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April 2014
Neighbourhood Plan A Neighbourhood Plan for Stradbroke? What does the future hold for Stradbroke? What's going to happen with schools? How many shops, if any, will we have in 10 years time? Will there be any jobs in Stradbroke? Will there be any new housing developments? If so what, when and where? These are some of the fundamental questions that we need to ask in order to prepare a Stradbroke Plan for the next 10 to 20 years. This is the "The Neighbourhood Plan" Planning strategy, policy and decision making in the past has always been "top-down". Local councils having little say in major planning decisions. It was more or less dictated at a higher level. All that changed in 2011 when the government introduced the concept of Neighbourhood Plans. These are prepared locally by the community and then, once endorsed by the District Council, give the community the Statutory Right in law to manage the plan. In other words once the plan is agreed, we the parishioners of Stradbroke, decide what we do and when we do it. Preparing a Neighbourhood Plan is not a trivial exercise. It will take about 2 years to complete and will impact everyone in the village. Consultation is fundamental in order to demonstrate that the plan is what the community wants. If the community does not support the plan it will not be approved and decision making will stay "top-down". The first and most important consultation meeting is on May 19th. This is when we will decide whether or not to make a plan. Everyone is invited to come to a meeting in the Community Centre to be given the opportunity to discuss the idea, and what it means. At this meeting, after debate and discussion, we will take a decision. If there's no interest or people seriously want to leave decision making with the District Council then this is what the community will decide. If the decision is for a neighbourhood plan to be prepared, we will be asking for volunteers to help and be part of the process. You will be hearing more about Neighbourhood Planning in due course but put the date in your diary: May 19th - 7:30pm in the Community Centre It is your village – come and help in planning the village for the future.
Don Darling
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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970.
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Fleurs Artisan 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.
PAUL GODDARD Telephone 01986 784594
Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk
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A place of new beginnings. We welcome you to join us. April Diary Sunday Services each week at 10.15 am Speakers 6th Rev G. Lee 13th J. Ling 20th Easter G. Catling 27th S. Johnson We welcome you to join us --- our activities for April Praying together Discipleship Explored Cameo Lunch Club Discipleship Explored Drop in For Coffee
Monday 7th 7:30pm Tuesday 8th 7:30pm Wednesday 9th 12:30pm Tuesday 22nd 7:30pm Wednesday 23rd 10am
Spring----Easter In the garden next to our small pond and well camouflaged by ornamental grasses a duck is quietly incubating her clutch of about a dozen eggs. We look forward, and will enjoy seeing the yellow fluffy ducklings emerge, take their first steps and swim in the pond. Some are very brave and will literally hurl themselves into the water whilst others are less adventurous and proceed with caution. Spring is always exciting, new life, fresh growth and the promise of summer fruitfulness are among the things that we all look forward to.Equally Easter arrives in the spring time each year with its promise of new life, new growth, and potential for the future. God’s love, as the creator is evident in the wonderful world we inhabit, and His love extends to the giving of Himself and willingly dying for the things we do wrong. But the greatest news this year and every year is that Jesus rose from death on that first Easter morning. And His promise remains that as we believe in Him we too can share in new life, new growth and the potential of life everlasting. The Bible tells us that;God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Women’s World Day Of Prayer Fri. 7th March Daphne reports.. We had the privilege of hosting this special event. It was a mildspring day and by 2pm every seat was filled, as people from nearby churches and chapels joined together in faith and friendship. The service was prepared by the Christian women of Egypt with the theme “Streams in the desert”. The service progressed with various people taking part as they portrayed how a river in such an arid land can bring it to life; trees, food, crops and flowers transforming the desert. There were a couple of hymns with which we were not familiar, but in no way did that diminish the enthusiasm for the singing. Thank you to all who took part or supported us. After the service everyone enjoyed a cup of tea and chatted with friends old and new. A prayer: Lord we thank you for all Christian women around the world who shared in this special service. We pray especially for women, children and the elderly who suffer in war torn areas; often fleeing not only their homes but their countries of birth.Please grant to aid workers the strength and courage to continue their work, often at risk to their own lives in providing shelter, food and water. We thank you Lord for the water that gives us life. Amen For further details please contact: John 388751 Jackie 384112
Stradbroke Good Neighbours Our telephone number is 07749445531 :- can we help you ? Need someone to check your smoke alarm? Need a lift to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done ? With ever increasing fuel prices we have revised our journey charges and will inform anyone phoning for a lift the cost of their journey. We would appreciate at least 24 hrs notice and look forward to being of service. If you are new to the village there is a Good Neighbour Welcome Booklet that could provide useful information. If you would like one please contact :07749445531
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke
Services: 6th April 11.00 am Village service followed by Coffee/Tea 13th April 8.00 am Holy Communion Palm Sunday & 5.00 pm Celebration of Lay Ministry with re-commissioning followed by tea & cake 18th April 2.00 pm Service of readings, prayers and reflections for Good Friday 20th April 11.00 am Holy Communion for Easter Sunday followed by Coffee/Tea 27th April 8.00 am Holy Communion & 4.45 pm Tea and cake; 5.00 pm Informal service 4th May 11.00 am Village service followed by Tea/Coffee Rev Susan Loxton 01379 388493, Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Rev Susan.
All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee The March Cake Stall raised £105.75 and Roland sold several potatoes for the Village Show. The Pancake and Beetles evening was most enjoyable. Thanks go to the Baptist Chapel for their facilities. Winner was Ellen Nunn, Booby was Betty Whatling. We raised £134.15. The Art Exhibition forms have gone back. At present we have over 200 paintings already back. This is from 30th April – 5 May. Our thanks must go to our sponsor, Rattlerow Farms Ltd, who paid for some of the postage, many, many thanks!. We are also looking for another sponsor to help with the remaining postage. The Art Preview is on 30 April with wine and nibble. Tickets £7 from Mary Ellis. Mary Ellis
A Message from Rev Susan Dear Friends & Neighbours, I cannot tell you how much I have appreciated your prayers, support and good wishes over the past four weeks. I think those weeks have been the most difficult I can ever remember. The first couple of weeks I was relieved to be in hospital receiving treatment and I was feeling so unwell that I knew I was in the best place. Even the next few days when I began to feel better I looked upon the enforced confinement as a gift from God! There was time to take stock of my life and ministry; peace and quiet; time to be alone with God – even though some of it was quite hard emotionally. However, I found the last few days very difficult to cope with; I was homesick, I missed my family and my church family. God gives priests a great love for the people in his or her care. I know we don’t all always see eye to eye, that would not be human, but nevertheless we are the family of God here in this beautiful part of the country, I think we should all take a little time often to give thanks for one another. I am still healing, I will not be back to work for a few weeks, but please be assured of my continued love and prayers. God bless, Susan
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Street Farm, Laxfield Road
Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm
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Stradbroke Parish Council
The Parish Pump!
