Remembered with Honour
Sunday 30th July, 1922 at 3pm, one hundred years ago this year, the war memorial, which stands in the centre of our village, was unveiled by RT Hon Col. Lord Henniker and dedicated by the Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich. The whole village came together to remember those who served and lost their lives during the first world war, little realising that more names would be added in time.
Unveiling the War Memorial 1922 - Webb Series -·Stradbroke Village Archive (
Today the memorial bears twenty-five names in Remembrance: WW1
Eli Holmes ª Edward Pipe ª Arthur Norman Augustus Keeble ª Frank Bernard Elvin ª Alfred C Webb
Frank Thirkettle ª William E N Hugman ª Charles E Clarke
Walter Burridge ª Charles Aldous ª Frederick Honeyball James Edwin Nunn ª William Larter ª James Mann Ernest Hawes ª Ethel Mary Tate ª Arthur C Rutter
George L Chambers ª Kenneth George Cowling ª Roland Walter Lines Arthur John Norman ª James Chambers ª Donald Burchan Moore
James D Grigg November 2022 No.487
Unveiling of the Stradbroke War Memorial, 1922 at
Ann Readman, SARA
Sponsored Page
Local Churches
Stradbroke Baptist Church
Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk, 01379 388 744
You are most welcome to join us this November at the Chapel:
Worship Services: Sundays: 10:15 Worship Service Thursdays: 13:30 Share & Prayer Time (Meeting in the Chapel Hall)
Friendship Lunch: Wednesday, 9th November commencing at 12:30pm Reservations please to Bruce before the Tuesday 8th.
Monday Mardle: (A Warm Place) Every Monday between 9am – 4pm in the Chapel Hall Drop in for a cuppa, come along with your little ones for some socialization, (Parent and Toddlers play area) have a light lunch with your friends, (Lunch donation £2:50 including vegetarian options) take part and have some fun with Rummikub, scrabble, chess or other board games. We also have puzzles and some general reading materials. You are welcome to pop in at any time throughout the day and stay as long as you like… The heating is on us!…Something for everyone to enjoy!
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:1-2
There are two great questions a person can ask. Firstly, “Who are You, Lord?” Secondly, “Lord, what do You want me to do?”
A young Navy officer was assigned to take a destroyer out for the first time on open water. He had an impeccable training record and soon got the deck buzzing with action. As he barked out commands here and there the destroyer quickly set sail, just like clockwork, and they were away out to sea in record time. A short while later the young officer received a message from the captain. It read: “Young man, you’ve done an excellent job. You’ve done it with great speed, with dispatch according to the book, but said the captain, there’s an unwritten rule that you’ve overlooked. The next time you set sail, make certain the captain is on board.” No matter how wise we are, no matter how good our training is, before we set out each day, let us make certain the captain is on board that we are going in the will of God. Have you crowned Jesus as your captain for the storms of life that lay ahead?
Please let me know if I/we can pray for you or your loved ones. Grace, mercy and peace to all, Bruce 01379 388 744 or 07484 219 265 or
Stradbroke Good Neighbours
Stradbroke Good Neighbours are continuing to take people to hospitals and Drs etc. We can have help from porters at the hospital if needed.
Good Neighbours. 07749445531
• Door to door dial-a-ride service
• Weekly members outings throughout the year
• Group hires for not-for-profit organisations
Borderhoppa Outings for November 2022
Monday 7th – Taverham Garden Centre – Fare £15.00
Monday 14th – Norwich City Centre – Fare £15.00
Jane Gemmill and the GN Committee
Monday 21st – Highways Nursery & Shopping Centre – Fare £10.00
Monday 28th – Lunch at The White Horse, Stoke Ash – Fare £7.00
To book or for more information please call 01379 854800 or visit our website
Page 3
Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke
Revd Canon Susan Loxton 01379 388493, Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069
If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Canon Susan Services:
6th Nov 10.30am Informal village service, coffee and biscuits before and afterwards.
13th Nov 10.50am Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial and afterwards in the Baptist church 20th Nov 8.30am said Holy Communion
4th Dec 10.30am Informal village service and Gift Giving, coffee and biscuits before and afterwards For other services across the Benefice, see church noticeboard. Also find us on our website: for all the activities across the benefice. Village service in December is our traditional Gift service. We ask people to donate unwrapped gifts for adults or children which are taken to Diss Salvation Army who arrange parcels and boxes for those in need or on their own at Christmas. Bring the gifts along and join in with the informal service, everyone welcome.
New! Come along to the Court House Café on Wednesday mornings from 2nd November for company, chat and coffee any time from 10 am to 1pm. See more details on the back page of this magazine.
All Saints Church Fundraising Committee
We had a cash bingo on 14th October. We raised £94. Our Christmas Hampers are now taking shape and tickets are now on sale at £1 each. These are available at the Festive Craft Fair on October 29th. We have lots of stalls selling Christmas presents in the Community Centre 10-2. Our last cake stall on 1st October raised £143.18 Thank you for all your donations. Our next events are Cash Bingo on 9 Dec when the Hamper will be drawn and a Christmas Cake Stall on 10 Dec 8.30am onwards in Church St. Thanks to all who supplied goods and raffle prizes. Any new fundraising items for 2023 please let me know. Many Thanks
M Ellis 01379 384642
From the Rectory
Dear Friends and neighbours, As another year passes I think I am getting a bit grumpy! What makes me say that? Well, as I was thinking about November, I was reminded of the wonderful neighbourly bonfire nights we had when I was a child. The women would prepare jacket potatoes and tomato soup. The men would buy the fireworks and make sure they were kept in a tin, and the children and young people would gather the wood and make Guy Fawkes for the fire.
