Health & Fitness at The Sporting Club San Diego

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at The Sporting Club

THE SPORTING CLUB | 8930 University Center Lane, San Diego, CA 92122 | Ph 858.552.8000 |


JUL / AUG 2014

How to Recover from a Long Weekend by Elyssa Tommer

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate Yes, yes… you probably already know this, but drink water! If you spent the weekend drinking too much alcohol or consumed way too much sugar—drink

will give your body the electrolytes that

on yourself. One of the things about

it is needing, and an extra dose of vita-

working out and eating healthy is so

min-c to boost your immune system.

that you can enjoy life! It’s about finding the balance. Reap the rewards of all of

Hit the Gym

your hard work, just don’t over do it.

double the amount of water you would

Sometimes the last thing we want to

normally drink. This will help cleanse the

do after a rough weekend and a long

Ask for Advice

body of all the toxins you took in.

Monday is go to the gym. But believe

Remember that the fitness staff here at

me, it will make you feel 10x better. Even

The Sporting Club is here for YOU. Ask

if it’s just 30 minutes. Foam roll, stretch,

us for some suggestions on healthier

push some weight around and then

options for dinners out or cocktails that

steam. You’ll be happy you did.

won’t break your calorie bank. Just

Green Juice, Coconut Water and Emergen-C Take separately or together. Make sure the green juice is as fresh as you can get it. A nice big dose of greens should

Don’t Be Hard on Yourself

help detox your system. The coconut

Unless your digging yourself into the

water should have nothing added and

ground every weekend, don’t be hard

like you, we like to party too, we may have a couple tricks up our sleeves to keep you from feeling like crap come Monday.

ELYSSA TOMMER Elyssa has been in the personal training industry since 2002. She currently is certified by National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM); she is a certified Olympic Weight Lifting Coach and holds a 200 hour Yoga Instructor certification. When she's not at the gym she is writing for her blog The Wellness Doer ( and hanging with her dogs. Elyssa can be reached at


JUL / AUG 2014


Avoiding Neck Strain by Kate Grace Are you spending long hours in front

(lengthen). You may actually feel your

specialist, Kate Grace. She & her team

of the computer or at a desk? Perhaps

triceps stretching at the very end of

will get you on the right track quickly!

you are hunched over all day working

your biceps curl. This is also the case

Good postural habits and muscle bal-

to meet a deadline, leaning over a desk

with overusing your chest muscles and

ance aren't developed overnight. But

to read, finish a last minute homework

the lack of use of the opposite back

with good posture & muscle balance

assignment, or glued to Facebook?

muscles, which then become stretched

you will have more energy & will reap

Or are you an avid exerciser, who

out and weak.

the rewards from your workouts!

places too much emphasis on chest development? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this might be the cause of your neck or back pain. This muscle pattern of tight and weak muscles that the body develops leads to postural abnormalities & pain. Individuals typically present with tightness of the upper body anterior muscles and weakness of the upper

Look in the mirror, at your fellow co-workers, friend or classmates. Do they sit or walk around with a forward head posture, rounded shoulders and an increased curvature of the upper/mid back? Are their shoulders elevated and rotated inward with the palms facing back instead of to the sides of the body?

body posterior muscles. This atypical posture produces overThe muscles of the human body work in

stress of the neck and shoulders. This

balance. When one muscle is work-

can lead to shoulder impingement,

ing, the opposite muscle is generally

neck and back pain, headaches,

relaxed. Think about your biceps for

decreased brain function and energy

example. If you are lifting a dumbbell,

levels due to restricted oxygen uptake.

your bicep has to contract (shorten)

But don’t worry. All of the above can

to lift it, while your triceps, the antag-

be reversed & pain can be eliminat-

onist or opposite muscle, has to relax

ed. Consult with our Sports medicine



Kate is a Physical Therapist and Orthopedic Physician Assistant. She owns Evolve Physical Therapy + Advanced Wellness, a successful and progressive orthopedic and sports medicine facility, that has partnered with The Sporting Club as the rehabilitation clinic for the club providing medical education.


Every 2nd Monday, 5:30pm – 6:30pm Next Screening: July 14th | Aug 11th 2014 Get a Complimentary Evaluation and discuss your concerns with our Sports Medicine Team. Sign up at the Fitness Desk on the 2nd Floor. For more information, please email Fitness Director Paul David at



JUL / AUG 2014

6 Stretches to Help with Lower Back Discomfort by Victor Valentino




QL (Quadratus Lumborum) Stretch over Stability Ball

Kneeling Lunge Position Hip Flexor Stretch

Kneeling Lunge Position Quadricep Stretch

Bottom leg forward, top leg back.

Place front leg in line with hip & Back

Same position as Hip Flexor Stretch (#2).

Reach top arm overhead, grab hand or wrist with bottom hand and gently pull. Hold 45-60 secs.

leg/foot in line with hip. Hands on knee, push hip forward, keep shoulders

Grab back foot. Hold 30-45 secs.

above hip. Hold 45-60 secs.



Active Hamstring Stretch Toe Touch Progression

Massage Table Figure 4 Glute/Piriformis Stretch

Reach above head with arms, bend

Square hip to table, bottom foot

over, reach fingers toward toes, legs

straight, keep knee of bent leg in line

straight, squeeze pad between knees,

with hip. Lean forward.

repeat. Toes Elevated AND Heels

Hold 60-90 secs.


Elevated = 10 reps each foot position.

Cat & Dog (On All Fours) Round upper back. Let lower back hang. Finish in Child’s Pose: Hold 30 secs.

