The Silhouette - November 3, 2016

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S The Silhouette

Thursday, November 3, 2016







The Silhouette

Volume 87, Issue 11






Thursday, November 3, 2016 McMaster University’s Student Newspaper


EDITORIAL BOARD editor-in-chief | Scott Hastie @Scott1Hastie managing editor |

Rachel Katz production editor |

Nick Bommarito online editor |

Haley Greene sections

Sasha Dhesi Steven Chen news reporter Emily O’Rouke features reporter Alex Florescu news editor

news reporter

Shane Madill

opinion editor

Cullum Brownbridge sports reporter Lauren Beals

sports editor

& culture editor Daniel Arauz arts & culture reporter Michelle Yeung arts


Madeline Neumann Yung Lee production coordinator Nicole Vasarevic video editor Philip Kim social media coordinator Jasmine Ellis photo editor

photo reporter

The November 1, 1963 issue of the Silhouette shows that campus food has come a long way.

COVER PHOTOS Top: Audra Petrulis, Middle: Madeline Neumann, Bottom: Kyle West



MUSC, Room B110 McMaster University 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4S4

The Silhouette welcomes letters to the editor in person at MUSC B110, or by email at Please include name, address and telephone number for verification only. Letters should be 300 words or less. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters and opinion articles. Opinions and editorials expressed in the Silhouette are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editorial board, the publishers, the McMaster Students Union or the University. The Silhouette is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the McMaster Students Union. The Silhouette Board of Publications acts as an intermediary between the editorial board, the McMaster community and the McMaster Students Union. Grievances regarding the Silhouette may be forwarded in writing to: McMaster Students Union, McMaster University Student Centre, Room 201, L8S 4S4, Attn: The Silhouette Board of Publications. The Board will consider all submissions and make recommendations accordingly.

Editor-in-Chief (905) 525-9140, ext 22052 Main Office (905) 525-9140, ext 27117 Advertising (905) 525-9140, ext 27557 8,000 circulation published by the


Volunteering with the Sil is easy! Attend one of the section meetings to get started! Can’t attend? Send them an email! NEWS - Monday at 4:30 - OPINION - Tuesday at 1:30 - SPORTS - Monday at 4:30 - ARTS & CULTURE - Tuesday at 3:30 - MULTIMEDIA - Tuesday at 3:30 - | Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016

The Silhouette

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News Plans for McMaster Children’s Hospital in the works Following the capital plan, Hamilton Health Sciences has decided to construct a centre downtown and eventually shut down the McMaster location Steven Chen News Reporter

The Children’s Hospital may no longer be a part of McMaster University in the future. In its latest capital plan, Hamilton Health Sciences has revealed its intentions to close the current McMaster Children’s Hospital while constructing a new hospital in its place near the Hamilton General, located downtown. The capital plan is required by the Ministry of Health from every hospital in Ontario. It is used to assess the prospective long-term growth and patient care that are required as well as making recommendations on the kinds of facilities and forms that are needed to deliver that caliber of care. In the case of the Children’s Hospital, difficulties accommodating the large number of patients are the main factor driving the closing of the current location. The hospital serves a growing community of 2.5 million people and is the fastest growing children’s hospital in the province. “The facility that [the Children’s Hospital] is located in now may not be the best suited for that growth. So we are creating a vision based the patient growth and the kind of care we will need to provide from Hamilton Health Sciences,” explained Aaron Levo, vice-president (Communications and Public Affairs) at HHS. “One of the questions we are asking ourselves is whether we can do it in the existing facilities or whether there are benefits to the community if we were to build new facilities for some of these programs,” he added. The plan to close the McMaster facility while con-

structing a new building more centrally in Hamilton is also in part due to feasibility. “We cannot replicate all [our programs] across the community—we have to do it in a focused way that is sustainable, but at the same time, we know that people need access to healthcare,” said Levo. While this remains an early vision from HHS and actions are still “yet to be determined”, Rob MacIsaac, CEO of HHS, has aspirations for these changes to take place over the next 20 years. “The Children’s Hospital is the fastest-growing children’s hospital in the province… we will for sure run out of room on the current site,” he said in an interview with the Hamilton Spectator regarding the longterm vision. Although it is unlikely that these changes in the next few decades will affect any students currently enrolled at Mac, the notion of the Children’s Hospital closing certainly brings mixed reactions, particularly among students currently involved with the hospital on campus. “For McMaster students wanting to go into healthcare, this is our first glimpse into what it could be like. It would take away from our learning experiences, and our chances to bond with our community,” said Laura Sapiano, a second-year Life Sciences student. On the other hand, as an anonymous second-year Integrated Sciences student argues, the relocation effects on students may be negligible. “Student access to involvement opportunities is not the point of the hospital and should not even be considered when deciding whether to open, close, or relocate a building,” the

The McMaster Children’s Hospital has been a part of the university campus since 1988. MADELINE NEUMANN / PHOTO EDITOR

student said. And while the long-term vision for HHS no longer includes the sharing of campus buildings, Levo affirms that the university will remain affiliated with Hamilton Health Sciences

in many other ways. “The ties between the university and the hospital are much deeper than the facilities we have and we are incredibly proud of our affiliation with the Faculty of Medicine. It’s an

essential part of who we are as a hospital and we will continue to find ways to nurture and grow that connection between the hospital and the university.” @steven6chen

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Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 |

McMaster’s hydration nation

A showcase of water-related research. C/O SHERRY DU

Focused on interdisciplinary approaches to water-related issues, this week-long event aims to celebrate water and research Saad Ejaz Contributor

Celebrating its third year, the McMaster Water Week, featuring a number of lectures, a career fair, a documentary screening and student research showcase, has come to an end. McMaster Water Week is a celebration of water and water-related research at McMaster University and around the world. A wide-ranging network of researchers, faculty members, students and community members came together to have an interdisciplinary discussion approaching water from different sides. Sherry Du, the Chair of the McMaster Water Student Chapter emphasizes the unique nature of the McMaster Water Week. “It is really unique because it is an interdisciplinary discussion and you’re approaching water from all dimensions… that in itself is a tremendous learning opportunity because it is not very often you get that type of experience to discuss and chat with so many diverse people with a common interest,” said Du. The events fostered a number of discussions around the understanding, prediction and mitigation of water issues in the future. This included a tour of Professor Paulin Coulibaly’s lab at the university. His lab demonstrated the type of modeling systems used to predict flooding and how they can mitigate the disastrous nature of floods. “We have gotten a good mix of students, faculty members and community members. We are really lucky in that way to engage a broad audience–everyone is interested in water as it is a pressing issue” said Du. The main event at McMaster Water Week included

a screening of a documentary called Project: Ice by an award winning American film director and executive producer, William Kleinert. The documentary intends to reveal the story of the Great Lakes through the prism of ice from the crossroads of history of science and climate change. It intends to clear the misconception of the climate change solely in the polar regions and shifts its focus to the center of North America with 40 million Canadians and Americans in the Great Lakes basin. Kleinert emphasizes the importance of science and research communication. “It really is no longer good enough to just be in the lab or out there doing significant field work. You got to put a human face on it and help people understand why it is important to their lives and quality of life,” said Kleinert. The McMaster Water Week fostered dialogue and discussion pertaining to water and water-related endeavours at McMaster University and around the world. A sounds number of researchers, faculty members, students and community members came together and discussed the topic of water in light of making a positive difference. McMaster Water Week was a great success, according to Du. “Its been wonderful for McMaster Water Network Student Chapter to have the opportunity to plan a universitywide event that lasted a week. It was the work of a lot students and a massive amount of team work…it was something we did with great pleasure – to be able to share and celebrate water with our community.” @theSilhouette

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Let’s talk about sex, McMaster

The McMaster Sex-Positive Community provides a space for students to openly talk about sexuality without judgement

Ellis pictured with her collection of sex toys. PHIL KIM / VIDEO EDITOR William Li Contributor

Have you ever wanted to talk to your friends about obscure or unconventional sexual kinks but weren’t able to, because it felt weird or uncomfortable? The McMaster Sex-Positive Community is looking to change that, by providing students with a new, safe space to talk openly about sex and

sexuality. The McMaster Sex-Positive Community is aiming to fill a niche currently unoccupied by the McMaster Students Union. While the MSU provides services and resources for students, such as the Women and Gender Equity Network, the Queer Students Community Centre and the Student Health Education Centre, the McMaster Sex-Positive Community is a

club geared towards promoting open discussion about sex and sexuality. “Although you can totally walk into WGEN [or the QSCC or SHEC] and sit down and have a cool conversation with someone about sex for sure… I feel this is just a different way of approach because I feel like a lot of those services don’t touch on the more in-depth aspects of sexuality,” said Susie Ellis, club president and third-year Communications and Multimedia student. “It’s like, yeah we can talk about sex, but what if you want to talk about a really specific kink [and] you’re like, ‘are people going to be okay to talk about this here?’ So I just want to create a space that’s open for people to just talk about whatever they’d like to regarding, specifically, the fun aspects of sex.” Sex is still generally considered a taboo subject, especially when it comes to finer details and kinkier variants. However, the McMaster Sex-Positive Community is hoping that by promoting open discussion about sex and sexuality, they will normalize it, and

thus make it easier for people to talk about sex and sexuality in a safe space. “The more we talk about sex, sexuality, kink, anything related in that realm, it normalizes it, so when I talk to my friends about it… I find that it normalizes that conversation and allows people to bring up topics that they don’t think they might have been accepted to