As a child I loved the whole event and the fireworks brought wonder and delight! The reason for my grumpiness is because now I think about the cost of the fireworks and money going up in smoke! It makes me feel sad to think that as we grow older we lose the wonder and delight we experienced as a child over so many things; a shell on the beach, an ant carrying double its body weight or flowers just blowing in the wind. So how can we hold onto the wonder of simple things? One website suggests 7 secrets of maintaining childlike wonder: Smile when you feel like it, be kind, don’t be selfish with words of encouragement, be curious, try looking up to the sky and wonder about the clouds. Good advice except I think I would change the first one to smile even when you don’t feel like it – you never know who needs one!
At the end of the month Advent begins, a time of hope and looking forward to celebrating Jesus’ birthday. It was the angels that brought hope and good news to the people in the Christmas story, look out for some this Advent….
Page 4
God bless, Susan
Page 5 Gas Safe plumbing and heating installer. Amanda Stoner Chiropodist/Podiatrist Surgery at Stradbroke, by appointment only. Call 01379 384126/ Mob 07985 377891 Diploma of Podiatric Medicine 25+ Years experience HCPC registered - No CH18193
Parish Pump
Next full Parish Council meeting is scheduled for: 14th November 2022 MEETING OF STRADBROKE PARISH COUNCIL – 10th October 2022
Planning Applications responded to: DC/22/02971 – Roger Skinner Ltd, Queen Street, IP21 5HL reconsultation. The original response to be revised to take into account the additional information uploaded on the planning portal – no change to the objection and recommendation for refusal. DC/22/04791 & DC/22/04747 – Proposed conversion of redundant outbuilding to residential dwelling. Home Farm, Neaves Lane, IP21 5JS. Support subject to recommendations in bat survey. DC/22/04930 – Notification of Tree Works in a conservation area – reduce 1 willow (t1) to be reduced by approximately 40%. Albany Lodge, Queen St IP21 5HH. No comments will be submitted
Outcomes of planning applications decided by Mid Suffolk: DC/22/03191 – Foxgrove, Queen Street IP21 5HH. GRANTED DC/22/03302 – Land north of the Beeches, Meadow Way. GRANTED DC/22/08751 – Fig Tree Cottage, New Street IP21 5J.J GRANTED DC/22/03374 – Hubbards, Queens Street IP21 5HG. GRANTED DC/22/05917 – Land to the South of New Street. GRANTED DC/22/04031 – 56 Westhall IP21 5HP. WITHDRAWN DC/22/03166 – Jubilee House, 7 Meadow Way IP21 5JW GRANTED DC/22/02387 & DC/22/02140 – 2 Town House, Church St. IP21 5HT GRANTED DC/21/04083 – Land adjacent to West Winds IP21 5HU APPEAL DISMISSED DC/22/04792 – Tall Trees, Drs Lane IP21 5HU (formerly land adj to West Winds) Discharge of Condition 3 GRANTED
Parish Council updates:
• The annual audit has been concluded with no matters raised.
• County Broadband has started work installing the fibre network in the village.
• Cllr Wisbey and the Clerk attended conferences on Rural Transport and Highway Safety.
• A CIL bid is being prepared to help fund upgrades at the Health Centre.
• Issues with graffiti at the dug out on the playing field have been dealt with.
• An increase in the charge for the use of the community shed was agreed to help cover the increased costs being incurred by the Council.
• The Council is liaising with Suffolk Highways’ Community Liaison Engineer to move the 20mph project forward.
• The data received from Suffolk County Council from the permanent traffic counter on Laxfield Road now includes information on vehicle types.
• A priority order for projects which can be funded using CIL was agreed.
• An application form for village groups/organisations to apply for CIL was approved.
• An updated Parish Council action plan was approved.
• The outcomes of the annual ROSPA inspection are under review.
• A contractor was agreed for the urgent works required to the Chapel at the Cemetery on Laxfield Road.
Odile Wladon (Clerk) Mobile: 07555 066147
Email: Website: PC Facebook:
Address: Mill Hill House, Church Lane, Wickham Skeith IP23 8NA
Page 6
From the Chair…
Many thanks to all who attended our consultation about the future development of the health centre and those who responded to our consultation online. The Parish Council is proposing to upgrade the Doctor’s surgery building to ensure energy efficiency, increased capacity and accessibility:
- By installing energy efficiency measures, the building will be a more pleasant place to work and visit.
- Improved access from the car park alongside an accessible counter will ensure equality for all.
- Additional consultation and storage space within the current foot print, should eventually enable the Medical Practice to increase the opening hours and therefore the number of appointment slots available.
Working with the Doctor’s surgery and having reviewed the responses to the consultation we have now submitted a bid for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money from Mid Suffolk District Council.
Congratulations to Stradbroke Primary School on their successful Ofsted inspection! The school has been judged to be "Good" overall but was graded as "Outstanding" for Personal Development and Pupil Behaviour. This is a real credit to the staff and pupils of our village primary school – well done! Our next meeting will take place on Monday 14th November at 7.30pm in the Court House – all are very welcome to attend and you can talk to any item on the agenda in our public forum at the start of the meeting.
Speed awareness
James Hargrave, Chair of Stradbroke Parish Council
When I’m out doing speed enforcement, it’s important those drivers pulled over are not simply issued a Traffic Offence Report and sent on their way, but that the opportunity is taken to have a conversation with them about their speed.
While in Yaxley recently, I stopped four drivers consecutively who were all over the 30mph limit on Mellis Rd. I thought it odd, as all four were driving nearer 40mph than 30mph. It’s unusual to find four drivers, all doing around the same speed. They all told me they thought they had left the 30mph limit & were in a 40 zone.
