Blue & Gold July 2002 Vol.8 No.4

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aei 2002


'th stewerd School

Jennifer Gray. '02

~~~Sw~ning the Dixon Award.

founder Helen DIxon a

Tzelra Creditor '02 leads the se~ior class into multi-purpose gymnasIum.

Micheli '02 Shea receives the Honor Counal AWBrrf from Butch Kelt r

Erm Luper '02 Pholos by Glenn New and John Alley

recerves her diploma" rom JIm Slabaugh

.July 2002 Volume 8, Number 4


0' Contents

From the Headmast r .... . . . ... . . . . . .. .. ... . . . . . . . 2 Graduation 2002 . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Blue It Gold is published four times each year for The Steward School community. Headmaster Roger A. Coulombe

Special Recognition

wards . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. . . . 3

Upper School Recog ition Assembly . .................. 5 Baccalaureate by Shelby Holland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Upper School Honor Roll. .. ... .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . 5 After Prom Party 2002 : Go for the Gold! by Marykay Stainback.. 6 Public Speaking: "Ou r Sky" by Jingjing Gong '02. ... . ..... 7 Eighth Grade Graduation . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . ... 8 The Book Brigade by Karole Johnson '06. . . .. ..... ..... .. 9

Editor Kelley Cuneo cuneok@stewardschool .org

Coordinators Estelle Grossman Shelby Holland Greg Marshall Mary Harvard Nolde '93 Rugene Paulette Janet Rice Brenda Turner

Eighth Grade Goes to Washington by Katie Damon '06. .... . . 9 Middle School Honor Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 The Paul R. Cramer C nter for the Arts by Aileen Giordar]o '08 & Laura Skove '08. .. .... .. . .. 10 Center for the Arts Opening Invitation . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . 11 Fifth Grade Graduation. . . . . . . . . .

. 12

Write-A- Thon by Robin Ricketts. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


Pet and Spe cial Collections Day by Samantha Bisger '10 & Mary Taylor Tepper '10. . . . 13 What's Bugging the Third Grade? by Jane Whitely. . . . . ... 13 Fourth Grade Goes to Wash ington by Izzy Pearsall '1 0. ..... 13 Students Get Fit and Have Fun by Ronny Hajek. ...... . . .. . 14

For more information on The Steward School, please contact Scott Moncure '83, Director of Admission, at 804.740.3394 ext. 513 or by email at smoncure@stewardsc;:hool .org.

With Liberty and Justice for All by Bonnie Anderson. . . .... 14 The Sound of Music by Bonnie Anderson. ..... . . . .. . . .. 15 From the Audience: Ruthless by Karole Johnson '06 . . . . . . . 15 Fine Arts Banquet 200 1 - 02 . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . .... 16 In the Spotlight: Veteran Teachers by Brenda Turner. ... .. . 17 Athletic Update by Ja et Rice . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . 20 Athletic Awards Night 2001-02 . ................. . .... 22


Alumni Action by Mary Harvard Nolde '9 3. . . .. . . . .. .... . . 23

11600 Gayton Road Richmond, Virginia 23233 804.740.3394 Fax 804.740.1464 www.stewardschool .org

Front: Th e Class of 200 2. Photo by Glenn New.

The Steward School accepts qualified students without regard to race, religion, nationality, or ethnic origin .

Back: Grandparents' & pecial Friends' Day. Top left- Carter Norman ' 12 plays a squirrel ; Top right- Jack Ingram ' 14 as a seagull ; Center- Catheri e Lillard '09 as the Statue of Liberty; Bottom left- Steven Rhodes '09 as "Pedro " from Spain ; Bottom right- Mackenzie Nunnally ' 11 pla ys a doctor. Photos by John Alley.


the Covers

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From the Headmaster

transparently flimsy premise is wha t is eas iest to measure is I most important to measure." I believe t hat any reasonable person would conclude that this is not t rue . The result has been that the ki nd of teaching that emerges is un imag inative, sterile, severely st ructu red, and driven by the test at t he end of the year. The tea ching/learnin g process does not all ow for inquiry, investigation, debate, or room for disag reement or informed opinion .

Another year, th e th irti eth in the history of The Steward School, has come and gon e, and we are now in preparation for the start of ou r fourth decad e. The faculty and admin ist rat ion are constantly assessing what we do from September t o Jun e, to be certa in that we are getting it right. In a t ime when th ere is so much emphasis on standardi zed test ing su ch as Vi rgi nia 's Standards of Learning, th e emphasis is clearly on the outpu t of th e schools , th e end produ ct, as " measured " by testing. In my view, and t hat of ma ny others t hroughout t he country, whil e we all want our stud ents to possess a certain amoun t of information that com es from their classroom studies , that end result should not be at the expense of the process . At St eward , major emphasis is placed on the many ex periences students can have in t hei r school years , so that th e proces s t hat leads to the diploma s is posi t ive, memorable, and of high qual it y. As Roger Weaver, Headmaster at Crossroads School in Santa Monica, Californ ia, states in a recent article , testing or standards " are about standardization , uniform ity, consistency, and ot he r hobgoblins of little minds ." He goes on to say that those who are making the deci sions about imposing testing on schools are caught up in "a scam whose

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When we all look back on our own school years, there is little doubt tha t the re are some years we wou ld like to forget because th ey conj ure memories of hurt or bo redo m or even emptiness . We were formed by those years, and

athletics ; leadership opportunities as prefects, Honor Council members, or members of the Leadership Council ; interd ivisiona l relationships for Upper School students serving as aides in the Lower School ; and much more. The small classes allow students to be engaged , to see differing perspectives of historical issues, and to see how difficult decisions are made, whether they be questions about bioethics, fetal tissue issues, war against terrorists where innocent people are injured or killed, or issues of liberty and security in t imes of terror. Students are happiest when they are engaged , when they are challenged , when their views are considered. So, what kind of adults do parents want their children to

Steward's fourrh graders enJoy a tnp to Washmton, D. C , this spnng. Photo by Estelle Grossman.

some of the memories are as vivid as if t hey happened yesterday or last week . We received the diploma , but we would just as soon have foregone the process . We do not want that to be t he case at Steward . The " proce ss" here involves the sma ll classes t ha t allow for the nurtu ring and care of t he ch ildren ; fie ld trips to farms and museums ; ad visor systems in both Middl e and Upper Schools ; pa rtici pation in the arts and

become? What are the qualities we hope they will deve lop? When parents think this through , they realize one important point, as conveyed by Headmaster Weaver: how much of what they considered has ever been measured by a standardized test? We hope that, at Steward, along with the product, the value of process continues to have equal merit.

The graduation ceremonies for the Class of 2002 were held on Thursday, June 6"" in the mUlti-purpose gym of the Athletic Center. It was a very warm evening, and even a few scattered thunderstorms couldn't disrupt the beautiful event. The Junior Marshals, Melissa Shelburne and Allison Strickland , led the seniors into the gym, which was full of classmates, friends, and family mem bers . After everyone was seated, Class President Ashley Van Ness welcomed the crowd, and t he Reverend John E. Miller gave the invocation . Senior laura Weisiger reflected on the range of emotions the seniors were feeling-fear, uncertainty, prideand compared them to the feelings of the soldiers on D-Day exactly 58 years earlier. She encouraged her classmates to face the challenges of the future with the same courage and commitment as those of that great generation. Headmaster Roger Coulombe recognized the retiring chairman of the board, James Slabaugh , along with retiring board members Steven Delaney, James Gottwald , Susan Greene, Brad Sauer, the Reverend Raymond Spence , Ray Tate , and Dr. Deborah Ward . Mr. Coulombe thanked the board members for all their hard work and dedication during their years of service to The Steward School. Mr. Coulombe then recognized several special members of the Class of 2002 . First, he mentioned that three graduates have been at Steward since kindergarten: Jennifer Gray, Sara Kornblau , and Chris Maszaros . Then the two international students from the

Class of 2002 presented the flags of their countries to the School; Teen Ratianarivo presented the flag of Madagascar, and Ji gjing Gong presented the flag of China . Flags were also presented to the School by international students who spent the 2001-02 school year in the elevent grade at Steward: Anna Borne ann and Philipp Foerst from Germany, and Vitek Ruzic a from the Czech Republic. After the presentation of flags, Mr. Coulombe conferred the Department Book Awards, recognizing distinguished achievement in each discipl ine, and the Special Recognitio Awards . Board Cha irman J mes Slabaugh presented the graduates with their diplomas, and the Upper School Chorus followed with a beautiful rendition of the Steward alma mater Mr. Coulombe closed t e ceremony and Reverend Miller gave the bened iction. The ceremony was followed by a beautiful reception under the tent outside the Athletic Center, where family, friends, teachers, and classmates all had the opportunity to congratulate the Class of 2002 .

Graduation 2002: Special Recognition Awards Student Council Association Award: lainey Ashker, Jennifer Gray , Heather Keisch , Michelle Shea , Ashley Van Ness, laura Weisiger Honor Council Award: Michelle Shea , laura Weisiger Prefect Award: Charmian Bonner, Jennifer Gray, Ashley Van Ness, laura Weisiger Dr. Matilda D. Chalkley Award: Given for the very first time in the memory of Dr. Matilda D. Cha lkley, grandmother of Elizabeth Chalkley Talmadge '90 and Virgini a Chalkley Gill '92. The scho larshi p is presented to the female Steward graduate who will attend Westhampton College of the University of Richmond- Jingjing Gong

A special thankyou to Lee Healey, Eddie Healey, and Linda Dunville for all their hard work to make the ceremony and reception so special for everyone. Laura ~Velslger '02 giVes a beaurlful speech at graduation. Photo by Glenn New.

