VOLUM E 22 / I S S UE 4 2 / OC TOBER 1 8 , 2 0 1 8
Surf’s up: Ridi� the
R� �d Blue
Candidate Roundup
Young lawmakers unite Voting on the Measures
REPORTER/CALENDAR EDITOR Keely Damara REPORTER/WEB EDITOR Chris Miller COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts BEER REVIEWER Kevin Gifford FREELANCERS Josh Jardine, Nick Nayne, Teafly Peterson, Jim Anderson, Lisa Sipe, Jared Rasic, Anne Pick, David Sword, Elizabeth Warnimont SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, E.J. Pettinger, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Shannon Wheeler
NEWS – Get your election dates right
The office of the Deschutes County Clerk is buzzing these days, in prep for the mid-term elections. Jaclyn Brandt pays the office a visit to talk mail-in voting dates and more.
NEWS – Millennials rising
FEATURE – Election 2018
Surf’s up: Ridi� the
R� �d Blue
The millennial generation had almost as many voters as the baby boomer generation during the 2016 election—but the younger crowd showed up in lesser numbers. What will this year bring, and how are millennials getting motivated? Keely Damara reports. The Source editorial board rounds up its endorsements in local, state and governor’s races, as well as for the measures you’ll see on your ballot this year. When your ballot arrives this week, use this guide to help you make your voting decisions.
CHOW – Redmond trifecta
The city of Redmond now has a brewery, cidery and a forthcoming distillery, all in one spot—plus BBQ to boot. Lisa Sipe shares her experience at JackPine Court.
SMOKE SIGNALS – Flying with cannabis
Can you bring your stash on a plane? Our cannabis columnist sets out to find out.
Candidate Roundup
Young lawmakers unite Voting on the Measures On the Cover: Thanks to the candidates in our city, county, state representative and governor races for adopting a sense of humor as they discover our portrayal of them on this week’s cover. Surf’s up! See all our endorsements in this week’s Feature. Design by Shannon Corey. Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email:
Mailbox 5 News 6
Source Picks
Sound 16
Clubs 19
Events 23
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Ban Tat, Chris Larro, Ashley Sarvis, Robert Cammelletti
Chow 35
Artwatch 33
Screen 39 Outside 43
Real Estate
Advice 46
DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Sean Switzer CONTROLLER Angela Switzer PUBLISHER Aaron Switzer NATIONAL ADVERTISING Alternative Weekly Network 916-551-1770
Astrology 47 Smoke Signals Fall colors near Tumalo Creek downstream from Tumalo Falls. By Chris Miller
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Puzzles 51
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Sales Deadline: 5 pm, Mondays Editorial Deadline: 5 pm, Mondays Calendar Deadline: Noon, Fridays Classified Deadline: 4 pm, Mondays Deadlines may shift for special/holiday issues.
The Source Weekly is published every Thursday. The contents of this issue are copyright ©2018 by Lay It Out Inc., and may not be reprinted in part or in whole without consent from the publisher. Cartoons printed in the Source Weekly are copyright ©2018 by their respective artists. The Source Weekly is available free of charge at over 350 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the Source Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Writers’ Guidelines: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and comics. Visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage for freelancer guidelines.
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EDITOR Nicole Vulcan
V O LU M E 2 2 / I SSU E 4 2 / OC TOBER 1 8 , 2 0 1 8
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Send your thoughts to
Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!
JAMIE MCLEOD-SKINNER WINS DEBATE The spirited and informative debate between Congressman Greg Walden and Jamie McLeod-Skinner on October 5th revealed sharp contrasts between the two candidates. Jamie spoke passionately about her travels across Oregon CD-2 during the last year and a half, and about conversations she’s had with Oregon CD-2 residents. Congressman Walden alluded to “meetings” and “calls” with his
Election 2018
The Source wants to hear from you!
needs of homeless, the handicapped, the elderly and the immigrant members of our community. Please vote for Josefina Riggs to represent the rest of us as a member of the Redmond City Council. —Gloria Olson
@flycascades enjoying the fall colors last weekend in Bend. Tag @sourceweekly to be featured in Lightmeter!
constituents but provided few details, probably because he hasn’t held an “open” public meeting or town hall in 500 days. Jamie offered fresh ideas to address the problems affecting residents of Oregon CD-2. Congressman Walden gave his usual well-rehearsed delivery of tired Republican talking points, probably compiled by his D.C.-based PR firm. His talking points and his delivery were as exciting as day-old oatmeal. Jamie was animated, engaged and engaging throughout the debate. Congressman Walden showed some vigor when he bragged about his legislative accomplishments (incidentally some of his claims don’t pass fact-checking—particularly his statements regarding the AHCA, CHIP and rural internet services), but his temporary displays of energy were overshadowed by his overly technical style of speaking and propensity to ramble. As Jamie delivered a strong closing statement, Congressman Walden listlessly twiddled his thumbs, looking like he couldn’t wait to sneak out the back door at KTVZ. Jamie’s challenge at the Chief Joseph Days As the campaign season ramps up to full speed and we continue our endorsement interviews with candidates, the Source wants to know what issues matter most to you.
parade and a ton of persistence got Congressman Walden to show up on October 5th. After watching the debate, I understand why he was so reluctant to participate. —Adrian Jones
ELECT JOSEPHINA RIGGS TO REDMOND CITY COUNCIL Voting for Josefina Riggs for Redmond City Council means a vote for the person who has a unique depth of understanding of the population that lives near the poverty line and needs to be represented in conversations impacting the quality of life of this city. We hear this phrase in a number of circles; “we need more affordable housing.” That statement is meaningless unless it is framed as part of the conversation surrounding the financial reality of the people at the center of such a reference. Josefina has a wealth of firsthand knowledge concerning financial situations of those who work minimum wage jobs and struggle to “make ends meet.” We need her voice to represent the Whether you’re concerned about growth, tourism spending, Mirror Pond, student success, septic to sewer transition, transportation planning, or other issues, send your suggested questions for candidates to
TRANSPORTATION: a. Is there a way to better connect our bus lines, especially to getting to the airport? b. The free shuttle: a joke, it’s unaccessible (if I have to drive to catch it, it’s not worth it), and it only covers a few blocks of downtown. What about extending it to cover instead places people actually drive to i.e. Mt. Bachelor, Elk Lake, Tumalo, La Pine etc.? c. Can we get a street cleaner to come in every now and then to clean up the rocks off of the sidewalks and streets? FESTIVALS: a. Make things cheaper, less beer-focused, more family friendly? DOG PARKS: a. We live near the Old Mill District, so we would like --> more of them, enforcement by the Bend Parks and Recreation to keep them poo-free, a place where people don’t feel they are in danger. HOUSING: a. No, stop building, otherwise, we’re going to become a San Jose/Portland, etc. (this is why we left big city to come to Bend). —Alexandra Krider
Alexandra—For weeks we’ve asked readers to contribute questions we could ask candidates. Your letter represents one of the few efforts to that end—so for that we award you letter of the week. Come on in for your gift card to Palate! —Nicole Vulcan
We’ll use reader suggestions to frame our endorsement questions throughout the campaign season.
@sourceweekly Keep in the know of what's going on in Central Oregon, follow us on Instagram and Twitter.
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In January 2015 the Republican Congress closed the U.S. Post Office sorting center in Bend. As a result all letters mailed in central Oregon now go to Portland or Eugene to be sorted and sent, including those destined across the street. Not only did postal workers lose their jobs but delays in receiving mail were inevitable and in some cases ridiculously long. I called Congressman Walden’s office to ask why this was done. The assistant I talked with said it was because the U.S. Postal Service was inefficient and costs needed to be cut. I asked what effect the fact that the Republicans required the Post Office to fully fund the pension program for 70 years made on the task to balance their budget. What other federal agencies were made to meet this requirement? I was told there (were) many. I asked him to name a few. He couldn’t. I asked him to name just one. He couldn’t. I concluded that the reason that only the post office must shoulder this burden is that the Republicans want to set it up to fail so they can have a reason to privatize it, reducing competition for UPS and FedEx. Later I asked both of our U.S. senators if there were any federal agencies besides the post office that had that pension burden and both responded that there were none. Walden’s excuse for closing our sorting center was based on a lie. The Republican agenda seems to be to help corporations, not the public. —Judy Tomera
Ballots Get Mailed this Week. Don’t Wait to Mail Them Back.
Depending on where you live, your ballot could take up to a week to get to the county clerk
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PROCEEDS BENEFIT FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER 6 2 9 8 8 L AY TO N AV E N U E # 1 0 3 | B E N D O R E G O N 5 4 1 . 6 6 8 . 1 7 6 6 | W W W. C R A F T K I T C H E N A N D B R E W E RY. C O M
By Jaclyn Brandt
he buzz of election season is evi- Making sure your vote counts dent in the office of Deschutes For voters mailing in ballots, BlanCounty Clerk Nancy Blankenship, kenship recommends having the ballot who says the season is both thrilling and in the mail by Oct. 30, at the latest. That high-pressure. early date is because mail service is not “It’s exciting. It’s fun because you equal throughout the state, Blankenship have a whole lot more interaction with says. People in Portland may be able people,” she said. “There’s a whole lot to mail their ballots the day before the more going on. Depending on what hap- election and still have them delivered pens—not knowing what shoe might on time, but on this side of the moundrop. That adds a little level of stress.” tains, mail goes to a collection center In addition to that excitement, Blan- outside the area before delivery back in kenship says there can be a lot of con- Deschutes County. fusion about voting in the upcoming “So, to cover all of our bases, we want November election—especially around to give the same information to every mail-in ballots. voter in Deschutes “Oregon’s law is County,” Blankenthat ballots are due ship said. on election day, just Voters who don’t like if you’re going get a ballot in the to polls. The ballot’s mail by Oct. 30 can got to show up on drop it at a drop site, the same day as (the) many open as late as election,” she said. If 8pm on election day. voters are mailing in Drop site locations their ballots, they are found in the votneed to be mailed ers pamphlet and well in advance. Balalso on the Counlots postmarked on ty Clerk’s website. election day are not Drop boxes open enough for a vote to the Friday after the count. County mails out The deadline for ballots. This year, voter registration some drop boxwas Tuesday, Oct. es will open Oct. 16, and ballots were 19, with all open by mailed to registered Oct. 31. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 6. voters Wednes- Typically, Blanday, Oct. 17. While kenship says the there’s no same-day county sees around registration like voters might find in oth- 80 percent voter participation rates for er states, Blankenship says, “postmarks a presidential election year. This “middo count for voter registration, but we term” election year, she’s hoping for a want to be sure that people are regis- participation rate in the mid-70 percent tered, so please don’t wait until the last range. minute.” “We’ve got a number of contested Oregon’s process of requiring people races, so hopefully that brings folks out,” to register no later than 20 days before she said. “As well as some measures on elections goes back about 30 years. the ballot, depending on where you live.” “There was legislation that went through in the mid-’80s,” Blankenship The life of a ballot is quite complex. said. “So, the voter registration dead“It goes through a piece of equipment line, if you are new, is that 21st day called our mail sorter. The machine — which is Tuesday, Oct. 16. Now, if takes a picture of the signature side you’re currently registered and you of the envelope, and then it sorts it by need to update your registration, you groups of precincts,” Blankenship said. can do that any time up until 8pm on “We have 50 precincts in Deschutes election night.” County. And so, we use those imagBecause of Oregon’s “motor voter” es off the ballot envelope to validate law, which went into effect Jan. 1, 2016, signature verification against the voter›s people getting a new driver’s license or last voter registration card.» ID are automatically registered to vote. After the signature has been verified, Those who aren’t already registered can it goes through the sorter one more time do so at the Oregon Driver and Motor and to sort any challenged signatures Vehicles division. so the team can contact those voters.
(Left to right) Rep. Diego Hernandez, D-Portland; Steven Olikara, President, Millennial Action Project; Rep. Karin Power, D-Milwaukie; Sen. Dallas Heard, R-Roseburg; Rep. Julie Fahey, D-West Eugene/ Junction City; Rep. Daniel Bonham, R-The Dalles and Layla Zidane, COO, Millennial Action Project.
Millennials in action
A new generation of community leaders on the rise
Locally, millennials are hungry for civic engagement
By Keely Damara
s another election approaches, reports of the elusive millennial voter and what effect they could have on the 2018 midterms have started to crop up again. Could this be the election that voters born between 1981 and 1998 turn out in record numbers, surpassing the number of baby boomers at the polls? A Pew Research poll found that as of the 2016 presidential election, the number of eligible millennial voters roughly equaled the number eligible baby boomers, the largest population of eligible voters. However, voter turnout for millennials is notoriously low, with only 51 percent of millennials reporting they voted in the last presidential election—the lowest turnout of any generation. Compared to the 69 percent of boomers who voted in the last presidential election—millennials have some votin’ to do to make a dent at the polls come Nov. 6. Still, it doesn’t mean civic engagement among the under-40 sect isn’t on the rise. Bringing back bipartisan cooperation The Millennial Action Project, launched in 2013, aims to bring young policymakers from both sides of the aisle together. The national, nonpartisan nonprofit provides millennial leaders with tools and resources to develop productive partnerships across party lines and
pass legislation. In addition to the Congressional Future Caucus, MAP launched 10 additional state Future Caucuses in 2017, making a total of 25, with a goal of 30 by the end of the year. The Oregon Future Caucus, launched at the end of September by Oregon Rep. Julie Fahey (D-West Eugene/Junction City), is the latest state to join the ranks. The caucus has zeroed in on issues members think they can come to a bipartisan solution to in the 2019 legislative session, said Fahey, including increasing the supply of housing, addressing student loan debt, criminal justice reform and early childhood education. Fahey, who’s 40, said seven state legislators attended the first meeting in January. Two lawmakers interested in joining the caucus had recently turned 41, so they agreed to bump the age cap up to 42 years old. Of the 90 legislators in the Oregon House and Senate, only eight made the age cutoff for the Future Caucus, chaired by two Democrats and two Republicans. “I think that really shows the barriers that younger people face in running for state legislative seats in Oregon,” said Fahey. “It’s a part-time position and the pay is not very high, so when you’re mid-career and/or you have a family, it’s a pretty difficult job to do—especially when you need to run a competitive campaign to get here.” In the U.S. Congress, an individual must be 25 years
I recently attended the Bend Chamber’s first Bend Young Professionals Summit. During a roundtable meet and greet with City of Bend employees, I was struck by how many young faces are working in departments ranging from Growth Management to Communications. According to the City, of the 678 City government employees, 42 percent are under the age of 40. Katy Brooks, Bend Chamber president, said Bend Young Professionals aims to develop leadership skills early, through monthly socials, professional development events and networking opportunities like the YP Summit. The network, which has a participant base of about 800 under-40 somethings strong, is more than just a resource for career-minded young adults—it’s about cultivating the next generation of community leaders and lawmakers. “We look at it as community succession planning,” said Brooks. “When you look at Bend’s leadership and how long so many folks have been doing great things for this community, you really have to take a look back and say, alright, how did they start and how do we perpetuate that?” Local young professionals are looking for a way to advance their careers and “plug in” to community issues, said Brooks, and really crave and value a place to meet other ambitious young adults in their community.
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old to run for a representative seat and 30 years old for a senate seat. In Oregon, the minimum age for the senate or house is 21. Today, the oldest millennials are 37 years old; the first being able to run for Congress in 2006. Yet, according to a 2018 Congressional Research Service profile of the 115th Congress, the average age of members of Congress is “among the highest of any Congress in recent U.S. history,” at 57.8 years old for representatives and 61.8 for senators. The youngest member of Congress is 32-year-old Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), but that torch could be passed to 28-year-old Abby Finkenauer, the Democratic candidate for Iowa’s First District, if she wins on Nov. 6. According to its website, The Millennial Action Project estimates that 200 millennials have run or are running for the 116th Congress. Twenty of the 50 Millennials who ran in the primaries won their races.
Waves of Red and Blue… and White? BEFORE YOU VOTE THIS ELECTION, THINK B E Y O N D PA R T Y L I N E S Talk to any candidate about their confidence in any given race, and chances are—even in the races that seem the surest wins—they’ll tell you they’re not holding their breath about winning. Party-line politics might play big in other parts of the state, but here in Central Oregon, a simple look at the voter rolls gives you a strong indication of how diverse our region can be. According to District Voter Counts from the Oregon Centralized Voter Registration, published Oct. 1, the 134,835 Deschutes County voters fall into three main categories:
Non-affiliated voters: Republicans: Democrats:
41,786 registered voters 41,744 registered voters 40,383 registered voters
Talk about a very close split between a red, blue… and white (aka, neutral) wave of voters. As you contemplate that split between voter affiliations, and as you begin to fill out your ballot this week, remember that nothing is taken for granted, and no race is ever “guaranteed.” Case in point: the primary race between the two Republican candidates in the House 53 race this May was decided by TWO votes. Your vote matters immensely. The following pages include our endorsements for the five measures on the ballot statewide, as well as recaps of endorsements we’ve rolled out in previous weeks, and our endorsements for two hotly contested races: Bend’s new, directly elected mayor position and the race for governor of Oregon. Our editorial board has spent countless hours interviewing candidates and debating on the merits of each one. The candidates who emerged with our endorsement did so not because of party affiliation, but because in them we saw a reflection of the values of inclusion, equity, cohesiveness, economic and social justice, and a deep care for being a community where all of its members have a place. In addition to the endorsement videos with the candidates, found at, we hope you use this guide as one of many resources helping you make your decision in this coming mid-term election—because nothing is guaranteed, and nothing is ever a sure win. —The Source Weekly Editorial Board
Oregon Congre ssional District 2:
Greg Jamie M Walden vs. See ou cLeod-Sk i r endo rseme nner CD2
IMPORTANT DATES 10/17 - Ballots mailed to voters 10/30 - Last day to mail ballots (recommended by Deschutes County Clerk) 11/06 - Election day (ballots must be received by 8pm)
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Vote Sally Russell
Vote Gena GoodmanCampbell
The advent of a directly elected mayor in Bend this year has presented some interesting conundrums. Six people are in the race—including two sitting city councilors; one, if not both of whom, will lose their place on the council by the election of someone to this post. Charles Baer is a local activist who’s added some colorful dialogue in this race. Brian Douglass is a disabilities advocate who believes strongly in a ward system—something we also support in the interest of equity and equal representation. Michael Hughes is an attorney and hemp farmer who has helped move cannabis to the legal market in our state. Joshua Langlais is a local photographer running as an advocate for the working class, and for those whose voices are underrepresented in local government. Bill Moseley is a local business owner, attorney and sitting city councilor. Sally Russell is also a current city councilor who’s held positions in marketing, event management and construction, and has served on a host of local government and community boards. We’d ideally like to see both Russell and Moseley remain on the council. We’d be happy to see Hughes added to the roster as well. Hughes presented a fresh, informed perspective and some new ideas on fire management that would be welcome in Bend, and we hope to see him engaged in another role in the future. We also believe Langlais should enter politics by joining a committee or board, to represent that portion of Bend that so often takes a back seat. Unfortunately, only one can be elected in this race—and the two sitting councilors represent the most viable candidates. On a council in which the mayor gets an equal vote to the other six councilors, we believe consenThis will be the first time sus building is the most important quality Bend’s new mayor possess, and that Russell will deliver that best among Bend will directly elect should these candidates. We admit this choice was an incredibly diffia mayor, and that mayor cult one, because in Moseley we see a process-oriented, orgafearless and outspoken leader who’s a strong public should be someone who’s nized, speaker and clearly does his homework. We will be sorry to strongly supported by see him removed from the council should another get elected. Still, Russell does not incite outright anger from city staff other leaders in our or her fellow councilors, as Moseley does. You could argue Moseley’s approach is inciting that type of anger because community, as Russell is. that he’s shaking things up in the interest of getting things done— but then again, the stronger argument is that this is not the way to build strong consensus and move forward as a city. This will be the first time Bend will directly elect a mayor, and that mayor should be someone who’s strongly supported by other leaders in our community, as Russell is. While Moseley could be a strong leader who could push forward his agenda, we question whether his approach is more opportunistic than authentic. In Russell we find more authenticity. We see her approach to governance as more carrot and less stick. During meetings, Russell sometimes seems unsure of which direction to take, but upon closer observation, we see that as a commitment to trying to understand what her constituents want. She has a strong track record of reaching out to her community and being inclusive in decision-making. We point to some of the most pressing issues in Bend as evidence of that inclusivity. While we disagree with Russell in her assertion that the City of Bend should contribute funds to dredge Mirror Pond, we respect her willingness to take a collaborative approach and to listen to stakeholders—as it is clearly a divisive issue in which constituents’ opinions vary widely. While we fundamentally agree with Moseley in his assertion that Bend Park and Recreation District could, in theory, find the funds more readily than the City of Bend, his hardline approach is not likely to elicit the consensus the issue requires. We also agree with Moseley that the Septic to Sewer conversion is a “catastrophe,” and that the costs should be spread out city-wide—though we also appreciate Russell’s pragmatic reminder that not all costs can be legally spread city-wide. It’s nice to say what voters want to hear, but there’s also a responsibility to not lead voters astray by proclaiming things that can’t actually be achieved. On that note, we believe that Moseley’s position on whether to promote Bend as a tourist destination is not entirely rooted in reality, either. While we agree with him that Bend should foster a more diverse economy and work to bring in higher-wage jobs, it seems like voter-baiting for him to say Bend should not promote itself. It might sound like a grand rallying cry, for those locals tired of sharing the brew halls with tourists, to say, “Stop promoting Bend,” but research shows that states that have cut off all tourism promotion have suffered great economic setbacks. And that’s not to mention that using Transient Room Tax funds for tourism promotion—in whatever creative interpretation we can come up with—is baked in, as state law. Russell, on the other hand, seems to be more realistic about what we can actually do about tourism promotion within the bounds of state law, and doesn’t use an opportunistic argument to discuss the issue. In the end, we believe Russell’s reputation and track record as a consensus builder make her a more viable candidate for Bend’s first directly elected mayor. Vote Sally Russell for Bend City Council Position 7 – Mayor.
B E N D M AYO R Joshua Langlais
Three candidates are running for Bend City Council position 5: Victor Johnson, Andrew Davis and Gena Goodman-Campbell. While we appreciate Johnson stepping into the race, we believe voters will find the most promise in Goodman-Campbell and Davis. It’s on a few key points that we direct our support toward Goodman-Campbell. Mirror Pond is a flash point in Bend politics. Goodman-Campbell believes none of the City of Bend’s funds should go toward the project. Davis supports using city funds because of the pond’s “iconic” and “historic” nature. Also, hundreds of homeowners in southeast Bend await their fate in the City’s decision about how to assist the people who will eventually be forced to connect to the city’s Southeast Interceptor sewer line, at a cost of tens of thousands per home. We appreciIt’s on a few key ate both Davis’ and Goodman-Camppoints that we direct bell’s commitment to solving the issue right away and to lowering the our support toward costs for homeowners, and their willingness to explore the option Goodman-Campbell. of spreading some of the costs citywide. Were the City to kick in funds for any project, we’d like to see them directed toward this debacle. Goodman-Campbell ran against Rep. Knute Buehler for state House in 2016—a valuable experience that, while she was ultimately unsuccessful, demonstrates her drive and commitment to public service. Vote Gena Goodman-Campbell for Bend City Council position 5.
2018 General Election Deschutes County Ballot Drop Sites
Missed the suggested mail-in deadline of Oct. 30? Don’t want to mail in your ballot? Here’s where to drop your ballot instead Bend
Deschutes Service Center 1300 NW Wall St. (box located on Parkway side of building) Opens Oct. 19. Seven days a week Election Day, Nov. 6, open until 8pm Drive-By Drop Site Corner of Wall St. and Lafayette Ave. (Parking area) Nov. 2-5 (week days only) 8am-6pm Election Day, Nov. 6, 7am-8pm Deschutes County Road Department (Drive by Drop Site) 61150 SE 27th St. Opens Oct. 19. Seven days a week Election Day, Nov. 6, open until 8pm Drive-By Drop Site 459 SW Bluff Dr. (Box located on the knoll above Old Mill District in parking lot south of Hilton Garden Inn hotel) Beginning Oct. 31, 24-hour drive by Election Day, Nov. 6, open until 8pm Drive-By Drop Site 1000 SW Bradbury Way (Box located across from the new Park &
Rec Pavilion off of Simpson & Columbia) Beginning Wed. Oct. 31, 24-hour drive by Election Day, Nov. 6, open until 8pm
La Pine
La Pine Public Library (Drive-by drop site) 16425 1st St. (1st street and Huntington Rd.) Beginning Oct. 31, 24-hour drive by Election Day, Nov. 6, open until 8pm
Redmond Public Library (drive-by drop site) 827 SW Deschutes Ave. (located on west side of library) Opens Oct. 19. Seven days a week Election Day, Nov. 6, open until 8pm
Sisters City Hall (located inside City Hall) 520 E Cascade Ave. Oct. 19-Nov. 5, 8am-5pm Election Day, Nov. 6, 8am-8pm
Sunriver Area Public Library (Sunriver Business Park) 56855 Venture Ln. Beginning Wed. Oct. 31, 24-hour drive by Election Day, Nov. 6, open until 8pm
REMEMBER postmarks don’t count: if you have not mailed your ballot by Tuesday, Oct. 30, take your ballot to an official ballot drop site.
Vote Barb Campbell
Vote Amy Lowes It’s a dynamic time in Deschutes County. The region continues to experience rapid growth—and with that growth comes more pressure to deliver quality public safety and mental and public health services, in addition to managing diverse views about controversial topics such as land use and marijuana regulation. We believe Amy Lowes offers the dynamism needed here. Lowes brings strong ideas about extending the life of Knott Landfill by implementing a food waste composting program. She also sees through the recent move by the current commission to lower taxes by a handful of dollars per home as a “smoke and mirrors” political maneuver that leaves less in the coffers for vital In a commission made public services up of three individuals, We also agree with her “anti-sprawl” approach to land use. In a commission made up of three individuals, each each commissioner’s commissioner’s opinions carry a lot of weight. Lowes is a strong advocate for funding the county’s new sobering opinions carry a lot center 24 hours a day and is definitive about opposing of weight. more restrictions put on marijuana farmers. Incumbent Tony DeBone is bright and experienced, and understands the issues Deschutes County faces, but we believe the County needs someone with more moxie at this time. Deschutes County deserves a dynamic leader who won’t be afraid to share her views with the other strong personalities on the Commission. Vote Amy Lowes for Deschutes County Commission.
