The Silhouette - October 28

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SEE D4, D5


The Silhouette


Mac resists provincial constraints on goals

Est. 1930

VOLUME 82, NO. 11

Occupy movement spreads to Hamilton

Sam Colbert Managing Editor

When talk of “differentiation” – the plan to specialize Ontario universities in specific disciplines and in one of either teaching or research – emerged last year from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO), McMaster’s president Patrick Deane responded in opposition. He held an open forum, which was attended primarily by faculty members, to discuss the matter. The sentiment in the room was consistent: McMaster would resist these pressures to specialize by remaining a diverse and well-rounded institution, strong in both teaching and research. Last week, Deane held a similar forum to discuss his recent letter addressed to the McMaster community, Forward with Integrity, which outlined his vision for the future of the University. Though the letter emphasized McMaster’s intention to avoid “a division between teaching and research that runs counter to the principle of institutional integrity,” any mention of “differentiation” or reference to HEQCO was absent. “If we are too conscious of responding to each of these currents, we are not being ourselves,” he said at the Oct. 20 discussion of work being done by HEQCO. McMaster has to think of itself outside of these contexts, he said, to be able to properly and effectively define its vision. He did add, though, that the school “will not go that route” of being either a research-oriented or teaching-focused university, and that McMaster “has a historical right to that niche” compared to other schools. On Nov. 2, the McGill-Queen’s University Press is set to release a sequel to its 2009 publication Academic Transformation: The Forces Reshaping Higher Education in Ontario, which originally outlined differentiation in the province. The new book, written by University of Toronto professor Ian Clark, as well as David Trick, president of higher education consultant company, David Trick and Associates, and Richard Van Loon, former president of Carleton University, will be entitled Academic Reform. The book will call for postsecondary funding in Ontario to be earmarked either for teaching or research, effectively enabling the provincial government to designate some schools as research-intensive and others as being strong in teaching. The authors argue from the perspective of students, who are often stuck with instructors that may be leading researchers in their respective fields, but are not effective teachers. Ontario students can have the best experience possible in teaching schools, they say, while research schools can maintain the reputation of the province’s university system • PLEASE SEE FORUM, A3

Kacper Niburski & Christina Pugliese Assistant News Editor & The Silhouette

Wall Street? Occupied. Las Vegas? Occupied. Toronto? Occupied. Hamilton? You bet. Although Hamilton is not nearly as large nor its protesters as numerous as the rallies occurring in the cultural mecca of New York, a group of protesters from the city of Hamilton, who officially joined the Occupy Wall Street movement on Oct. 15, hosted their second Occupy Hamilton event at Gore Park in the downtown core on Oct. 22. With a crowd of around fifty protesters, several encouraging bystanders, and various confused passers-by, the Occupy Hamilton event acted as both an outward demonstration of frustration towards the economic inequitably latent in the current financial climate and an

informal discussion meant to instigate the spark that will bring about overarching social change. As outlined in their media statement, the group, unaligned with any political party, “stands in solidarity with the Occupy movement that began in New York City on September 17, 2011, inspired by the Arab Spring and other peaceful protests.” The solidity stems from the belief that the 99 per cent, a figure which has become a cultural phenomenon as much as it is a statistic, have been both economically and socially ostracized. “We believe capitalism has some inherent flaws in it. History definitely attests that about every 15 to 20 years, capitalism fails,” said Rick Gunderman, Youth Organizer for the Young Communists and • PLEASE SEE OCCUPY, A4


Agreement supports designated drivers



Farzeen Foda

Senior News Editor






Sometimes, your designated driver just can’t keep it together and the safest option when deciding how to get home safely, can also be the most expensive, if it requires leaving a car overnight in a campus parking lot. The MSU, in collaboration with TwelvEighty and McMaster Security Services, is trying to take the late-night pressure of parking fees out of the equation. In the event that a designated driver has a drink and is unable to drive home, their vehicle can be parked on campus overnight for free, according to a new agreement. John McGowan, MSU general manager, says that discussions with security about the idea began last year. The initiative was started in an effort to encourage students to use the designated driver program with their friends and “to give students an alternative so that parking isn’t

a barrier for making a sound decision if they’ve had a few drinks,” explained McGowan. The program is in its initial phases, as it was started last week on a very small scale. McGowan explained that through McMaster Parking Services, security has provided parking vouchers, which can be given to students at the discretion of TwelvEighty management. The use of the vouchers will be closely monitored to evaluate the success of the program, noted Matthew Dillon-Leitch, MSU president. So in the event that a student may need to take advantage of the service, the student “would go to the manager and identify themselves as a designated driver, or as someone who parked in a McMaster parking lot and is unable to drive home, at which point, they would receive a voucher,” explained Dillon-Leitch. The goal of the program is “to ensure that there is no additional cost associated with leaving your car here so you can get home safely,” said McGowan.


PRESIDENT’S PAGE Duncan Thompson VP (Finance)

Katie Ferguson VP (Administration)

Matthew Dillon-Leitch President

Alicia Ali VP (Education)

city council continues investigation into feasibility of light rail transit Municipal representatives are supportive of the concept of an lrt system in hamilton, but have only committed to further research thusfar

alicia ali VP (Education) ext. 24017

Imagine a transportation system that cuts your travel time to campus in half. Sound crazy? With Light Rail Transit (LRT), it’s not. On Thursday, October 13th, Hamilton City Council got it right when they voted to reaffirm their support of continuing a full investigation into the feasibility of Light Rail Transit for Hamilton. So, what is LRT? Light Rail Transit

is a form of public transportation that utilizes a train-like vehicle on a fixed track. It has a higher capacity and higher speed than regular city buses. The LRT initiative in Hamilton first surfaced in 2007 when the province of Ontario launched a $17 billion proposal to build transit across Southern Ontario, with particular upgrades in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Areas, including two rapid transit lines in Hamilton. A few months later, as a part of their re-election campaign, the government pledged to build two light rail lines across Hamilton. Fast forward to today, Hamilton Light Rail - an advocacy group - has been working with stakeholders to hold open planning meetings and develop

presentations that will introduce people to LRT and the economic potential it carries. That being said, the idea of LRT isn’t universally popular, some having been calling for a dedicated bus system in lieu of LRT. Recently, the City of Hamilton began placing more emphasis on GO transit at the expense of LRT exploration, which prompted City Council to publicly re-affirm their commitment to LRT investigation. The recent vote doesn’t lock the City into anything other than continued study, an area which we as students can play a huge role. The MSU will be working on a Light Rail Transit campaign this year to inform students and persuade politicians that this form of transit, with double

the lifespan of buses, reduced emissions and increases to both the efficiency and capacity of public transit, is the best option for students and the Hamilton community. LRT has the potential to revitalize the city core by integrating students into often neglected regions such as downtown and beyond, areas which have huge potential to prosper – but are regularly underused by students due to access issues. So next time you’re waiting at the bus stop and you see several crowded buses pass you by, tweet your frustrations with the hashtag #weneedlrt and join the movement to get on track with LRT. For more information, please visit:

Msu teaching award noMinations now open! recognize great teaching at McMaster, give your favourite professors the credit they deserve Alfred Mercier once said, “What we learn with pleasure we never forget.” Often, it is a university professor that is the individual who helps make the journey of learning an exceptional one. By no means is being an instructor an easy job, but those who take the extra leap in providing outstanding teaching, are the people who merit distinct recognition. The excellent faculty of McMaster University put their best foot forward to try to make education an enjoyable experience for students. Professors often go to great lengths to make their courses interesting and accessible for their students. From standing for an hour in the hallway to answer questions, to having extended office hours, to providing supplementary notes and visuals on the class material, great teachers deserve our gratitude and appreciation. At McMaster University, we have professors who invest their hearts and minds into their teaching, in order to produce students who will one day become keenly informed individuals. We have professors whose passion for teaching makes students appreciate and value their education for its intrinsic worth, rather than for a material end. For students, having a professor who goes one step further makes all the difference in the world. University is a challenging and explorative period for students. Many students experience new trajectories and paradigms and having a professor who meaningfully engages with them makes a very positive impact. Students feel as though they have someone on which to rely. These are the professors who become something more than just a teacher; they become a mentor and/or a role model for their students. We gravitate to those great teachers as someone we admire for insight that only

time and experience can bring. In order to recognize the value of extraordinary teaching that happens here at McMaster, the McMaster Students Union employs a service named the Teaching Awards Committee (TAC). TAC hosts an annual Teaching Awards ceremony, at which the MSU recognies the most outstanding educators at McMaster, as chosen by students. Nominations are now open, and students can nominate professors in their faculty that have gone above and beyond the call of duty in terms of teaching. One professor from each faculty is awarded this honourable recognition each year. The awards are meant to encourage excellent teaching at McMaster, and it also gives students an opportunity to express their appreciation for their favourite professors. As the MSU Teaching Awards are nomination based, it is crucial for the student body to actively be involved in the selection process. Voting began on October 23rd and will continue until November 7th. All are encouraged to nominate a professor who they believe deserves an award based on their exceptional teaching abilities. For students, this process may take you only five minutes. This small time commitment is more than fair to acknowledge those who help, shape, inspire and enrich the student experience. To nominate your favourite professor please visit: tahrin Mahmood teaching awards coordinator preeti nayak tac head of class evaluations

The President’s Page is sponsored by the McMaster Students Union. It is a space used to communicate with the student body about the projects, goals and agenda of the MSU Board of Directors.



Forum addresses teaching vs research University stands against differentiation


McMaster president Patrick Deane held a forum to discuss future directions of the University. administered. “We are getting less for more,” it said. “Teaching is getinternationally. ting short shrift; more students are From Deane’s perspective, graduating, but not enough are leavteaching and research go hand-ining school with the skills they need hand. In his letter, he stated that Mcfor success in the real world.” Master will “as an institution escape Deane acknowledged in the the not uncommon yet destructive letter that allocation of resources McMaster has tendency to see and experience exwill need to change, though he sugcellence in research and in underto think of itself outgested that it support experiential, graduate education as antithetical self-directed and interdisciplinary side of these aims.” programs, in which teaching and contexts, to be able At the forum, which had an research are linked. Emphasis on attendance of approximately 200 to properly these types of learning, he said at people, most of whom were facthe talk, will make for a “quintesand effectively ulty and administrators, Deane exsentially McMaster experience.” define its pressed his general dissatisfaction One attendee of the event noted with the way Ontario schools are vision.” that the goals of the last major vifunded. “We’re still not confident sioning document for McMaster, that we can do what we want to do a 2003 release from the office of Master from fulfilling its vision of former president Peter George high-quality education, calling for a called Refining Directions, were not reworked funding formula from the strongly reflected in the budget that provincial government. followed. Though some compon An Oct. 10 editorial in the Globe ents of the more recent letter could and Mail explained that the prob- mean more immediate change, lem isn’t with the amount of money Deane explained that, as a whole, taxpayers are giving to post-second- the letter spells out a long-term proary education, but with the way it’s ject. • CONT’D FROM A1

with the resources that we have,” he said. He discussed the “circles of imprisonment”, enforced by both funding restrictions and pressures to specialize, that prevent Mc-



“The wealthiest 1 per cent wants the status quo. The 99 per cent wants change”

Occupy Hamilton

• CONT’D FROM A1 recent candidate in the provincial election for the Communist Party in Ancaster-DundasFlamborough-Westdale. “We enter a period of economic crises, and every time, it furthers the concentration of wealth at the top, and deprives the rest of us of the wealth we produce.” As to the solution to these ‘failings,’ a protester declared generally that, “we want to create a platform for Canadian citizens to call for greater morality, responsibility, and accountability on the part of our corporate, economic, and governmental systems.” Perhaps in line with criticism that has been targeted at the movement as a whole, the Hamiltonian demonstration arguably lacked a cohesive message. Homemade signs and chalk drawings highlighted a broad array of concerns – the war in Afghanistan, LGBT rights, capitalism, and police brutality to name a few. In defense of this acknowledged critique, another protester expressed their collective frustration with the media’s focus on a singular demand. “There are too many problems that our government has failed to address. We need to fix the system as a whole.” While it may even be truer that the problems extend beyond what one sign can contain, it is clearly evident that the consensus group rejects the current establishment at nearly all levels, whether politically, socially or economically, as they feel it manifests an overwhelming focus on profit at the expense of human rights and the sustainability of the planet. “We, as the 99 percent, believe that major entities in the private sector have too much influence over our governments and our legislature,” the group writes in a public campaign summary. “We seek to eliminate corporate personhood and their influence over government regulation and our politics.” Dave Cherkewski, an anti-poverty activist and a member of the Social Justice Strategic Committee of Hamilton, mirrored this sentiment. “Democracy is not a spectator activity. We have rights, but we also have responsibilities. Everyone needs to get involved. The wealthiest 1 per cent wants the status quo. The 99 per cent wants change,” said Cherkewski. “What’s that in the air? I smell change. People want change. And I’m not afraid to put my face forward.” Regardless of whether change can be smelled or not, the question remains as to whether their efforts will bring radical change or wane with the cold of winter. Simply said, the outcome of the Occupy Movement - despite spreading like wildfire by moving millions to the streets in a spirit of combined hope and rage - is unknown. But it is in this uncertainty where a solution may lie. Who could have predicted that when Rosa Parks sat at the front of a bus, a Civil Rights Act would culminate four years later or that a year ago, Tunisia would be the spark for a series of uprisings? In both cases, circumstances were ripe for a popular upsurge. Change, it seems, begins with uncertainty.

Newsbites Compiled by Alex Rockingham, Karianne Matte, Dina Fanara, and Bushra Habib University without the tuition fees On Oct.15, McMaster launched its new Discovery Program, an experimental educational experience for 22 Hamiltonian adults interested in learning more about their communities, themselves and each other. The free university zero-credit certification course is lead by Dr. Daniel Coleman in a unique attempt to share McMaster’s academic learning experience with the residents of Hamilton. The course, entitled Voicing Hamilton, is a general introduction to the study of humanities, is held at the Hamilton Public Library, and will run for 8 weeks. The program aims to provide students with a picture of the academic experience at university, while helping McMaster understand its city on a broader scale. SRA Bi-Election results On Oct. 20, elections were held to fill several vacant seats on the MSU Student Representative Assembly (SRA), in the faculties of Business, Engineering, Nursing, Science, and Social Science. Ballots were cast in the lobbies of both Mills Memorial Library and the Burke Science Building. The two candidates elected for Business are Jeremy Bober-Inoue and Omar Khafgy. For Engineering, Salah Abdelrahman, Piotr Chomiki, and Mukhtar were elected. Jaideep Dheria, James Dowdall, Nabil Khaja, Christina Monachino, and Sumaiya Siddiqi were elected to the seats for the Faculty of Science. Sarah Ali and Mac Armstrong were elected to the Social Science seats. No nominations were received for the one vacant Nursing seat. Paving new paths for bikers in Hamilton A new Bike trail is opening this week in the city’s west-end, providing safety for cyclists and the vision of a future cycling tail network spread across the city. The 1.8 Kilometer trail was commissioned as part of the city’s Shifting Gears Cycling Plan. It will start just west of Leland Street, cross over the 403, and connect to Studholme road by the Chedoke Golf Course. Money and Sex


The protesters argue in this vein of thought. Rather than mitigating under the uncertainty of the Occupy Hamilton Movement’s outcome, they are encouraged. “It’s exciting to not know,” said a group of protestors under the hum of a bongo drum, “because only then can we know that we are recognizing the problem. First, comes recognition. Then, uncertainty. Then, a solution. We’re still on the first stage.” And yet, despite it’s seemingly disorganized, premature manner and lack of a concrete solution, the Occupy movement may stand as a manifestation of Karl Marx’s prophetic pre-

diction of the proletariats one day rising up. As the world global market plunges deeper into economic despondency, various revolutions precipitate in countries defined by years of oppressive regime, and thousands join a protest in an attempt to bring about equitable economic policies, it may be that as a society, humanity has come to a point in time that seemed inevitable: a time when change will come. Perhaps the protesters will be silenced. Perhaps their concerns will be heard. Perhaps neither. Perhaps both. As to which, only time, the occupier of all, will tell.

