The Standard - 2015 May 28 - Thursday

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VOL. XXIX  NO. 100  3 Sections 32 Pages P18  THURSDAY : MAY 28, 2015  


Mar asks Grace Poe: Join me


Malaysia worried by MNLF buildup


Upheld. Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago takes to the Senate floor in this file photo. Santiago said 12 senators agree with her that the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law is “essentially unconstitutional.” LINO SANTOS

Cavaliers sweep Hawks


What’s on in cinemas this week


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Palace denies Serge’s claim about ‘goodies’ By Sandy araneta and Macon Ramosaraneta

Grateful to the House. Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Teresita Deles and Rep. Rufus Rodriquez thank the congressman’s House committee on Wednesday for passing the Bangsamoro Basic Law. Danny Pata

12 senators agree: BBL against Charter By Macon R. araneta and Maricel V. Cruz

TWELVE of the 14 members of the Senate committee on constitutional amendments and revision of codes chaired by Senator Miriam Defensor Santago support the panel’s findings that the Palace-drafted Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) is unconstitutional and should be substantially revised to withstand legal scrutiny before the Supreme Court. The two members who have yet to sign Santiago’s committee report are Senators Antonio Trillanes IV and Juan Ponce Enrile. Trillanes is out of the country and has had no chance to review the report. Enrile, who is detained on corruption charges, did not sign the report because he has not studied the matter, a member of his Senate staff said. “By affixing their signatures in the committee report, senators are agreeing with the conclusion that the present BBL draft is essentially unconstitutional. I expect that more of my colleagues will adopt the same view on the Senate floor,” Santiago said. Aside from Santiago, senators who signed the report were committee vice chair Aquilino Pimentel III, acting Minority Leader Vicente Sotto III, and committee members Juan Edgardo Angara, Jinggoy Estrada, Teofisto Guingona III, Gringo Honasan, Lito Lapid, Ferdinand Marcos Jr., Cynthia Villar, Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto and Senate Majority Leader Alan Peter Cayetano. The report has been trans-

mitted to Marcos, chairman of the committee on local governments, which has been tasked o study the BBL. Santiagno’s report is one of three committee reports that will form the Senate’s position on the BBL. The two others will come from the committee on local government chaired by Marcos, and the committee on peace, unification and reconciliation headed by Guingona. Santiago said in her committee report that the BBL, in its present state, raises many insidious doubts on constitutionality. She cited the need for Congress to address numerous “constitutional infirmities.” She warned that if approved in its present form the draft BBL will be challenged in the Supreme Court over doubts about its constitutionality, particularly on issues of sovereignty, autonomy, the creation of a sub-state, and territorial integrity. “The Bangsamoro Basic Law has much merit, but its promulgation requires constitutional amendment or revision; mere legislation will not suffice, and will spark Supreme Court litigation,” said

the report. Marcos admitted that it was inevitable that any version of BBL Congress will be challenged before the Supreme Court. This is why his panel is doing its best to ensure that the BBL version they recommend will withstand any constitutional challenge, Marcos added. Due to this, his panel is doing its best to ensure the BBL version they will recommend will stand any constitutional challenge. “What we are doing and it’s not an easy process. So, why are we being rushed? There is no deadline in the law, there is no deadline in the Framework Agreement, there was no deadline anywhere but suddenly there was this June 11deadline,” Marcos said. He noted that BBL is important and complicated as it involves the lives of the people of Muslim Mindanao and the threat of war hanging over them so it is the duty of lawmakers to ensure they would pass the best version possible. Santiago’s committee conducted two public hearings before coming out with its report. The resource persons included presidential adviser on the peace process Teresita Quintos Deles, government chief negotiator Miriam Coronel Ferrer, and Moro Islamic Liberation Front leaders. Santiago, considered the foremost constitutional expert in the Senate, also sought the opinion of former Supreme Court Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban; former Justices Florentino Feliciano and Vicente Men-

doza; former UP Law Dean Merlin Magallona; and other experts. The Santiago committee findings will either be consolidated with the reports of the committee on local government and the committee on peace, unification, and reconciliation, or adopted as an individual report. Either way, it is expected to form the basis of plenary debates. The Palace hopes to pass the measure before Congress adjourns sine die on June 10. At the House of Representatives, a BBL draft perceived to be the Malacañang version has hurdled the ad hoc committee and committee on ways and means. But Santiago said the Senate is not as keen to rush approval of the BBL. Marcos has scheduled another hearing on June 3 in which local government officials within the proposed Bangsamoro territory will be invited. After committee deliberations, the bill will enter a potentially gruelling period of amendments, before being subjected to a plenary vote. “Newspapers have predicted that the report of my committee will slow down Senate proceedings on the BBL draft. If so, then the report would have served its purpose. We need to consider the BBL with caution, not with haste,” Santiago said. Guingona called for revisions in the BBL that will ensure the consistency of its provisions with the Constitution and the protection of minority communities living in the areas covered by the planned autonomous region.

THE Palace denied Wednesday that President Benigno Aquino III can use “goodies” such as pork barrel to railroad the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) in the Senate, in the same way he was believed to have done in the House of Representatives. “Well, obviously, we don’t agree with the premise because we don’t have what you formerly knew as the PDAF (Priority Development Assistance Fund) existing in the 2015 GAA (General Appropriations Act),” said Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Abigal Valte, during a press briefing in Malacanang. Valte said Malacanang is not alien to challenges including those pertaining to the BBL, after 12 senators including Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago signed a committee report stating that there should be substantial amendments to the Palacedrafted BBL. At least 12 senators have already signed the committee report drafted by Santiago stating that the BBL should be substantially revised if it is to withstand legal scrutiny before the Supreme Court. With the signatures of the majority of the 14-member Senate committee on constitutional amendments and revision of codes, Santiago transmitted the report to the committee on local government, the primary committee contemplating the BBL and chaired by Senator Ferdinand Marcos Jr. Those who signed the report were Santiago herself, Marcos, committee vice chairman Aquilino Pimentel III, acting minority leader Vicente Sotto III, and committee members Juan Edgardo Angara, Jinggoy Estrada, Teofisto Guingona III, Gringo Honasan, Lito Lapid, and Cynthia Villar. Senate ProTempore Ralph Recto and Majority Leader Alan Peter Cayetano, ex-officio members, also expressed their support for the report. “As the President said, he’s waiting for word should it be required that he meet with the senators to flesh out positions when it comes to the BBL. You know, we’ve always said that we recognize the independence of both houses of Congress, and that of course they can propose amendments to any piece of legislation that we work with them. So, at this point, we would—we look forward to the opportunity, really, to continually discuss the administration’s position on the BBL with the senators,” said Valte. Valte said that they have always been of the position, that they want the essence of autonomy preserved. “We feel that it is a viable vehicle to achieve just and lasting peace in Mindanao, and we are strongly supportive of measures that

would—or, at least, pillars— that would keep the spirit of autonomy in that particular piece of legislation,” said Valte. Valte also denied that the Aquino administration is trying to influence the Justice Department and the senators when it comes to the BBL. The Justice Department is readying the third batch of pork barrel scam cases, which could be used as leverage to senators and congressmen who have been implicated to vote for the BBL. “It’s not in the style of the administration (to influence Congress).Maybe it’s coincidental only. And you have to remember that the Department of Justice has been readying the third batch of cases for quite some time now,” said Valte. Valte said the President has always advised the Justice Department that any charges that they file should stand in court and that they should not file cases only for PR purposes. “I would not—at least, form our point of view—we would not put any malice as to the timing, and especially, remember that people have already been asking the Department of Justice to get on with the filing,” said Valte. Valte is also hoping that talks between Aquino and the senators would still push through, so that he could convince them to change their minds about rejecting the BBL “Well, you would have to ask (them) that. The senators would be in a better position to (answer) you what would change their minds, especially the ones who have been vocal about their positions on the BBL. But, as you can see with the process that we underwent with the House, it was consistent. It was really getting down and everybody rolling up their sleeves and saying: ‘This is our position; this is yours. Where do we find middle ground?’,” said Valte, when asked what would it take for the President to convince the senators to support the BBL. Valte said she was optimistic that the senators would change their minds once they are able to speak with the President face to face, but said there would be no inducement offered. “Perhaps the only inducement that you would have in mind is the ability of the region to grow once this is passed,” Valte said. Senator Ramon Revilla Jr., detained on allegations that he took kickbacks from his pork barrel, said Wednesday that Malacanang should keep its hands off the Senate. “They should stop their plan to talk to the senators. Don’t insult the intelligence of the Senate,” said Revilla, who is facing plunder charges over the P10-billion pork barrel scam. He also warned that instead of bringing peace, the BBL could bring “more chaos” to Mindanao.

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Come join me, Roxas tells Poe By Macon r. araneta

SENATOR Grace Poe on Wednesday said it was now clear that Interior Secretary Manuel Roxas II had been training his eyes on the presidency because he had asked her to team up with him.

Question hour. Senator Grace Poe, head of the Senate committee on public order and illegal drugs, questions Gerard Belimac, the Health Department’s HIV program manager, on the security of the country’s borders against illegal drugs.

Rights body chief blasts Duterte yet again By rio n. araja FORMER Commission on Human Rights chairwoman Loretta Ann Rosales on Wednesday again criticized Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte for supporting the summary killing of lawless elements. “He makes a mockery of the criminal justice system,” Rosales said in a television interview. “It’s very cynical and I think he derives a lot of pressure from seeing all of us alarmed that a high government official like him,

the highest in Davao City, can afford to talk this way and get away with murder. He is laughing at us.” Duterte had no direct involvement in the Davao Death Squad believed to be responsible for the death of criminals in the late 1980s and 1990s, but Rosales said he must be held responsible for the killings because he was the mayor at the time. “Mayor Duterte is the highest official in Davao City and he knows fully well that summary killings are ongoing,” Rosales said. “Even the police know

about the summary killings, and yet they did not do anything about it.” Rosales said it was evident that Duterte and the police allowed the vigilantes to kill suspected criminals. “That is a crime. That is a sin of omission because you have command responsibility,” she said. Earlier, Duterte admitted his links to the Davao Death Squad that was responsible for the killing of more than 1,000 people who were mostly drug dealers. The New York-based Human Rights Watch has urged

the Aquino administration to investigate the Davao Death Squad and to sanction Duterte for supporting summary executions. But Duterte on Wednesday said he had nothing to do with the summary killings in Davao and that he had never ordered the killing of suspected criminals. Rosales on Wednesday likened Duterte’s administration to that of the late President Ferdinand Marcos and speculated he would bring back the abuses of the martial law years once he was back in power.

She recalled Roxas telling her when they sometimes saw each other that their team would be better. “His intention is clearer to me now,” Poe said when she was asked if Roxas had asked her to be his running mate. “When we sometimes met, he told me it would be better if we joined forces. But as I said, it was not only the friendship. You should also share the same views on many things—and confidence in each other—before you make a decision on such [matter].” Poe made her statement even as the camp of Vice President Jejomar Binay described the Senate as a “wrecking machine” composed of people maligning their political opponents to support their presidential or vice presidential ambitions in the 2016 elections. Rico Quicho, Binay’s spokesman for political affairs, said the Senate was also “gunning for a Guinness record of having the longest inquiry in the world not in aid of legislation but in aid of political demolition.” He did not name names but he was obviously referring to Senator Antonio Trillanes IV, a member of the Blue Ribbon subcommittee inquiring into the corruption allegedly com-

mitted by Binay and his family. Meanwhile, Malacañang on Wednesday downplayed concerns about any disruption in the government services later in the year as a result of several government officials resigning to run in the 2016 elections. “There will be continuity and services will not be interrupted. There will be no disruption in the public services, Communications Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. said. Poe said that while she and Roxas had the same views on certain issues— such as continuing the fight against corruption—she had different views on other matters. She said the government had been wanting in dealing with the concerns of the needy. “As I see it, it’s not only about ridding corruption but also helping the poor. That should be the focus,” Poe said. Poe, the daughter of the late King of Philippine Movies Fernando Poe Jr., said the last time she and Roxas talked about the 2016 polls was when they accidentally met in a restaurant last week. She said Roxas talked about his desire for her to be his running mate in the coming elections, but he did not make any formal offer to her to be his vice presidential candidate. “I thought it was clear. He was ready. He is ready,” Poe said. She said Roxas was ready to run for President. She said she was still praying if she would run for a higher post, and if she did she would stay independent. Poe ran as an independent candidate in the 2013 elections, but she topped the senatorial race. With Vito Barcelo and Sandy araneta

DFA’s Del Rosario still richest Cabinet official FOREIGN Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario is still the richest member of President Benigno Aquino III’s official family, the 2014 Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN) of Cabinet members revealed. Del Rosario’s declared net worth in 2014 rose to P838.81 million, an increase of over P73 million from his 2013 net worth of P765.38 million. Education Secretary Armin Luistro still remained as the poorest Cabinet official, with a declared net worth of P471,064.46 in 2014.

Interior and Local Government Secretary Manuel Roxas II, the administration’s presumptive standard-bearer for the 2016 elections, declared a net worth of P202.08 million, down from P211.03 million in 2013. The list of SALN of Cabinet Secretaries provided by Malacanang are as follows: 1. Albert F. Del Rosario, DFA, P838,809,918.82 (P765, 379,281.02 in 2013) 2. Cesar V. Purisima, Department of Finance, P298,940,320.00 (P278,947,249 in 2013)

3. Ramon R. Jimenez Jr., Department of Tourism, P283,425,800.00 (P282,466,800 in 2013) 4. Manuel Roxas II, DILG, P202,080,452.71 (P211,027,479.88 in 2013) 5. Gregory L. Domingo, Department of Trade and Industry, P148,636,967 (P150,641,395 in 2013) 6. Jose Rene D. Almendras, Office of the Cabinet Secretary, P134,247,040.17 (P119,841,097.67 in 2013) 7. Carlos Jericho L. Petilla, Department of Energy, P122,095,110.00 (P117,095,110

in 2013) 8. Alfredo Benjamin S. Caguioa, Office of the Chief Presidential Legal Counsel, P117,175,000.00 (P120,378,000 in 2013) 9. Joseph Emilio A. Abaya, Department of Transportation and Communications, P108,115,680.13 (P112,080,897.55 in 2013) 10. Enrique T. Ona, Department of Health, P93,692,345.56 (same as 2013) 11. Proceso J. Alcala, Department of Agriculture, P91,170,935.37 (P90,772,754.10 in 2013) — Sandy araneta

Summer rain. Children enjoy the sudden downpour that created pools of water on Agham Road in Quezon City and dissipated the heat on Wednesday. Manny PalMero

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Malaysia concerned over Sulu build-up By Francisco Tuyay SHORTLY after the Malaysian government summoned Charge d’Affaires Medardo Macaraig to explain recent Aquino pronouncements about Sabah, Kuala Lumpur again expressed concern over another supposed attempt to attack Sabah amid the build-up of Tausug fighters in Sulu. “Malaysia, fearing what appeared to them an imminent security concern, called their diplomats [in Manila] to explain the reported massing of forces in Sulu,” said an informed source, claiming feared the moves may be a prelude to heightened persecution of Tausugs in Sabah. But the source said Tausug leaders have denied any plan to repeated the March 2013 incursion of 200 fighters of the Sultanate of Sulu, then led by the recently-deceased Raja Muda Agbimuddin Kiram, who landed in Lahad Datu in an attempt to assert proprietary possession of Sabah. For his part, Abraham Idjirani, secretary general of the Sultanate of Sulu, dismissed the Malaysian concern as part of a disinformation campaign. “That is only part of the political propaganda to create more controversy, especially after the Senate committee hearing last May 25,” Idjirani said. He said the supposed propaganda was meant to reduce opposition to the

BBL and erode support for the Sulu sultanate which has threatened to institute autonomy if the controversial Bangsamoro Basic Law is forced upon the Tausug people. Idjirani said Tausugs believe the BBL was only an instrument of Malaysia to subjugate the Tausug people in Basilan, Tawi-Tawi and Sulu and later abandon the Philippine claim to Sabah. He admitted that there is indeed a build-up of Tausug fighters, mostly members of the Moro National Liberation Front, in Basilan, Sulu and TawiTawi but it was only meant to prevent the Moro Islamic Liberation Front from establishing bases in Tausug territory ahead of the passage of BBL. Idjirani claimed most Moros believe that the BBL was drafted only to pave the way for the abandonment of the Philippine claim to Sabah and President Benigno Aquino III himself had to deny any such plan in an interview with the South China Morning Post of Hong Kong.

Sun and stars. Police officer

Arnold Nuval hoists a Philippine flag at the Tisa house in Luneta Park on Wednesday ahead of Flag Day on May 28, the day when the the tricolors with sun and stars was first unfurled in Imus, Cavite 117 years ago in 1898. DANNY PATA

Probers studying Army chief’s suspension By Florante S. Solmerin INVESTIGATORS of the Office of the Ombudsman are looking into the possibility of placing Army chief Lieutenant General Hernando Iriberri under preventive suspension over charges that he delayed the implementation of at least three ammunition projects, worth P97.8 million, from 2010 to 2012. “Investigators are already

looking into it. In fact, last week two graft investigators went to the headquarters of the Army to interview individuals who have knowledge about the issues,” a source from the Office of the Ombudsman confirmed to The Standard. The source said the investigators started their probe after Joavi Philippines Corporation, represented by Roperlynn Coma-

hig, filed a criminal case on May 5 against Irriberi for allegedly delaying the implementation of at least three ammunition projects it won in public bidding from 2010 to 2012. Ten days later, Comahig also filed an administrative complaint against Iriberri. The Standard has repeatedly attempted to get Iriberri’s side on the matter, but he did not respond to

telephone calls or text messages. On Monday, however, a group called Anti-Trapo Movement of the Philippines defended Iriberri and said his actions involving the three contracts were meant to protect the Army, soldiers and the public. The group’s chairman Leon Peralta said in a press release that Iriberri’s actions were justifiable because Joavi and its partners sup-

posedly failed to deliver the contracted 1,000 armored vests. The army later consummated the acquisition via an “emergency purchase” through another defense contractor Philippine International Corp. Peralta said Joavi Philippines’ subsidiary, Stone of David Tactical Equipment Corp., partnered with Serbia-based firm UM-Merkata to supply the armored vests.

Palace not relying on US alone By Sandy Araneta

Moving on. A man carries his stuff out of the Calaanan Compound in Caloocan City on Tuesday after authorities demolished his home along with hundreds of others. MANNY PALMERO

RESPONDING to criticism of its actions on its biggest foreign relations debacle, the Palace said it was not relying solely on the United States to resolve the Philippines’ maritime dispute with China over the South China Sea. “Not just the US, in particular,” Deputy Spokesperson Abigail Valte said at a Palace briefing when asked about statements that the Philippines should not rely in the US for help in protecting the country from China. “Other responsible members of the international community have affirmed the Philippines’ position in terms of our approach to resolving the dispute and to us that’s very important, that you gain global support in terms of our initiatives

and how we have chosen to resolve the dispute,” she added. In crafting Philippine policy in its dispute in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea), Valte said the government takes into consideration several factors before it arrives at a decision. “So it’s not really that we depend solely on one person or one country, but it’s a consideration of what we have, what is available to us, especially with regard to legal remedies,” said Valte, adding that the Philippines has stood on its own when it comes to the territorial disputes. “We have always stood by our own. It is, of course, welcome on our part that other responsible members of the international community have voiced their strong support for our position,” she added.

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Shortage of classrooms feared By Maricel V. Cruz and Macon Araneta AS mAny as 67,849 more classrooms are needed to accommodate 20 million students nationwide when the new school year opens on June 1, according to Rep. Antonio Tinio of ACT Teachers party-list . Apart from the chronic shortage of classrooms and books, heavy traffic and a problematic transport system would make the school opening chaotic, other groups said. the Department of Education (DepEd) is bogged down in issues and delays in the implementation of the government’s School Building Program,. tinio said government has finished building only 7,062 classrooms as of April 2015, citing documents submitted to the house Committee on Appropriations. “this means that DepEd met only 16 percent of the 43,183 classrooms targeted by its 2014 budget (P37.67 billion, Basic Education Facilities Fund for Construction of Classrooms), translating to a shortage of 36,121 units,” tinio said at a news conference. including, however, the 31,728 rooms targeted by the 2015 budget, the total classroom gap balloons to 67,849, with an even more dismal completion rate of 10 percent, tinio said. “Because of the slow implementation of DepEd’s school building program, a massive shortage remains in the face of Twin issues. Students and youth groups denounce Malacañang for its inaction on tuition increases even as they express opposition to a huge demand for classrooms,” tinio the K to 12 education program. Lino SAnToS said. “this low completion rate in classroom construction surely spells disaster for the public school system already burdened by K to 12. it will also deprive our students and teachers of sufficient, safe, and secure environments that faand the constitutionality of the failed to provide for full protec- ture Bienvenido Lumbrera and By Rey Requejo cilitate teaching and learning,” he added. K to 12 law that was passed in tion to labor and promotion of Senator Antonio trillanes iV “it’s clear that, even with funds available, ANothER group of educators 2012.” full employment and equality of and Magdalo party-list Reps. Deped does not have the capacity to con- and staff from various colleges this developed as a Cartholic employment opportunities for Gary Alejano and Francisco struct the massive number of classrooms and universities will ask today priest, Fr. James Secillano of the all as mandated under Article Ashley Acedillo. required to address the classroom shortage (thursday) the Supreme Court Nuestra Senora del Perpetuo So- Xiii, Section 3 of the 1987 Conin their petition, Lumbrera’s before the full implementation of K to 12 group called on the SC to stop to stop the government from corro Parish in Sampaloc feared stitution. in 2016. this further strengthens our call that the K to 12 will lead to an the group also warned that the the implementation of the new for the suspension of K to 12,” tinio said. implementing the K to 12 proincrease in the number of outK to 12 program would result in college curriculum which would gram which mandates the adMeanwhile, Senator Cynthia Villar some 80, 000 college teachers and abolish mandatory subjects in urged the Philippine National Railways to dition of two more years to the of-school youths. this is so because the program non-teaching staff losing their jobs the current curriculum such as resume operations before the school opens current 10-year basic education would mean an “additional bur- next year due to zero enrollees in Literature, Filipino language curriculum. in June. and Philippine government and Rene Luis tagle, convenor of den “ to poor families who al- the freshman year. With the opening of classes, Villar two other petitions against Constitution which was providsaid there will be an influx of passengers the Suspend K to 12 Coalition ready struggling to make both the K to 12 were also lodged be- ed through the an order issued and the Council of teachers and end meets, Secillano said. who will ride the PNR trains. tagle’s group filed the first fore the high court by the “Aly- by ChED. “We cannot depend on the LRt and Staff of Colleges and universities the ChED issued the order as MRt to transport the students safely in the Philippines, revealed that petition against the K to 12 last ansa ng Mga tagapagtanggol ng due to the incidents regularly happening the petition would “question the month before the SC, saying that Wikang Filipino/tanggol Wika” part of its commitment to the K there,“Villar said. process involved in the crafting the program is unlawful as it has led by National Artist for Litera- to 12 program.

More groups slam K-12 before SC

House okays Cha-cha resolution By Maricel V. Cruz

General’s son. Rafael Lopez, son of Lieutenant General Oscar Lopez, one of the newly

appointed generals and flag officers, salutes President Aquino during the oath-taking ceremony held at the Rizal Hall of Malacañang on Wednesday (May 27, 2015). MALACAñAnG PhoTo BuReAu

Without any fanfare, the house of Representatives on Wednesday approved on second reading a resolution seeking amend certain economic provisions in the 1987 Constitution. this developed as house Speaker Feliciano Belmonte, Jr. welcomed the initial approval of Resolution of Both houses No. 1 which he principally authored. “i am very extremely happy about this development. this is the first

attempt that we will do amendments to the economic provisions of the Constitution,” Belmonte told reporters after the approval of RBh No. 1 in plenary session. Belmonte said the house leadership would attempt to pass the Cha-cha resolution on third and final reading next week. he said only three-fourths vote of all house members, or at least 217 of 290-member house are needed to begin the amendments to the Charter. As soon as the house ob-

tains the constitutional requirement of three-fourths vote of passing a regular bill or resolution, Belmonte said that the RBh No. 1 will immediately be transmitted to the Senate for action. “there is no need for an approval from the President, but only two-third vote of all house members,” Belmonte said. Belmonte’s RBh No. 1 seeks to amend only the economic provisions in the Constitution to lift the ban on foreign ownership of lands and businesses.

