The Silhouette - October 6, 2016

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S The Silhouette Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016


Hedley’s sold-out show kicked off a revamped homecoming weekend.

ARTS & CULTURE READING WEEK A guide to your first week off in Hamilton. Page 3

OPINION BALANCE IN FAITH Is the accessibility of faith on campus fair? Page 11

SPORTS HOMECOMING Veterans lead Mac to a decisive win. Page 23



The Silhouette

Volume 87, Issue 8






Thursday, September 29, 2016 McMaster University’s Student Newspaper


EDITORIAL BOARD editor-in-chief |

Scott Hastie @Scott1Hastie managing editor |

Rachel Katz production editor | Nick Bommarito online editor | Haley Greene sections

Sasha Dhesi Steven Chen news reporter Vacant! features reporter Alex Florescu news editor

news reporter

opinion editor

Shane Madill

Cullum Brownbridge sports reporter Lauren Beals

sports editor

& culture editor Daniel Arauz arts & culture reporter Michelle Yeung arts


Madeline Neumann Yung Lee video editor Philip Kim social media coordinator Jasmine Ellis photo editor

photo reporter

sales ad manager |

OCT. 19, 2000

The use of Comic Sans in this headline shows the article’s age, but the content stands the test of time. If you find yourself in Hamilton or on campus throughout the reading week, take a stroll through Cootes Paradise.

Sandro Giordano



MUSC, Room B110 McMaster University 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4S4

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Volunteering with the Sil is easy! Attend one of the section meetings to get started! Can’t attend? Send them an email! NEWS - Thursday at 4:30 - OPINION - Tuesday at 1:30 - SPORTS - Monday at 4:30 - ARTS & CULTURE - Monday at 10:30 - MULTIMEDIA - Tuesday at 3:30 - | Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016

The Silhouette

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News Celebrating Indigenous culture This year’s Cultural Gathering added Indigenous vendors, and Inuit and Métis performers

Part of MISCA’s annual event’s goal is to raise awareness of Indigeneous issues. C/O MCMASTER DAILY NEWS

Steven Chen News Reporter

Despite a day of wet weather, the annual Cultural Gathering hosted by McMaster Indigenous Student Community Alliance on Sept. 29 refused to be rained out. The cultural gathering has been an annual event at McMaster since 2009. Traditionally regarded as a powwow by the First Nations people, the gathering is characterized by feasting, singing and dancing. Taking place in the centre of campus by JHE/BSB fields from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the thumps of the drummers and voices of the singers were not held back by the rain. In recent years, MISCA’s efforts have been directed towards better representing the Inuit and Métis populations by incorporating performers from these groups into the First Nations powwow. This in coordination with the name change of the McMaster First Nations Student

Association into what is now the McMaster Indigenous Student Community Alliance as a way of becoming more inclusive of the Indigenous population at McMaster. The traditional aspect of this event is especially important to Gail Jamieson, the Cultural Gathering organizer. “I’ve added on Indigenous vendors this year, [traditional] cooks were new as well, and they never had Inuit and Métis performers before so that was something we added on in the last few years,” said Jamieson. The gathering hosted a number of different performers. Three indigenous Big Drum groups: Bluestonecloud, Ohniakara and Big Train were scheduled to play authentic music. On top of this, two singing groups, Manitou Mkma Singers and Old Mush Singing Group, performed as well to offer a taste of First Nations culture. The rain certainly did not dissuade a large turnout for the event, as more than 200 people attended the powwow and performances.

A large group of these attendees were students from neighbouring schools. “We had a lot of children and they really enjoyed it— they actually got up and danced during our Métis jigs, it was really awesome this year,” said Jamieson. One of the primary goals for the Cultural Gathering on campus is to celebrate Indigenous culture, while also raising awareness for its student presence. This is certainly in line with the traditional role of First Nations’ powwows. “It was just a way to celebrate getting together. It’s a social thing where we get to connect with one another and celebrate,” said Jamieson. Transitioning onto a more serious note, the MISCA group expressed concerns of a lack of Indigenous awareness from the student body. “In our surveys, 95 per cent of students here do not even realize that the Six Nations reserve is only a half hour from here. We have done a lot of tabling and the ignorance is

really high. A lot of students don’t even know the three populations under the umbrella of Indigenous,” Jameison said. Noting that there are roughly 600 self-identified Indigenous students on campus, the lack of awareness for Indigenous services was also found troubling. “One of the things we hope by doing these events is to show awareness that they are here. In the past there’s not a lot of Indigenous students that come out, so this is hopefully just a way to show our presence,” said Esmonde Jamieson-Eckel, a third-year Anthropology student. While a common conception of Indigenous culture is that it is a lesson taught in history class, Rachel Elliot, a second-year Midwifery student and MISCA member speaks on the reality. “I think that it is important for a person who lives in Canada to be aware that Indigenous culture is current and ongoing, so it is important for that presence to be seen in a contempo-

“In our surveys, 95 per cent of students here do not even realize that the Six Nations reserve is only a half hour from here. We have done a lot of tabling and the ignorance is really high.” Gail Jamieson Cultural Gathering Organizer rary setting.” Although this year’s Cultural Gathering was completed under less than ideal weather conditions, it definitely did its best to spread Indigenous culture to the student body. @steven6chen

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Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016 |

OPIRG’s Making Connections Week With student issues in mind, OPIRG’s Making Connections Week was a success Crystal Lobo Contributor

Human-interest issues were at the forefront from Sept. 26 to Sept. 30 as the Ontario Public Interest Research Group McMaster presented Making Connections Week to inspire students to get involved in issues important to them. OPIRG McMaster is an organization that aims to link students with resources to help them with initiatives and movements they care about. “I want to point out basically to students that OPIRG is there, MUSC 229, and it has resources for students all the time. If there is an issue that they care about, somewhere along the OPIRG spectrum,

they can literally go into that office and just say I care about this issue… They’ll work with you. It’s something that is a really valuable resource that not enough students know about,” said Rachel Goodland, a former staff member with OPIRG McMaster who helped plan the event. The two main connections OPRIG focused on building were those between students and communities on campus, empowering their interests, as well as the relationship between students and OPIRG McMaster. “What I really wanted to do this week is to partner with student groups that already exist to make those groups even more accessible to students to kind of highlight them and focus on

them while also highlighting OPIRG as an organization,” said Goodland. Various workshops and events throughout the week were conducted in partnership with existing student groups at McMaster, such as the Women and Gender Equity Network, Queer Students Community Centre, McMaster EngiQueers, Mac Farmstand, McMaster Indigenous Student Community Alliance, and McMaster Science Society, among others. Examples of special events done in collaboration with student groups included, but were not limited to Intersectional Feminism Workshop 1A03, Interrupting Norms, Simply Sustainable: Sustainable Eating for Students, and Blanket

Exercise: The Colonial History of Turtle Island. OPIRG McMaster also collaborated with faculty to have important and interesting conversations with students. STEM Women’s Stories: A McMaster Prof Panel, for example, provided students the opportunity to ask professors questions about challenges they faced as women working in the stem field. “They had really great anecdotes and stories that made it made… me feel like I could go forward in my career … that there’s ways to manage it and ways to deal with it that like role models of mine have been able to do.” remarked Goodland. Greg Zilberbrant from the Academic Sustainability

Programs Office is another staff member involved with OPIRG McMaster. Zilberbrant delivered a talk about sustainable development from an intersectional approach to introduce students to the topic and how they could get involved in this initiative. When asked what McMaster students should take away from Making Connections Week, Goodland responded, “I hope that they can take away that there are ways to get involved with activism on campus that are comfortable for everyone.” OPIRG’s office is found at room 229 of MUSC, and students are encouraged to drop in for further information. @theSilhouette

OPIRG’S office is located at room 229 in MUSC. MADELINE NEUMANN / PHOTO EDITOR

1011 King Street West, Westdale Village 905.546.0000 | Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016


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Anti-racism panel speaks in Hamilton As a part of the Liberal government’s anti-racism directorate, locals gathered to discuss racism Sasha Dhesi News Editor