This then lead a conversation about observation and making sure they knew the limit of the road they were on at any given time. I then asked three of the drivers if their car was fitted with a speed limiter. The reason I asked only three of the four, was that speed limiters have generally only been fitted by manufacturers since that time, and the fourth car was too old to have a limiter. Vauxhall however, have been fitting them to their vehicles for a longer period.
The reaction from the drivers upon being asked this question ranged from, “I think it does, but I don’t know how to use it” to “I have no idea Officer”.
Speed limiters work by restricting the maximum speed the vehicle can be driven. They can be manual or automatic, the former having to be set by the driver, the latter or “smart” limiter working in conjunction with the vehicle’s GPS or Sat Nav which tells the vehicle electronics the speed limit being driven through & automatically setting the limiter accordingly.
All can be over ridden by the accelerator pedal being applied fully to the floor which re-instates normal pedal control, without the sudden increase in speed normally associated with such driving behaviour. The benefits in preventing excess speed are obvious; No chance of the driver facing a speeding ticket or prosecution and a safer environment for pedestrians and other road users.
If you car is less than five years old, please check the owners’ manual or ask the supplying dealer if your model is fitted with a speed limiter and learn how to use it. It could save your license or even a life.
Simon Green, PC 187, Community Engagement
Page 7
Here’s my advert!
How long can I have my advert in the Monthly?
Advertisements are taken for a full year 01 Sept to 31 August. How much will it cost?
Charges are dependent on the location of the advertiser as follows:
Stradbroke based: Quarter page £52 pa Eighth page £37pa
Non Stradbroke based: Eighth page £47pa
Sponsored Inside Front Cover Page £25 per edition
Flyers and Inserts are not accepted.
What if I put my advert in mid year?
Payment for adverts listed part way through the year is on a pro rata basis. Invoices are, thereafter, sent annually for payment in advance. If the space is no longer required please inform the Monthly as soon as possible! Please send your advert to
Stradbroke Bakery
· Fresh Bread Daily
· Avast range of Confectionery
· Home Made Pies and Pasties
· ASelection of Speciality Bread
· Tea and Coffee
· TakeAway Snacks
· Newspapers and Milk
· ASmall Selection of Groceries
Tel: 01379384226
Posi ve Health & WellBeing - the natural way Rachel Lead KFRP (Adv), LCSP (Phys), Cert Ed Remedial Massage, Reflexology Touch for Health – Kinesiology One-One and Group sessions available via Zoom
Page 8
Page 9 Jon Wilson Carpentry And General Household Maintenance Call for a friendly reliable service Telephone: 01379 384120 Mobile: 07867 533745 Home Improvements Kitchens Bedrooms Fencing Gates decking General maintenance & repairs Just ask. Friendly&HelpfulService FromAidy 01728 628687 9 Broad St. Harleston IP20 9AZ
Stradbroke Court House and Library News
We now have a very good selection of Charity Christmas Cards on display in the library for sale, if you buy your cards from us, you are also supporting the Library/Post Office as well as lots of other charities. We also have had a delivery of more new stock for our lovely Greetings Cards selection. Do come in and have a look. Christmas stamps are now in also and we will be selling them from Thursday 3rd November. Our Christmas Hamper draw is up and running, so come and sign your name in a square, £1 per go. You might be our lucky winner and you will be supporting us at the Court House to help support our community. The next Friday Friends Café is on Friday 4th November from 10-12pm, we hope to have representatives from the Alzheimer’s Society and Care UK there, to give some professional help to anyone who needs it.
Our Craft & Natter Group meets every Tuesday at 2pm.
The Monthly Book Group meets on the last Thursday in the month at 2.30pm. Call in for more information at the Library.
If anyone is interested in joining our volunteers who run the Court House Café please pop in and see me. We need cakemakers/café staff to help keep our popular Community café going, we open Thursday and Saturday mornings.
Maureen John Library/Post Office Manager
Radio Stradbroke
November is traditionally a busy month for Radio Stradbroke, with two outside broadcasts. We will again provide the PA and music at the Fireworks display at Archbishop Sancroft High School, in Harleston on Friday 4th, and we will be broadcasting from the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday the 13th. This has proved popular with people unable to get to Stradbroke, or live in other corners of the world. Daily broadcasts continue from 10am - 1pm daily on . Here is a reminder of the usual DJ line up: Monday - Michael Hugman, Tuesday - Marty Norris, Wednesday - Alex Pierce-Saunderson, Thursday - Michael Hugman, Friday - Richard Pierce-Saunderson, Saturday - Richard Pierce-Saunderson, Sunday - Kim Bannon. Thank you for your continued support of your local Community radio station. Michael Hugman
Our meeting was opened by Gwyneth and Roz, as Toni and Yvonne were unable to be present. Gwyneth covered the usual formalities, welcomed 2 guests, and referred to the records of our August and September meetings which were approved. She thanked our hostesses Pat and Nikki for the refreshments, raffle prizes, flowers and birthday posies which she then presented to Joy, Betty, Annie and Jenny. Joy thanked everyone on behalf of herself and her husband for their 60th anniversary card which they were thrilled to receive. They had a lovely day. Roz gave a quick update on the correspondence. Approval was given for the donation to the Poppy Appeal, before Gwyneth gave details of the Christmas dinner, how to make choices and payment. Lorraine gave a report on the High Suffolk Group meeting and Gwyneth proposed an amendment to the bye laws regarding committee members being forced to stand down after 10 years in office for at least a year. The amendment will be voted on at the Annual meeting in November. Gwyneth introduced our speaker, Edmund Nicholls, who gave a very interesting talk on ‘The Haunted History of British Pubs’. He used to give tours of the local pubs in and around Ipswich. At one pub a group of 12 staying overnight were woken in the early hours by loud banging. They all descended to the cellar where the beer barrels were all on the move! Spooky or what!! Lorraine gave our expression of appreciation. After refreshments were served, the raffle was drawn.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 10th November at 7.30pm. It will be our Annual Meeting, where we may also have two speakers giving short talks. TBA. All prospective new members most welcome.