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‘Sieche’ as deadly as tsunami, govt warns By Macon Ramos-Araneta

THE Department of Science and Technology- PHIVOLCS on Wednesday warned Muntinlupa residents of earthquake-induced hazard called “seiche” or giant waves since they are living near Laguna Bay. Joan Salcedo, supervising research specialist of DOST-PHIVOLCS, said residents should be made aware not only of storm surges alone but also of seiches since Laguna Bay is just on its eastern side. In the recent earthquake awareness seminar in Muntinlupa organized by the DOST-National Capital Region, Salcedo introduced the term seiche, pronounced as “saysh”. She said seiche is a large wave similar to a tsunami that occurs only in enclosed bodies of water such as a lake, bay, or gulf. It is triggered

by powerful earthquake or volcanic eruption. It occurs during a meteorological or seismic event which causes water to oscillate or move back and forth, which could produce large waves, Salcedo said. For a body of water to produce this phenomenon, it should be partially constrained to allow the formation of standing waves. In some instances, seiches can also be caused by a tsunami, she said. DOST-NCR Director Teresita N. Fortuna emphasized the need for Metro Manila officials to be proactive in the event that a magnitude

7.2 earthquake occurs due to the active Valley Fault system. Experts foresee problems in accessibility and mobility as major bridges and national roads could become impassable due to collapse and sprawled debris, cutting the metropolis off from the rest of the provinces, said Fortuna. According to the book “Philippine Tsunamis and Seiches (1589-2012),” a compilation of tsunami and seiche events that occurred in the country from 1589 to 2012, the country has had six seiche incidents caused by volcanic eruptions and 16 others caused by an earthquake. Muntinlupa Mayor Jaime Fresnedi shared that his administration is encouraging their constituents to do similar information and education campaigns on disaster preparedness as the threat of a big catastrophe lurks. “As PHIVOLCS officials said, the

West Valley Fault is now ripe and so we must be prepared,” he said. In the same seminar, PHIVOLCS also introduced its “How Safe is my House?” checklist for earthquake safety (downloadable in for residents to make initial examinations on the structural soundness of their concrete hollow block houses. Philvolcs’ repeated warnings of earthquake or volcanic eruption prompted the Metro Manila Development Authority to hold metrowide earthquake drill on July 30. The agency, according to Chairman Francis Tolentino, has lined up its activities scheduled for the next two month in preparation for the extensive contingency measure for residents to prepare in case a big tremor hit the National Capital Region. With Joel Zurbano

Squatters’ shelter. Vice-President Jejomar Binay, also housing czar, Senator JV Ejercito and Enriqueta Catayong of the Alyansa ng

Mamamayan ng Valenzuela inspect a housing site which was launched on Wednesday in Valenzuela City. The site will provide shelter to 584,00 informal settlers. EY ACASIO

Veloso kin placed under govt protection By Maricel V. Cruz THE National Bureau of Investigations said on Wednesday the family of Mary Jane Veloso will be placed under the Witness Protection Program following reports of ‘death threats’ to the family. At a congressional hearing, NBI Director Virgilio Mendez said Mary Jane’s husband and two children will now be under the custody of the NBI and will be covered by WPP. At the same time, Justice Secretary Leila de Lima said she already sent an NBI team to Nueva Ecija to check on the premises of the Velosos’ residence in Talavera town. “Authorities are still trying to identify the three men who visited the Velosos to determine their motive for the visit,” de Lima said. Mendez said Veloso’s family told the NBI that “there were men trying to approach them.” “There were unidentified armed men who visited the residence,” Mendez said quoting the claims of the Veloso family. Mendez said the NBI is still investigating the indentity of those armed men. In a related development, the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs admitted on Wednesday that there is no definite time set by the Indonesian government granting a stay of execution to Mary Jane Veloso to give way to the investigation of her case in the Philippines. DFA Secretary Albeft del Rosario has said that the purpose of the stay is to allow Mary Jane to give testimony in connection with the complaint filed against her recruiters. The surrender of Maria Kristina Sergio, Veloso’s alleged illegal recruiter, played a big part in Veloso’s reprieve. Veloso was convicted for drug smuggling in October 2010. The DFA said they are regularly updating the Indonesian government on the developments in the investigation against Veloso’s recruiter. With Vito Barcelo

Napoles daughter makes no plea rived at the tax court, covering her face with THE Court of Tax Appeals a folder, and immedion Wednesday entered a ately left the courtroom “not guilty” plea on behalf right after the arraignment. of Jeane Catherine Napoles The tax court junked in connection with a con- her plea to defer yessolidated tax evasion suit terday’s arraignment for her failure to file income due to a pending petitax returns to the tune of tion for review filed P 1 7 , 4 6 1 , 0 3 8 . 4 0 . with the Department of The daughter of suspected Justice. pork scam mastermind Janet Lim Napoles is now Janet Napoles, refused to detained at the Correctional enter a plea during her ar- Institute for Women in raignment. Mandaluyong for seri“As advised by my counsel, ous illegal detention filed I refuse to enter any plea,” she her cousin-whistletold the Third Division. blower Benhur Luy in Jeane Catherine, along the P10-billion Priority with her lawyers, ar- Development Assistance

By Rio N. Araja

Fund scam involving three senators. According to Associate Justice Esperanza Fabon Victorino, under the rules, the petition for review must be resolved within 60 days, but Jeane Catherine’s petition has already lapsed since it has been pending for 100 days. The court also dismissed Jeane Catherine’s motion to dismiss the judicial determination of probable cause. On the other hand, she was granted to consolidate her two counts of tax suit.

PPI-Oceana workshops. Lawyer Gloria Estenzo Ramos, vice president of Oceana

Philippines, signs the partnership agreement with lawyer Jesus Dureza, chairman of the Philippine Press Institute, for a series of media workshops on fisheries reporting across the country. The agreement was signed last May 15 during the annual National Press Forum of PPI.

t h u r s d ay : m ay 2 8 , 2 0 1 5



Provincial body to look into school robberies By Johanne Margarette Macob LINGAYEN—The Sangguniang Panlalawigan of the province of Pangasinan will conduct an inquiry into the incidents of robbery that have been happening in various schools, in time for the opening of classes on Monday. The Sanggunian approved on Monday a resolution that invited the respective schools division superintendents of Department of Education Pangasinan 1 and 2, Alaminos City, Urdaneta City, and San Carlos City to a question hour on June 1. “There are reports of alleged rampant school equipment robbery in some parts of the province,” stated the resolution. The Sanggunian is deeply concerned over these reports “because some of the equipment being stolen are vital to the learning system of schools.” Authors of the resolution, SP members Danilo Uy and Alfonso Bince Jr., said the inquiry would aid the Board in proposing or adopting a solution to minimize if not eradicate the robberies. They added “there is a need to get some feedback and gather some data” from the superintendents Maria Celia Fernandez (Pangasinan 1), Donato Balderas Jr. (Pangasinan 2 and Urdaneta City), Danilo Sison (Alaminos City), and Gloria Torres (San Carlos City). Meanwhile, the new officer-in-charge of the Pangasinan Provincial Police Office, Sr. Supt. Belli Tamayo, proposed having “force multipliers” or civilian volunteers to secure the school.

Its majesty. This rock formation in Biri Island, Northern Samar is one of the highlights of the tourism drive in Eastern Visayas. MEL CASPE

Absence of Caraga quake drills may cost more lives By Alvin T. Guanzon

BUTUAN CITY—Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology Director Renato Solidum Jr. warned local government units in the Caraga region that their failure to conduct earthquake drills and launch information campaigns on what to do in the event of disaster may cost lives. “No one actually predicts when or where earthquakes occur. What is sure is that based on available data, you there in Butuan City, other parts of Caraga

Region, Mindanao and the Visayas are within Philippine Fault Zone (PFZ) that is an active fault and capable of generating 7.5 magnitude earthquake. It is best

for everybody there to be prepared always”, Solidum said over the weekend. In March, Solidum asked local executives especially those whose areas are along the fault zone to conduct earthquake drills, from cities to the farthest villages. The Phivolcs chief said the active, 1,200-kilometer long Philippine Fault Zone is located east of the City of Butuan. It is a major tectonic feature that traverses the Philippine archipelago from Northwestern Luzon to Southeastern Mindanao.

Phivolcs recently launched “The Valley Fault System Atlas,” a handbook containing maps of areas traversed by major faults. Residents of Butuan’s biggest barangays like Ampayon, Libertad, Ambago, Agusan Pequeno and San Ignacio claimed that no quake drills have been conducted in their areas. San Ignacio Barangay Captain Jocelyn Amado said she and her fellow barangay officials are just waiting for instruction and coordination from City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office.

Bishop blasts Samar killings By Sara Susanne D. Fabunan A CAThOLIC bishop has condemned the spate of killings in Calbayog City, Samar and asked the police to rid the area of “any form of repression” especially through extrajudicial killings. “We call on the authorities to conduct a thorough and speedy investigation on the series of killings in Calbayog City and bring into the bar of justice the ones responsible,” Abarquez said. he said that most serious attention must be dedicated to solving crimes involving village

officials and political leaders since last year. Last week alone, at least two village chiefs and a councilor were killed in two separate shooting incidents in the city. In December 2014, several village officials were murdered in Calbayog; not a single case has been resolved to this day. Samar is considered an election “hot spot” or where violence is expected to occur during polls. A priest said some politicians in Calbayog and other Samar towns employ goons, especially before elections because they are used to scaring voters and killing leaders of political opponents.

Rain play. Visitors of Blue Jazz Resort in Samal Island continue their volleyball game despite a thunderstorm. GEONARRI SOLMERANO

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viEw fRom mAlcom Atty. hARRy RoquE jR.

Hypocrisy on tHe deatH squads


An invitAtion to tAlk

It is selfish of the President to insist on enacting the Bangsamoro Basic Law before a certain date just so he could crow about this achievement in his next, and last, State of the Nation Address in July. this reprehensible scheme was confirmed by no less than a trusted lieutenant at the House of Representatives, Cagayan de Oro Rep. Rufus Rodriguez who said this week that the passage of the bill would be Congress’ gift to President Aquino in his last year in office. Rodriguez dazzled us all by his rhetoric on the supposedly unconstitutional provisions of the bill that he wanted amended – only to reveal, at the crucial hour, what his true colors were by ramming through the ad hoc committee the Palace draft of the “amendments.” Six out of the eight provisions previously deemed illegal are staying on, according to the Rodriguez committee. It has not happened yet but we think we can predict with considerable accuracy how the rest of the members of the House will vote, and behave during the voting. They have proven to be a malleable lot, always willing to toe the palace line instead of reflecting the will of the people who put them in office in the first place. What will happen at the Senate may be less predictable. After all, the senator leading the BBL deliberations is a lot less of a Palace stooge than Rodriguez is. Senator Ferdinand Marcos Jr. believes that all stakeholders were not consulted, much less included in the drafting of the Bangsamoro bill. then again, Marcos is just one person. In this sad game masquerading as democracy, numbers rule. And when numbers don’t seem to suffice, then desperate measures have to be taken. true enough, the President has invited the senators to talk to him regarding the BBL, in the same way he asked House committee members to hear what he had to say. He will probably say the same things about how the BBL would guarantee peace in Mindanao and how we would have to start counting body bags if the measure fails. We can only speculate on the other means to be employed to sway the senators’ decision. In the end, it is a tragedy that such wheeling and dealing would decide what would happen in Mindanao. It’s trivializing the situation of all stakeholders in the strife-torn area to say that only BBL will bring peace, and that peace could only come with the BBL. the proposed law, however, is glaringly skewed in favor of the MILF, the only group which the government talked with as it ignored the other groups with equally legitimate aspirations. In the end, the BBL or any law establishing a juridical entity down south is about the people of Mindanao. It is certainly way bigger than some creditgrabbing chief executive who wants a milestone – any milestone – to line an otherwise lame track record.

Pork, carrots and a stick lowDown jojo A. RoBlEs It can’t be all pork and carrots, or pork-based dishes with carrots on the side, after all. There must also be a stick that will make Congress quake in its boots and approve, without thinking of anything but its own thick hide, President Noynoy Aquino’s current favorite legislation, the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law. How else to explain the sudden energy displayed by Justice Secretary Leila de Lima in an-

nouncing that the cases against the so-called third batch of legislator-suspects in the old (but not forgotten) pork barrel scandal will soon be filed with the Office of the Ombudsman? Just a couple of weeks back, De Lima had announced that her Department of Justice had neither the time nor the inclination to pursue the charges. Then she turned around and declared that she did have both. And now I think I know why. It was Levi Baligod, the private prosecutor in the pork barrel cases, who confirmed my suspicions. “The threat of filing of the pork barrel cases has become

a Sword of Damocles placed above the heads of members of Congress,” Baligod told me in an interview. According to Baligod, the pork barrel cases, which will purportedly be filed against up to nine incumbent senators and God-knows-how-many sitting members of the House of Representatives, are now obviously being used as “leverage” to gain Congress’ approval for the BBL. Malacanang is sending a clear and unmistakeable signal to Congress, through De Lima, that if they don’t vote in favor of the BBL, they would be charged for abusing their pork, either


the BBl will pass because the carrots are just too appealing and the stick just too threatening to ignore.

through Janet Lim Napoles or through other “pork entrepreneurs” who similarly bought up their allocations and kicked back the bulk of the funds to them. “The really sad part is, all those cases can stand up on their own merits,” Baligod told me. “If Secretary De Lima really wanted to file them, she could have done so a long time ago.” How long ago? Well, Baligod said he and his fellow anti-pork crusaders have submitted the documents to the National Bureau of Investigation as early as a year and a half ago, in January of 2013. But because that was already just a few months before the midterm elections, he and his group agreed with

government prosecutors that the accusers could themselves be accused of using the filing of charges for political purposes. So the anti-pork groups held off and agreed to wait until July, two months after the polls, to restart their crusade. But since then, nothing has been heard from De Lima or the NBI, until the justice secretary suddenly declared that she didn’t have the time to pursue the cases – and just as suddenly said she had. Why, after all, would De Lima take such an interest in the dormant pork

Published Monday to Sunday by Philippine Manila Standard Publishing Inc. at 6/F Universal Re Building, 106 Paseo de Roxas, corner Perea St., Legaspi Village, Makati City. Telephone numbers 832-5554, 832-5556, 832-5558 (connecting all departments), (Editorial), 832-5546, (Advertising), 832-

barrel cases at this time, when Congress is deliberating on the BBL – in the plenary in the House and on the committee level in the Senate? “It’s simple: if they don’t vote in favor of the BBL, then they will be charged,” Baligod said. *** Congress, of course, would rather that everyone just move on about the pork barrel cases. Judging from the allegations made by Napoles alone, the pocketing of pork was such a multi-partisan, bicameral activity that the number of legislators who participated in the

5550. P.O. Box 2933, Manila Central Post Office, Manila. Website: www. E-mail:


can be accessed at:



Philippine Press Institute The National Association of Philippine Newspapers

scam could beat even the “super majority” that the Aquino administration regularly calls upon to pass its priority bills or support its congressional initiatives. So, the members of Congress really have a choice in the matter of the BBL: they can approve it and receive the reported pork and cash promised by a grateful Malacanang, or they can say no to BBL and be charged with corruption by De Lima before the Ombudsman. And, with less than a year before the next election, what congressman or Continued on A11

MST Management, Inc. Philip G. Romualdez Arnold C. Liong Former Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno Jocelyn F. Domingo Ron Ryan S. Buguis

Chairman President & Chief Executive Officer Board Member & Chief Legal Adviser Director of Operations Finance Officer

Ma. Editha D. Angeles Advertising Manager Anita F. Grefal Treasury Manager Edgar M. Valmorida Circulation Manager

MAyOR Rodrigo Duterte’s recent admission that he has “ties” with the dreaded Davao Death Squad is old news. Those who know about the killings perpetrated by the death squads also know that somehow, the death squads operate with permission, if not upon orders of the mayor. If at all, his latest admission is warning to one and all about what he intends to do if elected into higher office. to quote the Mayor; “the 1000 (recorded killings) will become 100,000. you will see bigger fish in Manila Bay because it is there where I will dump their bodies.” In fact, no one should be surprised with the mayor’s recent statements. The real question is why the PNoy administration, including Secretary De Lima, has, to date, done nothing to investigate, prosecute and punish members of the Davao Death Squad, including the mayor. As early as 2009 Philip Alston, the then-UN Special Rapporteur on Extralegal Killings, has called the attention of the country to the malaise of the Davao Death Squad: “the vigilante-style executions that took place almost every day in Davao City was the most troubling development in the extrajudicial killings in the Philippines in the last two years… Reliable information indicates that, in 2008, such killings were almost a daily occurrence in Davao City, jumping from a reported 116 in 2007 to 269 in 2008. Alston called on the National Police Commission to “withdraw” Duterte’s supervisory powers over the police. He further suggested that the system of having a “watch list” of petty criminals in Davao, the basis apparently for determining whom to kill, should be abolished; and that an independent investigation into the killings should be conducted. Commenting on Duterte specifically, Alston stated: “Mayor Rodrigo Duterte has done nothing to prevent these killings”. He noted how Duterte’s public statements suggested “he is, in fact, supportive.” Specifically, Alston cited how Mayor Duterte responded to the reported release of a big-time drug lord in Manila. Alston quoted the mayor as saying: ‘Here in Davao, you can’t go out alive. you can go out, but inside a coffin. Is that what you call extra-judicial killing? then I will just bring a drug lord to a judge and kill him there, that will no longer be extra-judicial’,” “The Special Rapporteur is not aware of a single conviction for a death squad killing in Davao. As a result, death squad members operate with complete impunity. Killing for hire is on the rise as death squad members become bold enough to sell their services, and some reports indicate that a killing only costs about 5,000 pesos (about US$ 100),” Alston said. He also observed, “Although killings take place in broad daylight, witnesses are not prepared to testify against the perpetrators.” Continued on A11 Rolando G. Estabillo Jojo A. Robles Ramonchito L. Tomeldan Chin Wong/Ray S. Eñano Francis Lagniton Joyce Pangco Pañares Adelle Chua Romel J. Mendez Roberto Cabrera

Publisher Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Associate Editors News Editor City Editor Senior Deskman Art Director Chief Photographer

T h u R S D AY : M AY 2 8 , 2 0 1 5





viEw fRom mAlcom Atty. hARRy RoquE jR.

Hypocrisy on tHe deatH squads


An invitAtion to tAlk

It is selfish of the President to insist on enacting the Bangsamoro Basic Law before a certain date just so he could crow about this achievement in his next, and last, State of the Nation Address in July. this reprehensible scheme was confirmed by no less than a trusted lieutenant at the House of Representatives, Cagayan de Oro Rep. Rufus Rodriguez who said this week that the passage of the bill would be Congress’ gift to President Aquino in his last year in office. Rodriguez dazzled us all by his rhetoric on the supposedly unconstitutional provisions of the bill that he wanted amended – only to reveal, at the crucial hour, what his true colors were by ramming through the ad hoc committee the Palace draft of the “amendments.” Six out of the eight provisions previously deemed illegal are staying on, according to the Rodriguez committee. It has not happened yet but we think we can predict with considerable accuracy how the rest of the members of the House will vote, and behave during the voting. They have proven to be a malleable lot, always willing to toe the palace line instead of reflecting the will of the people who put them in office in the first place. What will happen at the Senate may be less predictable. After all, the senator leading the BBL deliberations is a lot less of a Palace stooge than Rodriguez is. Senator Ferdinand Marcos Jr. believes that all stakeholders were not consulted, much less included in the drafting of the Bangsamoro bill. then again, Marcos is just one person. In this sad game masquerading as democracy, numbers rule. And when numbers don’t seem to suffice, then desperate measures have to be taken. true enough, the President has invited the senators to talk to him regarding the BBL, in the same way he asked House committee members to hear what he had to say. He will probably say the same things about how the BBL would guarantee peace in Mindanao and how we would have to start counting body bags if the measure fails. We can only speculate on the other means to be employed to sway the senators’ decision. In the end, it is a tragedy that such wheeling and dealing would decide what would happen in Mindanao. It’s trivializing the situation of all stakeholders in the strife-torn area to say that only BBL will bring peace, and that peace could only come with the BBL. the proposed law, however, is glaringly skewed in favor of the MILF, the only group which the government talked with as it ignored the other groups with equally legitimate aspirations. In the end, the BBL or any law establishing a juridical entity down south is about the people of Mindanao. It is certainly way bigger than some creditgrabbing chief executive who wants a milestone – any milestone – to line an otherwise lame track record.

Pork, carrots and a stick lowDown jojo A. RoBlEs It can’t be all pork and carrots, or pork-based dishes with carrots on the side, after all. There must also be a stick that will make Congress quake in its boots and approve, without thinking of anything but its own thick hide, President Noynoy Aquino’s current favorite legislation, the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law. How else to explain the sudden energy displayed by Justice Secretary Leila de Lima in an-

nouncing that the cases against the so-called third batch of legislator-suspects in the old (but not forgotten) pork barrel scandal will soon be filed with the Office of the Ombudsman? Just a couple of weeks back, De Lima had announced that her Department of Justice had neither the time nor the inclination to pursue the charges. Then she turned around and declared that she did have both. And now I think I know why. It was Levi Baligod, the private prosecutor in the pork barrel cases, who confirmed my suspicions. “The threat of filing of the pork barrel cases has become

a Sword of Damocles placed above the heads of members of Congress,” Baligod told me in an interview. According to Baligod, the pork barrel cases, which will purportedly be filed against up to nine incumbent senators and God-knows-how-many sitting members of the House of Representatives, are now obviously being used as “leverage” to gain Congress’ approval for the BBL. Malacanang is sending a clear and unmistakeable signal to Congress, through De Lima, that if they don’t vote in favor of the BBL, they would be charged for abusing their pork, either


the BBl will pass because the carrots are just too appealing and the stick just too threatening to ignore.

through Janet Lim Napoles or through other “pork entrepreneurs” who similarly bought up their allocations and kicked back the bulk of the funds to them. “The really sad part is, all those cases can stand up on their own merits,” Baligod told me. “If Secretary De Lima really wanted to file them, she could have done so a long time ago.” How long ago? Well, Baligod said he and his fellow anti-pork crusaders have submitted the documents to the National Bureau of Investigation as early as a year and a half ago, in January of 2013. But because that was already just a few months before the midterm elections, he and his group agreed with

government prosecutors that the accusers could themselves be accused of using the filing of charges for political purposes. So the anti-pork groups held off and agreed to wait until July, two months after the polls, to restart their crusade. But since then, nothing has been heard from De Lima or the NBI, until the justice secretary suddenly declared that she didn’t have the time to pursue the cases – and just as suddenly said she had. Why, after all, would De Lima take such an interest in the dormant pork

Published Monday to Sunday by Philippine Manila Standard Publishing Inc. at 6/F Universal Re Building, 106 Paseo de Roxas, corner Perea St., Legaspi Village, Makati City. Telephone numbers 832-5554, 832-5556, 832-5558 (connecting all departments), (Editorial), 832-5546, (Advertising), 832-

barrel cases at this time, when Congress is deliberating on the BBL – in the plenary in the House and on the committee level in the Senate? “It’s simple: if they don’t vote in favor of the BBL, then they will be charged,” Baligod said. *** Congress, of course, would rather that everyone just move on about the pork barrel cases. Judging from the allegations made by Napoles alone, the pocketing of pork was such a multi-partisan, bicameral activity that the number of legislators who participated in the

5550. P.O. Box 2933, Manila Central Post Office, Manila. Website: www. E-mail:


can be accessed at:



Philippine Press Institute The National Association of Philippine Newspapers

scam could beat even the “super majority” that the Aquino administration regularly calls upon to pass its priority bills or support its congressional initiatives. So, the members of Congress really have a choice in the matter of the BBL: they can approve it and receive the reported pork and cash promised by a grateful Malacanang, or they can say no to BBL and be charged with corruption by De Lima before the Ombudsman. And, with less than a year before the next election, what congressman or Continued on A11

MST Management, Inc. Philip G. Romualdez Arnold C. Liong Former Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno Jocelyn F. Domingo Ron Ryan S. Buguis

Chairman President & Chief Executive Officer Board Member & Chief Legal Adviser Director of Operations Finance Officer

Ma. Editha D. Angeles Advertising Manager Anita F. Grefal Treasury Manager Edgar M. Valmorida Circulation Manager

MAyOR Rodrigo Duterte’s recent admission that he has “ties” with the dreaded Davao Death Squad is old news. Those who know about the killings perpetrated by the death squads also know that somehow, the death squads operate with permission, if not upon orders of the mayor. If at all, his latest admission is warning to one and all about what he intends to do if elected into higher office. to quote the Mayor; “the 1000 (recorded killings) will become 100,000. you will see bigger fish in Manila Bay because it is there where I will dump their bodies.” In fact, no one should be surprised with the mayor’s recent statements. The real question is why the PNoy administration, including Secretary De Lima, has, to date, done nothing to investigate, prosecute and punish members of the Davao Death Squad, including the mayor. As early as 2009 Philip Alston, the then-UN Special Rapporteur on Extralegal Killings, has called the attention of the country to the malaise of the Davao Death Squad: “the vigilante-style executions that took place almost every day in Davao City was the most troubling development in the extrajudicial killings in the Philippines in the last two years… Reliable information indicates that, in 2008, such killings were almost a daily occurrence in Davao City, jumping from a reported 116 in 2007 to 269 in 2008. Alston called on the National Police Commission to “withdraw” Duterte’s supervisory powers over the police. He further suggested that the system of having a “watch list” of petty criminals in Davao, the basis apparently for determining whom to kill, should be abolished; and that an independent investigation into the killings should be conducted. Commenting on Duterte specifically, Alston stated: “Mayor Rodrigo Duterte has done nothing to prevent these killings”. He noted how Duterte’s public statements suggested “he is, in fact, supportive.” Specifically, Alston cited how Mayor Duterte responded to the reported release of a big-time drug lord in Manila. Alston quoted the mayor as saying: ‘Here in Davao, you can’t go out alive. you can go out, but inside a coffin. Is that what you call extra-judicial killing? then I will just bring a drug lord to a judge and kill him there, that will no longer be extra-judicial’,” “The Special Rapporteur is not aware of a single conviction for a death squad killing in Davao. As a result, death squad members operate with complete impunity. Killing for hire is on the rise as death squad members become bold enough to sell their services, and some reports indicate that a killing only costs about 5,000 pesos (about US$ 100),” Alston said. He also observed, “Although killings take place in broad daylight, witnesses are not prepared to testify against the perpetrators.” Continued on A11 Rolando G. Estabillo Jojo A. Robles Ramonchito L. Tomeldan Chin Wong/Ray S. Eñano Francis Lagniton Joyce Pangco Pañares Adelle Chua Romel J. Mendez Roberto Cabrera

Publisher Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Associate Editors News Editor City Editor Senior Deskman Art Director Chief Photographer

T H U R S D AY : M AY 2 8 , 2 0 1 5



THE BLESSINGS OF OLD AGE MY wife and I were saddened when we learned from our good family friend,Val Villanueva, that he had been diagnosed with EMIL P. colorectal cancer, a painful afflicJURADO tion. Val, a public relations consultant and for a time was San Miguel and Ramon Ang’s PR man, has been a family friend for years. He has been going in and out of the hospital for months on end, and he has never told me his ailment. The last time I talked to him, Val said with conviction: “Emil, I tell you, I’ll fight the Big C to the end.” I must say that I admire Val’s conviction and determination. Some who are diagnosed with cancer get depressed, worsening their condition. All my wife and I can do for the moment is to pray for Val. As they say, prayers can move mountains. *** Whenever I hear that a friend gets sick, I am reminded of my own mortality. At 87 years old, going 88 year this September 15, I feel I am already at the pre-departure area. Many of my friends, former classmates and associates have already gone ahead of me. Some are wheelchair-bound, or suffering from dementia. I thank God that aside for the aches and pains an old man like me suffers, I can still pound my Olympia typewriter and write columns, comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable. If you ask me, old age has its blessings. When I enter a restaurant, the security guards are so helpful; they help me out of the car and lead me to the door. And when I fall in line at the bank, I am led to the senior citizens line way ahead of others. When I go to the movies, it’s the same special treatment for me. On Sundays, my wife and I listen for hours to our old favorites, Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra singing “Autum Leaves,” “Mona Lisa,” Love Letters,” “Strangers in Paradise” and many more. In fact, I proposed to my wife of 60 years now to Serafin Payawal’s 21-man orchestra with these songs playing. I always tell my grandchildren that they are missing the best years of their lives with the modern technology of iPhones and iPads and text. My gulay, young men no longer visit girls as my generation did. Then, the boys were always under the watchful eyes of the parents of the girl. Withe the kind of dancing the young have, there’s no romance. Nothing can substitute dancing cheek to cheek, and warm embrace with slow drag music. I have been a journalist for over 65 years, and I’ll keep writing until I write “30.” Santa banana, If I don’t write at my age, and not attend meetings of the clubs I belong to and companies where I’m a director, what can I do? Twiddle my thumbs and become a couch potato watching television? I’ll die soon enough.


