The Standard - 2015 July 09 - Thursday

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VOL. XXIX NO. 139 3 Sections 32 Pages P18 thurSday : JuLy 9, 2015

Palace: No junket for officials in The Hague


biNAy cAN be sued, de limA Now sAys

By Rey E. Requejo

JUSTICE Secretary Leila de Lima denied Wednesday that she now believes Vice President Jejomar Binay is immune from criminal prosecution, and singled out The Standard for “inaccurately” reporting her statement.

The Standard stands by its story, which contrasted her latest text message to her statements in October 2014. In a text message to reporters from Hague in the Netherlands where she was attending the oral arguments on

the country’s territorial dispute with China, De Lima said The Standard page one banner story “inaccurately reported” her statement “on the legal effect of the VP’s status as an impeachable official on his criminal prosecution.” Next page

Wet and rainy. Commuters ride a cart on R. Papa to cross the street in Manila on Wednesday to avoid getting soaked. Danny Pata

5 generals vying for top AFP position


Wang case whitewash feared in House By Christine F. Herrera THE leader of the independent minority bloc in the House warned Wednesday against the perception of a whitewash after a House panel tried to suppress the production of the CCTV footage that could prove that money extorted from suspected Chinese crime lord Wang Bo was used to bribe lawmakers into

swiftly passing the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL). Leyte Rep. Ferdinand Martin Romualdez issued his warning after Pampanga Rep. Oscar Rodriguez, chairman of the House committee on good government and public accountability, said the video footage could not be produced during Tuesday’s hearing because the director of the

Legislative Security Bureau, Isabelito Flores, was on vacation. Rodriguez, a Liberal Party stalwart, seemed eager to end the probe, announcing at every session that it would be the last hearing, even though the CCTV footage had not been produced. In a heated exchange with Romualdez, Rodriguez denied suppressing the evidence. Next page

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5 generals seek Catapang’s post By Florante S. Solmerin

FIVE generals vying for the top military position were grilled Wednesday by President Benigno Aquino III for their final interview before one of them is chosen to replace retiring Armed Forces chief Gen. Gregorio Pio Catapang Jr.

Wet day. A Philippine Airlines plane takes off at the airport on Wednesday despite the heavy downpour. Rudy C. SantoS

Binay From A1...

“Nowhere in my statement did I retract my original position that impeachability is different from immunity, and that except for the President, all impeachable officials are not immune from suit,” she said. She said she only explained that impeachable officials “are merely protected from such kind of suits that would violate their impeachability, specifically when such suit, such as criminal suit, have the effect of removing them from office without first being impeached.” She said The Standard report “selectively quoted from her statement to suit the headline and news that it wanted.” Her statement last Tuesday, in full, is as follows: “Theoretically, they can be subject to criminal proceedings so long as they are not removed from office, such as what the Supreme Court has done with Commissioners of the Comelec in several cases when it cited said Commissioners in criminal contempt. “However, the conventional wis-

Wang case From A1...

Rodriguez also insinuated that some vested interest groups may have had a“hidden agenda” behind leaking the payola story, purportedly to cast doubts on the BBL and derail the Palace-imposed deadline to pass it on June 11. “I personally believe there is a hidden agenda here so the BBL will not pass. The target is to shape the public opinion to cast doubts on BBL and make the congressmen fear to vote for BBL,” Rodriguez said. Rodriguez said the panel had no intention to suppress evidence by not showing the CCTV footage. Romualdez demanded that the supposed videos that were “overwritten” be produced so that they would know “once and for all” if money had been delivered at the rear entrance of the House, all the way to the Office of the Speaker.

dom among lawyers is that any criminal action against an impeachable official can only go so far as filing an information. It is still up to the courts, especially the Supreme Court, to categorically decide on whether or not the filing of a criminal charge amounts to a violation of impeachability.” The Palace on Wednesday distanced itself from the decision by a Court of Appeals justice to recuse herself in the case involving the preventive suspension order against Makati Mayor Jejomar Erwin Binay Jr., the Vice President’s son. “We defer to her judgement,” presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said, when asked about Associate Justice Celia Librea-Leagogo’s decision to inhibit herself from the case because of her links to Interior and Local Government Secretary Manuel Roxas II, a respondent in Binay’s petition for a temporary restraining order. In a letter, Leagogo said she has decided to recuse from the Binay case because her husband works at a law firm where one of the partners is Roxas’ cousin. “It was recently brought to my attention that the secretary of respondent Department of Interior and Lo-

cal Government, who was directed to implement the Ombudsman’s joint order in the above-captioned case, is the first cousin of one of the co-partners of my husband in their law firm,” Leagogo said. She said she was voluntarily inhibiting herself from participating in the Binay case in the interest of impartiality in the proper discharge of her judicial office. Leagogo was also a former law partner of former Defense secretary Avelino Cruz Jr., who was the canvassing lawyer of Roxas during the May 2010 elections. Leagogo was a former senior partner of “The Firm” or the Carpio Villaraza Marcelo Cruz Angangco law office. The original members of “The Firm” were Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio, Arthur Villaraza, former Ombudsman Simeon Marcelo and Cruz. Mayor Binay earlier petitioned the appellate court to issue a TRO or writ for preliminary injunction against the suspension order issued by the Ombudsman, in connection with his alleged role in the overpriced construction of a Makati Science High School building.

Binay had initially refused to vacate his office, saying the issuance of the suspension order had no justification. In a June 30 resolution written by Associate Justice Melchor Sadang, the appellate court deferred taking action on Binay’s petition to stop his six-month preventive suspension from office. Instead, it ordered the Office of the Ombudsman and the DILG to file their respective comments on Binay’s petition within 10 days. After failing to secure an immediate restraining order from the CA, Binay decided to temporarily step down from office. In March, the Ombudsman also ordered the suspension of Binay and other officials in connection with the allegedly overpriced construction of the Makati City Hall Building II. The mayor, however, received a TRO against the suspension order from the appellate court. The Supreme Court then indefinitely suspended the implementation of the suspension order pending a resolution on a case that the Ombudsman filed to question the authority of the CA justices to stop the implementation of the suspen-

“I don’t understand why the panel could not ask the House security personnel, who are just here in the produce that footage,” Romualdez said. Rodriguez said the security personnel manning the CCTV were “just ordinary personnel, who needed clearance from their boss, Flores, who is now on leave.” “The bribery issue has already cast doubts on the BBL,” Rodriguez. Romualdez said it was precisely why the panel should view the CCTV footage. “We want to see the truth,” Romualdez said. He pointed to inconsistencies in the explanation for the absence of the CCTV footage, with Speaker Feliciano Belmone Jr. saying the cameras were defective, while House security personnel said the tapes had been overwritten. “There is no intentional delay. We are also very anxious to see those.

The footage will be shown if available,” Rodriguez said as he ordered that the video footage for May 25, 26 and 27 be produced in the hearing, which will be held in two weeks. Rodriguez did not give the exact date for the next hearing. Rodriguez has announced in each hearing that it would be the panel’s last, but lawmakers prevailed upon him to continue, since the panel had vailed to send out invitations to the resource persons concerned. Abakada Rep. Jonathan dela Cruz, a member of the independent minority bloc, cited the case of journalist Benny Antiporda, who was not issued an invitation for Tuesday’s hearing despite assurances from the panel in the previous hearing that he would be invited. Antiporda was described by Bureau of Immigration Commissioner Siegfred Mison as the “friend of the Chinese Embassy” who informed him that Deputy Commissioner Gil-

berto Repizo had met with a representative of Wang and that shortly after the meeting, Repizo changed his tune and pushed for the complete reversal of the summary deportation order in favor of theMay 21release order for Wang. “They did not send me the invitation. I did not receive the invitation,” Antiporda told The Standard. But during the hearing, Rodriguez said Antiporda asked to be excused because the latter had “prior appointments.” Dela Cruz demanded that the panel invite Antiporda to the next hearing. Romualdez also lauded his colleagues, Dasmarinas City Rep. Elpidio Barzaga Jr. and 1BAP Rep. Silvestre Bello III for withdrawing their motions for contempt against The Standard reporter, Christine Herrera, saying the contempt citation would have sent the wrong signal to the public and had a chilling effect on the media.

Catapang, who reached the mandatory retirement age of 56 on July 11, is set to turn over command of the Armed Forces to his successor on Friday. The contenders are Southern Luzon Command chief Lt. Gen, Ricardo Visaya, Air Force chief Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Delgado, Western Command chief Vice Admiral Alexander Lopez, Central Command chief Lt. Gen. Nicanor Vivar, and Army chief Lt. Gen. Hernando Irriberi. Three of the candidates—Delgado, Lopez and Irriberi—have less than a year remaining in service. Malacanang spokesmen have repeatedly said that Aquino prefers younger generals to lead the AFP and the Philippine National Police, who will serve beyond his term. This gives Visaya and Vivar the edge . Visaya has until December 2016 before he retires and Vivar retires in August 2016. Of all the contenders, only Irriberi has legal hurdles as he was facing criminal and administrative charges before the Office of the Ombudsman over at least three ammunition projects worth P97.8 million. His case is under investigation. Last year, Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales suspended then PNP chief Alan Purisima after investigators found probable cause from a corruption charge filed against him. Purisima later resigned as PNP chief after the massacre of the 44 police commandos by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and other rebels on Jan. 25 in Mamasapano, Maguindanao, in a covert operation that he oversaw. Morales also suspended former Central Luzon police director Chief Supt. Raul Petrasanta over more than 1,000 missing AK47s that reportedly ended up with the communist New People’s Army. Both Purisima and Petrasanta, a strong contender for PNP chief, are close friends of Aquino who served in the Presidential Security Group of Aquino’s mother, the late President Corazon Aquino.

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PH asks arbitration body to call China claim illegal THE HAGUE—The Philippines has appealed to an international tribunal to declare China’s claims to most of the South China Sea illegal, warning the integrity of United Nations’ maritime laws is at stake. In opening comments to the tribunal in the Hague on Tuesday, Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario said the Philippines had sought judicial intervention because China’s behavior had become increasingly “aggressive” and the negotiations had proved futile. Del Rosario said the UN’s Convention on the Law of the Sea, which the Philippines and China have both ratified, should be used to resolve their bitter territorial dispute. “The case before you is of the utmost importance to the Philippines, to the region, and to the world,” del Rosario told the tribunal. “In our view, it is also of utmost significance to the integrity of the convention, and to the very fabric of the legal order of the seas and oceans.” China insists it has sovereign rights to nearly all of the South China Sea, a strategically vital waterway with shipping lanes through which about a third of all the world’s traded oil passes. Its claim, based on ancient Chinese maps, reaches close to the coasts of its southern neighbors. The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also have claims to parts of the sea, which have for decades made it a potential military flashpoint. Tensions have risen sharply in recent years as a rising China has sought to stake its claims more as-

sertively. Following a stand-off between Chinese ships and the weak Filipino Navy in 2012, China took control of a rich fishing ground called Scarborough Shoal that is within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. China has also undertaken giant reclamation activities that have raised fears it will use artificial islands to build new military outposts close to the Philippines and other claimants. China has rejected all criticism over its actions, insisting it has undisputed sovereign rights to the sea. However, del Rosario told the tribunal in the Hague that China’s argument of claiming the sea based on “historic rights” was without foundation. “The so-called nine dash line (based on an old map used by China) has no basis whatsoever under international law,” he said. The Philippines submitted its case to the Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration, a 117-state body that rules on disputes between countries, in early 2013. Del Rosario’s comments, held in closed door proceedings but released by his office in Manila on Wednesday, were part of the Philippines’ opening oral arguments. China has refused to participate in the proceedings and said it will not abide by any ruling, even though it is has ratified the UN’s Convention on the Law of the Sea. However, the Philippines hopes a ruling in its favor will pressure China into making concessions. Any ruling from the tribunal is not expected until next year. aFP

Weekly forum. Senator Ferdinand Marcos Jr. tells a weekly forum in Manila that the Philippines should engage China to resolve their dispute in the South China Sea. Danny Pata

Fire and rain. A fireman readies his hose after fire hit the annex building of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency in Quezon City on Wednesday as it had been raining. Lino SantoS

The Hague trip no pleasure tour, says palace spokesman MALACAÑANG on Wednesday slammed Harry Roque, a staunch administration critic, after he asked why Malacañang sent a big delegation to The Hague to argue the Philippines’ case against China and called the trip a junket. Roque also asked why the government hired a foreign lawyer to defend the Philippines’ case. “You hire someone on the basis of competence. You hire someone on the basis of expertise and the field of knowledge that one possesses,” presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda told reporters. “And that goes to show why we didn’t use him [Roque],” Lacierda said. He made his statement even as Reps. Carlos Zarate, Jonathan de la Cruz and Gus Tambunting also questioned the size of the Philippine delega-

tion to the Hague. “This involves the people’s money,” Zarate said. But Rep. Bolet Banal defended Malacañang while Rep. Silvestre Bello III saw nothing wrong with the big delegation. Roque said Lacierda was only skirting the issue and insisted that “what we want to know is how much the Palace is spending on a delegation of 35 people to the Hague. “Calling me KSP or Kulang sa Pansin simply avoids the issue altogether,” Roque said in his blog on “” “Press Secretary Edwin Lacierda’s response shows the Pal-

ace is Kabado sa Paliwanag [uneasy in explaining the size of the delegation] because they really cannot justify this big junket when only two in the government will actually argue before the Tribunal. “I’m sure the money being spent on the Philippine delegation for at least a week will go a long way in helping fisherfolks from Zambales displaced by the Chinese takeover of the Panatag shoal.” Roque asked if the government had even thought of helping the thousands of fishermen who were now without any adequate source of livelihood because of its allegedly inept handling of the Panatag shoal stand-off. “It is sad that they had been so consumed by junket fever that they couldn’t think of anything else,” he said. “With only two oralists at The Hague, why do we have a delegation of 35?” Sandy araneta and Maricel V. Cruz

Vitangcol accuses Ombudsman of clearing Abaya in MRT-3 case FORMER Metro Rail Transit-3 general manager Al Vitangcol III on Wednesday slammed the Office of the Ombudsman for clearing Transport Secretary Joseph Emilio Abaya of any involvement in the alleged irregularities in the awarding of MRT-3’s interim maintenance contract. In a 16-page motion for reconsideration, Vitangcol, through his lawyer Inocencio Vivero, said he was singled out by the antigraft court and that the graft charges against him should be dismissed since he did not have the authority to approve con-

tracts or projects that were more than P5 million. Vivero said Abaya, not his client, had the power to approve and implement such project. “For the record, respondent Vitangcol has no power or authority to award the subject interim maintenance service for MRT-3 in favor of PH Trams and CB&T or to any proponent for that matter,” Vitangcol’s plea read. “Under the policy of DoTC, the authority to grant or award a project contract involving more than P5 million rests with the secretary or undersecretary. It is

only when the project or contract involving P5 million and below that respondent Vitangcol’s office (MRT-3) would have the authority and power to award a particular contract.” Vivero said Vitangcol was singled out and called his indictment as “selective justice.” “The conclusion of this Honorable Office that respondent Vitangcol directed the outcome of the purely speculation,” the motion said. Transport Undersecretary Jose Perpetuo Lotilla must be held liable, too, Vitangcol said.

Vitangcol is seeking the reversal of the June 26 Ombudsman’s decision that found probable cause to indict him for graft. The Ombudsman investigators committed a “grievous error” for ruling that only him should be held culpable, Vivero said. “To his mind, this is some of selective justice which should be abhorred at all times. “He (Vitangcol) does not have the power or the authority to dictate or influence the decision of any officer involved in the task of selecting the maintenance service provider for the MRT-3. He does

not have any power or authority to influence the decisions of the DoTC or the MRT Corp. “The contract would not have been awarded to PH Trams and CB&T JV had it not been for the subsequent approvals of Lotilla and Abaya.” Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales earlier approved the filing of graft charges against Vitangcol, Wilson de Vera, Marlo de la Cruz, Manolo Maralit, Federico Remo and Vitangcol’s uncle-in-law, Arturo Soriano, of PH Trams-CB&T. Rio n. araja and John Paolo Bencito


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Rain to last until Friday By Joel E. Zurbano, Rio N. Araja and Francisco Tuyay

MONSOON rains enhanced by Typhoon “Falcon” caused floods in various places in the country, including Metro Manila, with the weather bureau warning that bad weather will likely prevail until Friday when the storm is expected to leave the country. In its 5 p.m. bulletin, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration said Falcon was at 1,065 km east of Basco, Batanes at 4 p.m. Wednesday and had maximum sustained winds of 130 kph near the center and gustiness of up to 160 kph. The fairly-strong typhoon was moving west northwest at 20 kph and is expected to be 810 km east northeast of Itbayat, Batanes on Thursday and 585 km north northeast of Itbayat when it leaves the Philippine Area of Responsibility.

The typhoon dumped heavy rain on Metro Manila and its environ in addition to Bulacan, Cavite, Bataan, Batangas and Rizal. The weather bureau also warns that monsoon rains may cause flash floods and trigger landslides over the regions of Ilocos, Central Luzon, Metro Manila, Calabarzon and Mimaropa. While occasional rains were to be expected in Western Visayas due to the southwest monsoon, the rest of the country was forecast to have cloudy skies and iso-

lated thunderstorms. According to Pagasa, the public and the disaster risk reduction and management councils concerned should take appropriate actions and watch for the next bulletin to be issued later at 11 p.m. Classes were suspended in all levels in Metro Manila, Batangas, Laguna, and Cavite; Cainta and San Mateo in Rizal; Balanga, Mariveles and Limay in Bataan; Hagonoy, and San Jose del Monte, Sta. Maria and Marilao in Bulacan. The Metro Manila Development Authority noticed zero visibility along Pasig River prompting the agency to suspend its Ferry System Service operation. MMDA chairman Francis Tolentino said various parts of Metro Manila were flooded but waters are subsiding faster because of the government’s pumping stations and other flood control projects in the metropolis. He said all pumping stations in

Metro Manila, except for the Tripa de Galina in Manila, are operational and ready for the rainy season. The MMDA has a composite team of eight personnel from its flood control engineer office and eight personnel from traffic discipline unit deployed in strategic locations to alleviate traffic and flooding problems. Meanwhile, the engineers at the La Mesa Dam recommended preemptive evacuation of residents near the Tullahan River as the dam’s water level was near overflowing. “As of 4 p.m, La Mesa’s elevation is 79.72 meters (red alert), 43 centimeters below overflow level of 80.15 meters. Preemptive evacuation is recommended,” dam manager Teddy Angeles said. He urged the local governments of Quezon City, Valenzuela City, Malabon City and Navotas City to take the necessary steps to prevent loss of lives and properties once the dam overflows.

Hovering Falcon. Weather forecaster Robert Badrina points at the at satellite image of Typhoon Falcon which was 1,065 kms east of Batanes at 5 p.m. Wednesday. LINO SANTOS

Palace explains late order By Sandy Araneta MALACAÑANG responded to public criticism of the late suspension of classes and work in government offices on by blaming the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) for its late recommendation. “There was a recommendation. We would only declare a suspension whenever there is a recommendation from the DOST, and so we would always rely on our scientists and our weather forecasters to give us a recommendation,” said Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda. “As you know, we only relay to the public the decision and the recommendations provided by DOST. In any event, we will keep you updated for any weather conditions,” he added. Lacierda’s made the statement after the public criticized the order which was issued at around 3:30 p.m., just about an hour and a half before government employees get off off work and after students and workers were already stranded due to floods. “We are now in the rainy season, so I think everyone knows and by and large knows, or everyone knows how to protect themselves from inclement weather,” he said. Lacierda said that yesterday morning, he got a lot of text messages asking about the weather, and if classes and work will again be suspended by Malacañang.

Comelec: Provincial malls up next By Sara Susanne D. Fabunan A TOTAL of 5,229 voters registered or had their records at the satellite registration booths that the Commission on Elections set up inside shopping malls last weekend and the poll agency will put up similar booths in six more provinces in Luzon. “In spite of the rains over the weekend and the relatively short notice, the first salvo of our weekend mall registration turnout was impressive,” said Comelec Chairman Andres Bautista, noting that 2,952 voters registered and validated in the mall booths last Saturday with 2,277 more on Sunday. Buoyed by the total of more than 5,200 voters, such figures, Chairman Bautista said the poll body is now readying similar booths in shopping malls in Nueva Ecija, Pampanga, Laguna, Cavite, Batangas, and Bulacan. “We want to bring the success of mall registration in Metro Manila to the provinces,” Bautista said. “During regular days in local Comelec offices, only a handful go in to register. With these

results, it only shows that people will even bear long lines inside malls just to be able to register.” Satellite registration booths are already scheduled at Walter Mart Makiling, Laguna (July 15); Walter Mart Calamba, Laguna (July 17); Walter Mart Tanauan, Batangas (July 17); Walter Mart San Fernando, Pampanga (July 17 and 18); Walter Mart Guiguinto, Bulacan (July 25); Walter Mart Gen. Trias, Cavite (July 25); Walter Mart Sta. Maria, Bulacan (July 31); Walter Mart Plaridel, Bulacan (July 31 and August 1); and Walter Mart Gapan, Nueva Ecija (July 31 and August 1). Meanwhile, Bautista said he was no longer surprized by the petition that was filed before the Supreme Court against their ongoing parallel public bidding for the automated election system for next year’s presidential election. “Personally, I was not surprised anymore,” Bautista told the reporters, but he declined to comment until after he has read the petition. Comelec Commissioner Christian Lim, the most senior Comelec commissioner, agreed with Bautista’s statement and said ““we are already used to having cases filed.”

In danger of overflow. A dam official points at the level of the La Mesa Reservoir in Quezon City on Wednesday which neared its overflow level of 80 meters. Plant manager Teddy Angeles recommended preemptive evacuation of residents near the reservoir. LINO SANTOS

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‘OVP budget a pittance compared to Roxas’ kitty’ By VITO BARCELO With only P86-million to spend for social services, the Office of the Vice President has assisted hundreds of indigents across the country, unlike the P7.3 billion funds of interior and Local Government Secretary Mar Roxas for programs that did not even make a passing rate for competency of his agency, according to the camp of Vice President Jejomar Binay. Binay’s spokesman for political affairs Rico Quicho said the social services of the OVP h also assisted the constituents of Samar Rep. Ben Evardone who had maliciously described the OVP fund as “pork barrel.” Quicho said the Vice President’s social services budget is a pittance compared to the P7.3-billion kitty of Roxas for DiLG programs that are not within the mandate or competence of his agency. he said the OVP served a total of 66,951 patients in medical missions across 21 provinces, and was responsible for the distribution of a total of 133,346 relief packages to families affected by natural calamities in 2014. it also helped 6,044 indigent clients who sought medical assistance. The patients or their families requested help to pay for dialysis, hospital bills, chemotherapy sessions, medicines, surgery and other procedures, implants, and hearing aids. These clients came mostly from Metro Manila but the OVP also assisted clients from other regions. the OVP in 2014 also provided educational support to 9,700 elementary school pupils and distributed medals and certificates of recognition to 8,000 students. Most of the beneficiaries were indigenous people and they received bags, notebooks, pencils and other school supplies.

Philhealth loses P2b in false claims—TG By Macon Araneta

This is very important for the public because the funds are used SUBJECTING a blind person to a laser operation he did to help the poor. And yet, we see not need was among the ‘modus operandi’ employed by what happened. People are being used here as tools to get Philunscrupulous doctors and institutions to defraud the health funds. Others were operstate-run Philippine Health Insurance of billions of ated although not needed. There pesos paid by its members. were also ghost doctors. This Senate Blue Ribbon committee conducted a laser operation on him. means that the doctor who conchairman Senator teofisto Guingona “So we see here that some persons ducted the operation was differsaid a blind man testified Wednes- and institutions systematically got ent from the doctor who filed the day at the resumption of the hearing Philhealth funds like what i said, claims for payment from Philon the P2-billion dubious claims of one of them-- through hakot’ pa- health, “he said. hospitals and clinics with Phil- tients,” said Guingona. Guingona also cited the cases of health, for eye operations, that he On the second day of the hearing, three persons who contracted funwas lured into undergoing an eye Guingona admitted they saw signs of gal infection after an operation, surgery. attempts to use Philhealth for the which could be due to unsanitary The blind man, who was among advantage of certain individuals and equipment. those ‘gathered’ by the so-called companies. “Three patients were operated on seekers of eye clinics, said he was “They get the money of Phil- the same date, all got fungal infecgiven false hopes by the doctor who health which are public funds. tion and some of them became blind.

This means the equipment were not clean,” Guingona said, prodding the Department of health to use its power on this matte. Guingona said he wanted to look into the coordination between the DOh which issues and revokes the license of eye institutions to operate and Philhealth which issues payments to doctors, clinics and hospitals. testifying in the same hearing, health Asst. Secretary Ma. Dominga Padilla warned that if a doctor tells a cataract patient to come back for a laser treatment shortly after an operation, then it’s a scam. She disclosed that some patients were told by their doctors immediately after a cataract surgery to return after two weeks or a month for a laser treatment.

Eye opener. The Senate blue ribbon committee has begun its probe of the alleged fraudulent claims by surgeons and companies on PhilHealth funds, with Pacific Eye Institute’s Dr. Bryan Ongkiankoc (right) and Dr. Christopher Barasi taking their turns at the witness stand along with PhilHealth patients (inset) Romeo Fernandez (left) and Romeo Fernando both of whom had undergone eye surgery at the Institute. EY ACASIO

Two bomb carriers nabbed tured around 2 p.m. in the vicinity of Campo Uno thE military said in Barangay Andap. Earlier during that day Wednesday its operatives have arrested two in the same barangay, govsuspected bomb carriers ernment troops and NPA of the New People’s Army rebels clashed, resultint while two soldiers were in the wounding of two wounded in a separate soldiers. At least 9 firearms encounter with rebels in were recovered from the New Bataan, Compostela rebels. Eastmincom public afValley. Lieutenant Eduardo Gu- fairs chief Captain Alberto bat, spokesman of the East- Caber said the two woundern Mindanao Command ed soldiers were already “in (Eastmincom), said Edwin stable condition.” The clash broke out at Sarvida and Dodong Langoy alias Dexter were cap- around 4:25 p.m. tues-

By Florante S. Solmerin


day in Barangay Andap. Lt. Col. Gilbert Roy Ruiz, commanding officer of the 66th infantry Battalion, said that, prior to the encounter, they received information from civilians about the arrival of the rebels in the barangay, which prompted them to draw an operational plan. After the NPA rebels withdrew taking some of their wounded, at least 9 firearms were recovered from the scene of the clash, including rifles such as M16s, M4, AK-47, and M14.

