribution for the Maroon and Grey this season. “He has done a very good job stepping up in Victor’s [Raso] absence, as has Joe Rocca. That was evident in the Windsor game. Both of them are getting a little more playing time because of the minutes that are available and I think in that game both of them capitalized on it. Aaron obviously made the biggest play of the game, arguably the play of the year in executing that steal,” said Connolly about the freshman. With the Marauders leading by six points and just a minute to go in the game, Redpath came up with a steal that all but secured McMaster’s victory. The absence of Raso, the third-year guard who is also the team’s emotional leader, has put the play of the three rookies under an even greater microscope. However, against a perennial powerhouse such as Carleton, one cannot help but think the Marauders would love to have Raso on the court for what is amongst the most important games in the history of McMaster’s basketball program. “Looking at him not playing last Saturday, I think it drove him absolutely crazy.” “For him I think it was on the verge intolerable to not play in a game like that. Given

this opportunity, that for us this is our biggest game that we have had and the biggest game of his career,” said Connolly of watching Raso on the bench for Saturday’s 77-67 victory of Windsor. The coach quickly added, “Concussions are something you have to be delicate with.” With or without Raso, one thing is clear: the McMaster Marauders have proven to the entire conference that they can play basketball with their own physical and gritty style. In the game against Windsor, the Marauders executed the team’s game plan, something Connolly hopes will translate into success against the top-ranked Ravens. “Making sure there is a focus on being physical and getting boards, that’s going to be highlighted just as much if not even more on Friday,” he said. The Marauders will tip off against Carleton as an underdog on Mar. 2 at 8 p.m. In sports, that can go one of two ways. A team can become inspired by their underdog status, but a team can also crumble underneath pressure and intimidation. “For us it is trying to stay with what is working and focusing on ourselves,” said Connolly. “That being said, I stressed to them last night that my intention is not to lose to Carleton every year in the final four and feel like we have accomplished something. “We want to play for a national championship, for us that means we have to win on Friday, Carleton can lose that game and get in with a wild card spot but we have to win. We are definitely playing that game with a mentality of putting our best foot forward to win; we are not playing that game with an ‘it’s okay if we lose’ attitude,” said Connolly of his team’s outlook. Win or lose on Friday, the Marauders have stormed onto the national scene this year with their surprise play and youthful confidence. Losing to the defending national champions would be no shameful conclusion to what has been a bright outlook on the future this season. That being said, a win of this magnitude against the Ravens can do wonders for a budding program. Just ask the Lakehead Thunderwolves, who won their first OUA title over the Ravens Rookie guard Aaron Redpath had a breakout game against the Windsor Lancers, in last year’s Wilson Cup at McMaster. scoring 21 points in front of an enthusiastic crowd at Burridge Gymnasium.


#8 McMaster Marauders

#25 Adam Presutti Point Guard

A t the beginning of this season, the McMaster Marauders, due to their youth, were not a presence in the discussions sur-

rounding the CIS National Championship. That being said, the Marauders who have been led by a group of standout rookies, have won nine straight games and find themselves in a matchup against the defending national champions. On Friday, Mac has a chance to book a ticket for the national championship, win an OUA Championship and make program history all at once.

#1 Carleton Ravens

Ttopheplayers Carleton Ravens bring to Waterloo two of the nation’s in point guard Philip Scrubb and forward Tyson

Hinz. Coached by Dave Smart, the Ravens are the top team in the country and have finished first in the OUA East every single year in this millemium. Seemingly perfect, without losing a game in the regular season, Carleton can be defeated in a big game. The Marauders would be following in the footsteps of the 2010/2011 Lakehead Thunderwolves who beat Carleton to win the OUA Championship, though Carleton still captured the national title.

Ravens by the #’s


Points per 100 possessions for Carleton this season (Mac scores 103.1 per 100 possessions.)

Straight games without a loss.


He has poise and he is a competitor with a natural competitive streak. He needs to realize that even though he is young, he can take over games.” -Amos Connolly


Of the last 9 CIS National Championships were won by Carleton.


3-Point field goals made by point guard Philip Scrubb.



Women’s Basketball


makes Chiarot earns All-Star nod Mac team-wide season long with the Mustangs, who finished with an identical 11-11 record. Notably, Coach Theresa Burns was unable to be on the sidelines for her team’s final game after suffering a concussion while playing pick-up hockey. The Marauder women struggled all season long to capture positive momentum and put any kind of streak together. It was indeed a season characterized by mediocrity, as the squad was never far below .500, but never surged up the standings either. The team suffered numerous injuries, especially in the new year, most notably to rising star Abby Hurd. Coach Burns struggled with putting a consistent starting five on the floor night in and night out. The injuries forced the youth of the team to rise to the occasion, and rise they did. Along with Hurd, a rookie, Liz Burns, Vanessa Bonomo and Hailey Milligan all had strong campaigns in their third season competing for McMaster. The brightest spot of the season came in the form of fifth-year senior and captain, Taylor Chiarot. After a standout season that saw her average 17 points a game and grab 126 defensive rebounds, Chiarot was named an OUA West First-Team All-Star for the first time in her illustrious career at Mac. Her 1,289 career points are good enough for 13th all time in OUA history and make her the all-time leading scorer for the McMaster Marauders women’s program. Jessica Clemençon of Windsor won her second straight Player of the Year award and her coach, Chantal Vallée, took home Coach of the Year honours. The Lancers completed the season with a 20-2 record, the best in the in the province. Not surprisingly, the top four teams from the regular season will compete at the OUA Final Four at the University of Ottawa this weekend. In the semi-finals, the Brock Badgers will take on the hosting Gee-Gees and the Taylor Chiarot was named an OUA West First-Team All-Star on Feb. 28. Carleton Ravens will take on the aforemenBen Orr mosphere surrounding the program heading tioned Lancers, who will look to defend their title. OUA supremacy will be decided Silhouette Staff into the off-season is a positive one. The season began at Burridge Gym in on March 3 at 8 p.m. It is fitting that the Marauders would finish the form of a loss to a strong Carleton Ra- The Marauders may have to watch from the season with an 11-11 record, as the 2011- vens team, which went on to win 17 games home, but the promising young squad will 12 season was an up-and-down one some- and capture second in their division. It end- surely be motivated to add their name to the times defined by a struggle to compete with ed on the same floor with a loss to the rival marquee at next year’s Final Four. the elite in the OUA. Western Mustangs, as the Maroon and Grey And with a solid combination of youth Still, much can be said for a young failed to advance to the conference quarter- and leadership, the Maroon women might just be the surprise of the OUA come next women’s squad winning 11 games and earn- finals. ing a playoff berth, and undoubtedly the at- The Marauders jockeyed for position all season. PHOTO C/O RICHARD ZAZULAK


• CONT’D FROM S2 cess has changed dramatically for him and he’s getting what he deserves.” Bailey’s achievement was the obvious high point of the Marauders’ weekend, but many other McMaster swimmers notched personal bests over the course of the event, and several earned second swims. On the topic of his team’s collective results, Cole was exceptionally upbeat and indicated that the event represented the most impressive performance he had witnessed at the helm. “We had 11 swims in the finals and another eight or nine in the consolation finals,” said Cole. “To have that many athletes make it into the finals was great. We knew that we were going to do well because we’ve consistently improved so much in the last four years. We hadn’t been winning medals but there comes a point when you can’t possibly improve any more without winning. “I’m really pleased with the athletes. They were brilliant and really kept focused on what they needed to do. It didn’t come without its challenges, as you would expect at that high level. But it was an amazing experience and I’m very encouraged by what this means for us in the future.” That future is perhaps best exemplified by Konrad Bald, the sophomore Marauder who narrowly missed the podium in two separate events at the national championship event. The 50m breaststroke provided particular heartbreak for the young Marauder, as he finished only 0.07 seconds behind the third-placed swimmer. Despite losing out on a medal, Cole believes that Bald was satisfied with his weekend performance as he notched two personal bests over the course of the event. “You know, we’re in a weird sport,” said the Marauder coach. “You always want to win a medal, but any time you make a lifetime-best time, you’ve done better than ever before. So he [Bald] came back very happy in knowing that he put together the best race that he could on that day. His angle of improvement – his trajectory – has been unbelievable.” For young Marauders on the ups like Bald, this year’s event is only the beginning.



Men’s Volleyball


Middle looks to increase strength

Depth is key for 3000m squad

• CONT’D FROM S2 know what to expect or how much playing time I would get. “Being able to get a lot of playing time was really good and it was an honour to be named Rookie of the Year. It was a lot of fun and a great first year.” Elliot’s achievement is particularly remarkable given his previously documented struggles to fit into the Marauder lineup in the early going. Being asked to play on the outside, the rookie floundered in practice, and saw very little of the court in the opening half of McMaster’s season. But when given the chance to return to the middle, Elliot flourished and has yet to look back. “It really came into my mind as the second half started that I belonged,” said the young hitter of his turnaround. “Through the Saskatchewan trip and the first few games of the semester it really hit me. It was completely different from the first semester because I started on the outside and it was so strange. “Getting back into the middle and playing brought me into a comfort zone and I felt like I was meant to be in that spot. It was a great feeling and I settled in and went with the flow.” Rather than resting on his established laurels, Elliot sees the end of the season as an opportunity to improve on several facets of his game. Chief among those is his physicality, as the rookie hitter hungers for more power. But as he points out, any addition to his strength must be augmented by speed. “There’s a ton things that I want to get better at in the offseason,” said Elliot. “I want to get a bit bigger and stronger in my upper body, but I always want to be faster and up my foot speed so that I can close down those outside blocks quicker. I want to be able to be more physical at the net, and that’s the biggest difference between someone who’s in fifth year and someone who’s in first. It’s the size. With the Marauders returning to the proverbial drawing board as a team, Elliot will have several months to do such fine-tuning. The summer’s coming provincial competitions should also provide the middle with yet another opportunity to demonstrate his growing skill.


