2025 Alumni Inspiration Day

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January 17, 2025

January 17, 2025


8:30-9:15 a.m.: Coffee and Connections Fair

9:25-9:55 a.m.: Session 1

10-10:30 a.m.: Session 2

10:35-11:05 a.m.: Session 3

11:10-11:40 a.m.: Alumni Panel

The Stages of Starting a Company

Cameron Bachman graduated from Steward in 2015 and then went to Hampden Sydney college

From there, he worked for numerous different companies and trades to learn every aspect he could In 2023, Cameron and his friends Rivers and Kevin started their company, Tri-Build Construction. While we work in remodeling and new construction, we have a strong focus on new construction grade work.


Architecture School: An Inside Look at the Studio

After graduating from Steward in 2018, Lauren attended Virginia Tech to study architecture During her time at Virginia Tech, Lauren spent a semester in D C and had the opportunity to study abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark. During her study abroad, she traveled around Denmark, Finland, and Italy. Additionally, she became a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. She completed a summer internship working with a construction company in Raleigh, North Carolina

Lauren graduated in 2023 with a Bachelor of Architecture and moved to Nashville, Tennessee. She currently works for Lose Design and is on the path to architecture licensure. With Lose Design, Lauren is currently designing a mixed-use apartment building and also working on designing community centers Currently, she is involved with professional groups, including American Institute of Architects (AIA), Civic Design Center, and Junior League of Nashville.

How to Make Consumers Want Things They Didn’t Know They Needed - And Make a Career of It

Emma Connelly is a marketing specialist at Homes.com, where she develops and implements creative campaigns to help real estate professionals reach buyers and sellers Born and raised in Richmond, Virginia, Emma graduated from Steward School in 2020 before earning her degree in Strategic Advertising from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in 2024.

With a strong foundation in media planning, digital advertising, and content creation, Emma brings a well-rounded approach to her work. At Homes.com, she has her hand in everything from social media strategies to email marketing and competitive market analysis, always aiming to drive growth and enhance brand visibility. Outside of work, Emma stays up-to-date on the latest marketing trends and is passionate about finding new ways to engage audiences and make campaigns stand out.

The Network is DOWN!

Senior Network Engineer

Apex Systems AdamDawes‘07

Adam Dawes’ graduation from Stewar 2007 graduate from Steward followed by a deep dive into the effervescent tech sphere. My career journey began at technical college where I received a degree in Computer Networking I landed a job at a paper mill in Hopewell, Virginia providing technical support in an industrial facility working long hours, in a dangerous environment, for humble compensation. Currently employed at Apex Systems as an Sr. Network Engineering Lead, I help to engineer, architect, and deploy communication services for a large international business that connects our organization to all the technical resources they require

At Steward, and as an avid soccer player, I was proud to achieve the championship title for VISAA DII in 2006-07. I now coach soccer at Glen Allen High School, working for a former Steward soccer coach, Michael Jiancristoforo, which highlights just how tight-knit the Central Virginia community really is. I take great pride in my work and hope to pass on the virtues and values I learned through my experience to the next generation.

Ben Fox ‘15

Video Editor, SuperJoy, The Martin Agency

VideoEditingwithinCreativeMarketingand Advertising

IgraduatedfromStewardin2015andcontinuedmyeducationatWilliam& Mary,whereIdouble-majoredinAnthropologyandFilm&MediaStudies. Duringcollege,Ipursuedmypassionformusicastheguitaristandlead vocalistofmyband,TalktoPlants.Iwasalsoamemberoftheacappella groupTheStairwellsandcontributedtothecampusartsscenebyhelping manageTheMeridianCoffeehouse,astudent-run,substance-freemusicand artvenue. WhileatW&M,IworkedattheMediaCenterinSwemLibrary,whereI developedtechnicalexpertiseinmediaproductionandpost-productiontools. Iusedtheseskillstoproducemusicvideosandshortdocumentariesformy bandandTheMeridian,blendingcreativestorytellingwithpractical experience.Theseprojectsallowedmetoexploremyinterestsinfilmand mediainandoutsidetheclassroom.