“I find that it normalizes that conversation and allows people to bring up topics that they don’t think they might have been accepted to talk about… sex is normal and yeah, people should talk about it.” Susie Ellis Sex Positivity Community Club President

talk about… sex is normal and yeah, people should talk about it,” explained Ellis. “This is a space where you can sort of get that off your chest and no one’s going to judge you about it, no matter what you say.” Ellis grew up in a household open about sex and sexuality, and she eventually discovered the sex-blogging community in Toronto, after which she decided to start her own sex blog in order to vocalize her own thoughts on sex and sexuality. This led her to start up the McMaster Sex-Positive Community, which she hopes will provide other students with a similar opportunity to speak openly about sex and sexuality. “Accept what you’re into, and if you feel any shame towards any of that stuff, come and talk to us and we can just have a conversation and create acceptance.” Information regarding upcoming events can be found on the McMaster Sex-Positive Community’s Facebook page. @theSilhouette

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Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 |

Indigenous panel held in Hamilton

Leaders in the community came together in commemoration of the United Nations’ anniversary to discuss Indigenous issues in Canada

Abeera Shahid Contributor

Oct. 24 marked the 71st anniversary of the United Nations. With this milestone in mind, The Hamilton branch of the United Nations of Association in Canada and the First Unitarian Church of Hamilton held a panel to create a space for conversation on Canada’s engagement with the UN, specifically in the context of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The event featured panelists including Stacey LaForme, Chief of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation, Pete Doolittle, Community Relations Administrator for Brantford Native Housing, Sarah Dover, a lawyer who represents and works with Indigenous people, and Hannah Martin, a Mi’kmaq Indigenous Studies student at McMaster. The discussion centered around Canada’s official adoption of UNDRIP as announced in May 2016, nine years after the declaration was passed by the General Assembly. “When the UN formally published their report, Canada voted no, as well as the U.S, Australia and New Zealand… all of those countries have a large Indigenous population. So there were obviously political reasons why those governments said no, we are not going to support this even though majority of the UN did,” said Doolittle. Panelists provided insight as to why Canada was against the declaration and expressed their reservations about the UNDRIP announcement considering its provisions are challenging to implement and conflict with current legislation. “Canada was saying we like our native people, we are proud of our Indigenous people. And so the statements they used were one of ownership and Canada doesn’t own native people but yet they treat us that way… some of that has continued on, you get the Indian Act, we are being told as native people how to behave in Canada’s house,” explained Doolittle. The Canadian government’s historical and ongoing mistreatment of Indigenous people has


resulted in a relationship tainted by mistrust. UNDRIP is designed to reconsider the power balance and provide indigenous people with a voice. “The First Nations people could gain power [through UNDRIP] … to veto projects that the government proposes such as environmental projects ... that big corporations try to implement, that of Alton gas in Nova Scotia and the hydroelectric dam in Peace River, BC, and the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock, North Dakota,” said Martin. Hence, consultation with indigenous people will be essential for UNDRIP to go from an aspirational vision to tangible

actions. “I believe that for something like the UNDRIP to be implemented, it needs to happen on indigenous people’s agendas and all indigenous people’s agendas, not just one group because there are many different nations,” explained Martin. When asked about some of the pertinent Indigenous issues that need to be addressed, the panelists were passionate in sharing how the effects of colonialism still prevail today. “The white paper, the Indian Act, is still alive and kicking… there are more [Indigenous] children in [government care] today than there were ever in residential schools,” said

Doolittle. Despite all the challenges facing Indigenous communities, all the panelists maintained a sense of hope and optimism while emphasizing the importance of supporting each other. “We are native people of Turtle Island, we support each

other. We also support people with the good, not only with the angst and having to defend ourselves but we are also there to support each other for the good too,” said Doolittle. @theSilhouette


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Full & Part Time Available: December 1 – 24. TO APPLY, GO TO: WWW.TORONTOWRAPS.COM | Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 Students have expressed lack of knowledge when it comes to SFAS. NICK BOMMARITO/ PRODUCTION EDITOR


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Free money? At my post secondary institution?

Despite the availability of financial aids and scholarships on campus, students are not taking advantage of monetary resources amidst rising tuition prices Sabrina Lin Contributor

In 2015/2016: - approximately 13,800 students applied for OSAP - approximately 8,000 students applied for in-course aid and scholarships

When it comes to university, money is constantly on everyone’s mind.Tuition fees represent a real financial burden for most students at post-secondary institutions like McMaster. Although the Student Financial Aid & Scholarships office offers relief for this financial strain, recent statistics indicate that only a small percentage of the student population is taking advantage of these pertinent financial resources. “In the 2015-2016 school year, more than 8,000 students applied for university in-course aid and scholarships using the online aid application,” said Leanne Ruiz, Assistant Registrar of the SFAS. For a school with 22,600 full-time undergraduate students, this represents just over 35 percent of the student population. While 13,800 students did apply for the Ontario Student Assistance Program in the same year, the question that arises concerns the accessibility of McMaster-specific financial aid and scholarships to students on campus. “I did look for financial aid and scholarships when I first came to Mac,” said Shaya Zhang, a second-year Life Sciences student. “Unfortunately, there was very little advertisement about it around the school, so it was a bit difficult to find.” “I don’t believe they adver-

tise enough. I only heard about financial aid through a post on the McMaster 2020 Facebook page, and individual posts easily get lost due to the volume of new posts every day,” said Kathryn Chen, a first-year student in the Health Sciences program. “Although I saw a link for ‘Financial Aid’ on Mosaic, I don’t remember receiving any advertisements directly from the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. I feel they should advertise more in order to make this money more accessible for students who need and deserve it.” In the SFAS office, Ruiz maintains that there are advertisements informing students of her office’s work. “We recently did a whole campaign to educate students about the online aid application and openings for a variety of different awards,” she said. “We were down in the student centre right outside Starbucks on Oct. 17 and helped students complete their online aid profile on Mosaic.” In addition, Ruiz says that the SFAS office sends out e-cards to students, puts notices on the Mosaic portal, uses the MBA bulletin for graduate students, and places advertisements on TV monitors around campus. “I think it’s the students’ responsibility to look for this kind of stuff, but at the same time, it also should be a little bit more advertised,” said second-year Engineering student Kelly Ng.

“Although I saw a link for ‘Financial Aid’ on Mosaic, I don’t remember receiving any advertisements directly from the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships,” Kathryn Chen First-year Health Sciences Student Like many others, she eventually found the financial resources she sought after searching online and applying through Mosaic. “I think students need to make sure that they’re educated about their finances. Although they’re coming to school mainly for the academics, they need to try to be resourceful and learn to take care of their finances,” said Ruiz. “I encourage everyone to do the online aid application and do the OSAP. You may not be needing a loan, but you can waive the loan and only get grants.” In the 2015/2016 school year, McMaster University provided students with a total of $2.4 million in in-course and graduand scholarships. @theSilhouette

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November 3, 2016 |

Student Representative Assembly received and subsequently passed the MSU’s 2015-2016 audited financial statements, as prepared by KPMG. The complete audited statements of the MSU can be viewed on our homepage at After five successive years of surplus, the 2015-2016 fiscal year was a one of significant investment.