It has its perks.

FASTER THAN A BULLET TRAIN A LOT of people are up claiming that the agreement is throwing DUTY in arms with the House of away our legitimate claim over Sabah. Representatives because of Most of all, the agreement does not guarCALLS the manner that the ad hoc antee peace in Mindanao. FLORENCIO committee chaired by Rep. The Senate committee headed by SenaFIANZA Rufus Rodriquez passed the tor Marcos has two more consultations. Bangsamoro Basic Law. DurThese two plus the writing of the commiting the Mamasapano heartee report and then the voting on commitings, the very patriotic and sometimes emotional tee and plenary all indicate that the deadline set by rhetoric coming from many House members made Malacañang will not be met. This is not to mention people believe that the passage of the bill was going that both the Senate and the House versions would to go through the eye of the needle. emerge to be very different and will have to be reconAs it turned out, the passage was faster than a Japa- ciled by both the Senate and the House during bicam. nese bullet train. It looks as if the House cannot help The President has offered to talk to the senators reverting to its usual self. Some would think that this to exchange ideas in order perhaps to fast track the must have been the plan all along. It is difficult to hide passage of the law. Senator Osmeña, once an ally of their true colors. After a Malacañang meeting called the President and now a critic, has again raised the by the President, the ad hoc committee hastily passed specter of “goodies” being offered by Malacañang the bill with very few amendments. to soften those “silent” senators. After all, that has As if on cue, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front happened in the Senate in the past. Is this is likely? expressed satisfaction saying that it is happy with 90 I personally doubt it, principally because of the bepercent of the signed agreement intact. The mem- lief that the senators must have learned their lessons bers of the committee did not even try to cover their and will not fall into a trap the second time. tracks by at least trying to prolong the hearing to Money, of course, is always a very powerful incenavoid the suspicion that the rumored promise of tive and could still change the equation. The more P50 million in projects and P1 million in cash dur- deliberate manner in which the Senate is tackling the ing that Malacañang meeting is true. The haste is BBL is at least showing everyone that it is not rushing almost scandalous and is one reason why many now anything simply to meet a self-imposed deadline and believe that those alleged “goodies” distributed in this is somewhat reassuring. But let us be quite candid that Malacañang meeting must have done the trick. about it. Whatever law that will eventually come out as To be sure, the measure will still have to be voted the BBL will not satisfy all parties. Furthermore, whatupon in plenary session but the House Speaker has ever law will be signed by the President, will surely be already come out assuring the passage of the bill by challenged in the Supreme Court. And even with a Suthe House. preme Court decision, there will still be those who will Fortunately, passing a law does not end there. object to the end. There is still the Senate which appears to be at this Time will tell whether this peace initiative of time singing a different tune. There are some sena- President Aquino would really bring peace to Mintors who are openly against the BBL as submitted by danao in the end. If its eventual implementation is Malacañang that for them to change position would successful, then peace and progress in Mindanao irreparably damage their political reputations. will come. If however, the implementation will not Senator Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the chairman of be successful due to mistrust and other factors, then the committee on local government has gone on fighting will resume. record that he would not allow the railroading of Right now, I think we owe it to ourselves to pass the bill as it was done in the House. Malacañang is the law with the best provisions that we can craft. It in a hurry to pass the bill by June, perhaps in time would be wise for President Aquino not to hurry the for the President to include it in his last State of the passage as if its inclusion in his last SONA were the Nation Address as one his crowning achievements. most important thing. It is better to be deliberate That really would be quite an achievement for an and to pass a law that will stand the best chance of under-achieving politician who became President success in the future. principally due to the death of his mother. It would The President can still claim the accolade bebe an achievement of gigantic proportions. cause it is during his watch that it was accomStill, there are many who believe that the peace plished. But if he hurries the passage irresponsibly, deal that was signed is not only constitutionally and its fails, history will crucify him. And to those infirm but did not include the concerns of all the extreme doubters who do not believe in the passage stakeholders in Mindanao like other minority of the BBL at all, if it fails, the land will still be there. groups. Some of the stakeholders like the Sultan of We can always resume fighting for it until one side Sulu and the Moro National Liberation Front are finally accepts defeat.

ARTICLE VIOLATES GAG ORDER WE write in behalf of our clients, Reghis M. Romero II, R-II Builders, Inc., and R-II Holdings, Inc., the plaintiffs in Civil Case No. R-QZN-15-03754-CV, entitled “RII Builders, Inc. R-II Holdings, Inc. and Reghis M. Romero II v. Michael L. Romero and Harbour Centre Port Holdings, Inc.”, pending before Branch 97 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, relative to the abovecaptioned article. Specifically, the following statements, aside from being blatantly false and misleading to the public, are derogatory of the dignity of the administration of justice and the members thereof, at the expense of Honorable Judge Bernelito R. Fernandez and the pending case, to wit: 1. “A GROUP credited for exposing the ‘ justice for sale’ scheme in the judiciary on Sunday revealed that the wife of a Quezon City judge handling the controversial ownership case involving the Harbour Center Port Terminal Inc. was a classmate of the lawyers of businessman Reghis Romero”; 2. “’Yung lawyer kasi ni Reghis Romero ay kaklase ng asawa ni judge kaya nu’ng tiningnan naming ‘yung basehan ng desisyon ay napakalayo. Hindi po talaga sa merito. So we call

on the judge na kung may conflict of interest ay automatic mag-inhibit na.’ pahayag ni Perfecto Tagalog, secretary general of Coalition of Filipino Consumers in a radio interview”; 3. “This is basically a conflict of interest for Judge Fernandez as his wife is a classmate of Reghis Romero’s lawyers,’ Romero’s lawyers said”; and “Wala po tayong pakialam sa problema ng pamilya. Ang pakialam natin ay ang suhulan na nangyayari sa hudikatura,’ he pointed out” Moreover, the statements with regard to the perceived bias on the part of the Honorable Judge Fernandez in view of the fact that his wife is a classmate of the counsel; for the plaintiffs, more than being misleading, are irresponsible statements and a blatant degradation of the dignity of the administration of justice. First of all, Atty. Cesar L. Villanueva is not a counsel for the plaintiffs for he is no longer part of the law firm since he joined the government in the Year 2011. Second and more importantly, the esteem and dignity of the administration of justice is above and beyond the mere fact that one of the counsels for the plaintiff is a classmate of the wife of the Honorable Judge Fernandez--for if it were otherwise, then the inhibition of judges should become

MAILMATTERS commonplace because such a situation happens too often in the practice of law. In view of the foregoing, it bears stressing that in an Urgent Motion for Gag Order, our clients prayed for the issuance of a Gag Order against defendants Michael L. Romero and Harbour Centre Port Holdings, Inc., their counsels, those not privy to the case, as well as the media, from further causing and/or permitting the publication of news articles and reports which discuss and/or pertain to, the defendants’ alleged ownership of the shares in Harbour Centre Port Terminal, Inc. (“Harbour Terminal”), as against herein plaintiffs, which necessarily includes the proceedings in the instant case. Accordingly, in Honorable Judge Fernandez’s Order dated 22 May 2015, a copy of which is attached herewith for your reference, he issued a Gag Order restricting the parties to the case, their lawyers and witnesses, and the public in general, including the media, from making comments and disclosures pertaining to the case, ruling in this wise, viz “WHEREFORE, premises considered, a Gag Order is hereby issued restricting comments and disclosures pertaining

to the instant case. In particular, the participants in the instant case, i.e., the members of the bar and bench, the litigants and witnesses, and the public in general, including the media, are hereby directed to restrict from making comments and disclosures regarding the pending case especially on the alleged ownership of the shares in Harbour Terminal based on the subject Deeds of Assignment.” (Emphasis and underscoring supplied) Clearly, your published article, which contained matters beyond the factual circumstances of the case, as well as statements from Michael Romero’s lawyers, is violative of said Gag Order. Indeed, inasmuch as your published article is utterly irresponsible and tends to degrade the administration of justice at the expense of the Honorable Judge Hernandez, as well the pending case, the same is a blatant breach of your utmost responsibility of fair and true reporting without comment. We therefore demand from you to correct such false and misleading statements, without prejudice to whatever appropriate legal action we may take against you. Santiago T. Gabionza, Jr., Alexander C. Dy, Czarina G. Quintanilla, Leika P. San Juan, Gabriel Paolo L. de Guzman

T h u R S d aY : M aY 2 8 , 2 0 1 5


adelle chua EDITOR

hypocrisy... From A9


Selective juStice

DanIlO suaREz The allegations against Vice President Jejomar Binay and his family are gaining more steam as the country heads towards the last stretch leading to the national elections next year. As a result of the information coming from the Anti-Money Laundering Council, the assets of the VP have been frozen using alleged violations of the Anti-Money Laundering Act. In the spirit of fairness, we point out that many see this as part of the heightening demolition job of the current administration against the VP who has been consistently topping surveys for the top slot in the coming presidential elections. The AMLA was crucial in keeping the Philippines from the list of “non-cooperative” countries in the fight against money laundering monitored by the Financial Action Task Force, a Paris-based inter-governmental agency combating money laundering, terrorist financing and other threats to the integrity of the global financial system. earlier on under this administration, some revisions were approved in the spirit of giving more teeth to the law. One of these, Senate Bill 3009, allows the AMLC to look into bank accounts of suspected money launderers without notifying them. Considering how the inquiry at the Senate has been proceeding,

there is a growing consensus that the charges against the VP are more politically motivated than they are about implementing the law. Vencent Salido, AMLC officer-in-charge, has already issued a statement belying news reports that said the Ombudsman had requested the AMLC to check the bank accounts of the Binays. he vehemently denied that the AMLC is being used to probe the alleged hidden wealth of VP Binay, categorically stating that “the agency will never allow itself to be used as a tool for political persecution or harassment.” he stated that the agency’s actions were based on Section 10 of the AMLA as amended, which authorizes the AMLC to “inquire into or examine any particular deposit or investment, including related accounts, with any banking institution or non-bank financial institution upon order of any competent court based on an ex parte application in cases of violations of this Act, when it has been established that there is probable cause that the deposits or investments, including related accounts involved, are related to an unlawful activity.” One should point out, however, that only when there is probable cause should a case be filed, and consequently, only then should the request be submitted to the AMLC.

Additionally, the parameters of the inquiry should be made clear, to include defining the nature of the monies that they are seeking to investigate. There is also the matter about the leakage and public disclosure of information related to the AMLC inquiries. Former Makati Rep. Teddyboy Locsin who is also one of the authors of the AMLA, said the leaking of the AMLC report on Binay is a violation of the law because it is illegal to reveal anything that can only be known by the AMLC in the performance of its duties and that such information is not admissible in a court of law. he added that regardless of who leaked it to whom, the “mere use of the revelation in any shape or form, including putting it out as news is criminal.” Moreover, many question the fact that in light of the AMLC’s alacrity and “due diligence” in pursuing its actions against VP Binay, it has been totally silent and uninterested to pursue legal action against Mohagher Iqbal of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) who has blatantly admitted during the Senate inquiry that he indeed violated the AMLA by using a false name in his numerous bank accounts. “Tuwid na Daan,” or just another case of selective justice under this administration?

jockeyS run for charity SanS horSeS pOp gOEs ThE wORlD jEnny ORTuOsTE TAP a person on the street and ask him or her if he or she has heard about horseracing. More often than not, you’ll get a clueless stare. The sport has been around since colonial times, and was formally organized in 1867 with the founding of the Manila Jockey Club. Other racing clubs were established since then, and today, two more in addition to MJC are still operating – the Philippine Racing Club (founded 1937) and the Metro Manila Turf Club (opened in 2013). The sport is conducted by individuals with highly-specialized skills, among them jockeys, trainers, equine veterinarians, grooms, farriers, and many others. Over the sport’s nearly 150year history, these sectors of industry workers have formed tight-knit communities to sustain and support each other and their chosen industry. Most people would find the jockeys the most interesting group; certainly they are the most visible, the stars of the show along with the horses they race. In the entire country, there are only 130 active jockeys, licensed by the Philippine Racing Commission (Philracom) and all are members of the New Philippine Jockeys Association, pres-


ently headed by veteran rider Gilbert L. Francisco. Theirs is a high-risk activity, and unlike other extreme sports enthusiasts, this is not a mere hobby for them; this is their livelihood, that they engage in everyday. In the speed and rush of the race, it happens that jockeys become unseated or thrown, and fall. Some pick themselves up and brush off the sand, and get on another mount in the next race. Others suffer disabling injuries, and can no longer work. There are 12 riders on the disabled list. Five are totally disabled after racing accidents: erwin J. Tijam in 1991, impaired vision; Jesus C. “el Maestro” Guce in 2005, paralyzed, in a wheelchair; Constantino h. Bernabe Jr. in 1993, paralyzed after a severe spinal injury, in a wheelchair; Ramil V. Leona in 2013, partially paralyzed; and Leonardo T. Cuadra Jr. in 2014, severe head injury. Seven are partially disabled: emerito F. Daquis suffered leg injuries in a workout accident in 2000; leg injuries as well in racing accidents for John Gregory G. Rodriguez (2009), Juan P. Manalo Jr. (2007), and Ludovico M. Salvador Jr. (2006); slight spinal injuries during a race for ernesto A. Ventura (2000) and Lennon V. Cannaoay (2012); and a slight head injury in a racing accident for Randy L. Lagrata (2013). “Slight injury” is a misnomer here; it just means “suffered an injury less grievous than Cuadra’s.” The young man’s case

pork.. From A9 senator doesn’t need funds to campaign? What member of Congress needs to be charged before the Ombudsman – and possibly even get jailed like those three high-profile senators now behind bars? If you believe that Congress really

is harrowing: he fell on the track head first, and his life hung in the balance. An excellent team of surgeons pulled him through, but the top part of his skull is still kept in his abdominal cavity and cannot yet be replaced because of brain swelling. he is only 25. The industry and the jockeys protect their own; a certain percentage of horse prizes goes to the Disabled Jockeys Fund, and the riders themselves constantly seek ways to augment it with charity races and other endeavors. Their annual Jockeys Day racing festival is now on its twelfth edition, and is set for this weekend (May 30 and 31) at Metro Turf in Malvar, Batangas. Among the charity race sponsors are Philracom, Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office, and various individuals. The jockeys came up with a special event that will be held in the country for the first time ever on Sunday – a jockey footrace, patterned after those in the United States. Jockeys, for a donation, will emerge from the starting gate like racehorses and run on the racetrack to the finish line for about 100 meters. When this was proposed to the Philracom, agency Chairman Andrew Sanchez and Commissioners Bienvenido C. Niles Jr., former jockey Lyndon Guce, and lawyers Ramon S. Bagatsing Jr., Willy de Ungria, Jose Santillan, and Victor Tantoco approved the plan at once. The footrace will feature 22

abused the pork that the palace so liberally gave out in the past, it’s easy to conclude that any senator or congressman offered this indecent proposal will almost instinctively choose the money and the projects (which really means more money). After all, as many legislators will willingly admit in private – but never declare

riders and will be run between two regular races. The jockeys have other activities planned for the weekend, including fans’ meet-and-greet with the jockeys, fun bets on the footrace, and others. For perhaps the first time ever also, all three racing clubs – MJC through Racing Manager Ding Magboo, PRC through executive Vice-President Allan Abesamis, and Metroturf through Chairman Norberto Quisumbing Jr. – are actively helping promote and support an event that will be held on only one of the tracks. To help the disabled riders, they put aside competition and contributed heavily by providing incentives to participants in addition to sponsoring races and jockeys in the footrace, as did members of the three horseowners’ organizations – Marho, Philtobo, and Klub Don Juan de Manila – and plain racing fans. This is an example of one community taking active measures for its welfare, care, and protection. There is no whining or blaming, no pointing fingers or ducking responsibility, only buckling down together as a community and an industry to find solutions and get things done. Please visit the New Philippine Jockeys Association page as well as my racing page, Gogirl Racing, on Facebook, for more information. *** Facebook: Jenny Ortuoste, Twitter: @jennyortuoste, Blog:

in public – the BBL’s final approval really rests with the Supreme Court, which will decide the eventual cases to be filed in the event the law passes. So why not make Malacanang happy by just voting in favor of the proposed law and getting some much-needed campaign funds besides? Who wants to be the hero and be

Alston also warned that the impunity “encouraged death squad killings to sprout up in other cities beyond Davao.” Alston stated: “since 2007, numerous patterns of death squad killings have been reported by media and civil society organizations in other cities in the region such as General Santos City, Digos City, and Tagum City, and even in Cebu, the Philippines’ second largest city.” So why has the PNoy administration failed to act on the findings of Alston? Clearly, the reason is that Aquino and his Secretary of Justice simply do not care. This is consistent with the reality that PNoy has not given any priority to the promotion and protection of human rights in the past five years of his administration. This is why I am absolutely disappointed at Leila De Lima. She was once Chairperson of the Commission on human Rights and should have utilized the vast powers, personnel and resources of the Department of Justice to fulfill the state obligation to protect and promote the right to life. Instead, PNoy and De Lima opted to ignore the recommendations of Alston, specifically on the Davao death squad. It is the height of hypocrisy for De Lima to now belatedly say that Duterte should be held liable for the acts of the death squads. Why did she wait six years before she manifested a willingness to run after Duterte? And why only after the latter has expressed interest to be President? International law provides that PNoy and his Secretary of Justice have had the obligation to investigate, punish and prosecute Duterte as soon as they obtained information that he may be in any way connected to the death squads. They have had this information since 2009 when Philip Alston said so. De Lima was then chairman of the ChR and did nothing. PNoy, on the other hand, since Day One of his administration, should have investigated Duterte for these killings, The fact that he failed to do so is a ground for him to incur criminal liability himself under the concept of Superior Responsibility – he knew that Duterte may have been involved, and he did nothing to investigate and prosecute him. To run after Duterte in time for the 2016 elections adds ignominy to the President’s sin of omission. It also demeans the importance of human rights promotion and degrades it as yet another election issue. This is vintage PNoy.

charged for past pork abuse and drag the bribe-givers in the palace (who also want to move on about the scandal) into the revived controversy in the bargain? And this is why I believe the BBL will pass. The pork-laced carrots are just too appealing – and the stick (or sword) just too threatening – ignore.

t hurs day : m ay 2 8 , 2 0 1 5



CJ family mulls over case vs Filoil By Peter Atencio ExEcutivEs and organizers of the Filoil-Flying v tournament met with the family of the late carl Jimwell ‘cJ’ servillon at his wake in Mandaluyong city but servillon’s grandfather said he finds their explanations on the incident that led to the death of the 17-year old cager “unacceptable.” The elder Servillon also said the family has not closed the door on the possibility of seeking legal actions against the organizers, but said they will decide on this after the JRU Light Bomber’s burial. “Sabi nila, kumpleto daw sila. Sabi nila. Pero ang pagkakaalam namin, wala talaga,” said the elder Servillon, referring to the alleged lack of medical personnel at the San Juan arena, the venue where the tournament is being played. Servillon, who was elevated to the Jose Rizal University Light Bombers team-a recently after spending two years in Team B, collapsed during a juniors game with La Salle-Zobel last Saturday in the ongoing FilOilFlying V cagefest and died two days later at the intensive care unit of Cardinal Santos Medical Center in

San Juan. CJ is survived by father Jun, a tricycle driver, mom azon, and sister KatKat. The family has yet to get a medical certificate from Cardinal Santos Medical Center as to the cause of his untimely death. Tournament director Joey guillermo said they have already reached out to the family of CJ, and provided financial assistance, and also sent their condolences. “We don’t want this to happen. That’s why we went out of our way to provide medical services in our games,” said guillermo after talking with CJ’s family on Monday, JRU Light Bombers coach nathaniel gregorio was among those who tried to revive Servillon after medical personnel were not immediately available to respond to the incident.

Cray makes Olympic grade FIL-aMERICan bet Eric Cray hit the qualifying standard for the world championships and the Olympics over the weekend. Cray, who is seeing action in the 28th Southeast asian games in Singapore, made the grade after clocking 49.12 seconds in the men’s 400-meter hurdles of the 2015 Cayman Invitational athletics meet in georgetown. He actually had a photo finish with Jamaican ansert White, who settled for the silver, according to information released by Their clockings surpassed the course record set by Eric alejandro of Puerto Rico at 49.59 seconds two years ago. as the defending champion of the 400-meter hurdles in the SEa games, this is the fourth time that Cray was able to smash the 33year old national record of 51.26 seconds, which used to belong to Renato Unso. His other record-shattering times were at 50.74, 50 seconds and 49.62, which he had established early this year.

(From left) New Philippines Jockeys Association inc. board member Ace Aguila Vice President Val Dilema and President Gilbert Francisco discuss with sportswriter the upcomng 1st NJPA Jockey’s Foot Race event on May 31 Sunday at Metro Turf Club, Inc. in Malvar Batangas during last Tuesday’s PSA Forum at the Shakey’s Malate in Manila. LINO SANTOS

Cagayan, PLDT clash in preview of title duel Cagayan Valley and PLDT Home Ultera collide today (Thursday) in a preview of the championship at The arena in San Juan with both teams still expected to go all out for the momentum and confidence come Sunday. The Rising Suns and the Ultra Home Spikers swept their first two games in the single round semis to move into the finals, practically rendering the 4 p.m. encounter nothing but a match for placing. But given the weight of the task ahead, coaches of both teams will surely be using the game to test new combinations and look for the other side’s

wan, Eden we a k ne s s Games today es, which 2 p.m. – air Force vs Cignal C a n l a s , Michael they could 4 p.m. – PLDT vs Cagayan Zamora, exploit Rex Intal, when the best-of-three title series Joseph Ramos and setter Brendon Santos but also fires off Sunday. Cagayan edged PLDT hopes to draw solid plays in their elims face-off, from Rudy gatdula, Warblowing a 2-0 set lead ren Pirante and Renz Orbut coming back strong donez as they try to cap in the decider to pull off their dominate of the ina 25-20, 26-24, 12-25, 22- augural league presented 25, 15-10 victory. The Ris- by PLDT Home Ultera. But the Ultra Fast Spiking Suns went on to top the elims with a 6-1 card ers are in for a mission while PLDT scrambled with coach Odjie Mamon at the end of the elims to hoping to complement salvage a spot in the Final PLDT’s ladies squad’s title quest in the Shakey’s Four. Cagayan coach nes V-League, whose final Pamilar is expected to showdown with army is lean again on his tested also set Sunday. Mark alfafara, John crew of Marck Espejo, Peter Torres, Jan Paglina- Torres, Jayson Ramos,

Vic de guzman, Kheeno Franco and James Pecaa are tipped to match up with Cagayan’s power hitters with Mamon also expecting much from the likes of Vincent Mangulabnan, Rolando Casillan, armando Malleon and Howard Mojica. Meanwhile, air Force and Cignal tangle at 2 p.m. in their own preview of their battle for third place in the league backed by Mikasa. games can be viewed live via streaming on, according to the organizing Sports Vision. The PLDT-Cignal match last Tuesday will also be shown on PTV 4 starting at 10:30 tonight.