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James V. BUls Athletic Scholarship Award: Given in the memory of James Buis '92 to an Upper School student who has made a significant contribution to the athletic program at StewardRyan Kerr University of Richmond Book Award: Melissa Shelburne The Richmond Chapter of the UniversIty of Virginia Alumni Association- Jefferson Book Award: Allison Strickland Brantley Blair Scott Leadership Scholarship Award: Given to the student who has demonstrated an appreciation of the School 's mission statement, incl uding an enthusiastic school spirit and ability for accepting additional leadership- Allison Strickland

The Steward School is proud to announce that the Class of 2002 has received admission to the following colleges & universities: bolded schools are those in which students are enrolling Adelphi University Randolph-Macon College Bridgewater College Randolph-Macon Woma n's Co ll ege Campbell University Roanoke College Catawba College Savannah School of Arts and Design Elon University Seattle University Ferrum College Un iversity of Kentucky George Mason University University of North Carolina-Greensboro Goucher College University of Richmond Hampden- Syd ney Coll ege Un ive rsity of Rho de Island James Madison University Virginia Commonwealth University Marshall University Virginia Wesleyan College Marymount University University of Tampa Christopher Newport University University of Tennessee North Carolina School of the Arts Virginia Military Institute Old Dominion University Virginia Tech Pennsylvania State University

Parents ' Association Scholarship: Presented to the mem ber of the senio r class for whom the decision to enroll at Steward was key to better ach ievi ng his or her potential and who has shown the most growth since enrolling- Mat Porter PresIdent's Award for Academic Excellence: Recognizes academic success in the classroom - Lainey Ashker, Jingjing Gong

Congratulations, Graduates! Alumni Award: Given in recognition of that senior who has demonstrated the hopes and dreams the alumni have for The Steward School- Charmian Bonner Stephen Daniel Pless Award: Given ann ually to that senior who best exemplifies the spirit and perseverance demonstrated by former stude nt Stephen Daniel Pless during his years at Steward before his untimely death- Mat Porter Faculty Award: Awarded annuall y to that senior who best exemplifies the qualities of character, int egrity, leadershi p, and responsibility- Laura Weisiger Headmaster's Award: Given annually by th e Headmaster to the senior who has been an " uns ung hero," contributing to the life of the School with enthuS iasm , ene rgy, and spirit- Ashley Van Ness

Nat Porter receives (he Parents ' AssoCIation Award from Belmda Bym e. Photo by Glenn New.

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The Dix on Award: Presented by Steward

School founder Helen Dixon, this award is given to that member of the senior class who has made outstanding contributions to all areas of life at Steward-Jennifer Gray

Upper School Department Book Awards Awarded for excellence and enthusiasm within a particu lar area of study.

EnglIsh: Christina Nelson French : Michelle Shea History: Laura Weisiger Latin: Kendall Tate Math: Jingjing Gong Physical Education: Tim Zeidan Science: Lainey Ashker Spamsh: Lainey Ashker Art:

Carrie Morris Music: Tzeira Creditor Theatre: Chris Maszaros

WRIC Best in Class: Lainey Ashker

Upper School Recognition Assembly Each year, the Upper School gathers to honor stud ents who have made significant contributio ns to The Steward Schoo l and to t he community in general. This year's awards and recipients included: Richmond Times-Dispatch Athletes of the Year: Jamiel Allen , Jennifer Gray Bausch and Lomb Science Award: Philipp Foerst University of Rochester Humanities/ Social Sciences Award: Pamela Lawre nce Kodak Young Leaders Award CandIdates: Spencer Best, Jeremy Ka rmolinski Randolph-Macon Woman s College Book Award: Meg Robertson Central Virginia Wellesley College Book Award: Mary Congdon Hugh O'Brian Leadership Conference Award: Hilary Beck College of William and Mary Leadership Award: Alex Benson Smith College Book Award: Carter Henley West Point Leadership Award: Mike Edwards Metrotown Leadership Conference: Hilary Beck , Alex Benson , Kevin Bojarski , Amy Strickland , Kendall Tate InterfaIth Council of Greater Richmond Award: Jenn ifer Gray Daughters of the American Revolution Good Otizen Award: Jennifer Gray

ABCD Award (Above and Be ond the Call of Duty): Steve Kautz

Baccalaureate By Shelby Holland, Foreign Language Department Chair Baccalaureate was hel d at the Ga yton Kirk Presbyterian Church on Sunday, June 2 n d . Junior Marshals Allison Strickland and Mel issa Shelburne led the proces ion of seniors into the sanctuary. Mary Harvard Nolde ' 93, sen ior class sponsor, greeted the aud ien ce of students, par nts, relatives, facu lty, and administrators . Sen iors T ze ira Creditor and Jenn ifer Gr y read passages of scripture, after w hich the Upper School Chorus gave an inspirational performance of " Dare to Believe ."

Headmaster Roger Co lombe gave a beautiful prese ntation, expla ining the origin and significance of the word " steward ," and relating its istory in the naming of our school. Sen io r class president Ash ley Van Ness then introduced the speaker, the Reverend Doctor Paul Johnson of Christch rch Episcopal Church in Rich mond . Reverend Johnson tol d the seniors that it is a fact of life that they will be judged by grades and performance both in their future school ing and throug hout their lives, but that God 's love is uncond itional He loves us " not for who we are, but for who He is." After a reading from th e Bible by sen ior Lorraine Hawe , the Reverend Richard Bland , pastor of Gayton Kirk , gave the bened iction. The seniors recessed, and left wi th their families for a dinner given in their honor at th e Gray Swamp I nn .

Upper School Honor Roll Fourth Q uarter (4). Second Semester (S). 2001 路02 Academic Year (Y). and Headmaster's List (*)

Ninth Grade " Hunter Berlinguet (4. S) Brittney Bertozzi (4's.Y) " Ben Giglio (4.S.Y) Morgan Hutchinson (4.5.Y) Nathan Jamerson (4.S.Y) Erin Kiker (4.S.Y) Lindsey Lillard (S) Rachel Loria (4.S.Y) " Rachael Meyers (4.Y) W allace Young (4's.Y) Tenth Grade H ilary Beck (4's.Y) Spencer Best (4.S.Y) Claire Ha (Y) Cole Johnson (4.Y) Jeremy Karmolinski (4.5.Y) Coleman Kay (4.S.Y) Au d ie McDougall (S.Y) Christina Nelson (4.S.Y) Meg Robertson (4.S.Y) Amy Strickland (4's.Y) Kendall Tate (4's.Y) Eleventh Grade " Anna Bornemann (4) " Philipp Foerst (4.5) Ryan Kerr (4.Y) Pamela Lawrence (4.S.Y) Sarah Martin (Y) Carrie Morris (S.Y) "Vitek Ruzicka (4) "Brett Sandberg (4) M elissa Shelburne (4.S,Y) Alli son Stri ckland (S. Y) Anne Yates Wyatt (4's.Y) Tim Zeidan (S.Y) Twelfth Grade Lainey Ashker (4) Charmian Bonner (4) Tzeira Creditor (4) Jennifer Gray (4.S.Y) Sara Kornblau (4.S) Teen Ratianarivo (Y) Michelle Shea (4.S.Y)

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After Prom Donors Make Party a Huge Success A huge thank-you to everyone who donated prizes or cash to this year's After Prom Party. A total of 88 Items, wIth a value of over $4,500, were donated. Be sure to visit all of the fine businesses who contributed: Adolf Jewelers Beers/Skanska Ben Franklin Crafts Best Buy Betty Gray Seidenberg , RN Bogey's Sports Park Car Pool Car Wa sh Chesapeake Bagel Bakery CompUSA DSW Shoe Warehouse Just for Comfort Shoes Mexico Restaurant Paper & Party Parker, Pollard & Brown, Attorneys Peking Pavilion Restaurant Play It Again Sports Red, Hot & Blue Memphis BBQ Restaurant Regal Cinemas Saxon Shoes Strictly Soccer Stuffy's Subs SunTrust Bank Swift Creek School of Equitation The Melting Pot Restaurant The Tobacco Company Restaurant UVA Basketball Association West End Petrol eum (Quioccasin Ch evron) Thanks also to the parents and alumni parents who contributed prizes and/or cash: Mrs. Noni Baruch Mr. & Mrs. William C. Beck II Mr. & Mrs. Gordon N. Bloom Mr. & Mrs. David Cichocki Mrs . Erin Curtis Mr. Robert E. Henley III Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Martin III Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Morris Mr. & Mrs . John D. Patton IV Mrs. Susan Van Ness Mr. Barry Wilton

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After Prom Party 2002: Go for the Gold! By Marykay Stainback, Steward Parent And go for the gold they did! From 11:30 PM on May 18 th , to 6:00 AM on May 19 th , 45 Steward students and t heir guests enjoyed an eveni ng of post-prom entertainment!

There was plenty of food donated for the evening, ending with a full-course breakfast at 5:00 AM. Thanks to all the parents and teachers who volunteered their time the night of th e event, keeping the students well-fed and organized . Kudos to th e dads who were fantastic chefs in the breakfast kitchen ! Thanks t o the entire Steward faculty, admin istration, and parents for supporting our many hot dog and donut sales .

