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REPORTER/CALENDAR EDITOR Keely Damara keely@bendsource.com REPORTER/WEB EDITOR Chris Miller miller@bendsource.com COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts BEER REVIEWER Kevin Gifford micro@bendsource.com FREELANCERS Josh Jardine, Nick Nayne, Teafly Peterson, Elizabeth Warnimont, Jim Anderson, Lisa Sipe, Jared Rasic, Anne Pick SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, E.J. Pettinger, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Shannon Wheeler
NEWS – Nuisance Trapping? p.7 Some neighbors in the Skyliners neighborhood are concerned about trapping so close to where kids and dogs play. Chris Miller explores the issue. FEATURE – Low Snowpack p.8 It’s no secret that it’s been a less-than-stellar snow year, but what does that mean for the Deschutes River basin, and the farmers, recreationalists and wildlife that depend on it? K.M. Collins reports. ARTWATCH — Free Public Art for Redmond p.25 What happens to all those firepits that go on display at Oregon WinterFest? As of this year, the winning creation becomes a piece of public art. Teafly Peterson tells the story. CULTURE – A Musical Called “Disaster” p.27 It’s a 1970s musical, about many things that can—and do—go wrong. Elizabeth Warnimont previews the production debuting this week at 2nd Street. SCREEN — May the Source Be With You p.33 What’s new in podcasts and TV this month? So much that it’s almost overwhelming. Jared Rasic brings back May the Source Be With You to tell you what to listen to and watch right now.
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James Kelley—also known by his Society for Creative Anachronism name Seamus O’Caellaigh, the Prince of Corvaria—learns about medieval garment making at the Fools’ Day event organized by the Central Oregon SCA chapter in Prineville on Saturday, April 7.
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VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
EDITOR Nicole Vulcan editor@bendsource.com
When it comes to pot in Deschutes County, the black market is the problem, not legal business
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like to stop issuing new permits for growers in Deschutes County. The reasons county officials have given to review their cannabis rules include a goal of stopping the illegal activity that some residents in rural areas ight now, the Deschutes County Com- believe is happening. Of the 14 cannabis businesses operating mission is weighing whether to change its in the rural county, all were found by code rules on growing cannabis in the county. In order to operate a recreational mari- enforcement officers to be operating withjuana grow in Deschutes County, licensed in the law, with odor issues being among the under the Oregon Liquor Control Commis- only sources of complaint. It’s the people who are not operating sion, growers have to follow an almost-exwithin the law that county officials are worhaustive list of guidelines. They’re required to install an odor control ried about, yet it’s the folks who are attemptsystem to stave off the threat of neighbors ing to stay within the letter of the law who catching the “offensive” smell of marijua- are currently impacted. To fix this problem, na. (Mind you, pig farmers are not required the county seems to be working backwards to do the same.) They’re also required to at the moment, opting to halt approving new maintain tight security in order to keep peo- licenses, saying the county lacks the resourcple from stealing their product, as well as es to further enforce county codes. Another fly in the ointment for local diligently tracking and weighing all product—oh, and maintaining a video record so cannabis businesses: the market is flooded. officials, if requested, can spot any potential Local growers report avoiding operating at deviations from the numerous county and full capacity because of it. That’s certainly state regulations put upon marijuana pro- a problem for the industry, but it shouldn’t ducers. In Deschutes County, growers are be one shared by the county and the sheralso subject to an annual inspection—some- iff. The concern for them should be in safety thing businesses in almost no other industry and compliance, and in ensuring that busiare required to do, as local code enforcement nesses that aim to open and to comply with officials pointed out during a recent meet- the law are able to do so. During that April 2 county meeting, ing of the Deschutes County Commission. When the marijuana is delivered to local dis- county code enforcement officials shared pensaries, more regulations are put in place the results of their annual inspections, and to keep pot out of the hands of kids. During agreed that there are “growing pains” with a recent spot check of local dispensaries, a new industry—but also that cannabis repDeschutes County received a 100 percent resents a new economic opportunity—and to us, that means an compliance rating E.J. Pettinger’s economic opportufor checking IDs nity that has already and ensuring that brought hundreds people who were of thousands of dolbuying pot at dislars into county cofpensaries that day fers. were over the age If the counof 21. ty’s issue with the Now compare industry lies in its that multitude of capacity to regulate regulations to what its rules, the county happens on the could do one of sevblack market. Last eral things, besides month, an explohalting growth of sion occurred at an the industry. The unlicensed, illegal EPA chief Scott Pruitt unsure whether he has county could allooperation in Bend, enough support left, among GOP colleagues, cate more funds where two peoto go ahead with his nipple piercing. toward compliance, ple were allegedusing funds garly attempting to manufacture butane hash oil. A three-year- nered from marijuana sales to do so. The old child was in the home at the time of the county could also relax the (self-imposed) explosion, according to Bend Police. Since regulations that forces it to operate beyond that explosion took place inside a residential capacity—and with the current review of its duplex, it’s safe to assume the home did not rules, now would be the time to do so. The concern of the county and the sherhave nearly the safety, odor control and theft protection measures you’d find in one of the iff should be in safety and compliance, and in helping more businesses avoid seeing the legal operations mentioned above. Still, with so many requirements put black market as an attractive alternative to upon legal cannabis businesses at the state the legal one, fraught with so many regulaand county level, is it any wonder that some tions. If neighbors and rural residents are people attempt to fly under the radar and so concerned about odor and safety issues that come with marijuana production, they remain on the black market? Recently, local officials, including should welcome the businesses that aim to Deschutes County Sheriff Shane Nelson, stay within the letter of the law—and county have made statements indicating that they’d officials should, too. SW
County cannabis policy should focus on supporting the businesses trying to do the right thing—and that shouldn’t include a zero-tolerance policy for minor infractions
Send your thoughts to editor@bendsource.com. Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!
This is a tough one. I am a bird feeder and have had an occasional cat climb the fence in my yard and stalk birds. It’s not frequent enough to trap him. But he hasn’t made a habit of this yet. I did run him off with some kind words about how he can’t eat my birds and to run along. It is the responsibility of the cat owner to control his or her pet, and that includes climbing fences and creating problems in the neighbor’s backyard. But how to enforce it with diplomacy is tough. These are our neighbors, not our enemies. It leaves those people in support of compliance with laws already in place in a difficult and awkward spot. It’s pretty unfair. —Julianne Safir Tiegs, via Facebook “I use a big, plush live trap to capture cats on my place. Then I hose down said cat with the garden hose, shout at it while rocking the trap, then turn it loose. That works for a little while, but, cats being cats, about two weeks will go by and they’re back at my place killing wildlife. That’s what outdoor cats do. They can’t help themselves.” So this guy tortures cats knowing that it won’t make much of a difference? I get the frustration and understand that roaming cats are a huge problem to wildlife, but this is just wrong. Personally, I wouldn’t care how soft my cage is--being yelled, trapped, shooken, and sprayed with water has a very Guantanamoean feel to it. —Ryan Palo, via Facebook My cat is indoor/outdoor and an avid mouser. He is far too well fed and lazy to hunt birds but he does enjoy the hunt and keeps the mouse population on our property to a minimum. Question: would he be subject to your water chamber torture or is it only the cats that hunt birds? I only ask because if we are going to call ourselves naturalists perhaps we should not pick and choose the species we deem to be worthy of protecting versus those deserving of control and punishment. —Molly Mauk, via Bendsource.com
IN RESPONSE TO, “URBAN RENEWAL FOR CENTRAL BEND?,” 4/5 Tax Increment Financing is a way for business to use taxes only for itself - part of taxes paid are used only in the TIF district. This has the effect of short changing everyone else in that infrastructure costs that result from development but extend outside the TIF district are not funded from these taxes. A more equitable solution is to collect taxes into the general fund where they can be allocated for everyone’s benefit, and all can have a say. —Geoff Reynolds, via Bendsource.com
One of the things that really needs to be addressed in all of these areas is the dominance of ‘parking lots’ across the board. Just go to Google maps and notice that most of the land in these areas goes to parking... check out the ill conceived Old Mill parking situation. NOT ONE parking garage. Someone argued that it’s more expensive to go to multi level parking...at which point I looked it up and indeed they were wrong. I consider multi level parking to be a major component in this puzzle. Density would imply density for parking, but apparently in Bend it does not. All and all this is an exciting position to be in as a city...the question remains will we throw our creativity together and find unique solutions or remain status quo and throw a building in among acres of parking spots. —Doug Cristafir, via Bendsource.com
5 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
IN RESPONSE TO, “CONFRONTING THE DEATH CULT,” 3/28 As a visitor to Bend I only read this paper sporadically and Im not sure how much dissenting opinions are allowed... Re: B Soderberg’s article Confronting the Death Cult. The hypocrisy in this article took my breath away. America has developed a culture of death over the last 50+ years in which infanticide has been practiced, encouraged & glorified by the media, Hollywood elites, and progressives to the tune of some 60 million lives obliterated since Roe v Wade. Those that have died have no voice, and the aforementioned groups could CARE LESS. They are using these High School students to push a political agenda, period. They are more concerned about animal rights than human rights. Listen to young people? If you people have your way there won’t BE any young people left to listen to. —Nan Tybroski, via Bendsource.com
It was an active Sunday here in Bend! @trx_bendfitness shows off their student athletes from Cascades Academy getting busy! Tag @sourceweekly to show up here.
Nik, I’d beg to differ about who’s doing more to alienate whom (a president sympathetic to white supremacists/fostering xenophobia/accused of sexual predation, much?), but you go on with yer bad, moderate self. You get the gift card to Palate. — Nicole Vulcan, Editor
IN RESPONSE TO, “IN THE RUNUP TO THE NEXT ELECTION, DON’T LET “MODERATES” OFF THE HOOK,” 4/5 I find this appeal to “moderates” almost laughable in light of recent events and coverage in the Source Weekly. Just last week one opinion led with the shrill and alarmist heading “Confronting the Death Cult.” It’s clearly disingenuous to call out the extremist right while giving the extremist left kid glove treatment. Those of us in the middle are sick of the BS from both party extremes but it’s the Democratic side that’s doing the most to alienate moderates right now. —Nik Johansson, via Bendsource.com
@sourceweekly Keep in the know of what's going on in Central Oregon, follow us on Instagram and Twitter.
Northeast neighbors are concerned about a change to city code, allowing for an extended stay hotel near their homes By Jaclyn Brandt
code change voted on by the Bend City Council has people in one northeast neighborhood challenging a new project. In December, the council voted to allow a new type of structure in the Medical District Overlay Zone, a 280acre area around St. Charles Medical Center. The proposal, made by a Portland area developer, will allow extended-stay hotels in the zone. Hallmark Inns submitted the proposal to change the MDOZ, and a number of neighbors are ready to fight the project. The property, located on 2 acres on Conners Avenue, is zoned High Density Residential, which allows for only multifamily residential units. The proposed MDOZ would allow medical facilities to also be built on the land. Changing the rules in that overlay zone to allow for the extended stay hotels means project developers do not have to change city zoning—a much more complex process. The Bend Planning Commission reviewed the proposal and voted 4-0 to recommend it to the Bend City Council. “There was no zone change. Each individual property has their comprehensive plan and zoning designations and then there is an overlay over the top of that for medical use,” said Councilor Justin Livingston. “What changed was the use table in the medical overlay zone. It’s very explicit about what is allowed, so what it didn’t allow was extended stay hotels.” There are a few hotels around 1 mile from the hospital, but none are considered extended stay hotels. The planning department considers the nearest extended stay hotel to be My Place Hotels, near the Old Mill. Hallmark Inns’ permit for the actual property has not yet been submitted, which means no signage is yet required. City officials said they met their obligations by posting the notice in a newspaper as well as sending a letter to the Mountain View Neighborhood Association—but that was only for the code change, not for the hotel itself. Neighbor Jim Connors, one of many fighting the project, explained, “When something like this happens there [should] be signage out here saying, ‘This property is subject to development. Here’s what’s planned. Here is when the hearings are. Here is how to make your public comments.’” Connors said that is not their issue with the project. “We always thought that this would be developed, but it was in the medical district overlay zone, we figured it would be more doctor’s offices.” “The amendment happened without specific reference to this lot to allow the hotel, an extended stay hotel,” he added,
“and this neighborhood is going to pay the price for it.” The HOA is objecting on five different issues: livability, equity, accessibility, privacy and safety. They’re worried about property values, the profile of the people who will be staying in the hotel and increased traffic. Conners Avenue is just off 27th Street, with no light leading into the neighborhood. Neighbors are also concerned that there’s been no plan to make up for the increased traffic a hotel is expected to bring. The 24/7 nature of a hotel is also a main concern. “The noise doesn’t stop at the back fence when it makes noise,” Connors said. The neighborhood already includes PacificSource, Bend Dermatology, Whispering Winds Retirement and a daycare, but the residents are OK with those businesses. Connors explained, “They are good neighbors, they go home at 5:30.” The City Council approved the Hallmark Inns proposal unanimously Dec. 20. Livingston said he voted because he felt it was reasonable for people with loved ones or outpatient care at the hospital to have a place to stay. “People come to Bend for medical care. Whether they’re from Burns or Lakeview or wherever. The eastern side of the state comes to Bend for major medical care,” he said. “That is where I thought that the extended stay was completely appropriate for a medical overlay zone.” According to Hallmark Inns’ proposal, the purpose of the hotel will be for those using the hospital, but the proposal did not include any assurances that those staying at the hotels would have any association to the hospital. When the permit for the hotel is filed with the city, the City Council will not necessarily be required to hear it. According to Livingston, for Type 2 permits, the staff at Planning Services can approve the request. However, “If it becomes something that is potentially contentious they might actually have a hearings officer hear it and judge on it. And then you can actually appeal that decision to the state Land Use Board of Appeals.” Connors said they’re waiting for the permit to be filed so they can see if there is anything to object to. Many homeowners remain worried about their property values. “People choose where they live based on those things, and that choice is being taken away here,” Connors said. “You can’t create equity for some person at the expense of another person’s equity. That is the city picking winners and losers and we don’t think that is a good idea.” SW
By Chris Miller
hris Morrison has lived near the Skyliners neighborhood—minus a few years for college—since 1976. In the fall of 2017, while on one of his almost daily hikes with his golden retriever, Sunny, and his wife, Diana, Morrison spotted what he called a “small piece of plastic coated paper tacked to a post warning people that traps and snares were being used to ‘capChris Morrison and his golden retriever Sunny walk past the USDA sign warning hikers of traps set in the marshy area along Tumalo Creek off the ture’ invasive animals.” trail to Tumalo Falls. Morrison says the sign was on a post along the trail that goes from the lower parking area on Tumalo early spring. The practice is regulated by the Oregon Gresham lost their border collie, less than 50 feet from Creek to Tumalo Falls. He says for the first time in 42 Department of Fish and Wildlife. But nuisance ani- their back fence. The article said the trap was set by years, he didn’t feel it was safe for his dog to jump into mals—which can range from black bears to nutria and the USDA to kill nutria in the pond. The dog was disa pond in the National Forest—nor did he want to hear most species of birds—can be trapped by Wildlife Ser- covered by a neighbor, who, along with the dog’s ownabout somebody’s else’s pet lost for the reasons he was vices, a division of the U.S. Department of Agricul- er, tried to free the collie. The pet died by the water’s given for the trapping. I took Morrison up on his offer ture’s Plant Health Inspection Service, at any time of edge. for a hike to check it out. the year. Although dogs have been killed by traps in Oregon, Morrison and I—and Sunny, of course—parked in That can happen on any type of land—public or the reported number of injuries varies wildly. Accordthe tiny lot near Skyliners Lodge. Crunching up the grav- private, according to retired veterinarian, Dr. Donna ing to Derek Broman, ODFW’s carnivore-furbearer el road—open in the summer to access the Tumalo Falls Harris, an advisory board member of Eugene-based coordinator, only 12 incidents of pets being caught in parking area—we then took an abrupt left, ducking below Predator Defense, a national nonprofit with a mission traps that required veterinary care have been reportthe aspen branches, onto another smaller trail road with of protecting native predators. ed to Oregon State University’s College of Veterinary signs that warned about buried powerlines below. The traps in the marshy area along Tumalo Creek Medicine’s Dean since 2004. Most cases treated simple Morrison said Diana spoke with staff in the City of were set by the USDA, contracted by the City of Bend’s inflammation. Bend’s water department, who said one reason for the water department to keep beavers from causing probHowever, an article in Outside in 2014 reported that trapping of beavers in the area was that they back up lems for the city’s water supply, according to Rod Min- between 2012 and 2014, hundreds, if not thousands, of the culverts, which could flood the road. About 10 min- gus, the city’s water operations supervisor. Mingus dogs were snared in traps nationwide. Harris, of Predutes into our hike, we spotted an 8.5-by-11-inch paper said the city has no input on where the traps are set, ator Defense, said she believed there were six to eight sign, tacked to an aspen tree, warning of trapping in the but they’re generally placed by the Bridge Creek intake cases of dogs stepping in traps in Deschutes County area. It was adjacent to an attractive pond, shimmering facility and down lower on Tumalo Creek to keep the between 2012 and 2013 alone. in the daylight—a perfect place for a dog to swim. Mor- beavers from moving upstream or causing damage to In 2015, Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY) introduced H.R. rison said in his years hiking the trail, he’s seen beavers the two trail roads that have power and water lines 2016, the Refuge from Cruel Trapping Act which would along the banks and was worried running beneath them. have ended the use of body-gripping (conibear) traps Dogs that get their head about pets, or kids, swimming in “When they’re swimming in the National Wildlife Refuge system. The legislathe water. pinned between the steel around, when they do what bea- tion met with serious opposition from trapping advo“I’m mostly worried about vers do, we get a lot of debris cacy groups. Locally, Trap Free Oregon and Predator losing a pet, or a child being bars have very little time to and some other things down Defense have been vocal against trapping. pegged—that’s my biggest con- be released before they die. here,” Mingus said. “Not to Although the USDA doesn’t have to follow state cern,” Morrison said. mention do you want the beaver trapping regulations, and they only trap when a resMorrison said there were two more signs, both (waste) in the drinking water?” ident or governmental body calls to alert them of tacked to gates on opposite ends of the main trail, but Perhaps the biggest point of contention with trap- problem animals, the agency generally tries to follow he was concerned about the sizing of the signs, so he ping for users of Central Oregon’s outdoor spac- the rules when it comes to where traps can safely be called the U.S. Department of Agriculture, who post- es is the possibility of a pet becoming ensnared in a placed, Williams said. ed the signs. They, Morrison said, referred him to the foothold, or worse, a conibear trap—called “killing “Our signs are 8.5 by 11, the same size as a no-tresCity’s water department, who told Morrison that peo- traps” in ODFW’s Furbearer and Hunting Regula- passing sign,” Williams said. “We use best manageple got upset when they find trapping is being done. tions. Conibear traps use nearly 90 pounds of pressure ment practice foothold traps, designed with offset and are designed to strike small to medium animals, jaws, not teeth on them, the same tools biologists use Trapping in Oregon such as beavers, on the neck or body—snapping their to trap wolves to put collars on them.” The trapping of furbearing animals has been hap- necks or strangling them quickly. Dogs that get their Currently, there are about 2,000 licensed trappers pening in Oregon since before Lewis and Clark made head pinned between the steel bars have very little in Oregon, according to ODFW statistics. ODFW’s Brotheir epic trek to Astoria. In fact, it could be argued time to be released before they die. (The ODFW’s web- man said in Deschutes County, there are 125 licensed that trapping is what made Oregon a state, since bea- site has videos about how to release pets from conibear furbearer hunters and trappers as of the last ODFW ver pelts—abundant in Oregon—were collected for and coilspring foothold traps). report in 2011. fancy hats until the late 1800s. These days, bobcat fur Dave Williams, director of Oregon Wildlife SerIt is a violation of state law to disturb legally set has brought back the fur trade, for use in lavish fur vices, said his agency uses best practices to mitigate traps in Oregon, but Morrison said he’d take matters coats sold mostly in Europe and China. the capture of “non-target” animals, including check- into his own hands to protect his pet. Trapping is legal throughout Oregon on Bureau of ing traps as set by state laws and using sizing that tar“I would do whatever I had to do to mess with the Land Management, National Forest and private lands gets specific animals, but that accidents do happen. trap to get my dog out, or anybody else’s,” Morrison during open seasons, running mostly from late fall into A 2011 Oregonlive article detailed how a family in said. “I’d be in a panic.” SW
7 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
A longtime homeowner in the Skyliners neighborhood is concerned about trapping in the area—and the potential safety risks for dogs and kids
Chris Miller
Nuisance Trapping?
Photo above depicts a backcountry location in the Three Sisters Widlerness suffering from the low snow year.
n the Lower Deschutes River near Warm Springs, Alysia and Elke Littleleaf recall the effects of the drought in 2015, brought on by low snowpack. Warm Springs had to go on emergency rations for home water usage, recalls the pair, owners of Littleleaf Fishing Guides. Alysia also recalls blooms of green and blue algae, black spot disease and freshwater lice developing on redside and steelhead fish as a result of the low flow in the Deschutes River. She also believes Portland General Electric’s selective withdrawal unit—the existence of which is the basis of a lawsuit filed by the Deschutes River Alliance against PGE—combined with low flow, contributes to warming waters and algae growth, all creating a domino effect that means a loss of water clarity, degradation of spawning beds and smothering of fish and insect eggs through lack of oxygen. “These eggs are a great importance to the local and seasonal birds and reptiles,” explains Alysia, “who depend on the insects for food. During the last drought we didn’t even see swallows for two years in a row. Any local fly fisherperson knows the importance of using the swallows as an alarm to switch flies... It’s a great importance to keep nature balanced as intended.” This year, the swallows are back, and in spite of the threats that low snowpack can bring, the Littleleafs are forecasting one of the best fishing seasons in many years.
Pete Alport. / Source Staff
The Stable Deschutes River The Impact of Water Flow At first glance, the high desert might seem to be pretty desolate year-round—but the desert really does have seasons, and water resources cached in the winter are integral to sustenance in summer. The Deschutes River Basin is a smorgasbord of resources, and the lifeblood of these resources is the Deschutes River. In terms of the bigger picture, Jay Bowerman, a biologist for Sunriver Nature Center, is primarily concerned with the Pacific Northwest’s most influential threatened species: the Oregon spotted frog. “Contrary to what you might expect, years of drought and low water, like this year, tend to produce the highest hatching success and recruitment of new frogs into the population,” he says. Bowerman details how frogs have a propensity to lay their eggs in shallows near the edges of bodies of water. During high water years, the frogs move their spawn sites up and lay eggs in locales that de-water when the river level drops. Eggs and tadpoles can be stranded when water levels recede. These perched ponds tend to dry out during the summer, killing eggs and tadpoles. Although, he says it’s important to remember perching could happen in water one or two feet deep; for a frog, still constituting a relatively stable flow.
