The Standard - 2015 June 18 - Thursday

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RotaRy club of manila newspapeR of the yeaR 2015 VOL. XXIX NO. 118 3 Sections 32 Pages P18 THURSday : JUNE 18, 2015

SC asks morales to explain


‘wang firm a front for gambling ring’

By Christine F. Herrera

THE House panel investigating the case of suspected Chinese crime lord Wang Bo has summoned officials from his employer, ELC Technologies Consulting Inc., to the next hearing amid suspicion that the company was being used as a front for a P91 billion illegal gambling and money laundering operation.

Abakada Rep. Jonathan de la Cruz said one of ELC’s incorporators and its president, Zhao Yin, was also declared by China as a fugitive, and was among four individuals—including Wang—who had been put on the Bureau of Immigration’s watch list and blacklist orders. During Tuesday’s hearing, Pampanga Rep. Oscar Rodriguez, chairman of the committee on good government and public accountability, ordered that officials

of the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) be invited to the July 7 hearing after Cavite Rep. Elpidio Barzaga Jr. and Dela Cruz wanted to know how 13 billion yuan or P91 billion had found its way into the Philippines from China undetected. “I have received information that Wang and Zhao were using the ELC as a front for money laundering and setting up companies here using the laundered money,” Dela Cruz said.

The Standard tried to reach the number of ELC listed on an online business directory, but the person who answered the phone denied it was an office number. Earlier, the Chinese Embassy submitted a report to Immigration Commissioner Siegred Mison and Justice Secretary Leila de Lima, saying Wang was involved in transnational illegal gambling and laundered P91 billion into the Philippines to expand his illegal “Skybet” operation. Next page

Japan tells China: no done deal in sea spat JAPAN warned China on Wednesday that its extensive land reclamation in the disputed South China Sea does not make ownership “a done deal”, after Beijing announced it had almost finished its controversial island-building. The rebuke came after Washington urged China against militarization of the area, saying that risked escalating tensions, even as satellite pictures have shown a runway long enough to let even the biggest aircraft land. It also came as details emerged of a joint exercise between Japan and the Philippines, as the relationship blossoms between the two regional powers most prepared to push back against Beijing’s perceived rising aggression. “We hold serious and significant concerns about the unilateral actions aimed at changing the status quo, which are bound to increase tension,” Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters. “With the completion of the reclamation, we must not accept the land reclamation as a done deal. We demand (China) not take unilateral actions that bring irreversible and physiNext page cal changes,” he said.


Handover of guns all ‘for show’


Anticipating Ramadan. A Muslim reads the Koran inside a mosque in Quiapo, Manila, as the world’s Muslims prepared for Ramadan. DAnny PAtA

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Wang firm From A1... “Wang Bo, as the key player of the Skybet network gambling company, has returned to China many times for applying for bank cards with other Chinese people, such as Chen Dingsong, Yan Rongsheng, etc. All the bank cards were carried into the Philippines for gambling fund flow of his company,” the Chinese Embassy document said. “His relatives (parents and sisters] also helped him apply for bank cards for the gambling fund flow of his company,” the document from Jiusan Nongken Public Security Bureau dated Feb. 17, 2015 said. “He commanded the people in China to transfer and launder the gambling funds. The amount of money on this case is Y13 billion. Wang Bo was suspected of opening casino and illegal business operation.” Like Wang, Zhao has been blacklisted and cannot enter the country. Citing immigration records, Dela Cruz said that the bureau issued a blacklist order dated Feb. 4, 2015 upon information and request from the Chinese Embassy through Police Attache Fu Yunfei. Dela Cruz said official records show Zhao and Wang, along with Zhou Shiyi and Chen Xiangdong were all “Chinese fugitives involved in gambling crimes in China and their passports have been cancelled by the Chinese government.” “In short, Wang, an ELC employee and Zhao, ELC president and owner, were declared as undocumented and undesirable aliens by the Chinese Embassy,” Dela Cruz told the panel. Dela Cruz said he was wondering why the ELC, which was granted a CEZA (Cagayan Export Zone Authrity] permit, was operating in Makati. Dela Cruz also demanded that the other ELC incorporators be summoned, naming them as Chinese national Xian Tang and Filipinos Raul Ma. Francisco, Josefina Ruby Gutierrez and Ramon Malinao. Citing ELC’s incorporation papers with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Dela Cruz said Zhao was listed as president of the ELC with address at 7 Tongi Bridge, Changzhou City, China. Wang, accompanied by his counsel Dennis Manalo, denied being involved in any illegal activities. But Wang admitted knowing Zhao, his employer. “I know Yin Zhao. He is the president of

Japan From A1... Japan has long criticized China’s attempts to change the status quo unilaterally and by force, mindful of its own dispute with Beijing over islands in the East China Sea. The US says China has created 2,000 acres (800 hectares) of new land in the South China Sea in the last 18 months. Huge dredgers have been spotted dumping sand on previously submerged reefs, many of which now house buildings and ports. Manila said Wednesday that a three-kilometer (1.9-mile) runway on Fiery Cross Reef -big enough to handle a Boeing 747 -- was 75 percent complete. “This can serve as China’s forward operating base, a refuelling stop for ships and aircraft,” Defense Department spokesman Peter Galvez said. “This will allow China easy reach in the West Philippine Sea (Manila’s term for a section of the South China Sea that it claims ownership over) and extend their reach up to Australia and other parts of the South Pacific.” “They can do anything they want there. It could be their command and control center,” he said.

ELC. But I am a mere employee, receiving only P25,000 in salaries a month. If there are holidays, my pay reaches P30,000,” Wang told the panel. “But I don’t know the other businesses of Zhao. My job is to assist other companies when they have computer problems. ELC is just like a call center. We hold office in Makati,” Wang said. He said he has been with the ELC as a technical consultant since 2012. But the ELC’s incorporation papers showed the company was listed with the SEC only in 2013. Wang said he arrived in the country in September 2008 and worked with the company Payview until 2012. Payview, he said, was similar to ELC, a call center. When asked by lawmakers why Wang, with a small monthly pay, could afford a lawyer like Manalo, it was Manalo who answered and said he is the kind of lawyer who accepts clients not just based on monetary considerations. Wang said he had no idea why the Chinese Embassy declared him a fugitive and an undesirable alien. He also denied having paid off immigration officials in exchange for his freedom. House Independent Minority Bloc leader and Leyte Rep. Ferdinand Martin Romualdez asked Wang how much he wanted to stay in the Philippines because he did not want to get deported. “Very much,” Wang told the panel. Wang was intercepted at the airport on Feb. 9 and has been under the bureau’s custody up to now. At Tuesday’s hearing, Manalo appealed to the panel to help convince Mison to allow Wang to rejoin his fellow detainees at the Camp Bagong Diwa in Bicutan, Taguig. Manalo said Wang was placed in isolation and was placed in a 8-by 5-meter cell without sunlight. Wang was not even allowed to go out to do exercises or expose himself to morning sun. Manalo said he had not seen his client since June 9, when the panel started its probe. Rodriguez told Mison to grant Wang’s request and treat the suspected Chinese crime lord humanely. “We will look into it. I am not aware of that (Wang in isolation]. There was no order from me to place him in isolation,” Mison said. Mison said he had to abide by De Lima’s directive that all visitors, including counsel, of Wang be cleared first with her. On Wednesday, the Bureau of Immigra-

Beijing claims almost all the South China Sea, despite a number of overlapping territorial claims by the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan. Some commentators suspect China is preparing to declare an Air Defense Identification Zone over the sea, forcing all aircraft to declare themselves to Chinese authorities. The US is particularly wary of Beijing’s growing ambitions in the area, and last month invited a television crew aboard a surveillance plane as it flew near the island reclamation work. Chinese military transmissions could be heard telling the American plane to stay away. Washington on Tuesday welcomed Beijing’s announcement of an end to some reclamation work, but warned against weaponizing the new islands. “We certainly don’t want to see the militarization of these facilities,” a senior State Department official told reporters. “They do nothing to decrease tensions in the region, in fact they have the opposite effect.” “China is alone on this. There’s nobody else in the region that’s supportive of these efforts.” The Philippines has led Southeast Asia’s charge against China, with President Benigno Aquino III likening its actions to those of

tion denied that officials doctored the records of Wang to allow him to placed under the bureau’s control. In a statement, BI spokesperson Elaine Tan said Wang was immediately placed under Immigration control shortly after the bureau learned that he was using a revoked passport. “Under Immigration rules, a foreigner who uses a revoked or lapsed or fake passport is subject to summary deportation proceedings,” she said. Tan said as early as Jan. 30, the bureau received information about Wang’s involvement in illegal gambling operations in China. “Upon learning of Wang’s detention at the bureau, the Chinese embassy immediately sent a letter from its Police attaché authenticating Wang as a fugitive from justice. The Chinese police attaché also verified revocation of Wang’s passport,” she said. Tan said that the transcript made during deliberations of the Board of Commissioners last May 21 was misinterpreted. “The statements were taken out of context. Let us not pass judgment based on just one portion of the proceedings. Wang Bo’s deportation was discussed in at least three meetings of the Board of Commissioners and also went through hearings before other BI officers. Let us read and understand the whole story first,” Tan said. Records show that Wang was actually admitted into the country when his exclusion was recalled on Feb. 11, for the purpose of deporting him to China. Tan explained that there may have been confusion on the issue of admission (entry) when the proponent for the reversal of the deportation order represented that there was no such admission. “If we read the other documents of the case, we will find out that Wang was admitted (and not excluded) because we want to bring him to justice in China—it is a standard law enforcement protocol to prevent a fugitive from avoiding the arms of the law. We cannot deport if he were excluded,” Tan said. A Jan. 30 letter from the Chinese Embassy, which formed the basis for his inclusion in the BI’s blacklist, states that Wang’s passport had been cancelled and that he is a fugitive in China. A June 8 resolution issued by Justice Secretary Leila de Lima said Wang should have been deported immediately were it not for “the inaccurate and inappropriate representations by Associate Commissioner [Gilberto] Repizo.” Repizo, explaining his stand, said the documents from the Chinese Embassy must be authenticated before they are accepted. – With Vito Barcelo

Nazi Germany in the run-up to World War II. Manila has also sought support from the US and from Japan, including in acquiring military and paramilitary hardware to bolster its woefully-equipped coastguard, which is at the frontline of its pushback. Japan and the Philippines will hold their second joint naval drill next week in waters near the contested Spratly islands, following an exercise in the South China Sea in May. Japan said the mission, scheduled for June 21 through 27 in waters around and northwest of Palawan, will involve a Japanese P-3C surveillance plane, a BNI2A plane and a patrol ship from the Philippine navy. On May 12 two Japanese destroyers and one of the Philippines’ newest warships held their first drill less than 300 kilometers from the Philippine-claimed Scarborough Shoal, which is now under Chinese control. On Wednesday, the Foreign Affairs Department admitted that the UN Permanent Court of Arbitration proceedings will not settle who owns what in the disputed territories. The tribunal is set to hold hearings from July 7 to 13 to decide if it should handle the Philippines’ protest against China over its alleged unlawful claims

over parts of the South China Sea. Department spokesman Charles Jose said the case filed by the Philippines sought to determine its “maritime entitlements” under the United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Sea. But China does not recognize the case filed by the Philippines, claiming the arbitration court has no jurisdiction over the issue of sovereignty. It has declared several times that it will not participate in the proceedings. Jose said, however, that the ownership of the disputed territories is not included in the case filed by the Philippine government. Manila sought arbitration in January 2013 in an effort to have China’s massive claims over the South China Sea declared as illegal. Palace spokesman Edwin Lacierda said Wednesday Manila will continue to raise the profile of China’s reclamation activities. “We have some limitations on our resources. And so what do we do? We use whatever resources that are within our capabilities and we can harness the international community that the reclamation activities are not only causing some political concerns but also environmental concerns as well,” he said. – AFP, Vito Barcelo, Sandy Araneta

Morales asked to justify ruling on Junjun case By Rey E. Requejo

THE Supreme Court has ordered the Office of the Solicitor General to clarify the legal stand of the Office of the Ombudsman on jurisdiction issues surrounding its suspension of Makati Mayor Jejomar Erwin Binay Jr. In an en banc resolution adopted Tuesday, the Court directed Solicitor General Florin Hilbay to explain the sudden change in stand of Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales regarding the power of the Court of Appeals to stop her from imposing a six-month preventive suspension on the Makati City mayor as it did in March. In April, Morales argued that the appellate court had jurisdiction to review the suspension orders issued by the Ombudsman, but had no power to restrain them through a temporary restraining order or a writ of preliminary injunction. But in a memo submitted during the Court’s six-week recess, the Ombudsman changed her position and now claimed the CA had no jurisdiction whatsoever to review her suspension order. “The Ombudsman has changed the theory previously raised during oral arguments and in the pleadings by the OSG,” the justices said. “The Ombudsman’s new theory, contained in its memorandum, is that the CA has no jurisdiction over Mayor Binay’s certiorari petition under Section 14, paragraph 2, R.A. 6770 (Ombudsman Act), with jurisdiction over its actions solely being lodged with the Supreme Court,” it said. The Court added that Morales herself filed the memorandum even after Hilbay entered his appearance as counsel. Because of this, the tribunal directed the state lawyer to comment on the memorandum. In the same order, the Court also required the camp of Binay to comment on the Ombudsman’s memorandum and address what it branded as the “new theory” raised by Morales. Both parties were given 10 days to comply with the order. The Court was set to

decide the case upon the filing of the respective memorandums, but Morales’ new argument has delayed that ruling. Binay earlier told the Court that the issuance of the temporary restraining order and the writ of preliminary injunction was well within the mandate, authority and jurisdiction of the Appeals Court. Binay’s lawyers asserted that the Ombudsman failed to exhaust all legal remedies available to it by not filing a motion for reconsideration before the CA to question the TRO. The mayor also accused the Ombudsman of forum shopping when it elevated the issue before the high court, when his petition challenging the preventive suspension order was still pending with the Court of Appeals. In her petition filed last March 25, Morales asked the Supreme Courtto stop the implementation of the CA’s TRO that she said had no legal effect. However, she failed to secure immediate relief after the High Court held a special session on March 26 and deferred action on her plea and instead set oral arguments for April. Morales assailed the TRO of the appellate court before SC after defying the order and claiming that it was moot and academic and had no legal effect since it was issued when the suspension order against Binay was already served and in effect. The anti-graft body only abided by the order when the CA issued the writ of preliminary injunction on April 6. Morales, Justice Secretary Leila de Lima and Interior and Local Government Secretary Manuel Roxas II are facing contempt charges before the CA over their earlier defiance of the TRO on Binay’s suspension, which stemmed from allegations of anomalies in the construction of Makati City Hall building 2.

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Handover of 75 guns ‘for show’ THE Moro Islamic Liberation Front on Wednesday remained skeptical about the fate of the Bangsamoro Basic Law despite the handing over of 75 firearms of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front for decommissioning, describing it as merely “ for show” and would not reverse the public opposition to the BBL.

Protest. A mother and her child join a protest action staged by two child-focused groups in front of Camp Aguinaldo to protest the alleged human rights violations of the Armed Forces of the Philippines on Wednesday. Lino SantoS

MNLF spokesman Absalom Cerveza said the disarmament process, one of the vital provisions in the BBL, a condition set in the peace deal for its passage, would remain an “illusion” unless the MILF surrendered all its firearms. “It’s [the surrender of the 75 firearms] a move of desperation. They are aware that the BBL is very difficult to pass,” Cerveza said. House leaders have expressed hope that the MILF will surrender all its firearms to the government and renounce violence and armed struggle after attaining their independence. Leyte Rep. Ferdinand Martin Romualdez and Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. Belmonte said the MILF should strictly comply with the decommissioning program of the government whose first phase started Tuesday. “We are expecting that the MILF will lay down all their arms as they return to the fold of the law,” said Romualdez, a lawyer and president of the Philippine Constitution Association. Belmonte said he was hopeful the MILF members “will surrender all their firearms, but

probably by batches as agreed upon by the government and MILF.” Belmonte said the MILF should renounce violence at all costs. Magdalo party-list Rep. Ashley Acedillo praised the implementation of the decommissioning program that aims to put the arms and forces of the rebel group beyond use as agreed by the Parties under the Annex on Normalization of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro. Cerveza said the decommissioning of weapons ahead of the passage of the BBL was “very suspicious.” Aside from the 75 firearms, at least 145 members of the Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Force were also decommissioned. But Cerveza doubted if the 145 BIAF members were in the official rooster of the MILF since the MILF leadership provided no details during the decommissioning—even as he suspected that the BIAF personnel, most them old, had long been retired and decommissioned. “The old MILF members should not be holding arms. they would have been instead elevated to the upper echelon of the MILF,” Cerveza said. “If the decommissioning will not include the rank and file, complex problems will arise.” Cerveza expressed disbelief in the capacity of the MILF to force the surrender of all the firearms of its members. “Most of the firearms were bought individually, and whether the MILF could force them to surrender those firearms remain to be seen,” Cerveza said. “In the eventthe regulars surrender their firearms, these people can always buy weapons without the sanction of the hierarchy.” Francisco tuyay and Maricel V. Cruz

Fallen 44’s kin blast payments made to MILF rebels THE families of the 44 police commandos slain by MILF fighters in Maguindanao on Jan. 24 this year expressed exasperation on Wednesday over the P2.4 billion that the government will be paying to the 145 “decommissioned rebels” for the guns they surrendered on Tuesday. The amount was announced by Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Secretary Teresita Quintos-Deles during the decommissioning ceremonies in Sultan Kudarat on Tuesday. Deles and Malacanang’s chief peace negotiator Miriam Coronel-

Ferrer were under fire on Wednesday for pushing for the passage of the Bangsamoro Basic Law despite what has been described as its constitutional infirmities. The families of the 44 expressed their sadness even as Senator Ferdinand Marcos Jr. paid tribute to six of the Philippine National Police Academy alumni who were among the 44 commandos killed in Maguindanao. They were Sr. Insp. Ryan Ballesteros Pabalinas (class of 2006); Sr. Insp. John Garry Alcantara Erana (class of 2009); Sr. Insp. Max Jim Ramirez Tria (class of 2009); Sr. Insp.

Gednat G. Tabdi (class of 2009); Sr. Insp. Cyrus Paleyan Anniban (class of 2010), and Insp. Rennie Tayrus (class of 2011). In a speech in Camp Gen. Mariano Castañeda in Silang, Cavite, during the incorporation rites for the B.S. Public Safety Class of 2019 of the PNPA, Marcos expressed hope that the deeds of the fallen commandos would serve as shining examples to the cadets training at the academy. “You will remain in our memory and the entire nation will forever be grateful to your heroism,” said Marcos who was adopted last year as honorary

member of the PNPA Class of 1989. He renewed his commitment to seek justice for the 44 and their families. In the decommissioning of MILF fighters on Tuesday, 75 weapons were turned over by the MILF to the government. The MILF has an estimated combatants of up to 12,000. “Para sa akin po, dapat hindi na bigyan ng pabuya sa mga magsusuko ng baril,” Ezar Nacionales, brother of the slain PO2OMar Nacionales, told GMA News. Slain PO2 Chum Agabon’s mother, Jessie, said: “Kulang pa, knowing the

MILF. Pero para sa akin anak, para mapagpatuloy na ang pag-move on.” “Sincere ba talaga sila [MILF]?” asked Alberto Porticos, uncle of slain Inspector Joey Gamutan. In Camp Aguinaldo, some senior officers also expressed reservation over President Benigno Aquino III’s push to pass the BBL. “How many Filipinos did these [firearms] kill? How many of them came from Malaysia?” a senior Army officer who fought the MILF, MNLF and BIFF tooth and nail asked. Florante S. Solmerin and Macon Ramos-araneta

PH Muslims mark start of Ramadan THE Muslims in Quezon City start their second Philippine Ramadan Tent inside the Quezon Memorial Circle at exactly 3 pm today with the participation of the International Assembly of Muslim Youth from Saudi Arabia. “It’s finally confirmed. The first day of Ramadan is today. Our tent is located right beside the Tropical Garden within the memorial circle near its monument,” Fatima Abdullah told a news conference. She urged their brothers and sisters to come over and participate. Since there was no sighting of the crescent moon on June 16, the Muslim leaders in the country declared June 18 as the first day of Ramadan, during which adult Muslims abstain from food, drink, cigarettes and sex from sunrise to

sundown until July 19. The first Philippine Ramadan Tent organized by Abdullah was launched at the Quezon Memorial Circle on June 27 last year. The Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan will begin Thursday in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam and home to its holiest sites, the Royal Court said. The court announced that, because the crescent moon was not sighted Tuesday, Ramadan will start Thursday. Authorities had asked the faithful to look for the moon with their naked eyes or telescopes and to notify officials if they saw it. Elsewhere in the Gulf, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar also announced a Thursday start for Ramadan.

The government of Yemen, exiled in Saudi Arabia because of war in their homeland, similarly said the holy month would begin Thursday in their country. And in Amman, Jordanian religious authorities said Ramadan would begin there on Thursday. More than 1.5 billion Muslims around the world will mark the month, during which believers abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and having sex from dawn until sunset. They also try to avoid evil thoughts and deeds. Ramadan is sacred to Muslims because tradition says the Koran was revealed to their prophet Mohammed during that month. It is followed by the Eid alFitr festival. Rio n. araja and agence France-Presse

Flash flood. Motorists drive slowly along Scout Lozano and Morato in Quezon

City that was quickly flooded after a thunderstorm on Wednesday. Lino SantoS

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Palace disputes LP kitty charge By Sandy Araneta

Pinangat festival. High school students of Camalig, Albay dance their way through the streets of the town at the foot of Mayon Volcano during the Pinangat Festival which celebrates one of iconic dishes of the Bicol region which combines taro leaves, chili, meat and coconut milk. DANNY PATA

Binay admits ‘running scared’ ahead of polls VICE President Jejomar Binay admitted on Wednesday that he is “running scared” because of the relentless attacks against him and his family, but this also keeps him from overconfident in the run-up to the 2016 presidential elections. “Let’s just say that I run scared every time I run for office and this keeps me from being overconfident. So it’s better when there is bad news. It’s also a wake-up call,” Binay told reporters as he visited three public markets in Rizal province. “The attacks against me are relentless. That’s why one can’t help but wonder if people still think of me in the same way. But you can see now how they’ve received me,” Binay added. Binay also echoed the claim of Navotas Rep. Toby Tiangco, interim president of the United Nationalist Alliance, that

the Aquino administration’s “bottom-up budgeting” pushed by Budget Secretary Florencio Abad is just a means to provide administration officials with a campaign kitty. On Monday, Tiangco said the Liberal Party was able to raise some P581 billion from the savings generated by the government due to the two-tier budgeting approach introduced by Budget Secretary Florencio Abad. “The [2015 budget] is a thinlyveiled budget of hide and seek, designed to divert discretionary money into pet projects in an election year to garner votes,

not help alleviate poverty and help the poor,” Tiangco said. Under the two-tier budgeting system, separate reviews will be conducted for ongoing or approved programs vis-à-vis new or expanded ones to improve each of them. It will be used in preparing the 2016 national budget, the Department of Budget and Management had said. Tiangco, however, claimed the new budgeting scheme was merely a novel way of funneling money into the LP’s campaign kitty after the Supreme Court declared portions of the Disbursement Acceleration Program unconstitutional last year. He added that the Aquino administration had previously created other creative ways of raising campaign funds. “There was the ‘Bottom-Up Budgeting’ and ‘Grassroots Participatory Budgeting’ in 2014

which both gave the illusion of tapping communities in the budgeting process. In essence, all these are the same mechanisms as the unconstitutional DAP, but just named differently,” Tiangco said. At the same time, Binay also confirmed that the new UNA party will be launched on July 1, when parties coalescing with UNA may also be announced. Former congressman Danny Suarez, co-chairman of the Lakas-CMD who accompanied Binay in Antipolo, said Lakas members will attend the UNA launch. Suarez had earlier said former President Gloria Arroyo, now a congresswoman of Pampanga, ordered Lakas-CMD members to support Binay. Suarez said UNA and Lakas may field common candidates in 2016 with Binay as their presidential bet.

MALACAÑANG yesterday challenged Vice President Jejomar Binay to prove his claim that the ruling Liberal Party is using government funds for its political campaign. “We are committed to transparency. We just had the Supreme Court decision on (the Disbursement Acceleration Program). Our budget is posted in, it’s posted on the (Department of Budget and Management) website, it’s posted in the (Department of Finance) website, I believe,” said Presidential Spokesperson Secretary Edwin Lacierda. “So if you want to see if government funds are being used properly, you can compare the fund usage as vis-à-vis the posted 2015 budget. So it’s not very difficult for him (Binay) to provide us details if such funding are being used for campaign,” Lacierda said. On the other hand, Lacierda denied that Cabinet members have been campaigning for the 2016 elections. “And who’s campaigning? Who’s campaigning? I mean, we are working,” Lacierda said. “If Social Welfare Secretary Dinky Soliman visits an evacuation center or attends to (conditional cash transfer) beneficiaries, is that campaigning? If Health Secretary Janette Garin visits a rural health station and addresses medical concerns, can that be considered campaigning?” he asked. “As far as we are concerned, government is committed. People talk about campaigning, people talk about 2016 elections, that’s understandable. But insofar as the government is concerned, the work is out there,” he said. Lacierda said that these accusations made by Binay “is not something novel for us to hear.” “They have been saying that for the longest time. Every time we do good for the people, we do right for the people, every time we provide the CCT beneficiaries—we expanded from 800,000 from 2010 to 4.4 million, every year the budget has been questioned by our friends from Congress and one of those arguments: You are expanding the CCT beneficiaries because you are campaigning,” he said.

Drilon: Expect Cabinet changes By Macon Ramos-Araneta MAJOR changes will likely happen after President Beningno Aquino III delivers his sixth and last State-of-the-Nation Address in July or October at the latest because at least six members of his Cabinet will be quitting their posts to run for various elective positions. Speaking at the weekly “Kapihan sa Manila Bay,” Senate President Franklin Drilon said that aside from Interior Secretary Mar Roxas, Justice Secretary Leila De Lima, Energy Secretary Jericho Petilla, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Secretary Joel Villanueva, Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala and MMDA chairman Francis Tolentino will also be resigning. “I would assume Secretary De Lima will run for the Senate so that becomes vacant. Secretary Petilla has already mentioned his bid for I don’t

know where, but that’s a political post. Secretary Roxas will run for President,” related Drilon. “Chairman Tolentino has given hints that he wants to run. Villanueva of TESDA, that’s five. Alcala may go back to Quezon,” he added. He noted there will be some changes in the Cabinet as some would be running for the Senate while others to their old political posts. The LP has named De Lima, Villanueva and Tolentino as among its senatorial candidates in the upcoming elections, but De Lima said she is yet to finalize any political plans. She said she must first see if she can really survive the world of politics because she is not used to it and a key consideration would be her readiness for mudslinging and bickering in the realm of politics. “If it will all be about work, it would be easy for me. But given the environment of politics itself, I would not know if I am cut out for it,” added De Lima.

