S The Silhouette Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017
NEWS Board of directors check-in // PAGES 4-5
ARTS & CULTURE Stress cooking // PAGES 18-19
SPORTS Look great, play great // PAGES 24-25
The Silhouette
Volume 88, Issue 15 Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017 McMaster University’s Student Newspaper
EDITORIAL BOARD editor-in-chief | thesil@thesil.ca Shane Madill @shanemadill digital media specialist | dms@msu.mcmaster.ca Aaron de Jesus managing editor | managing@thesil.ca Rachel Katz production editor | production@thesil.ca Catherine Tarasyuk online editor | online@thesil.ca Haley Greene sections
Sasha Dhesi Cassidy Bereskin news@thesil.ca
news editor news reporter
Emily O’Rourke
features reporter
Reem Sheet opinion@thesil.ca
opinion editor
Justin Parker Jessica Carmichael sports@thesil.ca
sports editor sports reporter
& culture editor Daniel Arauz arts & culture reporter Razan Samara aandc@thesil.ca arts
Madeline Neumann Kyle West production coordinator Grant Holt production coordinator Timothy Law production@thesil.ca photo editor
photo reporter
Yvonne Lu Jaime Cook online content coordinator Susie Ellis online@thesil.ca video editor
social media coordinator
MUSC, Room B110 McMaster University 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4S4
The Silhouette welcomes letters to the editor in person at MUSC B110, or by email at thesil@thesil.ca. Please include name, address and telephone number for verification only. Letters should be 300 words or less. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters and opinion articles. Opinions and editorials expressed in the Silhouette are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editorial board, the publishers, the McMaster Students Union or the University. The Silhouette is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the McMaster Students Union. The Silhouette Board of Publications acts as an intermediary between the editorial board, the McMaster community and the McMaster Students Union. Grievances regarding the Silhouette may be forwarded in writing to: McMaster Students Union, McMaster University Student Centre, Room 201, L8S 4S4, Attn: The Silhouette Board of Publications. The Board will consider all submissions and make recommendations accordingly.
Editor-in-Chief (905) 525-9140, ext 22052 Main Office (905) 525-9140, ext 27117 Advertising ccpc@mcmaster.ca 8,000 circulation published by the
^Tbe /Mbc/llWer Sitbouette M cM a
V O L i.— N o . i.
W in n in g o f In term ed ia te C ham pion sh ip N o tew o rth y E v en t in S ch o o l S p orts fo r th e Y ear.
F T E K m a n y y e a rs in q u e s t o f a n I n te r-c o lle g ia te C h a m p io n sh ip , th e B a s k e tb a ll T ea m fin a lly b r o u g h t th e b a s k e tb a ll ti tl e to r e s t in M cM aster. T h e w in n in g o f th e I n te r m e d ia te B a s k e tb a ll c h a m p io n s h ip is a s in g u la r n o te w o rth y e v e n t in t h e h is to ry of M cM aste r a th le tic s . T h e c h a m p io n s h ip w a s d e fin ite ly co n ce d e d to th e M aro o n a n d G rey q u in t e t fo llo w in g th e v ic to ry of th e W e s t e r n M u s ta n g s o v e r th e O .A.C. o n th e G u e lp h floor. T h e sc o re w as o n e sid e d w ith W e s te rn h o ld in g th e u p p e r h a n d th r o u g h o u t th e c o n te s t. O p e n in g th e se a so n w ith s e v e ra l w e ll e a rn e d v ic to rie s M c M aste r g o t o u t in f r o n t o f th e o th e r te a m s a n d h e ld firs t p lace th r o u g h o u t th e se a s on. M c M aster d ro p p e d tw o h a rd f o u g h t g a m e s to fin ish th e se a so n , b u t d id n o t lo se t h e i r h o ld o n th e to p ru n g . O.A.C. p lay ed th e i r b e s t g a m e s a w a y fro m h o m e , lo s in g e v e ry c o n te s t o n th e h o m e floor. W e s te rn m a d e a l a t e se a so n ra lly to ta k e th e la s t tw o g a m e s o f th e i r sc h e d u le . V a rs ity fin ish e d in a tie w ith th e “ A g g ie s.” N o ta b le g a m e s o f th e M cM aster s c h e d u le w e re t h e tw o V a rs ity fix tu r e s , w h ic h M cM a ste r w o n d e c isiv e ly . T h e firs t v ic to ry to o k p la c e in G u e lp h to th e s u r p r is e o f th e m u c h v a u n te d “ A g g ie s.’’ F o llo w in g a h a rd (C o n tin u e d o n P a g e 3 .)
t o r o n t o
o n t
M A R C H 25 , 1930.
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A w eek ly newspaper for M cM aster w ill be very much needed in the near future, when the various activities o f the university m ust be placed before the larger Student B ody in H am ilton. The Publication Board of the M cM aster M onthly are to be commended for taking the initiative in the m atter and givin g you this' advance number of the “Silhouette.” W e w elcom e the new w eek ly to M cM aster and extend to it our best w ishes for a prosperous and useful future.— H .P.W .
S n eyd , P u gh , P ik e and Iv iso n T ak e P a rt in In ter-C o lleg ia te S eries
u n iv e r s it y
H E E F F O R T S of M c M a ster’s tw o in te r - u n iv e r s ity d e b a tin g te a m s w e re c ro w n e d w ith su c ce ss w h e n th e fin al d e b a te o f th e s e rie s w as w on fro m O sg o o d e H a ll o n F rid a y , M arch 1 4 th b y a n a g g re g a te o f i i p o in ts. Cliff- P u g h a n d B ob S n ey d d e se rv e g r e a t c re d it fo r th e m a n n e r in w h ich th e y w on a g a in s t O sg o o d e’s a fflrm a tiv e tiv e te a m b y a m a r g in w h ich m o re th a n m a d e u p fo r th e d e f e a t of S t u a r t Iv iso n a n d H a rry P ik e a t th e h a n d s o f O sg o o d e’s n e g a tiv e . The l a t t e r te a m w as m a d e e x c e p tio n a lly fo rm id a b le th r o u g h th e le a d e rs h ip of C. H . H o w a rd , a M cM aster g r a d u a te o f c la s s ’28 , w h o s k illf u lly p e rs u a d e d th e ju d g e s t h a t th e m e m b e rs o f th e a ffirm a tiv e te a m h a d c o n tr ib u te d n o th in g of v a lu e to th e d isc u ssio n . B e fo re e n te r in g th e fin al ro u n d of d e b a te s M c M aster h a d w on a d e c is iv e v ic to ry fro m B ish o p ’s C olleg e, a n d h a d a lso h a n d e d o u t d e f e a t to L o y o la C o lleg e in M o n tre a l. T h e a c q u is itio n of th e in te r-u n iv e rs ity d e b a tin g cu p w ill a d d m u c h to M cM as t e r ’s d e b a tin g p ro w e ss, a lr e a d y m a d e g r e a t by th e p o sse ssio n of th e K e rr sh ie ld . D e b a tin g u n io n o fficials a r e c o n fid e n t t h a t n e x t y e a r ’s te a m s w ill b e ev e n s tr o n g e r th a n th o s e o f th e p a s t. P ro m is in g m a te r ia l is to be fo u n d a m o n g th e J u n io r s , S o p h o m o re s a n d F re s h m e n , i t is sa id . I t is to be h o p e d t h a t f u t u r e D e b a tin g E x e c u tiv e s w ill c o n c e n tra te la r g e ly o n in te r-u n iv e rs ity d e b a te s. I t sh o u ld be p a te n t to a ll t h a t M cM as t e r ’s firs t d u ty so f a r a s d e b a tin g is c o n c e rn e d , is to d e m o n s tr a te h e r s u p e r io r ity o v e r t h e o th e r la r g e C a n a d ia n U n iv e rs itie s su c h a s M cG ill, Q u e e n ’s a n d V a rsity .
st e r
ROBERT SNEYD ELECTED STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT C h ief C ou n cillor F o r N ex t Y ear is P ro m in en t In ter-C o lleg ia te D ebater. COYNE
H E M E M B E R S o f th e M en ’s S tu d e n t B ody h a v e e le c te d R o b e rt S n ey d , ’30, to le a d th e a c tiv itie s o f th e S tu d e n ts ’ C o u n c il a t t h e N ew M cM aster. M r. S n ey d is a c a n d id a te fo r th e B a p tis t m in is tr y a n d h a s a c h ie v e d p ro m in e n c e a t M cM aste r th r o u g h h is a b ility as a d e b a te r, a f t e r d in n e r s p e a k e r, p re a c h e r , a n d e x e c u tiv e . T h e fa c t t h a t M r. S neyd o b ta in e d a m a jo r ity o f v o te s o v e r B ru c e W h id d e n , o n e o f M cM aste r s m o s t p o p u la r a th le te s , b e a rs w itn e s s to th e c o n fid en ce w h ic h th e m e n o f th e u n iv e r s ity p la c e in h im . T h e o f fice of v ic e -p re s id e n t w ill be filled by C oy n e G ifford, o f A rts ’29. M r. G if fo rd h a s a lr e a d y h e ld s e v e ra l p o si tio n s of im p o rta n c e , in c lu d in g t h a t o f H ig h K a k ia k in M cM a ster a H ll. H is a b ility is w ell k n o w n .
PR O F . L. H. M A R S H A L L .
L E C T IO N S w ill be h e ld n e x t w eek f o r th e v a rio u s offices in th e M c M aster so c ie tie s. N o m in a tio n s c lo se on S a tu r d a y , M a rc h 22. T h e n o m in a tio n lis ts a lr e a d y c o n ta in th e n a m e s o f m a n y w e ll-k n o w n s tu d e n ts a n d th e ra c e p ro m ise s to b e clo se b e tw e e n th e d if fe re n t c a n d i d a te s . T h o se n o m in a te d fo r office a re a s fo llo w s: S tu d en t V o lu n teer B and: P r e s id e n t— J . S im p so n . 1 s t V ic e -P re s id e n t— G r e ta F in le y . 2 n d V ic e -P re s id e n t— O rv ille G e tty . C a n d id a te S e c re ta ry — G e rtr u d e C a m p b e ll, S a lo m e E n g e lm a n n . E x te n s io n S e c re ta ry — J o h n B a rle y . S e c r e ta r y - T r e a s u r e r — H o w a r d M acG reg o r, D u n c a n M acN ab. (C o n tin u e d o n P a g e 2 .)