Democrat James Cook is a small business owner and chair of the Redmond planning commission who has also served on Redmond’s budget and parks committees. Republican Patti Adair has been licensed as a Certified Public Accountant and is the county chair of the Deschutes County Republican Party. Cook’s actual experience and background is stronger. Both claim their experience would be vital to managing a complex budget such as the one in Deschutes County—but it’s here that our concern about Adair’s ability to match rhetoric with real-world execution begins to fall apart. When we discussed managing the budget—a budget Adair claims she will look to cut in her quest for “fiscal responsibility”—Adair would not directly answer the question of “where would you actually cut the budget,” besides making vague statements about the salaries of current county employees, and sharing confusing leaps of logic about winter road conditions and how they relate to high rates of absenteeism at local
Joshua Langlais
Vote James Cook
schools. A lack of informed, researched, brass-tacks number-crunching is surprising from someone with a CPA background. Cook offered a clear response to our question of how to best manage county budgets, demonstrating knowledge of how to utilize available funds while also continuing to adhere to constitutional property tax options sweeping statements and build up reserves to avoid calamity in years of lower economic prosperity. Cook also offers that have no basis in a stance on county marijuana regulations that seems more palatable to a larger number of peo- fact, which Adair tosses ple in Deschutes County, arguing that the curout on any number rent regulations be allowed to stand, lest the of issues, are what County find itself in lengthy administrative and court battles related to regulations that are too concern us most about strict. Adair seems in favor of even-stricter reghiring Adair to the ulations for an industry already choked by more regulation than any other crop. She also made a county commission. statement at a recent debate that a local landowner’s land has “no value” due to its location next to a marijuana grow—a statement we later verified with the county assessor to be unfounded. These sweeping statements that have no basis in fact, which Adair tosses out on any number of issues, are what concern us most about hiring Adair to the county commission. Vote James Cook for Deschutes County Commission position 3.
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Three candidates are running for position 6 in Bend’s City Council race: incumbent Barb Campbell, Sarah McCormick and Ronald Boozell. With Boozell in the Deschutes County Jail yet again, it leaves two serious contenders. On the topic of Mirror Pond, Campbell, whose service on the Bend City Council thus far lends her a knowledge of the reality of the city budget, is resolute that the City of Bend should not pay for dredging, suggesting that the Bend Park and Recreation District or Pacific Power pay up. McCormick, on the other hand, suggested that the City of Bend find a way to pay its share. On the issue of paying for the septic to sewer conversion, both candidates seemed to agree that at least some of the cost should be shared by residents city-wide. On the issue of homelessness in Bend, we favored Campbell’s “housing-first” approach over McCormick’s “treatment first” approach—largely because we tend to agree that not all homeless people are mentally ill or have addiction issues, and because many mental health issues can be alleviated by offering someone a place to live first. Vote Barb Campbell for Bend City Council position 6.
It’s no secret that many Oregonians are struggling with being able to afford housing. While housing costs have skyrocketed in recent years, wages have not kept pace, forcing people to spend a larger share of their income on housing. In the interest of curbing homelessness and improving outcomes for our most vulnerable people, Oregonians should support any reasonable effort out there to increase our stock of affordable housing. Measure 102 is aimed at removing one potential barrier to building more affordable housing, by removing a state restriction that requires affordable housing projects funded by municipal bonds to be government-owned. Thus, this opens the door for more public-private partnerships to build affordable housing. The measure wouldn’t rubber-stamp these projects; instead, local voters would still have to approve them—something we are in favor of, since not every proposed public-private partnership is created equal nor deserves public support. Still, Measure 102 stands to get more affordable housing units built in a shorter amount of time. Vote Yes on Measure 102.
When state legislators want to raise revenue in the form of new taxes, they’re required to obtain a threefifths supermajority vote. That’s reasonable; not reasonable is extending that requirement for ALL new revenue-raising efforts, including raising state fees. Oregon has more than 2,400 fees, and to require a supermajority to raise any of them not reasonable would bog down the Legisis extending that lature needlessly. requirement for ALL Measure 104 would define raising revenue in new revenue-raising the Oregon Constitution efforts, including to include changes to tax raising state fees. exemptions, credits and deductions that result in increased revenue, as well as the creation or increase of taxes and fees. The measure is supported by the Oregon Association of Realtors, concerned about the potential elimination of the mortgage interest tax deduction and the ability to deduct property tax payments. Those deductions result in missed revenue of about $12 billion per year, according to one report. While we would shy away from removing all deductions that make owning a home more attractive, we believe this measure, and its prospect of changing the state constitution, as going too far. Vote No on Measure 104.
Oregon has no statewide sales tax, and Oregonians, by and large, have tended to be fairly steadfast in not wanting to enact one. While Measure 103 might seem like a move in favor of preventing that for good through a constitutional amendment, it could have unintended consequences. Measure 103 would prevent the enactment or increase of any state or local tax, fee or assessment on the sale of groceries, defined as “raw or processed food or beverages intended for human consumption,” excluding alcohol, tobacco and marijuana—and it would do so by amending the state constitution. That’s going too far. The Measure’s language is too vague to support for a number of reasons. The words “raw and processed food” is too vague and could mean a ban on taxing food and beverages at any point in the supply chain. That means, even if voters here in our area wanted to impose a local tax on corporations importing groceries or other food, it would be barred in the constitution. What’s more, the language of the bill does not include exemptions for e-cigarettes and vaping supplies—which means those products would not be allowed to be taxed should this measure pass. There’s too much grey area in this Measure. Vote No on Measure 103.
Oregon doesn’t have the most admirable history when it comes to systemic racism, but now, and never, is it time to engage in even more of it. Put forth by a group of three Republican Oregon lawmakers, Measure 105 seeks to repeal the 1987 Oregon law that forbids state agencies, including law enforcement, from using state resources or people to detect or apprehend people suspected of being in violation of federal immigration law. Among the people coming out against Measure 105 is Deschutes County District Attorney John Hummel, who says that the current law already provides clear guidance to local law enforcement officials about how to handle immigration issues. Local police are already allowed to hold undocumented immigrants and to turn them over to immigration officials. Repealing the “sanctuary law,” as it’s sometimes called, “could force local police to be immigration agents and make more Oregonians afraid to report crimes or testify as witnesses. Even crime victims won’t talk to prosecutors, leaving us in the dark and our neighborhoods less safe,” Hummel said in a recent TV ad. What’s more, repealing the current law could see Oregonians falling prey to a rising tide of xenophobia and racism in our state and nation. Local law enforcement officials should not be empowered to act as federal immigration agents. They already have enough to do. Vote No on Measure 105.
Right now, Oregon is one of three states requiring almost all insurance plans to cover the cost of an abortion, including people covered by the Oregon Health Plan. We agree with opponents of this measure, who claim that Measure 106 would represent a way to chip away at abortion rights in our state. The Measure would remove abortion from the list of medical procedures covered on the Oregon Health Plan—meaning those lower-income women, those most negatively impacted by unexpected expenses, would have to Oregonians can and cover the cost out of pockshould be able to take et. What’s more, the Meacomfort in the fact sure makes no exception for that our state’s laws pregnancies related to rape will protect women’s or incest, unless required by federal law. right to choose. Oregon’s most vulnerable and low-income people should, like everyone else, get to decide when they have a child—and they should not be discriminated against due to the fact that they’re receiving coverage from the Oregon Health Plan. As the makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court changes and the threat of a reversal of Roe v. Wade becomes more of a reality, Oregonians can and should be able to take comfort in the fact that our state’s laws will protect women’s right to choose. This Measure sets a dangerous precedent. Vote No on Measure 106.
Vote Cheri Helt
Vote Eileen Kiely In the race for the seat long held by Republican Gene Whisnant, voters have two strong candidates—both of whom we endorsed in their respective primaries. Democrat Eileen Kiely and Republican Jack Zika both believe the most pressing issue facing state legislators is funding the Public Employees Retirement System. Kiely, however, had a more realistic approach to the problem, understanding it's not only about cutting expenses, but about raising revenue to cover the as-yet-unfunded liability the state owes to its public employees. Zika, on the other hand, only offered negligible solutions about cutting costs. We also agree with Kiely's assertion that during these booming economic times, corporations can and should pay more into the state system. As a former executive, we believe Kiely has valuable experience that can contribute to solutions palatable to both government and private interests. Her more direct style will make for a stronger advocate for Central Oregon. Electing Kiely will very likely make her the only Democratic representative for Central Oregon in Salem—an influence that cannot be understated when advocating for bringing dollars and projects back home. Central Oregonians complain of being at odds with “Salem,” but having a Democrat represent us in a Democratic legislature stands to help raise Central Oregon’s status and influence. Vote Eileen Kiely for Oregon House District 53.
Our endorsement interview session for the Oregon House District 54 race included just one candidate, Cheri Helt. For that and myriad of other reasons, we are endorsing Helt in this race. Fortunately for voters, Helt is a moderate Republican who has a proven track record of dedicated service in our community. Coming from the BendLa Pine School Board, Helt will be a strong advocate for adequately funding schools. She puts forth some solid ideas about making incremental changes that would bring greater sustainability to the Public Employees Retirement System—ideas she says stem from her own experience as a local business owner who’s able to offer retirement and health care plans to her employees, while keeping costs in check. We also appreciate her approach on working toward a collaborative mental health system that brings schools, county and city governments together with other stakeholders, in the interest of providing more valuable services and not “doubling up.” Helt also spoke of a readiness to work across the aisle and to buck party lines when necessary to serve local voters—a worthwhile pursuit for a legislator serving a highly “purple” district in a majority-Democrat legislature. Helt is passionate, prepared and level-headed, and we believe she will serve Central Oregon’s disparate population fairly. Vote Cheri Helt for Oregon House District 54.
decades in the making. To expect Brown to have turned them around in three and a half years is unreasonable. The fact that so many people continue to move to Oregon indicates that the state is not doing as poorly as Central Oregon voters have a tough her critics contend. Brown might not be flashy or boisterous, choice in a surprisingly competitive race for governor. Republican challenger Rep. Knute but she brings stakeholders to the table and Buehler is a local who would bring welcome gets things done. Nowhere was that more attention to the needs of Oregonians out- evident than in the $5 billion transportaside the Willamette Valley. Independent can- tion plan that she shepherded through the didate Patrick Starnes, the third major party Legislature with bipartisan support. Bend candidate on the ballot—who we interviewed and Central Oregon will receive millions for during the primary, lacks experience and does local infrastructure and maintenance as well not merit more than cursory consideration. as funding for the Cooley Road-Highway 97 Democratic incumbent Gov. Kate Brown, intersection improvements. On PERS, Brown certainly could and however, has a strong track record and a should more aggreschance to make progBrown might not be flashy sively negotiate with ress on crucial issues employee facing the region and or boisterous, but she brings public unions. But she has state. She deserves stakeholders to the table and made progress. She another term. gets things done. Nowhere worked with lawRecall that Brown was unexpectedwas that more evident than in makers this year to pass a bill that would ly promoted to the the $5 billion transportation establish funds to governor’s job after plan that she shepherded help schools and othGov. John Kitzhaber resigned. She quickly through the Legislature with er public employers meet their pension got her feet under her bipartisan support. obligations. That idea and began to take on emerged from a PERS taskforce Brown had crucial issues for Oregon. The Public Employees Retirement Sys- created. She also has worked with the Legislature tem’s unfunded liability looms as a major obstacle to the state’s fiscal health. Schools to increase funding for schools and has put have underperformed. The foster care sys- forward an attainable reform plan for the tem has systemic problems. Affordable and next four years. Brown’s effectiveness and collaborative workforce housing are in short supply. Buehler and his supporters lay all of those approach will serve the state well, especialchallenges at Brown’s feet, but they were ly given that the next governor must work
with a Democratic Legislature. Many of Buehler’s proposals would be nonstarters with lawmakers. Oregonians saw this dynamic this year with foster care reform. Buehler stood up at the start of the session grandstanding. Brown skipped the limelight and convinced lawmakers to approve $14.5 million for more caseworkers and staff. Brown also has a smarter approach to land use. She would respect Oregon’s urban growth boundaries by encouraging denser development, growing up instead of out. Buehler has his eye on farm land and sprawl. And Brown’s position on taxes reflects Oregon’s needs. Corporations are not paying their fair share, and the state cannot cut its way to success. Despite all that, recommending Brown was a close call for our editorial board. Buehler offers much to like. Contrary to the narrative Brown’s supporters are pushing, Buehler is no Trumpian Republican. He is a moderate in the mold of former Central Oregon senator and secretary of state Ben Westlund. Indeed, Buehler might be a Democrat in many red states. He is pro-choice, believes in climate change and has called out Trump on several issues, including the choice of Brett Kavanaugh. He understands the needs of Central Oregon better than Brown. When we asked Brown about differences between Central Oregon and the Willamette Valley, she said, “Generally speaking, we care about the same things.” She then fell back on talking points about statewide issues, demonstrating a shallow understanding of the region’s priorities. The fact that she wouldn’t come across
Vote Kate Brown
the mountains for a debate also was telling. For example, the candidates differ starkly on the future of Oregon State University’s Cascades Campus. Buehler, who has been a consistent and strong supporter of the campus, would elevate it to equal footing with the state’s other universities. Brown would keep the school a lesser branch campus. Yet Buehler tends to try to be whatever he believes an audience wants him to be. When asked during a debate about vaccines, he noted that as a doctor he believes in their value, but he’d also let anti-vaxxer parents opt their kids out for any reason. Likewise, he supports Measure 105, which would repeal Oregon’s sanctuary state law, but then in front of other audiences he articulates a vision of protecting immigrants that sounds just like the current law. If politics is in part the art of taking principled stands, Buehler is doing the splits. Central Oregonians might want to see one of their own in the governor’s mansion, but it’s not the right time, and Buehler isn’t the right candidate. Re-elect Brown to ensure that Oregon continues to make progress.
Delivery is Here. WE KNOW, IT’S ABOUT TIME. Shop the best dispensaries in Bend, purchase your favorite products, and have them delivered, or ready for pickup, in minutes. The wait is over.
Have a budding business or concept that needs funding? Bend Venture Conference is Oregon’s largest angel conference, connecting over 50 prominent investors with entrepreneurs and motivated businesses leaders. Enter one of three competitions for companies in the growth stage, those in the “proof of concept” phase or for-profit companies with a business model adhering to a mission for social or environmental change. In addition to competitions, the conference also includes seminars about securing funding, how tax reform will affect business owners and more. 8am-5pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend. $135/student ticket, $249/ EDCO member, $329/EDCO non-member.
Gracing us from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, The Steel Wheels bring their own brand of bluesy folk, bluegrass and fiddle music to the stage. Doors, 7pm. Show, 8pm. Volcanic Theatre Pub, Bend. $15/adv., $18/door.
Jazz at the Oxford is back for its ninth year, and guitarist Lee Ritenour is kicking off the series with three performances this weekend. The show is sold out, but you can still catch Ritenour at a free workshop on Saturday, no registration required. Be sure to buy your tickets early for the remainder of the series before you miss out! 11:15am. The Oxford Hotel (lower level jazz room), 10 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend. Free.
Vote for your favorite exhibits at Bend Art Center’s 2019 exhibit preview party! Enjoy prize raffles, a soiree in the new Box Factory breezeway and live music from Bony Chanterelle. 5-7pm. The Box Factory Breezeway, 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend. No cover.
Sugaray Rayford is bigger than life—in both stature and stage presence! He’s got the moves of James Brown, a voice like Otis Redding and is the ultimate entertainer. Sure to be a high-energy show in an awesome venue! 8pm. The Belfry, 302 E. Main St., Sisters. $18/adv.
MONDAY 10/22
Join Peter Gros and a few of his furry colleagues as he regales children and adults alike with stories from his 30 years of wildlife field experience. 7:30pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend. $22-$42.
The Single Speed World Championship was created in 1995 by fun-loving riders as an alternative to ultra-competitive events. This “anti-racing” event is competitive—but the name of the game is having fun. The 45-mile single speed race traverses over Central Oregon terrain and has winners in three categories: men, women and... DFL. The event is held in a different host city every year—decided by feats of “strength” or battles of wits. 10am. Race location TBA. Open registration—no rider left behind. Check out last week’s Feature story for details, at the ‘News & Feature’ tab of
PUMPKIN PATCH & DD RANCH FALL FUN Fall is in full swing and it is pumpkin season! The pumpkin patch is open daily at the DD Ranch and every weekend through Halloween, and includes a variety of activities for the whole family. 10am-5pm. DD Ranch, 3836 NE Smith Rock Way, Terrebonne. Activity prices vary.
A film about a child who uses poetry to survive his disturbed mother, an avant garde painter who locks him in a twisted art installation. If you’re a fan of neo noirs and mindbenders, you’ll enjoy this beautifully shot film. 4-7pm. Tin Pan Theater, 869 NW Tin Pan Alley, Bend. $10/adv.
SUNDAY 10/21
November 16
November 23
What’s scarier than ghouls, goblins and all sorts of undead monsters? An empty nest. Gomez and Morticia Addams cope with the Addams children growing up in this fun (and slightly spooky) musical. Thurs.Sat., 7:30pm & Sunday, 3pm. 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend. $22-$25.
FRIDAY 10/19
10/18 – 10/22
On His Own Planet
Tech N9ne’s new album gives listeners an escape from the frustrations of Earth By Allan Sculley
n early 2017, Tech N9ne had what sounded like a pretty far-out idea for his next album, to be called “Planet.” In an interview at that time with this writer, he said he wanted the album to be made up of a single piece of music inspired by Billy Joel’s epic song, “Scenes from an Italian Restaurant.” That idea fell by the wayside, but Tech N9ne still pursued a far-out idea for his newly released album, “Planet”—creating his own world, which he calls Planet Pyune, where one can escape from an earthly reality that has grown too frustrating to inhabit.
“It’s a place you can go mentally, and this place has more love than Earth and (less) hate, because hate runs it (on Earth). It has togetherness and not separation, like this Earth.” —TECH N9NE “It kind of morphed into its own thing after I left this planet spiritually and mentally,” Tech N9ne said about the concept for “Planet.” “I couldn’t pay attention to too much down here because it was so disheartening, you know what I mean, with watching the news and seeing what was going on in the world. So I had to leave, and it took a form of its own and it changed into like its own planet and like nothing else.” It wasn’t just the problems of the world that had Tech N9ne yearning to mentally travel to a world of his own creation. He had gone through a dispute with a start-up label that wanted to call itself Strainge Entertainment, a name
Dannys Ilic
With the daily news bringing more frustration, Tech N9ne says he invented a “planet of love” to escape to on his latest album.
far too similar to that of his own label, Strange Music. “We won the case and they changed the name,” Tech N9ne said. “But I still had to get the song out of me.” One other big source of frustration was the indifferent response to his 2016 album, “The Storm.” Tech N9ne still struggles to understand why that album didn’t resonate with fans. “Some say that the people I chose to work with were people we grew up liking, and the youngsters don’t really care,” Tech N9ne said. “I don’t know, man. I don’t know. I don’t know.” “The Storm” is one of the few setbacks Tech N9ne has encountered since forming Strange Music with Travis O’Guin, and his 1999 debut album, “The Calm Before the Storm.” (“The Storm” was actually meant as a sequel to that first disc.) In the 19 years since, Tech N9ne has become the leading indie rap artist on the scene, with a catalog of a dozen solo albums and another eight “collab”
SE Wilson Ave
Skate Park >
SE 15th
albums, on which he has worked with other artists (including many from the Strange Music roster) in writing and recording tracks. Meanwhile, Strange Music has grown into a highly successful label with more than a dozen acts. Tech N9ne considers Strange a label where music becomes medicine that, in his words, navigates listeners through the world of darkness. That description mirrors the purpose of “Planet’s” alternative world of Pyune. “It’s a place you can go mentally, and this place has more love than Earth and (less) hate, because hate runs it (on Earth). It has togetherness and not separation, like this Earth,” Tech N9ne said. “It’s just a place of love and understanding each other, man. That’s what Pyune is. It stands for peaceful youth unit neutralizing Earth.” Those themes of love and unity filter through many of the 19 songs on “Planet” as Tech N9ne raps his way through a varied musical soundtrack that ranges from
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the EDM-ish “Fresh Out!” and “Don’t Nobody Want None” to edgy jams like “Comfortable” and “Habanero,” to an epic track, “Brightfall,” whose elaborate production would make Queen proud. Unlike “The Storm,” Tech N9ne said early reaction to “Planet” has been overwhelmingly positive. “They (fans) actually dig all of the songs,” he said. “It made me feel good that the rapport from the fans is, ‘This is your best record.’ I’m like, ‘Woah, this late in the game.’ I’m talking about only four more years and I’m doing my best record.” That mention of four more years refers to Tech N9ne’s plan to gear down his own career in another four years, as he hits age 50. “It don’t mean I won’t tour anymore, just not as much, you know what I mean, and I’ll focus on building this label all the way up,” he said. For now, there’s an extensive tour to do, with a show that will include the return of Tech N9ne adapting his characters the King, the Clown and the G, and a setlist that will include plenty of fan favorite songs. And this outing comes after “Planet” was released, allowing Tech N9ne to also feature new songs in the show. In the past, he has generally debuted new songs on tour before they were released on an album. “I think this is really going to be a good show,” he said. “The fans are going to love this one.” Tech N9ne with Krizz Kaliko Sat., Oct. 20. 9pm Midtown Ballrom 51 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend $32.50
With sweet flavoring to mask tobacco’s harsh taste, cheap prices, and bright and colorful packaging, it’s even hard for adults to tell the difference between tobacco and candy. Is it any wonder ninety percent of smokers start before they are eighteen? LEARN MORE
Smokefree Oregon is an Oregon Health Authority initiative.
S 18
Textures and Tones The Ballroom Thieves pivot their sound with “Paper Crown” and an upcoming EP of covers
Stephanie Bassos
By Anne Pick
It’s only a matter of time before seeing The Ballroom Thieves at an intimate venue like Volcanic Theatre Pub is a blur of a memory. See them in Bend on Saturday, 10/20.
B O O K O U R B A N Q U E T R O O M T O D AY Let the 10 Barrel culture come alive for your upcoming party plans. The 10 Barrel team is waiting to throw your next party at our Eastside Bend location! Connect with a team member today by phone or on our website by submitting a request for proposal. Let’s Party! For more info, please call 541.585.1007 or visit
nce in a while, a band comes through known for his work with The Lumitown and you just know that some- neers, Brandi Carlile and Vance Joy. day they’ll be headlining the Les Earley says Hadlock’s influence came Schwab Amphitheater. After listening to through in clearing things out in the songs like “Fistfight,” from the recently mixing and moving the vocals to the released EP, “Paper Crown,” I have no foreground. doubt The Ballroom Thieves will be one “It really feels like a live record of a of those bands about which we’ll say, “I band playing together in the studio,” saw them when…” Earley says. “He helped us with things Fans of The Head and The Heart, we were interested in doing, but didn’t The Avett Brothers and The Lumineers, have a concrete plan for how to achieve don’t hesitate to snap up your tickets to them. He really knows his room and has this show. been doing it for 30 years. He knows the The Ballroom Thieves, which include different tones they can get out of each guitarist Martin Earley, drummer Devin instrument in that space.” Mauch and cellist Callie Peters, have a The band already has plans for a fullfresh and energetic sound that blends length album they’ll likely record over indie-folk with rich harmonies. The band the winter. features tasteful and intriguing arrange“I would say the EP is kind of a stepments that complement the deeply per- ping stone, a pivot between where we’re sonal lyrics. “Paper Crown” came out in coming from and where we’re going,” May, and last week, the band started to Earley says. “I think the EP serves as a release songs that will be included on nice in-between. I think our sound is their forthcoming EP of cover songs. changing pretty organically, but is defi“We’ve always enjoyed playing cov- nitely changing.” er songs in our live sets—it just kind The Ballroom Thieves boast the of made sense to record them,” Ear- complete package when it comes to ley says. “Some of the songs that are on indie-folk — the marriage between rich this upcoming EP, we’ve played live for textures and sounds with personal, often years. The idea was that we would each catchy lyrics that make a listener feel sing lead on one of the songs. Essen- something. Each of the members takes tially, whoever sings lead on each one their turn singing lead vocals. Earley and picked the song. I chose ‘Hymn #101’ Peters collaborate often on songwriting (originally by Joe Pug) because I real- duties. Earley also has collaborated with ly love that song and the lyrics get me his sister, Annika, an artist who also writes a lot of songs. Because she doesn’t every time.” You can listen to “Hymn #101” on have a vehicle to get them out, she colSpotify and other streaming services, laborates with her brother and Peters, while the other songs and complete EP sending him lyrics and getting excited will be released in the near future. With when the band can use something. So more than 1.6 million monthly listen- far, the family collaboration has resulters, The Ballroom Thieves have already ed in two songs, “Blood Run Red” from landed on some of the streaming ser- the album, “Deadeye,” and “Can’t Cheat Death,” from vice’s most popu“Paper Crown.” lar playlists. The Ballroom Thieves For the “Paper Earley calls the Sat., Oct. 20. 9pm. Crown” EP, the songs two parts of Volcanic Theatre Pub band worked with a trilogy with the 70 SW Century Dr., Bend $12/adv at producer Ryan third song thus far Hadlock, best unwritten.
CALENDAR 17 Wednesday Project Every Wednesday! $1 per bingo card. Winners take home half the pot, the rest goes to Bend Spay and Neuter Project! 6-8pm.
Cabin 22 Wednesday Locals Night w/ UKB
Trivia Prizes include Cabin 22 gift cards! Team up with friends join in this week. Arrive early for best seating. 7pm.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.
Tickets Available on
Hola! Downtown A Night with the Nomads
The Nomads are your local Klezmer/Flamenco/ Balkan/Turkish band who are always ready for a party! Bring your dancing shoes and join the Nomads and friends for their monthly jam session. Third Thursday of every month. 6-9pm. No cover.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Partner Dance Lessons Free partner dance lessons every Thursday. 8pm. No cover. McMenamins Old St. Francis School
Level State Beerhouse Bend Comedy Pub Trivia Assemble a team or go at it alone, test your knowledge against our fun and entertaining rounds. It’s always free to play, with prizes to win! 7pm. No cover.
Sharlet Crooks Growing up in Central Oregon Corinne Sharlet was steeped in the essence of the high desert. Her love for the expansive landscape only amplified with her time in Santa Fe, NM studying musical theater. The desert holds a dramatic beauty that was and continues to be her inspiration for the music. 7-10pm. No cover.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke
Northside Bar & Grill Desert Howlers
Come sing your heart out every Wednesday night at Maverick’s! 9pm. No cover.
Blues rock. 7:30pm.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
Comedy, music, spoken word—every Thursday night, share your talents with the world! 5 minutes spoken or 2 songs stage time. Ages 21+. Sign up at 7pm. 7pm. No cover.
Cascade Crescendo High-energy newgrass. 7-10pm. No cover.
M&J Tavern Open Mic Every Wednesday,
musicians are welcome to join us for our weekly open mic. Extends to last call or last musician, whichever comes first. Bring an instrument or just come support the local music scene. 6:30pm.
Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic
Join us for open mic every Wednesday. 6pm.
The Capitol Comedic Roulette: Stand Up &
Improv Comedy Each comedian will have 10 minutes to perform written sets &amp; then once they all complete their sets, they will join each other on stage and Improv Jokes off the top of their heads based on your topics. 8-10pm. $10.
The Domino Room Old Salt Union
Roots/Americana. 8:30pm. $12/adv., $15/door.
Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Open Mic
Silver Moon Brewing Trivia on the Moon
Every Thursday night! Come have a beer, test your knowledge and win Silver Moon gift cards and prizes. 7-9:30pm.
Spoken Moto Motos & Music: Dive Bar Theology Come hang with us at one of the best places to hang in all of Central Oregon. See you there! 7-9pm. No cover.