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Solon: Lumad schools militarized By Maricel V. Cruz

A PARTY-LIST lawmaker on Wednesday chided the Education department for “mishandling” the issue of militarization of Lumad schools in Mindanao. Kabataan party-list Rep. Terry Ridon, at the same time, challenged Education Secretary Armin Luistro to join his group and other cause-oriented groups for a fact-finding mission next week in affected schools in the region and see for himself how deep the problem of campus militarization is. On July 13-15, Ridon and several other legislators will head to Davao del Norte to

visit the affected schools and conduct a fact-finding mission on reports of campus militarization. “Department of Education officials should be ashamed of themselves. I said that instead of protecting our students from harm and supporting alternative schools that provide education to Lumad children in far-flung areas, DepEd is essen-

tially conniving with the military to exacerbate the problem,” Ridon said. “Secretary Luistro, leave that comfortable office of yours and join us next week as we visit tribal schools affected by militarization. Maybe, just maybe, if you see the effect of your agency’s pro-militarization policies first hand, you will be compelled to act more decisively on the issue,” Ridon added. Similarly, during a dialogue he and his group conducted with Education officials Tuesday, Ridon said it was very apparent that the Education department is trying to evade the issue of campus militarization

and the closure of Lumad schools in Mindanao. “We are very concerned with how DepEd is handling – or rather mishandling – this issue, which is affecting the lives and education of thousands of Lumad children,” Ridon said. In a dialogue with legislators, Lumad school administrators, children’s rights advocates, and Lumad leaders on Tuesday afternoon at the DepEd Main Office in Pasig City, DepEd Legal and Legislative Affairs Assistant Secretary Tonisito Umali said that the department is set to release a “new issuance” to address the issue of campus militarization in the

coming week. However, when asked about the content of the said issuance, Umali said, “We have to wait and see what’s in that issuance, as I don’t want to raise false hopes.” “Even if school administrators and Lumad leaders asked for an unequivocal commitment for DepEd to act on the illegal entry and encampment of elements of the military in several Lumad schools, DepEd still refused to give a clear action plan. Instead, we are being asked to wait for the issuance of a new memorandum, the contents of which are not even clear,” Ridon said. Ridon said he attended

the dialogue together with Gabriela Rep. Luz Ilagan, tribal leaders, members of Save Our Schools Network, and school administrators of Salugpongan Ta Tanu Igkanogon Community Learning Center (STTICLC) and Mindanao Interfaith Services Foundation Inc. (MISFI) Academy, two tribal schools which recently faced closure due to DepEd’s refusal to release permits for their operation. Due to mounting public pressure, DepEd eventually released a “conditional PTO” for 24 out 32 community schools operated by Salugpongan. The remaining schools, meanwhile, remain closed.

No fake rice in Davao, says Customs chief

Appeal for Veloso. Filipino boxing champion Manny Pacquiao visits a private Indonesian medicinal laboratory plant in Se-

marang, central Java island on July 8, 2015. Pacquiao on July 10 will visit Filipino maid Mary Jane Veloso who is on death row in Indonesia ahead of a meeting with Indonesian President Joko Widodo where Pacquiao plans to raise Veloso’s plight.AFP

THE Bureau of Customs found no fake rice during an inspection conducted by the agency in several Davao ports. Customs Commissioner Alberto Lina led the inspection in several Davao ports to check if synthetic rice is being sold in the province. Lina together with Enforcement Group (EG) Deputy Commissioner Ariel Nepomuceno and other Customs officials visited several Davao ports including the Davao International Container Terminal (DICT) Wharf in Panabo, Davao del Norte, Port of Davao, Sasa Wharf and other areas within the BOC-Port of Davao premises. The rice shipments yielded negative for plastic rice. During the inspection, DICT employees also showed BOC officials their methodical operations and strict cargo monitoring computerization to ensure that no smuggled items en-

ter the country undetected. “We are strictly monitoring the area and we would like to assure the public that the BOC is committed to curb the smuggling of items especially illegal importation of basic commodities like rice that disadvantageously affects our country,” Lina said. “In fact we working in close coordination with the National Food Authority, local government units, and other concerned agencies and local law enforcement authorities like the PNP, Philippine Coast Guards, and the AFP to seize and confiscate contrabands within Customs authority that may imperil the security as well as the general welfare of the public.” Lina said that only recently, combined agents of the NFA and BOC raided several establishments in Manila and confiscated over 1,500 kilos of smuggled rice from China.Vito Barcelo

Gun permit fee hike blasted By Rey E. Requejo THE Supreme Court has been asked to stop the government from imposing exorbitant fees on the issuance of licenses and permits for firearms and ammunition, which started last June 15. In a petition, Gun Owners in Action (Go Act ) asked the SC to immediately issue a temporary restraining order stopping the collection of the new rates and fees for licensing and permits for firearms and ammunition pending resolution of the case. The group impleaded Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa, Interior and Local Government Secretary Manuel Roxas II and officials of the Philippine National Police led Deputy Director General Leonardo

Espina as respondents. The petitioner sought for the issuance of a status quo ante order directing the respondents to continue accepting applications for, processing and issuing license to own and possess firearms (LTOPF), permit to carry firearm outside of residence (PTCFOR), sports shooters license (SSL) and all other licenses and permits under Republic Act 10591 or the Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act under the same terms and conditions prior to the issuance and implementation of the schedule fees. Under the new schedule of fees, individual firearms owners are required to pay P1,000 for LTOPF Type 1, which allows a citizen to own and possess a maximum of two registered firearms; P2,000 for Type 2,

which allows a maximum of five registered firearms; P3,000 for Type 3, maximum of 10 registered firearms; P5,000 for Type 4, maximum of 15 registered firearms; and P10,000 for Type 5, which allows a citizen, who is certified gun collector, to own and possess more than 15 registered firearms. The new schedule of fees also imposes various rates for other licenses such as SSL for P1,000; Antique Firearm Collector’s License for P2,000; Gun Collector’s License for P5,000; PTCFOR for P6,000; Gun Safety Seminar Fee for P500; Validation of Gun Safety Seminar Fee issued by recognized authorized Gun Club for P100; and carrying additional ammunition for license sports shooters for P1,500.

Ominous. Dark clouds envelop the skies of Manila on Wednesday July 8 after a downpour in Metro Manila due to an inclement weather. DANNY PATA

t h u r s d ay : j u ly 9, 2 0 1 5



Justice Dept clears solon, governor of murder By Dexter A. See

LINGAYEN, Pangasinan—The Department of Justice has junked the criminal complaint filed in February 2013 by the National Bureau of Investigation and Akap sa Bata against Gov. Amado Espino, Jr., Rep. Jesus Celeste, and Jaime Aquino, for allegedly masterminding the killing of Infanta Mayor Ruperto Martinez. Martinez was shot and killed by two gunmen aboard a motorcycle on December 15, 2012 inside his residential compound in Barangay Cato, Infanta, Pangasinan. The DOJ Prosecution Panel, composed of Assistant State Prosecutors Olivia L. Torrevillas, Rassendell Rex Gingoyon, and Aristotle M. Reyes, in its resolution dated June 1, 2015, dismissed the complaint for lack of probable cause. The prosecutors also characterized the complaint as politically motivated and highly unbelievable. The panel noted that, since the NBI filed the instant case solely on the basis of Jestin Aquino’s ’s testimony, the complaint rose and fell on the strength of Jestin’s statement, particularly his January 8, 2013 sworn affidavit. “After a careful evaluation...”, the Panel found the “testimony of Jestin to be inherently incredible...that the sworn affidavit is contrived and should not be accorded weight and credence...” as it is “...highly unbelievable....” The panel argued that Jestin’s alleged presence while the plan to murder Martinez was being hatched was inconsistent with human experience. It said only the dumb would conspire to commit a crime in the presence of a person not privy to the plan, more so of a 16-year minor like Jestin. The panel, in fact, resented this as going too far in taxing its credulity, in the same manner that the panel was not impressed with Jestin’s detailed narration of other criminal incidents that allegedly happened when when he was only about eight years old. The panel went on to emphasize that “Even the heirs of the late Mayor Martinez do not believe the story of Jestin.” The heirs, who are supposed to be more interested than anyone to secure justice for their father, even went to the extent of clearing Governor Espino and Congressman Celeste for the death of Mayor Martinez.

This is how we say ‘Mabuhay!’. The dancing inmates from Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center perform before tourists from the United States led by Ambassador Jose Cuisia Jr. MICHELLE ALVAREZ

Bill seeks to make state university ‘more relevant’ By Maricel V. Cruz

The house committee on higher and technical education has approved a bill seeking to strengthen Mindanao State University to “make it more relevant and responsive to the needs of the times, especially in the age of globalization and rapid technological development.” The committee, chaired by Pasig City Rep. Roman Romulo, approved House Bill 4779 that designates MSU as a national peace university that would initiate, maintain and promote programs and policies on peace education, conflict resolution, multi-cultur-

alism, pluralism and diversity. “MSU has expanded through the years to become a university system that now comprises several campuses located in major centers in Mindanao and has evolved into one of the leading universities in the Philippines,” Romulo,

the bill’s author, said. Romulo said the MSU system’s vision of becoming the premier supra-regional university committed to the social, political and economic development of Mindanao will be hampered if it will continue to rely on a charter that is already more than 60 years old. “MSU system’s goals of setting the standards of excellence in science, arts, technology, and other fields, accelerating the economic, cultural, socio-political, and agro-industrial development of the Muslim and other cultural groups, and preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of the region can be at-

tained only by strengthening its charter,” Romulo said. Romulo said MSU would set the standards and initiate innovations in teaching, research and faculty development in philosophy, the arts and humanities, the social sciences, the professions and engineering, natural sciences, mathematics, and technology, and maintain centers of excellence in such disciplines and professions. The Mindanao State University system is composed of the MSU Marawi, MSU Iligan, MSU General Santos, MSU Tawi-Tawi, MSU Sulu, MSU Maguindanao, MSU Misamis Oriental and MSU Zamboanga Sibugay.

Community opposes quarrying By Johanne Margarette R. Macob

Weaving woman. Amelia Dalgan of Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao weaves a traditional Irarun malong. Each malong sells for between P1500 and P2000. OMAR MANGORSI

AGUILAR, PANGASINAN—Residents of Barangay Bayaoas in this town, through a formal complaint, expressed their disapproval of the ongoing quarry operations in their village. Concerned citizens led by ex-Barangay Captain Arnulfo Repancol, ex-Brgy. Kagawad Alex Dela Cruz, and incumbent Brgy. Kagawad. Edwin Biag, with nine others, condemned the alleged illegal quarrying of Wilpres Enterprises. In their complaint, dated June 15, 2015, submitted to the Sangguniang Bayan of Aguilar, Sangguniang Panlalawigan, and Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office, the complainants cited the quarrying operations which allegedly resulted in “great damage to our environment and already imposing danger to the barangay as a whole.”

The operations, which have been obtaining aggregates particularly sand and gravel from Bayaoas Brook, among others, have destructed government flood-control structures, said the petition. The complainants also alleged that the said private company destroyed the dike which served as protection of the whole village in order to pave a way for their quarrying operations. They said Wilpres Enterprises had dismantled the dike built by the Department of Public Works and Highways as protection against the dismatled riverbank near the foot of Bayaoas Bridge.. This, the petitioners said, was to create a pathway for the company’s dump trucks and heavy equipment for quarry operations. “Their operations are not done properly, ” the complainants added. “Despite the project being near houses and riverbanks, they still get sand and gravel using backhoe and payloader.”

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ADELLE chuA eDItor


VIew from mAlcom Atty. hArry roque jr.

JunkeT To The hague


A junket by Any other nAme By ALL means, bring on the arguments. A legal team—described as a powerhouse by the Palace—is in The Hague, Netherlands this week to argue on behalf of the Philippines before the Permanent Court of Arbitration on the territorial dispute with China. In recent years, China has been asserting its might by accessing reefs and shoals, building structures on some islands and preventing Filipino fishermen from fishing in the disputed waters. The Philippine position is that international maritime law, specifically the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea—to which both the Philippines and China are both signatories—should govern the dispute. Its claim is anchored on the 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone provided for by the UNCLOS. Thus, the PCA has jurisdiction on the matter. China believes otherwise. It says the issue is one of sovereignty and would prefer to deal with the Philippines directly, without need for an arbitrator. It rejects some of the provisions of the same UNCLOS that it has signed and argues that its nine-dash lines apply to its claim to at least 85 percent of the South China Sea. Our representatives’ optimism that the five-member court would decide on our favor, both on the jurisdiction and on the merits, is perhaps best reflected by the size of the Philippine delegation. Only a handful of these representatives are slated to argue before the PCA, but there are more than 30 names on the list of those who flew to the Netherlands, who are staying in hotel rooms and dining on European food—all on the Filipino taxpayer’s dime. we appreciate the inclusion of those who will argue on the country’s behalf; the rest of the team, not at all. we don’t agree it’s a powerhouse, either, because some of the names on the list are inconsequential anyway—and that’s being kind. Spokesman Edwin Lacierda resorted to name calling as he branded as KSP – kulang sa pansin (desperate for attention)—the lawyer who raised this question. Deputy presidential spokesman Abigail Valte, who is also at The Hague, said the sheer number of delegates shows that resorting to arbitration is “a country effort” and has full government support. we are bringing several valid arguments to the arbitration court, but this one just does not fly. “Full government support,” is a junket by any other name.

The palace link lowDown jojo A. robles HOw does the Aquino administration keep track of all the people that it wants charged in the courts, mostly to get back at them for having political views that are opposed to its own, and how does it protect its allies from getting the same treatment? A Justice Department undersecretary who favors yellow barongs is how. I first saw Justice Undersec-

retary Jose Justiniano on television, when he was still a private prosecutor in the impeachment hearings in the Senate of ousted Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona. At the time, Justiniano was a litigation expert and partner of the SyCip, Salazar, Hernandez & Gatmaitan law firm, in charge of the Makati-based firm’s Subic Bay Freeport Zone office – but mostly I remember him for wearing a near-perpetual smirk and a scraggly white beard that contrasted with his dyed black hair. By August 2013, Justiniano

had been appointed undersecretary to backstop Leila de Lima, with no specific portfolio, I’ve been told, except to pursue the cases that President Noynoy Aquino wants pursued against his perceived political enemies. Over at Padre Faura, Justiniano has become known as the “Malacañang undersecretary,” with no clear line functions in the department – but an oversize mandate to watch over the cases that the Palace has a particular interest in. (Soon after the conviction of Corona, Justiniano’s reward was an appointment to the board of


justiniano is the ‘malacañang undersecretary,’ with no clear line functions but an oversize mandate.

the Development Bank of the Philippines. He reportedly also sought a justiceship in the Sandiganbayan anti-graft court, but encountered some resistance there and dropped his bid.) This was how, by July last year, Justiniano was “deputized” to join the team of state lawyers assigned by the Office of the Ombudsman to the plunder and corruption cases filed against Senators Juan Ponce Enrile, Jose “Jinggoy” Estrada and Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr. In response to a resolution filed against his deputization by the Ombudsman – a constitutional agency that should not be under the influence of the justice

department and the rest of the Aquino administration – filed by Estrada, Justiniano said that he was merely deputized by the Ombudsman and was still drawing his pay only from the Department of Justice. But the arrangement clearly shows how the undersecretary has taken on the job of shepherding the cases filed by the Ombudsman against the three senators. It also clearly disproves the claim of Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales that she is “impartial” and not

Published Monday to Sunday by Philippine Manila Standard Publishing Inc. at 6/F Universal Re Building, 106 Paseo de Roxas, corner Perea St., Legaspi Village, Makati City. Telephone numbers 832-5554, 832-5556, 832-5558 (connecting all departments), (Editorial), 832-5546, (Advertising), 832-

engaging in politics when she and her office file cases against anyone. In fact, only last month, in an interview with the newspaper Businessworld, De Lima declared that she still has to consult with Justiniano about whether or not to pursue the filing of the corruption charges against the socalled “third batch” of lawmakers who abused their pork barrel allocations. Asked about De Lima’s plan, Justiniano said “it is the Ombudsman that has the final say as to who is charged before the

5550. P.O. Box 2933, Manila Central Post Office, Manila. Website: www. E-mail:


can be accessed at:



Philippine Press Institute The National Association of Philippine Newspapers

Sandiganbayan” as far as the third batch (made up mostly of political allies of Aquino in Congress) is concerned; yes, the same Ombudsman who has already deputized him in the first batch involving the three senators. If you’re still wondering at this point about what Justiniano’s true role in the justice department really is, wonder no more. He’s in charge of making sure that the enemies of the administration get what’s coming to them, and that the Continued on A10 allies don’t.

MST Management, Inc. Philip G. Romualdez Arnold C. Liong Former Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno Jocelyn F. Domingo Ron Ryan S. Buguis

Chairman President & Chief Executive Officer Board Member & Chief Legal Adviser Director of Operations Finance Officer

Ma. Isabel “Gina” P. Verzosa Head, Advertising Solutions Anita F. Grefal Treasury Manager Edgar M. Valmorida Circulation Manager

ORAL arguments on the issue of jurisdiction in our arbitral claim against China should be on-going as I write this column. In a testimonial tendered in honor of former UP Law Dean Raul Pangalangan who was recently elected Judge at the International Criminal Court, SolicitorGeneral Florin Hilbay told me that he will open the arguments by introducing the members of the delegation. He will then cede the podium to Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert Del Rosario who will discuss why the Philippines resorted to the arbitration. After which, our American lawyer, Paul Reichler will take the podium to discuss the issue of jurisdiction. Hilbay will then deliver his closing remarks. At issue in the oral arguments is whether the ad hoc arbitral tribunal has jurisdiction over our arbitral claims. Here, we need to convince the five-man tribunal that our prayers constitute issues of interpretation and application of the Untied Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. we also need to convince the erudite body that our claims do not fall within the reservations of China which includes issues of maritime delimitation and military and law enforcement activities relating to the exercise of sovereign rights. we have three principal prayers: one, that the Chinese nine-dash lines be declared bereft of legal basis under the UNCLOS; two, that the artificial islands recently expanded by China are low tide elevations which cannot be the subject of title by any sovereign states since they should form part of the continental shelf; and three, that the waters outside of the 12 nautical miles off Panatag should be declared as part of the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone. I have consistently opined that all of our three major prayers constitute issues of interpretation and application of UNCLOS. They will entail interpretations of the Convention’s provisions on internal waters, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone, and the regime of islands. The Chinese defense is that: first, it has not agreed to litigate the issue and cannot be compelled to participate in the proceedings. Second, they argue that the tribunal lacks jurisdiction because the validity of its claims to the waters within the nine-dash lines will depend on the validity of its claim to title over islands that generate the maritime zones. According to the Chinese Judge of the ICJ, our claim “muddles issues of jurisdiction with the merits” since our prayer cannot be resolved without tackling both jurisdictional issues and the merit of the case. while the oral arguments are scheduled until the 13th of the month, HilContinued on A11 Rolando G. Estabillo Jojo A. Robles Ramonchito L. Tomeldan Chin Wong/Ray S. Eñano Francis Lagniton Joyce Pangco Pañares Adelle Chua Romel J. Mendez Roberto Cabrera

Publisher Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Associate Editors News Editor City Editor Senior Deskman Art Director Chief Photographer

T h u R S D AY : J u LY 9, 2 0 1 5



ADELLE chuA eDItor


VIew from mAlcom Atty. hArry roque jr.

JunkeT To The hague


A junket by Any other nAme By ALL means, bring on the arguments. A legal team—described as a powerhouse by the Palace—is in The Hague, Netherlands this week to argue on behalf of the Philippines before the Permanent Court of Arbitration on the territorial dispute with China. In recent years, China has been asserting its might by accessing reefs and shoals, building structures on some islands and preventing Filipino fishermen from fishing in the disputed waters. The Philippine position is that international maritime law, specifically the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea—to which both the Philippines and China are both signatories—should govern the dispute. Its claim is anchored on the 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone provided for by the UNCLOS. Thus, the PCA has jurisdiction on the matter. China believes otherwise. It says the issue is one of sovereignty and would prefer to deal with the Philippines directly, without need for an arbitrator. It rejects some of the provisions of the same UNCLOS that it has signed and argues that its nine-dash lines apply to its claim to at least 85 percent of the South China Sea. Our representatives’ optimism that the five-member court would decide on our favor, both on the jurisdiction and on the merits, is perhaps best reflected by the size of the Philippine delegation. Only a handful of these representatives are slated to argue before the PCA, but there are more than 30 names on the list of those who flew to the Netherlands, who are staying in hotel rooms and dining on European food—all on the Filipino taxpayer’s dime. we appreciate the inclusion of those who will argue on the country’s behalf; the rest of the team, not at all. we don’t agree it’s a powerhouse, either, because some of the names on the list are inconsequential anyway—and that’s being kind. Spokesman Edwin Lacierda resorted to name calling as he branded as KSP – kulang sa pansin (desperate for attention)—the lawyer who raised this question. Deputy presidential spokesman Abigail Valte, who is also at The Hague, said the sheer number of delegates shows that resorting to arbitration is “a country effort” and has full government support. we are bringing several valid arguments to the arbitration court, but this one just does not fly. “Full government support,” is a junket by any other name.

The palace link lowDown jojo A. robles HOw does the Aquino administration keep track of all the people that it wants charged in the courts, mostly to get back at them for having political views that are opposed to its own, and how does it protect its allies from getting the same treatment? A Justice Department undersecretary who favors yellow barongs is how. I first saw Justice Undersec-

retary Jose Justiniano on television, when he was still a private prosecutor in the impeachment hearings in the Senate of ousted Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona. At the time, Justiniano was a litigation expert and partner of the SyCip, Salazar, Hernandez & Gatmaitan law firm, in charge of the Makati-based firm’s Subic Bay Freeport Zone office – but mostly I remember him for wearing a near-perpetual smirk and a scraggly white beard that contrasted with his dyed black hair. By August 2013, Justiniano

had been appointed undersecretary to backstop Leila de Lima, with no specific portfolio, I’ve been told, except to pursue the cases that President Noynoy Aquino wants pursued against his perceived political enemies. Over at Padre Faura, Justiniano has become known as the “Malacañang undersecretary,” with no clear line functions in the department – but an oversize mandate to watch over the cases that the Palace has a particular interest in. (Soon after the conviction of Corona, Justiniano’s reward was an appointment to the board of


justiniano is the ‘malacañang undersecretary,’ with no clear line functions but an oversize mandate.

the Development Bank of the Philippines. He reportedly also sought a justiceship in the Sandiganbayan anti-graft court, but encountered some resistance there and dropped his bid.) This was how, by July last year, Justiniano was “deputized” to join the team of state lawyers assigned by the Office of the Ombudsman to the plunder and corruption cases filed against Senators Juan Ponce Enrile, Jose “Jinggoy” Estrada and Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr. In response to a resolution filed against his deputization by the Ombudsman – a constitutional agency that should not be under the influence of the justice

department and the rest of the Aquino administration – filed by Estrada, Justiniano said that he was merely deputized by the Ombudsman and was still drawing his pay only from the Department of Justice. But the arrangement clearly shows how the undersecretary has taken on the job of shepherding the cases filed by the Ombudsman against the three senators. It also clearly disproves the claim of Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales that she is “impartial” and not

Published Monday to Sunday by Philippine Manila Standard Publishing Inc. at 6/F Universal Re Building, 106 Paseo de Roxas, corner Perea St., Legaspi Village, Makati City. Telephone numbers 832-5554, 832-5556, 832-5558 (connecting all departments), (Editorial), 832-5546, (Advertising), 832-

engaging in politics when she and her office file cases against anyone. In fact, only last month, in an interview with the newspaper Businessworld, De Lima declared that she still has to consult with Justiniano about whether or not to pursue the filing of the corruption charges against the socalled “third batch” of lawmakers who abused their pork barrel allocations. Asked about De Lima’s plan, Justiniano said “it is the Ombudsman that has the final say as to who is charged before the

5550. P.O. Box 2933, Manila Central Post Office, Manila. Website: www. E-mail:


can be accessed at:



Philippine Press Institute The National Association of Philippine Newspapers

Sandiganbayan” as far as the third batch (made up mostly of political allies of Aquino in Congress) is concerned; yes, the same Ombudsman who has already deputized him in the first batch involving the three senators. If you’re still wondering at this point about what Justiniano’s true role in the justice department really is, wonder no more. He’s in charge of making sure that the enemies of the administration get what’s coming to them, and that the Continued on A10 allies don’t.