Next meeting of the Parish Council
14th April in the MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL 10 March 2014 Community Centre 18 members of the public attended the meeting. PUBLIC FORUM The meeting was advised that a new website was progressing and would be ready for testing soon. Don Darling’s daughter was thanked for her professional expertise. A resident addressed the meeting on the subject of a planning application for consideration. PLANNING: Applications for consideration: Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: Planning approval granted for: 3684/13 Demolition of existing single storey rear extension. Erection of 1 1/2 storey extension and 2x single extensions to rear elevation - Prospect Farm, Laxfield Road 0553/14 ash tree – to be pollarded rather than re-reduced as it is too small for its surroundings. Cherrytree – reduce back to previous points; remove ivy from the main; reduction cuts by 6ft - Farthings, Church Street Approval recommended unanimously for the above 0367/14 single storey extension to rear of property. Amended details to previously approved 2613/12 - 3 Priory Close Refusal recommended for the above (7 in favour of refusal; 1 against; 2 abstentions) 0455/14 internal and external alterations including new opening to dining room, insertion of rooflight, removal and replacement of stud wall partitions, removal of window to bathroom and new opening to kitchen (LBC) - Harvest Cottage, Queen Street Approval recommended for the above (majority vote; NMS did not participate – declared interest) Approval recommended for the above 14.12.2 Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: Planning approval granted for: 0088/14 crown reduce sycamore tree (T2) by up to 25%.Yew tree (T1) to be reduced and shaped as required - The Ivy House, Wilby Road OTHER PLANNING MATTERS: To suggest a suitable name for the development of three new dwellings Land at 4 Westhall. Tilbrook Close had been suggested for this new road. Research, by a resident of Westhall, showed a long-time landlord of The Hempsheaf had been one Harry Tilbrook. Members agreed unanimously that this was most fitting. OTHER BUSINESS: LIBRARY & COURT HOUSE: the lease would be signed in the very near future. The Post Office proposal was now out for consultation. Please make your views known either online at consultation@postoffice.co.uk in writing to FREEPOST PO Consultation (this is the full address to use – nothing else required). The closing date is 03 April 2014. SPEEDWATCH: funding for equipment still awaited, although it had been confirmed. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANS: a public meeting would be held in the Community Centre on 19 May 2014 so residents can become more informed, support for a plan can be gauged and volunteers can make themselves known. If a Plan is to proceed the backing of the village will be needed and a good deal of help (of various kinds) will be sought to bring it to fruition. POLICE NEWS: two crimes had taken place since the last meeting. PCSO Kane Martin stressed the need to remain vigilant over vehicle security CONTACT NUMBERS: If there is an emergency continue to dial 999 but if you just wish to report an incident or seek advice please use 101. VACANCY: Members decided against co-opting at this meeting as it had been intimated that there was other interest and there had been little time since the initial advertisement. There is not a definite time limit for co-option so if you are thinking of putting your name forward please contact the Clerk or any Councillor. Members of the public are very welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and to bring matters of concern or information to the attention to Members in the time allocated to the Public Forum, which takes place prior to the start of every meeting. Minutes of the meetings are held in the Library. The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the Community Centre at 7.30pm on Tuesday, 22 April 2014. The next meeting of the Parish Council: 14 April 2014 at 7.30pm Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy tel: 01379 384679 email: clerkspc@thesmys.com **please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**
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Egil & Sue invite you to discover... See our typical menu online at www.ivyhousestradbroke.co.uk
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Life in the Legion Rev Ian Byrne, Vicar of Bungay, spoke to us this month about his time in the army, and his work now which includes being Chaplain to the County Police Force and a motorbike courier for emergency medical supplies. Rev David Streeter gave the vote of thanks from the sixteen members and guests present. We discussed our Annual Dinner on Thursday, 27th March, Our Guest Speakers will be John Farmer, CBE, past National RBL Chairman, and Terry Hunt, Editor of the East Anglian Daily Times. Dennis Bloomfield, the Vice-Chairman, has written a report on the future Group Structure of the County RBL and the election of trustees. Officers from Fressingfield, the only other active branch in H Group will attend a meeting to discuss it. Bernard Mills gave his treasurer’s report, and Joyce Cooper told us how the pupils at Worlingworth Primary School burst balloons filled with poppy seeds to mark the 100 years since the beginning of the First World War. A similar event took place at Stradbroke Primary School on Wednesday, 26th March. At Stuston Farm Shop, Jeremy Laurie is selling Easter Eggs for the Legion. We meet on Thursday, 10th April, at Laxfield King’s Head at 11.30 am when Allan Williams will speak about Age UK Suffolk. “A Happy Easter to all our readers!”. Michael Burton, Branch Chairman
W.I Our March meeting proved to be a very busy one indeed, but also a very interesting one. In the business section Carol Darling gave a detailed report on the governments’ National Pollination Strategy’ for the protection of bees, underlining their great importance to the world. Irene then gave a full account of five member’s recent visit to the Federation Annual Meeting at Trinity Park, where the main speaker was Roy Hudd. In a nutshell it was a brilliant day with superb speakers, greatly enjoyed by the 600 strong audience. Roy Hudd was an absolute delight and had the hall ringing with laughter from the moment he started his talk. A highlight for Stradbroke was the Chairman’s Cup being awarded to Gwyneth Harris and her team their part in the design and layout of the Suffolk Show. Following our 2013 National Resolution to support our High Street Shops, Wendy Reeves read out the letter she had drafted to the Spar Organisation deploring their lack of interest in providing Stradbroke with a much needed general store. This was greeted with much applause from the members. Our speaker this month was our very own Prue Rush who talked to us about her life as a student nurse in the late 1960s. In the days when the Matron and Ward Sisters were definitely seen and heard, and discipline was strict. Prue regaled us with stories of her training, which at times were highly amusing, and tempered them with others that were very touching indeed. Proving once again, that you have to be a little bit special to be a nurse. Jane Gemmill gave a warm vote of thanks. The evening closed with Joyce Lee thanking everyone for the beautiful flowers she received for her special birthday. Forthcoming Event:Tuesday 8th April 10.30am at Valley Farm, Coffee Morning Everyone Welcome Gill Bird
The Stradbroke Over 60s We had a committee meeting in March when we planned our meetings, trips and entertainment for the year. Our April meetings will be on 3rd and 17th. April 17th will be our AGM, followed by an Easter Tea. Joan Grimes
