VOLUM E 22 / I S S UE 2 4 / J UN E 1 4 , 2 0 1 8
In a bizarre development, who’s the victim? P.7
Dad’s Day Food Where to take pops on his big day P.33
Next-Level Sportsing
When yoga gets boring, try these Bend-style twists P.53
BANDS Wayward Soul High Desert Drifters Shade 13 BEERS Over 20 breweries with 30 plus beers on tap
Over $1
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JUNE 16th
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The Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave. Bend, OR 97703 t. 541-383-0800 f. 541-383-0088
REPORTER/CALENDAR EDITOR Keely Damara REPORTER/WEB EDITOR Chris Miller COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts BEER REVIEWER Kevin Gifford FREELANCERS Josh Jardine, Nick Nayne, Teafly Peterson, Jim Anderson, Lisa Sipe, Jared Rasic, Anne Pick, K.M. Collins
On the Cover: Design by Shannon Corey.
NEWS – Road Rage?
Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email:
A local man was charged in a road rage case. But after reviewing the facts, the initial alleged victims are now under investigation. Chris Miller reports.
FEATURE – Child Care Crunch
School’s Ouuuuut! Covering child care for your school-age kids can cost about 20 percent of your summer income. If you’re a parent who’s still on the hunt for care, Annette Benedetti offers some options.
CHOW – Food Stuff!
Opinion 4
How’s the food at Citizen, a new restaurant in downtown Bend? Where can you go for Father’s Day food? And what’s the best wine event around? Lisa Sipe has it all in this week’s Chow.
Outside – Next-Level Sports!
Mailbox 5 News 7
Bored with plain old yoga? Apparently, lots of other Benditos are, too. Keely Damara reports on the next-level options for yoga, dance and more, and where to take part in Bend.
SMOKE SIGNALS – Changes for Medical Grows
Source Picks
Sound 17
Some folks in Deschutes County have complained about a lack of oversight for Oregon’s medical marijuana growers. In this week’s Smoke Signals, Josh Jardine lays out the many new regulations those growers face.
Clubs 19 Events 23 Artwatch 29
Chris Miller
SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, E.J. Pettinger, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Shannon Wheeler
Chow 33
Outside 51
Screen 47
Real Estate
Advice 58
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Ban Tat, Chris Larro, Ashley Sarvis, Rob Cammelletti
Astrology 59 Smoke Signals
CONTROLLER Angela Switzer A procession for fallen Bend firefighter Rhett Larsen makes its way up Hwy. 97 on Sunday, June 10.
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VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
EDITOR Nicole Vulcan
Involve the public in all discussions about dredging Mirror Pond
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herever you land on the issue of dredg- sediment moves downstream, it collects in ing Mirror Pond, some things are cer- eddies, slow-moving reaches and, ultimately, tain: Many people have strong opinions behind the dams in Bend.” about dredging the pond—and those opinIn its Stormwater Master Plan, funded ions vary widely. through utility fees, the City has included When there are varying opinions about a a “pipe rehabilitation program incorporatmatter that has the potential to affect public ing components intended to add better filbudgets, the public should have every oppor- tration to the stormwater drains that drain tunity to gather information. into the Deschutes River,” stated StormwaUntil 2016, there were three options on ter Program Manager Wendy Edde. the table for the impoundment south of the But whether those drains are the major Newport Dam: remove the dam and let the cause of the sediment buildup in Mirror river flow free, dredge the silt out or do noth- Pond—or not—MPS believes the City of ing. Following Pacific Power’s 2016 decision Bend should cover at least $1 million for not to sell Newport Dam, we’re left with only dredging. MPS also wants BPRD to pay $2.3 the last two options. million, citing a (non-binding) MemoranMirror Pond Solutions, which owns the dum of Understanding signed by MPS and land underneath the pond, has been steadi- the Park District in 2016 that outlined future ly moving forward with the dredging option. plans for Mirror Pond, including bank rehaThe only issue is, that group doesn’t feel bilitation and habitat restoration. That MOU compelled to pay the entire cost of the was signed before Pacific Power decided not dredging and wants the City of Bend and to sell Newport Dam. the Bend Park and Recreation District—and Thus far, neither BPRD nor the City of possibly Pacific Power—to contribute. Thus Bend have committed any funds—though far, MPS has secured about $300,000 to go the city is looking into it, in a concerning toward dredging, currently projected to cost fashion. This month, Bend Mayor Casey about $6.7 million. Roats formed a work group, the Mirror Pond Members of Mirror Pond Solutions sat Dredging Fact Finding Committee, which down with a member of our editorial board includes councilors Bruce Abernethy, Justin in May, just after securing permits for dredg- Livingston and Sally Russell, tasking them ing from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, with gathering details about the proposed the Oregon Department of State Lands and dredging project. The group will report back others. A sense of history drives MPS to to the wider council about what they found. move this costly project forward. Important to note: When three of seven “We feel it’s been an iconic piece of prop- elected officials meet, they do not constitute erty in Central Oregon for many years, and a quorum, and are therefore not subject to it’s served all different walks of life,” states Oregon’s Public Meetings Law. We believe the forTodd Taylor, co-own- E.J. Pettinger’s mation of a non-quoer of Mirror Pond rum work group Solutions. “If it’s in a harms transparencanoe or sitting on the cy. We should have banks with your feet in access to information the water feeding the about how the comducks—whatever venmittee was selected ue you want to use the and what information pond, it’s been there they’re considering. for people.” The “work group” During that meetwas formed to gather ing, members of information, but ultiMPS contended that mately, in that gathnumerous stormwaering of information, ter drains, owned by the “reporting back” the City of Bend, flowthey’ll do with the ing into the river at Woman watches, in horror, as germs propagate. wider council will be or near the pond, are colored by each of the the primary contributors to the silt buildup they say now neces- committee members’ individual perspecsitates dredging. In a report published by tives. This from Oregon Revised Statute the Source Weekly in October 2016, the City’s utility director refuted the claim that the 192.630: “(2) A quorum of a governing body may street outfalls were the sole source of sediment buildup. So, too, do experts on water- not meet in private for the purpose of deciding on or deliberating toward a decision on shed management. “The 60-mile reach of the Deschutes Riv- any matter except as otherwise provided by er upstream from Bend produces a lot of sed- ORS 192.610 to 192.690.” In this case, we believe the work group’s iment because the highly erodible soils are easily washed downstream when flows from efforts can be characterized as “deliberating Wickiup Reservoir are ramped up and down toward a decision.” While the mayor has Oregon’s Public throughout the year,” explains Ryan Houston, executive director of the Upper Deschutes Meetings Law on his side in terms of a quoWatershed Council. “This unnatural fluctua- rum, that decision is certainly not in the tion has led to excessive bank erosion and a interest of transparency—nor is it in the widening of the river channel, sending sedi- interest of Mirror Pond Solutions. Want to turn someone who’s on the fence ment downstream. This connection between flow management and erosion/sedimentation about an issue against you? Then put parts is very well known in the watershed manage- of the process behind closed doors. With ment community and broadly accepted as an issue as contentious and costly as dredgthe primary mechanism behind the high sed- ing Mirror Pond, nothing short of complete imentation rates along the Deschutes. As this transparency should be the goal. SW
PROPOSAL TO DEMOLISH PLATYPUS PUB BUILDING AND REPLACE WITH A STARBUCKS My wife and I have been full-time Bend residents since 2004. In that time we’ve seen dramatic changes in this town, some for the better and some for the worse. The proposal to tear down the Platypus Pub building (which was a cool Italian restaurant when we moved here) and to replace it with a Starbucks clearly and obviously falls under the latter - a change for the worse. Why? 1. As our city continues to grow and adapt to a seemingly ever-growing population it is crucial that we maintain what makes Bend, Bend. For example, the project to develop the Old Mill district did not come in and bulldoze the site to replace it with an outdoor mall; the planners and folks involved recognized the historical importance and relevance of the Old Mill and used tremendous resources to retain much of its feel and structure, most notably the iconic smoke stacks. An excellent example of a respectful redevelopment of what is now one of Bend’s biggest tourist attractions. The city needs to continue to balance burgeoning growth with an eye towards respecting Bend’s history, tradition and character.
Send your thoughts to Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!
2. The city has a responsibility to stand up to developers whose sole goal is to maximize profits at the expense of the community, with zero consideration for what the city stands for. We are a community of small business owners and operators who proudly support the ethos of “buy/shop/ dine/drink Local!” Starbucks is a mega corporation whose stranglehold on communities across the country flies in the face of everything we stand for. How can amazing local businesses like Lone Pine Coffee compete with the behemoth that is Starbucks? How long before these small coffee shops start to fold as yet another and another and another Starbucks checker our city? Enough! We don’t want it and we sure as hell don’t need it! I live and work in this community and it pains me to see these types of proposals come up because it is, at face value, the decimation of this beautiful town. As corporations, strip malls and big box stores pour into our community (e.g. at the north end of town) it sickens and saddens me. Where’s the community? Where’s the accountability? If this project goes through it will be a travesty, a punch in the gut, another step in the wrong direction. Please consider what Bend is, was, and will be, and ask yourself if leveling one of the cooler old buildings in Bend to replace it with yet another Starbucks fits that vision. —Reid Simonton
culturally by providing a centrally located business district with retail and entertainment spaces on the lower level and residential spaces above. The current building has great potential as such a site. The goals of the City of Bend’s Bend Central District Overlay Code are: A. Provide for a wide range of mixed residential, commercial and office uses throughout the area and, depending on the parcel and its surroundings, vertical mixed use (i.e., a mix of uses within the same building), with an emphasis on retail and entertainment uses at the street level. B. Provide a variety of residential development types and greater density of development, with a transition area adjacent to the existing residential neighborhood east of 4th Street. C. Provide for development that is supportive of transit by encouraging a pedestrian-friendly environment. D. Provide development and design standards that support the goals of the Plan. E. Limit development of low-density uses while allowing continuation of existing industrial and manufacturing uses. F. Provide reduced parking standards and encourage alternative parking arrangements. As citizens, we have a responsibility to craft the kind of town we want to live in for generations to come. Demolishing an old church and turning it into a cookie cutter chain store would be a step in the wrong direction. —Elise Jones
5 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
There is a specialness to Bend that is rare. And this specialness should be preserved and protected by keeping Bend small. We are considerate of one another to a fault. We stop for pedestrians and cyclists wherever they may be. We say hello to one another. We are courteous to one another. We accept one another unreservedly. We embrace our seasons. We cherish and love our mountains, the river, our forests and high desert sage, farm, and horse country. Urban growth coupled with dense suburban growth could put into the irretrievable past all that we treasure in one another and this land we love. Already, mountain and river views are being obscured from view. The urban growth boundaries have been extended. Our neighborhoods may cease to be small islands among the forests and open country, and the forests and open country rare islands among asphalt and concrete. Keep Bend precious and small. We do not need a visitors bureau: tourists come because of the beauty and character of our home. Endeavoring to recruit and accommodate disproportionate numbers of visitors is striking a pathway leading to change that scars deeply. For the preservation of the unique spirit of Bend, our administrators need to be focused on simply maintaining our infrastructure and services within our means without the sink hole of expanding tax bases to fuel growth that many of us fear will alter Bend’s singular character in ways that cannot be undone. —Paul Sudano
Miguel Edwards’ the “Cauldron,” which Edwards submitted to the 2018 Special Olympic USA Games Commemorative Program in Seattle.
Elise: Thanks for thinking to include the language of the overlay code—a stark contrast to the drive-thru proposal, smack dab in the middle of the Central District. Come on in for your gift card to Palate! - Nicole Vulcan, Editor
As a Bend resident and business owner in the Bend Central District, I oppose the plans to demolish the current building occupied by Platypus Pub and replace it with a Starbucks Drive Thru. The current building—a former church— could definitely use some renovations but it is an iconic landmark in Bend with great potential. Demolishing it would be a loss to our community. Replacing it with yet another cookie cutter Starbucks would be an even greater loss. If Starbucks wants to do business in Bend, they should show some creativity and sensitivity by repurposing the existing building. If that doesn’t fit within their requirements, they should choose to build elsewhere. If they must be in the Bend Central District, they should show some leadership by choosing to demolish a building that is NOT a landmark and incorporating the long term vision of the Bend Central District into their plans - mixed-use, high density urban development. The Bend Central District is an opportunity for our entire city to bridge the east and west sides together both logistically by encouraging walking and biking—something a drive thru goes decidedly against—and
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injuries About 3 pm on June 8, an unlicensed 16-year-old lost control of a 2001 Ford F350, according to the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office. The 1-ton truck left the roadway and crashed head-on into a juniper tree, according to DCSO. Two of the passengers—one boy and one girl—sustained life-threatening injuries and were flown by air ambulance to St. Charles. The rest of the passengers were taken by ambulance to the hospital, the DCSO stated. As of June 10, three of the teens were still in critical condition at St. Charles, DCSO’s Sgt. William Bailey told the Source Weekly Tuesday. DCSO said evidence at the scene determined speeding and reckless driving were both factors of the crash. Marijuana use is also being investigated, according to the DCSO. Only three of the teens were wearing seatbelts, DCSO stated. The driver of the truck was released from the hospital and cited on two counts of Assault III, four counts of Assault IV, seven counts of Recklessly Endangering Another and one count of Reckless Driving. Community members have set up a GoFundMe campaign for at least one of the teens hurt in the crash.
Transportation, Housing, Urban Development Appropriations Bill would address infrastructure in Oregon U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., announced June 8 that key provisions of the pending Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Bill will help Oregon communities. “We have urgent infrastructure needs, and got $1 billion in funding for TIGER grants to improve roads and bridges,” Merkley said in a statement. The bill made it through the Senate Appropriations Committee and is headed for a full Senate vote. A counterpart bill is also working its way through the U.S. House of Representatives. Here are some of the ways the bill
could help residents in Deschutes County. Capital Investment Grant Program: The bill includes $2.5 billion to provide funding for major transit investments for sustainable transportation and reduced congestion in Oregon’s growing cities. Community Development Block Grants: Merkley advocated for $3.3 billion for the grants which fund housing rehabilitation, support services and economic development projects across Oregon and the nation, while encouraging local investment. Affordable Housing: The bill provides $22.8 billion to renew rental assistance for 2.2 million low-income households. Homeless Assistance Grants: Merkley helped secure $2.6 billion for these grants, including $50 million for rapid rehousing programs for victims of domestic violence and $80 million for homeless youth programs. HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing: The program received $40 million to provide rental assistance vouchers for homeless veterans, in addition to case management and clinical services.
Four Running So Far in Mayor’s Race
Current City Councilor advocates for growth we can all handle Bill Moseley just threw his hat in the ring to be Bend’s next mayor. The current City Councilor—and founder of the Bend-based software company, GL Solutions—announced his candidacy June 12. “We are loving Bend to death,” Moseley said in his announcement. “Moderate tourism and growth can be good for Bend, but our current rate of nine new people moving here each day is unsupportable.” Moseley was elected to the City Council in 2016. In Moseley’s announcement for mayor, he said he plans to make housing costs, road congestion and community livability the central issues of his campaign. Moseley currently serves as the Council liaison to the River West and Summit Neighborhood Associations, and also serves as Council representative to the Downtown Bend Business Association Board. “Our middle class is shrinking, and an increasing number of people can’t afford to live here,” Moseley said. “Let’s retain what
Teen Crashes Truck on China Hat Two teens sustain life-threatening
Teens injured in a one-vehicle accident were airlifted to St. Charles.
we love about Bend before it’s too late.” In May, voters in Bend voted in favor of changing the City Charter to allow for a directly-elected mayor. Previously, current city councilors selected Bend’s mayor from among current councilors. The deadline for candidate filings for the November election is Aug. 28. Three others have thrown their hats into the ring so far as well. Bend City Councilor Sally Russell, Charles Baer and Brian Douglass have filed.
Comcast Tax Settlement
The cable company will pay an estimated $155 million. Gov. Brown urges local governments to use the money for PERS After the recent Comcast property tax settlement, Gov. Kate Brown has called on local governments to use their portion of the money to pay down their obligations to the Public Employees Retirement System. The payments—an estimated $155 million—are the result of a settlement the Governor’s office facilitated between the cable company and the state, ending a long-running lawsuit over property taxes, according to a press release by the Governor’s office. The agreement also guarantees Comcast will pay higher taxes going forward than it would have under the existing “gigabit” exemption. With a gigabit exemption, qualifying companies receive an exemption from central tax assessment, but they still pay regular taxes on their real property, according to a story on Oregonlive. In other words, specified projects
would have property tax exemptions on their equipment if they met a certain scale. Among other things to qualify, the company must offer internet speeds at 1 gigabit per second or above, and the service must offer the same speeds for downloads and uploads. And the service must be available to “50 percent or more of the customer base in the service territory in which the communication infrastructure is constructed or installed.” The City of Bend does not fall into the Comcast settlement because the cable company doesn’t own property in the area. According to Cam Sparks, the City of Bend’s budget and financial planning manager, the City’s pension obligation that will be reported on June 30 is $53,855,235. Additionally, the City’s budgeted PERS contribution for fiscal year 2018-19 is approximately $12.4 million. “In the 2018 legislative session, I successfully passed legislation that set up an Employer Incentive Fund to provide matching funds when local jurisdictions dedicate funds to pay down their PERS liabilities,” Gov. Brown said in a statement. “We were able to secure $25 million for this matching fund, and we will work to secure more funds in the next legislative session.” Comcast has been disputing its Oregon property tax value since 2009, and likely would have continued for many more years because of complex legal issues under dispute, the Oregonlive story said. Under the settlement, Comcast acceded to the central assessment tax methodology and agreed to withdraw its gigabit exemption application. SW
A driver reportedly attacked two Bend women, but the charges against him have since been dropped. Now, the District Attorney questions the credibility of the two initial alleged victims By Chris Miller
magine you’ve been vilified from coast to coast—news But then the story changed. In a Tuesday release, outlets showing your mugshot like you’re the second Hummel’s office stated that upon further scrutiny, coming of William H. Bonney. You’ve been accused, the allegations made against Barbeau can’t be sustried and found guilty in the court of public opinion. tained, so he filed a motion with the court to dismiss That’s what happened to Jay Barbeau, 49, of Red- the case. mond when he allegedly attacked two Bend womThe release stated, “Stackhouse says Barbeau en, Megan Stackhouse and Lucinda Mann, on June 1. grabbed her wrist and twisted it, which caused a broken According to a release from bone. Barbeau denies grab“My job as District Attorney is to the office of Deschutes bing Stackhouse’s wrist. County District Attorney Barbeau’s wife says Stackseek justice, not convictions. I have John Hummel, “the pubhouse slammed her own no confidence in the credibility of lic was told that Barbeau arm on Barbeau’s truck.” Mann and Stackhouse.” had intentionally broken The release did confirm a woman’s arm because that Barbeau punched the —DA JOHN HUMMEL he was upset she cut him Stackhouse’s rear window off in traffic. The public was also told that Barbeau and shattered it. assaulted the woman’s passenger.” “My job as District Attorney is to seek justice, not Bend Police lodged Barbeau in the Deschutes Coun- convictions,” Hummel stated. “I have no confidence ty Jail on the charges of Assault 2nd Degree, Assault 4th in the credibility of Mann and Stackhouse. Mann’s Degree, Criminal Mischief 1st Degree and Reckless Driv- claimed injuries in the Barbeau case were debunked by ing, according to the Bend Police Department. Barbeau medical records. While Stackhouse did suffer a broken was being held without bail, according to the Deschutes bone in her wrist, there are competing claims as to how County Sheriff’s Office current inmate list Monday. her injury occurred and based on her lack of credibility,
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7 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
I cannot stand behind her version of events.” Kayla Panton, who said she’d lived with Mann and Stackhouse, said thought something was missing from the original storiy. “After my own personal experiences concerning my own safety on numerous occassions while living with these girls a couple of years prior, and having been friends with one of them for over 10 years, I knew the credibility of the story was lacking,” Panton told the Source. The following is a synopsis of events, according to the DA’s release: On June 7—six days after the incident involving Barbeau—the women were drinking at 10 Barrel Brewing. When they left, Mann threw herself onto the hood of a car in the road and then flopped to the ground, the DA said. On May 13, Stackhouse hit another car and then punched the driver, according to the DA’s office. Stackhouse was charged with fourth-degree assault on June 8 The Deschutes County DA says in connection with the Lucinda Mann, right, and Megan Stackhouse have a history of May 13 incident, and run-ins with other motorists. was arraigned June 12, according to Jessica Chandler, executive assistant to the DA. The DA’s report went on to say that on Nov. 26 2017, the women reported to police that Mann was struck by a van in the parking lot of Timbers Tavern. And on Halloween 2016, the women were allegedly in a car that was involved in a single-vehicle, lowspeed crash. According to the DA’s office, when police arrived, Mann was lying on the road with shallow breathing and “acting unconscious.” The police found her actions were not consistent with the injuries she would have sustained in the crash, the DA’s release said. “Barbeau’s act of chasing after Stackhouse in his car and punching her window were outrageous and unacceptable,” Hummel said. “For this, he served 11 days in jail and received national ridicule and condemnation for intentionally breaking a women’s wrist— charges that are now being dismissed. This is more than enough punishment.” “[I’m] super stoked DA Hummell was able to see through the BS,” Panton said. SW
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ark Larson, who owns Deschutes Driver Education, has these tips for what to do if you unwillingly become part of a road-rage incident. “If you have another driver that’s exhibiting aggressive driving behavior or road rage, the first thing you don’t want to do is you don’t want to engage them,” Larson told the Source. “Don’t shake your fist at them, don’t yell at them, just try to ignore them and keep going where you’re going.” Larson said if another driver continues to follow you, like in the case of the two women, there are things you can do— and shouldn’t do. “A couple of things you don’t do, is you don’t drive home,” he said. “They’re going to follow you and the last thing you want to do is show them where you live.” Larson said another no-no is trying to engage people with your vehicle. He said when ignoring an angry driver isn’t working, the best thing to do is go someplace safe or with crowds. “A police station is a good option,” Larson said. “Downtown, you know, someplace in the central business district, or the Old Mill. Someplace where there’s lots of people. It’s also the only time I would say pick up your cell phone and call 911 and tell them what’s going on and they will also get help to you right away.” Larson said he doesn’t recommend fire stations—not because fire employees won’t help—but because of how often firefighters are on calls. Both Bend PD and the Deschutes County Sheriff’s office said it’s hard to get data for the number of road rage incidents, because most of the calls come in as traffic complaints. Larson said with the tourist season about to get in full swing, people need to give themselves more time to make it to their destinations, especially with the amount of road construction happening. “People just start getting a little more amped up, and so it’s like, breathe, just try to relax. If somebody pulls out in front of you, big deal,” he said. Another thing people need to be mindful of is not everyone has lived here for long—and may just be visiting—and some don’t know how to navigate the roundabouts. “We’ve got like what, 32, 33 roundabouts in this town? Most people come from areas where they don’t have any,” Larson said. “And so those of us who live here sometimes get upset with those who don’t and that leads to issues.” Larson said he teaches his students to disregard people behind them when they get honked at or people try to intimidate them into dangerous decisions. “I tell all our students, just ignore them,” Larson said. “The only thing you know about the guy behind you is that his horn works, and that’s all you need to worry about. “Don’t ever let somebody behind you force you into doing something that’s illegal or high risk or dangerous,” Larson said. “It’s not worth it.” SW
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9 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
If you get into a road rage incident...
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11 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
School's out. If you're one of the many who waited to find somewhere for your kids to hang out this summer, this may help By Annette Benedetti
Summer break is here--and whether it's due to a sudden change of plans or procrastination, you might be finding yourself faced with finding last-minute care for your schoolage kids. As you search the internet and begin to make calls, you realize the situation is dire. Enrollment dates are long over. Many summer programs are filled with wait lists.
The Cost of Summer Care 5 weeks The average number of weeks of summer programming the typical U.S. kid gets
10 weeks The average length of a typical summer break 11+ weeks The length of the 2018 Bend-La Pine Schools summer break*
$3,000 The average cost U.S. families will pay for summer programs for two kids in 2018
Before you descend into panic, consider the following approaches to making it through the child care crunch. Central Oregon has a wide array of summer programs for school-age kids. Sure, the enrollment deadline for many has passed and some are full, but there are still options available. 20 percent The percentage of a typical U.S. family’s income that goes toward summer care (for two kids)
$2,561 The average cost Oregon families will pay for summer programs for two kids in 2018
18 percent The percentage of a typical Oregon
family’s income that goes toward summer care (for two kids)
2 out of 3 The ratio of kids who have all available parents in the workforce
40 percent Percentage of workers who don’t have any paid vacation time
(Source: Center for American Progress) * Source: Bend-La Pine Schools
ages 8 to 13. Parents can see which classes, programs and camp sessions are still available by visiting the Bend Park & Recreation District registration page online at
Boys & Girls Club of Bend
Group activities are just part of the fun during Cougar Camp.
Bend Park and Recreation District Julie Brown, communications and community relations manager for BPRD, confirms that registration for summer camps opened in March. However, she says that while families have been signing up for programs since spring If you’re still holding out hope for break, and availabilia specialized camp that matches your ty is limited, there are child’s unique interests, an extensive still options available. list of Summer Camp offerings Brown says, “Bend Park and Recreation throughout Central Oregon can be District has dozens of found online in Bend Nest’s summer summer programs for camp roundup at: children, ranging from art, rafting, archery, cave exploration and survival skills to jewelry making, baking, science, coding, robotics and more— and several still have openings.” If parents are looking for a camp, the BPRD Cougar Camp still has openings. “It runs as a day camp Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with hiking, biking, swimming, games and nature exploration. Wednesday evening is a family barbecue and camp activities before campers stay overnight in teepees and are dismissed at noon on Thursday,” says Brown. The camp serves kids
If you’re a working parent looking for more comprehensive care for your kid, the Boys & Girls Club of Bend is the go-to program for affordable all-day care. Good news! They still have some openings left in their 10-week program, which kicks off on June 18. Executive Director Amanda Gow says the Boys & Girls Club program is designed to be a source of support for the working family. “It’s not so much a day camp program, like those offered at Park & Rec. It’s full-time care for families who have to work.” Families can choose from a variety of schedules, but keep in mind that the program is designed to build on itself over the course of the full 10 weeks. According to Gow, the full program costs $1,200 for the summer and scholarships are available. For 2018, the Boys & Girls Club of Bend provided over $100,000 in scholarships for families. Families who sign up for the program can expect their kids to enjoy programming that includes a curriculum with weekly themes such as Adventure Land, Sports Extravaganza and Around the World in Five Days. For details and information about enrollment visit the program website at or call 541-617-2877.
Can You Leave Your Child Home Alone? While summer classes and camps are a good option for families with school-aged children, they can take a financial toll— especially when there’s more than one child in the home. Many parents struggle with determining when it’s OK to leave their children at home on their own or when to allow an older sibling to care for a younger one. Oregon state law states that the individual with custody of child under 10 years old “commits the crime of child neglect in the second degree if, with criminal negligence, the person leaves the child unattended in or at any place for such period of time as may be likely to endanger the health or welfare of such child.” In other words, it’s against Oregon state law to leave kids alone at home for an extended period of time if they’re under age 10. While there’s no specific state law surrounding the legal age kids must be before they can start babysitting, ORS 161.290 states: “A person who is tried as an adult in a court of criminal jurisdiction is not criminally responsible for any conduct which
It could be SIBO. Call for Better Relief.
$3.00 TO $12.00 RECREATIONAL
$2.50 TO $10.00
Sunriver’s ‘Everything’ Store is now the ‘Coolest’ Store!
occurred when the person was under 12 years of age.” Whether it’s to learn the skills kids need to stay at home alone, or to help watch younger kids, the American Red Cross offers babysitting classes for children ages 11 and older. When deciding whether your child is ready to be left without adult supervision, ask yourself the following questions: • Do they know basic first aid? • Can they take care of their own basic needs responsibly? • Are they trustworthy? • Do they consistently make good decisions on their own without guidance? Before you leave your child on their own, make sure they’re clear on your rules and expectations as well as what to do in the case of an emergency. If you have a neighbor or friend who is available while you are gone, see if they’ll volunteer to be an emergency contact and let them know what your schedule is.
Child Care Swaps Mindy Noe is the owner of The Village Preschool. Her son Damian is eight years old and aging out of her preschool program. “(Damian) isn’t old enough yet to take off on his bike by himself to a friend’s house, unless they live really close by, and camp options can be really expensive,” says Noe. “Luckily, I am self-employed and plan to have him do some work with me this summer… to earn a little spending money for himself. For the most part, though, I want him to enjoy his summer, play outside, ride bikes, fish and swim.” Noe has organized a child care swap with a close friend to make sure her son has plenty of active, fun time. In addition to child care swap and self-care, volunteer opportunities for kids exist throughout Central Oregon. While finding summer care for your children is always challenging, there are still plenty of options available for families willing to do a little phone work and a whole lot of creative thinking. SW
56820 Venture Lane, Sunriver 541-593-8168
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Cougar Camp culminates in an over-nighter in teepees, for kids 8-13.
Sunriver’s “everything” store, Camp Abbot Trading Co., has earned the prestigious title: “Coolest Hardware Store,” awarded by Ace Hardware, which has more than 5,000 stores. Over the years, only 15 stores have been awarded this honor. “It is an honor and a privilege to be recognized as a 2018 ‘Coolest Hardware Store,’” says Oregon Operations Manager Dale Murphy. “With its diverse products offering everything from hardware to sporting goods to products handcrafted by local artisans, Camp Abbot Trading Company has evolved from an everyday hardware store into Sunriver’s ‘Everything Store.’ It’s a great feeling to be able to support and service our community.” Camp Abbot General Manager Kenny Crain chimes in, “We carry premiere brands like Carhartt, Hallmark, Ace Hardware, Stihl, Traeger, Yeti, and many more.” Other popular brands the store carries include Craftsman, Purina, Coleman and Valspar. “I believe the reason why this store has become one of the coolest hardware stores in the world, is because it’s not just a hardware store,” says Assistant Manager Chris Johns. “When you come in here, you can shop for almost anything you would ever want or need, and we have great employees who can help you with any of your questions.” The store is coming up on its first anniversary, having opened its doors in May, 2017, and now has 20 employees. The store was also named as one of the Top 3 Coolest Christmas stores of 2017. During the winter months, the garden center is transformed into Santa’s Winter Wonderland, with live reindeer, live-cut Christmas trees, and Santa listening to kids’ wishes on the weekends. “In the winter time we try to go all out with the decor, lights, and we also had real reindeer here,” Chris adds. “I never would have thought in my lifetime that I would be taking care of real reindeer on Christmas Day; it was pretty surreal. In the summer time we have a full-blown garden center with a bunch of plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, patio sets and grilling accessories. I have worked in retail for a while now and this store by far is one of the most fun and most challenging to work at, with so many moving parts all the time.” The store’s mission is to keep customers happy, and if they don’t have something in stock, store personnel say they can order it. The welcoming store’s entryway has the warm appearance of a lodge, as customers can browse 32,000 square feet of retail space on five acres. It is named after the original military base in Central Oregon. Rick McKee, multi-store manager for Ace Hardware, says that one-half of the store is really an Ace Hardware store, while the other half is nothing more than the owners’ imagination, concerning the wide range of inventory. Locals and visitors alike can find clothing, sporting goods, gifts, housewares, pet and farm supplies, tool rentals, a complete garden center, and of course, hardware. There’s even a Hallmark Gold Crown store within a store. Camp Abbot Trading Company is located at 56820 Venture Lane in Sunriver; 541593-8168; Store hours are 8 am to 7 pm Monday through Saturday and 9 am to 6 pm Sundays.