Canada’s new plastic money will be released in November, but will designs change due to some immature feedback? A number of individuals have caught a glimpse of this new plastic money and suggested the bills, which feature see-thru cutouts, include sections that look like the silhouette of a naked woman’s body or even a sex toy. So far, no plans to change or re-design the bills have been planned. BlackBerry or SourBerry? Jeff Orenstein, a lawyer with Consumer Law Group, Inc. has filed a lawsuit demanding RIM to compensate for their unfulfilled promise of 100 per cent service. RIM has offered some BlackBerry users a month of free technical support and $100 worth of free app downloads following days of service failure in October.

9-11 Then and Now

Discussion challenges religious stereotypes Julia Redmond The Silhouette

It has been said that September 11, 2001 is “the day the world changed.” At a recent lecture and teach-in, McMaster students were given the opportunity to explore what that really means. Just over a month after the ten-year anniversary, on October 19, people braved Hamilton’s driving rain to participate in an event organized by McMaster Muslims for Peace and Justice. The session, entitled “9/11 – Then and Now” was introduced as an opportunity to hear and challenge ideas. “Intellectually speaking, university should be a dangerous place,” vice-president Mariam El-Fawal said before introducing the speakers for the evening. Three members of the McMaster community were in attendance to give their thoughts on 9/11 and the role of Islam in the world today. First, Dr. Virginia Aksan of McMaster’s Department of History gave what she called “a riff on the cultural origins of Islamophobia.” Drawing from her knowledge of the history of the Ottoman Empire, she explained the “cultural amnesia” that the world is experiencing when it comes to Islam, and that it can trace its roots back to early Enlightenment thinking. She also called for the abolishment of Islamophobia today. “Our society drives civility, but is not

really a civil society,” explained Aksan, insisting that a paradigm shift is necessary. Next, Ken Stone of the Canadian Coalition Against Racism took to the podium. He told the story of the local incident that happened on September 15, 2001—the burning of a Hindu temple, mistaken for a mosque by its vandal. He spoke fondly of how the community came together in the wake of the incident, raising money to rebuild the temple and creating the Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion. He would like to see a similar reaction to recent Islamophobic incidents, he said, namely Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s speech a month ago in which he claimed that the major threat to Canada in the wake of 9/11 “is still Islamicism.” The last lecturer of the evening was Dr. Atif Kubursi, professor emeritus of Economics at McMaster and current Arts and Science professor. Like Dr. Aksan, he argued that Islamic society had made a significant contribution to western civilization; it was in the Ottoman Empire that the foundations of science and mathematics were laid, for example, and where the world’s first university was founded: “McMaster can eat its heart out,” he joked. Kubursi also made the more controversial suggestion that 9/11 “was not such a watershed.” Rather, he argued, it provided an excellent pretext for the United States to assert their power in the Middle East in an effort to establish hegemony.

The audience was given the opportunity to respond to these arguments from the speakers when the session moved into the discussion portion of the “teach-in.” The students in attendance engaged in conversation about such topics as the role of the UN in a post-9/11 world, conspiracy

theories about the terrorist attacks, the importance of oil as a commodity, and the political power of the United States, to name a few. McMaster Muslims for Peace and Justice plans to run similar teach-ins over the course of the year.





Buy and Sell at Mac MSU launches new online marketplace Roy Campbell The Silhouette

The McMaster Students Union (MSU) is introducing a new classified advertisement service designed specifically for students. MACSList is now available on the MSU website for students to advertise goods and services in and around the McMaster community. The service, launched this August, is part of the MSU’s effort to connect with students through a wider range of new media platforms. The advertisement service is currently in a trial stage and is open for everyone to access, but “when it is fully operational, it will be [accessible only to McMaster students],” according to MSU general manager John McGowan. This, he says, will allow students to find and post advertisements specifically for them, instead of searching through larger, generalinterest classified advertising websites such as Craigslist. The student-focused classifieds forum is similar to the classified service available on the student-run website MacInsiders, but the two sites are not affiliated or co-ordinated, noted McGowan. Originally planned last year under former MSU president Mary Koziol’s student government, MACSList was designed as a result of changing trends in the way that McMaster students buy and sell goods. “We [have tried to provide] a physical market to trade courseware through the bookstore,” said McGowan, “but some of the feedback we got from students was that it’s kind

of passé. Many more students buy and sell either online or through peer-to-peer selling, so we’ve tried to create another tool to provide to students for selling books and other items.” The MSU plans to make MACSList part of a network of new services meant to connect students with each other and the University though online and digital media. “We would like to have as many tools as possible on our website in order to bring in McMaster students [to connect with each other] on all aspects of the student experience outside the classroom,” said McGowan. One of these tools is “My Ideas,” an online forum on the MSU website where students have the opportunity to provide feedback, suggestions or concerns about the student union’s services. It is evident that MACSList is in its developmental stage. It currently has only a handful of advertisements despite its prominent display on the MSU website. This is set to change in January 2012, however, when widespread promotions for the service will begin. The MSU will also begin promoting other University services through a range of new media, including advertising on LCD screens around campus. “We are trying to reach [students] through as many means as possible,” said McGowan. Most of these new services and technologies offered by the MSU are only emerging now, and it remains to be seen how exactly they will impact student life. It is up to McMaster students to decide if and how MACSList and the MSU’s other services will be used.

Doctors Without Borders

Dreaming up a better world


Dr. Richard Heinzl, McMaster alumnus discussed his initiatives on October 19. Christina Pugliese The Silhouette

In imagining where a pivotal career might begin, a ramshackled bar on the side of a cratered Ugandan highway is probably not what comes to mind. For Dr. Richard Heinzl, however, it was on such a roadside by the Kenyan-Ugandan border where he first encountered a group of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) physicians – an experience that ultimately led him to establish the Nobel Prize-winning humanitarian relief organization, Doctors Without Borders Canada. On Wednesday, Oct. 19, Heinzl visited McMaster at an event hosted by the McMaster Global Health Committee of McMaster Medical School. Heinzl recounted his decision to take an elective in a rural Kenyan hospital after completing his first year. “I worked there for about three weeks and it was great,” a downto-earth Heinzl told the group of ambitious students. “But Kenya was actually a pretty prosperous country at that time. And right next door was Uganda, which was not doing well at all.” As an idealistic 22-year-old, he ventured to Uganda, with merely a VISA, passport and name of a Canadian contact in hand. It was not long after that a truck filled with a highspirited group of MSF workers approached. Heinzl recalled, “That’s when I fell in love with the organization.” Three years after graduating, Heinzl, moved by his experience overseas, succeeded in founding the Canadian chapter of the international medical relief organization. Though he has now served in more than 80 countries

threatened by public health emergencies, Heinzl is in no rush to settle down, explaining new initiatives underway within the organization. Heinzl further explained the unique approach he takes in his work, noting that many projects conducted by previous groups have failed to involve the community or utilize findings to meaningfully improve the lives of the people. He credited the Internet as a valuable tool in international aid. “The Internet is a treasure. It connects people with the rest of the world,” said Heinzl, noting the rise of the cellular phone. Currently, 80 per cent of the population has access to a cell phone. “Cell phones give people access to information, which is just as important for health as are antibiotics or Csections, for example,” said Heizl. In fact, Heinzl recalled “dreaming up” the usefulness of cell phones and the Internet many years ago while working in remote areas. “You cannot simply go out into the hall to get a consultation from your colleagues when there are virtually no other doctors in the country.” He added that “it is breathtaking to inquire what lies ahead,” regarding the future of globalized medicine. Before concluding, Heinzl extended the dialogue to students, showing a genuine fascination with their experiences in international health. “If I can share one lesson with you, it would be to follow what you love. Any one of you can dream up a country you want to go to, or an idea that you want to make happen, or a program that you want to create.” After all, he said, “there is a world waiting for you.”




editor’s extension: 22052 letters:

What to do with #potential

The Silhouette McMaster University’s Student Newspaper

A lot has been made about the use of Twitter in the start of last year’s Arab Spring and the protests that have made their way around the globe in its wake. People have used the social medium as a way to organize protests and share information for the cause in lieu of a unifying leader of cohesive message. It’s been lauded as the new way of organizing political and democratic power, usurping traditional models of hierarchy, challenging traditional channels and giving a voice to those without one. 2011 has been a real showcase for the use of new media in real, non-frivolous activities. And even with such an incredible accomplishment, it’s overshadowed every day by the army of inanity that permeates Twitter’s pages and trending topics. For those not familiar with what Twitter actually does (and no, it’s not a lite version of your Facebook feed) it’s a sort of web-broadcast of your message in 140 characters for virtually any purpose: message amplification, breaking or sharing news, live updating, self promotion and conversation. But of course, this list wouldn’t be complete without the use for which Twitter is arguably most infamous for: mindless babble that defies the logic of any sane human. If you’re on Twitter, you’ve no doubt seen it before. The enthusiastic expressions of affection to Justin Bieber by the surprisingly aggressive band of ‘Beliebers’ and the mindless babble about irrelevant personal details are probably the worst offences, but about five minutes of light searching is enough to make anyone’s blood boil. Probably worse is that some of the most famous tweets are outrageous, damaging statements made by celebrities (invariably followed by a ‘my account was hacked!’ statement of innocence). This isn’t a complaint about Twitter being ruined by a bunch of airheads (though it’s a complaint I’ll gladly make to anyone who will listen). It’s a serious question about why something with so much potential is instead notorious for its inanity. Maybe it’s because Twitter hasn’t marketed itself properly to the right kind of users, or that the 140-character limit lends itself to foolish ‘kthxbye’ and ‘gtfo’ abbreviations. But for whatever reason, there’s no doubt we could be making use of Twitter for better discussion and engagement than wishing Justin Bieber a happy Thanksgiving. As the Occupy Wall Street protests continue to develop, I can’t help but wonder if people will realize what kind of power Twitter has to really see what’s going on. Sure, the savviest of protesters will be helping spread their message directly (while avoiding the distortion of the reluctant mainstream media), but will people take to Twitter or elsewhere on the Internet to read their message? Twitter’s built itself quite a reputation for its role in the Arab Spring. Let’s see if it lives up to the hype with the protests in this part of the world. •

Editorial Board Executive Editor... Brian Decker Managing Editor... Sam Colbert Production Editor... Jonathon Fairclough Senior News Editor... Farzeen Foda Asst. News Editor... Dina Fanara Asst. News Editor... Kacper Niburski Opinions Editor... Andrew Terefenko Sports Editor... Fraser Caldwell Asst. Sports Editor... Brandon Meawasige InsideOut Editor... Natalie Timperio Asst. InsideOut Editor... Cassandra Jeffery Business Editor... Sonya Khanna Senior ANDY Editor... Jemma Wolfe ANDY Music Editor... Josh Parsons ANDY Ent. Editor... Myles Herod Senior Photo Editor... Tyler Hayward Multimedia Editor... Joy Santiago

Brian Decker, Executive Editor

Asst. Photo Editor... Ricardo Padilla

Silhouette Staff

Knowledge under attack - again

Bushra Habib, News Ben Orr, Sports Maggie Cogger-Orr, Sports Sandro Giordano, Ad Manager Ryan Mallough, Opinions

It was one thing for the Conservative government to propose scrapping the Long Form Census, saying the mandatory collection of information was intrusive on the lives of Canadians. It’s completely another thing for the government to suggest throwing out years of data that’s already been collected at no small cost to taxpayers. But that’s exactly what Minister of Public Safety Vic Toews, Stephen Harper and the rest of his pals are trying to do when the Long Gun Registry gets the axe next week. A bill proposed this week that will end the Long Gun Registry is also proposing that all data collected under the Registry’s near-10 year existence be thrown out. For a government supposedly committed to prudent financial decisions, this is an abhorrent waste of taxpayer money. Forget about the loaded political sides to the Long Gun debate; this is about a government willingly wasting an (expensive) asset for the sake making an extremely partisan point. Even if it’s not used for gun-related purposes, data collected over a decade is useful. We might not know what for yet, but that’s a lot of potentially useful data, and it wasn’t cheap to hire and pay all of those trained statisticians. With the war on the Long Form Census, we know the Harper government isn’t keen on the modern practice of information collection. Now we know that the wars on pragmatism and financial prudence aren’t far behind. •

Brian Decker, Executive Editor

to cold weather coming back.

to jammie g’s to jimmy g’s to copious amounts of candy. obviously.

Legal The Silhouette welcomes letters to the editor in person at MUSC B110, or by email at thesil@thesil. ca. Please include name, address, and telephone number for verification only. We reserve the right to edit, condense, or reject letters and opinion articles. Opinions expressed in The Silhouette are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editorial board, the publishers, or university officials. The Silhouette is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the McMaster Students Union. The Silhouette board of publications acts as an intermediary between the editorial board, the McMaster community, and the McMaster Students Union. Grievances regarding The Silhouette may be forwarded in writing to: McMaster Students Union, McMaster University Student Centre, Room 201, L8S 4S4, Attn: The Silhouette Board of Publications. The board will consider all submissions and make recommendations accordingly.

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to 99-cent chomo at fortino’s. a gift from the heavens. to homemade buffalo chicken wraps. to all of the thumbs ups being about food so far. to kimmy and timmy. to breakfat. to new computers.

AND ALSO... Tune in to the Sil’s radio show every Thursday at 1 p.m. on CFMU, 93.3 on your dial, on the web.

let us know. send us a letter and we’ll publish it right here on the editorial page. just don’t be too mean to us.

to pumpkin man’s tragedy. to talentless misogynists. to cool interns. to the silhouette office feeling like a freaking desert. to the senators. to brandon. fraser gets a break this week. to diwali taking one of our staff away.

to diwali. to chuck testa. to halloween at university, your yearly dose of hedonism. to tangerines instead of candy this week.

did we upset you this week? are we blantantly offensive and unworthy of print? is this paper only good for making into a pirate hat?

to early/late hsr busses. this is way too hard, guys.

to backwards facing televisions. to the gee-gees’ secondary. get a clue, man.

to tupperware.

to subway losing on c8. luck of the draw, man.

to nice bus drivers.

to cold walks home.

Check out our new freakin’ website




production office extension: 27117

7,000,000,000 reasons to worry Andrew Terefenko Opinions Editor

Seven Billion. That is going to be the world population by the end of October, going by figures the UN released earlier this week. Seven billion people who are going to live – mostly long and resource-dependent lives. As of writing this we are a cool million away from the milestone, but we are certain to hit the big seven by Halloween. Why is this significant? What is another million people in the vast ocean of faces that is already estranged from us? It is significant because we’re not slowing down. At least not fast enough. In this year alone we’ve had a net population growth of approximately sixty-two million people, which is a hair below last year, and double our growth fifty years ago. We may have seen a sharp decline in the growth rate itself since the baby boomers came and went, but we are steady again, and bolstering the human species by a mean 1.15 per cent, year-by-year. It means that we are going to eventually hit eight billion by 2027, nine billion by 2044, and a staggering ten billion flesh bags by the year of our respective lords, 2064. This is of course assuming that the growth rate continues to decline as it has since the ‘70s, which I don’t think is a likely scenario. Social analysts are deducing future growth rates from the decline that started in 1968, but the baby boomers have long since exited the picture, and I think it is a poor marker to use for determining population numbers for the next fifty years, especially since the decline has slowed to as little as a tenth of a percent The planet is growing increasingly frustrated at the ever-larger drop with each passing year. deliver fast internet to a new billion people on our outdated With the numbers out of the way, I need to dive right into why this is a problem. Our infrastructure as a civil- wiring and infrastructure. I don’t want to even think beyond ized race is not accounting for the possibility of running out that, if we do not plan ahead. of space and resources. We are burning irreplaceable fuels One might argue that some parts of the world are in fact planning ahead. Japan is facing one of the lowest fertility and building housing on irreclaimable land. When the next billion need a place to stay, the ones who rates ever seen as adults focus more on work than persongot here first are not going to just get out of the way. It may al lives, and China is notorious for their one-child policy. I seem like as people pass on, the young take their place, but return those arguments with examples such as Afghanistan we are welcoming way more young to the world, than we are and Niger, where an average woman gives birth to seven chilsaying goodbye to the old. For some perspective, 220,000 or dren in her lifetime, which is a far cry above the world averso people were born today. Only 95,000 have died. While it age of two and a half. is not the kindest thing to do, putting “only” and “died” in the Most African countries are saddled down by shockingly same sentence, it needs to be done for the sake of illustrating high fertility rates, and large countries such as India are rocking an above-average rate as well, despite their efforts to sugexactly how screwed we are. In a years’ time we will have another seventy-million gest two-child families. peoples’ worth less rainforests, oils, and affordable down- It may seem like a hassle to plan for a problem that hasn’t town housing, which is on top of the billions who already exactly struck us directly yet, but it is something that needs to demand it each and every day. In five years’ time we will have be done, if even only for the sake of taking small steps. There 350 million new potential homeless in the streets, begging are some steps being taken of course, such as earlier sex for scraps from a possibly-continuing recession. In ten years’ education for youths, to encourage use of contraception and time a whopping 700 million human beings drawing bloody abolish teen pregnancy’s contribution to population growth. lines in the sand, in the name of God, pride and country. In These steps, while admirable, are not changing the numbers twenty years’ time, a telecommunications fiasco as we try to enough to save us from a really crowded future.


family it has the undue responsibility of raising. British economist Thomas Malthus published a population control manifesto of sorts in 1798, which goes to show how early some scholars saw this problem coming. In it he wrote, “Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio. Subsistence increases only in an arithmetical ratio.” This means that while our population is increasing by exponential and multiplicative values, our food and living supply is only increasing by mere pluses. He also said that there are two main ways to stop a problem such as this one. “Positive checks,” such as wars, natural disasters and disease, which increase the death rate enough to compensate. Secondly, “Preventative checks,” where we make use of birth control and abstinence to keep the birth rate down. One certainly seems preferable to the other, wouldn’t you agree? The preventative checks are not helping us enough, and I don’t wish upon the world any kind of positive check, so unless a meteor comes down on us sometime soon as a parting gift from the dinosaurs, I compel people to take the issue seriously. Locally it may seem like another new kid on the block, and a laughing matter, but globally it is going to crack the Earth beneath us. Then nobody will be laughing.