ATHLETIC BANQUET PLANNED FOR THURSDAY, MARCH 27 P r o fe sso r M cK enzie to S p ea k M cM aster F u n c tio n
IT H P L A N S f o r th e a th le tic b a n q u e t w e ll u n d e r w a y th e a n n u a l d in n e r o f t h e M cM aster A.A. p ro m is e s to b e a s in g u la r su c cess. T h e b a n q u e t w ill b e h e ld u n d e r t h e jo i n t a u s p ic e s o f t h e M en ’s a n d W o m e n ’s A th le tic U n io n s, a n d b id s f a i r to s u r p a s s a n y th in g o f its k in d t h a t h a s e v e r b e e n h e ld a t M c-
1TH L E S S th a n a w e e k to go, p la n s h a v e b e e n v ir tu a l ly c o m p le te d f o r th e T h e o lo g y B a n q u e t to b e h e ld T u e s d a y n ig h t, M a rc h 25, a t th e R o y a l Y o rk h o te l. T h e b a n q u e t is in t h e n a t u r e o f a f a r e w e ll to P ro f e s s o r M a rs h a ll, w h o se r e s ig n a tio n fro m th e T h e o lo g ic a l F a c u lty o f th e U n iv e rs ity w a s a n n o u n c e d so m e tim e ag o .
T h e o th e r g u e s ts o f t h e e v e n in g w ill b e C h a n c e llo r W h id d e n a n d D r. M cC rim m o n . T h e t o a s t li s t h a s b e e n c o m p le te d a n d t h e c o m m itte e r e p o r t t h a t e v e ry th in g is r u n n in g s m o o th ly in c o n n e c tio n w ith t h e b a n q u e t. B o b S n ey d is to p ro p o s e th e t o a s t to t h e A lm a M a t e i* a n d S t u a r t Iv is o n t h e to a s t to P r o f e s s o r M a rs h a ll. T h e e n t e r ta i n m e n t w ill c o n s is t o f m u s ic f u r n is h e d b y B ill B a x te r a n d t h e M c M a s te r Q u a r te t, c o m p o s e d o f G e o rg e B ro w n , H a r r y P ik e , L e la n d G re g o ry a n d S t u a r t Iv iso n . P ra c tic a lly e v e ry m a n in T h e o lo g y h a s sig n ifie d h is in te n tio n o f b e in g p re s e n t, a s w e ll a s m a n y o f th o s e in A rts w h o a r e p r e p a r in g f o r T h e o lo g y . I t is e s tim a te d t h a t a b o u t th ir ty - f iv e w ill b e p r e s e n t to d o h o n o u r to P r o fe s s o r M a rs h a ll a n d in c id e n ta lly to b r in g to a c lo se t h e s o c ia l y e a r f o r T h e o lo g y . M a s te r. A rc h ie S te w a r t, M am e W il lis, A u s tin B o d ie a n d R e ta S m ith a r e th e c h ie f d ir e c to r s o f th i s c o m in g e v e n t. M r. A r th u r B u r r id g e t h e n e w ly a p p o in te d d ir e c to r o f p h y s ic a l e d u c a tio n w ill b e p r e s e n t a n d w ill g iv e a s h o r t a d d re s s . I s h e t a l l o r s h o r t, d a r k o r f a i r ? G irls , a n d b o y s, c o m e a n d see.
“ S tu d e n t L ife in G e rm a n y ” w a s th e s u b je c t o f t h e a d d r e s s g iv e n b y P r o f e s s o r M a r s h a ll a t t h e a n n u a l J u n io r - S e n io r C o lla tio n . T h e C o lla tio n w a s h e ld th i s y e a r in th e R o y a l Y o rk H o te l o n T u e s d a y , M a rc h 1 1 th . T h e a d d r e s s o f P r o f e s s o r M a r s h a ll s e r v e d a s a f ittin g c lim a x to t h e la s t c o lla tio n to be h e ld in th e o ld Mc M a s te r. B r in g in g to h is s u b j e c t th e r e s u lt, h is o w n e x p e rie n c e s a s a s tu d e n t in G e rm a n y a n d s p e a k in g w ith h is u s u a l f o r c e f u l s ty le , P r o f e s s o r M a r s h a ll h e ld th e i n t e r e s t o f t h e 150 g u e s ts t h r o u g h o u t. T h e b a n q u e t, a s p r e s id e d o v e r A u b re y M oy le, p r e s id e n t o f th e J u n io r Y e a r, w a s d e c la r e d b y a ll p re s e n t to b e o n e o f th e o u ts ta n d i n g fu n c tio n s o f t h e M c M a ste r s o c ia l c a le n d a r . T h e m u s ic a l n u m b e r s ,a s g iven b y M iss D o ro th e a B e n g o u g h a n d P r o f e s s o r B r iq u e t, w e re re c e iv e d w ith g r e a t a p p la u s e — s u f fic ie n t ev id en c e o f t h e i r f u ll a p p r e c ia tio n . T h e t o a s t li s t w a s m a d e u p o f th e " G r a d u a t in g C la s s ,’’ p ro p o s e d by E ric S m it a n d re s p o n d e d to by B ob S n ey d ; t h e “ F a c u lt y ,” p r o p o s e d by Miss M u rie l M a itla n d a n d r e s p o n d e d to by P r o f e s s o r B r iq u e t ; a n d th e “ A lm a M a te r,” p ro p o s e d b y C. A. L aw son a n d r e s p o n d e d to b y C h a n c e llo r W h id d e n . T h e to a s t to th e F a c u lty w a s th e o c c a sio n o f so m e w itty re m a r k s o n t h e p a r t o f t h e p ro p o s e r a n d r e s p o n d e r a lik e . D r. W h id d e n is r e m in is c e n c e s o f s t u d e n t life w ere a ls o o f c o n s id e r a b le i n t e r e s t . T h e e v e n in g w a s b r o u g h t to a close o ffic ia lly w ith o n e o r tw o M cM aster a n d c la s s y e lls. A r ts ’31 a r e now lo o k in g f o r w a r d to n e x t y e a r in H am ilto n , w h e n th e y w ill b e t h e g u e sts o f h o n o u r a t th e R o y a l C o n n a u g h t.
LARGE CROWDS ATTEND ANNUAL PLAY OF W.L.S. A u d ien ces F ille d C a stle M em orial H a ll o n M arch 7 th an d 8 th . ‘T h e b e s t p la y s e v e r d ra m a tiz e d on a M c M a ste r s t a g e b y t h e W o m en ’s L ite r a r y S o c ie ty s in c e t h e d a y s when S h a k e s p e a r e w a s p e r f o r m e d ,’' was th e i n t e r e s t i n g c o m m e n t m a d e by a m e m b e r o f t h e a u d ie n c e w h ic h pack ed C a s tle M e m o ria l H a ll b o th F rid a y a n d S a tu r d a y n ig h t s , M a rc h 1 an d 8 T h e f i r s t p la y , “ J o i n t O w n ers in S p a in ,” f e a t u r e d M iss I r e n e C am ero n a n d M iss G e n e v ie v e J o h n s o n a s tw o o ld la d ie s w h o c o u ld g e t a lo n g w ith no o n e . A s a re m e d y f o r th is sad c o n d itio n , th e y w e r e p la c e d to g e th e r in t h e s a m e ro o m a n d w e re le ft to w o rk o u t t h e i r o w n s a lv a tio n — to th e e v id e n t e n jo y m e n t o f t h e au d ien ce. T h is s h o r t p la y a llo w e d th e audience tim e to g e t c o m f o r ta b ly s e ttle d in t h e i r s e a ts a n d s u p p lie d a good “ a p e r t i f ” f o r t h e p e rf o rm a n c e to fo llo w . M iss J e a n M c T a v ish p la y e d the le a d in g r o le in t h e seco n d play. “ Six W h o P a s s .’’ M iss M cT av ish was a d m ir a b ly fitte d to i n t e r p r e t th e dif fic u lt p a r t o f a n a iv e y o u n g s te r, ask in g th e m o s t in g e n io u s q uestions. M iss J e a n C a m e ro n p la y e d th e Pa r* o f th e h u n te d q u e e n w ith e v id e n t T9s t r a i n t . M iss N e tti e V a il a s th e Sol d ie r y , w o n t h e a d m i r a t io n of th e au d ie n c e b y h e r c o n tin u e d effo rts to m a in ta in la w a n d o rd e r . T h e t a l e n t re v e a le d b o d e s w ell for th e f u t u r e o f d r a m a ti c s a t the new M c M a ste r. M u c h c r e d i t Is d u e tM p r e s id e n t o f t h e W o m e n ’s Literary S o c ie ty , M iss M a r th a R o p e r, w ho al«> a c te d a s B u s in e s s M a n a g e r fo r the p lay s. I t is d o u b tf u l w h e th e r Mr. W. A. A tk in s o n , w h o d ir e c te d the play® so a d m ir a b ly , w ill b e a g a in avail*#!* in th i s c o n n e c tio n .
THE SILHOUETTE, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont. Fri. Nov. 19, 1965
“A weekly newspaper for McMaster will be very much needed in the near future, when the various activities of the university must be placed before the larger Student Body in Hamilton.”
WE WANT YOU TO CONTRIBUTE This is the last issue until Jan. 11. However, we will continue to accept volunteer submissions, feedback and inquiries. Feel free to send an email to the section you would like to contribute to. See you next year.
