The Silhouette - September 29

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The Silhouette


Est. 1930

VOLUME 82, NO. 7


Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Westdale candidates made their case for student votes in an All-Candidates vote on Wednesday in the MUSC atrium.

Farzeen Foda

Senior News Editor

“Vote and get results” is the slogan for the McMaster Students Union as they strive to foster a community of active and informed student voters on campus. A test ban has been established on Oct.6, and polling stations will be set up on campus. In previous years, polling stations were removed from the campus premises due to the consistent low voter turnout. Meanwhile, the MSU is doing what it can to ensure that students get to the polls on election day. “We’re holding two events to make sure that students aren’t just voting, but are making an informed vote,” said Alicia Ali, MSU VicePresident (Education). An All-Candidates Debate on Sept. 28 gave students an opportunity to ask questions of the representatives of each riding. A homecoming pre-drink event to be held on Sept. 30, which will be serving coffee, will give students a chance to watch their peers engage in debate on issues of the coming election. In attendance at the event will be student leaders of the various political clubs on campus. The All-Candidates Debate saw representatives from the Green Party (Erik Coverdale), Communist Party (Rick Gunderman), Family Coalition (Phil Lees), Liberal Party (Ted McMeekin) and NDP (Trevor Westerhoff). Candidates discussed such issues as funding for a new liberal arts building on campus, the vision for McMaster students in coming

All-Candidates debate focuses on tution, Wilson Building and public transport in advance of provincial election years and the development of a light rail transit (LRT) system through Hamilton. All candidates were in agreement that anything that would facilitate better access to post-secondary education and that would make things easier for current university students were a priority. With respect to the liberal arts building, opinions were slightly divided. Much of the project has reached its current status due to the combined efforts of McMeekin and the Liberal Party, as well as the past and current MSU. Meanwhile, Lees and Coverdale highlighted the need for better examination of the cost and benefit associated with the construction of the facility before pushing it forward. The implementation of a light rail transit system in Hamilton was met with overall acceptance and support. Gunderman noted that it would ease the commute for students within Hamilton and in neighbouring cities. McMeekin stressed

the optimism surrounding the LRT, “It’s got ‘potential’ written all over it.” Meanwhile, Westerhoff maintained full support of the LRT, and outlined the NDP’s commitment to share the cost with the City. All of the candidates agreed that McMaster is an influential institution. As McMaster continues to grow, it is important that graduates are able to look forward to a promising future, with career prospects in their field of study. Lees outlined that “the University is a centre of excellence in the province and needs to be supported.” This support would include a reduction in class sizes and an increase in the ratio of teaching staff to students. Gunderman stressed that one key barrier to the success of university students is funding, suggesting that tuition be cut entirely, rather than be reduced or frozen. Much debate remains within parties about whether to reduce or freeze tuition. “If you think everything about university is perfect

right now, then freeze tuition,” said McMeekin, as the Liberal Party plans to reduce tuition by 30 per cent for middle income families through grants, while the NDP plans to freeze tuition and reimburse universities for lost revenue. The debate outlined various platforms for students through open dialogue. Key areas of interest to students were discussed, and each candidate presented their views on many issues surrounding university life. Now, the decision lies in the hands of students to vote for the party that would best represent the concerns that are important to them. It is vital for students to vote as many of the issues concerning universities are controlled at the level of the provincial government, such as tuition, OSAP and campus construction and maintenance. Ali also noted that many of the major parties have devoted a significant portion of their platform to post-secondary issues, “which is something that doesn’t happen very

often,” she said. “Students often know where to vote, and they know how to vote, but they don’t know why they should vote or who they should vote for,” said Ali, which is why it is crucial that students are well informed. She further noted that many students face a difficult situation when voting while in university. To vote, all that is needed is one piece of identification with a studnt’s name and address. Many students, however, are unable to provide proof of residence in Hamilton, if living near the University, away from home. By Oct.6, the University is expected to be willing to provide students with proof of residence, which can be taken when going to cast a vote, explained Ali. “I think the province of Ontario needs to come up with an easier way for students to vote,” she said. In an effort to get more students to the polls on Oct.6, the MSU chose to throw a more personal spin on the issue for students, stressing the fact that if students vote, the results can be seen in a relatively short period of time, likely within the next three to five years, noted Ali. “A lot of the time, students come to university and fall into this drone of going to classes and not really feeling like they can have a say in their education, but the reality is that if students vote on Oct.6, they can choose the next government, which controls, for the most part, post-secondary education.” “It is not about voting for someone. When you cast a ballot, you are making a vote for yourself,” said Ali.












PRESIDENT’S PAGE Duncan Thompson VP (Finance)

Katie Ferguson VP (Administration)

Matthew Dillon-Leitch President

Alicia Ali VP (Education)

GOOGLE`S GMAIL IS ON THE HORIZON FOR McMASTER UNIVERSITY MSU President Matthew Dillon-Leitch outlines the current state of the Gmail implementation project

Matthew Dillon-Leitch President ext. 23885

Chances are good that you have probably had to use MUSS - McMaster University’s email system - over the past few weeks. If you are new to Mac, you may be wondering why we have such an archaic system. For those who are returning, you may remember the survey that was held last October wherein students chose between Google’s Gmail system and Microsoft’s Live@Edu as a new platform for Mac. Students overwhelmingly chose Google’s Gmail

and since that decision was made, the University has been working on the preparation and completion of a contract between themselves and Google. Also, plans have been developed for the implementation of this new email system, so that once the contract is completed, implementation can happen as quickly as possible. There has always been an expectation from students that this new system would be implemented as soon as possible, a point I have pushed for since last October. Since that time, I have been in constant contact with University Technology Services (UTS) and I can tell you that contract negotiations are nearing completion. I want to be clear here, neither McMaster University nor UTS have been dragging their feet on this project. As Google is an incredibly large company, they were

unable to dedicate their legal team to this issue until only recently. The most important thing to know is that there will be a new email system, and it will be Gmail. The reason we have this new system is a result of students voicing their opinion and we cannot forget that. The road to achieving this goal has not been easy, but now with the end in sight it is important for us to remember how we got here. As a student body, we were able to demonstrate what we wanted and we are very close to realizing the results. It is for this reason that when we as students work together as a collective, we can be a powerful voice for our own change. And on a lighter note, I cannot wait for the launch of our new email system, given the fact that our inbox currently only has a 15 MB capacity. The University has nearly

completed negotiations, and the moment that the contract is signed, I will inform you of the launch date. Check the MSU website (www. regularly, as I will post an article on the issue once the contract is completed. Also, I will communicate any new information on both our Facebook page “McMaster Students Union (MSU)” and our Twitter account @MSU_McMaster. Lastly, I want to thank all the students that participated in last year’s survey. Thank you for showing that students care and thank you for making this project a reality. It was your decision to vote which allowed us to impact a major University decision. Without you this would not have been possible. Let this serve as an example of the power students have to influence change on our campus.

WHAT ARE YOUR PRIORITIES THIS ELECTION? VP (Education) Alicia Ali discusses an accessible, affordable - and most importantly - a quality education as her priority on October 6th

Alicia Ali VP (Education) ext. 24017

The provincial election is looming. On October 6, you can cast your ballot for better teaching environments, new buildings, renovated classrooms and stronger support services. How you ask? Well the beauty of being in university - surrounded by thousands of like-minded individuals all vying for a quality education - is that you can come together, decide what you want to see from your education, and vote in a way that will benefit you the most. Some political parties are promising the development of programs and incentives that will help to improve teaching quality and reward excellence. Is this a priority for you? The quality of education you receive in the classroom is paramount to your future success, so when you’re casting your ballot, make sure you’re doing it for yourself. Are you comfortable with your government spending $35 billion over the next three years on the province’s infrastructure? This will include new buildings on campus, and possibly even campus renewal project funding which can fix dilapidated lecture halls, the same one’s with which

you may have had some experience. If that’s not in your cards, consider the promise that will add additional counsellors to university campuses as part of a youth mental health strategy. McMaster has set mental health as a priority this year with the rebranding of the Student Wellness Centre, and Student Accessibility Services – is this a priority for you? This Friday, the MSU is hosting the Homecoming Pre-Drink* Debate where political student clubs will have an opportunity to debate the issues in advance of the provincial election on October 6. The event will take place in the MUSC Atrium from 11:30am1:30pm on Friday, September 30, so come out and watch your peers tackle the issues that you care about, maybe even ask a question or two. Make this election about the issues, not the propaganda. Regardless of who wins on October 6, let’s make a commitment to keep our MPP and the government of Ontario accountable to an accessible, affordable and high quality education for students - not just at McMaster, but across Ontario. Visit for more information on how to vote, where to vote and most importantly – why you should vote. For students living in residence, you can vote in CIBC Hall on October 6 by printing your proof of residence. For students living off campus, please consult www. *Coffee will be served

The President’s Page is sponsored by the McMaster Students Union. It is a space used to communicate with the student body about the projects, goals and agenda of the MSU Board of Directors.



Mac Administration

Provost discusses state of the academy expected to plateau, according to Bush-Vish- 2 has remained relatively steady since 2004, niac, though a five-year enrolment plan does and the proportion of PhD candidates cominclude modest growth in particular exem- pleting their programs has increased. McMaster is nearing the end of another suc- plary programs, more specifically, interdisci- Over the past year, McMaster has seen cessful year. plinary programs. the success of many new programs, including On Sept. 27, various members of the Mc- McMaster is not only home to more bril- the Physician Assistant Program, the Masters Master community assembled in Convoca- liant minds, but the success and retention in Global Health, Health Management and tion Hall for the annual State of the Academy of students is commendable: the number of Gender Studies & Feminist Research Proaddress, lead by McMaster Provost and Vice- students who proceed from Level 1 to Level grams. President Academic, Ilene Busch-Vishniac. In maintaining an innovative and valuable learning experience for students, McMaster and Mohawk have been successful in developing joint programs. “Mohawk and McMaster have what is widely recognized as the best college and university relationship in Ontario,“ said Busch-Vishniac. “We have done extremely well working together.” Examining trends over the past 10 years, Busch-Vishniac highlighted the areas of interest for McMaster and outlined their trajectory. The overall trend is that McMaster has been growing rapidly in every dimension. Enrolment of graduate students has more than doubled, and undergraduate enrolment has increased by approximately 63 per cent since 2001. In that time, the number of faculty members has also risen considerably. Enrolment at the undergraduate level is Busch-Vishniac discussing McMaster’s recent year at Convocation Hall Farzeen Foda

Senior News Edior


Busch-Vishniac noted that there is always something going on at McMaster, outlining key conferences lead by students, including the TEDx, NeuroXchange and Combining Two Cultures. At the administrative level, efforts were made to ease registration, in spite of the exceptionally high enrolment. “Registration for this fall semester was the best ever,” said Busch-Vishniac. When admission acceptances came in, the University was put in a tight spot as enrolment was 1,200 to 1,300 above target, noted Busch- Vishniac. Accommodating this larger influx of students in a permanent manner is an issue the University is aware of and plans to deal with accordingly, especially with respect to residence spaces. Busch-Vishniac added that conversations pertaining to expanding residence spaces are in the beginning phases at this time. Every faculty has experienced various successes and setbacks throughout 2011, and as the University administration looked back at the year, it concluded that McMaster is on solid ground and heading in a positive direction. “I think we’ve had a terrific year,” said Busch-Vishniac. She later noted, though, that “the future of course is uncertain.”

Provincial Politics

Milloy pitches for re-election to students and faculty Brian Decker Executive Editor

After bringing the cash to McMaster in the summer, John Milloy is hoping Mac students bring the votes – to his party – this October. The campaign trail hit McMaster as Milloy, the Ontario Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, appealed to students on Tuesday, Sept. 27 for their vote in the upcoming Oct. 6 election. Focusing on the Liberal Party’s emphasis on education and training, Milloy talked to a first-year anthropology class for about 20 minutes before answering questions from the crowd of about 150 students. Milloy’s surprise appearance marks the second time the MPP for Kitchener Centre has appeared on the McMaster campus since the last school year. Previously, he was on hand to announce the province’s $45.5-million investment in a new liberal arts building on campus. The minister talked at length about his

party’s proposal to introduce a 30 per cent credit on tuition costs. The plan, for which “the details are still being ironed out,” promises to make a dent in the tuition costs of “middle-class households” who earn less than $160,000 per year. “This is real for students. We are the only party that has come forward with a very solid position on tuition,” said Milloy in an interview before his talk. “It’s very real. This is a very tangible benefit for students.” The Ontario NDP and Green parties have promised to freeze tuition rates, while the Progressive Conservatives have promised more access to OSAP for the middle-class. Milloy stressed that the upcoming election is crucial for student engagement because of the control the provincial government has on education policy. “Education is a provincial issue. Students have an interest in a wide variety of issues, but at the moment they are students,” he said. “I think it’s important for them to vote in every election, but provincial in particular be-

cause I think it is about their future and it is about the education that they’re receiving. “McMaster and Mohawk are part of the economic engine of the Hamilton area, in Hamilton-Niagara and the GTA,” said Milloy

in reference to the government’s investment in McMaster and the surrounding community. After his speech, Milloy answered several questions from students, most of which centred on education and tuition costs.


From left: Matt-Dillion-Leitch, Ted McMeekin, Alicia Ali, John Milloy



VOTE 2011 The Silhouette profiles MPP hopefuls in McMaster’s riding Trevor Westerhoff- NDP “Students are really busy and always have a lot to do, but I think it is important to never give up on that message to get students to vote,” said Trevor Westerhoff, NDP MPP candidate for the Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Wetdale riding. The NDP platform remains committed to students in every way, he explained. The party strives to encourage and engage students on campus while remaining firmly in support of public transportation initiatives and anything else that will further increase the accessibility and affordability of post-secondary education. The NDP plans to freeze tuition while compensating schools for the losses they may face with the implementation of such a policy. Westerhoff explained this as the NDP’s way of putting students first. “I see the NDP as always having a very long history of standing up for students and fighting barriers to accessing post-secondary education, most of which happen to be financial.” Westerhoff was careful to outline that the Liberal Party intends to reduce tuition by 30 per cent, which according to the NDPs is not actually a reduction in tuition. “It is an afterthe-fact tax break, so everybody is paying the same high tuition, but for them to say that they are reducing tuition by 30 per cent is completely inaccurate,” said Westerhoff. “We really want to make sure that access

to post-secondary education is available to everyone. In Ontario, you’ve got the highest tuition and the largest class sizes and lowest per-student funding. That to me shows a complete lack of the government taking an initiative,” explained Westerhoff, outlining the McGuinty government’s effort to freeze tuition from 2004 to 2006. “In the end, the students and the school suffered even more.” Westerhoff further explained the vital role of McMaster within Hamilton and the Province of Ontario. “I think McMaster is a really great institution. Their profile has just continued to get better and better,” said Westerhoff. Many efforts have been made to build McMaster’s presence within Hamilton’s downtown core. “The expansions will be great for the University and for students to feel like they have a greater role in the city,” Keeping McMaster’s talent within the confines of this city and province is something that must be facilitated by an effective government. “The more we can make our province more about our shared successes rather than the successes of a few, the more people will see that they have a place here to succeed,” said Westerhoff, explaining, in broad terms, how Hamilton and the province can increase graduate retention. Farzeen Foda, Senior News Editor

Erik Coverdale- Green Party of Ontario When most men turn green, they either hurl due to jaundice or they stand as a gross combination of torn-but-infinitely-elastic purple pants and bulging muscle. Erik Coverdale, however, does none of these. Neither superhuman nor super-sick, Erik is instead vying for votes as a Green Party MPP candidate for the Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Westdale riding. A common sight at McMaster events such as Sidewalk Sale and Clubfest, Erik is new to the political game. Prior to earning his candidacy in August, he served as a system designer for Green & Clean Energy Co. and a pyrotechnic supervisor for Hands Fireworks. Despite the novel experience of politics, Erik plans to be a forerunner in this election, which he attributes this to his focus on the Green Party’s Five Point Plan. Among the many initiatives, the Five Point Plan dictates that it will: create jobs that are vital to a dynamic 21st-century economy, promote accessible and quality health care that is both sustainable and efficient, champion local farms, deliver a government that works for people and make use of clean, affordable and, most of all, green energy to power communities. Mike Schreiner, the leader of the Green Party of Ontario since 2009, accompanied Coverdale to McMaster Sept. 23 to endorse the plan. “We have the best platform, the best volunteers, and the best support,” said Schreiner. “This is why the Green Party is looking to the future. The 20th century was about labour productivity. The 21st is about energy productivity, and that’s why we think it’s essential that we invest in efficiency and conservation and not in subsidizing pollution.” Schreiner demonstrated the intricacies in the seemingly overarching plan, highlighting various issues pertinent to students. In order to address the accessibility of post-secondary education, the Green Party plans to freeze tuition for the 2012/1203 school year while maintaining university and college budgets,

thus incurring index tuition. This, coupled with increases to the inflation rate from 2013 to 2015 and the expansion of training and certification programs in job growth areas such as green technology, will purportedly promote an environment that increases enrolment rates for all. Such an initiative is inspired by the unquestionable role of universities in local economies, McMaster being the foremost example. “McMaster is a leader in post-secondary education, especially in the medical sciences,” said Coverdale. “This role will never change. There is already industry built around the presence of McMaster. I think the University will increase employment in Hamilton as it continues to grow.” While these points may be valid, they are inconsequential if few students reach the polling stations. According to trends based on the federal elections, a sizable attrition to voter apathy does not seem likely. Both Schreiner and Coverdale acknowledged this trend, seeing it as one of the many reasons for the growing distaste at all levels of politics. “I think [voter apathy] is rather disturbing,” said Coverdale. “University students could benefit the most of all the demographics from engaging our democracy. If all university students voted, I’m confident we would have free tuition in all of our fine universities in Ontario. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and our student bodies just aren’t making any noise.” Although both Schreiner and Coverdale recognized the problems in current politics, Coverdale believed that if he “drives the point home” and expresses the feasibility of the Green Party’s Five Point Plan, then real change may be underway in this election. If so, then maybe, just maybe, Coverdale and Schreiner will be more of the ripped jeans and muscular variety of green men. They’ll be super-politicians – underdogs who won it all. Kacper Niburski, Assistant News Editor