On Sept. 26, the provincial government held an anti-racism panel in Hamilton, as a part of their anti-racism directorate to address systemic racism within Ontario. The anti-racism directorate was created in Feb. 2016, and its main aims are to decrease systemic racism within provincial government institutions, increase awareness of systemic racism within the local communities and promote fair practices that lead to racial equity. Since July, the panel has held various meetings to discuss systemic racism in an open forum. The anti-racism panel was held at Mohawk College, where the community gathered to discuss the specific race sensitive issues in Hamilton. Approximately 150 people

were in attendance, and audience members were encouraged to speak to the panel of municipal and provincial representatives about their concerns. Some of the notable members of the audience included MPP and Minister Responsible for Anti-Racism Michael Coteau, Ward 3’s Matthew Green, and McMaster’s equity and inclusion office’s senior program manager Vilma Ross. Community leaders were also in attendance, and many spoke about their experiences as well as their issues with the directorate itself. Ken Stone, chair of the community coalition against racism in Hamilton, noted the redundancy of the directorate in his speech. “Many excellent pieces of research have already been done over the last three decades, proving conclusively that sys-

“Many excellent pieces of research have already been done over the last three decades, proving conclusively that systemic racism infects every facet of our justice system.” Ken Stone, Chair of the Community Coalition Against Racism temic racism infects every facet of our justice system, it exists in the school, and it colours who gets and doesn’t get the best jobs available in Ontario,” said Stone in his speech.

Michael Coteau, Minister Responsible for Anti-Racism, speaks at a 2013 press conference. Coteau’s role began in February 2016. C/O YORK UNIVERSITY

Members of the audience also spoke about the current government’s own relationship with racialized groups. Manohar Singh Bal of the Gursikh Sangat of Hamilton accused Coteau of dismissing his group’s concerns, to which Coteau responded was due to logistical issues. McMaster students were also in attendance, and shared mixed feelings towards the panel. “I think it depends a lot on how you feel about the efficacy of our current system of government in enacting change through policy and the like,” commented Michelle Xu, a second-year Arts and Science student. “There was so much valuable information, stories, and suggestions that were shared from the audience, and I have so much respect for everybody who came up to speak to

their own experiences and for their communities.” Others were more hopeful, citing the panels as a necessary step. “[The panel] was necessary because if [Michael Coteau] hadn’t done it he would’ve been seen as illegitimate and because he did do it there was a lot of anxiety to the usefulness of it,” commented Chukky Ibe, a fifthyear Political Science student. “I think it was a show of leadership from their office and we’re just waiting on their results.” The directorate will continue their stops in other cities, their upcoming stop being in London on Oct. 7 and in Sudbury on Oct. 15. Individuals are encouraged by the Liberal government to come out and have their concerns heard. @sashadhesi

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Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016 |

A review of the revamped hoco Homecoming’s planning took course over 3 months, and addressed budget and safety concerns Bina Patel Contributor

Homecoming has come and gone, but its planning is still a point of discussion for those involved. The planning phase of this past homecoming weekend spanned three and a half months during the summer. It began with finalizing the $25,000 of funding first introduced at an SRA meeting that took place in June, and brought new considerations for increasing safety into the mix. The additional money was announced in June after being voted in by the SRA, who must approve any expenditure over $7,000. Prior to the vote, the MSU had a net allocated loss. The motion passed during a June SRA meeting, with 28 members voting in favour of the additional Homecoming funds. “In [Campus Events’] budget, it had $45,000 set aside for expenditure and an estimated revenue of $40,000. So the MSU at that point was planning to lose $5,000,” vice president (Finance) Ryan MacDonald said. Community concerns were also addressed in the planning of this year’s homecoming. Once each year, Al Legault, director of Campus Events sits in

on a meeting for the President’s Advisory Council on Community Relations. His primary role on the council is to discuss how community members will be affected by Welcome Week and homecoming events. “The MSU listened to the community and heard some issues that came out and a lot of them were driven by the overcapacity of parties and wandering around the streets,” Legault said. As a result, the MSU developed a strategy to keep more students on campus but also keep it central to campus. One of those was to introduce a second concert for the first time. “It’s all about having Marauder pride on our own territory, and why not bring that in with morning entertainment,” explained Legault. Another new aspect of homecoming weekend was a beer garden. Alcohol has been available during homecoming since 2012 and in previous homecoming weekends was located in the David Braley Athletic Centre just outside the concert in Sport Hall. “There in no way is a suggestion or a drive to consume alcohol. In fact, quite the opposite,” assured MacDonald. “We have not increased

[the capacity of the venue],” added Legault. “We just feel that there are students that are of age that have the right to consume a beverage if they choose so. We found over the last four years it was never really a large draw, but it was readily available.” The licensed area is gated and has a maximum capacity of 200 people. There were also new measures for security put in place. Campus Events staff and volunteers from the Maroons received training from the Ottawa Sexual Violence Network to learn how to respond to incidents of sexual violence. The MSU Women and Gender Equity Network members were also stationed to assist students who might need to navigate the sexual violence protocol through Meghan Ross’s office. “Even one instance of sexual violence is too many,” said McDonald. An event as big as homecoming will be fraught with logistical concerns, but with continued changes in budgeting and planning, Legault says the MSU has “a lot of hopes.” For those with any homecoming-related concerns, contact Al Legault of Campus Events or the board of directors. @theSilhouette


MADELINE NEUMANN / PHOTO EDITOR | Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016


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The new First Year Council

Restructuring aims to promote student leadership and advocate for first years

MADELINE NEUMANN / PHOTO EDITOR Louis Ferracuti Contributor

Recent changes made to the First Year Council aim to increase first year student engagement with student governance. The recent shutdown of the Inter-Residence Council left a void in terms of first year advocacy. Vice-president (Administration) Shaarujaa Nadarajah says that the MSU stepped in to fill this void with the changes made to the FYC. The biggest change being made is the introduction of the FYC Coordinator position, which is aimed to help First Year Councillors navigate the responsibilities of the FYC. KJ Webster will be taking on this role in its pilot year. Webster is optimistic about the prospects for student engagement that come with the

changes. She explained that the uniqueness of the FYC comes from the fact that it acts as both a service and a governing body. “I am very excited for this restructured system,” said Webster. “I think this reorganizing has the power to redefine the first year experience, and will have a real impact on current first years and all the classes to come.” In the past, the FYC was essentially self-sufficient and autonomous, but also without much direction. “One of the yearly problems we hear about with the FYC is the fact that there’s no real person coordinating this structure,” said Nadarajah. “So [we decided to] develop a part-time manager position to oversee that.” Beyond the introduction of the FYC Coordinator, the new structure will incorporate res-

idence councillors from every residence building, who will be overseen by the VP Internal of the FYC. Representatives from the various faculty societies are overseen by the VP External of the FYC. Combining the structures of residence and faculty student governance is hoped to both simplify and increase student engagement in governance. “One thing that we do see with respect to student governance is getting those perspectives and those voices, and first years obviously make a large proportion of those voices,” said Nadarajah. “Having an elected councillor for each of these buildings, and allowing us to implement the advocacy structures that we have on the SRA on a first year level, I think will increase engagement across the board.” Nadarajah also noted that

“I think this reorganizing has the power to redefine the first year experience, and will have a real impact on current first years and all the classes to come.” KJ Webster, First Year Council Coordinator increased student engagement in first year on has numerous benefits. Students who are engaged early on tend to continue their engagement throughout their undergrad. Students who are engaged in student governance may also

be more aware of the stances advocated for and services provided by the MSU, according to Nadarajah. The changes were conceptualized and developed in June of this year in collaboration with the Elections Department and Housing and Conference Services, and are already in the process of being rolled out. Elections for first year councillor and residence councillor positions were held the past week, with nominations and campaigning already having begun from the first week of the fall term. “I think the MSU being able to connect with more students starting on a first year level is going to make a massive change in terms of student engagement across the board,” said Nadarajah. @theSilhouette


RYAN MACDONALD Vice President (Finance) 905.525.9140 x24109

Student support has always been and will always be a pillar of what the MSU aims to offer the students of McMaster University. Examples of MSU support services are abundant and include: the Women and Gender Equity Network, the Queer Students Community