Diversity Services

Cost of Service - Per Student

Advocacy Initiatives



Surplus Generated by Service - Per Student SWHAT

$0.68 MACycle





Underground Media + Design


Mac Farmstand



Union Market







$4.36 Macademics



RYAN MACDONALD Vice President (Finance) 905.525.9140 x24109

The purpose of the McMaster Students Union is to draw all McMaster students into a true society. In other words, we exist to ensure student life is the best it can be with respect to student support, advocating for a better university experience and creating student events that bring the community together. The MSU does a lot with the $125.82 Organizational Fee. We provide students with more than three dozen services and business units including multiple peer support services, funding for our student newspaper along with the best Campus Events and Clubs departments in the industry. We have a responsibility to ensure that student money is spent effectively and transparently, and it is my responsibility to invest in student success while ensuring proper financial expenditures. On September 25, 2016, the

The organization is in an incredibly healthy financial position. The contributions to enhance student life included the establishment of new services such as MSU Maccess and the first fullfledged year of MSU Spark and the MSU Women and Gender Equity Network (WGEN). We also saw the implementation of The Light Up the Night block party into the operating budget. The MSU’s 2015-2016 fiscal year ended with a year-overyear deficit of $192,000 taking our overall net assets from about $5.8 million to just over $5.6 million. The organization is in an incredibly healthy financial position and chose to invest in the start up of key programs this past year. The deficit in the operating fund looks to be a hefty $400,000 but in actuality this is significantly overstated, as the loss in the market value of our investment portfolio is actually $421,434 which can be attributed to poor performance in the TSX and NASDAQ. Therefore, the remainder of the operating

fund, consisting of discretionary spending on services, advocacy and programming generated a modest surplus of $20,000. Moving into this fiscal year beginning May 1, 2016, the MSU continued to invest in key programs supporting student success, while remaining financially responsible. Such investments include the introduction of a revamped McMaster Homecoming concert series, a new MSU Student Assistance Program, the introduction of the new MSU Macademics service and the reorganization of the First Year Council. While we continue to invest in students, we want to know what you think. On November 15, the MSU will host an event in the MUSC atrium titled “Your MSU, Your Money” which will give students an opportunity to drop-in and contribute ideas on how the MSU fee should be structured and where further investment is required. Let us know what you think: join us on November 15 and contribute to making the McMaster experience the best it can be.



$0.63 Peer Support Line



Shinerama / Terry Fox Run





Campus Events / AVTEK

$22.47 Mac Breadbin





$0.84 OUSA


Student Representative Assembly



$0.92 Board of Directors

Child Care Centre


$11.52 Compass


Training & Student Development





$0.54 Awards, Scholarships, Bursaries & Recognition




The Silhouette

$6.45 CLAY


Marketing & Communications





TEXT ‘MSU’ TO 71441

The President’s Page is a space sponsored and used by the McMaster Students Union (MSU) Board of Directors (BoD) to communicate with the student body. It functions to highlight the Board’s projects, goals, and agenda for the year, as well as the general happenings of the MSU. | Thursday, Oct. 27,, 2016


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Editorial “X” marks the slump

Maybe we don’t “find ourselves” in first year quite as much as we think we do Rachel Katz Managing Editor

If you asked just-finished-firstyear me how sure she was of who she was as a person, her response would have been fairly positive. If you asked the same question to middle-of-secondyear me, you would have been met with bitter laughter. After a bumpy start to university, the rest of my freshman year was pretty great. So what happened? “Find yourself ” seems to be the company line for first year. We’re encouraged to push the limits of our comfort zone, meet challenges head-on and seek


Dear Editor, I validate this show of support against criminal acts but it appears there is a subtle bias that men do not care to stop violence or have a casual attitude towards it. I am in my senior years and never tolerated anyone who chooses to commit a criminal act or accept the decisions that supposedly higher educated overseers of justice, mainly judges, have handed down. It is ludicrous and complete stupidity by these educated idiots. I do not belong to a political group or have an ulterior

new friendships and relationships we will enjoy for years to come. It’s all very poetic, but how realistic is it really? We seem to be caught in this trap where we finish first year feeling that, at the very least, we’ve grown up somewhat, only to have that illusion destroyed partway through second year. It was at about this point in the semester last year that the second year slump hit me hard. I was doing all these “grown-up things”, paying rent, cooking (or burning) my own food, but I felt more like a kid playing pretend than I ever had before. First year lulls us into

feeling we’ve found ourselves, that we have reached “Peak Me”, that there’s no development we still have to undergo. This is so obviously false, but these words are comforting when we’re in the midst of all the change we experience in first year. It’s mistaken to think that, at age 18, we are fully who we will be for the rest of our lives. It’s mistaken to think that at any age, really. The realization that we are not as grown-up as we thought we were six months ago is a demoralizing but crucial moment, because that determines more about who we will become more than all of first year ever could.

Re: “Hamilton marches in solidarity” - October 20, 2016 motive in this letter. What I wish to convey is there is absolutely no reason on earth for a person to live in fear or under the fear of threats and violence period. If I may suggest, please have a march where ‘all criminal acts’ must stop and not break it down into subgroups. I have been employed in many infrastructural fields where the public has the concept that ‘construction workers’ feel privileged to act in rude or crude manners. I was also a chemical tanker operator of deadly hazardous and nuclear products plus a pilot for 27 years. Never

did I see any coworkers accept gender bias or disgusting behavior towards others. Such employment offers high incomes and a great lifestyle where I and many coworkers volunteered time or funds to support ways for the betterment of society without recognition. I believe a survey of such people may be an eye opener to find out that there is little tolerance for violence and many of these people have prevented or intervened, again unseen or unrecognized for acts, to stop violence. Ed Woods, Dundas, Ont.

to Buffalo parking lot meet-ups. to the brother’s new gig. to adult lunchables. to new phones. Don’t buy an iPhone with 8 GB of space, you’ll regret it.

to Big Loyalty card. to blindsides. to blowouts. to November. This month should not exist. to the basement plumping fiasco.

to Bobby “Boris” Pickett and the Crypt Kickers.

to dinner dates. (except you only made dinner for one.)

to kids. right on!

to hitting on waitresses.

to SPOOOOKY. to keyboard dubstep. to Adobe. I’m sorry, we love you now. to hitchhiking. to moderating. to the Leafs, getting something right on Nov. 1. to chicken caesar Mondays. to Wednesday Rachel. to g-ma’s advice.

to weird thumbnails. to ride-up dresses. to Facebook comments from my mom. to lemon-lime beverages. to the end of the election. to cow pus. to teens. to the backlash, to the backlash.

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Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 |

Lina Qamar Materials Sciences and Engineering Level IV

fail anyway,” and saying things like, “you are a failure, you are not bound to succeed, people better than you will succeed.” Eventually I had to sit back and re-evaluate this whole situation. If you could go back in time and change things, what would it be?

What does disability mean to you? It often feels like I’m in a race. Everybody’s got these topof-the-line cars that run well, but you only have a motorized lawn mower. You’ve got to do the race with everybody else and then this motorized lawn mower just cannot even compete with a Toyota Corolla How long have you been working here? What’s your job here? I’ve been a research scientist for the past six years here. What I do in the McMaster

My disability set a barrier because I was supposed to be in a four-year program, but I’m

now taking six years to finish my undergrad. Having done so well in school as a kid, it was so hard not to be able to well. At times, it felt like I was my worst enemy. The things you say to your own self are so much meaner than a lot of the things people say to you. I set a barrier for myself. Oftentimes, I just stopped trying. I would be like, “what’s the point if I’m going to

I don’t think I would change too much. I am who I am now because of everything that’s happened. Everything is a learning experience. Even though I’ve lost two years in university, life is not over yet. If those things hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t be me. Right now, I am happy with who I am. There’s definitely a long road for improvement, and I don’t think anyone should stop trying to improve themselves. Everyone has something to prove continuously. Every single bad experience is just a lesson, and it’s important to see it as that. Now, I am prepared. It also made me become a more empathetic person. Before I went through my therapy, I was pretty judgmental about depression, disability, and people taking medication for whatever psychological disability

Nuclear Research building is radioisotope development and research. When people are interested in using radioisotopes in their research, whether it’d be health-related or biology-related, they contact me to get

some. We have a customer at the University of Toronto who’s interested in securing the food supply by coming up with crops that can survive in soil that has been inundated with saltwater. Normally, once farmlands are

damaged by a typhoon or ocean waves, it becomes useless. So, they are trying to come up with a way to make the crops survive in that condition. They do this by using the radioisotopes pre-

from the 80s. It needs more fuel, it needs to stop more, it can’t go as fast or as far. Unfortunately, it feels like everyone around you is saying, “you’ve got a motor and you’ve got wheels, so why can’t you go?” But, it’s different. Often times, it’s not even visible.

Andrea Armstrong Research Scientist at McMaster Nuclear Reactor

they have. Now I look back and say, “wow, that was so unfair of me.” That was just wrong. Now, I really like it when so many people in my life come to talk to me because they know that I have that empathy. I feel like if those bad things hadn’t happened in my life, maybe, I wouldn’t have been empathetic. I hope I can continue to grow and to be empathetic, right? Because that’s what everyone needs. Everyone needs empathy in their lives. You need someone to listen to and be like, “yeah that sucks” or “that’s hard.” I am not “happy” that it happened to me, but I am glad of who I am now. I am glad that now, I have all these skills under my belt to improve further and keep going forward. Yung Lee Photo Reporter

pared in our McMaster reactor. What is your favourite part about this job? I can learn new things all the time. Every week, we get a request from a new customer, a new researcher, and someone who wants to learn something new about an area that I have never heard of before. What is one thing that no one knows about McMaster Nuclear Research Building?


