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The all-new, Silhouette website is now up and running. Visit us, at McMASTER UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER / THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2009

The Silhouette Est. 1930

VOLUME 80, NO. 5

Hamilton latest city to launch CarShare


Pictured above from left to right: Jason Hammond, Mayor Fred Eisenberger, Councillor Bob Bratina and Janet MacLeod cutting the ribbon for the celebratory launch of CarShare, the program created to enable Hamilton residents above the age of 21 to share cars. SELMA AL-SAMARRAI SENIOR NEWS EDITOR

A new car-sharing program has been launched in Hamilton. The Hamilton CarShare program officially started Sept. 16, 2009 at 2 p.m. with a celebratory ribbon cutting at the city of Hamilton Lot # 80 on King Street and Bay Street and a ribbon cutting at the First Unitarian Church parking lot, followed by a barbeque. Mayor Fred Eisenberger, Ward 1 Councillor Brian McHattie, and Ward 2 Councillor Bob Bratina helped to officially launch the vehicles. The program exists in 19 other cities across North America including Toronto, Kitchener and Waterloo. Les Zsamosvari, promotion and media member of

the Hamilton Advisory Committee, explained the reason this event can be a great help to Hamilton citizens: “the purpose is to reduce the number of cars on the road, by having people share cars and using them only when they need to… and for someone who doesn’t need a car all the time, because it’s expensive to have a car.” Hamilton CarShare was created earlier this year through the collaboration of the Green Venture car-sharing workshops, Clean Air Hamilton and the First Unitarian Church. Out of those workshops, a group of Hamilton residents partnered with Grand River CarShare, which was founded in 1998, and bought the program to Hamilton. To be a part of this prog-

ram, one must contact the Hamilton CarShare committee through telephone or e-mail, and join in with a refundable deposit of 400-dollars, along with a 25-dollar application fee. If two individuals from a household choose to share a car, they pay a total refundable deposit of 500-dollars. An individual who rents a car is sent a monthly invoice where the cost is derived from the mileage, the amount of time that the car was used and monthly 14-dollar insurance. Drivers do not pay for gas or car washes; they gather receipts for the two and at the end of the month have the costs of the two deducted from their monthly invoice. According to Zsamosvari, due to the help that Hamilton

received from the CarShare locations in Waterloo and Kitchener, if one becomes a member of the Hamilton CarShare, they also become members in the Kitchener and Waterloo locations. The program is non-profit co-operative and provides 24-hour self-serve access to its cars. So far, 50 members have joined the CarShare program. The program always guarantees that a car is available for rental. In addition, for every 20 members, a new car is increased to the program’s collection of cars. Due to insurance policies, the minimum age for use of the cars is 21. The cars can be rented for as little as 30 minutes, and for as long as needed. Zsamosvari also explained that the cars offered through

CarShare are well-maintained due to the program’s collaboration with several other companies, “We keep the cars for a few years, traditionally, because when the car has 100,000 km left on them they might not look that great which would affect advertisement for them but we partner with mechanics and we’re already partners with taxi cab companies, partners with enterprise rentals and with Via Rail.” In an immediate press release regarding the project, Jason Hammon, President of the cooperative, declared, “We are expecting Hamilton CarShare to be very successful early on… With the recession hitting hard and continuing deep concern for our climate, car-sharing is an idea whose time has come for Hamilton.”

McMaster fights increasing unemployment rates LILY PANAMSKY


Students aged 15-24 years held the highest unemployment rate of all age groups during the summer of 2009, according to Statistics Canada, but McMaster University is attempting to counter these statistics by increasing the number of jobs available on and off campus. The unemployment rate for full-time returning students was 16.2 per cent in July 2009 and 16.4 per cent in August 2009, down five per cent from August 2008. This is the highest unemployment rate for the youth age group in 30 years. Stats Canada also revealed that working hours for students were cut dramatically this summer, with students working an average of only 23.4 hours per week. The first indicator of an

art for change A recent art exhibit broke down Aboriginal stereotypes and presented the culture in a new light. Inside Out, B7

unsteady labour market for students in the summer appeared in early May, when statistics stating that the number of employed students fell by 50,000 that month were released. At McMaster, the number of Ontario Student Assistant Program (OSAP) applications has increased from 10,200 for the 20082009 school year to 10,800 for the 2009-2010 year. This translates into 20 per cent more students who needed OSAP this year. Gina Robinson, director of student services at McMaster University, stated that, although the unemployment rate had substantially increased throughout Canada and specifically Ontario, McMaster offered plenty of jobs for students both on and off campus during the summer and continues to do so during the school year. In fact, there were many active jobs

on campus that remained unfilled in July. Career Services works extensively with students whose primary interests are to accumulate enough money throughout the summer to support themselves during the school year. Robinson explained that a potential reason for high unemployment rates is that many students are selective when job-hunting. Students who are looking to gain experience are turning away from job opportunities in the food and service industries. McMaster offers several work programs, including McWork during the summer, and the Ontario Work-Study Program (OWSP) during the fall and winter semesters. Last year, McWork and OWSP hired 980 students during the summer of 2008 and 2008-2009 school year. Year-end statistics are not yet available for the current year, but over 11,000 students have been hired so far for various jobs including ones at Titles Bookstore, the David Braley Athletic Centre, and various camps. McMaster University is actively working to help connect students to employment and career opportunities in their respective fields. There are several workshops and career fairs available for students to attend over the following weeks.


Though unemployment rates for students were at their lowest this summer, McMaster continues to offer job positions on campus. The university’s largest career fair is being held in the David Braley Athletic Centre on Sept. 17, where dozens of high-scale companies will be sending representatives to meet with students interested in working for them. Students will be able to learn about various summer, co-op, and internship positions. Robinson admitted that the number of employers traveling to McMaster for the career fair has gone down slightly, but that there are still about 90 employers willing to meet with students and offer them guidance

and employment opportunities. In addition to the career fair, a Government Career Week will be taking place from Sept. 28 to Oct. 2 in various locations on campus. Students wishing to enter jobs in the public sector may attend several workshops, a presentation, and a government exposition. Although unemployment rates for students this summer were the highest they’ve been in 30 years, and the employment expectations for the fall seem low, McMaster University is trying hard to keep its students employed.


Plastic bags to be banned at Mac

McMaster Sustainability commits to new green initiative SELMA AL-SAMARRAI SENIOR NEWS EDITOR

As of January 2010, McMaster University will ban the distribution of any plastic bags on campus intended for single use. This policy was approved July of 2009 and was headed by the manager of University Sustainability, Kate Whalen. Substitutes to plastic bags which will be offered on campus are, listed in terms of the university’s preference, reusable bags made from biodegradable or cloth material, reusable bags made from non-biodegradable material, recyclable paper bags, and biodegradable plastic bags intended for single use. Whalen explained that Titles bookstore started selling biodegradable plastic bags around Sept. of 2006, and their recent switch to biodegradable reusable bags inspired this policy, “Titles Bookstore’s move to
 distribute biodegradable reusable bags is what encouraged the Office of
 Sustainability to look around other campus departments to see if they 
were doing something

similar. We found that many campus departments… had
 already switched to an alternate to plastic bags… [including] reusable or biodegradable bags. So we decided we should create a policy to reflect the change that has occurred as well to set a standard practice for the university.” Whalen explained that she hopes this initiative will push further the culture change that inspires environmentally friendly options such as re-usable bags. “The overall goal is to develop a culture of sustainability at McMaster 
University. Promoting reusable bags is just one of the many ways we are
 working to achieve this goal.” Some of the faculties and departments that have collaborated with the Office of Sustainability are Employee Health Services, Hamilton Health Sciences Volunteers, Hospitality Services, Judicial Affairs, Mail Services, McMaster Museum of Art, McMaster Student’s Union, Media Production Services, the OffCampus Resource Centre, School of Graduate Studies, Student Liaison,


Alleged arsonist awaits set date SELMA AL-SAMARRAI SENIOR NEWS EDITOR


Over 12 services on campus have participated and agreed to the discontinuation of plastic bags intended for single use. Stores and Titles
 Bookstore. According to Whalen, though other universities have also taken the initiative to ban plastic bags, it is only in their bookstores. An excerpt from the press release that showed the decline in plastic bag usage explained, “As the rush for textbooks takes hold, Titles Bookstore will have more
 than 20,000 free biodegradable tote bags on hand for customers who spend
 more than $25. Using reusable bags at Titles last year led

to a 75 per
 cent decline in plastic bag usage, and while plastic bags are still
 available to buy, they are biodegradable. That measure alone will divert 
approximately 120,000 plastic bags from the landfill.” Whalen concluded, “Students expect to see this, they like it and accept it and are happy, I think it’s a broad initiative for developing that culture and one small step in a larger chunk is what it really is.”

Emerson Pardoe, the alleged arsonist of last October’s Brandon Hall fire, is set for another court date on Nov. 17, 2009 following his Sep. 14, 2009 court date. On Oct. 18, 2008, Pardoe allegedly set a stack of newspapers on fire within one of Brandon Hall’s elevators, and in turn burned the elevator shaft. The fire caused the evacuation of a total of 580 students who were housed at hotels throughout downtown Hamilton. The students were given a weekly 200-dollar cheque to accommodate their otherwise non-existent commuting costs. After numerous renovations to the residence including painting and re-carpeting some of the areas of the residence, the sanitization and cleansing of walls, furniture, curtain and mattress replacement, the residence was ready for student occupation by Jan. 4, 2009 with only one working elevator. Pardoe has yet to arrange a trial date.

H1N1 prevention tactics on campus McMaster collaborates with Public Health to keep campus healthy LILY PANAMSKY


The H1N1 virus has affected nearly 13,400 people in 48 countries as of Aug. 25, 2009. In Ontario alone, there were 1,781 confirmed cases by June 12, 2009. McMaster University has been preparing for potential outbreaks on and around campus. The McMaster Daily News recently created a website dedicated to H1N1, which provides news and statistics concerning the flu virus, and information about symptoms and where to seek medical care. Several videos created by students from other universities have been uploaded onto the website. Also, hand sanitizer dispensing units have been installed in the main entrances of all the campus buildings, and the university is promoting proper hand cleaning and sneezing and coughing etiquette. H1N1 was first reported in Mexico in March 2009. The first case in Ontario was reported on Apr. 28 2009; at this point in time, there had already been cases in seven countries worldwide. Just two months later, in June, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the H1N1 virus to be a global pandemic—the first


McMaster Daily News has created a new website that provides information and safety tips to prevent H1N1 as well as ways to manage the illness. influenza pandemic in 41 years. The H1N1 virus, formally referred to as “swine flu,” is a respiratory illness caused by a type A influenza virus. Symptoms of this virus are similar to those of the seasonal flu; they include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. In more severe cases, however, the H1N1 virus can lead to pneumonia and respiratory failure and even death. McMaster University Clinic Director Julie Fairservice explained ways in which the Campus Health Clinic is working with the

rest of the university and with the city of Hamilton. “Primarily we’ll be working with Public Health, because that’s where the direction is going to come from. They’ll be the people who are monitoring numbers, and making decisions in terms of, ‘do we have to do anything different than the basic care we’re doing today’.” The health clinic has been asked to report clusters of students with respiratory illnesses, but they have been asked not to do any swab testing unless a student is ill enough to be hospitalized. Fairservice went on to say that “Campus Health has worked

with Occupational Health and safety, and other groups on campus to make sure that we’re all doing the same thing, putting out the same message for students, staff and faculty.” A vaccination for the H1N1 virus is now in the making, and, along with the seasonal flu vaccination, it will be distributed later this fall. “They’re hoping that it will be available in November, and it will be at no charge,” said Fairservice. “Initially they were talking about the seasonal flu vaccine being available in October, and H1N1 in November, but a two

dose schedule for that…now it might only be a one dose of H1N1 except for in young children, where they may not have any immunity and they may not have had as much past exposure.” A concern for both professors and students alike is missed work or late submissions due to illness. Academic course outlines and course descriptions already have a contingency paragraph stating that course modifications may occur in case of illness. The academic committee is now deciding how to manage documentation requirements for illnesses. Therefore, the university is encouraging students to stay at home, and refrain from coming to campus, while infected, for the purpose of receiving a sick notice. “I think that there’s a lot that has been done and a lot has been put in place in preparation for this,” concluded Fairservice. “It doesn’t look and feel like it today because there’s really not a lot of cases that we’re seeing right now, but certainly if that changes that will be monitored daily. We have communication strategies in place to make sure that the reporting happens, that the reporting goes to Public Health and that we’re all aware of what’s going on in the community.”

CUPE negotiations Mac achieves research recognition require conciliator SELMA AL-SAMARRAI

tive agreement that expired Aug. 31, hourly rates for graduate student Teaching and Research Assistants CUPE Local 3906, the union that increased from 38.00-dollars an represents part-time teaching and hour to 39.50-dollars an hour. some research assistants, has been CUPE 3906 released a meeting with the university to reach statement to The Silhouette, which a new collective agreement. stated, “CUPE 3906 remains com The unimitted to negotiatversity and the ing a fair contract After meeting 11 at the bargaining union met throughout the months of times in the past table. After meeting July and August of 11 times in the past 2009 followed by four months, both four months, both six full days of ne- sides have realized sides have realized gotiations including the assistance of that the assistance that Sept. 1, 3, 14, 16 a conciliation officer of a conciliation is needed to move and 28. F o l l o w - officer is needed to the process forward. ing negotiations At the moment, the on Sept. 16, Peter move the process Employer’s bargainforward.” Smith, associate ing team is holding vice-president Acafirm on their initial demic and the chair monetary package.” of the university bargaining com- “This package... is far mittee sent a statement to public from what we see as a fair and relations of McMaster which stated, reasonable collective agreement. “While we have made significant Our bargaining team has proposed progress towards a collective agree- a comprehensive package that adment, we are at a point in our dis- dresses key [Teacher’s Assistants] cussions that the assistance of the concerns such as losses in benefits, conciliator will be helpful.” compensation that better reflects According to the McMas- hours worked, protection against ter Daily News, by the beginning of overwork, large class sizes and the August, a significant potion of the erosion of take home pay through contract language had been reached. significant annual increases in tu The university also tabled ition.” its monetary proposal, which pro- The university and CUPE vides an increased wage of 4.6 per 3906 are meeting with the conciliacent over the course of three years. tion officer on Sept. 30, Oct. 14, 15 In addition, at the end of the collec- and 16. SENIOR NEWS EDITOR


LILY PANAMSKY AND SELMA and reduces the possibility of a AL-SAMARRAI hemorrhage. ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR AND Connolly explained that SENIOR NEWS EDITOR the study started about three years ago and has since gathered the McMaster University boasted participation of 18,000 patients three studies regarding cardiology across 44 countries. “Well I think medicine at this year’s European that this is really a breakthrough and Society of Cardiology Congress that this drug is going to come out in Barcelona, Spain. The three in the market in Canada and most university-led studies were other countries probably in a year or presented individually by different a year and a half, and when it does, professors from McMaster. The it’s going to be really a lot better for first presentation was by Stuart people… and the study was run here Connolly, a professor of medicine and analyzed here, so everyone at at the Michael G. Degroote School McMaster should be proud of what of Medicine and a member of happened.” the Population Health Research Another McMasterInstitute at McMaster University directed study which was and Hamilton Health Sciences. presented at the European Society Connolly’s research of Cardiology Congress is led included creating the blood- by Shamir Mehta, an associate thinning drug Dabigatran. Until the professor of medicine in the Michael creation of Dabigatran, Warfarin G. DeGroote School of Medicine has been the standard medicine and a member of the Population used to reduce strokes in patients. Health Research Institute. According to Connolly, problems The study, known as the associated with Warfarin include the CURRENT-OASIS-7, compared requirement of monthly blood tests the effects of two different doses of to monitor Warfarin intake and the clopidogrel and aspirin in patients possibility of hemorrhaging, which who have acute coronary syndrome exists with any blood-thinners. and angioplasty. Mehta explained The creation of Dabigatran has that “[patients] were randomized been a major milestone for stroke to receive either a double dose of research due to its several facets clopidogrel, which is the standard of improvement. One being that it blood thinner, or the standard is an oral medicine, which does not dose. And there was a second require a monthly blood test and it randomization to higher doses of reduces the possibility of a stroke aspirin vs. lower doses of aspirin.”

25,000 patients from 39 countries in 700 hospitals were enrolled in the study, making this the largest clinical trial of this patient population. Results showed that the double dose of clopidogrel was more effective than the single dose, and, despite an increase of bleeding, there was no fatal bleeding or bleeding of the brain. The higher dose of aspirin was no more effective than the lower dose, but there was no increase in bleeding when using the higher dose, which Mehta stated was “an important finding because people commonly held the belief that higher doses of aspirin increase bleeding.” The last study presented at the Cardiology Congress, referred to as the ACTIVE-1 study, was led by Salim Yusuf, director of the Population Health Research Institute and chair of the ACTIVE-1 steering committee. The ACTIVE-1 study examined the effects of the hypertension drug irbesartan in regards to heart failure complications and mini-strokes. The study found that irbesartan reduced both the heart failure complications, mini-strokes, and blood vessel blockage. All three studies were conducted independently by the Population Health Research Institute.




Student mental health care on the rise New coordinated mental health care team is established on campus


ental health and related concerns amongst university students are not to be faced alone. There is a plethora of resources available on campus and many different coping strategies to help students find ways to handle their student lives. PAIGE FABER / FEATURES EDITOR Recently, Phillip Wood, the Dean of Students and discuss what issues are arising for various students. This Vice President of Student Affairs, implemented a new Mental group is comprised of health personnel, counsellors, and other Health Team on campus, in conjunction with the Centre for McMaster staff. This group attempts to create programs that Student Development (CSD) and the Campus Health Centre. will help students in the best ways possible. This new Mental Health Team’s role is to help those in need A subset of this group is the Behavioural Intervention coordinate their care between the various services that they Team, which is a group composed of five people at most to require to help prevent students in need from falling through discuss the needs of individual students. This team can include the cracks. This new program is headed by the Mental Heath a psychologist, a psychiatrist, health workers, and security. Team Nurse coordinator, Debra Earl. Earl is a Registered “This kind of committee is an outgrowth of what happened Nurse and has worked on campus in the past, but has recently at Virginia Tech. The problem at Virginia Tech was that the been allocated the new position that was programs that that particular student needed created by Wood. were all separate. The recommendation is Wood has established many different Earl urged students that you need a team that can work together,” approaches to help faculty and staff be more explained Wood. This committee at McMaster to remember not was created to help prevent and solve this aware of the concerns of students and their general health and well being. “We have to be afraid to talk problem where students in need require been focusing on a couple of things, one is about changes in different treatment. The idea is to come up an education program for staff and faculty so with the ideal solution to each individual your behaviour that they can assist with mental health issues,” students needs. commented Wood. A program dedicated to or the stresses of On this same concept, Wood explained school with your that he and the mental health specialists on training staff and faculty has been established to teach about the warning signs of mental campus have created the Mental Health Team, friends, family, health issues that students may encounter which is a team of professionals, from health, teachers, etc. during their time here at McMaster. counselling, and CSD. They meet once a One of the programs is called week to go over cases individually. This team Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR), which is an approach that is trying to combat the problem of finding students the right professors and teaching assistants can use to help students place to be when they need help and will help coordinate that they may encounter who are considering suicide. This is the care for individual students. This team, explains Wood, because students who may need help could show up in various started in Student Affairs and is being funded as a pilot. But, places, and on campus, especially around their teachers, noted Wood assured, that although this is being explored as a pilot Wood. This program includes, “a folder that we have sent to program, it will not be stopping, as “this is the best way to deal all professors and TAs, to teach them how to properly make with it so we will have to continue with it.” The only problem a referral.” It is important, mentioned Wood, that the people that Wood can see arising is coming up with the $100,000 that who take this course are taught the proper way to handle these this team requires to run each year. situations, and that they do not try and cure anyone, but help Earl, the Mental Health Team Nurse Coordinator, them find the appropriate resources to help them. noted that there is a need for mental health services on campus Another program that is offered to staff is, “Mental because students have a lot to deal with. What Earl suggested Health 101, this is a follow up to QPR, this is for front line to students is healthy eating and lifestyle habits that can help staff to extend the QPR training to other disorders, such as to reduce stress levels especially during busy times. Getting anxiety, depression, cutting, eating disorders, etc.” said Wood. enough sleep, eating properly, exercising and organizing your “We are testing this on two groups, CA’s for residence…and school work and commitments, can make a huge difference also security staff.” This course is a few hours and is based in the life and physical and mental health of students. This is off of a program called Mental Heath First Aid, which is a what can make the difference between those who can handle two day course, explained Wood. Mental Health First Aid is the stresses of school and those who can not. used at Queen’s University and in the United States at many There are many warning signs and symptoms that college campuses. students can begin to notice, for instance, Earl suggested that Along with these two training programs created if the feelings of hopelessness and depression seem to last at McMaster, there is also a group, Students in Difficulty, for more than two weeks, that is the appropriate time to seek that meets monthly, and has been meeting for five years, to some additional help from one of the resources available on


Dr. Phillip Wood, Dean of Students and Vice President of Student Affairs, in conjunction with CSD and Campus Health created the Mental Health Team.

campus. Resources include CSD or Campus Health Centre, which are both located in the basement of the student centre. Earl noted that if you notice you or your friends are adapting changed behaviours or different attitudes towards things that you used to enjoy or do, then it might be wise to look into some of the available resources. There are many pamphlets and handouts available in the Campus Health Centre to help you decide what you should do. Earl urgesd students to remember not to be afraid to talk about changes in your behaviour or the stresses of school with your friends, family, teachers, faculty advisors, or residence staff. In research that Earl conducted in a survey she noted that most people and fellow students experience stress and feel like they cannot handle the stresses of school, so Earl noted that no one should feel as though they are the only one feeling they way that they do. If these options seem as though they have not made a difference to you, CSD is the first place that Earl said students should go, or if students have a known medical condition, it is important to see your physician. Earl and Wood express that it is important that students are aware of the resources available and that students feel as though they are not alone in their struggles.


