The Silhouette

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Canada’s best university basketball teams come to Mac See B3 for a full preview on the Women’s national basketball tournament this weekend


VOLUME 80, NO. 23

Est. 1930



McMaster University is attempting to spread its wings to the far east. Right now, the university is in the proposal stage of a partnership with Dongguan University of Technology, located in South China. McMaster University wishes to put its name to a building already on the Dongguan campus and to allow international students to receive a McMaster degree while attending the Chinese campus. Associate Vice President (Academic) Peter Smith explained, “The proposed McMaster campus at the Dongguan University of Technology is not a partnership in the usual sense. Dongguan’s role will be that of landlord, with McMaster having full operational control over all the academic matters.” Peter George, McMaster president and vice-chancellor, described Dongguan City as an untapped region of China and Dongguan University as an aggressive and exciting university of technology. Students would pay fees that are comparable to current visa fees. The McMaster programs offered at Dongguan would be targeted mainly for international students, but George and Smith contended that the possibility for exchanges to the university has not been ruled out for the future. “I’m hoping that with the Confucius Institute and the growing participation in Chinese language classes, we might actually see more of our students opting to do a term abroad in China rather than in Europe,” admitted George. The partnership would offer several benefits for McMaster. “We hope that it will

麦克马斯特 计划筹备 中国学院 McMaster proposes China campus be a significant revenue generator for us,” declared George. “The costs of operation ought to be lower, they may be higher on the instructional side because some of our instructors will be going there to teach for periods of time. On the other hand we would have the local infrastructure costs because of the relationship with Dongguan University.” Smith added, “It would raise our international profile and would generate countless new opportunities for collaborations as both

the campus and the region grow.” The first program at McMaster to show interest in expanding to China was Engineering. The Engineering and Management program will likely be the first degree offered. The communications, multimedia, business, and economics, have all also showed interest in offering a degree at Dongguan. The programs would be instructed in English. “Admission requirements (including TOEFL) and academic standards would be the same

Alternate e-mail system may be in the works

as at the Hamilton campus,” said Smith. To date, there have been several meetings with officials from Dongguan University. “The president of Dongguan and I have gone to see Ministry of Education officials in Beijing,” said George. There has also been one visit to Dongguan University by several McMaster colleagues, including Provost and Vice President (Academic) Ilene Busch-Vishniac and Dean of Engineering David Wilkinson. Another visit, which will be led by Smith, is scheduled for early April. George maintained the April visit was, “a crucial trip in terms of the academic content of the program that’s going to be offered. The projected date for the establishment of the partnership is September 2011. “We’re just putting together a business plan, both an academic and a business plan, and that will have to come eventually to the Senate for approval,” stated George. The original date was set for September 2010, but George explained that it would be difficult to get all of the work done before mid-June, which is when the last Senate meeting takes place. In the first few years, the partnership would be renewable so that McMaster could determine whether it was working out or not. George stated that this partnership has been in the making for several years. “The fact that more and more students have come from China over the years to McMaster has built awareness of the McMaster brand in China, especially in South China,” he explained. However, McMaster University is not the only school in Hamilton that has attracted international attention. • PLEASE SEE MAC, A5

Trio of Mac students lend a hand in Haiti FARZEEN FODA THE SILHOUETTE


As of the Feb. 28 Student Representative Assembly (SRA) meeting, the idea of providing an alternative e-mail system for McMaster Undergraduate students became an official policy, as the majority of the SRA chose to support the initiative. Inbox storage capabilities, a multi-faceted calendar system, support for Smart phones and a document sharing system are of the few of the many features that the SRA hopes to see accompanying a McMaster undergraduate e-mail system change. The SRA was adamantly clear that they do not support any specific alternative e-mail system; they simply support the change. Matthew Dillon-Leitch, SRA Humanities and a major actor in this initiative, explained that the purpose of turning this initiative into a policy is to be able to organize and present the idea to John Kearney, the Chief Information Officer of the University Technology Services (UTS) at McMaster. “When we speak to John Kear-

ney, we can say our student government wants these options in our e-mail system. However you go about doing it, whether you go with Microsoft, an alternative, Google or Gmail, it’s up to you but this is ideally what we want. We don’t want to endorse one product,” explained Dillon-Leitch. Dillon-Leitch added that he believed that switching the McMaster Undergraduate Students’ e-mail system to an alternative, modern one will be beneficial because, “by going with a larger company we are opening ourselves to the research of multi-billion dollar companies which I think will be amazing, there will be constant updates.” According to Dillon-Leitch, if this initiative is carried through, then the research, which will take

place prior to the transition, will be very costly. However, he expects that the change will benefit students, especially if the change is to a system such as the internationally recognized Google Apps, which provides Universities with their service for free. Statistics show that the University of Arizona’s switch of 60,000 students to Google Apps in 2007 saved the university an estimated $500,000 a year. Roger Couldrey, McMaster’s Vice-President (Administration), explained, “I think that many of us on campus would like to have a different e-mail system.” Huzaifa Saeed, one of the SRA Social Science representatives, Dillon-Leitch and President-elect Mary Koziol will be meeting with Kearney on May 3 to discuss the policy.

The earthquake in Haiti that struck on January 12, 2010 left 222,517 people dead, 300,000 injured and 1.1 million people displaced in this small and highly impoverished nation, according to final estimates by the US Geological Survey. Worldwide, immediate action was taken to help those in need following the earthquake. Now, after roughly two months, The Republic of Haiti continues to be in a state of despair over the aftermath of the earthquake that reached an alarmingly high 7 on the Richter Scale (USGS, 2010). In an effort further support the traumatized nation, three medical students from the Micheal G. DeGroote School of Medicine; May Sanaee, and Regine Krechowicz of the Niagara Regional Campus and Layli Sanaee of the Hamilton campus have gone to Haiti to deliver supplies and learn first hand about disaster medicine from a medical team in the county’s capital: Port-au-Prince, in a makeshift clinic at Anis Zunuzi Baha’i

School. The three students left for Haiti on Mar. 3 and will be returning on Mar. 11. The students hope to help with the care of the numerous patients that continue to visit the clinic while providing a helping hand to the doctors currently running the clinic. All three students intend to focus their medical career toward global health and have also had prior exposure to international development. Krechowicz contributed to a Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) project in Serbia and Bosnia, and also did a volunteer placement with a doctor in India. Layli Sanaee took part in an educational development project in Saint Lucia, and her sister May completed graduate studies in global health prior to medical school. The trip has been funded by generous donations from family members, fellow medical students, physicians, and local businesses in the McMaster community as well as the Baha’i community of St. Catherines and fundraising efforts in the Niagara community.

ANDY Canadian Music Week.

See D8




Vishal Tiwari President

Andrew Richardson VP Administration

Andrew Caterine VP Finance

Chris Martin VP Education

President’s Page SPRING TO ACTION MSU Speaker Naheed Yaqubian calls on students to come out to General Assembly Whether it be on a national, provincial or municipal scale, there seems to be a disconnect between the body politic and their elected officials. Campus politics are no exception, however, members of the McMaster Students Union (i.e. all undergraduate students enrolled in 18 or more units) have one major advantage to overcome this gap; General Assembly. More powerful than the SRA or the Board of Directors, General Assembly allows us to speak as a unified student body. Students are becoming increasingly aware of the disconnect between themselves and the representatives they choose to manage their money and advocate for their interests. This is a realization that has been growing in me since I was elected Speaker in September. Not unlike the issue of climate change, the growing interest in the problem itself is frequently overshadowed by a deep unwillingness to commit to a meaningful solution. General Assembly allows students to take meaningful steps towards engaging with the community

and building a more cohesive student government. Tell a friend that tuition freezes expire next year and that your student government is heavily involved in lobbying the provincial government to address this. Email your SRA candidates asking what their platforms are, or ask them to advocate for a problem that concerns you. When you see a poster for General Assembly, pause to consider the prospect of attending before walking on by. If you’ve already clicked ‘attending’ on Facebook, take your engagement a step further and submit a motion for discussion. Spring is a time for renewal, fresh ideas and creative energy. Engage in your schooling and take away more than what you get in a lecture hall. Education extends far beyond cell biology, Freudianism and derivatives, it’s about learning how to work with the institutions around you. General Assembly will be held on March 17th, 2010 beginning at 4:30 p.m. in Burridge Gym (IWC). It’s time to start the conversation and end the disconnect. Naheed Yaqubian Speaker, McMaster Students Union Chair, MSU General Assembly 2010

Take a walk in these shoes:

Vice-President Administration Part one of a three-part series profiling the MSU Vice President positions up for hire this April So it’s nearly that time of year again, the time of year when we get booted out of our reasonably sized, but entirely uncomfortable cubicles and replaced with the next generation of Vice Presidents. So for the next few weeks we’re going to take a look at the role of each Vice President just in case you’re thinking of throwing your hat into the ring. This week we’re starting off with my job, Vice President Administration. The role of the VP Admin is pretty unique not only in the MSU, but within student unions in Ontario. Normally my job is splintered into a few roles and VP Admins are normally in charge of finances. The VP Administration of the MSU is the senior student manager of the organization and the second most senior student government official. In my role I have direct supervisory responsibilities over a good portion of the student management. Now when I say supervisory, it’s more in line with being a mentor and guide and not an Ari Gold-esque enforcer of discipline. In terms of MSU services, it is almost a requirement for this position to have been involved at some level with relevant MSU student services,


like SHEC, Elections, Maroons and so forth. As VP Administration, I’m responsible for the training, guidance and review of student managers while exercising some management over the full-time staff of the MSU and therefore having experience in management will significantly aid the successful candidate. The second major half to this job deals with the SRA. As VP Administration, it is my responsibility to ensure that the Committee Chairs and Speaker are adequately trained, as well as be prepared to fulfill the duties of either the Speaker or the MSU President, should they be rendered incapable of carrying out their responsibilities. So that being said, some experience within student government as a Commissioner, Committee Chair or other distinct leadership roles are rather essential. Finally, according to MSU bylaws you need to be a sitting member of the SRA to be considered eligible for this position. So there you have it, the VP Administration in a nutshell. It may seem overwhelming - but you never know, it could be the job for you. Elections for the Vice Presidents will take place at the April 11th SRA meeting. Please contact me if you would like more information. Andrew Richardson VP (Administration) ext. 23250



Newsbites Compiled by Nicole Siena

Two ghosts sold in a online auction Two ghosts were reportedly sold in a New Zealand online auction this past Monday. They were sold in two glass vials that apparently contain the spirits for 2,830 New Zealand dollars (CDN$2,032). The web page attracted more than 214,000 page views. The spirits were sold by Avie Woodbury from Christchurch, New Zealand. She said they were captured in her house and stored in the vials with stoppers, then dipped in holy water, which “dulls the spirits’ energy.” Since the exorcism last July, which led to their capture, there has been no other spooky activity in her house, she said. Woodbury said that they were the spirits of a man who lived in the 1920s and a little girl who turned up after she had a spirit-calling session with a Ouija board. Woodybury said that once an, “exorcist’s fee” has been deducted, the proceeds of the spirits sale will go to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The bidders name was not been released. Basketball, Snuggies, and New World Record Fans attending Friday’s NBA basketball game between the Cleveland Cavaliers and Detroit Pistons set a world record for the largest gathering of people wearing fleece blankets. All attendees had a Snuggie placed on their seats before the game, then during a timeout in the first quarter, they were asked to wear the blankets for about five minutes. Almost all of the 20,000 fans at the sold out venue compiled except for one fan who was wearing a Celtics jersey and another who had brought their own Pistons Snuggie. An adjudicator from the Guinness World Records attended the game to make the record official. The records management team of the Guinness World Records said there was no existing record and had to create a new category to fit this particular event. All of the Cavaliers players were given their own personalized Snuggie, even Shaquille O’Neal’s (7”1) who needed 9 feet of material - 2 to 3 feet more than a typical Snuggie. School Superintendent encounters “bitter irony” A Montana school district superintendent fired a weapon into a classroom wall during a history lesson on Friday. Dwain Haggard, who used to be a Civil War re-enactor, brought his black powder muzzleloader gun to class just for the purpose of showing it to his students when it had fired. Haggard says he can’t explain how the weapon was loaded. He said he usually fires a cap during the demonstration, but this time there was a loud bang and the room filled with smoke. The ball shot through the “o” in the word “North” on a map that was posted on the wall. No one was injured, and none of the student’s parents were upset with him. Haggard described the incident as, “bitter irony” because he has tried to increase safety in the school district.

Conference raises global awareness

Mac’s annual Global Citizenship Conference garners national participation


Pictured above are some of the participants in this year’s fifth Global Citizenship Conference, held annually at McMaster. SAM COLBERT

from room to room in MDCL for livered Saturday’s closing keynote lectures and sessions, a strong high speech. Along with an account of school student contingent visited his journey to the Olympics, he “The power to empower,” was the campus for the Saturday events. promoted Right to Play, an intertheme of last weekend’s Global CitThey had the opportunity to national humanitarian organization izenship Conference (GCC) at Mc- see presentations from McMaster that uses organized sport to educate Master. faculty and organizations such as and empower the world’s most disAs Co-Founder and Executive Amnesty International, War Child, advantaged youth. Director of Empowerment Squared Engineers Without Borders and Following his speech, he ex(formerly CURE Canada) Leo UNICEF. plained that this form of “using... Johnson said, “the true ‘power to Sprint kayaker and Olympic that podium for something more empower’ is not in the abundance medalist Adam van Koeverden de- than just self promotion” is his way of physical wealth, material possessions and goodwill donations, but in the resourcefulness of those to be empowered and the fortitude of those helping to empower.” Johnson, whose organization was a sponsor of the event, was the opening keynote speaker of the two-day conference. As a Liberian refugee in the Ivory Coast and Ghana, he worked as a youth activist until 2006, when he immigrated to Canada and became a McMaster student. His message of providing the world’s young people with the opportunity to shape their own lives set the tone for the weekend. Through panels, sessions and workshops, delegates discussed topics that included third-world conflict and crises, human rights, public policy, responsibilities of multinational corporations, the role of non-governmental organizations in international development and how to best live as a citizen of the world. “Our world is increasingly globalized, and as citizens of a developed country, we have a role to play in this world,” said Dharsha Jegatheeswaran, GCC Programming Co-Chair. “We have certain privileges that other people don’t have, and ... we have that ability to empower ourselves towards social action, but also others.” In addition to the McMaster stu- Top: Paul Bates, at the Global Citizenship Conference. Below: Art for dents who spent the two days going Aids exhibit. SILHOUETTE STAFF



Mac achieves research milestone in rare disease AMY GRAZIANI

McDonald’s parking spot causes dispute At a McDonald’s location in Loveland, Colorado, a long-running argument over two customers’ favorite parking spot resulted in an assault conviction. 52-yearold Vernon Brandt was convicted of a third-degree assault for a fight with fellow customer, 85-year-old Richard Albers in 2008. The incident had occured as follows: Albers walked up to Brandt’s truck because he was blocking the parking spot that Albers has been using almost every morning for 16 years. Albers tapped on Brandt’s door, but was then knocked to the ground after Brandt opened the door. Brandt had then grabbed Albers and threatened to fight him. The men have argued over the spot in the past. Sentencing has not been set for the two men.

of “making amends” for the opportunities he has enjoyed as a Canadian. Following the speech, delegates were invited to an Art for Change dinner at Twelve Eighty. Guests of the dinner, which maintained the conference theme of global empowerment, enjoyed live performances as they viewed art displays and participated in further discussion. On Sunday morning, Timothy Donais, professor in the Department of Global Studies at Wilfred Laurier University, spoke of the advantages and drawbacks of the prevailing, international imposition method of peace-building versus one of local ownership. Delegates then separated for a day of sessions that included presentations by Doctors Without Borders and the Stephen Lewis Foundation, as well as organizations from the previous day. In a change of pace, entrepreneur and Chair of the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction Mark Chamberlain concluded the weekend with a Sunday afternoon talk. Though much of the conference focus was on global issues, Chamberlain provided an optimistic and inspiring view of how youth could make a difference at a local level. The GCC has been an annual event at McMaster since 2006, when it was born out of an Engineers Without Borders initiative. Since then, it has spread from the Faculty of Engineering to all of McMaster, as well as other Ontario universities. Empowerment Squared, OPRIG McMaster, the MSU, Student Affairs, the McMaster Alumni Association and various McMaster faculties and academic societies sponsored the student-run conference.


McMaster’s own haematologist Dr. Catherine Hayward, along with a team of former graduate students and colleagues has just made a medical breakthrough in discovering that Quebec Platelet Disorder (QPD), a bleeding disease named after the Quebec family of which it afflicted, is inherited genetically. QPD is a bleeding disorder in which a patient who receives a cut or has a tooth extracted begins to haemorrhage one to three days after the procedure occurs. Further symptoms of QPD include haematoma, which reportedly causes bruises from the size of an orange to larger than a basketball and crippling arthritis which is caused from joint bleeding. Dr. Hayward’s research was able to discover the cause of this unusual bleeding disorder, refining treatment to the specific problems pertaining to the disease. Her re-

search, in conjunction with many colleagues including former graduate student Dr. Maria Diamandis and Dr. George Rivard—who first realized there was something unusual about the bleeding in this Quebec family—uncovered the fact that QPD derives from an extra copy of the gene for the urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA). Furthermore, uPA in the platelets of people with QPD, “contains many hundredfold more urokinase than a regular platelet,” explained Dr. Hayward. While our blood contains urokinase to ensure we do not over-clot when healing a wound, people with QPD have far too much of this enzyme. This causes a person with QPD to initially heal from a wound and clot blood. However, several days after the wound takes place, the uPA enzyme is over-activated since there is so much of it in the platelets, causing the wound to “un-heal” and create haemorrhaging. This genetic discovery has

monumentally helped to accurately diagnose patients with QPD. With this discovery, patients can be treated by drugs that block the enzyme, which is involved in clot-dissolving whereas before recognizing this as a genetic problem, treatments involved a lot more trial and error. Now, patients about to undergo surgery can take a drug afterward to ensure they heal properly, a privilege previously not available to them. Dr. Hayward explained the overwhelming feedback she received from the family saying, “a lot of them are really tearful when they describe what a difference it has made to their life to finally have an explanation.” While the cause of QPD has now been discovered, getting to this point was not at all easy. Dr. Hayward claims it has taken over twenty years of research to make this discovery. She further added, “to be able to tackle the genetic cause in the family meant a lot of years of chasing down relatives to

collect enough DNA samples to do testing so it’s very satisfying to finally get an answer.” Furthermore, most genetically-caused bleeding disorders derive from a deleted or defective gene whereas this one is from an extra copy. This made the research process even lengthier because the team had to first search for a defect to realize that one did not exist and move on to the possibility of an extra gene. Dr. Hayward also stresses that, “[discovering] an extra copy does not just give us an answer to this disorder. There are still a lot of mysteries to figure out.” Having said this, she and the entire research team hope to figure out why this extra genetic copy causes QPD and to one-day have a treatment designed to target the cause of the disease rather than the consequence. While more discoveries await the future of this disorder, this is certainly a huge stepping-stone in furthering QPD research.



Board of governors approves medical facility $40 million dollar facility to be built at McMaster Innovation Park ROY CAMPBELL

a valuable addition to the Park. “We’re quite happy that [McMaster has] decided that we’re an approMcMaster Innovation Park has priate location for this facility.” gained a new faDouglas expressed cility after Mcthat the new facilMaster’s board of ity will benefit the Although the governors approved of Hamilhealth and train- people the proposal for a ton by researching ing facility will be improvements in $40 million medical centre at Aberlocated in MIP, it health care and prodeen Avenue and viding new access will be built and Longwood Road to clinical services. operated by the South. The new priAlthough the famary care centre, cility will be locatmain branch of developed by Mced in MIP, it will be McMaster Master’s Faculty built and operated University. of Health Sciences by the main branch and the Department of McMaster Uniof Family Mediversity. Douglas cine, will work as a facility for said that the centre would fit in health research and training as well well with MIP and its dedication as a medical clinic for the public. to research and innovation, adding Zach Douglas, president and that it will increase the number of CEO of McMaster Innovation Park people at the Park and provide rev(MIP), said that the centre will be enue to offset the cost of the Park’s SILHOUETTE STAFF

construction. The decision to build the centre at McMaster Innovation Park came after several discussions and negotiations on the best location for the facility. Concerns were raised that the facility would not be accessible to more disadvantaged citizens who already lack ready access to medical care. Two members of McMaster’s board of governors abstained from voting on the proposal, sharing the view that the facility should be located downtown to better serve more of those who would need it. Zach Douglas said that MIP was not part of these negotiations. McMaster Innovation Park is a new facility supporting research and innovation both within McMaster University and in privatesector projects. Construction of the new medical centre is scheduled to begin this fall and will be complet- Pictured above is the Oct. 26 celebration of the opening of the first building at the McMaster Innovation Park. ed in 2012.