Looming Cabinet shake-up. Senate President Franklin Drilon, cochairman of the Liberal Party, explains the party’s plans ahead of the 2016 elections. EY ACASIO

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Purisima’s return ruled out There is no legal prohibition for President Benigno S. Aquino to re-appoint Director General Alan Purisima as National Police chief after having served a sixmonth suspension order imposed on him by the Ombudsman over a graft case, according to Senate President Franklin Drilon.

Paquibato incident. Child-focused organizations Salinlahi and Children’s Rehabilitation Center Join the multi-sectoral protest action in front of the military headquarters in Camp Aguinaldo to denounce the alleged human rights violations perpetrated by state soldiers including the recent strafing incident which resulted in the killing of three civillians and wounding of a child in Paquibato District in Davao City last june 14. LINO SANTOS

PH eyes Taiwan deal on sea row The Philippines said Wednesday it was studying a draft fisheries agreement with Taiwan as tensions in rich border fishing grounds re-emerged two years after the Filipino coast guard shot dead a Taiwanese fisherman. While the proposed deal will not define borders, it will set protocols on the arrest and detention of fishermen, Philippine foreign affairs spokesman Charles Jose said. “The mechanism will provide guidelines for incidents at sea,” Jose told a news conference. “It will not be an agreement on maritime boundary delimitations.” The draft agreement was prepared by the trade representatives of the two parties, which have no formal diplomatic relations. Manila recognises Taipei’s rival

Beijing, which considers Taiwan its province. Fisheries-related scrapes between the two Asian neighbours have hotted up in recent months. A Filipino coastguard ship attempted to arrest a Taiwanese fishing vessel off the Batan island group last month, but the Taiwan coastguard intervened, resulting in a four-hour standoff. Manila broadcaster ABS-CBN aired on Wednesday footage of a June 6 standoff between Filipino and Taiwanese coast guard ships, which ended with the Taiwanese vessel turning back after a tense exchange of radio messages. These incidents recalled the 2013 fatal shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman by Filipino authorities in the same area. Philippine authorities filed homicide

charges against eight of their coast guard men over the death of the 65-yearold Taiwanese fisherman in May 2013. A local court is hearing the case. The coastguard men said they opened fire after the fishing vessel tried to ram them, but Taiwan called the shooting “cold-blooded” murder and imposed economic sanctions on Manila. Jose acknowledged a “huge overlapping” of the exclusive economic zones on the Philippines’ northern waters and waters off Taiwan’s southern end. President Benigno Aquino’s office is reviewing the proposed fishing agreement and will decide within the year whether or not to sign it, Jose said. “With this agreement, we hope to talk about (sea incidents) in an easier manner,” he said. AFP

“Yes, the President can appoint the PNP Chief, since there is only one four-star general,” Drilon said during the “Kapihan sa Manila Bay” forum at Luneta hotel. “But I don’t think the President will re-assign Purisima. he has resigned.” Presidential spokesman edwin Lacierda also ruled out the return of Purisima as PNP chief. “My understanding is -- no way for him to become PNP chief. I don’t think so.” While under prevedntive suspension, Purisima resigned a week after the January 25 Mamasapano incident where 44 special action force commandos were killed during a firefight with Moro rebels who were accused of giving protection to two international terrorists. Drilon had earlier called on the President to appoint a permanent PNP chief, whose position has been vacant since Purisima was suspended by the Ombudsman last December 2014 due to corruption allegations. Purisima’s six-month suspension ended on June 10, but he opted to file for a leave last week. Director General Leonardo espina was appointed to lead the PNP in an acting capacity in December, upon the suspension of Purisima Police sources said that President would appoint Chief Supt. Raul Petrasanta, the chief of the Central Luzon Police (Police Regional Office 3), who was also meted two separate six-month suspensions in December 2014 by the Ombudsman over an alleged anomalous contract and for the alleged sale of highpowered firearms to communist guerrillas. Purisima and Petrasanta were both assigned to the protective security unit at the residence of the Aquinos on Times Street, Quezon City, being former members of the Presidential Security Group during the time of the late President Cory Aquino. With espina retiring on July 19, the President has started sdcreening several possible choices for the next PNP Chief. Among the choices were Petrasanta, Deputy Dir. Gen. Marcelo Garbo, PNP’s deputy chief for operations, Director Danny Constantino, PNP’s chief directorial staff; Director Benjamin Magalong, chief of the PNP-Criminal Investigation and Detection Group; Director Ricard Marquez, PNP’s director for operations and Director Juanito Vano, PNP director for logistics. Sandy Araneta and Macon Ramos-Araneta

House gets tough on frat hazing By Maricel V. Cruz The house of Representatives has approved a measure that seeks to prohibit all forms of hazing activities of fraternities, sororities and other organizations. house Bill 5760 of party-list Rep. Christopher Co proposes to repeal Republic Act 8049 specifically to disallow hazing and regulate other forms of initiation rites of fraternities, sororities, and other organizations R.A. 8049 is otherwise known as “An Act Regulating hazing and other forms of Initiation Rites in Fraternities, Sororities, and other Organizations and providing penalties thereof.” The measure, in substitution to five similar bills, was steered in plenary until its early June final passage by the Committee on Revision of Laws chaired by Rep. Marlyn L. Primicias-Agabas. In filing his measure, Co, a member of the administration bloc, voiced concern over the rampant violence of hazing that

occur during initiation rites of various organizations, fraternities and sororities that results in injuries and even death. “We have to eliminate the tradition of violence that had been embedded as a culture among fraternities, sororities and other organizations,” Co said. At the same time, Co underscored the need to empower fraternities, sororities and organizations and make them exercise more accountability and transparency in their actions. hB 5760 provides for the registration of school and community-based fraternities, sororities and organizations and stiff penalties for violation of the law. The bill provides that “Any physical or psychological suffering, harm or injury inflicted on a recruit, member, neophyte, or applicant as a form of an initiation rite or practice made as a prerequisite for admission or a requirement for continuing membership in a fraternity, sorority, or organization shall be considered as hazing and is hereby prohibited.”

Green filmfest. The SM Group and the Movies and Television Review and Classification Board have signed a memorandum of agreement for the showing of films promoting the environment under the first GREEN Film Festival. At the signing ceremony are from left Annie S. Garcia, president of Shopping Center Management Corporation and Eugenio Villareal, MTRCB chairman. MANNy PALMerO

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MRT-3 problems persist By Joel E. Zurbano

For the second time this week, the Metro railway Transit-3 suffered glitches.

Papal memorabilia. University of Sto. Tomas Rector Very Rev. Fr. Herminio V. Dagohoy hands over a copy of a coffee

table book to the Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines Archbishop Guiseppe Pinto during the UST’s launching of a coffee table book entitled “Pope Francis @ UST: Bringing Christ to the Youth.” The 160 page papal memorabilia features pictures mostly taken by Thomasian photographers. DANNY PATA

Ex-consul gets 2-year jail term THE Sandiganbayan has convicted a former consul general on charges of falsification of public document for claiming she was a graduate of Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Communication from the University of the Philippines. Ma. Lourdes Ramiro Lopez was sentenced to suffer a jail term of two years, four months and one day of prision correccional medium as minimum to eight years and one day of prision mayor as maximum. She was directed to pay a P5,000 fine. “The falsity of the statements made by the accused in her personal data sheet, specifically her degree received, is confirmed by the testimonies of competent UP school officials who attested to the fact that per school records, accused did not graduate and her units cross-enrolled in Miriam College (formerly Maryknoll) were not credited,” the anti-graft court’s decision read. Lopez “took advantage of her official position when she filled up her PDS since she had the duty to make or prepare the personal data sheet, as it was for purpose of her promotion, hence, she had a legal obligation to disclose the truth of the facts stated in the documents.” The court explained that “the falsity of the statements made by the accused in her PDS, specifically her degree received is confirmed by the testimonies of competent UP school officials who attested to the fact that per school records, accused did not graduate and her units crossenrolled in Miriam College (formerly Maryknoll) were not credited.” Rio N. Araja

Jinggoy hits out at witness By Rio N. Araja SENATOR Jose “Jinggoy” Estrada is considering the filing of criminal charges against state witness Ruby Tuason for testifying before the Sandiganbayan that she gave the senator P19 million in kickbacks from the money she delivered from businesswoman Janet Lim Napoles. “My lawyers are currently studying the possibility of filing appropriate charges against Mrs. Tuason to respond to the falsehoods she said against me,” Estrada’s emailed statement read. “I never received money, much more commissions or kickbacks from my Priority Development Assistance Fund allocation from Mrs. Tuason or from anybody,

and I never authorized her or anyone to act as my ‘agent’ to transact using my PDAF.” The senator maintained his innocence of his alleged involvement in the P10-billion pork barrel fund scam. He said Tuason was just trying to save herself from being implicated in the P900-million Malampaya fund scam. “As her involvement in the Malampaya scam and the consequent penalties therefore dangle over her head, she now resorts to fabricating stories against me in order to gain the favor of the prosecutors, bargain for another immunity from suit and again escape culpability,” he added. “Let us not forget that Mrs. Tuason could be the most liable in that scam, as

she acquired various highend properties, including the so-called Malampaya mansion, and set up businesses because of her unlawful activities using Malampaya funds,” he noted. On Tuesday, Tuason told the anti-graft court that he received P19 million from Napoles the supposed kickbacks of Estrada sometime in 2008, and that she was a close and long-time friend of former president and now Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada. The younger Estrada denied Tuason’s allegations on him. He is facing plunder and 11 counts of graft charges for funneling his pork barrel fund to Napoles-linked foundations and receiving kickbacks.

The MRT-3 management on Wednesday suspended trips from Shaw Boulevard in Mandaluyong City to Taft Avenue in Pasay City and vice versa early morning due to a damaged rail between Boni Avenue and Shaw Boulevard stations. This was the second time this week the MRT suffered problems, prompting cause-oriented groups to denounce the management and demand a suspension of the fare increase that took effect last January. The MRT management decided to operate half-line, carrying passengers only from Shaw Boulevard station to North Avenue station, northbound and southbound. It said the problem was discovered at the southbound tracks between Shaw and Boni stations. Disappointed passengers who came early to avoid the rush hours were forced to take buses along Epifanio de los Santos Avenue. Normal operations resumed before 7 a.m. Last Monday, a northbound MRT train stalled forcing commuters to disembark and walk along the Guadalupe Bridge to find other means of transportation going to their destinations. In October 2014, MRT trips from North Avenue station in Quezon City to Shaw Boulevard station and vice versa were suspended for few hours also due to a broken rail between Santolan and Ortigas stations. Groups called on the government to suspend the fare increases it imposed last January on both the Light Rail Transit and Metro Rail Transit lines, saying the trains’ services continue to deteriorate every month. “The government has lost all legal and moral basis to continue implementing the fare increase. There are not

enough trains. Air conditioning systems are not working. Long lines at the train stations remain. Yet commuters are paying more now than they did last year. It is the height of injustice,” said Bagong Alyansang Makabayan secretary general Renato Reyes, Jr. Reyes said commuters should at least be spared high fares in a time when government cannot even deliver the most basic train services. Right now, according to Bayan, there are only seven to 12 functional trains out of the total 20 units of the MRT-3. Commuters group Train Riders Network (TREN) also demanded the Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC) and President Benigno Aquino III “to put an immediate end to the railway systems’ present public-private partnership (PPP) scheme. “If the MRT’s privatization taught us anything, it’s that it never really improved the service for the riding public. On the other hand, it actually introduced factors that inevitably lead to its rapid deterioration,” said TREN’s spokesperson James Relativo. Relativo said instead of investing on the train’s maintenance and much needed upgrades, the DOTC’s contract with the private Metro Rail Transit Corporation (MRTC) is more “concerned with ensuring private profits and paying off debts incurred from the line’s privatization rather than the welfare of commuters.” TREN cited a study conducted by Advocates of Science and Technology for the People, which showed that MRT-3 appears to be five times more dangerous than the United States’ light rail. The group also criticized the soon-to-be operational ticketing system of the railway system.

High tribunal ousts Viscaya judge, lawyer THE Supreme Court has dismissed a Nueva Vizcaya judge for misappropriating court funds and disbarred a lawyer for grave misconduct. The SC imposed the maximum penalty for judicial officers on Judge Alexander Balut of Municipal Trial Courts of Bayombong and Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. The tribunal also ordered the forfeiture of all his retirement benefits, except the money value of accrued earned leave credits, with prejudice to re-employment in any branch of the government, including government-owned and controlled corporations. The SC found Balut guilty of gross misconduct after judicial

and financial audit and physical inventory of cases at the two courts under his sala. The high court stressed that the judge himself issued a certification stating that his cash accountability as of April 2002 with the Fiduciary Fund was P202,774.42. In another case, the SC imposed the penalty of disbarment on lawyer Romulo Ricafort for grave misconduct and ordered him to return the P95,000 paid to him by his client Adelita Llunar. The SC en banc found Ricafort “guilty of grave misconduct in his dealings with his client and in engaging in the practice of law while under indefinite suspension.” Rey Requejo

Greening of San Juan. The city of San Juan marks its 8th cityhood anniversary with a

thanksgiving mass and planting of trees and vegetables around the city, with Senator Joseph Victor ‘JV’ Ejercito Estrada and Mayor Guia Gomez leading the festivities. LINO SANTOS

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Aquino urged to expel LP pols for graft By Alvin Guanzon

Restive. Residents have been reminded not to venture near the four-kilometer radius Permanent Danger Zone surrounding Mount Bulusan amid possible steam-driven eruptions. DANNY PATA

Phivolcs eyes Level 2 alert on Mt. Bulusan

Authorities may raise the alert on Mount Bulusan to Level 2 after the Philippine institute of Volcanology and seismology recorded yesterday 23 volcanic earthquakes and two steam-driven explosion events in the past 24 hours. In its bulletin, Phivolcs said the first explosion event lasted for about 10 minutes and produced a one-kilometer high grayish steam and ash plume. The second event was smaller and lasted for about one minute based on the seismic records.

A one-millimeter thick ash accumulation was observed in Brgy. Puting Sapa while traces of ash were recorded in Brgy. Aniog, Bacolod, Buraburan, Mapili, and Sangkayon—all in the municipality of Juban, Sorsogon.

Phivolcs said Mount Bulusan is still under Alert Level 1 (abnormal status) even as it reminded local government units to strictly enforce the four-kilometer radius Permanent Danger Zone. Mount Bulusan, one of the country’s most active volcanoes, is about 70-kilometer southeast of Mayon Volcano in Albay. The volcano exploded twice last month, but unlike the magmatic eruptions in Mayon Volcano, Mount Bulusan’s are phreatic or steamdriven.

A phreatic eruption occurs when water makes contact with hot rocks inside the volcano, causing steam to escape the crater and explode. Col. Ceasar Idio, commanding officer of the Army’s 903rd Infantry Brigade, said military trucks are on standby for possible evacuation of residents living in the slopes of the restive volcano. “My men belonging to disaster response units are on alert and ready for possible evacuation of the residents living in danger zone,” Idio said. PNA

SurIgAo City—The Liberal Party leadership in Surigao del Norte has split into two factions over allegations of corruption as a local watchdog called on President Benigno Aquino III to ditch local allies accused of being involved in irregularities. “President Aquino should expel local LP members who have failed to adhere to the administration’s tuwid na daan or straight path mantra,” said Fernando Almeda, Jr., head of the Coalition of Surigaonons for good governance-Transparency and Accountability (CoSuggTA). He said the President risks losing support among his supporters in the province if he does not take action on the Matugas political family who are all LP stalwarts. Almeda was referring to provincial LP chairwoman gov. Sol Matugas, city LP chairman Surigao City Mayor Ernesto Matugas, and rep. Francisco Matugas, LP leader for the province’s first district. Mayor Matugas was charged with graft before the ombudsman in April for hiring 14 employees in 2011, allegedly without the approval of the city council. rep. Matugas, on the other hand, is facing plunder for allegedly converting at least P63.5 million of his Priority Development Assistance Fund into intelligence funds for town mayors shortly before the 2010 elections. Both have denied the charges leveled against them. “President Aquino should take heed: if these are the type of politicians who will carry the banner of Liberal Party in the 2016 elections, then the party’s credibility will surely suffer,” Almeda said.

Farmers turn to texting to learn, boost income By Ferdie G. Domingo SCIENCE City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija— Filipino farmers are now learning new agricultural technologies to boost their incomes through short message service (SMS) or texting. The Philippine rice research Institute, through its central experiment station in Muñoz City, said farmers receive information from the Philrice Text Center (PTC). “These information include farm advisories, technology updates, market information, how-to’s, and other farm insights,” Philrice development coordinator Dr. ronan Zagado said. A study conducted by Philrice devel-

opment communicator Hazel Antonio showed that using SMS to get agricultural information resulted in an average of P39,730 in additional annual income for farmers. Zagado said farmers have been texting the PTC to consult on crop rotation as well as how to avoid surplus production. He said the center has gone a long way from a less than a dozen text messages when it began in 2006 to hundreds of thousands of SMS at present. The most frequent question received by the PTC is on the proper rice variety that farmers should plant. Zagado said SMS queries may be sent within working days from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Seized. Operatives of Palawan Bantay Dagat and the Philippine National Police-Maritime Unit impounded these vessels for illegal fishing activities, including using cyanide, along the shores of Palawan. PNA

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ADELLE chuA ediTOr


VieW frOm mAlcOm ATTy. hArry rOque jr.

Poe: “A cAndidAcy thAt will never fly?”


A pApAl reminder TODAy Pope Francis is supposed to release an encyclical on climate change. He is expected to warn the world that failure to act will have “grave consequences” for all of us. A draft of the papal statement obtained by an Italian magazine reveals that the Pope believes that the problem of global warming is largely manmade. Climate change is not to be seen as a scientific issue, says the leader of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines’ president, Socrates Villegas, in anticipation of the encyclical. That the leader of the Catholic Church would speak on a topic underlines the importance of the issue in the context of global social justice. “Humanity is called to take note of the need for changes in lifestyle and changes in methods of production and consumption to combat this warming, or at least the human causes that produce and accentuate it,” the Pope is expected to say. Climate change is a development issue because of the continuing paralysis of world leaders in coming up with a binding agreement that would help lower global temperatures through lower greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. These emissions are caused by economic activity which has gone on for centuries, giving developed countries an advantage over their less-developed counterparts. Alas, it is the poor who suffer most from the effects of climate change because of their inability to prepare for diaster and cope with displacement. The encyclical should come at a time when world leaders should be preparing for high level talks again to discuss the fate of the world. Thus far, it has been mostly talk and not a lot of meaningful decisions. What makes the encyclical important is that the countries who claim that they are doing much for the world are the ones staunchly against making sacrifices in their own emissions. The hypocrisy and double talk are becoming lethal, and one only has to ask the victims of typhoons the likes of Sendong, Pablo and yolanda. We should know. The Pope’s message will, we hope, ruffle some feathers especially those who continue to deny that the future of the world lies exactly on what is done today. Catholics must take heed and refuse to stay in the dark on this one.

Chiz on top lOWdOWn jOjO A. rObles OnE of the funniest political jokes I’ve heard recently has Senator Francis “Chiz” Escudero deciding to run for President next year and picking a controversial end-of-term congressman from Metro Manila as his running mate. The tandem, the joke goes, even has a catchy, hashtag-friendly, showbiz-like mashup name: “ChizBurger.” But levity aside, it’s good to be Chiz Escudero these days,

because the senator from Sorsogon and Quezon City appears to have both President noynoy Aquino and the ruling Liberal Party’s presumptive presidential candidate, Secretary Mar Roxas, by the short and curlies, as they say. And Chiz, politically precocious and perspicacious as ever, knows it. The reason for Escudero’s importance as far as Malacanang, Mar and the LP are concerned can be summed up in two words: Grace Poe. Poe, the surging “presidentiable,” seems to have inherited her father’s legendary loyalty to the people she considers her friends. And Grace’s political

BFF, mentor and all-around guardian angel is none other than Chiz. Indeed, the only reason why Poe cannot be legally adopted (sorry, I couldn’t resist) by Aquino as his 2016 candidate for either the presidency or the vice presidency is because she will not go anywhere without Chiz. And Roxas, who already has a lot of self-inflicted problems making himself a viable candidate next year, can’t simply latch on to Poe – like he did to Aquino in 2009 – for the same reason. Poe, who has repeatedly declared that she would rather run in tandem with Escudero


What can Aquino and his sidekick roxas possibly offer escudero that he doesn’t already have?

if the decision were solely hers to make, told Aquino much the same thing when they met in private at Malacanang Palace last month. And in the account given to me of that first meeting at the palace, even the sudden intrusion of Roxas into the private meeting wasn’t able to make Poe change her mind about her Senate colleague and bosom buddy. It was near the end of that same meeting, according to my sources, that Aquino came up with his version of a happy compromise, by directing Roxas to bring along both Poe and Escudero with when “when you go around the country,” presumably meaning when Roxas starts campaigning. That proposal, no doubt, still makes

both Poe and Roxas (and Escudero, to include all the parties in the proposed menage a trois) scratch their heads up to the present time. *** And so, Aquino’s latest strategy – perhaps after he realized that he cannot have three candidates for two positions – is to talk directly to Escudero. Chiz, who says that he still hasn’t gotten word of when and where the meeting will take place, welcomes the development. “I will talk to him as a friend,” Escu-

Published Monday to Sunday by Philippine Manila Standard Publishing Inc. at 6/F Universal Re Building, 106 Paseo de Roxas, corner Perea St., Legaspi Village, Makati City. Telephone numbers 832-5554, 832-5556, 832-5558 (connecting all departments), (Editorial), 832-5546, (Advertising), 832-

dero told me. Earlier, the senator said that what the President tells him will greatly influence his decision on what he plans to do in next year’s elections. Because Escudero is not just sitting around shooting the breeze with his new wife, the actress Heart Evangelista. I’m told the senator is also going around the country these days, conducting his own version of Mayor Rodrigo Duterte’s “listening tour,” in order to gauge his chances of winning one of the top two positions up for grabs next May.

5550. P.O. Box 2933, Manila Central Post Office, Manila. Website: www. E-mail:


can be accessed at:



Philippine Press Institute The National Association of Philippine Newspapers

But I think Escudero knows that he holds all the cards in this situation. And because he is an astute politician, he can be expected to play them to his best advantage and benefit. Aquino understands that the only way he can get someone with a real chance of “continuing the reforms” (and incidentally keep himself out of jail after he steps down) is to enlist Poe as his standard-bearer. And Roxas also realizes that his only chance of remaining in the 2016 race is to hitch his creaking wagon to Poe’s shooting star. Continued on A11

MST Management, Inc. Philip G. Romualdez Arnold C. Liong Former Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno Jocelyn F. Domingo Ron Ryan S. Buguis

Chairman President & Chief Executive Officer Board Member & Chief Legal Adviser Director of Operations Finance Officer

Ma. Isabel “Gina” P. Versoza Head, Advertising Solutions Anita F. Grefal Treasury Manager Edgar M. Valmorida Circulation Manager

In my search for jurisprudence on whether a foundling adopted by Filipinos has the status of a natural-born Filipino, I found a 2003 commentary written by renowned constitutionalist Fr. Joaquin Bernas precisely on the issue: “We follow the principle of jus sanguinis, that is, a person follows the citizenship of either Filipino blood parent. Our Constitution says that anybody who wishes to be president, vice president, senator or district representative must be a natural-born Filipino citizen. The Constitution defines natural-born Filipino citizens as those “who are citizens of the Philippines from birth without having to perform any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship.” For the purpose of determining citizenship, therefore, the identity of the blood parents is important.” Fr Bernas also explored the issue of what happens to a Filipino who has reacquired Filipino citizen but uses a foreign passport. Citing the case of a Mayoralty candidate in Lanao del norte, Fr Bernas paraphrased the Supreme Court:” even if one has renounced foreign citizenship, if he continues to use a foreign passport, he equivalently withdraws his renunciation.” Fr Bernas was citing the case of Maquiling vs. Comelec where a candidate used a US Passport after he re-acquired his Filipino citizen and renounced his foreign citizenship, the twin requirements under the dual citizen law for candidates for elective office. In this case, the Court ruled that while a person does not lose his Filipino citizenship with the use of a foreign passport; that use, however, negates his renunciation of his foreign citizenship. He thus reverts to the status of a dual citizen: “In effect, Arnado was solely and exclusively a Filipino citizen only for a period of eleven days, or from 3 April 2009 until 14 April 2009, on which date he first used his American passport after renouncing his American Citizenship . . .The citizenship requirement for elective public office is a continuing one. It must be possessed not just at the time of the renunciation of the foreign citizenship but continuously. Any act which violates the oath of renunciation opens the citizenship issue to attack. Applying Maquiling to the case of Sen Poe, for her to run as President in 2016, she must have renounced and resided in the Philippines exclusively as a Filipino for at least 10 years. Since by her own admission, she only renounced her US citizenship on 2010, she will be short by four years of the residency requirement for the post of president. This is because the dual citizenship law reckons compliance for candidates for elective posts only from the time they became exclusively Filipino citizen. Continued on A11 Rolando G. Estabillo Jojo A. Robles Ramonchito L. Tomeldan Chin Wong/Ray S. Eñano Francis Lagniton Joyce Pangco Pañares Adelle Chua Romel J. Mendez Roberto Cabrera

Publisher Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Associate Editors News Editor City Editor Senior Deskman Art Director Chief Photographer

T h u R S D AY : J u N E 1 8 , 2 0 1 5



ADELLE chuA ediTOr


VieW frOm mAlcOm ATTy. hArry rOque jr.

Poe: “A cAndidAcy thAt will never fly?”


