The Silhouette - March 23, 2017

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NEWS HOUSING CRISIS Transforming a local tavern in order to create affordable housing Page 3

The Silhouette Thursday, March 23, 2017

TAKE A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE Meet for breakfast and hit the local trails at My Dog Joe’s Page 4

ARTS & CULTURE CHAPTER HOUSE Comics publication set to revive iconic Canadian superheroes Page 17

SPORTS PLAYER PROFILE Danielle Boiago’s McMaster career behind the numbers Page 24



The Silhouette

Volume 87, Issue 25 Thursday, March 23, 2017 McMaster University’s Student Newspaper







EDITORIAL BOARD editor-in-chief | Scott Hastie @Scott1Hastie managing editor |

Rachel Katz production editor |

Nick Bommarito online editor | Haley Greene sections

Sasha Dhesi Steven Chen news reporter Emily O’Rourke features reporter Alex Florescu news editor

news reporter

opinion editor

Shane Madill sports editor

Cullum Brownbridge Lauren Beals

sports reporter

& culture editor Daniel Arauz & culture reporter Michelle Yeung

arts arts


Madeline Neumann photo reporter Yung Lee production coordinator Nicole Vasarevic video editor Philip Kim social media coordinator Jasmine Ellis online content coordinator Susie Ellis photo editor



Nick Bommarito



MUSC, Room B110 McMaster University 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4S4

The Silhouette welcomes letters to the editor in person at MUSC B110, or by email at Please include name, address and telephone number for verification only. Letters should be 300 words or less. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters and opinion articles. Opinions and editorials expressed in the Silhouette are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editorial board, the publishers, the McMaster Students Union or the University. The Silhouette is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the McMaster Students Union. The Silhouette Board of Publications acts as an intermediary between the editorial board, the McMaster community and the McMaster Students Union. Grievances regarding the Silhouette may be forwarded in writing to: McMaster Students Union, McMaster University Student Centre, Room 201, L8S 4S4, Attn: The Silhouette Board of Publications. The Board will consider all submissions and make recommendations accordingly.

Editor-in-Chief (905) 525-9140, ext 22052 Main Office (905) 525-9140, ext 27117 Advertising (905) 920-1605 8,000 circulation published by the

Chuck Berry, the legendary guitarist and rock and roll pioneer, passed away on March 18. Here he is playing at McMaster in 1969.

Volunteering with the Sil is easy! Attend one of the section meetings to get started! Can’t attend? Send them an email! NEWS - Tuesday at 12:30 - OPINION - Monday at 2:30 - SPORTS - Tuesday at 3:30 - ARTS & CULTURE - Monday at 3:30 - MULTIMEDIA - Tuesday at 2:30 - | Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Silhouette

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News Turning housing into homes

Local tavern will be turned into affordable housing units to address Hamilton’s growing housing crisis Emily O’Rourke News Reporter

What stood as a popular entertainment destination in its early days is being restored into affordable housing units for those who need it most. Located at 250 Parkdale Avenue North, George and Mary’s Tavern was a popular banquet hall, with entertainment on the lower level and affordable apartments above. Over the years, however, the building had been neglected. The conditions of the building have deteriorated, becoming infested with mould, bed bugs, peeling paint and leaking roofs. Despite these conditions, some saw it as their only resort for affordable living spaces amidst the city’s affordable housing crisis. Indwell, a Christian charity that creates affordable housing communities and supports people seeking wellness and belonging, purchased the worn down building last fall with plans to build 60 single housing units. The project plans to have the structure of the three-storey building to remain intact, while a portion will be demolished and rebuilt accordingly. The main level will see a commercial space that will include a convenience store and pharmacy, while the apartments will be restored and converted into approximately 24-square metre apartment units. “There’s something really special about coming into a community and finding a building that’s already part of that community and already has a history there, and revitalizing it,” said Naomi Biesheuvel, administration coordinator at Indwell. “So a place like George and Mary’s… to be able to step in and start caring is an exciting way to participate in the community instead of coming in with a brand new plan. There is


something incredibly exciting in taking this shell of a place and helping to transform it into something that will be full of life and hopefully a lot of happiness too.” With affordable housing projects completed across eastern Hamilton and several more in tow, including the revitalization of George and Mary’s located in the McQuesten neighbourhood, Indwell is working diligently to provide hope and homes for those who need it most. According to a 2012 profile on the area from Hamilton’s Social Planning and Research Council, the McQuesten neighbourhood is indicated to have much higher poverty rates than average for the city as a whole. Approximately 43 per cent of McQuesten neighbourhood households are living in unaffordable rental units by tenure type. “Affordable housing is in-

deed in a crisis mode. We have way too many people waiting to obtain subsidized housing with too few available places,” said Patricia Reid, a long-time McQuesten resident and neighbourhood volunteer. “Indwell’s project will make a very small dent into the overall crisis, but at least it is a dent. Their properties are geared toward some of the most vulnerable peoples that are usually shunted aside by our society.” According to the Hamilton Community Foundation, the cost of buying a home in Hamilton has spiked over 88.3 per cent over the past 10 years. A major factor in this surge is a drop in vacancy rates, which from 2013 to 2015, fell to 1.8 per cent from 3.4 per cent, contributing to costly rents across the city. In 2012, a report from the McMaster-Community Poverty Initiative discovered a 21-year gap in life expectancy between residents of the poorest

and those of the wealthiest neighbourhoods in Hamilton. “There are lots of good things happening in Hamilton in terms of renewal,” said Terry Cooke, chief executive officer of the Hamilton Community Foundation, a major funder of this project. “But if we fail to build mixed income communities and affordable housing opportunities, ultimately we will follow… a path of social breakdown, social isolation, much more costlier outcomes in terms of incarceration or educational outcomes, poor health outcomes, which is the clearest measure in Hamilton and in Canada of what happens when you leave people behind, so I think it’s critical [to invest in jobs and affordable housing].” Indwell’s revitalization of George and Mary’s Tavern is set to be completed in 2019 and is currently in the early stages of demolition. @emily_oro

“There is something incredibly exciting in taking this shell of a place and helping to transform it into something that will be full of life and hopefully a lot of happiness too.” Naomi Biesheuvel, Administration coordinator at Indwell

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Thursday, March 23, 2017 |

Take a hike!

New partnership between local coffee shop and Mac grad student promises to put some spring in your step Rachel Katz Managing Editor

As the mid-March snow melts away, a new initiative is warming up in Westdale. King Street West café My Dog Joe has launched a monthly hike series to bring the community together and teach a little local ecology and history. “As a business owner, the main idea for me is to drive business and our brand,” said Jeff Groat, manager of My Dog Joe. “The main idea is to hang out, have some breakfast or coffee. People can get a coffee to go if they want of course. And then we’ll walk.” Groat explained that his wife originally came up with the idea after seeing some of the experience-based opportunities AirBnB was offering. He then approached former colleague and McMaster graduate student Reyna Matties about leading the hikes. “The focus of the hikes are to have fun and get out in the community but also to learn about the local ecology and history,” Matties explained. She added that her background in conservation biology and ecology means she can tell hikers about the local environment, including the area’s ecosystem or natural history. “[The hikes] are themed [based on ecosystem]… there’s lots of really diverse areas here and one of the things I’m hoping to show is the diversity of ecosystems that are local and also accessible by walking or biking or different types of transport,” she added. The first hike, held on March 25, explores the Chedoke Stairs and Radial Trail area near the Chedoke golf course. The course runs just over 6 kilometres, and Matties hopes to show off different parts of the Niagara Escarpment, providing noteworthy details about the ecology and history of the area. “[We’ll do] a bit of geology and then also a bit of history of the Chedoke Radial Trail that formed on a previous railway,” Matties said. “Hamilton has a few different trails that are railways converted into trails which is unique and we can bike on them or hike and it provides an awesome opportunity to explore

the escarpment.” Groat is also excited to get a new perspective on the city, especially as spring blooms in Hamilton.