We do reactor tours that most McMaster students don’t know about. If you just email us, anyone can pretty much get a tour. Also, this reactor building was one of the first research facility built on campus. Also, MNR produces more than half of Canada’s iodine-125, which is used for treating prostate and thyroid cancer. As a result, hundreds of people contact us to get the iodine they need from us to treat cancer. | Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016

The Silhouette | 11

Opinion Being a McMaster student should not result in sacrificing health Environmental issues in Hamilton adversely affect our living situations Stephanie Bertolo SHEC Contributor

Where one lives should not affect how long they live. However, this is evidently not true in Hamilton where residents are more at-risk for developing lung cancer. As members of the McMaster and Hamilton community, we have the right to demand a healthier environment from local leaders and citizens alike. According to the Prevention System Community Index published by Cancer Care, downtown Hamilton has the highest amount of fine particulate matter in Ontario, with West Hamilton and the Mountain not far behind. Traffic, industry activities and fireplaces are the most common contributors of this carcinogenic air pollutant, which causes 560 new

cases of lung cancer in Ontario each year. There are no safe exposure levels, but the World Health Organization has set the reference to 10µg per cubic metre. Levels in downtown Hamilton are 10.8µg per cubic metre. This can be attributed to a number of factors, including traffic in the downtown core, numerous factories in the North End and the escarpment barrier,

No matter the reason, it is unacceptable that these pollutant levels have grown so severe. Stephanie Bertolo SHEC Contributor

which can prevent proper air circulation. No matter the reason, it is unacceptable that these pollutant levels have grown so severe. Hamiltonians’ continual exposure to these harmful substances may very likely have detrimental effects on their long term health. While many students may not permanently reside in Hamilton, it is still our home, or at least our home away from home, for the four or so years that we attend McMaster. Air pollution is inescapable and may be impacting Mac students. We have the right to demand change. At McMaster, we can encourage the use of car-pooling for commuters or provide students with suggestions of optimal travel times during which they will avoid idling in traffic. As a school that prides

itself on its science programs, we can ask professors to help in these reduction efforts through testimonies of the effects of fine particle matter in our advocacy strategies and to continue to inform new students about their harms. Finally, we can help translate the information on the issue into more accessible language to promote more widespread knowledge. Our university has a positive relationship with Hamilton’s City Council. We, as students, could likely approach the mayor and councillors to suggest meaningful changes that could be made in the Hamilton community. Transit is already a hot topic, and students build upon this to campaign for investment in sustainable transportation. Advocating for the LRT is another possibility, so long as city plan-

ners use it to minimize congested traffic. Finally, students can call for bylaws imposing stricter regulations of emissions of industries in Hamilton. We do not have to do this alone. There are a number of groups already working to address this issue: Clean Air Hamilton, Environment Hamilton, Evergreen and Green Venture are just a few organizations in the community working towards creating a greener and healthier city. WWStudents at McMaster are academics with an abundant base of skills, resources and connections. It is well within our reach to make a meaningful difference to our environment and the health of our city if we choose to. We can advocate for a better future — one where we can breathe easy.

12 |


Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 |

Extracurriculars should be a priority Students should participate more in intramurals and clubs Thomas Oshana Contributor

Is it possible to be physically, socially and mentally healthy at the same time? With all the stresses and worries of school, the answer is actually yes. While it sounds counter-intuitive, putting more time towards participating in intramurals and clubs instead of worrying about academics is the best decision you could make. There are only beneficial outcomes to engaging in at least one intramural or club. A comprehensive study and analysis of existing research by the National Institutes of Health found that leisure-time physical activity is associated with reduced risk of 13 different types of cancer. Physical activity also helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints, which will help control weight, reduce fat and prevent the development of high blood pressure. Although it is typically intramurals that provide these physical benefits, there are many clubs that also promote a healthy lifestyle. Being a part of a team will also help you develop cognitive skills. The Government Accountability Office has found activities common to intramurals and clubs can affect attitudes and academic behaviour, including enhanced concentration, attention and improved

When you are physically, mentally and socially healthier and hanging around the friends you made along the way, you will be satisfied knowing that putting yourself out there and engaging in the school community was the best choice you ever made.

academic performance. Regular physical and social activities will help keep your mental skills sharp. There are multiple social benefits as well. In both intramurals and clubs, there are amazing social communities that you will be welcomed in to. This social aspect can positively affect the crucial aspect in the development of self-esteem, goal setting and leadership in students. You will learn teamwork and communication skills and likely get a boost in self-confidence. Your overall self-image may positively change. As a result of this, you will gain a feeling of pride. You will be more encouraged and motivated to continue involving in activities and now may be more inclined to social activities both outside and in the school. Through intramurals and clubs, you will gain or improve upon your physical, mental and social health, as well as learn core skills such as teamwork and collaboration. Yes, they can take up time with practices, games, events and meetings. However, the benefits that you will gain will far outweigh the couple of hours you may lose during the week. Pushing precious time aside that could be used for school involvement is not the solution to keeping busy. There are no benefits to not getting involved — citing that intramurals and clubs are too “time-consuming� is nothing more than an excuse. School involvement in intramurals and clubs will not only make you overall healthier, but will also allow you to have an overall enjoyable time. You will meet new people, make new friends and create long lasting memories that you will never forget. Play and join in at least one intramural or club throughout university because in the years to come, when you are physically, mentally and socially healthier and hanging around the friends you made along the way, you will be satisfied knowing that putting yourself out there and engaging in the school community was the best choice you ever made.


OPINION | Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016

| 13

Off-campus and out of options

The struggles of meeting people while commuting every day Mariyam Qureshi Contributor

Your life at university is said to be the best couple years of your life. You’re told that it’s where you make memories you will cherish for the rest of your life. You’re told that university is where you’re going to meet your future co-workers, maybe your life partner and potentially some of the greatest friends that you’ll ever have. Are any of these statements actually true? First years in university can easily be sub-divided into two different groups: those who stay in residence and those who commute every day. Both sides have benefits to them, but one of the main problems you hear from first years staying off-res is being worried about not being able to go out and meet people as freely as those staying on res. Staying on res allows students to go out of their comfort zone and meet people. You’re surrounded by similar students every hour of every day that are going through the exact same dilemmas and issues as you. For students who are commuting from home every

day, that isn’t the case. Networking and making connections is harder because off campus students simply go to class. That’s it. They don’t have a place or reason to stay later in a lot of cases. They are either forced to go to the library, often filled with unfamiliar faces, or go home. Because of this, many off-campus students aren’t able to branch out and meet new people. Students in residences, by comparison, are bound to find a familiar face passing by within seconds of walking into their residence building. Many first year students are also encouraged to join clubs during their first year of university. For students living on res, this would seem like no big deal, but for students living off-campus, it’s a lot harder than you’d think. Many events at McMaster like homecoming, fundraisers and banquets restrict off-campus students to come out because for those commuting, there would be no way for them to go back home. Many of these events end after the final run times of certain busses and routes, causing off-campus stu-

dents to miss out on socializing with other students. Most off-campus students need to make their friends during classes, which is easier during tutorials since it is a smaller class setting and you can bond and get to know everyone easily compared to in a lecture. You’re not consistently seeing the same people every day if you’re off residence in any instance that isn’t a tutorial. During class, it’s hard to make friends because it is hard to sit next to them each time if there are hundreds of students in the lecture. Regardless of whether you’re on-campus or off-campus for university, you’re bound to have met some of your closest friends and feel welcomed. However, it would be appreciated if there were better accommodations and more events for student’s off-campus to network with more people during their first year.



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14 |


Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 |

A fan-stache-tic month

Growing dirty staches should not outweigh McMaster’s positive contributions Shane Madill Opinion Editor

Poorly maintained and nausea-inducing facial hair is a tragedy for a large amount of people. McMaster, while not as bad as some universities, e.g., Western, is a common ground for students to attempt to express themselves through the inability to actually grow a good looking mustache. 11 months of the year, this is terrible. November is the singular month where these previously appalling acts of hair have become tolerated and encouraged for the greater good. With the rising relevance of “Movember” on a global and McMaster scale and the work involved with raising awareness and donating to prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health research, even the smallest mustaches can become fashion statements for advocacy. Though Movember is fairly common knowledge at this point, especially compared to its grassroots beginnings back in 2003, it remains an important contribution towards these areas of research. While a large portion of people will participate in spreading awareness, a more significant amount of effort continues to be placed by the MSU on the fundraising aspect of the month. The correct decision to continue to encourage students to do more towards relevant causes is commendable. While there are a large amount of charities and causes


on campus, the barrier to entry for Movember remains extremely low — not shaving is easy to do. It would be easy to ignore the issue and let the people do as they please from an MSU standpoint as it has enough traction and popularity as is. The adjustment from just another cause to a large-scale event, however, demonstrates the ability of student leaders to recognize and advocate for popular issues its population deems important. This gives a large amount of hope to other campus causes to reach the level of Movember.