A pApAl reminder TODAy Pope Francis is supposed to release an encyclical on climate change. He is expected to warn the world that failure to act will have “grave consequences” for all of us. A draft of the papal statement obtained by an Italian magazine reveals that the Pope believes that the problem of global warming is largely manmade. Climate change is not to be seen as a scientific issue, says the leader of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines’ president, Socrates Villegas, in anticipation of the encyclical. That the leader of the Catholic Church would speak on a topic underlines the importance of the issue in the context of global social justice. “Humanity is called to take note of the need for changes in lifestyle and changes in methods of production and consumption to combat this warming, or at least the human causes that produce and accentuate it,” the Pope is expected to say. Climate change is a development issue because of the continuing paralysis of world leaders in coming up with a binding agreement that would help lower global temperatures through lower greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. These emissions are caused by economic activity which has gone on for centuries, giving developed countries an advantage over their less-developed counterparts. Alas, it is the poor who suffer most from the effects of climate change because of their inability to prepare for diaster and cope with displacement. The encyclical should come at a time when world leaders should be preparing for high level talks again to discuss the fate of the world. Thus far, it has been mostly talk and not a lot of meaningful decisions. What makes the encyclical important is that the countries who claim that they are doing much for the world are the ones staunchly against making sacrifices in their own emissions. The hypocrisy and double talk are becoming lethal, and one only has to ask the victims of typhoons the likes of Sendong, Pablo and yolanda. We should know. The Pope’s message will, we hope, ruffle some feathers especially those who continue to deny that the future of the world lies exactly on what is done today. Catholics must take heed and refuse to stay in the dark on this one.

Chiz on top lOWdOWn jOjO A. rObles OnE of the funniest political jokes I’ve heard recently has Senator Francis “Chiz” Escudero deciding to run for President next year and picking a controversial end-of-term congressman from Metro Manila as his running mate. The tandem, the joke goes, even has a catchy, hashtag-friendly, showbiz-like mashup name: “ChizBurger.” But levity aside, it’s good to be Chiz Escudero these days,

because the senator from Sorsogon and Quezon City appears to have both President noynoy Aquino and the ruling Liberal Party’s presumptive presidential candidate, Secretary Mar Roxas, by the short and curlies, as they say. And Chiz, politically precocious and perspicacious as ever, knows it. The reason for Escudero’s importance as far as Malacanang, Mar and the LP are concerned can be summed up in two words: Grace Poe. Poe, the surging “presidentiable,” seems to have inherited her father’s legendary loyalty to the people she considers her friends. And Grace’s political

BFF, mentor and all-around guardian angel is none other than Chiz. Indeed, the only reason why Poe cannot be legally adopted (sorry, I couldn’t resist) by Aquino as his 2016 candidate for either the presidency or the vice presidency is because she will not go anywhere without Chiz. And Roxas, who already has a lot of self-inflicted problems making himself a viable candidate next year, can’t simply latch on to Poe – like he did to Aquino in 2009 – for the same reason. Poe, who has repeatedly declared that she would rather run in tandem with Escudero


What can Aquino and his sidekick roxas possibly offer escudero that he doesn’t already have?

if the decision were solely hers to make, told Aquino much the same thing when they met in private at Malacanang Palace last month. And in the account given to me of that first meeting at the palace, even the sudden intrusion of Roxas into the private meeting wasn’t able to make Poe change her mind about her Senate colleague and bosom buddy. It was near the end of that same meeting, according to my sources, that Aquino came up with his version of a happy compromise, by directing Roxas to bring along both Poe and Escudero with when “when you go around the country,” presumably meaning when Roxas starts campaigning. That proposal, no doubt, still makes

both Poe and Roxas (and Escudero, to include all the parties in the proposed menage a trois) scratch their heads up to the present time. *** And so, Aquino’s latest strategy – perhaps after he realized that he cannot have three candidates for two positions – is to talk directly to Escudero. Chiz, who says that he still hasn’t gotten word of when and where the meeting will take place, welcomes the development. “I will talk to him as a friend,” Escu-

Published Monday to Sunday by Philippine Manila Standard Publishing Inc. at 6/F Universal Re Building, 106 Paseo de Roxas, corner Perea St., Legaspi Village, Makati City. Telephone numbers 832-5554, 832-5556, 832-5558 (connecting all departments), (Editorial), 832-5546, (Advertising), 832-

dero told me. Earlier, the senator said that what the President tells him will greatly influence his decision on what he plans to do in next year’s elections. Because Escudero is not just sitting around shooting the breeze with his new wife, the actress Heart Evangelista. I’m told the senator is also going around the country these days, conducting his own version of Mayor Rodrigo Duterte’s “listening tour,” in order to gauge his chances of winning one of the top two positions up for grabs next May.

5550. P.O. Box 2933, Manila Central Post Office, Manila. Website: www. E-mail:


can be accessed at:



Philippine Press Institute The National Association of Philippine Newspapers

But I think Escudero knows that he holds all the cards in this situation. And because he is an astute politician, he can be expected to play them to his best advantage and benefit. Aquino understands that the only way he can get someone with a real chance of “continuing the reforms” (and incidentally keep himself out of jail after he steps down) is to enlist Poe as his standard-bearer. And Roxas also realizes that his only chance of remaining in the 2016 race is to hitch his creaking wagon to Poe’s shooting star. Continued on A11

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In my search for jurisprudence on whether a foundling adopted by Filipinos has the status of a natural-born Filipino, I found a 2003 commentary written by renowned constitutionalist Fr. Joaquin Bernas precisely on the issue: “We follow the principle of jus sanguinis, that is, a person follows the citizenship of either Filipino blood parent. Our Constitution says that anybody who wishes to be president, vice president, senator or district representative must be a natural-born Filipino citizen. The Constitution defines natural-born Filipino citizens as those “who are citizens of the Philippines from birth without having to perform any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship.” For the purpose of determining citizenship, therefore, the identity of the blood parents is important.” Fr Bernas also explored the issue of what happens to a Filipino who has reacquired Filipino citizen but uses a foreign passport. Citing the case of a Mayoralty candidate in Lanao del norte, Fr Bernas paraphrased the Supreme Court:” even if one has renounced foreign citizenship, if he continues to use a foreign passport, he equivalently withdraws his renunciation.” Fr Bernas was citing the case of Maquiling vs. Comelec where a candidate used a US Passport after he re-acquired his Filipino citizen and renounced his foreign citizenship, the twin requirements under the dual citizen law for candidates for elective office. In this case, the Court ruled that while a person does not lose his Filipino citizenship with the use of a foreign passport; that use, however, negates his renunciation of his foreign citizenship. He thus reverts to the status of a dual citizen: “In effect, Arnado was solely and exclusively a Filipino citizen only for a period of eleven days, or from 3 April 2009 until 14 April 2009, on which date he first used his American passport after renouncing his American Citizenship . . .The citizenship requirement for elective public office is a continuing one. It must be possessed not just at the time of the renunciation of the foreign citizenship but continuously. Any act which violates the oath of renunciation opens the citizenship issue to attack. Applying Maquiling to the case of Sen Poe, for her to run as President in 2016, she must have renounced and resided in the Philippines exclusively as a Filipino for at least 10 years. Since by her own admission, she only renounced her US citizenship on 2010, she will be short by four years of the residency requirement for the post of president. This is because the dual citizenship law reckons compliance for candidates for elective posts only from the time they became exclusively Filipino citizen. Continued on A11 Rolando G. Estabillo Jojo A. Robles Ramonchito L. Tomeldan Chin Wong/Ray S. Eñano Francis Lagniton Joyce Pangco Pañares Adelle Chua Romel J. Mendez Roberto Cabrera

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THURSDAY : JUNE 18, 2015



OPENING DOORS FOR LOOSE FIREARMS IN a ceremony in Sultan Ku d a r at , Maguindanao (not in Cotabato City as I wrote yesterday), the Moro Islamic Liberation Front “decommissioned” or surrendered 75 high-powered firearms and weapons as required under the Comprehensive Peace Agreement entered into by the Aquino government with the Moro rebels. The event was attended by President Aquino and other high officials. As part of the peace process, the MILF also surrendered 150 alleged MILF combatants who in return, got P25,000 apiece, Philhealth cards and other perks. I say alleged since there’s no way to confirm whether or not they are part of the 10,000 Moro rebels.

The President is so naive.

All these, the MILF leadership alleges, are part of their commitment to peace and goodwill. The President and his entourage believe them. It was a clear case of MoroMoro since Mindanaoans know that what were surrendered were the old and useless firearms of the rebels. And Santa Banana, note this: The MILF leadership warned that this would be the last “decommissioning” unless the controversial and constitutionallyflawed Bangsamoro Basic Law is enacted by Congress. A threat? No wonder the President took to task lawmakers, especially some senators, who believe that the Supreme Court would strike down the BBL in its draft form. Now I wonder whether President Aquino is on the side of the rebels, simply because they sur-

rendered t h e i r w e a p onry and EMIL P. alleged JURADO combatants. My gulay, how naive can the President get? *** The Philippine National Police issued recently the general requirements for license to own and possess firearms as follows: Accomplished LTO AFF application forms (3 copies) 2. Clearances from the Regional Trial Court (RTC) and Municipal Metropolitan Trial Court (MTC) or Sandiganbayan (Requirements for MTC and RTC: Prosecutor’s Clearance, Barangay Clearance, Police Clearance, Residence Cert. And 2x2 picture). 3. Neuro-Psychiatric Clearance from the PNP Health Service at PNP NHQ, Camp Crame or in PNP Regional Offices. 4. Drug test clearance from the PNP Crime Laboratory (The PNP NHQ, Camp Crame or in PNP Regional Offices.) 5. Biometrics (fingerprinting) from the PNP Crime Laboratory at the PNP NHQ, Camp Crame or PNP Regional Offices. 6. Gun Safety and Responsible Gun Ownership seminar Certificate from PNP FEO-Accredited Gun Club. 7. National Police Clearance or PNP Directorate or Intelligence clearance. 8. NSO Birth Certificate (Call NHO hotline at (02) 737-1111) or Passport (bring original during LTOAFP picture taking.) 9. Proof of latest billing address-address similar to address on LTOAFP application. 10. Two (2) valid government-issued IDs. 11. Seven (7) pieces of 2x2 ID pictures. 12. Proof of income: Income Tax Return. 13. Picture-taking at FEO, PNP, NHQ, Camp Crame or in PNP Regional Offices (once requirements are complete). Requirements for license to carry firearms. (So, you may submit an authenticated copy of your LTOAFP in lieu of all requirements under LTOAPF).


STYLES AND MESSAGES self as someone who can be depended WHEN it comes to presidential politics, DUTY upon and as a matter of record, said many are called but in the end only a CALLS that he will continue the straight path few, will be chosen to contest the biggest prize of all—the presidency. FLORENCIO or daang matuwid program of his boss. Perhaps he should consider coming up Although the elections of 2016 is FIANZA with an original message of his own so less than a year away, we only have one declared candidate for president in the person of Vice that people will see him as his own man. There also has President Jejomar Binay. The other presidential wan- to be more than just being seen distributing patrol cars nabes all seem to be waiting until the very last moment and fire trucks. These things have been tried and done to declare their candidacy. This, however, has not pre- before and did not work well. Some of his critics say vented them from spending on expensive TV ads extol- that he must come down from his high pedestal to be identified with the masses which seems to many is his ling their virtues. In a way, this is a good opportunity for the public to critics, his greatest weakness. The new star in the field is undoubtedly Senator Grace compare the contrasting styles and messages of the different presidential aspirants. Message and style, after all, Poe. From out of nowhere, she is now up there in the define a candidate. When Vice President Binay assumed surveys among prospective presidential aspirants. This office in 2010, his ratings began to soar, eclipsing even from a person who just a few years ago was working quithat of the President. Then in 2012, he declared his inten- etly trying to earn a living in the United States and never tions to run for president. His political enemies, seeing dreaming for one moment of ever becoming the presian opportunity, dug up a lot of dirt and this is causing dent of the land. Now, the opportunity is there. Will she grab it? She is still keeping everyone in sushim so many problems. The allegation of corruption against him and his fam- pense. Her principal message is honesty. This is similar ily have significantly affected his ratings. Nonetheless, he to the message of the late President Corazon Aquino is still up there with the rest of the field trying to narrow who, when running against President Marcos in 1986, the gap. VP Binay’s style and message is an exhibition of said that she has nothing to offer except her sincerity. Poe also has some legal hurdles, regarding her citisomeone who has been in the political trenches for so long. In spite of the obvious fact that the government is zenship and residency, to overcome. The public does part of the effort to destroy his presidential aspirations, not actually know a lot about her style except what they he has not openly criticized the President or said any- have seen during Senate hearings where she conducted thing negative about him. In fact he has continuously herself with maturity and professionalism. There are other presidential aspirants. Davao Mayor thanked the Aquino family for what they have done to him. When the President said that he could not support Duterte who is joint third in the surveys with Mar Roxas him, his advisers suggested that he resign from his cabi- has said that he will only run for president if he is on top in the surveys. The public by now knows his style and net post but he continues to hold onto his position. Of all the senior officials of the Aquino government, message:—Strong leadership and the need for discipline. VP Binay is most identified with the plight of our over- It is surprising that he is doing a lot better than former seas Filipino workers. His identification with the masses Senator Lacson who has a similar style and message. In is his strongest asset. He wants people to know of his addition, Ping Lacson has his anti-corruption credenexperience and competence because of his long years in tials. Still, his rating has been very low. There is also Red Cross President and former Senator public service. Next is Secretary Mar Roxas, the presumptive anoin- Dick Gordon who wants to give the Presidency another tee of President Aquino. Secretary Roxas has refused crack. Senator Alan Cayetano wants very badly to run to declare his Presidential plans. He and VP Binay are even if he is not doing well in the surveys. So far, there are four serious candidates with contrastof different worlds. Secretary Roxas comes from a patrician political family and has the best education that ing messages and styles—VP Binay, Secretary Roxas, money can buy. He has been a congressman, senator Senator Grace Poe and Mayor Duterte. Eventually, there and Cabinet secretary in three different administra- might even be less. The situation is still fluid but we are tions. He can therefore boast of a lot of executive experi- nearing the point wherein the array of political forces ence. People close to him will tell you that he is brilliant is firming up and the people will eventually have all the and a technocrat—exactly what this country needs at time to study and decide who they want to be their next the moment. In spite of all his advantages,however, he president. This is of course if the PCOS machines of Smartmatic has not been doing very well in the surveys. He is either in the tail-end or the middle, at best. He portrays him- do not decide the election outcome for them. Copy of old but valid Firearm License Card or now Firearm Registration. NBI Clearance. Threat Assessment (for new applicants) I am not too sure if even those with valid licenses to own and possess firearms, and even those with valid license cards to carry, can go through with all the rigmarole the PNP wants. All these requirements will surely open the doors for black market of firearms and loose firearms. I can understand why the PNP has become very strict in issuing licenses to own, and especially to carry, in the wake of no less than 1.1 million loose firearms nationwide (more than half of them in Mindanao). But my gulay, all these require-

ments can only encourage the black market. It will also be very difficult for responsible and law-abiding citizens to own guns, mainly for self-protection. *** There’s this report from Cervantes, Ilocos Sur, that despite their advanced age, 10 of the few remaining Filipino guerillas, who saw action during the Battle at Bessang Pass in 1945 at the Cordilleras showed up at the 70th anniversary last Sunday. This was at the very spot where the epic battle was fought against the retreating Japanese Occupation Forces that hastened the surrender of Gen. Yamashita three months later. The 10 “guerrilleros” recounted the epic battle, fighting the Japanese uphill

for three months, outnumbered and outgunned. No less than 2,500 Ilocanos and Igorots were killed during that battle, but were vindicated when Yamashita surrendered. Yamashita was soon hanged for his war crimes in Laguna. For leading that assault that hastened the surrender of Yamashita, my brother Desi, who later on became a Justice, was given the Silver Star “for heroism beyond the call of duty.” That medal is still displayed by his family in his house. And the annals of the Armed Forces of the Philippines recorded it all in what was known as the “Battle of the Clouds.” What is unfortunate is that except the President Fidel V. Ramos, who himself as a soldier during the

Korean and Vietnam Wars, did not bother to recognize the Battle of Bessang Pass as a glorious and victorious moment in history. It was Ramos who built a shrine at Cervantes to commemorate that epic battle. The irony of it all is that we celebrate “Araw ng Kagitingan” (Day of Valor) in April 9 to mark defeats, like the surrender of Bataan and Corregidor and the Death March to Capas, Tarlac, and do not mark at all nationwide a victory and glorious moment in our history that led to the end of the Japanese Occupation. Santa Banana, we are truly a damaged nation when we celebrate days of defeat and infamy. We also forget that 2,500 Filipinos died at the Battle of Bessang Pass.

THURSDAY : JUNE 18, 2015





IT has been said that the economic development of any nation is a function of the quality of its education. This basically means that the higher the literacy rate, the greater the chances of economic development. This point is made more significant within the context of our modern globalized world wherein, often characterized as a “knowledge society”, education and information have become increasingly more valuable than labor and financial capital, consequently placing a premium on national investment in human capital as a condition for international competitiveness. Last year, Lower Saxony became the last of Germany’s 16 states to abolish tuition for undergraduate students at all public German universities. This means that both domestic and international undergraduate students at public universities in Germany can now study in Germany for free, with just a small fee to cover administration and other costs per semester. Moreover, German private universities also currently have one of the lowest education costs in the world, based on countries providing internationally reputed higher education systems. These low charges certainly have made studying in Germany an attractive option for prospective students both (local and international), and according to to, it is now the fourth most

popular destination for further education after the US, the UK and Australia. Admirably, despite the fact that competition for funding and accountability has been steadily increasing in German higher education, the general consensus that it is a public system and should be state-funded remains deeply rooted. Comparatively, the Philippine educational system remains highly challenged particularly in terms of lowering the costs of education. For this School Year 20152016 alone, the Department of Education (DepEd) allowed some 1,246 private schools to implement an increase in tuition and miscellaneous fees. DepEd data showed that the highest request for tuition fee and miscellaneous fees was 29 percent while the lowest was at 1.25 percent. For its part, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) also approved tuition hikes for 313 private higher education institutions (HEIs) for the school year 20152015. Of the 313 HEIs, 283 implemented tuition fee increases while 212 increased other school fees. Across all regions, the recorded average percent increase is 6.48 percent. Besides the challenge of high tuition rates is the lingering problem of the country’s brain drain. Former Education Secretary Bro. Andrew Gonzales FSC described

this and the interlocking conflicts and resulting problems of higher education in the country in a paper published many years back. Much of his observations then however remain true and relevant to our situation today. One such observation is that our educational system produces first-rate graduates for certain professions and fields of specialization while failing to produce enough graduates in the unpopular fields of pure science, middle-level technician specializations, and graduate training for research and higher education. Likewise, he remarked that the few scientists and graduate degree holders trained abroad similarly migrate to other countries, making the shortage even more acute. For oversubscribed professions, graduates seek overseas employment. In the meantime, he said, the mismatch continues. With 95 per cent of all elementary students attending public schools, the educational challenge in the Philippines is basically a crisis of public education. With an annual population growth rate of 2.3 per cent or about 1.7 million babies being born every year, limited educational provisions are expected to post greater headaches in the future if not given a responsive solution. The one-million peso question I guess is, if Germany has done it, why can’t we?

PUTTING THE ‘NASTY’ IN ‘DYNASTY’ POP GOES THE WORLD JENNY ORTUOSTE THE House of Representatives failed to pass last June 10 on second reading an antipolitical dynasty bill after word went around of a plan by some lawmakers opposed to the bill to walk out of the plenary hall should it be brought up for voting. House committee on suffrage and electoral reforms chairman Capiz Rep. Fredenil Castro said this was the intention of some House members from political clans because this would adversely affect their interests. Castro called it “selfishness” (kasakiman) on the part of these solons. House Bill 3587 will allow only two members from one family to be elected to positions – one at the national and another at the local level. At the local level, only two family members may hold office in one province, city, or municipality. As long as these two are in office, other family members are barred from running in elections. Some dynastic representatives are said to want these provisions loosened to allow other family members to run in other

areas of the country. Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares’s version is stricter, allowing only one person from each family to run for office. This law’s co-author, Caloocan Rep. Edgar Erice, says that this original version would have affected 150 out of the House’s 290 members and would have been difficult to pass. In the Upper House, a similar measure, Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago’s Senate Bill 2649, is still pending before a committee. Senator Nancy Binay is opposed to an anti-dynasty bill, saying that elections are subject to the people’s will and likened political families to families of doctors and lawyers. She, her father Vice-President Jejomar Binay, brother Makati City Mayor Junjun Binay, and sister Makati Rep. Abby Binay are all incumbent elected officials. An anti-dynasty bill is an important part of electoral reforms that seek to curb the monopoly of certain families on power and influence in their jurisdictions, which can lead to abuse and corruption. An online article quotes the Center of People Empowerment in Governance as saying “there are about 250 political dynasties (families) who have dominated Philippine politics at the national and local level

and who have monopolized political power as families for the past 30 years or more. This is 0.00001667 percent of the country’s 15 million families.” A 2012 study by Mendoza, Beja, Venida, and Yap of the political dynasties of the 15th Congress put this another way, saying: “representatives from political dynasties account for 70 percent of the jurisdictionbased legislators in Congress.” Not only is political power concentrated in the hands of a very few families – hardly representative of their constituency – but wealth is too. “On average,” the same study says, “they possess higher net worth and win in elections by higher margins of victory compared to non-dynastic representatives.” One might argue that dynasties, like families in the professions, are borne from the familiarity with a certain set of skills and knowledge passed from generation to generation, and that it is difficult to shift outward from the comfort zones of established networks and turfdoms. Also, would it not be logical that politicians administer their areas judiciously and prudently over the long-term, to ensure that their families’ succession would be acceptable to their constituents? However, another finding of

the 2012 study shows poorer social and economic outcomes in areas of dynastic jurisdictions, which “are also associated with lower standards of living (as measured by average income) and lower human development (as measured by the Human Development Index) and higher levels of deprivation (as measured by poverty incidence, poverty gap, and poverty severity).” While remaining cautious in interpreting such findings, bearing in mind that correlation does not imply causation, even as food-for-thought this is alarming enough to make the passage of an anti-dynasty bill a priority to curb the propensity for a few families to entrench themselves in power and influence through reproduction. Sadly, given that the majority of our lawmakers are themselves members of dynasties, there seems to be little chance that an anti-dynasty law will be passed in the near future. Our votes in the elections next year might be enough to change this situation, and put power back in the hands of the people, as befits the democracy we claim to be. *** Facebook: Jenny Ortuoste, Twitter: @jennyortuoste, Instagram: @jensdecember, Blog:


Poe.. From A9 Additionally, I found a very interesting exchange between Former Reps. “Teddy Boy” Locsin and “Digs” Dilangalen, which indicates the legislative intent behind the law. The issue was whether a natural-born Filipino who lost his citizenship through naturalization, and re-acquires dual citizenship under the law is considered a natural born Filipino. According to Locsin, “your guess is as good as mine”. While defenders of Poe are quick to argue the jurisprudence under the old Repatriation Act that a natural born Filipino who lost it and re-acquires an exclusive Filipino citizenship reacquires his status as a natural born Filipino, the same issue appears unsettled where the person merely acquired Filipino citizenship under the dual citizen law. In the words of Locsin, which may very well apply to Sen. Poe: “They may be preparing for a candidacy that in fact will never fly . . .” What is pivotal in Poe’s case is whether the acts of taking an oath of allegiance to the Philippines and renunciation of her US citizenship are ”positive acts” given the definition of a naturalborn Filipino as one who is such “without having to perform any act to acquire or perfect Philippine citizenship”. Here, Rep. Dilangalen was emphatic: the oath and renunciation are positive acts. Locsin appeared to have agreed in that he said that the word “deemed” in Sec. 3 of the law, which provides: “those who have lost their Filipino citizenship by reason of naturalization are deemed to have reacquired Philippine citizenship”, requires a “positive act”. But as Locsin also pointed out, this will have to be ruled upon by our Courts.

Chiz.. From A9 After all, what can Aquino – and his sidekick Roxas – possibly offer Escudero that he doesn’t already have? Escudero doesn’t even have to run for office to remain in the Senate next year, having been reelected in 2013 to a term that expires in 2019 yet. All things considered, things are looking up for Escudero, who was once written off as having missed his chance when he had a major falling-off with his former political mentor and funder, Ambassador Eduardo “Danding” Cojuangco, founder of Chiz’ original party, the Nationalist People’s Coalition. (I’ve been told that Danding and Chiz have already kissed and made up, even if they have not really returned to their old close relationship.) For obvious reasons, whatever agreement that Aquino and Escudero reach when they meet will have serious repercussions on whatever political scenario s develop ahead of the May 2016 elections. It will certainly have a great impact not only on the political futures of Aquino and Roxas, but also of Poe and Escudero. One thing’s for certain: Chiz is the guy negotiating from a position of strength here. Aquino and Roxas, as usual, have very limited options, mainly because they put themselves in such a vulnerable, exploitable position.

T HURS DAY : J UN E 1 8 , 2 0 1 5



Spieth, McIlroy lead strong golf field TACOMA—Jordan Spieth will be chasing the second leg of golf’s Grand Slam, but he will have to contend with world No. 1 Rory McIlroy and some legends of the game at the US Open which begins Thursday.

Flag bearers of participating nations march into the national stadium during the closing ceremony for the biennial SEA Games in Singapore’s National Stadium. AFP

Colorful SEAG comes to a close SINGAPOR—Singapore passed the Southeast Asian (SEA) Games baton to 2017 hosts Malaysia as the competition wrapped up with a colourful closing ceremony on Tuesday. Lasers, fireworks and DJ Ferry Corsten lit up Singapore’s National Stadium after the Games flame was extinguished, formally ending more than two weeks of competition. Malaysia will have a tough act to follow after Singapore’s slicklyorganised event based around their newly-built, billion-dollar Sports Hub complex. The tiny city-state also topped the medals table for much of the Games before finishing second with 84 golds to Thailand’s 95. Tuesday’s ceremony veered from poignant to unpredictable as a tribute to Mount Kinabalu earthquake victims gave way to a parade celebrating Singaporean stamps. It followed a competition where Singapore’s Joseph Schooling reinforced his reputation as a

potential world-beater when he won nine swimming golds. But Singapore were soon superseded by Thailand, who bossed track and field, golf and tennis and completed their golden run with a thumping 3-0 football final win over Myanmar. Malaysia’s Aaliyah Yoong, 11, won two gold medals in wakeboarding, and Myanmar swimmer Oo Shun Lei Maw turned heads when she competed at the age of just 10. Controversies included arrests for alleged football match-fixing, and the Philippines’ request for a gender test on an Indonesian women’s volleyball player. Suspected food poisoning laid low several cyclists, and Malaysians rallied round a top gymnast after critics slammed her for competing in revealing clothing. Filipinos John Elmerson Fabriga and John David Pahoyo became inadvertent hits when footage of their consecutive, zero-point botched dives went viral on the Internet.

