April 2018

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£1 where sold

April 2019


This meeting will be held on Thursday, 26th April 2018, in the Community Centre, Wilby Road, Stradbroke starting at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend to hear about the activities that the village groups have undertaken over the last year. Any village group or organisation can present a brief report should they wish to do so. Please email me a copy of any reports so that they may be added to the minutes. An agenda will be issued nearer the date on the Parish Council website and on the noticeboard. Copies of the draft minutes from the 2017 meeting can be found on the Parish Council website. I would be grateful if any village group or organisation is planning on attending that you let me know as soon as possible, as this will help with the preparation of the agenda. If a village group or organisation is unable to attend the meeting, you may submit a report via email and it will be read out on your behalf. (The Clerks contact details are on page 6.) Odile Wladon (Clerk)

Stradbroke Church of England Primary School is joining with four other local schools to form the new “All Saints Schools Trust” that opens on 1st April 2018. The other founding schools in the Trust are: All Saints Church of England Primary School, Laxfield Fressingfield Church of England Primary School St Peter and St Paul Church of England Primary School, Eye Wortham Primary School The schools will all convert to academy status on the same date. The new Trust is designed specifically to support small rural church and community primary schools and has been created by a group of Headteachers and Governors from the founding schools. These schools have been working together for some time and the new multi-academy trust allows the schools to enhance this partnership to benefit the children and help them continue to be sustainable. Initially the schools plan to collaborate on training new teachers and also on school improvement - for example by allowing all teachers across the Trust in specific year groups to meet and share best practice. Day to day arrangements in each school remain the same and Stradbroke Primary will continue to be led by Melanie Barrow, Executive Headteacher and Hannah Hunt, Head of School. More information about the Trust is available on our website at http://asst.org.uk James Hargrave, Chair of Trustees, All Saints Schools Trust

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Local Churches

Stradbroke Baptist Church

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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk We welcome you to join us - Sunday Worship in April 1st Easter Communion at All Saints Church at 11am Sundays at 10:15 am 8th. D. Dewsbery 15th, 22nd & 29th B. Francis We welcome you to join us – our activities for April Tues. 3rd & 17th 7:30pm Bible study Wed.11th 12:30pm Lunch Club Sat. 14th 10am Create & Chatter Wed 25th

10am Drop in for Coffee

And Now For The Good News! A New Pastor Yes! The good news is that the Stradbroke Baptist Church has now appointed a Pastor who together with his family will join us in April. Bruce Francis is a Yorkshire man who is not from a traditional Christian family and after working in the UK found himself in Hong Kong working for Pickfords, the international removers. It was whilst there that in 1997 he became a committed Christian and started attending an International Church. Through the Church Bruce met his future wife Mary, who is from the Philippines. They returned to Mary’s homeland where Bruce attended an American Southern Baptist College. After graduation they served as missionaries 250 miles north of the Philippines capital on the island of Luzon where they founded an organization whose purpose was to offer a better and more hopeful future to underprivileged children – transforming young lives, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It was during this time that a new international church was founded where people of all nationalities felt at home and comfortable in worshipping God. In 2014 Bruce, Mary with their two children Josh and Isabella came to settle in Suffolk where Bruce has been working with the Baptist Church at Charsfield. At Stradbroke we believe this appointment is part of God’s greater plan, we have faith to believe that God has a purpose for it will enable the Church to develop and better fulfil its God given role to “Worship God and serve the community”. Please give the family a warm Stradbroke welcome into our village. A special service to welcome Bruce and his family takes place on Saturday 19th May at 3pm. This informal gathering will be followed by refreshments. All are invited to attend on that special occasion. And finally, when asked. “How do you wish to be addressed - do you want to be called The Reverend, The Pastor or The Minister?” the response was “Just call me Bruce.” Please contact: John Ling 388751 (Church Elder)

Can We Help? Our telephone number is 07749 445531

The Stradbroke Good Neighbours

Need a lift to the Surgery or for an appointment at hospital? Collect a prescription? Change a light bulb? Check your smoke alarm or an odd job done? Our Volunteers will be happy to help you. There will be a mileage charge for journeys undertaken by our drivers and we will inform you of the mileage charge when you phone for assistance. We would appreciate at least 24 hours notice and will be happy to assist you.

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Local Churches

All Saints, Stradbroke

Revd Susan Loxton 01379 388493; Rev Cathy Bladon 01379 588311; Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 All Saints Church Stradbroke. Revd Susan Loxton 01379 388493; Revd Cathy Bladon 01379 588311. Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Cathy or Revd Susan Services: 1st April 11.00 am Village Holy Communion for Easter Sunday with the Baptists 8th April 8.00am Holy Communion, said service 15th April 11.00 am Holy Communion, followed by coffee & tea 22nd April No service in All Saints church 22nd April 10.00 am family@church at Fressingfield, for the Benefice, all are welcome 29th April 10.00 am Benefice Holy Communion here 6th May 11.00 am Family service, followed by coffee & tea Revd Susan returns from her sabbatical from church and pastoral duties on April 3rd. Our thanks to Revd Cathy for the extra support and ministry she has given us for the last three months. Church Annual Meeting Tuesday 24th April in the Webb room of the Community Centre at 7.30 pm. Everyone is welcome to join us to hear the reports of projects over the last 12 months and the plans for the next year.

All Saints Church Fundraising Committee

By the time you read this we will have had the Book Sale with craft stalls in the church. Our last cake stall with Roly’s potato sales raised £75 for the cakes. The Art Exhibition is now in progress, anyone wishing to exhibit please get in touch ASAP. The Preview is on 2nd May and then open on 3rd to 4th May, 10-6. We take this opportunity to thank our sponsors: Rattlerow Farms, R&W, Reeves, Susan Whymark, Spurling & Remblance and Skinners Dog Foods. Thank you all most sincerely for the help for our funds and also for raffle prizes that have been donated. Mary Ellis