www.thesil.ca | Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017
The Silhouette
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News MSU associate vice presidents and you The new associate vice president system focuses on advocacy and support Sasha Dhesi News Editor
Since May, six associate vice presidents have worked alongside the McMaster Students Union board of directors to help them achieve their platforms and bring forth their own ideas, whether that be advocating on Parliament Hill or supporting MSU employees. Stephanie Bertolo, a fourthyear Arts and Science student, works alongside the MSU vice president (Education) as associate vice president (Municipal Affairs) to help him advocate on behalf of students in local politics. “[It’s] a lot of meetings,” Bertolo said. “I go to the community association meetings for Ainslie Wood/Westdale. It’s going to city hall and seeing what they’re up to with decisions that affect students.” This is the first year the MSU has had associate vice presidents. In previous years, they had commissioners who were elected by the Student Representative Assembly. Instead of an internal election, associate vice presidents are hired. Although commissioners and associate vice presidents fulfill a similar niche within the union, associate vice presidents are expected to take on more responsibility, as demonstrated in their pay. Associate vice presidents are also expected to take on more advocacy than commissioners. Generally speaking, associate vice presidents are expected to work 12 to 14 hours a week, whereas commissioners were paid for six to 10 hours a week. As associate vice president (Municipal Affairs), Bertolo works with the board of directors and the MSU’s education and advocacy team to improve student life on a local level. In the past few months, Bertolo focused on advocating for better transit in Hamilton and a landlord licensing program. Alongside the vice
MSU associate vice presidents do work behind the scenes to help the board of directors achieve their platforms, in addition to offering their own insight. MADELINE NEUMANN / PHOTO EDITOR
president (Education), Bertolo is a part of city hall subcommittees and will give delegations at various municipal meetings on behalf of the MSU. “[Local politics are] a little more down-to-earth. More citizens are invested in it because it’s so ingrained in their daily life that they’re out delegating and they get really emotional about these things,” said Bertolo. “You don’t really see that in the other forms of politics.” Bertolo’s job is not without challenges, one of which being the constraints she feels as a student doing advocacy. “You want to do so much, but you’re a little bit constrained by time. And that also factors into how you feel like you should be doing those things and that you should be representing the MSU, but you
just can’t do everything,” said Bertolo. Bertolo, however, is completely supported by the board of directors, who take on work when she is unavailable. “I’m always in [MSU vice president (Education) Ryan Deshpande]’s office. He’s always available either in person or via Facebook Messenger, so that’s really great. I can rant to him about meetings that didn’t go my way,” said Bertolo. “[MSU president Chukky Ibe]’s also a really great help, and we really act as a team.” Bertolo also often faces challenges when trying to dispel stereotypes the community holds about McMaster students. “One of the main challenges is dealing with the rhetoric around students. A lot of people will start saying ‘I’m
“Local politics are] a little more down-to-earth. More citizens are invested in it because it’s so ingrained in their daily life that they’re out delegating and they get really emotional about these things” Stephanie Bertolo, Associate vice president (Municipal Affairs)
not anti-student but...’ and then say things that are anti-student and trying to communicate why these things are wrong and the perceptions people have of students are often not complete,” she said. Bertolo is excited to see what future associate vice presidents will do with their role and how her role in particular will shape local politics. “The [municipal] election’s coming up, which is exciting! The community likes to go on and on about how [students] don’t vote and I think this could be the year that we do,” she said. The next batch of associate vice presidents will be hired sometime in second semester. @SashaDhesi
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Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017 | www.thesil.ca
A review of the board of directors President Chukky Ibe
V.P. Administration Preethi Anbalagan
Chukky Ibe’s last few months have focused on preparation, and the McMaster Students Union should expect to see the fruits of his labours as early as January 2018. Ibe’s yearlong plan focused on large projects, many of which he has addressed since his term began in May. Since September, Ibe has addressed
the majority of the projects on his platform. Ibe has taken the necessary steps to create a post-secondary access strategy, his project aimed to make university more accessible to non-traditional students. To do this, Ibe has allocated funds to turn a part of the MSU Student Health Education Centre’s office into a permanent lactation room, something SHEC will begin promoting
in the coming weeks. This is meant to help support students with children completing their bachelor’s degree, a key point in his platform. Ibe has also been in talks with the MSU Executive Board to expand the yearly MSU Creating Leadership Among Youth conference. Currently, CLAY is an annual conference but Ibe hopes to transform it into a fullyear project aimed at making undergraduate education more
Preethi Anbalagan’s role as vice president (Administration) focuses on training and supporting MSU staff, with a focus on service part-time managers, Student Representative Assembly members and associate vice presidents. She is also integral to the MSU’s participation in Welcome Week. During Welcome Week, Anbalagan’s main role was introducing and expanding strategic themes, meant to aid the
first-year transition. This year, the strategic theme committees were split into sub-categories, which caused some redundancies. With this in mind, Anbalagan is building the correct infrastructure necessary for Welcome Week’s strategic themes. Anbalagan has put forward recommendations to solve some of these issues, which may be found in her Nov. 28 report to the SRA.
Since September, Anbalagan has also successfully trained the newest SRA members, who were voted in during the by-election period. To support the SRA, Anbalagan and the associate vice president (Internal Governance) have scheduled meetings with caucus leaders to discuss their concerns. To support part-time managers, Anbalagan has made some changes to transition reports and feedback forms.
As MSU vice president (Education), Ryan Deshpande’s role predominantly entails developing MSU policy and spearheading advocacy. In his yearlong plan, Deshpande sought to ensure that a number of policy papers are completed by the end of the first semester. The Health and Wellness,
Academic Success and Student Employment and Experiential Education policy papers were passed at the Student Representative Assembly meeting on Nov. 12. Deshpande’s yearlong plan also emphasized changes to the university’s status quo, including the creation of an Indigenous course requirement, a syllabus repository and changes to exam schedule policies. While Deshpande was not
able to mandate an Indigenous course requirement, he was able to develop a course called Reconciliation 1A03, which will be offered to students in the winter term. Deshpande acknowledges that changes to the university’s exam schedule policies and the creation of a syllabus repository will require a multi-year effort. To fulfill the municipal advocacy component of his platform, Deshpande has increased
In his yearlong plan, Daniel “Tuba” D’Souza, McMaster Students Union vice president (Finance), highlighted a number of objectives. His most prominent one was to create Marauders’ Nest, the 1280 café. Although D’Souza initially sought to open the café in September 2017, this date was later pushed back to the end of the semester. The construction of the café just finished, and job
postings are being added to the MSU website this week. Now, the café is set to be in service in January 2018. Another one of D’Souza’s key platform points was the implementation of an online ordering system for 1280. However, when trying to implement this, D’Souza experienced logistical issues, including a high amount of employee turnover at 1280 and financial barriers.
In his platform, D’Souza also sought to restructure 1280 club nights. Fulfilling this platform objective, D’Souza has increased club night attendance by over 58 per cent. As part of his yearlong plan, D’Souza also stressed the need for MSU community partnerships and more experiential learning opportunities for students. Over the last few weeks, D’Souza has been exploring the
Sasha Dhesi News Editor
Cassidy Bereskin News Reporter
V.P. Education
Ryan Deshpande
V.P. Finance
Daniel “Tuba” D’Souza
www.thesil.ca | Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017
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Now done two-thirds of their term, here’s a look at what the McMaster Students Union board of directors has been up to this year
accessible to secondary students in Hamilton. Ibe also began working on his Good Food Delivery program, which when completed will allow students to have subsidized groceries delivered to their homes. The MSU is currently negotiating with Plan B Farms. Ibe also helped plan Tech Lit week, a campaign aimed at teaching technology literacy. This campaign was a part of
Ibe’s plan to optimize student technology. Ibe also created graduate transition programming, meant to ease the transition from undergraduate to post-graduate work or career building. The MSU will be holding programming in collaboration with other campus partners in early Jan. Ibe has also done work throughout the semester with other vice presidents to “Open Up the MSU”, by holding a
weeklong open house introducing students to the MSU. He has also attended general assemblies or general meetings for various faculty societies and clubs. Ibe also worked with Ryan Desphpande, vice president (Education) to advocate for students on various issues. The remainder his term will focus on executing his projects and transitioning them to the next president-elect.
This year, Anbalagan has asked PTMs to write a midterm transition report to ensure that there are no gaps of knowledge in the transition packages. Before this, PTMs handed in one transition report at the end of their term. To simplify feedback processes, Anbalagan digitized anonymous feedback forms and asked her employees to fill that out as opposed to paper forms. In her Nov. 28 report, Anbalag-
an published the results of this feedback form, which had 16 evaluation submissions. Anbalagan’s scores ranged, with some managers giving her perfect scores while others dipping as low as a three out of 10. Some PTMs gave her high scores across the board and vice versa. All of the feedback given was anonymous and may be viewed in graph form. In addition to this work, Anbalagan has also been work-
ing with peer support part-time managers and the MSU teaching and research assistant on a longterm plan for peer support services to ensure services achieve more collective goals. Anbalagan’s next steps will include completing hiring and easing the transition process for the new cohort of part-time managers, SRA members and other MSU staff.
MSU presence at Hamilton City Council meetings, attended rental housing subcommittee meetings and contributed to a research committee to advocate for a landlord licensing pilot project. “Part of what I wanted to do with the city this year was make ourselves not a stand alone stakeholder, but make students better integrated with the city,” said Deshpande. One of his objectives was
to implement a Landlord Wiki aimed at improving landlord accountability. He says this will likely be completed in February 2018. On the provincial level, Deshpande contributed to the development of the recently passed Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance Indigenous Students Policy. He has also been working with OUSA on student health and wellness advocacy.
On the federal level, Deshpande sought to work with ADVOCAN, a coalition that lobbies on behalf of undergraduate students’ interests. Next semester, Deshpande will be focusing on the development of the Transit, Sustainability and Sexual Violence Prevention & Response policy papers.
development of a conference fund that allows students to attend conferences for free. He has been pursuing trial runs for this fund, offering students tickets to conferences such as Ambitious City, which is being hosted by the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce on Dec. 1. Another one of D’Souza’s year-plan objectives was to increase the MSU’s transparency about student finances.
“We hosted an MSU open house this year, and one big part of that was a pop-up showcase,” said D’Souza. “Throughout three days, we engaged with hundreds of students who came by and learned about where their money is actually going.” While D’Souza’s plans to distribute Presto cards to McMaster students and consult students about the Student Activity Building have been implemented, D’Souza’s Discount
Card platform point has been put on hold. Nevertheless, D’Souza has helped hire a Campus Commercial Partnership Coordinator, who will be exploring the project as part of their role. While a few of his platform points have yet to be fulfilled, D’Souza will be working to implement them throughout the rest of his term. TIMOTHY LAW / PRODUCTION COORDINATOR C/O MCMASTER STUDENTS UNION
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Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017 | www.thesil.ca
in the Steel City
Printmaking and Activism Emily O’Rourke Features Reporter
There is a special affinity for the tactile and tangible within Hamilton’s artist community. Printmaking in the city is a growing medium that allows artists to share their stories and ideas through manual labour. Whether artists choose screen-printing, intaglio, wood block pressings and century old letterpress technologies to pursue their craft, creatives aren’t limited to one sort of medium to learn or pursue. The physical nature of printmaking lets artists see their vision through from inception to creation, while making it a much more intimate method of storytelling and artistry. Printmakers are able to define their work entirely by hand and are enabled to manually produce their art in ways that other methods are not subject to. Hamilton’s printmaking scene is particularly unique. With various mediums to choose from, several accessible, artist-run, print focused centres and workshops in addition to an inclusive community of supporters, independent printmakers are an integral aspect to Hamilton’s growing arts scene.
