The Silhouette - September 26, 2013

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TIME FOR SOME Supplementary Fees


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ENGINEERS WITHOUT BORDERS Julia Redmond News Editor After paying tuition, many students may not know what happens to their money. But organizers within the McMaster Students Union are working to see that changed, and show students what happens to their fees. The finance committee of the MSU has proposed changes to a bylaw that would see student groups have their levies put up to referendum on a regular basis. The bylaw in question deals specifically with the five non-MSU, non-university organizations that currently receive a portion of student funding. “What this bylaw essentially does is give [students] more information on where their money is going,” said Daniel D’Angela, MSU Finance Commissioner and Social Science SRA representative. The groups that fall under this category are Ontario Public Interest Research Group, McMaster, Engineers Without Borders, Incite Magazine, the McMaster Solar Car, and the McMaster Marching Band. The money these five groups collect from the student body amounts to $10.86 for each full-time student. And despite the enthusiasm of key players within the MSU, the groups affected have come out in vocal opposition of the motion. “It’s an inefficient way to consult students,” said Lexi Sproule, co-president of the McMaster chapter of Engineers Without Borders of the proposed system. Under the changes, EWB and the other four organizations would have their levy put on the presidential ballot as a referen-




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dum for students to vote on every roots organizing and through the three years. funding of student and communi“It’s not very in-depth feedty-led working groups. back,” said Sproule. “Even if you Of the five affected groups, get approved, you don’t know OPIRG currently collects the if students have any issues with largest fee, at $7.57 per student. how you run things. It’s so much However, the fee is refundable energy for feedback that’s kind of within three weeks of the drop superficial.” and adds date in September. Proponents of the referen“We give students the oppordums disagree. tunity to take that money if they “I don’t think that once every need it or if they don’t support three years having to spend two the work we do,” explained Kojo weeks going out and telling stuDamptey, also on the OPIRG dents about what you do, I don’t Board. think it’s that taxing,” said Jeff ”We’re the only organization Doucet, on campus that does that.” EWB currently collects 37 The threat of OPIRG McMascents from every full-time underter losing its funding is not ungraduate student. While not makheard of; other OPIRG chapters ing up their across Ontario, entire budget, including those the approxiat the Univermately $7700 sity of Toronto it receives goes and at Queen’s “[Without the levy] I directly to don’t think we’d be able Univerfunding stusity, have come to operate - that’s what dents particiunder scrupating in the tiny through keeps us going.” Junior FellowNOPIRG camship Program, paigns, which Yuvreet Kaur, OPIRG board a four-month aim to abolish member volunteer the system of placement contributing overseas. student fees to While the dollar amount per the organization. student is small, the effect the In the case of Queen’s, potential loss is on some of the NOPIRG organizer Stuart Clark organizations is significant. told the Queen’s Journal he was “[Without the levy] I don’t opposed to the levy because of think we’d be able to operate— “the use of publically available that’s what keeps us going,” said funds for certain activities that Yuvreet Kaur, one of eight student don’t reflect the values of the board members of OPIRG Mcentire community.” Master. Mac’s chapter, however, feels OPIRG McMaster is one of a that its values align very well with network of organizations across the university. the province, which promotes social justice issues through grassSRA TO VOTE, A3


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INCITE MAGAZINE *Tuition figures are based on faculty-wide averages. BEN BARRETT-FORREST / MULTIMEDIA EDITOR

MSU lobbies for better HSR service Stephen Clare Features Editor Bus service changes were part of President David Campbell’s platform during the election race last January, and now he’s set to make good on those promises. “The HSR bus pass fee is triannual, so every three years we renew it with the HSR,” said Campbell. “Our current agreement is expiring in April, so it was already going to come to referendum in January. That’s what inspired me as part of my platform to say ‘there are a lot of improvements to service we could think about here.’” The improvements Campbell is seeking give this year’s negotiations a different level of importance. “In the past, when it was getting renewed, it was a lot of ‘let’s just renegotiate the cost for similar levels of service.’ But now we’ve taken a more aggressive approach in the sense of early on in the year we wanted to make contact with the HSR and say ‘we obviously want to renegotiate our current agreement, and where can we make some improvements,’” said Jeff Doucet, VP Finance. The MSU has prioritized what it hopes to accomplish, and an agreement regarding bus service for summer students tops




MSU committee pushes bylaw changes that would see student groups put to referendum

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that list. A Facebook poll found that students, too, overwhelmingly regard it as a chief concern. Thousands of students remain on campus in the summer taking classes or working, but currently the bus pass included in tuition expires at the end of April. Students taking classes can purchase a slightly discounted summer pass at Compass, but the rate it is significantly more expensive at $72 per month than the $63.08 students pay per semester in the Fall and Winter. Also among the MSU’s priorities is extending bus service later into the night. That’s a concern that the HSR says it has heard from other groups in the community. “We were surprised,” said Doucet. “We’re not the only people saying the buses aren’t running late enough. One o’clock, 1:20 is pretty early to stop the buses in a major city.” “It’s a safety thing, too, right? It’s adequate provision of service,” added Campbell. “It’s not just drunk people getting home, it’s people getting home safely from the bars, from work, from wherever they might be.”


the S ’ T N E D I S E PR E G PA David Campbell President

ext. 23885

HOMECOMING EVENTS OCT 4th: HOMECOMING EXPO Food Trucks | Live Music | T-Shirt Giveaways 12 PM - 5 PM on BSB Field

Dean Brody Concert

Tickets Available at Compass

#MacHomecoming13 Homecoming may be my favourite annual event of the school year. After Welcome Week, it is rare that we get an opportunity as a university community to come together and celebrate our school in such a dramatic fashion. It becomes very easy to let the sense of pride we all have in McMaster be swept under the rush of school work and other commitments. Homecoming offers a brillant chance to put on some maroon and reflect on how lucky we are here at Mac. I have always felt that Homecoming should be an even broader event. A big football fan myself, I couldn’t help but feel we were missing out by not celebrating all of our other Mac athletes as well. Also, I belive that Homecoming should be a time to show off the other amazing elements of our campus life, as well as the diverse range of communities which help inspire excellence at McMaster. That’s why this year we’re going to expand the celebrations. With the help of Alumni and Athletics and Recreation, we have put together a whole weekend of events. I particularly hope you attend our newest event, the Homecoming Expo. On Friday from 12 PM to 5 PM, we will be featuring food trucks, McMaster bands, and tons of games and giveaways on BSB field. The event is rain or shine, so don’t miss out! To complement the Expo, we have a great concert (shine your cowboy boots), and a full weekend of sports, including the annual football game. So come on out and celebrate the amazing community we have here at McMaster!

OCT 5th: FOOTBALL GAME McMaster Marauders vs. Waterloo Warriors 1 PM Kickoff

OCT 6th: SOCCER & RUGBY Women’s Soccer vs. UOIT: 1 PM Women’s Rugby vs. York: 1 PM Men’s Soccer vs. UOIT: 3:15 PM


Spencer Graham VP (Education) ext. 24017

OUSA, Youth Employment and You “Will my degree get me a job?” is probably one of the most common concerns of today’s students. Although the constant nagging fear of joblessness has plagued students for years, the 2008 global economic downturn has arguably worsened labour market prospects for new job seekers. Youth unemployment in Ontario is more than double the provincial average at 14%. This is partially because the struggling economy has kept older workers in the workplace for longer, while the role of the employer in workplace training has dropped considerably. The Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) is lobbying the government to help graduates transition from university to the workplace. Just a few weeks ago, OUSA released its latest government submission, “Youth Employment: Reimagining the link between learning and labour”, which details multiple in-depth strategies for the Ontario government to address its staggeringly high youth unemployment rate. OUSA addresses four central themes in Youth Employment: expanding work-integrated learning, equalizing access to university for underrepresented groups, investing in student entrepreneurship, and stricter regulation on unpaid internships. I’m particularly fond of the section on fostering entrepreneurship within our universities. Students are bursting at the seams with ideas. But with upwards of $40,000 in student debt and a lack of technical support, students are often unable to translate their innovative ideas into sustainable business models. OUSA is recommending that government devote funding for establishing the necessary infrastructure and academic/experiential programming at Ontario universities. Some of our neighbours are ahead of the curve. The University of Waterloo has been running its student-centered idea incubator VeloCity since 2008. Since then it has helped students launch many successful businesses. At McMaster, the MSU has been a leader in advocating and leading a current initiative for an entrepreneurship centre of our own; presently, the MSU and McMaster are working together to draft a proposal for a student-focused incubator space. With student, faculty and government support, we will give McMaster students the space, skills, and resources necessary to start their own businesses. If you’re interested, send me an email for details! The issue of unpaid internships has also garnered recent media and political attention. You may have heard the story of the two Black Swan production interns suing for unpaid wages, or Nova Scotia MP Scott Brison’s mission to raise awareness on the estimated 100,000 cases of unpaid internships in Canada. In Ontario, the Employment Standards Act (ESA) theoretically protects workers from exploitation, yet many employment violations currently go unenforced. This problem is exacerbated in the 18-24 age range, as many young professionals fear losing out on valuable and hard-to-find experience. With the plight of unpaid internships finally coming to light, OUSA is recommending that the ESA be strictly enforced, and that the ESA include protections for students in work-integrated learning environments. These recommendations, coupled with increased government investment in work-integrated university learning, constitute a strong antidote to Ontario’s exacerbated youth unemployment rate.

Spencer Graham VP (Education)

David Campbell President

Anna D’Angela VP (Administration)

Jeff Doucet VP (Finance)

The President’s Page is sponsored by the McMaster Students Union. It is a space used to communicate with the student body about the projects, goals and agenda of the MSU Board of Directors.



Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013


Editors Julia Redmond & Tyler Welch & Stephen Clare Email


Phone 905.525.9140 x27117


Schedule changes in proposal to HSR FROM A1

for what service may be appropriIn addition to adding more ate. However, they’re also keeping bus service at night, the MSU their expectations measured. would like to see current bus “[Changing the bus schedtimes changed to better service ules] is a major change. That’s the the university. Currently, the HSR one that sort of ranks lower in our increases the priorities because amount of buses we recognize how through campus difficult it would at busy times, be for the HSR to but the increase do,” said Camp“[Changing the bus is spread evenly bell. schedule] is a major throughout the Still, a hour rather than change. [It] ranks lower positive aura clustered around surrounds the times when class- in our priorities because discussions as a es start or finish. we recognize how whole. “We’re “We were along well difficult it would be for getting thinking ‘let’s and we’re really the HSR to do.” look at the optimistic about University 51 what can happen. and say ‘this has David Campbell, MSU President There’s been a lot been identified of give and take,” as a line for the said Campbell. university […] Hopefully maybe this is the one we can play come January, students will see around with,’’” said Doucet. some of these options on the They are looking to other ballot. municipalities, such as Doucet’s hometown of Ottawa, as a guide @FeaturingSteve


Fresh crop at art museum


Sofia Topper The Silhouette From the Hellenistic Era to the Space Age, the McMaster Museum of Art covers it all. Thursday, Sept. 19 marked the opening of the Museum’s fall 2013 exhibits. The exhibits span the spectrum, from modern art like John Noestheden’s Sterrenstof, ‘Stardust’ in Dutch, to Worldly Possessions, curated by Professor Gregory Davies and several of his McMaster students, containing Baroque art and natural specimens. Noesdtheden’s works explore the mathematics of astronomy and site-responsiveness, creating works that command the gallery. On a deeper level, Sterenstof also explores our origins on a cosmic scale, and describes our entrancement with the notion that we are all, in fact, stardust. Another new exhibit, Thelma Rosner’s Homeland, also examines our origins on a more domestic level. This vein is quite different from her past work that focused on patterns and repetition, but Homeland still incorporates these phenomena into captivating painted cross-stitch rugs, with motifs that morph into machine guns. This work is also influenced by her interest in craft, showcasing mediums like textiles and calligraphy that were once thought of as lesser, women’s hobbies. Worldly Possessions, described by curator Prof. Gregory Davies as “ambitious”, also explored a setting of rapidly shifting values, the 17th century Netherlands. This exhibit seeks to explore how acquisition of wealth was justified in a highly moralistic society, especially when that

SRA to vote on changes


wealth resulted from the horrors of Colonialism. Davies says he hopes that visitors “reflect on those ideas, especially as they apply to their own lives”, as two of the main themes, consumerism on the backs of the third world, and humanity’s interaction with nature, are equally applicable today. Voyager, featuring Albrecht Dürer, William Hogarth, and Patrick Mahon with Stowaways, explores moralizing through art as well. The “ship of fools” trope is used to show the consequences of poor behaviour in an attempt to dissuade the view from engaging in the same sins. Shipwrecks, showing vessels in states of devastation and demise, add an immediacy to the message. Antiquities, curated by Owen Phillips and Dr. Spencer Pope, showcase McMaster’s collection of ancient glassware and Greek and Roman coins. The glassware collection is an enlightening glimpse into the everyday life of our ancestors, and the art they produced.

Likewise, the coin collection gives us information about the economic, political and artistic culture and, with research occurring right here at Mac, tell us about the political structures of antiquity by showing where metals for coins come from by creating “isotope profiles for silver deposits,” as explained to me by Dr. Pope. He believes that the exhibition is an incredible way for students to interact with artifacts direct. The on-campus museum, with free admission for students, is a place to get out of the Mac bubble and think about the world as a whole. It is a chance to ponder how the very roots of civilization in antiquity, flowing through the moralistic lessons of the Baroque era, influence the conflict in the near east and our daily lives on our own “ship of fools” and our place in the universe.