Donna Skelly- Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario

Ted McMeekin- Liberal Party of Ontario

Donna Skelly, Progressive Conservative (PC) candidate for the Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Westdale riding, began her professional career as a journalist for CHCH in Hamilton approximately 22 years ago. According to her official candidacy website, Skelly is “excited to be part [of] a Tim Hudak Ontario PC team that will give families the respect that they deserve and the relief that they need.” The concept of family and family financial security is one of great concern for the Ontario Progressive Conservative party, as seen throughout all aspects of their platform. Skelly was unable to attend the All-Candidates Debate hosted by the McMaster Students Union, held on Sept. 28. Skelly has been a part of numerous organizations that seek to better the livelihoods of those residing in the Hamilton community and the surrounding area, as well as global organizations, such as theWorld Vision, Hamilton Children’s Aid Society, the Catholic Youth Organization, Make it Seven (an effort to bring an NHL franchise to Hamilton), Hamilton Minor League Football, Dundas Hockeyville and the National Advisory Board on Canadian Culture, as well as several others. According to the Progressive Conservative website, the party aims “to create up to 60,000 post-secondary spaces in Ontario.” The website continues, “Individual colleges and universities will be asked to compete for

A booming laugh, a jovial perspective, and a red shirt; it’s a borderline description of Santa Clause, but Ted McMeekin can be characterized with few other words, except Liberal MPP candidate seeking re-election for the Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Westdale riding. As a member of the Ontarian legislature since 2000, becoming Minister of Government and Consumer Services in 2007 and Minister of Consumer Services in 2009, McMeekin is well recognized as a forerunner in the coming election. Of particular interest to students is McMeekin’s role as the Parliamentary Assistant to the Minster of Training Colleges and Universities, in which he serves as an administrator of laws relating to education and skills training. McMeekin has worked with the Westdale riding and McMaster on many matters concerning students. He and the Liberal Party have increased student aid by 56 per cent, led the creation of the new Liberal Arts building, as well as the Centre for Learning and the Centre for Spinal Cord Injury, and increased operating grants to colleges and universities by almost $2 billion. “I am where I am because I and the Liberal Party move forward and are not going back,” he said in an interview. “I think we’ve seen other governments that have tried to balance their books on the backs of the poor and

these new spaces and find new ways to ensure access, affordability, and excellence in our post-secondary institutions.” The Progressive Conservative Party aims to create an increased sense of collaboration between universities and colleges, much like the ties that currently exist between McMaster University and Mohawk College, with their several innovative, combined programs, such as nursing. The Progressive Conservatives further aim to make post-secondary education more financially accessible for Ontario students. One way in which they hope to accomplish this task, they will end the “foreign scholarship program that puts foreign students ahead of Ontario students. [The party] will reinvest those funds in our students instead.” As outlined on their website, the Progressive Conservatives place much focus on tax cuts for families, by allowing couples to combine their tax cuts, specifically a five per cent tax cut for incomes of $75,000 or less. They also aim to create tax returns for Ontarians who care for loved ones in their homes, as they view this as a noble deed which is to be rewarded. While the Progressive Conservative party takes many dynamic measures in their platform, the majority are family-oriented. Dina Fanara, Assistant News Editor

the backs of students, and others. We are not that party. “We want to move forward to build those strong and prosperous economies; for it’s only out of a strong and prosperous economy that we have the resources to make those strategic investments in areas in which people need more assistance,” he said, explaining that the Liberal Party plans to create 50,000 new jobs in clean energy and to cut tuition by 30 per cent for middle-income families. As Lofty as these ambitions may seem, McMeekin has garnered support from various notable members of the McMaster community. Among the many is last year’s MSU President, Mary Koziol. She noted in her endorsement, “I think that in order for youth to really care about what’s happening to us and what’s happening in our future in terms of politics that you need people you can believe in and ideas worth voting for. I think that right now in this election, Ted is a representation of both those things.” Koziol added, “I am very, very happy and proud to be supporting Ted McMeekin in this upcoming election.” Regardless of the many ambitions of the Liberal Party as a whole, McMeekin’s supporters want students to remember that if you’re voting red, then you’re voting Ted. Kacper Niburski, Assistant News Editor



Humanitarian Lecture

Stephen Lewis speaks at Mac More cancer research funding from UN needed Alison Greco The Silhouette

Seven distinguished professionals entered McMaster’s Health Sciences Centre on Sept. 21 to discuss The People vs. Cancer Campaign. The campaign’s visit to McMaster launched The People vs. Cancer tour. The People vs. Cancer Campaign began in 2005 as a stand against cancer by turning fears and misunderstandings of the disease into a weapon. The tour came to McMaster, according to Pat Kelly, CEO of the Campaign to Control Cancer, “to acknowledge the contributions and the leadership that McMaster has made in the areas of research and learning, as well as appreciating its values of engaging and ensuring that knowledge is both generated and applied.” Stephen Lewis, former UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, was in attendance, as were other healthcare professionals. Kelly’s return to McMaster is what she describes as “a deeply personal homecoming.” Kelly studied Medical Sociology and received her diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer at McMaster. “Everyone has the capacity to contribute in reducing the risk of cancer,” she said. “One in three Canadians can expect to develop cancer in their lifetime … and cancer cases will have increased by 70 per cent by the year 2020,” said Mac doctor Mark Levine, underlining the organization’s importance. Stephen Lewis arrived in Hamilton eager to enlighten McMaster’s students with magnificent charm and ease. Lewis began by quoting a piece of the

declaration from this month’s Summit on Non-Communicable Diseases in New York: “The global threat and burden of non-communicable diseases constitutes one of the major challenges for development in the 21st century”. Lewis continued to explain that the Summit occurred as a result of a similar conference for HIV/AIDS, which commanded international attention at a UN summit in 2001. Lewis added that while sharing the concern with other diseases is the right thing to do, it can make the fight to reduce noncommunicable diseases nearly impossible. Because the UN gave a large sum of their money to aid HIV/AIDS, there wasn’t much left to aid non-communicable diseases. According to Lewis, of 52 million deaths across the world in 2008, 36 million resulted from non-communicable diseases. The People Vs. Cancer Campaign has established various projects with student organizations. For instance, the campaign has reached out to The McMaster Cancer Society, which is always happily accepting volunteers and soon will be inviting students to participate in hosting their own conversations about cancer. To Lewis and the People vs. Cancer Campaign, adequate intervention is about motivating and inspiring people to stand up and take control. It’s about having a sense of urgency for change and being innovative with the information and knowledge we have been given. The intervention cannot be adequately achieved by the UN alone, it needs the effort and determination of the people at risk of cancer, which today means virtually everyone.

Innovative Medicine

Collaborating against cancer Bushra Habib The Silhouette

At an event on the morning of Sept. 22, McMaster’s Faculty of Health Sciences introduced the Escarpment Cancer Research Institute (ECRI) as a key player in their lineup. Founded by Dr. Mark Levine, chair of the Department of Oncology at McMaster, the ECRI is composed of 16 prominent Canadian cancer researchers with several years of distinguished experience between them. The ECRI will help bridge the gap between laboratory research and patient care by focusing on clinical trials, quality health care and knowledge translation research. “Our commitment is to generate results that will have a meaningful impact in a timely fashion,” said Levine, who is the ECRI’s founding scientific director. “We also believe that breakthroughs and innovations come from taking a collaborative, coordinated approach that optimizes the combined skills and talents of a multidisciplinary team.” Located in the Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre, the ERCI boasts an immensely accomplished team. In the past three years, the 16 scientists have been awarded more than $45 million in research funding, with 120 associated research staff members between them. Dr. John Kelton, the dean and vice president of the Faculty of Health Sciences, stated that “this is the right time to bring together the well-established and successful cancer research groups in Hamilton, as well as newly established ones, in order to embrace and grow the opportunities for synergies in research.” The ECRI is streamlining research endeavours through its more unified, focused

attempt in disciplines such as medical and radiation oncology, pathology, nursing, biostatistics, clinical chemistry and social sciences. ECRI researchers can share expertise and experience with equally brilliant minds, reflective of the problem based learning approach integral to the Faculty of Health Sciences. “The scientists joining this institute are among the best in their fields, and each of them is already making a difference,” expressed Murray Martin, the President and CEO of Hamilton Health Sciences. “Together they will be able to build on their shared experience and expertise to achieve new goals across the cancer research spectrum”. Several lead researchers hold prestigious chair positions, contributing to the overall wealth of knowledge and forecasting the future accomplishments of the new Institute. These include, but are not limited to, Dr. Levine as the Buffest Taylor Chair in Breast Cancer Research and Dr. Rosalyn Jeurgens as the Ontario Institute Chair for Cancer Research Scientist in Molecular Imaging. The ECRI’s size allows it to strike an appropriate and important balance between efficiency and collaboration. Larger expansion efforts can result in several challenges. For instance, the Cancer Research Network, which integrates research programs in 14 health maintenance organizations across the United States, must find ways to ensure patient confidentiality, to preserve the sensitivity of research data and to ensure that all members receive an equal voice. While cancer remains a devastating disease, collaborative efforts between groundbreaking researchers can help us look forward to a more promising and palpable future of cures and hope.




editor’s extension: 22052 letters:

Hate the new Facebook? Leave it

The Silhouette McMaster University’s Student Newspaper

Thousands of Internet users took to the web to express their anger last week about Facebook changing its layout. The users let their outrage be known when a free online service, which they are in no way obligated to use, made minor changes to its layout. Once again, as tends to happen when Facebook makes minor changes, users went up in arms about how terrible it was. To further their protest, they then promptly resumed using Facebook for several hours each day. It’s a little ridiculous when people complain about Facebook changing, especially when it seems to change approximately 57 times per year. Are people so compelled to use it that, despite hating changes, they won’t delete their account? It’s a move to which users should perhaps give more than a fleeting thought. Do people know their privacy settings change every time Facebook changes? Do people know the apps and games they enjoy are carefully harvesting their information? Do people know they’re willingly uploading their precious private information to a private website that happily collects it and can award it to the highest bidder? Now there’s a cause worth an Internet uprising. I’ll be right back; I’m going to go update my status about it. •

Editorial Board Executive Editor... Brian Decker Managing Editor... Sam Colbert Production Editor... Jonathon Fairclough Senior News Editor... Farzeen Foda Asst. News Editor... Dina Fanara Asst. News Editor... Kacper Niburski Opinions Editor... Andrew Terefenko

Brian Decker, Executive Editor

Sports Editor... Fraser Caldwell Asst. Sports Editor... Brandon Meawasige InsideOut Editor... Natalie Timperio

On the Spectulator...

Asst. InsideOut Editor... Cassandra Jeffery Business Editor... Sonya Khanna Senior ANDY Editor... Jemma Wolfe

The Hamilton Speculator is a joke page the Silhouette runs every week. On it, we try to produce topical, edgy humour designed to poke fun at issues that are often off limits. Last week, in the article Football player pummels campus cop, we crossed the line. Not because it was too offensive or vulgar – those qualities are no strangers to the Speculator – but because we implicated an individual student. While taking jabs at the University or other institutions is fair game, it’s not our business to be isolating an individual student and to produce humour at his or her expense. We received a small number of messages delivering negative feedback about the article, and our Editorial Board agreed that an apology would be appropriate. It’s worth repeating some of that feedback here:

ANDY Music Editor... Josh Parsons ANDY Ent. Editor... Myles Herod Multimedia Editor... Joy Santiago Senior Photo Editor... Tyler Hayward Asst. Photo Editor... Ricardo Padilla

“As a frequent and proud reader of the Sil, an article written in your paper recently disgusted me. The Speculator is written, I’m sure, to poke fun of current social issues and happenings in our local community, but in its Thursday, Sept. 22 edition, it crossed the line. With the title of Football player pummels campus cop, your paper degrades and directly attacks one of our own classmates. How dare you further demean and insult him by including hurtful and untrue lines of ‘wasn’t arrested because he was too tough’ and ‘with help from mommy and daddy Johnson.’ Do I think that the player indicated made a mistake? Yes. Do I think that you have the right to further humiliate and maim him in your article including a disgusting cartoon of a football player attacking an officer? No. Think before you write; if you’re supposed to be the voice of the students, try and have some decency before condemning one of them. I’m not sure how proud I am of our campus newspaper any more.

Silhouette Staff Sandro Giordano, Ad Manager Ben Orr Maggie Cogger-Orr Jenna Shamoon Ryan Mallough Jeff Tam

Kylie W.” We’d like to make one thing clear: while the Speculator continues to be and always will be edgy, mildly vulgar and borderline offensive, we’re willing to admit we made a mistake. We’d like to extend our apologies to Kyle Quinlan, the McMaster football team and anyone else who was offended.

Legal The Silhouette welcomes letters to the editor in person at MUSC B110, or by email at thesil@thesil. ca. Please include name, address, and telephone number for verification only. We reserve the right to edit, condense, or reject letters and opinion articles. Opinions expressed in The Silhouette are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editorial board, the publishers, or university officials. The Silhouette is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the McMaster Students Union. The Silhouette board of publications acts as an intermediary between the editorial board, the McMaster community, and the McMaster Students Union. Grievances regarding The Silhouette may be forwarded in writing to: McMaster Students Union, McMaster University Student Centre, Room 201, L8S 4S4, Attn: The Silhouette Board of Publications. The board will consider all submissions and make recommendations accordingly.

YOU THERE! Section Meeting Times GET TYPING!

Write for the Silhouette e-mail or come down to MUSC B110

News Fridays at 2:30 p.m. Opinions Fridays at 12:30 p.m. Sports Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. InsideOut Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. Business Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. ANDY Tuesdays at 2:30 p.m. Photo Fridays at 1:30 p.m.

Check out our paper in brilliant PDF format at our website PLUS stay tuned in the coming weeks for our new and improved website to serve all of your sil-ly needs.

