www.stradbrokemonthly.co.uk December 2022/January 2023 No.488
Monday Mardle in the Baptist Chapel Between 9am – 4pm Tuesday weekly in the Community Centre 10am-12 contact club, and lunch Tuesday weekly Court House Craft and Natter 2pm-4pm Wednesdays weekly in the Court House - tea/coffee, biscuits, newspapers, chat with people who will listen. All ages. No charge 10am-1pm Thursday weekly Court House Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, homemade sausage rolls and cake. All £1.50 each. 9.30am-12.30pm and ThursdaymonthlyCourt House Book Club 2.30pm Friday monthlyCourt House Friday Friends Café, (dementia friendly) 10am-12noon Saturday weekly in the Court house; Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, homemade sausage rolls and cake. All £1.50 each. 9.30am-12.30pm
Sponsored Page
Local Churches
Stradbroke Baptist Church
Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk, 01379 388 744
Happy Christmas and a Blessed 2023 to all!
You are most welcome to join this Christmas Season and throughout the New Year at the Chapel: Services
10:15 Sundays - Worship Service
10:15 Christmas Day - Family Service
10:15 New Year’s Day - Family Service
13:30 Thursdays - Prayer & Share
Friendship Lunches
12:30 Wednesday 7th December - Christmas Lunch Special
We welcome back our primary school pupils who will share some carols with us. (Please make reservations with Bruce before 7pm on Friday 2nd December)
12:30 Wednesday 11th January - Friendship Lunch - reservations by Monday 9th Seasonal Activities
7-10pm Wednesday 21st December - ‘Carols Around the Tree’
Join your neighbours or bring them along with you for an evening of festive fun, food and friendship. Refreshments will be available along with a variety of games and challenges. Children are most welcome to use the play area during this time with parental supervision.
Carols and Christmas songs will be accompanied by accordion, guitar and hot mince pies.
10:15 Christmas Day - Family Service
10:15 New Year’s Day - Family Service
A Warm Place
‘Monday Mardle’ – every Monday between 9am – 4pm in the Chapel Hall
Please see separate notice for this weekly community event. ‘Monday Mardle’ will not take place on 26th December and 2nd January. Something to ponder… …the Reason for the Season…
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. (John 3:16-17)
Do I believe in Jesus Christ of the Bible? Would you like to know more? We would like to wish you all a Happy Christmas and a peaceful year ahead! From all at Stradbroke Baptist Church Please let me know if I/we can pray for you or your loved ones. Bruce Francis 01379 388 744 or 07484 219 265 or by email at: psalm34.8@yahoo.com
Stradbroke Good Neighbours
Stradbroke Good Neighbours are continuing to take people to hospitals and Drs etc. We can have help from porters at the hospital if needed. Good Neighbours. 07749445531 Jane Gemmill and the GN Committee
Everyone at Borderhoppa would like to wish all of our passengers and supporters a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.
We have lots of great outings booked for 2023, pub lunches, trips to garden centres, the seaside and much more. Our 2023 outings leaflet will be available from early December.
If you would like a copy, please contact us on 01379 854800 or email adminborderhoppa@btconnect.com.
We look forward to seeing you in 2023! www.borderhoppa.org Borderhoppa
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke
Revd Canon Susan Loxton 01379 388493, Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069
If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Canon Susan Services:
4th Dec 10.30 am Village Gift service + coffee
5th Feb 10.30 am Informal Village service + coffee
1st Jan 10.30 am Informal village service + coffee 18th Dec 4.30 pm Village Carol service + mulled wine 15th Jan 10.30 am Holy Communion 24th Dec 11.15 pm Midnight Communion
For other services across the Benefice, see church noticeboard. Also find us on our website:sancroftbeneficechurches.org for all the activities across the benefice. Village service in December is our traditional Gift service. We ask people to donate unwrapped gifts for adults or children which are taken to Diss Salvation Army who arrange parcels and boxes for those in need or on their own at Christmas. Bring the gifts along and join in with the informal service, everyone welcome. Or drop off at the Rectory during the week before. New! Come along to the Court House Café on Wednesday mornings for company, chat and coffee any time from 10 am to 1pm.
All Saint’s Church announcement, repairs to the south wall and two window surrounds will start on the 16th January 2023, expected completion date17th April 2023. This will be at a cost of £49,424.00. We are grateful to the Friends of the Church who raised the cash prior to disbanding. It is hoped the contractor will consider making repairs to the weathervane.
Peter Chetwynd, Churchwarden
All Saints Church Fundraising Committee
The Craft Fair went quite well, unfortunately about 5 stalls failed to appear without any reasons why. Thank you Janet for all your work next time we shall ask for a fee up front. Anyway, we raised £216.30. The Hamper tickets are going well, only £1 a ticket on sale at the bakery. Thanks to Duane and helpers. This will be drawn out on 9th December at the cash bingo. Then on the 10th December we are holding a Christmas Cake Stall so see you there! Our next event in January will be our cake stall on the 14th January 2023.
M Ellis 01379 384642
All Saints Church
A very big thank you to Andrew Hugman for taking part in the Historic Suffolk Churches Ride & Stride, raising £107.50 for our church (1/2 of the sponsor). A pity we only had one rider - a shame for such a big village. Better next time!
M Ellis
From the Rectory
Dear Friends and neighbours, ‘Be an angel and…’
I wonder if your mum or dad said these words to you as a child when they wanted you to fetch something for them, or maybe you have said it to your own children. During Advent 27th November until Christmas, we are thinking about angels in the parish. There will be angels on trees for you to help yourself to, angel prayer trees, angel crafts at some of our Christmas events, and more. Why are we doing this? Well, angels play a big part in the Christian faith and particularly at Christmas time. Angels bring good news, news of hope, joy, peace and love. In the bible angels are described as being strong and powerful, ready for battle, sent by God to humans to bring hope or help.