“I love that there’s all this nature and it’s so close by and more or less intact, especially in the Cootes Paradise area... Hamilton’s a cool place, and it’s nice to just meet people and chat... Really it’s about meeting people, having something to do on a Saturday morning.” Jeff Groat, My Dog Joe manager ”I love that there’s all this nature and it’s so close by and more or less intact, especially in the Cootes Paradise area,” Groat said. “And you know, it’s our neighbourhood. We do business here, customers live here, so I think it would be nice for us to celebrate that a bit and be good neighbours and you know, take part in the neighbourhood.” Groat is looking forward to learning more about the Hamilton environment, but he is also excited to see who is interested in the hikes. “Hamilton’s a cool place, and it’s nice to just meet people and chat. I like that part of this business here. I work behind the counter a couple of days a week, I see the same people all the time,” he added. Groat concluded that while only three hikes are currently planned, there is a possibility that more will follow throughout the summer based on the success of the first few. “Really it’s about meeting people, having something to do on a Saturday morning.” @RachAlbertaKatz


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NEWS | Thursday, March 23, 2017

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Student politics and you: where do other universities stand? Other universities also suffer from lack of interest in the legislative assembly Sasha Dhesi News Editor

As of March 10, the McMaster Students Union has elected their new Student Representative Assembly for the 2017-2018 term. Although the SRA serves as the main legislative body within the MSU, 10 of the 31 seats available were acclaimed. This contrasts last year’s SRA race, where nearly all caucuses saw a race, save for nursing. Although a peculiarity, such a phenomenon is seen on other university campuses and indicates a decline in interest in student politics overall in Ontario. Common threads throughout many Ontario campuses include low voter turnout, low attendance at general assemblies and low student engagement with student politics. Different universities have different structures of government, making exact comparisons difficult. But of the many universities in Ontario, a notable few have had a paltry

number of candidates, despite the size of the school. University of Waterloo Undergraduate population: 31,380 The University of Waterloo’s student union, or the Federation of Students, had over half of the seats on their council acclaimed, with 16 of the 25 possible seats with only one contender. These positions are mainly their faculty councillors. Entire caucuses, such as the math caucus and science caucus, faced no opposition. In addition, much of their senate was acclaimed, with two of the three senate member listed facing no opposition. Wilfrid Laurier University Undergraduate population: 19,000 The Wilfrid Laurier University Students Union uses multiple bodies to make up their governance, with a presi-

dent, board of directors, senate and board of governors. Of the five seats open on their senate, three seats were acclaimed. Brock University Undergraduate population: 18,000 Brock University Students Union includes a faculty council and a board of directors, the latter being voted in on one or two year terms. In their February executive election, where their president, vice president and board chairs are elected, one of the board chairs faced no opposition. It should be noted that the board chair is not a paid position in the BUSU. University of Guelph Undergraduate population: 18,697 The Central Student Association runs at-large elections for all of their executive positions, which include president, vice presidents and repre-


sentatives from different seven faculties. In the CSA’s last election, six of the eight faculty representatives elected had their seats acclaimed. Carleton University Undergraduate population: 20,471 Carleton University Students Association holds an annual at-large election for both the council and board of directors who make up their governing bodies. In their February election, six of the 24 available councillor seats were acclaimed. Western University Undergraduate population: 23, 500 The Western University Student Council has a complex structure due to its affiliate colleges, such as Huron and Brescia, which have their own elections separately. The Western USC’s voting mem-

bers include the presidents of their affiliate colleges’ councils and faculty councils. Huron College’s presidential elections happened with little fanfare, as there was only one contender. There is currently a vacancy in their dentistry council. Although many Ontario universities struggle with garnering interest in student politics, other schools thrive. The York Federation of Students, the University of Toronto Students Union and the Ryerson Students Union all have contentious elections, with upwards of 10 candidates for each position. Despite the lack of races this year, MSU elections have maintained the highest voter turnout in Ontario. Although this year’s SRA raises questions concerning student engagement in union politics, such a phenomenon is not exclusive to our campus, nor is it impossible to come back from. @SashaDhesi

1011 King Street West, Westdale Village 905.546.0000

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Thursday, March 23, 2017 |


Are Hamilton students prepared for their post-secondary education? Steven Chen News Reporter

For many Marauders, March is a reminder of deciding to attend university. The adjustment from high school into post-secondary is a step in formal education that every student in university has gone through, and the repercussions from being unprepared for university remain pertinent. The disparity between student transitions into McMaster life and academics begs the question of whether this falls on the individual student or whether there are underlying challenges in providing high school students adequate exposure to the university. Prepping for post-secondary Ontario students made up 96.3 per cent of the collaborative undergraduate regular session headcount at McMaster. “We draw significantly from our local community… I wouldn’t say that there are specific schools that we target within Hamilton but we visit them all and that demographic also reaches out to Halton and Peel,” notes Paula Johnson, assistant director of student recruitment. One could expect local high schools to provide a seamless transition into McMaster due to their close proximity to the university, however there remain challenges for students

to adjust to post-secondary life. “While I was prepared enough to follow lectures and take good notes, I definitely think writing is a different story. I wasn’t taught how to write a proper university level essay,” said Leaha Capriotti, a first-year Humanities student. Shan Bal, a Health Sciences student who previously attended Orchard Park Secondary School in Hamilton, shared a similar view. “The level of difficulty of school work in high school is drastically different in university,” he said. Bal indicated that he did not feel adequately prepared as compared to others. “Many of my peers were exposed to higher standards of rigorous academia during high school at a level that is equivalent or even higher than first year in university,” he said. The dialogue is different at the high school level. From the perspective of local high school students at Westmount Secondary School, we hear a confident attitude in terms of how they feel prepared for university life. “I definitely believe that this high school is preparing us extremely well for university and college and the post-secondary process in general simply because of the amount of flexibility they give you in the senior grades,” said Matthew Joseph, one of the senior students. “The pacing and the level

of responsibility really prepares us. I have friends from Westmount that have moved on and they were less intimidated by the all-nighters you may need to pull to get stuff done in university,” said Deanna Allain, another student. Regardless, the students still acknowledge that the transition into university is not as smooth as they would have liked. This hinges mainly on the sharp difference in academic workload. “One of the challenges [could be] a lot more reading. There could be much more written work than we are used to having,” admitted Allain. Getting engaged Westmount Secondary School strives to develop independence and time management for its students. The school provides flexibility in its curriculum and allows students to have the freedom to structure their own time. “I think that definitely prepares you for when you are having a heavier workload in university,” said Joseph. Jen Currie, head of student services at Westmount, describes the benefit of giving high school students adequate exposure to the university workload in preparation for post-secondary. “We have a large number who go to post-secondary and a large number that goes specifically to McMaster. We often get kids who come back and say

While I was prepared enough to follow lectures and take good notes, I definitely think writing is a different story. I wasn’t taught how to write a proper university level essay. Leaha Capriotti, First-year student, McMaster University

that they are well prepared,” she said. On the flip side, Currie has observed students switching to an “easier” high school in their final year in hopes of obtaining higher marks. “In this case, typically the students will come back [from McMaster] and say they wished they could have stayed.” “This high school spends a lot of time trying to shape a culture of high expectations. Westmount is more rigid in terms of assignment deadlines, and it is a self-directed school.” With respect to student

recruitment and providing students optimal exposure to post-secondary, Currie indicates her dissatisfaction in the amount of exposure McMaster offers students at Westmount and at other secondary schools in Hamilton. She believes McMaster is falling behind Mohawk College, in terms of student recruitment strategies and offering support to the Grade 12 students interested in the programs available. “Interactions with McMaster are often initiated on our part. Often I feel like it’s really us who are more interested in giving our students exposure to the university. I wish McMaster would do a little bit more,” Currie said. “When I look at the outreach program that Mohawk has done — they have counsellors out at every school, providing students with the application process. Sometimes it sways some of the kids,” she added. On the side of student recruitment at McMaster, Johnson explains the general undertakings of the university to give incoming students a sense of what McMaster is about. The university offers regular campus tours, fall preview days and March Break week tours. These work to provide an opportunity for prospective students to speak with staff, students and student services representatives. “We do try to ensure that

