Simply Good - January 2017

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Welcome Winter with Stories to Keep you Looking Up




Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one. —Brad paisley

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. —albert Einstein

…for everyday living

Simply Good Magazine invites you to join us on a journey of discovery as we connect local people and their inspirational stories to share within our community. PUBLISHER Becky Johnston, CCo CONTRIBUTORS amanda Marsh, art director Craig Light, Community outreach Megan Rochelle photography dan Welk, Click! photography ADVISORY COUNCIL Michael Carver, CCIM vice president—NaI optimum vernon delpesce, president, vedco, Inc. angela (Williams) Jackson, owner The great frame Up donald f. Lamberti, founder Casey’s Corporation Jeramy Landauer, president Landauer publishing greg McCall, owner—Clean des Moines Mike Schreurs, CEo—Strategic america

EXPLORE 06 Talk Yourself Happy… Transform your Heart By Speaking god’s promises Life In The New year… 21 Ways to Celebrate

Heidi vermeer-Quist, psy.d. Bev Wood—Simply good Connections


Holy Bible, New International version®


NIv® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. all rights reserved worldwide.

Like a Beautiful Snowflake… There is No one Quite Like you Shared by Karen Langstraat

Simply good Media LLC Urbandale, Iowa 50323 (515) 554-2700

Lighten the Mood and Brighten your day…With the Uplifting Scent of Citrus Shared by Kathryn Kinley

© 2017 Simply good Media, LLC Winter 2017



Inspiration for Everyday Living

SHINE 20 Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace and Learning the Hard Way by Shauna Niequist finding god’s goodness… In Saving Lives Through david’s Legacy Shared by Jan Rozga





Transform your Heart By Speaking god’s promises

Former cohost of The 700 Club Kristi Watts reveals the pitfalls that keep Christians from true joy and demonstrates the transformational power of speaking the words and promises of God.

How does a person bounce back after being beaten down personally, professionally, and emotionally? What impact do words, thoughts, and beliefs have in determining one’s level of happiness? Kristi Watts asked herself these questions after her marriage dissolved and she left a high-profile position as a cohost of The 700 Club. Initially excited to walk into a new season of life that she thought held the key to happiness, she soon stumbled into emotional pitfalls that left her discouraged, disappointed, and distant from God. Known as the upbeat host who was always filled with joy and laughter, she was anything but—yet she was determined to get her happy back! But how? By learning, as Kristi did, that true happiness is not simply acquired but rather cultivated. When one’s words focus on faulty perspectives, faith is quickly derailed, but by remembering God’s blessings and verbally claiming His promises, hearts change. Using biblical principles, Talk Yourself Happy illustrates the importance of relying on God to tame our tongues and train our minds, and it exposes the hidden traps that keep Christians from living lives of happiness, empowering readers with the ultimate transformation of their hearts.

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kristi  Watts  is  best known for her role as a former  co-host  on  the award-winning television program The 700 Club and  for  her  in-depth  interviews  of  authors, celebrities,  and  public figures  such  as  former Secretary  of  State  Condoleezza  Rice  and movie mogul Tyler perry.          She launched Kristi Watts  Ministries  to  provide  Bible  study tools, video blogs, and speaking engagements. Today,  Kristi  lives  in  virginia Beach, virginia with her son.


LIFE IN THE NEW YEAR… 21 Ways to Celebrate

Shared By Nancy Rothstein

After Nancy Rothstein's son, Josh, passed away unexpectedly, she was seeking a way to offer a tribute for family and friends to honor his birthday. With each passing birthday, she adds one more item to the list. On April 16, what would have been Josh's 21st birthday, true to her tradition, Nancy shared these 21 ways to celebrate life: 1. Smile. Smiling makes you and those around you feel good. If you don’t feel good, a smile can trick your brain into feeling better.

13. Re-watch your favorite funny or happy movie in your most comfortable clothes.

3. Run on the beach. If you can’t physically do this, use your imagination.

15. Go outdoors to a natural setting. Sit. Close your eyes. Listen to the world. It’s all an extension of you! Your breath connects you intrinsically to the world.

2. Eat ice cream.

4. Call someone who is ill or lonely. Listen to their story. Take the time. Tell them your story, if they ask.

5. Listen to music that touches your heart and soul.

6. Sing in the shower, or out loud if you are comfortable.

7. Visit the grave of a loved one and celebrate your continued BREATH. And tell your loved one what’s on your mind.

14. Make plans with 2 friends that you are crazy about but never see…near or far away.

16. Laugh. Do something fun or silly that evokes laughter. It has been said that laughter is God’s sunshine.

17. Place this list in an envelope and revisit it periodically to see how you are celebrating YOURSELF! If you are good to yourself, you can be much better to those around you.