MST Management, Inc. Philip G. Romualdez Arnold C. Liong Former Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno Jocelyn F. Domingo Ron Ryan S. Buguis

Chairman President & Chief Executive Officer Board Member & Chief Legal Adviser Director of Operations Finance Officer

Ma. Isabel “Gina” P. Verzosa Head, Advertising Solutions Anita F. Grefal Treasury Manager Edgar M. Valmorida Circulation Manager

ORAL arguments on the issue of jurisdiction in our arbitral claim against China should be on-going as I write this column. In a testimonial tendered in honor of former UP Law Dean Raul Pangalangan who was recently elected Judge at the International Criminal Court, SolicitorGeneral Florin Hilbay told me that he will open the arguments by introducing the members of the delegation. He will then cede the podium to Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert Del Rosario who will discuss why the Philippines resorted to the arbitration. After which, our American lawyer, Paul Reichler will take the podium to discuss the issue of jurisdiction. Hilbay will then deliver his closing remarks. At issue in the oral arguments is whether the ad hoc arbitral tribunal has jurisdiction over our arbitral claims. Here, we need to convince the five-man tribunal that our prayers constitute issues of interpretation and application of the Untied Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. we also need to convince the erudite body that our claims do not fall within the reservations of China which includes issues of maritime delimitation and military and law enforcement activities relating to the exercise of sovereign rights. we have three principal prayers: one, that the Chinese nine-dash lines be declared bereft of legal basis under the UNCLOS; two, that the artificial islands recently expanded by China are low tide elevations which cannot be the subject of title by any sovereign states since they should form part of the continental shelf; and three, that the waters outside of the 12 nautical miles off Panatag should be declared as part of the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone. I have consistently opined that all of our three major prayers constitute issues of interpretation and application of UNCLOS. They will entail interpretations of the Convention’s provisions on internal waters, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone, and the regime of islands. The Chinese defense is that: first, it has not agreed to litigate the issue and cannot be compelled to participate in the proceedings. Second, they argue that the tribunal lacks jurisdiction because the validity of its claims to the waters within the nine-dash lines will depend on the validity of its claim to title over islands that generate the maritime zones. According to the Chinese Judge of the ICJ, our claim “muddles issues of jurisdiction with the merits” since our prayer cannot be resolved without tackling both jurisdictional issues and the merit of the case. while the oral arguments are scheduled until the 13th of the month, HilContinued on A11 Rolando G. Estabillo Jojo A. Robles Ramonchito L. Tomeldan Chin Wong/Ray S. Eñano Francis Lagniton Joyce Pangco Pañares Adelle Chua Romel J. Mendez Roberto Cabrera

Publisher Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Associate Editors News Editor City Editor Senior Deskman Art Director Chief Photographer

A10 What not to expect at the Sona PReSIDenT Aquino will deliver his last State of the nation Address on July emil p. 27. I wonder whether he jurado would be honest enough to admit his mistakes, his lack of empathy and sensitivity, his selective justice, and most importantly, his abject failure to institute change in government. Come to think of it, I know he wouldn’t. Instead, I know that he will boast about what he has done to reform the country’s culture of corruption, specifically the fact that he has jailed his immediate predecessor, former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, whom he continues to blame for everything that goes wrong in the government. Mrs. Arroyo is suffering from a debilitating bone ailment. She is under hospital arrest at the Veterans Memorial Medical Center. Mr. Aquino will also likely cite as an achievement the impeachment and eventual ouster of Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona. Will the President admit he bribed lawmakers to do his bidding? Probably not. I am sure he will make much of his “Daang Matuwid” again – the straight-and-narrow path that has become a big joke. He will also ramble about his economic feats like raising the country’s GDP growth figures and obtaining improved international credit ratings. But he will not say anything about the poor getting poorer and the unemployment rate that has not followed the supposedly high growth. We now come to his biggest mistake of all: the Mamasapano debacle when 44 don’t expect police commandos were the president slaughtered by the combined force of the Moro Is- to admit any lamic Liberation Front and the Bangsamoro Islamic wrongdoing on Freedom Fighters, a breakhis part. away group with jihadist ties. The President made his best friend, then-suspended and now-dismissed Philippine national Police chief Alan Purisima in charge of the sensitive operation, keeping even Interior Secretary Manuel Roxas II and PnP Officer in Charge Leonardo espina out of the loop. The saddest part is that until now, there has not been justice for the commandos, more so for their widows, orphans and other bereaved family members. While the President has said he is responsible for what happened, Mr. Aquino still has not apologized for it. This is all because of his pride and lack of empathy. no doubt, he will be charged criminally and civilly when he steps down from the presidency. The President will again push for Bangsamoro Basic Law notwithstanding its constitutional flaws, and the need to achieve final peace in Mindanao. This is a perfect example of his naiveté’ when he knows that the MILF is only one of the many stakeholders in that region. On foreign relations, the President will claim as an achievement the fact that we have raised our territorial dispute with China in the West Philippine Sea before an international arbitration court. A President who is about to step down will usually leave a legacy for which people would remember him by. But what we can remember is his vindictiveness,

to the point

T H U R S D AY : J U LY 9, 2 0 1 5


pettineSS would have been signed into law by THeRe is this commendable practice duty now with all the defects and imperof the Philippine Military Academy of calls fections. inviting graduates who have attained Clearly, napeñas is being punished senior ranks in our uniformed servicflorencio unofficially. I spoke with some gradues to the Academy shortly before retirfianza ates and there is not one who agreed with ing to review the Corps of Cadets in what the PMA did to napeñas. If it is any their uniforms for the last time before they are pastured off into retirement to join the long consolation to him however, his standing in the PnP remains solid as ever. Senior PnP officers, when they retire, grey line. Last Saturday, seven of these graduates mostly from are normally given equivalent honors if they wish. I hope the Philippine national Police were so honored with that the PnP will rise to the occasion and give this deservone very notable absence. Police Director Getulio P. ing officer his due—a departure honor befitting his good napeñas, the erstwhile commander of the PnP Special standing in his service. *** Action Force who figured in the now-famous MamasaThe Department of national Defense has recently pano Senate hearings who will also retire this July was not there. Rumor has it that he was deliberately not in- cancelled a P6.5-billion shore-based missile system (SBMS) with Israel in favor of procuring other devited. This is shocking, to say the least. This is not one of fense items such as helmets, night goggles, body arthe prouder moments of the Academy; shame on the mors and hand-held radios to better equip our solsenior officers responsible for it. In the overall scheme diers. This sudden cancelation is again raising some eyebrows of things, this ceremony is not a big deal. It is more of a nostalgic trip along memory lane for graduates to be because of suspicions of corruption. To be fair however, procuring the SBMS because we able to troop the line one last time. It is an emotional moment for graduates because once retired, it is an al- want to defend ourselves from missile attacks coming from China was probably not the best war planning in together a different world. There could be no other explanation for napeñas’ ex- the first place; canceling the deal actually makes sense. clusion except his acrimonious exchanges with the senior There are probably better missile defense systems that officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines during the could be procured and the probability of China raining House and Senate hearings on the Mamasapano encoun- missiles on our territory is remote. Besides, if China ter. The outgoing AFP Chief of Staff, General Gregorio wants to invade us, there is nothing that we can do. Catapan, went on record as saying that only napeñas did Whatever we can buy, the Chinese can buy ten times more. not trust the AFP. It would therefore make more sense to improve the But why deprive a graduate of reviewing the Cadet Corps one last time? After all, he has as much right as quality of our individual soldiers in training, equipany other graduate to do so. Has the AFP sunk so low ment, doctrine and leadership. The P6.5 billion could as to be so petty? Did the PMA on its own decide not also have been spent better to procure more practical to invite him, or did the order come directly from the defense items such as patrol boats for better and wider Chief of Staff of the AFP? Such pettiness only reinforces patrol coverage of our territory. It seems that one probthe notion that the leaders of the AFP are not at all a lem of this recent DnD action is that three of the items good sport. They must have taken what napeñas said being procured are already included in the P85-billion during the hearings personally; now they bear a huge AFP 2013-2017 modernization project. Perhaps this procurement is in addition to the P85 billion. either grudge against him. What happened to those solidarity marches after the way, the timing smells fishy. Could the change have something to do with the hearings? The marches must have been done just for show and did not mean anything at all. What did they really pending retirement of some people? Just asking. expect napeñas to do? Take all the blame for what hap- nonetheless, this sudden change tells us once again pened? He already said that he was willing to take respon- the kind and level of planning that goes on in our sibility for his own role but it would be totally inconceiv- AFP. Terrorism is once again taking center stage. But all the while, the AFP as of late has been talking of able for him to accept someone else’s fault. The trouble was that no one was man enough to fol- territorial defense which is going to be the focus of defense planning. This is because of the signing of low suit. Had napenas kept his mouth shut, the truth would the peace deal with the MILF. The AFP cannot seem have never come out. Thanks to him, at least the pub- to make up its mind and is sending conflicting siglic was able to find out most of what happened. not nals here. Whatever the reason for the cancellation of the deal everything, unfortunately. He was one of the most credible resource speakers during the hearings. If it with Israel, let us hope that it is for the reasons given were not for him, the Bangsamoro Basic Law would by the AFP and not because of the retirement of some not have been scrutinized the way it was done and people.

his selective justice and his lack of sensitivity. *** It’s really funny to watch the coverage of the 22nd hearing of the Yellow, I mean Blue, Ribbon sub-committee on allegations against the family of Vice President Jejomar Binay. Senators Koko Pimentel and Antonio Trillanes just badger resource persons and allege that they are all dummies of Binay. This is the longest investigation so far, and it’s not in aid of legislation either. It has become more of persecution. My gulay, even Senator Grace Poe, who never attended a single hearing, signed the report. This raised speculation that she is really going for the presidency and going against Binay. There should be a limit to taxing people’s patience with prolonged Senate hearings that lead to nothing. Call me what you will in siding with the Vice President. But, at this point, Trillanes and Pimentel have achieved nothing but to make the Vice President a “underdog.”

We know only too well that Filipinos love underdogs in any battle. *** Justice Secretary Leila flip-flopped on her earlier statement and eventually declared that Vice President Binay, just like the President, the justices of the Supreme Court an all the constitutional officials, are all immune from criminal prosecution and can only be tried in court after being impeached from office. De Lima had said earlier that the Binay could be investigated for corruption acts committed when he was still mayor of Makati. This simply means that the demolition job done by the minions, lackeys and lapdogs of President Aquino to diminish the chances of Binay from becoming President are futile exercises. As a lawyer myself, I have always believed that like the President, a Vice President cannot be sued in court unless he is first impeached. But will Binay be impeached?

T h u R S d aY : J u lY 9, 2 0 1 5


adelle chua EDITOR

Weather forecasting The events of the last few days such as the tragedy in Ormoc, typhoon egay, the effect of which was made worse by habagat, and another tropical depression, Falcon, would bring to fore the state of our weather forecasting technology in the news again. The advent of the rainy season usually ushers in a time of maritime disaster, flash floods, ruined crops, and other weather related calamities. And the usual whipping boy would be our undermanned and underpaid scientists at the Pagasa. We agree, however, that since Ondoy, our weather-forecasting abilities have improved a lot, notwithstanding the absence of a modernization law. Grants by JICA and UNDP made it possible to acquire Doppler radars, advance communication system among far-off weather stations in

the country, automatic and standard weather stations. These modern equipment now allows for real-time collection of high-quality meteorological data for effective use in the provision of weather information, issuance of timely and accurate forecasts and warnings for the general public, shipping and civil aviation. While we can now reliably predict incoming density of rain, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction, air and sea surface temperature, height, period and direction of wave propagation, there is much room for improvement since we still have blind spots that are not covered by our equipment. But what is really lost in our emphasis on disaster preparedness vis-a-vis our weather forecasting capabilities is that the thrust of weather forecasting really is to predict several years’ worth of weather patterns, not just for disaster preparedness but to benefit our agricultural and fisheries sectors, much like in highly developed countries. Imagine if our country had

advance weather/climate monitoring system with integrated satellite and ground-based data which is then used to build a historical record of spot measurements over time. The better the information available, the more the climate can be understood and the more accurately future conditions can be assessed. The historical data can then be used integrally with agricultural and fisheries data to maximize our productivity. With a weather-pattern database, farmers will now know what kind of crops to sow, when to plant, and when to reap at the right moment to increase productivity and minimize losses. While it is true that the weather cannot be predicted with 100-percent accuracy, especially now with the erratic changes in climate due to the global warming phenomenon, an 80-percent accuracy would be highly beneficial not only in terms of disaster preparedness, but also with air and water transportation and food security across the globe.

tone-deaf tactics pOp gOEs ThE wORlD JEnny ORTuOsTE ThOSe aren’t rosaries, they’re bracelets. That’s how United Nationalist Alliance spokesperson Mon Ilagan explained away the letter Bs stamped on the crosses of rosaries distributed by Vice-President Jejomar Binay on July 4 to the survivors and relatives of the M/B Kim Nirvana that sunk in Ormoc. The VP also passed out the euphemistically termed “financial assistance” (cough cash cough), which, however, will be pretty useful to the recipients. The same can’t be said for the “bracelets,” if that’s indeed what they are. Rosaries would at least have some purpose. They can’t be anything but rosaries, though – anyone with eyes can see that there a cross for the Nicene Creed, and beads strung one-three-ten, for the Our Fathers and hail Marys. Calling it a “bracelet” is to impugn our intelligence and imply that we are ignorant and naive, and contradicts what the VP was alleged to have said on that occasion – that he gave away rosaries. This is not the first time they’ve used that letter as a marker for artifacts. When the now-VP was mayor of Makati, his logo was a circle with the letter B in Greek font. That logo decorated everything in the city, from signs to metal fences, prompting wags to wonder if the city wasn’t named Bakati, after all. The VP and his family have been much in the news lately, and not for good things. The Senate earlier “recommended the filing of plunder [charges] against the

Vice-President, his son Makati Mayor [Junjun] Binay, and other individuals in relation to the alleged overpricing of the Makati City hall Building 2,” according to Rey Requejo’s front-page story in The Standard yesterday. Justice Secretary Leila De Lima said last October that Binay “could be investigated for corrupt acts committed when he was still mayor of Makati.” however, in an abrupt volte-face, she said yesterday that the Vice-President “is immune from criminal prosecution while he is in office.” No such restrictions seem to bar legal action against Mayor Binay. Still in connection with the overpriced Makati projects, the Ombudsman imposed a second preventive suspension on the mayor. he refused to comply again. Instead, like some cheesy film star, he defied the order with the support of his parents, the VP and former mayor Dr. elenita Binay, and sister, Senator Nancy Binay. They looked on as denizens of Makati threw chairs at policemen, built barricades, and committed all sorts of hooliganish mayhem. VP Binay confronted a police officer, Senior Superintendent Col. Jamias, who himself is considered such folk hero that a movie has been made about his career. The Makati Business Club, aghast at how quickly things got out of hand in the country’s business capital, issued a statement saying this was not in any way, shape, or form a good thing. The resulting scandal forced the Binays to realize that the better part of defiance is discretion. All this was after the VP decamped from the Aquino administration with a terse one-sentence resignation addressed to the Presi-

dent. The VP immediately and openly went “on campaign”, this way before the opening of the filing of candidacy period. This is a naked manifestation of what the VP has avowed since Day One: that he intends to run for the highest office in the land. As single-mindedly as a heat-seeking missile, like a racehorse wearing blinkers, nothing will sidetrack him or get in the way of his achieving that goal. he sees nothing else but that golden ring hanging before him but that is proving to be more elusive every day, as he and his camp execute one misstep after another that they will then airily explain away as if the public is deaf, blind, and galactically stupid. The epaltronic distribution of “B”-marked rosaries to grieving people is yet another move in a series that will extend into the indefinite future, the Be Nice being tone-deaf in many of their tactics and unable to distinguish between what’s appropriate or suitable for a certain situation or occasion. This downward trajectory will continue, because there is no fix for this. ever since Binaygate, no matter the spin they put on, the narratives they script, or how many PR people they employ, they can’t help but stumble, because it’s the way they really are. They are brainy, savvy, and cunning, but they don’t understand subtlety. They won’t let achievements speak for themselves; they prefer to spoon-feed the people alphabet soup, and the people are choking on the letter Bs. Facebook: Jenny Ortuoste, Twitter: @jennyortuoste, Instagram: @jensdep;c `cember, Blog:


included at all. I will write about this in due time. bay is confident that we could Meanwhile, with only three conclude our arguments by oralists scheduled to make Friday this week. submissions before the Tri The whole international bunal, why is it that we have community is glued to de- a delegation of at least 35? I velopments in our case. At say at least because the numstake in our submissions is ber does not include our forthe very future of UNCLOS eign counsels and their staff. itself. If small countries like I believe the correct number us cannot rely on the Con- of our delegation should be vention to resolve maritime at least 50. That’s 50 business disputes with regional super- class tickets and 50 de luxe powers, then the Convention rooms at five-star hotels in will prove useless. China, on very expensive The hague! the other hand, by threatenI am currently in Pangasing to ignore rulings of the inan documenting how fishTribunal, and even threat- ermen have been deprived ening to withdraw from the of livelihood by the Chinese Convention should there be who have taken over their a decision against it, has sent traditional fisting grounds the message to the Tribunal in Panatag shoal. You don’t that an adverse decision to need a degree from the KenChina might also lead to the nedy School of Government end of the agreement. to conclude that the money What is my prognosis? spent for the mirons in The Well, I’m 100-percent sure hague should have been used that the validity of China’s to assist the displaced fisher nine-dash lines involves folks of Panatag instead. Oh a declaration interpreting well, only in this administrapertinent provisions of the tion do you have policy makConvention. I predict that ers fleecing off the people’s the Tribunal would declare misery! Talk of the ultimate the nine-dash lines as be- junket at The hague! All reft of legal basis. In so do- told, our delegation should ing, it will have the oppor- not have exceeded 10 given tunity to rule on the nature that we have a full-fledged of claims to historical wa- diplomatic mission there ters, contrary to the literal headed by our very capable provisions of the UNCLOS. Ambassador Jet Ledda and Justice Carpio in his ponen- ably assisted by Atty Peachy cia in Merlin Magalona vs. Defensor, youngest sister of executive Secretary implies Inday Miriam. I would unthat such claims have ceased derstand why the Office of to have legal basis. The Chi- the Solicitor General, the nese Judge maintains their Supreme Court Justices and continued validity under the Department of Foreign the doctrine that what is not Affairs should be there. But prohibited in international 35 in addition to our foreign law is allowed. counsels? Come on! I have less confidence in Thank God 2016 is just our two other prayers, which around the corner! Out with I believe should not have been the junketeers!

JunkET... From A9

ThE pAlACE... From A9 *** Over at Padre Faura, Justiniano is a low-key guy, mainly because it’s mostly De Lima who does the talking there. But at least one source told me that the undersecretary that they also call Malacanang’s “chief persecutor” at DoJ owes his true allegiance to Interior and Local Government Secretary Mar Roxas. And if you think Justiniano’s unusual portfolio is limited only to political cases, you’d be mistaken. The undersecretary is also deeply involved in the case filed against US Marine Joseph Scott Pemberton for the killing of transgender Filipino Jeffrey “Jennifer” Laude. Justiniano’s official designation in the Pemberton case is to oversee the prosecution of Pemberton, which is not unusual. What is unusual, though, is his previous in-

carnation as the lawyer for another US serviceman when he was still a private lawyer – Lance Corporal Daniel Smith. Smith was acquitted of the charge of raping “Nicole” (Suzette Nicolas) in Subic, Zambales in 2005. Why a DoJ undersecretary is prosecuting the government’s case against a US Marine after he got another American soldier acquitted in a similar case is too much of a coincidence, to say the least. As my neighbor on this page, Laude lawyer harry Roque wrote recently, “Undersecretary Justiniano should stay away from this case for he has a clear conflict of interest, being part of the legal defense team of US soldier Lance Corporal Daniel Smith in the People of the Philippines versus Smith rape case.” More on Justiniano in succeeding columns. Stay tuned.

T hurs day : J un e 9 , 2 0 1 5



Bucks eyeing Las Vegas or Seattle MILWAUKEE—Las Vegas or Seattle could become the new home of the NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks if taxpayer funding for half the cost of a new arena isn’t quickly approved by lawmakers. Bucks president Peter Feigin told lawmakers that the NBA would look to relocate the team to one of those two cities without public funding for half of a proposed $500 million (456 million euros) arena so construction can start this year, the Milwaukee Business Journal reported. Feigin said a clause in the purchase deal for the team by a new ownership group 14 months ago for $550 million allowed the league to buy back the club for a $25 million profit unless a new arena was in the works by October or November. “The window is closing,” Feigin warned. “We can’t months, even

weeks, to start the public process.” Money for the new arena was dropped from the state budget last week, according to the report. A lease for the Bucks in their current home arena, which opened in 1988, ends in 2017 after just two more NBA seasons. The Bucks were founded in Milwaukee in 1968 as an expansion team and won their only NBA crown three years later. A new arena is under construction in US gambling mecca Las Vegas without a sports team tenant while a new arena proposal in Seattle hinges upon having an NBA team agree to move to the former home of the Su-

perSonics, who became the Oklahoma City Thunder in 2008. In Cleveland, point guard Mo Williams said Tuesday he had agreed to a deal with the Cleveland Cavaliers, reuniting him with superstar LeBron James. Williams, who averaged 14.2 points and 6.2 assists last season with the Minnesota Timberwolves and Charlotte Hornets, played alongside James from 2008-2010 with the Cavaliers. “I’m coming home!!!!! #cavsnation #cityilove #questforaring,” Williams tweeted. Williams will provide outside scoring as a backup to Kyrie Irving, who suffered a fractured kneecap in the NBA Finals. But the Cavaliers remain interested in keeping Australian guard Matthew Dellavedova, the hustling defender

whose work in the finals once Irving went down helped the Cavaliers force the Golden State Warriors to six games before losing. Cleveland remains in talks with forward Tristan Thompson, and James has reportedly told the team to reach a deal with Thompson before worrying about trying to re-sign him. James is expected to stay in Cleveland after leaving Miami last July to join the Cavaliers, his opting out of the contract seen as more of a leverage move to ensure the team’s signing of top talent than a quest for more money. Williams was an All-Star in 2009 while playing for Cleveland. He averaged 17.8 points and connected on 43.6 percent of his three-point attempts while helping the Cavaliers go 66-16 and into the Eastern Conference finals.

Golf meet pulled out of Trump’s LA course LOS ANGELES—The PGA Grand Slam of Golf, featuring the year’s major champions, will be moved from Donald Trump’s Los Angeles course in the wake of his controversial remarks about Mexican immigrants. The PGA of America announced Tuesday that it was pulling the two-day October event from the Trump National Los Angeles by mutual agreement with the Republican US presidential candidate. “The PGA of America met with Donald J. Trump yesterday and the parties mutually agreed that it is in the best interest of all not to conduct the 2015 PGA Grand Slam of Golf at Trump National Los Angeles,” the sanctioning body said in a statement. “The PGA of America is in the process of exploring options... and will comment further at the appropriate time.” Several businesses have cut ties with the 69-year-old billionaire after he offended many Latinos during a June speech announcing his presidential campaign. AFP

Bruce, er, Caitlyn’s torch up for auction Portuguese football star Cristiano Ronaldo (left) looks at his look-alike figure made by a 3D printer during a promotional event in Tokyo.

Argentina frets over Messi’s future BUENOS AIRES—Argentina is gripped by a debate over superstar Lionel Messi, who was devastated by losing the Copa America final and has withdrawn into a shocked isolation. Some observers in his home country say criticism fired at Messi could force him to take a break from national duty. The 28-year-old football genius left the pitch ashenfaced after Argentina lost the Copa America to Chile in a 4-1 penalty shootout in Santiago on Saturday. The scenes were reminiscent of last year’s World Cup final when Germany beat Argentina in extra time. Then ‘Leo’ left in tears. Messi first tasted a major defeat in 2007 when Argentina lost 3-0 to old rivals Brazil in the Copa final. Messi finally posted a statement on his facebook account late Monday. “There’s nothing more painful in football than losing a final,” he said. “But I don’t want to leave it any longer to say thank you to everyone who has always supported us and continued to during the tough moments.” Despite his huge success with Barcelona, Messi is now going through tough moments as is a country which has not won a major title for 22 years.

Spanish media reports said Messi turned down the player of the tournament trophy. The trophy was withdrawn before the presentation ceremony in Santiago. - A break from the blues Messi and the other Argentine stars were criticised by the country’s media for their performance. Members of his family were also abused by Chilean fans at the match, according to Argentinian media. Some observers have warned that Messi could walk away from the national side. “Desolate after another lost final, and especially by the tough criticism, Messi could take a break from the national team,” the Ole sports daily reported Tuesday. Television talk shows are now dominated by what is wrong with Messi and the national football team. Why does he not dazzle for Argentina like he does for Barcelona. “One day this boy is going to get tired and will not want to come to play for the team,” former Argentine international Matias Almeyda, now coach of the Banfield club, told Fox Sports television. “He was criticized for not signing the national anthem. He is always being criticised for something,” Almeyda added.

Argentina’s forward Lionel Messi takes off the second place medal of the 2015 Copa America football championship, in Santiago, Chile. AFP

CHICAGO —An Olympic torch carried by decathlon champion Bruce Jenner — now known as Caitlyn — ahead of the 1984 Summer Games will go under the hammer this month, auctioneers said Tuesday. It is the first major piece of Jenner memorabilia to hit the market since Jenner -- the winner of the 1976 decathlon gold medal -- made her public coming-out as a transgender woman, revealing a new name and look in early June. “We expect collectors will find it every bit as significant as we think it is,” said Chris Ivy, Director of Sports Auctions at Heritage, which estimated the torch will sell for more than $20,000. Jenner became an American sports hero by setting a decathlon world record in the 1976 Games. Leveraging his fame, he appeared on boxes of Wheaties, a popular American cereal known as “the breakfast of champions,” and then tried his hand as a movie actor, with less than stellar results. AFP

T hurs day : J un e 9 , 2 0 1 5



Arum: Pacman drives me crazy By Ronnie Nathanielsz

TOP Rank promoter Bob Arum is visibly upset over eight-division world champion Manny Pacquiao’s failure to have his rotator cuff surgery checked and undergo rehabilitation in the US. Pacquiao was scheduled to have his right shoulder checked some two weeks ago, but didn’t make the trip, prompting Arum to tell The Standard/ that Pacquiao “drives me crazy.” The Standard raised the possibility of a trilogy with Timothy Bradley since the World Boxing Organization had stripped Floyd Mayweather Jr. of the title and installed the American as the new champion following his Interim title fight victory over Jessie Vargas. This would give Pacquiao a chance to regain the title. “I’m not even thinking about a next fight for Manny unless he comes over and does his rehab,” Arum said bluntly.

ABS-CBN’s Dyan Castillejo told The Standard she had spoken to Pacquiao, who had no idea when he would return to Los Angeles for rehab, but said he could raise his right arm although he did suffer some pain. Meanwhile, the camp of undefeated pound-for-pound king Floyd Mayweather Jr. doesn’t seem to care about his being stripped of the WBO welterweight title and in fact had what the New York Post’s Justin Terranova described as a “cocky retort.” After being stripped of the WBO belt he won in the “Fight of the Century” against Pacquiao and failing to pay the WBO the $200,000 sanction fee, the reaction of Mayweather

Promotions’ CEO Leonard Ellerbe was what one would expect from the camp of the arrogant and abrasive undefeated world champion. “Floyd will decide what, or if any, actions he will take. But in the meantime, he’s enjoying a couple of hundred millions he made from his last outing (against Pacquiao) and has zero impact on anything he does,” Ellerbe told In an effort to soften the critical comments, Ellerbe said that Mayweather “has a great deal of respect for each and every organization, as he has always had in his 19-year career, but he will not be dictated to by any organization or person as it relates to his decision-making.” Lefty Jovelyn Gonzaga of Army is the right pick for FEU in its title-retention drive in the Shakey’s V-League Collegiate Conference.