Bottled Water Free Day sheds light on green benefit


On March 11, approximately 62 Canadian campuses will be participating in the Bottled Water Free Day. ASHLEY GABOURY

major concerns about the environmental impact it has, and it addition, some students [are] charged thouAs many as 62 Canadian campuses sands of dollars to pay for somewill be uniting this week for the thing they can get out of a tap for first-annual Bottled Water Free free,” said Noah Stewart, national Day. deputy chairperson of the Canadian The day will be held March 11 Federation of Students (CFS), who to bring awareness to the negative provided the estimate of the number of participating campuses. impacts of bottled water. “Bottled water is a major issue Bottled Water Free Day is a on campuses as it has pretty ser- joint project between CFS, the ious health repercussions, certainly Sierra Youth Coalition and the PoCUP CENTRAL BUREAU CHIEF

laris Institute. Elly Adeland, water and energy campaigner at Polaris Institute— a strategic-planning organization for citizen movements—said the campaign against bottled water has been growing over the past number of years, with bottle bans having succeeded in 76 municipalities, four municipal associations, eight school boards, many businesses, and, soon, as many as six university campuses. “In the past year we’ve heard from a lot of students, specifically, that they were interested in taking action on a specific day, and so we formed Bottled Water Free Day this year,” said Adeland. “It’s quite the movement that’s come a long way.” Stephen Montague, president of the Brandon University Students’ Union in Brandon, Man., said his school will use the day to raise awareness of their successful campaign to ban the sale and distribution of bottled water on campus. Brandon University signed a pledge to become bottled water free in December 2009. He hopes to the campaign will encourage other campuses across Canada to “come on board and get rid of the bottle.” At Brandon, the day will include distribution of information as well as a pledge students can sign to go bottled-water free. He said virtually all bottled water has been removed from

campus and that drinking-fountain upgrades have begun to ensure clean, safe infrastructure. “The response that we’ve heard around campus is still extremely positive and students are still quite excited about it.” In Fredericton, N.B., the St. Thomas University Students’ Union recently put a referendum question to its student body asking whether or not they would support the union in advocating the university to phase out the sale of bottled water on campus. Ella Henry, vice-president education of the STUSU, said the referendum passed with 65 per cent of the students voting in favour of pushing for the ban. STU will be participating in Bottled Water Free Day, and will have an information booth where students will have the opportunity to sign a pledge to not drink bottled water as well as a taste test of bottled water and tap water. She said the movement against bottled water has expanded very quickly into a coalition of groups from across Fredericton, including student groups at both St. Thomas University and its neighbour the University of New Brunswick, labour organizations and environmental organizations. “We didn’t want to go forward on this without a mandate from students…We thought that . . . would both be the democratic way to go

about it and put some pressure on the university to do things like show us the (existing beverage exclusivity) contract so that we could work towards an agreement.” Even with the successful referendum, Henry said banning bottled water on campus depends on a number of things — including the co-operation of university administration as well as the contents of the university’s beverage exclusivity contract with Pepsi. “I’m fairly confident that we’ll be able to start soon, at least improving the (water fountain) infrastructure on campus.” According to Adeland, Ryerson University and Collège universitaire de Saint Boniface will announce on Mar. 11 that they, too, will be going bottled water free, joining the University of Winnipeg, Memorial University and Brandon University. “While it has been very studentorganized, it’s actually [up] to every citizen in Canada to start mobilizing around pledging to start today or any day and to drink public water in place of bottled water where ever possible.” She said the movement against bottled water needs to continue beyond Bottled Water Free Day. “It’s not just a day. It goes on. This is one day of mobilization but everyday is bottled water free day for a lot of these folks so it is a really inspirational movement that we’re seeing happening.”



All Abilities week receives attention Event deemed successful despite low turnout


McMaster’s first All Abilities Awareness Week came to an end Friday, Mar. 5. The goal of the series of events was to raise awareness about people with special needs and some of the issues that they face. Julie Himetera, the week’s coordinator, explained that she wanted to highlight three things in particular: “In the Pulse we have programs for people with special needs; for children and adults. We wanted to bring awareness to the upcoming Paralympics so that it doesn’t lose momentum once the Olympics are over. As well, we have two employees who are special needs Olympic athletes so this week was tying all three together. Our programs, our employees, and the fact that Paralympics are coming up.” The week started off on Monday with a speech by Jim Primavera, a special needs athlete who was injured in a car accident but went on to coach and play sports. He spoke about All Abilities, a group of around 50 speakers who attend various events across Canada and create awareness. He was part of a panel, along with two Paralympics athletes - a swimmer and a rower. In response to audience questions, they spoke about how they acquired their disability, how it affected their lives and how they managed to change it into something positive. They explained that there is still a great deal of discrimination that people with special needs face. The Wheelchair Challenge on Friday was one of the most popular events of the week. Students were able to drop in and shoot hoops for a chance to win tickets to the Men’s


The Wheelchair Challenge was one of the most popular events of All Abilities Awareness week. During the week, there were open gym times for anyone to come play or practice wheelchair basketball. Volleyball game on Friday night. They could also take part in a game of European Handball. Himetera explained, “It seemed to really attract a lot of students. As soon as they see the gym open and they are able to do something with a different piece of equipment, that being the wheelchair…no matter how good they play basketball or any

other sport, it’s a new challenge.” On Friday, Train Wreck, a band that consists of special needs musicians, drew many students to their performance. Himetera commented, “There were a lot of people here. Students were receptive. Once they saw what was going on, they were surprised, as much as the rest of us. It’s just a matter of opening

your mind and understanding that these people can still do things.” Next year, the organizers plan to condense the events into one or two days as they found that people had difficulty attending events on various days throughout the week. Also, they have managed to obtain more sponsors who are willing to support next year’s event.

When asked whether the overall event was successful, Himetera explained that although the attendance was not quite as high as expected, the event was successful as it attracted much needed attention to what All Abilities is, in addition to gaining a lot of support from the community, both on-campus and off-campus.

Mac alumni support Fasting for the end China partnership of climate change • CONT’D FROM A1 Columbia International College, located just down the road from McMaster University on Main Street West, is the largest boarding high school in Canada and has 1,300 international students from 66 countries, including China. When asked whether the proximity of Columbia College to McMaster University influenced the university choices of international students, George replied, “I think that it’s a reciprocal kind of relationship. I think that Columbia has an arrangement with McMaster that if students meet our admission standards they will get an offer of admission. So Columbia is able to use that in

their marketing.” Overall, George was optimistic about the potential partnership. He stated that the university had received support from people from the region in Dongguan and McMaster alumni in Hong Kong. “Historically we’ve been very cautious about putting our name on colleges or campuses abroad. Our work historically has mostly been project-management, to help local universities build capacity… The situation in China, the relationship with the University and with China, is one that gives us somewhat more confidence that we can actually take the risk of putting our name on a building there.”


Dante Ryel has lost seven pounds since Parliament resumed. Living only on a diet of water and supplements, he’s fasting until he can get commitment from a senator to sponsor Bill C-311 — the Climate Change Accountability Act. “I’m extremely concerned about climate change,” said Ryel, “and the issue is becoming more and more critical as time goes on.” The 26-year-old Waterloo resident and graduate of Lakehead University believes that the planet risks becoming less fertile if climate change progresses, while also having negative impacts on food security. To some, it seems absurd to fast for such a long-fought issue—but Ryel explained, “If politicians don’t pass this bill, they put billions of people at risk for starvation.” Bill C-311, first proposed in February 2009 by NDP MP Bruce Hyer, commits Canada to ambitious greenhouse gas targets. The goal is to ensure that the country meets previous global cli-

mate change obligations as stated under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by getting emissions to a level that is 25 per cent below the 1990 level by 2020, and 80 per cent below the 1990 level by 2050. Ryel will immediately start eating again once he gets Senate sponsorship — otherwise he will fast until March 31. One week into his fast, Ryel said, “I’m not finding much loss of mental skills but I’m physically drained. I’m not trying to hurt myself in any way, but I do think it is important and go as far as I can.” He said that if there are any long-term complications, he will call off the fast. Ryel is also having regular check-ups with his doctor to monitor his health. Ryel said that his family has been supportive of his drastic action towards the Climate Change Accountability Act. “I think they’re really concerned with this problem and they can see where I’m coming from, because I don’t let the issue drop; I’m always talking about it.”



EDITORIAL McMaster University’s Student Newspaper

The Silhouette Editorial Board Executive Editor Jeff Green Managing Editor Bahram Dideban Senior News Editor Selma Al-Samarrai Assistant News Editor Lily Panamsky Features Editor Paige Faber Opinions Editor Peter Goffin Sports Editor Brian Decker Assistant Sports Editor David Koots Insideout Editor Lindsay Jolivet Assistant Insideout Phyllis Tsang Photo Editor Will van Engen Staff Photographer Terry Shan Multimedia Editor Ava Dideban Production Editor Katherine Marsden Web Editor Jason Lamb Health Editor Sarah Levitt Distribution Coordinator Jonathon Fairclough Business Editor Simon Granat Business Editor Santino Marinucci Ad Manager Sandro Giordano

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Contact Us Volume 80 2009-10 • McMaster University Student Centre, Room B110 McMaster University 1280 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8S 4S4 • Fax: (905) 529–3208 • E–Mail: • Production Office: (905) 525-9140, extension 27117 • Advertising: (905) 525-9140, extension 27557 • 10,000 circulation • Published by the McMaster Students Union

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executive editor: extension 22052

Inherit a free mind, not old arguments Spring is such a beautiful time of year; the snow begins to melt and the plants start to germinate, fostering the beginning of the conflict season. For me, this means Easter dinner. Allow me to explain. My Nonno (Grandfather in Italian) has always had a garden in his backyard. It’s really a source of pride for him, especially his tomato plants. Pasta sauce always tasted better at Nonno’s house, which could only be because of his garden.When my Nonno could no longer take care of the garden, he split it up between my two uncles, one of whom was his son, and one who had married into the family.This, from what I understand, is when the argument started. Since then it has been a bitter battle over who has the better part of the small garden, as tomatoes would grow better on one side than the other. Crop after crop the argument grew, and it boiled over to a point where it was no longer about tomatoes or their spot in the garden; it was about something else, something none of my family can really understand. The argument erupted at an Easter dinner some time ago. Now, at every family dinner, I only get to see either one uncle or the other as the uncles both continue to fight. And all the while, the garden remains empty. Neither of the two can grow anything in such hostility. My cousins have started to fight with my other cousins now. In defence of each of their fathers, they continue what their elders have started, disregarding the original cause, and basing their hatred of the other on what their father told them of the other. Now, my own sister has now gotten involved. She sided with one of my cousins and, indirectly, one uncle. She keeps pestering me that I should side with her, despite not having a stake in the garden. She says it’s not about the garden, and I ask her what it’s about. Long-windedly, she tells me. It’s what about what my one uncle has done to the other. She is so young; she forgets the garden. She must not remember the taste of the pasta sauce made from the fruits of the garden. I stay out of this argument because I am not a part of it. There are not my tomatoes, it’s not my garden, and I like both of my uncles. I love my entire family, I really do. I don’t want to not talk to my cousins because my uncles are fighting. Some of those cousins weren’t even born when the garden was split up. And yet I find myself seeing only one set of cousins this Easter dinner, and not seeing one Aunt all together. Twenty or fifty years from now, my Nonno will have passed away, and maybe my uncles too. I’m afraid that even though we will never go back to my Nonno’s house – the house with the garden – the fight that started over a small tomato strip will continue to grow, even in my new home. In that future Easter dinner, fifty years from now, I want all my cousins at the table. I want my sister to talk with my other cousins once again, and share the same dish of pasta. I don’t care where the tomatoes grow anymore. • Jeff Green

Volunteer Want to get involved? Come attend one of our sectional meetings in the basement of the student center, room b110 News: Fridays @ 12:30 pm InsideOut: Mondays @ 1:00 pm Sports: Thursdays @ 2:30 pm Andy: Mondays @ 1:30 pm Photo: Fridays @ 3:30 pm Opinions: Tuesdays @ 11:30 am (all opinions can be mailed to, keep them 500-700 words)

Corrections The Silhouette makes every effort to be accurate. If you discover a mistake, please notify us via e-mail at with the subject “corrections.” We will include the correction in the following issue of the Silhouette.


Thank you, Marauder fans After considerable reflection on the loss that took place Friday night at the Burridge Gym, a few things have become very clear to me as the Head Coach of the Men’s volleyball program here at McMaster University. Although I believed there would be a better result to share with our campus, one thing for certain is the sense of pride and school spirit here at McMaster University. The stands were filled with a sea of maroon – along with some smatterings of the red and gold from the opposition, but the level of support shown to the student - athletes as the match went on was nothing less than sensational. Our men’s volleyball student athletes – as well as every other varsity athlete at McMaster University take tremendous pride in representing our school and work very hard to make sure they do it with dignity and respect. For our student athletes to feel

that support on Friday night makes the hours of work – the gallons of sweat and the pains of the gains seem all worthwhile. We could feel the crowd willing us to victory – however it was not meant to be on that day. I have never been more proud to be a Marauder than I was on Friday evening in the Burridge gym. The team routinely thanks the fans after a match – somehow I don’t think one thank you was enough. So to the entire McMaster community - on behalf of the Men’s Volleyball program - for the support you have shown not just on the weekend – but also throughout the year – Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

to glass ceilings.

to stealing from the poor to give to the poor.

to the John Hughes tribute. to diarrhea. to funbags, jammers, and heavy d. to the new golf nets. too bad there’s only one key. to the finish line in sight. unless you’re not in your last year. damn that sucks for you people. to the hamilton bull dogs win streak. to recreational use of tylenol 3. give it a shot. to the cookie monster’s wife. i wish i could have been there. do you remember the time you saw me outside in westdale? i though you were high. turns out i was.

Proud to be a Marauder! Dave Preston Head Coach Men’s Volleyball McMaster University

to the basketball game. or lack thereof. to the maniac redhead in the blue dress. way to kanye the poor guy. to the oscars in general. to climate change. to wu-tang affiliates. to nobody going to hamilton bull dogs games. to the 24-hour flu. you’re the worst one night stand ever. to bad covers of beatles songs. to no more snow. some of us like the snow, you know. to a lack of mcgriddles.

Overheard at McMaster... TA explaining to student why she got a bad mark on an essay: “...and here you called Africa a country...” Guy to Girl: I am going to choke your hamster! After chem exam (on discussion board) Guy: OMG im gonna go drown myself in a buffer Girl: Too bad none of us know how to make one ECON 1BB3E Prof: Name somethings that aren’t money, but are replacements for money. Student 1: Gold! Student 2: Silver! Student 3: SEX! Prof: Sex? Sex? Sex IS money. Class goes berserk with laughter. Prof: In all seriousness...another example. Student 4: GOATS! Prof: Okay, goats for money or goats for sex? Dr.Goutor talking about some labour movement: ‘They were essentially scared shit-less.’ Dr. Zhorov talking about the reaction of Pyruvate and Pyruvate dehydrogenase: “It is this reaction that will save your life, when running away from the tiger.” Outside MUSC, near artsquad girl: do you ever feel different when going from inside to outside guy: well my knees hurt guy coming out of the cave in Whidden Hall: “I’M NOT A WIZARD!!!....its a snuggie!”




production office: extension 27117

Put creativity back in education University essay writing is too stifled by rules and seriousness Andrew Prine OPINION

Did you ever have a special teacher who could take the most boring subject in the world and make it interesting? How about a friend who gets so stoked about rock shows that you can’t help but share in her excitement? These kinds of infectious passions are what make universities the vibrant and exciting communities they are. It’s that kind of passion that gives me hope for the world. At the same time, I can’t help but feel that it’s also these kinds of passions that a university education works to stamp out, and I can’t think of anything that saddens me more. If an arts-based education is supposed to encourage and foster critical, independent and socially conscious thought, why do all of my papers have to look the same? I might just be too young and naïve to understand the subtleties of academic writing, but I fail to see the value in the kind of stuffy, impersonal, legitimized forms of knowledge we focus our educations on. Writing an essay may challenge students to engage with a text and synthesize discrete pieces of knowledge into a coherent whole, but

why should our means of expression be limited to something as boring as a formal, academic, third person plural paper? Logical arguments can be represented through symbols and math, but the author of these arguments can make his or her writing that much more exciting by forging a personal connection with the subject matter. I don’t understand why that should be discouraged. It seems that we’re always being told to get involved but it’s awfully hard to feel engaged when we’re not allowed to invest ourselves in our work. Is a well-written, wellstructured paper any less convincing just because it starts off with a joke about a rabbi, a priest, and a lady driver? Given the choice,I would choose an informed, well-researched opinion piece about a difficult issue over a sterilized, impersonal attempt at objectivity any day, especially if it’s double spaced with 1 inch margins. I know that citation standards make the reference process far easier, but that doesn’t mean we should strive towards total standardization. Learning to write clearly and concisely is important, but all the clarity, brevity and attempted objectivity in the world won’t help a paper if nobody wants to read it. WILL VAN ENGEN / PHOTO EDITOR

“That picture looks nothing like me!” Merely single moments in time, photos aren’t accurate representations Peter Goffin OPINIONS EDITOR

I went to get my graduation picture taken a few weeks ago. It was a long time in the offing. I bought a new white shirt. I scrounged a tie. I shaved. Showered. I spent the whole morning flattening my hair, which I had also combed, incidentally. Then at 2:30 I sat for my pictures. I posed and I turned and I posed and posed and turned and posed. I wore a silly hat and a daffy robe and I held up a fake diploma and I felt like a dink. And when it was all over I asked to see my pictures on the photographer’s computer screen. I looked terrible. I mean really – sweaty, hair sticking up all over the place, blueish five o’clock shadow, at least a couple of chins, and what a set of jowls! Naturally I threw myself at the world’s mercy. I told everyone the pictures were awful. Wouldn’t they understand? Wouldn’t they at least cut me some slack when the proofs came in the mail? Of course everyone told me the snaps would turn out alright. I had only seen them for thirty seconds on that little screen, after all, and a lot of the imperfections get cleared up in development, you know. But then a couple of weeks ago I got the pictures back.Yup, I looked terrible. It was all there. The extra weight, the phantom beard, the wild hair. Ha. Vindication. Kind of a hollow victory, though. Because those pictures sure don’t do me any

favours. I mean, what the hell is wrong with them? I don’t really look like that, do I? I’m not saying I’m beautiful, but that kid in the picture looks like a pug. Who knows? Maybe I do look like that. But I didn’t always. I can definitely remember being handsome for about two weeks when I was fifteen. I think someone may have even told me so. One of the few times anyone ever did. Or is that not true? I don’t remember. Having ever been called handsome seems a lot less likely looking at my new grad picture, though. No, wait. I have definitive proof. I have my high school graduation picture. It looks great. I look like Cary Grant. But what if that picture is the unrealistic one, and not my newest, more dismal, portrait? That’s the problem. I’ll never know. All I have are pictures, and pictures can’t be trusted. It’s like those old family albums from a trip to someplace strange. We see ourselves in the pictures and we form an idea of what we did and what we were like and what kind of trip it was. And whether we actually remember it from experience or from the photograph becomes all muddled. Big argument in the car on the way home? No, I don’t recall. Posing in front of the big tree? Yes, I believe we did a lot of that. The photograph is the record and actual events are not. Anything that is not now represented by an image becomes dubious and un-

clear, and everything we can still see becomes the dominant impression of that time in our lives. A photograph is not an objective witness. It does not consider all sides and does not allow for any negotiation. A photograph says, “Here. This is exactly how it was.” And whether that’s true or not, you have no say over it. Granted, most photos represent something that did exist, but only for the split second that the photo was being taken. So maybe you only one bad hair day in your life. If you got your picture taken on that day, years from now people will think of you as the guy with bad hair. And when that happens, the way things actually were becomes completely irrelevant. What is retained in everyone’s minds is the image created by the photograph. It becomes the truth that surpasses all doubt. “Look, there’s photographic evidence.” And all of this is to say that this university graduation photo is how I will be remembered in perpetuity. This photo hanging on a wall on an upper floor around campus somewhere. A photo of me looking sweaty and pained and unshaven and like a bit of a chub. Now, who is going to tell everyone who sees that picture that photographs aren’t a true representation of reality but rather an approximation, an unreliable representation of a single moment that should not be used to judge any

A bad grad photo could dog you for the rest of your life.


entity as a whole? Who is going to ever start asking for photos with be there to say, “Hey, Pete Goffin your application, I could have a lot wasn’t a bad looking guy most of spare time on my hands. days”? Maybe I could do it. If jobs



Beware of dangerous fad diets

Weight crashes and nutritional value are worth questioning

Nazihah Bakhtyar OPINION

In a society where obesity and unhealthy food choices are becoming an epidemic, on the other side of the spectrum is an obsession to be slim. People want to lose weight and fast, and the most appealing way to accomplish this goal is to diet, or so it seems. Media rules the world and the public is constantly bombarded by advertisements of an array of diets so much that it has become a competition to find the easiest way, and the quickets way, to lose the weight. These are called fad diets. They claim that one can lose weight without exercising, simply by restricting their food choices and dietary patterns. Whether you turn on the television, the internet, the radio or simply flip through the newspaper in an effort to become aware of current events you are bound to find an advertisement comparing a before image of an overweight

person to a bikini clad after image of the same person. The vicious part of it all is that these fad diets often do not work leaving the individual scrambling to find another method to keep the weight off. Over the last 10 years, the prevalence of fad diet advertisements has dramatically increased in the media. These include the South Beach diet, Atkins diet, Ornish diet, Dr.Bernstein diet, high protein diet, low carbohydrate diet and of course the Jenny Craig diet. Diet commercials are no longer just testimonials by average people, but respected celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Kirstie Alley and Jessica Simpson are strong promoters of certain diets, making it more appealing to the viewer to alter their own eating habits. A recent study showed that the media informs the public about nutrition and health issues more than a registered physician or dietician. So many individuals fall prey to trying these diets and do not con-


sider the scientific reasons behind why these diets cause rapid weightloss. What is especially disturbing is that most of these diets do more

Many individuals fall prey to trying these diets and do not consider the scientific reasons behind why these diets cause rapid weightloss.” harm than good. Fad diets have usually evolved with little to no medical or nutritional basis. They simply promote weight-loss without the need to exercise. Weight-loss occurs when energy expenditure is greater than energy intake. Fad diets promote

weight-loss by drastically reducing the energy intake of an individual, failing to realize that in order to maintain good health the body still needs a certain amount of energy. Also, a lot of important nutrients are lost from the diet since major food groups are eliminated by following a restricted diet. Oftentimes cereals, grains, fruits and vegetables are not part of a fad diet due to the restricted nature of the diet, this leads to deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals. With the aim of making money, the media over looks the health costs associated with following these diets. A key aspect of fad diets is that even though they may promote weight loss it is for a short period of time, and there is no significant research done that shows that these diets work in the long term. For example, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) Dietary Modification Trial in 2006 included 49,000 women where a group of women

were placed under a low fat diet and another group continued with their regular diet, after eight years the weights of women under the low fat diet were very similar to the weights of women on the regular diet. Another study evaluated long term weight loss over three years in 891 subjects on a low carbohydrate diet; results were that only 10.8 per cent of subjects lost weight, this low number is due to the fact that subjects on this diet ate other high caloric foods. High protein diets also result in weight gain after the diet is stopped since high protein diets cause a loss of water from the body, therefore stopping this diet results in water retention. The high protein diet has grave risks; most individuals do not realize that foods that are high in protein are also high in saturated fats leading to a rise in bad cholesterol levels in the body, which increases the risk of heart disease. It is quite unfortunate that the media • PLEASE SEE DIET, A11