Lorraine Dunn
Wingfield & District Gardening Club
One might think that East Suffolk was not quite the place to create an exotic garden but this thought had not crossed Andrew Brogans mind when he began to make one at Hensted. He brought 70 tons of rock from nearby Chesterfield to make a rock walkway but provided nooks and crannies for plants in which to grow. There are many hardy palms, ferns, giant bamboo and tree ferns that thrive there and none of them are wrapped up in winter! A true jungle has been created by this man who had not started gardening until he was 31. I look forward to seeing it next summer. C.
Lottery Bonus Winners
21 D Richards £50, 51 No Winner, 39 E Shelford £50 - £72 donated to Village Organisations
Page 10
M Ellis
KENT SKIPS eMail to place your advert here! A Family run business established over 40 years ago. Offering the highest quality services. Servicing & repairs of agricultural, plant and garden machinery Fabrication Hydraulic hoses Grit blasting LOLER testing Lee 07528127227
Stradbroke Primary celebrates successful Ofsted Inspection
Stradbroke Primary is delighted to announce that their latest Ofsted report has been published. Inspectors visited the school for two days in September. The school has been judged to be "Good" overall but was graded as "Outstanding" for Personal Development and Pupil Behaviour. Inspectors noted that; ''Stradbroke is a harmonious and inclusive community. Pupils delight in coming to school each day. Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. Relationships between adults and pupils are highly positive”. The report also highly praises pupils stating; "Pupils are proud of their achievements. They are highly supportive of one another. Pupils encourage each other in class and willingly share their games outside". The inspectors praised teaching and learning highly as well noting that; "Leaders’ work to promote pupils’ personal development is highly effective" and "Leaders and staff have thought about their plans for curriculum. They have designed an ambitious curriculum. It sets out the important things pupils need to learn and remember".
This is a great achievement and we are proud that Stradbroke's Primary school continues to go from strength to strength. Staff, Governors and the All Saints Schools Trust Board are delighted with this outcome. We are so proud of our pupils and delighted to share this success with the Stradbroke Community.
The All Saints Schools Trust
The Trust continues to be successful and to grow since it formed in April 2018 with five founder schools; All Saints Laxfield, Fressingfield, St Peter and St Paul Eye, Stradbroke and Wortham. We look forward to welcoming our eleventh school, Thorndon Primary, to the Trust soon. Did you know you can follow all the latest news about the All Saints Schools Trust on Twitter?
Please follow us as we will be posting latest news and celebrating the successes of our wonderful schools including Stradbroke Primary's latest successful Ofsted inspection!
Thank you!
Contact Club
Barrow, CEO- All Saints Schools Trust
The contact club takes place every Tuesday in Stradbroke Community Centre. We are open from 10.00 am for coffee and a chat, we play cards, bingo etc. There will be a small charge of £1.00 to help our funds. If you would like to stay to lunch which is served at 12.00, it is an extra £2.00. The Contact Club has been running 20 years to help the older community contact one and other, but is more important now than ever after the isolation we all faced through the Covid Pandemic. If you would like to join us on a Tuesday please contact myself. We would be happy to welcome you. or 01379 384704 Stella Goddard
5 days a week BSEVC Buses for Stradbroke
Covid-protected, door to door for work, hospitals and medical appointments, social clubs and activities, visiting relatives and friends, shopping, school college. Even more helpful now with higher fuel prices. Under 16 years: £1 per journey
Registered carers free when supporting a passenger. A range of places including Diss, Harleston. Ask about others when you book. To book: 01449 614271 Lines open 9am-4pm, Mon-Fri
Please use the bus!
Cllr Richard Smith, Suffolk County Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Transport Strategy and Waste says: “…..‘use it or lose it’ applies because if people do not use buses….they become economically unviable…...The loss of a bus service can have a highly detrimental effect on those who rely on it. “Passengers are the lifeblood of any bus service which is why I ask that if you have a journey to make…. then please consider using (the bus). …. less vehicles on the roads also means cleaner air and the reduction of carbon emissions…..of benefit to us all. “
Toni Wisbey
Page 12
NICK RUSH GARDEN SERVICES Garden Maintenance Regular Garden Garden Clearances slots available Pressure Washing Shed and Fence repairs Call Nick today Grass Cu ng 01379 388304 Strimming 07931 653197 Hedges trimmed Small Trees pruning An que Restora on Furniture, Clocks, and Barometers Ian Brown LCGI Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987 01379 677 770
Forthcoming Events
Stradbroke Cinema
Welcome to Stradbroke Cinema
On November 17th we will be showing The Outfit. An old-school thriller starring Mark Rylance as an expert tailor outwitting a dangerous group of mobsters in order to survive a fateful night. Set in 1950s Chicago this is a tightly produced and entertaining piece as Rylance’s character is quietly underestimated by the tough guys. Full of theatrical charm and composure with touches of Hitchcock’s mischief, this film keeps its viewers intrigued and surprised.
Our film for December is Top Gun: Maverick Doors open at 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm. There will be an interval half way through the film, ice-creams will be on sale and the Bar will be open. Tickets will be on sale from November 1st via the online booking system£5.50 for adults, £3 for 16s and under. Please use our online booking system, if you can, as it helps us when setting up for the Cinema. If you are unable to do so, tickets will be available using card/cash payments on the door and also at the Bar.