This shift most likely began in 2014. McMaster received $200,000 over a two-year term from the Movember Discovery Grant, which allowed two researchers, Gurmit Singh and Khalid Al-Nedawi, to further research depression relating to prostate cancer and hormone therapy resistance. It was also during this year that the transfer of promotion responsibilities began to shift from the relatively small “McMO’sters” campaign that began in 2012 to the substantially larger MSU Campus Events banner. While spreading awareness


and general accessibility, mainly in encouraging women to contribute in ways that do not involve facial hair growth, has been a substantial part of Movember’s growth, the MSU have shifted substantially since that period in time towards actually raising funds. The number of events has rapidly increased. This year includes bake sales, a comedy night, a gamers night, an open mic night and five dates slotted for an information table in MUSC. These, in addition to custom made t-shirts specifically for Movember at McMaster,

add a substantial amount of legitimacy and fundraising to the cause. While I will also be participating in the growing of a hilariously bad mustache, this is the first year since high school that the desire to actually donate to the cause has been apparent. Observing student leaders put effort towards common causes and having this effort so apparent in the culture of the campus is incredibly encouraging for the participation in more global issues through campus initiatives. @shanemadill













CELEBRATING @MacsMoneyCentre #FLM2016



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12:00 - 4:00 p.m. MUSC 228

9:30 - 10:00 a.m.

5:30 - 7:30 p.m. GH 110







12:30 - 1:30 p.m. GH 110

5:30 - 7:30 p.m. GH 110











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Smart, funny, and totally relatable. GAIL VAZ-OXLADE (TV host of Til Debt Do Us Part)

12:30 - 1:30 p.m. GH 110


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For more event information, visit:





6 & 8 PM IN THE BURRIDGE GYM McMaster students wearing MAROON admitted FREE with valid student ID

EVENTS CALENDAR MacPride Trans Community Group Launch When: November 03, 2016 from 12:30PM until 02:30PM

MacPride Annual Drag Show


When: November 04, 2016 from 08:30PM until 11:59PM

The annual MSU MacTalks campaign focuses on lessening mental health stigma on campus, providing disability-related programming, and informing students about the supports available to them.

Where: The Spice Factory

The Trans Community Group will launch during MacPride and offer a closed space for trans folk throughout the school year! Come find out more about the programe.

The Annual Drag Show will be hosted at The Spice Factory! Come hang out with us to watch the acts and socialize!

MacPride Queer Coffeehouse

Bridges - McMaster Pangaea Cultural Games Night

When: November 03, 2016 from 08:30PM until 10:30PM Where: Bridges CafĂŠ Featuring acts from the student community, the MacPride coffeehouse will be a place to show off your creative talent or just come and socialize!

When: November 07, 2016 from 08:00PM until 11:00PM Where: Bridges CafĂŠ Join McMaster Pangaea for a night of games and trivia! Trivia will include cultural facts in teams or as individuals with a prize of free Pangaea tickets! Various card and board games will also be available.

When: November 07 to 11

Movember Comedy Night When: November 08, 2016 from 07:30PM until 10:00PM Where: TwelvEighty Bar & Grill Come out for a night of laughs featuring Manolis Zontanos, Patrick Coppolino, and Mayce Galoni! Minium $2 donation at the door with all proceeds going to the Movember Foundation. Doors will open up at 7:30PM with the show starting at 8PM.


We upgraded our equipment in the Pulse to help you #choosebetter to live a healthy, active lifestyle.

The Silhouette | 17 | Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016

Arts & Culture Canadian brands with flair

A look at the similar threads between Canadian brands Rosehound Apparel and Stay Home Club INSTAGRAM @___96

C/O HOMAGE COLLECTIVE Rachel Katz Managing Editor

A variety of vendors were out in full force at the third installment of Hamilton Flea on Oct 22. Carefully curated vintage stores set up booths between stationery designers and unusual record collections. However, some of the busiest booths throughout the day were those selling lapel pins and iron-on patches, including Matt Darling, Rachelle Letain and Rosehound Apparel. These accessories, often referred to as “flair,” are having a moment in the spotlight. Tiny details such as a wilted flower carefully pinned to a shirt collar or a stick-and-poke tattoo merit badge can add a touch of the unexpected to a simple outfit. Megan Campagnolo launched Rosehound Apparel following her graduation from Ryerson University’s fashion program in 2013. “During my last year at Ryerson, it really kicked in that I wanted to design my own clothes,” she explained. “I’ve always been obsessed with cult high school movies and TV shows from the 80s and 90s… A hybrid of kitsch and classic pieces is what I strive to create in everything I do,” Campagnolo

added, explaining where she draws inspiration for Rosehound’s clothes and accessories. A Hamilton native, Campagnolo was a familiar face at October’s Hamilton Flea. “I did the Hamilton Flea last November and it was such a great success that I couldn’t wait to do the next one.” Although she explained that she now travels extensively with Rosehound merchandise, Campagnolo has no intention of abandoning her roots. “I think there will always be a special place in my heart for events like the Hamilton Flea… There’s nothing like being able to go home and see the first people who have supported you,” she said. Campagnolo’s history with Hamilton Flea organizer and Girl on the Wing owner Whitney McMeekin dates back to her early post-graduation days. “I think it’s important to support local artists specifically because so much of fashion is made in other parts of the world,” McMeekin explained. “Knowing that you’re sup-

porting an actual person, that has a face, and you know about their actual company [is great].” McMeekin was quick to cite another Canadian pin and patch vendor she supports: Stay Home Club, owned by Montrealer Olivia Mew. While Stay Home Club was missing from the lineup at this edition of Hamilton Flea, Mew has set up shop at previous events. After posting the Stay Home Club logo on Tumblr to positive response, Mew quit her administrative job at a law firm to work on the line from home, something she had always wanted. To create the lush floral patterns that

are part of SHC’s signature style, Mew finds inspiration in varied textures. “I have favourite historical periods I go back to for aesthetic inspiration often… I particularly love the arts and crafts movement, and have recently been looking at a lot of Chinese embroidered textiles,” she said. While both Mew and Campagnolo are engrossed in companies they love, both women identified specific challenges they face in their work. “Because most of what we do is online, convincing people to trust us enough to buy the items without seeing them in person… [is always] a work in progress,”

Mew said. Conversely, Campagnolo admitted that time management is a skill she has had to hone since launching Rosehound. McMeekin highlighted another challenge both Mew and Campagnolo have faced: plagiarism. “I know both of them have dealt with their work being copied, or have had their ideas stolen, so I think it’s really important to support them firsthand.” Fans of both Stay Home Club and Rosehound Apparel are eager to see how their lines develop, and so is McMeekin. “I think it’s important to support independent female designers… They do such hard work and they do such great stuff. So I’m always happy to carry designers like that.” @RachAlbertaKatz

18 |


Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 |

HAMILTON FEMINIST ZINE FAIR Vania Pagniello Contributor

Good, not-so-ol’fashioned DIY feminism, friends and fun at the Hamilton Feminist Zine Fair this Saturday. On Nov. 11, Hamilton will be celebrating its third annual Feminist Zine Fair. With double the amount of artists who sold their work in the first year, the event is now being hosted on the fourth floor of the Hamilton Public Library from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., in order to accommodate the increasing number participants. The free-of-charge event is hosted by the Sexual Assault Centre (Hamilton Area), an organization dedicated to supporting survivors of sexual assault and gender-based violence. SACHA’s intention for the event is to create a safe space for marginalized voices to be heard and to deepen individuals’ understandings of feminisms

through discussion and art. A zine is a self-published miniature magazine. Topics of zines range from political narratives to fan fiction to illustrations. They typically sell for between $2 and $5. In the case of the Hamilton Feminist Zine Fair, the connecting theme underlying all zine topics is feminism. Promisingly, there will be a variety of topics mirroring the diversity of human experiences and expression. Zinesters are deeply embedded within the workings of this event. They will be seated behind the tables that showcase their zines and sometimes other purchasable items like stickers, pins, t-shirts, and treats too. As necessary as the transaction of money is for the artists, they are not just vendors. Many welcome discussions keeping in mind the ultimate objective of the fair: the exchanging of ideas. An enjoyable experience is

easy here. Along with the selling of items and opportunity for discussion, there will also be a “four-hour zine challenge”; a themed zine made during the day that anyone at the fair can contribute to. The theme of the assembled zine this year focuses on supportive messages to survivors of sexual assault. At they end of the day, it will be distributed, displaying everyone’s unique contributions of content. Although there will be plenty of zines to browse and buy for a small fee, SACHA’s main intention for the fair is to create a space for marginalized people to tell their own stories. Amy Egerdeen, SACHA volunteer and HFZF coordinator, speaks to this intention. “We put out a call for people who make zines and do their own kinds of publications who are definitely coming from feminist angle. I also had people that I contacted because we re-

ally wanted to prioritize trans* folks and people of colour. So we did some seeking out for people we thought would be a good fit… that’s kind of where we are coming from and what