Katie Anderson won gold in the 1500m event at the OUA Championships. • CONT’D FROM S3 a bit different. When you get to that level, you’re racing to win and if the times are fast, that’s a bonus. So I think there’ll be a little bit more tactics involved. But Katie’s sights are set on a medal.” Anderson echoed her coach in her belief that the CIS event will demand a more strategic approach. That necessity largely derives from the more evenly matched talent pool at the national level, where separating oneself from the pack is a much tougher affair. “The OUA level has a very talented group of girls running and the thing about the CIS level is that you’re getting even more talent and even more girls running

the same time,” said the Marauder veteran. “So you really have to figure out what your strengths are and pace it out that way. “I know for example in the 1000m that there are a bunch of girls that can out-kick me through 600m or so, so I have to consider that tactically.” In terms of a concrete goal at the upcoming national event at the University of Manitoba, Anderson stated that she would aim solely to achieve a personal best, and hope that such a time would stand her in good stead against the field on offer. “My goal for every race has been to get a PB, because I feel that a personal best for me generally puts me in a fairly good position,” said Anderson. “So I would be happy if I could PB again. Even if I was dead last, if

I was running 4:25, I’d be happy. It’s entirely new territory for me.” While Anderson’s gold medal performance was the high point of the Marauders’ OUA efforts, the talent-laden women’s 3000m unit also made a splash over the course of the weekend, with Victoria Coates claiming a bronze at that distance. Several McMaster runners are nationally ranked in that event, and Schnurr believes that the highly competitive nature of the Marauders’ longer-distance squad bodes well for their chances at the national championships. With Coates, Lindsay Carson and Sarah Haliburton all slated to compete in the 3000m event in Manitoba, McMaster has a legitimate hope of reaching the podium at the distance. “The CIS event will be the first time that all three girls will have run the 3000m at the same race,” said Schnurr of her long distance specialists. “Victoria and Sarah ran together at Notre Dame and Victoria came out on top, and then Sarah ran it a bit faster in Boston. It’s hard to know who’s got the upper hand but all of the girls are very fit and again it will probably come down to a bit of strategy. “They want to get some energy from each other and there’s going to be some benefit from that. However, they’re going to want to beat each other as well, and they have to treat each other as competitors.” On the men’s side, long distance standout Graham Bowes continued his outstanding season with a fifth-placed finish in the 3000m event, and notched eighth position in the 1500m. Schnurr explains that Bowes’ 3000m result in particular represented a shattering of his personal best, as he continues his rapid ascent up the national rankings. “That was a huge personal best,” said the Marauder coach. “He ran 8:28 at Notre Dame and that was converted to 8:32 on the oversized track. “For him to come back at the OUA Championship and run at 8:23 was unbelievable. After running that first PB he knew that he could run faster, but there just weren’t any chances. “He knew he would have to put it all out there at the OUAs. It really paid off because now he’s off to the CIS event.” Anderson, Bowes and the rest of the Marauder contingent will wrap up their season in Manitoba when they compete at the CIS National Championships from Mar. 8-10.



Women’s Volleyball

Event offers key experience • CONT’D FROM S3 While the Pandas pose a daunting task for the tournament hosts, the Marauder coach points out that they are far from invincible. “We’re playing the best team currently in Canada West and irrefutably one of the top three or four teams in the country all season long,” said Louks of the his team’s coming opponents. “Coach Eisler has them ready to play, game in and game out. But they still have six losses in their season. So how did that happen?” In a David and Goliath situation, the Marauders’ only option is to throw caution to the wind and get up for the challenge at hand according to their coach. “Fear no evil,” said Louks philosophically. “I’m not a religious man, but can you play with some abandon? Let’s call a spade a spade, we’re seeded eighth and it’s a lucky eight. We’re going in as the bottom seed and we know it. For us to improve our tournament standing, we have to take care of some points regardless of who our opponent is. “If we don’t play in a way in which we’re managing our own game and our mental position then we’re not even giving ourselves the chance to find out if we can win. Let’s find out.” Win or lose, the Marauders have a rare opportunity to gain match experience against the very best teams in Canada over the course of the national tournament. That practice has value in itself for a team that typically plies its trade in the frankly inferior OUA. “This is such a marvelous opportunity, and we don’t play in these types of matches often enough,” said Louks of the competition at the national event. “I think the OUA is getting better and better and maybe we’re looking to the point where we’re seeing these kinds of matches more regularly, but we’re not there yet.” The prospect of action on the national stage is especially inviting for the Marauders given their promising rookie contingent, two of whom – outside Lauren Mastroluisi and Taylor Brisebois – were named to the conference’s All-Rookie Team on Feb. 21. For her part, Mastroluisi was honoured further on Feb. 29, being named to the CIS


The Marauders face steep odds against an Alberta team that beat the four-time defending national champion UBC. All-Rookie Team during the national championship awards banquet. With regards to his rookie hitter’s recent recognition, Louks was pleased to report that Mastroluisi will feature prominently in the weekend tournament and has earned that position on the strength of her continued development.

“You’re going to see her [Mastroluisi] start on Friday and that tells you something,” said the Marauder coach. “She’ll start because she deserves to. She’s practicing well, shaping some of her passing great and getting a grip on her service mechanics. Her level of comprehension has been outstanding and now it’s just a matter of continuing

to develop her patience.” There’s no better stage to develop and challenge oneself than the national championship, and Mastroluisi and her teammates will look to do just that this weekend. The Marauders’ quarterfinal matchup with the Alberta Pandas is slated to get underway at 8 p.m. in the Burridge Gym.




production office extension: 27117

Jonathon Fairclough explores Portugal’s relaxed lifestyle in part one of his travels

peaceful pact with a port Jonathon Fairclough Production Editor

Andy and I walked across the tarmac at Faro Airport with exalted exhaustion. The tiredness was a reminder of the toil and stress of any good journey, but with the added bonus of having a soft bed and clean shower at the end of the road. We were in Portugal, in the South, where the West coast meets the East. It was 9am and the heat was already belting down. We needed smokes, water, and food – in that order. I pick my bag off the turnstile only to find a 12-inch rip down the seam. My clothes are falling out and a mild panic sinks in: “How am I going to fly home like this? How am I going to get to Sagres?” I managed to find some clothes pins and reduced the size of the gash by a few inches, but I certainly couldn’t carry it on my back, and people were beginning to grin at my misfortune. I was in yesterday’s clothes, since we had slept at the airport the night before. We’d taken the first flight out of Brussels that morning to ensure a long day of successful travelling, even though the final journey from the airport would only take 4 or so hours. Before sleeping over at the airport we had driven to a Belgian brewery, gotten a little dizzy from the beers, drank some more when we got home, and then finally took the train to the airport. Nobody was really there. We tried sleeping on the cold marble floor but it was no use, so we just kept busy talking about our travelstories, people back home etc. The bus from Faro to Sagres was longer than we thought. Although the bus was supposed to have AC it didn’t, and we spent the entire ride looking at the arid Portuguese countryside, with all the cars going their own ways. Maybe I’d bump into the people of those cars one day, down the line, and they’d be more than just a passing automobile on the highway. This is how I think on those long, sweaty, muted bus rides. A 4-hour bus ride and 20 minute taxi ride later and we’re outside of our hostel, just outside of Sagres in a small town called Raposeira. Listen to any Portuguese person pronounce that word and you’ll melt a little: “Rappo-sayrah”, with a quick roll of the tongue at the beginning and the end, the name itself hints at a certain elusiveness and I assure

you, it lives up to the reputation. The hostel was humbly impressive, with a white-washed exterior and colourful on the inside. Walking up the driveway and to the stairs, there are hammocks on the outside porch that swung slowly with the sea breeze. Inside the hostel was a big kitchen and common room, where travelers were sitting and bustling at any time of day. We walked in that day to a handful of smiles and greetings, both from the staff and from the patrons. The funny thing about “Good Feeling Hostel”, and something we would discover very quickly, that these smiles and nods were so much more than simple kindness. This hostel was a place with a true pulse, a true atmosphere, and a general community. The smiles were genuine, the nods were profound: we couldn’t believe a place like this existed, and all were in constant acknowledgment of that. Throw our bags down, jump into the shower, put on a pair of shorts and a light tee, and join a bunch of other hostel-goers into a beat up 1970s station wagon to grab some food from the local supermarket. The locals don’t seem to mind us; they must be used to the foreigners already. Pick up a bottle of Port, some sandwiches, and a 5L bottle of water – all for under 10 Euros. Head back to the hostel and start drinking the Port immediately. It was sweet and dreadful,


allowing me to take an afternoon nap a mere 2 hours after I opened it up. Andy and I pay 3 Euros for a home-cooked Portuguese meal, made by the owners of the hostel. A delicious beef roast and vegetables, our bellies were full and we began talking to the different guests. Most were from Australia and Germany, but there were people from every corner of the world there. All people were talking about were the waves, and how the beach was today, and what the tides will be like tomorrow, and then it hit me: I came here to surf, didn’t I? Portugal was the second-last stop before I left for home. 4-months into the summer and I was just about to head home – but not before I learned to surf, learned to speak German, and learned to drink more than I ever have.