Students split into teams and competed in a variety of cha llenges for cash prizes . They also enjoyed creating their own tests of stamina on the Bungee Run, the Gladiator Joust, and the Velcro Obstacl e Course. Some just enjoyed relaxing with friends or watching a movie. Evan Weiner '01 was an awesome DJ in the multipurpose gym . His help was invaluable in plann ing the event from start to finish . He vol un tee red his time the whole evening, helping with equipment set-up and electrical expertise . Former Steward student Tom Somerville performed with his band, creating a bistro-type Allison Slrlc/"/and 'OJ hilS fun on the Bungee Run or thp feel in the foyer of the Aller Prom PDrty. Photo by John Alley. Ath letic Center. Bob Marcussen and his crew did a Without your help, we could not super job, and we appreciated have pulled it off. We appreciate their help with set-up and your support of the underlying security. theme of the evening .. .Don 't Drink The team challenges were and Drivel In the words of volunteer Dick Shea , " It seems exciting and fun, and the Royal that every year around prom Blue team won first place and time there is always some story $800. Members Ashley Van Ness '02, Jared Cichocki '02, in the newspaper of a fatal car Allison Strickland '03, and accident .. .due to teenage drinking . The students of Jeremy Karmolinski '04 spl it the cash. First runners-up were Steward are fortunate to have parents who care to the degree Ye ll ow Team Members Charmian that they do . My daughter Bonner '02 , her date Hadari Abramson , Chris Maszaros '02, Michelle will be graduating this year, and I wi ll sadly miss being and Carrie Morris '03, who sp li t involved next year." a cash prize of $4 00 .

Public Speaking: "Our Sky" By Jingjing Gong '02 Jingjing Gong, a student in Steward's International Student Program, shared the following presentation on her life and friendships in China as part of her Public Speaking class.

attractive. All the girls were excited . I was, too . I really wondered where Dan got th ese great ideas , and I began to make up my own ideas for the dance show. Th is was the first tim e I really felt like doing something. Meanwhile, I began to pay attention to Dan . After t he successful dance show, she became popular in the dance group, but she was still so quiet. That made everyone like her because of her modest attitude.

Have you ever met someone you cannot forget? would like to tell you about my best friend Dan . Dan looked common. She had common friends and clothes, which made people forget her easily. As a classmate of hers, I did not pay much attention to her. I was popular in school for my good grades and music talents . In front of the teachers and my friends , I always showed a lot of interest in everything, and I was so active in the school that everyone knew me . Dan and I were two completely different people, and it seemed our lives would never intersect.

together drinking a Coke . She let me look at the sky with her. She said, "Jingjing, see the extensive sky. Though it is gray, I still want to fly free ly in it...Can you understand my feeling? " I know this was the sound of her heart. When each person is born , everyone has their own skies, and the sky doesn't have any color. We should use our beliefs to color it. We choose the best color we like, and make the most beautiful sky to fly freely. Now, I am still working on coloring my own sky. I am busy every day, but I am happy. Every time I think of Dan, I really want to know what color her sky is.

After the dance show, I studied hard both in front of people and behind peo ple . After the dance show, I tried to make friends with everybody sincerely. After the dance show, I danced every time I thought of Dan. I did everything earnestly and I did my best . I wish that my best friend could see my new attitude toward life . However, she cannot. Less than a year after the However, something dance show, cancer brought us togethe r. When I deprived her of her was in the eighth grade, I beautiful life . Her death JmgJmg Gong with Intematlonal Student Program Director needed to lead a group of girls was like she was, coming Elizabeth Gnggs at graduation. Photo by Pat Cuneo. to make a dance show for the qu ietly and leavi ng quietly. school's dance entertainment. As a friend of hers, I missed the Dan was in my group at that Wh ile dancing, I liked watching last chance to see her. time . As leader of the group, I her. I remember that every time " What is the color of Dan 's did not take it very seriously. I saw her, I felt intensely t hat her sky?" I still want to know. Actually, I never treated anything life was only for dancing . She seriously at that time, because I was like the butterfly in the could always easily get anything I Chinese story which spen t all its wanted. Nobody could life dancing until it died . She Congratulations to understand that feeling . My made all of us treat danCing Jlngjing Gong and school life was boring to me and I seriously, even me. I realized Teen Ratianarivo. did not have passion to do something; even though [ can membe" of the anything. One day, when we get something easily, I still need practiced dancing, I saw Dan to work hard for my interests. I Class of 2002. trying some ideas for our modern should keep going and never Both graduates dance, which I had never seen stop . This is the meaning of real participated In the before. I thought that was great life . Intemational Student and they made the dance look during the break, One day, Program at Steward. much better. The new Dan and I sat on the ground movements were bold and


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Eighth Grade Graduation On Thursday, June 6 th , th e members of t he Class of 2006 gathered with their Middle Sch ool peers for one last assemb ly, th is time in their honor. After filing in t o t hei r sea t s in the fro nt of t he mUlti- purpose gym , the eighth graders listened to an invocation g ive n by Chip Chapman , followed by a welcome from Headmaster Roger Coulombe . lauren Costello a nd Will Dickinson then presented the Middle Schoo l with the eig hth g rade g ift, a paver in t he new terrace and a th eatre seat in the new Pau l R. Cramer Center fo r the Arts. Middle Sch ool Head Mike Maruca then began the awa rds presentation that inclu ded hono rs certificates for Honor Roll and Head master's List awards , Facul ty Honor Roll awards, and t he awards for excellence in each subject. Mr. Maruca also presented the award for High Academ ic Ave rage, w h ich we nt to Elizabeth Newins , and the award for the Spell ing Bee Cha m pion , wh ich we nt to Elizabeth Ward . In addi t on , the President's Award for Aca de m ic Excellence was prese nted to lauren Costello , Ryan Delaney , Elizabeth Newins, Jenny Siddall , and Kayla Ward . The awards for Grade Level Achi eve m ent, given to t he student in each grade level who, in the opin ion of the faculty, has shown the greatest overa ll growth and improvement, were presented to Kitty Ball (6 th ), Megan Rhodes (7"' ), and Rachel Petock (8 th ) . The

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Steward Awa rd for the student who " best exempl ifies the chara cter istics of integrity, co m mitme nt to academ ic ach ieve m ent, hi gh mora l standa r ds, and sensit iv ity t o others " w as presented t o Anne Borum . Mr. Ma ruca then presen t ed the Class of 2006 with the ir eighth grade diplomas and adv ised them t hat excell ence and hard wo rk count more than "success" and t hat a little goofi ness goes a long way. After the ceremony, everyone convened under th e tent outside for a beautiful reception to congratulate the new " grad uat es ."

ASSIst ant Head of School Carolyn Brandt presents E/Jzaberh Ward WIth an a ward. Phot o by John Alley.

Middle School Final Assembly Awards Faculty Honor Roll Presented those students designated by the Middle School faculty as having shown special effort to succeed in the classroom, giving 110% through completion of aSSignments, paying attention in class, striving to do better, and being good Citizens in the classroom.

Sixt h Grade Amy And erson Carl Dageforde Aileen Giordano Anna Greenlee Kelsey Mohring Joh anna Recken beil Laura Skove Kell y William s

Art A thletics

Computer English French History Latin Math Music Science Spanish Theatre

Seventh Grade Samant ha George Mary Warden Good Tyler Harri s Tarina Hesaltine Katy Ka sper Nastia Ko mova Kaitlin Meyer Megan Rhod es Evan Schnall

Eighth Gra de Ann e Borum Lauren Costello Sarah Greenlee Au stin Haas Kat ie-Beth Kurilecz Elizabeth Newins David Reese Ann e St iles

Awards for Subject Excellence Kelsey Mohring (6th ), Clay Fu lk (7 th ) , Yu Sasaki (8 th ) Le xi Clark (6 th ) & Jay Pruitt (6th ) Samantha George (7"') & Charles Carter (7 h) Ann e Stiles (8"' ) & Da vis Glover (8"') Cate Taylor (6 th ), Nau ree n Jiwa ni (7th ) Laura Skove (6 th ) , Ka itl in Meyer ( 7 h ), La ure n Costello (8 th ) Montie And erson (7 th ), Katie- Beth Kurilecz (8'h ) Patrick McKeown (6"'), Tyler Harris (7 ), Lauren Costello (8"') Sa ra h Greenlee (8 th ) Aileen Giordano (6"'), Evan Schnall ( ), Elizabeth Newins (8th ) Joh n Reazi n (6 th ), El iza beth Ward (7 th ) , Anne Borum (8 th ) Kel sey Mohring (6th ), Evan Sch nall (7"'), Sarah Greenlee (8 th ) Katy Kasper (7 th ) , Kayla Ward (8 th ) Johanna Reckenbeil (6"' ) & Ryan Byrne (6 th ) Ta rina Hesal ti ne (7th ) & Evan Sch nall (7th ) Katie Damon (8 th ) & Bra dley De Wet (8"')

The Book Brigade By Karole Johnson '06

we got to Wash ington , t he first place we went was the Nat ional Cathedra l. We toured and learned a lot of great thin gs. The cathedral is built in th e Gothic style, in the shape of a cross. After our tour, we were separated into four differe nt groups, led by history tea cher Chip Chapman , substitute teacher Mike Conl a n, Latm teacher Jenny Ferry , and Steward parent Mindy W rd . Each group went to a diffe rent area of the cathedral. Mr. Chapman 's and Mr. Conlan 's groups went on another tour, and Mrs. Ferry's and Mrs. Ward's groups went to the service that was being held .