62950 NE 18TH Street, Bend, OR 97701 • For more info go to
This band from Flagstaff, Ariz. has been making a splash in the folk music scene since they formed a few years ago. Their shared faith and love for music and storytelling has led them to explore life’s questions that many of us ask along the way—through pain, sorrow and happiness. 7pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St., Bend. No cover.
The Bite of Bend celebrates the region’s unique ingredients, cuisine and culture by bringing together chefs, bartenders, brewers, food enthusiasts, home cooks and local purveyors for a three-day food party on the streets of downtown Bend! Showcasing over 40 food vendors from around the region, there’s sure to be something that strikes your fancy. From the Mixology Showcase, Bartender’s Brawl, the Bite of Bend Beer Run to the Top Chef Competitions, there’s something for everyone. Friday, 5-10pm. Saturday, 11am-10pm. Sunday, 11am-6pm. Downtown Bend. Free entry to festival, event registration varies.
6/14 – 7/1
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
6/14 – 6/20
Love our public lands? We do, too. Party down to help Backcountry Hunters & Anglers fundraise to help maintain access to America’s most valuable resource! There will be raffles and prizes from outdoor gear companies, local brews and live music. You may even learn a thing or two about the environment, wilderness and wildlife! Noon-7pm. Drake Park, 77 NW Riverside Blvd., Bend. Free.
Volunteer for good time and clean city living! Help protect our gorgeous, yet fragile, native Oregon ecosystem by helping to control noxious weeds. Stay after the culling for music, refreshments and lunch at noon at the Westside Venue in the Old Mill District. 9am-1:30pm. Old Mill District, 450 SW Powerhouse Dr., #422. Bend.
Pushed to the boiling point, three female coworkers concoct a plan to get even with the sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot they call their boss. A girl can scheme, can’t she? Music by Dolly Parton. Directed by Karen Sipes. Thursday-Saturday, 7:30pm. Sunday, 2pm. Cascades Theatrical Company, 148 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. $13/students, $16/seniors, $20/adults.
HIGH VALLEY SMOLICH MOTORS SUMMER CONCERT SERIES Award-winning country music in Bend? Duh. Don’t miss High Valley at Oregon Spirit Distillers. With the abundance of country shows being booked in Bend these days and each of them selling out quickly, be sure to buy tickets in advance for this one. 6pm. Oregon Spirit Distillers, 740 NE First St., Bend. $25.
Blues, rock, soul and psychedelia from Nashville, Tenn.! Helmed by guitar virtuoso JD Simo, the band is noted for their energetic and experimental live performances, as well as their latest two hit records, “Let Love Show the Way” and “Rise and Shine.” 9pm. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr., Bend. $8.
Fri-Sun, June 15-17
Friday, June 29
Are you a SoulRocker? You know who you are. Franti is bringing his ever solid optimism and good vibes to Bend, yet again. He’ll inspire you to make the change you want to see in the world through poetic jams— blending everything from funk and reggae to folk rock. Franti’s touring ahead of a new album which should drop later this month. 7pm. Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 SW Shevlin Hixon Dr., Bend. $46.50. All ages.
This fun 5K, 10K and fun run is going to the dogs…. at BrightSide Animal Center! Proceeds benefit animals in need—so you can feel good while getting active in your community! This is a dog-friendly event, so bring your furry pals! Great post-race recovery treats, an amazing raffle, awards, and a fantastic pancake feed. 9am. Sam Johnson Park, 333 SW 15th St., Redmond. Registration $40/adv. $45/day of race.
What began as a couple of kayakers creating tunes on the back deck after a long day on the river, has grown into Pickin’ & Paddlin,’ a community celebration and fundraiser for Bend Paddle Trail Alliance that Bendites look forward to every year! Enjoy live music by True North Band and The Slocan Ramblers, as well as boat demos on the back lawn. 3-9pm. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way, Suite 6. Bend. $10/ adults. Children 12 and under are free. No dogs, please!
Thursday, July 5
September 14-22
Simmer Down Sounds Presents
Sunriver Style Presented by La Pine Community Health Center
Music & Market Local Foods | Great Music
Weekly concert series with a farmers market, boutique vendors and family-friendly music.
Sundays, June 17 - July 15 | 4pm-6pm for • John Amphitheater moreGray info and list of vendorsat SHARC WeeklyJune concert 17, series4pm-6pm with a farmers market, and family-friendly music. Sunday, • Johnboutique Grayvendors Amphitheater at SHARC for more info and list of vendors Mango Stew Thomas T and the Blue Chips
domino room / 51 nw greenwood ave / bend oregon / 541-408-4329
Off the Record
Bill Keale
Tickets: cosmic depot / ranch records recycle music / Tickets $20 All Ages Show Doors Open 8pm Show 9pm
Code Red
Friday june 15 Domino Room
Thomas T and the Blue Chips
Comfortable in Identity
The Slocan Ramblers bring their bluegrass jams to Bend for the first Pickin’ & Paddlin’ of the season
By Anne Pick Jen Squires
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
t wouldn’t be summer in Bend without Pickin’ & Paddlin’—and it wouldn’t be Pickin’ & Paddlin’ without all-star pickers playing traditional bluegrass. Now in its 11th year, the series began with a couple kayakers creating music on the back deck of Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe after a long day on the river. The event has grown over time to become a celebration and fundraiser for the Bend Paddle Trail Alliance, featuring regular doses of pickin’ alongside boat demos, food carts and craft beverages. The Slocan Ramblers, hailing from Toronto, Canada, blends traditional and contemporary bluegrass. The band headlines the first of the series. “I grew up in Newfoundland on the east coast of Canada. I grew up around a lot of folk music and in high school
to a crowd of enthusiastic people.” The Slocan Ramblers have become known for their energetic live performances. They typically sing around one microphone, in a traditional bluegrass, old-time style. When they first got together, the band rehearsed often and tried out a lot of different material and sounds. Now, they spend more time on the road, where they spend more time workshopping new material. “If you have an idea, you’re probably in a hotel with at least one of the other guys, and you can rally the troops pretty quick,” Whitehead says. “Playing live so much, you can get some immediate feedback and maybe test it on the crowd as you go. Bluegrass is a lot like jazz and improvisation is a big part of it. It’s fun to see where the guys take it.” The Slocan Ramblers release their latest album, “Queen City Jubilee,” on June 15. With this album, Whitehead says “Every time we get up on stage, we play to a crowd they’ve found their strengths and have gotten comfortable in their own skin. On their first album, The Slocan Ramof enthusiastic people.” blers focused more on traditional bluegrass. On “Coffee got into jazz music,” says Alastair Whitehead, bassist, Creek,” the band’s last album, they got into songwriting vocalist and songwriter. “When I was living in Toronto, for the first time. there was a really great bluegrass and old time folk scene. “This album, I think we’re comfortable with our In the night time I’d find myself at bars in Toronto where strengths as a band and our identify as songwriters,” they would be playing really great bluegrass music. It was a Whitehead says. “By blending traditional and original community thing.” music, we’ve created a sound existence between the two. Depending on who you ask, the band’s draw to blue- It sounds the most like the band than any of our albums.” grass and old time music may differ. Whitehead believes Whitehead admits that writing original bluegrass music that it blends well with jazz, which he and other members can sometimes be tough because of the aesthetic and style of the band studied in college. that already exists within the genre. Each member writes “It’s amazing that folk music—fiddle music—blends songs and the content varies from old-time kind of tales to with the roots of jazz. It blends all of our musical influenc- more personal, relationship themes. es,” Whitehead says. This year’s Pickin’ & Paddlin’ event includes a new While they’re focused now on the United States and the tradition, Songwriters on the Round, to kick off the United Kingdom, the band has seen many corners of the music part of the evening. Local singer-songwriters planet. showcase their river-in“We get to see so much spired songs to get things Pickin’ & Paddlin’ — The Slocan Ramblers warmed up for the two of the world and meet a and True North Band co-headlining bands. True wide variety of people,” Wed., June 20 Demos 3-6pm, Music 4:30-9pm North Band performs Whitehead says. “And also, Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe from 5:15 to 7pm and The you get to make a living 805 SW Industrial Way, Ste 6, Bend Slocan Ramblers take the playing music. Every time $10 stage at 7:30pm. SW we get up on stage, we play
Bassist Alastair Whitehead, far right, and The Slocan Ramblers bring their traditional-meets-contemporary bluegrass sounds to Pickin’ & Paddlin.’
The Right Thing
Michalis Patterson uses his music to provide an outlet for those suffering from addiction, depression and mental health issues By Anne Pick
t 21 years old, Michalis (pronounced Mik-all-is) Patterson has lived more life than some people who are well into their retirement years. The Bend native graduated at age 16, foregoing a scholarship to nursing school to pursue his love of playing music around the globe. Patterson performed at the Sisters Folk Fest at age 16. There he met Keb Mo, who asked him to be his lead guitarist on his next tour. That show changed Patterson’s life and set him on the path to pursue music as a career. He wanted to travel and didn’t have a lot of money, but soon realized he could travel the world performing. Before turning 18, he jetted off to New Zealand for his first solo trip overseas. As we chatted at Spoken Moto, he showed me pictures of the time he camped in the same desert where “Lawrence of Arabia” was filmed in Saudi Arabia. Patterson currently lives in Sicily, Italy, where he’ll return after spending the summer in Bend.
“I have a message with my music. I feel like substance has really been lacking in music recently. I want to provide people an outlet with my music, for suicide prevention, for those suffering from addiction.” —MICHALIS PATTERSON “I wanted to always live a life worth singing about. I’ve had a lot of crazy experience in my life,” Patterson says. “I have a message with my music. I feel like substance has really been lacking in music recently. I want to provide people an outlet with my music, for suicide prevention, for those suffering from addiction.” Patterson started playing the classical violin at 10 and has since developed a love for rock and grunge music. Lyrically, he often tackles heavier, darker themes. “I lost three friends to suicide this year,” Patterson says. “No matter if it wasn’t my fault, I still felt guilty in the sense that I wanted to be there for them. Those
Michalis Patterson returns home to Bend to debut his new album, “Recycled Experiences.”
will be the last people that I lose to suicide. I want people to know that whether they are a friend or stranger to me, I’m there for them and hopefully my music can be there for them.” Patterson’s travels have fostered his desire to support those struggling with depression, addiction or mental health issues. Patterson continues to tour across the globe, having recently played shows in Italy and in the UK at various festivals. He toured around Israel for several months until he lost the residence he was renting. That prompted him to hitchhike to a camel ranch near the Saudi Arabian border. This ended up being a life-changing experience for Patterson. “I met this kid who was 14,” Patterson recalls. “He’d lost his father and he needed a business and a way to make money. I have experience with web design,
analytics and marketing, so I built a website for him. He’s had several hundreds of people stay with him at his lodging facility. He’s 14 years old and independent. My music has never been about me, it’s been about helping other people. I did a few shows in Petra, where I met people who got sucked into really bad drugs. Talking to kids, there is an outlet. There’s always a creative outlet instead of drugs.” This summer, Patterson releases his new album, “Recycled Experiences,” which he recorded at Juju Eyeball Studios in Bend. He plans to perform shows in Oregon and California before returning to Sicily in September. “I believe if I have a positive energy and give that energy to other people, I’m not expecting anything from it, that it’s instant gratification. I do it because it’s the right thing.” SW
9.99 LB
Rarely this well done.
While supplies last. No rainchecks. Limit 6 per person.
Scoot your boots into our hood to shake the hand that feeds you! From brews to beef, canine treats to candy and sweets, veggies to vino, Oregon Country Beef will be rollin’ in, and Michalis Patterson CD Release the cowboysThurs., will be firin’ June 14. up 8pmthe grills! Come learn, taste, celebrate, and get inspired by the local farmers, ranchers, Volcanic Theatre Pub producers, owners, and makers of the region’s best merch. 70 SW Century Dr., Bend See ya there! No cover
CALENDAR 13 Wednesday Project Every Wednesday! $1 per bingo card. Winners take home half the pot, the rest goes to Bend Spay and Neuter Project! 6-8pm.
Cabin 22 Local’s Night w/ UKB Trivia Never-
mind the road work, it’s game on every week! It’s Fun and free to play! Enjoy Central Oregon pint specials, all day, all night! Prizes include Cabin 22 gift cards! Team up with friends join in this week. 7-9pm.
Cascada Restaurant at Pronghorn Bob-
by Lindstrom at Pronghorn One of Bend’s busiest performers, playing his long list of blues, rock, Americana and roots music, plus several albums with his own original material. 6pm. No cover.
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN with DJ Roseybabe. 9pm. No cover.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.
Tickets Available on
Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic Derek Michael Marc hosts. 6-9pm. No cover.
14 Thursday 7th Street Brew House Bow Wow Bingo
Join the fun at our weekly Bow Wow Bingo to benefit the animals at BrightSide Animal Center. Great food and brew—and a chance to win! 6:30pm.
Cabin 22 Ladies Night Bingo Join us every Thursday for Ladies Night Bingo! Half the proceeds go to the winner and the other half helps homeless youth off the street. 7pm. Checkers Pub HWY 97 8-11:30pm. Currents at the Riverhouse Riverhouse
Music Series: JazzBros! Riverhouse Music Series highlights local Central Oregon talent in genres ranging from bluegrass, acoustic, indie, blues, jazz, singles and duos. This week, JazzBros! 7-9pm. No cover.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your
Kelly D’s Banquet Room Karaoke What
go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.
Level State Beerhouse Bend Comedy Pub
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Partner Dance Lessons Free partner dance lessons every Thursday. 8pm. No cover.
will you sing this week? 7pm.
Trivia Assemble a team or go at it alone, test your knowledge against our fun and entertaining rounds. It’s always free to play, with prizes to win! 7pm. No cover.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke
Come sing your heart out every Wednesday night at Maverick’s! 9pm. No cover.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School The
Resolectrics Like the pioneers of rock & roll in the 50s, 60s and 70s, The Resolectrics draw inspiration from many sources in the roots of American music to create an original and soulful blend of rock, classic R&B and folk. 7-10pm. No cover.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School Tow’rs - Great Northwest Music Tour
Tow’rs comes to the Pacific Northwest from their home in the mountains of Flagstaff, Ariz. They came together through a shared love for music and storytelling, and through their music they explore the questions, the pain and the hope that is part of the human journey. 7-10pm.
Northside Bar & Grill Downhill Ryder Classic rock covers and originals. 7:30pm. No cover. Round Table Clubhouse UKB Trivia:
“C’mon Get Happy” Thursday! Great trivia in
Catch the Parlour Band on the Bite of Bend Oregrown Music Stage on Saturday 6/16.
Bend’s Northside! Win pizzas, appetizers and gift certificates with Happy Hour deals during trivia! Bring some friends. Team up! Join in this week! Arrive early for best seating. 7pm.
Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Open Mic
Comedy, music, spoken word—every Thursday night, share your talents with the world! 5 minutes spoken or 2 songs stage time. Ages 21+. Sign up at 7pm. 7pm.
Silver Moon Brewing Trivia on the Moon
Every Thursday night! Come have a beer, test your knowledge and win Silver Moon gift cards and prizes. 7-9:30pm.
Spoken Moto Motos & Music: Silvertone
Devils Silvertone Devils play original music covering an array of styles including honkytonk, Rockabilly, Americana, Bluegrass and more. 7-9pm. No cover.
The Capitol Dueling Pianos Comedy Show
A fun filled high energy show where you can Requests A Song, Sing A Long, Roast A Friend, Laugh and Drink A Long. Featuring two hilarious and talented piano players! Janelle Musson a.k.a. Janellybean, a local Bend Favorite who has performed music and comedy all over the Northwest and Piano Bar Bob a world class traveler has performed Dueling Pianos and Comedy Piano Shows all over the planet. 7-11pm.
The Commons Thursday Night Live Every
Thursday we plug in the amp and speakers and liven up our front room with rotating local artists. 6-8pm. No cover.
The Lot Crazy Mountain Billies aka Banjo Andy “Banjo” Andy is a multi-instrumentalist musician and singer-songwriter who performs a unique style of mountain bluegrass music. 6-8pm. No cover. Volcanic Theatre Pub Michalis Patterson CD Release You may not have heard of 21-yearold Michallis Patterson just yet, but get ready to be blown away. Patterson uses music to help individuals fight their demons and create a better
future. What could be more admirable than that? Folk/rock. 8pm.
15 Friday AVID Cider Co. B Side Brass Band B Side
Brass Band (local 7 piece horn heavy grooves) bring the sounds of New Orleans to Avid Cider for the ultimate outdoor dance party! Come groove with us as we whip the dance floor into a frenzy! Free! 7-9 p.m. 7-9pm. No cover.
Bite of Bend Enter the Haggis, Tony Smiley & Eric Leadbetter Band Enjoy free live music at the Bite of Bend, a food festival celebrating the region’s unique cuisine and talented chefs. Eric Leadbetter Band at 5:30pm, Tony Smiley at 7pm and Enter the Haggis at 8:30pm. 5:30-10pm. No cover. Broken Top Club She Said, He Said Stunning vocals and stellar guitar come together to make jazz fun again! Come join us for an evening of incredible ambiance, fantastic food, and some magical music making. 5-7pm.
Cabin 22 Soul Providers Mix of acid jazz, soul, funk and retro hits. 8-11pm. Checkers Pub The Edge Band Let’s get up on
the dance floor! Eat, drink, dance & have FUN! 8pm.
Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe Celtic Jam Bring
your guitar, fiddle, or whatever you have an join in for and open jam of Celtic music. All musicians welcome. And if you’re not a musician, come down, tap your feet and enjoy what’s always a fun evening. Every third Friday. 6:30-8:30pm.
Faith, Hope and Charity Vineyards Live at the Vineyard: Reno & Cindy Live at the Vineyard presents Reno & Cindy! $5 cover fee, kids 12 & under are free. Wine Club Members enjoy $5 off cover fees. Wood-fire pizza, beer, wine and more! 6-9pm. $
19 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Astro Lounge Bingo for Bend Spay & Neuter
Hub City Bar & Grill DJ Dance Party DJ
Strictly Organic Coffee Company
Chris will be spinning tunes to get down to! 9pm.
Canaan Canaan w/ Matt Humiston Japanese singer-songwriter plays guitar, accompanied by her vocals in both Japanese and English with drummer Matt Humiston. 3-5pm. No cover.
Juniper Golf Course and The View Tap & Grill The Uncharted Project Music on the patio. Jazz. 5-8pm.
The Commons Ben Larsen Band Come soak up the sounds of this incredibly gifted instrumentalist singer songwriter at this sweet, folky and grassy matinee show. All ages. 4-7pm. No cover.
Northside Bar & Grill The Substitutes Local classic rock trio. 8:30pm. $3. Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Presents:
Third Street Pub Sabateur & The Desolate Metal. Ages 21+. 8pm. $6.
Matt Eriksen & Emma Jonas Comedians Matt Eriksen and Emma Jonas, 8pm Friday June 15 at Seven Nightclub. $8 in advance, $10 at the door. 8pm. $8/Advance, $10/Door.
17 Sunday
Silver Moon Brewing 3rd Annual CAREA-
OKE for a Cure Local residents interested in raising their voices to F* Cancer are invited to gather on June 8 & 15 for two open karaoke bashes to benefit the American Cancer Society in Central Oregon. Singers pay $5 per song and all proceeds support American Cancer Society services in Central Oregon. For more information contact Mark Quon at or Linda Quon at 6-10pm.
Spoken Moto Motos & Music: Blackflowers
Blacksun “Loud and loose and playing so much slide that it makes your ass hurt.” This is low-down, dirty blues, rooted in an acoustic tradition but punked up by the power of electricity. 7-9pm. No cover.
Bite of Bend Sophistafunk, Brandon Prinzing & The Old Revival & more Enjoy free live music at the Bite of Bend, a food festival celebrating the region’s unique cuisine and talented chefs. Notables Swing Band at noon, Ilovitiman at 3:15pm, G Bots & the Journeymen at 5pm, Brandon Prinzing & The Old Revival at 6:45pm, Sophistafunk at 8:30pm. No cover. Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN
The Domino Room Mighty Diamonds Band Formed in Trench Town in 1969, Jamaica’s premiere vocal trio The MightyDiamonds continue to record and perform songs from militant judgement pieces to the sweetest of lovers’ rock ballads. The Diamonds celebrate the rare distinction of more than 45 years of music making together. Ages 18+. 8pm. $17.
Drake Park Beers, Bands & Public Lands Enjoy a sunny afternoon in Drake Park with a brew, great live music, and outdoor gear giveaways all while supporting YOUR #PublicLands! 11:30am-7pm. Entry is free!
dance music. 9pm. No cover.
Tiger Town Brewing Co. 9th Annual Tiger Town Music Festival Beer, art, BBQ and two days of great, live music in the heart of Oregon. midnight. $10/covers both days. Volcanic Theatre Pub SIMO
& MASQ Blues, rock, soul and psychedelia. All ages. 9pm. $8/adv.
16 Saturday Bend Brewing Co. Rhythm & Brews w/ Stacie Lynn Johnson Live music from Stacie Lynn Johnson of Broken Down Guitars 6-8pm.
with DJ Roseybabe. 9pm. No cover.
East Lake Resort Burnin’ Moonlight Our favorite bluegrass band is back for the third season on the patio! 2-5pm.
Elk Lake Resort Music on the Water: Corner Gospel Explosion One of the region’s best places to listen to live music in the summer is also one of the most scenic. Elk Lake Resort hosts a series of outdoor concerts for everyone. This season kicks off with rock band Corner Gospel Explosion. 5pm. No cover. Hub City Bar & Grill Summer Kick-off
Parking Lot Party “The Road to Summer Starts at Hub City” summer kick-off party will feature DJ Chris outside in our parking lot, a tent, outdoor seating and beer garden—and delicious brisket fresh off the smoker! Noon-close.
Jackson’s Corner Eastside Coyote Willow Cello-fired acoustic roots. 6-8pm.
Kelly D’s Banquet Room Karaoke Get in touch with your inner crooner at this weekly karaoke night. 8pm.
Bend Brewing Co. Rhythm & Brews w/
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Line Dance Lessons Free line dance lessons Fridays & Saturdays! 21+. 8pm. No cover. M&J Tavern Supa Fly’s Birthday Bash w/ Dr. Green Dreams Dr Green Dreams will be joined by Texas Tony, who will be kicking it off and joining in on da Harp, with special guests from Humboldt Co. The FHOG, a stoner rock fest will ensue! 8:30pm. No cover.
M&J Tavern Super Fly’s Birthday Bash Dr
Green Dreams bassists Super Fly, celebrates another revolution around the sun with this Stoner rock fest. Special guests include GoldWolf, Texas Tony on the Harp and Humbolts’ finest The FHOG. Come out and celebrate with us! 9pm.
Northside Bar & Grill The Substitutes Local classic rock trio. 8:30pm. $3.
Warren G Hardings Foot-Stomping, high-energy stringband from Seattle, Washington heavily influenced by America’s roots, folk and bluegrass heritage with Pop and Punk ideas sprinkled on top. 2-4pm.
Bite of Bend Joytribe, Silvertone Devils & more Enjoy free live music at the Bite of Bend, a food festival celebrating the region’s unique cuisine and talented chefs. Makaila Cummings at noon, Appaloosa at 1:30pm, Silvertone Devils at 3pm and Joytribe at 4:30pm. noon-6pm. No cover. Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN with DJ Roseybabe. 9pm. No cover.
Hub City Bar & Grill Open Mic Come and play—or listen and have fun! Every Sunday. 4-7pm.
Northside Bar & Grill Dark & Grey Acoustic duo specializing in classic rock. 6pm. No cover.
Oregon Spirit Distillers
Smolich Motors Summer Concert Series: High Valley Award-winning country music in Bend? Duh. Don’t miss High Valley at Oregon Spirit Distillers. With the abundance of country shows being booked in Bend these days and each of them selling out quickly, be sure to buy tickets in advance for this one. All ages. 6pm. $25.
Silver Moon Brewing Hawthorne Roots A
four-time award winning, sister-led rock band from Bozeman, Montana. The group brings a soulful and energetic performance to the stage, every lyric sung with passion. 8pm.
On Tap Cosmic Evolution & Zipline Spend
your Father’s Day outside with Cosmic Evolution (Bend’s new Phish/Grateful Dead band) & Zipline. All ages. 4-7pm. No cover.
SHARC John Gray Amphitheater Turf Tunes: Thomas T and the Blue Chips Blues. Spend your Sundays at SHARC! Fun FREE weekly event for the whole family. Come enjoy entertainment, a farmers market, local food carts and more. 4-6pm. No cover.
Oregon Country Fair GET YOUR TICKETS NOW:
JULY 13•14•15 2018
10 Barrel Brewing Co. Bobby Lindstrom One of Bend, Oregon’s busiest performers, playing his long list of blues, rock, Americana and roots music, plus several albums with his own original material. All ages. 4pm. No cover.
Catch Round 2 of CAREAOKE for a Cure at Silver Moon Brewing on Friday 6/15.
21+ 9pm. No cover.
The Capitol DJ N8TURE DJ/dance music. Ages
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Line Dance Lessons Free line dance lessons Fridays & Saturdays! 21+. 8pm. No cover.
18 Monday Astro Lounge Open Mic Night Bring your
talent to the Astro every Monday night. 8-11pm. No cover.
Immersion Brewing Local’s Monday -
Kelly D’s Banquet Room Open Mic Monday
Musician singles, duos and trios, comedians, poets and more are welcome to perform at this weekly open mic night. 6-8:30pm.
Northside Bar & Grill Killer Keyz presents Dueling Pianos Audience participation entertainment featuring songs, requests and a comedy routine. 7pm. $10.
19 Tuesday
Cabin 22 Local’s Night w/ UKB Trivia Nevermind the road work, it’s game on every week! It’s Fun and free to play! Enjoy Central Oregon pint specials, all day, all night! Prizes include Cabin 22 gift cards. 7-9pm.
go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.
Athletic Club of Bend Chris Isaak An American rock musician and occasional actor, Chris Isaak is best known for his hit “Wicked Game,” as well as the popular hit songs “Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing” and “Somebody’s Crying.” He is renowned for his signature 1950s rock & roll style and crooner sound, as well as his soaring falsetto and reverb-laden music. Purchase tickets at Newport Ave Market or online at 5:30-9:30pm. $41/GA, $89/ Dinner ticket.
Kelly D’s Banquet Room Karaoke What
Cabin 22 Ladies Night Bingo Join us every
Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN with DJ Roseybabe. 9pm. No cover.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your
will you sing this week? 7pm.
Level State Beerhouse Bend Comedy Pub Trivia Assemble a team or go at it alone, test your knowledge against our fun and entertaining rounds. It’s always free to play, with prizes to win! 7pm. No cover. Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke Come sing your heart out every Wednesday night at Maverick’s! 9pm. No cover.
Thursday for Ladies Night Bingo! 7pm.
C.E. Lovejoy’s Brookswood Market
Dancing in the Garden w/ Sweet Whiskey Lips Every other Thursday, June 7 through August 30, enjoy live music, food, drinks and family fun at C.E. Lovejoy’s! This week, music by Sweet Whiskey Lips and food by Bruneau’s South Philly Cuisine. 5-7:30pm.
The Capitol AMPD UP Summer Solstice
MusicSoundsFun presents AMPD UP Summer Solstice. Come feel the bass, dance, drink and have a great time! Live electronic performances by Amp Live has cemented a reputation as one of Cali’s most versatile and prolific producer-DJ double-threats. His demonstrated abilities as an innovator, experimenter and trendsetter have garnered him recognition, bringing together the electronic, reggae and hip hop worlds with a technical and classical sensibility. The 808 trumpets are thumping and the glitch’d out sounds are rocking the system, the revolution is now and we are the soundtrack. Ages 21+. 9pm. $10.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Super Fight Mic - Final Round Local celebrity judges choose the winner in this final round of Super Fight Mic, Central Oregon’s only competitive open mic. No Cover 8pm. M&J Tavern Toll Runners Tuesday Tunes
brings you new music from the Central Oregon talent pool. 9pm.
The Commons Thursday Night Live Every Thursday we plug in the amp and speakers and liven up our front room with rotating local artists. 6-8pm. No cover.
Relief Pitcher Sports Bar and Grill
Tuesday Night Trivia in Redmond Have a blast with Useless Knowledge Bowl Trivia+, Central Oregon’s finest trivia show in Redmond every Tuesday. Prizes include Relief Pitcher gift certificates—and it’s free to play! 7-9pm. No cover.
20 Wednesdsay Astro Lounge Bingo for Bend Spay & Neuter Project Every Wednesday! $1 per bingo card. Winners take home half the pot, the rest goes to Bend Spay and Neuter Project! 6-8pm.
Comedy, music, spoken word—every Thursday night, share your talents with the world! 5 minutes spoken or two songs stage time. Ages 21+. Sign up at 7pm. No cover.
Enjoy a family-friendly, music-filled weekend in beautiful Bend. Over 20 bands, 3 stages, 2 bars, silent disco, yoga, Kidlandia and more. Greensky Bluegrass and Nahko and Medicine for the People headline the event. Poor Man’s Whiskey, The Brothers Comatose, The Mother Hips, Molly Tuttle, Particle, The Scott Pemberton Band, Cascade Crescendo, Yak Attack, Mojo Green and more! midnight. Thursday, June 21 - Sunday, June 24. $200/GA.
