October 29th - The Silhouette

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5,348 homecoming fans cheered on the McMaster weekend win. Sports, B7



The Silhouette Est. 1930

CUPE, Mac prepare for potential strike

VOLUME 80, NO. 11

Audit reveals record loss

MSU deficit of $365,089 marks 2008/09 as greatest loss in the union’s history


The looming potential of a CUPE 3906 Unit 1 strike is prompting preparation by the University administration and the union, as the union moves into a legal strike position on Oct. 31. Andrea Farquhar, director of public and government relations, explained that the University Administration has been taking contingency measures to prepare for the potential strike, “We’ve been working on continuity planning since last spring for a number of possible disruptions, CAW negotiations, post-doctoral fellow negotiations, H1N1 pandemic and CUPE negotiations so our preparations are for any of these… For CUPE [3906] we’re trying to ensure with faculty members what their roles are, what they need to think about and all of those sort of things to make sure they’re prepared to communicate with students. I think it’s really incumbent on the University to ensure they’re prepared and unfortunately when you’re in labour talks you need to be prepared for possibility of a strike.” A small protest held by the Undergraduate Support Committee on the afternoon of Wed. Oct. 28 was aimed at the purpose of criticizing the University Administration’s manner of handling the negotiations with the CUPE 3906 union. Alexander Ramirez, a protest participant and a third year Political Science and Labour studies student who established the Undergraduate Support Committee alongside other Labour Studies students explained, “The majority of students have no idea what’s going on, I have personally handed

Vice president (finance) Andrew Caterine answers questions on the record setting loss. The top graph outlines the surpluses / deficits since 1979, while the bottom graph shows how Quarters / Twelve-Eighty has amounted $1.25 million in losses since opening in 2002. JEFF GREEN


The McMaster Students’ Union suffered the largest deficit in their history with the MSU budget ending the 2008/09 year with a staggering loss of $365,089. This occurred despite assurances by then vice president (finance) Ian Finlay in January who described the budget as “healthy” and that, “it is my expectation to have a balanced budget or a small net surplus at the conclusion of the fiscal year.” Since 1979, deficits have only occurred four times, including the 2008/09 year. Besides this year’s • PLEASE SEE LOOMING, A3 loss and the $241,000 loss from the

2007/08 year, the only other losses since 1979 were $27,508 from the 1999/2000 year and $40,341 from the 2001/02. In 2006/07, the MSU ran a surplus of $404,403. The last two years have seen a total of $597,395 in operating losses. “Ombuds, Marmor and Quarters, now named TwelveEighty, were the three major factors and those account for almost 600,000-700,000 dollars of the losses to the organization” said MSU vice-president (finance) Andrew Caterine. Following the MSU not paying Ombuds for the past two years, the audit revealed an extra $100,000 in back payments to the

Ombuds office, which the MSU shares its payment in with the university. Other highlights include the $204,496 loss from the Marmor. Though no Marmor yearbook was released in the 2007/08 year, the Marmor still incurred a loss of $75,129. The yearbook’s 2008/09 loss of $204,496 was attributed to printing back issues, but Caterine could not say what the losses came from, responding, “I would defer you to the Marmor executive editor who is the expert.” Caterine continued, “The vp finance portfolio is not to micromanage each particular service.”

Quarters, now named Twelve-Eighty, was also a major factor in the record-setting loss. In January, then vice-president (finance) Ian Finlay said, “This year [Quarters / Twelve-Eighty] should be in a much healthier state than last.” In 2008/09, the campus bar lost $376,556. Current vice-president (finance) Andrew Caterine continued, “I can’t speak on Mr. Finlay’s behalf… but what I do know is based on our figures thus far we have seen a successful profit during the month of September [of Twelve-Eighty] which we did not see last year.” • PLEASE SEE MSU, A5

Budget negotiations for HSR begin LILY PANAMSKY


Hamilton Street Railway (HSR) and Disabled and Aged Regional Transportation (DARTS) are to reach a decision on Oct. 29 regarding possible fare hikes and service cuts. The city of Hamilton will propose its 2010 budget for the next four months, and the Committee of the Whole is the first meeting to discuss the public transit budget and

user fees on Oct. 29. The current adult monthly pass is $79.00, and the student pass—which is included in McMaster student fees—is $102.70. A 10 per cent increase for student passes is already established for the 2010-2011 school year. HSR Director Don Hull stated that a “reasonable” fare increase and service “rationalizations” will be proposed, according to the Ancaster News. If a 10 per cent HSR

increase were to occur, monthly adult passes would become $84, and the student passes $117.60— an increase of $8.4 per student, excluding the established 10 per cent increase. If, however, adult passes were to increase by 20 per cent, the corresponding increase in student passes would be $123.20— an additional $8.8 hike. An outlook on the budget released in July indicated that HSR maintenance and running costs were to increase by at least $1.1 million in 2010. Ridership and revenue levels for 10 of Canada’s largest urban transit systems, which represent approximately 80 per cent of total urban transit, were down by 1.8 per cent in August. Revenue has decreased 0.9 per cent from August 2008 to $191.4 million, excluding subsidies. The last negotiations to take place were in November 2008, when a five-dollar increase was proposed for adult and student passes, and a 0.10-dollar increase for general tickets. A vote was taken, and Council narrowly rejected the proposal Final approval for the 2010 budget calls is on Feb. 23, 2010, Listed above are the annual changes of the MSU Bus Pass Fees, starting with public delegations set for Jan. from 2001 until the current academic year. 12, 2010.


Andy reviews the top-ten most disturbing movies of all times. Andy, C6-7

Inside the Sil this week

Board of Governors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A3 Feature: College post-university . . . . . . . .A4 McMaster Innovation Park . . . . . . . . . . . .A5 Susan Farley Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A5

Fashion Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1 New Engineering Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . B3 Climate Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B4 Basketball Preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B7

Soccer Playoffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B8 Mash-up Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C5 Lemonwilde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C8 Mantracker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C10







Newsbites Looming official strike day prompts reaction

Compiled by Jennifer Bacher Gnome terrifies Argetinean town A “creepy gnome” has been identified in Argentina. The “creepy gnome” is described as wearing a pointy hat and walking sideways like a crab. He has reportedly terrified the town of General Gueme in Argentina. Locals say the gnome has been spotted wandering around at night and many are now too afraid to leave their homes at night. The un-tippable A former teacher has developed a chair that is un-tippable. Tom Wakes, who use to teach math, was driven mad by students rocking their chairs, sometimes falling off and consequently injuring themselves. This led him to design the chair. The Max chair has curved legs which prevents it from rocking. Therefore, now no child can lift it more than 5 centimeters off the ground. According to statistics, about 4,900 students are admitted to hospital a year as a result of rocking back on a chair. Missing wallet returned – 46 years later A wallet, which was lost almost half a century ago, has finally been returned to its rightful owner. Ron Russell lost his wallet in 1962 and had never reported it missing, but when it turned up during a recent spring clean, it was handed to the police who decided to track him down. Police used clues from the photos and letters in the wallet to track down, now 81-yearold, former Royal Marine. He now resides in a nursing home. The secret life of a sofa The average sofa will last eight years, but in that time it will witness 293 arguments, 1300 cuddles and 1600 spillages, it has been claimed. It was also found that a sofa will see 782 movies over its lifetime and $306.43 will fall down the back of it. Playground for seniors The brightly coloured swings and seesaws might look brand new but the people playing on them are not. Welcome to the first over-60s playground. With the help of a local housing firm, they built this $27,100 playground to keep themselves fit. Six pieces of specially designed equipment provide gentle exercises for different parts of the body such as hips, legs and torso. Australian jailed by leech An Australian armed robber was linked to his crime through his blood being inside a leech at the scene of the crime. He was jailed for two years. Peter Cannon, 54, admitted to ransacking the house of an elderly woman and robbing her of $550 in 2001 after police matched his DNA to blood in a leech that bit him at the scene of the crime. The leech, which was found beside a looted safe in the house, was the only evidence police had. Balloon boy hoax Halloween costume A Saskatoon company is cashing in on the story of the Colorado family whose young son supposedly floated off in a homemade balloon. The costume puts kids into a box hanging from a small-scale replica of the silver helium balloon. The costume does come with a warning, however. “Don’t leave the balloon unattended,” says a sign, “or a child might crawl inside and fly away on you.” Lottery winner causes riot A woman being driven around in a rented limousine pulled up at a coat store and announced that she’d won the lottery and would pay for everyone’s purchases up to $500 as reported by the police. Reportedly, this announcement was followed by her causing a riot when customers realized it was a hoax. Angry customers threw merchandise around and looted whatever they could find.


A small protest was held on campus on Oct. 28 by the Undergraduate Support Committee for the purpose of promoting student awareness of the CUPE 3906 union and University negotiations. • CONT’D FROM A1 out 3000 flyers to students and about a dozen knew what was going on. We’re trying to bring awareness to students, to get them to know what’s going on. You don’t have to agree with it you just have to read the information because in two days, the likelihood of a strike is very imminent.” At 5.00 p.m. on Wed. Oct. 28, a Unit 1 Strike Information Session was held by a few members of CUPE 3906 to discuss the implications of a strike on the union members. The information session, held in Hurlburt Hall in the Divinity College building, gathered the

attendance of approximately 120 individuals. Mary-Ellen Campbell, the President of CUPE 3906 and Derek Sahota, Bargaining team member of CUPE 3906 were the two key presenters of the session. Prior to the beginning of the session, two small packages were handed out to the attendants, one regarding Picket Lines, and the other regarding strike and picket FAQ. The presentation began with the reading of the Union Equity statement and a quick bargaining team report update delivered by Sahota through a power point presentation, followed by a stepby-step presentation of a strike and

picket FAQ by Campbell. Some of the strike information that was presented included the management and cost of TA pay in the event of a strike, the assignment of picket lines according to faculty and the locations of them, benefits and duties of a picket line, alternate duties that could provide pay and how to handle scabs who are students that engage in any strike-breaking activity, which in this case would be continuing to work for the University during the strike. If a strike occurs, the union’s main picket lines, divided according to faculties, will be at the Sterling Gates, an information

picket on Main Street, and the gates of Cootes Drive. They have clarified that they will not be shutting down the hospital entrance and will instead be holding information pickets outside of the hospital, that do not restrict traffic at all. Regarding the management of the general public, the attendants of the presentation were advised to inform anyone attempting to cross the picket line of the strike and not to obstruct the general public using the sidewalks or roadways in front of the picket line. Regarding delaying traffic, the attendants were informed that vehicles can be delayed at the picker line in order for the picketers to provide information of the issues involved, and the length of time will be negotiation between the Local, the police and the management. They are also asked to deal with scabs by quietly discussing their reasons for crossing the picket line, and to take pictures of scabs and their vehicles and to keep a record of each time they cross the picket line. Members of the union are allowed to cross the picket line for academic and non-employment purposes. In the event of a strike, the picket line would also keep unions from entering campus such as the popular commuting options Go Transit and the Hamilton Street Railway (HSR).

Board of governors welcomes newest undergrad member

regarding control of the university on Student Affairs and the IRC for and its property, revenues, the gov- two years, including one year as ernment, conduct, management, IRC vice-president (internal), and revenues, and business. The Senate was elected twice as Speaker of the regulates academic affairs. MSU. The undergraduate posi“The two areas that I am tion on the Board is equivalent to chiefly interested in are the envithe other positions, except that the ronment and labour,” said Kearney. undergraduate cannot apply for the The Board of Governors is responChair. sible for staff and faculty wages, Kearney is currently locked explained the rein negotiations with sponsibilities of his I’m not willing to undergraduate and new position. “I repteaching forego the student graduate resent all—approxiassistants regarding m a t e l y — 2 3 , 0 0 0 voice in my posi- remuneration. undergraduate stu- tion, I plan to have “I’m not willdents. Obviously ing to forego the it’s not possible for monthly meetings... student voice in my me to do that on my with all the presi- position,” he continown so I’ll be rely- dents of the faculty ued. “I plan to have ing on a number of monthly meetings… other student advo- societies, and mem- with all the presicacy groups to liaise bers of the MSU.” dents of the faculty with—the IRC [Inter societies, and memResidence Counbers of the MSU.” cil], the MSU [McMaster Students’ Kearney will be the 18th Norman Kearney, pictured above, is the newest undergraduate repreUnion], SOCS [Society of Off undergraduate student to become sentative on the Board of Governors. Campus Students], and faculty so- the undergraduate representative on LILY PANAMSKY undergraduate representative on the cieties. But my job is to advocate on the Board of Governors since the ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR 37-member Board of Governors. behalf of our interests at the Board student position was added to the The undergraduate representative of Governors on all the motions that Board in 1976 when the McMaster University Act was established. Third year Political Science and serves a 20-month period in which come forward.” Kearney has previously His 20-month term begins Philosophy student Norman Kear- he or she works closely with the ney has been elected as the newest other members to manage affairs served on the Senate Committee on Nov. 1. WILL VAN ENGEN/ PHOTO EDITOR

Current Canadian economy presents room for change Former NDP leader discusses alternative political values HILARY PAIGE SMITH THE BRUNSWICKAN (CUP)

Canadians are living through the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression, according to Ed Broadbent, who says the country is now faced with two options. “We can use this occasion simply to re-establish the status quo in Canada or we can move decisively forward.” A former longtime leader of the Canadian NDP, Broadbent brought his audience to its feet following an impassioned speech on poverty and inequality before the Fredericton community on Oct. 26. The current global economic situation, he said, should be grasped as an opportunity to move forward. “I believe there’s never been a better time in recent

history when the core democratic value of equality can be seen both as an ethical and a practical option.” Broadbent said that governments around the world have been forced to acknowledge that the current system of values used for addressing social justice issues is “disastrously wrong.” “If ever there was a time I think for discussing the relevance of alternative values to practical politics and the daily lives of Canadians, it’s now.” One of the “alternative values” that Broadbent proposed during his speech was an increase in taxation for the top 10 per cent of earners. This tactic would help to eradicate child poverty in Canada by taxing those “most able to contribute,” Broadbent said. According to Broadbent, there are approximately 180,000

Canadians who live in the highest earning bracket, making more than $600,000 a year in taxable income. “By increasing their tax rate from 25 to 35 per cent we could generate $3.7 billion a year in revenue, which would be more than is necessary to double the national child benefit supplement for low income families,” Broadbent said. The statement was met by thunderous applause from the crowd. “[This] would make a major dent in child poverty across our country. With just a single move we would reduce inequality and take the lives of thousands of our children out of a state of misery. It’s only one example of what can be done to get us back on the path to a more equal Canada,” he said. Broadbent, a prominent figure in the history of Canadian politics, served as leader of the federal NDP

from 1975 to 1989. He was the first president of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development and is currently teaching in the School of Policy Studies at Queen’s University. Kelly Lamrock, New Brunswick’s minister of social development, introduced Broadbent, calling him one of the most influential figures in Canadian political history. “I can’t imagine a political figure who transcends partisan politics in the way that is appropriate for a topic as important as [poverty reduction]. In fact, those who remember Ed’s political career will probably know in many ways he seemed to transcend them even when he was engaged in them,” he said. The lecture was a joint initiative of the University of New Brunswick and the New Brunswick Department of Social Development.



Degree in hand and college bound University grads are going to college to make careers out of their degrees


ately, students have been finding it more and more difficult to find a job immediately after they graduate with a university degree. Could it be that the economy and job market are hard to crack into right now? It has been said that during the current economic times, jobs are a little bit harder to come by, especially new jobs for recent graduates. But perhaps this problem has something to do with the applicability of skills that students learn during their undergraduate degrees.

PAIGE FABER / FEATURES EDITOR More students are turning to college for their second certificate to beef up their degrees and make themselves more careerready. Often it can help to make the leap from undergrad to career a little bit smoother and help transfer the skills you have into something that you could see yourself doing as a long term career. Sometimes, college could make for an easier transition between university and your career. Many students are requiring skills that they have not found, even after they have graduated from university. One McMaster graduate who has chosen to do just that, has had a successful jump from undergraduate degree, to college, to career and is enjoying the job that she has found. Megan Coppolino graduated from McMaster in 2008 at the age of 23, with a degree in English and Cultural Studies. Coppolino knew that she wanted to do something related to “branding” and marketing but did not know where to begin. She then moved on to Sheridan College in Oakville to take Corporate Communications. This eight month program at Sheridan was full of other students in the same situation as Coppolino, “I think that there were four out of the 40 students that I graduated with...that did not come from a well meaning, respectable degree from somewhere in Canada.” Many in the program, like Coppolino, “were left wondering what to do with their Bachelor of Arts,” and so they enrolled in this college program. One of the reasons that Coppolino chose to enrol in college was because she realized that she had completed third year, “without learning what a media release was,” something quite important to know for someone who is interested in communications, marketing and branding. Coppolino thought that this was, “a bad foundational state for seeking employment as a communications professional.” In her program at Sheridan, Coppolino learned, “how business

organizations work and how to use communications for year. The growth is about eight per cent at Sheridan. business,” and she thought that it was entirely practical. One Similarly, at Mohawk College in Hamilton, Jay of the best aspects of post-grad college programs require Robb, the Director of Media Relations and Communications you to complete an internship, which is a great way to get said that in total eight to nine per cent of Mohawk students are involved, to practice your job hunting and networking skills. university graduates. After graduating and completing her internship, However, Robb noted that there is a, “high percentage Coppolino put her newly found skills to the test and got a job of students in Mohawk’s one-year post-graduate certificate at kitestring creative marketing + design, which programs [that] are university grads.” There is is a small firm located in Hamilton. Coppolino an especially high concentration of university knew that with her Humanities degree alone, Evidently there is graduates in Mohawk’s Public Relations she would not have been able to do the job she noted Robb. Robb also gave insight a greater demand program, has now. that, “for many students, university and college When she went to college she for university stu- educations are complementary and combine realized how to apply the skills that she had dents to further theory with practice.” and how to relate them to the context of In addition to Mohawk and McMaster their education having several combined programs, Mohawk business. She does, however, know that she gained very meaningful skills through her through specializ- also introduced a, “new and streamlined degree which she uses now that she knows ing at college or in process for course exemptions, recognizing how to apply them. In conjunction with the that a growing number of students bring formal business and communications skills that she other post-graduate education and work or life experiences to the learned at Sheridan, Coppolino uses many of college,” said Robb. programs.” the writing, research and theoretical aspects Robb also noted that college can, “play of communication and culture skills that she a key role within the region of making sure learned during her undergraduate degree at McMaster, in her students of all ages and backgrounds remain highly skilled daily work. and future ready.” Like Coppolino, Don Curzon, the Director of Evidently there is a greater demand for university Institutional Research at Sheridan in Oakville noticed that students to further their education through specializing there was a slight increase in the number of students attending at college or in other post-graduate programs. Also, who already had an undergraduate degree. Although Curzon like Coppolino, many students need job-ready skills to noted that students are not required to let the school know if complement their undergraduate degrees. It appears to be they already do have a degree when they enrol, 184 students of a more prevalent concern for students once they graduate, the 2007/2008 academic year said they had a degree, and the turning their university educations into something practical statistic went up to 212 students in the 2008/2009 academic and ready to take into the job market.

Recently more university graduates are heading to college after they graduate to specialize their skill set and make themselves career-ready. PHYLLIS TSANG / ASSISTANT INSIDE OUT EDITOR



Mac Innovation Park reveals first building MSU runs

second deficit in as many years • CONT’D FROM A1


Pictured above is the atrium of the first renovated building of McMaster Innovation Park. The official opening and celebration was held on Oct. 26. SELMA AL-SAMARRAI SENIOR NEWS EDITOR

McMaster Innovation Park celebrated the opening of its first official building on Oct. 26. The 180,000 square-foot building located at 175 Longwood Road South is the former Camco main office building, and has been renovated and redeveloped to market for tenants. Approximately 280 employees are working at the new building. McMaster Innovation Park was created in 2005 when the University acquired the site from the previous company Camco/ Westinghouse. A program of demolition followed and only three buildings remained on site: the 175 Longwood Road South building which was recently renovated and opened, the 270 Longwood Road South building which is an 170,000 square-feet warehouse facility and

the old central heating plant. The University invested $13 million to acquire this site in 2005. This fund was followed by a five million dollar contribution from the city and a $10 million contribution from the province in 2006. This provided the University with a total of $28 million to get started. Zach Douglas, president of McMaster Innovation Park, explained, “It was a site that needed new tenants and remediation… Several people at the University had a vision to take this site and transform it into Renovations Park. We’ve had an interesting five years in getting it to the stage now with the whole process of demolition and remediation… The vision calls for us to be a centre of excellence for research and innovation with a particular emphasis on commercialization of intellectual property and ideas and technologies coming out of McMaster... We have a strong

emphasis on commercialization.” As mentioned in the McMaster Innovation Park website, 2007 was the year of significant organizational development and planning within the site where staff were hired, business processes were put in place and management systems were established. 2008 marked the progress of the construction and lease planning for the 175 Longwood Road South building. The next project for the McMaster Renovations Park will be placed directly beside the 175 Longwood Road South building and is well under construction. It is a new, 165,000 square-foot research facility expected to run as a federal government lab and expected to open in late 2010. Mo Elbestawi, the vice president of Research and International Affairs at McMaster University explained, “The premise behind the MIP was

to create a facility that would allow us to capture the true economic value of our research through spinoff companies and/or working in partnership with industry. The Park was intended to provide an enormous economic boost to the region, attract companies and create jobs and prosperity in this part of Ontario and Canada and we’re seeing this happen already.” As for employment within the city of Hamilton, Douglas’ expectations are optimistic, “we already have 280 people working in this building and we expect by late fall of next year that the number of people working on the site will be close to 500… If we develop over the medium term and then longterm plan that number could rise quite dramatically. It provides lots of employment opportunities, not just for McMaster students and graduates but for the community as a whole.”

Caterine did note that the executive board and the Student Representative Assembly would have known these approximate numbers in April of 2009, when they approved both the renovations of the bar to the tune of $400,000, and the promotion of the manager who oversaw the losses. Since its opening in 2002, Quarters / Twelve-Eighty has lost nearly $1.25 million, with almost $780,000 in the last two years. When asked why the executive board would promote the manager who oversaw those losses, Caterine said, “I do not wish to get into human resource issues because it’s not appropriate.” MSU president Vishal Tiwari added, “This decision was made with everybody and we felt that this was just the right thing to do.” One of the more interesting side notes to the budget was the disparity between what was in the SRA approved budget, and what was reported in audited statements. Quarters / Twelve-Eighty was approved for a $38,000 loss by the SRA, to which the audit revealed a $376,556 loss. The same trend continued through other MSU business units, including the relatively new Shortstop and Undercovers. MSU by-laws ask the budget be reviewed by the SRA, which has not happened since March 2003. MSU president Tiwari repeated that he “can’t comment on behalf of Mr. Finlay” on why the review hadn’t been completed. Caterine added, “The finance committee will be asked to start conducting a budget review prior to the Christmas break… the actual review tentatively will be starting in January.”