On April 4 1h , The Steward School conducted a Book Brigade to move books from the Lower School Library to the new Middle/ Upper School Library. On this day, the Lower, Middle, and Upper School students got in a line from one library to the other and pa ssed the books down, one at a time. My group (the eighth grade) was set up inside the new library. Across from us were the juniors and seniors, who were quite funny. The Middle and Upper School soon got out of the lines and went to the old library After we left the cathedra l, to move the books in stacks , we went to the garden sh op. rat her than one at a time . We Then we had lunch on the bus on fo und it to be faster this way. At the way to the Frankl in D. lunchtime we stopped for a Roosevelt Memorial . We spent ce re mony in the new library. some t ime there and play d by There, sixth grader John Lewis , seventh grader Amanda Lipscomb, and eighth grader Sarah Greenlee spoke on behalf of the Middle School. We also heard student speakers from the Upper School, followed by Librarian Rachel Griffin and Headmaster Roger Eighth graders Karole Johnson, El,zabeth Franklin, Anne Borum, y" Coulombe . It Sasaki, Lauren Costello, LOUISiJ Kendig, and Ausl1n Haas en] ya tnp was great to be a to Washington, O. C. part of history at the river next to the mem orial. The Ste ward School that day ! After we left the FDR Memorial , three groups went to the National History Museum and the fourth went to the Nationa l Art Eighth Grade Goes to Museum . All the groups had fun .

Washington By Katie Damon '06

On May 171h , the eighth grade took a trip to Washington, D.C. We left at 8 :00 AM and didn't get back until almost 9 :00 PM. When

When we left there , w were all starving . We went to the Old Post Office to eat dinner. Then we headed home where 0 r parents were only too happy to have us back ! We really e joyed our trip to Washington , D. C.!

Middle School Honor Roll Fourth Quarter (4). Second Seme,'e, (S) . 200 '路02 Academic Year (Y). and Headma'ter's List (0)

Sixth Grade * Amy Anderson (4.S.Y) * Amy Bisger (4.S.Y) Chris Brown (Y) Ryan Byrne (Y) lexi Clark (4) Carl Dageforde (4.S.Y) Emily Dameron (4.S.Y) Mary Martha Delaney (Y) Beth Dixon (4.S.Y) Stephen Gianfortoni (4.S.Y) " Aileen Giordano (405.Y) Anna Greenlee (4.S.Y) Margaret Gupton (Y) Chris McKeown (Y) * Kelsey Mohring (4. S.Y) Jackie Moncure (4) " Johanna Reckenbeil (4.S.Y) laura Skove (4.S.Y) Stuart Smith (S) Kelly Williams (4.Y) Seventh Grade Montie Anderson (405.Y) leigh Bedinger (Y) Tucker Bloom (4.Y) " Tyler Harris (4.S.Y) *Tarina H esaltine (4.S.Y) * Katy Kasper (4.S. Y) Nastia Komova (4.S.Y) * Kaitlin Meyer (4.S.Y) * Megan Rhodes (4. S.Y) Evan Schnoll (405. Y) Elizabeth Ward (4) Eighth Grade Afton Bartlett (4) Anne Borum (4.S.Y) " lauren Costello (4.S.Y) Katie Damon (4.S.Y) Bradley De Wet (4.S.Y) " Ryan Delaney (4. S.Y) Teri Fitzgerald (S. Y) Sarah Greenlee (4.S.Y) Katie路Beth Kurilecz (405.Y) " Elizabeth Newins (4. S.Y) Rachel Petock (4.Y) " Jenny Siddall (4.S.Y) Anne Stiles (405.Y) Anne logan Taylor (4.S) Kayla Ward (4.S.Y) Sam Zimmer (S)

Page 9

The Paul R. Cramer Center for the Arts By Aileen Giordano '08 & Laura Skove '08 As part of Ma rgaret Maclin ~ English class, Aileen Giordano and Laura Skove wrote the following five -paragraph essay on the new Center for the Arts: The new Pau l R. Cramer Center for the Arts is a magn ificent facility that will dramatically enrich the School and establish its preeminent place in Richmond's art community. This wonderful bu ilding is over an acre in size and has multiple floors to accommodate the seven-story theatre. The new courses afforded by this structure will have a tremendous impact on the curriculum and will broaden the horizons of both the students and the faculty. There will be three main sections of classesmusic, art and photography, and theatre, which gathered under one large roof, w ill facilitate synergistic interactions between students and faculty of diverse artistic talents . The new Center for the Arts encompasses a splendid music section . The mirrored dance studio, with its volum inous ceilings and fabulous windows, reflects the architectural grandeur of the building . Its open room will allow students an afterschool dance program. Also in the music section are two separate classrooms, one for the Lower School and one for the Middle and Upper Schools . These separate facilities will ensure that music maintains its integral place in Steward's curriculum, from kindergarten through twelfth grade, and even after the projected expansion of the student population. Many members of the student body and faculty are excited about the new band room, which is equipped with risers and designed for

Page 10

acoustic integrity. This room will be the headquarters of the School 's jazz band . The room will also be used for instrumental classes. Additionally, those who wish to further pursue music will now be offered extracurricular The Paul R. Cramer Center for the Arts will open this fall. lessons in the Photo by John Alley. private tutorial rooms adjacent to the new production . The SOD-seat offices for the faculty. The new theatre, with its wood paneling Paul R. Cramer Center for the Arts and beautifully carved columns, will provide a bountiful learni ng has am azi ng capabi lities. The environment for all the aspiring theatre is outfitted with a fullyoung musicians at The Steward scale fly and can hold over 2S School. different curtains at once. The room has a ba lcony with a The art and photography area lighting booth, and the stage has of the Center is impressive. The trapdoors for the quick entrances building will hold a Lower School and exits of future Steward stars . art room and a separate Upper Directly in front of the stage is an School art room exclusively for orchestra pit with a hydrau lic lift, painting . There will also be a which enables it to be ra ised to sculptu re studio with two kilns . the height of the audie nce to Students' art will be displayed allow for more seating or to t he along with professional artists' height of the stage to enl arge its wo rk in a gallery that leads off size. In this theatre the School the key theatre, so as to be plans to host future fall plays, available to patrons of the arts one acts, and spring musicals . during intermissions in shows . The Outside the theatre is a ba lcony arts program will give students w here g uests can ming le duri ng many avenues to demonstrate intermissions. In addition to the their talents. There will be a theatre for large productions, a photography lab and a darkroom smaller room, the black box with special light-proof doors, theatre, wi ll be used for making it possible for one to enter rehearsals and Lower School the darkroom without letting any plays. The black box theatre can light in . There will also be a be arranged in countless te lev isio n roo m w here two of the con figurations to accommodate walls connect without any corner, needs. making it rounded. There, in the cuppe d side, a person can stand The Steward Schoo l's Center to be filmed and broadcast all for the Arts will allow great over the campus. The art and strides to be taken in the photography programs will School 's ability to offer provi de wonderful opportunities soph isticated courses in not only for students and teachers . theatre, but in music, art, and photography as well . Steward is Finally, there is the exq uisite indeed fortunate to have such a theatre decked out with all the facility. accessories of a Broadway

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Write-A-Thon By Robin Ricketts, Second Grade Teacher

Fifth Grade Graduation Lower School students gathered in the mUlti - purpose gym on Thursday, June 6 th , to watch as the Class of 2009 graduated from fifth grade . Christine Kasper '09 led the audience of friends, family, and cla ssmates in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by greetings from Lower School Head Debbie Hanger. Student Council Sponsor Beverley Fox then presented certificates to the students who served on the Lower School Student Council this year: Christine Kasper '09, President; Taylor Booth '10, Vice President ; Michele Casper '09, Secretary; Mark Hargrove '09 , Treasurer; and Representatives Allen Edwards '10, Brendan Auman '10, Veronica Tharp '09, and David Dwyer '09 . Mrs. Hanger then presented certificates to students for excellence in a variety of subjects, as well as awards for Spartan Patrol and Punctuality. Awards were also given for math based on the Virg inia Mathematics Leagu e Contest , and

William Shimer was recognized for having excelled on the test as a first place winner. Kerry Blum then joined fellow fifth grade teacher Mrs. Fox in distributing the President's Award for Academic Excellence, which is given to those fifth grade students with a grade-po int average of 3.5 or higher who have motivation, integrity, intellectual depth, and leadersh ip in all areas . This year's recipients were Sarah Young , Sarah Hargrove, Christine Kasper, William Shimer, Paulina Lange, Keri Drummond , and Catherine Lillard . Mrs. Blum and Mrs . Fox

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How would you like to spend the entire day writing? That's what the second grade does each year during the Write -AThon . One day, during the last week of school, the students rotate through eight different writing stations. The activities at the stations range from structured paragraphs to silly cartoons . This is an opportunity for the students to use some of the writing skills they have developed during the year. At the letter writing station, they have a chance to write a letter to a friend. At the poetry station , they choose W,ll,am SI"mer receIVes hIS dIploma at the Fifth Grade Graduatton. Photo by John Alley. from five different poetry patterns and write their own also presented the Citizenship poems . The musical images Award to Sarah Young , Keri station has a tape recorder and Drummond , and Peter Howard. headphones . Students listen to Headmaster Roger Coulombe instrumental music and write then presented the Lower School about what the music inspires in Award to Christine Kasper for their imag inations . This is a day her extraordinary effort, second graders look forward to all cooperation, and school spirit. year long . Th is year they agreed it was even more fun than they After Mrs. Blum and Mrs . Fox ex pected . presented the Class of 2009 with their fifth grade diplomas, Mr. Coulombe gave the closing remarks, and the friends, family, and graduates enjoyed a reception under the tent outside the Athletic Center.

Second grader> Graham DIffee, West Camp路Crolvder; and Thea Gergoudls enJoy the Wrtte -A-Thon. Photo by Estelle Grossman.