October 6, 2016 |

Centre, the Peer Support Line and (newly debuted) Maccess. Supporting students will always be a priority for the MSU. To that end, I am very pleased to introduce the latest support system - The MSU Student Assistance Program. Launching October 17, the MSU Student Assistance Program will provide students with free access to experts in fields such as psychological counselling and legal advice. The program is a support tool that focuses on the guiding principles of confidentiality, voluntary usage, and accessibility. It will provide 24/7 access to the aforementioned mental health and legal support, as well as financial consultation, life coaching, nutritionists, and a variety of other resources. The program will be available to all McMaster students, along with their roommates and family members, supporting students who may be

struggling themselves, as well as those looking for ways to support a peer or family member. The importance of this program cannot be understated, as this is the first time the

The program will provide students with free access to experts in fields such as psychological counselling and legal advice. MSU has invested in a program which students can access at all hours of the day, at all times of the year, from any location. Aspiria - the program provider notes that a major benefit of the program is an increased level of usage at schools over the summer time. This is likely due to students not having access to peer support or professional counselling on their respective campuses. These students may

also be combating a stigma of accessing these resources at home. The MSU Student Assistance Program will launch the first day back from this year's fall break. Students will be able to access the program through an online portal, an app, and a 24/7 telephone support line. Please visit www. for more information about accessing the Student Assistance Program. This resource will be an excellent complement to the existing repertoire of mental health and student support services on campus. Moreover, the program and its many facets will be funded entirely through the existing MSU Health and Dental insurance plan, with no reductions to any existing coverage. Therefore, we have ensured a financially sustainable support system at no additional cost to McMaster students.




TEXT ‘MSU’ TO 71441

The President’s Page is a space sponsored and used by the McMaster Students Union (MSU) Board of Directors (BoD) to communicate with the student body. It functions to highlight the Board’s projects, goals, and agenda for the year, as well as the general happenings of the MSU. | Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016


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Editorial Why we can’t have nice things Student behaviour on homecoming needs to improve to keep the tradition going

Scott Hastie Editor-in-Chief

We’ve picked up the pieces and gotten our lives back together after homecoming weekend, but I’m wondering how many more of these we have left. The scene on Saturday was par for the course; maroon-clad people roaming the streets of Westdale and Ainslie Wood on their way to parties and backyard keggers ahead of the football game. The 2,000 or so people who attended the Shaggy concert and pancake breakfast hosted on campus probably made this year less crazy than years gone by. So far, there has not been a Hamilton Spectator article about a kegger-gone-crazy like there was in 2015. This marginal improvement in behavior is not going to be enough to keep the community happy, and nor should it be. Littering, out-of-control parties, and harassment from drunk idiots during homecoming is going to continue to be a pissoff for Westdalers. McMaster officials have this on their minds too. The concerts and beer gardens are born out of the McMaster President’s Advisory Committee on Community Relations, who fielded a ton of complaints about keggers and the community wanted change. I was at the infamous

South Oval kegger last year, and while it was fun, it went too far. As students, we can look around to other campuses for what could happen next if we don’t continue to work on improving the homecoming behavior. Queen’s University – a student population and alumni base that wears their tricolour prouder than most schools – put homecoming on hiatus for five years following partiers burning a car and throwing beer bottles at police officers in 2005. The ban was effective, as the Queen’s Journal student newspaper reports that fines and arrests have dropped after they reinstituted the event. Western University split up their alumni events over two weekends this year in response to complaints about massive street parties. Picture Sterling St. filled with students –that’s what Western’s homecoming looks like. For what it’s worth, the plan is likely going to be viewed as a failure, as students still partied hard in London on Oct. 1 and likely will party again for the late-October weekend too. Personally I think it is naïve to equate McMaster’s homecoming to those of Queen’s or Western. The Mac party scene does not reach the same level, but we are not battling against people who care about what happens in Kingston or

“‘It could be worse’ is not a good argument for the parent that can’t bring their kid outside to play road hockey because they are concerned about the drunk students walking around yelling profanities. London. “It could be worse” is not a good argument for the parent that can’t bring their kid outside to play road hockey because they are concerned about the drunk students walking around yelling profanities. So it’s equally naïve for the McMaster student population to think that we can continue on the same pace and expect homecoming to last forever. Traditions will only last for as long as the community atlarge wants to keep them going, and if students want future generations to enjoy the same festivities they did, it is time to grow up and be a little more respectful of the place you live. @Scott1Hastie

to reading weeks. Recharging batteries since 2015.

to Big Ego.

to the return of Tiberius.

to the closing of cottages.

to the Campus Events director/wedding officiant. Get you a man who can do both.

to phone calls while you’re on the can. weird.

to OUA refereeing.

to Lit Up by Buckcherry. Songs about loving cocaine at a Hamilton karaoke bar are a little scary.

to sticky tack. to Happy Hourz. to the photo room banter.

to over-aggressive thumbs.

to Ians, if you exist. to strawberry lemonade lollipops.

to the “Callum” reply. Read the email signature, punk.

to cuddle pumpkin.

to those instant coffee things.

to improving parkour skills.

to cat anatomy talk.

to cocaine mummies.

to the guy attempting to police the washrooms at Faculty Club.

to free shrimp. to cats meeting dogs. to Todd Orr.

to front page typos. Oops.

to renewed optimism.

to finishing second in NFL picks.

to entrance art.

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2016-08-17 4:11 PM

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Two and half years ago, I was in a car accident and it was not a big one. My symptoms started to come a week after it was pretty evident for months and even now, I suffer a pretty severe concussion. Basically, this completely changed my life. I am at possibly two out of 10 of what I used to be and what I was able to do in terms of physical activities. Cognitive abilities were greatly impacted. It was very difficult to do a number of things… even reading. I usually read two or three books a week, but I read one book in November and December. My accident was in February. I couldn’t read a book until November and December. It affected a lot of things. But what I took out of this is I am still working on regaining my cognitive abilities, which is probably at best eight out of 10, and at my worst, two out of 10… [but] I don’t look any different. When people see me, they think I am completely like I used to be… but I am not. Even my buddies at the pool, they saw me flailing in water and they were like “oh my god, you are not doing well.” I am only swimming 400 to 500 m, but before, we [used] do 3-4 km.

I’ve been at school for two years

at McMaster and probably accessibility would be my biggest struggle. After that, I think sort of fitting in… getting people to talk to you and stuff because they are a bit nervous around you. It’s kind of different. With different rooms for my classes, I always have to go before the new school year starts just to see if the room is accessible. There has been issues with the room where there are like staircases close by the doors and stuff like that which is fairly

Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016 |

Hélène Caron PhD Candidate

I get dizzy and [nauseated]. So I have to stay under the aerobic zone. Cleaning at home… I can’t clean. I can’t bend down and clean things. It’s getting better, but still an issue. One of the reasons why I did accept to return to Mac to do my PhD was to reconnect my brain cells, so basically my own therapy by doing my thesis. I am French-Canadian, but as I was going through the rehab for the concussion, it was clear that my speech and language abilities and everything was affected. Even the ability to find the right word and use it at the right time in a correct sentence was impacted.

YUNG LEE/ PHOTO REPORTER Because I have been an athlete all my life, I had to deal with setback injuries and what not. But when we got hit and this started, I couldn’t even

dangerous for me. Also, if I want to present up in front of the class, the stage has no ramp. If people hadn’t interacted with people with disabilities and things like that, sometimes, they are nervous to talk to you and they are not sure if they don’t want to bring up anything. You kind of have to be the one to start the conversation or else,

Ryan Joslin Political Sciences II

listen to music, which was one of my main tools for detaching from the current situation. Running… I can’t run at all. I can’t even bring my heart rate up because

it won’t start. Especially for group work or tutorials, you really have to kind of take charge and speak up. Like there is no reason that you should be treated any differently and stuff. What is your most special memory at McMaster? Yung Lee Photo Reporter

Probably the first group I got

It becomes really interesting to see the world in an over-stimulated way. And building empathy towards others is what I learned. It’s not like I was not empathetic before, but I think I can relate to a whole other level now… completely different. Especially that coming from a sports-background, you know, unless it’s broken, you just keep going. We grew up with “no pain no gain”. If it’s not broken, just pass yourself and keep going. That’s what I’ve done.

into. At first, everyone was kind of nervous around me. And now I’ve got to know them, I actually know them as friends. At first when I met them, you could tell that they were not really sure about me, just because I am on a wheelchair…. It’s very strange. HumansOfMcMaster | Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016

The Silhouette | 11

Opinion An imbalance in practicing faith Is there a bias in religious accessibility at McMaster?


