Source Weekly - June 28, 2018

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VOLUM E 22 / I S S UE 2 6 / J UN E 2 8 , 2 0 1 8










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The Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave. Bend, OR 97703 t. 541-383-0800  f. 541-383-0088

REPORTER/CALENDAR EDITOR Keely Damara REPORTER/WEB EDITOR Chris Miller COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts BEER REVIEWER Kevin Gifford FREELANCERS Josh Jardine, Nick Nayne, Teafly Peterson, Jim Anderson, Lisa Sipe, Jared Rasic, Anne Pick, K.M. Collins, David Sword SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, E.J. Pettinger, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Shannon Wheeler PRODUCTION MANAGER Wyatt Gaines

Get Ready to Send It…

…right into the pages of this 2018 Outdoor Rec Issue Summer’s in full gear, and with it, the stoke for everything fun and sunny that Central Oregon has to offer. Find your inspiration for the ideal summer activity—both right here in this area, and within a three-hour drive—with This Perfect Day. It’s like a Choose Your Own Adventure!


ɖɖ Hood River Bike Stop – page 10 ɖɖ Rockhounding at Richardson’s Rock Ranch — page 11 ɖɖ McKenzie Paddle Adventure – page 13 ɖɖ Bend Beast Mode – page 13 ɖɖ John Day River Steelhead, On a Fly – page 15 Plus, check out News on page 7, where Chris Miller gives you an update on the new bike park, slated for construction at Big Sky Park—and how you can help make it happen. Need a little help getting going this summer? Check out Summer Deals in Go Here on page 47, where we’ve rounded up some of the deals on offer at yoga studios, dance spots and more.

Also in this issue:

Spotlight – Ahead of the Sisters Quilt Show, a local shows us her stuff — p 35 Culture – Flamenco at the Capitol — p 37 Chow – Meet your farmer— p 39 Smoke Signals – Canada’s cannabis future — p 54 Tricia Perry

On the Cover: Great local cover from photographer Colton Jacobs at Smith Rock. Check out Colton’s work at or on Instagram @coltonandrewjacobs Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email:

Opinion 4 Mailbox 5 News 7 Source Picks


Sound 19


Clubs 21


Artwatch 35

Events 25

Chow 39

ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Ban Tat, Chris Larro, Ashley Sarvis, Robert Cammelletti

Screen 43 Outside 47


Real Estate

Advice 50

DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Sean Switzer CONTROLLER Angela Switzer PUBLISHER Aaron Switzer NATIONAL ADVERTISING Alternative Weekly Network 916-551-1770 Sales Deadline: 5 pm, Mondays Editorial Deadline: 5 pm, Mondays Calendar Deadline: Noon, Fridays Classified Deadline: 4 pm, Mondays Deadlines may shift for special/holiday issues.

The Source Weekly is published every Thursday. The contents of this issue are copyright ©2018 by Lay It Out Inc., and may not be reprinted in part or in whole without consent from the publisher. Cartoons printed in the Source Weekly are copyright ©2018 by their respective artists. The Source Weekly is available free of charge at over 350 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the Source Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Writers’ Guidelines: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and comics. Visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage for freelancer guidelines.


Astrology 51 Smoke Signals The inaugural Dignity March for Humanity kicked off the Central Oregon Pride Festival in Drake Park on Saturday, June 23.

Puzzles 55

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VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

EDITOR Nicole Vulcan



In hoping for a milder fire season, don’t overlook Smokey’s advice



The summer solstice has come and gone—and with it, the flareup of the first wildfires of the season for Central Oregon. If you were in the area for last year’s smoky showing, then you’re acutely aware of the impact a significant fire season like that can have on a region’s economy, and on the well-being of the people who live there. Officials say the three fires burning in the region right now were caused by lightning strikes—but that’s not always the cause. Since last year’s wildfire season, legislators in Washington, D.C., have been working to ensure that one critical component of fire management—managing the forests to cut down on their susceptibility to fires—has the funding it needs. Among other efforts, this month, Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley announced that the 2018 Farm Bill would double the size of the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program and extend it through 2023, helping to improve forest health and support rural communities. That bill—the same one that also included controversial changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program—had already passed through the U.S. House at the time of this writing. And yet, even with legislative progress, it’s hard to ignore that so much of the fire problem is already a result of human activity. As Heather Hansen, the author who embedded herself with a wildland fire crew, featured in our Book Talk section this month—so aptly pointed out, the vast majority of fires are human-caused. According to research from the University of Colorado, humans caused 1.2 million of the 1.5 million wildfires analyzed in the U.S. Forest Service’s Fire Program Analysis-Fire Occurrence Database between 1992 and 2012. How many of those were caused by rogue fires in the wilderness—or from a fire pit that got neglected in the midst of a party? Or by a cigarette or marijuana joint? And while many would decry a lack of proper management on our public lands (often a preamble to an argument in favor of selling them off instead) some private property owners do little to thin or maintain their own properties to protect them from fire. Those, like the lands owned by the federal government—should be managed for fire suppression, for the good of us all. As the Fourth of July holiday ramps up and fire bans begin to pop up at campgrounds and public spaces, let us not forget our own responsibility in ensuring the types of fires we saw last year don’t plague us once again. SW

GUEST OPINION Invest in Safe Transportation

By Ariel Méndez,

President of the Board, Bend Bikes

Now’s the time to weigh in on transportation priorities in Bend It “was just a tragic accident and not a criminal event.” more deaths, then focusing too much on individual drivThose are the words that often describe a driver killing a er liability is a mistake. To be sure, many fatalities involve pedestrian or a bicyclist with their car. But it is wrong to impairment or distracted driving, and every driver should think that holding drivers criminally responsible is the key to be accountable for their actions. But the truth is that it is making our streets safer. What we badly need is safer infra- just too easy for drivers to make mistakes like these. Neither structure that can prevent many of these deaths—whether driver in these cases were found to be distracted or intoxicriminal or not. cated, and both bicyclists were operating legally at the time The quote above was not District Attorney John Hum- of the collision. mel’s exact words when he announced on May 14, that If we consider the road environment in which these drivno criminal charges would be filed E.J. Pettinger’s ers operate, these collisions cannot be against the FedEx truck driver that considered accidents. Rather, they are collided with and killed bicyclist Jona foreseeable consequence of a transathan Chase Adams. But the sentiportation system that sets up its users to fail. “Accidents” in this environment was the same. The quote above is actually 10 years old and belongs ment happen all too easily, many of to Mike Dugan, the previous disthem attributable to lax and uneven enforcement, unsafe designs and trict attorney of Deschutes County. unclear markings. The vast majority of Dugan was explaining why the drivdrivers do not set out to kill or seriouser who killed bicyclist Duane Noteboom would not be facing criminal ly injure anyone. They just want to get charges. from one place to another. A safer sysWhen something happens with regtem can reduce both the frequency of mistakes as well as the severity of their ularity, it becomes a foreseeable conconsequences. sequence. Since Noteboom lost his life in 2008, many more pedestrians To make the distinction between and cyclists have been killed on Bend’s individual liability and the environ“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to need somewhere safe to live, and I’ll never do it again.” streets in traffic collisions. In fact, takment clearer, consider a painter who en together, the rate of pedestrian and cyclist fatalities in is dripping paint on the floor while painting a wall. If we want Bend is twice the state average. These deaths have become a to prevent the drips, one approach is to critique the paintforeseeable consequence of our daily driving habits, but they er’s brush stroke: don’t dip so heavily in the paint, and so forth. That would help prevent drips. But it would be much don’t have to be. Comments about traffic safety regularly decry how easy more effective to lay down a drop cloth, and until we have it is to get away with “the perfect crime:” a driver can run that drop cloth, in place it doesn’t make sense to focus on over and kill a pedestrian or cyclist and almost never face the painter’s technique. Even the perfect brush stroke drips criminal charges. In the case of Adams’ death, Hummel has a few drops. charged the FedEx truck driver with Failure to Yield to RidFor pedestrians and cyclists (not to mention drivers er on Bicycle Lane (ORS 811.050). It is natural to wonder and passengers—they are victims, too), Bend’s roads are whether an ordinary traffic violation, even when it results in a lot like painting without a drop cloth: accidents are just a person’s death, is the appropriate response to these kinds too easy in this environment. Many people choose to drive of events. Are both district attorneys mistaken? Should oper- because walking and bicycling does not feel safe in Bend. ating a vehicle in a manner that kills other road users actually We can fix this by investing in a transportation system that be a crime, if not of recklessness then at least of negligence? is safer for all users. Were other non-felony charges such as vehicular assault Right now, until July 6, the City of Bend wants your input (ORS 811.060) considered? on transportation priorities. Take the survey at BendBikes. These are good questions. But if we want to prevent org/betterbiking.  SW copyrighted 2018

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TOO MANY ANGRY, UNWANTED PEOPLE All over the media, too many angry, unhappy people, too many unwanted, unplanned-for children, too many refugees. Tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes all originate beneath the crust of earth, they are affecting large numbers of us and are not human-caused or within our control, and everyone recognizes them as life-threatening. What is also life-threatening but we can control is exploding population that overwhelms resources and is driving humanity into hopeless and subhuman crowding and starvation. Stop having children we don’t really want to take care of and are only contributing to further degradation of society. Get an initiative on ballots nationwide to fund surgical sterilization of vast numbers of men and women and quickly stop the torrent of unwanted pregnancies. It is right to take a long-range view of consequences and adopt a no-nonsense attitude about birth control. Pope Francis recently said it is not a sin to prevent a life, it is a sin to take a life. Help make the quality of life improve and keep the sheer numbers of unwanted pregnancies from ever happening. Thanks for the opportunity to express my views. —Tom Fosdick

IN RESPONSE TO, “FAMILY SEPARATION POLICY: OREGON LEADERS REACT TO CHANGES,” 6/20 AT BENDSOURCE.COM I am quite surprised that The Source supports Senator Merkley’s immigration “grandstanding.”( it is rumored he is thinking of running for President) Several years ago at a town hall in Prineville, I asked Senator Merkley if he supported E-Verify, which requires employers to determine whether prospective employees are in the U.S. legally.

Send your thoughts to Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!

He replied yes. Later, he voted against a bill which would have implemented E-Verify. I have written him and ask him direct questions including whether he is in favor of open borders. I have also asked him how many people can be supported by our resource base in the U.S. He has not replied to these questions. The news media concentrates on the plight of individual immigrant families which is compelling, but does not inform the public on the total mess that is our border. Because of previous administrations’ lack of enforcement, people around the world have come to believe that if you cross the border, especially with children, you have a very good chance of staying. This is stimulating a surge of individuals from Central America and Asia which has overwhelmed the border patrol. The cost of dealing with this is tremendous and is never reported to the public. We have almost 8 billion people on the planet. Does Senator Merkley and The Source believe we should take them all in? I suggest The Source ask Senator Merkley what security measures he has supported to make our border more secure. I think you will find that he is more interested in promoting amnesty for those who have entered illegally and that enforcement is not a priority for him. —Bill Boyd

IN RESPONSE TO, “KEEP BEND PRECIOUS” ON 6/13 A recent letter to the Source (6/13/18) called on the Bend community to “Keep Bend Precious.” The main point of the letter is that Bend is a unique community typified by a love of nature, smallness and an unreserved love for one another: a sort of Whoville on the high desert. The correspondent’s prescription is to pull up the drawbridge and demand community administrators embed us in a kind of policy aspic. My wife and I have lived in Bend for over 20 years because Bend is a nice place to live. But unique? No. Bend sits on a continuum of communities that came into existence to first serve resource extraction and has evolved into a blend of regional hub and resort community. This is a well told tale and there are many lessons to be learned. And though Central Oregon is a friendly kind of place it is also has a very well defined class structure. Being poor in Bend can be a brutal affair. I once stood with a retired friend on the deck of her house atop Aubrey Butte looking out across her neighborhood. All around you could see and hear the landscapers busily tidying yards and she turned to me and commented how she loved this time of the morning because there was no one else around. The workers were invisible to her. The only chance Bend has to maintain livability is an honest assessment and


5 VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

1) Donald Trump’s assertion that separating children from their parents at the border is a Democratic law is a lie. It was conceived by the Trump Administration. It is their policy alone and it is NOT a law--Trump could stop this cruel and inhuman practice immediately. This is one more lie in a sea of falsehoods that Trump spouts every single day to continue dividing our country. 2) Jeff Sessions can quote the bible all he wants, but does anyone really believe that Jesus would condone taking children (including babies and toddlers) from their parents? Both of these men are in for a rude awakening when they get to the Pearly Gates. St Peter won’t buy their bs and neither should any of us. —L Bennett


@ifshedrawsadoor beta tests new mountain bike dresses! Get pumped! Tag @sourceweekly and show up here!

a balancing of competing interests. Everyone has a stake in the future and it doesn’t have to be zero sum game. If we lose some views of Mt. Bachelor to an affordable, compact and vibrant community core it is a price we should happily pay. When I hear someone wants to keep Bend precious I’m afraid I can’t help but hear the phrase in the oily voice of Gollum. —Chris Clouart


Chris: Your comments about your friend and the “invisible” workers all around her have stuck with me for days. In light of the ongoing national conversation about immigration, it’s a moment I hope gives others pause, too. Thanks for sharing. Come on in to grab your gift card to Palate! — Nicole Vulcan, Editor

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SIDE NOTES  By Chris Miller Hit and Run

A driver who allegedly hit a cyclist turned himself in to the Deschutes County Sheriff





Cops say on June 23 at around 10:30 am, Roy Holtvedt, 61, was seriously hurt when a pickup truck hit him while riding his bike near Skyline Ranch Road and Macalpine Road on the west side of Bend. On June 25, 21-year-old Travis J. Roberts turned himself in to the Deschutes County Sheriff Office in Bend. Officers arrested him and lodged him in the Descutes County Jail. Roberts was charged with Assault III, failing to perform the duties of a driver to injured persons—a felony— and reckless driving. Officers found Roberts’ 1997 Toyota Tacoma and seized it as evidence, the DCSO said in a press release. Holtvedt’s condition was not updated by press time.


IN FOCUS Firefighters fight the Graham fire.


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Graham Fire Nearing Containment Wildfire near Lake Billy Chinook started by lightning

Lightning strikes that came with thunderstorms that rattled windows and dropped hail and heavy rains June 20 ignited three fires in Central Oregon. The Graham Fire, first reported June 21 near the town of Culver, burned nearly 2,200 acres and was 85 percent contained as of June 26, according to the Central Oregon Fire Information. The blaze burned two houses and five outbuildings in the Three Rivers Subdivision near Lake Billy Chinook, according to KTVZ. It could have been worse though, officials say. “Given the intensity of the fire and the strong winds driving it east, the fire had potential to leave dozens of families without a home today,” Lake Chinook

Fire Chief Don Colfels said in a release June 24. Two other fires continue to burn in the region. The Boxcar Fire has burned nearly 100,000 acres near Maupin and was 60 percent contained as of press time. The Jack Knife Fire, burning over 14,000 acres east of Maupin in Sherman County was 80 percent contained as of June 26. Lightning was the cause of both fires, according to COFI.

PAC withdraws support of local House candidate By Nicole Vulcan FuturePAC, a campaign committee for Democrats in the Oregon House, has withdrawn support for Nathan Boddie, the Bend city councilor who’s running on the Democratic ticket for Bend’s House District 54. In a statement released Tuesday, FuturePAC said the decision comes in response to “serious allegations of inappropriate behavior.” Oregon House Speaker Tina Kotek stated in the release: “Based on FuturePAC’s investigation, I believe these allegations are credible, and we are very disappointed in Dr. Boddie.” The release obtained by the Source Tuesday did not specify the specific nature of the allegations made against him. Other local news outlets reported on the nature of those claims early Tuesday, reporting from activity on Twitter and a previous version of a release, allegedly from FuturePAC, that listed the claims against Boddie in more detail. The Source was unable to substantiate those reports. On Monday evening, Boddie issued a statement, saying, “For decades, I’ve dedicated my life to progressive ideals and helping those least able to look after themselves. There has been a recent attack on my character that is disheartening, untrue, and shakes me to my core.” Boddie said he’d continue in his race, adding “I have spent my medical and political career helping increase access to care for women and LGBTQ patients and anyone who needs medical treatment. My colleagues across the aisle, or whoever is responsible for this, should be ashamed for taking the low road.” Boddie was not available for follow-up before press time, but his campaign staff said he had not yet been informed of the exact nature of the accusations as of Tuesday afternoon, adding that it appeared there had been two versions of the FuturePAC release. According to the Tuesday FuturePAC release, other PACs, as well as the Bend Firefighters Local 227 have withdrawn support for Boddie. The Deschutes Democrats, meanwhile, stated on their Facebook page Monday: “Unless and until we have more to go on than a press release from a PAC, we will continue to support Dr. Nathan Boddie, and we hope you will, too.” SW


Big Things at Big Sky Park

The park’s updated Master Plan calls for off-road cycling, a radio-controlled car area, expanded parking and more By Chris Miller people—have Portland events coming over here—and having events that do UCI [Union Cycliste Internationale] circuit races here for downhill and mountain biking, cyclocross… you know, having a real destination.” The 25-year-old Storch was born in Bend and cut his teeth riding trails around town, but he said he learned most of his jumping skills during competitions, or when he was fortunate enough to travel to other areas that had progressive slopestyle courses. “We will have beginner, intermediate, advanced and pro-line,” Brooks said. “Our starting tower, we’re designing a fire tower—a lookout-looking thing— you know, a reference to what’s around here with the big forest fires.” “Then we will have a session zone which is a shortened version,” Brooks said. “We’re going to stack storage containers on top of one another—so we can get 15, 18 feet of height.” Storch said he’s stoked to see the plans come to reality, and that one of his goals as a professional rider is to pay it forward. “There’s a big scene of the younger generation of kids who ride a lot,” Storch said. “My goal is to give back to the community.” The budget for additions to Big Sky is

VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY


ycling enthusiasts will soon have the chance to ride a new bike park on Bend’s east side—but first, riders may want to kick in some funds. The park is scheduled to open in the fall of 2019 at Bend Park and Recreation District’s Big Sky Park, though park officials say they’re a bit short on fully funding it. The plan for the site includes pump tracks, a dual slalom course, cyclocross and single-track trails, a bike trails area and a children’s skill area for up-and-coming gnarly riders. Perry Brooks, a BPRD landscape architect, worked on the design for the various pieces of the bike park. He sat down with the Source Weekly to talk about the progress. “We’re in the midst of doing construction drawings with all those parts,” Brooks said over coffee. “It looks so awesome… yeah, it’s going to be great.” Brooks said BPRD is working closely with many local professional mountain bikers, including Carson Storch and Cam McCaul, on the design of the slopestyle courses to design a world-class course that could put Bend on the map internationally. “If we could hold a slopestyle event out there, that would be huge,” Storch said. “We are really trying to build a world-class facility, so we can draw


This map shows the new features planned for Big Sky Park.

$4.1 million, coming from BPRD’s budget—which all comes from property taxes and system development charges, according to BPRD. Brooks said most of the funding is earmarked for infrastructure and the new access road, which leaves the bike trails needing help from the community. “We’re a little short as far as the building the bike park stuff, so we’re going to start a campaign and work to do some fundraising in the community,” Brooks said. “So we need to raise probably, to build it all out, about another $400,000.” Not to worry, Benditos, Brooks has done all of this before. Before moving to Bend, he helped build—and fundraise—a park in Colorado. “We moved here from Boulder and

I built a very similar bike park in Boulder called Valmont,” he said. “We worked with the Boulder Moutainbike Alliance—the COTA [Central Oregon Trail Alliance] of Boulder—and we were able to raise $600,000 in eight months—$200,000 of it was a grant from the state—but $400,000 of it was just fundraising.” In addition to the bike park, plans for Big Sky include a new access road off Hamby Road that will serve as a common point of access for the park and Buckingham Elementary School. Plans are to add 300 to 350 new parking spaces, a ½- to a 1-acre area for radio-controlled cars, and new trail connection to Buckingham Elementary and an informal outdoor education area about .75 to 1.5 acres in size. SW


A ribbon cutting ceremony took place June 21. The hub is set to start seeing buses and passengers in July By Chris Miller


tanding in the direct sun June 21, the new hub will allow buses to come Redmond Mayor George Endicott and go individually, unlike Bend’s Hawgrabbed a pair of comically oversized thorne Station, where buses can stack red scissors, stood in front of a crowd of up because it’s on a public street. about 40 and sliced through a red ribbon, Endicott said the Homestead Trail Projsignifying the opening of the new Red- ect, a 5.3-mile trail off Odem Medo Road mond Transit Hub, officially set to open and Highway 97, ends near the new bus in early July. hub, allowing peoThe new hub About 10,000 riders pass ple to walk or ride will have more catch the bus throught the Redmond hub to modern amenities, to Bend or other including real-time points in Central each month. arrival signs, pasOregon—all withsenger shelters, restrooms onsite and out the use of a car. dedicated loading areas for each bus. ArtEndicott also pointed out that the work adorns the hub, including a firepit residents of Cook Crossing, which profrom this year’s WinterFest. vides 48 apartments to low-income Karen Friend, director of the Cen- senior citizens, have free access to CET. tral Oregon Intergovernmental Council, Cook Crossing, located on Veterans which runs Cascade East Transit, said Way, is within walking distance to the

Chris Miller

New Redmond Transit Hub Opening Soon

new transit hub. Friend said this year marks the tenth anniversary of the regional transit system, which got its start in April 2008. She said the transit system is unique because of its regional connectivity. “We set aside for connection to communities,” Friend said. “Others haven’t prioritized that connection.” Theresa Conley, District 4 regional coordinator for the Oregon Department of Transportation, said ODOT put $1.1 million into the transit hub, which is part of the larger Connect Oregon Project. The total cost of the Redmond project was $1.7 million, according to Derek Hofbauer, outreach and engagement administrator for COIC and CET. According to Friend, about 10,000 riders pass through the Redmond hub each month. She said people near the old hub— near the Deschutes County Library—are probably happy to see the buses go. “We’re not a favorite customer of the library,” Friend said, laughing. Michelle Rhoads, transportation manager for COIC, said the Community Connector service, which runs buses from Bend to Redmond and other cities, provides more than 125,000 rides a year. The Community Connector operates seven regularly scheduled routes between

Redmond Mayor George Endicott breaks out the giant scissors.

Sisters, Redmond, Warm Springs, Metolius, Madras, Prineville, La Pine and Culver. It also connects with Bend and Hawthorne Station, Rhoads said. Currently, Redmond doesn’t have daily buses that run through the community, something Rhoads said may change with Redmond’s growing population. “Redmond has grown over the past few years and it is a good time to take a serious look at designing a fixedroute bus system for the community,” she said. “That would allow people to simply hop on the scheduled bus, rather than needing to call to reserve a ride in advance. It increases independence, mobility, convenience and access to the community.” SW

K.M. Collins



What narratives are (under) represented in an outdoor mecca like Bend? By: K.M. Collins n masse, we suit up and slide off the shore just above the Bend Whitewater Park passageway—five women tricked out in combat kayak gear, lining up to run the terraced lava rock drops of the bypass channel. I’ve never ridden rapids surrounded by so many women— and no men, on a kayak, raft, paddle board or otherwise. I’m enrolled in an all-women’s whitewater kayaking weekend. It’s magical. These people have bodies like me and are overcoming some of the same fears. As the river pulls me closer to the first drop, I would be nervous for myself, but my eyes are locked on the woman in front of me. If she needs a rescue, I better be ready. So I took an outdoor sports class with all women. So what? On a weekly basis I digest a lot of media oriented around social justice, feminism and the outdoors—yet I don’t often see these topics coalesce on more than a surface level. Central Oregon’s outdoor narrative is typically like this: Bend is an outdoor mecca. Outside magazine said so. They all lived happily ever after. Full stop. But for women, the narrative is complex.

The not being taken seriously sentiment To dive a little deeper, and to get an idea of the participation and satisfaction levels of local women in the outdoors (Are they really living happily ever after?), we set up our own survey and advertised it on our website, in our paper and on our social media channels. Fifty women responded to most questions. Women’s responses included concerns about not being taken seriously by male staff at retail locations; clothing unfriendly for people with hips, breasts and beer bellies; the stigma that women are not as fit or capable as men; having to circumvent “the old boys club”; a lack of women’s gear stocked in stores (even if brands actually made women’s gear); a lack of a network to borrow gear the way males do—making cost a more prohibitive variable; lack of opportunities for women to get involved on a deeper level with their chosen outdoor hobby; a desire for a culture more willing to answer questions about gear and gear maintenance; and finally, concerns about equal pay in the industry. The concern of being taken seriously pretty much sums up the rest of the grievances listed. To boot, in a 2017 National Study on Women and the Outdoors, REI found that six out of 10 women felt that men’s interests in outdoor activities were taken

Girls just wanna have fun, just like men, and be taken seriously along the way.

more seriously than women’s. In our local survey, 30 of 45 women who responded said the level of “respect for all levels of participation in an outdoor sport” was “unsatisfactory.” If the assertion that women aren’t taken as seriously as men in the outdoors is true, the other grievances make sense. Of course there aren’t clothes that fit; of course there’s a lack of opportunity.

