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17 Residence
Breaking down pros and cons of what MSU
CONNOR WILSON Staff Reporter @Connor4Wilson
The amount of places to live on-campus at Missouri State can be overwhelming. there are six different residence halls that all full-time students can choose from.
Additionally, MSU has two apartment buildings, Monroe and Sunvilla. The university also provides housing for specific groups of students, such as Scholars House for Honors College students, and Kentwood Hall for transfer students. There is also a new residence hall, Holland House, which is under construction right now and set to open fall 2020.
Below will be a rundown of the six general residence halls to help make the decision process a bit easier.
The first is Blair-Shannon,
one of two residence halls found in the center of campus. Blair-Shannon is a two-tower building, offering suite-style living. In this suite-style building, two students share one bedroom and have a living room and bathroom to split between five other students. Blair-Shannon is one of three residence halls that has a dining hall located on its first floor.
The other residence hall in the center of campus directly across the street from Blair-Shannon is Freudenberger, or Freddy. Located beside the Plaster Student Union, it is a short walk to about anywhere on campus. “It’s a very beautiful building,” said Avery Richardson, sophomore general business major.
Richardson lived in Freddy for one semester. She warned that the elevator’s operating condition can be frustrating. “I actually got stuck in the elevator on two separate occasions,” Richardson said.
The two room layouts Freddy offers include two or three people in one large room, with a community bathroom on each hallway. Freddy compensates the smaller living space by being among the cheapest housing on campus.
Located towards the north side of campus are Hammons and Hutchens.
Unlike Blair-Shannon, these are two separate residence halls that offer very similar living situations. Both offer suite-style rooms, however students can choose between two-person and four-person rooms. Each has two people per bedroom.
Unlike Blair-Shannon, Hammons and Hutchens rooms come with a kitchenette. Garst Dining Hall is File photo by KAITLYN STRATMAN/THE STANDARD

located on the first floor between the two buildings. However, with the higher privacy and amount of amenities

comes a higher price tag. Hammons and Hutchens are among the most expensive on-campus halls. Located east of the PSU is Wells House. Wells gives students the option of a two-person room or a four-person