Saint Paul in his letter to the Hebrews said, ‘ Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.’ So, I encourage us all to be angels this season; maybe fetching something for someone, or making a cake or cup of tea for someone. A helping hand for anyone who needs it. But probably sensible to ask first!
There is a lot of gloom about not just the grey days but the political and economic situation, many struggling, wars and conflicts. Let us not forget those in need but let us lift our gaze, look out for angels and one another. By doing so, I think the world be seem a better place.
Remember the shepherds sitting in a field around a fire trying to keep warm. When suddenly a host of angels appeared and gave them good news, and they were filled with hope and joy. God can turn up at any time, and he does that sometimes by sending us.
I wish you all a joyful Christmas whatever your situation. If you do need help please get in touch and we will help where we can.
God bless, Susan
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Page 5 Gas Safe plumbing and heating installer. Amanda Stoner Chiropodist/Podiatrist Surgery at Stradbroke, by appointment only. Call 01379 384126/ Mob 07985 377891 Diploma of Podiatric Medicine 25+ Years experience HCPC registered - No CH18193
Parish Pump
Next full Parish Council meeting is scheduled for: 12th December 2022
Planning Applications responded to:
DC/22/05012 – Land rear of the Beeches, Meadow Way IP21 5JW OBJECTION
Outcomes of planning applications decided by Mid Suffolk: DC/22/04930 – Albany Lodge, Queen Street. No objection to tree works.
Parish Council updates:
• Councillors received the resignation of Brett Baber from the Council.
• The half year accounts and reserved funds report were approved by the Finance Committee.
• Neighbourhood Plan monitoring for 2022 was reviewed and it was noted that no formal review is required at the present time.
• Lovell Site off New Street: Councillors agreed to request a car park for large enough for 15-20 cars together with a footpath to connect with the fitness track on the playing field.
• The annual RoSPA inspection has taken place and the Council is reviewing the recommendations put forward in the report.
• The land registration process for the first part of the land at Wilby Road has been finalised. The work to register the cemetery and tennis court section of Wilby Road continues.
• The Lease for the Health Centre has been finalised and signed by the Parish Council. An invoice for the back rent to November 2020 has been issued.
• Councillors reviewed information on the CIL bid submitted to Mid Suffolk for the works to upgrade the health centre. Councillors agreed a course of action should the bid be unsuccessful.
• Councillors noted that the trees for the Queens Green Canopy will be planted on a site behind Grove End on 20th November 2022.
• A grant has been obtained by the Community Land Trust who are working with the Parish Council’s Climate Change group to carry out a Geospatial survey of the parish.
• Councillors noted the latest report from the permanent traffic counter near the cemetery on the Laxfield Road and noted that the 85th centile speed is 42mph.
• The Clerk will be meeting with the Community Liaison Officer from Suffolk Highways to discuss how to progress the 20mph zone.
• Dates for the mobile ANPR unit to visit Stradbroke have been finalised by Suffolk County Council.
• The Finance Committee will be working on a draft budget for 2023/23 at their next meeting to present to the full Council at the December meeting.
• Councillors noted that, this year, Skinner’s are not able to offer the use of a ladder to the community group to help them install the Christmas lights on the tree at the Church ahead of the Festive Fun Day. Alternative solutions are being investigated.
Odile Wladon (Clerk)
Email: clerk@stradbrokepc.org Website: https://www.stradbrokepc.org/ PC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StradbrokePC
Mobile: 07555 066147
Address: Mill Hill House, Church Lane, Wickham Skeith IP23 8NA
Page 6
From the Chair…
At our November meeting we approved works at the Health Centre that are planned to take place in late January and February 2023. There may be some disruption and the centre may need to close completely for a long weekend to allow the flooring in the waiting area to be replaced. The works to fully insulate the building and replace all the windows will help with energy efficiency, whilst the works to replace the carpets and redecorate will give the building a refresh making it a more comfortable place. Safe access to a completed first floor will help with much needed storage is much anticipated by the staff at the centre. At this meeting we also gave our thanks to Brett Baber, who has now resigned as a councillor. At the December meeting, Councillors will be looking at plans for double yellow lines at the Queen St/Church St junction with a view to commencing the Traffic Regulation Order process to have them installed. The public are welcome to attend the meeting to share their views or submit any views or information via the Clerk ahead of the meeting. We meet on Monday 12th December at the Court House at 7.30pm. On behalf of all the councillors and the clerk, I would like to wish you all a Happy Christmas and very best wishes for the New Year.
James Hargrave, Chair of Stradbroke Parish Council
5 days a week BSEVC Buses for Stradbroke
Covid-protected, door to door for work, hospitals and medical appointments, social clubs and activities, visiting relatives and friends, shopping, school college. Even more helpful now with higher fuel prices.
Under 16 years: £1 per journey Registered carers free when supporting a passenger. A range of places including Diss, Harleston. Ask about others when you book.
To book: 01449 614271 Lines open 9am-4pm, Mon-Fri www.bsevc.co.uk Please use the bus!
Cllr Richard Smith, Suffolk County Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Transport Strategy and Waste says: “…..‘use it or lose it’ applies because if people do not use buses….they become economically unviable…...The loss of a bus service can have a highly detrimental effect on those who rely on it. “Passengers are the lifeblood of any bus service which is why I ask that if you have a journey to make…. then please consider using (the bus). …. less vehicles on the roads also means cleaner air and the reduction of carbon emissions…..of benefit to us all. “
Toni Wisbey
‘Monday Mardle’ - A Designated Warm Space
‘Monday Mardle’ - A Designated Warm Space - Every Monday between 9am – 4pm in the Chapel Hall. Drop in for a cuppa, come along with your little ones for some socialization, (Parent and Toddlers play area) have a light lunch with your friends, (Lunch donation £2:50 including vegetarian and vegan options) take part and have some fun with Rummikub, scrabble, chess or other board games. We also have jigsaw puzzles, some general reading materials along with a local newspaper. You are welcome to pop in at any time throughout the day and stay as long as you like… The heating is on us!…Something for everyone to enjoy!