The adventure continues next week…

How far is it?

-McMaster University is 4,332 Kilometres away from the town of Faro -This is equivalent to 47,632 football fields -Daytime temperatures are 25°C on average this season

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Learn how to bake these scrumptious cookies like a professional; they’re sure to be a crowd pleaser.

p. C3

p. C7




Ryan Darichuk Third-year sociology Favourite singer: Morrissey Describe your style: Eclectic and vintage What do you look for in a significant other? Sense of humour and intelligence Vest: Value Village $10 Boots: Jack Carruth Shoes $100 Pants: Urban Outfitters $70

Photos by Tyler Hayward



Put your best pen SEXandthe STEELCITY forward this spring and write for Just a phone call away InsideOut Virtual intimacy can add some spark to your relationship Cassandra Jeffery

Section Meetings: Wednesdays at 3:30 MUSC B110

Assistant InsideOut Editor

Think back to the last time you had an erotic night of pleasure: the urge to feel sexually satisfied was heightened to the point of necessity, everything your partner said or did seemed oddly sexy and provocative, and every touch was a complete and unfair tease. Physical intimacy is a sensual and loving experience, but it can also be exciting, thrilling, more powerful than all forms of self satisfaction. But however fantastic the risqué realm of sex can be, university students are busy individuals who do not have the luxury to be in constant sexual stand by. Let’s face it, there will time periods of limited physical contact (if any) between you and your partner. There will be the dreaded dry spells. Despite the dreary dries, it’s important to fight back and keep the heat flowing in a relationship. Phone sex can allow you and your partner to remain intimate without physical contact. Phone sex takes various meanings for different people, though it essentially about explicitly sexual conversation via the telephone while one or both partners masturbate. “I’d define phone sex as ‘virtual sex’—hot and heavy moaning, dirty talk, basically X rated conversation with another while masturbating,” says fourth-year English student Vanessa Tall.

Phone sex isn’t for everyone. Sometimes, these heated sexual discussions can be embarrassing or simply overwhelming. It can, though, add openness and honesty to your physical sex life. For those in long-distance relationships, phone sex is one way to relax and forget about the distance. Some people, such as Tall, consider it a healthy aspect of their sex life. “I’m in a long-distance rela-

It’s important to keep in mind that engaging in virtual sex is meant to be an exciting way to spice up your love life and not a reason for embarrassment.” tionship, so being able to pleasure myself while simultaneously pleasuring my partner (minus physical touch, of course) is reason enough for me to have phone sex. It allows for intimacy which we may otherwise not be able to get while apart from one another,” admits Tall. It releases any sexual tension that remains at bay, even though virtual sex is not comparable to the intimacy and affection displayed

physically. “It’s also reassurance that my partner is missing me just as much as I’m missing him,” says Tall. On the other hand, when the urge strikes and your partner isn’t around, virtual fantasies can imitate your most erotic desires; it may even be a great way to let loose and fantasize something that you’ve never done before. It’s important to keep in mind that engaging in virtual sex is meant to be an exciting way to spice up your love life and not a reason for embarrassment. Try to remain confident and remember that you’re not a phone sex professional, which means no one’s expecting you to be a pornographic all star. Even experienced individuals such as Tall sometimes find the notion humorous. “Phone sex can get a bit awkward – I’ve found myself giggling at times. But closing your eyes and visioning that other person in your physical presence really helps. And on the up side, it’ll make you want to jump your partner all the more when you finally do get to see them.” If you’re interested in trying phone sex, don’t be afraid to talk to your partner, and ease into it by maintaining good communication. Try it as a way to live out your favourite fantasies. But if phone sex isn’t for you, then you can always stick to your usual methods of sexual release.


Having a steamy and erotic conversation over the phone can leave you sexually satisfied.



Thinking twice about Word of the Week first impressions Amanda Teseo Silhouette Staff

Making a Killer First Impression ‘Tis the season for resume polishing and job interview prepping. Whether you are preparing for an interview or just longing to improve your first impressions for social reasons, it never hurts to work towards portraying the very best version of yourself. Browsing through Indigo during reading week, I came across this tiny book that immediately captured my attention with its ridiculous title: How to Make People like You in 90 Seconds or Less. Nicholas Boothman, the book’s author, states that there are two parts to connecting with other people: meeting and establishing rapport. The Meeting Apparently, it takes a total of three to four seconds to form an impression. Within a few moments, you decide whether someone is sincere, genuine and trustworthy. With this information, you make a decision about whether the person is worth listening to. According to Boothman, there are several ways to ace the meeting, which include: using “open” body language (face your body towards the person and maybe unbutton your jacket or coat), making direct eye contact, wearing an inviting smile, and being sincerely interested in meeting the other person. Establishing Rapport Rapport is a comfort zone between individuals that allows for smooth social exchange. Something like this is difficult to pin down, but we’ve all felt it. It’s the ease that comes over you when you realize your prof isn’t the unapproachable stickler you imagined him to be in class, but a somewhat nice guy who may be willing to answer your questions. The prize that accompanies the achievement of rapport with another person is his or her acceptance. Boothman states: “As you meet and greet new people, your ability to establish rapport will depend on four things: your attitude, your ability to ‘synchronize’ certain aspects of behaviour, like body language and voice tone, your conversation skills and your ability to discover which sense (visual, auditory or kinesthetic) the other person relies on most.” Boothman describes the optimal attitude to portray as kind, warm and interested. You can instantly tell if someone is interested in what you are saying by the quality of their responses, tone of their voice and body language, so don’t try to fake it. Next, “synchronizing” your behaviour to match another individual’s is a subtle, but ef-

fective tactic. Mirroring may sound silly, but it creates immediate ease. Take on the other person’s overall posture (i.e. if they are leaning over a table, lean over the same table towards them), use similar, but not identical, gestures and expressions, and fall in with their voice tone and speed. Although many of us do this automatically, we may be blazing over this step unknowingly. Try it! The effect is instant. Good communication skills are tools to build up rapport. Contrary to what you may think, the foundation of communication is mastering the art of listening. Focus on understanding the other person; ask questions, clarify statements, and make eye contact regularly. It’s our nature to respond well to people who are interested in us; it makes us feel liked. Discerning which sense an individual relies on most takes practice and, sometimes, careful examination. Studies have shown that approximately 55 per cent of people are motivated primarily by what they see (visual), 15 per cent by what they hear (auditory) and 30 per cent by physical sensation (kinesthetic). Visual people are typically fast talkers who wave their arms around, explain with visual imagery (colours, shapes, sizes) and often look around when speaking. Auditories typically have fluid, melodic and expressive voices, make gestures that go from side to side and respond emotionally to the quality of sound. Kinesthetics are typically slow talkers who seem to add many unnecessary details to stories and descriptions, take a longer time to translate feelings into words, and can be very hands on and touchyfeely. Once you find out which sense a person leans toward, you can tailor your explanations and descriptions accordingly. For example, if I am trying to sell a car to a large group of people, chances are there are auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners in the crowd. Thus, I may describe the sound the muffler makes as you gun the gas, the sleek aerodynamic design of the new model, and the feel and texture of the steering wheel and seats. In this way, I am addressing the imagination of as many people as I can to elicit a mental response to what I’m saying. Ultimately, meeting and establishing rapport with people is a skill that comes with confidence and practice. The more aware you become of cues a person is giving off, from body language to sensory disposition, the more effectively you can appeal to them. You will be surprised as to how much of a difference some of these tips can make.


This job hunting season, be wary of making a good first impression.

Carthritis Definition

Condition suffered by a car, where a long period of wear and tear, along with poor maintenance, can cause groaning in parts of the car that normally make no noise.

Used in a sentence

Bill: “My car isn’t about to fall apart; it just has carthritis.” Betty: “Sure it does, Bill.”