AND ALSO... Tune in to this semester’s debut of Off the Pagaes, the Sil’s radio show! Thursday at 1 p.m. on CFMU, 93.3 on your dial, on the web.

did we upset you this week? are we blantantly offensive and unworthy of print? is this paper only good for making into a pirate hat? let us know. send us a letter and we’ll publish it right here on the editorial page. just don’t be too mean to us.

to golf being greener. to us liking the martins. us liking, us liking the martins. to stevie baggs. to mega gummie bears. they exist?! to homecoming. oh, the boss is coming indeed. to girl pushup competitions.

to deep-friend rubber bands. looking at you, snoots. to the stickiest of the icky. to the waters of lake minnetonka. to a5. really? to warm milk. who does that anyway? to broken iphones.

to baseball! holy crap baseball! sportz!

to fraser. a rat bastard once again.

to golfing out of the water.

to semicolons. no one likes you.

to the new sports cover.

to donna skelly. too cool for mac, eh?

to fake donna skelly. making twitter better. to frances the farmer. to aldo nova. it’s just my fantasy.

to breaking a twenty. to myles. just kidding, you’ll always be my office dj.

to fuller pullin’ through.

to no pizza in the office. i want pizza!

to bfg.

to cold coffee.

to twelveighty food?!

to stale bagels. ew.




production office extension: 27117

First past the post, last out

Ryan Mallough Silhouette Staff

As the provincial election campaign enters its final week, the race remains too close to call. While the incumbent Ontario Liberal Party has crawled back from its starting position of 11 points back in mid-May, they find themselves tied in the polls with the Ontario Progressive Conservatives, with the Ontario NDP a distant third. Yet as of Sept. 26, seat total projections see the Liberals maintaining their majority government. It’s an odd quirk, and often hotly disputed aspect of the first-past-thepost (FPP) electoral system that is used in Canadian elections. Many people, particularly those who find their supported party low on seats but relatively high on vote percentage (see: Federal Green Party) think the system is unfair. Indeed, it is difficult to justify years where the Bloc Québécois has obtained nearly a sixth of the seats with less than a tenth of the vote. But while FFP is an imperfect system, it remains the best choice. It is Canada’s attitudes towards its democracy that must adapt, not its electoral system. It is a popular argument amongst FFP dissenters that a given candidate does not deserve to win because at a winning percentage under 51 per cent, the majority voted against him or her. While this is true, an even greater percentage voted against the other candidates. When one votes Conservative, they are also voting against the other parties – be they NDP, Liberal, Green or Rhinoceros – on an equal basis. So long as there are more than two political parties, it will continue to be a rarity for the winner to have more than 50 per cent of the vote. But, that doesn’t take away from the fact that the largest unified voice in the community wins the race. Just because a voter didn’t vote for the candidate elected to represent the community does not mean that his or her vote didn’t count. While the candidate represents a given party, the philosophy needs to change so that the candidate represents the community that elected him or her first. If a Conservative candidate wins a riding


Voting systems are the backbone of a smoothly-operated democracy, and a faulty system can produce faulty leaders. by a slim margin over both an NDP candi- MMP results in a selection of candidates date and a Liberal candidate, they must keep being appointed from a list rather than electin mind that while they reped by a constituency to which resent the loudest voice, the they would otherwise be acConservative one, a large Just because a voter countable to. In a democracy, portion of their riding is left the accountability of a candididn’t vote for the date, no matter how high or leaning. That’s not to say that they should turn their candidate elected low in the party they are – as back on their party, but they John Tory and Michael Igto represent the must ensure that their entire natieff know all too well – acconstituency has been repre- community does not countability cannot be taken sented. mean that his or her for granted. The idea that all Two of the more popular officials are responvote didn’t count. elected alternative electoral systems sible to the community that are mixed member proporvoted for them is the cornertional (MMP) and alternastone of our democracy. tive vote (AV). However, both systems lack AV entails a ranking of candidates, rethe accountability and positive democracy of moving the lowest ranked candidate after the FPP. ballots have been counted and are re-counted

until a majority candidate is found. AV creates a negative perception of democracy. Instead of voting in order of preference, voters use the ranking to punish, putting the party they like least at the bottom and are indifferent to the parties in between. A system predicated on everyone’s second or third choice does not reward the party of choice, but instead benefits parties to which the public is generally indifferent. A democracy should not be founded upon indifference. Democracy, when broken down, is a matter of having the loudest voice in the room – the largest representation in a given community. In order to function to the best of its ability, our democracy should be predicated on positive voting and accountability, and for that, there’s no better system than first-past-the-post.

Colombia: Canada’s The chill choice of using a ciao newest comrade Stephanie Wan The Silhouette

Shashanth Shetty The Silhouette

Canada celebrated a new trading partner this week, one with an especially bloody history. The Canadian Council of the Americas named the title of “Statesman of the Year” to Colombian President Jaun Manuel Santos at a gala event that was held last Wednesday. The award, unsurprisingly, comes just weeks after Prime Minister Harper signed a free trade deal agreement with Colombia. This, in itself, is not an unusual gesture. Sycophantic behavior, after all, has been one of the cornerstones of Harper’s foreign policy. What is unusual is that our fearless leader has done a complete one-eighty when it comes to the defence of human rights. Now if you’re like me, when you think of Colombia, you think cocaine and Sofia Vergara. The truth, as always, is much less attractive. Colombia is a country torn by a vicious civil war, a bloody conflict fought by leftists, the powerful drug cartels and paramilitary groups. These groups have left many dead in their wake – current estimates place the number at about 46,000. At least a third of the population has been affected by the violence in some way. The nature of the conflict extends past a simple war. Human rights groups have reported a crisis of staggering proportions. All the parties involved have seemingly committed to the systematic abuse of human rights, not only against those groups they considered “enemies”, but extending to and including casual civilians. In particular, human rights leaders, trade unionists, the indigenous, farmers and even those simply living in areas of “interest” continue to be tortured and killed. Of course, those who are in some way linked to the legislative fight against these groups (i.e. the lawyers, the police and the judges) continue to be threatened and murdered. Current president Juan Manuel Santos, who was formerly Colombia’s Minister of Defense, claimed to be actively involved in the fight against these gangs. That much, at least, has proven • PLEASE SEE OIL, A9

I admit it. I will never be one of those people who can get away with substituting everyday phrases like “hi” or “bye” with slightly cooler words like “ciao” or “cheers”. Perhaps it requires a certain level of confidence to take these daily risks, or perhaps it’s the tone of utmost effortlessness that gives the illusion of confidence. Heck, it may just be a “hipster thing”. Once when I went to Starbucks (aka, hipster central), I was given a little bit more than an overpriced bill for my coffee frappuccino. The thing is, with places like Starbucks, it’s encouraged that baristas start conversations with customers in a effort to create a friendly environment. This is a respectable goal, but when you deal with the socially inept, probing conversation past hello is often fairly dif-


Super suave lingo can be almost alien at times.

ficult. “Coffee frappuccino? Great choice love. Ciao!” At this point, I am dumbfounded. How do you deal with “ciao”? Are you supposed to stick with standard phrases like “bye” or simply “have a nice day”? I didn’t want to sound like an uncultured fool, so I said to the tattooed girl, “Eh, ciao to you too.” She gave me an awkward smile, as if I didn’t already know that I had crossed the line. This is what happens when people who should really stick to the kindergarten basics of “later alligator” try to up the fancy with salutations. They get ordained into the convent of douchedom. But it’s not just Starbucks employees or hipsters who use greetings that render speechlessness. Hollister and Abercrombie are companies that adopt similar policies. They nonchalantly greet you with “sup?” as you follow the strong scent of SoCal perfume and preppy music blaring in the back. Then again, they are the only retail store where part of the job description entails “becoming simultaneously deaf and blind from 9-4.” I don’t really know why these trendy phrases like “ciao” or “cheers” have the quality of immediately embellishing a person’s image. They almost make you seem more cultured or even quirky. Half the time, those who use these terms are the very folks who have been to Rome once, and claim to have already “assimilated” into Italian culture. The fact that you visited your grandma in Melbourne does not give you the right to use “dodgy” or other Australian lingo. It’s not just about using the phrases correctly. It is a privilege to be able to use them because they actually require some level of knowledge. All of this European lingo being brought over to North America is something I don’t necessarily mind, but pretentious users, who are oozing of smugness from implicitly showing how “worldly” they are, weigh much of its use down. I have yet to find my perfect salutation, and I’m surely not alone on my quest. As these phrases almost immediately brand you into a social class – from pretentious hipster to preppy collar-popper – there’s bound to be a right salutation for me somewhere. Until that time comes, cheers!

This Week in Opinions Mission: Definition

Colombian Trade

Sickness Fever

Are we too focused as a society on acceptance and selfdefinition? Perhaps we fall too easily into social archetypes.

Canada is ramping up trade with the up-and-coming oil baron, Colombia. Are we to overlook the country’s unsettling past?

McMaster students are flaring up and getting ill. Is the weather to blame? Perhaps it originated from a single person.

Pg. A9

Pg. A8

Pg. A8



Our flawed dictionary culture the criminally troubled. Instead of solving the problem it just made another tidy definition “Sarcastic, gloomy individual with people could group themselves sociopathic tendencies and a lust under, furthering their vacuous for drama.” and disingenuous transforma That is the definition I would tion. give myself, were I to appear in Today we have social tools some kind of human dictionary. But that make it all that much harder is it the whole story? to stay undefined. The ability I notice a startling, yet not sur- to broadcast yourself to the prising trend that gathered steam in world (and your 147 Facebook the last half-decade, and that is the friends) encourages people to trend of archetypal pigeonholing. form and follow a clear-cut Too eager are people to settle them- persona to the letter. John Doe selves into well-established social may be a sensitive humanitarniches, without any consideration ian that likes to watch Jersey for individuality, even in the case Shore as a guilty pleasure, but of niches that pride themselves on as far as the rest of the world being unique! (I’m looking at you, is concerned, he is 6’ 3”, likes hipsters.) polo shirts and follows a soup We find ourselves in a modern- of-the-day approach to reladay “dictionary culture,” where tionships with women. everyone and everything can be Modern social technologies summarized in twenty words or have made it improbable for less. It’s an atrocious thing to do, others to get to know the real especially for a person to do to you, as they can easily access We have become so absorbed in giving ourselves tidy dictionary definitions that we have forgotten himself or herself, as we are better the “real-enough” you on the the most important thing: a human being is far too cool to be just another noun. than that. Human beings are so internet and get sufficient inframe non-prescription glasses ness. on what everyone else thinks. We much more comformation to plex than a handful make passing judg- and ride fixed-gear bikes. There is “I’m special! I’m quirky and are too fixated on the punch line to something profoundly disturbing perky and I never hear people de- give a shit about the build-up to the of common adjec We are taught our ments. tives, and we owe Favourite movie, when even the people we whis- scribe themselves that way,” you joke. whole lives not to favourite album, per about when we see them on say? Those are all synonyms for the Look at t-shirts with one-liner it to our privileged species to do it jusfavourite fruit. We the subway are not unique at their classic adjectives, I figure. Quirky? slogans on them. In the simple act judge a book by Weird. Perky? Hyperactive. Spe- of writing a single quotation from a tice in reflection. readily choose a core. its cover, but I am single thing as our Brought up in a generation cial? Antisocial. They all boil down well-known show or game on your You can see now thoroughly these forced permost favourite in where instant gratification is key to a core set of ideals and beliefs shirt and parading it around, you sonalities every- convinced we have any number of cat- to happiness, we have found solace that were given to us by other are instantly defined under a series where you go, both egories, without in being able to succinctly define people, emotional hand-me-downs of commonly accepted parameters now and through- become all cover. So any real thought ourselves, as acceptable definition from generations past that we can’t without even making an effort. The same goes for brand-name logos out history. In the how do we judge a or empirical evi- is more satisfying than complex- seem to shake off. ity. We grew up being told that we Everything is further worsened and designer handbags. The sym‘60s, youth would dence, in the name book now? be all but forced of camaraderie with could be anything we wanted, but by our “TLDR” (too long didn’t bols we plaster ourselves with, into their “social those who share our weren’t given the lesson that “any- read) mentality, where we are con- which we pay for the privilege of thing we wanted” was restricted to ditioned to only have the attention wearing, are instant definitions roles” where the jocks, cheerlead- “top ten leafy vegetables.” ers and nerds formed a ruthless Then there are the hipsters. Why a bakers’ dozen of possible person- span to patiently absorb a breezy from those around us. popularity rock-paper-scissors. In do they confuse me so very much? alities. Be it jock, nerd, hipster, bro forty-odd-word blurb. It is no sur- We are taught our whole lives the decades that followed they re- Your entire social niche is predi- or regular Joe, you are not going prise that people don’t write essays not to judge a book by its cover, belled against those very roles, and cated on the idea of being unique, to venture very far from the arche- about their emotional state, as but I am now thoroughly convinced how? They formed a contrary niche retro and against the current, yet types that are tried, true and, let’s nobody would find the time to read that we have become all cover. So to fit into, such as goths, punks and you all wear the same exact thick- be honest, marketed by big busi- it, and everyone is so very focused how do we judge a book now? Andrew Terefenko Opinions Editor


Tired of sickness apathy Lauren Murphy The Silhouette

It’s early afternoon in Chester New Hall and students are frantically taking notes while the professor paces on the stage. The girl behind me has been sniffling for the last 45 minutes, and two seats down the aisle, a guy seems to be on his way to coughing up a lung. As I peer around curiously, I begin to wonder what the hell is going on, and when I witness someone near the sniffler in the back take out a bottle of Cold FX, I decide that it’s official – as my friend had suggested to me earlier in the day, Mac has been hit with a contagion. An unfortunate set of circumstances has led to this cold epidemic. The stress of the start of the semester, especially with first years, weakens our defences. Next, throw in some sleep deprivation from either poor time management or too much partying. Add the lack of proper nutrition that plagues many students and then add in some bipolar weather for good measure, and it’s surprising that it is not much worse. Being Much worse as in it’s a miracle we all manage to even get out of bed to be sick in our classes. It seems what we should have gotten in our Welcome Week swag bags was a full litre of hand sanitizer, several packs of Halls decongestants, a face mask and instructions on how to provide ourselves with sustenance. What makes it all the more fun for everyone is the staggered nature of the contagion, striking one person in a group of friends at a time allowing for the joyous experience of passing around the same cold for a month.

Talking ‘bout relationships all night long Girls need to come up with something else to talk about Erin Chesney The Silhouette


sick is serious business; if you think you might spread it, instead bed it! But at least we’re not alone in our misery. This past weekend I went to Guelph homecoming and anyone who went knows it was a good time. But it’s not much different from Mac: people sneezing, coughing, walking around like zombies – especially near the end of the weekend with all the circumstances discussed above at a heightened level. So what is to be done? First, I would recommend at least attempting to get some sleep. I know that in the triangle of good grades, a social life and sleep, something

has got to give but if you’re too sick to execute the other two sides properly then you haven’t really won. Second, try not to feed your body exclusively with carbohydrates. Eat a carrot every once and while, maybe something green. Drink some water and stay hydrated. Your body needs to be properly fueled in order to fight off sickness. In the end it’s really just a matter of being smart about abusing your body and keeping in mind some moderation with everything.

It’s a beautiful, fall day on the McMaster campus, where many young intellectuals are enjoying the luxuries of university life. As I venture through this picturesque scene, I usually listen to my iPod and take in the aroma of higher learning. On this particular day, I decided to change my routine, take out my Skullcandy headphones and enjoy nature’s soundtrack. The sounds that I heard, though, were not what I was expecting. All along my walk, little clusters of students were sitting on the grass; there were students playing guitar, lying in the sun and reading under the trees. But one intriguing variety of sightings I wish to give special attention to is the pairs of girls sitting together, deep in conversation. During the seven minutes it took me to get from the Student Centre to the bus stop at Main and Emerson, I walked by three separate groups of girls. Every time I passed by one pair, I would overhear a conversation that seemed almost identical to the one previous. So, what were these young females so passionately discussing? Was it the war in Iraq? Was it a clash of religious views? Was it the provincial election that is occurring in the near future? Unfortunately, none of these were the hot topic of the day. The conversation that almost every girl was avidly discussing was boys. One girl was concerned that by showing inter• PLEASE SEE CHATTER, A9



Oil seduction, Canada’s trade Colombia has found a new sucker - ahem - partner in trade

without losing the juice. It appears he might also be cultivating a potential ally in Colombia, to be untrue. Under Santos’ rule, incidences of a country that is desperately in need of some violence have actually gone up, and the legis- backing. Such a move could be very beneficial lative human rights changes he promised to for Canada as well, at least economically. prioritize have gradually taken a back seat. Is backing Colombia, a country accused of Meanwhile, none of the laws he has passed have human rights violations, justified? Of course it’s adequately protected those most in danger of not. Prime Minister Harper said as much when he denounced China in 2008 and Syria in 2010, persecution. both decisions I personally very What’s more, investigative much agreed with. reports by the country’s news media outlets suggest direct At the very least we What was true then, should be true now too. Whatever gain links between Santos’ government and right-wing paramil- must strongly press we can accrue economically will itary groups. In his former cap- the Colombian gov- never atone for the blood that sacrificed in order to attain acity as Minister of Defense, he ernment to pursue was it. There can be no compromise is said to have motivated many a policy of human with those who abuse human of these paramilitary groups to butcher over 1500 civilians, all rights protection, not rights. Ever. But, by establishing a free in the name of reward policies simple once or twice, trade deal with President Santos, he introduced. but consistently. Harper is tacitly validating his So why is Canada comgovernment. This is not only memorating this man? Why is hypocritical, it’s disrespectful, a government who has been so both to the thousands who have outspoken on other instances of human rights abuse (China, Suadi Arabia) been suffered at the hands of this government and to silent on this one? A cynic might point to the the thousands who continue to suffer. very lucrative product that Colombia is current- Does this mean we must necessarily sacrifice our relationship with Colombia? No. But, at ly furnishing us with. No, not drugs. Oil. Colombia has very re- the very least we must strongly press the Colomcently increased its production and output of bian government to pursue a policy of human foreign-bound petroleum, a move that reflects rights protection, not simply once or twice, but the increase in security since President Santos consistently, until they understand that this is took over. As many as 70 Canadian companies something they need to look at. It must become now operate out of Colombia. Almost 700,000 as important as mutual economic gain. Only then can change really occur. barrels of crude oil are produced daily. Harper, who, of course, by now, is no good We owe this much, not only to ourselves, as friend of the OPEC countries, is perhaps seeking Canadians, but also to the long suffering people an alternative that will allow him to save face of Colombia. • CONT’D FROM A7


We have denounced our trading partners before, why not this time?

Opinions is looking for some debate-savvy individuals to want to take part in an upcoming, weekly head-to-head argument section. Bring your A-game and yell the other guy or girl into the ground. Please e-mail for info.