From the Rectory

Dear friends and neighbours I wonder how many of you like me are longing for the summer now... longing for a blast of sunshine and to feel the warmth of the sun. As the days tick by my head is already full of expectation, as I look forward to that time. We do that a lot, don’t we? We look forward and tend to rush from one thing to another without taking time to appreciate where we are now. There’s a tendency to do that in lots of ways... ‘I can’t wait to leave school’, ‘I can’t wait until the children are a bit older’, ‘I can’t wait until I retire’ ...the list goes on. Some of us are a bit like that about the past too; always hankering back to a time when life was different. We can easily think that the old ways were the best that, ‘it wasn’t like that in my day’. If we spend our time always looking forwards, or backwards, always looking for something else, we can miss the things that are around us now. We may fail to appreciate people that are in our lives at the moment; we might not appreciate the lessons that we need to be learning now; we may fail to see all that is good in our lives right now. If I continue to just look to the summer there’s every possibility I might miss the spring, when it finally arrives... and miss the beauty of seeing new life appearing all around. Perhaps you’d like to join me in trying to live more in the present and appreciate in this beautiful part of the world we live in, that ‘He (God) has made everything beautiful in its time.’ God Bless, Cathy

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Street Farm, Laxfield Road

Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm

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Stradbroke Parish Council

The Clerk’s Report


Next full Council meeting 9th April at 7.30pm, next PC Clinic Tuesday, 17th April (2.15pm): both at the Court House Planning Applications supported: DC/18/00533 – Erection of a detached single storey holiday let. Field Cottage, Laxfield Road IP21 5JT DC/18/00266 – Erection of double garage (following demolition of existing garage) The Lodge, Wilby Road IP21 5JN 1503/17 – Erection of 2 storey side extension and extension of single store porch. Cadogan, New Street IP21 5JG Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: none available. One appeal against a MSDC decision has been commenced: AP/17/00100 Chestnut House, Wilby Road IP21 5JP, no further comments from the Parish Council were submitted. Parish Council updates: · Cllrs Hannah Luton and Jo Baber resigned since the last meeting. · 3 new Councillors were co-opted: Sue Childs, David Turner and James Hargrave. · The regulation 14 consultation period for the Neighbourhood Plan has ended and the workingparty are reviewing the responses and updating the plan accordingly. · Councillors were pleased to note that the Women’s Cycle Tour of Britain will be passing through the village as part of the 1st stage on 13th June. · It was noted that the current Licence for the Community Store does not allow for it to be assigned to another party. Councillors voted to set up an Asset Working Group to review all of the Parish Council’s assets and associated leases and licences. · Councillors reviewed and approved the Statement of Internal Control. · Councillors are reviewing a request by Stradbroke Sports & Community Centre for the hedge near the playing field to be reduced in height, a fence within the hedge may be removed at the same time. · Councillors have asked the Asset Working Group to clarify who owns the gates at the Stradbroke Sports & Community Centre which the Parish Council have been advised are in need of repair. · 3 Councillors recently attended Councillor Training offered by SALC. · The placement of a memorial bench in the Cemetery was approved. · Councillors are reviewing documentation received concerning the assignment of the lease for the Drs Surgery to the new CIO (The Stradbroke Trust) · The clerk has chased Cllr McGregor with regards to the road signs that were promised to the village some time ago. · A successful meeting took place between village organisations and the Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team. Odile Wladon (Clerk ) Mill Hill House, Church Lane, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk IP23 8NA Mobile: 07555 066147 email: stradbrokepc@outlook.com www.stradbrokepc.org

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Dirty Oven??

Friendly & Helpful Service From Adie

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LIFE IN THE LEGION – R.B.L. Stradbroke Branch

The Royal British Legion, Stradbroke and District Branch “Life in the Legion”. The guest speaker at the monthly March midday meeting of the branch was Joe Sigano; who came from Belgium, to talk about his very interesting life there. He brought along many large coloured photographs to show regarding his life with the ex service community, and many other interests he has. Major Rosemary Warne, MBE, DL. gave him a vote of thanks on behalf of the members and guests present. During the business part of the meeting reports were given by the branch officers present; Secretary Bernard Mills, Treasurer Lynne Orams, and membership secretary Penny Stanford. The forthcoming Spring Lunch, replacing the Annual Dinner, was discussed; members will be receiving a letter. (Membership to date is 54). The next meeting of the branch is on Thursday, 12th. April, to be held at our usual venue, Laxfield Royal Oak, starting at 11.30 am, a guest speaker is being arranged. Michael Burton, Branch Chairman

The Stradbroke WI

March meeting of the Stradbroke WI. As usual we opened with an excellent rendering of Jerusalem followed by some general business. Gill announced that Pat Marlow had been a winner of £50 in the 200 club draw and that Prue had won first prize of a £100 M&S gift voucher at the AGM at Trinity Park , lucky us. Dorothy then gave a full report on that meeting which had several excellent speakers the main one being Graham Walton father of the Liverpool sextuplets. Graham told us of his life in a house with 7 women, the trials the joys and the downright hard work involved in bringing up such an extraordinary family. Next Gill felt it was a good time, as we have several new members, to have a quick update on the various clubs that run within our W.I. Rose Tomson told us about the book club, Dorothy Readman enthused over the joys of circle dancing , well we all go round in circles at times but the W.I do it to music, Pat Marlow explained about the lunch club and the fun trips to the pub for some lovely grub and finally Gill Bird invited all to come and try the Kurling club where stones may be thrown to help release stress, well stones can be slid if that is correct grammar but the effect is the same . All are welcome to try or join these groups so join the W.I there is a lot on offer. On display was a beautiful cot quilt made by Dorothy Readman as an entry for the Suffolk Show, we were all impressed and congratulated Dorothy on her lovely work . Good luck it should do well. Our hostesses were thanked, birthday buttonholes presented then we settled down to listen to our speaker for the evening. Ruth Miller had come to talk to us about the Foundling Hospital which was founded by Thomas Goram in the early 18th century for the care of babies born into impossible poverty to mothers of previously good reputation but who would be unable to care for their babies in the society that ruled at the time. Ruth, herself a Foundling gave us a graphic description of the severity of the regime that the Foundlings were subjected to which although by her time was more enlightened than at its genesis was still very sparse and strict , very clean but completely segregated from the boys and most of the time from the public. Initially the children were taught to read but not write but it was soon realised that the ability to do both would help them in future employment and not necessarily make them think of themselves above their station in life!! We cringe to think of it now. The Hospital had many famous sponsors such as the artists William Hogarth and Thomas Gainsborough who were repaid by having their works displayed for public view in a gallery at the Hospital. Charles Dickens was also a sponsor and governor of the Hospital and it is thought that Oliver Twist was based on the Hospital and characters found there. Famously G.F. Handel was also a governor and introduced music for the foundlings particularly the boys who frequently went as musicians into the army. The second ever performance of the Messiah was performed at the Hospital Chapel and has been a classic ever since then. As finances became tighter the Hospital moved out of London into Redhill in Surrey, plenty of open spaces for the children to exercise in. No children were admitted after 1950 and the last foundling left in 1954. There is a book that can and probably should be written about this place for the good intentions but harsh ways of caring for these children, but I have squeezed just a little of the history into this report, there is so much more to this story and we thank Ruth for her honesty and congratulate her on finding her way through to become a qualified nurse and health visitor and raising her own family in her happy home, they must have done something right. A vote of thanks from Joan and we retired to the refreshment table for a good chat about all that we had learned, thanking our lucky stars for our own good fortune. Our next meeting will be on April 12th when Don Darling will speak to us about ice cream making, watch out for the refreshments that night !! Do come and try us for size ladies, all very welcome. Prue Rush