“Our current president [Patrick Deane] talked about forward with integrity—we’ve been doing that for two decades here,” said Damptey. He emphasized that the working groups funded by the group, which address a range of social justice issues, are the product of student ideas. “There are certain working groups that a lot of the McMaster population is familiar with,” echoed Board Member Sabeen Kazmi. “Other groups…like the McMaster Farmstand and MACycle started under OPIRG.” OPIRG and the other four organizations involved are seeking not only to make students and SRA members aware of their role on campus, but also to voice their opposition to the process of the bylaw changes being made. Sam Godfrey, co-editor-inchief of Incite Magazine, expressed her concern with the idea of a referendum to determine fees. “It’s hard to measure worth… by whether the majority of students read [Incite]. If you only funded things that the majority wanted, you wouldn’t have the same kind of community at Mac.” However, D’Angela said that his impression was that the groups were in support of amendments. “I met with them midway through the summer, the fee holders, and overwhelmingly, I’d say they agreed with increasing with transparency,” he said. Sproule explained that while EWB is completely supportive of financial transparency, no mention of the proposed changes was made. “All we heard was ‘great job’…what are we supposed to do

with that? If we’d heard they had concerns, we’d be happy to change things,” she explained. The bylaw changes were made within the Finance Committee but did not involve any further consultation with the groups.The process of amendment also didn’t involve notifying the groups when the motion was set to go to the SRA for voting; a system that was met with concern by OPIRG, Incite, and EWB, but to others was not problematic. “If the finance committee decides to make a change because they feel we need more democratic input, should they notify the groups in advance that they make their change, before it goes public? I’m not sure if that will change the conversation that much,” said Doucet. The discussion on the proposed changes will continue at the upcoming SRA meeting, scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 29. Despite the opposition raised by the five groups, who are expected to present at the meeting, D’Angela and Doucet stand by the Finance Committee’s suggestion. “If students want to have democratic input, referendum is the most efficient way to do so,” said Doucet. “We think that the students are smart, they are intelligent people and they’re able to weigh the pros and cons of any single vote,” explained D’Angela upon being asked about the effectiveness of a referendum. “We think that students are able to make decisions if you give them the right information and give them the important information.” @juliaeredmond

CANADIAN CAMPUS NEWS Christie Chan The Silhouette

Carelton faces censure from national union

New laboratory launched at University of Waterloo

Canadian gives $120M to Rhodes Scholarship

UWO and York professors begin hunger strike

UBC pledges money for sexual abuse couselling

The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) has threatened censure if Carleton does not agree to rewrite a $15-million donor agreement. The two-year political management program was launched with a donation from Calgary oil baron Clayton Riddell’s foundation. However, the agreement also gives Riddell’s representatives a spot on the program’s steering committee. The CAUT said that it is unacceptable to “have a steering committee with anybody from the donor on it” and will hold its next meeting at the end of November.

The Electromagnetic Radiation Lab is part of a new $15-million Centre for Intelligent Antenna and Radio systems. The University of Waterloo hopes that it will foster revolutionary discoveries in wireless research. The lab can analyze electromagnetic fields radiated by objects of any size from a strand of hair to a two-ton truck. Researchers will be able to learn more about higher frequency electromagnetic waves. The research it facilitates could lead to advances in satellite communication, health care, imaging technologies, and nanotechnology.

John MacBain, a Canadian former Rhodes Scholar, is giving 75 million (120 million CAD) to the prestigious program that allows accomplished students to study at the University of Oxford. It is the largest single donation to the program since its founding in 1903. The Rhodes Trust said that MacBain’s donation would be used toward sending the current 83 students to Oxford each year, but also be put toward expanding the program. MacBain said that he hopes the program will expand to include students from outside of the Commonwealth like China or Brazil.

Dr. Tarek Loubani and John Greyson have been jailed without formal charge in Egypt since August. Loubini is an assistant professor at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry and Greyson is a Toronto-based filmmaker and York University professor. The pair was travelling to Gaza where Loubani planned to provide training in emergency room management when they stopped at a police station to ask for directions. The reason for detainment remains unknown. The hunger strike began after the two men were told that they may be imprisoned for up to two years.

The students of the Commerce Undergraduate Society at UBC has pledged $250,000 in the aftermath of the frosh week chant scandal. The Sauder School of Business said that it will ensure such inappropriate events will not reoccur in order to make all students feel safe and welcome. The money pledged will be used to hire a counsellor to work in the university’s counselling service for a minimum of three years.


Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013



Executive Editor Jemma Wolfe Email Phone 905.525.9140 x22052

to ottawa, and my friends there.


Wanderlust versus the world It’s a dangerous business, going out your front door but you should anyway

to the very first week of the rest of our lives.

to gre’s, lsat’s, and everything else my friends are struggling with.

to the mousetrap.

to bureaucracy.

to cherub, hopefully.

to mri’s. again.

to everyone who has given me a home, around the world.

to early morning trains.

to ‘70s folk playlists. to catching up. Jemma Wolfe Executive Editor As anyone who knows me well can attest to, I have an inexhaustible, uninhibited, all-consuming desire to travel. And while my modest means can’t currently match my wanderlust, I am determined to see the world – sooner rather than later. So when I read about the recent tragedy in New Zealand, it hit close to home. As you can read in detail on A5, recent Mac grad Joanna Lam and her boyfriend Connor Hayes lost their lives in a freak accident on a beautiful Fox Glacier highway, when it appears that a sudden landslide sent their rented car over a cliff into a river, and their vacation prior to starting new jobs to a horrible end. So far, only Ms. Lam’s body has been found. It’s stories like that that make me wonder. Make me anxious to travel, to explore, to go on adventures. It’s not just sudden natural disasters; it’s Kenyan mall shootings and London bus bombings and Boston Marathon terrorism that make it easier

and easier to find excuses to retreat back into the comfort of home and the safety of the familiar. Contrast that with the international study/volunteer abroad fair held in the student centre atrium on Monday. There’s a wealth of opportunity at McMaster students’ fingertips, be it in the form of eight-month exchanges to summer abroad research scholarships to even part-time campus jobs to put towards a post-grad travel fund. I have yet to meet a person who has said their travels were time and money ill-spent. It is through travelling that we learn the most about other people, other places, and most importantly, ourselves. If I had never gone to Europe, I wouldn’t know what it feels like to sip beer in a real German biergarten (table dancing and all), or to sit spellbound as Judi Dench commands the London stage, or to lay in wonder in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. I also wouldn’t know that I’m capable of taking planes and trains in foreign countries on my own; of getting lost where no one speaks English and

finding my way; of realizing that if I save and plan and just go, I don’t have to wait for anybody - I can make my own adventures. Like Joanna Lam, I’m a recent Mac grad. I’m also in my early twenties. And I have often talked with my own boyfriend (who patiently humours my itch to travel) about spending time in Australia and New Zealand, and seeing all the wonders of that amazing corner of the world. In some ways, that couple could have - or could be - us. But thinking like that is no way to live. Certainly, travel requires one to be savvy, street-smart and to plan for the unexpected. Travel also requires one to let go of the fear of fate. While I cannot speak for Ms. Lam, I would bet that she wouldn’t advise her McMaster peers to stay home and let the world pass them by. Neither would I. @jemma_wolfe

to spoiled milk.

to tastebuds, g.e., and local farmers. to sil writers turned lawyers turned sil writers. cool. to sweet pea. to travels abroad. to gossip mugs. to the weeks when thumbs-up flow faster than thumbs-down. to r.p., continuously, with love, without end.

to not-so-obscure tolkien references. to doomsday downton abbey predictions. to credit cards. to ignorant website comments. to three-quarter sleeves. to vintage pens. to a few more hoops to jump through. to rotten fruit, and the accompanying flies. to the bases.

The Silhouette

McMaster University’s Student Newspaper

EDITORIAL BOARD Jemma Wolfe | Executive Editor Scott Hastie | Managing Editor


There’s more MSU advocacy behind the scenes In reply to “MSU’s ‘You’ve Paid Enough’ campaign should tackle rising tuition” by Sarah O’Connor, published Sept. 19, 2013 online First of all, I want to thank the writer for calling attention to the rising costs of undergraduate education. However, I feel it necessary to elaborate on the current state of the Ontario tuition debate, in which the MSU and our partner lobby group, the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) are heavily invested. After a prolonged period of consistent MSU and OUSA lobbying for a tuition freeze for Ontario students, in spring 2013 the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities announced a new tuition framework which lowered university tuition increases from five per cent to three per cent. This framework is now locked in place for the next four years. Having pushed this agenda, the MSU and OUSA response is simple - a three per cent increase is better than a

five per cent increase, but clearly not the freeze that students deserve. Ontario students still pay the highest average tuition in Canada, and the MSU/OUSA tuition freeze stance still very much remains in effect. As the tuition framework is now set for the next four years, both the MSU and OUSA have expanded our tuition focus to lobbying efforts targeting flat-fee tuition and payment deferral fees. Flat-fee tuition is a model whereby students taking courses beyond a certain threshold are charged a flat rate, regardless of the number of courses in which they are enrolled. This threshold can be as low as 60 per cent of a full course-load at some universities. We’re pushing the government to mandate per-credit tuition at all Ontario universities.

The MSU and OUSA are also fighting against deferral fees, which are unreasonable tolls passed on to students who are forced to miss payment deadlines, due to late OSAP release for example. At McMaster, if you miss the Sept. 1 payment deadline, you pay an additional $50 plus added interest at 14.4 per cent. Finally, the MSU will continue its efforts to save students money by addressing any unfair course fees that have been wrongly levied on-campus, hence the “You’ve Paid Enough” campaign targeting violations of the Ancillary Fee Protocol. Spencer Graham MSU Vice President (Education)

Andrew Terefenko | Production Editor Anqi Shen | Online Editor Julia Redmond | News Editor Tyler Welch | Assistant News Editor Stephen Clare | Features Editor Sam Godfrey | Opinions Editor Laura Sinclair | Sports Editor Alexandra Reilly | Assistant Sports Editor Amanda Watkins | LifeStyle Editor Miranda Babbitt | Assistant LifeStyle Editor Bahar Orang | ANDY Editor Cooper Long | Assistant ANDY Editor

About Us

Write To Us

Section Meeting Times

MUSC, Room B110 McMaster University 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4S4

Letters to the Editor should be 100-300 words and be submitted via email by Tuesday at 12:00 p.m. to be included in that week’s publication.

News Thursdays @ 3:30 p.m.

Yoseif Haddad | Photo Editor

Opinions Tuesdays @ 1:30 p.m.

E–Mail: TheMcMasterSilhouette Production Office (905) 525-9140, extension 27117 Advertising (905) 525-9140, extension 27557


Eliza Pope | Assistant Photo Editor

Sports Thursdays @ 12:30 p.m.

10,000 circulation Published by the McMaster Students Union

The Silhouette welcomes letters to the editor in person at MUSC B110, or by email at Please include name, address and telephone number for verification only. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters and opinion articles. Opinions expressed in The Silhouette are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editorial board, the publishers or the University. The Silhouette is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the McMaster Students Union. The Silhouette Board of Publications acts as an intermediary between the editorial board, the McMaster community and the McMaster Students Union. Grievances regarding The Silhouette may be forwarded in writing to: McMaster Students Union, McMaster University Student Centre, Room 201, L8S 4S4, Attn: The Silhouette Board of Publications. The Board will consider all submissions and make recommendations accordingly.

LifeStyle Thursdays @ 10:30 a.m. ANDY Tuesdays @ 5:30 p.m. Video & Multimedia Thursdays @ 4:30 p.m. Photo Fridays @ 12 p.m.

Ben Barrett-Forrest | Multimedia Editor Karen Wang | Graphics Editor Emily Scott | Video Editor Sandro Giordano | Ad Manager

Grad killed in NZ crash Aurora Coltman Silhouette Intern The wreckage of a rental car belonging to 24-year-old McMaster alumnus Joanna Lam and her boyfriend, Connor Hayes, 25, was discovered in a gorge off the Haast Pass road, towards the western coast of South Island in New Zealand on Sept. 10. The investigation is on going, but one body, presumed to be Lam’s, was discovered near where the car’s fuel tank washed up. Bad weather near the time of their disappearance has left the police suspecting that the vehicle was hit by a landslide and swept away in high-moving waters. A reporter for Radio New Zealand, Ceinwen Curtis, is covering the case. She reported seeing boulders the size of houses that were left behind from the landside on the same stretch of road where the couple had been travelling. However, police spokeswoman Barbara Dunn told CBC Hamilton, “Until we get some evidence, we don’t know; we’ve got a serious crash investigation underway, but at this stage… we are keeping very much an open mind as to what’s

happened.” The rescue team, now consisting of a heat-searching helicopter, a specialist search dog, and a search and rescue boat is attempting to find Hayes. A friend of Lam’s, Tamara Sagadore, told CBC, “I think it’s just really difficult because everything’s so unknown, especially because it’s from such a distance. I spoke with her right before she left, and she was just so excited and optimistic, and now this happening. It’s almost unfathomable.” The families say it was especially unfortunate as the couple was in New Zealand on their way to Lam’s new position as a medical imaging specialist for the radiology department at Nelson Hospital. Lam graduated from McMaster in June 2010 with a degree in Medical Radiation Sciences. The search continues, but police have yet to find any clues as to Hayes’ whereabouts. The families await official news from the Tasman District New Zealand Police on both Hayes’ whereabouts, and the official medical records.

Film festival a success Michael Ryu The Silhouette It was 5 p.m., Sept. 20, a Friday night. Despite this, the Lyons New Media Centre in Mills Memorial Library was full. The drone of conversation filled the room as students and McMaster alumni waited eagerly for the commencement of the second annual McMaster 24 Hour Film Festival. The festival, co-founded by Chris McAllister and Greg Atkinson, was created as a response to the growing popularity of the Hamilton 24 Hour Film Festival. McAllister wanted to “bring [the level of competition] down to a level where everyone can participate and everyone can get involved.” Mirroring the Hamilton 24 Hour Film Festival, its McMaster counterpart is a competition between teams of aspiring filmmakers. Each participating team must create a short film integrating three randomly chosen elements: a location, a line and a prop in the plot. These three elements are selected and announced at the beginning of the festival. Once declared, the groups are allocated 24 hours to create, shoot, edit and finally submit the short film. Omar Siddiqui, a philosophy and political science major attending McMaster, described his participation in the festival as a stressful yet meaningful experience, saying “you learn how to deal with [the lack of time], you learn what worked, what didn’t and what you should spend more time on.” Other participants also viewed their experience in a positive light. Spencer O’Connor and Ben Lee, both McMaster students majoring in humanities and multimedia, found the event to be, “stressful… but a good collaborative process.” The only ‘non-McMaster’ team was made up of Westdale Secondary

School students Spencer Reid, David Loukidelis, Blaise Petric and Michael Dismatsek. The team described their involvement in the festival as “a ton of fun,” despite facing some setbacks. “During the night, we tried to film at a waterfall somewhere and the rain just started coming down and we had to flee the venue so that our equipment wasn’t damaged,” they said. It was a memorable experience for Rob Dick, an alumnus of McMaster. He was aided by his children who were involved in creating “a track shot with rollerblade wheels and wood scraps that would roll down the railing to get a steady shot going up and down the stairs.” The short films created by the teams will be critiqued depending on the level of “integration of the three elements… technical acumen… and [whether it] is entertaining to an audience,” stated Chris McAllister. The ten highest-scoring films will be screened at a gala held in the Hamilton Art Gallery on Friday Sept. 27 at 6:30 p.m. There, a panel of five industry judges as well as the audience will evaluate the films and declare the victor of the festival. The first festival, held in 2012, attracted over 16 teams. This year a total of 19 teams partook in the event, many of which participated in the festival the previous year as well as in the Hamilton 24 Hour Film Festival. 18 teams were composed of McMaster students and alumni, while one team was composed of students attending Westdale Secondary School.





Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013


Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013




Province urges universities to further specialize Anqi Shen Online Editor In a leaked framework proposal, the province expressed an urgent need for universities and colleges to specialize more in niche areas. The Ontario government sent the draft to administrators, seeking clarification on strategic enrolment plans and feedback on metrics tied to funding. The leaked document, entitled “Ontario’s Proposed Differentiation Policy Framework: Draft Discussion Paper” and marked confidential, comes on the heels of expected changes to the post-secondary sector by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. The document stresses the need “to protect the gains of the last 10 years” in the face of current fiscal challenges. The Ministry stated that it “has opted for differentiation as a primary policy driver for the system” and outlined eight components under which institutions can be evaluated. The components range from teaching and learning to innovation and economic development. The government also proposed evaluation metrics to be used in funding considerations, based on discussions with various stakeholders since 2012. Some metrics include teaching-only faculty, student employment outcomes, employer satisfaction, research productivity and distribution of credentials. Already, the proposed framework is raising questions about institutional autonomy and student impact, particularly for those living in northern and rural areas. On Sept. 24, OPSEU, a union which represents more than 8,000 college faculty, requested that joint task forces be set up “to both mitigate the negative impact of any changes on faculty, but also to achieve the changes to the objectives.” Since roundtable discussions began last year, CFS-Ontario and OCUFA have expressed concerns about differentiation being a cost-saving measure. OUSA has cautioned that teaching and research should not be separated in the differentiation process. In response to recent concerns, MCTU minister Brad Duguid said, “We [the province] will

not be micromanaging but we do have a stewardship role.” He said the province would “use funding mechanisms to drive change in the system.” “If there’s a world-class institution doing something in one area and another institution down the road wants to get in on it, that doesn’t really make sense,” he said. Duguid also emphasized the importance of “building a culture of innovation and entrepreneurialism.” “Some of our institutions are doing a tremendous job [of doing that]. We need to encourage that because it’s going to benefit graduates in any field.” For McMaster University, a large-sized school with approximately 24,000 full-time students, one challenge will be to reconcile

“ does force us to demonstrate to the ministry how we can be more effective than other universities. It will also provide certain avenues for collaboration.” David Wilkinson, McMaster Provost

high research intensity with a student-centred approach - two facets that have been identified as equally important in the University’s 2011 “Forward With Integrity” mandate. With greater differentiation, it remains to be seen how the university will effectively balance the two priorities. McMaster’s provost, David Wilkinson, said the proposed framework is not surprising but it is unclear how the province will move forward in terms of funding. “It’s too early to tell what the impacts [of the framework] might be,” Wilkinson said. “It’s certainly a competitive process and it does force us to demonstrate to the ministry how we can be more effective than other universities. It will also provide certain avenues for collaboration.” Like other Ontario universities, McMaster is already differentiated to an extent—for example, the University is well known for

its school of medicine and flagship interdisciplinary programs. Laurentian University, a smaller institution in Sudbury with a total of 9,700 students, has also been setting itself apart from other institutions. Laurentian released its strategic plan in 2012, outlining the University’s distinctive programs, including mining engineering, sports psychology and applied geophysics. Laurentian president Dominic Giroux said the university has looked to expand programs that aren’t readily available elsewhere. “When I first came in [Apr. 2009], the strategic plan was 16 pages and had 102 priorities – I wanted the board of governors to submit to us a report of no more than five pages to identify a limited number of signature programs in research excellence. It took us about 10 months. What came out loud and clear at the initial stage was the need to focus, focus, focus,” Giroux said. “Differentiation shouldn’t lead to program expansions or closures - it’s an issue of where more space should be allocated,” Giroux said. By Oct. 11, administrators are expected to respond to the government’s proposed framework. The government stated it would provide a finalized framework by late October. While various groups have been consulted since 2012, the government will negotiate only with institutions about metrics and funding. Universities’ strategic mandate agreements will be under negotiation until spring 2014. @anqi_shen


Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities


Ontario Public Service Employees Union


Canadian Federation of Students


Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations


Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance


MACycle auctions off abandoned bikes on campus Anqi Shen Online Editor


At the end of every school year, bikes are left abandoned on campus, locked to posts and bike racks without being claimed. MACycle, the MSU’s student-run bike co-op, hosted a bike auction today in Mills plaza to help find new owners for those bikes. The most expensive bike was auctioned at around $110, while the cheapest bike was sold for only $1 to a woman who told others at the auction that it was her own stolen bike. David and Jonathan Yoon, Peter Otyeka, Jackson Waite and Busayo Balogun, are MACycle representatives who helped make the auction happen. The group said it was possible another bike auction could be held in November. “If a bike has been left for months on campus without anyone claiming it, security will cut the lock and take it away,” said MACycle co-director David Yoon. To avoid having the bikes go to waste, MACycle obtained them and sold them to the highest bidders. “I think the auction benefits students because it helps establish a stronger cycling community on

campus and also promotes a positive environment towards bikes on campus,” said Jonathan Yoon, who has volunteered with MACycle for more than a year. Proceeds of the auction will go toward sustaining MACycle’s bike shop (now moved to the north end of Ron Joyce Stadium), where members who pay $5 for the year can go for repairs. @anqi_shen

“I think the auction benefits students because it helps establish a stronger cycling community on campus...” Jonathan Yoon, MACycle volunteer


Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013



Reaching out


Editor Sam Godfrey Email Phone 905.525.9140 x27117 LGBTQ+ in Russia


The view from the sidewalk Of 2,847 Individuals...


50 to 59 40 to 49

13 to 17




60 to 69 70 or older

18 to 21 30 to 39

22 to 29


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adult children


in the total number of households accessing a foodbank between 2008 and 2009.

Source: Hamilton Food Share, Hunger Count 2007-2010







What is the value of a grad school education?

Grad student Stephen Murray shares some wisdom for undergrads thinking of pursuing higher education. “To specialize in a topic that interests you.”

“It’s becoming more and more valuable as we progress.”

Amanda Norris, Social Science I

Matthew Mcraig, Commerce II

“Hopefully getting experience needed to achieve goals in future.”

Scott Rethoret, Commerce II



The 2013-14 Board of Directors has approved the audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2012, as presented below. These statements were emailed to all MAPS members in August. Many of the financial decisions made by the former Board of Directors (all of whom resigned last February) did not, in our estimation, serve part-time students well.

At our special general meeting on October 22nd, we will be asking MAPS members to adopt new by-laws that will make the association more relevant and accountable to part-time undergraduates, continuing education students and students enrolled in the clinical behavioural sciences postprofessional program.

Financial Statements - December 31, 2012

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013



Thoughts from the ER Sam Godfrey Opinions Editor My entire weekend was not spent writing in the unmade comfort of my bed as I am now. It was in part spent taking a number in the emergency room entrance to St. Joseph’s. My arrival had been preceded by a not insignificant amount of whining on my part, countered by the steely caring of my housemate, hell-bent on my health. Though accustomed to my insistent independence, this time she’d dug in her heels and forcibly accompanied me to the ER. In the second waiting room there was a young couple, a man and woman, across from us; the man making jokes despite his

possible hip fracture, the woman laughing earnestly. But when he was looking away, I saw her steal glances of compassion so sincere I felt guilty to have seen them. I remembered an experience I’d had in November of last year, when I was spelunking in Kentucky. It was the first cave of the trip, and my group was made up of myself and about eight other people. About two-thirds through we were about three-thirds covered in mud, and making our way down a somewhat tall space. By tall I mean I could stand up straight, which I was doing, holding onto a ridge of limestone as I waited for the person in front of me to move forward. All of a sudden, my feet slipped in the mud (affectionately called “peanut but-

ter mud”) and I fell onto my side. Now I’m pretty accustomed to falling, so my legs and hips were fine, but I felt a slight twinge in my left hand’s fingers. I looked down at them, but the palm was so completely covered in mud that it was a rather useless exercise. A few steps later though, my suspected cut had revealed itself as a totally real cut by trying to bleed all over the cave wall. I asked to have the first-aid kit passed back to me, and apologized for the holdup. Resultantly drawing the attention of two trip supervisors and a fellow student, I grudgingly realized that given the severity and location of the cut, I couldn’t clean and bandage it by myself. As they dotted cheerfully over me

like a trio of older brothers, I felt a bit of my reluctance melt away. I remembered a time a year before that, my first time getting really sick in first year. In between classes I was grabbing some food with my housemate-to-be and she brought me to her residence’s common room so we could eat in peace. I’d bought a hashbrown to cheer me up, but couldn’t eat it I was feeling so unwell. I asked if she would sing to me, “Wave Over Wave” by The Great Big Sea. I’m not used to accepting help, whether it be forced upon me, because I simply can’t do it or because I’ve reached a point of complete exhaustion and defeat. I’ve described myself as “stubbornly independent,” but it’s probably just a euphemism for a

pride that’s somehow bruised by helping hands. I know that’s silly. I know there’s real strength in being able to reach out, ask for help, rely - even just sometimes - on someone other than yourself. And more than that, I think about how much I like helping the people I like, and am trying to really realize that maybe they like helping me too, and I should give them that chance. In the emergency waiting room that night, I turned to my housemate and asked if she remembered singing to me, that time in first year as I’d clutched an uneaten hashbrown. She said that yes, she did. And smiled. @samwisegodfrey


Picture this . . . J.J. Bardoel Silhouette Intern We all had that friend growing up who couldn’t seem to sit still. No matter what the teacher said, their parents threatened or friends demanded, they would much rather be jumping around, pretending to be an animal, pirate or some miscellaneous sports star. It’s not because they were bad, they were just off in their own world, with their own rules. Their greatest play toy was their mind; their imagination. The switch that most kids have to turn their imagination on and off is distinct in most cases. When the story book was closed, logic and reason was turned back on. But for a lot of kids, the ability to phase seamlessly back into reality is something they lack. An overactive imagination is when the ideas that bounce around in

our heads begin to bleed into actual vision. Some consider it dangerous. Is having an active imagination a bad thing? In my house growing up, having an overactive imagination was considered a gift. When I was a kid, telling my parents about the stuff I was thinking was often entertainment for them. The feedback I got from all my crazy ideas influenced me to be more creative. I sought out more ways to get my thoughts out. The support my parents gave me to continuously find a creative outlet allowed me to explore different forms of art. It was when the pencil crayons turned to pens, and the dinosaur drawings evolved into writing stories, that I felt fulfilled. Writing was where anything that I thought of could become physical. Instead of sitting in class, completely tuning out, I would write down

what I was thinking. It was like turning on the faucet of my mind. My imagination led me to finding what I passionate about. Sure, I may daydream in class, but at least I have an idea of what makes me happy. Coming from a household where having an imagination was so encouraged, it’s difficult for me to watch children nowadays grow up being numb to the childish behavior my peers and I were allowed to participate in. Children aren’t allowed to be children anymore, because they have to grow up so fast. Childhood was a time to ask questions and explore what it means to be young. Imagination is now a label for kids who are restricted by the uniform model of what society expects from youth. Imagination is not a hindrance, it is a vital part of self-discovery.

Something to say? The Opinions section is always looking for new contributors. If you’ve got some thoughts on world events, campus goings-on or even some reflections based on a cute anecdote, we’d love to read them. Volunteer meetings are at 1:30 on Tuesdays. If this time doesn’t work for you, just send an email to Sam Godfrey at to let us know you’re interested, set up a meeting or discuss an article idea.

Unplugged Aurora Coltman Silhouette Intern On my second day of co-op, myself, my fellow co-op student and a couple of my staff peers settled down in the office for a run-down on some of the rules surrounding the office. Eventually the first question came: “Do you have a Twitter account?” Followed quickly by the second dreaded question “Do you have a Facebook account?” I was forced to give that same honest answer as for the first: nope. At which point, those gathered got the gist of things. I proceeded to explain that all I lay claim to in terms of normal teen social media mumbo jumbo is a Gmail account. I don’t even own a cellphone. This was all greeted with gasps, whoops of delight, fist bumps and highfives all around. Now, I am not new to this experience. It can be a feat explaining time and time again that I’m off the grid, but it’s rewarding to see that many people still appreciate my being... old-fashioned. Still, it is a little exasperating for me when people at my school make comments like, “That is so weird; why aren’t you on Facebook?” or “Oh, have your parents not let you make an account?” as

if it’s not a personal choice and as if I wouldn’t just make one anyways. Even odder are the people who say things like, “How admirable! I wish I could just let go of everything too!” I tend to gape at this exclamation. It is comments like that one there – a very common one may I add – that reveal to me just how deeply our society has burrowed into the social media scene. I often have issues determining whether social media is a parasite on our society, or if we’re the parasite on social media. I’m sure you’ve all had the experience of shaking your hands in front of the face of someone too sucked into a screen. And it makes you wonder, what has us so utterly dependent on social media? Is it a craving for human interaction somehow not gained with the action of being in the same room? Because, last time I checked, I isolate myself whenever I want a bit of me time on my laptop. It’s an interesting philosophical, if not the biggest question out there. What can be said though, is that social media is a large part of what defines our society now, and… is that an issue? Again: who knows. However, I can honestly say that it might be. I consider it one.