Chatter challenged by relationship ruckus • CONT’D FROM A8 est in a boy, she would be seen as promiscuous. Another was concerned that the fact Joe had read her BBM, yet had not responded reflected his feelings for her. To be clear, I am not trying to belittle these situations; university relationships are difficult at times and the emotions that are associated are completely valid. However, I found it very telling that so many girls in the same area were engaged in almost the exact same conversation. Perhaps the frequent discussion of boys is reflective of the nature of university. I remember during Welcome Week in my first year, an administrator said in her speech that many students meet their future spouses in university. When you put a bunch of students into an enclosed environment, it is only inevitable that relationships will form. Subsequently, it is a topic that is at the front of many female students’ minds. Another explanation could be the influence of popular culture. According to films such as Mean Girls, lunchtime involves sitting with a group of girls discussing pressing issues such as “the rules of feminism.” Even adults in television such as in Sex and the City and Desperate Housewives are always discussing the roller coaster ride that is a woman’s relationship with men. So what is it that bonds two females in a friendship? It is common to hear the stereotype that boys bond over sports and video games and other superficial topics. In the case of girls, maybe being able to open up to another girl and express


When talking, make it count. their feelings for a guy is what defines a friendship as being sincere. I am not trying to suggest that girls only talk about boys or even that all female friendships involve discussing boys. What I am trying to figure out is whether girls are allocating the special time they spend with a close friend discussing the rights things. Although it takes a lot of trust and courage to reveal personal information about our relationships with boys, maybe we are talking too much, over thinking the problems and not doing anything about it. So to the girls I passed by on the field: instead of talking about why these boys do the things they do, maybe the focus should be on action. Stop the talking, take control of your life and decide what it is that you are going to do about it.


Syria facing divided support The major world powers are at odds for the solutions to Syria’s pain



“Youth disengagement, it covers all spectrum of issues.”

What do you feel is the biggest crisis facing the world today?

-Joe Finkle, History


“Lack of vegan food options. Environment, ethics and health are at risk.” -Maria Daniel, Biochem


Syria faces a divided pair of foreign outlooks on its issues. The West and East are differing in views while Syria suffers.

The Silhouette

-Andrea Somers, Life Sci

“Lack of communication. Too much social media and nobody cares.” -Sebastian Recoskie, Kinesiology

Compiled by Andrew Terefenko and Ricardo Padilla

along with a government aide, interacted with a gentleman on air and discussed politics, though If you’ve been following the news very pragmatically. The man used lately, then you’ll know that one big hand gestures to show his disof the many countries in “strife,” pleasure for her presence, and he as the western media puts it, protested by saying something is Syria. It shares borders with like there are 23 million people Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel and in Syria, only a few thousand are Turkey. Its geopolitical presence protesting. in the Middle East is of utmost One has to think that if this importance to the stability in the man is correct in his mathematical region. valuations, then there isn’t much International news media of a problem at all. Then again, has been in somewhat frenzy in he could just be so scared of that dealing with the likes of Syria. government aide – that if he didn’t In places like sound confident Egypt and Libya, in what he was the local media saying, he would was the only one There are 23 million be righteously pundefending their people in Syria, only ished for anarchy. respective govon a few thousand are SeptAs27,ofit late ernments. With seemed Syria, the picture protesting. One has like Assad had done is not so simple. to think that if this is enough to convince Let’s start EU and to get correct, then there the with the opinions its backing, or at of the West of and isn’t much of a prob- least that’s how the Israel. The popuwestern media puts lem at all. lar consensus in it. Germany, the the West is that U.K., France and President Bashar the U.S. have proal-Assad’s crackdown on the posed a new UN resolution, which Syrian people has been cruel and threatens to impose sanctions on that thousands of people are dying the country if the people remain for their rights. oppressed. The U.S. has even gone so As of this writing, there is no far as to push through sanctions reason to believe that the resoluon what they deem as the “Syrian tion will not go through – esperegime”. cially with the financial and pol Mind you, Assad has only itical clout these specific countries “ruled” for 11 years, unlike many carry. Who decides whether the of his Middle Eastern compatriots people are still oppressed, and who have had much longer pol- how many people protesting on itical lifetimes. Rumors say that the streets makes it significant the U.S. is using this initiative enough for sanctions to be put in to break any existing arms deals place? Well we’ll just have to see between Iran and Lebanon. You what the media tells us. At the end gotta’ love American anxiety. of the day, though, Syria will be On the eastern side of the slapped with sanctions. world, Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq and By now you may not care, even Egypt are siding with the because they might all be lying. Syrian government in supporting Well, that might be so, but what its political standing. At the same is happening in the region around time, Assad is single-handedly countries like Syria will force the protesting that “armed gangs” are country into bringing transparravaging the country, almost Gad- ency to the international scene. dafi-like. Countries like Israel, who just A BBC news reporter recently this week announced the building made it into Damascus over the of another 1,100 illegal settleweekend, after what she had said ments, would probably feel more was big trouble at the airport. She, pressure in the long run. Mozafer Rajabali

“The need for youth to revolt instead of using words to resolve issues”

“Overpopulation - putting a demand on the Earth’s resources that will be difficult to meet.” -Kevin George, Civil Engineering



“Last night I broke into the cobbler’s cottage, looking to dampen the bed of his scrawny insecure son. I instead found The Silhouette on his nightstand, and was amazed! It absorbed water at a fascinating pace and expedited my task by leaps and bounds. Send your most frightened fowl of communication to and you too can marvel at its absorbency!” -Bedwetting goblin (not his own of course)





The Hamilton

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A4 - Mayonnaise - a portrait, as well as dressing C9 - “Imma boop your head!” - Dog assaults cat D4 - Carradine had prolapsed anus, study says F2 - Wash yo’ hands, WENDY.

Accident free since September 22, 2011


Cabbage Kellog to revolutionize everything, including zoos

McMaster students appear to be voting for a historic, monumental political change next Thursday. A recent poll shows that students are poised to support Cabbage Kellog, a Hygiene Science major, in the upcoming provincial election. McDanielson is running as a member of the Libertarian/PedoBeastiality party, which wants to reduce the control the Government has on citizens. And to turn African Lion Safari into an after-hours Gentleman’s club and Sex Lounge. The sudden and drastic change in voter attitudes comes in the wake of last year’s murder of Fascist Necrophiliac politician Solomon Ostero, who ran in dozens of elections for MSU President and Mayor of Hamilton and consistently received the adoring support of McMaster students. The poll, conducted out of the office of graduate student Johnny Dinglework, showed that 64 per cent of decided voters are prepared to vote in favour of McDanielson. “The results are legit. I definitely didn’t make them up to finish a portion of my thesis project. Not at all,” said Dinglework. Kellog said that McMaster students are ready for change from Ostero’s reign as the dominant figure in campus politics. “I think students recognize there is finally another option,” said Kellog about his campaign. “One that makes sure the government gets

its grubby hands out of our lives and stops us from producing loving relationships with young animals.” Kellog announced his candidacy at a press conference at Tally Ho last week. After introducing his partner Screechers, a North American skunk, Kellog delivered an impassioned speech about why the government is secretly planning to harvest our labour for a massive slave project and how he plans to abolish offices. Kellog proposes the demolish McMaster’s Arts Quad and re-brand the property as Felicia’s Petting Zoo. He says the change would help diversify the Mac campus. “The pedo-beastialtist is the most alienated demographic on campus today. Oh, and uh, stop the man! Lower taxes!” Dinglework says the rise in Kellog’s popularity is thanks to three reasons: the unpopularity of Dalton McGuinty, the appeal of being a low-tax candidate, and Kellog’s campain promise of Ostero was killed after a drive-by shooting in his black convertible golf cart.

Libertarian/Pedo-Beastiality candidate takes over void left by deceased Solomon Ostero

EU diagnoses Greece with mild Asperger’s Kingsley Morris Speculator In a unanimous decision this past Wednesday, members of the European Union have decided that Greece isn’t functioning properly, deeming it an “Aspergers State” under EU mandate 111. Greece’s mild-retardation was first brought to the EU’s attention when it demanded $34-billion in loans to “count matchsticks and other assorted items”. It was long thought that something was wrong with the sovereign European state “ever since Aristotle Onassis traded his shipping company for a beaniebaby and a box of assorted wine gums”, noted Heinrich Hassleblad, foreign minister of Germany. “Don’t get us wrong, we think Greece is trying as hard as they can, and their colouring books are better than ever, but they can’t really keep the EU afloat.” World markets were in utter chaos last week when Greece announced its plan to appoint Dustin Hoffman as its House Speaker, stating that “he won a lot of money for Cruise, maybe he’ll do the same for us.” Idiot-savants have always existed in Greek culture, but this is the first time that the country itself has been deemed as mildly autistic.

As for what happens next, it is too early to tell. Many think the EU will expel Greece from the troubled financial coalition on grounds that they erupted in an unkind matter when England took its baseball away. As for how this affects Canada, the price of souvlaki and gyros has risen and George Stromboulopoulos has had a catastrophic nervous breakdown. Alex Anthopoulos is also considering trading Brett Lawrie to the White Sox for their pitching coach. Other than that, Canadians can breathe easy – except for when dining out at their favourite Falafel joint.

GREEK FACTS - greeks constitute 40 per cent of the clientele at basilique in westdale - 40 per cent of greeks prefer the smell of tzatziki to sex

- johnny the greek, pictured right, invented - one in three greeks will the world’s biggest man shave his chest before the thong age of six - the greatest celebrity - greece contains the who ever lived was zorba world’s highest mustache- the greek treasure trail combo ratio per capita - daniel day lewis once commented “i will never - greece’s biggest export go to greece.” is behind-knee sweat - greece is lobbying for - one in two greeks wear sun tanning to become an velcro shoes past the age official olympic sport of 30

“What Did You Learn This Week, Timmy?”

“We like the Martins. We like, we like the Martins.”

Disclaimer: Stories printed in The Hamilton Speculator are fact. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is likely intentional and done out of spite. Opinions expressed are those of The Speculator and if you disagree with them you are wrong. And stupid. Possibly ugly as well.



The Silhouette




After a slow start, the Marauder offence picked up 34 unanswered points to down the Guelph Gryphons 37-13 on Sept. 24 - Details on S8.


Cross Country teams launch their OUA campaign - See S3

MEN’S SOCCER Marauders lose crucial points against UOIT - See S2


Women’s rugby crushes the Varsity Blues 69-7. Details on S2.



Men’s Soccer

Women’s Rugby

Golden opportunity missed Mac brushes aside Varsity Blues

Fraser Caldwell Sports Editor

Very rarely does one see two teams react to a draw in such opposite fashion as they did at Ron Joyce Stadium on Sept. 25. On that sunny Sunday afternoon, the McMaster Marauders and UOIT Ridgebacks played to a scoreless tie, one in which the Maroon and Grey dominated possession and came within inches of a decisive breakthrough on several occasions. But when the final whistle blew with the home side’s goose egg left unbroken, the real fireworks began. The visiting Ridgebacks huddled into a jubilant celebration at midfield while their supporters in the crowd roared with approval. Meanwhile, the Marauders were downcast and silent, their heads bowed in disappointment. Why the extreme treatment of a result that oozes neutrality? Because the UOIT Ridgebacks had just claimed only their fourth point of the OUA season, while McMaster had just missed the opportunity to climb to first place in the Western Division. The Marauders had been on an incredible run of form in the week preceding the home contest, outscoring their opposition 16-1 over the course of four games. Faced with their fifth match in eight days and one of the weakest opponents in the OUA, the Maroon and Grey made the decision to rest several starting players including team captain Anthony Costa. That choice bore disastrous consequences, as the Marauders repeatedly appeared disjointed and without their trademark incision. Sophomore forward Gersi Xhuti would squander the game’s best chance from the penalty spot midway through the first half, after being dragged down inside the box. The second half saw an increasingly desperate Marauder side pen the Ridgebacks deep inside their own end for long stretches, but fail to show a cutting edge in front of a determined UOIT defensive effort. When injury time yielded nothing for the hosts and the final whistle blew, the upset result was sealed. When news of the division-leading York Lions’ corresponding draw with the Windsor Lancers reached Marauder players, the reality of their missed opportunity truly hit home. For his part, team captain Anthony Costa greeted the result with a locker room

Ben Orr

Silhouette Staff


Forward Gersi Xhuti missed a penalty in the first half of Mac’s Sept. 25 draw. tirade that notoriously hot-headed basketball coach Bobby Knight would be proud to call his own. When Costa emerged, he gave a sober assessment of a contest in which very little went right for the Maroon and Grey. While he acknowledged that the Marauders’ weakened lineup contributed to the team’s effort, the captain stressed that players needed to be prepared when called upon to perform. “This is game eight,” said Costa, “halfway through our calendar. It’s a big deal when this many subs come in and the dynamics change. At the same time, the tactics are the same, the instructions are the same, and the game is the same. “We played like crap but we were also unlucky. We had a number of opportunities. It was a little bit of hard luck and a little bit of guys not doing what they should be doing. But we always have to understand that this is not a team game, it’s a squad game. “At any point you could be asked to get into the lineup and step up, and I don’t think enough guys did that today.” Despite the result, the Marauder captain emphasized that his side did not underestimate their opponents, but simply failed

to produce a winning effort on the afternoon. “Underestimation is usually gauged by how you approach the game,” said Costa. “We approached this game the same way that we approach any other: full pressure when they have the ball at the back, attack down the flanks, control the ball in midfield. It really just came down to the guys not gelling and a few little, simple things.” The fifth-year senior acknowledged that the draw against the Ridgebacks would turn heads across the OUA and perhaps embolden teams in the lower echelons of the league table. But the captain remained confident that the embarrassment of the home draw would not be forgotten. “This is just one of those results that is going to make some people open their eyes and say, ‘we can do that’,” said Costa. “It’s really going to help out the bottom teams.” “However, I’ll say this: when we go over there [UOIT], it’s going to be a completely different story.” In the meantime, the Marauders will look to get back in the win column on Sept. 30, when they travel to Windsor to take on the Lancers.

The Maroon and Grey are dominating the OUA’s Russell Division. With a 69-7 victory over the Toronto Varsity Blues on Sept. 24, the Marauders have moved to 3-0 on the season, having outscored their opponents 17939. Natasha Turner and Alex Fairgrieve each tallied 15 points on three tries, with Hannah Braithwaite adding two tries of her own. Coach Cam Mitchell applauded Fairgrieve’s progession. “Alex Fairgrieve scored three tries. She’s always been a great athlete, but her rugby skills and game sense have really improved in the last few weeks.” Perhaps most impressive, however, was rookie Cindy Nelles, who continued her outstanding rookie campaign with a 29-point effort, scoring three tries and seven converts. She has scored 72 points through three games this season, good enough for second in the OUA. “I’m very impressed with Cindy overall, I think she has a very strong chance of being named CIS rookie of the year, and she’s one of Canada’s top prospects for the senior team going forward in the next few years,” said Mitchell. The Marauders competed in their third blowout victory of the season, with Toronto’s lone score produced by Karla Telidetzki. Needless to say, this pleased the Marauders’ first-year head coach. “With a score like that we couldn’t really be unhappy with the performance. There are a lot of little technical things that we are looking to improve this week, but overall I’m very happy.” However, blowouts can lead to lose of focus and complacency, which the Marauders must avoid as they prepare for nationally ranked Queen’s and the OUA playoffs. McMaster’s coach knows this better than anyone. “I think we just try and practice harder than we’ve been pushed in the games we’ve been getting, doing a lot of fitness, a • PLEASE SEE QUEEN’S, S6




Cross Country

Women second, men sixth at season-opening meet Fraser Caldwell



Sports Editor

They weren’t exactly the most familiar set of faces, but the Marauders nonetheless launched their season in London on Sept. 24. Competing in the season-opening Western Invitational without many of their top runners, the McMaster women and men finished second and sixth respectively in the overall team standings. For their part, the women of the maroon and grey were led by a new star, as former Guelph Gryphon standout Lindsay Carson enjoyed her first taste of competition in a Marauder singlet. Carson, who has battled a host of injuries in recent months, scored first for McMaster as she finished sixth in the women’s 5 km race. Veteran returnee Victoria Coates followed closely behind in seventh, while Jillian Wyman, Courtney Patterson, and Stephanie MacNeill completed the Ma-

rauders’ scoring with finishes of ninth, 10th, and 12th respectively. By comparison, a weakened men’s squad clinched a sixth place overall under the leadership of fifth-year senior Cory McCurry. The veteran is assuming the captaincy of the men’s unit this season, and began his term in fine fashion with a 21st placed finish on Sept. 24. McCurry was followed in the scoring by Graham Bowes (29th), Ryan Tice (35th), and rookies Zach Brown (46th) and Blair Morgan (49th). While the London meet served largely as a warm up for many of McMaster’s athletes in preparation for their trip to the illustrious Lakefront Loyola Invitational meet in Chicago, coach Rory Sneyd expressed his satisfaction with the early form on display from his charges. “The first meet is an opportunity to blow out the cobwebs,” said Sneyd. “We • PLEASE SEE CARSON, S8



(from left) Sara Giovannetti, Courtney Patterson, and Victoria Coates race in London. Coates finished seventh, while Patterson also scored in 10th.