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Stradbroke Allotments & Gardening Association

I remember my days at school when we used to say April showers bring forth May flowers. No doubt there can be showers of hail, sleet or snow, but ideally what is needed are warm showers and sunshine to get things really moving fast. Onion sets can be planted out this month 23 cm apart and just below the soil surface, when they start to grow their roots sometimes push the onion set out of the soil, and birds also sometimes disturb them, so keep an eye on them and gently push them back in. Brussel sprouts, cauliflowers and cabbage plants can be planted out but make sure to cover them over with netting because there are always plenty of hungry pigeons that will soon eat the young plants. Sow leeks out into a seed bed to raise plants. When they are 10cm high they can be transplanted, make holes 20cm apart for planting using a large dibber, an old fork or spade handle is ideal, drop one plant into each hole, then water in, and some soil will be carried into the hole anchoring the plant, cover them over with netting because the crows sometimes take great pleasure in pulling them out. All fruit trees and bushes are coming out of dormancy this month and entering a growth spurt, give them a feed of high potash fertiliser or an organic mixture of blood fish and bone to get them off to a good start. Spread ferterliser around the base and water in well and cover with a layer of rotted down farmyard manure or compost which will act as a mulch. Do not forget to keep an eye on the weeds, April May and June are fastest growing months so there is always plenty of hoeing to do. Enjoy your gardening. If you are interested in having an allotment please contact Tony John 384465. The AGM of the Stradbroke Allotment and Gardeners' Association has been set for Thursday 3rd May 7.30pm in the Courthouse. Ivor Hyde

Friends of Stradbroke High School

Friends of Stradbroke High School (FOSH). New members needed! - we are a small group of parents, carers, staff and members of the local community raising funds for the benefit of the students; we would love to welcome new members. If you are interested in joining FOSH please text 07927 295702. Lucy Game, Chair

The Stradbroke Village Archive

One hundred years ago WW1 had entered the final year of what was called the Great War. By this time Stradbroke had mourned the loss of 14 of its young men and was about to hear the church bell toll again. WILLIAM LARTER was the son of Charles and Matilda Larter who lived at Mayhew Corner, Stradbroke. William was born in 1884, the youngest of 10 children, and before he enlisted into the Northumberland Regiment he had worked as a village Farm Labourer. William died on 8th April 1918 and is buried St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen. His military record shows that he was just 28 years old when he died whereas he was in-fact older. We Remember William with Honour. Ann Readman. SARA

Stradbroke Primary School

What a busy few weeks we have had, despite the best efforts of the Beast from the East! The whole school enjoyed celebrating World Book Day and there were some fantastic costumes from both children and staff alike. On the same day, we also invited parents and carers in for our annual Mother’s Day assembly. (Leading it as Miss Trunchbull will certainly stick in my head!) The children each shared beautiful performances to thank their mums for everything they do for them. We also had a school record-breaking performance at the Tag Rugby tournament last month with our team making it through to the semi-finals! The team finished in third position and earned themselves bronze medals which they have been wearing with pride. We are very proud of all of you – congratulations! Finally, on the 9 of March, a group of children from year 4, 5 and 6 had the amazing opportunity to perform at Snape Maltings concert hall as part of ‘A Celebration of Schools’ Music. The children performed four songs telling the story of the difficult journeys that refugees have to make from their original homes to a new one. They sung with such passion and dedication and their professionalism throughout the whole process was commented on by many people, including some of the professional musicians they worked alongside whilst rehearsing. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came along to support your children – I know that you were as proud of them as I was and am sure their moving performance brought a tear to many an eye! We wish you all a very Happy Easter! Hannah Hunt, Head of School th

Lottery Bonus Winners

Lottery bonus winners: 13 Janet Chambers; 56 No winner; 7 E Rook, £50; 36 A Boast; 50 No winner. £120 donated to village organisations. M Ellis

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My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website www.mycare-athome.co.uk We are also recruiting NOW We need exceptional people who love to care.

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Stradbroke Library, Post Office and Court House News

Court House Café Extra On Friday 20th April 2018, we are launching our ‘FRIDAY FRIENDS CAFE’ at the Court House from 10am to 12pm. This is a café session for people affected by dementia in any way, carers and those that are cared for, as well as friends, family etc. At this launch session there will be free refreshments for everyone as well as support and advice for those that need it. Come along and meet up with others in a relaxed, supportive, informal, social setting. We intend to run these café sessions on the first Friday in the month after the launch. The next one will be on Friday 4th May where normal Court House café prices will apply : £1.50 for coffee/tea/hot chocolate and £1 each for a sausage roll/toasted teacake or a slice of delicious homemade cake. If you need any more information, please call in the library and speak to Maureen or ring 01379 384768. Many thanks to all of you who have offered help and support with this. ‘BACON BAPS’ SATURDAY MARCH 24th ‘HOT CROSS BUNS’ SATURDAY MARCH 31st ‘SUMMER GARDEN PARTY’ - Sunday 24th June from 12noon to 5pm at Moat Edge, Cedar Close, Stradbroke. By kind permission of Allan & June Hampson. Pimms, Canapes, Strawberries and Cream. Tickets £15 book at the library/Café, or phone ; 01379 384768 or 0750780236 Maureen John