Wingfield Barns – What’s on this Spring? On April 5th Kit Holmes plays in Wingfield Barns. Kit’s virtuoso guitar playing has wowed audiences across the UK. Her 3 albums have featured the legendary Danny Thompson and incorporate her ‘blues driven roots with a soul sensibility’. Saturday 5th April £10 in advance £12.50 on the door. Children's activity day Friday 11th April at Wingfield Barns. Last July & August we held six activity days for children aged 5 to 11 which were very popular indeed. We are pleased to announce we shall be holding an Easter activity day on Friday 11th April 10am until 3pm. Cost per child is £10 for the day. For further details and to book a place, phone Wingfield Barns on 01379 384505 or email enquiries@wingfieldbarns.com 17th April see’s BAFTA nominee Richard Digance return, a major TV star in his own right, & heralded by musicians and comedians alike as one of the most influential comedy song writers, performers and musicians ever. Evidenced by his Gold Award from The British Academy of Composers and Songwriters. Playing at the Barns again by popular demand, tickets are £15 in advance £17.50 on the door. For tickets Tel 01379 384505 or Email enquiries@wingfieldbarns.com or go to wegottickets.com Wingfield Barns,Church Road, Wingfield IP21 5RA Sue Preston
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Stradbroke Primary School This week we went to Norwich Puppet Theatre to make our very own rod puppets! It was very exciting and at the start of the day we wasn’t sure how to make our puppets but we were shown how! It was extra fun. We got to chose from loads of materials, beads and patterns. We created lots of different puppets ranging from princesses, animals, space aliens! They all had different outfits created for them. We are now going to make short films using our puppets and write stories about them. It was a great, exciting and fun day out which links to our topic work! Jessica Brown, Aged 8 & Toby Gurney-Savage, Aged 8
Friends of All Saints Thank you so much to those who supported us at the “Soups and Puds” on 1st. March, we all had a great lunch and made over £200, which was very gratifying. On Saturday, 3rd. May, is our Annual Church Path Plant Sale, from 10.00 am onwards. Please remember us when you are dividing your herbaceous plants and pricking out seedlings; let’s hope this year will be the perfect year for gardeners!! Look forward to seeing you all there - the Art Exhibition will be on in the Church and they be serving Coffee and Cake! Margaret Streeter
Stradbroke High School Stradbroke High School Equestrian Team On Saturday 15th March 2014 our School’s show jumping team competed at their very first competition at Topthorn Arena. The team consisted of Daisy Atkinson, Imogen Sheldrake, myself and three lovely ponies. We all arrived at 11.45am to ensure that we had plenty of time to warm up the ponies and walk the course. Mrs Turner came to support the team with her daughter Cara who very kindly helped us all warm up and also walked the course with us. We were the first team in the ring out of fifteen other teams (72 riders) and everyone did really well for our first time, but sadly we were just out of the placings. I was lucky enough to compete in the individual competition where I came equal first. We had a very enjoyable day and are looking forward to our next competition on the 12th April. Thank you to Mrs Turner and Mr Bloom for allowing us to compete on behalf of the school. Shannon Smith, Year 10 Pupil
Wingfield and District Gardening Club Dr. Tom Cutler F.R.C.P. FLS came in February to give us a fascinating talk on The Chelsea Physic Garden. The Herb gardens were built on the basis of the Garden of Eden, the first in England being at Oxford in 1544. Hans Sloan acquired the Manor of Chelsea plus the grounds (today 3 ½ acres). He had travelled to Paris and Montpellier and also Jamaica, producing a fabulous book on its plants. The British Musuem was founded on his legacy. The plants are in “order beds” with members of the same family, good and bad, in the same bed. In 1773 the Rock Garden was formed around the pond, glass houses made for the mediteranian plants, herbs were studied for their effects and many drugs developed from them. We meet again in April for a quiz and members tips at Brundish Village Hall on Thursday 24th April. For further information contact Caroline on 01379 384674
Lottery Bonus Winners 33 P. Chinnery, 45 C. Westrup, 5 D. Cracknell, 8 D. Cracknell. £48 donated to Art Exhibition. £48 donated to Stradbroke Football Club. Mary Ellis
Fareline Coaches Good News! From April 2014 our 121 service from Stradbroke to Woodbridge and Ipswich will now operate on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, departing from Stradbroke Church at 09.20hrs. As we do not get any subsidy for this service, its success will depend on public support. Fareline Day Excursions Thursday April 10th Lowestoft Thursday April 17th Woodbridge & Felixstowe Adults £9, Under 14s 6.50. To book a place, please call 01379 668151 or 07850 940445
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Cleverley Repaired Cars Valley Farm, New St, Stradbroke Car Service, Repair and Modification to the Highest Standards. Sports and classic cars a speciality, but all cars catered for. Collection and return. Courtesy car available Call Michael Cleverley on 07501336499 at any time to discuss your needs. Find out what good service and value really is.
Email: crcmx5@gmail.com www.mx5expert.com
My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website www.mycare-athome.co.uk We are also recruiting NOW - We need exceptional people who love to care.
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Stradbroke Library LIBRARY AND SCALT NEWS I expect you have all heard the exciting news about the Post Office opening in the library. We can’t say when it will be open yet because we have quite a bit of refurbishment work to organize and training to do but watch the Parish magazine for updates. Call in at the library for a leaflet about the proposed opening times and the services that will be available at our Post Office Local. I very much look forward to being the Post Mistress! Stradbroke Courthouse and Library Trust (SCALT) are negotiating their lease with Suffolk County Council to run the rest of the Courthouse that is not used by the library. We hope to be signing that lease imminently and then the work will begin to finish the café and community space that we plan to open alongside the library and Post Office. Our plan is to bring together, in one community building, (The Courthouse), a range of complimentary, services including library, café, Post Office, photocopying, local, parish, district and county information, internet services ,and local historyarchive. When this phase of our project is up and running we plan to develop the upstairs of the Courthouse as a broadcasting/recording studio where Radio Stradbroke will have a home as well as housing the Webb and Girling photographic village archive that the library holds. On Saturday May 10th at 7.45pm at the Community Centre SCALT is promoting a performance of ‘Beauty’s Legacy’ by the brilliantly innovative theatre group ‘The Keeper’s Daughter’ The Keeper’s Daughter present: BEAUTY’S LEGACY Or The Modern FrankensteinPart Bladerunner, part Frankenstein, part Slimming World! Beauty’s Legacy is a sci-fi comedy/drama about revered geneticist Victor, who, using his maladjusted lab assistant as a guinea pig, creates the most beautiful, stylish and vain monster the world has ever seen. This sets off a whirlwind of events that threaten to tear apart his career, his marriage and all known society. Utilizing a strong visual style and an electronic soundtrack by pop noir soulsters Mirrors, Beauty’s Legacy rips through media culture, tears open financially obsessed societies and examines the value of the legacy we leave behind. Please come and support the Courthouse project and the Keeper’s Daughter. Tickets are available from Stradbroke Library 01379 384768 or call 07599537405 to book. Maureen John Library Manager and chair of SCALT