For the love



“I’ve been playing lacrosse from a young age. To hear your name called on draft day is really something special”


the game

Brandon Meawasige Assistant Sports Editor

Even after being drafted to play pro lacrosse, Joey Cupido remains focused on one thing: a Yates Cup


Having once competed for the McMaster lacrosse team and now starring as a cornerback for the football team, Joey Cupido is the embodiment of the two-sport university athlete. Becoming a successful university athlete is a feat accomplished through a combination of hard work, discipline and dedication. Competing in two sports, and being a formidable force at that, is an accomplishment of a different kind. As a starter on the football team, Cupido has been a solid, productive player and in 2010 was named an OUA all-star for his play. Cupido, who started playing lacrosse at the age of four, recently received an opportunity of a lifetime. On Sept. 22, the third -year Honors Kinesiology major was drafted 38th overall by the Colorado Mammoth of the National Lacrosse League. After playing one season for McMaster’s lacrosse team, Joey Cupido has played the last three seasons for the Six Nations Arrows junior-B team. It was his success playing there that garnered him the attention worthy of the pro scouts. For most athletes, competing at the next-level is a dream. For Joey Cupido, professional lacrosse is a reality. “It’s such a wonderful opportunity, and something that I have worked for my entire life. I remember growing up and wanting to be a pro athlete,” Cupido said with a smile on his face. “I’ve been playing lacrosse from a young age. To hear your name called on draft day is really something special” he continued. Cupido has had support the whole way from his family, naming his parents and grandparents as his biggest source of inspiration, support that is surely needed in order for any athlete to juggle two sports. “The two [sports] are a completely different kind of sore, nothing compares to how you feel the day after a football game, and with lacrosse there are so many games in such a small time period that it gradually

is “well worth it.” Being drafted by the National Lacrosse League presents only one potential downside: a distraction from the current football season. However, Cupido seems focused on the remainder of the season. After news of his drafting, Cupido and the rest of the Marauders travelled to Guelph for the Gryphons’ homecoming. Distracted is not a word that can be used to describe the defensive performance that allowed only 13 points en route to a 37-13 McMaster win. “We are confident,” Cupido said. The Maroon and Grey are walking with a swagger having won their past two games. “Right now our defense feels like we can stop anybody in the country. We feel like we are the best defense in the country.” Four games remain on the schedule, including marquee matchups against Laurier and Ottawa in the season’s final two games. With only one loss this season coming against the Western Mustangs on Sept. 10, Mac looks to be on track heading towards the playoffs. “We hit a snag against Western, and we are really looking forward to seeing them again in the playoffs,” said Cupido. Cupido will be a big part of getting to face the Mustangs one more time. Going into the Oct. 1 Homecoming game against the University of Waterloo Warriors, Cupido is tied for fourth on the team with 16 tackles and picked up his first interception of the season last Saturday Sept. 24in Guelph. Cupido remains focused on the 2011 football season with all roads hopefully leading to the Vanier Cup, which takes place on Nov. 25 at BC Place in Vancouver, BC. That gives Cupido less than a month to prepare for Colorado Mammoth training camp which takes place in December. He As a cornerback, Joey Cupido has recorded 52.5 tackles, four interceptions and would like to crack their lineup and play proone sack in just 14 career games. fessional lacrosse but for now, Cupido plans to wears away at your body,” said Cupido. Cupido, who enjoys competing in a contact finish his studies at McMaster University. “I am ready,” says Cupido about the Wear and tear seems not only accept- sport for as much of the year as possible. The ed, but welcomed by the 5’10”, 175-pound toll that it takes both mentally and physically day pro lacrosse becomes his full-time gig. JEFF TAM / SILHOUETTE STAFF



Women’s Soccer

Women’s Rugby

Mac struggles for form Queen’s poses stern test for Marauders • CONT’D FROM S2


Since their Sept. 7 loss to York, the Marauders have struggled to maintain consistency. Fraser Caldwell In their most recent action in different places. Sports Editor on Sept. 23, the maroon and grey “There’s a lot of newness salvaged a point in St. Catharines this year that we haven’t had to exInconsistency has become the con- against the Brock Badgers after perience in the past.” stant for the Marauders thus far conceding the lead early in the While Mosen and his this season, and for their part, the second half. Eking out the draw re- healthy batch of recruits are unmembers of the maroon and grey quired a last-gasp goal from rookie doubtedly fresh faces, it is their are eager to put the erratic play be- striker Stephanie Davis, her second new mentor’s approach to the hind them. tally on the day. game that is radically different “Sometimes we have a It was a night in which the from what returning members of breakthrough and it’s awesome, peaks and valleys of the Maraud- the squad have been used to. and other times we just plummet ers’ season were on full display. “The coaches that we because we’re not used to cop- Fresh from her efforts to have this year have a completely ing with it yet,” said team captain work out the kinks on the practice different mindset and approach Melanie van der Hoop in a pointed field, van der Hoop argued that to the game,” said van der Hoop. encapsulation of her team’s prob- much of the inconsistency plaguing “We’re playing very offensively lems at this mid-point in their OUA her team at the moment could be where last year and in previous schedule. attributed to the near-revolutionary years we haven’t. We’re going The fourth-year veteran is change brought to the program by to hit teams that it works against not alone in her frustration at the first-year coach Brett Mosen this and we’re going to hit other teams up and down play her team has put season. where it won’t.” on display this season, in a cam- “The combination of hav- The challenge of adaptpaign that began with consecutive ing a whole new coaching staff ing to an entirely new approach is home victories. Since that promis- other than our goalkeeping coach, heightened in the CIS by the bruing opening, the Marauders have a new system, and a number of tally short offseason afforded to gone 1-3-1 and find themselves in new girls is tough,” said the Ma- soccer teams, many of whom kick fourth position in the OUA’s West- rauder veteran. “Even some of the ern Division. girls who have returned are playing • PLEASE SEE NEW, S7

lot of game situations in practice and that helps with focus.” The Marauder women will head to Kingston to take on Queen’s next week in a match-up of CIS top ten teams. The Gaels are also 3-0 on the season, trailing Mac by only two points in the OUA’s Russell Division with 13. Coach Mitchell indicates that his team will continue to practice the same way in preparation for the Gaels. “I watched Queen’s play on Friday, they’re a good team who are well-coached who do very similar things to us. We’re worrying about all the same things we’ve been worried about all year, and if we manage those things well we’ll do well against Queen’s.” Despite being undefeated, Coach Mitchell and his staff are not yet contemplating the playoffs,

and a potential clash with the second-ranked team in the nation, the Guelph Gryphons. “We’re trying to take it one game at a time, especially this particular game, since it will probably determine the seedings for the playoffs.” Last year’s regular season meeting with Queen’s could be considered one to forget, but instead it will be used as motivation going forward. “We’re going to use the loss to Queen’s last year in the regular season [as motivation]. We lost by one point, and that affected our playoff seeding, so we definitely have a score to settle there.” The battle of the undefeated teams will take place Saturday afternoon. The Marauders will conclude their season against the 2-1 Trent Excalibur, coming off a 37-5 thrashing of the Laurier Golden Hawks, on Oct. 7.



Women’s Soccer

Men’s Rugby

New coach, system bring growing pains

Mac learns from heavy loss

• CONT’D FROM S6 their conference schedule before a single frosh week beer has been lifted in celebration. “We start our training camp in midAugust,” explained the Marauder captain, “and it gives us realistically two weeks to hold our tryouts. Once we have the team in place we only have five days before the first match. So it’s very compact and very quick. “It doesn’t leave much time to adjust to new ideas and new people.” Unfortunately, while van der Hoop and her teammates struggle to implement the system employed by their coach, points remain for the taking or losing on every match day. While she admitted her relief at her team’s ability to snatch a crucial point on Sept. 23, the veteran Marauder acknowledged that an outright win was a necessity in the near future. “We definitely needed that point, that’s for sure,” said van der Hoop. “We’ve hit this rut since our first loss to York, and most of the teams we’ve been losing to haven’t been the greatest. We’ve been inflicting these losses on ourselves.” There’s a lot of character on this team, but it’s really going to come down to the basics. It was nice to bounce back a little bit, but we definitely need a full three-point win soon.” To that end, the Marauders’ next opponents appear to offer a golden opportunity, as the Windsor Lancers were the maroon and grey’s first victims of the campaign. van der Hoop stated that her team was confident of replicating the result of the opening week, in which McMaster cruised to a 2-0 victory at home. “We beat them the first time we played them this season,” said the captain. “We came out so hard against them and did so well. I think it was just the excitement of the opening game of the season and now we’re halfway through and we need points.” While homecoming festivities rage across McMaster’s campus on Sept. 30, the Marauders will be hoping to hold a celebration of their own in Lancer territory. A celebration of three hard earned points.


Captain Tyler Ardron has been held out of the lineup with an ankle injury. Maggie Cogger-Orr Silhouette Staff

It has been said that a loss is only truly a loss if you don’t learn anything from it. That’s the philosophy the men’s rugby team is aiming to adopt after a humbling 47-3 loss against Queen’s this weekend. The Gaels came flying out of the gates with an early try from centre Daniel Moor to put them up 7-0. The Marauders would struggle throughout the game to contain Queen’s’ threatening set piece offence and it would lead to multiple tries on the day. Matt Kelly, Liam Underwood, George

Gleeson, Andrew Kirk and Tim Richardson would also score tries for the Gaels on the day. In spite of the disappointing result on the weekend, this year’s edition of the Maroon and Grey is brimming with exciting rookies as well as some key returning veterans and hopes improvement is on the way. With last year’s fly-half Chris Dickenson currently sidelined with a hip injury, Lawson Mann, who is returning from a year off due to injury himself, has been wearing the ten jersey for the Marauders. Relatively new to the position, Mann has made significant improvements

in the early weeks of the season and continues to improve with game time. Dickenson is hoping to make his return in the coming weeks pending medical treatment and clearance. The back row has been an area of much interest early in the season. An ankle injury to third-year veteran and captain Tyler Ardron has largely kept him out of the lineup and allowed second-year Cam Stones to step into the eight position. Stones was outstanding this summer for the Ontario U19 program (coached by former Marauder head coach Shaun Allen) and has put up 15 points for McMaster this season. Michael Sheppard also returns to the Marauders to provide his powerful defensive presence and physicality. Craig Leveridge has stepped into the inside centre slot this year and has paired well with fourth-year outside centre Sam Roberts to make a centre duo that are both physical and dynamic. The back line is rounded out with the physically imposing veteran Grant Schneider on one wing and Marcus Sullivan, who provides a gritty defensive force, on the other. Returning second year players Davor Stojanov and Mike Paris both also provide speed and finesse at the fullback and wing positions. This week has been an intense one for the Marauders, with Monday’s practice pitting the players against each other in one on one contact drills and challenging the team to improve its structure and continuity. Tuesday saw an intense intra-squad game where players challenged for positions and pushed each other to perform in front of the coaching staff. The rest of the week looks to hold much the same for the team as looks to get back on track this weekend in their homecoming match against the Brock Badgers. The Badgers narrowly defeated the RMC Paladins 28-23 over the weekend, a team who McMaster defeated 24-8 earlier in September. Along with Queen’s and Western, the Badgers and Marauders are part of the elite ‘Top 4’ of the OUA – the only teams to have won the OUA Championship in the past 10 years. That sets this weekend’s game up with promise for passion and excitement. Kickoff is at 11 a.m. on Oct. 1 as part of this weekend’s homecoming celebration.




Cross Country

Offence explodes in fourth

Carson runs first meet for McMaster • CONT’D FROM S3


Linebacker Ryan Chmielewski (#54) and his defence kept Mac in the game until the Marauder offence awoke late on. Brian Decker Executive Editor

With their most dependable running back injured, their star quarterback in the press box and their offence sputtering, the McMaster Marauders needed someone to take charge. They got exactly that – and more – from rookie running back Chris Pezzetta on Sept. 24. Pezzetta produced his finest game at the university level, running for 106 yards on 13 carries and leading Mac to a big second half and a 37-13 victory over the Guelph Gryphons. The Marauders had lost starting running back Joey Nemet to an injury on their first offensive set while pivot Kyle Quinlan was serving the second game of a three-game suspension. With the Mac offence in all sorts of trouble – committing four turnovers in the first half – the Maroon and Grey were in dire need of something good to happen. Enter Pezzetta, whose head-down,

run-and-tumble style proved to be exactly what the team needed. “Chris had a phenomenal game for a rookie. We needed good things to happen with the ball and he did exactly that,” said Marauder coach Stefan Ptaszek. While the 24-point margin of victory suggests a blowout win, the game’s outcome looked anything but certain in the first half. In addition to the offence’s four turnovers (two fumbles and two interceptions) and a plethora of penalties on both sides of the ball, defensive back Allan Dicks fumbled after returning a missed field goal – nearly for a touchdown – to midfield. Guelph’s Chris Rossetti found receiver Kevin Campbell for a touchdown midway through the first quarter, with Dan Ferraro adding a field goal early in the second. Mac’s only first-half offence came on a 42-yard field goal from Tyler Crapigna. “We stayed the course. We knew that we made a lot of mistakes in the first half. But we know what kind of football team we are and it showed in the second

half,” said Ptaszek. After a Ferraro field goal made it 13-3 in the third quarter, Pezzetta began to take over. After carrying much of the load, the rookie punched in his first CIS touchdown midway through the quarter. It was all McMaster from then on. In addition to two more Crapigna field goals, Ferguson found Matt Peressini for two touchdowns. Then, Steven Ventresca added the capper by taking an interception 70 yards for a major to make it 37-13. “Our defence kept us in the game. To go into halftime down seven was about all we could have expected and it was thanks to our defence.” The Marauders held Guelph to just 37 yards rushing on the day and produced three interceptions. Rookie linebacker Nick Shorthill had a sack and interception, while Aram Eisho led the team with seven tackles. Peressini caught six passes for 66 yards, while Mike DiCroce led all receivers with 81 yards on seven catches. Ferguson completed 19 of 29 passes and threw for 236 yards.

had some people who hadn’t raced in a long time. On the women’s side, we raced a lot of our top women and only held out Katie Anderson and Sarah Haliburton. “On the men’s side, we had a couple of new guys – rookies and vets actually – who stepped up nicely. Cory McCurry is our new captain and had a really solid run. That’s the fastest he’s run at Western. And that was on a slower course, since it had been raining in London. “I was really happy with Ryan Tice’s run. He was over a minute faster on that course than he had been in the past.” In particular, Sneyd praised the performances of the two first-year men who scored for McMaster on the day, in their first competitive appearance in maroon and grey. “Zach Brown and Blair Morgan really stepped it up and I thought it was a really good start for them” argued the Marauder coach. “I’m glad that they raced it, because sometimes we’re reluctant to throw these guys straight into a 10k.” On the topic of Lindsay Carson, whose transfer to McMaster from the nearmythical Guelph Gryphon setup last year was lauded as a major recruiting coup, Sneyd stressed that the realization of her full potential would take some time. “I was happy with Lindsay’s result [on Sept. 24], although I don’t think she would tell you that she was thrilled,” said Sneyd. “But it’s been a long time, and I think it was quite a shock to her system. She would love to run the race over again, because I don’t think she was happy with how she competed on the day. “I think she’d be the first to tell you that her fitness is better than the first meet showed. But she’s motivated and over that result, and she’s excited for the future.” With their opening event behind them, the Marauders will inject several of their veterans into the lineup as they travel to Chicago to compete against several of the toughest teams in the CIS and the northern United States on Oct. 1.




production office extension: 27117

In the life of a belly dancer Eshe, a former McMaster student turned professional belly dancer, tells her story of struggle and success on the road to fame

Natalie Timperio

Senior InsideOut Editor

The human body is a beautiful creation; all the more beautiful is how it can move. No, this is not a lesson in kinesiology—in fact, far from it. It is dance. Dance is one of the many ways in which a person can train the body to do amazing things. Yet, dance extends beyond the physical conditioning of the body to a form of self-expression and even a way of life for some. As many may already know, dance takes on many different styles. An often overlooked style of dance is belly dancing. Belly dancing is most recognized for its eroticism as it combines smooth, fluid movement as well as shimmying of both the pelvis and abdominal muscles. Belly dancing dates far back in time, so much so that its definite origins are not completely known, though most experts agree that it first came about in the Middle East. This exotic dance form is depicted in ancient Egyptian tomb paintings as well as in Persian artistry. Perhaps the mystery surrounding the history of belly dance is in part what makes it such an alluring genre of dance. Eshe , a Hamilton native and now renown belly dancer abroad, is one such person who is

well versed in the art of belly dance. In fact, Eshe has committed herself to what has become a successful career in belly dance. Originally from Hamilton, Eshe now lives in Seoul, South Korea where she has recently established her very own belly dance studio. Yet Eshe has travelled much of the world, starring in live shows not just in Canada and in South Korea but also in Japan, Turkey, Indonesia and Australia. Recipient of notable awards and featured in many popular magazines, such as Vogue, Eshe’s success is unquestionable. However, her fame did not come without its difficulties. As a child, Eshe’s mother frowned upon dance. “My mother thought that organized dance classes weren’t always the best environment for young girls.” Eshe explains that to satisfy her love for dance as a child she would choreograph dances with friends and afterwards go door to door in hopes to perform for a neighbour. She also mentions that she would host dance productions in her basement. Upon entering university, Eshe soon discovered that this too would a pose a struggle for her although not in relation to dance, • PLEASE SEE THE DANCE, C3


Double trouble

Say “Cha!” to Chessecake

The double standard proves quarrelsome for guys and girls alike.