New scholarship Mac voted a veg-friendly campus awarded to faculty MELANIE FERRIER


A new scholarship known as the Susan Farley Scholarship has recently been introduced for students in the Department of Health, Aging and Society. Established earlier this year by Susan Farley’s parents, it is a $500 grant open to all students in the department. Susan Farley, who passed away only a few days before her graduation ceremony, was determined to earn her Bachelors in Gerontology despite the obstacles she faced as a person with Multiple Sclerosis. “She was incredibly resilient,” remarks Professor Anju Joshi, who used to teach Farley, “She would still show up [to class] even when you knew she was having a challenging day.” The lasting impression she has left with her professors and peers is one of determination, hard work, and her refusal to be regarded as “just another disabled person.” When asked what Farley would say about the scholarship being offered on her behalf, Joshi said, “She was a very gentle soul and I think that she would be humbled… [But] she would be honoured as well, because it is something to recognize all of her hard work and contributions.” Joshi recalls one instance when Farley, who had attended the first year class, Aging and Society, had taped and typed every single word from the lectures: “At the end of term, she gave me a notebook. There was every single word that I

had spoken in my class!” The purpose of the scholarship is “to acknowledge students who have a high academic achievement.” At the same time, the Department hopes to find individuals among their student base who reflect Farley’s values in terms of dedication and advocacy. Students who are inspired by Farley’s story to join the department should be encouraged by the fundamental changes which are currently unfolding. The university has combined Health Studies with Gerontology to form the new Department of Health, Aging and Society. The department offers a three-year Bachelor program and two Honours programs—one in Gerontology and the other in Health Studies. In addition, they have introduced a brand new Masters in Gerontology program. According to Joshi, the new and improved department can offer numerous benefits to its students: an interdisciplinary perspective, one of the oldest undergraduate programs of its kind in Canada, opportunity to participate in experiential education opportunities, and a degree that has led over 800 graduates to interesting employment opportunities as well as a variety of graduate programs. Any individual in the Department of Health, Aging, and Society interested in applying for the Susan Farley Scholarship should contact the department office or the undergraduate chair, Dr. Lori Campbell.


Bridges Cafe, pictured above, is a vegetarian restaurant on campus that also provides vegan options. LINDSAY JOLIVET INSIDEOUT EDITOR

Peta2 has announced the nominees for its fourth Most Vegetarianfriendly University competition and for the third year running, McMaster is on the list. “This year’s competition is the toughest yet,” stated Peta2. com’s Senior College Campaign Coordinator, Ryan Huling. In the group of Canadian Universities, McMaster came in third place in the 2008 competition, second in 2007, and first in 2006. Bridges café, a vegetarian restaurant with vegan options, is a major part of McMaster’s qualification as a nominee. Leigh Laidlaw, chief manager of Bridges, stated, “Given its exclusiveness, and the fact that there is no meat allowed in the building, it sort of gives someone refuge, if you will.” Laidlaw believes Bridges most popular and unique dishes are their non-meat chilli, which they offer on flatbread, nachos, or as a side dish, and sweet potato fries. Other options include vegetarian pasta, soy chicken bruschetta wraps, and Shanghai noodles. Laidlaw held that aside from its versatility, part of what makes Bridges unique is its inclusion of healthy options. He pointed to ethical considerations and the preservation of animal life as the

main benefits to vegetarianism, but stated, “generally I think that the majority of the benefits [are] simply for health reasons.” However, Bridges is not the only restaurant on campus that offers vegetarian food. Laidlaw noted that each restaurant at McMaster offers vegetarian options. Overall, he believes McMaster is a leader in this regard. He stated, “Some [universities] are jumping on the bandwagon…but for the most we were ahead of our time, I think.” The purpose of the competition is to commend universities across North America for offering vegetarian food options. “We hope to highlight the remarkable efforts being made by McMaster and other universities to provide delicious and cruelty-free cuisine to their students,” stated Huling. The College Campaign Coordinator felt vegetarian options provided a number of benefits for students. He cited a survey by university food service provider Aramark, in which they concluded that one in four students seek vegan options. “Students understand that vegan meals are better for the environment, better for keeping off that ‘freshman 15,’ and clearly better for animals,” Huling said. He attributed the rise in vegetarianism, at least partly,

to a rise in knowledge about the meat industry and its often violent methods. He explained, “When they learn about what happens behind the scenes in the meat industry, it’s no surprise that they’re seeking healthier, more humane alternatives in droves.” Students are finding support on many campuses for choosing vegetarian and vegan meals. Huling mentioned innovations such as vegetarian barbecue riblets, vegan pizza, and dairy-free soft serve ice cream as examples on a continually expanding list of non-meat options. “Veganism has become mainstream,” he stated. This year, voters decide the winner in a round-robin competition run from Peta2’s website. Laidlaw preferred the onevote format used in the past two years, because he finds it difficult to encourage students to vote several times. Nonetheless, he intends to market the competition more this year, and thought McMaster had a good chance. Despite the university’s close losses in the past two years, including one to Mount Allison University in 2008, Huling stated, “McMaster has always been among the best in the nation for meatless meals.” Voting for Round One ends Nov. 2, and Peta2 will announce the winners Nov. 23.





McMaster University’s Student Newspaper

The Silhouette

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TheSil.ca Editorial Board Executive Editor Jeff Green Managing Editor Bahram Dideban Senior News Editor Selma Al-Samarrai Assistant News Editor Lily Panamsky Features Editor Paige Faber Opinions Editor Peter Goffin Sports Editor Brian Decker Assistant Sports Editor David Koots Insideout Editor Lindsay Jolivet Assistant Insideout Phyllis Tsang Photo Editor Will van Engen Staff Photographer Terry Shan Multimedia Editor Ava Dideban Production Editor Katherine Marsden Web Editor Jason Lamb Health Editor Sarah Levitt Distribution Coordinator Jonathon Fairclough Ad Manager Sandro Giordano

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Contact Us Volume 80 2009-10 • McMaster University Student Centre, Room B110 McMaster University 1280 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8S 4S4 • Fax: (905) 529–3208 • E–Mail: thesil@thesil.ca • Production Office: (905) 525-9140, extension 27117 • Advertising: (905) 525-9140, extension 27557 • 10,000 circulation • Published by the McMaster Students Union

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executive editor: extension 22052

Two grad students were recently overheard in Mills Library... Carlos: Good day Ahmed, (my trusty, senior, fellow grad student). Ahmed: Hi Carlos, nice to see you. Carlos: So, I’m new on campus, and I have to say, I’m pretty conflicted about this possible TA strike. Ahmed: Go on. Carlos: Well, for starters, I didn’t even ask to be part of this crazy Union business, I just showed up and was automatically a member. That said, I can see how unions are definitely a good thing in some cases. Ahmed:Yes. Carlos: But really, we’re still students and we make $38/hour. I mean, we’re not worth that much are we? About half of that wage is, really, a subsidy of sorts isn’t it? Ahmed: Well, it depends on how you look at it. Carlos: And the Union says we should strike to get smaller class sizes, but what do we care about Like salivating Pavlovian dogs hearing the ring of a bell, the beginning of an class sizes? Shouldn’t we just work academic term is possibly the best time for the McMaster Students’ Union. our 10 hours per week and let It’s the time when they can most believe in the fairy tale world in which undergrads and the University they live. It is a misconstrued reality in which they are the most important debate how big classes should be? Ahmed: Hmm... part of university life, even central to it. For those in residence, you’ve experienced this right from the get Carlos:And, if we demand more pay go. You may have suppressed the memory of screaming reps from frosh and benefits, doesn’t that just mean raiding your car on move-in day. And this is probably the only time that the that tuition has to go up? fairy tale made sense. Frosh week was a reincarnation of summer camp, Ahmed: Either that, or Ontario and the MSU seems to think frosh week is a year-long excursion based on has to quit being the 10th ranked their consequence-free model which has seen them take yet another turn province in terms of per capita funding for post-secondary for the worse. education. Your MSU President and Vice-Presidents are just like your camp counselors, despite being lost on the three-day canoe trip on day one, they Carlos: I know the current offer tell you they know their way. They’ve left their compass back at camp so they could fit their iPod speakers in their pack, and they’re fine with the choice. Completely misguided and untrained, they’ll gladly take the lead, in Re: From the website an effort to either prolong their child(student)hood, or to pad a political I didn’t read this but I did read all resume with “work experience.” What they do isn’t actually work. That’s why they have a camp the replies it received in this week’s director (business manager) and camp planners (administrative assistants) Sil. All I have to say is that Woman to make sure things go smoothly. These people are just faces you kind of Studies classes are the reason why know from previous years of being a camper.They may even be your older men these days are so effeminate and emasculated and why women brother’s friends. They’re not experts. If they were experts they would have real are so unsatisfied in life and jobs. Yet here they are, attempting to prove within a week of your arrival relationships. Woman Studies classes that they can successfully guide you through the woods for the next four years. If you want, you can buy into their puppy dogs, candy and fireworks reinforce women to be sluts and outlook on life, exist without consequence and accountability, and never call it “freedom from the masculine grow up. Or, you could be pissed off that you pay $465 a year so a group of grip” and continuously put down students can blow it on a bar that just can’t seem to sell beer to students. men as sexual predators and To be fair, it’s not just the bar. It’s your yearbook, your sports oppressors, disregarding that the store and even this paper. Except each one of those services and business units no longer needs those counselors anymore. Most are no longer young enough to need camp counselor Dave to guide us from the bunks to the mess hall, yet here they are, leading the way. The only possible reason is that they still need the job – for money or for resume padding – but do we really need them? What good has come from four MSU executives? Nearly half of their time in office is transitional; by the time they learn the job they’re on their to way writing their transitional report for the next group. Last year they collected over $2 million in student fees, only to loose $365,000 of it when it was all said and done. Would a group constantly in transition ever have a fighting chance? Perhaps the only constant in MSU camp is the revolving door. Quarters / Twelve-Eighty has been a constant loss since the MSU moved to halo. into it’s new lake, the Student Centre, and the money pit it has become to snorting when you laugh. has been consistently embarrassing.There is hope at the end of the tunnel, with the recent renovations actually making a difference in the bottom line, to costumes, candy and sexy yet it will take years to recoup the $1.25 million lost and the additional nurses. $400,000 spent on renovations. to self reporting and a week The MSU camp counselors’ idea to fix the Marmor, the yearbook off. fuck a potential ta strike, you unknowingly pay for, is to put it under a full time staff rather than i’ll be in the t.o. attempt to fix it themselves – another example of their utility. Maybe it’s because I never went to camp (I went camping), or to puppies and fireworks. maybe it’s because I hate loosing $465 a year, but reoccurring losses and a separately. system that breeds no sense of accountability is a waste. to vegan cupcakes! thanks Until bursting the bubble on a childish attitude, mentality and g.e. demeanor becomes acceptable, the same punk kid will keep stealing from you when you’re not looking to buy candy and a couple extra lines on a to the house of games for the poker table and chairs. you resume. guys rock. •Jeff Green to 22 tracks and dutch rap. give it a try. PHYLLIS TSANG / ASSISTANT INSIDEOUT EDITOR

Puppies and fireworks


In the article “Next president of McMaster..” (Oct 15) the Sil quoted MSU president describing the “reaching hire-to,” which should actually read “reaching Higher 2”. In the article “No-board mandate..” (Oct 22) the Sil reported that the benefit fund contribution by the university is a standard 100,000 dollars. The actual amount contributed from the university is 150,000 dollars. The Silhouette makes every effort to be accurate. If you discover a mistake, please notify us via email at thesil@thesil.ca with the subject “corrections.” We will include the correction in the following issue of the Silhouette.

increases our wage $1.30, but results in a net yearly decrease in pay of $150---if tuition and our TA wage should even be considered together---but the economy is bad this year isn’t it? Undergrads are down more like $200 or $300 due to tuition increases. Ahmed: That’s true. Carlos: And sometimes it’s hard to determine if there is good reasoning behind some of the Union’s statements. They say crossing the picket line, or “scabbing” will prolong the strike (so don’t do it). But one can also think of reasons why “scabbing” will shorten the strike, no? Ahmed: We’d have to run a controlled experiment to be sure... Carlos: Are you going to scab? Ahmed: I’ll just say that this is a personal decision that each grad student ought to make on their own after trying to obtain clear, objective information and weighing all the facts. Carlos: So if I do cross the picket line, will you still be my friend? Ahmed: Yes, I’ll still be your friend:) Now let’s go to the Phoenix; the Flames are beating the Leafs. To be continued... Authored by Stanley Govenlock, Psychology PhD candidate and Graduate Student Representative to the Board of Governors

greatest things in history were done by men and the roles they played. Before Woman Studies classes, marriages survived and men were gentlemen. Now both men and women don’t know how to act anymore or what role they play because, like usual, the women don’t know what they want. Pure chaos. Claudia Amendola amendoc@muss.cis.mcmaster.ca

to flu. although i did get to play a lot of halo... to being sick on Halloween. unless you hate the holiday, in that case, cut and paste this into the column on the left. to the uninformed. to puppies and fireworks. at the same time. to blue ink poisoning from new jeans. i know. to meat cupcakes. ew. to c.c.’s l-glass jackpot. to no a.d.

to p.t.’s wicked drawings.

to that nasty person biting my opinions editor.

to w.e.’s mom licking rap. the dutch kind too.

to the birth mark in the wrong place. or the right.

to my fixed bike. thank you mac cycle.

to people who don’t wear costumes at costume parties.





What do you How strong are your principles? think of the possible TA We may not be who we think in adverse situations strike? Peter Goffin



“I didn’t even know there might be a strike.” Jess Patterson

“Tuition and cost of living have risen. A pay raise for TA’s wouldn’t be that bad. But I don’t want a situation similar to York. ” Donna Antonijevic

It’s enough to make you miss last year’s fires. Those were simpler times, happier times. When all we had to worry about was a kid igniting a stack of newspapers in his residence elevator, or the electrical box in Burke Science Building combusting. Remember? But these days, midterms come around and the weather gets ugly and everyone starts coughing into their sleeves or the back of your neck and then the T.A.’s announce they might go on strike. My God. At least I understood fire, as a phenomenon. I could accept it as an unfortunate byproduct of daily life. One out of 23, 000 students is bound to be a pyromaniacal sociopath. Electrical transformers will malfunction from time to time. These things happen. And so do midterms and flus. And that makes them easier to handle. But strikes? Strikes! Those are altogether avoidable and so are met with the most valued of all sentiments – impotent rage. But why this strike? Strikes have never really bothered me before. In fact, I think strikes are sort of important. I believe in labour rights and I believe in social demonstration and sticking it to men of all kinds.


The potential TA strike garnered an unexpected response from me. This summer’s municipal worker strike in Toronto never bothered me and I was living there at its peak while the streets filled with garbage. During York University’s T.A. strike, which seems to be the prototype for the one brewing here, I was angry out of solidarity for our brothers and sisters who attend classes there, whose lives were being disrupted. But I wasn’t angry at the T.A.’s, more at the situation. My attitude has always been that striking workers are entitled to fight for an improvement of their

wages or benefits or hours or whatever it is that they want. I may not always agree that they deserve them, but in principle I believe that they have the right to ask for them. And if that makes me a Socialist Pinko Commie Red then I guess that’s what I am. Call McCarthy. But I’ve found myself irritated by the possibility that our T.A.’s might walk out. And that worries me a little because it doesn’t sound like me. Or at least it doesn’t sound like my concept of myself. I think that all the

strike rhetoric that’s gone on at McMaster over the past few months has taught me an interesting lesson about proximity and its affect on beliefs and principles. I may believe in labour disputes, but that’s when they are over there, you know, impacting someone else, not really hurting me. It’s all too easy to believe in a cause in theory, but bring it up close, get a real good whiff of it and it won’t always seem so nice. Get thrown into an adverse situation and what you really believe, what you really hold • PLEASE SEE STRIKE, A11

Is the cell phone ban safe enough?

Dangerous distractions abound for drivers Kaitlin Peters SILHOUETTE STAFF

“It’s not a big deal now, but it will affect me more when the strike actually happens.”

Compiled by Peter Goffin and Christopher Chang


production office: extension 27117

Christina Valiavee

“I think there isn’t a lot of awareness but people will start to notice more soon.” Tarek Elsayed

It’s a conscious struggle for me now, instead of keeping my phone in the everhandy and easy to reach cup holder, it has to be shut off and firmly zipped in my school bag when I drive. If I don’t do this, the impulse to flip it open to check my latest text becomes altogether too much for me. October 26 has officially come and gone, and I think you have to be commuting from the moon if you haven’t heard about the ban on using cell phones while driving. Personally, I think it’s a great idea. They’ve been firing off stats for as long as I can remember about how talking on your cell hugely increases your risks of getting into a crash. I’m actually amazed it’s taken this long for a law to be passed. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that people are no longer just talking on their phone; the daily traffic jam is no longer just filled with people having heated debates about what to bring home for dinner and where to meet for drinks. At least when people were just making a call there was the possibility of keeping some form of at-


There are myriad things to catch a driver’s attention. tention on the road, and the only danger was becoming so involved in your conversation you temporarily forgot you were supposed to make that turn back there. But then people began to actually text while driving, so not only did you have one hand off the wheel, but both eyes were completely engaged in texting “c u at home ;)” and not on the small child who just happened

to wander off the sidewalk. I was driving up the 403 from school the other day with a friend, and she just happened to get a text. My knuckles white from clutching the seat so hard, I attempted to chat casually while watching the car drift slowly as she became more involved with the drama of who Shelley blew off last weekend. Nobody wants to be labeled that paranoid

nagger who no one wants around, so I decided to keep my mouth shut, and that the driving would be solely my duty from then on. But I think that banning the cell phone doesn’t nearly solve “driver distraction” whatsoever. The car seems to be set up for multitasking; there are cup holders to hold your steaming hot lattes when you’re not attempting to sip them in 100 km/h traffic, visor mirrors to help you apply your mascara and lipstick (my old car still had one on the driver’s side), a cigarette lighter so you can light one up before your road rage becomes uncontrollable, and the radio so you can flip through stations while trying to merge in gridlock traffic, and of course the GPS system (I can’t even count the number of times I’ve almost gotten into a head on collision because the smooth British voice told me to turn down a one-way). I don’t know if this cell phone ban is the start of some much bigger changes, or if we’re just going to ignore all the other “little” distractions that every driver indulges in. But I can’t imagine driving without music, or attempting to resist my whipped pumpkin latte until I’ve come to a safe stop at home.



Anti-smoking movement is flawed

Alex Steiner OPINION

You know it’s hard to find good blatant propaganda anymore. It pops up now and again but we really don’t have anything since decades past. But then here comes the tobacco industry and the vast groups of people opposed to allowing us, the target demographic of tobacco companies, to smoke, to tell us how to think and what to do. It all started sometime ago when I was walking through the MUSC atrium and was accosted by two SHEC girls. They were pleasant and showed me the ideals of nonsmokers and a richer, cleaner lifestyle.And while that’s excellent and all, it was frustrating when I asked them one question and they couldn’t answer. “Why should I quit?” I don’t smoke often and when I do it’s generally a cigar of some type, as cigarettes taste worse then burnt hair and I tend to like my senses as sharp as they can be, so narcotics are out the window for the time being. But I asked them nonetheless. I was met with a stunned silence for a few seconds before I was handed two tiny little pamphlets. I threw

them into my bag for a later read and asked again. The girls told me they had just given me the literature. I pressed on. It turns out that after a few minutes of talking, they didn’t know much about why I should quit smoking, but that their literature was excellent and would surely answer my question. Who do I have to fuck to get simple, one-line answers in this university? I left their booth and sat down in the courtyard outside Mills and the Student Centre. There was a line of smokers nearby and it got me thinking. So I asked a few people why they smoked or continued to do so. I got answers ranging from “calming effects” to “habit” to “enjoyable hobby.” I sat down again and started reading through the pamphlets. The first pamphlet was the “Continue Smoking” book and let me just say that it’s nice to see even the encouraging literature being horribly biased. The entire second half of the pamphlet was effectively applying scare tactics. Well, that’s not fair. There was a blank page where I was supposed to recap all the reasons why I’m a worse person for smoking. “You know

you want to help a friend quit smoking.” And I was so hoping for a satirical look. Do you remember when we were 12 and that kind of argument worked? There were other reasons that the pamphlet pissed me off. It said there are three types of smokers: one who’s not ready to quit, one who sometimes wants to quit and one who wants to quit. Why are these the only types? What about the vast group who enjoy smoking and do so regularly? A “quit pact”? Seriously? Am I going to have to pinky swear as well? Reward yourself for helping your friend going without a smoke. This one made me actually laugh out loud. I get a treat for interfering with someone’s smoking but I’m insensitive when I comment on their weight? Isn’t obesity one of the leading causes of death, with a body count higher than smoking? Well that stage of cultural fuckery hasn’t hit yet so I’ll ignore it for the time being. Showing support is good and all, but mind your own fucking life. I’m puking on my shoes. On to the “Quitting Book.” Nothing most smokers haven’t heard time and time again. Lighting up is like playing

Russian roulette only instead of one bullet to six chambers you have enough ammunition for an artillery rifle, the tracer rounds give you side effects and every so often there’s a lethal bullet. And it could be you who gets hit. Something that the book really emphasized was taking control over your life. I should develop an addiction to a drug to feel in control of myself. I should then quit to feel more in control of myself. Or I could do neither and do as I damn well please to feel in control of myself. Addiction controls people just as much, perhaps less than other people. Our lives are so layered in control from sources that are not our own that one more layer of our own choosing seems almost trivial. Some things aren’t really defendable though, like overly aggressive marketing to young demographics, but I say the same thing about other products, everything from fast food to that demon spawn Hannah Montana. I can easily say that having to watch the culture of the upcoming generations has raised my blood pressure and given me more health problems than smoking has

had on my life thus far. Now let’s give a nod to our culture’s addiction to sugar, caffeine and increasing passive. These things drain money, time, and energy interfere with daily workings yet people flock towards them. Gotta love the blind hypocrisy. Hate one addiction and love the others. So if the world is going health-nuts why is smoking legal? Probably because the majority still enjoys smoking or are too politically correct to speak up and slap legislation down. That’s changing though. It could also be that the lobbyists are damn good at their jobs. Try to imagine a world in which the lobbyists for cocaine, energy drinks and those Cadbury cream eggs were equally successful. Smoking should be the right of the individual, just like other rights to defend one’s own body. I look forward to the day when all addictions from tobacco to internet surfing, fast food to videogames, book reading and heroin, all these things that lure us away from our dull real-life world, are all conveniently available from the dealer in the alley. I just hope he’s got a big enough trench coat, ‘cause our vices only get more varied from here.