8. Play with a dog.

18. Go to your heart and make all your decisions from there; and all will be well.

10. Apologize to someone you have wronged in any way.

20. Believe and feel the change you want to see and you will BE the change you envision....Yet you must know that in the end, it is LOVE’s garden you must tend.

9. Thank yourself for putting up with all the things about yourself that drive you nuts! Activate your sense of humor! 11. Take a day, or even a few hours, “off” to do something you always want to do but never take the time to do.

19. Follow the path that matters.

21. If you had to add one more to this list, what would it be?

12. Eat something you never indulge in (unless allergic!) and savor every bite….slowly. No guilt permitted! 8

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THE TROUBLE TREE… Leaving your Worries Behind

The carpenter I hired to help me restore an older home had just finished a rough first day on the job. A flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric saw quit. And now his ancient pickup truck refused to start. While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence.

On arriving, he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. When opening the door, the carpenter underwent an amazing transformation. His weary, tanned face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss. Afterward he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked the carpenter about what I had seen him do earlier.

"Oh, that's my trouble tree," he replied." I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing's for sure, troubles don't belong in the house with my wife and the children. So I just hang them on the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning I pick them up again." He paused. "Funny thing is," he smiled, "when I come out in the morning to pick 'em up, there ain't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before."

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That They Would Thirst No More

Water Our Thirsty World is a non-profit organization serving the world’s most vulnerable people groups by providing safe, affordable, water solutions—that they would thirst no more.

Todd and Marcia, both Iowa  natives,  currently reside in Iowa City with their three children.

over  the  past  decade they have  traveled  the world and encountered the  desperate  plight  experienced by millions of  people who  lack access  to  one  of  life’s most principle  needs— safe drinking water.

Founded in October of 2010 by Todd and Marcia Baldridge, the mission is to provide the world’s most vulnerable people groups’ solutions to water related problems by identifying and addressing needs though technological, educational and relational means. Organizational directors and their internationally Certified Water expert, personally survey water needs in regions they serve and then work alongside of country partners to best meet the specific water needs. WOTW is committed and passionate about impacting communities via safe potable water and inviting others to play a part in the mission. Here are just a few of the giving opportunities: • Install a well and a water treatment system in India (with sponsoring club, church or family name) • Water treatment system for a community • Livestock for widows • Garden hoes



$250 $25 $5/each

For the latest updates on water solutions, projects and testimonies from countries where they work, find Water Our Thirsty World on facebook or visit

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The Woman Who Never gave Up on Her dream

As a young girl in rural Zimbabwe, Tererai Trent lived without running water and electricity. Although she was desperate to learn, she only attended two terms of school before she was forced to marry at age 11.

In 1991, Tererai met a woman from Heifer International and told her what her greatest dream was: to move to America and get her PhD. The woman told her she should write her dreams down, so Tererai wrote them on a piece of paper, placed them in a tin box and buried them under a rock. By 1998, her dream started to come true. Tererai moved to Oklahoma with her husband and five children. Just three years later, she earned a bachelor's degree in agricultural education. In 2003, Tererai obtained her master's degree. After every achievement, Tererai returned home to Zimbabwe, unearthed her tin of dreams and checked off each goal she accomplished, one by one. When Tererai appeared on The Oprah Show in December 2009, she had just realized her greatest dream of all: a doctoral degree.

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THE WINTER WONDERLAND OF WORDS… Helping you find your own Special place In Life

Snowflakes are a unique and beautiful creation of God and so are we. Everyone wants to feel that they are important. We are looking for a place on this earth to make a difference and leave a lasting legacy.

Falling into My Place offers interesting information about our nine unique intelligences and birth order traits. It is filled with amazing stories and examples from God’s Word to help you find your own special place in life. The author uses a snowflake theme for chapters that includes: Spatial, Social and Spiritual Snowflakes. Dig deeper and find your own special talents and skills. Consider how fearfully and wonderfully you have been created. To order a copy of Falling into My Place, go to: (ISBN #9781490898759),, Hidden Treasures bookstore in Altoona, or contact the author at:

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: pamela Wilson has been a  teacher  for  thirty-six years and spent the last twenty-two years teaching first grade at des Moines Christian School.        She  has  a  master's degree in education and currently supervises student teachers  at  Simpson College in Indianola, Ia.        during the summer of  2012,  pam  taught English  in  Thailand  as part of a mission project for Capitol City Church in des Moines.         pam and her husband, gary  make  their  home in  altoona,  Iowa.  They have three grown children and four grandchildren and  enjoy  watching them  use  their  talents for the Lord.

