The Stradbroke Monthly February 2014

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ÂŁ1 where sold

February 2014 No.399

Notes from the public meeting with Spar Tuesday 17th December The meeting had been arranged by Don Darling (a member of a small informal working group set up to investigate options for getting a good general store in the village). Rob Davis, a regional director from Spar attended the meeting and started by apologising for the poor service over recent years and the ultimate closure of the shop. It is now Spar's intention to get the store re-opened as soon as possible following an extensive re-fit and upgrade. There are some legal difficulties still to be overcome but Rob is hopeful that a March/April deadline is achievable. Under the previous arrangements there was a 'middle-man' involved who not only took a rent but it meant that Spar were not able to monitor the performance of the Stradbroke store as they would have liked. It is Spar's intention to now control and monitor the store much more closely and they will be appointing, training and supporting the new store managers. As yet Spar cannot name the couple that hope to be the new managers as agreements have yet to be finalised pending firm costs for the re-fit work and consolidation into their business plans. There followed an open question and answer session which is summarised below: Previous mangers have struggled why will it be better this time? A. The store managers will be directly supported by Spar not a third party We don't want rubbish – can we have quality products and service as they have in the Fressingfield and Laxfield stores? A. This will be a totally different set-up with much more focus on food, local needs and quality Will newspapers be sold and will there be a delivery service? A. Newspapers and magazines will be sold, and a delivery service will have to be considered by the new managers. Will there be a Post Office within the store? A. Possibly, there are PO counters in other Spar stores, but it will be for the new managers to decide if they wish to approach the PO and try to offer this service. A counter will be made available should this be required in the future. As yet we have not made an approach to the PO. Who pays for the refurbishment? A. The new managers What percentage of Spar goods will be sold versus branded products? A. This varies across product ranges but typically 40% is Spar and 60% branded. Will you be mindful of our butchers and bakers that have given excellent service to the village? A. Yes most definitely, we want to work with the community and other retailers Why doesn't Spar manage the store directly and carry a much larger range of products? A. Spar owns larger stores 3-4000sq ft and above. All other stores are leased. The Stradbroke store has about 1100 square feet of space and therefore would not be owned by Spar. The range of stock is limited by the amount of space available and dictated by local needs. Should you do a survey of local needs and possibly have another public meeting? A. Spar does do a lot of background research using demographic data to help determine stock ranges, however, a local survey and/or meeting would be possible once the new managers are confirmed. Will the store be actively encouraged to sell locally produced food? A. Yes, Spar want to support local producers, farmers and the allotment group. Which stores did the prospective new managers visit to see examples of good practice? A. Rob was not directly involved in this but he thinks Hemsby and Lowestoft. Not everyone can afford premium products will the store stock budget items as well? A. Yes, Spar want to stock as broad a range as possible including a value range to try and meet the needs of everyone in the community. What experience do the new managers have? A. They have experience in retail but not food and they have managed their own business. Will there a rent free period? A. No. In summary Don thanked Rob for coming and updating everyone on the Spar shop. He emphasised that any good manager will want to engage with their customers as early as possible to understand their requirements. It is in everyone’s interest that the new Spar is a success and we welcome the opportunity to help the new management in any way we can. All agreed that we must be very positive and work with the new managers to make it a successful community store just like those in neighbouring villages. Roger Turkington

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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970. We make websites!

Fleurs Artisan 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.



PAUL GODDARD Telephone 01986 784594

Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk

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A place of new beginnings. We welcome you to join us. February Diary Sunday Services each week at 10.15 am 9th J. Ling 16th D. Quin (Asia Link) 23rd S. Johnson Speakers 2nd G. Catling We welcome you to join us --- our activities for February Praying together Monday 3rd 7:30pm th Discipleship Explored Tuesday 11 7:30pm Cameo Lunch Club Wednesday 12th 12:30pm Youth Club Friday 14th 7:30pm Discipleship Explored Tuesday 25th 7:30pm Drop in For Coffee Wednesday 26th 10:00am Youth Club Friday 28th 7:30pm Christmas ----Look Back The festivities began with the Cameo Christmas lunch, a good number of friends enjoyed a delicious meal provided by Jackie and her helpers. After lunch youngsters from Stradbroke Primary School arrived to entertain us with a splendid performance of Christmas songs, and before the final refreshments John gave everyone three pieces of coloured wool and most people successfully made a friendship bracelet as a reminder that the real meaning of Christmas is that God offered us His friendship by Jesus coming into our world. We welcomed the Diss Salvation Army band back to Stradbroke as they provided the music for our Carol Concert at the Community Centre. A good number attended and enjoyed the evening which was chaired by D. Dewsbery and our guest speaker was Rev. Susan Loxton. A retiring collection of £150 was given to the Salvation Army. New Year ----- Looking Forward Following on from last year’s Christianity Explored course we are now going to run Discipleship Explored. The eight sessions which commence on 11th Feb. explore the letter written by St. Paul to the early Christians in Philippi. The course is intended for anyone, Christian or not, committed or just considering, and gives the opportunity for discussion and asking questions. And finally ADVANCE NOTICE Women’s World Day Of Prayer Fri. 7th March 2pm Programme; ‘Streams in the desert’ Prepared by; Christian ladies from Egypt At Stradbroke Baptist Church For any further details please contact: John 388751 Jackie 384112

Stradbroke Good Neighbours Our telephone number is 07749445531 :- can we help you ? Need someone to check your smoke alarm? Need a lift to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done ? With ever increasing fuel prices we have revised our journey charges and will inform anyone phoning for a lift the cost of their journey. We would appreciate at least 24 hrs notice and look forward to being of service. If you are new to the village there is a Good Neighbour Welcome Booklet that could provide useful information. If you would like one please contact :07749445531

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Local Churches

All Saints, Stradbroke

2nd February 9th February 16th February 23rd February

2nd March

11.00 am Village service Followed by Coffee/Tea 8.00 am Holy Communion 11.00 am Holy Communion Followed by Coffee/Tea 8.00 am Holy Communion 4.45 pm Tea and cake; 5.00 pm Informal service 11.00 am Village service Followed by Tea/Coffee

Rev Susan Loxton 01379 388493, Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Rev Susan.