The practice of religion at McMaster University for Muslim students lacks accessibility in comparison to other faiths. The Muslim Students Association at McMaster has worked towards making McMaster feel like home to Muslims on campus, but seems to lack in convenient accessibility to rooms where their five daily prayers can be freely conducted and their academic diligence can be preserved. Attending Welcome Week as a first year student, I was consistently assured that my school would soon become my second home. With friendly faces and new friends who shared similar ideologies, I felt quite comfortable with my surroundings. However, when it came time for my new friends and I

to digress from the excitement of Welcome Week and find comfort in a familiar practice, we found it difficult to find an accessible location where we could share our faith. Though our reps were kind and made it their mission to assist us in finding our peace, the response I seemed to keep getting to the question, “Where can I pray?” was, “I’m not sure.” After integrating with the routines of the first week and asking many more questions to what had become my two week venture to find a place to practice my faith, I finally learned that there are a few locations scattered across campus where I could find some peace. T13, the Health Sciences building and Mills second floor were the common responses. McMaster Divinity College is a place that reflects, “a broad mix of ethnic and national backgrounds, age diversity, and,

of course, both men and women training together for Christian service,” and promotes, “Knowing the word of God, being transformed into Christ’s image and doing the work of Ministry.” The College also holds weekly Chapel every Monday from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. to discuss this year’s theme of “Knowing God.” This event is a good point of comparison with the MSA’s weekly Jumaa Prayer, which is usually held in the Smith Gym at two different times every Friday. If you use the student centre as a point of reference, Smith Gym is about 10 minutes away while Divinity Chapel is about three minutes — a large difference in accessibility. In addition, the facilities themselves differ in terms of welcoming a peaceful atmosphere. On one hand we have a make-do underground, difficult to locate play area with

The response I seemed to keep getting to the question, "Where can I pray?" was, "I'm not sure." squash balls flying about in the background, and on the other hand we have a peaceful serene garden of tranquility. If you compare more than just the Friday services, these differences become even more apparent. The everyday prayer areas for Muslims resemble a small corner or a secluded underground room. Divinity College could be an excellent multi-faith location for McMaster students. However, based on their philosophies, there is only room for Christian practicing students. In contrast, the MSA identifies as the

Muslim Students’ Association, though their work benefits the greater McMaster community, as their facilities are available for all practicing faiths. With consideration to the 40 years of experience the MSA has and the growing percentage of Muslims at McMaster, the leadership of the MSA should be able to come up with more convenient means of accessibility for Muslims to practice on campus. There should not have to be any worry about making it back in time for lecture. The MSA and McMaster Divinity College work to serve students who would like to digress from a chaotic everyday environment and find some peace. McMaster University as a community should consider how to respond to the larger faith communities, and open up doors to all faiths in all its facilities.

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Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016 |

Is exercise beneficial during midterm season? New research argues the time investment will increase your academic performance Francesca McFadden Contributor

New research indicates that being active has a strong impact on health, specifically targeting brainpower, coping with stress and improving mental health. Dr. Jennifer Heisz, McMaster assistant professor and director of the Neurofit Lab, is engaged in research on the cognitive neuroscience behind exercise. Her research examines the effects of physical activity on brain function to promote health and cognition in young and older adults. “A single bout of exercise focuses your attention so that you can learn better in class. Regular physical activity can help you to cope with stressors for overall better mental health,” Heisz explained. “Mental illness is on the rise, and students are more at-risk than most. One in three university students will experience symptoms of depression at one point during their time at school. With expectations for high grades come high-stakes pressures for exams leading many students to experience chronic stress and anxiety.” Examinations act as physiological stressors, which release cortisol into the body. In small doses, cortisol is beneficial as it allows us to effectively deal with stressors. However, Heisz explains, “Prolonged increases in cortisol can damage the hippocampus — a key brain region involved in learning, memory and regulation of the stress response. Ironically, the intense pressure to achieve top grades can compromise a student’s ability to effectively learn and retain the knowledge they need to per-

“The benefits can be achieved with just thirty minutes of moderateintensity aerobic exercise, like brisk walking, three times a week.” Dr. Jennifer Heisz Director of the Neurofit Lab

form well academically.” During exam season, time is of the essence, thus many students don’t see physical activity as a priority. Heisz debunks this misconception through research by concluding that exercise can be beneficial to students by creating resiliency to physiological stressors. There are many opportunities on and off campus for students to get active. McMaster Recreation offers intramural sports, yoga, a climbing wall and fitness classes. The Arrive and Thrive project offers a gentle approach to blending physical activity with engagement in the student community. Another possibility for students is to explore Hamilton’s nature trails or visit a nearby waterfall. Getting physical activity does not need to be a long and tedious endeavour. “The benefits can be achieved with just thirty minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, like brisk walking, three times a week. This may sound like a costly time investment during a hectic period when other activities demand your attention. However, prioritizing exercise can increase the quality of the time spent on these demanding activities,” Heisz explained. Heisz uses social media to interact with the community and bring awareness to her research. Recently, Heisz posted the hashtag #FeedYourHippo on Twitter. “In the context of #FeedYourHippo, your ‘hippo’ refers to your hippocampus — a key brain region involved in learning and memory and regulation of the stress response. Exercise helps to #FeedYourHippo by promoting neurogenesis (i.e., the birth of newborn neurons) in the hippocampus to improve memory function.” With the Pulse recently having undergone renovations, it is a perfect opportunity for students to get active and feed their hippos. Students can greatly benefit from making exercise an essential part of their week, positively impacting performance academically and mentally.


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OPINION | Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016

| 13

Sexual violence at universities How national news stories have shaped perspectives at McMaster

Students protest during Stanford University graduation exercises. C/O AP PHOTO/ D. ROSS CAMERON Moleen Makumborenga Contributor

Trigger warning: This article discusses rape and sexual violence. Conditions on campuses promote sexual violence. You have the dangerous concoction of heedless youth, easily accessible alcohol, a search for the psychological and social affirmation that sex brings and blurry sexual assault laws. It is tragic for something to happen to you and to know that you were not fully comfortable or conscious when it happened, to show doubt during intimate interactions and to have to bear the post traumatic stress associated with your experience because the law is not encompassing of the broad scope of sexual and emotional abuse in intimate relations. It is infuriating to be

muzzled into silence about your experiences because you have made the saddening realization that no one will be in your corner. This is to say that the status quo of sexual politics deems that women in short dresses, long dresses, drunk women and women walking home alone at night are at fault. “Slut walks” were born to refute that miseducation. Slut walks, which began in Toronto, were in opposition of a senior police officer who suggested that if women want to stop getting raped, they should stop dressing like “sluts.” The movement gained international momentum when Emma Sulkowicz, a 2014 Columbia University graduate, centered her senior thesis around a 2012 sexual assault incident against her. Emma walked around campus with her mattress in protest of her university’s

inaction against her alleged rapist. She vowed she would only stop when the university had expelled him or he chose to withdraw from the school. In the case of Emma, and in many cases with sexual assault survivors, there was not enough evidence for the university to proceed with disciplinary action against her and two other girls who filed complaints against the same student. This led to the infamous hashtag #RapeHoax, which saw Emma victim blamed into familiar silence known to rape victims. Fast forward to 2016. BuzzFeed has published 10 videos on the varied types of sexual assault and a polarizing Stanford rape case took over the news. The University of British Columbia was also shaken to its ethical core by several allegations that it ignored complaints against a history PhD student

who was found to be committing offensive sexual acts against up to six women. It made me ask what McMaster is doing about sexual violence. I have seen red emergency phones all over campus with security officers patrolling in tow and I have noticed numerous posters on many of the schools’ message boards about the seriousness of affirmative consent. The quote, “Yesterday’s consent is not today’s consent to sex” stuck out to me in particular. To my surprise, I also discovered McMaster’s sexual violence support website, and it is pretty damn good. Listing in a clear and concise manner where to get support on campus and how to give support, it is the best web portal about sexual violence you did not know about. Even though I am happy with my findings, I still have

this anxiety that transcends university spaces. When I leave the campus umbrella, the actual problem still persists. At the very core of it, we need to disassemble not only how men see women, but also how women view themselves as sexual beings. The majority of sexual assaults are not reported ultimately because our society makes it so women do not trust themselves. Outside of intimate spaces, women are often conditioned to believe that their emotions and experiences are not legitimate. It is often the case than when women report incidents of sexual assault, they are asked, “Are you sure you were raped?” What becomes imperative is that we create a society that makes it so women can trust that they will be understood for their explanations of the various facets of sexual assault.