VICTOR VALENTINO Victor has been a strength coach at The Sporting Club for over 22 years. He specializes in core & functional training, advanced structural & corrective alignment exercises and stretches. Certifications: Functional Movement Systems (FMS Levels 1&2), Medical Exercise specialist (American Academy of Health, Fitness & Rehab Professionals), NASM Personal Trainer Certification, West Coast Pilates Certified Instruction, Spinning Instructor (MAD DOGG Athletes). Victor can be reached at


JUL / AUG 2014




Participate in our Member Referral Raffle! Each member will get 5 entries for each referral that joins The Sporting Club during the summer. Drawing will be at our Annual Pool Party, Saturday, August 16th.



SATURDAY, AUGUST 16TH | 6-9PM Get ready for our annual pool party! Bring a friend, wear your best cowboy duds, and enjoy the ride. 1 Guest per Member. 1 Drink ticket per person. Complimentary food and wine.



JUL / AUG 2014

Chef's Corner by Randy Clark “ I designed the Avo-Fit to be a post workout recovery smoothie or a healthy meal replacement.” Chef/Café Manager


Banana Contains

Peanuts are rich in

Honey is a

Almond Milk

Contains Ome-

Potassium, helps


complex superfood

Improve muscles

gas and essential

to stabilizes blood

fats, which are

that provides direct

due to the

fats along with

sugar and blood

highly beneficial for

and efficient fuel

presence of


pressure, is an es-

the heart.

to your brain and

protein, riboflavin

nutrients where

sential electrolyte.


which is a form of Vitamin B and iron.

they are needed.

Training with Alena by Moonjung Kyung

The Sporting Club Daily Circuit

When I first started

Have You plateaued or Are you Stuck In a

working out with

Rut and Aren’t Seeing Results? Try Mixing it

Alena, my main goal

Up with our Daily Circuit program created

was to improve upper

by Elite Trainer, Chris Guerrero.

body strength. More specifically, I wanted to be able to do at least one decent pull-up by myself. In the first session where I was yet to realize the value of personal training, Alena introduced various workout movements which opened up my eyes. My workout consist of the exercises which engage multiple body parts using various equipment and machines around the gym, and that makes every session very intriguing. Also in each session she sets several challenges for me to win over, and it feels very rewarding when I achieve them.


*Calendars at the fitness desk

JUL / AUG 2014


Training with Elyssa by Maria Amiouni

Welcome to The Sporting Club

Ever since I joined the sporting club


more than a year ago the way I view exercising has changed. At

Yoga Instructor

first I just thought exercising was all about the physical aspect: getting

After finishing a Bachelor in Science

fitter, and skinnier but with Elyssa

in Alternative Medicine in Denver, she

I also learned about the mental

moved on to study at the Pacific

aspect and much more. Elyssa did

College of Oriental Medicine in San

not only make me enjoy exercising

Diego, CA. Anna is a certified

but most importantly she taught

Personal Trainer, Massage Therapist,

me a way of life that other trainers I

and Yoga Instructor. She found her

have had in the past never did. She

path to yoga in 2006 to alleviate a

gave me advice on what food to eat and not eat, and how

sore and overworked snowboarders

exercise benefits all parts of your life not just your outer body.

body... falling in love instantly with a yogic relationship that grows still to

It became a routine of mine to get up early in the morning, go exercise and continue on with my day since I joined The Sporting Club. I do not view it as a chore I have to do, but I want to do because I feel better about myself in general. Elyssa is the one to thank for that because before her I did not like exercising at all. I thought of it as only a physical thing people did to look good. Now I know that it is more than that.

this day. She has studied under Ana Forrest, Shiva Rea, The B Method, and many other amazing practitioners in Colorado, California, and abroad. Her style is detailed, progressive, and geared toward functional movement training.

Look for Anna on our class Schedule teaching Fusion Flow

Trainers Monthly Challenge



J un e

Grab pull up bar in a pronated hand position and hang as long as possible with good form/posture. In a hang position, reduce any type of movement while hanging and keep head position in a neutral cervical position to promote proper posture. Average time = 30-60 seconds

Our most popular Challenge yet!!!

Good time = 61-120 seconds

Great to see so many of you going

Great time = >121 seconds

through the June Trainers Challenge:

Monthly Total Hang Time:

Row 20,000 meters in 30 days. Watch

Males 30 Minutes | Females 22.5 Minutes

our Facebook page as we recognize those that completed the challenge

Why? To improve grip Strength Did you know that lose of grip strength is one of the first signs of Aging? Promote a great

stretch for the lats, chest, and delts. Improve posture from a reduced spinal load.


Back by popular demand:

Yonka Phyto-Marine Slimming Treatment with Seaweed • Personalized marine wrap with essential oils • Remineralizing treatment • Specific Yon-Ka contour techniques For $185 experience an 80 minute true thalassotherapy treatment, surrounding you in aromatherapy and marine therapy. Experience all the benefits from ocean seaweed including tightening, brightening and cellulite reduction. Our inclusive contouring treatment will soften and remineralize your skin with the healing properties found only in the French Brittany Coast. Come again for a series of 3 for only $450.

La Jolla Smile Design Specialists in advanced cosmetic and restorative dentistry.

Carolyn M. White DDS

Tina M. Beck DDS MS

Anne Wiseman DDS MS

Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry

Board Certified Periodontist

Board Certified Endodontist

*Complimentary consultation when you mention this ad. 8910 University Center Lane, Suite 670 San Diego, CA 92122 | Tel: 858.558.8590 |

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