All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee Last year we raised £4327.39. Not bad as it seems harder to raise money now. We have a cake stall on February 8th and Pancakes and Beetles on March 4th at the Chapel Room 7.30pm. We are having the Garage Trail again this year on August 2nd and the Wine Tasting is on October 17th not the 14th as printed last time. The committee thank you for all your support and wish you all a happy 2014. We all went out to lunch on 16th January which rounded off our year. (paid for from our own pockets!). Mary Ellis

A Message from Rev Susan Flowers We would like to thank all the Ladies and David that decorated our Church so beautifully for Christmas. Working in the church during the month of December visitors commented on how lovely it was to see peoples’ interpretation of this time of the year, so hopefully we can do something similar for Christmas 2014. Many, many thanks from Jennifer and Dianne. Dear Friends & Neighbours, I was privileged to conduct the wedding of our son in December. Watching your children get married is a very emotional time. The child you nurtured is now the one who will hopefully have the responsibility to teach and protect their own child. It’s a scary business letting go but you have to not only let go but also trust that they will be okay. There is a wonderful story in the bible about the loving father who brought up his sons to live and work with him, knowing that one day they would take up their inheritance. The trouble is that things don’t always work out as planned and this family was no exception. The younger son got bored with the life and decided that he would travel and enjoy a different kind of life - a life free from responsibility. The son spends his money on wine, women and song, he suddenly has lots of new friends, that is, until the money runs out and the friends disappear. The son is left destitute. He is so hungry that he even considers eating the food given to the pigs. He says to himself, ‘Even my father’s hired hands have enough food. I will go back home and tell him that I am not worthy to be called son, but will be one of the hired hands. The son didn’t know but every day since he had been gone his father would look for his son returning. So it was that the father saw the son when he was still a way off and ran towards him. The father was so delighted to have the son back that he took him in his arms and kissed him, and had a party prepared to welcome him back. The story is a picture of us and God; God loves us with an everlasting love even though most of us turn our backs on God at some point in our lives or maybe we have never given him a thought. Yet as soon as we begin to turn to him our heavenly Father opens wide his arms and says, welcome home. God bless, Susan

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Street Farm, Laxfield Road

Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm

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Stradbroke Parish Council

The Parish Pump!

Next meeting of the Parish Council MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL 15 January 2014 No matters were brought to the attention of the Council in the time set aside for the Public 10th February Forum. 8 members of the public attended the meeting. Community Centre PLANNING: Applications for consideration: 3349/13 erection of bungalow and construction of vehicular access with passing place on Neaves Lane Watermeadow Lodge, Neaves Lane Refusal recommended, unanimously, for the above Applications considered at previous planning meeting: 3356/13 erection of one and half storey dwelling with attached single garage Land at White Hart, Church St Refusal recommended for the above. Due to time constraints imposed by MSDC this meeting was held outside the normal Council meeting. The decision reached was the same as for previous submissions for this site. See also below. Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: Planning approval granted for: 2098/13 erection of permanent agricultural dwelling Land at Havensfield Farm, Fressingfield Road, Laxfield 3289/13 erection of single storey rear extension. Erection of new boundary fence to replace existing boundary hedge Dunrowan, New Street 3349/13 tree works The Ivy House, Wilby Road 3439/13 removal of wind damaged limb to Scots Pine 2 Cedar Close 3356/13 erection of one and half storey dwelling with attached single garage Land at White Hart, Church St Refusal given for: 3007/13 creation of new vehicular access Wheatsheaf Cottage, Queen Street Other Planning Matters: 1139/13 erection of two storey rear extension at Red House Farm, Pixey Green – matters agreed OTHER BUSINESS: LIBRARY & COURT HOUSE: things continue to progress towards the signing of the lease. Likewise, the negotiations with the Post Office were ongoing SPAR SHOP: it was understood that negotiations were still ongoing and that the SPAR organisation was keen to have new tenants in situ as soon as practicable. It was likely tenants would apply for a Post Office facility, although this could not be confirmed at this time. SPEEDWATCH: still waiting for the funding for the various pieces of required equipment NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANS: the Parish Council was addressed by Jonathan Free of MSDC on Neighbourhood Plans. Representative Councillors would attend an event in February which would inform on the viability of instituting a plan for Stradbroke. If this were the best route forward for the village then a great deal of community involvement and commitment would be vital to the success of what is a long (18 months-2 years) process. POLICE NEWS: there was no report this month CHRISTMAS TREE: there had been favourable comments about the Christmas tree so it was likely to become a regular feature in the village. Thanks to Steve Lee for providing the tree. CONTACT NUMBERS: If there is an emergency continue to dial 999 but if you just wish to report an incident or seek advice please use 101. NEW YEAR, OLD PROBLEM: the Clerk had been informed that a gentleman had been observed walking his dogs at the allotments. He did clear up after one of the dogs –HURRAH! – but then proceeded to throw the plastic bag into the grass. It would have only taken a matter of moments to dispose of the waste in the bin provided. PLEASE use these receptacles; they are provided to keep the village clean. An email had also been received about continued dog fouling along Queens Street and just prior to publication Trevor had cleared up dog waste at the top of Queens Street. This is not his job, if you are a dog owner it is yours. HELP REQUIRED: if you have some spare time Suffolk Local History Society could make use of it, you might consider becoming the Village Recorder. This is a volunteer post to collect and collate articles and items of interest that are current in the village in order to build up a record for the future. If you are interested please contact the Clerk EXTRA MEETING: An extra meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 17 February 2014 to discuss a Neighbourhood Plan for Stradbroke and to, hopefully, gauge interest and support from the community, whose participation would be essential to a project proceeding. Members of the public are very welcome to attend any meeting of the Parish Council and to bring matters of concern or information to the attention to Members in the time allocated to the Public Forum which takes place prior to the start of every meeting. The next meeting of the Parish Council: 10 February 2014 at 7.30pm Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy: tel: 01379 384679 email: **please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**

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Life in the Legion A number of events came together to keep us busy in December 2013. Book tokens were presented at the High School to the winners of our Poetry Competition. We enjoyed Christmas Carols and Lunch at The Low House with Dougie Chittock at the keyboard. Horham Baptist Church was full for the Commemorative Service on Sunday, 15th December, organized by Joyce Cooper, when the collection brought in £525 for The Poppy Appeal. The Branch was represented at the 2014 Annual RBL County Conference at Needham Market by Bernard Mills who was our delegate, David Streeter, the Secretary and Joyce Cooper with the Standard. Our membership is now seventy-six, slightly down on last year. We meet again on Thursday, 13th February, at 11.30 am at The King’s Head at Laxfield, when our speaker will give an illustrated talk on The Air Ambulance; members, please attend if you can. Our Annual Dinner will take place at the Community Centre in March. Members will receive a letter, and others will be invited to join us as guests. We wish all our readers “A Very Happy New Year”. Michael Burton, Branch Chairman From Bernard Mills, Treasurer of the Stradbroke & District Branch of the Royal British Legion. This is not a Recruitment Letter. Our RBL Branch has a need to discover how many former members of the Armed Forces live in the Stradbroke area. If you are such a person, or you know of someone to whom this applies, will you be so kind as to telephone me on 01986 798414, giving your name and address and ‘phone number, and the Service in which you or the other person served. Those who are already members of the RBL need not respond to this appeal. I say again that this is not a recruitment drive, and we guarantee that you will have no other approach from us, or from any other part of the RBL. Bernard Mills