We don’t need no fancy hospital help

Leave the ER for the truly sick and get over minor illness at home Jennifer Bacher SILHOUETTE INTERN

It seems as though some people are making the Swine Flu ten times worse than it is. Especially by panicking. As soon as a cough develops, oh no, watch out, you automatically have swine flu. You have now been shunned from society. You cough and everyone glares at you with that look of disgust. You sneeze and everyone just walks far away from you like there is a bubble around you. You blow your nose and someone gives you the stare of shame and runs to the next Purell station. You tell some-

one, “Sorry I’m really sick, and will added to the already huge deficit. not be able to go out with you this So, what if you have the flu weekend.” They jump to conclusions and you get an, “Oh my God, is it Swine Flu, you better go to the As soon as a cough hospital!” No, thank you very much! develops, oh no, The only reason to go watch out, you to the hospital is if you are dying. It’s the flu, not flesh eating disautomatically have ease. Does no one read Health swine flu. You have Canada literature? Obviously not! It is those uninformed now been shunned people who run to the hospital at from society.” the first sign of a cold and demand to be tested for swine flu. What is the point? Not to mention the hundreds of dollars it costs that and you stay home for a week and the Government does not need get better? Does it make a difference

if you know what type of flu it is? Only when you’re deathly ill do you need to go to the hospital. It is those people who have a runny nose, or a paper cut, or maybe “sprained” their ankle and demand immediate care at a hospital that inevitably backlogs the system and stops those who really need help from getting the healthcare they deserve. Bring your runny nose, or paper cut or sprained ankle to a walk-in clinic or your family doctor. That is what they are there for. And you will be told the same thing, just stay home for a couple of days ‘til you feel better.

Let’s all just take a deep breath. Eventually you will get sick this flu season, whether you want to or not. You could stay home for months ‘til it passes over, hide in your closet and eat canned food or you could just deal with life. Go on with your life, go to the big-city mall and have someone cough on you, get sick, stay home for three days and catch up on your soaps, sleep for most of the day, drink cough syrup and eventually get better. Embrace the flu season because one way or another that lurking flu bug will get you.



It’s not about football anymore What’s with all the Homecoming means hedonism, not spirit pale faces these days? Why vampires have become all the rage Melissa Lang OPINION


Homecoming’s activities are a far cry from good old-fashioned team spirit. Jonathon Fairclough DISTRIBUTION COORDINATOR

How was your homecoming? Did you enjoy meeting and talking with our alumni, engaging in pleasantries with your fellow students, maybe even cheering for our various sports teams at their respective games? Why do I think that my idea of homecoming is much different from yours? That for most of our student body (who probably won’t be reading this) this past weekend was just another reason to partake in juvenile revelry: to drink and fight and fornicate, all under the guise of school pride and fellowship. Don’t get me wrong, I got drunk this weekend. Actually, I took pictures of the football game (yes, the ones you’ll find in the sports section) half in the bag – but at least my purpose there was to document

the occasion and not to go where “all the others” were going, as a friend of mine said so candidly. Let me ask you: why isn’t every Marauder football game like homecoming? Surely, if we could get 2,000 drunk and under-dressed supporters on a cold, cloudy Saturday morning, it could be like that every time. I think the answer lies somewhere else. Mid-terms suck, we all have them, and homecoming finds itself right near the end of this terrible ‘ordeal’ in all of our difficult, middle-classed, Western lives. Homecoming, it seems, is the perfect answer to this crisis: middle of fall, on the weekend, tons of parties and events. But why not call it “Fuckfest” instead of “Homecoming”? Why not acknowledge that our school spirit only exists when the premise of drinking, partying, and being ridiculous is on the table?

Not unlike what Thanksgiving and Christmas are to endless gorging and consumption, homecoming is a facade: an excuse for the bored and self-entitled to parade drunkenly through the streets, slap-happy and free of restraint. Screw McMaster, screw its academic presence, its long line of brilliant alumni, its rich history and culture. Let’s just drink, eye up that girl from your lecture and fight her boyfriend. The collective, involved, and diverse community that is McMaster is diminishing.And in the end the true fans – the ones who pay to see our sports teams play every single week – will get the same nod of thanks from our school as their temporary and hung-over counterparts. And if you didn’t let loose this past weekend, not to worry. You’ve got Halloween to look forward to.

What is it with vampires? What is the gravitational pull that draws our attentions towards these foul, undead creatures, that makes us melt in a sensual pool of lust, wanting more? It can’t be healthy and most importantly they can’t smell all that appealing either. There is an undeniable vampire fetish-craze within popular culture right now. Growing numbers of females seem to be the majority demographic that are sucked (literally) into the realm of shiny white fangs and perfect hair. It can be understandable; I mean how can those alluring pieces of anatomy not make us swoon to have our necks be ravished by a vampire like a lioness eating a wildebeest? Admittedly, it is easy to get hooked into these entertaining shows. I myself have succumbed to the vampire fascination, as I have read Twilight, watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Vampire Diaries. It must be the sense of a paradoxical love that is so enticing to people. This sense of attraction could possibly be that vampires, who are made out to be obviously good looking and charming are at the same time able to kill you in a nanosecond. Ever since the launch of Twilight and the movie, the theme of vampires in pop culture seems to have been taking on a life of its own, imbuing the vampires with Hollywood good-looks. The entertainment in-

dustries are cashing in on as much as they can sink their teeth into. Whatever happened to Count Dracula with the cape? I found him to be quite the goodlooking lad. Guess it’s appeared to be too unmarketable and incongruous with the current trend of four-pack abs, and the modelperfect porcelain face of the mainstream vampire that we see today. However, one thought that has always come into my mind again and again is how come the vampire in the love story is always male, with the female being the helpless mortal human in distress? It seems as if it is a conscious form of sexism in a way, placing the female character in a position where she is powerless against her vampire boyfriend. We can see this time and time again throughout True Blood, Vampire Diaries, and of course Twilight. I think the conventional vampire story needs to be revamped a little (no pun intended). How about switching the storyline and shaking things up for once by changing the same old story plot? I think a new framework of vampire stories should be geared to promoting women as independent and strong vampires, capable of taking care of themselves. This would include the male as the more helpless human on the other side of the scale. In my opinion, the central love story between the mysterious vampire man and the mortal girl is getting old, and quite frankly I’m getting bored of it.

Many reasons to support the niqab

Traditional garment benefits both the wearer and surrounding people Azher Siddiqui OPINION

In scanning the debate over the niqab in Canada, it seems to me that the core arguments against the acceptance of this dress include the issue of safety as it relates to the problem of identifying individuals wearing the niqab, and the broader issue of the limits of multiculturalism in this country. Perhaps for obvious reasons, given the secular nature of our popular discourses, the issue of safety is often exclusively thought about from a physical safety perspective. Conceivably, the argument for physical safety would deserve more serious consideration with a noticeable increase in the number of crimes being committed in this country by people wearing the niqab. Until then, it seems to be based on premature fears, and therefore largely unfounded in my opinion. I believe there is a more valid argument to be made about safety in relation to the niqab, however. And the argument is one


about spiritual safety, namely that the person who wears a niqab may well be seen as someone who is protecting others from the lusts of their own soul, that is, their own debilitating addictions. Today, the pornography industry is evermore booming, primarily in Western nations, because hundreds of thousands of people, the overwhelming majority of them men, are literally addicted to images of women in degrading and dehumanizing positions. Apparently, these addictions can begin relatively innocently, often with a gaze upon a beautiful face in a magazine, but then quickly spiral out of control. For people who become addicted, faces can begin to have no greater substance or reality. I would include men and women who are obsessed with their own outward appearance more than the quality of their character here as well. Refreshingly, the woman in niqab forces us to consider that the reality of one’s being, one’s humanity, is not necessar-

ily tied to the appearance of their face. In short, it might be said that the woman in niqab represents a reality without a face, whereas the woman in the magazines represents a face with no reality.

As the old adage goes: out of sight, out of mind. I would also argue: no images, fewer sexual addictions, less suffering, equal a better, safer world. The prophet of Islam said, “Help your brother whether he is being oppressed or whether he is an oppressor.” When he was asked by those who The primary reheard this, “How could one help sponsibility to an oppressor?” he responded, “lower one’s gaze” “Prevent him from oppressing.” There are many ways must always rest to address social wrongs. From on the one being the Islamic spiritual worldtempted...The niqab view, dress is one of them. Although the niqab, and only compliments similarly the hijab, are often misand facilitates this understood as being oppressive to Muslim women (and when they are responsibility.” forced on women they can be rightfully understood as oppressive), in many ways, these forms of dress not That said, of course, the primary only serve to protect women who responsibility to “lower one’s gaze” must always rest on the one being tempted so as to remove any tendency towards victim blaming. The niqab only compliments and facilitates this responsibility.

wear them from even being thought of in undignified ways, thereby ensuring the safety of these women from oppression, but they also serve to prevent, at least symbolically, the oppression of many men over their own selves, helping them to experience a sense of spiritual safety. The question of the niqab in relation to multiculturalism in Canada seems much less complicated. If we apply our standards consistently and fairly regarding the issue of dress, wearing the niqab cannot be considered any more or less Canadian than wearing a turban, cross, sari, mini-skirt, even the uniform of men and women serving this country abroad, or any other conceivable dress that does not communicate a hatred of others. The only thing left is for us to accept this reality, or move to a country where it isn’t allowed to exist.



Getting festive around Halloween time It’s a holiday that appeals to people of all ages Give Halloween plenty of space Trevor Roach OPINION

“Trick or treat, smell my feet give me something good to eat!” Ah yes, to be a kid again, anxiously readying your pillowcase to be filled with obscene amounts of candy, chocolate, chips and anything else the crazies from your neighborhood had to offer. Yes, I certainly remember some innovative houses stepping outside the box, giving everything from Gatorade (perfect for keeping hydrated while desperately trying to optimize candy intake), to pieces of fruit (perfect for throwing back at the houses that gave you the useless piece of fruit). If you were good and knew the neighborhood sweet spots (no pun intended), you could have enough of the good stuff to last you almost up until the next candy grab at Christmas. The candy was where it was at, and if you dressed up you’d get lots of it. Mmmmhmmm all the Aeros, Popeye Sticks, Caramilks or any other tasty treats your little heart desired all for free! All you had to do was dress up on knock on doors. How could life get any better? Indeed Halloween was always a magical time giving everyone something to look forward to. Or was it? The candy was definitely enough to keep me excited, that was, until I realized that the sugary goodness was not really worth knocking on hundreds of people’s doors when I could just buy a value pack from Walmart for six bucks.After that realization what was there to look forward to? Alas that was the great depression of Halloween. ‘Twas an awkward time starting right near the end of elementary school straight on through to the first couple years of high school when no one is really quite sure if it’s cool to dress up and that sweet sweet candy just ain’t what it used to be. But things got better. As our prerogative changed from a piece of candy to a piece of ass it dawned on us that Halloween is actually a righteous opportunity for some serious partying. The spirit of

is something I love doing. Carving them as well. And then Christmas has to go and ruin it by having invaded the stores already. The ghouls and ghosts haven’t even crossed the graveyard entrance and Santa Claus is shining his boots, getting ready. Stores are done with Halloween and the race to stock Christmas supplies has begun. To further illustrate the point, I have to recall two weeks ago, shopping in Fortinos. I happened upon a bottle of eggnog. I was ecstatic for a second, as I am quite fond of the drink and can usually only find it in suitable quantities around the Yule time of year. And then the hateful suspicion crept around me. I found a whole refrigeration unit (you know, one of the ones in the center of the a isle) filled with eggnog, the chalkboard above it full of drawn Christmas cheer. “Oh God,” I thought, “it’s begun so soon.” The slow agonizing death of Halloween, as if the jolly fat man Put your costume on, grab a pumpkin and go crazy with your inner child. It’s Halloween! in red was personally walking over the remains of Halloween, crushing Halloween was ignited once again that Halloween is one occasion that Alex Steiner jack o’ lanterns as he steps. Noas the guys dreamt up outrageously is pretty hard to avoid. In fact I bet OPINION vember is almost here and with it hilarious getups while the girls fath- that the party poopers probably om just how little clothing is “ac- spend more time and effort trying There’s a rule in my house. No comes a month with little joy or fesceptable” when being a sexy vam- to avoid the spooky madness than if Christmas carols until December tivity. Christmas is next up and mid pire, seductive cop, or maybe even they were to just embrace it. We all 1. One month of the year I can suf- way through that month I may bea bootylicious nun. The costumes remember those pessimistic people fer through horrid versions of de- gin looking forward to it. But not now. Now it needs are key for the college and uni- with their lights off pretending not cent songs blared to shut the fuck versity group and the potential for to be home and those apathetic non-stop. I can deal up and sit the fuck hilarity and enjoyment is endless. teenagers wearing a jersey saying with that. I can deal Christmas is a in its corWhether it’s the costumes they are a baseball player or even with the lights and good time of year down ner. Now is the or the sweets that draw you in, it worse, going as themselves. In their the baubles and but it should time of the skelseems like Halloween is a holiday ev- defense, though, those teens were the tinsel and all etons. This is the eryone can enjoy. Who would have probably victims of the aforemen- that lovely fucking stay where it only time of the thought a single day could have such tioned Halloween depression stage. joyous crap. But is. In 
the snow year where everydiversity and appeal to pretty much Who knows why some people have until December 1, one’s a freak and everyone? Seriously, think about it. such a negative outlook on Hallow- learn your fucking at the end of the we can all act our Candy for kids, partying for youth, een? Can they seriously not crack a place. Christmas is year.” true selves with“partying” for parents, and even the smile looking at in a cute little kid a good time of year out having top jusgrandparents get a kick out of the dressed as a tiger? Do they not sa- but it should stay tify it, at least for cute little costumes on the cute lit- vor an Aero bar as the bubbles melt where it is. In the tle babies. Halloween is one hell of a in their mouth? Can they not find snow at the end of the year. a night. The creatures come out Right now it’s autumn. The (for the popular slutty costumes, resilient holiday that comes full cir- the humor in a fat guy dressed up cle and offers up a chance for every- as a baby? Do they turn away from a season is in full swing and it’s make sure to check out the Quarone to get a little bit of enjoyment. scantily clad girl in a superhero cos- lovely. In a few days’ time Hallow- ters line up) and we all get to have But you know what they tume? I mean c’mon, With so much een will be upon us. I can barely some fun, scare little kids and each say: “Every party has its pooper.” potential packed into one holiday wait for the violin chords to be other, eat some candy and dance And the same goes for Halloween. it seems that everyone should be thrown by loud speaker as the with the dead. Christmas needs to For some reason or another, some able enjoy Halloween, the trick is Saw theme is looped for the en- wait for us to wake up from the people just don’t like all the candy just finding the treat that suits you! tire day. I’m honestly looking for- candy-corn induced sugar high. Happy Halloween! ward to it. Shopping for pumpkins and costumes; the only problem is CHRISTOPHER CHANG / SILHOUETTE STAFF



Lawlerbone by Zach Ellis and Peter Hindrichs

Finances not as good as thought Strike brings out Budget losses still higher than were expected Alex McColl

• CONT’D FROM A7 to be true might not turn out to be what you thought. There’s been a lot of that going around lately. The federal NDP, who have sworn themselves blood enemies of the Stephen Harper Conservatives shot down an election by siding with the Tories in order to buy themselves more rebuilding time. Captains of industry in Canada and the United States who said they would never support government aid have taken bailout money and happily. Is that hypocrisy? I don’t know. Maybe. Probably. But it’s not a malicious hypocrisy. It’s simply our own vanity. People would like to think that they have principles, ones that will not bend and will not break and will not fade away, but then they find those principles aren’t so sturdy when the context switches from theory to practice. We all have the romantic notion of ourselves as strong and moral and principled but what are the odds that we all are? I think it’s a lot more likely that we have ideals that we take a liking to, and on which


When Mr. Ian Finlay, last year’s MSU vice-president (finance), made his 2008-2009 Financial Update, I outlined through various channels how his presentation of the MSU’s finances were inconsistent with generally accepted methods, made little sense, and suggested to me that the MSU would run a deficit in spite of his confident statement to the contrary: “It is my expectation to have a balanced budget or small net surplus at the conclusion of the fiscal year.” Based on the MSU’s published budget and a number of the additional expenses they made public, I estimated that the MSU would run a best-case deficit of around $60,000. When the 2009 MSU audit came out last week I found out that Ian “expect a surplus” Finlay had lead the MSU to a deficit of $356,089. This deficit consumed 7.43 per cent of the MSU’s net assets. To put this into context, the 2008 deficit was $41,879 and ate 0.87 per cent of net assets. It gets worse when you consider that the $375,000 earmarked for the Quarters (1280) renovation was not part of this deficit. This will hit the 2010 and subsequent budgets. To his credit, current MSU V.P. (finance) Andrew Caterine has already released a commentary on the MSU’s website regarding the audit. He opens with the statement that the MSU “is in fact in a strong financial position.” This statement is technically true, for now. For years the MSU had hypocritically demanded lower tuition while raising MSU fees by the maximum amount allowable. Together with burgeoning enrolment, which outgrew expenses, this lead to years of large surpluses which have allowed the MSU to accumulate a few million dollars in liquid reserve assets. The MSU is a government which enjoys guaranteed revenues from your MSU fees. The MSU has a monopoly for many of its on campus businesses. Since the deficit consumed one sixth of the Operating Fund’s Reserve Assets, the status quo won’t leave the MSU in a strong position for long. The Marmor has suffered from years of back issues needing to be completed, printed and shipped. This is given as the main reason for the $129,367 increase in the Marmor deficit this year. However, it should be noted that in 2008 the Marmor shipping expense was $0.00 while it ran a $75,129 deficit. It is still unclear how much it would cost simply to print and ship a single edition of the yearbook. The Marmor management should be praised for their ability to keep administrative costs, and wage and salary costs constant over the past two years. The yearbook requires a balanced budget going forward based on realistic costs and a concrete plan to deliver yearbooks on time. Not doing so will only cause similar administrative and budgetary hardships in the future. The Ombuds office had the most dramatic increase in costs at 872.5 per cent.This increase from $15,888 to $154,512 is a catch-up payment to make up for the MSU’s share of the joint costs of running the Ombuds office which the MSU

my true colours

we try to base our lives, but which are not really solid. And that’s a best case scenario.A lot of the time what we call our principles are really just thoughts or ideas that we picked up somewhere and aspire to but that don’t really have much meaning to us. I might like to think that I believe in strikes because it paints me as a tolerant liberal, as someone who has sympathy for his fellow man, but all of that goes right in the gutter if I criticize strikes as soon as they have a negative impact on me. That being said, I don’t know that pretending to be principled is necessarily dangerous or harmful. It’s a little fib, sure, but I don’t see it hurting anyone. And if it makes us feel like better people I don’t see any significant problem in carrying on with our made-up beliefs in tow. But the nobler act would be to actually live up to our own vision of ourselves, and stick to what we tell people are our principles. Recommit. Bite the bullet. Put our beliefs in a different context, live up to our own ideals. Or, you know, you could always find some new easier principles.


The MSU budget has been released and many students are finding out where their money has gone. has not fully paid for a number of spent more on wages and salaries years. The correct payment to the than they generated in sales revOmbuds office is around $50,000 enue less cost of goods sold. While per year. This is still a sizable in- it is obvious that should 1280 break crease and needs to be properly even it would eliminate the deficit, it budgeted for in the future. The is worth noting that few profitable fact that the expenses were not businesses list job creation as an aim. being properly paid and recorded As long as this aim remains, there is for years leads me to question the a high probability of the MSU being transparency, accuracy and integrity locked into operating fund deficits. With regards to 1280, the of the MSU’s fiscal management. Although the Dental Plan first issue that needs to be clearly deficit was only $45,834 the swing addressed by Mr. Caterine this from surplus to deficit means that year is how the $375,000 renovathe Dental Plan did $112,957 worse tion will impact the 2010 budget in 2009 relative to the surplus it ran and how the amortization schedule in 2008. This is the result of both will impact future years. The only decreased revenue from more stu- way for students and the SRA to dents opting out and from the stu- comprehend where the MSU will dents who remain in the plan mak- fall at the end of 2010 is for Mr. ing more claims. Evidently students Caterine to be diligent in outlinare paying attention to the “Free ing the situation and working with Whitening” advertisements that the SRA to budget accordingly. The second issue is in reoff-campus dentists run in this very newspaper.The MSU Dental Plan is a gards to the Quarters wage/salary separate fund with around $193,000 expenses. While it is true that the worth of accrued past Dental Plan Quarters/1280 deficit shrank from surpluses remaining. I recommend $424,921 in 2008 to $376,556 in that the MSU removes coverage of 2009, the aforementioned Saturday cosmetic from the coverage in or- night closures heavily skewed the der to reduce the amount of claims results. I forecast that should Satmade and to keep costs down. Oth- urdays return to normal, then the erwise the MSU would be forced wage/salary expense will increase to to increase the dental fees to make around half a million dollars a year. up for the more expensive claims. This would cause the 1280 deficit to In his 2008-2009 Financial increase to about $450,000 in 2010. The March, 2010 Ontario Update Mr. Finlay made the follow- ing statement: “The MSU wants to minimum wage increase will force maintain our commitment to stu- further increases in the wages of dents in providing meaningful work 1280 employees. The first step toat fair wages, to the tune of over wards fiscal responsibility at 1280 300+ part-times positions.” In 2009 is to end the MSU’s policy of paythe MSU spent over $2.28 Million ing more than the minimum wage. The SRA cannot be enon wages and salaries to its employ- ees (this includes students as well as tirely blamed for voting in favor full-time non-student employees). of ruinous expenditures if the V.P. This is an increase of $88,053 or (finance) gave them a false sense 4.01 per cent. However, this figure of fiscal security. That being said, includes the considerable savings the SRA elected Mr. Finlay, gave made from Quarters being closed him a 22.4% raise, and failed to on Saturdays in the second semester. hold him accountable by demand When you remove 1280 ing a proper annual budget refrom the calculations, the MSU in- view as required by MSU Bylaws. If students don’t care creased wage and salary expenses by $139,713 or 8.16 per cent rela- enough to hold their representatives tive to 2008. In fact, Underground, responsible, then they shouldn’t Undercovers, and Short Stop each ask for their $356,000 back.