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013


Not Putin up with it anymore Sophia Topper The Silhouette On Jun. 30, a torrent of hatred was unleashed onto LGBTQ+ Russians. Vladimir Putin signed a new bill into law that criminalizes the propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations to minors. This bill, voted 436 in favour, zero against, leaves the definition of ‘propaganda’ vague, police officers stretch this to include any information accepting non-hetero sexualities, or even holding hands with a same-sex partner. This comes 20 years post-decriminalization, but two-thirds of Russians still believe that homosexuality is an unacceptable aberration. Worse than just the fines levied against those promoting ‘relations not conductive to procreation,’ as they are euphemistically described, is the escalation of anti-gay violence. Prior to the vote, a kiss in was held in protest. Neo-Nazis hurled eggs at the couples while singing orthodox songs and chanting, “Moscow is not Sodom.” The situation became violent and LGBTQ+ protesters were savagely beaten, and the police, there to monitor the situation, arrested the protestors rather than the attackers. The police and government blame the LGBTQ+ protesters for the violence, and insist that this law is to protect them. Officials say that ‘gays incite hatred upon themselves’ and need to be protected from their own extremism. These laws extend even to gay and ‘pro-gay’ foreigners, and domestic ‘suspect gays,’ who dare support those suffering in these horrific conditions. This anti-gay rhetoric is defended by Putin, who claims that “no infringement on sexual minority’s rights” exists. He also says that these measures are necessary to protect youth, Russia’s birth rate and the orthodoxy. More importantly, Putin is doing his best to align himself with conservatives and the Orthodox Church

by scapegoating Russia’s gay population. The rate of approval of homosexuality among Russians is nearly equal to those in America three decades ago, but acceptance of homosexuality has actually declined since 2007, contrary to other nations where gay people are beginning to enjoy the equal rights they deserve. Russians are without gay public figures: there are no out politicians or celebrities and Russia’s Cultural Minister is even attempting to rewrite history and straighten out Tchaikovsky. If you’re looking to support Russians under attack, make sure that your actions are not a waste of energy. The proposed Vodka boycott is slacktivism at its prime. Keep enjoying your Smirnoff and Stoli—both are no longer produced or owned in Russia. Besides, these boycotts are interpreted as attacks, justifying the Russia xenophobia. If you’d really like to make a change, do something in support of the LGTBQ+ folk here in Canada, where you can effect change much more efficiently. You can also sign online petitions that pressure the government into condemning the 76 countries that go farther than Russia into outright criminalization. Donating to Russian LGTBQ+ organizations is the most tangible way of supporting their cause, and allows them to pay any fines levied against them. Above all, the issue of homophobia needs to be tied into problems that are considered more pressing to the Russian majority. Due to the widespread public support for these laws, Putin is able to use them to bolster his role as Papa Putin, protector of Russia’s traditional values. However, if we are able to link this discrimination to issues that are already loathed by majority, like the ubiquitous corruption, we might be able to change attitudes surrounding not only this law, but human rights as a whole.


Grad advice Stephen Murray The Silhouette Though the school year has just started, many undergraduates in the final year of their bachelor programs are starting to give serious consideration to what comes next. A popular option is graduate school. I feel that this option is highly appealing because of the widespread perception that “if some education is good, then more must be better.” After all, our generation has been inculcated with the belief that education (regardless of what field it is in) is the silver bullet for getting a good job. This is only partly accurate. While it is true that for many prestigious careers, a graduate degree is either a requirement or a strong asset, it is also true that many people think this way, and, as a result, there are enormous gluts of labour supply in these job markets - for instance, just ask someone looking for a tenure-track professorship. In addition, a graduate degree is perceived as a means of delaying one’s entry into the “real world” - with the added bonus that it gives the impression that one’s undergraduate degree is being put to good use, which, in today’s job market, is increasingly difficult to do. As a seasoned grad school veteran (entering what is hopefully the final year of my mechanical engineering PhD here at McMaster - my MSc was in math, also obtained here at Mac), I humbly offer some advice for those considering grad school - though please bear in mind that my perspective is necessarily skewed by my science/engineering background. The most important piece of advice is this: “Because I don’t know what else to do with my life” is not a good reason to attend grad school. If you are not completely sure grad school is for you, you may want to consider getting some real world experience; spend some time working, or get another set of more professionally oriented skills. Though if you do

choose to take some time away from an academic environment, be cautioned that if the skills you applied in academia are not regularly practiced, then your proficiency can rapidly fade. After my BSc (in math), I spent two years working, volunteering and traveling - in retrospect, this was too much of a gap. As a result I spent much time simply catching up when I started my MSc. In most cases, one is guaranteed money from teaching/ research assistantships, which amount to a modest wage though of course the amount of funding varies widely between programs and schools. Also when applying to grad schools, be sure to do your homework regarding potential sources of external funding. The skills which determine success in undergrad are not necessarily the same skills which determine success in grad school. In your undergrad, you were spoonfed material in lectures, which you rehearsed and regurgitated on tests. If you were good at this, you likely received much positive reinforcement, fueling your desire to continue doing something you’re good at. However in grad programs you often aren’t simply asked to answer questions - you have to figure out what the unanswered questions are, and whether you have the tools to answer them. This, I assure you, is much more difficult. You will need to work with considerably more independence, and from my experience, it took a long time to adjust to not having someone tell me exactly what to do. I have found that a useful strategy for independently working is to regularly write research reports - simply articulating things has a surprising ability to clarify what the questions are, and whether one is taking the appropriate steps to answer them. Your grad school discipline does not necessarily have to be the exact same as your undergrad discipline. As mentioned, I’m currently a PhD candidate in mechanical engineering, whereas


my BSc and MSc were in math - the important thing is that you have (or can develop) the appropriate skills to do the job. Do your homework regarding your potential supervisors. I think the most important quality you can look for is whether your supervisors will actually have time for you - for me, regular meetings are absolutely essential for keeping the project on track. Also, research seldom goes according to plan, hence the expectations of supervisors and supervisees may not be made explicit, and as a result can be hugely mismatched - for example, supervisors might have a tacit expectation that the research results also be made into publications. Also, students might have unrealistically high expectations of what they will produce - the result of much grad student research is so arcane that few other people will care. So when discussing a project with potential supervisors, be clear about what the expectations are. Be sure to get advice from current grad students working under your prospective supervisor - they can often be counted upon for an objective opinion, since they likely do not have an incentive to misinform you. Despite the best-laid plans, there is the chance that once you get to grad school, the experience is worse than expected. There will be a strong temptation to embrace an idle and fashionable ennui about grad school - largely due to the presence of other grad students who casually express cynical dissatisfaction with their career choice (or, should I say, lack of career choice) while at the same time sipping their lattes and doing absolutely nothing about it. As is true with many things in life, you gotta know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em. If you truly feel that your grad program will not yield a good return on investment, take some initiative and do something about it - change projects, change supervisors, change programs or quit and seek opportunity elsewhere.

Seeing double Sarah O’Connor The Silhouette Whenever my sister and I reveal ourselves to be twins, most are shocked, some are disbelieving, and some look at us like an oddity, their eyes flickering from me to my sister trying to find some similarity to mark us as twins. The first question is whether we’re identical or fraternal, which I always think is a silly question because my sister and I look nothing alike. My sister and I are fraternal twins, and yes - fraternal twins can be of the same gender, it isn’t just boy-girl twins who are fraternal. I look like our father, she like our mother; she has darker hair and eyes I have lighter; she loves theatre and I love writing. We look like sisters but we don’t look like twins, or rather we don’t look like how society views twins: identical. But even with our differences it doesn’t stop people from trying to find an ounce of similarity between us, some proof that we are in fact twins. It’s after this question that things start to go downhill and my sister and I start to become an oddity. The questions of telepathy, dominance, which one of us is the good and evil twin, and fantasies start rising. We got the cruel prospect of death brought to us by the children we went to school with who told us that if one of us died the other would follow. I don’t blame people for asking; it’s what pop culture promises. Twins are people who dress alike, talk alike, think alike, finish one another’s sentences and are alike in every way. Pop culture

promises a variety of stereotypes from the nice twins, the creepy twins, the long lost twin, the troublesome twins but in all these varieties theses twins are the same person. Twins aren’t supposed to have an identity out of being a twin.And it’s easier for my sister and I because we are fraternal. We look different, dress differently; we talk differently and think differently. Our names are not anagrams of one another’s; our name’s don’t rhyme or alliterate. Our parents, while proud to have twins, wanted to raise us as individuals, as two separate people. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for identical twins to break the twin stereotype. With people so obsessed with the similarities they ignore the differences. Being different and unique is celebrated for every person unless you are a twin. Being a twin is just having a sibling, in this case you’ve had your sibling since before birth. And just like any normal older or younger sibling you have your similarities and differences. You are two different people who like some of the same things and some different things and it’s the same with being a twin. I am a twin. My sister and I are not the same in every way, we cannot read each other’s minds, we do not dress identically, and we are not a sexual fantasy (that’s just gross). We are siblings and like all other siblings we get along but sometimes we fight. But it doesn’t stop us from loving and protecting one another like families should. And if you care, by popular opinion I am the evil twin.

Call for Nominations


Oct 2013 – Feb 2014 The vacancies are interim appointments until elections can be held at the Annual General Meeting in February 2014. Appointees may stand for election for a 2 year term at the AGM

MAPS is undergoing a transformation that, when done, will make us a leader in accountability and transparent decision-making among student governments. Part of this transformation includes an extensive survey of part-time students to help us build a strategic plan that gives part-time students greater visibility and a stronger voice to their needs. These are exciting times to be part of an organization that is literally rebuilding itself – and we need people on the board who want to make a difference. For more information, please see the nomination form, or contact Kyle Johansen, Executive Director at



Nominees will be reviewed by the Nominations Committee, who will make a recommendation to the Board. The interim appointments will be made in early October

Qualifications Nominees must be enrolled in 17 or fewer academic credits started in September 2013, or enrolled at the CCE, or in the CBS program. Nominees must be able to attend at least 1-2 board meetings per month

MAPS OPEN HOUSE WHEN October 3, 5:30pm – 7:30pm



3 Vacancies (Five month interim appointments) MAPS represents the interests of part-time students studying at McMaster. Our 9 member board leads the development of strategic goals for the association, participates in activities to represent and advocate for our members, and are accountable to Mac’s part-time student body.



MUSC 234

By email

Nominations close at 2:00 p.m. on October 6, 2013

COME SEE YOUR HOME AWAY FROM HOME The lounge is open until 7:30pm Mondays through Thursdays (and until 2:30 on Fridays)

MEET THE TEAM Our information coordinators are Mac Experts and can assist you with any question or issue you have



Members of the Board of Directors will be on hand to meet you

McMaster University Student Centre Room 234 For info: 905 525-9140 x22021 or

Tell us what would make your Mac experience better



When: Tues, Oct. 22, 2013 @ 5:30pm Where: The Connections Centre (Room L113) Mills Library

MAPS – the association that represents part-time students – is having a meeting of its members to make important and fundamental changes to how we function. These changes are in response to the financial and governance issues identified last year. In order to move forward, we need you to come out and vote to approve the changes.

(a final agenda with materials will be provided two weeks before the meeting)

Your new Board of Directors – elected in February when the former board resigned en masse – has been working to save MAPS. The poor decisions and ineffective leadership of the old regime have put part-time student representation at risk. We believe the needs and priorities of part-time students are much different than full-time students – and we believe that MAPS can be an effective voice for you … but we need your help to move forward. The proposed changes will make MAPS a leader in student association governance – be a part of the New MAPS!

Please come out and vote for change.

Preliminary Agenda 1. Approval of Minutes of Annual General Meeting (Feb 5, 2013) 2. Board of Directors’ Report 3. Consideration of the Corporation’s 2012 Audited Financial Statements 4. Appointment of the Corporation’s auditors for fiscal year 2013 5. Approval of revised bylaws that address general procedures, responsibilities of directors and officers, the role of committees, and a commitment to democratic participation, designed for the 21st century


Thursday, Sept 26, 2013



Editors Amanda Watkins & Miranda Babbitt

The Rant


Email Phone 905.525.9140 x27117 Threadcount




EXCITING The FAQs of local food and why you should be eating it

What’s IN SEASON at the farmers’ market? els sp

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because the money you spend goes back into your economy,” he says. Joleen Schmidt, a third-year Honours Cognitive Science of Language student, grew up on a large-scale dairy farm in Tavistock, Ont. where she saw first-hand how local food is curated and how important it is to support farm sales. “All of our dairy is sold to a supplier in our town,” she says. “It’s up to farmers to produce their quota for the year and sell it, otherwise an entire farm can go downhill. It’s something that we’ve seen happen to some of our neighbouring farmers,” she adds. Farms depend on sales to keep themselves supported and up and running. By buying local and contributing to the economy of our city and its surrounding areas, you’ll be helping farmers, and helping yourself. And as someone who spent a lifetime growing up on locally-grown food, Schmidt had something to say about the difference homegrown makes. “There’s a huge difference! A lot of our local crops are smaller, but it tastes a lot better. Corn on the cob, my lord, don’t get me started on that! Farmers feed cities! It tastes better, and you feel healthier knowing where your food came from and what’s in it,” she says. Local food is decidedly delicious. And shopping for products from close to home is easy and rewarding. The next time you need to go grocery shopping, consider stopping by a nearby market and picking something up from your native territory. I assure you, you will have a fresh and exciting experience.


Regardless of what anyone says, the only universal language that matters is delicious food. Sure, we all have our own tastes and preferences, but a good meal can bring people together more than the release of GTA V or a hatred for Miley Cyrus. And although delicious food seems to only come from fine dining experiences or our grandma’s kitchens, it’s more accessible than many of us know. Locavores. Yes, that is a real term. They have one up on foodies of the city, and continue to indulge in consistently delicious food by eating locally and experiencing fresh and tasty meals. A locavore is someone who eats local food that has been grown or produced within a designated radial area of his or her choice. Local food is commonly defined as any product farmed within a 160-kilometer radius of your residence. But currently, in grocery stores and farmer’s markets across the province, local has become more synonymous with “organic” and can include food from within a 1,500-kilometer radius, stretching all across Ontario. Hamilton is a hotspot for local farmers’ markets and homegrown produce. Its proximity to rural areas in Ancaster, Waterdown and Vineland are easily accessed from markets across the city. Buying specialized produce can seem like a hassle, but it is easier and cheaper than many assume. You don’t need to take a stance as strong as a locavore, but purchasing local food is a process that can be easily eased into. The largest and most accessible farmers’ market for Mac

students is the Hamilton Farmers’ Market located just behind Jackson Square. Since 1837, the market has been going strong at the corner of York and James, selling produce, meat and dairy products. Not even a 15-minute journey, one bus ride and a short walk will bring you to this two-storey market. With such a long history, it’s natural that students have and should be drawn to it. “You can always tell when school starts,” says Cheryl Berry, of Fleetwood Farms in Harley, Ont. whose family has been taking part in the HFM for three generations. “We get a lot of students,” she says. “Food from the market is so much fresher.” Although Fortino’s and Metro offer up some wonderful genetically modified creations, there’s no denying that farm-picked goods are fresher and healthier. And surprisingly, most of the produce available at farmer’s markets is noticeably cheaper than that of large grocery stores. Farmers price their crops competitively to increase sales and sell their crop yield for the year. At the HFM, you can expect to find baskets of apples for three dollars, green beans for two dollars, and bunches of grapes for less than three dollars. I mean, really, you can’t go wrong. Ian Walker, a fourth-year Classics student and employee of De la Terre Bakery in Vineland (a bread supplier at the HFM) explains that it’s not just about the taste or price of the food that should convince you to buy locally, but the bigger picture of sustainable local economies. “Buying locally is important for the environment, as well as knowing where your food comes from… but it’s also important



Amanda Watkins LifeStyle Editor

Farmers’ market DOS & DON’TS DON’T



Some stands will be exceedingly larger than others, but that doesn’t mean their produce is better quality. Let me tell you, bigger is not always better.