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Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016 |

The fall break conundrum Why is there stress about time off from lectures? Shane Madill Opinion Editor

In the initial news report announcing the fall break, Susan Searls Giroux, associate vice-president (Faculty), stated that the purpose of the full week fall break is, “to improve academic performance and mental health and well-being.” The first phase of a study conducted by postdoctoral fellows at the McMaster Institute for Innovation and Excellence in Learning from earlier this year showed that close to 80 percent of McMaster students reported that the Fall Break was beneficial for increasing academic performance and reducing stress. The concern and worry comes when considering the 20 percent of students who reported the break as being detrimental. The likely conclusion of the second phase of this study will be about workloads before and after the break as the leading stressor to students who dislike the current break. Loading up tests or evaluations in a short period of time would stress almost anyone out, even if there is a lot of preparation time. Is it actually possible to make a timetable that would decrease the stress of this 20 percent? With courses needing a required set of tests and assessments, how do you balance these out to fit a bit of an awkward timescale, grade all of the content necessary and not need to front or backload the material for memorization? Take your typical class that has some minor assignments, two midterms and an exam. Since a term has thirteen weeks of lectures until exams, it would seem to make sense to have a midterm on the fourth or fifth week and another on the eighth or ninth week. This isn’t actually what happens. Having a midterm after the break is the sixth week of lectures for the year, and odds are your second midterm will be on the 10th or 11th week. With a cumulative exam, the third leg of your course is compressed so that the exam reviews more material that the previous tests already covered.


This also pushes back the schedule for whatever review or introductions you do in week one. The post-break work makes sense for a lot of courses. If there is a push to shift work to be further after the break, this would realistical-

With the introduction of the fall break that began last year at McMaster, the process for best working with it has not been given the priority it should by nearly any faculty on campus.

ly only work for courses that would have one midterm. One in the seventh week out of 13 makes logical sense. The only real solution is for some courses to move their midterms to before the break. What happens is that the first midterm is then worth less than the second because the first has less material due to less lecture time. However, McMaster has already identified these timings and has had these plans of action for years, even before the extended break. Evidently, this still is not enough for some. Why? While it is possible that some courses simply aren’t up to par with how they structure themselves, the answer is probably a lot simpler than that. The actual crux of the fall break dilemma is personal preference.

Do you prefer having all of your assessments at once with larger breaks or more evenly distributed? Do you like to be able to study over the break or use it to relax? Do you like having evaluations closer to exams for material to stay fresh or further away for longer review time? If you ask a number of people these questions and how they like to space their time out, you might get a different answer from every single one of them. Anyone not in first year probably already knows this if you have ever asked more than one person how they felt about their exam schedule. Just add three more months and countless other graded assessments to make up the entire term. There are so many research questions and thesis statements about how students like to

learn, study and take tests, but so few about how they like their schedule to be for these things. Course evaluations have dozens of questions about the TAs and professors, but fewer about the course itself and only indirect connections with the timetable at best. With the introduction of the fall break that began last year at McMaster, the process for best working with it has not been given the priority it should by nearly any faculty on campus. If McMaster wants to find solutions to help all of its students succeed, the answers will start with looking deeper into the biggest change its academic schedule has ever had and finding out what the students really want. @shanemadill

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What restaurant do you want to visit from our reading week guide?


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#ThirstyThursday @ TwelvEighty

Friday Night Lights Football: McMaster vs Queens

When: October 6, 2016 at 9:30pm

When: October 07, 2016 at 7:00pm

Where: Bridges Café

Where: TwelvEighty Bar and Grill

Where: Ron Joyce Stadium

WGEN Meet & Greet is our kickoff event for this upcoming year! It will be a chance to individuals to become acquainted with WGEN and the services we offer, while also having the opportunity to interact and meet others in a comfortable, cozy environment. We will be having facilitated activities, discussions, and a small coffeehouse.

Featuring DJ Cut and Run. $4.25 domestic beer and $4.25 rails.

Cheer on your eighth-ranked Maruders as they continue to fight for a top spot in the OUA playoff race. Visit for tickets!

Womens Rugby: McMaster vs Western

Where: Museum of Art Educational Library (basement)

When: October 06, 2016 at 7:00pm

Creativity Circle is a supportive space for sparking the flame of your creative fire. For more info: Contact: Marybeth:

When: October 06, 2016 from 08:00PM until 11:00PM

Where: 10-Acre Field Come cheer on our Marauders as they face the Mustangs!

Reflection Circle: Creativity Circle When: October 07, 2016 from 12:30PM until 01:20PM

Men’s Basketball: McMaster vs St. Francis Xavier When: October 08, 2016 at 5:00pm Where: Burridge Gym

Men’s Basketball: McMaster vs Dallhousie When: October 09, 2016 at 3:00pm Where: Burridge Gym

The Silhouette | 17 | Thursday, Oct. 3, 2016

Arts & Culture Friday night’s alright Mulberry Street Porchin’ Band share their story of being noisy neighbours for over six years

C/O VANESSA MARADIAGA RIVAS Calissa Medeiros Silhouette Intern

James Street North has been just a little louder every Friday lately, or more accurately, for the past six years. It is all thanks to The Mulberry Street Porchin’ Band. The six-piece band’s raw, classic rock sound can be heard from their very front porch all the way down Mulberry Street off James Street North, putting a smile on the face of any pedestrian that seems to linger in front and around the house. The Silhouette was given the opportunity to sit down with three members of the band this past week to dig deeper into their story. Speaking was Ian Linton (bass/vocals), Ritchie Woodward (drums/vocals), and Guy Wilkes (guitar/vocals). The group first began with an open call for local musicians. “I answered an ad in Kijiji. They were looking for players…that’s where I met all these people,” Linton answered.

“Silvano and I, we’ve been doing this for about 10 years,” Woodward added, referring to the second guitarist in the band. “It started out sort of quiet… and after all this time, we just met terrific musicians and… we’ve been playing outside now for probably six years on the front porch.” When the question of what convinced them to begin playing on their front porch came up, Linton was quick to reply. “Can’t live without it. [We’re] always looking for somewhere to play.” “It fulfills a need that’s in us that we have to fulfill.” Although the band plays until it’s considered disrespectful to the neighbours, The Mulberry Street Band has a total of only four original songs that they enjoy playing. The rest of the time is spent covering old, classic rock songs by legendary bands we all know and love. However, Woodward talked about an original song he

wrote in five minutes which is all about his trip down to Texas to visit family. “It’s just an inside joke. It was just for my sister, but it’s my favourite song to play.” Woodward smiles. Two of their songs titled “Diggin’ A Hole” and “Playtime’s Over” were both written by Dukic and Woodward and are frequently played on Friday nights, while the original song by Ian Linton was written as “more of a commercial thing,” according to him. The Mulberry Street Porchin’ Band have been in Hamilton for the last decade, and as a result has become a part of the ever-growing art scene on James Street North. They have become part of the Friday routine for locals, and were personally able to witness the street transform into something more and more beautiful day by day. “I’ve seen this street grow. I played on James Street North when the International was

“I’ve seen this street grow. I played on James Street North when the International was a hotel… it’s really, really great to see it come alive like this.” Ian Linton Mullberry St. Porchin’ Band Bassist/Vocalist a hotel… so I’ve seen a lot of changes on this street and it’s really, really great to see it come alive like this. And the youth coming in, that’s the big thing that I see. That’s improved the street so much,” Linton said with a smile. The band hopes that they will be a part of their local art scene for the foreseeable future.