Printmaking can mean leaving a mark, quite literally. Several artists use their work as a voice in today’s political sphere by sharing stories of their experiences through zines, posters or exhibitions. Sahra Soudi is an artist, organizer and third-year multimedia student at McMaster. As a member of Hamilton’s Audio Visual Node and the Coalition of Black and Racialized Artists, they try to integrate art with social justice activism using the resources that they have. “As someone who is black and gender oppressed, having the agency to tell stories about the celebrations of my identities/the struggles of oppression that come with those identities is extremely important to me,” said Soudi. The differences between printmaking and other art forms as a method of self-expression and storytelling is the durability and physical nature of printmaking, as Soudi notes. “Printmaking challenges other art forms as a form of self-expression because it’s harder to erase,” said Soudi. “It’s more of a tangible medium which makes for a more inti-
mate form of self-expression.” Another Hamilton artist used her work to comment on societal standards of beauty throughout time at her most recent exhibition. Stylo Starr, a local designer and visual artist, has been involved within Hamilton’s printmaking scene for some time. Calling herself a visual alchemist, Starr uses multimedia collaging and screen printing in order to create printed material that transcends modern pop culture. “Mastering each step and creating pieces that at one time only existed in your mind is a great feeling,” said Starr. “That sense of accomplishment and respect for the craft really helps one grow as an artist.” Starr’s most recent exhibition, titled 89DAMES, is currently being featured in the Art Gallery of Hamilton’s The Living Room: Self Made series. Entering its final month in December, 89DAMES explores and obliterates the notions of white beauty standards, specifically within the nostalgic and glamorous era of the 1950s and 60s,
by showcasing pop-art style images of black actors, artists and creatives adjacent to Andy Warhol’s portrait of Marilyn Monroe. “These are the so-called times of Marilyn, Audrey and Elizabeth,” said Starr. “89DAMES seeks to break the spell and divert gaze to the magic that always existed in plain sight.”
“That sense of accomplishment and respect for the craft really helps one grow as an artist.” Stylo Starr Local Designer
Alongside of the AGH Team, Starr was able to curate a dialogue that pays an homage to similar techniques and uses of screen printing while confronting blinding notions of typical white beauty standards.
Preserving One printmaker in Hamilton uses century old technology to make modern stationary and custom prints. Sara Froese, the artist behind All Sorts Press, specializes in producing handcrafted, high-quality prints using a human-powered Chandler & Price platen printing press from 1910. The 107-year-old press, equipped with handset type combines the quality of antique equipment and traditional printing with current design. The art of letterpress printing dates back to the mid 15th century when Gutenberg invented printing presses. The process behind letterpressing is time-consuming and entirely done by hand. Paper sheets are placed individually then rotated within the press using a foot pedal, while individual letters and characters are placed together and locked into the press. “The work is so physical and hands on and requires such an interesting process, which to me is just as great as the final print itself,” said Froese. “You have this idea of what your print will look like and no matter how much you plan for it, the
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The physical nature of printmaking lets artists see their vision through from inception to creation, while making it a much more intimate method of storytelling and artistry.
History press will give you something you can never quite expect.”
“You have this idea of what your print will look like and no matter how much you plan for it, the press will give you something you can never quite expect.” Sara Froese Artist All Sorts Press
Pairing the quality of antique technology with modern designs, Froese’s use of letterpress creates unique and tactile prints that make for a different finished product than other printing techniques. In Froese’s work, you can often feel a
Artist Communities physical imprint whereby the letterpress carved the paper, lending to the overall quality of the piece itself. “Letterpress printing to me is also about preserving a bit of history. This method is so beautiful and unique, I feel it’s important to keep that practice.”
Hamilton is chock-full of artist-run printing spaces that enable artists, both seasoned and beginner, to practice and perfect their skills in any medium they choose. From workshops to studio spaces, these facilities are enabling Hamilton’s artists to become involved within the local arts scene while honing their skills as artists. Centre3, located in Hamilton’s “art district” on James Street North, is one of the most dynamic artist-run print and media arts centres in Canada, offering facilities for printmaking, including lithography, silkscreening and intaglio among others, in addition to state of the art digital media facilities. As a not-for-profit centre, their programming aims to bring art education and community arts to the greater Hamilton area. “Hamilton is so lucky to have this [Centre3 as an] incredible resource,” said Froese. “Having access to a proper studio is so crucial as a printmaker and this gem of a spot makes it easy and affordable to do so.” In addition to Centre3, Hamilton has several artist-run centres that focus preserving contemporary art while provid-
ing professional development workshops to artists in the area. Particularly, Hamilton Artist Inc. sets out to facilitate a national dialogue that surrounds issues in contemporary art through exhibitions, publications, performance, education and outreach programs, engaging community arts programming and educational initiatives that represent the cultural life in our city. These initiatives and communities support artists by providing opportunities to practice their skills while developing as professionals within Hamilton and beyond. The collaborative nature of Hamilton’s arts scene ultimately allows printmakers within the city to fit in quite naturally, contributing to the city’s growing community of artistry. @emily_oro
“Having access to a proper studio is so crucial as a printmaker and this gem of a spot makes it easy and affordable to do so.” Stylo Starr Local Designer
November 30, 2017 | thesil.ca
DANIEL TUBA D’SOUZA Vice President (Finance) vpfinance@msu.mcmaster.ca 905.525.9140 x24109
Supporting students during their time at Mac is one of the top priorities of the McMaster Students Union. This involves providing support for graduating students, as they begin to plan their lives after university. For the first time, the MSU in collaboration with the Alumni Association and the Student Success Centre, will host Life After Mac. From January 9 – 12, students will learn more about the transition out of undergraduate studies and into something new. The week will culminate with an exciting guest lecture from comedian Hasan Minhaj. To start off the week, all graduating students are invited to join Patrick Deane, McMaster University President and Vice-Chancellor, for a traditional New Year’s Levee complete with food, dessert and champagne. At this Tuesday event inside Convocation Hall, students can celebrate
their time at McMaster alongside classmates and toast to their final semester. Invites for this event will be sent via email to all graduating students. On Wednesday, the Student Success Centre invites students to play The Game of Life:IRL in TwelvEighty. This interactive game will immerse students in a simulated world of chance and luck, while helping students create an action plan, build a budget, and plan for their life after Mac. Register to reserve a spot on OSCARplusmcmaster.ca. Alumni Launch will be hosted on Thursday by the Alumni Association in the Dining Room of Alumni Memorial Hall. At this event, students will learn what makes a transition from university a successful one. There will be information about graduate school and career opportunities, as well as the services and benefits available exclusively to McMaster alumni.
Students will learn more about the transition out of undergraduate studies and into something new Finally, MSU Campus Events and the Alumni Association are proud to announce that the talented Hasan Minhaj will perform on Friday in Sport Hall. Aside from being a comedian, Hasan is also an actor, host, and writer. In November 2014, he made his debut as a full-time correspondent on The Daily Show. Recently, Hasan had the prestigious hon-
or of hosting the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner. He will speak to Mac students about his transition from majoring in Political Science in university, to becoming a highly sought-after public figure. Tick-
ets are available exclusively for McMaster students and can be purchased online at msumcmaster.ca/campusevents. Visit lifeaftermcmaster.com for a full schedule of the week and more event-specific details.
TEXT ‘MSU’ TO 71441
The President’s Page is a space sponsored and used by the McMaster Students Union (MSU) Board of Directors (BoD) to communicate with the student body. It functions to highlight the Board’s projects, goals, and agenda for the year, as well as the general happenings of the MSU.
www.thesil.ca | Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017
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Editorial Local news matters
Community papers across Canada will close soon. How does this affect you? Shane Madill Editor-in-Chief
On Nov. 27, the two largest newspaper publishers, Postmedia and Torstar, swapped 41 papers. No money was exchanged. 34 papers in southern Ontario, one in Winnipeg and one in Vancouver will be shutdown. Nearly 300 full-time and parttime employees will be affected. However, it is estimated that each company will save between $5 million to $7 million annually as a result. The companies also state that they will remain committed to local news and are shutting down papers in regions served by multiple publications. I anticipate more will be shutdown in the future given the precedence set, e.g., how the Peterborough Examiner survived these shutdowns, but competes with Peterborough This Week. While they tend to cover different stories with different angles, the bottom line will take priority. Both are owned by Metroland Media, which is a subsidiary of Torstar. With the ability to create local monopolies for journal-
ism in cities and towns across the province, the need to be beholden to advertisers to stay afloat and the increase in digital revenue not sufficiently supplementing the decrease in print revenue, these shutdowns are simply more indications of the industry downsizing. So what do these closures mean for you? Honestly, the majority of publications and sources you may enjoy in Hamilton will be completely fine. CBC Hamilton will be fine. The Hamilton Spectator, though owned by Metroland Media, should be fine. The Silhouette is in an incredibly fortunate situation compared to the general media landscape thanks to being relatively isolated as one of the only sources for McMaster news, and does not need to run at a budget surplus. The main problem or conversation that comes as a result, besides how the competition bureau will be reviewing the deal, is what the value of local media should be and how it should be funded. Hamilton is an interesting example with the variety of publications and funding systems
used for each. We just try to make as much money back as possible through advertisements while maintaining editorial autonomy. The Hamilton Spectator continues to experiment with a mix of free and paid content on their website. Some independent media sources like the Inlet are online only with advertising possibilities. The Public Record uses crowdsourcing in a way very few media sources across Canada have put any attention or focus on. A lot of this, however, relies on you as the reader to put money up to put less emphasis on more corporate funding. It is a lot to ask from anyone, let alone potentially struggling students in university trying to make ends meet. Whether you support (or have the means to support) local news or not, you should at least know if you want to before the decision is made for you. Local media publications across the province and country will close soon, and you have the power to help support those remaining. @shanemadill
to Union Market to Dr. Whale to good soup to Mads’ cousin, Throckmorton to thinking you are getting ghosted, but then they actually respond to jock philosophy to fresh kicks to morning pudding
to animals without kneecaps to needy animals to the temporary closure of dog parks to washrooms that smell like the inside of a salt and vinegar chip bag to everything being due at the same time to introspective questions from 5 gum
to Lil Suzy
to weird acoustic remixes of Prince songs
to crustaceans
to Patty Simcox
to croc tops
to peeing in the pool
to queer domesticity
to awful sociology TAs
to the new disco ball
to neck hummus
to coming out to your grandparnets
to hands in my pockets
This is the last Silhouette issue of 2017. Thanks to all of those who picked up a newspaper, visited our website, followed us on social media, read the Speculator or contributed in any fashion throughout the year. We appreciate all of it. Our next issue will be Jan. 11, 2018. Good luck on exams, and enjoy the winter break. - The Silhouette Editorial Board
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Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017 | www.thesil.ca
Vanessa Biology IV
Kyle West Photo Reporter
Could you two intoduce yourselves? Hayley: I’m Hayley and I’m in fourth-year life sciences. Vanessa: I’m Vanessa and I’m in fourth-year biology. How did you two meet? Vanessa: We got introduced to each other by a mutual friend on the very first day of frosh week. She basically was like “I know this person from home that I think you will get along with very well. Let me invite her to come hang out with us because she’s from off campus.” I was living in Brandon Hall at the time and Hayley came over and then somehow from then we have literally been inseparable. Hayley: I complimented her shirt when I met her. She was wearing a cut off with no sleeves and rocking a plaid tied around her waist. It sounds like we are in love, and we are. So you’ve been friends for the entire four years you’ve
Hayley Life Sciences IV
been here? Vanessa: Yeah, basically since the first year. We’ve been roommates since the second year we are roommates now in fourth year still. There has been a lot of ups and downs around us, but we’ve always had each other throughout everything, which is really nice. Hayley: I think the reason I survived in university is because of Vanessa. University is hard, and between juggling a new place, because neither of us is from Hamilton, new people, trying to explore stuff that you don’t even know if you’ll like. In terms of extracurriculars and academics. Vanessa: It is hard to not go through that kind of stuff and not have a very solid support system. So, having someone that you always know is there is so key and probably the best part of university in my opinion. Hayley: I think about if Mc-
Master was the right choice for me and how I could have excelled at other schools, but at the end of the day I would never take back my decision because I would never have met Vanessa. I wouldn’t have that strong support system. It is definitely needed throughout. And we have a lot of fun on campus too like we get up to a bunch of shenanigans. What kind of shenanigans? Hayley: Well neither of us have any real dance experience, but we decided in second year to
join the Mac Dance team. It was either that or cheerleading and we didn’t think we would be good cheerleaders. Definitely not flexible enough for that. So we did Mac Dance to which we learned a Harry Potter themed dance and had to perform in front of about a hundred people, which was a little out, of our comfort zones. And we had to dance to Panda and we had to whip, dougie and dab.
performances and they are so embarrassing. Every time we watch them we can’t believe that we actually invite people to watch them. It’s such unfamiliar territory to us and it is so out of our comfort zone. I think a lot of people in university don’t do things without an ulterior motive without wanting a letter of reference or to put it on their resume, but for us it was just purely fun.
