CELEBRATE Embracing Growth and Change
A New Model to Help Challenged Teen Girls Founded 30 years ago by a passionate social worker in Jacksonville, Florida who knew that young at-risk girls needed special academic and counseling a en on, Pace Center for Girls is today a thriving not-for-proďŹ t network of unique academic and counseling centers across 20 ci es in Florida that has served over 40,000 at-risk young girls. Pace Centers are part high school, part counseling center, part family and part sanctuary for many challenged young girls aged 14-18 who are unable to succeed in the public school system and are on the path toward juvenile jus ce or delinquency. Pace provides girls and young women an opportunity for a be er future through a model that integrates academia, counseling, life management instruc on and a three year a er graduaon program. Pace Miami values ALL girls and young women in our community - no ma er their story, their history, their race, their economics, their grades, their challenges- believing each one deserves an opportunity to ďŹ nd her own voice, discover her poten al and strength, and celebrate a safe life deďŹ ned by responsibility, dignity, serenity and grace.
PACE MIAMI OPENS ITS DOORS IN 2014 nowing that Miami is the most populated and diverse city in Florida and the need to serve many at-risk young girls was high, PAC Center Miami was launched in the Allapa ah district of Miami, Florida in 2018. oday, serving appro imately 0 teen girls a year, Pace Center Miami is both a full- edged high school and counseling center that runs from 30 am to 3pm year-round with core academic classes such as nglish, Math, cience, istory led by dedicated cer ďŹ ed teachers, along with a full sta of counselors who meet with the girls daily. Girls at Pace Center Miami, who are selected a er thorough review and assessment by the Pace Miami team, arrive to our Center with comple and challenging stories of family and life obstacles that get in the way of their success within the public school system or that has put them on the path toward juvenile jus ce system. ach year, Pace Center selects the most needy young girls who apply, and welcomes them into the Pace Miami family, introducing them to a clear set of life values and behavior code that is respec ul and posi ve. As a result, the commitment to e cellence and compassion at Pace Center Miami is unwavering, both in the recruitment of competent and caring teachers and counseling sta as well as the in the quality of the physical facility itself, which is o en seen as a sanctuary for the girls. t is a priority of the leadership of Pace Center Miami to maintain the facility as a bright, safe and upgraded facility where the girls feel valued.
Miami Donors change lives! As a non-proďŹ t en ty, Pace Center Miami depends on generous grants, corporate dona ons and individual donors to make the e perience a transforma ve one for these girls, o en forgo en and marginali ed, who are in most need of care and a en on to redirect their lives toward the posi ve. At Pace Miami, we have seen the transforma onal power that e ists within our donors to these girls. ur donors, supporters, volunteers, teachers, counselors and everyone who gives of themselves to Pace girls is bringing the limitless power to change actual lives of our girls who live in our city and who can one day become valuable contribu ng members of our community. e have that power and this is where you can make a real, tangible di erence in a young girl s life.
ecu ve
irector Sherry Thompson Giordano
PACE Center for Girls of Miami 1400 3 th treet, uite 200 Miami,FL 33142 Ph 8 -2 4-24 0
Pace Center Miami Works ur girls have a history of trauma and family instability
Long-term trauma drives a set of survival behaviors that are self-destruc ve
Long-term trauma drives a set of survival behaviors that are self-destruc ve
ere are a few facts that illustrate trends a ec ng our girls and our successes of the impact of Pace Center Miami
TRENDS OF PACE MIAMI GIRLS 16 117# 77% Xx Xx 24%
Average age of girls of girls served in 201 Academic Fiscal year that failed one or more public school classes, prior to PAC add another stat add another stat who had a prior juvenile arrest
outcomes & impact 72% of girls who mproved academically across all core classes 97% of girls who had no involvement w criminal jus ce a er 1 year of Pace Miami 67% of girls in who con nued on to higher educa on or gainful employment a er Pace Miami
Join us: Together We Can Impact! nce a year, Pace Center Miami hosts a very special gathering of Miami s top philanthropic, community and civic leaders who are commi ed to the growth of Pace Miami girls
5th Anniversary Pace Center of Miami Believing in Girls Luncheon At this not-to-miss dynamic and emo onally-rewarding gala luncheon and award ceremony, Pace Miami celebrates a year of growth, success and accomplishment. ringing together many of the currently-enrolled top performing Pace Girls who get the opportunity to shine in public alongside all of our most generous Philanthropists, onors, Corporate ponsors, Civic Leaders, olunteers, eachers, Counselors, Partners, Friends and Family, the luncheon is the Must-A end Miami Charity vent of the ear ach year, at the elieving in Girls Luncheon, Pace Miami also recogni es outstanding Pioneers of Miami- ade who have reached new heights of stellar contribu ons as well as our At-promise Girls who take the stage to tell their story of transforma on and triumph that leaves the room speechless with their authen city and eloquence. e are proud to announce that 2018 marks the th anniversary of this year s elieving in Girls Luncheon is scheduled for hursday, ctober 2 , 2018, at the historic Colonnade otel on Miracle Mile in Coral Gables.