Don’t restrict right to criticize Israel cannot be immune to opposition

Feedback How are you currently managing your stress levels

“[Stress is] manifesting into my nightmares. Also, hot yoga.” Andrea Jones


“I play Varsity squash as a break.” Megan Raczkowski


Israeli Apartheid Week is in danger of being outlawed if it is deemed anti-Semitic. Riaz Sayani-Mulji

ment’s attempt to stifle criticism of the State of Israel. While condemning the word Another Israeli Apartheid Week, “apartheid” may not seem like the fourth one at McMaster, is in much, one has to take into account the books. Leaving aside the argu- that at this very moment, the Canment of whether the actions taken adian Parliamentary Coalition to by the state of Israel in the occu- Combat Anti-Semitism (CPCCA) is pied Palestinian territories con- working actively to pass legislation stitutes a system of apartheid, the that would equate legitimate critimost troubling part of the week for cism of the State of Israel with antime was not the events that took Semitism. place at McMaster, but rather what was occurring in the Ontario Provincial Parliament. The argument put A resolution was unanimousforth... is that the ly passed (only 30 MPPs voted) condemning the use of the word Israeli government “apartheid.” speaks for all of the The motion was tabled by Progressive Conservative Peter jewish people in the Shurman, who claimed that “Israeli world [and] criticism Apartheid Week is not a dialogue, of Israel is considered it’s a monologue, and it is an imposition of a view by the name itself to be inherently – the name is hateful, it is odious.” He also inferred that the use of the word “apartheid” is immensely offensive to the millions of blacks Consisting of 22 MPs from all four who suffered at the hands of the parties currently sitting in the white apartheid regime in South House of Commons, the CPCCA is Africa. run by Irwin Cotler, an expert on Even the New Democratic human rights and international law, Party MPP present, Cheri DiNovo, as well as Jason Kenney, the Consupported the motion. servative government’s minister of What is beginning to frighten Citizenship, Immigration & Multiculme, a non-religious Canadian-Ugan- turalism. dan who has done solidarity work On the surface, one would on campus for the Palestinian cause, simply think that this committee’s is that this is only the latest mani- aim, as its mandate suggests, is to festation of the Canadian govern- confront and combat the “global OPINION

resurgence of anti-Semitism”. However, there’s a lot that is lying under the surface that is not being said, both by the media and by the CPCCA. Kenney is already infamous for barring activist George Galloway from entering Canada due to the fact that he had recently led an aid convoy to the besieged and impoverished Gaza Strip. Kenney has also reallocated funding away from the UNWRA for its assistance to Palestinian refugees; the Canadian Arab Federation; and KAIROS, a church-based NGO that spoke out for the Palestinian cause. Cotler, on the other hand, has deep ties to Israel, as both of his daughters have served in the Israeli army and his wife is a native of Jerusalem. The argument put forth by the CPCCA, in short, is that Israel, represents the “collective Jew.” By proclaiming that the Israeli government speaks for the all of the Jewish people in the world, criticism of Israel is considered to be inherently anti-Semitic. Furthermore, this committee holds that there has been a resurgence in this “neo-anti-Semitism,” one that has manifested itself most severely on university campuses, referred to as “hotbeds of anti-Semitism.” However, the logic underlying this argument is fundamentally • PLEASE SEE DEM., A11

“I keep an agenda and I stay organized.” Paul Athan

“I try not to get overwhelmed and try to have fun when I can.” Phil Riley

“I’m currently not stressed.” Jonathan McMillan

“I try to manage my time best as I can.”

Aby Khan



Use Twitter the right It’s like a NorthernWoodstock way or not at all Hillside music festival is worth going to SRA and MSU have bad track record with website Rohan Nair OPINION

I brought Twitter to the MSU. It was last year during Vishal Tiwari’s presidential campaign, in which I implemented Twitter into Vishal’s website so he could send updates via his BlackBerry. This led to a big controversy over whether the MSU was supplying Vishal with too many resources etc, and Twitter was banned, leading many to look into what it actually was. From then on, SRA members seemed to jump on board, so I made my next big contribution: the #McSU hash tag that is used to group Tweets relating to the MSU. This is now being used by almost every SRA member who Tweets, and #McSU tweets are being displayed on the front page of the MSU website. But I don’t think any MSU executives understand how to use Twitter properly. A lot of platforms have promised Twitter use, the most relevant being Mary Koziol’s. However,Twitter seems to have close to no advantage in terms of engaging students, and this is easily measurable. If you look at the follower lists of many SRA members, you tend to see the same names, and the majority of these names tend to be following one another, and happen to

be SRA members. Exactly who are people engaging if the only ones following their tweets are their colleagues, who already know what’s happening? Next, look at the content of Tweets. People are using them to say where they are, more than actually providing information. If you want to engage people using Twitter, tweet about stuff that people care about: link to upcoming Bylaw changes, or policy statements. Finally, a blog and Twitter are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, they need to support one another. You write a blog post, and then send a tweet that you have a new blog post. Hopefully, someone reads your tweet and retweets it so that their followers can read it. These are all metrics that Twitter provides, but it seems that nobody on the SRA understands this. Stop talking about Twitter, because it doesn’t work until you have actual content that people want to read. If you want an example of someone who uses Twitter very well, and provides good information, follow @d_phrase. It’s the Twitter account of Dave Fraser, who works for Peter George. He doesn’t Tweet about Mac but still, it’s hilarious.

Jumping through hoops for invention Trying to get a patent is far too difficult to do Joy Santiago OPINION

During the 45-minute wait for the bus the other week Monday, in a ridiculous late-winter snowstorm, I came up with a great idea for a product that had the potential to amaze, or rather annoy, the masses. It was an idea that brought to my mind the greatness of the Sham Wow, Slap Chop, Snuggie and Oxyclean and with giddy anticipation I sat on the bus sketching and planning my noveau invention. After three hours I finally got home to do some research on how to patent my idea only to be hit by a massive amount of information, legal guidelines and intense backbreaking procedures. The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) provided a tutorial on how to start a patent application along with a hundred links that led to files of a million pages that, if printed out in entirety, would literally block out the sun. The patent application is akin to a research paper, requiring an abstract, a summary, background, detailed descriptions, figures and the like. Also, along with the paperwork, the overall fee for a patent (for a maximum of 20 years) can add up to more than $2,400. This is of course the fee you pay if you willed it upon yourself to do it alone. You can also hire professional patent agents who are, of course, never free. The timeline to actually have your idea physically prepared and presented to possible buyers could take years and there is definitely no guarantee of your prototype to be bought or even considered. Also, before your product can be presented you would have to file a separate application and separate fee. Through all this flabbergasting research I also came across another route to make my idea come to life. I discovered some companies devote their resources receiving ideas from the public and making them possible if they held such promise.

However, through first year university experience I realized that most of the sites were not reliable and awfully suspicious. Although there were some sites that did offer convincing advice and resources for new inventions they did not warranty the protection of your idea. Another way is through innovation contests. Most of the contests I found were located in the U.S. and dealt with the improvement and aid of certain social issues such as the environment, research, and social issues – sadly not what I had in mind. In the end, the patent provides assurance that my idea is safe and cannot be replicated without permission. It is, without a doubt, risky and expensive business. Maybe I’ll just join that show where they present their inventions to a panel of judges. Nevertheless, in quiet defeat, I was honestly dismayed by the process and have thus added another experience-based example to the saying, “It isn’t as easy as I thought it would be”. Maybe I’ll keep my idea in mind until I finish the essay I have due next week or try it out again later as a potential get-rich-quick scheme.

Eric Williams OPINION

Groovy, man. Every year, in the last weekend of July, the teddy bears gather for their picnic, on the Island of Guelph Lake. Yes I know, Woodstock is gone and the hippies all shaved and became Gordon Gecko, but the magic lives on. Imagine if Woodstock was secretly moved to Guelph. Essentially that is the Hillside Festival. This year will be my tenth non-consecutive time going to the finest outdoor music festival in Canada. The deal is three days of concerts, exotic food, interesting (and free) workshops, and a huge helping of happy hippie culture. At any given time, they have at least three different stages going, so if you don’t like what you are hearing, you just follow your ear. Over the years I’ve

seen some amazing acts. Arcade Fire, Metric, and Warsaw Pack were my personal faves, but nearly every year, the best act I hear is someone I’ve never heard of. And you know what the best part is? Not the concert. Outside of the concert island (connected by a walkway) is a Guelph Lake Conservation Area where many, but not all, of the people camp out for the weekend. The afterparty in the camp ground is almost always the best part of the weekend. Everyone is happy and friendly, and it’s just awesome. It is different from other concerts in that the providers are locals who make their own crafts and food (as opposed to chain marketers), so the market and food areas are a pleasant surprise. The festival is also a testament to how peaceful Canadians can be.

The place is out of the city, so the cops can respond, but they aren’t right there. Typically you see two cars, which means you have about four visible cops managing 10,000 people. I guess people are just too stoned to fight. In fact, about the only way you’d see violence would be if some jerk started causing trouble, and the community collectively ejected them. At Hillside, everything is Zen. Of course, you can’t mention Hillside without cheering for the thousands of friendly and hardworking volunteers who come out to set it all up, and make it all possible. They are mostly from Guelph, and are a good indication of how strong local culture is in Guelph, Ontario. In short, I love hillside. I’m going this year and I hope you can make it too.




Demonstration is Diet concerns not racism • CONT’D FROM A9 flawed. First of all, it is wrong (and somewhat racist) to claim and that Israel speaks for all Jews, or that all Jews are Zionists. Personally speaking, I know plenty of Jewish people who not only disagree with Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians, but also play an active role in planning IAW. As such, it is absurd to claim that criticizing Israel’s domestic and foreign policy is rooted in racism towards Jewish people. Most activists involved in solidarity work for the Palestinians would argue that it is the oppression, occupation, and humiliation of the Palestinians by the State of Israel that drew them into their work, and nothing more. In addition, the evidence actually indicates that anti-Semitism is not on the rise in Canada. The CPCCA argues that antiSemitism is increasing without any external evidence, as well as without disclosing the sources of their research and funding. Nevertheless, with all four federal parties complicit, it seems as if the recommendations made by the CPCCA will come to fruition. This would fall in line with recent government policy, illustrated by Junior Foreign Affairs Minister Peter Kent who stated “an attack on Israel would be considered an attack on Canada”.

What would this mean for activists like myself? By holding events like Israeli Apartheid Week and criticizing Israel’s inhumane and unjustifiable actions towards the Palestinians, we could be charged under section 319 of the Canadian Criminal Code and section 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act. However we would still, bizzarely, be able criticize our own government’s domestic and foreign policy, just not Israel’s. Essentially, what we are seeing here is a McCarthyism-like witchhunt, enforced by our own supposedly peace-loving government, against those who feel inclined to show solidarity with the Palestinian people. This of course would apply equally to Jewish organizations, like Hamilton’s own Independent Jewish Voices, who would no doubt be charged and characterized as “self-hating Jews”. So what can we, as Canadians, do about this gross violation of our rights? See for yourself what the CPCCA is all about and do some reading into its implications. Spread the word about this dangerous committee, because regardless of whether you believe that the Palestinian cause is a worthwhile one, we should all be incensed and disgusted at our government’s attempt to stifle free speech and restrict academic freedom.

• CONT’D FROM A8 only displays the positive aspects of these diets and never warns the individual of the health risks associated with restricting one’s diet, long term effects are also never shown or spoken of by celebrities. In a cacophonous list of fad diets, elaborate commercials about testimonials from people who lost 100s of pounds and famous celebrities speaking wonders of the diets that worked for them, one will never find a commercial or testimonial about the guaranteed and most effective method of weight loss, which is to eat well and exercise. This age-old method is age old for a reason, it works, it may not result in weight loss with in the first few weeks or even months, but it will cause weight loss if a healthy diet is maintained and physical activity is a regular habit. People disregard the importance of exercising, not only does it aid in weight loss but also promotes heart health, reduces the risk of diabetes and osteoporosis. Instead of going to the television or magazines to learn of short term methods of weight loss from individuals who are paid to bring customers to this billion dollar fad diet industry, one should instead follow a healthy life style and refer to a registered physician or dietician if one has questions or concerns.

WRITE FOR THE OPINIONS SECTION I would be a lot more impressive if I actually had a staff. Section Meetings on Tuesdays at 11:30 in MUSC B110


SpeculatoR the hamilton

Thursday, March 11, 2010



INSIDE THE SPECULATOR Canides and puppy dogs and fireworks and rainbows and sunshine and lollipops and sugar and spice and everyhting nice and happiness and sweetness and light and man and superman. What have you done lately?

See you at the library.

There’s no business like dry cleaning Buck Horowitz Kingsley Morris SPECULATOR

The champagne flowed and the tears flowed and the sexual fluids flowed at afterparties across Los Angeles on Sunday night, into Monday morning as the Oscars brought mirth and celebration to a city depressed by too much fortune and success. But across the bay in Oakland, the Roscoes were only getting started. Less respected but more dismissed, the Roscoes are awarded annually and widthly for films that fall the cracks. And holes. And cellulite dimples. And scar divets. Hosted by the eversparkling Billy Baldwin and Ricky Martin, the show ran quick and light six hours and three minutes with well over nine awards being handed out. The orchestra, a doo-wop band comprised of Mexican-Inuit throat singers were given specific orders to cut off any emotionally heavy or relevant speeches. But stealing the show was presenter and Morgan Freeman lookalike Nelson Mandela who dressed as a character from Avatar. An early darling of the judges was G.I. Joe II: Attack of the Hungry Bow-Legged Toddler. Its star, George Clooney’s illegitimate child, mothered by Maya Angelou took home the Best Performance by a Bastard

award, proving once and for all that a caged bird can indeed sing. The Best Picture category was chock full of worthy contenders. Precocious, the Dr. Phil-financed film about a young girl born into poverty, starring Rita MacNeil won over hearts and minds and a few other body parts. But the winner was Charles and Charlie, a charming

film, based on a blog, about a young house-husband trying to work through all the hilarious escapades of Charles Manson, as described in his book, Joy of Slashing. Helter Skelter indeed. The overall winner of the night, however, bringing home the award for Best Performance in a Recurring Role was Roman Polanski who

managed to play The Fugitive for thirty-five consecutive years. He was unable to accept the award or comment as he was filming a documentary about Swiss prison, How Sweet is Your Chocolate? Less impressive was Randy Newman who was nominated for a song in every single film this year, but did not win anything because

of the annoyingness of his voice and weight problem. Overall a good night for all involved. Except for Robert Downey Jr. who fell off the wagon and Joan Rivers who was lost and presumed senile. Ugly too. She is believed to be judging outfits on the Island of Misfit Toys. She will be in the competition too. And she wants to be a dentist.

North Korean athletes are missing Defection absolutely not suspected. No way. Unh-unh. No sir. Vincent Sauvé SPECULATOR

Although many countries have spent the past twelve days celebrating the triumphant feats of their returning Olympic athletes, The Speculator has recently learned that at least one country has spent them in a state of frenzied panic. It seems that both of North Korean’s athletes at the Vancouver games, figure skater Ri Song Chol and short-track speed skater Ko Hyon-Suk, have failed to return home. “Why would they not return?” asked a visibly distraught representative of the North Korean regime, “do they not like sunshine and rainbows? Do they not like living in magic land of magic freedom? The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is very sad over this.” The North Korean leader, Kim Jung Il, recently issued a plea to the international media for assistance in the search for these missing athletes. And although our peers in lesser papers neglected to carry the story, we at The Speculator

were thankful for the scoop. Indeed, when we called our cross-town rivals to gloat, we were greeted by a reply of “What, you again? … That story? … They probably defected.” Suddenly it seemed to us that this was a possibility we had neglected to consider. Maybe Ri Song Choland Ko Hyon-Suk had defected. Unfortunately we were forced to scrap this possibility after calling the North Korean embassy. “No North Korean ever defects. That is a lie propagated by capitalist exploiters,” explained a representative of the consulate. Indeed, as a brief glance at this weeks edition of the Pyongyang Workers Happy Voice Of Democratic Freedom explained, the country has the exact opposite problem. It seems that their Great Leader, Premier Kim Jong Il was forced to erect a massive, 248 kilometre-long strip of fortified border in order to keep South Korean and American defectors out. “They always try coming here,” explained the North Korean

consul to United States. “America had to send weakling former President Clinton to scold defectors and bribe them to come home just last year,” he continued, “it was moment of great shame. Not for us though. For us, it was moment of great glory. And freedom.” The North Korean government is currently offering a cash reward for information leading to the safe return of Ri Song Chol and Ko Hyon-Suk. Indeed, if you know the whereabouts of these athletes, contact Lee Yi Rhee Dry Cleaning and Glorious Consul Of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in Ottawa (their number is listed in the Yellow Pages under both chiropractors and consulate, so it shouldn’t be hard to find). A reward of thirty-five North Korean won and half-off your next spine adjustment will be given. And this reward doesn’t initially strike you as extravagant, consider the fact that only five North Korean won currently exist anywhere in the world.

Why would anyone run away from this face?

“What Did You Learn This Week, Timmy?”

“I learned that if you can’t find a ledge, you might as well just bend over.” Disclaimer: Stories printed in The Hamilton Speculator are fact. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is likely intentional and done out of spite. Opinions expressed are those of The Speculator and if you disagree with them you are wrong. And stupid. Possibly ugly as well.




production office: extension 27117

National Drive Derailed

The Marauders, formerly ranked No. 1 in the country, dropped a shocking five-set match to the improbable Guelph Gryphons. The loss ends Mac’s quest for the National Podium FRASER CALDWELL


With a season of expectation and momentum on their side, and a raucous home gym to look forward to, everything seemed primed for a provincial title for McMaster’s high-flying men’s volleyball team. But before they could advance to the final and claim the glory that many believed was theirs to lose, the Marauders had one pesky obstacle to overcome: the Guelph Gryphons. Unfortunately for the fans and players of the maroon and grey alike, the Marauders would be unable to overcome their season-long nemesis, dropping a crushing five-set decision to the Gryphons on Friday night (25-16, 27-25, 15-25, 21-25, 8-15). The loss brings a bitter end to what was supposed to be a banner campaign for the Marauder men. With Burridge Gym refreshingly packed to the rafters, Friday’s tilt began in promising fashion for the home side, before the evening took a decided turn for the worse. After an understandably cagey opening, the Marauders began to assert themselves at the first technical timeout, with a Shawn Bench effort ricocheting off of the Guelph dig to make the score 8-4.

Mac hosts Canada’s top teams BRIAN DECKER SPORTS EDITOR

There’s no place like home. For the McMaster Marauders and their fans, there’s a lot of hope riding on that statement staying true this weekend at the CIS Championship. The heavily un-favoured Marauders come into the tournament as hosts and unlikely contenders, sporting a modest 13-9 record amongst the titans of CIS women’s basketball. Still, there’s hope that the Marauders can continue to do the one thing they’ve done consistently well all season: defend their home court against the best of opponents.


Mac went 8-2 at the Burridge Gym this season, winning every home game in 2010 and knocking off OUA West powerhouses Western and Windsor. The latter will enter this weekend’s tournament as the No. 2 seed, showing the caliber of team the Marauders can not only play to, but outplay with a lineup that includes both youth and experience. That mix of youth and experience was key in a 66-50 beating of the Lancers on Jan. 16, Windsor’s only loss of the season. That win showed McMaster can compete with the best of Canada’s giants at home. Still, the Marauders will encounter a giant larger than any other on Friday in their first round match up with the Simon Fraser Clan. “For us, we have to execute and play as mistake-free basketball as we can, because they will capitalize on every mistake you make,” said Head Coach Theresa Burns about preparing for the Clan, who at one point this season sported a nifty 54-game winning streak, dating back to last season when they won the CIS Championship. For some of the younger Marauders, the game represents a tremendous opportunity to gain valuable experience and understand what it takes to play with the best in the CIS. “I think this is an incredible opportunity, especially for a young team like we have this year. We’re gonna make the most of the opportunity and learn everything we can from it,” said Burns. While the young guns of the team are learning, it will be a fitting end of sorts for veteran guards Taylor Smith and Lisa Marie Iavarone. The two have played together since grade four, and will play out their final game together this weekend. “It seems fitting for us. It’s sort of like coming full circle. We started together, we get to finish together, so it’s a nice way to go out,” said Smith. Iavarone, a three-point specialist who spent her first three years of eligibility at Mohawk, said the tournament is an oppor-


• PLEASE SEE SFU, B4 as well as B2 and B3 for the Silhouette’s complete CIS Women’s Basketball Coverage

CIS silvers for Mac wrestlers BEN ORR


After a strong OUA Championships, which included one gold, three silver and one bronze medal, the McMaster wrestling team saw a double silver performance at CIS Nationals. The meet was held at the Jack Simpson Gym at the University of Calgary from March 5-6. Both Ryan Blake and Dusan Milikara qualified for their final after the first day of competition, in the 68kg and 72kg weight class, respectively. On day two, Blake, a second year sociology student and OUA

champion, met Simon Fraser’s Mike Cappus in the final. Cappus got the better hand of Blake and captured the gold. Last years CIS champion, Milikara, wrestled Guelph Gryphon Jacob Jagas but lost despite a strong performance. “I am very proud of them both,” said head coach Nick Cipriano. “Both Blake and Milakara fought with heart and determination, but on this day, they lost to two better wrestlers.” Also wrestling at the national finals was Sean House, who finished fifth in the 90kg class, Kevin MacLellan, in the 82kg class and

Adam Benish in the 130kg class, both who finished sixth. Benish suffered a heart-breaking loss when he was beat out by a Calgary wrestler in the final 10 seconds. The Marauders’ men ended up finishing seventh in the overall team category with 26 points while Simon Fraser, New Brunswick and Regina rounded out the top three. The SFU Clan also captured the women’s title, becoming the second school to accomplish the feat. Sydney Duggan wrestled to a sixth place finish in the 51kg category, representing the only competitor for the McMaster women at the CIS Championships.