The Centre for Student Development and the Campus Health Centre, both located in the Student Centre, are places where students can find help and mental health resources.




Worth Repeating:

McMaster University’s Student Newspaper

The Silhouette

Students boo Snoop Editorial Board Executive Editor Jeff Green Managing Editor Bahram Dideban Senior News Editor Selma Al-Samarrai Assistant News Editor Lily Panamsky Features Editor Paige Faber Opinions Editor Peter Goffin Sports Editor Brian Decker Assistant Sports Editor David Koots Insideout Editor Lindsay Jolivet Assistant Insideout Phyllis Tsang Photo Editor Will van Engen Staff Photographer Terry Shan Multimedia Editor Ava Dideban Production Editor Katherine Marsden Web Editor Jason Lamb Health Editor Sarah Levitt Ad Manager Sandro Giordano

Senior Andy Editor Grace Evans Music Editor Corrigan Hammond Entertainment Editor Myles Herod

Silhouette Staff Sam Colbert, Joey Coleman, Jonothan Fairclough

Volunteer Want to get involved? Come attend one of our sectional meetings in the basement of the student center, room b110 News: Wednesdays @ 12:30 pm InsideOut: Mondays @ 1:30 pm Sports: Thursdays @ 1:30 pm Andy: Mondays @ 1:30 pm Photo: Fridays @ 3:30 pm Opinions: all opinions should be mailed to, keep them 500-700 words

executive editor: extension 22052

By Justin Giovannetti The Link (Concordia University)

expected it,” said Dhuwaragah Sakthivel, a biochemistry student. Sakthivel had been waiting for four hours, since 6 p.m., and said that she had been told in the past that “Snoop shows up when he feels like it.” Sakthivel’s sentiments were echoed by a security guard who asked to not be named for employment reasons. “We are getting no information,” he said. “I was told that we would get Snoop eventually. “All I wanted to hear was a little ‘Gin and Juice,’” the guard continued, in reference to Snoop Dogg’s second career single. Backstage, student union executives were shocked to learn their all-access passes could only get them so far. A strip of tape laid down by Snoop’s entourage set an unexpected barrier they were told not to cross. At 11:10 p.m. Snoop Dogg took to the stage, and though he was met by a mix of jeers and cheers, the rapper seemed unfazed. Students cheered as champagne was sprayed at the crowd, bodies surfed and were dropped. But the damage had already been done. Running on near-empty, some students sat around the theatre while others left entirely. While an after-party was set for midnight at Montreal’s Club Opera, only 30 people were found waiting in line at that time.

MONTREAL (CUP) – Many of the 2,000 students who showed up at Montreal’s Olympia Theatre this week to catch the lyrical rhymes of Snoop Dogg voiced their disappointment by booing the stage. Snoop was the headliner of the two-week orientation put on by the Concordia Student Union (CSU). He played on Monday, Sept. 14. “Are you having fun?” CSU President Amine Dabchy asked the crowd, standing alongside VP Student Life Kristen Gregor. “No!” the frustrated throng of students called back in unison. Most of the students had been waiting for the feature act for over five hours. Concordia students had been told to arrive at the location early – and they did, in droves. By Justin Trudeau. The name really says a lot. It’s probably the Liberal’s next 6:30 p.m. on Monday night, the over best chance at doing anything in Canadian government. The name itself 300-metre line extended from the brings back memories of when it was good to be a liberal, and great to be front doors of Olympia on Stea Canadian. We had balls. Big ones at that too. And every liberal is banking Catherine Street E. all the way down the block to René Lévesque on Justin having that gene in him too. Then add MSU VP Chris Martin into the same sentence as Justin Boulevard E. Hours of waiting ensued Trudeau. Kind of sullies it, don’t you think? Son of the man behind our as opening acts played and left Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the VP (Education) of a University the stage. Faces grew long and the Students’ Union. earlier cheers of “Snoop-a-loop” Why would they ever be in the same sentence? Glad you asked, evaporated. because you paid for it.You paid for the VP to join a round table discussion Some fans thought the with Trudeau prior to question period on September 15. They suggested delay should have been expected, he ask about the increasing unemployment of students, and being the good however, as Snoop has a reputation guy he is, Justin obliged. for being fashionably late. Well, obviously I’m jealous. I have a bias, I think Justin’s pop was “Well, I’m not surprised the best we ever had (and subsequently I just lost half of the ten people waiting all this time, I actually reading this), and I don’t think we’ll ever get back to that point. Sure we were in debt, but shit got done. Government worked. Nothing is getting University of Ottawa community reacts done now yet we’re still in debt (I type this with crossed fingers for an to tragedy election). My jealous rant has some founding, I promise. Canada’s golden By Emma Godmere students were invited to call the boy and your acoustic night VP did meet. They talked. They suggested The Fulcrum (University of Ottawa) university counselling service at any things, and I’m sure Justin listened (albeit briefly). time between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., at So what does a trip like this accomplish anyways? Sure, you get to OTTAWA (CUP) – Many in the 613-562-5200, noting that “this is a brag to your friends about how you met with Justin Trudeau – and Trudeau University of Ottawa community busy and challenging time as classes did step up to the plate and ask in Question Period (on September 15) are still in shock after an incident at resume.” A memorial of flowers, about underemployment in Canada’s youth. He was slapped down with the school’s Thompson residence at the end of orientation week candles, and cards has been placed a bunch of stats on how much the government has spent on employing took the life of Michel Gariepy, 19. near the Thompson residence youths; then he asked the exhausted question of “what is this government On the morning of Sept. entrance. doing for Canadian youth.” 12, several students outside the The Student Federation of the Wow. residence hall witnessed the young University of Ottawa (SFUO) I’m stunned, really. I never thought that they’d even get the man fall to his death from a window posted a short message on question in.We’ve been paying VP Travel Chris Martin $671.73 a week, plus on the 15th floor. Facebook on the morning of Sept. travel expenses to an endless stream of conferences, plus an approximate Students received a 14, stating: “Our thoughts are with $42,500 membership fee to Ontario University Student’s Association brief email from the university the friends and family of our fellow (OUSA), and a $33,000 membership fee to Canadian Alliance of Students administration later in the day, student who passed away Saturday morning.” Alongside the university’s Association (CASA) with the end result (as far as I’ve seen) being a notifying them of the incident. “A tragic incident occurred counselling service, several other question on parliament hill. at the Thompson Residence today resources are available to all On the other side of Trudeau’s question, Ed Komarnicki (cons.) in which one of our students lost students on campus, including the responded with a statement from CASA about how they were “pleased” his life,” read the email, sent on the SFUO’s Peer Help Centre.The Peer to see how the student grant system is helping. evening of Sept. 12. “We are deeply Support Phone Line held extended So we pay VP Travel / Education Chris Martin $671.73 a week to saddened by this turn of events.” hours over the weekend of Sept. speak on behalf of the $42,500/year OUSA and $33,000/year CASA which The email also indicated that 12-13. is defended by a statement by the same $33,000/year CASA. So our $88,934 (based on the 20 weeks Chris has worked so far plus membership fees and not including travel costs) question was heard in Ottawa and promptly shot down. I’m glad you got to meet Justin Trudeau, but from my books, if we’re paying for two separate bodies to speak on our behalf, why do we need you?

Vice President Travel

I am so glad I am not paying student fees this year.

Contact Us Volume 80 2009-10 • McMaster University Student Centre, Room B110 McMaster University 1280 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8S 4S4 • Fax: (905) 529–3208 • E–Mail: • Production Office: (905) 525-9140, extension 27117 • Advertising: (905) 525-9140, extension 27557 • 10,000 circulation • Published by the McMaster Students Union

Write to us Opinions: Up to 600 words Letters: 100 to 300 words Submit via email by 5:00 p.m. the Monday before publication.

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•Jeff Green

New website, yay! So the Silhouette went out this summer, trimmed some fat off the sides of the paper, and got a brand spanking new website. I was thinking of featuring it in the andy’s new website reviews, or possibly sneaking it into the Aboriginal Art feature on B7, but it feel more appropriate here. Here’s some features of the site that you should be sure to check out: Add your own thumbs up and thumbs down. Sick of my 4 in the morning rants? Speak your mind at, along the right side panel. Think one should be at the top? Vote it up! Stay connected with twitter updates, news feeds and blog updates all at one spot. We’ve got the weather on the top search bar and a link to McMaster’s site on the top left, so make our homepage, your homepage. Looking for more from the Sil’s photographers? Additional photos that didn’t make the print can be found here. Be sure to check after the next Marauder home game for photos of the game! It’s now easier to get involved with the Sil with easy forms to send off a message to the editor, give a shout out to your event, or learn how to volunteer – just check out the top navigation bar. Bring on the pain. I love your hate mail, and now it’s easier than ever to send it my way, it’s right beside ‘volunteer’ incase you miss-click.

to vivianne.

to b44.

to the new thumbs up on our website, seriously, you can make you own. i swear. check it out on and i’ll never mention it here again.

to fish sticks in my mouth. i thought i was a heterosexual fish.

to gringos and their fish burrito. damn. to girls in the summer. the summer. to demitri the stud. if all of them are like you, i’m safe. to bacon. on everything. have you ever made a bacon weave? you should try it out. i did. and look how i turned out. look ma, no hands! to the union market. keepin the sil caffeinated since ‘02. to the union market for trading coffee for g.e. no trade backs. to bebes. to having a nose for it. to the old staff.

to thumbs down being potentially abused on the website. ugh. to the matches i’ll need after the belt. to putting my scambled eggs in my bacon weave. ughhhh. to my new landlord. you asshole. to people with wicked landlords because mine sucks. to my putter. to kanye. short man syndrome? to the blue jays. to gary bettman. fuck you. you were the nba’s silver medal.

to no class, bitches.

to euro-trash-house-mixes at 6 am.

to the guy at the bike action, you’ve found your calling.

to being late. you know what i’m talking about ladies.

to the new staff.

to diarrhea.





Maybe I am a class warrior

What are you Guaging feelings after Attorney General arrest doing to ward off the Swine Flu? Peter Goffin



“I’m being careful when I sneeze around people.” Kristen R.

“I avoid eating pork.” Tarunpreet Dhaliwal

When I heard that a bike messenger had been killed in the upper downtown core of Toronto a couple of weeks ago, I first thought to myself, “It’s an awful shame. But bike messengers are so damn erratic and Toronto traffic can be dangerous. It was bound to happen.” Then the story developed a little more and I heard he had been in an altercation with a driver, whose car he was hanging onto. And I thought to myself, “Well there you go. You go around grabbing onto a guy’s car, of course something bad is going to happen.” Then the full story came out and I heard that the driver was a former Attorney General and current captain of industry called Michael Bryant, and that he was driving a Saab convertible. And I thought to myself, “Murder!” Sometime immediately after that, I realized I may have a bias against the wealthy and powerful. I don’t think I knew that I was a class warrior. I certainly didn’t mean to become one, but it seems that I had, at some point, all the same. And I would have thought that I was an unlikely candidate. See I went to

Happiness is a heap of rubber and rusted metal OPINION

Joshua D’Silva

“I drink green tea.”


Michael Bryant was involved in the death of a cyclist. But will he receive special treatment? high school in an upscale normal in an abnormal setting. neighbourhood. A very But I mixed well. There were upscale neighbourhood. no divisions. Money wasn’t a There weren’t gates around big deal. A lot of my friends the place or anything and had summer cottages and it was a public school but I winter ski chalets, million was one of a few students dollar houses and exotic taking the bus in from what vacation destinations. But it was literally the wrong side never really fazed me. I was of a set of railroad tracks. We a little different but I kind of weren’t poor, just relatively liked being different and no less well off. I was average, one cared that I didn’t own

The soft clicking of the freewheel. The dulcet catcalls of the dapper auctioneer. The unbridled desire twinkling in the corneas of the tens nay, twenties! - of students packed tight like sweaty balls in a jockstrap. It was Security Services’ Bike Auction Day and I had come here to buy a new bicycle. Supercycles, Skylines, Raleighs and charming bikes of an unnamed stock were all changing hands with speed comparable to a mid-sized sedan driving recklessly down Cootes Drive. The noble, uniformed men and women of Security Services passed these bouncing, beautiful bikes into the triumphant claws of the highest bidders, us poor students. As the S.S. guards lined up the 56 bikes they’ve collected this year from racks around campus, I turned to the Abercrombieclad gentleman next to me and demanded, “What demon would leave these babies out for 60 days?

What demon!” As he sidled away from me, clutching his belongings tightly, I knew my sole purpose for waking this morning was to go to this auction. It was only days ago that these inglourious bikesterds were left behind to rust in the rain, helplessly tethered to bike racks by stringy plastic Metro bags and broken dreams. But soon they’ll become permanently tethered to the racks in our hearts. I had stumbled upon the scene just after noon hour, and what I saw in that courtyard made me forget everything that I hadn’t really been paying attention to that morning. “One dollar for a bike that probably no one has ever loved! One dollar to turn this bike’s life around!” The jovial voice came from Ian Holley, the world’s most competent auctioneer/ Security Services Employee for literally metres around. As I moved closer to the horde of people clutching paper bidding plates, I scanned the sea of metal and rubber, looking for something

special. Not just a one-night kickstand. A commitment. The auctioneer wheeled up a cute robin’s egg-coloured beauty. “This Raleigh is a devastatingly gorgeous blue! Just like my eyes.” He grinned, stroking her frame seductively. “Ten dollars! Do I have ten dollars? Fifteen! Do I have fifteen dollars!” He wheeled out bike after bike, but none were quite right. I knew that I had to wait patiently, like a bird of prey, for my chance to attack. I made a few low bids just to get my arm used to the motion of raising my hand. But when I finally saw her, my chain skipped a beat. “Folks, I have here a Supercycle. Her name is made of numbers, so she must be good.” My eyes were fixated on her pristine patent leather seat. Her lightweight aluminum body was making me sweat. “Oh baby,” I whispered, licking my lips. “I’m gonna take you home tonight.” I bid high. And I bid hard. As he called out my plate number, I triumphantly made my way to the cash

Ruwandi Kariyawasam

“Hand sanitizaer.” Compiled by Jonathon Fairclough Alyson Thompson

as much as other people did. However, the more distanced I have become from my high school, from that abnormally upscale neighbourhood, the more irritated I am by all the habits and attitudes and activities, whether real or perceived, of the people I knew there. Of course one of the things that irritates me about rich people is that I know they will look at a story like the Bryant incident and say it is typical of a poor man to attack a defenseless Attorney General just living his life in his rather nice vehicle. And I think that’s bullshit. But it’s sort of the exact same thing as I’m doing to them. It’s the bias. See, class warfare is the same as racial prejudice and sexism and xenophobia and every other bias around – it’s easy. It makes life simpler. It helps us to explain our own failures and other people’s successes without having to be proactive or introspective. When I can’t get a job it’s a lot easier to tell myself all the good positions have been given to the boss’s relatives and his golfing buddies’ relatives, than to accept that I’m under-qualified. It’s not so different from the sexist who says he can’t get a date because women are cruel • PLEASE SEE LEAVE, A11

Finding love at a bike auction Katie Jensen

“I cook my own food.”


production office: extension 27117


It’s a roller-coaster of emotion at Bike Auction Day.

table and opened my blasphemously empty wallet. Tumbleweeds rolled out of it and into Mills foyer as I smiled sheepishly at the cash woman. “Go to the ATM in MUSC and come back when you have money,” she said disdainfully. I returned with a wad of twenties in my hand and handed over the sum. Then they rolled her over to me. I nervously wondered how to make the first move. “Is this okay?” I asked hesitantly as I patted her shiny seat. “That should be fine,” said the Security Guard. “Just take it slow. Nobody’s ridden her in a while. Her bolts might be rusted tight.” “I’ll be gentle,” I whispered, fingering her gearshift idly. “I promise.” As I rolled her back home, the echoes of the auction still ringing sweetly in my ears, I thought of all of the neglected bikes finally getting the chance to coast tonight after more than two months without getting tread at all. But now, they have new masters. And we will ride them tonight.