The Backyard Brick Oven Pizza & Pub
Thursday Night Live Trivia! Win gift cards and other great prizes too! Pint specials!! Team up with friends! Join in, this week! 7pm.
The Belfry Sugaray Rayord When
Sugaray belts out a song, you not only hear it, you feel it. With his old school vocal style,
echoes of Muddy Waters, Otis Redding and Teddy Pendergrass can be heard in his brand of blues. 8-10pm. $18/GA.
The Capitol The Vth LMNT Presents: The
2nd Annual Halloween Bash feat. Chandler P & Friends Another year, another party at the Capitol! Costumes are heavily encouraged as this will be a costume party! Dress to impress! Performing: Chandler P, The Clumzys, G. Milez, EYEMC, DJ Lonely Stacks and Jee Sick. Ages 21+. 8:30pm. $5/door.
The Lot Appaloosa Appaloosa is a local Americana band which plays new folk and old country music in a rootsy, raw and authentic configuration. They will be preforming as a trio and their unique blend of melody and easy harmonies. 6-8pm. Velvet Eric Leadbetter Americana. 8-10pm. Volcanic Theatre Pub Tango Alpha Tango,
The Roof Rabbits & Strange Rover Punk rock. All ages. 9pm-midnight. $12.
19 Friday Checkers Pub Justus Justus will be playing
that fiery mix of original blues rock, soul, funk music. Come in out of the cold and warm up to some smokin’ hot blues rock. We have a special guest singing with the band! 8-11:30pm.
CTC Cascade Theatre Jazz at Joe’s Vol 70 - Bob Sheppard - SOLD OUT Jazz at Joe’s 12th Season Opener features Los Angeles saxophone phenom Bob Sheppard and guitar master Larry Koonse. SOLD OUT 7pm. Dogwood Cocktail Cabin DJ Ambush Two nights of soul, hip hop, R&B and house with DJ Ambush! 9pm-midnight. Faith, Hope and Charity Vineyards Live
at The Vineyard: Joe Fidanzo and Friends Join us for live music! We will have some great wine to try and of course our wood fired pizza! 6-9pm. $10.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Esme Patterson Denver, CO’s Esme Patterson has been making waves all around the country since going solo in 2012 (she was previously in Denver ?based Paper Bird). Her voice is smooth and sweet when she wants it to be, and then fully rock and roll when you least expect it. All ages. 8pm. $8/adv.
18 Thursday 7th Street Brew House Bow Wow Bingo
Join the fun at our weekly Bow Wow Bingo to benefit the animals at BrightSide Animal Center. Great food and brew—and a chance to win! 6:308:30pm.
Astro Lounge Rockin’ Robin Karaoke Come
and sing your favorites on a rockin’ good system, every Thursday! $5 Jameson all night long. 8pm1am. No cover.
Brasada Ranch House Casey Parnell Join us at Ranch House for an evening of farm-fresh dining, drinks, views and live music courtesy of Casey Parnell. 6-8pm. No cover. Currents at the Riverhouse Riverhouse Music Series Riverhouse music series is a free opportunity for people to come and listen to local artists every Thursday evening in Currents Lounge. Highlighting local Central Oregon talent, the Riverhouse music series focuses on genres ranging from bluegrass, acoustic, indie, blues, jazz, singles and duos. 7-9pm. No cover. Dogwood Cocktail Cabin OhYess a monthly night OUT Local LGBTQ+ community gathers to mix and mingle, support and cavort. Dinner and drinks, every third Thursday. Ages 21+. 7-11:30pm.
Catch the Old Salt Union at The Domino Room on Wednesday 10/17.
Northside Bar & Grill The Substitutes
Classic rock. 8:30pm. $3.
Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Presents:
Marcus Coleman & Thomas Lundy Originally from St. Louis Marcus Coleman was named one of Portland’s “Geniuses of Comedy” by the Portland Mercury in 2016 and Willamette Week’s Funniest 5 in 2017. Thomas Lundy is a fresh faced Portland Comedian from Philadelphia. Hosted by Ryan Traughber. 8pm. $8/adv., $10/ door.
Spoken Moto Spoken Moto: Leftside & Sam McQuate Come hang with us for a fun Friday evening! Live music, food and cold beer on tap! It’s bound to be a good time! 7-9pm.
The Brown Owl “She Said, He Said” The Jazz-Inspired Duo is back at the Brown Owl. It is sure to be a hoot! She Said, He Said is so excited to be invited back to one of their favorite venues in Bend! Come on down to join in the fun, hear some good music, and eat some amazing food! 7-9pm. No cover. The Capitol DJ N8ture Bass, trap, hip hop, remixes and throwbacks. 9:30pm.
The Domino Room Kung Fu w/ Maxwell Friedman Group The West Coast “Fez Tour” is coming to Bend, in which the band will play one set of original music and one set of Steely Dan material. These guys come with their own brand of electro-fusion ‘new-funk’ to engage in a dance party that will have you moving all night! 8:30pm. $15/adv. The Oxford Hotel Jazz at the Oxford: Lee Ritenour From one of his first sessions at 16 with the Mamas and the Papas to accompanying Lena Horne and Tony Bennett at 18, Lee’s 40 year storied career is highlighted by a Grammy Award win for his 1986 collaboration, Harlequin, with Dave Grusin, 17 Grammy nominations, numerous #1 spots on guitar polls and the prestigious “Alumnus of the Year” award from USC. 7-9pm. $57.
Astro Lounge Bingo for Bend Spay & Neuter
The Pickled Pig Bobby Lindstrom One of Bend, Oregon’s most entertaining singer/songwriter/guitarists will be playing a long list of blues, rock, Americana and roots music, plus his own original material. 6pm.
Immersion Brewing Local’s Monday - Jim Roy Hoppy Hour all day! Live music from 6-8pm featuring local musician Jim Roy. 6-8pm. No cover. The Open Door American Opera Indie rock from Brooklyn, NY. 6-8pm.
The Round Butte Inn The Bad Cats Dance to
PURRfectly good Rock ‘n’ roll, Blues, and Soul, enjoy the great food, drinks, and the awesome CATmosphere. 8pm. No cover.
23 Tuesday
Volcanic Theatre Pub The Steel Wheels American roots. All ages. 8pm. $15/adv., $18/door.
Astro Lounge Trivia Tuesdays Bend’s longest running trivia game—nine years strong! Bring your team of any size. Gift giveaways and different weekly sponsors. 8pm. No cover.
20 Saturday
Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy Open Mic Free to watch. Free to perform. Come down to Maverick’s for Comedy Open Mic Tuesdays! This is a great chance to watch amazing comics for free! Hosted by local favorites! 7:30-9:30pm. No cover.
Bend Brewing Company Rhythm & Brews: David Miller Join us for our Summer Concert Series with live music every weekend! 6-8pm. No cover.
JC’s Bar & Grill Bingo! Every Tuesday, play bingo in benefit of High Desert Food and Farm Alliance. Come support local, food access for all! Cards are $1 with many chances to win. Half of the pot goes to the winner and half goes to support HDFFA’s programs! 7-9pm.
Checkers Pub Justus Justus will be playing
that fiery mix of original blues rock, soul, funk music. Come in out of the cold and warm up to some smokin’ hot blues rock. We have a special guest singing with the band! 8-11:30pm.
Craft Kitchen and Brewery Fill My Blank - Live Game Show Katy Ipock is so excited to host “Fill My Blank” she put ______ in her bag instead of a microphone! Come play with local favorites for great prizes! Ages 18+ only. 8pm. No cover. Dogwood Cocktail Cabin DJ Ambush Two
nights of soul, hip hop, R&B and house with DJ Ambush! 9pm-midnight.
Faith, Hope and Charity Vineyards
Live At the Vineyard: John Hoover & the Mighty Quinns John Denver Tribute Band, John Hoover and the Mighty Quinns perform a tribute to the songs, music and spiritual connection of John Denver. 6-9pm. $10.
M&J Tavern The Tortilla Chips A little crunchy, a little salty, The Tortilla Chips taste good dipped in every genre they dabble in. Soulful originals, psychedelic jams and spicy covers. 9pm.
Midtown Ballroom Tech N9ne Hip hop, rap rock. Tech N9ne with Krizz Kaliko, Futuristic, Dizzy Wright and TNC 9er. 8pm.
Northside Bar & Grill The Substitutes
Classic rock. 8:30pm. $3.
Strictly Organic Coffee Company Canaan Canaan w/ Matt Humiston Japanese singer/ songwriter Canaan Canaan will sing in both Japanese and English and plays guitar accompanied by a drummer, Matt Humiston. 3-5pm. No cover.
The Capitol DJ N8ture Bass, trap, hip hop, remixes and throwbacks. 9:30pm.
The Commons Life During Wartime Parallel
44 Presents Life During Wartime (LDW) - Talking Heads Tribute band presented in conjunction with the awards ceremony and the Single Speed World Championships. All ages. 6:30-10pm. No cover.
The Oxford Hotel Jazz at the Oxford: Lee Ritenour From one of his first sessions at 16 with the Mamas and the Papas to accompanying Lena Horne and Tony Bennett at 18, Lee’s 40 year storied career is highlighted by a Grammy Award win for his 1986 collaboration, Harlequin, with Dave Grusin, 17 Grammy nominations, numerous #1 spots on guitar polls and the prestigious “Alumnus of the Year” award from USC. 8-10pm. $57. The Oxford Hotel Jazz at the Oxford: Lee Ritenour From one of his first sessions at 16 with the Mamas and the Papas to accompanying Lena Horne and Tony Bennett at 18, Lee’s 40 year storied career is highlighted by a Grammy Award win for his 1986 collaboration, Harlequin, with Dave Grusin, 17 Grammy nominations, numerous #1 spots on guitar polls and the prestigious “Alumnus of the Year” award from USC. 5-7pm. $57.
Blending Nature with Medicine Insurance Accepted
jams Local soccer legend Scott brings the jams! 9pm.
Volcanic Theatre Pub The Ballroom
Thieves Electric guitars figured prominently, the group wholeheartedly embraces fifties and sixties pop and country influences such as Etta James, Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, and Willie Nelson in addition to religiously spinning Dan Auerbach. 8pm. $12.
Northside Bar & Grill The Groove Mer-
chants Jazz. 6pm.
Silver Moon Brewing Moon Landings:
Board Game Night Every Tuesday night, we’ll have lots of games for people to play and also encourage people to bring their own! Everything from UNO to tabletop! Don’t know how to play a game? We would be happy to show you or even play with you! 6-10pm.
21 Sunday
The Capitol David Von Schlegell, Lonesome
Hub City Bar & Grill Open Mic Come an play—or listen and have fun! Every Sunday. 4-7pm.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Ex-Cult w/ Zarlok Alternative rock from Memphis, Tennessee. 8pm. $10/adv. $12/door.
22 Monday Astro Lounge Open Mic Night Bring your
Leash, One Mad Man Lonesome Leash is the solo project of Walt McClements, an accordionist and multi-instrumentalist known for his previous work in Dark Dark Dark [and Hurray for the Riff Raff]. 8pm.
The Commons Storytellers Open Mic Our weekly open mic! Poets and actual story tellers stop by on occasion, but it’s an open mic like any other—mostly singers and musicians. Family friendly, so keep it clean! Sign up at 5pm, music starts at 6pm. 5-8pm. The Platypus Pub Tuesday Trivia at the Platypus! Trivia is back at the Platypus Pub! Bring your friends! Bring your brains! Bring your friends’ brains!* *do not remove friends’ brains. Friends’ bodies must also be present to play. 8-10pm. No cover.
talent to the Astro every Monday night. 8-11pm. No cover.
Vic’s Bar & Grill HWY 97 Hot classic rock! 8-11pm.
Starting at $2 per gram, best prices in Oregon. Hush shatter $13.00 per gram
, N.D.
M&J Tavern Widespread Grateful Acoustic
The Ballroom Thieves play Volcanic Theatre Pub on Saturday 10/20.
24 Wednesday Astro Lounge Bingo for Bend Spay & Neuter Project Every Wednesday! $1 per bingo card. Winners take home half the pot, the rest goes to Bend Spay and Neuter Project! 6-8pm.
Cabin 22 Wednesday Locals Night w/ UKB
Volcanic Theatre Pub Jeff Austin Band W/
Dead Winter Carpenters Mandolinist Jeff Austin is unstoppable. He is celebrated for his fleet fingers and penchant for improvisation on stage, but those qualities also speak volumes about how he chooses to live. All ages. 8-11pm. $17.50.
25 Thursday 7th Street Brew House Bow Wow Bingo
go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.
Level State Beerhouse Bend Comedy Pub
Astro Lounge Rockin’ Robin Karaoke Come
Trivia Assemble a team or go at it alone, test your knowledge against our fun and entertaining rounds. It’s always free to play, with prizes to win! 7pm. No cover.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Karaoke Come sing your heart out every Wednesday night at Maverick’s! 9pm. No cover. McMenamins Old St. Francis School
Pete Kartsounes The performer/songwriter has spent most of his life creating original music that entertains and enlightens. 7-10pm. No cover.
M&J Tavern Open Mic Every Wednesday,
musicians are welcome to join us for our weekly open mic. Extends to last call or last musician, whichever comes first. Bring an instrument or just come support the local music scene. 6:30pm.
Northside Bar & Grill Acoustic Open Mic
Join us for open mic every Wednesday. 6pm.
The Domino Room ?MAYDAY! with 1TON and D.U. Ivan They’ve performed with Lil Wayne, collaborated with Cee Lo Green and toured extensively with labelmate Tech N9ne. No matter whom they work with or who hears their music, ?Mayday! quickly impresses whoever hears its diverse music and sees its riveting live show. 7pm-6am. $15. Tower Theatre Beatles vs. Stones Beatles
vs. Stones - Two of the greatest bands of all time face off in a high-energy, adrenaline-pumping musical showdown. The Fab Four, represented by tribute band Abbey Road will engage in a barrage of hits against premier Rolling Stones tribute band Satisfaction. It’s a face-off you won’t want to miss! 7:30pm. $39.50, $62.
pop, rock and blues. 7:30pm.
Seven Nightclub Bend Comedy Open Mic
Comedy, music, spoken word—every Thursday night, share your talents with the world! 5 minutes spoken or 2 songs stage time. Ages 21+. Sign up at 7pm. 7pm. No cover.
Silver Moon Brewing Trivia on the Moon
Join the fun at our weekly Bow Wow Bingo to benefit the animals at BrightSide Animal Center. Great food and brew—and a chance to win! 6:308:30pm.
Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your
Northside Bar & Grill Six Pack Eclectic
and sing your favorites on a rockin’ good system, every Thursday! $5 Jameson all night long. 8pm1am. No cover.
Cabin 22 Warren Miller Pre-Funk Party
Hoodoo and Three Creeks Brewing Company are kicking off the ski season with a Warren Miller Pre-Funk Party tour and ticket giveaways. Enter for your chance to win one of three pair of tickets to Warren Miller’s 69th movie – “Face of Winter.” Also enter for a chance to win a Hoodoo season pass, lift tickets, shirts, stickers, Three Creeks beer gear and a ton of Warren Miller giveaways! 7:30-9:30pm.
Currents at the Riverhouse AJ Cohen and Lisa Dae Currents features local musicians each Thursday. This week features vocalist Lisa Dae with AJ Cohen. Jazz, R&B, Motown. 7-9pm. Currents at the Riverhouse Riverhouse Music Series Riverhouse music series is a free opportunity for people to come and listen to local artists every Thursday evening in Currents Lounge. Highlighting local Central Oregon talent, the Riverhouse music series focuses on genres ranging from bluegrass, acoustic, indie, blues, jazz, singles and duos. 7-9pm. No cover. Hub City Bar & Grill Karaoke What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Bring a friend and belt it out! 9pm.
Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill Partner Dance Lessons Free partner dance lessons every Thursday. 8pm. No cover.
Every Thursday night! Come have a beer, test your knowledge and win Silver Moon gift cards and prizes. 7-9:30pm.
Spoken Moto NPT Presents a Benefit
Concert for Oregon Wild Live music by Janice & David Lockwood, Rosemarie Witnauer, Fran Harmony and the Da Chara Duo, in benefit of Oregon Wild. Oregon Wild works to protect and restore Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife and waters. 7-9pm.
The Backyard Brick Oven Pizza & Pub
Thursday Night Live Trivia! Win gift cards and other great prizes too! Pint specials!! Team up with friends! Join in, this week! 7pm.
The Capitol Erotic City: Prince Tribute Band
& Costume Party It’s that time of the year for dressing up so come join us as we throw a Retro Costume party with Erotic City- Prince Tribute band. To end the eve we will have a retro dance party so come dressed in ‘60s , ‘70s, ‘80s or ‘90s styles to be entered into our costume contest. 9pm. $5.
The Lot Bradley Parsons Project Bradley has been performing solo acoustic material since 2015, but is just now releasing the first of many album under the title “The Bradley Parsons Project”. The name was coined by a mentor when he was just beginning to learn music and it always stuck. 6-8pm. No cover. Volcanic Theatre Pub Diggin Dirt & Company Grand Reminiscent of James Brown, and Sly and the Family Stone, Diggin Dirt, is a band that is very well known around Humboldt County and the Pacific Northwest for uniquely blending together their influences that range from funk to blues to reggae to psychedelic-rock, to make something that is all together new and old sounding, in the best way possible. 8:30pm. $12/ adv., $15/door.
Source Suggests: These Workshops
BendDesign is headed your way next week! In addition to the many workshops and talks aimed at inspiring creative thinking and innovation, The “Bend Design for Good” events are some new or interesting additions to the lineup on Sat., Oct. 27: Design Equity Tournament by Visible A tournament format in which judges and workshop participants develop new branding for the Latino Community Association, selected as one of several organizations in the community doing work to represent the underrepresented. Join the tournament for $25, or, if you’re already attending BendDesign, attend for free. At At Liberty Arts Collaborative. 9 am. Design Charrette: Creative Placemaking to Activate the Downtown Urban Plaza Want to be part of a conversation around designing the “Heritage Square” plaza in downtown Bend? This is your chance. Led by a Seattle urban planner, participants will visit the site, brainstorm ideas for including the community and come up with initial ideas that will be presented to the City of Bend. Join for $25, or, if you’re already attending BendDesign, attend for free. At Brooks Resources. 9 am.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
The David Mayfield Parade Grammy-nominated musician and producer David Mayfield is a force of nature on stage. His energy and out and out enthusiasm for performing are evident at every show whether it’s with Cadillac Sky, The Avett Brothers, Jessica Lea Mayfield or his own band, The David Mayfield Parade. 7-10pm. No cover.
Thurs., Oct. 25-Sat., Oct. 27
The debut novel by local Bend author
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Jeremiah Franklin
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Trivia Cabin 22 Local’s Night! Great trivia and Central Oregon brewed pints specials! All day. All night! 7pm.
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CALENDAR MUSIC Banjo Jam Ragtime, swing, country, folk and
bluegrass. Third Thursday of every month Thursday, Oct. 18, 5:30-7:30pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend.
Bella Acappella Harmony Chorus
Cascade Highlanders Pipe Band Practice A traditional bagpipe and drum band
with members from the Central Oregon area. Experienced pipers and drummers are welcome to attend, along with those interested in taking up piping or drumming who would like to find out what it would take to learn and eventually join our group. Contact: 541-633-3225 or pipersej@ Mondays, 5:30-7pm. Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 NE 27th St, Bend. Free.
Celtic Jam Bring your guitar, fiddle, or what-
ever you have an join in for and open jam of Celtic music. All musicians welcome. And if you’re not a musician, come down, tap your feet and enjoy what’s always a fun evening. Every third Friday. Friday, Oct. 19, 6:30-8:30pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend.
Club in concert! Please visit the accordion club website for more info at fisarmonicats. Sunday, Oct. 21, 2:30-3:30pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend. Free.
Community Orchestra of Central Oregon Rehearsals COCO welcomes all
musicians to come have fun with us. A variety of players. A variety of music. No auditions. Contact: 541-306-6768, methowtraveller@yahoo. com Wednesdays, 6:30-9pm. Mountain View High School Auditorium, 2755 NE 27th St. Bend.
Jazz at the Oxford: Free Music Education Workshop w/ Lee Ritenour
BendBroadband’s free Music Education Workshop, hosted by Georges Bouhey, offers local music students and professionals the opportunity to talk with, learn from and play with Lee Ritenour. Saturday, Oct. 20, 11:15am-1:15pm. The Oxford Hotel, 10 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Free, no registration needed.
Open Hub Singing Club Modern “paper-
less” singing in the aural tradition. Group singing is the most ancient and primal technology of belonging. All voices welcome! $5-15 suggested donation. Mondays, 6:45-8:30pm. Heritage Hall, 230 NE 9th Street Bend.
Public (ROCK) Choir Sing Your Face Off in a fun, non-threatening environment with people of all skill levels. Rock and pop favorites—no hymns. First time free! Mondays, 6-8pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln, Ste 1, Bend. $10, $16.
mentals). Contact: admin@centraloregontango. com or 907-299-4199 for more info. Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend. $5/class.
Wednesday Night Kirtan Devotional group
All levels. No partner needed. or 907-299-4199 for more info. Every fourth Saturday of the month, 7:30-10:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend. $5/class.
singing. It is yoga for the heart that connects us with our divine, inner nature and the one Spirit that unites us all. Wednesdays, 7-9pm. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Dr, Suite 113, Bend. $10.
DANCE Adult Intermediate Level Dance Adult intermediate level dance class, styles include contemporary, jazz and ballet. Instructors rotate monthly. Sponsored by Bend Dance Project. Call 541-410-8451 for more info. April 6 - Nov 9. Fridays, 12:15-1:45pm. ABC Ballet, 162 NW Greenwood Ave. Bend. $5/donation. Adult Intermediate Level Jazz Dance
Adult Intermediate Jazz Dance Class sponsored by the Jazz Dance Collective. Styles include Broadway, Latin, lyrical. Supportive atmosphere, opportunities to perform. $12 donation, first class free. Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm. Get a Move On Studio, 63830 Clausen Rd #202, Bend.
Argentine Tango Class & Practica No
partner needed. Four-week fundamentals class begins the first Wednesday of every month, 6:30-7:30pm. Followed by intermediate lesson at 8:15pm (recommended after 4 weeks of funda-
Argentine Tango Milonga Learn to tango!
Bachata Patterns - Level 2 Taken Bachata Level 1 or have a good understanding of the basics? Learn fun turn pattern combinations with Latin Dance Bend. Dance partner not required but encouraged. Tuesdays, 7:30-8:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $12/class, $40/4-class package, $65/monthly unlimited. Bend Ecstatic Dance Dance your own dance in your own way in a supportive community of kindred spirits. Come explore free form movement, connection, and self-expression, guided by rich, diverse soundscapes. Visit: or FB Bend Ecstatic Dance. $10-$12 sliding scale. Tuesdays, 7pm. Bend Masonic Center, 1036 NE 8th St, Bend. Dances of Universal Peace Celebrating
ancient spiritual wisdom through song and dance; each dance is fully taught. Beginners welcome! Fourth Tuesday of every month. Tuesday, Oct. 23, 7-8:30pm. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd. Bend, OR. Free.
at The Belfry
THE BALLROOM THIEVES at Volcanic Theatre Pub
OCT 19
Parallel 44 Presents
KUNG FU at The Domino Room
OCT 21
OCT 20
OCT 18
Learn some new moves at Argentine Tango Milonga every fourth Saturday at Sons of Norway Hall.
Award-winning Bella Acappella seeks women and girls who love to sing and harmonize. Bella teaches and performs four-part acappella harmony and welcomes singers with high and low voices, all levels, ages 15 and above. Contact or 541-728-9392. Meet upstairs in the Great Room. Tuesdays, 6:30-9:30pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend. $35/membership.
Central Oregon Accordion Club Concert Come enjoy the Central Oregon Accordion
Corset Costumes! Makeup, Masks, Steampunk Stuff, Wigs, Wings, Fishnets, Freaky Contact Lenses, Costumes XS to 3X!
Open 10 to 9 Seven Days a Week
1341 NE 3rd
Level 2 West Coast Swing This class goes over concepts of west coast swing as well as a few more patterns. Really dive into what west coast swing is and how to dance it, while learning the core concepts. Contact Jenny Cooper for questions, 541-401-1635. Thursdays, 7:308:30pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $30/month. 25
Lindy Hop Class Come join us for Lindy Hop
Lessons every Sunday night with Agan Swing Dance and Sara Lee Conners. Beginner lesson from 7-8pm and Intermediate lesson from 6-7pm. Partner not required. Sunday, Oct. 21, 6-8pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $10/drop-in.
Line Dance Mania! Line Dance Mania! All line dancing with beginning and intermediate sessions. Includes full lessons and quick reviews. Knowledge of dance basics essential as it’s a fast-paced workshop. Pre-registration required. Email com. Saturday, Oct. 20, noon-2:30pm. Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill, 20565 NE Brinson Blvd., Bend. $12/one session, $15/full mania. Monthly Open Social Dance Join us for a low key and high vibe monthly social dance. No partner is needed. No registration required, just bring your dance shoes and enjoy! Perfect for beginner to advanced dancers. Email for more info. Tuesday, Oct. 23, 6:30-8pm. Maverick’s Country Bar & Grill, 20565 NE Brinson Blvd., Bend. $5. Salsa Patterns - Level 2 Taken Salsa Level 1 or have a good understanding of the basics? Learn fun turn pattern combinations with Latin Dance Bend. Dance partner not required but encouraged. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:20pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive Ste 110 Bend. $12/ class, $40/4-class package, $65/unlimited monthly.
Scottish Country Dance Class No experience or Scottish heritage necessary. Weekly classes include beginner & advanced dances. First class is free. Mondays, 7-9pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend. $5/class. Swinging with the Stars Central Oregon Daily proudly presents “Swinging with the Stars”, a benefit for Central Oregon Sparrow Clubs. The chase is on! Come and see local celebrities and their professional dance partners compete to take home the coveted Mirror Ball People’s Choice Trophy and the Judges’ Award. Your vote through dollars help decide who wins! Saturday, Oct. 20, 6pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St, Bend. $27/plus historical preservation fee.
FILM EVENTS A Fierce Green Fire, the Battle for a Living Planet A chronicle of the Environ-
mental Movement’s evolution from the ‘60s, grassroots and global activism. Learn how early leaders touched hearts and minds, creating an unprecedented movement of millions to protect the planet. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 6:30pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend. Free.
COTA Movie Night: “For The Love of The Mud” Join us at McMenamins Old St.
Francis School Movie Theater for one of our very favorite films about cyclocross. Much more than a race movie, For The Love Of Mud provides a beautiful history and narrative on the “religion” of cyclocross. Doors at 7:30pm. Thursday, Oct. 18, 8pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend. $6/cash only.
Cult Classic Movie Nite: “Beetlejuice”
After Barbara and Adam Maitland die in a car accident, they find themselves stuck haunting their country residence, unable to leave the house. When the unbearable Deetzes (and teen daughter Lydia buy the home, the Maitlands attempt to scare them away without success. Their efforts attract Beetlejuice, a rambunctious spirit whose “help” quickly becomes dangerous for the Maitlands and innocent Lydia. Monday, Oct. 22, 10pm. The Capitol, 190 NW Oregon Ave., Bend.