FEATURE | Thursday, March 23, 2017

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While current high school students feel prepared, current university students have expressed a lack of preparation. MADELINE NEUMANN/PHOTO EDITOR

we spend a significant amount of time visiting [local high schools], connecting with the counsellors. We attend their pathway events and their parent nights to sort of layer up and add more support to our local communities. However, we really don’t have a specific targeted plan in place”. Communication is Key Perhaps the important difference, as outlined by Currie, is that McMaster lacks a strategy that gives students individualized support in preparing them for post-secondary. For students who call Hamilton their home, the geographic closeness to McMaster interestingly serves as a double-edged sword. “The biggest advantage of going through school in Hamilton while transitioning to Mac is being able to come home to an unlimited supply of food and having the ability to see my family on a daily basis,” said Bal. On the other side, however, living from home in first year creates difficulty in adjusting to the social landscape of university. “McMaster representatives were always talking about the experience of living on residence. For me, [commuting to Mac] I know that really alienated me and a few of my high school friends that also go to McMaster,” said Andrew Leber, a first-year student. The theme of time management and organization appears rather frequently in discussions

Interactions with McMaster are often initiated on our part. Often I feel like it’s really us who are more interested in giving our students exposure to the university. I wish McMaster would do a little bit more. Jen Currie Head of student services, Westmount Secondary School

on how McMaster can facilitate a smoother transition from high school. “In high school, I feel that I never really had the opportunity to learn and implement effective study methods,” said Joseph Murray, a second-year Social Psychology student. Murray believes it would have been useful for high schools to begin emphasizing the importance of time management and effective studying earlier on. He would have considered it beneficial to have had a stronger awareness for

scheduling and organization, prior to coming to university. “Trying to learn these things now is especially difficult because I’ve formed some bad habits that can be hard to break,” he said. “It would be helpful having more exposure to the university’s environment, holding events for classes to come to Mac, or having members of McMaster visit the schools could assist with the transition to university,” Murray added.

The number of students who do not return following first year is 2.5 times higher in comparison to later years. This statistic lends support for the notion that transitioning into university from high school is difficult. From the perspective of students in the Hamilton community, a better understanding of university course load and stronger organizational skills may soften the blow of first year. Ultimately, as students suggested, this would require the

university to communicate more at the secondary school level. @steven6chen


BLAKE OLIVER Vice President (Education) 905.525.9140 x24017

It’s been just over two years now since I was first elected to the Student Representative Assembly in March 2015. Fresh faced and unfamiliar with the MSU, the most I knew about the union’s Vice Presidents was what I read from them in the President’s Page. Little did I know that a year later, I’d be elected to serve as Vice President (Education), eventually going on to detail my own projects to the student body via the SRA. Back when I first joined the SRA, it was my job as a new Assembly member to elect the incoming Vice Presidents. In preparation, I had to familiarize myself with their responsibilities and portfolios. Since spending a year on the assembly and a year as a Vice President, I can now say that I have a great understanding of what the MSU Board of Directors does. As well, I’ve been

March 23, 2017 |

around to see increased student engagement with these positions throughout the years. We’ve seen two referenda surrounding the way Vice Presidents are elected, a bylaw passed through the SRA to increase transparency of our elections process, and the introduction of a new event designed to encourage students to interact with candidates, affectionately termed “Meet the Veeps”. As one of the MSU’s three current Vice Presidents, I can confidently say that we work to represent all students to the best of our abilities. For myself as the Vice President (Education), I advocate on student’s behalf to the University and all levels of governments, while the Vice President (Administration) supervises all of the services that the MSU provides, and the Vice President (Finance) oversees our budget and works to improve our business units. As a team with the President, we make decisions on the day-to-day operations of the organization as a whole. We love the opportunity to hear from students – we’re here to work for you, so your input is incredibly valuable! Any MSU member (an undergraduate student enrolled in 18 units or more) may run

for the election of a Vice Presidential position or for the role of Speaker. To apply for any of these positions, you don’t need to form a team or run a campaign. You must, however, attend the Student Representative Assembly meetings on April 1 and 2 in Council Chambers (GH 111) and make your presence known at the first meeting. The election process gives each candidate the opportunity to speak to their qualifications and ideas, and then Assembly members will have the ability to question the nominees. More information can be found at msumcmaster. ca/elections. If you’re thinking about running, are interested in meeting

Any MSU member ... may run for the election of a Vice Presidential position or for the role of Speaker. the candidates running or learning more about the roles, come out to Meet the Veeps! This year, Meet the Veeps is being held on Monday, March 27 from 5 – 7 PM at TwelvEighty. If there’s a candidate you particularly like, feel free to reach out to your SRA member to let them know: they are elected to represent you, including your vote. See you there!

As one of the MSU’s three current Vice Presidents, I can confidently say that we work to represent all students.




TEXT ‘MSU’ TO 71441

The President’s Page is a space sponsored and used by the McMaster Students Union (MSU) Board of Directors (BoD) to communicate with the student body. It functions to highlight the Board’s projects, goals, and agenda for the year, as well as the general happenings of the MSU. | Thursday, March 23, 2017


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Editorial Making a stronger SRA

A series of thoughts on the legislative body from someone who has followed it for far too long

Scott Hastie Editor-in-Chief

With Student Representative Assembly elections finished, it’s time for everyone’s favourite kind of conversation: an “inside baseball” look at student politics. The SRA is an important group and play a significant role in shaping the student experience at McMaster. This is not up for debate. But the paradox is that the SRA represents students while not truly engaging them. As you can see from the news piece on page five, this is not a McMaster-specific issue; apathetic students who are a mix of too busy or disconnected from the school that they just don’t pay attention to these issues plague universities across the province. And the SRA will have its meetings every other week and they’ll have their circular debates that will feature the same comments about representing students. SRA members have to come to terms with this, especially those who are only on the assembly because they were acclaimed: the majority of your constituents did not or would not vote for you. 3,501 total votes were cast this year and if you use faculty numbers from the 2015-2016 McMaster fact book, that means only 21 per cent of people voted. This figure excludes faculties

S The Silhouette

that had acclaimed seats and it is not exact because the faculty enrolment was not immediately available. 21 per cent is a solid turnout for an election like this, but it is far from a license for an SRA member to vote however they want. Your job is to represent students and that consultation process only starts when you’re elected. It is bizarre how members of the SRA can be on completely opposite sides of an issue yet they say to be representing the McMaster undergrads. Do students from different faculties differ so strongly on separate issues? Or are SRA members just using their position to implement their own views instead of those they represent? This gets at a debate as old as the SRA itself: should SRA representatives vote for what their students want, or should they use their expertise they gain through sitting on different committees and reading over memos and reports to make more informed decisions? The right answer is a balance of these two. A number of SRA caucuses have improved the way they interact with students through Google doc feedback forms or increased visibility on social media. We need more initiatives like this to engage a passive student body, and that should be a top priority for the incoming SRA.

By engaging more students, we can increase the variety of voices that inform the legislative body and make it representative of the McMaster population. Soliciting the opinions of people with different experiences will only make for a stronger SRA. The flip side is the responsibility to become informed on the issues they are voting on. I find it hard to blindly trust the judgement of SRA representatives. Over the years, I’ve watched countless meetings where SRA members ask questions that can be answered by reading the documents provided. I’ve seen members sit through meetings with their laptops open to all sorts of random things. If the SRA is going to argue that they know more than the average student and that informs their logic, they need to be critical of other assembly members who shirk their responsibilities. Unfairly or not, one person slacking off undermines the student population’s confidence in the SRA. This year is especially important because of the lack of interest in the positions. To me, it says students do not see value in the legislative body. SRA representatives need to put more effort in than before to restore interest and trust in the group. @Scott1Hastie

to Spike Lee for directing Her. Nailed it! to best friends becoming lovers. to scone success. to crack-of-dawn life chats.

to Big Theory. to ignorant British conceptual art. to extreme close-ups. to weird class discussions. to angry movie goers.

to nerdy handshakes.

to “Hwie Mandel.”

to little shop of horrors samples.

to “I tried my hardest. Wish you had done the same.”

to passionfruit. to fast food Twitter beef. to the MUSC basement stairway gremlin. to pre-task questions. to dogsitting Skybot. to Serge Ibaka, throwing hands. to the Le Batard show. to free March Madness tickets. to finishing Game of Thrones

to arctic office. to Dale Shin, trashing Riverdale. Listen, Dale, there’s an incredible branding opportunity for you here. Start a blog called RiverDaleShin and look! You’re an internet celebrity. Ya blew it! CORRECTION On page three of the Mar. 17 issue, there is an error in the “More than what’s for dinner” article. We wrote that the funding came from the Mac10 Young Alumni Bursary. In fact, it comes from the Mac 10 Young Alumni Wellness Initiative. The Silhouette regrets the error.