Try this low-fat caramel pecan cheesecake recipe for a mouthwatering treat.

Pg. C3

Pg. C6



ThreadCount Olivia Gissing

Fourth Year Multimedia and Communications

Photos by Tyler Hayward and Ricardo Padilla

Favourite quote: “I am at two with nature.” - Woody Allen Favourite artist: Laura Marling Describe your style: casual, urban, dressy What do you look for in a significant other? wittiness and humour

Bag: Value Village $5 Scarf: DLR $30 Shoes: Aldo $60 Jeans: Forever XXI $30




Delineating the double standard Katherine George The Silhouette

Almost every relationship includes some version of a double standard. It happens when one person in a relationship enforces a rule on the other, but if the roles reverse, the rule would not apply. The double standard is not gender specific; the imposer of this rule can be either the male or female. For example, if women have numerous or frequent sexual partners, it generates a bad reputation that can be difficult for her to shake. The double standard comes into play when men punish women harshly for sleeping with multiple men, such as, deeming her promiscuous or “easy”. Ashley Sloane, a fourth year Commerce student at McMaster, explains, “it does not matter if the guy has slept with one or ten girls, but if the girl sleeps with one, she will not be fully trusted in a future relationship.” Conversely, men in a similar situation excuse their behaviour as fulfilling the typical mould of a man. Being a man entails an overload of testosterone and a libido strong enough to override one’s own self-control. Therefore, men justify promiscuous behaviour as the inevitable nature of a man to follow his instincts and spread his “seed” every time the opportunity rises. It is not a far stretch to say that this specific example of a double standard is deeply embedded within our society today. In some ways, men are even rewarded for this type of behaviour and obtain the title of being a “player”. This undoubtedly boosts a man’s ego and, in some cases, their perceived level of attractiveness. Jamie Bowman, a fourth year Humanities student, gives an alternative perspective from a male point of view: “the double standard about sex numbers is very true, I totally judge girls by it. I know it’s wrong and very hypocritical of me to do it but I still can’t help but feel that way towards girls.”


It is near impossible to escape the double standard, no matter if you are male or female. It is unfair that females are forced to turn a blind eye to the numerous sexual partners that their current or potential boyfriends have had and that, if the situation reverses, the man would consider the female unsuitable as a potential girlfriend. The double standard not only creates victims out of the females, but also men. For example, at some point in every person’s life there will be the unfortunate experience where things get awkward and uncomfortable in bed. Most commonly, these moments

consist of a man’s difficulties “getting it up”. The burden of problems in the bedroom often falls on the shoulders of the man. Women will be quick to judge that there is something wrong with him should he not satisfy her sexual needs and desires, of which, of course, he is assumed to already have knowledge. She will jump to the conclusion that he most likely suffers from erectile dysfunction or some other problem that does not include any fault of her own. On the other hand, if the problem

arose as a result of the woman, and it was her who was struggling to climax during sex, the blame will almost certainly be given to the man again. Unlike in the first example, this double standard favours women over men. There are multiple other situations where the double standard arises within any given relationship, but clearly, when deciphering this inevitable rule, neither gender is more favourable than the other. Perhaps the cliché “judged and be judged” is well-suited in describing the double standard.

The dance to fame


Here, Eshe is photographed in traditional belly dance wear. • CONT’D FROM C1 however. Rather, Eshe experienced financial strife as the cost of higher education weighed heavily on her. “I was two years into my sociology degree at McMaster when I ran out of money,” Eshe explains. “I’d been working two part-time jobs to make ends meet but wasn’t financially able to continue.” In search for a job opportunity, Eshe explains that she was able to take advantage of Japan’s working holiday visa where she taught English. It was here, in the Land of the Rising Sun, that Eshe first found the opportunity to pursue what would become her lifelong passion and endeavour. Once Eshe settled into her new home, miles away from where she once lived and a woman grown, she was at last able to take belly dance classes. “It was [in] a tiny, old school Japanese apartment ... complete with incense, nature tapestries and koi. The first class was very difficult ... the next day I could barely walk!” But Eshe’s unyielding drive helped her to pursue belly dance despite the physical pain, and after only three months her teach-

er asked her to join in Japan’s largest belly dance festival. Today, Eshe explains that although she faced, and still faces, numerous challenges in her career, she is not one to submit to defeat “I’m happy to jump through whatever hoops I have to [in order to] do what I love for a living. I live with the comfort of knowing I always put myself out there 100% and follow my heart.” As an individual who has found success in her life’s passion, Eshe suggests to all who share in her love for belly dance, but also those who feel equally fervent about anything else, to take advantage of social networking sites Facebook and Youtube as a potential outlet for knowledge and success. Most importantly, Eshe says that becoming an artist takes both time and practice, so be patient and, most of all, enjoy it. “Use everything around you as inspiration, not only something directly within your genre but also all of your daily experiences.” It is no doubt this sort of attitude that has propelled Eshe to fame—and perhaps as young and hopeful adults it is this same attitude we can use every now and again to see us through in whatever we may pursue.




Whilst banged up abroad Jonathon Fairclough checks in for his second installment of travel misadventure Jonathon Fairclough Production Editor

Boy travels to Europe on a whim, boy pursues whim, boy gets fired by whim, boy meets world. The whim, as it stands, can go fuck itself. I’m sitting outside of the bar, ten minutes after I have been fired as a server, with a complimentary “it’s alright chum” Guinness from the management and a pack of cigarettes. I’m chain-smoking with absolutely no idea as to what I will do next. When reality trumps whatever plans you had, whenever your visions of the future are abruptly cut down by a dose of the unknown, you freeze ... don’t you? It could have been five minutes, it could have been an hour, but I sat cold in that weather-proof patio chair and for one of the first times in my life I had not the faintest clue of who I was and what I’ do next. While at the table, I really did let the dread consume me. I knew it would go away. I convinced myself that this itself was an opportunity, a chance to venture outside of my element. No, reader, I don’t normally think this positively, but at the time it was all I had to keep me going. I got on my bike and I left that shitty pub. I got it out of my system and I was so much better off in the end. You’ll soon see what I mean. So where do you go when you’re jobless and alone in a foreign country? There isn’t a support group for that type of thing, not a forum for other lonely travellers to lay their head, to figure out the next step. No, there are three places: your room, the streets, and the bar. Since I didn’t have the first, I would rely on the latter two options for a week—honing in on my photog-


A traveller may often times find a foreign country a lonesome place. raphy as a means to pass the time and, as it would later turn out, to meet others. Heidi, whom you may have met in my last story, was gone for the week—New York for some “down time”—so the couch, and her quaint townhouse was mine in the meantime. This was convenient but pretty horrible for my situation

as I had no company and therefore had all the time in the world to pout. To make matters worse I was told that when she got back, I was to find my own place to live. Heidi works out of her apartment; I am sleeping in her office, and it was not going to work. So during the days, I would take photos like it was my only pur-

pose in life. After the memory card was full, the battery empty, I would wander into a new bar and try a new beer. Belgian beers are famous for their taste – and their potency. Three and you’re laughing like a maniac, five and you may as well say goodbye to tomorrow morning. The bars are all small, candle-lit, old tables and diverse clientele. Old people,

middle-aged people, young up-andcomers, teens: they are all there. People would speak to you in Flemish (a dialect of Dutch), they would realize you were not following and leave the table muttering. I must have missed out on dozens of interesting conversations that week. I was alone and incomprehensible in a foreign country for a reason, I suppose. I would get home from the bar and scour the internet for a place to stay. Every site was written in Flemish. I would push buttons, click on links, and got no-where. I was losing the fight, you could say. Perhaps I had bitten off more than I could chew. Perhaps I had made a big mistake thinking I could ship-off to Europe on a job opportunity that would undeniably fall through. Perhaps this was it. Perhaps I would be going home. And then a knock on the door changed everything. Well, that didn’t happen, but that would have been cool, right? An oversight changed everything. I had used a website the year before to locate temporary rooms (one to two nights max) while travelling abroad. I didn’t think it had any use in my current situation but the more desperate I became, the more it became a brilliant tool: Use the site to find a room, stay in the room for as long as you can while in the meantime looking for another. It was perfect, it was a lifesaver: it was Couchsurfing. Next time: Jon is covered in bug bites, Jon lives with a blind music-expert and Blue Jays fan, Jon meets Tegan and Sara. Cryptic, I know, but not without cause. This is when shit gets really exciting!

The many different faces of friends crunch. For better perspective, let’s break it down. You can probably Late-night studying in Mills, kegger classify your friends into subcaton Emerson or a night in catching egories that satisfy particular outlets up on the latest episode of How I of your life and, with no real intenMet Your Mother? tion of dehumanizing your closest Whatever you choose, buddies, see how much you relate you will more than likely not being to any of the following descriptions: doing any of the above activities alone. The question is, who exactly The Study Buddy do you want to spend these mo- This friend is an ideal ments with? companion during school’s tough Like most university stu- est of times. Often intelligent and dents, you are multi-dimensional hardworking, hanging out with him and choose to share these different or her definitely benefits your perfacets of your life with certain indi- sonal study habits – and helps to viduals or groups of friends. improve your grades, of course. It is not entirely uncom- Note: It is rare that you mon that you drift between social see the study buddy emerge from circles to get what you need, be it a hermit mode other than to attend night on the town or cracking open classes, midterms or exams. If spotthe books before the exam-time ted elsewhere and/or outside of Kathryn Reinhardt The Silhouette

these circumstances, contact fellow friends and inform them of this unusual occurrence immediately.

ing up with the Party Animal, expect a night of too many shots, random conversations with strangers, dancing to songs you hate and breaking The Advice Guru something that does not belong to Mature, insightful and you. with a tendency to say exactly what Rule 4: Pass out and lose you need to hear, this friend is your all contact with the Party Animal personal Dr. Phil, complete with until a morning reunion at The Pana take-home therapy session. The cake House. Advice Guru is often the one you Rule 5: Repeat next weekend. would search for in a time of personal crisis, as their counsel is sure The Friend with Benefits to be spot-on. It is likely that if you have a friend like this, you know exactly The Party Animal what needs they satisfy in your life. Rule 1: Seek only when Enough said. partying. Rule 2: When seeking said The Soul Mate friend, remember that they are not This is the person who available from the hours of 7 a.m. to understands you the best out of all 7 p.m. your friends; you share your clos Rule 3: When at last meet- est connection with this friend. The

Soul Mate likely fills every facet of your multi-dimensional self, including the noble role of wingman/ wingwoman (if not already being substituted by the Party Animal). Overall, the Soul Mate is the most notable of friends, as they are sure to never abandon you, even in the direst of circumstances. This is not to suggest that your friends are one-dimensional, but I’d bet that certain individuals you have in mind demonstrate some or all of the traits listed above. Perhaps among others you exhibit some of these characteristics yourself. Ultimately, you are a McMaster University student who has needs that are fulfilled by spending time with certain friends. In return, you fulfill the needs of others.

Sep. 30

Sep. 29

MSU Health and Dental Opt-out - last day!

Vitamin Water Testing

12:00 a.m. - 11:55 p.m.

11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

If you’re already covered by another plan visit http://healthplan.

Stop by the Union Market for a free sample of vitamin water and to OR to opt-out.

speak with a rep from Glaceau

Sep. 30

Sep. 29

Open Circle’s Body, Mind, Spirit Circle: Exploring Integrated Living

Tech Free Thursday Zone

12:30 p.m. - 1:20 p.m. @ MUSC 215b

12:00 p.m. - 2 p.m.

Join students for a meditation hike and discussion in Cootes Para-

Drop by Clubspace for a tech free study space; “unplug” from

dise. Contact if interested.

stress. Snacks provided.

Oct. 1

Sep. 30

CFMU New Volunteer Orientation

Arkells, San Sebastian, and the Dirty Nil

1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. @ TSH B106

7:45 p.m.

Come out and learn what makes the CFMU tick.

McMaster Homecoming concert in DBAC. Tickets at Compass.




Uncovering Cuban fashion


Spirited Cuban locals keep it simple in locally made dress, as seen here, holding true to the nation’s “less is more” fashion philosophy. but this past summer during my trip to Cuba I discovered that in some parts of the world, brand names are When you think of the word fash- not the only constituent of fashion. ion, what comes to mind? Before I left for Cuba, I I’d bet that you immedi- decided to do some preliminary reately begin to think of your favour- search on the fashion scene I could ite brands and designers. expect to see. As residents of North Research revealed the names of unAmerica, we are constantly bom- familiar stores, no malls and, most barded with name brands, forcing strikingly, no sales! us to make the association between Nevertheless, I tried to fashion and labels. remain optimistic and hope for the What would you do if you best. landed on an island with none of I was looking forward to those brands you have come to sup- the adventure of searching for those posedly love? hidden must-have fashion articles Many of us have come to that the island would have to offer. believe the myth that fashion and And so the adventure brand names are one and the same, began. Chanèle Jordan Silhouette Staff

My first visit into the main shopping area was definitely an eye-opening experience. I knew that Cuba didn’t have any ties with the United States, but I did not expect that it would cause the island to be so, well, different. If you think about it, most of our favorite brands originated in the United States, but due to Cuba’s hostile relationship with the U.S., most things are produced locally Walking down the streets, it was strange not to see the familiar Nike swoosh sign on people’s clothing. I instantly noticed that comfort was the main priority among the locals. Most people

chose to wear their swimsuit with a shirt or dress thrown over top. However, when not in their beachwear, men wore the official Cuban garment, the “Guayabera” shirt, usually distinguished by two or four patch pockets and then fine, tiny pleats in two vertical rows. Females tended to wear loose cotton dresses, allowing them to stay cool in the sweltering heat. This made me feel overdressed at times due to my tendency to accessorize with necklaces and bracelets, breaking the unspoken local rule of keeping it simple. The most interesting thing that stood out to me was the variety of leather goods. The various flea markets that I visited were filled

with handmade leather handbags, backpacks, wallets and sandals. The designs were like nothing I had ever seen before. I picked up two leather bags, one of which was specially customized for me by burning my name into the bag. Such creativity would never be seen in Canada. My seven-day trip in Varadero, Cuba was truly an eye-opener. Although the fashion I saw still may not fit within my own style, I have learned to appreciate the various cultural adaptations of fashion across the world. I have come to realize that fashion is very much influenced by culture, making it virtually impossible to easily define.

Fashion: a finicky friend Fashion can help and hurt self-image Karianne Matte Silhouette Intern

In a world as multicultural and diverse as ours, new fashions seem always seem to be a popular topic. But what is fashion, and who is being affected by it? Even though it contends with so many other daily concerns, why is it still so important to so many people? Trends are in constant change, giving birth to new creations. From King Tut’s fancy headdress to Hillary Clinton’s power suits, we are constantly moving forward on the designer timeline. Male or female, we are all coerced into wearing the latest and greatest styles that are brought forward with each new coming generation. Those who refuse to bend to trends are deemed social outsiders. The clothing we wear is an extension of our personality, as it documents our creativity, or lack thereof. Yet, it can present difficulties for people with lower incomes or those coming from strict religious or cultural backgrounds. Why is fashion a problem in these instances? It is a shame that youth

who cannot afford pretty accessories or hip wear often feel embarrassed and might even be bullied for the way they dress. Fashion trends often pres-

From King Tut’s fancy headdress to Hilary Clinton’s power suits, we are constantly moving forward on the designer timeline.” sure people to look or dress a certain way, most often in a way that is portrayed in media and popular culture. The entertainment industry can often manipulate and even morph the human body, forcing people to feel as if they need to look differently. Since a young age, we have been conditioned to think we should all look like Barbie and Ken. (In life size, Barbie would no doubt be hideous.) From advertisements to reality television, the people we see

are often times airbrushed, which leaves no wonder as to why even the most pubescent or elderly of people do not have a single blemish to speak of. When people today look at fashion icons, they will most likely see someone dressed in well-fitted clothing, with no doubt the perfect hair, complexion and body to boot. These features are part of what can make women and men so self-conscious nowadays. Some people may even go to outrageous lengths in trying to imitate these media-created illusions. Now if all these difficulties lead back to an effort to wear the latest trends, then why does the world accept such superficial standards? Maybe it’s because a person needs to feel accepted in order to survive, and it’s true that looks are necessary in order to gain this sought-after acceptance. Although fashion may not lead to acceptance in all cases, it does have its share of confidence boosts, such as feeling good in a newly bought sweater or maybe a tight fitting tee shirt that fits just right to accent the great physique of his or her torso. Either way, fashion is as constructive as it is destructive – there’s no denying it.. So watch out.