Global citizenship conference McMaster hosts annual event on the significance of activism Anqi Shen

The Silhouette

One is a street nurse in Toronto, and the other is the executive director of an organization with headquarters in Toronto and outreach in Africa. Cathy Crowe and Shawn Cheung know a thing or two about how to affect change – a buzzword that has drawn its share of sceptics. The two activists will speak about the challenges and rewards of their work at this year’s Global Citizenship Conference. Since graduating from McMaster University with a bachelor of commerce in 2005, Cheung’s job has involved advising Fortune 500 companies on how to optimize business development. In 2006, he put his business expertise to use for a personal cause, launching the nonprofit organization Raising the Village. The organization works to recover some of the most remote communities in Uganda, where households earn about 30 cents USD per day. From the get-go, Cheung and his team have focused on creating sustainable models of growth—one of the most challenging steps, Cheung said, for companies and non-profits alike. It’s only after being invited by a Ugandan NGO that Raising the Village staff begin implementing a recovery project for a specific area. Donors make a one-time investment to see the project flourish on a grassroots level, rather than repeatedly giving monetary aid

that may never see its purpose fulfilled. Cheung is a strong proponent of the ‘think globally, act locally’ mentality. “Not everyone has to go to Africa to make a significant impact,” he said, despite having trekked and volunteered in Uganda himself. “It’s really about starting conversations,” said Cheung. “Many of the locals I spoke with in Uganda have great ideas for their future – they just don’t know how to get started or who to contact. I think everyone should at least have that opportunity.” Cathy Crowe, another Torontonian, shares Cheung’s passion for sustainable development and stresses the need to “act rather than just witness.” Crowe worked as a community help nurse for several years before unexpectedly falling into advocacy for the homeless in Toronto. A strong supporter of social assistance programs, Crowe cofounded the Toronto Disaster Relief Committee, whose slogan prompts all levels of governments to commit an extra one per cent to their affordable housing budgets. “My entire nursing career has been in Toronto’s downtown core,” said Crowe. “Over the past 20 years, we’ve seen supporters of the homeless retreat. But everything we saw on the streets became a national, socio-economic disaster, and everything that was happening in Toronto was happening in other communities.”

Like Cheung, she advocates for working toward change at the grassroots level. “We need to develop responses that aren’t based on the idea that some poor are deserving of help and others are not,” she said. “There are creative ways you can bring people together to figure out long-term strat-

egies.” Crowe and Cheung will visit campus on March 10 to speak as keynotes for McMaster’s 7th annual Global Citizenship Conference. The conference works toward a social consciousness that is rooted in local communities and extends across the globe. This year’s theme is “Activism is not dead.” It’s a slogan that’s bound to stick, but also leaves plenty of room for inquiry. Is activism dead, after all? Is it in need of re-activation? For Cheung, the answer to the second question is yes. “With the rise of social media, globalization activism is beginning to take on a new form,” he said. “One of the trends we’ve seen is the expectation that gen X would come back and save the world, but that hasn’t happened. We need to be able to ‘activate’ the millennial generation into taking action, which they are very capable of doing.” McMaster’s Global Citizenship Conference will be held in Hamilton Hall on Saturday, March 10 starting at 9 a.m. JOY SANTIAGO / MULTIMEDIA EDITOR

Eye Oh Tidbits Death by Machine

More than ten people a year are killed by vending machines. Who would have thought a snack attack could kill?

Talk about indulgence

The human brain has the capacity to store everything you experience. Interesting, considering most of us can’t remember what we had for breakfast yesterday.

Members-only club

England’s monarch, who once enjoyed extensive powers and authority over almost the whole world, is not allowed to enter the House of Commons simply because it is not a member, despite all of the position’s majesty and glory.

Heartbreak warfare

It’s possible to die from a broken heart; it’s called Stress Cardiomyopathy.

Love at first sight

Two in five people in the world marry their first love.



Textbooks, meet technology Tablets may not save students on costly course products

e-book,” said Zybala, explaining that students do not save as much money with e-textbooks as they would expect. WATERLOO (CUP) - “I’m really just look- offers a first-year culing at it to read books and share pictures, I tural anthropology textbook for $44.98 comguess — and maybe textbooks, hopefully pared to the Bookstore’s price of $108.75, textbooks,” said Klara Raic, justifying her but the e-textbook can only be rented for 180 purchase of an expensive, but increasingly days. popular piece of technology: the tablet. “You’re not able to sell that material back The Wilfrid Laurier University second- to the store at the end of the semester, so year business student bought the Lenovo a1 that’s really where the biggest difference is,” tablet during boxing week sales for $200. he said. While she hopes to use her new tablet for stor- When asked which she would buy from ing photographs and portable internet access, if books from a second-hand book fair and like many other students who have purchased an e-textbook resource were priced the same, tablets and e-readers, Raic was motivated by second-year student Vanessa Frey agreed that hopes of saving money on textbooks. there is an advantage to buying print books. “This semester, I don’t have any more “[Second-hand] resale value, you can still sell textbooks that I can buy online it back for thirty bucks.” … but in the future, I would But with the iPad 3 rudefinitely continue using it and Despite the trouble moured to be released in upputting my books on here,” excoming months, tablet popuwith tablets saving larity is increasing despite plained Raic. While tablets and e-readstudents money on the fact that e-textbooks do ers undoubtedly offer an adsave as much money as textbooks, Zybala not vantage for avoiding the lines students expect. predicts that like “We’ve definitely seen on campus to buy new and second-hand books — typicalRaic, students will some strong sales through ly ranging from $200-$500 — tablet … there’s defincontinue to use the the are they worth the investment? itely a lot more interest in multipurpose Raic thinks so. a tablet than the traditional “I’m thinking of just getdesktop,” said Zybala, refere-textbooks.” ting the online code and using ring to the bookstore's techthis as my textbook and not nology sales. spending the extra $120 dollars on the text- “On a personal level, yeah I wouldn’t book itself … which is half of the price of this mind a tablet for convenience of everything, [tablet],” she said. for Internet access, for being able to access The second-year student explained her email ... I think they’re becoming a bit more theory that after buying one or two e-text- of a useful tool that can be used in multiple books online instead of in print, the cost of aspects,” said Zybala, who bought the Kobo the tablet is likely made up in money saved. e-reader last year. While e-textbooks save money in the Despite the trouble with tablets saving short term, Laurier’s Bookstore manager of students money on textbooks, Zybala predicts academic material Mika Zybala pointed out that like Raic, students will continue to use that e-textbooks are usually a rental service, the multipurpose e-textbooks because of conthrough which students miss out on resale venience and the Bookstore will need to adapt value of the book. in order to survive. “We’re seeing that bit of divide because “It will definitely have an impact on our general book reading is definitely moving in business,” Zybala said. “I think [the tablet] the e-book direction, where the traditional has its place and I still think that the printed textbook is more in that access code, so it’s book will have its place as well. I think, in a short term access … you do not own that general, it’s all about choice.” Despite their convenient appeal, tablets may not save you money on textbooks. Katie Flood The Cord


The art of health with a safe environment to do something that is essential to their continuing development – make mistakes. Hartley Jafine (or simply “Hartley,” as he “In the healthcare world, there is this likes to be called) is a PhD candidate and in- overwhelming expectation for perfection,” he structor in the BHSc program whose research says. “Now, this expectation is understandfocuses on the role of the arts in healthcare able, given the stakes, but it gets to the point settings. that admitting to one’s mistakes or sharing He is concerned with exploring the bene- one’s anxieties becomes severely frowned fits of theatre in health education and re- upon. search. The inability to discuss one’s fears and Hartley’s line of work discusses the prob- anxieties can be extremely detrimental to lems that arise as a result of the day-to-day the mental health of someone in such a highroutine that medical students are subject to stress position and to a large degree deprives and explores solutions to this problem. them of the opportunity to learn from their “Students typically enter medical school mistakes.” when they are at the height of compassion, Theatre offers physicians a forum to coland the height of idealism, because, coming lectively discuss their fears as well as the misfrom an undergraduate program into a med- takes they’ve made. ical school, they want to Openly speaking about be healers; they’ve chosen their worries with other proThe fact remains this profession for that very fessionals who carry the same reason … but the problem , that many medical burden of responsibility infrom my research and lived spires a sense of community experience, is that, when institutions still fail to in healthcare rather than that medical students enter third recognize the impor- of judgment and criticism year, they start to lose their tance of this aspect and ultimately leads to the compassion and empathy, improvement of their mental and this is largely because of medical education health. the realities of medical and thus don’t con- This, in addition to discussschool systematically con- sider it a budgetary ing the experiences in which vince them that there is no they have made errors, espepriority.” place for empathy,” Hartley cially those that had considersaid. able consequences for their The “realities” to which patients, allows the practitionHartley refers undermine the importance of ers to return to work unburdened and more skills like active listening, appropriate bed- aware. side manner and many other issues that are According to Hartley, the shift towards widely recognized as crucial to the healthcare recognizing the importance of the arts in profession. healthcare settings has been underway for This defect in the environment of med- some time. ical education breeds desensitized healthcare Among various examples of medical inpractitioners, whose apathy inflicts the pa- stitutions implementing arts-based programs tients and destines their students – the next into their curriculum, he notes that 2012 generation of physicians – for a similar fate. will mark the one-hundred-and-one-year anAccording to Hartley, the solution lies in the niversary of University of Toronto Medical arts. School’s musical, a persisting testament to He advocates the widespread implemen- the importance of this cause. tation of theatre-based programs that offer However, he asserts that these instances these students and physicians a unique oppor- are few and far between. The fact remains tunity to devote time to critically think about that many medical institutions still fail to the experiences that their patients go through recognize the importance of this aspect of and to evaluate themselves from these pa- medical education and thus don’t consider it a tients’ perspectives. budgetary priority. Programs like this can rescue the stu- These circumstances and his belief in his dents’ empathy and in doing so reinforce the work are what motivate importance of recovering skills that they have Hartley to wholeheartedly fight for the let fall by the wayside. establishment of programs that allow medical Furthermore, Hartley believes that the- students to overcome the “realities” of medatre can provide healthcare professionals ical education. Ilia Ostrovski The Silhouette