We are hiring! The Silhouette is hiring for Volume 88! We are looking for editors, reporters, photographers, videographers, web specialists and graphic designers. All of our jobs are paid part-time gigs for McMaster students taking 18 units or more. Jobs close soon! Visit to find job descriptions!

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Thursday, March 23, 2017 |

What is one thing you would want to accomplish by the end of 2017?

Monica Snguon Human Behaviour II

By the end of 2017, the one thing that I want to accomplish is figuring out where I want to go with my career. Although I kind of have an idea, I am unsure about what I want to do. I’m in human behaviour right now and I know that I would like to work in a hospital, but there is no specific thing that I know that I would want to work towards. By the end of 2017, I’m going to have my placements done, so hopefully after the experience, I can see what I want to go into and try to work and experience more of it. That is a goal that I would like to accomplish in the education and career aspect of my life. Have you ever lied about something and got caught?


When did you start doing photography? I got my first point and shoot camera in Grade 9. I started learning and saved up for my first DSLR, it’s a Canon T5i. From there, I started playing around with it. I built up my skills through YouTube videos and self-teaching. I remember joining the Yearbook club in my high school and that helped to build my skills. Now I do wedding photography, portraiture, and work for the Marmor. How do you find wedding photography? Is it stressful? Something special like a wedding is nerve-wracking because they’re already worrying about so much, and you don’t want them to worry about you. I won’t lie, at my first wedding, I was so nervous. But, I just started shooting away, and I realized that you just have to do your thing. You have to know that you’re capable of doing a good job and that’s why they hired you. So I started shooting, the anxiety wore off, and it was such a great time in the end. What advice would you have for an aspiring photographer? Keep shooting and find your style. There’s so many photographers out there who still are

struggling to find their style, whether it be portraiture, landscapes, or the general vibe your photos give off. The most important thing is consistency with your style. If you try to do everything, you’ll blend in. It’s better to have a specific style, stick with it, and make a name for yourself with that style.

Kareem Baassiri Human Behaviour II

What’s your style? I’ve been doing a lot of “deep thought photography” recently. It’s not a technical term, but something I like to call it. I like to have every photo have a story behind it as opposed to having just a shot. I like to focus on elements that people might not notice at a first glance, but once you notice it, you can’t un-see it.

I guess this would be when I was younger, and very mischievous. I was always

told that breaking a mirror was considered bad luck and that it can cause you to have seven years of bad luck. My mom is strict. So, when I broke the mirror I was scared thinking that if she finds out she’ll get mad at me and I’ll also have seven years of bad luck. So, I tried hiding it from her, but I guess she ended up finding out about the mirror anyway. She came and asked me and my siblings about the mirror, and I kept telling her that it wasn’t me. I guess moms can always tell when you’re lying to them or not. She caught on and she caught me with that lie. Surprisingly, she didn’t say anything about it. I guess she could tell that I was scared so she just said that it was fine and she let it go. She can be strict but she’s also very kind.

Yung Lee Photo Reporter | Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Silhouette | 11



A new type of grass at McMaster? Lower emissions and cost are achievable with clover Saad Ejaz and Hetal Patel Contributors

It may be difficult to imagine, but there are all sorts of creative alternatives out there to help create a more sustainable campus. Typical discussions about sustainability tend to talk less about how to conserve water in our lawn maintenance endeavours. Although there is not much thought given to water use in this context, highlighting issues like these can be a solid first step in developing a respectful attitude towards water use and decreasing wasteful activities. As Canadians, we are privileged enough to have access to one fifth of the world’s surface freshwater. However, we are not always mindful in our use of this scarce resource. If we continue to contribute to the upward trends of wasteful water

usage, we may fall victim to water scarcity at home. One of the greatest waterconsuming activities we engage in is maintaining our gardens and lawns. On average, traditional grass lawn size of 0.18 acres needs an estimated 40 to 70 litres per day to water. McMaster’s total landscape area, taken care of by the grounds staff, is 300 acres. This means that we use roughly more than 100,000 litres. A traditional green lawn serves the purposes of recreational use and aesthetic value. However, what if we considered an alternative that could serve those same purposes while using less water? A substitute for traditional grass lawns are clovers, which have become a popular alternative due to the benefits that they present. This is largely due to clover being inexpensive, easy to grow and requires little

attention and maintenance. Currently, the cost of a traditional grass lawn is estimated between $8 to $12 for 4,000 square feet. This may not seem like much, however it is quite expensive when we compare it to the cost of having clover. It costs approximately $4 to plant clover over an area of four thousand square feet. Why not opt for the cheaper alternative and save money? While it does require initial watering, the clover lawn requires little to no additional water once established. This would allow us save hundreds of liters of water that would otherwise be consumed for the same purpose. Another important point to consider is that each year we spend hundreds of dollars on grass lawn maintenance. We can reduce this cost through the use of clovers since they are nitrogen fixing plants that enrich

the soil with natural fertilizer. In addition to not needing chemical fertilizers, clover also stays green in the driest part of the summer without the need for water. As much as we may enjoy

The costs of traditional grass lawn mowing and maintenance can range from $214 to $322 on average for 0.18 acres. Imagine the amount of money McMaster spends on lawn maintenance for over 300 acres of grass.

mowing our lawns on a John Deere lawn tractor, clover does not require any mowing maintenance. The costs of traditional grass lawn mowing and maintenance can range from $214 to $322 on average for 0.18 acres. Imagine the amount of money McMaster spends on lawn maintenance for over 300 acres of grass. Looking at it from an environmental perspective, there would be a lower release in greenhouse emissions due to less use of machines that mow the grass. Not to mention the amount of money we would be saving on gasoline, the purchase of a lawn mower and the maintenance of the mower. These are massive costs that we can save at McMaster, and we can use that money towards other sustainable development practices. @TheSilhouette

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Thursday, March 23, 2017 |

Hamilton’s trans rights protocol is progress

Reducing societal rejection and increasing policy based on the medical community is beneficial Alexander Sallas Contributor

Content warning: article contains mentions of suicide On March 6, Hamilton city councillors approved a new transgender rights protocol. Trans people can now use bath and change rooms based on their gender identities. A blank write-in box will be added to city forms beneath the male and female options and disclosing someone’s gender identity without their consent is an official form of discrimination under the Ontario Human Rights Code. Lawyer Nicole Nussbaum called the motion “on the cutting edge of best practice”. The move is also in alignment with McMaster’s Trans Inclusion Project, which is in the process of degendering at least one washroom per campus building and providing education and outreach materials. These are positive steps forward to the quality of living and inclusion of trans people in our city and school. Unfortunately, one of the main concerns that continues in spite of these actions is the regressive thinking on this topic that still runs rampant. The most frightening evidence related to this is how the abnormally high suicide rate among the trans population, 41 per cent compared to 4.6 per cent of the overall U.S. population, is largely a result of this societal rejection. A 2012 study found 57 per cent of trans youth who did not have supportive parents attempted to commit suicide in the past year, while just 4 per cent of transgender youth with “very supportive” parents did. A 2014 Williams Institute study found the prevalence of suicide attempts among trans and gender non-conforming people is elevated among

Unfortunately, one of the main concerns that continues in spite of these actions is the regressive thinking on this topic that still runs rampant.

those who disclose to everyone that they are trans or gender non-conforming and among those that report others can tell always or most of the time that they are trans or gender non-conforming even if they don’t tell them. It is clear that the ostracization and ridicule performed by anti-trans individuals greatly increases the number of the trans and non-gender identifying attempting to kill themselves. These startling statistics are proof that we need to continue to work towards inclusivity. Hamilton’s and McMaster’s advancements towards understanding, including and accepting its trans community are great steps, but they should be seen as progress rather than an as end goals. These actions also represent steps forward in policy based on health care as the medical community increasingly sides with the pro-trans movement. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the standard criteria for the classification of mental disorders, was updated in 2013 to replace the diagnosis of gender identity disorder with gender dysphoria. This original GID diagnosis was interpreted by some to imply that gender variance was mentally unhealthy, that it reinforced the binary model of gender and that it resulted in additional stigma for trans people. The new gender dysphoria classification, in comparison, applies only to the discomfort experienced by a person that results from gender identity issues. These policy adjustments by Hamilton and McMaster represent the ability to update to modern definitions and try to leave behind outdated perspectives on those affected. The left is often accused of emotional pandering and prioritizing feeling over fact. In these cases of increasing the mental wellbeing of those affected by reducing societal rejection and making decisions based on the most recent developments in psychology, facts are on their side. I applaud the Hamilton city council for this recent move and McMaster’s continued efforts on their Trans Inclusion Project.