Radio Stradbroke

As Radio Stradbroke celebrates its 12th birthday, requests for outside broadcasts are on the increase. As well as our residency at Stradisphere 2018, we have been invited to Dublogic at Debenham, one of VW Owners Clubs flagship events, in May. You can hear all the RS DJs on Easter Sunday between 10:00 - 15:00 live in the studio. Easter marks the change in broadcasting season. It is very likely that we will continue our Sunday Sessions right through the Summer, on www.radiostradbroke.co.uk or on the Tunein app. Thank you for your continued support. Michael Hugman

Wingfield and District Gardening Club

Charlotte Blyth, in February, gave us a great deal of information about willow weaving in order to support our plants and feed our birds. Not only did she give us the information but she encouraged us to try it ourselves and most of her audience had a go. The skill and enthusiasm with which she instructed us and the beautiful but strong structures will have made us keen to know more. She also gave very useful names of suppliers and stressed that the willow must be cut in winter and made no later than March while it is still green and pliable. Alternatively, if brown willow is used, this must be soaked first, not always easy if it is 6ft long. In April we meet at Brundish Village Hall in the 26th to listen to Helen Hillier on plants in containers. C Traylen

Over 60s

Due to alterations to the community centre, then the weather we had to delay the start to our meetings for 2018. We got together for the first time on Thursday 15th March. We had 27 members in attendance. They were all very pleased to get together once again. We introduced them to our new game of indoor curling, which proved to be very popular. Our April meetings will be on Thursdays 5th and 19th at 2.30 till 4.00 in the community centre. Any visitors will always be made very welcome. Our meeting on 19th April will be our AGM. Joan Grimes

Stradisphere meets Dublogic!

We are very pleased to announce that this year Stradisphere will also be collaborating with Dublogic VW Festival in Debenham to bring live music to the Dublogic show. The show is being held at Debenham Hall in Debenham which is 5 minutes off the A140 on Sunday 27th May. This is the 4th year of the Dublogic Show and if you've been before you will know what to expect. Relaxed atmosphere, amazing cars and plenty to do and see!! Dublogic pride themselves on holding an affordable show that caters for everyone. Whether it be aircooled, watercooled, new, old or any type of VAG... everyone is welcome. What to expect: - Show & Shine with over 20 trophies - Show & Shine / Display stage - A great selection of Traders - A variety of Food stalls - Bar / Refreshments - Entertainment for all ages including children £8 per person Under 16's Free Gates open at 10am. We’ll see you there! Team Stradisphere x

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Antique Restoration

Ian Brown LCGI

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Parish Council Notes From the Chair…

We are delighted to welcome Sue Childs, David Turner and James Hargrave; who were co-opted to the Parish Council at our March meeting. Sadly, we said goodbye to Hannah and Jo but hopefully we may see them back on the Council at some point in the future when circumstances permit. I would like to thank all residents who took the time to respond to the recent consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan – I know that the working group really appreciate the support and input received. Work is underway to put the finishing touches to the plan following the consultation prior to it being signed off for submission to Mid Suffolk District Council. We have noticed that there are a few areas that need to be clarified with regards to the assets the Parish Council own and ones they do not – so we have set up a working group to look at all the documentation we have and report back to the Council on the best way to tidy things up. Ellie Wharton, Chairman, Stradbroke Parish Council

Community Defibrillator

Always phone 999 if you need help.

The operator will advise if you need the defibrillator.

The cabinet is locked - the 999 operator will give you the code to unlock the cabinet. Parish Clerk

When Should I call 999? Call 999 when: Incidents are happening now, someone is or feels in danger and cannot get to safety ask for the POLICE. If someone is on the roof of a building phone immediately and ask for FIRE SERVICE - report a person trapped on a roof. Call 101 for the police if: Incidents have previously occurred, you are safe and no person needs immediate assistance.

Letters to the Editors Please accept this as a sincere 'Thank You' for all the cards & kind messages of condolence & support, following the death of my Mum, Rose. It is comforting to know that so many villagers remember her. I may not always sound grateful, but I am. Michael Hugman I would like to say a very big thank you to my very kind friends and neighbours for the help and getting my shopping for me in the very snowy weather last week. Many thanks once again. Edna Rook A Big Thank You We would very much like to offer sincere thanks to the village shops and services for all their efforts during the recent dreadful weather. One really must consider how it might have been were they not there. Please let all of us all continue to use them in the future so we do not lose them. They are our lifeline in harsh conditions and indeed for those who are not as mobile as they would like to be whatever the weather Joyce and Roy Lee

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Forthcoming Events

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Red Feather Club

The Red Feather Club in Horham has a packed calendar of events planned for 2018 with dances, open days and a quiz. The first big event of the year is on Saturday 24th March with a 1940s Swing Dance with The Pat Reyford Combo! We've also got special guest DJ Michael Wilson from the Skylark Club in Northants joining us at the Red Feather Club! So polish up your dancing shoes, this is one not to miss! Tickets are £10. Online booking at https://red-feather-club-swing-march-2018.eventbrite.co.uk will incur a small fee. Or you can contact Andy Garner at andy.av8@hotmail.com or on 07788 966 640. On Saturday 23rd June there will be a Jumpin’ Jivin’ R&B Dance with the Devil’s Cut Combo. They treated our ears so well last time, we just had to get them back! We’ve also got Special guest DJ Slimboy in between sets. Saturday 29th September sees the welcome return of the 200th Mission Dance, this time featuring Junction 55 plus DJ Gypsy John and The Mailman. Saturday 24th March: 40s Swing Night - The Pat Reyford Combo & guest DJ from the Skylark Club. Saturday & Sunday 16th & 17th June: The 95th arrive at Station 119, 75th anniversary weekend - details to be announced. Saturday 23rd June: Dance - The Devils Cut Combo are back by popular demand with guest DJ Slimboy. Sunday 24th June: Americana Day. September 29th: Dance - The band Junction 55 and DJ Gypsy John. Public open days: The last Sunday of the month from April to October. 10am-4pm. April 29th, May 27th, June 24th, July 29th, Aug26th, Sept 30th & Oct 28th. The award-winning Red Feather Club museum, operated and managed by the 95th Bomb Group Heritage Association, in a former NCOs' club exclusively houses uniforms and memorabilia relating to the 95th Bomb Group who flew out of Horham during WW2. The 95th, part of the Mighty Eighth Air Force, flew 334 missions and were the first Bomb Group to perform a daylight raid on Berlin. They were awarded a record three Presidential Unit Citations and lost more than 600 men in action. The Red Feather Club is four miles south-east of Eye off the B1117 (IP21 5DG). For details of prices, times, ticket availability etc for dances and other Red Feather Club events visit our website at www.95thbg-horham.com. For Sat Navs, our postcode is: IP215DG. 95th Bomb Group Heritage Association, Coldhams Hill, Denham, IP21 5DG, enquiries@95thbg-horham.com, www.95thbg-horham.com. Mike Ager

