As pay & benefits slashed it's.....
TIME THEY ALL WENT! United Left Alliance - A real alternative
By Stephen Boyd OW MUCH are you down?” This is now a commonly heard question as people discuss the impact of the Budget on their “wage packets” and benefits. Hundreds of thousands who were already struggling are now questioning what is there left to sacrifice? It is now the case for many families that a sick child is the “cause” of a financial crisis. Where will the money come from to pay the €50 or €60 GP visit fee? One caller to a well known radio talk show had her electricity cut off because she owed Airtricity €140! She was living with her three children in darkness, with no heat during the coldest winter in nearly 50 years. That is the reality of what this recession means for many - this is Ireland 2011. No money to pay for the basic necessities, light, heat, food or for the mortgage/rent to ensure you and your family have a secure home. Unfortunately for workers, the unemployed and even many middle class people, it is going to get a lot worse. This is the first of another four draconian budgets. December’s Budget contained €6 billion in cuts and tax increases that has hit those on benefits, the low and average paid the hardest. But there are another €9
billion in cuts and tax hikes to come, including a water tax and a home tax. Yet at the same time, billions are handed over to the banks and the super-rich bondholders. While all of this is going on we have had to stomach the attempts by those who are responsible to save their own electoral skins. Leading members of Fianna Fail and the government squabbled over whether Brian Cowen should go. Yet the majority of people in the country want all of them to go because they understand that Fianna Fail are responsible for this mess. None of the protagonists in the Fianna Fail leadership farce have to worry about whether they can pay their electricity bill. Earning between €180,000 and €215,000, they are well off. Joe Higgins, Socialist Party MEP speaking about the Fianna Fail leadership debate said: "Several pretenders to the “throne” believe if the Taoiseach was a better communicator working people, the unemployed, students, those waiting on hospital trolleys would all of a sudden feel better about the cut backs and impositions this government has foisted on us since the recession began and which they intend that we continue to endure over the next five years. But they can’t shirk their collective responsibility for what they have
done. Their efforts to do so are a deception that will not work." The general election is not far off. Fianna Fail and the Greens are going to get a well deserved electoral hammering. It looks like the next government will be a Fine Gael and Labour coalition and they have made it clear it is their intention to continue with a programme of cuts and austerity - to make you pay for the recession. However there will be an alternative in this election. The Socialist Party has joined with the People Before Profit Alliance. the Workers and Unemployed Action Group and other lefts in an electoral alliance the United Left Alliance. The ULA is planning to stand in half of the general election constituencies - and in these areas you will have a chance to vote for candidates who reject the cuts and the EU/IMF austerity programme and who believe that an active response is needed to stop the attacks on our living standards and public services. If you have had enough of the rich getting bailed out whilst the majority are forced to struggle to make ends meet then get in touch with us today to find out what you can do to help get fighters for the rights of working class people elected - a real opposition inside and outside the Dail to the cosy establishment consensus.
CONTACT THE SOCIALIST PARTY - (01) 6772592, PO Box 3434, Dublin 8
Prepare to fight Home and Water Double Taxes By Cian Prendiville, Socialist Party Candidate for Limerick City WORKERS AND the unemployed must now prepare for a crucial battle against water charges and a home tax. From 2013 we will be saddled with these two extra stealth taxes, if the political establishment get their way. In the Finance Act there are plans to introduce a precursor to the home tax (or ‘site valuation tax’ as they want to call it) in 2012 with a ¤100 flat charge across the board. That’s yet another ¤100 being taken out of our pockets to be poured into the coffers of the bankers and bondholders. Just like with bin charges, if we allow the Home Tax and Water Charges to come in, the cost will go up and up. That’s why we have to prepare now for a momentous struggle against these unfair double taxes.
We can have no faith in Labour or Fine Gael to repeal this Finance Act, or stop the double taxes, as it was those parties in the first place who tried to introduce water charges in the past. Instead, we must build strong community campaigns. In the late 1980s and '90s the extension of water taxes in cities across the country was the spark for a major boycott campaign of refusal to pay this new burden on PAYE taxpayers. This mass non payment campaign combined with political action forced the abolition of water charges in city after city. A new campaign built on the same tried and tested method of mass non-payment must be built in response to these new unjust taxes. The Socialist Party along with others on the left and side by side with trade union and community activists will be at the heart of this struggle.