Dusan Milikara and Ryan Blake claimed silver medals at last weekend’s CIS Championship in Calgary. Milikara claimed second in the 72kg weight class while Blake wrestled in the 68kg weight class final.



Welcoming back a champion Lindsay DeGroot returns with her new team to finish career at home


Former Marauder Lindsay DeGroot was named a Canada West All-Star this season. BRIAN DECKER

the Marauders to an OUA Championship and CIS Bronze medal seven months prior would never take the Burridge Gym court again. Yet When Lindsay DeGroot suffered a season- this weekend at the CIS Championship, Deending back injury in the preseason of 2008, Groot will once again return to the floor she it ended her career as one of the best guards dominated so many times. in McMaster history. Looking forward, it apDeGroot will not be suiting up for the peared the star guard who had just helped lead Marauders, however. The 5’10” guard is SPORTS EDITOR

doing her graduate studies and playing out her career with the Saskatchewan Huskies, who earned their way into the tournament as Canada West Bronze medalists. “This is a big moment for me. I could not have written a better script to end my CIS basketball career… It will be strange wearing [Saskatchewan’s colours] on Mac’s court, a place I spent most of my career in, but I’m embracing the experience and am just happy to be able to play on the Burridge floor a couple more times,” said DeGroot of returning to her former home floor to finish her career. DeGroot averaged 18.8 points, eight rebounds and more than three steals on the way to being named a Canada West All-Star this season. Having been to the tournament twice with McMaster and bringing a skill set and work ethic few can match, the Thedford, ON native knows what it takes to not only get to, but compete in the Canadian version of March Madness. “We have worked very hard and earned the opportunity we have at the CIS National Championships this weekend.” DeGroot said it was intimidating moving to a new school, city and conference, but that she was in good hands right from the get-go in Saskatoon. “As a fifth year player going into a new team, and knowing that I only had one season left, I thought it was going to be a tough situation, but it was the complete opposite. The team welcomed me right away and I never once felt like an outsider,” said the guard, who was effusive in praising the U of S athletics department and coaching staff. “It just tells you the type of people I’ve been surrounded by here in Saskatoon. We also have a great coaching staff. Being coached by Lisa Thomaidis has been a great opportunity and experience for me.” Thomaidis is making a return to McMaster as well. The Huskies’ bench boss was an OUA All-Star from 1993-1995 under current Head Coach Theresa Burns, and is now making her fourth trip to the nationals in five years as a coach. “It’s always nice to see [Thomaidis] come back and coach here. We’ve remained good

friends over the years, and we support each other as colleagues and I wish her all the best,” said Burns of the Huskies’ bench boss. Former McMaster guard Christin Dickenson will also be returning to Mac, serving as an Assistant Coach with the Regina Cougars. Dickenson held the McMaster record for career assists before Taylor Smith overtook last season. For Burns, it’s somewhat of a reuniting of some of the best memories while being the Marauder coach. Smith, an All-Star guard and McMaster’s all-time leading scorer, will also be playing her final game this along with DeGroot, bringing back memories of the Bronze medal team from two seasons ago. “That Bronze medal was very special. Just watching that all come together over the course of a couple of years… most players in the country never get to the national championship ever in their career, and I think our players having been there so many times is very fortunate,” said Burns Of DeGroot, Burns said it’s a joy for the McMaster community to host the guard in her final game: “There are so many people here that will be cheering for her and happy to see her. She’s had a phenomenal season, and we’re happy for her and proud of her.” Smith was also aware of the poetic justice of DeGroot coming back to McMaster for her final game. “I’ve talked to her a lot throughout this season, and this has been a goal for her to come back here and finish it out at the Burridge Gym. We’re happy to see her back here and hope we can make some noise this weekend on our home floors.” For both Smith and DeGroot, making noise may mean different things. McMaster gained entry only by hosting the tournament, and is up against the No. 1 seed Simon Fraser Clan, who sported a 54-game winning streak at one time this season. The Huskies are the No. 3 seed after earning their way in and could challenge for the podium. But for both, just to finish their careers at nationals on familiar ground means a lot. And for DeGroot, it’s the chance of a lifetime, and chance to finish what she started half a decade ago.




Sizing up Canada’s competitors Can the East finally end the West’s dominance? The Canada West conference has won every national championship since Laurentian won in 1991, and with Simon Fraser, Saskatchewan and Regina bringing solid teams to Hamilton, a 19th victory looks well in sight. But this could be different. Cape Breton’s got the best scorer in the nation, and Windsor, with its international contingent, might have the best team West of Winnipeg in a long time. Take a look at the tournament’s teams, and size up their chances to take home the coveted Bronze Baby trophy.


SEED: #1 It was virtually clear from the start of the regular season that the SFU women’s basketball team would be making an appearance in the CIS national championships, but perhaps what was a little surprising was the fact the team has virtually had little to no trouble beating teams this season. The team had a nearly flawless season, generating a staggering 19-1 record, dropping their only contest to the University of Victoria. The team has produced the most points per game of any school in the CIS with 83.7 and leading most offensive and defensive categories. Up front, the production of seniors Robyn Buna, Laurelle Weigl and Kate Hole has been nothing short of superb and the trio are buoyed by the rookie performances by Kristina Collins and Nayo Raincock-Ekunwe. The Clan’s devastating offensive attack could surely bring the club to its fifth national title in eight years. • Matt Lee, the Peak

SEED: #4 The Regina Cougars return to the big dance this season looking to improve on last year’s bittersweet result. The Canada West Prairie division champions fell in the final to Simon Fraser last year on their home court, coming up six points short of a crowd-pleasing gold medal. This year’s revenge-seeking squad is led by 6’3” centre Brittany Read, one of four players in the country to average a doubledouble, and guard Joanna Zalesiak, a native of Poland who has played professionally in Europe and in the NCAA at the University of Texas at El Paso. The pair combined to average nearly 30 points per game this season, leading the Cougars on a charge that culminated in a Canada West finals appearance against Simon Fraser. Unfortunately, the Clan dominated that game, winning by 30 and sending a message that they will not be easy to topple. Still, with a hunger to avenge last year’s loss, the Cougars are an experienced team with the talent to take any team in search of the Bronze Baby.

SEED: #5 The Laval Rouge et Or could be one of the tournament’s surprise teams, having proven in the past they can upset top ranked teams. In 2008, eighth ranked Laval shocked top-seeded Simon Fraser on route to a fourth place finish in Saskatoon. Veteran post MarieMichelle Genois was a part of 2008’s Cinderella team, and joined by second year guard Elyse Jobin and rookie centre Marie-Pascale Nadeau, the Rouge et Or’s core group will need to be at their best in order to make any noise in the tournament. Laval has left the comfy confines of Quebec on several occasions this season to face top-level teams, but with mixed results. A pair of sound losses to Windsor coupled with a double-digit loss to Saskatchewan suggest the Rouge et Or will need to be at their absolute best in order to survive this weekend’s competition. • David Koots, the Silhouette

SEED: #8 Will the home court do its biggest favour yet? The McMaster Marauders have been unbeatable for months at home, but are the clear underdog coming into this tournament. Mac knocked off tournament No. Windsor handily at home, and hasn’t lost in the Burridge Gym since November. Still, it would be a an upset of epic proportions for the hosting Marauders to knock off No. 1 Simon Fraser in their first round match up. McMaster is led by AllStar guard Taylor Smith, who led the CIS in assists this season with better than seven per game. With OUA field goal percentage leader Taylor Chiarot, super rookie Nicole Rosenkranz and defensive stopper Rebecca Rewi playing the supporting roles, Mac has depth to challenge any team. It is going to take a lot of home court luck, however, if Mac is going to make some noise. Here’s hoping a loud crowd in the Burridge Gym lets Mac make some noise of its own. • Brian Decker, the Silhouette

• Brian Decker, the Silhouette

SEED: #2 The Windsor Lancers, entering into the CIS tournament seeded second in Canada, have had a second consecutive dominating season in the OUA. Finishing well atop the league standings with a 21-1 record, the Lancers captured yet another OUA title this year, once again beating the Ottawa Gee-Gees in the final. The team has been led in scoring and rebounding by OUA Rookie of the Year Jessica Clemencon, who was recruited from France. Clemencon averaged 15.6 points per game, shooting 49.5 per cent from the field, while also averaging 7.3 rebounds per game. The squad’s only loss of the year came at the hands of the CIS host team, the McMaster Marauders. • Michal Tellos, the Lance

SEED: #3 When it comes to the Saskatchewan Huskies, all the attention falls on former McMaster guard Lindsay DeGroot. The two-time CIS All-Canadian averaged close to 19 points and eight rebounds this season on the way to being named a Canada West All-Star. It will be an emotional and exciting return to the McMaster floor for DeGroot, who leads the Huskies in as the tournament’s third seed. A strong supporting cast already established before DeGroot’s arrival this year buoys the team. Guard Kim Tulloch is a lights out shooter, and Jill Humbert is an experienced backcourt distributor who can keep defences honest on any of the Huskies. No. 1 seed Simon Fraser clocked the Huskies by 20 in their Canada West semi-final match up, but with DeGroot on her old home floor and a veteran supporting cast in tow, don’t sleep on the Saskatonians as suitors to get revenge and bring the Bronze Baby Trophy to the prairies. • Brian Decker, the Silhouette

SEED: #6 The Cape Breton Capers did something no other team did this season; they went the whole regular season without dropping a game. Behind CIS-leading scorer Kelsey Hodgson (22.0 ppg), the Capers cruised through the AUS on the way to their second consecutive conference title, knocking off Dalhousie and Saint Mary’s along the way. Still, if the monsters of the Maritimes are going to reach CIS glory, it will be a tough road. Assuming no major upsets, a road to the title would go through Saskatchewan, Windsor and Simon Fraser – the tournament’s top three seeds. Cape Breton will need supporting cast stars such as Kari Everett (13 ppg) and Karmen Brown, an excellent offensive rebounder, to step up and provide Hodgson with some help. • Brian Decker, the Silhouette

SEED: #7 The Ottawa Gee-Gees have made a surprising run to the nationals for the second year in a row after upsetting Ryerson and Carleton in road playoff games. Hannah Sunley-Paisley, OUA East Player of the Year, is the heart and soul of the team as she leads the team in points, rebounds, assists, steals, blocks, free throws and field goals. In order to make a deep run, the Gees must relieve some pressure off Sunley-Paisley with secondary scoring and, guard Emilie Morasse will be counted upon to do so. Ottawa is not a favourite to win; perhaps the lack of pressure will result in an upset victory or two. • Andrew Hawley, the Fulcrum



WOMen’s BAsKeTBAll

SFU enters as heavy favourite • CONT’D FROM B1 tunity that few get a chance to have. “It’s indescribable… sort of like a surreal moment that not a lot of people can experience.” Smith will be depended upon more than anyone on the team this weekend. The OUA All-Star became McMaster’s all-time leading scorer this season, and is by far the most dangerous weapon for the underdog hometown team, both in knocking down shots and creating shots for teammates. Smith will need to be at her best if Mac is to upset SFU. The Clan do not have a single standout superstar, but instead a lineup that is deep at every position with players who could make a major impact on any team in the CIS. Top scorers, Robyn Buna and Laurelle Weigl (14.3) ppg are 26th in the league, yet the team boasted the top offence in Canada.


Coach Theresa Burns and the Marauders are in tough against the Clan. Were the Marauders to win and move on to the second round, it would be a giant upset without a doubt. It might even be the moment of the year for McMaster athletics.

But impossible it is not, and with some good execution and home court luck, it could be the perfect experience for experiences veterans and young guns alike.



Four members of the McMaster Marauders men’s volleyball team received accolades as part of this year’s OUA Awards. For the third consecutive year, Jeremy Groenveld received OUA First Team AllStar honours for his efforts this season, which saw him lead McMaster with a total of 200 kills. Fourth year middle presence Tyler Santoni joins Groenveld on the First Team list after leading the OUA in blocks with 85 on the year. Groenveld was also honoured by the CIS and was named Outside hitter for the second team All-Canadian team. Veteran setter Ryan Hudson was named to the Second Team OUA list, while promising freshman hitter Kevin Stevens joined the OUA All-Rookie line up alongside other first-year standouts from around the league.

Shannon Galea took top place in the Women’s C division at this past weekend’s National Squash Championship. Galea was one of nine women to take part in University squash’s top tournament. On the men’s side, five members played, with OUA All-Stars Hassan Muhammad and Ahmed Shohayeb playing in the alwaysdifficult Open division, but both were unable to make it past the second round of the consolation draw.

WOMen’s VBAll Once again, Jennifer Holt has proven that she is one of the best volleyball players in Canada. McMaster’s talismanic setter made history last year as the first woman in the program’s history to be named as a CIS First-Team All-Canadian. And while she falls just short of that pinnacle this season, Holt once again represents the Marauders as a CIS Second-Team selection. On the provincial level, McMaster garnered four awards, including that of Coach of the Year for the Marauders’ long-time mentor Tim Louks. Graduating standouts Holt and Larissa Puhach were named as OUA First Team AllStars, while Kaila Janssen was named to the Second Team for the second consecutive year.

TRACK & FIelD McMaster’s track and field team will travel to the University of Windsor this weekend for the CIS Championship. Mac athletes will face incredibly stiff competition, most notably from defending Champs and hosts Windsor, as well as the Canada West champion’s from the University of Regina (men) and the University of Saskatchewan (women). Mac is hoping to improve on last year’s successful meet, which saw several strong individual and relay performances, highlighted by third year runner Jillian Wyman’s bronze place finish in the 1000m.

FIelD HOCKeY Mac’s field hockey team is in the midst of a fundraising bottle drive in order to offset the team’s travel costs and tournament fees. The team is currently a club sport but often faces the better-funded varsity teams throughout the OUA. Those wishing to donate bottles can contact the team at until Mar. 31 to coordinate drop-off or pick-up.



Men’s Volleyball

Promising season comes to early end


The Gryphons stepped up their defensive play in the later sets and were able to contain the Marauders vaunted attack on their way to a five-set victory.

3 2

2 3

3 2

• CONT’D FROM B2 McMaster’s game was in full stride, and the hosts maintained their lead thanks in large part to the attacking prowess of OUA All-Stars Tyler Santoni and Jeremy Groenveld. As the first set entered its final points, the Marauders began to dominate play, with Groenveld and Bench providing a textbook combination block to stretch the home squad’s lead to six points. The emerging trend of McMaster dominance continued, and the hosts would lock up the first frame after an epic rally saw Josh Nederveen make a miraculous diving save before Josh Lichty put the rally to rest with a powerful swing down the middle. The Marauders carried their momentum effectively into the second set, where they outclassed the Gryphons completely in the early stages. Two typically thunderous kills from Paul Podstawka made the score 10-5, and demonstrated clearly that McMaster was operating on a significantly higher level than their opponents. However, Guelph would raise their game as the set wore on, eventually clawing back to level a once lop

a wide 10 point margin, after stuffing Kevin Stevens at net. It is the fourth set which the Marauders may look back upon with the most regret, as they raced out to an early lead, only to give it away cheaply in response. After a slew of Guelph errors, Groenveld rolled a kill through the Gryphon block to give the home side a five point advantage at 6-1. The start gave the Burridge faithful hope that Guelph’s form was dipping, and players and fans alike could see the opportunity clearly. However, the Marauders’ response to this opening was to plummet in form as well, and watch the lead they had built quickly evaporate. Even while Groenveld produced a signature precision kill down the right wing to maintain a three point McMaster advantage at 12-9, it was clear that the Gryphons were once again on the rise. By mid-set, the Marauder lead had disappeared, and the Gryphons were surging to the finish line. After the ever-present Groenveld dumped an attack at net to give Guelph a 17-22 advantage, the visitors sealed the fourth and levelled the match with a floated ace which completely fooled the McMaster defenders. With the match suddenly in serious doubt, the Marauders crucially proved unable to answer the bell and raise their game as needed. What resulted was another set in which the lacklustre hosts were systematically outpaced and outplayed. After winning five of the first seven points, the Gryphons never looked back, on route to a season-defining win. McMaster would stay in touch throughout the set, thanks largely to the remaining power of Groenveld and Santoni, who intermittently reminded the audience of the Marauders’ attacking potential. But it was too little and far too late, and after finding the far corner with a cross court kill, the Gryphons would seal the come-from-behind upset by emphatically blocking McMaster’s valiant middle Santoni. With the Burridge crowd locked in subdued disbelief, the vaunted Marauders were visibly crushed by their shock defeat. More than one tear was shed as the hosts struggled to comprehend the completeness of their breakdown. On the other side of the net, the jubilant Gryphons celebrated a famous victory in the knowledge that they would fight for the OUA title the next night. Tyler Santoni was justly named as the Marauders’ player of the game in the loss, in recognition of his typically consistent 22 point performance. However, for the large majority of the Marauders, Friday’s contest can only be called a disaster. Their play was increasingly lethargic as the match wore on, and their alarming inconsistency gifted far too many free points to the visitors. Indeed, you could hardly think of a worse way to end such a promising campaign. However, the Marauders can take solace in the success of their regular season, in which they were the undisputed pace-setters of the OUA, and a consistent force on the national stage. While several team members will be graduating, McMaster has a deep pool of young talent which will have gained valuable experience from the trials and tribulations of this year. As such, expect the Marauders to come back with a vengeance next year, in search of another trip to the Final Four.


The Marauders lost the decisive fifth set 15-8 and saw their dreams of a CIS run come to an abrupt and disappointing end. sided set in the dying moments. With the score deadlocked at 22, the Gryphons put on a defensive display to outlast the Marauders and move dangerously close to a second set victory. But the hosts would have none of it, and after Groenveld hammered a smash off the Guelph block, Santoni obliterated a free ball into center court to put an end to the dangerous Gryphon resurgence. Unfortunately for the Marauders and their fans, Guelph could only be denied success for so long. In the third set, McMaster’s game withered while the Gryphons steadily gained confidence. The result was a surprisingly one-sided frame in favour of the visitors. From the onset of the third, the Marauders appeared sluggish and out of sorts, in complete contrast to their confidence and ruthless efficiency of the previous two periods. Their disastrous form resulted in a lopsided score line, as the hosts lost 11 of the first 14 points of the set. This proved to be an insurmountable disadvantage for McMaster, who would never show any real sign of resurgence in the third. Sloppy play was rife amongst the hosts, and the crucial element of speed was suddenly absent from the Marauder game. As such, it came as no surprise when the Gryphons locked up the set with




Real man on man pornography B10

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Back alleys conjure up negative images: garbage, crime, foul odour, and rats. Architects and urban planners, however, see them as an organic piece of urban fabric and even a potential solution to cities’ growing housing demands. “The English word alley derives directly from the French allée and earlier from Medieval Latin aleia, a passage,” wrote historian Phyllis Andersen, “The modern alley is almost always thought of as giving access to the rear of buildings. Hence the word takes on a malevolent and sordid meaning.” Architect Emma Cubitt who studied Hamilton alleyways extensively believes that laneway housing infill could alleviate the population growth that the city is expecting. “Hamilton is expected to grow by between 40,000 and 200,000 people in the next 25 years,” according to Cubitt’s report on laneway infill. The Growth Related Integrated Development Strategy (GRIDS), Hamilton’s balanced growth strategy that aims to “identify the most ideal places for growth and the type of growth based on environmental priorities, social issues, economic opportunities and population studies,” projects a need to accommodate a “population of 660,000 and 80,000 additional households by 2031.” Even with a smaller lot size of 225 meters square, 80,000 additional • PLEASE SEE ALLEY, B10

Strolling Hamilton’s

Alleyways A new way to look at architecture in the spaces we don’t use. PHOTO C / O JEN VANDER VECHT

This picture depicts a walled alley behind Aberdeen Avenue that certainly doesn’t fit the dark, dingy atmosphere generally attributed to these areas.


Hamilton flaunts its fashion Find both of these articles on B9




Gun Kim Electrical Engineering

Toque: From Korea $20 What do you look for in a significant other? “Someone who can control their emotions.”

T-shirt: Vintage $30

Belt: Guess $40

How would you describe your personal style? “Urban casual b-boy.” Jeans: Guess $90 Favourite song/band: “Notorious B.I.G.”