W.I December Report. Wow what a wonderful sight greeted us when we entered the Community Centre for our Christmas Dinner in December. A starry night with beautiful tables in white, purple and pink, a glass of Bucks Fizz and a fairy selling raffle tickets. Why do people think that the W.I. is stuffy? Superb food, beautifully presented by our caterer Steve Hambling, and I as President, had nothing but to turn up and smile sweetly. Thank you Gill and Michael, Dianne and Jeff, for all the hard work. Both members were presented with a pot plant. Thanks also went to Betty for all her valuable work throughout the year, and she too was presented with a plant. The annual cups were presented. The Merit Cup to Vivienne Goffee, for doing anything that is wanted, and the Competition Cup was won by Jennifer Chetwynd. Well done. We played some lovely silly games organised by Jennifer, and all went Dorothy Readman home, full, fatter and happy. January Report. If our January meeting was anything to go by we are in for a great year ahead. Our returning President Dorothy, together with Dianne, who was making her debut as secretary , and what a great start she made, welcomed an almost full house to the meeting. Dorothy thanked all those who had supported the Diss Food Bank at our December meeting, with their generous donation of 38.4 kilos of food. A polished performance by Gwyneth, talking about the schedule for the Suffolk Show, certainly inspired many to take part. Our Federation has also requested that every W.I. should design and make one or more pennants to display at the Suffolk show and to exhibit at our Ipswich Headquarters. Once again the design was in the capable hands of Carol Darling, who brought her first example for us all to see. It was superb. The entertainment for the evening was in the form of a very relaxed interview. Most people talk of having fairies at the bottom of their gardens, but not us! We were graced with our Christmas Fairy straight from the top of the tree, now wingless and wand less and looking a lot like Lorraine, who answered questions about her past, put to her by Dorothy. Lorraine had us in stitches about her time in nursing, and particularly when she was a district nurse. At Christmastime she regularly dressed up as a fairy complete with lights, or a Christmas pudding, in order to cheer her patients up. Truly a sight to behold! And it was nothing for her to have to consume one turkey dinner after another, as each grateful patient she visited, insisted that she join them for their celebration. (Must have been the inspiration for Richard Curtis and his Vicar of Dibley) With her visits over she returned home to find her daughters had cooked her a surprise Christmas Dinner!! She also worked for M&S where she worked in the men’s trouser dept. Her stories of her encounters with customers and her measuring stick, and on one occasion a salami, had us almost crying with laughter. This was topped by her taking up windsurfing, when as a complete novice, trained by her father, she was told how to steer her board forward. Off she went out to sea, but then it struck her, she didn’t know how to turn round! She was duly rescued!! One has to ask why we need speakers, when we have Lorraine. Delicious refreshments of Bakewell tart, profiteroles, chocolate pots, meringues, millionaires shortbread and fresh pineapple and cherries were made and served by the committee. Gill Bird

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Stradbroke Primary School January has been an exciting month at Stradbroke Primary we now have our very own rainforest! In the first week back after Christmas four artists visited our school and helped our children create landscapes inspired by the Artic, Antarctica and the rainforest. The children are studying topics connected with these themes and Mrs Hill and Mrs Hillen have created an impressive role play area for our youngest children complete with a life size cardboard igloo! We had a fantastic whole school trip to Norwich Theatre Royal before Christmas to watch the pantomime “Cinderella”. The children in our older Key Stage Two classes will be visiting again later this term to watch “CATS”. They will be performing songs from the musical at our “Celebration of Music” later this term. This will also include performances from our Musiclubz guitar and drum players plus our ukulele orchestra and brass band! It is a very artistic, creative, and musical Spring term! Melanie Barrow, Headteacher Stradbroke Primary

Stradbroke High School Stradbroke Pupil Hits the High Notes with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Congratulations to Steve Cook in Year 11, who was one of only fifteen musicians selected from across Suffolk to perform with principal brass players from the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in October. Steve is a member of the Suffolk Youth Brass Ensemble and, as part of the event held at the Ipswich Regent Theatre, received some tuition from these world class musicians, and even got the opportunity to perform alongside them in a concert. Steve is currently working towards his grade 7 cornet exam, and is aiming for an A* in his GCSE music exams. Mr Williams – Head of Music Horham Airbase Trip—The Red Feather Club On Friday, October 18th, all of the year 11 History students went to the Red Feather Club museum at Horham Airbase as part of their controlled assessment work. It started off with us stopping and having a look at the remnants of the main runway that used to run for around 2000 metres. We then carried on our journey to the main museum and heritage site for the 95th bomb group, better known as the Red Feather Club. After we arrived, we were given a tour of the parts of the base that had been turned into the museum, which included the bar area and dance hall where the pilots and crews could relax, then onto the small prison block where only a few people were ever locked up. We then left the main museum on our tours and were shown some of the bomb shelters that have survived and also the concrete remains of the ration shop. We got to take lots of pictures of the base, including some of the fantastic artwork that one of the pilots had produced on the walls of the bar area. Overall, it was a very interesting day and we have learnt a lot to help us with our controlled assessment. Chris Baker (Year 11 Pupil)

Friends of All Saints In December, we were delighted to entertain about 50 members at Doggetts Farm for seasonal refreshment and entertainment. Thank you to all who came along and to those who provided the delicious canapes, and for the songs and music. Saturday, 1st March - “Soups and Puds” in the Community Centre, 11.30 am - 2.00 pm. Saturday, 3rd May, (please may the sun shine!) The Annual Church Path Plant Sale, 10.00am onwards. Remember the stall when you are pricking out seedlings and dividing plants. The weather is different from last year, so there are no excuses! With a historic building, there will always be a requirement for funding to carry out repairs and maintenance; the whole village is invited to help. Please become a Friend and join in our events, and you will be part of keeping All Saints Church in good order for another 550 years. Quite an awesome thought! Margaret Streeter, Tel: 384869.

Lottery Bonus Winners Since we have run the Lottery Bonus we have raised approx. £26,400 donated to various village charities. Thanks to all who subscribe each week. Happy New Year to all. Winners: 15 - I Bloss, 15 – L Stevens, 25 – J Chambers, 8 – D Cracknell, 17 – R Copping, 49 – B Nunn, 8 – D Cracknell, 24 – M Jenkins, 33 – P Chinnery. £216 donated to Various Charities. Mary Ellis

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Cleverley Repaired Cars Valley Farm, New St, Stradbroke Car Service, Repair and Modification to the Highest Standards. Sports and classic cars a speciality, but all cars catered for. Collection and return. Courtesy car available Call Michael Cleverley on 07501336499 at any time to discuss your needs. Find out what good service and value really is.


My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website We are also recruiting NOW - We need exceptional people who love to care.

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1st Fressingfield Scout Group Happy New Year: Welcome to 2014 and I hope that everyone is looking forward to another great year of scouting with 1st Fressingfield. We have yet another packed programme for this year with a number of significant challenges and opportunities. The ongoing issues around our HQ continue to challenge the Scout Group Executive but we are all confident that we shall have a clear way forward very soon. PRESS RELEASE: 1st Fressingfield – receive top awards in 2014 Five members of the 1st Fressingfield Scout Group have achieved the Queen’s Scout Award, the ultimate training Award for Youth Members of Scouting. The Queen’s Scout Award requires extremely high standards of selfdiscipline, leadership and commitment. At St George’s Day in April the Fressingfield Five will be attending the annual Parade of Queen’s Scouts to be held in the quadrangle of Windsor Castle. The Parade is followed by the National Scout Service in St. George’s Chapel where Chief Scout Bear Grylls will present the awards. A further award is also to be received with 1st Fressingfield Group Scout Leader Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne being awarded the Chief Scout’s Commendation for Good Service. Scouts-Adventurers (10-14) and Explorers (14-18) meet weekly on Friday. Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne 07908262623

The Stradbroke Over 60s We are looking forward to our first meeting of 2014 which will be on Thursday 20th February in the Community Centre at 2.00pm-4.00pm. Any new members will be made most welcome. Why not come along and give us a try. Our March meetings will be on the 6th and the 20th. Joan Grimes

