Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday 22nd February, 2012 5pm Scottish Music Centre
Directors Present: Tam Coyle (TC), Jamie Gilmour (JG), Stephen Hume (S. Hume), Dougal Perman (DP), Stewart Henderson (S.Henderson), Adam Armit (AA), Douglas MacIntyre (DM), Greg Kane (GK), Cathie Rae (CR), Ally Gray (AG), Caroline Gorman (CG), Richard Chater (RC) Caroline Cooper (CC) and Stuart Thomas (ST)
Cathie Rae (CR) and Caroline Winn (CW)
Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Matters arising
JG has provisionally booked Oran Mor on the 20th of April for a meeting to discuss the value of bringing the MMF training course to Scotland. The meeting will be attended by invited music managers and will be followed by the SMIA quarterly social event. JG suggested that the SMIA then run a one off MMF training event and invite Skills Development Scotland, who are possible funders, to attend. This event can be used to judge how the training meets the needs of music practitioners in Scotland. If the board decide not to go ahead with the complete MMF training course or if the necessary funding can’t be sourced JG suggested the Generator two day compact music business training course as an alternative. ACTION – ST and JG will meet with Gordon McGuiness (Skills Development Scotland) about funding for MMF training by the 21st of March. Glasgow Sound City Proposal The board decided that SMIA should be involved as a supporting partner if the event is to go ahead. Subsequent to the Board meeting the SMIA were informed that Sound City had been unsuccessful in their application to Creative Scotland’s last Festivals & Events funding round. Business Cards Action - ST to produce a specific business card for SXSW to be signed off by DP and to look at generic cards and branding after returning.
The Great Escape (TGE) The Skinny are keen to be involved with SMIA/Scottish Showcase at TGE. Action – ST to meet Skinny, ST to follow up with CS re investment Website Tenders SMIA had received seven tenders for web development. Action DP, ST, AG and any other interested Board Members to review and appoint a developer by 2 March. Primavera Pro ST had looked into possibility of showcasing or some presence at Primavera Pro in May. Action – ST, RC & AG to look into value vs. costs of a presence and update Board at next meeting. Trad Talk Conference ACTION – ST to attend Trad Talk Conference 2012 in Edinburgh on the 24th of March. Douglas MacIntyre left the meeting at 6:25pm. Stephen Hume joined the meeting at 6:30pm. 4.
Finance update
ST and AG provided cash flow & balance sheet AG will run the accounting system on his laptop for the time being. ACTION – S.Henderson, AG, DP and ST will look into VAT registration for the SMIS and the possibility of setting up the SAY Awards as a separate VAT registered company by next Board Meeting. 5. Policies & Procedures, Roles & Responsibilities ST circulated the Role of a Board PowerPoint Presentation from a previous board development day. ST identified a need for the SMIA to develop some more robust policies and procedures over the course of the coming year.
ACTION – Board members to look at presentation again and to submit Declaration of Interest forms to CC by next Board Meeting. CC to recirculate forms. ST to look into relevant policies and practices and draft for Board. 6. Expenses Policy SMIA Expenses Policy was revised by ST and passed by the board.
ST produced a report on SMIA office options. The board decided to relocate the SMIA office from the Scottish Music Centre to Broad Street Business Complex in Bridgeton. The board will consider membership to Society M and discuss again at the next board meeting. ACTION – ST and AG will investigate any additional costs of moving office and report back to the board before next meeting. 8.
Operational Plan & Budget
More time was spent considering Operational Plan. S.Henderson suggested that a Board Member is named for all tasks. Action: ST to draft allocate task for next meeting. 9.
Music Meet-Up – Suggestions of topics
ST asked the board to suggest topics for SMIA Music Meet Ups. ACTION – The board will email ST with suggestions of topics for music meetups by the 8th of March. 9.
SAY Award
S. Henderson has been working on the SAY Award and will update the board on any developments via email.
Opposition to BBC Radio Scotland cutting music shows S. Hume spoke about BBC Radio Scotland losing two music shows.
ACTION – S. Henderson will speak to Mandy Freeman about how the SMIA can best lend its support.
SXSW Project Project management & decision making on SXSW were discussed.
ACTION – Future decisions on SXSW have to be approved by the SMIA’s international showcasing committee.
Video & online content for SXSW
Decision was made to proceed with tenders. GK, AG, CR & TC to review tenders.
Decision was made to pay Steering Group fees to Vic Galloway, Dave McGeachan & Paul Cardow.
The meeting ended at 7:30pm