Cebuana Lhuillier Sports launched

Cebuana Lhuilleir Sports sports patron and Cebuana Lhuillier president and CEO Jean Henri Lhuillier (center) has Announced plans to further support softball, tennis, and basketball sports development in the country with the launch of Cebuana Lhuillier Sports. Joining him during the photo session are (from left Cebuana Lhuillier Executive Assistant Danny Francisco, Cebuana Gems Coach Boycie Zamar, Philippine Davi’s Cup Team head coach Roland Kraut, and Blu Girls coach Randy Dizer. LINO SANTOS

SPORTS patron Jean Henri Lhuillier said yesterday that Philippine sports needs a lot of private support even as he outlined his company’s plans in 2015 to help boost the chances of the athletes supported by his company, the Cebuana Lhuillier. “There has to be more private support in Philippine sports. It’s really the push of private companies and individuals, and corporations that can come out and support Philippine sports. The more the merrier,” said Lhuillier during the launch of the Cebuana Lhuillier Sports at the PF Chang

Restaurant at the Bonifacio global City in Taguig. Cebuana Lhullier actively supports athletes in tennis, softball, bowling and basketball. For 2015, Lhullier said the program will support the bid of the Philippine Blu Boys and Blu girls softball teams in winning the gold medals in the 28th Southeast asian games in Singapore. The Blu Boys and the Blu girls are also slated to join the world men’s championship in Canada this June. Cebuana Lhullier has also thrown its support to the Philippine Davis Cup

team, which recently won over Sri Lanka and will go up against Chinese-Taipei this July. The participation of the Serena Williams-led Philippine Mavericks is also in the programs’ list. “I’m here doing my little bit in supporting Philippine sports. It’s collective effort,” Lhullier said. Through its grassroots program, the company has added the national youth bowling team to its priority list, after the Enzo Hernandez-led squad bagged two silvers and two bronzes in the 18th asian youth meet in Macau.

t hurs day : m ay 2 8 , 2 0 1 5



High-ranking FIFA officials face corruption charges Zurich—Swiss police on Wednesday staged a dawn raid on a Zurich hotel and detained six top football officials as part of a uS investigation into tens of millions of dollars of bribes, Swiss authorities and media reports said. All six could be extradited to the united States with the shock arrests coming only two days before FiFA president Sepp Blatter seeks reelection as head of football’s world governing body in a campaign overshadowed by scandal. Swiss police, meanwhile, raided the headquarters of FiFA in Zurich, seizing documents and data, the Swiss attorney-general’s office said. The raids were part of an investigation already underway into money laundering and fraud involving FiFA’s awarding of the 2018 and 2022 World cups to russia and Qatar respectively, a statement said Jeffrey Webb, a vice president of FiFA, was among those detained in the dawn

police raid, according to the New York Times. Swiss police in plain clothes took the room keys from the reception at the Baur au Lac hotel and went to the rooms of the six, the New York Times said. The operation was carried out peacefully, it added. The newspaper added that Eduardo Li, an official from costa rica, was also seen being led away. Meanwhile, the president of the Philippine Football Federation says Blatter is not involved in the scandal. Mariano “Nonong” Araneta told the New Standard/Viva Sports that the probe by the uS Department of Justice has been going on since 1991 but that “despite the arrests, the congress and the elections will push through as scheduled.” Araneta said that Blatter “is not involved” but said “it might hurt his chances” for election to a fifth term. AFP, Ronnie Nathanielsz

FIFA spokesman Walter De Gregorio gives a press conference at the FIFA headquarters, on May 27, 2015 in Zurich. Swiss police on Wednesday raided a Zurich hotel to detain six top football officials as part of a US investigation into tens of millions of dollars of bribes paid to sport leaders, Swiss authorities and media reports said. AFP

Ababa sizzles with solid 68, leads by 2 Sarah ababa turned in a career-best start of bogey-free, four-under 68 to slip past top favorite Cyna rodriguez for a two-stroke lead at the start of the ICTSI riviera Ladies Classic at riviera’s Couples Course in Silang, Cavite yesterday. Ababa took advantage of benign conditions in one of the early flights and strung up two birdies each on both nines while saving pars twice in an impressive outing for the former national team mainstay chasing a breakthrough on the icTSi Ladies Philippine Golf Tour. She credited her solid iron game and steady putting in posting her best-ever start

that featured four birdies inside 10 feet and put her two strokes ahead of the most fancied player in the event organized by Pilipinas Golf Tournaments, inc. “i hit solid approach shots, especially from within 100 yards,” said Ababa, who tied for 20th in the icTSi Ladies Open won by Korean hwang Ye-nah and finished joint second with

Thai Satarak Walailak at icTSi Splendido ruled by Thai Meechai Wichanee but struggled to place tied for sixth with Jayvie Agojo and former teammate Lovelynn Guioguio at icTSi Wack Wack won by amateur ace Princess Superal. Three flights behind, rodriguez birdied the par5 No 16 to move within one off Ababa but dropped a shot farther back after missing the 18th green. The reigning back-to-back Order of Merit winner settled for a 70. Agojo, who beat chihiro ikeda by three here last year to nail her first LPGT diadem, birdied the par-5 11th

feated pound for pound No.1 Floyd REPUBLIC OF THE Mayweather Jr PHILIPPINES or possibly eight diCOMMISSION ON APPOINTMENTS and former BriTAiN’S Amir Khan returns to vision world champion Manny Pacquiao. the ring on Saturday, Manila Time, stablemate ANNOUNCEMENT Khan recalled that he has “ hapto take on former WBO light welPresident Benigno S. AquinoofIII New has submitted to the py memories York having terweight champion chris Commission Algieri on Appointments (C.A.) for confirmation the made my u.S. debut at Barclays center in Brooklyn, ad interim appointments of thesuccessful following ranking officers in the in Armed of the Philippines: there against Paulie Malignaggi in New York as the Main Event an Forces Ronald2010. Joseph S. Mercado – Rear Admiral and exciting Premier Boxing champions Silvestre L. Rubite, PN (Reserve) – Captain “i’m delighted to now be fight(PBc) card on Spike TV. The public may submit any information, written report ing there once inagain against anKhan who has a record orofsworn 30-3complaints or oppositions forty (40) copies on th above appointments to the CA Secretariat, Floor, other champion in chris 6Algieri,” with 19 knockouts is comingthe off imPNB Financial Center, DiosdadoMacapagal Blvd., Pasay Khan said. “Algieri has shared the pressive back-to-back victories City, over Metro Manila. ring with some tremendous Luis collazo when he won the vacant For the schedule of the public hearings, thefightCA reached through telephone shown great skills numbers in those WB Silver welterweight titleSecretariat and the canersbeand 551-7532, 831-0893, 831-1824, 834-2706, 831-1566 and WBA international crown and when fights so i know i will need to be at 834-2713. my very best when we meet. in all he retained the WBc Silver 27title May 2015. against Devon Alexander, believes my fights i bring excitement, speed guarantee that an impressive win over Algieri and skill and can ARTURO L. TIU more 29 at Barclays will improve his chances of earning fireworks on MaySecretary 28, 2015) center.” a fight he’s longed for against(TS-MAY unde-



ANNOUNCEMENT President Benigno S. Aquino III has submitted to the Commission on Appointments (C.A.) for confirmation the ad interim appointments of the following ranking officers in the Armed Forces of the Philippines: Ronald Joseph S. Mercado – Rear Admiral and Silvestre L. Rubite, PN (Reserve) – Captain The public may submit any information, written report or sworn complaints or oppositions in forty (40) copies on the above appointments to the CA Secretariat, 6th Floor, PNB Financial Center, DiosdadoMacapagal Blvd., Pasay City, Metro Manila. For the schedule of the public hearings, the CA Secretariat can be reached through telephone numbers 551-7532, 831-0893, 831-1824, 834-2706, 831-1566 and 834-2713. 27 May 2015. ARTURO L. TIU Secretary (TS-MAY 28, 2015)


Khan, Algieri clash in NY By Ronnie Nathanielsz

to go one-under but dropped a stroke on the 15th and ended up with a 72 in a tie with Korean amateur Koh Eu Na, who birdied Nos. 16 and 17 to get into the mix in the early going of the 54-hole tournament serving as the fourth leg of the circuit sponsored by icTSi. Guioguio also had a strong start with birdies on Nos. 6 and 7 but bogeyed the next two and dropped four strokes in a three-hole stretch from No. 11. She bounced back with another birdie on the par-3 14th but double bogeyed the par-5 16th and needed to birdie the last hole to card a 76.

To all ABS-CBNmobile Prepaid Subscribers: Effective June 1, 2015, the following prepaid special promos will be discontinued. Load Name Keyword Inclusions Validity Kapamilya KUC20 UnliViber, Line, WeChat, Whats App, 1 day Unli Chat 20 KakaoTalk chat and calls Unlimited texts to ABS-CBNmobile 10 minutes of calls to ABS-CBNmobile In its place, other ABS-CBNmobile Prepaid special promo loads are available for all subscribers. For the complete list of current ABS-CBNmobile Prepaid special promo loads, please visit For more information, you may call 7878 free of charge via your ABSCBNmobile phone, or (02) 266-7878 via landline. (TS-MAY 28, 2015)

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T H U R S D AY : M AY 2 8 , 2 0 1 5



Nadal, Djokovic move closer to quarterfinals

Melindo seeks 2nd shot at world title By Ronnie Nathanielsz

PARIS—Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal eased closer to a French Open quarter-final showdown Tuesday while two-time champion Serena Williams blitzed her way into the second round. But there were opening defeats for women’s tour poster girl Eugenie Bouchard, the sixth seed, as well as men’s 10th-seeded Grigor Dimitrov. Top seed Djokovic, bidding to win a first French Open and become just the eighth man to complete the career Grand Slam, defeated experienced Jarkko Nieminen 6-2, 7-5, 6-2. The victory over the 33-yearold Finn, who was playing in his 50th major, was Djokovic’s 23rd consecutive win this year. The 28-year-old Serb, seeded to meet nine-time champion Nadal in the last eight, will next face either Luxembourg’s Gilles Muller or Paolo Lorenzi of Italy. They were level at two sets apiece when darkness caused an overnight suspension to their tie. “I always feel a lot of emotion when I get back on this court,” said Australian Open champion Djokovic, the runner-up to Nadal last year and in 2012. “This year I’m playing very well so far and I hope I will get

the confidence I have had since the beginning of the year.” Nadal opened his bid for a 10th title with a 6-3, 6-3, 6-4 win over world number 296 Quentin Halys. Nadal, seeded a humble six this year—his lowest for a decade—needed just one hour and 50 minutes to see off the 18-year-old and record his 67th career win at Roland Garros. The defending champion came into the tournament without a European claycourt title for the first time since 2005 and with many in the sport writing him off as a spent force. But in a cheeky riposte to his critics, the 14-time major winner played with the number ‘9’ stitched into the heels of his tennis shoes to remind people of his astonishing record at the tournament where he has only ever lost once. Halys, making his Grand Slam debut, was broken five times and made 52 unforced errors.

Spain’s Rafael Nadal celebrates after defeating France’s Quentin Halys during the men’s first round at the Roland Garros 2015 French Open. AFP

Republic of lhe Philippines

Republic of lhe Philippines



Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Department of Environment and Natural Resources

North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Tel. No. (+63 2) 920-9120 / 920-9130 / 928-8937 Fax No. (+63 2) 920-1635 Email:

North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Tel. No. (+63 2) 920-9120 / 920-9130 / 928-8937 Fax No. (+63 2) 920-1635 Email: REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST AND TO APPLY FOR ELIGIBILITY AND TO BID


The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB), through the General Appropriations Act (GAA) for CY 2015 intends to apply the sum of Two Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (PhP2,750,000.00) being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABCs) to payments under the contracts for the Consultancy Service – Risk Assessment and Preparation of Environmental Management Plan for Benguet Exploration Mine (Thanks Giving Mines) located at Camp 6 along Kenon Road, Tuba, Benguet, under Purchase Request (PR) No. 2015-02-156 P. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at the bid opening.


The MGB now calls for the submission of Expression of Interest (EOI) and Eligibility Documents for Consultancy Service – Risk Assessment and Preparation of Environmental Management Plan for Benguet Exploration Mine (Thanks Giving Mines). Interested contractors with a minimum of at least three (3) years’ experience in the above-mentioned service must submit their EOI and Eligibility Documents on or before June 5, 2015, Friday, 5:00 PM at the Office of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), MGB Compound, North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City. Applications for eligibility will be evaluated based on a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion. Late submission shall not be accepted.


Eligibility Documents shall consist of:


The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB), through the General Appropriations Act (GAA) for CY 2015 intends to apply the sum of One Million Seven Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Pesos (PhP1,725,000.00) being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABCs) to payments under the contracts for the Consultancy Services Development of the Mining Industry Central Data Base under Purchase Request (PR) No. 2015-02-145 P. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at the bid opening.


The MGB now calls for the submission of Expression of Interest (EOI) and Eligibility Documents for Development of the Mining Industry Central Data Base. Interested contractors with a minimum of at least three (3) years’ experience in the above-mentioned service must submit their EOI and Eligibility Documents on or before June 5, 2015, Friday, 5:00 PM at the Office of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), MGB Compound, North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City. Applications for eligibility will be evaluated based on a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion. Late submission shall not be accepted.


The objectives of this project is to develop a comprehensive (web-based) database systems for mining industry that will integrate all mining-related information accessible to different users anytime anywhere. A system that will facilitate dissemination of information whether internally to other MGB offices or externally to the public and other government agencies. The project also aims to develop an information system that automates and allow transparent access on the following:


Registration certificate from Security Exchange Commission, Department of Trade and Industry for sole proprietorship, or any proof of such registration as stated in the Bidding Documents;


Mayor’s permit issued by the city or municipality where the principal place of business of the prospective bidder is located;




Eligibility Documents shall consist of: Legal Documents

Technical Documents


Mineral Rights Management data; Mineral Resources data; Mine Environmental and Safety data; Mining Technology data; Abandoned Inactive Mine data; Laboratory Services data; Industry Statistics data; Research and Technology data; Administrative and Support data; and Other mining-related data.

• • • • • • • • • •

Legal Documents


FORMER flyweight title challenger Milan Melindo won’t underestimate IBF light flyweight champion Javier Mendoza when he gets a second chance at a world title in Mexico on May 31, Manila Time. In an overseas telephone conversation with the New Standard/, Melindo said Mendoza “is a fighter and he’s good” even as he predicted their title clash will be “a good fight.” Melindo said he had trained long and hard for this second crack at a world title with two months training in the Philippines and two additional months at the Wild Card Gym in Los Angeles and has had “no problems and is feeling good.” Trainer Edito “Ala” Villamor told us that they will leave today for Mexico and that Melindo is in “great condition” and they have high hopes that his hard work in the gym will pay off on fight night. Well known strength and conditioning coach Nick Curson has been working with Melindo and if his work with WBO light flyweight champion Donnie “Ahas” Nietes is any indication then Melindo should be in great shape. Edito’s brother Edmund Villamor had earlier told us that they had watched tapes of Javier Mendoza and indicated he is a fighter who likes to come forward all the time which is the kind of opponent Milan likes to face because he could exploit his counter-punching ability. Edmund Villamor believes Melindo has a good chance of winning the IBF title even though Mendoza will enjoy a hometown advantage. The 27 year old Melindo has a record of 32 wins as against 1 loss with 12 wins coming by way of knockout. His only loss was against the tough and talented Mexican Juan Francisco Estrada on July 27, 2013 at the Cotai Arena in Macau in a WBO/WBA flyweight title bout with Estrada who had earlier won the title with a close, split decision over two division world champion Brian Viloria also at the Cotai Arena in Macau on April 6, 2013.

Statement of the prospective bidder of all its ongoing and completed government and private contracts, including contracts awarded but not yet started, if any, whether similar or not similar in nature and complexity to the contract to be bid, within the relevant period as provided in the Bidding Documents. The statement shall include all information required in the PBDs prescribed by the GPPB.


Only contractors with a minimum score of 60% shall be part of the shortlist. A shortlist shall be published in the PhilGEPS website not earlier than ten (10) days after the submission deadline. Short listed contractors shall be notified and issued bidding documents upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (PhP2,500.00). Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the IRR of RA 9184. Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.

Registration certificate from Security Exchange Commission, Department of Trade and Industry for sole proprietorship, or any proof of such registration as stated in the Bidding Documents;


Mayor’s permit issued by the city or municipality where the principal place of business of the prospective bidder is located;

Technical Documents

Statement of the consultant specifying its nationality and confirming that those who will actually perform the service are registered professionals authorized by the appropriate regulatory body to practice those professions and allied professions, including their respective curriculum vitae.

The MGB-BAC and its Technical Working Group (TWG) shall draw up the short list of consultants from those who have submitted EOI and eligibility documents, determined as eligible in accordance with the criterion and rating system as follows: • Firm Experience – 50% • Job Capacity – 25% • Qualification of Personnel - 25%



Statement of the prospective bidder of all its ongoing and completed government and private contracts, including contracts awarded but not yet started, if any, whether similar or not similar in nature and complexity to the contract to be bid, within the relevant period as provided in the Bidding Documents. The statement shall include all information required in the PBDs prescribed by the GPPB.


Statement of the consultant specifying its nationality and confirming that those who will actually perform the service are registered professionals authorized by the appropriate regulatory body to practice those professions and allied professions, including their respective curriculum vitae.

The MGB-BAC and its Technical Working Group (TWG) shall draw up the short list of consultants from those who have submitted EOI and eligibility documents, determined as eligible in accordance with the criterion and rating system as follows: • Firm Experience – 50% • Job Capacity – 25% • Qualification of Personnel - 25% Only contractors with a minimum score of 60% shall be part of the shortlist. A shortlist shall be published in the PhilGEPS website not earlier than ten (10) days after the submission deadline.


Short listed contractors shall be notified and issued bidding documents upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (PhP2,500.00). Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the IRR of RA 9184.


The MGB shall evaluate bids using Quality-Cost Based Evaluation/Selection (QCBE/QCBS) procedure. The MGB shall indicate the weights to be allocated for the Technical and Financial Proposals. The criteria and rating system for the evaluation of bids shall be provided in the Instruction to Bidders.


The contract/s shall be completed within a months, upon receipt of the Notice to Proceed.



The MGB reserves the right to accept or reject and bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

The MGB shall evaluate bids using Quality-Cost Based Evaluation/Selection (QCBE/QCBS) procedure. The MGB shall indicate the weights to be allocated for the Technical and Financial Proposals. The criteria and rating system for the evaluation of bids shall be provided in the Instruction to Bidders.


The contract/s shall be completed within a months, upon receipt of the Notice to Proceed.


For further information, please refer to:


The MGB reserves the right to accept or reject and bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

Roberto D. Caseros Overall Head, BAC Secretariat Bids and Awards Committee North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Trunk Line No: 667-6600 loc. 153 E-mail: Website:

(TS-MAY 28, 2015)

Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.

10. For further information, please refer to:


Roberto D. Caseros Overall Head, BAC Secretariat Bids and Awards Committee North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Trunk Line No: 667-6600 loc. 153 E-mail: Website: (TS-MAY 28, 2015)


Masked Parrenas trains for fight WBO Oriental super flyweight champion Warlito “Cowboy” Parrenas is using an unusual attire in his preparation for his interim title fight against David Carmona on June 20 in Mexico. Parrenas is training with a mask which is geared to help him handle the high altitude of Mexico where the fight will take place. He said “it is difficult to train with a mask and he feels a drowning sensation and its very hard to breathe.” However, Parrenas said he “feels like a super hero” in his attire and hopes it can truly help him when he steps into the ring against Carmona. Parrenas is being trained by Sammy Bernabe and British trainer Warren Evison who told the New Standard/ that Parrenas works on the track every morning and also in the gym where he has been sparring with top Japanese fighters. Evison said Parrenas was doing well in sparring and is “doing well.” The British trainer said they had watched fight tapes of Carmona and noticed that while the Mexican was fast, he didn’t have much power. Ronnie Nathanielsz

T H U R S D AY : M AY 2 8 , 2 0 1 5



Beermen stretch winning streak By Jeric Lopez

IN A pleasant exchange of crucial shots down the stretch, San Miguel Beer made sure it had the last say. Arizona Reid provided tons of clutch plays in the final minute to lift the streaking Beermen to an exciting 116-113 escape over league leader Barako Bull to extend their winning run to four in the 2015 Philippine Basketball Association Governors’ Cup last night at the Smart Araneta Coliseum. The red-hot Beermen continued to sizzle

as they are now at 4-2 to remain at fifth place while at the same time, dealing the erstwhile unbeaten Energy Colas their first taste of defeat as they fell to 4-1, still good to remain at the top of the heap. With his team down by a point, Reid drove hard and sank a goahead short jump hook in the middle of traffic to put San Miguel up,

112-111, with 30.8 sec- the mark, forcing the onds remaining. That Energy Colas to foul proved to be the game- Reid to send him to the winning basket. line and stop the clock. San Miguel coach The former Best Leo Austria I m p o r t Games Friday had a huge awardee Araneta Coliseum) sigh of relief (Smart sank his two 4:15 p.m. • Blackwater vs. after his team free throws Meralco pulled out the 7 p.m. • Talk ‘N Text vs. 6.8 ticks left GlobalPort grinder. to extend ‘’Right the Beerfrom the start, alam men’s edge to 114-111. namin na this will be a Reid, who finished very tough game. we’re with 22 points, eight rejust lucky to survive bounds and six assists in and get the win,’’ said a complete game, then Austria. sealed the win for San In the ensuing play, Miguel as he blocked Joseph Yeo’s difficult a potential game-tying triple with around 12 triple attempt by Dylan seconds left didn’t hit Ababou on the other.

Joseoh Yeo of Barako Bull goes up for a jumper against San Miguel defenders Arizona Reid (no. 32) and Chriss Ross (no. 6) in their PBA Governors Cup game at the Araneta Coliseum. The Beermen won, 116-113.

PATAFA hopes to match 83’ SEAG record THE Philippine Amateur Track and Field Association (PATAFA) is confident of clinching eight gold medals in the coming 28th Southeast Asian Games in Singapore, or at best 12 gold medals – which would eclipse the best ever finish by a Philippine athletics team at the SEA Games. “We’re very optimistic. We expect to win at least eight golds,

and even 12, to surpass the best gold medal haul in the SEA Games (by an athletics team), which happened way back in 1983. We’re also confident that we have the numbers to have 1, 2 finishes in some events,” said PATAFA president Philip Ella Juico. “But we must be heroes in delivery, and not just in the promise. We’re claiming eight golds, with

Reigning long jump queen Marestella Torres leaps to a convincing 6.53-meter win at the recently concluded 2015 Taiwan Open. She’ll see action again at the 28th SEA Games, in a bid to regain her crown from Indonesian favorite Natalia Londa, who took the SEA Games long jump gold in 2013 in Torres’ absence.

Republic of lhe Philippines

Department of Environment and Natural Resources MINES AND GEOSCIENCES BUREAU

12 as our stretch target.” Juico said the 36-person athletics national team’s best chances to clinch gold medals are in decathlon, men’s 4x400meter relay, men’s 400-meter low hurdles, men’s steeplechase, men’s 1,500-meter run, men’s long jump, men’s shot put, men’s hammer throw, men’s pole vault, and men’s 400-meter run.


6/55 00-00-00-00-00-00 P0 M+ 6/45 00-00-00-00-00-00 P0 M 4 DIGITS 0-0-0-0 3 DIGITS 0-0-0 2 EZ2 0-0

Regional Office No. V

Regional Center Site DENR Annex Bldg., Rawis, Legaspi City Telefax No.: (052) 482-1056 Telephone No.: (482-1156 / 435-3034 E-mail Address: Website:

INVITATION TO BID As is, Where is, For Confiscated Processed Iron Ore in Paracale, Camarines Norte The Mines and Geo-Sciences Bureau, Regional Office No. V (MGB RO V) , by virtue of confiscation Orders dated September 1, 2014 and March 10,2015 intends t0 sell 47,196 metric tons of iron ore containing gold for a total amount of $1,682,553.52 being the Approved Sales Value (ASV) for the payment under the contract for the sale of Confiscated Iron Ore In Paracale, Camarines Norte numbered MGB ROVS0G·2015-01 . Bids received less than the ASV shall be automatically rejected at the bid opening. 1.

The MGB RO V now invites bids for 47,196 metric tons of processed iron ore with average grade of 60,03% Fe and 1.53% Au. Full payment for the goods is required by 2:00 PM of the 3rd worklng day from date of the award. Failure to pay in full shall render the award null and void and the bid security forfeited in favor of the DENR. Bidders should be at the lime of bidding, be an MPSA, FTAA contractor/ Permittee or a Mineral Processing Permit holder, or duly Accredited Mineral Trader/dealer/retailer of mineral products and by products.


Bidding shall be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion.


Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations/corporations with atleast sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines.


Interested bidder may obtain further information from the MGB RO V, and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given beIow from 8:00AM to 5:00 PM.

Philip D. Adler TWO SYLVIA LOPEZ weeks ALEJANDRO ago I fe a tured the Final Column of Philip Adler. Some salient facts about Adler: 2012: Non-playing captain of the silver medalist MSA team in the World Senior Championship in Lille, France. 2005 until May 1, 2015: Bridge columnist for the New York Times. Adler wrote “As a player, I won several junior titles and the English national team championship, the Crockford’s Cup. But sadly I have not won a national title in the United States, getting close three times. He gives us an interesting hand: North ♠AKJ104 ♥93 ♦QJ9 ♣985 West East ♠976 ♠85 ♥ ♥108652 ♦K642 ♦A8753 ♣KJ10762 ♣4

South ♠Q32 ♥AKQJ74 ♦10

♣AQ3 West North


South 1♥ 6♥

2NT 3♠ 5♦ PASS PASS PASS West made an unusual Unusual No-trump overcall with 4=6, not 5=5, distribution. Then, against my six-heart-contract, he led the diamond deuce. East won with his ace and shifted to the club four. How did I continue? I judged that if West had a spade void, he would have led a high diamond as a suit-preference signal. So I became worried that the trumps were breaking badly. I won with my club ace, played a spade to dummy’s ace and led the heart nine. East, thinking that it could not hurt, covered with his ten. I won with my ace and noted West’s discard. I returned to dummy with a spade to the ten, played a heart to my seven, drew trumps and ran the spades. Plus

A complete set Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders on May 27, 2015 from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents In the amount of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P 50,000.00).

1,430 was a cold top. If East had played low smoothly under the heart nine, I would have put up my ace and gone down like everyone else. When you have a card surrounded like that, it will almost always be wrong to cover. *** Results of Alejandro Duplicate Game last May 19, 2015: Nena Ramirex-Joli Kansil Ching Holley-Chris Tweddell Winston Arpon-Justo Manlongat Results at Manila Peninsula last May 20, 2015: Joli Kansil-Elizabeth Golamco Sylvia Alejandro-Margaret Kwok Justo Manlongat-Satomi Suzuki Results at Cambridge Game last May 21, 2015: John McPhedran-Abla Assad Martin Anastacio-Margaret Kwok


It may also be downloaded from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the MGB RO V, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids. The MGB RO V will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on June 3. 2015. 2:00 PM at the Office of PENRO, Camarines Norte, which shall be open only to all interested parties who have purchased the Bidding Documents.


Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 12:00 noon on June 17, 2015. All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in the form of a Manager`s Check payable to the DENR Secretary in the amount equivalent to 10% of the ASV. The bid security shall be returned to the losing bidder after the bid is announced. In case of the awardee, the deposit will serve as a partial payment. Bid opening shaI be on June 17, 2015, at 2:00PM at the Mines and GeoScience Bureau, Regional Office No. V, Rawis, Legaspi City. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidder`s authorized representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.


The Mines and Geoscience. Bureau, Regional Office No. V reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award , without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.


For further information, please refer to: Daniel S. Sambanon CBACMP Secretariat (Sgd.) Ricardo P. Nacional Mines and Geo-Sciences Bureau Regional Office No. V Government Center Site Rawis, Legaspi City 052 4821056/05204821156

Comments to: ç sylgen717@ (TS-MAY 27, 28 & 29, 2015)


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CLEVELAND, OH - The Cleveland Cavaliers celebrate after defeating the Atlanta Hawks, 118-88 in Game Four of the Eastern Conference Finals of the 2015 NBA Playoffs at Quicken Loans Arena on May 26, 2015 in Cleveland, Ohio. AFP

James, Cavs sweep Hawks CLEVELAND—LeBron James advanced to his fifth straight NBA finals, leading the Cleveland Cavaliers to a 118-88 rout of the Atlanta Hawks and a sweep of the Eastern Conference finals. Once again James carried the Cavaliers on his back, finishing with 23 points, nine rebounds and seven assists and then sitting on the bench and playing cheerleader for much of the final quarter of Tuesday’s contest. “We worked our tails off all season to get to this point,” James said. “We have everything it takes to win. I have been there. We have grit, determination and a willingness to want to be great.” It was an impressive 4-0 series sweep for the Cavaliers and their

title-starved Cleveland fans. Cleveland advanced to its first NBA finals since James led a rough and tumble group there in 2007, when they were swept by the mighty San Antonio Spurs. The city hasn’t celebrated a major sports title since the Cleveland Browns won the National Football League championship in 1964. The Cavaliers franchise has never won an NBA title. ‘Unfinished business’ “I’m a guy who believes in unfinished business,” James said.