Have you continued to dance together? Vanessa: We are in our third year now of doing it. Even last night we were watching old videos of our
www.thesil.ca | Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017
The Silhouette
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Opinion The difficulties of buying grad photos High pricing and a lack of affordable digital options are unfair to students
The end of the semester brings the stress of final assignments, last-minute midterms and the looming dark cloud of exams. For those graduating this year, you are realizing that graduation is within arm’s reach and that you should probably book those grad photos. Some already had their photos done and have received them in the mail. Others may still be waiting for their session. For those waiting, allow me to shed some light on what is to come after your session. Two weeks after having your pictures taken, you will receive prints with all your poses in the mail. These prints are covered in watermarks for copyright protection. You will also receive an access code for their online store where you can order your
photos. There are a number of packages to choose from ranging in price from $63 to $419. You will soon notice that if you are looking for a few photos, each with a different pose, the website offers no reasonable options. We as student deserve better options for our post-secondary milestone. Being a 21st-century student, you look for a CD or jump drive, some type of digital copy of your prints in order to print what you want for yourself. The site offers none of these options. To receive a CD with all your prints, you must buy one of four packages ranging in price from $279 to $419. To save you some time, I already called the company and asked about the CD, only to be informed that the CD was offered by itself in previous years, but this year the company decided it would only be offered
as a bonus. No comments were made on the reasoning behind this switch. They do not offer any digital download options. After creating a bit of a fuss, the supervisor offered to sell me just the CD for $279 plus taxes and shipping. If that price sounds familiar, it is because that is the cheapest package price that includes the CD as a bonus. When I was on the phone I didn’t realize that was the same price as the package, but last time I checked CDs do not cost that much to make. After four years at Mac, we have spent thousands of dollars on tuition, over-priced food, textbooks that sometimes are never even used, ridiculous parking fees and we still don’t know how much we will be charged to walk across the stage at graduation. Given the celebratory occasion, one would expect better options.
You may not care about the cost of grad photos right now, but wouldn’t you rather have this dealt with now rather than later, when you graduate? A Facebook page entitled “Grad photos for the 21st century student” has been created in the hopes of learning what other schools are offering in comparison to Mac. It was also created to find others who want to see this change. In addition, some schools in Ontario already offer more advanced options, such as Humber College and University of Guelph-Humber who both offer USB options to their students. Two major options are being discussed. We could petition the school to better support their students by contracting a company with options that students are looking for. Or, and this is more complicated, we could find somewhere else to
take our grad photos. Spotted at Mac, the anonymous Facebook page, receives countless posts of student photographers looking for people to sit for them. Graduating students brought their own USB and a small donation for the photographers’ time. Students with a developed portfolio who are capable of handling the job could be hired as part-time photographers as opposed to a third-party photography company. Although these options may be difficult to implement, students should be able to purchase their graduation mementos on their own terms. Considering the high cost of getting the degree in the first place, students should at least save some money here. @theSilhouette
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| 13
The positives of anti-disruption Though divided in opinion, McMaster’s anti-disruption policy is a good idea for these reasons Alex Bak Contributor
A university is a place of academia and should serve to prioritize the enhancement of knowledge and provide opportunities for character growth. Last year when University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson came to lecture on free speech and political correctness at McMaster, he was met with student protestors and was unable to deliver his complete lecture. Seeing as he had to move the lecture outdoors and would abruptly interrupted, McMaster was met with a poor reputation in protecting free speech. Freedom to speak one’s mind is an integral aspect to understanding complex issues by developing ideas on different perspectives. McMaster’s forthcoming anti-disruption policy addresses the global criticisms that the university has had with censorship and the lack of protection for freedom of speech. With outstanding rankings globally and nationally for academics, the dismissive “D” in protecting free speech that McMaster received needs to be addressed.
Seeing as he had to move the lecture outdoors and would abruptly interrupted, McMaster was met with a poor reputation in protecting free speech. This policy will work to McMaster guests like Peterson to share their ideas and perspectives without being met with a bullhorn. Though this may limit speech in one capacity or another, the policy will ultimately
allow for a more respectful manner of speech and controlled discussion where one’s views can be shared in a more organized manner. The policy will protect free speech, not limit it. The anti-disruption policy usually deals with anti-protesters and is often charged with increasing marginalization of minority groups and attenuating their voices.
McMaster’s forthcoming anti-disruption policy addresses the global criticisms that the university has had with censorship and the lack of protection for freedom of speech. This topic brings out a very important and controversial debate on whether unregulated, resolute freedom to speak one’s mind is necessary for equality or if there needs to be a change to enable equity in speech. Given the ethical framework that the policy will undergo in the development process, marginalized voices will still be heard just as equally as other voices deserve to be. The policy will merely prevent students and others from blocking, obstructing, disrupting or interrupting speech at campus events. According to Patrick Deane, the new policy will be tailored to engage “in developing guidelines around the limits to acceptable protest intended to assist event organizers and participants, as well as those seeking to engage in protest, rather than an anti-disruption policy”. Although this sounds more like a political response than a forward answer, it sparked a thought that perhaps a policy
built around set indices for the topics discussed by guest lecturers and protest governed with set parameters and recommendations may be the solution for the unique McMaster community. An adoption of a policy that is balanced between assessing acceptable levels of protest and
gauging the ethical values of the guest speaker can produce a healthy medium for learning; one in which neither of the groups are overly censored or their voices unheard. The policy will enable for guests and groups to be respected and allow for diversity of opinion to be heard rather than
shut out by the sound of protesting bullhorns.
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McMaster Students Union’s
Afro Caribbean Club Night
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Time: 08:30PM until 11:00PM Where: Bridges Café
Time: Doors at 10:00PM Where: TwelvEighty
CANFAR McMaster will be holding its annual Coffee House on November 30 at 8PM. Come out for amazing performances, refreshments and to support AIDS research!
Presented by TwelvEighty Nightlife, Campus Events and MacAfricans. Featuring DJ Blakito splnning Afrobeat, Reggae, Soca, Rap, Hip-Hop, RnB and Top 40! Tickets are only $10 all night. Students can sign in one guest.
First Aid Courses
Please check your McMaster email for the survey link. Take the survey for a chance to win an Apple iPad!
The Ontario Post-Seconday Student Survey
December 2–3, 2017 Time: 9:00AM to 5:00PM Where: MUSC 230 Several CPR courses including Standard Frist Aid (Lvl A, C, or HCP) and recertification will be offered during the December 2nd weekend. Please visit the events calendar for more details.
Stay Connected:
post-secondary experience of students. McMaster and the other member schools that comprise OUSA work together to lobby the provincial government on issues relating to post-secondary education. The data and information gathered through this research will help the MSU and OUSA work together to advocate for university students.
Ends Dececmber 11, 2017 The MSU and the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) are currently conducting a survey that assesses the
Check out the full Events Calendar at: msumcmaster.ca/events
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| 15
Exams in Canadian Martyrs This convenient location may be an inconveniently stressful experience during exam season Reem Sheet Opinion Editor
Though testing in Canadian Martyrs Catholic Elementary School seems like a suitable option to make up for the lack of examination space at McMaster, in practice, it isn’t. On Dec. 15 of last year, McMaster Daily News announced that some students would begin writing exams in Canadian Martyrs. As soon as this new examination space was opened, I was fortunate enough to have a total of three exams take place in this location. Based on my personal experience with doing an exam in Canadian Martyrs, it is not the best place to compensate for the lack of exam space on campus. Given that exams are so heavily weighted and our GPAs are so dependent on how well we perform in them, standards for better examining accommodations should be met. In my first exam experience at Canadian Martyrs, I was very disappointed with the accommodation that I thought would be a temporary one. First, I had no idea where what the school was located and that sparked a sense of anxiety on its own. Once I found the location, I was waiting amongst over 100 other students in a staircase, while other students were stuck outside in winter weather at 7 p.m. on a Friday night. And that’s just the beginning. Once we all finally filed into the exam room on the second floor of the building, our exam began and I found myself unable to focus and distracted by the sound of children screaming in what sounded like a gym on the other side of the makeshift wall. The sound of children was so loud, that the professor instructed the invigilators to go find ear plugs for us in to wear for the remaining hour and a half of our exam. After remaining patient and optimistic to the solution that was presented, I was disappointed once again when the invigilators did not have enough ear plugs to distribute to all the students and had only managed to cover one quarter of the class. Of course, I was one of the
unlucky students who did not have earplugs to block out the sound of screaming children. In an English history of literature class where the exam was composed of passage responses and an essay, focus was essential.
In my first examining experience at Canadian Martyrs, I was very disappointed with the accommodation that I thought would be a temporary one. Needless to say, I left the exam very upset, and as a commuter with an hour and a half commute to endure after an exam on a Friday night, I was not impressed. In addition, my grade definitely suffered from my exam grade. The idea of partnering with a facility near campus may have seemed like an efficient idea to make up for the lack of space for examination, but in practice, has not played out as well as one would hope. Not only was I already stress out about my exam and upset with the time that my exam was being held, but my grade evidently suffered from the experience so my stress did not end with that expereince. Hopefully this arrangement will be one that is not definite but temporary. For students who have their exams in Canadian Martyrs this winter, I hope your experience will not be as unfortunate as mine.