Its a great way for people to get their voices out there in a way that doesn’t have to be okayed by a big publisher or ... by a mainstream magazine Amy Egerdeen Hamilton Feminist Zine Fair Coordinator

we want to make sure is a really big part of the zine fair.” Also noteworthy is the way feminist politics and zine publications complement each other. DIY self-publication is a useful tool for activists to disseminate their ideas without having to censor them in order to get approval from a mainstream source. “[Feminist zinesters] do a lot of work that is personal and that isn’t the traditional stuff that gets published. Its a great way for people to get their voices out there in a way that doesn’t have to be okayed by a big publisher or okayed by a mainstream magazine,” Egerdeen explained. Ultimately, HFZF adds vibrancy to Hamilton through its DIY art activism. “[The HFZF] is really growing in the community. We are just watching it become its own kind of thing! So that’s pretty exciting… there’s been a lot more zine activity happening in Hamilton since [it started]… I think it’s really cool what’s happening here,” said Egerdeen. In its entirety, the HFZF is a marketplace for feminist literature and art. Naturally, its materialization is temporary, but the ideas shared here still transcend their brief presentation. @theSilhouette An example of a small print work by artist Heidi Cho, her zine “Trying My Very Best” is about queerness, healing and mental health C/O HEIDI CHO

A Photo from the Hamilton Zine Fair from 2015, this year the event will be held in a larger space, Hamilton Public Library C/O AUDRA PETRULIS

A&C | 19 | Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016

As the artistic collaboration between Geoff and Clementine Morrigan, From The Margins concerns itself with wide-ranging topics of identity (RIGHT) C/O FROM THE MARGINS

Hamiltonian comic artist Georgia Webber created a comic series about her recovery from voiclessness (BELOW) C/O GEORGIA WEBBER

Michelle Yeung A&C Reporter

While still largely an underground phenomenon, zines have recently exploded into the mainstream, with artists like Kanye West and Frank Ocean dabbling in the self-publishing, DIY practice. The fact that celebrities are now making “zines” does take away from the combative DIY ethos that has surrounded zines since their inception. Originally intended as a means of publication outside of the realm of traditionally stodgy publishing companies, zines have been responsible for the dissemination of marginalized voices speaking about their unique experiences as well as challenging widespread oppression. Such voices will be able to be heard in abundance at the Hamilton Feminist Zine Fair organized by the Sexual Assault Centre (Hamilton Area) at the Hamilton Central Public Library on Nov. 5. While the event itself is free, an array of creatives from Hamilton and the surrounding area will be selling their wares at tables set up around the library, so make sure to save up. Here are some of the zines we’re most looking forward to seeing this year.

From The Roots

From The Roots is a zine “dedicated to documenting stories, poetry, articles, testimonies and images of women of colour in

Canada.” The publication seeks to maintain a happy balance with the oftentimes kitschy cutand-paste traditions of zines of the past, while aspiring to be the voice of a quasi punk/literary journal.

Georgia Webber

Georgia Webber is a Hamiltonian comic artist and writer who has an array of experience working in writing, editing, and design. Her comic series DUMB arose out of her making the best out of a poor situation. After a doctor told her that the chronic pain in her vocal chords would not subside unless drastic measures were taken, Webber took to an extreme form of treatment: total vocal rest. In DUMB, Webber bravely and humorously expounds upon the struggle that her journey since October 2012 has led her through. While she has worked towards being able to speak up to three hours per day, Webber has created a definitive voice of her own that leaps off the pages of her comics.

Amy Edgerdeen

Credit has to be shown where credit is due. As co-founder of the Hamilton Feminist Zine Fair, Edgerdeen deserves plenty of it. Edgerdeen is a skilled artist in her own right, with her illustrations capturing the eye with their evocative playfulness, but her work within the community as an arts-based facilitator de-


serves hearty commendation.

From The Margins

As the artistic collaboration between Geoff and Clementine Morrigan, From The Margins concerns itself with topics as wide-ranging as “queerness, femme identity, sexuality, intimacy, community, addiction, sobriety, intoxication culture, trauma, madness, accessibility and hope.” On his part, Geoff writes about mixed race and genderqueer identity, while Clementine takes up surviving child abuse and intimate partner violence.

Heidi Cho

A skilled interdisciplinary artist whose works in several mediums (silkscreening, animation, mosaic, drawing, and writing), Heidi Cho essentially just makes cool stuff. From t-shirts and more run of the mill zines, to totes, you can bet that Cho will have

something for you, whether that is related to self-care, navigating depression, and intersectionality. @mich_yeung

An example of a small print zine by Amy Edgerdeen, artist and founder of the Hamilton Feminist Zine Fair C/O AMY EDGERDEEN

20 |


Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 |

Riding new waves Hazy alt-rock act Neon Wave drops second self-titled EP






C/O DEREK MONSON Vanessa Polojac Contributor

Prepare to share a new psychedelic listening experience with Toronto alt-rock band Neon Wave as they prepare to release their second self-titled EP on Nov. 4. The new project comes right behind their first EP which only dropped in September of this year. Formed in Toronto in 2014, Neon Wave consists of three multitalented band members: Norm Maschke (guitar and vocals), Derek Monson (bass guitar, bass VI guitar, synthesizers and vocals), and Ryan Roantree (percussion). All three musicians were apart of locally successful bands prior to forming Neon Wave (formally Of Hands & Teeth/ Whale Tooth/ Ten Kens). Lead vocalist and guitarist

”Once you get over that milestone there is a kind of self-realization moment and comes in different forms for everybody.” Norm Maschke Neon Waves Guitarist/vocalist

Norm Maschke described the upcoming EP as a slow, psychedelic soundtrack. As in their previous work, the members of Neon Wave put personal experiences and new ways of life into the lyrics of their music. “A lot of it is a personal perspective on things. The themes that we explore lyrically are about change and kind of questioning everything around you as well as yourself. We’re all in our early thirties…Once you get over that milestone there is a kind of self-realization moment and comes in different forms for everybody,” said Maschke. The tracks "Night Rider" and "Royal" invite the listener to get lost in the music. The trance-like songs feature the brittle and gruff vocals from Maschke and Monson that create a somber and haunting atmosphere. “Deer Hunter for me personally has been a big influence… I think for us it was not about imitating a sound. It was about seeing where our best assets are as a band and that took some time to figure out,” explained Maschke. “We would play songs faster and they would kind of sound more rock n' roll and we didn’t really want to sound rock n’ roll like every other band. Influences are there but they are not as prominent.” Even though only forming officially two years ago; the members of Neon Wave have been in the band cycle for over

ten years. The music industry has changed a lot over the course of those years because of technology. While evolving as musicians and people since the early 2000s; Neon Wave is trying to bring back a sound that they feel has been lost from the 90s. “We live in a monoculture where everything sounds the same. It’s produced by the same people. There might be a different singer or musician but ultimately it’s still accomplishing the same goal and it’s like bubblegum, right? You pop it in your mouth and when you’re done you spit it out and move onto something else.” Neon Wave’s Nov. 4 release will be an evolution for the act, with a slightly faster tempo in contrast to their heavy, slow-burning first project. Like their earlier project, the new EP is designed to be rich and cohesive, intended for long listening sessions. “It should be an experience. You can put on a pair of headphones or put it on in the car when you are driving. That’s what it is intended for… it’s not just superficial pop or alternative music. We aim to add depth… and we just want people to enjoy it. It’s entertainment, it’s fun,” explained Maschke. Neon Wave will be performing the new EP on Nov 4 at the Casbah alongside Bad Girls, Dizzy Spells, Beach Red and Jordan Koren.