She is the loneliest number Dead in her room for three years, we wonder why Lauren Murphy The Silhouette

A few days ago, buried in the Insight section of the Toronto Star, I stumbled upon the absolute saddest article I have ever read. “Of all the lonely people, the loneliest” was written by Heather Mallick and about a woman living in England who was found dead in her apartment in 2006. She had died three years earlier in 2003. They found her, according to this article, with “the TV still on and the Christmas presents she had wrapped for friends lying on the floor along with a landslide of mail piled up inside the front door.” The only reason why her decaying body was even found was because she was, for obvious reasons, really behind on her rent. What I’m wondering, and what the article briefly touches on, is where are the people who she knew? And how is it possible that no one noticed she had disappeared off the face of the earth? Where

were her friends, coworkers, family and neigh- this phenomenon of being so wrapped up in your bors? Even if all her immediate family died and own life that you fail to notice anyone else’s. she was estranged from her extended family, and Hearing a story like this causes me to reeshe didn’t have a job, then for valuate the relationships in my who was she wrapping Christlife, especially considering there mas presents for? are no parents watching over my The only reason why She cared enough about every move to make sure I’m all these people to go out of her her decaying body right. way to get something for them was even found was Would the people I call my and they didn’t even noticed because she was, friends notice if I stopped hangwhen she died. More tragic still ing out with them? Or would is the fact that I only heard this for obvious reasons, they just think I got mad, or busy, poor girl’s story five years later really behind on or spontaneously moved away. and it’s shoved to the back of the yours? her rent. Where are Would paper. Maybe it’s about time every Even in death, with the most the people who she one stopped thinking about themtragic story, no one seems to selves so much despite the fact knew? really care all that much. that it goes against what I believe The awful truth to this story to be a major part of the human is that she was not a girl with zero friends. She condition, not caring about anything but ourwas pretty and popular and this should serve as selves, and started paying attention to the people a lesson to all of us that we are not immune to around them.

INSIDE HEADTOHEAD Is it correct to revel in the death of a world leader, even if he or she had a lessthan-righteous rule?

Page A10

Feedback Mac students talk about their views on overpopulation.

Page A9

This Week in Opinions Midterm Conspiracy

A Contrary Vote

Peace at war

There is a deeper secret behind the prevalence of midterms at Mac. Find out why we can’t rest with all these tests.

Voting may not be as clearcut and simple as last week’s article made it out to be. See what the other side has to say about the matter.

Is peace really as binary as the opposition to war? Explore the intricacies of the word beyond just its definition.

Pg. A8

Pg. A9

Pg. A10



Midterm conspiracy in our vicinity Shashanth Shetty The Silhouette

If you’re reading this, don’t look up. Just keep reading. No! I said don’t look up. They’ll know. Quickly, drop your gaze, you fool! Act inconspicuous! Have they stopped watching? Good. Don’t draw attention to yourself. The information I am about to impart is vitally important, and it is essential that you hear it. So just act quiet and unassuming. Don’t hunch over. Don’t look distractedly from left to right. Don’t hiss at passersby. And whatever you do, don’t buy sandwiches from the deli. They’re way overpriced and they don’t even taste that good. Last week, while feverishly preparing for midterms, I got to thinking: why do we have midterms, anyway? It’s not like they really help me absorb any knowledge. They certainly don’t test my ability to retain what I’ve learned. They do, however, test my patience, and my ability to cram as much relevant information as possible in as short a time as possible. Besides, the timing and placement of the exams couldn’t be worse. Having most of my exams placed in the same week that most of my favorite shows premiered cannot be a coincidence. Study for my psych midterm, or watch the first episode of The Walking Dead? Yeah, that’s a difficult choice.

It was while I was involved in such heady and deep thoughts that I began to contemplate the usefulness of midterms. And that’s when it hit me. I had stumbled upon McMaster’s best-kept secret. A secret that was gargantuan in proportion, and slightly lacking in coherence, the likes of which haven’t been seen since JFK. It’s a very simple secret, too. Not difficult to grasp at all. Essentially, it goes as follows. Midterms mean money. It’s as simple as that. Of course the University wants to keep midterms going. It has nothing to do with ‘testing students,’ whatever that’s supposed to mean. The midterm season means an influx of cash for the university. It’s a literal goldmine of students, actively spending on campus like they’ve never spent before. Lacking sleep? Have some fresh Tim Horton’s coffee! Couldn’t make breakfast? Willy dogs for only three dollars! Haven’t bathed in four days? Sign up for a gym membership, and you can bathe and look your best for only $120! Tenuous links, I know, but work with me here – I’m trying to get midterms cancelled. It works out so that everyone wins, especially the University. Hell, I’d wager someone else’s fortune that this is where the majority of their money comes from (actually, don’t quote me on that). It’s a Ponzi scheme, and we’re the suckers at the

Re: Prison Swaps


Erin Chesney* Silhouette Staff

Discussion arose surrounding the current prisoner swap that occurred in Israel in last week’s edition of the Sil [“Prison swaps are dirty business” – Oct. 20]. After being held captive for over five years, Israeli sergeant Gilad Shalit was released in exchange for 1027 Palestinian prisoners. While last week’s article only discussed the 477 prisoners released on the Nov. 18, an additional 550 will be released as part of the deal. This prisoner exchange is particularly significant as it is the first exchange in which a live Israeli soldier has been returned to Israel in 26 years. There are certain aspects of this situation that were not properly emphasized in last week’s article that we feel are necessary to discuss. Firstly, it’s important to note that Gilad Shalit was a hostage. Unlike his Palestinian counterparts, he was never tried for any crimes – he was simply held as a bargaining chip. The International Committee of the Red Cross has stated that international humanitarian law entitled Shalit the right to have contact with his family, but in over five years, Hamas not only prevented any contact between Shalit and his family but also refused to allow any contact with the Red Cross itself. Although many Israelis and Palestinians are hopeful that the prisoner swap will help to forward the Middle East peace process, the reactions of some of the released Palestinian prisoners show quite the opposite may be true. Wafa al Bass, an attempted suicide bomber who was one of the 27 women released on Oct. 19, is encouraging children in the Gaza strip to follow in her footsteps and to become a martyr. In an interview with Palestine Today, recently freed Khaled Gaidi stated how proud he was of the low cost at which he purchased the weapon he used to murder Israelis. Time Magazine reported that Yehiye Sinwar, a released prisoner and founder of Hamas’ military wing who was convicted for taking part in the kidnapping and murder of an Israeli, urged the Al Qassam Brigades, the Hamas

military wing, “to kidnap more soldiers to exchange them for the freedom of our loved ones who are still behind bars.” Such advocacy for violence is certainly not conducive to peace, and further comments made by Mahmoud Abbas regarding Hamas’s methods of negotiation “bearing fruit” in their ability to release these “freedom fighters” leave many skeptical as to whether Israel would enter into similar negotiations again. Whenever there is a prisoner swap, there is always the question of whether the trade benefits both sides equally. Out of the 477 Palestinian prisoners that Israel released, 70 were serving one life sentence, 40 were serving two life sentences and 94 were serving three or more life sentences for various crimes. The majority were held for committing serious crimes, including the planning or executing of violent attacks on Israeli civilians. One legitimate concern is that releasing many of these prisoners further endangers the lives of civilians. Rather than questioning whether this swap is fair to the Palestinians for only receiving one “top brass” official, perhaps one should wonder whether it’s fair to release some prisoners at all, let alone 1027, considering the various reasons for their imprisonment. Some people wonder why Israel has been so adamant about bringing one soldier home. Israelis citizens enter mandatory national service at age 18, and as a result, every family is inextricably linked to the country’s soldiers. Everybody knows someone in the army, be it a brother, son, girlfriend or best friend. Shalit, at 19, was on duty at the time he was taken hostage, and to many Israelis he could just have easily been their own son. Although to the rest of the world, Shalit might seem to be just another soldier, to Israel he was a hero; he represented the courageous soldiers in every family. Despite the different views held on the prisoner swap, one thing is clear: it has united families once again on both sides of the border.

*Written with files and assistance from Rachel Charney and Sarah Silverberg.

very bottom. And don’t think there’s anything we can do about it, either. The establishments made it very clear whose side they’re on. With a cash cow like this, why would they even consider changing the status quo? No, this is likely to be the last thing on their minds. And they’re potentially the only ones who could affect change anyway. What’s that, you say? You have rights, and people willing to fight for those rights? Representatives who will battle on your behalf? Student interest groups who will insure that this travesty is put to an end? Hah! Don’t be naïve. They’re all a part of the system. This is probably going to be my last newspaper entry. Having printed my name alongside my accusations, I fear they’ll figure out fairly quickly that I’m to blame for this particular article. If they hadn’t before, they will once they read this. And they’ll “deal” with me, as only snobby, upper-class university officials know how - by increasing my tuition fees. Responsibility, then, falls to you. Spread the message. Inform the people. We need to know the truth on midterms. In times like this it’s paramount that we remember the words of Gandhi: “The truth can only be [censored] if and only if we [censored]. We must always be [censored] to [censored] [censored] [censored] [censored], [censored].”

Opinions is looking for talented goblins to fill our pages with thoughts, rants and everything in between! Send an e-mail to and get your thoughts out there, before people who think different beat you to it.


Re: Voters need not bother Voter estrangement not the solution Simon Granat The Silhouette


“It’s really hard to get through the student centre on your way to class.”

Do you see the effects of overpopulation in your daily life?

-Joey Eastwood, Music IV


When did we lose our sense of civic duty? When did we feel that it isn’t important to have an active involvement in the place we live? If we truly have lost our sense of duty to our country, province or city, what’s next? Losing our sense of duty to our mothers? In last week’s Silhouette I read, what I thought to be, a disturbing article claiming that a sense of civic duty was not a reason to vote. The article made the assertion that the mythical, never-defined superstructure that we call ‘the system’ was to blame. It essentially arguing to the reader: don’t blame the citizens for democracy. Blame the man. I don’t buy in to this idea, and I don’t think many of my fellow citizens do either, at least the shockingly few who did vote in the 2011 Ontario General Election. This article is not here to spew a blind sense of patriotism. Many people who blame the ‘system’ automatically think that when someone is proud of their civic society that they do so without reason. True, our society has faults, but comparatively we have it pretty good. Canadian children do not wake up and face the horrors of war, disease, famine or genocide. We are free to protest, and live in peace with one

another. And sure, we have our faults. And yes, we can do better. And that’s why I vote. Beyond my belief that we have an obligation to give back to our country in some small measure, I vote for a better future. Let’s have a conversation about what a better future means. I welcome it. To me, that’s the small obligation our society places on citizens: every few years we are privileged with the freedom to disagree about what a better future means. Voting should not be an obligation, or a nuisance, it should be celebrated. It is a chance for you to answer the question, what would make this a better world? What would make this a fairer world? What do I want this world to look like when I enter the workforce, have a family and grow old? Is it a fairer world? A more environmentally sustainable world? A richer world? It’s your call. Civic duty is not a burden. Voting is how we express the change we want to see in the world. Then again, if you’d like the world to stay the same, that’s your own choice. That’s the beauty of democracy, everyone get’s a say. So I ask the author of the previous article: what do we gain by sitting on the sidelines?


“There’s never a seat during lunch MUSC, even in all of the study spaces.” -Danya Sukman, Music III

“The buses are getting extremely crowded and unrideable.”

-Andrew Niedra, Economics II

“Much longer lines at Centro and the coffee shops.” -Ayeza Bokhari, Economics II

Compiled by Andrew Terefenko and Ricardo Padilla

“The library downstairs is so full, I can never use it.” -Indu Govindan, Commerce I



Peace is a fight, not a right




Co-President, Mcmaster Debating Society

VP, External Relations, Mcmaster Debating Society

DEBATE: Is it wrong to celebrate the death of a major political figure, even if he or she was a tyrant? M: Thousands of people gathered in the streets of Libya this past week to celebrate the death of Muammar alGaddafi, the former Libyan President. Gaddafi, despite coming into power with an overwhelming popularity, died as one who was hated by most of his citizens. When a political leader has sovereign control over a country, as was the case with Gaddafi, the leader is directly responsible for the actions that his government makes. This is especially true when the actions of the government contribute to the overall suffering of its citizens. In the case of Gaddafi, there are many reports of how Gaddafi tortured and oppressed his political opponents who would not support him or his political views. In the eyes of his opponents, Gaddafi’s death should be celebrated because his death symbolizes the end to the oppression that those who did not support Gaddafi experienced.

some people of Libya in the 1960s he was a revolutionary leader; his successful effort to overthrow the monarchy was applauded. Power and corruption, over time, turned him into the delusional man the world mocked and criticized until the reports of his death. The proper course that should have been taken, to deal with regime, would have been to attempt a bloodless coup d’etat as he had. This was not the case, instead an oil-fuelled bloodbath between the rebels and the Gaddafi forces emerged. Throughout history, the world has seen its share of ruthless tyrants: Stalin, for example. Nonetheless, the death of a ruler must be acknowledged in their praise of a life well led or silence for a life not worth rewarding. He was murdered and the world applauded, besmirching the life of a man to the cruellest posthumous reaction.

V: Let’s isolate the thought that his death should be celebrated because it symbolizes the death of an oppressive regime and the birth of a new era of potential democracy for Libya. I am not standing in defence of his war crimes, crimes against humanity or clearly oppressive practices. His crimes cannot be justified, but his death should not be celebrated. His death only sheds light on the lack of mercy shown by the rebels and the disregard for international resolve. Even in times of war, unnecessary murder of civilians, soldiers or militia is investigated and taken to court, as our laws have been set on the pillars of justice and truth. In this case, Gaddafi had a warrant for his arrest by the International Criminal Court. He was owed his day in court. Instead, he was murdered. Even Saddam Hussein was given his day in court. He was captured alive and taken into custody, peacefully. Gaddafi was found alive and shot in the abdomen.

M: Let us remember that it is not as if there were no attempts at mediation between Gaddafi and his opponents. When the rebel movement began, the international community urged Gaddafi to step down and he refused. A blood bath ensued because of Gaddafi’s refusal to step down. When looking back at the life of a political leader, the life of a leader should be remembered for the good or bad that he (or she) has done. When a leader like Gaddafi becomes a tyrant there is nothing wrong with celebrating his death. Again when we applaud the death of Gaddafi, we are not applauding the way in which he has died. We are not applauding the fact that he was murdered. By applauding his death we recognize the intense suffering that his citizens had dealt with through all of Gaddafi’s human right violations. Gaddafi ordered his private army to kill many Libyan citizens that took part in a peaceful protest, and even innocent Libyan citizens that had no affiliation with the rebel movement. When we applaud the death of a tyrant like Gaddafi we are recognizing the suffering of his citizens and the liberation they have from his reign.