Kyrie Irving returned for game four in front of a crowd of 20,500 at Quicken Loans Arena following a two-game absence due to a knee injury. He tallied 16 points and five assists in 22 minutes. Cleveland will face either the Golden State Warriors or the Houston Rockets in the championship showdown. Golden State leads that series 3-1. “It hasn’t always been easy the last 51 years, waiting,” firstyear Cavaliers coach David Blatt said. “We know the people are behind us and that’s part of our motivation.” Four-time MVP James has made it to the finals five straight years with two different teams. He has been in the last four finals with the Miami Heat before deciding to re-

FIFA officials rapped for corruption TURN TO A13

turn to his hometown Cavaliers at the beginning of the season. The days of Cleveland fans burning James’ jersey following his departure to the Heat where he claimed two NBA titles are now a distant memory. James didn’t make any promises when he returned to his home state in July following that messy divorce from the Cavaliers. “LeBron took a courageous decision to come back,” said Blatt said of James. “All of this is where his heart and family is and now we are all part of that family. He wants to lead us and we want to keep going.” James battled through leg cramps late in game three but stayed in the tilt which the Cavaliers won 114-111 in overtime. The sweep allows the Cavs to

rest eight days until the finals begin next Thursday. Not only will James get to heal some sore muscles but it is also important for Irving to get some recovery time, said Blatt. “He did fabulously, played beautifully, he moved well,” Blatt said. “He wanted so much to be with his guys and to contribute.” “We wanted to have this break to get him well,” Blatt said. Irving scored his first points 38 seconds into the game and James slammed home an emphatic dunk from just inside the foul line a few minutes later as Cleveland roared out to a 12-4 lead. The Cavaliers were never threatened from there, compiling a 31 point lead at one stage of the fourth quarter. AFP

Beermen extend winning streak TURN TO A15

THURSDAY: MAY 28, 2015






Closing May 27, 2015 8500 8000 7500 7000 6500 6000




P ESO -D OLLAR R ATE Closing MAY 27, 2015 46

P44.690 CLOSE

45 44 43 42

H I G H P 4 4 . 6 8 0 L O W P 4 4 . 7 8 0 AV E R A G E P 4 4 . 7 2 5

VOLUME 632.900M P500.00-P650.00 LPG/11-kg tank P41.85-P47.20 Unleaded Gasoline P29.35-P32.70 Diesel



P34.55-P39.15 Kerosene P23.70-P24.40 Auto LPG Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Currency United States Japan

F O R E I G N E X C H A N G E R AT E Unit US Dollar Dollar 1.000000

Peso 44.6900








Hong Kong
























Saudi Arabia








































New Zealand







1.4587 Source: PDS Bridge

Job search kiosk. Government officials led by (from right) Labor Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz (right), Commission on Higher Education chairman Patricia Licuanan, CHED executive director Julito Vitriolo and Labor Undersecretary Reydeluz Conferido surf the job search kiosk’s labor market information for jobseekers after the signing of an agreement by the two agencies on JobSearch Kiosk deployment to CHED regional offices.

Mitsubishi bags Panglao airport By Darwin G. Amojelar

A JOINT venture of Mitsubishi Corp. and Chiyoda Corp. of Japan has won a P7-billion contract from the government to build a world-class, eco-friendly airport in Panglao Island, Bohol. Transportation Secretary Joseph Emilio Abaya said the New Bohol (Panglao) Airport would replace Tagbilaran Airport as Bohol’s main gateway. Six Japanese consortiua submitted bids last year for the Panglao airport, which will be financed by an official development assistance loan worth 10.8 billion yen (P4.5 billion) from the Japan International Cooperation Agency. Tagbilaran Airport, the 11th busiest airport in the country, served around 789,800 passengers in 2013 despite its small size of only 850 square meters. Construction of the P7-billion New Bohol Airpot will begin in June and is expected to be completed within 30 months or


by late 2017 to early 2018. The project involves the construction of a 2,000-meter runway and a modern passenger terminal building. The first greenfield airport under the Aquino Administration will be 10 times bigger than the Tagbilaran Airport, with a floor area of around 8,800 square meters. This will also boost the annual passenger capacity to 1.7 million passengers. The planned airport, in line with Bohol’s ecotourism branding, will have environmentally friendly and energy-saving features such as the installation of LED lights. Only the pre-departure area will have air conditioning, operating with solar powered energy while the rest of the areas will be open.

Rockwell Land spending P13b

“Tourists in Bohol continue to grow each year that passes. Unfortunately, the current airport may not be able to accommodate the increase over time. This gives us the need to cater to the increasing number of tourists and this means modernizing and expanding the airport with a design that is of international standards,” Abaya said. The Transportation Department is also in the process of bidding out the operations and maintenance contract of the airport. The winning bidder will take over O&M upon the completion of civil works. Japan International Cooperation Agency chief representative Niwa Noriaki said aside from the construction of New Bohol Airport, the government of Japan assisted the Philippines in the development of the air transport sector through completed projects including Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 2, Mactan Airport, New Iloilo Airport and Air Navigation Facilities Modernization Projects Phase 1 to III.


AgriNurture officials resign

BSP sees inflation decelerating to 1.6% By Julito G. Rada INFLATION rate in May likely eased to as low as 1.6 percent from 2.2 percent in April, following the reduction in power rates and rice prices, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Governor Amando Tetangco Jr. said Wednesday. “Forecasts by the BSP suggest that May inflation could settle within 1.6 to 2.4 percent range. Downward price pressures may come from the reduction in rice prices and power rates,” Tetangco said in a text message. Retaqiler Manila Electric Co. earlier this month announced a reduction in power rates by P0.70 per kilowatt-hour due to lower generation costs from suppliers. Meralco said the cheaper rate would cut the electricity bill of a typical household consuming 200 kWh a month by P140. The generation charge decreased P0.60 per kWh to P4.81 per kWh in May from P5.41 per kWh in April. Tetangco, however, said these might be offset by the substantial increase in local oil pump prices as well as higher sugar prices. Phoenix Petroleum Philippines and Eastern Petroleum Corp. raised the prices of gasoline by as much as P0.35 per liter and diesel by P0.15 per liter, reflecting the movement in world oil prices. Oil companies raised the price of kerosene by P1.25 per liter, diesel by P1.10 per liter and gasoline by P0.50 per liter on May 12. Prior to the latest increase, kerosene prices in Metro Manila ranged from P37.25 to P41.05 per liter, diesel from P28.60 to P33.90 per liter and gasoline from P39.95 to P49.65 per liter. Tetangco said going forward, Bangko Sentral would continue to keep a watchful eye on the balance of risks in fulfilling its mandate to promote and maintain price stability. Inflation in April this year further decelerated to 2.2 percent from 2.4 percent in March. It was significantly slower than the 4.1-percent inflation rate recorded in April 2014. It was also the slowest since the 2.1 percent recorded in August 2013.

THURSDAY: MAY 28, 2015



MST BuSineSS Daily STockS Review Wednesday, May 27, 2015

52 Weeks


High Low


7.88 75.3 124.4 104 63 2.49 4.2 4 18.48 31.6 9.5 2.95 99.4 30.5 94.95 137 361.2 59 174.8 1700 127.9 3.26

2.5 66 84.6 84.5 45.8 1.97 2.03 8.7 12.02 23.55 6.3 1.75 78 18.02 76.5 95 276 45 107.6 1200 66 2.65

AG Finance Asia United Bank Banco de Oro Unibank Inc. Bank of PI China Bank BDO Leasing & Fin. INc. Bright Kindle Resources Citystate Savings COL Financial Eastwest Bank Filipino Fund Inc. I-Remit Inc. Metrobank PB Bank Phil. National Bank Phil. Savings Bank PSE Inc. RCBC `A’ Security Bank Sun Life Financial Union Bank Vantage Equities

6.6 73.35 113.90 101.00 46.5 2.44 2.11 10 15.98 21.55 6.80 1.75 92.95 18.10 73.40 92 310 45.15 163.3 1425.00 64.70 3.13

35.6 1.04 1.41 7.92 14.6 62.5 10.08 29.15

1.04 10.72 8.44 9.79 5.43 9.54 1.06 8.61 18.06 67.9 14 13.24 3.12 0.395 168 8.65 2.3 1.63 24.4 16.2 7.62 250.2 3.87 9 3.7 9.94 3.03 2.22 1 4.72 1.65 6 201.6 1.67 0.122 2.01 143.4 4.28 0.670 9.01 1.39

Aboitiz Power Corp. Alliance Tuna Intl Inc. Alsons Cons. Asiabest Group Century Food Chemphil Cirtek Holdings (Chips) Concepcion Crown Asia Da Vinci Capital Del Monte DNL Industries Inc. Emperador Energy Devt. Corp. (EDC) EEI Euro-Med Lab Federal Res. Inv. Group First Gen Corp. First Holdings ‘A’ Ginebra San Miguel Inc. Holcim Philippines Inc. Integ. Micro-Electronics Ionics Inc Jollibee Foods Corp. Lafarge Rep LMG Chemicals Mabuhay Vinyl Manila Water Co. Inc. Maxs Group Megawide Mla. Elect. Co `A’ Pepsi-Cola Products Phil. Petron Corporation Phil H2O Phinma Corporation Phoenix Petroleum Phils. Phoenix Semiconductor Pryce Corp. `A’ RFM Corporation Roxas and Co. Roxas Holdings San Miguel’Pure Foods `B’ Splash Corporation Swift Foods, Inc. Trans-Asia Oil Universal Robina Victorias Milling Vitarich Corp. Vivant Corp. Vulcan Ind’l.

42.5 1.06 2.08 10.9 18.9 100 24.6 56.9 1.53 1.68 12.5 19.900 9.98 7.77 10.44 1.89 13 26.7 89.4 14.92 14.46 5.75 0.550 209.00 10.34 2.4 3.05 26 24.95 7 272.80 4.3 9.88 4.4 12.00 3.94 2.26 2.14 4.90 1.84 6.06 185.7 1.6 0.157 2.24 197.5 4.43 0.74 20.55 1.28

0.7 59.2 31.85 7.39 3.4 3.35 800 11.06 84 3.35 5.14 0.66 1380 6.68 72.6 8.9 5.29 6.66 9.25 0.9 18.9 0.73 5.53 6.55 0.0670 0.84 87 3.5 934 2.2 156 0.710 0.435 0.510

0.45 48.1 20.85 6.62 1.4 1.6 600 7.390 14.18 2.6 4.25 0.144 818 5.3 46.6 4.96 3 3.52 4.43 0.59 12 0.580 4.22 4.5 0.036 0.450 66.7 1.5 709.5 1.13 85.2 0.200 0.173 0.310

Abacus Cons. `A’ Aboitiz Equity Alliance Global Inc. Anscor `A’ ATN Holdings A ATN Holdings B Ayala Corp `A’ Cosco Capital DMCI Holdings F&J Prince ‘A’ Filinvest Dev. Corp. Forum Pacific GT Capital House of Inv. JG Summit Holdings Jolliville Holdings Keppel Holdings `A’ Keppel Holdings `B’ Lopez Holdings Corp. Lodestar Invt. Holdg.Corp. LT Group Mabuhay Holdings `A’ Metro Pacific Inv. Corp. Minerales Industrias Corp. Pacifica `A’ Prime Orion San Miguel Corp `A’ Seafront `A’ SM Investments Inc. Solid Group Inc. Top Frontier Unioil Res. & Hldgs Wellex Industries Zeus Holdings

0.465 57.20 22.60 7.03 0.275 0.29 806.5 7.88 14.28 3.2 4.50 0.235 1427 6.35 71.50 4 5.15 6 7.5 0.74 13.72 0.64 4.6 4.99 0.0370 0.920 65.60 2.73 899.00 1.27 82.500 0.3700 0.2040 0.315

10.5 26.95 1.99 40 6.15 5.4 1.54

6.01 12 0.91 29.1 4.1 4.96 0.89

8990 HLDG 7.950 Anchor Land Holdings Inc. 7.00 A. Brown Co., Inc. 0.77 Ayala Land `B’ 40.30 Belle Corp. `A’ 3.92 Cebu Holdings 5.2 Century Property 0.86

47 1.66 2.36 15.3 20.6 125 32 65.8 4.57 23.35 21.6 12.98 9.13 12.34 2.89 17 31.8 109 20.75 15.3 9.4 0.98 241 12.5 3.95 4 33.9 90 13.98 292.4 5.25 13.04 6.8 14.5 7.03 3.4 4.5 6.68 7.86 8.1 253 3.28 0.315 2.68 226.6 5.5 1.3 26 2.17




FINANCIAL 6.8 6.5 73.5 73 113.50 111.20 101.00 99.90 46.5 46 2.47 2.35 1.95 1.95 9.7 9.7 16 15.98 21.7 21 7.00 7.00 1.66 1.66 91.7 89.15 18.04 18.00 73.50 72.50 92 92 310 310 45.15 44.05 163 154.9 1470.00 1470.00 64.65 63.95 3.16 3.13 INDUSTRIAL 42.8 42.3 1.06 1.04 2.11 2.07 11.5 10.78 19.4 18.82 105 105 24.95 23.9 57 55.75 1.72 1.52 1.68 1.65 12.7 12.5 19.900 19.38 10.00 9.92 7.77 7.38 10.50 10.22 1.88 1.71 13.2 12.02 26.95 25.55 89.6 87.4 15.00 14.98 14.60 14.40 5.91 5.7 0.560 0.550 208.40 200.20 10.32 10.14 2.58 2 3.49 3.05 25.9 25.25 25.2 24.9 6.95 6.81 273.00 270.80 4.33 4.2 9.87 9.20 4.3 3.92 11.60 11.42 3.92 3.85 2.29 2.22 2.23 2.07 4.88 4.73 1.95 1.78 6.6 6 185.7 184 1.61 1.57 0.158 0.153 2.29 2.24 197 188.3 4.43 4.43 0.74 0.72 20.55 20.55 1.32 1.28 HOLDING FIRMS 0.470 0.455 57.50 56.50 22.75 22.30 7.00 7.00 0.275 0.260 0.29 0.26 806.5 796 7.88 7.77 14.26 13.30 3.6 3.55 4.59 4.56 0.235 0.235 1438 1370 6.35 6.31 71.00 68.10 4 4 5.9 5.7 6.5 5.3 7.6 7.4 0.73 0.72 14 16.64 0.67 0.63 4.64 4.5 5.15 5 0.0370 0.0360 0.990 0.920 66.00 64.85 2.81 2.72 899.00 880.50 1.28 1.28 82.500 82.500 0.3700 0.3650 0.2150 0.2040 0.315 0.290 PROPERTY 7.950 7.700 10.00 7.51 0.78 0.75 39.90 38.60 3.91 3.81 5.2 5.17 0.86 0.85



Net Foreign

Change Volume


6.51 73 111.60 100.00 46.1 2.47 1.95 9.7 15.98 21 7.00 1.66 90 18.00 72.50 92 310 44.05 157 1470.00 64.00 3.16

-1.36 -0.48 -2.02 -0.99 -0.86 1.23 -7.58 -3.00 0.00 -2.55 2.94 -5.14 -3.17 -0.55 -1.23 0.00 0.00 -2.44 -3.86 3.16 -1.08 0.96

58,800 103,290 3,018,100 1,364,410 55,600 19,000 135,000 400 2,100 302,000 100 17,000 9,791,930 121,900 59,790 6,270 670 96,600 823,540 10 33,470 226,000

42.3 1.06 2.07 10.78 19 105 24.95 56 1.63 1.68 12.7 19.480 9.95 7.47 10.24 1.88 12.16 25.55 87.85 15.00 14.40 5.91 0.560 201.00 10.14 2.25 3.49 25.3 25 6.86 271.80 4.27 9.20 3.92 11.60 3.85 2.22 2.15 4.80 1.86 6.6 185.6 1.6 0.153 2.24 189.9 4.43 0.73 20.55 1.31

-0.47 0.00 -0.48 -1.10 0.53 5.00 1.42 -1.58 6.54 0.00 1.60 -2.11 -0.30 -3.86 -1.92 -0.53 -6.46 -4.31 -1.73 0.54 -0.41 2.78 1.82 -3.83 -1.93 -6.25 14.43 -2.69 0.20 -2.00 -0.37 -0.70 -6.88 -10.91 -3.33 -2.28 -1.77 0.47 -2.04 1.09 8.91 -0.05 0.00 -2.55 0.00 -3.85 0.00 -1.35 0.00 2.34

3,108,300 312,000 2,184,000 6,500 539,200 50 115,700 178,980 11,229,000 409,000 28,700 3,961,300 11,725,700 28,258,200 1,520,000 4,000 120,000 8,010,300 204,830 10,100 11,100 1,692,700 71,000 1,331,280 1,141,200 149,000 4,000 893,100 1,147,300 260,100 560,680 1,377,000 2,683,000 4,000 20,700 277,000 522,000 216,000 1,188,000 357,000 2,800 6,100 218,000 760,000 418,000 4,361,890 108,000 837,000 400 110,000

0.470 57.00 22.65 7.00 0.270 0.29 803 7.77 13.68 3.55 4.56 0.235 1400 6.35 70.05 4 5.7 5.8 7.42 0.73 13.68 0.67 4.5 5.15 0.0360 0.970 65.30 2.81 885.00 1.26 82.500 0.3650 0.2130 0.290

1.08 -0.35 0.22 -0.43 -1.82 0.00 -0.43 -1.40 -4.20 10.94 1.33 0.00 -1.89 0.00 -2.03 0.00 10.68 -3.33 -1.07 -1.35 -0.29 4.69 -2.17 3.21 -2.70 5.43 -0.46 2.93 -1.56 -0.94 0.00 -1.35 4.41 -7.94

150,000 1,247,460 29,354,900 400 1,570,000 460,000 340,180 2,038,900 15,212,400 2,000 9,000 130,000 581,860 24,200 2,692,800 10,000 7,100 800 4,474,300 7,000 3,801,300 90,000 30,998,000 192,000 1,100,000 3,693,000 138,020 14,000 374,260 1,000 750 1,080,000 230,000 640,000

7.900 9.40 0.75 39.25 3.81 5.17 0.86

-0.63 34.29 -2.60 -2.61 -2.81 -0.58 0.00

195,200 29,000 928,000 13,237,300 1,057,000 55,800 3,106,000

6,319,405.00 40,700,220.00 -73,617,007.50 14,100.00

-1,590,415.00 -25,676,553.50

52 Weeks


High Low




1.97 1.48 0.201 0.98 0.305 2.25 1.87 1.8 6.34 4.88 0.180 0.470 0.72 27 8.54 31.8 2.29 3.6 20.6 1.02 7.56 1.96 8.59

1.1 0.97 0.083 0.445 0.188 1.4 1.42 1.19 2.8 2.75 0.090 0.325 0.39 23 2.57 21.35 1.64 3.08 15.08 0.69 3.38 1 5.69

City & Land Dev. 1.26 Cityland Dev. `A’ 1.05 Crown Equities Inc. 0.146 Cyber Bay Corp. 0.440 Ever Gotesco 0.179 Global-Estate 1.27 Filinvest Land,Inc. 1.89 Interport `A’ 1.37 Keppel Properties 5.50 Megaworld Corp. 4.81 MRC Allied Ind. 0.122 Phil. Estates Corp. 0.3200 Phil. Realty `A’ 0.4950 Phil. Tob. Flue Cur & Redry 24.45 Primex Corp. 7.2 Robinson’s Land `B’ 28.55 Rockwell 1.65 Shang Properties Inc. 3.24 SM Prime Holdings 19.52 Sta. Lucia Land Inc. 0.73 Starmalls 7.14 Suntrust Home Dev. Inc. 0.850 Vista Land & Lifescapes 7.200

10.5 66 1.44 1.09 12.46 15.82 0.1460 4.61 99.1 12.3 2.6 9 4 1700 2090 8.41 1.97 119.5 0.8200 2.2800 5.93 12.28 2.85 5.9 1.97 2.46 15.2 0.62 22.8 6.41 110.2 14 3486 0.710 2.28 48.5 90.1 11.6 0.87 2.95 10.2 0.490 1.6

1.97 32.5 1 0.6 10 9.61 0.0770 2.95 46.55 10.14 1.6 5.88 2.58 830 1600 5.95 1.36 105 0.036 1.200 2.34 6.5 1.69 1.05 0.490 1.8 8.7 0.34 14.54 3 79 4.39 2726 0.380 0.32 31.45 60.55 7.59 0.63 1.71 6.45 0.305 1.04

0.0098 5.45 17.24 25 0.330 12.7 12.8 1.2 1.73 10.98 4.2 0.48 0.455 0.475 0.023 0.026 8.2 49.2 4.27 3.06 0.020 0.021 7.67 12.88 10.42 0.040 420 9 0.016

0.0043 1.72 8.65 9.43 0.236 6.5 6.98 0.61 0.78 5.99 1.08 0.330 0.2130 0.2160 0.014 0.014 3.660 20.2 2.11 1.54 0.012 0.013 5.4 7.26 2.27 0.015 115.9 3.67 0.0100

2GO Group’ ABS-CBN Acesite Hotel APC Group, Inc. Asian Terminals Inc. Bloomberry Boulevard Holdings Calata Corp. Cebu Air Inc. (5J) Centro Esc. Univ. Discovery World DFNN Inc. Easy Call “Common” FEUI Globe Telecom GMA Network Inc. Harbor Star I.C.T.S.I. Island Info ISM Communications Jackstones Leisure & Resorts Liberty Telecom Manila Broadcasting Manila Bulletin Manila Jockey Melco Crown MG Holdings Pacific Online Sys. Corp. PAL Holdings Inc. Phil. Seven Corp. Philweb.Com Inc. PLDT Common PremiereHorizon Premium Leisure Puregold Robinsons RTL SSI Group STI Holdings Transpacific Broadcast Travellers Waterfront Phils. Yehey MINING & OIL Abra Mining Apex `A’ Atlas Cons. `A’ Atok-Big Wedge `A’ Basic Energy Corp. Benguet Corp `A’ Benguet Corp `B’ Century Peak Metals Hldgs Coal Asia Dizon Ferronickel Geograce Res. Phil. Inc. Lepanto `A’ Lepanto `B’ Manila Mining `A’ Manila Mining `B’ Marcventures Hldgs., Inc. Nickelasia Nihao Mineral Resources Oriental Peninsula Res. Oriental Pet. `A’ Oriental Pet. `B’ Petroenergy Res. Corp. Philex `A’ PhilexPetroleum Philodrill Corp. `A’ Semirara Corp. TA Petroleum United Paragon



1.25 1.25 1.05 1.05 0.147 0.143 0.450 0.440 0.185 0.179 1.27 1.20 1.94 1.85 1.38 1.35 4.30 4.30 4.82 4.7 0.123 0.117 0.3100 0.3000 0.4600 0.4600 24.80 24.50 7.29 7.2 29.00 28.05 1.66 1.62 3.22 3.21 19.52 19.10 0.73 0.7 7 7 0.850 0.830 7.200 7.100 SERVICES 6.72 6.4 61.6 60.6 1.1 1.08 0.680 0.660 13.8 13.5 9.29 9.00 0.0970 0.0910 4.2 4.05 89.9 86.8 10 10 1.67 1.67 5.80 5.60 2.92 2.90 987 987 2658 2572 6.26 6.20 1.30 1.25 110 108.3 0.234 0.224 1.2800 1.2000 2.36 2.35 9.64 9.45 2.85 2.60 54.10 50.00 0.670 0.660 2 2 8.3 8.1 0.360 0.350 18.38 18.1 4.51 4.50 126.00 123.00 20.00 18.50 2820.00 2780.00 0.650 0.640 1.550 1.480 38.35 37.30 77.20 75.10 9.99 9.80 0.67 0.66 1.74 1.73 6.1 5.7 0.325 0.320 1.320 1.260


Net Foreign

Change Volume


1.25 1.05 0.143 0.450 0.185 1.21 1.87 1.38 4.30 4.7 0.123 0.3100 0.4600 24.80 7.21 28.95 1.66 3.22 19.36 0.71 7 0.850 7.130

-0.79 0.00 -2.05 2.27 3.35 -4.72 -1.06 0.73 -21.82 -2.29 0.82 -3.13 -7.07 1.43 0.14 1.40 0.61 -0.62 -0.82 -2.74 -1.96 0.00 -0.97

12,000 34,000 4,450,000 330,000 650,000 6,007,000 28,048,000 285,000 300 61,954,000 2,050,000 140,000 340,000 1,400 259,000 6,178,000 157,000 74,000 41,435,000 826,000 1,000 19,000 7,992,000

6.4 60.7 1.08 0.660 13.8 9.01 0.0910 4.18 88.15 10 1.67 5.80 2.90 987 2650 6.20 1.25 108.5 0.225 1.2000 2.35 9.50 2.68 51.95 0.660 2 8.15 0.360 18.24 4.50 125.00 19.00 2800.00 0.650 1.490 37.90 75.10 9.90 0.67 1.73 5.7 0.320 1.320

-1.54 -1.46 -1.82 0.00 2.99 -3.94 -6.19 -0.24 -2.06 2.04 0.00 1.75 -16.91 0.00 1.92 -0.96 -0.79 -1.36 -1.32 -3.23 -1.26 -1.35 5.10 -4.15 -1.49 0.00 -1.09 0.00 -0.76 -3.23 8.70 -5.00 -0.71 0.00 -2.61 -1.17 -2.72 1.02 1.52 -0.57 -7.32 -1.54 5.60

225,200 19,590 7,000 1,585,000 21,600 29,181,700 19,430,000 378,000 423,700 900 10,000 43,100 7,000 50 71,740 142,100 345,000 871,230 3,360,000 851,000 17,000 711,400 1,429,000 2,590 206,000 60,000 2,738,600 280,000 313,300 27,000 420 332,400 94,835 112,000 15,297,000 3,870,600 2,664,810 2,416,200 1,892,000 5,000 4,387,100 540,000 36,000

-2.00 -0.38 -4.59 -26.25 0.00 0.00 -2.53 -5.00 -3.49 -1.35 1.60 0.00 -2.51 -1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4.96 -1.33 0.02 0.00 0.00 -1.14 -3.02 3.14 0.00 -3.04 -2.91 0.00

5,000,000 13,000 290,600 47,100 130,000 200 11,700 827,000 2,032,000 2,200 45,384,000 4,380,000 6,610,000 2,480,000 46,800,000 1,500,000 948,000 2,994,700 2,035,000 480,000 200,000 300,000 42,000 695,500 2,933,000 728,700,000 375,890 569,600 40,000,000

-0.16 0.00 0.00 3.28 -2.68 -0.17 -0.64 -0.48 0.13 -1.34 0.17

202,580 220 900 16,100 759,000 50 4,310 390 160,360 8,000 12,950



0.00 1.33 0.00

1,280,900 900 1,793,400



-35,700.00 -12,530.00 -2,245,750.00 -15,880,380.00 170,000.00 -118,504,730.00



SHARES 18,756,848 93,619,418 104,508,471 179,870,249 303,442,458 895,942,622 1,599,276,726


43,512.00 -1,723,000.00 -82,054,569.00 -14,700.00 648,306.50 6,005,950.00 -1,060.00


-200.00 -8,944,109.50 -65,010.00

357,500.00 -12,459,886.00 -2,179,255.00 -114,888,846.00 14,386,762.00 3,495,725.00 -5,987,651.00

-14,560.00 8,629,778.00

-101,887,350.00 -2,863,198.00

7,284,455.00 -21,345,000.00 -571,893.00 32,924,792.00 2,457,870.00 -3,844,401.00 -7,840.00 308,390.00 60,290.00

-542,690.00 669,267.00 -1,600.00 7,700.00

-146,071,538.00 434,140.00


-22,031,104.50 37,126,280.00 -700.00 26,000.00 35,665,900.00 4,829,352.00 -161,990,822.00