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EVENTS CALENDAR Night of MakeBelieve When: March 23, 2017 8:00PM–11:00PM Where: Bridges Café Night of MakeBelieve will provide an opportunity to showcase the talent of McMaster students and clubs, while promoting the amazing work that arts-based McMaster clubs do within both the McMaster and greater Hamilton community. The night will feature musical and drama performances from McMaster clubs and any students looking to perform, as well as guest speakers who will discuss the therapeutic benefits of using art as a coping mechanism and a way to build confidence in at-risk youth.

Spring Valedictorian nominations open until March 24 When: Now until March 24 at 4:30pm The nomination period opens on Monday, February 27, whereupon information

packages will be available from the front desk of the MSU office (MUSC 201), as well as from the MSU website via msumcmaster. ca/valedictorian. Candidates will have until 4:30pm on Friday, March 24 to submit their nomination packages to their respective faculty or program offices. Successful applicants will subsequently be contacted to present a draft version of their valedictorian address to the selection committee during the month of April.

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14 |

Thursday, March 23, 2017 |


Free speech or approved speech? McMaster and protesting students did a disservice to Jordan Peterson and open discussions

C/O TAMMY PETERSON Pavle Arezina Contributor

I attended a talk from psychology professor Jordan Peterson on March 17, 2017 at McMaster. What I and others saw and experienced was shameful. It was a failure on the university security for doing nothing, a failure as a student body for not being able to listen to an opposing opinion without spouting vitriol and a failure on McMaster for condoning this behaviour. Have we, as a respected university, come to a point where opinions deemed invasive to someone’s safe space must be stamped out immediately? This crusade led by the select few to destroy the ability to speak freely about certain topics that offend them is a

dangerous trend that needs to be addressed at McMaster. At the event, I saw more people convert to Peterson’s view on topics he has discussed because of the unethical behaviour shown by the protestors. There were many who only wanted to have an honest debate about the pros and cons of Jordan Peterson’s stance on Bill C-16 and other issues. Through the barrage of hate sent by these vocal protestors, Peterson calmly spoke to the majority who strained to hear the message he was stating. Even more impressive was that he tried to start a dialogue with the protestors at the beginning of the lecture, despite the fact that the three professors planned for the panel dropped out due to pressure from this

minority. The drone of slurs he received made it clear that he would be getting nowhere. Protesting had the opposite effect of what they are trying to achieve. You think being screamed at and equated to a worthless human being will make me consider your opinion more valid than a person who is offering open discussion? Where was the campus security to remove these people? The amount of people in the room alone should have caused them to eject anyone not in a seat due to the fire hazard. They did not want to appear discriminatory against a certain subset of people. They did not want to remove people who are clearly disrupting the event, clearly getting into Peterson’s face and presenting a safety hazard.

It seemed as though McMaster was scared of damaging their reputation, and was willing to risk the safety of their students instead of attempting to remove the protestors. It is clear that there is a majority of students who wish to educate themselves and learn more on topics that interest them. The more open we are to considering ideas that are different, discussing the merits of them and debating in a civil manner, the better off as a university we are. We have sacrificed our ability to critically think about issues in the name of not offending every group on campus. As a society, imposing views on a group of people is never an answer to any issue we face. Instead, we should



collectively come to a solution that addresses the issues we all face. Our neighbours to the south represent what can happen when you demonize a set of people on their beliefs instead of engaging in healthy debates. I am not saying to approve anything anyone wants to preach about. People who incite violence towards groups or doesn’t follow the rules set forth by the university should clearly be denied access to a platform. We should not get rid of events and clubs that support and provide a place of safety for those marginalized. All we can do is take a long hard look at the state of free speech at our campus and ask whether more can be done to protect it.

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The Silhouette | Thursday, March 23, 2017

| 17

Arts & Culture Great northern comics Kalman Andrasofszky of Chapterhouse Comics sets out to create the first Canadian comic book universe Hess Sahlolbey Contributor


As we celebrate Canada’s sesquicentennial this year, the comic book community in Canada continues to bloom in unison. With that growth has come many waves of Canadian comic book creators contributing to our nation’s growing artistic tapestry. Nowhere was that more evident than the downtown core of Toronto for its annual ComiCon. Every March, Toronto ComiCon takes over the city center for a three-day affair full of homegrown comics and their creators. One of the fixtures at Toronto ComiCon and FanExpo is Chapterhouse Comics. Filling almost a third of the artist alley with multiple panels throughout the show, the creatives at Chapterhouse Comics and their output is becoming impossible to miss. The genius shepherding this expanding universe of comics and titles is Kalman Andrasofszky. A native Torontonian, Andrasofszky continues to reside in the city, where he is a member of the Royal Academy of Illustration and Design, also known as the RAID cooperative art studio. Located in Little Italy, the studio is composed of sequential artists, illustrators and designers. Andrasofszky’s studio-mates are working on established properties like Superman and Spiderman, and while Andrasofszky occasionally contributes cover artwork for Marvel, he has mostly left the mainstream American publishers to fill the role of Editor-in-Chief at Chapterhouse Comics, and their flagship series Captain Canuck. “Captain Canuck started off as a design gig. One of my studio-mates was acquainted with people that were re-writing Captain Canuck... I started off by redesigning the character

and the costume,” said Andrasofszky. The classic Canadian superhero was created in 1975 by Richard Comely and Ron Leishman. The reboot Andrasofszky contributed to consist of a new, modern version of Captain Canuck whose new story and design were used for an animated series. The series was crowd funded and aired from 2013 to 2014. The success of the animated series allowed for a one-shot comic book which was released on Canada Day in 2014. That issue preceded a still ongoing monthly Captain Canuck series. Andrasofszky continues to write the series and collaborates with Leonard Kirk who provides the interior art in the series. “Canada has never had really had a consistent comic book industry. There have been glimmers like the Canadian Whites in the 1940s, though there was a period during World War II where all American imports were banned. For five years all these Canadian superheroes were being published and once American comics came back our heroes faded away,” explained Andrasofszky. “What we are trying to do now with the Chapterhouse is [to] license these old creations that have heart... and weave them into something bigger. We’re hoping that other people

“For five years all these Canadian superheroes were being published and once American comics came back our heroes faded away.” Kalman Andrasofszky Editor-in-Chief Chapterhouse Comics

will understand why we love these characters and love them as much as we do.” The next release in this expanding universe will debut on May 5 for Free Comic Book Day, co-written by Canadian actor, director and screen-writer Jay Baruchel. “[Baruchel] is a grade-A, diehard comic book nerd and there is nobody more enthusiastic about Canada than him” said Andrasofszky. “We’re calling it Captain Canuck—Year One which is kind of a flashback for the character to his time serving in the Afghanistan war, “ said Andrasofszky. The series will be three parts which will then be collected into a graphic novel. Adding to the row of talent working on Year One is Andrasofszky’s studio mate, interior artist Marcus To, who is currently the artist on Nightwing, while the cover art will be handled by David Finch, who is currently working on Batman. On the long term spectrum, Andrasofszky and the team at Chapterhouse Comics are looking into a full length animated feature film, followed by possible live action Captain Canuck film. “No dates have been set yet, but things are happening in a way that hasn’t happened for the last few months. Things are ramping up and its super exciting. Having [Baruchel] walk into the room with you really changes how seriously people take you and how willing they are to open check books.” The success of Marvel Studios and their cinematic universe may be many years away for Chapterhouse, but the work of Andrasofszky and fellow creators have successfully laid the groundwork for a mainstream breakthrough for Canadian comic books. Perhaps it won’t be long before a new red and white super patriot crashes enters the big screen.