M: I will not deny that there was a lack of mercy shown by the rebels in the murder of Gaddafi. I am not supporting the position that Gaddafi should have been murdered by his citizens. You Mourn tyrannical parties, or party all morning? may be right to think V: I agree wholeheartthat it would have been better to hand Gaddafi over edly that a political leader should be remembered for to the ICC, yet the unjust murder of Gaddafi should their actions, however every individual on this earth, not prevent the Libyan citizens from celebrating his regardless of the contents of their character, is owed a death. When a leader dies, his death often symbol- certain level of dignity. I believe that if they did not deizes something greater than just the passing away of a serve that dignity to be recognized during the course specific individual. This is especially true in autocratic of their life then they are owed it in death. However, regimes, where the leader has the sole authority to Gaddafi was murdered against the wishes of the Libyan rule the country. When Gaddafi died, individuals did government (the one that now celebrates the assumed not celebrate his death merely because his oppression ‘freedom’ of Libya).Their accomplishments as a society, has ended, but his death provides an opportunity to as a peoples and a state should be celebrated, but the develop new political ideas, the kind of opportunity death of one man should not be mourned. I hope that that could not have come until Gaddafi was murdered. the families and friends of those who lost their lives during this revolution can find peace now knowing that V: Gaddafi started off as a young idealist who cared the individual responsible for this pain is gone, but let about his people and his country. He led a bloodless us not forget that there are family and friends who will coup d’etat against the King Idris of Libya and pro- never find that peace with this particular murder. He claimed the state as the Libyan Arab Republic. For was a human being, after all, who had loved ones. WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

VERDICT A political leader should be remembered for both their accomplishments and their injustices. While celebration of cold tyrants is tempting, every person should have their day in court, assuming they agree to one.


Gandhi found his own way towards achieving true peace. Dave Lorne The Silhouette

It is difficult to observe how war is not opposed to peace, and it is common to understand the binary as anything but lead and gold. The warmonger is interested in conflict, but the capable war-worker may well be aiming at the exact other, conflict resolution and swift transition into peaceable relations. The more fiercely an invasion opposition is moved against and funneled into less dangerous channels, the more quickly peace time arrives. This may make for brief furious efforts rather than long slow and fearful periods intermittent with irregular violences. An intelligent and enthused soldier-guerilla hopes for a soon return to stable conditions rather than extended warfare. The aim is opposed to that of the peacenik, who may unconsciously wish war extension by failure to apply concrete mind to the problem, as well as that of the unpracticed war worker, who forces incompetent extension of wartime events. The only concession to this point is whether or not war is necessary at all. If it is imperative for any reason, such as astronomical forces, overpopulation, excessive sexual or hate crime, disease control, or divine interest, then the capable warrior is the next best thing beside peace time honorifics. This soldier may well be such an honorific anyway, given their disposition to defend, protect, aid or enact. Those who lend practical support to the capable guerilla also push for peace time quietly and quickly. The burdensome individual is the incapable soldier, the invader and the ignorant, stubborn or not. This soldier is only superfluous if war is in no way ever necessary, if it is never just to defend territory, family, peers or professions. Even in this case, such a competent worker is likely adaptive to enacting the events occurring during peaceable relation times and ensuring level societal function. A second binary opposition pertains to the question of the manner of meeting violence. Frantz Fanon suggested meeting violence with active violence, to mirror and hate the attack. Mohandas Gandhi requires the exact opposite of this, meeting the violent attack with passive resistance. This apparent binary leads to two intermediary processes useful for the wise guerilla and the markedly invested defender of pacifism. The first is active resistance in which a direct movement forward is made toward an adversary, but then violence is resisted by firm disavowal of the resulting attack upon the being. A violent offender is thus called upon, but not attacked back until apprehended by other authorized individuals. The second process is passive violence in which violent reactions are made toward active violences until they are ceased, such as enacting violence upon attackers only, and never oneself moving toward to attack; violence only upon the current attacker. Finally it is noble to note that there are many means of subduing which are apparently non-violent in action but effective in withholding, detaining or even eradicating any violent offender. At the worst is asphyxiation, which is barely violent but not mutilating if not in conjunction with any other crime. Other non-violent tactics include poisoning, repositioning resources, hands-off hazing rituals and hate crime approaches, un-enforced social isolation, shaming and disapproval tactics, false allegations, and death-trapping of personal interests such as stealing art, hobby or cherished possessions. Waiting is sometimes a strong defense; the kickback golden rule suggests that violences enacted upon oneself are returned to the offender in multiplicity, although perhaps much later. Leo Tolstoy reminded us heavily to never do anything non-violent, influencing Gandhi personally with ideals of resistance and vegetarianism. He nevertheless pronounces strength and capability as ideal, and attacks pacifists for not having enough courage and strength.



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SpeculatoR The Hamilton

Thursday, October 27, 2011



A3 - Mexican Christmas disaster C11 - Kingsley Morris turns forty! D1 - Behind the seams: pint-sized porn F6 - Feelings are hurt, few care

Battling the razor-blade draught since 1968


Bring on the Slut-pocalypse Oskar Olsen The Speculator

As skirts slowly shorten, teeth prepare to rot and a slew of bad choices combine with even worse wardrobes, we find ourselves at the most wonderful time of the year: the Slutpocalypse. Just as it would be during the end of the world, girls don near-to-torn clothes as if costumed. Ruinous rags are all the attire that remain, people opiate themselves into ecstasy in an attempt to mask the reality of the future and a carnal urgency stings the air just as it would if the fate of the human race depended on a single night. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m talking about Halloween, the one holiday where lewdness is actually endorsed. But all too often, despite the promiscuity and debauchery that characterizes the night, most of us fail to seize on the opportunity that Halloween presents. Instead of taking hold of the spirited degeneracy, we dress up in what we believe to be witty costumes, hand out candy to the mirrors of our younger selves and go to bed before nine, “because we have school the next morning.” But enough is enough. No more holiday homework. No more pumpkin carving with the family. No more hiding behind a shield of hands during PG-13 movies. This Hallowe’en, follow the Speculator’s Ghouls and Gals advice manual: 1. Candy corn? Not a vegetable. 2. If you find pills in your treat bag, don’t tell anyone. That stuff is prescription, man. You could make a killing selling them. 3. Or be killed. But that’s not as important as dollar signs. 4. Gentlemen, when attending parties, you will feel three things: pressure, awkwardness and breasts. The third will make up for the two. 5. To make sure the above happens, use your Hallo-weenie. 6. To make sure the above happens, don’t drink too much Boos. 7. If you want to keep your friends, stay away from Halloween puns. They’re pretty bat. 8. Seriously. Avoid Halloween puns. Even when carving your pun-kins. 9. Pray to whatever God you believe in that He will forgive you for using so many puns. 10. If someone is biting on your neck, they’re probably a vampire or a nurse. There isn’t a difference between the two. Both check for circulation.

11. Don’t worry about the poltergeists. The only spirits you’ll find are in your drink. 12. Don’t be afraid to dress up slutty. Everyone else will. 13. To those that won’t, you all of a sudden became less interesting. 14. Except you, Mom. Disregard everything. 15. You too Grandma, you too. 16. Sometimes, vomit looks like a goblin’s face. Other times, it looks like your girlfriend’s. 17. Girlfriend jokes are in. 18. If you have a twin, go as the other twin. It’ll get a few laughs. Maybe you’ll even gain the friends you lost because of the Halloween puns. 19. Halloween celebrations actually start on Devil’s Night, which is Oct. 30. So be an angel, and cause a ruckus. (Disclaimer: The Speculator is not responsible for any ruckus. If you disagree, then you’ll have to ruck with us.) 20. Trick, treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat. Not too big, not too small, just don’t be a hardball. 21. Alternatively: trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat. If you Don’t be deterred by the restrictions imposed by gender-specific costumes. don’t, I’d beware, because I’ll 28. Even though it’s midterm season, and anxieties climax put it down your underwear. to an all-time high as marks fall to an all-time low, enjoy 22. Note that both of the above have to do with having yourself. School is a ghastly beast you can substitute for hardballs. the other less horrifying monsters you call friends, for a 23. Reese’s pieces. Need I say more? little while at least. 24. If there’s a Halloween dance, do not dance to the Monster Mash. By that, I mean “Baby, Baby” by Justin Bieber. If one follows such advice and ensures that they keep their Sorry for any confusion. 25. Also, do not dress up as Justin Bieber as a joke. Leave ghouls separate from their goblins, their witches from their wizards and their wolves from their twilight phonies, then the girl alone. 26. Be careful of green drinks. Who knows what a goblin Halloween will be a wailing success. That is to say, they won’t only have a sweet tooth could have put in it? 27. If you plan on dressing in a witty costume, don’t. You’re from the candy. Oh baby, baby, baby, oohhhh. (Refer to number 25.) welcome.


Cheese sticks, XBOX exchanged in peace deal Kingsley Morris Speculator

After months of protest, debate and public pressure from both sides, the Centro Lunchlady’s Alliance (CLA) and the Brandon Hall Liberation Movement (BHLM) have reached an agreement for an exchange of stolen property that each side has ascertained over the last few months. The agreement will see the trade of 100 mozzarella sticks, taken from Centro by the BHLM, for a highly decorated X-box, nicknamed ‘Chubbs’, that was taken as collateral by the CLA after a nighttime raid of the Brandon Hall compound during homecoming. Both sides seem to be especially pleased by the deal, and both believe that they have come out of this with the upper hand. “Those mozza-sticks are going to be put to good use,” remarked Doris Cridlington, 65. “The BHLM completely overestimated the mozza’s ability to induce the ‘itis’ and other synthetic cheeserelated side effects.” “We’re just glad that Chubbs is back where he belongs,” remarked Isaac Bertman, cousin of seven. “Right after we picked him up from his undisclosed location, we reunited him with his family of controllers and batteries. Needless

to say, he was a little choked up.” Some commentators, who believe that the dispute has a deeper history, point to a 2008 “panty raid” staged by Brandon Hall residents on the Lunchlady’s Alliance. The servers later recovered their belongings, not ready to forget the incident. The Brandon Hall fire of October 2008, say the commentators, was not set by former student E. Pardoe, as was widely reported. The lunchladies are said to have used the same grease-soaked undergarments to torch the building. As a silent demonstration of solidarity, the ladies never replaced the panties they lost in the fire, say inside sources. Political speculators are unsure whether this recent battle was a victory for either side. Some are arguing that this exchange will only fuel further cases of kidnapping and theft in order to bargain with the other side. Larry Copperpot, a Capricorn, believes that the Brandon Hall Liberation Movement won this round, stating that “they got an X-box out of it, and what did the lunchladies get? A bunch of soggy cheese sticks?” Skeptics see it differently. According to Deloris Marinara (no relation to Sal “Meatball” Marinara), the trade was an outright win for


Doris Cridlington says the Centro Lunch Ladies can make good use of the 100 cheese sticks. the Centro Lunchlady’s Alliance. She states: “It’s only ONE shitty, poorly used, piece of machinery [Chubbs], and look at the 100 mozarella sticks that the lunchladies got! Those things are going to be utilized to their full potential, feeding the students of tomorrow and making them shit their pants in the student center 15-minutes later.” It’s too early to tell if there

really is a winner from all of this. Granted, the BHLM has their precious Chubbs back, decorated with medals and X-box live achievements, while the mozzarella sticks have been given a ceremonial portion of ketchup and chipotle sauce – a move we haven’t seen since the end of food rationing in the early 1950s. While the situation cools,

reports say that a new conflict could be bubbling between the CLA and the Jimmy Gringo Freedom Movement (JGFM), which says the cheese sticks should be used as a symbol of freedom, not oppression. “We want people to break free from the chains of oppression. People can shit their pants with any greasy-ass meal,” said Cha Geurrero, leader of the JGFM.

“What Did You Learn This Week, Kimmy?”

“Timmy’s sack is

always full of treats.” Disclaimer: Stories printed in The Hamilton Speculator are fact. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is likely intentional and done out of spite. Opinions expressed are those of The Speculator and if you disagree with them you are wrong. And stupid. Possibly ugly as well.



The Silhouette


Kyle Quinlan and the Marauder offence have their way with the Ottawa GeeGees at Ron Joyce Stadium and McMaster clinches a playoff bye. Details




The Marauders clinch a playoff bye after a weekend split. See S3.


Volleyball squad enjoys a Jekyll and Hyde weekend at the Burridge gym. Details on S2.

Women’s rugby demolishes the Brock Badgers en route to the OUA final and to the first CIS tournament in program history. See S4.



Men’s Soccer

Men’s Volleyball

Road win locks up second spot Mac pays for mistakes

Fraser Caldwell

Fraser Caldwell

Sports Editor

The Marauders clinched a bye to the OUA quarterfinals in the most emphatic way possible this past weekend, dealing out convincing defeats to the Waterloo Warriors and Laurier Golden Hawks. In the final weekend of their conference season the Maroon and Grey welcomed the Warriors to Ron Joyce Stadium on Oct. 21, and reignited an offence that had abandoned them in Oshawa a week prior. McMaster struck the first blow early in the contest, as sophomore striker Paterson Farrell headed home from close range off of a corner kick in the sixth minute. Waterloo remained resolute, and would add a tally of their own before the halftime whistle to tie the match 1-1 after the opening 45 minutes. However, the Marauders were not to be denied the three points on the night, and regained the lead early in the second half after defender Garret McConville bulged the net with a drive from the edge of the box. The hosts added an insurance marker in the 74th minute to effectively seal the result when veteran forward Daniel Niksic potted a headed effort of his own from another Marauder set piece. From there, McMaster was content to ride out the remaining minutes and clinch three valuable late-season points. Two days later, the Marauders completed their regular season schedule with a Sunday afternoon clash with the Laurier Golden Hawks in Waterloo. The campaignending match proved to be a romp, as McMaster scored early and often and thoroughly dominated their hosts. Midfield veteran Mark Reilly opened scoring in the very first minute, providing an ill omen for the Golden Hawks. Reilly would complete a hat trick by the 20th minute to put the Marauders ahead by a score of 3-0 at that early juncture. McMaster’s scoring spree would continue into the second half, as rookie midfielder Nate Morris notched two goals within mere seconds of one another in the 66th and 67th minutes. Paterson Farrell added his second tally of the weekend with a 75th minute strike to cap off a rampant day for the Maroon and Grey and clinch a final score of 6-2. The weekend wins clinched the second position in the OUA West standings for

Sports Editor

If the Marauders’ most recent matches demonstrate anything, it is that a single day can make a world of difference in sport. Facing two top-tier opponents in the opening weekend of their conference season, the Maroon and Grey put on a ruthless display to sweep the Windsor Lancers on Oct. 21 before dropping a four-set decision to the Western Mustangs the following night after a tentative and error-strewn performance. The Saturday evening contest represented a shocking step back for a team that appeared to be hitting an early stride in their first competitive effort of the young campaign. Perhaps the area of most concern for the Marauders originated from the service line, where McMaster made eight service errors in the opening set against the nationally ranked Mustangs. Speaking in the wake of his team’s schizophrenic weekend showing, coach Dave Preston pinpointed his team’s deficiency in simple mechanics. “The obvious thing at this point is just fundamentals,” said Preston. “We didn’t serve well at all, especially in the first set. It’s been our Achilles Heel so far this season and something we’ve been really focusing on. We thought we had it under wraps and I think we took care of it very well on Friday night. “In that first set on Saturday night it almost exploded on us. We ended up missing eight serves in that set. And a missed serve is a two-point swing. It’s one we don’t get and one they do.” One explanation for McMaster’s puzzling reversal of fortunes could lie in the respective reputations of their weekend opponents. While the Lancers remain a team on the cusp of OUA success, the Mustangs have long been a provincial powerhouse, and posed the stiffest test to the Marauders’ championship drive last season. However for his part, Preston disSophomore striker Paterson Farrell scored twice in the Marauders’ final games. misses any suggestion that his squad was the Marauders and handed them a first round ern Mustangs in London on Oct. 26 by a 4-2 cowed by the specter of the London outfit. playoff bye. The end result sees McMaster score line. “I don’t think our performance has host a conference quarterfinal on Oct. 30 The Sunday night semifinal will get as much to do with who we’re playing as against the Windsor Lancers. underway at 7:30 p.m. following the conclu- how we’re playing,” explained the coach. “I The Lancers earned a spot in that sion of the women’s semifinal also scheduled • PLEASE SEE ELIMINATING, S6 weekend matchup after upsetting the West- for that evening. TYLER HAYWARD / SENIOR PHOTO EDITOR