What is “outdoorsy?” and who gets to claim the title? This not taken seriously sentiment is reflected acutely in the way women on the margins of the outdoor industry view themselves. In the course of interviewing women for this article, I talked with several mothers who claimed they were not “outdoorsy.” However, by the end of our conversations I had discovered they did sports outside with their children constantly. One mother jogged outside daily with her child in a beefy stroller—

If the assertion that women aren’t taken as seriously as men in the outdoors is true, the other grievances make sense. yet didn’t feel justified in calling herself “outdoorsy.” Attending a secret Women’s Ceremony at Trout Creek Ranch recently also clarified the notion of respecting participation for all levels. Mothers and daughters bravely charged the treacherous 3-mile gravel unimproved road in RVs. Other elders slowly and deliberately trekked back and forth a quarter mile each way with their walking sticks to our ceremony site. Many of them didn’t view themselves as “outdoorsy,” but seemed to credit me with that title because I had arrived with a paddle board strapped to my roof rack. It seems like the anecdotal negative feedback loop goes like this: Women don’t feel their presence in the outdoors is taken seriously, thus, they don’t take themselves seriously. Half-way through the course, I discovered another student had many years of kayaking experience. She had paddled the Wild and Scenic portion of the Rogue River and the entire Grand Canyon. She even performed a kayak roll multiple times in the class—far and above the achievements of the other intro-level students. She wanted to take the course because much time had passed and she felt rusty. Unabashedly, I followed her around on the water and

told her how impressed I was with her roll and the multiday bucket list trips she had already ticked off. She always brushed off my praise by slighting herself, saying, “We’ll see if I can get the roll when it matters,” or “ That was so many years ago now.”

Closing the chasm between participation and leadership Nationally, statistics gathered by the Outdoor Foundation show that 46 percent of outdoor sports participants identify as female. The percentage of women working in the industry at an entry level can be up to between 50 and 60 percent. Yet looking at demographics moving up the leadership ladder, numbers taper, explains Deanne Buck, executive director of Camber Outdoors (formerly the Outdoor Industries Women’s Coalition). Between 10 and 20 percent of senior-level positions are held by women, and this statistic holds true beyond the outdoor industry. “Women in the Workplace,” a 2016 Wall Street Journal report by Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook chief operating officer and author of “Lean In”), showed that women accounted for 18 percent of C-level employees. Locally, Bend Park and Recreation District registration data is in alignment with the Outdoor Foundation findings. Over the past four years, 45 percent of youth participants have been girls and 55 percent of adult participants have been women, according to Julie Brown, communications & community relations manager at BPRD. Of those who responded to our local participation and satisfaction survey, 24 percent reported being an executive at the outdoor company they worked for—at the high end compared to national stats, but still not representative of participation. If women at the recreation level have cause to feel like they aren’t being taken seriously at retail stores, for example, how can we be confident they are being taken seriously in management and as leaders? Or being taken seriously when applying for those roles? After all, whatever we see down river is a result of what happened up river. It seems the gap between participation and representative leadership at the decision-making level is leaving the outdoor industry at a loss to the diverse narrative of women in the outdoors, i.e. see the unsatisfied grievances list. To someone who hasn’t experienced it, not being taken seriously by male staff at retail stores or not being able to find gear that fits appropriately might

K.M. Collins

Young gun Bri of the Tumalo Creek rentals crew smiles and suits up, looking forward to a day tackling the inland whitecaps of the McKenzie River.

not sound that discouraging. But added up, over a lifetime, day in and day out, these microaggressions aggregate and amplify. As a business owner, if you haven’t yet tuned into this market share, just imagine all the dollars you’re missing out on as slighted females with disposable incomes exit your premises, wallet intact.

Male allies are critical Melodramatics aside, women in the outdoors need male allies like we need gear that fits our bodies. In our survey, we asked women about their reasons for getting into outdoor sports. Many local women mentioned fond memories with their fathers, boyfriends and other male mentors as a catalyst. Local kayak instructor Will Howerton takes pride in being a male ally to women in outdoor sports. He explains, “Plain and simple, strong women equal strong communities! If I want to make a strong community then I want to have a strong community of women within that. [It’s] important to set an example of equality in the community.” Debbie McKeown says if it weren’t for her brother’s urging in 1976, she wouldn’t have been the first female semi-professional guide rowing the Rogue River. “At the time, I was such a novelty. People would take pictures, and I wasn’t sure if people were taking pictures because I am a woman rower or because I was in a bikini,” she said. “There was a real stigma, like women were not strong enough to handle it... A lot of the Pacific Northwest rivers are technical, and much skill is required.” McKeown noted that women tend to row with good technique because—spoiler alert—they aren’t always as strong as men and thus can handle Northwest water quite well. McKeown believes women have a tendency to be very good at a lot of aspects of rafting, like gear maintenance and reading water. If outdoor companies opt into the benefits of equally representing women at the executive level in outdoor companies, having men who are willing to encourage, listen and advocate for the diversity and legitimacy of all the female outdoor narratives would also be a paddle stroke in the right direction toward happily ever after. Sitting in the eddy, we all listen to Tina McKeown, a rower, a retired professional kayaker and the executive team HR director at the water sports company she works for. Waving her paddle like a magic wand, she breaks down the finer points of bracing to avoid a kayak flip. She explains the same technique in multiple ways, every time with a robust and genuine smile. She answers the same question over and over, never a break in the joy she radiates. Her explanations and patience work. She reaches every woman. Every age, every concern and every diversity is accounted for. Only one of the students flips and swims the entire day—no small miracle with six beginners. To view all the results of the Central Oregon Women in the Outdoor Industry Survey (2018), check out the online edition at SW

All women’s activities: ɖɖ Dirt Divas thru Pine Mountain Sports Monday Night Moutain Biking, pinemountainsports. com/events/category/ dirt-divas ɖɖ Women’s Whitewater Kayaking Weekend thru Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe End of August, Stay tuned for a bi-weekly beginners whitewater kayaking meetup ɖɖ She Jumps Avalanche Courses and Mountain Bike Clinics, region/pacific-coast ɖɖ Adventure Fitness, LLC Girls Whitewater Rafting Guide Clinic, ɖɖ REI Co-op Periodic classes in a range of outdoor fields, bend.html ɖɖ The Gear Fix Periodic classes in a range of outdoor fields, ɖɖ Outdoor Women’s Alliance Periodic classes in a range of outdoor fields,

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9 VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

Market of Choice is Hiring!

In honor of the Outdoor Rec issue, an ode to our beautiful outdoors, in six parts Part One: The Source names a poet laureate of This Perfect Day. Because what’s better than a day doing something you love outside? Doing it with poetry, of course.



all the highways END IN SKY by Emily Carr thursday rehearses herself on top of a mountain, the sun arrives backwards, double-fisted, an animal wind moves in the trees, rearranging the world

Stefano Spedini

in terms of female honesty. (you’ve come this far so why not—

Parts Two, Three, Four, Five and Six: Source writers share their Perfect Days.

Rider Emily Carr navigates a switchback in Post Canyon—in a cycling dress.

Hood River Bike Stop A grippy network of trails, awesome eats and other reasons to love our neighbors to the north

By Nicole Vulcan o you live in Bend, alias, “Mountain Bike Mecca.” Props to you, big shooter—yet maybe you’re finding yourself craving a trail you haven’t ridden before, and maybe one a bit less dusty this time of year. If your recreational budget affords you a few extra hours to kill, heading to Hood River to ride Post Canyon may very well be your perfect day. ɖɖ Who it’s for: Post Canyon’s vast network of trails is kinda like the Phil’s of Hood River—so if you enjoy mountain biking, pick your poison, and skill level. The trails also welcome hikers. ɖɖ Directions: Head north on Hwy. 97 and merge onto Hwy. 26 toward Mt. Hood, and then onto Hwy. 35 north to Hood River. Post Canyon is just 4 miles west of town. ɖɖ Gear: I ride around Bend on a hardtail, but I decided to step up my game and got a full suspension demo from Hood River bike shop, Mountain View Cycles. Owner Rafe Lehner hooked me up with a sweet women’s Trek Fuel EX8 with 29-inch wheels.

This Perfect Day: The day starts with me visiting my cousin’s newborn twins—perfect, to be sure—followed by proper espresso in the kitchen of Stefano Spedini, co-founder

of Biciclista USA, a Portland and Italy-based bike apparel company. Spedini asks if we’ll do a beta test of his newest invention, the cycling dress. This first line is decidedly mid-century. After sporting them from trail to street with the pleasure of not looking too bikenerdy, my friend and I, Perfect Day Poet Laureate, Dr. Emily Carr, are in support. Post Canyon is by far the most popular set of trails in Hood River, says Pierce Hodges at Mountain View Cycles, though when the trails are wet, riders often head to Syncline, on the Washington side of the Columbia River, directly across from the town of Mosier, Ore. I don’t ask him for his really super-secret spots—because, well, secret spots. Are the trails crowded? Do people complain about rapid growth in Hood River? The Bend-based journalist in me has to ask. “Some people will complain that they’re horribly crowded, and Hood River is definitely busier than it was a few years ago,” Hodges responds. “The dynamic has shifted, but it’s also not… it doesn’t get too, too busy.” Overall, “it’s a really friendly community as far as riders go,” Hodges says. “You can ask for directions in any given area and people are always super friendly.” While our ride diverts a bit from Post Canyon’s “Hot Lap,” it doesn’t stray far from that popular loop. We begin in the Family Man staging area and make our way to 8 Track, which climbs the canyon in a series of steep switchbacks. It’s a puffer, to be sure, but since our lungs are accustomed to higher elevation, we’re perhaps puffing a bit less. Every once in a while, vistas of the Columbia River Gorge, Mt. Hood or the area’s vast

inland orchards peek through the trees. It’s tough not to look out—but doing so while moving can land one down a cliff. I know; it nearly happened to me. Our ride eventually continues on the fast, fun and jumpy Bad Motor Scooter, then out across Mitchell Ridge where we’re treated to even more gorgeous views. With a mix of steep climbs, all those viewy payoffs and grippy, red clay-type dirt, we get a number of delights riders don’t often find in Bend. The day ends with leisure time along the sunny Gorge, watching windsurfers conquer the mighty winds. Who knows—the next Perfect Day might have to involve these noobs trying out yet another new activity…. ɖɖ Bonus eats: pFriem Family Brewers, full stop. In addition to pouring some of the most inventive beers in the region—OK, maybe the country—the menu is stellar, and the river location is a visitor’s must-do. The bratwurst came proper, with warm sauerkraut and Liege potato salad laced with lardons. My companion had a veggie version of the pimento burger, equally delicious. Oh, and beers. A tall glass of Wit is just about the perfect libation for this perfect day.

pFriem’s proper bratwurst and delicious sides.

Keely Damara

Rockhounding at Richardson’s Rock Ranch 11

Not into digging? Richardson’s Rock Ranch sells a variety of rocks from around the world.

VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

A scenic day trip for avid rock collectors and sightseers

By Keely Damara or those who like beautiful day drives and laidback outdoor activities, rockhounding may just be your new favorite pastime. Richardson’s Rock Ranch is open during the summer seven days a week, 7am to 5pm. Thundereggs—named for their spherical shapes and often colorful, agate-filled interiors—are plentiful in the volcanic ash layers common throughout the region. Guests dig for thundereggs and pay for their haul by the pound. ɖɖ Directions: Drive 11 miles north of Madras and turn right at Mile Post 81. Follow the signs and take the dirt road to the right, past a few barns and to the Richardson’s Ranch office. It’s hard to miss— quartz and rocks the size of your head are on display in front of the building. ɖɖ Gear needed: Buckets and rock hammers are available to borrow on a first come, first serve basis. These are the only tools you’ll need to get started.

This Perfect Day: I left bright and early at 6am on Sunday to beat the impending summer sun to the agate and thunderegg beds. The roads are well maintained, but they’re still dirt. I’d suggest not taking a small sedan out to the ranch, but you won’t need an off-road vehicle. When I pulled past the red barns and into the driveway of the Richardson’s Rock Ranch office, I was greeted by peacocks, chickens, roosters and a few quail scurrying across the road. It felt like a magical farm in the middle of nowhere—with a ton of colorful rocks and quartz carefully laid out in front, like a yard sale. After checking in with the owners and borrowing a rock hammer, an employee told me how to get to the mineral beds on the property, with the matter-of-fact friendliness of a flight attendant’s scripted instructions. As I approached the first gate leading to the agate beds, I had to politely ask a herd of cows to move so I could squeeze by. They eventually acquiesced. I chose the Moss Bed as my digging site, which unbeknownst to me has a difficulty rating of “hard.” I definitely worked up a sweat, but that’s all it takes, really. As Red from “Shawshank Redemption” famously said, it just takes “pressure and time.” Patience is a virtue, young grasshopper. This is a fun activity to enjoy alone or with a few friends or family. The beds are rated “easy” to “expert,” so there’s something for everyone. ɖɖ Bonus eats: No doubt you’ve passed by Sun Spot Drive-In, a delightful ‘70s-era drive-in located in Terrebonne. The joint opens early at 6am every day, making it a great place to grab coffee and a quick bite on your way to the ranch. If you’re taking your day trip Wednesday through Saturday, stop by Wild Bleu in Madras for lunch and a brew. It’s an adorable beer garden, complete with food carts and a little boutique that offers craft classes during the week. Richardson’s Rock Ranch 6683 NE Haycreek Rd., Madras Open every day, 7am-5pm Call 541-475-2680 to confirm

Keely Damara


At left, a thunderegg fresh out of the ground. At right, a peacock roams near the rock shop.


* Brunch only available on weekends at Eastside location.

Westside 541.647.2198 | 845 NW DELAWARE AVE.

Eastside 541.382.1751 | 1500 NE CUSHING SUITE 100 JACKSONSCORNSERBEND


K.M. Collins

David Sword

Beast Mode


Whether it’s on a raft, whitewater kayak or paddleboard, it’s choose your own adventure on Oregon’s beloved West Cascades River

Beth Junkins gets ready to send it on the McKenzie River.

By: K.M. Collins plashes and giggles abound on a lush, fun and flowy section of the McKenzie River. While you’re paddling, gaze below the surface to see glassy greenish-blue water and a riverbed lined with rounded igneous cobbles—a nice relief from Bend’s lacerating lava rock. A brown bag lunch never tasted so good when consuming it under giant deciduous trees on the beach at Finn Rock. ɖɖ Directions: Drive 6.8 miles past McKenzie Bridge until you see a store called Christmas Treasures. Pass it. In the next mile or two, there’s a pull off on the left side of the road with pit toilets and three boat ramps. This is the put-in. If you drive to the confluence of the Blue and the Mckenzie Rivers, 3 miles past Christmas Treasures, you’ve gone too far. The take out is 12 miles down river or 7 miles further on the left side of the road at Silver Creek Landing. ɖɖ Gear needed: Whitewater kayak, inflatable kayak, paddleboard or raft, choose your own adventure. Personal Floatation Device, paddle, helmet and a spray skirt. ɖɖ Suggested Snacks: Fruit roll-ups and nut butter packets to eat while on the river. Word to the wise: snacks are crucial to morale when paddling. Share with your buddies; this will motivate them to rescue you if you swim.

This Perfect Day: I’ve paddle-rafted and kayaked Blue River to Silver Creek three times and hope to rage it on a paddleboard soon. On a recent mid-June paddle raft mission, I and three colleagues gasped as we crossed McKenzie Pass and saw a dusting of snow at the summit. Soon after, we realized we had forgotten a life jacket back at the shop. We soon discovered that several gas stations and markets in the area rent out life jackets for free. Once we were rigged up and shoved off at Blue River we hit several awesome sets of pretty low-consequence rapids. Although the weather couldn’t make up its mind between rain and sun, it wasn’t a problem in our dry suits. Plus, the valley is so much less cold than the desert. Just over halfway through the run, a series of three rapids—Frogger, Fluffy Bunny and Eagle Point—kicked the remaining 6 miles on the commitment level up a notch. On a paddle raft, this wasn’t too intimidating; a nice rush as you entered the line at the top of the rapid and a fun drop as you launched into the wave train below. But in a hard-shell kayak, it felt like upping the ante. Rafts are so forgiving, even if the line you choose through the rapid is off. Even if you scrape a rock or edge by a snag, you’ll still probably end up plowing through, bumper boat style, unscathed. In a kayak, if your line is off by a hair, you could go in the drink. This in mind, dropping into Frogger felt like an obstacle course. The rapid is a quarter-mile long boulder garden; dodging rocks is the name of the game. The ones sticking out of the water are easy to maneuver—it’s the rocks just below the surface, that you almost can’t see from upriver, that you have to worry about. They can have giant sniper holes on the down river side that aren’t visible as you approach from above. Easily the biggest features of the day—Fluffy Bunny and Eagle Point—both required dropping in to the left of a boulder or downed tree. For Fluffy Bunny, on the left side of the wave train, I spotted a 2-foot wide sneaky line that would allow me to avoid the meat of the rapid. I’d have to cross the train in its first trough to get to the left side. In the split second I had to size up the feature, I had determined the wave train was super condensed and seemed like an unpredictable rodeo. Admittedly, I have a habit of risking a lot to try for a dry line. Skirting features is a skill builder in its own right. It requires hitting an exact line—and that demands technique. Victory abounded, the line went and the girls who followed me through made it without swimming, too. Shortly after Eagle Point, the take-out at Silver Creek has a nice public lookout off a deck—great for photos. ɖɖ Bonus Eats: On the way home, stop at the Snow Cap in Sisters. With burgers, fries, shakes and more, their menu is reasonably priced and fulfilling after a long day on the river.

Sticking near Bend, but busting a multi-sport day for the regular Joe

The author, at center, and friends on Beast Mode day.

By David Sword ant to accomplish an Instagram-able day off? Need to challenge yourself and impress your friends and loved ones? Consider taking three of your favorite Central Oregon sporting pastimes and pulling an outdoor trifecta. Beast Mode days are a great way to expand the boundaries of what a “day’s worth” of activities can include. ɖɖ The Intel: You don’t have to be a fitness freak or pro athlete to be successful. Driven by the love of recreation and having Type 1 Fun, the only “rule” is there are no rules. Fuel up your sportsmobile the night before to prepare for the day ahead. There are numerous, even unlimited, ways to accomplish a Beast Mode day, but the following is a favorite. Century Drive is your pathway to adventure for the day, and you will start at Sparks Lake for some water time before heading back toward town and parking at Greengate for some fat-tire fun, then heading downstream for a hard-rock finish at Meadow Camp. ɖɖ Gear: A kayak, SUP, drift boat or a rubber ducky will get you on the water, and Tumalo Creek Canoe and Kayak can get you floating. Several bike shops in town rent hardtail or full-suspension mountain bikes for your dirty pleasures, or you can spruce up your own whip for phase two of the big day. Hit up Mountain Supply or Gear Fix for rock shoes, chalk bag and bouldering pads so you are all geared up for the final block of your Beast Mode day.

This Perfect Day ɖɖ Get started on the water: Paddle, float, repeat. Take a lap or four in the crystal clear, alpine waters and keep your eyes out for a pair of sandhill cranes who call Sparks Lake home. Early mornings can be chilly, so put on a fleece and warm hat. Yes, it’s a ways out, but the surroundings are world class and well worth the drive. Drink water and eat what you can, because your next task is nutrition needy. continued on page 15...

VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

McKenzie Paddle Adventure







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Saturday, July 14, 2018 • Bend, OR Yellow Jersey Sponsors: COPA (Central Oregon Pediatric Associates) • Deschutes Brewery • Hydro Flask • Les Schwab Tires

Polka Dot Jersey Sponsors: Astir Agency • Bend Anesthesiology Group • Central Oregon Radiology Associates • Linyee Chang, MD, & Russ Omizo, MD • Grace Bio Labs• Longboard Louie’s • Microsemi • Mill Point Dental • Miller Lumber • Osteo Strong • Visit Bend

Not for irrigating. #GreatWaterGreatLife

Even numbered addresses should irrigate on even dates.

Hans Vognild

David Sword


Oregon’s longest free-flowing river offers native steelhead, Chinook salmon and smallmouth bass fishing

By Chris Miller

Beast Mode cont... No, the author did not eat this steelhead raw; native fish such as this one require catch and release.

f you like fly fishing, heading out to the lower section of the John Day River during the summer steelhead run could be a fishing trip you’ll never forget. Ten-plus fish days are possible when the run is strong and the fish are in the river. ɖɖ Directions: An easy access point is Cottonwood Canyon State Park, located off Hwy 206 southeast of Wasco. The quickest way to get there from Bend: north on Hwy 97 through Madras and north to Wasco, then south on Hwy. 206. ɖɖ Gear Needed: Cottonwood has 21 primitive camp spots, so bring a tent, sleeping bag and plenty of food and water. For your fishing setup, I recommend a 6 or 7-weight Spey rod and a reel to match for long days of casting in big water. Bring waders and plenty of layers—the river can get cold quickly in the fall. There are plenty of fly-fishing shops in and around Bend, such as Confluence Fly Shop in the Old Mill and Bend Fly Shop on Third Street. Tell the guys at the shop where you’re going and they’ll hook you up with the right flies and leaders. Also, you’re going into rattlesnake territory. I’ve never had a problem in the 20-plus years fishing the river, but a satellite phone is never a bad idea. Day Wireless in Bend has them for rent.

This Perfect Day My fishing buddy Hans and I woke at 4:30 from our tent, slipped into waders, stuffed our packs with food and water and headed out under the light of headlamps down river from our campsite. The place we fish borders land owned by the John Day River Club—in fact, most of the John Day is directly bordered by private land owners— so be mindful of walking below the high-water mark. At about 5:30 we arrived at our favorite run, waited for the sun to fully rise, then started swinging flies. A tidbit of history: I fished this same stretch of river for about five years before landing my first steelhead. But on this perfect day, I hooked and landed more than 10 before lunch. The first fish plucked at my purple peril ever so slightly. I let the loop in my line run out and swung the tip of my 12-foot rod toward the bank. The bright chrome fish jumped and ran for 10 minutes before I could release him back into the river to go make more steelhead. By the time the sun had set, Hans and I hooked about 20 fish each, laughed, watched pheasants and chukars take off and fly across the river, and got to see an otter snack on one of the many small mouth bass that live in the river. After an hour’s walk in the dark we returned to camp, heated our dinner, and had some aged single-malt scotch. The perfect end to a perfect day.  SW

ɖɖ Take it to the dirt: Rub on some Zealios Chamois Butt’r and get ready to shred. From Green Gate parking spot, head up Storm King and ascend the Funner trail to Wanoga SnoPark, then rip back on Tiddlywinks trail. The fast and flowy trail should be enough to keep you rolling toward the remainder of your day. Bendites are blessed with opportunities here, and with nearly 400 miles of single-track dirt available, you can pick and choose the best trail for your personal journey. ɖɖ Hit the bricks: Now that your legs are a bit wobbly, stretch out your fingers for rock climbing. Park the rig at Meadow Picnic area just below Widgi Creek Golf Course. Briefly walk downstream and look to your left. Hitting the edgy and pocketed rock here has been a locals’ pastime for decades. Borrow or buy the “Central Oregon Bouldering” guidebook by Jason Chinchen to help you decide where to begin. ɖɖ Bonus: Add some extra-curricular awesome-sauce to your big day with an early morning yoga sesh, casting a fly-rod to rising trout, taking a trail run along the Deschutes River trail, mowing the lawn, or catching a Beast Mode sunset pint at Crux Fermentation Project…because that’s how we roll here in the high desert.

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VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

John Day River Steelhead, on a Fly

Sunriver Style Presented by La Pine Community Health Center

Music & Market Local Foods | Great Music

Weekly concert series with a farmers market, boutique vendors and family-friendly music.

Sundays, June 17 - July 15 | 4pm-6pm for • John Amphitheater moreGray info and list of vendorsat SHARC Weekly concert with a farmers•market, vendors and family-friendly music. Sunday, July series 1, 4pm-6pm Johnboutique Gray Amphitheater at SHARC for more info and list of vendors

Code Red

Mango Stew



Thomas T and the Blue Chips

Code Red

Off the Record


Bill Keale








6/28 – 7/4

MONDAY 7/2 17

Central Oregonians love their beer—almost as much as they love their dogs. This fundraiser for the Bend Spay & Neuter Project is also the debut of J-DUB’s dog-friendly menu and their house-made Pooch Hooch, ensuring your furry friend will feel right at home on their patio during the dog days of summer. Enjoy live music by Dingo Factory and a beer with your best friend! 5-9pm. J-DUB, 932 NW Bond St., Bend.





Deschutes Brewery turns the big 3-0—so help them ring in their 30th birthday in style. Live music from Robert Randolph & the Family Band and various other local acts. Enjoy staples and specialty beers at the 400-foot Street Pub. Did we mention the tethered hot air balloon rides, community art pieces and a Silent Disco? Noon-9:30pm. Drake Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd., Bend. Free.