In its free flowing state, without dams and other engineered feats, the Deschutes River is recognized as one of the most stable water systems in the world. This is no small wonder when considering the seasonal flooding and subsequent havoc that remain a mainstay for rivers in the Willamette Valley. In the Deschutes River Basin, stability is largely attributed to the vastness of the recharge zone—the zone where water enters an aquifer—which becomes more prolific closer to the source. For the layperson, this means the water that fills the Deschutes River is collected in greater quantities farther upriver. Tracing the Deschutes River toward Wickiup Reservoir, or south, elevation is gained and the basalt rock formation which underlies it becomes thicker and wider. Think of casting a wider net and catching more fish. Like a giant funnel, the pores that formed during degassing thousands of years ago form conduits for the melt and meteoric rain water that eventually make it into the main river channel. Tracing the Deschutes downriver, to the north, at lower elevation, the basalt formation tapers out and recharge lessens. The complex water communications network which underlies the Deschutes is massively dependent on snow melt. Thus, a below-average snowpack year can cast a shadow on the following summer. “When there is a below-average snowpack, like 2015
Locally, we might have limited recreational opportunities due to lower reservoir levels, and the natural flow on the Deschutes River could be lower through the winter, potentially affecting fishing and rafting. —Jeremy Giffin The Water Resources Department’s main mission is to directly address Oregon’s water supply needs, and to restore and protect streamflows and watersheds in order to ensure the long-term sustainability of Oregon’s ecosystems, economy and quality of life. As a result of reservoir shortfalls, Kyle Gorman, manager of the Water Resources Department’s South Central Region, thinks it’s possible that “irrigation water rights with the most junior priority dates could see a reduction in their supply.” He adds, “With the tremendous amount of groundwater influence on the flows of the river, the Deschutes is buffered fairly well against a single year of drought but will see longer-term effects due to multiple drought years.” Even in the worst-case scenario (which Central Oregon isn’t in, these water experts say), Giffin says, “Most people would not see a change in their ability to access water for daily living from a drought. Locally, we might have limited recreational opportunities due to lower reservoir levels, and the natural flow on the Deschutes River could be lower through the winter, potentially affecting fishing and rafting.” If spring rains don’t come, Gorman predicts about 40 percent of average flows on the Crooked River, and about 70 to 80 percent of average on the Deschutes River.
Fire Outlook for 2018 Even if the heavy rains do come, they may not stop the drying that precedes a heavy wildfire season. Bowerman, with the Sunriver Nature Center, links a low snowpack year to dryer soils. “With respect to the impact on soil moisture, early drying of the ground and understory vegetation is commonly reported as a contributor to an early onset of fire season,” he says. Every year, the National Interagency Fire Center issues the National Significant Wildland Fire Management Projected Outlook. The outlook, issued April 1, had the following prediction for the Pacific Northwest Region: “Normal significant wildland fire potential is expected for the Northwest through the outlook period through June followed by Above Normal significant large fire potential for south-central southeastern Washington and southern and north central Oregon for July.” In light of the disturbances last year’s fires caused for people in Central Oregon, it seems wildland fires and their associated hazards present the most urgent summer concern. Warm Springs guide Alysia Littleleaf says of last year: “Our own home was endangered to a fire that came within 100 yards. We had to cancel out a whole month of fishing trips due to the smoke and low water conditions. Many of our wild animals and horses died.” Alysa remembers the Deschutes River through the eyes of her ancestors during their weekly fishing excursions. “High in the desert, along the rivers, were the main food sources, gathered annually each season… Back when the water was so clean, you could drink freely with no worries of contamination or pollutants. The Indigenous people knew how to make a living in the harshest conditions with ease.” If Central Oregon’s ancestors could survive low-snowpack years and continue to uphold the highest standards of value and equilibrium with their landscape, hopefully Bendites will take a song from that book this summer. Experts, including Bowerman, recommend keeping dogs on a leash in delicate riparian zones along the river—helping to ensure that delicate species such as the spotted frog have a greater chance of survival. In addition, a visit to The Museum at Warm Springs to learn more about sustainability and resource management couldn’t hurt. SW
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Fun Facts 9
198 inches
Total snowfall on Mt. Bachelor this season
469 inches
Total snowfall in the 2016-2017 season (Source: onthesnow.com)
12 inches/200 inches
The range of precipitation found east of Bend versus the higher peaks of the Cascade Crest
3,500 cubic feet per second (nearly 1.6 million gallons every minute)
Average annual rate of ground water recharge in the upper Deschutes River Basin from snowpack and precipitation (1 cubic foot per second equals 448.8 gallons per minute).
700 miles
The number of miles of canals delivering water to over 160,000 acres of agriculture in the Deschutes River Basin.
50 percent
The estimated amount of water lost during transport in canals.
10 inches of snow = 1 inch of water
Density and water content of snow can vary dramatically depending on where and when you take a measurement.
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
and this past winter, we see the source springs to the Deschutes River decrease,” says Jeremy Giffin, watermaster for the Oregon Water Resources Department’s District 11, which includes Bend. “This decrease in natural flow of the river limits our ability to fill the storage reservoirs in the upper basin. Because the Deschutes aquifer is vast and always recharging, it has the ability to weather one or two years of below average snowpack.” Giffin says this summer, Deschutes River Basin reservoirs will likely draw down faster than normal, but irrigators won’t necessarily feel an effect and water supplies should be normal-ish. “A patron to an irrigation district may see voluntary conservation measures enacted, or in an extreme drought, may have their yearly water allotment curtailed.”
4/12 – 4/18
4/13 – 4/15
Where did you party in 1979? Be transported to a disco inferno of unnatural disasters as New York celebs partying in a floating discotheque fight to survive earthquakes, tidal waves, raging fires—and killer rats! April 13-May 5. Thursday, Friday, Saturday at 7:30pm. Sunday, 3pm. 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend. $25/adults. $22/students and seniors.
Tom Papa is the new head writer and a performer on the variety radio show, “Live From Here” — formerly known as the “Prairie Home Companion.” You may recognize him from Steven Soderbergh’s 2009 film “The Informant!” or other bit roles in cinema. The prolific comedian has a wide-ranging repertoire, from podcasts to TV. With over 20 years in the game, this is sure to be a solid night of comedy. 7:30pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St, Bend. $39.50 - $50.75.
Spring is here and it has brought along bountiful farm-fresh veggies, eggs and meats! Purchase early-season selections or sign up for the CSA for access to produce from more than a dozen area farms and ranches throughout the growing season. 10am-2pm. COCC Coats Campus Center, 2600 NW College Way. Bend. Free.
There’s no shortage of “drink for a cause” events in Bend. Our brewers are just so darn generous. 10 Barrel is hosting this fundraiser for the Pediatric Foundation, which supports local families with children going through cancer treatment. Bring the family for live music, snacks and a pingpong tournament. Raffle tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. 6-9pm. 10 Barrel Brewing Co. Pub & Brewing Facility, 62950 NE 18th St. Bend.
WEDNESDAY 4/18 Michael Bonocore
Katya Agatucci, COCC Broadside
What started as an acoustic trio from Colorado evolved into an electric five-piece band delivering lively vocals and a nice mix of toe-tapping country and pop rock. Check out their newest album, “Love & Thirst.” 7-10pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend. All ages. No cover.
Help raise money for Multiple Sclerosis research! Recruit a few family members, register as a team and raise funds—or go solo and make some friends! Last year, over $85,000 was raised for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. 9am-1pm. Riverbend Park, 799 SW Columbia St. Bend. Free.
A blend of indie roots, folk and blues music from Santa Cruz, Calif. Their new album, “Stereoscope” includes songs that resonate with Dust Bowl Americana and modern ambient. 9pm-midnight. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr, Bend. $10. All ages.
Saturday, April 27
This San Francisco quintet blends traditional bluegrass, country and rock ‘n’ roll, making for high-energy, rowdy shows. The band released four singles in 2017, produced by the legendary John Vanderslice (who’s also produced albums for Death Cab for Cutie, Sleater-Kinney and Okkervil River), including the upbeat “Don’t Make Me Get Up and Go.” Singer-songwriter Sam Chase & The Untraditional opens. 9pm-midnight. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr, Bend. $15. All ages.
Listen Local Live creates performance opportunities for local musicians. Hear talented classical musicians perform familiar compositions and contemporary pieces. The concert is free—but donations are more than welcome! 7pm. First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE Ninth St. Bend. No cover.
If you enjoy the energy and soulfulness of gospel music, you’ll enjoy David Crowder’s brand of Gospel-charged rock. His powerful lyrics and intricate melodies speak to churchgoers and good music lovers alike. 7pm. Bend Senior High School, 230 NE 6th St, Bend. $25/adv. $30/door.
Saturday, May 12
Wednesday, June 6
Saturday, June 9
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
New Depth
Hillstomp writes their most personal album yet, while still letting you rock the eff out By Anne Pick
Get ready to stomp your feet along with Hillstomp at The Commons on 4/13.
Hillstomp with Helga Fri., April 13 7-10pm The Commons 869 NW Wall St., Bend No cover
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
hether you’ve lived in Bend for six months or 60 years, you may very well have gotten down to the slide guitar and bucket banging sounds of Hillstomp. The Portland-based, bluesy-rock duo has been performing in Bend for 15 years, and they say they love coming back year after year. Hillstomp’s string man, “Hurricane” Henry Hill Kammerer believes Central Oregon’s love of hometown heroes, Larry and His Flask, helped pave the way for a band like Hillstomp to make a name for themselves in Bend. “The tone was set for us with the Flask. We do that. We get carried away in a similar kind of way. They taught Central Oregon how to properly behave at a rock show,” Kammerer jokes. “You guys are freakin’ crazy,” Kammerer says. “Our first gig there, we played at McMenamins. I love Mcmenamins—we have pretty tight ties with them. But the room, it was lit up with fluorescent light; not even a real PA. It was a banquet room. We thought, ‘this is going to be the weirdest freakin’ gig of all time.’ But 200 of you whackos stepped into that room and tore it up.” If you haven’t heard from Hillstomp in the last couple months, it’s likely because Kammerer and his partner in rhyme, John Johnson, have been at work in the studio, recording Hillstomp’s first album since 2014. “It’s going to be so varied,” Kammerer believes that Kammerer says of the new album. “There is going to be some of the lyrically, the new songs heaviest, most rock tunes we’ve take inventory of the band ever written will be on this record. There’s sledgehammers and feath- members’ lives up to this er dusters on this record. The last point. Being in their 40s record come out in 2014. There’s now, he wanted to look been children had, we’ve run the back on what was and gamut of emotions in these four what will be. years and I think that’s going to be apparent on this record.” Kammerer believes that lyrically, the new songs take inventory of the band members’ lives up to this point. Being in their 40s now, he wanted to look back on what was and what will be. “It’s more personal in some ways than other records we’ve made before,” Kammerer says. “We couldn’t have gotten away with this record even 10 years ago, because I was unable or afraid to write from such a personal point of view. I’ve realized that Hillstomp is my bull horn to the world. I have to tell every story I can and get out every emotion that I can while I can. And John is flexible enough to adapt to everything I throw at him. Now, when I’ve written five-minute-long banjo songs, he’s able to find a drum beat.” As a band on the Fluff & Gravy Records roster, Hillstomp has access to a lot of musicians and resources, so for the new album, Hillstomp will feature instruments they’ve never used on a record before. Kammerer wrote a country song for the record, for which he thought a fiddle player might sound nice. With their connections, the band was able to make a call and get a fiddle player across town to record. While 10 of the 14 tracks on the yet-to-be-released record will be just Kammerer and Johnson, the addition of new sounds and players will bring new depth to the Hillstomp sound. SW
Playin’ On Tulsa Time Just 1,812 miles from here By Richard Sitts
Alarm 58 includes, from left, singer Michael Divita, drummer Caleb Trowbridge, guitarist Mikel Lomsky and bassist Jon Fahr. Lomsky is holding a copy of the classic 1971 album, “Leon Russell and the Shelter People.” The band is headlining a benefit show for the Leon Russell Monument Fund April 20 in Tulsa, Okla.
ow exactly does a rock band from Central Oregon end up headlining a benefit concert in honor of Leon Russell in Tulsa, Okla.? This puzzle involves a lesser-known rock band from the 1980s, a chance meeting in New Orleans, a memorial for a legendary rock musician, and a historic concert hall that features a spring-loaded dance floor. The band is Bend’s Alarm 58. None of its members have ever been to Tulsa. The aforementioned ‘80s band is The Call, formed in Santa Cruz, Calif., in 1980. Two of The Call’s original members, including the late Michael Been (vocalist and guitarist) and drummer Scott Musick, were from Oklahoma. The band fostered a small but loyal following and played with some heavy hitters, including Peter Gabriel and Simple Minds’ Jim Kerr, and two members of The Band, Robbie Robertson and Garth Hudson. Fans of The Call consistently comment about how underrated the band was. The benefit show, scheduled for April 20, is a fundraiser for the Leon Russell Monument Fund, which has a goal of raising $42,000 to pay for a permanent monument to honor Russell in the historic Memorial Park Cemetery in Tulsa. Best known for a stellar solo career of songwriting and tickling the keyboards, Russell was also a member of The Wrecking Crew, the group of top Los Angeles studio musicians that played behind dozens of famous artists. Russell, who was from Tulsa, died on Nov. 13, 2016, at 74. Hooking Up Last year, Alarm 58 guitarist Mikel Lomsky met Russell family friend, Knoel Honn, in New Orleans. Alarm 58 was opening a show for The Call, whose drummer, Musick, is also a friend of Honn’s. Alarm 58’s Lomsky and Russell’s friend Honn hit it off. “We started talking about the possibility of The Call and Alarm 58 doing a show in Tulsa,” Honn wrote in an email. “The more Lomsky
and I talked, we wanted to do a free show and get behind a worthy cause.” During a recent interview in the band’s garage studio in Bend, Lomsky said he asked Honn, “What kind of nonprofits do you have there?” Alarm 58 bassist Jon Fahr chimed in, “We don’t have to make a bunch of money. We just want to break even and play. Why don’t we help some charity?” The Leon Russell benefit will indeed be a free show, with donations and $100 VIP tickets available. On April 13, Lomsky and Fahr will leave Bend to drive the band’s equipment to Tulsa, where they’ll be joined later by singer Michael Divita and drummer Caleb Trowbridge. The show is being held at the famous Cain’s Ballroom. Its stage has been graced by the likes of Bob Wills, Hank Williams and the Sex Pistols. Also on the bill will be members of The Call. Honn wrote from Tulsa, “I can’t say enough nice things about Mikel Lomsky and Alarm 58, their willingness and eagerness to come all the way to Tulsa and show such support for such a music icon as Leon Russell. I know Tulsa and Leon’s family will take notice and appreciate the effort and support.” Lomsky adds, “It’s a huge opportunity for our little band from Bend.” He says he’s especially happy that the show is expected to help the fund surpass its fundraising goal. And one other musician who considered Leon Russell a hero and inspiration has jumped on this bandwagon. Elton John recently donated $5,000 to the fund, according to an article in the Tulsa World. SW Leon Russell Monument Fund Benefit April 20, Cain’s Ballroom, Tulsa, OK All ages, Free $100 VIP Tickets Donations accepted
CALENDAR 11 Wednesday Checkers Pub Talent/Open Mic Bring your talent to this weekly open mic night. 6-8pm.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN with DJ Roseybabe. 9pm. No cover.
Hardtails Bar & Grill Karaoke Sing your
favorite songs every week. 9pm.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke Embrace your
Tickets Available on BendTicket.com
The Lot Eric Leadbetter Classic rock, Americana, folk and blues. 6-8pm. No cover. Tower Theatre Tom Papa - Stand Up Comedy With more than 20 years as a stand-up comedian, Tom Papa is one of the top comedic voices in the country finding success in film, TV, radio, podcasts as well as on the live stage. 7:30pm. $39.50/tier 1, $50.75/tier 2. Volcanic Theatre Pub Marty O’Reilly & Old Soul Orchestra Just when you think American roots music should be relegated to the dusty confines of a purist’s museum it will surprise you with a paradigm shift. All ages. 9pm. $10/adv.
inner rock star. 9pm.
Kelly D’s Banquet Room Karaoke What
will you sing this week? 7pm.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke
Get in touch with your inner country star. 7pm.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
G Bots & The Journeymen It started with Greg Botsford, looping solo... he recorded an album playing every instrument, wanted a live bass player for the CD release, and the Journeymen has been playing with him ever since. All ages. 7-10pm. No cover.
M&J Tavern Open Mic Bring your talent or
an encouraging ear to this weekly open mic for musicians. 6:30pm.
13 Friday Checkers Pub Just Us Classic rock, variety. Local band plays all your favorites! 8-11:30pm.
Crow’s Feet Commons Boot Kicking Good
Times: Hillstomp and Helga Their string riffs will have you jumping around bouncing into your friends. They just released an album with all new, original songs that we are pumped to hear. 7-10pm. No cover.
Dogwood Cocktail Cabin DJ Deena Bee A night of soul, hip-hop and electronica. 10pm. No cover.
Hart’s Comedy Central show Hart of the City. Mike Masilotti is a regular at the Comedy Underground and also in his mother’s heart. Ages 21+. 8-10pm. $8/adv., $10/door.
Silver Moon Brewing Guitar Gods Review Rod DeGeorge’s Guitar Gods Review celebrates the music of guitar greats such as Hendrix, Clapton, Page, VH, SRV Prince and many more! 9pm. $7/door.
Spoken Moto Motos & Music: Alovitiman Upbeat Balkan infused funk rock. 7-9pm. No cover.
The Blacksmith Restaurant She Said, He
Said Off-standard jazz, reinvented pop songs and groovy originals too! 7-9pm. No cover.
The Capitol DJ N8TURE Dance music. 9pm. The Domino Room Lady Dice and Mr Suga
Boom Boom All Ages. 8-11:30pm.
Tower Theatre Sunriver Music Festival:
Piano Showcase From Bach to Boogie to Jazz! Sunriver Music Festival’s Piano Showcase will feature three exceptional artists: renowned classical pianist Tanya Gabrielian, boogie woogie blues extraordinaire Arthur Migliazza, and sophisticated jazz pianist Randy Porter. 7:309:30pm. $80/all-inclusive pass, $40/students (up to age 21), $35/concert-only.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Jelly Bread w/ Zoofunkyou JB has risen from Reno/Lake Tahoe area favorites into a nationally- touring, powerhouse quartet that delivers a high-energy, chameleonic playlist all over the U.S. 9pm. $10/adv.
Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic
Kelly D’s Banquet Room Bobby Lindstrom Blues, rock, Americana and roots. 7:30pm. No cover.
The Capitol Gypsy Jazz Night feat. Hot Club
of Bend Swing manouche, blues, jazz and bossanova. 7pm.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Line Dance Lessons 3rd Friday each month couples. 21+. 8pm. No cover.
The Lot Open Mic Showcase your talent or
Northside Bar & Grill The Substitutes
Checkers Pub Just Us Classic rock, variety.
Rock. 8:30pm.
Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Presents:
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN
Local artists perform. Derek Michael Marc hosts. 6pm.
watch as locals brave the stage. 6pm.
12 Thursday
Bo Johnson & Mike Masilotti Bend Comedy presents: Bo Johnson has appeared on Kevin
14 Saturday
with DJ Roseybabe. 9pm. No cover.
Dogwood Cocktail Cabin DJ Deena Bee A
night of hip hop and R&B. 9pm.
Hardtails Bar & Grill 7th Annual Birthday Bash w/ HWY 97 Journey to Johnny Cash to Disturbed and everything in between. 9pm. No cover. High Desert Museum Thorn Hollow String Band Enjoy toe-tapping, old-time tunes played by our house band. Dancing encouraged! Free with Museum Admission. 11am-2pm. No cover. Hub City Bar & Grill The Bad Cats are
rockin’ Hub City! Dance to rock ‘n’ roll, blues and soul. 9pm. No cover.
Jackson’s Corner Eastside Coyote Willow Cello-fired indie roots. 6-8pm.
Kelly D’s Banquet Room Karaoke Get in touch with your inner crooner at this weekly karaoke night. 8pm. Northside Bar & Grill The Substitutes
Rock. 8:30pm.
Seven Nightclub DJ Toasty Berfday Bash Enjoy some tasty tunes and help celebrate DJ Toasty’s birthday! 9pm.
Silver Moon Brewing The Clearwings
Come on down for the new tunes, old tunes and some folk tunes. 8-10pm.
Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill Abluestics
Blues. 7-10pm.
Sons of Beer - Prineville Kristi Kinsey & Company Kristi will be playing—it’s going to be a great time make sure you don’t miss it! 6pm. The Capitol Barisone, Ells & Rada Live music. 9pm.
Tower Theatre Sunriver Music Festival:
Piano Showcase From Bach to Boogie to Jazz! Sunriver Music Festival’s Piano Showcase will feature three exceptional artists: renowned classical pianist Tanya Gabrielian, boogie woogie blues extraordinaire Arthur Migliazza, and
Cascade Lakes Lodge Beer Bingo Come play some Bingo and drink some beer! 7pm. Crow’s Feet Commons Thursday Night
Live Every Thursday we plug in the amp and speakers and liven up our front room with rotating local artists. 6-8pm. No cover.
Currents at the Riverhouse Mt. Bachelor Riverhouse Jazz Thursday - AJ Cohen Trio Piano and Vocal Jazz (Lisa Dae). 7-9pm. No cover. Fat Tuesdays Cajun and Blues Jim Roy and Steve Beaudry Songs from the Delta to Chicago. 7-9pm. Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke Embrace your inner rock star. 9pm.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Country
Swing Dance Lessons Every Thursday night, learn how to country swing. No partner needed. 8pm. No cover.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School The Drunken Hearts An electric five-
piece bandn that is captivating audiences across the country. All ages. 7-10pm. No cover.
Northside Bar & Grill Ju Ju Eyeball Beatles
cover band. 7:30-10:30pm.
Round Table Clubhouse UKB Trivia Night Fun. Free. Win stuff! 7-9pm.
Seven Nightclub Cocktails & Karaoke Make sure to check out our Thursday Night Karaoke Party! 6pm. No cover.
Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill Karaoke Night Belt out your favorite songs! 9pm. Spoken Moto Motos & Music: Downhill Ryder Blending acoustic and electric sounds on an eclectic rock landscape. 7-9pm. No cover.
Catch Ghost-Note, Grammy Award-winning artists Robert Sput Searight and Nate Werth’s newest project, with Polyrhythmics at Volcanic Theatre Pub on 4/19.
15 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Cabin 22 UKB Trivia Night Fun. Free. Win stuff!
LIVE MUSIC & NIGHTLIFE sophisticated jazz pianist Randy Porter. 7:309:30pm. 7:30-9:30pm. $80/all-inclusive pass, $40/students (up to age 21), $35/concert-only.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN with DJ Roseybabe. 9pm. No cover.
Dogwood Cocktail Cabin Locals Night— DJDMP & Friends A night of soul, hip-hop and electronica. 9pm. Northside Bar & Grill Dark and Grey Play-
ing your favorite songs from rock, country and classic rock genres! 6pm.
Seven Nightclub Sing About It Sundays Join us for our new industry & karaoke night! 9pm.
Strictly Organic Coffee - Old Mill Paul Eddy Bedell Artist and local troubadour fills your cup with memories and forgotten gems, every other Sunday. 3-5pm. No cover. The Capitol Bass Physics, Edamame, Lapa Red Light Productions presents. 8pm. $10.
16 Monday
Crow’s Feet Commons Open Mic with Bill
Powers Every Tuesday, Bill Powers from Honey Don’t and various local acts hosts open mic in our front great room. Sign up starts at 5. 6-8pm.
Fat Tuesdays Cajun and Blues Ukulele
Jam Every Tuesday, the Bend Ukulele Group (BUGs) jams at Fat Tuesdays. Come watch, sing along or play your ukulele! All ages. 6:308:30pm.