Points of View photography exhibition in Cratfield

Points of View is a photography exhibition created by Chrissie Kitchen, Candy Blackham, Nick Eade, and Geoff Moore who live in Cratfield and who all enjoy the visual arts. DETAILS: FREE ENTRY. Friday 27 April, 18.00-20.00, Pay Bar & Nice Nibbles Saturday 28 April, 10.30-17.00, Tea & Delicious Cakes Cratfield Village Hall, Manse Lane, IP19 0DJ. DONATIONS INVITED for Halesworth Dementia Carers & Prostate Cancer UK Information: 07879 425 617 or candyblackham@gmail.com Candy Blackham

Coming to a village near you...

Big Band sounds from 40s & 50s with Swing Machine, a 20 piece live band in Cratfield Church. On May 19th at 7pm. Ticket Hotline 07906509302. Margaret Thompson

Wilby Village Hall Race Night

Charity Number: 304839 ‘Night At The Races’ on Saturday 28 April. Doors Open 7pm - First Race Off At 7.30pm Admission £1 (Programme) Bar Open & Hot Dogs For Sale Sponsored By: Spurling & Remblance, MPLR, Mark Peacock Land Rovers, Peter Johnson Agricultural Engineers, www.barleygreengarage.com All proceeds from this event will be used to help fund The Village Hall Pond Rejuvenation Project. The Village Hall Pond Project aims to rejuvenate the pond and provide an outside space for the community to enjoy. Ian Taylor th

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Forthcoming Events

Stradbroke Cinema

On April 19th we will be showing ‘Murder on the Orient Express’. One of the most stylish, suspenseful and thrilling mysteries ever told by Agatha Christie. Hercule Poirot - played by Kenneth Branagh with a magnificent moustache - has a race against time to solve the puzzle of a string of murders on a stranded train. Will he succeed? A star-studded cast including Johnny Depp, Judi Dench, Derek Jacobi and a host of others add to the glamour and spectacle. There are sweeping landscapes and a thundering musical score combined with first-class acting making this a true cinematic experience. Definite escapism and nostalgia for everyone to enjoy. Doors open at 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm. The bar is open before the start and during the interval when ice creams will also be on sale. Everyone is welcome, entrance is £5.50 for adults and £3 for 16s and under. Full details can be found on the Village website at www.stradbrokeonline.org.uk Come early to claim your seat our brand new 2-tiered seating area! We will also be giving you the opportunity of choosing the films for our Summer Season prior to showing this film – your vote really does count! Roger Turkington and Jane Merritt

WEA Talk on John Clare

Back by popular demand is Mark Mitchels who will be talking about the poet, John Clare, on Thursday, April 26th at 2.00pm in the Community Centre. The cost is £6.00 including refreshments and all are welcome. John Clare was an extraordinary poet who lived a tragic life after very humble beginnings. Mark will take us through Clare’s life and remind us of what a great poet and observer of country life and human emotion he was. Mark’s talks are always very well attended so please let me know if you intend to come along at gillianrenniedunkerley@hotmail.com or 01379 384248 or 07730011951 I am sure you are looking forward to this event as much as I am. Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley

Family Fun Quiz for Easter

The Community Centre is organising a family fun quiz on Friday 6th April at 7:30 in the community centre. It will be an Easter based themed quiz for all the family. Teams of up to 6 will be permitted but they must include 2 children under the age of 16. The quiz will cover a variety of genre and include some questions specifically for the young persons in the team. The evening will include a raffle and the bar will be open as per usual. Entry Price will be £15 per table Reserve a table by contacting either Tony Potts (384713) or Don Darling (388098)

Stradbroke Church Village show

Stradbroke Church Village Show of flowers, vegetables and produce will be held on Saturday 21 July 2018. Schedules for the show will be available at the Bakery shop and the Library. Enquiries to Roly Copping 01379 384839 st

Yoga at Wingfield Barns

A new yoga class is starting at the beautiful Wingfield Barns. It is being run by Alice of River Yoga who teaches Hatha Yoga classes throughout the Waveney Valley. Having trained at Yogaworks in Los Angeles she has studied with some of the best teachers in the world including Lisa Wolford, Jeanne Heileman, Vinnie Marino and Jenny Aurthur. She has been teaching in LA and London since 2013 and recently moved her classes to the Waveney Valley. Whilst running group classes she has also trained in private teaching, tailoring classes to fit specific physical and emotional needs of clients. Alice describes her style of teaching Hatha Yoga as 'aligning breath with fluid movement, to build strength and flexibility in our bodies, calm our minds, and improve health and wellbeing in our daily lives.' Classes are on Friday mornings 9:30-10:45 at Wingfield Barns, drop in classes £8, block bookings of 5 classes £6. Alice Coulthard

Heveningham Hall Country Fair Weekend - 30th June & 1st July

More details to follow but attractions so far include, dog show, stunt horses, bungee jump, wall of death and aerobatics. Volunteers are essential to the successful running of the fair so I would be pleased to hear from anyone who has some time to spare and would enjoy becoming involved. Mike Stephens - 01986 798583 or email foodee@hotmail.co.uk Heveningham Hall Country Fair Trust - registered charity number 1095403 - For the

Community - all proceeds raised by our events go to local charities

Concert at Dunwich

On June 3rd 2018 at 3.30pm St. James’ Church Dunwich, IP17 3DT: A concert of Baroque music given by the WOLLASTON CONSORT; Julie Harmer – flute; Peter Clayton - harpsichord & organ. A Sunday afternoon concert followed by tea & cake. There will be a retiring collection in aid of Suffolk Historic Churches Trust Andrew Campbell