*** During the winter season, the toddlers play area will be open from 9am - 4pm Table tennis will also be available between 9am & 4pm - equipment provided. For further information please contact Bruce Francis on 01379 388 744
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Here’s my advert!
How long can I have my advert in the Monthly?
Advertisements are taken for a full year 01 Sept to 31 August. How much will it cost?
Charges are dependent on the location of the advertiser as follows:
Stradbroke based: Quarter page £52 pa Eighth page £37pa
Non Stradbroke based: Eighth page £47pa
Sponsored Inside Front Cover Page £25 per edition
Flyers and Inserts are not accepted.
What if I put my advert in mid year?
Payment for adverts listed part way through the year is on a pro rata basis. Invoices are, thereafter, sent annually for payment in advance. If the space is no longer required please inform the Monthly as soon as possible! Please send your advert to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk
Stradbroke Bakery
· Fresh Bread Daily
· Avast range of Confectionery
· Home Made Pies and Pasties
· ASelection of Speciality Bread
· Tea and Coffee
· TakeAway Snacks
· Newspapers and Milk
· ASmall Selection of Groceries
Tel: 01379384226
Posi ve Health & WellBeing - the natural way Rachel Lead KFRP (Adv), LCSP (Phys), Cert Ed Remedial Massage, Reflexology Touch for Health – Kinesiology One-One and Group sessions available via Zoom rachelpbck@gmail.com
Page 8
Page 9 Jon Wilson Carpentry And General Household Maintenance Call for a friendly reliable service Telephone: 01379 384120 Mobile: 07867 533745 Home Improvements Kitchens Bedrooms Fencing Gates decking General maintenance & repairs Just ask. Friendly&HelpfulService FromAidy 01728 628687 9 Broad St. Harleston IP20 9AZ
Stradbroke Court House and Library News
From all of us at the Library/Post Office and Café, MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our customers. Thank you for supporting us at the Court House throughout the year.
Post Office/Library Opening Times Christmas And New Year
Christmas Eve: Saturday 24th December 9-1pm OPEN (as usual)
Boxing Day: Monday 26th December CLOSED
Tuesday 27th December CLOSED
Wednesday 28th December CLOSED (as usual)
Thursday 29th December 9-1pm, 2-5pm OPEN (as usual)
Friday 30th December 2-5pm OPEN (as usual)
Saturday 31st December 9-1pm OPEN (as usual)
Monday 2nd January 2023 CLOSED
From Tuesday 3rd January onwards our usual opening hours. The Court House Café will be open on Thursdays and Saturdays over the Christmas period. That means we will be open Christmas Eve (Saturday 24th), Thursday 29th December and New Year’s Eve (Saturday 31st) as usual. We have a very good selection of Charity Christmas Cards on display in the library for sale, if you buy your cards from us, you are also supporting the Library/Post Office as well as lots of other charities. We have had a delivery of more new stock for our lovely Greetings Cards selection. Do come in and have a look. We also have One4all gift cards in the Post Office, which are the perfect Christmas present for family and friends who are difficult to buy for. They are accepted in loads of High Street shops and online. Our Christmas Hamper draw is up and running, so come and sign your name in a square, £1 per go. You might be our lucky winner and you will be supporting us at the Court House to help support our community. The next Friday Friends Dementia - Friendly Café is on Friday 2nd December from 10-12pm. In January 2023 it will be on Friday 6th January. On Friday 16th December at 12pm, I am doing a free, celebration lunch for ‘Friday Friends’ customers, so do come on Friday 2nd December and put your name down, if you would like to come and join us. Our Craft & Natter Group meets every Tuesday at 2pm. The Monthly Book Group meets on the last Thursday in the month at 2.30pm. The Court House is now open on Wednesday mornings from 10-1pm, as a Warm Space in Stradbroke. Come for Tea/Coffee and a Chat with biscuits and newspapers, organised by Susan Loxton and her team. All ages, no charge! Call in for more information at the Library. If anyone is interested in joining our volunteers who run the Court House Café please pop in and see me. We need cake makers/café staff to help keep our popular Community café going, we open Thursday and Saturday mornings. Maureen John Library/Post Office Manager WI
Gwyneth welcomed everyone to the Annual Meeting, where there were 17 members, 1 prospective member who will join us in January, and 7 visitors and a dog called Pippin. The first two speakers Monica and Gill from the Halesworth and District U3A, gave us an interesting short talk on how U3A was formed in France over forty years ago mostly for retired people. There are now over 1000 groups in the UK, and Halesworth has been running as a group since 1992, with over 20 interest groups covering a wide range of subjects and activities. Leaflets were left with an enrolment form included and details given of future monthly talks to be held in The Cut Arts Centre in Halesworth. Joy and Margot were thanked for being our hostesses and providing cake, and Gwyneth undertook to deliver the birthday posy to Joan. Toni précised a draft letter to Dan Poulter MP pressing for urgent action to be taken on Climate change, and members agreed that it should be sent. Gwyneth explained the absence of this month’s SEFWI News which is still available on the SEFWI website. Jennifer gave a brief report on the visit to the Biogas plant at Barley Brigg Farm. Another visit will be arranged for those who could not attend. Then followed a short talk by Louise, assisted by Kirsty, on the Deaf Blind Organisation. She explained the work of the charity and the services they offer to people with dual sensory loss. The formal Annual meeting began with Gwyneth introducing Clare Blake as our WI Advisor. The amendment to our bye-law to enable a committee member to extend by 3 year increments their time on Committee was agreed. The present Committee agreed to stand again as there were no other candidates. The Financial Report and Secretary’s Annual Report were accepted, and it was agreed that Wendy Robinson would be our Independent Financial Examiner. Gwyneth then gave her Address thanking individual members who do unseen jobs, and presented the President’s cup to Jane Merritt for her tasks undertaken in respect of the Community Centre. A vote took place for the Presidency and Gwyneth accepted her nomination for next year.