Lady Tams seek 2nd straight V-League tiara

Bisera grabs share of lead. Obscure Ramil Bisera turned a so-so round into a lead-sharing card behind

a scorching windup, catching young Micah Shin and veteran Jay Bayron on top at four-under 68 as the local bets finally stamped their class, at least at the start of the ICTSI Apo Golf Invitational at the Apo Golf and Country Club here yesterday. Bisera, who never had a shot at spotlight since winning his first and only crown at Villamor in 2004, birdied the last four holes to card a 36-32 and find himself a bewildered coleader on a windy day when majority of the 85-player starting field struggled on the unpredictable putting surface of the quaint layout.

LOSING two of its stalwarts doesn’t rattle Far Eastern University a bit as the Lady Tams set out for a title repeat in the Shakey’s V-League Collegiate Conference, which reels off Saturday at The Arena in San Juan City. The Lady Tams swept the fancied National University Lady Bulldogs in last year’s finals to annex a first-ever V-League championship for one of the six pioneers of the country’s premier women’s volley league. But with top setter Yna Papa and top receiver/digger Christine Agno finishing their tour of duty for the Morayta-based school, the Lady Tams will be hard pressed to make it back-to-back. What makes it tougher for FEU is that it will be facing 11 other teams out to make their mark, a record cast in the country’s premier women’s volley league sponsored by Shakey’s and presented by PLDT Home Ultera. But with national team mainstay Jovelyn Gonzaga and veteran Honey Royse Tubino of Army backing up the squad as guest players, things could look up for the Lady Tams in the upcoming conference

backed by Mikasa and Accel. Coach Shaq delos Santos still considers his team as underdogs although he still boasts of top hitter Bernadeth Pons, skipper Joy Palma and holdovers Genevieve Casugod, Kyla Atienza and Jerrili Malabanan ready to take the challenge even from the best of them. That includes reigning UAAP champion Ateneo, NCAA titlist Arellano U, six-time champion University of Santo Tomas, National U, San Sebastian-Recoletos, University of the Philippines, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, St. Benilde, La Salle-Dasmarinas, University of Batangas and Technological Institute of the Philippines. FEU hopes to come up with a strong start against Univ. of Batangas when the league kicks off its midseason conference on Saturday with an explosive triple-bill that includes the Ateneo-UST clash and the San Sebastian-St. Benilde faceoff. Games will be played on Saturdays-Sundays with each team is allowed to tap two guest players, according to the organizing Sports Vision.

Thousands run in pairs in 8th Robinsons’ Fit & Fun buddy run TO promote health and wellness, thousands, including Chief Executive Officers and celebrities, ran in pairs for the 8th Robinsons Supermarket Fit & Fun Wellness Buddy Run held on July 5 at the Bonifacio Global City in Taguig. The overwhelming turnout is a testament to the consistently increasing number of health-conscious individuals actively seeking healthier lifestyles. The annual Fit & Fun Buddy Run is in keeping with Robinsons Supermarket’s commitment to health & wellness. It aims to empower those who are leading healthy and active lives, and encourage the rest to start healthier days by going on a wellness journey with Rob-

insons Supermarket. Around 4,500 recreational runners took on the 5KM and 10KM run, including triathlete Nikko Huelgas, who recently bagged a gold medal for the sport at the 28th SEA Games. Philippines Volcanoes captain Jake Letts, and celebrities James Reid and Jessy Mendiola were in attendance as well. “While eating healthy is at the core of a healthy life, we cannot discount the immutable contribution of exercise. And running is always better when done with a partner hence, the Fit & Fun Wellness Buddy run,” said Robinsons Supermarket General Manager Jody Gadia.

At the end of the run, top pair finishers received prizes from Robinsons Supermarket officials. 5K winners won a trip for 2 to Coron, Palawan while 10k winners bagged a trip for 2 to Yangon, Myanmar. 2nd to 5th place finishers received Robinsons Gift Certificates as consolation prizes. Special awards from event sponsors were also given away. Outstanding pairs were awarded the following: Close-up Couple award, Rexona Do More Buddies, Breeze Sige Mom-child Tandem, Nestle Best Shape-up Buddies, Milo Energy & Milo R2 Twin Buddies, and the Johnson & Johnson Active Fresh Award.



Republic of the Philippines Philippine Rural Development Project Invitation to Bid for the Improvement of Sta. Catalina Norte, San Isidro, Kinatihan II, Kinatihan I Farm to Market Road Identification No. PRDP-IB-R04A-QUE-002-CAN-001-2014 Loan No. 8421-PH July 9, 2015


The Government of the Philippines (GOP) has received a Loan from the World Bank towards the cost of Philippine Rural Development Project and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this Loan to payments under the contract for the Improvement of Sta. Catalina Norte, San Isidro, Kinatihan II, Kinatihan I Farm to Market Road /PRDP-IB-R04A-QUE-002-CAN-001-2014.


The Municipality of Candelaria, province of Quezon implementing partner of the Department of Agriculture, now invites bids for the Improvement of Sta. Catalina Norte, San Isidro, Kinatihan II, Kinatihan I Farm to Market Road. Completion of the Works is required by 336 calendar days. Bidders should have completed, within five (5) years, a contract similar to the Project. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders.


Bidding will be conducted in accordance with relevant procedures for open competitive bidding as specified in the IRR of RA 9184 (R.A. 9184), with some amendments, as stated in these bidding documents and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the applicable procurement guidelines of the World Bank. The contract shall be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bidder (LCRB) who was determined as such during post-qualification. The Estimated Project Cost for this project is Ninety Three Million Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Pesos Only (PhP 93,525,000.00).


Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Bids and Awards Committee of the Municipality of Candelaria, Quezon and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below from 9:00am to 4:00pm, Mondays to Fridays.


T H U R S D AY : J U LY 9, 2 0 1 5

Interested Bidders may purchase a complete set of Bidding Documents from July 9, 2015 – August 10, 2015 from the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee for the bidding documents in the amount of Five Thousand Pesos (PhP 5,000.00). It may also be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the PRDP website ( provided that bidders shall pay the non-refundable fee for the Bidding Documents not later than the submission of their bids. As part of the transparency measures being instituted by the Department of Agriculture (DA) the bidders can virtually visit the site of the above-described subproject at where geotagged base photographs on 50 meter interval and track are viewable. The DA, however, requires that all potential contractors who will be awarded contract under the project shall have undergone geotagging training provided by the PRDP Project Support Office.


The Municipality of Candelaria, Quezon will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on July 29, 2015 at 10:00AM at the Ground Floor Audio Visual Room, Municipal Hall, Candelaria, Quezon that shall be open to all interested parties.


Bids must be delivered on or before August 11, 2015, 10:00AM at the Ground Floor Audio Visual Room, Municipal Hall, Candelaria, Quezon. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Securing Declaration or bid security in the amount of PhP 1,871,000.00 in the form of Cash or Cashier’s/ Manager’s check or Bank Guarantee issued by a universal or commercial Bank. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.


The Municipality of Candelaria, Quezon reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.


For further information, please refer to: MANUEL Q. BUNYI, CPA (SGD.) Chairman, Bids and Awards Committee Municipal Hall, Municipality of Candelaria Province of Quezon Contact No. 042-585-7964/042-585-9890 (TS-JULY 9, 2015)


Red Lions seek rd 3 straight win By Peter Atencio

ACE point guard Baser Amer is expected to get back in the groove when the defending champion San Beda College takes on San Sebastian College 4 p.m. today in the 91st National Collegiate Athletic Association men’s basketball tournament at the San Juan Arena. With his shoulder injury healing sive team with an average of 105 well, Amer will again team up with points a game. Olaide Adeogun, as the Red Lions The Stags, who recently lost to gun for their third straight win vic- Mapua, 86-88, are second offensivetory to tie the University of Perpet- ly with their norm of 86 ppg. ual Help Altas at the helm. Aside from Amer and Adeugun, the When the Red LiRed Lions also have Games Today ons beat the Emilio another offensive (San Juan Arena) Aguinaldo College threat in Arthur de 10 a.m. • EAC-ICA vs LPU (jrs) Generals, 108-80, 12 nn • San Beda vs San Sebastian (jrs) la Cruz, currently the 2 p.m. • EAC vs LPU (srs) coach Jamike Ja- 4 p.m. • San Beda vs San Sebastian (srs) league’s best scorer rin used Amer and with a 24.5 points and Adeogun, who is still recovering from a 15 rebounds per game averages. hamstring injury, for a few minutes. The Stags, on the other hand, will Yesterday, however, Jarin said be counting on Jamil Ortuoste, who both are expected to be at their best averages 21 points, nine rebounds today and their coming games. and eight assists, and back-up scorers “They’re disciplined athletes. I’m Michael Calisaan and Ryan Costelo. not worried about them. It’s more In the 2 p.m. match, winless about their time during games. So, squads Emilio Aguinaldo College they will get that back,” Jarin said. and Lyceum of the Pirates, both After two games, the Red Lions with 0-2 cards, try to finally post a emerged as the league’s top offen- win at each other’s expense.

Republic of the Philippines


Roxas Boulevard Corner Pablo Ocampo, Sr. Street Manila 1004

Request foR expRession of inteRest foR ConsultanCy seRviCes foR the pRepaRation of DetaileD aRChiteCtuRal anD engineeRing (a & e) Design plans foR the pRoposeD ConstRuCtion of the new DepaRtment of finanCe 20 stoRey offiCe BuilDing pRojeCt 1.



The Department of Finance (DOF), through the General Appropriations Act for CY 2015, intends to apply the sum of One Hundred Five Million Three Hundred Fifty Six Thousand Pesos (P105,356,000.00) being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC), to payments under the contract for the Procurement of Consultancy Services for the Preparation of Detailed Architectural and Engineering (A and E) Design Plans for the Proposed Construction of the New Department of Finance 20 Storey Office Building Project. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at the opening of the financial proposals. The DOF now calls for the submission ofeligibility documents for the Procurement of Consultancy Services for the Preparation of Detailed Architectural and Engineering (A and E) Design Plans for the Proposed Construction of the New Department of Finance 20 Storey Office Building Project. Interested consultants must submit their eligibility documents on or before July 20, 2015, 9:30 a.m. at BAC Secretariat, General Services Division, 7th Floor EDPC Building, BSP Complex, P. Ocampo, Sr. Street corner Roxas Boulevard, Manila. Applications for eligibility will be evaluated based on a nondiscretionary “pass/fail” criterion.


The BANGKO SENTRAL NG PILIPINAS (BSP), through the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), invites prospective bidders to apply for eligibility for One (1) Lot – Engineering Design Consultancy Services for the Proposed Installation of New Automatic Fire Sprinkler System at the 5-Storey and Cafetorium Buildings, BSP Head Office, as per BSP Terms of Reference. The Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) of this requirement is Php2,700,000.00, inclusive of all applicable taxes. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at the opening of financial proposals.


The project involves the hiring of Engineering Consultancy Services for the design of a new Automatic Fire Sprinkler System (AFSS) that will integrate the existing Fire Detection Alarm and Security System (FDASS) of the BSP Head Office.


The BSP now calls for the submission of eligibility documents for the project. Participation is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships/partnerships, or organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines. Applications for eligibility will be evaluated based on a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion.


The following schedule of activities shall be observed Activity

The BAC shall draw up the short list of consultants from those who have submitted eligibility documents and have been determined as eligible in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 9184 (R.A. No. 9184), otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act”, and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). The short list shall consist of at least one (1) prospective bidder who will be entitled to submit bids. The criteria and rating system for short listing are: I. Applicable Experience II. Quality of Personnel to be Assigned III. Capacity to Execute Similar Consultancy Project Total

– 35% – 35% - 30% - 100%

Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using nondiscretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the IRR of R.A. No. 9184.


The DOF reserves the right to reject any and all bids, annul the bidding process, or not award the contract at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.


For further information, please refer to: Lilia R. Tan, Head - BAC Secretariat Department of Finance BAC Secretariat, General Services Division7th Floor EDPC Building, BSP Complex, P. Ocampo, Sr. Street corner Roxas Boulevard, Malate, ManilaTelephone No.: 526-8475 Telefax No.: 525-4227Email Address:

(TS-JULY 9, 2015)

(SGD) GIL S. BELTRAN Undersecretary and BAC Chairman


Pre-eligibility Meeting


Submission/Opening of Eligibility Documents

22 July 2015, 10:30 A.M. MR2A, 2nd Floor, 5-Storey Building, A. Mabini corner P. Ocampo Sr. Streets, Malate, 03 August 2015, 2:00 P.M. Manila

The pre-eligibility meeting shall be open to interested parties. However, only those who have purchased the eligibility documents shall be allowed to participate in the pre-eligibility meeting and raise or submit written queries or clarifications. To ensure completeness and compliance of eligibility documents, prospective bidders are advised to send not more than two (2) technical and/or administrative representatives who will prepare the said documents.


The BAC shall draw up the short list of bidders from those who have submitted eligibility documents and have been determined as eligible in accordance with the provisions of Rep. Act No. 9184, otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act, and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). The short list shall consist of the top three (3) ranking bidders obtaining the cut-off score of 80 points and who will be entitled to submit bids. The criteria and rating system to be used for the short listing are:

The Procuring Entity shall evaluate bids using the Quality Based Evaluation/Selection (QBE/QBS) procedure. The criteria and rating system for the evaluation of bids shall be provided in the Instructions to Bidders.

The contract shall be completed within a period ofone hundred twenty (120)calendar days from issuance of Notice to Proceed or upon receipt of the Consultant of the approved work schedules from the Procuring Entity’s representative/s whichever comes later.

Procurement Office Room 212, 2nd Floor, 5-Storey Building, A. Mabini corner P. Ocampo Sr. Streets, Malate, Manila Tel. No. 708-7118; 306-2567 Fax No. 708-7115



Modification of bids is not allowed after the submission of bid document. 6.

Starting 8 July 2015 (from 9:00 to 2:00 P.M. only)

The eligibility documents may be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and the BSP Website (; provided that a non-refundable fee of Php500.00 shall be paid upon submission of a Letter of Intent.

Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines. 5.


Submission of Letter of Intent/Issuance of Eligibility Requirements


The passing score is at least fifty percent (50%). 4.






50% 30% 20%


100% =======


Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non-discretionary “pass/ fail” criterion as specified in the IRR of Rep. Act No. 9184. The BSP shall evaluate bids using the Quality-Cost Based Evaluation procedure through a weighted scoring system that simultaneously considers both the overall technical proposal and the financial bid (60% - 40%). The criteria for the evaluation of bids shall be provided in the Terms of Reference to be provided to the shortlisted bidders.


The completion period shall be within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days reckoned from the date stipulated in the Notice to Proceed to be issued by the Facilities Management and Engineering Department, this Bank.


The BSP assumes no responsibility whatsoever to compensate or indemnify bidders for any expenses incurred in the bid preparation.


The BSP reserves the right not to accept any application for eligibility, declare a failure of bidding, not award the contract, annul the bidding process and reject all applications, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidders. Further, the BSP reserves the right to waive any minor defects or formality and to accept the proposal most advantageous to the agency. (SGD) SILVINA Q. MAMARIL-ROXAS Chairperson

( T S - J U LY 9 , 2 015 )

Arum has big plans for Nonito By Ronnie Nathanielsz TOP Rank promoter Bob Arum has big plans for five-division world champion Nonito “The Filipino Flash” Donaire should he put on an impressive showing against former European champion Anthony Settoul in Macau on July 18. Arum told The Standard that should World Boxing Association super bantamweight champion Scott Quigg also win against Kiko Martinez in his title defense on the same day and “all goes well, we might do a big fight in Dubai.” He said Donaire’s manager Cameron Dunkin had spoken to him about the Quigg fight after the British boxer’s handlers showed interest in facing Donaire. Quigg himself said on Sky Sports TV that Donaire “has been making noises that he’d like to fight me” and indicated that it could be the easier fight to make than a showdown with Carl Frampton. Quigg added that after he does his job against Martinez, then he’d be ready to discuss a Donaire fight. Both Donaire and Quigg are heavily favored to win, although Quigg returns to the ring after a lengthy layoff following a unanimous decision over Hidenori Otake in his fifth title defense on Nov. 22, 2014 before he underwent surgery on his right hand one month later. Donaire said his manager had spoken to the handlers of Quigg. who are reportedly “very interested “ in making the fight happen.

T H U R S D AY : J U LY 9, 2 0 1 5




6/55 00-00-00-00-00-00 P0 M+ 6/45 00-00-00-00-00-00 P0 M 4 DIGITS 0-0-0-0 3 DIGITS 0-0-0 2 EZ2 0-0

Bridgeboy & Krobono success story FROM Bridge Online we have this interesting account of how the two Singaporeans achieved their successful entry into the pro world: It all started in 2014, when Bridge boy (Loo Choon Chou) and Krobono (Poon Hua)’s team, representing Singapore, won the Asia Cup (equivalent of the European Championships for Asia). It was an upset win over the favorites like China, Japan, Indonesia. They were asked to play as pros in China. With both still in the working field, this was both an appealing offer, and an impossible target. They simply had no time to properly train. Next step followed: they gave up their day jobs and became Singapore’s first pair of full time bridge pros. Please give us some background, how long have you been playing, who approached you to play for China, how did this all come to be? Lots of questions. Let me try to answer them in a narrative. My pair (Poo Hua and I) have been playing for Singapore for the past 10 years, pushing limits like coming in 3rd in World Youth Championships in 2007 and first qualifying for Bermuda Bowl in 2001. We didn’t expect to win Asia Championship last year, but it was always on the cards. By a stroke of luck, one of the clubs in China, Zhejiang Huang Long was in the process of forming a bridge team and the management noticed us, then contacted us to sign us on a contract to play for them this year, in 2015. Apparently they liked our style and it was good timing as their club needed players to kickstart their men’s team. (To be continued). -oOoI feature a hand from the World Bridge Series from the account of Ron Klinger “Showdown in Sanya”. South dealer North-South vulnerable North ♠A9 ♥AQ642 AQ876 ♣6 West East ♠K82 ♠65 ♥973 ♥J85 ♦92 ♦K1053 ♣K8753 ♣AJ94 South ♠QJ10743 ♥K10 ♦J4 ♣Q102 OPEN ROOM SYLVIA LOPEZ ALEJANDRO

SMB’s Alex Cabagnot attacks the lane and hands out a lob pass to teammate JuneMar Fajardo in a PBA semifinal game won by the Beermen, 114-108, over Rain or Shine on Monday.

SMB’s Cabagnot still a clutch performer By Jeric Lopez

SEVERAL seasons ago, San Miguel Beer chief playmaker Alex Cabagnot was dubbed as the Philippine Basketball Association’s premier clutch performer. In the ongoing 2015 PBA Governors’ Cup semifinals, Cabagnot is proving that he still has a lot left in the tank as he’s clutch gene has once again resurfaced. The smooth lefty operator has been instrumental in the Beermen’s campaign against Rain or Shine in the semis running his team’s offense, while

also doing some heavy scoring especially in crunch time. As a result, the Philippine Cup champion is on the brink of earning its second finals berth this season provided it finishes off the pesky Elasto Painters. The Beermen are trying to do just that as they are currently engaging in another tough

tussle against the Elasto Painters in Game 4 as of press time. “At this point, we have to do a little bit of everything to get back to the finals,’’ said Cabagnot. ‘’From here on out, it’s already tough.’’ So far in the semis against the Elasto Painters, Cabagnot is averaging 15 points per game aside from making plays for scorers such as Junemar Fajardo, AZ Reid, Marcio Lassiter and Arwind Santos. In the two San Miguel wins in the series that gave it a 2-1 edge over Rain or Shine, most of Cabagnot’s point production came in the second half where he consistently hit timely baskets

Along with Reid and Lassiter, Cabagnot’s sniping from downtown has been a huge part of San Miguel’s success so far in the Round of 4 as he’s been spot-on from the perimeter. In fact, Cabagnot shot 5-of-7 from the rainbow area in Game 3 on his way to 26 points to help San Miguel’s cause. He did the same thing in Game 1 as he scored 11 of his 15 points, nine points from behind the arc, in the final 15 minutes of the contest. “I’m just trying to be as aggressive I can be and help the team and so far it’s going good for us. I hope we can continue the way we’re playing at the moment,’’ added Cabagnot.

No weak team in PSL

Pagara added to Dubai card

THE PLDT Home Ultera Philippine Superliga Beach Volleyball Challenge Cup 2015 powered by Smart Live More the first club beach volley league in the country—promises to be an explosive affair. PSL president Ramon “Tats” Suzara said all 12 teams in the women’s division will be divided into four groups where they will determine their ranking in the pool play that will kick off on July 18 at the Sands By the Bay in SM Mall of Asia. The top two teams in each group will advance to the crossover quarterfinals, with the winners moving to the semifinals of this highly anticipated tournament organized by Sports Core and will be aired live over TV5, with Accel as official outfitter, Sands by the Bay as venue partner, and Maynilad as official

By Ronnie Nathanielsz

water provider. The survivors of the knockout semis will engage in a final duel on Aug. 8. “Under this format, we expect that only the best team will survive,” said Suzara, who will preside over the drawing of lots, general technical meeting and press conference today. “We have a very balanced field. We really can’t predict, who will emerge as the inaugural champion as all teams are serious in their respective preparations. This is going to be an exciting battle, not only for the teams, but for the fans as well.” A pair of comely belles in parttime model Gretchen Ho and Frances Molina will banner Petron XCS, while Filipino-American sensation Alexa Micek and Fille Cayetano will carry the colors of Petron Sprint 4T.

RESPONDING to the clamor of the large community of Filipino boxing fans in Dubai, the famed ALA Promotions and the giant broadcast network ABS-CBN, along with widely watched TFC, The Filipino Channel have added light welterweight Jason Pagara to the fight card at the International Trade Center in Dubai for its second blockbuster presentation in the United Arab Emirates. Jason’s younger brother, undefeated IBF Intercontinental junior featherweight champion “Prince” Albert Pagara will battle Mexico’s Jesus “Chito” Rios in the main event. Because of the turn-away crowd in their last promotion, ALA and ABS-CBN have secured a bigger venue within the sprawling International Trade Center to the delight of predominantly Filipino fight fans eager to get a glimpse of the promising “Prince” Albert Pagara, who is ranked No. 7 in the world by the International Boxing Federation and No. 12 by the World Boxing Council and the younger brother of talented light welterweight Jason “El Nino” Pagara. ALA Promotions president Michael Aldeguer informed The Standard/ that because of the tremendous response of Filipinos in Dubai and other parts of the UAE, they decided to also feature Jason Pagara, although they haven’t finalized an opponent yet but hopes to do so by this weekend.

South Klukowski

West Levin

North Gawrys

2♦* 4♥

Pass Pass

4♣ 4♠

East Weinstein Pass (All Pass)

CLOSED ROOM South West North East Meckstroth Starkowski Rodwell Golebioski 2♠



(All Pass)

Comments to: sylvia.alejandro@yahoo. To be continued


T H U R S D AY : J U LY 9, 2 0 1 5




Running with the ulls. Participants run in front of Del Tajo la Reina’s bulls during the second “encierro” (bull-run) of the San Fermin Festival in Pamplona, northern Spain. The festival is a symbol of Spanish culture that attracts thousands of tourists to watch the bull runs despite heavy condemnation from animal rights groups. AFP

AJ still alive in doubles By Peter Atencio ALBERTO “AJ” Lim Jr. bowed out of contention in the second round of the Wimbledon junior tennis championships, taking a 1-6, 1-6 setback at the hands of 10th seed William Blumberg in the boys’ singles. Lim, however, is still in contention in the boys’ doubles. With Tung Lin Wu of Taipei as teammate, they will take on Tim Sandkaulen of Germany and Hungarian partner Mate Valkusz in the first round. In his game with Blumberg, Lim was unable to break his rival’s service. On the other hand, Blumberg managed to break Lim’s serve four times, scoring on 27 of 59 receives. Lim was able to score on five of 10 attacks on the net, while Blumberg had eight points out of a possible 14. Top seed Taylor Fritz advanced to the third round after stopping Sora Fukuda of Japan, 6-1, 6-2, while second seed Duck Hee Lee of Korea also made it after edging Marc Polmans of Australia, 6-7 (6), 7-6,9-7. Reilly Opelka of the United States also moved into the third round following an upset win over third seed Corentin Denolly of France, 6-4, 4-6, 6-4.