The Silhouette | 17
www.thesil.ca | Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017
Arts & Culture The journey west
Abedar Kamgari explores displacement and diaspora through 87-kilometre walk Razan Samara A&C Reporter
After 23 and a half hours of walking from Toronto to Hamilton, Abedar Kamgari and her crew of four were overcome by a wave of exhaustion as they dipped their swollen feet in buckets of ice water. The crew stayed patient and supportive as Abedar silently travelled through concrete jungle, open land and back to the familiar sidewalks of downtown Hamilton. With each step of the journey, Abedar was recalling memories and experiences of being a refugee and immigrant. Abedar’s 30-hour video, family archives and historical artwork from other Hamilton-based artists make up The Journey West exhibit currently in display at the Art Gallery of Hamilton. The visual artist and McMaster University fine arts graduate had always been invested in social issues. Art became a way of communicating her ideas, starting conversation and addressing issues around her. “It’s not necessarily from a desire to share my story, it’s more from a desire to address or [critically] think about things that are happening, that affect me and everyone else, in different ways,” explained Abedar. The Journey West is a performance-for-video inspired by Abedar’s two-year experience as a refugee in Turkey after leaving Iran by boat and train with her mother. Abedar wanted to address larger social issues by looking inwards. “It’s not only heavily influ-
“If you go into the gallery during that time, there’s nothing happening, which can be kind of frustrating, but I wanted to be honest in that way and portray the duration of it. I felt like if I put cuts into that video, then people wouldn’t understand the physicality of the duration.” Abedar Kamgari Artist
The Journey West is a rendition of the refugee and immigrant narrative with raw emotions, passages and recollections of Abedar’s family history. Abedar wanted to capture the entirety of the journey and even included eight hours of darkness as she slept overnight. “If you go into the gallery during that time, there’s nothing happening, which can be kind of frustrating, but I wanted to be honest in that way and portray the duration of it. I felt like if I put cuts into that video, then people wouldn’t understand the physicality of the duration,” said Abedar. The journey was physically exhausting, but Abedar also carried the emotional weight of loneliness and fear that refugees often feel, with every step of the way. She recalled that at the time she was in Turkey, her experience felt like a drawn out period of anxiously waiting.
“There were a couple diary entries by mom where she’s talking about her friends in Turkey, and when we were leaving she felt like she didn’t have any genuine connections to anyone and she felt very alone,” said Abedar. “I was really interested in thinking about that as I was walking, so I wasn’t communicating with anyone, it was just all me walking in that space.” Abedar choose to put herself in a vulnerable space in order to explore her interest in diaspora, displacement and evolving notions of shared culture heritage. Art is her tool in making connections to not only her own legacy, but the formative issues that impact others around her. The Journey West will be on display at the Art Gallery of Hamilton until Mar. 18, 2018. @theSilhouette
enced by my own memories but my mom also kept thorough diaries from that time, I had to beg her to let me read them. A lot of the narrative that comes through is me embodying my own experiences and hers because I felt like my experience as a refugee was so tied to hers,” explained Abedar. “I was a kid so everything I was experiencing, I experienced through her lens because I was always looking up to her and she was the only person I had.”
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Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017 | www.thesil.ca
In the pressure cooker Preparing your own food can be the best form of stress relief Rachel Katz Managing Editor
It’s the end of November; assignments are due, finals are imminent, I’m writing a graduate school admissions test in two weeks and the scones I have in the oven are almost ready to come out. The timer finishes and rings. I scramble to the kitchen, pull the tray out and leave it to cool. Back to studying. I grew up cooking and baking with my mother. At first, I mostly just stirred in (and ate) chocolate chips. But as I got older, I got to take a more involved role in the process, and my appreciation for my mom’s cookies, stews and cakes grew. Practically everything she touched turned out deliciously, which was impressive in its own right. But so was her time management, especially around family dinners and holidays. She kept meticulous lists of what had been prepared and what was still left to do. The pre-Christmas baking was busy, sure, but my mom was never stressed. When I started university, I aspired to that. I wanted to be able to fend for myself as a real adult. Residence, of course, is not a place to develop those skills, and throughout my first year I felt hamstrung; I had
limited control over my lifestyle. Cooking facilities were limited at best, and there was nowhere to safely store any groceries other than a milk carton and a few apples. The same was true in second year. Though I shared a house with a group of people I loved and got along with, the kitchen barely had enough counter space for one person to be cooking, let alone six. In third year I finally started to feel some freedom in this regard. My new apartment had actual counter space. I could easily keep track of my spice cupboard and baking essentials and I actually had room to store them all. At last, I had found a home in which I could really explore cooking and baking on my own, and honestly, it’s been the only activity I find consistently relieves stress. I know this isn’t necessarily the most agreed-upon way to relax, but hear me out. There is something incredibly soothing about rote tasks; chopping vegetables, hand-mixing batter or measuring flour that puts me at ease. I can take out my frustration with a particular problem by mincing shallots as small as I possibly can, or release tension after a deadline by shaping and cutting dough into scones. Ultimately, it’s (usually) rewarding. I get to eat something that I made, which comes with
a particular kind of pride. Often I’ll have to learn a new technique, experiment or improvise based on what I have in my kitchen. I also have to factor in that my appliances aren’t exactly state of the art. Learning new skills or adapting them based on the space and equipment at my disposal is a kind of skill I can’t pick up doing anything else, and even if my cookies don’t look as pretty as those photographed in my cookbook, they still taste pretty great. Experimenting with cooking has also improved my relationship with food simply because I have so much control over what I eat. As someone who hasn’t always had the healthiest of perspective with what and how I eat, cooking and baking what I want, when I want has alleviated much of my anxiety about food. Preparing a meal or dessert is one of the few activities where I take time for myself. I’m not checking my phone, replying to emails or planning how to divide the rest of my time for doing schoolwork. In that moment, I’m just focusing on adding the right amount of flour, making sure the eggshells don’t get in the batter or ensuring that my chicken is fully cooked. There’s a peace that comes with entering the kitchen with a new recipe in my hand
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There’s a peace that comes with entering the kitchen with a new recipe in my hand because I know that for the next 20, 30, 60 minutes, I can work undisturbed.
because I know that for the next 20, 30, 60 minutes, I can work undisturbed. As I careen further into Real Adulthood, baking in particular becomes something of a social activity. Even within our Silhouette Slack group, we have a channel for sharing recipes, and there have been multiple discussions of potlucks or family dinner style get-togethers. Cooking allows me to use skills I don’t get to improve on in the classroom. Being able to shape your thoughts into an essay or understand a complicated concept is rewarding, but if I had to list my accomplishments this term, baking bread on my own, in my ancient oven, for the first time would be near the top of my list. Making a nice dinner or a fancy dessert may not erase my deadlines or get my essays written faster, but it clears my head and calms me in a way nothing else does. The smell wafting from the kitchen when the timer goes off is just a bonus.
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Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017 | www.thesil.ca
Momentum for disability activism
Disability justice “unconference” brings together activists, community members and allies
Momentum is designed to bring people together to talk about the history and future of the disability justice movement. C/O IZABELA STANIC
Razan Samara A&C Reporter
With International Day of Persons with Disabilities around the corner, disability justice activists in Hamilton through the Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion (HCCI) decided to host the first Disability Justice Unconference: Momentum. Community organizer Sarah Jama pointed out that the “unconference” is one of the very few events aimed at commemorating the annual date designated by the United Nations. The event is sponsored by Laidlaw Foundation and the Equity and Inclusion Office at McMaster University. “Justice for people with disability is never really on the forefront of conversations around equity in this city.… This conference is meant to bring people together, talk about the history of the disability justice movement and talk about the future of the movement in Canada,” said Jama. Jama, a recent McMaster
“Justice for people with disability is never really on the forefront of conversations around equity in this city.” Sarah Jama Activist Momentum graduate who has served two years as the Ontario Director of the National Educational Association of Disabled Students and founded the McMaster Students Union’s accessibility-focused peer support service Maccess, hopes that the conference will bring people with lived experiences, as well as their allies, together to brainstorm the next steps for tackling issues in the disability community. The full-day conference is set to take place Dec. 1 at the Lincoln Alexander Centre and features workshops, talks and community forums created by
activists, community members, academics and service providers from all across Ontario. “We are bringing people together, who are mostly youth, to discuss the future of the disability justice movement. It’s the best way to decide the next steps,” explained Jama. “You can’t make change without building that foundation from learning from one another,” said Jama. The event’s welcome address by Associate Director at the Centre of Independent Living in Toronto and former CBC producer, Ing Wong-Ward, is followed by thirteen diverse workshops that attendees can choose from. The workshops aim to start conversations on the experiences of persons with disabilities and identify the current needs of the community to work towards envisioning the next steps. Current McMaster students Alex Wilson and Shannon Balfour are hosting a workshop titled Re-imagining Recovery: A Historical examination and interactive chat on what recov-
ery has, does and can mean. Ottawa-based community organizer, Jen Roy, will be introducing attendees to self-defining disability documentation and care planning. Other workshops focus on sexual violence against people with disabilities, mental health and barriers to academic accommodations. Jama also hopes that Momentum will be an opportunity for attendees to explore the disability justice movement and the history of violence against persons with disabilities in Ontario, such as the institutionalization of thousands of people with disabilities until 2009 at the Huronia Regional Centre (formerly known as the Asylum for Idiots) in Orillia, Ontario. The devastating accounts of physical and sexual abuse, forced sterilization and death of children at the government-run institution is not often taught in schools, let alone addressed in our community. The day also includes lunch time focused conversation activities, artistic performance by Hamilton-based writer and
actor, Rex Emerson Jackson, a community forum and a final keynote address by Sarah Jama. “What I like about this conference is that it’s not people without disabilities talking off about what needs to be done, its people with disabilities from across the province deciding what’s important to them and what they think should be talked about and what knowledge they want to share,” explained Jama. “In a way, it’s about giving power back to people with disabilities.” Momentum strives to create a community for individuals to share their experiences and work together. Attendees will build relationships and leave with not only a sense of belonging in the movement, but a family of people willing to help work towards positive social change.
