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House or apartment? freeimages.com/Robert Owen-Wahl

Choose the best rental experience for you
CAROLINE MUND Staff Reporter @cemund32

Sitting around a table at Starbucks, you and your future roommates begin thinking of ideas how your home for next year, how you will decorate it and all of the memories that will happen there. You can’t wait for next school year.
Looking through pamphlets, rental websites and flyers, you aren’t sure which would be the best fit for you and your roommates. Apartment and houses come with their own pros and cons.
“When we began looking for a home or an apartment, we were looking for somewhere that had a nice kitchen, enough bathrooms and then the cost and space were important too,” said sophomore organizational communication major Emily Fahrlander.
When looking into renting, there’s a handful of off-campus housing aspects that should be considered. The distance from campus, the price, the number of roommates, security, pre-furnished or not and if you have a pet, does the rental place allow it?
“For first-time renters, they need to be aware of what they’re getting into and know
what they are doing,” said Kathy Loomer, who runs Loomer Rentals.
The prices of rental houses compared to apartments are significantly different. Apartments that are on campus are typically more expensive than renting a house.
Apartments usually come with more amenities, such as a pool, gym, gated community and other services which increase the price. Often times utilities are included.
“That was 100% the main reason I stayed there,” said junior Baylea Ann Seibert, who lives in the Aspen apartments. “I did not want to get all new furniture just to live here for two years.”
Typically with houses, renters end up having to pay for furniture, utilities and possibly a washer and dryer but aren’t forced to pay for extra amenities that may not be utilized.
“Houses are better. It’s a little bit more your own and you don’t have to worry about being too loud,” said sophomore Sam Chanitz. “You get your own driveway and back yard.”
An important difference between apartments and rental houses is the security. Houses don’t come with as much security, whereas some of the apartments around campus are gated.
“My parents and my roommate’s parents wanted us to be in a gated community. That’s why they really like Aspen [apartments],” said junior public relations major Jordyn Clough.
When it comes to looking into rentals, regardless of whether they’re an apartment or a house, look around and keep an open mind to options. There’s a lot to take into account when you sign your lease. Both apartments and houses come with their own list of pros and cons, pick somewhere that will make you feel at home.