Full details of all our forthcoming films can be found on the Village website at Gillian
Rennie-Dunkerley and Jane Merritt
The Stradbroke Strollers
We are a community-led informal Walking Group who meet every Thursday. Please come along and join us for a friendly, gentle 45 minute -1 hour walk and chat around this beautiful Village, meeting outside the Stradbroke Court House at 10.30am. We enjoy a cup of tea, coffee and cake in the Stradbroke Court House Café afterwards. Most Mondays, meeting at the Baptist Chapel at 10am, we challenge ourselves to a longer walk of around 6 miles, enjoying light refreshments in the Chapel afterwards. Please contact Dennis or Sam for details. Unless it is really raining or blowing a gale, we will be walking! Everyone is welcome, whatever your age or abilityall you need are sensible shoes and clothing – and we look forward to seeing you on either day. Please be aware that you will be walking at your own risk but we know they will be really enjoyable walks, whatever the distance!
For more information contact
Dennis Merritt
Tel: 01379 388 382. Email:
Sam Hackett
Tel: 01379 388 872. Email: D Merritt
Circle Dancing
Circle dancing takes place in the Community Centre 2 -4pm on Tuesday 8th and Tuesday 22nd November.
Vivienne Goffee
Rummikub Club, Scrabble or Chess
The Rummikub Club (Mondays 2-4pm in the Chapel Hall – A Warm Place) All are welcome to come along between 2-4pm each Monday afternoon. Patient teachers are available to help anyone who wishes to give the game a try. Currently up to 12 meet each Monday to play. Come along and have some fun, a cuppa and a chat.
For further information please contact Bruce Francis on 01379 388 744
Anyone for Chess or Scrabble? (Mondays 2-4pm in the Chapel Hall – A Warm Place) All are welcome to come along between 2-4pm each Monday afternoon. Come and give your brain a workout and spend some time with neighbours and friends over a cuppa.
For further information please contact Bruce Francis on 01379 388 744
Nutrition and hydration in later life
On Wednesday 9th November 2022, 2pm – 3:30pm
Join us to understand the importance of nutrition and hydration in later life. Meet our Head Chef Daniel who will share hints and tips on keeping healthy and hydrated, discuss the dining with dignity approach at Hartismere Place, prepare a selection of tasting samples and host a Q&A.
To book your place, call 01379 888483 or email To learn more about the home visit Hartismere Place, Castleton Way, Eye, IP23 7DD
Caprice Geisha
Page 14
Page 15
of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing.
of drives and patios.
The Original Stradbroke Village Website! Now in its 20th year the Stradbroke Village Website brings you news, views and information about Stradbroke.
Specialist in all types
Pressure washing
Family run business with over
years experience. Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed. For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618
Page 16 Delivered Home cooked food Freshly made, delicious and healthy. Winter Soups Dairy and Gluten Free The perfect pot to make it easy, delivered frozen ready to reheat whenever you need to. Contact Francesca for menu & details: WhatsApp 07548 470601 or email FOR A FREE QUOTE PLEASE CONTACT Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel : 01379 388174 Mobile : 07759956627 GUTTERS CLEANED OR RENEWED. WOOD WINDOWS REPAIRED OR RENEWED BROKEN GLASS REPLACED. Bargeboards,Cappings,and facias repaired or renewed. NO JOB TOO SMALL B.C.GODDARD INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTER & DECORATOR FOR A FREE QUOTE PLEASE CONTACT DOROTHY SINFIELD UPHOLSTERY
Forthcoming Events
Free! Festive Fun!
On Sunday 11th December 2022 from 3.30pm to 6pm at All Saints Church, Stradbroke
Come and join us for an afternoon of festive fun for all the family. Bring the children to meet Father Christmas. See the Christmas Lights switched on while listening to some carols. Refreshments will be served throughout the afternoon. Any donations received during the event will be distributed evenly between All Saints Church, Stradbroke allotments and the Friday Friends Café C Stebbing
Syleham and Wingfield Village Hall
Carpet Bowls has started at Syleham and Wingfield village hall - please contact Joyce on 01379 668 102 for details or call in at the village hall on a Monday evening.
Volunteers from Syleham and Wingfield Sports and Social club man the bar on a Tuesday and a Friday evening, and are available for your event booked at the village hall.
Come and join us on a Tuesday evening when the bar is open, board games are available, some will be playing cards, join those that use the main hall for some informal gentle jive, play pool or just have a chat.
There's a pattern of activities on the Friday evening when the bar will be open, board games and pool are available
1st Friday is usually Open Mic, come along to take part, to listen, to be the audience.
2nd Friday there's Purple Star Karaoke (free entry), raffle, come along to sing, to listen, to encourage.
3rd Friday is Quiz night, raffle, always MARS BARS for the lowest scoring team!
Last Friday there's Bingo! which raises funds for locally nominated charities and good causes. Apologies - the raffle prizes have not got any better despite the bad publicity!
We will continue to meet at 1.30 pm on the last Thursday of the month for half an hour of gentle chair based exercise, followed by coffee, chat and craft. Please join us when you wish, whether you prefer to come to just the exercise or just for a cuppa - or both. The village hall is warm and welcoming. No special clothing is needed for the exercise, just something comfy, our local instructor is experienced with all ages and abilities. Our village hall is available for bookings - do you need somewhere for your child's birthday party, or a family celebration, or a disco, party, meal or meeting. Contact Donna to come and look around, or to book. or 07876487294
Thank you, Julie
Stradbroke Handbells
Stradbroke Handbells has been in existence for the last 6 years. We meet fortnightly on a Wednesday from 7pm to 8pm in the social room of Stradbroke Baptist Church. New members would be most welcome to join our small, friendly group of players. The ability to read music is not necessary. Anyone interested just come along to a rehearsal on 2nd, 16th or 30th November, we'd love to see you.