Stand strong against the stigma of STIs Carla Brown SHEC Media

It can be very traumatic to be diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection. You might feel ashamed or angry. These are normal responses, but it’s important to remember that this doesn’t have to change your life significantly. Here are some tips for coping with an STI diagnosis. If you haven’t seen a doctor to be diagnosed, you should do so immediately. Many STIs are curable, but you won’t know if treatment is an option for you unless you consult a medical professional. Even for infections that can’t be cured, like herpes or HPV, measures can be taken to prevent transmission and reduce pain. Testing can be done on campus at the Student Wellness Centre, or at a number of sexual health clinics run by Hamilton Public Health. The schedule and location of these clinics can be found at (go to Public Health and Social Services, then to Sexual Health and, finally, to Sexual Health Clinics). You should be aware that some STIs, namely HIV, syphilis and gonorrhea, must be reported by your doctor to the Hamilton Public Health department. You will also be required by law to provide the names of your previous sexual partners so that they can be anonymously notified if you choose not to notify them yourself. If you’ve been diagnosed, it’s easy to want to blame yourself or someone else. But blame isn’t a productive response. Some STIs can be dormant before they show symptoms, so it can be difficult to know what sexual encounter resulted in transmission. Getting an STI from your partner isn’t necessarily a sign that they have been unfaithful; one of you could have been infected by a previous partner. Having an STI does not define who you are, and is generally not an intentional fault. They are very common, and they don’t mean that you’ve been sexually promiscu-

ous (not that there’s anything wrong with that either). It might feel like it sometimes, but having an STI does not mean that your love life is over. Many people find happy relationships after being diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection. But it is important to share this information about your health with any potential sex partners. Some infections, like herpes and HPV, can be spread by skin-to-skin contact, even when you’re wearing a condom. It might be helpful to have a rehearsed script when talking to potential partners in case you get nervous. It is better to tell partners before a sexual encounter so they can make informed decisions about their own health. This gives people an opportunity to share their sexual history in return. Many STIs are so common that your partner probably won’t be surprised or uncomfortable. And sex is much better when you’re both honest with each other. You might find it helpful to do some research about the STI you have. When you first see the doctor, they might not have a lot of time to explain your infection to you. In addition, many doctors aren’t experienced with sexual health and may not be familiar with new advances in treatment protocols or the odds of transmission. Doing some background research will help you to understand what your doctor is saying and be able to ask the right questions. Being an active participant in your healthcare can prevent you from feeling helpless with respect to your sexual health. Some helpful resources about STIs can be found online at or in the Student Health Education Centre (SHEC) on campus. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your diagnosis, or having trouble processing feelings of guilt, resentment or hopelessness, you should consider seeing a counsellor at the Student Wellness Centre to talk about your feelings; keeping everything bottled up will only cause problems in the long run.

Chow down on gooey chocolate chip cookies Taste: It’s the chocolate chip cookie, need I say more? Cost: Under $15 Convenience: Basic ingredients, 10 minutes preparation time


Warning: cookies may be subject to theft, most likely by a blue furry creature. Natalie Timperio

Senior InsideOut Editor

Double chocolate, fudge layered, candy coated, cream cheesed iced, sprinkles-on-top. While these frills may apply to many desserts, this recipe is anything but. No fancy ingredients, no complicated directions. It’s an old time favourite, a timeless classic, a ‘brings me back to my childhood days’ kind of treat. They’re crispy without too much of a crunch and have just the right amount of sweetness without making your stomach ache afterwards. They’re not costly nor will they eat up much of your time to bake – though you’ll probably be eating them most of the time. This dish is none other than the chocolate chip cookie. And it’s something that most of us all know and love. I find its best enjoyed when secretly stolen from your mother’s bear-shaped cookie jar (at least, that’s how I remember the cookie jar). The homemade chocolate chip cookie is not to be underestimated. Chips Ahoy! or PC’s Decadent Chocolate Chip Cookies just can’t compete, so don’t even try telling friends and family that you’ve baked those wannabes from scratch. People recognize a homemade chocolate chip cookie when they eat one, so flouring your apron, buttering your nose or “accidently” burning your hand in the oven won’t fool them. I don’t promise this to be the healthiest of dessert choices, but I promise it to be one that can help to put a smile on your pissed-off partner’s face, make your friends (momentarily) forget that you stabbed them in the back, or perhaps dissuade your professor from giving you a failing grade. (Disclaimer: bribery is strictly prohibited at McMaster University and can result in serious consequences – but if you’re really in the shitter, then what do you have to lose?) These chocolate chip cookies can be consumed with anything, be it milk (plain

or chocolate), tea, coffee and, to hell with it, even alcohol (Bailey’s is best). Seal a few in a Ziploc bag and bring them to class; peers will gaze at you with envy or possibly even murderous hatred (because yes, these chocolate chip cookies are really that good). putting meaning back into the phrase “to die for.” If you don’t buy it then I dare you try it. This chocolate chip cookie recipe will have you shouting to the high heavens in sincerest thanks for bestowing you with such awesome ingredients to make thy chocolate chip cookie. Yes, it may cause fits of delirium and inexplicable happiness, but of course, no less is to be expected from this chocolate chip cookie recipe. So tie on that apron, pull out the oven mitts and get on that baker’s hat, if you have one. It’s time to do some baking. Ingredients 1 cup All-purpose Flour 1/2 tsp Baking Soda 1/2 tsp Salt 1/4 cup Sugar 1/2 cup Brown Sugar (firmly packed) 1/2 cup Shortening 1 tsp Vanilla 1 Egg 1 cup Chocolate chips 1/2 cup Nuts (optional) Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Sift the all-purpose flour, baking soda and salt onto wax paper. 3. Mix the sugar, brown sugar, shortening and vanilla well in a bowl. 4. Beat in the egg. 5. Mix in dry ingredients. 6. Stir in the chocolate chips (and the nuts, if using). 7. Drop the mixture by tsp onto a greased baking sheet. 8. Bake 8-10 minutes.






production office extension: 27117

A bouquet of heritage

News around Local business offers a personalized touch to flowers the world Tim Horton’s Pressure from U.S. animal rights activists has Canadian coffee shop chain Tim Horton’s Inc. in hot water. As the chain makes swift moves to spread its wings south of the border, the Humane Society of America has announced that they will propose a shareholder vote in May on whether the chain should discontinue its inhumane practices. The Humane Society owns 130 Tim Horton’s shares, giving the organization enough power to submit their request at the upcoming annual meeting for the chain. Although the spotlight is on Tim’s, other fast food establishments have heard the wrath of animal rights activists across the nation. Earlier this year, McDonald’s announced the plan to phase out the use of gestation crates; the practice of confining hens in cages and sows is at the root of the issue with Canadian chain, Tim Horton’s. This recent setback comes as the company begins to broaden its American exposure competing with large fast food chains, such as McDonald’s. Canadian Housing Prices Housing prices in Canada experienced a decline in the last quarter of 2011. According to a recent price index released Wednesday by the Teranet-National Bank house, home prices plummeted in December by 0.2 per cent from the month prior. Of the 11 markets that were observed in the survey results, housing prices fell in nearly half of them, including Montreal and Toronto. Ottawa-Gatineau, Vancouver and Victoria were among the regions that exhibited the third consecutive decline in housing prices. Although prices remained flat in Edmonton, other cities in the prairie provinces demonstrated growth in prices, such as Winnipeg and Calgary. RENÉE VIEIRA / ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR

A great sense of local community has contributed to the success of Westdale Florists for over 60 years. Sonya Khanna Business Editor

Along with its quaint and refreshing interior, Westdale Florists offers a personalized touch to floral arrangements with a strong historical presence to boot. With an undying itch to satisfy her passion for all things flowerrelated, owner of Westdale Florists, Rosanna Yeomans, purchased the store eight years ago and has been preparing extravagant floral arrangements and visually stunning bouquets ever since. Since she purchased the store, waves of innovation have brought about new opportunities. A significant portion of business is geared towards weddings, with Westdale Florists catering to roughly 80 to 90 weddings a year. The humble, family-owned charm of the store isn’t the only reason it has succeeded despite the dominance of big-box counterparts. Westdale Florists offers a sense of community, with a heritage spawning over 60 years in the closeknit Westdale Village. Unwavering support from the community is just one of the things that has kept the business intact. “We try to do what we can within the community,” says Yeo-

mans. “Students come in here quite Westdale Florists has made a bit too and it’s nice when you see substantial effort to expand its busia first year student come in and then ness opportunities and adapt to the four years later you are still seeing cyclical waves of changes within that student. We had one student the industry by taking advantage of come in here all the time and even the popularity of online shopping. show us the ring before he pro- The store website offers a posed.” user-friendly approach purchasing The nature of the business flowers, including free delivery for hasn’t always been a bed of roses. local online shoppers. Challenges associated with the “We had our website up for over emergence of big-box stores in the a year and it increased our business area have prompted strategic deci- almost twenty per cent,” said Yeosion making. mans. “Sometimes a Instead customer will call and of opting for say I did this but found A lot of the time it difficult, so we try to a ruthless approach to busi- people are looking change it up. Customer ness, Westis great, so if for price, but there feedback dale Florists we change it, that just are clients who has ultimately makes it easier every blossomed as a want great service time.” strong competi Customer feedand great quality, back is part of the reason tor through its personalized which is what we Yeomans suggests the business methbusiness has maintained have to offer.” ods. a strong community “Other backing. retailers sell Zoning in on flowers for low prices and they the needs and requests of clientele purchase them for low prices, but offers businesses with a “bouquet” where we differ from others stores of opportunities, so to speak, helpis in the service,” says Yeomans. “A ing them effectively adjust business lot of the time people are looking strategies and prosper. for price, but there are clients who Although Yeomans mentions want great service and great quality, that the popularity of Roses among which is what we have to offer.” customers is a perpetual trend, par-

ticularly for males, she suggests differences in female trends. With trends constantly reshaping the name of the game, the staff at Westdale Florists is constantly striving to develop new arrangements, including various lavish items to embellish arrangements. “Roses are the biggest thing, and that’s a trend I don’t think we’ll every break. Women will switch it up and go for different flowers, but with weddings, the trend is bling,” said Yeomans. “Sparkle and glitz are very popular right now, and with arrangements, our staff is thinking outside the box. We’ve been doing things to embellish arrangements, such as designing elaborate floral head pieces for the bridal show recently.” The local student community has also showed their support to Westdale Florists, with flocks of love-struck young people professing their adoration to their significant other through a single flower or beautiful bouquet. To adapt to a constantly changing industry and expand operations, Westdale Florists is in the midst of planning a new campaign, seeking out greater corporate businesses and expanding on wedding services, while maintaining a strong foundation in the heart of Westdale Village.