A BUFFALO DISPATCH “ You’re not a real Bills fan if you don’t ass chug” says Buffalo tailgater A5



HAMILTON SPECULATOR “Fuck this week ” since 1934

November 3, 2016


Sleeping your way to slim

Radical new researcher out of Ancaster (where else?) gives us the latest totally legit tip for losing weight: just sleep a whole lot, drink a ton of water, and you’ll be looking better than ever BEV PIQUANTE Wears three layers to bed

The holidays are around the corner, and if you’re as stressed as we are about work socials, you’re maybe a little restless at night. You’ve tried warm milk, yoga, counting your recent mistakes, but to no avail. Sleep eludes you, and so does that slinky black dress you’ve been coveting for holiday season. Fear not, however. There is still time to shed those pounds faster than your sweaty comforter as you struggle to sleep for more than 40 minutes at a time. “The first thing to remember is to turn off your lights at bedtime,” explained Dr. Sheila

Snorr, a sleep clinician based in Ancaster. While Snorr is a big believer in this new tip, she also explained the tried-and-true method of drinking copious amounts of water can help with weight loss. “It takes a lot to override your instinct to get up to use the washroom, but if you want to lose weight and sleep, you’ll have to fight that. Pissing yourself isn’t embarrassing if you’re slimming down while doing so.” “A lot of new listicles I’ve been reading says that having a solid, nutritious midnight snack like a protein shake can help you feel fuller, sleep better and shed pounds,” Snorr said. “Of course, if you’re anything like me and your desire to drink a

POLL: best November activity Pretending it is Christmas season

Wondering why November exists

Avoiding sunlight

Creating fake Twitter accounts to tweet your deepest thoughts

DISCLAIMER: This is the Speculator, a joke page. The stories and continuing plot lines are fake. If you have ideas for a Speculator, tweet @theSilhouette and we might write it. You can’t win the lotto if you don’t buy a ticket.

protein powder and kale slush is as minimal as your desire to go to holiday parties, just toss in some Bailey’s and half a tub of ice cream and call it a night. You’ll at least have a higher alcohol tolerance for when you get to party season.” Snorr’s biggest tip came as something of a surprise, however. “I know as the weather gets colder it’s harder to get up early and exercise, but dragging your ass to the gym at ungodly hours means you can take a nap on the handlebars during your six a.m. spin class. You’ll get a nasty crease on your forehead from the position, but it helps you shed pounds like you wouldn’t believe!” With Snorr’s helpful hints,

“It takes a lot to override your instinct to get up to use the washroom, but if you want to lose weight and sleep, you’ll have to fight that. Pissing yourself isn’t embarrassing if you’re slimming down while doing so.” Dr. Sheila Snorr Sleep clinician

- Bertha, 22


FEATURE you can wiggle into that LBD in time to still snag some guilt-free hors d’oeuvres at the company social.

Tweets to the Editor It’s referenda, not referend-a!


anyone else think netflix is washed up? - Your Boy Danny, 29

How to be the coolest guy at TwelvEighty club nights (hint: it’s not cologne) A10-11 PER ISSUE: A rat tail haircut. They’re back, baby!

22 |


Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 |

Free pizza can be all yours! Find the answers in this week’s issue and tweet us a photo or bring the issue to MUSC B110 with the correct answers. If you’re one of the first ten people, you’ll get a $15 Pizza Pizza gift card! How much money did McMaster provide in scholarships and financial aid this year?

What was Olivia Mew’s job before working on Stay At Home Club?

Who are the two head coaches of the volleyball teams at McMaster?

NOW on

facebook and twitter!


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The Silhouette | 23

Sports “Trust it, believe it, do it” The McMaster football team advances to the OUA semi-finals following a late defensive stand against the rival Gryphons Justin Parker Contributor

Defence ultimately decides who moves on in the playoffs. This time, Mac stood tall. The Marauders are headed to the Ontario University Athletics semi-finals following a nail-biter ending that saw Guelph march down the field during the final minute of regulation. Down six, Guelph nearly completed the comeback if it weren’t for fifth-year defensive back Keldyn Ahlstedt’s last-second interception in the Marauders’ end zone, sealing the game for the Marauders. “I was just reading the quarterback,” Ahlstedt said after the game. “Coaches always say: see it, trust it, believe it, do it. That’s what I did and it paid off. The game against Guelph followed a familiar pattern for the Marauders: a frustrating first half followed by a stronger and more cohesive second half. Again, the dichotomy between the two halves was evident in this game which saw 14 of the Marauders’ 17 points scored in the second half. Head coach Greg Knox recognizes this pattern and how the struggling first half offence made the game closer than expected. “We didn’t do enough of the right things offensively,” Knox said. “Hats off to Guelph every step of the way, they did a good job. They were a tough


opponent today. We rallied at halftime and did what we needed to do in the second half.” “Ultimately, the emotion we played with and our execution got us there. It’s something we have to try to remedy: offensively we’re struggling in the first half of games. We did a good job adjusting in the third quarter. At the end of the day, we’ll take it.”

“It’s the playoffs; you’re never guaranteed tomorrow.” Keldyn Ahlstedt Defensive back McMaster football Despite a frustrating first half that saw the Gryphons go into the locker room up 10-3, grit and determination allowed McMaster to climb back into the game and pull out the win. Quarterback Asher Hastings, who threw for 317 yards and a touchdown (187 yards in the second half) noted the perseverance that brought them back into the game in the second half had a lot to do with veteran players performing in big moments. “[There are] a couple plays in that game I’ll never forget and that’s Max Cameron catching the ball on a check down, lunging his body under three Gryphons, and getting absolutely destroyed but giving


us an opportunity to get the first down,” Hastings said. “Same thing with Dany Vandervoort, catching a check down, driving his legs, and never quitting. That’s just seniors laying their bodies on the line because they want to live to fight another day.” Many veteran players like Ahlstedt feel the pressure that any game could be their last . The nostalgia of preparing for the game and taking the field for possibly the last time is not lost on any of these players. “I was just thinking today– five years ago, my first home game was against Guelph,” Ahlstedt said. “Five years later, my last home game was against Guelph. Same outcome–it’s kind of cool it ended that way. It’s the playoffs; you’re never guaranteed tomorrow. I’m just looking forward to being able to play another game of football and competing against a very, very good team.”

Looking ahead to their semi-final game against no. 3 ranked Laurier next week, the Marauders are in for another arduous matchup in Waterloo. Laurier is currently ranked in second in points scored per game (42.6) and points allowed per game (15.8). Laurier is coming off a first-round bye following their 38-9 season ending win over Windsor. With a team that ranks first in sacks (36) and defensive touchdowns (six)w, Hastings expects another tough game for the Marauders. “They’re one of the best defences in Canada,” Hastings said. “They really bring it on defence so it’s going to be tough for us offensively. We are going to have a great week of preparation and really stay dialed in and focused, because this one was way too close.”

“It’s the playoffs. You can’t take any team for granted,” said Ahlstedt. “Their record says it all: they’re 7-1. They’re going to give us their best game, and we’re going to give them our best game, so it’s going to be a dog fight.” The Marauders have a tough road ahead, but for a team full of veterans and resilience, they will bring the fight to anyone standing in their way.

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Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 |

Serve’s up! 2016/2017 McMaster volleyball Lauren Beals Sports Reporter

Five months. From the time the first whistle of pre-season is blown to the final match of the Ontario University Association playoffs, the McMaster women will have been in season for over 20 weeks. Already underway, McMaster has started strong posting a clean sweep of their opponents on route to a gold medal at the Thanksgiving classic and a big 3-1 win against Guelph to kick off their regular season at home. But with so many games still left on their docket, forecasting the rest of the season can be a daunting task.

One certainty lies in Mac’s depth as a squad, which will lend itself to the versatility of their team. With a strong contingent of fourth and fifthyear players, Mac has ability to change their look from week to week, keeping opponents on their toes with a tailor-fitted style of play. “Our reliance will be kind of night to night,” said head coach Tim Louks. “So how can we [change] and what can we do given our opponent and what they are prepared for… We have some flexibility, maybe they aren’t expecting this lineup, or to block in this fashion or to play offensively fast or slow. Without trying to drive inconsistency in our

team, we are trying to [think about] what we present to our opponent.” An early 3-1 pre-season loss to Toronto predicts another year of dense competition within the OUA. The usual suspects,Western, Ryerson and Windsor, will all be looking to build on strong performances from last year. A slight shakeup in playing conferences on the woman’s side also saw a contender in the University of Ottawa depart the OUA to compete in Quebec, with Trent’s varsity program called up as a replacement. “Where the competition may come from could be pretty close to home,” said Louks. “It could come from different sources, but Western will be, Ryerson will be [right there]. I could talk about most teams having improved, and having the ability to make an impact.” To stay competitive, Mac will look to improve on recognizing the state of their opponents, and being more patient offensively when they fall out

of system. Doing so will help to extend scramble plays into longer rallies, producing more efficient scoring chances for the Marauders. “We don’t need to necessarily score immediately, we may not be able to do that readily if we are under pressure,” said Louks. “We can rely on our defensive side and keep more


Middle Ground Maicee Sorensen

Joanna Jedzejewska The fourth-year outside hitter was a go-to for the Marauder’s offense last season, finishing fourth in the OUA in kills per set (3.16) and earning OUA first team honors. “Jo is a very good player and will lead in moments when she can sustain what she has to do athletically” said Louks. Look for her to be a reliable threat offensively in Mac’s lineup.

The fourth-year middle made a defensive stand last season, finishing sixth in the OUA for total blocks and earning second team all OUA honours. She also sat in the OUA top 10 for total service aces. With another 4 blocks to start the season against Guelph, expect Sorensen to be a strong presence at the net.

balls in play. That has been the theme through pre-season, and we are starting to trust that a little more.” But in a game where trust and experience go hand in hand, fans have every reason to expect another high flying season for the McMaster women. Strap in folks, this team is here for the long haul.