Les Schwab Amphitheater Michael Franti and Spearhead A message from the man, Michael Franti himself: SOULROCKERS! The world is straight up crazy right now and we have never been more stoked to get out there on tour to raise the vibration of the planet through music and optimism! 7pm. $46.50/GA.
friends! Bring your brains! Bring your friends’ brains!* *do not remove friends’ brains. Friends’ bodies must also be present to play. 8-10pm.
Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Open Mic
Stevenson Ranch 4 Peaks Music Festival
esque (Rick Homer-horns, Jack Krouscup-keys, Bob Akers-bass and featuring Lisa Dae-vocals) at Juniper Golf Course every third Tuesday of the month! Reservations suggested. Call 541-5483121. 5-8pm.
The Platypus Pub Tuesday Trivia Bring your
“C’mon Get Happy” Thursday! Great trivia in Bend’s Northside! Win pizzas, appetizers and gift certificates with Happy Hour deals during trivia! Bring some friends. Team up! Join in this week! Arrive early for best seating. 7pm.
+ Cool American Portland based bands, Post Moves and Cool American, come to town to tantalize your earholes and tug at your heartstrings. 7-9pm. No cover.
Juniper Golf Course and The View Tap & Grill Jazz at Juniper Golf Course Join Jazz-
weekly open mic! Poets and actual story tellers stop by on occasion, but it’s an open mic like any other—mostly singers and musicians. Family friendly, so keep it clean! Sign up at 5pm, music starts at 6pm. 5-8pm.
Round Table Clubhouse UKB Trivia:
Spoken Moto Motos & Music: Post Moves
Fat Tuesdays Cajun and Blues Ukulele Jam Every Tuesday, the Bend Ukulele Group (BUGs) jams at Fat Tuesdays. Come watch, sing along or play your ukulele! All ages. 6:308:30pm.
The Commons Storytellers Open Mic Our
Lindy Gravelle Singer-songwriter and pianist performs originals, country, pop and rock covers. 5:30-8:30pm.
Every Thursday night! Come have a beer, test your knowledge and win Silver Moon gift cards and prizes. 7-9:30pm.
running trivia game—nine years strong! Bring your team of any size. Gift giveaways and different weekly sponsors. 8pm. No cover.
Board Game Night Every Tuesday night, we’ll have lots of games for people to play and also encourage people to bring their own! Everything from UNO to tabletop! Don’t know how to play a game? We would be happy to show you or even play with you! 6-10pm.
Niblick and Greenes at Eagle Crest
Silver Moon Brewing Trivia on the Moon
Astro Lounge Trivia Tuesdays Bend’s longest
Silver Moon Brewing Moon Landings:
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
Five Pint Mary Upbeat, loud and rollicking...wellhoned brew of spirited music, both traditional and original. A unique blend of Irish and American folk rock. 7-10pm. No cover.
Chris Isaak brings ‘50s flair and rock ‘n’ roll to the Athletic Club of Bend 6/21.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
Craig Carothers Too folk for rock, too pop for folk—too jazz for country. 7-10pm. No cover.
Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic Derek Michael Marc hosts. 6-9pm. No cover. Pronghorn Resort Lino Join us for an
evening of music outside on the patio. Beautiful setting, dinner and drinks. 6-8:30pm.
Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe
Pickin’ & Paddlin’ Concert Series What began as a couple of kayakers creating tunes on the back deck after a long day on the river, has grown into Pickin’ & Paddlin’ 2018, a cult-classic family and community celebration! 3-9:30pm. $10.
21 Thursday 7th Street Brew House Bow Wow Bingo
Join the fun at our weekly Bow Wow Bingo to benefit the animals at BrightSide Animal Center. Great food and brew—and a chance to win! 6:30pm.
Currents at the Riverhouse Riverhouse Music Series: Three D Riverhouse Music Series highlights local Central Oregon talent in genres ranging from bluegrass, acoustic, indie, blues, jazz, singles and duos. Funk/soul band Three D joins us this week. 7-9pm. No cover. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe Banjo Jam Ragtime, swing, country, folk and bluegrass. Third Thursday of every month 5:30-7:30pm.
Hola! Downtown A Night with the Nomads
The Nomads are your local Klezmer/Flamenco/ Balkan/Turkish band who are always ready for a party! Bring your dancing shoes and join the Nomads and friends for their monthly jam session. Third Thursday of every month. 6-9pm. No cover.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Partner Dance Lessons Free partner dance lessons every Thursday. 8pm. No cover.
The Lot Jesse Loren Strickman SF Bay Area singer-songwriter Jesse Loren offers emotionally charged vocals over jaunty acoustic chords in songs about personal love and social change. Annually touring the Pacific West Coast, he has opened for world-famous acts such as Damien Jurado, Cake, Jay Brannan and more. Thoughtful lyrics combined with heart-on-your-sleeve singing, will have you captivated and leaning in closer. 6-8pm. No cover. Worthy Brewing Company PreFunk Your Summer: Summer Kick-off Party Kids band night! String of Fire at 4pm, Makaila Cummings at 5pm, Hey Papa at 6pm, Fearsome at 7pm, Chilly Thursdays at 7:50pm and Gen 17 at 8:45pm.
21 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
The Uncharted Project Featuring jazz by the Uncharted Project. Come in and enjoy a beer and local musicians! 6-8pm. No cover.
Parallel 44 Presents & Crow’s Feet Commons Present
June 16th 3:30PM7PM. FREE. ALL AGES.
Ben Larsen Band feat uring memb ers of
Cro w & The Can yon & more
CALENDAR MUSIC Banjo Jam Ragtime, swing, country, folk and
bluegrass. Third Thursday of every month Thursday, June 21, 5:30-7:30pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend.
Cascade Highlanders Pipe Band Practice A traditional bagpipe and drum band
with members from the Central Oregon area. Experienced pipers and drummers are welcome to attend, along with those interested in taking up piping or drumming who would like to find out what it would take to learn and eventually join our group. Contact: 541-633-3225 or pipersej@ Mondays, 5:30-7pm. Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 NE 27th St, Bend. Free.
Central Oregon Accordion Club Concert Come enjoy the Central Oregon Accordion
Club in concert! Please visit the accordion club website for more info. Sunday, June 17, 2:30-3:30pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend.
musicians to come have fun with us. A variety of players. A variety of music. No auditions. Contact: 541-306-6768, methowtraveller@yahoo. com Wednesdays, 6:30-9pm. Mountain View High School Auditorium, 2755 NE 27th St. Bend.
Public (ROCK) Choir Sing Your Face Off in a fun, non-threatening environment with people of all skill levels. Rock and pop favorites—no hymns. First time free! Mondays, 6-8pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln, Ste 1, Bend. $10, $16. Wednesday Night Kirtan Devotional group singing. It is yoga for the heart that connects us with our divine, inner nature and the one Spirit that unites us all. Wednesdays, 7-9pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd, #A-5, Bend. $10.
DANCE Adult Intermediate Level Dance Adult intermediate level dance class, styles include contemporary, jazz and ballet. Instructors rotate monthly. Sponsored by Bend Dance Project. Call 541-410-8451 for more info. April 6 - Nov 9. Fridays, 12:15-12:45pm. ABC Ballet, 162 NW Greenwood Ave. Bend. $5/donation. Adult Jazz Dance - Intermediate Level
Join dancers from the adult dance company Jazz Dance Collective in their weekly class. Styles
include Broadway, contemporary, classic jazz and tap. Sponsored by nonprofit Bend Dance Project. Opportunities to perform. First class free. Through June 26. Tuesdays, 7-9pm. Get a Move On Studio, 63830 Clausen Rd #202, Bend. $10/donation.
kindred spirits. Come explore free form movement, connection, and self-expression, guided by rich, diverse soundscapes. Visit: or FB Bend Ecstatic Dance. $10-$12 sliding scale. Tuesdays, 7pm. Bend Masonic Center, 1036 NE 8th St, Bend.
Argentine Tango Class & Practica No
Dance the Myth Series: Unlock Your New Story Join our intimate tribe as we dive
partner needed. Four-week fundamentals class begins the first Wednesday of every month, 6:30-7:30pm. Followed by intermediate lesson at 8:15pm (recommended after 4 weeks of fundamentals). Contact: admin@centraloregontango. com or 907-299-4199 for more info. Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend. $5/class.
Argentine Tango Milonga Tango dancing
every fourth Saturday. For all levels of dancers. No partner needed! Contact: or 907-299-4199 for more info. Every fourth Sat, 7:30-10:30pm. 4th Saturdays, 7:30-10:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend. $5/class.
Bachata Patterns - Level 2 Taken Bachata Level 1 or have a good understanding of the basics? Learn fun turn pattern combinations with Latin Dance Bend. Dance partner not required but encouraged. Tuesdays, 7:30-8:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $12/class, $40/4-class package, $65/monthly unlimited. Bend Ecstatic Dance Dance your own dance in your own way in a supportive community of
into the depths of personal myths. Do you find yourself stuck in the same patterns, longing to find your deeper voice and creative expression? In this practice, we will engage our intellect, emotions and body to transform our personal myth. June 3 is the inaugural 3-hour workshop that will kick off an 8-part series. To secure your spot send funds via PayPal to lauren. Sundays, 5-6:30pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $145/2-month series, $45/workshop, $25/subsequent drop-ins.
Level 2 West Coast Swing This class goes over concepts of west coast swing as well as a few more patterns. Really dive into what west coast swing is and how to dance it, while learning the core concepts. Contact Jenny Cooper for questions, 541-401-1635. Thursdays, 7:308:30pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $30/month. Lucid Dance with DragonFly A Once-per-
month Live DJ movement experience at an amazing venue with incredible atmoshpere! All ages. Friday, June 15, 7:30-9:30pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend.
SIMO W/ MASQ at Volcanic Theatre Pub KSJJ 102.9 Presents
HIGH VALLEY at Oregon Spirit Distillers
JUN 17 JUN 15
JUN 16 JUN 15
Play banjo? Bring your instrument to the Banjo Jam at Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe every third Thursday for some pickin’ and pluckin’.
BITE OF BEND BEER RUN at Downtown Bend
23 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Bella Acappella Harmony Chorus
Award-winning Bella Acappella seeks women and girls who love to sing and harmonize. Bella teaches and performs four-part acappella harmony and welcomes singers with high and low voices, all levels, ages 15 and above. Contact Nancy at 541-383-3142 for more info. Tuesdays, 6:30-9:30pm. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 60800 Tekampe Rd, Bend. $35/ membership.
Community Orchestra of Central Oregon Rehearsals COCO welcomes all
outdoor elegance WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / June 14, 2018 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE
colors of summer
live the leisure life
patio world 222 se reed market road - bend 541.388.0022 mon-sat 9:30-5:30 sun 10-5
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug · For use only by adults twenty-one years of age and older · Keep out reach of children
Save 50% at favorite Local Businesses
Catch an outdoor screening of “Wonder Woman” at LOGE Entrada 6/15.
Salsa Patterns - Level 2 Taken Salsa Level 1 or have a good understanding of the basics? Learn fun turn pattern combinations with Latin Dance Bend. Dance partner not required but encouraged. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $12/ class, $40/4-class package, $65/unlimited monthly.
Scottish Country Dance Class No experience or Scottish heritage necessary. Weekly classes include beginner & advanced dances. First class is free. Mondays, 7-9pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend. $5/class.
FILM EVENTS COTA Movie Night: “Gamble” You like big
mountain bikes?! We like big mountain bikes! “Gamble” brings some of downhill mountain bike racing’s most talented and charismatic riders together and releasing them from the confines of the tape. COTA Movie Night raises funds and awareness for Central Oregon Trail Alliance. Minor with parent or guardian, food and beverages available for purchase. Thursday, June 21, 7:30-10pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend. $6/cash only.
LOCAL ARTS Cheers to Art: Hadrian’s Villa Art histo-
rian Lorna Cahall brings Hadrian’s Villa to life in the last “Cheers to Art!” program of the 2017-18 season. Emperor Hadrian’s villa near Tivoli (130 AD) is one of the most original monuments in the history of architecture and art. Admission includes wine. No RSVP required. Wednesday, June 20, 7-8pm. Bend Art Center, 550 SW Industrial Way #180, Bend.
Drawing Under the Influence Bring pa-
per, pen, creativity and draw under the influence! This DUI club is for anyone looking for some fun. Sundays, 6-9pm. JC’s Bar & Grill, 642 NW Franklin Ave, Bend. Free.
Figure Drawing Sessions Sessions with live model. BYO drawing materials, easels provided first come, first serve. No registration required. Tuesdays, 7-9pm. The Workhouse, 50 SE Scott St #6, Bend. $15/session. Juniper Tree Invasion Art Reveal
culture, an ecosystem approach to care of the land, growing food efficiently, ethical living—a shift to regenerative agriculture and working with Nature, not against it. Wednesday, June 20, 6:30-8:30pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend. Free.
Juniper tree themed art showcase at Wild Ride Brewing in Redmond. Twenty one art pieces will be revealed. Be the first to see all pieces at one location. Artists will be on hand to answer questions. Art pieces range from pastels to sculptures. After the reveal event, the art pieces will be displayed throughout the Redmond community until August 22, 2018 and then sold at the Juniper Tree Invasion auction on August 23, 2018 Centennial Park Plaza in Redmond. Thursday, June 21, 4-6pm. Wild Ride Brewing, 332 SW Fifth St., Redmond.
“Lucky” Film Screening & Discussion “Lucky” follows the spiritual journey of a
INHABIT, A Permaculture Perspective - The Film Explore the concept of perma-
90-year-old atheist and the quirky characters that inhabit his off the map desert town. Having out lived and out smoked all of his contemporaries, the fiercely independent Lucky finds himself at the precipice of life, thrust into a journey of self exploration, leading towards that which is so often unattainable: enlightenment. RSVP to or (541) 4103918. Thursday, June 21, 5:30-8pm. Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct, Bend. Free.
Outdoor Movie: Wonder Woman Bring
a picnic and join us on the lawn for a screening of “Wonder Woman.” Family and dog friendly. Friday, June 15, 9:30-11:30pm. LOGE Entrada, 19221 SW Century Dr, Bend. Free.
Community Lecture: Preventing Injury in Summer Sports Join orthopedic surgeon
Dr. Timothy Bollom of The Center and physical therapist Eric Walberg of Rebound Physical Therapy for a free community lecture on golf and tennis injuries. Wednesday, June 13, 12:301:30pm. Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road Sunriver.
Flora and Fauna of the Fall River Stroll
along the Fall River with Curator of Natural History, Louise Shirley and the Museum’s Nature Team Lead, Thaddeus Grudzien, to learn all about native fish, wildflowers, fire ecology and more. Wednesday, June 13, 10am-2pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 U.S. 97, Bend. $20/Member, $25/non-members.
$20 EIGHTHS Please keep marijuana out of the reach of children. For use only by adults twenty-one years of age and older. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of marijuana.
La Pine: Opals in Oregon Join the Deschutes Public Library and geologist Daniele Mckay to learn more about these intriguing gemstones. We will explore how opals form, and where to find gemstone quality opals in Oregon. Thursday, June 21, 6-7pm. La Pine Library, 16425 1st St, La Pine. Free. Power Hour: Community Solar in Central Oregon Learn how community solar
27 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
can help all of us use clean energy at home or work even if we can’t install solar on our roofs because we don’t own our homes or have too much shading. The first 100 people in the door will receive a beer ticket. Wednesday, June 13, 5-7pm. Worthy Brewing Company, 495 Northeast Bellevue Drive, Bend.
Spring Boletes and Ramaria in the Pacific Northwest: Identification, History and a Culinary challenge COMC presents
Dick Bishop who will talk about two mushroom types we frequently find in the spring – Boletes and Corals. Bring mushrooms for our ID table and stories of your spring hunts. Wednesday, June 13, 6:30-8:30pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend. Free.
THEATER 9 to 5: The Musical Pushed to the boiling point, three female coworkers concoct a plan to get even with the sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot they call their boss. A girl can scheme, can’t she? Thursday-Saturay, 7:30pm. Sunday, 2pm. Cascades Theatrical Company, 148 NW Greenwood Ave, Bend. $16/student, $19/ senior, $23/adult. Accomplice The story begins in Dartmoor, England at the stylish weekend retreat of the affluent Derek and Janet Taylor, and both adultery and murder are in the air. But we will soon learn that all is never as it seems in this electrifying game of trickery and misdirection. Who is the hunter and who the hunted…and precisely who is the title character of Accomplice? Thursday-Saturday, 7:30pm. Sunday, 3pm.. 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend. $19/adults, $16/ students & seniors (60+). Auditions: Under A Red Moon 1 male, 1
female and one small role for male. Inspired by a true incident that occurred between serial killer, John George Haigh (“The Acid Bath Murderer”) and two young American women in London in 1948, shortly prior to his arrest, the play focuses on Haigh’s psychiatric evaluation as he tries to prove himself insane and thereby avoid standing trial. Performance dates: August 31-September 15, 2018? Monday & Tuesday, 7pm. 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend.
Broadway in Concert: Evita Thoroughly
Modern Productions (“Guys and Dolls,” “Rock of Ages,” “Annie,” “Shrek”) brings Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice’s “Evita” to the Tower. This second installment of “Broadway in Concert” again features the full cast of characters and songs, costumes, and a live orchestra onstage. The multi-Tony Award-winning musical, set in Buenos Aires, charts the rags-to-riches rise of Eva Peron, from fatherless child to ambitious actress to the most powerful woman in Latin America, and eventually to a saint-like figure after her death at age 33. Friday-Sunday, 7:30pm. Sunday, 3pm.. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St, Bend. $27, $42.
WORDS Blank Pages Writing Salon Salons are informal gatherings where we share work, do freewriting based on prompts and discuss craft. Everyone is welcome! Saturday, June 16, 6-8pm. The Workhouse, 50 SE Scott St #6, Bend. $5. Storytellers Open Mic Our weekly open
mic! Poets and actual story tellers stop by on occasion, but it’s an open mic like any other— mostly singers and musicians. Family friendly, so keep it clean! Sign up at 5pm, music starts at 6pm. Tuesday, June 19, 5-8pm. The Commons, 875 NW Brooks St, Bend.
Make wine glasses out of recycled wine bottles during Date Night at DIYCave on Friday 6/15.
Writers Reading: Leni Zumas
Award-winning author Leni Zumas reads from her latest work, “Red Clocks,” which follows five story lines from five women living in the world in which Roe v. Wade has been reversed. Sunday, June 17, 2-3pm. Downtown Bend Library (Brooks Room), 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
VOLUNTEERS Become a Big Brother or Big Sister in Redmond It doesn’t take much to make a big
difference in the life of a child! Looking for caring adult mentors who are willing to spend a few hours a month sharing their interests and hobbies. Contact: 541-617-4788, balbert@bbbsco. org. Ongoing. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon - Redmond, 412 SW 8th St, Redmond.
Brightside Thrift Store in Redmond
Looking for volunteers to receive donations, sort, and price items. Volunteers are critical to the operations of our high-save shelter and contribute directly to the care of our animals by ensuring our donations are processed. Contact: 541-5040101 or Mon-Sun, 10am-5pm. BrightSide Animal Thrift Store, 838 NW 5th St, Redmond.
Call for Volunteers Volunteers needed at
Second Chance Bird Rescue! Friendly people needed to help socialize birds to ready for adoption, make toys, clean cages and make some new feathered friends! Do you play a musical instrument? Come and practice for the birds! Located past Cascade Lakes Distillery, call 916956-2153 for hours and location. Call for hours and location. Bend, Oregon.
Deschutes Land Trust’s Weed Warriors Weed Warriors is a volunteer group that
meets three times a month to remove invasive weeds like mullein, spotted knapweed, teasel and Canada thistle from the Land Trust protected lands. Help remove invasive weeds at Rimrock Ranch on Whychus Creek! More info www. Tuesday, June 19, 9am-noon. Whychus Canyon Preserve, outside Sisters. Sisters, OR.
Fences For Fido Help free dogs from chains! We are seeking volunteers on Mondays to come out and help us build fences for dogs who live on chains. No experience is required. Sign up on Facebook: FFF Central Oregon Region Volunteers or Bend Canine Friends Meet Up group. More information can be found at fencesforfido. org. Mondays. City of Bend, Contact for address. Bend.
Free Pet Loss Bereavement Group Free drop-in pet loss bereavement group Tuesday, June 19, 5:30-7pm. Love & Leash Therapy, LLC, 64682 Cook Ave, Bend. Free.
Happy Hour in the Garden - Special Edition! School is out, but gardens are still
growing! So we’re throwing an extra special Happy Hour in the Garden to kick off our summer fundraising campaign. It’s time to replenish our School Garden Grant fund so that MORE local kids can get outside and reap the benefits of learning in a garden. Our goal is to raise $7,500 from donors by July 27th. Volunteer for an hour or two (fun, easy gardening tasks), and we’ll provide cold beverages from Boneyard Beer & Caboost Kombucha, snacks, and live music. Denise and other local educators will be in the garden to share success stories of school gardens throughout the region, and what we have planned for the future. Show your support for garden-based learning throughout Central Oregon! More info at Each week, volunteers drop in and help maintain the garden through weekly tasks and/or special projects. No experience necessary, families welcome. Tuesdays, 4-6pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend.
Make Your Mark at Bend Spay+Neuter! Compassionate, awesome people to join
an incredible team, whether you volunteer in the clinic, festivals or helping with our community cat population. Contact: 541-617-1010, Ongoing. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson Ave, Bend.
Mentors Needed Heart of Oregon Corps is a nonprofit that inspires and empowers positive change in youth through education, jobs and
stewardship. For more information or to become a mentor, contact John at 541-526-1380. Ongoing. Heart of Oregon Corps, 1291 NE 5th St, Bend.
The Rebecca Foundation The Rebecca
Foundation is seeking volunteers to help us with an upcoming event and ongoing needs for the Bend area diaper bank. Volunteers of all ages welcome. RSVP to for more info. Ongoing. City of Bend, Contact for address. Bend.
Volunteer The Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. We have an emergency food pantry, we visit residents of assisted living centers, and we make up gifts for veterans and homeless. Contact us at 541-389-8888. Ongoing. City of Bend, Contact for address. Bend. Volunteer Drivers Needed Volunteer
drivers needed Mondays-Fridays to transport veterans to the Bend VA Clinic and Portland VA Hospital. Must have clean driving record and be able to pass VA-provided physical and screening. Call Paul at 541-647-2363 for more details. Ongoing. City of Bend, Contact for address. Bend.
Volunteers Needed Help with daily horse care. Duties include; corral cleaning, grooming, walking horses. Flexible days and hours. No experience required. Call Kate Beardsley to set up an appointment 541-350-2406. Ongoing. Mustangs to the Rescue, 21670 McGilvray Road, Bend.
CLASSES Adult Aerial Silks Classes Adult only
aerial silks classes - all skill levels, including beginners. Come fly with us! Thursdays, 5:30-7pm. Central Oregon Aerial Arts, 20700 Carmen Loop #120, Bend. $20/class, $160/10 classes.
Aerial Silks Training Learn how to fly on aerial silks. Build confidence, courage and strength through play. Thursdays, 4-5:15pm. Thursdays, 4-5:15pm. Silks Rising, 1560 NE 1st St #10, Bend. $20/drop-in.
Explore tarot under the pines with Miss Magdalen’s Tarot For the Creative Soul near Sisters, Thursday 6/21.
Beginning Aerial Silks Class Come fly
with us! Get stronger, gain confidence and learn how to fly. Ages 8 and up welcome! Tuesdays, 4-5:30pm. Wednesdays, 3-4:30pm. Saturdays, 2:30-4pm. Sundays, 1:30-3pm. Tues., Wed., Sat., Sun.. Central Oregon Aerial Arts, 20700 Carmen Loop #120, Bend. $20/drop-in, $160/10 classes.
Buddhist Mantras Chanting Explore the
spiritual insights and learn how to correctly chant mantras in Japanese. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. 10:30am-4:00pm. Reservations required. Contact: 541-848-1255 or for more info. Every Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Custom Built Computers of Redmond, 439 SW 6th St, Redmond. $10/class.
Capoeira Experience this exciting martial art
form of Afro Brazilian origins which incorporates music and acrobatic movements. For adults and teens. Mondays & Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. Capoeira Bend, 63056 Lower Meadow Dr, Bend. $30/ two-week intro.
every year since we opened!
Communicating for Life 5-weeks series.
For anyone who wants to learn and practice the basics, as well as for those who want to re-charge their nonviolent communication (NVC) consciousness. For more info call 541-3506517 or email Mondays, May 28 - Jun 25; 6-7:45pm. Sliding scale available. Mondays, 6-7:45pm. Center for Compassionate Living, 803 SW Industrial Way #200, Bend. $65/person.
CPR/AED First Aid (Combined Course)
This course is designed to prepare lay rescuers to perform Adult, Child and Infant CPR and use an AED in a safe, timely, and effective manner. Instructor-led training is conducted in the classroom and features group interaction, hands-on coaching, and feedback from experienced EMTs and Paramedics at Adventure Medics. Saturday, June 16, 9am-3:30pm. Adventure Medics, LLC, 20585 NE Brinson Blvd. #4, Bend. $85.
Open 10am to 4pm
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Date Night: Wine Bottle Classes Date Night, DIY style! Have fun with a loved one by creating something together. Fill your cupboard with seriously cool drinking glasses that you made from your empty wine bottles. We’ll show you how to cut them using an easy to build jig and how to fire polish the rim of the glasses with our custom torch setup. Beer and soda bottles as well as jars make great looking glasses, too. Learn more and sign up at Use code TS10 to save 10% off. Friday, June 15, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $45. DIY Metal Lathe This 2.5-hour class is designed to give you the skills, knowledge, and
experience that you will need to get started in using a metal cutting lathe. Learn more and sign up at Use code TS10 to save 10% off. Thursday, June 14, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $95.
DIY Mosaic Magic Mushrooms & Happy Rocks Students will learn how to make
their own cement mushrooms/happy rock and will complete one mosaic mushroom/happy rock in class. Glass artist, Teri Shamlian, of Moose Crossings Studio, will teach you how to cut glass, how to create a great design, and how to make beautiful and unique Mosaic Mushroom and Happy Rock to decorate your special space or to give as a gift. All supplies are included. You may bring your own embellishments, buttons, pottery, jewelry, etc. to make it your very own. Learn more and sign up at Use code TS10 to save 10% off. Wednesday, June 13, 10:30am. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $70.
DIY Open Craft Night Time to get crafty! Use code TS10 and save 10% off. Thursday, June 14, 12:30am. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $15. DIY Sheet Metal Art Use a torch to cut creative forms from sheet metal. Hammer your artwork into shape and braze on a hook for displaying it. This exciting class provides a great introduction to the world of metal art and sculpture. Ages 14 and up. Learn more and sign up at Use code S10 to save 10% off when you sign up for a class. Tuesday, June 19, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $55. DIY Welding Workshop This hands-on
class is perfect for beginners or anyone needing a refresher class in cutting and welding. You’ll cut steel with a torch and weld those pieces back together. You’ll be introduced to Brazing and Gas Welding and you’ll get to try your hand at Arc and MIG welding. No Welding Experience Needed! Ages 13 and up. Learn more and sign up at Use code TS10 to save 10% off. Wednesday, June 13, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $110.
DIY Welding Workshop This hands-on
class is perfect for beginners or anyone needing a refresher class in cutting and welding. You’ll cut steel with a torch and weld those pieces back together. You’ll be introduced to Brazing and Gas Welding and you’ll get to try your hand at Arc and MIG welding. No Welding Experience Needed! Ages 13 and up. Learn more and sign up at Use code TS10 to save 10% off. Wednesday, June 20, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $110.
A Local with Super Powers By Lisa Sipe
More than body language As you might imagine, Spanish is Galmozzi’s native language. When she was living in Miami, almost everyone spoke Spanish, so it wasn’t unique. In
Bend, she discovered it was unique— and so she’s been asked to be an interpreter and tutor. She told me about an experience interpreting for a Hispanic woman giving birth at St. Charles Medical Center. Once the baby was born, family members streamed in. The new grandma brought in trays and trays of food to serve family and hospital staff. With Galmozzi’s background, she was able to explain to the hospital staff that the assembly was part of their celebration of new life. When Mexican people celebrate—like Argentinians—they bring food. Lots of food. Galmozzi loves to feed people, too. She shares the dishes she grew up with, including empanadas, steak with chimichurri or milanesas de carne—a steak coated with flavorful breading and pan-fried. She always has to-go containers to give people food when they leave. She said, “I grew up with that. Family would bring Tupperware. You go home with lunch you could have the next day.” True to form, she sent me home with a container of empanadas and coconut cookies.
Galmozzi would want me to leave you with something to take home, too,so here are a few body language tips about what to do with your hands. For one, don’t keep them in your pockets. Keeping them in sight builds trust and likability. Now that those hands are out of your pockets, don’t use them in the wrong way. Limit soothing gestures such as rubbing your hands and playing with your hair, because those are seen as low-confidence gestures. And lastly, for those times when you simply don’t know what to do with your hands, act like a super hero. Seriously, put your hands on your hips. It might just make you feel more confident. SW Know Man’s Land: Empowerment Tools for Women Sat., Oct. 13, 10am to 4pm 1200 NW Upas Ave., Redmond
The Wolf Advantage
By Teafly Peterson
Color class at Bend Art Center with LA painter
and painting processes to help deepen the connection to color and apply that to creative work.
Marie Thibeault - Unleashing Color
Unleashing Color with Marie Thibeault
Los Angeles-based artist, Marie Thibeault, will be holding a threeday workshop on color. Seems simple enough, but color is one of those vital and essential aspects of art that can either go terribly wrong or be so right that it changes how the inside of your mouth feels when looking at it. Thibeault, whose own abstract oil painting uses a deep sense of color to explore the instability of our environment, has been teaching color theory for over 20 years . This intensive course, which runs from June 20 to July 1, will be a combination of the classes she has taught at California State University, Long Beach. Students will be guided through various collage
Bend Art Center June 29-July 1, 9am-5pm
Bend Burlesque Open Call Night Have your felt the call of the stage rising up in you? Now is your time to answer it. Bend Burlesque is having its second open call for performers for its First Friday show in July at Silver Moon Brewery. All performers—spoken word, emcees, burlesque aspirers and dancers, comedians, puppeteers and circus people—are welcome to apply. To be part of the fun, send a private message to Bend Burlesque through its Facebook page.