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Hamilton meets Campinas
Hamilton’s culture could be explained by a distant cousin, the Brazilian city of Campinas Pictured: Hamilton City Centre above alongside the Estação Cultura GRANT HOLT / PRODUCTION COORDINATOR
Antonio Vianna Contributor
Some cities are too big, some cities are too small. Some cities are neither big enough to be too big, nor small enough to be too small. This statement points to the existence of one specific kind of town that is clearly not a small one, but might display some characteristics of a tiny village. At the same time, it can have access to certain resources that are commonly associated with a huge metropolis, such as different cultures from abroad, advanced technology and complex urban structures. These big little cities, among which I include Hamilton, define a phenomena that I call regional cosmopolitanism. Regional metropolis are not new. Since Marshall McLuhan’s cosmovision of the global village, many dreamed of a future where the whole world could feel like being part of the same community. When the Internet made this dream come true in certain senses, people from not-so-big cities had already experienced a similar feeling. Living in a big city that
feels local has its perks. Although it may have a really large area, it is very likely to meet people you know wherever you go. It doesn’t matter if you move through the different regions within these cities. Everywhere feels like an extension of your neighbourhood and you are probably going to find that guy that studied with you in high school, that friend of your family whose name you’ve forgotten or familiar faces downtown. I am from a city in Brazil called Campinas, which is as close to São Paulo (our biggest city) as Hamilton is close to Toronto in distance and in size. Like Hamilton, Campinas is fairly large, but the fact that there is a world-class metropolis next door sometimes overshadows its greatness. I can’t say my city has as many things to do compared her big sister, but there are still a lot of different places to go, restaurants from all over the world, more than one sports team to support and those weird local stories that, somehow, everyone that lives there knows. For example, Campinas is also known as Princess of the
West due to its important role as commodity producer in the past. Hamilton has the title of Steel Town for similar reasons. In both cities you can see densely populated urban landscapes living side by side with nature and laid-back sceneries, like Campinas’ green hills or Hamilton’s waterfalls. The cosmopolitan regional cities blends things from the countryside with things from capitals in a very idiosyncratic way. It is possible that some of these characteristics of the city are reflected in its inhabitants. The realm of psychogeography studies that. The Ancient Greeks, for example, developed a much more fragmentary political mind than the cosmopolitan Romans, following the geographical isolated formations of their land. This also helps explain the stereotype that people from the countryside tend to be more small-minded and provincial, whilst people from central towns usually are more snobby and individualistic. Cosmoregional cities defy these stereotypes, being home of people that can have good and bad qualities of both.
In both cities you can see densely populated urban landscapes living side by side with nature and laid-back sceneries, like Campinas’ green hills or Hamilton’s waterfalls. If you live in a big city that feels like a village, it’s probably easier to gather up your friends and maybe harder to be alone even when you want to. Everywhere is like an extension of that central square, the common place where people meet to hang out, feed the pigeons and gossip about someone else’s life. In Hamilton, I have learned to recognize, love and participate of a cosmoregional polis. People from my city in Brazil have developed the unhealthy habit of complaining about their own town.
The only exception being a significant population who have never lived anywhere else. I do think that criticism is important for a democratic life, even in small and not-so-small communities, but Hamiltonians showed me better and more efficient ways to do that. Hamilton gives more space to local media, listens to the voices its people, supports local magazines, newspapers, TV channels, participates in local assemblies to discuss common issues and supports local businesses and artists. This is good for the regional culture and economy as a whole, among many other things. Finally, I think that cosmopolitan regionalism is a distinctive feature of the geography cities like Hamilton and Campinas share. These cities should share more stories, to see how much they have in common, learn from their differences and be proud of their uniqueness: after all, neither super-big nor super-small cities are capable of being as cosmoregional as we are. @theSilhouette
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Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017 | www.thesil.ca
Puzzle 1 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.42)
9 3
3 4
5 1
7 6
3 8
3 5
3 7
2 1
Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/sudoku on Wed Nov 29 21:59:34 2017 GMT. Enjoy!
Puzzle 2 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.69)
2 8
2 4
1. Parentheses, essentially 5. Maxim 10. Simple rhyme scheme 14. Repeated, an island of French Polynesia 15. Troy story 16. Roofing item 17. Golfer Aoki 18. Printing heading on stationery 20. Rhythm 22. Beta alternative 23. Causing goose bumps 24. Anouk of “La Dolce Vita” 26. 007 creator Fleming 27. Random
30. Books of maps 34. Soup spoons 35. Swindle 36. Monetary unit of Burma 37. Woody’s son 38. Sales pitch 40. Trading center 41. French pronoun 42. Seniors’ org. 43. Greek island in the Aegean Sea 45. Restriction on commerce 47. Portable lamp 48. Garden tool 49. Article of faith 50. Brush a horse
53. Altar in the sky 54. Tennessee ____ Ford 58. Charming 61. Ages and ages 62. Hula hoops? 63. On ____-to-know basis 64. Greek portico 65. “____ quam videri” (North Carolina’s motto) 66. Domineering 67. Wraparound dress
Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/sudoku on Wed Nov 29 21:59:34 2017 GMT. Enjoy!
Puzzle 3 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.47)
2 1
Down 21. Seine tributary 25. Rubdown 26. Dressing choice 27. Having wings 28. Ricochet 29. Go off-script 30. Whiz 31. Extra 32. Aluminum-bronze coin of Iceland 33. The devil 35. Little drink 39. Debate side 40. Bed 42. Smell, usually a pleasant one
1. Slightly 2. Red flower 3. Jam-pack 4. Brazil’s largest city 5. Wire measure 6. British secondary school exam 7. One tenth, usually 8. Makes lace 9. Form of poem, often used to praise something 10. Greek goddess of wisdom 11. Coffin support 12. Jai ____ 13. “Venerable” English monk 19. Kingdom
3 6
5 5
44. Joint with a cap 46. What Richard III offered “my kingdom” for 47. Departs 49. Attempts 50. Strong wind 51. AAA suggestions 52. Elevator man 53. ____ time (never) 55. ____ chance! 56. Are you ____ out? 57. Morales of “NYPD Blue” 59. Where the truck driver rides 60. Dreyer’s partner in ice cream
8 6
9 7
9 5
4 5 5
1 2
7 1
Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/sudoku on Wed Nov 29 21:59:34 2017 GMT. Enjoy!
The Silhouette
www.thesil.ca | Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017
| 23
Sports Taking charge
Fourth-year point guard David McCulloch continues to grow as a leader and adjusts to a greater role under coach Tatham Ryan Tse Contributor
A glance at the score for McMaster’s Nov. 24 matchup against the Brock Badgers shows a 96-87 loss, a familiar result for a struggling team that owns a 1-7 record so far this season. It was yet another close loss, albeit to a strong undefeated Brock side. A closer look at the box score reveals another familiar result: point guard David McCulloch again led the team with 35 minutes played out of a possible 40 minutes. The fourth-year veteran was effective too. He tallied 26 points, the most for any player on either team. Still, he was unsurprisingly disappointed in the final result. “We played tough in a lot of games, but it hasn’t been enough,” McCulloch said. “We need to get to the next step. We need to get to that extra gear.” McCulloch is one of the bright spots in a tough year for the men’s basketball team. He leads the team in minutes played and is second in points per game. After attending high school in Hamilton, McCulloch was recruited to McMaster and has steadily improved each year. He has gone from averaging 13 minutes and three points a game in his freshman season to now averaging 31 minutes and 19 points in his fourth year. As one of only two seniors on the team, McCulloch knows that he has a responsibility to take charge of the team and be a leader on and off the court. His dependable play has earned him the respect of his teammates in the past, but this year, he has been challenged by coach Patrick Tatham to be more vocal. He admits this has been a challenge in times, given his quiet, lead-by-example persona. “I still have a long ways to go,” said McCulloch. “PT [coach Tatham] is always telling me I need to be more vocal. The way
I’ve led in the past has always been by example, by trying to be the hardest worker and trying to do all that stuff. Now, it’s about taking the next step and being vocal as a leader.” “I’m always on Dave to be more vocal,” added Tatham. “I don’t want to be the loudest individual in the room. I think if the loudest person is him, then the guys will buy in that much more because he’s an extension of me. If he’s in, then all the guys are in.” The evolution of McCulloch’s play is apparent on the court as well. Under Tatham’s new “run and gun” system, the point guard, typically a pass-first player, has been asked to shoot more. So far, so good — McCulloch’s averaged almost 16 field goal attempts per game compared to just 11 last year. He’s also taken more three-point attempts per game, up from four attempts last year to seven this year, and has a higher threepoint percentage as well. McCulloch also attributes his new shoot-first mentality to the confidence that he has gained over his career. “I have been playing the university game for three or four years, so I can make better decisions,” said McCulloch. “But I am also more confident taking more risks and doing things more out of the box.” In McCulloch, Tatham sees a talented player who can dominate if he is pushed to play more aggressively. “He’s absolutely a borderline all-Canadian player,” said Tatham. “We are just going continue to push him and hopefully get him to play out of his comfort zone where he has been the past three years, which is more of a facilitator trying to control the game rather than take over the game.” The higher-pace style that McCulloch has played has been representative of the whole team, something that is apparent to McCulloch when comparing
the past couple of years to this season. “The past couple of years, we have had really good big men that we can throw the ball in,” explained McCulloch. “It was a slow offence, and we could get some post touches or inside finishes more. This year, we are more of a guard-oriented team. We are pushing the tempo, running and shooting, which fits our team a lot more than in years past.” Despite his own success, McCulloch is obviously frustrated by the team’s lack of success. He thinks the talent is there, but the team needs to be more consistent. “Right now, it’s just consistency,” said McCulloch. “We will have good quarters, and we will have horrendous quarters. We have not been shooting the ball as well as we can. We have lost a couple games by six or eight, so if we hit a couple more threes, it’s a different game. It’s about getting through 40 minutes instead of three quarters or just
a half.” McCulloch still likes the potential of the team though. When asked about their new additions, he pointed out the stellar play of Miles Seward and Kareem Collins in particular. “Miles is scoring the ball,” said McCulloch. “He can score the ball whenever he wants. He’s super confident and really exciting, and he gets our team amped up. Kareem Collins is another guy who has helped our team a lot. He is a super good defender and he can get to the rim whenever he wants. He’s another guy who fits the system perfectly. He’s athletic so he can run the floor.” Heading into the second half of the season, McCulloch remains optimistic about the team and loves the camraderie. “It’s good and we’re fun,” McCulloch said. “I love the guys on the team. We play really fast and everyone works really hard. Everyone’s really confident and it is just a fun team. PT’s trying to change the culture a lot: be as
hardworking as possible, lift up your teammates and just have fun.” “Obviously, we’re struggling, but things will change,” McCulloch added. “It’s a new team, a bunch of new players, so the cohesion is not quite there yet. If I had to guess, I think we’ll be really good.” There still remains a lot of season to be played as the Marauders head into December. However, it is already clear that if the team can turn the season around, McCulloch will be a huge part of it.
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Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017 | www.thesil.ca
The Marauder lookbook From chic to streetwear, meet five McMaster athletes who have skills that impress off the court Jessica Carmichael Sports Reporter
The days of the one-dimensional athlete are far behind us as a growing number of professional athletes are publicly discussing their passion for things outside of the world of sports. For many, that is a passion for fashion. Whether it is the National Basketball Association’s “King of Fashion”, Russell Westbrook, or the suave styling of Canada’s very own National Hockey League defenceman P.K. Subban, who is RW & Co’s newest collaborator, these trendsetters are challenging the stereotypical definition of what it means to be an athlete. Many athletes are putting in that extra effort to look sharp so that they can feel great and, in turn, play well in their sport. Although they are not trying to reach the same style level as the professional athletes mentioned
above. I decided to explore what McMaster athletes were bringing to the growing trend of athletes in style. These five Marauders exhibit style not only on the court (and ice rink), but off it in their own unique way.