We have a P.M. Why hold an election? Who has the energy to get up and vote, even if it does matter? Peter Goffin


I’m a selfish person. No, no, don’t try to disagree with me. I know what I am. I don’t give to charities, I don’t do volunteer work and I talk loudly while sitting in my very reclined seat on aeroplanes. I’m also a lazy person. It’s okay, I’ve been called worse names. I don’t exercise, I drive everywhere,

and I spend a lot of time in my basement eating stale pizza and watching the home shopping network. I hate that network, actually, but I lost my remote a week ago and I can’t be bothered to look for it or get up and manually change the channel. But now I’m getting ahead of myself here and there is a point I want to make. I think. As I was wading my way to the bathroom this morning,


I’d rather hit the couch than hit the polls.


through a sea of old newspapers, I caught a glimpse of a headline that really upset me. It seems that the Liberal party might force a federal election. Another one. Can you believe that? We just had one, like, a year ago. And I didn’t vote in that one and I would only vote in the next one if the polling station were really super-close to my house, but I’m going to oppose the holding of another election with everything

I’ve got, which admittedly, isn’t much. There’s no point in having a whole new one of these things. We already have a Prime Minister. And yeah, fine, he got less than 50 per cent of the popular vote and, sure, if the Governor General hadn’t stepped in at the Prime Minister’s request and blocked that proposed coalition government last Christmas, Stephen Harper wouldn’t even be the Prime Minister

now, but why should we have an election just because the majority of the population didn’t actually vote for our leader? Some people voted for him. Isn’t that enough? And okay, fine, he’s had his problems but are the Liberals seriously going to interrupt my TV schedule with election coverage just because the population might want to elect a government that • PLEASE SEE SCREW, A10



FYL: I do not need to hear about it

People would be better off keeping their humiliating stories quiet And it’s that belief in the dire importance of your personal activities, the belief that everything that happens to you, no matter how average or how humiliating, must be heard or seen by other people, that lies at the dark heart of the social trend that gave birth to FML. We’ve become a culture not so much of permissiveness but of preening and self-display, where attention is ultimate prize, even when it comes at the cost of your own dignity. The co-worker who reveals inappropriately personal information to you, the couple who fights with each other in the middle of a crowded store, anyone who has ever appeared on Maury Povich, are all riding the same train as the people who post their stories on They feel the need to be heard. And not because they have something important to say that the rest of the world needs to hear, and not because they are compelling people, but simply because they exist as people. “I am, therefore I must be heard.” It’s an Why do people inisist on showing us the worst of themselves in every medium? ego issue, a call for attention that Peter Goffin off-putting, as are several of the to in person now pepper their is altogether different from wanting OPINIONS EDITOR stories themselves. personal anecdotes with “fuck my fame. The content ranges from life,” as punctuation for every story The woman from Maury You’ve stumbled, perhaps, across plain-Jane daily indignities to odd of minor inconvenience. It’s pure who’s looking for her baby-daddy the website on which sexual habits to accidental brushes melodrama, of course, a neat little never gets famous. We never see users post stories of humiliation with incest. It’s become wildly trick to get people to pay attention her again. We don’t even know the and catastrophe, each one ending popular, though. Many posts have to you. “I have serious problems, I’m names of the people from fmylife, with the letters “FML” – “fuck my upwards of 1,000 responses from really struggling. Fuck my life!” and we mock that co-worker life”. site visitors. Only missing the bus isn’t behind his back. And they know As someone who has The website has also a serious problem. Nor is leaving that. But they also know that for a generally tried to live by the adage managed to inspire one of the most your wallet at home, or failing a fleeting instant, they will have our “Don’t air your dirty laundry in vacuous and self-absorbed speaking test or any of that other petty crap. full and undivided attention. And public,” the whole idea of sharing habits ever to inflict the verbal It isn’t a disaster; it’s mundane. It we will see them or hear them. stories like that is more than a little population. People I actually speak happens to all of us. It’s life. And that seems to be enough to SILHOUETTE FILE PHOTO

temporarily suspend all sense of privacy and self-esteem. It appears to work out very well for them, as long as they’re immune to inhibition or embarrassment. They get a little attention, maybe good, maybe bad, and then fade back into a collection of 6 billion anonymouses. But keeping your soiled linens off the line is as much for the benefit of the rest of the population as your own. No one needs to be subjected to this stuff. It isn’t important, it isn’t relevant, it doesn’t affect us in any way. In that respect, fmylife’s title is perfectly apt. Fuck your life. I don’t know you, and whether your personal life is boring or disturbing, I don’t want to hear about it, so fuck it. If you want attention, give us something you’re proud of, not some guilt-soaked nugget of shame that you think we need to hear about. Raise the bar. The reason that this culture of self-display bothers me isn’t that I don’t want to see what people have to offer. It bothers me because these attention-seekers only offer up the worst or least interesting parts of themselves to the world, and there’s nothing noble or impressive about that. There’s nothing noble or impressive in exploiting your own humiliations or exaggerating and obsessing over your minute setbacks. You’ve got to aim higher. Charm us. Impress us. Let us laugh with you, not at you. You can have our attention but you’ve got to earn it.

Let Marc Emery be. Set the man free.

Canadian entrepreneur facing jail in U.S. over marijuana charges Robert Ling OPINION

Marc Emery, Canada’s selfproclaimed “Prince of Pot,” will be sentenced in the Seattle Federal Court by Judge Ricardo Martinez on or around Monday, Sept. 28 for selling marijuana seeds. Emery is a Canadian citizen who never went to the USA as a seed seller. His seed business, Emery Direct Seeds, has been running transparently and in full view of the public since its inception in 1994, even going as far as sending seed catalogues to Members of Parliament. He has declared his income from marijuana seed sales on his income tax, and paid over $580,000 in taxes to the Federal and Provincial governments. The United States Drug Enforcement Agency admitted in a press release from Administrator Karen Tandy that Emery’s July 29, 2005 arrest was based on drug legalization efforts. She is quoted as saying that Emery’s arrest was “a significant blow not only to the marijuana trafficking trade in the U.S. and Canada, but also to the marijuana legalization movement. His marijuana trade and propagandist marijuana magazine have generated nearly $5 million a year in profits that bolstered his trafficking efforts, but those have gone up in smoke today.” Emery and his organization had been designated as one of the Attorney General’s most wanted international drug trafficking organizational targets – one of only 46 in the world and the only one from Canada. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of Emery’s illicit profits are known to have been channeled to marijuana legalization groups active in the United States and Canada. Drug legalization lobbyists now have one less pot of money to rely on. Paul Martin’s Liberals were in power at the time of Emery’s arrest and did not stand up for Canadian sovereignty by

protecting him from prosecution in the United States. Stephen Harper’s Conservatives have not done any better. What makes this lack of action on the part of the Canadian government even more ridiculous is that they were fully aware of Emery’s business activities and never sought to prosecute him themselves. What we’re seeing is Canadian sovereignty going up in smoke. There have already been two legal precedents set for selling marijuana seeds. The first was the 2000 case against R. V. Hunter, in which the B.C. Court of Appeals found that a $200 fine, not jail time, was the appropriate punishment for selling seeds. The second was on March 7, 2008, when the B.C. Court of Appeals released a decision that the maximum punishment for selling cannabis seeds should not exceed one month in prison and one year of probation. That sentence was then actually handed down to a marijuana seed retailer in B.C. who was, in fact, selling to Americans, just like Emery. The American DEA has made it quite clear that Emery’s arrest is political in motivation. And yet our government has done nothing to help this soon-to-be political prisoner. As our parliament takes another giant step to becoming the 51st state, rallies will be staged against the DEA’s attack on Canadian sovereignty. On Saturday Sept. 19, at 55 Bay Street North, people from all over Hamilton will stand up to this nonsense. The rally starts at 2 p.m. at the Federal Building. Let me remind you that the Conservatives and the Liberals passed bill C-15 through the House of Commons. This bill, opposed by the Canadian Civil Liberties Union, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and countess others, will implement severe mandatory minimum sentences for a plethora of drug-related offenses. Stephen Harper and his Conservatives (with support from Ignatieff’s

Liberals) have not only ignored the protests of these organizations, but ignored research by the Canadian Justice Department which only reiterated the ineffectiveness of mandatory minimum sentences for drug related offenses. We have an economic crisis on our hands; do we really need to invest money and effort into an already proven failure of a bill? When will we learn, like Argentina and Mexico who both recently decriminalized small amounts of marijuana, that the state cannot establish morality? Moreover, when will we learn the United States cannot establish Canadian laws and morality?

Marc Emery may be going to an American prison.



Screw democracy, I want some time to relax. • CONT’D FROM A8 better represents their interests and needs? It would be a waste. The Conservative party TV ads say so. They say it would be a “wasteful election”. And I’m inclined to believe them. Because why would they lie to me, of all people, a selfish, lazy, unmotivated person prone to believing things that his television tells him, who doesn’t really care about politics but still gets a vote? Exactly. They wouldn’t. Truth be told, I don’t even like Harper or the Conservatives all that much. But he’s got the job already. And statistics show that a sizeable portion of the voting public will always vote for an incumbent based solely on the fact that he’s the incumbent. So why prolong the inevitable? Let’s just avoid an election altogether and let Harper stay in charge until he decides he wants to stop. I’m sure that would be suitably

un-wasteful for the Conservatives. else would do a better job. That And, talking about would be like your boss firing suitability, I don’t think it’s fair for us you because you don’t meet his expectations as an employee and he wants to hire someone better. It’s a shitty thing to do, am I right? And if doing shitty Why would [the things is part of democracy Conservative party] then maybe democracy isn’t as lie to me, of all perfect as we think it is. I think we should have a system like people, a selfish, the United States where when lazy, unmotivated they elect a guy he’s in there person prone to for four years no matter what. believing things that And he can start wars his television tells and pardon criminals and invade privacy and still get to keep his job. him, who doesn’t You’ve got to give a guy the chance really care about to make a few mistakes break a few politics but still gets eggs, screw up the country a little a vote? before he gets the hang of things. And besides, it means to get up in the middle of a Prime that the American TV schedule Minister’s term and be all like, “Hey is only interrupted by election dude, we don’t want you to decide coverage every four years. stuff for us anymore. Go home,” Lucky bastards. I wish we didn’t just because we think somebody have to be democratic so often.


Where did my pickup football go? Nostalgia for senseless childhood games Peter Goffin

blocked is just as limited, some of them having moved away, out of the geographical parameters of I saw some kids playing football in friendship, others having grown the street the other day. Not just into strangers over the course of catch with a football. Real football. a decade. I know where some of Or real football reproduced as best them are and have lost track of as possible with three bodies. One far more of them. I assume they kid snapped it to a second kid, who are equally as past screw-around dropped back into the pocket and football as I am, also in university or threw a shotgun pass to a third college or the workforce or prison. A reunion seems unlikely. kid. They were ten years old at most. I didn’t linger, because I had And even if we had one, it wouldn’t somewhere to be. And because feel the same as it was all those society does not look kindly upon years ago. As soon as we started people who stand around watching shaving, driving, working, dating, the kids in the street. But I was as ten-year-old lifestyle of rooting in transfixed as a transitory person the mud and bloodying each others’ can be. Watching these kids on the noses became unviable. The game street bummed me out, because I changed and I don’t know that I’d have so much in knew that I was common with any not, nor would I of those now-sortever again be, like of-grown-up kids. them. I don’t so much The wish to S e e , want to return to return to childhood I used to play childhood, or to is a tired one, football when I have remained voiced by every was ten, too. Well, there longer. I’m angsty teen who’s when I say football basically happy heard the it should come with where I am... ever name of Holden with a disclaimer or an asterisk or But what I do want Caulfield – whom something. It wasn’t for is the unfettered I hate, incidentally. lack of pretension And I don’t have football, in the conventional sense, and self-conscious- that wish. I don’t so much as having ness that came with so much want to the ball handed to ten-year-oldness.” return to childhood, or to have remained you, running like there longer. I’m hell until you were basically happy with cornered, and then getting driven into the ground by where I am now and the advantages two teams of well-fed grade fives. It and privileges that this place in my life affords me. But what I do mattered a lot to us. I still remember individual want for is the unfettered lack of plays. I remember the names and pretension and self-consciousness faces of the kid who snapped that came with ten-year-oldness. the ball to me and the ones who That we could play this bastardized blocked, the ones who I knocked version of football, and bastardized bastardized hockey into the dirt and the ones who baseball, (kicking a tennis ball. We called it finally hauled me down. The problem with idiotic foot hockey) and do so completely versions of sports like that is in earnest, taking it as seriously as that the window of opportunity anything else in life; that we could for playing them is very narrow. do so without even the slightest There is not a long period of time thought to ridiculousness or in life during which it is socially pain; that we did most everything acceptable to play in the street without the slightest thought to with only three of you, or to run ridiculousness or pain, or money around a field tackling each other or politics or responsibility for that so honestly and so seriously. I have matter. That’s what I miss. That’s now long since run out of that time. what I want back: the spirit of it all, Maybe worse still, the window of the mentality. Or at the very least, opportunity for knowing the kid two dedicated teams, a ball, and a who snapped and the kids who field. OPINIONS EDITOR

It’s the simple things that you miss. Like brutal recess sports.



Leave your biases behind • CONT’D FROM A9 or the racist that blames an imagined black conspiracy for his not being able to move up in the world. They’re all crutches. They’re things people tell themselves to justify the fact that they aren’t wealthier, happier, more popular, taller, faster. They’re a quick and easy way to assign or absolve guilt for crimes. I’d like to think, though, that because I am aware that my bullshit is, indeed, bullshit, I am better or more defendable than the other holders of bias. I’d like to think that because I can point to certain legitimate arguments, that I am not blindly hateful the way racists or sexists are. Because Bryant almost certainly will get a fairer shake than a poorer man with fewer connections would. If that Saab had been an ’89 Corolla, the premier would not have been asked for a sound byte, no one would be out on bail, and some public defender or subpar personal attorney would have a big job ahead of him. But I think that if I really wanted to be honest with myself I would know that I’m kidding myself. Every bigot has some “true evidence” to back up his beliefs. Every prejudice comes from some pseudo-factual information that is somebody’s sworn gospel truth. I know I ought to change. I kind of like the chip

on my shoulder and I at least like the idea of being a working class hero, a class warrior. But in reality being anything like that takes a lot of effort, and it takes a lot of hate. Maintaining any kind of bias or prejudice always does. It takes a lot of blind-eye-turning any time you run into objective evidence that you might be mistaken in your beliefs. And I don’t know how badly I really want to sustain that sort of behaviour and that sort of attitude. I don’t know how much I really want to spend the rest of my life fighting an abstract enemy like money, and go snarling at people because they have a few more advantages than me. I wouldn’t want to change completely, or give up all my anger, and there are still a few things that enrage me about class and wealth. So I’ll keep on calling bullshit on things like domestic servitude and worker exploitation, and I’ll keep on backing raises in minimum wage and socialist programs. But I think that from here on in I’ll try to drop the aimless raging bias. It’s poison, just like all prejudice. And in the end I can either hang on to it, and keep poisoning myself with it every time I meet someone who I think is getting a fairer share than me, or I can let it go and live my life.When I put it like that, I can’t really justify anything else.




SpeculatoR The Hamilton


INSIDE THE SPECULATOR A6: Masculine hygiene.

C5: Bathroom peekers. Seriously what’s the deal? Q19: Learn how to mix a great Molotov cocktail for to stick to a and/or the Man. Thursday, September 17, 2009 F Revolting.

Konservative Korner

This week... Etiquette



The new school year is upon us and that means that a new season of social engagements, cocktail parties, high teas, masquerade balls, games nights, keggers, and orgies has arrived. It also means that the arrival of social fauxpas season is soon to be in full swing as hosts and guests alike re-accustom themselves with the joys and rigors of social etiquette. And while there are likely several books in your personal library that serve to instruct you on how to set a table, in which order your guests should be served coffee, how to order a stripper and how to pour your post-dinner aperitif without spilling a drop, you may find yourself wanting in one the particular subject area that requires the most tact. For this purpose, it is our pleasure to present to you our etiquette guide on how best to avoid race riots at parties. Given the richly diverse nature of our cultural mosaic, you will almost certainly find yourself hosting friends of several different nationalities and cultural backgrounds at your next gettogether (Editor’s note: For those of you who attended a private school and therefore have likely never met a person of a different cultural background, simply talk amongst yourselves for the time being and continue polishing your loafers). It is also possible that the way you have hosted parties in the past will no longer be suitably tolerant of all peoples. Try following these simple suggestions to achieve maximum fun and a reputation as a top-notch host. 1 – Guest list Avoid tokenism at all costs. You may well only have one minority friend, but introducing him as such to the rest of your guests can lead to an uncomfortable moment for both of you. 2 – Menu Refrain from suggesting specific menu items for your guests based on their ethnicity. For

example, the phrase, “Hey you’re a Belgian! You people love waffles right?” can disrupt even the most nicely catered soiree. 3 – Conversation People are rarely entertained by an anecdote simply because it includes someone with whom they share a nationality. Given this fact, it is unlikely to interest or impress your guest that there were a surprising number of Asian people where you work, even and especially, if they are themselves of Asian descent. If your anecdote should fail, do not attempt to smooth things over by making light of previous transgressions committed by people of your own ethnicity. No matter how long it has been it is always “too soon”. An example of what not to say would be, “Gee that whole Crusades thing was pretty crazy wasn’t it? Boy is my face red.” The same can be said for colonialism, apartheid, and blankets with smallpox on them in addition to several more crimes against humanity that you really shouldn’t need to be reminded of. (Editor’s note: We understand that of you probably need to be reminded of these transgressions. We suggest a Grade 7 history textbook.) 4 – Humility There is nothing that party guests like more than a humble host. Never is this more important than when avoiding inter-faith and inter-ethnic unrest. It has been well documented that the worst possible faux-pas is the self-congratulatory display of tolerance. For instance, telling a guest that he is “the first one of you people I’ve had over to my house without locking up all my valuables” is boorish and showy. Not to mention fairly racist and sort of counterintuitive to the entire point of your claim in the first place. By following these simple guidelines at your next fete, you can cement your reputation as a host of the finest kind, and avoid the social discomfort that often accompanies racial violence. Happy partying!

Intellectual prostitution on rise Co-eds exchange bright conversation for cash BUCK HOROWITZ SPECULATOR

With the arrival of a new academic year, parents and university staff alike have found themselves faced with a new epidemic of vice on campuses across the country. A startlingly high, and ever rapidly increasing, number of young women have begun to subsidize their tuition costs by having intellectual discussions with men in exchange for money. Such girls typically spend their nights standing on corners outside libraries and science labs soliciting discourse. If and when they are picked up by male cruisers, or “johns”, as they are referred to in the guttural tongue, they will go to a motel room or the back seat of a car and discuss Nietzsche or read Sylvia Plath poems. Trinnie S., a verbally voluptuous fourth year Philosophy major, who asked that her last name not be published, confirms that she has spent several nights throughout the course of her undergrad performing conversational favours for book money. “I can make a killing,” she said, “Some nights the john’s just looking for a quickie and I’ll give him a run-down of Socrates’ four points. We call that a Soc job and it costs 15 bucks.”

But on long weekends or around the holidays, when the high rollers come in, girls like Trinnie can make anywhere between two and three hundred dollars per customer. “For a single Aroundthe-World,” she said. When asked what such an act entailed Ms. S. elaborated, “It depends on the guy and what he’s comfortable with, but typically you start off with a little Martin Luther, then speed things up a bit with a debate on French existentialism and the repercussions of the Vichy government. A lot of guys like to finish off by tracing the progression of modern art from Cubism to Neo-Realism because that’s what they see in the movies.” Despite the insistence of proponents like Trinnie that intellectual prostitution can be engaged in safely and responsibly and is a highly lucrative source of income, several social critics disagree. “We find this entire business to be unwholesome and improper,” said Sharon Wellman, district coordinator of the activist group Mothers Against Fun, in a prepared statement earlier today. “I mean, sexual promiscuity we understand, but these girls turning conversational tricks are just sick.”

There has also been a backlash amongst students who disapprove of bright and engaging discourse on moral grounds. “That’s just how I was raised,” said Mona Q. who demanded, without success that her full name not be withheld. “My parents always warned me against being intellectual too soon in a relationship. Actually I might even wait until a few years after I get married.” She and most of her friends, both male and female, have all committed to abstaining until their wedding night from being intelligent around the opposite sex. When asked why she thought men came to see girls like her in spite of the obvious social discouragement, Ms. S. shrugged. “It’s usually an issue of them not being able to get the intellectual stimulation they need at home from their wives and girlfriends and with us they can be totally uninhibited and do anything they want. For other guys it’s about fulfilling a grammatical fantasy. There’s a big demand for it out there. My friend Joan, she works under the name Ginger, and she has a 1-900 number where guys call her and for two dollars an hour they can listen to her annunciate. She’s doing really well.”

Crisis on Campus: University students turn to street reading to make tuition money. Which raises the question, “Is intellectualism an experience best shared between a husband and wife?”

Next week in Konservative Korner.... How to prepare and serve poor people a dinner made of other poor people.

“What Did You Learn This Week, Timmy?”

“I learned that You can’t tread on me


unless I’m a consenting adult and I’m into that sort of thing

Disclaimer: Stories printed in The Hamilton Speculator are fact. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is likely intentional and done out of spite. Opinions expressed are those of The Speculator and if you disagree with them you are wrong. And stupid. Possibly ugly as well.