Ponzi Scheme A Canadian citizen has been indicted by a federal grand jury for a US$129 million Ponzi scheme. The Canadian man and a female American woman from California have been charged with conspiracy, mail fraud and wire fraud, selling fraudulent certificates of deposits to an estimated 1,200 individuals through various banking entities. A guaranteed return of 16 per cent was offered, based on supposed overseas investments; the two individuals cashed in on investor money and covering their tracks through making interest payments to early investors. News Corp. executive change In the aftermath of the phone hacking scandal with British newspaper News Corp., James Murdoch, son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, has announced that he will step down as executive chairman of the company. The scandal that tarnished the Murdoch family and led to dozens of arrests has left the company brewing in controversy, with much speculation surrounding the degree of involvement of the Murdoch family members. James Murdoch will continue to remain deputy chief operating officer of News Corp., but will begin to focus more on pay-TV businesses and expanding his presence in international operations.

Did you know? The first product that toy company Mattel came up with was a picture frame, but eventually a side business developed in dollhouse furniture made from the very same picture scraps.

Now you know...



Show student loans who’s boss

Interested in writing for the Sil?

your total repayment period longer and may involve overall higher interest costs. Upon graduation, finding employment may help pay back outstanding loans, even if it is not in your final career field. Paying back any student loans is a very important part of gaining financial independence as an adult and may hinder future plans if you put off paying back until you are earning more money.


If paying off your student loans right away is difficult, pay in increments to lessen the burden. Shama Kassam The Silhouette

The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a governmentfunded grant and loan program that is available for full-time or parttime post-secondary students in our province. OSAP loans are an important part of student funding, with many Ontarians relying on OSAP to pay for all or part of their tuition. OSAP also offers certain scholarships and grants and other opportunities to help lower your tuition cost without the burden of paying it back. The end of their tenure in undergrad often leaves students with a large amount of money to pay back to OSAP. Full-time students can owe more than $25,000 at the end of four years, and it is often difficult to find high-paying full-time work upon graduation. OSAP offers a sixmonth grace period immediately after graduation where no interest will be added to your OSAP loan. This time period is given with the intent to allow students a period to find work and settle into postacademic life before the loan is due. After these six months, OSAP offers a payment schedule where small monthly payments work towards clearing the loan as well as servicing the monthly interest charges. Often OSAP suggests a plan that will take ten years to pay off and may involve the student paying far more in interest than would be necessary. A simple way to approach this is to prioritize aggressive payments towards outstanding OSAP debt and pay off as much as you can, as fast as you can. If you are earning money during the six-month grace period, save it and put a lump sum towards your OSAP immediately to avoid paying a large percentage of your OSAP loan in additional charges. For students in a slightly different situation, a new OSAP Repayment Assistance Program has been set up to provide students with an additional level of help in paying back their loans. If after six months of graduation you are unable to make the suggested minimum payments to the OSAP loan, OSAP will generate a new payment plan based on your income, family income and family size. The affordable payment is constantly reviewed and can follow a gradual increase along with your income. At no point will this ever exceed 20 per cent of your income. In addition, borrowers with very low income are not required to make any payments until their income increases beyond a certain level. With this assistance, OSAP will

also guarantee that your loan will be paid off in 15 years maximum, or 10 years if you have a permanent disability. This program is available to graduated students through the National Student Loans Service Centre through application. These applications need to be maintained every six months but

can definitely be helpful in assisting students who are unable to make the minimum payments for OSAP. It is important to note that these programs should only be considered if there are no other options available. Programs like these are made for students who truly have no other means and will also end up making.

Come out to our weekly Wednesday meetings at 1:30 in MUSC B110. Email us at for more information.



Put a cork in job search jitters Research now to avoid job-related stress post-graduation tion and reach out to your peers and professors. Attending job fairs is an excelFor some students, the beginning lent way to explore your options and of March marks the last couple of quickly make contacts with many months here at McMaster. For the most part, this means that it’s time to think about putting that degree you’ve worked hard for over the past four years to use. In other words, it’s time to start living and working in the real world. The competition for jobs in the market, though, is highly competitive. According to The Guardian, most graduates get jobs of some kind pretty soon after leaving university. By six months, 70 per cent of last year’s graduates were in work. Two per cent of those in work were not being paid and two per cent were working overseas. According to the survey, eight per cent were unemployed, down from 2009 figures. With that said, it is important to understand that once leaving University, especially if you carry debt, the first job you obtain post-graduation might not be your dream job. Students should be prepared to work in entry-level jobs and internships before eventually getting to their dream job. These entry-level jobs are the stepping stones to the job you desire. Finding a job after graduation can be a difficult process if you don’t know how to go about finding a job in your field. Knowing where to look, how to network and who to talk to is the key to finding a job within six months of graduating. It is never too soon to start thinking about getting your first “real” job, especially with graduation different employers. right around the corner. So before Employers generally set up a even obtaining your degree, you booth, collect resumes, talk about can prepare a professional resume, the opportunities in their company contact the university career servi- and answer all your questions. ces, attend job fairs and seminars, McMaster University usually get help from the alumni associa- holds several job fairs throughout Rachael Ramos The Silhouette

the year, so make sure to check your McMaster email, as the head of your department will usually inform you of the job fair details. Attend the fairs whether or not

you’re an immediate fulltime position. It’s a great way to make contacts early, or even find an internship. In addition, keep in mind social networking sites. There are many such sites online, so check them out

for jobs. Also, it is wise to check out any post-graduation work employment program. This kind of program is

finding a job. Most importantly, don’t forget your school’s alumni network. Since you studied and worked with some of these people, you might have some common interests. Professors can also be of help when looking for work. In addition, check out at least ten companies where you might want to work. Study and read their publications. For those that interest you, contact them and see if anything is available. When you call or visit them, ask to speak to the Human Resource Department. “It was quite challenging to find the job I wanted after university. It took me more than six months, but just make sure you use all the resources possible, and you’re most likely to land the job you want,” said McMaster graduate Erica Irving. The truth is, finding a career is not as easy as searching through the classifieds, hoping to find the perfect job for you. A successful job search is made up of many different steps. Just remember: start early, research, prepare and be persistent. Do not get discouraged if you are unable to find a job within six months of graduating. Keep up with the search and seek out different avenues; you may just end up finding employment in the least created to help gradu- possible place. ates find work. Don’t forget, net- It may take a little longer than working is a great source of finding average, but if you are driven, deterwork. mined and ready to be challenged, Relatives, friends and contacts you will be able to find a job in no can often give you good ideas on time. JOY SANTIAGO / MULTIMEDIA EDITOR


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THE OSCARS • into the woods the artist • album feature


thursday, march 1, 2012

Senior Editor: Jemma Wolfe Entertainment Editor: Myles Herod Music Editor: Josh Parsons

Contributors: Ryan Prance, Bahar Orang, Aaron Joo, Cooper Long, Nolan Matthews, Simon Marsello

Cover:.Tyler Hayward

coming up


Grey Kingdom Band The Casbah Lounge 10:00 p.m.


Rufus Cappadocia Homegrown Hamilton 1:00 p.m.


The Agonist This Ain’t Hollywood 9:00 p.m. Jan Arden Hamilton Place 8:00 p.m.

All Shook Up Hamilton Theatre Inc. 8:00 p.m.140 MacNab St. Hamilton, ON. 905-522-3032 Wingfield Lost and Found Theatre Aquarius 8:00 p.m. 190 King William St. Hamilton, ON. (905) 522-7529


Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax Project X Being Flynn

this week in music history...