Juniper Golf Course and The View Tap & Grill Jazz at Juniper Golf Course Join Jazz-
esque (Rick Homer-horns, Jack Krouscup-keys, Bob Akers-bass and featuring Lisa Dae-vocals) at Juniper Golf Course every third Tuesday of the month! Reservations suggested. 5-8pm.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Comedy
Open Mic Every Tuesday, come down to Maverick’s to watch local comedians... or to perform! Sign up at 7:45pm for 5-minute slots. Show starts at 8pm. 18+. No cover.
Monkless Belgian Ales Chris Beland
Concert with Harmony Beland accompanies his words with the seasoned strum of an acoustic guitar, the haunted twang of a harmonica and the steady heartbeat of his kick drum. 6-8pm.
Northside Bar & Grill Paula Byrne Trio
Jazz. 6pm.
Relief Pitcher Sports Bar and Grill UKB
Astro Lounge Open Mic Night Bring your
talent to the Astro every Monday night. 8-11pm.
Tuesday Night Trivia (TNT) Fun. Free. Win stuff! 6:30pm. No cover.
Fat Tuesdays Cajun and Blues DJ Dance
Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Open Mic
Night Come dance the night away! Every Monday is DJ Dance Night with DJ Jackie J. Happy Hour all night. 7pm. No cover.
Kelly D’s Banquet Room Open Mic Monday
We welcome single/duet/trio musicians, actors, poets and comedians to share their talents in an acoustic listening environment. Sign up at 5pm. 6-8:30pm.
Northside Bar & Grill Comedy On The
Northside Enjoy a night of laughter with some of Central Oregon’s favorite comedians! 6:30pm. No cover.
Worthy Brewing Geeks Who Drink Trivia
Bring your friends, grab a beer and take home cool prizes. 6-9pm.
17 Tuesday Astro Lounge Trivia Tuesdays Bend’s longest running trivia game—nine years strong! Bring your team of any size. 8pm. No cover.
Sign up at 7pm. 5 minutes spoken or 2 songs of stage time. Ages 21+. 7-9pm.
Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill Trivia Night
Get here early to sign up! 6:30pm.
The Capitol Game Show Nite: WIN, LOSE OR
DRAW Enjoy a night of game show debauchery. 8pm.
The Lot Trivia at The Lot Bring your team or join one! 6-8pm. No cover. The Platypus Pub Tuesday Trivia at the
Platypus! Bring your friends! Bring your brains! Bring your friends’ brains!* *do not remove friends’ brains. Friends’ bodies must also be present to play. 8-10pm. No cover.
18 Wednesday
Cabin 22 UKB Trivia Night Fun. Free. Win stuff!
Checkers Pub Talent/Open Mic Bring your
time, swing, country, folk and bluegrass. Third Thursday of every month 5:30-7:30pm.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN
Fat Tuesdays Cajun and Blues Jim Roy and Steve Beaudry Songs from the Delta to Chicago. 7-9pm.
Hardtails Bar & Grill Karaoke Sing your
Hola! Downtown A Night with the Nomads
talent to this weekly open mic night. 6-8pm. with DJ Roseybabe. 9pm. No cover.
favorite songs every week. 9pm.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke Embrace your inner rock star. 9pm.
Kelly D’s Banquet Room Karaoke What
will you sing this week? 7pm.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke Get in touch with your inner country star. 7pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School
Henhouse Prowlers Bluegrass and newgrass. 7-10pm. No cover.
M&J Tavern Open Mic Bring your talent or
an encouraging ear to this weekly open mic for musicians. 6:30pm.
Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic
Local artists perform. Derek Michael Marc hosts. 6pm.
The Lot Open Mic Showcase your talent or
watch as locals brave the stage. 6pm.
Volcanic Theatre Pub The
Brothers Comatose w/ Sam Chase & the Untraditional Raucous West Coast renderings of traditional bluegrass, country and rock ‘n’ roll music. All ages. 9pm. $15/adv.
19 Thursday Brasada Ranch House Coyote Willow at
Brasada Ranch Songwriters Series Cello-driven indie roots music. 7-9pm.
Cascade Lakes Lodge Beer Bingo Name says it all. Come play some Bingo and drink some beer! 7pm. Crow’s Feet Commons Thursday Night
Live Every Thursday we plug in the amp and speakers and liven up our front room with rotating local artists. 6-8pm. No cover.
Currents at the Riverhouse Mt. Bachelor
Bend Senior High School CROWDER - American Prodigal Tour 3.0 Over the past two decades, David Crowder has transcended the usual boundaries associated with gospel music with lyrically powerful, musically intricate and unpredictable songs. 7pm. $25/adv., $30/door.
Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe Banjo Jam Rag-
Riverhouse Jazz Thursday - Jon Bourke Trio A contemporary jazz guitar trio that specializes in instrumental jazz, latin, blues and R&B/funk. 7-9pm. No cover.
The Nomads are your local Klezmer/Flamenco/ Balkan/Turkish band who are always ready for a party! 6-9pm. No cover.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke Have you
narrowed it down to what songs you’ll sing this week? Embrace your inner rock star. 9pm.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Country Swing Dance Lessons Every Thursday night, learn how to country swing. No partner needed. 8pm. No cover. McMenamins Old St. Francis School
Popcorn Joe Schulte on guitar, Jenny Wasson on violin and Nicolas Miranda on mandolin. 7-10pm. No cover.
Northside Bar & Grill Blues Night Blues.
Round Table Clubhouse UKB Trivia Night Fun. Free. Win stuff! 7-9pm.
Seven Nightclub Cocktails & Karaoke Make sure to check out our Thursday Night Karaoke Party! 6pm. No cover.
Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill Karaoke Night Come enjoy a few drinks with your community and belt out your favorite songs! 9pm. Spoken Moto Motos & Music: Palo Soprano High energy indie rock, with opener Andrew Laflamme. 7-9pm. No cover.
The Capitol Retro Active Dance Party Come dance the night away at The Capitol. 10pm.
The Domino Room John 5 & the Creatures How does one define John 5? Is he rock? Is it country? Is he heavy metal? What about emo, industrial or bluegrass? Truth is there is no one set genre to fit John 5. 8pm. $20/adv., $25/door. The Lot Moonhawk Ben Dufenbach plays some resonator blues on his 1930s delta slide guitar with a touch of rock ‘n’ roll. 6-8pm. No cover. Volcanic Theatre Pub Polyrhythmics and Ghost-Note - Spirit of Rhythm Tour A singular blend of funk, soul, psychedelic rock, R&B, progressive jazz and Afrobeat. All Ages. 8:30pm. $15/adv.
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CALENDAR MUSIC Alley Cats Jazz Ensemble Dance and
lunch. Contact 541-312-2069 for more info. Tuesdays, 10:30am. Bend’s Community Center, 1036 NE 5th St, Bend.
Bella Acappella Harmony Chorus
Award-winning Bella Acappella seeks women and girls who love to sing and harmonize. Bella teaches and performs four-part acappella harmony and welcomes singers with high and low voices, all levels, ages 15 and above. Contact Nancy at 541-383-3142 for more info. Tuesdays, 6:30-9:30pm. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 60800 Tekampe Rd, Bend. $35/ membership.
Cascade Highlanders Pipe Band Practice A traditional bagpipe and drum band
with members from the Central Oregon area. Experienced pipers and drummers are welcome to attend, along with those interested in taking up piping or drumming who would like to find out what it would take to learn and eventually join our group. Contact: 541-633-3225 or pipersej@ yahoo.com. Mondays, 5:30-7pm. Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 NE 27th St, Bend. Free.
Chamber Music Series: Duo Pegasus
DANCE Adult Intermediate Level Dance Adult intermediate level dance class, styles include contemporary, jazz and ballet. Instructors rotate monthly. Sponsored by Bend Dance Project. Call 541-410-8451 for more info. April 6 - Nov 9. Fridays, 12:15-12:45pm. ABC Ballet, 162 NW Greenwood Ave. Bend. $5/donation. Adult Jazz Dance - Intermediate Level
Join dancers from the adult dance company Jazz Dance Collective in their weekly class. Styles include Broadway, contemporary, classic jazz and tap. Sponsored by nonprofit Bend Dance Project. Opportunities to perform. First class free. Through June 26. Tuesdays, 7-9pm. Get a Move On Studio, 63830 Clausen Rd #202, Bend. $10/donation.
A Novel Idea - Bollywood and BollyX
Immerse yourself in the cultural and entertaining expressions of Bollywood films and move to its beats with BollyX, the Bollywood dance workout. BollyX is a Bollywood-inspired dance-fitness program that combines dynamic choreography with music from Bollywood and around the world. Presenter Jaspreet Arora
has been a Bhangra (North Indian Folk Dance) performer and instructor for many years and is a certified BollyX instructor. Come prepared to move and explore rejuvenating moves and the Bollywood phenomenon. Saturday, Apr. 14, noon1pm. Sisters Library, 110 N Cedar Street, Sisters. | Tuesday, Apr. 17, 6-7pm. Redmond Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave, Redmond.
Argentine Tango Class & Practica No partner needed. Four-week fundamentals class begins the first Wednesday of every month, 6:30-7:30pm. Followed by intermediate lesson at 8:15pm (recommended after 4 weeks of fundamentals). Contact: admin@centraloregontango. com or 907-299-4199 for more info. Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend. $5/class. Argentine Tango Milonga Tango dancing
every fourth Saturday. For all levels of dancers. No partner needed! Contact: admin@centraloregontango.com or 907-299-4199 for more info. Every fourth Sat, 7:30-10:30pm. 4th Saturdays, 7:30-10:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend. $5/class.
Bachata Patterns - Level 2 Taken Bachata
Level 1 or have a good understanding of the basics? Learn fun turn pattern combinations with Latin Dance Bend. Dance partner not required but encouraged. Tuesdays, 7:30-8:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $12/class. Packages available.
Bend Ecstatic Dance Dance your own dance in your own way in a supportive community of kindred spirits. Come explore free form movement, connection, and self-expression, guided by rich, diverse soundscapes. Visit: BendEcstaticDance.com or FB Bend Ecstatic Dance. $10-$12 sliding scale. Contact: joannacashman@gmail. com. Tuesdays, 7pm. Bend Masonic Center, 1036 NE 8th St, Bend. Ecstatic Dance in Sisters A journey of self-discovery through music and movement for exercise, stress release, emotional expression and celebration of life! Come to connect with yourself or with others in a safe, substance and fragrance-free environment. Please wear comfortable clothing that allows for full freedom of movement, leaving shoes off the dance floor. Everyone 13+ welcome! Second Friday of every month. Sliding scale. Friday, Apr. 13, 7pm. Sisters Park & Recreation, 1750 West McKinney Butte Rd. Sisters. $10-$20. Exclusive Screening: The Royal Ballet - The Winter’s Ballet Christopher
Wheeldon, Artistic Associate of The Royal Ballet, created his adaptation of Shakespeare’s late great romance The Winter’s Tale for The Royal Ballet in 2014. The story follows the destruction of a marriage through consuming jealousy, the abandonment of a child and a seemingly hopeless love. Tuesday, Apr. 17, 6:30-9:30pm. Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Ct., Sisters. $15.
Our second Chamber Music Concert for donors features the piano-clarinet ensemble, Duo Pegasus. Dr. Scott Wright, clarinetist, and Linda Halloin, pianist, have performed throughout the United States and abroad in many recitals, concerts and educational settings. This concert is for donating members of COSA. Sunday, Apr. 15, 2-4pm. Bend Senior High School, 230 NE 6th St, Bend.
Community Orchestra of Central Oregon Rehearsals COCO welcomes all
musicians to come have fun with us. A variety of players. A variety of music. No auditions. Contact: 541-306-6768, methowtraveller@yahoo. com. Wednesdays, 6:30-9pm. Mountain View High School Auditorium, 2755 NE 27th St. Bend.
Kirtan w/ Joss Jaffe Join us for a
reggae-infused kirtan with Joss Jaffe. Joss Jaffe’s music is rooted in his desire to unite people through spirit, love, joy, community and consciousness. Wednesday, Apr. 18, 7-9pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd, #A-5, Bend. $10/door.
Listen Local Live: Local Voices
Central Oregon artists lift their voices in song! Music from classical or classically inclined repertoire will include familiar composers and some new gems to enjoy. Saturday, Apr. 14, 7pm. First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE Ninth St. Bend. Concert is free with donations gratefully accepted.
Open Hub Singing Club We sing oral
Work up a sweat with the BollyX workout at the Sisters and Redmond Public Libraries, Sat. 4/14 and Tues. 4/17.
tradition songs that re-enchant the world and open our hearts, accessible song-tools that build connection among us. We sing for each other, a participatory sing, not a performance. All voices welcome! Second and fourth Thursdays through May 24. $5-$15 donation. Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. Hawthorn Healing Arts, 39 NW Louisiana Ave, Bend. $5-$15.
ActionDeniro Productions Presents
17 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Banjo Jam Ragtime, swing, country, folk and bluegrass. Third Thursday of every month. Thursday, Apr. 19, 5:30-7:30pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend.
Public (Rock) Choir Sing in a fun, non-threatening environment with people of all skill levels. Rock and pop favorites—no hymns. First time free. Mondays, 5:45-8pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln, Ste 1, Bend. $16.
Do you have food service experience?
Level 2 West Coast Swing This class goes over concepts of west coast swing as well as a few more patterns. Really dive into what west coast swing is and how to dance it, while learning the core concepts. Contact Jenny Cooper for questions, 541-401-1635. Thursdays, 7:308:30pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $30/month. Salsa Patterns - Level 2 Taken Salsa Level 1 or have a good understanding of the basics? Learn fun turn pattern combinations with Latin Dance Bend. Dance partner not required but encouraged. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $12/ class. Packages available.
Art & Wine, Oh My! - This Little Piggy
The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship invites artist to submit 3 pieces of original art work for the Black and White Exhibit in the Linus Pauling Gallery. This 2 month juried exhibit will be on view from April 8th to June 3rd. All work must be wired for hanging.To submit you work for consideration please send 3 digital images and one page bio to to Sue Wilhelm at sawstudio53@gmail.com by March 18th. Notification of acceptance by March 30th. The reception will be held April 15th, 11:45 to 1:00 pm. Unitarian Universalist of Central Oregon, 61980 Skyliners Rd. Bend.
FILM EVENTS BendFilm Presents “Evolution of Organic” Oscar winner Frances McDormand
narrates the story of a motley crew of back-tothe-landers, spiritual seekers and farmers’ sons and daughters who reject chemical farming and set out to explore organic alternatives. Thursday, Apr. 19, 5:30-7:30pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend. $12/adv.
COTA Move Night: Steps To The Top
Family-owned, independent Oregon grocer for 38 years! 115 NW Sisemore St. | Bend
event! No experience necessary! Fee includes supplies. Pre-register and see upcoming images at artventurewithjudy.com. Tuesdays, 6-9pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln, Ste 1, Bend. $25/pre-paid.
Square Dance Lessons Get started with
storytelling. Expressions of joy. Working up a sweat. Fun. Experienced dancers and newcomers alike will have the opportunity to dance their hearts out to the beat of live drum music. Call or text Anna 541.977.1720 with questions. Mondays, 7:30pm. Gotta Dance Studio, 917 NE 8th St, Bend. $10/drop-in.
Artventure with Judy Artist-led painting
Scottish Country Dance Class No experience or Scottish heritage necessary. Weekly classes include beginner & advanced dances. First class is free. Mondays, 7-9pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend. $5/class.
West African Dance Movement, rhythm,
Go to marketofchoice.com/careers to apply today!
Local artists will guide you through replicating the night’s featured image. Register online. Tuesday, Apr. 17, 6pm. Level 2, 360 SW Powerhouse Dr. Suite 210. Bend. $35.
our three-session sampler class! Instructed by Ron Bell-Roemer and hosted by the Bachelor Beauts Dance Club. For more info call 541 3827014. Thursdays & Sundays, April 5 - May 24. 6:15-8:15pm. Pine Forest Grange Hall, 63214 Boyd Acres Rd, Bend. $20/3-session sampler, $95/15-session series.
Earn competitive wages and benefits, and work full time as part of the fun, fast-paced kitchen team at Market of Choice. Provide customers high-quality, delicious dishes while working in a professional, well-structured, modern kitchen, alongside an energetic team. • Entry-level starting pay $12/hr • Health, dental and vision insurance • Matching 401(k) retirement plan
Supercross Live Join us for the weekly showing of Monster Energy Supercross Live, the indoor dirt bike racing championship. Saturdays, 6-8pm. Spoken Moto, 310 SW Industrial Way, Bend.
Black and White Art Exhibit Call to Artists!
Cheers to Art: Picasso’s Sculpture Art
historian Lorna Cahall focuses on the the inventive, whimsical and ever-evolving sculpture of Pablo Picasso in this month’s art talk. Sculpture occupied a uniquely personal and experimental status in Picasso’s oeuvre. Admission includes wine. No RSVP required. Wednesday, Apr. 18, 7-8pm. Bend Art Center, 550 SW Industrial Way #180, Bend.
Drawing Under the Influence Bring pa-
per, pen, creativity and draw under the influence! This DUI club is for anyone looking for some fun. Sundays, 6-9pm. JC’s Bar & Grill, 642 NW Franklin Ave, Bend. Free.
Featured A6 Artist Paul Alan Bennett
Sisters artist and A6 Member Paul Alan Bennett shows a new series of mixed-media prints on the theme of “Imagination and the Stars.” Bennett will be printing in the studio on First Friday, April 6 from 5-7 pm. View exhibit hours online. Bend Art Center, 550 SW Industrial Way #180, Bend. Free.
During those couple hours of broadcasted hype, it’s easy to forget the pressure and pain, steps and sacrifice each of the athletes endured in order to get to the show. Beneath the logos and behind the goggles, these riders we idolize or criticize is a very real human being who has to deal with the pressure of competition in a sport that punishes the smallest mistakes with broken bones. Doors at 7:30pm. Thursday, Apr. 19, 8pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend. $6/cash only.
Figure Drawing Sessions Sessions with live model. BYO drawing materials, easels provided first come, first serve. No registration required. Tuesdays, 7-9pm. The Workhouse, 50 SE Scott St #6, Bend. $15/session.
Exclusive Screening: The Royal Ballet - The Winter’s Ballet Christopher
“Finding the Flow” Exhibit by Christina McKeown A professional whitewater kayaker,
Wheeldon, Artistic Associate of The Royal Ballet, created his adaptation of Shakespeare’s late great romance The Winter’s Tale for The Royal Ballet in 2014. The story follows the destruction of a marriage through consuming jealousy, the abandonment of a child and a seemingly hopeless love. Tuesday, Apr. 17, 6:30-9:30pm. Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Ct., Sisters. $15.
IF4: International Fly Fishing Film Festival International Fly Fishing Film Festival
consists of short and feature length films produced by professional filmmakers from all corners of the globe, showcasing the passion, lifestyle and culture of fly fishing. The films at this popular event are capturing the attention of anglers around the world. IF4™ contains exclusive content and is a must see experience! Thursday, Apr. 19, 7pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St, Bend. $15/GA.
Movie Night: A Family Gathering Learn
about the lasting legacy of Japanese internment in Oregon. Presented in association with Crook County Human Dignity Advocates and the Rural Organizing Project. Join us in the Broughton Room. Tuesday, Apr. 17, 6-7:30pm. Crook County Library, 175 NW Meadow Lakes Dr, Prineville.
McKeown finds a never-ending stream of art inspiration while adventuring outdoors. She packs watercolors and inks as they are the best medium for her water adventures and stow easily in a small drybag. McKeown expresses her love and joy for the rivers and mountains through her bright and colorful palette and hopes to inspire those viewing the work to preserve and appreciate the beauty of the environment. On display April 1 - May 31, 2018. Artist Reception: May 4, 5 – 7 pm. Townshend’s Bend Teahouse, 835 NW Bond St, Bend.
Keira Kotler: Quietude Keira Kotler is a visual artist whose work explores luminosity and the resonance of color through reductive paintings, photoworks, and monoprints. On display through April 28. Wednesday-Saturday, 11am6pm. At Liberty, 849 NW Wall St, Bend. Lloyd McMullen: “So Far/As I Know”
Mixed-media artist Lloyd McMullen will exhibit new work at a show entitled, “So Far/As I Know,” at Central Oregon Community College’s (COCC) Pence Pinckney Gallery April 5-28. There will be an opening reception 4:30-6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 5, to include an artist talk at 5 p.m. For more information on this show, contact Bill Hoppe at whoppe@cocc.edu or 541-383-7514. Thursday, Apr. 5, midnight. Central Oregon Community College, 2600 NW College Way, Bend.
Mosaic Garden Stake Workshop Make a glass-on-glass iron garden stake for Mother’s Day or your yard! Saturday, Apr. 14, 8:30am4:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $139/ tuition plus materials. Porthole Art and Sustainable Products Fundraiser Join Changing Tides
Foundation and KEEL Collection for an evening of Porthole Art and Products to help you adventure consciously. Porthole Art is photos in resin made by Macy who has been living on a sailboat for the past few years with her husband. She is passionate about the ocean and environment and wants to share feeling of being on the ocean. Therefore she created “Portholes” so you too could experience looking out of a porthole on a boat in the ocean. Saturday, Apr. 14, 5pm. Velvet, 805 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Ridgeview High School presents: “Who’s ‘Raven’ Now?” Ridgeview High
School (RVHS) students will present two performances of their annual improvisational (improv) production, “Who’s ‘Raven’ Now?” The show uses the improv talents of 10 students from seniors to freshmen, including improv subjects, party quirks, emotion party, superheroes, let’s make a date, hitchhiker and more. Friday & Saturday, 7pm. Performing Arts Center - Ridgeview High School, 4555 SW Elkhorn Ave, Redmond. $3/ students and kids, $5/adults.
Short Term Memory; Art by Megan McGuinness Memories are often all there are
to hold on to, yet can easily fade as time flows on. Megan McGuinness’ acrylic paintings are representations of past moments in her life and other’s lives she would like not to forget. Using bold colors, and high contrast Megan’s pieces try to hold onto a feeling from long ago. On display March 2 - April 30. 7am-5pm. Lone Pine Coffee Roasters, 845 Tin Pan Alley, Bend.
Studio Art Sale Come visit the studio of
Northwest Crossing artist Gregory Fields. More than sixty original artworks will be available, including steel and ceramic sculptures, garden pillars, ceramic murals, wall art and artisan tiles—in wide range of sizes and prices. For more info contact Greg at 206-919-7911 or gfields@ fieldscapes.com. Saturday & Sunday, April 14-15 rain or shine! 10am. Private Residence in Bend, Address given upon RSVP. Bend.
“Zamenhof’s Trials”: Prints and Prinstillation by Sukha Worob Join in and
create an evolving, collaborative “printstillation” using special rollers designed by contemporary printmaker Sukha Worob. Worob plays with several iterations of his imagery. Starting with a carved plate or roller, Worob might photograph the resulting multi-layered print, then convert it to a vector graphic, then turn the layered image into a new plate with the help of a laser cutter. View exhibit hours online. Friday, Apr. 6, midnight. Bend Art Center, 550 SW Industrial Way #180, Bend. Free.
PRESENTATIONS A Novel Idea - Hinduism 101 Kristin
Scheible will present a brief introduction to Hinduism, using the many references in “No One Can Pronounce My Name” as a framework. Saturday, Apr. 14, noon-1pm. Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Ln. Sunriver | Sunday, Apr. 15, 1-2pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend.