The Christmas dinner will be on 8th December at 7pm for 7.30pm, when Linda Scoles will give the talk ‘God Rest Ye Merry.......’. The January meeting will be on Thursday 12th at 2pm - please note the afternoon time. Time now to wish everyone a happy, healthy and reflective Christmas and New Year. Lorraine Dunn
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KENT SKIPS eMail editors@Stradbrokemonthly.co.uk to place your advert here! A Family run business established over 40 years ago. Offering the highest quality services. Servicing & repairs of agricultural, plant and garden machinery Fabrication Hydraulic hoses Grit blasting LOLER testing Lee 07528127227 www.goddengineering.co.uk goddengineering@yahoo.co.uk
Stradbroke Primary School
Letter from Sir David Attenborough
The Year 6s in Jupiter Class wrote first person short stories in role as an orangutan whose forest is being destroyed by palm oil plantations. We took inspiration from the Greenpeace advert ‘There’s a Rangtang in my Bedroom’. We conducted a protest around school – coming up with our own chants and making placards. We also wrote a palindrome poem linked to palm oil. Then, we wrote a formal letter together as a class to Sir David Attenborough as we thought he would be interested in all the work we have been doing to spread awareness about the destructive effects of palm oil. We attached examples of all of our work. He then responded! We are beyond excited and will treasure the letter!
Ellie Doubleday, Year 6 Class Teacher, Stradbroke CE Primary School
Poppy appeal
The Poppy Appeal is now drawing to a close, and donations are still being received. The organiser, Peter Chetwynd, thanks all the House to House Collectors who go round the village, and who have raised a magnificent total for the Appeal. Thanks to all the Village Groups and Organisations, who donate so generously for the wreaths that are laid. So far this year I have banked £3071. On behalf of the Appeal, again thanks to all those who have given so generously to this essential cause. P Chetwynd
Over 60s
Following a busy year we are now looking forward to our Christmas lunch with entertainment on 1st December, this is our last meeting this year, our next meeting will be Thursday January 19th 2023. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday every month at the Community Centre from 2 - 4pm. We have various activities throughout the year including coach outings. Why not come along and meet us for a chat and a cup of tea, all ages welcome. For further details about the club contact Carole on carole.sach123@btinternet.com or 01379-388577 We wish everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year from all at the Over 60s Club. Carole
Stradbroke Archive
Within the Diss Express reports of Christmas held with the British Newspaper Archives regarding Stradbroke, the following struck a chord. It was a message dated December 1942, from Canon K. E. Shaw. Rector of Stradbroke.
‘Christmas is essentially a home festival, and though there are countless thousands of homes where there will be vacant places this year, yet have you thought how the minds of our men serving in the Forces in various parts of the world will turn on that day to home and how the thoughts and love of those at home will go out across the oceans to the men far away? Many (a) silent prayer will go up to the Throne, I am sure, and heaven will be a little nearer this unhappy world then. No drone of plane, nor crump of bomb, nor rattle and roar of gun can stop that. Some people say that War kills Christmas, and of course it does prevent us celebrating it as we should like to do. But I think that War just proves how much this world today needs to learn the real meaning of the Christmas message, and to listen again to the Angels' song. God’s message to us in Jesus is love and kindness. We need that for the better world to which we are looking forward and must begin now to carry it out, and that must start at home 'May He Who came to an earthly home on that first Christmas Day, come now’ to our homes and hallow all things there.’
SARA wishes today's Stradbroke a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a kind, healthy and peaceful 2023.
Source https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/viewer/bl/0001528/19421225/088/0005
Radio Stradbroke
Ann Readman, SARA
Harleston fireworks, Tick. Remembrance Sunday, Tick. Two more Radio Stradbroke outside broadcasts successfully completed, despite the broadband issues that seem to blight the Village of late. Next, we are part of the Festive Fun at All Saints Church, which starts with the Christmas Lights adorning the churchyard. You may notice a different layout this year. We seem to have run out of favours when it comes to putting them in their usual place. Even though we are entering the festive period, we continue to broadcast daily, the highlight, of course being 'Marty's Christmas Crackers' on Christmas morning, a beacon of normality during changing times. Thank you to everyone who has supported Radio Stradbroke in 2022. We intend to still be here in 2023. www.radiostradbroke.co.uk
Michael Hugman
Page 12
NICK RUSH GARDEN SERVICES Garden Maintenance Regular Garden Garden Clearances slots available Pressure Washing Shed and Fence repairs Call Nick today Grass Cu ng 01379 388304 Strimming 07931 653197 Hedges trimmed Small Trees pruning An que Restora on Furniture, Clocks, and Barometers Ian Brown LCGI Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987 01379 677 770
Forthcoming Events
Stradbroke Cinema
On December 15th we will be showing Top Gun: Maverick. The long-awaited sequel that surpasses its predecessor in its wildly entertaining style and action. Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell (Tom Cruise) is the courageous test pilot training a detachment of Top Gun graduates for a special mission. Cue fantastic special effects, characters facing their demons and scenes of intense action. The big screen and wraparound sound at the Community Centre will whisk you up into the skies for a flight of a lifetime….if you dare!