INSTA-WATCH Awesome local art, found on Instagram Kamdon Callaway-Sutterfield @kamdonkreations
Kamdon Callaway-Sutterfield
If you’re looking to bring more color into your life, the Instagram feed of Kamdon Callaway-Sutterfield might be a good fix. One fun way to view her Instagram is to scroll through her old posts on her profile page, where you can see multiple posts’ images at once. You’ll see a natural ombre and gradient of colors take over. You begin to see color combinations and how using her Instagram to capture her own current desires of color will help you find your own. Interspersed with patterns of inspiration and fun paintings of her own creation, this Instagram is a visual feast for the design-a-phile.
29 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 16, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
company, The Wolf Advantage, with her fiancé, Dave Wolf. With her skills, I wanted to know what she notices that other people don’t. She said, “I pay a lot more attention to people’s bodies than their words. My memories of conversations are more about other things like their tone of voice.” Galmozzi asked me, “Have you ever met someone you don’t know but for some reason you don’t like them?” “Of course,” I said. She said, “that’s all body language. Their words were not aligned with their body. Once you can decode it, you get it.” Galmozzi works with people for various reasons. They may want to get ready for an interview, a job or a relationship, but the information they learn applies to all of it. This fall, Galmozzi will be presenting her body language knowledge at “Know Man’s Land: Empowerment Tools for Women,” a free workshop for women 13 and older. The event is intended to be an opportunity for women to educate and support other women through information sharing, hands-on demonstrations and structured presentations.
“Have you ever met someone you don’t know but for some reason you don’t like them?... That’s all body language. Their words were not aligned with their body. Once you can decode it, you get it.”
The body language expert who also cooks a mean empanada y clients tell me I have super powers,” jokes Silvina Galmozzi, when we meet for our interview. Galmozzi—who most people call “Silvi” because they have trouble pronouncing her name—can read people without knowing them. The body language expert, who has a warming smile and a presence far bigger than her 5-foot frame, honed her powers after moving to the Unites States 16 years ago. She grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentia, the capitol and Argentinian version of New York City. When I visited Galmozzi’s home, something delicious was cooking in the oven. She’d made empanadas for me, saying it’s the food she grew up with. The recipe, learned from her grandma and mom, isn’t written down anywhere. She, like the other women in her family, know it by heart. We sat down with warm empanadas and glasses of wine and I learned how Galmozzi found her super powers. Before moving to Bend a year ago, Galmozzi lived in Miami and worked in human resources doing employee relations, hiring and corporate training. When she started doing workplace investigations, she took a lie detection class with the Science of People. Learning how to tell if someone was lying was key to navigating the truth behind the multiple stories she would hear during a workplace investigation. She went on to learn more about body language to improve her own presentation skills when she did trainings. Now she’s a body language expert and has her own
“Wildfire: On the Front Lines with Station 8”
oD c/
Za ave
Heat he
A new book by Heather Hansen
make it your
best summer ever
Create a summer full of memories with BPRD’s summer day camps. COUGAR CAMP Entering Grades: 3 - 6 | Outdoor activities and campout at Shevlin Park!
ART STATION CAMPS Entering Grades: 1 - 9 | Creative art camps with a variety of mediums.
SPORTS CAMPS Entering Grades: K - 12 | Let’s play! You name the sport, we’ve got a camp!
OUTDOOR ADVENTURE CAMPS Entering Grades: 1 - 9 | Exciting adventures centered on fun.
CRAFTS & COOKING CAMPS Entering Grades: 1 - 9 | Make it yourself in a variety of creative camps. Register online or at any BPRD facility. Learn more at or call (541) 389-7275.
eather Hansen’s new book delves firefighters, they still push it to the edge. into the reality of fighting on the SW: Central Oregon summers come front lines of wildfires—which are with the seemingly inevitable wildfire or growing in frequency—especially in the two. What insights or advice do you have West with each passing year. Hansen for people who are impacted by those? documents the year she spent with StaHH: Well there’s one statistic that tion 8 in Boulder, Colo., the men whose maybe people have heard often but it daily realities are impacted by these bears repeating—that between 80 and fires, and gives insight into the larger 90 percent of fires are human caused perception our society has toward wild- and often those are escaped camp fires. fires. On those 200 million acres of Ahead of her talk in Bend, the Source Forest Service land, the vast majority Weekly chatted with of fires are caused Hansen about how by escaped camp We really desperately the lessons she fires in particular. need more of the right So, I think that one learned in Colorado can apply in our simple message type of fires on the region, too. is to really think landscape in order Source Weekly: about our relationThe wildfire narraship with fire. You to head off the kinds tive most people have know, this book by of blazes that we’re is quite simplistic. and large is about seeing every year now. thinking differentAfter spending over a year researching ly about fires and and really immersing yourself in the reali- our environment. And becoming, in ty of that world, what is one thing you wish a way, more tolerant of it in terms of more people knew? understanding and accepting the fact Heather Hansen: I think one of the that we really desperately need more of main messages that I hope comes out the right type of fires on the landscape of the book is the fuller picture of the in order to head off the kinds of blazwildland firefighter. We have this gener- es that we’re seeing every year now, in al tendency to think of them as heroes, places where we don’t want them. they act heroic, they go toward fire while SW: What can readers expect from your everyone else is going away. And the talk here in Bend? risks and the challenges that they have HH: I’m going to give a little bit of a are real, but I learned that the limita- sense of the past, the present and what tions are real as well. I learned that it’s we have for in terms of predictions about not their job to save a house, that they the future. For this season in the Northreally shouldn’t be anywhere in that area west but also kind of in the decades if it’s unsafe. But I realized, in the time to come. And I also want to talk about that I spent with them, that that’s a dif- the firefighters that I met and what it ficult call, espetakes to be a wildcially if it’s in your land firefighter “Wildfire” Author Talk community or if today—which has with Heather Hansen it’s even potentiala lot to do with Fri., June 22 ly your own house. the consumption 6 pm Even the very proof bacon. Roundabout Books 900 NW Mt. Washington Dr., Suite #110, Bend fessional and very As interviewed safety conscious by Chloe Green. SW
A Classic Comic Murder Mystery Sleuthing out ‘Accomplice’ is no small task By Elizabeth Warnimont Elizabeth Warnimont
31 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 16, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Derek and Janet (Todd and Amber Hanson) argue in a scene from “Accomplice.”
Catherine Christie gets to have perhaps the most cott Schultz discovered early on that he enjoys directing much more than performing on stage. fun on the set as Melinda, aka Harley, a ditzy young “I’m definitely a better director than I am an diva-wannabe getting her first shot at a “serious” role actor,” he quips. “It was 2014 that I took my first stab in her friend Derek’s new play. Husband and wife team at directing up at the college (COCC), and I haven’t Todd and Amber Hanson, playing long-married couple stopped since.” Rupert Holmes’ “Accomplice,” on Derek and Janet Taylor, also get to have some fun, via a stage now through next weekend at 2nd Street The- slew of comic one-liners. In one scene, Derek offers his wife an antacid tabater, marks Schultz’ eighth go at it—and judging by the let, saying: “Try one? No? opening night performance “The first half is more the Could it be that I am how last Friday, the director has you spell relief?” Janet found his true calling. murder mystery, very British, replies: “No, not since our “Accomplice” is very Agatha Christie if you honeymoon, sweetie.” Holmes’ second Broadwill. Then Act Two just throws In the Friday night perway play, after his highly formance, understudy Levi successful musical, “The that out the window and the Wagoner got to play MelinMystery of Edwin Drood,” humor and the jokes just come da’s husband Jon, one which premiered at the in non-stop.” of the first characters to Imperial Theatre in 1985. reveal that he was not who The musical won five Tony Awards, including Best Musical and Best Leading he professed to be, a role otherwise occupied by Thoroughly Modern Productions’ Artistic Director David Actor. “Accomplice” premiered on Broadway in 1990. “I’ve never directed a murder mystery,” Schultz told DaCosta. Surprising turns are the crux of the twisted tale, the Source Weekly. “They’ve always interested me, but I never thought I would direct anything near one. I like in which almost nothing you see can be believed to dark comedy; comedic plays are more my style. But be true. Playwright Holmes takes plot twists to such reading it a couple of times, I could see the humor is an extreme level that it’s sure to take even the most seasoned theatre fan by surprise. “It’s such a unique exactly my style.” Set in mid-1970s England, the play is a sort of clas- play. It makes fun of theatre in general. It’s such a persic, comic murder mystery. “The first half is more the fect way to break that wall, and poke fun at actors— murder mystery, very British, very Agatha Christie if although I have never experienced anyone as hard to you will,” Schultz says. “Then Act Two just throws that work with as Harley!” (At one point Harley halts proout the window and the humor and the jokes just come duction when she acquires a sudden distaste for a particular aspect of her role.) in non-stop.”
In the opening scene, Janet and Derek banter about after Derek comes home early from his day at work. Come to find out, Janet is actually playing out a practiced alibi for the ensuing attempted spousal homicide—or so it seems. Things just keep getting dicier as it becomes more and more apparent that just about everyone is out to murder somebody else, at all levels in the layered tale. All is eventually revealed, thankfully, though in appropriately unconventional fashion – of course. The play is not recommended for children. It has no specific age minimum, but between the sexual references and the complex turns of plot, it may be best to leave the kiddos at home. “It’s a really fun show, but it isn’t quite the show for children,” Schultz offers. “There is brief, very brief nudity, and there’s a gunshot that goes off during Act Two. Also, there’s a ridiculous amount of plot twists. Everyone should come see it, but I strongly recommend leaving little ones at home. A young mind might find this extremely boring, while the adults are laughing inexplicably.” Go for a slew of good laughs—and have fun trying to sleuth out who is up to what. SW Accomplice
Thurs-Sat 7:30pm, Sun 3pm, through June 23 2nd Street Theater 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend $19 adult, $16 student/senior 60+ 541-312-9626
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JUNE 15 - 17 TH
WELCOME Come one, come all—and come hungry! The region’s best restaurants, food carts and caterers will be at the 2018 Bite of Bend offering their “bite”; a unique two-dollar dish representative of their cuisine. $
Fill your plate with a full weekend BITES celebrating imaginative food and drink concoctions from the region. The Bite of Bend offers a jam-packed schedule of live music, chef and bartender competitions, cocktail classes and fun runs. FULL ON FRIDAY | JUNE 15, 5PM - 10PM
The Oregrown Music Stage will feature live music from local and visiting talent, including Eric Leadbetter, Tony Smiley and Canadian Celtic rockers Enter the Haggis. Watch local bartenders duke it out for the title of “Bend’s Best Bartender” in the Bartenders Brawl at 6pm. Join the party—taste craft cocktails and spirits in the Mixology Showcase and graze on the “bites” offered by delectable vendors for just $2 each.
The weekend is full of activities sure to delight the entire family. Watch culinary pros battle it out on stage in the Top Chef competition and participate in the Beer Run on Sunday, June 17, a 5k for adults with beer breaks along the course! There are also plenty of things for kids to do—from crafts and bounce houses to the Root Beer Run on Saturday, June 16, where they will make their very own ice cream floats! Enjoy fine spirits and cocktails from the region’s finest distilleries. Vodka, moonshine, whiskey, bourbon, tea-distilled spirits. Bring a friend and raise a glass to the best of the best!
JUNE 15TH-17TH FRIDAY NIGHT • 5-10pm SATURDAY • 11am-10pm SUNDAY • 11am-6pm
Can’t get enough of The Bite? After the Bite of Bend weekend comes to a close, continue your food discovery throughout the following week! Bite Week offers a series of classes, dinners and demos unlike any other food program in Central Oregon. Find out more, inside!
“On behalf of all the Brokers at Bend Premier Real Estate, we proudly welcome you to this year’s Bite of Bend Festival and sincerely hope you take in and enjoy everything this event offers. Bend’s thriving downtown and active outdoor lifestyle have become attractions for people all over the country, and this weekend’s activities will bring music, art, fun and especially, food to over 20,000 visitors. Events such as Bite of Bend contribute to the success of Bend being recognized as one of the most desirable American small cities for people to move to. The Brokers at Bend Premier Real Estate know all about Bend’s lifestyle and why people want to live here. We believe being the title sponsor for Bite of Bend is a perfect match in uniting one of Bend’s outstanding festivals with the locally owned brokerage which can best represent people finding the perfect home to fit their lifestyle. Please visit one of our booths at the intersection of Bond St and Minnesota Ave, or stop by our office conveniently located within the Bite of Bend festival on the corner of Bond St and Franklin Ave. Once again, we hope you have a great weekend at the Bend Premier Real Estate Bite of Bend and we’ll see you on the streets of downtown Bend!”
Lynnea Miller Principal Broker Bend Premier Real Estate
8 Regional Distilleries, 20+ Spirits and 9+ Exclusive Craft Cocktails
Celebrating craft cocktails at The Bite Mixology Showcase. The two-day event highlights the best of the region’s cocktail culture, including the best spirits, mixers and latest trends. This Mixology Showcase features competitions, tastings and a gathering of industry professionals, cocktail connoisseurs and the at-home mixologists.
Entrance to the showcase is free to anyone 21 and over. Tasting includes over 20 craft spirits and 9 craft cocktails from the Pacific Northwest. Deluxe Tasting Packages can be purchased in advance for $15 or a variety of prices at the door and included both days of events. Tasting may range from 1-4 tokens. Enjoy samples of small batch vodka, moonshine, whiskey, tea-distilled spirits and more! Discuss the art of the cocktail with distillers and mixologists and watch local bartenders battle it out for the title of “Bend’s Best Bartender” on Friday night!
Local bartenders battled it out in the preliminary round of the Bartender’s Brawl at Worthy Brewing Company on Thursday, June 7 for a chance to make it to the final round. Now, watch the Final Round of competition on the Bite of Bend Mixology Showcase Stage on Friday, June 15 starting at 6pm. The Final Five bartenders will compete for the title of “Bend’s Best Bartender.”
BITE OF BEND 8 1 0 2 , h t 7 1 e n u J y Sunda Make the Bite of Bend Beer Run presented by Princess Athletic an annual June tradition! The Beer Run sends participants along a 5k race loop through Drake Park along the Deschutes River enjoying the fine beer from 10 Barrel, Cascade Lakes, Deschutes and Immersion breweries along the way. Finish with a full beer while perusing the delicious vendors available at The Bite of Bend! The Beer Run finishes at the intersection of Bond St. and Franklin Ave. in the heart of the Bite of Bend festival. The first 500 racers will receive a commemorative Bite of Bend Beer Run souvenir. Bonus prizes are awarded to participants in best costume! This awesome Sunday afternoon experience is all yours for only $20 (until June 14th), then $30 in person!!! We sell out, so sign up right away! This is a 21 & over event.
Follow Lay It Out Events, Bend Ticket and Bite of Bend on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to follow along and get updated on this event and all the other great ones in Bend! Tag us in one of your videos and photos so we can share your fun with the rest of the world!
LATE REGISTRATION: Friday & Saturday at the Info booth at the Bite of Bend (Bond & Minnesota): 11am – 10pm Sunday at Crow’s Feet Commons courtyard (race start area): 11:00am-11:45am
Little ones like to drink and run too — drink root beer, that is! Join us for another Kids Rock the Races event at The Bend Premier Real Estate Bite of Bend, this time featuring root beer and ice cream in the Little Hopper Root Beer Run! Kids between the ages of 3-10 will have a blast on this fun course! Participants will run the course while building the key components of their root beer float. Course will be held at Troy Field (Located on Bond & Louisiana – 1 block South of the Bite), concluding with a refreshing and thirst-quenching root beer and ice cream finish! Races begin at noon with an award ceremony immediately following each distance and age group.
RACE START TIMES: Noon: Ages 3-4 12:15: Ages 5-7 12:30: Ages 8-10 LATE REGISTRTION: Saturday, June 16th from 11am-12pm at the Lay It Out Events Tent in Troy Field (Bond & Louisiana)
Bottle sales, tastings and cocktails by America’s most award-winning craft distillery
Kids running for root beer? We’ll root for that! PacificSource is a proud sponsor of the Little Hopper Root Beer Run, part of Bite of Bend.
$2 off your next tasting with this ad!
Competition will drive the festival with the exciting Top Chef Competition. Just like the popular Food Network series, the Bite of Bend Top Chef competition presents unique challenges, special and secret ingredients and an opportunity for local chefs to flex their creative muscles. Saturday and Sunday the “Kitchen Stadium” comes alive with delicious tastes of Central Oregon’s most talented chefs. Two full-sized kitchens will go head to head in the middle of downtown. Whole Foods Market will provide the fresh ingredients and local chefs will compete to prove their culinary expertise! Chefs will be presented with a mystery ingredient and must, in an allotted 45 minutes, come up with two dishes that wow the palettes of a distinguished panel of judges. We start with eight chefs in a round-robin format. The winners of each round will advance to the Bend semifinal, culminating on Sunday in the semifinals and finals that will determine the Top Chef!
2018 COMPETITORS The Bos Taurus’ Chef Team
Chef Morris’ passion for cooking began early in life, stemming from an interest in food when he started cooking at home at the age of seven. He attended the prestigious Culinary Institute of America (CIA) in Hyde Park, New York, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in culinary arts. Chef Morris arrived at Bos Taurus to captain the opening of the restaurant after his tenure as the Executive Chef at Madeline Hotel and residences in Telluride. He is delighted to have the chance to take the stage in his new hometown.
The Suttle Lodge Chef Team
Chef Jacob Rodriguez, the Executive Chef of The Suttle Lodge and Boathouse, is an LA native now living in Sisters. Raised on the flavors of Latin & Asian cuisine, Rodriguez had an early exposure to worldly flavors that ignited his thirst for travel via the spices and dishes of other locales. This sense of adventure and love of food and people found Jacob in culinary school in San Diego. It is there that he learned his strong culinary foundation, through repetition in skills to almost monotony and an appreciation for slow “grandma” style cooking. After all, you can’t cook for the future, if you don’t understand the past. Jacob’s food is the kind of food that feels and tastes well prepared. Nothing was rushed and you can taste it in the layers. Humble good food is the basis for Jacob’s food and it is quickly gaining the attention of Central Oregon and beyond.
The Sunriver Chef Team
Travis Taylor, Sunriver Resort Executive Chef At 16 I took a cooking class and immediately knew I had found my calling. Five years later I moved on to the McCaually House Inn where
we grew a lot of our own produce. It just made sense to me that chefs should be in the garden harvesting their own food and working with local farmers and producers. I started working at Sunriver Resort, I knew I’d found my place in the world. Inspired by the region’s beauty, farms and producers, I wanted to incorporate them into our dishes, and we decided the only way we were going to be able to cook all the great things in our heads was to write a fresh menu every day. So that’s what we did for the next few years, when I became the Executive Chef at The Crosswater Grille, we continued to push the boundaries and refine our techniques. Now 24 years into my career, I am Sunriver Resort’s Executive Chef, overseeing banquets and nine dining outlets. I am driven by the philosophy that you should buy the best ingredients, have a relationship with your producers and be true to the region and seasons. Surround yourself with great likeminded people and have fun. And every day I am still inspired by our people, food and of course the language, fire and knives. Fabrice Beaudoin, Sunriver Resort Lodge Executive Chef I am currently the Sunriver Resort Lodge Executive Chef, overseeing Carson’s American Kitchen, Twisted River Tavern, Merchant Trader Café and The Backyard kitchens. I have had a long career in the culinary arts, beginning with graduating from culinary school in Paris in the mid 1970’s. Over the course of my career I have worked at high end restaurants in Paris, Houston, and Vail – and I’ve worked in the kitchens of several Michlin 3-starred chefs. I came to Sunriver in 2006 and have been integral in menu development as well as heading the kitchens first at The Grille at Crosswater and then for The Sunriver Resort Lodge.
Currents Chef Team
Michael Stanton, Executive Chef A classically trained chef, Currents at the Riverhouse Executive Chef, Michael Stanton has more than 26 years of experience creating fine French and American cuisine at award-winning restaurants, five-star hotels and high-quality catering operations. By combining classic French techniques with kitchen brigade standards and a passion for fine American cuisine, Stanton developed his own style of running a kitchen and executing dishes. Today, Stanton leads the culinary team at Currents Restaurant at The Riverhouse on the Deschutes, in Bend, Oregon. With carefully curated ingredients from the diverse bounty of Bend, Stanton delivers light, bold and clean flavors in contemporary interpretations of classic French cuisine. Deceptively simple dishes rotate with the seasons and showcase the character and quality of each ingredient. Incorporating modern American and international influences, Stanton orchestrates an exciting dining experience that reflects the unique energy of Bend’s iconic Riverhouse on the Deschutes.
Jackalope Grill Chef Team
Holly Stovall, Executive Chef An Oregon Coast native, Holly is quickly making a name for herself throughout the Central Oregon food scene. At 25 years old, Holly has spent the majority of her life immersed in the technique and ingredients of Oregon cuisine, with the exception of spending several years in Central America where she fell in love with French-Caribbean and Spanish foods. Holly is currently mentoring under the prominent Bend-based and Parisian-trained chef Tim Garling of Tim Garling’s Jackalope Grill. This will be her first culinary competition. Andrew Bork, Sous Chef Born and raised in Detroit, Andrew left Michigan as a teenager to pursue his culinary aspirations. Andrew started his career at the Great Harbor Yacht Club. quickly rising through the ranks at this 5-star yacht club. Spending the winters working in the High Desert and spending his summers working on Nantucket Island, Andrew has quickly made a career for himself in the Fine Dining world. Andrew’s motivation and love of farm to table food brought him to Bend. His love of unique ingredients, paired with his incredible speed make him a top competitor in any culinary arena.
JUNE 16 & 17 Ronin Sushi Chef Team
Scott Byers, Executive Chef was raised on the East Coast, in the Washington, D.C. area. He moved west and quickly worked his way up the ranks at some of the nation’s finest restaurants. He is drawn to the simplistic art of Japanese cuisine and began studying, implementing his love for Japanese food at several of the restaurants he was overseeing. It was during his time as Head Sous Chef at the historic Timberline Lodge’s, Cascade Dining Room, that he fell in love with Oregon. He spent several years exploring before he and his wife made the move to Bend in 2003. He expanded his resume at some of Bend’s best, Blue Fish Bistro, Café 28, Joolz, Kanpai and 5 Fusion. All the while he saw a niche that needed filling by bringing quality sushi, at an affordable price, to the people of Bend. His concept Ronin Sushi and Japanese food truck is coming into its own and developing quite a following. He takes great pride in providing his customer’s sustainably sourced fish, seafood and traditional Japanese dishes from his custombuilt food truck in the heart of Tumalo, Oregon. Jake Peterson, Sous Chef was born in Portland, Oregon and moved to Bend in 1998. He started cooking at an early age, wanting to ensure that his hard-working mother would have a good meal waiting for her, after a long day of work. Little did he know that cooking would become his passion. His desire for travel plus his yearning to further his career found him working in some of the country’s best destination resorts including Glacier National Park and Pronghorn. Always one to want to develop and learn, he attended Oregon Culinary Institute, graduating with honors in 2008. Armed with the fundamentals, he began developing his skills in classical French and Italian cuisine with a three-year stint at Clarkes in Portland. Jake landed a job at Kanpai and after tackling the “hot line” side of things he turned his focus to the art of rolling sushi. In his final two years there he became Head Chef and a local’s favorite whenever he was behind the sushi bar. He was offered a position at Ronin and began the latest chapter in his culinary Odyssey. He shares the philosophy of Ronin that sushi should be made with quality, care and passion. He’s been a vital part of the food trucks growth and success.
Rockin Dave’s Chef Team
Dave Flier, a.k.a. Rockin’ Dave’s, was born and raised in central Illinois where he grew up near his grandparents’ farm, which had a huge influence on him. His grandmother was always making something in the kitchen. After a few cooking classes in high school, Dave went on to culinary school, after which he trained at the Alpenglowe Stube, a fine-dining restaurant in Keystone, CO. He moved to Bend in 2000. His chef career continued, first at Brokentop Club and then at Cork in downtown Bend. He opened Rockin’ Dave’s Bagel Bistro and Catering in 2007, and has just opened Rockin’ Dave’s Backstage Lounge, a night-time dinner house restaurant in the back of Rockin’ Dave’s bistro. His made-from-scratch philosophy continues with his newest endeavor.
Des Chutes Brewery Chef
Brian Kerr, Executive Chef began his culinary adventure in May 1987 – when he took a restaurant training course at southwestern Oregon community college. In September of that year Brian moved to Corvallis and took his first restaurant job at The Tower of London, where he attracted the attention of a chef at Michaels Landing. 1993 – 1999 Brian was everywhere from remote Russia cooking for adventure fisherman in the wild through an assortment of golf clubs. In 1999 Brian came to The Stephanie Inn in Cannon Beach, a boutique hotel with a dining room that four-course, prix-fixe menu for dinner that changed every day. In 2000 he realized a lifetime goal, becoming a saucier , via 2 week course in advanced sauce making at the CIA. Chef Brian then joined the team at Mortons Steakhouse, where he worked there as the chef for 2 years , ultimately becoming the food and beverage controller position. He excelled at Mortons for 8 years until the siren song of Deschutes Brewery in Bend rang into his ears in March of 2013.
Music Stage on Minnesota Avenue ∞ Downtown Bend Hungry for some incredible tunes, too? Whether you’re dancing or shoegazing, you’ll find some sounds to positively love. We have more than a dozen acts lined up to perform on Minnesota Avenue’s Music Stage. Country. Pop. Rock. Folk. Swing. Alternative—and lots more. Nationally known performers mixed in with some dazzling new local bands. The Bend Premier Real Estate Bite of Bend bash is easily one of the biggest free music events of the summer!
5:30 -10 PM
Eric Leadbetter Band 5:30PM Tony Smiley 7PM Whether solo, duo or full band, Eric Leadbetter is always gigging. Last year he played 220 plus shows. His music is unique and original, with ghostly echoes of the golden age of rock from the 60s and 70s. He draws his musical inspiration from these eras by listening to a vast collection of classic vinyl. With his band, Leadbetter travels all over Oregon and the northwest to play an energetic blend of classic rock, funk and blues,
This Portland-based one-man-band has been coming to Bend to play shows for many years—and over the course of time has become a local favorite! Often dubbed the “loop ninja,” Smiley plays a unique brand of electro-acoustic music that he creates as he loops his way through each multilayered track. His cosmic dance of melodies include rock, hip hop, reggae and everything in between, including the occasional splash of Mongolian throat singing and beatboxing. Expect soulful original songs, improved looped beats and creative cover songs—and come prepared to dance!
Enter the Haggis 8:30PM
Since 1995, Enter The Haggis have led the charge among Celtic folk rock bands, delighting fans with their memorable performances, inspired songwriting, musical proficiency and high quality recordings. The Toronto-based band has released eight acclaimed studio albums, the most recent debuting at #9 on the U.S. national Billboard Heatseekers charts. Their original songs such as “One Last Drink”, “Down With The Ship” and “Gasoline” have become folk rock anthems, appearing in films such as “Goon”, “10mph” and “Addicted to Plastic”.
Notables Swing Band Noon
Parlour 1:30PM
Alovitiman 3:15PM
G Bots and the Journeymen 5:00PM
Brandon Prinzing & The Old Revival 6:45PM
Sophistafunk 8:30PM
The Notables Swing Band brings back the “golden oldies” from the Big Band era—when swing ruled the dance floors. Many of their band members remember those full sounds and infectious rhythms. The Notables play to renew the memories of that music for those who used to dance to swing and, equally important, they play to attract completely new generations.
It started with Greg Botsford, looping solo... he recorded an album playing every instrument, wanted a live bass player for the CD release—and the Journeyman has been playing with him ever since. Years later, the duo started playing with mutual friend Jon Swift and fiddler Jason Bowerman—and the Journeymen were born!
A folk band from Bend, Oregon that blends vocal harmonies and acoustic melodies woven with guitar, mandolin, fiddle and dobro. Upbeat, playful and sometimes haunting—they perform with energy and passion. It’s not all originals, Parlour plays an eclectic mix of cover songs that span generations.
You may know Brandon Prinzing from his band Riot on a Sunday. Prinzing’s new venture, Brandon Prinzing & The Old Revival, is a four-piece band that aims to revive something in their audiences.
Local jam band Alovitiman offers an eclectic blend funk and world sounds, incorporating saxophone and flute.
2018 has already been a busy year for Sophistafunk. New music. A Cali Tour. Even a new vehicle. From their home in Syracuse, New York, Sophistafunk has gained international notoriety with their unique combination of hip hop, funk and jam music. Combining soulful lyrics with groovy electronic dance sounds, Sophistafunk brings the party to Bite of Bend!
10 PM
Makaila Cummings Noon
12-year-old Makaila Cummings is a singersongwriter from Bend. The talented young musician will be sharing covers and originals.
Appaloosa 1:30PM
Appaloosa was formed in early 1971 with an original vision of being a full vocal band focused on pleasing the crowd with their party atmosphere. The band takes pride in continuing to provide a first-rate performance as a fun party/dance band. Appaloosa members include Gordon Holder on lead guitar, Joel Brengle on bass, Mike Flaherty (original member) on drums, Jack Gohagen lead vocalist and Chuck Ansell (original member) on keyboards.
JoyTribe 4:30PM
Silvertone Devils 3PM
This five-piece Americana band from Colorado is the perfect blend of roots and rock. The talented husband and wife team Bill Powers and Shelley Gray (Sweet Sunny South, Honey Don’t) team up with talented local musicians for a powerhouse of a band. If you like Gram Parsons, The Band, The Dead, Eric Clapton, The Amazing Rhythm Aces or any rock and roll with a nice country twang—they’re right up your alley.
Think Pretenders-inspired vocals meets Prince and Pink Floyd’s psychedelic funk child. That’s what JoyTribe brings to the table. Initially imagining a mix of electronic, progressive and funk, the music veered toward world inspired funk. Vintage rock vibes paired with reggae and Latin elements round out their sound. With the recent addition of electro looping guru, Gil Assayas of Glasys, the direction can drastically change throughout a show. Sure to deliver a passionate performance not to miss!
Bite Bite
June 18 -22
This is Bite Weeks 6th year, plan to claim your seat at this year’s unique offerings, they will fill quickly.
Bite Week Chef’s Dinner take you far and wide, literally and sensually. Travel to a farm and vineyard not generally accessible to the public, as well as to Redmond, where the best Caribbean food in Central Oregon is to be found. Don’t stop at one, get your food tribe together and make a week of it!
The Bite Week Classes offers enthusiasts a chance to work with, and learn from, regional professionals. One includes your child in the Bon Bon class. Structured to send you home with new information, skills, and recipes, most include cocktails. Give yourself over to this rare chance over 2 ½ days, and up your culinary game for the summer ahead.