Julia Hanaka Comfy & Chic Women’s Basketball A mash up of Dallas Wings’ Skylar Diggins-Smith and popstar sensation Selena Gomez is the best way Hanaka would describe her everyday style. A lover for fall fashion and
sucker for a good knit sweater, you can often catch Hanaka in leggings, a simple t-shirt and a nice cardigan, bringing just enough style to her relaxed look. For the second-year player, basketball is a huge part of her life, but being able to express herself in other ways is just as important. She believes that confidence you feel when you make that extra effort to look good can translate into your game, and it has been working for her. Hanaka and the women’s team are currently in second place in the Ontario University Athletics West division and ninth place in the U Sports top 10 ranking.
Sheldon McIntosh Smooth & Simple Men’s Basketball
The former Carleton Raven may not hit the court for McMaster until Fall 2018, but McIntosh has sure made his presence known at Mac. Drawing style inspiration from NBA players like Russell Westbrook, Steph Curry, Paul George and James Harden, McIntosh knows what he likes and how to make it work. It is clear that McIntosh is
not afraid to push himself out of his comfort zone and dress it up sometimes. As for on the court, you can always catch him rocking his signature headband. He started off by imitating former Toronto Raptor Vince Carter when he was younger and has been wearing the headband ever since. Most importantly for McIntosh, having his own unique sense of style allows him to go against the status quo of what it means to be an athlete.
www.thesil.ca | Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017
Bridget Webster Sporty Spice Women’s Hockey & Sailing Now that the sailing season is over, the first-year dual athlete has traded water for ice and wet suits for hockey jerseys. For Webster, how she dresses for the rink is reflected off of it too. Often rocking hockey sweaters with a pair of leggings, her style is sporty but far from sloppy. Naming her older sister as her biggest style inspiration, Webster is big on finding the right balance between comfort and style. Thanks to Victoria Secret’s
sport collection and singing sensation Beyoncé’s Ivy Park, the athleisure trend is on the rise more than ever before. Webster is one of many women living in comfort and rocking stylish gym wear in their everyday lives.
Matt Quiring American Apparel Classic Men’s Basketball
Another athlete you cannot miss walking around campus is 6’ 8” business student and basketball player Matt Quiring. Over the last three years of playing basketball for McMaster, Quiring has made an impression both on and off the court. Whether he’s rocking a thrift store buy or a cool find from his dad’s closet, to him, the best way to describe his style is American Apparel basic. Even though the word “basic” often has a negative connotation, he manages to make his off the court “basic” appearance look trendy yet effortless. For Quiring, it is important for athletes to have a passion for things beyond their sport to keep life interesting. Whether it is through fashion or another interest, Quiring loves the fact that there is more to life than basketball for him to explore.
Dylan Romero Marshall Men’s Volleyball From Hipster to Streetwear Off the court this athlete may not know exactly how to describe his sense of style but he is well-known for being able to put a look together. For the second-year volleyball player, his outfit style is based on how he feels. From wool cardigans, flannels, classic jeans and a pair of boots to bomber jackets, slim fit joggers and sneakers, one thing is for sure: Romero Marshall is not afraid to switch it up and look good while doing so. Although he does not conform to a certain style, he knows that if you believe you look good you will carry a confidence that ultimately can help you get through a tough day or focus on the positives in life. @jaaycarmichael
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Focusing on the details
With a 6-2 record and a four-game winning streak, the Marauders look to fine-tune their game ahead of their biggest challenge of the season Andrew Sarkis Contributor
The McMaster women’s basketball team has not looked back since their Oct. 26 opening-night victory, compiling an overall record of 6-2 since then. The Marauders are currently riding a four-game winning streak and have outscored their opponents by an average of 22 points over that span. The team’s most recent victory came on the road on Nov. 24, which turned out to be an up-and-down matchup against the Brock Badgers. The game was not an easy one for Mac. They squandered a first quarter 21-10 advantage, allowing the Badgers to tie the game up at the half. Coming down to the latter stages of the fourth quarter, the Badgers attempted to claw their way back into the game by putting down a few late-game shots. Brock’s comeback attempt ended up being unsuccessful as the Marauders prevailed with a 70-61 win. Head coach Theresa Burns credits the team’s unselfishness and overall comfort level as some of the reasons for their recent success.
“We’ll just go in like every other game and know that we’re prepared, and that when we play our game we can put up a good fight against any team that we’re up against,” Hilary Hanaka Guard Women’s Basketballl Team “I think we’ve had a lot of nights where we shot the ball well,” Burns said. “I think we are spacing the floor and sharing the ball well. Some of our younger players are really starting to gain confidence and step up their game and look more comfortable. We’re getting contributions from our whole lineup, which is great.”
Additionally, Burns has credited one of the team’s star players, Hilary Hanaka, as a focal point for their recent success. “Every game we get different contributions from different people,” said Burns. “I think Hilary Hanaka has certainly been a tremendous leader for us, especially since Linnaea Harper got injured. She has an incredibly high basketball IQ. As well as being able to generate offence for herself, she creates offence for other people. She defends for us. She just brings so much leadership to our team. We depend on her for a lot. She’s really turned into a good leader for our group.” Hanaka’s impressive play has not only been recognized by her coach and teammates, but by the league as well. She was recently honoured with the Ontario University Athletics Athlete of the Week award. Hanaka averaged 30 points over the course of the Marauders’ back-to-back wins against Laurentian and Nipissing. The fourth-year guard recognized the honour as a great individual achievement. “Individually, it’s obviously a great honour,” Hanaka said. “It’s always a been something that I’ve kind of strived for, to be able to be a leader on the team. This year, we’ve lost a couple of starters and our significant players. Stepping into the captain role this year, I had some big shoes to fill so it’s nice to have that confidence behind me now.” Hanaka was also quick to credit her teammates as a reason for her individual accomplishment, mentioning their help as a reason for her success. “I think just for myself and my personal game, that extra step and level of confidence is something that came with that award, knowing that other people are believing in me,” said Hanaka. “So putting in that extra effort is going to get me great places and help my team as well. But I wouldn’t have been able to receive the award without the help of my teammates. They are always willing to push me to the next level and they are half the reason that I’m able to score all those points.” Sitting atop the Western division in a three-way tie with Lakehead and Windsor, the Marauders are at a good standing in
the league. Looking to continue their success, Mac is up for a clash against the league-best Carleton Ravens. The Ravens are currently seated in first in the Eastern division with a record of 8-0. Carleton has dominated their competition, winning the majority of their games by a large margin in commanding fashion. While the Marauders will be focusing on preparations for the undefeated Carleton Ravens, they will do so by fine-tuning details. Entering the next part of their season, the Marauders will not look to change their approach drastically. “We want to play at fast pace, and that won’t change no matter who we’re playing,” said Burns. “For us, some of our young group will need better attention to detail. There are little
details in our game that just aren’t there completely yet. We can get away with that sometimes, maybe against certain teams, but you can’t get away with that against teams like Carleton.” Hanaka echoed her coach’s statements, noting that extra time will help the team be able to best prepare for the Ravens. “We have pretty well the same approach all the time,” Hanaka said, “We’ll do some scouting of the other team and mainly focus on our own team stuff. Coming into this weekend, we’ll probably have an extra couple of days to go over the Carleton stuff, knowing that they’re obviously a very talented team.” While they will focus their gameplay to accommodate the specific advantages the Ravens boast as a team, the Marauders
also know they can rely on their own skill set that has not let them down this season. When something is working, it does not need to be altered. “We’ll just go in like every other game and know that we’re prepared, and that when we play our game we can put up a good fight against any team that we’re up against,” Hanaka added. Time will tell how the Marauders will fare against the Ravens, as they are set to square off in a heavyweight match on Dec. 1. This match kicks off a pivotal part in the basketball season and this matchup is one of many important contests the Marauders will have to win on the road to the playoffs. @theSilhouette
GERARD GREEN BAY Lose to a h*ck in’ demoralizing field goal with this emo -inspired playbook C12
HAMILTON SPECULATOR Using far too much alliteration since 1934
November 30, 2017
Typical Silhouette article bingo
Send in your bingo cards for a prize! Board of directors
Lack of LGBTQ+ spaces
Food security
New restaurant in the city
A sport you will not read about for the rest of the year
Hamilton Street Railway
Lack of mental health services
Student Representative Assembly meeting
Ward boundary changes
Students still do not vote for anything
Free space
Beer or marijuana
Meta editorial about the paper
Personal essay vaguely A letter to the editor masquerading as an opinion
McMaster winning in a bronze medal game
Any article with an obvious typo
Minor addition to the Student Centre
McMaster being ranked sixth to 12th in a category
Any restaurant with Donut Monster available
SAINT PETER VEGAS Blessed be your holiday season
While all of these topics are constantly covered in the paper, only a few of them manage to make the final cut for articles. The Silhouette, known by some as the best source of fake news on campus and a constant power towel replacement to help clean up spillages, simply
Seasonal content
Any article with a photo source of Twitter, Instagram or Flickr
cannot cover this entire bingo card every single week. We at The Speculator have had enough of The Silhouette’s inability to put out a minimum of 72-pages of content a week. The unwillingness to cover every single little event that happens at McMaster and involving students in Hamilton is embarrassing at best and absolutely disgusting at worst.
POLL: What was your favourite article? The one written at the last minute.
The one I wrote! Go me.
Humans of McMaster, but you should have interviewed me instead.
That really negative review. It was far too harsh. Cool it down.
The one written by a first-year volunteer.
The one about the office.
I only read the humour section, so I have no idea.
All of the above.
Comic books
I deserve to know about little Timmy’s presentation in 2A03, and so do you. Starting today, we will be harassing The Silhouette by showing them all of the bingo squares that are not covered each week. All of these squares deserve to be in every issue. Not all of them are. You need weekly updates on the craft brewery scene in
Any article featuring a writer who has two or more other articles that week Hamilton, and by golly, we are gonna do our best to antagonize students until they give it to us. Please join us by flooding their social media accounts with bingo over the break. It could be for this week’s issue or even filling out bingo cards for previous issues. They need to know that we will not stand for only 28-pages a week.
Tweets to the Editor I only pick up the paper to find Wait, so are you serious about articles I disagree with so I can these prizes? Is this a joke? I complain about them. can’t really tell. - Jason, 34, loves to get angry
Disclaimer: The Hamilton Speculator is a work of satire and fiction and should not under any circumstances be taken seriously. Stay safe out there over the break.
- You, I have no idea what your age is, enjoys walks on the beach