A Novel Idea - Kick Off Stacey Donohue provides a snapshot of “No One Can Pronounce My Name” and Jaspreet Arora provides a glimpse of the entertaining world of Bollywood. Saturday, Apr. 14, 3-4pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. A Novel Idea - Vampires: A History of the Creatures of the Night. Community
Librarian Nate Pedersen explores the cultural history of the vampire in folklore and literature. Monday, Apr. 16, 6-7pm. Downtown Bend Library (Brooks Room), 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
egon Regional Chapter is hosting an educational event on Pools & Spas with Speaker John Mason of Deschutes County. Come learn all the ins and outs of keeping those pools/spas sparkling clean! Thursday, Apr. 19, 7:30-9am. The Oxford Hotel, 10 NW Minnesota Ave. Bend. $25/member, $35/non-member.
Concussion Seminar Join Dr. Viviane
Ugalde of The Center and John Hilt, PT, DPT of Step & Spine Physical Therapy for a free seminar on concussions. Dr. Ugalde and John will discuss the signs, symptoms, and treatment of concussions, as well as what to expect from recovery. Please RSVP by April 13th to mwhitehouse@ thecenteroregon.com or 541-322-2211. Tuesday, Apr. 17, 6pm. Step & Spring Physical Therapy, 2185 NW Shevlin Park Rd. Bend. Free.
“Down Under” Howard Horvath and Mary Oppenheimer made their second trip to Australia last fall, during the Australian spring. Orchids, a Wallaby Joey, and of course birds were all part of the journey they will share. Thursday, Apr. 19, 6:30-8:30pm. Central Oregon Enrivronmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave. Bend. Ka’ila Farrell-Smith: A Lens on Contemporary Indigenous Art and Culture ScaleHouse is thrilled to present
ScaleHouse Voices, a series of talks with visiting artists of diverse disciplines, exploring ideas and techniques, practice and process, creativity and culture. Attendees will discover Ka’ila’s influences, inspirations, contemporary colleagues, and Native artists using agency to bring awareness to Water and Land protection from dangerous fossil fuel and Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) projects across Indian Country. Purchase tickets online at scalehouse.org. Meet in Tyekson Hall, Rm 111. Wednesday, Apr. 18, 6:30-7:30pm. OSU Cascade Campus, 1500 SW Chandler Ave., Tykeson Hall Room 111. Bend. $12.
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
RVHS student improv comedy show ”Who’s Raven Now” at the Ridgeview High black box theater 4/13 & 4/14.
Power Hour: Commercial Solar and Efficiency Come learn how Whole Foods is
14, 9am-1pm. Riverbend Park, 799 SW Columbia St. Bend, OR.
saving energy (and producing some of their own) and how your business can too with a panel discussion, lots of time for Q&A and pints from Sunriver Brewing. Thursday, Apr. 12, 5-6:30pm. Whole Foods Market, 2610 Highway 20. Bend. Free.
Adult Aerial Silks Classes Adult only
aerial silks classes - all skill levels, including beginners. Come fly with us! Thursdays, 5:30-7pm. Central Oregon Aerial Arts, 20700 Carmen Loop #120, Bend. $20/class, $160/10 classes.
So Many Genealogy Choices! What Will Work Best For You? At this month’s meet-
Akashic Record Training Weekend
Learn how to access the Akashic Records. Do readings for yourself and earn income from reading for others by the end of the weekend. Certificate course early bird discount. Call (828) 329-0833 for more info. Saturday, Apr. 14, 10am. Aingeal Rose and Ahonu, 358 SE Sena Ct. Bend. $497/class.
THEATER Auditions for “Accomplice” Auditions for
Accomplice by Rupert Holmes, directed by Scott Schultz 2 males, 2 females, performances June 8-23. This theatrical roller coaster will trigger screams of laughter even as audiences vow to keep its secrets hush-hush. The story begins in Dartmoor, England at the stylish weekend retreat of the affluent Derek and Janet Taylor, and both adultery and murder are in the air. Auditions at 7pm, Monday and Tuesday. Apr. 16-17. 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend.
CTC Directors’ Orientation Interested in
directing a play at Cascades Theatre? Whether you have years of experience, or are interested in trying something new, this 1-hour crash-course on what directing at CTC entails will be informative and fun! Attendees will get a sneak peek of what our next season looks like, and will be eligible to apply for Directing and Assistant Directing positions for 2018-2019! Join us on Saturday, April 7th from 11am to 12pm or on Sunday, April 15th from 11am-12pm. RSVP to mconley@ cascadestheatrical.org. Cascades Theatrical Company, 148 NW Greenwood Ave, Bend.
Disaster! A 70’s Movie..Musical!
It’s 1979, and New York’s hottest A-listers are lining up for the opening of a floating casino and discotheque. What begins as a night of boogie fever quickly changes to panic as the ship succumbs to multiple disasters, such as earthquakes, tidal waves and infernos. April 13-May 5. Thur-Sat, 7:30pm. Sun, 3pm. 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend. $25/adults, $22/ students and seniors.
Friday the 13th Improv Show Come have some fun with Triage and the Reality Benders! Songs, sagas and a horror movie made up on the spot. All ages welcome. Friday, Apr. 13, 7pm. Cascades Theatrical Company, 148 NW Greenwood Ave, Bend. $5/person. The Government Inspector Hilarity ensues when corrupt officials in a small Russian hamlet discover that an undercover government inspector is coming to town. Witty, smart and wildly satirical, this timely and spirited adaptation of Nikolai Gogol’s classic play exposes the corruption of provincial town with biting hilarity. Apr 19-21, 7 pm & Apr 22, 2 pm. Summit High School Auditorium, 2855 NW Clearwater Dr. Bend. $5/students & seniors, $8/GA.
WORDS Author Event: Frank Zafiro Join us for an
A Novel Idea - Handmade Book of Secrets Many of the characters in “No One Learn more about mentoring a child with an incarcerated parent at Deschutes County Services Center 4/14.
Bend entrepeneur and Kim Kinney from Rugged Threads. Both will share inspiring stories. All funds earned from these events will go towards Sew Teach Me’s national launch, offering the program to other quilt shops, churches, after-school clubs and more throughout the US. Two events: April 12, 7pm and April 14, 3pm. Tickets available at QuiltWorks. QuiltWorks, 926 NE Greenwood Ave, Bend. $20/person.
Writing about (this) Place Inspired by the
natural and cultural landscapes of central Oregon and by the best prose and poetry about and inspired by our region, we deepen and invigorate our own writing in all genres and see where an exploration of this particular place takes us as literary writers. April 5 through May 24. To register, call 541-408-4509 or esantasiero@gmail. com. Thursdays, 7-8:30pm.. Eastside location, Bend. $185/series.
VOLUNTEERS Become a Big Brother or Big Sister in Redmond It doesn’t take much to make a big
difference in the life of a child! Looking for caring adult mentors who are willing to spend a few hours a month sharing their interests and hobbies. Contact: 541-617-4788, balbert@bbbsco. org. Ongoing. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon - Redmond, 412 SW 8th St.
Brightside Thrift Store in Redmond
Looking for volunteers to receive donations, sort, and price items. Volunteers are critical to the operations of our high-save shelter and contribute directly to the care of our animals by ensuring our donations are processed. Contact: 541-5040101 or thrift@brightsideanimals.org. Mon-Sun, 10am-5pm. BrightSide Animal Thrift Store, 838 NW 5th St, Redmond.
Call for Volunteers Volunteers needed at Second Chance Bird Rescue! Friendly people needed to help socialize birds to ready for adoption, make toys, clean cages and make some new feathered friends! Located past Cascade Lakes Distillery, call 916-956-2153 for hours and location. Call for hours and location. Fences For Fido Help free dogs from chains!
author presentation by crime-fiction writer Frank Zafiro. He will be speaking about his soon to be released title: Unlikely Phoenix, a dystopian sci-fi work not too unfamiliar to our own reality. Thursday, Apr. 12, 6:30pm. Roundabout Books, 900 Northwest Mount Washington Drive #110, Bend.
We are seeking volunteers on Mondays to come out and help us build fences for dogs who live on chains. No experience is required. Sign up on Facebook: FFF Central Oregon Region Volunteers. More info can be found at fencesforfido. org. Mondays. City of Bend, Contact for address.
Classics Book Club We will be discussing
Go Big, Bend Big Brothers Big Sisters works
“Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Dosteyevsky. Wednesday, Apr. 11, 6pm. Roundabout Books, 900 Northwest Mount Washington Drive #110, Bend.
Sew Inspired! Sew Inspired! A fundraiser
for Sew Teach Me a non-profit that matches mentors with youth to teach them how to sew at no cost. Speakers Harriet Langmas a well known
with kids who need a positive role model and extra support. We need caring volunteers to help children reach their full potential! Contact: 541312-6047 or cbright@bbbsco.org. Ongoing. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon, 2125 NE Daggett Ln, Bend.
Make Your Mark at Bend Spay+Neuter! Compassionate, awesome people to join
an incredible team, whether you volunteer in the clinic, festivals or helping with our community cat population. Contact: 541-617-1010, volunteer@bendsnip.org. Ongoing. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson Ave, Bend.
Mentor a Child with an Incarcerated Parent Central Oregon Partnerships for Youth
(COPY) is offering a spring training class for people interested in mentoring a child with an incarcerated parent. For additional details please call 541-388-6651. Additional program information is available at the Sheriff’s Office website. Saturday, Apr. 14, 9:30am-3:30pm. Deschutes County Services Center, 1300 NW Wall St. Bend.
Mentors Needed Heart of Oregon Corps is a nonprofit that inspires and empowers positive change in youth through education, jobs and stewardship. For more info or to become a mentor, contact John at 541-526-1380. Ongoing. Heart of Oregon Corps, 1291 NE 5th St, Bend. Teen Service Days At Camp Fire, we believe teens don’t need to wait for the future to shape the world… it begins now! Teen Service Days are free monthly volunteer opportunities for youth, grades 6 and above, to strengthen their community, connect with others, and transform lives! Email info@campfireco.org for more info. Ongoing. City of Bend, Contact for address.
The Rebecca Foundation The Rebecca
Foundation is seeking volunteers to help us with an upcoming event and ongoing needs for the Bend area diaper bank. Volunteers of all ages welcome. RSVP to amanda@clothforall.org for more info. Ongoing. City of Bend, Contact for address.
Volunteer The Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. We have an emergency food pantry, we visit residents of assisted living centers, and we make up gifts for veterans and homeless. Contact us at 541-389-8888. Ongoing. City of Bend, Contact for address. Bend. Volunteer Drivers Needed Volunteer
drivers needed Mondays-Fridays to transport veterans to the Bend VA Clinic and Portland VA Hospital. Must have clean driving record and be able to pass VA-provided physical and screening. Call Paul at 541-647-2363 for more details. Ongoing. City of Bend, Contact for address. Bend.
Volunteers Needed Help with daily horse care. Duties include; corral cleaning, grooming, walking horses. Flexible days and hours. No experience required. Call Kate Beardsley to set up an appointment 541-350-2406. Ongoing. Mustangs to the Rescue, 21670 McGilvray Road, Bend. Walk MS Bend Walk MS helps us team up with friends, loved ones and co-workers to change the world for everyone affected by MS. Together, we will end MS forever. Saturday, Apr.
Can Pronounce My Name” are extremely private, with secret or unspoken ambitions, desires or histories. Do you harbor something secret or unspoken? Do you wish it to remain secret....or are you ready to share it? Registration required. Thursday, Apr. 19, 5:30-7pm. East Bend Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd, Bend. Free.
Beginning Aerial Silks Class Come fly
with us! Get stronger, gain confidence and learn how to fly. Ages 8 and up welcome! Tuesdays, 4-5:30pm. Wednesdays, 3-4:30pm. Saturdays, 2:30-4pm. Sundays, 1:30-3pm. Central Oregon Aerial Arts, 20700 Carmen Loop #120, Bend. $20/drop-in, $160/10 classes.
Beginning/Intermediate Wheel Throwing This class introduces beginners
to basic wheel techniques (throwing bowl and cylinder forms, finishing and glazing). Continuing students will also work on mastering the wheel. Includes one bag of clay, use of tools, and firing. Wednesdays, 6-9pm. Pottery By Yvonne, 65093 Smokey Butte Dr Bend. $185/person.
Buddhist Mantras Chanting Explore the
spiritual insights and learn how to correctly chant mantras in Japanese. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. 10:30am-4:00pm. Reservations required. Contact: 541-848-1255 or wildlifemusicweb@yahoo.com for more info. Custom Built Computers of Redmond, 439 SW 6th St, Redmond. $10/class.
Capoeira Experience this exciting martial art
form of Afro Brazilian origins which incorporates music and acrobatic movements. For adults and teens. Mondays & Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. Capoeira Bend, 63056 Lower Meadow Dr, Bend. $30/ two-week intro.
Date Night - Weld Together Couples that weld together, stay together! Two students minimum per booking. Kids 13+ welcome. No Welding Experience Needed!Learn more and sign up at DIYcave.com. Use code S10 to save 10% off when signing up for classes. Friday, Apr. 13, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $50. DJ Drez and Marti Nikko Join internationally beloved Marti Nikko and DJ Drez for a workshop will include asana, chanting, discussion and some beautiful music. Saturday, Apr. 14, 9am. Wren and Wild, 910 NW Harriman St, Bend. $45. Fine Art Classes Learn the flexibility of acrylics. All ages and skill levels welcome. Join us for two hours of instruction and take home a finished painting you will be proud to share! Contact: 360-880-5088, ninepick9@yahoo.com. Fridays, 10am-Noon. Hobby Lobby, 3188 N Hwy 97 Suite 119, Bend. $20/week. Friday Night With Clay Bring a friend, or make new friends while you spend an evening learning the basics of throwing on the wheel. Guests will create two pieces of pottery wheel under the guidance of Yvonne. Pots will be trimmed and glazed and ready for pick up 3 weeks after the event. Bring and adult beverage and we will provide the snacks and soft drinks.
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Aerial Silks Training Learn how to fly on aerial silks. Build confidence, courage and strength through play. Thursdays, 4-5:15pm. Silks Rising, 1560 NE 1st St #10, Bend. $20/drop-in.
ing, Marsha Lakes will offer her perspective on how to navigate modern genealogy, both online and in the real world, to help you figure out what methods will work best for you. Follow us on Facebook or email us at bgs@bendbroadband. com for more info. Tuesday, Apr. 17, 10am-noon. Williamson Hall at Rock Arbor Villa, 2200 NE Hwy 20. Bend. Free.
Friday, Apr. 13, 6:30-9pm. Pottery By Yvonne, 65093 Smokey Butte Dr Bend. $55/person.
both in Hands on Healing and for Distance Reiki across time and space. This class includes hands on healing time with fellow Master students. Saturday, Apr. 14, 10am-5pm. Kimimi Healing Arts, 2039 NE Cradle Mountain Way. Bend, OR.
Intro to AcroYoga Take your practice up and
off your yoga mat and become more connected to your inner self and community! No partner or experience necessary! Deven Sisler will empower your practice on and off your mat. Fridays, 7-8:30pm. Namaspa Yoga, Redmond, 974 SW Veterans Way, Redmond. $25/class.
Restorative Yoga Nidra by Candlelight with Essential Oils Immerse yourself in a
restorative yoga practice with yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra, guided meditation, helps to calm the mind and relieve stress. This workshop is designed to help you step into stillness. Saturday, Apr. 14, 6-7:30pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $25/door, $20/adv.
Intro to TIG Welding TIG is the ultimate
method for beautiful welds. This Project Based Class will introduce you to how TIG works, how to assemble the torch, and TIG welding techniques. During class, you’ll create a project you can take home. All materials included. Ages 14 and up, previous welding experience (such as the Welding Workshop class) required. Learn more and sign up at DIYcave.com. Use code S10 to save 10% off when you sign up. Thursday, Apr. 19, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $70/ person.
Japanese Group Lesson We offer group
lessons for both beginners and intermediate students for Japanese for all ages. Wednesdays, 5-6pm. Wabi Sabi, 830 NW Wall St, Bend. $10.
Learn to Paint with Coffee & Beer Gather two or more friends and learn to paint using only beer or coffee to make your masterpiece. Instructor Karen Eland provides a pre-drawn sketch and will lead you step by step to a finished painting in about two hours—and you get to drink your paint! Contact: 541-350-9778, coffeepainter@gmail.com. By appointment. The Workhouse, 50 SE Scott St #6, Bend. Meditation and Relaxation Class Join us! As a certified hypnotist, you’ll experience relaxing the body, mind and emotions. Silence any chattered thoughts and feel deeper inner peace, love and joy. Enjoy an amazing journey through visualization. Leave feeling peaceful. Angelica Authored Relaxation Audio, Books and
Enjoy time with your little one at Mom & Baby Yoga at Tula Movement Arts on Tuesdays.
Inspirational Stickers. Presenting Relaxation classes since 1991. Please call 971-217-6576 to register. Mondays, 10-10:30am. Bend Golf & Country Club, 61045 Country Club Dr, Bend. $9/ minimum donation.
Mom & Baby Yoga Mothers with babies
through early walkers are invited to stretch, strengthen, relax and have fun in a child friendly environment. No yoga experience necessary. Tuesdays, Noon-1pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $17/drop-in.
MultiLevel AcroYoga An all levels AcroYoga
class. Blends partner acrobatics and yoga in a fun, safe and accessible way. The class will follow the same basic theme with various tracks for beginner, intermediate and advanced students. No partner necessary. Tuesdays, 7:30-9pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $17/drop-in.
Oriental Palm Reading Discover how the
brain, nerves, and lines connect in palmistry. Wednesdays, 6-7pm. Wabi Sabi, 830 NW Wall St, Bend. $10.
Postnatal Yoga & Women’s Circle This
4-week workshop combines yoga and a support circle to join women in this powerful and often overwhelming time in their lives. Wednesdays, 10:30-11:45am. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $17/drop-in.
Prenatal Yoga Yoga designed specifically for the expecting mother. All levels and stages of pregnancy welcome. Class cards and monthly memberships available. Thursdays, 5-6pm and Sundays, 9:30-10:45am. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $17. Reiki 3 Master Symbols Receive an attunement with the Master Level Symbols, the most powerful Reiki Symbols that can be used
Restore You Restorative yoga formulas taught with sandbags and an array of props to boost circulation, reduce stress/tension both physical and mental. Customized attention with smaller class sizes and individualized support to inspire body’s natural healing capacity. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Sundays at 10:30am. Wednesdays at 5pm. Sun Dog Yoga, 1245 SE 3rd St, Bend. $8. Still Life Drawing Workshop Create still
life drawings of historical artifacts from the High Desert Museum’s collection under the guidance of artist and teacher Ian Factor. For ages 14 and older. Members $20, non-members $25. Registration and prepayment required. Saturday, Apr. 14, 10am-1pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 U.S. 97, Bend. $25/non-members, $20/members.
Tai Chi Focusing on gentle movement, balance
and coordination. This ongoing class teaches alignment, standing relaxation and mental awareness progressing into the greater depth of internal energy and movement. For more info, call 541-548-1086. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:3011a. Brooks Hall at Trinity Episcopal Church, 469 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
EVENTS The Abraham Inspiration Group With seminar video of Abraham and Esther Hicks, our open discussion allows us to learn from each other and share how the Art of Allowing and Law of Attraction work through us and those in our circle. Saturday, Apr. 14, 5-8pm. Rosie Bareis Campus, 1010 NW 14th St. Bend. By donation. West African Drumming Learn traditional
Youth/Adult Slackline This class will be a
combination of basic poses, transitions, floor exercises, stamina drills and games. All ages and levels welcome. Class cards and memberships available. Tuesdays, 5-6pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $18/ youth drop-in, $20/adult drop-in.
EVENTS Household Hazardous Waste Collection Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) is
accepted free of charge from residential users at the Knott Landfill Hazardous Waste Facility. Second and fourth Friday & Saturday of each month. Accepts a wide variety of hazardous waste. Friday & Saturday, Apr. 13-14, 9am. Knott Landfill, 61050 SE 27th St. Bend.
Pool Tournament Cash Cup Anyone can
join in, regardless of experience! APA rules, winnings based on number of participants. Tuesdays, 8pm. Seven Nightclub, 1033 NW Bond St, Bend. $5.
Preventative Walk-in Pet Wellness Clinic First come, first served. Vaccines, micro-
chips, toenail trims and de-worming available. Service fees can be found at bendsnip.org. Saturdays, 10am. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson Ave, Bend.
Refine Medical Grand Opening Join us in celebrating the arrival of Bend’s new destination for aesthetic medicine and wellness. We invite you to join us for live music, wine, champagne, light hors d’oeuvres, door prizes and special introductory pricing for attendees only. Thursday, Apr. 12, 5:30-7pm. Refine Medical, 1835 NW Pence Ln #140, Bend. Free. Tetherow Spring Job Fair Please join us
for our Spring Job Fair in the Clubhouse! We are gearing up for a busy season at Tetherow and recruiting for a variety of exciting positions. Monday, Apr. 16, 9am-1pm. Tetherow Golf Club, 61240 Skyline Ranch Rd. Bend.
Texas Hold ‘em Poker Join us for Poker
Night upstairs at The Saloon! First hand dealt at 7pm, so grab a seat early! Contact: 541-549-7427 for more info. Wednesdays, 7pm. Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill, 190 E Cascade Ave, Sisters. $20.
US Bank C.O. Business Expo & Job Fair Are you looking for the newest products
and services from local, Central Oregon companies? How about looking for practical advice on how to successfully grow your business and navigate an ever-changing economy? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then you will want to make sure to attend the 20th Annual Central Oregon Business Expo and Job Fair. Wednesday, Apr. 18, 1-5:30pm. Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SE Airport Way, Redmond.
SENIOR EVENTS Grassroots Cribbage Club Newcomers welcome. For info contact Sue at 541-610-3717. Mondays, 6-9pm. Bend Elks Lodge #1371, 63120 Boyd Acres Rd, Bend.
Medical Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin Aid in the treatment of arthritis, Par-
Infant & Pregnancy Loss Support Group MISS Foundation peer-mediated support
kinson’s, cancer, fibromyalgia and the rehabilitation from surgery and injury. Wheelchairs and Walkers welcome. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 623-203-4883 for more info. Thursdays, 1-2pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend. $30/month.
group for mothers and fathers enduring the death of a child from any cause. Including, but not limited to: Infant/young child death, SIDS, stillbirth. Second Wednesday of every month. Apr. 11, 7-8:30pm. Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct, Bend.
Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin Tai Chi
Italian Conversation Group Conversa-
not only helps to maintain a person’s physical health and mental balance but is also used to treat a number of illnesses without the use of any drugs. Certified and endorsed by The Oregon Council on Aging. Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30am & Fridays, 10-11am. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 623-203-4883 for more info. La Pine Senior Activity Center, 16450 Victory Way, La Pine. $35/ month, 2 classes per week.
MEETINGS Accordion Club of Central Oregon Small and welcoming group. Opportunities for solo and ensemble playing and performing. All playing levels welcome. Please visit accordion club website for more info. Meets second Saturday of the month. Apr. 14, 10am-noon. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend. Al-Anon Family Groups 12-step group for
friends and families of alcoholics. Check afginfo. org or call 541-728-3707 for times and locations. Various times and locations. Central Oregon, County wide.
Alcoholics Anonymous If you want to
drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. Call Alcoholics Anonymous. Hotline: 541-548-0440. Or visit coigaa.org. Various times and locations. Central Oregon, Countywide.