On January 19th we will be showing Mrs Harris Goes To Paris. A widowed cleaning lady in 1950s London falls madly in love with a couture Dior gown and must have one. After much struggling, she embarks on an adventure to Paris where not only does she change but also the House of Dior. This is a celebration of both beauty and the importance of cherishing those special things in life. An unabashed froth of a film where we cheer on the exceptional Lesley Manville as the cleaner against a backdrop of exploitation, decay and corruption. Charm, wit and fairytale escapism punctuated by some French revolutionary spirt. Doors open at 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm. There will be an interval half way through the film when icecreams will be on sale and the Bar will be open. Tickets will be on sale from December 1st via the online booking system for Top Gun and January 1st for Mrs Harris goes to Paris - £5.50 for adults, £3 for 16s and under. Please use our online booking system if you can as it helps us when setting up for the Cinema. If you are unable to do so, tickets will be available using card/cash payments on the door and also at the Bar. Full details of all our forthcoming films can be found on the Village website that is at www.stradbrokeonline.org.uk
Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley and Jane Merritt
The Stradbroke Strollers
We are a community-led informal Walking Group who meet every Thursday. Please come along and join us for a friendly, gentle 45 minute -1 hour walk and chat around this beautiful village. Meet outside the Stradbroke Court House at 10.30am. Afterwards, we enjoy a cup of tea, coffee and cake in the Stradbroke Court House Café. Most Mondays we meet at the Baptist Chapel at 10am when we challenge ourselves to a longer walk of around 6 miles enjoying light refreshments in the Chapel after a local walk or, if further afield, a pub or café in that locality will be chosen. Please contact Dennis or Sam for details. Unless it is raining hard or blowing a gale, we will be walking! Everyone is welcome whatever your age or abilityall you need are sensible shoes and clothing – and we look forward to seeing you on either day. Please be aware that you will be walking at your own risk but we guarantee they will be really enjoyable walks - whatever the distance!
For more information contact Dennis Merritt
Tel: 01379 388 382. Email: dennis_merritt@hotmail.com Sam Hackett
Tel: 01379 388 872. Email: sam.hackett@btinternet.com
Circle Dancing
D Merritt
Circle dancing takes place in the Community Centre 2 -4pm on Tuesday 20th December, and 6th, 17th and 31st of January Vivienne Goffee
Rummikub Club, Chess and Scrabble
The Rummikub Club (Mondays 2-4pm in the Chapel Hall)
All are welcome to come along between 2-4pm each Monday afternoon. Patient teachers are available to help anyone who wishes to give the game a try. Currently up to 12 meet each Monday to play. Come along and have some fun, a cuppa and a chat.
Anyone for Chess or Scrabble? (Mondays 2-4pm in the Chapel Hall) All are welcome to come along between 2-4pm each Monday afternoon. Come and give your brain a workout and spend some time with neighbours and friends over a cuppa.
For further information please contact Bruce Francis on 01379 388 744
Border Craft Collective craft fair
Border Craft Collective are holding a Craft Fair at Stradbroke Community Centre on Saturday 3rd December from 10am to 3pm. Come and meet local makers. Free admission – find us on Facebook and Twitter.
Alison Redhead
Lottery Bonus Winners
34 R Copping £25, 41 B Whiting £25, 34 R Copping £25, 39 J Chetwynd £25 £96 donated to village organisations.
M Ellis
Page 14
Page 15
of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing.
of drives and patios.
The Original Stradbroke Village Website! Now in its 20th year the Stradbroke Village Website brings you news, views and information about Stradbroke.
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Pressure washing
Family run business with over
years experience. Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed. For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618 Stradbroke.org.uk
Page 16 Delivered Home cooked food Freshly made, delicious and healthy. Winter Soups Dairy and Gluten Free The perfect pot to make it easy, delivered frozen ready to reheat whenever you need to. Contact Francesca for menu & details: WhatsApp 07548 470601 or email cottagecooked@gmail.com FOR A FREE QUOTE PLEASE CONTACT Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel : 01379 388174 Mobile : 07759956627 www.bcgoddard.co.uk GUTTERS CLEANED OR RENEWED. WOOD WINDOWS REPAIRED OR RENEWED BROKEN GLASS REPLACED. Bargeboards,Cappings,and facias repaired or renewed. NO JOB TOO SMALL B.C.GODDARD INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTER & DECORATOR FOR A FREE QUOTE PLEASE CONTACT DOROTHY SINFIELD UPHOLSTERY
Christmas Forthcoming Events
Free! Festive Fun!
FREE Festive Fun on Sunday 11th December 2022!
From 3.30PM to 6PM at All Saints Church Stradbroke. Come and join us for an afternoon of festive fun for all the family. Bring the children to meet Father Christmas. See the Christmas Lights switched on while listening to some carols Refreshments will be served throughout the afternoon Any donations received during the event will be distributed evenly between All Saints Church, Stradbroke allotments and the Friday friends café. We are having a meeting on Thursday December 1st at 14:20 in the Rectory, if anyone would like to volunteer for this event, please come along. Sue Childs and Caroline Stebbing
Stradbroke’s Christmas walk
The Stradbroke Strollers invite you all to the traditional evening 3-mile-round-trip torchlit Christmas Walk from the Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre to Battlesea Hall on December 21st Upon arrival at Battlesea Hall, by kind permission of Adrian Lawson, you will enjoy a glass of Mulled Wine and a Mince Pie. As the weather will be cooler and the way possibly muddy, please wear suitable clothing, footwear and bring a torch which we hope you will use a little as possible in order to enjoy the beauty of, hopefully, a moon and starlit night! Unfortunately, you will not be able to bring your dogs as there are working dogs on the farm. We want you to be aware that you will be walking at your own risk but know it will be a really enjoyable evening. We will be meeting at the Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre at 6pm prompt and there is no charge. It would be most helpful if you could let us know beforehand if you wish to come along.