Sincegraduating,Ihavebuiltacareerasafreelancevideographerandeditor, contributingtorealityTVandcommercialproductions.Currently,Iworkfulltimeinadvertisingpost-productionasanAssistantEditorforSuperJoyatThe MartinAgency,whereIcontinuetodevelopmyexpertiseinstorytellingand mediaproduction




AndrewGaryisaFinancialAdvisoratWolfGroupCapitalAdvisorsin Washington,DC,wherehespecializesincross-borderwealthmanagement services,includinginvestmentmanagement,taxplanning,estateplanning, andretirementplanning.AftergraduatingfromSteward,heattendedVirginia Tech,earningadegreeinfinancefromthePamplinCollegeofBusiness.Heis currentlypursuinghisMBAattheUniversityofVirginia’sDardenSchoolof Business.

AndrewisaCertifiedFinancialPlannerandalicensedInvestmentAdvisory Representative Throughouthisnearly10-yearcareer,hehashadtheprivilege ofadvisingadiverserangeofclients,includingprofessionalathletes,highlevelexecutives,leadersofinternationalfinancialinstitutions,andlargenonprofitendowments.Withthisbroadrangeofexperience,heiswell-positioned tospeakaboutvariouscareerpathsinfinance,providinginsightsforstudents interestedinpursuingacareerinthefield.

SarahAusten Holzgrefe‘13

SarahAustenHolzgrefeisayogateacher,artist,writer,andlifelonglearner A graduateofVirginiaTech,shehasworkedatVirginiaTourismforsevenyears, combiningherloveforexplorationandcreativitywithherprofessional expertise.SarahAustenteachesyogaandmeditationatvariousyogastudios, schools,andcorporatesettings.Shehasdeepenedhereducationthrough specializedtraininginMeridianYogaTherapyandMindfulnessMeditation

Meditation and Yoga Instructor

Physician Assistant Studentgradutaed Dec. 2024

LindseyLubingraduatedfromTheStewardSchoolin2014.Shereceiveda bachelor’sdegreeinhealthsciencesandaminorinmedicalSpanishfrom JamesMadisonUniversityin2018.Aftergraduation,shestartedworkingasa primarycarescribeforPartnerMD,aconciergemedicinepracticeinHenrico

Thisopportunityinspiredhertopursueacareerasaphysicianassistant.In ordertogetintoPAschool,manyprogramsrequireddirectpatientcare experience,soshemoveduptoWashingtonD.C.,wheresheworkedasa medicalassistantataplasticsurgeryanddermatologypractice Whilea majorityofhertimewasspentinD.C.duringtheCOVID-19pandemic,shestill exploredthecityanditsrichhistorywhileworkingonherapplicationsfor graduateschool. Fortunately,shewasacceptedintoJamesMadisonUniversityasaDouble DukewhereshepursuedherMasterofPhysicianAssistantStudiesfromAugust 2022toDecember2024.SherecentlysatforherboardexaminearlyJanuary andiscurrentlylookingforjobsasaprimarycareproviderintheRichmond area.Inherfreetime,shelovesspendingtimewithherminiatureAustralian shepherdTrey,workingout,andtalkingwithherbookclubabouttheirlatest newread


Consultant - Business Development and Sales, MicroPort Orthopedics, Inc.

Augmented Reality in the Operating Room

Frazer Orgain is an experienced sales leader with a long career in the medical device industry. Having spent several decades in orthopedics, medical devices, account management, sales, and business development, he recently established his own consulting firm, Shake a Leg, for which he serves as president.

Mr. Orgain earned his bachelor’s degree from VMI and his master’s degree in experimental psychology from the University of Richmond He also considered pursuing his Ph.D. at one point early in his career.


Personal Trainer, Women’s Coaching Specialist, Assistant Fitness Director, Onelife Fitness

Sports Management : Navigating a Major with No Direct Career Path

After graduating as a lifer from Steward in 2016, Rachel Ragan went on to graduate from the University of South Carolina (USC) in 2019 with a bachelors degree in Sport and Entertainment Management, with a concentration in Sport Management and a minor in Business Administration. Rachel took advantage of all the connections of the USC Sports Management Program, including the Carolina Panthers, the Lexington County Blowfish, and the Masters Tournament. Rachel graduated early and took a job with the Detroit Tigers and Red Wings as an Account Executive, Inside Sales. Then, during Covid, she moved to her next sales role as a Manager of Group Sales, Washington Capitals and Arena Events, with Monumental Sports and Entertainment. One of her biggest achievements with the Caps was creating the Caps Canine Night, a group promotion night supporting America’s Vet Dogs and our Caps Pups, Captain and Biscuit!