Women’s Volleyball

Women’s Soccer

Five-set matches bring valuable experience

Mac clinches playoff bye

Fraser Caldwell Sports Editor

If the Marauders were starved for competitive practice leading into their conference season, they received more than their fair share of it over the course of their opening weekend. In a pair of home contests against the Windsor Lancers and Western Mustangs on Oct. 21 and 22 respectively, the Marauders played host to consecutive five set matches. The Maroon and Grey would win the first of these in comeback fashion against the Lancers, before dropping the second against the defending OUA champion Mustangs. Both matches were hard-fought affairs, but also demonstrated the oscillating form that has been the trademark of a young Marauder squad that is still adjusting to radical systemic and roster changes. But if repetition is the key to accustoming McMaster’s players to the OUA game, then 10 sets of volleyball over the course of the team’s first two nights of competition should help the cause. Marauder veteran and defensive stalwart Meagan Nederveen believes that the extended matches that her squad played out most recently can only help the Marauders improve. “To win a five-set match is always exciting, and to lose one means that you’ve played enough to gain something from the experience,” said Nederveen. “I don’t think we would shy away from any match, whether it was three or five sets. “It’s not something that I would be afraid to do again, and I don’t think any of our other players would be either.” For her part, the fourth-year libero was the undoubted star of the Marauders’ opening weekend, amassing an astounding total of 65 digs through the team’s 10 sets played. The defensive haul has vaulted the local product to the top of the OUA’s statistical charts by a wide margin, as she leads the nearest defender in the province by 24 digs. More important than the sheer • PLEASE SEE NEDERVEEN, S7


Emma Maiolino and the Marauders will host an OUA semifinal after finishing second in the OUA’s West division. Fraser Caldwell Sports Editor

A split of their final two games was enough to clinch a first round playoff bye for the Marauders in the OUA’s West division. McMaster opened their weekend on Oct. 21 with a home contest against the Waterloo Warriors at Ron Joyce Stadium and continued to demonstrate the stout defence that has become characteristic of their efforts of late. The hosts dominated ball possession throughout the match and threatened the Warriors’ net often in the first half without managing to break the deadlock. However, the Maroon and Grey would find their range in the final 45 minutes and carve out a comfortable 2-0 victory. Team captain Mel van der Hoop opened scoring in the 77th minute by forc-

ing the visitors to concede an embarrassing own goal as she swung the ball into the Waterloo box. Young striker Natalie Brace – who has excelled with the Marauders since joining the team as an exchange student from England this season – added a late insurance marker in the 87th minute by tucking away a close range effort. Following the victory on Oct. 21, the squad travelled to Waterloo to take on the Laurier Golden Hawks, a squad long considered to be the toughest in Canada. While two recent losses had dropped the Golden Hawks from the top position in the CIS rankings, the Laurier outfit demonstrated its skill against the Maroon and Grey on Oct. 23. The Golden Hawks would score three times over the course of the Sunday afternoon match en route to a shutout victory,

although the result would have no effect on the final conference standings. With McMaster finishing their provincial campaign in second position in the OUA West, the team earned an automatic bye to the conference quarterfinals, which the Marauders will host at Ron Joyce Stadium on Oct. 30. The Windsor Lancers’ opening round victory over the Waterloo Warriors on Oct. 26 earmarks them as the Maroon and Grey’s opponent for the Sunday afternoon affair. McMaster owns a 2-0 record against the Lancers in their previous meetings this season, and will undoubtedly take considerable confidence into their quarterfinal tilt. Kickoff for the Oct. 30 knockout match is slated for 4:30 p.m. The men’s quarterfinal will follow at 7:30 p.m.





Women’s Rugby

Mac women dominate conference

Nelles would finish a perfect four for four kicking converts. While the game finished comfortably for the home side, it took some time for the team to kick into high gear. Following the win, coach Cam Mitchell spoke about his team’s slow start and their resilience. “I think that we played very well. Our first ten minutes was a bit rough, they came and stole a lot of balls on contact, so it took us a while to adjust,” said Mitchell. “I was very proud of what the girls did after ten minutes.” Lockhart would also draw praise from her coach for her tackling on the day, which saw the Marauders earn another playoff shutout, after blanking Toronto the previous week. The coach discussed his team’s recent defensive success. “We’ve played the exact same system all year,” he explained. “We’ve always had good tackling, it’s just that the system’s come together and things have tightened up, so if one person misses a tackle we’re there to help them now.” Indeed, the Marauders have been using the same system all year, a system that has been spearheaded by captain Maggie Cogger-Orr. Mitchell spoke to the importance the third year fly half has had. “Maggie basically holds everything together,” said

the coach of his captain. “She makes all the decisions out there, she calls the plays. Basically I help develop the system but on the field I try and shut up and let her run things and she does a very good job.” The Marauder offence was led by the usual suspects, including Turner, Kim Ngai and Nelles. The coach applauded their performance, noting the impact the players have had. “It’s huge because it makes simple plays work very well,” said Mitchell. “We don’t run too much fancy stuff, we just stack our athletes against their athletes, and I think we have a pretty favourable comparison.” As the match ended, many Marauder veterans were visibly emotional as they realized it would be their last match on Back Ten Field. However, there is still rugby to be played, as the team has booked a date with the four-time defending OUA champion Guelph Gryphons. The Gryphons hosted Queen’s in the other semifinal, and in a form true to their season-long dominance, Guelph shut out the Gaels 50-0. Queen’s simply had no answer for the attack and defensive strength of the Gryphons, who showed why they have owned the OUA and were ranked second in the nation after the regular season.

A McMaster-Guelph final has long seemed inevitable, with both teams running the table in the regular season. Fans of OUA rugby will undoubtedly be watching the two best teams in the province battle for supremacy, with two unbeaten teams going head-to-head. The match will be played at Guelph’s Varsity Field on Oct. 29 at 6 p.m. Coach Mitchell explained his strategy for taking on such a daunting opponent in one word. “Pressure. They are a very good offensive team, they put up a lot of points. We just want to put them under pressure, make them make mistakes and see how they are in a game against a more evenly matched team,” the coach explained. While the semi-final win guarantees a historic berth at Nationals, Mitchell said his team is focused on the OUA title game first and foremost. “We’re looking at the OUA Championship first, and we’ll worry about Nationals next week,” he said. For those interested in being on hand for the OUA final, a fan bus will be travelling to Guelph on Oct. 29, under the direction of McMaster’s Department of Athletics and Recreation. Tickets for the trip are $5.



GUN SHOW: The Maruauders flash their strength to the camera after a shutout win in OUA semi-final, beating Brock 31-0 at Back Ten. Ben Orr

Silhouette StaffT

the McMaster women’s rugby team will play in the CIS Championships. After earning a semi-final victory last weekend, Mac has claimed a spot in the OUA final and clinching a berth in at nationals for the first time in the program’s history. They’ll face powerhouse Guelph, the only other undefeated team on the year, on Saturday for the title. Mac’s historic victory is thanks to a 31-10 victory

over the Badgers at Back Ten Field on Oct. 22, a comprehensive win that saw a balanced performance from McMaster prove too much for the overmatched Badgers. Facing better conditions when compared to last week’s rainy and cold match, the teams traded possession for the first ten minutes, with the Badgers surprising the heavily favoured Marauders with strong ball play. The Maroon and Grey offence was not to be denied for long though, as Natasha Turner broke numerous tackles on her way to a try, with rookie Cindy Nelles kicking the convert.

The Marauder women soon settled into a rhythm, pushing play consistently into Brock territory. After a Nelles penalty kick, Turner scampered for her second try of the day. Yet another successful convert from Nelles meant that Mac would take a comfortable 17-0 lead into the half. The second half saw much of the same for the Marauders. Turner would score her third try of the match off a throw-in, and Claire Lockhart would cap off the day with a try of her own, thanks to a brilliant run from Alex Fairgreive.















OCT. 29






Men’s Volleyball

Eliminating errors is Mac’s focus


Kevin Stevens and the Marauders suffered from the service line against the Western Mustangs on Oct. 22. • CONT’D FROM S2 know what [Western’s] mentality is when they play us. But I know that with us right now, we’re very focused on ourselves.

“Yes there is an opponent and a competitive level to it, and you can’t ignore that, but we’re trying to minimize that aspect a little bit right now.” Whatever the cause of McMaster’s

struggles against their purple-shirted rivals, the end result was an ugly one. But if Oct. 22 exhibited the effect that errors can have on a squad’s performance, the demolition of the previous night hinted at the pure potency

that the Marauders possess when their game remains untarnished. Preston is well aware that his team will need to play a much cleaner variety of volleyball in order to succeed in the shark tank that the OUA is quickly becoming, but argues that simply avoiding errors is not enough. “We have to do it properly,” the coach remarked on limiting errors. “We did that in the Western match. We managed our errors pretty well. In fact, we had those eight service errors in the first set and none in the second. “But in order to do that we were serving them lollipops, and they ended up getting more confidence by running their offence. There’s a competitive pressure that you have to put on a team while you’re managing your errors. “I’ve said it to the guys a number of times. Every one of our serves makes someone happy.” Preston knows as well that the Marauders’ competition will not idly wait for the Maroon and Grey to find their feet. McMaster will face challenging opposition nearly every time they take the court, as parity increasingly becomes the watchword in the OUA. A week after their tussle with last season’s division finalists, the Marauders’ next hurdle comes in the form of two more highly credible squads. The Maroon and Grey’s bench boss will not underestimate the task facing his team as they visit the Waterloo Warriors and Guelph Gryphons this weekend. “With Waterloo, I don’t even think I would use the term ‘dark horse’,” said Preston. “Because I don’t think they’re going to surprise anybody this year. That team is going to be amazing. “And Guelph was a couple points away from the OUA final last year in Western’s building. You look at both of those programs and they’re both running at top speed right now. So we’ve got some work to do to go into two road matches and play the way we want to play.” Whether or not that work on the training court pays dividends will be visible in short order, as the Marauders travel to Waterloo on Oct. 28, before confronting the Guelph Gryphons a night later.



Women’s Volleyball

Nederveen anchors young squad • CONT’D FROM S3 number of passes completed is the manner in which Nederveen has achieved that total, producing several sterling plays to extend rallies and thwart seemingly certain kills. In fact, her on-court exuberance almost resulted in a crippling injury for the libero on Oct. 22. After successfully producing one of her many digs, Nederveen toppled over a nearby line judge and twisted her ankle late in the match against the Mustangs. Initial fears were that the fourthyear had sustained a high-ankle sprain, but the libero has returned to practice and looks set to be back in the lineup once again when the Marauders travel to Waterloo and Guelph this coming weekend. Despite her immaculate early form, Nederveen refused to boast and stressed instead that every week presents she and her teammates with an opportunity to improve. “The feedback I’ve gotten so far has been really positive,” said the libero. “But I think everything is a learning experience and you have an opportunity to grow and take a step forward with every serve and every defensive play. “I think I’m on my way and I feel like I’m heading in the right direction, and that’s a nice feeling to have.” That personal growth comes in an environment of adjustment for the Marauders as a whole, and Nederveen believes that the squad is progressing well in their effort to acclimatize to the demands of a conference campaign. “I think that our adjustment is coming along really well,” the fourth-year remarked. “I’m really enjoying playing alongside our first years and I think we have an unbelievable amount of untapped potential. That’s really exciting.” On the topic of her squad’s inconsistency in the early going, Nederveen acknowledges that the concern had been put forward, but cautions that it remains too early in the Marauders’ young season for such a worry to be urgent. “It’s still the beginning of the season, so I think a little bit of inconsistency is to be expected,” said the libero. “It’s been discussed, but at this point no one is harping on us just yet. I think that overall we’re moving in the right direction as a team, both in


McMaster’s libero Meagan Nederveen dominated the floor over the weekend, notching 65 digs in the process. keeping everything in-system and in working towards our own goals.” Nederveen herself will be a central figure as the team works towards these goals, being one of only two fourth-year players on McMaster’s young roster. However, the libero argues that leadership is nothing new for her, and that the current crop of Marauders is making her role exceedingly easy.

“It’s definitely a new role that I have to take on,” Nederveen said of her leadership position. “But I’ve also been lucky enough to play in a position that I feel has always involved a leadership role on court. To be honest, my teammates, especially the third years, are very responsible. “It doesn’t feel like I’m out there leading alone at any point. And our first

years are very driven and determined. So it hasn’t been a very difficult task.” Nederveen will take up that responsibility once again when the Maroon and Grey continue their OUA campaign on the road this weekend. McMaster travels to Waterloo to battle the Warriors on Oct. 28, before visiting the Guelph Gryphons the next night.




Mac clinches second in OUA Brandon Meawasige

1. Calgary (2) 2. Laval (3) 3. McMaster (5) 4. Western (1) 5. Montreal (6) 6. Sherbrooke (4) 7. UBC (8) 8. Queen’s (N/A) 9. Acadia (N/A) 10. Saskatchewan (10)

Assistant Sports Editor

It’s been nearly a decade since McMaster last hosted the penultimate round of the OUA playoffs, but that drought has officially come to an end. The seemingly unstoppable Marauders earned the right to host the conference semifinal on Nov. 5 after clinching second place in the province and the accompanying first round playoff bye with a victory over the Ottawa Gee-Gees on Oct. 22. The win, which extended McMaster’s streak to six games, featured stellar play from the Marauder defence, a unit which has been responsible for picking off opposing quarterbacks more times than any other team in the country with 15 interceptions in 2011. However it was the offence carrying the team to victory on Saturday, utterly dominating an Ottawa secondary that appeared unprepared to face a McMaster group that leads the CIS with an average of 530.5 yards per game. By half-time the score was 45-10 thanks in part to a spectacular performance from the duo of quarterback Kyle Quinlan – who threw for 367 yards and four touchdowns – and CIS receiving yardage leader Michael Dicroce who caught six passes for 124 yards, including one a touchdown. Never looking back after their offensive showcase in the first half, the Marauders would rest some starters for the second half en route to an eventual result of 5124. The game, loaded with playoff ramifications, was part of an interesting day across the OUA. In Kingston, the Queen’s Gaels laid a beating on the Western Mustangs, who were the top-ranked team in the country entering play on Oct. 22. The final score of 37-0 in favour of the home team was not only Western’s first loss of the season but it marked the first time the Mustangs have been shut out by an opponent in 38 years. Before the game, having clinched first place in the OUA, Mustangs’ coach Greg Marshall decided to sit 11 regular starters. That decision, in combination with a Gaels’ defence ranked first in the OUA, played a significant role in the contest’s shocking score line. Although the game had no impact on the Mustangs’ playoff standing, it cer-


OUA Teams Previous Rankings ( )

2011 OUA Playoff Outlook October 29, 2011


BYE-BYE GEE-GEE’S: Mac clinched a first round bye, beating Ottawa 51-24. tainly impacted their national ranking. In the CIS top ten rankings of Oct. 25, Western fell to no. 4 behind undefeated Calgary, defending Vanier Cup champion Laval and McMaster. The quarterfinal match-ups will take place on Oct. 29 with the sixth-seeded Laurier Golden Hawks visiting Kingston to take on three-seed Queens, and fifth-seeded Windsor travelling across the province to face Ottawa. Both games will kick off at 1 p.m. and will have an audience from across the province as the winner will move on to face either McMaster or Western in the following week. A bye week traditionally involves the resting of key playmakers, the installment of new blitz packages and offensive running schemes. However, for McMaster

this weekend will be the first since Sept. 10 where they do not win a football game. Since that loss against Western in the second game of the season, the Marauders have overcome a plethora of obstacles. The campaign saw several key playmakers miss time on the playing field including running back Joey Nemet, quarterback Kyle Quinlan, defensive back Joey Cupido and receiver Jarred Jones. The resilience and depth demonstrated by the Maroon and Grey this season make them ideal contenders. But they will have to wait another week to resume that contention.The Nov. 5 contest at Ron Joyce will be the first time McMaster will host a semifinal since 2002. When that season was said and done, the Marauders were Yates Cup Champions.