Friends of Stradbroke High School (FOSH) Time for a spring clean or a new washing machine? Free skips for scrap metal @ Stradbroke High School On Saturday the 26th of April 2014, between 8 am and midday, two large rubbish skips will be made available in the Stradbroke High school car park for the collection of scrap metal, lead or aluminum. Everyone is welcome to use them to dispose of old washing machines, tumble dryers, BBQ's, bicycles etc - frankly anything that's metal!! The Friends and pupils of the High School, will also be on hand to help you unload. No fridges or freezers please. All profits raised will be spent directly on the High School pupils. If you are really unable to deliver the item to the High School, then individual local Stradbroke collections can be arranged by phoning the School Office on 01379 384387. Many thanks for your support. Match Funding for the Friends of Stradbroke High School Do you work for a company that offers "match funding" for Charities fundraising such as Barclays or HSBC Bank? If so this could really help the Friends of Stradbroke High School increase the monies raised to spend on our pupils. If able to help please call Nigel Brown on 07771 838957 A date for your Diary: Stradbroke High School CARnival - 13th Sept 2014 10am - 4pm Following the huge success of the car show at the High school last year, we intend to hold it again on Saturday the 13th of September 2014. We are currently booking arts and crafts stallholders, local businesses and fun event activities for all ages and we welcome owners of Classic Cars and Bikes to take part in this years annual display area. Please call Linda James on 01379 383987 or Nigel Brown on 07771 838957 for further information. Nigel Brown
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Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987
Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709
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Forthcoming Events
Stradbroke Cinema Our next film is on Thursday, 17th. April, we are showing “The Butler”, at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. The Bar will be open and ice-creams on sale in the interval. Entrance is £5.50. Set against the tumultuous political backdrop of 20th century America, epic drama The Butler tells the story of White House butler Cecil Gaines who serves during seven presidential administrations between 1957 and 1986. The film begins in 1926 and follows a young Cecil (played by Forest Whitaker) as he escapes the tyranny of the fiercely segregated South in search of a better life, ultimately leading to him becoming a butler at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The Butler takes an unashamedly ambitious sweep through history and personalities. The parade of presidents alone – from John Cusack’s scheming, perspiring Nixon to Alan Rickman’s pompadoured Reagan – provides a kind of panoramic pop-up entertainment. News Extra - “Railway Man” on May 15th. Margaret Streeter
Stradbroke Church Village Show The Annual Flower, Vegetable and Produce Show, will be held on Saturday 26th July 2014. Potatoes & Buckets for the “heaviest crop in a bucket” will be on sale at the cake stall in Church Street on Saturday 8th March 2014. Show Schedules will be available in the Bakery shop and the Library. Any inquiries to Roly Copping 01379 384839 Any enquiries to Roly Copping 01379 384839
70s/80s and a touch of 90s Disco Disco at Syleham Village Hall, on Saturday 5th April from 7.30pm. In aid of Stradbroke High School year 11 prom, Raffle, Prize for the most appropriately dressed (for that era!!) and Refreshments. Tickets £5.00 adults and £3.00 for under 16s. Please call Gill Johnson on 01379 388862 to book a ticket. Come and dance 'round your handbags with us!! Many thanks Gill Johnson
Classic Vehicle Rally & Country Fayre 2014 Bungay Area Lions Club is holding another Classic Vehicle Rally & Country Fayre in the grounds of Earsham Hall, Bungay, NR35 2AN on Sunday 4th May, 2014. There will be plenty to see - classic cars, motorcycles, tractors and both commercial and military vehicles. Other attractions on the day will include food and craft stalls, licensed bar, trade stands, auto jumble, children's games, entertainers and workshops. Funds raised from the event will go to local Lions causes. Gates will open from 10am until 5pm. Entry to the public will be £3 for adults - under 16s free. Bungay Lions invite you to a great day out for all the family. If you have a vehicle to show, you can obtain a registration form for free entry from: Michael Gardiner, Tel: 07599 935113 Email: michaelegardiner@hotmail.com Website: www.bungaylions.org.uk
Music quiz in aid of Colostomy Association Friday 23rd May at Laxfield Village Hall, Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start. Maximum for 4 on a team, £20 per team. Please bring your own drinks and nibbles as we are trying to maximise the fund raising! Please note this is for fun, so no semi-professional DJs if you please! Also a raffle with great prizes. To book your table, please call Caroline 01986 798422
2nd hand book fair at Eye Church Friday 25th April open 11am - 4.30pm and Saturday 26th April open10am -3.30pm. Thousands of books for sale at bargain prices, fiction, non fiction and children's books. Fill a bag for £5 from our pews! We are only accepting limited donations of books this time as we have filled a portacabin with books already. Please only bring donations if you have called Sue on 01379 384558 first so that we can be sure to need what you have to bring. Sue Watson
SYFC car wash Stradbroke Youth Football Club presents another amazing car wash! Saturday 10th May 2014 9am – 12pm at the Stradbroke Community Centre Car Park. Free tea and coffee. Bacon Rolls available if you feel peckish and indulgent. At £4 per car - you can't do better! Tracey Kellett
Norfolk and Norwich Kidney Association cash bingo Norfolk and Norwich Kidney Association on behalf of their patients are holding a cash bingo evening, including raffle, at 7.30 pm on Friday 25 April at Stradbroke Community Centre. Jan Chapman
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EYE FLOORING Making Luxury Affordable ONLINE @ www.eyeflooring.co.uk DOOR MATS AVAILABLE AT UNBEATABLE PRICES Domestic & Contract Flooring Specialists *Carpets *Vinyls *Safety Flooring *Carpet Cleaning Free Estimates The Old Theatre, Broad Street, Eye, Suffolk, IP23 7AF 01379 870190 / 07850 573366 OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY FROM 9AM ALL MAJOR CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED
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MARK BANCROFT PAVING SERVICES Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing Family run business with over 25 years experience Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618
Based in Laxfield, where I can offer: • Hot stone, sport, remedial and seated Massage • 121 Pilates workshops • Equipment tasters, stability ball, foam rollers and wobble boards • Pamper ‘get together’ Other services •Group Pilates classes in Debenham and Framlingham. •Mobile massage in the local area. •Onsite seated massage for business or friends Please contact me to find out more ….. Nikki Hambling 07899888778, email nikkihambling@gmail.com www.orchidfitness.co.uk
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Vine House, Church Hill, Hoxne, Eye Suffolk, IP21 5AT THAT CHAIR, SETTEE, ANY TYPE OF UPHOLSTERY SOFT FURNISHINGS, curtains, blinds, cushions, etc. FOR PERSONAL ATTENTION
Tel: 01379 668545 Mobile: 07702 265206
Forthcoming Events
Page 17
Radio Stradbroke Radio Stradbroke certainly never let the grass grow. Amazingly, there are only two more 'Sunday Sessions' left: DJ Wally on April 6th & Professor Kimberley on April 13th , but these just serve as the hors d'oeuvres to another pioneering broadcast. Easter marks the 50th Anniversary of the start of Pirate Radio. To celebrate the great & the good of Radio Caroline & Radio London, between 10am & 4pm on Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th is sixties weekend. All the Radio Stradbroke DJ's will be there playing songs from that era, with all the original jingles, brief biogs of the legendary DJ's from the pirate ships, and news headlines from those years, plus a live set from 'Tell Her' on the Sunday, proving that 60's music spans the generations. Also, in a cross 'channel' venture there will be 2 editions of 'Roskos Round Table' where the DJ's discuss a few of the great songs from the decade. Log on to: www.stradbroke.org.uk . If you are a certain age, it will bring back some great memories, if you are not, you can find out more about the birth & development of pop music. Excited? I am. Michael Hugman
Concert Overlord To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the D Day Landings. Where? Stradbroke High School. When? Saturday 31st May. Doors open at 7pm for draw ticket and bar sales. Entertainment provided by The Sheringham Shantymen. To begin at 7.30pm. Entrance by ticket, *cost only £5*. available at Rolfes Butchers, Stradbroke and Horham Post Office. Joyce Cooper
Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre AGM The Annual General Meeting of Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre is to be held, in the Webb Room, on Tuesday, 20th. May at 7.30 pm.. ALL WELCOME. We are looking for people to join the management team, in particular a Chairperson. Margaret Streeter
Stradisphere Music Festival Stradisphere 2014 – STRADBROKE'S MUSIC FESTIVAL 5th & 6th SEPTEMBER Stradbroke will soon host the first music festival of this type, bringing our region’s best Bands and Acts as well as the two of the UKs finest tribute acts Bootleg Boss (Bruce Springsteen) and Kings Ov Leon (Kings Of Leon) to the community centre playing fields. The festival will be ticketed to a limited audience of 499 paying guests. This is a great opportunity for the community to enjoy a family friendly festival. The site will be controlled by a professional security team to ensure smooth running of the event and entrance will by Ticket Only. Food and a licensed bar will be available throughout the weekend. Tickets will be available from £25 per person with under 14s going free as long as they are accompanied by a paying adult. Tickets are available from The Queens Head, Stradbroke Library and The Laxfield Royal Oak. Proceeds from Stradisphere will go back to the community via SAS so a sell out show will enable the community to benefit from a substantial cash injection from the organisers. Alongside the bands playing will be two acts from "Stradbroke Cathedral & Cars” and “Cities of Gold” giving them the chance to play on a professional laid out stage and sound crew something that many acts would relish. We have also thought about the weather, booking a Circus style big top tent for the main stage and other marquees for the bar and second stage so you can forget the umbrella, as well as the weather the marquees will also act to contain the sound. Sounds will be projected away from local residents, all music will be finished by 22:30 again to alleviate any disruption. Again we are hoping this will be a fun packed day for all ages to come and enjoy the food and fingers crossed the sun too. For further information on other musicians you can visit the website www.stradisphere.co.uk and where there is also a link to our facebook page. Softfoot Concerts (Brett Baber 07712 168755) and SAS (Don Darling 388098)
Wilby WI jumble sale April 5th, Jumble Sale in Wilby Village Hall 10am – 11.30am in aid of Wilby W.I. Come and get some bargains, there will be other stalls as well. Mary Ellis
Stradbroke Good Neighbours Stradbroke Good Neighbours Coffee Morning and AGM. Monday May 19th 10.30. In the Club Room at the Community Centre. All welcome to join us for coffee before our AGM. Jane Gemmill
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News and Views
Letters To the Editor I just want to say a big thank you to all my lovely friends who sent cards, flowers, fruit, wine and even left my favourite coffee and walnut cake etc etc whilst and after my recent operation and especially to Moyra who fed my husband and even did some gardening. Cannot thank you all enough for your support.. June Hampson My grateful thanks to all those kind friends and neighbours who have been of such help, both before and after George passed away – thank you all very much. Joan Barthorpe
You don’t have to be a Farmer to be a Young Farmer! There are many youth clubs and charities for young people to get involved in but none as unique as Young Farmers Club (YFC). There is a new Junior YFC that has started in the Framlingham area, this club is aimed at 10 – 16 year olds that would like to get involved in YFC. The club, called Alde Valley, meet at Framlingham College (unless stated otherwise) fortnightly for all kinds of activities, educational or just a bit of fun! Joining your local Young Farmers' Club could be the gateway to a whole world of new opportunities. From meeting friends you will keep for life, to discovering a skill you never even knew you had, enhancing your CV, compete in competitions, there is so much more to Young Farmers than wellies and tractors! An opportunity to get more involved in the club is available for the members, for example they can become part of the committee to run the junior club which would be great on their CV for extracurricular involvement. There is a programme that is organised by the club leader however the junior club members get a chance to say what they would like to do for example agricultural activities, sport, art, life and vocational skills, as well as competitions that help develop the public speaking talents. The competitions programme is at the heart of YFC and is enjoyed by virtually every YFC member each year. It is a brilliant motivator for club members to have a go at something new and broaden their experience. For a chance to get involved come along to our next Alde Valley meeting, which is at 7pm, 25th April for a Valuation Talk at Framlingham College. Contact Izzy for more Alde Valley information. Mobile: 07776 166072 Email: izzy@suffolkyoungfarmers.com Website:www.suffolkyoungfarmers.com SUFFOLK YFC COUNTRY FAIR 27TH APRIL AT EASTON FARM PARK, ADULTS £5, UNDER 16s GO FREE Horse Show, Dog Show, Dog Agility, Vintage Tractors, Birds of Prey, Donkeys, Side Attractions, Trade stands, Ring displays and much more... Izzy Botfield
Harleston's Future The end of six months planning means the beginning of a year of hard work to implement the resultant plans and means there’s no let-up in the quest to secure Harleston’s future. The result of that six months of planning by a team of volunteers, the 2014 Harleston’s Future Action Plan can now be viewed by clicking on http://www.harleston-norfolk.org.uk/docs/Harlestons-Future-Action-Plan.pdf Chris Aldrich, Vice Chairman of the Harleston’s Future Town Team and whose company, Red Dune Marketing designed the action plan, said ‘”Much as we would have liked to show the plan off back in January, we didn’t want to set hare’s running by releasing the plans before we knew we had funding. The original use for the document was to secure funding from South Norfolk Council’s ‘Market Towns Initiative’, which it has achieved. Now that we know what plans we can implement, we have released it into the public domain”. Four working groups, Events, Marketing, Environment and Funding, are all now busy putting the teams’ plans into action. Amongst the busiest is the Events Group, run by Nicky Stainton of Wilderness Stores in Harleston, which ran the successful community event on March 4, the revival of Harleston’s historic Pancake Races. Their plans also include the teams first go at a major event, the Antiques and Vintage Street Market, in June, as well as much more. The Harleston’s Future Town team is now seeking to strengthen both its marketing and funding groups and would like to hear from volunteers with matching experience. The Team is also creating a new ‘Well-Being Group’ to further plans such as the ‘Village Screen’ mobile cinema and other similar projects. If you can volunteer to lend your skills and experience to sustaining the future prosperity and well-being of Harleston, please contact Town Team Chairman Paul Stephen on paulstephen2@btinternet.com or 0786-7531817. Paul Stephens
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Accounts, Bookkeeping, PAYE, VAT Returns, Personal Tax, Corporate Tax Initial meetings are FREE 01379 890656 www.jamiepretty.co.uk info@jamiepretty.co.uk Office 5, Rickinghall Business Centre, Allwood Green, Rickinghall, IP22 1LQ
BUMBLE COTTAGE B&B 1500 Thatched Suffolk Long House Very private setting off road parking 01379 388908 07949142985 www.bumble-cottage.co.uk Email. suzihales@hotmail.co.uk
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News & Views