On Tuesday, Thailand grabbed two final gold medals in badminton and volleyball, and Singapore won the men’s water polo to push their best-ever total to 84. Vietnam finished third on the table with 73 golds and Malaysia, who formally accepted the SEA Games federation flag at the closing ceremony, were fourth with 62. Singaporean officials admitted the SEA Games’ malleable sporting roster, routinely adjusted to suit the host nation, was a big factor behind their success. But they promised not to fall into the same trap as 2013 hosts Myanmar, who won 86 gold medals on home soil but just 12 in Singapore two years later. “I guarantee we won’t do a Myanmar,” Singapore chef de mission Tan Eng Liang told reporters. The Games coincided with Singapore’s 50th independence anniversary celebrations and came just months after the death of founding leader Lee Kuan Yew. AFP

Reigning Masters champion Spieth and McIlroy head up a strong field of 156 that includes the top 60 players in the world squaring off on a course unlike any other that has ever hosted a US Open. Sprinkle in a few legends of the game like six-time runner up Phil Mickelson and former world number one Tiger Woods on the quirky links-style Chambers Bay course, and you have a US Open that promises to deliver plenty of surprises. “You are going to see some different things this week than you have probably seen in any other major championship we play,” said Woods on Tuesday after his practice round. “To win any major you have to be patient. This one in particular because there are so many different variables. Unlike any golf links we play, we don’t have elevation changes like this. “You are going to get some funky bounces out there. The ball is going to catch slopes. You are going to see some guys hit terrible shots and end up in kicking range from the

hole.” Spieth aims to become the first to sweep the Masters and US Open since Woods achieved it in 2002. The Texan has an ace up his sleeve in caddie Michael Greller, who worked at Chambers Bay before carrying Spieth’s bag on the PGA Tour. “I feel like if there’s any advantage, it would be towards us with his knowledge of the place,” Spieth said of Greller. Phil Mickelson, six times an US Open runnerup, will take another crack at adding the final piece to complete a career Grand Slam and Woods is trying to salvage some respect after shooting a careerhigh 85 in his most recent outing at The Memorial. Don’t count out the Europeans this week, especially McIlroy. There is also defending champion Martin Kaymer, Henrik Stenson and 2013 champion Justin Rose to watch. Europeans now have captured four of the past five US Opens, a switch from the 40-year drought between Tony Jacklin’s win in 1970 and Graeme McDowell triumph in 2010. AFP

Nadal doesn’t mind losing LONDON—Rafael Nadal insists his shock defeat in the first round at Queen’s Club won’t damage his chances of a strong challenge for the Wimbledon title. Nadal’s disappointing 2015 campaign suffered another setback on Tuesday when the 14-time Grand Slam winner was dumped out of the Wimbledon warm-up event by unheralded Ukrainian Alexandr Dolgopolov. After the bitter blow of falling to only the second French Open defeat of his glittering career -- against Novak Djokovic in the Paris quarterfinals -- Nadal looked to be slowly getting back on track when he won the Stuttgart tournament last week. But the 29-year-old’s 6-3, 6-7 (6/8), 6-4 defeat against world number 79 Dolgopolov in west London shattered his hopes of improving his ranking -- currently at a decade low position of 10th -- in time for his latest bid for a third title at Wimbledon, which gets underway later this month. Yet rather than dwell on the frustration of his early exit, Nadal maintains he is happy he has already got enough practice on grass and put the loss down to the misfortune of facing an inspired

opponent. “I prefer to win all the matches. Not just before Wimbledon. I prefer to win all the matches of the year,” Nadal said. “But the year I won Wimbledon in 2008 I played five matches here, and this year I already had five matches (on grass). “It’s nothing very negative. I won a tournament last week and this week I lost an opportunity. “But my feeling, my thoughts are no different today than yesterday. I’m playing better than before and enjoying being on court more than before. “I’m not happy I lost a match I had a chance to win, but that’s it. That’s tennis on grass. “Today was my turn. I accept that, and the good thing is I am positive mentally. I feel myself playing well.” - Lowly ranking Nadal’s loss to Dolgopolov was his second worst of the year in terms of the lowly ranking of his opponent. Michael Berrer, the German world number 127, is the only lower ranked player to have beaten Nadal in 2015 -- in the Spaniard’s first match of the year in Doha in January. AFP

Ukraine’s Alexandr Dolgopolov makes a backhand return on his way to beating Spain’s Rafael Nadal in their men’s singles first round match on the second day of the ATP Aegon Championships tennis tournament at the Queen’s Club in west London. Dolgopolov won, 6-3, 6-7, 6-4. AFP

T HURS DAY : J UN E 1 8 , 2 0 1 5



Manfred: Too early to speculate on hacking

Sarah Ababa moved into the threshold of a breakthrough win on the ICTSI Ladies Philippine Golf Tour with a two-stroke lead over Korean amateur Hwang Min Jeong.

NEW YORK—With the St. Louis Cardinals reportedly the target of a federal investigation into the breach of a rival team’s database, Major League Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred vowed “appropriate” action once the case is resolved. But Manfred said it was too soon to speculate on what that action would prove to be, despite US media reports on Tuesday that investigators had found evidence that the Cardinals hacked into the Houston Astros’ computer network to steal sensitive player personnel information. “To assume that that investigation is going to produce a particular result in respect to the Cardinals, let alone jump to the use of a word like ‘cyberattack,’ we don’t know that those are the facts,” Manfred said Tuesday during a trip to Boston.”It

really doesn’t make sense for me to speculate as to how serious a problem we have. Soon enough, I think we’ll have full information as to what went on. I think you can rest assured that we will act appropriately at that time.” Manfred’s comments came after Major League Baseball issued a statement confirming it had fully cooperated with the investigation. The New York Times and Houston Chronicle reported that the Cardinals were the subject of the probe, with the Times reporting that law enforcement officials believe the hack was carried out by front-office employees from the Cardinals bearing a grudge against Jeff Luhnow, the Astros general manager, who worked as an executive with the St. Louis team from 2003 through the 2011 season. AFP

Ababa zeroes in on golf crown SARAH Ababa bucked the heat and the tough Sherwood greens to salvage an even par 72 and move into the threshold of a breakthrough win on the ICTSI Ladies Philippine Golf Tour with a two-stroke lead over Korean amateur Hwang Min Jeong in the second round of the ICTSI Sherwood Ladies Championship yesterday. Ababa hit two birdies early to overcome a two-stroke deficit off Chihiro Ikeda then checked a bogey-bogey mishap from No. 14 with a birdie from eight feet on No. 16, saving a 72 that proved to be the best in demanding condition at the Sherwood Hills Golf Club in Cavite. Counting her opening 73, Ababa pooled a 145 and took a two-shot lead over Hwang, who missed joining the Filipino shotmaker at the helm with a double-bogey

on the 18th, settling for a 74 and a 147 in a tie with the overnight leader. Ikeda, who sparked hopes of ending a long spell in the circuit sponsored by ICTSI with a solid oneunder 71 Tuesday, survived a rollercoaster stint in the first 13 holes only to falter with four bogeys in the last five holes for a 76. Korean Kim So Un carded a 77 for joint fourth at 153 with Anya Tanpinco, who limped with a 78, the same output

put in by Cyna Rodriguez, who failed tor recover from an opening 76 with a 78 marred by five bogeys and a double bogey with a lone birdie to show. The reigning back-to-back Order of Merit champion and runaway winner of the last leg at Riviera last month, fell farther back at 154, nine shots off Ababa, now 18 holes away from improving on her joint runner-up finish at Riviera and ending a three-year search for a championship. “I just went out there and played my game, hit a chipin birdie on No. 5 and birdied the par-5 No. 8 for the second straight day,” said Ababa. “I actually struggled in last few holes and made bogeys but sank a long putt on No. 16 to keep me going.” But Hwang loomed as a serious threat as the young

shotmaker held her ground against the pros with a gutsy round of two birdies against two bogeys and a slew of regulation pars on the hard greens of Sherwood until she wavered with that last-hole mishap. Ikeda is also expected to rebound from a poor finish with a strong start in today’s final round where she hopes to apply the pressure early on Ababa and give herself a crack at the crown in the fifth leg of the eight-stage circuit organized by Pilipinas Golf Tournaments, inc. Another Korean amateur, Koh Eu Na, shot a 79 and stood behind Rodriguez at 153 while American Cristina Corpus skied to an 81 for a 158 and former leg winner Thai Amolkan Phalajivin fell out of the race with an awful 84 for a 160.

Guam sends message with shock triumph H AG AT N A — G u a m ’s media on Wednesday hailed the tiny Pacific island’s shock win over India in World Cup qualifying as a historic result that showed the team were no longer Asian football also-rans. The 174th-ranked Matao beat India 2-1 on Tuesday, outplaying opponents who are 33 places above them in the FIFA rankings and have a population of 1.24 billion to Guam’s 160,000. The win, before an ecstatic capacity crowd of almost 5,000 at the Guam Football Association

(GFA) National Training Center, followed their first-ever victory in a FIFA World Cup qualifying match last week when they beat Turkmenistan 1-0. “The small island that wasn’t supposed to win any matches in the World Cup qualifiers is standing an impressive 2-0 in the early qualifying stages,” the daily Marianas Variety newspaper said. “There’s still a lot more soccer left to be played, but it’s safe to say no one is taking Guam for granted from here on out,” it added. AFP

The 174th-ranked Matao beat India, 2-1, , outplaying opponents who are 33 places above them in the FIFA rankings and have a population of 1.24 billion to Guam’s 160,000. FIFA.COM

Palawan netfest under way THE Palawan Pawnshop-Palawan Express Pera Padala regional age group presented by Technifibre kicks off its Mindanao swing today in Isulan, Sultan Kudarat with local ace Carlyn Bless Guarde eyeing to titles at the Isulan Capitol Tennis Club. Guarde heads the cast in the girls’ 14- and 16-and-under sections but faces a formidable challenge from the rest of the 32-player field in both sides, guaranteeing a spirited battle for top honors in the four-day, Group 3 tournament sponsored by Palawan Pawnshop and sanctioned by Philta under president and Paranaque City Mayor Edwin Olivarez. They include Patricia Velez, Nicole Bautista, Jazelle Madis, Danna Abad, Kathleen Arandia, Rose Cagadas and Lee Cagadas in the 16-U division while Minette April Bentillo, Ma. Angelica Novis, Precy Lagdamen, Madis, Abad and Lee and Angelyn Cagadas will be out to foil Guarde’s title drive in the 14-U class of the event which also serves as part of the PPS-PEPP Rainy Season Tennis Festival. “Although the big guns are tipped to dominate, we also expect some reversals with a number of talented upcoming stars raring to prove their worth,” said Palawan Pawnshop COO Bobby Castro. Bautista, meanwhile, headlines the field in the 18-U category with Velez, Arandia and Manuelle Firman while Bentillo looms as the player to beat in the 12-U class which also drew the participation of Novis, Tenielle Madis and Jilian Manangking.

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Bound for World Series. Team Manila Softbelles will again represent the country and Asia Pacific in the 2015 World Series Girls Big League Softball Championships from August 2 to 9 in Sussex, Delaware, USA after sweeping its matches in the Asia Pacific Regional Tournament last June 10 to 15 in Guam, USA. The Big City Softbelles, composed of UAAP all-star selection including four members of the Philippine Blu Girls that won the recent SEA Games Championship in Singapore, is headed by MLLP President Rafael “Che” Borromeo and backed by Mayor Joseph Estrada, Vice Mayor Isko Moreno, Philippine Airlines, and the International Container Terminal Services, Inc. Foundation.

Azkals stun Yemen, join North Koreans at the top By Ronnie Nathanielsz

THE Philippine Azkals stunned fancied Yemen, 2-0, to follow up on their spectacular 2-1 victory over Bahrain in their opening match to join North Korea at the top of the standings with 6 points on two wins with no losses. After losing to the powerful North Koreans, 1-0, in their opening game, the Yemenis were expected to create problems for the Azkals, but it never materialized as the Philippine squad controlled possession, had more chances and corner kicks and generally defended well with some resolute tackling and heady passing when the Yemenis pressed,

Dubs... From A16

“What a team win for the Warriors and an epic season for Steph,” tweeted US President Barack Obama. “Kudos to LeBron and the Cavs for an unbelievable effort under adversity.” Draymond Green added 16 points, 11 rebounds and 10 assists for Golden State, which won a league-best 67 games this season and led the NBA in defense, scoring and shooting percentage. “This has been a long ride,” Iguodala said. “It’s been a great season, and we’re just going to enjoy the moment.” Curry became only

confident that in goalkeeper Neil Etheridge, they had a superb last line of defense. Misagh Bahadoran, who scored the first goal against Bahrain, duplicated that feat with even greater aplomb in the 52-second mark when he worked a deft 1-2 passing move with Javier Patino, swiveled onto his left foot and sent the ball crashing into the net beyond the

the sixth player to win his first MVP and first title in the same season, the first since Shaquille O’Neal in 2000. He joined Magic Johnson and Bob Cousy as the only point guards to win the regular-season NBA MVP award and league title in the same season. It was a thrill he shared with his father Dell, a former NBA standout who never claimed the crown. “He played 16 years and never got the chance to enjoy this,” Curry said. “He is living through me and my teammates. Unimaginable feeling.” James scored 32 points, grabbed 18 rebounds and passed out

Yemen goalkeeper Mohammed Ebrahim with a terrific strike. The Filipinos kept pressing for a second goal as the defense held firm in the face of occasional counter attacks by Yemen and were rewarded in the 74th minute when Iain Ramsay scored his maiden international goal for his country off another nifty pass by Patino. The Azkals had a few more chances to add to the score-line, but poor finishing robbed them of the chance even as they failed to convert on a score of corners. The twin victories have signaled a magical if unexpected start to the Philippines’ campaign in the FIFA

nine assists to again lead the Cavaliers, but he could not bring Cleveland its first sports title since 1964. James said injuries that sidelined star forward Kevin Love in the first round of the playoffs and star guard Kyrie Irving in the finals opener were too much to overcome. “There’s a lot of talent sitting in suits,” James said. “We ran out of talent.” “It just wasn’t our time.” James fell to 2-4 in NBA Finals appearances but refused to call this his greatest finals disappointment, saying “They are all disappointing, doesn’t matter if I’m playing in Miami or Cleveland or Mars.” AFP

World Cup/AFC Asian Cup qualification on Tuesday night before a good crowd of noisy Yemeni supporters, who were more than matched by the Filipinos in the crowd of over 5,000 who live and work in Doha, Qatar, where the match was played at the Sports Club Stadium and telecast live on ABS-CBN Sports beginning at 11:45 p.m. With their win over Bahrain, the Azkals’ confidence was boosted and although they had the better of Yemen in the first half, earning no less than 8 corners, both teams went into their dugouts with the score at 0-0. The Azkals appeared to be inspired by whatever coach

Thomas Dooley told them at halftime and soon began to threaten the Yemeni goal before Bahadoran left his defender behind and scored with the assistance of the accurate passes of Patino, the talented Fil-Spanish striker. An obviously tired Bahadoran was wisely substituted by coach Dooley at the 68-minute mark with Patrick Reichelt replacing him. This indicated that Dooley wanted to keep attacking and not park the bus and defend the two-goal cushion, which contributed to making it an attractive game. Reichelt missed a golden opportunity to add a third goal, but he failed to find the net with his attempt.

Pagara won’t see action in Dubai ‘Pinoy Pride’ card LIGHT welterweight Jason Pagara won’t see action on the scheduled “Pinoy Pride” fight card in Dubai on Aug. 7 and is reportedly being eyed to fight in a big card in the US later this year. ALA Promotions’ president Michael Aldeguer informed The Standard/ that they are pulling out Jason Pagara, who was scheduled to fight alongside undefeated younger brother Prince Albert Pagara, who will instead be backstopped by two-time world title challenger AJ “Bazooka” Banal and another rugged southpaw in Jimrex Jaca in the Dubai card. Banal has a record of 33-2-1 with 22 knockouts, with both losses in title fights, losing to Rafael Con-

cepcion in a World Boxing Association Interim title showdown before suffering a ninth round technical knockout at the hands of Thailand’s Pungluang Sor Sungya in a clash for the vacant WBO bantamweight title on Oct. 20, 2012. However, Banal has fought back and his last win was an eighth-round unanimous decision over Indonesia’s Junior Bajawa on March 28 this year. Jaca is always a crowd pleaser with his aggressive style. His claim to fame is that he gave Mexican legend Juan Manuel Marquez a helluva fight, before getting carless and losing by a ninth-round TKO in a faceoff for the World Boxing Organization featherweight Interim title on Nov. 25, 2006 at the Dodge Arena in Texas. Ronnie Nathanielsz

Kings hold fans day in 3 venues IN CELEBRATION of World Gin Day, the Barangay Ginebra San Miguel Gin Kings will be holding its grand fans day today. The event, which will be held simultaneously in three different venues, will give fans a chance to meet their favorite Barangay Ginebra San Miguel players, such as Mark Caguioa, Jayjay Helterbrand, Japeth Aguilar, Dave Marcelo, and Dorian Peña at Obeertime, Chino Roces Avenue, Makati; Greg Slaughter, Mac Baracael, Orlando Johnson, Eman Monfort and Jiwan Kim at Bellagio, Robinsons Ermita, Manila; and LA Tenorio, Rodney Brondial, Josh Urbiztondo, Jens Knuttel and Sol Mercado at Quattro, Timog Avenue, Quezon City. Games, prizes and surprises await lucky ka-barangay fans. Autographed Barangay Ginebra San Miguel basketballs will also be raffled off at the end of the events. Meanwhile, World Gin Day celebrations will continue at Ginumanfest events in San Juan, Metro Manila on June 20 with Jhong Hilario and 2015 Ginebra San Miguel Calendar Girl Ellen Adarna. Ginumanfest will then head to Siniloan, Laguna on June 27 and Tacloban, Leyte on June 28. Both events will be headlined by popular band Rocksteddy. World Gin Day, celebrated every 2nd Saturday of June, was founded by British blogger Neil Houston in 2009. What started out as a day of celebrating and drinking gin with his friends, has grown into a global celebration.

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Elasto Painters dodge Carnival’s upset bullet By Jeric Lopez

RAIN or Shine continued finding ways to win, surviving KIA’s upset bullet, 94-90, for its fifth straight victory that earned for the Painters a quarterfinals berth in the 2015 Philippine Basketball Association Governors’ Cup at the Smart Araneta Coliseum last night. Import Wendell McKines was steady all game, producing a 20-20 game with team-highs of 24 points and 20 rebounds, while Paul Lee also played huge and came up with 20 points, including a perfect 10-of-10 clip from the line, to go with four rebounds off the bench as they helped the Painters’ cause in a big way. Lee played the role of closer, sinking six key free throws as insurance in the final 20 seconds to allow the Elasto Painters to hold off the gritty Carnival threat and keep their winning streak going. The victory allowed the Elasto

Painters, who started the conference with a dismal 1-4 slate, to move into a fourth-place tie with GlobalPort as they now share identical 6-4 marks. In the process, Rain or Shine also boosted its bid to finish in the Top 4 and possibly earn a twice-to-beat edge in the quarters. “We expected a hard game, but our experience gave us an edge though,’’ said Rain or Shine coach Yeng Guiao. “kThis win also gave us the chance to still be in the race for the Top 4.’’ As for the Carnival, the second straight defeat proved to be crucial as they dropped to

4-5 in a tie for the Nos. 7 and lead midway the third, 54-42, 8 spots, with the Star Hotshots. after a 14-2 run bridging the two KIA needs to win its remain- halves to take control. ing two games to make sure it However, the resilient Carnikeeps its spot in the Top 8. val snatched the lead, 66-65, in Entering the paythe dying seconds of off period with the the third frame. Games Friday (Smart Araneta Coliseum) game hanging in Thankfully, for p.m. • Kia vs. Talk ‘N Text the balance, Rain or 4:15 the Elasto Painters, 7 p.m. • Blackwater vs. NLEX Shine let its experithey were able to ence and poise take answer with the key control, manufacturing a 7-1 run run to start the fourth. to hold a 75-67 cushion with over Gabe Norwood knocked 10 minutes to go after Raymund down a triple at the third-quarAlmazan’s basket. ter buzzer to make sure that it The gritty Carnival kept was Rain or Shine entering the fighting, staying with Rain or final period with the edge, 68Shine and eventually coming 66. From there, Rain or Shine to within one point twice in the picked it up in the fourth to go last six minutes and within just all the way. two points in the final 30 secKIA import Hamady N’Diaye onds, thrice. even had more production than But Lee, who was fouled three McKines with his game-highs times during that stretch, made of 31 points and 21 rebounds, all his free throws to put the with Carl Dehesa backing him Painters to safer grounds. with 19 markers. Finding its groove in the midCarnival Asian import Jet dle of the game, Rain or Shine Chang was lackluster again, only was able to grab a double-digit scoring six points.


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North Fantoni ♠863 ♥1063 ♦6 ♣QJ10954 West Mazzadi ♠AK102 ♥82 ♦KJ943 ♣63


Jeric Teng (8) and Beau Belga of Rain or Shine gang up on KIA’S Hamady N’Diaye in a PBA Governors’ Cup game won by the Painters, 94-90.

Arellano U Chiefs out to challenge Red Lions ARELLANO University will come into the 91st National Collegiate Athletic Association basketball season as one of the favorites to challenge reigning “five-peat” champion San Beda College for the crown as it will bring an almost intact line up. American Dioncee Holts and Southeast Asian Games veteran Jio Jalalon will be the focal point of the Chiefs’ attack as they bid to get another crack at the title after a failed bid last season, when they were swept by the Lions. Also returning this year are

guards Alfred Gumaru and Zachary Nicholls, who are out to provide Holts and Jalalon the needed back up, while filling the void left by John Pinto, Prince Caperal and Kieth Agovida. “Although we lost some key players, I’m still confident of our chances this year because we have some of the core from last year’s campaign still playing,” said Arellano coach Jerry Codinera. The Chiefs’ mentor said Jalalon will be one key piece in their campaign after he served as the centerpiece of the AU’s free-wheeling

style, a league best a season ago. Jalalon, of course, is part of last year’s Mythical First Team as well as the Gilas cadet squad that captured the gold medal in the 28th Southeast Asian Games in Singapore just several days back and Codinera knows the experience will help the talented guard this season. “I’ve played for the country before and the experience of wearing a uniform bearing our flag helped me become a better player,” said Codinera of Jalalon. “And I know it will make him a better player.”

While Arellano emerged with the best offense with an average of 85.7 points a game last year, it couldn’t take pride in its defense as it allowed its opponents a league worst 82.9 points. Ironically, the Chiefs are being coached by Codinera, who made a living with his defense during his PBA days. “Definitely, we’ll try to tighten our defense a bit this season without slowing down our offense,” said Codinera, who was given a nickname as “Defense Minister” during his PBA prime.

A VERY interesting account from the Neapolitan Club which I present. Board 19

East Lo Presti ♠Q5 ♥AKQJ975 ♦Q8 ♣K8 South Nunes ♠J974 ♥4 ♦A10752 ♣A72 North East

South Pass Dbl 5♣ Pass

1♦ 2♣ 2♦ Pass 3♣ 4♣ Pass Pass 6♥ Pass Pass A hand defended by Fulvio Fantoni and Claudio Nunes—the current no. 1 and 2 players of the World Bridge Federation— was under investigation and forwarded to the Federal Public Prosecutor Office. The note concerns board 3 of the 4th stanza of the Open Teams Italian Championship 2015, held in Salsomaggiore Terme (Parma, Italy) from 30th April to 3rd May. Fantoni-Nunes (team Vinci) were playing against Mazzadi-Lo (team Palma). Questions have been raised by the Ace of diamonds lead from Claudio Nunes, followed by another diamond (the 2) ruffed by Fantoni who returned a club. The verdict of the Sports Judge has been delivered today, 12th of June 2015. Prosecution: Fantoni Fulvio and Nunes Claudio are accused of breathing art. 48 a) of the Italian Olympic Committee Federal Charter and art. 36 of the Tournament Regulations, because of an abnormal play, which raises the doubt that players received UI. Defence: Nunes claims to have had a metal blackout, and as a consequence he was incapable of thinking properly. He played mechanically and continued with a diamond without thinking, because he was convinced declarer had a club void. Verdict: We do not have any proof that UI was received by either player, so we acquit FIGB members Fantoni Fulvio and Nunes Claudio. -oOoWinning pairs of the Alejandro Duplicate Game on June 09, 2015 1) Winston Arpon-Justo Manlongat 2) Hiranthi Samarasingha-Nalin Samarasingha 3) Joli Kansil-John Mcphedran Winning pairs of the Cambridge Club June 11, 2015 North/South Ranks 1) Lars Manneteg & Chuchay Tuason 2) Viksi Egan & Menchi Cu Unjieng 3) Hector Tarrazona & Abe Rivera East/West Ranks 1) Nalin & Hiranthi Samarasingha 2) Titang Montinola & Cora Rodriguez 3) George Soo & Homer de Vera Comments to:


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Dubs quench 40-year thirst

Owners, players and supporters of the Golden State Warriors display the Larry O’Brien Championship Trophy after the Dubs won Game 6 of the 2015 NBA Finals at The Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. AFP

CLEVELAND—Snapping a 40-year title drought, the Golden State Warriors downed Cleveland 105-97 Tuesday to capture the NBA Finals and become one of the league’s most unconventional championship teams. Andre Iguodala, the first player to earn NBA Finals Most Valuable Player (MVP) honors without starting every game of the series, and Steph Curry, the 3-point sharpshooter who won NBA regular-season MVP honors, each scored 25 points as the Warriors took the best-of-seven title series four games to two. “World champions,” Curry said. “This is something special. This is a special group. From the start of the season this is what we envisioned.” Golden State became the first team since the 1991 Chicago Bulls to win a title with no players having prior NBA Finals experience.