Enjoy a screening of the cult horror comedy classic, "Beetlejuice" at The Capitol on Monday 10/22.
Free Friday Night Film - “Molly’s Game” (2017) The true story of Molly Bloom, a
beautiful, young, Olympic-class skier who ran the world’s most exclusive high-stakes poker game for a decade before being arrested in the middle of the night by the FBI. Free Films shown three Fridays a month .Doors open at 7pm. Friday, Oct. 19, 7:30pm. Jefferson County Library Rodriguez Annex, 134 SE E Street. Madras, OR. Free.
“Guys Reading Poems” Screening ‘Guys Reading Poems’ is a film about “A
resourceful boy who creatively uses poetry to survive when his mother, a disturbed avant garde painter, locks him in a puppet box and builds an art installation. Visit for more info. Sunday, Oct. 21, 4-7pm. Tin Pan Theater, 869 NW Tin Pan Alley. Bend, OR. $10.
Stay Tuned Physically, mentally, intuitively… but really it’s just a movie about having fun... and keeping your board tuned. Live music experience to follow with Easy Giant. Doors at 6pm. Sunday, Oct. 21, 7pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St, Bend. $10/GA, $5/children. “The Exorcist” (1973) When a teenage girl is possessed by a mysterious entity, her mother seeks the help of two priests to save her daughter. Friday, Oct. 19-Oct. 19. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend.
LOCAL ARTS Bend Design Check out lectures, interactive
workshops, hands-on exhibits and collaborative conversations covering how design thinking can transcend job titles and shape the future.<strong>Various locations.</strong> Oct. 25-27. Bend, Oregon, Bend. $185/GA, $75/ students.
Drawing Under the Influence Bring pa-
per, pen, creativity and draw under the influence! This DUI club is for anyone looking for some fun. Sundays, 6-9pm. JC’s Bar & Grill, 642 NW Franklin Ave, Bend. Free.
Figure Drawing Sessions Sessions with
live model. BYO drawing materials, easels provided first come, first serve. No registration required. Tuesdays, 7-9pm. The Workhouse, 50 SE Scott St #6, Bend. $15/session.
“Fragile Legacy: Rare Views of Early Central Oregon” Exhibit The exhibit fea-
tures 60 photographic images hand printed from their original glass plate negatives and taken between 1908 and 1930 around Central Oregon.
On display through March 2019. Deschutes Historical Museum, 129 NW Idaho Ave. Bend, OR.
Senior Day Visitors 65 and older are invited to
enjoy the Museum for free on this day of special programming. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 9am-5pm. The High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97 Bend. Free.
The 6th Annual 20-Dollar Art Show
It’s time for the 6th Annual 20-Dollar Art Show! Over 600 pieces of 20 dollar art from more than 40 artists. It’s the biggest little art show in Bend! Saturday, Oct. 20, 6-9pm. Bright Place Gallery, 909 SE Armour Rd, Bend.
The Friends of Redmond Library Bookshop feat. Limited Edition Art Prints Members of the FORBL Art Committee
will be displaying framed photographs, paintings and Limited Edition Art prints for sale in the Friends Bookshop located in the Redmond Library through Nov. 6. The bookshop is open Mon/Wed/Thur/Fri 10am-4:30pm and Tue 10am7:30pm. Monday, Sept. 24-Sept. 24. Friends Bookshop/Redmond Library, 827 SW Deschutes Avenue, Redmond.
Vote for Art: Exhibit Preview Party Catch a sneak peek of Bend Art Center’s
Boulder-Sized Transportation Solutions for Bend! Bend has often been
compared to Boulder, CO for its entrepreneurial culture, small town feel with big town amenities, and our abundance of recreational opportunities. Boulder’s Mike Gardner-Sweeney, will give us a glimpse into his city’s transportation master plan and offer their creative solutions to some of their biggest concerns - and ours here in Bend. Visit to register. Thursday, Oct. 18, 6:30pm. Trinity Episcopal Church - St. Helens Hall, 231 NW Idaho St. Bend, OR. Free.
Cheers to Art: David Hockney This
month’s art appreciation talk toasts England’s most famous living artist, the “colorist who would rather be a cubist.” Presented by Education Manager Dawn Boone. Admission includes wine. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 7pm. Bend Art Center, 550 SW Industrial Way #180, Bend. $10.
Culinary Herbs as Medicine In this free class we will explore the often overlooked medicine of culinary herbs. We will focus on herbs most folks have sitting in their kitchen cupboard. Thursday, Oct. 25, 6:15-7pm. Fettle Botanic Bend, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr. Ste. 120 Bend. Free. Interpreting Climate Change for All Audiences Workshop Join OMSI and High
2019 exhibit line-up. Vote for your favorite exhibits. Featuring live music by “best local band” Bony Chanterelle. No cover charge, no-host bar, select menu. Sponsored by The Source Weekly, Sunriver Brewing and Box Factory. Thursday, Oct. 18, 5-7pm. The Box Factory, 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Free.
Desert Museum staff to learn evidence-based strategies for writing and talking about climate change in a productive and hopeful way. Space is limited, and pre-registration is required. Friday, Oct. 19, 9:30am-3:30pm. The High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97 Bend. Free.
“Water Tables” Exhibit Six local artists join
Know Monsters - Here Be Dragons
in this exploration of water in the high desert. Featuring Patricia Clark, Barbara Hudin, Carol Sternkopf, Abney Wallace, Ron Schultz, Bill Cravis and Christian Brown. Opening Reception: Friday, October 5, 5-9 pm. Friday, Oct. 5-Oct. 5. Bend Art Center, 550 SW Industrial Way #180, Bend. Free.
PRESENTATIONS Birding Across the USA With Mary Webster Mary recently visited wildlife refuges
all over the USA. Many friends enjoyed her descriptive emails with photos and asked her to share some of those photos and stories with us. Thursday, Oct. 18, 6:30-8:30pm. Central Oregon Enrivronmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend.
University of Oregon Professor Gantt Gurley dives into dragons, examining the Indo-European dragon from ancient to medieval and modern literatures. Friday, Oct. 19, noon-1pm. La Pine Library, 16425 1st St, La Pine. | Thursday, Oct. 18, 6-7pm. East Bend Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd, Bend. Free.
Know Monsters - Monsters of Death and Love Join award-winning storyteller
Heather McNeil for chilling tales to haunt your heart. Storytelling is an ancient art that combines creativity, performance skills and the human need for imagination. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 6-7pm. Downtown Bend Library (Brooks Room), 601 NW Wall St, Bend.
EVENTS Outrunning Dyslexia - with Jared Blank Despite growing up with dyslexia, Jared
148 NW Greenwood Ave, Bend. $16/children + seniors, $20/adults.
Surfing the Crimson Wave Like A Pro
Authors-of-Color Book Club Authors-of-Color Book Club meets every third Wednesday at Dudley’s. October book is, “She Would Be King,” by Wayetu Moore . Come bring your love of reading and difficult conversation to the table. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 3-5pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend.
Blank found his way through running, and learned how to approach obstacles as opportunities. He recently accomplished a new dream of running the World Marathon Challenge: 7 Marathons on 7 Continents in 7 Days. Come and hear his amazing story and get ready to be inspired! Saturday, Oct. 20, 2-3pm. COCC Wille Hall Campus Center, 2600 NW College Way. Bend, OR. Join Dr. Tanuja Goulet for a free talk focusing on three herbs to support healthier periods. Thursday, Oct. 18, 6:15-7pm. Fettle Botanic Bend, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr. Ste. 120 Bend. Free.
The Crooked River Caldera Join us for food and beverages, followed by the presentation at 7pm. Tuesday, Oct. 23, 5:30pm. Deschutes Brewery Bend Public House, 1044 NW Bond Street, Bend. $5/suggested donation. Two Simple Proofs of Global Warming
The ‘smoking guns’ that prove fossil fuels are warming our Earth. Brian Dunning will share two talking points that will make you unbeatable in any global warming conversation. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 6:30-8pm. Worthy Brewing, 495 NE Bellevue Dr. Bend, OR. Free.
Upper Respiratory Infections: Simple Ways To Combat and Prevent Join Dr.
Christy and Dr. Ren, Naturopath and LAc, for an educational evening to better prepare you for seasonal wellness. You will leave armed with herbal knowledge for prevention, and other simple treatments for the cold/flu. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 6:15-7pm. Fettle Botanic Bend, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr. Ste. 120 Bend. Free.
Western Science and Eastern Spirit: Photographs of Frank Matsura and Edward Curtis Over the course of 30 years,
Edward Curtis photographed and created sound recordings of over 80 Tribes across North America. Michael Holloman, a professor at Washington State University, for a talk on Curtis’s complicated legacy and the work of another early 20th century photographer, Frank Matsura.Members receive 20% discount. Tuesday, Oct. 23, 6-7pm. The High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97 Bend. $7.
Wild Kingdom’s Peter Gros Peter will share his exciting animal world, and travel tales from Siberia to the Amazon. He highlights his adventures with a mix of video clips and bloopers while introducing live, friendly exotic animals to audience members. Animals in attendance will include a North American alligator, bald eagle, monkey, python, kinkajou, porcupine, and a kangaroo to name a few! Monday, Oct. 22, 7:30pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St, Bend. $22-$42.
THEATER Swinging with the Stars Central Oregon
Daily proudly presents “Swinging with the Stars”, a benefit for Central Oregon Sparrow Clubs. The chase is on! Come and see local celebrities and their professional dance partners compete to take home the coveted Mirror Ball People’s Choice Trophy and the Judges’ Award. Your vote through dollars help decide who wins! Saturday, Oct. 20, 6pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St, Bend. $27/plus historical preservation fee.
The Addams Family Musical This quirky family still has to deal with many of the same challenges faced by any other family, and the spookiest nightmare faced by every family creates the focus Lippa, Brickman, and Elice’s musical: the Addams kids are growing up. Thursday-Saturday, 7:30pm & Sunday, 3pm. 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend. $22/ students + seniors, $25/adults.
WIN $101.70 ON FRIDAY!
The Bad Seed The scene is a small Southern town where Colonel and Christine Penmark live with their daughter, Rhoda. On the surface she is sweet, charming and full of old-fashioned graces. But when one of Rhoda’s schoolmates is mysteriously drowned at a picnic, Mrs. Penmark is has an uneasy feeling that her daughter may be responsible. Thursday-Saturday at 7:30pm & Sunday at 2pm. Cascades Theatrical Company,
“Beyond The Veil” Book Discussion Group Delve into conversation with local Sisters
author Diane Goble in a discussion of her book “Beyond The Veil: Our Journey Home.” This practical and informational workbook is perfect for anyone interested in end of life preparedness. Thursday, Oct. 18, 6-7:30pm. Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct, Bend.
Blank Pages Writing Salon Salons are informal gatherings where we share work, do freewriting based on prompts and discuss craft. Everyone is welcome! Saturday, Oct. 20, 6-8pm. The Workhouse, 50 SE Scott St #6, Bend. $5. LGBTQ Open Mic Poetry Deschutes County Library invites OUTCentralOregon for Open Mic. Participants are encouraged to share poetry that empowers the LGBTQ community or speaks directly to their experience. LGBTQ writer, director and producer Hunter Lee Hughes of “Guys Reading Poems” leads a discussion about the potential for a poem to help us transcend and make meaning out of difficulty. Saturday, Oct. 20, 2-4pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Storytellers Open Mic Our weekly open
mic! Poets and actual story tellers stop by on occasion, but it’s an open mic like any other— mostly singers and musicians. Family friendly, so keep it clean! Sign up at 5pm, music starts at 6pm. Tuesday, Oct. 23, 5-8pm. The Commons, 875 NW Brooks St., Bend.
“Wine Food” Book Release Join author Dana Frank of Portland’s Bar Norman for the release of her new book, “Wine Food.” Books will be for sale along with specials and natural wine pairings. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 4pm. Jackson’s Corner Westside, 845 NW Delaware Ave. Bend. Write Here - Poetry for Prose Writers, Part 1 Learn to identify four distinct modes of
poetic writing (naming, saying, singing, imagining) and apply those poetic modes to prose. with Dr. Emily Carr. Registration required at Monday, Oct. 22, 5:307:30pm. Downtown Bend Library (Brooks Room), 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
VOLUNTEERS Become a Big Brother or Big Sister in Redmond It doesn’t take much to make a big
difference in the life of a child! Looking for caring adult mentors who are willing to spend a few hours a month sharing their interests and hobbies. Contact: 541-617-4788, balbert@bbbsco. org. Ongoing. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon - Redmond, 412 SW 8th St, Redmond.
Nonprofit Board Fair Volunteer Central Oregon’s 7th annual Board Fair offers you the chance to visit with 25 nonprofit organizations seeking new board members, all in one place. Visit for more info. Monday, Oct. 22, 4-5:30pm. Deschutes Brewery Public House, 1044 NW Bond St, Bend. Free. Brightside Thrift Store in Redmond
Looking for volunteers to receive donations, sort, and price items. Volunteers are critical to the operations of our high-save shelter and contribute directly to the care of our animals by ensuring our donations are processed. Contact: 541-5040101 or Mon-Sun, 10am-5pm. Brightside Animal Thrift Store, 838 NW 5th St, Redmond.
T o we r T h e a t r e SAT U R DAY, O CT. 27 AT 6: 0 0 PM & 9: 0 0 PM SU NDAY, O CT. 2 8 AT 5 : 0 0 PM
offer s t o t h e s e r esor t s:
G E T T I C K E TS! I Tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; S TRA D I TIO N!
WA RRe N M Il l e R. C oM
69th annual winter sports action film welcomes new partnerships and the release of 2018 U.S. tour dates
Featured Athletes Dash Longe | Jim Ryan | Forrest Jillson | Jess McMillan | Simon Hillis | Kaylin Richardson | Dennis Risvoll | Michael “Bird” Shaffer | Camille Jaccoux | Bruno Compagnet | Brennan Metzler | Francesca Pavillard-Cain | Amie Engerbretson | Jonny Moseley | Anna Segal | Kevin Bolger Paddy Caldwell | Sophie Caldwell | Jessie Diggins | Simi Hamilton | Ida Sargent | Marcus Caston Johan Jonsson | Rob Kingwill | Seth Wescott
Film Destinations Alaska | British Columbia | Chamonix | Chile | Iceland | New Zealand | Switzerland | Washington
Winter is just around the corner, and Warren Miller Entertainment (WME) is ready to kick off the season with its 69th installment ski and snowboard film, Face of Winter, presented by Volkswagen. The late, great Warren Miller built his legacy capturing the essence of winter magic, and today that legacy launches the start of the ski and snowboard season every year. In the 69th feature film, celebrate the man who became known as the face of winter throughout the industry, and the places and people he influenced along the way. This year, new and veteran athletes come together to pay tribute to the man who started it all, including Jonny Moseley, Marcus Caston, Seth Wescott, Forrest Jillson, Kaylin Richardson, Dash Longe, Anna Segal, Michael “Bird” Shaffer, and featured athletes of the U.S. Cross Country Ski Team, including gold medalist, Jessie Diggins. Watch as they visit some of Warren’s favorite places from Engleberg to Chamonix, British Columbia to Alaska, Chile, Iceland, New Zealand and more. “The film is for anyone whose life (whether they realize it or not) was impacted by Warren Miller,” says WME Managing Director Andy Hawk. “We are all the face of winter—from the athletes to the audience to the locals in far-off destinations or even at our home mountain. Warren recognized this, and this year’s film celebrates that.” All fans, young and old, are invited to come together and carry on the tradition of the official kickoff to winter during the 2018 national tour. Film attendees will enjoy lift ticket and gear savings from Warren Miller resort, retail, and other brand partners. And, all moviegoers will be entered to win nightly prizes like swag and ski vacations. Local show dates and times can be found on Sponsors of the 2018 Warren Miller Tour include: Volkswagen, Mount Gay Rum, L.L. Bean, Helly Hansen, Marmot, Switzerland Tourism, Ski Portillo, K2, Black Crows, Marker Dalbello Völkl USA, Blizzard Tecnica, and SKI Magazine.
F E AT U R I N G Mt. Baker, Washington
Athletes: Seth Wescott, Rob Kingwill Equipment: Snowboards, duct tape Mt. Baker, WA is the holy land of snowboarding, and the birthplace of the Legendary Banked Slalom, the oldest running event in snowboarding history. Professional snowboarders Rob Kingwill and Seth Wescott, make a pilgrimage to Mt. Baker to participate in the event. Kingwill says that at Mt. Baker there are “so many facets that are important to snowboarding and important to your soul”. As riders from all over the world flock to Mt. Baker for the Banked Slalom, the event is a testament to the sense of community that snowboarding fosters.
Athletes: Marcus Caston, Johan Jonsson Equipment: Skis, cowbells Switzerland is every skier’s dream. Between the dynamic terrain and picturesque alpine villages, the skiing is unlike anywhere else on earth, especially in Engleberg, a place known for its wild side. Marcus Caston and Swedish transplant Johan Jonsson find themselves in awe of Engleberg’s snow globe-like charm, deep powder, and challenging terrain. But as any Swiss local will tell you, the only kind of professional skier that counts is a world-cup racer, and Caston and Jonsson take a break from charging cliffs to watching the skiers in the World Cup charge the race course. Beer drinking and fondue quips aside, the Swiss know how to make the most of mountain living.
Rossland, British Columbia
Athletes: Dennis Risvoll, Kaylin Richardson, Simon Hillis Equipment: Skis Red Mountain is one of British Columbia’s best kept secrets. In this smalltown ski culture dominates, and Kaylin Richardson says that the locals live with an “adventure is worth pursuing” attitude. The Red Mountain ski patrollers truly embody this sense of adventure, and showcase their skills alongside professional skiers, Richardson, Dennis Risvoll, and Red Mountain local, 15-year-old Simon Hillis. These “kindred spirits” come together to make their turns in a welcoming and like-minded ski community.
Cordova, Alaska
Athletes: Dash Longe, Jim Ryan Equipment: Skis, helicopter Alaska’s Chugach Range is a monumental ski destination with limitless spines, untracked lines and it’s unclear if jokes about there being more helicopters than cars derive from truth or not. When Kevin and Jessica Quinn started Points North Heli Adventures they knew they were taking a risk, but 20 years of operating and 17 visits from Warren Miller Entertainment later, it’s all been worth it. For east coast transplant turned Jackson Hole local Jim Ryan, PNH is the ideal first trip to Alaska and luckily, he’s got freeskiing legend Dash Longe with him to explore the territory.
Tordrillo Mountain Range | Denali National Park, Alaska Athletes: Jess McMillan, Forrest Jillson Equipment: Skis, helicopter, bush plane
Alaska’s most treacherous and beautiful mountain ranges have long been sought after by explorers in search of adventure. A half century after Alaskan bush pilot Don Sheldon pioneered the first airplane landing on the Ruth Glacier, Jackson locals Forest Jillson and Jess McMillan embark on their own journey through Denali National Park to the Sheldon Hut and Tordrillo Mountain Lodge, this time on skis. The mountains, couloirs, and miles of pristine glaciers can be unforgiving, but it makes the adventure all the more rewarding. Just like the pioneers who came before them, Jillson and McMillan savor the moment, acknowledging the undeniable truth that human spirit needs exploration.
Chamonix, France
Athletes: Michael “Bird” Shaffer, Camille Jaccoux, Bruno Compagnet Equipment: Skis, mountaineering gear, speedwing Chamonix local Camille Jaccoux, modern nomad Bruno Compagnet, and free-spirited adventurer Michael “Bird” Shaffer might seem like an unlikely trio, but they all share a passion for skiing and extreme living, and there is no place more fitting for the word extreme than Chamonix. Together they push their limits at heights topping nearly 13,000 feet on some of the most dangerous faces on the Mont Blanc massif, a task that requires focus, precision, and trust in each other. Unlike anywhere else in the world, Chamonix is a place for pushing boundaries, finding freedom, and living life at the maximum.
Athletes: Amie Engerbretson, Anna Segal, Jonny Moseley Equipment: Skis, helicopter, horses Summer in Iceland is a unique experience: the sun never seems to set, the weather is temperate, and skiing comes with a side of ocean views. Amie Engerbretson, Anna Segal and Jonny Moseley explore rugged Icelandic mountains where the snow feels like butter under the skis. The crew is hosted by Iceland local Joküll Bergmann—which translates to “Glacier Mountain man”—whose heli-skiing operation, Arctic Heli-Skiing, is based on a family farm dating back to the year 800. Aside from skiing, Engerbretson, Segal and Moseley tour the landscape on horseback and soak in local hot springs. And after it all, all three agree the best part of being in the land of the mid-night sun is that skiing is possible all-day long.
Athletes: Francesca Pavillard-Cain, Brennan Metzler Equipment: Skis, helicopter In a world that is contently changing, there is one spot nestled in the Chilean Andes that never seems to change. Famous as the place that skiers and snowboarders go to chase winter, Portillo is a skier’s summer paradise. Francesca Pavillard-Cain and Brennan Metzler team up to tackle some of the Southern Hemisphere’s best terrain alongside fellow PSIA instructors at Ski Portillo. An ode to Warren’s beginnings as a ski instructor, Pavillard-Cain and Metzler reflect on the significance of passing the knowledge of skiing and snowboarding on to new generations to enjoy the lifelong magic of snow-riding in the mountains. And it never hurts when there is a heli-skiing payoff.
New Zealand
Athletes: Jessie Diggins, Sophie Caldwell, Ida Sargent, Simi Hamilton, Kevin Bolger, Paddy Caldwell Equipment: Nordic Skis After a record-breaking 2018 Winter Olympic team gold medal, the United States Cross-Country team hasn’t done much resting. Instead, athletes like Jessie Diggins, Sophie Caldwell, Simi Hamilton and other teammates have continued training hard to maintain a caliber of competition that will land them on more podiums. New Zealand offers the ideal landscape for these Nordic skiers to train rigorously, while also recovering before competing non-stop in the winter ahead.
Blue River, British Columbia
Athletes: Seth Westcott, Rob Kingwill Equipment: Snowboards, helicopter Dreams of mastering the “art of the glide” and wide-open snow fields come to fruition with Mike Wiegele’s heli-skiing operation. Wiegele has accomplished the goal of every ski bum and has found a way to make a living doing what he loves: skiing. Professional snowboarders, Seth Wescott and Rob Kingwill visit Wiegele’s for some first-rate mountain access in one of British Columbia’s best snowbelts. The Wiegele experience is so unparalleled that it has Kingwill saying, “Mortgage your house, or do whatever it takes, to come back to Wiegele world.”
Current favorite piece/pieces of gear? Why? My AVALON7 Mesh Faceshield. It keeps my face happy and warm on the coldest days, doesn’t fog my goggles, and has amazing art printed on it!
Current favorite piece/pieces of gear? Comfort, quality, and confidence are what I get from my gear! My Helly Hansen Maroi Shell Jacket is breathable and burly- adapting to every weather condition AND rugged enough to power through anything! And do not miss out on the HH Lifa Merino Baselayer- it is the coziest, most capable item of clothing I wear. When it comes to ski touring, I don’t have to sacrifice downhill performance for uphill ease; carbon technology and cutting-edge design give me the best of all worlds. The combination of my Volkl Mantra V-Werks Skis, Dalbello Lupo Factory Boots, and Kingpin Bindings make for a pleasantly efficient ascent, followed by a stable, powerful, aka super fun descent! And for safety, my Arva Reactor Airbag Pack gives a little peace of mind in addition to an intuitive backpack for every adventure in the backcountry.
What’s your “Back in my day, we…”? Just went outside to play. Who has inspired your skiing the most? Craig Kelly Best recovery exercises? Yoga and active stretching but most importantly sleep. Ideal down day? Flyfishing on a nice remote river then coming home to make some art. Spiciest/most intimidating line you’ve skied or ridden this year? Mt Baker Banked Slalom in icy conditions with a partially torn MCL. Goals in skiing/riding this next year? To go further into my backyard in Jackson Hole and to make it back to Alaska. How did Warren Miller the man influence your skiing/riding career? I always admired Warren’s sense of humor, and he taught me to not take things so seriously. It is just snowboarding after all. He also inspired me as a filmmaker (which I went to school for). His passion for sliding on snow sparked a fire that created this crazy industry we are in and set the stage for making films that could inspire more people to get into the mountains and play, which is something that I continue to try to do. He leaves a beautiful legacy behind him. Thanks Warren!
Favorite mountain range? The Wasatch Range is home. Wherever I travel it is always a comfort to see my mountains when I drive up Parley’s Canyon to my house. They provide so much and because they are so accessible, I think we locals often forget how incredible they really are. The jagged peaks of Seattle are also dear to my heart- the Olympics to the West and the Cascades to the East. And lastly, the mountains of the Lofoten Islands are my special place, I don’t get there often, but they fill my dreams. Ideal down day? A day curled up with a great book. Then a delicious meal with hilarious friends, followed by an after-dinner stroll and boisterous board game battle. How did Warren Miller the man influence your skiing/riding career? Warren Miller ignited our imagination. He opened up a world that, before him, was for a very small company of adventurers, eccentrics, and perhaps,
Current favorite piece/pieces of gear? Why? I would have to say my BCA float pack. Depending on the day I use either the 8L, the 17L Speed or the 22L. It is a standard part of my backcountry kit, when I am wearing a beacon, I am wearing a float pack. I don’t pick and choose which days to wear it, it is one more piece of safety equipment that could help me if I ever need it. I like to have all the tools available in my back pocket, even as a just in case, so for me, an airbag is a must.
Current favorite piece/pieces of gear? Why? Black Crows Corvus Free Bird Ski- It’s my one ski quiver for the backcountry designed for its versatility and its super pink so I am more approachable. Norrona - some of the best technical and most ‘stylie’ outerwear out there. Designed for any mountain adventure and more importantly with the environment in mind, using recycled materials which makes me feel good about the clothes I choose to wear out there!
Favorite on-mountain fuel/snack? Snickers! Pro-tip. Keep the snickers bar inside your long-jons for the hike up or for a run or two and then eat once you body heat has warmed it up a bit. No one likes a cold snickers...
Goals in skiing/riding this next year? Enjoy the journey, realizing all the moments matter and we are apart of it. Oh, and skiing big mountains using the speed wing to exit where close out lines exist.
How did Warren Miller the man influence your skiing/riding career? Warren Miller created a lifestyle around skiing that revolved around sharing rather than competing. For me, I have always loved to ski but have not been very competitive. The joy of creating an entertaining piece of art in the form of a ski film is the reason that I am a professional skier. I love skiing and exploring new places but I also love the chance to share that experience with people from all over the world and hopefully inspire them to go out and ski/explore as well. I will always be thankful to Warren Miller for being the first to create, share and live such an amazing lifestyle, paving the way for people like me to do the same.
Best moment filming with WME this year? Following in the footsteps of Warren Miller and recreating some of the scenes he shot back in the day in Chamonix. Skiing powder on a perfect day at Grand Montet with Camille, not to mention the electro party that evening. How did Warren Miller the man influence your skiing/riding career? Since I was a little kid, I think Warren had the biggest influence on our small town of skiers. That he could travel around and make a life out of skiing, sharing and inspiring people. This set an imprint in my brain to do the same and here I am fortunate to be doing a little inspiring myself.