Dennis Merritt 388 382, Sam Hackett 388 872 and Roger Turkington 384 248
Christmas Quiz Night at Stradbroke High School
Friends of Stradbroke High School (FOSH) present a School Xmas Quiz Night on December 2nd from 7pm to 9.30pm, doors open at 6.30pm. Licensed bar, Seasonal snacks, Christmas raffle, Prizes Team tables of 6 or just turn up on the night and join a team. Tickets cost £5 pp – cash payable on the night. Email us to reserve your team table: stradfriends@gmail.com Carla Ward
A Meerie Old Christmas In Stradbroke
‘Our Jolly Wassail’ with Chanter’s Jigge This is for all the family and children are encouraged to try out some of the ancient instruments at Stradbroke Community Centre Wilby Road, Stradbroke, Eye IP21 5JN on Wednesday 7th December from 7.30p.m. There will be carols, and festive music from across the centuries , sung and played with traditional and modern instruments. Stamp, clap and sing along to familiar favourites. Adult Tickets £14, Children £8 - including mulled wine & mince pies . Tickets are available online www.anglialeisurecourses.co.uk or can be purchased with cash on the door.
Alan Jeffery, Anglia Leisure Courses
A Classic Xmas Comedy Mystery
This Year’s Traditional Christmas Spoof!
A Murder At St Muttley’s - A Classic Xmas Comedy Mystery Touring East Anglia from December15th to January 22nd While on a Christmas visit to his cousin, Sister Immaculata Biggles, in the secluded convent of St Muttley's, renowned detective Hercule Poudrot meets Bishop Humbedee, who has arrived to celebrate mass. Next day, The bishop is no-where to be found, and with no-one to lead their carol service, the desperate sisters of St Muttley engage the services of Poudrot and his intrepid sidekick Hustings to find the missing cleric. What dark secrets will they uncover in the neighbouring village of Ditcham? What is the macabre history shared by it’s inhabitants? What other goings on - are going on?
Another classic festive comedy thriller, brought to you by Suffolk-based Common Ground Theatre Company. Directors Pat Whymark & Julian Harries are the team behind many genre spoof Xmas shows in East of England, both for Common Ground (most recently last year's Sherlock Holmes Meets Count Dracula! ) and for Eastern Angles (including Dial M For Murgatroyd and The Mystery of St Finnegan’s Elbow)
Running time 2 hours (including interval)
Tickets from (unless stated): www.commongroundtc.co.uk or 07807 341364
Full: £15 U21s/UC: £10 (unless stated)
Laxfield Village Hall (IP13 8DY) - Friday 23rd Dec, 7.30pm. £13/£10 (U21/UC)
The Corn Hall, Diss - Saturday 7th January - 4pm & 7.30pm 01379 652241 www.cornhall.co.uk
Page 17
Julian Harries & Pat Whymark
Forthcoming Events
Syleham and Wingfield Village Hall
The Syleham and Wingfield Sports and Social club based at Syleham and Wingfield Village Hall (IP21 4LT) continues each Tuesday and Friday from 8pm when the bar is open, with reasonably priced drinks, board games are available, the pool table is ready.
Tuesdays you could also join in with the informal gentle jive, and there's usually some card players too!
Fridays sees various activities organised, but the bar is open & pool is available... The first Friday of the month sees an Open Mic session - Second Friday sees Purple Star Karaoke with us, free entry - Third Friday is Quiz night, 7.30 for 8pm start - Last Friday of the month is Bingo evening, be ready to start just after 8pm Both our Quiz and Bingo evening raise funds for locally nominated charities and good causes - give a shout if you'd like to nominate! and come along and join us!
Our annual membership for Syleham and Wingfield Sports and Social club remains £3.50 with concs £3.00! Come along as a guest - then if you'd like to continue to pop in please become a member. Thanks for all your support. Christmas opening at Syleham and Wingfield Sports and Social club - hope to see you over Christmas time!
Friday 16th Quiz evening, 7.30 for 8pm
Tuesday 20th open from 8pm Friday 23rd open from 8pm
Saturday 24th Christmas Eve open 8pm 'til late
Tuesday 27th open from 8pm
Friday 30th bar open, Bingo just after 8pm
Saturday 31st open from 8pm 'til late - family evening, bring something to add to the buffet supper.
BURN'S NIGHT CELEBRATION Saturday 28th January 2023
It's with great excitement we would invite you to join us for a magnificent Burn's night celebration including, this year, a PIPER!
Tickets are £18 for SWSSC members and £20 for non-members which will have three courses, including some traditional haggis. Along with the piping of the haggis our master of ceremonies will give us an amazing rendition of Burn's work, and we'll probably raise a glass in tribute!
Please contact Donna, for further information and bookings, on 01379 668361 or 07876487294 Syleham and Wingfield Sports and Social club will be celebrating its 40th anniversary in the Spring of next yearSAVE the DATE for a get together on Saturday 25th February. We would be pleased to see those who have been associated with the club over the years for a free evening, entertainment and buffet supper. We hope to see you there!
Children’s Society Coffee Morning
Thank you, Julie
Wednesday 18th January 2023, 10.00 – 12.00 at Thirkettle Cottage, Queens Street. Everyone welcome, especially our box holders. We will use the day to empty this year’s boxes and send the contents to the Society. Anyone willing to hold a box for the coming year will be most welcome to join us.
Alison Hackett 388872
Wilby Christmas Fayre
The Friends of Wilby School'sWilby Christmas Fayre will be held on 8th December from 3.30pm to 5pm at Wilby Coronation Village Hall. There will be a Grand draw, with a fabulous first prize of a Luxury Christmas Hamper, refreshments, a bar, children’s tombola, stalls, games and much, much more! Everyone is very welcome! Profits from the Fayre will go towards funding the school’s Christmas theatre trips. J Nowell
Letters to the Editors
Running for Rusty - London Marathon
Thank you to everyone who has supported me with “Running for Rusty”
Running the London Marathon was an amazing experience. The crowd and the atmosphere was overwhelming. I completed my run in just over 5 hours and raised an incredible £10411.70 (including Gift Aid) for The Firefighters Charity!
The village has been great helping me throughout this journey! Thank you once again!