Leadbetter is the familiar face and front man of Jive Coulis. (Read about the band’s rebrand in this week’s Sound.) Enjoy a beer and a solo show filled with Leadbetter originals a la the ‘60s and ‘70s golden age of rock. 6-8pm. Immersion Brewing, 550 SW Industrial Way, Suite 185, Bend. No cover.



Enjoy an evening of tapas and smooth jazz in the intimate setting of Café Sintra in downtown Bend. A dynamic jazz duo featuring Hershkovits’ intricate piano playing and West’s sultry vocals. 7:30pm. Café Sintra, 1024 NW Bond St., Bend. $20.



If you haven’t been to FIRE Electronic Music Festival, this is your last chance. The festival is celebrating its 20-year anniversary and final hoorah. Chill out to three days of music, dancing, artistic expression and camping. Rockhorse Park at Horse Ranch, 74543 OR-31, Fort Rock. $150/weekend pass. Ages 21+.




This is not your grandparents’ folk music. Old folk songs, ragtime and original tunes played with a punk rock attitude. Clyde & The Milltailers open. 9pm. Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Dr., Bend. $8/adv. $10/door. All ages.

SUNDAY 7/1-7/4


La Pine’s largest event of the year celebrates the heritage and unique character of the town. There’s something for everyone: lawnmower races, western pit BBQ, fireworks, midway vendors, live music, kid games, a quilt show and more. 10am-7pm. Frontier Heritage Park, La Pine.

Run for fun—and to help support the birds at the Sunriver Nature Center! A post-race celebration includes a medal ceremony and awards. First through third placing finishers will win a one-night stay at Sunriver Resort. 8am-11am. Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Dr., Sunriver.



Friday, June 29

Thursday, July 5


Watch the Pet Parade or bring your furry friend to join the procession and then head to Drake Park for the festival. Complete with live music, pie-eating contests, a three-legged race, kids and family fun area, food and artisan vendors, and more. 11am-4pm. Downtown Bend and Drake Park. 10am-4pm. Downtown Bend. Free.



Think you have what it takes? This race combines swimming, cycling, boating and running through Prineville. Last year, approximately 30 teams and 200+ competitors crossed the finish line. This year, there are four different race options: quadrathlon, triathlon, duathlon and the John Marsh Memorial 5k Race. 8am. Mount Bachelor Ski Resort - West Village, 13000 SW Century Dr., Bend.



Saturday, September 1

September 14-22

VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY





Rock ‘n’ Roll Rebrand

Leadbetter Band tightens up and picks up where Jive Coulis left off By Anne Pick

“I love the overwhelming support of all the other musicians and the incredible open arms of the city to live music.” —ERIC LEADBETTER Leadbetter says the band has enough material for two new albums. Step one: recording at least one of them. He views songwriting as a type of therapy, writing a song as his own personal psychology. He loves grabbing an emotion or an experience and writing a song about it. “It’s the medicine, right? It is for everybody,” Leadbetter says. “That’s why people show up to the shows, it makes them feel something—rejuvenated,


Photo Cred: Submitted.

July 4th Q&A with Eric Leadbetter Favorite firework? “I like the ones that are kind of orange and white and they have the streamers falling down.” Best 4th of July memory? “Playing with Jive Coulis at Worthy, and we were playing as the fireworks got going.”

Celebrate America, rock ‘n’ roll and food carts with the Leadbetter Band at The Bite AND On Tap on 7/4.

healed. It helps me get to share what’s in my heart and get rid of the baggage we as humans carry.” His creative process begins with the lyrics. Listening to and performing his songs, he knows exactly what he felt in that moment. “Music is the story of my life,” Leadbetter says. Leadbetter started Jive Coulis when he lived in Colorado, continuing after moving to southern Oregon. He relocated to Bend two years ago because the band played so many shows here. “I love the overwhelming support of all the other musicians and the incredible open arms of the city to live music,” Leadbetter says of the Bend music scene. “And the awesome music that

the town brings here. There are so many people fighting for it.” Through the summer the Leadbetter Band will be on tour throughout Oregon, including stops in southern Oregon, Mt. Hood, Hood River, and of course, at venues across Central Oregon.  SW Leadbetter Band

Wed., July 4. 3-5:30pm The Bite 19860 7th Street, Tumalo No cover

Essential 4th of July food? “We’re playing at the Bite in Tumalo from 3 to 5:30pm and then at On Tap from 7 to 10pm. We’re doing the food cart tour so, I’m probably going to have a Kobayashi dog from The Bite and lengua tacos from Barrio at On Tap.” Why should people spend their July 4th with Leadbetter Band at On Tap? “At On Tap, we’re going to be at the base of Pilot Butte. We’re going to put on a great show for everybody. It’s going to be an awesome view of the fireworks. Everyday we play together, we love it more and more. It feels like we’re going nowhere but up and I want people to be part of it, especially if you like rock ‘n’ roll.”  SW

Wed., July 4. 7-10pm On Tap 1424 NE Cushing Dr, Bend No cover


It could be SIBO. Call for Better Relief.

VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY


ric Leadbetter may be one of the hardest-working musicians in Central Oregon, performing nearly every day each month. Because he performs solo, as a duo and as a full band, Leadbetter thought a rebranding was in order. Leadbetter founded the popular rock band Jive Coulis back in 2004, deciding to rebrand as the Leadbetter Band, with a moniker that people would recognize, whether he’s performing with the full band or solo. “It gives it a little more cohesiveness,” Leadbetter says of the new name. “It’s been nothing but fun times with Patrick (Pearsal), and Dylan Bernal is the drummer. It’s been fun to take a new approach to the music. It’s still a power trio. The Leadbetter Band is just more of a rebranding of that same mentality, being the songwriter of the band, because Jive Coulis was my brainchild. That’s four albums we did and I wrote all those songs.”




Amplified Anarchy

Former buskers, Portland’s Bridge City Sinners blend punk, folk, swing and old-time music By Anne Pick

Transform Your Relationship with Grief. Live the Love and Truth of Who You Are. Grief Program


Good Grief Guidance, Inc. 33 NW LOUISIANA AVENUE, BEND




float the river in

easy steps Start at the new Park & Float on Simpson Ave. with parking, tube rentals, lifejackets and a shuttle service - everything you need for a great day on the river.

Start at the Park & Float.

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Return or repeat via the shuttle.


he Bridge City Sinners had just fin- Another got a job application. On more ished breakfast in Garberville, Calif., than one occasion, people exposed and were jamming some tunes when themselves. I called for our phone interview. Two “We were busking in Portland and all of the dudes had taken their shirts off of a sudden a pizza guy showed up,” Lux for the occasion—or so they told me— says. “Someone ordered us a pizza and as a throwback to a previous interview asked the guy to drop it off on the corthey’d done. When you interview a band ner with us.” with five members over the phone, it Aside from being the kind of people can be tough to decipher who’s saying you just want to jam with, the Bridge what, but we laughed a lot and made the City Sinners create incredible music best of it. that blends folk, punk, swing and oldThe Bridge City Sinners got their start time melodies. Many of the band membusking on the streets of Portland. Lead bers got their start in punk rock, but singer Libby Lux and upright bass play- all proudly state they love all types of er Scott Michaud music. got together— “You’ve got to do what you love. “I always wantwithout rehearsed to be in a punk We got together to have fun ing—and would rock band,” Lux and play music.” —LIBBY LUX sing and perform says. “I just picked for passersby, developing a large cata- up an instrument and even though I logue of songs passed through the busk- wanted it to come out edgy, it came out ing community. Sadly, in 2012, a mutual soft and sweet. I tried to make it as edgy friend of Lux and Michaud’s, and lead as I could. It’s easy to go from angsty singer of folk-punk band Profane Sass, punk rock to country music. lost his life. The band came together in “Song inspiration is just Scott yell2016 in homage to their friend. ing at me that we need new songs,” Lux “I’m pretty good at playing for people jokes. “I think I write more than anywho don’t care,” Lux laughs when I ask thing alone in the car or in the shower. about how busking helped prepare the I’ll think of some kind of catchphrase or band for touring. “It definitely helped powerful sentence and try to rhythm it.” me with volume. You demand everyWith a history as a busking band, they one’s attention in the room when sing- do a lot of covers, but plan to record an ing without a microphone. I had no idea album of all originals. Lux would also how to use a microphone. It’s a whole love to tour in places she’s never been other instrument.” before, including Texas, Louisiana and Michaud says, “When you’re busk- the East Coast. And, of course, she ing, Libby doesn’t drink, but I do. I can wants to go to Disney World. drink as much as I want when I’m on “It’s funny, we don’t really hang out the street with a water bottle, but when except for music,” Lux says. “Even if I’m on the stage, it amplifies. You can’t we get together and have a BBQ, there’s drink as much as you want on stage.” music. I went to Scott’s house and had a The band members each had a fun- board game night and it ended up being ny anecdote when us playing music. I asked what was You’ve got to do Bridge City Sinners, Clyde & The the weirdest tip what you love. We Milltailers Sat., June 30. 9pm they ever received got together to Volcanic Theatre Pub while busking. have fun and play 70 SW Century Dr., Bend One band memmusic.”  SW $8-$10. ber got a burrito.


CALENDAR 27  Wednesday Project Every Wednesday! $1 per bingo card. Winners take home half the pot, the rest goes to Bend Spay and Neuter Project! 6-8pm.

Cabin 22 Local’s Night w/ UKB Trivia Never-

mind the road work, it’s game on every week! It’s Fun and free to play! Enjoy Central Oregon pint specials, all day, all night! Prizes include Cabin 22 gift cards. 7-9pm.

Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN with DJ Roseybabe. 9pm. No cover.

Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy Night at Craft We are sneaking into Craft Kitchen and Brewery before they officially open and filling the place with some craft-tastic stand-up comedy! Come join some of Central Oregon’s favorite comedians for a night of laughter. Ages 18+. Doors, 6pm. Show, 7pm. $8/adv., $10/door. Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.

Kelly D’s Banquet Room Karaoke What

will you sing this week? 7pm.

Level State Beerhouse Bend Comedy Pub Trivia Assemble a team or go at it alone, test your knowledge against our fun and entertaining rounds. It’s always free to play, with prizes to win! 7pm. No cover. Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke Come sing your heart out every Wednesday night at Maverick’s! 9pm. No cover. McMenamins Old St. Francis School

Juju Eyeball Bend has a Beatles cover band? They do now, luv. From She Loves You to She’s So Heavy, JuJu Eyeball takes an exciting and exacting look at The Beatles catalog. Party on,

Tickets Available on

Jojo. All ages. 7-10pm. No cover.

M&J Tavern Open Mic Every Wednesday,

musicians are welcome to join us for our weekly open mic. Extends to last call or last musician, whichever comes first. Bring an instrument or just come support the local music scene. 6:30pm.

Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic

Join us for open mic every Wednesday. 6pm.

Sam Johnson Park Music on the Green:

Todd Haaby & Sola Via Over the past several years nuevo flamenco guitarist Todd Haaby and his Latin group Sola Via have gone from playing small cafes and upscale restaurants, to becoming one of the most sought-after talents on the West Coast. 6pm. No cover.

The Capitol Wire & Wood Caitlin Kelly, Joshua Welch, Matt Lauziere, Kelly Kerr, Davidson and Willow Parker. 7:30pm.

Worthy Brewing Company Hot Club of

Bend Swing manouche. 6-9pm.

28  Thursday

Dogwood Cocktail Cabin Fun Luv’n Bend w/ DJs Manoj & Mark Brody A new dedicated monthly house music night featuring entertainment from Bend and beyond. 10am. Double J Saloon Bend Comedy Presents:

Rob Neville, Lacie Wallace & James Wood Star of the comedy/horror film short “Dad Joke,” Rob Neville is a fresh comedic talent. On stage, Rob tackles the uncomfortable moments of everyday life. For the past two years, Lacie Wallace has enjoyed doing comedy up and down the west coast. Originally from Texas, James Wood runs a monthly showcase in Eugene. Ages 21 +. 8pm. No cover.

Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.

J-DUB Paws on the Patio w/ Dingo Factory Live music by Dingo Factory. Boneyard Beer proceeds from the night donated to The Bend Spay & Neuter Project, along with proceeds from Tito’s Handmade Vodka specials this month! Debuting our dog-friendly menu and house made Pooch Hooch—bring your furry friends down and enjoy a night for a great cause! 5-9pm. La Pine Park & Recreation District Mu-

certificates with Happy Hour deals during trivia! 7-9pm.

Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Open Mic

Comedy, music, spoken word—every Thursday night, share your talents with the world! Ages 21+. Sign up at 7pm. No cover.

Silver Moon Brewing Trivia on the Moon

Every Thursday night! Come have a beer, test your knowledge and win Silver Moon gift cards and prizes. 7-9:30pm.

Spoken Moto Motos & Music: MASQ A New Age rock ‘n’ roll duo of many faces. 7-9pm. No cover.

The Commons Thursday Night Live Every Thursday we plug in the amp and speakers and liven up our front room with rotating local artists. 6-8pm. No cover. The Lot Zipline If you love jam bands, the ‘80s, ray guns and mashups, you’ll love Zipline. Oddball originals and everything from good Phish to Badfish. 6-8pm. No cover.

29  Friday

7th Street Brew House Bow Wow Bingo

sic in the Pines: Newberry Family Band A great lineup of bands, food and craft vendors. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and the whole family! Second and fourth Thursdays through summer. 5-8pm. No cover.

Cabin 22 Groovasaur Returning from a life of solitude and dendrologic contemplation, Groovasaur is coming down from the mountains for a performance of their own brand of jazz fusion. 8-11pm.

Cabin 22 Ladies Night Bingo Join us every Thursday for Ladies Night Bingo! 7pm.

Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Partner Dance Lessons Free partner dance lessons every Thursday. 8pm. No cover.

Cafe Sintra Nitai Hershkovits & Jacquelyn West Please join us for an evening of NY Jazz by Nitai Hershkovits & Jacquelyn West. This dynamic jazz duo features Nitai’s mesmerizing piano and Jacquelyn’s smooth vocals. 7:30pm. $20.

Join the fun at our weekly Bow Wow Bingo to benefit the animals at BrightSide Animal Center. Great food and brew—and a chance to win! 6:308:30pm.

Currents at the Riverhouse Riverhouse Music Series: Jon Bourke Trio Riverhouse Music Series highlights local Central Oregon talent in genres ranging from bluegrass, acoustic, indie, blues, jazz, singles and duos. The Jon Bourke Group is a contemporary jazz guitar trio that specializes in instrumental jazz, latin, blues and R&B/funk. 7-9pm. No cover.

Northside Bar & Grill Six Pack Performing on Oregon’s High Desert, the Six Pack brings unique interpretations to classic rock, blues and soul covers. 7:30pm. Round Table Clubhouse UKB Trivia:

“C’mon Get Happy” Thursday! Great trivia in Bend’s Northside! Win pizzas, appetizers and gift

Catch Beatlemania with Beatles cover band Juju Eyeball at McMenamins Old St. Francis School on Wednesday 6/27.

Checkers Pub Justus Band Let’s dance! Eat, drink and have Fun! 8pm.

Dogwood Cocktail Cabin DJ N8ture A night of hip hop and house music. 10pm.

21 VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

Astro Lounge Bingo for Bend Spay & Neuter




Hub City Bar & Grill Friends of Lenny Clas-

50 years! Live music from the ‘60s by the High Street Band. 5:30-8:30pm.

La Pine Moose Lodge HWY 97 Hot classic

The Bite Kinzel & Hyde Roots. 6-8pm. Volcanic Theatre Pub Bridge

sic rock. 9pm-1am.

rock! 6-10pm.



Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Line Dance Lessons Free line dance lessons Fridays & Saturdays! 21+. 8pm. No cover.

City Sinners w/ Clyde & The Milltailers This is not your Grandparents’ folk music. The Bridge City Sinners take old folk songs and original tunes in the direction of a punk rocker. All ages. 9pm. $8/adv., $10/door.

Northside Bar & Grill FunBobby Rock, ‘80s and dance music. 8:30pm. $3. Rockhorse Park at Horse Ranch

1  Sunday

FIRE Electronic Music Festival Join us for 3 days and 2 nights of music, dancing, artistic expression and camping with good friends at the 20th anniversary and final chapter of this classic Oregon outdoor event. $40/general RV parking. $100/powered RV parking. Ages 21+. midnight. $150/GA.

Bend Brewing Co. Rhythm & Brews: Hot

Club of Bend Join us for our Summer Concert Series with live music every weekend! 2-4pm. No cover.

Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN

Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Presents:

Jono Zalay, Lacie Wallace & James Wood Several years ago Jono Zalay moved from San Diego to Boston to pursue standup. He quickly became a staple in the New England comedy scene, while simultaneously earning his Doctorate in Neuroscience (he gave cocaine to rats). Since dropping his science hobby to pursue stand-up full time, Jono has been named one of Comedy Central’s ‘Comics to Watch.’ Lacie Wallace and James Wood also perform. Hosted by Ryan Traughber. Ages 21+. 8pm. $8/adv., $10/door.

Silver Moon Brewing Downhill Ryder A

with DJ Roseybabe. 9pm. No cover.

Hub City Bar & Grill Open Mic Come and play—or listen and have fun! Every Sunday. 4-7pm.

Enjoy the acoustic, folk-rock sounds of Downhill Ryder at Silver Moon Brewing on Friday 6/29.

30  Saturday

band of songwriters that blends acoustic and electric sounds on an eclectic rock landscape. Imagine the sound born from folk, classic rock and jazz. 8pm.

Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN

Spoken Moto Motos & Music: Lurk n’ Loiter

night of hip hop & R&B. 10pm.

Just a two-piece, surf rock kinda thing. 7-9pm. No cover.

Thump Coffee - NW Crossing Sunset

Hour w/ Willow Parker Join us at our new location on York Drive for Sunset Hour every Thursday through Saturday for drink specials on beer, wine and kombucha and live music on Fridays. This week, enjoy live music by Willow Parker, a Thump Coffee roaster and talented musician. 6-8pm.

Tower Theatre Joni Mitchell’s “Blue” Joni

Mitchell’s iconic album performed in its entirety by Broadway star, Merideth Kaye Clark! 8pm. $17-$37.

with DJ Roseybabe. 9pm. No cover.

Dogwood Cocktail Cabin DJ Deena Bee A Drake Park Deschutes Brewery Party in the Park Deschutes Brewery turns the big 3-0—help them ring in their 30th birthday in style. Live music from Robert Randolph & the Family Band and various other local acts. Enjoy staples and specialty beers at the 400ft. Street Pub. Did we mention the tethered hot air balloon rides, community art pieces and a Silent Disco? Noon-9:30pm. Elk Lake Resort Music on the Water: Zugh

Jam music. One of the region’s best places to listen to live music in the summer is also one of the most scenic. Elk Lake Resort hosts a series of outdoor concerts for everyone. 5pm. No cover.

Faith, Hope and Charity Vineyards Opal

Spring Boys Live at the Vineyard presents the Opal Spring Boys! Kids 12 & under are free. Wine club members enjoy $5 off their cover- so this one is on us! Wood-fire pizza, beer, wine and more. 6-9pm. $5.

I love my doc.

Hub City Bar & Grill DJ Dance Music Dance the night away to hits and classics. 9pm-1am.

Kelly D’s Banquet Room Karaoke Get in

touch with your inner crooner at this weekly karaoke night. 8pm.

LOGE Entrada Lily Greenstone Folk. An aspiring musician trying to bring people affirmation and joy through her music. 6-8pm. No cover. Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Line Dance Lessons Free line dance lessons Fridays & Saturdays! 21+. 8pm. No cover. M&J Tavern Midnight Jelly Rock and roll to midnight with jams to dance to. 9pm.

Northside Bar & Grill FunBobby Rock, ‘80s and dance music. 8:30pm. $3. Silver Moon Brewing SEED LING A power

duo based out of Bend. Their music blends darkwave and dream pop sounds to create haunting atmospheric music. 8pm.

Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill Bobby Lindstrom One of Bend’s busiest performers, playing his long list of blues, rock, Americana and roots music, plus several albums of his own original material. 7pm. Sunriver Resort Sunriver Resort’s 50th Anniversary Celebration We’re still playing after

SHARC John Gray Amphitheater Turf Tunes: Code Red Rock. A fun, free weekly event for the whole family! Enjoy entertainment, a farmers market, local food carts and more. 4-6pm. No cover. Strictly Organic Coffee Company Bobby Lindstrom One of Bend’s busiest performers, playing his long list of blues, rock, Americana and roots music, plus several albums of his own original material. 1-3pm.

Volcanic Theatre Pub Strawberry Girls, Night Versus, Andres Strawberry Girls are an instrumental melodic mathrock/progrock trio from Carmel,Calif. Red Light Productions presents. 8pm. $10.

2  Monday Astro Lounge Open Mic Night Bring your

talent to the Astro every Monday night. 8-11pm. No cover.

Immersion Brewing Local’s Monday - Eric Leadbetter Featuring music by Eric Leadbetter. Come in and enjoy a beer and local music! 6-8pm. No cover. Kelly D’s Banquet Room Open Mic Monday Musician singles, duos and trios, comedians, poets and more are welcome to perform at this weekly open mic night. 6-8:30pm. Northside Bar & Grill Michael Abalos Live

music. 6-8pm.

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TICKETS AVAILABLE AT is your favorite vinyls, all genres welcome! Signups at 5:30pm. First Thursday of every month. 5:30-8:30pm.

3  Tuesday

Cabin 22 Ladies Night Bingo Join us every Thursday for Ladies Night Bingo! 7pm.

Astro Lounge Trivia Tuesdays Bend’s longest running trivia game—nine years strong! Bring your team of any size. Gift giveaways and different weekly sponsors. 8pm. No cover.

C.E. Lovejoy’s Brookswood Market

Fat Tuesdays Cajun and Blues Ukulele Jam Every Tuesday, the Bend Ukulele Group (BUGs) jams at Fat Tuesdays. Come watch, sing along or play your ukulele! All ages. 6:308:30pm.

Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your

Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Comedy Open Mic Comedy Open Mic. Free to watch. Free to perform. Come watch some of the best comics in Central Oregon work out new material! Signup at 7:30pm. 8pm.

go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.

Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Partner Dance Lessons Free partner dance lessons every Thursday. 8pm. No cover.

Northside Bar & Grill Jon Bourke Quartet

Northside Bar & Grill The Stirlings Rock/

Jazz. 6-9pm.

funk. 7:30-10:30pm.

Relief Pitcher Sports Bar and Grill

Tuesday Night Trivia in Redmond Have a blast with Useless Knowledge Bowl Trivia+, Central Oregon’s finest trivia show in Redmond every Tuesday. Prizes include Relief Pitcher gift certificates—and it’s free to play! 7-9pm. No cover.

Silver Moon Brewing Moon Landings:

Board Game Night Every Tuesday night, we’ll have lots of games for people to play and also encourage people to bring their own! Everything from UNO to tabletop! 6-10pm.

The Capitol Blueprint Blueprint’s “Two-Headed Monster” tour. Hip hop. 7-11pm.

The Commons Storytellers Open Mic Our weekly open mic! Poets and actual story tellers stop by on occasion, but it’s an open mic like any other—mostly singers and musicians. Family friendly, so keep it clean! Sign up at 5pm, music starts at 6pm. 5-8pm. The Platypus Pub Tuesday Trivia at the

Platypus! Trivia is back at the Platypus Pub! Bring your friends! Bring your brains! Bring your friends’ brains!* *do not remove friends’ brains. Friends’ bodies must also be present to play. 8-10pm. No cover.

Velvet Bobby Lindstrom One of Bend’s busiest

performers, playing his long list of blues, rock, Americana and roots music, plus several albums of his own original material. 8pm.

Worthy Brewing Company Twilight Tunes: Sweet Red & The Hot Rod Billies Rockabilly. Benefiting Arts and Culture Alliance. 6:30-8:30pm.

Round Table Clubhouse UKB Trivia:

“C’mon Get Happy” Thursday! Win pizzas, appetizers and gift certificates with Happy Hour deals during trivia! Bring some friends. Team up! Join in this week! Arrive early for best seating. 7-9pm.

Bend Comedy presents Rob Neville at Double J Saloon on Thursday 6/28.

Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Open Mic

scapes and tells their stories. All ages. 7-10pm. No cover.

4  Wednesday

M&J Tavern Open Mic Every Wednesday,

Astro Lounge Bingo for Bend Spay & Neuter Project Every Wednesday! $1 per bingo card. Winners take home half the pot, the rest goes to Bend Spay and Neuter Project! 6-8pm.

Corey’s Bar & Grill Karaoke Karaoke FUN with DJ Roseybabe. 9pm. No cover.

Crooked River Brewing Company Chris

Darby Presents: Open Mic Night Open Mic Night every first Wednesday! We’re always looking for new, interesting talent! 7-9pm.

Frontier Heritage Park HWY 97 at La Pine Frontier Days Hot classic rock! 6-10pm.

musicians are welcome to join us for our weekly open mic. Extends to last call or last musician, whichever comes first. Bring an instrument or just come support the local music scene. 6:30pm.

Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic Derek Michael Marc hosts. 6-9pm. No cover. On Tap Leadbetter Band 4th Of July with Leadbetter Band at On Tap! 7-10pm. No cover.

