The Silhouette - COVID CAUTION - October 7, 2021

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Get involved with the third oldest campus radio station in Canada Jamie Tennant Program Director wanted to be a radio DJ? Ever wanted to Ever host a podcast? How about both at the same time?

Doing a show at CFMU is both contemporary and old-school. It’s broadcast weekly on the FM band and it’s posted weekly as a podcast on gets clicks for blogs, playlists, videos, and other special content, but we get the most hits for our shows. That’s what we do best.

CFMU has over 100 weekly programs, on a wide range of topics. Student mental health? Yes. Armenian-language news? Yes. Hip-hop? Yes. Whether it’s music, spoken word or multicultural programming that interests you, you can do it on the airwaves and on the internet at 93.3. CFMU FM and What are we looking for? Not professional disc jockeys or talk show hosts. We’re looking for people with passion for music, community and ideas, who want to share those things with others. We can train you to do the show live, pre-recorded on-site, or even pre-recorded in your home. No experience necessary. Want to know more? Take a spin around

18 | C F M U w w w. c f m u . c a | 9 3 . 3 FM | | Thursday, October 7, 2021

the schedule at Every show has a page that describes what they do, as well as a playlist and a breakdown of episodes. Every show has 8 weeks worth of archives available to stream or download. (Do take into account that the pandemic has caused a few gaps in programming!) If you find yourself interested, check out the “become a volunteer” link in the footer and fill out an application. We’d love to have you. And if you’re a bit too shy about being on the mic – or don’t have an idea for a show — we need help behind the scenes, too. So call it a radio show, call it a podcast, call it whatever you like. The question is, are you in?

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