Low-fat caramel pecan cheesecake Mera Qamar The Silhouette

With the fall season underway, tasty treats never sounded so tempting. So why not indulge in this super-delicious, low fat caramel pecan cheesecake? The light cream cheese, pecans and caramel glaze will leave you smacking your lips in absolute delight. Preparation Time 10 minutes Bake Time 40-45 minutes Servings 24 Ingredients Crust 1½ cups crushed graham crackers ½ cup finely chopped pecans ¼ cup melted butter Filling 3 pkg. light cream cheese 1 cup sugar 1 cup vanilla yogurt or sour cream 1 tsp. flour 1 tbsp. vanilla extract 4 eggs Caramel Glaze 1 cup sugar 2 tbsp. water

1 can of thick heavy cream or condensed milk 1 tsp. vanilla 1 pinch of salt

to a low speed while adding the eggs one at a time. Pour the filling into the crust and bake for 40 to 45 minutes. The cheesecake centre Directions should be almost set but not comStep 1 pletely hard or dry when taking it Heat the oven to 350°F. out of the oven. Line the bottom of a 9-inch Refrigerate the cheesecake springform pan with foil paper. for about four hours to set. Finely crush the graham Step 3 crackers into a sand-like texture. On medium heat, mix the (You can substitute graham sugar with the water in a saucepan. crackers with wafers, tea biscuits or Keep stirring it with milk vanilla biscuits.) wooden spoon until golden brown. Finely chop the pecans to a (If the water dries up do cracker-like texture. not be afraid to add a little bit more Melt the butter and allow it until you see that it forms a carato cool for five minutes. mel-like texture.) Mix the crushed crackers After it turns goldenand pecans with the butter and press brown, remove it from the heat and the mixture firmly with your palm slowly add one cup of heavy cream or the base of a cup onto the cheese- while stirring. cake pan. Next, add the one tsp. of Optional: you can bake the vanilla and one pinch of salt. crust before adding the filling for a Allow the caramel to cool. total of one minute in the oven. Step 4 Step 2 After the cheesecake firms Using a kitchen mixer, mix up, drizzle it with the caramel. the cream cheese, which should be If you have a sweet tooth, at room temperature, on the highest douse the cheesecake in even more speed along with the sugar, vanilla caramel – even add chocolate chips! yogurt and flour. Decorate the cheese (Do not over-mix the in- cake with whole or chopped pecan gredients. Otherwise, the cheese- (whicever will do). cake will be hard after baking.) Now slice, eat and, of Next, set the kitchen mixer course, enjoy!

IO Tidbits Thinking sinks

Who knew books could be so powerful? The main library at the Indiana University sinks over an inch each year because when built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building.

I hear seashell by the sea shore?

It’s a myth that we can hear the ocean in a seashell. The sound we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear. Any cup-shaped object placed over the ear produces the same effect.

Bleed for love

Engagement rings are worn on the fourth finger of the left hand because the ancient Greeks maintained that this finger contained the vena amoris or vein of love. This vein runs straight to the heart.


Dive into this delicious low-fat caramel pecan cheesecake.



Come write for us! Volunteer meetings Thursday @ 1:30 p.m. or email

Give the gift of blood with Partners for Life Extend an arm with the McMaster Students Union and Canadian Blood Services Megan McEwen SHEC Media

Is saving a life one of the items on your bucket list? No need to wait until you’re as old as Morgan Freeman to start! Giving blood is something you can do right now, and continue doing throughout your life in order to save lives. People who may need blood include accident victims, organ donors and recipients, those undergoing surgery and those who have an ongoing medical condition such as sickle cell disease, which requires regular blood transplants. Donating blood is safe, easy and can be done in under an hour. Your donation full utilized because blood is processed into three parts and can save up to three lives. And best of all, blood donation clinics come to campus regularly, making it easier than ever to donate. Canadian Blood Services is the organization responsible for maintaining the safety and the quantity of our national blood supply. Since blood cannot be preserved, it must be donated on a continual basis to fulfill the needs of those who require blood in the Canadian population. When you arrive at the

clinic, a volunteer will check your identification and provide you with an information package and an eligibility questionnaire. Following this, a nurse will do some brief routine medical tests, such as taking blood pressure and testing the amount of hemoglobin in your blood. This is done to make sure that it is safe to take your blood. There are some require-

People who may need blood include accident victims, organ donors and recipients, those undergoing surgery and those who have an ongoing medical condition.” ments to ensure that you are eligible, namely that you are between the ages of 17 and 61, that you weigh at least 110 lb. and that you have not had any disqualifying procedures in the last six months. When you donate blood, one unit is collected, which is equal to about 500 mL, or a medium-sized milk container.

A new, sterile needle is used to ensure you are not put at risk for any diseases. You will be able to relax in a reclining chair, and are monitored for duration of the donation, which is approximately 15 minutes. If you wish, a friend may accompany you to support you while you donate. The amount of blood removed is not dangerous to your health, so you will be able to quickly recover. To ensure that your body has adequate time to replenish the donated blood cells, you must wait at least 56 days before you make another donation. The McMaster Students Union (MSU) has entered in a partnership with Canadian Blood Services called Partners for Life. The student population has pledged to donate 1000 units of blood this school year. You can make an appointment to streamline the process by coming into the Student Health Education Center (SHEC), located on the second floor of the student centre. If you are looking for more information on donating blood, do not hesitate to come into SHEC and speak with one of our volunteers. Or call the Canadian Blood Services information line at 1-888-2DONATE.

Our Sex and the Steel City magazine is on the horizon! Want to model or write? We’d love to have you out. email




production office extension: 27117

To quit, or not to quit? Learning how to deal amicably with horrible bosses

Some bosses lift employees to reach their full potential while others may demoralize employees. at some point in their careers. “There is talk of using new, empowering managerial tools There is nothing more amazing than such as flattened hierarchies, selfhaving a boss that makes you want managed teams and 360-degree to come in every morning to work feedback,” states Hornstein. “Unand give 110 per cent. fortunately, lots of bosses talk… Even if your job isn’t the most about workers autonomy but behave exciting, having a fun boss can autocratically.” make your work ten times more en- So, dealing with a horjoyable. rible boss? This is an employee’s On the other hand, there worst nightmare and unfortunately are those bosses who just make you the chance of you having a horrible hate waking up in the morning be- boss is quite high. How do you cause you know you’re going to go handle this type of situation? Do into the office to a boss that makes you quit, or do you withstand the your life that much more difficult. torment for the sake of a paycheck? Columbia University Pro- This is an unfortunate prefessor Harvey A. Hornstein discuss- dicament for an employee to endure es the causes and effects of abuse but it does happen in the corporate at work in his book Brutal Bosses world. Now, how does an employee – and their prey. deal with this? Unfortunately unlike Hornstein states that an es- the movie Horrible Bosses, we timated 90 per cent of the nation’s cannot simply hire a hitman to take workforce suffer abuse by superiors care of the problem for us. So unless Rachael Ramos The Silhouette

you’re thinking of quitting, here are a few tips on how to survive your horrible boss. Firstly try to avoid confrontations. This will prevent sudden conflicts and further resentment. Secondly think about what’s in your long-term best interest. It is very frustrating and difficult to work with jerks in the workplace, but unfortunately it’s part of life. However, you can take the positive perspective out of this and learn new coping skills to deal with these kinds of situations in the future. Lastly make sure you understand that there is not much you can do to change your boss. If staying a bit longer in the job will help your career in the long run, stick it out until then. Try to always stay posi-


tive, take the high road, and don’t give into pressure. These are just some ways to tolerate and intolerable boss – it just might help you keep your job. According to a study published by Statistics Canada in Perspectives on Labour and Income, work-related stress has a direct bearing on the current and long-term productivity of Canadian workers in terms of reduced work activities, disability days and absenteeism. The report also suggests that a supportive work environment reduces job interruptions due to stress. Enduring this experience can only help you in the long run. You can learn deeply from your boss’s bad behavior. If you look at your boss’s behavior you can spend time looking on your own perspective of leadership, of what would you do and how you would want to achieve it.

By doing this, you will learn to always keep positive and apply these techniques to your own leadership skills – and you definitely will not repeat your own boss’ mistake. Experiencing a horrible boss is more common than people think, so it is important to learn how to deal with this type of boss effectively to prevent unnecessary stress. “I use to have a horrible boss, but I still came into work every morning and performed my job tasks to my full potential,” said Edward Chiu, an employee of Royal Bank of Canada. “In the end I got promoted, got a raise and moved to another department with a friendly boss. Just stay patient and things will work out”. Follow the tips listed above, and you’ll be on the way to a more comfortable, pleasant, and stress-free work environment.

Wise words for the weary student Recent Commerce grad Jeff Killip offers advice to undergrad students ing much success following graduation. Jeff was excited to share Students often get caught up in the his past experiences and shed light rambunctious tomfoolery of under- on post-graduate uncertainty to help grad life with good reason, but for calm the fears of undergrad stumany, an underlying fear of post- dents. graduate life haunts students. With the lingering fear of the unknown, Sonya Khanna: Describe to me having knowledge on life after your University experience. Were graduation passed on would be you involved in any activities or beneficial clubs both within and outside of We caught up with De- school? Groote School of Business graduate Jeff Killips to probe in on how the Jeff Killips: I had an amazing time skills he has acquired from his time during my undergraduate career. at Mac have benefited him in his I got to meet a lot of great people career. Jeff offered some key point- and develop a number of great relaers for future grads on the advan- tionships that will stick with me for tages of gaining the full university life. I was involved in a number of experience whether it be through extracurricular activities during my extracurricular activities or enrich- time at McMaster, whether it was ing your resume through volunteer the DeGroote Financial Association and work experience. or intramurals there are so many Currently, Jeff is work- ways for students to get involved ing in the Real Estate division of both inside and outside of school, Corporate Credit Products at CIBC and it is a great way to get to know Wholesale Banking. His position your classmates and other students. provides financing solutions to In my fourth year I was part of the companies who require bank debt. Peer Support Program for the ComJeff Killip is one of the many alumni merce Internship Program, which who have left a proud imprint on was a great experience and a good McMaster University, accomplish- way to give back to a program that Sonya Khanna Business Editor

I feel was the key stepping stone to where I am today. SK: So, what exactly do you do in your job? JK: If you’re working on a live deal, a lot of the time is spent understanding and analyzing the client, and working with your team to move the file forward. A lot of time is spent reading the news, research reports, public debt rating reports, trying to understand your clients better and the industry and economy as a whole. Each deal that I have been fortunate enough to work on so far has been different and unique, and has given me a great chance to learn about the industry. SK: How have the skills you have gained throughout your undergrad contributed to your overall success? JK: The skills I gained in my undergraduate career have provided me the foundation of the knowledge necessary to work in my area. The small things you pick up throughout undergrad such as presentation • PLEASE SEE ALUMNI, C10


Jeff Killip is a recent graduate of Degroote School of Business



Former student offers insight into post-grad life advice would be to put in the work throughout your university career. skills and business communication It is a very competitive field and are things that will stick with you your whole university career will throughout your career. be analyzed and scrutinized during the recruiting period. Also, find SK: What about previous something you are passionate work experience? about and never stop trying to learn about it. The more you know JK: I did an internship about an industry, a product, a through the CIP program for 14 company, etc. will certainly help months at PricewaterhouseCoopers you come interview time, and if doing loss quantifications and you can translate that into the work business valuations, so I had a environment, even better. background in financial analysis, as well as a fair bit of time spent SK: How are the skills analyzing the metals industry. you have acquired transferrable to The experience I gained during other careers? my internship gave me a strong platform leading into full-time JK: Being able to recruiting, and pointed me in the understand a business and what the direction of what I wanted to do as key drivers of success are is very a career. transferable to a number of careers, whether it is consulting, portfolio SK: How important management or entrepreneurship. to you is prior work and being Also, understanding a company’s involved in extracurricular financial statements, the certain activities to finding a job after pitfalls that can be incurred and graduation? potentially ways that those issues can be resolved can be translated JK: I think it is very across a variety of areas. important. Prior work experiences can give you an idea of the type SK: If you could go back of job you enjoy doing, and the to your undergrad is there anything areas that you may want to pursue. that you would change, or would There are takeaways from any job you not change anything at all? that you can find a way to utilize to your benefit, but understanding JK: I think I would those takeaways and how they try and get even more involved can be leveraged that is the key to within the business school prior growing. Extracurricular activities to my fourth year. I don’t think by the same token are always a I truly used the resources and bonus. It gives employers a little opportunities that were available light into who you are outside of to me to the fullest extent in the the classroom or the office, and early stages of my undergraduate the things that make you unique career, and I may have been able compared to the other candidates to get even more out of my time at you will be competing against. DeGroote had I sought out those opportunities earlier. With that SK: What advice would said, university was a great time in you offer to future grads seeking a my life and I am very happy about career in this field of work? the way it turned out. • CONT’D FROM 7

JK: My biggest piece of

Bargains you can’t turn down Redefining the traditional act of bartering Sonya Khanna Business Editor

Regardless of whether you have the desire to swap for a bushel of oats or a stack of Pokémon cards, the traditional understanding of bartering is still alive and well. Certain modern day practices have provided a much needed boost to the once fading concept, with the recent emergence of bartering hubs and websites devoted to swapping for unorthodox items and unconventional services. According to a report by CNN, bartering has shown a 150 per cent increase in the past year. For the vast population of consumers who have yet to hop on the bartering bandwagon, many might be wondering what factors have contributed to the recent surge in popularity. In times of economic struggle, the lack of a secure medium of exchange creates need for a viable alternative for cash-strapped consumers. But whether this growing trend in North America derives from economic uncertainty and the fear of draining funds is uncertain. The essence of bartering is a comfortable idea for individuals on a budget, but is online bartering just a fad that will quickly dissolve? Is it even really a trend? “The internet makes it much easier to barter,” said McMaster economics professor Martin Dooley. “The problem with bartering is finding two people with a mutually beneficial trade. It’s much faster on the Internet. There may be a real effect of the Internet as is solves the problem of finding goods and services faster.” With the Canadian website Barter Trade Canada reporting a current total of CAD$58 million in items for sale, as well as the bartering market currently valued at US$12 billion, according to the International Reciprocal Trade Organization, it seems as though evidence suggests this newly emerging online concept is here to stay. Websites such as Swapsity. ca and offer a wide range of products and services, in-

cluding legal advice, gardening help, electronics and even – wait for it – button makers (because you never know when those might come in handy). The saying, “One person’s garbage is another person’s treasure” has officially been given an entirely fresh perspective. “I feel as though bartering would be a great alternative for me, especially because personally, as a student, funds are typically hard to come by and I’m always looking to save a buck when I can,” explained fourth-year Life Science student Sasha Ramcharan. “Swapping my stuff for things I might not be able to afford would be pretty neat. It might be kind of neat to swap something I have for cleaning services.” One particular posting on u-exchange for a slightly used economics textbook expresses the desire to swap for “Disney stuff, gift cards and headphones”. For students looking to minimize costs, this seems like a reasonable deal to save a significant amount of money. Although the translation and the context in which they are used may vary, the words money and saving seem to be relatively common in student vocabulary. Another way students can gain from the added perks of bartering is through educational services. Swapping educational services may be highly beneficial for students, as customized lessons are offered to individual needs at no monetary cost. The popular bartering site featured a swap success story involving two individuals, both with an equal passion for teaching and an insatiable itch to quench their thirst to learn. The swap involved professional Japanese lessons in exchange for art lessons. Whether the bartering industry will maintain a strong outlook in the future is uncertain; however, technological advancements, as well as the ease of communication and shipping, have contributed to the current resurrection and popularity of bartering.






nevermind at twenty chimo • moneyball • defiance


thursday, september 29, 2011

Senior Editor: Jemma Wolfe Entertainment Editor: Myles Herod Music Editor: Josh Parsons Contributors: Nolan Matthews, Josh Weiner, Paul Fowler, Jay Scherer

Cover: Benjamin Telford

sept. 29

Chalk Circle This Ain’t Hollywood 9:00 p.m.

sept. 30

Whitehorse Hamilton Place Studio 8:00 p.m.

oct. 01

Teenage Head This Ain’t Hollywood 9:00 p.m.

oct. 03

Bob Log III The Casbah 8:00 p.m.

oct. 03

PS I Love You This Ain’t Hollywood 9:00 p.m.

oct. 04


D.O.A The Casbah 8:00 p.m.

oct. 05

photos of the week...

in the hammer

David Francey Hamilton Place Studio 8:00 p.m.

theatre sept.21-oct.8

gherkin pickles, absent seniors, sorry in advance jemma, bob harley, the sims, fuck this game, royal wood, bulgarian rub, does anyone read this?, late night coffee, montreal smoked meat, womens rugby boob grab, smile from the streets you hold, matador punk, meddle in san tropez, andrew:opinions star, starfish, quaaludes and red wine

this week

Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure Theatre Aquarius

film opening


andy’s ticks

free candy if you...

write for andy!