Bend Chamber Toastmasters Develop and grow your public speaking and leadership skills. Wednesdays, Noon-1pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend. Bend “Go” Club Expand your mind playing this ancient (yet modern) board game! Beginners welcome. Contact: 541-385-9198 for more info. Wednesdays, 2-5pm. Market of Choice, 115 NW Sisemore St, Bend. Free. Central Oregon Homebrewers Organization A fun group of people, dedicated to
improving our craft. Educational sessions, group brewing, competitions, and other beer-related events. Third Wednesday of every month. Apr. 18, 6:30-9pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend.
Citizens Climate Lobby Monthly Meeting The Citizens Climate Lobby works to
empower citizens to connect with and influence members of Congress to implement climate solutions. Second Wednesday of every month. Apr. 11, 4-6pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend.
Emotions Anonymous EA provides a warm and accepting group setting in which to share experiences without fear of criticism. Wednesdays at 9:30am & Thursdays at 10:30am. First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St, Bend.
tional Italian group in a relaxed atmosphere. Saturdays, 9:45-11am. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Free.
League of Women Voters of Deschutes County Luncheon Different speaker each
month on issues important to our community. First Thursday, 11am-1pm. Black Bear Diner, 1465 NE 3rd St, Bend.
Marijuana Anonymous Meeting. Thursdays, 7-8pm. Serenity Lane Outpatient Treatment, 601 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend. NAMI Depression & Bipolar Disorder Support Group Mondays, 7-9pm. First Unit-
ed Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St, Bend.
Oregon Heritage Conference Deschutes Historical Society presents the Oregon Heritage Conference meeting. Wednesday, Apr. 11, 7pm. At Liberty, 849 NW Wall St, Bend. Overeaters Anonymous Meeting A
fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. Contact: 541306-6844 for more info. Mondays & Thursdays, Noon-1pm. Saturdays, 9:30am-11am. United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St., Bend. | Wednesdays, 4-5pm. Redmond Senior Center, 325 NW Dogwood Ave., Redmond. Various times and locations . Central Oregon, Countywide.
Refuge Recovery Meeting A mindfulness-based addiction recovery community that practices and utilizes Buddhist philosophy and meditation as the foundation of the recovery process. Monday, Apr. 16, 4:30-5:30pm. Wren and Wild, 910 NW Harriman St, Bend. Rheumatoid Arthritis Support Group
Anyone with RA or similar auto-immune syndrome welcome. For more information contact Alyce Jantzen (alyce1002@gmail.com) or Kristen Jones (kristenjones1227@gmail.com). Third Tuesday of every month, 4-5pm. Bend Memorial Clinic - Redmond, 865 SW Veterans Way. Redmond, OR.
Socrates Cafe Group People from different backgrounds get together and exchange thoughtful ideas and experiences while embracing the Socratic Method. Open to all. Thursdays, 6-8pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Spanish Club Spanish language study and conversation group. All levels welcome. Thursday, Apr. 19, 3:30-5pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Free. Spanish Club Spanish language study and conversation group. All levels welcome. Thursday, Apr. 12, 3:30-5pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Free.
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous Meeting A fellowship of individuals who,
Transitions: Mama Circle It’s tough being a mom. It’s easier with community. Join us for free, non-judgmental support. Share your concerns, questions, joys, challenges, experiences, and practical tips. Open to pregnant women and moms with littles. Wednesdays, 11am-12:30pm. Baby Phases, 759 NE Greenwood Ave. Bend. Free.
French Conversation Table Every first and third Monday of the month. All are welcome! Mondays, 10:30am-12:30pm. Barnes and Noble, 2690 NE Hwy 20. Bend.
Women’s Cancer Support Group For the newly diagnosed and survivors of cancer. For information call: Judy, 541-728-0767. Candy, 907-209-8181. Call Musso on the call box upon arrival. Thursdays, 1-3pm. 990 SW Yates, 990 SW Yates Dr. Bend. Free.
through shared experience and mutual support, are recovering from the disease of food addiction. Based on the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Contact: 831-435-0680 for more info. Saturdays, 9-10:30am. Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 NE 27th St, Bend.
INCO Public Gathering Mission to promote understanding and respectful relationships among diverse faith communities in Central Oregon by offering opportunities for learning, fellowship and service together. Third Wednesday of every month. Noon. Trinity Episcopal Church/ St. Helen’s Hall, 231 NW Idaho Ave. Bend.
Zen Discussion & Meditation A weekly lay-led Dharma discussion and meditation (zazen). Open to all. Discussion 6pm, sitting/walking meditation 7-8:30pm. Mondays, 6-8:30pm. St. Helen’s Hall - Trinity Episcopal, 231 NW Idaho Avenue, Bend. Free.
23 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
rhythms, and experience the brain-enhancing, healing and joyful benefits from David Visiko. A beginner class open to all. Contact: 541-7603204, DjembeDave@yahoo.com for more info. LVL 1: Mondays, 5:30-6:30pm | LVL 2: Thursdays, 6-7:30pm | LVL 3: Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. Djembe Dave’s Home Studio, 63198 de Haviland St, Bend. $15/class.
Eat Wisely! Stay Healthy at Bend’s #1 Veterinary Clinic where Healthy Adventures Await!
Animal Adventures Live animals, stories,
crafts with High Desert Museum. Ages 3+ years. Wednesday, Apr. 11, 1pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Backpack Explorers – Microscope Explorers We’ll collect specimens and
Proudly Serving 7 Days a Week Urgent Care
examine different textures, patterns and colors using a handheld digital microscope. Parents and children ages 3-5 investigate science, art, music, stories and culture in a fun, hands-on manner. Pre-registration and payment is required. Wednesday, Apr. 11, 10-11am. High Desert Museum, 59800 U.S. 97, Bend. Members $10 per child, non-members $15 per child, plus Museum admission for accompanying adult.
Big Kids Yoga This class is for older kids who
want to learn more of the fundamentals of yoga through mindful games, breathing techniques, handstands and restorative poses. Wednesdays, 4-5:15pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $6/drop-in, $20/4-class series.
Visit us at bendveterinaryclinic.com 541-382-0741
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Craft Kitchen Craft Night Fundraiser
Join Family Resource Center for an hour as they guide parents and their kiddos through a craft activity. All proceeds from ticket sales go to Family Resource Center. Thursday, Apr. 19, 5:306:30pm. Craft Kitchen and Brewery, 62988 NE Layton Ave, Bend. $25/adults, Free.
DIY Kids Woodshop Kids will learn a lot of great skills in this class including measuring, cutting with a saw, and building their project. All materials supplied. Learn more and sign up at DIYcave.com. Use code S10 and save 10% off when signing up. Wednesday, Apr. 18, 4pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend.
Early Learners Creativity Lab An art class for children ages 0-5 years old w/ caregiver. A fun-filled hour of open-ended art activities designed specifically for the early learner. Wednesdays through May, 11am-Noon. Base Camp Studio, 2531 NE Studio Rd. Bend. $10/ class, $90/10 classes. Earth Day Costume Workshop with Teafly Join local artist Teafly for a cos-
tume-making workshop for this year’s Earth Day celebration! Ages 6+. Parent/guardian must be present. Please register in advance. Saturday, Apr. 14, 1-3pm. The Workhouse, 50 SE Scott St #6, Bend. Free.
Face Your Fears: Open Martial Arts Tournament This fundraiser for the Good
Thought Good Action Foundation is celebrating its 6th year! The GTGA Foundation is a Bend local non-profit that awards training and college assistance scholarships to students in non-traditional sports. Doors open at 7am for registration. Tournament begins at 9:30am. For more info or to register, visit the website gtgafoundation.org. St. Francis Catholic Church, 2450 NE 27th. Bend.
It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane... It’s a Superhero Training Academy! All ages. Wednesday, Apr. 11, 6:45pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free. Kids Early Release Cooking - Chicken
Have your child (age 7-17) join me in this handson class where they will learn to break down a chicken like a pro. Wednesday, Apr. 18, 2:30-6pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $50/child.
Kids Early Release Cooking - Fondue
I fondue, do you? Have your child (age 7-17) join me in this hands-on class where they will learn to make a variety of fondue. Wednesday, Apr. 11, 2:30-6pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $50/child.
Kids Night Out Cooking - Cobbler Have your child (age 7-17) join me in this hands-on class where they will learn to make beautiful cobbler from scratch. Friday, Apr. 13, 6-9pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $30/child.
Open Sat + Sun 10-5 Call Sarah 541.977.8733
Kids ROCK(!) Choir This is a place where kids ages 12 and under can come and sing their
faces off! Mondays, Apr. 16, 4:30-5:30pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln, Bend. $10.
Kids Yoga Party This class is just for the young yogis - no parents allowed! Every second Saturday of the month, drop off the children for a night of yoga, dance, mindfulness, and play. Ages: 4-10. Sat, Apr. 14, 6:30-8:30pm. Wild Thing Yoga, 1441 SW Chandler, Ste 105, Bend. $20. Kidz Night Out Kids ages 7 and up get a chance to play and celebrate with their peers for 3 hours of healthy, fun time without parents! We’ll feed them dinner, do activities and play. Every other Friday. Apr. 13, 5:30-8:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $10/child. LEGO Block Party Kids + 1 gazillion LEGOs = fun. All ages. Saturday, Apr. 14, 10-11am. Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St. Sisters. Free.
Mindful Monkeys: Kids Yoga (ages 5-8)
A special yoga class designed for kids age 5-8. This class is a combination of yoga, movement play, meditation, breathing exercises and mindful games. Mondays, 4-5pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Ste 100, Bend. $15.
Music, Movement & Stories Movement and stories to develop skills. Ages 3-5 years. Thursday, Apr. 19, 10:30am. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free. | Thursday, Apr. 19, 10:30am. La Pine Library, 16425 1st St, La Pine. Free. | Tuesday, Apr. 17, 10:30am. Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Ln. Sunriver. Free.
Open House Celebrate the new Early Learning Space and Picture Book collection. All ages. Thursday, Apr. 12, 11am. Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St. Sisters. Free. Outing Club For adventurous youth, grades 6-10, who like to get outdoors, explore and have fun. We will practice wilderness survival tips and outdoor skills, learn about and immerse ourselves in nature. Meets every other Sunday. Feb. 18 through May. Cost: Sliding scale, $125-$95, or apply for scholarship. Sunday, Apr. 15, 3-4:30pm. East Bend Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd, Bend. Paws to Read Reluctant readers read with a
dog. Sign-up 30 minutes before program. Ages 6-11 years. Thursday, Apr. 19, 4pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Bend. Free.
Preschool Creativity Lab Children will be introduced to a variety of media and techniques through exploration and investigation. Ages 3-5 w/caregiver. Tuesdays, 11am-Noon. Base Camp Studio, 2531 NE Studio Rd. Bend. $10.
Puddlestompers: Fledging Fun Spark a sense of wonder for nature through imaginative play, exploration, songs and stories. Ages 3-5 with family. Call (541) 383-5592 for more info. Saturday, Apr. 14, 11am-noon. Crooked River Wetlands Complex, 4035 NW Rimrock Acres Loop, Prineville. Redmond Mothers of Preschoolers A great place to make new friends, get encouragement, and know that you’re not alone in this wonderful journey of motherhood! Thursdays, 9-11am. Community Presbyterian Church, 529 NW 19th St. Redmond. Spring Baby Day! We are hosting the Central Oregon Llama Association with baby llamas, baby goats from Holmestead Ranch, chicks and more! Contact (541) 318-0760 for more info. Saturday, Apr. 14, 10am-3pm. High Desert Ranch & Home Store, 350 NE Addison Rd. Bend. Free.
Youth Acro Fusion Program A dynamic, performance-based youth program combining hoop dance, partner acrobatics and circus yoga. Fridays, 4-5pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $50/month. Zumbini with Chelsey Zumbini is a music and movement class for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their caregiver. Tuesdays, 9:4510:30am through 5/29. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend.
Elysia Kiyija
Winning firepit becomes public art for Redmond’s transit hub Oregon WinterFest has held a firepit competition at the February event for a number of years. New this year was the addition of a donation program that saw the winning artist gaining a $5,000 cash prize, and a local entity gaining a valuable piece of public art. This year, the winning creation, by Hunter Dahlberg of Orion’s Forge, has a new home in the Redmond Transportation Hub. The portions that burned with fire at WinterFest will be replaced with electrical light—but the piece will still stand to be a beacon, welcoming commuters as they come and go. This year’s entry was Dahlberg’s fifth into the annual event, and his second win. Building fire pits wasn’t high on his list of priorities before entering the competition some years ago, but he says
from mentoring.” BBBS offers group activities for mentors and kids, everything from white water rafting to rock climbing. Otherwise, free or low-cost activities are encouraged. “Something that you’d already be doing in your life. It’s just whatever you’re doing, just add a kid into that.” Kiyija says most of the kids are in the 8 to 10 age range and can include kids being raised by grandparents, those from a single-parent household or kids in foster care. Kiyija has her own little sister, a freshman in high school. Before they met, she says her little sister was considering dropping out of school, mainly because she was averse to doing a public presentation assignment. Kiyija helped her get over her fear and now she’s back on track in school. “Seeing the change in youth is so cool,” she says. BBBS serves the tri-county area of Deschutes, Jefferson and Crook counties. Last year the organization served
392 youth, about 75 percent of whom were male. Kiyija just passed her threeyear anniversary with the organization and has been in the director’s chair for six months. She started off with BBBS as an enrollment and match specialist, doing interviews with prospective mentors. “I feel that I know all about the program from doing it all.” Kiyija is a native Oregonian who considers Prineville home. She has a degree in international public policy and administration. Before moving to Bend she worked for two years in Uganda as co-director of the Hope for African Children Initiative, serving 100 kids a year. She and husband, Keneth, a certified nursing assistant at St. Charles Medical Center, have a two-year-old daughter. As fairly new homeowners, remodeling projects take up much of their spare time—along with golf, Kiyija’s favorite sport. SW Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon bbbsco.org
By Teafly Peterson they’ve since become one of his favorite things to build. Working with materials he often has on hand to lessen the cost of the build for him, he starts with a sketch and allows the design to emerge. Adorned with a dragon’s head guarding tables (for people to place a beer), this year’s winning piece, titled “Ancient Beacon,” is a call to the Middle Ages and the fantasy world of J.R.R. Tolkien that inspired Dahlberg growing up. The cauldron at the bottom of the piece holds the fire; the long torch attached to the top is the beacon. It can be dipped in the fire, and placed up high to be seen from a far distance. “I liked the idea of the upper light in the Old Mill—because of the terrain there—you could wander around and see it from far away,” explains Dahlberg. With over 50 different types of material and 200 hours of work, the piece was truly a labor of love.
Dahlberg has been blacksmithing for around 20 years, he estimates. It wasn’t until he opened his studio that he became serious about his work. Now with two employees, he often can be found creating custom pieces, including metal railings, iron gates, sculptures and even fire pits. One firepit has found a home at Timberline Lodge, a feat he considers a “feather in his cap.” Dahlberg also teaches blacksmithing at the Summit Arts Center in Government Camp and is the current president of the Central Oregon Metal Arts Guild. He sees the current interest in “craft” as an opportunity to teach people what actually goes into creating a piece. “One of the things we strive to educate customers is how time consuming it is and how tool intensive a seemingly simple form can be. Steel can be immoveable,” Dahlberg says. SW
Orion’s Forge fashions a firepit into public art.
Hunter Dahlberg and Orion Forge orionforge.com
25 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Story and photo by Richard Sitts
some of the same troubles as the kids. “They get consistency,” she says, referring to children who may have people coming and going out of their lives. A mentor can be “one other person out there in the community who they can rely on.” Currently, there are about 41 kids, ages 6 to 16, on the waiting list, Kiyija says, but that number usually averages about 30 kids at any given time. Of those, about 80 percent are little brothers looking for mentors. There are now about six mentors on the waiting list, she says. Big sister mentors tend to wait longer for a good match. “We really try to focus on who is going to be a good match. It’s not just first come, first served.” Sometimes, couples apply to be a match for a youth. In these cases, Kiyija says, “They (kids) get to see positive relationships. There’s so many benefits.” Benefits spread both ways, she adds. “Time and time again I hear about how much they (mentors) get out of it. People like to give back. It makes them feel good. People often think of our program as where to send someone who’s acting out, or a single mom reaching the end of her rope. But there are so many benefits to mentoring. Everyone can benefit
“Time and time again I hear about how much they (mentors) get out of it. People like to give back. It makes them feel... good.”
Program Director, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon very child is just one positive adult away from being a success story.” Those are the words a mentor once said to Elysia Kiyija, program director for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon. They’re words she now lives by. “We’re looking for people wanting to be that adult,” she adds. Big Brothers Big Sisters has recently undergone a shift, Kiyija says, from desiring younger mentors to seeing a need for older mentors. The organization used to focus on attracting college-age mentors, but found they tended to move around more due to jobs, promotions and so on, she explains. So now, the focus is on landing volunteers 55 and older, who offer “longer and better” benefits, Kiyija says. BBBS asks for a minimum oneyear commitment from mentors who can offer six to 12 hours a month. The requirements are pretty basic: volunteers must have lived in the community for at least six months, must fill out an application and undergo a background check, and come in for an interview so staff can best match them with a little brother or sister. “A lot of people think that we’re looking for perfect people to come on and be a mentor, and that’s just not true.” In fact, Kiyija adds, people with imperfect past lives can be the best mentors because they may have lived through
Flood! Fire! Earthquake! “Disaster!” comedy brings it all By Elizabeth Warnimont
Elizabeth Warnimont
27 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
ennis Giacino, whose 2014 Off Broadway comedy “Disenchanted! The Musical” is currently in international production, is here in Bend to direct Seth Rudetsky’s similarly-styled “Disaster! The Musical,” opening at 2nd Street Theater this weekend. The Source Weekly asked Giacino what brought him and his partner, “Disaster!” Directorial Consultant Fiely Matias, to Bend to direct this wacky ‘70s farce. “I’ve been here to visit,” Giacino said. “I always heard so many great things about the town, how nice the people are.” Giacino has lived in Corvallis and still has family in Oregon, so last year, when he saw that 2nd Street Theater was showing “Disenchanted!” here, he brought Matias and his mom to see the show for his mom’s birthday. They all loved the Bend production, and approached Managing Director Sandy Klein at 2nd Street. “I told her if you’re ever considering doing a show called ‘Disaster,’ we would love to come over and direct it. We love the community here and we’d love to be involved—and she took us up on it.” Giacino explained some of the similarities and differences between “Disenchanted!” and Rudetsky’s “Disaster!” “‘Disenchanted!’ tackles some really hot-button topics – female empowerment, racism, sexual identity. It does it through this sort of zany, vaudeville humor. ‘Disaster!’ doesn’t really tackle big issues like that, though it has a similar sense of humor to it. It is about the 1970s disaster films, only put to music.” Klein predicts the play will have audiences singing along to the old chart-topping hits. Giacino thinks she may be right. Above, Rachel Thompson as Shirley in “Disaster! The Musical.” Right, “It’s kind of like, try and stop yourself from singing cast members and Director Dennis Giacino, right, watch during a ‘Hot Stuff,’ or ‘Hooked on a Feeling.’ Each night after rehearsal. rehearsal I’m walking home singing, ‘I’d Really Love to See You Tonight,’ or ‘Come to Me,’ or ‘A Fifth of Bee- disaster movie. It’s gotta be their fault that the disaster thoven.’ It’s not a sing-along show, but you’ll recognize happened. It’s never Mother Nature, but how we didn’t the music and want to, and certainly we won’t discour- listen to Mother Nature. age it.” “At one point he’s singing, ‘Don’t Cry Out Loud’ “Disaster!” promises to be an upbeat production. while he’s being eaten by sharks and piranhas. You “Because it’s set in the 1970s, it has all those wonder- can’t beat that.” ful colors. Bellbottoms. In keeping with the And of course, the music, disaster theme, volun“At one point he’s singing, ‘Don’t teers will man a Red songs everybody knows. cry out loud’ while he’s being Donna Summer, Lionel Cross table in the theater Richie, Barry Manilow. during Saturday eaten by sharks and piranhas. You lobby Even when there’s a balperformances. “Sound can’t beat that.” lad it’s still a hoot, still the Alarm,” a program of upbeat.” the American Red Cross —DIRECTOR DENNIS GIACINO The story begins with in which teams of voluna promoter throwing a teers install free smoke party for the grand opening of his new casino, which alarms in cities across the U.S. , will end May 13. floats on the Hudson River – on a fault line, of course. For more information visit redcross.org/sound-the“A despicable character. There has to be one in every alarm. SW
Disaster! The Musical
Fri., April 13-Sat., May 5 2nd Street Theater 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend $25 Adults, $22 Students/Seniors (60+) 541-389-0803 2ndstreettheater.com
A Peek Inside the Humble Beet
By Lisa Sipe
The new market in the old Devore’s promises to keep some favorites, while offering some locally-sourced additions
n 1977, Devore’s Good Food Store brought the first organic produce to Bend. Obsessed with perfect produce, owner Bob Devore drove to Eugene every day for 20 years to make it happen. Bob and his wife, Mary, were fixtures in the community. Devore’s sold organic produce, grab-and-go food, bulk items and wine for 40 years. In 2017 the Devores decided to sell the building, built in 1918. Bob had a few health issues and the couple wanted to move to California. They sold to Aaron Talbot and Hailey Garside, a couple who had known the Devores for 30 years and had shopped there for many more. When the couple put in their offer to buy the building they wrote a heartfelt letter to the Devores about the experiences they’d had at the market. It would be easy to look at Devore’s as merely a piece of property, and to turn it into something shiny and new. It can’t be easy to operate a small shop when you’re competing with Newport Market across the street, among other recent additions to the grocery scene in Bend. Still, Garside said she and Talbot wanted “to keep the spirit of this neighborhood gem alive.” On the last day Devore’s was open, Talbot and Garside told the existing staff they could keep their jobs, if they wanted them. A few decided to stay, including Head Chef and Kitchen Manager Dillon Rudloff, Head Wrap Artist and Cook John Cobbs and Front-of-theHouse Manager Nancy Breniman. Expect a few changes Talbot and Garside are breathing new life into Devore’s. Garside said, “We know that it was special to many people. We plan to offer a similar place to the community, with some new twists.” First, the market will have a new name: The Humble Beet. The interior has been updated. Gone is the allwood, cabin-like interior, replaced by a bright, fresh coat of paint, a few new fixtures and pieces of equipment, as well as a new coffee bar. The space feels modern but the salvaged wood boxes and shelves retain a rustic vibe. The owners have also brought on Clint Rowan, owner of specialty roasting company Still Vibrato, to manage the coffee bar.
Dillon Rudloff, Hailey Garside, Aaron Talbot and Clint Rowan expect to have the Humble Beet open by the end of April..