Use your judgment with this one. Grapes, cherry tomatoes, cheese, some products are definitely conducive to sampling. But when it comes to potatoes or squash or a loaf of bread, mull over what you think is appropriate and remind yourself that this isn’t Costco.



Walking into a farmer’s market, especially one as large as the York Street location, can be intimidating. Take some time to walk around and compare prices and food quality. All the farmers are pretty friendly and non-confrontational, so you should be fine.


Don’t be that person who puts their fresh local produce into a bag that will sit in a landfill for decades on end.


A few sellers will also be marketing outsourced produce often from the U.S. I made the rookie mistake of accidentally purchasing strawberries labeled “Product of California”- don’t follow in my footsteps. Double-check your labels before handing over your cash. AMANDA WATKINS / LIFESTYLE EDITOR

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013



Rhema Ossai

Third-year Multimedia & Communications

Jacket - Urban Outfitters Flannel - Thrifted Crop top - Asos Pants - Garage Boots - Aldo Rings - Forever21 Bag - Zara

Where do you get your fashion inspiration?

“Honestly, I stand in front of the mirror and if it looks nice, I’ll wear it. I pick my clothes according to my mood.”

Favourite show?

“Game of Thrones and Family Guy”



Pho reals


An undergraduate-friendly Pho noodle soup recipe Rick Kanary The Silhouette If you haven’t had Pho before, you are missing out. When the cooler weather starts creeping in, it’s definitely one of my favourite dishes. And the best part about Pho is that it is easy to make and highly customizable. Pho is a Vietnamese style, noodle-based soup with a variety of proteins, topped with fresh, crunchy vegetables and peanuts. The delicate melange of spices brings a wonderfully complex taste of the East to your evening. Some cooks will adamantly claim that a full-flavoured Pho broth needs to take you hours. I am happy to disagree. With the right ingredients you can whip up this fabulous dish in very little time at all. Whether you are looking for a warm and hearty soup for a cool autumn night, or you want to impress a date with your exotic taste and culinary abilities (and have fun assembling it together), then this recipe is a killer choice.

Prep Time:

30 minutes (15 if you are good with a knife!)

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total Time:




6 cups of Chicken Broth (low sodium!) 1 tbsp minced garlic 1 tbsp finely diced white onion 1 tbsp minced ginger 2 star anise 2 whole cloves ½ tsp fennel seeds 1 black cardamom pod 1 cinnamon stick 1 tbsp red chili flakes 2 tbsp oyster sauce 1 tbsp hoisin sauce 1 tbsp lime juice 1 tbsp fish sauce (optional) 1 tbsp sriracha sauce 1 tbsp brown sugar Cheese cloth (or a wire strainer or ‘spider’)

For Individual Bowl Assembly

1 to 2 lbs noodles (udon, egg noodles or ‘banh pho’) 250g beef (sirloin or outside round) very thinly sliced 12 black tiger shrimp, deveined and shelled 2 mild Italian pork sausages 1 cup of shredded Napa cabbage 1 cup of bean sprouts ½ cup of crushed peanuts 1 carrot, julienned 1 lime (cut into wedges) ½ cup shredded cilantro/mint/ thai basil (optional)

• •

55 minutes



Put a large pot of water on high heat to boil. Place chicken broth, oyster sauce, hoisin sauce, lime juice, fish sauce, sriracha, ginger, garlic, chili flakes, brown sugar and onions into a pot and place on high heat. While you are waiting for the broth to boil, place spices (cardamom, cinnamon, star anise and fennel seeds) in a shallow pan and toast them on low heat, mixing often, until fragrant. Both pots should be boiling. Place the toasted spices in a cheesecloth (If you do not have cheesecloth or a wire strainer, feel free to use ground spices) and add to the boiling broth. Turn the heat down on the broth to medium low, just above a simmer. Place your noodles in the boiling water. Cook for 3-4 minutes (most Asian-style noodles don’t take long to cook, and they all have different cook times so check the package first). Once cooked, remove the noodles. Add the sausage and shrimp to the boiling water. The shrimp should only take a few minutes. When the grey color has turned pink, they’re ready to be removed from the

• • •

• •


pot. The sausages will take a little longer. Now you have some time for your garnishes. Finely shred the Napa cabbage and your herb-of-choice. Julienned the carrot. Cut the lime into wedges. By this point, both your broth and sausages should be ready. Remove the sausages and thinly slice them on a bias. Arrange your proteins and garnishes each on a separate serving dish and place the noodles into individual bowls (about 1/3 to ¼ of the way). Now comes the fun part. Place some of the thinly sliced beef, shrimp, and sausage into the bowl. Using a ladle, top your noodles and proteins with hot broth. Garnish with shredded Napa cabbage, julienned carrot, bean sprouts, shredded herbof-choice, lime wedge, and crushed peanuts. Giggle and dance around the kitchen with your date (I assumed you have music playing!).


4 servings (think leftovers!)

+ +

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013

Every year Canadian Blood Services comes to McMaster University to set up mobile blood donor clinics. And if you heard the buzz last week, you’ll know that they’re back! Canadian Blood Services is a national, not-for-profit charitable organization that manages the supply of blood and blood products in all provinces and territories outside of Quebec. Canadian Blood Services operates more than 20,000 donor clinics annually, including clinics

Canadian Blood Services is back on campus; here’s why you should care on campus at the McMaster University Student Centre (3rd Floor, CIBC Hall) and Ewart Angus Centre. At these clinics, units of “whole blood” are collected, which consist of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. One unit of blood is approximately half a litre (or one pint). Transfusions to patients in need sometimes consist of whole blood (with the white blood cells removed) and other times the blood is centrifuged and separated into its different components. Approximately every minute of every day, someone in Canada needs blood and it is students like you who can make the difference and save lives. If you’re interested in donat-

ing, visit where you can view basic eligibility requirements. After you’ve checked your eligibility, you can book your appointment at the Student Health Education Centre (SHEC: MUSC Room 202), online ( or by calling 1-888-2-DONATE. In 2010, to demonstrate support of blood donation and to help recruit students to become new donors, the McMaster Students Union (MSU) joined the Canadian Blood Services Partners for Life program and exceeded the donation pledge of 450 units of blood! The MSU continues to strive to encourage new and repeat donors and has pledged 1,500 units to be donated by the end of 2013.

To ensure your donations count towards the MSU pledge, register as a member of the McMaster Students Union: 1. Go to 2. Click on “Join Partners for Life” then click on “Member”. 3. Click on “Sign me up to donate with my team!” 4. Fill out the secure form and click “Submit”. Your Partner ID is MCMA011297. See to the right for a list of upcoming clinics dates in CIBC Hall, on the third floor of MUSC. Bring a friend to donate and your two units of blood can help treat one patient for internal bleeding! Donate with your friends, classmates, residence floor or club! To book your group ap-

pointment, contact


Palika Kholi & Katie Ferguson Student Health Education Centre

Give blood, love life

lin ic

health education & resources


Do na tio nC



11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Thursday, Sept. 26 Tuesday, Oct. 8 Thursday, Oct. 24 Tuesday, Nov. 5 Thursday, Nov. 21

Dear Novice Cyclists, You are not a car. You are not a pedestrian. And you can’t be both. Jason Woo The Silhouette I know it sucks being the one that doesn’t belong. You’re neither a car nor a pedestrian. Heck, you ain’t even a motorcycle. You exist in the gray area of transportation, but that doesn’t mean the rules you have to follow are ambiguous. As a pedestrian, I often feel the right to walk whenever I please. I don’t mean jaywalking (although cutting across any space diagonally does feel both efficient and respectful to Pythagoras), but rather strolling through crosswalks and parking lots without looking, or worse, walking while ‘knowing’ the car approaching will stop for me. It’s an intuition our generation has been graced with. And yet, as a driver, I don’t hesitate to unleash my rage upon pedestrians. Why do you think I should stop for you? Why do you insist on walking blindly and slowly whenever you please? Who do you think you are? (Me?) As an amateur cyclist, I embody the worst attributes and contradictions of both classes; I

act like a pedestrian with cars, and a car with pedestrians. It’s really quite an expletive-filled experience. One minute I am genuinely upset and unnerved because a car didn’t stop for me. The next, some truly outrageous obscenities I wasn’t even aware I knew burst through my lips when I had to stop for a pedestrian. So trust me when I say this, my dear amateur cyclist: I understand you. However, it’s time to face the facts. You are a vehicle, not a pedestrian. So don’t expect people to stop for you at an intersection. Don’t ride through a crowd on the sidewalk while silently cursing over their snail pace, even if they really are walking at the speed of senior citizens. Don’t have a conversation with your friend while biking. You’re not good at riding in a straight line normally, so why do you think it’ll get any better when you’re laughing at your friend’s joke? (Although, I must applaud your optimism.) Learn to signal. Most drivers are not telepaths. Now this may be surprising: a lack of telepathy skills means they do not know

which way you are going to turn. Today I’m writing to you as both a pedestrian and a driver, on behalf of all amateur cyclists. Relish in the fact that the next time I ride my bike I still won’t know the signals. I’ll still ride on the sidewalks occasionally because, truth be told, cars scare me. And I still might end up scaring even myself with the obscenities that I come up with when plowing through the snail-paced folk. But at the end of the day, I like to think of this messy transition onto the road, into the gray area of transportation, as a rite of passage. I may stumble with the rules, but I have the best of intentions to follow them one day. So, fellow amateur cyclists, please just try to do the same. For me? One of you, Not-the-next-Lance-Armstrong (with or without doping)


confessions of a

Tightrope Walker

Rick Kanary The Silhouette It was 1993 and I was just turning 18 years old. I began my first experience with post-secondary education in the esteemed Theater Arts program at the University of Toronto in Mississauga on the Erindale campus. I was unprepared for the torrent of experience that awaited me. As a member of the enriched program (“brainer” in bully terms) I had spent most of my formative high school years in self-imposed, relative seclusion. I was particularly sheltered since my saint-of-a-mother was incredibly protective of her youngest son. And now, here I was, cut loose to explore the wilderness and free to choose whatever path I wanted.

While you would assume intelligence and critical thinking come hand in hand, I beg to differ. Intelligence is not wisdom. Wisdom comes from a coalescence of the reasoning mind and emotional mind. For me, the latter was overwhelmed. I made a series of poor choices that resulted in getting kicked out of UTM. I responded by applying to Ryerson the following year, and I was accepted, only to repeat the same cycle in an amplified fashion. Being kicked out of Ryerson didn’t faze me. I was invincible. “I’ll just apply to another school,” I told myself, and I did. George Brown Theater School was my next victim, except they couldn’t see through the finely constructed veneer and accepted me as well. Needless to say, this was another recycling of the same broken bottle.

Sparing you the gritty details, alcohol and drugs became my primary institution. This is why I feel compelled to dig my hands into the rich soil in which I hope this article will influence you to sow your seeds. This repetitive chaos was directly correlated to a lack of balance between my personal life and school life. I could issue a ticker tape parade of post-it notes, each with their own excuse, as to why I made such poor decisions, but this would serve no purpose to you or me. The bottom line is that, as undergraduates, we are exposed to more than just a wealth of valuable knowledge with which we can achieve excellence and create lasting change in the world. We are exposed to a yawning abyss of gratification as well: sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. Do not mistake this missive

as a direct assault on the fun you can have during your years here. I drink. I smoke weed. Hell, dive in and have one for me. I’m no square, baby. I spent more than a decade in a Hunter S. Thompson abstract, yet, here I am enjoying a wonderful undergraduate experience, determined to have a serious impact on my community. But I am one of the lucky ones. I hope to reach that part of you that knows what you want out of this life, even if it is only a fleeting glimpse in your most perfect moment. I implore you to ask yourself when you look into the mirror, “Can I live with the choices that I am making?” “Am I sharing my gifts with the world?” “Is this who I really am?” Hopefully you can wholeheartedly embrace that person looking back at you, including

the decisions and choices that have been made. Hopefully this embrace brings a warm, comforted smile to your face. In the hectic and white-tipped rapids that are the life of an undergrad, it can be very easy to get caught in the undertow and begin to compromise your morals. You will be faced with choices that will challenge your values. The types of choices that you could regret making and would hurt those you hold most dear. Just remember not to lose sight of your goals, your family, and especially, yourself. If you hesitate to answer the aforementioned questions with a smooth and transparent “yes”, it might be time to circle the wagons and connect with those you love, and those who you know love you.

SEXandthe STEELCITY Ana Qarri The Silhouette While the Student Union is trying to convince you to #DiscoverYourCity, I’m here to convince you that if you’re looking for a romantic getaway it’s time to #DiscoverYourUnderConstructionCampus. With a variety of fenced off areas, dug out pavement, and safety hazards to choose from, you could really give your date that certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ it’s been missing. If you are starting your day of romance on Main and Emerson,

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013



Love in a hopeless place Romantic? More like “Romactic” your first stop should naturally be the beautiful new addition to our campus: that slightly awkward hill that was once densely vegetated. Slowly walk around the hill before you take a seat on one of the benches. It is completely understandable if you hesitate to do so due to the jaw-dropping architectural design of these masterpieces. The tiny seat dividers found on the benches will serve as a reminder that you need to get to know your date before getting serious. It’s all in the bylaw. Have a great conversation with your date while enjoying the serene sounds of Main Street

West. After life stories have been shared, start walking towards the student centre. As you approach the front doors, point out the location of the future Starbucks – a place of historical significance. Soon, the ability to walk through this hallway without making uncomfortable body contact with someone else will become a thing of the past, remembered only by those who lived to see both eras. Walk to the MUSC atrium where you will find the fireplace. Take a seat with your date, and observe the movement of Mac students. Think that this is nature

at its best and give your date a knowing smile. They’re probably thinking the same thing. The next stop is (obviously) the nuclear reactor. You can’t miss this one. It stands tall on the west side of campus as a constant reminder of death to those who fear heights. The university has conveniently placed a picnic table next to the reactor building, acknowledging the frequent use of this location as a romantic spot. (Pro-tip: the strange structure of the General Sciences Building makes for some good hidden make-out spots. Proceed at your own risk.)

If your date is still sticking around, you’ve got yourself a keeper. At this point, the route you take is totally up to you. If plants and mosquitoes are your thing, head down to Cootes. If you haven’t had enough of construction zones, take a walk to the Wilson Building and pay a visit to the statue by MDCL. If you want to look at the blue skies of Hamilton, there’s the 10 Acre field. The possibilities are endless. McMaster is your oyster.