Stradbroke Local History Society Suffolk Local History Society is hoping to find a responsible person in the parish of Stradbroke to collect and record today's history and take on the role of Village Recorder. It is not an onerous job with back-up and advice supplied, if required. Further details can be obtained from Carol Smy, Clerk to the Parish Council, on 01379 384679 or Carol Smy

Stradbroke Craft Club We started crafting again on the 13th January, but if you want to come along on Monday the 10th February, we meet 2.00 - 4.00 p.m and are making a summer bag. Please phone Claudine on 388439 for more information about materials etc. We have a very varied programme for this term and you would be most welcome to join us. Lily Lofts

Are you using the Borderhoppa? If not, why not?! Our excellent friendly service is available to anyone, any age, who needs transport to appointments, to get to work, to go shopping or just to visit a friend! Our fleet of mini buses serve the local parishes within an approximate 10 mile radius of Diss, Harleston and Eye. To book a journey, we need a minimum of 2 working days but you can book up to 4 working days in advance. Concessionary bus pass holders travel free after 9.30am. Others are charged by distance depending on area and distance travelled. Our service currently operates Mon – Fri, 8.30am – 4.30pm. Our helpful staff will help you plan your trip and advise a collection time from your home address. Our new outings list for 2014/15 will be available shortly and will feature all your favourite seaside towns, shopping trips, garden centres etc. We also hire out our mini buses on days, evenings and at weekends for community group hire at very competitive rates. So, please contact us if you organise trips or outings for your club, society or group. For any further information, to book a journey, outing or to hire one of our mini buses, call: 01379 854800 Email:

Donations appeal to mark Hospice’s 25th anniversary St Elizabeth Hospice is appealing to the local community to donate 25 items to their local Hospice shop to keep it stocked during the charity’s 25th anniversary year. St Elizabeth Hospice relies on the support of local people to keep their shops stocked. Sue Goodchild, St Elizabeth Hospice’s Head of Retail, said: “If you received any unwanted Christmas presents, or if you’ve updated your wardrobe or furniture this New Year, please consider donating your items to the Hospice. To donate stock such as bric-a-brac, books or clothes, drop them off at your nearest Hospice shop which you can find by visiting If you wish to donate furniture, call 0845 259 0319 and someone will collect it from you. Samantha Catling - Marketing and Communications Officer

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Barn View, Wilby

Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629

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Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987

Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709

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Forthcoming Events

Stradbroke Cinema On Thursday, 20th February, we are showing “Le Weekend” at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. The Bar will be open and Icecreams on sale in the interval. Entrance £5.50. Nick and Meg Burrows are a married academic couple from Birmingham, advancing in age and tension. To mark their 30th wedding anniversary, the two embark on a trip to the place where they honeymooned three decades ago: Paris, France. Hoping to rejuvenate their marriage, the couple arrive in Paris only for things not to go as planned. Eventually, the two bump into Morgan, a successful former student of Nick’s, and attend a dinner party of his that ultimately opens up a new view of life and love for the ageing couple. While not without touches of precious affectation, the film is imbued with an engaging mix of warmth and prickliness by the lovely, lived-in performances of Jim Broadbent and Lindsay Duncan. Director: Roger Michell, Writer: Hanif Kureishi. Margaret Streeter

Don’t Know Your App From Your Elbow? Received and iPad, tablet or e-reader for Christmas? Want to use it to borrow books from Suffolk Libraries? Visit Louise at Stradbroke Library on Sunday 16thFebruary between 10am and 3pm with your device, for free, easy to understand help and advice! Learn how to use your tablet/e-reader. Find out how to download free books and audio books from Suffolk Libraries. Help with downloading the safe apps and software you will need using our free wi-fi. Question and Answer session. Discover our free music download app for free songs you can keep forever! Louise Smith

Stradbroke Church Village Show The Annual Flower, Vegetable and Produce Show will be held on Saturday 26th July 2014. There will be the usual classes, including classes for Allotment Holders. Also there will be classes for the Stradbroke Primary and Nursery School, kindly sponsored by STM Photographics of Stradbroke (01379 388667). The handicraft classes this year will be a quilted item, an item of knitting, embroidery or tapestry, a greeting card, a picture (pencil, watercolour or oil) max 8” x 11”, an exhibit made of wood and /or metal. Flower shows incur a lot of expense. I do sell plants in May to help. If you would like to sponsor a class or classes at £1.50 each or make a donation, it would be appreciated, so we can make a good profit on the day for the church funds. Please contact Roly on 01379 384839 or Mary on 384642. Schedules will be available in March. Potatoes for the heaviest crop of potatoes in a bucket will be on sale at the Cake Stall in Church Street on Saturday 8th March 2014. Any enquiries to Roly Copping 01379 384839

70s/80s and a touch of 90s Disco Disco at Syleham Village Hall, on Saturday 5th April from 7.30pm. In aid of Stradbroke High School year 11 prom, Raffle, Prize for the most appropriately dressed (for that era!!) and Refreshments. Tickets £5.00 adults and £3.00 for under 16s. Please call Gill Johnson on 01379 388862 to book a ticket. Come and dance 'round your handbags with us!! Many thanks Gill Johnson

"Beat the Teachers Quiz Night" Hosted by quiz master extraordinaire Steve Keeble. Please join us on Friday the 14th of March 2014 7.30pm start for another quiz night at Stradbroke High School. Licensed bar with chilled beer and wine, soft drinks, savoury snacks, Prizes, raffle and lots of sweets and chocolate to stimulate the mind - what more could one ask for - apart from the answers! So come along and see if we can all beat the "Teachers Team" and prove that all our educational days weren't wasted!! Entry only £4 for adults and children £2. Nigel Brown

Prize Bingo Friday 28th February 2014, 7.30pm at the Community Centre. We are raising funds for White Hart Bowls Club. We have many excellent prizes, a raffle, refreshments and a flyer to win a hamper. Beat the winter blues and join us for a fun night out. Julie Ward

Eye Bach Choir 40TH Anniversary Concert On 8 March 2014 Eye Bach Choir will celebrate its 40thAnniversary with a special concert at 7.30pm in Eye Parish Church. The programme will be Handel: Dixit Dominus and extracts from Judas Maccabeus and Occasional Oratorio; J S Bach Jesu, Priceless Treasure (chorales); Rutter: Look to the Day. Eye Bach Choir with Eye Bach Choir Chamber Orchestra and Soloists. Conductor Leslie Olive. Tickets are £12 (reserved) and £10 (unreserved) and are available from Eye Pharmacy, by email (, by telephone (01728 747371) or at the door. Elizabeth Medvei

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EYE FLOORING Making Luxury Affordable ONLINE @ DOOR MATS AVAILABLE AT UNBEATABLE PRICES Domestic & Contract Flooring Specialists *Carpets *Vinyls *Safety Flooring *Carpet Cleaning Free Estimates The Old Theatre, Broad Street, Eye, Suffolk, IP23 7AF 01379 870190 / 07850 573366 OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY FROM 9AM ALL MAJOR CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED

Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615

MARK BANCROFT PAVING SERVICES Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing Family run business with over 25 years experience Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618