Shoes: ADIDAS $70




Taking yoga to new temperatures Fitness’ newest craze, hot yoga, pushes participants’ limits GRACE EVANS


Walking into the sweltering room was like hitting a wall of heat. The air felt thick, and the soles of my feet could feel the warmth emanating from the cork floor. Finding a free space, I unrolled my mat, spread my towel over it and lay down in savasana, flat on my back with my arms beside me, palms facing up. The room was dimly lit, and full of people breathing deeply with their eyes closed. The first time I found myself here, I proceeded to have an anxiety attack. The room was so hot, and so dark and quiet—besides the throaty breathing—that I began to feel claustrophobic and restless. When Doug, the instructor introduced himself he said, “We have a few beginners in the studio today, so I just wanted to ask that if you do become overwhelmed, just returned to your savasana and breathe through it.” Okay, I thought, I’m breathing, I’m breathing…oh my god I have to leave. The dense heat in the room felt as though it was pressing down on me, and the lack of light made the room seem smaller and more crowded. This was a bad idea, I am going to have to leave. “And I ask that whatever you do, do not leave the room. Just breathe through it,” Doug advised us. Oh my god, he won’t let me leave the room! The first session was incredibly overwhelming to begin with. But as I worked hard to breathe through the heat, I relaxed in the process, and was able to let my mind concentrate and become more focused on something than it had been for a long time. Hot yoga is a series of postures, which work to stretch and strengthen muscles, practiced in a heated

room. The idea is to be fully present in order to calm the mind and detoxify the body. Being fully present and conscious in one’s actions is a much harder thing to do than it sounds, but hot yoga is a place where the atmosphere and presence of what you’re doing overwhelms all of your other thoughts. The postures are challenging, and concentration and breath is the only way to truly engage in the process. Practicing hot yoga helps to de-stress, lose weight, increase flexibility and cardiovascular systems, improve the immune system, and feel more energized. My friend described hot yoga to me as feeling like you’re a towel, and by the end of the session you’ve been completely wrung out, both physically and emotionally. For many reasons, hot yoga affects your emotional and mental state as it does your physical; from stress, to insomnia and depression, hot yoga has been known to improve moods and provide a time of true relaxation away from the dayto-day anxieties. While yoga studios that offer hot yoga are still more difficult to find than those that offer traditional yoga, there are a couple of options for McMaster students. Moksha Yoga is a group of independent yoga studios across Ontario, with a studio opening in Hamilton as soon as they can find a studio space. Currently, the closest location to McMaster is their Burlington studio, located on Appleby Line. De La Sol Yoga Studios is a more convenient option, located off of York Boulevard, and easily accessible from the 5 bus line. Their classes come from different yoga styles such as Ashtanga-Vinyasa, Anusara and Iyengar yoga, which emphasize stability, quality of


Hot yoga challenges your body and your mind with neat poses and smokin’ hot temperatures. breath and alignment. In hot yoga I have found a way to be active and challenge myself physically that I enjoy. After a class I feel truly relaxed and energized, and I have grown to crave the rejuvenating effects of yoga, and look forward to the next time I can put everything else on hold for a ninety-




minute session. It can be a little intimidating the first time you go, but do not let that stop you; the atmosphere is positive and inclusive. You can rent yoga mats there, but if you have your own bring it along with a towel and a water bottle—keeping hydrated is essential. Classes are mostly made

up of female participants, but plenty of males come to sessions as well. Both Moksha and De La Sol offer an introductory week for $20, in which the visitor can take an unlimited number of classes for seven days. Student rates for classes after the introductory week are $12 per class with a valid student card.



Strutting for cancer survivors NATALIE TIMPERIO SILHOUETTE STAFF

RevWear turns scrap to style


RevWear is always looking to flip things around with recycled materials and innovative styles. JACQUELINE FLAGGIELLO SILHOUETTE STAFF

From price tags to pop cans, no material is off limits for these ecofriendly designers. Revolution Wear out did themselves again this year with their seventh annual Fashion Show. This year’s event took place on Saturday, Mar. 6 at the old BMO bank building in Jackson Square. Before the show even began, there was not one empty seat in sight. The show opened with a post apocalyptic performance from a group of dark, interpretive dancers who were accompanied by the sounds of heavy, tribal drumbeats. The eerie performance created an ambience that captured the audience for the rest of the evening’s events. Following this, the main event began. The first memorable ensemble was an outfit made predominantly out of tangerine boxes, in which the sleeves were the orange mesh and the box made up the skirt. In one remarkable outfit, which was simple yet inspiring, the designer rearranged a beautiful sweater by cutting off the sleeves

and bunching the material around the neck, creating a new and practical design. Many outfits were clearly made-up of discarded material, yet the witty detail brought their messages home. Next, there followed a black and red dress with detail along the front and down the bottom of old black and red price tags. This was followed by the first male model of the night, fashioning a cigar, tie and jacket made entirely out of newspaper. Yet, just when I thought the material could not be anymore innovative, out walked a dress almost completely saturated with light bulb fixtures. The rules of fashion clearly did not exist for these designers, as they salvaged and re-invented anything they could get their hands on. However, the outfits were anything but superficial. Many garments directly and indirectly expressed eyeopening themes concerning pollution, capitalism, animal cruelty and gender inequality. During intermission, an array of fascinating vendors, progressive paintings, and complimentary scrumptious delights filled the space, creating a warm sense of

community and culture. The venue was defiantly a spacious upgrade from last year. The open concept design allowed for a richer sense of diverse expression and more lively interaction with the audience. When the show began it was clear they saved the best for last, as my favourite collection of the night could be called D.I.Y Couture. This consisted of elaborate dresses with stunning artistry, detail and skill. The first was a fitted baby doll dress made entirely of bunched chip bags and plastic wrap. The craftsmanship was immaculate. All the colours and textures melded beautifully to create a stunning finish. Following this, a larger than life ball gown overwhelmed the crowd with repeated blue and white detail. Yet, however fantastical these dresses were, the rebellious messages of environmental degradation and human oppression were still loud and clear. RevWear never fails at turning forgotten trash into their own fashionable treasures, which not only bring pleasure to our imaginations, but always seem to provoke a thought of awareness on issues that need it the most.

Fashion meets charity in INFUSION Canada’s fifth Annual Charity Fashion Show Friday, Mar. 5 at Hamilton Place. The theme of this year’s charity event, “And away we go...” was focused on travel. As expected, the catwalk featured “fashions based on a variety of activities done while vacationing,” as detailed in the event’s pamphlet. Indeed, INFUSION’s charity fashion show exhibited a captivating collection of fashions for numerous vacationing ventures including the airport, sightseeing, boat cruises, and the beach. Clothing was provided by a variety of stores and boutiques, such as Melanie Lyne and DLR, and student designer Ava Dideban. Additionally, live entertainment was included in the form of dance routines as well as an acoustic performance. The audience was reminded that travel need not be taxing on oneself and bank book but, rather, a trendy excursion to exotic lands that is more often than not much needed, particularly in student life. Yet, the show was about more than chic travel wear and live theatre. INFUSION Canada is a student run, non-profit charity organization “that focuses on fostering innovation, leadership and growth in young Canadians supporting cancer survival,” as the organization’s website explains. The charity, comprised entirely of volunteers, aids cancer victims by coordinating support groups and awareness education to encourage an active road to recovery. Moreover, INFUSION plays a particularly important role in that they work specifically with young cancer victims, such as teenagers and young adults, as well as their

families. INFUSION Canada was founded on the basis that young cancer patients and survivors “have unique needs that were not being adequately met by existing organizations,” and since then “fills a critical role in the cancer community where no other organization exists,” as said on the charity’s website. INFUSION Canada also acts as a fundraising body. In doing so, the organization lends a hand to young cancer victims seeking a post-secondary education. The charity is responsible for raising over $140, 000 since 2003 through various events such as the “And away we go...” fashion show. Ali Boydell, co-director of the show, put forth her sincerest intentions, saying, “a lot of people don’t know about [INFUSION Canada].” Nonetheless, she is hoping that “by the end of next year...[there] is a much bigger audience...[and it] becomes a more well-known organization, because it really is such a big charity.” Boydell has been involved with INFUSION Canada since her first year at McMaster University, making this her third year as an active participant for the cause. Boydell also informs that despite the to-be-expected pandemonium of the day, the event launched with astonishing success, which, of course, makes for an even better show. Within Ontario, INFUSION operates in Hamilton, London and Toronto. Working with universities directly, such as McMaster, of course, the University of Western Ontario, Fanshawe College, National College, University of Toronto, York University and Ryerson University it would appear that INFUSION is a reputable organization putting forth an earnest effort for the support of young cancer survivors.




Using alleys to save space

Housing concerns lead experts into the alleys • CONT’D FROM B7 houses require 18 kilometres square of land, which equals to 10 times the size of McMaster University campus. With less than 1 per cent of the land being vacant in lower Hamilton, the city is unlikely to accommodate such growth with the current population density. Two other factors compound the housing concern in Hamilton: the Canadian ethos of individual property ownership and house prices. Today, over 60 per cent of Canadians own their home and are only occupied by one or two people. According to Cubitt, the federal government contributes to such ethos by making owner-

Hamilton has over 35 inhabited laneway houses, all built before the zoning law was put in place in the 1950s. This leaves approx. 70 km of laneways undeveloped... ship more attainable for Canadian households after World War II. In addition, Canadian single-detached houses have nearly doubled in scale since 1945. These bigger and more costly houses affect the ratio of average household income to average house price. “Today,” Cubitt pointed out, “an average new house priced at $330,000 costs 5.7 times more than an average Hamilton income of $58,000.” Hamilton is not alone in facing housing crisis. Some cities, such as Chicago, Toronto, Vancouver, and Santa Cruz, have already begun to tackle housing problems by means of intensification, “the idea of infill rather than sprawl,”

according to Barton Myers, an American and Canadian architect, and recipient of several prestige awards like the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Gold Medal. “Infill housing on lane-oriented sites allows for increased density, increased security in an urban grey area, the re-utilization of existing urban infrastructure, and variety in building type, morphology, and scale,” Cubitt wrote, “Most historic urban neighbourhoods have examples of vernacular laneway housing.” Hamilton has over 35 inhabited laneway houses, all built before the zoning law was put in place in the 1950s. This leaves approximately 70 kilometres of laneways undeveloped since then and most of their adjacent land underused. According to Cubitt, laneway housing infill could increase urban block densities by up to 67 per cent in some areas. An intensification study in 2001 was conducted to identify areas across the city with potential for residential densification. It calculated that between 28,000 and 62,000 units could be added to the urban built environment. A subsequent vacant lot inventory by the City planning department identified approximately 32,000 existing lots within the City’s fabric, 94 with 20 per cent of vacant lots being in Hamilton’s downtown. Despite all the favourable factors and data that point toward an urban intensification, the zoning laws in Hamilton remain an obstacle for implementing the strategy. For example, the City of Hamilton does not allow for “more than one dwelling permitted per lot.” Moreover, “[a] lot must abut a “public highway” (road width 12.0m) for a minimum 4.5m.” Structures other than the one dwelling allowed are considered accessory buildings where human habitation inhibited, its height cannot

exceed 5 metres and its total gross floor area cannot exceed 97 metres. Hamiltonians could alternatively apply for a zoning severance, but the process is “long and expensive,” said Cubitt. In October 2008, The Vancouver city council “voted unanimously to allow 100 homeowners to replace their garages with laneway housing,” reported Megaphone, Vancouver’s street paper, “These cottage-styled homes will be available for rent (they cannot be sold) and should provide the city with additional affordable rental options.” During the 1990s, architects Brigitte Shim and Howard Sutcliffe applied to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) for permission to build a laneway house in Toronto, with the desire to build something “modern and affordable.” OMB granted their request and their concrete-block house was completed in 1993, proving that infill housing on long back lots is a viable option in high-density cities like Toronto. Unlike Canada, where interest in laneway housing only began in 1970s, England and New York have a much longer history of laneway housing. In England, laneway housing was usually called mews housing, describing stables and carriage houses built below living quarters, along a street, and at the back of a long yard. Similarly, the rising popularity of carriages in 19th century New York made alleyways necessary for storing animals and carriages. While Cubitt does not expect to see the change of zoning laws in Hamilton or the zoning severance become a standard practice, she suggests Hamiltonians celebrate the connectivity that alleyways bring to the neighbourhood. With spring and summer approaching, a community barbeque would be a perfect idea for the occasion.


Setting up the scene is important in MSM pornography.


Before I began my exploration into male homosexual porn, many questioned whether I would feel uncomfortable watching two men having sex. But really, if no one thinks to ask a straight guy if they feel awkward watching two women making out, why shouldn’t I enjoy watching two gorgeous men going at it? Gay porn as I consider it is male sex with male porn (MSM). There are plenty of actors who are gay/bisexual/queer, and there’s a whole genre about “straight” guys being lured into hot guy-on-guy action (and no one wants to be the one to state the obvious, that the actors are probably not straight... Shhh, break it to them gently!) Context matters. What I love about the MSM movies I’ve seen is that there’s usually some effort into creating a story: sometimes it’s as simple as the cameraman and actors establishing that they’re there to make a video. Or, they might spend a good five minutes setting the stage for a steamy fraternity hazing, such as in Pledgemaster–the Hazing. Compare to a typical straight guy vid: guy is sitting, minding his own business on his couch/in his car, then girl walks up to him, is aroused by his mere presence, rips off her flimsy shirt and throws herself on her knees in front of him. Straight girls don’t do that to strangers: it would probably result

in criminal charges. In short, girls need a reason to want you, and a reason to act on that desire. Your pheromones and come hither gaze are not enough. I was surprised to see how many gay flicks have a lot of heavy petting and kissing especially in the first one I saw, Sean Cody: Trevor and Mitch. It doesn’t get boring. On multiple occasions, I’ve been inclined to mute my computer while watching straight porn. The girls sound just ridiculous, screaming for 20 minutes on end. Seriously, people: it’s sex, not a roller coaster at Wonderland. In gay porn, the sound actually adds to the experience. There’s some manly grunting and panting, but it’s realistic. MSM movies are rough, but I generally wouldn’t consider them degrading: often one gives a killer blowjob, then the other receives during sex. It’s a 50/50 arrangement, and everyone gets his turn to call the shots. So you can watch two very sexy men going at it and twenty minutes later you’re even more convinced of how manly they are. It’s a very nice feeling. Basically, even though there was no girl in the MSM porn I watched, I still found it to be a more realistic picture of what I want to get out of sex. In a word, it’s more passionate. Contrary to my friends’ worries, I’d even say that I often felt less embarrassed to watch MSM pornography than straight stuff. I’m glad to have had my eyes opened to a wonderful world.




Crossword Across 1- Flat circular plate 5- You ___ mouthful! 10- Han ___ was a “Star Wars” character 14- Narcotic 15- Everglades bird 16- Hew 17- Collar fastener 18- High up 19- Reformer Jacob 20- Disputation 23- “Orinoco Flow” singer 24- Curved bone 25- Pelvic bones 28- Fannie ___ 31- Approaches 35- Willows 37- HBO alternative 39- Block up 40- Reserved 44- Date 45- Filled pastry crust 46- Wind off a spool 47- Made a mistake 50- Small batteries 52- Mock 53- Teachers’ org. 55- Acquire through merit 57- Development of bodily organs 63- Inter ___ 64- That is, in Latin 65- Asian sea 67- Circular band 68- Scout master? 69- Approached 70- Fashion 71- Bad lighting? 72- Cookbook amts. Down 1- Driller’s deg. 2- Bit 3- Boot attachment 4- Rice dish 5- Sordid


By Sandy Chase / CUP Graphics Bureau Chief

Crossword puzzles provided by ( Used with permission.

6- Radiant 7- Golf club which can be numbered 1 to 9 8- Facile 9- Essential oil 10- Writer 11- Presidential battleground state 12- Cut of meat 13- Goddess of fertility in Roman mythology 21- Render weaponless 22- Like some ears 25- Immerse 26- “Lou Grant” star 27- Apple juice 29- Baffled 30- CPR specialist 32- Farewell 33- Lustrous black


The solution to last week’s sudoku and crossword

34- Refine metal 36- Dip in liquid 38- French vineyard 41- Actress Peeples 42- Cave 43- Conduct business 48- Hire 49- Narc’s org. 51- Takes care of 54- Writer Loos 56- Composer Bruckner 57- A dish with many ingredients 58- Orange cover 59- Scent 60- Mil. leaders 61- Some nest eggs 62- Coarsely ground corn 63- Chair part 66- Bandleader Brown

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Personalized salads


Salads are easy to mix and match with whatever indredients you want. Personalized Salads Tired of your never ending bottle of store-bought salad dressing? Try making your own! Salad dressings are surprisingly easy to make. The basic components of dressing are oil and acid in a 3:1 ratio. There are a variety of acids that have different flavours such as lemon juice, balsamic vinegar or red wine vinegar. You can also add different spices or sauces like Dijon mustard, honey or brown sugar. Experiment with flavours until you’re satisfied. As for the veggies and toppings, feel free to go with whatever you fancy at the moment. Some great toppings are beans, cheese, boiled eggs, tuna or croutons. For example, a Greek salad is usually topped with olives, feta cheese, tomatoes and red onions. Julia’s Greek Dressing • ½ cup olive oil • 3 tbs red wine vinegar • 1 tsp dried oregano • ½ tsp salt 1. 2. 3.

Whisk together the vinegar, oregano and salt. Slowly drizzle in the olive oil while whisking until emulsified. Let it sit for at least 15 min for the oregano to infuse before dressing salad.

OR: Put all the ingredients in a jar, shake, sit, and dress! •

Rebecca Ang, Mac Bread Bin Co-Director




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in partnership with SHEC

Cell phone use harm still inconclusive ASHWIN SANKAR THE SILHOUETTE


Red may traditionally be thought of as the colour of passion, but green is giving it a run for its money.

Roses are red, violets are green Jessica Lydiate takes a look at how we can become more environmental in our sexual practices. From S&M paddles made from renewable resources to recyclable menstrual products, there are many ways that we can become greener. JESSICA LYDIATE SILHOUETTE STAFF

The other night I heard about a couple role-playing in bed with one person acting as an environmental activist and the other like a stakeholder in the Alberta tar sands project. This anecdote got me thinking about how caring about the environment relates to our sex lives. Awareness about the environment and the growing green-movement has started to affect the choices people make in the bedroom. The green movement has pervaded many aspects of the bedroom. Eco-friendly websites advertise a number of environmentally friendly products for both bedroom furnishings and sexy-times. For example, bamboo sheets and furniture are becoming more popular. Bamboo is considered more environmentally friendly than wood because bamboo replenishes faster than forests, and is consequently considered a rapid renewable re-

source. Bamboo has also become part of more kinky aspects of some bedrooms. Greenpeace recommends using bamboo S&M paddles or paddles made from wood harvested in responsibly managed forests. The move towards eco-friendly sex toys, for example those made with plants grown on organic farms, has also influenced the types of products being used in the bedroom. Natural and organic lubricants and massage oils are widely available and are becoming more popular. It is also possible to buy lingerie made from materials like bamboo, hemp, and organic cotton, but still very soft and very sexy. Alternately, you could find some sustainable or recycled fabrics in your hometown, or even local produced textiles and have a lingerie making party. Sex itself generally does not consume many resources, making it a very green-friendly pastime. There are still a couple of ways to decrease your environmental footprint while being intimate. First off, when making love turn out the lights! Or, if you want to see your partner, enjoy intercourse during the day. If you are thinking of hopping in the shower, invite your partner to join you and save some water. Other aspects related to sexuality have also undergone a green revolution. Products like the diva cup, the sponge, and re-useable pads can decrease the amount of resources that is consumed by women’s monthly period. They

also decrease the amount of waste generate during a period, meaning less waste in our drains and landfills. The diva cup, also known as a menstrual cup, is a small, flexible and cylindrical cup that is inserted into the vagina to collect fluids. It can be cleaned a reused many times. A sponge is a type of sponge found at the bottom of the ocean. A sponge can be dampened and placed inside the vagina to absorb menstrual flow. The sponge should be taken out washed frequently and rigorously cleaned at the end of a period. Re-useable pads are generally made out of cotton and an absorbent cloth material and can be washed and re-used. They can be purchased or made from a simple pattern. These alternatives help to decrease the amount of waste generated from menstruation and decrease the number of throwaway tampons and pads being used. If you are considering using one of these reusable menstruation resources make sure you understand what you need to do to make the practice hygienic and safe. Giving a green twist to your bedroom and trying an alternate feminine hygiene product certainly cannot hurt. See what fits your tastes and desires and incorporate it into your lifestyle. Do not take your activism too far by reusing condoms or anything unsafe like that, but you can try having fun, while being a little bit greener.

The use of cell phones has expanded far beyond what providers could possibly have anticipated. BBM is replacing MSN, people text more than they e-mail, and providers are creating plans to replace the home phone with the radiation-emitting device we have enamored ourselves with. Cell phones work via radiofrequency waves transmitted to and between low-power base stations. Electromagnetic energy, otherwise known as ‘radiation,’ is emitted in the process. Realizing the potential dangers of radiation, the safety of cell phones has been much debated. Interestingly, reports from the National Cancer Institute in the United States and the World Health Organization maintain that cell phones do not pose a threat to public health. Studies performed over many years have not reliably reproduced any recurring dangers from cell phones based on animal models, cell culture experiments and various human population studies. But if cell phones are truly safe, why has there been a bill submitted in the state of Maine that would mandate a warning label on every cell phone sold? Is there evidence pointing to any health risks with greater cell phone use? The most cautious critics contend that cell phones have been deemed safe because there is insufficient evidence to the contrary. In one study produced by the University of Washington, it was shown that two-hour exposures to radio-frequency radiation could be deemed carcinogenic because they produced potentially cancerous

damage to rat brain cells. Similar studies encouraged nations like France to issue guidelines for safe cell-phone use. Other scientific authorities skeptical of cell phone safety point to the recent proliferation in cell phone use, the long time it takes for cancerous effects to manifest themselves, and the fact that most studies declaring cell phones safe have been funded by cell phone companies whose businesses are at stake. Meta-analyses, or a study that synthesized the results of several previous studies, to see whether an increase in risk was apparent over a larger study group, have also been performed. A study recently published in the Journal of NeuroOncology showed that there was no overall increase in the risk of brain tumors among cell phone users. However, the study also showed that the effects of long-term cell phone use still remain a scientific mystery. What does this mean for us? So far, there is no real reason not to use cell phones and enjoy the greater connectivity and presumably greater productivity they afford. If you are skeptical about the long-term effects, try to keep your phone off unless you are expecting a call or need to make an urgent one yourself. It has also been shown that GPS devices and Bluetooth earpieces – technologies that seamlessly connect to and synchronize with your cell phone – reduce the amount of radiation in proximity to the brain, and could be an effective interim solution. Finally and as always, keep updated with the scientific studies performed on the issue at interest, to make informed health decisions.