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Registered childminder and qualified Montessori teacher. Set in the beautiful hamlet of Wilby. Funded places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Full and part-time places available for all ages. Open 8am–6pm Monday to Friday all year round. For all enquiries, contact Stephanie on: Phone: 07787154143 Email: stephanie.a.harvey01@gmail.com

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News & Views

The Stradbroke Trust

The Trust was really saddened to hear of the mindless vandalism that took place at the Allotments during December 2017. The Allotment Holders must feel particularly downhearted at this unexpected expense running into hundreds of pounds that they are now having to fund. If you are aware of any of the perpetrators please can you inform the Police as they are extremely keen to prevent this Anti-Social Behaviour. CCTV and high-level security lighting are prohibitively expensive and we have made a small improvement to the fencing around the Allotments, hopefully making it more secure. We have reduced the height of the large Willow at the entrance to the Allotments, cut the Allotment perimeter fence and the Village Garden grass will soon be cut when the weather improves. There have been some repairs to the heaters and a leaking tap in the Stradbroke Surgery and we will be replacing the rear door there with a new security door later on this year. The fence between the Stradbroke Surgery and the adjoining bungalow will shortly be repaired and when funds allow we will announce our next new project. Jane Merritt - Secretary for The Stradbroke Trust

The Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre

We are sure that regular users of our Community Centre will have seen quite a few changes over the past few weeks. At the end of 2017, the SSCC was fortunate enough, following a huge effort by Roger Turkington, to acquire grants of £27,907.37 from 106 Money, £6,000 from Mid Suffolk District Council Community Fund, £1,000 from the Julie Flatman’s Locality Budget, with the balance for the work made up from our own funds. We did not request any money from the Parish Council. This funding has allowed us to replace the ceiling lights in the Main Hall and Webb Room and replace the heating in both these rooms with a Far Infra-Red system. Both these systems are much more ecologically- friendly. The old staging has been removed and we now have a flexible system allowing a stage to be positioned where users prefer and can also be tiered for Stradbroke Cinema. We have installed sound-proof doors between the Main Hall and Webb Room, enabling meetings to take place in both rooms with much less noise interference. We will shortly be installing a new sound system and projector which will enhance your Cinema experience and also hand-held/lapel microphones will be available for meetings. Finally, when all the work has finished we will be decorating the Main Hall, Webb Room, Club Room and Entrance Hall. We hope that all these improvements will ensure the SSCC is a venue where your meetings, events and parties will prove to be an enjoyable experience. Jane Merritt – Chairman for the SSCC

Berlin: Walking through History

Wednesday April 4th at 7.30 p.m. in the Community Centre ( Webb Room) This illustrated presentation by Gerald Jenkins was inspired by a visit to Berlin with two friends to take advantage of a newly created footpath which followed the line of the wall which had separated East Berlin and West Berlin between 1961 and 1989. It was the most visible boundary between the Communist East and the Democratic West. with only a few crossing points, the most famous of which was ‘Checkpoint Charlie’. As conditions in the East got worse and worse, more and more people tried to escape to the West and many were killed in the attempt. In 1989 the East German economy finally collapsed and the wall was demolished from the inside, marking both the end of the Cold War and of the feared Stasi Secret Police. It is now possible to visit the Stasi Headquarters and to see how a quarter of the whole population were recruited to spy on their neighbours and colleagues. Personal photographs of this trip have been combined with archive material from many sources to create a powerful commentary on a long period of dramatic modern history that many of us have lived through. If you have ever been to Berlin or are thinking of going there, then this talk will provide a solid foundation towards making the visit more interesting, rewarding and understandable. Admission £3.00 All Proceeds to FOASS. Gerald Jenkins


Group Hires with Borderhoppa Community Transport Did you know that, along with our door-to-door dial a ride and outings service for members, not for profit community groups can hire our minibuses for their own outings. Go to destinations of your choice, visit your favourite places or enjoy shopping trips with your group. Our requirements are very simple. Your group must register with us as a not for profit organisation, cost of our annual group membership is £15, and tell us what your group does and when and where you would like use of a minibus. If you would like to make a booking or would like more information, then please call 01379 854800 or visit www.borderhoppa.org Borderhoppa Admin

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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road,Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140 Hedging Plants Yew Box Laurel etc Fruit Trees In stock now Seed Potatoes Onion Sets Shallots Available Now Large Selection of Fruit & Vegetables in stock Vegetable and Tomato plants available soon Large selection of Cut Flowers and Pot plants are available

Passmore Weeks & Richardson

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Sports Roundup

Stradbroke Cricket Club

Last month’s lament about the state of pre-season inertia, has been brought into sharp focus by the severe weather of recent weeks, that has put preparations back. By the time you read this, Nat West Cricket Force Day will have come & gone, Hopefully you will be able to see the difference. One thing the weather cannot stop is Annual Horse Race Evening, restored to its usual Springtime slot on Saturday 14th April at the Community Centre. Entry is £8, which includes Fish & Chips. There are 8 races on DVD to bet on, or own a horse. The success of this night means we can pay our insurance bill, not very sexy, but vital, so please support us. To ensure enough Fish & Chips are cooked, please book in advance. Ring me on (07796-465347) by Wednesday 11th April. I promised you big news about sponsorship, & as I am not a politician, I am delivering that good news that Skinners have kindly agreed to sponsor the Cricket Club in its ground breaking 275th year. Long established local business, & long established local Club, seems a perfect match. This will go a long way towards maintaining the level of coaching we offer in Stradbroke, Wilby, Laxfield, & Fressingfield Primary Schools, as well as the new 'All Stars Cricket' initiative we are starting for the 5 - 8yo age groups. To end on a worrying note, once again the Club shed has been the target of vandalism. Thankfully it is robust enough to withstand attempted break ins. It is difficult to steward a building in a far dark corner of the field, but if anyone sees anything suspicious, please report it to the Police. Thank you. See you on the 14th." Michael Hugman