Dolgopolov turns back Nadal TURN TO A12

Steve Kerr, who won five titles as a player with Chicago and San Antonio, became the first rookie coach to capture the crown since Pat Riley with the Los Angeles Lakers in 1982. “I almost forgot how grueling this stretch is, two straight months of emotional and physical stress, just the roller coaster ride you are on,” Kerr said of the playoff run. “There’s a lot of pent-up energy and relief more than anything in that locker room.” Iguodala spent 758 career games as a starter before being consigned to a reserve role this season, only to have Kerr start him in the last three finals games to produce a

quicker lineup that wore down the stubborn Cavaliers. “This is awesome,” said Iguodala, who saved his season-high scoring night for the decider. “We’re going to remember this for a long time.” Iguodala averaged 7.8 points and 3.3 rebounds in the regular season but 16.3 points and 5.8 rebounds, becoming the first NBA Finals MVP who didn’t start a single game for his team in the regular season. James historic in defeat As importantly, he played stellar defense against Cavaliers superstar LeBron James, who became the first player to lead an NBA Finals in all three major statistical areas—averaging 35.8 points, 13.3 rebounds and 8.8 assists. “Exhausting,” Iguodala said. “You ha ve to put so much effort in trying to contain him because you can’t really stop him.” But the best team proved more

Regular season MVP Stephen Curry (left) and Finals MVP Andre Iguodala of the Golden State Warriors kiss the Larry O’Brien NBA Championship Trophy. AFP

than the greatest player could handle and Iguodala joined Magic Johnson as a rookie with the 1980

Painters claim 5th straight triumph TURN TO A15

Lakers as the only finals MVPs who played alongside a season MVP. Continued to A14





New Convergys site.

Convergys Philippines opened a new site at SM Clark in Angeles City in June 16, 2015. Shown during the ribboncutting ceremony at Convergys SM Clark are (from left) Convergys senior director for business development Rain Tan, country manager Ivic Mueco, Convergys chief operating officer Marge Connelly, Angeles City schools division superintendent Nicolas Capulong, Convergys Clark site director Socrates Bautista, Convergys Group vice president Jojo Reyes and Convergys vice president for operations Sean Carney.


Customs collection sinks 8.5% PSe comPoSite index Closing June 17, 2015

7800 7500 7200 6900 6600 6300

7,536.31 30.83

PeSo-dollar rate

Closing JUNE 17, 2015 47




45 44

By Gabrielle H. Binaday

CUSTOMS collection sank 8.5 percent year-onyear in April, the first drop this year, following the leadership changes at the bureau and the double-digit decline in prices of imported petroleum products. The Bureau of Customs said in a statement it collected P28.141 billion in import duties in April, down from P30.764 billion collected in the same

Govt awards MRT 3 contracts By Darwin G. Amojelar


HIGH P45.080 LOW P45.185 AVERAGE P45.138 VOLUME 510.900M

P480.00-P680.00 LPG/11-kg tank P41.20-P47.85 Unleaded Gasoline P28.85-P32.20 Diesel

oPriceS il P today

P34.55-P39.15 Kerosene P23.70-P24.40 Auto LPG Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Wednesday, June 17, 2015

F oreign e xchange r ate Currency


US Dollar


United States












Hong Kong
























Saudi Arabia








































New Zealand







1.4626 Source: PDS Bridge

month last year. Customs Commissioner Alberto Lina, who assumed the post on April 24, could not be reached

for comment. He replaced John Sevilla, who resigned in April. The April collection also fell P9.2 billion or 24.7 percent short of the P37.35-billion target for the month, data from the agency showed. The drop was traced to the 68-percent slump in collection from oil imports to P5.441 billion in April from P9.141 billion a year ago, as the weighted average of crude oil and petroleum prices fell 45 percent during the period. The agency said while the

THE Transportation Department said Wednesday it awarded temporary maintenance contracts to four companies to address the technical problems at Metro Rail Transit Line 3. The agency said it chose the four new maintenance providers through a multi-disciplinary approach, where it engaged sub-contractors directly for the maintenance works. This is expected to improve the efficiency of executing such works, it said. It awarded the P23.9-million contract for rail tracks and permanent ways to JorgmanKorail-Erin Marty joint venture, the P23.35-million contract for maintenance of buildings and facilities to Global Epcom Services Inc. and the P7.28million contract for the upgrade and maintenance of communications systems to


Trilink Technologies Inc. The P6.95-million automated fare collection system was awarded to Future Logic Corp. Global-Autre Porte Technology has been maintaining the MRT 3 based on a contract that the agency rolls over every month. The temporary maintenance contracts cover a six-month period beginning July 5 this year and will fulfill the MRT-3’s daily operating requirements until the longer-term maintenance provider is procured. “By directly engaging these companies through the multidiscipline approach, the MRT-3 system should have faster access to spare parts. This will translate to better reliability for the rail line,” Transportation Department spokesman Michael Arthur Sagcal said. The three other disciplines are currently still being procured,

Globe seeking more partners

including rolling stocks and depot equipment, power supply and overhead catenary system and conveyance systems. The agency earlier bid out the three-year maintenance contract twice, the first in September 2014 and again in January 2015, but both auctions failed due to the non-participation of potential bidders. The department is now seeking the approval of the Government Procurement Policy Board to pursue an alternative mode of procurement for the 3-year maintenance deal. Running from North Avenue in Quezon City to Taft Avenue in Pasay City, MRT 3 serves nearly 500,000 passengers a day, beyond its rated capacity of 350,000. The rail system has a fleet of 73 Czech-made air-conditioned rail cars, of which only 24 threecar trains operate daily because other trains need repair.


volume of oil imports continued to rise, this was offset by the sharp drop in oil prices. Collections from non-oil imports grew 5 percent to P22.7 billion from P21.623 billion in April 2014, on the back of a 12-percent volume increase and and 2.6-percent value gain of imports. The April collection pulled down the growth in customs collection in the first four months to 2.6 percent from 7 percent in the first three months. The agency said collection in the January-April period amounted to P120.384 billion, up from P117.266 billion recorded in the same period last year. Data showed the bureau missed its target for the first four months by P20 billion or 14.4 percent. In 2014, the bureau saw its collection jump 21 percent to P369.3 billion from P304.9 billion in 2013. Customs collection accounts for about a fifth of government revenues. Latest data showed the national government incurred a budget deficit of P33.5 billion in the first quarter, lower than P84.1 billion gap registered a year ago. The first-quarter deficit was 66 percent or P64.6 billion lower than the P98.1-billion deficit target for the period. Revenue collection rose 18 percent in the January-March period to P470.5 billion from a year ago, but were still 3 percent lower than the P484.1-billion goal. The Bureau of Internal Revenue raised P307.1 billion in the first quarter, up by 16 percent from a year ago.

PNOC, Aboitiz set to build hydro plant




MST BuSineSS Daily STockS Review Wednesday, June 17, 2015

52 Weeks


High Low 7.88 75.3 124.4 104 63 2.49 4.2 18.48 31.6 9.5 2.95 890 1.01 99.4 1.46 94.95 137 361.2 59 174.8 1700 127.9 47 5 1.66 2.36 15.3 20.6 32 65.8 4.57 23.35 21.6 12.98 9.13 12.34 2.89 31.8 109 15.3 9.4 0.98 241 12.5 79 3.95 4 45.45 33.9 90 13.98 292.4 5.25 13.04 14.5 7.03 3.4 4.5 6.68 253 3.28 0.315 2.68 226.6 1.3 26 2.17




FINANCIAL 7.6 7.5 73.7 73.2 109.10 106.20 98.60 97.90 45.95 45.7 2.45 2.45 1.75 1.75 15.9 15.8 20.25 20 6.33 6.31 1.76 1.76 850.00 840.00 0.400 0.400 90 89 1.01 1.01 68.15 68.15 94 94 306.6 306 42 41.2 161.1 160 1520.00 1495.00 63.80 64.10 INDUSTRIAL 35.6 Aboitiz Power Corp. 43.8 44.5 43.7 1.6 Agrinurture Inc. 1.45 1.35 1.35 1.04 Alliance Tuna Intl Inc. 1.03 1.04 1.03 1.41 Alsons Cons. 1.96 1.96 1.94 7.92 Asiabest Group 10.5 10.52 10.4 14.6 Century Food 18.36 18.42 418.38 10.08 Cirtek Holdings (Chips) 27.15 27.2 26.9 29.15 Concepcion 58 58.25 58 Crown Asia 2.1 2.2 2.04 1.04 Da Vinci Capital 1.6 1.58 1.5 10.72 Del Monte 11.86 12 11.8 8.44 DNL Industries Inc. 18.700 18.800 18.58 9.79 Emperador 9.19 9.20 9.04 5.43 Energy Devt. Corp. (EDC) 7.26 7.40 7.24 9.54 EEI 10.08 10.08 9.89 1.06 Euro-Med Lab 1.73 1.73 1.73 18.06 First Gen Corp. 25.15 25.65 25.1 67.9 First Holdings ‘A’ 85.7 85.7 83.5 13.24 Holcim Philippines Inc. 13.70 13.84 13.80 3.12 Integ. Micro-Electronics 6 6.05 5.95 0.395 Ionics Inc 0.550 0.510 0.510 168 Jollibee Foods Corp. 197.00 199.20 195.50 8.65 Lafarge Rep 9.86 9.88 9.84 34.1 Liberty Flour 30.00 30.00 30.00 2.3 LMG Chemicals 2 2.27 2 1.63 Mabuhay Vinyl 2.55 3.29 2.79 16 Macay Holdings 55.00 54.75 49.50 24.4 Manila Water Co. Inc. 24.8 24.8 24.65 16.2 Maxs Group 24.75 24.75 24.1 7.62 Megawide 6.39 6.4 6.11 250.2 Mla. Elect. Co `A’ 285.00 284.60 281.00 3.87 Pepsi-Cola Products Phil. 4.61 4.64 4.6 9 Petron Corporation 8.87 8.99 8.45 9.94 Phinma Corporation 11.20 11.72 11.70 3.03 Phoenix Petroleum Phils. 3.80 4.13 3.80 2.22 Phoenix Semiconductor 2.19 2.17 2.10 1 Pryce Corp. `A’ 2.44 2.79 2.42 4.72 RFM Corporation 4.36 4.40 4.31 201.6 San Miguel’Pure Foods `B’ 177 180 170 1.67 Splash Corporation 1.61 1.63 1.6 0.122 Swift Foods, Inc. 0.149 0.147 0.146 2.01 Trans-Asia Oil 2.20 2.24 2.18 143.4 Universal Robina 182 192.4 183.8 0.77 0.78 0.76 0.670 Vitarich Corp. 9.01 Vivant Corp. 22.50 22.60 22.60 1.39 Vulcan Ind’l. 1.27 1.30 1.26 HOLDING FIRMS 0.45 Abacus Cons. `A’ 0.450 0.450 0.440 48.1 Aboitiz Equity 56.1000 56.3500 56.0500 20.85 Alliance Global Inc. 22.50 22.70 22.40 6.62 Anscor `A’ 6.88 6.89 6.80 1.4 ATN Holdings A 0.240 0.245 0.240 1.6 ATN Holdings B 0.250 0.245 0.245 600 Ayala Corp `A’ 775 780 775 7.390 Cosco Capital 7.77 7.85 7.7 14.18 DMCI Holdings 13.84 13.72 13.28 2.6 F&J Prince ‘A’ 3.1 3.01 3 4.25 Filinvest Dev. Corp. 4.50 4.50 4.50 0.144 Forum Pacific 0.221 0.219 0.203 818 GT Capital 1373 1380 1358 5.3 House of Inv. 6.70 6.70 6.70 46.6 JG Summit Holdings 66.90 70.05 66.90 4.96 Jolliville Holdings 4 3.9 3.85 3.52 Keppel Holdings `B’ 5.07 5.08 5.08 4.43 Lopez Holdings Corp. 7.44 7.49 7.25 0.59 Lodestar Invt. Holdg.Corp. 0.66 0.7 0.66 12 LT Group 13.46 13.7 13.5 0.580 Mabuhay Holdings `A’ 0.61 0.62 0.61 4.43 4.22 Metro Pacific Inv. Corp. 4.43 4.65 4.5 Minerales Industrias Corp. 5 5 4.99 0.036 Pacifica `A’ 0.0310 0.0330 0.0330 0.450 Prime Orion 1.350 1.510 1.350 2.26 Republic Glass ‘A’ 2.58 2.58 2.57 66.7 San Miguel Corp `A’ 62.30 62.25 60.30 709.5 SM Investments Inc. 890.50 890.50 866.00 1.13 Solid Group Inc. 1.20 1.27 1.20 85.2 Top Frontier 81.000 81.000 80.200 0.200 Unioil Res. & Hldgs 0.3500 0.3550 0.3450 0.173 Wellex Industries 0.2130 0.2130 0.1970 0.310 Zeus Holdings 0.290 0.290 0.280 PROPERTY 6.01 8990 HLDG 7.440 7.500 7.400 12 Anchor Land Holdings Inc. 7.66 7.68 7.68 0.91 A. Brown Co., Inc. 0.72 0.72 0.70 1.29 Araneta Prop `A’ 1.290 1.250 1.250 0.192 Arthaland Corp. 0.220 0.220 0.220 2.5 66 84.6 84.5 45.8 1.97 2.03 12.02 23.55 6.3 1.75 625 0.225 78 0.9 76.5 95 276 45 107.6 1200 66

AG Finance Asia United Bank Banco de Oro Unibank Inc. Bank of PI China Bank BDO Leasing & Fin. INc. Bright Kindle Resources COL Financial Eastwest Bank Filipino Fund Inc. I-Remit Inc. Manulife Fin. Corp. MEDCO Holdings Metrobank Natl. Reinsurance Corp. Phil. National Bank Phil. Savings Bank PSE Inc. RCBC `A’ Security Bank Sun Life Financial Union Bank

7.5 73.7 107.10 98.45 45.8 2.45 1.73 15.96 20.2 6.45 1.76 845.00 0.400 90 1.01 68.15 94 306 41.1 160 1495.00 63.90



Net Foreign

Change Volume


7.6 73.65 108.40 98.30 45.75 2.45 1.75 15.8 20.1 6.31 1.76 850.00 0.400 89.55 1.01 68.15 94 306.4 42 160.7 1495.00 63.80

1.33 -0.07 1.21 -0.15 -0.11 0.00 1.16 -1.00 -0.50 -2.17 0.00 0.59 0.00 -0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 2.19 0.44 0.00 -0.16

22,400 16,030 4,512,550 1,555,860 186,200 1,000 4,000 8,500 74,800 6,200 1,000 300 90,000 4,317,970 10,000 91,710 600 5,790 98,600 679,560 295 13,330

44.5 1.35 1.04 1.95 10.52 18.4 27 58 2.17 1.54 11.88 18.680 9.06 7.35 10.04 1.73 25.5 83.7 13.84 6 0.510 198.40 9.88 30.00 2.27 2.8 54.75 24.8 24.5 6.35 282.00 4.62 8.45 11.70 4.05 2.12 2.42 4.32 170 1.63 0.147 2.23 192 0.77 22.60 1.30

1.60 -6.90 0.97 -0.51 0.19 0.22 -0.55 0.00 3.33 -3.75 0.17 -0.11 -1.41 1.24 -0.40 0.00 1.39 -2.33 1.02 0.00 -7.27 0.71 0.20 0.00 13.50 9.80 -0.45 0.00 -1.01 -0.63 -1.05 0.22 -4.74 4.46 6.58 -3.20 -0.82 -0.92 -3.95 1.24 -1.34 1.36 5.49 0.00 0.44 2.36

2,390,200 25,000 411,000 547,000 200 217,100 676,300 10,610 4,529,000 134,000 90,200 2,481,600 11,037,800 13,773,300 311,900 8,000 1,506,000 327,220 250,300 95,400 15,000 1,068,160 187,600 900 32,000 6,000 300 584,000 518,700 524,400 377,430 743,000 7,924,600 26,600 1,913,000 2,593,000 6,409,000 68,000 25,200 96,000 1,330,000 2,321,000 3,747,590 2,034,000 200 55,000

0.440 56.3000 22.45 6.80 0.245 0.245 780 7.82 13.50 3 4.50 0.217 1366 6.70 69.70 3.9 5.08 7.28 0.69 13.68 0.61 4.6 4.99 0.0330 1.470 2.58 60.50 881.00 1.27 80.550 0.3500 0.2130 0.280

-2.22 0.36 -0.22 -1.16 2.08 -2.00 0.65 0.64 -2.46 -3.23 0.00 -1.81 -0.51 0.00 4.19 -2.50 0.20 -2.15 4.55 1.63 0.00 3.84 -0.20 6.55 8.89 0.00 -2.89 -1.07 5.83 -0.56 0.00 0.00 -3.45

180,000 867,780 33,315,600 61,600 590,000 10,000 229,260 1,314,000 8,877,300 5,000 62,000 450,000 152,965 300 3,182,730 2,000 3,000 7,728,000 19,000 539,700 1,020,000 13,962,000 7,000 300,000 32,542,000 424,000 212,050 437,180 82,000 100 810,000 510,000 1,100,000

7.440 7.68 0.70 1.250 0.220

0.00 0.26 -2.78 -3.10 0.00

935,100 300 712,000 100,000 730,000

459,490.00 -35,375,261.00 -109,988,983.50 604,885.00

-183,655.00 118,050.00

52 Weeks


High Low







Net Foreign

Change Volume


40 6.15 5.4 5.6 1.54 1.97 1.48 0.201 0.98 1.09 0.305 2.25 1.87 1.8 6.34 4.88 27 8.54 31.8 2.29 3.6 20.6 1.02 1.96 8.59

29.1 4.1 4.96 2.8 0.89 1.1 0.97 0.083 0.445 0.85 0.188 1.4 1.42 1.19 2.8 2.75 23 2.57 21.35 1.64 3.08 15.08 0.69 1 5.69

Ayala Land `B’ 38.85 Belle Corp. `A’ 3.46 Cebu Holdings 5.36 Cebu Prop. `A’ 6.4 Century Property 0.82 City & Land Dev. 1.27 Cityland Dev. `A’ 1.10 Crown Equities Inc. 0.139 Cyber Bay Corp. 0.435 Empire East Land 0.890 Ever Gotesco 0.180 Global-Estate 1.21 Filinvest Land,Inc. 1.84 Interport `A’ 1.31 Keppel Properties 5.20 Megaworld Corp. 4.72 Phil. Tob. Flue Cur & Redry 24.00 Primex Corp. 7.4 Robinson’s Land `B’ 27.25 Rockwell 1.7 Shang Properties Inc. 3.36 SM Prime Holdings 19.24 Sta. Lucia Land Inc. 0.73 Suntrust Home Dev. Inc. 0.850 Vista Land & Lifescapes 6.990

38.95 38.05 38.60 3.47 3.38 3.38 5.37 5.35 5.35 5.62 5.62 5.62 0.83 0.81 0.82 1.26 1.24 1.24 1.10 1.06 1.06 0.140 0.137 0.140 0.450 0.435 0.450 0.850 0.840 0.850 0.173 0.173 0.173 1.23 1.20 1.20 1.85 1.83 1.84 1.33 1.28 1.33 5.01 5.01 5.01 4.95 4.69 4.82 24.00 24.00 24.00 7.45 7.4 7.4 27.85 27.00 27.50 1.69 1.69 1.69 3.36 3.26 3.36 19.48 19.24 19.42 0.72 0.7 0.72 0.860 0.850 0.850 7.000 6.810 6.860 SERVICES 6.3 6.4 6.21 6.3 60 60.1 59.9 60 0.640 0.650 0.630 0.650 9.50 9.60 9.40 9.50 0.0930 0.0930 0.0900 0.0920 4.1 4.09 3.99 4.01 84.55 85.4 84.65 85 10 10 10 10 6.40 6.66 6.30 6.45 941 943 942 943 2618 2620 2582 2616 6.18 6.20 6.10 6.10 1.34 1.35 1.24 1.30 111.1 111.5 109 109.7 0.012 0.013 0.012 0.013 0.228 0.228 0.222 0.222 1.2800 1.3200 1.2500 1.3000 2.29 2.2 2.2 2.2 9.37 9.34 9.18 9.34 3.00 3.01 2.95 3.00 1.35 1.34 1.21 1.30 2.00 1.98 2.00 2.00 50.00 52.00 47.00 50.50 0.700 0.670 0.660 0.670 6.86 6.91 6.7 6.7 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.482 0.475 0.470 0.470 18.88 18.88 18.7 18.7 4.41 5.00 4.44 4.50 124.00 124.00 124.00 124.00 19.98 19.98 19.72 19.86 2850.00 2818.00 2802.00 2818.00 0.680 0.680 0.660 0.660 1.290 1.370 1.260 1.320 37.50 37.85 37.50 37.80 78.00 77.30 75.40 76.10 9.70 9.97 9.77 9.87 0.65 0.69 0.65 0.68 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 5.1 5.22 5.07 5.13 0.335 0.320 0.320 0.320 1.490 1.510 1.450 1.500 MINING & OIL 0.0053 0.0053 0.0051 0.0052 6.84 6.85 6.78 6.81 0.255 0.255 0.255 0.255 6.8600 7.0000 6.8300 7.0000 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.8 0.79 0.79 0.79 7.10 7.28 6.98 6.98 1.71 1.75 1.71 1.73 0.310 0.320 0.310 0.315 0.230 0.234 0.229 0.231 0.0140 0.0140 0.0140 0.0140 3.41 3.48 3.24 3.4 24.25 24.6 23.8 24 3.73 3.77 3.69 3.71 0.6600 0.6600 0.6500 0.6500 2.0700 2.0800 2.0700 2.0800 4.31 4.35 4.33 4.35 6.58 6.62 6.37 6.54 1.94 2.100 1.960 2.10 0.015 0.015 0.014 0.015 141.20 143.00 141.10 142.00 11.8 12.14 11.3 11.4 PREFERRED 60 60.9 59.9 60.9 522 522 522 522 528 527 527 527 6 6.05 6 6 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 110 111 110 111 1120 1120 1055 1055 1046 1046 1046 1046 75.4 75.65 75.4 75.6 85 84.5 83.5 84.5 87 87.5 86.95 87 WARRANTS & BONDS 3.750 3.800 3.740 3.800 SME 9.7 9.8 9.65 9.79 6.08 6.98 6.08 6.08 11.1 11.36 11 11.18 EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS 122.4 122.8 121.8 122.8

-0.64 -2.31 -0.19 -12.19 0.00 -2.36 -3.64 0.72 3.45 -4.49 -3.89 -0.83 0.00 1.53 -3.65 2.12 0.00 0.00 0.92 -0.59 0.00 0.94 -1.37 0.00 -1.86

10,006,800 7,116,000 44,900 100 1,025,000 21,000 18,000 3,310,000 70,000 123,000 150,000 673,000 4,374,000 606,000 1,800 44,230,000 800 29,300 3,430,700 8,000 7,000 8,660,200 261,000 23,000 15,735,600

-28,899,385.00 229,140.00

10.5 66 1.09 15.82 0.1460 4.61 99.1 12.3 9 1700 2090 8.41 1.97 119.5 0.017 0.8200 2.2800 5.93 12.28 2.85 2.2 3.2 5.9 1.97 15.2 0.62 1.040 22.8 6.41 110.2 14 3486 0.710 2.28 48.5 90.1 11.6 0.87 2.95 10.2 0.490 1.6

1.97 32.5 0.6 9.61 0.0770 2.95 46.55 10.14 5.88 830 1600 5.95 1.36 105 0.012 0.036 1.200 2.34 6.5 1.69 1.1 2 1.05 0.490 8.7 0.34 0.37 14.54 3 79 4.39 2726 0.380 0.32 31.45 60.55 7.59 0.63 1.71 6.45 0.305 1.04

2GO Group’ ABS-CBN APC Group, Inc. Bloomberry Boulevard Holdings Calata Corp. Cebu Air Inc. (5J) Centro Esc. Univ. DFNN Inc. FEUI Globe Telecom GMA Network Inc. Harbor Star I.C.T.S.I. IP E-Game Ventures Inc. Island Info ISM Communications Jackstones Leisure & Resorts Liberty Telecom Lorenzo Shipping Macroasia Corp. Manila Broadcasting Manila Bulletin Melco Crown MG Holdings NOW Corp. Pacific Online Sys. Corp. PAL Holdings Inc. Phil. Seven Corp. Philweb.Com Inc. PLDT Common PremiereHorizon Premium Leisure Puregold Robinsons RTL SSI Group STI Holdings Transpacific Broadcast Travellers Waterfront Phils. Yehey

0.00 0.00 1.56 0.00 -1.08 -2.20 0.53 0.00 0.78 0.21 -0.08 -1.29 -2.99 -1.26 8.33 -2.63 1.56 -3.93 -0.32 0.00 -3.70 1.01 1.00 -4.29 -2.33 0.00 -2.49 -0.95 2.04 0.00 -0.60 -1.12 -2.94 2.33 0.80 -2.44 1.75 4.62 0.00 0.59 -4.48 0.67

50,500 23,370 1,493,000 14,315,500 6,410,000 241,000 364,950 100 53,400 450 61,890 103,200 673,000 840,500 9,800,000 6,420,000 954,000 7,000 24,300 166,000 258,000 5,000 3,240 21,000 3,938,200 100,000 280,000 2,100 15,000 10 272,700 245,355 1,905,000 61,336,000 3,915,200 1,978,440 6,463,200 169,000 11,000 4,662,100 190,000 63,000

0.0098 17.24 0.330 12.7 1.2 1.73 10.98 4.2 0.48 0.455 0.023 8.2 49.2 4.27 1.030 3.06 7.67 12.88 10.42 0.040 420 9

0.0043 8.65 0.236 6.5 0.61 0.78 5.99 1.08 0.330 0.2130 0.014 3.660 20.2 2.11 0.365 1.54 5.4 7.26 2.27 0.015 115.9 3.67

Abra Mining Atlas Cons. `A’ Basic Energy Corp. Benguet Corp `A’ Century Peak Metals Hldgs Coal Asia Dizon Ferronickel Geograce Res. Phil. Inc. Lepanto `A’ Manila Mining `A’ Marcventures Hldgs., Inc. Nickelasia Nihao Mineral Resources Omico Oriental Peninsula Res. Petroenergy Res. Corp. Philex `A’ PhilexPetroleum Philodrill Corp. `A’ Semirara Corp. TA Petroleum