Graham and Jane Johnson 384022
Wingfield Barns events in November
Thursday 3rd November
Wingfield Barns Open Space Theatre Company ‘After Miss Julie’ by Patrick Marber
Sunday 20th November
Wingfield Barns Christina Alden and Alex Patterson
Friday 25th November
Wingfield Barns -India Electric Co.
Saturday 26th November
Wingfield Barns -RoughCast Theatre Co presents Arsenic and Old Lace Anne
RoughCast Tour of Arsenic and Old Lace
Following a run of Shakespeare productions, RoughCast turns more light-hearted with a production of Joseph Kesselring’s hilarious black comedy, Arsenic and Old Lace. In this famous and much-loved farce, a young drama critic’s life is turned upside down when he discovers that his two adorable and well-meaning spinster aunts have taken to putting their gentlemen house guests out of their misery with poison and burying the bodies in the cellar. Community service - of a kind!
Performing at Halesworth 11th, Diss 12th, Hoxne 13th, Beccles 18th, Bungay 19th, Southwold 20th, Garboldisham 25th and Wingfield Barns 26th. Tickets £12/£6 (students) Performances start 7.30pm For further information visit or tel 01379 586745
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Pat Parris
Forthcoming Events
The late Queen Elizabeth II’s Green Canopy
You may remember that a small group of us got together to plan celebrations for the late Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee, holding a very successful indoor Big Lunch on July 5th 2022. We are now planning another event to commemorate our late Queen. In discussion with two landowners in the village, Adrian Lawson and Robert Cooper, we have been given permission to create a small Woodland, behind Grove End between Tyrala Way and the sewage pumping station and a Wildflower Meadow on the far left of the field off the footpath between the High School and Neaves Lane. These two areas will enhance the flora and fauna and increase bio-diversity for the residents of Stradbroke and allow visitors to enjoy them for many years to come. We are hoping that in the future families will be able to enjoy both sites, walking through the Woodland, picnicking and visiting the Wildflower Meadow as it develops over the years. In the centre of the Woodland will be the ‘Stradbroke Oak’, with pathways radiating outwards and we hope that in years to come this Oak tree will be a symbol for Stradbroke. The various species of saplings have been kindly donated by ‘The Woodland Trust’ and we are grateful for the very generous grant given by ‘The Stradbroke Trust’ enabling us to purchase the seed for the Wildflower Meadow and additional trees. The expertise of Luke Heydon, who has designed the Woodland and Wildflower Meadow, has been invaluable. We would very much like to involve the younger generation and hope that as many children as possible can help with the Tree planting - after all they will be the beneficiaries in years to come. Let us make it a momentous occasion for Stradbroke and one that they will remember for the rest of their lives. The tree planting will take place on November 20th 9am-1pm no matter what the weather! Just follow the signs at Westhall. So please come along and if you would like to make a small donation towards more trees this would be gratefully received. We can never have enough trees!
Don Darling and Jane Merritt
Christmas quiz night at Stradbroke High School
Friends of Stradbroke High School (FOSH) present a School Xmas Quiz Night on December 2nd from 7pm to 9.30pm, doors open at 6.30pm. Licensed bar, Seasonal snacks, Christmas raffle, Prizes Team tables of 6 or just turn up on the night and join a team. Tickets cost £5 pp – cash payable on the night. Email us to reserve your team table: Carla Ward
A Classic Xmas Comedy Mystery
This Year’s Traditional Christmas Spoof! A Murder At St Muttley’s - A Classic Xmas Comedy Mystery Touring East Anglia from December 15th to January 22nd
While on a Christmas visit to his cousin, Sister Immaculata Biggles, in the secluded convent of St Muttley's, renowned detective Hercule Poudrot meets Bishop Humbedee, who has arrived to celebrate mass. Next day, The bishop is no-where to be found, and with no-one to lead their carol service, the desperate sisters of St Muttley engage the services of Poudrot and his intrepid sidekick Hustings to find the missing cleric. What dark secrets will they uncover in the neighbouring village of Ditcham? What is the macabre history shared by it’s inhabitants? What other goings on - are going on?
Another classic festive comedy thriller, brought to you by Suffolk-based Common Ground Theatre Company. Directors Pat Whymark & Julian Harries are the team behind many genre spoof Xmas shows in East of England, both for Common Ground (most recently last year's Sherlock Holmes Meets Count Dracula! ) and for Eastern Angles (including Dial M For Murgatroyd and The Mystery of St Finnegan’s Elbow)
Running time 2 hours (including interval)
Tickets from (unless stated): or 07807 341364
Full: £15 U21s/UC: £10 (unless stated)
Laxfield Village Hall (IP13 8DY) - Friday 23rd Dec, 7.30pm. £13/£10 (U21/UC)
The Corn Hall, Diss - Saturday 7th January - 4pm & 7.30pm 01379 652241
Letters to the Editors
Does anybody have a rabbit run they no longer use (or something very similar) – just a smaller size would be better as its just to enclose hedgehog feeding stations at night (and stop the cats getting the food!) Would be most grateful. Many thanks. Please Call Ali on 07743940070
Margaret, Jackie, Yvonne and Family would like to thank everyone who attended Michael’s funeral and for the lovely cards and messages of condolence. Thank you from all the Norris family
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Julian Harries & Pat Whymark
Dazzle and Bark Dog Grooming
BasedinBrundish,Suffolk Fully
Page 19
in Level 2 and 3 City & Guilds
Phone number: 07709662427 Email: Facebook page: Dazzle and Bark Dog Grooming
News & Views
Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers needed during the Free Festive Fun afternoon at All Saints Church on Sunday 11th December from 3.30pm to 6pm. We need help with: Serving refreshments, helping Father Christmas distribute presents and being involved in some of the activities that are planned for the children. If you can spare a few hours to help, please contact Susan Childs 07518 288 378 or Caroline Stebbing 07879 478 157 C Stebbing
Citizens Advice Mid Suffolk
The cost of things just keeps going up. The food shop doesn’t stretch as far and my bills just keep getting higher. I’ve made cutbacks and, at the moment, I’m just about managing but I’m really worried about how I’ll cope as it starts getting colder. What should I do? You’re not alone in struggling with rising costs, but it’s important to know there is support available. If you’re finding it hard to stay on top of bills, make sure you know what money you’ve got coming in and out each month. Citizens Advice has an online budgeting tool that can help with this - visit to find this tool and more. It’s also worth finding out if you’re eligible for any benefits or support with your energy and living costs. On the Citizens Advice website there’s a benefits calculator, advice on how to reduce living costs and information on other ways to increase your income.