“Until we can’t. Or someone makes us stop... We’ll continue this forever... we love this,” responded Woodward. There is no end in sight for the local favourites. Dedication is obvious just by their stage presence. The group loves to entertain the neighborhood, and they feed off of their audience’s excitement in the midst of another classic song. “It’s just so nice to bring out the good in people, you know?” Wilkes added. Linton agreed. “We’re all on the same page. You can’t beat it. It’s a good, tight, friendship.” The Mulberry Street Porchin’ Band will continue to play on Mulberry Street every Friday starting at six o’clock. As they eventually plan on recording a CD for next summer, they will still be livening up their favourite neighborhood for the remainder of the fall season. @theSilhouette

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Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016 |

HIATUS IN HAMILTON The Silhouette’s day guide of ideas for the week off in the Steel City


Michelle Yeung A&C Reporter

For many, the fall break offers an opportunity to indulge in the toasty warmth of various pumpkin spice flavoured beverages shared with friends and family back home. Amidst a busy midterm season, many students find solace in some time off to relax and recharge. Although most Marauders return to their respective hometowns, some remain in the city. If you are around next week, consider taking a day to explore what Hamilton has to offer. The Silhouette takes you out on a date with this day-guide for your day out this reading week.


Start your day off by fuelling up with some great food. The food culture in Hamilton is unbelievable, with local staples and new spots that offer exciting and high-quality cuisine. If you want to go to an area that features an array of cool shops, local cafés and incredible restaurants, Locke Street is the place for you. Some reputable places to grab a bite include Naroma Pizza Bar, Earth to Table Bread Bar and The Burnt Tongue. You can also find some of the best gelato in the city at Amo Gelato. Also check out some of the best bagels and bagel sandwiches in Hamilton at the historical Locke Street Bakery, which just returned to the culinary scene with its grand opening on October 1. Moving into the downtown core, The Ship and HAMBRGR are great places to grab a hearty and incredibly well-made burger, among other items on the

menu. If you’re in the mood for some Mexican food, reach Mezcal or The Mule for an eclectic twist on traditional tacos. Going down James Street North, some notable restaurants include Salt Lick, Lake Road and a new spot called Bar Izakaya.


Hamilton isn’t known as the waterfall capital of the world for nothing. There are few things in life better than taking a scenic walk after a solid meal, and what better way to do so than embarking on a scenic trail that leads to a stunning landmark? According to Hamilton Waterfalls, the city’s online resource for all things waterfall related, Hamilton’s top three waterfalls are Albion Falls, Borer’s Falls and Buttermilk Falls, in descending order of ranking. Each of these falls vary in time, distance and accessibility, so be sure to check out the Hamilton waterfall website for more details.


Wind down with a nice cup of coffee, tea or café beverage at one of the many local coffee shops in Hamilton when the afternoon gets a little late and lazy. Bring a good book to Pinecone Coffee, Durand Coffee or Cafe Oranje, all of which feature cozy and laid-back spaces with great pastries to boot.


What better way to end your day off than grabbing a couple drinks with some good friends? At night, The Mule and The Ship transform into solid watering holes. Other popular bars include Bar on Locke, The Baltimore House and, of course, The Snooty Fox. On Sunday nights, Snooty’s hosts a weekly karaoke night; it’s always a great time, but be sure to get there early to beat the crowd. Perhaps the best bar in the city, however, is The Brain on James Street North. Take a seat on their back patio or have a beer inside in their dimly-lit atmosphere and enjoy some of the best cocktails in town. @michyeung

A&C | 19 | Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016



Between some great live shows, NOSH week, and of course, Halloween, October is shaping up to be a busy month Oct. 17 CHEF WARS @ Liuna Station

Oct. 14 – MIGRANT DREAMS @ Workers Arts & Heritage Centre

Daniel Arauz A&C Editor

Between some great live shows, NOSH Week and of course, Halloween, October is shaping up to be a busy month. Here are some of our highlight events to check out this month.

The Hot Doc Audience Favourite, Migrant Dreams by director Min Sook Lee is making its premier local screening. The film presents the untold stories of migrant agricultural workers under Canada’s Temporary Foreign workers program. The event is hosted alongside the Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition.

The battle for best chef in Hamilton begins! The event will help kick off NOSH, Hamilton’s weeklong celebration of the city’s culinary scene. The cook-off will feature chefs from Butcher and the Vegan, Other Bird Inc., Sasso, Pokeh, Eat Industries, Mezcal and more.

Oct. 22 HAMILTON FLEA @ Lawson Lumber Yard

The spirit of Hamilton’s prolific vintage, craft, and foodie community comes together once again for the third annual Hamilton Flea Market. The event is staged in a rustic, early 1900s lumber yard around the Gage Park community.

Oct. 23 NOSH FOOD TRUCK FINALE @ Wilson and James St

With colder weather comes a painful goodbye to food truck season. Adjacent to host company Dr. Disc, local food trucks will be rolling up one last time, along with live local music performances.

Oct. 26 MNDSGN @ This Ain’t Hollywood

Stone Throws Records houses some of the most critically acclaimed hip hop artists in the last decade, and Ringgo Anchenta aka MNDSGN is no exception. The beat producer has collaborated with Knxwledge and Danny Brown, and is bringing the smooth, sensational sounds of his latest LP “Body Wash” to This Ain’t Hollywood.


The 85-year-old theatre is hosting a screening of the 1975 cult-classic, along with “shadow cast” that will perform live with some of film’s most beloved scenes. The 19+ event will only have two screenings that evening. Costumes are encouraged!


Well, this speaks for itself. Get your ghost tracking buddies and try this first ever guided investigation into an abandoned building built in 1884 before it is inevitably turned into condos. Spooky! @danielarauzz


20 |


Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016 |

Rock rewind Hammer City Records unites punk rockers for night of VHS films Sahra Soudi Contributor

Locals in and around the GTA cherish Hammer City Records, an independent punk record store on James Street North. On Sept. 26, the record store hosted their second VHS punk film festival at This Ain’t Hollywood. Surrounded by flickering candles, the audience couldn’t help but cheer in excitement for a night of campy punk rock vibes. The festival presented two LA punk favourites: Suburbia (1983) and Repo Man (1984). The venue felt intimate and inclusive. Even dog owners were welcome to bring their pets along to the screening. While the movie the was being set up, snacks were passed around as well as contagious laughter due to sporadic hissing thanks to technical difficulties— gotta love VHS! Hammer City Records was founded over six years ago in homage to Reigning Sound, a punk record store that used to exist in Hess Village. Over the years they have collected an impressive selection of punk records and zines, while cultivating a local space for punk rock artists and enthusiasts. Hammer City Records prides itself on carrying records from independent labels, ranging from early punk to ska and reggae. With the resurgence of video tape nostalgia, Hammer City Records’ Leah Visser and fellow Hammer City Records loyalist Tara Bursey reviewed what sparked their attraction to VHS. “It’s less about the movie than it is about the medium right? I mean, we’re all here to see Repo Man and Suburbia but we’re hearing the VHS hiss and we’re seeing the snow. I mean, its pretty neat to have that experience collectively in bar,” Bursey said. The VHS format surprisingly cultivates an audience diverse in age. For some, the screening is their first introduction to these films, and for others it’s a chance to revisit old favourites. “It’s a generational thing. Now, more than ever age doesn’t

even register to me because of the record store. People come in so enthused and so full of questions…. the last time I watched Repo Man I was sitting next to a twenty-nothing year old in Toronto and just having the grandest time,” Visser explained. Naturally, the shop has a conspicuous influence and focus on its surrounding community. Supporting music and artists that incorporate social justice is very important to Hammer City Records and punk culture itself. The record store hopes to facilitate community discussion, particularly about anti-displacement work being done in Hamilton. The proceeds of this event went towards bringing journalist, activist, and zine-maker Erick Lyle (aka Iggy Scam) to Hamilton on Oct. 5 to launch his book Streetopia and lead discussions about anti-gentrification celebrations of art and culture. “It’s like the original social network, for punks. Opening a record store wasn’t a money-making scheme," explained Visser. I am also a transplant from somewhere else and now I work at This Ain’t Hollywood with one of my oldest friends and its crazy how we all like circled back into the punk scene.” Hammer City Records is looking forward to future community events, including their Halloween themed VHS screenings of Class of 1984 and The Return of the Living Dead. As the humble punk store prepares to wind down for another nostalgic night in front of a CRT, Bursey is reminded of the importance of the record store in her life. “The really great thing about punk stuff is that regardless of where you’re from, you know you can find that punk shop where you feel safe in the city. So I basically moved here and knew Hammer City Records was going to be my first stop… I know I can go to this space and immediately find a home.” @theSilhouette


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22 |


Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016 |

WORK AT THE SIL! Interested in McMaster and Hamilton events? Apply to be our News Reporter! Have a passion for graphic design? Join our team as Production Coordinator! Good with HTML and want to make quizzes, listicles and other fun content? Check out the Online Content Coordinator position! Full job descriptions available at! Applications close on Oct. 16.