Take precautions to protect yourself from cell phones’ potentially damaging electromagnetic waves.




production office: extension 27117

Paying with plastic

A federal budget for students

Canadian currency to be made of a polymer next year

remek deBSki

SiL anaLySt


Simon Granat BuSineSS editor

Where would we be without plastic? it encases our computers, cell phones and Barbie. next year, it will help fight fraud. in 2011, polymer will go where virtually no plastic has gone before, and become the material of money. the Bank of Canada recently announced that Canadian bills will move away from being made of a cotton material. instead, they will use a specific polymer. according to Julie Girard, a spokesperson for the Bank of Canada, the change will roll out in late 2011. the Federal budget released on march 4, 2010 stated that the government will be, “taking steps to modernize Canada’s currency and protect against counterfeiting.” the feds believe that making our bills out of plastic will help to prevent counterfeiting. the new material will make genuine notes more easily identifiable than past de-

signs. “they will include security features that will be easily identifiable or easy to authenticate, which means that the general public, cash handlers, retailers, financial institutions, they’ll be able to tell if this is a genuine or a counterfeit note more easily and by the same token, they are going to be harder to counterfeit,” said Girard. according to Girard, in 2009 counterfeit bills accounted for 0.00004 per cent of all bills in Canadian circulation. “right now there are almost 1.5 billion authentic notes circulating in Canada…in 2009 there were 67,00 counterfeit notes,” she said. the bank predicts that the new material is predicted to keep the cost of printing money down. Plastic money is more durable and will remain in circulation approximately 2-3 times longer than our current bill. the first country to adopt polymer currency was australia. Since then several countries have adopted the material. they have had suc-

cess in preventing counterfeiting since they changed their currency in 1992. “Counterfeits of the polymer note series did not surface until some 4 years later,” stated a report titled australia’s Counterfeiting experience, directed to interpol’s First international Congress for Central Banks and the Police. in australia, counterfeit currency was reduced when polymer bills were introduced. “the reduced level of counterfeiting is a very positive result for polymer and we believe that opportunities for the “casual” or “crime of opportunity” counterfeiter have been virtually eliminated,” concluded the report. the polymer used to create the new bills is only manufactured in australia, but the bills themselves will be printed in Canada. the government also plans to change the toonie and Loonie’s composition to save on printing costs. other countries with plastic currency include new Zealand, mexico, Vietnam and australia.

the focus of the Canadian Budget for 2010 is to lead the world in providing jobs and growing the economy. Certainly, this focus is not a surprise considering the state of jobs in Canada over the last few months. the Canadian unemployment rate currently sits at 8.3 per cent reported, Statistics Canada. this year the Federal Government has decided to speak directly to student jobs. “Budget 2010 invests in measures that will directly protect jobs. this includes extension to work-share and investments in training and skills development for youths,” says the march 4 report. “the Government is providing almost $1.0 billion in 2010-11 to enhance training opportunities for all Canadian workers. this includes additional support to the provinces and territories to expand training and skills development. it also includes helping youth to gain work experience and necessary skills and offering more opportunities to aboriginal Canadians,” said the report. the section on Building Skills for youth will focus on helping young people land jobs through support in education and better work programs. First, “the Government is looking to for a $30 million increase in funding for the Career Focus component of the youth employment Strategy.” the hope is that this move will, “provide the additional support to Canadian employers and organizations willing to offer valuable career related work experience,” said the report. the government hopes that this will spur internships for college and university graduates in green sectors. young entrepreneurs will be supported in the 2010 budget through a $10 million increase to the Canadian youth business foundation. this organization is tasked to provide young entrepreneurs with mentors, learning’s resources • PLEASE SEE BUDGET, C4

Millionares vs. Billionares The nature of NFL revenue could spell trouble for for players union when their current CBA comes to a close this summer


SiaVoSh moShiri the SiLhouette

arguably, the national Football League is known for its financial viability more so than for the game itself. Success and immense size are perhaps the only words that come to mind when one thinks about the business side of the nFL. recently, the Washington Post reported that the tV ratings for the league are the highest they have ever been in the last 20 years. most business analysts look at the nFL in complete awe. Forbes has crowned it the richest sports league in the world. it is hard to argue with this statement because this year their revenue was reported around $7.5 billion (uSd). there may be trouble ahead for this league. in the summer of 2010 the players’ collective bargaining agreement with the league runs out and there are some tell tale signs that the two sides are far away from an agreement. there have even been whispers of a dreaded lockout. Why? money. or, more

specifically, the divergence of money. Certain powerful nFL owners like the affluent Jerry Jones of the dallas Cowboys and daniel Snyder of the Washington redskins, are forcing other owners to push for more a more competitive, less socialist revenue stream. the current revenue sharing structure forces successful teams, like the Cowboys to subsidize less successful teams in smaller markets by giving a part of their profits to them. Jones and a few other politically connected owners are pushing for a change to the system in which the less successful teams receive far less or even no money at all. there is a growing fear that the practice of subsidies is leading to fewer profits for the league and only serving to try and keep unprofitable franchises like the woefully unpopular Jacksonville Jaguars to stay afloat. another change that the owners are aggressively pushing for is an 18 per cent drop in the amount of revenue received by the nFL Players’ association. Presently, the union receives 59.6 per cent of the leagues

revenue. if successful, the proposed change would see the amount the union receives decrease to 48.8 per cent. the owners reason that to meet the growing cost of running an nFL they should have more access to their money. they argue that this will allow the league to grow at a faster rate. the players see things differently. demaurice Smith, executive director of the nFL Players’ association, believes that the players should not take such a pay cut. uSa today reported that Smith said, “[the owner’s] demand that the players take such an historic pay cut is even more disturbing given the nFL’s continuing economic growth despite the worst recession in recent history.” it was reported that Smith also said that the 2010 nFL season will most likely be uncapped. this means that here will be no limit on how much a team can spend on players. Clearly, the two sides are far apart as cracks begin to show in what, at first glance, looks like an impenetrable armour. the owners hold a distinct advantage over the players simply because of how the

nFL makes its money. unlike other sport leagues, ticket revenue makes up a small part of the nFL’s overall profits. this is due to the fact that are only 16 nFL regular season games, compared to the 82 in the national hockey League and 162 played by each team in major League Baseball. the nFL’s real strength is based on their looks at the television ratings. Consequently the nFL has signed some lucrative deals with a variety of cable providers; many of these agreements have provisions that pay the owners even if there are no games being played. these generous contracts coupled with the owners already sizable fortunes means the chance of a strike or lockout will not threaten their franchise’s profitability. Chances are that the player’s association will bend to the owner’s because a strike or lockout will spell pose more trouble for the players. as for fans of such downtrodden teams like the Jacksonville Jaguars? enjoy the games while you can. For if revenue sharing is replaced, your teams will follow suit.

C2 • THE SILHOUETTE around the globe


Your MoneY

india The chairman of British insurance giant Lloyds of London (LSE: LOL), Peter Levine has criticized India for its protectionist policies. He claims that they have hindered foreign investment in the subcontinent. Lloyds and other businesses that have been supporting legislation are said to loosen Indian foreign investment regulation which would make setting shop overseas financially viable.

China Chinese car maker BYD Co. (HSK: 1211. HK) has announced that they will begin to start selling electric and hybrid cars in Europe next year. This comes with the rising demand for fuel efficient cars in Europe and the model that they will be releasing will be the E6 electric car. BYD has also exercised an interest in selling cars in the United States by next year and increasing sales within its own country as well. BYD is also backed by Warren Buffet, who owns a 10 per cent stake in the growing automobile company.

Financial loss isn’t just for investors, students can feel the pressure in their everyday lives.

Can’t win ‘em all

Japan A recent surge among Japan’s exports has led the country to post a current-account surplus in the month of January. This data supports the recent prosperity the country has been facing, despite the nasty recession and their unemployment that has plagued the nation over the past year. The Finance Ministry of Japan also reported that factory production has increased rapidly along with a steadily declining unemployment rate which currently sits at 4.9 per cent down from 5.4 per cent. This increased demand for exports is seen as Japan’s saving grace, as well as their road to economic recovery seeing a 29.6 per cent increase in exports from Nissan and Mitsubishi Motor Corps.

France French President Nicolas Sarkozy has announced that the Euro zone will be ready to support Greece if they need help with their debt problem. Sarkozy made numerous comments relating to Greece’s debt and that they would finance them if they need to be bailed out. This was done to help deter some of the investor bets against the Euro and Greek bonds. This announcement from the French president saw the Euro shoot up 0.3 per cent.


Learning about financial loss may prevent it in the future MICHAEL CArDILLO SILHOUETTE STAFF

If you have ever played poker or at least watched it on T.V., you know that it is almost inevitable that every player will loose a hand and some money, at one point in the game. Loss is as much a part of poker as the cards you are dealt. It is often argued that the best poker players are the ones who prudently manage their losses regardless of how many hands they have won. A winning hand of $50 keeps you in the game even if you have lost four $10 hands. In the game of life, losses are real and they can come hard and heavy. The fact is that nobody likes losing, especially when it comes to money. Fortunately, with every loss comes an opportunity to learn something new. Investors who sold their stocks at the height of the market crash quickly learned how fast things can change. Had they held their positions a little longer, they would have been able to recoup and maybe even

capitalize on the market upswing. Thousands of dollars lost in panic selling will almost definitely ensure an investor proceeds with caution the next time he decides to jump in the game. Investment losses can also be utilized in a successful investor’s ongoing strategy. They can point out holes that exist, which an investor may have been blind to while he was enjoying his gains. Simply stated, an investment loss can often best be perceived as a reality check. Financial loss is not limited to your portfolio. Outside of the investment community, a loss in your personal life can be just as hard, if not worse, to take. rationalizing and living with loss can be a very uncomfortable experience. Oftentimes, individuals take ownership of losses that they had no control over, but fail to acknowledge mistakes they could have prevented. For example, as students we all buy textbooks. We diligently follow the requirements in the course outline and shell out


Forget Godzilla. Expect investors in the Canadian manufacturing sector to panic and flee into the streets in fear any moment: the Canadian dollar is up. Whether you love or hate our iconic national symbol, the strong Canadian dollar could spell trouble for our economy, particularly our exports. The fact that people are not running in fear when they hear the news, makes me shake in my boots. recently currency has been the hot topic in the business world. The Canadian dollar has hit a seven week high to close at $97.04 American on Monday. Naturally many investors and patriotic Canadians are happy with the news. I’m not. The Loonie has grown because of investor confidence in our financial sector, and the strength of the Canadian economy. It was reported in the recent budget that Canada is ahead of any other G7 nation for paying down our national deficit. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced that he predicted that our debt would drop to $1.8 billion by 2014. Last year we reached a record $53.8 billion in the red. Excuse me if I don’t wave the flag upon hearing the news. The recent decline of the Australian Dollar has also meant relative gains for the Loonie. Formerly the commodity currency, the Australian Dollar has declined on forecasts that China will import fewer raw materials in upcoming years, a vital asset for the Australian economy. Apart from national pride, the strength of the Loonie really has little benefit to the Canadian economy, unless you are planning a vacation to Europe. The increase in value is only a pat on the back to the Canadian economy, a thumbs up from the international finance community as if to say, “well done.” Valuation of our currency will hurt our

$150 - $200 for the latest edition. Three and a half months later, exams are up and we realize the professor barely used the text, instead relying on power point slides and external sources. We are left holding an expensive paperweight. If we’re lucky, the bookstore will buy it back at half the price we paid. This case illustrates that financial losses are sometimes out of our control and therefore the best response is to simply take it and move on. Conversely, unchecked fees and surcharges, especially from your bank, tend to add up quickly. These types of fees are the most common form of preventable loss and are also amongst the most ignored. With this in mind, the best way to deal with financial loss is to strategize to spend defensively, minimizing unnecessary costs and surcharges. When a loss is unavoidable you are better prepared to absorb it. If you keep this approach in mind, it will help reinforce sound fiscal habits and ensure a stable financial future.

still ailing manufacturing sector. Since the Loonie has increased relative to the Australian Dollar, the Euro, the British Pound and the American Dollar, manufacturing industries will likely see a decline as the price of our goods increase abroad. This could not have come at a worse time. While we may be looking at the end of the recession, many other countries are not. As a result, many countries who are still trying to find the light at the end of the financial tunnel have adopted protectionist economic policies. Perhaps the most damning example is the “Buy American” campaign. With many economies looking to buy domestic, an increase in the Loonie will mean an increase in the price of exports. The inevitable decline in the manufacturing sector will likely keep unemployment high, and the demand for full time jobs low. This could pose bigger problems and perhaps even cool the Canadian economic recovery. To stop this one of two things need happen. First, the Canadian economy should take a cue from China and attempt to devalue the currency. Second, investors should stop being bearish. Since the outset of the economic recession in 2007, the Canadian economy has been a relatively safe bet for investors. I think because of this many have lost their faith, and possible sanity, in the strength imbedded in some foreign markets. By many measures the US economy is still the largest in the world. All things considered, while they may not be out of the woods yet, the American economy is showing signs of recovery. Investors should keep in mind that the Yanks were arguably hit the hardest by the recession, and while it may take some time, their economy will most probably return to where it once was. It may sound odd but, investing in the American economy may be the most patriotic thing you do this year.

The Sil Business Section

Wants You!

Writers and Warren Buffetts, if you are interested in writing, analyzing, or predicting the future of the business world, e-mail • Weekly meetings held Mondays at 1:30 p.m. in the Sil office, MUSC b110



executive silhouettes

Leaving a legacy of success

the water cooler

compiled by santino Marinucci

Will Cinderella lose her wine? Smaller wineries in Chile may suffer a fate worse than bad grapes, being shut down for good. After the massive earthquake that swept across the country last week, small wineries like ‘Cinderella Valley’ may feel the pinch because of the destroyed vines and broken caskets from the quake. This is no small deal for Chile considering that wine is their 5th largest export. Chile’s Association of Winemakers, has estimated the that 125 million litres of wine was or $250 million was lost because of the quake. China to curb pollution Cities in China have begun to undertake a carbon credit trading program within its cities to try and curb the massive pollution that the country emits each year. The first market-based carbon trading market plan was created and established in the city of Tianjin by the Tianjin Climate Exchange. The new program will resemble other cap and trade related agreements. The organization is also in line with China to reduce the country’s total emissions by 40-45 per cent by 2020. MetLife buys AIG’s Alico


Peter George has been President of McMaster since 1995, he will retire this year.

McMaster President Peter George talks about his career on campus and the future of education at Mac Santino Marinucci: How did you get to where you are today? Peter George: I started by chairing the graduate studies department and economics committee. I guess people thought I did a good job, and from there I was offered a job as the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies. Then I got the job as Dean of Social Sciences, which I did for 9 years and then I went away to be president of another organization for another 4 years. I came back as McMaster president in 1995. Simon Granat: What does McMaster mean to you? PG: Everything. I’ve been here for 45 years, this was my first job out of graduate school [and] it is a wonderful place. I immediately felt welcomed, challenged, and I arrived without having my PhD thesis finished, so when I arrived not only was I teaching a very heavy load, I had to finish my thesis. I got that done and it’s a wonderful place with strong values and a place that has been very good to me and given me opportunities every 5 or 7 years to do something different, so there is a variety of experience you can undertake within the school. SG: As President what have you tried to focus on? PG: Three things, we used to talk about McMaster in terms of its research and research intensity, and we now talk much more broadly about it, in terms of a student emphasis and student research university. I believe that any institution has to focus, ours have been multidisciplinary in nature around themes collaborations around health is one, scientific bases for manufacturing is another one, work and society, globalization, molecular medicine etc.

Since we created them [these programs] in the late 80s, we tried consciously to coax the allocation of discretionary resources around the focuses including in-out fundraising programs. We had to consider, as much as it is distasteful to some people, the university has to be run more like a business. We have to do less wishful thinking and do more about efficiencies and the bottom line. We do a lot more in the way of finding alternative sources of revenue aside from the traditional sources of governmental revenue. We also do a heck of a lot more fundraising and advocacy work in order to raise money. SG: Do you think treating the university like a business is beneficial to the university and students? PG: There are some concerns that treating a university like a business will hurt its academic operations, the choice of academic disciplines and so forth. It does in some sense because we are more reluctant to provide smaller enrolment courses because they are not cost effective, but if they are vitally important to the discipline then they are usually allowed. We are not as hardnosed on those issues as some other universities are. [We want to] treat the university student as a customer, some people think treating the student as a customer is that you are selling degrees, we are not selling degrees. What we do is sell an opportunity to study at McMaster. We have to be more customer savvy as to attract the students, hopefully for academic reasons, to study at McMaster. There are a lot of people who do not like to think of the student as a customer, that we do not have to market or to brand ourselves but they are wrong. It is a much more competitive market. We have to be aware of the best practices to make sure that we stay competitive.


Office Depot (NYSE: ODP) Looks like staples and paperclips aren’t one of the more lucrative business ventures. Well, not unless they are gold plated. If you scrape the bottom of the barrel of the S&P 500 you’ll probably find Office Depot at the bottom for Q1 2009. This quarter their sales fell 19 per cent to $3.2 billion, year over year. They blame soft demand from small businesses and a $120 million tax for ongoing company overhaul. The company expects to take another $110 million dollar hit in charges throughout the year. I disagree and blame paperclips. You be the judge.

SM: What is your greatest accomplishment as President, and your greatest regret? PG: I travel around the country and internationally a lot, and what people tell me in the last few years is that McMaster’s profile reputation has never been higher. That shows up in many international and national rankings. So I’m glad that we have reached that level of international and national reputation. Closer to home, I’m really proud of the fact we have made real progress in becoming more student focused. The single thing that I’m most proud of is probably the building of the student center and what that has meant to the student population. Especially the off campus students, if you need a central place on campus or a home away from home, I would regard that as the most important thing. What haven’t I achieved is, we haven’t been able to secure enough resources to make a significant investment in the liberal arts, I’m including the humanities, the social sciences and the fine arts. It is very hard to get traction on major investments in that area and we badly need a new building and renovation of the three existing arts buildings, so my biggest regret is not being able to have achieved that yet. I guess the second one is that I would have liked to bring back men’s and women’s varsity hockey, and we need an arena to do that. We built a stadium but we haven’t built an arena, yet. SG: Is there anything else you would like to say to McMaster Students? PG: I think that we have lots of great student leaders and student participants in the community who do volunteer work. So I would have to say that I’m bullish on McMaster students and the future of McMaster students.


Research in Motion (TSE: RIM) With the plethora of smart phones soon to be released and vying for market share, we have lost faith in Canada’s Blackberry. I’m not sure what their market share is, but what I know is that there are still a lot of businessmen/ women and business students out there that wouldn’t be caught dead with an iPhone. RIM’s stock rose as Bank of Montreal predicted that they would post better than expected 2009 Q4 profit and cash flow. They will release their numbers on March 31 and expect that Balsillie will still be the king.

American International Group (NYSE: AIG) has sold another one of its foreign insurance units this week to MetLife Inc. (NYSE: MET) in a $15.5 billion deal. The unit, Alico will benefit MetLife’s transition into the Japanese insurance market while allowing AIG to pay down its massive debt to the United States government. AIG will have a 20 per cent stake in MetLife after the sale. Shell, PetroChina bid $3 billion for Arrow Royal Dutch Shell (LSE: RDS) and PetroChina (HKE: PTR) have placed a $3 billion bid for Australian based Arrow (ASX: AOE) in an attempt to try and enter into the coal-seam market within Australia. This is a non-binding condition bid for the company which will see Arrow’s stock-price gain $4.45 cash per share. Coal-seam is a relatively untapped market in Australia which is emerging as a valuable resource and attracts considerable foreign investment. Microsoft gaining mobile turf Microsoft Corp. (NYSE: MSFT) has made a bold move in its fight for dominance in the mobile phone market. They have announced the release of two phones with Microsoft Windows as the interface. This is a direct move against Google’s (NYSE: GOOG) recent cell phone foray with the Android software on the Nexus One. The phones will be released on the Verizon (NYSE: VZ) network and be primarily targeted at the teenage demographic with a predominant focus on social networking and texting. Wal-Mart rolls back customers In a renewed attempt to crush small businesses, Wal-Mart Inc. (NYSE: WMT) has begun to re-introduce merchandise they took off their shelves in an attempt to lure its customers back to their stores. This was done when Wal-Mart realized that they were losing customers to other competitors because of a lack of health & beauty supplies, cereals, and sodas. Last year the company reduced their store inventories by 7.6 per cent while still experiencing a 1.1 per cent rise in sales.



Canadian economy on the mend


StatsCan reports rise in GDP

Bell Canada’s Olympic Gold Mine


A rise in profits started the week of February 23 to 26. On February 24, Statistics Canada financial statistics reported $60.1 billion in profit in the fourth quarter for enterprises. Although this was a 7.9 per cent increase from the previous quarter it is still significantly below the $77.3 billion in profit posted in 2008, just before the economic downturn. This does mark the second consecutive growth since the index reported a low of $50.2 billion. The financial industry saw the highest growth this quarter. The industry increased 19.7 per cent, which translates into $15.2 billion in profits. Much of the profits came from cutting expenses in banks and insurance companies. Of the 22 industries reported in this index 15 saw higher profits. The non-financial industries increased 4.4 per cent in profits this quarter. The highest growth seen in that group was in wholesale. The industry saw profits hit $4.3 billion, an increase of 12.1 per cent. The week continued with the Payroll Employment, Earnings and Hours Report for December 2009, released February 25. Gains in payroll employed continue to be steady for the fourth month in a row. December saw an increase of 22,000 non-farm payroll jobs. In December 2009, 61 per cent of industries saw job growth. Much of the growth was seen in health, public administration and education. Health saw an increase of 2.3 per cent for a total of 3.0 per cent growth since August 2009. The driving force of this growth was the ambulatory sub-sector, which currently employs 400,000 people. Education grew 2.2 per cent since August 2009 after being stalled from October 2009. Public administration grew by 2.7 per cent.