Editor’s Note: pam’s granddaughter, Jaida Wilson, 12, lives in Texas. at the age of 10, the talented young artist drew the cover illustration for Falling Into My Place. Jaida is shown here with what pam fondly says will always be “our book.” SI Mp Ly   g oo d   | W I N T ER     2 0 1 7   | S I M pLyg o od Ma g a ZI N E . C oM  |



My son Gilbert was eight years old and had been in Cub Scouts only a short time. During one of his meetings he was handed a sheet of paper, a block of wood and four tires and told to return home and give all to "dad." That was not an easy task for Gilbert to do. Dad was not receptive to doing things with his son. But Gilbert tried. Dad read the paper and scoffed at the idea of making a pine wood derby car with his young, eager son. The block of wood remained untouched as the weeks passed. Finally, mom stepped in to see if I could figure this all out. The project began. Having no carpentry skills, I decided it would be best if I simply read the directions and let Gilbert do the work. And he did. I read aloud the measurements and the rules of what we could do. Within days his block of wood was turning into a pinewood derby car. A little lopsided, but looking great (at least through the eyes of mom).Gilbert had not seen any of the other kids’ cars and was feeling pretty proud of his "Blue Lightning," the pride that comes with knowing you did something on your own. Then the big night came. With his blue pinewood derby in his hand and pride in his heart we headed to the big race.Once there my little one's pride turned to humility. Gilbert's car was obviously the only car made entirely on his own. All the other cars were a father-son partnership, with cool paint jobs and sleek body styles made for speed. A few of the boys giggled as they looked at Gilbert's, lopsided, wobbly, unattractive vehicle. To add to the humility Gilbert was the only boy without a man at his side. A couple of the boys who were from single parent homes at least had an uncle or grandfather by their side, Gilbert had "mom." As the race began it was done in elimination fashion. You kept racing as long as you were the winner. One by one the cars raced down the finely sanded ramp. Finally it was between Gilbert and the sleekest, fastest looking car there. As the last race was about to begin, my wide eyed, shy eight-year-old asked if they could stop the race for a minute, because he wanted to pray. The race stopped. Gilbert hit his knees clutching his funny looking block of wood between his hands. With a wrinkled brow he set to converse with his Father. He prayed in earnest for a very long minute and a half. Then he stood, smile on his face and announced, "Okay, I am ready." As the crowd cheered, a boy named Tommy stood with his father as their car sped down the ramp. Gilbert stood with his Father within his heart and watched his block of wood wobble down the ramp with surprisingly great speed and rushed over the finish line a fraction of a second before Tommy's car. Gilbert leaped into the air with a loud "Thank you" as the crowd roared in approval. The Scout Master came up to Gilbert with microphone in hand and asked the obvious question, "So you prayed to win, huh, Gilbert?" To which my young son answered, "Oh, no sir. That wouldn't be fair to ask God to help you beat someone else. I just asked Him to make it so I don't cry when I lose."


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LIKE A BEAUTIFUL SNOWFLAKE… There is No one Quite Like you

Shared By Karen Langstraat director at Stonecroft Ministries, Inc.

Stonecroft is an international organization that has been helping women connect with each other, their community and God for over 77 years. We come from many different kinds of churches, but we can all agree on basic truths from the Bible. They’re the essentials that unite us. More than 15,000 Stonecroft-equipped volunteers regularly invite the women of their communities to join each other in prayer, and the advancement of this mission. One of those volunteers, Pam Wilson of Altoona, Iowa shares this story adapted from her book Falling Into My Place.

Pam says, “Let’s dig in and learn some amazing things about snowflakes. The largest snowflake ever measured was 15 inches wide by 8 inches deep and fell in Montana in 1887. Not only do snowflakes come in different sizes but also, under various conditions, they even fall to the earth in different colors. In 1885, a young man named Wilson “Snowflake” Bentley became the first person to photograph a snowflake crystal. He captured more than 5000 snowflakes during his lifetime, finding no two alike. Over 100 years later, research confirms that the old saying, ‘No Two Snowflakes Are Alike’ is probably true. Just like those lovely snowflakes that fall outside our windows, there are no two of us exactly alike. You are One of a Kind! But there is one way in which we are all alike. We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s perfect standard, resulting in separation from Himself. But God did not want anyone to be separated from Him forever, so He provided a wonderful plan. God sent His Son Jesus, who willingly came to this earth to die on the cross to pay for our sins in our place and then rose from the dead as proof that He is the Son of God. God loves us and has a unique plan for our future when we place our faith in Jesus. Whether we choose to accept this plan is the most important decision of our lives.”