r;=======================::=====lll opportunity to meet and hear Lower School Final Assembly Awards Dan Conway, parent of th ird Computer Sarah Hargrove Paulina Lange grader Ka te and sixth grader Dedicated Reporter Corbin Leitch Catherine Lillard Paige, speak about a recent Spelling Bee Brendan Auman Catherine Lillard invention patented by his Taylor Booth Claire McBride company. After noting that his Kaici Ellis Claire McKeown competitors were gaining a Sportsmanship greater share of the market, Mr. Corbin Leitch Math Paulina Lange Conway found that this invention Blakely Cohen Sarah Hargrove Kip Shearer solved the problem by attracting Christine Ka sper William Shimer (1 '" place) new customers . Mr. Conway was Music Keri Drummond Heather Mitchell certainly impressed by our Christine Kasper William Shimer innovative thinkers! Alex McMi llan Art Paulina Lang e Alex McMillan Theatre Kip Shea rer French Dani Fraizer

Fourth Grade Goes to Washington

Pet and Special Collections Day

What 's Bugging the Third Grade?

By Samantha Bisger '10 & Mary Taylor Tepper '10

By Jane Teacher

Th e fou rth grad ers earned the privi lege of ha vi ng Pet and Specia l Coll ectio ns Day by being very good in cla ss and in all of t hei r " specials" like P.E. and music. The y brought in many coo l coll ectio ns and awesom e anim al s like dogs and snakes and tu rt les . All of t he other grades enjoyed learnin g about the pets. Fourth grad ers to ld many in terestin g facts about their an imals. They did a wonderful job ente rtain ing th e facul ty, kin derg arten, and the first, second , t hird , and fifth grad es. Good j ob, fourth graders!

Messy desks, unruly pets, disorganized collections, and rooms in disarray-third graders have many problems to olve! Each year the third grad teachers ask their stude ts to create inventions that wi ll help to solve personal dilemmas These inventions are then displ yed at an " Invention Convention," during which parents and Lower Schoolers visit and view the creations .


Third Grade

The third graders wo rked through a series of steps before com pleting the final pro uct. First they identified a part of their lives that "bugged" them. Next they brainstormed, both alone and with partners . Th n a plan was develope and approved by the teachers . After a design was in place, appropriate materials were used to produce a final product .

Brendan Auman '1 0 explams hiS Rgunne collection to a group of second graders. Photo by Estelle Grossman.

As a culminating activity, the t ird graders had an

By Izzy Pearsall '10 The fourth grade had a great time on their field trip to Washington, D.C., this spring . We saw lots of cool buildings there . We got to go to lots of museums, too. We went to places like the

William Drews '10 traces Ius uncle's name at the VIetnam Memonal In Washington. D. C. Photo by Estelle Grossman.

Museum of Natural History and the Washington Monument. Also, we went to the Vietnam Memorial. It was sad but also very interesting. We got to walk through the Vietnam Memorial and look at the names on it. We really had a great time on our trip to Washington , D.C.!

Page 13

Students Get Fit and Have Fun By Ronny Haje~ Lower School P. E. Teacher Lower School Field Day was a terrific success! The sun shone (not too brightly) and the wind bl ew (not too hard) making the weather just right for the 180 Lower Schoolers, their teachers, and the 70 volunteer parents who enjoyed the day outdoors in the pursuit of fun, challenge, and camarad erie. There were seventeen different activities for the students to participate in during the day, as well as a yummy hotdog lunch coordinated by Molly Charnes, mother of t hi rd grader Matth ew . In the morning, the games included a timed obstacle course, 50-yard dash, basketball shoot, jumproping, frisbee toss, and standing long jump, to name a few of the twelve morning events . Students won ribbons for these challenges. Some of the most coveted awards were the class Sportsmanship Awards, presented to those students who were exceptionally supportive, coo perative, fair, and positive. As always, it was difficult to select a winner because so many of the students had such good sportsmanship . As one parent commented, "I really like helping out with field day because it's always so much fun. The attitude is so positive and the kids have such great healthy fun ." In the afternoon, students were grouped in color teams made up of a few children from every grad e level. The groups challenged each other in Bubblegum Blowing , Parachute Waving , Waterballoon Tossing, and a foxtail target game of " Shooting Sta rs and Black Holes." The day ended with an Indian Relay, which is more fun than competitio n, but then so is the entire day, which makes it a fitting end to a very fun day!

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atsreward grade students, as was Jonathan the Seagull, a "wannabe " nationa l symbol.

With Liberty and Justice for All

Butterflies and caterpi llars from the first grade sang about the importance of diversity in America . The third grade classes

By Bonnie Anderson, Music Teacher How do we create a patriotic program that is unlike any other? With the events of 9/11 , we felt a tribute to our great nation was in order. Out of the smoke and ash of September's destruction , a new patriotic movement has been set in motion and our children are a part of th is era. Our "American Tribute" was set on Liberty Island, with lessons on patriotism taught by the seagulls and squirrels that inhabited the park. The kindergarten classes played the seagulls, and the second graders were the park squirrels. Visitors from other nations, played by fifth graders, were exposed to the many opportunities of our nation . The patriotiC symbols, including the Statue of Liberty, the eagle, and Uncle Sam, were also played by fifth

Heather Mitchell '09 smgs "From a Distance. " Photo by John Alley.

Adam Reckenbeil 'l1 plays a police officerm the Grandparents ' Day production. Photo by John Alley.

sang a mu sical tribute to our heroes: the mili tary, doctors, nurses, emergen cy med ical personnel, firemen, and policemen . The fo urth grade classes emphas ized the role the people of our nation played in keeping morale up in the past during wartime, through U.s .O. cl ubs and activities for military person nel. The fifth grade performed a musical tri bute to our flag, including a li vely section accompan ied by the "kazoo choir " and Nathan Willett '09 on the snare drum. Th e finale was a coll aborative effort of al l grades in a musical tribute beginning with "America Our Home " accompanied by lim

Congratulations to Steward's artists who participated in an art show a t Su nTru st Bank in dow ntow n Richmond th is May. Seventy-five a rti sts displayed o ver 180 pieces of a rt at thi s w o nderful show! According to o ne o f t he SunTrust employees, "The Stewa rd di splay was the most colorfu l di splay we' ve ha d. It w as a beautiful show, a nd these studen ts are obviously ve ry talented ."

Spangler (fath er of Samantha Spangler '10 ) on t he solo trumpet. Other selections in t he medl ey included "America, the Bea utifu l," " God Bl ess America " ( performed in si gn langu age) , and " Let 's Hear it for America ." All in all, " With Li berty and Justice for All " was a production which honored our gra ndparents as well as our nation.

Three coral groups performed choral arrang eme ts, ranging in tyle from multi -cultu ral songs to songs from the Rock ' n Roll era. We danced to eighthgrader Ha nah Huber's r ndition of " Shoop Shoo p" and enjoyed " You Don 't Own Me," performed by Melissa Shelburne '03, Katie Perkins 'OS , and Shira Hurwitz '02.

Several voca lists performed solo selections from the m usical Ruthless an d other se lections of thei r choice . Solo voca li ts fo r

From the Audience: Ruthless By Karole Johnson '06 " Hon ey, I 'm hom e!" Much laughter ro se from the audience as Dewey Brown burst onto the sce ne of Ruthless. I went to see the production on Saturday, April 27th. I was very pleasant ly surprised to see how well the actors could sing, dance, and act. The set was also very well desi gned. My favorite songs fro m Ruthless were " Penthouse Apartment" and th e them e song . Music teacher Bonnie Anderson and Joe "Sticks" Matthews '04 provided wonderfu l accompanim en t to the magnifice nt- and not a bit

The Sound of Music By Bonnie Anderson The Middl e/ Upper School Spring Concert was a successful m ixture of varied styles and eras. From Mozart's "Alleluia Canon " to a song from t he 1930s entitle d "The Glory of Love," the students enjoyed th e m usical variety. Everyone involved in t he program had a chan ce to perform several selections . The reco rder classes performed a reperto ire, from Beethoven to Gershwin. A favorite of both groups was " Linus and Lucy " from The Peanuts Mo vie. The quality of the perfo rma nce was excellent, and I hope many of our recorder students wi ll continue in our upcom ing band/ orchestra prog ram next year.

Breana Beauford '05 m Ruthless. Photo by John Alley.

the even ing were Allis n Strickland '03 , Mary ongdon '03 , Katie Damon '06, Katie Perkins, and Lorraine Hawes '02 . As several audience mem bers observed, the evening as not only a quality performance but a performance enjoyed by the student participants as well.

ruthless-cast of this musical. To be tru ly honest, I didn 't know there were so many tal ented si ngers in our school! " I was thrilled that t he play went so we ll, and I th ink we were all a little let down when it was over," confessed Katie Damon '06, wh o played Tina Denmark. I could really understand that. Congratu lations to th e cast for a great show !