Worthy Brewing Company 4th of July: Tony Smiley w/ Alarm 58 Loop artist. 5-10pm.

5  Thursday

Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.

7th Street Brew House Bow Wow Bingo

Kelly D’s Banquet Room Karaoke What

will you sing this week? 7pm.

Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke Come sing your heart out every Wednesday night at Maverick’s! 9pm. No cover.

Join the fun at our weekly Bow Wow Bingo to benefit the animals at BrightSide Animal Center. Great food and brew—and a chance to win! 6:308:30pm.

AVID Cider Co. Bring Your Own Vinyl Night

Comedy, music, spoken word—every Thursday night, share your talents with the world! 5 minutes spoken or two songs stage time. Ages 21+. Sign up at 7pm. No cover.

Silver Moon Brewing Trivia on the Moon

Every Thursday night! Come have a beer, test your knowledge and win Silver Moon gift cards and prizes. 7-9:30pm.

Spoken Moto Motos & Music: Killer Whale

Mind-blowing, easy listening, psychedelic R&B. 7-9pm. No cover.

Sunriver Resort Juju Eyeball Come hang out with JuJu Eyeball at beautiful Sunriver Resort Summer Concert Series and listen, sing, dance, clap your hands to the songs of The Beatles. Party on, Jojo! 6:30-8:30pm. The Commons Thursday Night Live Every Thursday we plug in the amp and speakers and liven up our front room with rotating local artists. 6-8pm. No cover. The Lot Rob Gergerson Rob Gregerson is a professional multi-instrumentalist, singer, composer, and DJ from Seattle, Wash. 6-8pm. No cover.

Join us as we open up our turntables to the Bend music community. We provide the turntables, gear, liquid refreshment... all you need is to bring

McMenamins Old St. Francis School

The Riverside Vocal harmony and folk-rooted stringed instruments...the band paints land-

Where Custom Breeding Sets Us Apart!

to Talk P aw









50% off Microchip Special in June

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23 VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

Dancing in the Garden w/ Off the Record Every other Thursday, June 7 through August 30, enjoy live music, food, drinks and family fun at C.E. Lovejoy’s! This week, live music by Off the Record and food by Bruneau’s South Philly Cuisine. 5-7:30pm.



CALENDAR MUSIC Bella Acappella Harmony Chorus

Cascade Highlanders Pipe Band Practice A traditional bagpipe and drum band

with members from the Central Oregon area. Experienced pipers and drummers are welcome to attend, along with those interested in taking up piping or drumming who would like to find out what it would take to learn and eventually join our group. Contact: 541-633-3225 or pipersej@ Mondays, 5:30-7pm. Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 NE 27th St., Bend. Free.

Community Orchestra of Central Oregon Rehearsals COCO welcomes all

musicians to come have fun with us. A variety of players. A variety of music. No auditions. Contact: 541-306-6768, methowtraveller@yahoo. com Wednesdays, 6:30-9pm. Mountain View High School Auditorium, 2755 NE 27th St. Bend.

COYO Summer Music Camps The Central

Oregon Youth Orchestra presents its annual summer camp lineup. This year it includes Summer Strings: Lost In Space!, and the first annual Chamber Music Camp. 9am-4pm. Mountain View High School Auditorium, 2755 NE 27th St. Bend. $100.

every fourth Saturday. For all levels of dancers. No partner needed! Contact: or 907-299-4199 for more info. Every fourth Saturday, 7:30-10:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. $5.

Bachata Patterns - Level 2 Taken Bachata

Level 1 or have a good understanding of the basics? Learn fun turn pattern combinations with Latin Dance Bend. Dance partner not required but encouraged. Tuesdays, 7:30-8:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $12/class, $40/4-class package, $65/monthly unlimited.

Bend Ecstatic Dance Dance your own dance

in your own way in a supportive community of kindred spirits. Come explore free form movement, connection, and self-expression, guided by rich, diverse soundscapes. Visit: or FB Bend Ecstatic Dance. $10-$12 sliding scale. Tuesdays, 7pm. Bend Masonic Center, 1036 NE 8th St, Bend.

Dance the Myth Series: Unlock Your New Story Join our intimate tribe as we dive

into the depths of personal myths. Do you find yourself stuck in the same patterns, longing to find your deeper voice and creative expression? In this practice, we will engage our intellect, emotions and body to transform our personal myth. June 3 is the inaugural 3-hour workshop that will kick off an 8-part series. To secure your spot send funds via PayPal to lauren.watwood@gmail. com. Sundays, 5-6:30pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $145/2-month series, $45/workshop, $25/subsequent drop-ins.

Feria An evening of Flamenco. Sunday, July 1,

8pm. The Capitol, 190 Northwest Oregon Avenue, Bend. $20/GA, $33/VIP.

Free Saturday Night Square Dance Sampler This community beginner dance is a

great way to try out square dancing. Enjoy 60 minutes of dancing to rock ‘n’ roll and modern country tunes. No dance experience is required. Bring a partner or come by yourself. Dress is casual and comfortable. Saturday, June 30, 6:30-7:30pm. Pine Forest Grange Hall, 63214 Boyd Acres Rd, Bend.

Level 2 West Coast Swing This class goes

over concepts of west coast swing as well as a few more patterns. Really dive into what west coast swing is and how to dance it, while learning the core concepts. Contact Jenny Cooper for questions, 541-401-1635. Thursdays, 7:308:30pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $30/month.

Lindy Hop Summer Series Agan Swing Dance will be teaching the basics of Lindy with a social dance to follow on Sunday nights this summer. Partner not required. $50 for 6 lessons. Sunday, July 1, 7-8:30pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $10/drop-in. Salsa Patterns - Level 2 Taken Salsa Level 1

or have a good understanding of the basics? Learn fun turn pattern combinations with Latin Dance Bend. Dance partner not required but encouraged. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $12/class, $40/4-class package, $65/unlimited monthly.

Scottish Country Dance Class No experience or Scottish heritage necessary. Weekly

classes include beginner & advanced dances. First class is free. Mondays, 7-9pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend. $5/class.

FILM EVENTS “A Quiet Place” (2018) In a post-apocalyptic world, a family is forced to live in silence while hiding from monsters with ultra-sensitive hearing. Friday, June 29-Thursday, July 5. 5:30pm. $4/adults. $2/kids 11 and under.

Full Draw Film Tour 2018 The premier event for all hunters to gather, share stories and make plans while witnessing the best films in live hunting entertainment! Our filmmakers will take you all over the globe as they showcase amazing cinematography of Screaming Bulls, Monster Mulies, Whitetails & more! All ages. Saturday, 6:30pm. Sunday, 1pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St, Bend. $19/GA, $10/child. “Life of the Party” (2018) After her husband abruptly asks for a divorce, a middle-aged mother returns to college in order to complete her degree. Friday, June 29-Thursday, July 5. 5:30pm. $4/adults. $2/kids 11 and under. “Howard the Duck” (1986) Join McMenam-

ins for a Retro Movie Night! A sarcastic humanoid duck is pulled from his home world to Earth where he must stop a hellish alien invasion with the help of a nerdy scientist and a cute struggling female rock singer who fancies him. Ages 21+ and minors w/ parent or guardian. Friday, June 29 & Saturday, June 30. 10:15pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend. $4/adults. $2/kids 11 and under.

Highlights from Lucia di Lammermoor & selected Grand Opera Opera-

Bend presents a recital of some of Donizetti’s best music as well as other Grand Opera classics. Saturday, June 30, 3-5pm. Wille Hall, COCC Coats Campus Center, 2600 NW College Way. Bend. $20/adults, $5/students.

Public (ROCK) Choir Sing Your Face Off in a fun, non-threatening environment with people of all skill levels. Rock and pop favorites—no hymns. First time free! Mondays, 6-8pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln, Ste 1, Bend. $10-$16. Wednesday Night Kirtan Devotional group singing. It is yoga for the heart that connects us with our divine, inner nature and the one Spirit that unites us all. Wednesdays, 7-9pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd, #A-5, Bend. $10.

DANCE Adult Intermediate Level Dance Adult intermediate level dance class, styles include contemporary, jazz and ballet. Instructors rotate monthly. Sponsored by Bend Dance Project. Call 541-410-8451 for more info. April 6 - Nov 9. Fridays, 12:15-12:45pm. ABC Ballet, 162 NW Greenwood Ave. Bend. $5/donation.

at La Pine Rodeo Grounds

BRIDGE CITY SINNERS at Volcanic Theatre Pub



JUN 29

See comedy greats Martin Short, Steve Martin and Chevy Chase in the comedy classic “Three Amigos” at Tower Theatre on Thursday 7/5.

JUN 30 JUN 29

Argentine Tango Class & Practica No partner needed. Four-week fundamentals class begins the first Wednesday of every month, 6:30-7:30pm. Followed by intermediate lesson at 8:15pm (recommended after 4 weeks of fundamentals). Contact: admin@centraloregontango. com or 907-299-4199 for more info. Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. $5/class.



25 VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

Award-winning Bella Acappella seeks women and girls who love to sing and harmonize. Bella teaches and performs four-part acappella harmony and welcomes singers with high and low voices, all levels, ages 15 and above. Contact Nancy at 541-383-3142 for more info. Tuesdays, 6:30-9:30pm. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 60800 Tekampe Rd., Bend. $35/ membership.

Argentine Tango Milonga Tango dancing

EVENTS Come enjoy a unique dining experience at



Join us for our live music happy hour nights and concert series this summer! Patio seating with incredible views, delicious food and refreshing drinks all summer long! FRIDAY, JULY 6 Bill Keale Summer Concert

THURS, SEPT 6 Todd Haaby Concert

FRIDAY, JULY 20 Live Wire Band Free Happy Hour Event

Ticket information online

Ticket information online

FRIDAY, SEPT 21 Jack Krouscup Band Free Happy Hour Event


Wed-Fri: 11am - 9pm Sat & Sun: 8am - 9pm

For reservations call 541-383-8200

For Wedding/Event information contact: Rachel at

*Patio open for lunch & dinner daily, and breakfast on weekends

Anna Fidler’s exhibit “Vampires and Wolfmen” is on view At Liberty through Saturday 6/30.

Outdoor Movie: “Meru” Bring a picnic and join us on the lawn for a screening “Meru,” a film about three close friends and professional climbers who battle their inner demons and harsh elements in an attempt to confront Shark’s Fin on Mount Meru. Family and dog friendly. Friday, June 29, 9:30-11:30pm. LOGE Entrada, 19221 SW Century Dr, Bend. Free. Summer Movie Express Every Tuesday &

62000 Broken Top Drive |

Wednesday throughout the summer, Regal Cinemas offers $1 family-friendly films, including “Despicable Me,” “The Iron Giant,” “Curious George” and more. See for showtimes. Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 10am. Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 SW Powerhouse Dr, Bend. $1.

“Three Amigos” (1986) This classic comedy

Bend Gynecology is pleased to welcome

stars Chevy Chase, Steve Martin and Martin Short as cowboy movie stars from the silent era who are fired when one of their movies bombs. The trio finds themselves in a small village, tasked with ridding the townspeople of a real life bad guy named El Guapo. Saturday, 6:30pm. Sunday, 1pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St, Bend. $10/reserved seating, $15.

“Wrinkle in Time” (2018) After the

Lindy Vraniak, MD Board Certified OB/GYN Dr. Vraniak has over 10 years experience practicing in OB/GYN. Offering appointments beginning June 1, 2018. Call now to schedule your appointment 541.389.0450

disappearance of her scientist father, three peculiar beings send Meg, her brother and her friend to space in order to find him. Friday, June 29-Thursday, July 5. 2:45pm. $4/adults. $2/kids 11 and under.

LOCAL ARTS Anna Fidler: Vampires and Wolfmen

Anna Fidler has worked in a variety of media including drawing, painting, film and music. Her work has been exhibited in New York, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle and the San Francisco Bay Area. This body of work, Vampires and Wolf Men, was shown in solo exhibitions at the Portland Art Museum and the Boise Art Museum. Previous bodies of work were included in both the 2001 and 2006 editions of the Oregon Biennial at the Portland Art Museum. On view through June 30. At Liberty, 849 NW Wall St, Bend.

Bill Hoppe: Paintings and Paper Projects 1970-2017 Please join us for Bill Hoppe’s

opening reception for “Paintings and Paper Projects 1970 - 2017.” Thursday, July 5, 6-8pm. At Liberty, 849 NW Wall St, Bend.

Drawing Under the Influence Bring paWe know you have a choice in women’s healthcare... We appreciate your trust in us. | Tuesday-Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm 1102 NE 4th Street, Bend, OR 97701

per, pen, creativity and draw under the influence! This DUI club is for anyone looking for some fun. Sundays, 6-9pm. JC’s Bar & Grill, 642 NW Franklin Ave, Bend. Free.

Figure Drawing Sessions Sessions with live model. BYO drawing materials, easels provided first come, first serve. No registration required. Tuesdays, 7-9pm. The Workhouse, 50

SE Scott St #6, Bend. $15/session.

Independence Day – Museum Closed

High Desert Museum will be closed for Independence Day 9am-5pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 U.S. 97, Bend.

Photographs at the Vault The Vault Tap-

house/Kobold Brewing is pleased to announce our inaugural exhibition of photography. The exhibition which features works by well-known local photographers, Joan Ouchida, Gary Wing and Linda Ziegenhagen, will be on display from June 1-28, 2018. On display June 1-28. The Vault Taphouse, 245 SW 6th Street. Redmond.

PRESENTATIONS Waterston Desert Writing Prize Award Ceremony Award presentation and readings

by winning author and finalists. Inspired by poet and author Ellen Waterston, this literary award honors writing that illustrates artistic excellence, sensitivity to place and desert literacy. Wednesday, June 27, 6-8pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 U.S. 97, Bend.

THEATER 9 to 5: The Musical Pushed to the boiling

point, three female coworkers concoct a plan to get even with the sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot they call their boss. A girl can scheme, can’t she? Music by Dolly Parton. Directed by Karen Sipes. Thursday-Saturday, 7:30pm. Sunday, 2pm. Cascades Theatrical Company, 148 NW Greenwood Ave, Bend. $16/ student, $19/senior, $23/adult.

Around the World in 80 Years An Evening of Storytelling with Maralyn Thoma. Directed by Nancy Scher, Musical Direction by Ian Patrick. Friday, June 29, 7:30pm. 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend.

WORDS Bend Food: Stories of Local Farms & Kitchens Book Signing The views

surrounding Bend don’t exactly conjure notions of traditional farmland. Snowy mountains frame open vistas dotted with gnarled juniper trees and sagebrush. Visit places like the Great American Egg to learn about the business of raising chickens and Jackson’s Corner for a delicious sample of what eating local tastes like. Sara Rishforth plays ukulele, loves good food and adores her Kitchen-Aid mixer. Sunday, July 1, 12:30-3pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 U.S. 97, Bend.

Storytellers Open Mic Our weekly open

mic! Poets and actual story tellers stop by on occasion, but it’s an open mic like any other— mostly singers and musicians. Family friendly,


VOLUNTEERS Become a Big Brother or Big Sister in Redmond It doesn’t take much to make a big

Brightside Thrift Store in Redmond

Looking for volunteers to receive donations, sort, and price items. Volunteers are critical to the operations of our high-save shelter and contribute directly to the care of our animals by ensuring our donations are processed. Contact: 541-5040101 or Mon-Sun, 10am-5pm. BrightSide Animal Thrift Store, 838 NW 5th St, Redmond.

Call for Volunteers Volunteers needed at

Second Chance Bird Rescue! Friendly people needed to help socialize birds to ready for adoption, make toys, clean cages and make some new feathered friends! Do you play a musical instrument? Come and practice for the birds! Located past Cascade Lakes Distillery, call 916956-2153 for hours and location. Call for hours and location.

Fences For Fido Help free dogs from chains! We are seeking volunteers on Mondays to come out and help us build fences for dogs who live on chains. No experience is required. Sign up on Facebook: FFF Central Oregon Region Volunteers or Bend Canine Friends Meet Up group. More information can be found at fencesforfido. org. Mondays. City of Bend, Contact for address.

Happy Hour in the Garden Tuesdays through August, drop in and volunteer for an hour or two helping with Environmental Center garden maintenance while sipping on a cold beverage! No experience necessary, families welcome. Tuesday, July 3, 4-6pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend. Make Your Mark at Bend Spay+Neuter! Compassionate, awesome people to join

an incredible team, whether you volunteer in the clinic, festivals or helping with our community cat population. Contact: 541-617-1010, Ongoing. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson Ave, Bend.

Mentors Needed Heart of Oregon Corps is a nonprofit that inspires and empowers positive change in youth through education, jobs and stewardship. For more information or to become a mentor, contact John at 541-5261380. Ongoing. Heart of Oregon Corps, 1291 NE 5th St, Bend. The Rebecca Foundation The Rebecca

Foundation is seeking volunteers to help us with an upcoming event and ongoing needs for the Bend area diaper bank. Volunteers of all ages welcome. RSVP to for more info. Ongoing. City of Bend, Contact for address. Bend.

Volunteer The Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. We have an emergency food pantry, we visit residents of assisted living centers, and we make up gifts for veterans and homeless. Contact us at 541-389-8888. Ongoing. City of Bend, Contact for address. Bend. Volunteer Drivers Needed Volunteer

drivers needed Mondays-Fridays to transport veterans to the Bend VA Clinic and Portland VA Hospital. Must have clean driving record and be able to pass VA-provided physical and screening. Call Paul at 541-647-2363 for more details. Ongoing. City of Bend, Contact for address.

Volunteers Needed Help with daily horse care. Duties include; corral cleaning, grooming, walking horses. Flexible days and hours. No experience required. Call Kate Beardsley to set up an appointment 541-350-2406. Ongoing. Mustangs to the Rescue, 21670 McGilvray Rd., Bend.

By Working

5-week Pet Loss Bereavement Class

The loss of a beloved pet can shake our very foundations and make us question our identity. In this 5-week class, limited to 5 participants, we’ll explore the pet loss grief journey as it relates to our experience using guided imagery, art therapy, story telling and educational processes. Get the emotional support you need and the education to integrate your loss and begin imagining a world without your pet. Call 541.706.0740 for location and details. Tuesday, June 26, 10:30am. Love & Leash Therapy, LLC, 64682 Cook Ave, Bend. $120. aerial silks classes - all skill levels, including beginners. Come fly with us! Thursdays, 5:30-7pm. Central Oregon Aerial Arts, 20700 Carmen Loop #120, Bend. $20/class, $160/10 classes.

Ask about our layaway plan. 200 NE Greenwood Ave

Aerial Silks Training Learn how to fly


on aerial silks. Build confidence, courage and strength through play. Thursdays, 4-5:15pm. Thursdays, 4-5:15pm. Silks Rising, 1560 NE 1st St #10, Bend. $20/drop-in. OPEN MON-FRI 10-6, SAT 10-5

Art Classes in Downtown Bend Classes

range from Intro to Abstract Acrylic, Oil, Watercolor Painting to Drawing, Comic, Copic Markers, Traveling Journals, Pastels, Children’s classes & more! Call us at 541-322-0421 or stop by to signup.View our Class Program Here Sunday, May 20, noon. Layor Art + Supply, 1000 NW Wall Street Bend. $45.

What’s Up at HSCO Thrift Store?

25% Off Sales

Beginning Aerial Silks Class Come fly

Sunday: Monday: Tuesday:

with us! Get stronger, gain confidence and learn how to fly. Ages 8 and up welcome! Tuesdays, 4-5:30pm. Wednesdays, 3-4:30pm. Saturdays, 2:30-4pm. Sundays, 1:30-3pm. Tues., Wed., Sat., Sun.. Central Oregon Aerial Arts, 20700 Carmen Loop #120, Bend. $20/drop-in, $160/10 classes.

Buddhist Mantras Chanting Explore the

Capoeira Experience this exciting martial art form of Afro Brazilian origins which incorporates music and acrobatic movements. For adults and teens. Mondays & Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. Capoeira Bend, 63056 Lower Meadow Dr, Bend. $30/ two-week intro. DIY Metal Lathe This 2.5-hour class is designed to give you the skills, knowledge, and experience that you will need to get started in using a metal cutting lathe. Learn more and sign up at Use code TS10 to save 10% off. Saturday, June 30, 2pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $95. DIY Welding Workshop This hands-on

class is perfect for beginners or anyone needing a refresher class in cutting and welding. You’ll cut steel with a torch and weld those pieces back together. You’ll be introduced to Brazing and Gas Welding and you’ll get to try your hand at Arc and MIG welding. No Welding Experience Needed! Ages 13 and up. Learn more and sign up at Use code TS10 to save 10% off. Wednesday, June 27, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $110.

Fine Art Classes Learn the flexibility of acrylics. All ages and skill levels welcome. Join us for two hours of instruction and take home a finished painting you will be proud to share! Contact: 360-880-5088, Fridays, 10am-Noon. Hobby Lobby, 3188 N Hwy 97 Suite 119, Bend. $20/week.


AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR Taylor Guitars Eastman Guitars & Mandolins Roland Amplifiers, Boss Pedals Roland Portable Digital Pianos Gold Tone Banjos Amahi & Snail Ukuleles Accessories

Adult Aerial Silks Classes Adult only

spiritual insights and learn how to correctly chant mantras in Japanese. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. 10:30am-4:00pm. Reservations required. Contact: 541-848-1255 or for more info. Every Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Custom Built Computers of Redmond, 439 SW 6th St, Redmond. $10.

& Operated

Clothes Pet Supplies Framed Art & Picture Frames Wednesday: Movies & Music Thursday: Furniture Friday: Toys, Games, Puzzles Saturday: Books

27 VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

difference in the life of a child! Looking for caring adult mentors who are willing to spend a few hours a month sharing their interests and hobbies. Contact: 541-617-4788, balbert@bbbsco. org. Ongoing. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon - Redmond, 412 SW 8th St, Redmond.

Locally Owned


B Brinston Photography

so keep it clean! Sign up at 5pm, music starts at 6pm. Tuesday, July 3, 5-8pm. The Commons, 875 NW Brooks St., Bend.

Parrilla Grill & Parallel 44 Presents








w/ Tortilla Chips

Jon Stickley Trio & Cascade Crescendo

Scott Pemberton Band w/ Alovitiman




Watkins Glen



Japanese Group Lesson We offer group lessons for both beginners and intermediate students for Japanese for all ages. Wednesdays, 5-6pm. Wabi Sabi, 830 NW Wall St., Bend. $10. Jewelry - Earring Workshop In the

2.5-hour class, you’ll craft 2 pairs of earrings to take home using basic jewelry making techniques. Each student learns how to manipulate copper, brass and silver wire to form and forge various shapes, as well as making his/her own ear wires. We will cover how to add various hammered textures to the metal to further customize your pieces and wire-wrap beads or gemstones. All materials and tools are provided. No experience is necessary. Open to students age 14+. Space is limited to 6 students. 20% Discount to DIY Cave members. Thursday, June 28, 6-8:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $55.

Mom & Baby Yoga Mothers with babies

through early walkers are invited to stretch, strengthen, relax and have fun in a child friendly environment. Moms will focus on shoulder opening, easy yoga sequences and postnatal core-building while spending time bonding with their babies and connecting with fellow new moms. No yoga experience necessary. Class cards and memberships available. Class cards are valid for all Tula Movement Arts classes and can be shared among family members. Tuesdays, Noon-1pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $17/drop-in.

MultiLevel AcroYoga An all levels AcroYoga

class. Blends partner acrobatics and yoga in a fun, safe and accessible way. The class will follow the same basic theme with various tracks for beginner, intermediate and advanced students. No partner necessary. Class cards and memberships available. Tuesdays, 7:30-9pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $17/drop-in.

Oriental Palm Reading Discover how the brain, nerves, and lines connect in palmistry. Wednesdays, 6-7pm. Wabi Sabi, 830 NW Wall St, Bend. $10. Treating Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety Treating Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety.

FREE workshop by experienced trainer.Provided by DogPAC. Open to All.Owners only. No dogs, please. Wednesday, June 27, 6:30-7:30pm. Deschutes Public Library, 507 NW Wall St. Bend.

WaterWise Workshop Series: Streetscape Guide Join the OSU Master Garden-

ers™, OSU Extension Service and City of Bend WaterWise Program for a June workshop series dedicated to water-wise landscape and irrigation. Street side landscapes are prone to irrigation overspray and runoff. This workshop dives into the challenges and opportunities of updating these areas with a more water efficient WaterWise Streetscape that will keep water off the street and be beautiful at the same time. Thursday, June 28, 6-8pm. Hollinshead Park, 1235 NE Jones Rd. Bend. Free.

West African Drumming Level 1

Learn traditional rhythms, and experience the brain-enhancing, healing and joyful benefits from David Visiko. A beginner class open to all. Contact: 541-760-3204, DjembeDave@yahoo. com for more info. Mondays, 5:30-6:30pm. Djembe Dave’s Home Studio, 63198 de Haviland St, Bend. $15/class.

West African Drumming Level 2 Meet

new people, have fun learning West African rhythms on the djembe and dunun drums!