We thank Standard TV and Appliance who are our title sponsor and host for the classes. You will love working in their state of the art demonstration kitchens. There is a limited number of spots available, so get a friend and register now at!
A Caribbean Flight of Flavor
$15 or parent and child combo $20 Join Michelle Morris founder/owner of Kindred Creative Kitchen as she guides you through a chocolate tasting. Then how to temper chocolate for molds, make a hazelnut ganache, and finish with decorated Bon Bons that are filled with the ganache. There are opportunities for hands-on at different points. As a former instructor at Cascade Culinary Institute this is a specialty of hers and you will leave with recipes, and insider tips on successfully working with chocolate. This class is appropriate to bring a child age 10 or older, however, you can just bring your inner child if that’s more appropriate.
$55 Join us as we take a culinary tour through the isles of the Caribbean. We will be featuring cuisine from Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, with craft beer pairings from Wild Ride Brewery.
TUES 6/19 | 5PM
The Spice Merchant’s Secrets TUES 6/19 | 7PM
$20 Join owner of Savory Spice and spice merchant Matt Perry in exploring the culinary history of a handpicked assortment of the most exotic forward trending spices and seasonings found in his Old Mill District shop. Learn and taste how you can incorporate them into your food, drink, and dessert. Matt will demonstrate and you will help and taste the results, including cocktails! Go home with new ways of looking and preparing all the dishes, complete with recipes. Get spicy this summer!
$20 Starters, Salads & Snacks. With the help of Kim Cress from Navidi’s Olive Oil & Vinegar you are in for some enticing and easy ideas to impress your family and friends using Navidi’s Olive Oils and Balsamic vinegars. You will leave this class with some great take home recipes and be inspired to get cooking in your own kitchen, using healthy Oils and Vinegars. Additionally these classes are sooooo fun, complete with cocktails and sampling every dish you create!
Here are a few things you will be making Strawberry Champagne cocktail Zesty Lime Pretzels Balsamic Asparagus Green Apple Truffle Slaw Roasted Ratatouille Cups About Kim Cress - Kim has working in the Culinary & Hospitality worlds since she was 16, from prep cook to Chef De Cuisine. Beginning on the east coast she migrated west, her longest stint in the Northwest with Lisa Schroeder, owner of Mother’s Bistro & Bar in PDX.
Pairing Charcouterie and Craft Beer, The Winning Combination THURS 6/21 | 5:30PM
$20 Let our amazing in-house Specialty Team get you ready to impress at your summer celebrations with our Charcuterie and Brew class! Native Bendite Katie Cobb and crew will hand pick the perfect charcuterie platters and carefully pair them with your favorite local craft beer. Finding that perfect fine cheese that compliments the right gourmet salami and the cold craft brew to tie it all together… It’s what we do every day. On this special evening, our experts will walk you through the process while you get to put your feet up and sample it all. It will all take place in our lovely little airy café in the Forum Shopping Center. We’ll see you there!
Whole Foods Market, the finest natural and organic grocery store, has been in Bend since 2001! Your Whole Foods Market maintains the strictest quality standards in the industry and has an unshakeable commitment to sustainable agriculture. Add to that the excitement and fun we bring to shopping for groceries and you start to get the sense of what we’re all about.
This will be a five-course Dinner, including beer pairings: The Culinary Team: Zoë Ditmore is the owner of The Jerk Kings, operates two food carts specializing in Caribbean cuisine. One cart is located at Wild Ride in Redmond, the second will be opening in Bend this Summer. Zoë was born and raised in Barbados. After moving to the U.S. with her family, she attended and graduated from the Cascade Culinary Institute in Bend, Zoe is delighted to be able to share some of her Caribbean cuisine! Wild Ride Brewing is a Production Brewery and Tap Room located in the heart of downtown Redmond, Oregon.
Craft Spirits Chef’s Dinner at Currents at the riverhouse THU, JUNE 21 | 6PM | 3075 US-97 BUS, BEND, OR 97703
$80 Join Executive Chef, Michael Stanton, as he draws on his deep experience in the culinary world to highlight the local distilled spirits and seasonal foods of Central Oregon. The site is one of the most scenic in Bend, weather permitting on the deck along the river. This will be a 5 course spirits paired dinner featuring several of our locally distilled liquors. Courses will be matched with straight spirits and some with cocktails, demonstrating innovative ways to pair.
Rainshadow Organics Field to Table Dinner with beer pairings by Silver Moon Brewing WED, JUNE 20 | 6PM | 71290 HOLMES RD, SISTERS $78
Rainshadow Organics is hosting a truly authentic farm-to-table dinner. Culinary masters, Rebecca Sokol and Wendy DiPaolo, will serve up a hearty gourmet meal prepared entirely from this highly diverse organic farm. Wendy DiPaolo opened a catering company in 1983, in the Bay Area., where working with local, organic farms, she learned an appreciation of working with what the farm had to offer. Moving to Central Oregon in 2010, she began collaboration at Rainshadow Organics. Rebecca Sokol has been at Rainshadow Organics since the beginning where she farms and chefs, She is passionate about her Mediterranean roots, spending summers north of Barcelona. Sarahlee Lawrence is the farm manager at Rainshadow Organics. She converted her family’s farm to certified organic from a small hay and cattle operation in 2010.
FAith hope & Charity Vineyards Tuscan Wine Makers Dinner
$95 Savor the taste of Tuscany as the sun sets over the alluring Faith Hope and Charity Vineyards outside of Terrebonne. Nestled between MsKenzie and Buckhorn Ridges, the 300 acre farm boasts an exquisite view of the vineyards namesake,The Three Sisters Mountains Faith Hope and Charity. Guests will enjoy a private tour of the vineyard with the owners, glass of wine and bite in hand, followed by a 5 course Tuscan inspired meal created by Chef Elizabeth Grundy. The fresh authentic flavors will be perfectly paired with the vineyards award winning wines, with the the vineyards sommelier Kjersten Vimmerstedt on hand to discuss them. There will be live music throughout the evening as the stars come out.
health • wellness • nutrition PRESENTED BY:
Participating Vendors Susi Q Skin Plasker Chiro The Bend Premier Real Estate Bite of Bend is pleased to welcome the first ever Conscious Living Showcase. It’s a wonderfully popular shout-out to those businesses who help us live a healthy lifestyle in Central Oregon. This year the showcase will boast more than 10 exhibitors from the areas of nutrition, health and wellness. Lay It Out Events proudly welcomes Esthetix MD Spa & Laser Center as the 2018 Conscious Living Showcase title sponsor, who made this new addition to Bite of Bend possible.
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My goal is to get you out of pain and back to your normal daily activities. I treat Work injury, car accident, chronic pain, headaches, joint issues and much more. Please visit me near the main crossroads(west side) during Bite of Bend for a complimentary spine scan. †at the time of bottling ††Contains a trace amount of alcohol
Al Forno Llc Bonta Natural Artisan Gelato China Station Cody’s Catering And Cookshop Circa 1880 Llc Curbside Bistro Dark Side of the Q Donnie Q’s Kettle Corn Duda’s Aussie Meat Pies Dump City Dumplings Famous Kettle Korn Fries A La Carte Full Moon Crepes Greekstreet Catering Island Noodles J Dub Lajitana Little Makana Mountain Coffee Noi Pantry
Rico’s Tacos Samurai Teriyaki Sarika Thai Scout Post Senior C’s Street Tacos Shred Town Food Cart Summer’s Flower Cotton Candy The Doner Haus The Jerk Kings The Pizza Cart
Marketplace Bee The Change Behind The Scenes Badass Sign Co Bend Laser Lipo Blissbiz Branch And Barrel Brew Dr Kombucha Busy Izzy Foods Caramel Kitchen Country Financial
Country Strong Ammo Jewelry Crispin’s Import Gallery Cutco Dakotas Brick Shop Ferrum Technology Floor Coveringss International Hawaiian Moon Hellofresh Hot Tube Warehouse Kitchen Craft Manu Matt Herberling / Farmers Insurance Meli Wraps Llc Nomad Leather Outfitter At Inn At The 7Th Mountain Pioneer Ranch Prep- A Chefs Kitchen Quorn Foods Usa The Iphone Guy Too Sweet Cakes Upstar Nutrition Llc Urban Forest Tree Service
Conscious Living Bahko Eyewear Copper Venus Doterra Ds Johnson Enterprises Eternal Health Chiropractic Greenwood Fit Planet Fitness Heart Of Life Living Well Physical Therapy Plasker Chiropractic Stone Lodge Retirement Susie Q Skincare
Mixology Crater Lake Spirits Hard Times Distillery Heritage Distillery Improper Goods Navidi’s Olive Oils And Vinegars Oregon Spirit Distillers Thomas & Sons Distillery Vivacity Fine Spirits
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UNITED WE STAND. UNITED WE WIN. hood, Tirto Furniture has a large selection of rustic yet modern DESCHUTESUNITEDWAY.ORG (206) 322-0597 541-389-6507 furniture.,
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health • wellness • nutrition
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Citizen with Potential
By Lisa Sipe
Can cocktails solve an identity crisis? By Lisa Sipe
“I want Citizen to be inviting. That’s why you seat yourself. I didn’t want it to feel stuffy.” and lime garnish. The Kentuckiano was boozy—which I appreciated because I like to taste alcohol in my cocktails. If you like Manhattans, you’ll enjoy the Kentuckiano. I also tried Meyer’s spicy margarita. The heat from the muddled
Business partners Sanda Costello and Gene Soto already had a successful catering company, Bowtie Catering Co., before opening Citizen Bar & Kitchen.
Lisa Sipe
Cork & Barrel: The Fundraiser Wine Lovers Shouldn’t Miss
jalapeño bloomed in my mouth, and the sweet pineapple balanced the flavors and calmed my hot taste buds. I asked Meyer if she thought the menu seemed weird. I was surprised to see buffalo chicken wings alongside appetizers such as grilled artichokes with preserved lemon aioli and steamed clams with pork belly and house grilled crusty bread. The list of entrees also included fancier items such as scratch pasta with pea and Pacific Northwest foraged mushrooms, as well as a burger and a pastrami sandwich, which I would consider more pub food than New American. Really though, the menu seemed so strange to me because not long before my friend, Karin Roy, had texted me photos of the elegant dishes she ate at the opening. Her photos looked nothing like what was on this menu. I know Chef Mason cooks seasonally, the had menu probably changed, but something was off. Later in the evening Costello sat down with us. It’s easy to connect with her; she’s charming and has the kind of magnetic personality perfect for the restaurant world. A few months ago, Costello became an American citizen. She’s originally from Romania, so it’s the reason the restaurant has its name. About opening the restaurant, she said, “I want Citizen to be inviting. That’s why you seat yourself. I didn’t want it to feel stuffy.” Then she let us know Chef Mason was no longer with them, saying they let him go two weeks after the restaurant opened. Costello said not enough people were “getting” the menu. They had to explain a lot of the ingredients, and many diners felt the portion sizes were small. Costello and Soto were worried their new restaurant wouldn’t be successful if they didn’t try to cater to their clientele, so they added dishes including chicken
Each year Cork & Barrel raises money for KIDS Center with a truly special event celebrating food and a select region of wine. This year will showcase 17 wineries from Sonoma County, the region devastated by the extreme fire season last year in California. There are several avenues to take part. You can attend an intimate winemaker dinner, an evening where small bites are paired with wine, or an elegant dinner where you can taste three wines from every winery. The vintner or principal of the wineries will be at the events, so you can get the inside scoop on their grapes. You really don’t want to miss this event if you love wine. It’s an opportunity to support a great cause and visit an entire wine region without leaving Central Oregon. Cork & Barrel
July 19-21
5 Delicious Ideas for Father’s Day Above, burger. Below, Say hello to the Kentuckiano—a bartender’s nightmare—a cocktail with a ton of ingredients and the boozy kick of a Manhattan.
wings and sandwiches. Currently, Soto is the chef, and he and Costello are balancing their catering company and the new restaurant. The food we had at Citizen was good, but besides the cocktails and freshbaked bread with two kinds of butter— blue cheese and rosemary—nothing we ate really stood out. We ordered chicken wings and a burger, but you can order them across the street or next door. Citizen has an identity problem, but one I believe they can fix. Costello showed me the building’s creepy, cool basement with original lava rock walls, which she dreams of turning into a speakeasy— the kind where you need to be in the know to get in. With the great cocktails, I think that just might be the key to finding Citizen’s place in the world. SW Citizen Bar & Kitchen
1045 NW Bond St., Bend 541-241-8711
Connecting with dad around a meal is the perfect Father’s Day activity. Here are some of the organizations, restaurants and schools offering something special. Cook for Father’s Day - Adult Class Fri., June 15, 5:30pm to 9:30pm, $95 Kindred Creative Kitchen
Cooking with Beer - Adult Class Sat., June 16, 5:30pm to 9:30pm, $85 Kindred Creative Kitchen
Father’s Day Breakfast Buffet at Prineville Elks 1814
Sun., June 17, 8am to 10am, $8, Dads Eat Free 151 N. Main St., Prineville
Father’s Day BBQ at Bend Elks Lodge #1371
Sun., June 17, noon to 3pm 63120 Boyd Acres Rd., Bend
Sanchovore Father’s Day Farm to Table Dinner
Sun., June 17, 4:30pm to 7:30pm, $65/$75 61900 Anker Ln., Bend
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 16, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
hen Luke Mason left the French Market last year, I was disappointed. He’s a wildly creative chef, dedicated to farm-to-table cuisine, who can turn a plate of simple carrots or mushrooms into a flavor adventure. When I heard he was the executive chef at a new restaurant, Citizen Bar & Kitchen, I couldn’t wait to enjoy a menu from him again. Located in the former High Tides Seafood Grill spot on Bond Street in downtown Bend, Citizen Bar & Kitchen is owned by the team from Bowtie Catering Co., Sanda Costello and Gene Soto. The pair remodeled the interior, uncovering the original 1927 wood floors and adding a bar. The walls are a velvety shade of charcoal, the light fixtures are modern and reclaimed wood acts as rich wall art. The overall feel is hip and modern, but the “seat yourself” sign is a reminder that it’s still casual. My dining partner, Dee Meyer and I found a table away from the two large parties seated at the front of the restaurant. We ordered cocktails so we could take our time looking over the menu. I ordered the Kentuckiano cocktail purely because it was labeled as the bartender’s nightmare, on account of its volume of ingredients: bourbon, Amaro Nonino, Aperol, Dolin Rouge Vermouth, Peychaud’s Bitters and an orange peel. Meyer had a harder time choosing a drink. She wanted a light, refreshing glass of Riesling, but there wasn’t one on the wine list. Instead she ordered a spicy Marjorie, a margarita with fresh muddled jalapeños, pineapple juice, lime juice, triple sec with a jalapeño
Delivery is Here. WE KNOW, IT’S ABOUT TIME. Shop the best dispensaries in Bend, purchase your favorite products, and have them delivered, or ready for pickup, in minutes. The wait is over.
Humming Right Along
Bend’s kombucha king goes worldwide, and expands its local taproom
By Kevin Gifford
Bits at the Bite The Source staff’s can’t-miss happenings at the Bite of Bend this week
Friday June 15
6 pm - Bartender’s Brawl – Watch local bartenders vie for the title of Best Bartender #inBend. Source Editor Nicole Vulcan and food writer Lisa Sipe will be at the judge’s table, dutifully sippin’ on all the clutch cocktails. It’s a hard job, but someone has to do it…
Humm’s Michelle Mitchell welcomes one and all to the renovated taproom in NE Bend.
t’s hard not to like Humm Kombucha. Going to their recently-remodeled taproom on NE 2nd Street in Bend, visitors are greeted with a very airy, wide-open space offering 23 taps, including both their kombucha and special-guest beers and ciders, including the Humm Zinger radler made in collaboration with Deschutes Brewery. The renovation includes a walk-in cooler with bottled goods, as well as a selection of grab-n-go salads and dishes from restaurants around Bend—along with rotating food trucks outside. Families are everywhere, and the vibe is pure keep-it-local Bendian.
least the Humm name. Mitchell and her founding partner Jamie Danek began selling their kitchen-brewed beverages under the name Kombucha Mama in 2009. The name change “came about because we knew that we wanted this to grow nationally,” Mitchell notes. “When we first started, there was a survey that showed only about 3 percent of
The company that began in Mitchell’s kitchen is now large enough to produce around 1.5 million 14-ounce bottles per month. “That’s all by design,” says Humm co-founder Michelle Mitchell, who was busy helping around the brewer’s Hummfest last weekend. “With the new manufacturing facility that we opened last year, we were able to move the brewing equipment out of our original location and work on the taproom more, making it more of a neighborhood destination.” This year’s Hummfest marks the fifth anniversary of Humm itself, or at
Americans knew what kombucha was at all. We thought there was a lot of potential for this.” Which raises the question: How do you sell a beverage that has kind of a funky name and whose ingredients remain a mystery to a lot of people? “We did product samples—a lot of them,” Michelle emphasizes. “We went all over the U.S.—to Targets, Safeways, to Publix supermarkets down in the South. It’s really a matter of bringing the product
out to people, talking about how it’s made and the nutrition it has, and then they realize it tastes good. A lot has changed in the past five years in terms of recognition.” It certainly has. The company that began in Mitchell’s kitchen is now large enough to produce around 1.5 million 14-ounce bottles per month. It distributes to all 50 states, has a partnership with a Swedish company to brew and manufacture Humm in Europe, and is set to open an East Coast production facility in Roanoke, Va., in the same industrial park Deschutes Brewery is set to build in. In its beverage-industry niche, Humm Kombucha is one of the giants—but over on 2nd Street, it’s still a nice, chill, family-friendly taproom, great for hanging out at for a couple hours on a hot summer’s afternoon. SW Humm Kombucha 1125 NE 2nd St., Bend 541-306-6329
8:30 pm – Enter the Haggis band – Any band named after Scotland’s most loved—and feared–dish—simply has to be seen. Plus, we’ll be wrapping up the festivities at the Bartender’s Brawl… so… let’s party!
Saturday June 16
11 am – Top Chef Competition, Round 1. Source food writer Lisa Sipe will be among the judges, tasting local chefs’ awesome creations. See rounds 2 and 3 at 1 pm and 3 pm. Bite Vendors — A big part of the Bite of Bend: Sampling the bites from local food spots. Our picks for great bites: Scout Post (our 2018 Food Cart of the Year, in our Restaurant Guide), Duda’s Aussie Meat Pies (check out our review of their brick and mortar at and The Jerk Kings (winner of Best Food Cart in our 2016 Best Of readers’ poll). But hey, we can’t wait to try ‘em all…
Sunday June 17
3:30 pm — Top Chef Competition Finals. Who’s the best chef in Bend? We’ll be there to find out…
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 16, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
A scene from the Bartender’s Brawl prelims at Worthy Brewing May 7.
float the river in
easy steps Start at the new Park & Float on Simpson Ave. with parking, tube rentals, lifejackets and a shuttle service - everything you need for a great day on the river.
Start at the Park & Float.
Virtual tour, maps & shuttle information at
Gear up.
Go float.
Return or repeat via the shuttle.
CALENDAR CONT. FROM PG 28 and comfortable in recognizing and initiating effective CPR and how to appropriately use an AED in a safe and effective manner. Ticket includes two free beer tokens and a 2-year CPR/ AED certification card from ASHI. Sunday, June 17, 3-6pm. 10 Barrel Brewing Co. Pub & Brewing Facility, 62950 NE 18th St, Bend. $75.
to pinpoint your location, understand basic compass skills, analyze different types of hiking maps and discover GPS apps on your phone to help find your way to your destination and back again. Learn which skills and tools are best for different adventure scenarios. Sign up for one or all at Wednesday, June 13, 6pm. ae Creative, 2115 NE Division St. Bend, OR. $20/drop-in.
Feng Shui Workshop: Symbols of Success, Prosperity & Good Fortune
Registration Opens: Writing in the Pines Reboot your creative practice in the great Saturday, June 16, 1-3pm. Bend, Oregon, Bend, OR 97701, 97702, 97703, 97707–97709. $45.
Fine Art Classes Learn the flexibility of acrylics. All ages and skill levels welcome. Join us for two hours of instruction and take home a finished painting you will be proud to share! Contact: 360-880-5088, Fridays, 10am-Noon. Hobby Lobby, 3188 N Hwy 97 Suite 119, Bend. $20/week. Japanese Group Lesson We offer group lessons for both beginners and intermediate students for Japanese for all ages. Wednesdays, 5-6pm. Wabi Sabi, 830 NW Wall St, Bend. $10. Jewelry - Earring Workshop In the 2.5-
hour class, you’ll craft 2 pairs of earrings to take home using basic jewelry making techniques. Each student learns how to manipulate copper, brass and silver wire to form and forge various shapes, as well as making his/her own ear wires. We will cover how to add various hammered textures to the metal to further customize your pieces and wire-wrap beads or gemstones. All materials and tools are provided. No experience is necessary. Open to students age 14+. Space is limited to 6 students. 20% Discount to DIY Cave members. Wednesday, June 13, 6-8:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $55.
Mom & Baby Yoga Mothers with babies
through early walkers are invited to stretch, strengthen, relax and have fun in a child friendly environment. Moms will focus on shoulder opening, easy yoga sequences and postnatal core-building while spending time bonding with their babies and connecting with fellow new moms. No yoga experience necessary. Class cards and memberships available. Class cards are valid for all Tula Movement Arts classes and can be shared among family members. Tuesdays, Noon-1pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $17/drop-in.
MultiLevel AcroYoga An all levels AcroYo-
ga class. Blends partner acrobatics and yoga in a fun, safe and accessible way. The class will follow the same basic theme with various tracks for beginner, intermediate and advanced students. No partner necessary. Class cards and memberships available. Tuesdays, 7:309pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $17/drop-in.
Nature Connection for All Ages Mindfully experiencing nature can heal the soul, promote wellness, and unleash new depths of creative expression. Join life coach & certified teacher Susan Prince for outdoor nature connection, journaling, & more! June 21-23. Join us for one session or all three. Pre-registration required; sliding scale donation.Families welcome. Limited spaces available. Thursday, June 21, 10am. Sisters. Oriental Palm Reading Discover how the
brain, nerves, and lines connect in palmistry. Wednesdays, 6-7pm. Wabi Sabi, 830 NW Wall St, Bend. $10.
Outdoor Adventure Series: Get There!
In this class you’ll learn how to use environmental clues and situational awareness
outdoors! Appropriate for published writers & secret journalers alike. Part of Solstice in the Pines. Sunday, June 10, midnight. Sisters, Oregon, Sisters.
Solstice Herbs & Meditation Explore and meditate on herbs appropriate for the longest day of the year, with theater artist and herbology leader Maesie Speer. Adults & teens welcome, on-site outdoor childcare available for younger kids. Limited spaces available, pre-reg required. Free. Donations requested. Thursday, June 21, 2pm. Sisters. Solstice Pollination Celebration During
National Pollinator Week, get a tour of plants that are good for pollinators, and make a “pollinator crown” - a flower crown with insect adornments - to take home! For kids and adults. To sign up, stop by the garden center or call 541318-6155 to reserve your spot with your payment - classes fill up fast! Tuesday, June 19, 5:30-7pm. Moonfire & Sun Garden Center, 61944 SE 27th St. Bend. $20.
Summer Solstice Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra A nurturing and introspective two-hour
class to celebrate the longest day of the year with relaxation, yoga and meditation. Enroll online at for $30 or call 541-322-9642 to register at a different rate on the scale. Wednesday, June 20, 5-7pm. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Dr, Suite 113, Bend. Sliding Scale $20-$40.
Tarot for the Creative Soul Explore Tarot under the pines near Sisters! Learn to tap your intuition, shake up preconceptions, and delve into your creative spirit. (Part of Solstice in the Pines.) Your workshop leader is T, a.k.a. Miss Magdalen of Mystical Mayhem. The creator of the Burning Tarot deck and related art projects at Burning Man and elsewhere, she’s been reading Tarot for nearly 30 years. Please send email to if interested. Sliding scale, suggested donation is $10-40 per class. Location will be outdoors within a 5-10 minute drive of Downtown Sisters. Pre-registration required. Thursday, June 21, 1-2pm. Sisters. WaterWise Workshop Series: Irrigation Guide Join the OSU Master
Gardeners™, OSU Extension Service and City of Bend WaterWise Program for a June workshop series dedicated to water-wise landscape and irrigation. Learn the basics of owning, maintaining and repairing a landscape irrigation system in Bend. In this high level introduction to irrigation systems, attendees will learn about basic irrigation system components, routine maintenance requirements and how to make simple repairs. Wednesday, June 20, 6-8pm. Hollinshead Park, 1235 NE Jones Rd. Bend. Free.
WaterWise Workshop Series: Lawn Care Join the OSU Master Gardeners™, OSU
Extension Service and City of Bend WaterWise Program for a June workshop series dedicated to water-wise landscape and irrigation. This interactive workshop provides attendees with an understanding of what it takes to maintain a healthy lawn in Central Oregon. Thursday, June 21, 6-8pm. Hollinshead Park, 1235 NE Jones Rd. Bend. Free.
37 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Drink Beer Save Lives: Featuring 10 Barrel East The Mission: To get you confident
On-site Rentals in the Old Mill tubes | surf & boogieboards | SUPs | kayaks At the 2018
Tasting Room Now Open!
Newions! locat Rent today at these convenient locations! Tumalo Creek Bend Rent kayaks, SUPs, surf & boogieboards OPEN year round - 805 SW Industrial Way, Bend
Riverbend Park Rent kayaks & SUPs OPEN Memorial Day thru Labor Day - 799 SW Columbia St, Bend
Park & Float Rent river tubes, surf & boogieboards
Join us every Friday & Saturday 3-7pm June through September
Opening June 16th with city shuttle
OPEN thru Labor Day - Bradbury & Simpson Ave, Bend
Tumalo Creek Sunriver Rent kayaks, canoes & SUPs OPEN April thru October - 56805 Veture Ln, Sunriver
256 E. Barclay Drive, Sisters or 541.317.9407 for rates
EVENTS West African Drumming Level 1
Learn traditional rhythms, and experience the brain-enhancing, healing and joyful benefits from David Visiko. A beginner class open to all. Contact: 541-760-3204, for more info. Mondays, 5:30-6:30pm. Djembe Dave’s Home Studio, 63198 de Haviland St, Bend. $15/class.
West African Drumming Level 2 Meet
West African Drumming Level 3 Build
welcome! No minimum participants and No fundraising requirement. Contact ASO at info@ for more info before registering. Saturday, June 16, 10am-1:30pm. Highland Baptist Church, 3100 Southwest Highland Avenue. Redmond. $14/adults, $11/ kids 3-12.
Central Oregon Saturday Market Where
Friday Night Salon & Community Potluck Join us on the third Friday of every
on your knowledge, technique, and performance skills. Teacher/troupe director David Visiko and members of Fe Fanyi study, practice and play joyfully. Contact: 541-760-3204, DjembeDave@ for more info. Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. Djembe Dave’s Home Studio, 63198 de Haviland St, Bend. $15/class.
month for Shakti Rising & Sol Alchemy’s Friday Night Salon! For newcomers to our community, we offer an embodied experience of our work, a tour of our space and a delicious potluck dinner. 6:30pm: Tour & Orientation; 7:45pm: Potluck Dinner. Friday, June 15, 6:30pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd, #A-5, Bend. Free.
Youth/Adult Slackline This class will be a
Happy Hour in the Garden - Special Edition! School is out, but gardens are still
combination of basic poses, transitions, floor exercises, stamina drills and games. All ages and levels welcome. Class cards and memberships available. Tuesdays, 5-6pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $18/ youth drop-in, $20/adult drop-in.
EVENTS Ales & Tails Adoption Day Every other
Wednesday throughout the Summer, you can come meet adorable furry animals available for adoption including: puppies, dogs, kittens and cats. The animals will be playing outside on our lawn waiting to meet their future families while you sip on a pint! Adopt, don’t shop! Wednesday, June 13, 4-7pm. Bend Brewing Co, 1019 NW Brooks St, Bend.
Bend Farmers Market Bend Farmers Market is blossoming into one of Oregon’s leading farm-direct marketplaces! Join us every Wednesday May 2 through October 10. Wednesdays, 2-6pm. Bend Farmers Market, Brooks Alley, Downtown Bend. Bend, OR. Benefit Yard Sale for Genealogical Society One-day indoor “Yard Sale” to raise funds
for genealogy. There might not be a kitchen sink, but there will be thousands of items (no clothes or big appliances). Ask us about genealogy when you come! Questions? Call 541-317-9553 or email us at: Saturday, June 16, 8am-3pm. Williamson Hall at Rock Arbor Villa, 2200 NE Hwy 20. Bend, OR. Free.
Boss Babes Pop-Up Shop Featuring
goodies from local artists: macrame, succulents, jewelry, hand embroidery, paintings and more for sale! Friday, June 15, noon-4pm. Too Sweet Cakes, 1012 SE Cleveland Square Loop, Bend.
Central Oregon Autism Walk The Autism Society of Oregon (ASO) 5th Annual Autism Walk and Family Fun Day in Central Oregon. Teams
the seller is the maker since 1974. Adoptable dogs brought to you by Street Dog Hero, live music and the largest selection of local artisans and craft masters east of the Cascades! Call 541-420-9015 for more info. Saturday, June 16, 10am-4pm. Downtown Bend.
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
new people, have fun learning West African rhythms on the djembe and dunun drums! Drums provided. Contact: 541-760-3204, for more info. Thursdays, 6-7:30pm. Djembe Dave’s Home Studio, 63198 de Haviland St, Bend. $15/class.
growing! So we’re throwing an extra special Happy Hour in the Garden to kick off our summer fundraising campaign. It’s time to replenish our School Garden Grant fund so that more local kids can get outside and reap the benefits of learning in a garden. Our goal is to raise $7,500 from donors by July 27th. Volunteer for an hour or two (fun, easy gardening tasks), and we’ll provide cold beverages from Boneyard Beer & Caboost Kombucha, snacks, and live music. Visit for more info. Happy Hour in the Garden is every Tuesday from 4-6 pm, May through August. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend.
Healing From the Heart Community Healing/Food Drive Our practitioners will
rotate through The Blissful Heart Yoga Barn each week, allowing you to experience a variety of modalities. Among them are: Reiki, Pranic Healing, Tarot readings, chakra cleansing, energy field balancing, intuitive readings, essential oils, sound healing and flower essences. If you are a practitioner and wish to join us, please contact or Nancy at (458) 2561292. Wednesdays, 2-5pm. The Blissful Heart, 29 NW Greeley Ave, Bend.