HOW YA FEELIN’? KINDA DOWN, HUH? PEOPLE DON’T UNDERSTAND YOU? WANNA TALK ABOUT IT? WHY NOT TRY WRITING AN OPINION? Send your submissions to opinions@thesil.ca or Come to the section meetings Tuesdays at 1:30 in MUSC B110 WE’RE LISTENING


SpeculatoR The Hamilton


INSIDE THE SPECULATOR W1: C5: D4: Oh fuck I don’t know.

Thursday, October 29, 2009 F If you were a headline, you’d be home now.

Speculator catches local immitator

Copycat “Spectator” infringes on many of our treasured trademarks We, the staff of The Hamilton Speculator would like to warn our readers that another Hamilton area paper, calling itself “The Hamilton Spectator” in a vain effort to win over our readership has recently taken it upon themselves to copy our layout and name. Surely this lesser paper is merely jealous of our journalistic record. Not only do we aim to get the story, but unlike those name stealing jerks, we don’t let ourselves get bogged down with boring details like facts or reality. As a result, just imagine our horror when, after reading the “The Hamilton Spectator,” we discovered that this imitation wasn’t merely skin deep, deep rather that they had also ripped off our style of never facts or reality getting in the way of a good story, our policy of never being restrained by the fascism of grammar (you know who owned a dictionary, Hitler – and do you know where he got it from, Mussolini) and worst of all, even some of ridiculously named sources. This is an ethical travesty. Also, we should point out that if Mussolini had a dictionary, that grammar might also be Italian and we all know what they did… flip flopping on the whole world war two thing. In this hi-tech age of bloggers and balloon boys and the such; an age when indeed, good, whole-

some, credible and xenophobic reporting has too often fallen by the way, The Speculator has long served as an island of journalistic integrity. We bring you the stories that all those other yellow-bellied mainstream publications won’t touch. When Satan needs an in-

terview, it sure doesn’t land in the Globe and Mail or Modern Catholic Digest. No. He chooses to speak with us. When asked for a comment, the girl who answers the so-called “Hamilton Spectator”’s phones simply asked if we were kidding. After we responded to

her that no were weren’t, we were placed on hold where we discovered that not only had they stolen everything about us, but that those soul-stealers had also stolen from us our whole musak schtick. Rest assured these deplorable larcenous actions will not go

unpunishe and, at the very least we will make petty and immature incest jokes about the Spectator’s management and staff until such time as they cease and desist. Or until we tire of it. Which could be either far before or far far fra far far far far far after they cease and desist.

Halloween costume or evolutionary regression?

You be the judge. “What Did You Learn This Week, Timmy?”

“I learned that Pumpkins have a definite shelf-life.” Disclaimer: Stories printed in The Hamilton Speculator are fact. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is likely intentional and done out of spite. Opinions expressed are those of The Speculator and if you disagree with them you are wrong. And stupid. Possibly ugly as well.




Mac Hoops sets sights on CIS title, see B7

production office: extension 27117


Fashion week overtakes T.O. Spring styles finally hit the runway JACQUELINE FLAGGIELLO SILHOUETTE STAFF

Love was the new black this season’s at LG’s eighth annual Fall Fashion week. This event took place from Oct. 19 to Oct. 26 in the heart of downtown Toronto. With a fresh location and revitalized theme, this year’s fasion week dared everyone to “Wear Love.” Designers, models and sponsors poured their creative hearts and souls into making this fashion extravagance a stunning success. With a phenomenal turnout, many prestigious Canadian celebrities and fashionable socialites came out to show support to their favorite Canadian designers. This included the always-wonderful David Dixon, Pink Tartan, and Evan Biddel, who all hit the mark showcasing spring/ summer 2010 innovative wardrobe upgrades. Immediately upon entering the atmosphere it was clear where the fashion savvy elites were mingling. They all gathered in different groups waiting to be photographed, complimented or even critiqued. In one corner sat the recognizable Jeanne Becker, interviewing the entertaining Richie Rich. In the other, teams of make-up artists and hairstylists made over eager

fashionistas. Caught in all this commotion, I just stood there bewildered by all the glamour. By glamour I mean immaculate decor. But, I snapped out of it and slowly blended into the lavish atmosphere. There was no better way to start off fashion week then by attending a show by the renowned David Dixon. Vo l u n t e e r s r u s h e d swarms of the editors, interns and journalist to their seats to avoid be-

Simple designs like this preceded moments of sheer elegance like Romona Keveza’s line.

ing trampled by the media frenzy. As the lights dimmed and runway music commenced, the anxious buzzing came to a halt. Dixon’s 2010 spring line began. The first vision to overwhelm the eyes was a magnificent, yellow chiffon cocktail dress. His cohesive collection combined humble glamour and solid simplicity. He elegantly mixed an array of draped sequence skirts and shirts, with wispy cobalt blue and key-lime blouses and dresses. Following this was the themed commemoration to the one and only Barbie. Dixon turned out another chic collection, with bright hues of Barbie’s signature color; pink. Aside from all the baby doll pieces and 60’s inspired frocks, the combination of black ankle socks with black heels is what truly caught my eye. Although the practicality was a bit questionable, it was undoubtedly love at first sight. Day two and the anticipated events of the evening are the back-to-back collections of Pink Tartan and Joe Fresh. This A-list Canadian designer couple was an interesting juxtaposition of night and day. Pink Tartan’s line was feminine grunge. This included jailbird stripes, evident shoulder pads, a Python mini and a longer than life sequence vest. Combine this with a mysterious, rainy day trench, which came in cropped or sleeveless and in shades of flexible neutrals. The absence of bright hues allowed Tartan’s collection to stay versatile for years to come. Following this was Joe Fresh, which was, unsurprisingly, a madhouse. The manic environment of organized chaos made one believe that they were sitting front row for De La Renta himself. Instead, we were awaiting a simple, almost disposable line, sold at your local supermarket in aisle eight. Bizarre. The collection ranged from gathered lacey cotton bras, one piece nightgowns, pale bloomers and checkered rompers. This borderline sleepwear came in springtime blends of nudes, whites and transparent pastels. Although this collection had its cheeky moments, it was a bit bland. Yet, the white netted knee-highs combined with the chunky awkward clogs fixed all that, no? (No!) This collection was saved by its cohesive nature, fresh textures and risqué execution of clothing ensemble. As day three approached, the unbearable pain of black patent heels from sun up to sun down began to set in. Nevertheless, I subsided and embraced, as the shows had to go on. Evan Biddel’s collection was the first to begin with electric heat. The on screen py- Above: A male model shakes the show up rotechnics gave the illusion that the audience with a purple jacket. Below: Chunky but elegant accessories • PLEASE SEE LG, B3 accent this Spring’s designs.


Ivana Postic

Chemical Engineering 1st Year Master’s Student How would you describe your personal style? “Girly, casual.” Favourite quote: “Give up yourself unto the moment. The time is now.” Favourite artist: Roisin Murphy What do you look for in a significant other? “Nice shoulders.”

Jacket: Katie $100

Pants: Stitches $20


Cardigan: Zara in Europe 10 Euro






Scientific Match equates love with chemistry


Citrus is a great source of vitamin C, even if it doesn’t have a “c” carved into it.

Don’t forget your vitamin C Bring on the citrus—it’s cold season again BAHRAM DIDEBAN MANAGING EDITOR


Can ScientificMatch.com have the answer to your love life? STEPHANIE HAUCK SILHOUETTE STAFF

According to a new dating website there really is a science to love. ScientificMatch.com is the only dating site that matches couples based on their DNA to maximize chances of finding love and physical attraction. So, does this mean the end of speed dating and blind dates? Or are we simply turning the page to another dating phenomenon that takes dating to the laboratory instead of the bedroom? Grab your goggles and lab coats and maybe your wallets too, because DNA matching analysis is far from cheap. For a onetime fee of $1995.95 you can put your love life in the hands of science. The process is relatively simple. You send a package with DNA testing swabs, used according to instructions. “Rub the swabs on the insides of your cheeks...drop the swabs into the pre-addressed envelope,” and send them off to the laboratory for analysis. Erik Holzle, founder of ScientificMatch.com suggests that sexual chemistry with someone can significantly increase your chances of “having a more satisfying sex life, higher rates of orgasms and healthier children.” Third year Labour Studies student, Matthew Frugal thinks otherwise and believes the dating site is “just a way for some people to exploit those who haven’t found love yet.” Elle Seymour, a second year Sociology student, suggests

the website is concerning because, “people are so focused on genetic engineering and having the perfect child....it means that we think we have no time [left] for finding someone; [instead] others do it for us.” This raises a number of questions. Are people becoming lazy daters, or are we simply having a harder time finding the perfect someone to spend our lives with? David Goutor, professor in Labour Studies here at McMaster suggests that the website is “not encouraging, when you look at the material on the website and you look at the some of the other stuff they put out it’s kind of clearly premised on the idea that you can engineer relationships.” Holzel, an Engineering student, believes “The theory is that nature wants us to breed with other people who have different immune systems...so quite literally, when two people have “chemistry” it really means their immune system genes are perfectly matched.” Can it get any more complicated? Whether it is dinner and a movie or test tubes and DNA swabs, it is evident that the dating scene is adapting. But is the secret to love really in our DNA? Or is there more to love than just physical chemistry? While many successful couples would argue that it takes compatibility and friendship to make a relationship work, ScientificMatch presents an interesting new perspective on love. The question remains, is science enough?

With flu season already starting and the outbreak of recent amalgamated “superflu” strains, beefing up your immune system is the surest way of making sure you don’t have to stay home this Halloween. The best way to ensure that your white cells are capable of fighting off infections is to give them enough ammunition to do it with. One type of ammunition that is so often recommended for the common cold and even the flu is vitamin C. But these recommendations may be grossly misleading you. Read on and learn! Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid is an essential vitamin to our bodies with multiple important jobs and functions. For one, it helps your body produce collagen, the basic component of connective tissue which includes everything from your blood to your bones. This rebuilding of connective tissue helps you recover from wounds and even surgeries. Second, it acts as a very important antioxidant which neutralizes potentially harmful substances called free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive chemicals formed from the breakdown of sugars and fats into energy. Each time your body converts the energy contained in these “food” molecules into ATP, the energy “currency” in our bodies, free radicals are produced as by-products. Free radicals aren’t stable and will attack and destroy other molecules in our bodies in order to become stable. This can have devastating effects on our cells and immune system, and vitamin C helps fight this. In fact, the antioxidant properties of vitamin C may be so effective that they may help protect against cancers, cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

The recommended daily unable to replicate the effects seen dose of vitamin C varies but the in the original studies which started generally advised minimal dose is the overloading phenomenon in the in the range of 45-95 milligrams first place. The reason may be due per day. This is about the vitamin C to the ways that the vitamin C was content of 100 grams worth of or- administered. anges or strawberries. While this is In the original studies done the minimum recommended intake by Linus Pauling and British cancer and you can easily obtain this much surgeon Ewan Cameron vitamin C vitamin C from your daily diet, the was administered intravenously inmaximum tolerable amount is about stead of orally. This lead to what re20 times more; capped at 2,000 searchers in 2007 discovered was a milligrams per day. In addition to 70-fold higher plasma concentrathis, certain independent research- tion of vitamin C than when adminers have modified istered orally. If there the recommended is in fact a benefit to values to much more In fact, the antioxi- vitamin C overload than those men- dant properties of in dealing with infectioned above. tious diseases, oral For ex- vitamin C may be ingestion of vitaso effective that min C may not yield ample, certain researchers investi- they may help pro- those results. gating biological So, if it doesn’t free radicals rec- tect against can- act as an anti-cold ommend 500 milli- cers, cataracts and medicine, why grams of vitamin should you have vitaage-related macular min C when you’re C per 12 hour perdegeneration. iod and the Vitamin sick? While there C Foundation notes may be no conclua daily maximum sive clinical benefits of 3,000 milligrams per day. The to vitamin C, the biological beneVitamin C Foundation also recom- fits are definitely there. According mends up to a maximum of 30,000 to three meta-analyses, dosages of milligrams during times of illness. 200 milligrams to 2 grams per day Now, the most important reduce the duration, but not the incithing to note about vitamin C over- dence of the common cold by about load in fighting infections is a com- eight per cent in adults and 14 per mon misconception that may not cent in children. Also, even though necessarily be true. In recent times, the clinical benefits were absent in there have been some notorious normal adults, in stressed adults names in science (such as two-time such as soldiers and athletes inciNobel prize winner Linus Pauling) dence was reduced considerably by who have been big time advocates 50 per cent. of extremely high doses of vitamin So, even though the ageC claiming that it is effective against old tradition of drinking glasses and numerous diseases; everything from glasses of orange juice when you the common cold to AIDS. A host have a cold may not have the beneof other diseases are also named, fits you thought it would, it will help pneumonia, SARS, bird flu, asthma, you recover from your cold much tetanus, autism and even low sperm quicker. Also, the antioxidant propcount. The problem is that more re- erties are good for you when you’re cent scientific studies have been back and healthy again.



Living building thinks and speaks

New Engineering and Technology building gives Mac a new face PHYLLIS TSANG


Vermeulen Hind Architects (VHA), the designers of the new Engineering and Technology building on the McMaster campus, believe that it is “a new building for a new era.” “When people think of McMaster, they immediately think of the Hospital,” said architect Chris Harrison, a partner of the firm since 1995, “but this building has the potential to address the University in a different way.” The immediate question is how? The five-storey building needs a creative way to compete with the much-larger-sized Children’s Hospital. “We decided to place the building as close to Main Street as possible,” Harrison answered. It invites people onto the campus with a new entrance and creates a prominent street presence. For Harrison, buildings have their own language. McMaster Children’s Hospital tells the story of an era when science and technology were at the forefront. The language of its time “translated [the hospital] into an architecture that is quite industrial.” Today, the Engineering Technology Building speaks a different language. “Inclusive is the word in mind,” Harrison said, “a language that is much more integrated.” “I get excited when I think about the things that they are researching,” Harrison shared, referring to all the disciplines that the building brings together, such as nanotechnology, biomechanical engineering, biomedical and other applied research, “and on the [other] end, first year students from Mohawk coming into this building, getting

excited about design, making things, and understanding how things work.” Three key aspects of the project are to integrate sustainability, innovative research and education. “The building is not about one over the other, but how the different aspects come together,” Harrison added. Some structural elements inside the building are intentionally left open in the spirit of integration to show how the building and structural elements work. T h e building design is driven by a collaborated process that studied “the

sand, small stones or gravel and water. VHA improved the building’s sustainability by incorporating a

ecological footprint by using less cement whose manufacturing process produces greenhouse gases. For the exterior, VHA chose limestone for the building’s base to relate to adjacent buildings, and used clear and translucent glass to envelope upper floors. During the day, people and activities are visible from the outside; during the night, light dims down while classrooms and labs are empty.


New Engineering and Technology building integrates sustainability, innovation, and education. opportunities for integrating the mechanical and electrical systems with the structure and architectural expression of the building.” At the building’s core is a concrete structure. Concrete, one of the most typical building materials, is a mixture of cement,

supplementary cement material (SCM) to make the concrete. Slag, a by-product of other industrial processes and a landfill material, is used to offset the amount of cement needed. Using SCM not only reduces wastes by recycling them, it also decreases the building’s

“The soul of the building is that it should be a living building; it should be active and [should] reflect what’s going on inside,” Harrison said. One way of making the building “alive” is by using a lighting system that “thinks.” It detects and automatically controls the amount

of artificial lights needed when daylight is available. Furthermore, each room is equipped with an occupancy censor. Both lights and ventilation will automatically turn off when no one is the room. Speaking of ventilation, Harrison pointed out, “If students pay close attention, they can find two duct systems in the building.” One set of ducts carries only fresh air from the outside. The mechanical system supplies fresh air on demand via this set of ducts when sensors throughout the building detect a high level of CO2 in the air. The other set of ducts is used to carry conditioned air via a temperature control system. Besides supplying air, it also recirculates heat. The system has a recovery to capture the heat before it is exhausted out. This preserves energy by preventing heat escape, and thus decreasing the need to heat fresh air. The same principle applies during Summer time, only in reverse. Instead of capturing heat before it goes out, it prevents the heat in the outside air from entering the building. Other green features of the building include grey water flushing, a system of collecting and reusing rain water to flush toilets; and furnishing with materials like Kiera board made from sorghum straw, a plant that is used to manufacture sugar from its juice, and has no commercial value after that. According to Harrison, the building scores 45 points out of 70 in Canadian Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design’s (LEED) rating system. It qualifies for a Gold level certification and would be the first LEED Gold building on McMaster’s campus.

LG Fashion Week heats things up

Canadian designers showcase innovative and authentic designs • CONT’D FROM B1 was trapped inside a wicked storm. With the last crackle of lighting strutted the first hot foot down the runway. His model encapsulated futuristic electricity, wearing a modest floor length black satin dress. Throughout the show it was evident that the accessories collaborated with LG’s new phone, Chocolate. Although this reeked of product placement, Biddel’s insignia flashing across miniature jewel encrusted belts and necklaces coordinated well with the collection. The juxtaposition of loose satin dresses to tight gunmetal bikershorts gave the line an unpredictable edge. This left the audience wanting more. After this thrilling collection was Nada, whose inspiration was infatuation, which is exactly how the audience felt after this gothic romance. Completely luxurious with layers upon layers of diamonds, pearls, black silks, french lace and detailed crochet cocktail gowns. It was a love affair between the classic, the haunted and the delicately enchanted. Each outfit took another breath away.

Just when I was wondering how this day could possibly become better, on came the final show. Romona Keveza’s demi-couture line was astonishing. It was up there with the European greats. Each number contained the bare elements and quality of an elegant ball gown or red carpet dress, without the unnecessary embellishments. It seemed like it stepped out of a dream and onto a runway. This collection was flawlessly executed in terms of the detail finishes. One dress, which stole the show, is the floor length key-lime, yellow satin, with the precious hand stitched buttons down the back. Kevenza collection was the perfect fairy-tale ending to a magnificent evening of fantasy. How exciting, yet terribly depressing was the last day. Hence, I arrived early, eager to see what the risqué, fashion forward mind of Lucian Matis had in store. The silhouettes were long, lanky and lean. Almost everything hung off the body like dusty, antique satin curtains on long, front facing windows. These strategically thrown together pieces were glamorous 1950’s flapper danced into the

Runway models showcased Canadian designs that support positive changes. impressionist period then met the zombie bride of Frankenstein. The serious jewelry made more of an impression then the gowns, as each one seemed heavier than the females wearing them. Yet they were stunning with thick, layered chains of antique brass and bejeweled, quality silver; the epitome of eye-catching, statement pieces. The closing show of the week was entitled “Dare to Wear Love” by Hoax Couture. It supported the Steven Lewis foundation, which raises money for African organizations working

on the AIDS pandemic. Many Canadian designers took up the challenge by Hoax couture to create gowns from African fabric. A memorable favourite was Linda Lundstrom’s dress, which seemed to have a shawl hood but was tossed off dramatically to become an African, fur-lined poncho. After a week of continuous jaw dropping shows, it was difficult to judge which designers deserved notable mention. Each showcased their own individual taste as to how they envisioned the dress code for spring/summer 2010. What to watch out for? The obvious


displays of socks with heels, clean pastel colour palettes and hooded sleeveless rompers. LG Fashion Week proved that Canadians could be progressive, innovative and authentic in terms of design. Yet, what sets our designers apart from the rest is their appeal of creating events for a greater purpose. They create clothing not solely for visual pleasure, but take advantage of fashion’s powerful influence and direct it toward positive change. It’s clear that Canadian designers know how to wear their hearts, on their proud Canadian sleeves.


Hamilton 350 fights climate change

Residents rally for policy change on Global Day of Action LINDSAY JOLIVET INSIDEOUT EDITOR

Hamilton 350 and the residents of Hamilton sought to send a message to the public this past Saturday that climate change is here, now, and it’s time to do something about it. The environmental group organized Hamilton’s component of the Global Day of Action on Climate Change, an event to “send a message to the federal government as well as people across Canada and around the world that we want serious action on climate change,” according to Don McLean, chair of the Hamilton 350 Committee and director of Environment Hamilton. Specifically, Hamilton 350’s aim is to inspire the public to contribute to the reduction of atmospheric greenhouse gases to 350 parts per million, which researchers consider a safe level. Approximately 350 to 400 individuals came out to some or all of the 12 events, lectures and workshops in downtown Hamilton. According to McLean, this made the event “by far the biggest climate change action in the history of the city, and one of the largest ever demonstrations in this city focused on an international issue.” The events included a Climate Festival in Gore Park, a lecture by author Mike Nickerson entitled “Life, Money and Illusion: Living on Earth as if we want to stay,” and a protest at the Federal building. The Global Day of Action on Climate Change took place in 1700 locations and 140 countries around the world, but McLean felt this event was especially important for Canada. He noted that the federal government has neglected their commitments under the Kyoto protocol, and stated, “Canadians have a special responsibility to correct this, and to make clear to the people of the world that our government is not representative of our concerns and desires.” McLean was equally concerned about Hamilton’s


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Hamilton is one of Canada’s biggest polluters. This Saturday protestors said it was time for a change. contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and opportunity to lower its eco-footprint. “Hamilton has two of the 15 largest point sources of C02 in Canada—our two steel mills,” he said. This, an airport, and the largest port on the Great Lakes make Hamilton a substantial contributor to harmful emissions. One of the main components of Climate Action was the 3 p.m. protest in front of the Federal building. It is unlikely that any government officials were in the building Saturday afternoon, but McLean was confident that the number of people and their enthusiastic support sent the message clearly. The organizers invited all local, provincial and federal elected officials to the event. Of these, three of Hamilton’s federal NDP officials attended, including Chris Charlton,

David Christopherson and Wayne Marston. They spoke during the rally and promised to address the group’s concerns in Ottawa. A number of lectures addressed changes individuals could make to prevent climate change, such as local eating habits and using rainbarrels. However, McLean felt individual actions could only go so far. “If there aren’t laws requiring emission reductions, and incentives such as taxes, then it is unfair to those who take individual action while others carry on polluting,” he said. As such, the message of Saturday’s events was mostly aimed at the Federal government. McLean felt that the evidence supporting climate change was overwhelming and argued for immediate preventative action. “Climate change will not be gradual,” he held, “and there’s

growing evidence that it could be catastrophic to human civilization.” He noted the melting of glaciers and the Arctic ice cap and changes in Antarctica. Although the average global temperature has increased by less than one degree Celsius, McLean felt environmental changes were indicative of the effects of global warming. He also stated that the global increase in droughts, storms and wildfires were probably the result of increased greenhouse gases leading to global warming. For the members of Hamilton 350, Global Day of Action on Climate Change was an opportunity to address an issue they feel is imperative. McLean expressed his concern openly, stating, “We only have one planet. If we mess it up there’s nowhere else to go.”