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Thursday, March 23, 2017 |

New brewers on the block Rust City Brewery hopes to turn their downtown cafe location into a brew pub

Top right: Pretzel bagel with garlic goat cheese and an arugala and red pepper sandwich. NICK BOMMARITO / PRODUCTION EDITOR Haley Greene Online Editor

While there is no shortage of local venues to enjoy local craft beers and coffee, none have aspired to brew their own beer and roast coffee in downtown Hamilton. That is, until the official launch of Rust City Brewery, which had their grand opening on March 16. Located on King William Street, right around the corner from the James and King intersection, the family-operated coffee house and craft beer pub is a stand out amongst other higher-end restaurants on the street. When entering the coffee and beer house, chances are you’ll probably be greeted by one of the three owners: Nancy Malcolm, James Malcolm and

Gabriel Spiegelshrift. The three consider themselves to be family and each take on a specific role within the business structure. “James looks after the beer and the coffee and Nancy looks after the kitchen. I am more of the infrastructure side of it,” Spiegelshrift explained. After years of traveling, the trio decided they were going to build Rust City Brewery together. “Chicago was when the revolution [happened] where we [said], we can do this too,” said Spiegelshrift. Rust City Brewery prides itself on its unique casual atmosphere. “We wanted to address that by having a café, a beer café. We’re not a bar. Even though we have a huge selection of beer on


draught and a huge selection of beer bottles… we also have a coffee roaster so we really wanted to [incorporate] that,” said Spiegelshrift. A list of bottled craft beer and cider hangs on the side of the counter while a chalk menu lists the beers that Rust City Brewery has on tap. All of which are from small independent craft breweries in Ontario. Their beer list is constantly changing but main staples include beers from Beau’s All Natural Brewing Company, Great Lakes Brewery, and Nickel Brook Brewing Co. All of their coffee is organic, fair trade and roasted on site in the large coffee roaster displayed amongst the seating. The beer café also offers a coffee and roasting education program where customers can taste and

learn how Rust City Brewery’s coffee is roasted. While deciding what to drink may be tough, choosing what to eat is made easy by the large variety of organic, vegetarian and gluten free options. “All of our food is made inhouse… we strive for organic, locally sourced, independent producers as much as we can,“ explained Spiegelshrift. “ Nancy [is in charge] of the food and she is a vegetarian herself, so she is very geared towards that and trying to have options.” Despite their intentions to begin their own line of beers, Rust City Brewery is not yet brewing at their current location. The City of Hamilton currently has strict zoning rules preventing brew pubs from opening up in the downtown



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core. In a press release, Rust City noted that changes to this by-law will be presented to city council for approval in June. “People are really excited… brewing beer is so revolutionary… It represents this total defiance of standing up for doing what you are. Because [of] that, people get behind the movement and want to do it. [Beer] represents just hanging out and expressing the collective joy of things in the social,” said Spiegelshrift. Next time you’re downtown, make sure to stop by and try the popular homemade pretzel buns and a glass of the Hop X Cider from Hamilton’s Revel Cider Company.


A&C | 19 | Thursday, March 23, 2017

Sugar, spice and everything nice From delicious dinners to desserts, here are some of Hamilton’s excellent Asian food offerings Michelle Yeung A&C Reporter

In addition to the few existing establishments that serve Asian food, restaurants that feature new-wave food trends from Asia such as dessert bars, snack joints and tea houses have been popping up left and right in Hamilton in recent years. These spots may be newly-minted in our Steel City, but have been rife in Asian metropolitan hubs such as Taiwan and Hong Kong for years. It’s nice to see that there are more places for international and Asian-Canadian students to go for their version of comfort food, and for people of other cultures to have opportunities to experience different types of cuisine. Here is a list of Asian spots, both old and new, for you to visit, whether to satisfy your cravings or to expand your horizons: 1. Crystal Dynasty Chinese Restaurant Crystal Dynasty has been a long-time staple for authentic, delicious, affordable Chinese food in Hamilton. This is one of the few spots in the city where I can find the tastes that truly remind me of home, a sentiment that many of my Chinese peers have shared. (Trust me, that’s a big deal.) Although they have a variety of stir-fry plates and other Chinese dishes, their main draw is their specialty dim sum. The dim sum is made fresh daily and so true to tradition that it

has kept locals returning for years. Regardless what you choose off the menu, you’ll be in for some scrumptiously authentic Chinese family fare at a great price. 2. Sugar Marmalade Sugar Marmalade is the newest and most notable addition to Hamilton’s dessert offerings. Although its primary draw is authentic Taiwanese desserts, Sugar Marmalade boasts an extensive menu that will satisfy more than just your sweet tooth. There are shareable appetizers for guests to munch on (Taiwanese style popcorn chicken and spicy curry fish/ beef balls are a must) and entrée options for those who are stopping by for more than just a quick bite. Of course, no Taiwanese joint is complete without specialty drinks, of which there is a grand variety, from fresh juices, to Italian sodas and bubble teas galore. They offer traditional Taiwanese/Chinese desserts, including many flavours of Taiwanese shaved ice, specialty thick toasts and fusion desserts such as crepes, puddings and cheesecakes. The endless choices on the menu may be overwhelming, but it’s reassuring to know that any choice you make will be a tasty one. Also be sure to check out 8090 Tea House (149 King Street East) and Hazel Tea and Dessert House (1686 Main Street West) for similar delicacies.

3. Porcelain Hot Pot & Lounge and Liu Liu Hot Pot To clarify, hot pot is a type of cuisine in China, Taiwan and other East Asian countries that consists of cooking a variety of ingredients in a simmering metal pot of stock at the centre of the dining table. Typical ingredients include thinly sliced meat, vegetables, dumplings and seafood. Once cooked, the food is dipped into a variety of sauces to add different flavours. Hot pot reminds many people of Asian descent of home, myself included. This is a meal that would typically be eaten on cold, winter nights at supper time, with an entire family sitting around the table cooking food for one another. In Hamilton, Liu Liu Hot Pot has been around for years, but remains as one of the city’s best spots for a fresh, affordable and authentic hot pot meal. Its patrons adore the cozy interior and the great selection of ingredients, especially for their all-you-can-eat hot pot option. They also have delicious broth bases and make their dipping sauce using a secret family recipe. Porcelain Hot Pot is a newer addition, but also features an authentic hot pot experience closer to campus. Customers often commend the quality of their broth and ingredients, two essential aspects to a high-quality and tasty hot pot meal.


Sugar Marmalade’s black sesame panna cotta and durian panna cotta. C/O INSTAGRAM @SUGARMARMALADE















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Thursday, March 23, 2017 |

Culinary Class Act

Bul & Gogi Downtown Korean barbeque is a must try for hungry students on a budget Daniel Arauz A&C Editor

What is it? If there was a meal to cure a miserable, late winter day, a sizzling stone bowl packed with rice, your favourite meat or tofu, veggies, and kimchi from Bul & Gogi Korean BBQ may be your best choice. Bul & Gogi is an often overlooked dining option when students first begin exploring the James Street North neighborhood. What it lacks in foodie popularity, it more than makes up for in its delicious and generous portions of Korean BBQ and other South East Asian cuisine. Must-order item If you’re coming to Bul & Gogi, you better come hungry. To tide yourself over before your big lunch/dinner, start with the mildly spiced, warm and chewy skewered rice cakes. Don’t be mistaken by their size, these cakes can be a little filling if you are having them by yourself, so they are perfect for splitting with a friend. While there is a vast selection of BBQ, hotpot and noodle options, my personal go-to will always be one of their stone bowls. It’s a simple, elegant way of serving the reliable meal of rice, protein and a ton of veggies, alongside a tray of a daikon, kimchi and other extras to spice up your meal, all served and cooked in steaming granite bowl dressed with sesame oil. If you’re feeling especially hungry, I highly recommend adding an egg for an extra dollar. Watching your egg cook before your eyes as you mix it in your piping-hot bowl is simple, culinary bliss.