Grab-and-go items, including new breakfast burritos, will rotate depending on what’s fresh and in season. Talbot and Garside are curating the products, wine and beer to offer items their larger neighbor doesn’t have. You’ll still be able to find organic fruits and vegetables, but they’ll be more local, including produce from Central Oregon farms. Talbot said he’s inspired by his brother, Nathaniel Talbot, who owns a certified-organic vegetable, seed and flower farm on Whidbey Island, Wash. In his vision for The Humble Beet Talbot sees a merging of organic farms and a commitment to sourcing ethical merchandise and reusable to-go products. A few things will stay the same During the transformation to The Humble Beet, Talbot and Garside had many community members inquisitively try to peek inside. A longtime patron left a note on the door, “I miss you so much. I miss your sweet workers, all Before
your deli items esp your dips and soups. I hope you will be open soon. Yours for 35 years, Maureen. P.S. Will you still have fresh eggs?!?” Maureen should know that she’ll still be able to find some of her favorites. The Humble Beet acquired some of Devore’s recipes and will still sell their wraps, Tuscan kale salad, beet salad, kale slaw, tuna salad, salsa, guacamole, caramelized onion dip and asiago jalapeno dip. Talbot said Maureen’s note —and the kind words from others—have helped him to stay motivated as they get the doors open. Talbot and Garside wanted to open a few months after they took ownership, but with unexpected delays and surprises inside the 100-year-old house, that date shifted. They expect to open at the end of April. SW The Humble Beet
1124 NW Newport Ave., Bend humblebeet.com 541-389-6588
A Brick & Mortar for Dump City Dumplings Dump City Dumplings is expanding upon their popular food cart, opening a brick and mortar location. A little over three weeks ago owners Keith Shayon and Dan Butters heard that a space on Upper Terrace Drive had opened up. By April 1 they were ready to open the doors and start serving their Chinese-style steamed bun dumplings. Shayon said, “It’s still a bit of a whirlwind and we’re only just sort of beginning to even start having our bananas all bunched up, but we’re pouring cold drinks and we’ve got all kinds of hot dumps to go with them, so we figure we’ll give it all we got and see how we wind up!” You can visit in April, but they’ll be in soft opening mode. The grand opening is May 10. Dump City Dumplings Grand Opening
Thurs., May 10, 5-9pm 384 Upper Terrace Dr., Bend facebook.com/pg/DumpCityDumplings 541-323-6243
Juice Bar Opens in Box Factory A bright, modern cafe serving plant-based superfood juice, smoothies, toast, salads and macro bowls is open in the Box Factory. Everything on the menu at Fix & Repeat, including the beer and wine, is intended to make you feel good. As the weather warms, sit on the patio, and if you have a pup, bring her. She’ll be a happy hound when you order her a house-made dog biscuit or a pup smoothie with kale, peanut butter, coconut oil, banana, chia and apple. Owners Mat and Tiff Bilodeau, a husband a wife team, said that opening Fix & Repeat “feels amazing! So great to watch our dream come alive!” Fix & Repeat
555 NW Arizona Ave., Bend fixandrepeat.com 541-385-9603
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
By Lisa Sipe
FOOD & BEER EVENTS FOOD 3rd Annual Faces of Farming Gala Grit: Resiliency in the High Desert Pre-
sented by Central Oregon Locavore. Will honor the hardy and dedicated ranchers and farmers who bring fresh local food to Central Oregon. Join us in celebration! Purchase tickets online at centraloregonlocavore.org or at the Locavore marketplace. Thursday, Apr. 12, 5:30-9pm. Tetherow Resort Event Pavilion, 61240 Skyline Ranch Rd. Bend. $85/Locavore members, $95/ non-members.
Life Brewing. The beer selections will be judged on how well they have paired up a 5 course meal filled with unique creations from our Tetherow chefs! Wednesday, Apr. 11, 5:30-10pm. Tetherow Pavilion, 61240 Skyline Ranch Rd. Bend. $69/5-course meal.
Food Truck Fridays Experience a little
taste of Belgium in Bend! Tasting flights take center stage when paired with the fine bratwurst, Belgian frites and European cuisine provided by We’re the Wurst, European Food Truck. Fridays, Noon-8pm. Monkless Belgian Ales, 20750 High Desert Ln. Suite 107. Bend.
A Novel Idea - Taste of India Explore the
culinary traditions of India. Food plays an important role in “No One Can Pronounce My Name.” During this program Runi Srikantaiah and his team from Mantra demonstrate traditional Indian cooking with a modern twist. Samples and recipes provided. Beverages available for purchase. Space is limited and registration is required. Sunday, Apr. 15, 4-5:30pm. Mantra Indian Kitchen, 744 NW Bond St. Bend.
Kegger for the Cure Fundraiser for The Pediatric Foundation which supports local Central Oregon families with children going through cancer treatment. Kid friendly, beer, raffles, ping pong tournament, snacks, and music. Live music, snacks, and a ping pong tournament! Kid friendly. Raffle tickets are $5 a piece or 5 for $20. Saturday, Apr. 14, 6-9pm. 10 Barrel Brewing Co. Pub & Brewing Facility, 62950 NE 18th St. Bend.
Kids Early Release Cooking - Chicken
Marietta Wine Dinner Napa Valley’s Mariet-
There is so much that you can do with chicken. Have your child (age 7-17) join me in this handson class where they will learn to break down a chicken like a pro. They will also learn how to make a variety of dishes using the entire chicken. Wednesday, Apr. 18, 2:30-6pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $50/child.
Kids Early Release Cooking - Fondue
I fondue, do you? Have your child (age 7-17) join me in this hands-on class where they will learn to make a variety of fondue including cheese, salted caramel and chocolate which are perfect for dipping. Wednesday, Apr. 11, 2:30-6pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $50/child.
Kids Night Out Cooking - Cobbler Cobbler is a perfect dessert to showcase seasonal fruit. Have your child (age 7-17) join me in this hands-on class where they will learn to make beautiful cobbler from scratch. Friday, Apr. 13, 6-9pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $30/child. Marietta Wine Dinner Napa Valley’s Mariet-
ta Cellars is teaming up with the top-tier culinary team at Currents at the Riverhouse to offer guests a 5-course wine dinner for the ages. With over 100 years of wine making under their belts, Marietta will provide that “over-the-top” experience that will leave your taste buds busting, belly full, and heart fulfilled. Must be 21+ to attend. Reservations required. call 855-640-4117. Thursday, Apr. 12, 7pm. Currents at the Riverhouse, 3075 N HWY 97, Bend. $85/person.
Spring Farm & Food Faire The Farm & Food Faire gives community members a chance to browse, taste and talk about local food. Attendees can purchase early-season crops, eggs, meats, seed starts or sign up for community-supported agriculture (CSA) and “herdshare” memberships from more than a dozen area farms and ranches. The faire also serves as a place to learn about farm dinners, events and volunteer opportunities scheduled throughout the year. For more info, contact Owen Murphy at 541-383-7766. Saturday, Apr. 14, 10am-2pm. COCC Coats Campus Center, 2600 NW College Way. Bend. Free.
BEER & DRINK Bend Community Pints Day Every Tues-
day in April, we will donate $1 per pint sold in our Tasting Room to KIDS Center! Noon-6pm. Deschutes Brewery Bend Tasting Room, 901 SW Simpson Ave, Bend.
Brewery Smackdown - Bend vs Bend
The Brewer’s Battle is back! Last time we had an intense Bend vs Portland match, well this round it’s Bend vs. Bend to see who really rules this town! Reigning champs Silver Moon and Crux will go head to head against Sunriver and Good-
ta Cellars is teaming up with the top-tier culinary team at Currents at the Riverhouse to offer guests a 5-course wine dinner for the ages. With over 100 years of wine making under their belts, Marietta will provide that “over-the-top” experience that will leave your taste buds busting, belly full, and heart fulfilled. Must be 21+ to attend. Reservations required. call 855-640-4117. Thursday, Apr. 12, 7pm. Currents at the Riverhouse, 3075 US-97 BUS, Bend. $85/person.
Mindful Mondays Beer Yoga Join us for
our monthly beer yoga session led by Renee Metivier from Recharge! Enjoy a Belgian-style ale in a funky industrial setting while you energize your mind, body and spirit! Free for Recharge members. Please arrive 15 minutes early to purchase your beer(s) or kombucha! BYO mat. Reserve spot on Recharge website. Monday, Jan. 29, 6:30pm. Monkless Belgian Ales, 20750 High Desert Ln. Suite 107. Bend. $10/class.
Oregon Beer Awards Medal Winners - Tap Takeover A tap takeover dedicated
to medal winning beers from the only competition that matters: The Oregon Beer Awards! Thursday, Apr. 12, 6pm. The Brown Owl, 550 SW Industrial Way Suite 120. Bend.
Paint Nite Mixing paint and cocktails for a picture perfect nite on the town, and inspiring individuals to #DrinkCreatively. Monday, Apr. 16, 7pm. The Capitol, 190 NW Oregon Ave, Bend. $28/2 or more passes (each), $45/anytime pass. Saison Day Celebrate the 2nd Annual Saison
Day with a rare opportunity to sample 7, maybe more, saisons right here in Bend. Not only will we be tapping a few of our favorite saisons, but we’ll also be featuring guest taps from our friends at Three Creeks Brewing Company, Worthy Brewing, Deschutes Brewery, Immersion Brewing and pFriem Family Brewers to celebrate the occasion. Proceeds benefit the Central Oregon Brewers Guild. Saturday, Apr. 14, noon-4pm. Crux Fermentation Project, 50 SW Division St. Bend.
The Official Bend Beer Yoga at Deschutes Brewery Come drink a beer and do
some yoga! Never taken yoga? Perfect! Beer not your thing? No worries, there’s wine and cider! Come join the fun! Please arrive 15 min. early to snag a drink or two! Wednesday, Apr. 18, 6:30pm. Deschutes Brewery Bend Public House, 1044 NW Bond Street, Bend. $15/class.
The Official Bend Beer Yoga presents: Cocktail DJ Yoga Well it’s as simple as it
sounds...Bend Beer Yoga is a yoga class that incorporates the drinking of beer (wine, cider or cocktails) whilst performing traditional beginner yoga poses and not taking life too seriously! Beer not your thing? That’s cool, this is cocktail yoga! Ages 21+ with a valid photo ID. Arrive 15 minutes early to purchase drink to enjoy during class. BYO yoga mat. Saturday, Apr. 14, 5:30-6:30pm.
GARDENING. Get good at it.
MICRO New Beer in the Pearl
Join OSU Master Gardeners™ for
By Kevin Gifford Kevin Gifford
Saturday, April 21, 2018, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, Redmond
Choose 4 from 16 classes, featuring: • Vegetable Gardening • Cactus in the High Desert • Fruit Trees • Growing Clematis plus a Garden Market with plants, books, worm castings, landscape products, silent auction, optional lunch and more. Register today: gocomga.com or call 541-548-6088; $10 per class (pre-registration deadline April 14 ); $15 on event day; $48 for 4 classes plus lunch.
From saisons to yeast experiments to barrel-aged bombs, Von Ebert is a pearl in Portland.
t can be difficult to stand out as a beer Cook brought on brewer Sean Burke, destination in Portland, which has lit- who left The Commons Brewery a few erally hundreds. It can be even hard- months before the Belgian-influenced er when opening up a new spot in the outfit closed its main facility in NovemPearl District, where one can current- ber. ly spit and hit a corner bar with 12 local With the new hire (who’s working drafts (or at least one Boneyard tap). both at the Pearl and in Cook’s othBut a scant three weeks after its public er brew facility in Gresham), the beer launch, Von Ebert Brewing–which occu- menu’s undergone some revamping. pies a spot on NW 13th and Davis, near There aren’t quite as many IPAs as the Portland locations of Deschutes and there used to be, although what’s on 10 Barrel—has already succeeded in there is still great. Have a peek at Batboth endeavors. tlestations!, built as a showcase for the If the address Simcoe and Censounds familiar, There aren’t quite as many tennial hop varithat’s because it eties. But Burke’s likely is for Ore- IPAs as there used to be, past experience gon beer fans. The although what’s on there is means the selecbuilding, a furnition, while still still great. ture factory way offering lagers back in the day, and other trawas first occupied by Fat Head’s Brewing ditional American varieties, has been back in the fall of 2014, the lone West- nudged toward Belgium a bit. Saisons ern location of the Ohio-based brew- and experiments with yeasts are on the pub. It was a successful-enough place, list, as well as an astounding 10 different with a couple dozen locally made beers barrel-aged varieties. (It’s hard to pick a and enormous Midwest-style sandwich- single number-one from the 10, but Red es, but the Portland location was a fran- Bearded Man, a Belgian strong dark with chise of the original, not an independent tart cherries aged in brandy barrels, is outfit, and the two sides decided to end one heavy standout.) the agreement in late 2017. All the adjustments mean the Pearl This led owner Tom Cook to relaunch has yet another craft destination for afiat the Fat Head’s site, as its own brew- cionados to visit. It makes it that much ery, with its own name. Indeed, Von harder to pick a spot in the neighborEbert looks familiar enough on the out- hood to visit, but with all these heavy side. Most of the brewpub’s staff is still hitters in a five-block space, it’s hard to on the job, and considering the location go wrong. SW was closed for only eight days in March before relaunching, the changes to the interior are pretty low-key. Von Ebert Brewing 131 NW 13th Ave., Portland The main new things: The food menu 503-820-7721 (say goodbye to pierogis, hello to pizza vonebertbrewing.com and charcuterie boards), and the direction the beer’s going. For the relaunch,
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VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Von Ebert not just “yet another Portland brewery”
Spring Gardening Seminar
O U R T A K E O N T V , N E T F L I X A N D O T H E R F U N S T U F F 
the Source Be With You SCREEN May What to binge this week: Russian state security, killer robots and the genius of Donald Glover
By Jared Rasic
right now, or in the next few weeks, that it’s almost ridiculous. The year 2018 has already had several fantastic movies (“A Quiet Place,� “The Death of Stalin�) and shows (“Atlanta� and “The Terror�), but it’s not even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what we have to look forward to just in the coming weeks.
In Pod We Trust: “Eastern Border� has a nail-biter of an episode up right now about a series of bombings in Russia that helped surge Putin from a 2 percent approval rating to winning the election. There’s a ton of information here I wasn’t familiar with, and the episode is a fascinating look into Putin and Russian state security that will pin you to your headphones. A new podcast everyone should be checking out is “This is Normal,� which came out of the “Kids in Crisis� series from USA Today. It’s mostly young people talking about their mental health difficulties, but without cliche platitudes. Hearing about depression, anxiety and suicide attempts from the people who lived through it makes the show feel like an indispensable bit of therapy.
Bingeworthy: Ugh. There’s so much good stuff this month it’s crazy. This season of “Atlanta� has solidified Donald Glover as an artistic voice unlike anything that has come before, and last week’s premiere of the second season of “Legion� was just as mind-bending as the first. But the really exciting stuff is still to come. Netflix launches its next big thing April 13 with the 10-episode first season of “Lost in Space.� Gone is the kitsch factor of the 1965 series and instead we’re getting something that looks more like “Lost.� But in space. The effects look mind-blowing. The cast features the great Molly Parker and the even-greater Parker Posey. Get ready to see Will Robinson in some serious danger. More people watched the first season of HBO’s “Westworld� than “Game of Thrones,� so let’s hope the tradition continues with the Season Two premiere April 22. As mesmerizing as the first season was, by the end it just felt like a prologue to the real story of killer robots and scary Anthony Hopkins. Now that we’ve finally arrived at the fireworks factory, it’s time to see the world come down around these characters. Plus, based on the trailer, it looks like we’re gonna get a peek at Samurai World this season, so there’s really no downside. Offred’s story in “A Handmaid’s Tale� was finished by the end of Season One, so the Second (premiering April 25 on Hulu) will continue past Margaret Atwood’s source material into uncharted territory. I can’t even imagine things getting much worse for Offred, but I said that last season and was horribly mistaken. Still, the show is amazing and I’ll follow it down the darkest of paths. SW
Donald Glover in “Atlanta� / imdb.com
Scout is The Source Weekly’s Guide to Bend and Beyond. This free magazine will show visitors how to experience the Bend area like a local and highlight the hot spots to Eat, Drink, Play and Go. Advertising Deadline: May 3 On Stands: May 17 ( )
VOLUME 22  ISSUE 15  /  April 12, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY
There are so many cool things happening in pop culture
“Oh Lucy”
FILM SHORTS By Jared Rasic
Gemstone-Beads & Mineral Show April 13th - May 1st 10- 7 Daily Springhill Suites 551 SW Industrial Way, Bend Old Mill District
A QUIET PLACE: Believe the hype. This follows a family forced to stay completely silent as they hide from creatures that hunt through their acute hearing. You’ll fi nd yourself holding your breath for longer than is healthy and jumping out of your seat more than once. See full review on p 35. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Redmond Cinema A WRINKLE IN TIME: Based on the beloved
children’s book by Madeleine L’Engle, this adaptation takes the important thematic and story points and leaves the rest. At turns lovely and gentle, and while not a perfect movie, it does enough right to feel like a genuinely humanist motion picture. Without a drop of cynicism, “A Wrinkle in Time” makes a bit of magic. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
ANNIHILATION: Easily the weirdest and most surreal theatrical fi lm since Cronenberg was experimenting with body horror. Five women cross a boundary into an area slowly changing into something otherworldly and dangerous. The imagery in this fi lm will stay with you. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House BLACK PANTHER: The hype for the newest
fi lm in Marvel’s slate of superhero fl icks has been overwhelming and, amazingly, the fi lm completely deserves it. “Black Panther” is less of a superhero movie with some drama thrown in than a family drama with some superheroes sprinkled throughout. A genuinely thoughtful and powerful fi lm that fi nally puts an African-American hero front and center. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
BLOCKERS: From the director of “Pitch Per-
fect” comes a comedy about two sets of parents desperate to keep their kids from losing their virginity on prom night. With a great cast including Ike Barinholtz, Leslie Mann and John Cena, the laughs should come. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Redmond Cinema.
CHAPPAQUIDDICK: A dramatic thriller about a fatal car accident in 1969 that derailed Teddy Kennedy’s career and took the life of a young campaign strategist. Expect a very detailed look into the events of that night. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX. THE DEATH OF STALIN: Cutting political
satire along the lines of HBO’s “Veep.” Easily the funniest movie of the year so far, “The Death of Stalin” is perfect for those who like some brains with their laughs. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House
GAME NIGHT: With a cast featuring Jason
Bateman, Rachel McAdams, Kyle Chandler, Lamorne Morris and Jesse Plemons, it’s really hard to go wrong. Luckily, “Game Night” works as a hilarious comedy and a mystery/thriller in equal measures, making for one of the most entertaining movies of the year. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema.
GOD’S NOT DEAD: A Light in the Darkness: The third movie in the “God’s Not Dead” franchise. This one follows the premise that Christianity, and the church in particular, is in danger from liberal college campuses. So it’s a fantasy. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX. I CAN ONLY IMAGINE: A true story about
Bart Millard, the lead singer of the Christian band, MercyMe. When his father dies, he pens
the titular song, which is apparently a real thing, popular in the world right now. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Redmond Cinema
LEANING INTO THE WIND: A documentary about Andy Goldsworthy as he travels across the globe creating new works of magnifi cent art. For fans of art and nature, both human and otherwise. Tin Pan Theater
THE LEISURE SEEKER: Donald Sutherland and Helen Mirren set out in their RV from Boston to Key West to see the Hemingway Home as Sutherland begins to suffer from dementia. Bring all the tissues. Sisters Movie House. LOVE, SIMON: A tear-jerking and crowd-pleasing teen dramedy about the inherent diffi culty in coming out to your friends and family. Bring tissues and a developed sense of empathy and humanity. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX. THE MIRACLE SEASON: A volleyball sports drama featuring Helen Hunt and William Hurt. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House OH LUCY!: When her English instructor
suddenly quits his job, a Japanese offi ce worker heads to California to track him down. An adorable look at the humanity that binds us all together. Tin Pan Theater.
PACIFIC RIM: UPRISING: Giant monsters fi ghting human-piloted robots sounds like a blast, and it really is. You might need to shut down the brain for a while, but the 12-year-old inside will be glad you did. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX PAUL, APOSTLE OF CHRIST: Jim Caviezel
steps back into biblical territory after “The Passion of the Christ” with this tale of Paul’s time locked in the dungeons of Nero. Jim plays Paul’s homie Luke, so maybe we’ll see a few of his other New Testament passions. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
READY PLAYER ONE: If a 140-minute-long
movie about video games and cinema is your thing, then “Ready Player One” might be your Holy Grail of fi lm. With Steven Spielberg in the director’s chair, even the moments that don’t quite work make for a visually stunning experience. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema
SHERLOCK GNOMES: Anthropomorphized garden gnomes go on adventures and sing songs and solve a mystery. I’m just guessing. I know there’s a chunky dude gnome in a thong named Mankini, and the human brain only has room for so much. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House TOMB RAIDER: Alicia Vikander is excellent as Lara Croft, the duel pistol-welding raider of tombs. While the fi lm follows the formula fairly faithfully, Vikander is so great that another dozen or so adventures would be greatly appreciated. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX TYLER PERRY’S ACRIMONY: Media mogul Tyler Perry steps back from Medea and instead dives into suspense/thriller territory with a fl ick about a faithful wife fi nding out her husband is unfaithful. Taraji P. Henson is always magic, so this might be a Perry fi lm worth catching. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX.
“A Quiet Place” will get you By Jared Rasic Jonny Cournoyer
In that moment I remembered why seeing a movie with a bunch of strangers was actually pretty fun. paths of sand the father has spread out between the house, the barn and the local small town where they still go hunting for supplies. The scope of “A Quiet Place” is laser focused, as co-writer/director/star John Krasinski isn’t interested in what’s going on outside the purview of this one family. If your suspension of disbelief hinges on knowing what the military is up to or where the monsters come from, then expect to be disappointed. This is
35 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
wasn’t really looking forward to seeing “A Quiet Place” in the theater. Don’t get me wrong, I was hyped for it, but it seems like for half the movies, the theaters are half-full with people treating the experience like they’re in their living rooms... answering a ringing phone, carrying on conversations or loudly reacting to something every two minutes. Many modern moviegoers don’t really allow the magic of cinema to really take hold. I knew going in that “A Quiet Place” was mostly a silent film, with American Sign Language being the primary method of communication. With it, the sound of someone eating popcorn had the potential to echo through the theater like the horrific sounds of an anaconda swallowing a grown-ass man. I needn’t have worried. I saw the film twice in two days and both audiences were sucked into every frame of the film for every second of its lightning-paced 90 minutes. At one point, a massive jump scare made someone in the soldout showing whimper in fear, causing the entire theater to let out a giant laugh of relief. In that moment I remembered why seeing a movie with a bunch of strangers was actually pretty fun. “A Quiet Place” follows a family in the very near future, struggling to stay alive while surrounded by creatures that kill anything that makes a sound louder than a clap. The family goes everywhere barefoot on
Be quiet... and afraid. Be very afraid.
character-driven suspense and horror, not a socio-political look at how the world would handle an alien invasion. As original as the film is, Krasinski’s inspirations are also spread throughout the nearly perfect creature feature. It’s like he took his love of “Jaws,” “Signs,” and “Tremors,” and made the monster movie he’s wanted to see since he was a kid. There’s not a wasted second in “A Quiet Place,” with every minute of its runtime either dedicated to scaring the crap out of you, or creating lovely little character moments so we’re invested in the central family. There are a few little nits that can be picked, but overall, “A Quiet Place” not only shows that Krasinski is an emerging talent in the director’s chair, but that the horror genre is alive and well when placed in assured and capable hands. It also gave me faith in the theatrical experience by proving that it’s more fun to
get scared when surrounded by other people who are after the same thing. “A Quiet Place” is the real deal. It’ll make you jump and shiver and squeal…you know, if that’s your thing. SW
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A Quiet Place
Dir. John Krasinski Grade: AOld Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Redmond Cinema
Central Oregon Now and Then
Where Bend streets got their names By Scott Stuemke Deschutes County Historical Society
These images show a bustling Bend in its early days.
laying out the streets. Not wanting to evoke the ire of Drake’s wife, her love of cow paths was incorporated into some of the streets that meander through downtown. Nicholas Smith was hired in 1904 to remove junipers, grade the freight road adjacent the wall and build a 6-foot-wide boardwalk. Hence, the origin of Wall Street’s moniker—though no portion of the wall remains today. Bend became the region’s commercial and cultural heart during the
Bend became the region’s commercial and cultural heart during the first decade of the 20th Century, leading to the establishment of boutique shops and first-class hotels. Bend had to be abandoned because of a same-named post office in Idaho, and it was ultimately shortened to Bend. Many of Bend’s early residents arrived from the upper midwest, especially Minnesota. Alexander Drake, along with many of Bend’s original families, arrived on the stage or came along with the freight. Drake came to Bend in 1903 and established his residence on a 3 ½ acre parcel along the east bank of the Deschutes River. To Drake’s dismay, cattle roamed freely throughout the region, so he employed local stone masons to build a wall extending south from today’s Greenwood Avenue, south to Franklin to keep the wandering grazers off his property. Drake, under the auspices of the Pilot Butte Development Company, filed the plat for Bend in 1904. New arrivals Nicholas Smith, John Steidl and Tom Tweet went to work for Drake
first decade of the 20th Century, leading to the establishment of boutique shops and first-class hotels. Early in the town’s development, tourism was touted because of recreational opportunities including fishing, canoeing, camping, mountain climbing and exploration of the lava tubes of the Newberry Volcano. The first “auto stage” with solid rubber tires arrived in town in 1905, boasting a max speed of 55 miles per hour. Gas sold for 40 cents a gallon, only available in 5-gallon cans. The town was electrified in 1910, following the completion of the dam and powerhouse that created Mirror Pond. The installed street lights were even brighter than those in Portland. Early buildings were constructed primarily of lumber. Foresight by civic leaders led to an ordinance dictating fireproof construction for all buildings within the business district in 1913.