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Crossword Across 1- Fishing hole 5- Conger catcher 10- Shed feathers 14- Winglike parts 15- Triple 16- Calculus calculation 17- Devices for fishing 18- Assert as a fact 19- Not e'en once 20- Person who tends geese 22- Be gaga over 23- Hot time in Paris 24- Be in debt 25- Collection of books 29- Gibbet 33- "Awake and Sing!" playwright 34- Adjoin 36- Having flu symptoms 37- Move about recklessly 38- Stony gray 39- German article 40- Presidential battleground state 42- Former Fords 43- Device with 88 keys 45- East African nation 47- Longed for 49- Hide of a small beast 50- Hindu title 51- Fleshy 54- Seize the day 60- Indifferent 61- Japanese gateway 62- Cross inscription 63- Frozen treats 64- Winged 65- ___ Bator, Mongolia 66- Letter opener 67- Stories 68- Legendary story Down 1- Sharp pain 2- Bread spread 3- Defense grp. since 1949 4- Final course


Sudoku You should know how this goes by now.

5 1 2 9 6

By Sandy Chase / CUP Graphics Bureau Chief

Crossword puzzles provided by BestCrosswords.com (http://www.bestcrosswords.com). Used with permission. 5- One engraving 6- Della's creator 7- One telling tales 8- Children's author Blyton 9- "Losing My Religion" band 10- Antiapartheid activist 11- Hydrox rival 12- Lecherous look 13- Shipping deduction 21- Greek letters 22- Hole maker 24- Like Cheerios 25- Company emblems 26- Spud state 27- Darken 28- Seaport in the Crimea 29- Courageous 30- Body of salt water 31- Feeble peevish com-

plaint 32- Church council 35- Foul 38- Fall prey to a banana peel, say 41- Lichen on a Quercus 43- Trim 44- Precious metallic element 46- Back talk 48- Spots 51- Pitchfork-shaped letters 52- Centers of activity 53- Consumer 54- Soft drink 55- Asian sea 56- Baptism, e.g. 57- Inwardly 58- Part of Q.E.D. 59- Ho Chi ___ 61- Make lace

4 6

8 7

3 8 4 2

3 5 9

8 4 7

2 1


2 1

8 9 4

8 5 9 1

3 9

2 5


4 1 5

8 6

9 2


8 6



3 9





3 4



2 9 5 3

7 2 1

4 8 3 9

6 3 2 1 8

8 2 1 6 5 7

Communityevents Oct. 29, 2009 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Creativity Circle Bridges Cafe Room B208 An opportunity for artistic minds to discuss what creativity means to them, whether the medium be acting, visual art, music, writing, activism, or meditation. Get in touch with your inner voice and spirituality. Oct. 29, 2009 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. African Caribbean Association’s One Mic 1280 Semi-annual one mic event welcomes all performers and guests. Admission is $5. Come out to see McMaster’s talent showcased. Oct. 29, 2009 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Bolivia in Transition Health Science Centre 1A3 Guest speakers Raul Burbano and Sara Korosi from the Toronto Bolivia Solidarity Network present their independent video shot in Bolivia, which outlines the revolutionary process currently occurring in the country. Nov. 03, 2009 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Spiritual Journey Circle University Hall B115


An event encouraging individuals to discuss their ideas and experiences related to spirituality. The organizers emphasize that this will be a respectful and open environment for everyone.

Solution to last week’s crossword and sudoku

6 5 7 9 4 8 3 1 2

2 4 3 7 5 1 8 9 6

8 7 1 9 9 8 2 1 6 6 6 4 5 2 7 5 4 3

1 3 6 5 7 2 9 4 8

4 2 5 3 8 9 1 6 7

5 7 2 4 9 3 6 8 1

9 3 6 8 1 4 8 6 2 1 7 5 4 7 3 2 5 9

Nov. 04, 2009 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. OPIRG McMaster’s Fair Trade Fest MUSC Marketplace OPIRG McMaster has sponsored an event supporting fair trade products from around the world. Nov. 4, 2009 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Unhitching the Horse from the Carriage: Love Without Marriage, Beyond the Sexual Family John Hodgins Engineering Building - Room 264 The Department of Sociology, Women’s Studies Program, and the Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition present a lecture by Dr. Judith Stacey of New York University. Nov. 4, 2009 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. The Beacon Student Support Group McMaster University Student Centre - Room 303 The Centre for Student Development presents this confidential group for students dealing with mental illness, addiction, or simply those feeling overwhelmed.



Unscramble the words to discover what’s so spooky about this Halloween! MPIPSUNK

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __


__ __ __ __ __ __ __


__ __ __ __ __


__ __ __ __ __ __


__ __ __ __ __


__ __ __ __ __ __ __

Simple baked potatoes For an easy and filling meal, try making a baked potato. The baked potato is a simple fallback recipe that should be in every student’s culinary repertoire.

What has invaded the student centre to scare everyone on Saturday night? __ __ __ __ __ __

This recipe is stress relieving and easy to make on nights that promise many hours of studying. The potato almost cooks itself and the only assembly required is toppings. At busy times, just put the potato in the oven and come back to it in 45 minutes.


An easy and quick meal for students on the go.

Ingredients (4 servings): • 4 medium potatoes • Optional toppings: grated cheese, bacon bits, sour cream, butter, chives 1. Preheat oven to 375˚F. 2. Wash the potatoes. 3. Use a fork to poke holes in the top of each potato. This releases the steam to prevent the potato from bursting in the oven. Use this stress-relieving piercing method 5-10 times according to the size of the potato and your stress level. 4. Space out the potatoes on a baking sheet and place in the oven. 5. Bake for 45 minutes to an hour or until the potato feels tender. Use oven mitts or a cloth to gently squeeze a potato when checking its readiness. 6. Cut a cross on the top of the potato and squeeze the potato sides gently until the potato opens up. 7. Season with salt and pepper and load the hot potato with your favourite toppings. (Tip: If topping with cheese, put the potato back in the oven for a few minutes to let the cheese melt.) CHRISTOPHER CHANG / SILHOUETTE STAFF

Rebecca Ang / Mac Bread Bin Co-Director




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email: sports@thesil.ca

Mac football off to playoffs Eyes on the prize Marauders win Homecoming game 32-29 for men’s hoops


The Marauders posted 586 yards in total offence, including 127 rushing yards from Joey Nemet (above). total offensive yards on their way to yard catch and run. DAVID KOOTS taking a commanding lead. After Guelph scored their ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR Mac’s first score was first touchdown and narrowed the The McMaster Marauders closed the result of an impressive 102 lead to eight, the McMaster offence out their regular season this yard drive that ended with a 12 found themselves pinned in their past Saturday in front of 5,348 yard catch by receiver Kevin own end at the one yard line. But screaming fans with a 32-29 win D’Hollander (London, ON) from on their first play, Matt Peressini over the Guelph Gryphons. The quarterback Kyle Quinlan (South (Hannon, ON) caught a 57 yard game was the highlight of the Woodslee, ON), and played a role bomb from Quinlan to get the team week’s Homecoming festivities and in the receiver and quarterback far from the shadow of their own will likely be the last home game being named the co-winners of goalposts. Six plays later, Quinlan for the Marauders all year. Despite the Timpany Memorial Trophy as plunged into the end zone thanks winning and finishing the year the MVP’s of McMaster’s 73rd to a great push by the offensive line. The Marauders would close with a 6-2 record, the Marauders Homecoming. The following McMaster out the half with another Quinlan finished fifth in the OUA and will need to travel to Ottawa to face the drive saw the Marauders move to D’Hollander score that appeared quickly, scoring on only the third to be the final nail in the Gryphons’ Gee-Gees on Saturday. The Marauders jumped play when Quinlan connected coffin. But Guelph would not give out to an early lead against Guelph with running back Jordan Kozina and had a comfortable 29-7 (Brantford, ON) from four yards up, and led by veteran quarterback advantage at halftime. The offence out. The score was set up one Justin Dunk (Guelph, ON) and was rolling and managed to outgain play earlier when rookie Michael having a strong wind at their back, the Gryphons 419 to 121 in terms of Dicroce (Hamilton, ON) had 81 • PLEASE SEE NEXT, B10

Men’s volleyball working out kinks

Shayne Petrusma recorded 14 kills against the York Lions and was named Player of the Game. FRASER CALDWELL SILHOUETTE STAFF

A week after being ranked second in the country, the McMaster men’s volleyball team served notice to their OUA competition by opening the regular season with consecutive three-set thrashings of York (25-17, 25-17, 25-21) and Ryerson (25-19, 25-13, 26-24). Even more worrying for McMaster’s future opposition is the fact that the Marauders accomplished their lopsided results despite several bouts of sloppy play. Despite their struggles, they emerge from Homecoming weekend brimming with confidence, and with a 2-0 record to their name. McMaster’s season opener on Saturday saw them dominate the York Lions for long stretches, led by the stellar play of veteran Shayne Petrusma (Bowmanville, ON). The lanky outside hitter would stretch an early Marauder lead to 5-1 with the combination of a lethal serve and follow up kill. With the set still tightly contested at 14-12, Petrusma came up with another piece of brilliance, confounding the Lions back row with a spinning ace. A few points later, McMaster would widen their lead with a strong block from first year Ian Cooper (Edmonton, AB) and a back row kill from rookie sensation

Kevin Stevens (Winnipeg, MB). A characteristically huge smash from Tyler Santoni (Kingston, ON) sealed the impressive first set for the Marauders, with the score 2517. Mac would continue its dominance into the second set, where the overwhelming power of Stevens, Santoni, and Petrusma continually plagued the Lions. Defensive effort also played a large role in McMaster’s continued success, with libero Josh Nederveen (Dundas, ON) producing several key digs, including an amazing diving stab with the score 20-14. Josh Lichty (St. Catharines, ON) would put the set to bed with a kill for another 25-17 score line. York raised its level in the third frame, but to no avail, as McMaster continued their steady defensive play. After a tight beginning to the set, York reeled off a series of errors to put the Marauders up 13-9, a deficit they would not manage to recover from. Following a slick kill from Lichty, and a powerful combination block from Santoni and Ryan Hudson (Winnipeg, MB), McMaster outlasted York at 21-16, stubbornly keeping the ball in play before the Lions fired long. Another York error would give the Marauders the game, when a long serve made


the score 25-21. Petrusma finished as the McMaster player of the game, with a team-leading 16 point performance. Sunday’s game against Ryerson would provide a similar score line, but see the Marauders struggle to find their form throughout. The first set began in disarray, with McMaster behind 2-4 and unable to find their offensive rhythm. Service was also letting the Marauders down, as Saturday’s hero Shayne Petrusma dumped an effort into the net to give the Rams a 12-13 advantage. However, McMaster would finally settle into the set, and take it after consecutive kills from Tyler Santoni. The second set saw Ryerson in abysmal form, with the Marauders gladly taking advantage. The disorganized Rams lost the first five points of the frame, and would only mount a slight comeback before Santoni came up with another strong block at 14-9 to send Mac on a devastating streak. The rout was on as Lichty and David Zanchetta (Mississauga, ON) provided hard kills to close out the set. In the third, a resurgent Ryerson pushed the often lacklustre Marauders into extra points before going down in straight sets. After a tight opening stretch, McMaster • PLEASE SEE No. 2, B9


The Men’s basketball team will tip off their season on Nov. 6. BRIAN DECKER SPORTS EDITOR

Keenan Jeppesen is one of the most experienced basketball players in the OUA. Ryan Christie is a rookie. Together, they might give McMaster a chance to win its first CIS Championship. Jeppesen (Stoney Creek, ON) and Christie (Hamilton, ON) have paced the Marauders to an 8-0 preseason record, averaging 20.4 and 13.5 points per game respectively. The maroon and grey won the Redbird Classic, a tournament hosted by McGill, and have won convincingly over solid teams such as St. Mary’s, St. Francis Xavier and Alberta to serve notice they are prepared to make their first trip back to the CIS national tournament since 2005. Strong perimeter defence and a tight, efficient offence have characterized the wins, giving hope that Mac will return to the upper echelon of Canadian basketball programs. “The only thing about our goals has been pretty consistent… this year guys are talking about nationals. We think we’re good enough to get to the nationals and we think we’re good enough to compete for the national championship,” Head Coach Joe Raso told the Silhouette, emphasizing the intangibles that experienced players bring to the team. Jeppesen comes to the Marauders for his final year of eligibility after playing at Brown University and the University of Western Ontario, where he helped take the Mustangs to the CIS semifinals. In addition to his experience, the 6’7” forward boasts an offensive skill set and defensive presence challenged by few in Canadian hoops, immediately boosting McMaster to title contender status. The MBA student in the DeGroote School of Business was named tournament MVP of the Redbird Classic, proving to be unstoppable both from the floor and on the glass. A Stoney Creek native who Raso has been trying to recruit for nearly a decade, Jeppesen has wasted no time in setting the tone for the upcoming campaign. “He leads by example, and whenever you’ve got your best player as one of your hardest workers, it sets the standards. It’s really easy for everybody to follow. It sets a great tone for the young guys, and I think Keenan has helped elevate everything we’re doing,” said Raso of Jeppesen. On the other end of the spectrum, Christie, a 6’6” forward with a wingspan of a seven-footer, gives the Marauders a tenacious inside presence at both ends of the floor. “Ryan is a tremendous athlete who has the ability and quickness

and strength to guard all 5 positions on the court. This is a statement I’ve never made before about a recruit,” Raso explained after Christie was announced as one of the team’s four 2009-2010 season recruits. While Jeppesen and Christie have led Mac in the preseason, they are just two of McMaster’s core of players that establish them as one of the best squads in CIS hoops. The Marauder backcourt of Tyrell Vernon (Hamilton, ON) and Jermaine DeCosta (Hamilton, ON), now seasoned veterans in their third and fourth seasons respectively, will be a key component to the Marauders’ success this season. In each game this preseason, the point guard pair have forced turnovers and orchestrated easy open court baskets, making life a nightmare for opposing backcourts. “They’ve always been great athletes, and unfortunately they’ve always been characterized and pigeonholed. Tyrell’s been a shooter, and Jermaine’s been an athlete, and now they’ve become better basketball players,” said Raso of the duo, who now step into leadership roles as veteran players. “When I was younger, I just kind of sat back and watched the other guys and followed the leader. But now it’s my job to instruct the guys and make sure everyone’s doing the right stuff. You’re a lot smarter in your third year on the court, you see a lot more stuff, you’re not just running around with your head cut off,” said Vernon, now in his third season, of his evolving role as a team leader. The 6’1” guard possesses a deadly shot from long range, and has shown improved playmaking skills in the preseason, averaging 11 points and four assists per game. DeCosta has always been feared by opposing teams as one of the fastest players in Canada, but his improved defence will be what helps the 5’10” guard lead McMaster to victories this season. “Jermaine has been almost like a one man press for us. He’s done a great job on the ball, and our defense has improved because Jermaine’s defense has improved,” Raso said of DeCosta, who makes up for his shorter frame with incredible athleticism. Anyone who attended last year’s playoff game against Laurier will remember his massive block of 6’5” forward Kale Harrison (Stratford, ON), and his vicious dunk to secure the win in the game’s final minute. At the Redbird Classic, DeCosta was named to the All-Tournament team, averaging 11.7 points per game and shutting down guards from McGill, UQAM and Ottawa. With a solid backcourt and frontcourt as staples of the team, the Marauders will look for key • PLEASE SEE HOOPS, B10



Women’s soccer dominant in win to goals by Haley Marler (Ancaster, ON) and Maria Cusimano (North York, ON). This forced the Mustangs to change keepers in an effort to slowdown the Mac attack. The Marauders continued to pressure and came close to adding to their first half lead. The Mustangs had their best scoring chance right before the end of the first half on a corner that forced Marauder keeper Michelle Spadafora (Dundas, ON) to make her best save of the match. The Marauder defence was able to clear the rebound and close out the half with a 2-0 lead. The Marauders did not sit back on their lead and came out Cheryl Druchok anchored the Mac defence in a 4-1 win over Western. from halftime hungry for more. round after winning their last two “The last time we played them we DAVID KOOTS regular season games. Mac beat the were up 3-0 at halftime and we ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR Waterloo Warriors 3-0 on Sunday ended up beating them 3-2 [because] The McMaster Marauders women’s but the highlight of the weekend we did let down in the second half soccer team is off to the next round was on Saturday when the team beat but when we went inside with a 2-0 of playoffs thanks to a 4-1 victory a very tough Wilfrid Laurier Golden lead I told them that we have to over the Western Mustangs at home Hawks team 3-2. make sure we play the remainder of Against Western, the the game,” said head coach Richie on Wednesday. The Marauders secured home field for the first Marauders jumped out early thanks Barnett after the game. “This is our WILL VAN ENGEN / PHOTO EDITOR

field, we worked to get home field and we were happy to come away with the win [against] a very good team.” Mac added to their lead in the 70th minute when Tara Dawdy (Burlington, ON) floated in a shot over top of the Mustangs’ keeper. Shortly after, striker Samantha Batten (Hamilton, ON) had a clear break but was stopped by a beautiful save by Western’s goalkeeper. On the play the ball was sent out for a Marauder corner, which led to the ball staying close to the Mustangs’ net. As the ball popped out of the box, Melanie Van der Hoop (Oakville, ON) fired a shot from long range that found the back of the net. Western would finally answer in the 83rd minute when a defensive breakdown left Spadafora with no chance to stop the shot. This would be the only miscommunication on the day for the defence as the unit had a solid day, led by veteran Cheryl Druchok (Palgrave, ON).

“[Cheryl’s] the rock back there, she intercepts all the tough passes coming through, she makes the hard tackles in the middle of the field,” said coach Barnett about his star defender. “The defence played very well today.” With the win the Marauders now advance to the next round of playoffs where they will meet the York Lions, ranked seventh in the country. In their regular season meetings the Lions got the better of the Marauders, winning 1-0 at home and 2-0 in Hamilton. “We had a good game up at York the very first time we played them, you know they beat us 1-0 and they came back here and actually they handed us a very good beating 2-0,” said coach Barnett. “York [has] great players on their team, we’ve just gotta come up with a game plan that’s going to make sure we’re patient and score on our opportunities like we did today with four great goals.” Kickoff is at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday at York.

Loss to Western ends run Men win in shootout BRIAN DECKER SPORTS EDITOR

It was an eventful week of ups and downs for the McMaster women’s rugby team, which saw the Marauders fall to the Western Mustangs 26-17 in their OUA semifinal match up, but dominate the Russell Division postseason awards. Fifth year standout Nina Bui (North York, ON) was named Russell Division MVP, while Maggie Cogger-Orr (Thornhill, ON) was named Rookie of the Year and Head Coach Sandro Fiorno took home Coach of the Year honours. Bui takes home the award after a stellar season that saw her lead the Marauders to a 4-1 record. The 5’1” centre led McMaster with six tries in the regular season, and along with fellow fifth year prop Sarah Van Hoof (Lindsay, ON), helped steer the young Marauder

team with her vocal leadership. Van Hoof was also named MVP in 2006, when McMaster went 6-0 in the regular season. Five Marauders were named to the Russell Division All-Star team, including Bui, Van Hoof, Cogger-Orr, Kirsten Shedden (Barrie, ON) and Natasha Turner (Ottawa, ON) who was second on the team with five tries on the campaign. Cogger-Orr and Fiorno were also huge parts of the program, which has become a force to be reckoned with in OUA competition. The Marauders spent much of the year ranked as high as no. 6 in the country, and nearly reached the CIS tournament, a feat that would have been accomplished with a victory over Western last Saturday. The match was even and competitive throughout, as would be expected for a match that pitted McMaster against the no. 7 team in

Western. A late Mustangs try put the nail in the coffin of McMaster’s championship hopes, however, sending them to a Bronze medal match with the Queen’s Gaels set for this weekend after the Gaels were beat by the dominant Guelph Gryphons, ranked third in the country. Western and Guelph will meet Saturday and an OUA Champion will be crowned. Bui and rookie Madolyn Vande Pol (East York, ON) scored tries for the Marauders, while promising rookie flyhalf Rebecca Delaney (Caledon, ON) converted two tries and a penalty kick for seven points on the day. For Bui and Van Hoof, the match will represent the final games of their OUA careers. McMaster defeated Queen’s 39-6 in their only matchup this season, and the entire squad will be looking to send Bui and Van Hoof off in style with OUA bronze medals around their necks.



The men’s soccer team travelled to Guelph Wednesday for a first round playoff matchup against the fourth seeded Gryphons and came out victorious 3-2 in a shootout. The men ended the regular season on a low note when they drew 0-0 against Laurier before dropping their last game 3-0 to Waterloo. Since Mac failed to pick up a win they ended the year tied for points with Guelph but the Gryphons had the tiebreaker and so Wednesday’s match was played in Guelph. The Gryphons, taking advantage of playing at home, scored early to take a 1-0 lead into halftime. The Marauders responded in the 64th minute when the Guelph keeper stopped a Marauder shot. The rebound however, bounced out to Anthony Costa (Stoney Creek, ON) who did not waste his chance

and fired the ball in to the goal. The score would remain tied and extra time was needed. Fortunately for Mac, OUA overtime does not incorporate sudden death as Guelph scored first but the Marauders responded three minutes later on a 25-yard blast from Aaron Boothe (Whitby, ON). After extra time the score remained tied and so a shootout was needed to settle the winner. McMaster won the shootout 3-2 thanks to goals by Andrew Pastoric (Oakville, ON), Costa and Boothe. The Marauders now face the second seeded Windsor Lancers on Saturday as the sixth seeded Western Mustangs upset Waterloo 6-0 in their own quarterfinal. Mac lost both meetings this year to Windsor and failed to score a goal in either match. The entire team will need to come out in top form in order to prevail against a strong Lancers team. Kickoff is at 2 p.m.