Based in Laxfield, where I can offer: • Hot stone, sport, remedial and seated Massage • 121 Pilates workshops • Equipment tasters, stability ball, foam rollers and wobble boards • Pamper ‘get together’ Other services •Group Pilates classes in Debenham and Framlingham. •Mobile massage in the local area. •Onsite seated massage for business or friends Please contact me to find out more ….. Nikki Hambling 07899888778, email

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Scott J Regan Chimney Sweeping & Window Cleaning Professional. Clean & Qualified Service Member of the Guild of Master Sweeps Membership no. REG-25-463 Telephone Number :-01379 678537. Mobile Number :- 07962 207846. Email:

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Tel: 01379 668545 Mobile: 07702 265206

Forthcoming Events

Page 17

Radio Stradbroke Radio Stradbroke's Sunday Sessions are in full swing, with Februarys offerings as follows: 2nd February 10am - 1pm. 'Manns World'. DJ Dave Mann & Josh Franklin-Mann offer a 'Father & Son' generation take on music, with the twist that every song contains the word 'Man(n)'. 9th February 10am - 1pm 'Wally's Banging Sunday'. DJ Wally brings you the best of dance & trance music as befits the king of the disco. 16th February 10am - 1pm 'Seven Inches of Vinyl'. Richard Pierce emerges from his own singles collection to bring you some memories from a golden age. 23rd February 10am - 1pm 'Huggy’s A-Z of Vinyl Albums, Part 2'. Starting with M, finishing with ZZ Top, DJ Huggy completes the tour of his album collection with some rock & some rarities. Exciting times are ahead for Radio Stradbroke as they continue their quest for a permanent studio at the Courthouse, promotion of local musicians, and to commemorate 50 years since Pirate Radio started, an Easter special, because without any of them, there wouldn't be any of us. Watch this space. Michael Hugman

Step out for St Elizabeth Hospice’s Walk of Thoughts Join St Elizabeth Hospice for a peaceful and reflective walk around Fynn Valley, Ipswich, to remember a loved one or to simply enjoy the countryside. The eighth annual Walk of Thoughts will take place on Sunday 16th March and walkers can take a three or five mile circular walk, starting from YM RUFC Rugby Club in Rushmere St Andrew. We encourage walkers to raise sponsorship. All money raised goes towards enabling us to provide local Hospice care for local people.” The walk is open to people of all ages and dogs are welcome, providing they are kept on leads. The route is not suitable for wheelchairs or buggies. Walkers can register in advance or on the day from 9.30am, ready to set off for the walk at 10.30am. Registration fees are £12.50 in advance or £15 on the day, and is free for under 16s. For more information or to register online, please or contact the fundraising team on 01473 723600 or email It costs £9.1m a year to run St Elizabeth Hospice, and money raised will go towards helping provide services free of charge to people in East Suffolk and South East Norfolk living with a progressive illness and supporting their families. Samantha Catling



June 28th and 29th Plans are now well advanced in anticipation of another exciting two day Festifull. Bookings for stalls are ahead of last year and we hope to have more marquees in order to extend the successful Stradbroke Market. We are also planning to create a new arena with stage to allow for more performers and demonstrations. Expanding the Festifull and adding more attractions inevitably creates more work and that’s where we need your help. Last year our committee members and helpers gave all they had over the two days. This year, we want to make it even bigger and better, so we need more hands. If you can help us in any way you will be most welcome. Whether it's helping to put up or take down marquees, construction of equipment, helping on one of the stalls, the entrance or car park. Please don't be afraid to volunteer even if it’s just a few hours on the day or beforehand. Do speak with one of us and find out how satisfying the whole experience can be, even if it can be quite challenging at times! The organising committee this year is: Nigel Brown - 07771 838957 Don Darling - 01379 388098 Julia Green - 07796 624768 Sam Hackett - 01379 388872 Ellis Holt - 07786 991044 Linda James – 01379 388573 Karine Last - 01379 384429 Roger Turkington - 01379 384248 To book a stall please contact Nigel or for general enquiries Roger. Watch out for more information nearer the time. Roger Turkington

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News and Views

Help someone in need this winter Suffolk Community Foundation has launched the 2013/14 Surviving Winter Campaign to support vulnerable older people this winter. The campaign is encouraging people to donate their Winter Fuel payment if they can afford to do so, or to donate whatever they can to help. Last year £80,000 was raised, helping over 350 older households cope better during the colder months. The money raised is distributed in partnership with Age UK Suffolk and last year went a long way in helping vulnerable older people in Suffolk keep warm throughout the winter. If you feel able to, Suffolk Community Foundation is asking you to pledge your Winter Fuel Payment to help those desperately in need of extra support during the winter. You can do this online at or by calling 01473 602602. Elizabeth Stephenson / Marketing Co-ordinator

Letters To the Editor Back in September I held a Macmillan Coffee Morning, it was a lovely morning and was well attended, we raised the grand total of £450.30! Thanks to everyone who made this possible, and supported this worthy cause. Gill Johnson I would like to say a big thank you to all family members, neighbours and friends, including members of the White Hart Bowls Club, who visited me, sent me flowers and good wishes during my stay in hospital and later at home. Your kind thoughts are very much appreciated. I am making progress and hope to be up and about again soon.. Ursula Ward The Sue Boon-Willett Memorial Lunch was held in The Community Centre on Saturday 9th November and was in aid of The Lioness Cubs Children’s Home in Kenya of which Sue was a trustee. It was a huge success and we cannot thank everyone enough for their support which at times was quite overwhelming. All the hard work that went into preparing the lunch, to making the hall look wonderful with Kenyan flags and flowers and for the lovely raffle. Edna Elliott who started the charity came with her husband and son and Sue’s son Kipper was there with his partner Ula and Ron. It was a very happy occasion with some tears but we were able to donate £1,150.00 to the charity for Sue and she would have been so pleased with that result. Al was determined that we would pay three months rent for the children and that is what we did. Thank you. June Hampson Alison Hackett would like to thank everyone who supported her coffee morning at Thirkettle Cottage on 9th January, especially those who collected for the Children’s Society throughout the year. The boxes raised an amazing £523.36. Sam Hackett I would like to thank friends for their cards and good wishes following my recent stay in hospital. I am now making a good recovery. Ann Boast The Village Shop: Having been able to live in the village only on a part-time basis since my wife and I moved here ten months ago, I am not in contact with anyone involved with the shop. I felt, therefore, that an open letter might be the most expedient course of action. From the village website, I understand that talks have recently taken place between Spar and someone interested in reopening the shop, but apparently they have no previous experience in the food trade; a situation which causes me some concern. While it is quite likely that Spar will offer them a certain amount of guidance and possibly other services as well, (although the latter may well be chargeable), in an effort to ensure the best possible outcome, both for them and the village, I felt obliged to disclose something of a personal interest. Although now effectively retired, my interest results from lengthy service in the retail food trade; a career which encompassed various trade sectors (multiple, independent and co-operative) and a wide variety of roles and responsibilities, from the shop floor to the Board Room. Suffice to say that it provided me with a diverse and fairly comprehensive range of skills, knowledge and experience, which the prospective new operators, should they decide to proceed, are likely to find very useful. Of particular relevance, was an eight year period engaged (often physically) in the re-development of a group of 40 food stores, some not dissimilar in size to the village shop. Perhaps I should confirm that this letter is not an attempt to secure employment, or to solicit interest in any kind of goods or services; in fact I currently have no connection with, or interest in any other business. I did feel, however, in the above circumstances, and particularly in view of recent history, that it would be entirely remiss of me not to offer assistance. I look forward to the shop attracting customers, rather than claiming any further victims. Should anyone wish to make contact in the above regard, they are welcome to do so by email to my wife: Carolyn[dot] whitehead44@Gmail[dot]com, or on mobile number: 07979 320357. Yours sincerely, Garry Whitehead.