Laurier Golden Hawks (6) @ Queen’s Golden Gaels (3) Windsor Lancers (5) @ Ottawa Gee-Gee’s (4) November 5, 2011 Lowest remaining seed @ Western Mustangs (1) Highest emaining seed @ McMaster Marauders (2)




production office extension: 27117

Living the student experience

Can your living situation enhance or limit your university years? Natalie Timperio

Senior InsideOut Editor

You have ten seconds to distil the university experience down to three components. Quick – what comes to mind? Of course, “working”, “playing”, and, the proverbial favourite, “pinching pennies” would more than likely comprise the general response. Yes, university is work, presuming you enjoy at least a little academic success. But what follows work? Play, of course. Yet play is not limited to countless nights of binge drinking, as cinematic portrayals of student life would have us believe. Rather, it can include a range of activities performed outside academia that need not involve substance abuse, such as sports and recreational hobbies. But play, in whichever way you interpret it, often results in a barren wallet. It is sad but true: desperate hunts for coins in couches are too often a pastime for students. Although many may be able to identify with these aspects of student life, no two student experiences are alike. In fact, your experience can be heavily impacted by where you chose to live during your university years – that is, away from home or at home. Of course, there are pros and cons to both, and although most people have likely made a decision to which they will stay firm, still others may be left questioning their choice. So, let’s think it over. Originally from Orillia, Ontario, Emily Grater, a third-year religious studies student at McMaster University, said that “the biggest reason I decided to live away from home was because I felt the needed to ‘get away’ from my home town. I was looking for a new adventure and figured leaving home ... would provide a sense of independence. Plus, there was some


If you’re unsure whether to live at or away from home during university, weighing the pros and cons can be helpful. obvious friction at my house between my parents and myself.” Yet Mel Napeloni, a Society for Off Campus Students (SOCS) welcome week rep and second-year English and philosophy student at Mac, said differently. As a Hamilton native, Napeloni explained that living at home wasn’t a

free choice: “It was just a matter of financial difficulty. I was actually going to live away from home with a couple friends of mine. Unfortunately, it just didn’t work out as I didn’t save enough money.” Indeed, living away from home can prove challenging, especially in the financial department.

Though living at home during university may not be possible because of the distance, for those who do choose to live away, the issue of money may prove problematic. In fact, Grater said, “now that I’ve lived on my own and have had first-hand experience of student living ... I would live at home if

possible. Although living with my parents again could cause some unwanted stress, the financial benefits of living at home are too good to pass up.” The cost of living for anyone is difficult in today’s day and age; • PLEASE SEE WEIGHING, C4

The boo-rrific history of Halloween Cassandra Jeffery

Assistant InsideOut Editor

For us university students, holiday excitement and anticipation is diminished. We no longer sacrifice sleep for the chance to catch a glimpse of Santa, we don’t tug away at our loose teeth in hopes of a visit from the tooth fairy and we certainly don’t dress up as princesses and goblins, banging on our neighbours doors and begging for candy. Alas, we have grown up. Most of our festive traditions result in massive hangovers and excessive weight gain from the copious amounts of liquor and food. Halloween is once again upon us, and that means while students will be desperately searching for last minute, cheap costume ideas and planning for parties, children under 12 will be preparing their

most durable pillow case for a night of candy and spooky fun. Halloween is a night for families to carve pumpkins, decorate their house in cobwebs, light bonfires, watch all the classic horror flicks and dress up in outfits you just can’t wear on any other day of the year. Canada has a number of Halloween traditions, yet few of us know where these traditions originated. Who were the founders of such a scary holiday, and is Halloween celebrated globally? With the holiday fast approaching, the InsideOut team has got you covered with everything you need to know on Hallow’s Eve. Halloween is originally derived from the Celtic festival Samhain, which is held at the end of harvest season in preparation for the winter months. Apparently, the

Gaels believed that October 31st marked the overlapping between the world of the dead and the world of the living. On this day, the deceased would come back to life and haunt civilians by damaging crops or causing sickness. During Samhain, the Gaels would celebrate with large bonfires and would wear ghoulish masks to appease the evil spirits. With mass immigration of the Irish, Scottish and Welsh in the late 19th to early 20th centuries, traditions in Gaelic culture established themselves in countries such as Canada, England and the United States. However, a mystery has yet to be solved: How is it that the term ‘Halloween’ was derived from Samhain? Also, where did the tradition of trick-or-treating originate? • PLEASE SEE FROM, C4


These guys will tell you what you need to know about Halloween.

Stress less during midterms

Pet predicament

Don’t let the madness get the best of you; take time to enjoy yourself.

Student living may or may not be suitable for pets.

Pg. C3

Pg. C4



ThreadCount Elise Milani

Third Year Multimedia & Communications Sweater: Talize $6 Necklace: Gift Favourite quote: I make my own Favourite singer: Laura Marling Describe your style: casual, classy and homely What do you look for in a significant other? Sense of humour

Photos by: Tyler Hayward




Unwind during the midterm season Take time out of your busy schedule to relax and recuperate Katherine George The Silhouette

It’s that time of year again. The leaves have made their transition from lush summer green to an array of bright autumn colours, signifying not only the change of seasons, but also that summer’s freedom is over and the reality of school has finally set in. Unfortunately, the season includes dreadful, nerve-racking midterms. No matter how hard an individual tries to be prepared, the month of midterms always seems to sneak up unexpectedly, leaving students scrambling to get organized. Escaping the stress of midterms is nearly impossible, so here are some tips to help you de-stress during midterms. It is easy to let exams get the best of you, not only mentality, but also physically. Regular exercise doesn’t only improve overall health; it helps to clear your head and allow you to absorb more information while studying. It can be any kind of physical activity, even a simple walk outside. Giving your body fresh air and stretching your legs for even ten minutes will help you to retain more information than if you were to plug away for an extra ten minutes without a break.


Students are busy beyond belief and sometimes we just need five minutes of rest. In addition to exercising, but sure to undoubtedly causes increasing amounts of get enough sleep. For your brain to function stress and decreasing hours of rest. “In order at full capacity it needs rest, and students are to do well on my midterms, I always have to no strangers to all-nighters. Unfortunately, get a good night sleep. delaying studying to the last minute Otherwise, I know I will regret it

the next day,” says to fourth-year sociology student Andrew Fernley. Another way to make studying for midterms more effective and relaxing can be to spend time away from the books and hang out with friends. This may seem counter-intuitive, but it is important to give yourself time to do the laid-back things that you would normally do without the stress of an exam. Obviously, you must be careful to put a limit on the time you spend hanging out with your friends in comparison to studying. In addition to hanging out with friends, spending quality time with family is a good way to de-stress during midterms. Surrounding yourself with a familiar and comfortable setting such as family can help relieve feelings of anxiety. Family members are often sources of support and encouragement. If your mentality is that you can be successful, often, you will be. Everyone is unique in terms of how they study and achieve success. Taking the time to indulge in at least one activity to de-stress while studying for midterms (or any other stressful component of everyday life, for that matter) is important. Students often spend so much time cramming and studying for school, they forget to take care of themselves.

Culture on the cheap Economically savvy ways to explore Hamilton’s art side women with wooden jewellery and big smiles, sleep-deprived artists eager to talk about their work and even young families Do you think that to get some Bach, you need venture out to look, listen and interact. If you to forgo bread? Or, that a seeing a masterpiece go, be sure to check out HIStory + HERitage, means giving your Mastercard more exercise a gallery that unearths the untold stories about that it can handle? Happily, you are wrong. the people who make up Hamilton – from There are experiences to be found on campus Italian grandmothers to infamous architects. and around the city that can blow your mind without doing the same to your savings. Here Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra (HPO) are a select few. $10 for under-30s For the cost of a combo at Bridges, you could The McMaster Art Gallery be hit with a wall of beautiful sound. The Entrance by donation HPO’s concerts range from purely classical Whether it’s the exceptionally friendly to more popular, but under director Jamie receptionist who welcomes you into this Somerville, they have developed a fresh edge. hidden-in-plain-sight gem or the fact that in Their upcoming Masterwork piece, less time than it takes to download an episode Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition” of Jersey Shore you can be face-to-face with a (Nov. 5), takes the listener through a virtual sculpture made of coat hangers, the McMaster art gallery. At a time when most of our music Art Gallery is a tragically underloved corner comes out of tinny iPod speakers, it’s a treat of campus. to hear the depth and richness of the real Current exhibitions range from thing. 18tb-century art to wall-sized paintings of influential members of the PEI arts McMaster School of the Arts – Concerts, community. Who could ask for more? plays and more Evening concerts $5 for students, lunchtime The Art Gallery of Hamilton (AGH) and student band concerts free Free with your student card If you’d rather not venture off campus A ten-minute bus ride into the heart of for your musical entertainment, look no downtown Hamilton, the AGH is the place further than the Arts Quad. Our School of to go if you want to see a VW Scooby Doo the Arts (SOTA) hosts visiting cotemporary van that has been converted into its own and classical artists in the regal setting of dystopian world, complete with railway Convocation Hall. tracks, skyscrapers and He-man figurines For less than the price of a (Bruegel-Bosch Bus by Kim Adams). The hamburger and fries at Centro, you could be slick, modern space also houses a surprising transported by Carole Welsman’s honey and collection of African masks and sculptures, whiskey voice (Oct. 28, 8 pm) into a bygone not to mention a current exhibition of French era of jazz. And there’s more – whether it’s Realist painters that will make you wish you the student concert band, choir, percussion were a young woman in a park, bathed in light. ensemble or jazz band, there will usually be The gallery is open until 9 p.m. on Thursdays something to listen to. and Fridays, and could be an interesting start If you’re more in the mood for theatre to many a night! or other on-campus performances, check the McMaster Daily News Events Calendar and The James Street North Art Crawl the Theatre and Film Department for news Free and listings. On the second Friday of every month, the Being fiscally responsible gallery owners of James Street North open doesn’t have to mean forgoing the finer things their doors, set out wine and cheese and wait of life. for an interesting cross-section of Hamilton There’s no reason not to experience to emerge. the cultural wealth of your campus and city, University students, white-haired so have your Cakespeare and eat it too! Brianna Smrke The Silhouette



Weighing in on student life • CONT’D FROM C1 throw tuition into the mix and you have a recipe for, as Grater refers to it, student living. But money is not the only determinant of the student experience. In fact, academics too play a key role. Napeloni noted that while he has spared himself the financial burdens associated with living away from home, so too has he been able to get more studying done. “I’m not sure how students close to campus get studying done only because they have more reign to enjoy themselves, whereas at home I have a more quiet setting,” he explained. However, Grater said that her academics have not suffered as “academic perseverance depends on the person, not your living situation.” Perhaps the most significant aspect of the student experience as we’ve come to understand it lies in one’s social life. Napeloni explained that “people who live with their parents live a little farther from campus so, for me, personally I’m not gener-

ally aware of some of the social settings that probably take place when people aren’t at school ... I try to make those connections as much as possible ... but [living at home] is just not the same as [living away from home]. If something is going

home, and emphasized that “you have a freedom that would never be possible while living at home.” Yet, a student may still lead a satisfying social life while living at home. Getting involved at the University – by joining campus clubs, for example – is a great way to tune into McMaster’s social network. You can also make friends Whether you find who may not mind you crashing yourself living at or on their couch now and again when you find yourself craving that awayaway from home from-home experience, if only for a during your univernight. sity years, perhaps Napeloni said that his own involvement in SOCS has greatly in either case the contributed to the standing of his student experience social life. “I remember going to has little to do with every single event during Welcome Week in my fist year. My peer where you live.” mentors for SOCS were amazing so I really enjoyed the experience on, or if someone is having a spon- almost to the point of wanting to taneous gathering, it’s not some- be a rep right away ... I decided it thing I’d even know about.” would be kind of nice to get to know Conversely, Grater said the community a little bit, and prothat her social life is undoubted- gressing throughout that year and ly improved in living away from having my peer mentors messaging

From all souls day to halloween • CONT’D FROM C1 Although the tradition of Samhain was established by the pagan, Celtic culture, the name we understand as Halloween stems from ancient Catholic traditions, which celebrated and worshipped the dead. Halloween refers to the night before All Hallows, also known as All Saints or All Souls day. Roman Catholics used this holiday to worship Saints in heaven and to pray for the deceased. This was usually celebrated on November first. The practice of dressing up and begging for candy closely

resembles the Medieval tradition of “souling”. Allegedly, poor people went “souling” door to door on Hallow’s Eve, begging for food in return for prayers dedicated to those celebrated on All Souls day. By the early 20th century, kids would harass shop owners for nuts and candies in return for songs and dancing. It wasn’t until the late 1930s and early 1940s that children were encouraged to dress up and engage in what we know today as trick-or-treating. The term “trick-or-treat” essentially means that children would give the option of trick or treat. If no treat was given, they

would prank the home owners. Although now this custom is discouraged, you’ll still get a few who will egg your house if you decide to give out granola bars and apples. Media influence promoted the custom in some Middle Eastern and European countries. Today, we tend to become wrapped up in the superficial meanings of holidays. Halloween is no longer a celebration of souls, but an excuse for children to dress up and get free candy, and for adults to throw a party and get drunk. It’s important, though, that we’re aware of tradition this Halloween.

me all the time to see how I was doing [was really helpful].” Whether you find yourself living at or away from home during your university years, perhaps in either case the student experience has little to do with where you live, but, rather, what you make of it. As Grater noted, “student life encour-

ages you to look at life with optimism.” And so, the toss-up as to whether your living situation enhances or limits your experience as a university student is perhaps not so much a matter of weighing the pros and cons as it is about making what you can of these short-lived years.



Let’s talk about SHEC, baby Join SHEC on Thursdays for the skivy on everything health related the 25th). There are always three people on the air at one time, and How many of you knew that Mc- once the introductions are out of the Master has its very own radio sta- way we get into talking about the tion? really fun stuff. How many of you knew This year the radio comthat it’s located in the basement of mittee has been made smaller and the Student Centre? everyone is very excited about the How many of you knew direction of the show. Think, bigger that SHEC has an amazing radio and better. show every single week? Showy and scandalous. Every Thursday at 5:30 on Educational and entertaining. 93.3 CFMU, The SHEC Show ex- plores all areas of health education with a special emphasis on sex and Every Thursday sexual topics. at 5:30 on 93.3 The Student Health Education Centre is an MSU service CFMU, The SHEC found on the second floor of the Show explores Student Centre (Room 202) and we are probably most famous for all reas of health giving out free condoms and hosteducation with a ing Sex 101. special emphasis But we also offer confidential peer support, resources on on sex and sexual healthy eating and exercise, free topics.” pregnancy tests and so much more! So we wanted to make sure that Mac students were able to You get the idea (and the alliteraeasily access health education, and tion). what better way than through the Also, this year we have radio? more male representation on the Last year was the first time show, which adds a whole new dythat SHEC decided to run a weekly namic to the group. show, and it was a huge success. Everyone on the commit It covers a diverse array of tee is very dedicated to making The topics, ranging from World War II SHEC Show become “the show” love letters to donating blood to sex here at Mac. positions and fetishes. We want you all running The SHEC Show is back home after class to gather round for its second season. the laptop with your housemates to Every show starts off with listen to the show. a quick little blurb about SHEC and We want you to downthe current events going on (Sex load the podcasts so you can listen 101 just happened and we just had to your favourite episode over and another Blood Donation Clinic on over again. Maryann Ashley SHEC Media


We want you talking on Friday about all the things you learned on Thursday night. We want you to love The SHEC Show. The best way of making you fall in love with the show is by talking about the things that you want to hear. So far this year we have covered stress management, going home for the first time since university and breaking up (a two-part series). This week’s show (Thursday, Oct. 27 at 5:30 p.m.) we are going to be talking about “The Party”. We are getting you ready for Halloween and all things party by talking about the typical big-bash experience. But once November comes around, you are not going to want to miss a single week of The SHEC Show. We have an amazing lineup of shows including, “The Everything to do with Sex Show”, “Anal Sex,” “The Orgasm” and “The Dominatrix.” That’s right! On Nov. 24 we are having a Dominatrix as a guest on the radio show. She’s going to be here at McMaster talking about her life and her work and she has some of the most amazing and shocking stories to share. Here’s how to check out The SHEC Show: If you have a radio, tune in to 93.3 CFMU every Thursday at 5:30. If you have a computer, visit the CFMU website, and if you miss the show you can listen to it by clicking on “Programming”, then “The SHEC Show” and listen to the podcast. So check us out!