Stradbroke Swim and Fitness Centre

Places are rapidly being filled for our forthcoming events: Swimathon 27th- 29th April 2018 Help us retain our title of being one of the top Pools in the UK & join us for the world’s biggest fundraising swim - Swimathon 2018. There’s a Swimathon challenge for everyone, for all ages and abilities, from 400m to 5k, there’s no excuse not to take part this year" Join as an individual or why not swim with friends, family or colleagues & be part of a team (team swims usually take place on the Sunday morning, last year the atmosphere was amazing!) For more information or to register go to Swimathon.org Triathlon & Aquathon Following on from last year’s award winning Triathlon & Aquathlon, we have again joined forces with Active Outdoor Sport to host Stradbroke Triathlon & Aquathlon 2018! This year we are offering a choice of 2 dates for the Triathlon – Saturday 19th May starting at 5.30pm & Sunday 20th May starting at 8.30am with the Aquathlon following on Sunday afternoon. The chosen charity is SARS (Suffolk Accident & Rescue Service) This local charity voluntarily provide specialist Doctors & Paramedics to assist East Of England Ambulance Service at the scenes of incidents where patients require an enhanced level of medical care before they reach hospital. Entries are now open, please go to www.stradbroketriathlon.com for more information. Many village residents volunteered as Marshals last year, we would love you to join us for the great atmosphere & to cheer the triathletes on, please send an email to Mariasmith@everyoneactive.com to register an interest! Triathlon Training Workshops We have a number of workshops running to help you learn and practice skills required for a Triathlon, please call us for more details! For more information on any of the above events please call in & see us or phone 01379 384376! Maria Smith, Duty Manager

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Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA

eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.

Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond

Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643

Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.

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E J BROWN Builder

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Steven Pleasance Carpenter and General Builder From hanging doors To Complete builds 01379 388253

Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates

Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.

Sports RoundUp cont...

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Stradbroke & District Bowls Club

Hello everyone, we offer our congratulations to the following who were presented with their trophies at the club's annual dinner held earlier at the White Hart and thanks due to Alison and Max for an excellent meal. 2017

Cup Winners Presidents Cup Bowers Cup Packman Cup Whitebread Barrs Cup Les Parker Cup John Dann Shield Upcoming events Sat 21 April League Fixtures Tues 24 April Mon 30 April Tues 1 May st

Winner Peter Chetwyn Peter Chetwyn Mary Ellis Mary Ellis Pam Lewis Pam Lewis/Norman Whatling Pam Lewis

Runner up Jennifer Chetwyn & Terry Bannon Norman Whatling Madeleine Murray Norman Whatling Madeleine Murray Jennifer & Peter Chetwyn Madeleine Murray/Sandra Theobald

Green opening at 2.00 pm Wortham (Home) Waveny 2 woods Sweffling (Away) Sax 4 woods Shotford (Away) Waveny 2 Woods

Bingo for bowls: On Friday 11 May at the community centre for a 7.30pm start. th

A VERY URGENT APPEAL It is with great concern that on behalf of the committee I write the following and we sincerely hope that there are some of you that can support the club in its hour of urgent need for new members which will give you the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends . Certainly over the past two seasons it has been a struggle to maintain our commitment to the leagues due to the gradual number of players who through age or illness are no longer able to play. This reduction in players\members have affected the clubs finances and despite the Trojan efforts of Mary running the bingo and other fund raising events it is the lack of new members that is causing a very serious problem. Now that the new season is upon us may we ask that you consider coming along to the community center green opening on Saturday April 21st at 2 pm. where you can be assured of a warm welcome and can have a chat with existing members who will be able to explain the sports basic rules. Apart from asking you to wear flat soled shoes or trainers to protect the green we will supply the bowls to enable you to get the feel for the game. Whilst we appreciate that some of you may be reluctant to become involved in league games there is the opportunity to play social roll up games on the green on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Living close to the village centre and in particular the community area I often come into contact with visitors who often comment on how fortunate we are to have a village that has so many facilities to offer in particular with sporting activities. We are now in danger here of losing a facility which has been part of this communities heart for over forty years. If you have any questions about the club please do not hesitate to give me a call. As always we thank you for reading this report and hope that together we can help with the club's survival. Best regards, Roy Lee (01379 384729)

Stradbroke Tennis Club

A new season has now started and the club is looking forward to competing in the top divisions of the South Norfolk and the Lowestoft leagues this year. The club welcomes new members adult and junior membership is available so why not come and join us. All standards are welcome and with all weather courts play is guaranteed all year round. This year there has been no increase in subscriptions so it remains very good value. The club can also offer coaching to adults and juniors on a individual or group basis. For further details give me a ring on 01379 -384557. Kevin Holmes, Secretary Stradbroke Tennis Club

Prize Bingo

Friday 27th April 2018, 7.30pm In Stradbroke Community Centre to raise funds for Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club. Many excellent prizes, raffle, refreshments. Plus a flyer to win a Hamper! Julie Ward

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Forthcoming Events

Wilby Coronation Village Hall Presents

Wild Willy Barrett’s French Connection on Friday May 11th Doors Open 7:30pm Bar – Refreshments. Tickets £12 From : Http://Www.Wegottickets.Com/Event/432211 Or Tel: 01379 388112/Email: Alisonandian5@Btinternet.Com Wild Willy Barrett’s French Connection With their unique musical style and irrepressible sense of fun, changing gear with almost every number, it is easy to see how audiences are captivated by this very talented quartet. From a riverside cafe, via a hoolie in Dublin, to a night out in New Orleans with rip- roaring fiddle and banjo – this band does it all! A master of live entertainment, multi-instrumentalist Wild Willy Barrett’s dry off-the-wall humour has audiences laughing out loud between numbers, as the warm and charismatic vocals of Jane Williams take centre stage. Innovative arrangements beautifully performed on instruments including the guitar, cello, fiddle, banjo and uilleann pipes, add a touch of magic. Willy, best known for his partnership with John Otway, has had a long and varied career. He has toured with artists as diverse as Madness and Steeleye Span, and his wonderful acoustic guitar playing is featured on ‘The Contemporary Folk Guitar’ album alongside Bert Jansch, John Renbourn, Gordon Giltrap & Ralph McTell. The group’s singer, Jane Williams, has just recently finished recording with Van Morrison for his latest album, and is a wonderful new addition to the ensemble. Her effortless but highly emotive vocals draw you in and leave you wanting more. A great night out unlike anything else on offer in the UK at the moment! www.wildwillybarrett.com