Drums provided. Contact: 541-760-3204, for more info. Thursdays, 6-7:30pm. Djembe Dave’s Home Studio, 63198 de Haviland St, Bend. $15/class.

West African Drumming Level 3 Build on your knowledge, technique, and performance skills. Teacher/troupe director David Visiko and members of Fe Fanyi study, practice and play joyfully. Contact: 541-760-3204, DjembeDave@ for more info. Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. Djembe Dave’s Home Studio, 63198 de Haviland St, Bend. $15/class.


Yoga Teacher Training Immersion July

2nd through July 27th, immerse yourself in a transformative, educational intensive experience in this Yoga Alliance approved, 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Call Joanna 360-8706093 for details. Register online an the COCC website or call 541.383.7270. Registration/refund deadline June 27, 2018. Meets Monday-Friday, 9am-6:30pm. Monday-Friday, 9am-6:30pm. COCC Community Learning, 1027 NW Trenton Ave. Bend. $2,995/training.

Open 10am to 4pm

Youth Acro Fusion Program A dynamic, performance-based youth program combining hoop dance, partner acrobatics and circus yoga. Fridays, 4-5pm. Fridays, 4-5pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Drive, Suite 100, Bend. $50/month.

Downtown Bend (Across from the Library)

Taquizas “El Nava” Authentic

Youth/Adult Slackline This class will be a

Tacos and burritos!

combination of basic poses, transitions, floor exercises, stamina drills and games. All ages and levels welcome. Class cards and memberships available. Tuesdays, 5-6pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Drive, Suite 100, Bend. $18/youth drop-in, $20/adult drop-in.


selection of local artisans

& Craftmasters


east of the Cascades


Call US: Find us on facebook

Ales & Tails Adoption Day Ales & Tails is

back for it’s second year! Every other Wednesday throughout the Summer, you can come meet adorable furry animals available for adoption including: puppies, dogs, kittens and cats. The animals will be playing outside on our lawn waiting to meet their future families while you sip on a pint! Adopt, don’t shop! Wednesday, June 27, 4-7pm. Bend Brewing Co, 1019 NW Brooks St, Bend.

Bend Farmers Market Bend Farmers Market is blossoming into one of Oregon’s leading farm-direct marketplaces! Join us every Wednesday May 2 through October 10. Wednesdays, 2-6pm. Bend Farmers Market, Brooks Alley, Downtown Bend. Bend Farmers Market (Eastside)

Bend Farmers Market is blossoming into one of Oregon’s leading farm–direct marketplaces. Our new eastside location is in the Whole Foods Market east lot! Thursdays, July 5 through September 27. Thursday, July 5, 2-6pm. Whole Foods Market, 2610 Highway 20. Bend, OR.

Bend Fireworks Spectacular This

annual fireworks show on Pilot Butte can be seen from all over the city. Wednesday, July 4, 10pm. Bend, Oregon.

Central Oregon Saturday Market Where

$149 DEAL

all summer long

Any $55 deck with your

choice of trucks and wheels. Independent hardware, bearings and Solsk8s grip tape. And we never charge for service of assembly like the other shops.

the seller is the maker since 1974. Adoptable dogs brought to you by Street Dog Hero, live music and the largest selection of local artisans and craft masters east of the Cascades! Call 541-420-9015 for more info. Saturday, June 30, 10am-4pm. Downtown Bend, .

Crooked River Roundup 73 years and going strong! All the usual suspects will be there, including: bareback and saddle bronc riding, steer wrestling, roping, barrel racing and more. Thursday, June 28 - Saturday, June 30. Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 Main St., Prineville. $10-$20. DIYcave Open House: Game Night Potluck It’s Game Night at DIYcave! Come

use our new classroom for a fun, social night of board games. Bring a snack to share if you want to, something to drink, and your favorite board/ card/dice game to play. Friday, June 29, 6pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. Free.

484 SE 9TH ST SUITE 150, BEND (541) 797-7616

VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

Full Moon Gathering Join us under the light of the full moon as we complete an activity specifically created for the moon we are under and its influence. Learn about crystals and their role in the lunar cycle, how to charge, clean and use your crystals to harness the energy of the moon as well as set our intentions/releases for the upcoming month. Cost includes all supplies, wine/hot tea and a gift for each in attendance. Please purchase tickets in advance at Ages 18+. Wednesday, June 27, 7pm. Pioneer Park - Bend, 1565 NW Wall St. Bend. $30.



Saturday, July 14, 2018 10am - 5pm 63955 Boyd Acres Rd. 855-403-3933

EVENTS Snowboards, Skateboards, Apparel Pro Scooters and Frisbee Golf

223 SW 6th St 541.527.4239 31

Womenʼs new & pre-loved clothing, accessories and artisan jewelry with friendly service!


Shop the cutest resale boutique for fun summer styles! Adopt a horse at the Oregon Rescue Challenge Equine Competion & Adoption on Saturday 6/30.

Healing From the Heart Community Healing/Food Drive Our practitioners will

rotate through The Blissful Heart Yoga Barn each week, allowing you to experience a variety of modalities. Among them are: Reiki, Pranic Healing, Tarot readings, chakra cleansing, energy field balancing, intuitive readings, essential oils, sound healing and flower essences. If you are a practitioner and wish to join us, please contact or Nancy at (458) 2561292. Wednesdays, 2-5pm. The Blissful Heart, 29 NW Greeley Ave, Bend.

Heartsongs Cacao Ceremony Heartsongs is a celebration of sacred sound and meaningful song that cultivates contemplative energy and moves us more deeply inside our personal and collective heartspaces. We include cacao as the central part of our ceremony. Please bring your instruments along; all are welcome to share songs. Sunday, July 1, 7-9pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd, #A-5, Bend. Jackson’s Corner Give Back Day Eat local food, support local school gardens. Today, 10 percent of your purchase will be donated to The Environmental Center to facilitate more school gardens in Central Oregon. Thursday, June 28, 7am-9pm. Jackson’s Corner Westside, 845 NW Delaware Ave., Bend.

July 4th Pet Parade & Old Fashioned Festival Begin your celebration at

8am in Drake Park with the annual Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast. Then move on to downtown Bend for the ever popular Pet Parade sponsored by Bed Pet Express. Line up at Bend’s City Hall parking lot with your dog, wagon, bicycle or stuffed animal by 9am and be ready to walk the 1.5 mile parade route at 10am. Live music, local artisans and lots of delicious food at the festival after the parade! Wednesday, July 4, 10am-4pm. Downtown Bend. Free.

La Pine Frontier Days La Pine’s largest event of the year celebrates the heritage and unique character of the town. Something for everyone: lawnmower races, western pit BBQ, fireworks, midway vendors, live music, kid games, a quilt show and more. Sunday, July 1, midnight. Frontier Heritage Park, La Pine. Madras Saturday Market Offering a wide

array of high quality local fruits and vegetables, artisan food products, unique handcrafted items, superior plants and flowers, family oriented entertainment and educational venues that focus on promoting local businesses and a healthier lifestyle in our diverse community. Saturdays, June through mid-September. Saturday, June 30, 9am2pm. Sahalee Park, 1-99 SE Seventh St. Madras.

NWX Farmers Market Every Saturday through Sept. 15, discover a bounty of fresh produce, locally-raised meats, fresh eggs and cheese, handmade items and so much more! Get your groove on to an eclectic mix of live music. Learn from special guests and chefs throughout the season. Sip a locally-brewed beer while the

kids squeal in delight at the friendly animals in the petting zoo. Yes, it’s summer in Central Oregon—and Saturday just might be the best day of the week! Saturday, June 30, 10am-2pm. NorthWest Crossing, NW Crossing Drive, Bend.

Official Bend Beer Yoga w/ Freedom Bike Rally After Party! If you

haven’t been a part of the Bend Freedom Bike Ride, then here is your chance! Join Bend Beer Yoga and Bunk+Brew Historic Lucas House on the 4th of July. We will loosen up with an Official Bend Beer Yoga Class featuring the one and only Taylor Anderson. Afterwards, we will ride out in the most epic beer drankin’ freedom bike ride gang this town has every seen! Ages 21+. Wednesday, July 4, 11:45am. Bunk+Brew Historic Lucas House, 42 NW Hawthorne Ave. Bend. $20.

Oregon Rescue Challenge Equine Competition & Adoption Friday and Satur-

day, enjoy delicious food, local vendors, a raffle, silent auction and exciting trainer competitions with the whole family! Competition begins Friday at 2pm and continues through Saturday. 17 trained horses will be up for adoption on Saturday at 4pm! Meet and greet with qualified trainers if you’re looking for assistance to improve your riding. Visit for more info. Friday, June 29-Sunday, June 30. Rim Rock Riders Event Center, 17037 SW Alfalfa Rd. Powell Butte. Free.

Preventative Walk-in Pet Wellness Clinic First come, first served. Vaccines, micro-

chips, toenail trims and de-worming available. Service fees can be found at Saturdays, 10am. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson Ave., Bend.

Redmond’s Old Fashioned July 4th Celebration This is a free, fun family event so

gather up your family and come spend the day with us for games, music and fun for all ages! 11am-4pm. Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SE Airport Way, Redmond. Free.

541.647.2510 Tues – Fri 11am-5:30pm Sat 10 am-5:30pm

On the Westside (across from “The Lot”)

738 NW Columbia St., Suite A Bend, OR 97703


20% Off

Entire Purchase





Enjoy Your

Blissful Mystery Tour

Sisters Round Up of Gems Vendors from all over the Western United States will have on display and for sale treasures from around the world including crystals, agates, amethyst, Australian opal, Oregon sunstones, beads, Nepalese singing bowls, findings and lapidary supplies, fossils, rough and polished stone and so much more. Friday, June 29, midnight. Sisters City Creekside Park, Hwy 20 and Jefferson St. Sisters. Free. Summer Star Gazing See what the Central Oregon night sky has to offer! Open house viewing includes a peek through Hopservatory’s 16-inch research-grade telescope. No registration required; simply take the spiral staircase or elevator directly to the 3rd floor Hopservatory during open hours.? Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday, 9-10pm. Friday & Saturday, 9-11pm. Kids 6 & under are free. Wed-Sat. Worthy Garden Club, 495 NE Bellevue Dr, Bend. $5/suggested donation.

Open 10-7 Daily / 342 NE Clay Ave, Bend Jewelry . Glass . Crystals . Gifts . Decor . and More!

VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

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Sunriver Owners Association presents





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TICKETS AVAILABLE AT welcome. Contact: 541-385-9198 for more info. Wednesdays, 2-5pm. Market of Choice, 115 NW Sisemore St, Bend. Free.

Bendharma - Consciousness Discussion Group Exploring pathways to

Find a supportive network of moms at Transitions: Mama Circle meetup at babyPHASES on Wednesdays.

Sunriver 4th of July Festival The day kicks off with a bike parade; followed by a fun-filled day for the whole family, including entertainment, games, and food. Enter the watermelon eating contest, test your skills on the rock wall or Hoops, and much more. Also see the cool fire and police vehicles and talk with local police officers and fire fighters. Join the fun and celebration or nation’s birthday! For more info visit or email Wednesday, July 4, 10:30am-4pm. The Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Dr. Sunriver. Texas Hold ‘em Poker Join us for Poker

Night upstairs at The Saloon! First hand dealt at 7pm, so grab a seat early! Contact: 541-549-7427 for more info. Wednesdays, 7pm. Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill, 190 E Cascade Ave, Sisters. $20/ buy-in.

Waterston Desert Writing Prize Award Ceremony Award presentation and readings

by winning author and finalists. Inspired by poet and author Ellen Waterston, this literary award honors writing that illustrates artistic excellence, sensitivity to place and desert literacy. Wednesday, June 27, 6-8pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 U.S. 97, Bend.

SENIOR EVENTS Grassroots Cribbage Club Newcomers welcome. For info contact Sue at 541-610-3717. Mondays, 6-9pm. Bend Elks Lodge #1371, 63120 Boyd Acres Rd, Bend. Medical Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin Aid in the treatment of arthritis, Par-

kinson’s, cancer, fibromyalgia and the rehabili-

tation from surgery and injury. Wheelchairs and Walkers welcome. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 623-203-4883 for more info. Thursdays, 1-2pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend. $30/month.

Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin Tai Chi not only helps to maintain a person’s physical health and mental balance but is also used to treat a number of illnesses without the use of any drugs. Certified and endorsed by The Oregon Council on Aging. Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30am & Fridays, 10-11am. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 623-203-4883 for more info. Wednesdays & Fridays. La Pine Senior Activity Center, 16450 Victory Way, La Pine. $35/month, 2 classes per week.

MEETINGS Al-Anon Family Groups 12-step group for

friends and families of alcoholics. Check afginfo. org or call 541-728-3707 for times and locations. Various times and locations. Central Oregon, Countywide.

Alcoholics Anonymous If you want to

drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. Call Alcoholics Anonymous. Hotline: 541-548-0440. Or visit Various times and locations. Central Oregon, Countywide.

Bend Chamber Toastmasters Develop

and grow your public speaking and leadership skills, whether you’re an executive, stay-at-home parent, college student or retiree. Wednesdays, Noon-1pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend.

Bend “Go” Club Expand your mind playing this ancient (yet modern) board game! Beginners

Emotions Anonymous EA provides a warm and accepting group setting in which to share experiences without fear of criticism. Meets Wednesdays at 9:30am & Thursdays at 10:30am. Wednesdays & Thursdays. First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St, Bend. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous Meeting A fellowship of individuals who,

through shared experience and mutual support, are recovering from the disease of food addiction. Based on the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Contact: 831-435-0680 for more info. Saturdays, 9-10:30am. Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 NE 27th St, Bend. Free.

French Conversation Table Every first and third Monday of the month. All are welcome! Monday, July 2, 10:30am-12:30pm. Barnes and Noble, 2690 NE Hwy 20. Bend, OR. Italian Conversation Group Conversa-

tional Italian group in a relaxed atmosphere. Saturdays, 9:45-11am. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Free.

League of Women Voters of Deschutes County Luncheon Different speaker each

month on issues important to our community. First Thursday, 11am-1pm. Black Bear Diner, 1465 NE 3rd St, Bend.

Marijuana Anonymous Meeting Know

you need to quit, but can’t? Help is here. Share experience, strength, and hope with each other. Thursdays, 7-8pm. Serenity Lane Outpatient Treatment, 601 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend.

Overeaters Anonymous Meeting A

fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. Contact: 541306-6844 for more info. Mondays & Thursdays, Noon-1pm. Saturdays, 9:30am-11am. United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St., Bend. | Wednesdays, 4-5pm. Redmond Senior Center, 325 NW Dogwood Ave., Redmond. Various times and locations . Central Oregon, Countywide.

Socrates Cafe Group People from different backgrounds get together and exchange thoughtful ideas and experiences while embracing the Socratic Method. Open to all. Thursdays, 6-8pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Spanish Club Spanish language study and conversation group. All levels welcome. Contact 541-749-2010 for more info. Thursdays, 3:305pm.. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Free. The Phoenix Sober Active Community Crossfit Meetup The Phoenix offers a free

sober active community supporting members on their way through recovery. We are partnering with Rally Crossfit to offer a fun beginning Crossfit class to any community member with at least 48 hours of sobriety to sweat, connect, and prove they are stronger than stigma. No experience is necessary. Saturdays, 5:30pm. Rally Crossfit, 61560 American Ln. 97702. Free.

Transitions: Mama Circle It’s tough being a mom. It’s easier with community. Join us for free, non-judgmental support. Share your concerns, questions, joys, challenges, experiences, and practical tips. Open to pregnant women and moms with littles. Call 541-306-8466 for more info. Wednesdays, 11am-12:30pm. babyPHASES, 759 NE Greenwood Ave #1, Bend. Free. Women’s Cancer Support Group For the newly diagnosed and survivors of cancer. For information call: Judy, 541-728-0767. Candy, 907-209-8181. Call Musso on the call box upon arrival. Thursdays, 1-3pm. Mountain Laurel Lodge, 990 SW Yates Dr, Bend. Free. Young Breast Cancer Survivor Network A network for breast cancer survivors

diagnosed in their 40s or younger, regardless of current age. Whether you have just been diagnosed or are still undergoing treatment, join us to connect with others. Sunday, July 1, 10amnoon. Locavore, 1841 NE Third St. Bend.

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33 VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

peace through the study of the energy that is consciousness. A relaxed group discussion facilitated by an experienced western mind-yogi (50+ yrs). Dissolve fear by increasing consciousness and wisdom. All welcome to stop by, even if it’s just for a bear-hug. First Wednesday of every month Wednesday, July 4, 5:30-7pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend.

Refuge Recovery Meeting A mindfulness-based addiction recovery community that practices and utilizes Buddhist philosophy and meditation as the foundation of the recovery process. Drawing inspiration from the core teachings of the Four Noble Truths, emphasis is placed on both knowledge and empathy as a means for overcoming addiction. Monday, July 2, 4:30-5:30pm. Wren and Wild, 910 NW Harriman St, Bend.





Art Making for Middle Schoolers 2.5hour class series. Learn more and sign up at Use code S10 to save 10% off when signing up. Wednesday, June 27, 2pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $30.

25-Wednesday, June 27. 8am-noon. Mountain View High School Cafeteria, 2755 NE 27th St. Bend. $75/per camp.

Big Kids Yoga This class is for older kids who want to learn more of the fundamentals of yoga through mindful games, breathing techniques, handstands and restorative poses. Wednesdays, 4-5:15pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $6/drop-in, $20/4-class series.

architects are taking a page out of nature’s book and create some designs of your own in this family-friendly exhibition! Free with museum admission. Sept. 2 through July 15. High Desert Museum, 59800 U.S. 97, Bend.

BMX Practice & Racing Kids will learn



bike handling skills and develop confidence on our closed track in a safe environment under the tutelage of our track coach and staff. Riders of all skill levels welcome. Wednesdays, open practice is followed by racing at 6:45pm as possible, race fee is $8. E-mail HighdesertBMX@gmail. com with questions. Mondays, 5:30-7:30pm & Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30pm. High Desert BMX, 21690 Neff Rd, Bend. $5/open practice.

Camp CREATE: Arctic Animators

Through the use of stop motion animation, campers will become their own uniquely designed Arctic explorer using clay and found materials and journey through this special place. On our last day of program, the Arctic explorers will showcase their stop motion explorations to a team of researchers to see what new discoveries they made in their journeys. This will be one cool week of camp! 9am-4:30pm. Cascades Academy, 19860 Tumalo Reservoir Rd. Bend, OR.

Camp Rockalong: The Noise of Nature Test your knowledge of animal and 1259 NE 2ND STREET, BEND IN THE HEART OF BEND’S MAKERS DISTRICT


MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:30AM - 6:00PM SATURDAY 8:00AM - 5:00PM

nature sounds, play games and make your own rattlesnake tail. Ages 6-11. Wednesday, June 27, 1:30pm. Redmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond. | Thursday, June 28, 10:30am. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. | Wednesday, June 27, 10:30am. Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St. Sisters, OR. Free.

Cooking Up Love: Cooking Class (Ages 4-6) Little chefs will learn to cook healthy,


plant-based cuisine. Register online at Ages 4-6: Monday, July 2, 5:30pm. Ages 7-12: Thursday, June 28 & July 5, 4:30pm. Pure Joy Kitchen, 519 NW Colorado Ave. Bend.

Guitar Pick Bracelet Workshop Create a unique musical accessory. Ages 12-17 years Wednesday, June 27, 3pm. La Pine Public Library, 16425 1st Street, La Pine. Free. High Desert Droids STEM Camp Junior

Droids STEM Camp is back for the summer! Youth entering 1st thru 4th Grade are invited to explore science and engineering with the High Desert Droids. This week’s 3-day camp is “Legos on the Move,” campers will design, build and program a Lego robot! Snacks provided. For questions or to register, please email Katie Speck at Monday, June

Innovation Lab: Design Inspired by Nature Learn how designers, engineers and

Kids Paddle Sports Adventure Camp

4-day for kids who just can’t decide, Tumalo Creek offers a paddlesports adventure week, which includes a day of standup paddleboarding, kayaking, rafting and learning to sail with our Hobie Adventure Island trimarans on Elk Lake. Monday, June 25, midnight. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. Bend. $395/child.

Kids ROCK(!) Choir Summer Workshop Beat the summer heat! Sign up for one of

our six-week workshops. Cool off and relax while your kids have fun singing, learn basic vocal skills and get tons of rockstar practice! Workshop culminates in a performance on July 16. Advanced registration required, visit singbend. com. Mondays, 4-5pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln, Ste 1, Bend. $60/child.

Kids Whitewater Kayaking Camp This all-levels camp is designed to introduce kids to the exciting world of whitewater kayaking! We’ll emphasize both safety and fun as we gradually introduce campers to moving water. Monday, July 2, 8am. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. Bend. $395/child. LEGO Block Party Kids + 1 gazillion LEGOs = fun. All ages. Wednesday, June 27, 2:30pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Bend, OR. Free.

MAKE: Leather Bracelets with DYI Cave Create a unique leather bracelet. Ages

12-17 years. Online registration required Friday, June 29, 10:30-11:30am. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Bend, OR. Free.

Moon Rocks & Geodes Make shark tooth geodes and DIY glitter dough. Ages 12-17 years. Thursday, July 5, 3pm. La Pine Public Library, 16425 1st Street, La Pine. Free. | Tuesday, July 3, 3pm. Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Ln. Sunriver. Free. Paint-Along Paint a mountain masterpiece

by following along with a local artist. Ages 12-17 years. Online registration is required. Wednesday, June 27, 2-4pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.

Paws to Read Reluctant readers read with a

dog. Ages 6-11 years. Online registration is required. Thursday, July 5, 4pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Bend. Free.



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Quilting with a purpose “It’s a sisterhood. That’s why I do it.”

By Elizabeth Warnimont


hen you ask Kathy Chism what book.” QuiltWorks she likes most about quilting, she of Bend invites answers without hesitation: it’s quilters every April the sisterhood. The Oregon native start- to make a quilt ed quilting almost 30 years ago as a new inspired by Deschutes creative outlet for herself, but she dis- County Library’s annual covered that quilting in Central Oregon “Novel Idea” book selection. is more about community and giving. The author himself, Peter HellChism belongs to three local quilting er, bought Chism’s quilt for “The Dog groups, including Blockin’ Robins, Book- Stars,” a past selection. Scissors-Quilt and The Mt. Bachelor QuiltWorks has an upstairs gallery Quilters’ Guild. with a new colThe Quilters’ lection on disGuild asks memplay each month. bers to donate at “Usually on one least one quilt a side is a feayear, but within tured quilter the guild, severand on the othal smaller groups er side a group also make mulor a theme,” tiple quilts each Q uiltWorks year for the owner Marilyn guild’s Commu- Detail from “Kathy’s View,” one of her favorite quilts. Forestell told nity Quilts prothe Source Weekgram. Recipients include the Ronald ly. “For example, Kathy (Chism) is our McDonald House, which provides tem- August featured quilter, so half the galporary housing for families who travel lery will display her favorite works while far from home to get medical treatment the other half with have a theme like for their children, and Cascade Youth animal, landscape, applique or portraiServices, a program benefiting local ture.” A reception at QuiltWorks honors teens in need. new contributors on the first Friday of “There’s a lot of compassion in each month. Book-Scissors-Quilt is a group quilting. Whether you’re making a graduation quilt for a granddaughter, of about 20 quilters who sew quilts or a baby quilt for a new grandchild or in response to books, often, but not whether it’s something about a special always, Novel Idea selections. “The


Kathy Chism stands beside “Robins Take the Steps,” a log cabin-style work that will be featured in the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show in July.

Snow Child,” an early Novel Idea title, generated a total of 65 quilts for the gallery. Blockin’ Robins, one of many small groups formed within the Mt. Bachelor guild, is a group of 10 artists who complete a group project each year. The Blockin’ Robins is the place where Chism says her skills and creativity are stretched. One artist presents a block, usually a square, as a starting point for a quilt. Members take turns adding to the starter until the quilt is completed, unseen by the person who started it. By the end of the year the group reveals the 10 finished quilts. In all of the groups, Chism says members develop lifelong friendships as they gather together to participate in projects that honor an individual, bring aid to someone in need, or inspire each other. “That’s what appeals to me about quilting. There’s a sisterhood.” Chism will have two quilts in the Sisters Annual Quilt Show in July, an event that drew over 10,000 visitors to the town last year. One, named, Robins Take the Steps, is the product of the

Blockin’ Robins group. This year, quilts will be on display for three weeks, hanging in businesses in Sisters and Bend for one week before the show and two weeks after. Chism’s other interests include gardening and breast cancer awareness. “Since I’m a breast cancer survivor, I usually do the local walk for Sara Fisher, a teacher in Bend who died of breast cancer.” Heaven Can Wait, a program of St. Charles Hospital, provides resource kits for new cancer patients and raises funds through the annual cancer walk. It is named for the former Bend teacher.  SW Quilt Walk Kick-off

Sun. July 8, noon-4pm Clearwater Gallery 303 W Hood Ave., Sisters

Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show Sat. July 14, 9am-4pm Downtown Sisters

Self-guided tours July 1-15

By Teafly Peterson Bill Hoppe

Bill Hoppe: Paintings and Paper Projects, 1970 to 2017 “I love paintings that are big enough you feel like you can walk into them. They fill up your whole vision,” says Bill Hoppe, professor of fine arts at Central Oregon Community College, whose past and current work will be on full display at At Liberty in July. The exhibition includes prints, drawings and large-scale paintings that engulf you in an ocean of color, inviting you to look

deeper and perhaps, in fact, walk into them. Hoppe’s work investigates color, form and nature through geometric abstraction. His sophisticated sense of color and spatial illusion is evident in his luminous paintings. Bill Hoppe at At Liberty Artist Reception July 5 Show from July 5 to July 28 849 NW Wall St., Bend

Keep a look out!