Growth in public administration did not occur at all levels. The federal level saw growth 1.3 per cent, municipal and regional administration 0.3 per cent, but provincial and territorial administration fell 0.1 per cent. Further, declines of 0.1 per cent were seen in hospital administration. This group falls under public administration and not the health sector. Overall earnings have grown in Canada to $837.08 per week, including overtime. This is a 2.8 per cent increase over the last 12 months starting December 2009. The highest contributors to weekly earnings included health care and social assistance, accommodation and food services, public administration, retail trade, educational services, and manufacturing. All provinces experienced gains in weekly earnings. Newfoundland and Labrador experienced the highest growth in the country. Weekly earnings in the province increased 5.6 per cent. Lowest gains were seen in Alberta at 1.2 percent. Despite these steady gains, payroll employment remains 380,000 off its peak. Key numbers will be released in the week of March 1 to 5 in both Canada and the US. The week will start All three numbers are expected to come in positive. The Bank of Canada is expected to keep interest rates steady at 0.25 per cent March 2. The week should round of with building permits and Purchase Managers Index (PMI). With permits expected to drop month-over-month and PMI expected to increase month-overmonth. The US has a busy week ahead of them. The numbers to watch will be the core price index, personal spending, personal income, construction spending, total vehicles sales, non-farm payroll changes, jobless claims, unemployment rate, and consumer credit.


Bell Canada (TSE: BCE) won sponsorship gold at Vancouver 2010. The telecommunications giant was exclusive sponsor for all communications for the event. In doing so they created a virtual monopoly on voice, data and communication services for the games. This gave Bell the ability to cash in on their investment in the success that was the 2010 winter games. During the two-week long games Bell provided over 90 million minutes of mobile voice traf-

fic, 30 million megabytes of mobile data, and 65 million text messages. With all the added service, it’s expected that the company will get a boost to their bottom line, while adding to their national brand reputation and identity in the international marketplace. Bell also used this opportunity to showcase their new smartphone, the OMNIA, as the official smartphone of the Olympics. However this exclusivity at the games came at a cost. Bell beat out the likes of Rogers and Telus by paying $200 million for the rights to the games. $90 million of this was cash paid to the Vancouver

Organizing Committee. The rest of the fee comes in the form of services and promotional martial to market the games. Even given the high price tag, Bell got itself a bargain. They hosted an increase in network usage, making this the most tech savvy games to date, going above 225 per cent above the capacity Bell had previously carried at the Beijing Olympics. Bell will benefit from this sponsorship well after the closing ceremonies. The recognition and marketing gold mine that Bell received will give them a leg up and a head start as we begin 2010.

Gould Trading Floor Market Outlook

IN CANADA, housing starts are expected to rise to 190,000, a sign of rebounding consumer confidence and a strengthening economic recovery. Meanwhile, industrial capacity utilization rate is thought to have rise from 67.5 per cent to 70 per cent. This would indicate that Canadian national unemployment will remain at 8.3 percent, near historical highs. EARNINGS HIGHLIGHTS for the upcoming week include releases from Bank of Nova Scotia, Descartes Systems Group, Uranium One Inc., Quebecor Inc., Dollarama Inc., and American Eagle Outfitters Inc.

Budget pledges money for student jobs •CONT’D FROM C1 and start-up financing. T h e report outlines the Skills Link program. This portion of the Government’s plan looks to address, “youth at risk.” $30 million is promised to help “persons with disabilities, single parents, Aboriginal Canadians, recent immigrants, those living in rural and remote areas, and those who have not completed high school,” said the report. The plan is designed to provide skills, knowledge and work experience to help young Canadians succeed and join the

labour market. The report outlines the Government’s plan to integrate job development with post secondary education. The key highlights of the report are, $342 million per year to support education and career building. $2.2 billion in grants, scholarships and loan programs will be offered to offset the cost of education; $100 million allocated for the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant and $40 million per year for the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant

program. The Government is looking to build interest in apprenticeship programs further with $80 million in tax credits to be provided through the Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit program. This program will credit $2,000 per apprentice, per year. Finally, $20 million of funding will be provided to the Economic Action Plan to enhance student employment under the Canada Summer Jobs Program and the Federal Student Work Experience Program.

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high life • tracy morgan • marianas trench canadian music week • can’t lit • snowblink


D2 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine

thursday, march 11, 2010

Senior Editor: Grace Evans Entertainment Editor: Myles Herod Music Editor: Corrigan Hammond Contributors: Catherine Brasch, Michael Clemens, Jordan Collver, Julie Compton, Harrison Cruikshank, Kevin Elliott, Roxanne Hathway-Baxter, Dan Hawie, Michael Hewak, Chris Hoy, Derek Hung, Aaron Joo , Noah Nemoy, Josh Parsons, Trevor Roach, Ben Small, Katharine Snider-McNair, Jemma Wolfe Cover: Christopher Chang

this week

we went cross country skiing with your parents... write for andy. musc b110.

Cop Out Fri - Sat: 6:25, 9:00 Crazy Heart Fri - Sat: 6:15, 8:50 Shutter Island Fri - Sat: 7:45 Green Zone Fri - Sat: 6:30, 9:20 Festivals Ancaster 2010 Film Fest The Last Station (Apr. 12) Mon: 7:15

jan.16-may.9 dec.5-april.11

Jackson Square Cinema

Liquid of Rain and Rivers Art Gallery of Hamilton 123 King St., Hamilton 905-577-6610 info@artgalleryofhamilton. com


Coco et Co The Casbah 9:00 p.m.

She’s Ot of My League Fri - Sat: 6:50, 9:40

Posing Beauty Art Gallery of Hamilton 123 King St., Hamilton 905-577-6610 info@artgalleryofhamilton. com

Ritual Evidence Art Gallery of Hamilton 123 King St., Hamilton 905-577-6610 info@artgalleryofhamilton. com

theatre mar.10-mar.28

Poirier Absinthe 9:00 p.m.

Alice in Wonderland Fri - Sat: 7:45, 10:00

“my vagina is furious and it needs to talk.”

Doubt: A Parable By Marcia Kash Theatre Aquarius 190 King William St. 1-800-465-7529 boxoffice@theatreaquarius

the vagina monologues

Impromptu Splendor Theatre Aquarius 190 King William St. 1-800-465-7529 boxoffice@theatreaquarius

march 17 @ 7:30 pm march 18 @ 2 pm march 19 @ 7:30 pm robinson memorial theatre

andy’s pick now

Two Hour Traffic The Casbah 8:00 p.m.


Said The Whale The Casbah 8:00 p.m.


Brasstronaut The Casbah 9:00 p.m.

Silvercity Ancaster

Remember Me Fri - Sat: 7:30, 10:40


Sons of Butcher The Casbah 9:00 p.m.

Green Zone Remember Me She’s Out of My League

Brooklyn’s Finest Fri - Sat: 7:20


mar.19 mar.19 mar.20

Dala The Pearl Factory 8:00 p.m.



Sixteen Layers Ceilidh House 9:00 p.m.



Peter Katz 1280 9:00 p.m.



Ghostkeeper The Casbah 8:00 p.m.

Dragonette Hamilton Place Studio 8:00 p.m.



Forgetten Rebels The Casbah 8:00 p.m.

Carrie Underwood Copps Coliseum 7:30 p.m.



Boats The Casbah 9:00 p.m.

Jully Black Hamilton Place Theatre 8:00 p.m.



Marianas Trench 1280 9:00 p.m.


Jay Malinowski The Casbah 9:00 p.m.

Abandon All Ships The Casbah 9:00 p.m.

apr. 1

Jeff Martin Hamilton Place Studio 5:00 p.m.

Oscar Lopez Hamilton Place Theatre 8:00 p.m.


mar.11 mar.12

Blue Rodeo Hamilton Place Theatre 7:30 p.m.

mar. 12 mar. 12

Hippymafia The Casbah 9:00 p.m.





in the hammer

shel silverstein. john hughes tribute. r.i.p. corey haim. chocolate chip birthday cards. sunshine. typewriters and lockets. weekly bristol brunch. approved visas. kensington market.

$8 for students $10 for non-students


thursday, march 11, 2010


stay in Westdale and the occasional stray to Hess Village, the city has plenty more to offer. Even its geography editorial column makes it a cool place to myles herod live. Dundas is full of beautiful old houses, a I grew up on the Hamilton quaint main street, the beautiful escarpment. Growing up in Dundas Valley Conservation area Hamilton, I didn’t realize how and Spencer Gorge. Ancaster is the rest of Ontario looked at the home to family-run farms like Steel City until I was enrolled at Bennett’s, Lindley’s and Carluke McMaster. After hearing countless Orchards, which you can visit, buy people criticize Hamilton for being fresh produce or pick you own. dirty or scummy or generally a less Cootes Paradise has beautiful than great place to live, I don’t hiking, and the Bayfront has want to hear it anymore. an excellent path for walking, My mom grew up in the biking or roller-blading that wraps west end of Hamilton, and has around Lake Ontario to Princess always been vehemently against Point, accessible to Westdale just the Hamilton-haters. She wears by walking down Longwood. As her Vegas style “What happens in well as being the waterfall capital Hamilton stays in Hamilton” t-shirt of Canada, Hamilton’s Stoney whenever she travels across Canada, Creek has the Devil’s Punch Bowl, and is outspoken in proclaiming a hundred meter-wide rock face the great things our city has to that exposes 40 million years of offer. Until I encountered the nasty geological history. things people have to say about the The Hamilton Tiger Cats city, I didn’t understand why she live here, and with a fierce fan base was so defensive. coloured in yellow and black they Hamilton is an amazing make waves of noise at every Grey city. For students who have Cup gathering across Canada, with neglected the rest of Hamilton to a loud and proud “Tiger Town.”

We even have the Hammer City Roller Girls, a roller derby league that is a part of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association, which allows them to compete across North America. Hamilton is a city thriving with interesting people to meet, and things to do. But my fondness for Hamilton definitely lies in the arts community. Hamilton is brimming with civic museums, farmers markets, art galleries, theatre groups, independent restaurants and festivals. The music scene is fantastic. From the local talent of my mother’s generation – Tom Wilson, Teenage Head, Dave Rave, Junkhouse – to newer artists such as Luke Doucet, Melissa McClelland, Harlan Pepper, Sarah Harmer, Caribou, Junior Boys and Terra Lightfoot. And amazing music venues that attract artists and bands from all over – Hamilton Place’s amazing acoustics, The Casbah’s low key atmosphere and This Ain’t Hollywood to name a few. The James North Art Crawl is arguably one of the best things Hamilton has going, with a devoted base of people attending

the big tickle compiled by michlle ng

“the nice people - they’re a lot more personal.”

cindy rong

caitlin henshaw

regularly, and new comers every month. The second Friday of every month galleries open their doors late and music, food and a great crowd of people wander the crawl and check out the local art. There is an abundance of artists in Hamilton, and the thriving arts community is attracting more. Larry Strung’s art project that focused on the city, Hamilton 365, consisted of taking a portrait everyday in Hamilton, From January 1st 2008 until December 31st. There is a series of converted lofts and artist studios downtown, and many well-known artists are moving to Hamilton to work, such as illustrators Rosemary Travale and Sylvia Nickerson, printmaker Matt McInnis, and word on the street is that Montrealbased illustrator Marc Bell is headed Hamilton’s way. One of the best parts of Hamilton is the commitment and initiative of many citizens to improve and create. The Imperial Cotton Center for the Arts was founded by Jeremy Freiberger with the mission to encourage and support artistic works in every discipline in Hamilton, which organizes events such as the Hamilton Fringe

Festival. Mixed Media’s Dave Kuruc started H Magazine as a place for the discussion of civic news, arts and culture, regional history, architecture and environmental issue. The free monthly paper has content contributed by civicminded citizens, artist and writers and has a 3,500-copy circulation throughout the city, as well as on campus. For all the talk of Hamilton being a gritty city, sure, there are parts of the city that aren’t as nice as others, just like in every other city. Driving past Stelco on the 403 isn’t particularly scenic, but how many highways have a view like Princess Point? Hamilton is a city, not a suburb. There are people from diverse walks of life, and the landscape changes as you move from East to West. We have an escarpment (or a “mountain”), quaint residential areas, a lively downtown, an involved university campus and an amazing local music scene. Where Hamilton falls short, there are people working hard to make it better. We have every reason to be proud of Hamilton, let’s not sell ourselves short.

q: what do you like most about hamilton?

& christopher chang

“the history.”

the silhouette’s art + culture magazine • D3

“the fact that we have own football team.”

nadine ferracuti

“sketchy atmosphere.” johne finkle

“the dodgy downtown you’ve got to love it!”

shervin a. tadi

D4 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine


thursday, march 11, 2010

who is tracy morgan?

the 30 rock star exposes his many personalities in new memoir

Don’t let the previews for the upcoming buddy-cop flick Cop Out fool you, 30 Rock funny man Tracy Morgan is one of the funniest and most innovative comedians of the past decade. “Anyone can be Ray Romano,” Morgan recalls in his memoir—“anybody can be Seinfeld. It’s easy to find the middle of the road when the highway is eight lanes wide.” For Morgan, who was raised on comedians like Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor, whose jokes were blunt and honest even when the audience didn’t want them to be, being safe isn’t any way to approach comedy. A good joke is the truth. And that’s the power of his new memoir, I Am The New Black. Honestly. Morgan’s story begins in the place that he calls ‘Ghetto U.S.A.’—as he recalls his childhood in some of New York City’s most violent neighbourhoods, in some of the worst corners of Brooklyn and The Bronx. He was brought up in the sort of place where you moved at night. As he recalls, “you didn’t want anyone knowing you’re leaving, and you didn’t want anyone knowing where you were going.” In his old neighbourhood, “if they [saw] you moving out, you can be

damn sure [they’d] be sitting there on the sidewalk with an adding machine, totalling up how much they [could] get when they [robbed] your new place.” It was because of the toughness of his neighbourhood that Morgan learned to be funny. For him comedy doesn’t stem from some innate desire to be funny, but rather is a learned survival school and coping mechanism. It was as much a way for him to disarm bullies and thugs as it was for him to insulate himself from his dismal surroundings. Despite dedicating prolonged passages in the book to the many tragedies of his life, including his brother’s crippling meningitis, his father’s drug addiction (and subsequent death from HIV-AIDS), his mother’s gambling addiction and his own battles with alcoholism, diabetes and poverty the book also strives to find the comedy amid tragedy. Although Morgan’s life is sometimes overpoweringly painful, I Am The New Black is, above all else, a comedybook that reads like a conversation with Morgan’s 30 Rock character Tracy Jordan. Indeed, this alter ego (who

Morgan has named Chico Divine) makes several appearances in Morgan’s memoir. Chico Divine is the side of Morgan who has almost undone his career on several occasions. As Morgan recalled, “Chico was like a cousin who knows you have money and only shows up around holidays. If I was hot anywhere during those years, you could be sure Chico would show his face— and you never knew where he’d end up by dawn.” One of the biggest challenges for Morgan in his memoir is learning how to control this part of his personality. “He’s done some crazy shit. He did not give a fuck about anything, and that’s why I had to put him in his place,” Morgan writes. It was during the second season of filming 30 Rock that Morgan learned how to control Chico. At the time Morgan’s alcoholism and diabetes had gotten out of control (episodes in his life that Tina Fey and Lorne Michaels borrowed for 30 Rock), and he was faced with a choice between hospitalization and death or sobriety. Perfectly recalling the pain of losing his father as a ‘hot-headed teenager,’ Morgan

takes pride in I Am The New Black in cleaning up and getting healthy so that his children wouldn’t experience the pain of losing a parent. And as a result Chico found a new place, not in Morgan’s personal life, but in Tracy Morgan’s on-screen persona (the aptly named Tracy Jordon). Indeed, many of Tracy Jordan’s outrageous onscreen antics are inspired by Chico—including the infamous after-after party episode. Not only does Morgan examine his past in this book, but he also uses it to explore the history of African American comedy. Each chapter is dedicated to inspiration black comedians like Red Skelton, Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy. For a comedian who is very much interested in exploring his roots, this is the ultimate tribute to the past and a road map for what Morgan considers the ‘new-black’ to be. After all, comedy isn’t insulated—as Morgan is careful to point out again and again, it’s an important aspect of the particular time and place that breeds it. And even if you don’t plan on catching Cop Out, pick up this book. •Corrigan Hammond

thursday, march 11, 2010


the silhouette’s art + culture magazine • D5

the misadventures of canadian crooks

andy’s trevor roach recounts the ancaster film festival’s latest feature As I strolled into the Jackson Square theatre to purchase my ticket for the independent film High Life and was abruptly told by a rather vocal young lady to “watch my steppin’,” I questioned what exactly this movie going experience would have in store. Yet my expectations were exceeded as the film and atmosphere came together to offer an appreciated simplistic satisfaction. Grabbing a seat in a sparsely filled room I was pleasantly surprised as the producer of the film and owner of the theatre came to welcome the theatre audience, which consisted mainly of elderly women, couples, and me. The appreciation and involvement of the audience was a nice change from the crowded and yet impersonal scramble that you can expect at any major mainstream theatre. The Art Gallery of Hamilton offers a wide range of these independent Canadian films year round and for a student-discounted price you’ll get to support the arts and engage with some great-unknown Canadian films. This particular film and the theatre had a quirky charm about them that made me smile to myself and settle down to watch a wholesome drug addiction heist movie. “Morphine is the drug of choice for the smart drug user,” the main character Dick explains in one of the opening scenes for director Gary Yates’ independently funded and filmed movie High Life. The bubble gum pink substance that is the ever elusive morphine in this film is the source of all solutions and problems for Dick, Bug, Billie and Donnie (a sketched out team of petty-crooks determined to make some quick cash off of an ATM bank machine scam). Originally done as a live theatrical performance and set in 1983, the filmmakers had their work cut out for them but managed to bring integrity to the story of three ex-cons and one suave scammer embarking upon a desperately pathetic scam to score some cash, get back on top of the world, and ultimately support their subjectively refined drug addiction. As Dick and his makeshift team build up their unprecedented confidence and justify their misguided principles we as the outsider audience get a look as their big pink morphine filled bubble of tripped out dreams is popped. With the music of April Wine, CCR, Max Webster, and Three Dog Night

playing throughout the narrative, scenes bring the characters and audience back to the” good old days.” The film maintains a nostalgic feel that is sure to get your head bobbing to those classic rock and roll beats. During the Q&A session afterwards, the film’s producer Robin Cass revealed to an intrigued audience that, because of the High Life’s drug filled content, David Bowie had actually declined the use of his music. Despite the absence of Bowie-tunes, the classic rock tunes embody the live in the moment and think about the consequences later mentality that drives the whole crew to their ultimate downfall. The hilariously hopeless impulses of the hot headed Bug (played by Stephen Eric McIntyre), advance the plot in a sporadic and amusing way while the slightly more balanced Dick (played by Timothy Olyphant) desperately tries to pick up the sloppy pieces left behind by his anger filled trigger happy counterpart. While Rossif Sutherland provides the pretty boy face of the suave heist front man Billie, across the Universe star Joe Anderson plays Donnie’s anxious yet “perfect little criminal mind” that simultaneously complicates and solves their increasingly exciting mess of a simple crime gone wrong. Ultimately the hilarity and excitement climaxes with a not so coincidentally placed pink dye exploding all over Dick, Bug, and the money they had risked everything yet nothing for. As Bug’s unsuitably enhanced confidence leads him onto a short lived but glorious ride on a horse that he had earlier hallucinated in Dick’s apartment, the crazy pink covered quest comes to a halt with Bug’s body slamming to the ground upon colliding with a tree. The petty drugged up dreams of these four amusing criminals are shown for what they are; Dick ends up back in jail and Bug ends up pink, dead and surrounded by his useless tainted money. In the end we are left with a clean Donnie picking up an optimistic Dick from his second prison sentence. Ultimately this film captures the hopelessly self-depreciating habits of these characters in a fun and entertaining way that shows just how far a minimal budget and high hopes can go. •Trevor Roach