Classic Vehicle Rally and Country Fayre

Bungay Area Lions Classic Vehicle and Country Fayre is once again being held at Earsham Hall by kind permission of Rupert and Annabel Stretton-Derham on Sunday May 6th. Admission £5 adults, under 16’s free. Alongside the hundreds of vehicles including cars, tractors and military vehicles plus motorbikes and auto jumble we are delighted to have Strap 4 Cash and Airmail playing live throughout the day. There is something for all the family with a dedicated children’s entertainment arena, with Punch and Judy shows and, also for the first time there will be pony rides at the top of the drive for all those budding jockeys. Once again there will be the chance to find that unusual gift or keepsake among the variety of craft and trade stands, enjoy an alfresco lunch from one of the many food stalls, catering for all tastes including vegetarian, for those not driving there is a licensed bar. Lion President Jane said “This is a family day out and each year we try to add to the event so that the whole family is catered for not just the car enthusiast, this year it is pony rides. We are very grateful to Rupert and Annabel for letting us once again use this amazing setting.” Bookings for vehicles and stalls are filling up fast but you can contact Lion Michael on 07599935113 for vehicles or Lion Lyn on 07599935165 for trade/craft stalls. If you are interested in becoming a member of Bungay Lions and make a difference in your community and around the world please either visit our facebook page, speak to one of us at the rally or contact Lion George on 01986 892902

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Acorn Foot Health Roger C Griffiths BSc (Econ) Dip Soc Sci PGCE, MCFHP MAFHP

Foot Health Consultant Home Visits, Care Homes and Private Clinic Verruca Treatments, Ingrown toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for Diabetics, Foot Health checks and all nail conditions. For appointment Tel: 384873 Mob 07724073328 eMail : griffithstwo@aol.com Some evening appointments available



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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details: Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109

Keeping in touch: Dan Poulter, MP

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Most of us will remember those rare school days, when heavy snow meant the school was closed. The joy at having a day off stays in the mind: this time on our hands to play in the snow with our friends, have snowball fights, build a snowman, and arrive home freezing cold. We remember it because it was great fun. As we grow up, perspectives change, and we see things differently: the inconvenience; the treacherous conditions; the accidents – on the roads, pavements and elsewhere; the risks of cold to vulnerable people; the dangers of being cut off. It becomes a cause for frustration, or concern. The recent, heavy snowfall brought all those issues and emotions to the fore . The newspaper pictures alternated between children sledging in the park and cars stuck on snow-covered roads. What doesn't get the attention is the silent, less photogenic story, of elderly, or vulnerable, people, stuck in their homes. Often they are struggling with the cold, sometimes they are cut off from visitors, or from the shops – stepping out on to icy pavements can be a terrifying prospect. In other cases, they may be reliant on a carer who can't get through. We all have neighbours, and many will know frail, elderly or vulnerable people, either in our family or living nearby. Even as the snow has now thawed, the value of paying them a visit, or giving them a call, remains beyond calculation. It may save a life. And even if it is not that serious, it could make their day. Meanwhile, many of us who were able to get out and about were thwarted, with trains cancelled and roads blocked. Not making it in to the office can be frustrating, but for our emergency services, it can have serious consequences. While parts of the country shivered under snow, our emergency services continued working 24/7, responding to calls, reaching people in trouble, and, generally, doing the same exemplary, committed job they do every day. Getting someone safely to hospital in good time, or reaching those involved in an accident, can be literally a life-and-death issue. We are so fortunate in this country to have such wonderful, committed people working across our emergency services: not letting bad weather stop them from serving the public and saving lives. We owe them a great deal.

Sponsor Page 2 with your own article or advert! Page 2 is a Sponsored Page, allowing any individual or organisation to request the page for their article or advertisement! The cost of ‘sponsoring ‘ the page will be £25 - this guarantees the whole of the inside front cover page and would give contributors the opportunity to include their own graphics and pictures, laid out to their own design! It will be possible to request the page some time in advance, but to give fair access the page will not be blocked booked by the same individual or organisation/company for more than two consecutive months. The page will be available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, but can be booked ahead of time, with payment securing your space in the magazine.

If you would like to reserve Page 2 contact


Go to www.stradbrokemonthly.co.uk and sign up and we will notify you when the new edition is online! Village Diary April 1st Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am to 3pm (see page 12) 3rd Contact Club meet in Community Centre and every Tuesday 4th Talk on Berlin in Community Centre (see page 20) 5th Over 60s meet in Community Centre from 2pm to 4pm (see page 12) 6th Family Fun Quiz in Community Centre (see page 18) 9th Parish Council meeting in Court House (see page 6) 11th Baptist Church Lunch Club at 12.30pm (see page 3) 12th WI meet (see page 9) 14th Baptist Church Create & Chatter (see page 3) 14th Stradbroke Cricket Club Horse Race evening at Community Centre (see page 22) 17th Parish Council clinic in Court House at 2.15pm (see page 6) 19th Over 60s meet in Community Centre from 2pm to 4pm (see page 12) 19th Stradbroke Cinema presents Murder on the Orient Express (see page 18) 20th **Deadline for submissions for May edition strictly by this date** 20th Friday Friends Café at the Court House 10am—12 pm (see page 12) 21st Stradbroke & District Bowls green opening (see page 27) 25th Baptist Church Drop in for Coffee (see page 3) 26th WEA talk in Community Centre at 2pm (see page 18) 26th Stradbroke PC annual parish meeting (see front page) 26th Wingfield & District Gardening Club ‘Plants in containers’ talk in Brundish (see page 12) 27th White Hart Bowls Club Bingo in Community Centre at 7.30pm (see page 27) 27th & 28th Points of View Photography Exhibition, Cratfield (see page 17) 27th-29th Swimathon at Stradbroke Swim & Fitness Centre (see page 22) 28th Wilby Village Hall Race Night (see page 17) May 2nd Art Exhibition preview evening (see page 4) 4th Friday Friends Café at the Court House 10am—12 pm (see page 12) 3rd-4th Art Exhibition in church, 10-6pm (see page 4) 6th Bungay Area Lions Classic Vehicle and Country Fayre (see page 28) 11th Stradbroke & District Bowls Bingo in Community Centre at 7.30pm (see page 27) 11th Wild Willy Barrett’s French Connection at Wilby village hall (see page 28) 19th Big Band sounds from 40s & 50s in Cratfield Church (see page 17) 19th Stradbroke Triathlon (see page 22) 20th Stradbroke Triathlon (see page 22) 27th Dublogic VW Festival featuring Stradisphere Stage, Debenham, (see page 12)

Please send all articles to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from stradbrokemonthly.co.uk Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.


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