Maria Smith
Page 18
Dazzle and Bark Dog Grooming
BasedinBrundish,Suffolk Fully
Page 19
in Level 2 and 3 City & Guilds
Phone number: 07709662427 Email: dazzleandbark@yahoo.com Facebook page: Dazzle and Bark Dog Grooming
Community Centre Appeal
The Community Centre Committee are asking all residents for their help. We are now a new Charitable Incorporated Organisation with a small board of trustees that deals with finance, policies, insurance, bookings and so on. However, we do need people we can call on to help us occasionally when we have special events or needs. We are starting to compile a list of volunteers - just like Good Neighbours - and we do hope that you would like to be included on that. The type of help we need includes:
- Setting out chairs and tables for cinema, screenings, talks
- Putting up and taking down the Christmas decorations
- Helping out and stocktaking in the bar
- Providing items for the website and newsletter
- Operating IT equipment eg the Blu-ray player at cinema
- Helping with the electronic newsletter and website
- Small DIY jobs
And many others. All skills are very welcome. You would not be committed to a regular activity unless you wanted to but would be happy for us to call you if we needed temporary help for a big or special event. You will not have to attend meetings or be on a committee! Unfortunately, if we are unable to raise some help there is the strong likelihood that we will have to close the Community Centre either partially or completely. This would be devastating for all the groups that use it and for the private parties and events that are held there. We appeal to you to think about what you can do to help us continue to run this very important village asset. We will be outside Spar on Saturday, December 10th so when you are buying one of Mary Ellis’s famous cakes do stop and chat to us as well. If you would like further information or would like to offer your name to put on our helpers’ list please contact one of the following trustees:
Richard Alexandre 384601 barbrich1972@hotmail.co.uk
Don Darling 388098 caroldon01@gmail.com
Mary Ellis. 384642
Jane Merritt 388382 jane-merritt@hotmail.co.uk
Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley 07730011951 stradbrokecentresec@gmail.com
Nick Stones. 07702544641 nmstones@hotmail.com
G Rennie-Dunkerley
Places you can go to find a warm welcome in Stradbroke
Monday Mardle in the Baptist Chapel Between 9am – 4pm see page 3 for details Tuesday weekly in the Community Centre 10am-12 contact club, and lunch see page 12 Tuesday weekly Court House Craft and Natter 2pm-4pm see page 10 New! Wednesdays weekly in the Court House - tea/coffee, biscuits, newspapers, chat with people who will listen. All ages. No charge 10am-1pm see page 4 for details
Thursday weekly Court house Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, homemade sausage rolls and cake. All £1.50 each. 9.30am-12.30pm and Thursday monthly Court House Book Club 2.30pm Friday monthly Court House Friday Friends Café, (dementia friendly) 10am-12noon see page 10 Saturday weekly in the Court house; Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, homemade sausage rolls and cake. All £1.50 each. 9.30am-12.30pm
Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club
Thinking that a Winter World Cup would ease the confrontation with the cricket season, the waters are again muddied, this time by a Coronation to take place in May. Normally Stradbroke would have received our 2023 fixtures, but at time of writing, all we have is a list of likely opponents. I am sure it will be sorted. Maybe the fact that the grass is still growing in the mild weather, and leaves still cling to the trees, has confused the administrators into thinking it is Autumn, when Christmas is a month away. The rain has hardly relented, an example of nature balancing itself out, but at least everything is green! Hopefully, all will be well come February. Just leaves me to thank everyone who has contributed to the running of the Cricket Club this year. Can I be the first to wish you all a Happy Christmas, and a peaceful New Year. Try to enjoy the festive period, however tough things may seem.
Michael Hugman
Page 20
News & Views
Page 21 Passmore Weeks & Richardson
Ear Care Ear wax removal specialist Micro-Suction & Water Irrigation
Etheridge Nurseries
Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140
available from the end of November. Selection of Hedging Plants available from the middle of November. Laurels, Yew and Box in stock now Large selection of local Fruit & Vegetable available in shop. Sacks of Local White Potatoes available now. Suffolk
Lisa Manning
07738885848 www.SuffolkEarCare.co.uk
Laxfield Cabin, Framlingham Road. Laxfield. Suffolk. IP13 8HD.
Page 22
Rd, Stradbroke
Mobile: 07788 850762 Free survey & quote. eMail editors@Stradbrokemonthly.co.uk to place your advert here!
Magnolia House, Wilby
Tel: 01379 384097 Mobile: 07944 894757
Page 23 Norfolk, IP20 9EA eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Goddess Beauty is a beauty and skin clinic based in Stradbroke. Annabel has over 10 years experience in the beauty industry. Offering the highest quality products and treatments including: Manicure Pedicure Bio sculpture gel Waxing Spray Tan Environ Skincare Jane Iredale Skincare Make Up Lynton lasers - a medical grade IPL system for hair removal and skin rejuvenation I can help with acne, pigmentation, thread veins, port wine stains and much more. For more information check out our website www.goddess-beauty.co.uk Call 07535656044 39 Westhall, Stradbroke
Page 24
Hammond Garden & Countryside Services
Specialising in Conifer reduction.
All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded
All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
Page 25
E J BROWN Builder 42 Years in the trade Extensions /period renovations From a new plastic door to a complete rebuild. Matthew Hammond Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643 01379 871459 or 07545989081 Very Responsible Local Metal Detectorist N.C.M.D.Insurance provided. All land considered. badgerbobo1@yahoo.co.uk Please ring Brian on 01379388174 or 07759956627 This is a free service.
Septic Tank Emptying
Page 26
Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details: Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109
& domestic drains cleared & cleaned. Fast, friendly, reliable service. (Environmental registered carrier) Call Lenny Jolly: 07905 794221
in working with people living with Dementia, understanding of Parkinsons, depression, loneliness isolation in old age. I strive to ensure you are treated with respect and dignity at all times, especially whilst you are receiving your care and treatment.