Are platonic pals possible? The truth on innocent relationships between guys and gals

Lauren Jewett The Silhouette

We spend a great deal of our lives trying to understand the opposite sex. We overanalyze words and text messages, turning to our friends (of the same sex) for advice. We’ve become so accustomed to “bros before hoes” (or vice-versa) that we are overlooking what could be the most important friendships we have. So what if after getting to know someone there isn’t any chemistry? Don’t be so quick to kick these people to the curb. You may have just uncovered the beauty that is the platonic relationship. Most people realize strong friendships after they help each other through a tough problem. The guy-girl friendship is no different. Good advice and objective insight into a situation knows no gender, so your friend selection need not discriminate between genders. For girls, going to other women for advice about men can often leave one more confused. Girls have a tendency to say what they think someone wants to hear. This type of advice can lead you down a bad path towards someone who is totally wrong for you. If you take that problem to a guy friend, not only will you get objective advice, but they may also have a better understanding of what is going on and won’t be afraid to tell the truth. Guys should be doing the same. If confused about the actions of a lady, why ask your male friends? Do you really think they know anymore about women than you do, gentlemen? A girl may not deliver the news bluntly, but they will help you decode messages and stop you from making rookie mistakes. The female friend is a guy’s best untapped resource for meeting new girls. Not only will she be able to introduce you to new


Can women and men have a deep friendship while remaining platonic? prospects, but will be able to go home and tell all her friends how great you are. Being away at university often means missing out on family time. Having a friend at school of the opposite gender often can take the place of a close relationship with a sibling from home. Of my own top five “best” friends, two are men. Both of these guys posses characteristics of my older brother at home, who isn’t at Mac to give me the level-headed advice I often need. Why do close friends of the opposite sex have to be so taboo? There are many who look from the outside-in on these friendships

Last Minute Halloween Costumes Painter All you need is a stripped black and white shirt, some old jeans, paint and paintbrush, and a piece of cardboard. Splash some paint on your jeans, cut the cardboard into a pallet and away you go! Captain Underpants Grab a blanket and some underwear and you’re set for the night! Ghost Cut some holes into an old white sheet and practise your “BOOs” LumberJack Surely you have an extra plaidshirt lying around the hosue. Dig around in the shed for an axe and big boots, then say “Eh” to yourself five times and you’ll be ready for Halloween.

and assume there is something romantic going on. Friendships don’t work when one has feelings for the other, so why are some so suspicious? The male-female friendship often gets the most criticism when one friend gets into a romantic relationship with someone else. Intense feelings of jealousy can arise on the girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s part simply because they can’t understand the closeness and companionship between the two. This is certainly a bros-before-hoes situation (or bros before other bros?). You

should never give up a long-time friendship for a fleeting romantic one, regardless of gender. There are so many opportunities now for genders to mix. We have girls in Boy Scouts, co-ed sports, unisex clothing, boys shopping at Lululemon and girls going fishing. The only place to find segregation these days is in the bathroom. This is a movement that should be widely accepted by everyone.Don’t be too quick to dismiss people you aren’t physically attracted to. There is more to the opposite sex than what they can offer you in the bedroom.



It’s a furry situation Pets can make good pals, but a rock may be a more sensible choice


Sure, she’s cute, but who’s going to clean up her poop? Aaren Fitzgerald Silhouette Staff

When you’re forced to choose between time, money and a roof over your head, a house pet seems best left to after graduation. The solution? You find yourself a nice rock, paint a smile on it and call it Rocky. It’s no commitment, its free and can live anywhere. Unfortunately, your Facebook status “mossing with rocky” has become more literal than cute. So you have decided to throw caution to the wind and get a live house pet for your off-campus home. There are many benefits to having a pet; they are good for your health, promote social interaction and encourage empathy. However, as a student they can come with a lot of responsibility, causing many to compromise on other commitments and shortchanging their pets or housemates, neither of which is a fair. In addition, it is important that you get a pet that you can care for and matches your lifestyle. If training, walks and playtime are too much work for you, get a fish or hamster rather than a dog or cat. Of course if you have the support of your housemates in caring for the pet, maybe a larger pet is more realistic and suits your active lifestyle better. Unfortunately, pets often cause a lot of friction in student homes. It can be caused by the method the pet owner used to convince the other skeptical roommates of the idea, the primary care-giver doesn’t have enough time to properly care for the pet, the expensive vet bills or the debate who will take the house pet once you all move out. The decision to get a pet should be made unanimously and be open to re-evaluation if issues arise. If you desperately want a pet while you are at university and don’t want to

imagine what life would be like without Fluffy, make sure to ask your housemates and listen to their concerns. If you are on the other side, living with a house pet you didn’t know existed before signing on the dotted line, and you have allergies or other serious issues, confronting your housemate gently about the problem is probably the best route. If they are stubborn or do not understand the problem, you can get support from an outside friend or the landlord. While the primary caregiver is within earshot, don’t try telling your friends about the time your brother’s best friend’s sister woke up to find her snake eyeing her to see if she would make a nice snack. It’s a capricious and not a good way to get rid of an unwanted reptile. There are two sides to every coin, and having a house pet means learning to compromise. Don’t just leave the pet’s cute face, pretty colour, or cuddly personality to do all the work in convincing your housemates that it’s fun to clean out it’s litter box, cage or tank. If you are struggling without having a pet in your life but can’t make room for one in your home, you can always volunteer at a local shelter. This will expose you to all sorts of animals, allowing you to bond with them and give them the love they deserve. Even better, once you graduate and get a full time job, you will be better prepared to adopt one! There are many advantages, disadvantages and hurdles when it comes to owning a pet as a student. Weigh the pros and cons before you pick up the furry friend.

School can be spooky during this time of year, so come hideout with InsideOut! Volunteer meetings MUSC B110

Thursdays @ 1:30 or email




Spicy shrimp pasta Taste: exquisite Convenience: easy to put together if you’re crunched for time Cost: relatively cheap, although pasta can be expensive if you choose whole wheat 1 bag of cooked Pacific white shrimp 1 tablespoon of chili peppers This pasta dish is incredibly rich, 1 cup of extra virgin olive oil with bold flavours of pesto and 1 teaspoon of garlic powder chili peppers. The olive oil creates a 4 tablespoons of pesto sauce smooth texture, while the tomatoes and snow peas add a lovely crunch. Directions What makes the dish unique is the Bring a large pot of water to a boil interesting texture and taste of the and add your pasta. Cook for 10-12 shrimp. If you’re looking for a minutes or until desired tenderness. healthier option, try using whole In a wok, bring your cup of oil, wheat pasta and less oil, and add chili peppers and garlic powder to a in some extra veggies. Paired with simmer. a bold, dry wine, this dish will Peel and clean the shrimp certainly tantalize some taste buds. and add the full bag to the oil mixture. Cook the shrimp for 5 Materials minutes, and then remove from Wok/deep pan wok. De-seed your tomato and chop Large pot into chunks. Strainer Cut your snow peas in half Cooking utensil and add them to your spice mixture. Cook for 10 minutes, and then Ingredients remove the pot from the element. 500g box/bag farfalle pasta noodles Add the pesto sauce to the mixture Large handful of snow peas then add your cooked shrimp and 1 medium-sized tomato cooked bowtie noodles. Rent a movie, grab a bottle of wine and stay in with this delectable pasta dish. Karianne Matte Silhouette Intern


DRUNK FOOD DUKE-IT-OUT: SEMIFINALS The votes are in and readers have had their say: after one week of voting, four contenders are moving on and four are going home in the Sil’s contest for near-campus drunk food supremacy. Here’s who made the cut and who’ll be facing off in this week’s matchup.




While Pita Pit stays open late each night, the Sana Grill shawarma has a cult following that proved too much for to overcome.


















If this weren’t a drunk food debate, Subway may have stood a chance. As it is, Jared’s slim sammies couldn’t keep up with Jimmy G.

Even though the burger packs a punch, there might not be a better bang for your buck than a whole pizza for your leftover change.





For the unenlightened, the McGangBang is a whole McChicken sandwich stuffed inside a McDouble cheeseburger. It costs $2.93. ‘Nuff said.





production office extension: 27117

Fight spooky spending fears Plan your finances ahead to rid yourself of Halloween spending woes

Halloween can be surprisingly expensive, so seek budget-friendly alternatives to cut costs and avoid draining funds this season. Sonya Khanna Business Editor

Halloween leaves holes in your pockets. It drains your bank account faster than you have time to rethink purchasing that $60 cop costume, made up of two carefully crafted pieces of cloth. Costumes are only half the battle. Gone are the carefree and cash-free days of childhood Halloween frolicking, where the wads of candy thrown into your hands offset whatever you spent. With consumers spending increasingly impressive numbers on Halloween, the holiday has moulded

into yet another stressful and expensive holiday, souring whatever joys it brings. Don’t get me wrong, Halloween is fun for many reasons, but I could do without the inevitable monetary woes associated with it. This Halloween, monitor your spending. Alleviate the financial discomfort by fashioning yourself a costume out of materials around your house, or take a trip to your local fabric store. You might be surprised with the ideas you can concoct out of the most arbitrary items. Value Village or other thrift stores are another budget-friendly alternative. Another way to restrict

expenditures is to create a personal budget for all of the items you wish to purchase and all of the items that have been purchased. For smartphone junkies, a variety of nifty apps are available to ease the budgeting process. The finance app, Budget Tool, created by Consolidated Credit Counseling Services, is a money management application that “tracks your total expenses and creates a simple to use budget to keep your personal finances in check.” The app seeks to help you establish whether you are living within your financial means, as well as comparing current budgets and

recommending ideal budgets in a “visually appealing way.” If smartphone apps or other computerized gadgets aren’t appealing to you, there are other means by which you can easily track overspending. If your Halloween plans involve two-night binge drinking festivities or even coughing up cash for more than one outfit, put aside a fixed amount of money before you go out to ensure you are aware of how much money you actually have to spend. “When I go out I tend to get caught up in the fun of everything and sometimes I tend to overspend,” says McMaster grad Filipa


Jackson. “Now when I plan to go out I always set aside money before, I only take out a portion of it and I always make sure I put aside the rest for emergency – especially if we plan to go out again after.” Going out can be financially exhausting for many reasons, especially on holidays. Ticket prices and transportation costs add up and the consumption of any beverage, alcoholic or not, costs a pretty penny. If you are genuinely feeling distressed about Halloween spending, talk to your friends about changing plans around to something more budget-conscious.

Sluggish times ahead for Canada Bank of Canada holds the benchmark interest rate at one per cent Sonya Khanna Business Editor

Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney has decided to maintain the benchmark interest rate at one per cent, reflecting a weaker economic outlook in Canada as well as a bleak global economic environment. The reason for this decision was cited to be a result of low target interest rates as well as “considerable monetary policy stimulus” evident in Canada, according to Carney. With the Canadian financial system functioning well, the Bank of Canada has said they will continue to keep close watch on the economic and financial developments in Canada and the global economy. Financial market volatility has shown significant increase since July and risk-taking has diminished across global markets with waning consumer and business confidence. Growth in fiscal austerity, coupled with continuing deleveraging by households and banks, has further contributed to the weakened outlook looming in Canada.

The Bank of Canada indicates that the Canadian economy is expected to remain slow through mid-2012 before gaining economic momentum amid dwindling uncertainty and growing confidence. “Domestic demand is expected to remain the principal driver of growth over the projection horizon,” reads a media release from the Bank. “Household expenditures are now projected to grow relatively modestly as lower commodity prices and heightened volatility in financial markets weigh on the incomes, wealth and confidence of Canadian households.” Business fixed investment is projected to grow steadily due to low borrowing costs as well as a higher currency value, enabling business to invest easily in state-ofthe-art machinery and equipment. Net exports are expected to remain a “source of weakness” amid low foreign demand and ongoing strength of the Canadian dollar. Following statements from Mr. Carney regarding the current economic outlook, Canada’s Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty released

an update Tuesday expanding on economic growth expectations from leading private sector forecasters. “As we all know, although our domestic economy remains strong, global economic growth has weakened in recent months, and this will affect us here in Canada,” said Flaherty in the release. “The private sector forecasters I met with today believe that recent global economic headwinds will continue to limit growth in Canada through 2012.” The central bank anticipates faster growth in 2013 than previously noted at the time of its July forecast, though policy makers say it will take some time to inch back to full capacity. Inflation will slow more than previously anticipated, declining through 2012 before reverting back to 2 per cent by the end of 2013. The central bank forecasted an increase in economic growth in Canada to 2.1 per cent in 2011, while the 2012 forecast was cut 1.9 per cent. Policy makers have predicted an optimistic growth of 2.9 Mark Craney says the interest rate won’t move off one per cent. per cent in 2013.






Greener living for Mac students Ease your financial worries by cutting your household energy use Miranda Batterink The Silhouette

Skip the Tim’s line and brew coffee at home. Make a beeline for the rotting discount produce cart at your local grocery store. Split a pitcher, pass on personal pints. The student life and the endless struggle to save money fit together as naturally as Halloween and candy corn. Most of us are pretty aware of the little daily differences that can go a long way to keeping some extra cash in our pockets. But when it comes to saving substantial money on the utilities bill, many of us, myself included, don’t have a clue. The semester goes on in all its glory, but every month the hydro bill arrives, and every month a lot of my money and a little bit of my

soul gets paid out to Horizons. But it doesn’t have to be this way. A major recent government of Ontario initiative has been the implementation of the Smart Meter, which is a time-of-use electricity measuring system. That means that electricity prices vary, depending on when you are using it. Roughly translated, electricity use on weekdays between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. will cost about 1.5 times more than during evening hours and weekends. So whenever possible, do laundry, cooking and laptop charging during these off-peak times, because every little bit adds up. The number-one energy consumer in residential homes is central heating. In my home growing up, adjusting the thermostat was roughly the equivalent to tasering

the family dog…you just didn’t do it. If you were cold, you put on a sweater. If you were still cold, you put on another sweater. If you were still cold, you were instructed to run up and down the stairs ten times. Only then, between sweatdrenched gasps for air, were you permitted to negotiate the possibility of turning up the thermostat a few notches. True, life was hard. But it taught me some valuable lessons about energy costs that have saved me countless dollars throughout my undergraduate career. Lucky for you, I am willing to pass them on. Computers still use energy when they are locked, sleeping, hibernating or anything but off, so if you’re leaving the room for any substantial amount of time, shut the thing down.

Opening the oven door to see how your food is coming along releases all the hot air your poor oven has worked so hard to generate. So if you must see how your cookies are mid-bake, use the oven light. Better yet, avoid this step altogether and just eat cookie dough. Skip laundry! Hot water is the second biggest factor in household energy output. More importantly, hygiene is overrated. If a clothing article is beginning to look particularly dirty you can always hand clean it on the new washboard abs all those flights of stairs will have helped you develop. Turn off the TV, shut off the lights, and hunker down with a book and a tea-light for some good, 20th-century evening entertainment. November should be a month of clear night skies and predictable

lunar phases, so if the flickering light of a candle isn’t quite cutting it you can always strategically place yourself where there’s a little extra moonlight. Why take a shower when you could not take a shower? If you must, take a cold one. It may seem like seven minutes of hell on earth, but when you finish, the air outside of your bathroom will be a balmy 21-degree paradise in comparison. With a little energy saving knowledge and some simple alterations to your hydro-consuming lifestyle, you’ll be able to slash your utilities bills in no time. Then you can sit back in the light of the moon as it streams through your bedroom window and ponder the endless possibilities of what you can do with all this unexpected extra monthly cash.