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Accounts, Bookkeeping, PAYE, VAT Returns, Personal Tax, Corporate Tax Initial meetings are FREE 01379 890656 Office 5, Rickinghall Business Centre, Allwood Green, Rickinghall, IP22 1LQ

BUMBLE COTTAGE B&B 1500 Thatched Suffolk Long House Very private setting off road parking 01379 388908 07949142985 Email.

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News & Views

A View from the Gallery A New Year’s Dramatic performance – well I cried. Not so long ago villages were controlled by wealthy land owners and village worthies who met from time to time to decide on what would be best for ‘their’ village. Those who were not part of this club would be ever so grateful. Thank goodness the world has moved on. Our PC is manned by volunteers, the majority of whom seem to have been doing this for a long time. I’m still trying to get a handle on what the strategic plan is for the future of our village, the map for distribution of village funds and the rules by which they are obliged to work within. So, I arrive at this January’s PC meeting to find there was almost a fight to get a seat as the Audience is fast catching up on the number of Councillors. In my book this can only be a good thing. Other than at the beginning of the meeting the Audience must remain silent (a rule) which I could see for one of the onlookers was something of a strain. Anyway, the Councillors were treated to a talk on the Neighbourhood Plan. This is a decision the Councillors, on Stradbroke’s behalf, have yet to make as to whether to go ahead and do this or not. My understanding is that without it the village has little or no influence on future planning applications and could find itself in the position of a village in Oxfordshire, featured on BBC Countryfile, where a large development although refused by both the Parish and District Councils, still went ahead. This was because there was no Neighbourhood Plan in place. The idea is that our village determines its own planning future making sure that growth happens in the place that the inhabitants of Stradbroke want it to be. However to do that, we as a community must care about it. Then came The Chairman’s report in which he criticised one of the Councillors and suggested council business may need to be conducted on a more formal format in future. This was followed by another long term Councillor who called for meetings to go back to that cosy world of “a relaxed friendly approach“. Well, for what it’s worth, ‘formal’ sounds good to me. After all it is a business meeting. Just saying. The Post Office: The Stradbroke Courthouse & Library Trust confirmed that all the paperwork had been submitted to the Post Office and that there are only a few steps left to take in their aim to get the facility back in the village. All going to plan, Stradbroke will be the first Library in Suffolk and maybe England to have a post office ‘in house’. (WOW, it’s not often we’re trendsetters). SCALT also confirmed that no other application had been made to the Post Office by any other party within our village. In response to two Councillors who raised villagers concerns about the library location, the PC agreed that the work done by SCALT should be both supported and congratulated. Planning: Where to start? *Puts head in hands* I don’t know how to break this to you, Reader. I have a lot of respect for the Councillor who looks after planning issues although I would like to hear more of the Planning points for acceptance/refusal from him but when a planning meeting is held in the Chairman’s house and by the lack of advertisement (broken rule) is a closed meeting I have to question what is going on? Quickly moving on - There was nothing this month on the village Spar shop, £2000 was given towards the cost of a new shed on the rec and £2000 towards more Flood lights at the High School. I’ve yet to understand quite where these figures come from – worthy as they are. In the case of the shed the Chairman turned and asked one of the Audience how much money he wanted!!!! I thought the response would need to be in sign language in order to overcome the silence rule but no, the words “as generous as you can” chuckled back. Maybe this was the “relaxed friendly approach” being called for at the beginning of the session. A Councillor informed the PC that there will be an additional website - static information only for Stradbroke in the near future which will be set up by his daughter. No money from the council is either sought or required to support either site. Replacing street lights is ‘work in progress’ and dog poo didn’t get a mention. Maybe, just may be, offending dog owners (and dogs) have made some very welcome New Year Resolutions. Lastly it was brought to the Councils attention that the list of Members Interests held at MSDC, which can be viewed on line, needed updating. Councillors agreed to do just that. . . Exits Community Centre to go home and have a look. Ann Readman

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Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307

Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 A selection of Fruit trees and hedging available now. A variety of, yew, laurel, box, hawthorn and beech. Seed potatoes, onion sets and shallots also available soon. A vast variety of vegetables plants will be ready in March. Don't forget your loved ones-valentines bouquets and flowers available in February.


Passmore Weeks & Richardson

Page 22

Sports Roundup

Stradbroke Cricket Club First things first. Unless you are reading this on the 2nd, it is not too late to enter a team in POP MUSIC QUIZ on Saturday 1st February at Community Centre starts 7:30pm. Teams of 4, entry £5 per person inc light refreshments. £40 to the winning team. Bar & Raffle. Just turn up on the night. The Club held its AGM last week, the following Officers have been elected for the 2014 season: Hon President - Don Lummis, Chairman - Michael Hugman, Vice Chairman - Dan Tompkins, Secretary - Richard Pierce-Saunderson, Treasurer - Caroline Johnson, Minutes Secretary - James Gilbee, Welfare Officer - Richard Pierce-Saunderson, Membership & Website - Olly Bickley, Youth Development Officer - Tom Smith, Ladies & Girls Co-Ordinator – Kate Thompson, Vikings Captain - Ben Flatt, Vice Captain - Martin Cuthbert, A Team Captain - James Gilbee, Groundsman - Michael Hugman. There are vacancies for managers of all three junior age group teams. The Ivy House have kindly agreed to sponsor the Club in 2014. In his Annual Report, the Chairman made a plea for more Committee Members & Volunteers to join up to ease the workload, and maintain the youth section which is the lifeblood of the Club. Finances are down on the previous season, symptomatic of the economic climate, but the decision to scrap subscriptions in favour of increased match fees has not affected the income of the club, consequently there will be no increase in match fees. Junior coaching is held at the High School on Tuesdays 6pm to 7:30pm. All ages are welcome. Michael Hugman

Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Our Presentation Dinner is on Saturday, 22nd February at the White Hart, all members will receive information about this. A special date for your diaries is Saturday, 29th March, 7.30 p.m. at the Community Centre for our now famous PUDDING PARTY, more details in the March magazine. Lily Lofts.