After about three years in DC, Rachel began her journey with personal training. She started off taking a passion for the workouts at F45 and turned it into a career by becoming a group coach. She then relocated to Virginia Beach to continue coaching for F45, as well as training one-on-one at Onelife Fitness. She is continuing to grow her specialty by working towards a Women’s Health and Hormones Coaching Certification, which is teaching her the best ways to navigate women’s hormone changes and health when it comes to exercise and nutrition, and how to get the most out of every stage of life.


Environmental Sustainability Coordinator, Science Department Chair, and Upper School Science Teacher, Berwick Academy (a PK-12 Independent School in Maine)

Empowering Young Climate Changemakers: Building a

School Culture of Environmentalism

Sarah Shimer is the Environmental Sustainability Coordinator at Berwick Academy in Maine, where she works to advance environmental initiatives on campus. In addition, she is the Upper School Science Department Chair, teaching a range of courses from Environmental Science to Chemistry and Physics She is also a Dorm Faculty member and runs the Campus Garden

After graduating as a "lifer" from Steward in 2012, Sarah headed north to Colby College in Maine where she majored in Science, Technology, and Society, and Religious Studies with a minor in Environmental Studies. This made her fall in love with New England and the access to lakes, mountains, and the ocean Eventually, Sarah found her way to teaching and credits her time at Steward as playing a major role in her decision to pursue a career at independent schools. In fact, her current school is a PK-12 school that has many similarities to Steward. After deciding to pursue teaching, Sarah earned a master in Education from Lesley University in Boston and worked at boarding schools in Austria and New Hampshire before settling into her current role in Maine. In the upcoming year, she will be pursuing a masters degree in Independent School Leadership to further her career goals. When not working, Sarah is always scheming the next travel adventure with the goal of seeing as many glaciers around the world as possible!


ce and Reflections from an Early-Career Teacher & Adminsitrator

After graduating from Steward in 2016, Tom went to Wofford College, where he graduated with a BA in History and International Affairs and a minor in Anthropology and Sociology while earning Phi Beta Kappa recognition. While at Wofford he was fortunate enough to travel extensively, with his studies and ethnographic fieldwork taking him to Tanzania, Nepal, and India

After graduating Wofford in 2020, Tom wasn’t sure what he wanted to do, but knew he didn’t want a traditional desk job. After a combination of good luck and fortuitous timing, Tom returned to his middle school alma mater, Seven Hills School, to teach History and English. Initially, he was unsure if he even wanted to be a teacher, but quickly fell in love with the profession

He is now in his fifth year at Seven Hills and teaches 8th grade Civics and Economics and is the Assistant Director of Admission. He also helps coach soccer and basketball, as well as working with Seven Hills alumni through his Alumni Coordinator role

Future Medical Student (Matriculating Summer 2025)

It’s Not Too Late: From Discovering New Passions to Pursuing Medical School

After graduating from Steward, Virginia attended the Virginia Military Institute, where she began as a psychology major While she enjoyed the subject, her fascination with life sciences was ignited during a Biology 101 course. Despite the challenges of switching majors, she made the leap during her junior year and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Biology in 2019. She initially planned to pursue physical therapy, but found herself increasingly drawn to the broader world of science and academia following graduation

Her journey into medicine began to take shape as she moved to Northern Virginia to work at a cardiology practice, where she gained invaluable experience and insight into patient care. After two years, she returned to Richmond to complete a post-baccalaureate pre-medical certificate program at VCU and later earned a master’s degree in Physiology and Biophysics. Now, Virginia is preparing to begin her medical education at Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM)-Virginia. She hopes her story emphasizes the importance of persistence, adaptability, and an open mind and that it’s never too late to discover or pursue new passions

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