Karen  Langstraat  has served on the Board of Stonecroft  Ministries and currently serves as the  Iowa  Stonecroft  Regional administrator. Stonecroft  is  a 501(c)3 non-denominational nonprofit  organization and  a member  of  the Evangelical Council for financial accountability (ECfa).         Karen  also  serves on the Board of greater Europe Mission.         With a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Wheaton College, Karen  recently  retired as  manager/teacher  of her independent music studio. She is president Elect  for  the  Indianola guild of the des Moines Metro opera as well as  Membership  Chair  of the  Indianola  Concert association.          for more information about  Stonecroft,  call (515) 961-6914 or email klang5@msn.

Editor’s Note: pam’s book, Falling Into My Place, is reviewed on page 13.

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THE HANDPRINT OF GOD… Transforming our Hearts

By Kristi Watts former Cohost of the 700 Club It was January 1, and while the world celebrated a new year, all I could think of was, I can’t believe I’m facing another year of nothing when all year I’ve been praying for something to happen. This was officially year two of life without a job. Not an easy thing when you’re a divorced single parent whose spouse bailed on you and your son years prior, pillaging all bank accounts and leaving you high and dry to fend for yourself. But it wasn’t just the no-job thing or even the “God, have you noticed my bank account is on empty?” thing. It was the “What in the world is going on in my life?” thing. And the “Where did I go wrong?” thing. I didn’t get it. I had done everything I knew to do, but I was quickly becoming heartsick and hope depleted. In the past, it was hope that had kept my engine of faith moving forward. But these days, my engine light was dim and my hope in God was sputtering to a halt. My life needed to change and I longed to be happy.…The happy moments that come in the form of God taking action in our lives. The kind of action that blesses, heals, helps, guides, loves, and restores. My book, Talk Yourself Happy is about encouraging yourself with the Word of God. But before we can expect God to transform our hearts with his endless promises, we must first make sure that we invite the One who holds our promises into our hearts, Jesus Christ. As you think about the handprint of God on your life, take this time to talk to him by asking him to come into your heart and guide you with his loving hand. Here’s a prayer you can speak out loud:

Lord, I ask you to come into my heart. I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that you are Lord. You are the Son of God and you died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead to save me, to make me new, and to give me eternal life in your everlasting love. Jesus, I ask you to forgive me for all my sins and from this day on, I commit my life to you, your Word, and your love. In Jesus name, amen.

LIGHTEN THE MOOD AND BRIGHTEN YOUR DAY… With the Uplifting Scent of Citrus

By Kathryn Kinley, LMT, NCTM, CRdp Compassionate Spirit Therapies

So many of us in the northern climates are affected by the shortened sunlight hours during the long dark winter months. It’s time to lighten the mood with essential oils of orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime and other citrus essential oils!

Kathryn  Kinley  earned degrees from Iowa State University and Buena vista University.         after  17  years  in credit management for fortune 500 companies, and  following 5  mission trips  to  a  special needs  orphanage near Montego Bay,  Jamaica,  Kathryn determined  her  calling was to be more “hands on”  in  ministering to those who hurt. In 2006 she  achieved  National Board  Certification  in Therapeutic  Massage, followed  shortly  thereafter by certification in the  use  of  therapeutic grade essential oils.          Kathryn has a thriving private practice in West des Moines, Iowa. She enjoys offering her loyal clients  the  experience of  “Transcending  to  vibrant Health.”


All the citrus oils are extremely rich in compounds such as limonoids and flavones that are among the most deeply researched plant components shown to support and maintain a strong immune system—something we all need during this frigid season! These compounds are found in the RIND of the fruit, not the pulp, so using the oil is the best way to get the nutritive benefits of citruses. Do you know that it takes about 25 lemons to create just 5 milliliters–about 85 drops–of lemon oil? That’s why just a drop or two of citrus oil in your recipes delivers a power punch of nutrition. And when paired with a healthy diet and exercise, they can also enhance weightmanagement programs! How does “Sweet and Tangy Lime Balsamic Vinaigrette” sound? “Orange Chocolate Pots” for dessert anyone? There are so many ways to enhance the flavor and nutrition of your recipes with Young Living’s Vitality® Citrus Essential Oils—from salad dressings and soups, to frostings and desserts. Visit my Compassionate Spirit Facebook page throughout January for these and other delicious recipes, and other important reasons why you need therapeutic grade citrus essential oils in your daily regimen—especially for long winter days!