New mural alert! Greg Amanti has recently been working on a giant mural for the High Desert Mural Fest. You’ll find it on a north facing wall on Business 97, between Norton and Lafayette on the west side of the street. The massive bold design takes up two stories of a gray building, so you can’t miss it. Thanks to the High Desert Mural Festival for continually brightening our daily paths with some local art.

 INSTA-WATCH Awesome local art, found on Instagram Michele A Firm @michelefirm

Michele A Firm

Recently, I began a regular feature highlighting local artist through Instagram — #SourceArtWatch. If you use this hashtag on your art, I’ll see it! I promise. Michele Firm, the featured artist this week, did just that and I found her. Firm’s work is primarily small, colorful doodles of her outdoor adventures. The simple and fun designs feature scenes from around Central Oregon, capturing the unique landscape and sweet essence of our forests. Her Instagram shows you the process, from place to sketch to color to final piece. She has put a few of her designs on stickers and currently sells them around town. I so appreciate her excitement for this art adventure she is on and look forward to where her future years in Bend take her. SW

35 VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

Bend artist sews community, compassion with quilts. Check her out ahead of the annual Sisters Quilt Show





















Capitol Celebrates Féria

Flamenco trio brings Spanish flavor to a Bend night spot By Elizabeth Warnimont Tito Fuentes

37 VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

“Flamenco Fuentes” - Savannah Fuentes of “Féria,” performs at the Capitol Sunday.


lamenco artist Savannah Fuentes executes her precision dance moves with ease, while admitting feeling a heavy burden of responsibility to represent her art in the finest possible form. She performs “Féria” at The Capitol in Bend Sunday. “I don’t tour with local performers,” Fuentes explains. “I feel a big responsibility to bring the best of this art form, because I truly love it and care deeply about it. I bring the best artists I can. Pedro (Cortes, guitarist) is an excellent artist and a great accompanist. The guitarist has to accompany all the percussive footwork, but he also has to accompany the tones of the singer (vocalist and percussionist Jose Moreno). It’s a really difficult job. We all interact together. That’s what makes the impact in flamenco dancing.” Flamenco tells a story using lyric phrases, or Letras, Fuentes says, “like phrases of poetry. A lot of them are pretty sad. It runs the gamut of emotion— there’s happy flamenco too, but a lot of it is sad. It is the music of oppressed people. This music is a form of resistance, something cathartic for people that were experiencing hardship and racism. There’s a background of people being taken out of their homes. “When Queen Isabella decided she wanted to make Spain all Christian, all these people were forced into southern Spain. The Sephardic Jews, the Islamic people, and of course the Romani people. Definitely the Letras tell a story, and I try to interpret and embellish on that.” The trio starts each performance with an introduction to the history and culture of flamenco. “The music is very different. The culture is very different.

The show has to do with the Spring Fair (the annual flamenco festival, or Féria, of Seville, Spain). It started off as a livestock fair that would happen every year after Holy Week. Then it morphed into this big event, three days of flamenco celebration, dressing up in flamenco outfits, singing and dancing. There’s a specific dance called Sevillanas, a more festive, party dance. I personally don’t dance the Sevillanas, but I put the music in the show to represent the theme.” Fuentes says while she’s true to the essential art form, she chooses to express herself with an American bent. “I’m a little bit different. I don’t wear the really loud costumes, I’m a little more reserved. My dresses are toned down, more modern. That’s how I choose to represent myself, because I am American. I don’t want to pretend be a person from southern Spain. I hope to be a little bit more innovative. That’s my aesthetic.” Fuentes has performed throughout the western United States, but says she especially loves the Pacific Northwest. “I think of that kind of joy of going to California or Oregon or Washington in the early summer. That’s why I thought of Féria. I find a lot of joy here. It’s where I’m at home. This area, these three states I love and I was so happy to be returning here. That’s what inspired me for the show.”  SW Féria, an evening of Flamenco Bend Sun. July 1, 8pm The Capitol 190 NW Oregon Ave, Bend $20, VIP $33 541-678-5740









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Less Than 30 Miles

By Lisa Sipe

A lens on Central Oregon farmers By Magdalena Bokowa

39 Rooper Ranch specializes in heirloom tomatoes.

Jim & Debbie Fields Fields Farm—29 years in business

“I guess you can say I put the old in old-timer,” laughs Jim Fields. “We’re gonna make it to 30 years next year.” Fields operates a small 10-acre Bend family farm with just the help of his wife, Debbie. Noting the urbanization of what used to be a small community, he notes, “We’re the frog in the pan with the water boiling around us...there used to be a lot of large acreage, but now there’s more and more houses.” Not unscathed, he’s adjusted his farming practices to extend the usual 90 day growing season to 120. “We’ve experimented with a lot of emerging techniques throughout the years, using row covers, greenhouses and irrigation on freezing nights. There’s been nights where we come back from the market, grab a headlamp and go out to protect the crop. “There’s always lessons to be learned every year,” he adds. “You can never be on top of the game because there’s too many variables you can’t manage.” Yet he keeps going because, “I love doing this work. I love being in nature, nurturing crops and growing nutritious food. That’s the award.” Fields is especially proud of his carrots, which he says are extraordinary sweet and juicy, because of colder nights. “Those carbohydrates get converted to sugar so they become sweeter.” Another crowning achievement was when he catered for the Dave Matthews Band. “I guess they really like artichokes and I was growing them. Of course, they’re coming back and I chose not to grow them this year,” he laughs. A vendor for over 20 years, Fields says he’s friends with (Willamette) Valley farmers, saying they add diversity to the market. “I feel like it adds depth since they can grow things we can’t, such as blackberries. There wouldn’t be a market if we didn’t have the Valley farmers who are ahead of schedule— usually by about one month and plus, it’s friendly competition.” Fields says. Fields Farm

Sarahlee Lawrence and Ashanti Samuels

Rainshadow Organics—Nine years in business Taking over from her family who has been farming since the 1970s, Sarahlee Lawrence and her husband Ashanti Samuels have transitioned their Terrebonne farm into a certified organic garden, also raising eggs, turkeys, beef, flowers and grain. They also run farm-to-table lunches and dinners, while distributing at the Bend Farmers Market, NW Crossing Market and local restaurants. “I’ve noticed a lot more small, organic farms popping up and that’s really wonderful because we need to grow more food here,” says Lawrence. “With the right strategies you can grow almost everything here, you just need the infrastructure and perseverance.” The changing Central Oregon weather is the main challenge. “It still froze last week three times,” she says laughing, “We had to get up at 4 am to turn the irrigation on to prevent freezing.” Another challenge: having the customer know the value of their food. “It definitely takes a lot more work and its a bigger expense to grow here but there are also some advantages—we have fewer pests.” At around 100 families, the farm’s community-supported agriculture program is on the larger scale. Lawrence sells surplus to Agricultural Connections and processes extra food into items such as krauts, pickles and even woodfired pizzas in her newly built commercial kitchen—donating the rest. “It’s important to buy from local farmers because you’re helping ensure food security, getting better nutritional food, tastier flavors and supporting the social and economic impacts buying

from local businesses. You’re getting something in return that’s far superior while benefiting local businesses and your carbon footprint is much smaller when its traveling just 30 miles.” Rainshadow Organics

Jack Rooper & Amy Hensley

Rooper Ranch— Two years in business “It’s just a really enjoyable lifestyle,” says Jack Rooper of Rooper Ranch, a small, Redmond-based farm.” I love what I do… it’s kind of like a type of therapy, even though it’s pretty laborious.” Rooper shares responsibilities with his partner Amy Hensley and has one parttime employee. Now 25, he’s been farming since he was 16, buying land last February to continue a 100-year-old legacy on an old family ranch from the 1880s. With over 4,600 square feet of raised beds, 200 feet of hoop houses and 650 different heirloom tomatoes, Rooper says their main staple is, “Heirloom tomatoes and salad greens.” The farm supplies Paradise Produce and vends at the Redmond Farmers Market and NW Crossing Market. Rooper says the Redmond market is “really slow— probably because it’s on for only three hours and is on a Tuesday.” Rooper notes a bit of frustration with being on the waiting list for the Bend Farmers Market. While he values anyone farming— even from the Valley— he wonders whether local farmers should have priority. “They can sell their tomatoes earlier and cheaper,” he adds, “So that does leave an impact on us.” On the myth of farming in the high desert he says, “People think it’s tough, but anyone can do it.” Rooper Ranch

Taps & Tacos Grand Opening Worthy Brewing’s second restaurant, Taps & Tacos, officially opens downtown very soon, serving artful tacos that defy the norm, paired with local craft beer. What’s an artful taco? Worthy Brewing chef, Kyle Nicholson, says, “Think roasted cochinita pork tacos, smoked brisket with tomatillo-avocado relish and salsas made from scratch.” In addition, you’ll find new takes on classic Mexican dishes. Opening day is set for Saurday., June 30. Worthy Taps & Tacos

806 Brooks Suite 110, Bend 541-639-4776

Dock Dinners Feature PNW Restaurants & Wineries at The Suttle Lodge A few of the most interesting food events this summer are happening at The Suttle Lodge, including live music shows and a series of intimate long table dinners on the dock. Chefs from four restaurants will be featured: Maya Lovelace of Mae; Sam Smith of Middle Eastern restaurant Tusk, named one of America’s best new restaurants in 2017 by Bon Appetit; James Beard-nominated chef Cathy Whims and Rob Roy of Nostrana; and Ricardo Valdez of The London Plane in Seattle, known for bold flavors and delicious baked goods. Each one is paired with a Willamette Valley winery including Cameron, Montinore Estate, St. Reginal Parish and Suzor. Dinners range from $125 to $150. Advanced tickets are recommended. The Suttle Lodge

13300 US Highway 20, Sisters 541-638-7001

Back to Back Wins for Local Top Chef

The competition for Bend’s Top Chef took place recently at the Bite of Bend. Chef teams from Bos Taurus, The Suttle Lodge, Sunriver Resort, Currents, Jackalope Grill, Ronin Sushi, Rockin’ Dave’s and Deschutes Brewery competed in the middle of downtown Bend in an open-air kitchen in front of a live audience. The Top Chef trophy isn’t going anywhere. Chef George Morris of Bos Taurus beat chef Michael Stanton from Currents at The Riverhouse to win Top Chef for a second year in a row. To see the coveted trophy, look above the bar at Bos Taurus. SW

VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY


t’s no secret that growing veggies in Central Oregon can be, shall we say, challenging? Nightly 30 to 40-degree temperature drops, frost as late as July 4 and as early as Aug. 15, epic wind storms, blazing sunny days… it can be a daunting whirlwind. From the beginners to the 30-year vets, here’s a chance to meet some of your local farmers.


benefit MBSEF. Saturday, June 30, noon-9:30pm. Drake Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd, Bend. Free.

Adult Cooking Class-Tapas Join me in

this hands-on class where you will learn to make a variety of Spanish Tapas. Monday, July 2, 5:30pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $85/per person.


Wednesday Night Cookouts Suttle Lodge

will be grilling up some local meats—so bring your friends for great chow, brews, lawn games and beautiful lake views. Dinner tickets and drinks available for purchase. First come, first served. Wednesdays, 5-7pm. The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse, 13300 Hwy 20. Sisters.

Youth Cooking Camp: Kitchen Science

For ages 6-10 and ages 10-17. Your child will learn in this hands-on extensive youth cooking camp, spending four days learning how food and science unite. Tue, June 26 - Fri, June 29, 8am5pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $200.

BEER & DRINK 10 Barrel Tasting 10 Barrel’s local rep, Melissa, will be in house sampling some of their delicious beers. Come grab a pint or fill your growler and enjoy some snacks and conversation! Friday, June 29, 5-7pm. The Growler Guys - Westside, 1400 NW College Way, Bend. Ales & Tails Adoption Day Every other

Wednesday throughout the Summer, you can come meet adorable furry animals available for adoption including: puppies, dogs, kittens and cats! Adopt, don’t shop! Wednesday, June 27, 4-7pm. Bend Brewing Co, 1019 NW Brooks St, Bend.

Bend Public House 30th Anniversary Party Every year we throw a back-alley Bend

Weekly Fun in the Lounge! Taco TUESDAY Tequila/Tecatés/Tacos

every year since we opened!

Black Butte Whiskey Release Join us after 4pm for an exclusive tasting of Black Butte Whiskey, one aged in port barrels, and one in sherry casks. Thursday, June 28, Noon-9:30pm. Brewery Bend Public House, 1044 NW Bond St., Bend.

Wine & Wing WEDNESDAY s ’ DaE vLOe’ RoOckBAin UNGE AG & Wings ST Discounted Wines CK BISTR TM

Burger & Brew THURSDAY Burgers & Local Brews



661 NE Greenwood Ave in Bend • 541-318-8177

for the best bingo experience of your life? Breakfast/brunch menu, prizes/giveaways, mimosa flights and a Crater Lake Vodka Blood Mary bar with over 20 different ingredients. A large portion of all bingo sales benefits Central Oregon Search and Rescue Foundation. Doors open at 10:30am. Sunday, July 1, 11am-2pm. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave, Bend.

Official Bend Beer Yoga w/ Freedom Bike Rally After Party! We will

loosen up with an Official Bend Beer Yoga Class featuring the one and only Taylor Anderson. Afterwards, we will ride out in the most epic beer drankin’ freedom bike ride gang this town has every seen! Ages 21+. Wednesday, July 4, 11:45am. Bunk+Brew Historic Lucas House, 42 NW Hawthorne Ave. Bend. $20.

Pup Crawl Take a tour through a few of Redmond’s dog-friendly patios while getting to know local animal organizations and their adoptables. Locations: Baldy’s - Redmond, Jersey Boys, Kobold and Wild Ride. Tokens are $3 and have a $10 value. Saturday, June 30, 11am-3pm. In Redmond. Sunset Hour & Live Music Thump Coffee

has a new location and our beautiful building offers one of the best views in Bend! Join us for our new Sunset Hour every Thursday through Saturday for drink specials on beer, wine and kombucha—and we’ll have live music on Fridays from local artists! Kicking off this Friday is Willow Parker, a Thump Coffee roaster and talented musician. Friday, June 29, 6-8pm. Thump Coffee, 549 NW York Dr Suite 200, Bend.

541.385.RIBS 2670 N Hwy 20 Near Safeway



Not’cho Grandma’s Bingo (NGB) Ready

Deschutes Brewery Party in the Park

$3 Off Appetizers from 4-6PM


Ladies Night There will be several ladies-inspired vendors on site with different offerings to create a bit of a pop-up market vibe. We’ll have the outdoor kegerator flowing (with beer, wine and cider), our food cart will be open and there will be live music out on the grass. Thursday, June 28, 4:30-7pm. Bend Brewing Co, 1019 NW Brooks St, Bend.

Deschutes Brewery turns the big 3-0—help them ring in their 30th birthday in style! Live music from Robert Randolph & the Family Band and various other local acts. The 400 ft. Street Pub will be there along with tethered hot air balloon rides, community art and a silent disco! Proceeds

Happy Friday! Soulfood SATURDAY Southern Inspired Food Specials

Pub Party to celebrate our anniversary. This year is no exception, and we’re turning 30! To celebrate, we’re releasing Black Butte XXX, an anniversary imperial porter brewed with dutched cocoa and 100 percent wood aged for one year in bourbon, rum, cognac, port, sherry, vanilla extract, maple and salt barrels. And not only that, we are bringing back Black Butte³. Wedenesday, June 27, 5-10pm. Deschutes Brewery Public House, 1044 NW Bond St., Bend.

Happy Hour in the Garden Tuesdays through August, drop in and volunteer for an hour or two helping with Environmental Center garden maintenance while sipping on a cold beverage! No experience necessary, families welcome. Tuesday, July 3, 4-6pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave., Bend.



343 NW 6th Street



New Location Now Open!

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MICRO Three Creeks, 10 Years

Growth happening fast for the Sisters brewer and others





Hours: M-S 8:30am-10pm Sunday 8:30am-9pm

2205 NE Division Street 541-550-7325

Come celebrate in Downtown Bend & Drake Park


Three Creeks in Sisters will host its 10th birthday party on July 21.


So cheers to 10 years for the place that puts Sisters on the map for beer.

FESTIVAL Sponsored by

Start out at the Pancake Breakfast in the park with Bend Sunrise Lions Club: 8:00 - 11:00 am


Parade Lineup: 9:00 am ★ Parade: 10:00 am Parade with your pet or stuffed animal or watch all the action on the parade route.

AFTER THE PARADE, HEAD TO DRAKE PARK FOR THE OLD FASHIONED FESTIVAL! Over 100 artisans, live music, games & food! 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

★ Live Music presented by ★ Old Fashioned Games for kids of all ages! Sponsored by ★ Family Fun Area brought to you by

Kiwanis Club of Bend

Warren John West, P.C.

Fish Fling • Flush-a-Duck • Fire Truck • Games & More!

★ Community Entertainment

brought to you by Bend Park & Recreation District

PARADE DETAILS & PARKING INFORMATION: • All ages welcome. Come with your pet or stuffed animal on pulled wagons, bikes or trikes.

Downtown road closures from 9:00 am–Noon. Best parking: Outer perimeter of downtown & Downtown road closures from 9:00 am - Noon. Bestparking parking: Outer perimeter of downtown & garage • Alternative transportation parking garge • Alternative transportation encouraged • Bike valet at Drake Park encouraged • Bike valet at Drake Park

• No registration necessary. Lineup is at the School Administration Building parking lot on Wall Street.

Newport / Greenwood

• No rabbits, cats or aggressive dogs.

Downtown Bend

• Large animals need to arrive early.


Thank you to our sponsors!


E M E RG E N C Y C E N T E R Companion Animal Emergency & Critical Care

ad logo art



• Cyclists and equestrians, wear your helmets. • Do not give away animals. No solicitation, commercial floats, motorized vehicles, motorcycles or distribution of anything to spectators, including candy.

Parking Garage Oregon Lav a



• Pets must be leashed and clean up after your pet.


system in its brewpub, cranking out beers including Fivepine Chocolate Porter, Stonefly Session Pale and Knotty Blonde to an eager audience of locals and visitors passing by on U.S. 20. After seven years, supply no longer kept up with demand—so up came a 30-barrel brewhouse a mile or so to the south, filling up cans of top sellers while leaving the original brewpub system free for fun experiments including the bourbon barrel-aged Tenpine porter. Growth hasn’t stopped there, either—just a few months ago, Three Creeks took delivery on two new uni-tank beer fermenters, which will ultimately increase production by up to 40 percent. This production facility has a small tasting room open Fridays and Saturdays during the summer season. On July 21, though, there will be an even greater reason to check out the site at 265 E. Barclay Drive. That’s when the big 10-year anniversary event is taking place, with live music, tons of food, bounce houses for the kids and more beer than even the thirstiest visitor could finish up. Plus: A special 10 Year IPA making its debut for the event. So cheers to 10 years for the place that put Sisters on the map for beer. It’s a reminder that being new is always fun, but surviving in the beer scene for years takes real talent.  SW


t’s a time of change in Central Oregon’s brew scene. Boneyard Beer is about to close its little tasting room and open up a shiny new brewpub— something the neighbors down on Lake Place might breathe a sigh of relief about, were it not for the marijuana dispensary and smoker-friendly vacation rental spot slated to open right next door. Worthy Taps & Tacos, on the edge of downtown facing Drake Park, is running soft-opening hours this week in the lead-up to the official weekend launch. And a couple new local companies are in the works, including Braveheart Brewing (run by Greg Wales, who owned a brewpub in Arizona). With all this activity, it can be easy to overlook some of the old guard around this beer scene—places such as Three Creeks Brewing, on the verge of its 10th anniversary. The year 2008 likely wasn’t the greatest time to start a new business in Central Oregon, unless that business involved cleaning up foreclosed houses. This didn’t stop Wade Underwood, who purchased a plot of land on the eastern edge of Sisters in early 2008. If he and his partners had waited any longer, they might not have been able to fund the purchase at all— but they did, and Three Creeks kicked off in July of that year. The place started with a 10-barrel

& Old Fashioned

Louisiana Parade Start & Finish

School Admin. Bldg.

Staging Area (9 - 10 am)

Riverside Blvd. closed from 6:00 am - 5:00 pm. ADA parking available on Bond St. by staging area, in parking garage and on Riverside Blvd.

VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

By Kevin Gifford

Central Oregon’s premier nursery and garden center since 1978.


• Landscape Design and services • Complete selection of trees, shrubs, perennials • Garden Art • Huge selection of pottery • Annuals, baskets and planters to brighten your landscape • Expert Staff

NE Dalton St

NE 27th St

Worthy Brewery

Aurora Ave Landsystems

HWY 20 East


21336 E Hwy 20, Bend 541-382-7646 Mon-Sat 9am-5:30pm, Sun 10am-5pm


W E C A N F I X T H AT CoolSculpting’s® unique technology uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate unwanted fat cells without surgery or downtime. CoolSculpting® is FDA approved, safe and effective. The results are lasting and undeniable.


Thursday, July 12 at 12:00pm and 1:30pm Light Lunch Special Event Pricing Plus an additional 15% of the package value will be credited to your account toward future treatments or products, including CoolSculpting®. Call to Reserve Your Spot now. Call 541-312-3223 431 NE Revere Ave, Ste 200, Bend




Everybody Schlock the Dinosaur Is it better than the last one?


A Modern Bohemian Boutique


2755 NW Crossing Drive

Dino-heads may want this installment to become extinct, or they may love it.


can’t with any sort of seriousness state unadulterated schlock. that “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” SPOILERS FOLLOW: is a good movie. There really hasn’t The second half of the movie takes been a great movie in the franchise since place around a massive gothic estate in the original. Even though “Lost World” Northern California where the rescued had its moments, the series has been dinosaurs will be auctioned off to the too afraid to step outside of its comfort highest bidder. Obviously, they escape zone and escalate it into new and sur- and we get something I never knew I prising directions. wanted: raptors crawling across vaulted “Jurassic World” was pretty pathet- rooftops hunting terrified rich folk. ically transparent in its desperate Don’t get me wrong: The dialogue is attempt to reboot the stalling franchise, terrible, the pacing is all over the place while also trying to plug itself in as the and the cinematography is muddy, but sequel we’ve been waiting for: One in I had an absolute blast with the second which the audience finally sees Jurassic half of the film. It takes the franchise in Park open for business. directions that “Sharknado” might fear The considerable charisma of Chris to tread. It’s so goofy that I expected the Pratt and Bryce characters to wake It takes the franchise in Dallas Howard just and find out the wasn’t enough to directions that “Sharknado” entire film was a make their thinbad dream brought might fear to tread. ly drawn characabout by a heady ters even remotely interesting, and the cocktail of Carl’s Jr. and bath salts. plot just felt like a retread of the dinoRaptors jumping from explosions saur movies of decades past. “Jurassic like they’re Jason Statham. A thinly World” only came alive when the ptero- disguised Donald Trump stand-in getdactyls started pulling terrified park ting his wig blown back by hot dinosaur attendees into the sky and tearing them breath. A little girl getting chased up a apart. dumbwaiter by a genetically engineered “Fallen Kingdom” initially seemed killing machine. A shot taken straight like more of the same, with Pratt and from Herzog’s “Aguirre, the Wrath of Howard going back (“WE HAVE TO God.” Chris Pratt’s terrible mustache. GO BACK!”) to the island to rescue Either these are reasons for you to see some dinos before an impending volca- “Fallen Kingdom,” or reasons to avoid it. nic eruption makes them extinct once “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” is again. The trailers make the big volcanic high-grade schlock—the kind of movrescue look like the entirety of the film, ie Mystery Science Theater 3000 would but it’s actually just the first hour. rip apart. It’s brilliantly entertaining and Then it happens: like a spark of light deeply flawed on such a fundamental in the darkness or a sneeze under some level that I can’t imagine how the script blankets, “Fallwas greenlit. If I en Kingdom” could remake the gives up the ghost film I would call Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and embraces it “Jurassic World: Dir. J.A. Bayona Grade: A child’s drawing of a dinosaur what the entire The Hottest Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie series has been Mess.” Yet, someHouse, Redmond Cinema building toward how, I can’t wait all along: pure, to see it again. SW

Mon - Sat 11-6 Sun 11-4 B




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VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

By Jared Rasic



ADRIFT: Here comes this year’s water survival epic following a couple marooned after sailing into one of the largest hurricanes in recorded history. Star Shailene Woodley deserves a solid movie to showcase her range, so hopefully this will bounce her onto the A-list. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX

RBG: This documentary shows some of the earlier court battles of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and how important those decisions were for the future of women in this country. For those fascinated with the early life of this remarkable woman, this film should not be missed. Tin Pan Theater


THE SEAGULL: With a cast featuring Saoirse Ronan, Elisabeth Moss, Annette Bening and Corey Still, this adaptation of the Chekhov classic should please fans of the novel as well as anyone looking for a dynamic adaptation. Tin Pan Theater

years and 18 movies, but we’ve finally made it to the grand finale of the first chapter of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While there are still plenty of laughs and a ton of fun to be had, expect a much darker superhero movie than Marvel normally releases. Easily one of the most epic movies ever made. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX

DEADPOOL 2: The Merc with the Mouth is back

in theaters with enough meta gags to fill a dozen sequels and more violence than “Saving Private Ryan” can shake a stick at. It’s everything you want from a sequel: the stakes are higher, the story is better and the laughs are less juvenile. Ryan Reynolds should keep making these movies forever. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX

FIRST REFORMED: This film is being hailed

as not only the finest performance of Ethan Hawke’s career, but the best movie with Paul Schrader’s name on it since he wrote “Taxi Driver” in 1976. Hawke plays a pastor delving into his tormented past, so expect a few hot button issues to raise their heads. Sisters Movie House

GAME NIGHT: With a cast featuring Jason

Bateman, Rachel McAdams, Kyle Chandler, Lamorne Morris and Jesse Plemons, it’s really hard to go wrong. Luckily, “Game Night” works as a hilarious comedy and a mystery/thriller in equal measures, making for one of the most entertaining movies of the year. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema.