DBS References available on request
Leslie 07522275916 to arrange a convenient time to discuss your needs. Reliable Friendly Trustworthy Professional Carer eMail editors@Stradbrokemonthly.co.uk to place your advert here!
Dr Dan Poulter
Conservative MP for Central Suffolk and North Ipswich
Whilst I am pleased that we are now moving forward with our new Prime Minister, during these recent weeks and months, it has been more important than ever for me to focus on the issues which matter to us locally here in Suffolk. That’s why I was delighted to recently welcome to Parliament a delegation of farmers and food producers from Fram Farmers.
Following a tour of Parliament, I was pleased to host a meeting with Fram Farmers where I heard first-hand about the challenges facing Suffolk’s farmers and food producers. Although it’s fair to say that the discussions focused generally on agricultural policy and potential changes on the horizon, more detailed conversations were also had around the financial challenges affecting farmers and food producers, and indeed all businesses here in Suffolk, including the rising cost of fertiliser as a result of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and rising costs of energy and fuel. We are all proud of Suffolk’s farmers who produce food which is locally sourced to the highest standards. I have always believed in the importance of UK farmers having a fair and level playing field with farmers from other countries, especially in areas like animal welfare standards, food labelling and quality of grain entering the food chain. In all of these areas, our own farmers are world class.
Whilst I regularly visit farms and food producers across Central Suffolk and North Ipswich, it was great to also be able to welcome some of them to Parliament. It is vital that our Government policies are fit for purpose and it’s important to hear the impact that any changes will have on the ground for our local food producers. I will always do my very best to support Suffolk’s farmers and food producers and I will continue to speak with Ministers to make sure that their voices are heard in Parliament. The effects of the ongoing Avian Influenza outbreak Suffolk are of significant concern and this is why I have been pressing Government Ministers to better support this important sector. it is essential that the Government continue to consider the impact that these issues have on our farmers, food producers, retailers and ultimately the consumer.
Agriculture, food and drink remain central to our local economy with more than one in seven jobs in Suffolk having some link to food production. We really are incredibly lucky to have such wonderful farmers and food producers on our doorstep and in the run up to Christmas, like you, I will be supporting them by buying local produce and gifts. As always, if you have any issues which I can help with at one of my local advice bureaus, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with my office via www.drdanielpoulter.com
Please send all articles to
The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine.
The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received.
The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from stradbrokemonthly.co.uk Handwritten Submission?
Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computerin the library and the Library manager will happily help you to submit your article.
Page 27
December 2022
1st Radio Stradbroke on air from 10am at www.radiostradbroke.co.uk, and every day
1st Free Festive Fun volunteer meeting at Rectory – all welcome (see page 17)
1st Over 60s Christmas lunch (see page 12)
1st Stradbroke Strollers meet outside Court House – and every Thursday (see page 14)
1st Court House Café open – and every Thursday (see page 10)
2nd Friday Friends Café in Court House from 10am (see page 10)
2nd FOSH Christmas Quiz at Stradbroke High School (see page 17)
3rd Border Craft Collective Craft Fair at Community Centre (see page 14)
3rd Court House Café open – and every Saturday (see page 10)
5th ‘Monday Mardle’ at Stradbroke Baptist Church – and every Monday (see page 7)
5th Rummikub Club and Scrabble at Baptist Church, and every Monday (see page 14)
6th Craft & Natter at the library from 2-4pm, and every Tuesday (see page 10)
6th Contact Club meet in Community Centre, and every Tuesday
7th Stradbroke Baptist Church Friendship Lunch – all welcome (see page 3)
7th Company, Chat & Coffee at Court House, and every Wednesday (see page 10)
7th Jolly Wassail at Stradbroke Community Centre from 7.30pm (see page 17)
8th Wilby School Christmas Fair at Coronation Village Hall (see page 18)
9th Cash Bingo iao ASCFC (See page 4)
10th Christmas Cake Stall iao ASCFC (See page 4)
11th Free Festive Fun at All Saints Church, Stradbroke (see page 17)
12th Parish Council meeting (see page 6)
14th Table tennis in Community Centre, 18:30-20:30 and most Wednesdays
15th Stradbroke Cinema presents Top Gun: Maverick in Community Centre (see page 14)
16th Syleham & Wingfield Hall Quiz Evening, 7.30pm (see page 18)
20th Circle Dancing in Community Centre, 2-4pm (see page 14)
21st Carols around the tree at Baptist Church (see page 3)
21st Torchlit Christmas Walk to Battlesea Hall (see page 17)
23rd Common Ground Theatre comedy at Laxfield Village hall (see page 17)
25th Marty’s Christmas Crackers! LIVE on Radio Stradbroke www.radiostradbroke.co.uk
31st Syleham & Wingfield Hall Family Evening, 8pm (see page 18)
January 2023
1st Radio Stradbroke on air from 10am at www.radiostradbroke.co.uk, and every day
6th Friday Friends Café in Court House from 10am (see page 10)
6th Circle Dancing in Community Centre, 2-4pm (see page 14)
7th Common Ground Theatre comedy at Diss Corn Hall (see page 17)
11th Stradbroke Baptist Church Friendship Lunch – all welcome (see page 3)
12th WI meet in Community Centre, new members welcome (see page 10)
14th Cake Stall iao ASCFC (See page 4)
17th Circle Dancing in Community Centre, 2-4pm (see page 14)
18th Children’s Society coffee morning at Thirkettle Cottage (see page 18)
19th Over 60s meeting – all welcome (see page 12)
19th Stradbroke Cinema presents Mrs Harris Goes to Paris (see page 14)
20th **Submission deadline for February 2023 edition strictly by this date**
28th Burn’s Night celebration at Syleham & Wingfield Village Hall (see page 18)
31st Circle Dancing in Community Centre, 2-4pm (see page 14)