Stradbroke Football Club We seem to be on a firmer footing with Melvyn Stammers having beaten Cidars Park 4-3 and Harpers from Felixstowe 2-1. We lost to Barham the Table Toppers 8-1. The Cash Bingo has gone quite well with December’s making a £37.40 profit and January’s making a £53.00 profit. We now have an automatic number selector for Dougie to operate! Next Cash Bingo is on February 14th. Your support is needed so bring your valentine and play Bingo, so we can up the prize money. Mary Ellis

Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club Club Cups were awarded at our annual dinner at the white Hart. *Alec Abbott cup shared with B. Ryan & M. Grigg, runner up L. Ruth *Chaudron cup J. Ingle runner up R. Ward *Spurling cup R. Ward runner up L. Ruth *Saunders cup L. Ruth runner up M. Ransome *Anson Trophy R. Ward runner up M. Smith *Chambers cup Lynn Ruth runner up T. Brown *Ward Trophy V. Ransome runner up Lynn Ruth *French Trophy M. Ransome runner up J Ward *Two wood singles L. Ruth runner up V. Ransome *Three wood singles M. Grigg runner up L. Ruth *Four wood singles T. Brown runner up W. Coe *Pairs T. Brown & G. Nunn runners up M. Smith & B. Ryan Our thanks go to Alison for a lovely meal. Lynn Ruth

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THE GARDEN ROOM At FOALS GRANGE, WILBY Bed and Breakfast Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.

To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873

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Page 24

Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA

eMail: For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.

Fiona Patrick’s Therapies Unwind & Relax‌ *Massage * *Hot Stone Therapy* *Indian Head Massage* *Reflexology* I am only in Brundish, just give me a call or e-mail 01379 388458 -

Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond

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Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.

Page 25

Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by

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Do call before your next special occasion ---Opening Times--Tuesday – Friday 10.00am -2.00pm At other times by appointment

Page 26

Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties Wedding Receptions If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together” at

STRADBROKE SPORTS & COMMUNITY CENTRE Tel: 384439 for information & bookings

Steven Pleasance Carpenter and General Builder

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(01379) 384689 Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.

Sports Roundup

Page 27

Stradbroke Badminton Club Hello everyone! As planned our Christmas dinner took place at the White Hart on December 6th and as expected Alison and Max made it a very enjoyable evening with an excellent meal. As the very high attendances continue on club nights we appear to be a very popular activity during the winter months and thank all our members and newcomers for their support. League Results Ipswich Men Div 5 Dec 4 (A) Stradbroke 5.0 Coastal Wanderers 4.0 Dec 12 (H) Stradbroke 7.5 Hadleigh A 1.5 Jan 9 (A) Stradbroke 6.5 Kesgrave B 2.5 Jan 16 (H) Stradbroke 4.0 Skill Centre 5.0 With this latest result Stradbroke are now lying third in the league. Aldeburgh League Nov 11 (A) Stradbroke Men A 1.5 Thorpeness 4.5 Dec 12 (H) Stradbroke 4.0 Thorpeness 2.0 Dec 12 Stradbroke Men B 4.5 Hollesley Bay 1.5 The club nights for February are Tuesdays 4th.11th 18th 25th starting at 7.30pm thru to 10.00pm. Regards to you all. Roy Lee (01379 384729)

Stradbroke Youth FC - U13s Match Reports Nov 24th Stradbroke Youth - 17 (yes 17) AFC Sudbury - 0 With teams struggling to find a winning streak this was a game which on paper should have been closer than it was. Stradbroke overwhelmed the opposition to record the biggest victory since the club began 17 – 0. Owen Hargrave in goal had very little to do although when he was he managed to keep his first ever clean sheet. Stradbroke’s passing and pressure left Sudbury in disarray in the first have as goals came steadily and the home side was 10-0 up by the half time whistle. The second half was much the same although the Sudbury defence proved more resistant and the goalkeeper made some excellent saves keeping the scoreline down below double figures. No man of the match this week since all played exceptionally well, although the arrival of Giles into the squad has made a big difference to our goal scoring ability. His 5 in this match were a class act. Goal scorers: Giles Tuley 5; Keiren Dire 3, Jack Smith 2, Olly Roper, Luke Forster, Sammy Green, Harvey Robson, Ben Brown, Robert Redwood all scored 1 and an own goal brought the tally to 17. Dec 1st Stradbroke Youth - 7 Needham Market Phoenix 1 Having beaten the same tea away at the start of the season, we expected a walkover. In reality the scoreline did not do justice to the opposition, they defended well and played the offside trap well and only. Sam Green, Robert Redwood and Jack Smith scored one each and Giles Tuley grabbed 4 making him the top goal scorer for the club and second highest in the league after only 3 appearances. MotM Oliver Roper for his tireless running and defensive work. Dec 8th Ipswich Valley Rangers Red – 4 Stradbroke Youth 0 (cup game) Having lost 4-0 against the same side earlier in the season we knew this rematch was never going to be easy. Their slick passing and strong defending meant we struggled to make any progress going 2 goals down by half time . The second half was a little better and we put more pressure on them but failed to score. Ipswich scored 2 late goals as we pushed forward trying to get a result. MotM Owen Hargrave for keeping the scoreline down to 4-0. Jan 12th Stradbroke Youth – 1 Ipswich Valley Rangers red 3 Another encounter with the team who haven’t lost a game all season. This was a brilliant performance by Stradbroke full of determination, grit and teamwork. The final result does not reflect the balance of play and the goal scoring opportunities we had. We were 2 goals down in the first 10 minutes after a well worked passing movement by Ipswich splitting our defences completely to slot the ball home. This was followed by a great long free kick which Owen Hargrave could only parry into the net. After that Stradbroke seemed to come alive and we had by far the better chances to score but good defensive work kept the scoreline to 2-0 at half time. In the second half we fought even harder, challenged for everything and put the opposition under immense pressure which eventually led to Jack Smith hitting a great volley into the net. Pressurising for the equaliser that didn’t materialise we left ourselves open for the counter attack which eventually led to a late goal by Ipswich and a 1-3 scoreline. MotM Brandon Edwards for effort above and beyond the call of duty! Don Darling

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SAGA Happy new year! Helen has put together some helpful hints for the allotment and vegetable garden to be getting on with this month. “Winter is such a sorrowful time on the allotment. Spring seems so far away, and there seems to be nothing to do until it gets warmer. Wrong! On dry days there is always the prospect of digging to do. Try not to walk too much on the soil to avoid compaction and mud wellies. If you can, work from a plank of wood to spread the weight out over the soil. It does the soil a world of good to get bitten by frost. It breaks the soil up beautifully for planting. Manure and compost is best spread about now to allow the worms to start the process of turning your clay patch into loam. Parsnips are best dug up before spring, before they start to sprout again. Brussel Sprouts will soon blow if not harvested soon and leeks will need to be dug up before March when they will try to flower and ruin the crop. If you can’t bear the thought of turning the soil over, then perhaps you can turn your thoughts to the seed catalogue and begin plans for the coming season. The Village flower, vegetable and produce Show is in July, plenty of time to prepare for prize winning produce!” Helen We also have lots of plans for the year, we are hoping to offer talks and demonstrations, plus an allotment open day in the summer. We have had a couple more people take on plots and we still have a few left so hurry if you want to get growing for the summer. Don't forget that you can get a great discount on seeds if you are a member of the Stradbroke Allotment and Gardeners' Association, this is not just open to allotment holders and is £5 per year. Last year was very successful for everyone on the allotment and a lot of time an effort was put in by allotment holders and members of the Stradbroke Charitable Trust to get this fantastic site up and running, this year we will hopefully have a bit more time to for events and get together’s. We are looking for a large poly tunnel to extend the season, if you know of one locally that might be available please let myself or Helen Pleasance know (club secretary on tel: 388253). One last thing, in the autumn I am considering arranging an apple collection scheme, this is to try and make good use of all the apples that go to waste in people's gardens. The idea would be to hire the press from a local association and make juice or even cider, the people involved, the allotment association (for sale for club funds) and the original owner of the fruit would share the finished product out. I haven't worked it out properly yet but it is something done by other villages. If you are interested please contact me on tel: 384778. Luke