Pints in Honor of Rhett Larsen In honor
of the tragic loss of our friend and community member, Rhett Larsen, we will be donating $1 per pint sold at our Bend Public House on Wednesday, June 13 to the Bend Fire Association. Deschutes Brewery Public House, 1044 NW Bond St, Bend.
Preventative Walk-in Pet Wellness Clinic First come, first served. Vaccines, micro-
chips, toenail trims and de-worming available. Service fees can be found at Saturdays, 10am. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson Ave, Bend.
Join Deschutes Brewery in honoring the memory of Rhett Larsen with a fundraiser for the Bend Fire Association at Deschutes Brewery Bend Public House 6/13.
Solstice Labyrinth & Drum Circle Here
comes the sun! Celebrate midsummer with a labyrinth walk, then a campfire and potluck. Families welcome. Thursday, June 21, 5:30pm. Sisters Community Labyrinth, East Portal Park on S. Hood Ave near intersection of Hwy’s 20 and 242, Sisters.
Spin 4 Kids A stationary bike event where riders
can sign up to ride for a minimum 1 hour, up to 6 hours. All proceeds go to support much needed after school programs in Redmond. A great introduction to a fun exercise experience, but most importantly it is a chance to support an event that aims to leverage community support and raise awareness for the importance of safety, supervision, and affordable learning experiences outside of the classroom. Saturday, June 16, noon-6pm. Wild Ride Brewing, 332 SW Fifth St., Redmond. $35/adv., $40/door.
“Stoke Your Woke” Circle Conversation Come experience a soulful circle session
to reconnect with ourselves, deepen conversations and create a world that works for us all! This Sol Alchemy-infused session will include: movement and yoga to drop-in, a writing and facilitated sharing session and close with celebratory music, dance and revelry. $15-20 sliding scale investment. Monday, June 18, 6:308:30pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd, #A-5, Bend.
Summer Star Gazing See what the Central Oregon night sky has to offer! Open house viewing includes a peek through Hopservatory’s 16-inch research-grade telescope. No registration required; simply take the spiral staircase or elevator directly to the 3rd floor Hopservatory during open hours.? Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday, 9-10pm. ?Friday & Saturday, 9-11pm. Kids 6 & under are free. Wednesday, May 30, 9pm. Worthy Garden Club, 495 NE Bellevue Dr, Bend. $5/suggested donation.
GREETINGS FROM THE STATE OF SELF RELIANCE Installing solar is a great way to turn your rays into watts and your watts into cash. Energy Trust of Oregon can connect you with a solar contractor for an estimate and put you on the path to generating your own power. We’ve helped thousands of businesses and homeowners save money with solar. You’re next.
+Get more from your energy. Visit or call us at 1.866.368.7878. Serving customers of Portland General Electric and Pacific Power.
AUG 12, 2018
Join the Central Oregon Homebrewers Organization the third Wednesday of every month at Aspen Ridge.
Tentsile Hops & Maps Drink beer, read
maps, share stories, and celebrate 50 years of Wild & Scenic Rivers while supporting our local forests. Friday, June 15, 6-8pm. Tentsile Bend, 50 SE Scott Street, #1, Bend.
Texas Hold ‘em Poker Join us for Poker Night upstairs at The Saloon! First hand dealt at 7pm, so grab a seat early! Contact: 541-549-7427 for more info. Wednesdays, 7pm. Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill, 190 E Cascade Ave, Sisters. $20/buy-in.
The Solstice Market Celebrate summer
with handcrafted and local goods, food, music, and libations on our patio and in the shop! Thursday, June 21, 6-10pm. The Workhouse, 50 SE Scott St #6, Bend.
SENIOR EVENTS Grassroots Cribbage Club Newcomers welcome. For info contact Sue at 541-610-3717. Mondays, 6-9pm. Bend Elks Lodge #1371, 63120 Boyd Acres Rd, Bend. Medical Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin Aid in the treatment of arthritis, Par-
kinson’s, cancer, fibromyalgia and the rehabilitation from surgery and injury. Wheelchairs and Walkers welcome. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 623-203-4883 for more info. Thursdays, 1-2pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend. $30/month.
Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin
Tai Chi not only helps to maintain a person’s physical health and mental balance but is also used to treat a number of illnesses without the use of any drugs. Certified and endorsed by The Oregon Council on Aging. Wednesdays, 10:3011:30am & Fridays, 10-11am. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 623-203-4883 for more info. Wednesdays & Fridays. La Pine Senior Activity Center, 16450 Victory Way, La Pine. $35/month, 2 classes per week.
MEETINGS Al-Anon Family Groups 12-step group for
friends and families of alcoholics. Check afginfo. org or call 541-728-3707 for times and locations. Various times and locations. Central Oregon, Countywide.
Alcoholics Anonymous If you want to
drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. Call Alcoholics Anonymous. Hotline: 541-548-0440. Or visit Various times and locations. Central Oregon, Countywide.
Bend Chamber Toastmasters Develop and grow your public speaking and leadership skills, whether you’re an executive, stay-at-home parent, college student or retiree. Wednesdays, Noon-1pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend. Bend “Go” Club Expand your mind playing
this ancient (yet modern) board game! Beginners welcome. Contact: 541-385-9198 for more info. Wednesdays, 2-5pm. Market of Choice, 115 NW Sisemore St, Bend. Free.
Central Oregon Homebrewers Organization A fun group of people, dedicated to
improving our craft. Educational sessions, group brewing, competitions, and other beer-related events. Third Wednesday of every month. Wednesday, June 20, 6:30-9pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend.
Citizens Climate Lobby Monthly Meeting The Citizens Climate Lobby works to
empower citizens to connect with and influence members of Congress to implement climate solutions. Second Wednesday of every month. Wednesday, June 13, 4-6pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend.
Emotions Anonymous EA provides a warm and accepting group setting in which to share experiences without fear of criticism. Through weekly support meetings, members discover they are not alone in their struggles. Meets Wednesdays at 9:30am & Thursdays at 10:30am. First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St, Bend.
tickets available at Newport MARKET or DINNER TICKETS available at the Athletic Club of Bend AND include general admission to concert. DINNER SERVED BY BISTRO 28.
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous Meeting A fellowship of individuals who,
through shared experience and mutual support, are recovering from the disease of food addiction. Based on the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Contact: 831-435-0680 for more info. Saturdays, 9-10:30am. Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 NE 27th St, Bend. Free.
Pet Loss Bereavement Group Process
your loss, give and receive support to others also grieving and mourning the death of a pet and learn about the journey through grief. Call 541.706.0740 for location and details. Every third Tuesday of the month, 5:30-7pm. Love & Leash Therapy, LLC, 64682 Cook Ave, Bend. Free.
French Conversation Table Every first and third Monday of the month. All are welcome! Monday, June 18, 10:30am-12:30pm. Barnes and Noble, 2690 NE Hwy 20. Bend, OR.
Brought to you by
Presented by
We’re going backstage with
Ticket sponsor
Additionally sponsored by
41 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
BIKE PARK OPENS JUNE 16 Pass sale through July 8
GRAB SUMMER BY THE HANDLEBARS June 23 July 6 − 8 August 24 − 26 September 15
Subaru Outside Games Gravicross presented by 10 Barrel Brewing Volcanic Bike & Brew Fest Under Armour Mountain Running Series
Visit for current conditions and operating schedule.
EVENTS INCO Public Gathering Mission to promote understanding and respectful relationships among diverse faith communities in Central Oregon by offering opportunities for learning, fellowship and service together, partnering alongside organizations with similar interests to carry out this mission. Our gatherings are open to all. Third Wednesday of every month. Wednesday, June 20, noon. St. Helen’s Hall - Trinity Episcopal, 231 NW Idaho Ave, Bend.
! t a e H t o H t o H
Infant & Pregnancy Loss Support Group MISS Foundation peer-mediated support
group for mothers and fathers enduring the death of a child from any cause. Including, but not limited to: Infant/young child death, SIDS, stillbirth. Second Wednesday of every month. Wednesday, June 13, 7-8:30pm. Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct, Bend.
ng it all fro als, We’re coveri , street fairs and carniv ts en to foodie ev events! ces and film ra r o o td u o to
Italian Conversation Group Conversational Italian group in a relaxed atmosphere. Saturdays, 9:45-11am. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Free. League of Women Voters of Deschutes County Luncheon Different speaker each
month on issues important to our community. First Thursday, 11am-1pm. Black Bear Diner, 1465 NE 3rd St, Bend.
Marijuana Anonymous Meeting Know
you need to quit, but can’t? Help is here. Share experience, strength, and hope with each other. Thursdays, 7-8pm. Serenity Lane Outpatient Treatment, 601 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend.
Overeaters Anonymous Meeting A
fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. Contact: 541306-6844 for more info. Mondays & Thursdays, Noon-1pm. Saturdays, 9:30am-11am. United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St., Bend. | Wednesdays, 4-5pm. Redmond Senior Center, 325 NW Dogwood Ave., Redmond. Various times and locations . Central Oregon, Countywide.
Refuge Recovery Meeting A mindfulness-based addiction recovery community that practices and utilizes Buddhist philosophy and meditation as the foundation of the recovery process. Drawing inspiration from the core teachings of the Four Noble Truths, emphasis is placed on both knowledge and empathy as a means for overcoming addiction. Monday, June 18, 4:30-5:30pm. Wren and Wild, 910 NW Harriman St, Bend. Resist! Rally Weekly resistance protest,
theme of the week changes. Contact Vocal Seniority or Indivisible Bend for more info. Bring your signs, bring your attitude—and we’ll bring the bullhorn! Contact info@thevocalseniority. org for more info. Tuesdays, 11:30am-12:30pm. Peace Corner, Corner of NW Greenwood and NW Wall, Bend.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Support Group
Anyone with RA or similar auto-immune syndrome welcome. For more information contact Alyce Jantzen ( or Kristen Jones ( Third Tuesday of every month Tuesday, June 19, 4-5pm. Bend Memorial Clinic - Redmond, 865 SW Veterans Way. Redmond, OR.
Share your thoughts at the “Stoke Your Woke” Circle Conversation at Sol Alchemy Temple on Monday 6/18.
Socrates Cafe Group People from different backgrounds get together and exchange thoughtful ideas and experiences while embracing the Socratic Method. Open to all. Thursdays, 6-8pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Spanish Club Spanish language study and conversation group. All levels welcome. Contact 541-749-2010 for more info. Thursdays, 3:305pm.. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Free.
Don't miss your chance to bring the Heat! ADVERTISING DEADLINE: JUNE 15TH ON STANDS: JUNE 21ST
“Stoke Your Woke” Circle Conversation
Come experience a soulful circle session to reconnect with ourselves, deepen conversations and create a world that works for us all! This Sol Alchemy-infused session will include: movement and yoga to drop-in, a writing and facilitated sharing session and close with celebratory music, dance and revelry. $15-20 sliding scale investment. Monday, June 18, 6:30-8:30pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd, #A-5, Bend.
Transitions: Mama Circle It’s tough being
a mom. It’s easier with community. Join us for free, non-judgmental support. Share your concerns, questions, joys, challenges, experiences, and practical tips. Open to pregnant women and moms with littles. Call 541-306-8466 for more info. Wednesdays, 11am-12:30pm. babyPHASES, 759 NE Greenwood Ave #1, Bend. Free.
Women’s Cancer Support Group For the newly diagnosed and survivors of cancer. For information call: Judy, 541-728-0767. Candy, 907-209-8181. Call Musso on the call box upon arrival. Thursdays, 1-3pm. Mountain Laurel Lodge, 990 SW Yates Dr, Bend. Free. Zen Discussion & Meditation A week-
ly lay-led Dharma discussion and meditation (zazen). Open to all. Contact: 541-390-1220, Mondays, 6-8:30pm. St. Helen’s Hall - Trinity Episcopal, 231 NW Idaho Ave, Bend. Free.
Wine Clearance Sale Bend Wine Cellar
1444 NW College Way, Suite 8 2 to 5 PM ̴ Thursday and Saturday 541 385-9258
Get Inventory at
JEWELRY, GEM MINERAL SHOW Crook County Fairgrounds Prineville, Oregon
9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sunday Come See an Excellent Selection of Materials, including:
Obsidian, Petrified Wood, Jasper, Plume Agate, Limb Casts, Moss Agate, Thungereggs Crystals, Precious Gems, Jewelry, and LOTS MORE!
Come Enjoy:
• Dealer Booths • Inside & Outside Vendors from All Over the Nation • Field Trips - Friday, Saturday & Sunday 7:30 am • Public Oral Auction - Saturday Night 6:30pm
For More Information:
43 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
is bringing ly k e e W e c Hottest ’s The Sour r e m m u s the S our reader nnual Issue! sa Events in it m festivals,
CALL: 541-510-4750 VISIT: FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: Prineville Rockhound Pow Wow
enjoying the fine beer from 10 Barrel, Cascade Lakes, Deschutes and Immersion breweries along the way. Finish with a full beer while perusing the delicious vendors available at The Bite of Bend! 21+. Sunday, June 17, noon. Downtown Bend. $20/registration.
Bite of Bend Mixology Showcase This two-day event celebrates the best
of the region’s cocktail culture, including best spirits, mixers and latest cutting-edge cocktail techniques. Featuring competitions like the Bartenders Brawl, tastings, pairings, workshops and a gathering of industry professionals, cocktail connoisseurs and at-home mixologists. Fri, June 15, 5-9pm & Sat, June 16, noon-9pm. Downtown Bend. $15/20 token pass, $5/5 token pass.
Bite of Bend Culinary Class: Chocolate Bon Bons w/ Kindred Creative Kitchen Learn how to temper chocolate
for molds, make a hazelnut ganache and place finishing decorative flourishes on Bon Bons. Tuesday, June 19, 5-7pm. Standard TV and Appliance Demonstration Kitchen, 63736 Paramount Dr, Bend. $15.
Bite of Bend w/ Faith, Hope and Charity Vineyards Come find our booth at
Bite of Bend! Have a bite and a glass of wine while strolling the streets of downtown Bend, enjoying the company of others and some live entertainment. Friday, June 15- Sunday, June 17. Downtown Bend.
Bite of Bend Culinary Class: The Spice Merchant’s Secrets Join owner of
Savory Spice and spice merchant Matt Perry in exploring the culinary history of a handpicked assortment of the most exotic forward-trending spices and seasonings found in his Old Mill District shop. Taste and learn how to incorporate spices into your foods, drinks and desserts. Tuesday, June 19, 7-9pm. Standard TV and Appliance Demonstration Kitchen, 63736 Paramount Dr, Bend. $20.
Bite of Bend Culinary Class: The Three “S’s” of Carefree Entertaining
With the help of Kim Cress from Navidi’s Olive Oil & Vinegar you are in for some enticing and easy ideas to impress your family and friends using Navidi’s Olive Oil and Balsamic. You will leave this class with some great take home recipes and be inspired to get cooking in your own kitchen. Wednesday, June 20, 5am-7pm. Standard TV and Appliance Demonstration Kitchen, 63736 Paramount Dr, Bend. $20.
Bite of Bend Presents: A Caribbean Flight of Fancy Chef’s Dinner Join
Chef Zoe Ditmore and Wild Ride Brewing on a culinary tour through the isles of the Caribbean. Featuring cuisine from Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, with craft beer pairings from Wild Ride Brewery. Tuesday, June 19, 6pm. Wild Ride Brewing, 332 SW 5th Street Redmond. $55.
Bite of Bend Presents: Craft Spirits Chef’s Dinner Join Michael Stanton,
executive chef at Currents, as he draws on his deep experience in the culinary world to high-
Enjoy the Bloody Mary bar at Silver Moon Brewing’s Not’cho Grandma’s Bingo every Sunday.
light the local distilled spirits and seasonal foods of Central Oregon. This will be a 5-course dinner, paired with spirits selected from local distilleries. Thursday, June 21, 6-8:30pm. Currents at the Riverhouse, 3075 N HWY 97, Bend. $80.
Bite of Bend Presents: Field to Table Chef’s Dinner Culinary masters Rebecca
Sokol of Rainshadow Organics and Wendy DiPaolo of Willow Camp Catering are collaborating to serve up a hearty gourmet meal prepared entirely from this highly diverse organic farm. Beer pairings from Silver Moon Brewing. Wednesday, June 20, 6-8:30pm. Rainshadow Organics, 70955 NW Lower Bridge Way. Terrebonne. $80.
Cooking Class: Get Ready for Father’s Day Get ready to make a perfect dinner for
Father’s Day! Make a 3-course dinner including steak with Bordelaise sauce, the perfect potatoes and chocolate mousse. Each course paired with wine. Friday, June 15, 5:30-9:30pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $95/person.
Cooking With Beer Join me in this hands-on class where you will learn to make a 3-course dinner. Each course will be paired with a local beer! Saturday, June 16, 5:30-9:30pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $85/person.
VegNet Potluck Join central Oregon’s veg community at our monthly vegan potlucks! Socialize and learn about upcoming events. Please join our Facebook group “VegNet Bend Group” and Meetup group “VegNet Bend.” Third Saturday of every month. June 16, 6-8pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend.
BEER & DRINK Ales & Tails Adoption Day Every other
Wednesday throughout the Summer, you can come meet adorable furry animals available for adoption including: puppies, dogs, kittens and cats. The animals will be playing outside on our lawn waiting to meet their future families while you sip on a pint! Adopt, don’t shop! Wednesday, June 13, 4-7pm. Bend Brewing Co, 1019 NW Brooks St, Bend.
Beers, Bands & Public Lands Enjoy a sunny afternoon in Drake Park with a brew, great live music, and outdoor gear giveaways all while supporting your public lands! Saturday, June 16, 11:30am-7pm. Drake Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd, Bend. Free. Bite of Bend Beer Run The Bite of Bend Beer Run sends participants along a 5k race loop through Drake Park along the Deschutes River and back through Columbia Park,
Cooking With Beer Great food and great beer! Join me in this hands-on class where you will learn to make a 3-course dinner. Each course will be paired with a local beer! Saturday, June 16, 5:30-9:30pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $85/ person. Firkin’ Friday Fun We had so much fun tapping our first firkin’ we going to do it firkin’ every Friday. Every Friday we will feature a special cask-conditioned beer in our tasting room. Learn about cask beers and join us for a special taste, a sample or a pint. We only have one cask so when it’s gone, it’s gone! Friday, June 15, 1-4pm. Deschutes Brewery Tasting Room, 901 SW Simpson Ave, Bend. GoodLife Brewing 7th Anniversary Party All day fun with food trucks, yard games and live music beginning at 5pm. Saturday, June 16, noon-10pm. GoodLife Brewing, 70 SW Century Dr. Bend.
Not’cho Grandma’s Bingo (NGB) Ready
for the best bingo experience of your life? Breakfast/brunch menu, prizes/giveaways, mimosa flights and a Crater Lake Vodka Blood Mary bar with over 20 different ingredients. A large portion of all bingo sales benefits Central Oregon Search and Rescue Foundation. Doors open at 10:30am. Sunday, June 17, 11am-2pm. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave, Bend.
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45 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Bite of Bend The Bite of Bend celebrates the region’s unique ingredients, cuisine and culture by bringing together chefs, bartenders, brewers, food enthusiasts, home cooks, and local purveyors for a three-day food party on the streets of downtown Bend. Showcasing over 40 food vendors from around the region, there’s sure to be something for everyone. Friday, June 15 - Sunday, June 17. Downtown Bend. Free admission.
Art Making for Middle Schoolers Middle-schoolers will have a blast in this 2.5-hour class series while building their artistic abilities in a creative/supportive environment and be exposed to a wide range of mediums and the development of a personal portfolio of works. Students are encouraged to bring personal items they would like to re-purpose into their new art. Learn more and sign up at Use code S10 to save 10% off when signing up. Wednesday, June 13 or Wednesday, June 20, 2pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $30.
Paws to Read Reluctant readers read with
a dog. Ages 6-11 years. Online registration is required. Wednesday, June 20, 11am. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Bend. Free.
Rock Your World: Vision Board Party
Visualize your goals and dreams using art supplies and photography. Ages 12-17 years. Wednesday, June 20, 2-3:30pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Shearing Festival A fundraiser for St. Thomas Church of Redmond. Shearing, tours, raffle, food and drink, live music, spinning and eaving demos, free family fun! Saturday, June 16, 9am-1pm. Crescent Moon Ranch, 7566 N Hwy 97, Terrebonne. Free.
Batter Up! Bend Elks Baseball Win books and prizes. Show your library card, get in free! All ages. Tuesday, June 19, 6:30pm. Vince Genna Stadium, Fourth & Wilson Street. Bend, OR. Free. Big Kids Yoga This class is for older kids who want to learn more of the fundamentals of yoga through mindful games, breathing techniques, handstands and restorative poses with Deven Sisler. Learn how to self-regulate, focus and build stamina. Wednesdays, 4-5:15pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $6/ drop-in, $20/4-class series. BMX Practice & Racing Does your child
love to ride bikes? They will learn bike handling skills and develop confidence on our closed track in a safe environment under the tutelage of our track coach and staff. Riders of all skill levels welcome. Wednesdays, open practice is followed by racing at 6:45pm as possible, race fee is $8. E-mail with questions. Mondays, 5:30-7:30pm & Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30pm. High Desert BMX, 21690 Neff Rd, Bend. $5/open practice.
Cooking Up Love: Cooking Class Little
chefs are empowered to make food choices that show love to their bodies, brains, and the planet by learning to cook healthy, plant-based cuisine. Each week we’ll explore plant-based cuisine, learning valuable, life-long kitchen techniques and tools while integrating safety, food knowledge, vocabulary, math, science, world geography and nutrition. Register online at Class for Ages 4-6 - Monday, June 18, 5:30-6:30pm. Pure Joy Kitchen, 519 NW Colorado Ave. Bend. | Class for Ages 7-12 - Thursday, June 21, 4:30pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend.
Everything Zen Rocks Find your center
painting mandalas and decorating rocks. Ages 12-17 years. Saturday, June 16, 2:30pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Bend. Free.
Explore the beautiful world of butterflies at the Kids’ Butterfly Walk on the Metolius Preserve on 6/20.
Fathers Day Fathers admitted for free!
Sunday, June 17, midnight-11:59pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 U.S. 97, Bend. Free.
Innovation Lab: Design Inspired by Nature Learn how designers, engineers and
architects are taking a page out of nature’s book and create some designs of your own in this family-friendly exhibition! Free with museum admission. Sept. 2 through July 15. High Desert Museum, 59800 U.S. 97, Bend.
Kids’ Butterfly Walk Explore the delicate
and beautiful world of butterflies with the Deschutes Land Trust. This family-friendly walk around the Metolius Preserve will captivate your kids as they roam the forest searching for butterflies. Ages 4-10 with a grown-up. Register online at Wednesday, June 20, 10am-1pm. Metolius Preserve, near Camp Sherman. Free.
Kids ROCK(!) Choir Summer Workshop Beat the summer heat! Sign up for one of
our six-week workshops. Cool off and relax while your kids have fun singing, learn basic vocal skills and get tons of rockstar practice! Workshop culminates in a performance on July 16. Advanced registration required, visit singbend. com. Mondays, 4-5pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln, Ste 1, Bend. $60/child.
Kidz Night Out Every other Friday, DIYCave provides kids ages 7 and up a chance to play and celebrate with their peers for 3-hours of healthy,
Local artisans, live music & local food
fun time without their parents. We’ll feed them dinner, do activities and play. No drop-ins will be accepted due to material restriction/extensive preparation requirement. Learn more and sign up at Use code TS10 to save 10% off. Friday, June 15, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $15/child.
Little Hopper Root Beer Run Join us for another Kids Rock the Races event at the Bite of Bend, this time featuring root beer and ice cream! Kids between the ages of 3-10 will have a blast on this fun course! Participants will run the course while building key components of their root beer float. Saturday, June 16, noon. Troy Field, NW Bond Street and Louisiana Avenue. Bend. $5/entry. Musical Instrument Petting Zoo Cascade School of Music will introduce you to a variety of musical instruments and how to play them. All ages. Thursday, June 21, 10:30am. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Bend, OR. Free. Nature Connection for All Ages Mindfully
experiencing nature can heal the soul, promote wellness, and unleash new depths of creative expression. Join life coach & certified teacher Susan Prince for outdoor nature connection, journaling & more! June 21-23. Join us for one session or all three. Pre-registration required; sliding scale donation.Families welcome. Limited spaces available. Thursday, June 21, 10am. Sisters.
Sing Me a Story Storytelling and camp songs combine for the whole family to enjoy a concert that rocks with music and participation, followed by crafts. All ages. Monday, June 18, 2pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free. Storytime - Music, Movement & Stories Movement and stories to develop skills.
Ages 3-5 years. Tuesday, June 19, 11am. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free. | Tuesday, June 19, 10:30am. Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Ln. Sunriver, OR. Free. | Thursday, June 21, 10:30am. La Pine Public Library, 16425 1st Street, La Pine. Free.
Storytime Stroll: Be a Nature Detective Join the Deschutes Land Trust for a chil-
dren’s story time stroll through the Metolius Preserve. Kids will discover how rocks, plants and animals tell their own stories. Ages 4-8 with a grown-up. Register online at deschuteslandtrust. org/hikes. Saturday, June 16, 10am. Metolius Preserve, near Camp Sherman. Free.
The Science of Nature Weird musical
instruments & videos! Play and make an instrument. Ages 9-17 years. Thursday, June 21, 1pm. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. Free.
Youth Acro Fusion Program A dynamic, performance-based youth program combining hoop dance, partner acrobatics and circus yoga. Program culminates in final performance at Terpsichorean Dance Studio Annual Recital. Fridays, 4-5pm. Fridays, 4-5pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $50/month.
in the Blood SCREEN Terror “Hereditary” will mess you up By Jared Rasic 47 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
The family that stays together, dies forever.
orror movies are a lot like Frankenstein’s monster. They’re ugly and scary, but mostly misunderstood; shambling through the village inspiring terror when all they want is to be held. It’s a genre that’s never earned the respect it deserves because it’s seen as disposable, a forgettable diversion to have in the background while we Netflix and chill. Every so often a visionary director tips their toe in the bloody waters to create a horror masterpiece like “Rosemary’s Baby” or “The Witch,” but the genre is still so disrespected that those are considered “elevated” horror—like the movie transcends a
excited without letting expectation get the best of me. I was just not ready for another huge horror disappointment. Not only does “Hereditary” live up to the hype, but it’s genuinely the scariest horror movie I’ve seen theatrically. Ever. Go into the film spoiler free and learn what type of horror flick this is, at the same time as the characters. Experience their dread in real time as an average family slowly gets pulled into a nightmare of death and terror that becomes almost too intense to deal with. I haven’t been able to get the film out of my head since I saw it, lying in bed conjuring the imagery that writer/ director Ari Aster expertly deploys like a chemical weapon on audiences not prepared for the existential dread with their Not only does “Hereditary” live up to the hype, but it’s jump scares. genuinely the scariest horror movie I’ve seen theatrically. Ever. Toni Collette gives the performance of her career as Annie Graham, a wife, mother and a visual artist whose grief at the genre it’s too pretty to be a part of, a cinematic orphan that death of her mother is tempered by the mental illness the elderdoesn’t fit in anywhere, instead existing to draw in audiences ly woman was suffering. Watching Collette slowly lose it as she that normally wrinkle their nose at horror. begins witnessing flashes of unknowable evil is simultaneousEvery year a horror movie makes the rounds at film festi- ly sickening and heartbreaking. In a just world where horror vals, blowing usually squeamish audiences away, leading to received the same respect as gangster movies, Collette would advanced reviews that create an expectation that can never lead win every acting award possible over the next year. to anything other than disappointment. This leads to decent I’m really trying not to overhype this movie, but the screams horror flicks like “The Witch” and “It Follows” being treated and gasps that came out of the audience in the theater didn’t like game-changing masterpieces, only to be mocked by regular sound like the good-natured yelps people let out during a “A Quiaudiences as too arty or slow moving. et Place.” These people sounded like they were in pain, dealing “Hereditary” follows this pattern up to a point. Festival with their nightmares made manifest in a movie none of them reviews compared the film were prepared for. “Heredito “The Exorcist,” calling it tary” might not be a very fun the scariest movie in decades. movie to watch, but it’s an Hereditary Dir. Ari Aster The hype for the film has been unforgettable modern horGrade: A+ deafening in horror movie cirror masterpiece that will live Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX cles for six months, inspirin your blood for the days and ing me to be optimistically weeks to come. Have fun. SW
ACTION POINT: As funny as a movie about a dangerous amusement park should have been, “Action Point” manages to barely fi nd a single laugh during its entire running time. Only diehard fans of Johnny Knoxville need apply. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX ADRIFT: Here comes this year’s water survival epic following a couple marooned after sailing into one of the largest hurricanes in recorded history. Star Shailene Woodley deserves a solid movie to showcase her range, so hopefully this will bounce her onto the A-list. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House ANNIHILATION: Easily the weirdest and most surreal theatrical fi lm since Cronenberg was experimenting with body horror. Five women cross a boundary into an area slowly changing into something otherworldly and dangerous. The imagery in this fi lm will stay with you. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House
Hosted by:
years and 18 movies, but we’ve fi nally made it to the grand fi nale of the fi rst chapter of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While there are still plenty of laughs and a ton of fun to be had, expect a much darker superhero movie than Marvel normally releases. Easily one of the most epic movies ever made. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
BOOK CLUB: Diane Keaton, Jane Fonda,
Candice Bergen and Mary Steenburgen are all wonderful actresses, but spending 90 minutes with them writhing over how naughty “50 Shades of Grey” is sounds like a nightmare. Instead of “50 Shades,” they should have had those four national treasures take bath salts or something. Now that’s a movie I’d watch. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Redmond Cinema
DEADPOOL 2: The Merc with the Mouth is back in theaters with enough meta gags to fi ll a dozen sequels and more violence than “Saving Private Ryan” can shake a stick at. It’s everything you want from a sequel: the stakes are higher, the story is better and the laughs are less juvenile. Ryan Reynolds should keep making these movies forever. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Redmond Cinema GAME NIGHT: With a cast featuring Jason
Doors open AT 5:30 Show starts at 7:00 tickets available at Newport Market or DINNER TICKETS available at the Athletic Club of Bend AND include general admission to concert. DINNER SERVED BY BISTRO 28. CLEARSUMMERNIGHTS.COM
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Bateman, Rachel McAdams, Kyle Chandler, Lamorne Morris and Jesse Plemons, it’s really hard to go wrong. Luckily, “Game Night” works as a hilarious comedy and a mystery/thriller in equal measures, making for one of the most entertaining movies of the year. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema.