Anderson now owns dubious Wimby mark LONDON—South Africa’s Kevin Anderson became the owner of an unwanted record at Wimbledon on Tuesday when Novak Djokovic condemned him to a seventh loss in the last-16 of a major. Defending champion and top seed Djokovic won 6-7 (6/8), 6-7 (6/8), 6-1, 6-4, 7-5 in a last-16 tie suspended due to bad light on Monday at the end of the fourth set. Anderson, the 14th seed, was trying to reach the quarter-finals at a Grand Slam for the first time, at the 26th time of asking. But the defeat now means he has lost in the round of 16 seven times without making the last-eight, breaking the tie of six he shared with Joakim Nystrom who also lost six times in the fourth round of the majors before making the 1985 French Open quarter-finals. Anderson fired 40 aces and 71 win-

Arum: Pacman drives me crazy TURN TO A13

ners but committed 41 unforced errors. Djokovic crashed 43 winners past his opponent but hit just 19 unforced errors. “There’s a lot of positives, being in a position two sets to love up,” said 29-year-old Anderson. “Tennis is tough like that. But on the flip side, also disappointing. It was definitely my goal to progress further than I have at the slams. Been in the round of 16 a few times. Came a lot closer this time than I have in the past. But just wasn’t close enough.” Before Tuesday, Anderson had lost in the last 16 at the Australian Open in 2013, 2014 and 2015, the French Open in 2013 and 2014 and at Wim-

bledon last year. Djokovic had said the match was possibly the toughest he had faced in his Wimbledon career. “It was a very difficult match, one of the most difficult in my Wimbledon career, that’s for sure,” said the two-time champion. “I thought Kevin played exceptionally well throughout the entire match. Maybe he dropped his level a little bit in the third set. But other than that, he was serving very efficiently, very powerful serve. “So all in all, until the last moment, until the last point, I didn’t know if I was going to win or not.” Anderson was bidding to become the first South African man in the quarter-finals at Wimbledon since Wayne Ferreira in 1994. Kevin Curren remains the country’s best performer at the All Eng-

Argentina frets over Messi’s future TURN TO A12

land Club, making the semi-finals in 1983 while finishing runner-up to Boris Becker in 1985 -- although by then he was representing the United States. “That’s (Djokovic’s words) are obviously nice to hear. I really gave it all. I thought I played some really good tennis,” said Anderson. Meanwhile, Serena Williams survived a scare to book a Wimbledon semi-final showdown with old rival Maria Sharapova as the world number one battled back to defeat Victoria Azarenka 3-6, 6-2, 6-3 on Tuesday. Williams was in danger of a shock quarter-final exit after a slow start on Centre Court, but the fivetime Wimbledon champion eventually battered 23rd seed Azarenka into submission in two hours and three minutes with a barrage of 43 winners and 14 aces. AFP






5 foreign firms eye MNTC tieup PSe comPoSite index Closing July 8, 2015

8500 8000 7500 7000 6500 6000

7,363.43 79.22

PeSo-dollar rate

Closing JULY 8, 2015 42




44 45 46

HIGH P45.160 LOW P45.260 AVERAGE P45.232 VOLUME 578.500M

P480.00-P680.00 LPG/11-kg tank P41.20-P47.85 Unleaded Gasoline P28.85-P32.20 Diesel

By Darwin G. Amojelar

FIVE foreign companies have expressed interest in teaming up with the tollway unit of Metro Pacific Investments Corp. for its expressway projects, an executive of Manila North Tollways Corp. said Wednesday. MNTC president and chief executive Rodrigo Franco said he had initial talks with five foreign firms during an investment and infrastructure roadshow in the United States in June for possible partnerships. “They are looking for investment opportunities in the Philippines and they are interested in rail and roads,” Franco said. “We are open to partnerships. We are still trying to figure out if it’s at the MPTC [Metro

oPriceS il P

Pacific Tollways Corp.] level or at the project level. We still have that option. It could be at the MPTC or it could be at Calax [Cavite-Laguna Expressway],” he said. Metro Pacific earlier said it planned to sell its 20-percent stake in MPTC with an estimated value of P16 billion. MPIC owns 99.88 percent of Metro Pacific Tollways Corp., which in turn owns 71 percent of MNTC, 46 percent of Tollways Management Corp., 100 percent of Cavitex Infrastructure Corp. and 7.4 percent of Don Muang Tollway Public Co. Ltd. Metro Pacific chairman Manuel Pangilinan earlier said the company was also open to a partnership for the P35.4-billion Cavite Laguna Expressway project. “If anything, minimum, I suppose, is about 20 percent,” Pangilinan had said, when asked if the company was willing to share a stake in the unit. MPCala Holdings Inc., a unit of MPIC, which won the Calax project, was searching

for a partner to develop the four-lane, 47-kilometer closed-system toll expressway connecting Manila-Cavite Expressway and South Luzon Expressway. The Public Works Department on Monday awarded the Calax Expressway project to MPCala, which submitted the top offer during the government’s second attempt to bid out the project. MPCala submitted a premium bid of P27.3 billion for the 47-kilometer toll road, beating the P22.2-billion offer by San Miguel Corp.’s Optimal Infrastructure Development Inc. The Public Works Department said it expected MPCALA Holdings to sign the contract this week. Construction period would cover July 2016 to July 2020, while operations and maintenance would be from July 2020 to July 2050. The expressway will start from Cavitex in Kawit, Cavite and end at the SLEX-Mamplasan Interchange in Biñan, Laguna.


P34.55-P39.15 Kerosene P23.70-P24.40 Auto LPG Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Wednesday, July 8, 2015

F oreign e xchange r ate Currency


US Dollar


United States












Hong Kong
























Saudi Arabia








































New Zealand







1.4521 Source: PDS Bridge

School donation. Rockwell Land Corp., along with other Lopez Group of Companies, supported the Education Department and Energy

Development Corp.’s Adopt-A-School Program: Leyte Rebuilding Project. Rockwell Land will donate 12 classrooms in areas affected by typhoon Yolanda to improve and deliver better quality conditions of the country’s public education system in poverty-stricken provinces. Shown during signing the agreement are (seated, from left) First Balfour Inc. president and chief operating officer Anthony Fernandez, Rockwell Land Corp. senior vice president Valerie Soliven, Education Secretary Armin Luistro, First Gen Corp. president and chief operating officer Francis Puno and First Philec Inc. president Ariel Ong.

Isabela prospect may contain 20b cubic feet of natural gas By Alena Mae S. Flores A NATURAL gas field in Santiago City, Isabela may contain up to 20 billion cubic feet of the fuel, based on rough estimates, a source said Wednesday. The onshore Mangosteen prospect in Santiago City under Service Contract 37 is being explored by PNOC Exploration Corp., a unit of state-owned Philippine National Oil Co., which reported the discovery on June 29. A source privy to the gas

discovery told reporters the 20 billion cubic feet was a “rough estimate” and “more tests were needed to determine its commerciality.” The source said the Energy Department and PNOC Exploration would issue a declaration of commerciality once the reserves were confirmed. “It’s a gas discovery but more tests are needed to determine commerciality,” the source said. PNOC Exploration president Pedro Aquino Jr. earlier said the government was hoping to find

enough gas in SC 37 that could power a 100-megawatt natural gas power plant. PNOC Exploration started exploratory drilling in SC 37 this year, he said. “We will drill SC 37 [this year]…Most probably this is a gas prone area. If we find gas, we will probably put up a natural gasfired power plant,” Aquino said. PNOC Exploration last year sought bids for the provision of drilling rig services for the onshore drilling of SC 37 with a budget of P80 million.

PNOC Exploration’s board had approved the drilling of the Mangosteen prospect in SC 37 since 2012. The company currently holds 100 percent of SC 37 which covers 360 square kilometers of Cagayan Basin (Santiago City, Isabela and Quirino provinces). The Energy Department awarded SC 37 to PNOC Exploration on July 18, 1990. PNOC Exploration was seeking partners to take in 70 percent in SC 37. The company previously operated the San

Antonio gas field under SC 37 that produced 3.54 billion cubic feet of gas supplying the 3-MW San Antonio bas power plant, which generated electricity for about 10,000 households in the towns of Echague, Jones, San Agustin and Santiago City. The company decommissioned the San Antonio gas plant in 2008 after pressure from the gas well dropped below the required inlet pressure. This means the well could no longer supply the right amount of gas to keep the power plant running.




The STandard BuSineSS daily STockS review Wednesday, July 8, 2015

52 Weeks


High Low


7.88 75.3 124.4 107 56.5 2.49 4.2 17 30.45 10.4 0.92 2.6 890 1.01 100 1.46 30.5 75 91.5 361.2 57 180 1700 124 3.26

2.5 66 88.05 88.1 45.45 1.97 1.68 12.02 19.6 6.12 0.74 1.02 625 0.225 78 0.9 17.8 58 62 276 41 118.2 1200 59 2.65

AG Finance Asia United Bank Banco de Oro Unibank Inc. Bank of PI China Bank BDO Leasing & Fin. INc. Bright Kindle Resources COL Financial Eastwest Bank Filipino Fund Inc. First Abacus I-Remit Inc. Manulife Fin. Corp. MEDCO Holdings Metrobank Natl. Reinsurance Corp. PB Bank Phil Bank of Comm Phil. National Bank PSE Inc. RCBC `A’ Security Bank Sun Life Financial Union Bank Vantage Equities

6.5 73 105.50™ 92.00 45.15 2.50 1.69 16 20.1 6.41 0.74 1.61 820.00 0.405 93.5 1.01 18.50 27.00 65.00 305.8 37.75 151.8 1470.00 60.15 3.15

47 1.46 2.36 15.3 89 20.6 36 65.8 2.97 4.14 21.5 21.6 11.96 9.13 11.8 2.89 17 31.8 109 20.75 15.3 9.4 0.98 241 12.5 79 33.9 90 13.26 293 5.25 12.98 15 7.03 3.4 4.5 6.3 7.34 238 3.28 0.315 2.18 2.65 234 5.28 1.3 26 2.17

35.9 1.01 1.86 7.92 40.3 15.32 10.08 29.15 1.5 1.5 10.72 9.55 9.04 6.02 8.86 1.06 8.61 20.2 71.5 13.86 13.24 5.34 0.395 173 8.65 34.1 23.35 17.3 5.88 250.2 3.87 8.45 10.04 3.03 1.95 1 4.02 5.9 161 1.55 0.138 1.02 2.09 152 4.28 0.640 10.02 1.2

Aboitiz Power Corp. Alliance Tuna Intl Inc. Alsons Cons. Asiabest Group Bogo Medelin Century Food Cirtek Holdings (Chips) Concepcion Crown Asia Da Vinci Capital Del Monte DNL Industries Inc. Emperador Energy Devt. Corp. (EDC) EEI Euro-Med Lab Federal Res. Inv. Group First Gen Corp. First Holdings ‘A’ Ginebra San Miguel Inc. Holcim Philippines Inc. Integ. Micro-Electronics Ionics Inc Jollibee Foods Corp. Lafarge Rep Liberty Flour Manila Water Co. Inc. Maxs Group Megawide Mla. Elect. Co `A’ Pepsi-Cola Products Phil. Petron Corporation Phinma Corporation Phoenix Petroleum Phils. Phoenix Semiconductor Pryce Corp. `A’ RFM Corporation Roxas Holdings San Miguel’Pure Foods `B’ Splash Corporation Swift Foods, Inc. TKC Steel Corp. Trans-Asia Oil Universal Robina Victorias Milling Vitarich Corp. Vivant Corp. Vulcan Ind’l.

43.7 1.05 1.94 10.26 50.05 18.38 27.5 55.35 2.41 1.41 12.4 19.800 9.00 7.30 9.82 1.82 12.04 25.55 78.05 13.98 13.10 5.88 0.510 192.00 10.08 29.00 23.75 25.3 5.85 292.40 4.8 8.70 11.96 3.27 2.01 2.91 4.12 6.4 165.1 1.61 0.144 1.25 2.14 192.8 4.5 0.74 23.75 1.22

0.59 59.2 30.05 7.39 3.4 823.5 10.2 84 4.92 0.66 1455 7.5 76 6.5 9.25 0.85 17.3 0.71 5.53 6.55 9.66 0.0670 2.31 1.61 2.99 84.9 974 1.66 156 0.710 0.435 0.510

0.44 48.1 20.85 6.62 0.23 634.5 7.390 12.8 2.26 0.152 837 5.3 49.55 3.43 4.84 0.59 12 0.580 4.2 4.5 3 0.030 1.23 0.550 2.26 59.3 751 1.13 80 0.211 0.179 0.310

Abacus Cons. `A’ Aboitiz Equity Alliance Global Inc. Anscor `A’ ATN Holdings A Ayala Corp `A’ Cosco Capital DMCI Holdings Filinvest Dev. Corp. Forum Pacific GT Capital House of Inv. JG Summit Holdings Jolliville Holdings Lopez Holdings Corp. Lodestar Invt. Holdg.Corp. LT Group Mabuhay Holdings `A’ Metro Pacific Inv. Corp. Minerales Industrias Corp. MJCI Investments Inc. Pacifica `A’ Prime Media Hldg Prime Orion Republic Glass ‘A’ San Miguel Corp `A’ SM Investments Inc. Solid Group Inc. Top Frontier Unioil Res. & Hldgs Wellex Industries Zeus Holdings

0.480 57.3000 21.80 6.90 0.265 748 7.51 13.46 4.40 0.215 1339 6.70 71.00 3.7 7.02 0.66 13 0.62 4.48 6.48 3.8 0.0350 1.200 1.750 2.69 59.75 880.00 1.20 80.200 0.3250 0.2080 0.270

10.5 1.99 1.75 41.4

6.74 0.65 1.2 30.05

8990 HLDG A. Brown Co., Inc. Araneta Prop `A’ Ayala Land `B’


SHARES 9,016,137 47,974,520 93,586,128 83,497,560 112,656,074 9,780,489,790 10,128,454,099


7.200 0.70 1.200 36.40



FINANCIAL 6.7 4.5 73.1 72.6 105.90 103.60 92.00 90.00 45.4 45.1 2.42 2.42 1.69 1.66 16 15.88 20.3 19.9 6.41 6.41 0.74 0.73 1.80 1.60 815.00 815.00 0.405 0.405 93.5 88.5 0.98 0.97 18.50 17.50 27.00 27.00 65.10 64.50 305.8 301 37.75 36.4 154.7 151 1475.00 1471.00 60.15 59.50 3.28 3.2 INDUSTRIAL 43.6 42.7 1.03 1.01 1.94 1.89 10.32 10 54.45 50.05 18.38 18.26 27.5 26.6 56 55.4 2.41 2.31 1.44 1.41 12.3 12 19.980 19.66 9.00 8.71 7.30 7.15 10.12 9.75 1.79 1.75 12.68 12 25.9 24.95 78.95 77.6 14.00 13.50 13.78 13.64 5.89 5.77 0.510 0.500 193.90 188.40 10.14 10.08 29.00 29.00 23.7 23.25 25.3 24.7 5.85 5.8 292.20 287.00 4.85 4.8 8.80 8.18 11.90 11.70 3.27 3.20 2.11 1.98 3.12 2.7 4.12 4.09 6.05 6.05 167 165.5 1.65 1.61 0.144 0.143 1.25 1.25 2.13 2.11 193 186 4.52 4.5 0.74 0.67 23.75 23.75 1.29 1.22 HOLDING FIRMS 0.480 0.470 57.2000 57.0000 22.15 21.75 6.88 6.86 0.275 0.246 753.5 746 7.65 7.45 13.54 13.00 4.52 4.40 0.205 0.205 1339 1330 6.60 6.60 69.60 68.30 3.8 3.8 7.22 6.95 0.66 0.63 12.98 12.62 0.6 0.59 4.58 4.4 6.74 6.5 3.8 3.8 0.0330 0.0300 1.280 1.280 1.930 1.700 2.65 2.65 60.50 59.00 880.00 865.00 1.20 1.16 83.500 79.000 0.3250 0.3100 0.2050 0.2000 0.265 0.255 PROPERTY 7.350 7.090 0.70 0.68 1.200 1.150 36.40 36.00



Net Foreign

Change Volume


5.34 73 105.00 92.00 45.4 2.42 1.68 15.94 19.98 6.41 0.74 1.80 815.00 0.405 89.5 0.97 18.00 27.00 64.75 303 36.4 151 1471.00 59.55 3.2

-17.85 0.00 -0.47 0.00 0.55 -3.20 -0.59 -0.38 -0.60 0.00 0.00 11.80 -0.61 0.00 -4.28 -3.96 -2.70 0.00 -0.38 -0.92 -3.58 -0.53 0.07 -1.00 1.59

703,600 38,680 3,225,130 3,044,530 20,100 29,000 61,000 421,500 328,400 300 10,000 120,000 10 290,000 3,268,680 2,135,000 92,600 3,000 96,670 1,220 926,400 1,752,710 15 34,470 186,000

42.7 1.03 1.92 10.1 50.05 18.3 27.3 56 2.31 1.44 12.3 19.880 8.89 7.22 9.90 1.75 12.34 24.95 77.6 14.00 13.64 5.81 0.500 188.60 10.1 29.00 23.35 24.8 5.8 290.00 4.82 8.35 11.90 3.22 2.07 3.11 4.09 6.05 167 1.65 0.144 1.25 2.11 186 4.52 0.69 23.75 1.22

-2.29 -1.90 -1.03 -1.56 0.00 -0.44 -0.73 1.17 -4.15 2.13 -0.81 0.40 -1.22 -1.10 0.81 -3.85 2.49 -2.35 -0.58 0.14 4.12 -1.19 -1.96 -1.77 0.20 0.00 -1.68 -1.98 -0.85 -0.82 0.42 -4.02 -0.50 -1.53 2.99 6.87 -0.73 -5.47 1.15 2.48 0.00 0.00 -1.40 -3.53 0.44 -6.76 0.00 0.00

1,258,500 798,000 1,547,000 12,900 150 127,500 390,000 1,480 3,784,000 142,000 181,600 1,931,400 885,900 10,731,600 320,000 22,000 9,800 4,261,300 517,360 18,100 900 805,000 204,000 701,800 776,100 100 819,900 149,800 247,300 928,490 2,017,000 5,074,700 8,700 504,000 2,399,000 9,103,000 1,329,000 16,000 180 74,000 1,050,000 4,000 1,233,000 4,031,590 88,000 7,455,000 10,900 108,000

0.480 57.1000 22.00 6.86 0.260 746.5 7.48 13.00 4.40 0.205 1334 6.60 69.15 3.8 6.95 0.66 12.64 0.6 4.43 6.6 3.8 0.0300 1.280 1.840 2.65 60.50 871.00 1.17 79.000 0.3200 0.2000 0.265

0.00 -0.35 0.92 -0.58 -1.89 -0.20 -0.40 -3.42 0.00 -4.65 -0.37 -1.49 -2.61 2.70 -1.00 0.00 -2.77 -3.23 -1.12 1.85 0.00 -14.29 6.67 5.14 -1.49 1.26 -1.02 -2.50 -1.50 -1.54 -3.85 -1.85

780,000 2,334,670 15,053,100 102,000 5,650,000 368,440 1,278,500 4,688,500 35,000 30,000 229,365 5,000 3,244,430 1,000 5,916,800 1,002,000 4,771,300 683,000 19,122,000 888,300 20,000 25,000,000 11,000 13,770,000 36,000 48,470 305,990 938,000 6,690 1,670,000 520,000 590,000

7.150 0.69 1.150 36.40

-0.69 -1.43 -4.17 0.00

2,446,245.00 -85,908,170.00 -212,675,567.50 -9,030.00 -16,940.00 4,769,410.00 4,964,804.00

29,344,360.50 -44,920.00 -4,053,085.50 30,180.00 -3,990,370.00 -61,717,489.00 422,303.00 -32,600.00 -41,172,030.00

696,828.00 -6,990.00 1,738,088.00 -13,029,310.00 391,869.00 -51,860,012.00 -545,171.00 -6,330.00 -50,264,665.00 7,839,800.00 4,013,004.00 25,711,225.00 2,211,168.00 -8,576,225.00 -1,703,285.00 -133,511.00 102,073,056.00 -2,609,930.00 -11,940,292.00 41,800.00 48,640.00 415,750.00 233,770.00 -1,670.00

-13,183,161.00 151,800.00

-94,677,830.50 81,527,190.00 44,214,605.00 2,223,953.00 -17,560,432.00 170,353,510.00 35,541,981.00 -9,272,552.00 -14,132,816.00 27,305,600.00 -34.00

-149,150.00 -489,490.00 -82,993,265.00 11,700.00 -161,822.00

4,477,600 -3,183,807.00 367,000 365,000 13,350,000 -341,579,105.00

52 Weeks


High Low 5.6 5.59 1.44 0.201 0.69 0.97 0.305 2.22 2.1 1.8 5.94 0.180 0.470 27 31.8 2.29 4.9 21.35 1.06 1.62 8.59 10.5 66 1.09 14.88 15.82 0.1430 5.06 99.1 7.67 1700 2720 8.41 1.97 119.5 12.5 0.017 0.8200 2.2800 12.28 3.32 3.2 95.5 1 2.46 15.2 0.62 1.040 22.8 6.41 4 185 22.9 3486 0.760 2.28 46.05 90.1 11.6 0.85 10 0.490 1.9 0.0098 5.45 17.24 25 0.330 1.19 1.62 9.5 4.2 0.48 0.420 0.440 0.022 0.023 8.2 49.2 4.27 1.030 3.06 0.020 0.021 7.67 12.88 10.42 0.040 420 9 70 525 515 8.21 12.28 111 1047 76.9 78.95 84.8 1.34 6.98 10.96 88 12.88 130.7


3.36 4.96 0.79 0.083 0.415 0.83 0.188 1.15 1.42 1.27 4.13 0.090 0.290 23 22.15 1.6 3.1 15.08 0.69 0.83 5.73


Belle Corp. `A’ Cebu Holdings Century Property Crown Equities Inc. Cyber Bay Corp. Empire East Land Ever Gotesco Global-Estate Filinvest Land,Inc. Interport `A’ Megaworld MRC Allied Ind. Phil. Estates Corp. Phil. Tob. Flue Cur & Redry Robinson’s Land `B’ Rockwell Shang Properties Inc. SM Prime Holdings Sta. Lucia Land Inc. Suntrust Home Dev. Inc. Vista Land & Lifescapes


3.25 3.2 3.21 5.14 5.12 5.14 0.84 0.81 0.82 0.128 0.126 0.128 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.860 0.850 0.850 0.174 0.170 0.170 1.21 1.17 1.18 1.90 1.84 1.88 1.29 1.26 1.26 4.74 4.52 4.62 0.110 0.104 0.104 0.3050 0.3050 0.3050 23.00 23.00 23.00 28.00 27.20 27.20 1.72 1.71 1.71 3.29 3.28 3.28 20.60 19.96 20.35 0.75 0.73 0.73 0.830 0.800 0.800 6.610 6.460 6.480 SERVICES 1.97 2GO Group’ 6.36 6.36 6 6.27 35.2 ABS-CBN 62 62.5 62 62 0.63 APC Group, Inc. 0.640 0.640 0.610 0.610 10.5 Asian Terminals Inc. 13 13.56 12.86 13.56 8.6 Bloomberry 9.10 9.10 8.74 8.77 0.0770 Boulevard Holdings 0.0800 0.0820 0.0800 0.0810 2.95 Calata Corp. 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.35 56.1 Cebu Air Inc. (5J) 86.3 88 84.85 84.9 4.8 DFNN Inc. 6.65 6.31 6.10 6.30 830 FEUI 910 911 911 911 1600 Globe Telecom 2406 2476 2400 2410 5.95 GMA Network Inc. 6.26 6.29 6.20 6.20 1.23 Harbor Star 1.38 1.32 1.26 1.29 102.6 I.C.T.S.I. 110.4 111 109 111 8.72 IPeople Inc. `A’ 12 11.98 11.56 11.98 0.011 IP E-Game Ventures Inc. 0.011 0.011 0.010 0.011 0.041 Island Info 0.201 0.207 0.201 0.204 1.200 ISM Communications 1.2900 1.2900 1.2800 1.2800 6.5 Leisure & Resorts 9.20 9.27 9.20 9.20 1.91 Liberty Telecom 2.65 2.70 2.52 2.60 1.95 Macroasia Corp. 2.02 2.19 2.01 2.01 3.1 Manila Broadcasting 45.00 44.00 37.00 40.00 0.650 Manila Bulletin 0.660 0.680 0.670 0.680 1.8 Manila Jockey 2 2 2 2 6 Melco Crown 5.44 5.65 5.44 5.46 0.335 MG Holdings 0.330 0.340 0.300 0.320 0.37 NOW Corp. 0.490 0.455 0.450 0.450 14.54 Pacific Online Sys. Corp. 18.08 18.86 18.86 18.86 3 PAL Holdings Inc. 4.70 4.51 4.50 4.51 2.28 Paxys Inc. 3 3 2.96 3 79 Phil. Seven Corp. 113.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 4.39 Philweb.Com Inc. 18.78 18.80 18.14 18.80 2748 PLDT Common 2808.00 2800.00 2780.00 2780.00 0.435 PremiereHorizon 0.640 0.650 0.610 0.640 1.2 Premium Leisure 1.300 1.300 1.240 1.260 31.45 Puregold 36.50 36.50 36.00 36.00 60.55 Robinsons RTL 71.35 72.15 71.35 71.60 7.59 SSI Group 8.85 9.05 8.70 8.75 0.63 STI Holdings 0.63 0.63 0.62 0.63 5 Travellers 5.27 5.28 5.16 5.18 0.315 Waterfront Phils. 0.320 0.330 0.320 0.320 1.14 Yehey 1.830 2.740 1.910 2.740 MINING & OIL 0.0043 Abra Mining 0.0063 0.0074 0.0062 0.0066 1.72 Apex `A’ 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 6.47 Atlas Cons. `A’ 5.99 5.98 5.66 5.66 9.43 Atok-Big Wedge `A’ 12.38 11.56 10.82 10.82 0.236 Basic Energy Corp. 0.235 0.230 0.228 0.230 0.85 Century Peak Metals Hldgs 0.9 0.91 0.89 0.91 0.77 Coal Asia 0.77 0.79 0.76 0.77 5.99 Dizon 6.93 6.93 6.72 6.72 1.17 Ferronickel 1.5 1.45 1.36 1.37 0.305 Geograce Res. Phil. Inc. 0.305 0.310 0.300 0.305 0.2130 Lepanto `A’ 0.223 0.222 0.220 0.220 0.2160 Lepanto `B’ 0.226 0.226 0.225 0.226 0.013 Manila Mining `A’ 0.0130 0.0130 0.0130 0.0130 0.014 Manila Mining `B’ 0.0140 0.0140 0.0130 0.0140 3.240 Marcventures Hldgs., Inc. 3.12 3.12 2.98 3.07 18.96 Nickelasia 21 19.78 19.78 19.78 2.11 Nihao Mineral Resources 3.69 3.68 3.5 3.5 0.365 Omico 0.6200 0.5800 0.5400 0.5800 1.54 Oriental Peninsula Res. 2.0300 2.0300 1.9200 1.9200 0.012 Oriental Pet. `A’ 0.0120 0.0120 0.0120 0.0120 0.013 Oriental Pet. `B’ 0.0120 0.0120 0.0120 0.0120 5.4 Petroenergy Res. Corp. 4.29 4.28 4.21 4.21 7.26 Philex `A’ 6.00 6.050 5.840 5.85 2.27 PhilexPetroleum 1.64 1.620 1.530 1.55 0.015 Philodrill Corp. `A’ 0.014 0.014 0.012 0.012 115.9 Semirara Corp. 140.60 141.00 139.50 140.00 3.67 TA Petroleum 10 10 8.7 8.7 PREFERRED 33 ABS-CBN Holdings Corp. 61.9 62.05 61.8 62 500 Ayala Corp. Pref ‘B2’ 531 540 540 540 480 GLOBE PREF P 521 521 521 521 5.88 GMA Holdings Inc. 6.1 6.09 6.09 6.09 6.5 Leisure and Resort 1.11 1.1 1.07 1.07 101 MWIDE PREF 114 111 110.5 110.5 PCOR-Preferred B 1148 1148 1148 1148 1011 PF Pref 2 1054 1054 1054 1054 74.2 SMC Preferred A 75.4 76 75.35 75.5 74.5 SMC Preferred B 85 84.5 84.5 84.5 75 SMC Preferred C 88 88.1 87.05 88 1 Swift Pref 2 1.7 1.7 1.7 WARRANTS & BONDS 0.8900 LR Warrant 3.730 3.710 3.600 3.600 SME 2.4 Double Dragon 9.91 10.08 9.7 9.7 13.5 IRipple E-Business Intl 68.5 70 66.9 70 5.95 Xurpas 11.5 11.5 11.1 11.18 EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS 105.6 First Metro ETF 120.8 121 119.7 119.7