Hospital Rides Hospital rides is a brand new car sharing scheme for both out-patients and for those wishing to visit in-patients at the hospital. The car-share is organised by Suffolk County Council, in conjunction with Suffolk NHS. The benefits to people using the scheme are:: Free to use; Subsidised parking charges; Reserved Hospital Rides parking bays; Share fuel and car park charge; A free tea/coffer if you have to wait for your travelling companion; Company whilst you travel; Friendly to the environment. Please visit the Hospital Rides website on: If you have any questions in regards to the scheme, please feel free to contact me on 01473 264213. With kind regards Andrea Cahillane - Travel Ipswich Project Liaison Officer

East Anglian Air Ambulance The East Anglian Air Ambulance is now operating a full night-time Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS). The HEMS team will cover all six counties covered by the East of England Ambulance Service between the hours of 5pm to 1am. This is new ground for the Civil Aviation Authority, the UK aviation regulator, as well as for the EAAA. To finally get approval for night-time missions took almost a year. It was then necessary for our pilots, paramedics and doctors to receive extensive training. The EAAA is a 365-day helicopter emergency medical service which covers Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire. For more information about the East Anglian Air Ambulance visit our website Tim Page - chief executive

Page 29

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Page 30

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Keeping in Touch: Dan Poulter, MP

Page 31

Big Ben – The most famous bell in the world Over New Year it is quite likely you will have heard the chimes of Big Ben ring out to welcome in the New Year. If you have ever visited London and been in the vicinity of the Palace of Westminster you might have heard the hour or quarter hour being struck. Funnily enough when you are inside the Palace you cannot hear the Great Bell strike. Of course when we mention Big Ben everyone automatically thinks of the whole clock tower at the Palace of Westminster but of course it only refers to the Great Bell. No one is absolutely sure why the Great Bell is called “Big Ben” but there are two theories. First is the bell was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, First Commissioner for Works 1855-1858. The second is it is named after Ben Caunt, a champion heavyweight boxer of the 1850s. You will have to decide which theory you prefer! Big Ben had a shaky start to life; the first bell, which was cast in 1857, cracked during testing. The second bell was winched into place in October 1858; it first rang out in July 1859 but cracked again in September 1859; the bell remained silent for the next four years. In 1863 Sir George Airy, the Astronomer Royal came up with an ingenious solution. Big Ben was turned by a quarter turn so the hammer (a lighter hammer replaced the original one) struck a different spot on the bell. To prevent the original crack spreading a small square was cut into the bell and Big Ben has rung ever since. Possibly just as famous as the Great Bell are the four illuminated clock faces. They were designed by the architects Augustus Pugin and Sir Charles Barry who collaborated on the design. The clock faces were famously used in final iconic sequences of the 1978 remake of the film the Thirty Nine Steps starring Robert Powell, who incidentally recently performed at Eye Town Hall reading from Jane Austen. The only times the faces have not been illuminated were in the Second World War to comply with the blackout regulations. The clock tower was renamed the Elizabeth Tower to honour Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee in 2012. It matches the tallest tower at the palace of Westminster, the Victoria Tower, which was re named after Queen Victoria. It had originally been called the King’s Tower as construction had begun during the reign of William IV. I hold regular constituency advice surgeries locally to help people who have problems. If you think that I may be able to help you, please contact me on 01728 685 148, or email me via If you could spare some time to help deliver my advice surgery leaflets I would be most grateful, they are a good way of letting as many people as possible know a surgery will soon be taking place in their area. Even delivering to just a few houses is a great help. If you can help, contact me by email at or phone my local office on 01728 684 834. For more information please visit

Stradbroke Village Website Has your group or organisation joined yet? It’s easy to sign up and share your group activities and news. Free training available and ongoing support for your group or organisation. For example you could: * Publicise all your meeting and fundraising efforts * promote upcoming fixtures and get togethers * share photos and videos of your events If you would like more information or advice to support your group joining the website, please get in touch! Email:


Village Diary January WEA course starts at the Community Centre. 29th February 1st Pop Music Quiz in the Community Centre 7.30pm iao Stradbroke Cricket club nd 2 Radio Stradbroke 10am-1pm Manns World 3rd Wingfield Barns Full body Fitness 6.30pm & every Monday rd 3 Wingfield Barns Holistic Fitness 7.30pm & every Monday 4th Contact Club in Community Centre at 10am & every Tuesday 4th Badminton club 7.30-10 at the High School & every Tuesday th 5 Table Tennis in Community Centre at 7.15pm & every Wednesday 6th Wingfield Barns Fitness for life 10am & every Thursday th 8 Cake Stall iao All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee 9th Radio Stradbroke 10am-1pm Wallys Banging Sunday th 10 Parish Council Meeting @ Community Centre at 7.30pm 10th Craft Club in the Community Centre, 2pm to 4pm th 12 Cameo Lunch Club at the Baptist Church 12.30pm 13th Top time – book club for older people in the library 2.30pm & every 2nd Thursday 13th WI meeting in the Community Centre @ 7.30pm 13th RBL meeting at the Kings Head at Laxfield @ 11.30am th Cash Bingo for the Stradbroke Football Club at the Community Centre 7.30pm 14 14th Youth Club at the Baptist Church at 7.30pm th 16 Radio Stradbroke 10am-1pm Sevens Inches of Vinyl 16th Free e-reader/tablet/e-audio advise at the library 10am-3pm th Special Parish Council meeting at the community centre (see inside for details) 17 20th Stradbroke Over 60s Club meeting 2pm-4pm at the Community Centre th 20 Stradbroke Cinema “Le Weekend” 7pm for 7.30pm in the Community Centre **ARTICLES FOR MARCH EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE** 21st 23rd Radio Stradbroke 10am-1pm Huggy’s A-Z of vinyl albums pt 2 26th Drop in for Coffee at the Baptist Church 10.00am th 28 Prize Bingo ioa The White Hart Bowls Club at the Community Centre 7.30pm Youth Club at the Baptist Church 7.30pm 28th March 1st Soups and Puds in the Community Centre, 11.30am-2.00pm 4th Pancakes and Beetles at the Chapel Room at 7.30pm 6th Stradbroke Over 60s Meeting 2pm-4pm at the Community Centre 8th Cake Stall and “Potatoes in a bucket” sale iao All Saints Church Fund Raising committee th 8 Eye Bach Choir performing 7.30pm Eye Parish Church (see inside for details) 14th Beat the Teachers Quiz at the High School 7.30pm th 16 Walk of thoughts – Fynn Valley (see inside for details) 20th Stradbroke Over 60s Meeting 2pm-4pm at the Community Centre th 29 Stradbroke and District “Pudding Party” at the Community Centre 7.30pm April 5th 70s and 80s Disco at Syleham Village Hall from 7.30pm iao High School Prom 12th Race Night iao Cricket Club – details to follow

Please send all articles to The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length.

Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.

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