Page 15

Art Awards Most Innollatille Artist US MS

Chris Maszaros Ryan Delaney

Most Improlled Instrumentalist Fall Session Grade 7 Megan Rhodes Grade 6 Carl Dageforde

Most Promisintj Newcomer

Sprintj Session


Grade 7 Chelsea Voltz Grade 6 Micah Keller


Carrie Morris Yu Sasaki

Best Use of Color

us MS

Christina Nelson Emily Dameron

Best Use of a Medium

us (graphite pencil) Sarah Martin MS (graphite pencil) Elizabeth Ward US (watercolor) Christina Nelson US (scul pture) Anna Bornemann MS (sculpture) Elizabeth Newins US (oil on canvas) US (mixed media)

Danny Welsch Carrie Morris Lindsey Leach

Persellerance to a Project US MS

Alison Norton Tarina Hesaltine

Most Accomplished Artist US MS

Carrie Morris Clay Fulk

Fine Arts Banquet 2002 Beachcombers} Bash

Music Awards

PhototjraphlJ Awards Commitment to Discipline Sara Kornblau & C lay Tharri ngton

Most Accomplished Instrumentalist Fall Session

Ditjital Montatje

Grade 7 Evan Schnoll Grade 6 C oleman Smith

Best DocumentarlJ

Ephraim Edmunds & Ronnie Spears

Hitjhest Academic Alleratje Fall Session Grade 7 Katy Kasper Grade 6 Christopher McKeown

Sprintj Session Grade 7 Elizabeth Ward G rade 6 laura Skove Lexi Clark

Katie Perkins for Ruthless Allison Stri ckland fo r Ruthless

Best Phototjrapher 2001-02

Outstandintj Achiellement in a Minor Role

Tony lamosca

Breana Beauford for Ruth less

Best Phototjraphic Concept

Outstandintj Achiellement in Technical Theatre, Statje Manatjement Hilary Beck for Blithe Spirit and Ruthless

Lyne Minardi

Musical Contribution to Theatre Major Role-US Minor Role-US Major Role-MS


laura Weisiger

Katie Damon for Blithe Spirit. The Potman Spoke South . and Ruthless

Best Portraiture Erin Lupe r

Allison Strickland Michael Reese

Special Recotjnition in Technical Theatre: Chris Maszaros

Best Abstract Jen Oser

Arts Club Award

Most Improlled Choral Student US MS

Director's Award for a Year-Lontj Effort

Best in Journalism

Katie Perkins Lindsey Leach Katie Damon

Most Accomplished Choral Student

Lindsey Leach Louisa Kendig

Dedication to the Medium

Most Potential



Andy Baruc h

Jeremy Karmolinski

Special Recotjnition for Student Conductintj: T leira Creditor

Most Improlled Artist

Anna Greenlee for No Show Kev in Hill fo r The Potman Spoke South

John Frayser & Kevin Strade r

Artistic Enthusiasm Carrie Morris Katie-Beth Kurilecl

Outstandintj Achiellement in a One-Act PlalJ

Outstandintj Achiellement in a Major Role

Sprintj Session Grade 7 Spencer Hamrick Grade 6 john Realin

Theatre Awards

Hilary Beck,

Melissa Shelburne Sarah Greenlee


for 28 hours of service I

! {/ /



Special Recotjnition for Special Appearances Michael Maruca for The G reen Fields of the Mind and Ruthless

Fine Arts Award for Excellence in Art, Music, and Theatre Lindsey Leach

. , ........... ...."..,....J"""." . .......; I . . .




We have al l heard the jokes or read t he bumper sti ckers about teachers . "Ju ne , July, an d August. Three great reasons to teach. " Or, "It's too bad that the peopl e who really know how to run t his country are busy teach ing school. " "Teachers never retire; they just lose their class." My persona l favorite is Holden Cau lfield's remarks in The Catcher in the Rye, "Teachers and mothers are al l slightly insane ." What inspires anyone to enter the teaching profession, and to rema in in this profession for most of one's adult life, is an interesting question . The answers are as varied as the indi v iduals who dedicate their time, talents, and efforts to working with today 's youth . Roger Coulombe, our headmaster, came into education forty years ago . After graduating from Assumption College in Worcester, Massachu setts, Rog er decided to enroll in graduate school at the University of Massachusetts . At that time, he was considering a career in Forei gn Service. After attend ing graduate school for one year, he received a call to tea ch history and to coach basketball and baseball at Northhampton High School in Massachusetts. In 1964, Roger applied and was accepted into the Peace Corps. He was stationed in Chiang Ma i, Tha iland . Roger remarks , "I requested t hi s area because of my fascination with the culture although my exposure to Thailand was lim ited to seeing the film version of The King and f . My real inspiration for going into the Peace Corps, however, was John F. Kennedy's inaugura l address that challenged America's young people to ' ask not what your country can do for you; ask wh at

in their lives . They need ethical adult role models to help them realize that there 's more to life than the mall, the computer, or social functions ... Teachers and students value their time together in advisory groups and form life-long friendships. The advisory program has been and continues to be one of my priorities in every school where I have worked ." What has also kept Roger Cou lombe involved in education for the last forty years is the opportun ity to help students and faculty expand their perspectives by looking beyond normal parameters . "I encourage the faculty to investigate and to try new teaching methods, and I challenge our students to look for new ways of defining themselves . I don't want anyone in our schoo l to be afraid of change or to be afraid of fa ilure ." Roger goes on

you can do for your country.'" While in Thailand, Roger ta ght English and coached basket ball. What he learned from this experience was the need to advocate studying foreign language as early as possible . Roger comments, "As the globe co ntinu es to shrink, Ameri cans must realize that to expect Eng lish to be the only language spoken or to believe that it will be spoken at all reflects a provincial attitu de. That is why I have been a supporter of foreign language education in all of the schools were I have served and the reason why The Steward School offers foreign language in all three divisions, starting wi th French in kindergarten ." After his stint with the Peace Corps, Roger cam e back to the Sta tes and began his first foray into ind ependent school educa tion. Over the yea rs his career has taken him to six states, includ ing Connecticut, New York, Illinois, Arl1letlc DIrector Janet RIce presents Roger Coulombe With a g In at a Californ ia, North faculty roast in hIS honor In June. Carolina, and Virgin ia, and has to add, " What has continually exposed him to every type of impressed me is the unselfish in dependent school avail ble . He nature of independent school has been a classroom te acher, teachers who put their students coach, dean of students, head of first . They teach, advise, coach, m iddl e school, head of u per prepare lessons, write reports, school, associate headm ster, answer phone calls and e-mail, and headmaster. The ex eriences discipline, deal with teenage he has had over the last four angst, attend a plethora of decades have helped him to meetings, and wear whatever hat formulate programs and policies we ask them to wear. Anyone that are currently in place at The who is in this business long Steward School. One of these eno ugh learns that in order to prog rams is the adviso ry system . survive, educators must have a " Students," Roger expla ins, good sense of humor, be hard " sometim es feel alone and need workers, relate well to students, to talk to about what 's going on

Page 17

value and cultivate moral behavior, and possess and be willing to expand their knowledge in their discipline ." He concludes, " What brought me into education and what keeps me involved is the belief that teachers are ordinary people who embrace the extraordinary task of helping to develop students who will be good citizens with the necessary skills to make them successful in life, who care about all facets of their education, and who have compassion for all members of their community, whether that community be here at school , in their neighborhoods, or anywhere life takes them." Like Roger Coulombe, J. Dewey Brown is a veteran educator. He has worked with students in various grades and at the university level for the last 36 years, although he did not set out to be a teacher. The truth is Dewey was a music major who " grew tired of the intensity of music. The stress of having to practice, compose, and perform both in class and on the stage was overwhelming. I decided to study biology instead ; after I graduated from the University of Georgia, I happened to be offered a position teaching ninth grade physical science, tenth grade general and honors biology, and twelfth grade advanced biology. I was in the classroom for three years when the Vietnam War started . I entered the United States Navy and completed basic training, medical corpsman training, and medical technology school. This experience proved invaluable as it provided extensive work in the lab and in the field , hands-on ex perience that I would call upon for the rest of my professional career. In a cooperative agreement between Bethesda Naval Hospital and George Washington University, I taught college students and medical technologists for the Navy." During his stay in Bethesda , Dewey served as the persona l medical technologist for

Page 18

President Nixon and his family and often went to the White House and Camp David . In add ition , he was on call to provide medical assistance for both houses of Congress, the U. S. Supreme Court, and the Diplomatic Corps . After leaving the Navy, Dewey went to work for Montgomery County Schools in Rockville, Maryland, where he remained from 1973 until 1992 . For those of us who are famil iar with this public school system, Montgomery County Schools is the th ird largest school system in

IITeachers are ordinary people who embrace the extraordinary task helpinl to develop students who will be lood citizens. II


the nation. Dewey taught all levels of biology, including special education, general, honors, and Advanced Placement Biology, and also taught general and honors chemistry. Working with public school students in a district that encompasses pupils from diverse cultural, economic, and educational backgrounds was both challenging and rewarding . In addition, Dewey was able to cultivate an association with the National Institutes of Health. Through his association with th is org an ization, he procured grants for himself and his students and was able to establish a position as a consultant with NIH, which sent him to Europe, South America , the West Indies, and to the Galapagos Islands in the fall of 2002. Once again, he was able to translate this experience into viable lessons for his students . As if these accomplishments weren 't enough, Dewey also

found the time to write numerous articles for professional journals, to develop curricula for sciencerelated topics for students who have a wide range of talents and needs, to take classes to work towards a doctorate in microbiology, and to improve his skills as a gourmet chef. When Dewey retired for the first time in 1999, he received a telephone call from Roger Coulombe to develop a science enrichment program for students in grades seven and eight. His involvement in that project led him to become a full-time faculty member at The Steward School , where he teaches ninth grade physical science, tenth grade honors biology, and Advanced Placement Biology. I asked Dewey to call upon his experience and to tell me what he thinks are the skills that teachers need to have to survive the rigors of teaching . He responded that " all good teachers need to possess the patience of Job, the desire to recognize potential in all students, and the flexibility to help all students to reach the ir goals ." When I asked Dewey to tell me why he chose to stay in education for almost four decades , he replied, " What keeps me interested is the wide range of experiences I have had in education, such as writing chapters in textbooks or journal articles, traveling around the world to conduct or attend conferences, and seeking and obtain ing grants, that have not limited me to the classroom. Still one of the biggest thrills, even after all these years, is watchin g the looks on kids ' faces when they finally get the idea I'm trying to teach them ." Margaret Maclin, who currently teaches sixth grade language arts, began her teaching career of 35 years in a K- 12 independent school in New Orleans . She taught English in the Middle and Upper school and public speaking. She recalls, " One of the challenges I had, besides the fact that I was only a