FINANCIAL 1,663.34 (down) 20.44 INDUSTRIAL 11,170.07 (down) 213.75 HOLDING FIRMS 6,594.33 (down) 63.97 PROPERTY 2,985.97 (down) 6.59 SERVICES 2,043.95 (down) 13.75 MINING & OIL 12,787.94 (down) 308.39 PSEI 7,363.43 (down) 79.22 All Shares Index 4,214.14 (down) 45.56 Gainers: 46 Losers: 130; Unchanged: 40; Total: 216


3.23 5.13 0.84 0.128 0.435 0.860 0.174 1.22 1.88 1.29 4.82 0.110 0.3000 23.00 28.00 1.7 3.36 20.20 0.74 0.850 6.600

T op g ainerS VALUE 834,478,615.07 1,072,098,107.07 1,572,519,821.918 859,973,291.59 1,654,972,527.41 543,952,612.4411 6,552,884,196.50



Net Foreign

Change Volume


-0.62 0.19 -2.38 0.00 -1.15 -1.16 -2.30 -3.28 0.00 -2.33 -4.15 -5.45 1.67 0.00 -2.86 0.59 -2.38 0.74 -1.35 -5.88 -1.82

770,000 12,000 1,117,000 6,750,000 1,260,000 569,000 1,700,000 2,142,000 11,474,000 293,000 74,974,000 2,050,000 400,000 600 3,360,100 239,000 50,000 16,145,000 937,000 1,568,000 3,548,600

-686,860.00 -15,362.00

-1.42 0.00 -4.69 4.31 -3.63 1.25 -1.47 -1.62 -5.26 0.11 0.17 -0.96 -6.52 0.54 -0.17 0.00 1.49 -0.78 0.00 -1.89 -0.50 -11.11 3.03 0.00 0.37 -3.03 -8.16 4.31 -4.04 0.00 -2.65 0.11 -1.00 0.00 -3.08 -1.37 0.35 -1.13 0.00 -1.71 0.00 49.73

20,900 42,040 2,237,000 3,800 5,069,400 6,520,000 173,000 324,670 58,100 10 122,445 39,200 82,000 562,660 14,800 1,700,000 9,710,000 242,000 40,300 166,000 87,000 1,000 37,000 11,000 7,186,000 3,030,000 30,000 1,000 2,000 20,000 140 81,300 118,855 12,308,000 54,996,000 3,738,500 257,280 18,247,800 7,080,000 809,200 410,000 12,309,000

4.76 0.00 -5.51 -12.60 -2.13 1.11 0.00 -3.03 -8.67 0.00 -1.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.60 -5.81 -5.15 -6.45 -5.42 0.00 0.00 -1.86 -2.50 -5.49 -14.29 -0.43 -13.00

18,651,000,000816,000.00 11,000 1,625,400 -316,745.00 4,600 -32,490.00 270,000 4,392,000 9,000.00 1,252,000 15,900 16,260,000 1,420,530.00 4,600,000 4,190,000 800,000 14,800,000 18,900,000 538,000 -414,360.00 3,967,800 13,326,950.00 1,948,000 -520,890.00 1,181,000 2,558,000 1,387,280.00 10,900,000 17,900,000 44,000 1,034,500 -3,384,834.00 2,560,000 48,000.00 114,100,000 233,100.00 852,150 -14,342,382.00 1,611,600 -420,896.00

0.16 1.69 0.00 -0.16 -3.60 -3.07 0.00 0.00 0.13 -0.59 0.00 -15.00

204,910 20 200 6,900 4,177,000 1,100 25 4,495 156,020 5,000 49,520 2,000

387,000.00 31,450.00 -1,831,570.00 -9,382,020.00 -81,820,140.00

-42,138,770.00 25,800.00 62,423,973.00 -9,284,256.00

16,154,447.00 5,933,012.00 16,956,800.00 -30,040,001.00 -102,000.00 174,800.00


-9,900.00 -128,620.00 -83,876,620.00 -6,200.00 -10,407,280.00 -77,743,035.00 -4,346,836.50 6,725,544.00 -4,354,250.00 277,076.00 -100,370.00

-1,011,695.00 -3,654.00




-2.12 2.19 -2.78

1,015,100 1,100 1,880,100






T op L oSerS Close (P)

Change (%)


Close (P)

Change (%)




AG Finance


I-Remit Inc.



Swift Pref


-17.85 -15.00

Pryce Corp. `A'



Pacifica `A'



Prime Media Hldg



Philodrill Corp. `A'



Prime Orion



TA Petroleum



Abra Mining



Atok-Big Wedge `A'



Pacific Online Sys. Corp.



Manila Broadcasting



Asian Terminals Inc.






Holcim Philippines Inc.



NOW Corp.



Manila Bulletin



Vitarich Corp.






Stocks slump on China rout PHILIPPINES stocks tumbled for the fourth straight day Wednesday as a collapse in Chinese shares began to contaminate other markets, and after European leaders slapped Greece with a deadline to submit fresh bailout reform proposals. The Philippine Stock Exchange Index fell 79.22 points, or 1.1 percent, to 7,363.43 on a value turnover of nearly P8 billion. Losers routed gainers, 130 to 46, with 40 issues unchanged. Universal Robina Corp., the biggest snack food maker, sank 3.5 percent to P186, while parent JG Summit Holdings Inc. of industrialist John Gokongwei dropped 2.6 percent to P69.15.

Megaworld Corp., the largest lessor of office spaces, lost 1.1 percent to P4.62, while Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co., the biggest telecommunications firm, declined 1 percent to P2,780. Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co., the second-largest lender in terms of assets, sank 4.3 percent to P89.50, while Jollibee Foods Corp., the biggest fastfood chain,

dropped 1.8 percent to P188.60. effects, with many hosting compa- spreading to other financial markets, With markets buffeted by two nies with links to China. creating a sweeping sense of panic global crises, traders ran for the Tokyo sank 3.14 percent, or and liquidity crunch,” said Zheng cover of investments considered safe 638.95 points, to 19,737.64, Seoul Ge, an analyst at Wanda Futures Co. in times of upheaval such as the yen. slipped 1.18 percent, or 24.08 Shanghai is down more than 30 Shanghai plunged 5.90 percent, points, to 2,016.21 and Sydney percent from its closing peak on or 219.93 points, to end at 3,507.19 retreated 2.01 percent or 111.9 June 12, when it had risen by more after losing more than eight percent points to 5,469.5. than 150 percent in 12 months in a at one point. The losses came despite Taipei shed 2.96 percent, or borrowing-fueled frenzy enhanced Chinese leaders announcing fresh 274.05 points, to close at 8,976.11. by hopes for economy-boosting measures to staunch a correction “China’s stock market rout is now government measures. With AFP that has wiped trillions off the country’s markets. In late trade Hong Kong was Republic of the Philippines down 8.43 percent, the marDepartment of Finance ket’s biggest drop since October Securities and Exchange Commission SEC Building, EDSA , Greenhills, Mandaluyong Cit y 2008, leaving the exchange at its Company Registration and Monitoring Depar tment lowest level since December. Most other regional markets were also hit by the spillover MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 6 Series of 2015.

Customs reforms.

Customs Commissioner Alberto Lina speaks before the Clark Investors and Locators Association during its second general membership meeting at the Widus Convention Center in Clark, Pampanga. Lina stressed his reform agendas by leveling the playing field, intensifying the fight against corruption, improving systemic interventions by adapting to the economy and market forces, and institutionalizing them.



All concerned



Guidelines on the Use of Corporate Names of Corporations with Dissolved and Revoked Certificates of Registration

The Commission En Banc in its meeting on June 2, 2015, resolved to amend the following paragraph of SEC Memorandum Circular No. 21, Series of 2013 (Omnibus Guidelines and Procedures on the Use of Corporate and Partnership Names)— “15. The name of a corporation or partnership that has been dissolved or whose registration has been revoked shall not be used by another corporation or partnership within three years from the approval of the dissolution or six years from the date of revocation, unless its use has been allowed at the time of the dissolution or revocation by the stockholders, members or partners who represent a majority of the outstanding capital stock or membership of the dissolved corporation or partnership, as the case may be. No application for re-registration of corporations with dissolved or revoked certificates of registration shall be processed by the Commission unless the application is accompanied by the following documents: i.

Board Resolution, executed and signed under oath by the hold-over board of directors/ trustees of the dissolved or revoked corporation, attesting that: a) the applicant for re-registration is a new corporation intending to use the name of the dissolved or revoked corporation (specially identifying the corporate name and registration number); b) the re-registration is approved by the majority vote of the directors or trustees and the vote of the stockholders representing the majority of the outstanding capital stock or membership; c) they shall include a statement in the articles of incorporation of the new corporation that the same is using the name of the dissolved or revoked corporation; and d) if applicable, they will no longer file a petition to set aside the order of revocation.


Latest General Information Sheet of the dissolved or revoked corporation, stamped “received” by the Commission; and

iii. Affidavit, executed under oath by the hold-over corporate secretary, attesting that: a) b)

There are no properties owned by the dissolved or revoked corporation due for liquidation; or In case there are properties owned by the dissolved or revoked corporation, no property is transferred to the new corporation or, in case of stock corporations, used for subscription payment without undergoing corporate liquidation process.

Upon approval of the re-registration, the certificate of registration to be issued to the new corporation shall indicate its new SEC registration number and pre-generated Tax Identification Number (TIN) as confirmation that the same is a separate and distinct entity from the dissolved or revoked corporation.” The foregoing provisions with the pertinent amendments, effectively superseding Memorandum Circular No. 17, series of 2013, shall now read as follows— “15. The name of a corporation or partnership that has been dissolved or whose registration has been revoked shall not be used by another corporation, except in meritorious cases as determined by the Commission En Banc.

Abra Mining gets P700-m equity By Jenniffer B. Austria LISTED Abra Mining & Industrial Corp. on Wednesday said it raised P700 million through a top-up private placement from European-based investment company GEM Global Yield Fund LLC. Abra Mining said in a disclosure to the stock exchange it obtained a firm letter of commitment from GEM Global to invest by way of private placement of P700 million through shares of stock of the mining company at a par value of P0.01, excluding warrant options converted also through shares of stocks. “Regulatory compliance are in progress for the immediate implementation of the private placement to ensure its immediate attainment of this opportunity to procure funding for its several mine projects,” Abra Mining said. Abra Mining said proceeds from this fresh equity funds would bolster and strengthen its balance sheet to sustain investments for the full development and commercial operations of its high-grade Baticang Lime Project. It said it would also use the proceeds to restart the technical and engineering program to relaunch the company’s Patok Gold Project.

The Baticang Lime Project is a vital lime supply support of the Patok Gold Project and other lime requirements of the surrounding mines in Northern and Central Luzon, including the agrilime, aquaculture and industrial lime requirements of the region. Abra Mining said it planned to raise additional funds to fully develop and jump-start commercial operations of the Patok Gold Project. “The Patok Gold Project enjoys a relatively easier and faster development in that high grade ores have already been blocked and readily accessible by reopening the previous tunnels,” Abra Mining said. Another project that Abra Mining plans to develop is the Abra River Alluvial Gold and Magnetite Project. The project is in the advanced stage of development including the recovery of several kinds of precious metals present in the deposit. “AMIC will pursue capital raising endeavor at this favorable time to procure funds for the several projects in the pipeline. Foreign groups are being engaged by the company for their expertise to clinch and ensure the success of the capital raising programs from global funders,” Abra Mining said.

Only expired corporations may apply for re-registration using the same corporate name. No application for re-registration of the expired corporation, however, shall be processed by the Commission unless the application is accompanied by the following documents: i.

Board Resolution, executed and signed under oath by the hold-over board of directors/ trustees of the expired corporation, attesting that: a) b) c)


the applicant for re-registration is a new corporation intending to use the name of the expired corporation (specially identifying the corporate name and registration number); the re-registration is approved by the majority vote of the directors or trustees and the vote of the stockholders representing the majority of the outstanding capital stock or membership; and they shall include a statement in the articles of incorporation of the new corporation that the same is using the name of the expired corporation.

Latest General Information Sheet of the expired corporation, stamped “received” by the Commission; and

iii. Affidavit, executed under oath by the hold-over corporate secretary, attesting that: a)

b) c)

There are no properties owned by the expired corporation due for liquidation, or in case there are properties owned by the expired corporation, no property is transferred to the new corporation or, in case of stock corporations, used for subscription payment without undergoing corporate liquidation process; There is no pending intra-corporate dispute or claim involving the expired corporation; and That the expired corporation has no derogatory information with the Commission at the time of its application for re-registration.

Upon approval of the re-registration, the certificate of registration to be issued to the new corporation shall indicate its new SEC registration number and pre-generated Tax Identification Number (TIN) as confirmation that the same is a separate and distinct entity from the expired corporation. This amendment shall take effect immediately. June 2, 2015. Mandaluyong City, Philippines. (TS-JUL. 9, 2015)


B4 FSSI anniversary.

The Foundation for a Sustainable Society, a non-government organization that provides development and financing assistance to social enterprises in marginalized sectors recently celebrated its 20th anniversary with a vision of stronger and more sustainable “triple bottom line” enterprises in the Philippines. Shown are FSSI officials and beneficiaries during the anniversary celebration.

Big banks have enough capital By Julito G. Rada

GLOBAL debt watcher Fitch Ratings said domestic systemically-important banks, or lenders considered as “too big to fail,” can meet the higher capital requirement imposed by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. “Most large and mid-sized banks in the Philippines have core equity Tier 1 [CET1] ratios comfortably above Basel III minimums, with the largest banks’ CET1 ratios falling between 12 percent-14 percent as of end2014,” Fitch said in a report released Wednesday. Fitch cited Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company, which completed a P32-billion stock rights offer in March 2015, which brought its published pro-forma end-2014 CET1 ratio to 15.5 percent. It also cited Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. which boosted its CET1 ratio by 200 basis points

earlier in the year from 10.4 percent at end-2014, with a fresh capital injection from Taiwan’s Cathay Life Insurance. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas on July 6 said it had identified the list of banks considered D-SIBs under the framework initially outlined in October 2014. The bank regulator, however, did not name the banks. Banks designated as D-SIBs will be required to hold additional loss-absorbency of 1.5 percent or 2.5 percent of risk-weighted assets depending on a number of factors, including size, market reliance and complexity. The higher capital require-

ments will be phased in over two years beginning in January 2017, to be fully in place by January 2019, with minimum CET1 ratios of 10 percent-11 percent for D-SIBs. “The 1.5 percent-2.5 percent additional capital buffer is broadly in line with other Asian jurisdictions which have announced D-SIB frameworks, including Singapore and Hong Kong. Singapore announced a 2 percent additional capital requirement for its D-SIBs in April, while Hong Kong announced in March that it would be phasing in a 1 percent-3.5 percent requirement,” Fitch said. Fitch said the Bangko Sentral, unlike the monetary authorities in Hong Kong and Singapore, would not publicly disclose the names of D-SIBs or their respective additional loss-absorption buckets. As part of its framework, the Bangko Sentral will update the list of D-SIBs annually and notify the relevant banks separately.

Fitch said “a handful of the largest banks [including BDO Unibank, Bank of the Philippine Islands and Metrobank] are likely to incur a 2.5 percent additional loss-absorption requirement while other large lenders should fall into the 1.5 percent bucket.” It said banks needed to meet the capital requirements at a consolidated level as well as individual entity or solo level. Fitch said capital ratios tended to be lower for parent banks at the individual entity level. “Fitch believes not every parent bank would have met the D-SIB requirement had it been fully implemented at end-December 2014.” Fitch said it expected banks with a shortfall to take action to comply with the requirements ahead of the phase-in period. It said increasing the solo level capital ratio could be achieved through internal capital generation, but this would require a slowdown in credit growth or an increase in earnings retention.

3 candidates being considered for top ERC post By Alena Mae S. Flores MALACAÑANG will choose from three candidates the successor of Energy Regulatory Commission chairman Zenaida Ducut whose seven-year fixed term will expire on July 10, a source said Wednesday. A reliable source said the three candidates included Joseph Ferdinand Dechavez, the former senior adviser to National Grid Corporation of the Philippines

president Henry Sy Jr., Justice undersecretary Jose Vicente Salazar and National Renewable Energy Board chairman Pete Maniego. Among the three candidates who are all lawyers, Salazar is being closely considered to replace Ducut, the source said. ERC is currently headed by commissioner Alfredo Non as officer-in-chair while a suitable candidate is being deliberated upon by Malacanang, the source said. Other ERC commissioners are Gloria Victoria Yap-Taruc, Jose-

fina Patricia Asirit and newly appointed Geronimo Sta. Ana. Asirit was previously rumored to replace Ducut but this was met with resistance because of her affiliation to Cabinet Secretary Jose Rene Almendras. Asirit is the niece of Almendras. Former Energy Secretary Carlos Jericho Petilla said that if he were Asirit, he would not accept the post due because of her affiliation with Almendras. Asirit was appointed as ERC commissioner in 2013 and served as un-

dersecretary under Almendras, who was then the Energy secretary. “What is important for continuity purposes is not the secretary of energy. It’s the ERC,” Petilla said earlier. Petilla said the ERC chairman “should never have vested interests.” ERC is an independent government body that promulgates and enforces rules and regulations covering the energy sector. It also issues permits and licenses to industry players.

Vantage sells stake in Yehey for P290m

By Jenniffer B. Austria INVESTMENT holding company Vantage Equities Inc. said Wednesday it agreed to sell its 66.95-percent stake in digital marketing firm Yehey! Corp. for P290 million. Vantage said in a disclosure to the stock exchange it signed a sale and purchase agreement involving 186,121,771 million shares sold at P1.56 per share to a group led by businessman Alfonso Yap Go. The acquisition price of P1.56 per share represents a 14.7-percent discount to Yehey’s closing price of P1.83 on Tuesday. Share price of Yehey rose as high as 49.7 percent to P2.74 per share following the disclosure, and after the Philippine Stock Exchange implemented a onehour of trading suspension on the company’s shares. “The disposition of Yehey shares is part of the company’s strategy to maintain its focus on its businesses in the financial sector,” Vantage said. The transaction is subject to a mandatory tender offer as prescribed by the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission and other closing conditions. “We understand that the buyers are still in the process of evaluating options for the company and will disclose such plans to the PSE at the appropriate time. Neither the seller nor the company is party to the buyers’ deliberation,” Yehey said in a separate disclosure.

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Puregold expands to remittances By Othel V. Campos

RETAIL giant Puregold Price Club Inc. said Wednesday it is diversifying into money remittance as an added service to customers. “Our target are the overseas Filipino workers and Filipino consumers, in general. We expect this project to be a game changer in the remittance market because of a few novel ideas we squeezed in,” Puregold president Ferdinand Vincent Co told reporters in a news briefing in Makati City.

Puregold’s remittance service, called “Pure Padala,” aims to enable senders from abroad and local senders to apportion the money they send for specified expenses for education, utilities and groceries. Pure Padala is a service offered by Puregold in partnership with G-Cash, Globe

Telecom’s money management service. It is linked with at least 57 remittance agencies in 27 countries. “We have tie-ups with educational institutions as well as with several utility companies. For groceries, the recipient can only transact business with Puregold,” Co said. He said senders could give instructions to Puregold remittance centers on what particular goods the money should be spent in. The sender can instruct Pure Padala to specify that the grocery money will be spent for food only, leaving no provision for

vices such as liquor and cigarettes. “In this manner, the money that senders remit are spent wisely,” Co said, adding that about 20 percent to 30 percent of remittances from abroad were not spent wisely. The recipient will get advisory from Pure Padala when and where to retrieve the remittance. For remittance for grocery, the recipient can pay directly by showing the digital notification sent to his/her phone to the cashier. In case of deleted texts or notification, the recipient will have to validate claim at the

customer service station. Puregold began testing Pure Padala last year to determine if the market can absorb another player. The company yielded as much as P100 million in total remittances in 2014. The company plans to establish remittance centers in all 239 Puregold branches nationwide. The company said it would charge the lowest remittance rate among other money centers in the Philippines. The company said it would first concentrate on the remittance markets in Hong Kong, Singapore and the US.

Local millers prefer US wheat for bread

Puregold Price Club Inc. on Wednesday said it teamed up with Globe Telecom to launch “Pure Padala,” its venture into the remittance business to tap the overseas Filipino market. Shown during a news briefing in Makati City is Puregold president Ferdinand Vincent Co. EY ACASIO

FILIPINO millers prefer to import US wheat because of its high quality that is ideal for production of loaf bread and buns, the marketing arm of US wheat producers said Wednesday. US Wheat Associates assistant regional vice president for South Asia Joseph Sowers said bread and other baked products accounted for more than half of food that contained wheat flour in the Philippines. It said the dominant wheat food in other Asean countries such as Vietnam and Indonesia is noodles, which can be produced with lower quality flour. “But to produce appealing loaf bread and other products like hamburger buns requires flour with very specific qualities. That is why Filipino bakers’ have developed a preference for the superior performance of flour milled locally from US hard red spring wheat,” Sowers said in a statement. He said the unique characteristics of US wheat helped improve loaf volume, mixing tolerance and stability needed to make Pinoy Tasty and Spanish breads such as pandesal and monay. “That is also why it is not useful to compare the price of noodle flour in Vietnam and Indonesia to bread flour in the Philippines,” he said. Sowers said taking advantage of a zero tariff on flour trade, millers in Vietnam and Indonesia were importing US wheat to blend with other origin wheats and exporting flour to the Philippines. “Imports of US wheat by Vietnam was three and a half times greater last year than average as they doubled flour exports to the Philippines. Bakers, noodle and biscuit manufacturers that can use lower quality flour can take advantage of small price discounts for those imports,” he said. He said Philippines manufacturers of cookies, crackers and cakes preferred the characteristics of flour milled from US soft white wheat over competing wheats from other origins. “In addition, millers can import each of the different types of US wheat they need economically from the same port. And unlike wheat or flour imported from other countries, Filipino millers receive a certification from independent US government inspectors that every load of US wheat is precisely what they ordered,” he said. “Filipino consumers want the best quality bread and wheat foods at the best value for their families. Bakers are answering that demand successfully with flour milled locally from high-quality, high-value US wheat,” he said.

DTI orders faster processing of import clearance certificates—Domingo By Othel V. Campos THE Trade Department said Wednesday it ordered the faster processing and issuance of import clearance certificates by the Bureau of Philippine Standards. “There are significant increases on the number of ICC applications and number of test reports received and evaluated by the Bureau of Philippine Standards. To expedite the process, I directed the BPS to adopt and implement stop-gap measures to facilitate ease in doing business. This further enhances DTI’s performance

in ensuring ease in doing business without compromising product safety,” Trade Secretary Gregory Domingo said. The products in the BPS list of products under mandatory certification that are life threatening are retained to facilitate the issuance of ICC, while the rest of the products in the current list shall be transferred to products under mandatory labeling. Test reports of specific products shall have one one year validity from the date of issuance, provided that the imported products were manufactured

by the same company, with the same type and model such as blender; magnetic/electronic ballast; oven toaster circuit breaker, plug, socket outlet and extension cord of coffee maker; pneumatic tires electric cables, rice cooker and electric fan. Applications with no valid test report/s shall be issued with ICC certificate but the inspection, inventory, sampling and product testing shall be conducted prior the release of ICC stickers. If the test reports showed noncompliance to product testing undertaken, the importer shall

have the option to request for re- standards from the list of prodtesting. ucts under mandatory certificaNon-compliant products will be tion,” said Trade undersecretary ordered for re-export to country for consumer protection Victorio of origin or they will be destroyed. Mario Dimagiba. “To further complement the policies intended to RAY S. EÑANO fast-track the processing of ICC applications, the new measure delists some products/

Mr. Eñano’s column will resume next week.




PSALM, Trans-Asia seal power barge sale By Alena Mae S. Flores

POWER Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corp. has turned over the ownership of three power barges with a combined capacity of 98 megawatts to Trans-Asia Oil and Energy Development Corp. after receiving the payment price of P420 million. “Both PSALM and TA have already delivered to each other their respective closing documents and payment of the purchase price by TA to PSALM in the amount P420 million,” Trans-Asia said in a disclosure to the Philippine Stock Exchange.

PSALM conducted on October 30, 2013 conducted the third round of bidding for the 32-MW Power Barge 101 and 32-MW Power Barge 102 in Obrero, Iloilo City and the 32-MW Power Barge 103, which has been moved from Estancia, Iloilo City to Keppel

Subic Shipyard Inc. SPC Island Power Corp. was declared the highest bidder while TransAsia, a unit of the Phinma Group, emerged as the second highest. Trans-Asia offered P370.52 million, lower than SPC Island Power’s bid of P545.89 million. PB 103, however, was demoored and ran aground in November 2013 when typhoon Yolanda struck, damaging severely the hull and other equipment. PB 103 was towed to Keppel Subic Shipyard Inc. cleaning and repair, prompting SPIC to terminate the asset purchase agreement with PSALM. TA later offered to purchase the power barges for P420 million

and signed an agreement with PSALM for a negotiated sale. Trans-Asia is an active participant in the privatization of the country’s power assets. Trans-Asia won the contract to manage a 40-MW strip of energy from the Unified Leyte geothermal power plants. The company is also one of the interested bidders for the bulk energy contracts of the Unified Leyte geothermal plants. “We will prioritize remaining privatization of PSALM [Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corp.] of CBK and Casecnan hydro plants. We like CBK because it’s in Luzon,” TransAsia president Francisco Viray said earlier.