A View from the Gallery How does that song go? Spring is in the air, Spring is in the air . . . and I apologise if that tune is in your head for the rest of the day but that is how it felt at an Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on 17th February at the Community Centre. Since we last talked there have been two open meetings – the first was a delight to witness. It was an ‘Extraordinary PC’ meeting held to discuss the future of The Neighbourhood Plan. Audience attendance was good and that was a real bonus because this issue requires the village to care and get involved. So here goes: Three councillors and the clerk attended a forum in Sudbury to understand fully what this plan is all about and what it will mean to the village. I will leave the full explanation to them as very soon there will be a public meeting in which all will become clear. If you have a view and/or care about future planning in our village, then I hope to see you there. No date was given at this meeting so please read on. The second meeting was the monthly PC meeting and once again the session was well attended. It’s a delight to see such interest. A quick look down the agenda and only one point jumped out and that was ‘The election of a new Council member’. However, before that took place the Chairman gave his monthly report in which he called for the Council to look to the future. He asked them to consider whether they, as a Council, should be taking a more pro-active role within the village and in particular towards businesses – NOT in respect of their commercial side but more as to whether the Council should and could be more supportive. Slightly stunned, Councillors made various comments and agreed to return to this issue at the next PC meeting after more thought. The Chairman invited them to come back with ideas and suggestions. Like I sing ‘Spring is in the Air . . . . ‘. Now to come to that PC Election – well that was also put back to a future meeting. It was agreed by Councillors that not enough time had been allowed for ALL candidates to put their names forward. Last month the Parish Magazine which carried the advert, was unavoidably delayed. This put prospective candidates who did not usually attend PC meetings at an unfair disadvantage so the postponement decision was made. So that was it really, not a great deal to report other than a date for your diary. The Neighbourhood Plan meeting is to be held on Monday 19th May at the Community Centre. Meeting over, I leave the Community Hall mentally skipping all the way home. I can hear the birds singing, and that tune revolving in my head but above all tonight, although the wind is still blowing it did stop raining!! Ann Readman
Fairtrade news Shop inside Eye Parish Church opens Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays 11am – 1pm. The REAL Easter Egg. This year we have purchased 60 of the Meaningful Chocolate Company’s Real Easter Eggs – a chocolate egg made with fairtrade ingredients that contains a bag of chunky fairtrade buttons. But most importantly the packaging also includes a booklet outlining the Easter Story – and it reminds us that Easter Eggs are a symbol of hope, new life and the risen Lord Jesus. Now all we need are shoppers to come and buy the eggs to share with family and loved ones – each egg costs £4 - please come and buy them nice and early to avoid disappointment. The Church shop also has a nice stock of Easter cards and other gifts for the celebration. Don’t forget that the profits we generate on our sales either go towards the work of the Church in Eye, or to international development charities. If you would like to volunteer a little time to help keep the shop open please do get in touch – whether you have regular free time to give or just could go on our on call list to cover holidays and emergencies. Contact: Sue Watson 01379 384558
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Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307
Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 Vegetable Plants ( Cabbage, leeks, onions, red onions, lettuce, Broad beans etc.) all available now. Tomato, Cucumber, Pepper and Aubergine Plants available from April Bedding Plants, Hanging Basket Plants all available now Hanging Basket made up to orders Or if you have any enquires do either come and see us or phone us We would be glad to hear from you :)
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club You can't say you weren't warned! The social event of the year is just around the corner. HORSE RACE EVENING is on SATURDAY 12th APRIL at the COMMUNITY CENTRE. First race is 7:30pm. It will cost you just £7 per person, which includes Fish & Chips. There are 8 races on DVD, betting facilities, the chance to own a horse for just £2, money prize to the winning owner of each race, bar, raffle, fun. What more could you want? To ensure there is enough food, please book with me on 384433 by Tuesday 8th April or on 07796-465347. Please support our event. Before that, on Sunday 6th April to be precise, it is Nat West Cricket Force Day. Volunteers are welcome to help prepare for the new cricket season. There is painting, grass cutting, rolling, erection of nets, & tidying the shed. Not very exciting, but necessary. On the field, the first league fixtures are Sunday 27th April (Woodbridge) & Saturday 3rd May (Bury St.Edmunds), both at home. The club is devoting a lot of time on developing the youth section this year, it is the lifeblood of Stradbroke CC. Watch this space for more details. Likewise we are looking to restart plans for a ladies & girls team. There is a lot going on. See you on April 12th. Michael Hugman
Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Warm, sunny weather, it must mean that its time for outdoor bowling to begin. Our green opens on Saturday, 26th April at 2.00 p.m. We would welcome anyone who wants to try bowls, or a returning bowler who might have just moved into Stradbroke, just come along and have a go, you will only need completely flat soled shoes, bowls will be available and also someone to guide you through the basics. What could be nicer than being out in the fresh air on a sunny afternoon. Hope to see you on the 26th April. The roll-ups will continue as last year on Wednesdays and Saturdays 2.00 - 4.00 p.m, commencing Wednesday 30th April. The President's cup competition, which is normally played on our opening day, will now be played on the 10th May at 5.30 p.m., all members are very welcome to take part. Lily Lofts
Stradbroke Badminton Club The following details the club’s league results since the last issue. Ipswich Men Div 5 Mar 06 Stradbroke 7.0 Kesgrave 2.0 Mar 12 Stradbroke 4.0 Hadleigh 5.0 The Ipswich men’s league games for this season have now all been played and resulted in Stradbroke taking third place. Ipswich Mixed Div Mar 13 Stradbroke 4.0
Aldeburgh Men's Mar 20 Stradbroke 2.0 Mar 20 Stradbroke
Hollesley 4.0 Thorpeness
Game cancelled by Thorpeness
The following is a message from Rick our chairman our chairman which is self explanatory. Club nights remaining this year are all Tuesdays up to and including May 6th with the following exception: No Badminton April 8th or 15th The Aldeburgh Tournament is Sunday the 6th of April at 1:30 and costs £5 each, including bar snacks afterwards. It is played at Hollesley Bay Prison. So you can say you spent the afternoon in jail. It is open to all Stradbroke members and match players and matches are adjusted to play amongst your own standard. If you win you keep going up the ladder and play harder games or visa versa. Let me know if you are interested. Rick. Roy Lee
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THE GARDEN ROOM At FOALS GRANGE, WILBY Bed and Breakfast Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.
To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873
Web Site: www.foalsgrange.co.uk
For your Lawnmower & Small Engine Repairs and Servicing Tel: Peter Cleveland on 388306
Magnolia House, Wilby Rd, Stradbroke Tel: 01379 384097
Page 24
Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA
eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.
Fiona Patrick’s Therapies Unwind & Relax‌ *Massage * *Hot Stone Therapy* *Indian Head Massage* *Reflexology* I am only in Brundish, just give me a call or e-mail 01379 388458 - Fiona@fp-therapies.co.uk
Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
Page 25
Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by
Hilary Hadingham Order now for Weddings, Dinner Parties, Table Centres, and much more. Free Local Delivery 01728 638156 07780 612549
Fault Diagnosis, Servicing, Maintenance & Repair 2 The Street, Brundish, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 8BL Tel: 01379 384714 Mob: 07776 232745
2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke - 01379 384208 - Claire Evans Wedding Dresses Evening wear , Prom Wear’ and ‘Mother of the Bride’, Jewellery and other Accessories.