Women’s volleyball team opens season with five-set thriller


All-Star setter Jen Holt’s creative assists pushed Mac to victory. FRASER CALDWELL SILHOUETTE STAFF

The McMaster women’s volleyball team kicked off their regular season on a winning note this past Saturday, narrowly edging the Brock Badgers in a dramatic five-set thrill ride (26-28, 25-16, 25-18, 19-25, 1513). Playing on Homecoming weekend, the game benefited from the festivities, boasting a large and vocal crowd which would not be disappointed by the athleticism on display in Burridge Gym. Exceptionally close-fought and tense throughout, the game had the feeling of a playoff contest, despite its position at the head of the schedule. The beginning of the match saw the Badgers in fine form, initially threatening to run away with the first set. After opening up an early lead, Brock made a strong signal of their intent, violently blocking the effort of McMaster’s Genevieve Dumas (North Bay, ON) to push the set to 1-4. However, the Marauders responded quickly, turning the first frame into a see-saw battle of attrition. After keeping things close with the help of emphatic kills from Dumas and

Sarah Kiernan (Hamilton, ON), Mac opened a 13-11 lead when Brock was whistled for a four-touch infraction. The Marauders would continue to hold the momentum until the conclusion of the set, when two consecutive errors brought Brock within a single point at 2120. This proved to be the spark that Brock needed to claw back into the lead, and they would do so through a textbook ace from fourth year veteran Heather Potts (Nepean, ON). Despite continued McMaster resistance, the Badgers would close out the set only a few points later, finishing it at 26-28. The Marauders were undeterred by the early setback, and would find their form to take the next two sets fairly comfortably. In the second, Mac jumped out to an early 4-0 lead before a momentary lapse in concentration saw a run of errors, costing the team 10 of the next 12 points. But, after a kill from Shannon McRobert (Whitby, ON) levelled proceedings at 10, the Marauders caught fire, with all-star setter Jennifer Holt (Hamilton, ON) contributing several key assists, as well as a block and an ace during the stretch which would see Mac blow the set open at 21-13. Only minutes

later, two typically powerful kills from Larissa Puhach (Burlington, ON) brought the set to an abrupt close at 25-16. The third would prove to be much the same, with Brock unable to cope with the consistent power of Puhach, McRobert, and rookie Kailee Stock (Newmarket, ON). This trend culminated in perhaps the most resounding point of the match at 17-16, with Puhach absolutely blasting a kill into the Badger ranks, to the delight of the McMaster faithful. The set would end 25-18, with the duo of Puhach and McRobert leading the Marauders with 15 points each, followed closely by the impressive Stock at 13. The fourth frame saw the momentum swing in the Badgers’ favour, with McMaster committing a number of costly errors. After grabbing a slender lead at 9-7 through another Dumas kill, the Marauders quickly found themselves being bullied at net. What resulted was a 10-19 lead for Brock, which was only whittled away when Puhach once again found her power game, locking up a massive smash to cut the deficit to 7. Despite her efforts, McMaster could not overcome their sloppy spells, and would lose the set 25-19. The fifth and deciding set proved to be the most hotly contested of the match, despite schizophrenic play on the part of the Marauders. This was especially true of McMaster’s defensive effort, with the incredible dig of Meagan Nederveen (Dundas, ON) at 1-1 contrasted sharply by team miscommunication at 3-4. Fortunately for the Marauders, Brock was equally unable to avoid errors, and with the game tied at 13, they would gift the contest to their opponents with consecutive misses. When the dust settled on the marathon match, McMaster’s Larissa Puhach would be awarded player of the game honours for her 17 point effort. Other standouts for the Marauders included McRobert, Dumas, and hard-hitting first year Kailee Stock, who each chipped in 15 points. Creative mastermind Jennifer Holt finished the game with an astounding total of 64 assists, nearly doubling the total of the nearest player on court. Now, after winning their first game of the season, the Marauders head out on the road for a Friday night showdown with Windsor, and a Halloween tilt with the Western Mustangs.

No. 2 Marauders start off year 2-0


Kevin Stevens shows off his ability to spike home points with authority. his team’s performance. When • CONT’D FROM 1 asked to evaluate the Marauder’s allowed errors to creep into its effort, Coach Preston responded game, falling behind 11-15 after a negatively, saying, “I’m very Josh Lichty miscue. Ryerson would disappointed with our overall continue to hold a slight advantage attachment in that match. If we until crucially firing a serve long want to aspire to be one of the best at 18-20, from which the Rams teams, we’ve got to show up better were visibly rattled. What ensued than that.” Preston added that the was a tooth and nail struggle, with main problem plaguing his squad the Marauders finally coming out was one of speed, saying, “When on top after another clutch kill a match isn’t going our way, we from Santoni, and a game-ending tend to get a little bit quieter and combination block shared by he and slower... we just don’t play well at Paul Podstawka (Ancaster, ON). that speed.” Santoni would receive McMaster’s Preston has a little under player of the game award, finishing a week to work with his team with 14 points on the afternoon. before they embark on a two-game Despite winning the weekend road trip, playing Windsor contest, McMaster coach Dave on Friday and Western the following Preston was noticeably upset with night.


Tyler Santoni slams home a point at the net over the York defence.



Jeppesen, Raso ready to lead Next stop: Ottawa


Kyle Quinlan threw for 313 yards and three touchdowns in the win. JONATHON FAIRCLOUGH / DISTRIBUTION COORDINATOR

Lightning-quick guard Jermaine DeCosta is a big part of the Marauders’ defensive attack. be out for at least the first half of the of what it takes to get there,” said • CONT’D FROM B7 season with a shoulder injury, while Jeppesen of what he can do to help contributions at the wing positions Licorish is redshirting with the team lead the team. Raso, having won from Scott Laws (Gormley, ON), for the first semester. Diaby was a three OUA titles, also knows what Cam Michaud (Grimsby, ON) and second team OUA All-Star last it will take to get back on top, but is Matt Wilusz (Stoney Creek, ON), season, while Licorish averaged 13 excited about the team’s prospects. who each enter the season with at points and eight rebounds in 2007- “For us now we’ve been away for least one year of experience under 2008 when he last suited up for the three years, and that’s the longest their belts. Wilusz brings versatility maroon and grey after a stint in the that I’ve never been [to the CIS to the defense, with the ability to NCAA. tournament]… there’s a cycle, but defend the perimeter and hold his Success in CIS basketball this group has matured, and I think ground inside, while Michaud and has always been contingent on this group is going to be good for Laws can spread the floor with having players who know how to the next couple of years.” dangerous shooting and the ability win, and how to lead their teams. The team will conclude to attack the rim. With a combination of veteran its preseason schedule with away A deep OUA and CIS experience and young talent, Mac is games against American schools playoff run may also be boosted on the way to returning as a hoops Army and Wagner College. The by the return of big men Mouctar powerhouse. “At Western, I’ve been regular season kicks off Nov. 6 at Diaby (Hamilton, ON) and Terry where we’re trying to get, so I have Royal Military College and Nov. 7 Licorish (Toronto, ON). Diaby will those experiences, I’ve got an idea at Queen’s.

Women’s basketball team struggles in Cowtown BRIAN DECKER SPORTS EDITOR

Despite a number of strong individual performances, the McMaster women’s basketball team was unable to score a win at the Calgary Invitational this past weekend, falling to the Calgary Dinos, UQAM Citadins and the Regina Rams. The Marauders showed scoring depth in their starting lineup and off the bench with five different players reaching double figures in scoring, but could not take care of the ball, making a whopping 88 turnovers for the weekend. OUA All-Star Taylor Smith (Hamilton, ON) paced the maroon and grey, averaging 12.7 points per game over the three contests. The first game of the tournament against The Dinos was a rematch of last week’s game at the Ryerson Tournament, which saw Calgary squeak by Mac 70-66. Playing on their home court for the first time this season, the Dinos got off to a roaring start and made sure there would be no fourth quarter drama in this affair. The Dinos led 28-13 after the 1st quarter, and rode a big game from forward Ashley Hill (Airdrie, AB) all the way to a 91-65 blowout. Hill clawed her way through the McMaster defense on the way to 37 points and seven rebounds, draining five threes in the process. Smith went a perfect 12-for-12 from the line, tallying 19 points in the loss. McMaster showcased its depth in their second game against UQAM, but it was not enough to overcome a big first half and some red-hot shooting from long range by the Citadins. Lisa Marie Iavarone (Hamilton, ON) lit up the scoreboard with 18 points in just 19 minutes, and NCAA Division I transfer Hailey Milligan (Brantford, ON) posted a double-double with 13 points and 11 rebounds, but the Citadins shot over 70 per cent


Taylor Smith recorded 8 assists in a loss to some random team from beyond the arc, ending the Marauders’ chances to get back in the tournament. Rookie guard Vanessa Bonomo (Dundas, ON) chipped in 10 points in the loss. For the tournament finale, McMaster butted heads with the Regina Cougars, looking to salvage a win out of their trip to the Stampede City. 6-foot Rookie Nicole Rosenkranz (Niagara Falls, ON) had a breakout game, scoring 15 points and grabbing 12 rebounds, but the Marauders could not

otherwise match the Cougars on the boards, getting out-rebounded 5235 on the way to an 84-78 loss. 6’3” centre Brittany Read (Regina, SK) poured in 23 points and corralled 13 rebounds for the Cougars. McMaster will kick off its regular season on Nov. 6 against Royal Military College, and will look to build on its 14-8 record last season. The Marauders’ home opener takes place Nov. 14 against Toronto at 6 p.m. in the Burridge Gym.


Jordan Kozina rushed for 101 yards and caught a 22 yard TD-pass. • CONT’D FROM B7 the Gryphons scored two quick touchdowns to take back some control of the game. With just over three minutes remaining, punter Andy Waugh (Perth, ON) fumbled a snap and turned over the ball to Guelph on McMaster’s 36 yard line. It only took Dunk two plays to find the end zone and close the gap to three points. After receiving the Gryphon kickoff, the Marauders managed to engineer a long drive that seemed likely to spell the end of Guelph’s day. But a Quinlan pass was intercepted at the Guelph 15 yard line and gave Dunk and the offence one more shot. On the ensuing drive, the Gryphons moved the ball up into Mac territory before the Marauder defence dug in deep. With the ball just out of field goal range and facing a third and ten, Dunk dropped back in the pocket. But unfortunately for him, the Marauder pass rush could not be stopped and linebacker Trevor Gary (Oakville, ON) slammed Dunk to the ground for a drive ending 12 yard sack and a McMaster victory. The win over Guelph improves the Marauders record to 6-2 on the year and in any other year this would be good enough for a home playoff game. But for the first time in the current OUA 10 team format, a 6-2 team will not get homefield advantage in the first playoff round. Laurier, Western and Ottawa all won on Saturday and as a result they each finished with a 6-2 record. Because of the OUA’s tiebreaker, Laurier gets second behind Queen’s and has a first round bye while Western and Ottawa finish third and fourth respectively. As a result, Mac will now travel to Ottawa for the OUA quarterfinal on Saturday. The GeeGees are the only team in the OUA that the Marauders did not face this year and so both teams had identical schedules. Both clubs lost to Queen’s while Ottawa could not beat Western and the Marauders fell to Laurier so on paper the matchup is tight, as would be expected from a playoff tilt.

The Gee-Gees have the OUA’s most dangerous rushing attack, led by running back Jordan Wilson-Ross (Alliston, ON) and quarterback Bradley Sinopoli (Ottawa, ON), who finished second and sixth respectively in league rushing. The parallels between the teams rushing attack is striking, with both relying on two primary rushers. As a result, Ottawa finished tops in the league with McMaster right behind them. The team that can stop the run will have the upper hand that could translate into a win. Mac had a slight edge in run defence but Ottawa matches up well with the Marauders across the board in terms of defensive statistics. McMaster will rely on the defence to step up and play their best against a good Ottawa offence, and defensive stars Ryan Chmielewski (St. Catharines, ON) and Cody Lynch (Stoney Creek, ON) will be counted on to continue their high level of play. Kickoff is at 1 p.m. at Frank Claire Stadium in Ottawa and will be available online on www. ssncanada.ca while the other OUA playoff game between Guelph and Western will be covered live on The Score.



Men end regular season with win BRIAN DECKER SPORTS EDITOR

As the OUA playoffs approach, the McMaster men’s rugby team knows they must find a spark and step up their game to defend the Championship title. With a 40-3 blowout of the Guelph Gryphons last Friday, the team is one step closer in the right direction to retaining the Turner trophy. The Marauders got off to a quick start against Guelph, and it was clear from the get go who was going to emerge victorious from the mud and rain, which made the game a true test of OUA rugby. The game was played in six-degree

weather, with rain falling sideways and 30 per cent of the field covered in mud. The team cut down on the errors, which cost them so dearly last week against Western, and regained the aggressive attack, which has characterized Mac rugby this decade. The win gives them a 5-3 regular season record, and a first round match up with the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks. Kevin Noble (Dundas, ON) led the Marauders with three tries, picking apart the Guelph defense exactly as drawn up in practice. Noble made the radical switch from flanker to inside centre for the game, and the move clearly paid dividends for McMaster.

Other tries came from Sam Roberts (Oshawa, ON), Jeremy Steinbach (Binbrook, ON) and Lucas McIvor (Guelph, ON). Head Coach Dr. Phil White called McIvor’s game “the awakening of a giant,” and the contributions of the 6’3” lock will be key in a Mac playoff run. Although the team has soundly defeated lesser opponents regularly, the season has been characterized by sobering losses to rivals Queen’s, Brock and Western, who crushed the Marauders 595, 34-13 and 36-0 respectively. A number of injuries to key players slowed Mac in the regular season, but the team is near full strength heading into their first round match

up this Saturday against Laurier. 2008 All-Stars Noble, Andy Holwerda (Brantford, ON), Keegan Selby (Lindsay, ON) and Shawn Windsor (Stoney Creek, ON) will be ready to lead the team, which has more than enough experience and talent to gain revenge on their rivals. With the toughest matches of the season yet on the horizon, the team knows they must be better than they have this season. As a result, the team’s practices have become more competitive, and the attitudes of the players more driven and ornery. As Dr. White told the Silhouette, the coaching staff has “temporarily abandoned positive reinforcement

as a coaching strategy.” Though the matches will only get tougher from here on out, the team has a bright spot to look forward to as the weather gets colder and the sun goes down sooner. “As it gets cold, dark and wet at practice, from here in Steeltown rugby is just getting started… one thing you can count on in the world is that McMaster Rugby gets better week to week in the Fall,” said Dr. White. The team prides itself in improving week-to-week, and with a match against a tough, physical Laurier squad this week, that mantra will be tested. What will likely be the last home game of the year takes place at 2 p.m. Saturday at Back 10 field.

New inductees join Hall of Fame BEN ORR



Kevin Noble switched positions to inside centre for the game and responded with three tries.


Head Coach Dr. Phil White praised Sam Roberts’ second year with McMaster as one of “100% effort.”

McMaster University recently celebrated the induction of seven individuals and two championship teams into the McMaster Athletic Hall of Fame. Taking place on Oct. 25, the ceremony capped off Mac’s 73rd Homecoming celebration. Included among the inductees were Ron Joyce, 1998, Paul Clatney, 1998, Selena (Gaerter) Blaj, 1999 and 2002, Carol (Eastmuire) Love, 1975, Chris Markou, 1994 and 1995, Paul Ragusa, 1997 and Diane Ste. Marie, 1989 and 1993. Teams inducted included the 1980-81 Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union champion women’s gymnastics team and the 1993-94 CIAU champion men’s wrestling team. Although a native of Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, Joyce has made countless contributions to the McMaster and Hamilton communities. After joining the Hamilton Police force in 1956, Joyce enjoyed success as a the cofounder of coffee and doughnut giant Tim Horton’s and chose to invest back into the community where he got his start. In June 2005, he donated $10 millions toward the construction of Ron Joyce Stadium

and in June 2007 donated another $10 million towards McMaster’s Burlington campus. Also being celebrated is multi-sport athlete Paul Clatney. After winning provincial and national titles with the McMaster wrestling team (1985, 1986) and being named a CIAU AllStar football player for the Marauders, Clatney went on the play professional football in the Canadian Football League and compete with the national bobsleigh team. The 1980-81 women’s gymnastics team won the only national gymnastics title in the school’s history. Coached by Carl van Holstein and Hall of Fame member Mike Cain, the team also included two all-star selections. Coached by CIAU Coach of the Year Nick Ciprian, McMaster’s 1993-94 men’s wrestling team captured three individual gold, two silver and one bronze medal on the way to winning the national title. This year marks the 26th annual class, and also includes athletes who went on to compete in Pan American Games, World University Games, Commonwealth Games, World Championships and Olympic Games.


Fall sports recap and awards review DAVID KOOTS


With November just around the corner, it is time to look back on the achievements of some of McMaster’s fall sports: The men’s baseball team had three players named to the All-Star team in 2009, with catcher Devlin Connelly (Toronto, ON) and outfielder Chris Piccini (Mississauga, ON) being named first team OUA All-Stars while first basemen Alex McGregor (Ottawa, ON) was named to the second team. The women’s fastpitch team defeated the Western Mustangs on the weekend to claim the Ontario Women’s Intercollegiate Fastpitch Association Championship. Shannon Galea (Oshawa, ON) had an impressive weekend and was rewarded with the Doug Parry Award which recognizes the MVP of the Championship. In tennis, third year player Keenan O’Young (Toronto, ON) was named to the men’s All-Star team after a strong year in which he was consistently McMaster’s best and most dangerous player. Both the men’s and women’s golf teams wrapped up

their seasons last week and finished just outside of medal contention at the OUA Championship. The women were led by the fourth place finish of All-Star Katie Campagnolo (Whitby, ON) and as a team they ended up in fifth spot. The men closed out the two day tournament in sixth place with veteran Jason Wellings (West Flamborough, ON) ending his impressive OUA career in twelfth spot after having a strong regular season. The McMaster cross country teams are gearing up for the OUA Championship this coming weekend and are looking to bring home some hardware before taking on Canada’s best at the CIS Championship in November. The women remain ranked second in the country and are hoping to catch the powerful Guelph Gryphons while keeping the Toronto Varsity Blues off of their tails at OUA’s. The women’s novice rowing team claimed gold this past Friday at the Development OUA’s and coach Reg Wilson was named female novice rowing coach of the year. Members of varsity team will now travel to Montreal for the Canadian University Rowing Championships.




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Beware of the sugar in Halloween candy LAURA MCGHIE THE SILHOUETTE

Although most university students no longer trick-or-treat, Halloween remains a night of costumes and candy. For many, bingeing well into November on tiny chocolate bars, tootsie pops, and candy corn is a much-loved tradition. While sugar is an important element in everyone’s diet and indulging is fun, moderation is the key to remaining healthy. Before you finish off your loot bag, take time to consider the history, effects, and misconceptions of sugar, as well as some tips for a healthier Halloween. Sugar has played a

significant role in North American dietary changes since its introduction to the continent. For centuries it was a rare and costly luxury in North America. Yet, a rising demand coupled with North and South America’s warm climate, vast agricultural land, and cheap imported labour, enabled cane sugar to become more widely available to the public throughout the eighteenth century. By the beginning of the 19th century, the average American consumed nearly 13 pounds of sugar annually and, by the 1960s, this consumption rose to over 112 pounds each year. Between 1970 and 2005, the average availability

of sugars and added sugars in America increased by 19 percent. According to the Canadian Sugar Institute, Canadian per capita sugar consumption has not drastically increased in recent years, but it remains a large part of their diet. Sugar consumption has even remained strong throughout the recession. While many retail sales suffered during recent, hard economic times, American confectionary sales, including chocolate, chewing gum, and candy, rose 3.7 percent between April of 2008 and 2009. Not surprisingly, these economic gains have been the norm in the confectionary sector for almost seven years. According to


Sugar-filled food is both tasty and beneficial in moderation, but eating it in excess is an unhealthy practice.

the US Department of Commerce, Americans ingested more than 28 million dollars worth of gum and candy in 2008 alone. Although sugar consumption is often criticized as unhealthy, our bodies actually need certain sugars, like glucose, to function. When people eat foods containing sucrose (or table sugar), a complex carbohydrate, the human digestive tract breaks it down into two simple sugars: glucose and fructose. This glucose is then used as the body’s primary source of energy. Some sugar-containing foods (like apples) are better for you than others (like chocolate bars). Yet, healthy people do not need to completely avoid the latter option, as long as they balance their diet and offset every Reese’s Pieces with whole grain products, fresh fruits and vegetables, and lots of water. In addition to the assumption that sugar is evil, another common misconception regarding sugary substances is the idea of the “sugar high”, which many claim to experience after eating a lot of sugary foods. While the feeling may seem real, the term “sugar high” is a misnomer, as sugar cannot actually intoxicate consumers. Rather, the “high” feeling refers to the energy boost one experiences after consuming sugary foods. Such feelings can be intensified when a body is not maintaining a minimal level of blood glucose. Generally this feeling is not dangerous, but it could indicate an unhealthy blood sugar level. Students concerned about their daily energy levels should speak to a physician. Still, as with other substances, excessive sugar intake can be dangerous. According to a study recently published in Obesity Research, a pattern of fasting

and overloading on sugary foods may foster dependence. Princeton University psychologists found that rats subjected to a diet of binging and fasting develop dependence on sugar within 10 days. Similar to drug addictions, dependents who abstain from sugar can experience withdrawal symptoms, such as chattering teeth, anxiety, and tremors. For human beings, behavioral change and withdrawal symptoms are not evident when sugar intake occurs in moderation. So once again balancing sugar is the key to maintaining a healthy diet. This balance might be easily maintained most of the year, but Halloween season means a lot of free candy and chocolates, which can pose some difficult challenges. To avoid over-indulgence, you should eat a healthy, filling meal before heading out to parties serving Halloween treats. Although it might sound ridiculous, bringing a healthy snack, like an apple, is a great first defense against those sugar cravings. If you manage to collect too much candy or find it impossible to consume those sugary treats in moderation, share excess candy with group members or housemates, or donate it to a local charity. But, if you really want to keep that candy, try to place it out of the way so you are not constantly tempted by it. We will probably never get over our excitement as Halloween approaches, whether it be the joy of dressing up, the fun parties, or the one time a year where it is permissible to indulge in various sugary confections, but just remember not to go overboard on the treats this year. Plus, if you ration out your candy, instead of eating it all it once, you may have enough to last you to Christmas.