Income inequality is on the rise Sonya Khanna Business Editor

According to the Conference Board of Canada, since the mid-1990’s income inequality in Canada has been rising at an alarming pace compared to the U.S. The Board reported that Canada has had the fourth-largest increase in income inequality among its peers. Although the United States currently stands as having the largest income gap between rich and poor, the gap in Canada continues to grow at a dishearteningly faster rate. “High inequality both raises a moral question about fairness and can contribute to social tensions,” said Anne Golden, President and CEO of the Conference Board. “In Canada, the gap between the

rich and poor has widened over two decades, especially compared to our peer countries.” Canada was one of the ten out of seventeen peer countries to display growth in income inequality between the mid-1990s to the late2000s. Income inequality remained steady in Japan and Norway, and declined in the remaining five countries. Although Sweden, Finland and Denmark displayed the largest growth in income inequality during this time period, these countries are considered to have relatively low inequality. The Gini index, which is a globally recognized and commonly used tool for measuring income disparities, rose in Canada from 0.293 in the mid 1990s, to 0.320 in the late 2000s. A Gini index of 0 indicates

equal distribution of income in a particular economy, while 1 would indicate that one person has all of the income. The Gini index rose

the Conference Board analyzed the income gap between rich and poor countries, the overall world Gini index measure and income inequality within all countries. Global inequality grew through the later decades of the High twentieth century and into the early2000s. inequality both According to the Board, 22 raises a moral per cent of people live in countries where the income inequality level is question about stable, while 71 per cent experience fairness and can increasing inequality in their country. contribute to Countries with highest inequality are generally clustered in social tensions” South America and southern Africa. On paper, the average Canadian is better off than in years past. Average from 0.361 to 0.378 in the U.S. income in 1976 was $51,000, with during the same period. a 17 per cent increase to $59,700 To assess whether global by 2009, adjusted for inflation. Alincome disparity has increased, though these are optimistic figures,

average income taken at face value is not necessarily an optimal measure of how the majority of the population is doing. Some analysts place greater importance on using the median income of individuals to determine true income disparities. The gap between the medium and average income has been growing in Canada, suggesting that incoming growth is distributed unequally. While the richest Canadians have increased their share of the national income, both the poorest and the middle-income Canadians lost share. The growth in the share of income distributed to the rich is due to growth in the demand for highly skilled labour and the loss of demand for low-skilled industries because of gains in more heavily skills-intensive exports.



dead at 27 • disturbing musicians epic meal time • best in horror


thursday, october 27, 2011

Senior Editor: Jemma Wolfe Entertainment Editor: Myles Herod Music Editor: Josh Parsons

Contributors: Sean Hardy, Nolan Matthews, Kyle Fisher, Marco Filice

Cover: Jonathon Fairclough

in the hammer oct.27

Untimley Demise This Ain’t Hollywood 8:00 p.m.

oct. 28

Chixdiggit The Casbah 9:00 p.m.

oct. 30

The Mahones The Casbah 8:00 p.m.


Lab Rat Assembly This Ain’t Hollywood 9:00 p.m.


Jason Collett The Casbah 8:00 p.m.


Master Blazter The Casbah 8:00 p.m.



The Sam Roberts Band Hamilton Place 8:00 p.m.


nov.9- nov. 26

wishing i was in spain, chocolate chip dipps, the return of the pumpkin man, some people call me maurice, epic douchebags, jokers, smokers, midnight tokers, pizza again, sweet and salty, no phone ginos, nicklebrook weekend, gg allin for prez, jon with a knife: help us, weekly can tradition, ‘80s at 8, halloween fatness

coming up

Queen Milli of Galt Theatre Aquarius

film opening


andy’s ticks

Anonymous The Rum Dairies Puss in Boots

If you’re going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy. musc b110

now accepting all blood types

write for andy

meetings are held on tuesdays at 2:30pm in musc b110 e-mail your submissions to

halloween editorial

thursday, october 27, 2011

the silhouette’s art & culture magazine • D3

the joy of shared terror

myles herod explores the golden era of horror cinema Before the first images appear, the music sets the mood. Frantic staccato notes, shrill brass and dark synthesizer drones build as the anticipation becomes unbearable. When we watch a horror film, we dare to fear. The process can be an individual or group experience, one that allows us to view our morality through stylized excess of blood and brutality. I first discovered the joy of shared terror years ago. It must have been around 1995 when my two younger brothers, a friend and I gathered in our basement to watch John Carpenter’s Halloween, primed to desensitize our adolescent minds. As vivid as any film memory, that iconic Michael Myers mask – shapeless and chalk white – paralyzed us, quelling any ruckus in us pre-teen boys. It was not a movie with a message, but one tailored purely to scare – and on that level, it worked. With its slasher protocol

for butcher knives, silent stalkers, fatuous females and fleeting glimpses of nudity, it is safe to say that we broke our horror cherry that very day. And though Halloween’s ability to startle me has come to pass, the recollection of its communal after-school viewing held reverence, as it was our induction to young manhood – or so we thought. Fast-forward eight years, and I’m back in a basement, this time a friend’s. Congregated with high school compadres, I unveil a VHS tape of Cannibal Holocaust, miraculously imported from the United States. Though its video sleeve was suspect, declaring the film “banned in 50 countries,” the contraband cassette nevertheless proved legitimate – subjecting us to the likes of flesh eating, disembowelments and animal cruelty. Not unlike that of the characters of Superbad, our talk was belligerent, big and brass –

yet when it came time to stomach the infamous ‘turtle decapitation’, many of my pals ducked behind the security of a blanket. It was only our friend Ben who withstood the punishment, not only taking it but also pointing and laughing at its nightmarish absurdity. He always was the craziest of the group. Nevertheless, the basic criterion by which horror movies should be judged lays right there. The good one’s affect us. Sure, other aspects may be substantial – the archetypes, the symbolism, the subtext – but if the horror movie does not viscerally grab you or quietly disturb, then it hasn’t succeeded. Of course, for every Halloween or Cannibal Holocaust there’s an Offerings or Make Them Die Slowly – bargain basement rip-offs that are so bad, they’re good. Truth be told, the ‘70s and ‘80s were the golden era of horror

cinema. Where else could you enjoy the Italian explosion of zombie and cannibal exports, a sub-genre that marketed graphically gory accounts of primitive South Americans and walking corpses devouring humans? If you’re interested in an outrageous meeting of the two, I recommend Dr. Butcher, M.D. from 1981. It was a personal favourite of mine as a kid. The same can be said for the enduring imagery of slashers and summer camps of the 1980s surge. At one point in our youth, my friends and I were so obsessed with the Friday the 13th franchise we started making our own. Entitled the ‘Melon’ series, we employed the acting talents of my two brothers (aged 6 and 8 at the time), as well as ourselves. Shot over summer break, fake blood was concocted and spread, with no hesitation in smearing it over someone’s face to achieve just the right grizzled look.

the big tickle

If anything, those found memories set forth an interest in filmmaking that has never left me. Perverse beings that we are, we enjoy being scared. Keep in mind, it doesn’t take gore and guts to create affecting moments. Sometimes the most indelible scares come from raw images that speak more with a gesture than a knife thrust into one’s chest. Forget the torture porn of today; it doesn’t hold a candle to the passion and bravado of the films made three decades ago. Ultimately, what proves most valuable about those are that they work in opposite of serious genres – not leading adolescents into maturity, but allowing adults to revert back to youth.

Myles Herod, Entertainment Editor

what are you being for halloween?

compiled by tyler hayward & jemma wolfe

“a party monster” jason lamb

“peter pan”

“james bond” garav gill

james nguyen


“a smurf” milana sobhi

sophie heijselaar

film macabre moments of cinema’s past and present

D4 • the silhouette’s art & culture magazine

thursday, october 27, 2011 Texas Chainsaw Massacre packs a wallop with its rough look, disturbing overtones, and rural isolation. (1974)

ANDY highlights their favourite ghouls, gore and the grotesque

F Alien’s chestburster scene defined sci-fi horror forever. (1979)

City of the Living Dead: girl expels her intestines through her mouth. ‘Nuff said. (1980)

Saw fulfills a darker appetite for torture horror - for better or for worse. (2004)

Some can’t do tight spaces. Blood and claustrophobia are no joke. The Descent (2005)

Mindless dubbing, tropical locations, gleeful splatter effects. Zombie dishes gore with eye-popping virtuosity. (1979)

Elegant carnage. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

Jeff Goldblum’s tragic flyperson transformation can still churn one’s stomach. (1986)

The Human Centipede (2009)

A mysterious nightmare, David Lynch’s Eraserhead imposes some haunting originality. Take note of The Lady in the Radiator. (1977)

That mouth. Those eyes. Fright Night’s terrifying climax. (1985)

Infanticide? Check. Genital mutilation? Check. Creepy talking animals? Triple check! Antichrist (2009)

You never forget the stark blankness of Michael’s Myers mask, nor the fact that is was William Shatner’s face, originally. (1978)

D6 • the silhouette’s art & culture magazine

creepy culture

thursday, october 27, 2011

dead at 27 Timeline

1969: Brian Jones, Rolling Stones guitarist and founding member – drowned 1970: Jimi Hendrix, The Jimmy Hendrix Experience – asphyxiation 1970: Janis Joplin, singer-songwriter – assumed heroin overdose 1971: Jim Morrison, The Doors lead vocalist – heart failure 1973: Ron “Pigpen” McKernan, The Grateful Dead founding member – alcohol abuse 1975: Dave Alexander, The Stooges bassist – pulmonary edema 1989: Pete de Freitas, Echo & The Bunnymen drummer – motorcycle accident 1994: Kurt Cobain, Nirvana lead vocalist and guitarist – suicide 1994: Kristen Pfaff, Hole bassist – heroin overdose 1998: Fat Pat, rapper and Screwed Up Click member – murdered 2011: Amy Winehouse, singer-songwriter – alcohol poisoning

It was a bad two years for rock and roll. The premature death of Rolling Stones founder and guitarist Brian Jones in 1969 sparked a morbid trend in music. By July of 1971, a mere 24 months later, rock and roll had also lost legends Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison. Together, these four musical icons, lost to drowning, asphyxiation, drugs and heart failure respectively, soon became known collectively as the 27 Club – musicians forever immortalized for the age at which they lost their lives. The curse of 27 added Kurt Cobain to its roster in 1994 when Nirvana’s frontman was found dead several days after he’d shot himself the head. Cobain, who had

displayed suicidal tendencies since an early age, had often expressed his desire to die at 27 like the artists he idolized; after his death, his mother is reported to have said, “now he’s gone and joined that stupid club.” The spectacle of Cobain’s suicide on top of the dramatic life he’d lead solidified his spot among his deceased peers. Amy Winehouse’s death this past summer at the age of 27 renewed discussion of this strange phenomenon as she was added to the list. Coroner’s reports have finally revealed Winehouse’s cause of death to be alcohol poisoning. While the official statement is “death by misadventure,” a fatal level of alcohol was responsible for her demise.

Despite the seemingly circumstantial nature of these artists’ deaths, rumors still circulate about possible causes for this creepy coincidence. Apparently, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix all had a white lighter on their person when their bodies were discovered. Others trace the 27 Club back to Louis Chauvin, a ragtime musician whose death in 1908 at the age of 27 is considered the originator of popular musicians dying in their prime of fame and fortune. Whatever the cause, these tragic deaths remain a cultural phenomenon mourned by the fans, the families and the music industry. •

Jemma Wolfe, Senior ANDY Editor

thursday, october 27, 2011

morbid music

the silhouette’s art & culture magazine • D7

straight to hell unmasking the most abhorrent acts in music history Don’t you just love Halloween? It’s the pulled an all-nighter smoking PCP only time of year when we can live out with some buddies. Police arrested him our sickest fantasies without friends the next morning, bloody and yelling thinking we’re the next Jeffery Dah- at the sky, after finding his girlfriend mer. dead, with her chest sliced open and Admit it: sometimes we lust bite marks on her face and lungs. to connect with that animalistic realm Outside of America, you need that breathes just below the surface of not look further than the nightmarish our sterilized society, and Halloween land of Norway, where some of the gives us just that fix. most off-putting artists have reached In celebration of the holidays, demi-god status. In the early ‘80s, kids I felt obliged to muse for a moment on started hanging around a record store some of the most disagreeable, disgust- aptly titled Hell, setting the grounding, foul-smelling musicians that have work for the Scandinavian Black Metal clawed across the surface of the planet scene. Within months, youth across over the past few decades. Oslo were painting their faces, readForget that ing the Satanic Bible Alice Cooper or Mariand burning down any lyn Manson stage they could find. Admit it: some- church theatre crap. These The essence Scanmusicians are the real times we lust to dinavian Black Metal deal when it comes to personified in each connect with that ismember being insane. of Meyhem, a I couldn’t animalistic realm band famous for pourstart with anyone ing lamb’s blood on other than the great- that breathes just their fans. In 1991 voest degenerate in rock below the surface calist Dead, who report‘n’ roll history, GG edly was convinced that of our steralized he was not human but Allin, primarily because Halloween was some possessed semisociety.” such an important demon creature, took day for him. It was, a shotgun to his own of course, the day he head. A band member had planned to off himself by wedg- found him, snapped a Polaroid and deing a stick of dynamite in his ass while cided to use it for the band’s cover of performing and then proceeding to the their next album. stage dive. Unfortunately (actually, As a heartwarming gesture, fortunately), a premature heroin over- the remaining members of the band dose in 1994 erased the possibility of collected fragments of his skull and this. were, for some twisted reason, inspired GG Allin functioned as the to make necklaces of them. To this day, figurehead for a sort of punk-rock cult they wear them proudly and even occathat had membership coast to coast in sionally distribute them to a select cult America. Legions of freaks flocked to of musicians they deem worthy. his shows, just to watch a drugged-up So stop worrying about Allin strip naked, mutilate himself and whether or not your costume may be roll in his own feces, all while moving pushing the boundaries in terms of through the audience and physically at- gore; I say buy that second tube of tacking onlookers. God Bless America. fake blood. When else will you get the The world of hip-hop also has chance? Remember, there will always a plethora of disturbed individuals to be someone more disrturbed than you. offer up. Take, for example, gangsta rapper Big Lurch. In 2004, Big Lurch • Josh Parsons, Music Editor


D8 • the silhouette’s art & culture magazine

The night before their Friday, Oct. 21 show at TwelvEighty, Epic Meal Time personality Muscles Glasses tweeted, “Any bitches wanna fuck!? Send pics to We’re in Hamilton tomorrow night.” Little did I know, that offensive tweet aptly foreshadowed the show to come, as Friday’s “performance” by Epic Meal Time descended into a chaotic mess of “booze, bacon and bitches” – a trashy trifecta Epic Meal Time worships with zeal. These Youtube stars, who recently celebrated their one-year anniversary, have risen to internet fame through the creation of “epic” meals – regular meals, i.e. meatloaf, pizza and French toast, made extraordinary through the integration of bacon and fast food for the purpose of making meals as fatty and excessive as possible. Their short videos have garnered over 250 million views combined, and they tout nearly 2 million channel subscribers – the most in Canada. Their Youtube videos are mostly funny, foodcentric and entertaining. Their live show, however, was not. Over an hour late, Epic Meal

perverse performance

Time ascended the stage to repeated chants of “bacon strips!” from an exceedingly enthused crowd. The anticipation quickly turned to disappointment, though. “We’re not really performers, we’re just guys hanging out with you,” was a phrase repeated a few too many times over the course of the night, and rather than make the crowd casually comfortable, it actually drew attention to the disorganization and pointlessness of their presence on stage. Much of the show involved throwing food into the crowd and audience participation, as Epic Meal Time taught people how to make bacon weaves and had them assemble creations made of McDonald’s Big Macs. To choose volunteers, the Sauce Boss personality asked for the audience to “go find the worst face … someone whose face you hate,” and then later asked for the girl with the “smelliest vagina” to come on stage. Once onstage, volunteers were subjected to a barrage of sexual innuendos while they devoured burgers and had Jack Daniel’s poured down their throats. Crowd participation gro-

tesquely culminated when girls – under audience and performer pressure – made out on stage with each other as maple syrup was poured over their heads. Then, in a bizarre moment of perverse patriotism, Epic Meal Time Sauce Boss had the crowd sing Canada’s national anthem en masse. The unknown impetus to this segment made it evident that this was obvious filler; the irony of the anthem was undeniable – there was nothing patriotic about their misogyny, insolence and excess. A post-performance interview solidified their determination to represent themselves as hyper-masculine, egotistical bros. Apparently, no one has ever thrown up after eating an epic meal because, as the Sauce Boss said, “that would be weak.” They denied eating normally on a daily basis, and said their everyday food is “cheese and burgers and bacon and bitches and booze.” Fans can look forward to a TV show premiering in April, and loose plans for a potential cookbook, they said.

thursday, october 27, 2011

During the show, the Sauce Boss shouted, “I don’t want to go back to fucking teaching!” The Sauce Boss, whose real name is Harley Morenstein, used to be a high school history teacher. He later elaborated, “I quit my job because I wanted to start a kids show. I have the first three episodes written, but Epic Meal Time took off, so…” But one can only be the fresh face on the scene for so long before the gimmick gets old. Upon the inevitable fizzling out of their precarious careers, I can’t help but wonder how the men of Epic Meal Time will be able to deflate their engorged egos enough to reintegrate themselves into regular society. I imagine they’ll find the transition difficult. The Sauce Boss, in reference to their bodies, joked, “We’re dying. We’re actually dying.” The same could be said for their respectability, appeal and brand. Happy birthday, Epic Meal Time, and rest in peace.

• Jemma Wolfe, Senior ANDY Editor

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