91,084,415.00 139,620.00 -31,152,137.00




-42,910.00 -2,798,981.00

-148,907,975.00 277,400.00

417,169.00 10,000.00 -99,260.00 -127,283,440.00 -404,900.00 -73,434.00 772,040.00

70 553 118 8.21 12.28 111

1047 76.9 78.95 84.8 6.98 10.96 15 12.88 130.7

6.5 61.6 1.1 0.660 13.4 9.38 0.0970 4.19 90 9.8 1.67 5.70 3.49 987 2600 6.26 1.26 110 0.228 1.2400 2.38 9.63 2.55 54.20 0.670 2 8.24 0.360 18.38 4.65 115.00 20.00 2820.00 0.650 1.530 38.35 77.20 9.80 0.66 1.74 6.15 0.325 1.250

0.0050 2.61 7.40 16.00 0.245 8.3000 7.9000 1 0.86 7.42 1.25 0.330 0.239 0.240 0.0140 0.0140 3.87 24.2 3.77 2.060 0.0120 0.0130 4.40 6.3 1.91 0.015 157.70 10.3 0.0100

0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 2.61 2.60 2.60 7.40 7.00 7.06 14.80 11.00 11.80 0.245 0.245 0.245 8.3000 8.3000 8.3000 8.7000 7.7000 7.7000 1 0.95 0.95 0.84 0.8 0.83 7.50 7.32 7.32 1.31 1.17 1.27 0.335 0.330 0.330 0.237 0.232 0.233 0.240 0.237 0.237 0.0140 0.0140 0.0140 0.0150 0.0140 0.0140 3.87 3.8 3.87 24.2 22.55 23 3.85 3.7 3.72 2.060 2.060 2.060 0.0120 0.0120 0.0120 0.0130 0.0130 0.0130 4.39 4.35 4.35 6.35 6.11 6.11 2.09 1.9 1.97 0.016 0.014 0.015 157.70 152.50 152.90 10.4 9.7 10 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 PREFERRED 33 ABS-CBN Holdings Corp. 63 63.4 62.55 62.9 490 Ayala Corp. Pref `B1’ 523 523 523 523 101 First Gen F 119 119 119 119 5.88 GMA Holdings Inc. 6.1 6.3 6 6.3 6.5 Leisure and Resort 1.12 1.09 1.09 1.09 101 MWIDE PREF 114.9 114.7 114.7 114.7 PCOR-Preferred B 1095 1095 1088 1088 1011 PF Pref 2 1050 1050 1045 1045 74.2 SMC Preferred A 76 76.18 76.1 76.1 74.5 SMC Preferred B 85.6 84.45 84.4 84.45 75 SMC Preferred C 86.1 86.25 86.1 86.25 WARRANTS & BONDS 0.8900 LR Warrant 3.970 4.000 3.890 4.000 SME 2.4 Double Dragon 9.3 9.4 9.15 9.3 3.5 Makati Fin. Corp. 6.02 6.1 6.09 6.1 5.95 Xurpas 9.71 9.8 9.6 9.71 EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS 105.6 First Metro ETF 125.8 126.3 124 124

T op g ainerS VALUE 1,767,471,142.038 2,395,830,632.9224 3,072,713,926.738 1,921,267,477.761 2,024,018,296.14 231,620,469.042 11,449,809,328.6384


FINANCIAL 1,755.36 (DOWN) 36.52 INDUSTRIAL 11,546.51 (DOWN) 330.28 HOLDING FIRMS 6,804.14 (DOWN) 87.23 PROPERTY 3,094.92 (DOWN) 52.25 SERVICES 2,099.52 (DOWN) 22.39 MINING & OIL 14,157.94 (DOWN) 463.02 PSEI 7,598.70 (DOWN) 129.80 All Shares Index 4,367.19 (DOWN) 69.20 Gainers: 54 Losers: 132; Unchanged: 38; Total: 224

1,262,220.00 122,188,850.00 -30,726,556.00


179,380.00 34,478,287.00

-81,000.00 7,578,950.00


-14,268,737.00 11,500.00 57,960.00

4,903,458.00 3,140.00

-280,320.00 56,000.00

1,230.00 863,726.00 -49,882,120.00 2,630,100.00 -59,472,320.00 -103,826,384.50 -9,478,901.00 -391,280.00 -1,756,909.00

-364,251.00 23,600.00

-16,556,530.00 13,200.00


-25,006,070.00 -1,091,750.00 680,600.00

-602,732.00 427,550.00 286,500.00 -27,541,006.00 100,400.00 -400,000.00 8,521,110.50 64,260.00


-64,969.00 416,896.00

T op L oSerS Close (P)

Change (%)


Close (P)

Change (%)

Anchor Land Holdings Inc.



Atok-Big Wedge `A'


Mabuhay Vinyl



Keppel Properties


-26.25 -21.82

F&J Prince 'A'



Easy Call "Common"



Keppel Holdings `A'



Phil H2O



Roxas Holdings



Zeus Holdings



Phil. Seven Corp.



Bright Kindle Resources



Crown Asia









Phil. Realty `A'



Prime Orion



Petron Corporation



Liberty Telecom



Federal Res. Inv. Group



THURSDAY: MAY 28, 2015



Rockwell Land spending P13b By Jenniffer B. Austria

ROCKWELL Land Inc., the property unit of the Lopez Group, said Wednesday it will raise its capital expenditures to P13 billion this year from P8.7 billion in 2014 to boost recurring income.

Rockwell Land president Nestor Padilla said in an interview at the sidelines of the annual stockholders’ meeting it signed two long-term lease agreements for office and retail properties that would contribute P500 million to annual income streams beginning 2017. The two new properties include the 1.3-hectare lot in San Juan City to be called Retailscapes Santolan and a one-hectare lot at the corner of United and Sheridan Streets in Mandaluyong City, with the project to be called RBC United. Retailscapes Santolan will have a shopping mall and office components while RBC United will offer nine floors of prime office space and two floors of retail shopping. Both projects are expected to add 68,000 square meters of leasable space to the company’s office and retail space portfolio. The two projects are expected to be completed by 2017 and will cater primarily to the rapidly growing business process outsourcing industry. “We are focusing on increasing our recurring income over the next five years,” Padilla said. Rockwell Land is also expanding the Power Plant Mall that will add roughly 6,000 square meters of space. Padilla said the expansion of its premier upscale mall to house top fashion brands and food and beverage outlets was slated for completion also by 2017. Rockwell Land said with all these developments, it expected recurring income to account for 40 percent of the group’s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization by 2019, from 32 percent as of 2014. Rockwell Land focused on ramping up recurring income streams to complement in residential business. Rockwell Land reported a 42-percent increase in sales from commercial development to P1.4 billion in 2014. These were contributed mainly by the Power Plant mall, Tower 3 of Rockwell Business Center and Aruga Serviced Apartments. Rockwell Land said this year, it would complete 8 Rockwell, the company’s first traditional office building with 32,371 square meters of leasable space. All projects will double the company’s commercial development portfolio to more than 200,000 square meters of gross leasable space.

Competitiveness gameplan. Twelve government agencies, including the Social Security System, gathered on April 14 at the JV

del Rosario Hall of the AIM Conference Center in Makati City for the signing ceremonies and formal launching of reforms under the National Competitiveness Council’s Gameplan 3.0 synergizing government processes related to easing the conduct of business in the Philippines. Shown are (from left) Development Bank of the Philippines president Gil Buenaventura, Land Bank president Gilda Pico, Pag-IBIG Fund president Darlene Berberabe, PhilHealth president Alexander Padilla, SSS president Emilio de Quiros, Jr., SEC chairperson Teresita Herbosa, BIR Commissioner Kim Jacinto-Henares, Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima, Cabinet Secretary Jose Rene Almendras, Trade Secretary Gregory Domingo, NCC co-Chairman Guillermo Luz, Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista and Interior Undersecretary Austere Panadero.

Stock market sinks; Globe bucks slump STOCKS dropped the most since April 20, as concern that valuations were excessive relative to earnings prospects spurred foreign outflows. The Philippine Stock Exchange index lost as much as 2 percent before paring declines to 1.7 percent at the end of trading Wednesday, extending losses to a fifth session. The index fell 129 points to close at 7,598.70, the lowest in nearly four months. The heavier index, representing all shares, also tumbled 69 points, or 1.6 percent, to settle at 4,367.19, on a value turnover of P7.1 billion. Losers overwhelmed gainers, 137 to 45, while 40 issues were unchanged. DMCI Holdings Inc. dipped 5.5 percent to P13.50, while Jollibee Foods Corp. shed 4.1 percent to P200.40. Universal Robina Corp. dropped 3.7 percent to P190.30, while parent JG Summit Holdings Inc. retreated 3.5 percent to P69. Only two of the 20 most active stocks ended in the green, with Globe Telecom Inc. advancing 1.2 percent to P30 and Alliance Global Group Inc. rising 0.2 percent to P22.65. “The sentiment is that market valuation is hard to justify,” said Jonathan Ravelas, chief market strategist at BDO Unibank Inc. “Foreign selling is likely to continue given the sober economic and earnings outlook and in anticipation that the U.S will raise interest rates,” Ravelas said.

The Philippine stock gauge trades at 18.6 times projected 12-months earnings, the most expensive in Southeast Asia. The nation is scheduled to release first-quarter economic growth data Thursday. Meanwhile, Tokyo’s stock market clocked up a ninth straight gain Wednesday thanks to a weaker yen while Shanghai jumped for a seventh session as investors bet on China unveiling more economyboosting measures. However, most other markets in Asia retreated following a sell-off on Wall Street. The euro edged up slightly on bargain-buying although it is still struggling due to fears that Greece will default on its debt obligations. An upbeat series of US data has put the wind back in the sails of the dollar, which is sitting just below eight-year highs against the yen as the chances of an interest rate rise increase. Sydney shed 0.83 percent, or 48.1 points, to close at 5,725.3 and Seoul sank 1.68 percent, or 36.00 points, to 2,107.50, while Hong Kong fell 0.83 percent in late trade. Singapore was 1.25 percent off in the afternoon. Tokyo reversed morning losses to close up 0.17 percent, or 35.10 points, at 20,472.58 -- a 15-year high. Shanghai was up 0.90 percent, meaning the index has put on more than 15 percent since it last fell on May 18. With Bloomberg, AFP


The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), invites bidders to apply for eligibility and to bid for the hereunder requirement: Name of Requirement/ Brief Description Approved Budget the Contract (ABC) Delivery period

One (1) lot Supply of Materials, Labor, Tools, Equipment, Consumables, Technical Supervision and other Services for the Replacement of AHU Blowdown Drain Piping System at the BSP Main Complex, as per BSP Terms of Reference and approved Plans/Drawings

for Php8,000,000.00, VAT inclusive

Within 180 calendar days reckoned from the date stipulated in the Notice to Proceed to be issued by the Facilities Management and Engineering Department.


Bidders should have completed from Y2010 to present a contract similar to the requirement. The Eligibility Check/Screening and Preliminary Examination of Bids shall use non-discretionary “pass/fail” criteria.


Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines, and to citizens or organizations of a country, the laws or regulations of which grant similar rights or privileges to Filipino citizens.


All particulars and activities relative to Eligibility of Bidder’s, Bid Security, Performance Security, Pre-bid Conference(s), Evaluation of Bids, Post-qualification and Award of Contract shall be governed by Republic Act No. 9184 and its revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). Activities Schedule/Location a. Issuance of Bid Documents Starting 28 May 2015 (from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. only) Procurement Office, Room 212, 2/F, 5-Storey Bldg., BSP Main Complex, Malate, Manila Tel. / Fax Nos. 306-2832; 708-7115 b. Site Inspection Starting 28 May 2015 Contact Person: Mr. Joel V. Buena Tel. No: 306-2396 c. Pre-bid conference 10 June 2015;11:30 A.M.; MR2A Conference Room, 2nd Floor, 5-Storey Bldg., BSP Main Complex, Malate Manila d. Opening of Bids 22 June 2015; 2:00 P.M.; MR2A Conference Room, 2nd Floor, 5-Storey Bldg., BSP Main Complex, Malate Manila


The bidding documents are posted at the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the BSP Website ( Prospective bidders may download the bidding documents from any of these websites; provided that bidders shall pay a non-refundable fee in the amount of Php10,000.00, at the address above prior to, or upon submission of their bids.


The pre-bid conference shall be open to interested parties. However, only those who have purchased the bidding documents shall be allowed to participate in the pre-bid conference and raise or submit written queries or clarifications. To ensure completeness and compliance of bids, bidders are advised to send not more than two (2) technical and/or administrative representatives who will prepare the bidding documents.


The BSP assumes no responsibility whatsoever to compensate or indemnify any bidder for expenses incurred in the preparation of bid.


The BSP reserves the right to reject any bid, declare a failure of bidding, not award the contract, annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to affected bidders. Further, the BSP reserves the right to waive any minor defects or formality and to accept the proposal most advantageous to the agency.

(TS-MAY 28, 2015)




Security Bank room. Security Bank Corp. joined forces with the Asian Institute of Management in

promoting professional leadership development in the country through the recently-inaugurated Security Bank Caseroom at the AIM campus in Makati City. AIMís newly-refurbished Security Bank Caseroom (inset) boasts of upgraded facilities and is designed to be at par with the best in the region. The project was completed over a period of 90 days. Security Bank chairman Alberto Villarosa (left), an AIM alumnus, led the inaugural ceremonies and offered the program to bank clients who are interested to attend a series of master classes on entrepreneurship and business innovation.

Lower wind power rates OKd Insular Life’s profit climbs 21% to P2.9b By Julito G. Rada INSULAR Life Assurance Co. Ltd., the country’s largest Filipino life insurer, said consolidated net income in 2014 rose 21 percent to P2.9 billion from a year ago despite the negative growth of the industry last year. Insular Life chairman and chief executive Vicente Ayllon said Wednesday the company posted P11.9 billion in total premiums, up 6 percent from 2013. New business premiums increased 7 percent to reach P7.9 billion. Insular Life was one of only four top life insurers whose premiums expanded in 2014. “We had a slow start in 2014, but we had a tremendous rebound beginning middle of the year, that enabled us to surpass our previous year’s premium income. In fact, the momentum has continued even during the first quarter of this year,” Ayllon said. “We attribute this growth to the much-improved productivity of our sales force, new product investment-linked products and our continued effort to educate the public on the value of financial management,” he said. The company launched five new products in 2014, three of which were single pay investment-linked insurance products. These were the I-Peso Enrich, a peso-denominated, single-pay product that provides annual returns ranging from 4.25 percent to 5.25 percent; I-Peso ProEarn, a single-pay product that guarantees returns every year for seven years; and I-Peso Preferred Plus, a single-pay product that provides fixed annual returns of as much as 3.75 percent.

By Alena Mae S. Flores

THE National Renewable Energy Board has endorsed a lower feed-in tariff rate for the additional 200 megawatts of wind projects at P8.49 per kilowatt-hour, an official said Wednesday. The Energy Department earlier endorsed to the Energy Regulatory Commission the installation of an additional 200 MW of wind projects, doubling the approved installation target to 400 MW. The ERC earlier approved a feed-in tariff rate of P8.53 per kWh for the first wind installation target of 200 MW. “Yes, we complied with the ERC directive and submitted revised wind FIT of P8.49 per kWh last May 6. Many of the wind projects, which are over the initial 200MW installation target, are either finished or nearing completion already,” NREB chairman Pete Maniego told reporters. He said the proposed rate was equal to the digressed rate of wind projects. Maniego said the NREB proposed

rate would undergo hearings with the ERC starting on June 6. Energy director Mario Marasigan earlier said the additional 200 MW “will contribute to the summer of 2015 and 2016 plus continuing program since wind installation target is already subscribed.” He said the ERC would still review the FIT rate for the additional 200-MW capacity. The NREB earlier proposed an increase of 300 MW due to the strong interest among wind farm developers. Maniego earlier said the 200MW allocation for wind projects would have been exceeded by December 2014. “Total wind projects on the pipeline exceed 700 MW and can be finished by 2015,” Maniego said. More companies have filed ap-

plications with the Energy Department to develop new wind power projects in Ilocos Norte province, which is already home to three major wind farms. Energy Development Corp., owner of the 150-megawatt Burgos wind project, currently the country’s largest wind facility, has four other pending applications to develop wind projects in the province, according to data from the Energy Department. EDC plans to build Burgos 3 and Burgos 4 wind power projects in Burgos town, Pasuquin wind power project in Pasuquin town and Ilocos Norte wind power project in the towns of Burgos, Bangui, Vintar and Pasuquin. EDC started the operations of the 150-MW Burgos wind project in Burgos town last year. Aside from EDC, other wind projects in Ilocos Norte that are now in operation are the 33-megawatt Bangui wind farm of NorthWind Power Development Corp. and the 81-MW Caparispisan wind project in Pagudpud of Northern Luzon UPC Asia Corp., a renewable energy company controlled by Ayala Corp.

Property sector still booming as BPO firms fuel expansion By Othel V. Campos MORE business process outsourcing companies have started introducing new services, driving the growth of the property sector higher in the first quarter of 2015, real estate consultancy firm CBRE Philippines Inc. said Wednesday. “There is no let-up in the growth of the property sector. The sup-

ply and demand across the office, residential, retail and industrial markets remain positive, especially with the upcoming Asean integration,” CBRE Philippines founder and chief executive Rick Santos said in a briefing at the Shangri-La Hotel in Makati City. BPO revenues in 2014 grew 18.7 percent from 2013, resulting in strong office take-up at the start of year 2015.

The consultancy firm expects domestic demand to increase further in 2015 after a 4.1-percent and 10.3-percent expansion in 2014 and 2013, respectively. The office market is expected to maintain an upward movement with the projected introduction of about 780,000 square meters of office spaces in the next few quarters. Lease rates in the central busi-

ness district of Makati inched up 0.8 percent, while overall vacancy rating rating rose 4.73 percentage points to 5 percent. The dearth in office supply within the CBD is seen to fuel rental rates in the coming quarters and vacancies are seen to contract with the completion of new office buildings by 2017. Fort Bonifacio absorbed more office spaces in the first quarter,

while demand for office space in Ortigas increased with the expansion of BPOs. Vacancy rates dropped from 3.97 percent to 3.34 percent quarter-on-quarter. CBRE Philippines noted that office space activities in other areas like Alabang, Eastwood City and the upcoming Bay City remained slow but steady.

T H U R S D AY : M AY 2 8 , 2 0 1 5



Metrobank taps Yokohama bank By Julito G. Rada

METROPOLITAN Bank & Trust Co., the second-largest bank in the country, has signed a partnership with the Bank of Yokohama, one of Japan’s leading financial conglomerates, in a bid to better service Japanese companies operating in the Philippines. Metrobank said in a statement Wednesday the partnership gave Bank of Yokohama more flexibility in serving clients’ needs from opening accounts to payment

settlements. Metrobank has established strategic partnerships with over 60 Japanese regional banks to strengthen its position in the local

small and medium enterprises and institutional banking segments. The partnership with Bank of Yokohama became the 18th bilateral memorandum of understanding or direct tie-up established by Metrobank with a Japan-based financial institution. Under the Japan Bank for International Cooperation program, Metrobank forged 45 other partnerships with Japanese regional banks. “Such a partnership will help BoY respond to the wide-ranging needs of their clients and further reinforce their capability to sup-

port customers in Asia,” Metrobank said. BoY as of March 31, 2015 had 15,204.3 billion yen in total assets, 204 domestic branches, one overseas branch and four representative offices. Metrobank, meanwhile, has a consolidated network of 920 domestic branches and an overseas network of 32 branches, two of which are located in Japan. It also has a dedicated Japan desk within its corporate banking group. Metrobank in 2014 posted an 11-percent decline in net income to P20.1 billion from P22.5 bil-

lion a year ago on the back of lower trading gains. However, its core businesses remained strong, particularly loans and deposits. Deposits increased 17 percent to P1.2 trillion, providing the bank with stable low-cost funding to fuel its healthy loan expansion. Total resources hit a new high of P1.6 trillion, up 16 percent from the previous year’s P1.4 trillion. Net interest income increased 20 percent to P45.8 billion and contributed 61 percent of the bank’s total operating income compared to 48 percent in 2013.

URC still open to new joint ventures By Jenniffer B. Austria FOOD conglomerate Universal Robina Corp. said it is open to more partnerships with foreign companies after recent joint ventures with European food and beverage manufacturer Danone and Japan’s biggest snack maker Calbee. “We continue to be open. Our philosophy is that the middleclass is growing. They are developing appetite for more affordable indulgences for healthier food. If we can find partners who can offer us these brands and technology, then we can use URC’s expertise and footprint throughout the Philippines and Asean to help them achieve their goals,” URC president Lance Gokongwei told reporters at the sidelines of the annual stockholders’ meeting of the company. Gokongwei noted a rising trend toward changing lifestyles across the region in which consumers were expected to prefer snack food and beverage products. “We believe that our new acquisitions and joint ventures will play an important role in addressing this trend and filling in the gap in our portfolio which has been focused mainly for the mainstream market,” Gokongwei said. URC last year signed a 50:50 partnership with Danone to sell healthy beverage designed for the millennial generation. URC also tied up Calbee to offer new snack food products in the local market and within the Asean region. Given the company’s positive outlook on the economy, URC expects the joint venture partnerships with Danone and Calbee to be profitable over the next three to five years. URC earlier said it would spend P9 billion in capital expenditures for fiscal year 2015 from P7.7 billion in 2014 to expand its domestic and international businesses.

Financial integration. The region’s prominent business leaders gathered to discuss the Asean Banking Integration Framework and how it aims to achieve region-wide banking sector liberalization by 2020 during the recently held Financial Times-First Metro Philippines Investment Summit. Shown during one of the panel discussions are (from left) BBVA chief representative Carlos Gaston, First Metro president Roberto Juanchito Dispo, Financial Times Asia regional markets correspondent Josh Noble, Philippine Stock Exchange president and chief executive Hans Sicat and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. director and general manager Noburu Kato.

Ample global rice stockpiles blunt El Niño impact By Supunnabul Suwannakij THE severity of El Niño this year may decide whether rice prices recover from the lowest since 2008. Plentiful global inventories will probably cushion against any disruption to this year’s crop, suppressing prices in the second half of the year, according to The Rice Trader. Further out, it may be a different story. “I’m short-term bearish and on the longer term, I’m quite bullish,” Jeremy Zwinger, chief executive officer of The Rice Trader, a Durham, California-based researcher, said in Bangkok. “If it’s a severe El Niño, obviously that’s bullish.” El Niños bring drier-than-usual conditions including drought to parts of Asia, hurting crops in the top exporters and boosting demand among buyers. Australia this month joined forecasters in the US and Japan in declaring an event had begun, and weathermen are seeking to determine how long it will last and how strong it may be. The last El Niño was in 2009-2010 when global rough-rice output fell 1.8 percent. “At this stage, we can only speak about potential impacts, given how influential factors such timing, strength and duration can be,”

said Shirley Mustafa, an analyst at the Romebased Food & Agriculture Organization, which doesn’t give specific price forecasts. “A smaller crop would indeed tend to be supportive. However, this potential has to be put in the context of the still ample level of rice inventories.” The price of Thai 5-percent broken white rice, a regional benchmark, dropped 9 percent to $381 a metric ton this year, the lowest level since January 2008, as the world’s largest exporter sought to sell record reserves built up during a now-ended state-support program. Rough-rice futures sank 19 percent to $9.57 per 100 pounds in Chicago since January after dropping to $9.25 on May 13, the lowest level since 2006. Thailand, India and the Philippines risk having smaller crops as El Niño often suppress rainfall, according to the FAO. While global reserves may drop 4.6 percent to 168.2 million tons in 2015-2016, that’s still 17 percent higher than the average over the past decade, data from the agency showed. The Philippines, Asia’s secondlargest buyer, approved 250,000 tons of additional imports from July and may double purchases should El Niño

cut output significantly, the National Food Authority said May 22. Remote sensing indicated below-average rain in the main rice-growing areas since April, which may hurt sowing, the FAO said in a report on May 21. Downside risks to rice crops are high in the Philippines, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, BMI Research, a unit of Fitch Group, said on May 15. Palm oil and sugar production are also threatened, it said in a report. “The impact of El Niño could be even more significant because international agriculture prices have been weak for several years,” BMI said. “Sentiment could quickly turn around should the weather actually prove unfavorable.” Blooomberg


Mr. Eñano’s column will resume next week.

THURSDAY: MAY 28, 2015



AgriNurture officials resign By Anna Leah E. Gonzales

AGRINURTURE Inc. said Wednesday two top executives and three board directors have quit from the company. The listed company led by controversial businessman Antonio Tiu said in a disclosure to the stock exchange it received the resignation letters of directors

James Sayre, Tai Chuan Lin and Edmund Zheng. “Mr. James Sayre, Mr. Tai Chuan Lin and Edmund Zheng resigned from the board to pursue

Re p u b lic o f th e Ph ilip p in e s

Provincial Government of Palawan P u e rto Pri n c e s a C i ty

other business pursuits,” AgriNurture said. AgriNurture said it also received the resignations of Pablo Capati Jr. as president and chief executive and Romeo Bato as treasurer and chief financial officer effective May 31. “Mr. Capati and Mr. Bato submitted their resignations to focus on other professional and personal commitments,” the company said. Tiu was dragged into controversy last year when he

was accused of acting as front for Vice President Jejomar Binay’s farm in Rosario, Batangas where Tiu’s agri-nature farm is also located. Tiu had denied the accusation, saying he made his fortune “through sheer hard work and determination to succeed.” Tiu said in a text message the company would reorganize the management, following the resignation of its directors and top executives. “We are also exploring options

Wilcon partner.

InvItatIon to apply for ElIgIbIlIty and to bId for thE


The Provincial Government of Palawan, through the Tubbataha Management Office (Project Reference No. TMO 01-2015) intends to apply the sum of Forty Million Pesos Only (PhP40,000,000.00) as Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) for the CP-01: GeneralConstruction Works of Main Module Tubbataha Reefs National Park Ranger Station. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.


The Provincial Government of Palawan now invites bids for the the CP-01: General Construction Works of Main Module Tubbataha Reefs National Park Ranger Station, Cagayancillo, Palawan. Completion of the Works is required within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days at off-shore. Bidders should have completed, within ten (10) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.


Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/ fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwiseknown as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.

WilconDepot, the pioneer and leader in supplying finishing materials for the building industry in the Philippines, has signed a new agreement with business software and cloud solutions provider Inforto to drive efficiency and enable the company’s goals of continued growth and expansion. Shown sealing the agreement are Wilcon president and chief executive William Belo (left) and Infor vice president for Asean and India Helen Masters.

Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at least seventy five percent (75%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines. 4.