How to get there from Westdale/Ainslie Wood Take any downtown bus to Main and MacNab Transit Terminal. Walk over to King Street through the bus terminal, and then walk down James Street North until you reach Cannon Street East. The restaurant is directly across Smalls Coffee and Mixed Media art supply store. Price range Appetizers start at $4 to $10. Most of their options are priced at the lower end of that range. Stone bowls are incredibly filling, and depending on your choice of protein, the bowls will run $9 to $12, including an added serving of miso soup. Larger portions of soups, noodles, stews and BBQ rolls are generally around $7 to $8. Korean BBQ platters start at $7, all the way up to $20, but all options include miso soup, steamed rice and salad. Why it’s great It’s hard not to love the James Street North and Cannon Street East location. It is conveniently located for students travelling to the downtown core, and it provides one of the more affordable dining options on the street. The staff are always friendly, and even provide a fridge full of free ice cream or popsicles for anyone who dines in. For me this place has been a consistent dining choice for the same group of friends I’ve had since high school. It caters to our gargantuan appetites, without having to go to one of the pricier, all-you-can eat locales. Bul & Gogi has always provided a reliable meal to break up a day out in the sun or much needed comfort after another winter semester week.

BBQ eel stone bowl. Eel, assorted veggies, fried egg served in a bowl with Korean hot sauce. C/O JENNA IACOBUCCI

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22 |


Thursday, March 23, 2017 |

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It’s like you’re not there

Drive now. Text later. | Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Silhouette | 23

Sports Marauder men capture bronze After being knocked out in the semi-finals by Trinity Western, the McMaster men’s volleyball team capped off their season with a bronze medal victory at the U Sports championships Camila Stupecka Contributor

The McMaster men’s volleyball program finds themselves on the U Sports podium for the fifth consecutive season but in a similarly disappointing position. The Marauders fell in the semi-final before winning the bronze medal match to win their fifth medal in as many years. Following a five-set win against the Université Laval Rouge et Or on March 17, the Marauders qualified for the semi-final game against the top seeded team of the championship, the Trinity Western Spartans – a familiar opponent. In last year’s national championship, the Marauders fell to the Spartans in four sets in the final, settling for a silver medal. With all of this in tow, the Marauders anticipated a challenging semi-final match. Though Mac took the first set off the Spartans, Trinity Western steadied to win the next three sets. “I think it was just a matter of execution, we know we can play at a level that will allows us to defeat anyone and we believe in our selves as a team but in that match we just didn’t execute a high enough level,” said Andrew Richards, a fourth-year outside hitter.

“Losing is never easy, but to bring home the bronze medal is something that we are very proud of.” Andrew Richards Fourth-year outside hitter McMaster men’s volleyball With their hopes of a national championship gone, the Mac men did not want to go home empty handed. Following their semi-final loss, the Ma-

rauders returned to the court to face the University of British Columbia Thunderbirds in the U Sports third-place match. Determined to finish the season on a winning note, Mac made quick work of the Canada West finalists in straight sets, taking home their third bronze medal in the past five seasons.

Mac’s win over UBC marked the final game in the distinguished careers of Danny Demyanenko, Andrew Kocur, Jayson McCarthy and Seyar Karimi. “Losing is never easy, but to bring home the bronze medal is something we are very proud of,” said Richards. Mac’s win over UBC marked the final game in the distinguished careers of Danny Demyanenko, Andrew Kocur, Jayson McCarthy and Seyar Karimi. The four seniors were paramount to the team’s success, which completed an undefeated season in OUA play, capped off with an OUA championship win in front of a home crowd. Throughout their respective careers at Mac, they were able to carve out a culture of excellence that will be carried on by teammates such as Andrew Richards and Brandon Koppers. Although the Marauder men fell short of the gold medal, the successes they enjoyed this season should outshine their shortcomings. The Marauder men will continue to be the perennial powerhouse in the Ontario University Athletics conference, and come next season, will hopefully make better on their national championship performance. C/O ALISTAIR BOULBY

24 |


Thursday, March 23, 2017 |

Varsity Vitality

The story behind the stats of Danielle Boiago’s career Lauren Beals Sports Reporter

She is McMaster’s all-time leader in points and steals. Third on the Ontario University Athletics’ all-time scoring list. A twotime U Sports All-Canadian first team member. OUA player of the year, OUA Defensive Player of the Year and, as of last week, the first Marauder ever to win the Nan Coop U Sports National Player of the Year. You would be hard-pressed to find a better resumé in all of McMaster history, or have a conversation about the greatest of all-time without putting Danielle Boiago at the top of the list. But as bright as the spotlight on Boiago has been since she first arrived at McMaster, there is more to her than the titles beneath her name. Never one to boast about her accomplishments, there is also a player, a person, who has been a part of her program and this community for five years, known only by the people closest to her. So as we look back on an incredible career, it seems only fair to introduce the person few fans ever got the chance to meet.

The Role Model

“I remember before I signed with McMaster I went to go see the girl’s team play against Brock at Brock University,” said Jelena Mamic, a fourth-year guard on the women’s team. “As I was sitting in the stands, Danielle automatically stood out to me. Not only was she this first year starting for a varsity team, she was an absolute threat on the court. I remember Mac had the final

shot of the game in order to win or lose and Danielle sank a 3-point shot that was probably three feet away from the actual three-point line with seconds left. After seeing that I knew I’d want to play with her and learn from her. She had the confidence and skill of any fifth year player and she was only in her first year.” As easy as it is to see the influence Boiago has had on her teammates on the court (averaging 4.3 assists per game, third most in the OUA this year), but it these moments that have often gone overlooked. Having such a gifted player can be enough to grab the attention of other talented recruits, drawing like-minded individuals to the program and creating depth in the team, something Boiago has done from the start. “Danielle was a highly touted recruit for both Canadian and American schools,” said women’s basketball head coach Theresa Burns. “At the end of the day I think she decided she had what she needed here in terms of basketball and academics… and it has turned out wonderfully for the program. To have someone of her calibre here that people could watch and see not just read about if she had gone somewhere else… I think that was good for the basketball community.” Having coached Boiago alongside assistant coach Anne Marie Thuss for the duration of her career, Burns felt first-hand the impact that watching Danielle could have from when she was still in high school. “From the first time I saw her play we knew she was special,” said Burns. “Special players have that aura about

them on the court, she is pure scorer she could always find a way to put the ball in the net. She could score inside outside, she had that passion and that drive… you could see it from day one.”

The Workhorse

“I think the thing that will always stick out to me about Danielle the most is her dedication,” said Rachael Holmes, a fellow fifth-year guard. “Whether it was a Sunday afternoon after a weekend, 7 a.m. on a Tuesday in the off-season or an hour after practice, you could always find Danielle in the gym.” When you see someone as skilled as Boiago, it can be easy to assume that their level of play is just a product of their natural talent. But talent can only take a player so far if it is not developed. With a tireless work ethic, Danielle was always the type of person to keep pushing herself further, and nothing

Danielle automatically stood out to me. Not only was she this first year starting for a varsity team, she was an absolute threat on the court. Jelena Mamic Fourth-year guard, Women’s basketball


speaks to that better than her progress over the years. Since 2012, Danielle has improved in almost every statistical category including assists (2.0 to 4.3), three-point shots per game (1.9 to 2.7), points per game (15 to 19) and field goal percentage (29.7 to 44.1). “There is a lot of talent in the OUA,” said Holmes. “There are a lot of extremely hard workers in the OUA. When you combine those two attributes that is when you get the really special players — that is how Danielle created a tremendous McMaster career. She became the best because she was talented but never satisfied, she worked every day to elevate her game and elevate the team.” Take Boiago’s play on the defensive side of the ball as an example. Coming out of high school scouts knew she could score, she was fast and smart but her skill defensively still offered room for improvement. Standing at just five feet and

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seven inches, some might have questioned how far it could go. But since then Boiago has seen her total number of steals improve from 2.4 to 3.3 per game, best in the OUA. Even more impressive, her rebounds per game improved from 4.5 to 7.0, bested only by players more than half a foot taller. “She grew every year,” said Coach Burns. “She was never satisfied, always trying to be better and add something to her game. In terms of her skillset, her defense, her leadership… she always added something. That is her work ethic. That is her drive.”