The good news is there is help with rising energy bills. From 1 October 2022, there’s a limit on gas and electricity prices for most households - this is called the Energy Price Guarantee and will be in place for two years.
From October you’ll also get £400 off your electricity bill. This is called the Energy Bills Support Scheme. You don’t need to do anything to get the money and you won’t have to pay it back. The money will be paid in six instalments, you’ll get £66 in October and November followed by £67 in December, January, February and March. You should automatically receive the energy discount if you pay by direct debit, standard credit or payment card.
If you have a prepayment meter that isn’t a smart meter, you’ll get the discount via vouchers or as an automatic credit when you top up at your usual top-up point. Your supplier will let you know how they will issue it.
If you have a smart prepayment meter, the credit should be automatically added to your meter. If you can’t pay your bills, speak to your energy supplier as they have a responsibility to help you come up with a solution.
Citizens Advice Mid Suffolk can provide advice on this and other issues, including debt, employment, benefits and family law. You can contact them on 01449 676060 or use the contact form at .
More information and our opening hours can also be found at .
Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club
Last, Community Officer
Winter may be fast approaching, but the weather still does not match the seasons. Some days it feels warm enough to play cricket. Indeed, the drought has restricted the growth of the new grass on the square, and the outfield has only been cut once since mid-September. You may have noticed some tree surgery has been carried out around the new nets, keeping some of the Autumn leaves away. The Club has made the decision to keep the nets intact, so they can be used by anyone who feels they want to. After all, it is a Community asset. Normally, we would have received next Summer's fixtures by now. I suspect the impending coronation may have delayed plans. More news on that next month. You are aware of the award winners for 2022, here are some stats to give some context: Leading run scorers - Steve Perrin (443), Matt Wise (343), Michael Hugman (233). Leading wicket takers - James Gilbee (23), Drew Cotton (15), Ian Cattermole (11). Leading fielders - Matt Wise (8ct, 6st), Steve Perrin (5 run outs). The Club played 21 matches, (6 wins, 13 losses, 2 tied). Modest returns, but the important thing is that we are keeping our heads above water. Thank you for your support. Michael Hugman
Stradbroke & District Bowls Club
We are holding a Cash Bingo on 11th November at 7:30pm in the Community Centre. The more people that come the bigger the cash prize! M Ellis
White Hart Bowls News
Our next bingo is on Friday 25th November. Lynn Ruth
Page 20
Page 21 Passmore Weeks & Richardson
Ear Care Ear wax removal specialist Micro-Suction & Water Irrigation
Etheridge Nurseries
Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140
available from the end of November. Selection of Hedging Plants available from the middle of November. Laurels, Yew and Box in stock now Large selection of local Fruit & Vegetable available in shop. Sacks of Local White Potatoes available now. Suffolk
Lisa Manning
Laxfield Cabin, Framlingham Road. Laxfield. Suffolk. IP13 8HD.
Page 22
Rd, Stradbroke
Mobile: 07788 850762 Free survey & quote. eMail to place your advert here!
Magnolia House, Wilby
Tel: 01379 384097 Mobile: 07944 894757
Page 23 Norfolk, IP20 9EA eMail: For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Goddess Beauty is a beauty and skin clinic based in Stradbroke. Annabel has over 10 years experience in the beauty industry. Offering the highest quality products and treatments including: Manicure Pedicure Bio sculpture gel Waxing Spray Tan Environ Skincare Jane Iredale Skincare Make Up Lynton lasers - a medical grade IPL system for hair removal and skin rejuvenation I can help with acne, pigmentation, thread veins, port wine stains and much more. For more information check out our website Call 07535656044 39 Westhall, Stradbroke
Page 24
Hammond Garden & Countryside Services
Specialising in Conifer reduction.
All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded
All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
Page 25
E J BROWN Builder 42 Years in the trade Extensions /period renovations From a new plastic door to a complete rebuild. Matthew Hammond Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643 01379 871459 or 07545989081 Very Responsible Local Metal Detectorist N.C.M.D.Insurance provided. All land considered. Please ring Brian on 01379388174 or 07759956627 This is a free service.
Septic Tank Emptying
Page 26
Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details: Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109
& domestic drains cleared & cleaned. Fast, friendly, reliable service. (Environmental registered carrier) Call Lenny Jolly: 07905 794221
in working with people living with Dementia, understanding of Parkinsons, depression, loneliness isolation in old age. I strive to ensure you are treated with respect and dignity at all times, especially whilst you are receiving your care and treatment.
DBS References available on request
Leslie 07522275916 to arrange a convenient time to discuss your needs. Reliable Friendly Trustworthy Professional Carer eMail to place your advert here!
Dr Dan Poulter
Conservative MP for Central Suffolk and North Ipswich
Just recently the Government revealed its A, B,C, D approach for the health service, which lays out some unarguably important priorities for the NHS - Ambulances, Backlog, Care, Doctors & Dentists. However, the A, B, C, D approach also induces a weary roll of the eyes. As a doctor, I know that targets and league tables have consistently failed to positively change how health care is delivered or how patients experience care. If good healthcare was about targets, then the NHS would already be in great shape.