Iron plays a vital role in our bodies STEPHANIE O’NEILL THE SILHOUETTE

As a child, most of us were confused by Popeye’s affection for spinach, that green, mushy vegetable that was forced down our throats. Now that we are older, though, we understand that iron is good for us and consider buying burgers or maybe even spinach when we are at the grocery store. But, what exactly does iron do for our bodies? Iron is a metal that is essential to us in small quantities. The suggested intake of iron is 8 to 18 mg/day, but this dose varies depending on age, medical condition, and lifestyle. In the body, iron is found in hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that delivers oxygen to tissues, in myoglobin, a protein that delivers oxygen to muscle tissues, and in storage proteins in bone marrow and the liver. Iron is essential for cell growth, health and immunity. According to the World Health Organization, iron deficiency is the most common nutrition disorder in the world and is the only one that is widespread in the developed world. Approximately 80 per cent of people are estimated to have it, while 30 per cent of people are thought to have anemia, a condition usually caused by iron deficiency in which levels of healthy red blood cells are abnormally low due to a lack of hemoglobin. Most people know that iron is an important part of a diet, but there are several factors that can affect the degree to which iron is absorbed by the body, regardless of how much iron is actually ingested. There are different types of dietary iron: heme iron and non-heme iron. Heme iron is derived from

hemoglobin and is found in animal products like meats (beef, turkey, chicken, tuna, shrimp). The body metabolizes this type of iron very efficiently with 15 per cent to 35 per cent being absorbed. Non-heme iron, on the other hand, can come from iron-rich plant foods (lentils, soy, spinach, oatmeal, tofu, kidney beans, lima beans, chick peas), but the body can only absorb two per cent to 20 per cent of this type of iron. Since healthy people need to absorb about 10 per cent to 15 per cent of dietary iron, maximizing absorption in addition to healthy consumption is something that should be taken into consideration. Other aspects of diet can affect iron absorption. For example, a lack of vitamin A will prevent iron from being released from stores. This problem is more common, however, in underdeveloped countries. Vitamin C increases iron absorption and is essential in all diets, but especially in a vegetarian one. Foods that are high in calories but low in vitamins and minerals negatively affect iron intake (such as junk foods). Unfortunately, so can other foods typically thought of as healthy such calcium, tannins (found in tea), oxalates (ironically found in spinach), fiber, phytates (found in whole grains) and polyphenols. Because some foods, such as soybeans, contain both non-heme iron and iron absorption inhibitors, eating meat or other iron absorption enhancers at the same time can counterbalance this problem. Less iron will be absorbed, however, if storage levels in the body are already high. Getting what we need is not always straightforward, so becoming more educated about


An iron-rich diet ensures the proper working of your circulatory system and other body functions. food nutrition and food properties is the small intestine, people with suggested when diet cannot provide worthwhile. gastrointestinal problems, such as the needed dose of iron, and only if People who lose a lot of those with Crohn’s disease, may recommended by a doctor. blood (for example, menstruating also be at an increased risk of iron If you find yourself in women) are at risk of iron deficiency. deficiency. Women who are on oral one of the groups of people that Additionally, intense exercise can contraceptives will usually not be are at risk of iron deficiency increase the turnover of red blood at risk, whereas women who use an or anemia, be sure to be on the cells, increasing the need for the intrauterine device (IUD) may have lookout for signs and symptoms, replacement of stored iron. Those heavier menstrual flow and might such as weakness, fatigue, who do not eat meat regularly will consequently be at greater risk. decreased immune function, also be at an increased risk of iron Adult men and post- body temperature fluctuations, deficiency because of the inefficient menopausal women are not inflammation of the tongue, absorption rates of non-heme iron. typically iron deficient; however, changes in appetite and headaches. These factors mean that iron toxicity is a concern. Iron is University-age men should be attention to iron intake is especially normally not excreted, so if there getting between eight and 11 mg/ important for females who are is too much of it in storage, it will day of iron, while women of the pregnant, females of child-bearing accumulate in organs and tissues; same age group require between age, distance runners, female this can result in hemochromatosis 15 and 18 mg/day. So, when you athletes, women with heavy and organ damage, cirrhosis of go to the grocery store, remember menstrual flow and vegetarians. the liver, and heart failure. Iron Popeye and grab that spinach, or Since iron is mostly absorbed in supplementation is therefore only other iron-rich foods.

halloween issue mash up lit • top ten disturbing movies • lemonwilde arkells • mantracker • the nature of horror movies


C2 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine

thursday, october 29, 2009

Senior Editor: Grace Evans Entertainment Editor: Myles Herod Music Editor: Corrigan Hammond Contributors: Ben Small, Kevin Eliott, Phil Wood, John Hill, Michael Hewak, Josh Parsons, Derek Hung, Simon Granat

Cover: Will van Engen

this week

what’s inside

in the hammer

Attack In Black Casbah 9:00 p.m. MSTRKRFT Rokbar 8:00 p.m.


nov. 5 nov. 8

Arkells: “Although The Arkells have come along way in the last few years – from local Hamilton heroes to stadium rocking Canadian music icons, wherever they go, a strong association still exists between the group and the ‘Hammer.’ ”


Young Galaxy Casbah 8:00 p.m. Junior Boys Rokbar 9:00 p.m.

nov. 11

Lemonwilde: “Dubbed the ‘American Radiohead,’ Los Angeles based alt-rockers Lemonwilde, with a decidedly mid-nineties sound, are one of the most promising new bands to come out of the United States in the past few years.”

Rural Alberta Advantage Casbah 8:00 p.m.

nov. 11


The Trews Copps Coliseum 8:00 p.m.

if you don’t want razor blades in your apples... write for andy. musc b110.

nov. 13 nov. 17

Don Henley Copps 8:00 p.m.

nov. 18

Ron Hawkins Hamilton Place Studio 8:00 p.m.

speaking Sugar Sammy 1280 8:00 p.m. tickets @ compass

nov. 25

Immaculate Machines Casbah 8:00 p.m.

The Balconies 1280 8:00 p.m.

theatre oct 20.-nov.7


Lemonwilde Absinthe 8:00 p.m.

nov. 3


oct. 31


television Mantracker: “Grant explained to me how he uses what he learned while working Search and Rescue back in his home province of Alberta on the television program.”

Westdale Theatre Capitalism: A Love Story Fri-Sat 7:00, 9:20 Sun 7:00

nov. 4

Mash up lit: “An emerging form of literature known as “mash up literature,” blends Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice with zombies in an interesting revision.”

This Is It Gentlemen Broncos The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

Half Life Director: Anthony Black Theatre Aquarius 190 King William St. 1-800-465-7529 boxoffice@theatreaquarius.org

andy’s pick now





nov. 4

The best of dark and disturbing cinema: “Be advised that the films selected exemplify complicaed ideas and not just excessive gore.”



trick or treat, give me something good to eat, not too big, not too small, just the size of montreal.

how gay is that? write for andy’s pride issue article deadline nov. 10 email us your ideas andy@thesil.ca

thursday, october 29, 2009 success of these films ignited a craze for more torture films: the rash of Saw films, Turistas in 2006, Hostel: Part II, Borderland, and Captivity. editorial column Quentin Tarantino’s grace evans Grindhouse has been considered a part of the When my mom was a teenager, her date took her to see a horror genre, as well as 2007’s I Know movie. She left a quarter-way Who Killed Me. 2009 seems to have through the movie and waited in diverted a little from the torturethe lobby, turned off horror movies porn trend, yet this Halloween Saw for life. But what began as distaste 6 is being released. I admit, I’ve never watched for violence, gore, suspense and surprise, developed into a very a film that fits into the torture-porn vocal objection to movies that category. But I don’t think I need to. Apparently in Hostel, a woman’s feature torture as entertainment. As much motherly face is blowtorched. In the trailer smugness that admitting this will to Thanksgiving, a cheerleader is invite, I agree with her. I don’t vaginally impaled on a knife. In approve of the torture-porn industry Saw 3, a naked woman hangs from that feature gore and mutilation as a meat hook. I don’t want to see a leisure activity. The label “torture- that, and I’m disappointed that porn” was first applied to 2005’s other people do. In his defense, tortureHostel by critic David Edelstein. It includes any movie that depicts porn filmmaker Eli Roth says: excessive torture, mutilation and “What’s worse, my movie or Dick Cheney? Nobody actually died gore as a primary focus. And people pay to see in my movie. People actually die it. Saw, which was made for 1.2 because of Dick Cheney, and million, grossed over $100 million he doesn’t allow you to see it.” worldwide and Hostel grossed over I don’t think this is any kind of $80 million for being made or logic; pointing fingers at someone under $5 million. The financial who has done something worse at



any given time. One could justify anything that way, and like my mother would say, two wrongs don’t make a right. Josh Whedon, creator of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series has asserted his opinions on torture-porn in his blog. He relates an incident that occurred: “Last month seventeen year old Dua Khalil was pulled into a crowd of young men...who then kicked and stoned her to death. This is an example of the breath-taking oxymoron ‘honor killing,’ in which a family member (almost always female) is murdered for some religious or ethical transgression... But now you can watch the action up close on CNN. Because as the girl was on the ground trying to get up, her face nothing but red, the few in the group of more than twenty men who were not busy kicking her and hurling stones at her were filming the event with their camera-phones.” Whedon goes on to compare the CNN footage to the trailer for Captivity in which Elisha Cuthbert is kidnapped, tortured and murdered, and screams “I’m sorry.” Whedon focuses his rant on the depiction of women in torture-porn, but acknowledges the potential repercussions: “That

the big tickle compiled by lauren jewett

“scream” jenny wingrove

the silhouette’s art + culture magazine • C3

the act of being a free, attractive, self-assertive woman is punishable by torture and death? In the case of this upcoming torture-porn, fictional. In the case of Dua Khalil, mundanely, unthinkably real. And both available for your viewing pleasure.” I totally agree with Whedon. In a letter to the MPAA as a part of the campaign against the Captivity trailer, Whedon wrote: “Just let me say that the ad campaign for [Captivity] is not only a literal sign of the collapse of humanity, it’s an assault. I’ve watched plenty of horror – in fact I’ve made my share. But the advent of torture-porn and the total dehumanizing not just of women…

but of all human beings has made horror a largely unpalatable genre. This ad campaign is part of something dangerous and repulsive, and that act of aggression has to be answered...this ad is part of a cycle of violence and misogyny that takes something away from the people who have to see it.” Most importantly, I feel, is that when there are people like Dua Khalil or Kristen French in the world and the atrocities that have occurred to them, should torture really be considered a form of entertainment? I think it’s just incredibly tragic and upsetting, and I have no interest in watching that for fun. Unfortunately a lot of people enjoy it.

q: what’s your favourite scary movie?

& will van engen

“the shining” jim thorburn

“texas chainsaw massacre”

melissa southworth

“the saw series” shawna connelly

“never seen a horror movie”

matt mortorana

C4 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine


thursday, october 29, 2009

are you afraid of the dark?

derek hung ponders the appeal of horror films

How many scary movies have you seen? Not just movies that are classified as “horror” or “thriller,” but movies that are actually get-under-your-skin-and-give-you-nightmares scary? I myself have only seldom walked home (or up to bed) after watching a movie looking over my shoulder or dashing from light source to light source, fearing what could have existed in the dark spots between them. However rarely this scenario occurs, most people I know cannot deny that watching a good scary movie can become an incredibly powerful exercise in experiencing unparalleled fear. Now that Halloween is upon us there will no doubt be arguments over which movie is scarier than which, but I think a bigger question would be why do some movies instill fear more in us more potently than others. What is it about horror movies that scare us? I suppose a good place to start with this investigation is a quick examination of the presence of horror in real-life and the silver screen. There is no denying that horror is all around us: each of us have had or knows someone who has had a traumatic experience, and the threat of physical and emotional danger is present, if not immediately then passively in the form of the need for enhanced security measures in almost every building we enter in our daily lives. The news brings us horrifying images of death, destruction and despair in daily bursts. We actually cannot escape the dangers of living in this world. So why don’t the movies that depict basically the same sort of stuff scare us as badly? Movies that

involve people killing people with everyday objects that could be used as weapons come out all the time and are marketed as horror movies, but most of them don’t particularly frighten us, even though some fall under the realm of plausibility. On that note, horror movies that depict extreme violence seldom offer true scares either. Films that fall under the “slasher” label often depict maniacs wielding an assortment of weapons in order to dispatch a number of people before they themselves are defeated by the main character, and inevitably resurrected in some sort of sequel, don’t often spook us terribly. Neither do the films belonging to the newly found “torture-porn” genre. Rather than inspiring chills, they often inspire discussions about how excessive and ridiculous they are, or worse, laughable and unnecessary. The argument is often made that most horror movies rely on superficial sensation and shock-value in the frequently violent images that they project, without committing to deeper thought or offering up anything of true substance that would prove compelling. That, and the fact that we can separate these movies from real life further discourages any true fear from being injected into our systems. Ok, so there’s one argument for why some films don’t scare us, but what about the ones that do? The films that are sometimes completely implausible and immersed in the supernatural, far from what we perceive as “real-life?” The most effective movies employ imagery and

scenarios that call upon our biggest and darkest fears, and they often use metaphor to get their point across, rather than the explicit or the obvious. I may not be afraid of a monster or a serial killer, but I am afraid of the unknown, the invasive and the unstoppable. I may not be afraid of the dark, but I am afraid of loneliness and despair. These are common fears that I am sure almost everybody has, and the scariest films operate on them. They take the most intense feelings we have in the region of anxiety and fear and they personify them, creating representations of what we are most scared of. It is the seemingly impossible translation of what we feel into something that we can see and identify with that affects us. The monsters they create stop becoming flaccid representations of the violence we see in everyday life, and become vivid symbols about what frighten. You may disagree with me and have your own explanation of what scares you and what does not, but there is a rough common consensus on the scariest movies of our times. Entering the phrase “scariest movies of all time” into the Google search engine brings up thousands of sites, each with their own list. However, although there are a few variations from one list to the next, many films reoccur within all of them. So maybe that is proof that there are things that scare us after all, films that having us looking over our backs well into the night. •Derek Hung

thursday, october 29, 2009


the silhouette’s art + culture magazine • C5

romance and the undead zombie reworking of jane austen’s classic novel is met with much acclaim

If you thought that the application of zombie fan-culture ended with Halloween and thriller films, think again. An emerging form of literature known as “mash up literature,” blends Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice with zombies in an interesting revision. The novel, written in 1813, has been reimagined by Seth Graham-Smith in Pride and Prejudice and Zombie. The novel takes the original text and enhances it with pop-culture contemporary goodness. In PPZ the characters are very similar to those of Pride and Prejudice. The novel takes place in a parallel universe where the world is fighting a war with zombies. The plot strays a little further away from the original, as most of the plot is motivated in some way by the zombie war. Most of Austen’s original writing remains intact, with slight changes by Graham-Smith — an occasional reference to Elizabeth’s fighting skill here, and some random zombie attacks there. In particular the zombie fight sequences are quite thrilling. And I’m not talking about the type of thrill you get from, an ordinary Jane Austen novel or a romantic comedy. No, I’m talking about the thrill of reading about a presumably hot heroine, Ms. Elizabeth Bennet, disembowelling zombies with a katana. Sound like your cup of tea? Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is definitely worthwhile whether you’re a zombie fan, or a Jane Austen fan with a sense of humour. Don’t be fooled though, GrahamSmith’s take on the classic does have shortfalls. Some of the references feel like they are just thrown into the text with no real purpose. While some may find this enthralling, I find it a little offensive. I won’t forget that Elizabeth has a great fighting style; I mean the book is called Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. It feels as though Graham-Smith is afraid that his audience will slip into a classical coma and forget that they are reading a parody. Despite this, if you spontaneously get an urge to zombify your life and you just cannot bring yourself to watch the Thriller music video one more time, then you’ll be pleasantly surprised by this classical spoof. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is a part of a growing pop phenomena known as

mash-up literature. Mash-up literature is part plagiarism, part parody. It combines literary classics (often that are under free licence) with aspects of our contemporary pop culture. Perhaps the second most well known example of mash-up literature would be Graham-Smith’s second novel. Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters where he takes yet another Jane Austen novel and adds a healthy (and well needed) dose of giant crustaceans. The novel was reportedly inspired by GrahamSmith’s love for Jules Verne. A less known form of mash-up literature is the Australian based website, remixmylit.com. Yup, leave it to the Aussies to create something like Beowulf in Brisbane. Here lies an international online community that takes literary works and changes them. Essentially, remixmylit.com tries to foster the same remix creativity found in film and music, but apply it to literature. Its goal is to try and create a new dynamic literary culture by standing classic literature on its head. With Graham-Smith’s books and remixmylit.com it is easy to think the concept of mash-up literature as a relatively new fad. Mash-up lit only seems new because of the contemporary pop culture stuffed inside Graham-Smiths novels. However, literary parodies are quite old. For decades, even centuries human beings have been pilfering the literary fruit other people’s hard work. In an attempt to either poke fun at it or just simply to steal someone else’s idea and make money from it — Bill Shakespeare, I’m watching you. Maybe the recent fascination with mash-up lit is its ridiculousness, or rebellious nature. It is just fun and a little dirty to take a classic work of literature and completely defile it. With more than 700,000 copies sold, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and a rising internet cult affirm not a creation, but a resurgence in popularity of literary parodies. But when you boil it down, maybe we like mash-up lit because it reminds us that Jane Austen may be a literary genius, but that doesn’t mean that her work can’t be improved. For me, I prefer the zombies. •Simon Granat


C6 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine

thursday, october 29, 2009 • C7

the best of dark and disturbing cinema myles herod counts down ten films that will leave a lasting impression The following list is a culmination of films that have gained notoriety through critical acclaim, box office receipts, influence and most of all, leaving the viewer disturbed. Be advised that the films selected below exemplify ideas and not just excessive gore. If you wish to see more of the latter, check out: Dead Alive, Mermaid in a Manhole, and Necromantik.

10. Star 80 (1983)

9. Parents (1989)

8. The Texas 7. Black Christmas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) (1974)

Starting off the list is not a horror film, but a story of an obsessed man slowly losing his sanity as he loses his wife to the world of celebrity. Legendary director Bob Fosse tells the factual story of Dorothy Stratten, a Playboy centerfold whose life came to a tragic end when jealous boyfriend, Tom Snider, killed her and himself out of spite. Eric Roberts portrays Snider, in one of the most criminally underrated performances ever, as the pathetic outsider. Making things even more unsettling, the film’s final scene was actually shot at the murder scene years later.

Marketed as a comedy, director Bob Balaban’s suburban cannibal excursion remains effectively unsettling. Observed from a child’s perspective, Michael, age 10, quietly questions his family’s choice in meatonly entrees. Does the kid have an active imagination, or are his mom and dad into human flesh? Set in the 1950’s, Parents walks a fine line of kitsch and creepy, one minute having us smile at its retro nostalgia, the next subjecting us to the hallucinogenic dreams of Michael waking up to find his blood-soaked parents making love while gnawing away at an unspecified carcass.

Released in 1974, TCM still packs a powerful punch. While the film is remembered for leather face and his sadistic family, the best moments come when the film is at its quietest. From an eerie opening prologue, the film’s progression intensifies as a group of teens explore the property of their deceased grandparents and its neighbouring house. Once inside, rural scenery takes a back seat to macabre visuals as human bones substitute for furniture, cramped cages house chickens and bizarre pig noises seem to echo from an obscured red room equipped with an ominous metal sliding door and gallery of mounted animal heads. I wonder what’s back there?

Premise: a stalker hides out in the attic of a sorority house making distressing calls to the girls living below. Shot in and around the University of Toronto campus, Black Christmas works so effectively due to its first person account of a serial killer. As people begin to go missing, we are subjected to unsettling tantrums from the predator, psychotically ranting gibberish one moment to disturbingly whispering lullabies to a deceased victim the next, slowly swaying her back and forth to the creaking of the rocking chair. A Canadian classic.

6. Testament (1983) 5. Sleepaway Camp 4. The Blair Witch Project (1999) (1983) Testament is an emotionally draining account of nuclear war and its lasting effects on a residential community. While the set-up plays like a cheesy movie of the week with protagonists, the Weatherly family, living in domestic bliss, the immediacy of nuclear attack comes quick and hard. Radiation poisoning harrowingly remains grounded and realistic. The effects are not shown graphically, but reinforced by the dwindling screen presence of many. Jane Alexander, mother to the Weatherly household stands by her children with love as she slowly watches them die. A somber dance between mother and son to the Beatles’ “All My Loving” highlights the film’s tragic message, remaining almost too hard to watch.

A low, low budget entry from the booming slasher genre of the 1980’s, Sleepaway Camp succeeds in trumping its competitors due to its unsettling sleaze factor. Unafraid to delve into the dark corners of child abuse, the themes of gender identity and homosexuality play throughout as an unidentified assailant slaughters the likes of camp counselors, teens, and even young children. By no means a good movie, one of the contributing factors for it appearance on this list is for its jaw-dropping ending. Although predictable, the finale, displaying a raw mixture of imagery and sound, leaves one numb days afterward.

The Blair Witch Project was the first independent film to break the 100 million dollar mark. A cultural phenomenon of its time, its genius has sadly been neglected by many hungry for a slicker, more CGI-laden escape. Too bad, because it may be the most terrifying experience you’ll ever witness. Shot as a documentary, the film is presented as found footage from three missing filmmakers. If it isn’t the notion of being lost in the woods that disturbs you, it will definitely be the unseen cries of infants, the phantom occurrences of children banging on tents, and a climax that leads the filmmakers to an abandoned house, randomly seeming to appear out of nowhere. Paranormal Activity pales in comparison to this masterpiece.

3. The Grandmother/ 2. Gummo (1997) Eraserhead (1977)

1. Cannibal Holocaust (1980)

A double pick, not only because they were made in succession, but because they encompass David Lynch at his most poetic. The Grandmother, a student film of live action and crude animation, centres on a boy, abused by his parents, finding solace in a grandmother he grows from a pile of dirt. Contrasted between minimal tones of deeps blacks, stark whites, and muted reds – all dialogue is substituted for primitive animal exchanges, electronic drones, and an organic sound design. Very creepy stuff. Eraserhead on the other hand is his first feature film. Based around Lynch’s own dream logic, we follow Henry, a timid man with a bizarre hairstyle as he cares for his mutated child while a lady sings to him from his radiator. The industrial setting is captured vividly in black and white, a recreation of what Lynch described as a personal experience, caring for his own infant daughter in Philadelphia years prior.