Do call before your next special occasion ---Opening Times--Tuesday – Friday 10.00am -2.00pm At other times by appointment
Page 26
Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties Wedding Receptions If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together” at
STRADBROKE SPORTS & COMMUNITY CENTRE Tel: 384439 for information & bookings
Steven Pleasance Carpenter and General Builder
Tel - 01379 388653
From hanging doors To Complete builds 01379 388253
E J BROWN Builder 42 Years in the trade
Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates
Extensions /period renovations From a new plastic door to a complete rebuild. (01379) 388180 mob 07765 617702 ellis.brown@sky.com
(01379) 384689 Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
Sports Roundup
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Stradbroke Football Club We lose some, we win some. This is this season's story. Versus Woolverstone won 6 - 0 Versus Tattingstone lost 7 – 0 Versus Barham lost 5 – 0 Versus Waterside lost 4 – 0 We hope the injury caused to Harry Cook is not too serious. He was taken to hospital against Waterside. The club wish him well. The March bingo raised £85.75. The April Cash Bingo is on April 11th, see you there. Mary Ellis
Stradbroke Youth FC SYFC U13s match reports - A great way to end the season March 9th - AFC Sudbury 2, Stradbroke Youth 19 The opposition was short of 2 players so we agreed to playing 9v9. This created much more space for the players and with our superiority the result was soon a foregone conclusion. Giles' agility in front of goal left AFC defenceless on many occasions and he could easily have scored double figures if he hadn't been substituted. Keiren, as Man of the Match, made some superb crosses which the opposition couldn't handle and even managed to score direct from a corner with George desperately trying to get a touch for his first goal for the club. Olly running tirelessly as ever got on the score sheet with a solo run and neatly pushing the ball past the keeper. Ben got on the score sheet too with a pirouette in front of goal to hook the ball into the net. Harvey got his biggest goal tally of the season (four) as he worked hard in defence and then scored a hat trick in the second half. Lewis also came close to scoring in the second half as he played his best performance to date. Robert was cool and calm as usual but failed to get on the score sheet this time. Similarly Sam was awesome in defence and midfield in the second half and was desperately unlucky to score with some great distance shots. Jack (the sniffer) as always made his mark with 3 excellent goals. Finally, Owen (usually in goal) scored his first goal for the club. This was the first time all season that Owen had the opportunity to play out on the field and he didn't disappoint making several goals for others and scoring one himself. This was also an opportunity to let some of the more experienced players sit on the subs bench and let the younger boys enjoy the playing time. Final goal tally Giles 6, Harvey 4, Jack 3, Keiren 3, Ben 1, Olly 1, Owen 1. March 16th - Stradbroke Youth V Stowmarket Town No sooner than the whistle had gone, Jack Smith had the ball in then net with a long lofted shot from outside the penalty area. The keeper caught off guard could only parry the ball into his own net. The rest of the first half was fairly even and Owen made some good saves as the Stowmarket took advantage of the strong tail wind. Both Giles, Luke and Keiren all had chances at the other end but their keeper was in good form and made excellent saves. Defensively we were under pressure but both Ben and Sammy were excellent and even when they were caught out, Harvey was there to cover. In the second half we were much more adventurous and had by far the better chances. Jack and Luke both miss kicked when the goal was staring them in the face. Keiren and Giles had several good shots saved by the keeper. Olly making one of his excellent penetrating runs through midfield and into the penalty had the ball pinched just as he was about to shoot. Rob was as ever key to centre midfield and despite carrying an injury from training managed to play for most of the game. Both George, Lewis and Bradley coming on as substitutes made important contributions to the game and ensured we didn't slip up. George’s good passing nearly led to a goal, Bradley was good in the tackle and passed sensibly and Lewis had a great chance to score only to be stopped by a good tackle. Giles finally sealed the game's fate with a typical sniffer's goal slipping the ball under the keeper into the net with only 10mins to go. Giles then got his second close to the end with an exceptional volley across goal as the keeper came out to get the ball. A great result for a great game. No MotM this time because everyone got a Mars bar! Epilogue SYFC U13s finally finished 3rd in the division, our highest position since the club began and thoroughly deserved by the effort of all the boys. Mike Readman who started this team 4 years ago, many of whom still play, would be very proud of them. They have always worked hard, played well together and are a very friendly group. They are always willing to help and never criticise each other on or off the pitch. They are a truly great bunch of lads and it was an honour to take over where Mike left off. Don Darling
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SAGA The Stradbroke Allotment and Gardeners' Association are about to celebrate two years since we were formed even though the allotments have only really been going for a year and half. We are always looking for new members whether you have an allotment or not, and now that things are settled down we are sorting out various events, some for members and others open to everyone. Things to look out for are the Cake, Plant and Preserve stall on Saturday 10th May from 9.00-11.30am, this is held on the wide drive just past Foulshams on Church Street, just before the road turns into New Street. Later in May Peter Smith has kindly agreed to give a talk and demonstration about Bee Keeping, this will be held in the Allotment Shed and will undoubtedly involve a looking at the proposed site for the allotment bees. This is open to everyone, there will be a small charge going towards the allotments, if enough people are interested we will also discuss the idea of a Bee co-op, hopefully one day we will have allotment honey! Check next months parish magazine for the date and details. After last years successful grand open day of the whole site we have decided to have an Allotment Open Day on Sunday 2nd August from 11.00-3.00pm, there will be plants and produce on sale, your chance to look around the allotments and speak to allotment holders. Refreshments and food will be available and there will be a wildlife walk around the whole site with a leaflet showing what flowers, insects, birds and animals you may see. We look forward to seeing you there. Helen's Allotment notes. Such promising weather lately! If you didn't get your onion sets in in March then put them in now. Its not too late. First early spuds should be in at the end of March and the rest around the mid to late April. Don't be tempted (unless you have no other option) to get them in too early as frosts will set them back if not kill them. Remember the snow in May one year? Potato beds should have ideally been dug in the Autumn, but if like me they didn't, then you have three options. 1) Get digging now and work over the whole bed well to produce a friable loam. Then put potatoes in individually in holes or trenches. 2) Dig a trench, fill with compost or rotted manure then put the potatoes on top and back fill. This method means you don't have to dig the whole bed. 3) I like this one and I did this last year with excellent results, Just weed the worst weeds out, put down a layer of compost or rotted manure on the bed. Place the potatoes on the surface and cover with straw. No doubt I will do all three this year as I get busy with other growing stuff and run out of time. Never be afraid to experiment. Each year holds different adversities and trying new things even if you are an old hand may be the difference between an abundance and a failure. We have three plots left and they are going fast. I get phone calls and emails quite frequently enquiring, so don't be shy, make a difference to your diet and your pocket and call me soon. Helen Pleasance 01379 388253. Luke Heydon
Show off your garden this summer for the Hospice Are you proud of your garden? Then why not show it off this summer in aid of St Elizabeth Hospice. The local charity is looking for green-fingered supporters to open their garden to the public between May and September this year. Whether your garden is traditional or tropical, cosy or large, by opening it for one morning or afternoon and charging an entrance fee you can make a difference and help St Elizabeth Hospice provide local Hospice care for local people. Fiona Ginn, St Elizabeth Hospice’s Community Partnerships Fundraiser, said: “Last year around 15 gardens opened to the public across Suffolk raising money for the Hospice and this year we’re hoping for more. If you think your whole village is full of pretty gardens, why not get together with your neighbours and open numerous gardens across the village?” To find out more, please call 01473 723600 or email fundraising@stelizabethhospice.org.uk St Elizabeth Hospice improves life for people living with a progressive illness in East Suffolk and South Norfolk. It costs £9.1million a year to run and relies on fundraising, donations and the income generated from its shops to meet the majority of these costs. Sam Catling
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Acorn Foot Health
Roger C Griffiths BSc (Econ) Dip Soc Sci PGCE, MCFHP MAFHP
Church Farm Bungalow, Rishangles, Eye, Suffolk IP23 7JX
Foot Health Consultant Home Visits, Care Homes and Private Clinic Verruca Treatments, Ingrown toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for Diabetics, Foot Health checks and all nail conditions. For appointment Tel: 384873 Mob 07724073328 eMail : griffithstwo@aol.com Some evening appointments available
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Charges at competitive prices.