course of the school year, each section of students starts to gel as a class and that's reward ing. Even though the subject matter doesn't change much in grade six, students ' reactions do, and I like listening to what they t hink about what we 're studying. Speaking about listening, I think that's the best skill a teach er can develop. I remember, when I was first teaching in New Orleans in the 1960s, a rad io anno ncer who was doing a remote at a mall interviewed a student of mine . He wanted to know who her hero was . I just happened to be driving in my car when I heard the broadcast. I expected her to say Albert Einstein, John Kenn edy, or one of the Beatles . Instead, she said er hero was Ms . Maclin 'because she listens to us.' If the truth be know n, I had to listen closely because I did n't understand the accent . Veteran teachers Robm RIcketts, Dewey Brown, and Margaret Mae/m. I was also attentive twelve year-old who had been because I was young an d convicted of manslaughter inexperienced, and what they before ." After teaching in North were saying was all new to me . Carol ina , Ms. Maclin came to Nevertheless, that young girl 's Richmond and taught at the comment to the reporter has Hebrew Day School for fifteen stayed with me for the last years before she came to The thirty-five years . I tell you what Steward School in 1990, where else helps me survive-my fellow she has been an anchor in the Middle School teachers . I enjoy Middle School for t welve years. brainstorm ing ideas with them and She observes, "I really like commiserating, on occasion . As a veteran teacher, what also keeps working with Middle Schoolers because they are so me involved in my profession, besides my work with t he unpredictable. Just when I think I have seen and heard it all, along children, is my work wit younger comes a kid who surprises me ." teachers who call on m for Margaret adds , "What keeps me advice . I 'm the teacher I am today because of the sage words returning to school each fall is that a new group of students of three teachers who mentored comes through my door. Over the me as a novice teacher. It's

few years older than some of my Upper School pupils, was trying to pronounce the names of some of my students. Being from Alabama, I had a distinct Southern drawl, and the kids had difficulty not laughing in my face as I struggled to pronounce their French names." Her next teaching assignment took Margaret to Winston-Salem, North Carolina . She taught in an adult literacy program and in a federally funded remedial reading program . "Moving from independent schools to public schools was quite a ch ange . Besides all of the obvious differences, was the change in the type of student I was teaching. I had never taught a

rewarding to repay them by helping new teachers ." Robin Ricketts, a teacher in second grade , has been in education for seventeen years, fifteen of wh ich have been at The Steward School. She taught for three years, left for eight to be with her two boys, and returned to work for twelve consecutive years . When Robin graduated from college, she had doublemajored in elementary education and the visual arts . Even though she had earned her certificate to teach, Robin wasn't sure she wanted to be a full-time teacher right away. In addition to other odd jobs, Robin worked for the National Park Service in a living history exhibit in Georgetown . She was also a camp director and taught a combination second/ third grade class for Potomac Country Day School. Two years later, Robin found herself in Richmond and heard about an independent school that had just started on Gayton Road in the west-end of town. Paul Cramer was the headmaster at that time . She came to have a look at Steward and decided that this was the place she wanted to work, and she has never regretted her decision . Robin comments, "What I have liked about Steward as both a teacher and a parent is the humanity of this school, where teachers who sincerely love working with children create a learning environment that is stimulating for all children, regardless of their ability. That's one of the reasons why I chose to work at Steward and to enroll my children here." She adds, "A number of factors keep me in education, specifically, in the Lower School. Every fall a magical process begins . Into my classroom walks a group of children . Some are excited , some are apprehensive, and some would rather be anywhere else but in school. I wonder how I will be able to convince this group of sixteen kids, none of whom is alike, to become a unit. As the

Page 19

year progresses, I watch my class become a 'temporary family ' who enjoys working an d playing together and who respects each member, each day, all day. I try to instill in my students the importa nce of understanding and appreciating the cultural diversity we enjoy at Steward because when they grow up, the population in which they will live and work is going to be significantly different than it is now . Another reason why I choose to remain in this profession is that I find exploring new methods of t each ing writing exciting. I like helping my students go through all of the steps of the composition process; an d once we have finished , I tell them that they are authors and that they can go home and write stories on their own . I like the self-confidence that learning how to write well brings to my students." Combined , these four educators have over 100 years of experience and have taught enough students to populate a modest-sized town . They have been employees in private and public schools all over this country and have worked with just abo ut one of eve ry type of student God makes . What keeps them coming back year after year is not the money or the six weeks vacation at the end of the school year. What keeps them in this business is the steadfast belief that children need motivated and dedicated teachers who wa nt their students to be productive and successful in life . How do they support this belief? Over t he years, Roger Coulombe, Dewey Brown , Margaret Maclin, and Robin Ricketts have faced each school day the same way : they plan purposefully, prepare prayerfully, proceed positively, and pursue persistently. ' Phrase

Page 20


attributed to William A. Ward

upclate Spring Sports Wrap-Up

Boys' Varsity Lacrosse The boys' varsity lacrosse team had a good year under the direction of coaches Mason Ayers and Frank Watkins , finish ing with a 6-11 record . They started the season at the Catho lic High School I nvitationa l Tournament where they earned a second place finish, and the season ended with an invitation as the sixth seed in the second division of the TILT (The I nvitational Lacrosse Tournamentthe sport's state tournament games) . Tri-captains Blake Frostick ' 03 , Lee Patton ' 03, and Clay Tharrington ' 02 provided leadership throughout the season . The offensive load was carried by Alex Benson ' 03 and Austin Hamilton '04, who led the team in scoring. The 2003 season looks very bright.

Girls ' Varsity Lacrosse It was a very successful spring athletic season . The girls ' vars ity lacrosse team finished the League of Independent Schools ( LIS) Division II regular season in second place with a 6-3 record . The team , under the direction of head coach Ronny Hajek and assistant Buford Scott, finished the year with an overall record of 10-4. The offense was led by sophomore Heather Hajek, who averaged five goals per game. She ended the season with a total of 77 points (65 goals/ 12 assists ). Freshman Morgan Hutchinson had 35 goals and four assists, while classmate Annie Wise put in eighteen goals. Goalkeeper Katie Perkins ' 05 averaged nine saves per game and was helped in the defensive department by sophomore Amy Strickland. A season highlight was a victory over Cape Henry Collegiate, breaking a threegame losing streak agai nst them. Heather Hajek was named to the Division II All-LIS Team and to the National Tournament Team . Hajek, Kate Garner 'OS, and Morgan Hutchinson participated in the Virginia All-Star Anme WIse '05 plays lacrosse for tile girls ' varsity team. Classic. by John Alley.


season with coach Chi p Cha pman . The team was led by offensive standouts Ph ilip Carter ' 06, Tim Brinn ' 07, Micah Keller ' 08 , and Matt Deacon '07, while the defense was anchored by Ja mes McCa uley ' 06, Travis Voltz ' 06 , Ryan Byrne '08, as well as Philip Carter. The team posted a 9- 6 record with key victories over St. Christopher's, Colleg iate, West End, and several Chesterfield teams .

The 2001·02 girls' varsity tenms team. Phoro by John Alley

The only player who graduated from the team was Tharrington , who will continue with the sport at Virgin ia Mil itary Institute.

an undefeated season at the # 1 singles pOSition . The team clinched victories over Tidewater Academy and Christchurch JV.

Va rsity Girls' Tenn is The varsity girls' tenn is squad continued its domination in the Virginia Commonwealth Conference (VCC) , with help from coach Kendall Sl a baug h . Wh ile the team tied as regular season champions with Christchurch, the Spartans captured the VCC Tournament title . Lacy Slabaugh '05 ( # 1 seed) , Meg Robertson '04 ( # 2 seed), Dana Powell '05 ( # 3 seed) , Yu Sasak i ' 06 ( # 4 seed), and Rachel Petock '06 ( # 6 seed) all won their singles championships. In addition, Slabaugh and Robertson also combined to win the # 1 doubles championsh ip. Robertson was named to the VCC All-Academic Team. The team faced a more challenging battle at the League of Independent Schools (LIS) Tournament and ended up in fourth place .

Varsity Golf The varsity golf team pl aced fourth in the Virginia Commonwealth Conference (VCC) Tournament under the direction of coach Catesby Jone . The team had a 3- 7-1 record with victories over Kenston Forest School and New Commu nity.

Boys' Tenn is The spring of 2002 marked the return of boys ' tennis at Steward, coached by Jane Tuohey . A mixture of Middle and Upper Schoolers competed and ended the season with an overall 4-5 record. Junior Ph ilipp Foerst had

Middle School Lacrosse The Middle School had t wo lacrosse teams th is spri ng. The boys ' team had a very rewarding

The girls also added a lacrosse team this spring, coached by Marsh Hayes . In their first season the team went winless, but their enthusiasm was evident . Eighth graders Louisa Ke nd ig , Katie - Beth Kurilecz , and Sa rah Gre e nlee provided leadership for the group.

••••••••••••••••• •••• •• Want a great way to •• • •• • get involved • • • • at Steward? • • • • • Volunteer for • • • • • • • • • • • • • this falll • • • •• CcIract .... "'-*Y" •• 740-3394 for more . . . . • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • ••••• • • ••


Middle School boys play lacrosse agamst rhe West End Lacrosse Club. Photo by Paul Busse.

Page 21

Athletic Awards Night 2001-02 MJddIe School Soa:er Coa ch's Award 110% Award Best Player (Def.)