At number one is a film still banned in fifty countries: an irrefutable example of exploitation cinema and them some. Pre-dating Blair Witch in the realm of pseudo documentaries, Holocaust sets its sights on the Amazon jungle, revolving around a film crew’s disappearance in search of man-eating tribes. When a New York TV company obtains the lost footage in order to profit from it, we encounter unfathomable horrors. There are images here that will never leave you: animal killings, ritualistic punishment, burning villages, and an ending depicting the missing film crews’ murder, shot so realistically, the director had to go to court to prove it was fake. This is a deeper film though, a tale of moral terror where one is left to decide what true evil actually is: the tribe or the businessmen’s exploitation of the situation? •Myles Herod

Glue sniffing, chair wrestling, and cat mutilations are some of the many idiosyncrasies of a tornado stricken Ohio town in Harmony Korrine’s stunning directorial debut. Despairingly capturing what seem to be daily events of local townsfolk, we are introduced to situations that are so unsavory they come across as ultra realistic — think an authentic version of Jerry Springer. A freak show to say the least, the film develops a hypotonic aura in look and texture, blasting a soundtrack of death metal to the surroundings of messy houses and barren streets. The scary thing is this could be any rural town.

C8 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine


the ‘american radiohead’

thursday, october 29, 2009

corrigan hammond chats with los angeles rockers lemonwilde

Dubbed the “American Radiohead,” Los Angeles based alt-rockers Lemonwilde, with a decidedly mid-nineties sound, are one of the most promising new bands to come out of the United States in the past few years. Unlike other postgrunge acts, their sound, as much influenced by British groups like Radiohead and Portishead, can move from heaviness to distinct atmospheric airiness in a matter of seconds. The band, as vocalist and songwriter Joe Murray explained to me, borrows from mid-nineties British bands. “There’s a little bit of Portishead in the writing style in the sense of structure, but mainly Radiohead and Pink Floyd [are our biggest influences],” he stated, before laughing at the “American Radiohead” moniker that is so often used to explain their music. “I don’t know how true that is, but we’ll take it! I think…it helps in the sense that it gives people…an idea of what to expect. [But] it’s kind of

like that old thing of never wanting to cover a really great track because it’s never going to be as good as the original. It’s difficult to put your own stamp on something unless you’re coming from nothing.” Musically, Lemonwilde, whose music doesn’t conform to current notions of how “indie” ought to sound, don’t easily fit in with the trendy bands of the moment. “To be honest we’re not huge fans of [new music],” Murray explained. “The way that music is going is a lot less [directed.] Before there was like Rolling Stone, [and] all these great magazines and all these great writers that got paid to search out the good music and promote the good music. Now it’s just thousands and thousands of music blog writers who put out whatever. You know, they’re not qualified. They just say what they like. So there’s really no direction.” “And [music journalism],” he continued, “is just who can bring the most friends to shows and stuff like that. There are

obviously a few great bands coming out, but for the most part we’re not a huge fan of the way that the music has been going. But we do see it coming together [again] — hopefully...sooner than later.” “Just because it’s so accessible for everyone to give their own opinions, there are just no professional opinions anymore. So without [those], I think that music fans in general, [who are] very busy doing their own nine-tofive [thing], want to have someone that’s professional directing them [in the right direction], you know, like radio stations or magazines or people that know what they’re talking about. Younger generations …are looking for direction and they’re getting it from pretty much thousands of different people. So it’s just tough to put your finger on it.” “I would say for artists coming out now, including ourselves, it’s a little difficult to really put your stamp down in one area and then sprout from there,” Murray continued.

“But I would [also] say the Internet has helped bands in that sense of gathering other bands that we like in cities that [they’ve] never played. [When we go to] Ontario or when we go to New York or things like that, it’s great because now you can, with MySpace and with Twitter…easily find bands that you like from those cities that you would draw well with. And that makes it easier in that sense. You can definitley do tours without booking agents, which is great, but as with scenes, it’s a little more difficult to really establish a core base of people who will start spreading the word, so in that sense it’s a little more difficult.” Lemonwilde, Murray explained, are very excited to be coming to Canada this month. “Actually, two of our favourite markets are probably Canada and the UK. We just feel that audiences in those two places are a little bit more advanced in what they’re looking for. So we’re actually pretty excited. Not too nervous. Just really

excited, especially [about] places like Toronto and Montreal. It should be a lot of fun. Plus we’ve never been there – it’s going to be cold but, other than that, its pretty exciting.” “We’re playing with… Patrick Watson – we’ve been spinning he’s LP, it’s really awesome, really good. … We’re playing with [PH] in Ottawa. We tried to play with [Tokyo Police Club] in Toronto, but we think they’re going to come to the show, but I guess they are not touring and playing during that time. They seem really nice. I mean, a band that size doesn’t usually respond to you.” Lemonwilde are playing at the Absinthe on Halloween. “Ter [Dines, piano and synthesizer] wants to go as a rock star – so [he’ll] go and Damien [Sanchez, drums] will go as a star. And I’ll just go as me. Just kidding! Hopefully we have time to grab something [at] like some thrift store and put our best effort towards this.” •Corrigan Hammond

thursday, october 29, 2009

under the radar

the silhouette’s art + culture magazine • C9

appropriate. Halloween is a perfect example. If you’re keen enough to break out the glue sticks and construction paper, or meticulously craft bat-shaped cookies, this website might inspire a last-minute decorating frenzy. Heck, spending several hours on a handmade spider-webbed lampshade is totally worth it, yes yes y’all especially you’re too lazy to take down party The Thing www.yesyesyall.org decorations until the end of November, Directed by: John Carpenter when the next wave of holiday creativity hits. Starring: Kurt Russell, Wilford Brimley So you’re feeling a little left behind in the •Julie Compton music scene, annoyed with your pretentious John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982) is a classic friends who boast their knowledge of all the 22 tracks and is perhaps one of the best horror and sweet new tunes before everyone else? One of www.22tracks.nl science fiction films I have seen. The Thing the greatest gifts of the Internet is the ability takes place in Antarctica in the year 1982 and to make anyone a self-proclaimed expert on 22tracks.nl could have just as easily been stars the young and fresh-faced Kurt Russell. everything; music hardly an exception. And if named partycentral.com. This website has The movie begins with crazy Norwegians you, like the rest of the “tweeting,” “liking,” a simple premise – a team of specialized flying in a helicopter attempting to shoot and “hyping” flock have the attention span of Dutch DJ’s got together and created a dog that leads them to a U.S. Research a fourteen year old hopped up on Redbull, twenty-two playlists of twenty-two of their station. The plan crashes and all that survives you can cut through all the pesky writing and favourite tracks in twenty-two genres. is the canine, finding a place to stay with the just listen to the track. With the minimal The goal of the site was to quickly isolated Americans. It isn’t till night comes and streamlined design of most blogs, you and easily showcase new artists in a variety that we realize why the Norwegians were won’t be overrun by genres or categories – of different genres. One of the challenges so adamant on destroying the animal, as it posts are simply chronological, so you never for people interested in broadening mutates, replicates its victims and destroys. know what song you’ll be presented with. their musical horizons is knowing what Throughout the whole film the creature is •Julie Compton constitutes good music in unfamiliar genres. a mystery but one thing that Kurt Russell The DJ’s on 22tracks filter and his crew know for sure is that it imitates creepy cupcakes through the nuances and quirks of these living organisms. The flamethrower is the creepycupcakes.blogspot.com various genres to essentially provide weapon of choice, becoming comedic in listeners with a crash course introduction a way, as it provides the lone solution in Many people choose only to channel their to some of the best new music available. . killing the creature. This movie is a drastic inner Martha Stewart when it’s seasonally •Corrigan Hammond variation from horror films today, because

off the web

off the rack

instead of relying purely on gore it also incorporates suspense. It doesn’t take long for The Thing to be revealed and when it is, it’s horrifying. The creature that John Carpenter creates is something from another world and is more convincing and scarier than the monster in Cloverfield (2008). It is also the ability to create this creature in multiple forms throughout that provides this film with a scare factor that is impressive and unique to the genre. The tension starts to rise as the Thing begins to take over members of the crew, leaving the characters and us to question whose been imitated by this unknown life form. The film borrows a Lord of the Flies dynamic as the crew begins to get paranoid and the power hierarchy of the research team starts to crumble. Even though these are men instead of children, John Carpenter does a great job in depicting the vulnerability of each character. This Thing pairs the men of the crew against one another and challenges what everyone thinks is reality. The Thing shows a quality in film making that I rarely see anymore. John Carpenter takes every aspect of production as being important. The pairing of sound effects, music, acting, setting, and plot are all equally weighed and portrayed. This creates a cinematic experience that seems to be dwindling in the film industry today. •Catherine Brasch

C10 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine


thursday, october 29, 2009

tracking mantracker terry grant explains why you can run, and you can’t hide

Mantracker is the cult-hit television program where a pair of ordinary Canadians must outwit and hide from the “matracker,” reallife cowboy Terry Grant, in a brutal twoday race across some of this country’s most beautiful and rugged terrain. Before attaining his current celebrity status as our country’s foremost tracker, Grant spent over forty years riding horses and working for Search and Rescue teams. “We [were] always looking for tracks and tracking cows and stuff, and then I got into guiding,” he explained to me. “I was wrangling at one point, where you’ve got to learn to track the horses. When you’re guiding you need to know all the different animals, so everything led to another thing and then we got into Search and Rescue and I actually learned to track people,” he continued. Grant began tracking in his home province of Alberta, although he also found plenty of work in the Yukon, Northwest Territories and British Columbia. “With my guiding I did lots of grizzly bear, black bear, moose, elk, sheep, goats all that stuff,” Grant explained. “Animals tend to have a bit of a pattern — they’re going to feed, or they’re going to water, or they’re going to bed, or they’re going to do stuff. They don’t just wander around willy-nilly,” Grant continued. The people that he tracks on television are different than wildlife though — “they’ve done a lot of things [to evade capture]” he explained. “You know, walking backwards and swimming lakes and puddles and stuff like that, putting their soles on backwards stuff like that. There’s a whole gamut of things they’ve done.” Although, putting the sole of your shoes on backwards might make a difference to an untrained eyed,

Grant is unfazed by the popular strategy. “It does make a difference [at first], because the whole tread pattern gets going backwards. But as soon as you look at about the third track you can tell pretty quick that they’ve got the sole on backwards because the toe kicks going the wrong direction.” Grant explained to me how he uses what he learned while working Search and Rescue back in his home province of Alberta on the television program. He even uses his horseback riding experience, one of the program’s trademarks, a leftover from his days in Search and Rescue: “The horse is just my mode of travel instead of walking or something like that. I use the horse. And as far as tracking people, you’re still looking for the same things. People are still gonna go [to] the same places.” “Different terrains affect how much I can use the horse,” Grant explained. “Like in southern Alberta,” he continued, “I can ride just about anywhere. In Newfoundland for instance, I’m pretty much stuck to the road. Northern BC I’m very limited on the trails, in the bush and that stuff. So the horse is a limiting factor in that it gives me speed in the open but it does tend to pin me down because I have to go around a lot of stuff.” “You have to be able to understand horses, because I get two hours to get on my horse the day before the chase and in that two hours I’ve got to figure out what makes them work, what is he scared of, is he going to run when I want him to, do I need spurs, is he a little bit grumpy? You know, I’ve got to figure out all that stuff in a couple hours and away we go.” “That’s the one good thing about spending twenty five years on the back o f

a horse. I’ve [broke in] a lot of horses and I’ve rod a lot of country so, there’s more than one way to get every horse to do something. So I can get on there and I can figure out fairly quick, I’ll try three different things to make him turn left and figure out which one makes him turn left and make him turn right the same way. Being a cowboy and breaking horses has defiantely helped.” Grant isn’t alone out there in the terrain tracking the program’s prey though. Along with his horse, an experienced local guide and a team of veteran Outdoor Life Network cameramen accompany Grant. “Everybody thinks there’s a whole crew, but there’s actually two guys with the prey and one with me. And that’s it,” he explained. “They’ve been doing this thing for four and a half years. We’ve had the same three cameramen. They wear full cameo and when they prey run into the bush; they run in with them, when the prey hide, they hide. [It’s] no advantage whatsoever.” The guides who accompany him are often Grant’s biggest challenge on the program. “Ever y

guide knows the area, but he doesn’t know me [and] I don’t know him. We don’t know the horses. So yeah, it’s a new challenge to meet him and to get him to do the things I need him to do and stuff.” “I’ve never had any that were hard to work with. I’ve had some that just thought it was a whole lot of Hollywood and then realized that it’s twelve, fourteen hour days and that it’s a lot of hard work and they weren’t really prepared for that. Trying to get their head around that’s a little tough.” Mantracker airs on the Outdoor Life Network weeknights at 6:00 p.m. •Corrigan Hammond

in stereo

thursday, october 29, 2009

classic review

the silhouette’s art + culture magazine • C11

featured review

If you’re looking for the ideal album to set a spooky mood before going out this Halloween look no further than the Misfits eerily titled landmark LP Walk Among Us. This album has absolutely everything horrible you could imagine, with songs about collecting children’s skulls, robotic love affairs, dining on a buffet of brains and my personal favourite, astro zombies! While you may have had your palette spoiled by the enormous commercial empire pushing a ridiculous amount of Misfits merchandise in the past decade, Walk Among Us is a profound

example of simple, catchy punk at its grimiest and, quite fittingly, goriest. The album’s charm is undoubtedly owing to the contrived pop undertones infamous bandleader Glenn Danzig managed to weave through a 60‘s influenced punk band with a fetish for horror movies. His surprisingly strong voice, for a punk band at least, is almost always accompanied by a howling mob of back tracks and gives every cut a catchiness unparallel in the genre, except for perhaps the Ramones. Another notable contribution is the molten guitar tracks that neglect to cease throughout the entire record that, by the end of this incredibly short album, leave you with a craving stronger than a vampire’s at a blood clinic. Walk Among Us was the Misfits first full-length release and

if often championed as their most coherent and charged album. While acts such as Alice Cooper had been touring the theatrical shock-rock stage show for a decade prior, The Misfits were the first to bring their rockabilly horror show to the small club scene. Their chilling makeup, otherworldly hairdo’s and lightning speed live shows helped to make the Misfits not only one of the best bands to blast while preparing to embrace your darker half on Halloween, but perhaps one of the most unique and easily most gruesome bands of their time. •Josh Parsons

3 Inches of Blood Here Comes Thy Doom

Converge Axe to Fall

Booker T. Potato Hole

Kings of Convenience Declaration of Dependence

3 Inches of Blood’s style of metal is a throwback to those classic bands of the 80s such as Iron Maiden and Judas Priest; full of memorable riffs and solos amidst Cam Pipes’ falsetto wails that pay homage to the likes of Bruce Dickenson. The departure of the vocalist, who handled the harsh vocals, has meant the band has left behind much of their metalcore affiliations. They now concentrate on the classic metal sound without losing any of the impact the guttural screams may have provided. Yet, they still transcend a variety of different styles from the fast thrash metal to slower almost Deep Purple-esque approaches, which keeps things interesting. The fantasy theme of the band can feel cliché, but if you’re a fan of Manowar or Iron Maiden you will find a lot to enjoy. •Ben Small

I’ve always had trouble getting into Converge. Believe me, they’ve always been a band I wanted to like more. Ever since I first listened to “Last Light” on the band’s 2004 release You Fail Me as an indiscriminate high-school student, I was floored by the unique and abrasive intensity of the song, but my youthful indiscernibility nevertheless prevented my from really appreciating it. Introduce Axe to Fall, the band’s most accessible album yet. The opening track “Dark Horse” punishes with a fast guitar riff that dominates the song. There is a nuanced sound that flows through the first eleven tracks like a nonstop, whirlwind feeling of vivid catharsis before the album slows down at the end with the lethargic combo of “Cruel Bloom” and “Wretch World” to welcomingly return you to your sanity. •Kevin Elliott

In the 1960s, Stax Records was home to the absolute best in soul music and Booker T and the MGs was the Stax house band. Now, almost 50 years after first recording “Green Onions” in 1962, Booker T is back with the CD Potato Hole – an instrumental effort. This time his Hammond B3 is backed by southern rockers, The DriveBy Truckers (who have become the side-men of choice these days for southern soulsters) and Neil Young (of all people) on guitar. This is soulful funk at its best with Booker’s churchy organ riffs playing off of as many as five guitars in some songs. The best tracks are the slow and easy “She Breaks” and wild and truly warped, “Warped Sister.” •Phil Wood

The name says it all. The boys from Norway have been friends since their youth and the dependence they have on each other is evident. After a five-year hiatus to pursue solo projects, Erlend Øye and Eirik Glambek Bøe return in true form to the unique sound they pioneered. Declaration is filled with the usual calming melodies and soothing dual vocals the pair is known for. They sing about everyday issues with a laid back sense of cool. Considering the length of the hiatus the album falls short. While retaining the charm and talent of previous efforts, it presents no musical advancement and many songs are far too similar. A good album, but far from great. •John Hill





Misfits Walk Among Us

Tegan and Sara Sainthood


Ten seconds into opening track “Arrow” you realize Sainthood is going to be a different Tegan and Sara album. Meaty guitar riffs, syncopated drum beats, and bouncy synth all blend to form a more powerful and urgent sound than found on earlier albums. As with 2007’s The Con, Death Cab’s Chris Walla and Jason McGerr helped out with recording, however in contrast to The Con’s cohesive but homogeneous nature, Sainthood is something of an alt kaleidoscope which draws on influences all over the map. Infectiously catchy lead single “Hell” gives off a decidedly Foo Fighters-lite feel, and “Northshore” could easily be a Pennywise track. Of course, plenty of songs on the album that are unmistakably Tegan and Sara. “Sentimental Tune” features jangly guitar doodles and a light bouncing rhythm which support classic T&S harmonies, as well as a rather anthemic violinlaced conclusion. “Album closer “Someday” is a soon-to-be crowd killer, featuring a loose sunny beat and driving bass underneath a flurry of verbal heart-spilling, which builds to a finale of duelling choruses and a sonic cut-to-black that leaves you salivating for more. Lasting only thirty-seven minutes, Sainthood packs in an incredible amount of substance, and will undeniably keep you addicted for months. •Michael Hewak


C12 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine


hamilton heroes

thursday, october 29, 2009


arkells frontman max kerman hasn’t forgotten his hamilton roots Although the Arkells have come along way in the last few years – from local Hamilton heroes to stadium rocking Canadian music icons, wherever they go, a strong association still exists between the group and the “Hammer.” “We talk about Hamilton a lot,” explained Max Kerman, the groups lead vocalists and guitarist. “[Hamilton] seems to come up in interviews. And you know, we’ve toured Canada four or five times now and we bring up Hamilton a lot because the name of the album is Jackson Square, and Arkell Street is where the band met, where two of us in the band lived. We definitely get asked a lot about Hamilton, we love putting in the good word for Hamilton.” “We’re just waiting for the key to the city at this point” Kerman chuckled. “We only have one album and it was all written in Hamilton and a lot of the stories take place in Hamilton. In that sense it’s very Hamiltoncentric— it’s very natural, it’s where the band kind of came together and where we’ve lived for the last four or five or six years of our lives, so it makes sense that there would be those kinds of associations.” Jackson Square, which the group released earlier this year, has provided the group with a lot of opportunities to showcase their hometown pride.

“Because the album is done well, I think it has given us opportunities to play a lot,” Kerman explained. “We’re really happy with the reception it’s got, and most of all I think any band is just looking for opportunities to showcase themselves and we’ve been really fortunate and really lucky to be able to get a lot of great opportunities opening for bigger bands and now we’re headlining our own shows. The one thing that’s changed is just opportunities, which we don’t take for granted at all — we come out swinging every time, every chance we get.” Currently the Arkells are on their first headlining tour, and they have been able to play as both headliners and opening acts, Kerman explains: “The way it works with our schedule is that it kind of goes back and forth. We’ll do a few headlining shows and then we’ll get an opportunity to, you know, open for Sam Roberts or the Tragically Hip, which we did a bunch with this summer, so you kind of go back and forth from playing in front of really, really big audiences on really big stages and then, for our own headlining shows, to playing a lot of clubs and three-five hundred seat capacities — which are smaller and, it’s great. We love both — like there’s challenges to both of them and it’s really rewarding knowing that people came out to

see us and then it’s also really fun to try and win over other audiences.” “Small venues feel more natural,” Kerman told me. “Because,” he continued, “that’s where we started playing and I guess part of the toughest thing with a small venue is making sure that all the instruments come through in the mix. Because in a small room it can, you know, start to mush, but in bigger rooms you have professional sound guys and huge PA systems where they’re able to mix a little bit easier. As a rock-and-roll band you have a tendency to just want to turn it up really loud, but sometimes you have to restrain yourself a little bit and think about what the songs mean and be a little bit more delicate in some cases because you want to preserve the song.” “We’re lucky in Ontario to be able to have a lot of great venues. We played a show in London at a bar called “Call The Office” and it was awesome. Ottawa has been really, really good to us. We’ve had some amazing shows there. Toronto, obviously, we’ve played a lot,” Kerman told me. “Out west,” he continued, “Saskatoon has a great scene [too]. It’s kind of a cool university town. We also really like Vancouver…We played in Grand Prairie one time opening for Matt Mays and that was a great show, it was really fun. There are

different hubs [for Canadian music.]” “One of the most fun parts of the stage we’re at right now is that there are a lot of unknowns. You try something, and maybe it works really well and people respond to it online or you try something else and it doesn’t really work. So, it’s like, we’re learning a lot and as our fan base grows or, you know, you’ll see different reactions. It’s an interesting time for us.” “We’re like any other band, we’re music lovers and there’s a lot of music that inspires us and there’s a lot of lyricists that inspire us. On Jackson Square there’s some straightforward fist pumping sort of lyrics, but there’s also some more subtle lyrics, like the music as well. I’m defiantely not my favourite lyricist. It’s like you want to strive to be great and hone your craft, and I think, there’s guys like Joel Plaskett who have a really unique style, there’s guys like John K. Samson from the Weakerthans who has a really unique style and there’s The National who have their own style. So we’re sort of somewhere in between there,” Kerman told me. The Arkells played on Friday at 1280 for McMaster’s Homecoming, which just goes to show that even with their success, the boys haven’t forgotten their roots. •Corrigan Hammond

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