EVENTS Call for Volunteers Volunteers needed at Second Chance Bird Rescue! Friendly people needed to help socialize birds to ready for adoption, make toys, clean cages and make some new feathered friends! Do you play a musical instrument? Come and practice for the birds! Located past Cascade Lakes Distillery, call 916956-2153 for hours and location. Call for hours and location. Bend, Oregon, Bend. Fences For Fido Help free dogs from chains!
Herd U Needed a Home Dog Rescue A
local foster based dog rescue group who specializes in rescuing herding breed dogs from overcrowded shelters and situations of abuse and neglect. We are in need of foster families who are willing to open their homes to help us rescue more dogs in need. We also need volunteers to assist with monthly adoption events and fundraising efforts. Please contact us at volunteer@ or visit for more info and to sign up! Ongoing. Central Oregon, Countywide.
5-Week Yoga Course for Beginners
Designed for beginners to learn the basic poses. Learn how to use props to minimize your discomfort. Stretch, strengthen, improve your posture and de-stress yourself! All are welcome! Begins Friday, Oct. 19, 11am. Iyengar Yoga of Bend, 660 NE 3rd St #5, Bend. $57/5-week series, $16/drop-in.
Adult Aerial Silks Classes Adult only
aerial silks classes - all skill levels, including beginners. Come fly with us! Thursdays, 5:30-7pm. Central Oregon Aerial Arts, 20700 Carmen Loop #120, Bend. $20/class, $160/10 classes.
Aerial Silks Training Learn how to fly on aerial silks. Build confidence, courage and strength through play. Thursdays, 4-5:15pm. Silks Rising, 1560 NE 1st St #10, Bend. $20/ drop-in.
Mentors Needed Heart of Oregon Corps is a nonprofit that inspires and empowers positive change in youth through education, jobs and stewardship. For more information or to become a mentor, contact John at 541-526-1380. Ongoing. Heart of Oregon Corps, 1291 NE 5th St, Bend.
Bend Photo Tours - Fall Foliage Workshop The best part of living in Central
October forum: We Are Our Childhood
Parent Volunteer Opportunity We are seeking volunteers for our phone support line! Sign-up now for this amazing opportunity to help the families in your community. Email to sign up today! Thursday, Oct. 18, 5-6:30pm. Healthy Beginnings, 1029 NW 14th Street Suite 102. Bend, OR. Teen Service Club Camp Fire’s 7-9th grade service and leadership program, Teens Ignited, meets on Wednesdays. Join us to participate in multi-week themed service projects, as well as leadership and team-building activities. Wednesdays, 6-8pm. Camp Fire Central Oregon, 1001 SW Emkay Dr. Bend. Volunteer The Salvation Army has a wide va-
riety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. We have an emergency food pantry, we visit residents of assisted living centers, and we make up gifts for veterans and homeless. Contact us at 541-389-8888. Ongoing. City of Bend, Contact for address. Bend.
Volunteer Drivers Needed Volunteer
drivers needed Mondays-Fridays to transport veterans to the Bend VA Clinic and Portland VA Hospital. Must have clean driving record and be able to pass VA-provided physical and screening. Call Paul at 541-647-2363 for more details. Ongoing. City of Bend, Contact for address. Bend.
Volunteers Needed Help with daily horse care. Duties include; corral cleaning, grooming, walking horses. Flexible days and hours. No experience required. Call Kate Beardsley to set up an appointment 541-350-2406. Ongoing. Mustangs to the Rescue, 21670 McGilvray Road, Bend.
Open M-F 8-5pm Sat 9-1pm 25 NW Olney Ave, Bend
and the air is crisp and clear along the beautiful Deschutes River here in Central Oregon its time to head out with your camera. Join our local Photographer Douglas Bowser for a Fall Color Photo Workshop. Morning & Evening session. Visit for more info. Saturday, Oct. 20, 6:15am-7pm. Central Oregon, Countywide.
Beginning Aerial Silks Class Come fly
Attend this forum to learn how this unique collaboration was formed and hear from the diverse participants on why building resilience is at the foundation of a healthy Central Oregon community. Plated lunch included. Thursday, Oct. 18, 11:15am-1pm. The Riverhouse Convention Center, 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend. $25/members, $40/non-members.
Autumn in Central Oregon Photo Workshop When the leaves are changing color
Make Your Mark at Bend Spay+Neuter! Compassionate, awesome people to join
an incredible team, whether you volunteer in the clinic, festivals or helping with our community cat population. Contact: 541-617-1010, Ongoing. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson Ave, Bend.
Dr. Sarah Cummings Dr. Cody Menasco Dr. Deborah Putnam Dr. Jessica Casey
We are seeking volunteers on Mondays to come out and help us build fences for dogs who live on chains. No experience is required. Sign up on Facebook: FFF Central Oregon Region Volunteers or Bend Canine Friends Meet Up group. More information can be found at fencesforfido. org. Mondays. City of Bend, Contact for address. Bend.
Enjoy nature with your best friend!
with us! Get stronger, gain confidence and learn how to fly. Ages 8 and up welcome! Tuesdays, 4-5:30pm. Wednesdays, 3-4:30pm. Saturdays, 2:30-4pm. Sundays, 1:30-3pm. Tues., Wed., Sat., Sun.. Central Oregon Aerial Arts, 20700 Carmen Loop #120, Bend. $20/drop-in, $160/10 classes.
Oregon is the change of seasons! Join us on our Fall Foliage photo workshop to capture some of the best autumn color changes in the PNW! This workshop will include some moderate hiking, so come prepared. Sign up at Sunday, Oct. 21, 2-6pm. The Bend Tour Company, 550 SW Industrial Way. Bend, OR. $225.
Breathe - Contemplative Prayer
“Breathe” is every Tuesday! We share Bible verses and readings before we enter into contemplative prayer. Praying together in silence is powerful. Carve out some quiet time for your soul. Tuesday, Oct. 2, 11:30am. Bend Church United Methodist, 680 NW Bond St, Bend. Free.
Buddhist Mantras Chanting Explore the
spiritual insights and learn how to correctly chant mantras in Japanese. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. 10:30am-4:00pm. Reservations required. Contact: 541-848-1255 or for more info. Every Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Custom Built Computers of Redmond, 439 SW 6th St, Redmond. $10/class.
Capoeira for Beginners Discover the joy
of capoeira in a judgement-free class that will explore the multiple dimensions of this unique Afro-Brazilian martial art form of freedom. Condition your body and mind with the Capoeira Bend community every Thursday. New students are welcomed the first Thursday of each month. Contact:, 541-678-3460. $50/month or Thursdays, 6:15-7:15pm. Capoeira Bend, 63056 Lower Meadow Dr, Bend. $15/drop-in.
Craft and Cider Night Come make your own
unique wall hanging! We will provide all supplies and be there to help as needed. We will have a wide variety of colors and textures so your hanging will be as unique as you are! Thursday, Oct. 18, 6:30pm. Dry Fields Cider, 611 NE Jackpine Ct Suite #3, Redmond. $25.
Deep Breathe Join Katie Curtis for a powerful 60 minute breath work! Be prepared to experience the removal of any lingering mental and physical blocks while revitalizing the nervous system. Please bring a mat and pillow. $11/suggested donation. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds! Tuesdays, 5:30pm. The Hive, 205 NW Franklin Ave, Bend.
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Caring for your pets 7 days a week / Urgent Care
Dementia Conversations When someone is showing signs of dementia, it’s time to talk. Often, conversations with family about changing behaviors can be challenging and uncomfortable. Thursday, Oct. 25, 1:30-3pm. Crook County Library, 175 NW Meadow Lakes Dr, Prineville. Free. DIY Date Night - Weld Together You’ll learn to cut steel with a torch then try your hand at Mig Welding and take your creations home with you. Couples that weld together, stay together! Ages 13 and over. Learn more and sign online at Use code TS10 to save 10% off classes. Friday, Oct. 19, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $50. DIY Glowforge Basics Make things with a
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laser! The Glowforge at DIYcave boasts incredible precision, matched with ease of use, that will allow you to create fantastic projects with very little experience. Ages 16 and up. Learn more and sign up at Use code TS10 to save 10% off on this class. Friday, Oct. 19, 6pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $85.
DIY Kids Skill Building Series Kids will have a lot fun in this class series while learning valuable skills. The classes include making a Glockenspiel, stitching a leather wallet, creating sheet metal art, and crafting a cutting board, cedar birdhouse, classic toolbox, planter box and more. For ages 10-14. Learn more and sign up at Use code TS10 to save 10% off on this class. Thursday, Oct. 18 & Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $40/class. DIY Staghorn Fern Mount Happy Hour Class Staghorn ferns are an epiphytic plant
that grows on trees in their natural environment. Their unique fronds resemble antlers that will be a statement for your indoor living space. Class size is limited to 20. Deadline to sign up is Tuesday, October 16. Call us at 541-318-6155 or stop by the garden center to register. Thursday, Oct. 18, 5:30pm. Moonfire & Sun Garden Center, 61944 SE 27th St. Bend, OR. $25.
DIY Welding Workshop This hands-on
64678 Cook Avenue, Tumalo • 541.389.2968
class is perfect for beginners or anyone needing a refresher class in cutting and welding. You’ll cut steel with a torch and weld those pieces back together. You’ll be introduced to Brazing and Gas Welding and you’ll get to try your hand at Arc and MIG welding. No Welding Experience Needed! Ages 13 and up. Learn more and sign up at Use code TS10 to save 10% off. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $55.
DIY Welding Workshop This hands-on
class is perfect for beginners or anyone needing a refresher class in cutting and welding. You’ll cut steel with a torch and weld those pieces back together. You’ll be introduced to Brazing and Gas Welding and you’ll get to try your hand at Arc and MIG welding. No Welding Experience Needed! Ages 13 and up. Learn more and sign up at Use code TS10 to save 10% off. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $55.
DIY Wood Bandsaw The Bandsaw is one
We feel most alive when we face our fears and the pain of living. ONGOING GRIEF GROUPS AND INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS AVAILABLE
Good Grief Guidance, Inc. 33 NW LOUISIANA AVENUE, BEND
of the most useful tools in the woodshop. Find out how it works and how you can use it to bring your projects to life. Add simple curves to your designs or create elegant table legs. This class will get you started. Learn more and sign up at Use code TS10 to save 10% off on this class. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 5:30pm. DIYcave, 444 SE 9th St, Bend. $30.
Do you feel concern for the world? We will explore one evocative question a session. (From Stoke Your Woke Journal). You will be introspective, and you’ll listen to others. You’ll walk away with fresh perspectives and new actions. RSVP to Sliding Scale Investment: $60-80/series (includes a mini journal). Tuesday, Oct. 23, 7pm. The Hive, 205 NW Franklin Ave, Bend. $60. Dry Land/Ski Conditioning Training
Prevent injury and build strength with our 4-week dry land training class. Starts Oct. 24th. Be ready when the mountain opens! Call 541647-0876 to sign up. Limited spaces available. Visit for more info. Wednesday,
Oct. 24, 9am. Bend Pilates, 155 SW Century Dr. Bend, OR. $175/8 sessions.
Endurance Blast Intense circuit training
using many of the same modalities as our staple group functional strength training. Reasonable monthly packages! For more classes and times, please visit Mon-Fri 7am, Tue 11am, Thur 5:30pm, Fri 10am. Camp Victory Personal Training, 20370 Empire Ave, #C5, Bend. $10/drop-in.
Fine Art Classes Learn the flexibility of acrylics. All ages and skill levels welcome. Join us for two hours of instruction and take home a finished painting you will be proud to share! Contact: 360-880-5088, Fridays, 10am-Noon. Hobby Lobby, 3188 N Hwy 97 Suite 119, Bend. $20/week. FootZone’s IntroRUN 5K Training Group IntroRUN is ideal for those looking
to learn foundational running skills, start a consistent fitness program, or train for a 5k with a great group of people in a fun and supportive environment! Registration is $70 on or before 9/15/18; $80 after 9/15/18. This fee does not include I Like Pie registration. Saturday, Oct. 6, 8am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Good Form Running Clinic With a focus
on proper mechanics, Good Form Running aims to help runners of all ages and abilities achieve their goals. Clinics will last about 90 minutes. Thursday, Oct. 18, 5:30-7pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend.
Introduction to Finding Grants A free workshop on finding funders for nonprofit organizations with a demonstration of Foundation Directory Online. Registration required. Thursday, Oct. 25, 10:30am. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free. Italian Literature & Wine: Read and Taste (3 evenings) On three October Satur-
day evenings, taste wines from Italy’s Emilia-Romagna region while discussing the heart-breaking novel, “The Garden of the Finzi-Continis.” Register: 541-408-4509 or esantasiero@gmail. com. Private residence in Bend. Saturday, Oct. 13, 7pm. Eastside location, 97701. $95.
Japanese Group Lesson We offer group lessons for both beginners and intermediate students for Japanese for all ages. Wednesdays, 5-6pm. Wabi Sabi, 830 NW Wall St, Bend. $10. Meditation and Relaxation Join us!
Experience relaxing the body, mind & emotions. Through meditation, you can feel deeper inner peace, love, & joy.. enjoy an amazing journey through visualization. Please call for registering 971-217-6576. First class by donation, $10/dropin after that. Monday, Oct. 8, noon. Bend Golf & Country Club, 61045 Country Club Dr, Bend. $10.
Memoir Writing Class - 7 weeks The
lamp is lit. The fire’s on. It’s time for you to sit down and write about your life. Start either Oct. 3 or Oct. 23. Register: 541-408-4509 or Location given upon registration. Wednesday, Oct. 3, 7pm. Eastside location, 97701. $200.
Metabolic Cleanse /Hormone Reset Detox Learn how to reset your metabolic
hormones to lose weight and feel great in just 21 days. Weight loss is about hormones, the chemical molecules that govern nearly all aspects of your body fat. For more info, call 541-330-0334. All inclusive of Medical foods, supplements, tea, classes, recipes and more! Oct. 4-25, Thursdays, 5:30-6:30pm. Hawthorn Healing Arts, 39 NW Louisiana Ave, Bend. $249.
Metabolism Reset Detox Learn how to reset your metabolic hormones to lose weight and feel great in just 21 days. Weight loss is about hormones, the chemical molecules that govern nearly all aspects of your body fat. Call 541-3837270 for more info. Wednesday, Oct. 3, 5:30pm. COCC Coats Campus Center, 2600 NW College Way, Bend. $99. Mindfulness, Compassion and the Art of Giving Care Are you caring for a family
member with a chronic or terminal illness? Are
Signup for the Seasonal Tarot Study fall session. The first of three sessions begins Sunday 10/21.
you caring for clients or patients as a professional caregiver? If you answered yes, this unique workshop may be of benefit! RSVP events@ or (541) 410-3918. Thursday, Oct. 25, 5:30-8pm. Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct, Bend. Free.
Mom & Baby Yoga Mothers with babies
through early walkers are invited to stretch, strengthen, relax and have fun in a child friendly environment. No yoga experience necessary. Class cards and memberships available. Class cards are valid for all Tula Movement Arts classes and can be shared among family members. Tuesdays, Noon-1pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $17/drop-in.
MultiLevel AcroYoga An all levels AcroYoga
class. Blends partner acrobatics and yoga in a fun, safe and accessible way. The class will follow the same basic theme with various tracks for beginner, intermediate and advanced students. No partner necessary. Class cards and memberships available. Tuesdays, 7:30-9pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $17/drop-in.
Parenting in the Age of Digital Distraction: Helping Our Children (and Ourselves) Find Balance with Technology Stop fighting: Find balance! Join us for
an evening with Emily Cherkin, The Screentime Consultant, LLC, who has spent over 15 years working with families, schools, and children across rapidly-changing digital landscapes. Free childcare available for ages 3+ with RSVP. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 6-8pm. Cascades Academy, 19860 Tumalo Reservoir Rd. Bend, OR. Free.
Seasonal Tarot Study Join local and
well-known tarot sorceress Hillary Hurst, for a seasonal exploration of the Tarot. Classes are offered the third Sunday of each month, and will follow the arcana through the seasons of the year. Class meets: 6-8pm, Oct. 21, Nov. 18 & Dec. 16. Preregistration required! For more information, or questions, contact Hillary: 541-610-6985. Address given upon registration. Sunday, Oct. 21, 6pm. Bend. $40/single class, $108/ series.
The Care & Feeding of Your Demons Workshop Carl Jung famously said that he’d
rather be whole than good. Coming to wholeness requires that we integrate all parts of ourselves, even, and especially, the parts that we’ve rejected. These “monsters under our beds” need to be understood and included. Contact 541-840-1390 or to register. Oct. 19, 6:309pm & Oct. 20, 10am-6pm. Brooks Hall at Trinity Episcopal Church, 469 NW Wall St, Bend. $150/ Early Bird, $175/after Sept. 1.
The Owyhee River Journals Join writer
Bonnie Olin for a richly-illustrated, educational journey into the canyonlands of the Owyhee River in Nevada, Idaho and Oregon, during a talk,
slideshow, reading and 20-minute movie. Q&A. Thursday, Oct. 18, 6:30pm. Bowman Memorial Museum Community Room, 246 N. Main St., Prineville. Free.
Total Core Core, core and more core! Come try one of our great Total Core workout classes! Reasonable monthly rates! Visit for more info. Mon/Wed 12pm, Thur 11pm. Camp Victory Personal Training, 20370 Empire Ave, #C5, Bend. $10/drop-in. Victory Rally A 55-minute class combining free weights, body weight training, plyometrics and more! This is a high-energy, customized class that can benefit every fitness level! Reasonable monthly rates. Visit for full schedule. Mon/Wed/Fri 5:30pm, Tue/Thur 6:30am, Fri 12pm & 5:30pm. Camp Victory Personal Training, 20370 Empire Ave, #C5, Bend. $10/drop-in. West African Drumming Learn traditional
rhythms, and experience the brain-enhancing, healing and joyful benefits from David Visiko. A beginner class open to all. Contact: 541-7603204, for more info. Lvl 1: Mondays, 5:30-6:30pm. Lvl 2: Thursdays, 6-7:30pm. Lvl 3: Thursdays, 7-8:30pm. Djembe Dave’s Home Studio, 63198 de Haviland St, Bend. $15/class.
Yoga Poses, Potions + Painting Hallow-
een-inspired poses, spooky music, wicked witch and wizard potions and magical painting. Perfect for ages 5-11. Saturday, Oct. 20, 2-3pm. Creative Wellness Studio, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 130, Bend. $20.
NOV. 8TH @ Tower Theater EARLY SHOW:
Doors 6pm/Show 6:30pm
Doors 8:30pm/Show 9pm
Youth/Adult Slackline This class will be a
combination of basic poses, transitions, floor exercises, stamina drills and games. All ages and levels welcome. Class cards and memberships available. Tuesdays, 5-6pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $18/ youth drop-in, $20/adult drop-in.
EVENTS 2018 Bend Venture Conference
The 15th annual Bend Venture Conference is the largest angel conference in the west. Join 600 entrepreneurs, investors and business leaders on October 18-19. Thursday, Oct. 18, 8am. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St, Bend.
5th Annual Evening for Ethiopia Take a magical trip to Ethiopia and experience the spirit, sounds and tastes of this vibrant culture without boarding a plane! Reach Another Foundation (RAF) is gearing up for its fifth annual fundraiser “Evening for Ethiopia.” Buy your tickets at www. Saturday, Oct. 20, 5pm. Tetherow Pavilion, 61240 Skyline Ranch Rd. Bend, OR.
Kate Brown OR Congressional District 2: Jamie McLeod-Skinner Oregon Governor:
Oregon House of Representatives:
Eileen Kiely HD 54: no endorsement HD 55: Karen Rippberger HD 53:
Deschutes County Commission:
Amy Lowes Position 3: James Cook Position 1:
Bend Mayor & City Council: Mayor: Position 5: Position 6:
Sally Russell Gena Goodman-Campbell Barb Campbell
Statewide Ballot Measures: Measure 102: Measure 103: Measure 104: Measure 105: Measure 106:
Yes No No No No
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30 5:30-7:30pm
DAMON RUNBERG State Economist, Oregon Employment Department DR. THOMAS P. POTIOWSKY Director, Northwest Economic Research Center (NERC) JOSH LEHNER Economist, Oregon Office of Economic Analysis
Reserve your seats!
RIVERHOUSE FROM 8 - 10:30 AM COST: $59 – $79 WWW.BENDCHAMBER.ORG 541.382.3221
FOR QUESTIONS CALL 541-385-6908 OR VISIT RETHINKWASTEPROJECT.ORG a program of the environmental center
Bend Design Check out lectures, interactive
ed events. Third Wednesday of every month. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 6:30-9pm. Aspen Ridge Retirement, 1010 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend.
workshops, hands-on exhibits and collaborative conversations covering how design thinking can transcend job titles and shape the future.Various locations. Oct. 25-27. Bend, Oregon. $185/GA, $75/students.
Nonprofit Board Fair Volunteer Central Oregon’s 7th annual Board Fair offers you the chance to visit with 25 nonprofit organizations seeking new board members, all in one place. Visit for more info. Monday, Oct. 22, 4-5:30pm. Deschutes Brewery Public House, 1044 NW Bond St, Bend. Free.
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous Meeting Based on the Twelve Steps of Alcohol-
Experience Access Bars w/ Jennifer Morey Visit with Jennifer Eve Morey for a
ics Anonymous. Contact: 831-435-0680 for more info. Saturdays, 9-10:30am. Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 NE 27th St, Bend. Free.
morsel of potent shift that is available in just a few minutes! She will be offering complimentary energetic clearing sessions. Saturday, Oct. 20, 11am-1pm. Fettle Botanic Bend, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr. Ste. 120 Bend. Free.
Italian Conversation Group Conversational Italian group in a relaxed atmosphere. Saturdays, 9:45-11am. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Free.
Grand Opening: Eclectic Soul Bring your
Leader Meetup We’re gathering leaders from
family and friends to celebrate with us at our grand opening party! Enjoy food, beverages and enter to win a great selection of free raffle prizes including a free month class pass to Cycle Bar! Friday, Oct. 19, 3-7pm. Eclectic Soul, 2754 NW Crossing Drive - Suite 102 Bend.
Healing From the Heart Community Healing/Food Drive Our practitioners will
across the industry (Travel and International / Experiential Education) for an evening of food, drinks and conversation. Act Normal exists to make life better for leaders. We deliver niche knowledge, connections, and resources to make leader life easier, happier and more fulfilling. Saturday, Oct. 20, 7-9pm. Bend. Free.
rotate through The Blissful Heart Yoga Barn each week, allowing you to experience a variety of modalities. Among them are: Reiki, Pranic Healing, Tarot readings, chakra cleansing, energy field balancing, intuitive readings, essential oils, sound healing and flower essences. If you are a practitioner and wish to join us, please contact or Nancy at (458) 2561292. Wednesdays, 2-5pm. The Blissful Heart, 29 NW Greeley Ave, Bend.
Attend Volunteer Central Oregon's Board Fair on 10/22 to learn about becoming a nonprofit board member.
October Forum: We Are Our Childhood
Spooky Skate Bring food there will as well be
Attend this forum to learn how this unique collaboration was formed and hear from the diverse participants on why building resilience is at the foundation of a healthy Central Oregon community. Plated lunch included. Thursday, Oct. 18, 11:15am-1pm. The Riverhouse Convention Center, 3075 N Hwy 97, Bend. $25/members, $40/non-members.
Pints and Politics Meet OLCV Endorsed Candidates for the Oregon State Legislature. Join the Oregon League of Conservation Voters to hear from Central Oregon candidates who care about protecting Oregon’s natural legacy. RSVP to Thursday, Oct. 18, 7-9pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln, Ste 1, Bend. Preventative Walk-in Pet Wellness Clinic First come, first served. Vaccines, micro-
chips, toenail trims and de-worming available. Service fees can be found at Saturdays, 10am. Bend Spay & Neuter Project, 910 SE Wilson Ave, Bend.
Refine Medical Fall Chill Meltaway
Fall Chill Meltaway SculpSure Chin and Body Contouring event with wine, food and giveaways! First ten attendees receive a free gift valued at $85. Space is limited, please RSVP at Thursday, Oct. 18, 9am-7pm. Refine Medical, 1835 NW Pence Lane, Suite 140, Bend. Free.
Scaregrounds Haunted Houses Featur-
ing three different haunting experiences, recommended for ages 12 and up. Located between the Sheep and Dairy barns. Enter at the Parking Lot A gate. Gates open at 6:30pm. Haunts: October 12 & 13, 19 & 20, 26 & 27 and 30 & 31. Oct. 19203, 7pm. Deschutes Historical Museum, 129 NW Idaho Ave. Bend, OR. $15/one haunt, $25/two haunts, $35/three haunts. some provided for this all ages all inclusive event hosted by and supporting the Human Dignity Coalition and COCC GSA. We want to see you in your best costume or be your own beautiful self! Saturday, Oct. 20, 3:30pm. Cascades Indoor Sports, 20775 High Desert Lane, Bend. $5/entry (contact HDC if you need help with cost).
Texas Hold ‘em Poker Join us for Poker
Night upstairs at The Saloon! First hand dealt at 7pm, so grab a seat early! Contact: 541-549-7427 for more info. Wednesdays, 7pm. Sisters Saloon & Ranch Grill, 190 E Cascade Ave, Sisters. $20/ buy-in.
Wellness Wednesday w/ A Bushel and A Peck Join us as we celebrate the two year
anniversary of local Bend green beauty brand, A Bushel and a Peck with Aimee Berg. Come enjoy wellness cocktails and a gift with purchase. Come see why we love this brand so much and know you will to. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 4-7pm. Wren and Wild, 126 NW Minnesota, Unit B, Bend.
SENIOR EVENTS Grassroots Cribbage Club Newcomers
welcome. For info contact Sue at 541-610-3717. Mondays, 6-9pm. Round Table Clubhouse, 2940 N Hwy 97, Bend.
MEETINGS Al-Anon Family Groups 12-step group for
League of Women Voters of Deschutes County Luncheon Different speaker each
friends and families of alcoholics. Check afginfo. org or call 541-728-3707 for times and locations. Various times and locations. Central Oregon, Countywide.
month on issues important to our community. First Thursday, 11am-1pm. Black Bear Diner, 1465 NE 3rd St, Bend.
Alcoholics Anonymous If you want to
you need to quit, but can’t? Help is here. Share experience, strength, and hope with each other. Thursdays, 7-8pm. Serenity Lane Outpatient Treatment, 601 NW Harmon Blvd, Bend.
drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. Call Alcoholics Anonymous. Hotline: 541-548-0440. Or visit Various times and locations. Central Oregon, Countywide.
Bend Chamber Toastmasters Develop
and grow your public speaking and leadership skills, whether you’re an executive, stay-at-home parent, college student or retiree. Wednesdays, Noon-1pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend.