D6 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine

black or white the racialization of alternative and hip hop music


MONTREAL (CUP) – We might like to think the only black and white in music comes on piano keyboards, but pop music history tells a different story. White people in North America have been eating up “black” music since the 1800s, but it’s been harder for black people to cross into white milieus. Chuck Berry, a black American singer, songwriter and guitarist considered by some to be the father of rock ‘n’ roll, pioneered a new sound that was picked up by white artists like Elvis Presley. Presley brought a love of black gospel into “white” pop music — a winning formula that some have decried as exploitative of black musicians. Craig Morrison, an ethnomusicologist and Concordia professor, disagrees with that notion. “For him it was just all music,” argues Morrison. “So when it came out, it came out as this melting pot, Elvis-style.” If black musicians were marginalized, it was not because of the wishes of white musicians, says Morrison. Rather, it was a product of big record companies and a mass culture that still valourized white achievements over those of minorities. Some cities were so opposed to integrating black and white, he says, that they banned rock ‘n’ roll altogether — a music genre he called a “black and white hybrid.” “The great coming together that had been rock ‘n’ roll and soul music kind of splits apart again for many reasons, the simplest and strongest (being) the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.,” says Morrison, adding that the rise of the militant Black Panther Party made race relations more about opposition than harmony. The impact, Morrison says, was black musicians’ transition towards priding themselves upon what they considered “black music” and rejecting the “whiteness” of rock. There is still a noticeable absence of black faces in both indie rock bands and audiences, but is the reverse true for traditionally “black” music forms? “The real truth about hip hop today is it’s post-racial,” says music journalist Morgan Steiker, who wrote a hip-hop column for Montreal weekly paper. “So you can’t say anymore, ‘Oh, it’s just a black thing.’ or ‘It’s a black thing that white folks took.’ It’s become this absolutely global culture that’s almost like a blank slate. People appropriate it for themselves.” Though he admits he doesn’t think we should ignore that hip-hop started as a way for black musicians to work around “particular social contexts,” he says it can still

thursday, march 11, 2010

be hard for white kids to prove they’ve got the life experience to back up their lyrics. “There’s the self-consciousness of putting on a front and spicing up your life to have that cred,” Steiker says. Artists who are neither white nor black are more likely to find relevance in the narrative of struggle, he continues. “Hip hop was born out of revolt and rebellion. It’s a much more believable narrative to say, ‘I’m an Asian-Canadian with an immigrant background and I’m an outsider and I’m revolting against the system.’ It’s more respected than, ‘I’m a white kid from the suburbs.’” On the flip side, Cesar says his skin colour has prompted others to question his credibility, too. His band has always worked from a “punky, DIY” ethos, he says, but reviewers didn’t seem to think he could pull it off. When he started releasing music, Cesar says the reviews “basically concentrated on my lack of authenticity, as a black person falling into punk rock — as if it was just this new thing I was getting into, like I didn’t know what I was doing. “I found it really offensive, because it just makes me come off like I have no connection to it.” And then there were the comparisons to TV on the Radio, a successful indie-rock band boasting an almost entirely black lineup. Cesar, the only black member of Think About Life, thinks the similarities between the bands are more visual than aural. He says he’s started to think, “a good music journalist is when you see a finished article (about our band) and it doesn’t include TV on the Radio or other bands where one of the band members is black. That’s great.” Steiker may say that hip-hop is a “blank slate,” but there’s still a lot written on the surface of indie rock. Narrow definitions of who will want to listen to the music — and ultimately take part in the communities that grow around it — could be alienating to those who don’t feel they fit the bill. What was a refuge for outsiders could end up pushing people out. Cesar says there’s “a lot of bigotry indie rock right now,” with an emphasis on race that taints coverage of artists any darker than ecru. “It just has to do with the overcommercialism that has been happening in indie rock in the past four, five years,” he says. “We’ll get over it, but it’s a shame.” •Madeline Coleman — The Link

thursday, march 11, 2010


the can’t lit canon

the silhouette’s art + culture magazine • D7

broken pencil presents an anthology of alternative canadian writing Created by Broken Pencil magazine, Can’t Lit is a compilation of short stories that have been submitted and printed in issues of the magazine over the years, containing all Canadian content that is traditionally not printed in mainstream sources. To give an idea of the tone of the anthology, BP founder Hal Niedzviecki writes in the introduction, “These stories are outcasts…They are anti-literature. By and large, they read ragged, lacking the refinements of metaphor, magical realism, and perfect epiphany on the prairies. A few of them might even be badly written. On purpose? By accident? Who really gives a fuck. This is Broken Pencil. We’re not trying to win awards, launch the writers Oprah wants you to read, or really do anything at all.” The material and writing styles of the stories vary greatly, being anywhere from a well structured narrative focusing on one character, such as in the story “Camp Zombie,” or a couple pages of fragmented sentences, as found in “Too Much Mean Me.” It is this absolute variety and uniqueness of short stories that makes this compilation so enticing, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone, as it has something for everyone. There are some stories that I found to be undesirable, such as “Dandruff,” which is boring and says nothing to me. But overall with about fifty stories, a few bad ones are entirely expected. Many of the stories are focused on developing a central character that feels so real and interesting that they stay with you long after you finish the story, and these types of stories are the ones that stood out the most to me. One story that I thoroughly enjoyed was “Small Game Hunter.” It is the story of a twenty-something guy who is living a dead end life, stuck working at a factory for his girlfriend’s father. It’s a story driven by anger, mostly the main character’s anger towards his dull position in life, the tedious frustration of being stuck, and his resulting self loathing. He then gets a break when uploading recorded joke raps he and his friend were making to a website. People start listening to what he defines as “OK Rap” and their group, Sons of Prozac, become so popular on the website that they get invited to Calgary to perform at a show. The main character appears to be very stunted in his growth; a guy who comes off deep but only in secret – in his narrative – and outwardly is only a factory worker. As a reader, it is easy to sympathize with him and lament his losses as

he seems destined to remain in his dull life. Another well developed character is Gord from the story “Band Names.” Gord is a laid back, striving musician who has gone months without a job and has been working painfully slowly on his current musical project “The Key to All Mythologies.” This story is simply a day in the shoes of Gord, who feels like such a real person that when the story ends you just want to know more. You want to witness Gord on different levels of his character, see how he makes out later down the road or how he got to where he is in life, and you get this curiosity all from one short story. Unfortunately no great event or situation takes place, so it could also be read as an unsatisfying story that doesn’t go very far. Personally though, I enjoy it as the character profile that it is. Or take another character, Juan from “Yes Man.” It’s a story of a guy who will do anything you ask, no matter how horrible, written with very crude and blunt language. The story’s first line reads: “Juan put a Flintstones toothbrush up his ass in the parking lot behind the Westview Mall in daylight because some boys told him to.” This character profile is written from the perspective of another character, which explains the forward and open commentary. This kind of shocking content should be expected from these stories. As I have already mentioned they contain content that usually would not be printed. And this restriction, removed of taboo language or content, is what gives them so much room to breathe, and makes them so different and fresh. The narrative styles feel so different from the norm found in popular books, making them genuinely unique. Take a story written from the perspective of a girl in grade nine about the local serial rapist. In this story she encounters what she believes to be the rapist currently terrorizing the town, and goes through several agonizing panics about her own safety and that of her sister throughout the day. While she appears nonchalant to the outside world, inside she is anxiously confiding her fears to the reader. This traumatic situation and the repression of the main character make an interesting – if not nerve-racking – narrative and character to read about. A great mix of material here, I would highly recommend giving this alternative Canadian literature a try. •Robert Evans

D8 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine


true patriot love

thursday, march 11, 2010

toronto venues booked for canadian music week, march 10-14 the rural alberta advantage

our lady peace jason collett

born ruffians There’s a short list of music festivals in Canada that last a week, and an even shorter list of festivals that focus mostly on Canadian music. Music fan or not, March 10-14 is worth marking on your calendars: Canadian Music Week is upon us. Canadian Music Week is an event in the heart of downtown Toronto and at its core is a festival with many concert showcases spanning over several nights. This year the festival boasts in excess of 700 bands and 50 plus venues, so choices are both plentiful and paralyzing when planning a week in the city. The PR campaign is ramping up with tickets and prizes offered to listeners of Chum FM, and the likes of Molson, Gibson and Sennheiser are sponsoring the events. To kick things off, and to give a little taste of what is in store for the week, Dinosaur Bones released their 7 inch record at The Steam Whistle Brewery on March 5. The band’s new songs “Ice Hotels” and “Royalty” are distinguishable from the rest of their refined and memorable set list. These tracks only added to an already successful

night for the boys. The night was opened with ambient indie rockers Make Your Exit and synth pop act Everything All The Time, who are both (like Dinosaur Bones) unsigned and native to Toronto. The crowd was full of friends, bands, media types and fan. If this is any sign of what to expect during the week, this should signal another successful year for the festival. Each band’s performance was photographed from every angle by an army of photographers occupying the front row. A few videographers were filmed the events as well. Even though they held the opening slot, Make Your Exit seemingly stole the show. Their effective use of saxophone, xylophone and keyboard framed their lyrics just right to get the audience dancing and singing along. The boys in MYE can be seen on Mar. 11 at El Mocambo as the second last performers (they are scheduled to go on around 1am). They are playing with several label mates for the Audio Blood Media showcase including We Are The City, The Darcys (who are just finishing up an album produced by Murray

Lightburn of The Dears), and new signing Sandman Viper Command. Canadian Music Fest, like its cousin North By Northeast, is a bit different than festivals like “SARS-stock” or The Virgin Music Festival. Instead of taking place on a park grounds or in a makeshift arena, this is an “urban festival” occurring across the city at most of Toronto’s coolest music venues. An added bonus is that many of the most popular venues will be serving alcohol until 3 or 4 in the morning to match the late show times scheduled to accompany such a huge lineup. As far as music experiences go, few are this concentrated allowing you to experience dozens of genres of music all within a short walk, bike, streetcar or subway ride. Considering the variety found in the average student’s taste in music and the eclectic mix the festival has to offer, it’s likely everyone will be a winner and find something to enjoy. Individual tickets can be purchased as well as wristbands for specific days or the entire week which means flexibility is on the fan’s side.

Last year the likes of Jon Lajoie (internet-famous for music videos like “Everyday Normal Guy” and “High As F#%k”), could be seen mixed in with bands like The Midway State, Hey Rosetta, Anvil and Lioness. The festival won’t be without its surprises either — last year there were many last minute guests and big Canadian names at the Indie Awards, which were headlined by Crystal Castles last year. Local Hamilton acts like The Arkells, Dean Lickyer, Monster Truck, The Barettas, and Young Rival as well as over a dozen other artists will be representing Hamilton. Some of the heavy hitters this year include Joel Plaskett, Born Ruffians, K-OS, Constantines and Our Lady Peace (unfortunately their partnership with Live Nation means a wristband might not be enough for entrance to the show). Even with the long list of venues, many will fill to capacity and ticket holders will receive priority or a first come, first served policy will be in effect. •Jeff Jewiss

under the radar

thursday, march 11, 2010

off the web unhappy hipsters This website turns architectural magazine photographs into commentary on the existential crisis suffered by the new generation of hipster homeowners. Because being wealthy, cool and artistic needs a dark side. For example, Dean Kaufman’s photograph of a group of people walking in a park wearing sunglasses appeared in the September 2009’s issue of Dwell. On the site, the photograph is reappropriated with the caption “Without the shades, they might have to face the terrifying prospect of actually speaking to one another.” •Katharine Snider-McNair

funny exams We’ve all had that test. And yes, I’m talking about that one – the one where the prompt asks you to define the Beer-Lambert law, and all you can come up with is an illustration of a passed out stick figure. is a collection of miscellaneous pieces of academia gone wrong. This might just be the perfect website for pre-exam procrastination. •Corrigan Hammond gnod Gnod knows. It knows your favourite music, books and movies. Type in an author, and vola, it has a map of dozens of similar writers that you will enjoy. Want to discover music? Just tell Gnod three bands that you like, and it will find a brand new one for you. Its amazing. Try it out. •Corrigan Hammond


this is why you’re fat

After documenting the dress codes of various social groups over 14 years photographer Ari Versluis successfully proves that there is no such thing as being an individual. •Katharine Snider-McNair

Here you’ll find a collection of shocking, disgusting and sometimes tempting foods that just shouldn’t exist, from “Paula Deen’s Cheesy Ham and Banana Casserole” to “the Dr. Phil.” The title says it all. •Katharine Snider-McNair

the silhouette’s art + culture magazine • D9

zine beat

Dater’s Dozen Comic Zine, Melaina, 1388 Haight St. #92, SF 94117, www.melainacomics. com, $7 Dater’s Dozen is a comic zine about the author’s dating life. Melaina’s therapist tells her he wants her to date before she settles into a long-term relationship. When he asks her how many apartments she looked at before signing a lease, she says twelve, so they decide that she should date twelve people before beginning a new relationship. Melaina is a very likable and relatable character, thoughtful, discerning and ethical. The zine is witty and interesting, and depicts many common dating experiences through simple illustrations. I would recommend this zine to any woman on the dating scene. •Grace Evans Being Gay is A-Ok! Zine, Megan Speers, Being Gay is A-Ok! reads like a children’s story book with pencil crayon colouring and explains that “Sometimes boys like girls, and

sometimes girls like boys. Maybe this is what you’re used to seeing, on the street, at home, or on T.V. But it’s not the only way that people are made!” The pictures are of diverse individuals of various ages shown in different relationships. Speer’s illustrations are lovely to look at, both expressive and colourful. The style of this zine is so genuine and friendly and positive, I don’t see how anyone could not love it. •Grace Evans

D10 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine


thursday, march 11, 2010

masterpiece theatre? andy gives marianas trench a badly needed second chance

There’s a plethora of surprises at the bottom of Marianas Trench once you dive underneath the surface (and I’m not talking about the ocean floor). In regards to genre categorization, this Vancouver quartet might as well be the pop-punk equivalent of yesteryear’s emo kid: once you get to know the real him, turns out he’s just a misunderstood, complex guy. “Sure, sometimes you get classified as pop-punk, rock, whatever, but I think the nice thing about the record is that, yeah, it appeals to the masses through the radio and stuff,” guitarist Matt Webb explained to me, “but if you take a closer listen to it there’s a lot to hear, and if you read in between the lines, there’s a lot more to it than just a pop band.” Indeed, last year’s Masterpiece Theatre features the pop-punk anthems “Cross My Heart” and “All to Myself” that we’re all so familiar with thanks to constant exposure on MuchMusic over the past several months, but the band also wanted to up the ante and challenge themselves conceptually and sonically. The album’s backbone is structured by three separate title tracks — the opener, the interlude, and the closer—that mesh together the sounds of My Chemical Romance, The Crickets, and Queen with the Beach Boys seminal Pet Sounds. You can even hear some of these experimental flairs creep into some of the album’s more traditional pop-punk songs. I told Webb that the opening vocal melody to the band’s latest single, “Celebrity Status,” immediately reminded me of The Beach Boys. “Beach Boys are a huge influence to the band,” he responded. “You know, in the bridge of that song, the ‘look around round’ part, it’s very unusual, like you never hear any other rock/pop band do that kind of stuff. And the fans appreciate that because it’s something a little bit different and we’re working hard at it.” Making meaningful connections with their fans is certainly no alien concept to Marianas Trench. Widely known for personally creating and orchestrating many grassrootsstyled contests and promotional events, such as Marianas Trench Day and fan t-shirt designs, the band recently invited fans to post video performances of the song “Good to You” onto YouTube, and the winner will perform a duet of the song with the band on stage for their show on Mar. 11th at Massey Hall.

“We put that contest out there and we have crazy awesome fans that’ll go to great lengths to do anything for us, which is amazing,” Matt commented. “It’s important to interact with the fans. They have done amazing things for us and we like to make them as involved as possible. People know that we’re just normal dudes, and we’re always looking for advice and feedback from the fans.” The band’s Mar. 11th Toronto concert is part of Canadian Music Week, which will feature over seven-hundred shows during the weekend in forty-five venues throughout the city. There will also be several award ceremonies, and Marianas Trench has been nominated for three Indie Awards, as well as the Canadian Radio Music Fans’ Choice Award, up against Hedley and Nickelback, among others. I’m personally hoping for a heated battle to the death between Marianas Trench and Hedley, so I inquired about maybe starting a rivalry with Hedley. “Oh, that’s existed for years, my man,” Matt joked. “I actually used to live across the street from Dave Rosin, their guitar player, so we’re all really good buddies. I’m sure there’s a little bit of a rivalry there, of course; but those guys are good guys, and we always have a lot of fun hanging out with them.” Ah yes, the old friendly rivalry. Those aren’t nearly as exciting as hate-filled rivalries, but, I’ll take what I can get. Right now, Marianas Trench is focused on touring as much as they can in support of Masterpiece Theatre, and they hope to be back in the studio sometime next year. Although, following up a pocket symphony album is never an easy task. “I think the record is pretty impressive, and it’s going to be tough to follow it up for sure,” Matt admitted. “But I think every band should evolve to a certain extent. You know, your fans grow up and you grow up; we’re not going to be writing the same songs a year from now as we were from before.” I recommended to him they pull an In Utero and write an album with all double-time songs. “Yeah that’s not a bad idea,” he responded, completely straight-faced. “We considered doing like a trombone record, where it’s just all going to be trombones.” A small part of me doesn’t think he’s joking. If you can’t make it to Toronto for the festivities, Marianas Trench will also be performing at TwelvEighty at McMaster on Mar. 12th. Tickets are on sale at Compass Information Centre. •Kevin Elliot

in stereo

thursday, march 11, 2010

the silhouette’s art + culture magazine • D11

featured review Black Lips 200 Million Thousand


With the release of 200 Million Thousand, Black Lips seem to further confirm their role as a leading example of the age-old, vomit encrusted side of the “rock ’n’ roll funhouse.” Rightfully so, the band’s self-proclaimed “flower-punk” seems more like a pastiche of the last half-century of basement recordings. But what may sour some die-hards is the band’s recently acquired semi-serious side. The surf-rock swoon of “I’ll Be With You” and a few other tracks seem to indicate that, for better or worse, the band has ceased writing solely joke songs. Regardless, the leading single “Short Fuse” is an undeniable example of the band’s ability to write well-structured and damn catchy songs. While the album does virtually nothing progressive, its charm lies in the comforting reminder that somewhere still exists an unwavering dedication to the self-destructive (and self-deprecating) spirit of garage rock. Even if it is merely nostalgia. •Josh Parsons

Bluessmyth Sola Gratia

Fan Death A Coin For The Well

Local Natives Gorilla Manor




The 2009 album Sola Gratia by jazz-rock band Bluessmyth did not deliver the punch I initially hoped it would. All songs were written in a minor key as the same distorted guitar played throughout the entire album. While distortion can often enhance a rock song by giving it a grungier feel, here it simply sounded messy and displaced. Luckily, the song “Walk in my shoes” was much more musically unified, showing Bluessmyth’s jazzier side by incorporating a harmonica into its baseguitar-drum combo. Many of the songs also began with intricate guitar riffs, displaying a great deal of virtuosity. However, “Down on my luck” trumped these attributes by incorporating gruff, karaoke-style vocals and clichéd lyrics like “the devil’s got us on the run.” The band’s musical ability was unfortunately overshadowed by the album’s cluttered sound. •Amy Graziani

I can’t exactly think of anyone that’s passionate about cheap revivalist disco groups and their lackluster appeal these days. Fan Death’s debut EP, A Coin For The Well is garnished with all of those mundane retro synth-pop characteristics that are just as outdated as flared polyester pants and exposed chest hair. Each of the album’s five tracks can pretty much pass as a handheld tape recording of a very intoxicated Donna Summers singing about self-empowerment on karaoke night. Honestly, I’m a huge fan of reviving vintage music styles, but this album simply comes off as a shoddy attempt at gaining pseudo-hipster fame. Then again, the group has just been picked up by the hipster-favourite label Last Gang Records, so maybe they’re doing something right? •Dan Hawie

The first album by the California based band, Local Natives, is quite impressive for a debut. The CD entitled, Gorilla Manor, is named after the house that the band shared in Orange County. Gang vocals singing well-written lyrics and drums pounding out strong beats are the backbone of the songs. The piano and guitars aren’t too shabby, either. The lyrics take the listener on a journey, from teaching abroad in Japan in “Airplanes,” to a French cafe on “Camera Talk.” The wide range of tempos on the album encompasses just as wide of a range of emotions, from loss and longing to love. Local Natives have succeeded in crafting a piece of work that exudes an undeniable feeling of youth and abandonment in a style reminiscent of Fleet Foxes. Take a little trip and listen to Gorilla Manor. It is definitely a barrel of monkeys. •Roxanne Hathway-Baxter

D12 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine


thursday, march 11, 2010

snowblink andy chats with california songstress daniela gesundheist Snowblink, the California based folkduo currently opening for Owen Pallet (formerly known as Final Fantasy) offer the perfect musical contrast to the epic fullness of the Canadian indie-darling. While Pallet’s music tends to be built upon layer after layer of sound, before allowing each individual note to become lost amid a powerful whole, Snowblink take a more minimalist approach to music. Their song writing and performance style is stark and simple. They make songs where a single note is allowed to linger—becoming powerful not as part of an orchestral barrage as Pallet does, but rather, as a stand-alone entity. “These days it’s basically me and Dan Goldman as a duo, occasionally a violinist from Brooklyn New York joins us named Caley Monahon-Ward when we’re touring,” Daniela Gesundheit explained to me during a break from her group’s current tour. “Within that duo,” she continued, “I write the songs and then we arrange them together and then play them together.” Indeed, Gesundheit takes a similarly simple approach to the song writing process. “I suppose I just kind of gather little elements as I’m going about my day, and I notice things or when I’m reading I notice little observations and record them,” she explained. “And at the end of a long period of recording these little snapshots, it can be months or a year depending on how busy my schedule is, I’ll just kind of sit alone in a quiet place and wait a bit and gather all the thoughts and sort of weave them together into a song. … I tend to record much later, I spend a lot of time just writing and then we go into the studio and record them properly,” she continued. Since founding Snowblink five years ago with schoolmates Ben Goldwasser and Andrew VanWyngarden (now of MGMT fame) in Middletown, Connecticut, Gesundheit explained to me that the group has under gone several line up changes. “I just moved a lot in the last years, so every time I would move I would make a different line up of the band with some interesting people

I would meet in each place,” she stated. “[Those guys from MGMT] were in the very first version of Snowblink, we went through university together,” she continued. “So that was super fun, it was great. I love them and I’m thrilled for them and for what’s going on for them and what success they’ve had. It’s really thrilling to see,” Gesundheit laughed. These line up changes have been an crucial part of Snowblink’s musical evolution. Although the group had previously recorded and privately distributed a pair of EP’s, Gesundheit explained to me that she is very excited at the prospect of releasing their first major label disc later on this year. “They were actually full length, but they were never released properly. They were just limited edition, kind of keep-sake recordings,” she stated. “We’re finally officially releasing our record Long Live with…a label in the UK. We’re going to release it in Europe and the States and then we’re still working out the release in Canada. So within the year, it’ll be released world wide,” she explained. “It was recorded with the four boy backup singers in San Francisco and with Dan Goldman and Caley [Monohan-Ward] [who] produced it with me. And we did the recording at this pretty great studio in Sacramento, California and in cabins and apartments and all sorts of different locations. We recorded it with Jay Pelucci who recorded with Deerhoof and all other kinds of great artists,” Gesundheit continued. “Dan is like a one man band in my band. He’s a one-man band within our duo. He plays bass pedals with his feet, so those are attached to a synthesizer, and he plays guitar and keyboard and sings. So he really creates a very large sound just on his own. And to me, it doesn’t lack for anything, we sound different live than on the record,” she laughed. Although she was careful to point out that the new album is “a different expression of [her] songs,” when Long Live is finally released this year, it should be a very promising and exciting experience for both Snowblink and the group’s fans. •Corrigan Hammond

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