Neighbours: to befriend or ignore? Julia Busatto The Silhouette If you’re a Mac student, you’re either living at home, in residence, or off campus. Yet regardless of your living situation, there is one thing that is nearly impossible to avoid: your neighbors. I find neighbors encompass one of three key categories: the good, the bad or the ugly. Let’s not be pessimists, and begin with the “good” neighbors with whom you should befriend. How do you tell if you have good neighbors? Well for a start, they probably invite you to their parties, open their beer stocked fridges for you, and tell you to take whatever you’d like. Or how about the neighbors who don’t say anything when they see the girl from last night sneak down the hall the next morning. The “good” neighbors turn a blind eye to things they just weren’t supposed to see, are

generous with their possessions, direct the pizza guy right to your place, and maybe even act as a cuddle buddy from time to time (if that’s what you’re looking for). On the opposite end of the spectrum are the “bad” neighbors, which can be separated into various degrees of nastiness dependent upon your discretion, and are best to avoid. They call the cops on your intoxicated friend who was just in the middle of her eerily realistic rendition of “Wrecking KAREN WANG/GRAPHICS EDITOR

Ball”, watch everything you do with judging glares, and tell your parents the somewhat

less notable stories about you when your monthly delivery of Kraft Dinner comes in. The bad neighbors rightfully believe they own the whole block, the whole floor, and, essentially, your whole life. I’m sure we’ve all encountered them at some point, and they’re certainly not the angels they try to appear to be. They park in your parking space, steal your Wi-Fi and complain about even the slightest squeak of noise after 9 p.m. despite their own music has been seeping through the walls the whole time. In conclusion, it is definitely best to avoid these neighbors, because neither friendship nor mutual agreement is an option. Any friendly relation is a lost cause, so just abandon the ship now. Last but not least are the “ugly” neighbors. The ugly neighbors are not esthetically ugly, but habitually ugly. When it comes to creatures of foul habit, it is best to proceed with caution. They tend to leave garbage sitting out for so long that the smell eventually wafts in through your window, and bang on your door at 5 a.m. to tell you about something they found really, really, *hiccup*, really, hilarious. Not to mention they invite themselves over way too often to be considered a spontaneous surprise. You don’t have the heart to tell them to leave your house, especially to stop coming over for their favourite “movie nights” where they happen to forget to bring the movie and treats each

and every time. The “ugly” neighbors play dubstep obnoxiously loud in the hopes to convert you to their superior music taste. They’re hopelessly inconsiderate, but blissfully unaware they’re doing anything wrong. After all, they’re just having fun, right? They ward off neighborhood wildlife with BB guns, thinking it’s objectively hilarious to torment squirrels. But no matter how riled up you may get with these folks, it is best to proceed with caution because you do not want to hurt their feelings. They may be so upset that they actually never end up leaving their house, stuck in a wallowing party that not even the loudest of dubstep music can revive them from, and consequently the old lettuce smell and ear-bleeding house music will become a permanent part of your life. Whatever your neighbor situation is, remember these neighbor profiles. Good or bad neighbors can influence how you live, your experience here at McMaster, and your life beyond graduation too. Neighborly love is on the decline, with fewer street BBQ’s and friendly neighbor introductions. Most people tend to stick to themselves, as opposed to socializing with those that live around them. Ultimately, however you decide to proceed with your neighbors, just remember this note of optimism: everyone moves eventually, right?


WANT TO VOLUNTEER FOR LIFESTYLE? Is there something you need to rant about? A particular restaurant or recipe that you need to share with the world? Are you just bored and want to meet cool people and write for a newspaper?

We brainstorm on TUESDAYS @ 2:30 All are welcome :)

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013




Smiling learners & volunteers After-school homework club paves an optimistic path for both

Miranda Babbitt Assistant Editor As a freshman at McMaster, there is no shortage of opportunities to get involved. So much so, that Clubs Fest seems akin to choosing a toothbrush. Walking down the aisles upon aisles of choices, each one voices a varying degree of benefit to you. Some are there to tantalize you with flashy features, be it a vibrating button, built-in

tongue cleaner, or even a timer that presents to you a smiley face when you’re done brushing. No clubs were offering tongue cleaners this year? They must be off their game. Regardless, they do employ similar eye-catching strategies, like a bowl of sweets in the middle of the table. You timidly take one at first, nearly certain they can see right through your false motivation to join said club, yet while chewing the idea over, you may in fact begin to see


yourself as a fencer after all, or a debate champion or even a genius entrepreneur ready to take on the world with one app development at a time. But there is something very instinctive about which one is right for you. And here is where I veer away from the toothbrush analogy, because sometimes the right club for you doesn’t lie in the maze of eager representatives, but in a pocket of Hamilton much less travelled by your everyday McMaster student: the Dr. Davey Elementary School. Alas, you will not find a toothbrush here, and I cannot speak for its level of hygiene if found on the playground. But you will find an opportunity that could not only change your outlook on learning and empowerment, but the students you are working with too. The Dr. J. E. Davey Elementary After School Homework Club, with volunteers provided by Frontier College, seeks to aid those in less privileged areas of Hamilton, and thus face increased susceptibility in lagging behind on schoolwork. By providing students with an outlet to find help with their homework, or even to instill motivation to continue with their schooling, Frontier College is essentially working towards bettering an entire generation of Hamilton’s most vulnerable youth. As an organization that is

volunteer-based, much of the success of Frontier College depends on an eager and committed supply of volunteers. Naturally, many of these volunteers hail from the University, and a desire to maintain playing a role in the vision of Frontier College is palpable once hearing the experiences of the volunteers. Shannon Stevens, Frontier College’s Community Coordinator, has said that she has 50 returning volunteers this year, which evidently “speaks volumes about how much they enjoy their experience.” My experience as a volunteer there last year says nothing less. After having joined in the second semester of first year, the first day working with both the children and team of volunteers fulfilled exactly what I was hoping to feel. The impact of my small part in the homework club was tangibly beneficial, as I could look around and see a collection of children who were themselves a source of inspiration. Smiles and laughter were not remiss in this environment, and yet the effort the children put into their work alongside volunteers certainly wasn’t either. Rachelle Zalter, a second-year Arts & Science student and a volunteer for Frontier College’s Dr. Davey Homework Club, said that volunteering was usually

“the highlight of her week,” and that the positivity of the children could bring out the “happy kid” in her too, regardless of the inevitable stress of university. Jason Woo, a fellow second-year Arts & Science student, mirrors this sentiment. “The children’s happiness is incredibly contagious,” Woo said. “You can be a kid all over again while leaving a huge impact on their own development.” Frontier College has a variety of programs aside from the Dr. Davey Homework Club, contributing to helping over 300 children and youth in Hamilton. While targeting different age groups and the unique needs of a diverse population, every program has the same goal: enhancing literacy and learning skills to build a foundation for an empowered future. When it comes to deciding where to offer your time, perhaps it’s time to remember that the little kid in all of us really does want to come out, especially if that little kid has the potential to change the lives of Hamilton’s next generation. @mirandababbitt



C/O Sudoku puzzles provided for free online at (


Down Across

C/O CUPWIRE/ Crossword puzzles provided by ( Used with permission.

1- Bothered 6- Wash 11- ___ roll 14- Pave over 15- Singer Chris 16- Hold up 17- Unimaginable 19- Blood letters 20- Mao ___-tung 21- Sinn ___ 22- Thwarted 24- Large village 25- Bubbling 26- Loving 30- Jazzy Chick 31- Not emp. 32- Record 36- Altar in the sky 37- Very long 41- Antiquity, in antiquity 42- 1996 Tony-winning musical 44- Afternoon social 45- Come to terms 47- 200th anniversary 51- Situated 54- Peeling potatoes, perhaps 55- Turkey’s highest peak 56- Soft cheese 57- Juilliard deg. 60- Banned insecticide 61- Deception 64- Levi’s rival 65- Teheran native 66- Anatomical cavity 67- Flub 68- Gave a hoot 69- Cruising vessel

1- Stuck in ___ 2- Sawbucks 3- Novel ending 4- Exclamation of relief 5- Having three foci 6- Two-piece bathing suit 7- Slippery ___ eel 8- Bar bill 9- Powder room 10- Barely make 11- Toothbrush brand 12- Prestigious prize 13- Residence 18- Salamander 23- Skeptic’s scoff 24- Driving aid 25- Work without ___ 26- Rent-___ 27- Golfer’s “watch out!” 28- Humorist Lebowitz 29- Church instrument 33- Ethereal: Prefix 34- Entreaty 35- Pulitzer-winning biographer Leon 38- And so forth 39- Requirement 40- Cause to abandon the Mets 43- Skier’s transport 46- Econ. indicator 48- Sloping letter 49- Oppressively hot 50- Oklahoma city 51- Soup server 52- Command 53- Provide food 56- Nota ___ 57- Not fem. 58- Aquatic vertebrate 59- Med school subj. 62- Needlefish 63- Extinct bird


Thursday, Sep 26, 2013

Weekly Shuttle Bus Starting Sept. 18th

Wednesdays 6:00pm | 6:30pm | 7:00pm Last pick-up from Fortinos at 8:00pm Pick-up From Mary Keyes Residence At The Cootes Dr. Entrance

Look for the Big Yellow School Bus



SMac loses heartbreaker to Guelph

Thursday, Sep 26, 2013



Editors Laura Sinclair & Alexandra Reilly



Phone 905.525.9140 x27117


Laura Sinclair Senior Sports Editor When the Marauders walked into Alumni stadium in Guelph on Saturday, they were up against some major challenges, even before kickoff. One of the setbacks was the absence of RB Jimmy Hill, and OL Matt Sewell, who were forced to watch from the sideline due to a neck and knee injury, respectively. Another, more visible setback, was the awful weather conditions: it rained heavily for the majority of the day. To top it off, a home crowd, which consisted of roughly 12,000 Guelph supporters, the majority of them wearing red, black and yellow, were behind the opposing Gryphon team in horrible homecoming conditions. For assistant head coach Jon Behie, though, the crowd was not the issue. “As much as it was homecoming and we like to try and win another team’s homecoming, it

was just a regular season game at the end of it,” said Behie. But this game was not just like any normal regular season game. Some might say that this game was a must-win for the Marauders, a team with a record of 2-2. “It was a big regular season game that we obviously wanted to win,” added Behie. For the road ahead, Behie remains optimistic, and feels as though the Marauders can still pull off some big wins later on in the season. “You know it’s better to lose games in September than it is in late October - November, so we need to make sure that we’re in the right frame of mind to know that we can still finish 5-3 and get a home playoff game, and once you’re in the playoffs anything can happen.” At this point, in order to get to where the coaches would like the team to be, the Marauders are going to have to play close to

flawless football. In other words, they are going to have to play the way they did the last two years. They cannot afford to be making costly mistakes, like what happened in the third quarter in the game against Guelph. The Marauders tossed up several key turnovers and interceptions to the Gryphons team, essentially handing the home team the victory. Third quarter aside, the remaining three quarters of football for the Marauders showed shades of the recent Vanier Cup finalists. “I think if we take out the third quarter, and some of our mental mistakes in the third quarter, we’d probably come out on top” said Behie. “Obviously that’s with maroon-coloured lenses on and trying to look at the positives, but I thought we played a pretty good game and I was proud of the guys for coming back and having a chance to tie it up late.” And what a comeback it was. With just minutes left in the

Cross Country B10

game, the Marauders managed to chip away at the Gryphon lead, when Tyler Crapigna scored a whopping 43-yard field goal to make the score 24-16. With time running against them, the Marauders looked to tie the game with under a minute of play left. With 17 seconds left in the game, Marshall Ferguson’s pass to Tyler Loveday resulted in a touchdown. 24-22 Gryphons. The Marauders were looking to score a two-point conversion to push the game into over-time, but the pass was knocked down, and Guelph ended up coming out on the other end victorious with a 24-22 final. All was not lost for the Maroon and Grey. There were a lot of positives that could be taken from it that the coaches were happy with “We got a couple of huge stops on defense that forced them into punting, which gave us a chance, and if we could find a way to match that intensity throughout the course of the entire game, instead of just late in the fourth then I think we will be okay down the stretch run,” said Behie. The defense did well in the fourth quarter, with multiple tackles to keep the Gryphons from scoring. Behie was also sure to give a shout out to the offense, specifically the wide receivers, that have been doing an exceptional job thus far. “Our receivers have played well all season, their catching everything, especially in the conditions that we had.” As for the things that the team needs to work on, Behie could not have stressed consistency enough. “Our core stuff is something that we’re planning on polishing

Women’s Rugby B12

up a little bit and that’s the stuff that we really need to get real good at… that consistency, that is championship football that we had the last couple years that we seem to be lacking now,” said Behie. The championship calibre football team from the last two seasons is still here. It can still come out at any time; Behie knows that all it will take, is everybody to be on their A game, and playing to the best of their abilities “When we’re at our highest, when we’re all on the same page and playing well, we’re very, very good,” Behie said. The Marauders will look to be on that level soon, before the book is closed until next season. @Lsinkky

“When we’re at our highest, when we’re all on the same page and playing well, we’re very, very good... ” Jon Behie, Assistant coach of Marauders football team

Marauders continue the winning streak said of the players, “I think we’re just getting a feel for one another. We had a really short pre-season this year and a lot of new guys in The ball continues to roll for the starting positions, which takes a McMaster men’s soccer team, who while to gel, and now I think we’re took on the Waterloo Warriors on starting to come along.” a cold Wednesday night at Ron Coach Perri stressed the Joyce Stadium. importance of their hard-fought Before the game, head coach 1-0 win over York. “We were Dino Perri, sporting a toothy grin, looking for an identity before greeted fans and family along the that and facing one of the best sidelines, taking time to shake teams in the country, and you end hands and converse with proud up beating and competing with parents and fans. His team looked them, that’s a really important confident and relaxed in warmthing. That gave the boys a lot of ups, practicing keep-ups and confidence, and now everyone is running through shooting drills. playing with confidence.” The Marauders parlayed that On Wednesday, September confidence into performance on 18, the team the pitch. They showed great netted a goal chemistry and in the first cohesion. The minute of the “The true test will be players did game off a seta great job piece from 20 coming up next week, anticipating feet out, and with games coming each other’s never looked positioning back. up against Western, and Mac Windsor, Guelph and movements, dominated York... ” which resulted both ends in the offense of the pitch. Dino Perri, head coach of being a step The defense ahead of was stifling, Marauders men’s soccer team Waterloo’s routinely defense. The winning Marauders challenges and now sit atop the OUA with 16 forcing turnovers. The midfielders points to York’s 15. maintained possession and The Marauders maintained threaded beautiful through-balls their confidence against the to the strikers which resulted in Western Mustangs on Sunday, a number of pretty goals. The September 22, but this game was half ended 4-0, with goals from not nearly as easy as the previous Tong Li, Marco Gennaccaro, one against the Warriors. Karl Bicamumpaka and Paterson The Mustangs knew what Farrell. they were in for, and covered In an effort to give the the Marauders well, making it starters a well-deserved breather, hard for the maroon and grey to coach Perri made wholesale capitalize on opportunities. changes at the half, bringing in This ended up being a trend seven substitutes. throughout the game, until The subs picked up where Marauders defender Ryan Garnett the starters left off. Gersi Xhuti, scored on a free kick in the 65th former OUA rookie of the year, minute, with a beautiful drive that drilled a powerful left-footed sailed passed the Mustangs goaldrive into the back of the net in keeper Adam Majer, just under the 46th minute. Kieran Doylethe far post. Davis was sharp in goal as he kept The team now turns its Waterloo off the scoresheet. The attentions to the tough road game ended 5-0 in favour of the ahead. As Perri describes, “The Marauders, who have won their true test will be coming up last five matches in a row. next week, with games coming After the game, coach Perri William Lou The Silhouette


up against Western, Windsor, Guelph and York. The meat of our schedule is coming up.” If the Marauders want to preserve their winning streak, they will need to show the same quality as they did against Waterloo. Luckily, they seem to have hit their stride at exactly the right time.


Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013



The Gryphon Experience


Laura Sinclair Senior Sports Editor I stepped outside of the University of Guelph athletic centre, and immediately was immersed in a sea of red, black and yellow tights, crop tops, hair bands, sweaters and body paint. As I walked towards Alumni field, it hit me; I was no longer in Marauder territory anymore, and I no longer felt welcome. People were shouting out cheers as loud as they could outside of the stadium, and the line-up to actually get in was incredibly long. This wasn`t just your typical homecoming weekend; it was homecoming weekend at the University of Guelph, and everyone was ready to get wild. I was not alone, however, in my anxiety while watching the Marauders play in intense- and somewhat Hollywood sports movie-like conditions. There were many other Marauder fans in attendance for the full-capacity game - multiple buses worth of students. They wore their maroon and

grey loud and proud, and suffered a great deal of chirping and heckling from the rowdy Gryphon crowd. I remember seeing four Marauder fans in front of me, while everyone else was clearly cheering for the home team. All of a sudden, one drunk guy started to boo, and the entire crowd joined in. Then chants of “fuck McMaster” broke out, and the four Marauder students laughed uncomfortably, but all in all, took the beat-up quite well. “Go back to your shitty city,” shouted another Guelph fan, which is all in good fun, but always a little bit offensive for the proud Hamiltonian, or proud McMaster student. As the cheers got worse, the weather got worse, and as the weather got worse, the attendance got worse. It began to be a lot easier to tell who actually gave a damn about the Gryphons football team, and who just wanted to dress up and get drunk. About 40-50 percent of the crowd left at half-time. Yeah, the

weather was pretty awful, there were periods of heavy rain, and it had poured pretty much all morning, but come on, it was homecoming, the game was extremely close, and some people just threw in the towel at possibly the worst time to go find a party. I compared the cheers during the game to our cheers here at Mac, and some of them were the same. One of the cheers went “Mac are pussies” and it confused me, because I thought it made absolutely no sense. They also do the cheer “one, we are from Mac, two, a little bit louder, three, I still can’t hear you, four, more, more, more, more... one…” except they substitute “we are from Mac” with “we are Gryphons”. Yeah, I thought it didn’t sound right either. But a lot of their cheers were different than ours. I don’t know if it’s because the Maroons lead the majority of the cheers at the Ron Joyce stadium, but we never really get too inappropriate and offensive here at Mac. I don’t know if that is a reflec-

tion of the modesty we have here, or the fantastic people that choose to come to this school, but I’d say it is a good thing. Don’t get me wrong, it was awesome being surrounded by 12,000 drunk students for the first half, and it was awesome being awarded free wings for being the loudest section at the game and the Gryphon experience for me was fun, and interesting, but it was also pretty over-rated. I don’t know if the awful weather set it up that way, but I felt as though I had huge expectations going into it, and was pretty let down by the whole thing. Part of the let- down also stemmed from the fact that if you wanted to go downtown at night, you had to leave really early, because there were line-ups at every bar that were an hour long by 10:00 p.m. If you wanted to go anywhere, you had to walk, or take the bus (which sometimes would not come) because the cab system there is seriously flawed and hardly convenient. I know that Mac’s homecoming this year will be different than

the Guelph homecoming. I don’t expect there to be 12,000 people in the stands, shouting profanities at everyone. I also don’t expect there to be any major issue with taking a cab anywhere at night. It will be an experience of school pride, and when it comes to university homecoming weekends, nobodydoes it better than us. @Lsinkky

“All of a sudden, one drunk guy started to boo, and the entire crowd joined in. Then chants of ‘fuck McMaster’ broke out, and the four McMaster students laughed uncomfortably... ”

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013



Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013



Cross country is on the right track


Laura Sinclair Senior Sports Editor Despite the absence of some of the best runners on the team at the Western International meet, the Marauders cross country team still managed to hold their ground, and prove to do well in awful conditions. On the women’s side, notable absences in the race included Maddy McDonald, who the coaches are saving for the meet in

Guelph this weekend; and captain Chelsea Mackinnon, who is nursing a minor injury. Although these two big scorers were not racing, the women’s team still placed fifth overall, with three runners in the top 25. Former Marauder turned Queen’s Gael Victoria Coates won the 5km race, but former teammate Courtney Patterson was not too far behind her, finishing in 3rd place with a time of 18:16. Crossing the line second

for the Marauders was Kierstin Myers, a former Mustang that transferred to Mac this year. She came in 21st, with a time of 18:59. Right behind Myers, and the first rookie to finish the race was Emily Nowak, who ran the course in a time of 19:01, which was good enough for 22nd. In 60th place was Charlotte Ward, who finished with a time of 19:38, and in 67th place was rookie Adrienne Morgan, who finished with a time of 19:54. Rookie Phoebe Cseresnyes looked like she would finish among the top 20, but unfortunately had to quit half-way through the race because of an injury. If the Marauders women’s side had everyone healthy and ready to race, their score will only get better, and their placing will only get higher. On the men’s side, the absences of Lionel Sanders, Connor Darlington, Taylor Reid, Taylor Forbes and Austen Forbes were noticeable, but the men still finished well, and placed seventh overall. “I think that had everyone been racing, we would’ve been up with the top schools competing for a medal”, said men’s team captain Blair Morgan. “But without our top guys, it gave some rookies and vets a chance to step up and score in the

top 5 for the team, which they might otherwise not get.” Morgan was the first of the men to cross the line for the Marauders. He finished 17th overall in the 8 km race with a time of 25:58. Morgan had a strategy for the race, which helped him in having a strong finish. “[Coach] Sneyd wanted us to go out easier in the first half and finish hard in the second so I stuck to that plan. I wasn’t as tired as I thought I would be afterwards, but it was only an 8k, as compared to the 10k races we have coming up,” said Morgan on his race tactics. Not too far behind Morgan was Gabe Ghiglione, who finished in 23rd place with a time of 26:05. Crossing the line after Ghiglione was rookie Paul Rochus, who finished in 31st place with a time of 26:21. After Rochus, veteran Eric Barry finished in 43rd place with a time of 26:38, and rookie Nick Belore finished in 26:41 which was good enough for 44th overall. The Marauders won’t have much of a break, as they are back in action at the Guelph Open meet this coming weekend. This meet will include the entire roster on both the men and women’s side. Captain Morgan is foreshadowing a great showing from the Maroon and Grey.

“I think that had everyone been racing, we would’ve been up with the top schools competiting for a medal” Blair Morgan, captain of Marauders men’s cross country team

“Definitely expect some great performances from the Mac crew. I’m looking forward to seeing many of the athletes who didn’t race at Western start their season off next weekend at Guelph. It will also be interesting to see how the teams stack up against each other on a 10k course” The Marauders will take the trip to Guelph on Sept. 28 and will hope to score a top three finish overall with the best of the Maroon and Grey in the chute and ready to go. @Lsinkky




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Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013



Mac dominates U of T The women’s rugby squad hands a crushing loss to the Varsity Blues for the second year in a row

season. “The CIS No. 1 ranked Guelph Gryphons will no doubt be some of our toughest compeA blowout was what the McMastition and we are looking forward ter women’s rugby team saw a to the challenge this Saturday,” year ago when they faced the UniRicketts said. versity of Toronto Varsity Blues. The victory over the Blues A repeat was definitely what represents the the team hoped second consecfor, and that is utive week in a exactly what row the women they got. “The CIS No. 1 ranked have not conThe Marauders Guelph Gryphons will no ceded a single point. travelled down doubt be some of our Last week, the Q.E.W. on McMaster Sept. 21 to face toughest competition defeated Trent the Blues in the and we are looking 41-0. legendary Varforward to the challenge The win sity Stadium. now puts the Right from this Saturday,” Marauders to the get-go, the 2-1 and gives Marauders Emily Ricketts, center for the Toronto their were in control, McMaster women’s rugby team third straight dominating in loss of the all aspects of season. the game. Sarah Farquharson and RickThey would eventually hand etts each totaled two tries in the Toronto another absolutely crushgame but it was Stephanie Black ing loss as they took the game who truly dominated, racking up 67-0. a game-high four tries against the “This past weekend we had Varsity Blues. the opportunity to sharpen up Stephanie has also been given our system and work together as the honour of this week’s Pita Pit a team, which lead to our success athlete of the week commending over U of T,” said center Emily her efforts on Saturday afternoon. Ricketts. “As our Fly Half, she [Black] While the past two matches is a big part of our offense and a were cakewalks, the Marauders threat with the ball,” said Emily of now face the biggest test of their Alexandra Reilly Assistant Sports Editor

The women’s rugby squad were fortunate once again facing the U of T Varsity Blues, coming out undefeated against the squad for their second season in a row. C/O MARTIN BAZYL, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO her teammate. “She [Black] will be preparing this week for a challenge against the Gryphons and we are confident she will be able to answer their intensity.” The Marauders hope to maintain their power amongst the CIS rankings with another win on Sept. 28 when they visit the Guelph Gryphons on their home turf. @Miss_AReilly





GP | GS | TR | CO | PG | PTS









































*OUA rank based on points scored

Men’s rugby falls to Mustangs Mustangs remain undefeated as the Marauders headed home with their second loss of the season

McMaster men’s rugby suffered early on in the game at the hands of the undefeated Western Mustangs and were unable to pull out a win on the road, giving them their second loss of the season. C/O FRASER CALDWELL, MCMASTER ATHLETICS

Alexandra Reilly Assistant Sports Editor The Western men’s rugby team kept their undefeated season in tact this weekend, as McMaster’s hard fought battle just was not enough to take down the Mustangs on their home field. On Sept. 21 the Marauders travelled to London, Ont. to battle against a 2-0 Mustang crew. Although the game proved

to be a physically intense one for both teams and neither squad put up any points until 25 minutes in, the Mustangs would prove to triumph late in the game leading the Marauders 13-5 heading into the half. The Marauders would come out fighting in the beginning of the second half, scoring their second try of the game less than 10 minutes into the half. Western did not hesitate to

respond soon after as James Ojo burst through to score a try three minutes later. Despite numerous scoring opportunities for the Maroon and Grey squad the score remained 25-10 for the Mustangs for the rest of the game until a late try followed by a conversion would put Western out of Mac’s reach with the score sitting in the Mustangs favor at 32-10. McMaster would walk away

with their second loss of the season on the road. The Marauders hope to lick their wounds clean in order to prepare for their next contest in which they face Brock University on Sept. 28 at home. The Marauders 1-2 record now ties them with Brock for fourth place in the standings. McMaster hopes to come out successful against the St. Catharines crew in order to put

them slightly above in the OUA rankings. @Miss_AReilly

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013

ANDY E-mail:

ndex westdale theatre

•sept 28 funkhaus •oct 5 of gentlemen and cowards •oct 18 born ruffians

•sept 21-26 still mine •sept 6-26 before midnight

silvercity ancaster

this ain’t hollywood

•sept 26

•sept 31 wax mannequin •oct 5 the dayglo abortions •oct 13 lee reed

hamilton public library - central

•oct 26

Lori Yates' songwriters' workshop

Assistant Editor: Cooper Long

Phone: (905)•525•9140 ext 27117

Contributors: Tomi Milos, Tobi Abdul, Shane Madill, Lene Trunjer Petersen


the casbah

artword artbar

pop music: we're in the thicke of it

C4 C5 fall into a new season of tv

blue jasmine

bridge walkers

mcmaster museum of art •oct 2

Senior Editor: Bahar Orang

Meeting Time: Tuesdays @ 5:30 p.m.

Cover: Eliza Pope

coming up in the hammer

•sept 28





andy's album reviews


showtime in steeltown

artist's talk: thelma rosner on homeland

THE COVER STORY This is a photo of the RBC building in Toronto. It was taken on an iPhone, while waiting for a friend who was late!

sex advice from authors "All lovers are unique. Bad sex can be thrilling for the heart." - Duncan Fallowell EDITORIAL


Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013


pop culture: we’re in the thicke of it

Bahar Orang ANDY Editor For the past several weeks, my Facebook newsfeed has included at least one status, link, or photo about Miley Cyrus and/or Robin Thicke. People have had a lot to say about these two. There were the people who found “Blurred Lines” offensive, and the people who didn’t know what the big deal was. There were hilarious parodies, disturbing photomontages, and impassioned talk about rape culture. There were the people who analyzed Miley’s performance and then the people who analyzed these analyses. The conversation permeated all forms of social media, classroom walls, and conversations with friends and coworkers – it was simply everywhere. I learned what it meant to “twerk.” I learned that people do not like Miley’s tongue. I learned that Robin Thicke is married with kids. I learned interesting, informative debates about cultural appropriation, along with meaningful insights about how art develops from the blending of different cultures. I hadn’t watched the MTV awards and I hadn’t heard “Blurred Lines” until sometime in early September. That’s not to say that I have anything against pop culture. In fact, I seem to defend it more often than criticize it. I like to listen to Katy Perry when I work out and I know all the words to most Eminem songs. There are many things to

enjoy about popular culture. Most of our “highbrow” entertainment was popular culture at some point. Like Shakespeare. Or Mozart. Or Mark Twain. And no one can justly reject The Beatles, who once had their faces on enough merchandise to clothe and house a small family. The recent explosion of Miley and Rob proved two things. First, that popular culture is inescapable. No matter how indie your films, how alternative your rock, and how far you hide and hate the Britneys and Madonnas – you can’t avoid it. It will find its way into your conversations and into your subconscious. If you go to stores or on the computer, then it is pretty much inevitable that it will affect your life in some way. And for this reason alone, we can’t discount it. The fact is that pop culture is produced to be as immediately accessible as possible, so chances are that we will all consume it in one way or another. Second, popular culture reflects the culture – the ideas, the beliefs, the stereotypes, the fears – of the moment. Miley twerks, and this expresses something meaningful about women, about our bodies, about black people. Robin rhymes “hug” and “fuck,” and this too reflects something disturbing about how our society deals with the body, with power and with sex. So again, we cannot discount it. But I also believe that while they may reveal valuable insights about our culture, there really are more important things to also pay close attention to. I know it’s a

tired argument. But there is so much fantastic, poetic, wonderful, moving art available out there, even just around the corner. Pop culture is not usually designed to make us think or feel particularly deeply. They are often the television shows that we can watch while doing five other things, or the music and the movies that are entertaining but that don’t trouble us with messy thoughts. It is not designed to change our lives; it is designed to make us spend as much money as possible. I admit that it can enjoyable, but the magnitude of the obsession with Miley and Rob was unnecessary. There needs to be balance. We should always try to think at least a little critically about the pop culture we consume. I don’t object to dancing to “Blurred Lines” and I don’t think that after said dance we should go home and write an academic paper on it. But I think with every top-40 song, with every Hollywood film, and every passing television show that we watch, it’s important, maybe life changing, to be active in our consumption rather than passive. Easier said than done. I am regularly guilty of being a passive consumer. But I really do want to make more of an effort to wonder about how people are represented, to compare it to other art forms by other kinds of artists, and to object, at least in my mind, to some of the things that are done and said and sung.





tickle how (breaking) bad are spoilers? COOPER LONG / ANDY EDITOR YOSEIF HADDAD / SENIOR PHOTO EDITOR

Alberta D. “I don’t want to know anything about the next Spiderman movie.”