Bend “Go” Club Expand your mind playing this ancient (yet modern) board game! Beginners welcome. Contact: 541-385-9198 for more info. Wednesdays, 2-5pm. Market of Choice, 115 NW Sisemore St, Bend. Free. Celebrate Recovery Celebrate Recovery is
a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. This is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our life. Mondays, 6:30pm. Faith Christian Center, 1049 NE 11th St., Bend. | Wednesdays, 7pm. Redmond Assembly of God, 1865 W. Antler Ave., Redmond. | Thursdays, 6:30pm. High Lakes Christian Church, 52620 Day Road, La Pine. | Thursdays, 6:30pm. Westside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend. | Fridays, 7pm. Redmond Christian Church, 536 SW 10th St., Redmond. Visit for more info. Various meeting times. Central Oregon, Countywide.
Central Oregon Homebrewers Organization A fun group of people, dedicated to
improving our craft. Educational sessions, group brewing, competitions, and other beer-relat-
Marijuana Anonymous Meeting Know
Overeaters Anonymous Meeting A
fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. Contact: 541306-6844 for more info. Mondays & Thursdays, Noon-1pm. Saturdays, 9:30am-11am. United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St., Bend. | Wednesdays, 4-5pm. Redmond Senior Center, 325 NW Dogwood Ave., Redmond. Various times and locations . Central Oregon, Countywide.
Socrates Cafe Group People from different backgrounds get together and exchange thoughtful ideas and experiences while embracing the Socratic Method. Open to all. Thursdays, 6-8pm. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Spanish Club Spanish language study and conversation group. All levels welcome. Contact 541-749-2010 for more info. Thursdays, 3:305pm.. Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe, 135 NW Minnesota Ave, Bend. Free. St. Charles Rehabilitation Center Stroke Support Group This is a support
group for stroke survivors and family members. Meets the 4th Tuesday of every month. Tuesday, Oct. 23, 3-4pm. Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct, Bend. Free.
Women’s Cancer Support Group For the newly diagnosed and survivors of cancer. For info call: Judy, 541-728-0767. Thursdays, 1-3pm. Mountain Laurel Lodge, 990 SW Yates Dr, Bend. Free.
Emotions Anonymous EA provides a warm and accepting group setting in which to share experiences without fear of criticism. Through weekly support meetings, members discover they are not alone in their struggles. Meets Wednesdays at 9:30am & Thursdays at 10:30am. First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St, Bend.
KIDS’ EVENTS After School STEM Club Join Camp Fire Central Oregon’s 4th-5th after school grade STEM program, Welcome to My Laboratory! Join us for a six-week session of non-stop fun! Tuesday, Oct. 23, 4-5:15pm. Samara Learning Center, 230 NE 9th St, Bend. Free.
Animal Adventures Live animals, stories,
crafts with High Desert Museum. Ages 3+ years. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 1pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Backpack Explorers: Chicken Chatter
Mrs. Miller needs help on her homestead this week – the chickens need to be fed and the coop needs to be checked for eggs! Wednesday, Oct. 24, 10am. The High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97 Bend.
Backpack Explorers: My First Nature Journal Nature journaling helps us pay atten-
tion to our surroundings. Come with a sense of wonder and learn how to document observations about the natural world by painting pictures and preserving textures. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 10am. The High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97 Bend.
Kids Cooking Classes: Super After-School Snacks Series Children will
learn why some ingredients are better for their bodies than others, then create delicious hummus. Ages 5+. Questions: Please contact Ashley at or (218) 340-3035. Thursday, Oct. 18 & 25, 4-5pm. Pure Joy Kitchen, 519 NW Colorado Ave. Bend. $20/class.
Kids Early Release Cooking - Laminated Doughs Flaky and buttery. Have your
child (age 7-17) join me in this hands-on class where they will learn to make laminated doughs from scratch. Items will include puff pastry and croissants. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2:30-6pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $50/child.
Kids Early Release Cooking - Macarons Parisian Macarons can be challenging but
they don’t have to be. Have your child (age 7-17) join me in this hands-on class where they will learn the techniques to make beautiful almond and chocolate Macarons. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2:30-6pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $50/child.
Big Kids Yoga This class is for older kids who want to learn more of the fundamentals of yoga through mindful games, breathing techniques, handstands and restorative poses with Deven Sisler. Wednesdays, 4-5:15pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $6/dropin, $20/4-class series.
Kids Night Out Cooking - Cupcakes
BMX Practice & Racing Does your child
Kids Taekwondo (Ages 4-6) Taekwondo is the perfect intro into this fascinating world. Classes at High Desert Martial Arts are a great way to practice discipline and focus at a young age. More information online. $50/1 class per week, $77/2 classes per week. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1:30-2:15pm. High Desert Martial Arts, 2535 NE Studio Rd. Bend.
love to ride bikes? Kids will learn bike handling skills and develop confidence on our closed track in a safe environment. Riders of all skill levels welcome. Loaner equipment available. Wednesday open practice followed by racing at 6:45pm as possible, race fee: $8. Email with questions. Mondays, 5:30-7:30pm & Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30pm. High Desert BMX, 21690 Neff Rd, Bend. $5/practice.
DIY Kids Class: Organic Pumpkin Dog Treats Children ages 6-12 will be mixing up pumpkin dog treats with Fettle’s special Green Food Powder and all organic ingredients. Visit to register. Sunday, Oct. 21, 1-2pm. Fettle Botanic Bend, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr. Ste. 120 Bend. $20.
Kids Camp: Food Kids try their hand at decorating food just like the pros. Ages 6-9 Years. Online registration is required. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2:30pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
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Mild Abandon
“You’re such a good listener.”
Who doesn’t love cupcakes? Have your child (age 7-17) join me in this hands-on class where they will learn to make and decorate their own cupcakes! Friday, Oct. 19, 6-9pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend. $30/child.
LEGO Block Party Kids + 1 gazillion LEGOs
= fun. All ages. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2:30pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Bend, OR. Free.
Little Artists Nurture your little’s developing
brain through rich sensory experiences and messy play during our drop-in class for ages 1.55 years old. Thursday, Oct. 18, 1-2pm. Creative Wellness Studio, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 130, Bend. $15.
Mindful Kids Camp: Kids Yoga + Mindfulness Join us for our fall mindfulness series! Each week we’ll explore mindfulness in a playful and hands-on way, integrating movement, storytelling, games, focusing techniques and the arts. Ages 6+. Monday, Oct. 22, 4-5pm. Wild Thing Yoga, 1441 SW Chandler, Ste 105, Bend. $55.
Monster Cupcake Wars Compete to
decorate monster cupcake creations. Ages 10-17 years. Online registration is required. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 3pm. La Pine Public Library, 16425 1st Street, La Pine. Free.
Music, Movement & Stories Movement
and stories to develop skills. Ages 3-5 years. Thursday, Oct. 18, 10:30am. La Pine Public Library, 16425 1st Street, La Pine. Free. | Thursday, Oct. 18, 11:15am. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Old Saint Francis Pumpkin Carving
Come down and carve a pumpkin alongside some fantastic professional pumpkin carvers! Price includes one pumpkin, carving kit, donuts & fresh apple cider. Costumes encouraged! All ages welcome. Sunday, Oct. 21, 11am-4pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend. $15/adv., $20/door.
Open Studio Open Studio is a space for joyful
creating for ages 3 and up. Drop your child off (5+) or stay and make alongside your child (for no extra charge). Wednesdays & Saturdays, 4:306:30pm. Creative Wellness Studio, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 130, Bend. $15.
Parenting in the Age of Digital Distraction: Helping Our Children (and Ourselves) Find Balance with Technology Stop fighting: Find balance! Join us for
an evening with Emily Cherkin, The Screentime Consultant, LLC, who has spent over 15 years working with families, schools and children across rapidly-changing digital landscapes. Free childcare available for ages 3+ with RSVP. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 6-8pm. Cascades Academy, 19860 Tumalo Reservoir Rd. Bend. Free.
Post Natal Yoga/Mama Circle Yoga for post natal moms followed by a circle. Babies welcome to join. The circle is aimed at providing you with a community of women who can support each other and develop lasting bonds in this journey of motherhood. Wednesdays & Fridays, noon. The Hive, 205 NW Franklin Ave, Bend.
Pumpkin Party Celebrate fall with stories, songs, painting and crafts. All ages. Saturday, Oct. 20, 1:30pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Bend. | Saturday, Oct. 20, 11am. Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Ln. Sunriver. Free. | Monday, Oct. 22, 10:30am. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend. Free. Pumpkin Patch at DD Ranch
Fall is in full swing and it is pumpkin season! The pumpkin patch will be open daily at the DD Ranch and every weekendthrough Halloween, including a variety of activitiesfor the whole family. Open daily: 10am-5pm. DD Ranch, 3836 NE Smith Rock Way, Terrebonne. Activity prices vary.
Transitions: Mama Circle Join us for free, non-judgmental support. Share your concerns, questions, joys, challenges, experiences, and practical tips. Open to pregnant women and moms with littles. Call 541-306-8466 for more info. Wednesdays, 11am-12:30pm. babyPHASES, 759 NE Greenwood Ave #1, Bend. Free. Webfoot Paintings Carving For Kids
Webfoot Painting and MountainStar Family Relief Nursery are celebrating 10 years of Carving for Kids! Help us reach our goal of $30,000 - with all proceeds benefitting MountainStar’s child abuse prevention mission. You can buy a business logo’d pumpkin; join us on October 20 to carve your own; or donate to the campaign. Saturday, Oct. 20, 10am-5pm. Newport Avenue Market, 1121 NW Newport Ave. Bend.
Wildheart’s 8-Month Sacred Arts School of Wizardry (ages 6-10) Children
will experience the therapeutic, magical and educational aspects of nature while they become more present and joyful. Visit for more info and to register. Series begins Sunday, Oct. 21, 10am-3pm. Skyliners Lodge, 16125 Skyliners Rd. Bend. $397/tuition. $377 Early Bird though Sept. 1.
Youth Acro Fusion Program A dynamic, performance-based youth program combining hoop dance, partner acrobatics and circus yoga. Program culminates in final performance at Terpsichorean Dance Studio Annual Recital. Fridays, 4-5pm. Fridays, 4-5pm. Tula Movement Arts, 2797 NW Clearwater Dr Suite 100, Bend. $50/month.
‘Oliver!’ is at The Door
Sunriver Stars opens “Oliver!” the musical, Friday By Elizabeth Warnimont
“They looked at me and said, ‘Victoria, just do it!’” —VICTORIA KRISTY Dickens was an advocate for fair treatment of the poor and disenfranchised. At age 12, in 1824 England, his family was imprisoned after his father became unable to pay his debts. As an adult, Dickens worked as a clerk in legal courts, gaining an understanding of class bias in the legal system. Those experiences formed much of the inspiration for his best-known stories. In the musical, based on Dickens’ Oliver Twist, the young orphan (Talon Confer of La Pine as Oliver) escapes mistreatment and hunger and takes up with the iconic, charismatic
The cast of “Oliver!”
street thief, Jack, the “Artful Dodger” (played by Saydi Miller), sharing and surviving many suspenseful misadventures before settling into a stable home. Kristy has been a lover and creator of dramatic theater since she was a child, she says, starting in fourth grade when she would set out chairs on her front lawn and sell tickets to her variety show. Kristy performed with a childrens theater group in college and began directing childrens theater shortly thereafter. “Childrens theater was the majority of my career,” she says. It was after she moved to Sunriver several years ago that Kristy decided to open her own community theater. “It was 2011 when I had artist friends come
down from the Bellevue/Tacoma area. We were doing some workshops and I said, 'What I really want to do is start my own community theater.' They looked at me and said, ‘Victoria, just do it!’” Kristy contacted the American Association of Community Theatre and they sent her all the information she needed. She chose a name that reflected Sunriver’s reputation for “a vast sky of stars at night,” she says, Her son-in-law created a logo and Kristy placed an ad in the local paper. “Our first show was in 2012. It involved children because that’s what I was familiar with, but now I had my new age group, so we joined together.” The multi-generational group performed
Fri. Oct. 19- Sat. Oct. 27 The Door 56885 Enterprise Dr., Sunriver $15
By Teafly Peterson Stuart Breidenstein
Sixth Annual $20 Sale at Bright Place Gallery
There’s very little of it, but what I truly love about this show every year is that it gives artists a way to make a quick buck and work on smaller pieces or piecComing up this Saturday is the annu- es they may not typically create othal $20 art sale, where you can get an erwise, exploring and expanding their armful of art for what truly seems like a repertoire to see what pops up. If you’ve steal. Most of the art is small—not a sur- never thought about buying art or you prise because of the realize it’s not somelow prices. However, …the art is charming, thing you often do, if this year is like pretry this event. This is making perfect vious years, the art a great way to start a is charming, making additions to small art small art collection— and maybe even perfect additions to collections. make a gallery in your small art collections. The show, held Oct. 20, already has hallway of interesting, quirky gems. This more artists participating this year than event is always chock-full of them. in years past, meaning more work and more variety of work. All pieces are sold $20 Sale first-come, first-serve, and visitors are Sat., Oct. 20. 6pm-9pm Bright Place Gallery limited to five paintings at a time. If 909 SE Armour Rd., Bend you want more, you can simply go back to the end of the line. What’s especialBring cash! ly great: The artists keep all the money.
The Bremen Town Musicians. “It wasn’t too terrific,” she laughs. “Our heart was in the right place. But we had no lights, no sound, and any props or costumes we had were just things we found in our closets.” Stars was able to use SHARC for performances before the venue formally opened, but once SHARC started booking weddings and other large events, they had to start paying rent. They used funds previously set aside for workshops and childrens programs, but they began searching for a new home. “One day we met the pastors at the church in the Sunriver business park. They had just bought a building and they heard we were looking for a space. The pastors at The Door welcomed us with open arms,” Kristy says. The Stars have been performing there ever since. “Oliver!” is suitable for all ages, with parental discretion. “The show has violence,” Kristy explains. “Nancy (Ginger Emrick) gets killed. Sikes (Robert Perrine) gets shot by police. All those kids working in the poor house, only being given gruel, running around the streets stealing so they can have some food— those things were happening in Dickens’ lifetime.” Kristy hopes the special introduction by Dickens (portrayed by Frank Brocker) will help place those elements of the story in context.
Alan Zalewski
entral Oregon hosts some exceptional events over the winter months, and community theaters can provide a memorable element of entertainment for all ages. Case in point: “Oliver!” the classic Charles Dickens musical, opens Friday and continues through next Saturday at The Door in Sunriver. Sunriver Stars founder and artistic director Victoria Kristy felt audiences would enjoy learning a little about the story’s history, so she decided to write in the role of the playwright, Charles Dickens. “The scene opens with the overture. Then the vendors come out and mingle, then they all freeze and Dickens walks out in his Victorian attire and tells the audience about his life in Victorian England, and why he wrote the story to tell about child labor,” she explains.
Small pieces, like these from Stuart Breidenstein of Stuart’s of Bend, make up the $20 sale.
Redmond Tasting Room Trifecta
By Lisa Sipe
One stop: brewery, cidery, distillery + barbecue
idden in an industrial complex off Highway 97 in Redmond is a cluster of brand-new tasting rooms. Porter Brewing Co. is the only all-cask brewery in Central Oregon; Dry Fields Cider is the only cidery in Redmond; and Gompers Distillery will be Redmond’s first distillery. The Bad Boys Barbecue food truck gives visitors a way to soak up all that liquid libation.
Porter Brewing Co. Before opening Porter Brewing Co., owner and head brewer, Deven Roberts, home brewed for 10 years. He became a fan of cask ale, popular in the United Kingdom. Since his family has British roots, an all-cask brewery seemed right. Cask ale is unfiltered and unpasteurized beer conditioned and served from the cask without additional nitrogen or carbon dioxide. Wife Avara Roberts said, “Cask ale is smoother with less carbonation—you won’t feel as full. Nitro was created to simulate cask ale.” You can’t serve cask beer using standard draft beer towers, since the ale is pumped from the cask, so most places don’t have the equipment to serve them. As such, Porter’s ales are only available in the tap room. It’s also served at a slightly lower temperature because, as Avara Roberts says, “If it’s served too cold you lose some of the flavor.” Dry Fields Cider While doing humanitarian aid in South Africa, Redmond native Stephen Fields fell in love with Savanna Dry cider. Upon returning home, “dry cider was unheard of,” said Fields. “I tried to find a dry cider but couldn’t.” He tried making it and discovered he loved science, fermentation and yeast. Dry Fields Cider is made with real fruit and no added sugar. The apples come from Hood River, with other fruit from Salem. The tasting room has five house ciders and 11 guest ciders on tap. When I visited they had an experimental banana cider on tap—a first for me—and guess what? It wasn’t weird. Dry Fields Cider is only
Learn how to taste beer from local ladies in Bend’s craft beer industry. Brewers include Tonya Cornett from 10 Barrel Brewing Company, Dana Robles from Boneyard Beer and Stephanie McBride from Deschutes Brewery. Develop your tasting skills and learn to detect the subtle flavors, notes and aromas of beer. Learn what slight differences in the brewing process gives a beer its uniqueness. Sorry guys, this is a woman-only event. Tickets for sale at the Outside In store (no online sales) for $5; the money goes to Saving Grace. Women’s Beer Tasting
Thurs., Nov. 8, 6:30pm to 8:30pm, $5 845 NW Wall St., Bend 541-317-3569
Oh, sweet! How to Cook Sugar and Caramel Above, Bad Boys Barbecue has melt-in-your-mouth smoked meats with a variety of sauces. Bottom left, Stephen Fields couldn’t find dry cider so he fermented his own. Take home any cider at Dry Fields Cider in 16-ounce to-go cans. Bottom center, Gompers Distillery is using an Indiegogo campaign to open the first distillery in Redmond. Bottom right, Cask ale requires a different tap, so you can only find Porter Brewing Co. ales at the tasting room.
available in the tasting room, but you can get 16-ounce cans to go. Gompers Distillery Jackpine Court will one day house three tasting rooms, but the third, Gompers Distillery, isn’t open just yet. With support from a crowdfunding campaign, owners Michael and Jessica Hart hope to open the Prohibition-themed space by the end of the year. In true Prohibition style, the space will have a secret room, where its Indiegogo campaign backers will get to try spirit tastings and mini cocktails in privacy. Other perks for backers include first access to the founder’s club, barrel club and the opportunity to be a distiller for a day. Jessica Hart said, “The distillery is named after my Oma and Opa, both Holocaust survivors from Holland. They are the most welcoming, fun, outgoing people, and that’s what we want to embody here.” Gompers Gin, with notes of lavender and golden pear, is already available in liquor stores and restaurants throughout Oregon.
Bad Boys Barbecue Hungry visitors to Jackpine Court can fill up at the Bad Boys Barbecue food truck, located outside. “Bad to the bone” is how owners Cindy and Gary Dale describe the barbecue. When I visited they had beef brisket, pulled pork, pulled chicken and tri-tip served with curly fries, broccoli salad, cole slaw and macaroni salad as sides. With eight different barbecue sauces, you choose how much sweet and heat to add. The favorite part of my meal was the broccoli salad. The broccoli and sunflower seeds were crunchy, and the dressing and raisins added the perfect amount of sweet. The complex of tasting rooms is sure to become a hot Redmond destination. When the weather is nice, visitors can bring a pint to the grassy outdoor area and play games. Jackpine Court
611 NE Jackpine Ct., Redmond
If you watch the Great British Baking Show you know caramel has challenged many bakers in the tent. That gooey goodness is sensitive to moisture and heat, so what works one day might not work on another. Learn how to conquer sugar and caramel from a chef classically trained in baking in pastry, Michele Morris. You’ll be guided through the science of sugar and learn how to successfully cook sugar and caramel to make an assortment of sweet things at Kindred Creative Kitchen. Sugar and Caramel
Fri., Oct. 26, 5:30pm to 8:30pm, $50 2525 NE Twin Knolls Dr., Ste. 2, Bend 541-640-0350
Meet Your Farmer Dinner
At a four-course dinner at Mother's Downtown Kitchen, prepared by Chef Renee Raymond, you can meet the farmer behind the vegetables, Tyler Zajac of Zajac Farms. Zajac Farms is a small, diversified organic vegetable farm. Highlights from the menu include pan-seared halibut over parsnip puree and braised greens finished with grilled lemon, saffron and crispy leeks, and warm autumn persimmon crumble á la mode with a caramel drizzle. You don’t see persimmons often enough on a menu. Tickets are available by phone or online. Meet Your Farmer Dinner at Mother's Downtown Kitchen Thurs., Oct. 18, 6 to 8pm, $55 10 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend 541-633-0674
By Lisa Sipe
Brewed by Women: A Tasting
Central Oregon’s One Stop Cannabis Super Store
Hours: M-S 8:30am-10pm Sunday 8:30am-9pm
2205 NE Division Street 541-550-7325
Enjoy a Craft Beer, Cheese & Charcuterie Pairing at Worthy Brewing on Friday 10/19.
FOOD Bake Like a Pro 3 You can bake like a pro!
This action-packed class builds on the skills learned in Bake Like a Pro 1 and 2, but can be taken separately. In this extensive 4-week class you will learn to make a variety. Monday, Oct. 22, 6-9pm. Kindred Creative Kitchen, 2525 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 2, Bend.
Brunch w/ Pancake Wagon Saturdays
and Sundays, join Pancake Wagon for brunch at JC’s! Sundays, bottomless mimosas until 3pm and NFL Sunday Ticket! Saturdays & Sundays, 9am-3pm. JC’s Bar & Grill, 642 NW Franklin Ave, Bend.
SSWC “Morning After” Brunch “What just happened?” Breakfast. We will have full service breakfast with coffee, Crater Lake Spirits Bloody Mary’s and mixed morning cocktails. Murder of Crow’s Cycling will be on hand slinging delicious beverages and tasty bites and a group ride at the end of it all. Sunday, Oct. 21, 9am1pm. The Commons, 875 NW Brooks St., Bend. VegNet Potluck Join central Oregon’s veg community at our monthly vegan potlucks! Socialize and learn about upcoming events. Please join our Facebook group “VegNet Bend Group” and Meetup group “VegNet Bend.” Third Saturday of every month. Oct. 20, 6-8pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend. “Wine Food” Book Release Join author
Dana Frank of Portland’s Bar Norman for the release of her new book, “Wine Food.” Books will be for sale along with specials and natural wine pairings. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 4pm. Jackson’s Corner Westside, 845 NW Delaware Ave. Bend.
Worthy Craft Beer, Cheese & Charcuterie Pairing Hey Bend! The holidays are
approaching and you have no idea what to serve your guests. Or, you are an avid beer enthusiast and would love to experience different varieties and what to pair them with. Either way, you’re invited to Worthy Brewing’s craft beer & artisan cheese pairing. Friday, Oct. 19, 5-6:30pm. Worthy Brewing, 495 NE Bellevue Dr., Bend. $30.
BEER & DRINK 2018 Jubelale Release Celebration As most may know beer can come in many different forms. On the night of this release we will be offering Jubelale on co2 and Nitro, as well as
featuring 100% barrel aged Super Juble. Join us at the pub for an evening filled with our amazing festive winter ale and be sure to pick up your 2018 Label artwork posters. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 5-10pm. Deschutes Brewery Public House, 1044 NW Bond St, Bend.
Boneyard Local’s Day Join us every
Wednesday for our Local’s Day at the new Boneyard Pub. $1 off all draft beer, $3 off all pitchers and $10 growler fills of our tier one beers! Wednesday, Oct. 24, 11am-10pm. Boneyard Pub, 1955 NE Division St., Bend.
Carl’s Pub Crawl Join local legend and 2008
Single Speed World Champ, Carl Michael Decker for an urban shred session in the wild streets of Bend. Retracing his routes as pizza delivery punk and knowing his intricate knowledge, guaranteed radical urbran singletrack, traffic dodging and plenty of beer stops including the new Boneyard Beer pub, Crux Fermentation Project and GoodLife Brewing. The night will finish up with some rad music at Volcanic Theatre Pub. Thursday, Oct. 18, 4-8pm. Bend Brewing Company, 1019 NW Brooks St., Bend.
Food Truck Fridays & Saturdays Flights, pints and food truck cuisine provided by rotating food trucks in our industrial brewery setting. Grab a bite, have a flight and even grab beer to go! Fridays & Saturdays. Monkless Belgian Ales, 20750 NE High Desert Ln #107, Bend.
Heard U Needed A... Beer! We’ll have live music, a huge raffle and adoptable dogs on hand! Sales from one beer (TBD) and select wine will benefit Heart U Needed A Home. Saturday, Oct. 20, 4-9pm. Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln, Ste 1, Bend. High Desert Oregon Distillers Festival
Join us for an opportunity to sample over 100 handcrafted spirits from Oregon Distillers Guild members from around the state at this annual High Desert Distillers Festival! Ages 21+ Saturday, Oct. 20, 6-9pm. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St, Bend. $35/includes 10 tokens.
Pub Run to Riverbend Brewing Join
FootZone, Cascade Relays and Salomon for a Pub Run to Riverbend Brewing! We’ll meet at FootZone and run to Riverbend, where beer and appetizers await! Strollers, friendly dogs, and all paces are welcome. Please register at Monday, Oct. 22, 5:30pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend.
MICRO The Great Pumpkin Beer Roadshow
An old fall tradition returns Photo by Elysian Brewing
642 NW Franklin , Downtown Bend @JCs_Bar_Bend
Join us
Tapping a pumpkin: The next grand autumn tradition.
t is now well into the fall season, and everyone who enjoys a good ale knows that the cooler weather means only one thing: Fresh hop ales, barrel-aged stouts, tart fruit bombs, pumpkin beers! Six years and several generations’ worth of trendy beer fads ago, pumpkin-flavored beers were one of the main catalysts that drove “normal” drinkers over to the craft side of things every fall. Spearheaded by beers including Avery’s Rumpkin, Dogfish Head’s Punkin Ale, and New York-based Southern Tier’s Pumking (which is really more Pumpkin Spice Latte than actual pumpkin, much to the chagrin of certain drinkers), the style became a huge hit around 2013 or so, even experiencing a “holiday creep” of its own as some brands began to go on sale in August. (On the local side, 10 Barrel’s Jamaican Me Pumpkin—an imperial ale aged in rum barrels—is absolutely worth tracking down a bottle of.) This mania for good gourds has simmered down in recent years, but it still has a loyal ally in Seattle’s Elysian Brewing. For the past 14 years, the large (and now InBev-owned) outfit has held the Great Pumpkin Beer Festival, most recently at the Seattle Center grounds that surround the Space Needle. It is by far the largest event of its kind, with 2018’s show featuring 80 different pumpkin ales (20 from Elysian alone), rewards for creative costumes and a massive pumpkin—we’re talking several hundred pounds—that’s hollowed out,
filled with pumpkin beer, sealed, then tapped onsite. Talk about enthusiasm. This year’s GPBF has sadly passed, but there’s no need to feel to disappointed, because Elysian is taking the show on the road. This Thursday, the Platypus Pub is hosting the brewery’s Great Pumpkin Roadshow, making a stop in Bend as it travels around Oregon and southwestern Washington. There will be a (somewhat smaller) pumpkin getting tapped there, along with eight different Elysian pumpkin ales in the more traditional metal kegs. These beers, for someone who only recalls the sickly-sweetness of Pumking, might be a breath of fresh air. The brewers at Elysian prefer to let actual pumpkin flavor take precedent over cinnamon and other spices, meaning that their flagship Night Owl pumpkin ale (brewed with 150 pounds of pumpkin in every batch) offers a measured amount of spice that doesn’t get in the way of the actual pumpkin flavor. Try it out on tap at the Platypus, along with several other pumpkin ales (including a barleywine and a milkshake IPA) that—if nothing else—are certainly going to taste suitable for the season. Elysian Brewing Great Pumpkin Roadshow Thurs., Oct. 18. 6pm Platypus Pub 1203 NE 3rd St., Bend
Thursday, October 25th for
Dinner ’ Dave’s RockinDave! with Rocktober Fest!
every year since we opened!