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information provided here is for educational purposes only. It is not for diagnostic or prescriptive use or to be construed as instruction on how to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any condition, illness or disease. If you have a health challenge, see the health care professional of your choice.

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CITRUS FLOATING CANDLE BOWL… Infusing the air With a Sweet, fresh aroma

By Kathryn Kinley, LMT, NCTM, CRdp Compassionate Spirit Therapies Supplies:

• Glass or other non-plastic flat-shaped bowl; or large Mason jar for a more vertical look. • Decorations of your choice. I suggest lemon, orange and lime peel strips and fruit slices, cinnamon sticks, and fresh rosemary springs (all no longer than 2 inches); small pebbles or sea shells may be added on the bottom.

• 20 drops Young Living™ Orange Essential Oil

Here is an easy way to brighten your home and lighten your mood, while infusing the air with the sweet, fresh aroma of citrus:


1. Gather decorations and arrange in bowl.

2. Add witch hazel and essential oils to the bowl.

3. Fill in the remaining bowl space with water.

4. After placing your bowl where desired, top it off with the floating candles and light them to create a cozy, aromatic ambiance you and your guests can enjoy throughout the evening.

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• 10 drops Young Living™ Lemon Essential Oil

• 10 drops Young Living™ Lime Essential Oil

OR to save yourself some time and expense, just add 25+ drops of Young Living™ Citrus Fresh® Essential Oil Blend, containing orange, grapefruit, mandarin, tangerine, lemon and spearmint essential oils.

• 1 tablespoon alcohol-free witch hazel

• Water to top off glass bowl or container • Unscented floating candles






Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace & Learning the Hard Way By Shauna Niequist

The idea of bittersweet is changing the way I live, unraveling and re-weaving the way I understand life. Bittersweet is the idea that in all things there is both something broken and something beautiful, that there is a moment of lightness on even the darkest of nights, a shadow of hope in every heartbreak, and that rejoicing is no less rich even when it contains a splinter of sadness.

“It’s the practice of believing that we really do need both the bitter and the sweet, and that a life of nothing but sweetness rots both your teeth and your soul. Bitter is what makes us strong, what forces us to push through, what helps us earn the lines on our faces and the calluses on our hands. Sweet is nice enough, but bittersweet is beautiful, nuanced, full of depth and complexity. Bittersweet is courageous, gutsy, audacious, earthy. This is what I’ve come to believe about change: it’s good, in the way that childbirth is good, and heartbreak is good, and failure is good. By that I mean that it’s incredibly painful, exponentially more so if you fight it, and also that it has the potential to open you up, to open life up, to deliver you right into the palm of God’s hand, which is where you wanted to be all long, except that you were too busy pushing and pulling your life into exactly what you thought it should be. I’ve learned the hard way that change is one of God’s greatest gifts, and most useful tools. Change can push us, pull us, rebuke and remake us. It can show us who we’ve become, in the worst ways, and also in the best ways. I’ve learned that it’s not something to run away from, as though we could, and that in many cases, change is a function of God’s graciousness, not life’s cruelty. Niequist, a keen observer of life with a lyrical voice, writes with the characteristic warmth and honesty of a dear friend: always engaging, sometimes challenging, but always with a kind heart. You will find Bittersweet savory reading, indeed. Shauna says, “This is the work I’m doing now, and the work I invite you into: when life is sweet, say thank you, and celebrate. And when life is bitter, say thank you, and grow.”

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Shauna  Niequist  is  a best-selling  author  of books  including  Cold Tangerines, Bittersweet, and Bread & Wine.         Shauna grew up in Barrington, Illinois, and then  studied  English and french Literature at Westmont  College  in Santa Barbara.          She  is  married  to aaron Niequist, a pianist, songwriter and worship leader at Willow Creek Community Church.         Shauna and aaron live  in  the  suburbs  of Chicago with their sons, Henry and Mac.