HEREDITARY: This is one horror movie that absolutely lives up to the hype as it constantly bombards the audience with some of the most nightmarish images ever put to film. Toni Collette plays a woman dealing with grief, either losing her mind or dealing with some extremely evil supernatural shenanigans. You be the judge. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX THE INCREDIBLES 2: The long-delayed sequel to the animated classic is filled with gorgeous visuals and action sequences which tend to hide the filmmaker’s obvious objectivist leanings. Audiences not trying to find philosophy in their cartoons will be delighted by the groundbreaking “Incredibles 2.” Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema

SOLO: Hey look, it’s time for another “Star

Wars” movie already! This one follows the adventures of handsome young Han Solo and handsomer young Lando Calrissian as they get up to some trouble with space gangsters. While the film won’t blow any minds, it’s still a fun two-hours at the movies. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX

SUMMER 1993: A 6-year-old is sent to live

with her uncle after the death of her mother, where she learns some hard truths about life. One of the finest movies from Spain this year. Tin Pan Theater

SUPERFLY: An adaptation of the blaxploitation

classic with an added emphasis on the action side of things. Judging from the previews, the film is not only about having mega swag, but also knowing kung fu and how to look sexy in the middle of a gun fight. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX.

SWEET COUNTRY: A powerful and shattering look at the current state of life for the Aboriginal people in Australia, as a thriller. Beautifully shot and acted, “Sweet Country” deserves to have as many eyes as possible on its beautiful imagery. Sisters Movie House

TAG: A surprisingly hilarious and heartwarming

look at a group of friends who’ve been playing the same game of tag for 30 years. With excellent stunts, deft character work and a surplus of belly laughs, “Tag” is a surprisingly great little movie. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Redmond Cinema

WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR?: It’s about time that we had a movie focused on Mister Rogers and all the good he did the world. This documentary doesn’t really try to find his dark side, but maybe not every documentary needs to dive into heady territory. Instead, it’s a reminder how special the man really was. See full review on p 45. Old Mill


JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM: The weirdest film in the franchise by far, “Fallen Kingdom” takes the established “Jurassic Park” framework and adds some of the schlockiest ideas since the last “Sharknado” movie. Enjoy the hilarious stupidity. See full review on p 43. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema

OCEAN’S 8: With a cast featuring phenomenal

talent including Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Mindy Kaling, Sarah Paulson and Rihanna, it’s easy to forget about George Clooney and his crew of thieves. The film is another easy-going and lightweight heist comedy in a time in which another entry is always welcome. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House


should watch a Terry Gilliam movie. It should be a law. Some months it could be “Fear and Loathing” and some months it could be “Time Bandits,” but the love of “Parnassus” (2009) stays strong. One of Heath Ledger’s final performances and an incredible performance from Christopher Plummer make this one of Gilliam’s strongest films.

“Summer 1993”

FILM SHORTS By Jared Rasic


Good Neighbors

Mister Rogers really did believe you’re a special snowflake—and that’s OK By Jared Rasic


950 S. E 3rd Street, Bend

Open: M-F 11AM-6PM, Sat 12-5PM 541.382.7202 •

This summer shop Eileen Fisher, Free People, XCVI, Ann Taylor, Chico’s, J. Jill, Coach, Born and many Top Name Brands all under one roof with prices way below retail. Plus 20% OFF Full Priced Items when you mention this ad or bring it in. Come in today and let the shopping begin!

A hundred thousand fathers to a hundred thousand kids


ne of my earliest memories was My Neighbor?” is a solid documentary sitting in front of my babysitter (I that doesn’t really shed any new light on mean TV) and having Mister Rogers everyone’s favorite neighbor, but does teach me about death. He came home humanize Rogers in a way that makes and got into his comfy shoes and hap- his faults even easier to look past. The py sweater—but when he went to feed man we saw on TV was so close to who his fish, he found one floating near the the man was off camera that any distincbottom of the tank. He wrapped it in a tions are mostly reductive. paper towel and took it outside, buryThere are a few interesting insights ing it in the most respectful manner he that the doc briefly settles upon (like could. how when he got mad at his kids at the Mister Rogers didn’t just teach me dinner table, he would use the voice of about death. He also showed me how Lady Elaine Fairchilde to express anger), to find my own self-worth, regardless of but they’re so quickly glossed over that what bullies were saying. He taught me they hardly make an impact. While the to always say please film doesn’t quite He told me that no matter lionize the man, it and thank you, and to love people with how I felt and regardless of never shies away all of my heart and from boldly (and what anyone said, help them see the rightfully) stating I was special. beauty in themthe positive impact selves. He told me he had on millions that no matter how I felt and regardless of children’s lives. of what anyone said, I was special. Thinking humanity is something to What’s beautiful about that last be cherished and protected shouldn’t be idea is that it’s so unpopular in mod- seen as a sign of weakness. That the feelern times. There’s a moment in “Won’t ing of having something beautiful and You Be My Neighbor?” in which a FOX unique to offer the world is seen as a News talking head bloviates about how symbol of entitlement to FOX News and dangerous and evil Mister Rogers was others is deeply disturbing. Who are the for daring to make an entire generation real snowflakes here? think they were special. More than the film itself, what That kind of thinking almost makes it “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” really hard to follow the life lessons that Fred excels at is posing the question about Rogers shared for over three decades— whether “Mister Rogers’ Neighborthat we’re all fundamentally good peo- hood” could survive in the modern TV ple as long as we have someone in our landscape. Would his type of gentle nurlife that reminds us of the inherent turing be seen as a sign of weakness to decency we’re all born with. People parents in 2018? Would his slow-paced who believe that that kind of self-re- show be lost in an age of dying attention spect is somehow spans? We’ll proba negative signify ably never know, a deep cognitive since there will Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Dir. Morgan Neville difference that no never be anyone Grade: B+ amount of empalike him again.  SW Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX thy will overcome. “Won’t You Be


this summer,

be free. 1

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For schedules and more, visit (541) 389-7275

VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

Upscale Resale Clothing & More!





OUTSIDE EVENTS ATHLETIC 4th of July 5K Fun Run and Bike Parade Join us on Independence Day at Sunriv-

er Resort for our annual 4th of July Fun Run and Bike Parade! Wednesday, July 4, 8:15am-1pm. Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Dr. Sunriver.

CORK Monthly Run Run a 3-5 mile out and

Bend’s #1 Climbing Shop & Outdoor Retailer

back route. All running abilities, strollers and friendly dogs welcome! Monday, July 2, 5:30pm. Crow’s Feet Commons, 869 NW Wall St #4, Bend.

FootZone Noon Run Lunch hour 3 to 5 mile

run. Order from a local taco shop when you leave and we’ll have it when you return. Wednesdays, Noon. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.

834 NW Colorado Ave Bend, Oregon 97703 541-388-0688

Monday - Saturday 10am-6pm Sunday 9am-5pm

Functional Strength Class A strength class designed by endurance athletes for endurance athletes. All levels and abilities welcome. Email for more info. Wednesdays, 7:15pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. $5/drop-in. Glow Golf Using glowing golf balls, try your

luck as you putt away on our 9-hole putting course. Call 541-593-4609 for more info. Wednesday-Saturday, 7:30-9:30pm. Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Dr. Sunriver. $15/person.

Hump Day Run We’ll typically run 3-5 miles down to the Old Mill and back. Email michelle@ for more info. Wednesdays, 6pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.

IT B I H X E NEW ough September 9

Mom’s Running Group All moms welcome

with or without strollers for a 3-4.5 mile run at 8-12 minute mile paces. Email for more info. Wednesdays, 9:30am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend.

Open thr

place in our heated pool! Two sessions: 5-8pm, cost: $35. 6-8pm, cost: $25. Thursdays through summer. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. Bend.

Deschutes Land Trust’s Weed Warriors Help remove invasive weeds at Camp

Polk Meadow Preserve! We meet three times a month to remove invasive weeds like mullein, spotted knapweed, teasel and Canada thistle from the Land Trust protected lands. More info at Tuesday, July 3, 9am-noon. Camp Polk Meadow Preserve, outside Sisters.

Half Day Deschutes River Kayak Tour

Paddle among lava flows stretching to Paulina Peak in Newberry National Volcanic Monument, Aspen groves, tranquil lagoons and side channels on this tour. Tuesdays & Fridays, 9am-1pm. Through Sept. 7. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. Bend. $75/person.

Lake Billy Chinook Full Moon Tour Ex-

Tuesday Rise and Run FootZoner Colton

Gale will lead this run. Meet Tuesdays at FootZone with lights and layers, and get your run done for the day! Email colton@footzonebend. com with questions. Tuesdays, 5am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.

Weekly Steel Bicycle Ride 30-mile route

east of town. Conversational pace, all are welcome. Steel bikes are recommended, but not required. All are welcome to hang out at Jackson’s afterward to tell stories and make new friends. Wednesdays, 6-8pm. Jackson’s Corner Eastside, 1500 NE Cushing Dr #100, Bend. Free.

OUTDOORS BARC Bend Adventist Running Club - Weekly RunWe meet in front of the Dog

Park at Pine Nursery. Distances vary. We offer community, running and walking support and fun! Sundays, 8:30am. Pine Nursery Park, 3750 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend. Free. ssible by

Brace & Roll Our class are on site and take

Saturday Coffee Run Marla Hacker facili-

individuals and teams, designed for the fit and almost fit. The race combines swimming, cycling, boating and running throughout Prineville. Wednesday, July 4, 8am. Mount Bachelor Ski Resort - West Village, 13000 SW Century Dr. Bend.

Mad e p o

BMX Practice and Racing Weekly Riders of all skill levels welcome. This is a great time for beginners to come out and find out what BMX racing is all about. Race fee is $8. Email with questions. Mondays, 5:30-7:30pm. High Desert BMX, 21690 Neff Rd, Bend. $5/practice.

Kids Whitewater Kayaking Camp This all-levels camp is designed to introduce kids to the exciting world of whitewater kayaking! We’ll emphasize both safety and fun as we gradually introduce campers to moving water. Monday, July 2-Thursday, July 5. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. Bend. $395.

Splash ‘n’ Dash A unique race for


Bend Area Running Fraternity (BARF)

Join us for 3.5-mile run through the Old Mill District! Stay after the run for a discounted pint courtesy of AVID Cider. Mondays, 5:30pm. AVID Cider Co, 550 SW Industrial Way, Suite 190. Bend. Free.

Run for the Birds Help support the Sunriver Nature Center by running for the birds! Sign up for the 5K race or 1K kids race and enjoy some stunning views of Mt. Bachelor. Proceeds will support the Sunriver Nature Center. Saturday, June 30, 8-11am. Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Dr. Sunriver. tates this group, which welcomes all paces for a 3-5 mile run on Saturdays. Bring a few bucks for coffee at a local shop afterwards with your new running buddies! Email michelle@footzonebend. com for more information. Saturdays, 9am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.

gon 97702 7, Bend, Ore 9 y a w h ig th H esertmuse 59800 Sou w w w.highd | 4 5 7 -4 ian 541-382 Smithson

waterways. Thursdays & Sundays, 9-11am. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. Bend. $55/class.

Basic Skills Paddleboarding Class A great launching point for the aspiring paddleboarder, Tumalo Creek’s Basic Skills Standup Paddleboard Class will prepare participants to confidently explore our region’s flat and moving

perience paddling by moonlight in the sage filled canyons of the High Desert at Lake Billy Chinook. Wednesday, June 27, 7-11pm. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. Bend. $85/person.

Outside In Local Love Paddle Join Out-

side In for a morning group paddle celebrating our local river. We’ll meet at Riverbend Park on the beach at 7:15am and get on the water promptly at 7:30am for a mellow, hour-long paddle going from bridge to bridge. BYO water craft and PFD. Registration required. Wednesday, June 27, 7:30-8:30am. Riverbend Park, 799 SW Columbia Street, Bend. Free.

Summer Star Gazing Open house viewing includes a peek through Hopservatory’s 16-inch research-grade telescope. No registration required; simply take the spiral staircase or elevator directly to the 3rd floor Hopservatory during open hours. Kids 6 & under are free. Worthy Garden Club, 495 NE Bellevue Dr, Bend. $5. Sundowner Standup Paddleboarding Evening A fun opportunity to get on the water

for folks that have previous paddleboard experience. Ages 16+. Monday, July 2, 6-8pm. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Suite 6. Bend. $25.

Upper Deschutes River Kayaking Tour

This excursion is enjoyed by beginning paddlers of all ages as well as those more experienced. Lunch included. Wednesdays & Saturdays, 9am3pm. Through Sept. 22. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way Ste. 6. Bend. $105.

Walk Up Pilot Butte Join JessBFit on Tuesdays for this breathtaking walk up Pilot Butte. Tuesdays, 8-9am. Pilot Butte State Park, Bend.


The Robber Fly

An experience of a lifetime!


ias gon po

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We know phones. They know bones. Bend: (541) 389 - 4020

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GO HERE By Danielle Meyers

Hot Local Deals for Hot Summer Days Ready to beat the heat and save some cash? Check out these summer deals on getting or staying active. Tula Movement Arts This is Bend’s local hub for everything from slack lines to aerial to acro yoga. This is their first year in town and to celebrate they are offering $30 for three weeks of unlimited yoga. Bend Rock Gym Get intro classes for $45 that include an intro to climbing, bouldering, top roping and auto belays, and also a one-week membership with unlimited access to the weight room and yoga classes. The yoga classes are some of the best deals in town; free for members, and $8 for dropin. A 10-class pass is $70. Juniper Yoga This studio offers a special monthly discount of $30 for 30 days of unlimited yoga to new students. Classes for everybody, including hot yoga, strength and flexibility training. Planet Fitness Through July 1 get $10 per month for unlimited access to Bend’s gym with free fitness training—basically what it costs to drop into most gyms. The Black Card is only $29 per month and includes use of all Planet Fitness locations. unlimited guest privileges, hydromassage, tanning, massage chairs, 20 percent off Reebok products and a T-Shirt.

47 VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

. Reuben Anderson

lease forgive me for being redundant, but the magnificent specimen pictured here came right to me and landed on my hand! It just wanted someone to tell its story, and because I love to do it, so here it is… Last Thursday, as I was leaving Tumalo, I approached the junction of Gerking Market Road and noticed a van and a trailer-full of domestic stuff stopped alongside the road. The trailer was jacked up and a wheel was missing. Two kids and a young couple waited there. Being the father I am, I had to stop to see if they needed help. Turned out a wheel and tire were on the way, and they were about to get on the road to their impending marriage down on the Oregon coast. Just as I was about to get going, that magnificent robber fly came zipping by, liking the looks of my knuckle and landing thereon. Robber flies are deadly hunters who often perch on a stick, watching for a fat, juicy insect to fly by. Then—with the speed of an F-16 Viper Jet—they swoop down upon the victim, grasp it in its six legs, punch their razorsharp sucking proboscis into the hapless victim and suck it dry. So, I suppose my knuckle was a good a perch as any, and I’m sure the robber fly had no idea of how I was going to react to its choice of perches. “Wow! Look at that!” I exclaimed. I had to. This was the largest robber fly and most perfect one I had ever seen. I was between the two adults, with one of the kids looking the fly right in the face. Those are Golden Moments for me; I can’t help myself, I have to share my love and excitement for something as grand a that robber fly was. While mom was getting her phone in focus, I


By Jim Anderson


books until one had enough data to know up from down. Today, all one has to do is Google what you want to know. Robber flies are a family Asist robber fly large in O The reg lidae, and in the biological on , E Order, Diptera, the “true flies.” ALL true flies offered the young have only one set of man in front of me wings. They’re also the fly to perch on known as assashis finger. sin flies, because Sure, he was of the fearful way apprehensive, they capture and and kept mumsuck insects dry— bling, “Get it off and I can testify of me, get it off of from personal experime…” but I didn’t let ences, they can suck the him have his way. I just life out of praying mankept telling him about that tids, grasshoppers, beetles and grand insect, and convinced him that even dragonflies. There are over 7,000 he was having a Special Experience in known species of robber flies. Life. Really, with all my years of chasing Growing from egg to adult, robber kids at the Oregon Museum of Science flies go through what is known as comand Industry and the science camps, I plete metamophorsis, that is, from egg had never had a Close Encounter of Any to larva to pupa to adult. I had to look Kind like that. Never! hard to find larvae, but finally did in the Soon, mom, dad and kids were into ash soil west of Bend. robber flies and I was happy as a pig-in-aWhile old Darrel Stephenson, the poke. But then, not to overdo it, I placed head powder monkey, and I were drilling the fly back on my fist, waved good luck all those 4-inch holes, loading fertilizer to the family, and wandered back to my in order to blow up and break up that 4-Runner where my son, Reuben and his tough welded tuff covering Bill’s pumson, Truman were waiting. ice, we also stopped frequently to look Yep, you guessed it, Tru was all hot-to- for birds, ants, beetles, reptiles, lizards, trot when I placed the insect on his hand. salamanders and other moving things we When I gave Reuben my camera and asked didn’t want to blast to Kingdom Come. him to shoot the photo above, he took to it (There’s a Great Horned Owl nestlike the pro he is. And now you can enjoy ing very close to William E. Miller Elethe specimen as much as we did. mentary School, adjacent to the old My first look at a robber fly was the pumice pits, whose great, grandparents one I captured in a juice bottle in the I first met in 1954 when I chased them mid-’50s, when I was blasting weld- out of the area we were going to blast.) ed tuff overburden off pumice deposAnyway, it was during those days that Darrel its west of Bend for Bill Miller’s Central and I enjoyed our first robber fly larvae feeding Oregon Pumice outfit. on the tiny, just hatched June bug larvae. Right after work I went directly to the Watch for ‘em, good people. If you library and asked Ivy Grover, the librari- have one land on your hand like I did, an at that time, if she would help me look perhaps that will be a good omen. I up the life history of robber flies. In those thought it was my reward for stopping days one had to go through many, many to see if the family needed any help.  SW


Otis Craig Broker, CRS




48 Vaulted great room w/dramatic FP & custom built-ins open to dining area & chef’s kitchen. Private master suite & Separate Jr. Suite on main level. 2 beds, bonus rm, bath & deck upstairs. Extended 3-car garage. Golf $1,250,000 membership included.



Your own slice of riverfront paradise, 1 mile from downtown. Open great room, 4 master suites, chef’s kitchen, media room, bonus/office & lots of storage.


DELIGHTFUL SAGEWOOD HOME 61482 Linton Loop This welcoming home features a spacious great room, large dining area and well-appointed kitchen. 3 beds + Bonus/ Flex room. Oversized master suite with walk in closet.


541.771.4824 RARE FIND IN RIVER RIM 60984 Creekstone Loop

Nestled on a large private lot w/views of Deschutes River & Mt. Bachelor. Great room w/vaulted ceilings, expansive windows & hrdwd flrs. 4 bdrm + office, master w/hidden flex room! 4/5-car garage. Fenced front and back yard. $825,000


Terry Skjersaa

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Vaulted ceilings & hardwood flrs welcome you into bright living/dining area. Well appointed kitchen open to cozy great room. Spacious master suite. Home has current short term vacation $479,000 rental permit.

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This crisp 3bed/2.5 ba home has been well cared for with a thoughtfully designed floor plan, open concept living & mature landscaping in a convenient location.


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OFFICE 541.647.1171 The Broker Network of Central Oregon, LLC. 505 NW Franklin Ave, Bend, OR 97703

3155 SW Wickiup Ave, Redmond

$95,000 Great flat lot waiting for development in SW Redmond, .62 acres tucked away behind Regency Village Senior Living facility, only a few blocks from Sage Elementary School and the Umatilla Sports Complex. Great location with easy access to Hwy 97. Zoned R2, allowing for a variety of development potential in residential or multifamily use. Adjacent tax lot included in the sale.

S Hwy, Bend

$225,000 This is a business opportunity. Buyer to negotiate lease of building under separate agreement with owner. Asset list is available after on-site preview. Assets to be sold in as-is condition after inspection and approval of buyer. Buyer’s attorney to prepare a bill of sale for transfer of assets at closing. Asset list will not include business name, signage and branding.

66444 Rebecca Lane, Bend

$529,900 This 39 acre parcel is located between the city of Bend and Sisters, it features breathtaking Mountain Views from ground level. Conditional Use Permit for a Single Family Residence in place as well as approval for a standard septic system. Located off of Plain View and Highway 20. Minutes away from Sister’s and 15 minutes from Bend.

REAL ESTATE LISTINGS Open House Saturday 11-3

Sunriver Vacation Home 2 TOURNAMENT LANE $634,000 4 bed / 3.5 bath

Private guest studio w/ sep ent. Great investment opportunity! Fully furnished, hot tub, & basketball court. Listed by Angie Cox, Broker (541) 213-9950

6588 Upper Cow Creek Rd, Azalea, OR

$999,900 Cozy Ranch Style Home with fantastic acreage of an incredibly private lot. The house has 3 bedrooms 2 bath, 1900 sqft single level located on over 130+ acres with multiple out buildings.

John L. Scott Real Estate

Park-like setting ready for your dream home! HUNNELL ROAD, BEND $350,000

10* acre parcel. Power, cable, phone & Avion water are at the street. Extremely private, backs to Deschutes County land. Great opportunity to build in Tumalo and less than 3 miles from shopping and dining in Bend. Tony Levison, Broker 541.977.1852

Great flat lot waiting for development 3155 SW WICKIUP, REDMOND $95,000

.62 acres only a few blocks from Sage Elementary School and the Umatilla Sports Complex. Easy access to Hwy 97. Zoned for a variety of development potential. Adjacent tax lot included in the sale. Tony Levison, Broker 541.977.1852

Tony Levison Broker, Windermere Central Oregon 541.977.1852 695 SW Mill View Way Suite 100 • Bend, OR 97702 •



By Nick Nayne Principal Broker, The Broker Network, LLC

3-D Printer Homes Update


Eindhoven and will be completed in 2019. The final home will be three stories, with three bedrooms. Builders plan to use the 3-D printer to install drainage pipes. The technology also has the possibility of placing wireless sensors into the walls and making it a “smart” home. Additionally, Win Sun, a private Chinese company, has reportedly built 10 homes in one day at a cost of $5,000 per home using a mixture of cement and construction waste. Proponents and developers of this technique cite that aside from the low cost, this method allows the construction of customizable buildings of almost any shape. People will be able to customize the home the way they want. It’s expected to become a fairly mainstream building technique within the next five years.