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Men’s and women’s rugby squads making case as best McMaster Marauder teams All sights set on OUA titles after impressive 2009 debuts BRIAN DECKER SPORTS EDITOR

Fans of the McMaster Marauders are among the best in Canada, always providing the cheers and support to push the men and women in maroon and grey over the top. But while the teams playing in the Burridge Gym and Ron Joyce Stadium attract the biggest crowds and most attention, some major attention is deserved for the teams who play at the Back 10 field. Those teams are of course the men’s and women’s rugby teams, who have been consistently among the best in the OUA. Both teams demonstrated their prowess this weekend, with the women’s team trouncing the York Lions 43-0 and the men’s team putting away the Waterloo Warriors with an 18-8 victory. The men’s team victory followed an 80-0 blowout of the Toronto Varsity Blues on Wednesday. The men’s team has captured five OUA Championships in the last seven seasons, clearly staking its claim as one of the best teams at Mac. In addition to its OUA title, the team boasts the backto-back OUA West MVP in flanker Keegan Selby (Lindsay, ON) and five other 2008 All-Stars. Anyone who has seen the team play in recent years knows the intensity the team plays with is in and of itself a sight worth seeing. Sunday’s victory came despite missing six key players. Selby and back Shawn Windsor (Stoney Creek, ON) are currently playing for the Ontario Blues in the Americas Rugby Championship, while standout recruits Tyler Ardron (Lakefield, ON), Ryan Fried (New Hamburg, ON) and Matt Raguseo (Stouffville, ON) are spending time with the Canadian Under-20 team in Victoria, BC. OUA AllStar Joel Waldock (Tottenham, ON) has not yet been cleared to play for the 2009 season. “6 of 15 starters were not here, so given that, it’s a great performance by our boys,” said coach Dr. Phil White after the game. Waterloo did not reach the end zone until one of the last plays of the game, well after the outcome had been decided. The win pushed the team to 2-0 on the season, and marks the first try the team has given up this season. While such an accomplishment would make most teams proud, the team was




Top: Mike Sheppard makes a devastating tackle. Bottom left: Mac takes the ball back in a scrum. Bottom right: Sam Roberts hunts a Waterloo player. obviously not happy with the defensive lapse. “We’re still gelling as a team and there was some defensive organization that we need to work on,” Dr. White commented of the conceded try. The concern over a single score, however, is a testament to the pride that the team takes in dominating opponents and leaving no question as to who is the better team. Mac took advantage of

a number of outstanding runs from Mike Sheppard (Brampton, ON), John Housley (Burlington, ON) and Spencer Morgan (Mississauga, ON) to score tries, including Morgan’s dash from near midfield immediately after the opening of the second half. Noticeably unstoppable was second-year winger Grant Schneider (Oakville, ON), who keyed a number of runs to give the Marauders an excellent field position. “We just

have to keep improving each week,” said Schneider of the team’s outlook for the 2009 season. “Once we get some of our key players back from the Ontario Blues, I think we’ll be rolling pretty well.” Schneider tallied three tries in the first 22 minutes of action against Toronto before being pulled at halftime. Schneider and Housley are two of four players leading the OUA in tries with three apiece.

While the performance of the men’s team was impressive, the women’s team’s blowout of the York Lions was dominating. Two different Marauders scored three tries, centre Nina Bui (North York, ON) and 8-man Natasha Turner (Ottawa, ON). The game was onesided right from the start, with Mac’s defence making it nearly impossible for York to get the ball • PLEASE SEE RUGBY, B3

Mac falls just short in tight defensive battle who failed to hit on any of their to McMaster being able to only gain three field goal attempts. seven first downs, a sure-fire way to The defence was led by kill offensive drives. Ryan Chmielewski (St. Catherines, But for all the offence’s ON) and Daniel Baronas (St. Cath- troubles, the Marauders remained erines, ON) who recorded eight within one point of one of the counand seven solo tackles respectively. try’s best teams. Up until the clock Baronas also had an interception, as read zero, Mac had a chance to win. did first year player Stephen Dennis The defensive unit deserves plenty (Burlington, ON), his second of the of credit in limiting the Gaels offenseason. sively. They were not able to stop The Marauders won the the Gaels entirely, but they did manturnover battle and age to stop them forced two interwhen it counted ceptions, two fummost. But for all the bles and two turn The punt coveroffence’s trou- age team also did overs on downs. This key statistical bles, the Maraud- an excellent job in victory played a stopping Queen’s ers remained major role in limreturner Jimmy iting Queen’s point (Bellewithin one point Allin total. Justin Vince ville, ON). Allin of one of the (London, ON) had three returns had a big play on for touchdowns country’s best defence, returning last week against teams. a Gaels fumble Guelph, challento the Queen’s 17 ging the all-time yard line in order to CIS record for punt set up Waugh’s first field goal of the return yards in a single game. This day. Vince’s 39 yard return was the week he managed just 38 yards on largest single gain by McMaster all nine punt returns. The Marauders managed just 158 yards of offence against Queen’s after putting up 582 against Waterloo. day, a telling sign of a rough day on The Marauders are once offence for Mac. again on the road this week, playDAVID KOOTS a tight 8-7 win. Only five days after injury, Queen’s only managed a sin- Quarterback Ryan Fan- ing the York Lions on Saturday in ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR exploding for 582 yards, the offence gle point in the remaining two and a tham (London, ON) completed 10 Toronto. York is off to an 0-2 start was held to just 158. half quarters. of 28 passes, with one interception and is looking for their first win in The McMaster Marauders came Queen’s all-time passing Kicker Andy Waugh for a total of 83 yards passing on 13 games. McMaster returns home into Kingston this past Saturday leader, quarterback Danny Bran- (Perth, ON) scored all seven of the day. The dynamic duo of Jordan on Sep. 26 to face the tough Wiland held the #7 nationally ranked nagan (Burlington, ON), engineered McMaster’s points, connecting on Kozina (Brantford, ON) and Joey frid Laurier Golden Hawks. The Queen’s Gaels to just eight points. an 81 yard scoring drive in the first field goals of 24 and 38 yards in the Nemet (Burlington, ON), unstop- team will need as many home supUnfortunately, Mac’s offence could quarter before being knocked out second quarter and adding a punt pable a week ago against Waterloo, porters as possible in order to pronot produce and carry the team to of the game midway through the single in the fourth. Waugh out- were held to a combined 68 yards pel them to a win against one of the victory, with the Gaels pulling out second quarter. After Brannagan’s shone his Queen’s counterparts, rushing. This lack of production led OUA’s best teams. SILHOUETTE FILE PHOTO



Baseball team wins three in busy week

The McMaster men’s baseball team earned a 3-3 record this week, defeating the Western Mustangs, Waterloo Warriors and Guelph Gryphons DAVID KOOTS


The Marauder baseball team played six games this past week and picked up three wins to improve their record to 5-4, tied for second best in the OUA. A week ago Wednesday, the team hosted the Western Mustangs in a double header that nearly turned into a tripleheader. In the first game Mac won 4-3 but it

took 14 innings, twice the length of a normal doubleheader game. John McGregor (Ottawa, ON) drove in the winning run, one of his many crucial plays that led to him being named McMaster Male Athlete of the Week. In game two, the Mustangs rebounded and pounded the Marauders by a convincing score of 8-0. On Saturday, McMaster travelled to Kitchener-Waterloo for

a doubleheader against another of the OUA’s top teams in the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks. Mac came up just short, losing by a single run in both games, 6-5 in the first half of the day’s action and 9-8 in the second after going into extra innings. Mac finished the Waterloo road trip on Sunday with a single game against the Waterloo Warriors, winning 12-5. Andrew

Mullin (Mississauga, ON) picked up the win, pitching seven innings before Phillip Murray-Smith (Toronto, ON) came in to close the game out. McGregor and Graeme Copeland (Guelph, ON) played important roles in the win with each hitting home runs and doubles. The Marauders closed out the week at home against the Guelph Gryphons, posting a 9-4 win. McGregor had a fantastic


week, hitting .429 over the first five games with eight RBIs and one home run. The third year commerce student is in his third year with the team and is among the league leaders in hitting. After a busy week of baseball, Mac will now have a four-day break before they head to Toronto to play a doubleheader on Sunday against the 2-5 Varsity Blues.

Marauders succeed on world, national stages No rest for Mac athletes over summer months

Rugby women dominate in shutout victory


• CONT’D FROM B1 across midfield throughout most of the game. Third year player Allison Morris (Stoney Creek, ON) tallied eight points off conversions for the maroon and grey, while rookie Irena Doubelt (Mississauga, ON) got her university career off on the right foot with a try in her first game for the Marauders. The team may not carry the same credentials as their male counterparts, but is certainly a team on the rise and a force to be reckoned with this season. Four Marauders were named OUA AllStars in 2008, and flyhalf Paige



The summer of 2009 saw a number of outstanding accomplishments from Marauder student athletes. From the Canada Games to national tournaments, athletes who wear the maroon and grey turned out solid performances all summer. The men’s volleyball team was one of the best teams to play any sport in Ontario last season, and its members continued their solid play ahead of the 2009/10 season. Three members of the backto-back OUA Champions suited up for Team Ontario at the Canada Summer Games, including middle Shawn Bench (St. Catherines, ON), middle Tyler Santoni (Kingston, ON) and two-time All-Star Jeremy Groenveld (Welland, ON). The Ontario squad took home the silver medal at the games, dropping the final match to Alberta. Kevin Stevens (Winnipeg, MB), a standout recruit for the Marauders, helped Manitoba to a fourth-place finish at the games. Other members of the team suiting up for national and provincial teams include leftside Josh Lichty (St. Catherines, ON) with the Canadian Junior Team at the World Junior Championships in India and recruit Brendan

Dennis (Barrie, ON) with Under-19 Ontario team at the National Team Challenge Cup in Toronto. The Canada Summer games saw a number of other solid performances from Mac athletes. The Track and Field team was well represented, with CIS bronzemedalist Jillian Wyman (Dundas, ON) winning the silver medal in the 1500 metre event, and Sara Giovannetti (Mississauga, ON) placing 7th in the 2000 metre steeplechase. Sailing events saw Alison Ludzki (Toronto, ON), member of the Cross Country team, win the gold medal in female pairs sailing, while third year commerce student Joanne Prokop (Oakville, ON) took home the bronze in the singlehanded Laser event. Other medal winners included Sydney Duggan (Orillia, ON), recruit for the women’s wrestling team, winning bronze in the 49kg class wrestling event, and Tyler Ardron (Lakefield, ON) of the men’s rugby team playing on the gold medal-winning Ontario Rugby team. First year student Devon Novakowski (Kingston, ON) placed fourth in the cycling road race event. One of the most active McMaster teams over the summer was the rowing team, with a number of student athletes and alumni

participating in tournaments all over the world. Among the most impressive accomplishments was Mac grad Doug Csima (Oakville, ON) capturing two silver medals with the Canadian men’s eight team. The first came at the Lucerne World Cup in Lucerne, Switzerland, while the second medal was won at the World Rowing Championships in Poznan, Poland. Another former member of the rowing team, Rebecca Gregory (Brampton, ON), represented Canada with a ninth place finish at the Under-23 World Rowing Championships in Racice, Czech Republic in August. Current team member Ian Connell (Sault Ste. Marie, ON) also had an impressive summer, including a win with the St. Catherines rowing club men’s eights at the Independence Day Regatta in Philadelphia, PA. Keenan Jeppesen (Stoney Creek, ON), a recent transfer to the men’s basketball team, represented Canada at the Summer Universiade in Belgrade, Serbia. The Canadian side finished with a 4-2 record for a ninth place finish. McMaster teams took home four OUA Championship banners last year. With teams as active as they have been this summer, Mac looks to be in a great position to take home even more titles in 2009/10.

Churchill (Brantford, ON) was named a CIS All-Canadian in her final season. The team won OUA Bronze last season, defeating the Trent Excalibur in a tight 10-8 win last October after a tough loss to the eventual champion Guelph Gryphons. The women’s team will make a trip to Toronto this weekend to play the Varsity Blues. Both teams will play Sep. 26 in Kingston against Queen’s, and will then return to the Back 10 field on Oct. 3. Admission to the games is free and offers an opportunity to watch two of the best teams McMaster has to offer.



After quick start Jays go back to losing ways

Mac winless on the road



The Blue Jays were winning. Vernon Wells and Alex Rios were producing to expectations, Aaron Hill and Adam Lind were hitting home runs like nobody’s business. B.J. Ryan was back in form, the bullpen was continuing its play from a solid 2008, and Roy Halladay was leading an upstart staff with his usual dominant form. Playing the Blue Jays was a nightmare for every team across Major League Baseball. Then it all came back to reality. The real nightmare has been being a Blue Jays fan in 2009, with a tantalizing start to the season preceding a precipitous fall to the dreaded cellar of the American League East. Playing in baseball’s best division, the Jays hit the ground running to start the ’09 campaign, going an American League-best 27-14 through mid-May. The high moment of the season was a win over the New York Yankees on May 13, a marquee matchup that saw Roy Halladay pitch a complete game while facing ex-Jay A.J. Burnett, who was booed mercilessly by a crowd of 43,000 fans. Since then, the bluebirds have faltered to a putrid 39-65

record. The latter part of the season has been strangely reminiscent of reading the popular website each night, with ninthinning leads being blown and runners being constantly left on base. Not only has the team failed to tally up numbers in the win column, high-priced players B.J. Ryan and Alex Rios have been sent packing from the team for virtually nothing in return. Though both were clearly not living up to their horribly bloated contracts and had to be jettisoned to baseball’s lunatic fringe (apparently home to the Chicago Cubs and White Sox, where the players ended up, respectively), their departure represents the failure, disappointment and abandonment of the 2009 season. All is not lost in the season. Hill and Lind’s seasons have been stellar; Roy Halladay is still wearing a Jays uniform once every five nights, and youngsters Travis Snyder and Ricky Romero have provided glimpses of the future. But with the Jays playing in one of the toughest divisions in sports and the brutal J.P. Ricciardi still at the helm as General Manager, the future looks as though the nightmare will only continue for the Toronto Blue Jays fans.


The men’s soccer team opened the 2009 season with a pair of 1-0 losses away from home this past week. DAVID KOOTS much of the play but could not Marauders had the misfortune of ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR find a way to score against York’s playing York, a team on a mission keeper. The Lions capitalized on to prove it was still one of the The McMaster Marauders men’s Mac’s inability to score and took country’s best. A day earlier, York, and women’s soccer teams both advantage of a second half free kick the country’s top ranked team, was opened up their respective seasons to take the lead and win the game. upset by the Brock Badgers. Mac this past week, playing two games The loss marked the first time since played the Lions tough, and with on the road. The women drew 2007 that the Marauder women Grant’s steady goalkeeping, the with the Guelph Gryphons 1-1 on have lost a regular season game. Marauders were able to prevent the Saturday before losing 1-0 to the The men’s team was Lions from scoring until late in the York Lions on Sunday. The men unable to score during its first two second half. were unable to pick up any points, matches but saw some excellent Both the men and the losing both games by a score of 1-0. play by keeper Matthew Grant women come home this weekend Chantal Malysa (Calgary, (Brampton, ON) in its two losses. to play the Waterloo Warriors on AB) scored the Marauders lone Against Guelph, the Gryphons Saturday at Ron Joyce Stadium. goal to put Mac in the lead in the scored early and played strong The women play the 0-2-0 Warriors first half, but a second half goal by defensively for the rest of the game women’s team at 1 p.m. while the Guelph tied the game up. Against although Mac pressed hard in the men kickoff at 3:15 p.m. against the York, the Marauders controlled final three minutes. On Sunday, the 1-0-1 men’s team.





STANDINGS Team Laurier Brock McMaster Western Waterloo Toronto Guelph

GP W L PTS 8 6 2 12 7 5 2 10 9 5 4 10 8 4 4 8 7 3 4 6 7 2 5 4 8 2 6 4

OUA LEADERS FIELDING Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

## 35 27 15 19 5 7 3 14 11 3 0 10 17 3 15 0 10 21 4 27


Player GP Pout AssTs Errors Fielding% John Mcgregor - McMaster 9 89 5 3 96.91 Robert Wakefield - Western 8 71 2 0 100.00 Brian Macdonald - Laurier 8 53 2 1 98.21 Craig Howse - Guelph 7 48 0 1 97.96 Jake Gallo - Toronto 6 44 8 3 94.55 Kyle Harris - Western 8 44 7 1 98.08 Jason Diniz-wood - Waterloo 5 39 0 2 95.12 Devlin Connelly - McMaster 9 38 4 0 100.00 Chris Pittaway - Laurier 8 37 5 0 100.00 Bill Steven - Brock 5 27 2 1 96.67 Robert Marsiglio - Guelph 5 26 2 0 100.00 Scott Mahn - Laurier 8 23 19 3 93.33 Christopher Piccini - McMaster 9 21 4 0 100.00 Rob Matsui - Toronto 4 19 1 2 90.91 Sean Lemon - McMaster 8 18 0 0 100.00 Cam Graham - Brock 3 18 1 1 95.00 Brendan Higgins - Guelph 5 17 0 0 100.00 Jeremy Hopkins - Toronto 7 16 7 0 100.00 Andrew Thomson - Western 8 16 0 0 100.00 Justin Tamane - Brock 3 15 0 0 100.00

OUA LEADERS PITCHING Rank ## 1 9 2 12 3 9 4 22 5 4 6 17 7 18 8 31 9 34 10 32 11 18 12 6 13 12 14 19 15 40 16 8 17 52

Player GP Matthew Piccini - McMaster 9 Jordan Townshend - Western 2 Tyler Wilson - Toronto 6 Andrew Greenberg - Laurier 3 Andrew Morales - McMaster 6 Christopher Piccini - McMaster 9 Adam Reynolds - Guelph 3 Matthew Grasby - Western 4 David Canavan - Laurier 2 Adam Paish - Western 2 Mike Fortuna - Toronto 2 Joel Smith - Waterloo 3 Colin Calvert - Guelph 2 Andrew Bergman - Western 2 Ryan Donnelly - Toronto 2 Ryan Dale - Guelph 7 Nathan Penrose - Brock 2

ERA 1.0800 1.5882 2.2360 1.1921 3.0000 5.4962 3.4615 0.7500 4.5000 3.7500 3.5644 3.5644 4.4554 3.5644 4.5000 14.4000 4.8913

IP 25.00 17.00 16.10 15.10 15.00 13.10 13.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 10.10 10.10 10.10 10.10 10.00 10.00 9.20

BF 102 39 34 57 68 61 59 49 25 26 0 50 51 23 25 64 54

H 16 6 16 9 12 15 12 14 15 10 9 12 17 7 11 21 16

R ER 7 3 3 3 5 4 2 2 10 5 8 8 9 5 3 1 11 6 5 5 6 4 5 4 8 5 7 4 8 5 17 16 10 5

BB 11 9 3 4 9 6 3 3 6 6 6 5 2 5 4 8 9

K HP Ptchr w/l/s 10 1 2/0/0 18 2 0/0/0 8 0 0/1/0 8 0 2/0/1 6 0 0/0/0 7 0 1/0/0 16 1 1/0/0 9 1 0/0/0 8 2 0/0/0 11 0 0/1/0 10 1 0/0/0 6 0 1/1/0 2 1 1/1/0 14 0 0/1/0 6 0 0/1/0 4 1 0/3/0 9 1 0/0/0