Deschutes County Historical Society
Central Oregon’s masons were masters in the use of local stone for building supports and foundations, utilizing basalt and tuff, a consolidated, hardened volcanic ash. Growth was slow until the Hill and Harriman railroad wars in the Deschutes River canyon, with completion in 1911. After the death of E.H. Harriman, the bitter personal rivalry between Hill and Harriman ended, and James Hill drove the golden spike in Bend on Oct. 5, 1911. The end of the rivalry possibly contributed to the fact that the Oregon Trunk line didn’t extend farther south. The plans for the extension were to utilize the rail lines employed by the ShevlinHixon Timber Company. The Western Pacific railroad completed the extension from Bend to California in 1928. The names of 4th and 5th streets that paralleled the railroad were changed to Hill and Harriman sometime between 1912 and 1916. The timber industry contributed to primary growth, along with agriculture until the late 1970s. Recreation boomed with the development of Mt. Bachelor. The Dalles-California Highway (Highway 97) incorporated Wall Street as part of the state highway system. With the development of 3rd Street and the local business district, Hwy 97 was rerouted from downtown. SW
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
ntering Bend’s downtown, I’ve often wondered about the origins of the street names there and in the mill worker’s neighborhoods. Wall, Hill, Harriman, Steidl, Tweet and many more are attributed to significant people who developed the town. Over the years, Bend has transformed from a tent and shanty village, occupied by a handful of families, into a burgeoning mecca for industry, commerce and recreation. The prize in central Oregon was the Ponderosa pine because of its commercial value. At the beginning, no real streets existed—just cow paths and a road from Prineville providing supplies from major metropolitan areas. In Bend’s infancy, freight and settlers made the trip from the Columbia River by a rail line that traveled from Biggs Junction to Shaniko. Goods and passengers transferred to wagons and stages, with teams as large as eight horses journeying through Cow Canyon to Prineville, out to the sparse settlements on the high lava plains and the northern Great Basin. A clapboard-sided post office and a tent sat at the southwest corner of Greenwood and Wall Streets in 1902. People suggested many names for the new post office, including two Native names: Quelah, meaning the beautiful valley, and Wychick, referring to a river crossing, later Farewell Bend. Farewell
Bend’s #1 Climbing Shop & Outdoor Retailer 834 NW Colorado Ave Bend, Oregon 97703 541-388-0688 www.mountainsupplybend.com
Monday - Thursday: 10am-6pm Friday & Saturday: 9am-6pm Sunday 9am-5pm
OUTSIDE EVENTS ATHLETIC Bend Rugby Playoffs Bend Rugby is heading to playoffs once again and undefeated this season. Bend will host the Boise Lions for the northwest playoffs and then head to California for the Nationals. Family friendly and free. Come support! Saturday, Apr. 14, 10am. Big Sky Sports Complex, 21690 Neff Rd. Bend. Free. Central Oregon Wheelers Annual Kickoff Event Members and non-members
are welcome to the Central Oregon Wheelers Annual Kickoff Event. We are a safe, social and non-profit recreational bike club. At this event we will discuss the club, rides, upcoming events, potential new jerseys, elections, insurance whatever you want! Be there and get ready for another great cycling year. Tuesday, Apr. 17, 6pm. Downtown Bend Library (Brooks Room), 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Face Your Fears: Open Martial Arts Tournament This fundraiser for the Good
Thought Good Action Foundation is celebrating its sixth year! The GTGA Foundation is a Bend local non-profit that awards training and college assistance scholarships to students in non-traditional sports. Doors open at 7am for registration. Tournament begins at 9:30am. For more info or to register, visit the website at www.gtgafoundation.org. 7am. St. Francis Catholic Church, 2450 NE 27th. Bend. $24/single division registration, $40/multiple division registration.
FootZone Noon Run Lunch hour 3 to 5 mile
run. Order lunch from a local taco shop when you leave and we’ll have it when you return. Wednesdays, noon. Wednesdays,Noon. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Functional Strength Class Join FootZone and Athlete Wise Performance Coaching for a strength class designed by endurance athletes for endurance athletes. All levels and abilities welcome. Email kraig@footzonebend.com for more info. Wednesdays, 7:15pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. $5/drop-in. Hump Day Run Celebrate getting over the
mid-week hump with runners of all paces. During the winter, we’ll typically run 3-5 miles down to the Old Mill and back. No one will be left behind! Be ready to run at 6pm from FootZone, and bring a few bucks if you want to get a beer after. Email michelle@footzonebend.com for more info. Wednesdays, 6pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Mom’s Running Group All moms welcome
with or without strollers for a 3-4.5 mile run at 8-12 minute mile paces. This is a fun and encouraging group for moms of all running levels. Rain or shine! Email lisa.nasr@me.com for more info. Learn more about running with a stroller at the FootZone Blog. Wednesdays, 9:30am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend.
Saturday Coffee Run Wish you had a
running posse to make your weekend run fly by? Marla Hacker will facilitate this group, which welcomes all paces for a 3-5 mile run on Saturdays. Bring a few bucks for coffee at a local shop afterwards with your new running buddies! Email michelle@footzonebend.com for more information. Saturdays, 9am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Tuesday Rise and Run Rise and Run. Early
riser? This group is for you! FootZoner Colton Gale will lead this run. All paces are welcome; 3-5 mile routes will usually take advantage of snow-free and lit paths in the Old Mill District. Email colton@footzonebend.com with questions. Tuesdays, 5am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Weekly Steel Bicycle Ride Weekly Steel
Road Bicycle Ride 30-mile route east of town. Conversational pace, all are welcome. Steel bikes are recommended, but not required. All are welcome to hang out at Jackson’s afterward to tell stories and make new friends. Wednesdays,
6-8pm. Jackson’s Corner Eastside, 1500 NE Cushing Dr. Suite 100. Bend. Free.
OUTDOORS Apres Kickoff Party We’re officially kicking
off renovations at our new location, LOGE Entrada, Bend and we want you there! Join us for a benefit to support our philanthropy partner, Central Oregon Trail Alliance (COTA). Complimentary beer by 10 Barrel Brewing Company with donation to COTA for 21+ only. Family friendly! Saturday, Apr. 14, 4-10pm. LOGE Entrada, 19221 SW Century Dr, Bend. Free.
BARC Bend Adventist Running Club Weekly Run Join us for weekly Sunday Runs!
We meet in front of the Dog Park at Pine Nursery. Distances vary. We offer community, running and walking support and fun! Runners of all levels, walkers, kids, strollers and friendly dogs are all welcome! Sundays, 8:30am. Pine Nursery Park, 3750 NE Purcell Blvd. Bend. Free.
Bend Area Running Fraternity (BARF)
Join us for 3.5 mile run (options avail. for longer or shorter distances) through the Old Mill District and along the Deschutes River! Then stay after the run for a discounted pint courtesy of Atlas Cider! Rewards for attendance. All paces and faces welcome! No registration required. Mondays, 5:30-7:30pm. ATLAS Cider Co. Taproom, 550 SW Industrial Way Suite 190. Bend. Free.
“Down Under” Howard Horvath and Mary Oppenheimer made their second trip to Australia last fall, during the Australian spring. Orchids, a Wallaby Joey, and of course birds were all part of the journey they will share. Thursday, Apr. 19, 6:30-8:30pm. Central Oregon Enrivronmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave. Bend. Gerry Lopez Big Wave Challenge This
snowboard only event features a series of huge sweeping banked corners, quarter pipes and spines, incorporating the natural terrain as much as possible, to create wave-like features into a flowing course - this year located off Midway. Friday, Apr. 13, midnight. Mt. Bachelor, 13000 SW Century Dr, Bend.
Hopservatory Night Sky Viewing The Worthy Garden Club offers weekly open viewing that includes seasonally appropriate educational programs and a peek through the Worthy telescope. Thursday & Sunday, 8-9pm. Friday & Saturday, 8-10pm. Kids 5 and under are free. Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun. Worthy Garden Club, 495 NE Bellevue Dr. Bend. $5/recommended donation. Osprey Packs presents How to Lightweight Backpack Ultralight backpacking
isn’t just for the most hardcore thru-hikers. It can also be advantageous for weekend warriors or section hikers. Osprey and Mtn Supply provide insight on lightweight backpacking. Event is free and refreshments will be provided. Wednesday, Apr. 11, 6:30-8:30pm. Mountain Supply, 834 NW Colorado Ave. Bend. Free.
Outing Club Outing Club is for adventurous youth, grades 6-10, who like to get outdoors, explore and have fun. Meets every other Sunday Feb. 18 through May. Various locations, generally in the downtown area. Outing Club and Teens in Action will alternate weeks, so students are welcome to join both! Cost: Sliding Scale, $125-$95, or apply for scholarship. Discount for joining both groups. Sunday, Apr. 15, 3-4:30pm. East Bend Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd, Bend. Walk MS Bend Walk MS helps us team up with friends, loved ones and co-workers to change the world for everyone affected by MS. Together, we will end MS forever. Saturday, Apr. 14, 9am-1pm. Riverbend Park, 799 SW Columbia St. Bend. Walk Up Pilot Butte Join JessBFit on Tuesdays for this breathtaking walk up Pilot Butte. Stick around after the walk to learn how to use the pull-up bar station at the trail head for strength training and stretching. Tuesdays, 8-9am. Pilot Butte State Park, Bend. Free.
Why Not Sleep Through Winter?
The antics of hibernating critters
By Jim Anderson the shelter of deep foliage, turn down their breathing and heart rate and wait it out. If the cold snap goes on for over 72 hours, however, they’re in big trouble. To hibernate, the animal going into that state must have a suitable layer of fat. The fat is metabolized to make food and (and water) for the animal’s s-l-o-wl-y circulating blood. Almost all the burrowing rodents we see running around Central Oregon in summer sleep through winter. Yellow-bellied marmots, as well as California, Belding’s, Merriam’s, Columbia and Washington ground squirrels spend up to seven months sleeping. They appear back above ground in March and have gone back to bed by late July. During those short five months above ground, they reproduce and eat, eat, eat. The Belding’s ground squirrel’s favorite food is dandelions, along with almost 100 percent other vegetation. If, however, they happen to come across insects, bird’s eggs, worms—or one of their dead brethren on the road—they will consume those resources as well. A bear will eat huge amounts of juicy berries and insect larvae to put on the fat reserves necessary to make it through winter. In some areas of the West, hibernation food for grizzlies is tough to find. If they can’t find enough pine seeds and army cutworm moth larvae, it’s curtains. Mammals need water to keep the blood healthy. During hibernation that’s taken care of with water metabolized out of the fat. “But...” you may ask, “what about elimination of waste water afterward?” Like most old men, I get up three times
Beldin’s ground squirrels wake up from their ODOT hibernation chamber. ODOT redid the highway, but the ground squirrels liked it the way it was, and moved back in for the winter, then made a new entrance way when they woke up. That was three years ago.
in the night and head for the bathroom— something a hibernating bear can’t do. Amazingly, the urea is recycled and turned back into protein, as packrats do. (Packrats—which do not hibernate, rarely drink water. They recycle water so many times the waste is almost pure urea; there’s so much in the urine that it coats the rocks near the packrat’s den almost pure white, instead of the characteristic yellow.) Which reminds me, don’t eat yellow snow! And don’t eat “desert licorice” either! While you’re poking around the lava rock habitat of packrats you may come across a tar-like substance that resembles licorice. It ain’t! It’s the chemical result of packrat urine on packrat scat. The black scat is altered by the chemicals in the urine into a solidified mass of tar-like (or licorice-like if you prefer) chemicals. From my experience, bats are the deepest hibernators of all. When I was studying and banding bats in the lava caves near Bend in the ’70s, I would often remove a bat carefully from its head-down perch on the cave ceiling, and then photograph, weigh and band it. It wouldn’t wake up. But you know, I did discover that Townsend’s big-eared bats wake up at least three times while hibernating in winter. I would often return to the caves where I had banded them, finding them
(TEL) The Difference:
sleeping in a different location than where I left them last. Turns out, they are so deep in sleep that oxygen in their blood drops to such a low level that lactic acid builds up, causing the bat to start breathing faster. The bat takes advantage of its physiological alarm clock and flies around to pump itself up with oxygen. After the oxygen content reaches the level necessary to keep the cells alive and healthy, the bat goes back to a new location in the cave and drops back into its hibernation state. Some of the most interesting hibernators, however, are butterflies and moths. While the Monarchs have migrated to Mexico and California to escape winter, our swallowtails and moths are wintering over as either eggs, or wrapped in the silk of their chrysalides and cocoons. Mourning cloaks and California tortoiseshells, however, winter over as adults. What’s neat is that in all stages, insects possess an antifreeze in their “blood” that protects them from freezing, even way below zero! I have developed a wintering and nesting box guide for this area. The East Cascade Audubon Society and I give them away. You can catch up with me to get one at at Birder’s Night, held at 6:30 pm on the third Thursday of the month at the Bend Environmental Center—or just send me an email. SW
Friday the 13th specials!
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VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
he longer I live, the more I wish scientists would succeed with “induced hibernation,” especially for old duffers like me. I hate winter! Well, not really. I do enjoy going out with my family getting in the winter wood, something I’ve been doing almost all my life, but not a much as I did when I had less gray and more pep. When I was a kid we had a huge wood burning furnace in the basement of our New England farmhouse. Wood cutting started in October in Connecticut, with oak and elm being the dominant species used for keeping warm in winter. An old “misery whip,” a two-man crosscut saw, was the tool we used to buck up logs into firewood lengths. I can still hear my Uncle Harry on the other end of the cross-cut, saying, “Catsfur! I don’t mind you ridin’ that thing, but would you quit draggin’ your feet!” (“Catsfur” was the nickname he gave, because I was always asking: “What’s this or that fur,” and he’d answer, “Catsfur.”) Hibernation is a way that many mammals—and at least one bird—spend winter. (In the ’60s, Common poorwills—that spend summer in this neck of the woods—were discovered hibernating among the roots of willows along cut banks of streams near Sacramento.) The process puts the animal into a deep sleep where breathing and heart rate slow down to a hairline between life and death. Hibernation is not to be confused with the torpid state hummingbirds and swifts can drop into for short periods of time to escape a cold snap. Both are dependent on insects for food, so when a cold snap hits, the birds hide in
Otis Craig Broker, CRS
541.771.4824 otis@otiscraig.com
Hunnell Road, Bend $350,000 10* acre parcel located in a park like setting ready for your dream home! Power, cable, phone & Avion water are at the street. Extremely private, backs to Deschutes County land. This is a great opportunity to build your dream home in Tumalo and less than 3 miles from shopping and dining.In Bend, La Pine School District.
S Hwy 97, Bend
OFFICE 541.647.1171 The Broker Network of Central Oregon, LLC. www.TheBrokerNetworkRealty.com 505 NW Franklin Ave, Bend, OR 97703
$225,000.00 This is a business opportunity. Buyer to negotiate lease of building under separate agreement with owner. Asset list is available after on-site preview. Assets to be sold in as is condition after inspection and approval of buyer. Buyer's attorney to prepare a bill of sale for transfer of assets at closing. Asset list will not include business name, signage and branding.
2052 SW Helmholtz Way, Redmond $2,250,000 7.52 Acre Development parcel in SW Redmond runs along the west side's primary transportation arterial. Property has been included in the Higher Density Overlay Zone, which permit density up to 30 units per acre for multi-family and residential.
3155 SW Wickup Ave, Redmond $95,000 Great flat lot waiting for development in SW Redmond, .62 acres tucked away behind Regency Village Senior Living facility, only a few blocks from Sage Elementary School and the Umatilla Sports Complex. Great location with easy access to Hwy 97. Zoned R2, allowing for a variety of development potential in residential or multifamily use. Adjacent tax lot included in the sale. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
By Nick Nayne
Principal Broker, The Broker Network, LLC
Age Demographics Will Open Up Housing Supply
homes to meet the needs of the younger generation. The report also says that 62 percent of the population growth in the next decade is expected to be in southern states such as Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Georgia and North Carolina, along with surrounding states where 42 percent of the U.S. population already resides. An abundance of jobs, affordable housing and warm weather are listed as main factors. The fourth demographic trend in the report is the trend of more affluent immigrants wanting to come to the U.S. from countries that are prospering economically, such as China and Brazil. Many are very concerned about the current state of housing in Central Oregon, but research like this is a reminder about the many factors to consider when seeking solutions to the problem. The aging of the population and demand for higher density, low-maintenance living quarters should be considered in zoning future development to meet those needs, and will hopefully open up additional existing housing for new households to form.
Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service
20025 Elizabeth Ln., Bend, OR 97702 2 beds, 2 bath, 1,008 square feet, .14 acres lot Built in 2001 $259,900 Listed by Keller Williams Realty Central Oregon
3150 N.E. Richmond Ct., Bend, OR 97701 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 1,812 square feet, .20 acres lot Built in 1993 $409,900 Listed by Premiere Property Group, LLC
61249 Gorge View St, Bend, OR 97702 4 beds, 3.5 baths, 2,543 square feet, .29 acres lot Built in 2005 $1,395,000 Listed by Keller Williams Realty Central Oregon
41 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
ased on a report from ATTOM Data Solutions, the aging of the American population will have a positive impact on the housing crisis. The report estimates that within the next decade, 38 percent of the U.S. population, or 66 million people, will be over the age of 65. Additionally, 25.8 million new households will be formed during the same period, with 13.3 million households moving to homes where the prior owner has passed on or has moved to assisted living. The aging of households is also expected to fuel demand for higher density and lower-maintenance living, which could include cottage and apartment communities as well as granny flats that allow people to be closer to children and grandchildren. The new tax laws that increase the standard deduction remove the advantages of owning versus renting for many lower-income households, which typically include retirees, so the move to rental housing by this group is expected to increase. New households moving to homes left behind by those who passed on or moved will likely result in the updating and modernization of those
WWW.BENDSOURCE.COMâ&#x20AC;&#x201A;/â&#x20AC;&#x201A;April 12, 2018â&#x20AC;&#x201A;/â&#x20AC;&#x201A;BENDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S INDEPENDENT VOICE
 Â&#x201C; Â&#x17D; Â&#x152;Â&#x152; Â&#x152;Â&#x152;Â&#x152;
Â&#x2018; Â&#x2019; Â&#x2019;
Â&#x152;Â&#x152;Â&#x160;Â&#x2C6; Â? Â&#x2019;
 Â? Â? Â? Â?   Â? Â&#x20AC;Â? Â&#x201A;Â&#x192; Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â?Â&#x192;  Â&#x201E; Â&#x192; Â&#x2026;
Â?Â? Â&#x2020; Â Â&#x2021; Â? Â Â Â&#x2021; | Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2030;Â&#x160;.Â&#x2039;Â&#x160;Â&#x2C6; Â&#x2C6;Â&#x152;Â&#x152;Â&#x152;
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a man in my 60s. Looking back on my romantic life, I was always the guy women spent time with when their husband or boyfriend wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t paying attention to them or while they waited for the right guy (status, power, money) to show up. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m good-looking, but I realize from reading you that I never had enough â&#x20AC;&#x153;mate value,â&#x20AC;? never mastering the essence of Cialdiniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;scarcity principle.â&#x20AC;? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a retired teacher. For 20-some years, I taught kids who had severe behaviorial problems. While parents, grandparents, and school personnel appreciated what I did, it didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hold much long-term interest for women. My wife left me for someone with much higher â&#x20AC;&#x153;mate value.â&#x20AC;? I keep thinking that all of this could have been avoided if I had only chosen a profession with high-end â&#x20AC;&#x153;mate value.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Alone
evolutionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s version of a billboard advertising health and fertility.) This means that womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mate value is higher when theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re, say, in their early 20s. And thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why 22-yearold guys find 22-year-old women seriously hotâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;as do the grandpas of those 22-year-old dudes. Meanwhile, a 22-year-old guy is essentially gum under the tire of a 32-year-old guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mercedes. Because women prioritize status and resources in a male partner, menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mate value tends to increase as they get older and more accomplished. Cruelly, womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mate value declines with age. On a more positive note, what also tends to go is the notion some youngAmy Alkon er women have that massive character flaws can be outweighed by a massive mansion. Women with a thing for bad boys may likewise come to see the excitement in a man who pays the bills the boring wayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;through online banking instead of online identity theft.Â
Southeast Rowan Prineville, OR 97754 $54,500 MLS# 201707552 4.31 acres Come build your dream home on this oversized 4.31 acre lot. Located in Roundtree PUD subdivision with over 10 acres dedicated to resident community space. Maria Halsey, Broker 541.788.0876 Listed by My Lucky House
Motivated Seller
Pioneer Park Condominium 1565 NW Wall Street #174 $199,900 1 bed / 2 baths 650 sqft Steps from the river and downtown make this condo unique. Come live without the extra worries of maintaining a home. Maria Halsey, Broker 541.788.0876 Listed by My Lucky House
FOR SALE Price Reduced! Rare Downtown Bend near Bond St
Commercial Building 75 foot height limitation Best Location at 505 NW Franklin Ave. Price $1,575,000 Owner Financing Available Contact John R Gist, Principal Broker Cascadia Properties 541.815.5000
FOR RENT Vacation Rental 5 NW Minnesota Ave.