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905.522.9799 FINDLAYLAW.CA | Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016

The Silhouette | 23

Sports Mac grounds Gryphons A second half surge seals a homecoming victory for the Mac men Lauren Beals Sports Reporter

And the crowd goes wild. McMaster gave their fans something to cheer for on Oct. 1 in their showdown against Guelph, avenging last year’s loss with a 27-15 victory at home over the Gryphons. With the win, McMaster remains perfect in their last 16 homecoming appearances, and improves to a solid 4-1 record on the season. But it wasn’t easy. Tight through the first two quarters, Mac failed to hit their offensive stride, trailing Guelph 7-5 at the half. Injuries to fullback Blake Reason and backup Matthew Decicco forced the Marauders to adjust early, while execution struggles and a few timely penalties kept Mac out of the end zone. “Half the game we played really well, but we struggled in the first half,” said offensive coordinator Jon Behie. “We had some key injuries early and we were struggling to accommodate that. It took us two quarters to figure out what we would really do… but I’m so proud of the way our players responded.” And respond they did. McMaster came roaring out of halftime to score 16 unanswered points in the third quarter in just under five minutes. Fueled by their strong game on the ground, fifth-year veteran Chris Pezzetta had 143 yards on 22 carries in his final homecoming game, securing key first downs and providing more options for a deep receiving core. “It was a big day for him,” said Behie. “He’s battled back from three knee injuries, and that’s not easy, but we were able to ride him in the second half.” Perhaps the unsung hero of the Mac’s comeback was the stellar play their offensive line. Executing well throughout the game, they gave Pezzetta room to operate on the ground and cleared space for quarterback

Mike Kashak (left) and Chris Pezzetta (right) are all smiles after their last Homecoming game of their respective careers. MADELINE NEUMANN/PHOTO EDITOR

Asher Hastings when he needed it. Fifth-year senior Zach Intzandt was a part of that offensive stronghold, and was happy with his line’s performance. “Our goal is to always win every game,” said Intzandt. “As the offensive line when we keep rushing, a goal of ours is always to try and rush 150 yards. If we get it we get it, if not we go back and clean it up. But tonight, I think we did a good job.” Penalties have been a thorn in Mac’s side this season, but they managed to keep the penalty yards to a minimum. Meanwhile – thanks mostly to Mac winning the battle in the trenches – the Gryphons committed 18 penalties for 125 yards, stalling many of their drives on offence and any momentum they had during the game. “It’s like coach Knox always says to us… preparation, focus, and attention to detail,” said

“It took us two quarters to figure out what we would really do... but I’m so proud of the way our players responded.” Jon Behie Offensive coordinator McMaster football Intzandt. “We’ve had two weeks to focus on those things, and I think that really showed today.” On the other side of the ball, Mac’s defence hung tough to hold Guelph to just 15 points, down 12 from their season average. Fifth-year senior Michael Kashak had five tackles on the night, citing support from the defensive coaching staff for his success. “A lot of it has to do with

coaching,” said Kashak. “Carm Genovase and Jeff Robertshaw get us ready from the technical side, and coach Knox had a great game plan… When you have a unit that is all on the same page with minimal mistakes, you are going to get a good game.” Looking ahead, Mac’s next challenge is a quick turnaround to host Queen’s at home, under the lights on Oct. 7. Coming off a short week, the Marauders will need to recover physically to keep a two-game win streak alive. But head coach Greg Knox believes his team’s resilience will play a key role moving forward. “Football is a tough sport. If grit is a missing ingredient, then you have to inject the grit into what you do and how you do it. We showed a little more of that today, and I think the results speak for themselves.” @theSilhouette

Football Standings OUA

W L 5 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 4 1 5 0 6

Western Laurier Ottawa McMaster Carleton York Windsor Queen’s Guelph Toronto Waterloo

CIS Top Ten

1. Montreal (5-0) 2. Laval (4-1) 3. Western (5-1) 4. Regina (4-1) 5. Calgary (4-1) 6. Carleton (4-2) 7. Laurier (4-1) 8. McMaster (4-1) 9. Ottawa (4-1) 10. UBC (3-2) Mac’s last three games: Oct. 7 - vs. Queen’s (2-3) Oct. 15 - @ York (2-3) Oct. 22 - @ Western (5-1)

24 |


Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016 |

Fending off the Warriors McMaster men’s rugby team get back in the win column in front of a spirited Homecoming crowd

McMaster flanker Robert Wingroove fights off a Waterloo defender in a hard fought win. C/O William Bang Eamon Hillis Contributor

At the height of homecoming festivities on Oct. 1, the McMaster men’s rugby squad defeated the Waterloo Warriors 38-13. Filling the bleachers at 10 Acre Field to capacity, the McMaster supporters showed themselves boisterous. There was a celebatory atmosphere in the air, and before a sea of maroon and grey fans, the Marauder men did not disappoint. In the week preceding their game against Waterloo, Mac lost a competitive away game to the Queen’s Gaels 27-11. It was the team’s first defeat of the season, and although difficult to swallow, they were proud of it nonetheless. According to members of the team, the score did not reflect the game. “A lot of things went right [against Queen’s],” head coach

“We expect every week that we will improve and get better. It doesn’t matter who is in, or who the opposition is.” Dan Pletch Head coach McMaster men’s rugby

Dan Pletch said. “In looking at the game statistics, it was by far the best we’ve played all season. In terms of our ball retention, tackling percentage, and scrum stats, it was great.” “We really played well and gave ourselves a good chance to win. But what often happens when you play against a good

team is that your mistakes get turned into tries against you.” Rookie flyhalf William Kelly, who scored six points on two penalty goals in their game against Queen’s, is hopeful that his team will be able to redeem themselves. “In our match against Queen’s we were probably the better team,” said Kelly. “We just got unlucky against an experienced opponent. But, I think we’ll be able get them back further on down the road.” Looking to bounce back against an opponent lower in the standings, Mac came into Saturday’s game against the 0-4 Warriors with confidence. Coach Pletch used this opportunity to take rest where it was needed. “We have a few guys who are carrying a few nagging injuries,” Pletch said before the game. “It will be a mix of a lot of experienced guys out there,

but also some new guys thrown in as well. Having said that, we expect every week that we will improve and get better. It doesn’t matter who is in, or who the opposition is.” Throughout the game, Waterloo played a tough style and showed themselves to be fine opposition, not allowing Mac to run the score up. This led to a hard-hitting, fan-friendly game, with both sides playing physical defense. Fourth-year wing Matthew Nicol had an exciting game, displaying his remarkable speed and contributing two tries in the second half. Kelly chipped in 13 points on two conversions and three penalty kicks. William Kelly has been a consistent source of scoring for the Marauders. Through five games, Kelly leads the Ontario University Athletics conference in points with 50, and is responsible for over 40 percent of the

team’s total points this season. When asked upon which players have made a significant impact to this season’s success, Pletch noted that many of his players have contributed, but was quick to give praise to third-year prop Mike Smith. “[Smith] is relatively new at prop but he’s worked very hard and has done a great job solidifying our scrum—which is something that has been a weakness the last couple years. We have a lot of good players on the wing, but without a good scrum it’s difficult to get going.” Smith and his team are 4-1 in regular season play and are fourth in the OUA rankings. They will face the Laurier Golden Hawks on Oct. 7 at home, where they will try to continue their success moving closer to the post-season. @theSilhouette