MAKE RELATIONSHIPS LIKE THE PERFECT PIZZA… How to avoid a Soggy Crust on your New year’s Resolutions By alicia Economos founder and director of Wholehearted Living Ministries

As we welcome 2017, it is common to set New Year’s Resolutions. The problem with our resolutions is that we tend to focus on our behaviors, which are only symptoms of the problem.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: alicia  Economos  is  the founder and director of Wholehearted  Living and  the  Wholehearted Coaching  Certification program.          alicia is the author of three books and the   Wholehearted Bible study. She is  a sought-after speaker who is regularly featured in Simply Good magazine, sharing simple but  effective  tips  for  living wholeheartedly.         drawing  from  her twenty-plus  years  of coaching  experience, alicia shares the simple steps  to  gain  healthy  relationships with god, yourself and others.         With a fast-paced, interactive  and  often humorous  approach, she shares empowering tools  that  can  help  you  experience  peace, confidence  and  joy  in your own life.


What’s the problem? Think about it this way; what’s the common denominator in all your relationships? Whether your relationship with other people, food, your body, money and even with God, the common denominator is YOU! If you try to change anything without first dealing with your relationship with yourself, you’re not likely to succeed. It’s like a pizza; if the crust is soggy it doesn’t matter what ingredients you layer on top—it’s not going to be a great pizza. In the same way, your relationship with yourself is the crust, or the foundation upon which everything else is built. So this year, rather than thinking of mountain-sized resolutions, consider focusing on just one—your relationship with yourself. Start with just three small steps to strengthen and develop a healthier relationship with your heart. That might involve speaking up with your honest opinions or asking for what you want or need. Perhaps it will be to extend understanding and compassion for the mistakes you’ve made, or even demanding less than perfection from yourself. Regardless of how you get started, as you take good care of your relationship with yourself, you’ll discover newfound motivation—for taking better care of your health, your finances and your relationships with others. As you focus on that foundational relationship you’ll discover newfound motivation for taking better care of your health, your finances and your other relationships. Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.”

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GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE… Be the Champion you Were Meant to Be

By Kim Cosgriff We all have a Champion deep inside us. I force myself everyday to get outside my comfort zone—whether you’re winning a world title or winning at losing weight and getting healthy! I have wanted to give up more than a hundred times, but I reach deep inside and keep going. As an adult and parent, Iowa’s long winters and short summers became a challenge as eating became more of a habit than an exercise in self control. I discovered that to “get off the couch and out of the house,” I needed to find something I love and enjoyed. Raising and showing horses became my passion that led to World Championships. In November, at the American Quarter Horse Association 2016 World title competition, I showed my horse that we had named “Trump,” because as a colt his forelock had an unusual swoosh to it that resembled his namesake’s. Just before Trump and I went into the Show Pen, he was very nervous and was rearing and striking at me. I was really afraid, but I dug deep and kept going. I didn’t quit. If I had given up, I wouldn’t be 5th in the World today. Out in the Show Pen, Trump was fairly cooperative, but still full of himself. He reared up and got me in my back. Still not quitting! The same goes for Results by Kim for Weightloss. I coach Champions! With hard work and focusing on you, anything is possible. Are you ready to be the Champion in your life? For an introductory consultation, call (515) 278-8446; Check us out on Facebook: Results by Kim Cosgriff or visit www.ResultsbyKim.US. New Year, New You. Be the Champion you were meant to be!

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Kim  Cosgriff  is  the founder, CEo and Coach of  Results  by  Kim  for Weightloss, serving clients locally  in  UrbandaleWest, Johnston-grimes and ankeny.          Since 2001, Kim has guided  hundreds  to success in their weightloss journey through her unique  coaching  style of  “compassion  meets control.”          Born and raised in Johnston, Iowa where she resides  along  with  her parents, grown children and grandchildren, Kim is  a  strong  advocate  of  service  to  the  local community.


FINDING GOD’S GOODNESS… In Saving Lives Through david’s Legacy

By Jan Rozga

In a previous issue of Simply Good magazine, I shared God’s loving whisper as we faced our first Christmas without our son David, who took his life after smoking a synthetic drug called K2 in June of 2010. What follows next is David’s Legacy.

Jan Rozga lives in Indianola, Iowa, where she studied theatre arts at Simpson College.  Jan  and  her husband Mike have been married  28  years  and have two sons. daniel and david. daniel is a student at  Trinity  International University,  where  he  is preparing for a career in ministry. Rozga's oldest son, david, took his life after  smoking  K2,  on June 6, 2010—one week after  graduating  from high school.         With  a  heart  for grief ministry, Jan shares her grief-journey through Stonecroft  Ministries  and other  speaking  engagements, connecting with  hurting  families from  across  the  nation and sharing god’s power to  give  hope.  Jan  and Mike  are  griefShare leaders,  who  facilitate  support  groups  for those dealing with loss.