-1.89 -0.44 0.00 2.04 -2.11 -1.25 -1.69 1.17 1.61 0.43 0.00 -0.29 -1.03 -0.54 -1.52 0.48 0.93 -0.61 8.25 0.00 0.57 -3.39

109,000,000 281,400 -1,643,612.00 130,000 5,500 243,000 24,000 50,900 7,901,000 1,992,200.00 680,000 2,840,000 99,100,000 2,847,000 -1,682,270.00 1,371,300 747,540.00 11,232,000 -260,000.00 125,000 40,000 11,000 242,700 4,608.00 6,983,000 -894,800.00 2,100,000 3,110,700 -223,545,007.00 974,000 600,000.00

70 553 525 8.21 12.28 111 1060 1047 76.9 78.95 84.8

33 490 500 5.88 6.5 101 997 1011 74.2 74.5 75

ABS-CBN Holdings Corp. Ayala Corp. Pref `B1’ Ayala Corp. Pref ‘B2’ GMA Holdings Inc. Leisure and Resort MWIDE PREF PCOR-Preferred A PF Pref 2 SMC Preferred A SMC Preferred B SMC Preferred C

1.50 0.00 -0.19 0.00 0.00 0.91 -5.80 0.00 0.27 -0.59 0.00

63,840 150 120 10,100 1,951,000 22,100 1,900 2,250 196,390 7,260 34,760


0.8900 LR Warrant



10.96 15 12.88

2.4 3.5 5.95

0.93 0.00 0.72

482,600 800 1,950,200



105.6 First Metro ETF





-1,806,030.00 -520,070.00


0.7 59.2 31.85 7.39 3.4 3.35 800 11.06 84 3.35 5.14 0.66 1380 6.68 72.6 8.9 6.66 9.25 0.9 18.9 0.73 5.53 6.55 0.0670 0.84 2.99 87 934 2.2 156 0.710 0.435 0.510 10.5 26.95 1.99 2.07 0.375



SHARES 12,273,957 74,926,428 109,275,871 102,427,021 131,143,777 249,502,153 681,989,867



545,072.00 -725,035.00 5,952,817.00 308,350.00 205,070.00


-217,340.00 -38,800.00

3,091,200.00 -3,480.00 -11,210.00

425,256.00 -33,666,694.00 1,089,917.00 -52,999,716.00 2,384,390.00

-12,328,770.00 -14,246,420.50 496,800.00


-2,700,455.00 -1,099,250.00 3,145,290.00 -35,410,820.00 1,108,790.00 -4,210,421.00

-1,512,680.00 -3,857,910.00 -242,040.00 120,870.00 -2,162,840.00

109,500.00 329,599,400.00 3,120.00 12,600.00

-5,044,510.50 -68,000,845.00 -136,400.00

-59,019,135.00 3,778,489.00 -27,083,622.00



49,418,742.00 9,919,937.00

2,213,000.00 -610,000.00 622,760.00


-5,912,364.00 -235,738,580.00 8,400.00


Double Dragon Makati Fin. Corp. Xurpas

T op g ainerS VALUE 1,219,630,411.074 1,683,697,031.25 2,164,006,497.226 1,011,591,185.82 1,785,214,327.2925 600,583,235.022 8,492,107,055.6885


FINANCIAL 1,729.67 (UP) 4.39 INDUSTRIAL 11,470.42 (UP) 173.08 HOLDING FIRMS 6,725.53 (UP) 28.71 PROPERTY 3,049.94 (UP) 1.81 SERVICES 2,097.32 (DOWN) 16.97 MINING & OIL 13,858.32 (DOWN) 12.27 PSEI 7,536.31 (UP) 30.83 All Shares Index 4,324.13 (UP) 11.86 Gainers: 77 Losers: 90; Unchanged: 44; Total: 211





9,709,699.00 -200,500.00 20,000.00 2,433,512.50



91,200.00 -379,080.00 -30,000.00


14,350.00 -1,240.00 117,280.00 -286,883,140.00 -13,835,630.00 -19,395,865.00 -27,139,780.00 24,975,642.00 -12,064,167.00


30,850.00 6,600.00



T op L oSerS Close (P)

Change (%)


Close (P)

Change (%)

LMG Chemicals



Ionics Inc



Mabuhay Vinyl



Agrinurture Inc.



Prime Orion



PCOR-Preferred A



IP E-Game Ventures Inc.



Petron Corporation






Empire East Land



Phoenix Petroleum Phils.



Waterfront Phils.



Pacifica `A'



Manila Bulletin



Solid Group Inc.



San Miguel'Pure Foods `B'



Universal Robina






STI Holdings



Ever Gotesco






Globe seeking more partners By Darwin G. Amojelar

GLOBE Telecom Inc. said Wednesday it plans to team up with more content providers to boost data revenues.

“Content is always interesting for Globe as you know. Look at all the partners that we’re creating, a lot of it is about content. Anything to do with content is interesting,” Globe president and chief executive Ernest Cu told reporters at the sidelines of the company’s partnership with Zalora. Globe’s partnership with Zalora is the latest in a growing line of content partners that already include Disney, Facebook, Google, Viber, Spotify, NBA, Hooq and WhatsApp. “We are glad that an innovative global fashion brand like Zalora has chosen to partner with Globe to further expand their presence in the Philippines,” Cu said. “As the driving force behind making the country as the ‘digital lifestyle capital of the world,’ we are excited to collaborate with Zalora to further grow the e-commerce industry in the country with a game-changing offer that enriches the postpaid plan experience of our mobile and broadband customers,” he added. Through the partnership, mobile and Tatoo postpaid customers can access Zalora and other e-commerce sites for only P299 a month by availing of the shopping bundle, one of the many lifestyle bundles that can be added to one’s mobile or on-the-go broadband postpaid plan for the complete digital lifestyle experience. Globe’s broadband revenues stood at P3.7 billion in the first quarter, up 31 percent from the previous year’s P2.8 billion, while total subscriber base reached 3.1 million, up 41 percent from 2.2 million a year ago. “Our consumer broadband business continues to play a significant role in steering the company’s solid performance the past quarter. We have taken huge strides in offering innovative broadband products and plans with the fastest Internet speeds to respond to the growing demand for internet services powered by our modernized and robust network,” said senior vice president for consumer broadband business Gilbert Simpao.

Philam Life honcho.

Insurance Commissioner Emmanuel Dooc (center) shakes hands with newlyelected Philam Life chief executive J. Axel Bromley (right). Bromley and former Philam Life CEO Estelito Madrid Jr. (left) paid a courtesy call on the insurance regulator. Bromley brings rich global experience to the role, after spending over 20 years of working in Eastern Europe, South and Central America, the Middle East and the Indian SubContinent. He also has more than 13 years of experience in the insurance industry, previously as general manager/ country anager in Nepal, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Ukraine.

Stock market climbs; JG Summit, URC surge THE stock market rose Wednesday after a positive lead from Wall Street ahead of a Federal Reserve policy meeting. The Philippine Stock Exchange Index gained 30.83 points, or 0.4 percent, to 7,536.31 on a value turnover of P8 billion. Losers, however, beat gainers, 90 to 77, with 43 issues unchanged. Universal Robina Corp., the biggest snack food maker, jumped 5.5 percent to P192, while parent JG Summit Holdings Inc. surged 4.2 percent to P69.70. BDO Unibank Inc., the largest lender, climbed 1.2 percent to P108.40, while Megaworld Corp., the biggest lessor of office spaces, added 2.1 percent to P4.82. Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co., the biggest telecommunications firm, fell 1.1 percent to P2,818, while SM Investments

Corp. of retail tycoon Henry Sy Sr. dropped 1.1 percent to P881. Shanghai, meanwhile, surged 1.65 percent, or 80.47 points, to 4,967.90 and in late trade Hong Kong added 0.94 percent. Sydney rose 1.08 percent, or 59.6 points, to close at 5,595.4 and Seoul ended 0.30 percent higher, adding 6.14 points to 2,034.86. Tokyo eased 0.19 percent, or 38.67 points, to 20,219.27. Analysts said with the release of some disappointing US data and the Greek crisis dragging on, dealers were hoping the Fed would hold a rate hike, which is expected by the end of the year, Fears Athens will default and crash out of the eurozone increased Tuesday when Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras accused creditors of trying to “humiliate” his country and said the IMF bore “criminal responsibil-

ity” for austerity measures that plunged it into recession. His outburst comes after talks between the two sides broke down Sunday and have yet to restart, and led to calls for him to tone down his rhetoric to find an agreement. With the stalemate showing no signs of ending, US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew told Tsipras in a phone call Tuesday he should make “a serious move to reach a pragmatic compromise with its creditors”. Failing to reach a deal “would create immediate hardship for Greece and broad uncertainties for Europe and the global economy,” Lew warned, according to a statement from the Treasury. However, the euro ticked up to $1.1261 from $1.1251 and 139.12 yen from 138.79 yen in Tokyo Wednesday.

The dollar was at 123.55 yen against 123.36 yen in US trade. Analysts said the crisis would likely be in focus when the Fed concludes its meeting later Wednesday, with its head Janet Yellen due to hold a news conference soon after. Dealers are hoping for some clearer guidance on its plans for raising interest rates, with fears a hike too soon could hit the global economy. “I expect there to be a sense of relief if Yellen says that they won’t hurry into rate hikes, or says something supportive towards a recovery in the US economy,” Hiroichi Nishi, a manager of investment research and services at SMBC Nikko Securities in Tokyo, told Bloomberg News. “The market continues to be wary of Greece’s possible default.” With AFP

PLDT investing more to fortify network in Southern Luzon By Darwin G. Amojelar PHILIPPINE Long Distance Telephone Co. is investing P216 million to strengthen the resiliency of its network in Southern Luzon. The Southern Luzon fortification project, which is part of the P39-billion capital expenditures program of PLDT for the year, covers the fiber optic cables links in the Laguna towns of Calamba, Los Baños, Calauan, Pila, Sta. Cruz, Liliw and an ongoing con-

struction in San Pablo. “Underground fiber optic cables are more resilient because they are not susceptible to cuts brought about by strong winds, falling trees, and utility poles. A resilient network can provide and maintain reliable service even in disruptive conditions such as typhoons,” PLDT president and chief executive Napoleon Nazareno said. Nazareno stressed underground cables were less vulnerable to fiber cuts due to typhoons

and landslides. Nazareno said the project was PLDT’s way of helping Southern Luzon get back on its feet after the unnerving force of Glenda, one of the strongest typhoons in 2014 with turbulent winds of up to 185 kph that caused far-reaching damages to people’s lives, properties and businesses. “As we establish a more resilient and reliable connectivity to the affected areas in Southern Luzon with the rest of the country and the world, our customers in the

area will be able to experience high-quality voice, data, and multimedia services,” Nazareno said. PLDT as of end 2014 rolled out 619 kilometers of underground fiber optic cables in Northern Luzon, strengthening its capacity to provide multimedia services to some 11 million subscribers of PLDT mobile subsidiaries Smart and Sun Cellular and around 450,000 PLDT HOME customers. PLDT’s domestic fiber optic network linked Palawan province to the world last year through

undersea and inland cable links that run from Puerto Princesa to Taytay in Palawan and San Jose de Buenavista to La Paz, Iloilo City. Last year also saw the installation of over 150 kilometers of PLDT’s submarine and inland fiber optic cables that linked the island of Bohol with the major urban centers in the Visayas and Mindanao regions. The fiber links support the increasing demands for reliable telecoms and data services in two of the most popular tourist destinations in the country.


AES partners.

AES Philippines recently recognized its outstanding growth partners in its 2014 Customer Excellence Award, an annual customer appreciation event that honors regional electric partner cooperatives of AES for their exemplary performance in operations and energy resource management. AES officials present the top performance awards to Pampanga I Electric Cooperative Inc. (Best in System Loss and Productivity Performance and 2014 Most Dynamic CSR Team); Pampanga Rural Electric Service Cooperative Inc. (Best in Collection Efficiency Performance); Pangasinan I Electric Cooperative (2014 Most Improved Cooperative for achieving collection efficiency and productivity in operations); and San Jose City Electric Cooperative and Camarines Sur II Electric Cooperative Inc. (2014 Most Sustainable CSR Projects).

Harbor Star goes to Indonesia By Jenniffer B. Austria

HARBOR Star Shipping Services Inc., a leading provider of harbor assistance, lighterage, salvage and towing services in the Philippines, is investing $10 million to expand its business in Indonesia. Harbor Star chairman Geronimo Bella Jr. said in an interview at the sidelines of the company’s annual stockholders meeting the company was in talks with an Indonesian firm with existing contract with a coal power plant company for the transport of coal.

Under the plan, Harbor Star will provide additional 10 tugboats to transport coal within Indonesia. Bella said a meeting was set next week to finalize the agreement. A project finance through Indonesian banks is being considered to partly cover the invest-

ment. If the negotiations pushes through, Indonesia will be second Southeast Asian country that Harbor Star will penetrate, after Malaysia. Bella said the company was also looking at Vietnam as another expansion area. In the Philippines, the company added General Santos and Cebu as new markets for its harbor assistance business. Given the company’s expansion plans, Harbor Star is optimistic about the prospects of the company for 2015 despite the lingering effects of port congestion. “We look to 2015 and onward with guarded confidence and

optimism. The effect of the 2014 port congestion will still be felt as shipping lines calling the Philippines have reduced their scheduled voyages,” Bella said. “Nevertheless, we see our harbor assistance business to expand as we look to enter other markets such as General Santos and Cebu. We are also upbeat in finally penetrating overseas markets,” he said. The company posted a net income of P124.7 million in 2014, up 14.7 percent from P108.4 million posted in 2013 as revenues rose 22.8 percent to P1.13 billion from P905.7 million during the period. Bella said the company was

able to achieve strong 2014 results despite a 7-month long congestion in the ports of Manila which resulted in a 25-percent decrease in vessel calls, affecting the company’s core business of docking and undocking vessels. Bella said the company focused on servicing ports outside traditional commercial ports while it hosted its lighterage, towing and underwater marine works services. Harbor Star maintains a fleet of 28 classed tug boats, three barges, a cargo vessel, an oil spill response vessel and an anchor handling tug supply vessel. It has established operations in 12 base ports all over the country.

Zalora opens first digital pop-up store in PH By Othel V. Campos ONLINE retailer Zalora Philippines has opened a digital pop-up store at Edsa Shangri-La Mall in Mandaluyong City, the first-ofits-kind in electronic commerce. The pop-up store concept is a mall-based promotional strategy that allows customers to feel Zalora products that are usually featured on the Internet for a period of three months. Zalora Philippines co-founder and chief executive Paulo Campos said the innovative concept

would bring the products right to the customers for a physical feel of the goods, a practice that is not possible when buying through the Internet. “We understand that customers have some hesitations when they cannot physically touch or try the products they see in our website. With the Zalora Pop-Up store, we are now bringing our products closer to customers,” he said. Campos said a pop-up store was not a fixed store, but a temporary store that might run for as long as three months.

“Certainly we’re not the traditional ‘brick and mortal’ store. All we can say is that we are a ‘click and mortar’ store that is very accessible since we are open 24/7,” he said. The company expects the popup concept to help boost sales. Campos said the company was also doing the pop-ip concept to educate Filipinos of the beauty of buying through the Internet, as the company continuously pushed for the development of e-commerce in the Philippines. It has recently opened a pop-

up store in Sinagpore, Vietnam, Malaysia and Hong Kong. Customers may order via mobile gadgets such as cellphones and tablets and even on desktop computers. Delivery is between 1 and 3 days with optional “same day delivery”. Zalora Philippines has grown its unique customer base to more than 2 million in 2014. The company, with its wide range of customer base, expects growth in sales, with more promotional gimmicks lined up in the month of July and the up-

coming peak season. Zalora has become Asia’s top online fashion destination within a span of three years. It has served over 3.9 million customers with its more than 65,000 brands online. It also has a huge following in social media with 6.1 million Facebook fans while application downloads reached 5 million. Worldwide, the Zalora Group’s net revenue reached $140.4 million in 2014, or 70 percent higher than its net revenue in 2013.

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M. Water completes sewer job By Anna Leah E. Gonzales

MANILA Water Company Inc. said Wednesday it completed the sewer rehabilitation project along Quezon Avenue that will improve the discharge of wastewater in the area. The sewer project spans 642 meters and runs from the intersection of Edsa and Quezon Avenue to Scout Albano corner Panay Avenue in Quezon City. The project, started in November 2014, replaced old sewer pipes in the area which were originally laid in the 1950s. Manila Water said the completion of the project would significantly reduce sanitation issues such as pipe breakages and overflows in sewer manholes in the area.

“This project assures our stakeholders that used water coming from the area will be efficiently collected and routed to the East Avenue sewage treatment plant,” said Manila Water corporate project management group director Thomas Mattison. “The sewage collected is then treated before being discharged back to the city waterways in compliance with Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Laguna Lake Development Authority stan-

dards,” he said. The project is a part of Manila Water’s used water master plan that will ensure 100 percent sewer coverage of the Metro Manila East Zone by 2037. Treated water from the STP is class C standard, which can support biological life but is not yet suitable for human consumption. Manila Water currently provides water and waste water services in the east zone of Metro Manila, which include the cities of Makati, Mandaluyong, Pasig, Pateros, San Juan, Taguig and Marikina. It also provides services to some parts of Quezon City, Sta. Ana and San Andres in Manila and several municipalities in Rizal province which include San Mateo, Rodriguez, Cainta, Taytay, Angono, Baras, Binangonan, Jala-jala and Antipolo.

Globe’s award. Finance Asia, a leading publisher of financial news in the Asia-Pacific region, recognized Globe Telecom as one of the best companies in the country and in the region for earning high regard among investors and analysts for its financial performance. Receiving the awards from FinanceAsia executives are Globe senior vice president of internal controls and chief audit executive Carmina Herbosa (second from left) and vice president for financial planning and analysis Jan Lester Olaño (fourth from left).

El Niño threatens more damage in Asia A RICE glut that sent prices slumping more than a year ago is shrinking, just as El Nino arrives to parch paddies across Asia. Global inventories were already heading for an eight-year low, including stockpiles so spoiled that top exporter Thailand may sell most for industrial use. Now, the first dry-weather pattern since 2010 is threatening crops in the Philippines, Indonesia and India. At a time when world food costs are the lowest in more than five years, rice may surge more than 40 percent if monsoon-season rains falter, said Jack Scoville at Price Futures Group in Chicago. “The bigger risk is yet to come,” said Fred Neumann, co- head of Asian economics research at HSBC Holdings Plc. El Nino is causing havoc in the market for rice, the food staple for half the world’s population. The Philippines, once the biggest

buyer, will have to import more to address weather- related disruptions to food supply, the International Monetary Fund said. In Indonesia, imports are needed to curb domestic price increases, the United Nations said. Smaller crops in India, the second-largest exporter, will send shipments tumbling 17 percent to a five-year low, the US Department of Agriculture estimates. After almost a decade of surplus that sent rice futures tumbling to an eight-year low last month, global demand will reach a record 489 million metric tons in 2015-2016, exceeding production for a third straight year, the USDA said June 10. The agency estimates inventories will drop to 91.4 million tons, the smallest since 2008, when tight supply sent prices to records and food riots erupted in Africa and the Middle East.

While a repeat of 2008 is unlikely, rice will get “a lot more” expensive, Hong Kong-based Neumann said. Indonesia has already seen food inflation accelerate to 7.9 percent, and the USDA predicted Indian prices will rise with a smaller harvest of the winter crop. In the U.S., the fifth-largest exporter, rice will rebound to $14 per 100 pounds on the Chicago Board of Trade, from $9.765 on June 16, Scoville said. The warming waters of the equatorial Pacific change the atmosphere above the ocean to create the El Nino pattern, which may last through January and beyond, the U.S. Climate Prediction Center said June 11. While every El Nino is different, it has been known to cause droughts in Asia, excessive rain in South America and wetter summers in North America. Bloomberg

Retail titans gobble up ‘small’ supermarkets THEY had their glory days. Popular supermarket chains like Cherry Foodarama are about to be formally merged into the operations of retail giant SM of tycoon Henry Sy and Puregold Price Club Inc., as the two along with Robinsons Retail Holdings Inc. slug it out to dominate the industry. Cherry Foodarama of the Ong family is the latest independent chain to be gobbled up by the contending retail giants, after Waltermart, Glori’s Supermarket, Parco Supermarket and Eunilaine. SM Investments Corp.’s acquisition of Cherry Foodarama’s three supermarket outlets is already a done deal, with the signing of the financial transaction with the Ong family set to be completed shortly. More independent chains that have become popular within Metro villages may follow the fate of Cherry Foodarama and Glori’s Supermarket, which has also been taken over by the SM Group. SM Investments Corp. last week confirmed a report in this paper that it was in discussion with the management of Cherry Foodarama. “SM and subsidiaries are in discussion with the management of Cherry and both parties are in the process of signing formal agreements,” SM Investments said. Only two of Cherry Foodarama’s supermarkets are operational— Cherry Foodarama Congressional in Quezon City and Cherry Foodarama Antipolo. Cherry Foodarama Shaw was originally rescheduled to reopen on its original site along Shaw Boulevard in May, but it did not push through because of the entry of the new investor. The SM Group remains the biggest supermarket chain in the country, despite increasing competition from other grocery chains such as Puregold of tycoon Lucio Co and Robinsons Retail of industrialist John Gokongwei. SM’s retail operations had 279 stores of as end-March 2015, including 50 SM Stores, 40 SM Supermarkets, 43 SM Hypermarkets, 120 Savemore stores and 26 WalterMart stores. SM’s retail group this year plans to open three SM Stores, three SM Supermarkets, 10 SaveMore stores and on SM Hypermarket. SM’s purchase of Cherry Foodarama marks its second major acquisition in three years. In 2013, SM Investments forged a joint venture with the Waltermart group through its subsidiaries SM Retail Inc. and SM Prime Holdings Inc. Puregold challenge SM’s aggressiveness in part has been prompted by Puregold’s own expansion design. Puregold plans to acquire more supermarket chains in 2015, mostly those operating in Luzon. Puregold marketing director Vincent Co has conceded that Puregold was in negotiations with several chains and single-propriety supermarkets. “Acquisition and expansion will continue in 2015. There’s no letting up of expansion by competitors. And so are we,” he said. Puregold’s latest acquisitions are Parco Supermarket, Eunilane Supermarket, Grocer-E and Sioland Supermarket in San Pablo, Laguna. It will build 25 new stores in 2015 with an estimated capital expenditure of as much as P3.5 billion. Puregold now has 248 stores, including nine S&R stores, six S&R quick serve stores and 233 Puregold outlets. The company is rolling out 25 Puregold stores in 2015, half of them located in the Visayas and Mindanao. “Expansion will be more of outside Luzon to Mindanao and the Visayas. We only have less than 10 Puregold stores in the regions. So we’re really focusing on bringing Puregold to VisMin,” another company official said. The company also plans to put up 50 Lawson convenience stores in Metro Manila by 2015, in line with its target of 500 stores by 2020. Its joint venture with Ayala Corp. for another mall-based retail concept targets middle-income families. Puregold Price lately acquired nine supermarkets in Luzon from NE Inc. of the Uy family. Cosco Capital Inc., the holding company of Co, also purchased five commercial properties from NE. “The additional stores will also make Puregold the dominant retail player in the province of Nueva Ecija,” Puregold said in a recent disclosure. Robinsons Retail, the second-largest multi-format retailer in the Philippines, meanwhile, has prepared for the competition It operates in six business segments, including supermarkets and department and convenience stores (Ministop) and drugstores. An expanding economy and the increasing disposable income and consumption in the Philippines will prompt the country’s retail giants to expand and preserve their market share. E-mail: or or




The Philippines’ most powerful women LIKE most of the world’s progressive nations, the Philippines has its share of female movers and shakers. These Filipinas are to be found mainly in the government – all three branches of it and in the business sector. The most powerful women in this country, in my view, are the following ladies. First, there is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The nation’s highest tribunal may be a fifteen-member collegial body, but Ma. Lourdes Sereno is the primus inter pares and her position enjoys the greatest deference. An Aquino appointee whose selection generated much surprise because of her age and lack of judicial experience, the Chief Justice has within the relatively brief period of her tenure blossomed into a dignified magistrate and thereby earned the respect and trust of the people whom the Supreme Court was created to serve. Another powerful Filipina, this time from the legislative branch of the government, is Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago. The feisty former RTC judge, Cabinet member and almost-successful presidential candidate probably realizes that much snickering and whispering takes place behind her back. But make no mistake about it. The Senator from Iloilo gets a serious hearing every time she opens her mouth, whether on the floor of the Senate, in front of the media, or elsewhere. Another powerful citizen of this country is the head of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. A known ka-barilan of President Aquino, Commissioner Jacinto Henares has brought her legal and accounting skills into full play in her (and her boss, Secretary Cesar Purisima’s) drive to bring known tax cheats to heel and sharply raise the BIR’s tax collection. When a businessman or a professional hears the name Kim, he certainly knows the identity of the person being mentioned. The Secretary of Justice is another powerful Filipina of today. The former election-law practitioner quickly made her mark in the government when she stood her ground against letting former President Arroyo leave the country. Since then Leila de Lima has metamorphosed into a diligent and credible head of a department whose jurisdiction encompasses the National Bureau of Investigation and the prosecutorial service of the government. On the business side of the nation’s life, three women wield a great deal of power. They are Teresita Sy-Coson of the Henry Sy/SM business conglomerate, Helen Yuchengco Dy of the Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. group and Mercedes Tan-Gotianun of the Gotianun/Filinvest conglomerate. Sometime ago, the nation’s richest man, Henry Sy, divided his empire into sectors – merchandising, real estate development, banking, etc. – and gave each of his children primary responsibility over each of the sectors. The banking sector of the Sy empire, which comprises Banco de Oro, China Banking Corp. and Planters Bank, went to Tessie Coson. Henry Sy’s eldest daughter now presides over the biggest pool of private loanable funds in this country while concurrently sitting on the boards of directors of the other SM Group companies. Helen Yuchengco Dy has always been the right-hand woman of taipan Alfonso Yuchengco and in the process became one of the most polished business executives in this country. Now that former Ambassador Yuchengco has ceased to be active business-wise, Helen Dy is effectively the chief executive officer of YGC (Yuchengco Group of Companies). Although her daughter Josephine has taken over much of the decision-making in the Gotianun/Filinvest business conglomerate, Mercedes Tan-Gotianun continues to be regarded as the conglomerate’s top decision-maker. Andrew Gotianun’s wife is regarded as one of the shrewdest persons in Philippine business. Just as Filipinos know who is being talked about when the name Kim is uttered, so they know who is being discussed when they hear the name Conchita. Retired Supreme Court Justice Conchita CarpioMorales is believed by many to be by far the best person to have sat in the chair of the Ombudsman. By itself the position of Ombudsman is powerful, but Conchita Carpio-Morales has made it even more powerful with her integrity, dedication and no-nonsense approach to her job. Where the position of Ombudsman was well on its way to total loss of the public’s esteem, Conchita Carpio-Morales has redeemed it by imbuing it with credibility, dignity and prestige. Last but by no means least, there is Senator Grace Poe. In the relatively short period of three years, she has shown that she is far more than being the foundling daughter of a much-lamented icon. By her sincerity, dedication and projection of class, she has propelled herself toward being one of the principal presidential candidates in the 2016 election. he Filipinas I have cited above can hold their own against the womanhood of any country in the world. They are smart, upright and tough. May their tribe increase. E-mail:

UA&P president. Industrial economist Winston Conrad Padojinog has been installed as the fourth

president of the University of Asia and the Pacific in a ceremony held during the university’s annual opening rites on June 15. Padojinog (third from left) wears the medallion received from UA&P Foundation Inc. chairman Placido Mapa (second from left) while former president Jose Maria Mariano (right) takes off the presidential ring. UA&PFIvice chairman Jose Javier Calero (left) serves as witness to the stage party.