Sheraton Mactan partner. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. has teamed up with Sheraton® Mactan Resort, a new property development comprising of hotel and branded residences on the exotic coral island of Mactan in the Philippines. The beachfront hotel property will offer 250 sophisticated guest rooms, including 20 suites with breathtaking views of Magellan Bay. 2. Shown (seated form left) are AppleOne Mactan Inc’s. Venus Manigsaca, AppleOne Mactan Inc. president Ray Go Manigsaca Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels and Resorts’ president Stephen Ho and regional vice president for South East Asia Charlie Dang.

Bidding for LRT-2 design set in August By Darwin G. Amojelar THE Transport Department is bidding out the P200-million detailed engineering design for the proposed west extension of Light Rail Transit Line 2 to Port Area in Manila. “After recently breaking ground for the LRT-2 East Extension, we are now moving to likewise extend the railway up to the port area, to serve more riders,” said Transport Secretary Joseph Emilio Abaya, The P10.12-billion LRT Line 2 west extension project, which was approved by the board of the National Economic and Development Authority in May, involves the design and extension of the existing line 2 from Recto station to Pier 4. The project will cover 3.02 kilometers and add three stations, including Tutuban (located next to the Cluster Mall); Divisoria (west of Recto Avenue and Asuncion Street intersection) and Pier 4 (located 50 meters north of Zaragoza Street). The west extension of LRT 2 will be locally funded and be implemented within three and a half years. The opening and submission of bids are expected within August, while the awarding is set for the fourth quarter of this year. The completion of the design will take around four to six months. It will serve as the basis for the construction or civil works component of the project, which will be bid out once the DED is completed. It will cover the three stations, tracks, viaduct and electromechanical requirements, including five new 4-car rolling stocks. Transportation and the Light Rail Transit Authority last month broke ground for the LRT-2 East Extension project, which will extend the system by 4.2 kilometers to Masinag in Antipolo City.

A tribute to Dr. Sixto K. Roxas I HAVE been wanting to write the following piece for a long time because of my strong feeling against the practice of recognizing and rewarding outstanding individuals after they have passed away and are no longer able to appreciate the honors bestowed upon them. One person whom I would like to see honored in his lifetime is economist Dr. Sixto “Ting” Roxas. I cannot claim to know Dr. Roxas personally, but I know enough about his professional life to believe that he deserves the tribute that I’m about to write. Ting Roxas first came to public attention when, fresh from a stint with the then-government-owned Philippine National Bank, he organized and headed the Philippine company that would challenge foreign dominance of the Philippine petroleum-refining industry. Cavite-based Filoil Refinary Corp. did battle with the multinational giants Shell, Caltex and Mobil. But in time it became clear that Filoil was no match for the financial and market muscle of the Big Three, so Filoil closed shop before long. Ting Roxas did not have much time to be idle after Filoil’s closure. The Macapagal administration that came into office in 1962 lost no time recruiting Roxas

for the position of chairman of the National Economic Council, the predecessor of the National Economic and Development Authority. It is said that Roxas was handpicked for the post by President Diosdado Macapagal’s top economic adviser, Dr. Armand V. Fabella. True or not, the fact is that the Fabella-Roxas partnership produced some of the best days in the history of Philippine economic policymaking. But Ting Roxas’ finest hour was yet to come. He organized Bancom Development Corp., which proceeded to establish what the Philippines’ financial structure had long needed: a money market. On the basis of the manual that Ting Roxas wrote, “A Short-term Treasury Bills Market for the Philippines,” Bancom developed a market for trading in government and commercial paper of all maturities and tenors. In no time at all, under Bancom’s leadership, a market came into being in the Philippines. Ting Roxas became the man of the hour and Bancom the institution of the hour. With the financial talent and creativity that it was able to put together, Bancom became something of an icon. Indeed, a ranking company official was heard to make reference at a conference to the “Bancom Man.”

As word of Bancom’s success spread, Ting Roxas was accorded the honor that no Filipino finance man had ever received. He was invited by one of the largest US investment banks, New York-based American Express International Banking Corp., to join its board of directors. It was a signal honor for the Ateneo-trained economist. Ting Roxas believed that Bancom’s structure had become such that he could safely spend several months of the year away from the company’s Makati headquarters. He was wrong. The key officers that he placed in charge during his absences made a series of bad decisions that placed Bancom’s continued financial stability in jeopardy. What was once this country’s premier private financial institution gradually lost operational steam and eventually closed its doors. But the system that Sixto K. Roxas put in place is still there, and the Philippine money market remains one of East Asia’s most vibrant. For that achievement, Ting Roxas deserves kudos and the nation’s abundant thanks. Ting Roxas is still quite able to appreciate tributes like this column. Which is how it should be. E-mail:

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cesar barrioquinto EDITOR


Iran talks to go into overtime VIENNA—The talks towards a historic nuclear deal between Iran and the major powers were to go into overtime Wednesday after stumbling over what one Western diplomat called “very, very, very tough” remaining issues. Iran and six world powers have effectively given themselves until Friday to reach a deal by extending the terms of a 2013 interim accord under which Tehran has frozen parts of its nuclear program in return for minor sanctions relief. This is the latest in a string of extensions aimed at ending almost two years of talks to resolve a 13-year standoff with the Islamic republic after foreign ministers failed to bridge the last few gaps in Vienna last week. “Removing the remaining brackets (in the text of the agreement), this seems to be very, very, very tough,” the senior diplomat said Tuesday as an 11th day of talks stretched late into the night. But the envoy insisted the negotiations, originally due to end on June 30, are “not an openended process. We’ve given ourselves a couple more days because we think it can be done.” This was rammed home by a second diplomat, who said the new target date is the “final” one. “It’s difficult to see why and how we could go on any longer. Either this works in the next 48 hours or it doesn’t,” the second diplomat said on condition of anonymity. “We have never been closer, than we’ve ever been on this agreement, and we are still not where we need to be to finalize a deal,” a senior US administration official said.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has remained in Vienna with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif. Their Russian, Chinese, French and British counterparts— which along with Germany make up the P5+1 group in talks with Iran—had already left. The latter two said they would return to the Austrian capital on Wednesday evening. But for many observers July 9 had always been the real deadline. If Kerry fails to hand over a deal by the end of Thursday, US lawmakers will get 60 days instead of 30 to review it, potentially making it even more complicated to implement. The US team now has its back against the wall trying to nail down the final details by then. The mooted deal would curb Iran’s nuclear program for a decade or more in order to make any push to make nuclear weapons virtually impossible—an intention Iran has always denied—in return for progressively lifting sanctions. Despite progress on a series of complicated annexes, negotiations have stalled on how to ease sanctions against Iran, probing allegations that in the past Tehran did try to develop nuclear arms and ensuring Iran can continue to have a modest, peaceful nuclear program. AFP

The rain in Spain. Children play with the water of fountains on the banks of the Manzanares river in Madrid on July 7. The heat wave in Spain started on July 1 and will last for at least nine days and extend to the rest of Europe. AFP

Off to Greece to help a pensioner SYDNEY—An Australian touched by an image of a pensioner sobbing outside a Greek bank said Wednesday he was flying over to Europe to support the man financially after discovering he was a family friend. Giorgos Chatzifotiadis, 77, broke down in Greece’s second city of Thessaloniki last week and cried in despair after he failed at four different financial institutions to withdraw a pension of 120 euros (US$132) on behalf of his wife. The picture of him sitting on the ground was captured by an AFP photographer and went around the world, starkly illustrating how ordinary Greeks are suffering during the country’s debt crisis. James Koufos, an Australianborn chief executive of a finance firm, saw the photo pub-

lished in Sydney and thought the retiree looked “so much like a friend of my dad’s.” The 41-year-old said he was talking to his mother, who lives in Greece, on Facebook and she confirmed Chatzifotiadis was an old friend of his late father, who died 18 months ago. “When I saw this, I said to mum, ‘What can we do?’,” Koufos told AFP. “I got my mother to take out some cash, to find the man and give him some immediate support.” Koufos also put out an emotional appeal on Facebook to locate Chatzifotiadis, and has since set up a trust fund welcoming further contributions. He is set to depart Sydney on Saturday for Athens, before heading to Thessaloniki to meet the pensioner.

“We’re going over there to surprise him and just give him quite a substantial amount of money, plus we’re also raising some money now from corporations... who want to donate,” said the businessman. They aim to offer help to others besides Chatzifotiadis wherever they can, he said. “We’re dealing with a few places that deal with shelters in Athens and Thessaloniki to offer immediate support where we can with shelter and food.” Koufos’ family is also from Thessaloniki, and Chatzifotiadis even attended his sister’s wedding. Australia is home to a large number of Greek migrants, with the city of Melbourne having the third-largest Greekspeaking population of any city in the world outside Athens

and Thessaloniki, according to Australian government statistics. Koufos, whose parents hail from Greece, said he became emotional after viewing the photographs as they “told a thousand stories.” “Those photos had such an impact, not just on me, but a lot of people I know,” he said. “I’ve had grown men that I know in front of me and over the phone bawling their eyes out on just how much it hit them.” European leaders have given Athens a final deadline of Sunday to reach a new bailout deal and avoid crashing out of the euro. Greek voters rejected international creditors’ plans in a referendum over the weekend. AFP

China’s taxi app raises $2 billion

Hard work. This picture taken on July 7 shows farmers transplanting rice on a field at Quoc Oai district on the outskirts of Hanoi. AFP

BEIJING—China’s top taxi hailing app Didi Kuaidi announced Wednesday it raised $2.0 billion in two weeks after reports said US rival Uber planned to invest $1.1 billion in the country this year. Didi Kuaidi, which is backed by technology giants Alibaba and Tencent and calls itself the world’s largest one-stop mobilebased transportation network, said its fund-raising attracted “tremendous interest” from global investors. It is looking to raise “a further few hundred million dollars” from new investors in the coming month, it added. “The fact that global investors are eager to participate in this fund-raising round shows their confidence in the development of

our company,” Cheng Wei, chief executive and chairman of the company, said in a statement. The popularity of private-car booking enterprises such as Didi Kuaidi and San Francisco-based Uber has soared in China, where traditional taxis are criticized for poor service with rude drivers who routinely ignore customers on the street. For now, the Chinese firm dominates the market, but the two are locked in a fierce battle for customers, offering both riders and drivers subsidies and discounts that are costing the companies vast sums. Uber, which launched operations in China last year, said in a message to investors last month that it planned to invest seven bil-

lion yuan ($1.1 billion) in China, the Financial Times reported previously. Uber riders were making almost one million trips per day with business doubling in the previous month, its CEO Travis Kalanick said, adding the company plans to add 50 cities into its operational network, from the current 11. But Didi Kuaidi’s Cheng was confident that the company’s “clear competitive advantages” built “through its integrated platform, technology and team” would see it win out. “Didi Kuaidi is in a far better position to benefit from this tremendous opportunity than any other player in the mobile transportation industry in the world,” he said. AFP

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Airline victim’s case approved SEOUL—The Korean Air chief steward ejected from a flight by a senior airline executive, in a now infamous “nut rage” incident, has had his industrial injury claim approved by a state agency, officials said Wednesday. The recognition comes as Park Chang-Jin is reportedly preparing to file a lawsuit in US court demanding $50 million in damages from Korean Air for the abuse he claims he suffered at the hand of Cho Hyun-Ah, a former vice-president of the airline. The eldest daughter of the airline’s chairman, Cho was vicepresident in charge of in-flight service at the time of her December 5 “nut rage” meltdown on board a Seoul-bound KAL flight that had just left the gate in New York. As the plane was taxi-

ing to the runway, Cho, sitting in first class, became enraged when a flight attendant served her some nuts in a bag, rather than on a plate. She then berated Park for his team’s shortcomings, and the steward said he was forced to kneel in front of her while she shouted and jabbed him with an inflight manual. He was then forced to leave the plane after Cho ordered the pilot to return to the gate. In an industrial injury claim filed with the state-run Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service, the state agency that rules on industrial accident cases, Park complained of posttraumatic depression and insomnia following the incident. “His case was recognized as an industrial injury,” an agency spokesman told AFP. AFP

Celestial display. Lightning flashes through the sky over the A9 highway near Allershausen, southern Germany, on July 8. AFP

Greece given a final deadline BELGIUM—Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will address the European Parliament on Wednesday after European leaders gave his debt-stricken country a final deadline to reach a new bailout deal and avoid crashing out of the euro. Greek leaders must submit detailed reform plans by Thursday to win the fresh bailout funds the country needs to stop its bank-

ing system from collapsing, EU President Donald Tusk said after an emergency summit of Greek and eurozone leaders on Tuesday. All 28 European Union leaders will then examine the plans on Sunday in a make-or-break summit that will either rescue Greece’s moribund economy, or leave it to crash out of the single currency—a so-called “Grexit”. “Tonight I have to say loud and clear—the final deadline ends this week,” Tusk told a news conference. “Inability to find an agreement may lead to bankruptcy of Greece and insolvency of its banking system,” he added. The urgency of the situation was underlined by the head of France’s

central bank, Christian Noyer, who said Wednesday he feared Greece could descend into “chaos” unless a deal was struck this week. “The Greek economy is on the edge of catastrophe. A deal absolutely must be found on Sunday because it will be too late after that and the consequences will be serious,” he told French radio, adding that “there could be riots... and chaos in the country”. Greek banks remain closed for a second week, with ATM withdrawals limited to 60 euros a day. Noyer said it was “impossible” to re-open the banks while confidence was so low because there would be an “immediate run” on tellers. The EU’s Economic Affairs

Commissioner Pierre Moscovici said an agreement with Greece was possible but it was up to its government to make credible proposals to its fellow eurozone members. “I think a solution must be found by Sunday and I believe it can be,” he told France 2 TV, adding: “The ball is clearly in the Greek authorities’ court.” The eurozone had expected Greece’s newly appointed finance minister, Euclid Tsakalotos, to submit new reform plans on Tuesday after Greeks voted in a referendum Sunday to reject creditor demands for more austerity in return for fresh EU-IMF bailout funds. When the proposals were pushed further into the week, European

Commission President JeanClaude Juncker warned “we have a ‘Grexit’ scenario prepared in detail” if no deal is reached, although he insisted he wanted Athens to stay in the single currency. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, meanwhile, warned Greece would need a debt program lasting “several years” to revive its moribund economy and insisted writing off any part of its 320-billioneuro ($350-billion) debt mountain was out of the question. The prime minister is expected to tell European parliamentarians in Strasbourg that Sunday’s referendum result gave him a strong new mandate from his beleaguered people. AFP

Flood of Londoners taking to boats

Second run. A bull falls during the second bull-run of the San Fermin

Festival in Pamplona, northern Spain, on July 8. The festival is a symbol of Spanish culture that attracts thousands of tourists to watch it despite the heavy condemnation from animal rights groups. AFP

LONDON—Rocketing housing costs in Britain’s capital have fuelled a surge in Londoners seeking cheaper accommodation on boats, with increased numbers putting pressure on the city’s historic network of rivers and canals. The picturesque lifestyle of sleeping in a colorfully painted narrowboat or barge can seem tempting, especially when buying one can cost a fraction of the price of bricks and mortar. “It’s become more common for people to do it who don’t know what they are getting into, or even because they have no choice,” said education worker Jim Bryden, 39, who has lived aboard the “Violet Mae” with his girlfriend, a dog and a cat for two years. “I’ve met people who have

ended up on a boat because they had two weeks’ notice to leave their flat and were able to buy a boat for £10,000 (14,000 euros, $16,000).” Everyone has a story of spotting newcomers struggling with engine failure, steering ineptly along a crowded canal or developing regrets once facing a damp, cold winter on boats often heated by stove and just 2.1 meters wide. Maintenance costs can mount quickly and boaters dryly refer to their vessels as “black holes” for cash, constantly in need of repair. “If you are ignorant about buying a boat it can be easy to buy a boat that will become a nightmare,” said Mikaela KhanParrack, 26, who has lived on the water for four years and works as a mooring ranger for the Canal

and River Trust. Yet even more expensive boats, which can cost over £100,000, are still a fraction of the average London house price of £500,000, up 11 percent in a year. As London private rents have increased to cost almost half the average salary, some renters have turned to cheap but illegally let rooms on boats described as mouldering “floating shacks” in an article by a former resident in the Guardian. Yet for many, waking up with ducks swimming by the window, and the freedom and sociability of the pretty tree-lined waterways compensate for downsides like emptying toilet tanks, trudging the towpath to do laundry or fetch gas cylinders, and vulnerability to thieves. AFP

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Chefs Rosebud and Aisel use healthy ingredients in cooking Weigh To Go’s calorie counted meals.

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C1 Weigh To Go provides daily balanced meal composed of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals that won’t make clients feel deprived.

Chef Aisel Pajuyo and Chef Rosebud Benitez



y life is a constant battle of wanting to eat delicious food but not wanting to gain any weight,” shares celebrity chef Rosebud Benitez, a struggle that is perhaps familiar to many as well. This is why when people looking for a way to shed the pounds and eat healthy and delicious food discovered the genius of meal calorie counting – where one gets to partake of any food as long as the number of calories is smaller than what one burns – many quickly jumped on the bandwagon. Businesses offering delivery of calorie counted meals have sprung in the country, mostly based in Metro Manila, to

BY BERNADETTE LUNAS cater to a growing number of patrons that range from celebrities to yuppies, or the people who usually don’t have the time to calculate their chow’s calories. But it was more than jumping on a new fad for Chef Rosebud when she entered this industry and co-founded a diet delivery program business. “After giving birth last March 2014, I gained so much weight and so I thought of coming up with this business to not only help myself lose the post pregnancy weight but to cater to the people who are also dealing with weight control or weight loss problems,” she recalls. Thus, Weigh To Go was born. Six months after Chef Rosebud gave birth to her son, she met up with her CCA (Center for Culinary Arts Manila) batchmate and friend Chef Aisel Pajuyo and proposed a partnership. The chef duo then spent months studying the market and the business until they officially launched Weigh To Go Ph in March this year. With Chef Aisel, a registered dietitian and nutritionist on board, Weigh To Go offers five-day calorie counted meal programs in 1200, 1500 and 1800kcal delivered straight to your home or office within Metro Manila. The diet program provides clients three meals per day with surprise snacks in between. There is really no restriction in food items as customers can indulge in red rice, wheat bread, pork, chicken, fish, potato, sponge cake, yogurt and more that food

are often eliminated in other types of diet. These, along with generous servings of fruits and vegetables served on the side or incorporated in the dish, complete the meal. On top of Weigh To Go’s scheduled meals for the week, they also allow menu customization depending on the client’s needs and preference. “We also offer post pregnancy meals suitable for those who just gave birth, or even breastfeeding moms who are having a hard time losing the baby weight,” adds Chef Rosebud. Personally trying the program, what I noticed on my second day was that the servings may be small (because that’s how this diet works), but with the combination of carbohydrates, protein and fiber, they are surprisingly filling. I didn’t feel hungry or tempted to grab an extra (usually unhealthy) snack. Weigh To Go not only advocates healthy food choices but also makes sure that “diet food doesn’t have to be boring, bland and tasteless.” Yes, the meals taste good. The secret? “It’s just a matter of finding the right mix of ingredients that will go well together and coming up with food that is exciting and delicious,” shares Chef Rosebud. Chefs Rosebud and Aisel also use herbs, spices, lemon and other flavoring ingredients that have lower calorie to give dishes a distinct taste without sacrificing calorie count. Also, “all cooking methods (grilled, braised, sauteed, steamed, poached, etc.) are practiced except deep fried which consumes a lot of calories,” says Chef Aisel.

The food is healthy and delicious, and you don’t have to worry about planning meals or counting your calorie intake; it’s a double win. But many question the practicality of diet delivery, especially when the cost for it is considered. Chef Rosebud maintains, “Yes, it could be quite expensive for some (as compared to doing it all on your own) but it’s very convenient.” She further explains, “First, you don’t have to worry about the meals you’ll be eating anymore. No more doing the marketing and grocery for the ingredients, no more cooking required on your part and it’s already calorie counted to make sure you achieve your fitness goals. And also, you get to enjoy gourmet quality food.” Weigh To Go’s diet delivery program also serves as a springboard for those who want to change their eating habits, an opportunity the two chefs see especially now that Filipinos are into healthy eating and wellness. A new entrant in this burgeoning market, Weigh To Go, with its food and service, shows so much potential to be a major player, to prove that, they have more in store for their clients. “[One of our plans is to make] the menu more personalized/ customized according to the needs of consumer,” shares Chef Aisel. Good news for juicing fans, too, as Weigh To Go also looks into eventually offering fresh juices and other styles of diet meals. For orders and inquiries call 0916-6370182, visit or follow their Instagram account @weightogoph.

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Kale – Usual leafy greens don’t cut it anymore when kale broke into the mainstream. This member of the cabbage family is claimed to be one of the most nutrient-dense foods in the world with more than 100 percent RDA of vitamins A, K and C, as well as generous doses of powerful antioxidants. Often used in tandem with quinoa, the pair make for a very trendy couple.

Dragon fruit – Resembling a flame, the exotic-looking cactus fruit is served at juice bars as a one-stop health shot. Proponents say it’s a cancerfighting food due to the presence of polyphenols on its peel. This isn’t scientifically backed as of yet because research on its cancerinhibiting properties are still in its preliminary stages.


Trends in health, fitness, diet and nutrition are a dime a dozen. As a society, we’ve collectively done crossfit, perspired through spin class, walked 10,000 steps a day, practiced portion control, detoxed, juiced and gone through infused water therapy. Some of these fads have come and gone, while some remain persistent. One of the most enduring of which is the consumption of socalled “superfoods,” a group of natural food items supposedly with insane health benefits, so much so that they’re “super.” Since THE GIST the introduction of the superfood concept a few years ago, a lot BY ED BIADO of different fruits, vegetables, seeds and other foodstuffs have been inducted into the category. Along the way, others have been thrown out because their touted health benefits have been discredited. Still others simply lose their novelty and are replaced with – again, supposedly – healthier or more exotic options. Today’s superfood landscape is evidently different from the one from, say, two or three years ago, confirming the belief that it is indeed dictated by trends and new discoveries. Here, we’re listing down five of the most popular superfoods that the worlds of nutrition and culinary arts are obsessed with.

Pomegranate – The fruit has “been cherished for their exquisite beauty, flavor, color, and health benefits for centuries,” according to the Pomegranate Council. Yes, that actually exists. As a new superfood, it is currently being studied for its various health potentials, such as in prostate cancer, diabetes, coronary artery disease, aging, memory, pregnancy complications and osteoporosis, among many others.

Chia seed – This seed isn’t just for Chia Pets anymore. A lot of articles online recommend a gazillion ways to incorporate the healthy seed into recipes. Indeed, its dried version packs a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals. It is said to aid in weight loss, helps lower the risk of heart disease and type-2 diabetes, and functions the same way as sports drinks.


People in their golden years are at risk of suffering from joint pains due to osteoarthritis.

Quinoa – BBC Good Food describes the “fashionable grain-like crop” as a “complete protein and fantastic wheatfree alternative.” Over the last 12 months, it has made its way to many high-end menus, getting the reputation of being a rich man’s food. Its low gluten content has also made it a hit among people with celiac disease and those jumping on the gluten-free bandwagon.

Say Goodbye to Osteoarthritis Blues

ere’s the painful truth — everyone is at risk of suffering from joint pains due to osteoarthritis, a debilitating disease that occurs when the protective cartilage of the ends of bones wears thin as people age. Getting proper relief from this painful disease is often a complicated issue because people in their golden years also have to deal with other health issues. Fortunately, Mother Nature has its ways of healing, and the relentless pain caused by osteoarthritis has found a remedy in Arthrite, the first traditional herbal medicine approved by the Philippine Food and Drug Administration for joint pain. Arthrite is a breakthrough phytomedicine consisting of 14 herbal components that work synergistically to reduce osteoarthritic pain that also has the added benefit of reducing joint inflammation and improving joint mobility.

A clinical study published in the Indian Journal of Clinical Practice in 2010 showed Arthrite to bring significant reduction in pain associated with osteoarthritis, such as, pain while walking (71 percent pain reduction), pain during squatting (63.2 percent), pain while sitting cross legged (66.1 percent) and pain while climbing (42.1 percent). Arthrite restores normal day-to-day activities and improves the quality of life of people suffering from osteoarthritis. What differentiates Arthrite from other osteoarthritis medications is that aside from aiding in pain management and relieving inflammation, it also prevents degeneration of cartilage. Arthrite does this in shorter timeframe than other non-synthetic drugs with lesser dosage requirements. A minimum period of four to 12 weeks is recommended with a daily dosage of two soft gel capsules each day for

Arthrite’s onset of action to reach its peak level of providing relief. An amalgam of medical science and tradition, Arthrite provides a holistic approach in treating osteoarthritis, giving more reasons for people in their golden years to experience joy in life. For more information about Arthrite, please visit www.multicare.

Arthrite, a breakthrough phyto-medicine consisting of 14 herbal components.

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anila is a city that constantly keeps its finger on the global pulse and takes up international fads as readily as it forgets them. From Cronuts to kouign ammans, Barre to Bikram, it seems like every major food, fashion, and fitness trend has its moment in our metropolis. Some stay only a little while, and others endure longer, but it does take something extraordinary to hold the attention of the citizen who is constantly in search of something new and exciting. Electric Studio is that extraordinary experience that will find a permanent place in the fitness culture of Manila and perhaps eventually the entire country. While indoor cycling has been gaining a steady

following in the United States and elsewhere for some time, this is the first studio in the Philippines dedicated solely to this total body workout. It started with the vision of its founders, indoor cycling enthusiasts who believed in the value of a fitness class focused on positivity and empowerment. Across multiple time zones and against many odds, they worked hard to bring their idea to fruition and open their beautiful start-up space in Bonifacio Global City, off of Burgos Circle. Just like the workout it aims to promote, the space is full of positive energy, with bright, sparkling new facilities and a dedicated, cheerful staff who radiate their belief in the brand and its mission. The staff, or “crew” as it’s called, is truly exceptional and is responsible for

the incredibly efficient service riders experience from the moment they arrive at Electric Studio until the moment they leave. Starting a new, unfamiliar workout class is understandably daunting for most people, but the welcoming atmosphere of this studio should put anyone new to cycling, or to group workouts for that matter, at ease. The Electric Studio experience starts with a change of shoes, and it really is like getting into one’s battle gear, except in preparation for something infinitely more fun. Special cycling shoes that attach to the pedals on the studio bicycles are included with every class. The studio currently offers Pure Electric 45-minute and Power Hour 60-minute sessions, but a 90-minute Endurance class that will push riders to their limit

is also in the works. No matter which session you opt for, every minute of it will be spent doing a workout that is nothing short of addictive. From the music to the expert instruction, down to the energy created in the room by fellow riders, the Electric Studio experience is unlike any other. Fans of other fitness classes will find no comparison here, only a singular combination of dance party, bike ride, and cardio fitness class that is made all the more special by each instructor’s individual teaching style. They say taking every instructor’s class at least once is the only way to get the full experience, and it’s not surprising that many first-time riders choose to do exactly that. A five-class introductory package will get anyone started on the right foot and seems to be the way in

for most people new to the brand. For those who worry that indoor cycling doesn’t work other parts of the body as much as it does the leg muscles, one class will be all it takes to convince you otherwise. Core strength is key here, as riders spend a majority of the class in a position that keeps them hovering over their bicycle seats through the sheer engagement of their abdominal muscles. As for upper body strength, there is a good chunk of the ride dedicated to arm exercises using free weights. As much as cycling is certainly about developing leg strength, there is a total body workout in every Electric Studio class that riders will be pleasantly surprised to have. Summer may be over in the Philippines and the time for New Year’s resolutions long past, but the need for a workout that promotes positivity, empowerment, dedication and endurance is present year-round. Long-time fitness enthusiasts and beginners alike will find the answer to that need in Electric Studio if they’re willing to go along for the ride.