The shockwaves of David’s death impacted many that spring of 2010. It didn’t make sense. He’d started writing the thank you notes from his high school graduation party the week before. David was excited to start college that fall. How could this be happening? Did David plan this? No. Two days after his death, we discovered David and a few friends had smoked a synthetic drug called K2. What on earth is K2? Synthetic drugs like K2 are made to mimic illegal drugs, and the boys thought they were smoking something similar to marijuana. K2 consists of inert plant material which has been sprayed with toxic chemical compounds. K2 is sold in pretty packages, and marketed as “not for human consumption,” but everyone who buys it knows you smoke this. It’s available online and in convenience stores across the world. Side effects are devastating; suicidal thoughts/actions, hallucinations, psychotic episodes, seizures, renal failure, heart attacks and death. After David’s tragic and untimely death, the battle ahead would be painful but getting the word out was imperative. My husband Mike and I have shared our story at schools, churches, with medical personnel and law enforcement across the state. Our efforts to increase awareness and strengthen laws have taken us from the Iowa State Capital to Washington, DC, as Mike was invited to testify at two congressional hearings on synthetics. We were selected by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy as 2013 Advocates for Action; due in part to our work with Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa to successfully pass the David Mitchell Rozga Act, banning chemicals used to make dangerous synthetic drugs. Our advocacy continues. I minister to Moms across the country who have experienced the same pain, but through it all God is STILL at work in this. God is STILL good and He is STILL faithful as He uses David’s story to save lives. For more information on synthetic drugs check out the following websites: • Iowa Office of Drug Control Policy • For more encouragement check out my blog,

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SAFE WATER INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES (S.W.I.M.)… Saving Lives for god’s Kingdom

By Earl Ratcliff, president Safe Water International Ministries

Safe Water International Ministries has been building and giving away simple to use Chlorine Producing Units (CPU’s) to missionaries and others traveling to developing countries so they can leave behind a technology for locals to disinfect their own water, making it safe to drink and sharing Gods living water in hopes that some will drink.

Rich Grant a SWIM board member reported the following story after his most recent trip to India: “Preety is a 12-year-old girl from central India and is the youngest of two sisters in her hard-working family. Preety goes to school while her older sister works in a garment factory to support the family. Her dad died when she was a baby and her mom was not able to work much, becoming sick more and more often and requiring money they didn’t have for medical care and medicines. Doctors would periodically give Preety’s Mom that ‘special medicine’ to treat her distended belly; the common indicator of parasitic worms. Her family began attending a new Christian church in their neighborhood that was planted with the assistance of SWIM donors. Upon hearing of the need for water treatment, and seeing contaminated water in the microscope when demonstrated by a SWIM board member, Preety correctly diagnosed that the cause of her Mom’s ongoing disease was their neighborhood water supply. With SWIM chlorine-treated water, Preety’s Mom is now healthy and able to provide for her family. Preety, her sister, and her Mom all joined the Church and accepted Jesus Christ as God and their Savior.” In the last several months, Safe Water International Ministries has received over 300 requests for CPU’s 26

for Liberia, Haiti, India, Uganda, Kenya, and Bolivia. That's almost as many CPU’s as SWIM gave away in the previous six months. Wow and Whoa! Wow that people are learning about this simple to use tool that saves lives, but whoa—we need your help as Safe Water International Ministry sponsors. Help SWIM build, distribute and train locals by giving a donation to SWIM now. Please give! Any amount you donate today will help us meet these urgent requests. Save lives and give the gift of safe water today online at If you want to help build CPU’s, send an email to Earl Ratcliff, SWIM’s President at

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P.O. Box 543 Oskaloosa, IA 52577

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putting a HaLT to our Self-destructive Behaviors We desperately Want to Quit By Jean Holthaus, LISW, MSW pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services pella Clinic Therapist and Manager

How many times have most of us vowed “I’m done (insert your favorite unhealthy behavior), and I’m never doing it ever again,” only to find yourself doing it again? How frustrating. Yet it is the experience most of us have when attempting to replace unhealthy, self-destructive, addictive behaviors.