661 NE Greenwood Ave in Bend 541-318-8177
541.385.RIBS 2670 N Hwy 20 Near Safeway
343 NW 6th Street
541.923.BBQ1 NEW HOURS
Tuesday - Sunday, 11am - 9pm
By Kevin Gifford
Speaking to the Artist’s Heart
Three films from BendFilm that speak to the artist’s experience, and how to get them post-festival By Teafly Peterson
• Window Shades and Blinds • Home Staging and Design
The filmmaker behind “The Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin” spent 10 years following the prophetic author to make the film.
t may seem strange to tell you about films that played last weekend at BendFilm, but these three films speak deeply to the artist’s experience of commerce, inspiration and the changing role artists play in the world. Plus, you can still access them.
“We will need writers who can remember freedom. Poets. Visionaries. Realists of a larger reality.” —URSULA K. LE GUIN “The Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin,” a documentary from first-time filmmaker Arwen Curry, who spent 10 years working on the film, showcases the history and amazing work of the beloved Oregon writer who passed this year. One of the most interesting aspects of Le Guin’s work, seen in the film, was her willingness as an artist to evolve and to allow her work to evolve with her. As her perspective changed, so did her work. She talks about how important that is for artists to do, something we’re allowed to do—to evolve and change over time.
The film ends with one of Le Guin’s most prophetic talks, the one she gave at the National Book Awards. She says, “We will need writers who can remember freedom. Poets. Visionaries. Realists of a larger reality. Right now, we need writers who know the difference between a market commodity and the practice of an art.” It’s a stunning testament to a woman who fought to be taken seriously as an author, regardless of the genre, regardless of her gender— and one you can find airing on the next season of American Masters, reported to be airing next year. The second film I want you to look for in the world is “Ingrid,” about an entirely different female artist. This first feature for the artist Morissa Maltz is a portrait of an artist who has left society to be on her own. Ingrid, a German woman in her 70s residing in the rural woods of Oklahoma, is a refugee from the fashion industry who now fills her days caring for her animals, sculpting and dragging massive stones from the river up a hill, to use to make walls for her ever-expanding home. Maltz, who has previously created objects of art for Urban Outfitters, wanted to make a film about “someone who was making things to just make them. Not for any sort of profit, but just to make things.” “Ingrid
“was the result of that exploration. It’s a beautiful portrait, shot over three years, that reveals the choices artists sometimes make to satisfy their own soul, only to understand that it may never be satisfied in the end. “Mr. Fish: Cartooning from the Deep End” is probably the most important film on the subject of censorship and what that truly looks like in the 21st century. Following the editorial comic, Mr. Fish, from receiving death threats over his depiction of President Obama to finally feeling relevant again after the 2016 election, this film shows what the life of an artist can really look like, even after achieving a certain level of success. It also speaks to the importance of artists’ satire and political commentary as a vital part of our democratic process. And fortunately for you, you can still access these films, while at the same time supporting the pursuit of local talent and creativity. If you become a member of BendFilm, you can have access to the entire collection of films they’ve shown at the festival for the last 15 years. BendFilm
Congrats to the winners of this year’s BendFilm! Best of Show: "Roll Red Roll” - Director: Nancy Schwartzman Best Directing: "Fort Maria" - Directors/ Writers: S. Cagney Gentry & Thomas Southerland Best Narrative Feature: "Pet Names” Director: Carol Brandt Best Cinematography: "This Teacher” Director: Mark Jackson / Cinematography: John Barr
Best Documentary Feature: "The Rescue List” - Directors: Alyssa Fedele & Zachary Fink Best Native Feature - "The Blessing” Directors: Hunter Robert Baker & Jordan Fein Best Environmental / Outdoor Adventure Feature: "Rodents of Unusual Size” - Directors: Chris Metzler, Jeff Springer & Quinn Costello
Here are some of the highlights:
Best of the Northwest: "The Pick Up” Director: Taylor Morden Best Narrative Short: “Wale” - Director: Barnaby Blackburn Best Documentary Short: "Beneath the Ink” - Director: Cy Dodson
Follow us on Instagram @sourceweekly
500 NE Greenwood Avenue, Bend 541-678-3381
ALL ABOUT NINA: From Eva Vives, the filmmaker who bought us the absolutely heart-wrenching “Raising Victor Vargas,” comes an authentic slice of life about how to be a creative woman in modern culture. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX BAD TIMES AT THE EL ROYALE: With a cast featuring Jeff Bridges, Jon Hamm, Dakota Johnson and Chris Hemsworth and a script from the mind behind “Cabin in the Woods,” this neonoir bloodbath is for those who miss the halcyon days of “Pulp Fiction.” Even with a big letdown of an ending, “El Royale” is still a sinful amount of fun. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX COLETTE: The always welcome Keira Knightley plays Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, a country girl who heads into Paris and marries a well-known writer. When he begins passing her work off as his own, Colette proves that the will of an artist can be unbreakable. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX CRAZY RICH ASIANS: The combination of director Jon M. Chu and star Constance Wu means this light romantic comedy will be a must-see for fans of laughter and good feelings. Seriously, Constance Wu is a national treasure. See everything she does. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House EIGHTH GRADE: The feature from Bo Burnham is an honest and lovely look at the alienation of youth that will easily rank among the top 10 of the year. Movies like this don’t come around often, but when they do, it’s a beautiful sight to behold. Tin Pan Theater. FIRST MAN: Ryan Gosling and Claire Foy star in
this historical drama focused on Neil Armstrong and his part in the space race. While “First Man” has a few breathtaking space sequences, the film doesn’t soar when focused on the cliched domestic drama. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema
GOOSEBUMPS 2: HAUNTED HALLOWEEN: The Goosebumps books are a huge staple
for horror kids who haven’t discovered Stephen King yet, and this movie can function in the same way. The perfect cauldron of evil for kids who like to be scared…but not too much. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinema
crate the grounds. Surprisingly creepy, “The Nun” is another solid entry in the remarkably entertaining franchise. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
PICK OF THE LITTER: Oh gosh, look at the puppies. Wait, this whole movie is about puppies? PUPPIES THAT WILL ONE DAY LEAD THE BLIND?!?!?! I can’t even right now. Tin Pan Theater A SIMPLE FAVOR: There’s nothing simple about this mystery/dramedy from the creator of “Bridesmaids” and “Freaks and Geeks.” The final 30 minutes have more twists than a ’60s dance floor and the performances from Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively are basically flawless. A good old-fashioned time. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX SMALLFOOT: With a voice cast featuring Channing Tatum, James Corden, Common, Danny DeVito and…LeBron James, “Smallfoot” is a surprisingly touching animated adventure about acceptance and xenophobia. Surprisingly deep themes for animation. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX A STAR IS BORN: Lady Gaga and Bradley
Cooper team up to tell one of Hollywood’s oldest stories and somehow manage to keep it feeling fresh and heartrending. Gaga and Cooper are both so powerful that even when the story threatens predictability, the film never becomes anything less than mesmerizing. This will win all kinds of awards. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinemas
VENOM: Tom Hardy is one of the best actors the studios have ever talked into starring in a comic book movie—if only the film was truly worthy of his talent. There are moments of pure entertainment scattered throughout what is ultimately one of the dumbest superhero movies ever made. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Sisters Movie House, Redmond Cinemas
THE WIFE: Glenn Close and Jonathan Pryce as a well-respected couple celebrating 40 years of marriage. Here is my money, where do I sit, please? Tin Pan Theater, Sisters Movie House
THE HOUSE WITH A CLOCK IN ITS WALLS: Horror filmmaker Eli Roth takes on the young adult genre with a spooky haunted house story featuring Jack Black and Cate Blanchett. It’s basically the director of “Hostel” making an homage to the ’80s Amblin Entertainment movies like “ET” and “Poltergeist.” Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
NIGHT SCHOOL: Either you like Kevin Hart and Tiffany Haddish or you don’t, and this fitfully funny comedy won’t change your mind either way. Hart going to night school is a concept that could have born much headier fruit than this barely passable effort. Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
THE NUN: A part of the “Conjuring” Cinematic Universe,” this tells the story of a haunted Romanian nunnery and the heroes that try to re-conse-
I’ve had three nightmares about this show after each of the three episodes I’ve seen. It includes some of the most haunting images and some of the most disturbing sound design I’ve ever seen. For a fan of horror (especially deep in the middle of October), this show is a spooky, gooey, bursting and explosive gift for us all. Now streaming on Netflix.
“Pick of the Litter”
FILM SHORTS By Jared Rasic
Pulpiest Fiction The El Royale is worth checking into, mostly By Jared Rasic
Kimberley French
don’t blame “Bad Times at the El Royale” for my inflated and impossible expectations, but I’m tempted to try anyway. I’m what some may call a mega-fan of writer-director Drew Goddard, the man responsible for some of my favorite episodes of “Lost,” “Buffy” and “Alias,” as well as the deeply misunderstood “Cabin in the Woods.” When I think about the kind of creative writing I’d like to achieve in my life, Goddard and his mentor Joss Whedon are prime examples of what I’m shooting for. For months I’ve been hyped about “Bad Times at the El Royale,” with the trailers looking like a sprawling and ramshackle neo-noir penny dreadful styled like “Pulp Fiction” or “Memento.”
For two hours of its 141-minute run time, “El Royale” offers just that: a narratively experimental crime comedy filled with characters keeping secrets, non-chronological storytelling and brief but bloody explosions of violence. For two hours of its 141-minute run time, “El Royale” offers just that: a narratively experimental crime comedy filled with characters keeping secrets, non-chronological storytelling and brief but bloody explosions of violence. The smile on my face just kept getting wider as the story became an unpredictable symphony of murder and lies with bullets flying like one-liners and a wit so dry I was feeling downright parched. The story is perfect for neo-noir: It’s 1969 and four strangers (played by Jon Hamm, Jeff Bridges, Dakota Johnson and Cynthia Erivo) show up at the El Royale hotel on the border of California and Nevada. Each one of them is sketchy and hiding a dark secret, but none quite as twisted as the hidden motivations of the creepy bellboy and the mysterious hotel itself. The film is jam-packed with commentary on the dying counter-culture movement and the racist and sexist treatment of African Americans, while also
Look at that little baby goose! He’s gonna be an astronaut!
being a twist-filled thrill ride brimming with crackling dialogue and flawless performances. The problem comes with the expectations. Goddard deconstructed and reinvented the horror genre with “Cabin in the Woods,” and it seems like that’s what he’s doing with “El Royale” for most of its running time. Then comes the biggest surprise of all: an ending that feels downright conventional in comparison to what came before. The entire film feels like its building toward something truly mind-blowing, but instead it’s a predictable and somewhat safe conclusion that feels like an un-adventurous de-escalation. For a solid two hours I thought I was watching the next “Pulp Fiction,” but by the conclusion I realized I was watching one of those mid-’90s “Pulp Fiction” knock-offs like “Eight Heads in a Duffel Bag” or
“Things to Do in Denver When You’re Dead.” I’m not sure this was any fault of Goddard’s, as opposed to my unattainable hype for what he had in store for me. Either way, I left the theater deflated, realizing “El Royale” didn’t reinvent the genre or deconstruct film noir in any lasting way. Instead, it was just content to be a lark: a disposable bit of entertainment from an auteur capable of so much more.
Bad Times at the El Royale Dir. Drew Goddard Grade: B Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX
Sign up FOR THE
Whether it’s moldy cheese, limp celery or old leftovers, chances are you — and many others just like you — wasted food this week. Did you know the average American wastes 254 lbs of edible food each year? The average family of 4 spends about $1,600 a year on food they throw away. An estimated 25% of the waste in Central Oregon’s Knott Landfill in our own community is food waste! Sign up and pledge to reduce food waste today at
A project of The Environmental Center
COLD WEATHER IS HERE AND WE’VE GOT YOUR GEAR Bend’s #1 Climbing Shop & Outdoor Retailer
Bend’s #1 Climbing Shop & Outdoor Retailer
OUTSIDE EVENTS ATHLETIC 2018 Single Speed World Championship The SSWC was created in '95 by
fun-loving riders as an alternative to the ultra-competitive events popping up during heyday of cross country mountain bike racing. This “anti-racing” event is competitive—but the name of the game is having fun. The 45-mile single speed race traverses over Central Oregon terrain and has just three categories: men, women and... DFL. The event is held in a different host city every year—decided by feats of strength or battles of wits. Saturday, Oct. 20, 10am. Race location TBA. Open registration—no rider left behind.
Deschutes River 50K/25K A bold and
834 NW Colorado Ave Bend, Oregon 97703 541-388-0688
Monday - Saturday 10am-6pm Sunday 9am-5pm
Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas cutting-edge fiddle and cello explorations of Scottish and global music
beautiful 50K or 25K trail run along the Deschutes River. The races start and end at LOGE Entrada, where we’ll have food, brews and games all day. Families welcome! Saturday, Oct. 20, 8am. LOGE Entrada, 19221 SW Century Dr, Bend. Registration varies.
FootZone Noon Run Lunch hour 3-5 mile
run. Order lunch from a local taco shop and we’ll have it when you return. Wednesdays, Noon. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
FootZone’s Half Marathon Training Group Run your first or fastest half marathon,
get to know local road & trail options! Saturday, Aug. 25, 8am. FootZoneBend, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. $110.
Functional Strength Class Join FootZone and Athlete Wise Performance Coaching for a strength class designed by endurance athletes for endurance athletes. All levels and abilities welcome. Email for more info. Wednesdays, 7:15pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. $5/drop-in. Hump Day Run Celebrate getting over the
mid-week hump with runners of all paces. Typically run 3-5 miles down to the Old Mill and back. Email for more info. Wednesdays, 6pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
La Pine Loop 6HR Multisport Adventure Race Explore flowing single track,
meandering rivers and high desert forest as you race to collect all the checkpoints before time runs out! 15+ miles mountain biking, 5+ miles trail running/trekking, an orienteering course, 3+ miles class I paddling and possibly a rope challenge. Saturday, Oct. 20, 9am-4pm. LaPine State Park, 15800 State Recreation Rd, La Pine.
Mom’s Running Group All moms welcome
“Masters of Scottish Arts Concert” with
Deschutes Caledonian Pipe Band A Scottish Heart (Bend’s premier Scottish Musical Group) High Desert Scottish Dancers Professor James Knox (sings traditional Scottish songs) Piper David Brock, The Lone Piper
at Tower Theatre
November 11, 2pm Beneficiaries
with or without strollers for a 3-4.5 mile run at 8-12 minute mile paces. This is a fun and encouraging group for moms of all running levels. Rain or shine! Email for more info. Wednesdays, 9:30am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend.
Saturday Coffee Run Marla Hacker will
facilitate this group, which welcomes all paces for a 3-5 mile run on Saturdays. Email michelle@ for more info. Saturdays, 9am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
Tuesday Rise and Run Colton Gale will
lead this run. All paces are welcome; 3-5 mile routes will usually take advantage of paths in the Old Mill. Email with questions. Tuesdays, 5am. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free.
OUTDOORS BARC Bend Adventist Running Club - Weekly Run Join us for weekly Sunday
Runs! We offer community, running and walking support and fun! Sundays, 8:30am. Pine Nursery Park, 3750 NE Purcell Blvd, Bend. Free.
Bend Area Running Fraternity (BARF)
For tickets and information, visit
Join us for 3.5-mile run (options avail. for longer or shorter distances) through the Old Mill District! Stay after the run for a discounted pint
courtesy of AVID Cider. Rewards for attendance. All paces and faces welcome! Mondays, 5:30pm. AVID Cider Co, 550 SW Industrial Way, Suite 190. Bend. Free.
BMX Practice and Racing Weekly Riders of all skill levels welcome. This is a great time for beginners to come out and find out what BMX racing is all about. We have loaner equipment available. Open practice followed by racing at 6:45pm. Race fee is $8. E-mail HighdesertBMX@ with questions. Mondays, 5:307:30pm. High Desert BMX, 21690 Neff Rd, Bend. $5/practice. BOW BreakOut Join us for an evening
of inspiration and fun at Bend Outdoor Worx annual BreakOut event, the only funding event solely focused on the outdoor product industry. Companies will be vying for their share of up to $15,000 in no-strings cash grants and $100k in Business Oregon financing. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 6pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St, Bend. $25/ adults, $20/students.
Fall Colors Walk, Camp Polk Meadow Preserve Join the Deschutes Land Trust and
Martha Lussenhop on a 2-mile fall walk at Camp Polk Meadow Preserve. Visit deschuteslandtrust. org/hikes-events to register. Saturday, Oct. 20, 10am-1pm. Camp Polk Meadow Preserve, outside Sisters. Free.
Fall Raptor Migration Join East Cascades Audubon Society volunteers for the Green Ridge Raptor Survey. For details & directions visit Contact David at 541-923-6943 with questions. Saturday, Oct. 20 & Sunday, Oct. 21. Indian Ford Campground, Hwy 20 & S Pine St. Sisters. Free. International Observe the Moon Night Join us at the Hopservatory as we celebrate International Observe the Moon Night! Let’s explore the surface of our nearest celestial neighbor. Saturday, Oct. 20, 7-8pm. Worthy Brewing, 495 NE Bellevue Dr. Bend. Free.
Multi-Sport Adventures on the Oregon Desert Trail Did you know the Oregon Desert Trail is 750 miles and multi-sport? There are sections you can hike, bike, paddle, horseback ride and even ski in the winter. Register at rei. com. Tuesday, Oct. 23, 5:30pm. REI, 380 SW Powerhouse Dr. Bend, OR. Free.
REI Pass Pickup & Block Party This
year’s event will again feature Mt Bachelor pass pick up, free beer from 10 Barrel, food carts, product vendors, a free s’mores bar and more! REI staff will be offering free hot waxes for the first 25 people who show up with their skis or snowboards. Thursday, Oct. 25, 5-9pm. REI, 380 SW Powerhouse Dr., Bend. Free.
Rock ‘n River: Upper Deschutes Kayak Trip by Coalition for the Deschutes
Join the Coalition for the Deschutes (CFD) and Tumalo Creek Kayak and Canoe (TCKC) for a water-based exploration of the Upper Deschutes, from Dillon to Benham Falls and back. Meet at Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe Wednesday, Oct. 17, 9:30am-3:30pm. Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way, Bend. $65.
Salmon Walk with the Deschutes Land Trust Join the Deschutes Land Trust
and Megan Hill for a salmon walk along Spring Creek near the Metolius River. Register at Friday, Oct. 19, 10am-noon. Spring Creek, directions provided upon registration. near Camp Sherman. Free.
Summit Loop Hike with Deschutes Land Trust Join the Deschutes Land Trust and
Eva Eagle for a 7.5-mile hike along the Summit Loop Trail at Smith Rock State Park. Visit to register. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 9am-4pm. Smith Rock State Park, 9241 NE Crooked River Dr. Terrebonne.
Walk Up Pilot Butte Join JessBFit on Tuesdays for this breathtaking walk up Pilot Butte. Tuesdays, 8-9am. Pilot Butte State Park, Pilot Butte Trail, Bend. Free.
Training for Cure
Local cyclists with type 1 diabetes overcome challenges to train for a big ride By David Sword David Sword
Laura Glover models her cycling tat.
fundraising, aimed at speeding up research, is the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation. Forbes named JDRF one of its five “All-Star” charities in 2012, based on its mission and financial efficiencies. From galas to golf tournaments, to walking and running events, JDRF events happen throughout the year, all across the nation, raising millions of dollars. JDRF rides A popular outlet for fundraising and education is a series of supported bike rides. The JDRF Ride to Cure Diabetes started in 1997 when a group of volunteers from Southwest Ohio created a fundraising event in Death Valley, Calif., riding their bikes 100 miles by moonlight. After that successful endeavor, the event became a national program, which has currently raised over $47 million for research. Venues for rides now include Death Valley, La Cross, Wis., Loveland, Colo., and Santa Fe, N.M. Alyson Levine, national director for
the JDRF Ride to Cure Diabetes, says, “There are so many emotional levels that go into Ride weekend. For starters, it is crazy to say it, but Ride weekend really has nothing to do with a bike. Sure, it has everything to do with riding as many miles as you set your goal to be, but really it is about so much more. It is about the commitment made at the time of registration to fundraise and join a movement that is so much bigger than one person.” Riders range in age from 13 to 92, many of whom are complete novices. “You don’t have to be a cyclist to register for a JDRF Ride. In fact, most of our participants would say they are not—or weren’t when they first signed up,” says Levine. Rides always include mechanical support staff, food and water stops and personal coaching from USA Cycling certified coaches, so whether riders pedal 5 miles or 100, people young and old can get on a bike and complete something they may never have imagined they could do. In preparation for the Santa Fe event in late October, local cyclists, including Glover and her extended JDRF family, are out on the road, putting in the miles. “This disease makes it so much more work to ride a bike, but we are out here crushing it,” she says. “Ultimately, I want someone who never thought they could ride a century or 25 miles to read this and think, ‘If these people are doing it, I can do it.’” Junior Diabetes Research Foundation International
A Cyclist Tour/Trail/ Crawl of Bend Forget the Ale Trail, at least for a moment. Whether you’re a visitor here for the Single Speed World Championships or you’re a cyclist looking to connect with local peeps, gather your friends and prepare your bikes. The (unofficial) Bend Bike Trail is a great way to see the city, check out bikebased businesses and possibly quench your thirst. Bike shops At last count, Bend has 12 bike shops—almost as many as breweries— but who needs breweries when you can have the smell of fresh rubber tires AND beer?! Some shops offer libations as well, so it’s easier to “stop in for a visit.” The Hub Cyclery, WebCyclery and Crow’s Feet Commons (disclosure: I work there) have actual taps for visitors to sample; Project Bike also has a beer dispenser. Cheers! Abbey Bike Tools The best mechanics use the best tools, and some of the world’s finest are made right here in Bend. Jason Quade has been designing and machining cassette removing, suspension tuning, and other installation tools coveted by the recreational and pro mechanic alike. Looking for a gift for the cyclist in your life? Look no further than Abbey, where “precision is their religion.”
J. Livingston If custom, vintage and repurposed are your bicycle jam, don’t miss the chance to eye a J. Livingston at Bend Velo bike shop, where they endeavor to save the world, one bike at a time. Want a fully fendered fixie, a gear-carrying commuter or vintage steel racer? Only your imagination will keep you from finding what you like. /
Hope Technology A U.K.-based company has a distributorship right here in Bend. From four-piston hydraulic brakes and levers, to hubsets, headsets, bottom brackets and cranks, Hope produces high end components for both mountain and road bikes. Available in a myriad of anodized colors, the motto is, “We make high quality products, no sales waffle.”
(TEL) The Difference:
We know phones. They know bones. Bend: (541) 389 - 4020
By David Sword
Portland: (503) 794 - 7694
Argonaut The brain child of Ben Farver, a frame builder who preferred the feel and performance of steel, eventually turned to carbon for modern day performance. Coveted world-wide, Argonaut frames are strong, light, fast and made right here in Bend.
aura Glover, Kelsey Bennett and a group of other Central Oregon cyclists prepare for a bike ride like many do—mapping out a route, inflating tires, lubricating chains, slipping on gloves and snapping helmets tight. What sets them apart: They also have Type 1 diabetes. In addition to the usual protocols, Glover, Bennett and their friends must closely track their sleep and nutritional inputs, continuously monitor blood sugar levels and make other adjustments throughout the day, including adaptations for the type and intensity of their workouts. Life with type 1 diabetes is challenging—but that’s at least part of the motivation for the group training for a big fundraising ride later this month. The disease Type 1 diabetes—often shortened to T1D—is an autoimmune disease that happens when a person’s pancreas doesn’t produce insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar levels. “By attaching themselves to receptors, it makes it possible to absorb blood sugar into working tissue, says Endocrinologist Travis Monchamp, M.D. “T1D develops when the insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells are mistakenly destroyed by the body’s immune system,” he explains. Scientists believe the cause may have genetic and environmental origins. “Prevention trials like TrialNet at the National Institutes of Health are studying groups whose relatives have T1D in hopes of finding a cure,” says Monchamp, adding that, “currently there is no prevention strategy or known cure.” A supporting foundation A global leader in education and
Otis Craig Broker, CRS
44 Situated on 3.41 private acres with spectacular mountain views. A magnificent great room, lavish entertainer’s kitchen and five luxury suites. 12-car dream garage plus a 3-car garage, horse stalls $3,599,000 and pond.
NWX HOME WITH ADU 2656 NW Ordway Ave
Custom NWX home w/separate living quarters (ADU) above garage. Main house features great rm floor plan, spacious kitchen, wood flrs & den/office. Master & 2 beds upstairs. ADU features full kitchen, dining area, 1 bed & bath. $699,000
The Bungalows at NorthWest Crossing is a 24 unit condominium.
541.771.4824 RARE FIND IN RIVER RIM 60984 Creekstone Loop
Nestled on a large private lot w/views of Deschutes River & Mt. Bachelor. Great room w/vaulted ceilings, expansive windows & hrdwd flrs. 4 bdrm + office, master w/hidden flex room! 4/5-car garage. Fenced front and back yard. $780,000
Terry Skjersaa
Principal Broker, CRS
Jason Boone
Principal Broker, CRIS
COUNTRY PARADISE 63960 Pioneer Loop
4.67 acres w/mountain views, over 1000SF of decking! Main level master. 2nd bed, bath & loft/3rd bed upstairs. Bonus room w/private entrance. Fenced for horses. Oversized 2-car garage & $580,000 18X21 steel building
Mollie Hogan
Principal Broker, CRS
1.10 ACRE LOT IN THE PARKS 61430 Cultus Lake Ct
Rare 1.10 acre lot at The Parks at Broken Top on Bend’s westside. Gentle slope perfect for your dream home in a highly desirable neighborhood. Enjoy parks, community pool & central location to westside $465,000 amenities.
Cole Billings Broker
Skjersaa Group | Duke Warner Realty 1033 NW Newport Ave. Bend, OR 97703
OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 10am-2pm 61583 Range Place, Bend
$479,500 Single level 3 bed 2 bath home located at the end of a cul-de-sac in Orion Estates. Home features an open floor plan, vaulted ceilings, newer roof. Kitchen looks out at landscaped yard with wood deck. The fenced .52 acre lot has attached 2 car garage, and an additional heated 24x28’ shop with two roll up doors.