OUA LEADERS BATTING Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

## 19 3 19 8 15 4 4 35 7 35 20 7 24 2 10 14 10 3 0 22


Player GP BAVG Mike Walker - Brock 6 .620 Jason Diniz-wood - Waterloo 5 .480 Craig Howse - Guelph 7 .450 Mike Glinka - Waterloo 5 .440 Brian Macdonald - Laurier 8 .440 Aaron Butler - Waterloo 7 .410 Andrew Thomson - Western 8 .390 John Mcgregor - McMaster 9 .360 Andrew Mullin - McMaster 9 .350 Chris Dahiroc - Toronto 7 .350 Calen Hamelin - Waterloo 5 .330 Pat Kropf - Laurier 8 .320 Juheng Kim - Western 6 .310 Travis Hendry - Waterloo 4 .310 Scott Mahn - Laurier 8 .310 Devlin Connelly - McMaster 9 .300 Brendan Higgins - Guelph 5 .290 Matthew Cino - McMaster 8 .290 Joshua Kennedy - Guelph 8 .280 Casey Burnie - Brock 5 .280

SLG% .690 .710 .450 .440 .640 .440 .430 .520 .390 .400 .330 .410 .310 .310 .340 .400 .290 .330 .320 .330

OB% .700 .740 .480 .500 .680 .460 .500 .540 .420 .500 .380 .550 .350 .310 .420 .530 .290 .420 .370 .430

Hits Runs 16 6 9 5 10 3 7 6 11 7 11 8 11 9 11 8 8 1 7 3 5 3 7 8 5 1 5 5 9 4 9 5 5 1 6 3 7 3 5 6

RBI Doub’ Trip’ 6 2 0 8 0 1 6 0 0 3 0 0 3 5 0 2 1 0 3 1 0 9 2 0 4 1 0 4 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 6 3 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 0

HR 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

W SB 1 1 2 0 1 0 2 0 3 2 1 0 4 4 2 2 1 1 4 2 1 4 7 2 1 0 0 0 4 3 8 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 3 0

Team GP W Western 2 2 Windsor 2 2 Queens 2 2 Guelph 2 1 McMaster 2 1 Ottawa 2 1 Laurier 2 1 York 2 0

L 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2

T OTL PTS 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0


Player SACKYDS SACKS Justin Dunk - Guelph 12 1 Michael Faulds - Western 64 8 Bradley Sinopoli - Ottawa 8 1 D Brannagan - Queen’s 0 0 Ryan Fantham - Mcmaster 11 2 Luke Thompson - Laurier 18 3 Jansen Shrubb - Toronto 0 0 Luke Balch - Waterloo 16 3 Daniel Carloni - Windsor 12 1 Sam Malian - Windsor 29 3 Andrew Gillis - Toronto 8 3 Jon Roney - Waterloo 0 0 Evan Pawliuk - Laurier 2 1 Patrick Hooey - York 0 0 Nick Coutu - York -17 3 Evan Martin - Waterloo 39 4 Kyle Quinlan - Mcmaster 0 0 Andrew Hickey - Waterloo 8 1 Thomas Howes - Queen’s 0 0 Da’shawn Thomas - Western 0 0

LG TD YDS INT ATT COMP 78 6 740 1 71 39 77 5 608 3 66 39 51 2 569 1 66 34 56 4 559 2 63 40 53 4 333 2 53 25 47 1 255 1 36 19 20 0 220 2 35 20 30 0 215 2 31 22 79 1 163 1 13 7 26 1 134 2 28 13 31 0 123 1 30 10 23 1 110 0 13 8 34 1 103 2 19 7 26 0 89 1 19 6 27 0 84 2 23 5 12 0 54 3 16 10 36 0 52 0 5 3 16 0 48 0 8 5 15 0 40 0 6 5 38 0 38 0 1 1

RUGBY STANDINGS Team Queens McMaster Western Laurier RMC Guelph Brock Waterloo Toronto

GP W 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0

ONTARIO LEADERS Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20

L 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2

T PTS 0 10 0 9 0 8 0 4 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Players GP Pts Tries Conv. Pen. G Drop G Ryan Kruyne - Queens 2 34 2 12 0 0 Richard Lebel - Waterloo 2 18 1 2 3 0 Tim Richardson - Queens 2 15 3 0 0 0 John Housley - McMaster 2 15 3 0 0 0 Grant Schneider - McMaster 2 15 3 0 0 0 Alex St. John - Laurier 2 15 3 0 0 0 Michael Sheppard - McMaster 2 14 2 2 0 0 James Stewart - Laurier 2 13 1 4 0 0 Carl Stahlbrand - Western 1 12 1 2 1 0 Graeme Dibden - Queens 2 10 2 0 0 0 Scott Kyle - Queens 2 10 2 0 0 0 Patrick Richardson - Queens 2 10 2 0 0 0 Mike Wong - Queens 2 10 2 0 0 0 C Leonard - Guelph 1 10 2 0 0 0 Chris Barrett - Queens 2 10 2 0 0 0 Evan Smith - McMaster 2 10 2 0 0 0 Jeff Mcdiarmid - McMaster 2 9 0 3 1 0




Breaking down supplementary fees, B9

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The Art Gallery of Ontario presents a fascinating cultural exhibit titled (Re)presentation

Breaking Aboriginal Stereotypes



“We are often being portrayed negatively in the media,” Andrew Pederson, one of the 13 young Aboriginal artists featured at Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) said; “I want to express who we are as native people.” Stereotypes of Indigenous people are engrained in the minds of many Canadians. Films and literature have been reinforcing those stereotypes for over a hundred years and a lot of news coverage confirms them. The media often centers on political and constitutional issues, forest fires, poverty and substance or sexual abuse, and little attention is given to their culture and achievements. This is part of the message a recent exhibition at the AGO sought to send. More importantly, however, that negative stereotypes result in an image of inferiority and a loss of self-esteem among the native youth. When Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) became a reality in 1999, it opened doors to Aboriginal artists, writers, actors, and producers with the skills and the means to bring Aboriginal people their own images and messages. Now, Canadians are able to watch programming produced by Indigenous people, as long as they are willing to surf up to channel 55 and beyond. The Network alone is not enough to eradicate deeply rooted stereotypes. On Jul. 8, an exhibition of artworks by native youths at the Art Gallery of Ontario provided a two-folded opportunity to dispel the plague: It opened a platform for the young artists to reacquaint with their heritage, express their identity, and reclaim their right to define who they are; it also allowed the public to unlearn

stereotypes and relearn about Aboriginal people. (Re)representation, the first joint venture of the Youth Council at AGO and Native Canadian Centre Toronto (NCCT), brought together 13 native youths to produce 12 pieces of artwork. Tannis Nielson is the coordinator of the youth program at NCCT. She runs The One Nation in Unity Youth Program which provides a wide range of activities, including sports, art, media, and even historical study of Indigenous movement. “Art is what I can offer the most,” Nielson, an artist herself, said, “our focus is the reclamation of art and culture.” From brainstorming to reality, the whole process took about three months—it would not have been possible without the generous help from the Native art community. Facilitator and photographer, Bernard Ceroux, sat down with each of the youth to help them find their messages and give advice to achieve them with art. “It is a step by step process,” the Métis photographer said, “You need to spend time with each of the artists, get to know them, and help them to discover what their message is.” “These are city kids, many of them are just discovering, or re-discovering their heritage,” he continued, “this is the root of what they have done here.” Each of the 12 pieces of artwork was hung between an archway in the Walker Court at AGO, adjacent to the signature Baroque Stair. While their original idea was to express unity through uniform canvas size and mediums – mixed media of photography and painting on 3’ by 6’ canvas—a deeper tie found its way in their work. • PLEASE SEE REPRESENT, B10

through art



Avoiding the freshman 15 pounds BAHRAM DIDEBAN MANAGING EDITOR

Moving to attend university is a pretty common thing. You wrap up your room, your computer, and your clothes and move to where you’ll be living for the next 8 months—either in residence or in a student house. Along with your new living space, class habits, and sleep schedules, you’ll also have to deal with new eating habits and this may easily take its toll on you. As a rough guide from a variety of sources, female students on average gain seven pounds in their first year in college or university. This is weight that they not only keep on, but also add to for the next four years because of their new diet habits. So if you want to battle

this impending weight gain, you have to start early and you need a new arsenal of weapons. Here are five ways to ready yourself. Eat on a schedule Try and eat each meal at the same time everyday. One of the main reasons why first years gain weight is because they eat a big meal then don’t eat for long periods of time, which causes their body to enter “Starvation Mode.” This throws their hormones out of whack and causes the main reason for weight gain—overeating. Eat smaller meals, more often Instead of eating three big meals in a day, eat four or even five smaller meals per day. Eating more often will keep your hunger hormones in check and not let your body enter starvation, which as mentioned above, is the main reason people

gain weight. Sub smart When your meal includes a side, skip the fries and get a salad instead. Surprisingly, most of the time, the sides are much worst for you than the actual meal. This is like killing two birds with one stone; you eat your greens and you get rid of the extra calories. Save the best for last When you do get a side, eat it first. Veggies not only contain lots of vitamins and good-for-you stuff, they also have fiber, which fills you up. This means you might even be totally full halfway through your burger, which in the end means more good foods and less bad foods. Shop smart This is hard for university students and takes some training, but realistically, eating healthy starts

at home. You need to have good food at home if you care about your weight and health. Don’t make shopping complicated, just remember these four things: Buy brown starch foods instead of white starch foods, buy lots of veggies and fruit for snacks, buy chicken or fish instead of red meat, and buy as little already-prepared foods as possible. Just these four rules will solve 80 per cent of your food problems. Shop when you’re full Shopping when you’re hungry is one of the worst things you can do. You are much more tempted to pick out foods that contain quick sources of energy like simple sugars and carbs. This is one of the easiest ways to gain weight. This goes hand-in-hand with number seven.

Keep your house junk food free Just don’t buy it. It’s that simple. If you don’t have it, you can’t eat it. If there are no cookies to reach for, you are more likely to grab the better foods, fruits, veggies. And you can eat as much of these as you want. And lastly and most importantly, stay full If you torture yourself over your diet, you’ll fall off the wagon during midterms and just plain spend too much time and effort on dieting. If you’re full of good food, you’ll never be killing yourself just to stay on track with your diet, which makes your eating habits second nature. Regular, good eating habits are the only way to lose weight and keep it off. All the experts will tell you that.

Program: 3rd Year English Personal Style: “vibrant, yet easy going” Favourite artist: Christina Aguilera Favourite quote: “God sees no colour.” - Unknown What I look for in a significant other: Ambition Dress: Value Village $7 Belt: Value Village $2 Sweater: Gap $20 Shoes: Juicy $? Purse: Coach $65 Watch: Toy Watch $200

Brittany Del Duca





Are supplementary fees too high? Students seem unaware, or unconcerned, about where their fees go LINDSAY JOLIVET INSIDEOUT EDITOR

University is expensive. This is not a secret, and anyone from your high school guidance counselor to the president of the university will admit that it costs a pretty penny to get an education these days. However, if a year’s tuition for a McMaster student with a full course load ranges from $4830 to $6400, depending on program, level, and course load, then why are full-time students paying anywhere from $600 to $1000 more than that sum? The university and McMaster Student Union (MSU) add supplementary fees to each student’s tuition to support various organizations and causes on campus. From construction in the student centre to preparations for the new campus bar, your money contributes to changes and supports existing services at McMaster every year. Wouldn’t you like to know exactly where your money is going? Full-time students pay a number of fees directly to the university including those for Athletics and Recreation, Student Health Services, the Solar Car, and the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG). The Athletics and Recreation fee is $104.34. Students who pay this fee have access to the indoor badminton, basketball, squash, tennis, volleyball and racquetball courts, table tennis, and the swimming pool. A Pulse gym membership is required to use gym equipment at a cost of $102 for eight months. Another fee is dedicated to Athletics and Recreation through a Building Fee of $2.71 per unit, or a maximum fee of $81.30. A third fee of $4.07 per unit to a maximum of $122 also contributes to Athletics and Recreation under the larger sector of Student Services, which also covers the Campus Health Centre, Career Services, the MSU,

and Titles, among others. In addition, Students’ fees contribute to the Campus Health Centre through a Student Health Services fee of $53.39. A Solar Car fee contributes to a project lead by the Engineering Faculty to develop vehicles that run on solar power. This alternative fuel project receives $1 from each fulltime student per year. A final fee of $7.04 goes to the Ontario Public Research Group (OPIRG), an organization supported by 11 schools in the province that according to the organizers, “conducts research, education, and action on social and environmental justice issues.” Students can opt-out of supporting OPIRG by requesting a refund no later than three weeks after the add-drop date for courses has passed. Speaking of opting out, the next group of fees contains an optional $45 health plan, and a $95 dental plan. These are located under MSU fees. Students who do not want the insurance must submit opt-out forms before Sept. 30 to receive their combined $140 from both plans. Other MSU fees, totaling $240.78, go toward an H.S.R. Bus pass for each student, as well as support for CFMU radio, the MARMOR yearbook, (we all get one when we graduate), Incite Magazine, and WUSC student refugees. The most substantial of these fees, titled “Student Organization Fee” contributes to services such as the Union Market and the Emergency First Response Team, among others including The Silhouette. Finally, students pay an Administrative Services Fee of $1.08 per unit to a maximum of $32.40, directly to the university, and a fee to their faculty in support of societies and endeavors for the coming year. The sum depends on the faculty, with Nursing paying the

most at $220.21, and Humanities the least at $15.62. To put things into perspective, if you are a Nursing student with a full course load and you have not opted out of the insurance plans, you are paying $926.49 in supplementary fees alone. Not all students feel these fees are reasonable. Jason Erlich, a fourth year Honours Communication Studies and Philosophy student feels that supplementary fees on tuition are too high, and the direction of students’ money is laid out in overly vague terms. He was particularly frustrated by the $104.34 charge students pay to Athletics and Recreation, on top of a gym membership if they want one. His reaction was angry: “Wait a second, didn’t I just pay over a hundred dollars for gym membership for the school year? So why am I paying this fee again as part of the ‘supplementary fees?’” As previously broken down, the Athletics and Recreation department receives $185.64 from students with full-course loads, including building fees, plus $122 to Student Services, which also covers the Athletics and Recreation deparment. Furthermore, Erlich disliked that certain supplementary fees were listed as optional on the university’s website, but are automatically added to every student’s tuition regardless. The McMaster OPIRG fee of $7.04 is one of these optional fees. “If it’s not mandatory,” Erlich asked, “why make it part of the mandatory supplementary fees? Probably because most students won’t go to the trouble of refunding their money within the short allowed time period.” He felt that rather than paying the fee and then having the option for a refund, students should be able to choose whether they pay the fee in the first place.


For students with minimal resources, fees can seem overwhelming. Aside from his frustrations, Erlich admitted that he had never taken the time to look through the breakdown of fees available from a link on each student’s payment agreement. He was not alone, either. Alex Bhattacharya, a fourth year Life Sciences student has never reviewed the fee breakdown, but he was not concerned about his money being mistreated. Bhattacharya believes these fees are necessary. He stated, “I’m not concerned with the extra fees; I think they help

Facebook ups the ante for privacy

Website complies with Privacy Commissioner’s demands KATHERINE MARSDEN PRODUCTION EDITOR

Despite the fact that the whole world is seemingly atwitter, about, well, Twitter, our old friend Facebook has managed to crawl its way back into the social media spotlight once again. In response to the demands that Canada’s Privacy Commissioner set forth in a report released in mid-July, Facebook has more or less conceded to alter some of its more controversial policies regarding information privacy and retention. These alterations, which Facebook intends to implement fully within a year, will ensure the popular social media website is in full compliance with Canadian privacy law, particularly the Personal Information Protection of Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). According to an Aug. 27 news release from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, the government gave Facebook a period of 30 days to address the concerns laid out in the Privacy Commissioner’s report. Ultimately, Facebook replied with a promise to address four of the report’s main concerns surrounding privacy. A brief summary of each of Facebook’s proposed changes is listed below:

Third Party Application Developers

Facebook has agreed to modify its application policy to ensure that developers can only obtain a user’s personal information with express permission from the user. Developers must receive this permission for each type of information they intend to access. Facebook will also provide a link from each application to a statement by the developers, stating how they will use the personal information. For many Facebook users, this has the potential to make the Farmville Extra security on Facebook means that your information is locked up. application not only wildly addictive but also privacy-safe! Deactivation of Accounts Accounts of Deceased become part of any sort of mailing Facebook users will soon be given Users list that Facebook will spam/poke/ the choice, to not only deactivate an Facebook will clarify its policy farm, etc. account, but also to have the account stating that it will retain the profiles What all these proposed completely deleted. This change is of deceased users, which allows changes boil down to, is that perhaps the most important of them fellow users to post comments and/ Facebook seems to be taking a step all, as users will be able to ensure or tributes. in the right direction. As a website that, upon deletion, their personal Personal Information of that over 200 million people information is entirely removed Non-Users worldwide use, it is certainly the from the Facebook server. Facebook has reaffirmed that it does hope that Facebook’s new policies Currently, accounts are not use non-users email addresses to will guide other social media only deactivated, meaning personal monitor the success of its invitation websites to adopt similar, more information is actually retained feature, which requires that users privacy-respective policies. Of in digital storage. The good news enter the email addresses of friends course, both the long and short-term in all of this inevitably is, those that they want to join Facebook. For effects of the changes will depend tagged photos of you from your non-users, this will mean that just on the company’s fulfillment of its drunken glory days of first year because your annoying friend has promise to deliver them; so, for now can be discarded for good. Kudos, been sending out Facebook invites at least, we will have to wait and Facebook! to you, your e-mail address will not see.


Calling all bloggers. We just heard about this thing called the “Internet” and we want all your “new age” writings on our website. Contact thesil@

enrich the university.” Student opinion clearly varies on this issue, but the failure of either of these students to look into where their fees were going in their three years at McMaster is a matter worthy of attention. In fact, out of several other randomly selected students, most had not looked at their fee breakdowns, or had only glanced at them briefly. Is the information difficult for students to find, or is the majority of the student population simply unconcerned?


Make a B.E.L.T.

A weekly step-bystep guide for very important things BAHRAM DIDEBAN & WILL VAN ENGEN Everyone knows B.L.Ts are for the tactless and vile. They are greasy, devoid of real flavour, and are generally lacking a certain ‘je ne sais quoi,’ namely eggs. So here is a sandwich for the real man, the B.E.L.T sandwich. While B.L.T. is only an acronym, B.E.L.T. actually means something and is thus, far superior. Girls will think you’re smarter, more worldly, and will go to B.E.D. with you. So here’s how you make it. You get a couple of eggs, a bit o’ bacon, lettuce, tomato, some class, and a few slices of bread. Real men multitask, so put the eggs in the pan with the bacon while toasting the bread at the same time. Cut the tomato with the other hand and rip that lettuce with your teeth. If you can’t do this, stop reading. Slap that together on some mean texas toast and slather on the mayo. E.A.T.



Love beyond neuron firing (Re)presenting


Science of love in ethical terms PHYLLIS TSANG


At the end of last week’s article, “What is love like in the brain,” the question whether you could forgive your unfaithful partner on the basis of chemical deficiency was posed. To state it simply, the answer is no. This article will explain why. As a recap of the last article, two key chemicals in the brain that are responsible for the feeling of love and attachment were looked at specifically. The first one was oxytocin. Its relation to love was discovered by behavioral neurobiologist Dr. Sue Carter in her research on prairie voles’ monogamous and bi-parental behavior. The second one was dopamine, a naturally produced “pleasure chemical” associated with the reward system of the brain. Both of these chemicals are released in the brain during human interactions, like physical contact and breast-feeding, and encourage relationships by creating attractions and attachments. “During breast feeding, oxytocin is released in both the mother and the baby. The more time the baby and mom have these interactions, the better they bond,” said Dr. Mathewson, a postdoctoral fellow and research associate at McMaster’s Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour. Good things happen when people are in love, literally. Scientific reports show that the release of oxytocin in the brain leads to lowered stress, lowered heart rate, and even, faster wound healing. On top of all these benefits, what is even better is that the release of oxytocin can be conditioned. “The release [of oxytocin] is a conditioning effect,” Dr. Mathewson explained, “You can release [oxytocin] again by just remembering the person you love.” In other words, all the good things that accompany oxytocin could take place even when your loved one is not around. A picture or a piece of memory is enough to stimulate the release of this cuddle hormone. However, the tricky part is how do we stay in love? Dr. Mathewson believes that rather than leaving it to science, it is up to each individual to maintain a relationship. Positive social interaction and spending time with the person is constructive in any human bonding situation. Moreover, Dr. Mathewson refuses to think of love as an emotion alone because it is motivation driven and goal directed. “When you love someone, you don’t just want to love them— you want to be with the person,” Dr.