Prospective bidder should possess a valid PCAB License applicable to the contract, have completed a similar contract with a value of at least 50% of the ABC, and have key personnel and equipment (listed in eligibility forms) available for the prosecution of the contract. The BAC will use non - discretionary pass/fail criteria in the Eligibility Check/Screening as well as the Preliminary Examination of the Bid. The BAC will conduct post -qualification of the lowest calculated bidder.


Interested bidders may obtain further information from Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) Secretariat,Provincial Government of Palawan and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours. Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.


A complete set of Bidding Documents may be acquired by interested Bidders on May 28, 2015 from theaddress below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee for the bidding documents, pursuant to the latest guidelines issued by the GPPB, in the amount of Twenty Five Thousand Pesos only (P 25,000.00). It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the website of the Provincial Government of Palawan, provided that Bidders shall pay the non-refundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.


The PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF PALAWAN now calls for the submission ofeligibility documents for theCP-01: General Construction Works of Main Module Tubbataha Reefs National Park Ranger Station. Interested bidders must submit their Class “A” eligibility documents on or before June 4, 2015 at the BAC SECRETARIAT, Provincial Government of Palawan, 3rd Floor Gov. Alfredo M. Abueg Sr. Building, Provincial Capitol Complex, Rizal Ave. cor. Fernandez St., Puerto Princesa City 5300. Applications for eligibility will be evaluated based on a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion.


The Provincial Government of Palawan will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on June 9, 2015 at 9:00 AM at the BAC Conference Room, 3/F Alfredo M. Abueg Sr. Building, Capitol Compound, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan which shall be open only to all interested parties who have purchased the Bidding Documents.


Bids must be delivered and received on or before 9:00 AM of June 25, 2015 at the Office of the BAC Secretariat, 3/F Alfredo M. Abueg Sr. Building, Capitol Compound, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18. Bid opening shall be at 9:00 AM of June 25, 2015 at BAC Conference Room, 3/F Alfredo M. Abueg Sr. Building, Capitol Compound, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders or the duly authorized representatives. Late bids shall not be accepted.

10. Schedule of Activities: Activities



1. Issuance of Bid Documents

Office of the BAC Secretariat, 3/F Alfredo M. Abueg Sr. Building, Capitol Compound

May 28, 2015

2. Submission of Eligibility Documents

Office of the BAC Secretariat, 3/F Alfredo M. Abueg Sr. Building, Capitol Compound

June 4, 2015

3. Shortlisting 2. Pre-Bid Conference 3. Deadline of Submission of Bids 4. Opening of Bids

BAC Conference Room, 3/F Alfredo M. Abueg Sr. Building, Capitol Compound BAC Conference Room, 3/F Alfredo M. Abueg Sr. Building, Capitol Compound Office of the BAC Secretariat, 3/F Alfredo M. Abueg Sr. Building, Capitol Compound BAC Conference Room, 3/F Alfredo M. Abueg Sr. Building, Capitol Compound

5. Bid Evaluation

June 5, 2015 at 9:00 AM June 9, 2015 at 9:00 AM On or before 9:00 AM of June 25, 2015 June 25, 2015 at 9:00 AM June 26-July 2, 2015

Site Inspection. The Prospective Bidder is required to visit the site of the works and ascertain for himself the conditions, approaches and all matters and things which may affect his bid. Site Visit is scheduled on May 31-June 2, 2015. Details of the trip will be provided by the TMO. 11. The acquired bidding documents, inclusive of other related procurement documents (Class-A, Technical, etc.) should be returned/ submitted in sealed envelope(s) by the bidders to the BAC before the scheduled time, date, and venue of the bid opening. 12. The Provincial Government of Palawan reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to the contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders. 13. For further information, please refer to: MR. RICHIEROSS P. AUSTRIA Chairman, Bids and Awards Committee - II (BAC-II) Secretariat 3rd floor, Gov. Alfredo M. Abueg Sr. Building, Provincial Capitol Compound, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, 5300 / (048) 434-6389 DENNIS F. ENRIQUEZ Project Manager, Rider Levett Bucknall Philippines, Inc. Bldg. 3, Corazon Clemeña Compound, 54 Danny Floro Street, Bagong Ilog, Pasig City, Philippines / (02) 234-0141 / 234-0129 /571-374 / (0917) 8484948 (Sgd.) ATTY. TEODORO JOSE S. MATTA BAC-CHAIRMAN (TS-MAY 28, 2015)

for divesting non-performing units,” Tiu said. AgriNurture currently supplies fresh vegetables, fruits and grain requirements to the country’s retail and institutional accounts. The company also supplies fruits such as mango, banana, sweet pineapple and papaya in Japan, Korea, China, Europe, North America and the Middle East and invested in vapor heat treatment and hot water treatment facilities to ensure the high quality of the mangoes it exports.

Economy’s performance in first quarter of 2015 TIME was, not so long ago, when economic policymakers and analysts estimated the annual growth in GDP (gross domestic product) with the use of numbers revolving around 4 or 5 percent, some prognosticators would say. Or, because of some highly fortuitous happenings or the appearance of some significant factor, GDP growth would be in excess of 5 percent, government economists would forecast. Times have changed, for the better. During the last decade, the annual growth of this country’s economy has been forecast and tallied in terms of numbers revolving around the digit 6. Forecasts and analyses of the economy’s performance are now being made with reference to government GDP growth targets that have been in the range 6 percent to 7.5 percent. On more than one occasion, even the figure 8 percent has been mentioned. At present, all the participants in the GDPgrowth guessing game are pouring over the economic data for 2015’s first quarter to determine the GDP’s growth during that period. The growth rates have ranged from 6 percent to 7.3 percent, with most of the forecasts closer to the lower-half of that range. The government forecast for 2015 GDP growth is 6.5 percent to 7.5 percent. The forecasters appear to have differed on the role played by public investment during the three months ended March. Some believe that the government stepped up its infrastructure spending during the first quarter to make up for the last-quarter 2014 underspending caused by the PDAF investigations. Other forecasters have

ascertained that the government did the exact opposite, i.e., hold down infrastructure spending. The stark difference between these two positions underscores the time lag that separates the spending and the reporting of public expenditures. My own feeling is that the government, stung by charges of indecisiveness, ramped up its spending during this year’s first three months. In this country, private consumption historically has accounted for the largest share--approximately two-thirds of GDP. Even in election years, when public investment has risen sharply, the share of consumption in GDP has never fallen below 60 percent. There has been game-changing in this regard. The game-changer has been the enormous volume of funds going into Filipino consumers’ hands from their OFW relatives and friends. The share of investment in GDP has been steadily rising as the government strived to make up and step up, but the phenomenal growth in consumer spending--the business of the malls and of the real estate companies tell the story--has outrun the growth in government investment spending. The average $20-billion annual inflow of OFW remittances in recent years tells the whole story. Is the first quarter of 2015 likely to have been a very strong period for the Philippine economy or merely a strong period? Is the GDP likely to have grown by 7.3 percent as a foreign fund management company has suggested, or by between 6 percent and 6.3 percent, as most of the forecasters have indicated? Where do the probabilities tend to congregate? A forecast of 6.3 percent GDP growth during the first quarter of 2015 might be seen to be a forecast of the playing-safe kind, but it has a lot to support it. E-mail:

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cesar barrioquinto EDITOR

More than 1,000 die in India’s heat wave HYDERABAD—More than 1,100 people have died in a major heatwave sweeping India, authorities said Wednesday, as forecasters warned searing temperatures would continue. Southern India has borne the brunt of the hot, dry conditions and many of the victims are construction workers, elderly or homeless people unable to heed official advice to stay indoors. Roads have melted in New Delhi, where forecasters said they expected the high temperatures to continue into next week—adding to the misery of thousands living on the capital’s streets with little shelter from the hot sun. Brahma Prakash Yadav, director of the Indian Meteorological Department, said top temperatures in the capital would remain around 45 degrees Celsius—the national benchmark for a heatwave. “Maximum temperatures won’t fall substantially. However, major relief can be expected from June 2 as there are indications of good showers,” he said. Hospitals in the worst-affected states were on alert to treat victims of heatstroke and authorities advised people to stay indoors and drink plenty of water. Hundreds of people—mainly from the poorest sections of society—die at the height of summer every year across the country, while tens of thousands suffer power cuts from an overburdened electricity grid. Authorities in the worst-hit state of Andhra Pradesh in southern India, where nearly 900 people have died since May 18, called for emergency water distribution areas to be set up. However, P. Tulsi Rani, special commissioner for disaster management in the state, said meteorologists were forecasting a dip in temperatures in the coming days. In the neighboring state of Telangana, where temperatures hit 48 degrees Celsius over the weekend, more than 200 people have died in the last week. Eleven people were confirmed to have died in the western state of Orissa and another 13 succumbed to the heat in the eastern state of West Bengal, where unions urged drivers to stay off the roads during the day. AFP


Elevating gardening to high art in Seoul SEOUL—From stylish, manicured creations to small vegetable plots, gardens are taking to the rooftops of the South Korean capital Seoul—bringing dashes of spontaneity and color to the skyline of one of the world’s most densely populated cities.

Screening event. Jane Fonda attends Netflix’s “Grace & Frankie” Q&A Screening Event at the Pacific Design Center on May 26 in West Hollywood, California. AFP

With help from the municipal government, otherwise largely drab buildings are being crowned with flower beds, allotments and trees, where the scent of fresh blossoms in the springtime can briefly mask the fumes from the traffic below. The project has produced one of the largest rooftop gardens in Asia, Garden 5, which is spread across the top of four 10-story buildings and linked by skywalks, with a total surface area equal to three football fields. Inter-M Corp., a broadcasting and audio equipment maker housed in a gray, nondescript, seven-story office building in northern Seoul, decided to convert their roof several years ago. Completed in late 2013 at a cost of 110 million won ($100,000)—half provided by City Hall—the 450-square-meter garden boasts azalea, lilies, maple trees, herbs and two small pavilions. Company spokesman Bae Seung-San said staff used it to unwind, while potential customers were taken to the roof as part of a sales pitch. “When we have foreign buyers, we throw barbecue parties here, with music playing on our equipment,” Bae said. The municipal financial support comes with a rider—any garden must be properly maintained and opened for public use within five years of its completion. Since the project began in 2002, the city government has spent more than 60 billion won ($57 million) helping to bankroll rooftop gardens, allotments or small ecological parks on more than 650 buildings around the city. “We need more green but don’t really have the budget to buy the land for urban parks,” said Bang Seong-Weon, a municipal official in charge of the Green Roof Construction program. “If you green the rooftops, land prices cease to be an issue,” Bang said. Home to 20 percent of South Korea’s 50 million people, Seoul is a modern, thriving city with a population density nearly twice that of New York and eight times greater than Rome. AFP

Kabul’s oasis of peace attracting hordes KABUL—Kabul’s historic Bagh-e Babur gardens are one of the few remaining vestiges of serenity in a city awash with snipers, checkpoints and post-traumatic stress. Laid out in the 16th century by the Mughal emperor Babur and restored after the 2001 US-led invasion and fall of the Taliban, they have become a magnet for culture and art aficionados. The 11-hectare gardens have emerged as an attractive venue for plays and Western-Eastern music concerts in a city with an evershrinking space for cultural activities. “We come here with our friends together for picnics and to pass the

time. We enjoy coming here often,” said Barakatullah, a construction company employee. After 30 years of conflict, the gardens are an unexpected sight in the heart of Kabul. “Afghans have suffered a lot in the past. It’s good to come here and take a break from studies and it’s also refreshing to see the greenery,” said Mohammad Ismail, a 20-yearold university student. The Babur gardens were heavily damaged during 1990s conflict when many trees and buildings were completely destroyed, said Ajmal Maiwandi from the Aga Khan Foundation.

A key challenge was to de-mine the site. “Since this was the front line between the warring factions, there was much ordnance and many mines and many other types of explosives that needed to be discovered,” he said. But in Kabul, cultural centers are perceived as soft targets for militants, meaning there is a heavy security presence. “There are soldiers guarding the main gate,” said 12-year-old school pupil Milad. “They do body searches, so it’s really difficult for a suicide bomber to get in the garden.” AFP

Casualty. Residents walk around a destroyed house in the village of Ozeryanovka on May 27 in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic. AFP

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Singapore plane loses power to 2 engines SINGAPORE—A Singapore Airlines Airbus plane carrying 194 people temporarily lost power to both engines on a recent flight to Shanghai, SIA confirmed Wednesday after a flight tracker said the plane had to descend 13,000 feet or 3.96 kilometers before normal operation was restored. The carrier said it was investigating the May 23 incident together with Airbus and engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce. “We are not able to provide further information but we can confirm that the same aircraft was used for the return flight,” an airline spokesman told AFP. In a statement, SIA said the Airbus A330-300, carrying 182 passengers and 12 crew members, “encountered bad weather at 39,000 feet about three and a half hours after departure” from Singapore. “Both engines experienced a temporary loss of power and the pilots followed operational procedures to restore normal operation of the engines,” the statement said. “The flight continued to Shanghai and touched down uneventfully at 10:56 p.m (1456 GMT) local time,” SIA said. The airline added that the engines “were thoroughly inspected and tested upon arrival in Shanghai with no anomalies detected”. In a Twitter post late Tuesday, industry portal Flightradar24 said the flight, codenamed SQ836, “lost power on both engines & 13,000 feet before power returned”. In a subsequent post, it said the plane “lost both engines during the cruise” while flying through a “huge storm,” pinpointing an area in the South China Sea off China’s southern coast where the incident occurred. SIA, Asia’s third largest carrier by market value, has 29 Airbus A330-300s in its passenger fleet. It also has a fleet of 19 Airbus A380800 super jumbos. The airline, along with its subsidiaries SilkAir, Scoot, and Tiger Airways, flies to 119 destinations across 35 countries. AFP

Head turner. Actress Alexandra Daddario attends the premiere of “San Andreas” at the TCL Chinese Theater on May 26 in Hollywood. AFP

Envoys decide to put pressure on N. Korea SEOUL—Nuclear envoys from South Korea, Japan and the United States agreed Wednesday to step up the pressure—including possible sanctions— on North Korea to abandon nuclear weapons while keeping diplomatic options “open.” Speaking to reporters after trilateral talks in Seoul, the three officials also highlighted the “seriousness” of the progress the North has been making with its expanding nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

“We agreed on the importance of enhancing pressure and sanctions on North Korea even as we keep all our diplomatic options on the table and open,” the US special representative for North Korea policy, Sung Kim, told reporters. The talks between Kim, South Korea’s Hwang Joon-Kook and Japan’s Junichi Ihara lasted around three hours and included discussions on the possibility of reviving long-stalled six-party talks aimed at pushing Pyongyang towards denuclearization. North Korea has been ramping up its nuclear rhetoric of late, boasting last week of its ability to miniaturize a nuclear warhead to fit on high-precision, long-range rockets. It also hailed the recent “histor-

ic” test of a submarine-launched ballistic missile or SLBM, although outside experts said state media reports of the test were exaggerated and estimated that the North was still years from developing a genuine SLBM capability. Hwang said the three envoys had all pointed to the “seriousness of the advancement of the North’s nuclear capability,” while Sung Kim said the SLBM test—whether genuine or not—was also unnerving. “It is of great concern to us that the North Koreans are continuing to pursue such capabilities,” Kim said. “I think their intention is clear, and we should be concerned regardless of the stage of their development,” he added. Before the trilateral dialogue began

in the morning, Hwang said the meeting was particularly timely given what he described as an “uncertain and tense” situation in North Korea. Questions over the stability of Kim Jong-Un’s leadership resurfaced this month after South Korean intelligence reported that his defense minister had been purged and likely executed. Against this background, efforts have been gathering pace to find a way back to the six-party talks, between North and South Korea, Japan, the United States, China and Russia. The six-party forum was set up to persuade North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons in return for economic and diplomatic benefits, as well as security guarantees, but has not met since December 2008. AFP

Depp not amused by ‘war on terrier’

Reception. Queen Mathilde of Belgium, top right, Yoo Ban Soon-taek,

bottom right, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, left, and King Philippe of Belgium gather at the Royal Palace in Brussels on May 27. AFP

SYDNEY—Johnny Depp found the “war on terrier” storm over his pet dogs Pistol and Boo being turfed out of Australia “quite humorous,” his friend Mick Doohan said Wednesday. But the five-time motorcycle racing world champion, in whose mansion Depp stays while on Australia’s Gold Coast, also warned that the attention it sparked was not a good move for the country in terms of attracting big-name stars. Doohan also commented on recent reports that the actor had fled Australia to “save his marriage” to wife Amber Heard, when he in fact went to celebrate his daughter Lily-

Rose’s 16th birthday back in the United States. “To be honest, I think he thinks it’s quite humorous and how just wanting to leave the country to visit his daughter can be such big news,” Doohan told reporters during a road safety campaign launch in Brisbane. “He’s a humorous type of guy, I think he’s just disappointed about how it’s been relentless.” The dog saga made international headlines this month when Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce threatened to have the terriers put down if they were not removed from the country after being smuggled in

on Depp’s private jet. Under strict Australian laws designed to keep disease at bay, dogs entering from the United States have to spend 10 days in quarantine. Depp, in Queensland state to film the Disney movie “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales,” whisked them back out of the country amid intense media scrutiny. Doohan said film stars like Depp would be less likely to come to Australia after the furor surrounding his dogs. “I think Australia will struggle to get people out here if that’s the way they carry on,” he said. AFP

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A selection of works by various photographers on exhibit at SM Aura Premier


LIFE IN COLOR International photography winners on exhibit at SM Aura Premier


allgoers will have the rare opportunity to view the works of some of the world’s most talented photographers in Life in Color, an exhibit showcasing the winners and finalists of the prestigious Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) at SM Aura Premier until June 3, 2015. A joint project of HIPA and SM Aura Premier, the exhibit includes last year’s grand winner, a photograph by Anurag Kumar featuring the splash of colors during India’s Holi Festival. It also includes the works of Filipino photographers Jaime Singlador and Xyza Dela Cruz Bacani. The HIPA was founded in 2011 under the patronage of Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai. HIPA is now launching its fifth season themed “Happiness” with Wildlife, Father and Son, and General making up the rest of the categories. A grand prize of $120,000 and an overall prize pool of $400,000 await the winners.

“We are delighted to participate with the HIPA photo gallery in what is proving to be one of the most passionate photographic communities in the world, the Philippines,” HIPA secretary general Ali bin Thalith commented. “The gallery and workshops present our largest ever participation in the Philippines and we hope to inspire more Filipino photographers to participate with HIPA and in turn excel in the art of photography,” added the Dubai-based professional documentary film photographer who holds diplomas in Photojournalism and Documentary Photography from the London Academy. Apart from the exhibit, the event will also have two workshops at the Samsung Hall of SM Aura Premier by world renowned photography author and HIPA judge Tom Ang, a leading authority on digital photography and winner of the Thomas Cook award for Best Illustrated Travel Book for his photography of the Marco Polo Expedition which pioneered the modern Silk Road crossing from Europe to China. Ang’s workshops will be held at the Samsung Hall on May 30 and 31.

THURSDAY : M AY 28 : 2015






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Rustan’s and the Art of Beautifully Curated Spaces

“What art offers is space – a certain breathing room for the spirit.” – John Updike Art, as many collectors and enthusiasts know, is not simply confined to the appearance of things, like a pretty picture hung on a wall, or a piece of crafted glass displayed on a table top. In its truest form, art seeks to not only convey rare beauty, but inspire all those who are touched by it. Rustan’s – the purveyor of style and design for the home as well as a staunch supporter of the arts – captures this spirit of inspired creation in its newest collaboration with renowned Filipino artists Ramon Orlina, Fernando Belen Sena, Nemi Miranda Jr., Marina Cruz, Rodel Tapaya, Golda King, and Philippine National Artist for Visual Arts Arturo Luz. Aptly called Rustan’s for the Arts, visually compelling designed vignettes using exquisite pieces selected from Rustan’s artisanal collections are displayed together with the obra maestras of select artists. The stunning spaces found at Rustan’s Shangri-La,

Makati, Alabang and Cebu not only reflect the artists’ unique creative touch and vision, but embody Rustan’s unparalleled sense of style and passion for great living. Select art pieces are up for sale so Rustan’s customers may take this opportunity to own great art. Various celebrated designers and brands carried in-store by Rustan’s are also showing their full support through a display of their own inspired renditions of the Rustan’s logo in their respective areas. Local designers such as Pia Gladys Perey and Pia Hebron for Lady Rustan, Patis Tesoro, Joji Lloren will also showcase their renditions of the Rustan’s logo. The same goes for Lola Casademunt, Le Sportsac, Norma Kamali and Trina, Ascot Chang, Karen Kane, Tadashi Shoji, Josie Natori, Jelly Bunny and Vivienne Tam who inject their unmistakable signature aesthetics into their personal designs of the Rustan’s logo Catch Rustan’s for the Arts exhibits at Rustan’s Makati, Shangri-La, Alabang and Cebu this May.

CHRISTIE’S HONG KONG ASIAN ART SPRING AUCTIONS Christie’s announces its Asian Art Spring Auctions. A stellar selection of top quality Asian works of art will be presented such as Asian 20th Century and Contemporary Art: over 600 lots in total; estimated to realise over HK$580 million/ US$72.5 million. Chinese Paintings: over 500 lots in total; estimate


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to realise over HK$313 million/US$40 million. Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art: over 400 lots in total; estimate to realise over HK$420 million/ US$53 million. The auctions will be held at the Convention Hall, HKCEC, 1 Expo Drive, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Asian Abstract Art Preview Important Watches Preview

Asian Abstract Art Day Sales

215 lots of contemporary art and 309 lots in the 20th century art sale


Christie’s Chinese Paintings Sale


Ranging from exceptional classical calligraphy and modern paintings to contemporary ink

Through Connoisseurs’ Eyes Sale A sale sourced and curated in collaboration with Coobi Chui and Milton Mant

Imperial Porcelains Sale


Christie’s presents a series of Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art auctions, ranging from exceptional imperial porcelain and works of art


Asian Abstract Art Evening Sales

95 masterpieces by an array of celebrated Asian artists with highlights from Asian 20th century art, Southeast Asian art and Asian contemporary works that discuss the “Spirtiual Space” of today’s society

Feng Wen Tang Collection Sale

Christie’s is honoured to present the Feng Wen Tang Collection, including Chinese modern paintings, bamboo carvings and furniture

Important Watches Sale

Christie’s Hong Kong 2015 Spring Watches auction featuring a total of 518 watches

Feng Wen Tang Collection Sale


DRAWING THE WORLD A Filipino illustrator shines in Madrid

Filipino illustrator Mark Lawrence Andres joins an illustration and cultural cooperation project organized by the Museo ABC de Ilustración and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) with the participation of the Embassy of Spain in the Philippines. Andres, together with a Mexican, a Moroccan, and three Spanish illustrators, will be in Madrid until June 7 to participate in the talks and sketching walks with the other participants of the project. Drawing the World is an ode to travel journals and an invitation to rediscover what surrounds us. The results of these workshops and drawing journeys in Madrid, Mexico D.F., Casablanca, and Manila will configure the exhibit “Drawing the World” which will run in 2016. In Manila, the Spanish illustrator LPO (Luis Pérez Órtiz) and Andres will give workshops to amateurs and illustration professionals and will work around the streets of the city with a pen on their hand. The travel sketching journals selected from these activities will take part of the future traveling exhibit around Spain, Mexico, Morocco and the Philippines.

THURSDAY : M AY 28 : 2015





glweekend @


30 SUMMERS, 30 SONGS BY ED BIADO In 1985, Bryan Adams reminisced about the summer of ‘69. Fast forward to 2015 and Maroon 5 is declaring that this summer’s gonna hurt like a motherf-----. Music and summer go way back. As Billboard says, “Hot weather plus nostalgia makes for a potent mix(tape).” Summer songs stick with us because they’re there on our adventures, at pool parties, rooftop barbecues and on the airwaves or our own personal playlists blasting from the car speaker when we’re driving alone or on a road trip with our summer crew. Tunes that become popular during summer are typically – though not always – upbeat and come with a certain level of careless abandon. They’re the soundtrack of the season and are associated with “the best days of our lives,” for reasons including exotic vacations, hot summer flings, rites of passage, and a series of firsts and new experiences. Summers of our youth are etched on our brains because of the growing up that we did, the rules we broke, all the playfulness and excitement; and they’re made more memorable by the song that was playing on the boombox/iPod/phone. Because Billboard knows we love our songs of the summer (and that we’re eagerly anticipating what will emerge as this year’s hit), the music magazine dug into the archives to come up with a definitive list of all the Top 10 hits of each of the past 30 summers – yes, that’s from 1985 to 2014. The Gist doesn’t have the space to countdown all 300 songs, so for the full list, go to

MEANWHILE, SEE BELOW FOR EACH SUMMER’S NUMBER-ONE SMASH: 1985: “Shout” - Tears For Fears 1986: “Papa Don’t Preach” - Madonna 1987: “Alone” - Heart 1988: “Roll With It” - Steve Winwood 1989: “Right Here Waiting” - Richard Marx 1990: “Vision Of Love” - Mariah Carey 1991: “(Everything I Do) I Do It For You” Bryan Adams

1992: “Baby Got Back” - Sir Mix-A-Lot 1993: “Can’t Help Falling In Love” - UB40 1994: “I Swear” - All-4-One 1995: “Waterfalls” - TLC 1996: “Macarena (Bayside Boys Mix) – Los Del Rio

1997: “I’ll Be Missing You” - Puff Daddy &

Faith Evans feat. 112 1998: “The Boy Is Mine” - Brandy & Monica 1999: “Genie In A Bottle” - Christina Aguilera 2000: “Bent” - Matchbox 20 2001: “Let Me Blow Ya Mind” - Eve feat. Gwen Stefani 2002: “Hot In Herre” - Nelly 2003: “Crazy In Love” - Beyonce feat. Jay-Z 2004: “Confessions Part II” - Usher 2005: “We Belong Together” - Mariah Carey 2006: “Promiscuous” - Nelly Furtado feat. Timbaland 2007: “Umbrella” - Rihanna feat. Jay-Z 2008: “I Kissed A Girl” - Katy Perry 2009: “I Gotta Feeling” - The Black Eyed Peas 2010: “California Gurls” - Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg 2011: “Party Rock Anthem” - LMFAO feat. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock 2012: “Call Me Maybe” - Carly Rae Jepsen 2013: “Blurred Lines” - Robin Thicke 2014: “Fancy” - Iggy Azalea feat. Charli XCX

Dr. Renate Buschmann

LOOKING AT THE BIG SKY Goethe goes digital


ourteen videos from the best students of contemporary art in Germany will be showcased in Manila from May 29 to July 3 under the title “Looking at the Big Sky.” Opening the exhibit at the Goethe-Institut gallery 1335MABINI is none other than digital media art expert Dr. Renate Buschmann, director of the Inter Media Art Institute (IMAI) in Düsseldorf, and curator of the video exhibition on a world tour through the different branches of the Goethe-Institut. The Manila leg is the result of a partnership between the Goethe-Institut Philippinen and the gallery 1335MABINI. “Looking at the Big Sky” evokes a variety of different associations: vastness of thought, freedom, openness, and unlimited possibilities. But it also refers to video practices that transcend borders and limitations, give free reign to ideas and encourage radical perspectives. The selected works employ an aston-

ishing variety of motifs and methodologies. Some tell fictional stories through individual assertions and performances, while others utilize pseudo-documentary formats. Reaching for the sky in so many different ways, the videos sometimes aim at an individual internal view that finds meaning in the seemingly insignificant and unspectacular, and other times seek to formulate an outlook on the immeasurable and indeterminate. The exhibit will run until July 3 and can be viewed from 2-6 pm, Tuesdays to Saturdays. Dr. Buschmann will also hold a free workshop with the theme “The challenge of preserving and presenting media art” on May 30 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm at the same venue. All curators, art programmers, artists and museum personnel are invited to attend. 1335MABINI is located at 1335 Mabini St., Ermita, Manila. For inquiries, email to

From Citadel to City Ayala Museum presents Juan Luna

A selection of Juan Luna paintings on loan from the collection of the Bank of Philippine Islands will be on exhibit at the Third Floor Galleries of Ayala Museum in Makati. Titled “From Citadel to City,” the exhibit features paintings and 19th century prints that chronicle the history of Manila from palisaded port into a port city. The art works reflect on the ideas and ideals of the Philippines as a young nation at the end of the Spanish Colonial period. Museum hours are from 9 am to 6 p.m. For inquiries, call 759-8288 or email hello@


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g l w e e ke n d @ g m a i l . c o m






After experiencing hard times in Manila, Daniel (Joem Bascon) and his pregnant wife Cynthia (Mercedes Cabral) move to a mansion in Baguio, which Dan’s affluent childhood friend Alex (Cholo Barretto) acquires for him, to start over again. Living rent-free in a large house and Daniel getting a new job, the immediate future looks bright for the couple, until the spirit of a little girl (Kariz Espinosa) that roams around the house starts haunting them. PG

San Andreas



R16 An Australian science fiction drama that follows Infini, an elite search and rescue team, who are transported through deep space to a remote mining colony to save the sole survivor of a biological outbreak and stop an impending global threat to the Earth.




