Losing Your Identity in a Relationship
Love is all that matters in a relationship
Loving someone more than yourself is the purest feeling of love. But‌ it can make us do harmful things. The most harmful thing is to lose your identity in the process of loving someone more than yourself.
Don't Love someone to an extent where you need to lose your identity
Dangers of Losing Your Identity in a Relationship Disconnecting with yourself Loss of self-confidence Loss of interest in life Lack of love and respect for yourself Feeling of isolation
Warning Signs of a Doomed Relationship
You are no more a priority for your partner Your partner does not make any special effort to make you feel loved Even when together you don’t feel the togetherness Your partner stays busy in his own scYou constantly please your partner with Your partner ignores all that you do no outcomeshedules The ‘I’ in you is lost somewhere You start feeling insecure
Tips to Avoid Losing Your Identity in a Relationship Always be what you are Take out time for yourself Make time for your passion and interests Have your own boundaries Look for love and peace in a relationship
What to do Before Getting into a Relationship
Know yourself in and out Identify and accept your fears Understand the difference between love and power Believe that love never demands, it only suggests
How Can You Save Your Relationship Be open to genuine suggestions Don’t be rigid with your partner Understand the persona of a control freak Have an open communication with your partner
Stay in Love, Not Ignorance
Thank You! Presented by
Dr. Sapna Sharma
Relationship and Marriage Counselor
For more details, Mail us at: mail@drsapnasharma.com Or Send WhatsApp message on: 8446229088