49 VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

ack in March, I wrote a story about 3-D printer homes as an affordable new building technique that could help ease the housing affordability crisis. Being intrigued by this technique and passionate about affordable housing, I was curious if there had been any new developments. Like all new construction alternatives, building officials will need to issue permits—which will currently require additional groundwork to develop standards for the technique. This is a dilemma also faced by other housing alternatives, such as tiny homes, which don’t fit into traditional building criteria and delay the start of projects. A recent report in The Guardian reported on a 3D-printed housing development planned in The Netherlands. Five homes are being constructed in


Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service


265 S.E. 4th St, Bend, OR 97702 3 beds, 2 baths, 1,144 square feet, .09 acres lot Built in 1979 $275,000 Listed by John L Scott Bend-Redmond Office


1232 N.E. Locksley Dr., Bend, OR 97701 4 beds, 3.5 baths, 2,123 square feet, .27 acres lot Built in 1994 $419,500 Listed by Premiere Property Group

Get noticed in our Real Estate section <<HIGH

1841 NW Rimrock Rd,, Bend, OR 97703 5 beds, 3 baths, 3,783 square feet, .23 acres lot Built in 1974 $895,000 Listed by Stellar Realty Northwest






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I’m a 28-year-old woman who has been single for over five years. I’m steering clear of dating sites right now because of how so many guys portray themselves in ways that are very different from how they are in person. But then, in day-to-day life, when I smile at a guy I like, he’ll usually smile back but he still won’t come over and talk to me. Call me traditional, but I want a guy who has the courage to approach me. Guys are meant to do the pursuing. --Unapproached “Guys are meant to do the pursuing.” Well, okay, but forgive the poor dears if they’d like some sign from you about what’s likely to be in store for them if they hit on you—a hot time in bed or years of painful skin grafts from a 300-degree pumpkin latte you throw in their face. Oh, right—you say you smile at the guys you like. Consider that from a guy’s perspective: Maybe you were (were needs to be italics) smiling at him—or maybe at some CrossFit Adonis standing right behind him. A single ambiguous signal isn’t a reliable message—that is, a reliably actionable message—especially when there’s risk involved in taking action. (In hitting on you, there’s the possibility of public humiliation— maybe even of the “Whoa, the YouTube video is going viral!” kind.) It also doesn’t help that a smile requires very little investment from you—in effort or risk. Amotz Zahavi, an Israeli zoologist who studies signaling—behavioral communication between individuals or critters—points out that signals that are more “costly” to the sender are read as more trustworthy (and usually are). Your talking to a guy would be an example of a stronger indication of interest from you (than a mere smile)—particularly if you initiate the conversation. You send an even stronger message that you’re interested by giving several signals at once. For example, you could touch a guy’s arm while you’re talking and make and hold eye contact (though just for a few seconds, not as if you’re a serial killer trying to hypnotize him into climbing into your trunk). You should also consider that men, more than ever, want to err on the side of seeing that their advances are wanted—which is to say they’re all terrified

that they’ll wake up one day and find their name tweeted with #MeToo. This surely affects their willingness to even ask women out. I have written previously about how overt pursuit by a woman—direct, explicit expressions of interest, like asking a guy out—is a risky strategy, as it tends to lead men to subconsciously devalue her. (If she’s chasing them instead of snubbing them like so many other women do, she must be desperate and/or have her sanity up on blocks in the front yard.) However, it turns out that you can probably go really, really big in being flirtatious—like way over what you’re Amy Alkon seriously sure is the top. This comes out of the fascinating psychological effect of “indirect speech”— speech that implies what the speaker means rather than explicitly stating it. The indirectness allows us an essential “out,” according to psychologist and linguist Steven Pinker. Basically, as long as we can’t be 100 percent certain of what a person really means—as long as there’s even 1 percent of uncertainty—there’s “plausible deniability.” This allows us to just ignore something that would have been offensive if it had been said in a flat-out way. So, for example, if something is said euphemistically—a la the ol’ “Wanna come up and see my etchings?”—both parties can act as if it didn’t mean what it pretty obviously does mean: something along the lines of “It’s getting a little loud in here in Cafe Pretentious. Wanna go somewhere quiet and have sex?” However—realistically—flirting big, on its own, may not be enough. There are men who will realize -- after you walk out of the drugstore or cafe and out of their lives forever—that they should have asked you out. Put them in a position to have a second chance by going to the same place over and over—like by showing up at the same coffeehouse every Saturday. In doing this, you’ll also get the benefit of observing men in a naturalistic habitat, allowing you to see potentially disturbing things about them that aren’t evident online. This can end up being a lifesaving measure—perhaps literally (in rare cases) and at least figuratively, when you discover that five minutes talking with a guy flies right seven hours spent gagged and zip-tied to a chair.

Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave. Suite 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail (

We’re going backstage with

© 2018, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. Stage

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ASTROLOGY  By Rob Brezsny CANCER (June 21-July 22): In the coming weeks, you will have an excellent chance to dramatically decrease your Wimp Quotient. As the perilously passive parts of your niceness toughen up, I bet you will encounter brisk possibilities that were previously off-limits or invisible to you. To ensure you remain in top shape for this delightful development, I think you should avoid entertainment that stimulates fear and pessimism. Instead of watching the latest flurry of demoralizing stories on Netflix, spend quality time summoning memories of the times in your life when you were unbeatable. For extra credit, pump your fist ten times each day as you growl, “Victory is mine!”

you make the most of the bewildering but succulent opportunities that are now arriving in your vicinity.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): It’s not so bad to tempo-

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Ecologists in Mexico City investigated why certain sparrows and finches use humans’ discarded cigarette butts in building their nests. They found that cellulose acetate, a chemical in the butts, protects the nests by repelling parasitic mites. Is there a metaphorical lesson you might draw from the birds’ ingenious adaptation, Aquarius? Could you find good use for what might seem to be dross or debris? My analysis of the astrological omens says that this possibility is worth meditating on.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Here’s my list of demands: 1. Avoid hanging out with people who are unreceptive to your influence. 2. Avoid hanging out with people whose influence on you is mediocre or dispiriting. 3. Hang out with people who are receptive to your influence and whose influence on you is healthy and stimulating. 4. Influence the hell out of the people who are receptive to your influence. Be a generous catalyst for them. Nudge them to surpass the limits they would benefit from surpassing. 5. Allow yourself to be deeply moved by people whose influence on you is healthy and stimulating.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.” Activist author Audre Lorde said that, and now, in accordance with your current astrological and psychological needs, I’m offering it to you. I realize it’s a flamboyant, even extreme, declaration, but in my opinion, that’s what is most likely to motivate you to do the right thing. Here’s another splashy prompt, courtesy of philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre: “We only become what we are by the radical and deep-seated refusal of that which others have made us.”

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): André René Roussimoff, also known as André the Giant, was a French actor and professional wrestler. He was 7 feet, 4 inches tall and weighed 520 pounds. As you might imagine, he ate and drank extravagantly. On one festive occasion, he quaffed 119 bottles of beer in six hours. Judging from your current astrological indicators, Scorpio, I suspect you may be ready for a binge like that. JUST KIDDING! I sincerely hope you won’t indulge in such wasteful forms of “pleasure.” The coming days should be a time when you engage in a focused pursuit of uplifting and healthy modes of bliss. The point is to seek gusto and amusement that enhance your body, mind, and soul.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): On her 90th birthday, my Great-Aunt Zosia told me, “The best gift you can give your ego is to make it see it’s both totally insignificant and totally important in the cosmic scheme of things.” Jenna, my girlfriend when I was 19, was perhaps touting a similar principle when, after teasing and tormenting me for two hours, she scrawled on my bathroom mirror in lipstick, “Sometimes you enjoy life better if you don’t understand it.” Then there’s my Zen punk friend Arturo, who says that life’s goodies are more likely to flow your way if you “hope for nothing and are open to everything.” According to my analysis of the astrological rhythms, these messages will help

with the astrological beacons, I have selected two pieces of advice to serve as your guiding meditations during the next seven weeks. You might want to write them on a piece of paper that you will carry in your wallet or pocket. Here’s the first, from businessman Alan Cohen: “Only those who ask for more can get more, and only those who know there is more, ask.” Here’s the second, from writer G. K. Chesterton: “We need to be happy in this wonderland without once being merely comfortable.”

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I suspect that sometime soon you will come into possession of an enchanted potion or pixie dust or a pouch full of magic beans -- or the equivalent. If and when that occurs, consider the following protocols: 1. Before you use your new treasure, say a prayer to your higher self, requesting that you will be guided to use it in such a way as to make yourself wiser and kinder. 2. When you use it, be sure it harms no one. 3. Express gratitude for it before and during and after using it. 4. Use it in such a way that it benefits at least one other person or creature in addition to you. 5. See if you can use it to generate the arrival or more pixie dust or magical beans or enchanted potion in the future. 6. When you use it, focus on wielding it to get *exactly* what you want, not what you sort of want or temporarily want. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Your best ideas and soundest decisions will materialize as if by magic while you’re lounging around doing nothing in a worry-free environment. So please make sure you have an abundance of relaxed slack and unhurried grace. Treat yourself to record-setting levels of comfort and self-care. Do whatever’s necessary for you to feel as safe as you have ever felt. I realize these prescriptions might ostensibly clash with your fiery Aries nature. But if you meditate on them for even two minutes, I bet you’ll agree they’re exquisitely appropriate for you right now. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “It is always what is under pressure in us, especially under pressure of concealment -- that explodes in poetry.” Taurus poet Adrienne Rich wrote that in an essay about the poet Emily Dickinson. She was describing the process of tapping into potent but buried feelings so as to create beautiful works of literature. I’m hoping to persuade you to take a comparable approach: to give voice to what’s under pressure inside you, but in a graceful and constructive way that has positive results.



JULY 27, 28, 29 Friday-Sunday Dawn JULY 27 Friday Dusk


Balloon Launch Jewell Elementary

Bend Night Glow Riverbend Park, Bend

JULY 28 Saturday Noon

Balloon Blast Fun Run

JULY 28 Saturday Dusk

US Bank's Bacon, Brew & Balloons Festival


Sam Johnson Park, Redmond


Saturday 10-4 PM

Children’s Festival Des Chutes Historical Museum

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Introductory offers are expiring. The bracing thrills of novelty must ripen into the cool enjoyments of maturity. It’s time to finish the dress rehearsals so the actual show can begin. You’ve got to start turning big, bright fantasies into crisp, no-nonsense realities. In light of these shifting conditions, I suspect you can no longer use your good intentions as leverage, but must deliver more tangible signs of commitment. Please don’t take this as a criticism, but the cosmic machinery in your vicinity needs some actual oil, not just your witty stories about the oil and the cosmic machinery.

Homework: Describe the tree house you would like to build for yourself one day, and what pleasures you would like to pursue there. Write:


VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

rarily lose your bearings. What’s bad is not capitalizing on the disruption that caused you to lose your bearings. So I propose that you regard the fresh commotion as a blessing. Use it as motivation to initiate radical changes. For example, escape the illusions and deceptions that caused you to lose your bearings. Explore unruly emotions that may be at the root of the superpowers you will fully develop in the future. Transform yourself into a brave self-healer who is newly receptive to a host of medicinal clues that were not previously accessible.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In accordance


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00 8 0 . 3 8 3 . 541

WELLNESS EVENTS Beginners Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin Designed for those who have never

taken Tai Chi or for those who have learned and forgotten. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 623203-4883 for more info. Mondays & Wednesdays, 10-11am. Finley Butte Park, 51390 Walling Lane La Pine. $35/month.

Bhakti Church Bhakti Church aligns our

Community Gathering Grief comfort and

support in a group setting. All are welcome. Tuesdays, 6-8pm. Good Grief Guidance, 33 NW Louisiana Ave., Bend. Free.

Community Healing Flow A gentle flow

class by donation with all proceeds will benefit the Humane Society of Central Oregon. Fridays, 5-6:15pm. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Dr, Suite 113, Bend.

Compassionate Communication/NVC Practice Groups Through practicing with

others, we can learn and grow using real life experiences. Some NVC experience necessary. Wednesdays, 4-5:30pm. Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm. Tuesdays & Wednesdays. Center for Compassionate Living, 803 SW Industrial Way #200, Bend. Free.

Evolutionary SELF-Healing Through guided imagery, you’ll learn how to tap into your internal power. Contact: 541-390-8534, Thursdays, 6:30-8pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd, #A-5, Bend. Free. Free Yoga Keep your body and mind healthy.

Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, 7:45-8:30am. Plantae, 2115 NE Hwy 20 #107, Bend.

Iyengar Yoga - Easy Paced Learn correct alignment, posture and breathing. Especially suited for people who aren’t sure they can do yoga. No one is too stiff with this method! A knowledgeable teacher shows how! IYOB since 1998. Class price varies. Thursdays, 3:30-5pm.. Iyengar Yoga of Bend, 660 NE 3rd St #5, Bend.

Journey into Meditation Experience

relaxing the body, mind and emotions. Meditation is equivalent to getting two extra hours of sleep! Angelica’s a certified hypnotist who has taught relaxation classes statewide since ‘91. To register, call 971-217-6576. Mondays, 10am & Noon. Bend Golf & Country Club, 61045 Country Club Dr, Bend. $10/drop-in.

Journey into Relaxation Class Relax the body and experience deeper peace, love and joy. Angelica is a certified hypnotist, author of relaxation CDs and has been teaching yoga and relaxation classes for over 20 years. Drop-ins welcome! Mondays, Noon-12:30pm. Bend Golf & Country Club, 61045 Country Club Dr, Bend. $10.

Prenatal Yoga Yoga designed specifically for the expecting mother. All levels and stages of pregnancy welcome. Class cards and monthly memberships available. Thursdays, 5-6pm and Sundays, 9:30-10:45am. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $17.

Included: Baptiste Art of True North Alignment Program

Restore You Taught with sandbags and an array of props to boost circulation, reduce stress/ tension both physical and mental. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Sundays at 10:30am. Wednesday, 5pm. Sun Dog Yoga, 1245 SE 3rd St, Bend. $8/class. Sadhanas In this weekly class of guided practices, learn qigong, self-massage, meditations and more. All physical abilities welcome! No preregistration required. Bring water, notebook, wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing. For more info, call 541-633-3456. Saturdays, 9-10:30am. The Hive, 205 NW Franklin Ave, Bend. $5-$15/sliding scale.

Sit. Breathe. Rest. (Meditation & Yoga)

Begins with 10 minutes of breath work, followed by a 10-15 minute meditation and finishes with yoga. Wednesdays, 7-8pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $5.

Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin The focus is on the individual, not the group. This is the original form that is taught in the monastery. Certified and endorsed by the Oregon Council on Aging. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 623203-4883 for more info. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:45-10:45am. Terpsichorean Dance Studio, 1601 NW Newport Ave, Bend. $70/month, 2 classes per week. Tuesday Performance Group Maximize your time with focused, intense efforts. All ages and abilities welcome. Sessions led by accomplished trail runner Max King. Email max@ for details. Tuesdays, 5:30pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.

Space is Limited. Sign up Today!

Our Yoga Teacher Training places the emphasis on teaching yoga as a way to get powerful in all areas of your life and has been PROVEN to change lives and create effective teachers and leaders. You will learn to authentically express and share of yourself, connect with others and create positive change in the world – skills applicable to any leadership role in or out of a yoga studio.

To Register:


Vin/Yin Yoga Contact: 541-420-1587 for more info. Mondays & Thursdays, 3pm. First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St, Bend.

Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra Community Class Join us for a 60-minute Community Class

where teachers practice teach Yin Yoga and/ or Yoga Nidra—and they’re great! Wednesdays, Thursdays & Sundays, 7pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $5.

Yoga for 50+Plus Learn accuracy in poses under an experienced teacher’s knowledgeable guidance. This highly adaptive method is open to all adults of any age or physical condition through the use of yoga props. Mondays & Wednesdays, 11am-12:15pm. Iyengar Yoga of Bend, 660 NE 3rd St #5, Bend.

Men & Stress Let go of anger, manage anx-

certified yoga instructor and BBC’s own, Kayla Heuton, will lead a free, 1-hour Vinyasa class. Sunday, July 1, 10-11am. Bend Brewing Co, 1019 NW Brooks St, Bend. Free.

Men’s Yoga Have you been curious about yoga but intimidated, or just felt it wasn’t for you? This class was born out of a need for men to experience yoga with a practice designed specifically for the way men are built. Suitable for beginners and above. Wednesdays, 7pm. The Hive, 205 NW Franklin Ave, Bend. $10.

7 Weekends September '18February '19

Recovery Yoga Wherever you are on the road of recovery, this yoga class offers a safe and confidential place to explore how meditation, breath work, journaling and yoga can aid in your recovery. Thursdays, 7-8pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $8.

Meditation & Relaxation Class Experience relaxing the body, mind and emotions. Meditation is equivalent to getting two extra hours of sleep. Through meditation, you can feel deeper inner peace, love and joy. Drop-ins welcome. First class by donation. To register, contact 971217-6576. Mondays, 10am & noon. Bend Golf & Country Club, 61045 Country Club Dr, Bend. $10. iety and improve relationships. Call Dan Anderson, M.A. to reserve your place 541.390.3133 or email: Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm. Anderson Counseling, 384 SW Upper Terrace Dr #204, Bend. $25/week.

200Hr Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga on the Pond Every other Sunday,

Zen Discussion & Meditation A weekly lay-led Dharma discussion and meditation (zazen). Open to all. Contact: 541-390-1220, Mondays, 6-8:30pm. St. Helen’s Hall - Trinity Episcopal, 231 NW Idaho Ave, Bend. Free.

Help Mosaic Medical fill the mobile clinic with donations for the homeless in our community! size hygiene products: Items • Travel Soap/body wash d of nee - Deodorant include: - Shampoo - Toothbrush - Toothpaste - Wet Wipes / wash cloths - Sunscreen - Unscented Lotion - Chapstick • Tampons • Hand warmers • Mens and Womens Socks • Mittens/Gloves • Bottled Water

Quality Care For All

53 VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

bodies, hearts and minds and directs this unified field towards one transformational aim through guide meditation. First Sunday of every month. July 1, 7-8:30pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd, #A-5, Bend. $10.

Morning Yoga Join Outside In every Monday morning for free all levels hatha or vinyasa yoga. No experience necessary, mats are available for use. Contact: 541-317-3569, Mondays, 8:45-9:45am. OutsideIN, 845 NW Wall St, Bend.


SMOKE SIGNALS Cannabis for Canada

By Josh Jardine

923 SE 3rd ST




w w w. t o k y o s t a r f i s h . c o m


ast week, Canada officially approved legalization of cannabis throughout the country— the first G-7 nation to do so, but the second overall. The first is Uruguay, a nation many of you struggle to pronounce, spell or remember it exists. (Don’t “ooooooh” me, y’all know it’s true.) Uruguay is a country of 3 million, bookended by Argentina and Brazil, that first legalized cannabis in 2013, and began sales in July 2017. One objective for legalization was to eliminate a robust black market (preferred term: “unregulated market”) of pressed brick weed from neighboring Paraguay. Per a March 2018 Brookings Institute study: • There is no established medical cannabis program. • Under legalization, home growers may have six registered flowering plants, but the harvested bud may not exceed 480 grams annually. At 17+ ounces, that’s just over a pound of bud per year. There are 8,200+ registered home growers. • There are 83 registered “Cannabis Club” grower collectives, with between the mandated 15 to 45 members. They may grow up to 99 plants, and give each member no more than 480 grams at any one time. Excess bud is to be turned over to authorities. (How do you say “Ha! No chance that’s happening, get real.” in Spanish? Anyone?) • Establishing dispensaries is under consideration, but presently consumers may purchase up to 10 grams per week at state-licensed pharmacies, currently the sole option for sales, although pharmacies may opt out of participation. Also, 16 participating pharmacies offer a very small menu of flower produced by only two commercially licensed growers (cue Oregon growers shrieking), with more expected to come online. • Good, because the weed sucks, with the first varieties testing at 2 percent THC and 6 to 7 percent CBD, with an upgrade by late 2017 of 9 percent THC and 3 percent CBD. Do you even supply your country with this hemp, brah? Do you even? • 22,077 Uruguayans are registered as buyers, with 5-gram containers going for approximately $7, or about $1.40 per gram. The median income is $2,000 USD, so not a screaming bargain.

Canada, with a population of 35 million, is our border-sharing Top to America’s power drunk, deeply questioning its identity Bottom and ending 90 years of prohibition. They seek to not only develop a domestic recreational market, but expand sales to the overseas medical cannabis market. In 2017, they exported 522 kg (over 1,150 pounds) to Germany, Czech Republic, Israel and Australia, a more than tenfold increase from 2016. • The medical program is growing 10 percent or more each month, with more than 200,00 registered. In 2017, $5.7 billion was spent on cannabis, an average of $1,200 per medical consumer. • Recreational sales will begin on Oct. 17, when those age 18 (or 19 in some provinces) may purchase, possess in public and share up to 30 grams of flower, and any residence may grow four plants. They view 1 gram of dried, cured flower to be the equivalent of 5 grams fresh flower, 15 grams of edibles, 70 grams of liquids, .25 g of solid/liquid concentrates or a single cannabis seed. • The program is meant to reduce the $7 billion unregulated market, and sales are projected to be $4.3 billion in the first year. • Taxes will be $1 per gram or 10 percent of the total purchase, whichever is greater. Some 75 percent of that will remain with the providence, with 25 percent going to the national government. One study shows the Canadian government could take in $5 billion a year in tax revenue, with that share going to address public health and addiction issues. The U.S. may someday take such action, but lately, we’ve been too busy terrorizing families seeking legal asylum, by stealing and caging their babies and children with no framework to return them, to take time to explore what nationwide legalization of cannabis in the U.S. might look like. Priorities, people. So we continue to struggle and stutter start to provide safe access, undertake critically needed cannabis research and provide a balance between reasonable regulation and oversight and hysterical, fear-based policies that overtax the consumer and license holders, while stifling the economic possibilities of cannabis tourism and social consumption. USA #1 !

THE REC ROOM Crossword “Skip Rope�

Difficulty Level


We’re Local!

Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at

Š Pearl Stark

Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once.




1. Total ass-kicking

1. Prepare

5. Picking your nose, e.g.

2. Killed

10. Make an appeal

3. Code name

13. “___ Electric� (Electric car news YouTube channel)

4. All for it

14. Top of the line

6. “The Play About the Baby� playwright

15. Did a jackknife

7. Quaff in a stein

16. Polar opposite of a buzzcut

8. Very small

17. Helps out

9. Check your work

18. Super OCD 19. “This is really important!�

10. Festival where the Beastie Boys gave their last performance

22. “No, I’m serious!�

11. “The Aristocats� voice actress

23. Nvidia’s logo

12. Solidify

24. “Blue Hotel� singer Chris

15. Talking point?

26. Very expensive

20. Maumee Bay lake

28. “Why is this happening to me?�

21. Opening words

31. Brewer’s no.

25. Relatives

32. The Rainbow Bridge spans it

27. William and Harry’s aunt

35. Time to grab a slice, say

28. DEA’s job

36. Truck-driver who works for himself, e.g.

29. ___ Technica (tech website)

39. Where Scottish sheep may graze

30. Micronesian veggie

40. Parisian houses

33. Film director Heckerling

41. Tough mofos in ‘80s rap slang

34. Lady

42. ___ Stallyns (Bill & Ted’s band)

35. Crash investigator: Abbr.

43. Some mainframe processors

36. Diagram showing a business’s hierarchy

46. 1983 comedy whose movie poster shows Mr. T holding a car door

37. Like Bugs, to Elmer

48. Talks a load of crap

39. Physique

50. Card game where the player says its name on their penultimate move

42. Pugilist’s grp.

57. ___ of America 58. Capital where pounds are spent 59. Barrel grp. 60. “Izzatso?� 61. By order of 62. “God: A Human History� author Aslan 63. Sloppy spot 64. Duane ___ 65. Bastille Day seasons

The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote:

“_____ my circumstances.� — Jose Ortega y Gasset

52. It’s really hot



5. Difficult to pick up

38. Black cuckoos

44. Animal, e.g. 45. Allergic reaction 47. With skill 48. Sired 49. In need of an ice pack, say 51. Some killer swimmers 53. St. where Pepsi was invented 54. The good life 55. Hoppy beverage 56. Ponder (over) 57. Criminal patterns, briefly

“Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time� — Steven Wright

, 6 / ( % ( $ 0 0 ( 6 $ 6 7 6 7 1 * 2 $ / 7 , 0 , 6 7 ( 0 3 $ ( * 6 7 0 5 & ' , ( & 0 ( 1 / $ 5 ' (

9 ( 1 8 ' % ( , ( ' 0 2 ( 5 $ $ 5 7 $ , 2 1

( ; & ( / . ( 7 7 3 ( 5 .

6 7 3 2 $ $ ' $ 9 2 ( 3 5 5 5 < ( ' ( * < 5 ( ( $ 7

8 1 , 7 <

$ 5 7 ' ( & 2

/ 6 8 8 ; 5 ( ( / <

0 3 8 3 ( ( 6 ( + 5 ( ( , % 1 / / < ( 6 1 7 ( 7 ( , 1 ( 5 / 7 $ 1 $ & ( 7 1 $ 2 * 5 ( $ / 7 $ 7 ( 6 7

55 VOLUME 22  ISSUE 26  /  June 28, 2018  /  THE SOURCE WEEKLY

Š2017 Brendan Emmett Quigley (

By Brendan Emmett Quigley

Pearl’s Puzzle

Come Get Groovy With Us! 50 th Anniversary Party Saturday, June 30 th


Doors oopen pen at 5:30pm 5:30 pm Located Located at at The The Backyard behind the Lodge Lodge





Benefiting Sunriver Nature Center and Observatory 5K Race begins at 8:00am, Kids 1K begins at 9:00am

Fun Run : Wednesday, July 4th | 8:15 a.m. Bike Parade: Wednesday, July 4th | 11:30 a.m.

Look under "Things to Do, Events" for details.

Join us for our after-party in The Backyard for games, food, drinks and family fun!

Register online at


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