Tim Brinn Matthew Ludvik Kaitlin Meyer

MiddleSchooiFreldHodcey Coach's Award Elizabeth Franklin Jen ny Siddall Most Valuable

Mo st Improved 110% Award Most Valuable QIb VoIfe)6aII Mos t Improved Most Valuable Bornem ann

K vi n Bojarski Ma t Porter Kyle Dennis Anne Stiles Anna

Vanityaww ......W Middle School Cheerleading Leadership Award Hannah Huber Rachel Pe tock Most Spirited Amy Anderson

Most Improved Most Spirited Most Valuable

Middle School Boys' "A " IIaskIItbaII

Most Improved Meg Robertson Player of the Year (Off,) Faith Gray Player of the Year (Def.) Lauren Harris

VanicyGlr*'... Coach's Award Mr, Intensity Most Valuable

Afton Bart lett Phili p Ca rter Bradley De W t

Middle School Boys' UB" Baslcetball Most Improved Rya n Byrne Coach ' s Award Matt Deacon Most Valuable Co leman Smith

Middle School Girls' "A" BasIcettMII Best Defender Best Rebounder Coach's Award

Anne Stiles Anne Boru m Sarah Greenlee

Middle School Girls' UB" BasltMbaIl Kitty Ball Most Improved Amand a Best Defe nder Lipscomb Dana Powell Most Valuable

Middle School Girls' lacrosse Most Improved Most Val uabl e

Anne Borum Sarah Greenlee

Erin Kiker La ine y Ash ker Hea ther Haje k



JV Bays' Sa M o st Improved Most Valuable

Spe nce r Best Joe Matthews

varsity GIrls' Soa:.r Most Improved 110% Award Most Valuable

Elizabeth Newins Hilary Beck Lauren Malizia

Vanity Boys' Tennis Most Improved Most Valuable varsity Girls' Tennis

Most Improved Coach' s Award Mo st Valuable

Elizabeth Newins Meg Robe rtson Dana Powell

Varsity " .' lacrosse Best Player (O ff,) Bes t Player (De f, ) Grou nd Ball Awa rd Most Valuable

Lee Patton Au stin Hamilton Vitek Ruzicka Clay Tha rrington

Vanity Girls' lat:ro8e Lyne M ina rdi Most Improved Sponge Magnet Award Jenni fer Gray Heather Hajek Most Valua ble

VanityGoll Most Valua ble

Brett Sand berg

v.niIy~" ' Most Improved Most Ou ts ta ndi ng Coach ' s Aw a rd Most Va lua ble


Ryan Kerr Jam iel All en Ron nie Spea rs M ike Edwards

Varsity FJeld 'Iodcey Most Improved Wa llace You ng 110% Awa rd Morgan Hutchi nson Most Valua bl e Jen nifer Gray

Ca rl Dageforde Phili pp Foerst

Athletes Rea!i\Iing RIth Varsity LIItter Alex Benson Charmian Bonner Blake Frostick La uren Harris r-......___ Morgan H utchinson Sara Kornblau AtIrleR Rea!i\Iing Tenth Varsity LIItter Mat Porte r

Middle School Boys' lacrosse Most Improved Best Player (Def.) Mr, Hu stle McCauley Most Valuable

Varsify Cross CcuJtry Mo st Outstanding Robertson Most Valuable

Ryan Byrne Will Dickinson James

AtIrleR Rea!i\Iing RItea rill

Varsify LIItter Je nnifer G ray

Philip Carte r

Athletic Department Coaches' Award Meg Vitek Ruzicka

"For exem plary dedication to athletics and sportsm anship and for unselfish team play, "

Jennifer Gray

Page 22

ActWn It.:2 MaX-(j Harva:r d NOLde '8 I

'Dire,ctorq-Annual GiviYlf} 6d Au~mni1ffair:s Alumni Association Sponsors Senior Breakfast The end-of-year festivities for the senior class began on May 24th . The Alumni Association hosted a breakfast for the seniors and their parents to welcome them as alumni. Foreign Language Department Chair and class sponsor Shelby Holland did a great job predicting where the seniors were going to be in the next five to ten years . For instance, Jamiel Allen found his athletic calling in synchronized swimming. It was predicted that Jennifer Gray would win the tv show "Survivor." Kate Porter Murray ' 92, president of the Alumni Association, reflected on her time at Steward and encouraged the

seniors to stay involved and give back to the School that has helped them so much. Del a ney Turnage Mescall ' 92 , vice president of special events, presented the Distinguished Young Alumni Gift, a $500 gift certificate to the college bookstore which is given to a college bound senior who has made a difference within th e School and/or the communi t y through volunteer service. This year's recipient was Tzeria Creditor . She will be attending Virginia Commonwealth Uni versity this fall. The Alumni Association IS very excited to have a new group joining its ranks. We hope the Class of 2002 will continue to show interest in the School and come back to visit. Good luck in your next adventure and keep in touch!

Class Notes Class of '85 Sam Ketner has been working at Jamestown High School in Williamsbu rg, Virginia, teaching advanced engineering . He will be moving back to Richmond this fall to teach at a new Henrico high school.

Sara Komblau '0 2 enJoys the Sentor Breakfast. Photo by John Alley.

Melissa Pressner and Jason Krumbem '87 were

mamed on May 20, 2002.

Class of '91 Edmund Rhoads is in Washington, D.C., working at the National Democratic Institute as the senior advisor for all Eurasian countries . Class of '93 Lawrence Heindl resides in Charlotte and is a project manager for DWC. He also owns Line Design, a parking lot linestriping company. Stephanie Mann finished her performance with the Sudbury Savoyards and also performed the role of Rosa Bud in The Mystery af Edwin Draad with the North Shore Players .

Class of '87 Jason Krumbe in married Melissa Pressner on May 20, 2002. Laura Kru mbein '94 was a bridesmaid in the wedding . Jason Is now tile stepfather of two ch ildren, Brittany and Ross . They will reside in Richmond .

Page 23

Beth Wh itaker Brightup and husband Bob are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Chloe El izabet h, born December 8, 2001. Their two year-old son Nat han is proud to be a big brother. The family resi des in Ri chmond , where Beth owns a Discovery Toys business and Bob is a mech anical en gineer.

Center, screening patients and eve n assisting in laser eye su rgery. Megan Hajek received a senior leadership award from Carnegie Mellon Universi ty after serv ing as captain, vice presid ent, and president of her crew team . Megan graduated this spring wi th a degree in psychology and is seekin g a positio n in public health care . Whitney Hajek graduated from the Newhouse School of Advertising at Syracuse University. She was acti vely involved with the cheerleading squad and is seeking a position in advertising.

Nathan and Chloe Bnghrup, children of Beth Whitaker Bnghrup '93 and husband Bob.

Class of ' 94 Laura Krumbein graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University on May 18, 2002, with a degree in criminal j ustice. Class of ' 95 Jenny McComas is working on a master's degree in art history at Indiana Universit y- Bloomington . Sh e is also wo rk ing as the curatorial assistant for modern art at the Un iversity's art museum. Jenny hopes to move back to New Yor k after she completes her deg ree .

Laura Ward graduated from Smith College this May with a degree in history and a minor in film studies . Class of '99 Stephen Paulette has bee n accepted into Cambridge Un iversity, where he will study th is summer. Class of '00 Katie Drzal made the Dean 's list at Randolph -Maco n Woman's College , where she is majoring in psychology. She is also on th e IHSA horseback riding team and con tinues to sho w her horse Ellie on the ci rcu it as well. Katie will head back to Camp Friendship this summer where she will be a ri ding instructor and senior cou nselor.

Class of '98 Ch ri s Drzal is enjoying life at East Ca rolina University, where he is majoring in psychology. Chris is working for Eastern Carolina Eye Eric Sternberg made the Dean 's • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• List at the Un iversity • MARK YOUR CALENDAR • of Maryland- College • FOR NEXT YEAR'S EVENTS • Park, where he ju st : September 13. 2002 Alumni Social (Place TBA) : finished hi s : October 18·26. 2 002 Center for the Arts Opening : sophomore year. Homecoming • • October 26. 2002 • January 4.2003 Alumni Bowling • Class of '0 1 • January 7. 2003 Alumni College Panel Reed was •• January 25. 2003 ••• Jamie Casino Night awa rded a vars ity • April 4 & 5.2003 Azalea Sale • letter in men 's : TMBaAY 23. 2003 Senior Breakfast : lacrosse by Catawba Alumni Summerfest 2003 : June 5. 2003 Graduation : College .

•••• • • •••••••• • •• • •• • • • •••• •• Page 24

Alumni Summerfest This year the Alumni Association kicked off the summer with a great new event we hope will become an annual tradition . Alumni came back to campus for hamburgers , hotdogs, fun, and gam es. After lunch, everyone enjoyed a tour of Steward's seven buildings- many alums commented that they'd like to come back and start over in these spectacular new facilities! That night everyon e met up again at Mulligan's and a few yearbooks were passed around . It was a great way for Stewa rd grad uates to share a day in the life of The Steward School with their frie nds and Significant others.

"Lifers" Th ree members of the Cl ass of 200 2 have been at Steward since kindergarten :



Sara Komblau



Malh lea,her Jane Tuohe h of WIsdom" L Y as some final worcls or arralne Hawes '02

'vas the English '04 race, Christina Netson rd from Butch Keller, Department Book Awa

Teen Ralianarivo (back row, far right) celebrates his graduation with family.

, brates with recent graduat&S Tim Zeldan 03 cele d Ctay Thamngton Lalney Ashker an

Juniors Melissa Shelburne Vilek ' nd Ryan Keff und~r Ihe I RUZicka, Allison Slrickland enl after graduation, '

radua Photos by Glenn New end John Alley


THESrEWARD 1 160 Gay ton Rna J Ri chmonJ, Virginia 2 233


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