meetings are held on tuesdays at 2:30pm in musc b110 e-mail your submissions to

50/50 Breakaway Dream house

you need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star. musc b110


thursday, september 29, 2011

the silhouette’s art & culture magazine • D3

major labels milk it


The music industry functions in cycles. Stars can be forgotten quicker than their climb to fame. This has never been more evident than in the vapid farce we like to call contemporary popular music. In that case, I’d even prefer hair metal. Such a claim is timely, as this week marks the 20th anniversary of Nirvana’s industry-reshaping record, Nevermind. Regardless of the fact that many of us were toddlers when it was released, I’m sure memories of this album still define our teenage years. I spent many an afternoon jamming to song after song from Nirvana’s catalogue. But despite the incredible cultural impact that Nevermind had, it cannot be denied that the success of the album also taught the industry a trick or two about marketing. First and foremost, I’d like to stress that fact that I do not intend to cheapen the album in any way. Nevermind remains a brilliant and relevant album. But another factor played an enormous role in the international success of the album, contrived by executives in a dimly lit major la-

the big tickle

bel boardroom and perpetuated by slimy representatives of the media. Executives realized that Kurt Cobain could be marketed as the perfect anti-hero for an emerging generation of no-hope, drug-addled teens. It was a tragic and inhumane decision that certainly contributed to his eventual suicide. In the decade prior to the ’91 release of Nevermind, the popular music industry focused primarily on churning out over-processed, cockstroking crap. Never had hair gel and make-up sales seen such an influx. But with the success of Nirvana, the record industry realized a second reserve of potential consumers. Thus, they maintained the illusion of a false dichotomy between the sappy, pretty-faced pop stars and the aggressive I-don’t-give-a-fuck bad boys. What they made sure to hide was the fact that the latter was equally contrived, using the media to graft personalities onto unsuspecting victims. Cobain was fully aware and fought against it until his untimely death. After Cobain, a slew of phony bad boys willingly lined up

and manipulated this new trend to serve their own ends. This posing culminated in the late ‘90s with the international success of such atrocious acts as Limp Bizkit, Slipknot and the Insane Clown Posse – the kind of music your neighborhood bully used to listen to. But there is some hope for new, genuine, independent music. The democratic power of the Internet has kick-started the inevitable crumble of the major label platform. Today, bands enjoy the level of success that Nirvana achieved prior to Nevermind without being forced into the mainstream. Aggressive, catchy rock ‘n’ roll bands can finally make a living without compromising their sound or private lives and still remain on an independent label. Despite their struggles over the last two decades, successful countercultures in music are not dead. Cobain would be proud. Rest in peace, Kurt. • Josh Parsons, Music Editor

what’s your favourite nirvana song?

compiled by tyler hayward & josh parsons

“smells like teen spirit” cameron taylor

“on a plane” connor bennett

“aneurysm” isabelle dobronyi

“serve the servants” josh wiener

“heart-shaped box” natalie evans

the silhouette’s art & culture magazine • D4


thursday,september 29, 2011

achieving nirvana a reflection on two decades of nevermind This past Sunday marked the 20th anniversary of Nirvana’s Nevermind, an album that I’ve been told has changed the world. A fittingly over-the-top, four-disc superdeluxe edition of Nevermind was released on Sept 27, and there have been plenty of other tributes to honour the occasion, including a concert at Hamilton’s Casbah on Sept. 25 that featured numerous local acts performing Nirvana covers. After hearing so much about Nirvana recently I finally decided to give Nevermind a try. I had heard most of the album’s first half countless times on the radio, but until about two weeks ago I had never actually listened to the entire thing. The usual response of my friends has been “Well, what did you used to listen to, then?” It’s crazy that one band has become such a fixture in pop culture that it’s considered strange to grow up without their music. My first introduction to Nirvana was hearing “Smells Like Teen Spirit” on a mix CD given to me by a friend in grade seven. At the time, I thought is sounded too dark, too intense and too angry, so I chose to stick with my classic rock. I wondered why people loved Nevermind back then, but eight years later I think I’m finally hearing what everybody else is. When the album initially came out in 1991, it was drastically different from the pop of New Kids on the Block and the hair metal of Guns N’ Roses that ruled mainstream at the time. Instead of becoming rock stars, Nirvana seemed to aim for something more grounded, more relatable. Though they didn’t invent grunge, they made people care about it. Nevermind has been able to appeal to so many different types of people because of how much the band was able to do with their music. They appeal to the angsty high-schooler with the power-

ful sound of grunge, to the parent that grew up loving the Beatles with Cobain’s gift for writing melodies and even to the university student with the cerebral-yetslacker attitude of 90’s college rock. Nearly everybody has a favorite Nirvana song and nearly everybody enjoys talking about it, so I think that part of the enjoyment comes from the shared experience of listening to the band. At the centre of what allows people to connect so deeply with the band is Kurt Cobain. Even when you can’t always make out what he’s saying, you can somehow tell that it’s important. And when you can make out his lyrics, which are sometimes sarcastic and sometimes sincere, you’ll find that they’re always striking. I’m also convinced that the drums play an important part in what makes Nirvana’s music so powerful. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that so much of today’s Top 40 is dance music; there is something immediately appealing and powerful about a strong rhythm. The drumming on Nevermind is enormous and adds to the brutal intensity of the songs. When I first listened to Nevermind, I was fully conscious of all the expectations placed upon it. It would be impossible for the album to live up to its life-changing reputation, but it was never meant to. In About a Son, a documentary about Cobain’s life compiled from interviews, he expresses frustration at the pressure for him to create a musical revolution when all he cared about was creating good music. That’s what Nevermind is. So if you still haven’t heard it, I think you might like it. • Nolan Matthews & Joshua Wiener

thursday, september 29, 2011


the silhouette’s art & culture magazine • D5

new shooter plans to alter the state of video gaming Trion Worlds is about to change the game industry forever with the upcoming sci-fi shooter Defiance. The game will be one of the first to extend across PC, Xbox and PlayStation 3, providing players with an epic cross-platform experience. The multi-platform integration is an exciting advancement, but it’s only the tip of Trion’s iceberg on innovation. Recently, the company has announced that it will be partnering with the Syfy Channel to integrate Defiance into a global television series, which will allow seamless interaction between game-play and the series episodes. Actions players perform in the game environment will directly affect the outcome of the show. It’s not hard not to get excited about the release because it’s packed with

aspects that gamers love - an action packed, chaotic, unforgiving environment with alien invasions and big guns. If Duke Nukem can do it, then why not Trion? Gamers won’t recognize Earth as the planet they are used to, unless of course aliens attacked your parent’s basement. According to those fortunate enough to access the sneak preview at E3, the world is as much neon blue and purple as it is green. Defiance takes place in a post-apocalyptic United States where alien life forms have voyaged to Earth’s atmosphere. It is unclear if they are attacking or sitting by absent minded. The humans decide to skip the diplomacy and form a rebellion to bring the space invaders down. The player will be able to choose between playing as humans or aliens. In the

demo, which is yet to be publicly released, the aliens drop “Arks” onto the planet. Arks are pieces of the mother ship that bring the aliens into earth’s atmosphere. The Arks hold powerful crystals, but obtaining these crystals is no easy task for gamers. The Arks contain alien citizens from an old civilization, aliens who are not going to give up the powerful crystals willingly. When assaulting the Arks, humans must defeat a large tentacle monster that is three stories high. After that’s completed, the Aliens will open the Ark and send out another surprise enemy to protect the crystal. What these crystals are worth in the game is still to be determined, but given the effort required to attain them, they are probably pretty valuable.

With fully customizable characters and missions that can be performed solo or cooperatively, this game will attract casual and pro gamers alike. The armour sets resemble a hybrid between those of Halo’s Master Chief and Warhammer’s Space Marine. The epic weapons, intricate environments and detailed skill-sets suggest that gamers will be locked to their consoles after the launch of Defiance. Syfy offered an estimated release date for sometime in late 2011, and with the new year fast approaching, it is reasonable to expect this game to hit shelves in early 2012. Whether you believe in the Mayan calendar or not, you can bet your human hide that this apocalypse is going to happen. •

Jay Scherer


D6 • the silhouette’s art & culture magazine


thursday, september 29, 2011

andy reviews hamilton's homegrown alternative cartoonist Upon first glance of David Collier’s CHIMO, I felt I was about to embark on a pretentious narrative about how misguided youth have become, all coming from the perspective of a conservative baby-boomer. On the cover, a pointed finger is directed towards the inside, promising “creativity,” placed next to an image of a brooding figure. A tag near the corner indicates “For Mature Readers.” But I was wrong. All my impressions were quickly upended; front covers rarely encapsulate the qualitative substance of a book. CHIMO is a personal story, intimately Canadian at heart. It follows Collier’s thoughts and experiences as he takes on a new challenge at the age of forty: re-enlisting in the Canadian army. By reenlisting, I mean starting from scratch. Despite his former years of service,

Collier ends up having to go through an arduous recruiting process, which includes training and multiple tests. This leads to events where his abilities are seriously pushed to the limit, though he never loses his sense of self-critical humour. Collier is constantly poking fun at himself throughout the comic, to the extent that at times I doubt we’re supposed to take him seriously. On the other hand, his position of humility allows him to share his thoughts on some heavy subject matter, such as the antagonism that exists against the involvement of Canadian troops in Afghanistan from the perspectives of those both outside and within the military. In one moment, he writes, “[m]aybe rapidly aging Western societies are going to have to ask themselves where we are going with our militaries.”

Of course, there is certainly a romanticism that Collier attaches to the role of a soldier, among these qualities such as resilience and work ethic. But at least Collier is fully conscious of these things; quite often he will counter an idealistic point of view with a rather grim reality, taken from his own experience. But much like his daydreaming, the comic doesn’t follow a concise plot and tends to neither aim for a coherent message nor address a major issue. Instead the author seems to be taking an honest approach in writing the book, by opening a small window into his life, and hoping to preserve what meaning he took from it and that that meaning will further extend onto others. More impressively, he can achieve this through his illustrations. His use of imagery is fluent enough to accurately

portray his reflective nature, his penchant for letting the mind wander, and his constant devotion towards his family. And Collier’s writing is excellent— he evokes childhood memories of playing hockey in winter, delves into Canada’s history and tells stories of prominent individuals who have inspired him. People such as Gordie Howe and Herman “Jackrabbit” Johannsen, all placed in the context of his life here in Hamilton, through his personalized narrative, in an effort to maintaining individuality in a system that enforces unity as a group. In the end, Collier’s work is a perfect illustration of the versatility of the comic-as-story-telling form and the growing art community that is Hamilton. • Aaron Joo

thursday, september 29, 2011


the silhouette’s art & culture magazine • D7

cd reviews

andy’s picks

Laura Marling A Creature I Don’t Know

Neon Indian Era Extraña



Laura Marling has toured with Neil Young, dated Marcus Mumford of Mumford and Sons and twice been nominated for the Mercury Music Prize for the best album in the UK. Pretty impressive resume for a 21year old. A Creature I Don’t Know, Marling’s third album is sure to please fans of her unique brand of melodic folk, and earn her yet another shower of critical acclaim. Marling’s gorgeous vocals, which at times bear an uncanny resemblance to Joni Mitchell, flip between cool jazz and folk, touching each track with delicate and memorable melodies. The album opens with the jazzy, “The Muse” and the next few tracks continue with an uptempo and poppy feel. The record loses a great deal of momentum with a midsection of folky tunes that all begin with Marling and her guitar before eventually adding layers of instrumentation. Things pick up again with the strongest track on the album, “Sophia,” an insanely catchy pop song complete with jangling guitars and sugary vocal harmonies. • Paul Fowler

With Era Extraña, Neon Indian moves away from their psychedelic version of chillwave established on previous recordings into more serious, melancholy territory. Even the most upbeat songs on Era Extraña have a hint of sadness, and the dense, hazy sound recalls My Bloody Valentine’s game-changing album Loveless. All the sonic detail on this album can make the songs feel a bit claustrophobic; the best stuff happens when the songs are allowed to open up a bit, like on the soaring melodies of “Polish Girl” and “Halogen (I Could Be a Shadow)”. The album is filled with immediately likable pop songs, but a few are easily forgettable. The departure from their previous sound has brought Neon Indian life after chillwave, but, like chillwave itself, the appeal of these songs may not be lasting. • Nolan Matthews

1. Lemonade Braids 2. Sheep Pink Floyd 3. Lady Stardust David Bowie 4. Halleluwah Can 5. Columbia Oasis 6. Real Hero College 7. Queen of Hearts Fucked Up 8. Lauren Marie Girls 9. Modern Art The Black Lips

book reviews The Naked Roommate, 4th Edition by Harlan Cohen

“F in Exams” by Richard Benson



Originally published in 2005, this updated 2011 version of Harlan Cohen’s classic bestseller The Naked Roommate sinks even deeper into the nitty gritty of college life. This book is a high school graduation staple, and is the self-proclaimed “world’s #1 going-to-college book” for good reason. Beyond the amusing scenarios the title brings to mind, are chapters of down-to-earth advice from both Cohen and university students who know what it’s all really like. Some sections are admittedly lame, but it’s the areas where objective and calming advice is offered on trickier subjects (i.e. “Possibly Pregnant,” “High School Bitter Sweethearts,” etc.) that make this purchase worthwhile – that is, if you have time to read for fun on top of assigned readings (another subject he broaches with ease). It’s a particularly useful book for first-year students overwhelmed with the freedom, responsibility and complexity of living in residence and navigating school.

In the spirit of October’s imminent midterms, here is F in Exams, a book by Richard Benson providing “The very best totally wrong test answers.” A fun read for any anxious student, this book lightheartedly anthologizes some of the most creative, amusing and entirely incorrect responses students have put for exam questions. Divided into subjects ranging from Physics to English, this small, aesthetically pleasing book gives readers the relieving sense that no matter what area of study, the right answers can be hard to come by. It’s a boat that we’ve all been in at some point. For example, a funny question in the Biology section asks, “What is a terminal illness?” to which someone replies, “When you become ill at the airport.” If you’re cursing fall midterms and muttering “effin’ exams,” pick up F in Exams for an easy laugh.

• Jemma Wolfe, Senior ANDY Editor

• Jemma Wolfe, Senior ANDY Editor

D8 • the silhouette’s art & culture magazine


thursday, september 29, 2011

a man, a dream, an unven result Moneyball Starring: Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill Directed by: Bennett Miller

HHH Movies based on true events are always tricky. Some work when they focus solely on one aspect, others occasionally pull off the arduous task encompassing every angle. The truth is, when it comes to a story like Moneyball’s, it takes a director to produce the goods. Unfortunately, with Bennet Miller, he simply lacked a game plan. Surely, Moneyball had immense potential. Relying on an inside baseball account of purported facts, it no less strives to duplicate the success of last year’s The Social Network, yielding an all-star lineup worthy of a cinematic home run. Brad Pitt plays Billy Beane, a former MLB player who now manages an ailing Oakland A’s franchise. Faced with a low payroll budget, Beane decides to rewrite

the rules of baseball, eventually hiring an Ivy League economics major (Jonah Hill) to recruit players with statistical ‘sabermetrics’ technology, instead of traditional scouting and intuition. Such unorthodox methods infuriate Billy’s colleagues, most notably Philip Seymour Hoffman as head coach Art Howe – a performance of mostly unleavened grumpiness. Yet, the GM and his sidekick stick to their philosophy despite ridicule, and, as their losing streaks subside and hopes emerge unscathed, the misfit ballclub proves formidable, making a run at history and the pennant. As a whole, the story offers no real surprises, partly due to it being based in truth, partly due to it being fairly predictable. The script, fashioned in separate stages by Steve Zaillian and Aaron Sorkin (who wrote The Social Network), manufactures its rags to riches tale unevenly. The best and most Sorkin-sounding moment comes near the end, when Red Sox owner, John W. Henry (played by a superb Arliss Howard),

attempts to coax Billy from Oakland, reassuring him in the event of another media lynching that “the first man through the door always gets bloodied.” In spite of promise, details are squandered in favour of the filmmakers’ preference for clichéd plot turns and undeveloped characters. The 2002 A’s story is arguably more of a moral triumph than an actual one, but the narrative squeezes in too much, with too little, eventually thinning itself out beyond repair. Aside from the omission of such principal players as Barry Zito, the audience is given ho-hum insights into Billy’s personal life. Clumsily, they prove no more than window dressing to the story’s advancement, with Robin Wright showing up for a thankless walk-on as Billy’s ex wife. The same can be said for the inclusion of his adorning 12-year-old daughter, a guitar-strumming tween, whose songs for daddy induce tears, but leave us rolling our eyes. Pitt’s performance, though spirited and slick at negotiating with ballplayers

and management, never overcomes his star presence. Playing a man content with working out, rather than watching his team in action, Moneyball emphasizes Beane’s mystique without context, leading to frustrating results of a ultimately hallow portrayal. Jonah Hill, on the other hand, does better in surprisingly quiet terms. It’s his timid and naturalistic side that proves he’s a better actor than given credit for. Not that he steals scenes from Pitt; he just counteracts his wheeler-dealer confidence – congealing their chemistry when matched side-by-side, give or take a few inches. It’s strange how Bennet Miller’s union of cornball and game history captivated outside circles, as well as aficionados, judging by its weekend boxoffice. The problem is, while it looks good and sounds good, it nevertheless feels forced and uncertain. Compared to what could have been, Moneyball has all the subtlety of a bases-loaded strikeout. • Myles Herod, Entertainment Editor

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