Love demands multiple levels of inquiry beyond neuroscience. Mathewson explained, “Love is as- embodies it.” Dr. Peterson continsociated with goal-directed behav- ued, “Science can describe vibraiours.” tions and even neural recognition Similarly, Dr. Helen Fish- of sound vibrations, but it cannot er, research professor at Rutgers tell you how it is like listening to University and the author of Why Beethoven’s six.” We Love: the Nature and Chemis- At the end of the day, even try of Romantic Love, also pointed though love can be explained by to a goal-oriented firing of chemicals love in her research in our brain, it is of dopamine. She Neuroscience un- beyond the level of proposed that there Reducing derstands mecha- analysis. are three brain-syslove to mere chemtems of love: lust, nism and physical icals and neurons attraction, and atfails to describe substrates that tachment. Each of make things hap- the complexity of them has their own reality, granted that pen, but you still emotional and mothey are constituent tivational system, need philosophers, parts of a whole. and accompanying artists and writers Therechemicals, but all to explain meaning fore, if loving a three systems are person could not be and extol the needed for the goal explained solely by wonders.” of reproduction and science, an unfaiththe raising of next ful partner could no generation. better explain their For Dr. Mathewson, the actions on the basis of chemical dephenomenon of love, which encom- ficiency. passes goals, purpose, and experi- According to Dr. ence, does not stop at science; it Mathewson, the problem with peodemands different levels of inquiry. ple falling out of love is not a matter “Neuroscience under- of insufficient hormones or recepstands mechanism and physical tors. substrates that make things hap- “I believe most people pen,” said Dr. Mathewson, “but you have sufficient oxytocin receptors still need philosophers, artists and in their brain,” said Dr. Mathewson. writers to explain meaning and ex- “Rather than too few [oxytocin retol the wonders.” ceptors], people establish their at “Neuroscience is a little bit tachments elsewhere.” like a manual of the engine of your From an ethical point of car,” she continued, “but the magic view, Dr. Peterson believes that of the car is that it goes.” human beings live at a level of Dr. James Peterson, pro- complexity where “we can choose fessor of ethics and a member of the which tendencies to encourage or Department of Clinical Epidemiol- not, and how to manifest the ones ogy and Biostatistics shares a simi- we do act out.” lar view. “Ants have no choice. “Science can describe the They just do what they are prochemical composition and reflec- grammed to do. Human beings live tive characteristics of ink marks on at a level of complexity where we a page. It does not tell us what the can choose between competing words mean. There is a whole level drives and commitments,” said Dr. of reality that cannot be described Peterson, “In a sense, our genes desmerely by the neural activity that tine us to be free.”

• CONT’D FROM B7 “The continuity among the group is their keen awareness of their traditions and heritage,” said Ceroux while eyeing on each piece that he had personally been involved in. Andrew Pederson, who belongs to Horse Lake First Nation in Hythe, Alberta and now resides in Toronto, named his piece, The Science of Spirituality. His work, mainly a black and white piece, was adorned with red and blue to symbolize protection and resolution. The bottom of the canvas revealed an eye-catching gesture. There, Pederson laid on the ground with his upper back raised, legs drawn up to the buttock, and elbows rested on the ground. The pose belongs to Chacmool, a Mesoamerican stone statue found in ancient Mexican cities and Maya Civilization. According to native spirituality, the hands of the statue hold a vessel, disk, or plate on the stomach where offerings may have been placed or human sacrifices are carried out. Pederson incorporated this to signify death, change, and transformation, and placed multiple images of himself in place of sacrifices. “The one at the centre is the spirit,” Andrews explained, “the old person dies in order to bring about change.” Symbols and images fill his canvas, each carrying specific meanings. The Mathematics symbol that represented who he is now as a student; the belt showing that he is an Aztec dancer, a kind of ethnic dancing mainly found in Mexico; the canoe symbolizing travel as in native writings; the Egyptian symbols arguing that Indians are not limited to their own traditions and ideologies. All of these combined

to form a representation of native identity from the artist’s perspective. “There is unity among all kinds of people and we are all equal,” Pederson believes, “this [the artwork] is a universal outlook of the world.” Across the atrium was a piece featuring a young lady standing in a busy intersection in Toronto. A singer, business owner, and a clothing designer, Rosary Spence was not intimidated to stand in front of the people. However, placing herself in front of a camera was still a new and thought-provoking adventure for her. “Being in front of the camera really put me in a state of prophecy. I have to think through what I am doing, and what message I am communicating,” Spence explained as the audience turned to her work, Money Cannot be Eaten, which prophesized against human developments that harmed the environment. For others, like Tristan Kyle Martell, just being around his peers created “positive energy.” “We are honouring our Creator by expressing ourselves as who we are,” Martell said. The rest of the artists resonated. Breaking from stereotypes of Aboriginal people, the evening ended without the presence of drugs, abuse, or death. What filled the air were appreciations of the Indigenous culture, and the unity of the people in front of, as well as behind the scene. “These young artists present a positive image of native people. They are role models in people’s eyes now.” Photographer Bernard Creoux was pleased, “The community benefits from the acknowledgement from the public eye.”



MAC Bread Bin is back with another recipe! The Bread Bin will be publishing weekly recipes in the Sil to encourage students to put more thought into their meals. We have different themes each week to reach a wider range of student interests. Check out our website for our schedule of themes. This week, we’re going vegan! McMaster prides itself on its diversity, which is evident from the various food options available on campus. From halal and kosher sandwiches in the Student Centre, to an entirely vegetarian café in Bridges, students have the opportunity to satisfy their dietary needs without compromising their beliefs or values. We, at Bread Bin, fully support this initiative, and proudly present this meatless twist on a classic comfort food. Vegan Shepherd’s Pie Ingredients  120g of green or brown lentils  1 vegetable stock cube  3 large sweet potatoes  1 onion (chopped)  1 tbsp olive oil  ½ green pepper (chopped)  2-3 large cloves fresh garlic (chopped)  2 tsp curry powder (optional) Shepherd’s Pie with a meatless twist.  4-5 button mushrooms  ½ cup tomato puree Recipe 1. In a saucepan, cover lentils well with hot water, add vegetable stock cube, and simmer for 20-30 minutes until soft. 2. Peel and dice potatoes and cook (steam/microwave/boil) until soft. Mash and set aside. 3. In a saucepan, heat oil and add chopped garlic and onion for a couple minutes. Add peppers, mushrooms and curry powder. 4. Add tomato puree and simmer for a further 5 minutes. Add water if needed. 5. Add lentils to the mix. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 6. Assemble in a large oven-proof dish. Place the onion/mushroom/lentil mix first, then top with the mashed potatoes. Bake in 400°F oven for 30-40 minutes. • Angel Lai, Bread Bin Co-Director

Sudoku 6

1 7


6 8 2 1 3

Answers from last week:

5 2



4 1 8


9 6

8 3





1 9

2 3

7 4 9




9 8 1

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4 9 6

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5 1 7 9 8 3

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9 3 1

2 6 9 1 7 5 3 4 2 9 8 7 1 5 4 7 4 5 8 3 6 9 2 7 1 3 1 8 6 5 4 2 7 3 8 1 8 6 9 2 9 5 3 4 6

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4 8 9

2 3 1 5 7 6

8 5 3 4 6 7 8 1 3 6 9 2 2 1 6 9 4 8 5 3 9 4 2 7 5 9 1 6 7 3 4 5 1 2 7 8

Readings with Unity for the week ahead Unity is an Angel Clairvoyant and Vibrational Energy Practitioner. To find out more, you can visit her site at

Aries (March 20-April 20)

Affirmation: I AM Ready To Lead. This week, you are being called to step into a leadership role where your wise counsel will be vital. Remember to stay centered as you help others, seeking a peaceful resolution for all parties. Your guidance will be well received.

Taurus (April 20-May 21)

Affirmation: I AM Vibrant.

Follow the fire within and you can’t go wrong right now! You are being clearly led and can trust your impulses, especially in matters of love and finances. The treasure you have received is worth its weight in gold.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Affirmation: I AM Clear.

Practice crystal clear intentions with your goals this week and you will see the fruits of your labours sooner than expected. Notice your extra sensitivity right now and use it to help guide and direct you as important decisions are being made. A brilliant idea is about to arrive.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Affirmation: I AM Nurturing.

You will be called on to assist a special person soon. Be sure you help them with an open and clear mind as they’ll be especially sensitive with the issue at hand. Also, be sure to lookout for an important message arriving soon.

Leo (July 22-August 23) Affirmation: I AM Nature.

It’s time to dust yourself off and get back out there! Your arrival is long overdue and will be received with open arms. You’re about to rediscover your inner beauty and find a great burden removed from your shoulders.

Virgo (August 23 September 23)

Affirmation: I AM Releasing.

As you learn to release your fears and insecurities you’ll notice a dramatic improvement in the relationships in your life. As you let go of your old ways, you’ll notice that you’ve made room for new blessings to take shape. When they unfold, an important friend will be in touch.

Libra (September 23-October 23) Affirmation: I AM Love.

Relationships have been a bit fiery lately but that’s about to change for the better. You’ll feel a sense of inner peace arriving by the end of the week as past conflicts naturally begin to resolve themselves. Help is on the way.

Scorpio (October 23 November 22)

Affirmation: I AM Possibility.

Do not forget who you are and what you came here to do. Evaluate your life purpose this week and reflect on how you are heading towards those goals. Ask yourself, “Am I achieving a healthy, balanced lifestyle?” What changes are necessary now?

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Affirmation: I AM Flexible.

Compassion is about to make all the difference. A trying situation will test your temperament but you will succeed with flying colours. As you think with your heart, instead of your head, you’ll find yourself thinking in a new direction.

Capricorn (December 21-January 20)

Affirmation: I AM Prosperous.

Open your arms to receive the gifts you are about to discover. A bounty of gold is just around the corner. As you receive, be sure to share with others and give back gratitude for this happy surprise.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) Affirmation: I AM Clear-Minded.

Balance is everything this week. Measure each day by this directive and you will not be let down. Understand that the door that was closed is about to be re-opened as soon as you are truly ready.

Pisces (February-18 March 20)

Affirmation: I AM Listening.

Honour your feelings and let inner peace be your guide. Pay close attention to your thoughts and emotions. Now is a time to take heed of what you are allowing in and sending out. An important opportunity is about to arrive.

Come write for InsideOut! Contact us at:




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in partnership with SHEC

Say “Swine Flu” instead of “Bless You” As flu season approaches, remember to protect other’s and yourself


There are two words on the lips of university administrators as we head into the winter semester: swine flu. The H1N1 virus that causes swine flu contains parts of the avian, swine and human influenza virus. The virus was first identified in Mexico in March 2009 and since then there have been numerous cases reported in Ontario. Swine flu is transmitted through the respiratory particles of an infected individual or by touching surfaces contaminated with infectious secretions and then touching your mouth or nose. As the McMaster lecture halls and residences fill up, the risk of widespread transmission and infection increases. There are a number of measures you can take to protect yourself from infection and limit the spread of flu. Maintaining proper hygiene is the best preventative method. Wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap, or use some form of hand sanitizer if hand washing is not an option. Try not to touch your face, stay clear of sick individuals, and cough or sneeze into your elbow, instead of your hands. Swine flu can be identified via the following symptoms: fever,

cough, sore throat, headache, muscle pains, chills and fatigue. If you have the flu, you are contagious in the period starting 24 hours before your symptoms appears until 24 hours after your fever resolves. During this period it is advisable that you stay at home. The best ways to recover are to rest, drink lots of fluids, and consider over the counter drugs to control your fever. Most people infected with the H1N1 virus have recovered within a week by resting at home. However, serious complications can arise. Uptodate, a US-based physician generated database of the latest medical information, advises that a person seek medical assistance if they develop any of the following more serious symptoms: “shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, blue or purple discoloration of the lips, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, signs of dehydration, such as dizziness when standing or not passing urine, confusion or unresponsiveness, seizures or convulsions, severe vomiting or the inability to keep fluids down”. If you have any of these severe symptoms contact a health authority. Amidst the furor about the potential flu outbreak this winter, Canada has contracted GlaxoSmithKline, a pharmaceutical company, to produce 50 million

doses of vaccine to provide for all Canadians who wish to be vaccinated. There is some dispute over the vaccine. While the United States and most European countries will offer a vaccine to high-risk groups like children and pregnant women in October, Canada is not prepared to have any vaccine available until mid-November. Canada has chosen to use an adjuvant vaccine, which boosts the immune system’s response to a vaccine, so individuals require smaller doses. Most other countries have opted for a vaccine without adjuvants and these vaccines will meet regulatory requirements sooner. The time-lag in producing the vaccine has been criticized as the spread of the virus seems unpredictable and wide-spread illness could hit the country before November. When approved, the vaccine will be available widely, so stay informed about when you can access the vaccination on-campus. As swine flu season approaches, remember appropriate hygiene and cough etiquette, stay at home if you are ill, and stay informed about the H1N1 virus and vaccine so that you can make educated decisions about how to best protect yourself from flu this winter.


Sneezing into your arm is one of the many ways to prevent the spread of H1N1.

MSU to cover the rise in cost of the pill Those who purchase the pill won’t see any changes from last year STEPHANIE O’NEILL THE SILHOUETTE

Retail prices for birth control pills are often around $50, a significant monthly expensive for those operating on a student budget. In May 2009, a notification appeared on the Campus Health Centre’s (CHC) website explaining that the CHC would no longer be selling oral contraceptives to students at a discounted price. After some student concern, talk of a potential petition

during the summer months and several meetings held at the end of August between the MSU and the CHC, a short-term solution has been reached: the MSU has agreed to pay 6% of the $100,000 needed to fund birth control pills until April 2010. Campus Health has given reasons for wanting to make the decision to cut one of their core services. Pharmaceutical companies have allegedly raised their prices, making it more difficult for the CHC to provide the same discounts

as they have previously. Compensation for doctors at the health centre, whose patients are not on a roster, has also become an issue since there have been insufficient oral contraceptive sales. Finally, the CHC does not stock all brands of pills, so doctors have apparently become uncomfortable selling discounted drugs to women who are unwilling to pay for the more expensive ones that are prescribed to them. All students pay a mandatory $52.19 in ancillary


Buying oral contraceptives at pharmacies can become costly if purchased at retail prices.

fees that go toward running the would like to further discuss what CHC. This money is spent on should be covered by student health health and wellness costs, rent insurance and what Student Affairs and doctor compensation. Campus should cover. For the 2009-2010 Health has long provided students with essential services such as a academic year, the MSU is not subsidizing oral walk-in clinic, contraceptives health awareness but has agreed to campaigns and If students alone aid with funding. discounted oral Until a long-term contraceptives. were to cover While the oral contraceptives solution has been reached, students CHC holds the view with their health can feel at ease that undergraduate with the knowledge health insurance plans, health that they will be should cover birth insurance would able to continue control pills, many students and the have to increase by to get their oral contraceptives at MSU argue that $40 per student. the Campus Health providing oral Centre, at the usual contraceptives at a discounted rate is an indispensible discounted rate, until April 2010. Two groups of pills will service and should remain the be stocked, the first comprising responsibility of the CHC. Students currently pay Triquilar, Tri-Cyclen Lo, Demulen, $45 for health insurance. The Alesse and the Evra patch, all of McMaster student health insurance which will be available for $10 to plan currently covers the cost $12, depending on the number of pill of 80% of the most common packs purchased simultaneously. Linessa, Marvelon and the prescription medication, accident expenses and some vision care, Nuva Ring will also be available for but does not cover, for example, $15 to $17. Students can refill their preventative medication, vaccines orders electronically for pick-up on the following day. The emergency and contraceptives. The total cost of including contraceptive pill is also available birth control pills under student at the Campus Health Centre. Free health insurance is $100, 000. If condoms are also available at the students alone were to cover oral Student Health Education Centre contraceptives with their health (SHEC), as well as free vaginal plans, health insurance would have contraceptive film, pregnancy tests, to increase by $40 per student. health information and confidential Both Campus Health and the MSU peer health support.

taking woodstock • casket cases district 9 • boys who say no • it’s a wonderful lie • VMAs • kanye west



C2 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine

thursday, september 17, 2009

Senior Editor: Grace Evans Entertainment Editor: Myles Herod Music Editor: Corrigan Hammond Contributors: Harrison Cruikshank, Ayda Askari, Julie Compton, Dalia Appolloni, Chris Hoy, Michael Clemens, Catherine Brasch

Cover: Jeff Green

this week

what’s inside

in the hammer


Taking Woodstock: “Ang Lee’s new film Taking Woodstock vicariously flaunts its romantic ambitions of the late 60’s with an ode to the decade’s most coveted gathering. Interestingly enough, Lee approaches the material without showing a single performer on-stage.”

District 9: “Costing a mere 30 million dollars, District 9 embarrassingly demonstrates the effectiveness of storytelling, trumping the shallow maskings of big budgets and CGI of countless Hollywood pictures.”



theatre Casket Cases: “I know someone who actually works in a funeral home and this is stuff that they know has happened. But that said, a lot of it is fiction counter balanced with non-fiction.”

Thunderheist Rokbar 10:00 p.m. Default Rokbar 9:00 p.m. Supernova Battle of the Bands Absinthe 9:00 p.m. Japandroids Casbah 8:00 p.m. Blind Witness Casbah 6:30 p.m. Diableros Absinthe 9:00 p.m. Marianna Trench Rokbar 9:00 p.m.

there once was a man from nantucket...


write for andy. musc b110.

oct. 10 oct. 10 apr. 9

Marble Index Absinthe 8:00 p.m.

art Hamilton 365 Art Gallery of Hamilton 123 King St., Hamilton 905-577-6610 info@artgalleryofhamilton. com



By Divine Right Casbah 8:00 p.m.

Two Hours Traffic Casbah 8:00 p.m.

theatre sept. 5-oct.10


sept. 30 sept. 29 sept. 25 sept. 24 sept. 23 sept. 20


oct. 3

It’s a Wonderful Lie: 20 Truths about Life in Your Twenties “People in their twenties are faced with more pressure than ever before, entering a competitive job market and dealing with a rotten economy and high expectations.

Westdale Theatre Inglourious Basterds Wed, Sun, Tue 8:00 p.m. Sat 6:45, 9:30

Skulls Casbah 10:00 p.m.