Get noticed in our Real Estate section
19920 Granite Drive, Bend
OFFICE 541.647.1171 The Broker Network of Central Oregon, LLC. 505 NW Franklin Ave, Bend, OR 97703
$79,995 Nicely remodeled Manufactured home in Romaine Village in SW Bend. Open, bright floor plan, Tile back-splash & updated appliances in kitchen. Recently painted, updated doors, frames & windows. Master bedroom includes walk-in closet & updated bathrooms. Community center includes upgraded indoor pool. Land leased for $615/month and sewer fees $54.33/month..
26695 Horsell Rd, Bend
$1,400,00.00 2070 Sq Ft. Remodeled farm house located on 67.9 acres with 39.7 acres of COI irrigation. 1344 SqFt building for Office/Recreation/Studio. 4502 SqFt shop/RV/Toy/Boat storage & indoor gardening. With Mountain Views.
REAL ESTATE LISTINGS LIVE OFF GRID! 27492 SE TUMALO WAY PRINEVILLE $528,500 4 bed / 3 bath, 20 acres
2052 SW Helmholtz Way, Redmond
Straw-bale walls, passive solar design, Insane views. Near Prineville Reservoir. For more info. contact Angie Cox, broker (541) 213-9950. Listed by John L. Scott (541) 213-9950
$2,250,000 7.52 Acre Development parcel in SW Redmond runs along the west side’s primary transportation arterial. Property has been included in the Higher Density Overlay Zone, which permit density up to 30 units per acre for multi-family and residential.
John L. Scott Real Estate
The BEST DEALS are here: Call Mary @ Deschutes Realty 541-771-8947
Tony Levison Broker 541.977.1852
Location, location, location 124 NW DELAWARE $459,000
Perfect location for the Bend lifestyle or a vacation rental. High fenced backyard for privacy while you enjoy backyard grilling or soaking in the hot tub.
Jamie Garza Broker 541.788.0860
Andy Stearns, Broker 541-350-0322 Listed by My Lucky House
695 SW Mill View Way Suite 100 • Bend, OR •
By Nick Nayne
Principal Broker, The Broker Network, LLC
Affordable Housing a Topic in Many Election Debates A defining issue for voters and candidates
Bend wage earner who earns significantly less than the above teacher’s scenario. The seriousness of the problem is apparent when local mayoral and gubernatorial debates cover the subject. Meanwhile, many other states are taking steps to alleviate the problem. Recently, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) introduced the American Housing and Economic Mobility Act of 2018. Many cities are trying to resolve parts of this problem by providing tiny homes or affordable housing on public property for teachers and health and safety workers, easing zoning restrictions, implementing inclusionary zoning regulations and so on. I’ve been closely listening to the various candidates on what they propose to do about alleviating the problem locally. The online version of this story includes links to recent mayoral and gubernatorial debates where the candidates answer questions about what they’d do to solve the affordable housing crisis. Listen for yourself and consider it when you vote.
45 Renting just doesn’t compare to the privacy and free rein that comes with owning a home. • Make your own rules without landlord restrictions • Down Payment Assistance Available 1 • Fixed- and adjustable-rate mortgages • Qualify for tax breaks 2
Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service
1740 N.E. Cackler Lane, Bend, OR 97701 3 beds, 2 baths, 1,216 square feet, .15 acres lot Built in 1988 $235.900 Listed by Tri County Properties
2904 N.E. Rainier Drive, Bend, OR 97701 4 beds, 2.5 baths, 2,362 square feet, .1586 acres lot Built in 2018 $429,950 Listed by Pacwest Realty Group Inc.
19245 Moraine Court, Bend, OR 97702 4 beds, 6 baths, 6,800 square feet, .47 acres lot Built in 2000 $3,300,000 Listed by The Associates Realty Group
he affordable housing crisis is becoming a defining issue in political campaigns on both a national and local level. As a realtor, the affordable housing crisis is very apparent, so it’s no wonder that affordable housing is an important issue for me in our upcoming election. Currently, even the local employers paying people over $40,000 per year struggle to find employees who can afford to live in Bend. Meanwhile, builders say they can’t afford to build the needed affordable housing in most demand. People earning around $20 per hour should be able to afford a place to rent or buy. I recently heard a story of a teacher earning $50,000 per year being unable to qualify to rent a home for $1,600 per month because the landlord required earnings of three times the monthly rent—which would be $4,800. The teacher’s monthly income was $4,167. There are many stories like this from local employers who are paying decent wages. It’s become a problem filling educational, police, firefighter, health care and other necessary positions. The problem is much worse for the average
I hit it off with this guy I met on Match. com. We’ve been dating for a month and slept together twice. He said he’d delete his Match profile because things were going so well, so I deleted mine. Recently, a mutual friend told me he’d just gone on Tinder. I’m super upset, and though we didn’t have the exclusivity talk, it seemed implied. —Dumbfounded
SHINE THE SPOTLIGHT ON YOUR NONPROFIT The annual Give Guide features local nonprofits, providing readers with information about each organizations, and how they can best make important year-end donations supporting the community.
Contact us today to be part of the Gift Guide
Okay, so it seems he didn’t quite get around to mailing out the formal invitations to the funeral for his freedom. Now, the guy may be an out-and-out lying cad, cooing commitment-y things to you that he never intended to follow through on. However, it’s also possible that he was legit enthusiastic in that moment when he offered to delete Match—confusing the buzzy high of a love thing that’s brand-new with a love thing that’s really right. Neuroscientist Wolfram Schultz discovered that things that are new to us—people, relationships, pleasure-producing substances—activate our brain’s reward circuitry and its chemical messenger boy, dopamine, in a way things we’re used to do not. (That very first bite of chocolate cake is always the tastiest, most chocogasmic.) In fact, Schultz’s research suggests that “novel rewards” may be two to three times more dopamine-elevating than delishy stuff we’ve previously experienced. Basically, once we’ve tried something, even if we really, really enjoyed it the first time (hot diggity!), it becomes less motivating to us (kinda lukewarm diggity). This motivational downshift comes out of how dopamine neurons are, in a sense, fortuneteller cells; they predict how rewarding things or situations will be. Dopamine, contrary to what countless books and articles contend, is not a “pleasure chemical.” It does not generate a heroin rush-type euphoria. It’s stimulating. It drives wanting and seeking, motivating us to explore new stuff that might enhance our ability to pass on our genes. After dopamine calculates the difference between the initial high a thing gave us when it was new and its current level of more meh rewardingness, it can push us to go out and chase the initial high—seek some new provider, and then another and another: “Sure, I could have a stable adult relationship—or I could continue my groundbreaking research into The Tramp Stamps Of Tinder.” This is not an excuse for this guy’s lack of forthcomingness but a possible explanation for why he said he’d delete Match but then signed right up for Tinder. It’s also possible
the powerful human fear of regret is at play. Going exclusive with you would mean waving bye-bye to the rest of womankind. It’s possible that he and his penis feel the need for a second opinion. The problem from your end is that your wanting to go exclusive with him is the dating version of the impulse purchase. A month in, you don’t have enough information to judge his character, see whether he’s boyfriend-grade, and see whether there’s, uh, brand loyalty. You should be just starting to see who he is and reserving judgment -- much as you’d like to believe that he’s a wild dude seeking domestication, kind of like a lion knocking on the door of the zoo: “Got any vacanAmy Alkon cies, chief?”
Girl Loves Oy I’m a woman who wants a serious relationship, and a happily married friend is urging me to go on Jdate. I’m not Jewish and not interested in converting. Wouldn’t people be mad I’m on there? —Husband-Seeking Men on FarmersOnly would be understandably annoyed if I posted a profile there, as my idea of farming is keeping a houseplant alive for more than a year. But this site is called Jdate, not JewsOnly. Sure, some will be annoyed to find a nice non-Jewish girl like you there, but there are others—like atheists from Jewish backgrounds and not-very-observant Jews—who might not find it a deal breaker. Uh, that is, until they register the reality of inviting mom, dad, and bubbe over for Christmakkah. Cognitive neuroscientist Michael Gazzaniga estimates that 98 percent of our brain’s activity is subconscious—including some of our decision-making. A man seeking a relationship can have his short-term mating standards triggered without his knowing it while going through women’s profiles online. Not exactly surprisingly, evolutionary psychologists David Buss and David Schmitt find men in short-term mode are prone to lowering the bar on “their mate preference standards ... across an array of mate qualities, including personality, intelligence, and even attractiveness.” Religion is surely one of these. Recognize this risk from being on Jdate as a non-J. If you do end up dating a Jewish guy, do your best, as early as possible, to suss out whether questions like “But what religion will the children be?” would lead to his ultimately following the advice of poet Dylan, uh, Thomasenstein: “Do not go gentile into that good night.”
Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave. Suite 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail (
© 2018, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved.
ASTROLOGY By Rob Brezsny LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “There are works
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Many seekers who read horoscope columns want common-sense advice about love, career, money, and power. So I hope I don’t disappoint you by predicting that you will soon have a mystical experience or spiritual epiphany. Let me add, however, that this delightful surprise won’t merely be an entertaining diversion with no useful application. In fact, I suspect it will have the potential of inspiring good ideas about love, career, money, or power. If I had to give the next chapter of your life story a title, it might be “A Thousand Dollars’ Worth of Practical Magic.” SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): In 1962, when she was 31 years old, Sagittarian actress Rita Moreno won an Academy Award for her role in the film West Side Story. In 2018, she attended the Oscars again, sporting the same dress she’d worn for the ceremony 56 years before. I think the coming weeks will be a great time for you, too, to reprise a splashy event or two from the past. You’ll generate soul power by reconnecting with your roots. You’ll tonify and harmonize your mental health by establishing a symbolic link with your earlier self.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The Committee to Reward Unsung Good Deeds hereby acknowledges your meritorious service in the trenches of the daily routine. We praise your tireless efforts to make life less chaotic and more coherent for everyone around you. We’re grateful for the patience and poise you demonstrate as you babysit adults who act like children. And we are gratified by your capacity to keep long-term projects on track in the face of trivial diversions and petty complaints. I know it’s a lot to ask, but could you please intensify your vigilance in the next three weeks? We need your steadiness more than ever.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You need a special pep talk that’s best provided by Aquarian poet Audre Lorde. Please meditate on these four quotes by her. 1. “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation. 2. “We have been raised to fear the yes within ourselves, our deepest cravings.” 3. “You cannot use someone else’s fire. You can only use your own. To do that, you must first be willing to believe you have it.” 4. “Nothing I accept about myself can be used against me to diminish me.” 5. “The learning process is something you can literally incite, like a riot.” PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Warning: My horoscopes may interfere with your ability to rationalize your delusions; they could extinguish your enthusiasm for clichés; they might cause you to stop repressing urges that you really should express; and they may influence you to cultivate the state of awareness known as “playful wisdom.” Do you really want to risk being exposed to such lavish amounts of inner freedom? If not, you should stop reading now. But if you’re as ripe for emancipating adventures as I think you are, then get started on shedding any attitudes and influences that might dampen your urge to romp and cavort and carouse. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Humraaz is a word in the Urdu language. Its literal meaning is “secret sharer.” It refers to a confidante, a person in whom you have full trust and to whom you can confess
your core feelings. Is there such a character in your life? If so, seek him or her out for assistance in probing into the educational mysteries you have waded into. If there is no such helper you can call on, I advise you to do whatever’s necessary to attract him or her into your sphere. A collaborative quest may be the key to activating sleeping reserves of your soul wisdom.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus author Roberto Bolaño suggests that the world contains more beauty than many people realize. The full scope and intensity of this nourishing beauty “is only visible to those who love.” When he speaks of “those who love,” I suspect he means deep-feeling devotees of kindness and compassion, hard-working servants of the greater good, and free-thinking practitioners of the Golden Rule. In any case, Taurus, I believe you’re in a phase when you have the potential to see far more of the world’s beauty. For best results, supercharge your capacity to give and receive love.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Once upon a time you were walking along a sidewalk when a fairy floated by and whispered, “I’m willing to grant you three wishy-washy wishes for free. You don’t have to do any favors for me in return. But I will grant you three wonderfully wise wishes if you perform three tasks for me.” You asked the fairy, “What would those three tasks be?” She replied, “The second task is that you must hoodwink the devil into allowing you to shave his hairy legs. The third task is that you must bamboozle God into allowing you to shave his bushy beard.” You laughed and said, “What’s the first task?” The fairy touched you on the nose with her tiny wand and said, “You must believe that the best way to achieve the impossible is to attempt the absurd.”
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CANCER (June 21-July 22): You Crabs tend to be the stockpilers and hoarders of the zodiac. The world’s largest collections of antique door knobs and Chinese restaurant menus and beer cans from the 1960s belong to Cancerian accumulators. But in alignment with possibilities hinted at by current astrological omens, I recommend that you redirect this inclination so it serves you better. How? One way would be to gather supplies of precious stuff that’s really useful to you. Another way would be to assemble a batch of blessings to bestow on people and animals who provide you with support.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Chinese mythology tells us there used to be ten suns, all born from the mother goddess Xi He. Every 24 hours, she bathed her brood in the lake and placed them in a giant mulberry tree. From there, one sun glided out into the sky to begin the day while the other nine remained behind. It was a good arrangement. The week had ten days back then, and each sun got its turn to shine. But the siblings eventually grew restless with the staid rhythm. On one fateful morning, with a playful flourish, they all soared into the heavens at once. It was fun for them, but the earth grew so hot that nothing would grow. To the rescue came the archer Hou Yi. With his flawless aim, he used his arrows to shoot down nine of the suns, leaving one to provide just the right amount of light and warmth. The old tales don’t tell us, but I speculate that Hou Yi was a Leo. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You now have maximum command of a capacity that’s a great strength but also a potential liability: your piercing brainpower. To help ensure that you wield this asset in ways that empower you and don’t sabotage you, here’s advice from four wise Virgos. 1. “Thought can organize the world so well that you are no longer able to see it.” — psychotherapist Anthony de Mello 2. “Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.” —poet Mary Oliver 3. “I like to wake up each morning and not know what I think, that I may reinvent myself in some way.” —actor and writer Stephen Fry 4. “I wanted space to watch things grow.” —singer Florence Welch
Homework: Forget all you know about gratitude. Act as if it’s a new emotion you’re tuning into for the first time. Then let it rip.
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which wait, and which one does not understand for a long time,” wrote Libran author Oscar Wilde. “The reason is that they bring answers to questions which have not yet been raised; for the question often arrives a long time after the answer.” That’s the weird news, Libra. You have been waiting and waiting to understand a project that you set in motion many moons ago. It has been frustrating to give so much energy to a goal that has sometimes confused you. But here’s the good news: Soon you will finally formulate the question your project has been the answer to. And so at last you will understand it. You’ll feel vindicated, illuminated, and resolved.
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Radiant Center Bodywork
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Maya Abdominal & Uterine Therapy Creativity and Wellness New groups starting soon Walter Lee, LPC
(541) 647-0865
Menstrual, Digestive, Fertility, Postpartum & Well-Women Care
WELLNESS EVENTS Beginners Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin Designed for those who have never
taken Tai Chi or for those who have learned and forgotten. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 541797-9620 for more info. Mondays & Wednesdays, 10-11am & Mondays, 11am-noon. Finley Butte Park, 51390 Walling Lane La Pine. $35/month.
Center for Wellbeing: Reiki Reiki therapy
Community Gathering Grief comfort and
support in a group setting. All are welcome. Tuesdays, 6-8pm. Good Grief Guidance, 33 NW Louisiana Ave, Bend. Free.
Community Healing Flow A gentle flow
class by donation with all proceeds will benefit the Humane Society of Central Oregon. Fridays, 4-5:15pm. Bend Community Healing Center, 155 SW Century Dr, Suite 113, Bend.
Compassionate Communication/NVC Practice Groups Through practicing with
others, we can learn and grow using real life experiences to become more compassionate with ourselves and others. Some NVC experience necessary. Wednesdays, 4-5:30pm. Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm. Tuesdays & Wednesdays. Center for Compassionate Living, 803 SW Industrial Way #200, Bend. Free.
Free Yoga Keep your body and mind healthy
and well. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. 7:45-8:30am. Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturday. Plantae, 2115 NE Hwy 20 #107, Bend.
Iyengar Yoga for Skiers & Snowboarders Workshop Get ready for ski season with
Cascade Yoga! Remove stiffness, build stability and strength, improve balance. New students and snow dances welcome! Please RSVP: 541.788.0725. Sunday, Oct. 21, 3-6pm. Cascade Yoga, LLC, 1245 SE 3rd Street, Suite 5, Bend. $35/GA, $30/Early Bird (before 10/18).
Meditation & Relaxation Class Join us! Experience relaxing the body, mind & emotions. Meditation is equivalent to getting 2 extra hours of sleep. Through meditation, you can feel deeper inner peace, love and joy. Enjoy an amazing journey through visualization! To register, call 971-217-6576. First class by donation until Sept. Mondays, Noon-12:30pm. Bend Golf & Country Club, 61045 Country Club Dr, Bend. Men’s Yoga Have you been curious about yoga but intimidated, or just felt it wasn’t for you? This class was born out of a need for men to experience yoga with a practice designed specifically for the way men are built. Suitable for beginners and above. Wednesdays, 7pm. The Hive, 205 NW Franklin Ave, Bend. $10. Monthly Plant Spirit Meditation with Dr. Ashley Here, we will taste, smell and
explore an unidentified medicinal plant. After a guided meditation participants will share their experiences with the herb before learning about its medicinal properties. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 6:17-7:15pm. Fettle Botanic Bend, 19570 Amber Meadow Dr. Ste. 120 Bend. $10.
Morning Yoga Join Outside In every Monday morning for free all levels hatha or vinyasa yoga. No experience necessary, mats are available for use. First time students receive a $10 Outside In gift certificate. Contact: 541-317-3569, katie@ Mondays, 8:45-9:45am. OutsideIN, 845 NW Wall St, Bend. Practicing with the Seasons: Restorative & Yin Yoga, Meditation & Energy Practices for Fall Join Bre Hibbs
and Sol Alchemy for a 10-week series (dropins also welcome!) designed to bring all of our Selves, parts, systems and rhythms back into closer alignment and coherence with the season of Fall and its guiding energies, elements and
Qigong/Relaxation 5-Week Series
Learn how to use movement and mindfulness to balance/circulate and increase Qi (energy), detox to improve health. Two standing forms (Remedy Routines) and two relaxation techniques plus one form for headaches/neck/shoulder/chest or breast cancer. Register with Joyce Burk Brown, certified instructor, at 541-420-5875 or Thursdays, 5:45-7pm. 1st Choice Assisted Care, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Bend. $15/single class. $60/5-week series.
is hands on prayer focusing on the life force energy present in all creation. This energy flows through our bodies allowing us to release tension. By donation. Mondays, 1-2pm & Wedesdays, 3-4pm. First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE Ninth St. Bend.
teachings. The series - offered once per season - is a restorative and yin yoga practice that also incorporates mindfulness and meditation practices, food and herbal ‘encounters’ (sensory/ taste experiences, teas, spices, essential oils and flower essences) and energy tools from diverse traditions (e.g, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Donna Eden energy medicine, etc.). Weekly—10 Wednesdays, Sept. 19-Nov. 21. Wednesday, Sept. 19, 4pm. Sol Alchemy Temple, 2150 NE Studio Rd, #A-5, Bend. $12.95/drop-in, $100.51/10week series.
Fall Special
Single $49 / Couple $98 Gym or Classes Only $69/$118 Full Use - No set up fee - Month to Month Membership
Recovery Yoga Wherever you are on the road of recovery, this yoga class offers a safe and confidential place to explore how meditation, breath work, journaling and yoga can aid in your recovery. Thursdays, 7-8pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $8. Restore You Restorative yoga formulas taught with sandbags and an array of props to boost circulation, reduce stress/tension both physical and mental. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Sundays at 10:30am. Wed, 5pm. Sun Dog Yoga, 1245 SE 3rd St, Bend. $8/class.
Sit. Breathe. Rest. (Meditation & Yoga)
(in the Franklin Crossing building)
Begins with 10 minutes of breath work, followed by a 10-15 minute meditation and finishes with Yin and/or Yoga Nidra. Wednesdays, 7-8pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $5.
550 NW Franklin Ave. Suite #328 541-323-2322
Tai Chi w/ Grandmaster Franklin The focus is on the individual, not the group. This is the original form that is taught in the monastery. This holistic approach focuses on the entire body as well as the mental and spiritual aspects. Certified and endorsed by the Oregon Council on Aging. Contact Grandmaster Franklin at 541797-9620 for more info. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:45-10:45am. Terpsichorean Dance Studio, 1601 NW Newport Ave, Bend. $70/month, 2 classes per week.
Tuesday Performance Group Maximize your time with focused, intense efforts. All ages and abilities welcome. Sessions led by accomplished trail runner Max King. Email max@ for details. Tuesdays, 5:30pm. FootZone, 842 NW Wall St, Bend. Free. Vinyasa Yoga All level Vinyasa Flow class
set to music with a focus on linking breath and movement, building strength, & mental focus. Modifications given to all levels of students to create a playful and challenging experience. Visit for full schedule. Fridays, 11am & 12pm. Camp Victory Personal Training, 20370 Empire Ave, #C5, Bend. $10.
Vin/Yin Yoga By donation. Contact: 541-420-
1587 for more info. Mondays & Thursdays, 3pm. First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St, Bend.
Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra Community Class Talented teachers practice teaching Yin
Yoga and/or Yoga Nidra. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, 7-8pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave, Bend. $5.
Zen Discussion & Meditation A weekly lay-led Dharma discussion and meditation (zazen). Open to all. Does not meet 12/24 or or 12/31. For more info, contact Tom Wykes at 541382-6651. Mondays, 6-8:30pm. St. Helen’s Hall Trinity Episcopal, 231 NW Idaho Ave, Bend. Free.
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! ILE M US O D Y 3R on KES . A O V a t h y bags AT M N H r , od W A Y l f M a lous go DO D u R OM C T U & H a es & fab . A N S RU u n festiviti S R IRL 5 K st-race G PY po P t A a H G re W. W T W A R TE S I G RE
By Josh Jardine
Flying with Weed: Clarifications WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / OCTOBER 18, 2018 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE
anada is officially legal as of this week. Marijuana’s also legal in all three West Coast states.
As someone who flies often, and does so with cannabis on my person, the differences between how various airports deal with cannabis is striking. I often fly out of PDX with an ounce of flower, along with several low-dose edibles. I did so on a recent trip to Nashville. But flying home out of their airport, BNA, I performed my Southern airport pre-flight ritual of going through all my carry-on and checked baggage—twice—to make certain no stray buds had escaped. It may not seem like a big deal, but just a few years back, a wellknown musician I worked with was arrested at BNA for the “high crime” of having a third of a joint left over in the jeans he was wearing. The police were called, as were the TSA. He was arrested for less than a third of a gram. Of course, that was Tennessee, but what about states that have medical or recreational cannabis programs? I’ve been cautious when flying out of California, but a press release from one major airport there has set my mind at ease, even if it means some of the housekeeping staff at my favorite hotels aren’t going to be getting a fat handful of leftover flower alongside their regular cash tip when I check out. In September, the LAX website published some clarification on its cannabis policy, stating:
“While federal law prohibits the possession of marijuana (inclusive of federal airspace,) California’s passage of proposition 64, effective January 1, 2018, allows for individuals 21 years of age or older to possess up to 28.5 grams of marijuana and 8 grams of concentrated marijuana for personal consumption. In accordance with Proposition 64, the Los Angeles Airport Police Department will allow passengers to travel through LAX with up to 28.5 grams of marijuana and 8 grams of concentrated marijuana. However, passengers should be aware that marijuana laws vary state by state and they are encouraged to check the laws of the states in which they plan to travel.” Except—because it’s cannabis, so there’s always an “except”—the LA Times points out that “...Travelers can carry the legal amount of marijuana in California—up to 28.5 grams—through the airport areas that are under city supervision, that is up to pre-security checkpoints. But once you get to a Transportation Security Administration area, which is run by the U.S. government, federal regulations take effect.” The TSA added that “...its emphasis is on terrorism and threats to the public safety,” but that if a TSA officer “discovers an item that may violate federal law during screenings, the officer will refer it to local police. It’s then up to local law enforcement officials to decide what to do.” As for flying in and out of Canada… well… more on that later.
THE REC ROOM Crossword
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Committing Perjuryâ&#x20AC;?
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once.
Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at
Š Pearl Stark
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Local!
Difficulty Level
VOLUME 22â&#x20AC;&#x201A; ISSUE 42â&#x20AC;&#x201A; /â&#x20AC;&#x201A; OCTOBER 18, 2018â&#x20AC;&#x201A; /â&#x20AC;&#x201A; THE SOURCE WEEKLY
Š2017 Brendan Emmett Quigley (
By Brendan Emmett Quigley
Pearlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Puzzle
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote:
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Democracy must be something more than ______ and a ______ voting on what to have for dinner.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D;James Bovard
ACROSSâ&#x20AC;&#x201A; 1 Mary and Jesus representation 6 Industry, casually 9 Flip response? 14 Detergent powder 15 â&#x20AC;&#x153;To aâ&#x20AC;? work 16 Get hitched in the town hall, say 17 Duplicitous one 18 Crew building 20 1999 Ron Howard bomb 22 In ___ of 23 Grunts of disappointment 26 Thing that will take out California, with â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theâ&#x20AC;? 28 Punching tool 31 ESPN subject 33 Huge multitude 34 Call into question 35 Test 37 It might go against the grain 38 Last fellow in line 40 Roundabout 42 Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re removed with premium subscriptions 43 Works into shape 47 One whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s often rubbed out 48 Vietnamese holiday 49 Checkroom thing 51 Leisurely-paced, in brand names 52 ___ Walnuts (â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Sopranosâ&#x20AC;? gangster) 53 Oystersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; homes 54 Rough situation 55 Lynyrd Skynyrd drummer Artimus 57 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Easy, pal. Easy.â&#x20AC;? 61 Warm welcoming word 65 Basis for all jumping skateboard tricks 66 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Anchors Aweighâ&#x20AC;? grp. 67 Journalist Farrow 68 Foe 69 ___ Thai (rice-noodle dish) 70 Lived
DOWNâ&#x20AC;&#x201A; 1 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Austin City Limitsâ&#x20AC;? channel 2 Charged particle 3 Noteworthy period 4 Gets ready to fire 5 Fired 6 Handyman who was a Craftsman tools spokesperson 7 Phrase of agreement 8 Non-believers 9 Little giggle 10 Dominican baseball name 11 Letters for someone with 39-Down 12 Cratediggerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stash 13 Comprehend 19 No musical ability 21 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Frankly speaking,â&#x20AC;? initially 23 Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re accented in ska 24 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Beowulfâ&#x20AC;? beast 25 Sticks with 27 Some appliances 28 WikiLeaks founder 29 Sick and tired 30 Brief folk 32 Nine of diamonds 36 Activity done wearing Lululemon gear 39 See 11-Down 41 Bone-chilling cold 44 Botch 45 Indian lentil stew 46 Fixed allowance 50 Attention-getting word 52 Rapper ___ Pablo 54 Ruin 56 Cooking fat 57 Misery 58 CNN sister network 59 Cheer after a charge 60 Cape Townâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nat. 62 Unified 63 Shakespearean prince 64 Hill carpenter
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Dorothy Parker
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