BOOTY BUILDERS GENERAL BUILDERS THE BRAMBLES, LAXFIELD Renovations Alterations Repairs Listed Buildings Sectional Buildings Joinery New Houses Extensions
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Keeping in Touch: Dan Poulter, MP
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My first priority as your local MP is to help build a better future for our children and grandchildren. A key part of giving each and every local child the very best start in life means ensuring that we invest in the right care and support to help new mums and families bring a baby into the world. The birth of a new baby is a very exciting time but it can also be a challenging experience, particularly for first time parents. There is a new life to look after and to take responsibility for; relationships can come under strain. It is often the health visitor who provides that vital help and support to new families. Working as an NHS maternity doctor, I have seen firsthand the positive difference that health visitors make. Not only do they ensure that baby is healthy, growing and developing well, but they also give help and advice to mum and dad on parenting skills, breastfeeding and preparing nutritious meals for a young child. The work of health visitors is vital in improving the health and life chances of a new born baby, and the care and support provided to mum can also help reduce the effects of post natal depression. Given the huge benefits of health visitors, it may come as a surprise that 4 years ago there were not enough to properly support each and every new family and baby. So, as a Government Health minister, it has been a priority for me to ensure that we train more health visitors to help every child to have the very best start in life. Numbers are now on the rise with almost 10,000 health visitors working in England in the last 2 years; an increase of about 1800. In parts of Suffolk numbers have almost doubled and continue to rise. Through my role as a Government minister, it is a great privilege to oversee the growth in the health visitor workforce and to bring benefits to so many local families. Every new baby and family in Suffolk deserves to have the dedicated care and support they need and I am pleased to be playing my part in giving our local children the best possible start in life. I hold regular constituency advice surgeries locally to help people who have problems. If you think that I may be able to help you, please contact me on 01728 685 148, or email me via www.drdanielpoulter.com. For more information please visit www.drdanielpoulter.com —————————— ~~~~ —————————
Stradbroke Village Website Add your Sports or Social Club to the village website directory ‘Listings 2014’ All Stradbroke Monthly advertisers receive a free listing on the website, and this is now available for all clubs in the Stradbroke area and surrounding villages. Its easy to do go to stradbroke.org.uk and click “Add a Listing”, sign in (or sign up) and tell the world what you want it to know! What days do you meet? What times? Etc... Want to give something away free to a good home? Follow the same instructions, and choose “Free to a good home” to list your item and tell people how to get in touch with you!
Village Diary April Stradbroke Badminton Club at High School 7:30–10pm every Tues (not 8th/15th Apr) 1st st 1 Contact Club in community centre at 10am and every Tuesday. Table Tennis in Community Centre @ 7.15pm and every Wednesday 2nd rd 3 Over 60s meeting - see inside Wilby WI jumble sale in Wilby village hall 10am - 11.30am 5th 5th 70s & 80s Disco at Syleham Village Hall from 7.30pm iao High School Prom Kit Holmes at Wingfield Barns (see inside for details) 5th 6th Nat West Cricket Force Day – volunteers needed! See inside for details th Radio Stradbroke “Sunday Sessions” with DJ Wally @ www.stradbroke.org.uk 6 8th WI Coffee Morning at Valley Farm from 10am. Everyone welcome. Baptist Cameo Lunch Club 12:30pm 9th 10th Fareline Coaches Excursion to Lowestoft (see inside for details) RBL meeting at Low House, Laxfield, 11.30am 10th th 11 Children's Activity Day at Wingfield Barns 10am - 3pm (see inside for details) Cash Bingo, in aid of Stradbroke Football Club. Community Centre 7.30pm 11th 12th Stradbroke Cricket Club Race Night, 7.30pm at Community Centre 13th Radio Stradbroke “Sunday Sessions” with Professor Kimberley @ www.stradbroke.org.uk 14th Parish Council Meeting 7:30pm at Community Centre Over 60s meeting and AGM - see inside 17th th 17 Stradbroke Cinema presents “The Butler” 7 for 7.30pm, Entrance £5.50 17th Richard Digance at Wingfield Barns (see inside for details) 18th **ARTICLES FOR MAY EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE** 19th & 20th Radio Stradbroke “Sixties Weekend” 10am – 4pm @ www.stradbroke.org.uk 22nd Annual Parish Meeting 7.30pm at Community Centre rd Baptist Church Drop in for Coffee 10 – 11:30am 23 24th Wingfield & District Gardening meeting, Brundish Village Hall 7.30pm 25th Norfolk and Norwich Kidney Association cash bingo at Community Centre @ 7.30pm 25th Eye Book Fair 11am – 4pm at Eye Church Eye Book Fair 10am – 3.30pm at Eye Church 26th th 26 Stradbroke & District Bowls Green re-opens. 2pm. All newcomers welcome. 26th Stradbroke High School Scrap Metal Collection from 8am – 12 noon. See inside for details 27th Suffolk YFC Country Fair at Easton Farm Park 30th - 5th May Art Exhibition, All Saints Church - see inside for details May 3rd 4th 10th 10th 10th 19th 19th 20th 23rd
Friends of All Saints Annual Church Path Plant Sale, from 10am Classic Vehicle Rally & Country Fayre at Earsham Hall, 10am to 5pm - see inside for details SYFC Car Wash Stradbroke Community Centre Car Park 9am – 12pm Cake, Plant and Preserve stall 9am – 11.30am, Church St, near Foulshams The Keeper's Daughter present “Beauty's Legacy” 7.45pm (see inside for details) Stradbroke Good Neighbours Coffee Morning & AGM, 10.30am in Community Centre Club Room Neighbourhood Plan Meeting at Community Centre at 7.30 pm AGM of Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre in Webb Room at 7.30pm Music Quiz iao Colostomy Association 7pm for 7.30pm at Laxfield Village Hall
Please send all articles to parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. Articles for inclusion can also be submitted via the website - hit the green button on stradbroke.org.uk
Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.