BORACAY CLEAN UP As one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations, Boracay plays host to concerts, sports events, and other major summer activities that leave its shores heavily littered. The Tourism Promotions Board led by its Chief Operating Officer Domingo Ramon Enerio III encouraged its employees to participate in a series of corporate social responsibility projects lined up to help preserve the country’s environment and cultural heritage, kicking off the campaign in Boracay.

Cleaning up right after a major event

Hundreds of TPB employees joined hands with the Boracay Foundation Inc., for a series of cleaning up activities. The volunteers also planted acropora coral fragments to help mitigate the destruction of coral reefs in the island due to pollution, the influx of tourist vessels and natural stressors like strong currents and waves. Through this restoration project, Boracay’s corals can continue to be one of the island’s attractions and home of marine creatures. Mangroves, which play an important role in protecting the coastlines from erosion and also serve as nursery areas for fish and other sea

organisms, were also planted along Lugutan Beach on the other side of the island. Next in the lineup for TPB employees are visits to Camiguin and Bohol – areas which were devastated by natural calamities. In 2013, Camiguin and Tacloban were both hit by Typhoon Yolanda while Bohol was hit by a 7.2-magnitude earthquake. “These activities show TPB’s commitment not only to promoting our many tourist destinations, but also helping preserve our country’s cultural heritage and rebuilding communities whose residents depend on tourism,” explained Enerio.

Tourism Promotions Board employees get ready for the mangroveplanting activity

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If you wish to try the Paleo lifestyle, here are some guidelines to follow: • Calorie counting is not encouraged. Everything consumed in the Paleo diet is very nutritious – it will keep you full and won’t make you over eat. Food should be high in (good) fat, moderate in animal protein and low in carbohydrates. • Saturated fats like coconut oil and ghee or clarified butter are encouraged to be used generously. Olive, macadamia and avocado oils are only good for salads but not for cooking. Beef tallow, lard or duck fat are allowed, as long as they came from healthy animals (organic). • Eat lots of vegetables. Starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes are allowed and are a good source of carbohydrates that aren’t toxic to your body. • Eat generous amounts of good animal protein. This includes pork, beef, lamb, organs, eggs, chicken & seafood. Learn how to make your own bone broth. • Snack on a little bit of fruits and nuts when hungry. Macadamia nuts are ideal as they are high in omega 3, low in omega 6 and low in polyunsaturated fats. • Choose grass-fed or pastureraised meats from local farms. There are a lot of these meats available in Manila, especially in weekend markets. If it isn’t possible, make sure you choose lean cuts when buying meat.




here are two types of exercise programs in this world: aesthetic and functional. Aesthetic is more “body building,” “body sculpting” or whichever way a gym would market and name it. It is basically composed of exercises like bicep curls, crunches and any other types of conventional movement that only aim to make your body look beautiful and nothing else. Looking good or having a bikini body is the only end goal, not performance. On the other hand, functional workouts are the rage right now. They are more sports specific, and the end goal is to improve your performance in whichever sport or job you have. Basketball players would need to practice their shooting constantly, have drills for speed and agility; policemen have to be fast when they run and chase after suspects. The Caveman workout is a functional workout that trains you as if you were a member of the Croods (the name of the cave family in that Dreamworks animation

film). It is considered a high intensity and resistance training program and burns up to 800 calories in 30 minutes. The magnitude of the workout makes your body go through the fat burning stage once you reach the first five minutes of training, versus the usual 20 minutes of running. This is why the average homo sapiens then was tall, agile, muscular, athletic and versatile. The average homo sapiens now, unfortunately is overweight, unhappy, stressed and sleep deprived. The gyms that offer the Caveman workout bring you back to the stone age and imitate the motions of cavemen made during their daily activities. Hunting, jumping, stacking food, moving boulders, wood chopping, rope pulling – these are all simulated using special gym equipment. Moving boulders can be reproduced by either moving or flipping tractor tires or pushing a special sled that has heavy weights on them. Chopping wood is simulated by hitting a sledgehammer onto a tractor tire with full control for it not to

bounce on your face. It is one of the most intense workouts that I’ve tried but you will end up wanting more. If there is one thing that complements the Caveman workout, it is of course the Caveman Diet, which is more popularly known as the Paleolithic Diet or Paleo. A lot of people think that Paleo eating only means eating anything organic. Yes, that is the most basic but in reality, the reason why eating organic is a must is because during the Paleolithic era, there were no GMOs. There were no dairy products, grains or processed food. You should only consume what cavemen could’ve hunted or gathered. In one of the Paleo books that I’ve read, it is also stated there that there has been proven study that consuming grains prevents our bodies from fully absorbing the nutrients in food that we need. This is why we shouldn’t be eating them as much as possible. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @bubblesparaiso

• Cut all grains & legumes from your diet. This includes wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, brown rice, soy, peanuts and kidney beans. • Cut out all vegetable, hydrogenated and partlyhydrogenated oils like margarine, canola oil, safflower oil from your diet. • Eliminate anything that comes from a box in the grocery store. That means anything processed or are with added sugar like soda and packaged sweets. • Eliminate dairy products other than clarified butter or ghee. Almond milk is a nice alternative for milk and there are a lot of Paleofriendly dairy alternative snacks that are available around the metro.

T HUR S DAY : J ULY 9 : 2015



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The Minions in your Meal

A full Minions experience awaits, as Kevin, Stuart, and Bob, stars of the Minions Movie, bring to McDonald’s customers the Minions Banana Festival. The kids will go bananas every time they enter a McDonald’s store with the new Minions Happy Meal toys —10 Minions collectibles now available in-store— and the Minions Combos featuring an array of Minions-themed desserts. The kids can pair a classic, like McDonald’s World Famous Fries, with the all-new

Minions-themed -themed desserts and they get the perfect snack combination. They can also try the new Honey Banana McFloat, a sweet and refreshing banana and honey flavored drink topped with vanilla soft serve, through the Minions Medium Fries ‘N McFloat Combo for only P65. In the mood for a McFlurry? Go for the Minions Medium Fries ‘N McFlurry Combo for only P95. Kids have a choice between two new and exciting McFlurry flavors –Banana McFlurry with Oreo where a classic gets a banana-licious twist as banana flavor is mixed with Oreo bits in vanilla soft serve, and Banana Crumble McFlurry, made with crushed graham and banana flavor blended in creamy vanilla soft serve. Just like Kevin, Stuart, and Bob, great things come in threes and so the Minions Combos – Minions BFF Fries ‘N McFloat Combo (P165) or the Minions BFF

Fries ‘N McFlurry Combo (P225). McDonald’s is also introducing the Minions Banana McDip, a delicious vanilla soft serve covered in banana-flavored dip on a blue wafer cone—one of the cutest dessert items you’ll ever see and taste for only P15. Head over to McDonald’s to see the Minions Movie come to life. Bring the entire family and find a Minions treat for everyone. Minions Happy Meal and limited edition menu offers are all available in McDonald’s stores nationwide. Share your love for the Minions at McDonald’s via the official Facebook fan page,, or by tagging @McDo_PH to your sweet and funny McDo moments on Twitter or Instagram. #MinionsAtMcDo




Minions BFF Fries 'N McFlurry Combo

Turner, Warner sign global deal for boomerang


urner Broadcasting and Warner Bros. announced the two Time Warner companies will further build on its two-network strategy by strengthening the pipeline of original content being developed for the recently rebranded Boomerang, the network known for its funny and timeless contemporary animation. The agreement, which represents the first-ever original content being developed exclusively for Boomerang, includes nearly 450 half-hours of programming from Warner Bros. Animation. The content will premiere on all Boomerang channels worldwide and on some Cartoon Network channels internationally, along with potential crossover with Turner Broadcasting’s Pogo and Toonami in Asia, and Boing and Cartoon Network in other territories. The partnership also extends Boomerang’s access to the classic animation portfolio from the Hanna-Barbera, MGM and War-

ner Bros. Animation collection, a total of 3,500 titles. Drawing upon the vast resources of the world’s largest animation library which includes contemporary classics from Cartoon Network Studios, Boomerang’s on-air schedule will continue to feature such timeless favorites as Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes and Scooby-Doo!, programming that has multi-generational appeal and great co-viewership. “Turner Broadcasting has a very strong kids and family business around the world and our exciting new partnership with Warner Bros. presents a number of new opportunities that will help strategically grow the Boomerang brand,” said Christina Miller, president and general manager, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Boomerang. “Through this expanded relationship with our corporate partners, we will create new content that will engage fans across a variety of screens and platforms and further grow these timeless franchises that we’ll leverage not only across Boomer-

ang but also our global kids and family portfolio of businesses.” Sam Register, president, Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Digital Series, said, “With the television landscape becoming more and more crowded, we are extremely fortunate to have one of the largest animation libraries, with some of the world’s most iconic and revered characters, and to be embarking on this important new partnership with Turner and Boomerang. This deal presents an exciting creative opportunity to explore this vast collection, to develop new and compelling programming based on these beloved characters, and to introduce them to new generations of families.” Premiering later this year will be the first of Boomerang’s new original series from Warner Bros. Animation. Bunnicula is an all-new animated comedy series based on the bestselling children’s book of the same name. The series follows the paranormal comedy adventures of Bunnicula the

McDo Honey Banana McFloat

Bugs Bunny in In Wabbit

Bunnicula is an animation about a rabbit vampire

vampire rabbit, who – instead of drinking blood – drains the juice of carrots and other vegetables to boost his supernatural abilities. Be Cool Scooby-Doo! is an allnew 22-minute animated comedy series featuring the Scooby gang, back with a modern comedic twist on the beloved classic. This time, the gang is working as hard to solve their own personal

problems as they are to solve the endless, mind-bending mysteries that await them. In Wabbit – A Looney Tunes Production, Bugs Bunny is starring in all-new shorts that find the iconic carrot-loving rabbit matching wits against – and getting the best of – classic characters like Yosemite Sam and Wile E. Coyote, along with brand new foes.

T HUR S DAY : J ULY 9 : 2015


SHOWBITZ isahred @

JaMes and nadine sTill a TeaM glenn regondola Nadine Lustre knows her screen partner, James Reid, is bothered by the rumors circulating in show business. Rumormongers have been linking James with Julia Barretto. Photos of two had been posted on the social media making the public ask, “Are they or aren’t they? Or, what will happen to the JaDine loveteam whom the fans have already embraced since Diary ng Panget?” Although James and Nadine have yet to talk about the issue, the latter has already said her piece. At the press conference of Adolfo Alix Jr. ‘s Chain Mail, a movie where Nadine plays a a cameo role as a ghost, she told members of the press how she values her lovevteam with James Reid. “I don’ think he (James) would do stuff that will ruin him or make

him look bad in the eyes of many people. James is very open to me so whenever something bothers him, he tells me. I don’t think he would keep it as a secret,” Nadine said. The Viva contract star furthered that their love team is their second chance in show business. That’s the main reason why they work hard to keep their fans entertained. Doesn’t Nadine remember an instance when James paid Julia extra attention, especially during the promo tour of the movie, Para Sa Hopeless Romantic? “Wala naman po. We just talked like normal people do. We joked around, played games and talked about music. I can’t remember James giving Julia some special attention,” Nadine recalled. Has she already asked James directly about the issue? “I don’t want to ask him, I only knew about the rumor through blogs. He must be stressed out about it so I’ll just leave it for now. I’ll just help him get through this,” Nadine said.

Now that she’s doing a solo movie, does this mean that their love team is breaking up? “Although I’m doing a solo project, we’re still together. We still have projects to do together. We have a soap opera that’s coming up. You see, we’re still a team,” she ended. HHHHH Trixie MarisTela is a lucky woMan, or should i say, a lucky Transgender. Apart from being the reigning Miss Gay Philippines, she also holds the distinction of being the first post op (operation) transsexual to be signed up for a five-year managerial contract by Viva Artist’s Agency (VAA). When prodded by some members of the entertainment media during a pocket interview, Trixie expressed her gratitude for the opportunity given to her by Viva. “I’m really thankful to Boss Vic (del Rosario) and Ma’am Veronique (del Rosario-Corpus) for taking me in as a Viva artist. I know that this is the first time

Nadine Lustre is sure James Reid will get through with the intrigues thrown at him

they did it, so, what more can I say? I feel like I’m representing the transgender community.” What can she bring to the table? “They are bringing me to workshops to develop my skills in hosting, acting, singing and modeling. Right now, we are actually concentrating on those areas,” she said adding that she doesn’t have any specific career plan yet. Trixie is also known for being one of the transgenders who stepped up against “no cross-dressing policy” of the Valkyrie Club along with fashion designer Veejay Floresca, who recently experienced being denied entry to the posh club.

Trixe Maristela is first transgender artist of Viva Artist Agency

MiChael B. Jordan as Johnny storM aka huMan torCh


cclaimed young actor Michael B. Jordan is set to blaze the superhero genre anew in this year’s highly anticipated latest Fantastic Four movie. Starring alongside equally talented young actors Miles Teller, Kate Mara and Jamie Bell, Jordan plays Johnny Storm aka the Human Torch wherein he undergoes physical changes after mankind’s first journey to an alternative universe. Johnny’s transformation leaves him an unparalleled power - covered in fire and never burns, combust the air around him, shoot fireballs and can propel himself through the air on jets of flame. A huge fan of Fantastic Four, Jordan

has excitedly slipped in to his role as the charismatic Johnny Storm, “I grew up loving comic books so I was a big fan. And so it’s great to get to play a character like this. It’s a big deal to me,” enthused Jordan. The new Fantastic Four sets an original story wherein the four meet each other for the first time. With Ben Grimm aka The Thing (Bell) and Reed Richards aka Mr. Fantastic (Teller) being best friends and Johnny (Jordan) and Sue (Mara) as siblings, the four eventually become superheroes over the course of the film. “It’s the Fantastic Four! It’s fun. These are characters you may be familiar with, but you’re seeing them

crossword PuZZle 43 44 46 48 49 50 52 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 ANSWER FOR PREVIOUS PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Wave hello 6 TV’s “Warrior Princess” 10 Like some cider 14 More permissive 15 Nerve-cell part 16 Gen. Robert — — 17 Nintendo forerunner 18 Metropolis 19 Battery chemical 20 Pond maker 21 Mesa’s cousin

23 24 26 27 29 31 32 33 36 40 41 42

Peach pit Snake River locale Yuks (hyph.) Historical records Lear and Nash Look searchingly Tennessee — Ford Hail, to Caesar All the time (hyph.) Addr. components Quilt stuffing Berra of baseball

In what way? (2 wds.) Too many to count Shaman’s quest Let loose Situate Galahad sought it Floor Shorten an article Post-kindergarten Sheet of plywood Cuban boy Like lemons Outdo Fortune-teller Tube trophy Fathomless waters

DOWN 1 Very pleased 2 Pro — 3 Test takers 4 Constantly, to Poe 5 Like some elders 6 Craft knife (hyph.) 7 Way out 8 Make mention of 9 Your choice 10 Moors 11 Bauxite giant 12 Harness parts 13 “— Dinah” (Avalon tune)

in a new, fresh way. It’s a different take. I think the film is grounded in real emotions - you get to know these characters and hopefully care about them. They’re learning about themselves at the same time. It’s a superhero movie, but a grounded superhero movie. It’s exciting. It’s an action packed drama,” Jordan shares on what audience can expect from the movie. Groundbreaking story, action and special effects unfold when the latest Fantastic Four (3D) movie opens Aug. 5 nationwide in Philippine cinemas from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros. Like 20th Century Fox (Philippines) on Facebook for more updates.


22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 56 58

Cousins of “um” Gluts Mild expletive Next in line Two-BR units Kid in “Aliens” Prefix with type Heavy burden Salamanders Dodger’s goal Lyra’s brightest Writer — Bagnold Carnivore’s delight (hyph.) Wobbles, as a rocket Bronte governess Priam’s oldest son Hi-tech scan Barked 1950s record Coon cat origin Pixie Desk items Latch onto Baba au — Exude moisture Pipe bends WNW opposite Guitar, slangily

Michael B.Jordan is Johnny Storm in the new Fantastic Four

T HUR S DAY : J ULY 9 : 2015

SHOWBITZ isahred @

Joe Zaldarriaga and Maita David are Meralco Advisory's presenters

DireCt Carrier Billing for WinDoWs MoBile store

of WEddings and MEdia advisoriEs


une has sashayed away with one of the most anticipated nuptials in Philippine showbiz – that of film/TV director Paul Soriano and TV/movie personality Toni Gonzaga. Theirs is a simple yet elegant wedding made really special by their God-centered relationship. Aside from beautiful weddings interspersed with political squabbles here and there, another newsmaker for me in the previous month had been Meralco, which announced two consecutive rate reduc-

from C8

tions in May and June. This brings total rates reduction to P1.28 after the second straight month of decreasing power rates. June is actually the fourth time this year that the power company announced rate reductions. Previously it declared rate reductions in January and March. A breath of fresh air from constantly increasing prices this part of the world. It is also notable how this news has been brought in an equally refreshing fashion – that is, through a news format that is dubbed the Meralco Advisory, aired on dif-

ferent TV networks. Although the show is anchored by cool-looking news presenters, they are actually not broadcasters. They are the suave gentleman that heads Meralco’s Public Information Office, Joe Zaldarriaga, and the fine-looking Maita David, Meralco’s customer retail services officer. Their attention-grabbing news reporting complemented by infographics is one to look forward to every month. Happy anniversary Meralco and kudos to your efforts to keep electricity rates at reasonable levels!

Beauty queens share joy anD hope aMong CanCer-striCken patients Time and again, Binibining Pilipinas titlists have proven that there is more to them than meets the eye. On June 29, the queens visited children at the Philippine Children’s Medical Center (PCMC) in Quezon City. Miss Universe Philippines Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach, Binibining Pilipinas International Janicel Lubina, Binibining Pilipinas Supranational Rogelie Catacutan, Binibining Pilipinas Intercontinental Christi Lynn McGarry, Binibining Pilipinas Tourism Ann Lorraine Colis, with First Runner-up Hannah Sison and Second Runner-up Kimverlyn Suiza, handed out goodies and read stories to kids who are bravely battling cancer. As if they were kids again, poised and elegant, the beauty queens sang songs and engaged the kids in playful activities, spreading hope and cheer to almost 20 cancer patients. Pia shares how being a part of Binibining Pilipinas allows her to be an inspiration to others. “I think all the girls will agree with me in saying that the best thing about being a beauty queen is being able to impact (on) the lives of other people and be relevant to our society. We’ve had so many charity visits lately that I’m so grateful that the foundation allows us to share our blessings and time with others especially to the next generation.” The Binibining Pilipinas Charities, Incorporated (BPCI) has been active-


Bb. Pilipinas Universe Pia Wurtzbach with a child cancer patient

The beauty queens with cancer patients at Philippine Children's Medical Centre

ly participating in charitable activities, providing aid and support to non-government organizations like Gawad Kalinga and Operation Smile. Recently, the beauty queens helped paint houses

in Tanay, Rizal. They also visited and helped prepare kids with cleft palate and facial deformities before their surgeries in Sta. Ana Hospital in Manila. – Eton B. ConCEpCion

Customers on Windows OS smartphones can now purchase apps from the Windows Mobile Store without the need for credit card. The country’s no.1 mobile brand, Globe Telecom, continues to lead the country’s digital revolution as it recently expanded its Direct Carrier Billing (DCB) service to include customers on Microsoft Lumia smartphones running on the Windows operating system (OS). With Globe being the first telco to bring the service to the Philippines, the new Windows Mobile Store direct carrier billing service gives Microsoft Lumia and Windows phone users an easy, convenient, and secure channel to download and purchase their choice of mobile applications and in-app content without the need for a credit card. The service will allow all Globe Postpaid, Prepaid and TM customers to charge their Windows Mobile Store purchases straight to their postpaid bill or prepaid load. “This new innovation that will benefit our customers using handsets running on Windows OS is another testament to our thrust to bring the country to the global digital landscape. The expansion of our direct billing service to cater to purchases via the Windows Mobile Store now presents a truly hassle-free and content-rich mobile experience to all our customers using Windows phone devices,” says Griselda Go, vice president for Content at Globe. The Windows Mobile Store app comes pre-installed on all supported Windows phone devices with OS 7.5 and above, and is pinned to the Start screen within the App List. Premium content available for download and purchase includes games, in-game items and goods, virtual currency and points, virtual goods from social networks, subscriptions for granted access for games, and even E-books. To access the Windows Mobile Store, users must first set up their device’s location to determine which Windows Mobile Store catalog and payment options will be made available on the device. The app will automatically recognize Globe as the mobile phone’s carrier and will determine it as one of the payment methods available. Once phone setup is complete, users can login using a Microsoft account (formerly Windows Live ID) and must accept the Windows Mobile Store Terms of Use and Privacy Agreement. Users can then open the Windows Mobile Store, select the app they wish to purchase, await purchase verification, and confirm their mobile phone account or Globe account as their chosen method of payment. Go pointed out that the Globe direct carrier billing service for the Windows Mobile Store forms part of the company’s initiatives that will cater to the country’s ever-growing digital landscape. Other initiatives in the pipeline include the launch of Single Bill service, which will expand direct carrier billing beyond mobile applications by allowing customers to purchase applications and in-app items for Desktop/PC and Xbox. Globe Telecom has maintained its dominance in mobile data business in the first quarter of the year after posting mobile data revenues of P4.4 billion, double the combined revenues of its competitors at P2.2 billion. As of March 2015, Globe mobile data revenues significantly grew by 58 percent from previous year’s P2.8 billion and by 8% from previous quarter’s P4.1 billion. Meanwhile, combined mobile Internet revenues of Smart and Sun rose by 19 percent to P2.2 billion from P1.9 billion in the same three months of last year.

T HUR S DAY : J ULY 9 : 2015


ISAH V. RED EDITOR isahred @


The judges – Gelli de Belen, Rico Blanco,and Kevin Woo

Richard Gutierrez returns to primetime TV via KisPinoy on TV5

New TV show To TurN FilipiNo group iNTo K-pop seNsaTioN ISAH V. RED This is one big opportunity for Filipino unsigned or undiscovered performers. K-pop, or Hallyu Wave, is still extremely popular with local audiences, with fans devouring anything and everything Korean they can get their hands on. So what happens when you put Filipino talents on a K-pop search? You have KisPinoy, or in its long form, “K-Pop Icon Search Pinoy Edition.” It is a one-hour, weekly show on TV5, a platform for young, talented Filipinos to become the next big K-Pop sensation. What’s more, for K-pop fans, the show not just features homegrown talents but a slew of K-Pop stars local fans can’t get enough of. As a K-pop talent search, majority of the judges on the show will be major K-Pop stars. While fans are already making heated speculations on social media who among the K-Pop stars will grace the show, what would certainly get many really excited is the enlistment of Kevin Woo of U-KISS as judge for the pilot episode on July 11, at 9 p.m. on TV5. U-KISS is, of course, the popular seven-member K-Pop group with massive hits under their belt and 10 best-selling albums to their name. The group’s members have also been seen in movies and theater.

Produced by YU&IQ International from Korea, KisPinoy is in partnership with NH Media. What makes the show unique is the fact that it is a talent search that integrates all aspects of performing on stage: singing, dancing, stage presence, personal style, and fashion. The winner will be thrust into a whirlwind of exciting activities, beginning with a recording contract with NH Media – which molded acts like U-KISS, Laboum and Lim Chang Jung into bona fide K-Pop stars. On the way to being groomed as the newest K-Pop sensation, the KisPinoy winner will experience the journey every K-pop star makes when he or she also undergoes training in Korea. Although the show is rooted in Korean concept and production values, there is a distinct Pinoy flavor to it as well. KisPinoy marks the return of Richard Gutierrez to primetime TV after taking a much-needed break and focusing on his personal life. Richard is, of course, one of the more familiar faces in showbiz, and is also seen along with his family on their very own reality TV show. The show also pits the talents and insights of the K-Pop judges against our own local talents. Singer, songwriter, record producer and actor Rico Blanco sits as one of the judges on the show, bringing with him a wealth of insight from his days as founding member of Filipino pop-rock band Rivermaya to his skyrocketing solo career. He is no stranger to performing, whether on TV or stage.

Another judge is Gelli de Belen, an award-winning actress and TV host who also happens to be a passionate Filipino K-Pop fan. The show may put the spotlight on talented Filipinos, but it is also being spearheaded by one of the most in-demand and successful TV show directors, Rich Ilustre. Under his direction, the TV5 talent show Talentadong Pinoy flourished and set the precedent for other locally produced talent competitions to follow. With KisPinoy, he further demonstrates his unwavering belief in the Filipino talent and tirelessly works to give those that deserve it a chance to shine.

Gelli de Belen is one of three judges

➜ Continued on C7

The winner will be thrust into a whirlwind of exciting activities, beginning with a recording contract with NH Media – which molded acts like U-KISS, Laboum and Lim Chang Jung into bona fide K-Pop stars

Kevin Woo of U-Kiss joins the show as a judge

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