March 4, 1977: The Rolling Stones recorded their “Love You Live” album in Toronto at the El Mocambo. The album featured Billy Preston on keyboard



The Safety Collective Homegrown Hamilton 9:00 p.m.

mar 1-3


Masta Ace The Casbah 8:00 p.m.


mar 7-25


Swords of Texas This Ain’t Hollywood 9:00 p.m.

jmar. 6


andy’s ticks


in the hammer

rip jan berenstain, no more mr. monkee man, dundies, egotripping, from the basement, apologies to greg wood, leap year, lucky day, overdue books, only five weeks left, seminars, decisions, tonsils now gone, oxycontin trippin’, hook me up jemma, you should sell it, sparkles and trees, a new hope, laughing gas

As far as groupies, I never saw any of them”

• Davy Jones

boost your ego write for andy meetings are held on wednesdays at 2:30pm in musc b110 e-mail your submissions to


thursday, march 1, 2012

the silhouette’s art & culture magazine • D3

give up the gimmicks Oscar turned 84 this year, and his birthday celebration, which was more gimmicky than ever before, was not classy for such an old guy. Let’s face it: the Academy Awards are going downhill. The reprisal of Billy Crystal’s role as host was highly anticipated, yet most of his jokes fell flat. It seems that after the ninth time around, he’s lost his charm; telling Jonah Hill he’s fat and cracking jokes about black poverty isn’t clever, and certainly isn’t classy. It was Justin Bieber’s selfreflexive, gimmicky appearance in Crystal’s opening montage that set the tone for the night. “What’s up? I’m here to get you the 18-24 demographic,” Bieber recited awkwardly. While somewhat true, the segment failed to entertain. Robert Downey Jr.’s mocumentary stunt while presenting the Oscar for best documentary with Gwyneth Paltrow was also stilted and dull. He pretended to be shooting a behind-the-scenes film about the Academy Awards, claiming to be experimenting with the art form of “live documentary,” to which Paltrow quipped, “that’s called the news.” It was one of the less cringe-worthy moments of the night, but still didn’t quite hit the mark. Cirque du Soleil’s performance midway through the evening was visually stunning, as expected from an

acrobatic company known for setting industry standards. Its presence, however, which was a first for the Oscars, felt gimmicky. It was an obvious ploy to increase ratings and number of viewers. Finally, Sacha Baron Cohen’s media stunt on the red carpet was the cherry on top, despite occurring before the evening even began. Dressed in a white army suit, sunglasses and a peaked cap as General Aladeen – the main character from his upcoming film The Dictator – he carried an urn with Kim Jong Il’s face on it, and professed to Ryan Seacrest during an interview that it had always been the former North Korean leader’s dream to have his ashes sprinkled on the red carpet. With those panic-inducing words, he spilled the contents (which were rumored to actually be Bisquick) all down the front of Seacrest’s Burberry tuxedo. Cohen was promptly escorted off the premises by security guards, but not before his crazed act of self-promotion and sabotage was complete. It’s sad to see the Academy Awards used and abused by such pathetic stints of gimmickry and selfpromotion. What was once an opportunity to see the best of the best receive well-deserved honours during an evening of reserve and class has very clearly deteriorated. No wonder they’re fighting for ratings. Oh, the irony. • Jemma Wolfe, Senior ANDY Editor JOY SANTIAGO / MULTIMEDIA EDITOR

First Prize:

$50 gift certificate to Titles! Second Prize:

$25 gift certificate to Titles!

Short story contest 2000 words maximum on the theme of greed Submissions due March 5, 2012

D4-5 • the silhouette’s art & culture magazine

thursday, march 1, 2012

from the

Greg Wood Self Titled

We get sent a lot of albums from labels looking for publicity. Some are good, some are bad, and some, based on their odd covers or unpromising names, simply never escape their plastic shrink wrap. This week, we decided to take a chance on the forgotten albums, and see what we’ve been missing out on. It’s time for these rejects to - finally - see the light of day. Huddle All These Fires If music scientists were to synthesize mid-2000s indie-rock in a laboratory, their creation would probably sound like All These Fires. Fiery is certainly not the first word one would use to describe Huddle’s almost suffocatingly generic songs. There are some interesting electro-inflected melodies to be found on “Islands” and in particular “It Nights,” which showcases the album’s catchiest chorus. Unfortunately, a sense of pre-fabricated facelessness overwhelms these high points. Attempted climaxes and dynamic shifts fall flat, while the vintage keyboard patches of “Stamps” and horns of “Run” sound borrowed from countless other indie upstarts that never made it off MySpace. The album’s production is unblemished, but this only adds to the blandness. The listener waits in futility for the members of Huddle to break out of their well-balanced, midtempo purgatory, put their foot through an amp, or otherwise introduce some dirt and adrenaline into their vanilla songwriting. Beyond the basement, All These Fires is suited to rom-com trailers, shopping mall playlists and little else. • Cooper Long


Admittedly, picking up a copy of Blackguard’s Profugus Mortis two weeks ago, I couldn’t stifle my laughter. This seemingly hilarious Montreal metal outfit’s album cover consisted of an airborne canoe full of disgruntled-looking fur traders pursued by a winged devil. Surprisingly, the album was a passable effort. Whether it was appreciation for my fellow longhairs or my penchant for adventure soundtrack music, something made me hold my laughter and consider death metal in a semi-serious light. Opener “Scarlet to Snow” fades in with the kind of drumroll-and-trumpet fanfare last heard heralding colonial redcoats into battle. Cheesy synths dance under chugging power chords before the long-anticipated vocals drop. Suffice it to say, forty minutes of Profugus Mortis will leave you all too used to the alternating scream-growl vocals. Unfortunately, the vocals leave the lyrics entirely obscured and up for interpretation. Who knew afternoon tea with grandma could get so intense? The listener’s only shelter from angst-laden thrash is sixth track “The Journey,” a gentle acoustic instrumental. And then, it’s once more into the fire. If you can stomach metal, then Profugus Mortis is a decent listen with some rather impressive lead guitar work, best reserved for the pre-game pump-up soundtrack or perhaps a murderous rampage.


Greg Wood’s self-titled debut gives a candid insight into the chauvinistic, cowboy lifestyle that festers out West. Think Nickelback meets Green Day, minus the monstrous production costs and larger-than-life egos. I almost feel sorry for him; the album cycles trough nearly every gimmick employed in last ten years of nu-rock and probably never graced the airwaves. It’s a sort of twisted privilege knowing that I’ve probably given the poor guy his first press ever. The themes on the album are very limited: women, drinking and dusty roads. “I want a girl who will give me a child / That has my eyes,” sings the young, self-interested Albertan on the craftily penned “I Want A Girl.” The liner notes boast some equally appalling digital-camera-quality photos of Wood playing his flying V guitar and relaxing with a snake. In the end, I was left with the feeling that this album was mistakenly sent to the Silhouette instead of CMT. Had it arrived, they would have just thrown it in the trash. • Josh Parsons, Music Editor

Blackguard Profugus Mortis

Susan Cogan The Fields of Friendship The first song on this album features only Susan Cogan’s voice and some GarageBand-like sounds, and this kind of intense focus on Cogan’s vocals persists for the whole album. When she sings about rubbing someone’s “cold feet” and “a chocolate treat,” or meeting in “the fields of friendship,” the lyrics are brutally audible. It’s all completely ridiculous and a bit uncomfortable too; listening to this album is like reading the diary of an overly earnest 16 year old. There are some pleasant folk songs here, but they come at the expense of listening in constant fear of the next cringe-worthy lyric. The back of this album features a picture of Susan and her band, all grey hair and smiles. There’s something charming about the idea of four really old friends making music together, and I feel a bit bad being critical of it. But like a weird skin rash, this album is a secret that should have stayed between friends. • Nolan Matthews

• Simon Marsello Dommin Love is Gone Out all the bands featured in “From the Basement,” Dommin have probably been the most commercially successful, but what merit does that really give a record in this day and age? Love is Gone is oversaturated in pretension from the very beginning, coughing up a totally unremarkable and unnecessary track list of angstridden goth-rock, perfect for a WWE entrance theme. They lost me in the first minute, somewhere between the ominous church bells and the thirdrate Morrissey impression. Song titles such as “Dark Holiday,” “I Still Lost” and “Evenfall Hollow” only detract from the little that this album offers. The oddest part about the album is that it continually tries to marry watered-down goth metal with upbeat rockabilly and fails miserably every time. Front man Billy James even sports a jet black greaser-like quiff, riding a motorcycle and looking awfully sad in the liner notes. Although it may be something nobody has tried before, no one should have in the first place. • Josh Parsons, Music Editor

D6 • the silhouette’s art & culture magazine


thursday, march 1, 2012

silence speaks volumes in this year’s best picture winner The Artist Starring: Jean Dejuardin Directed by: Michael Hazanivicius

HHHH On the surface, The Artist is a familiar story. Love, loss, redemption – you get the idea. Its trait of distinction, mind you, is that it dares with two cinematic no-no’s in the face of anxious modernity: silence, and black and white. This year’s Best Picture winner is a nostalgic ode to Hollywood’s dawn, where acting came from the body and the screen gushed with monochromatic silver and shade. No film comes easy, and it is this painstakingly constructed risk that gives The Artist its elegance and purpose. Unusually, the inter-titles (vital of the pre-sound era it mimics) are scarce, leaving the film’s director to conduct solely between musical cues and two sparkling performances.