It Follows

The Age of Adaline

The fourth entry in George Miller’s Mad Max franchise, this 2015 postapocalyptic action film follows “Mad” Max Rockatansky (Tom Hardy), a man of action and few words, seeking peace of mind following the loss of his family in the early days of society’s collapse; and Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron), a woman of action, looking to cross the desert and make it back to her childhood homeland. The two rebels team up to run from, and eventually face, the tyrannical Fascist leader King Immortan Joe (Hugh Keays-Byrne) and his bloodthirsty military force. R13

PG After figuring in a car accident and being struck by lightning, Adaline Bowman (Blake Lively) suffers an inexplicable condition in which she remains 29 years old forever. Now at 107, Adaline lives a solitary existence away from anyone who might reveal her secret. Her plan to live on a farm in Oregon suddenly changes when she meets the charismatic philanthropist Ellis Jones (Michiel Huisman) who reignites her passion for life and romance, in the process reuniting her with William (Harrison Ford) her former lover who happens to be Ellis’ father.


G This tenth Naruto film begins two years after the events of the Fourth Great Ninja War, at the time when the moon Hagoromo Otsutsuki, created long ago to seal away the Gedo Statue, begins to descend towards the world, threatening to become a meteor that would destroy everything on impact. Amid this crisis, Uzumaki Naruto (Junko Takeuchi) helps Hyuuga Hinata (Nana Mizuki) save her younger sister, Hyuuga Hanabi (Kiyomi Asai), who is kidnapped by a direct descendant of Kaguya Otsutsuki named Toneri (Jun Fukuyama).


PG When the relationship between high school sweethearts Nikko (James Reid) and Rebecca (Nadine Lustre) falls apart, Becca writes a story slightly similar to her love story to cope with her broken heart. She projects her heartache when she can’t give her characters – Ryan (Iñigo Pascual) and Maria (Julia Barretto) – a happy ending either.

R13 An American action comedy about Susan Cooper (Melissa McCarthy), a desk-bound CIA analyst, who, when her partner Bradley Fine (Jude Law) falls off the grid and top agent Rick Ford (Jason Statham) is compromised, volunteers to go deep undercover to infiltrate the world of deadly arms dealer Rayna Boyanov (Rose Byrne).


Following a strange sexual encounter with Hugh (Jake Weary), college student Jay Height (Maika Monroe) finds herself pursued and haunted by a supernatural entity that can only be seen by those with the curse which is passed through sex. R16


PG In the aftermath of the devastating magnitude 9 earthquake in California, Los Angeles search and rescue helicopter pilot Chief Ray Gaines (Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson) and his ex-wife Emma (Carla Gugino) embark on a treacherous journey to San Francisco to find and rescue their estranged daughter Blake (Alexandra Daddario).

Para Sa Mga Hopeless Romantic


PG A Brad Bird science fiction mystery adventure that follows former boy-genius Frank Walker (George Clooney) and bright, optimistic teen Casey Newton (Britt Robertson) as they embark on a dangerous mission to unearth the secrets of a mysterious place somewhere in time and space known as “Tomorrowland.”


PG Following a humiliating performance involving Fat Amy and a wardrobe malfunction at the Lincoln Center, the Barden Bellas, led by previous Bellas Beca (Anna Kendrick), Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson), Chloe (Brittany Snow), Cynthia-Rose (Ester Dean), Lilly (Hana Mae Lee), and Stacie (Alexis Knapp), are suspended from the A Capella performance circuit. To regain their status and right to perform, the group enters an international competition that no American team has ever won.



T HUR S DAY : M AY 2 8 : 2015



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ased on and inspired by actual events, crowd-funded independent film Bat Outta Hell finds four young documentary filmmakers on their trip of a lifetime takes a turn for the worst when they discovered that the grisly predator bat is not a myth. Vernon Wells, who is best known for his role in 1981’s Mad Max 2 as Wez, the homicidal biker stars as Simpson in Bat Outta Hell. In this unpredictable indie horror movie, Wells enthused that he finds it interesting to be involved in a film based on facts. “I’ve looked into it and discovered that these bats are actually real they have been sighted in many many places around the world. In fact there was sighting in Brazil, a team of archaeologist in the deep jungle looking for something in a cave and that these bats happened to reside in that cave, the bats, in-

stead of fluttering away from the humans, being territorial, attacked their team. They’re fortunate they have guns with them and they killed some of the bats off.” Danial Donai, writer-director of Bat Outta Hell shared that he began writing the story back in 2008. “My idea on writing about started back in 2008 with a good friend of mine and I had lunch, he related that he saw this giant humanoid bat in a place called nowhere else in South Australia. So after hearing of the story, Ii immediately researched about it and booked next day at South Australia at Nowhere Else where we found only two residents in the area, the name came from a bunch of drivers who got lost in the area who have found themselves in a deserted place. Bat Outta Hell showing in cinemas from Crystal Sky Multimedia.

Vernon Wells stars in Bat Outta Hell



Anna Kendrick is the girl who makes Ryan Reynolds crazy in The Voices

itch Perfect star Anna Kendrick stars alongside Ryan Reynolds in the bizarre crime thriller The Voices about a man in his 30’s suffering from schizophrenia who speaks to his pets, a dog and a cat which he regards as his conscience. In the film Jerry (Reynolds) is that chipper guy clocking the nine-to-five at a bathtub factory, with the offbeat charm of anyone who could use a few friends but one who needs his medication to function normally. With the help of his court-appointed psychiatrist (Jacki Weaver), he pursues his office crush Fiona (Gemma Arterton) and later his other officemate Lisa (Kendrick). When Fiona agreed to go out with him on a date and carelessly stood him up to go out with her other friends, Jerry’s odd behaviour begins to get the

better of him. During the night when Fiona stood him up, he finds her on the road trying to get a ride going home, Jerry then offers her a ride while his hallucinations start to fill his mind until he realizes he has already slit open Fiona’s throat. Once at home, his dog Bosco tells him to confess to the police but on the other side, Mr. Whiskers says otherwise. Jerry then disposes Fiona’s body part by part until her detached head inside his fridge. A week after, Jerry decides to return to work and eventually goes out with Lisa who has long been interested in him but has no idea of Jerry’s psychotic tendencies. “It was the script for that movie that totally blew me away at first,” enthuses Kendrick, “and then it was knowing that Marjane (Satrapi) was directing it. Ever since I saw Persepolis, I knew I had to work with her.

It’s one of those movies that lives inside my mind and keeps popping up all the time. And then when I knew Ryan Reynolds was going to be playing the lead, I had to say yes. You see that’s how it happens to me. People always ask me why I do so many films, but I never set out with that in mind.” Doing all three characters was a challenge, says Reynolds. “On set, we’d go through the scene. I would perform Mr. Whiskers and Bosco, and then I would also have to do Jerry. It was tough.” For Jerry, these voices represent the intersection of his fantasy and reality worlds, and his struggle to follow a righteous path. “It’s about a guy on a tightrope,” says Reynolds. “It’s about a guy who’s walking that very thin line between protagonist and antagonist.” The Voices opens exclusively

at Ayala Malls Cinemas nationwide on June 3. Check out Ayala Malls Cinemas’ www. for more exciting movie offerings.

It was the script for that movie that totally blew me away at first, and then it was knowing that Marjane (Satrapi) was directing it. Ever since I saw Persepolis, I knew I had to work with her. It’s one of those movies that lives inside my mind and keeps popping up all the time. – Anna Kendrick, actress

T HUR S DAY : M AY 2 8 : 2015




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KEEPING THE BABY AWAY FROM THE LIMELIGHT Her relationship with movie producer Neil Arce is running three years now, but they haven’t actually talked about getting married, or even the thought of it. When asked about when she intends to settle down, Bela said in jest, “We’re really okay, but we’re not really planning. It’s too soon to even think of it. I just turned 24, and there’s so many opportunities in showbiz that I don’t wanna miss. Maybe, in six or seven years, I really don’t know.” Bela play’s the role of Coco Martin’s wife in Ang Probinsyano, the role the late Fernando Poe Jr. played in the 1997 FPJ movie. By the way, she movedABS CBN after her contract with GMA Network expired. Is true that her former station holds a grudge on her because of the transfer? Bela refuted, “No, that’s not true! I asked permission from them that this is where I’m going. I had a few meetings with several people here at ABS CBN, but that’s when my contract with GMA was expiring. There was a counter-offer, but as an actor, I was looking for something more to do. I’m not getting younger, so I was thinking how I will protect my career. So, right now, I feel this is the right way to do it.” Her contract with the Kapamilya network has yet to be polished, but having Coco in her first project since her return to Channel 2 is what she says a dream-come-true to her. Bela was a member of Star Magic Batch 15 before she sought transfer to GMA 7.

GLENN REGONDOLA As early as now, many wants to know if celebrity couple Marian Rivera and Dingdong Dantes would allow their first born to be a celebrity, too. Marian is in her first trimester of pregnancy. Expect offers for endorsements once Marian gives birth. The prying eyes of the public, though, are waiting to see if the baby would grow up to be beautiful like Marian, or handsome like Dingdong. At the press conference for The PEP List, Marian dismissed the idea saying , “Hay naku, she should study first. It’s hard, but I really don’t know yet. At this point in my life, where I have gone through so many, I will tell my child to study first. I don’t know with his father, he seems to be a (potential) stage father. Yeah, he’s a stage father to me. Well, we will see. Let’s not go too far yet. Who knows, when he/she grows up, he/she would want to be a doctor, that’s so different, isn’t it? So let’s just wait and see when he/ she grows up. Whatever he/she wants, we will support our child in every way we can, and we will raise him/her up the good way.” Meanwhile, members of the entertainment media said Marian’s tummy isn’t as noticeable as any other woman who are on the family way. They even said as a

Will Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera allow their baby to be in the limelight as well?

Bela Padill has no plans of settling down yet

joke that her pregnancy is just a press release. The Kapuso actress reacted hastily, “Yeah, it’s still small. My OB-Gyne doctor told me that it would be bigger in my seventh or eighth month. I’m still suffering from morning sickness, but all those, I’m willing to go through, in exchange for a wonderful blessing, right? Now,” she added, “I’m busy with pictorials, no more soap operas. At the tapings of soap operas, no matter what I do, I act, there’s a lot of emotions being delineated, so I don’t know the effects of those to my baby. So, I decided to take a rest temporarily. Maybe, TV guest apparearnces, pictorials, photo shoots are fine.” HHHHH

Bela Padilla refuses to join the marital bandwagon of stars.

CROSSWORD PUZZLE 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 47

ANSWER FOR PREVIOUS PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Gull’s cry 4 Zip or area — 8 League 12 — -majeste 13 Dye-yielding plant 14 Column order 16 Bonsai and ikebana 17 Costa — 18 Held sway 19 B’way posting of yore 20 Astarte devotees

22 24 25 26 28 31 34 35 36 37 38

Violent storm Fine powder Caveman from Moo Delights Spanish hero El — Robin of balladry Fanatic’s feeling Mr. Moto remark (2 wds.) RSVP word Porous gem Listen

51 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

Prof. Leaves in a hurry Bothersome Brewery tank Skip a turn Call — — cab Remove errata Dressed warmly, with “up” Martial-arts moves Ms. Hagen of films Brief sparkle Air show stunt Champagne word “The Divine Miss M” Murray or Rice Non-soap opera Watched carefully Assemble Lemon cooler

DOWN 1 Happy-go-lucky 2 Block, legally 3 Mr. Craven 4 Drive-in employee 5 Leek cousin 6 Casino cubes 7 Flair 8 Traveling show 9 “Satchmo” Arm strong

THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2015

10 11 12 15 20 21 23 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 41 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 58

Opens “Muy —, gracias” Kind of resort LP successors Inferior Shipboard romance Derrick or crane Unisex garb Thole fillers Meryl, in “Out of Africa” Fishing boat Tel — Senhora Economy, plus Athena’s father Yet to come Keep yakking Hutches Damaged by hail Kermit or Big Bird Beatrice’s admirer Pioneer Daniel Wildly dramatic Recital piece The facts Putin’s former gp. Helm position Close-mouthed person Make sharper Bleat

The Voice Kids 1 winner Lyca helps her family all the way



year after being named the grand winner of The Voice Kids, Lyca Gairanod is still living her dream. Now a grade three pupil, she is busy juggling her studies and performing in gigs. Early this month, she performed as a special guest in the concert of her former coach Sarah Geronimo in Canada, one of the many places she has been to. “I have gained a lot of friends and my family’s life has gotten better. I’m happy to be able to help my family. All my dreams came true, and I’m thankful to God that He helped me all the way,” said Lyca, who started making a living by scavenging junk before joining The Voice Kids. Aside from the house and lot she got for winning The Voice Kids, she has also provided her family with a car. Besides singing, Lyca also has her eyes on acting. In fact, her performance in her life story dramatized in MMK was well received, and even convinced her to try it again. “I really want to act, but my schedule can’t accommodate it. But I will accept whatever projects they give me,” she shared. Aside from gigs and TV guest appearances, she is

also busy with school. Lyca is also excited for the second season of The Voice Kids that will start airing in June. As the country waits for the next grand winner, Lyca offers some advice to those who want to pursue a career in music – “It’s free to dream, so just dream on. Whether you win or lose, congratulations still. The Lord will still be there for you.” She added, “Always be kind. Never forget your family. Pray before singing. And remain humble.”

It’s free to dream, so just dream on. Whether you win or lose, congratulations still. The Lord will still be there for you. -The Voice Kids winner Lyca Gairanod

T HUR S DAY : M AY 2 8 : 2015




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rixie Maristela took home the crown, while Francine Garcia settled for 2nd Runner-up honors. In between the two of them is 1st Runner-up Marianne Arguelles. Trixie won P500,000 in cash prize and will now be the LGBT spokesperson for the City of Manila. Marianne and Francine each got P200,000 and P100,000, respectively. The finals night – held at the PICC Plenary Hall – was hosted by Paolo Ballesteros and Divine Lee, with Anne Curtis as guest performer. Viva Live Inc., in cooperation with City of Manila, held the search for the first ever Ms. Gay Manila. The LGBT community has always been a sensitive topic in today’s society. However, the growing awareness of this community garnered many support from people of different genders. As a proud advocate of the LGBT community, President

From C8

Mayor Joseph Estrada threw his support on the project. Twenty-eight competed for the crown. The Grand Coronation was held at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) on May 20 and telecast on TV5. HHHHH Summer is ending and some celebrities have not enjoyed the season to the hilt yet. But their hectic schedules no longer permit them to travel far even for a few days. They can actually bring summer to their homes and just invite relatives and friends over for staycations. They can have a Boracay themed “luau” beach party at the backyard and enjoy cocktails by the pool every weekend till the end of the month. They can also opt to host a series of movie-viewing parties for those who have their own home theatres, or hold videoke jamming sessions in their music room.

A drawback for home parties, however, is that the celebrity hosts’ electricity bills could double as all the lights have to be switched on, a lot of cooking needs to be done, ice to be made, drinks to be chilled, and cooling equipment like electric fans and airconditioners to be set at maximum levels to keep guests happy. More so with home theatres that include some of the biggest electricity consuming appliances aside from aircons – such as gigantic TVs, Blu-ray DVDs and huge bass stereos. It is thus welcome news that Meralco has announced a lower electricity rate in May, weeks before the peak summer months are officially over. As such, celebrities and Meralco consumers can just sit back and relax at home – comforted by the knowledge that tempered electricity costs allow them to enjoy summer with all the help

they can get from modern electric contrivances HHHHH For almost a year now, Serbisyo All Access has achieved a lot in terms of public service. Anchors Gani Oro and Amelyn Veloso continue to serve as mediators linking millions of Filipino complainants with the concerned government agencies, local government units, NGOs and the private sector. Inquiries and concerns sent through the Serbisyo All Access social media accounts Facebook (, Twitter (@serbisyoaccess), hotlines 571-8366 or 571-8696 and text lines at 0999-7720991, 0906-3261921 are immediately answered by studio guests or via phone patched interviews. Apart from this public service, they also provide their viewers with extensive special reports on national issues. In fact, in the 1st Sarihay Media Awards last April 24,

2015, Serbisyo All Access received recognition for Best TV Reportage in their special report on the Illegal Logging sa Ipo Dam Watershed . In celebration of their First Anniversary on June 2, 2015, Serbisyo All Access aims to reach out to more Filipinos by providing a venue for possible employment. A job fair will be held at the Activity center of Market! Market! in Bonifacio Global City, Taguig. where job seekers may apply to up to 20 companies and their preemployment requirements will be processed through their on-site government offices where they can get their NBI clearance, SSS (E-1) number, Phil Health Card, and Tax Identification Number and ID. Tune in to Serbisyo All Access for more details about the job fair. Serbisyo All Access can be viewed twice a day at 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 4 to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday on CNN Philippines.

The candidates of Ms Gay Manila 2015



or the past years, PLDT’s Gabay Guro (2G) has been upholding its advocacy of providing opportunities to teachers and students for quality education, and this year is no different. “Simpleng Handog 2015: A Salute to Our Future Heroes,” Gabay Guro’s testimonial dinner held recently at the Meralco Lighthouse feted 82 scholargraduates this year from various universities in the Philippines for their accomplishments. These 82 brilliant scholars join the rank of around 500 Gabay Guro graduates from the more than 1,000 scholarship grants that the foundation has given to the deserving youth since 2010. Gabay Guro is now partnering with 47 schools, colleges and universities across the nation to bring poor, but deserving students to realize their dreams of finishing their college education. That night, the graduates spoke of hope and optimism for a brighter tomorrow, having seen Gabay Guro’s hand in their lives as a blessing of an answered prayer. Despite poverty, these gifted youth were given a new lease in life and a chance to help their respective families. Gabay Guro Chairman and TOYM awardee Chaye CabalRevilla, who was recently promoted as PLDT Controller and Smart and Sun CFO on May 18,

welcomed the guests and honorees warmly to the event. She was accompanied by PLDT President and CEO Napoleon “Polly” Nazareno representing PLDT Chairman Manny V. Pangilinan, who has been an invaluable part of Gabay Guro’s advocacy since the foundation began many years ago. The testimonial dinner was also graced by performances from Dacapo Strings, who kept the guests entertained before the show began. The multi-talented funnyman Ogie Alcasid, who also showcased his hosting chops that evening, officially opened the celebration by serenading the guests. Michael Pangilinan and Janine Desiderio also gave heartwarming performances. Two beauty queens spoke on the virtues of hard work and never giving up on dreams. Bb. Pilipinas First Runner-Up Hannah Sison (who is herself a teacher) shared the glory of her profession and encouraged the young graduates to pursue it with passion and excellence. Bb. Pilipinas-Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach spoke about her own experiences in life and how it relates to the graduates’ journey towards achieving their goals. Out of the 82 scholar-graduates honored during this year, 19 were cum laude; seven were magna cum laude. One scholar-graduate was given the Presidential Academic Award, and another

Clockwise from top left, PLDT Chairman Manny V. Pangiliinan and Gabay Guro Chairman Chaye Cabal-Revilla, Bb. Pilipinas-Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach. Ogie Alcasid and a Gabay Guro scholar, and Bb. Pilipinas First Runner-Up Hannah Sison

the Academic Excellence Award. The PLDT Gabay Guro foundation is the education arm and flagship project of the PLDTSMART Foundation, a program run by volunteers composed of executives from the PLDT Manager’s Club Inc. (PLDT MCI). The core of the Program is defined by its Pillars namely: Scholarships, Trainings, Housing and

Educational Facilities, Livelihood Programs, Broadbanding and Computerization, and Teachers’ Tribute. Gabay Guro continues to bring hope and change to the lives of teachers and students around the country, and this year’s “Simpleng Handog” is a celebration of all of that and more. In October, the much-awaited tribute event

for teachers, is happening once again. The biggest gathering of teachers all over the country takes place at the MOA Arena to pay tribute to the modern heroes and their outstanding contribution to the country. Congratulations are in order, not just to the graduates but to all who are behind Gabay Guro and its many worthwhile endeavors.

T HUR S DAY : M AY 2 8 : 2015


ISAH V. RED EDITOR isahred @


Ellen Adarna, Arci Muñoz,and Coleen Garcia


TURNS SEXY TELENOVELA TO FAMILY DRAMA ISAH V. RED If the local censors wouldn’t allow it, turn a sexy Colombian telenovela around and reconfigure it to be a family drama. That’s what ABS-CBN is doing with the sexy Spanish-language drama Pasion de Amor (Originally know in the country of its origin as Pasion de Gavilanes or Pasion of Hawsk) in adapting it for Filipino audiences. The Kapamilya adaptation is a much tamer version of the risqué drama that became a big hit in the Spanish-speaking world. On June 1, Jake Cuenca, Ejay Falcon, Joseph Marco, Ellen Adarna, Coleen Garcia, and Arci Munoz ( a recent Kapamilya convert) will play the characters that mae Pasion de Amor’ a big sensation among telenovela fans. Despite being orphans at an early age, the Samonte siblings namely Juan (Jake), Oscar (Ejay), Franco (Joseph) and Olivia (Ingrid Dela Paz) grew up filled with love in their hearts as a tightly knit family. One mistake would change their lives when Olivia falls in love with rich and married hacendero Bernardo Elizondo (Ronaldo Valdez). After learning about her husband’s infidelity, Gabriela (Teresa Loyzaga) seeks revenge and only Olivia and Bernardo’s death can appease her. Gabriela proceeds with her plans and succeeds in getting rid of the two. The Samonte brothers, meanwhile, are devastated with what happened to their youngest sister. They vow to do everything in their power to avenge her. They come into Hacienda Elizondo and with their irresistible charm and manly physique, they seduce and make Bernardo and Gabriela’s daughters Norma (Arci), Sari (Ellen) and Jamie (Coleen) fall in love with them. Can Juan, Oscar, and Franco succeed in their plan to manipulate the Elizondo sisters? How far will their plan for revenge and the anger that drives them to do this take them? In a battle where love is their greatest revenge, will love also be the cure to end their pain? Filipino viewers first loved Pasion De Amor, starring Mexican super-

star Mario Cimarro in 2007. This is the fourth telenovela locally adapted by ABS-CBN following the successful remakes of Rubi and popular series that starred Thalia, like Maria La Del Barrio and Maria Mercedes. Eric Quizon directs. The cast include Teresa Loyzaga, Aubrey Miles, Michelle Madrigal, Ahron Villena, Ingrid Dela Paz, Daria Ramirez, Alex Castro, AJ Dee, Ron Morales, Zeppi Borromeo, Ashley Rivera, Benj Bolivar, Nathaniel Britt, Mauro Lumba, June Macasaet, and with special participation of Ronaldo Valdez. Business Unit Head Ruel Bayani said that when his group learned that it is going to air on the network’s primetime block, they immediately thought of re-shaping the drama to focus more on the love each of the character has for every member of the family. “That way we don’t run against what the MTRCB won’t like to see in the series, “ he said. HHHHH

60S HOLLYWOOD HEARTTHROB SUFFERING FROM ALZHEIMER’S Omar Sharif who starred in such classics as Lawrence of Arabia and Dr. Zhivago is battling Alzheimer’s disease. That is according to his agent Steve Kenis who confirmed it to the press on Monday. No additional details were provided about the 83-year-old. His son, Tarek Sharif, revealed the diagnosis in an interview with Spanish newspaper El Mundo on May 23. The Egyptian-born Sharif rose to international stardom with his role in the 1962 epic Lawrence of Arabia— Sharif ’s first English-language film. He earned an Oscar nomination for his turn as Sherif Ali in David Lean’s iconic film opposite Peter O’Toole. Sharif followed the breakthrough performance with the title role in Lean’s Doctor Zhivago, co-starring Julie Christie. He then played Fanny Brice’s husband, Nicky Arnstein, in Funny Girl alongside Barbra Streisand. I last saw him in a film called Monsieur Ibrahim 2003. He appeared in other movies for both the big and small screens until 2013. He is the grandfather and narrator in a short film that is still in post-production till today. ➜ Continued on C7

The Samonte brothers are played by Ejay Falcon, Jake Cuenca, and Joseph Marco The cast of Pasion de Amor

The Kapamilya adaptation is a much tamer version of the risqué drama that became a big hit in the Spanish-speaking world Joseph Marco

Ejay Falcon Jake Cuenca andArci Muñoz

Omar Sharif in his younger days in Hollywood

Omar Sharif in later years

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