Jean Holthaus, LISW is a Licensed  Independent Social Worker and clinic manager  at  the  pine Rest pella Clinic.          She earned a Ba in Elementary  Education from  the  University  of Northern  Iowa  and  a Masters of Social Work from  the  University  of Iowa in 1995.

pella Clinic 2611 Washington Street pella, Iowa 50219 (641) 628-9599


Why are we so drawn to these unhealthy behaviors, and what makes them so difficult to let go of even when our heart longs to? People engage in unhealthy, addictive behaviors to deal with anxiety, self-doubt and shame. This cycle often starts in adolescence when we possess few skills to manage stress and negative emotions. We begin to feel anxious, like we don’t fit in, overwhelmed with the expectations of others or ashamed of ourselves. Because we have few skills to calm these emotions, we frantically search for something to help us feel better. Alcohol, drugs, binge eating, perfectionism and activities which are sexually arousing produce chemical changes within the body which override anxiety and soothe us. These coping strategies quickly become our “go to” because they are effective. Fast forward to adulthood and these “quick fixes” are now well entrenched patterns of managing anxiety and poor self-esteem. They are very hard to let go of…both because they have an addictive nature and because we don’t have anything to replace them with. While everyone does this, we can tend to excuse our negative self-soothing behaviors while pointing to someone else’s and saying, “How can they do something so destructive to their marriage…their family…their spiritual life?” One negative coping strategy is no better than another, but it is easy to see the self-destructive nature of other peoples’ behavior while minimizing the destructive nature of our patterns. For example, many of us have a hard time imagining why people would use arousing images and videos found on the internet when this creates such pain within a marriage. At the same time, we will excuse the Christian romance novels we read as “no big deal” even though both behaviors create unrealistic pictures of what a marital relationship is supposed to be and can cause our spouses to feel they can “never measure up.” How do we HALT these negative coping strategies? Most of us have a difficult time taking care of ourselves, and this is a large part of the problem. The events and expectations of our lives pick up speed, and we struggle to keep our head above water without letting someone whose opinion matters to us down. In the process, we become more anxious, feel more like a failure and become less aware of what we are feeling and need which increases our vulnerability to engaging in unhealthy behaviors.

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One way to slow this process down is to routinely monitor and take care of four aspects of our lives— Hunger/Hurt, Angry, Lonely, Tired—which can be remembered using the acronym HALT: HUNGRY & HURT While coordinating multiple schedules and attempting to meet the real and perceived expectations of others, it is easy to neglect our bodies physical hunger for food and emotional hunger for love and acceptance. We also tend to excuse hurts we experience as “no big deal” and push them aside without dealing with them because we don’t feel we have time. ANGRY Many of us were raised in families where anger was not allowed. This causes us to avoid acknowledging we are angry…much less deal with our anger. We push the anger down and go on as though nothing has happened. LONELY The busier we are, the greater our tendency to live isolated and alone which leaves us feeling lonely and alone in the midst of our struggles. TIRED We wake each day with more on our agenda than any one person could realistically accomplish. We get up earlier and stay up later in an attempt to meet the expectations we feel as a spouse, parent, employee and church member. The average American is chronically sleep deprived which impairs decision-making capacity similar to having consumed several alcoholic beverages. Feel like engaging in a self-destructive behavior? Use this feeling as a cue to look at HALT in your life instead of just acting on the urge. The first step in overcoming self-destructive coping strategies is attending to these four areas of our lives on a daily basis. When we are hungry, angry, lonely or tired, we need to feel better and this makes us more vulnerable to utilizing our “quick fix” unhealthy coping behaviors. Slowing down and attending to these four areas of our lives multiple times in the course of a day minimizes the risk we will become overwhelmed and turn to self-destructive patterns to handle these needs. SI Mp Ly   g oo d   | W I N T ER     2 0 1 7   | S I M pLyg o od Ma g a ZI N E . C oM  |



Is good for the Soul Sometimes Last week I took my children to a restaurant. My six-year-old son asked if he could say grace. As we bowed our heads he said, “God is good. God is great. Thank you for the food—and I would even thank you more if Mom gets us ice cream for dessert. And Liberty and justice for all! Amen!"

Along with the laughter from the other customers nearby I heard a woman remark, "That's what's wrong with this country. Kids today don't even know how to pray. Asking God for ice-cream! Why, I never!" Hearing this, my son burst into tears and asked me, "Did I do it wrong? Is God mad at me?" As I held my six-year-old and assured him that he had done a terrific job and God was certainly not mad at him, an elderly gentleman approached the table. He winked at my son and said, "I happen to know that God thought that was a great prayer." "Really?" my son asked. "Cross my heart," the man replied. Then in a theatrical whisper he added (indicating the woman whose remark had started this whole thing), "Too bad she never asks God for ice cream. A little ice cream is good for the soul sometimes." Naturally, I bought my kids ice cream at the end of the meal. My son stared at his for a moment and then did something I will remember the rest of my life. He picked up his bowl of ice cream and without a word, walked over and placed it in front of the woman. With a big smile he told her, "Here, this is for you. Ice cream is good for the soul sometimes—and my soul is good already."


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