PNOC, Aboitiz set to build hydro plant By Alena Mae S. Flores

PNOC Renewables Corp., the renewable arm of state-owned Philippine National Oil Co., has forged a joint venture with Aboitiz Power Corp. for the development of a 40 to 45-megawatt hydro power project in Benguet province. “It’s a joint venture, we have the service contract, but Aboitiz will complete the project,” PNOC Renewables business development manager Pamela Cea-Borlaza told reporters. She said PNOC Renewables was also looking at other renewable energy projects for irrigation canals, solar rooftop projects in government offices and mini-hydro projects with electric cooperatives. Cea-Borlaza earlier said PNOC Renewables Corp. was looking at

up to 300 MW of power projects until 2018. “These are projects primarily in partnership with the private sector. We want to enter into partnerships, that are joint ventures,” Cea- Borlaza said. She said the company was looking at different partners for each projects. PNOC Renewables is the government’s corporate vehicle in the promotion and development of new and renewable energy sources in the country.

PNOC Renewables previously published the invitation for eligibility and submission of proposals for the 5.4-MW Siaton hydro project, 11-MW Okoy hydro project and the 33-MW Pacuan-Guinobaan hydro project also in Negros Oriental. The Siaton hydro project is a run-of-the-river type hydropower development along Siaton River. It will be located in Barangay Apoloy, Siaton, Negros Oriental. The Okoy hydro project is a run-of-the-river type hydro development along Okoy River in Barangay Palinpinon, Valencia, Negros Oriental. The Pacuan Guinobaan hydro project is a pump-assisted hydro development along the Pacuan and Guinobaan rivers. The project has two components: the power generation and the pumping components.

New Albay destinations attract tourists LEGAZPI CITY—Albay’s newly discovered ecotourism sites have emerged as favorite destinations among tourists, strengthening the province’s recent tourism gains and consolidating its new status as a global tourist destination. Albay Gov. Joey Salceda said the new sites, well-clustered within a 15-kilometer radius with the postcard perfect Cagsawa Ruins as focal point, are now favorite selfie posts in the social media. The new sites include the Naglaus-Milaos Underground River and Sigpit Waterfalls and cliff jumping in Del Rosario village, Jovellar town; the Quitinday Greenhills, an interactive, trekking and selfieterrific rolling hills, and caves in Camalig; the Guinanayan White

Beach and Island Hopping in Galicia Village, RapuRapu; the Nagaso Hot Spring and Inang Maharang Boiling Lake in Manito; the Lignon Hill Zip Line, and other recreation activities centers in Legazpi City. World-famous majestic Mayon Volcano, a newly listed Unesco heritage site, and the Albay Biosphere Reserve which is presently pending for a Unesco listing, banner Albay’s ecotourism attractions, along with culinary tourism, that focuses on its rich native cuisines, and sports tourism. It hosts the XTERRA Triathlon for three years that started in February and the Palarong Pambansa 2016. Albay’s unprecedented tourism

growth helped local industries flourish. It has inspired local folks to search for potential locations they could convert into tourist spots, which turned out to be abundant. Salceda said Albay now employed a “fine-tuned culturebased tourism strategy that includes total immersion and participation by the lowest ranks of the society—so much like that in Bali, Indonesia—where every member of the community plays a role in the big business of tourism.” The strategy is expected to play an even more pivotal role when the Bicol International Airport in Daraga town opens in 2017 and unlock Bicol’s floodgates to intensive international tourism.

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Feeling the thirst in Myanmar YANGON—Every morning on his way to work in Yangon, builder Zaw Min Tun takes a swig of water at a Buddhist temple, a vital place to quench a thirst for the many ordinary citizens left behind by Myanmar’s economic boom.

Hot in the east. Children cool down from the heat wave gripping the US east coast at the interactive water fountain on June 16 at the Fairfax Square shopping mall courtyard in Fairfax, Virginia. AFP

Bottled water is among the plethora of consumer industries set to take off as the country emerges from decades of isolated junta rule, putting more money in the pockets of the country’s rich and a growing middle class. But, at around 300 kyats (25-30 US cents) a liter, it remains too pricey for the majority of people in a country where the average annual per capita income of $1,105 remains one of the lowest in Asia. Decades of weak investment under junta rule means the vast majority of the people—eight in 10—are forced to drink from unsafe supplies such as wells, boreholes, springs and streams while only nine percent have access to tap or piped water. Poor infrastructure combined with the high prices of bottled water mean many locals like Zaw Min Tun rely on the terracotta jars of water left by kindly strangers at the many Buddhist temples across the country. “This is where I have to wait for the

bus,” he tells AFP under a baking hot sky outside the temple in downtown Yangon.”And when I’m thirsty I take a drink.” On the other side of Myanmar’s consumer boom, the ads for purified water cover billboards and the sides of delivery trucks in Yangon and other cities, pushing aspirational and wholesome messages. “With Alpine, live longer and healthier,” says the slogan of market leader Alpine, a local company that produced 200 million bottles in Myanmar last year, and projects to churn out 300 million by the end of 2015. Myanmar’s bottled water market is, as yet, far from saturated. In 2013 consumption of bottled water per head stood at just 0.1 liters, according to a 2014 report by researchers at Euromonitor International, compared with 21 liters in the Asia-Pacific as a whole. Nestle is among the international companies that have circled the market for water, although the Swiss food and drink giant has shied away from major investment so far. “This business has a great future. As people get richer, the middle class has more expectation,” Sai Sam Htun, CEO of Lo Hein Company, which owns the Alpine brand, told AFP. For the country’s newly minted middle class, such bottlers offer a sense of security in what had been, until recently, a notoriously unreliable cottage industry. AFP

Groundwater being drained rapidly WASHINGTON—Human activity is leading to the rapid draining of about one third of the planet’s largest underground water reserves and it is unclear how much fluid remains in them, two new studies have found. Consequently, huge sections of the population are using up groundwater without knowing when it will run out, researchers said in the findings that will appear in the journal Water Resources Research and were posted online Tuesday. “Available physical and chemical measurements are simply insufficient,” University of California Irvine professor

and principal investigator Jay Famiglietti said in a statement. “Given how quickly we are consuming the world’s groundwater reserves, we need a coordinated global effort to determine how much is left,” added Famiglietti, who is also the senior water scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Scientists used data from special NASA satellites to measure groundwater losses. In the first paper, they looked at 37 of Earth’s biggest aquifers between 2003 and 2013. Eight of these were classified as “overstressed,” meaning they were being sucked dry with almost no natural

replenishment to offset the usage. Five other aquifers were determined to be “extremely or highly stressed.” Scientists warned the situation would only worsen with climate change and population growth. The most overburdened aquifers are in the world’s driest places, where there is little natural replenishment. “What happens when a highly stressed aquifer is located in a region with socioeconomic or political tensions that can’t supplement declining water supplies fast enough?” said Alexandra Richey, the lead author on both studies. AFP

Republic of the Philippines COURT OF APPEALS Manila

INVITATION TO BID For Supply and Delivery of Six (6) Units Vehicle 1.

The Court of Appeals, through the General Appropriations Act of 2015 intends to apply the sum of P8,400,000.00 being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the Supply and Delivery of Six (6) Units Vehicle for the official use of six (6) Associate Justices of the Court. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening.


The Court of Appeals through its Bids and Awards Committee now invites bids for the Supply and Delivery of the following vehicles:

areas with dirtier air such as China, India and Russia could save up to 1.4 million lives by meeting WHO pollution targets. In addition, hitting the targets in less-polluted regions could reduce premature deaths from pollution by more than half a million a year. Pollution—especially by tiny particulate matter or PM that can find its way deep into lungs—is to blame for 3.2 million preventable deaths every year, according to the World Health Organization. Lead author Joshua Apte of the University

of Texas focused with his team on suspended particles smaller than 2.5 microns; this kind of PM can play a role in heart disease, stroke, and lung ailments such as emphysema and cancer. They come from

burning coal in coalfired power plants, from car exhausts and industrial emissions. In lower-income countries they come from coal fires, wood fires, and other burning for cooking and heating homes. AFP

Two (2) units SUV Dsl 4x2 L 2.8 AT

Lot 2

Two (2) units SUV 4x2 LS-A AT

Lot 3

One (1) unit SUV 2.7 Gas 4x2 A/T

Lot 4

One (1) unit SUV 2.5 Dsl 4x2 A/T

Delivery of the vehicles is required within thirty (30) days from receipt of P.O. Bidders should have completed, within three (3) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents. 3.

Cleaner air to save 2m lives a year WA S H I N G T O N — Cleaner air worldwide would save two million lives a year and not only in the most polluted countries, a study released Tuesday found. “We were surprised to find the importance of cleaning air not just in the dirtiest parts of the world— which we expected to find—but also in cleaner environments like the US, Canada and Europe,” co-author Julian Marshall of the University of Minnesota said in the study published by Environmental Science & Technology. His team found that

Lot 1

Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary “pass/ fail” criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act.” Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines, and to citizens or organizations of a country the laws or regulations of which grant similar rights or privileges to Filipino citizens, pursuant to RA 5183 and subject to Commonwealth Act 138.


Interested bidders may obtain further information from the BAC Secretariat, c/o Office of the Clerk of Court and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below during office hours. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders starting June 16, 2015 from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee in the amount of P1,400.00 per vehicle. It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) or sent via e-mail, provided that Bidders shall pay the nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids.


The Court of Appeals through its Bids and Awards Committee will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on June 29, 2015 at 2:30 P.M. at the Conference Room, Ground Floor, Annex 1 Building, Ma. Orosa St., Ermita, Manila which shall be open only to all interested parties who have purchased the Bidding Documents.


Bids must be delivered to the BAC Secretariat, c/o Office of the Clerk of Court, Room 101, Main Building, Ma. Orosa St., Ermita Manila on July 13, 2015, from 8:00 A.M.-12:00 Noon. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB. Bid opening shall be on July 13, 2015 at 2:30 P.M. at the Conference Room, Ground Floor, Annex 1 Bldg. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend. Late bids shall not be accepted.


The Court of Appeals reserves the right to reject any or all eligibility documents or proposals without offering any reason, waive any defect or formalities contained therein, accept any proposal which is considered most advantageous to the government or annul the bidding process prior to contract award.


The Court of Appeals assumes no responsibility whatsoever to compensate or indemnify bidders for any expenses incurred in the preparation of the bid.


For further inquiries, contact the BAC Secretariat, c/o Office of the Clerk of Court at 523-21-13 or 52412-41 loc. 219, 315, telefax 526-58-34 e-mail ad: Approved by: (Sgd.) EDWIN D. SORONGON Associate Justice Chairperson Bids & Awards Committee on Purchase and Acquisition of Court Facilities, Equipment and Supplies (TS JUNE 18, 2015)

T H U R S D AY : J U N E 1 8 , 2 0 1 5




Asia too costly for expatriates HONG KONG—Asia has become one of the most expensive regions for people working abroad, according to a new survey, with its major cities accounting for half of the top 10 costliest expat destinations. Hong Kong climbed one place from last year to become the world’s second most expensive place for expats, Mercer said in its annual Cost of Living Survey on Tuesday, with Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing and Seoul also making the shortlist. Much of the change in rankings is down to currency fluctuations, with the appreciation of the yuan against the dollar pushing up the cost of living in China, which now accounts for nine of the top 30 most expensive expat cities in the world. “Chinese cities jumped in the ranking due to the strengthening of the Chinese

yuan along with the high costs of expatriate consumer goods,” said Mercer executive Nathalie ConstantinMetral in a statement. By contrast Tokyo, ranked the most expensive city for expats in 2012, fell four places from last year to number 11 due to a slump in the Japanese currency after a massive easing program by its central bank. “Japanese cities have continued to drop in the ranking this year as a result of the Japanese yen weakening against the US dollar,” added Constantin-Metral. Overall, the cost of living in Western European cities dropped due to a slide in the euro. The three cities that made the top 10— Zurich, Geneva and Bern—use the Swiss Franc, which jumped in January after the central bank removed a ceiling on its strength. AFP

Nature’s bounty. An Indian laborer piles up pineapples after picking them at a farm in Agartala. Laborers at the orchard earn 300 rupees ($4.50) a day for picking them and loading them on trucks to head to market, where they are sold for 20 rupees each. AFP

Hong Kong showdown looms HONG KONG—Hong Kong entered a political showdown Wednesday as lawmakers debated a divisive reform package ahead of a key vote, with tensions high over an alleged explosives plot that police said was linked to a “radical” group. The vote pits democracy campaigners against the government in the culmination of a fraught chapter that saw tens of thousands of protesters take to the streets last year over the controversial electoral road map.

Although the government’s reform proposal would for the first time give all residents the right to vote for the chief executive in 2017, it adheres to a Beijing ruling that the candidates must be vetted by a loyalist committee. The plan is derided as “fake democracy” by opposition lawmakers, who have vowed to vote against it and deny the two-thirds majority it needs to pass. Authorities in Hong Kong have said repeatedly they cannot diverge from Beijing’s August ruling, which sparked weeks of mass rallies that brought parts of the city to a standstill. The debate began Wednesday afternoon, with the vote expected to take place by Friday. Deputy leader Carrie Lam, one

of the first speakers, warned that reform would be off the table if the package was blocked. “This administration cannot relaunch the [reform] process... political development will inevitably come to a standstill.” A front page editorial in China’s People’s Daily, the Communist Party’s mouthpiece, Wednesday urged lawmakers to pass the bill, saying “social chaos” could ensue otherwise. “One of the starting points to promote long-term prosperity and stability in Hong Kong is the promotion of universal suffrage,” the paper said. Pro-democracy lawmakers sat with multi-colored placards marked with a cross to signal their intention to reject the bill.

Hundreds of protesters from both sides gathered outside the legislature earlier Wednesday, separated by metal barriers. Civic Party lawmaker Alan Leong urged cheering pro-democracy supporters to “continue to fight”. Meanwhile, pro-government supporters waved Chinese national flags and shouted “2017, make it happen!” through loudspeakers. Political analyst Sonny Lo called the vote “a critical juncture” and said the bill was unlikely to pass due to the pan-democrats’ pledge. That would pave the way for a further schism between Hong Kong and Beijing, he said. “Beijing will lay the blame on those democrats who torpedo the political reform bill, which [it] believes represents a sincere conces-

sion from the central government.” It comes after police arrested 10 people “on suspicion of conspiracy to manufacture explosives”, and seized materials they said could be used to make the highly-volatile explosive TATP. Police said one suspect had claimed to be a member of a “radical local group” named by local media as the National Independent Party. The group was reportedly linked to the pro-democracy “localist” movement that is seeking a more independent Hong Kong. Five men and one woman were jointly charged with conspiracy to cause an explosion and were due to appear in court Wednesday, while one man and three women were freed on bail pending further investigations. AFP

Abbey Road sessions to hit stage

Graduation day. In a picture taken on June 16, university students wait in line to receive their certificates during a graduation ceremony at the campus of Hebei Academy of Fine Arts in Xinle, Hebei province. A Chinese university has earned comparisons with Harry Potter’s Hogwarts due to its bizarre castle campus, but local traditions supplied the magic at a Confucian-style ceremony for its degree graduates. AFP

LONDON—The Beatles’ recording sessions in London’s Abbey Road Studios are being turned into a stage show at the city’s Royal Albert Hall, the producers announced on Tuesday. “The Sessions at Abbey Road” will see the legendary British band’s studio work recreated live at the Victorian concert hall on April 1, 2016. The performance will span their recording career from 1962 to 1969, and use 39 musicians and eight singers to cover all the overdubs, plus period equipment. The show will be a “musical documentary,” said executive producer Stig Edgren, “giving audiences an honest, respectful and

accurate recreation of how musical history was made.” Abbey Road’s Studio Two will be recreated in its exact dimensions (18 by 11.5 meters, 60 by 40 feet) on the floor of the circular Royal Albert Hall, complete with a mixing booth. The show’s creative consultant is The Beatles’ studio engineer Geoff Emerick and is inspired by his recollections of how lead guitarist George Harrison, rhythm guitarist John Lennon, bassist Paul McCartney and drummer Ringo Starr made their famous records. Producer Jef Hanlon said an “incredible amount” of research had gone into the show in a bid to make it as realistic as possible.

“All instrumentation, arrangements and vocals will be performed identically to the original recordings. There will even be eight singers to recreate the multi-tracked vocals pioneered by The Beatles. “This show does not seek to be a look-a-like show, but rather a sound-a-like, with the singers being the best Beatles imitators in the world.” Kim Gavin, the show’s director, said: “The performance will be a technical ballet, a constant flow of movement of cast and musicians. “We are trying to create the look, feel and atmosphere of those famous sessions in Abbey Road.” AFP

T H U R S D AY : J U N E 1 8 : 2 0 1 5




LIFE life @ .ph


This Father’s Day, pay tribute to your old man with these wonderful movies that depict the ups and downs of fatherhood. Dads, grab a beer, put your feet up and enjoy!


Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep play a married couple going through a divorce. The movie shows how the process is taking a toll on everyone involved, particularly the couple’s young son.


A cautionary coming-of-age tale on how the ends don’t justify the means, this film adaptation of the memoir of the same name by American author Tobias Wolff (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) is about the changes in “this boy’s life” after his mom married a seemingly respectable man, and the effects of how his stepfather treated him.







This comedy follows the mishaps of three bachelors as they attempt to juggle their single lives with pseudo-fatherhood when the love child of one of them unexpectedly arrives at their doorstep. Struggles and hilarity ensue as each of the friends begin to enjoy being “fathers” and fall in love with the adorable baby.

As he is (literally) being followed by Death everywhere he goes, a billionaire mogul spends the last days of his life preparing for his fate, which includes saying heartbreakingly cryptic goodbyes to his two daughters.

A remake of the 1950 comedy of the same name, the Steve Martin version is about a father coming to terms with his daughter’s upcoming wedding to a man she barely knows.

A husband and father’s midlife crisis intensifies when he becomes enamored by his daughter’s friend and he discovers that his wife is having an affair. Everything gets complicated and everyone unravels, setting the stage for one of the most beautifully written movie endings of the last 20 years.

One of the many highlights of Robin Williams’ incredible career, this hilarious comedy shows Williams’ Daniel Hillard going undercover to get closer to his children as the elderly nanny Mrs. Doubtfire. Two hours of comedic antics later, viewers will be treated to a very optimistic and satisfying ending.

A series of unfortunate events befall a man when visiting his girlfriend’s parents. Trying to impress the girl’s dad Jack, a retired CIA counterintelligence officer who just so happens to immediately take a dislike on him, Greg repeatedly makes a fool of himself and only makes Jack disapprove of him even more.

...PLUS! THE STANDARD LIFE’S FATHER’S DAY PLAYLIST (Listen to the playlist on Spotify: Butterfly Kisses (Bob Carlisle)

Dance With My Father (Luther Vandross)

Perfect (Simple Plan)

Cat’s in the Cradle (Harry Chapin)

Marry Your Daughter (BRKN RBTZ)

My Father’s Eyes (Eric Clapton)

Daughters (John Mayer)

Speechless (Lady Gaga)

THURSDAY : J UNE 18 : 2015


LIFE life @ .ph


Into The Abyss of Great Thought by Ernest Concepcion

Apache by Joseph Tecson

FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION A Showcase of Philippine Contemporary Art


alented Filipino artists celebrate freedom of expression and showcase contemporary art pieces at the Newport Mall in partnership with Kulay-Diwa Gallery of Philippine Contemporary Art. Among the notable artists whose brilliant works are on display include Raimundo Folch, a Filipino-Spanish sculptor, winner of the prestigious Baumel-Schwenck Grand Prize at the Salon de Carousel in Paris in 2011; Ernest Concepcion, one of the recipients of the 2015 Cultural Center of the Philippines Thirteen Artists Awards; and Andres Barrioquinto, a surrealist painter whose darkly layered pieces have resided in notable art centers in Singapore Art Museum and successfully auctioned at Sotheby’s in Hong Kong. They are also joined by Francisco Viri, a painter known for his “art of soloism” with the elegiac portrayal of a soli- Abstract Reclining Figure by Pope Dalisay tary figure behind opulent forms and colors that make for a poetic rendition of man’s solitude; Gao Rezaga, a self-taught artist whose subject matters are as diverse as global supremacy, war, urban decay, environmental degradation, tyranny and atrocity; Michael Vincent Manalo, a photographer and digital mixed-media artist whose works are haunting images of dreamlike and pseudo-realistic landscapes; Monnar Baldemor, a visual artist and son of international painter Manuel Baldemor who proves he has earned his place in the art scene with pieces evocative of Salvador Dali’s distorted surreal figures combined with the linear strokes of German artist Ernst Degasperi.

Other artists whose masterpieces are also on exhibit are MM Yu, Raymond Kawataki Go, Bembol Dela Cruz, Jecky Alano, Vincent Balandra, Henri Cainglet, Ferdinand Doctolero, Alexander Espanola, Caloy Gernale, Jose Ibay, Robert Langgeneger, Joseph Lofranco, Adrian Jay Manuel, Fernando Modesto, Israel Remo, Carlo Saavedra, Jerson Samson, Gromyko Semper, Wipoosana Supanakorn, Michelle Tan, France Tolentino, Franz Marion Vocalan, Christopher Zamora and many more in the upcoming weeks. Freedom of Expression will be on exhibit at the Ground Floor Hallway of Newport Mall in Resorts World Manila, Pasay City. Around 40 masterpieces from renowned and up-and-coming contemporary artists of the country today will be on showcase. All exhibited works are available for purchase for the duration of the exhibit. Part of the proceeds will benefit Hospicio de San Jose, the first social welfare agency and foster care institution in the country that has been home to orphans, the abandoned and the elderly for over 200 years. Freedom of Expression runs until June 30, 2015 at the Ground Floor Hallway of Newport Mall at Resorts World Manila, Pasay City. For more information on Freedom of Expression, please call the Megaworld Lifestyle Malls Concierge at 709-9888, 709-0888 or 0917-8380111 or visit

DISENYO AT TALENTO Treasures from Tesoros

The arts are known as great representations of society’s culture and traditions. They help reveal the underlying character, heritage and history of a place and its people. This is very true with the event series “Disenyo at Talento” launched by Tesoro’s, with the pieces reflecting the interesting Hispano-Asian legacy of the Philippines. “Our country is blessed with so many great artists,” remarks Maria Isabel “Beng” Tesoro, the group CEO of the company known as a provider of quality local treasures. “As a leading promoter of local talents, we launched ‘Disenyo at Talento’ to highlight both Filipino craftsmanship and the constantly thriving art scene in the country,” she adds. Among the notable pieces include “Casa San Pablo Clay Storytellers” crafted by former corporate publishing executive-turned-clay artisan An Mercado Alcantara, who shares that her creations are “mostly inspired by the culture and the people of my husband’s birthplace San Pablo, Laguna – a place I have fallen in love with.” An’s favorite subjects include the Virgin Mary in several incarnations, including Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Lipa, and Our Lady of Sorrows of Turumba. She surrounds these main subjects with storytellers and tablets featuring festive processions and villagers. The artist’s friends and growing number of clients admire the positivity that Casa San Pablo dolls radiate. Asked about the secret behind the beauty and expressiveness of her storyteller dolls, she replies, “My hands are my main tools.

Although I have clay shapers and precision dentist’s tools – I asked a dentist friend to buy me a set – there’s nothing like our palms and fingers to get the shape we want.” These hand-pinched and hand-painted terracotta dolls are regularly available at Casa San Pablo, a bed and breakfast in a still genteel family compound in San Pablo City run by An and her husband, art collector and hobby enthusiast Boots Alcantara. Casa San Pablo is also known as a creativity hub, where people can re-charge and rekindle their imagination. Part of the profits from the sale of Casa San Pablo Clay Story Tellers dolls featured at the “Disenyo At Talento” event series will be donated to the San Francisco Terraces Orphanage, one of two orphanages under the auspices of the San Pablo City government’s Social Welfare office. “We chose this organization because our clay works celebrate the special bond between storytellers and children. We hope to help feed their bodies and their minds with food and stories that will, hopefully, help them experience a better world,” shares An. The institution houses 32 orphans, at least five of whom are mentally challenged. Many of these children are survivors of abuse, parental neglect or family abandonment. All of the orphans share only two rooms and two toilets in a house that is in dire need of repair. The government’s financial monthly subsidy for the institution is currently not enough to cover the subsistence of these children.

The clay storytellers take inspiration from Mexican folk art

From Tesoro’s Makati branch, the Casa San Pablo Clay Storytellers will be available across all Tesoro’s outlets nationwide starting June 2015. “By including the works of the chosen local artists in our stores, we hope that more and more people would be able to appreciate the genuine creativity of Filipinos. It is also rewarding that this event allows us and the artists to reach out to our friends in need through art for a cause,” said Beng Tesoro. For more details about the event, visit or Tesoro’s official Facebook page: tesoroshandicrafts?fref=ts.