JOIN OUR LUNCHEON’S FAMILY OF LEADERS #CHANGEALIFE Miami- ade s corporate en es, both public and private, are o en searching for ways to make their Corporate ocial esponsibility e orts really impact our community in a way that is aligned with their company s values. Pace Center Miami understands the needs of a C program and is adaptable to crea ng custom opportuni es for corporate sponsors and partnerships. Pace Center Miami is an innova ve op on that can uniquely demonstrate the direct beneďŹ t of corporate support and par cipa on as it impacts real Miami teen girls whose lives are changed because of their corporate contribu ons - whether in kind or in cash -, our girls lives are changed because of it. Pa eMiamiSponsors elie einPa eMiami Ma ePa eMiam Pa eMiamiGirls le
JOIN OUR LUNCHEON’S FAMILY OF LEADERS e are pleased to make a special invita on to our corporate partners to e plore new sponsorship opportuni es at our 2018 PAC Miami elieving in Girls Luncheon that have not been previously o ered in prior years. hether in digital ac va ons that can marry your brand iden ty to Pace Center Miami s digital and social media footprint or in print and on-site event marke ng opportuni es, Pace Miami can customi e branded beneďŹ ts to suit your C needs. As a premiere elieving in Girls Partner, corporate sponsors will have the opportunity to have engaged and relevant co-branding with Pace Center Miami targe ng a highly a rac ve consumer enga base of in uen al Miami- ade leaders who make a di erence every day with the power of their networks to create opportuni es for girls across our community. ecoming 2018 PAC Miami elieving in Girls Luncheon sponsor makes you a partner in the vision of crea ng a society in which all girls can thrive, where all girls are celebrated and given the tools they need to build a future they can be proud of. our support of this Luncheon will further your goals of promo ng the success of women and girls throughout the country by equipping the people who serve them, advocate for them, and invest in them to make the best decisions with the latest data. e ask you to learn more about us and to support us
THE PACE IMPACT ABOUT PACE CENTER FOR GIRLS ur girls have a history of trauma and family instability
Long-term trauma drives a set of survival behaviors that are self-destruc ve
Long-term trauma drives a set of survival behaviors that are self-destruc ve
, each girl receives interven ons powerful enough to change the trajectory of the rest of her life
nvironment that is physically and emo onally safe and responsive to the par cular needs of girls
ta who meet girls where they are and help them take their ne t step, believing in themselves
ndividual group, and family counseling Girl-centered life skills curriculum
duca onal approach that re-engages girls in learning and teaches them how to be successful in a school environment
upport for each girl in se ng her own goals and developing the skills, habits, and behaviors that will help her reach them
Girls re-enter their old world with new skills and behaviors, be er able to navigate and overcome the obstacles in their paths
nten onal strategies and processes that empower girls to advocate for themselve
mall class si es, individuali ed learning academic advising
herapeu c services that start the healing process from past trauma
Girls receive follow-up services - nce a PAC girl, always a PAC girl.
AllAboutGirls ummit.com PAC Center.org
19 girls every year
centers statewide
volunteers & supporters
total funds raised
4 dedicated sta
7 %
of girls hada prior criminal involvement before coming to PACE
were failing one or more classes before coming to PACE
had dropped out of school prior to coming to PACE
9 %
9 %
of girls have no involvement with the jus ce system as a result of PACE
of girls improved academically as a result of PACE
were in school or employed a er PACE
Testimonials Precious Precious has been at PAC Miami for almost a year and says PAC has helped her in many ways. ince ve been at PAC , ve almost doubled by GPA. For me this is a really big deal because ve struggled in Math and mul ple subjects since ve a ended school. ve taken the Math C three mes and did not pass. hen came to PAC everything changed for the be er. passed the test with ying colors. ot only did PAC help me with my school but they have helped me to break down a wall that built out of anger. hen first began to a end PAC was very troubled and windows always seemed very bleak for me. PA PAC gave me hope, faith, and showed me love.
Sofia ofia made many mistakes and was going down the wrong path. he did not believe she would ever graduate from high school. Li le did she know that coming to PAC was the beginning of new opportuni es. he ini ally believed PAC had too many rules and too li le freedom, but she then reali ed it was the love, support and caring spirit she received at PAC that helped her to e cel. he caught up academically and graduated on me the same year as her twin brother. PAC helped me to believe in myself again. PAC never gave up on me and for that will always love them
SHEALA Growing up, things were never handed to haela, and she has worked e tremely hard for everything she has. he endured a par cularly rough patch in her life as a pre-teen. he was involved in a physical fight that resulted in her entering the juvenile jus ce system. oon a er, haela was referred to PAC Miami. er life changed dras cally. PAC helped her overcome the challenges that kept her from achieving many of her dreams and goals. haela said, his e perience was so surreal. didn t think was going to get so much out of this program. PAC is one of my greatest journeys encountered in my childhood.
Meet the girls