The Teammate

“In every practice and game that we’ve had Danielle always shares her input and gives advice in order for her teammates to improve,” said Mamic. “In practice if she’s defending me or any other player and she sees something we could have done better or smarter she instantly tells us. That’s just the type of person she is. Yes she cares about her own game but she also cares just as much about her teammates, if not more.” Working with Boiago meant anyone on the team had the chance to improve in the same way that she was. But even teaching was a skill honed overtime. “In her first year she was pretty quiet, didn’t say a lot,” said coach Burns. “You could see leadership skills but it was more actions providing the leadership… but [since then] she has become more confident. You can see that maturity as a person; she can talk to her teammates and say what needs to be said.” Hard to believe that someone who speaks volume on the court would ever be considered “quiet,” but personality is just one more aspect of who Boiago has grown to become. Whether it is joking around with teammates after a game or pepping up a rookie who had a rough night, it is the small gestures of her demeanor that really shape the relationships around her. “It was during exam time in December and Danielle and I had some time to shoot around and workout in the gym.” said Mamic. “We got some shots up for a bit, but then we both made the workout into a competition, where the first one to make five pull ups on each side would win. Even though I don’t like to admit it, Danielle did win… plenty of times. But during the whole thing we would bicker back and forth and try to throw each

other off rhythm. We would be mad and frustrated if we did not win a round… it was great… That’s what Danielle did for me. She pushed me, not just on that day, but every day. I will forever be grateful for that.” “What’s better than being able to play basketball with my close friend and the U Sports Player of the Year?”

The Finale

After one of the best seasons women’s basketball has seen Boiago and her team’s playoff run came to a heartbreaking end this year after a one-point loss to Carleton in the OUA semi-finals. Looking back on an athlete’s career, it is always how they play in the face of adversity that seems to be the most telling, and her performance that night was no exception. “In the game against Carleton, I remember us being down and looking around and thinking ‘this is going to be tough,’” said Linnaea Harper, a third-year forward. “But as I looked at Dani… her eyes still had that belief in them that they always had. [my belief] we could do it was reassured.” “I think that’s another thing special about her: her leadership didn’t always necessarily come from her words, but from her confidence. She is very modest, but every time she stepped on the court, she and everyone else around her knew she was the best player on the court and that it would be a battle and fueled our team. In that Carleton game, you could tell the fire in her was the brightest it had ever been. Every time Carleton would make a play, you’d better know that Dani was coming to the other end to drill a three, an and-one, — you name it, she would lead us there.” Unfortunately, it was not meant to be as the team fell 5554 in regulation. But even after a game that could have easily been the OUA final, with a result that could have fallen either way, Boiaga was not the player to just walk away on the strength of her own efforts. She took the time to rally her team and leave them with a message that with resonate for years to come. “Along with the other graduating seniors, [their message] was that we believe in our hearts we gave it everything we had,” said Burns. “We are so happy to be a part of this… and [we] hope they left the program in a better place. I know for Danielle she certainly has. What she has accomplished is just phenomenal. To put up the stats she

has, to be the leader in points and steals…it is just crazy how amazing it is. To say we are proud of her… it doesn’t even come close.”

The Friend

“One game I remember taking a charge,” said third-year guard Erin Burns. “Danielle was the first one to sprint all the way from across the floor to pick me up and give me pat on the back and high five. That is just the kind of player and team leader that she is. If a teammate falls down she is there to pick you up.” For all of her incredible games and statistical performances, if there is one quality that stats will never be able to capture, it is way Boiaga treats her teammates. It doesn’t matter who you ask, if there is one thing every story about her has in common it is the genuine love she shared for those around her. “She is just a really special person. As a third-year walk-on

who doesn’t get many minutes, whenever I did something well on the court, Danielle would be the first one on her feet giving me a standing ovation and smiling from ear to ear,” said Adrienne Peters. While she was very humble about her own accomplishments, she never let someone else’s accomplishment go unrecognized… I think that’s one quality that sets her apart from other competitors in our league. So as we say goodbye to one of the best of all-time, it is only right that we look back on the person beyond the numbers. The role-model, the workhorse, the teammate, the friend. Farewell Danielle, we hardly knew thee.


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Thursday, March 23, 2017 |


Marauders fall short at nationals

Coming off an OUA final victory, the McMaster women’s volleyball team was unable to carry that momentum into the U Sports national championship Cullum Brownbridge Sports Editor

The season for the McMaster women’s volleyball team came to an abrupt end at the U Sports national championships on March 17 – 19. Despite entering the tournament as the number two seed as the winners of the Ontario University Athletics conference, the Marauders were quickly bounced out of the quarter-final by Trinity Western Spartans from Canada West in straight sets. The Spartans would ultimately win the bronze medal game over Montreal. “We were facing a highly motivated team, who was fully prepared and very eager,” head coach Tim Louks said of Mac’s loss against Trinity Western. “Our preparation was reasonable, but it was trying to play out our game plan that was hard. [Trinity Western] have a versatile offence, and have tall blockers, which is similar across teams from the Canada West conference.” All three teams coming from Canada West finished in the top three in the U Sports championship, with the University of British Columbia Thunderbirds avenging their Canada West finals loss by beating the Alberta Pandas in four sets to capture their 11th national championship. With all three OUA teams failing to finish in the top five at nationals, there is an apparent gap in the competi-

tion at the national level. “The volleyball IQ in Ontario is not the same as it is out west,” Louks said after the national championships. “They are much more prepared to begin their journey. Some of the kids will sit out a couple of years because they are deep in talent… we are validated amongst the best in Ontario, but we cannot do so at the U Sports level. Toronto won nationals last year, but we were unable to replicate that type of play.” Mac’s season ended one day later on March 18, where they were unable to replicate their OUA final performance against Western, ultimately losing in four sets to the Mustangs. Fifth-year middle Alicia Jack and third-year outside hitter Aleks Arsovic each led the Marauders with 11 points in the effort, while fourth-year middle Maicee Sorensen contributed 10 points of her own. “Not a lot of changes were needed going into that game against Western,” Louks said. “Their serve was tougher, and that kept us off balance early. They made us run around more and played with more resolve than we did.” Mac’s loss against the Mustangs marked the third straight trip to nationals where the Marauders were unable to win a single match, finishing seventh/eighth for the third consecutive time. Despite this, the women’s volleyball team accomplished a lot this season, having finished

first in the OUA West division and winners of the OUA championship on March 11 at the University of Toronto. “I was proud of our resolve throughout the season, to collaborate and trust each other to stay on track,” Louks said. “I applaud the effort and characteristics of what sports bring out; determination, perseverance and resolve. To watch it unfold in person was pretty impressive.” McMaster’s gradual development to becoming a top team in the OUA has been pushed along by the players’ development outside of university volleyball. As the offseason begins, many Mac players go on to play provincially and nationally, where they can improve their volleyball skills and increase their palate, to the point that it helps expand the program even more. Even with the progress the team has made, Louks

stresses the importance of continuously moving forward. “In order to get better every year, you are required to view the work under constant scrutiny,” Louks said. “We have to ask ourselves ‘how do we raise

“I applaud the effort and characteristics of what sports bring out; determination, perseverance and resolve. To watch it unfold in person was pretty impressive.” Tim Louks Head coach McMaster women’s volleyball


the bar? Is our offseason competition good enough? Is our support of sending players to nationals good enough? Is our scouting and recruitment deep enough?’ There is a lot pressure on the players as student athletes, and they have shown their resolve by consistently playing at a top level while succeeding academically.” The end of the season also marks the end of the careers of Alicia Jack and outside-hitter Rebecca Steckle, both of whom have completed their five year eligibility. The team will retain OUA West First Team All-Stars Maicee Sorensen and Joanna Jedrzejewska for next year, along with Aleks Arsovic, libero Carly Heath and setter Caitlin Genovy for next season. @Curtains1310

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