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halls FSL housing fines
housing has to offer
suite. The suite comes with a small kitchen space as well as a living room. However, Wells does not have private bathrooms. Instead, like Freddy, a community bathroom is located in each hallway.
Richardson, who now lives in Wells, said one of the best privileges of living there is the 24-hour visitation.
“You can have friends over literally when- ever,” Richardson said. “You don’t have to worry about how many hours they can stay or anything like that.”
The last residence hall offered to students on campus is Woods House. Woods has been newly renovated and is currently the only co-ed community residence hall. The building has one-person and two-person room options to choose from, with private bathrooms located in each hallway. Along with the added privacy and newer renovations, Woods is among the cheaper options at MSU.
While this serves as a few highlights and lowlights on each residence hall on campus, students seeking more detailed and thorough information can go to Missouri State’s website where room layouts, housing rates and ameni- ties are all listed out and available for each hall.

Missouri State residence halls and apartments • Monroe and Sunvilla Apartments •Scholars House, traditionally for Honors College students •Kentwood Hall •Blair-Shannon, suite-style with Blair-Shannon dining center •Freudenburger House • Hammons and Hutchens House, with Garst dining center on the first floor joining the two •Wells House •Woods House