THURSDAY : J UNE 18 : 2015


LIFE life @ .ph


Arden Siarot’s latest collection celebrates the hardworking man of the family


hardworking provider who goes out of his way to make ends meet is the ideal picture of a Filipino father, the essence fine decor artist Arden Siarot captures in his eponymous home furniture and decor label ’s latest collection. In “Cada Dia,” a part of its 2015 fall/winter collection, Arden showcases a slice of Filipino life in the form of sculptures that depict and pay homage to the role of hardworking Filipino fathers – their traditional way of living and means of livelihood. Captured in the middle of back-breaking labor against an idyllic backdrop is “The Fruits of Thy Labor.” This piece that shows a farmer planting rice symbolizes Filipinos’ inherent ability to maximize the virtue of patience in waiting for the right time to sow and harvest. “Beyond the Sea” portrays a fisherman casting his net far out and wide into the open sea, showing Filipino optimism as he hopes for a bountiful catch, and his flair for risk-taking as he dives positively into a sea of opportunity. The bridge between the past and the present personified, the cuchero is presented just as he is about to tour people around in his eye-catching horse-drawn carriage, in the piece called “Now in the Future.” An old mode of transportation, the Spanish-influenced tartanilla may have become a rare sight in most cities today, but this depiction encapsulates the Filipino’s ability to move along to the future while staying loyal to the traditions and valuing his heritage. “The Call of Life” depicts how Filipinos take pride in their humble vocation. The piece showcases a magtataho (taho vendor) who stands tall and proud, and perhaps shouting “taho” at the top of his lungs despite the load on his shoulders. Known to always look at the bright side of life, the Filipino is pictured as the sorbetero (ice cream vendor) in Arden’s “The Flavors of Life.” The artwork hints at how Filipinos can find happiness even in the smallest of things through the colorful ice cream vendor cart that brings in sweetness wherever it goes. This latest Arden collection is available at Arden store located at 3/F Greeenbelt 5, Ayala Center, Makati (792-4408 / 0923-4670160).

Beyond the Sea

The Flavors of Life

The Fruits of Thy Labor


Social media is such a powerful amplifier that it can catapult one person to superstardom and abruptly put an end to another person’s storied career – all in a span of 24 hours. News has always traveled fast, being broadcast and/or passed on from one individual to another. And social news sites and networking platforms have made the process even quicker. Tim Hunt Take the story of 72-year-old British biochemist Tim Hunt for example. According to his profile on the Royal Society website, he “was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1991 and a foreign associate of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in 1999. In 2006, he was awarded the Royal Medal for his work on cell cycle control and was knighted by the Queen in the same year. He is a member of the Advisory Council for the Campaign for Science and Engineering.” In 2001, Hunt received a Nobel Prize together with current Royal Society president Paul Nurse and American biologist Lee Hartwell for their discoveries regarding cell cycle regulation. Last week, he was invited to speak at the World Conference of Science Journalists in Seoul. The lecture on “creative science” was delivered at a lunch for female journalists and scientists. That speech cost Hunt his reputation and career, as if his accomplishments suddenly don’t matter

anymore. Why? Because he said this, reportedly as a joke: “Let me tell you about my trouble with girls... three things happen when they are in the lab... You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you and when you criticize them, they cry.” The quote was picked up by various outlets and many interpreted his remarks as sexist. “The comments caused an instant Twitter firestorm,” reported AP. By the end of the week, Hunt was out of a job, losing his various high-ranking positions at the University College London, the Royal Society and the European Research Council. Official statements say that he resigned but Hunt himself maintains that he was forced out. Joke or otherwise, it was a blunder, no doubt, and Hunt most probably misread his audience. He obviously didn’t think it was offensive. But that’s the thing about social media – one offended party can simply tweet about the offending situation or statement and it can blow up to unimaginable proportions. Hunt’s story is still developing. Many people think that the institutions were too quick to judge and send him out the door. Right now, there is a petition asking UCL to reinstate him as a demonstration of support and “appreciation for his work and efforts within sciences.”

The Call of Life

Now in the Future


T H U R S D AY : J U N E 1 8 : 2 0 1 5

LIFE life @ .ph

IDINA MENZEL SERENADES MANILA As the show went on, Idina regaled with more songs from Broadway. “I was the first Wicked Witch of the West, you know,” she proudly announced. Ms. Menzel also gave a slow and touching performance of “Tomorrow” and sang a beautiful ballad that she wrote for her son. Her splendid show was powered by PLDT HOME Fibr.

Broadway superstar and Tony award winner Idina Menzel mounted her first ever Philippine Concert at the Mall of Asia Arena last June 7. The crowd was enthralled the minute the now platinum-blonde songstress PAULYNE walked on stage. Opening her show FERMIN with a rendition of “Defying Gravity” from the hit musical Wicked, Idina’s performance all throughout the night can only be described as sensational!

The artist captured the hearts of Filipinos with her soulful songs.

Proving that the country has an infinite pool of talented singers, three lucky members of the audience, who were selected by Idina herself, belted out “Take Me or Leave Me” from Rent. Ms. Menzel could only say in admiration, “You are such a cultured people – you know your Broadway!” In one touching number, Idina sang “For Good” a cappella. A sea of lights (from cellphones) started to glow from all sides of the arena. An almost teary-eyed Idina extended her microphone to the crowd and we ended the song with her. Undoubtedly, this was the most memorable moment of the night!

From left: PLDT Executive Vice President and Head of Consumer Business Group Ariel P. Fermin, my son M and daughter R (she was so excited to meet Frozen’s Queen Elsa), the Idina Menzel in her casual get-up right after the concert and the Busy Queen P

See you soon Idina! Manila will be waiting to hear more of your enchanting music! With a pocketful of glitter, No frills or thrills needed. Idina owned the stage with her powerful voice.

Wearing a deep sea green dress with a black mesh overlay, Idina had a wonderful time interacting with her audience. At one point, she playfully took out her net skirt and asked, “Did that get you excited?” She also asked for help in saying, “I love you” in Tagalog. The songstress likewise attempted to sing her signature song “Let It Go” in Tagalog but had a difficult time pronouncing some of the words. She repeated her Frozen sequence (this time singing it with more ease) but finally said, “Okay guys, I’m sure you all know this song in English, too!”

Follow me on Twitter, IG and Facebook. Visit https://www. for more interesting reads! “Because I knew you¼

I have been changed for good.”

T HUR S DAY : J UNE 18 : 2015



isahred @


Up Dharma Down with vocalist Armi Millare



ennessy Artistry is a famed global music platform that takes place in over 40 countries worldwide. The campaign mixes unique talent and provides the finest mixed drinks to create an exceptional blend of music, style, culture and people. In the past, Hennessy Artistry has collaborated with acclaimed musicians like Mary J. Blige, Q-Tip, Jay Electronica, Ice Cube, Erykah Badu, and Kid Sister, among others, all adding to the growing history of Hennessy Artistry. Each event features some of the most cutting edge technology and formidable names in music today. This year marks the 5th Hennessy Artistry in the Philippines, and for that milestone Hennessy planned its most grand combination of musical blends, starting with crowd favorite OPM band, Up Dharma Down. Hennessy’s hand-picked artist, Up Dharma Down, is considered different from all others in the Philippines today. They are able to combine several elements from different genres using a wide range of musical instruments to make their own music.

Up Dharma Down with Cholo Hermosa of Yolanda Moon

DJ Nix Damn P of Motherbass

Cholo Hermosa amazes crowd during the Hennesy Artistry event

The band joins this year’s Hennessy Artistry in the spirit of promoting the local and international music scene to everyone. These are the reasons why Hennessy thought they would best represent what Hennessy Artistry is all about; the art of mixing and creating unique

musical experiences. They opened Hennessy Artistry with a surprise performance in Bonifacio High Street two weeks ago, to the delight of the mall-goers. Hennessy Artistry is a one month journey that culminates through their annual Halo event on

June 19 at Valkyrie, where you can expect local music to get elevated to new heights. As this will be a by-invite only event, music lovers can get exclusive access by attending the club series where every purchase of Hennessy VS comes with one access card for two to the exclusive



he perfect smartphone for music and video fans, the Lenovo A7000 is packed with impressive features that will elevate users’ multimedia experience. The Dolby® Atmos™ technology delivers high-quality audio that flows above and around the user for true surround-sound, great for listening to music and watching videos. This unique feature is complemented by a 5.5-inch

HD display with 720p resolution, which offers a big-screen experience in stunningly crisp high definition. With a fast responsive performance powered by the MediaTek 4G LTE True8Core processor and hardware optimizations that boost battery life, the A7000 ensures a multimedia mobile experience like no other. “With the Lenovo A7000, we usher in a new era of mobile en-

tertainment,” said Dino Romano, Country Lead for Lenovo Smartphone Philippines. “This model, hailed as the world’s first smartphone with Dolby® Atmos™ cinema sound, also touts a large and vibrant HD display. It’s also one of the most affordable Octa Core handsets with 4G LTE support, giving users a superb multimedia and gaming experience, without the price premium associated with higher-end phones.”

The Lenono A700 features surround sound

culminating experience. The series of club events will be held in prestigious clubs around the metro featuring young talent and local music. The lineup of local artists for the club series include Quest, Yolanda Moon, Nix Damp P!, Macky Brillantes, LDP, Toons Canoy, Alvin Cornista, Abdel Aziz, DJ Aryan and many more. So be prepared to get blown away by homegrown talents as they collaborate with international acts such as Australian EDM Duo Nervo at Valkyrie on June 19 as you’ve never heard them before. Patrons can also avail of Hennessy’s promo. Each purchase of Hennessy VS 70cl bottle entitles the customer (2) regular access cards for two to Hennessy Artistry on June 19, and each purchase of Hennessy VS 150cl bottle entitles the customer (4) regular access cards for two to Hennessy Artistry on June 19. Promo is valid in participating supermarkets such as S&R (Metro Manila branches only), Landmark Makati, Rustan’s Rockwell, SM Supermarket (Metro Manila branches only) and Rustan’s Makati until June 19. The promo is good while supplies last.

T HUR S DAY : J UNE 18 : 2015


SHOWBITZ isahred @


Nora Aunor

Sarah Geronimo and Piolo Pascual

Lotlot de Leon

Philippine Vocaal Ensemble is one of the choirs competing in the 2nd Andrea Veneracion International Choral Fest


THE Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) with the support of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts presents the 2nd Andrea O. Veneracion International Choral Festival on July 22-25. The Festival, which follows the huge success of the first Andrea O. Veneracion International Choral Festival held in Aug.2013, will have 16 foreign and local choirs competing in three categories: Folk Song, Vocal Ensemble and Chamber Choir. The competing Filipino choirs include Boscorale, De La Salle University Chorale - Dasmariñas, Koro Ilustrado, Mandaluyong Children’s Choir, Technological Institute of the Philippines Choral Society, The Voices of Davao, Philippine Vocal Ensemble, University of Baguio Voices Chorale, University of Los Baños Choral Ensemble (Philippines), and the University of Visayas Chorale. The choirs from other countries that will compete against them are Gioventù in Cantata (Italy), Inggou Victory Children

Mark Anthony Carpio of the Philippines joins the board of jurors

Voice GKPS (Indonesia), Svaditra-Bandung Chamber Choir (Indonesia), The Archipelago Singers (Indonesia), Túumben Paax (Mexico), Universitas Pelita Harapan Choir (Indonesia). The Festival’s guest Choir is Youth Choir Kamēr… from Latvia, conducted by Janis Liepins. A two-time winner of the European Grand Prix for Choral Singing, Youth Choir Kamēr… will give a special performance on July 26 at the Tanghalang Nicanor Abelardo (CCP Main Theater). The Competition will pre-

CROSSWORD PUZZLE 44 45 47 50 51 52 53 56 57 59 61 62 63 64 65 66 ANSWER FOR PREVIOUS PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Chest muscles 5 Hooray for me! (hyph.) 9 Diva’s melody 13 Plant parasite 15 Culture dish goo 16 Sweet cherry 17 Pester playfully 18 Now, to Caesar 19 Give the eye 20 Egg producer 21 Sled event

23 25 26 27 30 31 32 37 38 40 41 43

Wouldn’t commit Throw hard Roomiest In a clear manner Forum hello Hazard a guess Leaf locales Cheese coating “Don’t Be —” (Elvis tune) Actual Sought info Prefix for wave

Tried for office Fleck Bribe, informally Split second Discuss tiresomely Storybook bear After deductions Grumpy mood Hair curler Old hag Honeysuckle Alcove Berlin money Look intently Like horror flicks Gullets

DOWN 1 Hiking trail 2 Fencer’s blade 3 Biggers’ sleuth 4 Mom’s girl 5 Snarled 6 The chills 7 Karate level 8 Pertaining to backup records 9 Dwelling place 10 Gibson, in “Lethal Weapon” 11 Cove 12 Like good brandy 14 Mislead

miere the obligatory piece commissioned by the CCP for the Chamber Choir competition entitled “Ang Tren”. The choral work is a setting of Filipino literary giant Jose Corazon de Jesus’ poem about Philippine commuter culture, composed by young award-winning composer Saunder Choi. The five members of the jury are composed of internationally renowned choral conductors coming from different continents– Brady Allred (United States), Janis Liepins (Latvia), Silvana Vallesi (Argentina), Andre van der Merwe (South Africa), and Mark Anthony Carpio (Philippines). The Festival opens on July 22 at 5 p.m. while the Folk Song Competition begins at 7 p.m. with the rest of the competition on the following days. The festival closes on July 25 with Madrigal Singers Gala Concert at 4 p.m. and followed at 7 p.m. by the Closing Ceremonies. For ticket reservations, please call the CCP Marketing Department at 832-3704 and 832-3706.


22 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 58 60

Web addr. Blissful spot Swami or fakir Goods Petty of “Tank Girl” Go — — smoke Five, to Pierre Flower-to-be Pain in the neck Mild expletive Countess’s spouse Blackthorn Hitting the hay, slangily Russo or Magritte S&L offerings Threat Posh Apple seed Wish granter River or wine Food consumer Invitation addendum Like church mice Mrs. Charles Plenty, to a poet D’Urberville girl Outback jumper Pirate’s quaff

The trailer of The Breakup PlayList, starring Sarah Geronimo and Piolo Pascual, shows the movie’s potential at the box office. It came out on Monday. The drama-romance film marks Piolo and Sarah’s first team up and their fans are waiting for its opening on July 1. Many are asking why the supposed kissing scene between Sarah and Piolo is in the trailer.. “Did it actually push through?” asks one netizen. “We all thought it’s a part of the trailer, since it has been written that Sarah asked for it. “It was like bitin kami, e.” But as far as we know, the kissing scene is pushing through. Many think that excluding that scene in the trailer is part of the publicity strategy. “Para lang siguro takamin kami,”another netizen says. Meanwhile, a lot of people are curious how Sarah’s boyfriend, Matteo Guidicelli, is taking it, considering that his sweetheart will be kissing one of her big crushes in showbiz. It seems, the actor doesn’t really mind. He hasn’t shown any bit of jealousy and tells everyone that he’s happy now that Sarah is becoming more mature, both as a person and as an actress.

He even advised her “to just close her eyes, and feel it” while doing the scene with his girlfriend’s biggest crush in showbiz. Oh, well. HHHHH Now it can be told. Cameras have started grinding for Kabisera intended for the Metro Manila Film Festival in December this year. Nora Aunor plays the lead character. The first shooting day took place on June 17 in Bustos, Bulacan where most scenes were shot. Ricky Davao plays Nora’s character’s husband. Kabisera is a crime movie in which the Superstar plays a woman who takes on the responsibility of both a mother and father to her children while fighting for justice for her murdered husband. Apart from an ensemble of competent performers, the movie boasts the reunion of mother and daughter. Lotlot de Leon is also in the cast. The two was reported to be not in good terms in the past, but it seems, this movie might pave the way to their reconciliation. The superstar already dispelled the rumor saying that Lotlot is her daughter and nothing can change that. “Madalang lang kami magkita ngayon ni Lotlot, si Janine (Gutierrez, her granddaughter) lang ang madalas kong maano, kasi siya yung nandiyan. Siyempre, mga anak ko ‘yan, mahal na mahal ko ang mga ‘yan,” she says.

T HUR S DAY : J UNE 18 : 2015

SHOWBITZ isahred @



Sumnima Udas hosts CNN's monthly series, The Silk Road: Past, Present, and Future

From C8

Receiving the award, from left, Production Administrator Melissa M. Nicdao, Senior Program Manager Nena Celle B. Dumol and Executive Producer Joni C. Mosatalla



f te r bagging the World Bronze Medal at the 2015 New York Festivals lin April, GMA News TV’s “May Pag-asa” Station ID continues reap accolades from award-giving bodies. In May, the Station ID won Silver in the Advocacy Marketing Category at the Philippine Association for National Advertisers PANAta Marketing Effectiveness Awards. The body honors the best communication tools in the country. In the recently concluded 2015 Asia-Pacific Tambuli Awards on June 9, the GMA News TV Station ID brought home another Silver in the Advocacy Category. The Asia-Pacific Tambuli Awards recognizes brands from around the world which not only deliver results but promote social good, celebrate human truths, ignite purpose and effect real change. The Station ID presented a moving and heartwarming collection of stories of hope

featuring the little known trials and tragedies that the channel’s personalities have overcome … such as venerable talk show host Winnie Monsod’s having recently had a stroke, Peabody award winning documentarian Jay Taruc taking care of his daughter with spinal muscular atrophy, investigative journalist Malou Mangahas imprisoned during the Martial Law years and many others. The campaign showed that the GMA News TV anchors, like their viewers, have gone through trying times yet have bounced back. The inspiring campaign was the brainchild of Nena Dumol who was diagnosed with Lupus in 2011 but continues to work as a Senior Program Manager for GMA News TV. HHHHH MY MOTHER’S SECRET This week, Neri (Kim Rodriguez) remembered the sketch book she left at the construction site. Anton (Christian Bautista) offered her a scholarship as he

was reminded of her when he was young. When the site was leveled to the ground because of a tremor, a column struck Anton and eventually was rushed to the hospital. While all these were happening, Neri fainted. Vivian (Gwen Zamora) was flushed upon seeing Anton in the hospital. Meanwhile, Cora (Lotlot de Leon) didn’t know what to do. When Neri wakes up, she learns about what happened to Anton who had to be operated on because of a rupture in his liver. Neri visits Anton in his hospital room where Vivian was also around but unaware that it was her daughter whom she met. Will Cora tell Vivian and Anton that it is their daughter who visits Anton? Neri said she recognized Vivian from her TV shows. What will Chato tell Vivian when she sees Cora? How will Anton’s condition progress? Or will it become worse?


NN is embarking on a maThe Silk Road: Past, Present, Future jor new series spanning the is where rich, historic cultural context length and breadth of the meets modern business and trading world’s most important and against the backdrop of visually stunhistoric trade route – The Silk Road. ning landscapes and destinations,” The Silk Road: Past, Present, Future said Ellana Lee, senior vice president, will uncover how the cultural tradi- CNN International. “This is an explotions and commercial trading synon- ration of how the Silk Road remains a ymous with this iconic route between route to international business in the East and West are playing into the in- 21st century, combining centuries’ novations and developments of today. old traditions with the dynamic busiEach month, CNN International ness models of our globalised world. correspondent Sumnima Udas will Part business show, part travelogue – visit a different country along The this series will be an important part of Silk Road uncovering remarkable sto- CNN International’s output.” ries of innovation, culture and busiA dedicated microsite for The ness. The format of the 30-minute Silk Road: Past, Present, Future will show will combine the modern world be hosted on As well as with intelligent historical context that featuring video from the show, this brings the region alive with color, cul- will be a multi-media hub for a host ture and a history of doing business. of bespoke content about the topics, The first stop for the nine-show series cultures and business practices covis the very start of the Silk Road - Chi- ered in the series. na. In this episode, Udas will explore In addition, CNN’s audience will modern-day silk production in the have the opportunity to engage with Hangzhou province, speak to China’s the series through unique ‘The Silk largest e-commerce company Alibaba Road: Past, Present, Future’ accounts about the Internet being the world’s on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. newest “Silk Road”, and see how the city These social media platforms will of Xi’an is renovating Silk Road sites to allow interaction with followers along boost tourism along the ancient route. the journey, as well as providing exIn July, episode two will focus on clusive digital behind the scenes footKazakhstan as the series traverses the age, pictures and Q & A sessions. route of the Silk Road, finally comThe Silk Road airs 4:30 p.m. today pleting the journey in Northern Italy. and 11:30 a.m. tomorrow.



inner of the Grand Jury Prize and the Audience Award at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival, Me and Earl and the Dying Gir” is the uniquely funny, moving story of Greg (Thomas Mann), a high school senior who is trying to blend in anonymously, avoiding deeper relationships as a survival strategy for navigating the social minefield that is teenage life. He even describes his constant companion Earl (RJ Cyler), with whom he makes short film parodies of classic movies, as more of a ‘co-worker’ than a best friend. But when Greg’s mom (Connie Britton) insists he spend time with Rachel (Olivia Cooke) – a girl in his class who has just been diagnosed with cancer - he slowly discovers how worthwhile the true bonds of

friendship can be. Based on Jesse Andrews’ book of the same title, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl took readers by surprise with a truly contemporary coming-of-age story, packed with smart original dialogue and fully realized teen characters. Now, director Alfonso Gomez-Rejon has perfectly captured the book’s offbeat humor, rare sensitivity and unique worldview in a feature film that chronicles a young man’s journey into adulthood as he learns what it means to be truly selfless. The innovative film also includes sly nods to legendary movies and tracks by the incomparable Brian Eno, including several previously unheard of compositions. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl opens very soon in cinemas nationwide from 20th Century Fox and distributed by Warner Bros.

Olivia Cooke and Thomas Man in Me and Eark and The Dying Girl

T HUR S DAY : J UNE 18 : 2015


ISAH V. RED EDITOR isahred @


Fans also got a chance to meet and greet Asia’s Songbird.

ASIA’S SONGBIRD KICKS OFF MALL TOUR ON A HIGH NOTE ISAH V. RED Regine Velasquez-Alcasis, Asia’s Songbird, opened the first leg of PLDT HOME’s five-mall concert series, dubbed as the Regine Series Mall Tour, with a bang last Sunday at Robinsons Magnolia in Quezon City. Performing before a large crowd of enthusiastic fans, Regine showcased her vocal prowess and her fans were not disappointed. Regine Velasquez-Alcasid is the brand ambassador of PLDT HOME’s Regine Series campaign offering: 1. Limited edition landline units for as low as P75 per month: Classic, Cordless, Corded-R and Corded-W and, 2. Call Plans: One Philippines (Unlimited PLDT-to-PLDT NDD calls and P10/ call to SMART and Talk’N Text for just P75/month, and One World IDD Call Plan with 15 free IDD minutes/month to select international destinations and P2.00 per minute in excess, for just P50/month). The Regine Series Mall Tour features a series of promotional mall concerts with Regine Velasquez-Alcasid as the main act along with a live band and exciting special guests with musical direction by no less than Raul Mitra. Boasting a talented lineup of performers, it is an event no one should miss out on. Admission to the Regine Series Mall Tour is free and open to the public. Fans are definitely in for a treat at every show. Those who missed the first leg of this exciting show still can catch the Regine Series Mall Tour at four other venues: Robinsons Place Manila (June

20), Market! Market! (July 4), Glorietta (July 11), and Trinoma (July 18). For PLDT subscribers who sign up for the Regine Series landline units, special seating will be provided. To know more about the Regine Series Mall Tour and the Regine Series landline units and call plans, log on to HHHHH TENNIS SUPERSTARS COMING BACK TO MANILA Last year, PLDT HOME Fibr brought the International Premier Tennis League (IPTL) in Manila with no less than tennis superstars Serena Williams and Maria Sharapova taking the center court in the three-day event at the Mall of Asia Arena. The Filipinos were star-struck over the tennis greats who have invaded Philippine shores. They also had a great time stargazing at the celebrities and VIPs who also came to watch matches. This year, PLDT HOME Fibr, the country’s most powerful broadband, is doing it again. IPTL 2015 is already in place and will gather these international tennis greats once again for the final leg of the same competition here in Manila. There will be over 30 of the most iconic names in tennis invading the country from Dec. 6-8, 2015 with the newly renamed Philippine Mavericks team in IPTL’s final leg at the Mall of Asia Arena. The former Manila Mavericks squad has been renamed the Philippine Mavericks to make a larger scope and not just central Manila. This was the explanation of Mavericks team co-owner Jean Henri Lhuillier on the rebranding of the contingent composed of eight powerhouse names in the sport.

“If you notice all the other teams are focused on their countries,” Lhuillier said during the press conference held recently, “So we wanted to pick up that semblance for the Philippine side so we decided to change it to the Philippine Mavericks.” The 2015 Philippine Mavericks are made up of returning members Jo-Wilfred Tsonga, Mark Philippousis and former Philippine national team member Treat Huey along with new recruits Serena Williams (formerly of the UAE Royals), Richard Gasquet (a two-time Grand Slam semifinalist), Sabine Lisicki (she of the 131km/h serve and a former Wimbledon quarterfinalist), and up-and-coming stars Jarmila Gajdosova of Australia and Croatian Borna Coric. PLDT HOME Fibr has been synonymous to bringing world class international sports and entertainment to the country for years and having the opportunity to partner up again with the IPTL—this time with sister company Smart—only reaffirms its mission to be at the forefront of bringing only the best to the Filipinos. “Last year was a great experience for everybody, seeing the best tennis athletes in the world in one venue playing right before your eyes is indeed a spectacle,” said Gary Dujali PLDT Vice President and Head for HOME Marketing. “We are very proud to once again make PLDT HOME Fibr a presenter of this very prestigious event.” Tickets for the 2015 IPTL Manila leg are available starting July 15th. PLDT Home Fibr will be giving selected subscribers a chance to be part of this amazing experience for free. Formore information log on to www. ➜ Continued on C7

Regine Velasquez is back on the stage with a new concert series dubbed the The Regine Series Mall Tour

Regine Velasquez captivates the crowd with her breathtaking voice.

At recent press conference at the SM Mall of Asia Arena, from left, Smart Sports Marketing’s Christopher John Quimpo, PLDT VP and HOME Marketing Head Gary Dujali, SM Lifestyle Entertainment President Edgar Tejerero, IPTL VP for Operations Abhishek Ponia and the Philippine Mavericks co-owners Jean Henri Lhuillier, Kevin Belmonte and Haresh Hiranand.

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