HEREDITARY: This is one horror movie that absolutely lives up to the hype as it constantly bombards the audience with some of the most nightmarish images ever put to fi lm. Toni Collette plays a woman dealing with grief, either losing her mind or dealing with some extremely evil supernatural shenanigans. You be the judge. See full review on p 63. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
LET THE SUNSHINE IN: The new fi lm from French auteur Claire Denis stars the luminous Juliette Binoche as a divorced painter searching for love and fi nding only man children. While that sounds like a very cliche’d premise, Denis has never made a bad fi lm in her decades-long career. Tin Pan Theater
LIFE OF THE PARTY: A surprisingly sweet and good natured comedy from Melissa McCarthy following a newly single mother heading back to college to get her master’s degree. There’s some big laughs and some genuinely heart-warming moments in this delightful crowd-pleaser. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
OCEAN’S 8: With a cast featuring phenomenal
talent including Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Mindy Kaling, Sarah Paulson and Rihanna, it’s easy to forget about George Clooney and his crew of thieves. The fi lm is another easy-going and lightweight heist comedy in a time in which another entry is always welcome. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema
OVERBOARD: A gender-reversed remake of the Kurt Russell/Goldie Hawn vehicle from 1987 sounds like a good time, especially with the always charming Anna Faris playing the mistreated employee of a spoiled yacht owner. Sometimes a lightweight comedy is exactly what the doctor ordered. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX RBG: This documentary shows some of the earlier court battles of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and how important those decisions were for the future of women in this country. For those fascinated with the early life of this remarkable woman, this fi lm should not be missed. Tin Pan Theater THE RIDER: From Sony Pictures Classics comes a hard-hitting drama that plunges non-actors into the story they lived. The fi lm follows a rising rodeo star who goes on a quest to redefi ne his identity after an accident puts his riding days behind him. A truly majestic fi lm. Sisters Movie House, Tin Pan Theater SOLO: Hey look, it’s time for another “Star
Wars” movie already! This one follows the adventures of handsome young Han Solo and handsomer young Lando Calrissian as they get up to some trouble with space gangsters. While the fi lm won’t blow any minds, it’s still a fun two-hours at the movies. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema
UPGRADE: An explosively violent sci-fi action fl ick following a normal guy who gets cutting edge AI placed in his spine. He instantly knows kung fu and how to torture people effectively, which makes for a fun ride at the movies, as long as multiple exploding heads don’t bother you too much. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
HOTEL ARTEMIS: A futuristic action comedy about a secret hospital for criminals run by Jodie Foster. The fi lm carries some of the same DNA as the “John Wick” franchise, but still has enough charmingly delirious action to make it worth your time. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
ISLE OF DOGS: Wes Anderson has crafted another meticulously designed dramedy, but this time he goes back to the medium of stop-motion animation. The fi lm is beautiful to look at and fi lled with a raw and beautiful soul that most movies struggle to achieve with real actors. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
SENSE8 FINALE: If you’re like me, when Netfl ix canceled the fl awed, beautiful and heart-expanding “Sense8,” you wrote a strongly worded letter to the streaming giant that probably went unread. Well, we’ve won, my friends. Netfl ix produced one fi nal episode (clocking in at a whopping 151 minutes) to wrap up the story and give us all another reason to live. It’s everything.
“Let The Sunshine In”
FILM SHORTS By Jared Rasic
O U R T A K E O N T V , N E T F L I X A N D O T H E R F U N S T U F F
Here’s What’s Hot
Missing Angel, guilty pleasures and cosmic death cults in this month’s dispatch By Jared Rasic 49 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Isn’t this exciting?? Another month brings another episode of May the Source Be With You and our look at the most interesting things coming out of pop culture related to streaming, podcasts and DVD and Blu releases. There’s always too much to talk about, but if you’ve discovered something you’d like to share, feel free to email me at
“The Staircase” is one of the most fascinating true-crime documentaries of all time. Netflix just released three more episodes to the 2004 whodunnit, checking in with all of the primary people of interest. No spoilers, but there were quite a few loose ends left over from the earlier series, and the new episodes go a long way toward adding some closure to the entire ordeal. Some of television’s biggest guilty pleasures have also added new seasons to Netflix, so if you’re looking to continue your addiction to shows such as “Riverdale,” “Supernatural,” “The Flash,” Arrow” or “Scandal,” look no further. “Riverdale” continues to play out like Baby’s First “Twin Peaks,” so you should watch just to marvel at how many chances the absolutely ludicrous show takes with characters including Archie, Betty, Jughead and Veronica. If you’re looking for something a little classier, I would suggest the new Netflix original series “Seven Seconds,” which takes a twisty look into police corruption and the Black Lives Matter movement in a way that explores the darkest corner of our national identity. With Regina King starring, every episode feels like a punch to the gut before it offers the audience some semblance of hope.
In Pod We Trust:
If you’re like me and are a somewhat embarrassingly massive fan of Joss Whedon, you’ll know that the most heartbreaking bit of his career was “Angel” getting canceled after the season ended on a massive cliffhanger. I miss “Firefly” just like the rest of you, but we got a movie to wrap the beloved space western into a nice little bow. For those of you who still feel like it’s unfinished business when it comes to “Angel,” the new podcast “Angel On Top” is the perfect outlet for those hurt hearts. Hosts Brittany Ashley and Laura Zak bring such love and authority to the podcast that it’ll make you want to re-watch the series with them every week.
DVD & BLU Releases:
The surprisingly hilarious comedy, “The Death of Stalin,” is finally released on 6/19. So far it’s the best comedy of the year and it’ll take one hell of a movie to steal the title. Steve Buscemi as Nikita Khrushchev makes this a must-see. If you’re looking for something a little dumb but a lot exciting, “Pacific Rim: Uprising” is one of those sequels that easily tops the original without sacrificing what makes the story special in the first place. Also, things explode really pretty. On 6/26 we get “The Endless,” one of the drippiest movies about a cosmic death cult ever made. If you’re ready to let your brains explode, this movie will definitely do it for you.
26 AUG
02 AUG
09 AUG
Shooting, Dumping and Cleaning Up
Another purge effort for China Hat— and a push to change rules around shooting in the area By Brian Jennings
rett Jenkins likens the national forest to a play area. “It’s our playground. I love being out in the forest and I love seeing it clean. I know people, myself included, never go out in the forest without bringing back some trash.” Jenkins works for the Deschutes National Forest, and often has his eye on China Hat Road, leading into the Forest in southeast Bend. The road’s close proximity to Bend provides convenient access to that section of the national forest. It’s also a quick and convenient dumping ground for just about anything that could alternatively be dumped into the nearby Knott Landfill. In a March 2017 article, those who talked with the Source Weekly described the China Hat access area as a “war zone.” Enter more than 100 volunteers, organized by the off-highway group, Central Oregon Landcruisers, to initiate a major cleanup. The group hauled out three couches, countless used appliances including dishwashers, dryers, TVs and computers—and even a junked hot tub.
Most of the junk volunteers found and ultimately removed was riddled with bullet holes. Visit the area and you’ll often see junked cars providing target practice for shooters. In this most recent cleanup, volunteers loaded three industrial-sized garbage containers with debris. They could have filled more. The area near Coyote and Cabin Buttes—popular areas for shooting—was strewn with debris, including leftover rifle, shotgun and handgun cartridges and other garbage. The Trashing Mentality “I’m not sure what the mentality is behind bringing out televisions and things like that. I think it’s something they want to get rid of, so they take it out, shoot it up and see what happens to it when it gets hit with a bullet,” says Jenkins, who helps coordinate the cleanup effort for the Deschutes National Forest. Most of the junk volunteers found and ultimately removed was riddled with bullet holes. “Basically, the people that come out bring things to shoot at, and then just
Early Bend educator Ruth Reid.
The Early Days of Bend Tours
Walking tours explore history and architecture
By Elizabeth Warnimont
Field of screams: volunteers have their work cut out removing trash from public lands.
leave them and you end up with that litter,” says Steve Westberg of Toyota Landcruisers of America, who volunteered in the cleanup effort. Westberg says when people see it, they bring more of it. “I think it attracts people who see the litter here already and think they don’t have to go to the dump. They feel they can come out here for free and get rid of trash.” Jenkins concurs. “It’s very accessible for folks in town. You’ll find trash on most of the side roads in this area.” This was the second annual cleanup for the club, which targets several areas around China Hat. The club’s vice president, Jeremy Evans, says, “We filled up three trash bins last year and we had three or four vehicles towed out by a local tow company. It’s absolutely amazing how much gets left out on public land like this. We want to leave it better than when we found it.” China Hat Solutions The Landcruisers, along with other non-shooting user groups, are hoping officials from the Deschutes National Forest will make changes in how user groups recreate in the area, in an effort to avoid trashing the area. “They’re hoping to get this shooting area around Coyote Butte turned back into an OHV (Off-Highway Vehicle) play area and maybe get a designated shooting area somewhere else,” says Jenkins of Deschutes National Forest. “This is an area in close proximity to residential areas and there are some
complaints from them, and so they’re hoping to find a good area for shooters to go.” Cleanup volunteer Steve Westberg agrees. “This area is also close to where the mountain bike trails run through. I know the Forest Service is thinking about Cabin Butte rather than Coyote Butte as the designated shooting area. That’s farther away from any of the trails that are going through the area.” Cabin Butte is also farther away from the proposed OHV area and would provide separation—thus avoiding potential conflict for the user groups which includes hikers, mountain bikers and equestrians. Leave No Trace Cleanup volunteers and recreational user groups are realistic about changing recreational areas along China Hat to improve the area. Changing its use would be a long process involving much public input, requiring a major shift in attitude to improve an area abused for decades. “We’re all trying to work together,” says Evans. “We all love the land. We all love using it in different ways. We have too much divisiveness in our country as it is, so if we don’t work together to be able to use it, keep it clean and take care of it, we’ll eventually just lose it all.” SW Brian Jennings is host of “The Great Outdoors,” seen on KOHD (ABC) Wednesdays at 6 pm and KBNZ (CBS) at 7 pm on Central Oregon Daily.
Learn about some of the natural and human history of the region, or alternately, about the architecture of the city and how various architectural styles once reflected the growing community. The Deschutes Historical Museum’s weekly Heritage Walking Tours allow participants to stroll through some of the oldest neighborhoods in Bend, led by the museum’s staff and volunteers. This Saturday, hikers can do “Reflections of History: An Architectural Tour of a Neighborhood” within the Drake Park historic district. The next architecture tour, the last of the June Heritage Tour series, will take place June 30. On June 23, “The Early Days of Bend” tour will take walkers through some of the oldest neighborhoods of Bend and along the river as they hear about six Bend residents who helped transform the small hamlet into a booming town. One of those is Ruth Reid, a Bend teacher after whom Bend’s first modern school building was named. The museum has been tight-lipped about the others in order to save some surprises. As the “Early Days” tour involves some uneven sidewalks, it’s not recommended for wheelchairs. For either tour, the museum recommends guests wear comfortable walking shoes and a hat and bring water and a camera. Tours begin at the museum. Advance registration is required. Tours are limited to 12 people. SW Heritage Walking Tours
Saturdays in June, 10:30am Registration required Deschutes Historical Museum 129 NW Idaho Ave., Bend $5; Museum members free 541-389-1819
51 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Courtesy Deschutes County Historical Society.
Ad Deadline June 29th On Stands July 6th
This is THE issue that Central Oregon has been waiting for! The Best of Ballot issue contains the actual physical ballot that our readers use to vote for the winners and runner ups in the 2018 Best of Central Oregon Issue! Don’t miss your opportunity to campaign for votes this year by advertising in this one of a kind edition and make sure to vote for your favorites in Central Oregon. Find out which businesses rise to the top on Aug 16! 541.383.0800 |
Next-Level Sportsing
Yoga? Beer? Dogs? For better or worse, Bend takes your favorite things to a whole new level By Keely Damara 53
Ready to take your Bend-ness next level? Check out these events. VARIOUS
Josh Cantu
Do you dance to the beat of your own drum? Find fellow free spirits looking for a cathartic release to share with a supportive community of extroverts. Ecstatic dance is all about free-flowing, unbridled self-expression. Visit for more info. 7pm. Bend Masonic Center, 1036 NE 8th St., Bend. $10-$15 sliding scale.
So you like beer and yoga? Who doesn’t? What about drinking beer and doing yoga at the same time? Yeah, that’s a next-level Bendite activity, for sure. Bend Beer Yoga is holding a free class during the Subaru Outside Games at GoodLife Brewing with live music (so next level, it’s through the roof), but pre-sale tickets have sold out. It’s worth dropping by to see if you can squeeze in—this relaxed class is perfect for newbies and those looking for a good time! Keep an eye on for future classes. 2 pm, Sat., 6,23, GoodLife Brewing, 700 Cenutry Dr. and various locations in Bend. Ages 21+ w/ ID.
Central Oregonians love their beer—almost as much as they love their dogs. J-DUB isn’t the first local restaurant to hold a fundraiser for The Bend Spay & Neuter Project, but they’re also debuting a dog-friendly menu and their house made Pooch Hooch, ensuring your furry friend will feel right at home on their patio during the dog days of summer. Enjoy live music by Dingo Factory and a beer with your best friend! J-DUB’s tasty non-alcoholic, non-carbonated Amber Ale is sure to please even the pickiest of beer connoisseurs on four legs. 5-9pm. J-DUB, 932 NW Bond St., Bend.
Wren and Wild kicked off Silent Disco Yoga in the Park a few weeks ago, but it’s been postponed due to chilly mornings. Now’s your chance to experience yoga to the max… outdoors… with a soundtrack! Does it get better than this? 9am. Miller’s Landing, 80 NW Riverside Blvd., Bend. $20.
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VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
It’s no secret that there are a ton of events happening in Bend and beyond in any given week. So how do event organizers set their events apart in a sea of awesome outdoor excursions, live music, food festivals and wellness classes? They pile on a little more Central Oregon flair, that’s what.
Dog Gone Run Benefits BrightSide Animal Center. This is a dog friendly event where runners are encouraged to run with their buddies—but it is not a requirement to participate! This year we will be introducing a 1 mile fun walk for families and their pets. Great post-race recovery treats, an amazing raffle, awards, and a fantastic pancake feed! 5K & 10K costs: Saturday, June 16, 9am. Sam Johnson Park, 333 SW 15th St, Redmond. $45/race day, $40/adv. FootZone Noon Run Lunch hour 3 to 5 mile run. Order lunch from a local taco shop when you leave and we’ll have it when you return. Wednesdays, Noon. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Functional Strength Class Join FootZone
and Athlete Wise Performance Coaching for a strength class designed by endurance athletes for endurance athletes. All levels and abilities welcome. Email for more info. Wednesdays, 7:15pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. $5/drop-in.
Hump Day Run Celebrate getting over the
mid-week hump with runners of all paces. Bring a few bucks if you want to get a beer after. Email for more info. Wednesdays, 6pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Mom’s Running Group All moms welcome
with or without strollers for a 3-4.5 mile run at 8-12 minute mile paces. This is a fun and encouraging group for moms of all running levels. Rain or shine! Email for more info. Wednesdays, 9:30am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend.
Saturday Coffee Run Wish you had a
running posse to make your weekend run fly by? Marla Hacker will facilitate this group, which welcomes all paces for a 3-5 mile run on Saturdays. Bring a few bucks for coffee at a local shop afterwards with your new running buddies! Email for more information. Saturdays, 9am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Tuesday Rise and Run Rise and Run.
Early riser? This group is for you! FootZoner Colton Gale will lead this run. Meet Tuesdays at FootZone with lights and layers, and get your run done for the day! All paces are welcome; 3-5 mile routes will usually take advantage of snow-free and lit paths in the Old Mill District. Email with questions. Tuesdays, 5am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend.
Weekly Steel Bicycle Ride 30-mile route
east of town. Conversational pace, all are welcome. Steel bikes are recommended, but not required. All are welcome to hang out at Jackson’s afterward to tell stories and make new friends. Wednesdays, 6-8pm. Jackson’s Corner Eastside, 1500 NE Cushing Dr #100, Bend. Free.
OUTDOORS 15th Annual Let’s Pull Together
The 15th annual noxious weed eradication event consisting of partnerships and incredible volunteers all joining together for good times and clean city living. Learn how you can protect our gorgeous, yet fragile, native Oregon ecosystem. Helping control noxious weeds is something every weekend gardener and concerned citizen young and old can do to become involved. Festivities to thank all our volunteers to follow directly after the pulls at high noon at the Westside Venue in the Old Mill District. Entertainment, free lunch, refreshments, prizes and much more! Saturday, June 16, 9am-1:30pm. Old Mill District, 450 SW Powerhouse Dr. Suite 422. Bend.
BARC Bend Adventist Running Club Weekly Run Join us for weekly Sunday Runs!
We meet in front of the Dog Park at Pine Nursery. Distances vary. We offer community, running and walking support and fun! Runners of all levels,
walkers, kids, strollers and friendly dogs are all welcome! Sundays, 8:30am. Pine Nursery Park, 3750 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend. Free.
Basic Skills Paddleboarding Class A
great launching point for the aspiring paddleboarder, Tumalo Creek’s Basic Skills Standup Paddleboard Class will prepare participants to confidently explore our region’s flat and moving waterways. Thursday, June 14, 9-11am. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. Bend, OR. $55/class.
Basic Skills Paddleboarding Class A
great launching point for the aspiring paddleboarder, Tumalo Creek’s Basic Skills Standup Paddleboard Class will prepare participants to confidently explore our region’s flat and moving waterways. Thursday, June 21, 9-11am. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. Bend, OR. $55/class.
Basic Skills Paddleboarding Class A great launching point for the aspiring paddleboarder, Tumalo Creek’s Basic Skills Standup Paddleboard Class will prepare participants to confidently explore our region’s flat and moving waterways. Sunday, June 17, 9-11am. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. Bend, OR. $55/class. Bend Area Running Fraternity (BARF)
Join us for 3.5 mile run (options avail. for longer or shorter distances) through the Old Mill District and along the Deschutes River! Then stay after the run for a discounted pint courtesy of Atlas Cider! Rewards for attendance. All paces and faces welcome! No registration required. Mondays, 5:30pm. AVID Cider Co, 550 SW Industrial Way, Suite 190. Bend. Free.
Sisters. Adults & teens welcome. Sign up for one evening, two evenings, or all three. Limited spaces available. Please pre-register. Part of “Solstice in the Pines.” You can join us earlier in the evening for potlucks, poetry sharing, and labyrinth walks... Tarot, writing, and nature connection workshops during the day. Cara H. Cadwallader, MFA, is an embodiment artist, writer and dancer. Email to reserve a spot! Thursday, June 21, 8:30pm. Near Sisters. to sign up. Thursday, June 21, 2pm. Sisters. Free, donations requested.
Fir Trail Wander with the Deschutes Land Trust Join the Deschutes Land Trust
National Pollinator Week, get a tour of plants that are good for pollinators, and make a “pollinator crown” - a flower crown with insect adornments - to take home! For kids and adults. To sign up, stop by the garden center or call 541318-6155 to reserve your spot with your payment - classes fill up fast! Tuesday, June 19, 5:30-7pm. Moonfire & Sun Garden Center, 61944 SE 27th St. Bend, OR. $20.
and Carol Wall for a late spring walk at one of our flagship Preserves--the Metolius Preserve. Thursday, June 14, 10-11:30am. Metolius Preserve, near Camp Sherman. Free.
Flora and Fauna of the Fall River Stroll
along the Fall River with Curator of Natural History, Louise Shirley and the Museum’s Nature Team Lead, Thaddeus Grudzien, to learn all about native fish, wildflowers, fire ecology and more. Wednesday, June 13, 10am-2pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 U.S. 97, Bend. $20/Member, $25/Non-Members.
Half Day Deschutes River Kayak Tour
Paddle among lava flows stretching to Paulina Peak in Newberry National Volcanic Monument, Aspen groves, tranquil lagoons and side channels on this tour. Tuesdays & Fridays, 9am-1pm. Through Sept. 7. Tuesdays & Fridays, 9am-1pm. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. Bend. $75/person.
Happy Hour in the Garden - Special Edition! School is out, but gardens are still
BMX Practice and Racing Weekly Riders of all skill levels welcome. This is a great time for beginners to come out and find out what BMX racing is all about. We have loaner equipment available that you may use free of charge including, BMX bikes and full face helmets. Your own mountain bikes are allowed as long as lights, bells, and protruding attachments are removed. Riders must wear long sleeved shirts, long pants and closed toed shoes. Open practice followed by racing at 6:45pm. Race fee is $8. E-mail with questions. Mondays, 5:30-7:30pm. High Desert BMX, 21690 Neff Rd, Bend. $5/practice.
growing! So we’re throwing an extra special Happy Hour in the Garden to kick off our summer fundraising campaign. It’s time to replenish our School Garden Grant fund so that more local kids can get outside and reap the benefits of learning in a garden. Our goal is to raise $7,500 from donors by July 27th. Volunteer for an hour or two (fun, easy gardening tasks), and we’ll provide cold beverages from Boneyard Beer & Caboost Kombucha, snacks and live music. More info: Each week, volunteers drop in and help maintain the garden through weekly tasks and/or special projects. No experience necessary, families welcome. Tuesdays, 4-6pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend.
Brace & Roll Whether it is your first time
Lonza Vulture Venture 5K participants will
in a whitewater kayak, or you need a thorough refresher after years out of your boat, Tumalo Creek’s Brace & Roll Classes are a great place to start. Our class are on site and take place in our heated pool! Thursday, June 14 & 21, 5-8pm. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. Bend. $25/6-8pm session. $35/38pm session.
COTA Bend Trail Love Spring: Trail Work Day One of our biggie trail work events
where everyone comes together to make new trails happen, then share a post-work lunch and beverage afterwards. We will be doing finish work behind the machines on Ticket to Ride at the Welcome Center, closing that loop and adding another 1.5+ miles of green-rated trail. Find more info at Saturday, June 16, 9am-3pm. LOGE Entrada, 19221 SW Century Dr, Bend.
Deschutes Land Trust’s Weed Warriors Weed Warriors is a volunteer group that
meets three times a month to remove invasive weeds like mullein, spotted knapweed, teasel and Canada thistle from the Land Trust protected lands. Help remove invasive weeds at Rimrock Ranch on Whychus Creek! More info www. Tuesday, June 19, 9am-noon. Whychus Canyon Preserve, outside Sisters. Sisters, OR.
Embodied Storytelling Under the Stars Dancer, writer, and embodiment artist Cara Cadwallader of San Diego will lead workshops in movement & creativity June 21-23, 8:30 pm. Outdoors, approx 10 minutes outside downtown
experience a unique behind-the-scenes glimpse of the Museum on a course made primarily of dirt roads and trails. Following the race, guests will enjoy a post-event celebration with music, food, beverages (including Bloody Mary’s) and interactions with living history characters. Museum admission on race day will be included with registration. Wildlife and pioneer costumes are encouraged. Prizes will be awarded. For additional information, contact Heather Vihstadt, Director of Development, at 541-382-7454 ext. 248 or contact us. Saturday, June 16, 8am. High Desert Museum, 59800 U.S. 97, Bend. $5/kids dash, $25/members, $30/non-members, $15/ youth (8-12).
Outdoor Adventure Series: Get There, an Outdoor Navigation Activity Practice
your navigation skills in the wild! Companion workshop to learn about map, compass and navigation is on June 13. Part 1 of a 6-part outdoor skills series with JessBFit. Sign up for one or all at Saturday, June 16, 9am. ae Creative, 2115 NE Division St. Bend, OR. $20/ drop-in.
Solstice Herbs & Meditation Explore and meditate on herbs appropriate for the longest day of the year, with theater artist and herbology leader Maesie Speer. Adults & teens welcome, on-site outdoor childcare available. Limited spaces available, pre-registration required. Donations requested. Join us for labryinth walk, potluck, camping and other workshops. Details at Solstice in the Pines , brought to you by New Oregon Arts & Letters, recently moved to Central Oregon from Portland. Email neworegonarts@
Solstice Labyrinth & Drum Circle Here
comes the sun! Celebrate midsummer with a labyrinth walk, then a campfire and potluck. Families welcome. Thursday, June 21, 5:30pm. Sisters Community Labyrinth, East Portal Park on S. Hood Ave near intersection of Hwy’s 20 and 242, Sisters.
Solstice Pollination Celebration During
Summer Star Gazing See what the Central Oregon night sky has to offer! Open house viewing includes a peek through Hopservatory’s 16-inch research-grade telescope. No registration required; simply take the spiral staircase or elevator directly to the 3rd floor Hopservatory during open hours. Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday, 9-10pm. Friday & Saturday, 9-11pm. Kids 6 & under are free. Worthy Garden Club, 495 NE Bellevue Dr, Bend. $5/suggested donation. Tentsile Hops & Maps Drink beer, read
maps, share stories, and celebrate 50 years of Wild & Scenic Rivers while supporting our local forests. Friday, June 15, 6-8pm. Tentsile Bend, 50 SE Scott Street, #1, Bend.
Upper Deschutes River Kayaking Tour
Our Upper Deschutes River Kayak Tour is the perfect day adventure for visitors wanting to immerse themselves in the local scenery. This excursion is enjoyed by beginning paddlers of all ages as well as those more experienced. Lunch included. Wednesdays & Saturdays, 9am-3pm. Through Sept. 22. Wednesdays & Saturdays, 9-3pm. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. Bend, OR. $105/person.
Walk Up Pilot Butte Join JessBFit on Tuesdays for this breathtaking walk up Pilot Butte. Tuesdays, 8-9am. Pilot Butte State Park, Pilot Butte Trail, Bend. Free. Women’s Mountain Bike Ride Join the
Deschutes Land Trust and Nancy Chaffee for a mellow 6-7 mile mountain bike ride in Skyline Forest. Saturday, June 16, 9am-noon. Visit for more info and to register. Skyline Forest, Bull Springs Tree Farm. Bend. Free.
Women’s Whitewater Kayaking Weekend This is a two and a half day introductory
progression series to whitewater and a great launching point for the aspiring life-long kayaker. Participants will learn safety techniques, basic paddle strokes, how to read swift water and avoid hazards and boat control while enjoying the company and encouragement of other novice course mates and expert Tumalo Creek guides. Friday, June 15. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. Bend. $245/person.
Yoga on the Pond Every other Sunday,
certified yoga instructor and BBC’s own, Kayla Heuton, will lead a free, 1-hour Vinyasa class. BYO mat to set up on our outdoor grass area. Arrive early, set up your space and mingle. After class, BBC will open early at 11am for mimosa’s, Bloody Mary’s and beers! Sunday, June 17, 10-11am. Bend Brewing Co, 1019 NW Brooks St, Bend. Free.
Sunk by a Rattlesnake Bite
The piercing account of a Memorial Day Weekend raft trip By: K.M. Collins
“Don’t suck the wound or cut it or use a tourniquet. Don’t ice it or wrap it. Just keep the bite area immobilized below the heart. Snake bite kits are useless.” —KIRSTEN MOHILL HERSON Eventually the puncture area started to swell and turn purple. With no cell service, Kristen, her brother and Jake jumped on a cataraft and headed downriver to find help. “We were so lucky to find an EMT with cell service and a place to land a helicopter at his camp. He orchestrated the evacuation for us. The chopper was there in 30 minutes. Jake was Life Flighted to Emanuel Hospital
Jake Heron, in digital camo, just before his rattlesnake encounter on the Lower Deschutes River.
in Portland.” Kristen said the family will now carry a satellite phone on all adventures, forever. While waiting for the evacuation, Jake said he experienced, “a lot of swelling. Lots of body tingling. And, if I sat up, I felt like I would faint. We kept my leg below my heart. In the chopper it was even worse with all the turbulence. At the hospital, I felt way tingly. My tongue felt really swollen. I felt like I was going to die, my mom was trying to calm me down.” Jake notes the chopper ride as the most fun part of the experience. Four hours after the bite, Jake got anti-venom. Kristen said she now has a few more gray hairs. “I learned a ton from the encounter. At the time, he didn’t look that bad. A lay person might have delayed treatment further. The risk then becomes compartment syndrome. This
is when muscles swell so much, blood supply is cut off. The tissue has to be cut open to release the pressure in a procedure called a fasciotomy. Jake just dodged a fasciotomy. If you think you got bit, do not delay. Every minute is vital.” Jake spent three days in the Intensive Care Unit and four days in the hospital getting stabilized. After several weeks on crutches and bruising up to his groin, Jake is now walking in a boot. He has many more weeks of rehabilitation ahead to heal the hemotoxic and neurotoxic effects the venom caused. Jake was able to make up for missed school by giving a PowerPoint presentation on his experience. If it happens to you, Kristen says, “Don’t suck the wound or cut it or use a tourniquet. Don’t ice it or wrap it. Just keep the bite area immobilized below the heart. Snake bite kits are useless.
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Keep the person calm and as relaxed as possible. The only antidote is the anti-venom. Singularly focus on that.” Because anti-venom is highly volatile and temperature-sensitive, it’s only kept in hospitals, not in rescue choppers or first aid kits. Jake advises, “Try to stay on the trail, wear big boots and long pants—the exact opposite of what I did—sandals, shorts and went off the trail.” Jake now understands that he likely snuck up on the snake’s territory. Striking is a natural defense response. The warning rattle is a blessing that in this case, there wasn’t enough time for. Snakes hear vibrations, not sounds. Tapping with a stick out front of your body can give another couple feet (and more time) to warn a rattler of human presence. Kristen is grateful to have insurance with helicopter transport coverage, “Or we would be bankrupt,” she notes. Anti-venom is fairly expensive, as well. “Jake took 21 vials in total between loading doses and several maintenance doses.” Some estimates put antivenom vials at $15,000 a pop, and Kristen says they’re only produced by one British company. Word to the wise from a mom who knows, “If you hang with rattlesnakes, you better have insurance.” If you think rattlers are only nesting downriver, think again. Two weeks ago, Jenni Peskin and her daughter say they were walking at Pine Nursery Dog Park in Bend and ran into a baby rattler. “He was a really little guy. We let him slither past us on the path into a brush.” Living in Bend means wilderness and all its beasts are close in toe when you least— and most—expect it. SW
55 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
hortly after a classic rattlesnake warning talk, Kirsten Mohill Heron watched her son, Jake, scramble up a talus embankment on the Lower Deschutes River. The two were on a 20-person raft trip below Shearers Falls at Harris Campground, 12 miles from the Columbia River confluence. Once atop, Kristen saw Jake startle, turn around and rewind his steps, scraping under a barbed wire fence and returning to her side. “We spent 25 minutes questioning whether he got bit,” explains Kristen. “Jake wasn’t even certain he had been bit. I expected him to be in searing pain if a rattlesnake got him. Jake just said he heard a hiss and didn’t see a snake.” Kristen found two puncture wounds on Jake’s left ankle, but questioned whether they could be a result of the barbed wire fence.