Hollywood, 1927. Tinseltown’s golden boy, George Valentin (Jean Dejuardin, in his Oscar-winning role) is impervious to failure. Adored by the masses, his swashbuckling stature comes as no fashionable fluke – he dances, he emotes and he seduces, too. Paired with a capering canine, both man and dog conquer the industry, appeasing public appearances with comedic jest while subsequently obstructing their co-star’s kudos. Nevertheless, his star burns bright. Looking closely, one will see that Jean Dujardin’s face is etched with ‘classic’ features – undoubtedly the film’s secret weapon. A finely drawn mustache akin to one Douglas Fairbanks (on which the portrayal is loosely based), a dapper smile and certain machismo to boot, the film absorbs his radiance and projects it to screen, making the silent, black and white film work for a 2012 world. One day, amidst the rallying onlookers of his latest première, a spontane-

ous ‘meet cute’ ensues. Surrounded by the surging press and crackling cameras, fate places casual fan Peppy Miller (Berenice Bejo) alongside George, who instantaneously ceases the magic moment to prop his swaggering ego. Sensation transpires as the tabloids scream, ‘Who is George’s new girl?!’ Sensing a good thing, he and producer Al Zimmer (John Goodman) agree to include Peppy in their next picture. Attraction blossoms, and the married Valentin soon adopts the role of mentor to the rising starlet, taking her under his wing. Inevitably, as The Artist reaches 1929, the advent of ‘talkies’ erupt on Hollywood’s lawn, in turn threatening Valentin’s career while propelling Peppy’s. Persuasion does little to convince him that sound is the future. Self-absorption finds George foolishly financing a silent ‘last hurrah’ as director and star, unknowingly setting himself up for an inescapable fall from fortune and fame, ultimately alienated by his own talkie-phobia.

The film’s look is tightly gelled and charming – much like George’s debonair dress, or its deco decor. No doubt The Artist is a beautiful looking picture. Trudging deeper, it is also cleverly crafted, sonically challenging our perceptions when real sounds are used for dramatic effect. Above all else, The Artist is a silent movie. Commend director Michael Hazanivicius for not having compromised, where the word ‘homage’ could have easily come ascribed. Instead, it is an engaging love triangle between Hollywood and two people who meet within its pivotal years, one representing the old guard (Barrymore, Fairbanks, etc.), the other the future of cinema (Hepburn, Davis). I liked The Artist because it worked. Indeed it delivers in the face of detractors, with the absence of colour and sound as endearing as the three words that started it all: lights, camera, action! •

Myles Herod, Entertainment Editor

thursday, march 1, 2012

album reviews

the silhouette’s art & culture magazine • D7

The Internet Purple Naked Ladies


Odd Future members Matt Martians and Syd Tha Kyd came together under the moniker The Internet, releasing their debut album Purple Naked Ladies before the end of 2011. It should be noted that the Kyd has a lot of hype for being the only female in a male dominated hip-hop group like OF, on par with (or possibly even in reaction to) the hype surrounding the themes of misogyny, homophobia, violence and rape that seems to pervade the OF consciousness. The Kyd speaks of her homosexuality openly, which seems to further complicate her role in the group. Context aside, the album is not what it could have been – in fact, it’s real sloppy. The beats don’t always line up with the vari-

ous tracks, and consequently, some songs are too disorientating and sound like something you could only appreciate while on certain stimulants. Sure, potential abounds – the Kyd has a great voice – but given that both members usually take the backseat in OF’s projects, fulfilling their roles as producers, I’m surprised any decent producing actually happened here. Maybe they were too distracted from the spotlight of doing it all – mixing beats, laying tracks, writing lyrics – when they should’ve focused on releasing a more polished album.

Snow patrol has been consistently successful in producing goose bump-inducing love songs and “follow your heart” type music, perfect for rom-coms and that pivotal last scene of Grey’s Anatomy. Sometimes the lyrics are a little too cloying, and maybe sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish one song from the other, but in the right moment, only the heartless can be totally unmoved by the music. In their newest album, Fallen Empires, the band cautiously takes on a more techno sound, adding an electronic twist to their own aesthetic (ballads and slower rock

songs). The results are certainly creative and often promising, but as with every preceding album, it feels like huge-sounding production is used to replace meaning and melody. Nonetheless, sitting in the library with only my ear buds in, listening to “This Isn’t Everything You Are,” I can already hear packed arenas singing along to what can only be called a kind of anthem – and I get chills.

• Aaron Joo

Snow Patrol Fallen Empires


• Bahar Orang

Sleigh Bells Reign of Terror

HHHH If the title suggests anything about what the listener is getting into, it is that they will be terrified, and that is a damn beautiful thing. With Derek Miller’s guitars, sounding a hundred feet tall and as if they’re being churned out by a twisted love child of Randy Rhodes and Kevin Sheilds, mixed with the ethereal vocals of singer Alexis Krauss, Reign of Terror proves to be a more melodic successor to the bands first effort. The standout track undoubtedly is “End

of the Line,” with its heartbreakingly good chorus and a backbeat that wouldn’t seem out of place in a club. Other tracks, such as “Road to Hell” and “Born to Lose,” will certainly short out your headphones and blow out your speakers with the sheer sweeping force that Sleigh Bells has unleashed. But indeed, never have exploding stereos sounded so sweet. • Ryan Prance

y’s k d n a trac d n sou icks p

1. “New Slang” The Shins Garden State 2. “Porpoise Song” The Monkees Head 3. “Fortunate Son” CCR Forrest Gump 4. “Streiht Up Menace” McEiht Menace II Society 5. “Pale Blue Eyes” The Velvet Underground


6. “Stuck in the Middle With You” Steeler’s Wheel Reservoir Dogs 7. “Tiny Dancer” Elton John Almost Famous 8. “Moving in Stereo” The Cars Fast Times at Ridge- mont High 9. “Don’t You Forget About Me” The Simple Minds The Breakfast Club 10. “Still” Geto Boys The Office Space 11. “Golden Years” David Bowie A Knight’s Tale

D8 • the silhouette’s art & culture magazine


thursday, march 1, 2012

all that glitters mmt’s into the woods sparkles on stage Most plays can’t be easily compared to party store items, but McMaster Musical Theatre’s production of Into the Woods on Feb. 25 (its second night) wasn’t like most plays. It was pure glitter. There was glitter on the stage, there were glitter-tossing moments, and there was even glitter decorating the tables where the near-full house sat. Not surprisingly, glitter was specially thanked in the play’s program. But the comparison runs deeper. The production itself fell over you like a shower of sparkles – kind of disorienting, sometimes chaotic and uneven, but more often than not, there were flashes of brilliance. For the unaware, Into the Woods is a musical mega-fairytale that pulls familiar characters – Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack of Beanstalk fame and more – into a story about choices, connections and consequences. A Baker and his Wife attempt to lift a Witch’s spell, hoping to conceive a child. Their quest draws numerous narrative threads into a single, very tangled cord. With almost twenty characters and seamless integration of a live orchestral backing, song and dialogue, Into the Woods is undoubtedly a technically demanding show. It could have been easy for the production to become mechanical, or worse, to come unhinged. Thankfully, nothing of the sort happened. After an uneven opening number, Julia Theberge’s Witch pulled the audience into the play. Wisecracking and slightly terrifying, but somehow strangely relatable as an overprotective parent, she made the script of Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine her own. From then on in, it was a character free-for-all. The characters – their challenges, quirks and passions – were what the audience noticed. They shone – sparkled, even – and caught our attention like, yes, glitter. Madeleine Mant brought an authenticity and sweetness to the Baker’s Wife, even giving a touchingly accurate portrayal of a pregnant woman wincing her way through an elaborate dance number. Choreographer Chantal Labonte was en pointe here and especially also in the solo of Little Red Riding Hood (a wonderfully expressive Nicole Jerdzejko). Harrison

Cruickshank and Jason Wolwowicz were scenestealers as princes. Their duets were met with roars. Cruickshank especially, with his deadpan delivery and delightful self-assuredness, did the near-impossible – making his lamé tunic look simultaneously regal and ridiculous. No character was too small to leave an impression. Matthew Bergen was a hilariously lecherous Big Bad Wolf. Thomas Ciolfi captured Jack’s sweetness and vapidity. As Jack’s long-suffering mother, Rebekah Pullen’s comedic timing was impeccable. Julie Lane was a believably frail and knobbled grandmother. Harrison Martin gave a surprisingly stirring silent performance as Milky-White the Cow, though his udder was more reminiscent of a deflated jellyfish than anything else. Chris Vergara as the Narrator was the Everyman Into the Woods needed to pull things together. Part vocal effects (baby birds and human baby cries), part lighting effects (it was he who tossed the glitter) and the rest charm, Vergara broke tension and drew out some large laughs. The orchestra, perched high above the stage, was effective without being distracting. Behind the glitter, there still was substance. In conversation, Vergara and Mant both talked about how they hoped audiences would walk away thinking a bit more carefully about their choices. “I hope they realize that the world is a lot more connected than we think. Your decisions have repercussions that you couldn’t predict,” said Vergara. “It really makes you ask yourself, ‘Once I get a happy ending, what’s next?’” said Mant. “Nothing is as clean and simple as it might at first seem.” If you like your fairy tales with a little bite, glitz and glamour, take a trip Into the Woods. • Brianna Smrke Into the Woods continues Thursday, March 1 through Saturday, March 3 with matinee and evening performances at the Lyric Theatre in downtown Hamilton. Tickets are $25.00 for adults, $15.00 for students and seniors, available at

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