SPORTS | 25 | Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016

First foot forward The McMaster cross country team gets set for the long season ahead




THURS, OCT. 6 WITH: DJ Cut and Run

Top: Gabriel Ghiglione competing at the University of Buffalo Stampede. Bottom: Emily Nowak at the same event. C/O EVAN UBENE

Lauren Beals Sports Reporter

The Canadian Interuniversity Sport top ten cross country rankings were released, with both Mac’s men’s and women’s team sitting safely within the top ten after finishing second and fourth at the Western Invitational. On the men’s side, McMaster is currently ranked sixth in the country, led by team veteran Connor Darlington. The fifth-year runner posted the fastest time for Mac at Western, running 25.01.7 and finishing fifth. Despite landing just off the podium, Darlington ran the seventh fastest time in the history of the invitational, a testament to the pace set early by this year’s field. Jeff Tweedle finished one spot behind Darlington, crossing the line sixth, while Nick Kondrat finished 13th to round out a tight top three for the Marauders. An ill Gabe Ghiglione and second-year standout Christian MacGillivray also delivered strong performances to secure the silver medal for the men’s team. Host team Western were the eventual winners, but Mac still finished ahead of powerhouses Guelph and Windsor, who currently outrank the Ma-

rauders on the CIS top ten. The women’s team sits eighth on the list, with long-standing heavyweight Guelph atop the rankings with 95 points. The Mac women also face some established programs from the likes of Western and the University of Toronto, but are determined to stay competitive. “The [Guelph] women’s team has won the last 10 years,” said fourth-year Emily Nowak. “Toronto is really good, they have a lot of strong middle distance runners, [and] you can add schools like Queen’s and Laval in there too.” “What I’m hoping to see from our team is that our spread from 1-7 gets closer and we run as more of a pack as the season goes... with that hopefully come OUA time we can try and compete for a medal again.” At Western, Nowak posted Mac’s lowest time, coming in at a solid 18.07.1, followed by Maddie Benjamin three spots back at 18.14.6. Newcomer Rachel Faulds, second-year Kristen Kuhn, and fifth-year Sarah Haliburton rounded out Mac’s scoring runners in a dense woman’s field. For Faulds, Western was her first taste of an OUA meet after transferring from West Virginia to compete this year. Thus far she has proven a great

addition to the team, placing herself in Mac’s top three scorers in both competitions. “She has fit in extremely well,” said coach Paula Schnurr. “She is a very low-maintenance athlete, and she is very talented. We are a team that has a lot of experience, and Rachel is another piece that can add to that experience factor.” Both teams will be back in action on Oct. 15 at the Canisius Alumni Classic in Buffalo. It is the Marauders’ last meet before championship season, as they try to fine tune their performances leading up to the Ontario University Athletics championship on Oct. 30. “Last year, both teams medaled and were third at the OUAs,” said Schnurr. “That was the first time both teams medaled at the same OUA championships and that was a big deal. I would say that’s the goal for both teams to medal again... I am pretty optimistic we will be able to match what we did or improve at the CIS level.”



26 |


Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016 |

Time to put it all together The men’s soccer team looks to steady the ship and focus on finishing the season strong Justin Parker Contributor

Injuries and inexperience have been the pillars of adversity during this year’s campaign for the men’s soccer team. Mental errors and mistakes have cost the team multiple games this year. Just as a game looks wrapped up for Mac, an untimely turnover or a lapse in defence has led to winnable games turning into disappointing ties or loses. In a league where they are accustomed to sitting at the top, the Marauders find themselves sitting in fifth place in the Ontario University Athletics West division, recording 15 points through 11 games while sporting a 4-4-3 record. Heading into the final game of a three-game road trip, things were starting to look good for the team. In their last two road games, the men were able to secure wins over the Brock Badgers and the Waterloo Warriors, with scores of 1-0 and 3-1 respectively. Having beaten teams lower in the standings, the Marauders were hoping to carry their momentum against the Western Mustangs, who they previously beat in their first game of the season 2-0 at home. This time around, Mac wasn’t able to repeat their previ-

ous performance, falling 4-1 in London, marking only the second time this season where the Marauders have allowed four goals in a game. In their return home to Ron Joyce Stadium on Oct. 2, Mac was unable to hold onto a late lead, eventually settling for a 1-1 draw to the sixth-placed Windsor Lancers. According to head coach Dino Perri, the game plan and talent is all there, it just comes down to the execution. “We were facing a tough team and were not up to the challenge,” Perri said after their loss to Western. “There are no answers for it. We had the right game plan but didn’t execute, made silly mistakes, and mental errors.” Fortunately for Mac, they still sit in playoff position, with the top six teams in each division making the OUA playoffs. After a tough season plagued with injuries, the team had their confidence fall momentarily. Coach Perri believes the team can get it back and that they’re still capable of winning the games they need to. “We have the bodies and the talent, we just need to stop making mental errors and execute.” Injury woes seem to be coming to an end, as Kody Kazda and Sasha Ricciuti are on their way back to the field as

Hoco wrap-up With homecoming in the books, how did the other Mac teams stack up over the weekend?



they start training next week. With a week off following Thanksgiving, the Marauders will have a chance to readjust their lineup moving forward and reintegrate the players who have missed time due to injury. After the break, Mac has four games remaining to get things up to speed, so that they

Cullum Brownbridge Sports Editor

Still undefeated There is a reason for the McMaster women’s rugby team ranking no. 1 in the Canadian Interuniversity Sport rankings. Following their dominant win over Queen’s, Mac hit the road on Oct. 1 to face the Trent Excalibur. The difference in skill level was on full display, as the Marauders won 67-5 in convincing fashion, giving Trent their fourth loss of the season. First-year centre Maddi Cohen scored a pair of tries on the day, leading the team in scoring. Sara Svoboda kicked four conversions in the game, adding

are firing on all cylinders come playoffs. Although they are not in the position they hoped to be, they are still in good form. Perri believes the team just needs to all come together and execute moving forward. This is a turning point for the Marauders’ 2016 season, and each week continues to be a

test on a team that has not had an easy road. It’s not too late for the team to rise in the rankings and provide upsets along the way. And who knows; come playoff time, anything is possible.

to her team-leading point total (42), which ranks sixth in the Ontario University Athletics conference. The win puts the Marauders at 4-0, who — along with the Guelph Gryphons — remain undefeated in OUA competition, and are first in the Russell division. Their last match of the season takes place on Oct. 6 at Ron Joyce Stadium, where they take on the 3-1 Western Mustangs.

win over the Windsor Lancers. Saving 10 shots on goal, first-year goal keeper Deana Persico continued her strong season, registering her third shutout in four games and kept the Marauders in the game. Carboni’s late goal gave Windsor their first loss of the season. Meanwhile, thanks to three wins in the past four games, the Marauders are currently sitting on the playoff bubble at seventh place. Their next two games take place on the road, where they travel to face the Algoma Thunderbirds in back-to-back games on Oct. 15 and 16. Algoma has a 0-44-0 record and a -388 goal differential over the last three years. This game is a prime opportunity to break into the playoff picture.

Late game heroics It took all of 89 minutes for the first goal of the game to be scored. But first-year Maila Carboni found the mark. Scoring her team-leading fifth goal of the season, giving the women’s soccer team a hard-fought 1-0






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FEATURE He’s 32? A10-11

POLL: best reading week plans? Apple picking.

Apple picking photoshoot.

KARAOKE! (yes, again)

Stealing my parents’ alcohol.

DISCLAIMER: This is the Speculator, a joke page. It is all fake, just like my feelings for you, Cheryl. Sorry, but you are selfish. You knew I hated “Friends” and you still made me watch it. Ross and Rachel were a shit couple.

Tweets to the Editor If my cousin gives me the turkey high five this year, I’m stuffing HIM with my fist.

- Dwayne, 19

My uncle only quotes Adam Sandler at holiday dinners, I fucking hate him.

- Molly, 28

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