Otis Craig Broker, CRS
56 Vaulted great room w/dramatic FP & custom built-ins open to dining area & chef’s kitchen. Private master suite & Separate Jr. Suite on main level. 2 beds, bonus rm, bath & deck upstairs. Extended 3-car garage. Golf $1,250,000 membership included.
Situated on 3.41 private ares with spectacular mountain views. A magnificent great room, lavish entertainer’s kitchen and five luxury suites. 12-car dream garage pulus a 3-car garage, horse stalls $3,599,000 and pond.
DELIGHTFUL SAGEWOOD HOME 61482 Linton Loop This welcoming home features a spacious great room, large dining area and well-appointed kitchen. 3 beds + Bonus/ Flex room. Oversized master suite with walk in closet.
541.771.4824 40 ACRES NEAR TUMALO FALLS NW Bend near Tumalo Falls.
40 acres of forest land & ¼ mile of Tumalo Creek runs through this peaceful retreat. A 2013 built 1348 sqft 2bed/2ba home overlooks the creek & many acres $1,200,000 of old growth forest.
Terry Skjersaa
Principal Broker, CRS
Jason Boone
Principal Broker, CRIS
3bed/2ba single level home on corner lot. Light and bright great room floor plan, vaulted ceilings with skylights. Nice sized yard, fully fenced with mature trees, 2-car garage & area for RV parking. Oversized corner lot and brand new roof. $314,900
Mollie Hogan
Principal Broker, CRS
This crisp 3bed/2.5 ba home has been well cared for with a thoughtfully designed floor plan, open concept living & mature landscaping in a convenient location.
Cole Billings Broker
Skjersaa Group | Duke Warner Realty 1033 NW Newport Ave. Bend, OR 97703
OFFICE 541.647.1171 The Broker Network of Central Oregon, LLC. 505 NW Franklin Ave, Bend, OR 97703
3155 SW Wickiup Ave, Redmond
$95,000 Great flat lot waiting for development in SW Redmond, .62 acres tucked away behind Regency Village Senior Living facility, only a few blocks from Sage Elementary School and the Umatilla Sports Complex. Great location with easy access to Hwy 97. Zoned R2, allowing for a variety of development potential in residential or multifamily use. Adjacent tax lot included in the sale.
S Hwy, Bend
$225,000 This is a business opportunity. Buyer to negotiate lease of building under separate agreement with owner. Asset list is available after on-site preview. Assets to be sold in as-is condition after inspection and approval of buyer. Buyer’s attorney to prepare a bill of sale for transfer of assets at closing. Asset list will not include business name, signage and branding.
66444 Rebecca Lane, Bend
$529,900 This 39 acre parcel is located between the city of Bend and Sisters, it features breathtaking Mountain Views from ground level. Conditional Use Permit for a Single Family Residence in place as well as approval for a standard septic system. Located off of Plain View and Highway 20. Minutes away from Sister’s and 15 minutes from Bend.
6588 Upper Cow Creek Rd, Azalea, OR
$999,900 Cozy Ranch Style Home with fantastic acreage of an incredibly private lot. The house has 3 bedrooms 2 bath, 1900 sqft single level located on over 130+ acres with multiple out buildings.
Tony Levison
Get noticed in our Real Estate section contact
Broker, Windermere Central Oregon 541.977.1852 695 SW Mill View Way Suite 100 • Bend, OR 97702 •
By Nick Nayne
Principal Broker, The Broker Network, LLC
Competing with New Home Construction when Selling your Home
town, making it more distant from central core areas. The lots are smaller, the immature landscaping makes it feel barren and less private, and due to the high cost of land, the homes are often in less desirable locations like close to railroad lines or higher traffic areas. Those who are planning on selling their existing homes should consider the items that appeal to buyers and try to make some changes to make their homes more competitive. The most common and inexpensive items are neutralizing paint colors throughout the house and putting fresh coats of paint wherever possible to give a new look, declutter to make homes appear more spacious, replace outdated carpet or floor covering, new windows if they are outdated, clean up the yard and emphasize attractiveness of larger lot size and the mature landscaping. Real estate professionals often say “location, location, location.” That seems to be very true, as evidenced by our local market. New construction often seems the more attractive choice in terms of larger homes with modern amenities, but it’s important to note that people are not just buying a home, but a neighborhood, so the older and smaller home on a larger lot can be more attractive and a definite advantage to sellers of older homes.
57 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
xisting homes often include attractions such as larger lots and privacy, more character, mature trees and landscaping, proximity to downtown and restaurants and entertainment, an established neighborhood—often with long term residents—and a greater sense of community. This is true of Bend as well, as shown in the preference of many to try to find housing in our downtown area on the west side. The drawback of buying an older or established home is that it may need repairs and updating that can be more expensive than buying new construction, and they are typically smaller in terms of square footage and closet and garage space. Because existing homes are typically in established areas with desirable locations, having easy commuting access to downtown areas, this also drives up the cost of those properties. In contrast to existing homes and older neighborhoods, new construction is attractive to many buyers because of all the modern amenities offered. Because it’s brand new, buyers don’t have to worry about maintenance with all new electrical and heating systems, new plumbing, modern wiring, new appliances, etc. The drawback of new homes is often location. New construction is typically the outskirts of
Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service
464 S.E. Railroad St., Bend, OR 97702 2 beds, 1baths, 1,104 square feet, .15 acres lot Built in 1951 $299,999 Listed by Preferred Residential
61726 Joan Ct.., Bend, OR 97702 4 beds, 2.5 baths, 3,490 square feet, .15 acres lot Built in 2005 $439,000 Listed by Team Birtola High Desert Realty
REAL ESTATE LISTINGS Sunriver Vacation Home 2 TOURNAMENT LANE $634,000 4 bed / 3.5 bath
Private guest studio w/ sep ent. Great investment opportunity! Fully furnished, hot tub, & basketball court. Listed by Angie Cox, Broker (541) 213-9950
John L. Scott Real Estate
3436 NW Denali Ln., Bend, OR 97703 4 beds, 3.5 baths, 3,650 square feet, .32 acres lot Built in 2005 $925,000 Listed by Awbrey Homes & Land
Park-like setting ready for your dream home! HUNNELL ROAD, BEND $350,000
10* acre parcel. Power, cable, phone & Avion water are at the street. Extremely private, backs to Deschutes County land. Great opportunity to build in Tumalo and less than 3 miles from shopping and dining in Bend. Tony Levison, Broker 541.977.1852
I’m doing some work on my landlady’s house. She just CANNOT figure out what color to paint it. Now, when a man paints his house, he goes to Home Depot, grabs a few cans of paint, and starts right in. Simple. Git ‘er done. Not so with a woman. She’ll agonize endlessly over a bunch of paint chips. She’ll finally make a decision, but even then, it’s subject to change without notice. So, my question: Has anyone analyzed this phenomenon and found a connection with, you know, a woman’s “time of the month”? — Handydude Some people are just irritating. It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with their ovaries. Women’s house paint preferences, sadly, have not been a prolific area of scientific study. However, there was a bunch of research suggesting that women’s mate preferences shift with their hormone levels during the menstrual cycle—for example, findings that women went for more masculine faces in the fertile phase of their cycle. But there was a problem. These studies had too-small sample sizes and other methodological shortcomings, which can lead to false positives. When psychologist Benedict Jones and his colleagues ran a big long-term study to check these finding—using more rigorous methodology—they found “no compelling evidence that preferences for facial masculinity track changes in women’s hormonal status.” However, there do seem to be sex differences in decision-making. These differences emerge before the menstruation years, note neurobiologist Ruud van den Bos and his colleagues (referencing others’ research on 7-to-9-year-old children). Their own research finds that men and women show “small but consistent differences in decision-making” that appear related to sex differences in the brain—in information-processing and emotion regulation. Women appear to be “more sensitive” to potential losses (effects of bad choices)—which, in turn, might make an individual woman more hesitant to settle on a choice. (No choose, no lose!) The truth is, there are times when we all have difficulty making a choice. Psychologist Barry Schwartz explains that we (men and women) are driven to protect ourselves from regret -- the pain of blaming ourselves for making the wrong choice. Fear of regret makes choosing especially challenging when we have a bunch of options without meaningful differences—like eight slightly
different shades of off-white house paint: “‘Creme Fraiche’? ‘Coastal Ivory’? Maybe ‘Breezy Linen’?…” As for your observation about the chopchop way men choose a paint color, consider that maybe the average dude—one who isn’t an architect, a decorator, or a design connoisseur—might not be so picky about the color of his house. If you want to help your landlady, get some techie friend of yours to Photoshop each color onto the house so the final result is less abstract. Suggest she invite friends over for cocktails to help her choose. This isn’t just a social occasion; it’s a regret-minimization tactic—allowing her to disperse the blame for any Amy Alkon grim post-painting epiphanies, such as “Ugh. ‘Tuscan Yellow’—or, as we call it in the States, ‘3-Day-Old Urine Sample.’”
When The Going Gets Tufted I’m not a very hairy guy -- except in the armpit area. I’ve seen articles recently saying men should shave their armpit hair. Really? Do women go for this, or (sorry!) do they maybe think you’re gay? — Fur Pits Your body hair should not tell a story— like that Fidel Castro and Osama bin Laden actually aren’t dead; they’re hiding out in your armpits. Body hair removal for men has actually gone pretty mainstream. Psychologist Gareth Terry, in a 2016 paper exploring attitudes about male body hair removal, found that gay, straight, and bisexual men and women saw male body hair as masculine and “natural”…to a point—the point at which they found it “excessive” and thus disgusting. For example, as one bisexual dude, 24, put it: “If you have a rug on your torso or back, then try not to display it in public.” In the armpit hair arena, when psychologist Michael S. Boroughs surveyed 18-to-44year-old American men, he found that 40 percent did some manscaping. Of these men, 62 percent just “reduced” the hair, and 38 percent removed it. (He didn’t separate out sexual preference, but I would guess a good chunk of those balding their pits were gay men.) Sure, some women might be into the Mr. Gorilla Pits thing. But trimmed hair grows back. Disgust is hard to reverse. So grab an electric beard clipper. Prune the hair down to an inch or half-inch or so (making it look short and neat but not like you went to some armpit coiffure place). As a guideline, there’s this: If you’re taking a woman to a forested area, it should require a trip by car or at least on foot, not just lifting one of your arms.
Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave. Suite 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail (
© 2018, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Congratulations on the work you’ve done to cleanse the psychic toxins from your soul, Cancerian. I love how brave you’ve been as you’ve jettisoned outworn shticks, inadequate theories, and irrelevant worries. It makes my heart sing to have seen you summon the self-respect necessary to stick up for your dreams in the face of so many confusing signals. I do feel a tinge of sadness that your heroism hasn’t been better appreciated by those around you. Is there anything you can do to compensate? Like maybe intensify the appreciation you give yourself? LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I hope you’re reaching the final stages of your year-long project to make yourself as solid and steady as possible. I trust you have been building a stable foundation that will serve you well for at least the next five years. I pray you have been creating a rich sense of community and establishing vital new traditions and surrounding yourself with environments that bring out the best in you. If there’s any more work to be done in these sacred tasks, intensify your efforts in the coming weeks. If you’re behind schedule, please make up for lost time.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “Necessity is the mother of invention,” says an old proverb. In other words, when your need for some correction or improvement becomes overwhelming, you may be driven to get creative. Engineer Allen Dale put a different spin on the issue. He said that “if necessity is the mother of invention, then laziness is the father.” Sci-fi writer Robert Heinlein agreed, asserting that “progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things.” I’m not sure if necessity or laziness will be your motivation, Virgo, but I suspect that the coming weeks could be a golden age of invention for you. What practical innovations might you launch? What useful improvements can you finagle? (P.S. Philosopher Alfred North Whitehead attributed the primary drive for innovative ideas and gizmos to “pleasurable intellectual curiosity.”)
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Would you have turned out wiser and wealthier if you had dropped out of school in third grade? Would it have been better to apprentice yourself to a family of wolves or coyotes rather than trusting your educational fate to institutions whose job it was to acclimate you to society’s madness? I’m happy to let you know that you’re entering a phase when you’ll find it easier than usual to unlearn any old conditioning that might be suppressing your ability to fulfill your rich potentials. I urge you to seek out opportunities to unleash your skills and enhance your intelligence.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): The temptation to overdramatize is strong. Going through with a splashy but messy conclusion may have a perverse appeal. But why not wrap things up with an elegant whisper instead of a garish bang? Rather than impressing everyone with how amazingly complicated your crazy life is, why not quietly lay the foundations for a low-key resolution that will set the stage for a productive sequel? Taking the latter route will be much easier on your karma, and in my opinion will make for just as interesting a story.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Each of us harbors rough, vulnerable, controversial, or unhoned facets of our identity. And every one of us periodically reaches turning points when it becomes problematic to keep those qualities buried or immature. We need to make them more visible and develop their potential. I suspect you have arrived at such a turning point. So on behalf of the cosmos, I hereby invite you to enjoy a period of ripening and self-revelation. And I do mean “enjoy.” Find a way to have fun.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): For the next
two-plus weeks, an unusual rule will be in effect: The more you lose, the more you gain. That means you will have an aptitude for eliminating hassles, banishing stress, and shedding defense mechanisms. You’ll be able to purge emotional congestion that has been preventing clarity. You’ll have good intuitions about how to separate yourself from influences that have made you weak or angry. I’m excited for you, Capricorn! A load of old, moldy karma could dissolve and disperse in what seems like a twinkling. If all goes well, you’ll be traveling much lighter by July 1.
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AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): I suggest you avoid starting a flirtatious correspondence with a convict who’ll be in jail for another 28 years. OK? And don’t snack on *fugu,* the Japanese delicacy that can poison you if the cook isn’t careful about preparing it. Please? And don’t participate in a séance where the medium summons the spirits of psychotic ancestors or diabolical celebrities with whom you imagine it might be interesting to converse. Got that? I understand you might be in the mood for high adventure and out- of-the - or dinar y escapades. And that will be fine and healthy as long as you also exert a modicum of caution and discernment. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I suggest that you pat yourself on the back with both hands as you sing your own praises and admire your own willful beauty in three mirrors simultaneously. You have won stirring victories over not just your own personal version of the devil, but also over your own inertia and sadness. From what I can determine, you have corralled what remains of the forces of darkness into a comfy holding cell, sealing off those forces from your future. They won’t bother you for a very long time, maybe never again. Right now you would benefit from a sabbatical -- a vacation from all this high-powered character-building. May I suggest you pay a restorative visit to the Land of Sweet Nonsense? ARIES (March 21-April 19): My Aries acquaintance Tatiana decided to eliminate sugar from her diet. She drew up a plan to avoid it completely for 30 days, hoping to permanently break its hold over her. I was surprised to learn that she began the project by making a Dessert Altar in her bedroom, where she placed a chocolate cake and five kinds of candy. She testified that it compelled her willpower to work even harder and become even stronger than if she had excluded all sweet treats from her sight. Do you think this strenuous trick might work for you as you battle your own personal equivalent of a sugar addiction? If not, devise an equally potent strategy. You’re on the verge of forever escaping a temptation that’s no good for you. Or you’re close to vanquishing an influence that has undermined you. Or both. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You have caressed and finessed The Problem. You have tickled and teased and tinkered with it. Now I suggest you let it alone for a while. Give it breathing room. Allow it to evolve under the influence of the tweaks you have instigated. Although you may need to return and do further work in a few weeks, my guess is that The Problem’s knots are now destined to metamorphose into seeds. The awkwardness you massaged with your love and care will eventually yield a useful magic.
Homework: Many of us try to motivate ourselves through abusive self-criticism. Do you? If so, maybe it’s time to change. Testify at
AUGUST 11 TH, 2018 BEND,, OR Trail Runner Magazine voted Bend the #1 trail town and featured Haulin Aspen as one of its top races!
59 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “Whether you love what you love or live in divided ceaseless revolt against it, what you love is your fate.” Gemini poet Frank Bidart wrote that in his poem “Guilty of Dust,” and now I offer it to you. Why? Because it’s an excellent time to be honest with yourself as you identify whom and what you love. It’s also a favorable phase to assess whether you are in any sense at odds with whom and what you love; and if you find you are, to figure out how to be in more harmonic alignment with whom and what you love. Finally, dear Gemini, now is a key moment to vividly register the fact that the story of your life in the coming years will pivot around your relationship with whom and what you love.
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WELLNESS EVENTS Beginners Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin Designed for those who have never
taken Tai Chi or for those who have learned and forgotten. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 623203-4883 for more info. Mondays & Wednesdays, 10-11am. Finley Butte Park, 51390 Walling Lane La Pine. $35/month.
Celebrate International Yoga Day! Find
Community Gathering Grief comfort and
support in a group setting. All are welcome. Tuesdays, 6-8pm. Good Grief Guidance, 33 NW Louisiana Ave, Bend. Free.
Community Healing Flow A gentle flow
class by donation with all proceeds will benefit the Humane Society of Central Oregon. Fridays, 5-6:15pm. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Dr, Suite 113, Bend.
Compassionate Communication/NVC Practice Groups Through practicing with
others, we can learn and grow using real life experiences to become more compassionate with ourselves and others. Some NVC experience necessary. Wednesdays, 4-5:30pm. Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm. Tuesdays & Wednesdays. Center for Compassionate Living, 803 SW Industrial Way #200, Bend. Free.
Evolutionary SELF-Healing Through guided imagery, you’ll learn how to tap into your internal power. Contact: 541-390-8534, Thursdays, 6:30-8pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd, #A-5, Bend. Free. Free Yoga Keep your body and mind healthy
and well. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. 7:45-8:30am. Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturday. Plantae, 2115 NE Hwy 20 #107, Bend.
Iyengar Yoga - Easy Paced Learn correct
Journey into Relaxation Class Experience going deeper in a peaceful mind. Relax the body and experience deeper peace, love and joy. Angelica is a certified hypnotist, author of relaxation CDs and has been teaching yoga and relaxation classes for over 20 years. Drop-ins welcome! Mondays, Noon-12:30pm. Bend Golf & Country Club, 61045 Country Club Dr, Bend. $10. Men & Stress Learn the causes of stress and reduce the negative effects of stress. Let go of anger, manage anxiety and improve relationships. Call Dan Anderson, M.A. to reserve your place 541.390.3133 or email: Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm. Anderson Counseling, 384 SW Upper Terrace Dr #204, Bend. $25/week.
Morning Yoga Join Outside In every Monday morning for free all levels hatha or vinyasa yoga. No experience necessary, mats are available for use. First time students receive a $10 Outside In gift certificate. Contact: 541-317-3569, katie@ Mondays, 8:45-9:45am. OutsideIN, 845 NW Wall St, Bend. Prenatal Yoga Yoga designed specifically for
the expecting mother. All levels and stages of pregnancy welcome. Class cards and monthly memberships available. Thursdays, 5-6pm and Sundays, 9:30-10:45am. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $17/ drop-in.
Recovery Yoga Wherever you are on the road of recovery, this yoga class offers a safe and
Rock Your Chakras! Discover how rocks
and crystals assist transformation and healing. Come prepared to get your hands a little dirty and to actually meet and interact with the rocks, minerals, crystals and gemstones we are learning about. Friday, June 15, noon-1pm. Sisters Library, 110 N Cedar Street, Sisters. Free.
Gym Only OR Classes Only 3 Month Special $129 Full Use 3 Months $169 New Members only
Sit. Breathe. Rest. (Meditation & Yoga)
Begins with 10 minutes of breath work, followed by a 10-15 minute meditation and finishes with Yin and/or Yoga Nidra. Wednesdays, 7-8pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $5.
Spiritual Expansion Retreat in the Ochocos Join us 20 miles outside of Prineville
in the mystical Ochoco Forest for spiritual growth with a like minded community. Workshops, ceremonies, yoga and optional private sessions. You can add up to 2 private session with our amazing practitioners. Tent rentals available. Ages 18+. Visit for more info. Thursday, June 21, midnight. Ochoco Forest Camp Group Pavilion, Outside of Prineville. $175.
Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin The focus is on the individual, not the group. This is the original form that is taught in the monastery. This holistic approach focuses on the entire body as well as the mental and spiritual aspects. Certified and endorsed by the Oregon Council on Aging. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 623203-4883 for more info. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:45-10:45am. Tuesdays & Thursdays. Terpsichorean Dance Studio, 1601 NW Newport Ave, Bend. $70/month, 2 classes per week. Tuesday Performance Group Maximize your time with focused, intense efforts. All ages and abilities welcome. Sessions led by accomplished trail runner Max King. Email max@ for details. Tuesdays, 5:30pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
550 NW Franklin Ave. Suite #328 (in the Franklin Crossing building) 541-323-2322
alignment, posture and breathing. Especially suited for people who aren’t sure they can do yoga. No one is too stiff with this method! A knowledgeable teacher shows how! IYOB since 1998. Class price varies. Thursdays, 3:30-5pm.. Iyengar Yoga of Bend, 660 NE 3rd St #5, Bend.
Restore You Restorative yoga formulas taught with sandbags and an array of props to boost circulation, reduce stress/tension both physical and mental. Customized attention with smaller class sizes and individualized support to inspire body’s natural healing capacity. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Sundays at 10:30am. Wed, 5pm. Sun Dog Yoga, 1245 SE 3rd St, Bend. $8/class.
VOLUME 22 ISSUE 24 / June 14, 2018 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY
out why Iyengar Yoga is the most widely practiced method of yoga around the world. Experience the clear instruction and intelligent sequencing of poses to open tight shoulders, hamstrings and hips helping you feel more at ease in your own body. Celebrate with us at our free Iyengar Yoga class. Thursday, June 21, 3:30-5pm. Iyengar Yoga of Bend, 660 NE 3rd St #5, Bend. Free.
confidential place to explore how meditation, breath work, journaling and yoga can aid in your recovery. Not limited to drug and alcohol dependence—we are all on the road to recovery from something! Thursdays, 7-8pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $8.
Vin/Yin Yoga Free yoga. Contact: 541-420-
1587 for more info. Mondays & Thursdays, 3pm. First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St, Bend.
Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra Community Class Talented teachers practice teaching Yin
Yoga and/or Yoga Nidra. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, 7-8pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $5.
Yoga for 50+Plus Learn accuracy in poses under an experienced teacher’s knowledgeable guidance. Correct alignment is taught resulting in a safe, yet transformative experience. This highly adaptive method is open to all adults of any age or physical condition through the use of yoga props. You will gain strength, flexibility and stand tall! Mondays & Wednesdays. Mon & Wed, 11am-12:15pm. Iyengar Yoga of Bend, 660 NE 3rd St #5, Bend. Yoga on the Pond Every other Sunday,
certified yoga instructor and BBC’s own, Kayla Heuton, will lead a free, 1-hour Vinyasa class. BYO mat to set up on our outdoor grass area. Arrive early, set up your space and mingle. After class, BBC will open early at 11am for mimosa’s, Bloody Mary’s and beers! Sunday, June 17, 10-11am. Bend Brewing Co, 1019 NW Brooks St, Bend. Free.
With so many options for things to do in Central Oregon this summer, how do your customers choose? Let the Source Weekly help them decide. Whether its lakes, rivers, trails or golf courses, we can help get the word out. By advertising in our Outdoor issue, you are reaching all of those active locals, as well as the discerning tourist visiting the area.
By Josh Jardine
More Tracking for Medical Grows
uly 3 is the third anniversary of the at the beginning of each day of operaenactment of Measure 91, our adult tion, inventory recorded in CTS should use cannabis program, aka, why you can be 100 percent accurate, with adjustlegally buy recreational weed in Oregon. ments recorded as needed to account But since 1998, we’ve had the Oregon for waste, loss, previous entry errors Medical Marijuana Program. I’ve been or other inventory variances.” Yes, 100 a caregiver for numerous patients for percent accurate every day. No problem, the past 10 years. Recommending and on it! obtaining cannabis for medical needs is Growers who want to destroy some of the most important work I will plants will need to file a “Marijuaever do. na Item DestrucBut when Oregotion Request” nians passed Meaand include their sure 91—although “Destruction and assured there would Disposal of Marinot be any changjuana Plan.” It may es to the OMMP— be as simple as there were many. grinding them up Some big ones are and placing them going into effect into your comright about now. post pile, or you The biggest change may need to take is the need for them to a “Landfill, (most) OMMP Transfer Station growers to become or Incinerator.” To part of Metrc, Ore- All these steps are being keep growers hongon’s cannabis est, OMMP “will tracking system. implemented as a way make every effort It’s what all facets to make sure the OMMP to have staff directof the recreationly witness and doccannabis produced is ument destruction al cannabis industry use for “seed to accounted for, and most at the registrant’s premises and to be sale” tracking. “I love using importantly for the feds, available to witness Metrc!” said no one, that it stays within our offsite disposal. (If) ...staff are not anyplace, ever, and state’s borders. available to witness as I have literaldestruction, the ly seen attempts to navigate it make grown men weep, this registrant will be required to make the marijuana items undesirable, unusable will be... interesting. Beginning in April 2016, OMMP and unrecognizable...then secure and growers began to pay an annual $200 hold the destroyed marijuana material “Grow Site Registration” fee. Under for three days during which time OMMP the new rules, by July 1, a grow site with staff may arrive to confirm destruction” more than three patients must desig- Awesome. There is a bright spot. After July 1, elinate a person as the “Grow Site Administrator,” who registers with the CTS gible grow sites can sell 20 pounds annually to a processor, who may make dabs, and pays an annual $480 “User Fee.” The grower then needs to buy can- edibles, vape cartridges, etc., or sell it to nabis “plant tags” (45 cents each) and a wholesaler, who can sell to a dispen“package tags” (25 cents each) to tag sary. So, they got that goin’ for them, each and every plant through harvest, which is nice. And Lord knows there’s and every package of leaf, trim and no excess weed on the market. Just kidbud from that plant. Growers need to ding. There is. All these steps are being implementaccount for everything they are growing by, and per the OMMP: “Prior to enter- ed as a way to make sure the OMMP ing start-up inventory, CTS requires cannabis produced is accounted for, and that an “item category” or “strain” be most importantly for the feds, that it created for each item that will be in the stays within our state’s borders. But the inventory.” Growers then need to take costs and effort now required to proan inventory of everything they have, duce cannabis for patients too ill or othper OMMP: “Seeds, clones, plants in any erwise unable to grow their own plants growth stage, harvested plants, usable will likely move more growers to leave marijuana (flower and trim), and canna- the OMMP, which has already seen its binoid items of any kind” Cool, have fun numbers steeply decline. (In January with that. Oh, and they need to buy/own 2015, there were 46, 601 OMMP Growa “commercial scale,” for which you will ers. As of January 2018, there were 25.615 in the state.) need a license, which runs $41 to $800. It’s yet another reason all medical Per the OMMP, the GSA is “responsible for reconciling on-site and in-transit and recreational users should support cannabis inventory by no later than the rescheduling, or better yet, deschedulclose of each business day. This means ing of cannabis on the federal level.
THE REC ROOM Crossword â&#x20AC;&#x153;Finaleâ&#x20AC;?
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Local!
Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at
Š Pearl Stark
Difficulty Level
VOLUME 22â&#x20AC;&#x201A; ISSUE 24â&#x20AC;&#x201A; /â&#x20AC;&#x201A; June 14, 2018â&#x20AC;&#x201A; /â&#x20AC;&#x201A; THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Š2017 Brendan Emmett Quigley (
By Brendan Emmett Quigley
Pearlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Puzzle
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once.
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote:
â&#x20AC;&#x153;A father is a man who expects his son to be as _______ as he _______.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Frank Howard Clark
1. Rexâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s canful
1. It may be right or acute: Abbr.
5. Small tweet
2. Internet crack
10. Bother
3. Rash-causing bush
14. Lunch time
4. Not spending too much
15. Dance from South America
5. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mad Moneyâ&#x20AC;? host Jim
16. Residents of the Tawantinsuyu empire
6. Hippy dance?
17. Slick-talking
7. Middle Eastern bigwig
18. Nom de guerre
8. Site for snipers
19. Virtual assistant whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s probably listening to us right now
9. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Not for meâ&#x20AC;?
20. Place to learn how to do recaps?
11. Dues collector
23. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hotel Artemisâ&#x20AC;? star Foster
12. Seafood choice
24. Tear to shreds
13. Ship out?
25. Things played in Budapest?
21. Mil. stat
30. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Lesson From ___â&#x20AC;? (Fugard)
22. Posse
31. Directing symbol
23. Samuelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pulp Fictionâ&#x20AC;? role
32. Band thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s big in Japan?
25. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You jokerâ&#x20AC;?
35. Guns
26. Mahmoudâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s predecessor
36. Question of self-doubt
27. Comic David Alan ___
37. Often misused pronoun
28. With a flair for the melodramatic
38. Pop a question
29. Melodramatic pronoun
39. Deltaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spots
32. Phrase said when the lights come on
40. Former Russian first lady
33. Chest
41. One who only likes red lollipops?
34. Bowieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s widow
43. TV actor Scott
36. Mikeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s partner in candies
45. Mend, as a shirt or a skirt
37. Missiles
46. Drink that might be mud, might not be?
39. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about a foot
51. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Time Machineâ&#x20AC;? extras
40. Coral design
52. Valuable string
41. Tour t-shirt listings
53. From the top
42. Image handlers
56. Unmanageable locks
43. Governmental rule
57. Prepare as some eggs
44. Unified
58. Peacenikâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s symbol
46. Distracted Boyfriend, e.g.
59. Baaing creatures
47. Rough file
60. Old carrier with a globe logo
48. Jewish Community Center letters
61. Alcohol ___
49. Genesis murderer
10. Throws out a line, say
50. Another, in Acapulco 54. Actress Amurri 55. Sign of misuse
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had bad luck with our kids theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve all grown up.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Christopher Morley
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make dad's day!
michael franti staycation offer
Make it a day to remember with dad and golf on one of our beautiful courses, embark on a trail ride, enjoy dining specials or get him a Sunriver Resort gift card.
This package for two includes discounted accommodations, two concert tickets to Michael Franti on Tuesday, June 19th and shuttle service to and from Sunriver Resort. Starting at $249.
Space is limited! Book online at