Biagio V. “There’s no point in watching if you know the ending.”

Domenic C. “Pretty bad.”

Samantha R. “ I avoid social media before Breaking Bad.”

Ashly C. “Definitely bad.”

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013


fall into a new season of tv

as watched by Tobi Abul

I’m the kind of person who can’t hang out because I have a date with Netflix. I am also the kind of person who will stare at you in confusion if you answer, “I don’t know, I don’t really watch TV much, I don’t like it” when I ask you what your favourite TV show is. If you’ve ever answered anything similar, I only have one thing to say to you: your life is a lie. For the rest of you normal people who appreciate the complexities of modern TV, we can all rejoice because fall is finally here. Sure, leaves are pretty and football is awesome, but let’s face it, the real reason we’re so excited is because we can finally find out what’s happening to Callie and Arizona. Here is a day-by-day look at my Monday to Friday recommendations. There are tons more shows out there, but this is what I’ll be watching when I should be doing homework.


How I Met Your Mother (CBS, 8:00 p.m.) Yes, I know, we’ve had enough. And yet we tune in, either out of loyalty or out of some irresistible curiosity. The last season where we can finally find out who decided to put poor Ted Moseby out of his misery by marrying him. Almost Human (November 4th, FOX, 8:00 p.m.) Cop show meets sci-fi with eye candy Michael Ealy as an android. It could probably go either way, but to me it seems promising. J.J. Abrams brings us a new drama featuring human cops who are partnered with highly intelligent androids.


New Girl (FOX, 9:00 p.m.) If you’re not watching New Girl, you’re doing something wrong. Schmidt, Winston, Nick, and Jess are unlike any characters we have on TV. New Girl definitely needs some new storylines, but I think its best days are ahead of us. If not, whatever, Schmidt happens.

The Mindy Project (FOX, 9:30 p.m.) Mindy Kaling’s trying to revive the sexy, single, 30-something that seems to have been overshadowed by all the sexy, single, 20-somethings who are on TV right now. The one liners are superb and Dr. Mindy Lahiri, like most of us out there, is trying to find the balance between finding love and eating a tub of ice cream on the couch in your PJs at 4 p.m on Saturday.


L&O: SVU (NBC, 9:00 p.m.) I’m probably one of two loyal followers of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit after 14 seasons but I just can’t get enough. I mean did you SEE last season’s finale?! Try not to binge-watch this show though, unless you want to lose all faith in humanity.


Michael J. Fox Show (Sept 26, NBC 9:30 p.m.) I’m pretty picky with my sitcoms but I’m really excited to see how Michael J Fox plays this one. The show is loosely based on

his life, and I think can go either way. If the trailer tells us anything, there are enough Parkinson’s jokes to last us the entire season. White Collar (October 17, USA 9:00 p.m.) To me, White Collar is that high school sweetheart whose name I doodle in my notebook while all too aware that it’s never actually going to work out. But enjoy it while you can right? White Collar is only getting stronger as a TV show and this Suits-esque show makes me gush like a schoolgirl.


The Carrie Diaries (CBS, 9:00 p.m.) Is it sad if I predrink to this show? It’s based on a series that was a prequel to another series that inspired a highly successful show and two movies. What’s not surprising though is that The Carrie Diaries and Sex and the City have little to nothing in common. It may be about high school kids but it is one of the most relatable shows out there.

C4 & 5

“This is what I’ll be watching instead of doing my homework.”


Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013


not a single complaint

Tomi Milos sings the praises of three late-breaking, world-shaking singles “Will Calls” Album: Shields B-Sides Artist: Grizzly Bear I’ve seen Grizzly Bear perform in support of 2012’s excellent Shields twice since its release and after hearing their latest offering I’d gladly go again. On the most recent occasion, I had the pleasure of meeting Ed Droste, Dan Rossen, and Chris Taylor (Chris Bear remained on the bus), but none of them hinted at new material — they all seemed to be looking forward to having time off. Last week the band announced the imminent Nov. 12 release of B-sides that didn’t make the album and made one available for our listening pleasure. “Will Calls” is a sprawling gem that’ll have you clutching your palpitating heart upon its cathartic conclusion.

“Over Your Shoulder” Album: White Woman Artist: Chromeo No, Chromeo’s new single isn’t about those peeks you sneak at the gorgeous girl who always sits behind you in lecture. Dave Malkovich and Patrick Gemayel have never been shy of confronting sexual themes in their nuanced take on electro-funk and they appear to be set to do more of the same on their upcoming record, White Women, which takes it name from Helmut Newton’s provocative first book of photography. With “Over Your Shoulder,” they take a stagnant motif in the form of female insecurity and give it a debonair twist that eluded Bruno Mars on his eternally annoying “Just The Way You Are.” Listen to it before you attempt to chat up that aforementioned honey for a dash of courage. (Disclaimer: It won’t make you as suave as Dave, so proceed with extreme caution.)

“Reflektor” Album: Reflektor Artist: Arcade Fire When a band that’s been off the grid for as long as Arcade Fire announces new music, people pay attention. The Montreal super-group set themselves up for their comeback in a big way with the release of the title track from their new record, Reflektor. Though the album isn’t out until Oct. 29, it’s doubtful the wait will seem long as most people (read: me) will be content to while away their time listening to the first new music from the band since The Suburbs. Clocking in near the eight-minute mark, the song is a splendid return to form. Enlisting the production talents of James Murphy and David Bowie’s backup vocals (!!!!), the Canadian Grammy-winners have succeeding in creating yet another infinitely dance-worthy opus.



Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013

andy’s album reviews Shane Madill The Silhouette

Nothing Was the Same Artist: Drake People who dislike Drake tend to be very vocal about their opinion. People disagree with him being the face of contemporary hip-hop and people disagree with his credibility given his background. Yet, to deny that there is a lack of talent present in all of his records and to deny that he is constantly developing is simply incorrect. Nothing Was the Same represents two of Drake’s personas. One side is the man who wants to brag about his newfound success and believes that this success is warranted. The other side is the man who knows that this is stupid to do and still struggles with issues of isolation and aban-

donment, leading to oversensitive sentiments about women who do commit. His interpretation of his success does not concern how a successful actor who was raised in Forest Hill managed to get his foot in “People who the music indislike Drake dustry’s tend to be very door, vocal...” but rather how a Jewish Canadian high school dropout from a broken family managed to climb to the top of the music world. Drake embraces and writes about very personal, but very common issues, and brings this to the forefront constantly in his songs. Most tend to be turned off by the subject matter of “Drake,” as shown by the typical com-


Tomi Milos The Silhouette

Days Are Gone Artist: Haim

My heart dropped when I took a look at the tracklist of Haim’s debut record, Days Are Gone, before listening last week. After harbouring high hopes for their major label coming out party, noticing that not one but four songs from their previous EPs

plaints about him. But moving past this reveals a more sensitive and internally conflicted side of hip-hop that is rarely explored, and rarely to this quality. Drake’s flow and his ear for beats are two of the most noticeable improvements over his previous studio albums, Take Care and Thank Me Later. On the highlights of Nothing Was the Same his delivery is sharp, quick, and accented by brilliant production from long-time collaborator Noah “40” Shebib. Even on lyrically unsubstantial songs, like “Started From The Bottom” and the majority of “Worst Behaviour,” the beat is instantly recognizable and enjoyable every time it cycles through your playlist. However, Drake’s lyricism is a lot more inconsistent relative to Take Care. For every, “After hours of II Mulino/Or Sotto Sotto, just talking to women and vino/The contract like ’91 Dan Marino/I swear this got Michael Rapinos boosting my ego” there

is an equal and opposite “Girl don’t treat me like a stranger/ Girl you know I seen ya naked.” Though understanding and respecting his perspective and intent helps one to gloss over this, these sorts of lines are just sloppy

had been thrown into the mix took the wind straight out of my sails. Don’t fret if the name (pronounced high-im) doesn’t immediately ring a bell; you’ve probably seen the stylish L.A. trio on Tumblr. Este, Danielle, and Alana Haim are sisters who’ve been playing music together since forming a childhood band with their parents. Through a “stroke” of luck, Danielle managed to nab a spot in Julian Casablancas’ backing band and brought her sisters along so they could open for the eccentric musician on his solo tour. In a recent interview with the Guardian, the sisters mentioned that his advice to them was to “disappear, come back in a year with stronger songs and hit the ground running.” Listening to the record ahead of its Oct. 1 release, it’s easy to wonder if they paid any heed to this sage advice. Perhaps their only smart decision was

bringing in veteran producer Ariel Reichstadt in a failed bid to rekindle earlier magic. Along with receiving a co-production credit on Vampire Weekend’s stunning Modern Vampires of The City, Reichstadt helped craft one of the trio’s strongest songs yet, “Falling.” “Haim” is Hebrew for “life,” which is funny, because after stripping away terrific old tracks like “Don’t Save Me” and “Forever,” their record is utterly devoid of any sign of it and plays more like a subpar EP with plenty of filler. The fact that the band cancelled a slew of opening dates for Vampire Weekend in order to finish up work on Days Are Gone is ironic, because it sounds like it was composed at whim on a laptop during odd moments on a tour bus. “The Wire” and its accompanying video are hopelessly corny, but will probably be all over soft-rock radio stations in the upcoming months. “My Song 5” is an unlistenable attempt to



in comparison and stop the album from reaching greatness. You may remember Nothing Was the Same for the beats or for some interesting wordplay, but there is no doubt that you will also remember these low points.


mirror the grating sound that Justin Timberlake captured on FutureSex/LoveSounds that splutters to an end that couldn’t come soon enough. To the sisters’ merit, not all of their new output deserves a spot in your computer’s trash bin. Songs like “If I Could Change Your Mind” and “Honey & I” capture the buoyancy that made them so fun in the first place. On the latter, Danielle sings about turning away a lover with a husky voice that’ll break your heart. Despite being heavily hyped, the record will fail to win over fans expecting something groundbreaking. That said, the Haim sisters are too talented to be releasing a half-assed effort like this. Here’s to hoping they can regroup before their days are really gone and another horde of “it-girls” in high-waisted jean shorts are fighting to take their place in an increasingly dull and oversaturated music industry.

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013



showtime in steeltown ANDY speaks to the director of the 2013 Art Gallery of Hamilton BMO World Film Festival Lene Trunjer Petersen The Silhouette For a film enthusiast such as myself, the annual Art Gallery of Hamilton BMO World Film Festival is an obvious reason to dive into great independent films and documentaries. To satisfy my curiosity, I spoke to Festival Director Annette Paiement about how the World Film Festival came to be and what the AGH has to offer during its fifth anniversary celebrations. As I was waiting in the lobby at the AGH, a smiling woman with curly hair came towards me. She introduced herself as Annette Paiement, and we went to some chairs near the big glass facades that make the AGH so recognizable. Of course, my first question was, “why Hamilton?” With a big smile she replied, “why not?” Then she elaborated. She said that the nearest movie twheater that runs several independent films is in Toronto. In general, it is mainstream movies that are shown in Hamilton and the surrounding areas. That means that if you like more artistic, independent films you will have to drive to Toronto. Of course, there is also the opportunity to go to the Toronto International Film Festival, but the price and distance is a factor for people here. According to Paiement, a lot of people who live in Hamilton wish to see more complex and debatable films, and these are what the AGH wants to supply. But how do you choose between so many films that are being produced each year? Paiement smiles again and nods, before she explains that there is a deep commitment to film in this community. A lot of people email requests, and the AGH has a selection committee that includes McMaster professors. She also points out that the most important thing is that everyone who helps plan the AGH BMO World Film Festival is a film lover and wants to share that feeling. In the end, the job of the festival director is to figure out how the films speak to each other, what people want, and what surfaces elsewhere. For instance, she attends film festivals, reads reviews

and uses sites like Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic in order to evaluate films. One of her main focuses is how to create a platform for people to meet and discuss the themes of a film. In this way, it is not just a film, but becomes a valuable instrument in an ongoing debate. Next year, the AGH celebrates its 100th anniversary and she really hopes that it can be combined with the sixth annual AGH BMO World Film Festival. As for the future, Paiement has two wishes. The first one is that the festival can get access to more places where they can screen films. She is very happy that this year Anchor Bar at Jackson Square is collaborating with the AGH. They are showing short films and are always open after a film screening, which provides people a convenient place to meet and discuss the films. Her other wish is that young people continue to attend the World Film Festival. Before I am on my way, Paiement reminds me that AGH also runs the ilovefilmseries, for which McMaster students receive a discount. The series runs throughout the year, and continues with a screening of the acclaimed documentary The Act of Killing on Nov. 13. As for the AGH BMO World Film Festival, it runs until Sunday Sept. 29. So don’t miss this chance to buy a ticket to what might be your new favorite film.

”A lot of people who live in Hamilton want to see more complex and debatable films”


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