Over the past decade, our health service has received significant increases in funding. In Suffolk, we have seen a new heart unit at Ipswich Hospital and improvements to local maternity services. But if we really care about our NHS, and want to see a health and care service that continues to be the envy of the world, we must also recognise that hand in hand with additional funding must go reform. Far too often, politics gets in the way of the development of sensible healthcare policy and the NHS becomes a political football where the only losers are patients. I am deeply concerned by the lack of meaningful debate about the future of the health system. At its creation, the NHS was visionary. Three quarters of a century later, facing unprecedented pressures, it is ill equipped to cope with the dramatically different health needs of today’s population. A health service largely built to provide episodic and acute care, is now heavily dominated by the treatment and management of chronic conditions and multi-morbidity. Healthcare is accounting for an ever growing share of public spending, yet on many indicators, the health of the population is deteriorating. Whilst, this is broadly true of all high income health systems, our hospital centric model is no longer fit for purpose. Despite successive plans and strategies to shift focus and expenditure towards prevention and community based care, little real progress has been made, with the recent creation of integrated care boards also doing little, if anything, to shift the dial. In fact, NHS spending on hospitals as a share of health spending has been increasing since 2015. An urgent rethink is needed. A meaningful move to community based care is essential. It must be driven by proper integration of NHS with social care services, and be supported by a realistic workforce plan to ensure the right numbers of frontline healthcare professionals are trained and retained to deliver patient care.
The latest A,B,C,D approach, like many health policies before it, is a mere sticking plaster. It is now time for an honest conversation about how we improve the health of the nation and radically radical transform the delivery of health care for the benefit of patients. For more information, please visit my website
Please send all articles to
The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine.
The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received.
The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from Handwritten Submission?
Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computerin the library and the Library manager will happily help you to submit your article.
Page 27
Places you can go to find a warm welcome in Stradbroke
Monday Mardle in the Baptist Chapel Between 9am – 4pm see page 3 for details
Tuesday weekly in the Community Centre 10am-12 contact club, and lunch see page 12
Tuesday weekly Court House Craft and Natter 2pm-4pm see page 10 New! Wednesdays weekly in the Court House - tea/coffee, biscuits, newspapers, chat with people who will listen. All ages. No charge 10am-1pm see page 4 for details
Thursday weekly Court house Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, homemade sausage rolls and cake. All £1.50 each. 9.30am-12.30pm and Thursday monthly Court House Book Club 2.30pm
Friday monthly Court House Friday Friends Café, (dementia friendly) 10am-12noon see page 10
Saturday weekly in the Court house; Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, homemade sausage rolls and cake. All £1.50 each. 9.30am-12.30pm
Village Diary November
1st Radio Stradbroke on air from 10am at, and every day
2nd Company, chat & coffee at Court House, and every Wednesday (see page 4)
2nd Table tennis in Community Centre, 18:30-20:30 and most Wednesdays
2nd Stradbroke Handbells meet at Baptist Church, new members welcome (see page 17)
3rd Stradbroke Strollers meet outside Court House – and every Thursday (see page 14)
3rd Court House Café open – and every Thursday (see page 10)
3rd Open Space Theatre at Wingfield Barns (see page 17)
4th Friday Friends Café in Court House from 10am (see page 10)
4th Radio Stradbroke at Archbishop Sancroft for fireworks evening (see page 10)
5th Court House Café open – and every Saturday (see page 10)
5th Heveningham Hall fireworks display, gates open 4.30pm (see Oct issue)
7th Borderhoppa outing to Taverham Garden Centre (see page 3)
7th ‘Monday Mardle’ at Stradbroke Baptist Church – and every Monday (see page 3)
7th Rummikub Club and Scrabble at Baptist Church, and every Monday (see page 14)
8th Contact Club meet in Community centre, and every Tuesday (see page 12)
8th Circle Dancing in Community Centre, 2-4pm (see page 14)
8th Craft & Natter at the library from 2-4pm, and every Tuesday (see page 10)
9th Stradbroke Baptist Church Friendship Lunch – all welcome (see page 3)
9th Nutrition and hydration in later life at Hartismere Place (see page 14)
10th WI meet in Community Centre, new members welcome (see page 10)
11th Cash Bingo iao Stradbroke & District Bowls Club (see page 20)
13th Act of Remembrance at War Memorial (see front page)
14th Borderhoppa outing to Norwich City Centre (see page 3)
14th Parish Council meeting (see page 6)
16th Stradbroke Handbells meet at Baptist Church, new members welcome (see page 17)
17th Stradbroke Cinema presents The Outfit in Community Centre (see page 14)
*Submission deadline for Dec 2022/Jan 2023 edition strictly by this date*
20th Green Canopy tree planting, 9am to 1pm (see page 18)
20th Christina Alden and Alex Patterson at Wingfield Barns (see page 17)
21st Borderhoppa outing to Highways Nursery & Shopping Centre (see page 3)
22nd Circle Dancing in Community Centre, 2-4pm (see page 14)
24th Historic Gardens of East Anglia, 7.30pm Brundish Village Hall (see page 10)
25th White Hart Bowls Bingo (see page 20)
25th India Electric Co. at Wingfield Barns (see page 17)
26th RoughCast performing at Wingfield Barns (see page 17)
28th Borderhoppa outing to Lunch at The White Horse, Stoke Ash (see page 3)
30th Stradbroke Handbells meet at Baptist Church, new members welcome (see page 17) December
2nd FOSH Christmas Quiz at Stradbroke High School (see page 18)