Understanding Gaslighting in a Relationship

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Understanding Gaslighting in a Relationship


What is Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a process of manipulating or brainwashing your partner in a way to gain control over the other and make the victim question his or her true identity.

What Creates Gaslighters? No one is born is a gaslighter They are born of social learning They witness and feel the effects of power and control around them Parents, friends, family, and relatives mold them to become gaslighters

What are the Personality Traits of Gaslighters? Lack self-awareness Abusive and manipulative Lose their reasoning capacities Lack the power of self-regulation Frequent liesKeep exaggerating about themselves Highly aggressive Project a false image Keep arousing negative emotions

What are the Common Gaslighting Techniques? Countering your opinion Blocking any course of discussion Diverting your thoughts Pertaining to forget Refusing to engage

What are the Warning Signs of Gaslighting in a Relationship Your partner keeps you down all the time Try to create emotional confusion Always deny your identity and your beliefs Your partner and actions are not in alignment Try to keep you unsteady Fake praises

What is the Impact of Gaslighting

If you are the victim of gaslighting, you: Become sensitive Always stay apologizing Stay confused Keep making excuses for the behavior of your partner Fail to make simple decisions of life Acquire low self-esteem Develop anxiety disorders Lose your true identity

How to Deal with Gaslighting in a Relationship Identify the problem Create your own journal of things Pen down your thoughts and emotions Restrict yourself to react to any gaslighting technique Restrain from accepting manipulative behavior Indulge in some mindful exercises Build your confidence and emotional skills Stay in connection with a close friend or family member

Thank You! Presented by Dr. Sapna Sharma Relationship and Marriage Counselor For more details, Mail us at: mail@drsapnasharma.com Or Send WhatsApp message on: 8446229088

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