Mac had a strong off-season solidifying their lineup with three new recruits for the middle position. Hailey Kranics, Jessie Nairn and Kamila Haase will look to fill the spot left the departure of OUA second team all-star Taylor Brisebois, although fans may need to give them time to adjust to a U Sports level of play before they become regulars in the Marauder rotation. York transfer Aleks

Arsovic will add a new look to the outside hitter position, while fifth-year veteran Alicia Jack is slated to return from a knee injury later this season. “We have three good first year additions that can have an impact,” said Louks. “We are probably going to rely, at this stage in the game, as we have through exhibition pieces, on us being a year older for most of us and with some very good injections on the top end.”

Rebecca Steckle The fifth-year player had a breakout season last year, earning her place as a regular starter as she skyrocketed to third in hitting percentage (.253) and fourth in kills per set (1.82) on Mac’s roster. “Leaders have to lead, and at the end of the day… Rebecca has arrived there,” said Louks. “She is constructive, she is positive… she is playing the game at a high level of confidence, and it’s fun to watch that.” Expect Steckle to translate her experience into leadership on the court.

SPORTS | 25 | Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016

Before you can finish saying the words “fall playoffs”, McMaster is gearing up for another exciting year on the court with two volleyball programs looking to make a national statement. Andrew Richards

With the loss of Andrew Kocur to injury, third-year Andrew Richards has been thrust into a big time role on this team. “The mindset really is to just take it one day at a time and welcome the process,” said Richards. Richards is one of the three members of the team’s leadership council, and plays a big role for this team on and off the court. At the end of winter term 2016, Richards was awarded the Wilson Leadership Award for his notable contributions aca-

Griffin Marsh Contributor

Entering the Oct. 28 season-opener against the Guelph Gryphons, the McMaster men’s volleyball team will tell you that this has not been a regular off-season. To understand that, one must look back to the end of last season, to when McMaster hosted the Canadian Interuniveristy Sport Men’s Volleyball Championships in Burridge Gym. The championship game was on March 12 and the top-seeded Marauders faced Trinity Western University for the title. The game ended in Trinity Western’s favour, a result that would shake up the Marauder locker room for months to come. “I think anytime you handle an adversity of that magnitude, it really defines your character,” said head coach Dave Preston. “It look quite a long time for a lot of our student athletes to digest exactly what opportunity we had and what we didn’t take advantage of at that stage.” Not only did that loss affect these athletes, but the moving parts that came together last season do not look the same today. Since that day in March, the Marauders have lost Ontario University Athletics MVP Stephen Marr to a bright pro-volleyball career in Europe and Alex Elliot, a player coach Preston described as “probably one of the greatest leaders this program has ever

seen on an off the court.” “Those guys don’t come along every single year,” added Preston. “We are not trying to fill gaps that people believe may have been left by their absence. We are just a different group now.” So what does the reality of a different group look like for this season of men’s volleyball at McMaster? The answer is exciting. McMaster enters the season ranked third in the country after a pre-season where results and confidence seemed to improve with every match. The pre-season began on Sept. 23 at the University of Alberta, where McMaster lost three games over the weekend without winning a single set, something that has not happened in the last decade, according to Preston. October marked a turning point for the team, with confidence-boosting victories over second-ranked TWU on Oct. 2 and fourth ranked University of Manitoba on Oct. 15. Besides the results, the loss of all-Canadian setter Andrew Kocur to injury pre-season continues to show this team’s grit. Third-year Andrew Richards has answered the call and showed his flexibility, filling into the vacant setter position. This shift has also allowed players such as Connor Santoni, Craig Ireland, and Matt Passalent to step up and fill gaps

demically, athletically, and in the community. When asked how he balances it all, Richards responded: “It can get busy at times but it is well worth it… The Wilson Scholar Leadership

award has been an amazing opportunity, one that I will never take for granted.” Richards is a true leader and one we will hear a lot about this year.


at outside hitter. All in all, this team is starting to click and it is clear that the chemistry growing day in day out. While the flexibility and depth in this team is clear today, the future is also very exciting. Sophomore Matt Passalent and freshmen Jordan Pereira spent their summers with the Canadian junior national team, competing in the North, Central American and Caribbean Volleyball Confederation Continental Championships. Those championships saw Pereira named Best Passer, Digger and Libero at the tournament, and both players received valuable experience against some excellent competition.

Freshman David Doty also joins the Marauders, bringing a completive spirit and a summer of experience with the Canadian youth national team. Forgetting about the past and ignoring the future beyond this current season, the goals of this team in the present remain the same. “[We’re going to] try and secure as much home court advantage through the regular season as possible so we can have home court advantage through the playoffs, and then challenge for an OUA championship and three more matches for a CIS championship,” said coach Preston. “[We’ll] take the 17 league

matches one match at a time and try and put ourselves in a position for that,” added Preston, commenting that this OUA league is tough and no team will have a simple walk to home court advantage. That journey got underway in a positive manner last Friday, as the team settled into a three sets to zero victory over Guelph. Up next, the men travel to Peterborough to face the Trent University on Nov. 4, followed by York back at home on Nov. 5. Settle in sports fans, we have another exciting volleyball season ahead of us.

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Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 |

Down, but not out While the McMaster women’s rugby team lost the OUA championship game to Guelph, their season is far from over

Steph Black drop kicks the ball in a game against Gryphons. C/O KYLE WEST Cullum Brownbridge Sports Editor

It was always going to be a tough match. The Ontario University Athletics championship game pitted the two remaining undefeated teams in the league. Having dominated their respective divisions, McMaster and Guelph had yet to face each other this season, and there were high expectations of top-class rugby coming into the match. Last year, Mac conquered Guelph in the OUA championship game, and proceeded to win the Canadian Interuniversity Sport championship a week later. However, in front of a packed Ron Joyce Stadium, the Mac women were unable to repeat as champions, losing to the Gryphons 24-7 in a physical battle. In the first real test for the Marauders this season, the pace of play from Guelph was significantly faster and more polished than they had faced so far. Any time Mac made a mistake, whether it was a knock-on or giving up penalties, the Gryphons were able to capitalize, gaining significant field position and converting opportunities into points. “Their forward pack is the best forward pack we’ve played this year, [and] they were able

The Marauders were able to score a try at the end of the first half to cut the lead to 10, but were unable to muster any offence in the second half. to put us under pressure,” head coach Shaun Allen said after the game. “Their lineout was very good; they were able to get quality possession from that. Both teams got some scrum penalties, but I would say overall that they probably won that fight. We didn’t respond to their physicality the way that we as a group would’ve wanted to if we played them again.” Things were made more difficult at the 11-minute mark, where OUA All-star flanker Katie Svoboda went down with a lower body injury after receiving a pass from her sister Sara on a breakaway. From that point, Guelph broke through the Mac defense, leading to three straight tries and jumped out to a 17-0 lead. The Gryphons had plenty of strong runners, especially in their forward pack, and were able to break down McMaster’s defence thanks to solid runs

from the ruck and quick ball movement from the breakdown. “For about 10 minutes there we went pretty passive,” Allen said. “We weren’t coming forward in defence; we were allowing some of their ball carriers to run at us. It’s pretty hard to make quality tackles when you’re letting players run at you. By not coming forward, they were able to manipulate our defence a little bit and create some space.” Mac’s defense has been sturdy all year, posting plenty of shutouts and playing fluidly as a cohesive unit. But against Guelph they were uncharacteristically sloppy, attempting arm tackles and going high rather than displaying the disciplined tackling they have done all season. The Marauders were able to score a try at the end of the first half to cut the lead to 10, but were unable to muster any offence in the second half. Most of the play took place in Mac’s end, where Guelph was constantly knocking on the door, and threatened to widen the game even more. Perhaps frustrated by the lack of possession, Mac gave up costly penalties that eventually led to two yellow cards to fly-half Steph Black and scrum-half Lauren Walkden. Being down to 14 players for 20 minutes doesn’t help any comeback attempt, and hurt Mac’s

attempt at closing the gap. “We probably got frustrated in the second half that we didn’t have more possession,” Allen said. “We were looking to turn the ball over before it was ready to be turned over. We didn’t change our behavior based on what the referee was calling. Whether we agree with that or not, she’s the one that’s in charge of the game. Despite the loss, Mac’s season is not over yet. They are currently training in Victoria, B.C., and will be looking to defend their national title in the U Sports championship tournament. Practice will be light, but there should be enough time to refocus. “We’ve got three games to play next week, so it’s how we are going to rebound

and recover, and what things we are going to do. between now and next Thursday to put this [loss] behind us,” Allen said of their practice schedule for next week. “A lot of it is going to be focused on recovery and seeing where we are at in terms of personnel and injuries and all that, and go from there.” While disappointed with the loss, the McMaster women’s team knows what top competition looks like, they are sure to focus on cleaning up their mistakes and practicing to a level where they can not only compete with the top teams in the country, but also conquer the best and get back on top of the rugby summit. @Curtains1310




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