The Diary of Ann Frank By Stuart Ross Theatre Aquarius 190 King William St. 1-800-465-7529

write for andy please meetings are mondays @ 1:30 MUSC b110

andy’s pick now




The Informant Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Jennifer’s Body Love Happens

sept. 17


oct. 6

Boys Who Say No: “Boys Who Say No have been playing together in various incarnations since middle school, with most members having attended the Etobicoke School of the Arts.”

old episodes of felicity. two people doing a three person job. rolo ice cream. entourage. the union market for still being a friend!


thursday, september 17, 2009

f.u.b.a.r. editorial column corrigan hammond

Last winter when he announced the dates for this year’s mammoth forty-four date world tour, U2 singer Bono speculated to Rolling Stone about just what sets his band apart from the “seventies dinosaur bands”— notorious acts like Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones who used to roam the land, filling coliseums, hotel rooms and living lives of debauched excess. Bono’s conclusion was that U2 just really love what they’re doing. Of course as any rock-androll fan knows, those old stadium giants hated every moment of their old decadent lives on the road. That’s why Keith Richards has sworn off drugs—well, just the soft stuff anyway. And Mick Jagger recently gave up women — except for the really pretty ones. It might even explain the tentative title of Jimmy Page’s new upcoming autobiography: Why I Regret Everything (just kidding). Sex, drugs

and rock-and-roll be damned, those guys were just in it for the money. U2 is different. This merry little Irish quartet wouldn’t dream of doing anything just for

the money. Their music isn’t about ego or excess or glamour either. Rather, when U2 tour the world it’s all about ninety thousand people coming together night after night, continent after continent to celebrate the joy of music and to learn how to become better, more ethical people — people just like Bono. Which is why Bono announced last year that his biggest prayer that “we become better [at] looking after our planet” makes so much sense — I mean, personally I can’t think of a better way to set an example of proper stewardship for this planet than to launch the most environmentally unfriendly rockand-roll tour in the genre’s sixty year history. Their current tour is one of the colossal breed, filled with the types of Spinaltap-esque decadences that would make Bono’s loathed “seventies dinosaur bands” giddy


with envy. But maybe I’m a cynic. Perhaps I’m being too hard on the band. They did backtrack and promise to buy carbon offsets only a few days after the British and Irish presses began to howl that their current world tour would use the equivalent amount of fossil fuels necessary to send the band to Mars and back — the red planet being only slightly further from U2’s hometown of Belfast, than just about any point on Earth. Still, you have to feel at least a little sorry for the guys in the band, since, as The Edge pointed out to The Guardian this summer, try as they might, the four of them just couldn’t think of an economically effective alternative to travelling across the world with ninety transport trucks in tow— which is a common problem for any band attempting to transport three stages, a giant claw and a complete spaceship from town to town. Although The Edge refused to elaborate on whether or not he and Bono were making the band’s drummer and bassist share their own stage in an effort to preserve U2’s credibility as environmental activists, I suspect that a band of their stature has already considered the possibility of touring with fewer stages. Even as they ravage the

the big tickle compiled by terry shan &

“raised on U2. his music has meaning.”

claire wolfe

the silhouette’s art + culture magazine • C3 very planet they call on their fans to preserve, it might be worth thinking of the way U2 are different from their peers. They aren’t like the Police — who famously used to celebrate a successful gig in their private jet, literally sipping champagne and eating caviar while, again literally, roving bands of accountants sifted through sacks of cash before them and kept scorecards of the night’s earnings. U2 travel in private jets. Plural. They have a fleet. And Bono doesn’t need to travel with accountants — instead he prefers the company of Wall Street investment brokers and financiers whom he can keep in contact with either via his Blackberry (it is the “Blackberry U2: No Line On The Horizon World Tour” after all) or his Palm Mobile Smart Phone (since he owns the company). He isn’t a recluse rock star either, like Neil Young or Axl Rose, who emerge to curse out media outlets who take aim at them or their entourages. Rather, Bono figured out that the best way to prevent the press from mocking you and your pals is to buy up ultra conservative publications, like Forbes magazine. Indeed, the biggest difference between Bono and his peers isn’t that he’s more ethical than they are, but rather, that he’s

less ethical. For all the snickers that the likes of Gene Simmons receive for his unscrupulous business practices, no one would ever expect him to own a principle stock in a company that, in partnership with the Pentagon, commissions the type of ultra violent video games that get banned in South America like Bono does. Unlike all the other rock stars that Bono publicly loathes for getting off on cocaine and groupies, he gets his jollies from hobnobbing with the rich and being deferred to by the powerful. Too bad they don’t make a detox mansion for that.

q: what do you think of U2 frontman bono?

lauren jewett

“U2 fan, but ever since pop been less impressed.”

mark vanderpol

“he’s a good guy. does a lot of charity work.”

peter santos

“he is a positive influence on our generation.”

erin keene

“only know him through his chairty work.”

charlotte blakeman

C4 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine


thursday, september 17, 2009

far out man

myles herod takes a journey into the cinematic world of taking woodstock Taking Woodstock Starring: Demetri Martin, Imelda Stauton and Liev Schrieber Directed by: Ang Lee

HHHH While not so much about the music, Taking Woodstock charms through the people. The Hippie culture was something that could never last. It was too pure, too specific. The flower-stemmed stranglehold of its influence in no way enticed evil or arrogant pride— quite the contrary, it was simply beautiful. The memories of its existence are remembered with the utmost conviction, like a first kiss or a wonderful dream. As Jim Morrison once stated, “From a historical vantage point I’m sure it will look incredibly romantic. Like what happened at the end of the plague in Europe that decimated half the population. People danced, they wore colorful clothing. It was kind

of an incredible springtime.” Ang Lee’s new film Taking Woodstock vicariously flaunts its romantic ambitions of the late 60’s with an ode to the decade’s most coveted gathering. Interestingly enough, Lee approaches the material without showing a single performer on-stage. A tactic that might seem blasphemous on paper, he miraculously accomplishes the recreation of atmosphere from scratch, lending way to beautiful clarity of so many souls in one surrounding. Demetri Martin, making his cinematic début, portrays Eli Timber, a floundering artist who served as middleman to the legendary event. A young man of his mid 20’s, Eli solemnly upholds his parents’ archaic motel venture in the Catskills of upstate New York. The son of Russian immigrants, he looks after everything as they have lost all faith in their prospects. Eli keeps busy. Fueling an artistic need, he lends his parents

barn to the Earth Light Players, a theatrical troupe of free sprits that recreate Shakespeare to the visualization of disrobing whenever seems fit. Their unflinching nudity and carefree whimsy feels strangely appropriate. When he’s not dealing with them, he also heads the town chamber of commerce, where weekly meetings have a turn out of 10. Life of rural existence is mundane, but that all changes when Eli picks up the paper one morning and it appears a music festival has been rejected a few townships over. He realizes the potential. Putting in a few phone calls, he unknowingly sets in motion the transformation of his small farm town to a Mecca of the counterculture. Ang Lee, the Taiwanese director of such American pictures as The Hulk (2003) and Brokeback Mountain changes gears effortlessly again. Nowhere near the emotional fatigue that came with Brokeback Mountain, Taking Woodstock is a light and big-hearted love letter. Set

against Michael Wadleigh’s 1970 documentary, Lee’s vision excels not only as a companion piece but also as a coming-of-age story. A closeted homosexual, Eli gradually learns to accept himself through the people and events of the three-day concert. Wandering aimlessly through the festival, Eli is met by two hippies, Paul Dano and Kelli Garner. Their scene together highlights a surreal mind trip as they drop acid, hallucinate and stand atop the hill, observing the tiny microcosm of people below. A truly beautiful scene. Yet it’s Imelda Staunton as Eli’s mother, and Liev Schreiber as the transgendered body guard Vilma that are the films two standout performances. Schreiber’s muscular physique is downplayed in return for a fully realized, openly gay character that can relate to Eli’s closeted lifestyle. Schreiber strikes just the right balance. Imelda Staunton’s motherly portrayal is likewise remarkable. Her character

contrasts the light tone of the film, since, as a vented up old women who holds many secrets, she brings a distinct depth to the narrative. In 2003, my high school friends and I trekked from Yorkdale mall to Downsview Park on the morning of July 30th. In the midst of a sweltering summer the SARS virus alienated many from Toronto and the surrounding GTA. Yet, in plight of the situation, The Rolling Stones and others helped assemble the largest concert in Canadian history. Why you ask, am I describing the events of a concert that took place more than 6 years ago? Because statistically the Toronto SARS concert attracted just as many individuals as Woodstock. From a field in North Toronto, to an event that brought 500 thousand individuals together, I witnessed something very few have seen. I believed in Ang Lee’s vision of Woodstock and the strength of so many people. I lived it. •Myles Herod

thursday, september 17, 2009


the silhouette’s art + culture magazine • C5

girls who say yes to boys who say no toronto band steadily on the rise in canadian music scene

While they have explicitly stated in interview that they are not a political band by any means, it is Joan Baez’s anti-draft catch phrase that this up and coming Toronto native band takes its name. Boys Who Say No often receive buzz for the accomplishments of its members outside of a musical setting, such as starring as Jay Hogart on DeGrassi: TNG, but even without this bonus publicity it’s clear to see from their EP why this band is steadily gaining hype in the Canadian music scene. The influences of individual members of Boys Who Say No are quite diverse, ranging from lyrical country to Goldfrapp and NIN, but a love of song writing and jamming together keeps the band grounded. In fact, Boys Who Say No have been playing together in various incarnations since middle school, with most members having attended the Etobicoke School of the Arts. The current line up was solidified in 2008, primarily thanks to the efforts of lead singer and guitarist Luke Correia-Damude., who has an impressive resume outside of Boys Who Say No. After attending the Etobicoke School of the Arts, Luke went on to study film at Ryerson. His thesis film, Every Day is Music, even earned Luke both the “William F. White Equipment Grant” and the “Kodak Film Stock Grant.” Correia-Damude is also the founder of the Whippersnapper Gallery in Toronto, a place that often holds shows for artists who have not yet established themselves in the gallery scene and often have trouble displaying their work. Luke also starred on the reality show Superstar Chef. He and his friends have since even opened their own squat restaurant, a popular trend in Europe where people pay a nominal fee to eat whatever is being cooked with whoever is there. Despite his résumé, Luke is quite humble in real life, and is seemingly surprised that anyone other than his friends and family might know any of his accomplishments. The other band members boast equally impressive résumés, but it is their combined efforts that lead to such an ear drawing EP. Boys Who Say No add an indie-pop flare to a hard alt-country sound with their self-titled release.

This essentially amounts to songs ranging from slow, banjo heavy ballads (which perhaps don’t always work), to high energy, ukulele lead pop songs (which are more than successful). Combine this sound with sassy narrative lyrics sprinkled with half-cliché metaphors, “it’s a shame, that the kids these days they watch too much TV/ it’s a shame, and in keeping up I’ve lost my will to read,” and you have a record that, even at its lowest points, is suitable background music and, at its high points, is perhaps the most fun you can have with a pair of headphones. (EP Gets 4/5 Stars) Live music aficionados fear not, because Boys Who Say No are also well recognized as an excellent live act. They’ve shared the stage in the past with such names as Cut Off Your Hands, Chad VanGaalen, Two Hours Traffic, FemBots, and Bry Webb of the Constantines. I have had the luck to see them perform twice, once here in Hamilton with Great Bloomers, Texas Gold and The Italics and once, perhaps more notably, at The Lovely Feathers CD Release Party with The Ghost is Dancing. At both shows, fuelled by both an invigorating stage presence and high levels of energy, they delivered an absolutely exhilarating show. The highlight for most members of the audience often appears to be a song that does not appear on the current EP, dubbed Mix Tap. The incredibly energetic and catchy lyric piece, “Morgan Says He’s A-Okay”, is a song about their heavily tattooed grade 10 math teacher, that consistently leaves the crowd shouting for more. But, this song is not the limit of their performance’s liveliness by a long shot. It should be mentioned that at the CD release party of The Lovely Feathers, a band known for their gratuitously hyper performances, Boys Who Say No produced energy which competed and arguably at times exceeded that of the headlining act. The current 6 song EP is available on iTunes, and Boys Who Say No are currently in the studio working on a full album. They will be performing at the Horseshoe Tavern for Cuff The Duke’s in October. •Harrison Cruikshank


C6 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine

paging mr. west corrigan hammond tells us why kanye west needs to go back to school Is Kanye West washed up, past his prime? Is the rap superstar who once mused “can I get a decent job and a minimum wage,” who declared, amid the trauma of Hurricane Katrina, that George W. Bush “hates black people” even still relevant? His first two albums might be among the most important recordings, not just in hip-hop but of any genre in the last ten or even fifteen years. Yet after much acclaim he followed up with a couple lacklustre discs that are at best self-indulgent and at worst, straight up disappointments. Then this past week, his trademark Kanye-ego, never a particularly tame beast, came out like a monster on live television. The strangest thing about his latest outburst at the MVA’s though, is that the whole debacle was so benign. The fact that Beyoncé, herself a singer whose career is, if not past its prime, undergoing a substantial transformation, lost an award to a new artist whose work in the past three years has helped repositioned the audience for an entire genre of music isn’t surprising. Indeed, in the same way that Kanye raps about how he cooked, cut, measured and sold, “crack music” to middleclass white households, Taylor Swift’s career has sold “cracker music” to the masses and reinvigorated her own genre of music in a way that hasn’t been done since Billy Ray Cyrus broke into the mainstream with “Achy Breaky Heart.” Despite Kanye’s assertions to the contrary, Beyoncé missing a single award wasn’t a significant moment in either music history or her own career. Someone as culturally

savvy as himself should have recognized before marching on stage to rudely interrupt Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech that critics and the music industry have dismissed substantial moments that musicologists now gush about. It was after all within my life time that critics wrote off what is now considered to be not only the greatest hip-hop album of all time, Public Enemy’s It Takes A Nation of Millions To Hold Us Back, as mere noise. And there are plenty of other examples. I don’t even think I need to mention the adjective that some “critics” affixed to Louis Armstrong’s music, or Chuck Berry’s or James Brown’s. This academic institution that we attend now teaches undergrads the works of these performers, not only as some of the best music of the twentieth century, but in fact, as being an essential component in a wellrounded university degree. More important than the way Kanye West thinks about his music, is the way that he views himself. More than a mere performer, he sees himself to be an important cultural commentator tasked with giving voice to the ongoing struggle of the African-American male. Maybe he is an important cultural commentator. Certainly he’s memorized the talking points— which might be why he has accrued such a substantial middle class, white audience. Yet, the difference between Kanye West and his heroes is that, while they spoke out about systemic inequalities, they also set about showing their communities how to right those same wrongs. It’s unfortunate that someone so racially aware and articulate missed that crucial

thursday, september 17, 2009 • C7

music and drama ayda askan gives you all the info on this year’s vma awards

lesson of the civil rights movement while his hip-hop peers have learned to act upon it. This past Labour Day, fellow rapper Ludacris received very positive press by giving away cars to poor inner city families. Similar charity drives have been a staple of hiphop and R&B music for decades. At various times throughout the year icons like Jay Z, T.I. and even Snoop Dog can be found presiding over low-key, low-press projects that aim to give back to the same communities that have given them so much support. Although some cynics speculate about their intentions as they hand out turkeys at Christmas or put up houses in underprivileged neighbourhoods during August, their actions say more about struggle, adversity and how to overcome inequality than Kanye’s now routine outbursts. If he wants to truly redeem himself, perhaps he should have his publicist snap some photos of him putting the keys to a shiny new hybrid in the hands of a poor, working-class Chicago family. In twenty years people might remember that, unlike the winners of the 2009 MVA’s. •Corrigan Hammond

For all the music and celeb gurus, there are the MTV Video Music Awards. An annual event featuring the classic red carpet and gem studded stars would seem no different, but as the TV industry would have it this year’s Video Awards seemed to mirror the dynamics of a bad soap opera. The night, like all others before it, was filled with special appearances from some of the most featured artists of the year — namely Pink, Lady GaGa, and Taylor Swift. But as much as the overdone performances and glittered up stars pumped up the show, neither performance nor award really got people talking until the category of Best Female Video Award was announced. Nominees for this awards included Lady Gaga (“Poker Face”), Beyoncé (“Single Ladies”), Katy Perry (“Hot N Cold”), Kelly Clarkson (“My Life Would Suck Without You”), Pink (“So What”), and Taylor Swift (“You Belong with Me”). But when the presenters walked on stage, delivered their anecdotes, and ripped open the award envelopes, the chaos within the hall was only seconds away from unleashing. As Taylor Swift, the recipient of the Best Female Video Award, walked on stage to accept her trophy and gaze out at the audience, the microphone was very rudely snatched away

from her by the rapper Kanye West. Kanye, who in an effort to deliver a protested view of the award results, uttered, “Yo, Taylor, I’m really happy for you, I’m going to let you finish, but, Beyoncé had one of the best videos of all time. One of the best of all time!” And with that, he took his leave. Such a display of character from the alleged multi platinum selling artist was no asset to the stereotype of ignorant, pampered TV stars. But as much as the ethical issue troubled audiences and viewers abroad, the controversy soon boiled down when Beyoncé, recipient of the Video of the Year Award, gave her moment of stage presence to the robbed Taylor Swift. The entire VMA fiasco if described in a single word should be deemed childish. It seems as though celebrities should be given rights of passage on every issue even to the point where they should get a first hand approval of who is to win! The whole event and ideal circulating behind it is also rather tragic. Thinking of all the audience members and TV viewers who tuned in to Sunday night’s awards ceremony only to see Kanye West demean himself in front of millions and millions of fans, is nothing short of foolish. And while Kanye issued an apology to Taylor a mere few hours after the awards, the effort seemed all in all trivial. But hey, if anything at all, the whole event gives the media and everyone else something to talk about — well at least until the next VMAs. •Ayda Askari

the scorecard • Best Special Effects was awarded to Chimney Pot for Lady Gaga’s “Paparazzi”. • Best Editing was given to Jarrett Fijal for Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies”. • Best Direction was awarded to Marc Webb for Green Day’s “21 Guns”. • Best Cinematography was granted to Jonathan Sela for Green Day’s “21 Guns”. • Best Choreography was awarded to Jaquel Knight & Frank Gatson Jr. for Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies”. • Best Art Direction was presented to Jason Hamilton for Lady Gaga’s “Paparazzi”. • Best Rock Video was taken home by Green Day for “21 Guns”. • Breakthrough Video was given to Matt and Kim for “Lessons Learned”. • Best Hip-Hop Video was awarded to Eminem for “We made You”. • Best Male Video was granted to T.I feat. Rihanna for “Live Your Life”. • Best Female Video was given to Taylor Swift for “You Belong with Me”. • Best Pop Video was awarded to Britney Spears for “Womanizer”. • Best New Artist was taken home by Lady Gaga. Video of the Year was awarded to Beyoncé for “Single Ladies”. •Ayda Askari

C8 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine


thursday, september 17, 2009

it’s a wonderful lie

an anthology of female writers looks at the lives of anxious twenty-somethings In recent years, the idea of the quarter-life crisis has been circulating rapidly. People in their twenties are faced with more pressure than ever before, entering a competitive job market and dealing with a rotten economy and high expectations. It’s A Wonderful Lie: 20 Truths About Life In Your Twenties starts out by establishing this classification of young persons. According to the foreword by Alexandra Robbins: “It is more difficult to be twenty-something now than it was 40 years ago. We face the most competitive hiring pool in history, with increasing numbers of college graduates. Furthermore, the age at which older generations expect us to succeed is rapidly plummeting…we’re made to feel that if we haven’t achieved something monumental by age 25, then we’re already over the hill. Regarding marriage, we are heavily influenced by that legendary 50 per cent divorce rate. We do not want to make our parent’s mistakes. The truth is, we’re not averse to growing up; we simply want to grow up responsibly.” Edited by Emily Franklin, the anthology is divided by subject into ironically titled sections, or “lies.” For instance in the section titled “I’ll have an amazing apartment and love my job,” contributors rant about their disappointing living conditions and career woes. The other lies include: “I’ll have everything I need to live the life I’ve always wanted,” “I’ll know myself – and what I want,” “I’ll have satisfying relationships, great sex, and fabulous friends,” and “I’ll be where I’m supposed to be, doing what I’m meant to be doing.” Titles of essays include “My Letter to My Crappy One-Bedroom” and “I Can’t Have Sex with You.” The memoirs in this collection reflect real issues that these female writers have lived through in their twenties, and though I read the anthology over a year ago, I’ve found myself returning to certain “lies” for support. The memoirs read like a conversation with an older sister or a cool aunt who can shed some light on a situation from their own experience. The same anxieties that I feel about aspects of my life, from financial difficulties, relationship issues, school woes to job markets, are covered here. In “Lie: #1: I’ll have an amazing apartment and love my job,” Megan