Amazing Fully Furnished Firehall Condo in the Heart of Downtown Bend. All Utilities, Cable TV, WiFi included. Monthly Rent $3,300
For More Information www.cascadiapropertymgmt.com John R Gist, Principal Broker Cascadia Properties 541.815.5000
You were never going to be the guy for those women who pictured themselves spending lazy summer afternoons in Marthaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Vineyard (as opposed to Marthaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Laundromat). However, your having a middlinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;-bucks job instead of a megabucks one probably wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the root of your mate retention issues. It turns out that thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more to mate value than money and a â&#x20AC;&#x153;high-endâ&#x20AC;? job. In fact, evolutionary psychologist David Buss did a massive cross-cultural survey looking at what men and women want in a partner, and kindness topped the list for each. (Yes, kindnessâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;which was pretty much your job description.) Intelligence was another list-topper. What wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t on the lists at all? A partner whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a pushoverâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;always available, never any pesky boundaries. Accordingly, you mention psychologist Robert Cialdini, whose â&#x20AC;&#x153;scarcity principleâ&#x20AC;? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve referenced. Basically, we valueâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and wantâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;what is out of reach and seems hard to get, not what seems hard to get rid of. That â&#x20AC;&#x153;hardâ&#x20AC;? truth might seem like reason for you to keep looking back with despair. However, within it is actually a message of hopeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;an action plan. The reality is, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re in a better position than ever to land and keep a woman. As I often explain, there are sex differences in what men and women prioritize in a partner, with men valuing looks far more than women do. (Youth and beauty are
In short, there are plenty of women whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d want a guy like youâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;providing you mend your ways. Going back to that â&#x20AC;&#x153;scarcity principle,â&#x20AC;? what needs to become scarce is your willingness to be a convenient option instead of a priority. Though this has been your default stateâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;for decadesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to remain that way. As I explain in my new â&#x20AC;&#x153;science-helpâ&#x20AC;? book, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Unf*ckology: A Field Guide to Living with Guts and Confidence,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;your feelings are not the boss of you. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not what you feel; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what you do.â&#x20AC;? In fact, by repeatedly acting assertively, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll actually rewire your brain. This isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t to say the old rollover kitty behaviors go away. Unfortunately, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no giant neural eraser that comes around once a week like the trash guys the city sends to your neighborhood. What happens is that you transform your default behaviorâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;how you behave when you react automaticallyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;to acting like a man instead of like the male friend who braids womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hair while theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re waiting for the guy they are having sex with. As for the practical steps to becoming the new bold you: Figure out what seems fair and right, and then say â&#x20AC;&#x153;noâ&#x20AC;? to everything outside that box. (Generosity is good. Generosity that knows no bounds is a ladyboner killer.) Assert yourself even when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re scared to do it. Sure, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll feel uncomfortable, especially the first few times. However, you should slowly begin to do better with the ladiesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and maybe even find love, despite it being clear that the only fur youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d ever get a woman would come with the rest of the hamster or the cat.Â
Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave. Suite 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail AdviceAmy@aol.com (advicegoddess.com).
Š 2018, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved.
ASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): Aries statesman
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In the early 1990s, Australian electrical engineer John O’Sullivan toiled on a research project with a team of radio astronomers. Their goal was to find exploding miniblack holes in the distant voids of outer space. The quest failed. But in the process of doing their experiments, they developed technology that became a key component now used in Wi-Fi. Your digital devices work so well in part because his frustrating misadventure led to a happy accident. According to my reading of your astrological omens, Taurus, we may soon be able to make a comparable conclusion about events in your life.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In the fictional world created by DC Comics, the superhero Superman has a secret identity as a modest journalist named Clark Kent. Or is it the other way around? Does the modest journalist Clark Kent have a secret identity as the superhero Superman? Only a few people realize the two of them are the same. I suspect there is an equally small number of allies who know who you really are beneath your “disguises,” Gemini. But upcoming astrological omens suggest that could change. Are you ready to reveal more about your true selves? Would you consider expanding the circle that is allowed to see and appreciate your full range and depth?
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Playwright Tennessee Williams once spent an evening trying to coax a depressed friend out of his depression. It inspired him to write a poem that began like this: “I want to infect you with the tremendous excitement of living, because I believe that you have the strength to bear it.” Now I address you with the same message, Cancerian. Judging from the astrological omens, I’m convinced you currently have more strength than ever before to bear the tremendous excitement of living. I hope this news will encourage you to potentize your ability to welcome and embrace the interesting puzzles that will come your way in the weeks ahead.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Are you finished dealing with spacious places and vast vistas and expansive longings? I hope not. I hope you will continue to explore big bold blooming schemes and wild free booming dreams until at least April 25. In my astrological opinion, you have a sacred duty to keep outstripping your previous efforts. You have a mandate to go further, deeper, and braver as you break out of shrunken expectations and push beyond comfortable limitations. The unknown is still more inviting and fertile than you can imagine.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Between December 5 and 9, 1952, London was beset with heavy fog blended with thick smog. Visibility was low. Traffic slowed and events were postponed. In a few places, people couldn’t see their own feet. According to some reports, blind people, who had a facility for moving around without the aid of sight, assisted pedestrians in making their way through the streets. I suspect that a metaphorically comparable phenomenon may soon arise in your sphere, Virgo. Qualities that might customarily be regarded as liabilities could at least temporarily become assets. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Your allies are always important, but in the coming weeks they will be
even more so. I suspect they will be your salvation, your deliverance, and your treasure. So why not treat them like angels or celebrities or celebrity angels? Buy them ice cream and concert tickets and fun surprises. Tell them secrets about their beauty that no one has ever expressed before. Listen to them in ways that will awaken their dormant potentials. I bet that what you receive in return will inspire you to be a better ally to yourself.
Mejaski Choreography and Lay It Out Events presents: Theater in the Park — Jesus Christ Superstar
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In the coming weeks, I suspect you will be able to find what you need in places that are seemingly devoid of what you need. You can locate the possible in the midst of what’s apparently impossible. I further surmise that you will summon a rebellious resourcefulness akin to that of Scorpio writer Albert Camus, who said, “In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. No matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger -- something better, pushing right back.”
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): In 1936, Herbert C. Brown graduated from the University of Chicago with a bachelor’s degree in science. His girlfriend Sarah Baylen rewarded him with the gift of a two-dollar book about the elements boron and silicon. Both he and she were quite poor; she couldn’t afford a more expensive gift. Brown didn’t read the book for a while, but once he did, he decided to make its subject the core of his own research project. Many years later, he won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discoveries about the role of boron in organic chemistry. And it all began with that two-dollar book. I bring this story to your attention, Sagittarius, because I foresee you, too, stumbling upon a modest beginning that eventually yields breakthrough results.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In 20 B.C., Rome’s most famous poet was Quintus Horatius Flaccus, known to us today as Horace. He prided himself on his meticulous craftsmanship, and advised other writers to be equally scrupulous. Once you compose a poem, he declared, you should put it aside for nine years before deciding whether to publish it. That’s the best way to get proper perspective on its worth. Personally, I think that’s too demanding, although I appreciate the power that can come from marshalling so much conscientiousness. And that brings me to a meditation on your current state, Capricorn. From what I can tell, you may be at risk of being too risk-averse; you could be on the verge of waiting too long and being too cautious. Please consider naming a not-toodistant release date.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Luckily, you have an inventive mind and an aptitude for experimentation. These will be key assets as you dream up creative ways to do the hard work ahead of you. Your labors may not come naturally, but I bet you’ll be surprised at how engaging they’ll become and how useful the rewards will be. Here’s a tip on how to ensure you will cultivate the best possible attitude: Assume that you now have the power to change stale patterns that have previously been resistant to change. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): May I suggest that you get a lesson in holy gluttony from a Taurus? Or perhaps pick up some pointers in enlightened self-interest from a Scorpio? New potential resources are available, but you haven’t reeled them in with sufficient alacrity. Why? Why oh why oh why?! Maybe you should ask yourself whether you’re asking enough. Maybe you should give yourself permission to beam with majestic self-confidence. Picture this: Your posture is regal, your voice is authoritative, your sovereignty is radiant. You have identified precisely what it is you need and want, and you have formulated a pragmatic plan to get it.
Homework: In what circumstances do you tend to be smartest? When do you tend to be dumbest? Testify at Freewillastrology.com.
August 2 4 in Drake & 25 Park
Choose the date that best fits your schedule: May 6th 4-8pm or May 19th 4-8pm
Call Backs May 20th, 4-8pm - For auditions, please prepare 24-32 bars of any song from a rock style musical or opera. - Please bring sheet music for our accompanist of your song choice. - Please bring or be in comfortable dance clothes and shoes for the dance portion of the audition. Auditions will be held at Academie de Ballet Classique 162 NW Greenwood Ave. 97701
For more information please go to TheaterBend.com. For any questions please email: Mejaskichoreography@gmail.com
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United States. He wrote one of history’s most famous documents, the Declaration of Independence. He was an architect, violinist, inventor, and linguist who spoke numerous languages, as well as a philosopher who was knowledgeable about mathematics, surveying, and horticulture. But his most laudable success came in 1789, when he procured the French recipe for macaroni and cheese while living in France, and thereafter introduced the dish into American cuisine. JUST KIDDING! I’m making this little joke in the hope that it will encourage you to keep people focused on your most important qualities, and not get distracted by less essential parts of you.
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WELLNESS EVENTS Beginners Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin Designed for those who have never
taken Tai Chi or for those who have learned and forgotten. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 623203-4883 for more info. Mondays & Wednesdays, 10-11am. Finley Butte Park, 51390 Walling Lane La Pine. $35/month.
Chakra Balancing A workshop exploring
Community Gathering Grief comfort and
support in a group setting. All are welcome. Tuesday, Apr. 17, 6-8pm. Good Grief Guidance, 33 NW Louisiana Ave. Bend. Free.
Community Healing Flow A gentle flow
class by donation with all proceeds will benefit the Humane Society of Central Oregon. Fridays, 5-6:15pm. Fridays, 5-6:15pm. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Dr. Suite 133. Bend.
Compassionate Communication/NVC Practice Groups Through practicing with
others, we can learn and grow using real life experiences to become more compassionate with ourselves and others. Some NVC experience necessary. Wednesdays, 4-5:30pm. Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm. Center for Compassionate Living, 803 SW Industrial Way #200, Bend. Free.
Essential Oils & Seasonal Allergy Relief Breathe easier this spring! Learn how
essential oils can provide a natural way to seasonal allergy relief. Class is taught by wellness advocates, Tami Nielsen & Stephanie Erickson and will be held in the Yoga Barn at Blissful Heart. Thursday, Apr. 12, 1:30-3pm. The Blissful Heart, 29 NW Greeley Ave, Bend.
Evolutionary SELF-Healing Through guided imagery, you’ll learn how to tap into your internal power. Thursdays, 6:30-8pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd, #A-5, Bend. Free. Free Yoga Keep your body and mind healthy
and well. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, 7:458:30am. Plantae, 2115 NE Hwy 20 Ste 107. Bend.
Good Grief Guidance Community Drop-in We all live with grief—death, divorce,
loss, illness, conflict, abandonment, disappointment. But is it possible to thrive? Learn about the first three steps to well being. Meets Tuesdays, 6-8pm & Fridays, 11am-1pm. Good Grief Guidance, 33 NW Louisiana Ave. Bend. Free.
Intro To Iyengar Yoga 6 Week Series
Reach your goals of movement, focus and flexibility without a long term commitment! In this 6 week intro to yoga series, you will learn the basics of Iyengar yoga including: yoga alignment & philosophy, use of props, standing poses, seated poses, simple twists, supine poses and the art of relaxation. Thursday, Apr. 12, 5:30-6:45pm. Cascade Yoga, LLC, 1245 SE 3rd Street, Suite 5, Bend. $65/six-week series.
Men & Stress Learn the causes of stress and reduce the negative effects of stress. Let go of anger, manage anxiety and improve relationships. Call Dan Anderson, M.A. to reserve your place 541.390.3133 or email: dan@anderson-counseling.com. Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm. Anderson Counseling, 384 SW Upper Terrace Dr #204, Bend. $25/week.
Morning Yoga Join Outside In every Monday morning for free all levels hatha or vinyasa yoga. No experience necessary, mats are available for use. First time students receive a $10 Outside In gift certificate. Mondays, 8:45-9:45am. OutsideIN, 845 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
awesomeness when your life is balanced and growing in the seven key areas of life - the 7 F’s of Oola: Fitness, Finance, Family, Field (career), Faith, Friends and Fun. My mission is to guide people toward finding more balance and growth in those 7 key areas of life. Wednesday, Apr. 18, 5:30-6:45pm. East Bend Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd, Bend.
Recovery Yoga Wherever you are on the road of recovery, this yoga class offers a safe and confidential place to explore how meditation, breath work, journaling and yoga can aid in your recovery. Not limited to drug and alcohol dependence—we are all on the road to recovery from something! Thursdays, 7-8pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $8.
Gym Only OR Classes Only 3 Month Special $129 Full Use 3 Months $169 New Members only
Spring Cleaning Kundalini Workshop Series This workshop will focus on strengthen-
ing all of the body systems (nervous, glandular, circulatory and respiratory) and finding alignment with the blossoming energy of spring. No experience necessary. All levels welcome! Two dates this spring: April 15th & May 20th. Pre-register online. Drop-ins welcome. Sunday, Apr. 15, 10am-noon. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd, #A-5, Bend. $25/1 workshop, $42/ Both workshops.
Spring Gratitude Celebration Join us in celebrating our gratitude for the community: Free Yoga, Meditation and QiGong Classes as well as free acupuncture and zero-balancing. Giveaways too: Classes, Zero-Balancing and Acupuncture sessions! Call 541-322-9642 for more info. Saturday, Apr. 14, 9am-4pm. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Dr. Suite 133. Bend. Free. Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin The focus is on the individual, not the group. This is the original form that is taught in the monastery. This holistic approach focuses on the entire body as well as the mental and spiritual aspects. Certified and endorsed by the Oregon Council on Aging. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 623203-4883 for more info. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:45-10:45am. Terpsichorean Dance Studio, 1601 NW Newport Ave, Bend. $70/month, 2 classes per week.
550 NW Franklin Ave. Suite #328 (in the Franklin Crossing building)
benddac.com 541-323-2322
The Vance Stance/Structural Reprogramming Get to the root of why you are tight,
crooked and suffering. In this series of two-hour classes in posture and flexibility, reduce pain in back, neck, shoulder, knees, hips and bunions. This 12-week series begins Feb. 12 and runs through May 8. Mondays, Noon-2pm & 6-8pm. Wednesdays, 6-8pm. Thursdays, noon-2pm. Call 541-330-9070 for more info. The Vance Stance Studio, 21173 Sunburst Ct, Bend. $180/12 class series.
Tuesday Performance Group Maximize your time with focused, intense efforts. All ages and abilities welcome. Sessions led by accomplished trail runner Max King. Email max@ footzonebend.com for details. Tuesdays, 5:30pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free. Vin/Yin Yoga Mondays and Thursdays, 3pm.
First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St, Bend.
Wednesday Night Kirtan Devotional group singing. It is yoga for the heart that connects us with our divine, inner nature and the one Spirit that unites us all. Wednesdays, 7-9pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd, #A-5, Bend. $10. Yoga for 50+Plus Learn accuracy in poses under an experienced teacher’s knowledgeable guidance. Correct alignment is taught resulting in a safe, yet transformative experience. This highly adaptive method is open to all adults of any age or physical condition through the use of yoga props. You will gain strength, flexibility and stand tall! Mondays & Wednesdays, 11am. Iyengar Yoga of Bend, 660 NE Third St. Bend.
The future of our world is in our hands! Just in time for Earth Day, the Source Weekly’s Sustainability Issue will be packed with content on what locals and businesses can do to help offset their carbon footprint. We will also feature tips and tricks for conserving water, recycling and keeping our planet healthy and sustainable. Share your conscious living efforts with our readers in the Sustainability Issue!
Ad Deadline April 13th On Stands April 19th advertise@bendsource.com 541.383.0800
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 15 / April 12, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
our chakras and how to align them for health and healing. Learn through discussion, breath work and yoga poses to invoke and awaken each energy point- all complimented with essential oils. All levels, all ages and bodies welcome! Register online or call 541-322-9642. Sunday, Apr. 15, 3-5pm. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Dr. Suite 133. Bend. $20-$40 sliding scale.
Oola: Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World OO-LA (noun): That state of
By Josh Jardine
…and the perils of mixing booze with cannabis he 4/20 “holiday” is right around the corner, and for those who celebrate it as a “High Holy Day,” bless your hearts. We can use an uptick in sales at dispensaries, so stock up and get down, responsibly. Not to be Donald Downer, but as always, please mind your intake of edibles. I’ve written here how badly things can go when edibles aren’t minded, but Her paranoia became I haven’t gotten into how “bad” can be quicly pronounced, transformed into “so... much... worse” insisting to my friend territory with the addition of “the source that I was trying to kill of, and answer to, all of life’s problems: alcohol.” them, and the cookies “Cross fading”—getting high and iincluded a fatal, drunk at the same time—for many is fast acting poison. a risky proposition. There are numerous physiological reactions that occur when alcohol and cannabis go together, especially in large quantities, such as increasing the body’s ability to take in more THC. It can take down experienced faders, but adding a strong dose of edibles can level anyone. A friend had gotten secretly and spontaneously married, and was in town to see me, and her girlfriend, with whom she was staying. I presented her with a doz- to take a nap with her, in the hopes it en of my cookies. They were very strong. would help relax them. “We’re going to I wrote, “these are very strong!!” on the diiiiiiiiiiie,” the girl repeatedly drunkenbox, and emphatically insisted that a por- ly stage-whispered in my friend’s ear as tion was one half a cookie, and that they they drifted off. She awoke shortly after were not to be consumed with alcohol. to her friend shaking her violently, and She nodded in solemn agreement. My thrusting the phone in her face. “TELL friend is the one we all have, the Last HER! TELL HER JOSH POISONED Wo(man) Standing during any session, US!” the friend shouted. finishing the joint no one else could, then “Hello?” immediately sparking up a fresh one. “Hello, 911, ma’am, can you please Her girlfriend met her at a bar shortly tell me what type of poison you’ve takafter. What was to be “one quick drink” en?” My friend explained that wasn’t grew to what was later recounted as “sev- the case. “Ma’am, your friend said you en, eight or possibly, uh, nine,” margari- have both eaten a large amount of poison. tas. You know what goes great with seven, Please try and stay calm.” eight or, uh, nine margaritas? Anything. “I am calm. I’m not poisoned, I’m Lukewarm Taco Bell is 5-Star, Michelin- really stoned and drunk, though.” worthy to a very drunk person. “Help is arriving soon.” But a dozen homemade cannabis “Help” came in the form of two cookies? police officers, five firefighters and two “We just couldn’t stop. We’d eat part EMTs, all together in the studio apartof a cookie, have a drink, eat more cook- ment. My friend explained they had ie—it was just the habit of snacking and only eaten strong pot cookies, (over drinking, not a conscious choice,” she her friend shouting “NO! WE’VE BEEN explained later. Realizing they’d made POISONED! WE’RE GOING TO DIE! a huge mistake, they quickly retreated FROM POISON!”). The police were to the friend’s studio apartment. “And shaking their heads as they exited, one that’s when it started going south, fast,” firefighter asking if “there were any left.” said my friend. The EMTs explained that once ingestThe girlfriend was a rather experienced ed, there was nothing they could do to drinker, but not much of a toker. Her treat this clearly non-terminal overdose paranoia became quickly pronounced, of edibles. insisting to my friend that I was trying to The girlfriend insisted they be taken kill them, and the cookies included a fatal, by ambulance to the ER, 11 blocks away, fast acting poison. My friend assured her and that they each have their stomach that wasn’t the case, but the girlfriend had pumped, which they did. Neither had an elaborate, improvised backstory that insurance, and each got bills totaling involved jealousy, betrayal, my friend’s $3,700. ex BF and a gentleman’s agreement I had entered to bake tasty, yet fatal, poison Here’s your takeaway: −− Don’t cross fade cannabis cookies. It was like an episode of −− Mind your edibles “Riverdale.” −− Don’t call 911 on yourself if you do My friend coaxed her girlfriend
Crossword â&#x20AC;&#x153;Food Hot Takesâ&#x20AC;?
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once.
Š Pearl Stark mathpuzzlesgames.com/quodoku
Hot bedtime drink
Stunning weapon
Have legs
Maestro Seiji
Bed cover
Sky blue
Cold medicine brand
Strong urge
Alibi ___
Turkish greens
16 Hot take #1: Stockpiling the Half & Half?
Team building
18 Ticked a box
Guitarist Boz
Scottish cap
Shorn females
20 Hairy chest beater
10 Nebula that shows no movement
21 Kind of engine
11 Vermont ski resort
22 Drum fill sound
12 Make a second hole
24 Hot take #2: Weenie thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been in the water too long?
14 John Fogertyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s band, briefly
Feel (for)
17 Like some Neil Gaiman works ___ Park
28 Lays down the lawn
23 Part of the body oft-torn by athletes
29 Hot take #3: Biblical brotherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sausages?
25 Chunk of gum
34 Make a wager
29 Wine selection, briefly
Fare poorly
Eveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grandson
38 Wraps up, as with cables
40 Altar in space
31 1988 Olympic menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s singles figure skating gold medalist
Thorny patch
Pump stuff
44 Hot take #4: Indian takeout enjoyed midflight?
47 Jump in the rink
35 Benjamin who sang â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just What I Neededâ&#x20AC;?
Rejecting vote
Laconophileâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s love
Sent packing
Scale notes
Wine specification
Pakistan metropolis
Listerine rival
50 Hot takes #5 and #6: Bag for Japanese rice wine? 54 Country singer Darius 58
59 Big name in hotels 61 Waithe of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ready Player Oneâ&#x20AC;? 62
Olive ___
63 Hot take #7: Horse meat served at a deli? 65 Tire inflation meas. 66
Solo songs
67 2017 World Series winner 68
â&#x20AC;&#x153;A spider!â&#x20AC;?
69 Eat off the floor? 70 Particle with a quark
Model package
33 Took care of some dragons
51 Come into being 52
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote:
â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;The rich arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like us, they ______.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Peter De Vries
Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at pearl@bendsource.com
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Local!
Difficulty Level
Bitter person
53 Boat for one 55
Some cigarettes
Diciembre follower
Hose makeup
60 NBA playoffs channel 63
Baby food
Escape plan?
) 8 ,
6 7 2 5 3 $ 0
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tibby cried into her soup when it finally came. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m scared...,â&#x20AC;? she told it. The carrots and peas made no reply, but she felt better for having told them.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ann Brashares
8 ' ' ( 5
3 5 2 9 2
$ 6 6 7 5 $ , / / 2 ( 3 ' % $ % $ 5 5 < 6 2 1 : ) $ < ) , 1 ( ( ' ' $ 7 ( 8 / - 2 6 $ ' ( 0 ( 6
& $ 0 $ <
$ ; ( /
3 8 5 /
7 + ( 6 (
$ % ( /
1 $ 3 $
7 , 1 $ % / + ( $ 6 / 6 7 6 5 2 2 9 / , ( ( 6 7
2 % 6 , 7 ( 8 ' $ +
$ 0 % 6 3 ( 5 $ ( * 2 7 $ 0 , / - 2 1 $ 7 : 2 $ 3 3 ( 7 ( 5 / 7 5 < 6 2 $ 5 $ - - , 3 $ $ 6 7 , 5 (
47 VOLUME 22â&#x20AC;&#x201A; ISSUE 15â&#x20AC;&#x201A; /â&#x20AC;&#x201A; April 12, 2018â&#x20AC;&#x201A; /â&#x20AC;&#x201A; THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Š2017 Brendan Emmett Quigley (www.brendanemmettquigley.com)
By Brendan Emmett Quigley
Pearlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Puzzle