McCafferty’s “An (Un)Literary Tour of my Twentysomething Mind” reveals journal entries she wrote at the age of 23: “I am alone in my apartment. And I am also drunk. I finished off a bottle of white zinfandel, using a glass that has no matt because I dropped it on the kitchen linoleum months ago. It’s MY glass and I drink from it when I AM ALONE.” The memoir discusses her uncertainties from 1996 to 1999, through her process of finishing school and looking for, and then keeping a job as well as writing a book. I think this book will be especially appealing for students in their final undergrad years, faced with graduation and the monumental decisions approaching them such as grad school and living arrangements or the most terrifying – entering the workforce and becoming a full-fledged adult. This is echoed in McCafferty’s sentiment: “I just wish I had a syllabus to follow for my life.” In the section “Lie #2: I’ll have everything I need to live the life I’ve always wanted,” Cara Lockwood’s memoir “Breaking up (with MasterCard) Is Hard to Do” discusses her partially self-induced financial difficulties. She writes “It got to the point that the stress of looking at a credit card bill required me to have a glass of wine when I opened it.” Lockwood recounts how many of her anxieties were quelled through the use of her credit card, furnishing her apartment, paying late fees or buying groceries. She knew it was “destructive, but it was a temporary fix,” that someday she would make enough money to pay off her debt and support herself. It was a perfect, dysfunctional relationship: “MasterCard never failed me, and all he asked in return was a monthly minimum payment.” The essay relates how Lockwood learned to buy generic brands, make a budget, eat dinner at home and skip concerts to save money. She writes “I realized for years, MasterCard had shielded me from the ugly reality of life: being poor sucks.” The collection includes familiar writers and transitions beautifully from each anxiety-ridden issue that is commonly faced by the younger generation of today. Recommended for any female twentysomething feeling the pressures of the quarter-life crisis in any capacity. •Grace Evans

thursday, september 17, 2009

under the radar zine beat

off the web rate your music Tired of the elitist mentality of music journalism nowadays? Well, look no further than RateYourMusic. com, a web community dedicated to the preservation of grass roots criticism, reviews written by people for people. [editors note: please don’t put Andy out of business!] With a vast catalogue covering artist’s history, album discography and track listings, ratings are assigned by votes, distinguishing from 1 to 5 an album’s given perception by fans or haters. What I like most about this website is its comprehensive best and worst album list of any given year, starting as far back as the 50’s. A great tool for researching the latest acts or discovering hidden gems and past favorites. •Myles Herod sexy people For those of you who are embracing the throwback to the 1980s and 1990s with zeal and pleather, take this site as a caveat of the possible consequences. Behold the resurgence of perms, matching Christmas sweaters, and glamour shots with the family pet. The best posts are by far those that cover a timeline: watch little Johnny go from 1973 to 1983 in his school photos. The dates are hardly necessary, seeing as his glasses are exceptionally trendy each year. •Julie Compton

the silhouette’s art + culture magazine • C9

The Sun Shines on it Twice #3 Travel zine, Issue 3, October 2004. Claire Heslop,

scanwiches Supposedly the Internet is something, like, one-third porn websites. Another third is probably devoted to food porn. Scanwiches: bisected sandwiches, with their insides exposed for the entire world to see, placed on a scanner, and uploaded to the web. These will definitely prompt creativity in your lunchtime meals - ranging from scans of the classic PB&J to braised beef with shredded carrot, cucumber, and cilantro on a toasted baguette. •Julie Compton human clock Following the prior note about porn, please ensure that you properly type this URL in; leaving out the “L” gives a significantly different site. Human Clock consists of photographs people have sent in from around the world, each depicting one of the 1,440 minutes that exist in a day. The site automatically refreshes, quickly shifting from “3:38” in breakfast leftovers to “3:39” scrawled on a baby’s forehead. •Julie Compton we feel fine An “exploration of human emotion on a global scale,” We Feel Fine plucks phrases that include “I feel” or “I am feeling” from an array of blogs and compiles them in several different visual representations, the default being a nebula of thousands of multicoloured dots. After clicking on a particle, the dot unfolds into the phrase from which that emotion was captured. Using different filters such as age, location, or gender, it is possible to compare feelings across a variety of demographics and with quirky styles; a graphic “montage” or the more mathematical “mounds”. •Julie Compton

Being fairly new to the whole zine scene I thought it would probably be a good idea to pick up one with a strong theme. Clare Hesop’s The Sun Shines on it Twice is a travel zine series that consists of a lot of poetry excerpts that I found pretty overwhelming when I first looked at them. The writing jumps between several emotions and thoughts, but I think that’s the point. Heslop discusses concepts such as belonging and comforts, which are often common thoughts when traveling. The zine also comments on the disconnects that two people can experience between one another, playing on the notion that “distance” can exist as both physical and emotional. Spaced throughout the different sections of writing are pictures from Clare’s August 2004 travels, including both architectural scenes and personal photos, along with sections of city maps. In the centre-fold she even has a pullout page of labeled coloured photos, which I thought was a cool addition. In another section she shares her own drawn map that follows the route of her travels starting in Rome, Italy and ending in Istanbul, Turkey. These different creative ideas are a great contribution to the overall look of the zine, especially since most of her written entries are fairly long. This zine successfully gives the reader insight into a personal travel experience and definitely left me wanting to go somewhere myself! •Dalia Appolloni

Rigor Mortis Horror zine, Issue 1, January 2009, Davida Gypsy Breier, PO Box 11064, Baltimore, MD 21212, rigormortis, $4 Rigor Mortis is a horror zine that features zombies. There is a thoughtful introduction outlining the advantages of a zombie fanzine discussion of horror on paper versus on the internet: “To read in postings that some people actually think recent films such as 28 Days Later or the remake of Dawn of the Dead are pinnacles just makes us cringe.” The zine includes general horror/zombie knowledge and reviews. The first review is of a 1988 film Flesh Eater, which simultaneously criticizes and celebrates the film in an it’s-so-bad-it’sgood way, concluding the review with a wholehearted “This is classic trash!” Rigor Mortis includes numerous book reviews, a comic profile on Tom Savini – “Master of Gore,” a few graphic novel reviews, the top ten zombie graphic novels, and the top ten zombie moments of 2008. The reviews are lengthy, detailed and from a knowledgeable, critical perspective. Overall this zine is thoughtfully made, and while the wordiness and informed perspective the makers are coming from might be a little overwhelming for those new to horror fanculture, this is a good introductory guide for fans of horror. •Grace Evans

C10 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine


thursday, september 17, 2009

alien nation

expertly crafted, this new sci-picture is more human than you think

District 9 Starring: Sharlto Copley Directed by: Neil Blomkamp 4.5 out of 5

HHHHH The summer films of 2009 were strictly eye candy. Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen and G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra not only lowered the IQ’s of many susceptible teenagers, but also lead the pack of over-bloated productions that cost upwards of 200 million dollars. Am I the only one who thinks there should be a cap on the excess amount a film should cost? With so much trash for the consumption, District 9 initially seemed no better than the rest. Boasting slimy aliens, robot tech wars, and jittery cinematography, resemblances between Cloverfield and a Michael Bay production had audiences writing it off prior to release. Oh, how wrong we were. Like all great sci-fi pictures the film underlines themes

of social concern with thinly disguised, grandiose forefronts. District 9’s plot embellishes on the dystopic fantasies we have all had. What would life be like if we lived amongst aliens? And more so, “could we cope?” Centered in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa— aliens have come to earth, not as enemies but as confused, diseased transients. Discovered within a massive spacecraft that eerily sits in the sky, they are taken by authorities, named and placed an isolated community. Things get even worse. Living amongst themselves and a small minority of Nigerian drug dealers and prostitutes the aliens now dubbed “Prawns” are subjected to constant discrimination, mostly by the white majority. By now you can see the films intention. A parable on racial divide, the choice in location is no coincidence. Up until 1994, South Africa was under the system of apartheid— the legal

racial segregation enforced by the country’s government. The film strives for a greater meaning and forcefully obtains its results, throwing one into to the abysmal living conditions and dilapidated ghettos. There is a level of respect that should be given to the filmmaker for tackling such a bold subject within the same country of origin. Yet, at its most fundamental level, District 9 is a movie of that scares and thrills through its visual assault and cinematic structure. Wikus Van De Merwe, the films hero, is a gentle, albeit, meek office drone at the start. Thrown into a job beyond his limits he is assigned to field operative of MNU (MultiNational United), a privately run organization that deals with the Prawns and their living conditions. Going from shack to shack, Wikus naively conducts the procedure of assigning aliens new living quarters outside of “District 9.” The films turning point

comes when Wikus haphazardly takes possession of one of the prawn’s devices, unexpectedly spraying an oily substance at his face. As the day progresses, he slowly falls ill, first showing signs of nausea then strangely bleeding a black substance from his nose. When it turns out that he has unknowingly grown a Prawn arm, the film takes an unexpected shift in tone. Executive producer Peter Jackson and first time director Neil Blomkamp have taken elements from Ridely Scott’s Alien and David Cronenberg’s The Fly to develop not only a story of race but also isolation. Wikus’ physical mutation into a Prawn throws his life into a downward spiral. Confused and alienated, he is captured by the government for research only to escape back to secretive slums of District 9. There he befriends two Prawns, assisting in their voyage back to the mother ship that has hovered over the city for 20 years.

The film, shot as mocumentary, traces the history of the alien’s arrival with faux archival footage and interviews. While the film follows Wikus’ tribulations with a first person perceptive, there is also a third party watching— the news media. They constantly hypothesize and spin the events that transpire. For Blomkamp, it’s a brilliant move in terms of enriching the fictionalized world, engaging the manipulation of paranoia that the news media controls. Costing a mere 30 million dollars, District 9 embarrassingly demonstrates the effectiveness of storytelling, trumping the shallow maskings of big budgets and CGI of countless Hollywood pictures. Although the film’s finale may steer towards the clichéd, it nevertheless sustains a heighted believability that consistently flows, never faltering with a dull sequence. This is a thrilling action picture, one of the best this decade. •Myles Herod

thursday, september 17, 2009

classic review

in stereo

featured review

It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back, the album that is not only considered to be Public Enemy’s greatest work, but it is also often cited as being the most important hip-hop release of the past twenty-five years. It begins with a simple live sample taken from the bands now-infamous 1987 London Invasion Tour. That tour, amid Terminator X scratch attacks and noise barrages, under the watch of barrette-clad, Uzi and berretta packing SW1s, and against a budding sense of global unity within a newborn hip-hop community allowed Public Enemy to change the game and truly

force the young genre into the mainstream. Twenty-two years on, the genre’s ‘gangsta’ obsession sometimes – and particularly offhanded comments by super-star producers like Dr. Dre about the primitiveness of old school beats and production techniques, and PE hype-man Flava Flav’s unfortunate brief reality TV career have produced a sense of amnesia within the mainstream regarding the groups substantial influence on both the music and the music industry. It Takes A Nation Of Millions was the first true masterpiece by the final incarnation of Public Enemy’s in-house production team, The Bomb Squad – the crew behind a rash of genreredefining early 90’s landmark releases like Ice Cube’s AmeriKKKa and Run-DMC’s Down With The King. Their previous effort, Yo! Bum Rush The Show, had been applauded as one of 1986’s most cutting edge

Grand Analog Metropolis Is Burning

Transit Stay Home

Sunset Rubdown Dragonslayer

Merging relaxed dub instrumentation, old school flavours and Cadence Weaponesque bass heavy electro-beats, Grand Analog is one of Canada’s most new interesting hip-hop combos. Lyrically uplifting and sonically interested in exploring brass heavy,-reverb-filled musical landscapes, Metropolis Is Burning has a solid early nineties East Coast feel reminiscent of groups like De La Soul and Gangstarr — only with a twist: all the bass and guitar on the disc are live. The most effective adjective to describe this disc is kool (with a k). MC Odario Williams delivers his rhymes with a slow cadence that dances between hard urban guttural force and drawn out British blues revival swagger. He places a heavy emphasis on choruses. For fans of smart hiphop, Metropolis Is Burning might be 2009’s essential rap record. •Corrigan Hammond

Despite being in their teens, Boston’s Transit have managed to pound out three records in two years and their latest EP Stay Home is their most impressive yet. Building upon the sound of previous recordings— the swirling vocal melodies and noodling guitars, they borrow from late nineties emo, melodic punk and a pinch of hardcore. What separates this band however is the youthful passion that bleeds through every line in their three-pronged vocal attack. Each singer contrasts from an eerily endearing delivery only to later transition into charming vocals. While the only misstep is an acoustic closer that doesn’t match the punch of other songs, the amount of potential Transit shows is down right scary. Stay Home is just as good as anything their older peers have released in recent memory. •Chris Hoy

Listening to Spencer Krug’s songs has always been an exhaustive experience. Krug’s abstruse lyrics and complex melodies are rewarding but can be tiring to untangle. Although dizzying, the Montreal native’s past musical projects have been successful in part to their enigmatic lyrics and intricate sound. Dragonslayer, Sunset Rubdowns 4th album, is a smoother, more substantial record while still containing the same textural range as its predecessors. Dragonslayer is a more accessible record than the band’s previous releases. Emphasis on straightforward song writing makes Dragonslayer feel less constrained and allows development of thematic and sonic structures. Sunset Rubdown’s strength has always been its ability to weave a tapestry of lyrical elements into otherworldly landscapes. In Dragonslayer, Krug and his fellow members successfully make their ambitions more down to earth. •Michael Clemens

Fans will surely be pleased with the highly anticipated August twentyfifth release of Imogen Heap’s new album entitled Ellipse. Not only does she deliver an amazing vocal performance, but each and every song showcases her strong songwriting abilities, along with her polished mixing skills. This album is sure to tickle your eardrums with the fusion of many different instruments, synths, and unique melodies along with Imogen Heap’s soothing voice. With this new album Imogen Heap has created a refreshing sound that brings your senses alive, as you try and decipher the many layers that compose her masterpieces. In certain songs like “Earth” it is immediately apparent how rich her voice is as she uses it to create different overlapping beats. This album is extraordinary in that every song is enjoyable. There does not seem to be a terrible song on the whole album. The listener is Steve Earle sure to be infused with a surge of Townes energy that cannot be refused. Eleven year old Steve Earle was Each song will also transcend you given his first guitar in 1966. By into a completely different world. then, his hero and future mentor Imogen Heap allows the listener the Townes Van Zandt was already well opportunity for their imagination on the way to establishing himself to grow and flourish. The songs are as the folk music icon he would so genuine and personal that you soon become. Indeed, two years feel as though you have gone on a later, 1968’s For The Sake of Song journey with Imogen Heap herself. There are two would elevate him above the Texas folk and blues circuit and turn him tracks that will get you hooked and into one of the most respected, if they are “Canvas” and “Tidal.” obscure, songwriters on the left side These two songs are sure to leave you craving for more of this wonderful of Nashville. Townes is Earle’s tribute to talent from London, England. •Catherine Brasch Van Zandt. For the most part this album is a very good channelling and reinterpretation of Van Zandt’s brilliant body of work. Although he strips down many of the songs on this disc, Earle’s studio mastery makes them feel thicker and more modern than they are. My only criticism of Townes is that in the spirit of experimentation, Earle layers some of his vocals with misguided and unnecessary studio effects that distract from the music. This is most notable on “Lungs.” •Corrigan Hammond





Public Enemy It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back (1987)

hip-hop releases. The single “Public Enemy Number One,” became a street anthem that helped elevate a “novelty music” into the “Black CNN.” It Takes A Nation’s opening number, “Bring The Noise,” immediately announces to the listener just how far the band had come just under 365 days. As a single “Bring The Noise” brought Chuck D, the group’s militant “rhyme-animal” front-man, into the mainstream in an activist capacity far beyond what had previously expected from rapgroup MCs. Fusing Mohammed Ali cadence, with James Brown passion and Malcolm X posture, Chuck D turned hip-hop into a pulpit from which to preach a doctrine of enlightenment and liberation – thus, for a brief a moment turning his group truly into the most dangerous band in the world. •Corrigan Hammond

the silhouette’s art + culture magazine • C11


Imogen Heap Ellipse


C12 • the silhouette’s art + culture magazine


thursday, september 17, 2009

dead pan humour

andy catches up with lindsay nicols, sandy ellis, and t.j. casey, the three mcmaster minds behind the hit musical casket cases The surest way to make the trio of writers and directors behind McMaster Theatre and Film’s smash hit Casket Cases squirm is to mention the bizarre saga currently unfolding in the tiny Northern Ontario community of Mattawa— where OPP investigators have spent the past few months in search of literally misplaced skeletons in a local funeral directors closet. “I’ve heard about this” began Sandy Ellis, the most talkative of the three — although both TJ Casey and Lindsay Nicols are certainly not shy. “It was just recently though, and I didn’t look into it too much” she continues. “[While] a lot of things that we’ve come up with aren’t fictional — a lot of them are. A lot of stories are based on things that I’ve actually heard. And not just in that crazy urban legend way, but in that I know someone who actually works in a funeral home and this is stuff that they know has happened. But that said, a lot of it is fiction counter balanced with non-fiction.”

Casket Cases is a dark musical comedy set in a funeral home. The synopsis Sandy explained is that “there is a new funeral director and he is coming into this funeral home that’s sort of a more established funeral home — except they’re a little bit crazy and quirky [while] he has all these really high expectations of what a funeral director is supposed to do and what the whole grieving and funeral process is supposed to mean for families. The show kind of debunks that as he goes along because all these horrible, crazy things seem to happen as everything is going wrong— one thing after another... and he is forced to adjust himself to all that is happening.” A big part of the play, as anyone who saw it during its first run last year can attest to, is dance. “When we did [Casket Cases] last year as a thesis project, [dance] was something that a lot of people were just starting to be interested in and incorporating [into their own work]. But for us, we did more

full-fledged than anyone else [in the program]” Sandy explained. Because Casket Cases is a musical, she continued, “[dance] goes with the genre.” For most of the fifteenperson cast, learning to dance was a new experience. “It has defianitely been challenging in some respects,” Lindsay told me, “but ultimately it was their attitudes that won us over — just the fact that they are willing to do stuff, willing try stuff. Some of them [weren’t] necessarily the best dancers but its the fact they are willing to learn and put in that time and effort that has been very rewarding. And that’s what we wanted — [people] who have a good vibe and energy.” “Some of the students who weren’t even theatre students also really excelled at the singing and dancing,” TJ was quick to point out. “We’ve got a few who aren’t even theatre students — but have an interest in the theatre and do it as a past time,” Lindsay explained.

Half of the students are spread throughout McMaster’s various faculties, including Commerce, Science and Multimedia students. “No engineers unfortunately,” Sandy piped up, “but we know they love to sing and dance!” “We have five new people [this time around]” Sandy elaborated. “It’s definitely different from the first time. These new actors have brought a different spin to the characters, which isn’t better or worse, but a very different interpretation [that’s] really interesting to see.” “The whole new cast gives a new vibe— and then the fact that it is now a full two act show, about two hours in length with new characters, new scenes, new songs. Before it was an hour and a half — no intermission,” Lindsay told me. As a result, the directing team was forced to change their approach to the play for its second run. “Because [last year] it came out of a thesis project, we ended up having a lot of group discussion

with our class and our professor that brought about things that were like, ‘OK, now this point in the plot could use a little more [work].’ A lot of characters could have been developed a little better so we’ve worked on that. We rewrote some parts and added a couple new scenes,” Sandy explained. “We also [worked on expanding] it into being like a huge musical that’s really focused on having big musical numbers and more musical numbers,” TJ pointed out — “[that] makes it more exciting to watch for us as well.” Casket Cases is playing next week from Sept. 23rd until the 26th here on campus at the Robinson Memorial Theatre. Student tickets cost $10, while all other tickets sell for $15. You can buy your tickets through the SOTA office (located in Togo Salmon Hall rm. 414) or at the door on show night. All other information is available through the Casket Cases page on Facebook. •Corrigan Hammond

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